HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.0201.TCREM.PacketNOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Councilman McNeill Vice Mayor Wyman Councilwoman Fraverd Councilwoman Hutcheson Councilman Kavanagh Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2001 TIME: 5:30 P.M. (THE COUNCIL WILL BE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. THE REGULAR SESSION WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 6:30 P.M.) WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL — ADOPTED 1118190 It is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting, please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1.) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand, approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT — THREE (3) MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Morgan • ROLL CALL 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4, VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation; specifically MCO Committee v. Town of Fountain Hills (Referendum), Town of Fountain Hills v. MCO Properties (Eminent Domain); MCO Properties v. Town of Fountain Hills (Subdivision Ordinance; Contemplated Litigation regarding financial matters). 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session February 1, 2001 • CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Morgan • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG illliw • INVOCATION — Joel Bjerkstrand, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non -controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of January 18, 2001. *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST submitted by the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce for the Annual Great Fair scheduled for February 23, 24 and 25, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. The event will require the closure of the Avenue of the Fountains from Saguaro Boulevard to La Montana and Saguaro Boulevard from Parkview Avenue to El Lago Boulevard beginning 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 22 and ending 6:00 a.m. on Monday, February 26, 2001. *3.) Consideration of the LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by Pat Chen for Chen's Garden located at 16720 East Avenue of the Fountains. The application is for a new Class 12 Restaurant license. *4.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE submitted by Kenneth Bowman for the American Legion Post 58 located at 16850 East Avenue of the Fountains. The request is for a building fund fundraiser during the Great Fair. The requested hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, February 23rd and 24th, and 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 25th. (Iliiloo Consideration of the EXTENSION OF PREMISE/PATIO PERMIT submitted b Joyce Szeli a for the ue Y Y g Q Bueno Restaurant located at 13207 North La Montana Drive. The request is to temporarily extend the existing Class 12 Restaurant liquor license to a secured area immediately adjacent to the south side of the restaurant during the Great Fair on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 23, 24 and 25, 2001. *6.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2001-07 amending the Personnel Policies and Procedures for the Town of Fountain Hills by amending Policy 6.3 Holidays. *7.) Consideration of a PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for the 2-unit The Arroyo Vista condominiums No. 1 on .225 acres located at 16534 E. Arroyo Vista Drive, Case Number S2000-51. *8.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST and WAIVER OF PARK FEES submitted by Brad Laughlin with Laughlin Entertainment, Inc. for "May Day at the Fountain" scheduled to be held Saturday, May 5, 2001 and Sunday, 6, 2001, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 9.) ROTATION of the position of VICE MAYOR to Councilman Wyman. The Vice Mayor is an eight -month, rotating position to be held by every councilmember. 10.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2001-08 urging the Arizona State Land Department to look with favor upon the request of the City of Scottsdale to have 16,600 acres of state trust land in the City of Scottsdale reclassified as suitable for conservation purposes. 11.) Discussion and possible action on AUTHORIZING TOWN STAFF AND THE TOWN ATTORNEY to proceed in accordance with instructions given in executive session, which includes authorization for the filing of litigation in state or federal court, and the appeal of an adverse ruling in Superior Court of Maricopa County in what is referred to as the referendum lawsuit. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed 01/31/01 11:13 AM Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session February 1, 2001 12.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. rsuant to A.R.S. §38-431 -01 (G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of the ouncil. All comment is "subject to reasonable time, space and manner restrictions" and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Council members may respond to criticism, ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. 13.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 31St day of January, 2001. Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367- 8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed 01/31/01 11:13 AM MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE anffAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: PAUL L. NORDIN, WOMAGER DATE: JANUARY 26, 2001 RE: MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THE FEBRUARY 1ST COUNCIL MEETING REMINDERS: An Executive Session is scheduled to immediately precede the Thursday's regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Jury Room. The Council meeting will immediately follow at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. A reception will be held next Friday, February 2nd from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Firerock Country Club to allow Councilmembers, Community Center Advisory Commission members, and senior Town staff to meet the four finalist candidates for the community center director position. A formal notice will be distributed on Monday. We look forward to seeing you there. CONSENT AGENDA: There are seven items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. AGENDA ITEM # 8 - APPOINTMENT OF NEXT VICE -MAYOR: To allow each Councilmember an opportunity to serve as our vice -mayor, this position rotates every eight months. On Thursday night, Councilmember Sharon Hutcheson will pass the "vice -mayor" torch to fellow Councilmember John Wyman. AGENDA ITEM # 9 - RESOLUTION 2001-08/SCOTTSDALE LAND PRESERVE INITIATIVE: At the request of Councilmember Hutcheson, Town Attorney Bill Farrell is preparing documentation conveying Fountain Hills' support of the Scottsdale Land Preserve Initiative. This information will be provided to you early next week. Manager's Report February 1, 2001 Council Meeting Page 1 of 1 January 26, 2001 To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: 01/ 26/01 Re: AGENDA ITEM #2 — ANNUAL GREAT FAIR SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST AGENDA ITEM #3 — CHEN'S GARDEN LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION AGENDA ITEM #4 — AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE AGENDA ITEM #5 — QUE BUENO EXTENSION OF PREMISE/PATIO PERMIT AGENDA ITEM #8 — ROTATION OF VICE MAYOR AGENDA ITEM #3 — CHEN'S GARDEN LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION Pat Chen has submitted an application for a new Class 12 Restaurant license for Chen's Garden located at 16720 East Avenue of the Fountains. Ms. Chen is currently in the process of purchasing the building, formerly known as Che Rios, from Daniel Levato. Although the former establishment had a Page 1 of 2 Agenda Items 2/1/01 Last printed 01/26/01 9:07 AM 01 /26/01 January 26, 2001 liquor license, Ms. Chen must apply for a new license. Marshal Gendler has performed his inspection and confirms that the premise satisfies the statutory requirements of a Class 12 license (please see attached memo from Steve). The premise has been posted for the 20-day statutory period and no written arguments have been received at Town Hall. Ms. Chen has also obtained a Fountain Hills business license. Based on statutory compliance, staffrecommends approval, AGENDA ITEM #4 — AMERICAN LEGION SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE: The American Legion, located at 16850 East Avenue of the Fountains, is again requesting a special event liquor license during the Great Fair, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, February 23rd through 25tn. The purpose of the event is to raise funds for their building fund. They are requesting the operating hours of 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday. This request is consistent with previously approved requests. There have been no violations or incidents at previous events and the Legion hopes their responsible management of the premises will support their request. The area of operation remains unchanged and includes a fenced area adjacent to the north side of the building. Security personnel will be provided to insure that all alcohol is kept within the event area. Marshal Gendler has performed his investigation and forwards a favorable recommendation (Please see enclosed memo from Steve.) Staff recommends approval, AGENDA ITEM #5 — QUE BUENO EXTENSION OF PREMISE/PATIO PERMIT: Joyce Szeliga has submitted an extension of premise/patio permit application for the Que Bueno Restaurant located at 13207 North La Montana Drive. The application is a request to extend the existing Class 12 Restaurant liquor license to a secure area immediately adjacent to the south side of the building for three days during the Great Fair, February 23, 24 and 25. The area will be secured with barriers and an off -duty police officer will be present to insure that no alcohol leaves the approved premise. Ms. Szeiliga has received permission from the 208 Property Owners Association to use a portion of three parking places of the joint -use area to provide a "waiting area" for patrons during the high traffic weekend of the Fair. Marshal Gendler has conducted his investigation and forwards a favorable recommendation. Staff recommends approval, AGENDA ITEM #8 — ROTATION OF VICE MAYOR Per the Town Code Section 2-2-2, February 1 marks the "changing of the guard" for the position of Vice Mayor. The aforementioned section states: "Each member of the council, except the mayor, shall serve an eight month term as vice mayor". Vice Mayor Hutcheson assumed the position at the first Council meeting in June 2000 and will conclude her term at the February 1 meeting. Councilman Wyman will fill the Vice Mayor position through September 2001. Page 2 of 2 Agenda Items 2/1/01 Last printed 01/26/01 9:07 AM 01 /26/01 II nteroffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: BEV BENDER, EXEC. ASSIST. TO THE TOWN CLER Date: 3anuary 31, 2001 Re: Revised Agenda for February 1, 2001 I have listed the changes to the Council agenda for Thursday's meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact staff. AGENDA ITEM #8 — Laughlin Entertainment Special Event Request Please note that this Special Event Application comes before the Council with a request to waive park fees. This event would close a portion of Fountain Park from approximately Thursday, May 3, 2001 to noon on Monday, May 7, 2001 to accommodate the applicant's set up and removal