HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.0215.TCREM.Packet ,TAIN O , NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE (Ay oin 4o SESSION OF THE • a •1 �• HILLSTOWN COUNCIL tip FOUNTAIN Mayor Morgan Councilman McNeill Councilwoman Hutcheson Vice Mayor Wyman Councilman Kavanagh Councilwoman Fraverd Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2001 TIME: 5:30 P.M. (THE COUNCIL WILL BE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION FROM 5:30 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. THE REGULAR SESSION .:°.. WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 6:30 P.M.) WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL—ADOPTED 1/18/90 Le!is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting,please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1.) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand,approach the microphone and state vqur name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT—THREE(3)MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • ROLL CALL 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4 AND A.R.S. 38-431.03.A.7, VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for: discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation; specifically Town of Fountain Hills v. MCO Properties (Eminent Domain); MCO Properties v. Town of Fountain Hills (Litigation regarding the Subdivision Ordinance); and contemplated litigation for recovery of investment funds; AND for discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiations for the lease of real property--current Town Hall complex, respectively. 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session February 15,2001 • CALL TO ORDER—Mayor Morgan • PLEDGE TO THE FLAG • INVOCATION—Councilwoman Susan Ralphe L • ROLL CALL Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk(*)are considered to be routine, non-controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda,they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of February 1, 2001. *2.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2001-09 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the southerly and southeasterly property lines of Plat 206, Block 3, Lot 7 (12217 N. La Montana Drive) as recorded in Book 147 of Maps, Page 2 records of Maricopa County,Arizona. (Robert L. Speckman)EA01-01 *3.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2001-10 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easement located along the southwesterly property line of Plat 603-C, Block 3, Lot 8 (15941 E. Cholla Drive) as recorded in Book 161 of Maps, Page 43 records of Maricopa County,Arizona. (Greg White) EA00-15 *4.) Consideration of the FINAL REPLAT of Fire Rock Parcel A-1 and Parcel A-2, a lot revision, located at the southeast corner of Shea Blvd. and Fire Rock Country Club Dr.; Case number S2001-02. *5.) Consideration of the FINAL PLAT of Fire Rock Parcel K, a 14 lot subdivision, a Parcel of the Fire Rock Master Plat;Case number S 1999-042. *6.) Consideration of the FINAL PLAT of The Plaza Fountainside, a 3 lot and 1 parcel subdivision, located at the northeast corner of Saguaro Blvd. and El Lago Blvd; Case number S2000-008. *7.) Consideration of the REVISION TO THE SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT issued to Brad Laughlin of Laughlin Entertainment, Inc. for a jazz concert scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6, 2001. The revision will require the closure of Saguaro Boulevard from El Lago Boulevard to Palisades Boulevard. 8.) REPORT, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION resulting from a presentation by Town bond counsel and Town staff regarding the Municipal Property Corporation$2.1 million investment. 9.) Consideration of REJECTING ALL BIDS for the Phase II site package for the Community Center and Library/Museum project with possible direction to staff to separately rebid the site package including the parking lot and utilities for the community center and the library/museum projects. 10.) Consideration of AWARDING THE BID for the Phase III FF&E (furniture, fixture and equipment) package for both the Community Center and the Library/Museum in the amount of $548,221.44 as recommended by the consultant. This approval will include awards to the following vendors all of which were the lowest bidders: Walsh Bros. - $405,519.59; Virco - $41,081.24; School Source, Inc. - $24,999.04; Facilitec-$17,614.94;Emerlings-$49,006.63. 11.) Consideration of AWARDING THE EMULSION SEAL ANNUAL CONTRACT to Cholla Pavement Maintenance in the amount of$76,050. cor Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed 02/14/01 11:30 AM Town Council Meeting Agenda Regular Session February 15,2001 12.) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF regarding Waste Management's request for the Town of Fountain Hills to seek a variance to Maricopa County's and the State of Arizona's twice a week refuse pick up requirement. Liw 13.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of the Council. All comment is"subject to reasonable time,space and manner restrictions"and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public,individual Council members may respond to criticism,ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. 14.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 14th day of February,2001 Cassie B. Hansen,Director of Administration/Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003(voice)or 1-800-367- 8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. c • L Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed 02/14/01 11:30 AM MEMORANDUM L TO: T ON/ A BLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL FROM: PAU 'V't 1 IN,TOWN MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY ', 2001 RE: MANAGER'S REPORT FOR THE FEBRUARY 15TH COUNCIL MEETING REMINDERS: An Executive Session is scheduled to immediately precede the Thursday's regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Jury Room. The Council meeting will immediately follow at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. I plan to travel to Eugene, Oregon, next week. I will be out of the office on Tuesday, February 13th, and Wednesday,February 14th (Please note — Paul's stepfather passed away in Oregon on Thursday, February 8. He is flying out Saturday to be with his mother and attend the funeral services on (km, Monday. He will be returning to Fountain Hills Wednesday night in time for the Council meeting Thursday night.) CONSENT AGENDA: There are five items on the consent agenda. Please review each item and contact me should you determine any should be removed. AGENDA ITEM#6 - PRESENTATION ON THE PG&E DEFAULT SITUATION: Scot Ruby, Town bond counsel, and Bill Farrell, Town attorney, will update the Council and the public on the Municipal Property Corporation $2.1 million commercial paper and the PG&E default. AGENDA ITEMS#7 &#8 - COMMUNITY CENTER/LIBRARY/MUSEUM- AWARD OF BIDS: As we all know, the PG&E default has created some difficulties relating to the Community Center project. It is particularly important to note that the Library/Museum bond was not affected in any way by the PG&E default. L Manager's Report February 15,2001 Council Meeting Page 1 of 3 However, the furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) and the site work (parking cry lot) packages for the Community Center and the Library/Museum projects were bid together. After a significant amount of thought and analysis, I am recommending that the Town Council reject the site work bids, and award (with one deletion) the FF&E bid. The rationale for this recommendation is as follows: Site Work: To maximize "purchasing power", the site work for both the Community Center and Library/Museum were bid together. Our town attorney has ruled that we cannot change (change order) the bid to remove the Community Center work. The lowest bid for the site work package was submitted by Valley Rain in the amount of$2,094,719 which exceeded the architect's estimate for this work by $350,000. Due to the bid exceeding the architect's estimate, I believe that it makes very good sense reject all bids to determine if any cost reductions in both the Community Center and Library/Museum