HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2018.1023.Minutes 4°', ` `e� O Rr TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS r/„ �},. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION (.0 October 23,2018 ekat is AO' AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Bill Myers at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Bill Myers, Vice-Chair Tom Barberic, Commissioner Bill Craig, Commissioner Stan Ruden and Commissioner Ken Thornton. Absent at roll call was Commissioner Tom Aiello and Klaus Schadle. Staff members present were Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE JUNE 27, 2018 AND THE AUGUST 28, 2018 MEETING MINUTES Chair Myers made a motion to approve the minutes of the June 27, 2018 and the August 28, 2018 meeting minutes, Commissioner Craig made a move to accept, Commissioner Thornton seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#5: UPDATE ON THE 2018 MMPC OBJECTIVES Chair Myers reported that we go over these objectives frequently and that he had sent out and received replies to request, "What do you think 2019 objectives should be for MMPC? As opposed to going through what our objectives might be for 2019 is to refer these to our workgroups. Have the workgroup combine some of them to be more efficient in getting some of those done. For example, the first two ideas were doing we need first aid kits and AED kits (defibrillator) at the trailheads. Some can be combined, so let me assign that to the Adero Canyon Trailhead Workgroup, if that's okay with everybody. AGENDA ITEM #6: UPDATE ON THE 2019 MMPC OBJECTIVES Chairs Myers reported that he was going to go over these objectives and these ideas right now, to get some things done: o Determine if first aid kits should be installed at the two Trailheads. o Determine if AED kits (defibrillator) should be installed at the two Trailheads. o Help with any final Adero Canyon Trailhead construction or installation of maps etc. o Provided Kiosk information at both Trailheads o Provide pictures/videos for town/conservancy/other websites to help get the ACT know. o Provide public knowledge campaign to let folks know about the Trailhead. E.g. Access, safety, picnic tables McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 1 of 7 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/052218M o More coordination with Scottsdale and Regional Park folks in connection with the new trailhead o Install sign at Golden Eagle Trailhead o Do grand opening of ACT if not already done o Coordinate two town fairs with emphasis on new Trailhead and trails o Install Lower Sonoran Trail and Trailhead signs o Determine if fire/conservancy/other can fly drones over Preserve to help find lost hikers etc. (some towns in our state are doing that) o Add 5th trail counter and see that all 5 are working o Submit for the fiscal 19/20 MMPC budget o Better recognition of the SCFH (who really does the big bulk of work at our trailheads) o Quarterly updates of the Preserve to the Council o Two new trails in the Preserve o Put QR codes in some new signs and update codes o Determined if other events should be coordinated at the Trailhead o New grants for trails • Chair Myers reported that those are some of the objectives and perhaps before the next meeting we can coordinate those and agree upon what we want to get done. • Vice-Chair Barberic asked about the placement of the AED (defibrillator) • Chair Myers responded that Scottsdale has one at eight of their nine trailheads and they are physically located in the women's restroom. • Vice-Chair Barberic stated that the group he works with in Flagstaff is one that they carry with them. The problem is that if we have at the trailhead in the place at the women's restroom is what happens if someone has a heart attack three miles away on the trailhead, I don't see how that would be helpful. The thought I did have was to have one at the conservancy, when they do hikes. At six or seven pounds, you could carry in a backpack. We get a lot people that go on hikes around the fountain everyday and then go out with us and can't handle it. I would like to look at having it with the conservancy than at the trailhead. • Chair Myers responded that this is one of the things we could look at and maybe give advice to the town and follow the lead from others. • Commissioner Craig mentioned that when we had looked at grants in the past, it was indicated that any grant money would go directly to town and not specifically to trail building or whatever we requested with the grant. Do you know if that is? • Director Goodwin responded that to my knowledge, the grant is project oriented. So if we say we are going to build a new trailhead and that is what the grant is there for then that is what the grant money gets allocated to. We do have a grant procedure for the town, prior to doing anything, we need to go to council and ask for their approval. That is to make sure that any type of provisions or matching funds, they are aware from the get-go. They approve or deny whether we can move forward on that. The generally approve and we try to make sure they have a clear vision of what McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 2 of 7 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&Minutes1Minutes12018/052218M we are trying to do. Each grant has a different guideline depending upon who is administering it tir but it