of equipment. See Bryan's attached memo. Af Page 1 of 2 Bev Bender Last printed3:23 PM January 31, 2001 Laughlin Entertainment has provided the required certificate of insurance listing the Town as an additional insured and a letter stating that they will pay for damages incurred in the park because of the event. Both documents have been attached for your review. Staff has asked that Laughlin Entertainment have representation at the February 1st meeting to answer any questions that the Council might have. Staff recommends the following stipulations in addition to those provided by Public Safety Director Gendler, Deputy Director Hughes, and Fire Marshal Winters in their memos: The only Town assistance given will be the waiver of park fees, and the applicant will be responsible for any and all damages to Fountain Park. • The applicant will provide, in writing, a letter stating that the maximum number of patrons allowed in the enclosed area will be no more than 7,000. It will be up to the discretion of the Fire Marshal to determine the maximum number of patrons allowed in the enclosed area. Staff will approve the security arrangements made by the applicant, which may include the Town directing the applicant to increase the number of security personnel hired. Should the Council approve this Special Event Request, the Council would then be asked to consider approving a Special Event Liquor License for this event at a future Council meeting. The Chamber of Commerce would sponsor the Special Event Liquor License. Agenda Item #10 — Resolution 2001-08 (Town Support of the Reclassification of State Land in Scottsdale.) Mr. Farrell has changed the verbiage to this agenda item to reflect the intent of Resolution 2001- 08. A copy of the Resolution has been included for the Council's review. See Bill's memo. Agenda Item #11— New Item Bill has requested this agenda item in anticipation of possible Council direction after the discussion held in executive session on Thursday, February 1, 2001. Page 2 of 2 Bev Bender Last printed3:23 PM January 31, 2001 TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: January 28, 1999 SUBJECT: Special Event Request - 2001 Great Fair The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event request from the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. The request covers the annual Great Fair scheduled for February 23rd through 25th. It is my understanding that this will be considered at the Council session on February 1 st. I am recommending approval of this request based on the following factors: 1. Sharon Morgan, Event Coordinator for the Chamber of Commerce, has provided all insurance and liability coverage consistent with previous years. A copy of the insurance certificate is attached. 2. I have met with fire officials to work out an emergency medical services plan to include in recommendations to the Chamber of Commerce. All public safety provisions will be addressed under that plan and I am satisfied with its components. 3. Traffic and parking provisions have been arranged in conjunction with the Sheriffs Office. The Marshal's Department will provide traffic control in the area around the event with help from the Posse, and handle parking in the north lots. A private vendor will handle parking in the south lots. 4. Security along the Avenue of the Fountains will be provided by the Marshal's Department while MCSO personnel will be stationed in the park and on Saguaro under a law enforcement plan being submitted to Sharon Morgan, event coordinator. In addition, the Marshal's Department will assume overall responsibility for all security at the event. 5. Sharon Morgan has made arrangements to contract for a sign and marking program which will direct visitors to the event. This has been reviewed and approved by my department. 6. Provisions have been made with Pat Harvey for traffic barricades to close Saguaro at El Lago and Parkview. In addition, Avenue of the Fountains will be closed at Verde River Drive and La Montana Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. In addition to the items outlined above, the Chamber of Commerce has secured concurrence from the plat 208 property owners association, secured a permit for use of the park, and has notified their members whose businesses will be effected by street closures, detours and parking. I believe the event is well planned, will reflect credit on our community, and represents an opportunity for civic clubs, social groups, and town merchants to benefit. I recommend approval. Tcuwl� cut Iu��ll�t��in E�illti Special Event Request �a J AN 20 2001 n Name of Event Coordinator. Address: Telephone: (residence) 431- SOa�pt{ —(business)7. If the event is designed to be held on behalf of any person other than the applicant, the applicant shall supply written authorization from the organization sponsoring the event, dated not more than 90 days before the application, authorizing the applicant to apply for the permit on the sponsors behalf. Name of Organization. 1:14 Ch"Alt bf INN&& • Telephone: _LV__Wi_ Address of Headmia,tam. l thQ :9 `7 K Pnl i C rJ ee Q , i Description of Event: Purpose of Event- NQ! Location of Event: (Attach map or diagram of area to be used for event) Date of Event:�e6. a3- Beginning Time: , Ending Time: •CID PM What portion of the roadway, if any, will the even' o� � ,S` ,"A Py lLrigo — C/"j uam d Av d I IAP Ptwelj�;il �N �Vi (Q 5•awitly/ot. t,�tt, I�MlrG q er o"f ers iss vecl�' . oZ/ o/ 1 P es, Le.carsP , ar�ma�,, Is1 �tc. participating: Do you anticipate a need for the Town to provide any of the following - Please Note: The Town Marshal (or designated official) may establish requirements that may include (but are not limited to) personnel for emergency, traffic and crowd control, traffic control devices, and other services and equipment deemed necessary for the protection of event attendees as well as the community as a whole. Special Event Request Page 2of2 LIABILITY RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO FURNISH INSURANCE As a condition to, and in consideration of the issuance of this requested permit, the applicant hereby agrees to procure and maintain insurance coverage protecting all aspects of activities involved in the permit. Such insurance shall cover public liability and property damage, including product liability if applicable, and shall include coverage for owned and non -owned autos, for all claims for damages for personal injury or death and property damage arising out of the activities for which this permit is issued. Such insurance to be in limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit personal injury and property damage. The certificate of insurance reflecting this coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured as respects this SpnciaYEvent Permit.., Signature of Applicant or Agent Name of Insurance Company; % /Zor 11 11 D of Application LOW & JOHNSON (AENCY) Policy # NIA 18055285 Policy Dates•07/31 /00-07/31 /01 It %W (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE - OFFICE USE ONLY) A Certificate of Insurance Filed: YES NO Approval by Town Marsh • Date- i -off $ _ J Comments: Sr z A % rAcl 1 9--o Notification of Local Fire Department: Date: Contact Name & Title-. Arrangements Made: Notification of Sheriffs Department: Date: - Contact Name & Title: Arrangements Made: Final p val by To until:LB V Title• Date• �! �w /vIA 0 0 I 1 1 I I 1 1 %'RAFFic I.kf— pAOft°iNG . 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J ----� ' ' F ' 'Z' i 1 -� 'W' �Nda _ Uqnid �a)J]n- t,-------------- ;T- 1-------.' t----------- ,T- l ------` ,�l i— -- ----- ---.1 i---------------------------,I ' -I 1 -•-__ �I W -- �'J L ) 1 , F L0L,: iUc ,I I I ! ' JI ; Q I 1 1 ' :ml I I I ! I I��'I 1 ! I ! ,� ki I 1 I ------------- ,------- 1 `----------- - -- ------- ----- -------------- ! I --------------------------- ! 1 L 1DAIUC `v'NV-LNOn V1 F G(IN sITE ..o DRiVC' �IiFNUF R ENE �ount74 A1,S �. .,o OF <P �*,N 11 t"X x7° n G LJ Ut L-1A/ M IC ✓E PALlSADES u u W %- c- V r-t I�- .L/ I Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Parks and Recreation Department Facility Use Request 16836 East Palisades Boulevard • P.O. Box 17958 • Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Telephone • (602) 837-2003 Fax • (602) 837-3145 iIt - 1 0 0 PLEASE PRINT FACjr REQUESTED D Lmhl A tIVE5--_ SPECIFIC a+4cheJ See +aC h USE DATE(S) C2.. - 01 -,o HOURS (Include set-up and le -down time) FROM 5A � TO I...' O PLANNED EVrouj�ajmHAs CTre r NO. ATTENDING (Include full attendance for length of event) 130Poir em4*e LoW ORGANIZATION/GROUP 9 ChOA4 � Cft -F e r Ce, RESPONSIBLE PARTY 1h r Koran PHONE (Home) 9,37-9A&q PHONE (Work) 03-913L AD ESS VD boy -7 6y? CITY - 411k ZIP I Will there be an admission fee, donations taken, tickets sold, or items or services sold? FIYES NO If YES, explain Will there be any large equipment moved onto the park premises (i.e. tables, stage, trailers, other)? F� YES NO If YES, explain Will alcohol be served? If YES, explain F� YES P6 NO Will alcohol be sold? FIYES NO Will vendors used? FIYES F] NO If YES, explain (le, caterer, band, other) I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Park Rules outlined on the reverse side. SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Use Fees: Area to be left clean and damage free. Facilities to be claimed within 30 minutes of requested start time. Alcohol Permit(s): $10.00 per sold separately. One permit valid for up to 50 drinking adults; different individual. NO GLASS CONTAINERS. Staff Comments Xpproved Date Director of Parks and Recreation r White - Office Log Canary - Field Supervisor Pink - Parks Operations Gold - Customer ts _ art II w I� 1 ♦ � '1 � 1 � ■ 1 +I lit. f IIX '1 •, l II , + II 1 I 1 ' • 1 -_ _�.,�==�---__ --- - r"1 I " --------------------- I_ ---- «_--------- - - _-� ___ ' -------- ' 1 1 • ; ; I - 1 1 1 , • 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 /1 i; 1 1 1 t ; � I 1 1 1 •11 � 11 1 1 w>M IM 131 1 ; •� 1 / 1 1 1 n •.�_-___ -j �__- 1 ,�_ _-__.