site work projects are possible. And, the project(s) can then be split into two separate bids. In this manner, the Town Council can, if necessary, award only the Library/Museum portion of the work. Therefore, it is appropriate for the Town Council to reject these bids and allow staff to re-work these packages. One final note: a portion of the site work package includes utility line construction for both buildings. Staff will also separate out this work for a separate quote to allow work to proceed more quickly. This recommendation is made because we are presently experiencing some difficulties due to not having electrical connections to the buildings. Furniture, Fixtures,and Equipment (FF&E): As mentioned above, we have bond money available to pay for the Library/Museum FF&E bid and it is very possible to simply pay cash for the community center's portion of the FF&E bid. Our accounting department is comfortable that this expenditure could be made now. Last fiscal year we planned to expend up to $1.5 million for the Community Center building. Due to the construction start date, we were only able to spend approximately $600,000. Additionally, due to expenditure limitations (not cash) difficulties this fiscal year, the budget adopted by the Town Council included bonding for all of the expenditures necessary to complete the construction of the Community Center building. Now that we are eight months into our budget year, we now can say that we have the expenditure capacity to make this purchase. In addition, there is also a very successful fund raising effort in our community to raise dollars for the furnishing of the Community Center. To date, this effort has raised approximately$250,000. Finally, and perhaps, most importantly, the FF&E bids submitted for both buildings were under our architect's cost estimates. Therefore, in spite of the PG&E situation, it Lir Town Manager's Report February 15,2001 Council Meeting Page 2 of 3 is prudent to proceed with this bid award. One final note, staff does recommend that the tables be deleted from this bid. Please see Cassie's attached information. AGENDA ITEM#9 - WAIVER OF BERM/SUNRIDGE CANYON PARCEL I: Dana will distribute his staff report and packet material to the Council on Monday, February 12th. Please see Dana's attached memo. AGENDA ITEM # 10 - AWARDING THE EMULSION SEAL ANNUAL CONTRACT: Bids were opened on February 2°d, 2001 for the Emulsion Seal Annual Contract. Staff is recommending that the Council award the bid to Cholla Pavement Maintenance for the amount of$76,050. Please review Tom's memo. AGENDA ITEM# 11 - LAW ENFORCEMENT CONSULTING BID: I have been working with Mr. Lou Reiter, from Lou Reiter and Associates, a law enforcement services consultant, to develop an appropriate law enforcement proposal for Town Council's consideration. Attached you will find a copy of Mr. Reiter's proposal and scope of work. Bill and I both reviewed it and recommend approval. The proposed contract amount is $35,600. If approved, the work is expected to be complete by May 15th AGENDA ITEM# 12 - DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING WASTE MANAGEMENT'S REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE: A representative from Waste Management will be at the Council meeting and will be prepared to make a brief presentation and/or answer question regarding the variance request. Please see Bill's attached staff report. Town Manager's Report February 15,2001 Council Meeting Page 3 of 3 Chron 26 (kW 449 0 �' Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS 0 3,! o Engineering Department Y' 47 �i:190 wthatisPe MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Candelaria, Civil Enginee A� REVIEWED: Thomas L. Ward, Interim Towra-E� •• iir r THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager DATE: February 7, 2001 RE: Easement Abandonment 01-01; Resolution 2001-09 12217 N. La Montana Drive Plat 206, BIk 3, Lot 7 Robert L. Speckman • This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10)foot public utility Le and drainage easements located at the southerly and southeasterly property lines of Lot 7, Block 3, Plat 206, (12217 N. La Montana Drive) as shown in Exhibit "A". The property owner of Lot 7 desire the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The westerly 20' of the southerly 10' public utility easement will be retained for existing and potential future utility boxes. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to- lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 7 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2001-09. jb att. Cc: Robert L. Speckman N.&J.Eberhardt iiive P.&A.Dingillo G. &M. Brooks J. &K. Beverly 16836 East Palisades Boulevard,Building C—P.O.Box 17958—Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269—(480)837-2003—FAX: (480)837-1404 When recorded, return to: çngineering Department own of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2001-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN TEN (10') FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY LOT LINES OF LOT 7, BLOCK 3, OF PLAT 206, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 147 OF MAPS, PAGE 2, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and LfHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain ten (10) foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the southerly and southeasterly property lot lines of Plat 206, Block 3, of Lot 7, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown in Exhibit "A"; as recorded in book 147 of maps, page 2 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 7 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. (iispe Resolution 2001-09 Page 1 of 2 PASS/F IL -1j-0 ION Or\ t`k, }\ SECOND41ANc COUNT 1 -0 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15 day of February 2001. LATTEST: FOR TO N OF FOU N HILLS f 1 rA44.4.,_' ...J.-MA.4-./ ' // f-&'%" ------ aal Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk aron Morgan, M yoriu/ REVI ED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ratc-ia/?� pl/,‘„te.,„; p. 6 Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney Loy cw Resolution 2001-09 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" (kw PLAT 206 BLOCK 3 LOT 7 o / / , Mo , ` / O Sp \ , 40L../ q,�ok. , , / ap Oh \ i it iit ' o / LOT 9 / o / ^7 \. , / / / / , / /// / / / / / 307' LOT 8 / // 44/ / 4<, 4/68. oy O / j° k /o '/ LOT 10 mow• ABANDONED io' /) Q 441' 44, �A PUBLIC UTILITY / o// t•V .00 LOT 7 & DRANAGE I� o p /4 ,Dt6 01Z; ^ Ao , P f uE $ o / ' . C 9, — -- cil , , , /Os PEE �2�� aof / LOT 4 ABANDONED 2OLF OF / DRAINAGE EASEMENT RETAIN 2OLF OF PUBLIC / UTILITY EASEMENT LOT 5 / LOT 6 Ss SCALE: 1"=50 Chron 27 \14I pO101,o Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS 30 MID.1 o• Engineering Department ce 4 that is A, MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Candelaria, Civil Enginee, � REVIEWED: Thomas L. Ward, Interim Town En r THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager DATE: February 7, 2001 RE: Easement Abandonment 00-15; Resolution 2001-10 15941 E. Cholla Drive Plat 603-C, Block 3, Lot 8 Greg White This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10)foot public utility Land drainage easements located at the southwest property line of Lot 8, Block 3, Plat 603-C, (15941 E. Cholla Drive) as shown in Exhibit "A". The property owner of Lot 8 desire the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to- lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 8 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2001-10. Jb Att. Cc: Greg White Owner- 15935 Cholla Drive (iw Owner- 15947 Cholla Drive Owner- 15920 Sycamore Drive 16836 East Palisades Boulevard,Building C—P.O.Box 17958—Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269—(480)837-2003—FAX: (480)837-1404 When recorded, return to: ngineering Department own of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2001-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN TEN (10') FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 8, BLOCK 3, OF PLAT 603-C, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAPS, PAGE 43, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights-of-way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and