HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2018.0123.Minutes L N TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ` `Y °� Z MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE • Z A MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION JANUARY 23,2018 that is pay' AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:03 p.m., Tuesday, January 23, 2018 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Tom Barberic, Commissioners Tom Aiello, Bill Craig and Ken Thornton. Absent at roll call were Commissioners Stan Ruden and Klaus Schadle. Staff members present were Community Services Advisory Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Jennifer Lyons. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC ',100,. No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE OCTOBER 24, 2017 AND THE NOVEMBER 28, 2017 MEETING MINUTES Chair Myers made the following comments regarding the minutes. • Trail building tools have been sharpened. • The temporary "Lake Overlook Trail" signs have been installed. The small "don't go there" sign and the sign with the crooked arrow can be taken down. • Ten minute update to Council status — Director Goodwin will discuss with the Town Manager tomorrow. • There will be a Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening of the Trailhead. There was no "Ground Breaking"due to liability, with not having the roads ready and there is no parking. • There has been no additional progress on ground swap for "Lake Overlook Trail", but they are working on what that is going to look like and how that is going to work. Chair Myers and Commissioner Craig had a meeting with one of the board members and discovered there were three areas where there was a difficulty, two with the homeowners and one with the homeowners association. The board member stated that he doesn't see them getting together until a survey is done and he talks to the homeowner on Lot 23. On the south entrance you are entering by going through the property on Lot 23. So either we get a trail easement from Lot 23 or move the entrance down 20 feet toward Saguaro and have one straight entrance instead of the curved entrance that is there. One other alternative is to bend the entrance so it goes on to the homeowner's association property, which would move south entry to the north 20-30 feet. The homeowners association does not want public access through the cul-de-sac there and originally McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 1 of 5 C.Commission MMPCIAgenda&Minutes\Minutes12018/012318M • when the trail was built it was an easement that the sidewalks people could use to get back to the trail. They don't need those sidewalks now since the entrance is adjacent, so they (HOA) would like to formally close this off because the public can use the trail from right along Panarama and by the way you are also crossing across two homeowners properties and we would like to get that fixed. There was quite a bit of contention because the trail was there first and it has been there quite awhile. We are willing to agree to this but the HOA would have to move the trail off their property at their expense. They (HOA) would need to work with the Town and this group (MMPC) to make sure it meets our expectations. The HOA was also concerned about the spider trails that develop from the "Lake Overlook Trail". Commissioner Craig stated that those are not official entrances and we (Trailblazers) do not maintain those. The HOA can do whatever they want with those. • "Lower Sonoran Trail" is now official since it(the name)was approved by Council. • Resolution 2017-41, we(MMPC)will go for go for another year. • Blucor has not given the Town a project timeline but there is a meeting next Tuesday and Director Goodwin expects an updated one. Commissioner Ruden arrived at 5:17 p.m. Commissioner Craig made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 24, 2017 and November 28, 2017 meetings,Commissioner Aiello seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #5: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A COMMISSION CHAIR Vice-Chair Barberic made a motion to appoint Commissioner Myers as Commission Chair, Commissioner Craig seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #6: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A COMMISSION VICE-CHAIR Chair Myers made a motion to appoint Commissioner Barberic as Commission Vice-Chair, Commissioner Ruden seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #7: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF SELECTING MEETING DATES FOR 2018 Commissioner Thornton made a motion to accept