—psis--: �Z—:=1 U � _ -�_ _ — . _ — _ _ _ _ — _ _ — 1 r 1 1 r r , , '� r ' _ - -- --- - . -- ---- _c------ ---- --- - - l rrfr�.rrr�, r• BANK ONE, ARIZONA, NA. 14836 FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268 91-2/1221 1 /8/2001 **400.00 Four Hundred and THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS P.O. BOX 17958 FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85269 MEMO 1 SECTION OF FOUNTAIN PARK FOR BALLOON LIFT. 2/ 11501483611' 1:1221000241: FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER OF CO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS _ DOLLARS Security features t included. Details an back. AOP 0 20 S11, 20 2 3119 Bank One Checking 1 SECTION OF FOUNTAIN PARK FOR BALLOON LIF 1 /8/2001 14836 400.00 400.00 Jan u::) 5y 12:2bp Eagle Property Management 602-355-3522 p,2 PERMIT for USE OF PR TV ATF. LAND OWNED BY fRACP 208 P R0PRRTy (>WNE,R&ASSOCIATION,1NC. Nacre oV Organiz-rtiorrft"arty: Fountain Hi11 s c amhPr of rammerr•P Comact Rcrson: Sharon Morcra;L=. vent. Prnc7iic2r Address _ Pn Box 1 759A Fniinta-in ietcgttor:_ 4 8 0_ 8 7 -1 b_5.4_. PurPosc:_ A laual rreafi�r3,ir — 6ate:.21.2.3 F 2 4-r-2-�f-2n n 1— —199_- Arc,; Rccluir=ct:20.8 prouPr y hnrdP_r _d by A,,;r af.. the 'Fo uatains!La-Montana/ Parkview and Saguaro Boulevard Concessions: Yes No X� List: Special` Inforrrmatiore oa E'v rt- S on tbti all M a 1 1 i s a l l y Warl t _ in ---this event under the Chamber' s e 'al event Qprmit The area -requested is for artist & shopper parking officially part of the Great Fair. Spc:ciat FMVistoms: Areas wi 1 1 be rc-)e of f heh i nd ea ch _hu ' _ r the mere antgspecial narking n Pas _ , 1 (Wc) agree to abide by the recorded "'Declaration of ReserLltions"`of-rhacc 21�$ Property Owners' Associ.:Qou. Inc., =y ru1cs_an(Lrc9.ula1ions developed by the association, special provisions listed herein, and will be responsible for the conduct of the above listed group and any damages as a result of sml-r use. I (W e•) agree to hold Eagle, ?rapt== NivaaGcuient, Inc., and Truct 208 Property Ownzrc' Association, Inc. harmless from any accident or injury claims that arise from our use of the premises. Prior to any use, a certificate of ir=rancc, in, an aniowit naE less than S2400,000, naming the Association and its agents as additional insureds, shall be submitted to: Eagle Pro erty Manasement. Inc. 3875 IN 44' Street, S lie , U?; Phoenix, AZ. 85018. Sig d. Date: C/ Approved:_ Date: This 9crmit is revocable at any time by Tract28 Property Owners' Assoccation, Inc., or their authorized representative. Fee for use of the area(s) of 3 3 0 0 0 _ received on , 199_ by: Copy of thin form sh:Lll act as s receipt. -- A I AC2RD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCkPOVN'r-I� �1 DATT(A"DDIYY) O1/05/O1 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Low G Johnson, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE PM8 618 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR 10645 N. Tatum Blvd, Suite 200 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES 13rLOW. Phoenix AZ 85028-3053 ?hone:480-948-7838 Fax:480-948-1707 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce P.O. Sox 17598 Fountain Hills AZ 85269 COVERAGES IINSIJRCRA Nonprofits' Inaurance Assoc INSURER B. L INSURER C' - INSURER 0: -- — INSURER 6: THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW NAVE tlttN ISSUtU IQ fMt INSURED NAMGO AQOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTMTRSTANCING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER OOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH TuIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL T41E TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSuRANCE POLICY NUMBER I'UU(:Y t�ht(:I1vt OCTY EXPIRATION I LIMITS LTR DATE M'4: I OAT MM/DOIYY GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE 131000000 A X i COMMERCIAL GENCRALLIABILITY i NIA1806589 ! 07/31/00 07/31/01 i ngeoA.%#AGE(Any ar%O ) 111100000 CLAIMS MADE a] OCCUR � � MEO EXP (Any one oereon! S E xcluded PERSONAL, A ADV INJURY $1000000 1 _ GENERALAC_CAECATE t 2000000 tG N'LAGGHt(iAItLIM11APNLIESPCrW PRODUCTS •COMP/O►AGO s2000000 POLICY 1 I PC o 1-7 LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY A ANY AUTO ` NIA1806589 07/31/00 COMBINErnl INGLE LIMIT !I! 07/31/01 i S 1 , 0O0 , 000 ! ALL OWNED AUTOS , - INJURY i SCHEDULED AUTOS i (Per QWILY (Pet wreon) � X HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY X NON.OMINFII A11TOR i I (PH �ctdMl► S —� —• I ! F'HOYtK I Y UAMA(�F I s i (Px ecueenl} I GARAGE UTAOILr Y � i I AUTO ONLY • to ACCIDENT I S ( I ANY AUTO I j CA ACC OTHFR THAN ! s f s AUTO ONLY- Arc EXCESS LIABILITY i i EACH OCCURRENCE S --- r^ OCCUR CLAIMS MADE I AGGREGATE - t � DEDUCTIBLE I RETENTION WORKERS COMPENSATION AND I TORYLIMITS� I ER EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY { E.L. EACH ACCIDENT _ - is 1 . E.I. OISE.r E . EA CMPLOYCEI E.L DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT I S OTHER 1 I OESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENOORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS RE: Great Fair - February 22 through 26, 2001 Certificate Holder is named as additional insured as respects referenced event. This form is subject to policy terms and conditions. %.cr'- i ir1 C nVLucr% N , AUUIIIONAL INSURED: INSURER LETTER: UANL,tLLA I IUN 2 08PROP SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE OtSCKItltU ►'OLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE 208 Property Owners, Inc. EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL c/o Eagle Property Mgmt 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE ATTN: Paul Falbo 5225 N . Central Ave # 21 O LEFT, 9UI FAILURE TO DO $O SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF PhOOT11X AZ 95012 ANY KIND UPON TH ,JfASURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. Br AGUK0 Z5-5 (7197) OR ACORD CORPORATION 1988 Town of Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: January 16, 2001 SUBJECT: Liquor License Application — Chen's Garden ------------------------------------------------------------------ The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an endorsement of the attached liquor license application for the "Chen's Garden", a Chinese Restaurant to be located at 16720 Avenue of the Fountains. It is my understanding that the application is scheduled for consideration the Council session on February 1 st. BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION: This application is for a new Class 12 liquor license under the specifications of ARS 4- 205.02. A Class 12 license is for restaurant use only. The statutes require that 40% of the business establishment be devoted to serving food and that liquor sales be incidental to the food service. A site inspection at the facility, which is replacing the "Che Rios" restaurant at that location, clearly shows that over 60% of the establishment will be devoted to service of food. In addition, the facility previously served as a restaurant under three previous owners which all held a class 12 license. A Class 12 license is exempt from restrictions relating to churches, schools and nearby liquor establishments. While the site inspection did show a class 6, two class 7, a class 9, six class 12 and a class 14 liquor licenses in the immediate area, this is typical of a developing downtown area and would have no effect on the license application. The applicant, Pat Chen, is an Arizona resident under the provisions of ARS Title 28. I have verified that she has no outstanding wants or warrants. Additionally, while the owners do not presently have a Fountain Hills Business License, the Town Clerk's Office is in the process of rectifying that situation. RECOMMENDATION Based on compliance with Title 4 relating to the Class 12 liquor license, the fact that the applicant is an Arizona resident with no wants or warrants, and the assurance that the owners will be securing a Fountain Hills business license, I recommend approval by the council at the February 1st Council meeting. 0 M M Business License Verification To: Public Safety Director Steve Gendler From: Bev Bender, Executive Assistant to the Town Clerk Date: Applicant: Applicant's address: Business License: Business License effective period: 7f 19�rl, L i COMMENTS: 4�4 -44 -14v U �1'7 12..5''--d 1 ARIZONA DEPAR ' LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor JAN 1 i 20 _a .'r 400 W Congress #150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 FOUNTAIN HI J (520) 628-6595 TOWN CLERK C-C e-+ f APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT WITH BLACK INK Notice: Effective Nov. 1,1997, All Owners, Agents, Partners, Stockholders, Officers, or Managers actively involved in the day to day_ operations of the business must attend a Department approved liquor law training course or provide proof of attendance within the last five years. See page 5 of the Liquor Licensing requirements. SECTION 1 This application is for a: ❑ INTERIM PERMIT Complete Section 5 NEW LICENSE Complete Sections 2, 3, 4,13,14,15,16,17 ❑ PERSON TRANSFER (Bars & Liquor Stores ONLY) Complete Sections 2, 3, 4, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 ❑ LOCATION TRANSFER (Bars and Liquor Stores ONLY) Complete Sections 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 ❑ PROBATF(WILL ASSIGNMENT/DIVORCE DECREE Complete Sections 2, 3, 4, 9,13,15,17 (fee not required) ❑ GOVERNMENT Complete Sections 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17 SECTION 3 Type of license and fees: LICENSE #: SECTION 2 Type of ownership: N l- C)a4c. 1• , o 1 ❑ J.T.W.R.O.S. Complete Section 6 U N h LA. 91NDIVIDUAL Complete Section 6 ' h, ❑ PARTNERSHIP Complete Section 6 ❑ CORPORATION Complete Section 7 ❑ LIMITED LIABILITY CO. Complete Section 7 ❑ CLUB Complete Section 8 ❑ GOVERNMENT Complete Section 10 ❑ TRUST Complete Section 6 ❑ OTHER Explain 1. Type of License: 2. Total fees attached: $ APPLICATION FEE AND INTERIM PERMIT FEES (IF APPLICABLE) ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. A service fee of $25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks (A.R.S. 44.6852) """ i`ION 4 Applicant: (All applicants must complete this section) Mr. 1. Applicant/Agent's Name: lets. (Insert one name ONLY to appear on license) Last 2. Corp./Partnership/L.L.C.: (Exactly as it appears on Articles of Inc. or Articles of Org.) 3. Business Name: _ r /'I �r (Exactly as it appears on the exterior of premises) Fast i b zllt33 4. Business Address: Z!v -7.2 Q 7-he 25a � �raallkx% 4 MAyrl eopet 19 22C6 (Do not use PO Box Number) City COUNTY Zip 5. Business Phone: Ciao Residence Phone: ( ) `%� d — 6. Is the business located within the incorporated limits of the above city or town? KYES ONO 7. Mailing Address: Z .Z z X11115 ' City State Zip 8. Enter the amount paid for a 06, 07, or 09 license: $ (Price of License ONLY) DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Accepted by: Y1 Date: Lic. # Fees: ('* '" Application Interim Permit Agent Change Club F. Prints TOTAL PROCESSING APPLICATIONS TADS APPROXIMATELY 90 DAYS. AND CIRCUMSTANCES OFTEN RESULT IN A LONGER WAMN(. PFRrnn YOU ARE CAUTIONED REGARDING PLANS FOR A GRAND OPENING, ETC., BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL AND ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. LIC 0100 07/2000 *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodation, please call the Department. SECTION 7 Corporation/Limited Liability Co.: ?; ; EACH PERSON LISTED MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED FORM "LIC0101 ", AN "APPLICANT' TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD, AND $24 FEE FOR EACH CARD. (IIiw ❑ CORPORATION Complete questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. ❑ L.L.C. Complete questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and attach copy of Articles of Org. and Operation Agreement. 1. Name of Corporation/L.L.C.: (Exactly as it appears on Articles cf Inc. or Articles of Org.) 2. Date Incorporated/Organized: 3. AZ Corporation Commission File No.: 4. AZ L.L.C. File No: State where Incorporated/Organized: Date authorized to do business in AZ: Date authorized to do business in AZ: 5. Is Corp./L.L.C. non-profit? ❑ YES ONO If yes, give IRS tax exempt number: 6. List all directors/officers in Corporation/L.L.C.: Last First Middle Title Residence Address State (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 7. List stockholders or controlling members owning 10% or more: { "`'r Fast Middle % Owned Residence Address City State Zip (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY 8. If the corporation/L.L.C. is owned by another entity, attach an ownership, and director/officer/members disclosure for the parent entity. Attach additional sheets as necessary in order to disclose real people. SECTION 8 Club Applicants: EACH PERSON LISTED MUST SUBMIT A COMPLETED FORM "LIC0101 ", AN "APPLICANT" TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD, AND $24 FEE FOR EACH CARD 1. Name of Club: (Exactly as it appears cn Club Charter) 2. Is club non-profit? ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes, give IRS tax exempt number: 3. List officer and directors: Last First Middle Title Date Chartered: (Attach a copy of Club Charter) State (ATTACH ADDMONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) 3 SECTION 12 Location to Location Transfer: (Bars and Liquor Stores ONLY) i-'tit .71 M v APPLICANTS CANNOT OPERATE UNDER A LOCATION TRANSFER UNTIL IT IS APPROVED BY THE STATE. 11 'Trent Business Name and Address: j y %oxactly as it appears on license) 2. New Business Name and Address: (Do not use PO Box Number) 3. License Type: License Number: Last Renewal Date: 4. What date do you plan to move? What date do you plan to open? SECTION 13 Questions for all in -state applicants: 1. Distance to nearest school: I j ft Name/Address of school: 17/ 1 1S/7//0/ Soh,.l (Regardless of distance) Ila �sades �vci✓ 2. Distance to nearest church: M i 2 ft. Name/Address of church: #Y rr-14 (Regardless of distance) 3.4f the: ALESSEE ❑ SUBLESSEE OWNER CHASER (of premises) 1 + Y r 4. If the premises is leased give lessors name and address: _ �: �,�`�" if '� z c� k1,4 % c' 7, �' ' 4a. Mand" j rental/lease rate $ � .— y .What is the remaining length of the lease? yrs. mos. 4b. What is the penalty if the lease is not fulfilled? $ �z " or other s J 5" / (give details - attach additional sheet if necessary) 5. What is the total business indebtedness of the applicant for this license/location excluding lease? $_ 1 64- Does any one creditor represent more than 10% of that sum? ❑ YES 41�0 If yes, list below. Total must equal 100%. Middle % Owed (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) f 6. What type of business will this license be used for? (BE SPECIFIC) & 6vzr4'_,4z7_' � 7. Has a license, or a transfer license for the premises on this application been denied by the state within the past one (1) year? ❑ YES K NO If yes, attach explanation. 8. (lIws any spirituous liquor manufacturer, wholesaler, or employee, have any interest in your business? ❑YESKNO 9. Is the premises currently licensed with a liquor license? A YES ❑ NO If yes, give license number and licensee's name: License # e 7e) f F (Exactly as it appears on license) Name . Orll'91 L7 4ek�,__& r SECTION ' 16 Geographical Data: A SAMPLE FOR THIS SECTION! IS PROVIDETHIS PAGE. 'qt below the exact names of all churches, schools, and spirituous liquor outlets wi thlz - on half mile radius of your proposed location. Ck fi j 2. rap Eause, #7., 3. fild lYir1 (4 4. Chi 1! l�la rK �xri ll 1 5. 6.CzS Pj 8. C#U rc. h 0 r- "7)e,, k5cg'ns, on 9. _UJ 1 10. 15. (t 'M ADDMONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY) A = Your business name and identify cross streets. SECTION 17 Signature Block: declare that 1) I am the APPLICANT (Agent/Club Member/Partner), making this (Print name of Ai'" ,(CANT/AGENriisted in S on 4 Question 1) application; 2 p ? read the application and the contents and all statements are true, correct and complete; 3) that this application is not being made to defraud oi, , 1, j are any creditor, taxing authority, regulatory authority, or transferor; 4) that no other person, firm, or corporation, except as indicated, has an interest in the spirituous liquor license for which these statements are made; and 5) that none of the owners, partners, members, officers, directors or stockholders listed have been convicted of a felony in the past five (5) years. (Signahaee) My col State of oel, 1a °R County of ✓1F > ,e The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ?� day of ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor 400 W Congress #150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 neq (520) 628-6595 HOTEL -MOTEL AND RESTAURANT LItVNSES RECORDS REQUIRED FOR AUDIT OF SERIES #11 & #12 LICENSES MAKE A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT AND KEEP IT WITH YOUR DLLC RECORDS In the event of an audit, you will be asked to provide to the department any documents necessary to determine compliance with A.R.S. 205.02.G. Such documents requested may include however, are not limited to: , 1. All invoices and receipts for the purchase of food and spirituous liquor for the licensed premises. If you do not have all food or liquor invoices, please contact your vendors immediately and request copies of missing invoices. These must be available for pick-up at the time of the Audit Interview Appointment. If all food invoices are not available at that time, you may not be given credit for all food sales. 2. A list of all food and liquor vendors 3. The restaurant menu used during the audit period 4. A price list for alcoholic beverages during the audit period 5. Mark-up figures on food and alcoholic products during the audit period 6. A recent, accurate inventory of food and liquor (taken within two weeks of the Audit Interview Appointment) rr 7. Monthly Inventory Figures - beginning and ending figures for foo d and liquor 8. Chart of accounts (copy) 9. Financial Statements -Income Statements -Balance Sheets 10. General Ledger A. Sales Journals/Monthly Sales Schedules 1) Daily sales Reports (to include the name of each waitress/waiter, bartender, etc. with sales for that day) 2) Daily Cash Register Tapes - Journal Tapes and Z-tapes 3) Guest Checks 4) Coupons/Specials 5) Any other evidence to support income from food and liquor sales B. Cash Receipts/Disbursement Journals 1) Daily Bank Deposit Slips 2) Bank Statements and canceled checks 11. Tax Records A. Transaction Privilege Sales, Use and Severance Tax Return (copies) B. Income Tax Return - city, state and federal (copies) C. Any supporting books, records, schedules or documents used in preparation of tax returns LIC1013 05/1999 ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 (602) 542-5141 RESTAURANT OPERATION PLAN LICENSE # 1. List by Mgke_ Mndei and f nnnr-;t-x7 of un„r - 400 W Congress # 150 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (520) 628-6595 Grill. S7�U� CornBo Oven Freezer Q, e.r- A Agol- Refrigerator Sink Dish Washing Facilities �2 MICA Food Preparation Counter (Dimensions) Other C©%!'.S, p '��t-b�E, oU�" �"i; ��►''> � , 1 2. Print the name of your restaurant: i ` I — V 3. Attach a copy of your menu (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner including prices). 4. List the seating capacity for: a. Restaurant area of your premises So b. Bar area of Premises our Y [ + p S'e.Wt C. Total area of your premises _ep 5. What type of dinnerware and utensils are utilized within your restaurant? Reusable 0 Disposable _ 6. Does your restaurant have a bar area that is distinct and separate from the restaurant seating? (If es, what percentage of the public floor space does this area cover). ❑ Yes % 7. What percentage of your public premises is used primarily for restaurant dining? (Does not include kitchen, bar, cocktail tables or game area.) DO % *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodations, please call the Department Lic0114 05n999 A HE PUBLIC or print with black An extensive investigation of your background will be conducted. False or incomplete answers could result in criminal prosecution and the denial or subsequent revocation of a license or permit. TO BE COMPLETED BY EACH OWNER, AGENT, PARTNER, STOCKHOLDER (10010 OR MORE), MEMBER, OFFICER OR MANAGER. ALSO EACH PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM MUST SUBMIT AN "APPLICANT' TYPE FINGERPRINT CARD WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE DEPT. FINGERPRINTING MUST BE DONE BY A BONA FIDE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OR A FINGERPRINTING SERVICE APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR THE DEP TMENT DOES NOT PROVIDE THIS SERVICE. � — There is a $24.00 processing fee for each fingerprint card submitted. T1 A service fee of $25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks (AILS. 44.6852) .`ii(1LV1vALL+YAKl1V1L1V1 Vr L1l1UVKL1lr:LVJ1SJ & I;UPfl'KVL 800 W Washington 5th Floor 400 W Congress #150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 R .,, Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602)542-5141 ' ` i ey: (520)628-6595 QUESTIONNAIRE, j CIAL SECURITY AND BIRTH DAT ARFORMATION IS CONFIDENTIAL BY ►ND CANNOT BE DISSEMI Carefully-, this instrument is a sworn doc 1. Check Owner ❑Partner ❑Stockholder ❑Member ❑Officer ❑ Agent ❑ Manager(Only) appropriate LJ Other (Complete Questions 1-20 & 24) Complete All Questions except # 14,14a & 25) box Licensee or Agent must complete # 25 for a Manager Licensee or Agent must_ complete # 25 �• 41 p 2. Name: (�Lz!G 1���T--- Date of Birth: ,/ Last ------ . First j 1 (Thins Not Become a Part of Public Records) 3 . Social Security Number. .4]Z�r .Drivers License State:��- Will Not Become a Part of Public Records) 4. Place of Birth: Height: Weight: i✓� Eyes: Hair: tY State Country . 5. Marital Status ❑ Singlep(Married ❑ Divorced ❑ Widowed Residence (Home) Phone: 6. Name of Current or Most Recent Spouse: r �' �—�'�r� � Date of Birth: (i "or last 5 years - Use additional sheet if necessary) Last First Middle Maiden 7. You are a bona fide'resident of what state? L' If Arizona, date of residency: 8 Telephone number to contact you during busitess hours for an '7 � P Y g y questions regarding this document. (�) 9. If you have been a resident less than three (3) months, submit a copy of driver's license or voter registration card. 10. Name of Licensed Premises: 6:z j� -, di�D 1 - Al Premises Phone: 11. Licensed Premises Address: 16 ZZO E. A i?e . L541 Ae h;ail f�i� , f�dla�' �l�i`ir/�, Liquor License # Street Address (Do not use PO Box #) City CX)v4ptl Zip` / (If this location is currently licensed) garl/�a. 12. List your employment or type of business during the nact five. (5) venn. if imarnn-nof tha, r.mo um. *1,,.,o a,,. , , T FROM Month/Year TO Month/Year DESCRIBE POSITION OR BUSINESS - V1 "4- UAIJLg .u.3L u1VOc UMU,5. 1.15L MUSL accent 1St. EMPLOYER'S NAME OR iYAl ' OF BU SS (Give street address, city, stage & zip) Ic� CURRENT _ 4. r . � 'r/Y/.` �'..100T 7{�.r�..�y L --2Z ,�''''�/ //�fj/�/��^0� f� may'/���r, �/{.p�1. �/.+� A--t fJ�j ��/f /''� /�G�yL /�..n�/ 'y' ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEET IF NECESSARY FOR MB ER SECTION 13. Indicate our residence address for the last five (5) ears• FROM Month/Year TO Month/Year RESIDENCE Street Address City State CURRENT 7 ' , CV 4Z ,S /.� � 7>,e, '�C-e 7 p 2— S�D6 1 V4UUAH5 ,3VVk-UU i1Vl;VLL11Vl1iildVAla please Eam km)A) 34ITN", ✓ fr1 I s C11 r�� 1 E a 1 ) )�z�vavc��fy� F tr; of PAT PUt- YEE :NG CHEN 7247 E WILSHIRE.DR BC07TBDALE'AZ 85257 af cL License D011,81493 I�gaed Elep r s 1�tifb5/2bQ0 4 11�v/202.6 Is5 �3 S.L .S.•', F ft BRO..HOight 5-W Hair BK WWO gt t I T5 Birth dete 1;0 ,5/1961 m U Fountain Hills Memorandum TO: Cassie Hansen FROM: Steve Gendler DATE: January 25, 2001 SUBJECT: Special Event Liquor License - American Legion The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event liquor license submitted by the American Legion Post of Fountain Hills. It is my understanding that this issue will go before the Council at their meeting on February 1 st. I am recommending approval based on the following factors: 1. The American Legion Post has a valid class 14 (club license) in place at 16850 Ave of the Fountains. According to the state liquor department, organizations with a class 14 license are permitted up to 10 days per year in which they are eligible for a special event license allowing public liquor sales. At all other times, the class 14 allows sale to members and guests only. A review of the record indicates that this will be the first such request for the calendar year and will only bring their total to 3 of the 10 days they are allowed for special events in 2001. 