L,HEREAS' All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain ten (10) foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the southwesterly property lot line of Plat 603-C, Block 3, of Lot 8, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown in Exhibit "A"; as recorded in book 161 of maps, page 43 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot-to-lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 8 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 2001-10 -)S-c 1 Page 1 of 2 PASS' FAIL ION rn c. t3 c )t. SECOND 4(1cs�--- COUNT 7-o PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15 day of February 2001. LATTEST: FOR T E T WN OF FOU T I HILLS CL44L'-' 6 Ogisv‘,4—i Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk Sh ron Morgan, Mayor REVIE ED BY: APPROVED AS TO FO 4 •2/6 idC-- vipaul L. din, Town Manager William E. Farrell, Town Attorney L Resolution 2001-10 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" (kw PLAT 603C BLOCK 3 LOT 8 N. \, N. N. N cyo N <q 'N sag (e LOT 7 ,,� 80 0, 0 .o° , •oo• 0"� 6N, N N o�° °° N. \ �\A 10, , ^� N�h• N ' <t • F'N N LOT 8 N N.,<- o 6 N N F � � LOT 9 Nti S ?"0�0;:kABANDONED 10' N00,, PUBLIC UTILITY �!y vOirr b DRANAGE EASEMENT LOT 20 x, N N ion IFN S. SCALE: 1"=50 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner DATE: February 9, 2001 SUBJECT: S2001-02; " Final Replat of Firerock Parcel A-1 and Parcel A-2, Fountain Hills, Arizona" This is a request to move the common lot line between Parcels "A-1" and "A-2" of the Firerock Master Plat to allow greater flexibiltiy for developing these parcels. This application is moving the common lot line of a "M-1 P.U.D." zoned property, to give Parcel "A-2" approximately 19,411 square feet of land from Parcel "A-1". Please refer to the attached Staff report for additional details regarding this request. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. Lir TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Lre STAFF REPORT February 15, 2001 CASE NO: S2001-02 LOCATION: Parcels "A-1" and "A-2" of the Firerock Master Plat, located on the southeast corner of Fire Rock Country Club Drive and Shea Boulevard. REQUEST: Consider approval of "Final Replat of Firerock Parcel A-1 and Parcel A-2, Fountain Hills, Arizona" a request to adjust the common parcel boundary. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Firerock, LLC. APPLICANT: Daniel Kelly EXISTING ZONING: "M-i P.U.D."Multi-family Planned Unit Development EXISTING CONDITION: Parcel A-1 has been developed as temporary development offices to be used as a future tennis club. Parcel A-2 will be developed as a Multiple-family residential complex. LOT SIZE: 14.92 acres SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Shea Boulevard right of way SOUTH: Fairway number 10 of Firerock G.C.; zoned"OSR-2" EAST: Golf Course; "OSR-2" WEST: Firerock Country Club Drive and Golf Course SUMMARY: This request is for final plat approval of a Replat for "Final Replat of Firerock Parcel A-1 and Parcel A-2, Fountain Hills, Arizona" which is a lot line revision. Due to the simplicity of this request a "fast track"process is being allowed. The owner, Firerock, LLC, has chosen to reconfigure these lots by moving the common lot line between the two parcels to be a straight line. This adjustment will increase the size of Parcel "A-2" by approximately 19,411 square feet. The reconfiguration of these lots will allow for greater flexibility in the construction without crossing lot lines. Originally, Parcel "A-1"was designated as an amenity parcel to provide a tennis and swimming facility for Firerock Country Club. Since inception of this idea, the applicant has chosen to eliminate the swimming facility which was planned for a portion of the 19,411 square feet proposed to be given to Parcel "A-2". The proposed new lot configuration meets all the requirements of the "M-1 P.U.D." Zoning District for size and dimensions. RECOMMENDATION: The proposed lot configuration is in compliance with the regulations of The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance.Staff recommends approval of replat S2001-02"Final Replat of Firerock Parcel A- 1 and Parcel A-2, Fountain Hills,Arizona"with the following stipulation: (taw 1) The owner/s of these Parcel's will dedicate a slope easement along the Shea Boulevard frontage satisfactory to the Town Engineer, prior to the issuance of building permits. : / 1`OV 1 4 I 0 0 � _ _ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , r,Po ��m s R E LIM I A'R .Pl tEtfATI4 % , . g„, te. s. nz„ . Date Filed Fee Paid Ao Accepted By j",*Ai• ol 3 44 , VY1Cf Plat Name/Number ' ci.e. Eractt- AteEt s d-/ ¢ A-A Parcel Size Number of Lots 4 ilf 993 s ., /V. 9 . 'sees a Number of Tr cts Zoning 1111a,t& AM/ PIJD General Plan Land Use Designation ' hi lt /i- X eof;i 2r i'�r.4 4 i f Density Requested(Dwelling Units Per Acre) V. .J9 k•f is Ac cr<e Applicant Oms' e/ ,ty/ Day Phone (40•40) ,C tE r6&k 14e . /34-040 Address City ST Zip /.1415 E. cd c* 8/r1. L,c ,,.,4.1 IA'/4 /P'Z ISJAS) LOwner Day Phone Ja41Ne 04 400/414of 74 Address City ST Zip Attachments(Please list) Pretioi#1 i a /h 'seA•00•/•70 Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date ic;._-,-L-11 —. 7 TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. 0'I —O Subscribed and sworn before me this day of ,19 . My Commission Expires Notary Public (Seal) TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached S D-00 1- 0 2 N< I: 1; Z Ao L., ,--- < 1:i":1 0 i'-c- c`' —1,.L9 F4.77,74177 Fg7741; / _i IZ-,1 0 E 0-.) im c-X car �� Z Y z _ i�t 0 -zu, ..p.,zie'31,:q:,,a ,,,,=,....!,16,F.,., / ir. 0;5 r— i --) iiiiiiiiii ill11111 i , 1 cc !•.'"4::, .:, 1 / a ! '`,.1,;.°:'..i:* d I '1 i Z�r— • -P N .,„. .,..., / r— `�s, 1 a Ille tr. . ti. I g 4it 1 114:;! ii ZMI 0 .igsh, i ....... ri-2 Q Vtgl i 1 1111 cl 0 Q 'a t / i cam- as y as s VI 4 1 - , t- 0 n 6 IL al 7.e. • •L,,, tvi FZIdiu" Nil •Ik +�- g � i g rQZ Rid -N1 L ; Al WQ iii: ` ,_Jill isiel.0 EE t. ill VI I!tiii T i• 42. Ali i i I; / Ile I I ' 1 i i / 1101.1 dilpt t,, i I IJflJitqtii t'I if 111tk l is I. 1 \ ti. : ;: 'Ili 4011 h ii iiisor 1 iff .. ;i 1 a A r. t `hilm TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Now MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner DATE: February 9, 2001 SUBJECT: S1999-042; " Final Plat of Firerock Parcel K, Fountain Hills, Arizona" This is a request by Firerock, LLC., for Final Plat approval of Parcel K, a 14 lot, 2 tract subdivision located with in the Firerock Master Plat. At the applicant's request, this item has been placed on the February 15, 2001 meeting agenda. Staff has not had adequate time to prepare the staff report for this agenda item. The staff report will be distributed on Monday the 12th, 2001 by 5:00 p.m. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. L L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Paul L. Nordin,Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner 74- DATE: February 13, 2001 SUBJECT: S 1999-042; "Final Plat of Firerock Parcel K,Fountain Hills,Arizona" This is a request by Firerock, LLC., for Final Plat approval of Parcel K, a 14 lot, 2 tract subdivision located with in the Firerock Master Plat. Staff recommends approval of this Final Plat with the stipulation that the applicant provide revised conceptual development plans for lots 5,6,7,and 9, showing a 20'x30' emergency vehicle operational platform conforming to all applicable Town Ordinances. The applicant has agreed to meet this stipulation prior to final plat recordation. Please see the attached staff report for further details. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT February 15,2001 CASE NO.: S1999-042 PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner LOCATION: East of Fireridge Trail and north of the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Reservation, located within the Fire Rock Country Club Area Specific Plan. REQUEST: Consideration of the Final Plat of FireRock Country Club Parcel "K" Subdivision, which is a 22.3 acre, 14 lot, 2 tract subdivision. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Fire Rock L.L.C. APPLICANT: Dan Kelly for Fire Rock L.L.C. EXISTING ZONING: "R1-35 P.U.D." SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Vacant,zoned"R1-35 P.U.D." (F.C.C.A.S.P.) SOUTH: Vacant, Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Reservation EAST: Vacant; zoned"R1-35 P.U.D." (F.C.C.A.S.P.) WEST: Golf Course, zoned"OSR P.U.D." (F.C.C.A.S.P.) SUMMARY: This request by FireRock L.L.C. is for approval of the Final Plat for the FireRock Country Club Parcel "K" Subdivision. The following staff report will review several aspects of the project,including the following: 1. A review of the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan, and the development's conformance with this plan. 2. The subdivision's design and its conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance. Conformance with Fire Rock Country Club Area Specific Plan: The adopted General Plan Land Use Map was amended by GPA 97-01; Fire Rock Country Club Staff Report S99-042,Final Plat for FireRock Country Club Parcel"K" February 12,2001 Page 2 Area Specific Plan. This area was designated for"Single-Family/Low density land uses, with a unit range of 22-44 units and a proposed unit count of 14 units. Parcel "K"proposes 14 lots. After staffs review of the proposed Final Plat Fire Rock Country Club Parcel "K" Subdivision, and the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan, staff believes that the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan. Subdivision Design GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The topography of the property for Parcel "K" is steeply sloping hillside with areas of moderate to severe slopes. Slopes of 10-20% and 20-30% are predominate throughout the proposed subdivision. There are few areas of less than 10%. 30% slopes and greater are located in the rear of the proposed lots or within the washes. The subdivision proposes one new double headed cul-de- sac off of Fireridge Trail. All of the lots meet the "R1-35 P.U.D." zoning district's lot dimension requirements, including those for size and lot width. GRADING: The proposed subdivision complies with the Land Disturbance Standards of the Supplemental Development Agreement for FireRock Country Club. The applicant is providing projected disturbance limits on a lot by lot basis. The Supplemental Development Agreement for FireRock Country Club allows the applicant to provide the required amount of non-disturbance required by the subdivision ordinance in any slope category. Therefore the applicant has conducted a hillside analysis by slope bands and has determined the amount of required preservation. This amount is shown for each lot on the Final Plat. The numbers provided by the applicant are their current projected allocations for the disturbance area's lot by lot. Current projections for disturbance in Parcel "K" are at the allowable disturbance limits, as shown on the Final Plat. ISSUES: The Preliminary Plat was approved on March 2, 2000. The following are the stipulations approved as part of the preliminary plat: 1. Place a H.P.E. on Tract "B" 2. Submit a landscape plan with the improvement plans. Landscape areas should include the unlotted frontages, cul-de-sac bulb ends, median islands, and the downhill face of retaining walls (outside of the lots). All other disturbed areas shall be revegetated. Indicate that these areas will be maintained by a homeowners' association. „iY► 3. Provide soils report with final plat submittal. Staff Report S99-042,Final Plat for FireRock Country Club Parcel"K" February 12,2001 Page 3 4. Provide final drainage report with final improvement plans 5. Retaining walls associated with the fill waiver and roadway grading shall not exceed a maximum height of 42", roadway grading shall not exceed the standards set forth in Chapter 5 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. Submit concept site plans for lots 5, 6, 7, and 9 showing that the lots can be constructed in compliance with the Towns various codes and without the need for variances. 7. Roads shall comply with maximum roadway grades within the subdivision. All of the preliminary plat stipulations have been correctly addressed with exception to stipulation #6,the requirement for conceptual plan exhibits for individual lot development. Staff has requested conceptual grading and driveway exhibits for lots 3-11 due to the odd lot line configurations, difficult slopes and concerns that these lots may not be developable without the need of waivers or variances from Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinances. The applicant has submitted the conceptual plans,but still needs to provide the required emergency vehicle operational platform(a 20'x30'unobstructed paved area)for the driveways of lots 5,6,7, and 9.The applicant has agreed to resubmit conceptual plans to address this requirement. Recommendation Staff recommends that the Town Council approve the Final Plat for Firerock Country Club Parcel "K"with the following stipulation: 1)That the applicant provide revised conceptual development plans for lots 5,6,7, and 9, that meet Town Ordinances and show a 20'x30' operational platform within the driveways,prior to final plat recordation. v.‘:,:::,'" Fountain Hills/Rural Metro Fire Department R4 it .iEM 0 S •A� 1 ......„ 4.4 iiii.1,-..v To: Jeff Valder Director of Community Development From: Mike Winters tivj Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal Date: February 13, 2001 Subj: Parcel K at Firerock In regards to our meeting yesterday regarding Parcel K at Firerock, the following stipulations will apply to the following lots: Lots 5, 6, 7, and 9 will require a 20'x30' operational platform, horizontal dry standpipes, and a 16' wide driveway prior to final approval of any lot improvements. Please contact me if you have any concerns regarding these stipulations. c.c. Dana Burkhardt Lit STATION#1 PHONE:(480)837-9820 FAX:(480)837 6167 STATION#2 PHONE:(480)837-0804 FAx:(480)837-1446 4 O��iTAIN 4.7 1\ Z TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS �w COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT { - � - MI�TlA1Y�P 1 ..5.: Date Filed Fee Paid Accepte• = Gt_, rC V /7,9/ Ay AtAidwft FL F Lilif,L -$P I,I c'C c.o _ Plat Name/Number O G rce c K Parcel Size Number of Lots 22 , 3c Ac 2E S /r Number of Tracts2_ Zoning _ 35_1_1 General Plan Land Use Designation } SZ NGz--E �i elrti T-L y-' — Z-0 Density Requested(Dwelling Units Per Acre) 0, 6 3 n, /14C RE_ Applicant Day Phone ..-j--izE 72cc e z_z___c. i-,/,0-p3,., -,,, 12. Address City / ST Zip L."27 :1____-___,—. .5_8_EZ2_3/()/ 'hi/5 wner Day Phone F12-.7& lam- k_ z_L__ _ if16- C�Address Y" / 1 Z lam. c-v . i3 6�`/0 City Zip 1C925 �. /1e� - i 5 i s �1�� �xN ,ti ���II6269 Attachments(Please list) F 4 hie.c_ 020 s.e•S c4- pi-Q Lt,,-,a Pak .?-/� s 1 .0A 2)..h/I zed -1-7C,A,s t S ,1s Z f zc ,'es Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date Cs i ���uL TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed and sworn‘ore me this day of 19 My Commission Expires Notary Public (Seal) TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached qg 1 0(la VG/UV/ ul fix' lY.uf. 1(1- vv... av, ..,..i _ r•r�I WM Y- �ut'pl�OrN�iM(q� S!-�N�Vi1 iIMO' es as v+r qrl limo tau pa Mew soar • Q i .r - ow 7osv aor crow-,��7a aoo� �a w moio ,_ : •`3I�P� v. . _$ 6� f �'' -. _ II I NE :u� • .m13 n�o� , '•+� 41 A L . 4, ,:i: a :il I 1 1 011 !gi ii 1 • i i I. —)il 4P,f.I4 1 4 2 1 L 111111 I ill 1 i il liii Ili!!!LI hIlitili!rig! vil I fla I 111 11111: t ' l' 46‘ 6 1110-1 1 "Mi 11%4 Iii ;; 1 '\ ,.. ---1,3 v olli I, � W poi r ilik III!! R I 11 If: ,, N ., rriiIIMIIHRea4 �y 1� - gl I !wi4i6 11 3 Nig 1CO �il7Q < CCC >� W Z Tgd ddd�,!-; le i `, B .� .4M5 l' -45- I loRiliwithmiro p , gt! 3 ban p wo /In. P 1 b )0 0, 0 x4gol 5 xxiebE.1 z FT) <e U < qi R NiPh i _ lgb> i • 5 i " 2 i...,........-- a. w 9 1I! 