the attached list of 2018 meeting Vice-Chair Barberic seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#8: UPDATE ON THE 2017 MMPC OBJECTIVES At Chair Myers suggestion that since a lot of the 2018 Objectives are holdovers, the Commission moved on to the 2018 Objectives. AGENDA ITEM#9: UPDATE ON THE 2018 MMPC OBJECTIVES Grand Opening of the Trailhead: Chair Myers has a rough draft of dates and things we want to say. He believes this should be a three way thing between the Town, the Conservancy and the MMPC. Commissioner Ruden informed the Commission that Roger Naylor who writes about hiking around the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 2 of 5 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/012318M state for the Arizona Republic is interested in writing a story about the Grand Opening. Two Town Fairs: It is being planned. The Fair is February is the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Emergency Markers and Signage: We have temporary signs, one at each end and four in the middle for the crossovers. The Conservancy and the MMPC can put those up sometime next week or the week after. Commissioner Craig would like to put them up during the week but will look at doing this project after he finishes with the sign for the Botanical Garden. Commissioners Aiello and Craig along with Chair Myers have a meeting with GIS Technician/CAD Operator Ken Valverde this Thursday at 9:30 a.m. to talk about the permanent signs. Director Goodwin proposed to the Commission at the request of Park's Supervisor Kevin Snipes, that with the emergency markers along the trails, going forward we would like to establish a standardized distance to as to how far spaced they are. Commissioner Craig stated that when they were up in the helicopter and asked how often they need those, the idea was more that it was by site line. Trail Counters: Commissioner Ruden's trail counter reports are attached to the minutes. Commissioner Ruden will forward the data to Executive Assistant Lyons to prepare graphs for the next meeting. The three trail counters that are in need of repair will be sent in for repairs. Budget: One of the items on the budget was $6,000 for the "Golden Eagle Trailhead". Commissioner Thornton presented a handout of the signs to the Commission and explained that the sign would match the same style as the "Adero Canyon Trailhead". The width of the signs would be roughly six to seven feet. As you are going up Golden Eagle you see a sign that says "Golden Eagle Trailhead Parking to the Left" and as you make that left you see another sign that says "Golden Eagle Trailhead Parking to the Left". In looking at the second parking sign, it is redundant but it's in the perfect location for the Trailhead sign. In looking at the budget and looking at what is there, we can reuse the base for that sign. This could be a standard we can use for other trails around Town, particularly the "Lake Overlook Trail", but that would be up to the Town. We may also want to do this at the"Botanical Garden Trail". Chair Myers inquired if the Commission could make a recommendation to have the Town look at the "Lake Overlook" proposal that we have here (in the handout) for each end of the trail. Director Goodwin responded absolutely, but added that this budget is part of a presentation that goes forward tomorrow afternoon for review by Town Manager Grady Miller and will ultimately go before Council for their approval. At this point we are in a holding pattern until we know the funds are there. The budget is being kept very conservative with a lot of unknowns coming up. Also the Town just entered into an agreement for a wayfinding sign program for all of the Town, which would institute a new master program and Director Goodwin would like the trails to be part of that program. Depending on how the recommendation comes back, we could integrate the Commission's concept into that program. **A copy the handout for this item is attached to the minutes** Testing 911: This still needs to be set up with Assistant Fire Chief Jason Payne. The Commissioners inquired when the cell tower was going to be put up in Adero Canyon. Director Goodwin responded that she did not know, but it has been approved quite awhile ago. Commissioner Schadle is working on getting coverage information from the cell providers. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 3 of 5 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/012318M .4100) AGENDA ITEM#10: UPDATE ON THE SONORAN CONSERVANCY • The Conservancy's email blasts go out to over 1,000 people. • Funding needs and possible funding for the "Lake Overlook Trail" either through the Town or the Conservancy for the entrance signs. • Town Fit Trails: Three have been done and the rest are on hold. A question came up as to the cost of each of those trails. Director Goodwin responded that each trail would have a different cost as to what would be needed to complete or be installed in order to be completed. There are three or four that are in various stages of being complete. The Town put in for a grant just before the end of the year through Maricopa Government Association to try to secure funding to complete the"Glenbrook Fit Trail" which would be a trail along the Glenbrook Quarter to connect the area between the high school and the middle school. Commissioner Craig stated that the reason it came is that the cost of the trails in the Preserve and the"Lake Overlook Trail"where we do have some control in terms as to how many are using it and the Town's Urban Trails where there is not a way and justifying those. The Conservancy wants to know the cost so they can continue to do what they are doing with the trails in the Preserve. • Town Lake Islands Maintenance: They are working on clearing again and a special type of seed to go in there. Seeding and plant placement has not worked out too well recently. • Programs: There is some work with the middle school and high school teachers to see what types of programs can be done up in the Preserve. • The Conservancy sponsored hike program is going very well. • Botanical Garden: The sign is in and supplies have been purchased for the placement of the sign. .4) The women in the group are still deciding on where they want it. • Trailblazers have completed a third of the maintenance on the "Sonoran Trail" and placement of the temporary signs still needs to be done. AGENDA ITEM#11: DISCUSSION ON QR CODES AND SIGNS This item will be postponed until the next meeting. AGENDA ITEM#12: DISCUSSION ON THE 2018-2019 MMPC BUDGET This item was addressed under Item#9. AGENDA ITEM #13: UPDATE ON THE ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT The Development Agreement is on the Council agenda for the 6th (of February). On the construction side a number of the gabion baskets are assembled for approval, a number of the drainage pipes are in and the pad site for the ramada is cleared. There are a number of easements that need to happen that have never been passed by Council that we are going to need to work through. Epcor and SRP are both beginning to be involved in the project and give their oversight and approval. As of right now everything is on track and moving forward, looking for approvals on things like: water, sewer and electric lines. There is a question right now on extension of water and sewer out to the main so that when all of that gets developed and gets connected, they don't have to come back into the Trailhead. We want to give them that McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 4 of 5 G.Commission MMPCAgenda&MinuteslMinutesl2018/012318M connection point further down the line so we won't be impacted by that. The contractor has really worked to maintain the integrity of the Trailhead, keeping it very natural and picturesque. AGENDA ITEM#14: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chair Barberic made a motion to adjourn at 6:18 p.m., Chair Myers seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. McDowell ounin Preservation Commission By: M hair Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwin Dire tor of Community Services Abo, Prepared by: �c - /- - J nnifer Lyo ,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting held on January 23, 2018. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: .�. : �., ,_. . Jennifer Lyons,Executive Assistant Dated this 15th day of February 2018 I (isr McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 5 of 5 G.Commission MMPCIAgenda&Minutes VMinutes12018/012318M ���AlN It? a a . CN 4 tft that is Os McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission 2018 Meeting bates Tuesdays ® 5:00 p. m. January 23 - February 28 - (Wednesday) March 27 - April 24 - May 22 - June 26 - July - no meeting scheduled August 28 - September 25 - October 23 - November 27 - December - No Meeting scheduled 1;%22/2018 LAKE OVERLOOK TRAIL COUNTER (2017) DATE OF AVERAGE PASSAGES/DAY READING READING (NO.DAYS SINCE LAST READING) 2/06 9818 NA 2/09 10,580 254.0 (3) 2/12 11,203 207.3 (3) 2/27 14,804 240.0 (15) 3/04 15,843 207.8 (5) 3/12 18,065 277.8 (8) 3/21 20,289 247.1 (9) 3/27 21996 284.5 (6) 4/01 23,300 260.8 (5) ,4/08 25,006 243.7 (7) 4/15 26,422 202.3 (7) 5/04 29,311 152.1 (19) 6/15 33,21'4 92.9 (42) 7/30 36,723 103.2 (34) Counter Failed Counter Restarted 11/24 0 NA 12/01 1208 172.6 (7) 12/09 2401 149.1 (8) 12/18 3458 105.7 (10) 12/29 5432 179.5 (11) LAKE OVERLOOK TRAIL COUNTER (2018) DATE OF AVERAGE PASSES/DAY READING READING (NO. DAYS SINCE LAST READING) 01/07 7662 247.8 (9) 01/12 8638 195.2 (5) 01121 10,710 230.2 (9) , . , .. .. ,. , 4,.....,.... . , i- - .. -4 - - •.,' , 4,07 , 6 L...., cl „ ... , _ i ...), ........ .,, , „ , ....., . . --- .., ....., -.,,,,... v.. v itg V / WI 10 ict ILL Al 0 -.I CN1 1.1) 11) \or ::d • . .... _ __ ' ' 11-minrniiier.1" kli , t , .... , 4 4.. eLett ......... cu, C-..., •Z .... tz...., ,..... . ./-1 ilZ q...) ,....." Ail • )'-' C) igt --tc' r.4.V- I '' X . _ . . 44 JP ..?4,. 14r. 11.... ..,„ cr., .. A a .1... 0 - a-- *2.1d. 5 3S Scicl. WESTERN LOOP TRAIL COI.TN'I'ER DATE OF AVERAGE PASSAGES PER DAY READING READING (NO. DAYS SINCE LAST READING) 1/15/17 0 NA 3/04/17 580 34.1 (17) 4101/17 919 12.1 (28) 4/15/17 1199 20.0 (14) 5/04/17 1362 8.6(19) Counter Failed Counter Restarted 1/05/18 0 NA 1/21/18 135 8.4 (16) SONORA►N TRAIL COUNTER (NORTHERN END) DATE OF AVERAGE PASSES PER DAY READING READING 1NO.DAYS SINCE LAST READING) 12/06/17 0 NA 12/09/17 40 13.3 (3) 12/18/17 158 11.8 (10) 01/15/18 552(Arr) 14.1 (28) 592(Dep) GOLDEN EAGLE TRAILHEAD SIGNAGE Problem: Develop an entrance sign for the Golden Eagle Trailhead that can be used for other trails within the town of Fountain Hills (Lake Overlook Trail & Botanical Garden trail). Criteria: 1. The proposed trailhead sign should be similar in style to the Adero Canyon Trailhead entrance sign to assure continuity for the trails within the town of Fountain Hills. 2. Cost is a major consideration. A budget of$6,000 has been proposed for the Golden Eagle Trailhead entrance sign. Proposed Option 1. Several options were considered; all of which matched the general concept presented in the Contract Documents for the Adero Canyon Trailhead. 2. The proposed width of the entrance sign was reduced to approximately 6 feet to reduce the cost and fit into the space available. 3. The proposed sign will replace an existing Trailhead Parking sign. To reduce cost,the existing sign base will be reused but modifed to increase the width. Existing conditions and proposed modifications at the Golden Eagle Trailhead. 1. Two existing signs along Golden Eagle road direct people to the Trailhead parking area. See figures 1 and 2. The first sign(fig. 1)is on Golden Eagle road as you approach the subdivision entrance gate. This sign adequately directs people into the parking area for the trailhead. 2. The second sign is at the entrance to the parking area and is seen after you turn into the parking area. This sign is redundant but is in an excellent location for the entrance sign for the Golden Eagle Trailhead. 3. Figure 3 shown how the trailhead parking sign (fig. 2) could be modified for the entrance sign to the Golden Eagle Trailhead. 4. The proposed sign would re-use the existing sign base for the trailhead parking sign, with some modification. This should minimize the cost of the new sign. 5. Figures 4 and 5 show how a similar approach could be used to develop signage at the entrance to the Lake Overlook Trail. Construction options for the Golden Eagle Trailhead entrance sign. 1. Design drawings could be developed and construction documents prepared to allow the work to be accomplished as a normal construction project. This would be the most expensive option. 2. Since the amount of work is small, the town might be able to use an existing contract, specifically the town landscape contract,to accomplish the work. 3. The town could negotiate directly with a contractor that does this type of work. MMPC could assist in identifying potential contractors. e , gx = K., „ ,"$ ?tea•. M T 7 'r. y'.,° ,Y "�'+ '•:�, J, '", :ac:"ti ^, a"' c�fg�F ''�' `H T;s t� P]r 3 ek �v:'�m^YC s '.ro,,,^'"Cll k y • " p ,• a A R�', "°"' , i, � � �' ...I:��� �. '�7M,ry��-r'++t"fir �, tf�f °� �,` >'�"° � �� _ *.N.,ro s \ -'"'' ^ ' yr" +c '�.'"' "L. •�',M�',Ma'' a`•r , 4t. �„. � �mryw" �Bs tF,,,; II ae t�'sy4'� r $„. � �'r' w"" ®" aa'�'•.+M+�r � •am4aa {) 1 1� .1 4$?k +'�>«„^ � a q Y r$x "4. ,, ,, 4=,y;� aw ter; s t" °w'�' ^�" 4. s , ,v,„ •i, '* w r¢M •a r-."ah',�r a \;�4.44.' V ,\"."aa,,.�+y�y,,� *•.s, - •, cc':..0'41,41J".' "r1 .fa....t .�'tl ke f..7 a "� 411 ✓ ,� o y .^ 'q'a" %.,. a R • • 4.0 'j a 3 � � �+� � +'a ' a = ' T r'i a —G} "*"r"d+g •$ G" {I1X* •� i } M, .a« a H: ' .x 2 ,l 'y .. , ., . ; " , . at. Mir 'gY It �,. ,,, I` A4 •' P ¢f' f'.a? ,tf ,a• t,y .. ;.✓' f \\ \ d:,:lM .�0 ,. t '. k' , w.. 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