does go to a specific project. • Vice-Chair Barberic asked if the Sonoran Conservancy is a 501C3? • Chair Myers responded, yes. • Vice Chair Barberic stated that they could apply for the grant without going through the town but they would need to get a grant writer. • Director Goodwin responded that if it is on Town property, they would need something from the Town that support that application. AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE ON THE LOWER SONORAN TRAIL SIGNS • Chair Myers reported that Commissioner Craig and Commissioner Aiello met with Town GIS Technician/CAD Operator Ken Valverde and we have 228 signs. Some are trail markers and some are directional. Thank you to the Town that all of these delivered to my garage, along with some posts. We are hoping to get access this Sunday to the Adero Trailhead to plant some of those. • Director Goodwin requested that they wait until confirmation that asphalt is not being poured. (byAGENDA ITEM #8: UPDATE ON THE UPDATED MAP STATUS Director Goodwin reported that the maps are being updated by Town GIS Technician/CAD Operator Ken Valverde and Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu. We are looking at the costs to have some colored maps made for the Grand Opening. AGENDA ITEM#9: UPDATE ON TRAIL COUNTERS • Chair Myers reported that he would like to apologize to the group because part of his job was to get them up and working. Some of them are working and some not so much. Getting new batteries to see if that will get some of them working. We have had some problems with them and suggested that if we can get some good counts on the four that we have, we could possibly get a fifth one. It will be valuable to the Town itself. • Commissioner Craig reported that he has a call into the person in charge of the counters in Phoenix and mentioned that Chair Myers has done work regarding the counters with Scott Hamilton. Do you know if Superintendent Kevin Snipes has ordered or if the batteries have come in? • Director Goodwin responded that she does not know but will find out. • Commissioner Craig responded that we were first going to try to replace them every 6 months, then the next step was try to use the new battery that Scott Hamilton recommended. 110 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 3 of 7 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/0522/8M AGENDA ITEM#10: UPDATE ON THE SONORAN CONSERVANCY Commissioner Craig reported that he is trying to coordinate with Chair Myers and the Town in terms of the grand opening of trailhead, planning for the fair and make a difference day. Have several people we are working with on the trailhead for make a difference day. We have new armbands that came in past week for people that are stewards of the hikes. We have a new board member on the Conservancy, Paul Garvey. We are looking also at first aid kits. Also November 16th is the first hike of the conservancy season. AGENDA ITEM #11: DISCUSSION ON OR CODES AND SIGNS • Chair Myers that this can be held off for another time. I know other preserves in the valley have QR codes, specifically phoenix has a lot of QR codes and are particularly helpful. • Commissioner Thornton mentioned that the QR codes in Phoenix actually feedback information into the Town. AGENDA ITEM#12: DISCUSSION ON THE APPROVED 2018-2019 MMPC BUDGET • Chair Myers mentioned that this is the fiscal budget of 2019-2020 and we have not talked about that at all yet. • Director Goodwin reported that we are getting ready to move into budget season and we do start the discussion now on what we need and what we need to add. AGENDA ITEM#13: DISCUSSION ON TOWN FAIR ,, oid • Chair Myers mentioned that he is having a meeting tomorrow with a couple of guys and that we have a new TV that will let the Town know, where Trailheads are located and other type of information related to the Town. • Commissioner Thornton mentioned that he is in charge of lining up of volunteers. AGENDA ITEM#14: DISCUSSION ON POSSIBLE PRESERVE EXPANSION • Director Goodwin reported that she was asked to speak to the commission this evening regarding a theoretical discussion if there were to be a land opportunity of 82 acres of the preserve, in exchange to allow an acre and half of existing preserve to be graded for private use of the existing space. If that is something MMPC would be supportive of? • Vice Chair Barberic requested what type of the land would be given up? • Director Goodwin responded that it would be adjacent to some exiting lots in Adero Canyon development and backs up to the preserve. From what I understand, it is on about the existence of four or five lots that are impacted. They would like to grade back, so that the yards are accessible. My understanding the impact is minimal in terms of visibility from the trailhead or from existing trail spaces. • Chair Myers mentioned that he has a general idea of what Director Goodwin is talking about and would this cost the Town any money? McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 4 of 7 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/052218M • Director Goodwin responded, no. 410 • Chair Myers commented that we give up an acre and a half and get 82 acres? • Director Goodwin responded that is correct. • Commissioner Thornton requested that at some point can they produce a sketch or a map? • Director Goodwin responded absolutely, if we are looking