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Nordin, Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner `L DATE: February 9, 2001 SUBJECT: S2000-008; "Final Plat of The Plaza Fountainside" a four lot subdivision project. This is a request for Final Plat approval of a four lot subdivision located at the northeast corner of Saguaro and El Lago Boulevards. The Preliminary Plat was approved on April 20, 2000, with sixteen (16) stipulations. The applicant has met all stipulations approved as part of the Preliminary Plat with exception to the construction of the left turn pocket lane on El Lago Boulevard (stipulation #10). The applicant has agreed to construct this (kw pocket lane, but under the Phase II improvements for this project. Staff has included the price of construction for the left turn pocket lane in the Final Plat Assurance Statement, and recommends approval of this Final Plat with a construction assurance bond of $82,000. Please refer to the attached Staff report for additional details regarding this request. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at 816-5138. L TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT February 15, 2001 L CASE NO: S2000-008 PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner LOCATION: East of Saguaro Blvd., north of El Lago Blvd. and southwest of Fountain Park REQUEST: Consider approval of"Final Plat of The Plaza Fountainside", a request to subdivide approximately 5.92 acres of commercially zoned land. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Victoria Properties Management L.L.C. APPLICANT: R.B. Williams &Association, Inc. EXISTING ZONING: "TCCD" Town Center Commercial EXISTING CONDITION: Under construction LOT SIZE: 5.644 acres (tate SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Fountain Park, zoned "OSR" SOUTH: Undeveloped 'Well Site/Parcel 12", zoned "C-1" EAST: Fountain Park, zoned "OSR" WEST: Undeveloped, Town Center Ill; zoned "C-2" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of "Final Plat of The Plaza Fountainside" which is a three (3) lot and one (1) parcel subdivision. The owner, Victoria Properties Management, LLC, has chosen to subdivide this parcel as previously stated. The proposed lot configuration meets all the requirements of the "TCCD" Zoning District for size and dimensions. Hillside disturbance regulations of the Subdivision Ordinance are being met by the preservation of all the "R-190" zoned portion of the subdivision. That land, labeled Parcel "A", will be dedicated to the Town as part of this Final Plat. The Town is requiring the disturbance of the hillside slopes on the north and eastern sides of the subdivision as a part of the Fountain Park improvements, and is therefore exempt from the land disturbance regulations, and as further agreed to by the Shared Parking Agreement with the developer. This subdivision meets all the requirements of the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance if approved with the stipulations staff has requested. On April 20th, 2000 the Town Council approved the Preliminary Plat for The Plaza Fountainside with the Following Stipulations: of El Boulevard and Saguaro 1) Add a fire hydrant at the northeastcornerLago Boulevard. 2) Submit water plans as part of the improvement plans showing removal or abandonment of existing infrastructure, and quantities and material list of proposed infrastructure acceptable by Chaparral City Water Company. 3) Provide seven and a half (7.5) feet of dedicated right-of-way behind the existing curb locations along Saguaro and El Lago Boulevards. 4) All construction and grading shall conform to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Fountain Hills. 5) Provide all necessary documents needed by the Town to accept dedication of Parcel "A" prior to final plat recordation. 6) Provide a ten (10) foot sidewalk and landscape easement along Saguaro and El Lago Boulevards with eight (8) foot wide meandering sidewalks. 7) Provide off-site engineering plans for the Town Engineer's approval with the final plat submittal for those required improvements (paving, medians, landscaping, grading, drainage structure, etc) within both street rights-of-way and Fountain Channel. These plans and any required reports are to be approved prior to final plat recordation. 8) Provide a revised drainage report with final plat submittal for Town Engineer approval. This report is to include engineering and hydraulic flow data in compliance with all Flood Control District and US Corp of Engineer requirements for extending the box culvert and filling within Fountain Channel. 9) Provide a left turn pocket lane on Saguaro Blvd as previously agreed to. 10) Extend the median and provide a left turn pocket lane on El Lago Blvd. Coordinate the Lroad design and traffic circulation in this area with the Parcel 12 replat. The Town and the Developer will review the results and recommendations from the revised Traffic Study for future implementation. 11) Show the proposed locations of both driveways (Saguaro Blvd and El Lago Blvd) on the preliminary plat. 12) Provide a vehicular sight easement along the Saguaro Blvd frontage located south of the Saguaro Blvd driveway. 13) Label the 100-year floodplain water surface limits and elevations on the preliminary plat. 14) The project will require a US Corp of Engineers 404 Permit for all work within Fountain Channel. This permit is to be required prior to issuance of the building permits for Lot 2 and the proposed shared parking lot. 15) Provide a revised traffic report with the final plat submittal to be approved by the Town Engineer. This report is to address and analyze: (1) all significant internal and external traffic circulation patterns (2) all entrances/exits and left turn pocket lanes (storage length), etc. 16) Study and provide means of securing the proposed box culvert in Fountain Channel. L EVALUATION: The applicant has met all stipulations approved as part of the Preliminary Plat with exception to co, the construction of the left turn pocket lane on El Lago Boulevard. The applicant has agreed to construct this pocket lane, but under the Phase II improvements for this project. Staff has included the price of construction for the left turn pocket lane in the Final Plat Assurance Statement, and recommends approval of this Final Plat with a construction assurance bond of $82,000. RECOMMENDATION: The proposed lot configuration is in compliance with the regulations of The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Staff recommends approval of "Final Plat of The Plaza Fountainside" with the following stipulation: 1) That the applicant provide the Town with a construction assurance bond in the amount of $82,000 to insure the construction of all off-site improvements, including the required left turn pocket lane on El Lago Boulevard as stipulated on the Preliminary Plat. L L .. —�� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS it COMMUNITY DEV ELOPMENT MMU DEPARTMENT T ELIMINAR P , d F.._ ATIO q.` ifitAti:,•. , Date Filed 2, /t,, 60 Fee Paid s. q do C ) Accepted By Plat Name/Number i fb( P/iza 13z/77rnm 5i�c Parcel Size Number of Lots 257,q�i ,ci Z SF / 5.1 zz't /'c�e� 1/ Number of Tracts Zoning TGc D 4 )7-1ird tic' General Plan Land Use Designation ' 6-7 ' ntri/ I mmwccic1 1a, / Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) Applicant Day Phone 12. t�'�f l ieh-►5 19ssc. (. ., H io s ewe y Address City ST Zip 951 I` (i/ht'(/ /7d 5TE A-155 6-dbeil /' J5L. 1filk. ,.Owner Day Phone iil --/o r lei PG-veil/es )74/,. .-7-07-1,4-/ / z_z_c la) 303 -6 7e/ Address City ST Zip 51-1 9 5. G%8 'iL. 57 105 7rp F b5zg/ Attachments(Please list) &riiJiiic,A7viiçi4 1i-i-1,1 ?len , v lit,r7 e '(l, 7r' 4514) _ y Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (P,.ease Print) Date A MA6 a e a a C7La4Cr-6(7)n .2, I isico Af§ilized iii, ,i4( TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subs, iced and sw• n before me this A— -- day of -'�.c-c d-`- -�, ��h-,a- &�- -)' A J- r L My Commission Expires. / _. ,- ' Notary Public _��=� r- fiL sr� ^IAL SEAL o II ��`. K&LD1 E BROWN NE Lk,-AR1ZONA G �r COUNTY ti, 2 Y ErPs_I� 1 Seal �-, �.�,- ���_��._ TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached Lrf ,S, cc() -Ce,.? 01727 SA'. ; 7 7 1 awIrVLMN3 03 rairdtrw►z d1i'Id MU !Yid I�II3 ;Nit i bttl�11) G�1MY7 'DAII SR.VIDOSSV 48SICVITIIM HZ clof .45.. . til�3i 11 fi�, H � ! iI:: ,e ,, Q� , ,,_...,\,( 11 il 21 lill i , Pi v 6! 11141 TiiiiiN lig i q will ft 54.441;01;S I 1 ! 6. 1 1;441144 iiipilliiiiig 1 1 i .1 1 i 1 ii . i 01,., . . fi Id ll1 i'l I lilliesilpilitiiiiripoipl II i i i 0 a� �r, ;bi 1 � t�i z,� ° 1 III Ili 6 ihilailici 1 !I 160.4; li 4eviltligiklil i : : , - - .1 ii rirat fill e q Vs 1 1 1 , 1 I L 11111 eRiil /I 1 si 1 IN i 11 i 11! 