2. During the 9am-9pm time frame, the permit covers only the area specified in the application. This is an important point since the diagram appears to indicate the facility at 16850 Avenue of the Fountains as well as a portion of the parking lot are part of the application. According to the liquor department, including the facility in effect suspends the class 14 in place at this time and replaces it by the special event permit for those hours specified. The American Legion officials apparently understand that since they have included a written statement foregoing their class 14 license during the special event period. 3. In previous investigations, we have found that the American Legion has met all the legal requirements under the Arizona Revised Statutes for a liquor license and . temporary permit. This included covert monitoring by state liquor agents and overt monitoring by the Marshals Department to ensure compliance with provisions of the special event license. Nothing has been found which would prohibit granting of this permit. In a matter separate from the liquor investigation, I have noticed that the permit appears to cover "several common use areas" on private property. This includes parts of the sidewalk and walkway to the parking lot. I have recommended that the American Legion get permission from the other owners and tenants in the building. They followed this advice and a "release" is attached to the application package. Based on this, as well as all of the factors outlined above, I recommend approval by the Council on February 1 st. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL RECEIVED 800 W Washington 5th Floor _ 400 W Congress # 150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 JAN 19 2001 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 '►=OUNTAIN HILLS (520) 628-6595 TOWN OLEAK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE Fee = $25.00 per day, for 1-10 day events only A service fee of $25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks (A.R.S. 44-6852) PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED OR IT WILL BE RETURNED. ELICODEPT USE ONLY **APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1. Name of Organization: -- /-I tM e C r4 IV L. 2. Non-Profit/I.R.S. Tax Exempt Number: y O 11 3. The organization is a: (check one box only) ❑ Charitable Fraternal (must have regular membership and in existence for over 5 years) ❑ Civic ❑ Political Party, Ballot Measure, or Campaign Committee ❑ Religious 4. What is the purpose of this event? � % ..... WI K%ZIGp 5. Location of the event: 1(,6 5—C� !=. , [/�-e D l= � We IV y Address of physical location (Not P.O. Box) City County Zip Chairperson of the Organization named in Question #1. (Signature required in section #18) 6. Applicant: o L�,-/ .M ,4 n/ J�C-c A/ N -e I G, %' / ,A d -- y / Last First Middle Date of Birth 7. Applicant's Mailing Address: 17 U 57? o 2 v l= "w l,1 GCS ,4z- Street City State Zip 8. Phone Numbers: (4/Lv) 92 7 -- 4o ? — � `�•Z� Site Owner # Applicant's Business # Applicant's Home # 9. Date(s) & Hours of Event: (Remember: you cannot sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m. on Sunday) Date Day of Week Hours from A.M./P.M. To A.M./P.M. Day 1: )- —1 *1 -- 01 Day 2: �-0iV—O/ Day 3: O I Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10: EA, 'S u �y .2 a --vi �All" tic 0106 05/1999 *Disabled inividuals requiring special accommodations, please call the Department 11 ORGANIZATION NAMED IN QUESTION #1 18. I,A declare that I am an Officer/Director/Chairperson appointing the (Print full name) applicant listed in Question 6, to apply on behalf of the foregoing organization for a Special Event Liquor License. I (Signature) OMCULSLAL XENNETH E. BOWMAN ftWyft*-&ftdM=* MAWcor,► commr w►oonrn. mepr..s;.p� t�, � My Commission expires on: Date (Title/Posmon) (Date) -'d— � 3 (Phone #) State of 1461 ZaNf1 _ _County of lUlbfl 66i /l The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ed - T;4A Day of Year (Signature 0 NOTARY PUBLIC) THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED ONLY BY THE APPLICANT NAMED IN QUESTION #6 19. I, if r^-1y F %/1 f S dWAO A Ae"declare that I am the APPLICANT filing this application as (Print full name) as f)ked in Question 6. I have read the application and the contents and all statements are true, correct and "OFFICIAL SEAL" 4 6,My Virginia LaPenta Notary Public -Arizona My cos onM�p oun Commission Exp tbWl 1/2001 State of j4 l Z o A1►4 County of X e I C olt The foregoing instrument -was acknowledged before me this : day of q O �_ Day of Month Month Year X (Sikrdture NOTARY PUB C You must obtain local government approval. City or County MUST recommend event & complete item #20. The local city or county jurisdiction may require additional applications to be completed and additional ticensinu fees before approval may be granted. LOCAL GOVERNING BODY APPROVAL SECTION 20. I, ' t z� r r t �� ` ' '�� ,her r mmend this ial event application on (Government OfficitO (title) behalf of YL r � �s�_ � i l �tii- c±l t (.� rl �—(City, Town or County) (Signature of OFFIC ) �� (Date) FOR DLLC DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Department Comment Section: (Employee) (Date) ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED BY: (Title) (Date) �11t:K1� .-�N l_ FGION tST 8 ARIzONA Ariznni-i., Dept. of Liquor Licenses— T'he Ampricq.n Leglon Post j5 agrees � ia�.zor Li-en�e 1� for the nPrio , 3, �Jltl Richan:! L� Penta ^1,_ib 1r X . .r; AMERICAN LEGION POST #58 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA_ 16850 Avenue of the Fountains (602) 837-5958 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The following businesses located at 16850 Ave of the Fountains have no objections to the American Legion being granted an extension of premises for a special event on the following dates: -)3-0 j ��-�l -� �'- v 1 SHEAR POINT HAIR DESIGN 17 G TIME -IN DESIGN N� = @P: SECURITY F;nsirimiS . Fr TEMA0RAR-f BARR1E►Z i-�1611 SP -� — - — - -- PNRVwa LOT t I ----_ SIUEWALl - - ---- --- ' ,M E M S tJ SERvIrlG ARLA RESTROo1h i (3 A �Z.---- - AMER)CAM LEG10u C!,01 Lei ?i E, r"1� I►r^SO E AVEC,FFTOE :ouuTA►1 SUITE- tz102- WOMENS /�' - ..2�0G'S. r-r� R ESTPootvl �� a I I �j I J i I u LLI kJ c. i' ANIFRICAN LEGION II()ST ;;5H Fo[ NT.-kPs II11,I.S, ARIZONA Ariznni=i., Dept. of Liquor Licenses.. The American Legion Post r 3 a�rllazor License 1� for the period 1� f Richgrl LA Penta Cl-_ib °figr. . AMERICAN LEGION POST #58 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA_ 16850 Avcnuc of the Fountains (602) 837-5958 70 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The following businesses located at 16850 Ave of the Fountains have no objections to the American Legion being granted an extension of premises for a special event on the following dates: SHEAR POINT HAIR DESIGN TIME I DESIGN i im vo N 0 T T---, su=T-y Ft)slrliokls AR TEMr-bRAR-f 13 RIE2 16 14 (00 ;2 cj LOT' In' S I D E WALl-' S p 2 To: Cassie Hansen From: Steve Gendler Date: 01 /26/01 Re: Liquor License — Extension of Premises — Que Bueno Restaurant The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached request for an extension of premises permit submitted by Joyce Szeliga on behalf of the Que Bueno Restaurant. It would be valid for three days, February 23rd-25th to coincide with the Chamber of Commerce Great Fair. I understand that this request is scheduled for Council review at the February 1 st meeting. Investigative Facts: The Que Bueno Restaurant is located at 13207 LaMontana and is owned by J.J. Chama Inc. The applicant, Joyce Szeliga, is listed as president of that corporation. The Que Bueno Restaurant has a valid class 12 liquor license, #12074391, in place at the facility. A review of Marshals Department records shows no record of complaints, violations of town code or violations of state liquor laws since the license was approved on December 20, 1999. A Class 12 license allows on premise sale of alcoholic beverages. Under the provisions of ARS 4-207.01 as well as liquor regulation R19-1-233, an extension of premises may be allowed if three conditions are met: 1. There is a valid license at the location and the request meets the provisions of that license; 2. There is a plan to control access; and, 3. There is a written application that includes a diagram. A review of the Que Bueno application indicates that all conditions are being met. In addition, an interview with the applicant indicated that the actual extension of premises would be consistent with the restaurant operating hours. Findings: Since the opening of Que Bueno Restaurant at the LaMontana location, Fountain Hills Law Enforcement has conducted both overt and covert inspections to ensure compliance with licensing provisions. There have been no violations, complaints, or incidents that would preclude granting of the permit extension. In addition, the restaurant has a current Fountain Hills business license, #0099, valid through January of 2001. Finally, this request is consistent with other establishments that have had extension of premise permits in conjunction with community events Recommendation: Based on compliance with the liquor license requirements, as well as the provisions of ARS 4-207.01, 1 recommend approval of the Que Bueno Restaurant extension of premises request at the February 1 St Council meeting. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor _ 400 W Congress #150 „ Phoenix AZ 85007 Tucson AZ 85701 (602) 542-5141 (520) 628-6595 'PI ICATION FOR EXTENSION OF PREMISES/PATIO PERMIT ❑ Permanent change of area of service � /� a/� �� ■ Temporary change for date(s) of. I 11 Lot 1. Owner or Agent's Name: S-2_4�C—A :37aQgt::�) I A v� � Last First Middle 2. Mailing Address: U 1,� �� 2 �� O t a-gaAa City state 3. Business Name: L �_ Fk)emb LICENSE #: 4. Business Address: I Jc��_i N - LA _ _-- , ( klk>17 tV M Zip iz0?42y� I t City ✓ ' COUNTY- ----State Zip � + I G 5. Business Phone: ( ��� ��� Residence Phone: (40 6. Are you familiar with Arizona Liquor Laws and Regulations? 10 YES ❑ NO What secprecautions will be taken to prevent liquor violations in the extended area? I uri w' --r� 49 Q 0:� W 4i4 So a - oa: s �be cn oja? .. 8. Does this extension bring your premises within 300 feet of a church or school? ❑ YES ® NO 9. IMPORTANT: ATTACH THE REVISED FLOOR PLAN CLEARLY DEPICTING YOUR LICENSED PREMISES AND WHAT YOU PROPOSE TO ADD. ****After completing sections 1-9 bring this application to your local Board of Supervisors, City Council or Designate for their recommendation. premises i (Authorized by the local of Supervisors, City Council or Designate, (Title) ( y) being first duly sworn upon oath, hereby depose, swear and declare, under (Print full name) if penalty of perjury, that I am the APPLICANT making foregoing application and that the application has been read and that the contents thereof and all statements contained there' are true,correct and complete. X SEAL SUB RIBED IN MY PRESENCE AND SWORN TO before me (Signature of Owner or NNA M. WORKMANoZ 00, No ary Public - State of Arzo MARICOPA COLNTY�,S day of , My comet. explyde Apr, 0, Z00 My commission expires on: ^ a&th (Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC ivestigation Recommendation: Date: / / Licensing Approval: Date:-/-/ IK105 *Disabled individuals requiring special accommodation, please call the Department. 