at taking steps to move forward, this would go to Council for a vote and that this well beyond our commissioner level but the Council is curious as to the MMPC's take on this and if they would be supportive of this. Because it is non- traditional to impede on existing preserve space but in order to gain 82 acres, we would need to do this. • Chair Myers responded that his perception right now is that he would be in favor of that, increasing the preserve. • Commissioner Thornton commented about concerns with creating a precedence sometime in the future? Other than that is sounds like a wonderful opportunity. • Chair Myers responded that he understands what Commissioner Thornton is saying, I had worried about what you are talking about because it is very developable up there with million dollar homes (itir but generally my understanding, I would be in favor of that. • Vice Chair Barberic commented that we would need more information as to where exactly they are talking about but otherwise would be in favor of that. • Commissioner Craig commented that he could see the possibility of giving up an acre and a half, if it is in that area up the trailhead and what would gain would be the south side leg. • Director Goodwin that being said I have noted Commissioner Thornton's and Vice Chair Barberic concern of setting a precedence to the Town's Council for future potential. When there is more information, I will be sure to share that with them. • Commissioner Craig commented that the sooner we get an idea of exactly where that will be, will be more helpful. AGENDA ITEM#15: UPDATE ON THE TRAILHEAD GRAND OPENING • Chair Myers mentioned that the Grand Opening will be a soft opening and he understands that there will be a Grand Opening at the Fire Station on the same day. • Director Goodwin reported to mark your calendars for November 17th that the Grand Opening for the Fire Station will be on the same day prior to the Grand Opening at the Adero Canyon Trailhead. There will be temporary restrooms available at the trailhead. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 5 of 7 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&Minutes lMinutesl2018/052218M • Vice Chair Barberic stated that he is working with an organization called St. Joseph The Worker, downtown in the social service campus that helps the homeless and that they have a hike with the county at the preserve. This would be a great way to get publicity for our preserve. We get five hundred mostly from Scottsdale. The logistics may be tough with that many people. We would have to have a parking someplace else and shuttle them up there. Would that be a good idea? • Chair Myers responded I don't know enough about it but my sense is yes and this would be a positive for the Town. • Commissioner Thornton asked what kind of responsibilities that the commission will have? • Chair Myers responded that he is going to be there and talk and give accolades to the appropriate people, like the Sonoran Conservancy. • Commissioner Thornton brought up providing water at the Trailhead and providing transportation. • Director Goodwin responded that we plan on having water up there with a 20-minute ceremony and hopefully, people can stay afterwards and hike. • Commissioner Craig asked if it he may put out to the Trailblazers regarding the soft opening. • Director Goodwin responded that if you are going to send out to encourage carpooling due to the limited parking and the road being unpaved to the trailhead. • Commissioner Ruden asked if the trailhead will be done by November 17th? • Director Goodwin responded that it would be open after November 17th AGENDA ITEM#16: UPDATE ON ACCESS TO TRAILS FROM THE TRAILHEAD Chair Myers reported that the plan to get to the trailhead has changed but will be an easy modification. AGENDA ITEM #17: UPDATE ON THE ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT • Director Goodwin reported that the roofing for the Ramada is expected next week and a change on the lower gate. • Vice Chair Barberic inquired about the road being completed and accessibility during that time? People will need to park down from hill at that time? • Director Goodwin responded and said yes, this is part of the development agreement with Toll Brothers that once the road goes under construction, a pedestrian path will be built to the trailhead. • Chair Myers said thank you to Public Works Director Justin Weldy and Parks Superintendent Kevin Snipes for their help on the trailhead. Noe McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 6 of 7 G:Commission MMPCL4genda&MinuteslMinutes12018/052218M J AGENDA ITEM#17: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Craig made a motion to adjourn at 5:40 p.m., Commissioner Schadle seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. McDowell ► ' i;in Preservation Commission By: /41 Bill Myers, Irair Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwin, irecto f Community Services kho, Prepared b : L( — ��re p Y Angela Padg tt-Espiritu, Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting held on October 23, 2 0 1'8. I fu • - ce i ' at the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: , ( A Angela 'adgett ji spin Exec,tive Assist t Dated this December 3, 2018 I L McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Page 7 of 7 G:Commission MMPCIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/052218M S