1 iiii 1 0 ir i I 111! iii N ill !' iil1 l 064 11 i i!?1 I 1' ii Iii '1/1 5 Ni� a In! w e i Ili 121 0 !Hifi I ill; !il bi 1 gii po I i ...; 1 g'illi g ll I: 01 i$� � , , !;tiiii ti ° niP timik as 1 iP l PO WI IPA 'Lc!! il liii th 11101;Migli 0 0 il I lil!Iii �i_ pi !l qiii gltillind pot , JO 1 iip. , i i.g g ai r a 91 to! i01 1 i ..L f 1111 i vit. 1 )1 ill i i I illiilliiii 0 ' 1 ! 1 )1ii 1 i I hi 141 ! 1 . 4 II I i i eial! 1rfgg 11 C ei E hid L i t I AN I xhi I WI :itx!I i , EO 3EVd OSSVi 8 SVIVIT1IM 'S'st1 SEEEEOS06b Ec,:O T TOOZ/60/Z0 .w.. 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SWVI11IM •S•d SEEEEFJSO6b E�:FAT /60/��N February 14, 2001 Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION Date: 02/14/01 Re: CHANGES TO THE 2/15/01 COUNCIL AGENDA In this mini-packet, you will find a revised, "colorful" agenda and some additional documentation for to eating. The changes include the following: : C � SS ION: mll are meeting With Lukenda on Thursday and Bill wanted the opportunity to update 8f y0u on certain provisions o e lease. The agenda language has been modified to allow for this update and discussion. a .,ssary, Bill suggested the option of reconvening the executive I fi session follo _.ing,,the ulaeisession f everyone's schedules allowed. A N T AG FIREROCK PARCEL K trg ry his tem appeared on thi ,regular agenda prepared last Friday. The issues that originally kept it 'off,the consent agenda ihavejbeen resolved thus the change in position on the agenda. Please see the a tache,d materiels from Dan ,RAC* "STEM #7 — REVISION TO THE SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT FOR TH Marshal Gendler was contacted on Monday, February 12 by Brad Laughlin, the sponsor of the jazz concert approved at the last Council meeting. The original special event request included parking provisions at the Fort McDowell Casino, with buses delivering concert patrons to the main gate located on Panorama Drive. This arrangement would not necessitate the closure of Saguaro Boulevard. Mr. Laughlin is 99% sure that these parking plans have fallen through. As a result, staff has provided an alternative plan that would require a revision of the original permit including the closure of Saguaro Boulevard from El Lago to Palisades. Parking arrangements will be made to use portions of Plat 208, thus requiring the closure of Saguaro to insure the safety of pedestrians crossing from the parking area to the event area at the north end of the park. Staff is requesting that the approval of the permit revision include the following provisions: (kw Page 1 of 2 Updated Agenda Items 2/15/01 Last printed 02/14/01 2:55 PM 02/14/01 February 14, 2001 1. The entrance to the event will be moved from Panorama to Saguaro. This will move the main entrance of the event closer to the parking and alleviate the necessity of placing ‘119. no parking signs on Panorama. 2. Saguaro Boulevard will be closed from El Lago to Palisades. 3. The applicant will make the appropriate arrangements and secure the necessary permits to use portions of Plat 208 for parking. 4. The applicant will make new provisions to provide for traffic and parking security and safety per Marshal Gendler's guidelines and requirements. The applicant has agreed to do whatever is necessary to make these revisions to his permit and proceed with plans for the event. Based on compliance with staff's provisions, staff recommends approval of this agenda item. TEMPORARY DELETION OF OLD AGENDA ITEM #11 — CONTRACT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYSIS Due to the other financial issues on this week's agenda, Mayor Morgan has requested that this item be postponed until the next Council agenda. CORRECTION TO MINUTES A correction to the minutes is included in the packet. L PS HAPPY VALENTINE'S DA YII‘11.0 Page 2 of 2 Updated Agenda Items 2/15/01 Last printed 02/14/01 2:55 PM 02/14/01 February 9, 2001 Memo Intern ce To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL - From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION tit,)\jv?-' Date: 02/09/01 Re: AGENDA ITEM #9— PHASE III (FF&E) BID AWARD FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER AND LIBRARY/MUSEUM In the fiscal year 2000/2001 budget, a combined total of $1,025,000 was included for FF&E (furnit equipment) for the Community Center and the Library/Museum. This a e r the Library/Museum and $500,000 for the Community Center. Both •- i toy take advantage of the price breaks available through quantity':::,-, -44- Arl,�' ill uux ntu` 1 ,i the two buildings were intentionallyleft out of the bidding items tha��v eve � �� p 9 ' cess&. Thee l include i ems s r as computers, phone equipment, office and maintenance Z ,��� � l�� 0 P i! +=coal '``� ssucb a indercare toys, and small miscellaneous items that do not x m _purchased bythe appropriate staff closer to opening day. �� l� �v e v�1� P 9 Y theyhave been itemized and AO �• nv���n -ded in the bidding process, 5 udg ...�ww ' � we: eeed fo etconsuli nt, en e Holland. (Please see the attached letter and summary form 'yr% submitted by Denise.) K �. l t is°fecommende kthat ant l mount of $548,221.44 be awarded for the combined Community 0-a,Centerand Library/Museum, F. packages as follows: ls Bros.m, $405,519.59 Virco $ 51,081.24 School Source, Inc. $ 24,999.04 Facilitec $ 17,614.94 Emerlings $ 49,006.63 The breakdown of items included in these amounts is shown on the summary form supplied by Denise. For informational purposes, Denise has also provided additional bid summary sheets that separate the items between the Community Center and the Library/Museum. These sheets provide Page 1 of 2 Agenda Items 2/15/01 Last printed 02/09/01 5:19 PM 02/09/01 February 9, 2001 detailed lists of the items included in the bid amount as well as the items remaining to be Lie purchased. All five of the aforementioned vendors were the lowest bidders and satisfied all requirements of the bidding process. The folding tables for the Community Center banquet room were removed from the bid. The preferred item is available on the Mohave State contract and will be purchased using that mechanism. As pointed out in Denise's letter, the total FF&E package for both buildings, including the items yet to be purchased, is $745,979.40. This is $279,020.60 under the combined budgeted amount of $1,025,000. Denise will be at the February 15 meeting and prepared to answer any questions the Council may have. L Page 2 of 2 Agenda Items 2/15/01 Last printed 02/09/01 5:19 PM 02/09/01 Sent By: HOFMANN-DIETZ; 602 539 8608; 09 Feb 01 9:59AM;Job 674;Page 2/4 a 111111111/21111 i_ IiIIIJii n. IIM I L February 9,2001 Hofmann-t)ietz Town of Fountain Hills Architects,Ltd. 16836 Last Palisades Boulevard nt„►r+►rr:: Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Consrrcr,-+ion It9armger 6' 459 Ni.c;ittr�rr h�h,�t To:Mr. Paul Nordin,'Town Manager surt< C.Z11t1 From:Hofmann-Dietz Architects,Ltd. r•;;ttk.rt.AZ 8:%!3,1..r,.H,;; Re: Furnishings and Equipment Bid (..1ff/cc. (OW 539-8130) t.-!Vtntt,tr,tr+lrt,d-A:,rt,;+er ,,,,,Attached is the Successful Bidders Summary Fall!. The form shows our recommendation to award the specified manufacturer to to bidder who complied to the conditions and were the Pri►,eiputs lowest bidder. The amount totals$548,22 I.44 1,,,t< T.tr1,ino.u,►,.A.t.A. This amount does not include some equipment and the successful bidder for the folding Koh i..)0:: 17r„-r;A.'McClure tables,these items will still need to be purchased before the opening of the building. The breakdown of additional costs arc as inflows: :unto,'AssoriAie. Community Center i'fl,•R4,1,1,1., Folding 'Fables for the Ballroom 519,000.00 Maw trio•,tit Computers,Networking and Phones $50,300.00 Copier,Visual Equipment, and portable communication radios $36,000.00 r;u,,AoCiures Maintenance Equipment,and Cottee/Serverware, K.indercat-e toys $26,100.00 ; rr.� 5. r+ $13 I,400.00 Library Computers and Phone System $60,000.00 Signage,large signs over Circulation Desk, Information Oesk, and small signs for display shelving. $ 6357.96 $66,357.96 Total FF&E Package is$745,979.40 To assure the furnishings will be here for the opening of the building we would suggest the awarding of purchase orders for bidders of our Summary Form as soon as possible,some items need a 10 week lead time to be shipped. We arc available to help with the purchasing and checking of purchase orders,and to follow thru with the delivery and installation of the furnishings. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, diiZ Denise Holland Hofmann-Dietz,Architects,Ltd. Sent By: HOFMANN-DIETZ; 602 539 8608; 09 Feb 01 10:00AM;Job 674;Page 3/4 SUCCESSFUL BIDDERS SUMMARY FORM . Successful Bidder 1 Manufacturer 1 Product Description I Bid Price I Ext.Bid Price 1.Walsh Bros. Tennsco Library's Bookstack shelving $38,829.31 Thonet Community Center and Library's Lounge furniture $88,684.98 Falcon Library's Computer furniture and tables for both $58,715,98 facilities. Kimball Community Center and Library's office furniture $85,973.46 and library service counters. Worden Library's study tables and library stands $21,194,90 Gressco Library's Childrens furniutre $7,562.41 Jonticraft Library's Childrens computer desks $1,181.29 People Friendly Library's Chlldrens furniture $4,774,49 Places Wood Design Community Center's KinderCare furniture $981.91 Hann Community Center's Art furniture $7,791.90 James Howard Community Center's Art furniture $322.28 Co. Dick Buick Community Center's Art furniture $1,461.76 Amaco Community Centers Kiln $5,189.63 Peter Pepper Community Center and Library's Directories, $14,295.34 Products planters, trash receptacles, and bulletin boards. Egan Visual Community Center's lecturns $4,927.37 Quoizel Community Center and Library's lounge table $4,631.83 lamps. Equipto Community Center and Library's sheivings and $5,057.26 recieving area. Le Steeicase Library's staff seating $7,765.80 Schwab Corp. Community Center's Fire file $1,307.30 Da-Lite Communty Center's projection screens $2,506.90 Walker Display Community Center's Art exhibitiion equipment $22,906.12 Phoenix Precast Community Center and Library's Outdoor furniture $7,766.30 Lift Library's display furniture $11,711.27 BIDDER'S TOTAL $405,519.59 2.Virco Virco Community Center's KinderCare and Art furniture $3,655.17 Virco Community Center's Banquet/Classroom stack $47,426.07 chair and extra fabric. BIDDER'S TOTAL $61,081.24 3.School Sico Community Center's Banquet dance floor, stage, $24,999,04 Source,Inc. and choral riser. BIDDER'S TOTAL $24,999.04 4. Facilitec Nevers Library's training room furniture $17,614.94 BIDDER'S TOTAL $17,614.94 6. Emerlings Custom Wood Library's Shelving Wood End Panels $46,051.91 Panels Fixtures Library's Children's Furniture $2,954.72 cm, BIDDER'S TOTAL $49 008.63 All Bidder's Total $548,221.44 FHFSBID.xls Sent By: HOFMANN-DIETZ; 602 539 8608; 09 Feb 01 4:42PM;Job 701 ;Page 4/4 Town of Fountain Hills Community Center Hofmann-Dietz Architects,Ltd. New Town Center Complex Bid Summary Community Center Furnishings cir Manufacturer/Description Bid Price Bid Price Dealer Thonet-Lounge furniture $26,764.65 Walsh Bros. Falcon-GameNending tables/Conference Table $28,230.76 Walsh Bros. Kimball-Office furniture $38,606.95 Walsh Bros. Virco-Classrooms $3,655.17 Walsh Bros. Wood Design-KinderCare furniture $961.91 Walsh Bros. Hann -Art furniture $7,791.90 Walsh Bros. James Howard Co.-Art furniture $322.28 Walsh Bros. Dick Blick-Art furniture $1,461.76 Walsh Bros. Amaco-ceramic kiln $5,189.63 Walsh Bros. Peter Pepper Products- Directories, planters $9,421.78 Walsh Bros. Egan Visual-Lecturns $4,927.37 Walsh Bros. Quoizel-Lamps $2,055.94 Walsh Bros. Equipto-storage shelving $1,670.59 Walsh Bros. Schwab Corp.-Fire file $1,307.30 Walsh Bros. Sico-stage, dance floor, choral riser $24,999.04 School Source, Inc. Da-Lite-Projection Screens $2,506.90 Walsh Bros. Walker Display-Art Gallery hanging system $22,960.12 Walsh Bros. Phoenix Precast-outdoor furniture $6,248.60 Walsh Bros. Virco-Stacking Chairs and Extra Fabric $47,426.07 Virco Community Center's Furniture total $236,508.72 covFolding Tables-Palmer Snyder vs Virco $19,000.00 Networking &Computers $50,300.00 Copier $8,000.00 Distance Radios $12,000.00 Projectors $1,000.00 13ea.TVs $6,000.00 VCR's and or DVD's $1,000.00 Projector Monitors(InFocus) $8,000.00 Coffee&Serveware/Games&Toys $1,100.00 Mainenance Equipment $25,000.00 Total $357,908.72 (low FHCCBidSummary.xls 2/9/01 Page 1 Sent By: HOFMANN-DIETZ; 602 539 8608; 09 Feb 01 4:42PM;Job 701 ;Page 3/4 Town of Fountain Hills Library Hofmann-Dietz Architects, Ltd. New Town Center Complex Bid Summary Lt ry Furnishings b IAanufacturer/DescriP tion Bid Price Bid Price Bid Price Dealer Library Shelving-Tennsco $38,829.31 Walsh Bros. Lift-Display Shelving $11,711.27 Walsh Bros. Meyer Lundahl End Panels and ASI Signage $46,051.91 Emerlings Worden -tables and atlas/dictionary stands/bookcarts $21,194.90 Walsh Bros. Thonet-Lounge furniture/staff lounge seating $61,920.32 Walsh Bros. Falcon-computer stations, staff lounge tables $30,485.27 Walsh Bros. Kimball-Staff workroom, lateral files, Manager's Office, Information Desk, Circulation Desk,and Wood Bookcases $47,366.51 Walsh Bros. Nevers-training room $17,614.94 Facilitec Quolzei Lamps-lounge area $2,575.70 Walsh Bros. Equipto-receiving area!storage shelving $3,386.67 Walsh Bros. Steelcase-staff seating $7,765.80 Walsh Bros. Phoenix Precast-concrete outdoor furniture $1,517.71 Welsh Bros. Fixtures-children's furniture $2,954.72 $2,954.72 Emerlings Gressco-children's furniture $7,562,41 $7,562.41 Walsh Bros. Jonticraft-children's furniture $1,181.29 $1,181.29 Walsh Bros. People Friendly Places-children's furniture $4,774.49 $4,774.49 Walsh Bros. Peter Pepper Products-tackboards/planters $4,873.56 $4,873.56 Walsh Bros. Cersn's sub-total $21,346.47 Library Furniture total $311,766.78 Phone System $10,000.00 Computers $50,000.00 Signage, Large Signs for Circulation Desk&Information Desk (2ea.) $2,000.00 Signage, Small Signs for Lift Display (26ea.) $5,645.89 Total $379,412.67 i likay FHLibBidSummary.xls 2/9/01 Page 1 Emulsion 2001 Contract Bid Award.doc Chron 31 44' d -11 Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS a Engineering Department = b 190. ' MEMORANDUM abatis TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Tom Ward,Interim Tow g THROUGH: Paul Nordin,Town Manager DATE: February 8, 2001 RE: Emulsion Seal Bids Bids were opened on February 2, 2001 for the Emulsion Seal Annual Contract (ENG 2001-01). The lower of the two bids, Cholla Pavement Maintenance, Inc., was $76,050. This was 2% above the engineer's estimate of$74,840. The bid tabulations are shown on the attached sheet. LReference checks were conducted with the Cities of Chandler and Mesa. Both agencies were satisfied with their performance and quality of work. A map showing the upcoming pavement maintenance is attached for your reference. Staff recommends awarding of the Emulsion Seal Contract to Cholla Pavement Maintenance, Inc.in the amount of$76,050. bb att. cc: Pat Harvey Tony Marchese • Emulsion 2001 Contract Bid Award.doc Citron 31 ‘110, EMULSION SEAL ANNUAL CONTRACT ENG 2001-01 Bid Tabulation February 5, 2001 Cholla Pavement Engineering by Engineer's Description Quantity Maintenance,Inc. Arrid Zone Estimate Preservative Seal— 1 Type A 4,000 Gallons $2.75 $4.6192 $2.51 2 Plastic Seal 30,000 Gallons $2.035 $2.40 $2.04 3 Sand Blotter 200 Ton $20.00 $10.00 $18.00 Total $76,050 $92,476 $74,840 L %ow 1 , ��y�AIN ii,l L ° .� TOWNNTAIN HILL F F 0v N `6. • ,. PAVEMENT MAIam' \ NTENANCE MAP ) that is NI' tio (FY 'OO-'01 LEGEND ICtLIM i------------------------------ ---------- 7-�- ---- ,,, - --71 SLURRY SEAL s 2001 PLASTIC SEAL F wtsr �N.,,Yin . ® RECONSTRUCT ii l'''''"cs I[ iy• FAT` �'•JJ � PRESERVATIVE SEAL `'. 1" ,4 �s 41 ▪ r memo 2001 ft `ham C��}]E} Y �91 t �E BTAiE LAW t�reoKw� -,.---''f 1N'"......„,,,,.„7 1 !' . tw mww ws 4' 1 r'i 3..�� "c.T.. ry��"` -fit • y` - 14 �. i-r l r 1 , . ....n ✓ -{i ,1+. •.. l YI-{` r -_ [�y;yam� '`_ls- fi�tt;; 1 t t. ti t 1 ' �ti� S ' 1. { K :, ,.�� '".a ��� '''',4 'i '''O',r�-,A 't. I � �;`,, '��y w7.*k L� 'tiY�.jf,;' F \1- S "Y'�e-•r Y ^L.,c.L. , � 'r 4Y`. '4,-_ 7 'mot,,'.r � .s r 'YY,-a; ' / r. ., ^*,y �- �Y 6.` • 'h yam.. [t (� ft - ;-,t'-R , jay rr^r '"�-�;, 'ti.r....r... �R tLW"' yyat J c N4 Ii11+ 4 .,�.'r' ,�'`- 4P A .�;"'• t •ra /'"L } } _r \ �,+ ' ..... A �+,4'7 #�"s, �`,s ��..