4197 V .y.r.... .. ....�...+�""'�". �-.,y,•,.�.....,,.. ..... ,-ice"'- w...�.o y/ LA- MU--,toh6% 1)V% Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMO TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Joan Mclntosh" ) DATE: February 1, 2001 At the Mayor's direction, the Town of Fountain Hills recognized Martin Luther King with Town Hall closure on Monday, January 15, 2001. The attached resolution ratifies that action and adds the Martin Luther King Holiday to Policy 6.3 Holidays in the Town of Fountain Hills Employee Manual. 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C - P.O. Box 17958 - Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 - (480) 837-2003 - FAX (480) 837-3145 RESOLUTION 2001-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BY AMENDING POLICY 6.3 HOLIDAYS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Town has adopted personnel policies and procedures and that the Council wishes to amend those policies and procedures as follows. Section 2. That policy 6.3 regarding holidays is amended by the addition of Martin Luther King Day on the third Monday in January annually. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this 1 st day of February, 2001. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: REV.IE D BY: { Paul L. Nord n, Town Manager N ATTESTED TO: - - '4 'j ) 4�� Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Farrell, Town Attorney RESOLUTION 2001-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BY AMENDING POLICY 6.3 HOLIDAYS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Town has adopted personnel policies and procedures and that the Council wishes to amend those policies and procedures as follows. Section 2. That policy 6.3 regarding holidays is amended by the addition of Martin Luther King Day on the third Monday in January annually. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this 1st day of February, 2001. FOR T TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: haron Morgan, M or REVI WED BY: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager ATTESTED TO: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: '1 William E. Farrell, Town Attorney TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Jesse Drake, Senior Planner? DATE: January 25, 2001 SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for "Arroyo Vista Condominiums 1", a two unit condominium project. Staff has combined the reports for the Preliminary and Final Plats, there are no off -site improvements or Improvement Plans needed for this plat. The plat is a request by Phil Gaziano and Carol Gaziano, which would condominiumize two units located at 16534 East Arroyo Vista Drive, aka Lot 10, Block 4, Final Plat 206. Please refer to the attached Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff report for additional details regarding this request. R TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT February 1, 2001 CASE NO: S2000-051 PROJECT MANAGER: Jesse Drake LOCATION: 16534 East Arroyo Vista Drive, aka Lot 10, Block 4, Final Plat 206.. REQUEST: Consider the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for "Arroyo Vista Condominiums 1 ", a two unit condominium project. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Phillip Gaziano and Carol Gaziano APPLICANT: Phillip Gaziano and Carol Gaziano EXISTING ZONING: R-2 EXISTING CONDITION: Existing two -unit complex LOT SIZE: 9,782 square feet (0.22) acres) SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: SOUTH: EAST: WEST: SUMMARY: Vacant land, zoned R-2 Existing multi -family, zoned R-2 Existing multi -family, zoned R-2 Vacant land, zoned R-2 This request is for approval of the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat "The Arroyo Vista Condominiums" Declaration of Condominium, which subdivides cubic airspace, and is not a land sell project. Due to the simplicity of the request and the fact that this project does not involve any off -site public improvements, a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owners, Phillip Gaziano and Carol Gaziano, have chosen to convert a two -unit complex, and record a Declaration of Condominium to sell the units Individually. The units will have a maximum livable area of 1,378 square feet, and a minimum livable area of 1,111 square feet. Each unit has a covered patio, a single -car garage, plus uncovered parking for two additional vehicles. The duplex unit was approved for a building permit by Maricopa County, building permit number 38339, 1972/3. RECOMMENDATION: Planning and Zoning Commission made a recommendation for approval of the Preliminary Plat S2000-051; "The Arroyo Vista Condominiums" on January 25, 2001, and staff recommends approval of S2000-051; Final Plat "The Arroyo Vista Condominiums". b TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS �.,,' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT IWO- ONDt IH111VIUM P&'T- , Date Filed �� Fee Paid DD Accep a By Condominium Name or 2 ieo Condominium Address S3 V 4F. ho*AyJ0 s e• Legal Description of Lot/Parcel Being Platted �ccs �9 Plat 4A0 4 Block Logs) Parcel Siz Number of Units Number of Tracts O�tIl: Zoning General Plan Land Use Designation LT/ —Ray' L Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) rG nt rApplic loorDay Phone �0 .. Address G ler City ST Zip �r/ Owner fi/10,4 / 0 ei*ex : � Day Phone - .� o VA40 W �"f A dress WC C400 Xgleorrit City STV!g Zip Attachments (Please list) ir^DeWr ver S'X99 1 HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 19 Notary Public My Commission Expires Fee Schedule Attached TFH Case Number JC7,D -UY-1 Lu Q> o Fii ZJQ 00 N i— Ztn cc as O' J E— O j 1� a ° m = s s f�� F. o� aa Q 00 s IN �' J Lj ' P (a W� aLL a I -, % '%�/ / x.l��� bt•� ��rX� �! X Xs � r M =;rti � r�X �xg �• �#t I�'i . � � . I f6 < a: t i g its` 1■ t II Y i d t c $ ! t ! i i gg p fillMt ea�k�l�r iA X��t #� is �! a _ r,iXi�; fQI 1�• !`} ►: f r' `t,f tr !o f! .f x� r [x .x I if r < . .al [by, � �r��i�x.�. I frr 1X�X�� w C t•1i .Rid ig.r O , X�rz •�r �iC X x�l� ��tfi D A �q�! z .11X .. rr X .ar .. Is .r.. 1 LU M cn LU I 0 C 2 °N FI-i aQ O jF O CV 4co J LL IL i AT Of d001000, \ 0� Its Ns, o \ ... o tr Fes- s cc >. C 0 0 z fill! W Z ui Q ,aZ . .• �I� 00 LL , iv� To: Bev Bender, Assistant Town Clerk From: Steve Gendler, Public Safety Director Through: Paul Nordin, Manager Date: 01 /30/01 Re: Special Event Request — May Day at the Fountain The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached request from Laughlin Entertainment for a Jazz Festival titled "May Day at the Fountain". The event is planned for May 5th and 6th in Fountain Park. It is my understanding that this will be considered at the February 1st Council meeting due to advertising and production schedules. On January 30th, I had the opportunity to meet with the organizers of this event to address specific provisions and concerns from a public safety perspective. As a result of that meeting, I am satisfied that the issues have been resolved as follows: Road Closures: As planned, the event will not require any road closures Parking: The event organizers will be arranging for all parking to be "off -site" at Fort McDowell. They intend to use up to 30 buses for continuous transportation between the parking area and Fountain Park. All advertisements and signage will direct ticket holders to the off -site parking location rather than into the Town of Fountain Hills. They are also making arrangements for local bus routes in the downtown area of Fountain Hills to facilitate patronage of local restaurants and related businesses. This will have the effect of encouraging parking away from the event. The location of fencing and the entrance gate will also discourage driving to the event in the hopes of parking in close proximity. This will be enhanced by arrangements with the Street Department to erect "no parking" signs along Saguaro, Panorama, and El Lago in the immediate vicinity of the event. Employee, service, and delivery vehicles will be parked away from the event itself along the southside of the Avenue of the Fountains. The net effect should be to minimize pedestrian traffic relating to the Jazz festival and eliminate the need for street closures, detours, or the disruption of business. Security: The event organizers have direct control of the crowd size through ticket sales. They are limiting participants to a maximum of 7000 per day. The applicant, Laughlin Entertainment, is making arrangement for private security at the gates and will only need law enforcement support for traffic, parking, and foot patrol. A total of six Fountain Hills officers will be assisting in an "on -duty" capacity with two assigned to Panorama, one assigned to mobile patrol, and three assigned to foot patrol inside the park. Although alcohol is available, the nature of this event is such that they have no history of problems when it was previously presented in Sedona. I have been in contact with Sedona Police officials who have provided important information used in designing the public safety plan we will employ. Traffic: As previously stated, no road closures or detours are planned. The bus route includes Grande to Saguaro, Saguaro to Panorama, Panorama to El Lago, El Lago to Saguaro then back to the reservation on Grande. Our intent is to make use of the traffic signals on Saguaro at Grande and Panorama as a means of self regulating the traffic. Contingency plans, if necessary, would re -deploy officers to those intersections on an "as needed" basis if the traffic signals prove ineffective. We are devoting particular attention to Saguaro between Avenue of the Fountains and Palisades in case of pedestrian traffic. Recommendation: Based on changes the event organizers have made to accommodate public safety concerns, and the apparent benefit this event will bring to the community on an annual basis, I recommend approval by the Council at the February 1st meeting. Steve Gendler Public Safety Director 0 Page 2 Fountain Hills/Rural Metro Fire Department FIRE DEPARTMENT STIPULATIONS FOR MAY DAY AT THE FOUNTAIN 1- Add one emergency access gate on Saguaro Blvd. 2- All Tents will require separate permits. 3- No pyrotechnics without prior approval 4- All emergency access roadways must be kept passable at all times (minimum twenty feet clear width). 5- All vendors must comply with Fire Department standards and requirements. 