��+ '.�_Y... �\y a SKr ` �'4T,TIPT- y�r�-,v} �t^ 'may '�'. Y'�,V f.. 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F`#. .�„/ .,04.-T-7r.:e.,: .1-4-1 r-S,.:',4:P - rw:-:'''- ff,t,--4. .„ , ',,,,--,-yi 1 *I ,,,-...1-:,-.4),,t,„- 7r5:-. -,,,,4-::::,:,*::,,,,,:,, ,. tr,,,!-,:-., ..)-- ,,,,\- -,,',it*,'r, : „,,))c,"(,/ ,,E.1).kr.,-4.,„,e,,,:,, 0 iki-f----'c -,-; ,,,,,,j,,,,, ,,,,:,,,L. ...,jivf--.1:,:,,,- . --0', NORTH rat r t, [ r�� , } � a �`� m ri \a, - $ r 1 ,w°` r }� �` ! i t `'�l``'-'-�f , `K.,�L 4 ;'.,'. . d 'T !'�`l �. ,.� w v�• 'j F' - s r ';-C �i �� t 7 r v". ,. G', /-,-,„? ti �, Tr YT.-•-�'r /"` .. i Q5 ,* ` .fit . ' r c DATE:F�bflIOYJ vl1 �-ti�-,t± `' �_4. 1 ` - ---�t.... �—.� .�c.d.—...x� :. 1! 1�1�'��Z ` 'ti .�., 1 Y fr BALT .._. PBN N111COPA IOIMI l�iVATION .�..M" Law Offices Of William E. Farrell, P.L.L.C. Tel(480)661-6044 William E.Farrell Suite 220 Fax(480)661-7454 10135 E.Via Linda Scottsdale,AZ 85258-5312 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council Town Manager Town Clerk FROM: William E. Farrell Town Attorney DATE: February 15, 2001 RE: Variance Request Waste Management Bi-Weekly Refuse Collection STAFF REPORT time of a desire on the part of the State of Arizona and The Town has been aware for some Maricopa County to have all of the refuse haulers who operate within the Town of Fountain Hills be in compliance with state and county regulations which call for bi-weekly refuse collection. The Town recently received a copy of a cease and desist order issued to Waste Management by Maricopa County indicating that Waste Management is currently operating a refuse hauling business that is in violation of Maricopa County environmental health codes by failing to provide garbage and refuse collection bi-weekly. Waste Management currently provides a bi-weekly pickup for its customers in Fountain Hills;however,one of the two pickups is considered a recycling pickup and not a garbage and refuse pickup. It appears that other haulers operating within the community are all providing bi-weekly garbage and refuse collection. Waste Management has approached the Town regarding the possibility of assisting the Town in developing a plan and applying to the County for a variance which would allow Waste Management to continue one refuse and one recycling pickup. Waste Management indicates that their customer information indicates that the recycling pickup is enjoyed by many of their customers and therefore its loss or its continuance at a higher rate is a decision that Waste Management would not like to make until such times as the Town has had an opportunity to discuss an application for a variance. NOW Z:\WPDATA\FH\WasteManagementMEM.wpd STAFF REPORT RE: Variance Request Liv Waste Management Bi-Weekly Refuse Collection February 15, 2001 Page 2 Similar situations have been encountered in the neighboring communities of Carefree and Cave Creek. We are lead to believe that Carefree is presently applying for variance and that the Cave Creek Town Council will be discussing this very same issue. I have made a contact with Maricopa County on the single issue of whether or not a variance plan would effect the other existing haulers and as of the time of the writing of this staff report I have not received an answer from the County. That answer will be provided with the verbal information and presentation on the evening of the Town Council meeting. A variance request would entail the adoption of an ordinance amending our Town Code as well as the designation of one or more current employees to take on an additional function of inspection. There is also the likelihood that a fee would be charged to the haulers who wish to take advantage of the variance program in order to offset the cost of administration. As of the time of writing this Staff Report I have been informed that a representative of Waste Management will be at the Council meeting and will be prepared to make a brief presentation and answer questions regarding this variance request. Should the Council direct staff to go forward with additional information on the variance Maricopa County has agreed to not enforce its cease and desist order once they receive a notice from the Town that a variance will be sought. The Council may chose to do nothing in which case I believe it's the position of Waste Management that they will abandon the environmental pickup and convert to bi-weekly garbage and collection. I have attached to this Staff Report a copy of the cease and desist order. I have available the state and county regulations mandating bi-weekly pickup and I have obtained a sample of the variance plan submitted by the Town of Carefree,however,I have not attached either of those documents to the Staff Report. As always staff will attempt to answer any questions you have or provide you with any additional material. Respectfully submitted, William E. Farrell Town Attorney Z:\WPDATA\FH\WasteManagementMEM.wpd 01/30/01 09:23 12480 505 3901 JORDEN BISCHOFF ij002/003 O�GJ! 4:),4 Sri i� JAN--29-2201 17:21 WASTE MANAGEMENT IN THE MATTER OF CEASE AND DES1ST._RDER CAUSE 01-1 702 Waste Management - North 2137 W. Williams Dr. Phoenix, AZ To: Jason Rose/Waste Management: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the basis of inspections made and information furnished to Maricopa County regarding the above-named establishment, the undersigned has reasonable cause to believe that you are engaged in practices that are contrary to the laws of the State of Arizona and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. The aforementioned inspections and information reveal that you are operating a County, .-:f:.- fit.. Waste Management - North, refuse hauling business, in Maricopa County, specifically, located at 2137 W. Williams Or., Phoenix, Arizona, in violation of the Maricopa County Environmental Health Code, Chapter II, Section 5, Regulation 4a. Specifically, you have failed to provide garbage and refuse collection twice weekly. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED; pursuant to chi: authority vested in the Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services by A.R.S. 36-601 i6( and the Director of 411kw the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality by A.R.S. § 49-104, and duly delegated to Maricope County pursuant to A.R.S. 36-136(0) and § 49-107, that you, your operator(sl, officers, agents, servants, employees. attorneys, successors, and assigns, and all persons in active concert or participation with you who receive actual notice of this CEASE AND DESIST ORDER by personal service or otherwise. shallimmediately CEASE AND DESIST from operating or maintzir,ing Waste Management - North in violation of the Maricopa County Environmental Health Code. This Cease and Desist Order is effective immediately upon its receipt. unless you have corrected the violations or desire to correct the violations by signing a compliance schedule with this Department. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that, within fifteen (15) days after receipt of this Order, you may request in writing that a hearing be held to review this Order. Your request for a hearing or your request for a compliance schedule It ust be directed to Legal Liaison Officer, Gene Bond at 1001 N. Central Ave., Suite 550, Phoenix, Arizona 85004-1938 (602-506-6621). TOTAL- P.02 01/30/01 09:23 V480 505 3901 JORDEN BISCHOFF 2 003/003 N-2—`Gel 17:21 WAST5 MANAGEMENT 602 454 2070 P.01/b2 Page Two CAUSE 01-1702 YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that failure to comply with this Order may subject you to criminal prosecution and injunctive action in the Superior Court. DATED THIS .' DAY OF January, 2001 . Albert F. Brown, M.P.A., R.S.. Director Environmental Services Department .10 Copies mailed/delivered this f day of nuary, 2001, to: Jason Rose Waste Management - North 2137 V. Willidrns Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85027 . CC: Maricoparn County Attoey's Office John Power, Manager, Water & Waste Management Tom Waldbillig. Water & waste Management Rob Collins, Water & Waste Management Gene Bond, Leg& Liaison Officer Waste Management of Arizona Inc. Gio C.T. Corp. 3225 N. Central Phoenix, AZ 85012 P,s�ds�u:cd0 t t 702.aui: • • •