6- One EMT, and one Paramedic will be supplied by Rural/Metro for the duration of the festival. There will be a charge for this, which will be calculated and submitted to the event organizers prior to final accep- tance. It is the desire of the Fire Department for this festival to be a successful event. We will be happy to meet with the event organizers at any time to answer any questions that may arise. Our office telephone number is (480) 816-5139. STATION # 1 PHONE: (480) 837.9820 FAX: (480) 837.6167 STATION #2 PHONE: (480) 837-0804 FAx: (480) 837.1446 LIR TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Parks & Recreation Department Memorandum TO: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: B Deputy Director of Recreation DATE: January , 200 RE: May Day at the Fountain Staff has reviewed the Special Event Request for Laughlin Entertainment's proposed "May Day at the Fountain" event and fee waiver request for park facilities from the Town of Fountain Hills. The following is a summary of potential revenues that would be waived by the Town: Facility Fees Facility Rental May 3-7, 2001 — Northwest (1) Section of Fountain Park @ $1,600/day (all day/commercial/non-resident rate) x 5 days = $8,000.00 Staff 32 hours @ $25/hour = $800.00 (estimated) Total - $89800.00 Staff would recommend that in the event that TownCouncil does waive all park fees for this event, that the promoter still be required to supply a bond/deposit for park damages or a letter stating that any and all costs associated with damages from the event will be repaired or the Town reimbursed for such damages. Staff would be happy to answer any questions Town Council may have with regard to this event. Page IofI 01/29/2001 14:37 FAX 6024859209 LAUGHLIN ENT. M Special Event Request Name of Event Coordinator. t }-.)6 }-� c Address:.c� o Telepho (residence) Cbusine;33) r If Jte event is desiptd to be held on behalf of any person other than the applic trek the appHewt a supply written authCriUtion from the Organization Vonsostng the evsz4 daW not mare thm 90 day2before the application, aL%&odzing the applicant to apply fat the pmait on the spore ws L _L •� Name of Organization. LAC�4 L P7A k �721s epho Address c if Hea Desalption of Event 0 N C 6—(2 i Purpose of Even Location cf Event: (Anach asap or diagrzam of a=,e& to be used Got event) Date of Event-. 5 5 d-(o a Beginn ng Time: ka" •on A*-,- Ending Time: _ m N-• What p on of the roadway, if any, will the event F O tQ _ 0 67 Estimated number of persons, vehicles (and types, Le. cars, trucks), animals, etc. participating: Do you an ' 'pate a need for the Town to provide any of the following: PIC94W NOCC Ths Town ManaW (or designated official) stay establish requireQwnts that msy include (but are not untried to) personnel for emergency, traffic and cmwd control, traffic control devices, and other mvices and equipment deemed neceaaa=y ins the protection of runlet attendees as well as the commLcnity as a whole. SupWies and Services: Vehicles and Other Equipment- 01/29/2001 14:37 FAX 6024859209 LAUGHLIN ENT. Z03 8 Special Event Request Page 2 of 2 ILM RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO FURNISH INSURANCE As a condition to, and in consideration of the issuance of this requested permit, the applicant hereby agrees t procure and maintain insurance coverage protecting all aspects of activities involved in th permit Such insurance shall cover public liab' 'ty and property damage, including prod ct liability if applicable, and shall include coverage for owned and non -owned autos, for all cl " s for damages for personal injury or death and property damage arising out of the activitie for which this permit is issued Such insurance to be in limits of not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit personal injury and property damage_ The certificate of insuran re ting this coverage shall name the Town as an additional insured as respects this Spe�v Permit 8m+ Name of Insurance Company: Policy 0 Policy Dates -- (DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE . OFFICE USE ONLY) Certificate of Insurance Filed: YES NO Approval by Town Marsh Date- j 3o ' O Comments-. Notifica on of Local Fire Department- � Date` Contact Narne & Title- A I" W' Arrang ents Made: 55� Aq4c2"" NotificatJ on of Sheriffs Department: Date Contact Name & Title• Arrange ents Made: Fin val T Cou cil: B Title• Date • Dati of Appticstfon REQUEST FOR MUNICIPAL SUPPORT AND PARTICIPATION TRAFFIC AND CROWD CONTROL A minimum of (6) Law Enforcement Officers for traffic control and visibility purposes for both days. These personnel will be provided by the Town of Fountain Hills. Laughlin Entertainment will provide security and crowd control personnel within the boundaries of the event. FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES The Town of Fountain Hills will provide (2) Emergency Paramedics for both days of the event. Laughlin Enterprises will provide a First Aid Tent at venue site. RECYCLING CONTAINERS The Town of Fountain Hills will provide recycling containers to include the individual It %W cardboard recycling containers with plastic liners with one (50 ft.) recycling bin on site. RESTROOM FACILITIES The Town of Fountain Hills will provide (50) PortaJons and 2 Handicap Portojons for the event with (25) each placed at each end of the venue. FENCE The Town of Fountain Hills will provide fencing (6' ft, chain -link, "tennis fencing") for perimeter of venue, per Laughlin Entertainment specifications (see site map). SIGNAGE, BARRICADES AND CONES IN The Town of Fountain Hills will provide reasonable signage, barricades and traffic cones to facilitate traffic flow and control. MAY DAY AT THE FOUNTAIN May Day at the Fountain is proposed as a regional jazz festival featuring internationally known jazz artists as well as food, beverage and upscale vendors displaying and selling their wares in a festival -type atmosphere. The Event will be on May 5th and 61h with gates opened from LOAM to 7 PM. The proposed line-up of artists, which is subject to change, is as follows: SATURDAY Al Jarreau Guitars & Saxes (Richard Elliot, Peter White, Rick Braun & Mark Antoine) The Rippingtons Turning Point Jessie Cook Joyce Cooling SUNDAY Earth, Wind & Fire Boney James Craig Chaquico Spyro Gyra Jeff Golub The Robert Sweet Band Also featured at the festival will be an eclectic range of food and beverage offerings and approximately 80 to 100 upscale arts and craft vendors will be participating in the event. 5,000 tickets will be offered for each day with many attendees participating both days. PARKING/LOGISTICS Location: Northern -most point of Fountain Hills Lake at intersection of Saguaro Blvd. and Panorama Drive Gates, Performance & Duration of Event: 10:00AM5 11:OOAM to 7:OOPM Parking: Parking will be at Ft. McDowell Casino with shuttle service provided between parking location and venue Parking Ratio: 2.3 People Per Car Event Staff Parking Southside of Avenue of Fountains, (approx. 100 vehicles) Tour buses and equipment trucks parked along Panorama Drive, (3-4) vehicles at a time 1 From: Laura Oliva At: Sterling Grant & Asssociates I .LC To: Beverly Fax#: (602) 954-9624 Date: 1/30/01 02:42 PM Page 1 of 2 ACORD,� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MMIDDNY) 01/30/ 001 ""ODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION erling Grant & Associates, L.L.C. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE ohn Milne HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 3933 E. La Salle Street, Suite B ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Phoenix AZ 85040-3996 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED INSURER A: Legion Insurance Company jam. INSURER B: Lloyd' s of London INSURERC: Laughlin Entertainment Inc. INSURER D: PO Box 87947 INSURERE. Phoenix AZ 85080-7947 COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE MWDD POLICY EXPIRATION DATE MMIDD LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GL20990862 0 3/ 3 0 /2 0 0 0 0 3/ 3 0 /2 0 01 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1000000 FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ 50000 MEDEXP (Anyone person) $ EXCLUDED CLAIMS MADE OCCUR PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1000000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2000000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG $ INCLUDED X POLICY I I JET r7 LOC -- AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ HIRED AUTOS NON -OWNED AUTOS PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN EA ACC $ ANY AUTO q $ AUTO ONLY: AGG EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ OCCUR F1 CLAIMS MADE $ DEDUCTIBLE $ RETENTION $ PEMPLOYERS'LIABILITY WC STATU- OTH- KERS COMPENSATION AND TRY YIMIT R E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ OTHER B Liquor Liability 134146 03/30/2000 03/30/2001 Each Occurence 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESIEXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS Verification of insurance as respects to the insureds operations for Special Event held on Feb. 5&6, 2001. *Except 10 days for non-payment of premium CERTIFICATE HOLUEK a I ADDITIONAL INSURED; INSURER LETTER: 1.AN9—CLLA 1 1UN SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION bW DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 ib"s WRITTEN The Town of Fountain Hills NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL Chamber of Commerce IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER ITS AGENTS OR PO Box 17598 REPRESENTATIVES. Fountain Hills A8 85269— AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25-S (7/97) U ACUKU CUKNUKA I IUN I alas From: Laura Oliva At: Sterling Grant & Asssociates I .LC To: Beverly Fax#: (602) 954-9624 Date: 1/30/01 02:42 PM Page 2 of 2 IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not constitute a contract between the issuing insurer(s), authorized representative or producer, and the certificate holder, nor does it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25-S (7/97) 01/30/2001 15:05 FAX 6024859209 LAUGHLIN ENT. Date: January 30, 2001 To: Bevelyn Bender Fax: 480-816-3145 From: Brad Laughlin Regarding: May Day at the Fountain May 5 & 6, 2001 Pages: 1 Pages Total Per our conversation, Laughlin Entertainment will assume full responsibility for any damages to sprinkler heads or the like caused by the Production of this event. As long as they are marked appropriately prior to load - in. I look forward to forward to the opportunity of working with you on this festival. Sincerely, - Brad 602-485-1579 602-485-9209 Fax KW [a 01 Law Offices Of (W William E. Farrell, P.L.L.C. Tel (480) 837-5750 William E. Farrell Fax (480) 837-5805 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council Town Manager Town Clerk FROM: William E. Farrel Town Attorney DATE: February 1, 2001 RE: Resolution 2001-08 Building A 16838 E. Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Before you this evening is the above resolution which supports the City of Scottsdale's application to the Arizona State Land Department for the reclassification of 16,600 acres of land owned by the state and held in the state's trust. The exact area is depicted on the attached maps and basically has Stagecoach Pass as its northern boundary, 136th Street as its eastern boundary, Pima Road as its western boundary, and Dixileta as its southern boundary, with smaller parcels going as far south as Happy Valley Road and as far west as Scottsdale Road. The State of Arizona has promulgated an Administration Regulation, R12-5-2501 and 2, which allows for reclassification of state lands as suitable for conservation purposes when the State Land Commission determines that it be in the best interests of the trust to so reclassify. Copies of the regulations are attached to this memorandum and shows the general criteria in evaluating such lands. Although this land is not adjacent to our common boundary, and is substantially north of the McDowell Mountain Regional Park, this resolution states the support of the Council for the actions of the City of Scottsdale. Their undertaking is very ambitious, and it is my belief that the only public hearing on this request will be held on Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. Our Council, of course, will be here in Fountain Hills on that evening for our regularly scheduled Town Council meeting and, therefore, would be unable to attend personally or have key top staff appear on behalf of Fountain Hills. This resolution will vocally support our sister city in their conservation efforts, and it is staff s recommendation that you pass this resolution. Z:\WPDATA\FH\RES\Staff Report 2001-08.wpd Memorandum Re: Resolution 2001-08 r February 1, 2001 Page 2 I have been unable to obtain the specific materials that Scottsdale will be using for its presentation and therefore have drafted this resolution in such a manner to be one of support without detailing the specifics of the request. I believe when you review the reclassification regulation, you will see that many of the issues the Commissioner will receive public testimony on will reflect commonly -held issues on conservation and preservation. Staff will attempt to answer any questions you may have. Respectfully submitted, William E. Farrell Town Attorney WEF:pf encl. Z:\WPDATA\FH\RES\Staff Report 2001-08.wpd TITLE 129 NATURAL RESOURCES CHAPTERS, LAND DEPARTMENT ARTICLE 259 CLASSIFYING TRUST LANDS AS SUITABLE FOR CONSERVATION PURPOSES R12-5-2501. Petition A. A petition to nominate trust land suitable for conservation purposes may be filed at the Arizona State Land Department during regular business hours. The petition shall be made on a form provided by the Department. B. A petitioner shall nominate Trust lands in a manner consistent with and only for lands considered eligible under A.R.S. 37-311, et seq. C. A petitioner shall include the following information in a petition to nominate trust land suitable for conservation purposes: 1. A legal description of the land and a map that identifies the Township (T), Range (R), section, land description, acreage and county where the land is located. (Example: TIN, R3E, Section 17, SWNW, 40 acres, Maricopa County); 2. A statement of proposed conservation uses of the land; 3. A statement of why the land is suitable for conservation purposes with reference to the criteria identified in R12-5-2502(A); 4. A statement of the existing surface uses on the land and how each existing use is affected both physically and economically by the proposed conservation use; 5. An identification of the local jurisdiction in which the land is located; 6. A statement of the local governing authority's comprehensive plan designation and existing zoning for the land and how the proposed conservation use is or is not consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning; 7. A statement of the positive and negative physical and economic impacts on the local community nearest the land; 8. A statement of who or what entity will likely manage the land if, after the land is reclassified as suitable for conservation purposes, the land is approved for lease or purchase for conservation purposes; and 9. A statement of any known mineral potential, including sand and gravel, of the lands. R12-5-2502. Reclassification A. Criteria: Reclassification of state lands as suitable for conservation purposes shall be in the best interest of the Trust as determined by the Commissioner. The Commissioner and the Conservation Advisory Committee may consider any or all of the following criteria in evaluating whether the nominated land should be reclassified as suitable for conservation purposes: 1. Open space: Existence of substantially undisturbed open space values that make the land's conservation an asset to the community or to other adjacent developable state trust land; 2. Unique scenic beauty; a. Existence of a natural community landmark such as a significant mountain vista; or b. Existence of a scenic vista on to or through the land under petition from nearby major roadways or pathways, in addition to the mere existence of undeveloped open space; 3. Wildlife and vegetation; a. Existence of significant vegetation or wildlife, both native to the region and worthy of protection due to the relative lushness, health and diversity of the vegetation or the number and diversity of the wildlife; b. Existence of endangered, threatened, or protected plants or endangered or threatened wildlife species as identified under federal or state laws; c. Existence of significant stands of a signature plant characteristic of the location; 4. Cultural resources; a. Existence of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site; b. Existence of a historic structure; or c. Comparative costs of mitigation, data recovery, or preservation compared to potential revenue production of the land; 5. Wildlife habitat: a. Existence of sufficient acreage and habitat quality to support populations of endangered, threatened, or other particular species; b. Interconnection between the land under petition and nearby public lands for wildlife movement; c. Diversity of plant communities or biodiversity of plant or animal species; d. Habitat condition, whether intact or degraded; or e. Distance from an existing or proposed roadway, utility line, or urban development; 6. Other: a. Geologic and topographic features: 2 i. Existence of a significant wash, slope, or other topographic feature; ii. Existence of a unique rock outcropping, formation or other unusual geologic feature; and iii. Known soil conditions unsuitable for development purposes; b. Watershed integrity: Relationship of the land to maintenance of the integrity of one or more watersheds; c. Floodplain management: Impact of the 100- year floodplain on the land; d. Surface water and groundwater: i. Existence of a spring or other wetland; ii. Occurrence of perennial or intermittent stream flow; and iii. Potential for groundwater recharge; e. Long-term viability of the land for conservation management: i. Viability of the land based on its size, configuration, and location for successfully conserving the resources it seeks to protect; and ii. Relationship of conservation of the land to resolving wildland fire issues, particularly in the urban-wildland interface; ,rr f. Local, regional or other planning considerations: i. Relationship between the proposed conservation designation and adopted local and regional plans and policies; and ii. Relationship of the land to other federal, state, local, or private land trust preserves, holdings, or plans; g. Recreation: i. Existence of proposed trail -based or other low impact recreation opportunities; and ii. Existence of direct access to or from adjacent public or private lands used for recreational purposes; h. Accessibility: i. Public accessibility and nature of that accessibility to the land; and ii. Impact of accessibility, based on the purpose of conservation of the land; i. Scientific education: i. Historic use of the land for scientific research purposes; and ii. Opportunities for scientific education; j. Types of multiple use: 3 i. Multiple use potential of the land; and ii. Impact of specific multiple uses on the land; k. Resource production preservation: i. Existence of grazing lands under petition that a conservation designation may help to protect; ii. Existence of prime agriculture areas under petition that a conservation designation may help to protect; and iii. Protection of the resource production component (such as grazing, agriculture, mining, and timber) of the local or regional economy; 1. Relationship to other state trust lands: i. Proximity to other state trust lands; ii. Development capability of adjacent state trust lands; and iii. Anticipated timing of development activity on adjacent state trust lands; m. Pre-existing protections: Existence of any federal, state, or local law requiring protection by existing lessee of proposed conservation values; n. Tourism: Impact on local or regional tourism; o. Benefit to the Trust: Whether and for what reason reclassification is in the best interest of the Trust; B. Multiple Petitions: If multiple petitions are received and the Commissioner determines that reclassification is in the best interest of the Trust, the Commissioner may reclassify the land with the conservation purpose stated in one or more that one of the petitions, or the Commissioner may reclassify the land without stating a conservation purpose. C. Management Plan: Upon reclassification, the Commissioner may require a party to submit a management plan to allow existing and conservation uses to be coordinated in a manner that will protect both existing uses and conservation and open space values. 4 L RESOLUTION 2001-08 �r A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, URGING THE ARIZONA STATE LAND DEPARTMENT, THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, AND THE COMMISSIONER, TO LOOK WITH FAVOR UPON THE REQUEST OF THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF 169600 ACRES OF STATE TRUST LAND IN THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE TO THE CLASSIFICATION AS SUITABLE FOR CONSERVATION PURPOSES WHEREAS, the Town of Fountain Hills, since its incorporation, has shared many goals and programs with the City of Scottsdale; and WHEREAS, both municipalities have worked long and hard on mutually shared goals of preservation and conservation; and WHEREAS, the Arizona State Land Department has set a public hearing for Thursday, February 15, 2001 for public testimony on the request for conservation status of the state-owned land; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills will be conducting its regularly scheduled Town Council meeting on the evening of February 15, 2001 and will not be able to attend and give public testimony: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A" is a map depicting the 16,600 acres of state trust land that the City of Scottsdale desires to have reclassified as suitable for conservation purposes. Section 2. That the Town of Fountain Hills finds that such a request clearly appears to be in the best interest of the Trust, and that the application by the City of Scottsdale for reclassification is wholly supported and endorsed hereby. Section 3. That upon passage of this Resolution, the Town Clerk is directed to prepare certified copies of this Resolution and distribute the same prior to February 15, 2001 to the Arizona State Land Department and to the Commissioner for distribution to the Conservation Advisory Committee. That a certified copy of this Resolution be sent to the City of Scottsdale with a request that it be included in the material they submit on the evening of February 15, 2001. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this 1St day of February, 2001. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Sharon Morgan, *ayoi Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: /iPaulL. ordin, Town Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: f William E. Farrell, Town Attorney Resolution 2001-08 2 W ICJ A R ACQUISITION STATUS FOR THE MCDOWELL SONORAN PRESERVE JENNY LYN CIRCLE MOUNTAIN HONDA BOW I' u ROCKAWAY - HILLS - 1 DESERT HILLS-- _ JOY RANCH STAGECOACH PASS 1.. .w■e�i .70 3 3 CAREFREE HWY. DOVE VALLEY: LONE MOUNTAIN ■ 1 DWILETa DYNAMITE R JOMAX I : ti • HAPPY VALLEY c �.. ^•.. ♦. v� Pti M • 'C?3 J PINNACLE PEAK DEER VALLEY BEARDSLEY ��)I OUTER LOOP UNION HILLS BEWFRANK LLOYD -` ►1i i ,. �° '`� WRIGHT BLVD. GREENWAYy I �, j - tY � THUNDERBIRD CACTUS SHEA .. DOUBLE TREE w Y: Revised 1/01 DMbs7 Ic r---1 Recommended Study Boundary for ---� the McDowell Sonoran Preserve: 36,400 ® McDowell Sonoran Preserve (12/00): 9,824.5 acres State Trust Land Reclassified as Suitable for Conservation: 3,079 acres C� State Trust Land in boundary in API Petition: 16,600 acres Additional Land in Planned Preserve Protected by Zoning:1,766 acres C� Acquisition Pending: 377 acres State Trust Land Not Elligible for API: 400 acres Remaining Land to be Considered for Preserve �] Land in Fountain Hills Identified for Preservation: 1,600 acres