HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2019.0625.Minutes o 4`� {� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS �. ' '` MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE 3v „ MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION "" IMF. JUNE25,2019 'hat is 0, 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Myers called the meeting of Monday,June 25,2019,to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Myers, Commissioners Thomas Aiello, Bill Craig, Paul Garvey, Scott Grzybowski, and Darrienne Slater. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Tom Barberic. STAFF PRESENT: Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine. 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC There was no comments from the citizens present. 4. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MAY 28, 2019 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Craig requested two corrections to reflect item#6c second sentence to read, Commission would like grading to occur from the second gate to the original western loop entrance and to change 200 feet to 200 yards. Chairman Myers moved to approve the May 28, 2019, meeting minutes as amended, seconded by Commissioner Grzybowski; passed unanimously by those present (6-0). 5. UPDATE OF 2019 MMPC OBJECTIVE Chairman Myers commented that this document is for the Committees information and will be updated for the next meeting. (See Attachment 1) 6. UPDATE OF 2019 MMPC WORKGROUPS (See Attachment 2) a. Preserve Marketing and Fairs Chairman Myers reviewed three possible entries to the easy trail. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes June 25,2019 Page 2 of 4 Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin commented that two of the three entries would not be feasible due to the process of going through rock and the Town does not have the tools or means to consider. In response to question posed by Commissioner Aiello, Chairman Myers responded that at the trail gate entry the trail is steep and slippery and would prefer to avoid the slick rock section, however, Toll Brothers is addressing some of the area. b. Safety Commissioner Aiello stated that he spoke to the City of Scottsdale's Senior Preserve Planner, Scott Hamilton, regarding the City's Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) at their trailheads. He noted that the City has had AEDs for a number of years with one incident where an AED was stolen. He added that the AEDs are located in the women's restrooms in a wall cabinet with a sign outside indicating the location. He pointed out that the First Aid Kits are located at a manned area(trail host)on the trailheads. Commissioner Aiello highlighted on the conversation with Maricopa County Sheriff Department's, Captain Larry Kratzer and Town of Fountain Hills Rural Metro Fire Department's, Fire Chief Dave Ott on the AED and First Aid Kits and that they are in agreeance of the use at the Town's trailheads. He added that Toll Brothers no longer have Marksmen (security) at the Adero Canyon Trailhead (ACT). He noted that the Sheriff's Department would occasionally patrol the trailhead. Discussion ensued regarding funding and storage for AEDs and First Aid Kits. Chairman Myers requested for consideration of AEDs and First Aid Kits on the next agenda. c. Trailheads Chairman Myers confirmed that there is no access to ACT at this time and Toll Brothers will complete the emergency fire road. In response to a question posed by Chairman Myers, Ms. Goodwin explained that her understanding of the emergency fire road process is to stabilize the existing entrance to the trailhead and address any drainage issues with minimal change. Discussion ensued relative to the length of the stabilization whether 200 feet or yards. Commissioner Slater highlighted on the benches located on the preserve and that the work group is looking at adding more benches. She added that she is looking into what the process would entail such as payment, installation, and replacement process. Discussion ensued relating to the benches being paid through a memorial program, keeping records of the memorials on the Town's website, and how many benches on a trail. Ms. Goodwin recommended that the workgroup prepare a bench plan that includes a map. Commissioner Craig suggested utilizing existing rocks to make a bench. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes June 25,2019 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Garvey asked the Commission to create vetting criteria with three to four ideas and then prioritize in order to determine to proceed with an idea or not. d. Value of Preserve No update on the new trail in the preserve. Commissioner Aiello confirmed doggie bags are needed on the north end and the promenade at ACT. Discussion ensued relative to parks and specific areas that need doggie bags placed. 7. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION ON FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2018-19 BUDGET PURCHASES RELATED TO MMPC In response to a question posed by Chairman Myers,Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin stated that the FY ends on June 30, 2019 and the 11 directional signs ordered for various trails may be entered in FY 2018-19. Commissioner Craig pointed out that for FY 2019-20 tools for trails need to be ordered. 8. DISCUSSION ON FY 2019-20 BUDGET RELATED TO MMPC In response to questions from Chairman Myers, Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin reported that the water/sewer line item use is unknown, however, the rental/lease line item is for port-a-lets and the funding can be transferred to water/sewer once the port-a-lets are not needed. She noted that the contractual line item is for the running of the water irrigation and funding will be close due to unexpected water usage. (See Attachment 3) In response to a question posed by Commissioner Garvey, Ms. Goodwin responded that the Community Services budget typically runs in the positive and adjusted due to increases from one-time costs such as trail directional signs. Ms. Goodwin confirmed that the small tools line item is for the preserve. 9. UPDATE ON JOINT MEETING WITH STAFF AND MCDOWELL SONORAN CONSERVANCY Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin highlighted that the liability and trail coverage discussions have turned up more questions versus answers. She requested a copy of the volunteer form(s) used by the Conservancy for the potential to integrate the Town's and Conservancy forms. She noted that when Conservancy volunteers work they are indirectly volunteering for the Town too. In response to a question from Commissioner Garvey, Ms. Goodwin explained that a written document is in discussion to capture the Town and McDowell Sonoran Conservancy relationship through a standard user agreement. In response to a question posed by Chairman Myers, Ms. Goodwin responded that she would look into how the MMPC would add to the trails they oversee to include the Botanical Gardens,Lake Overlook, and island 4 McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes June 25,2019 Page 4 of 4 trails. She stated the opinion that changing the scope of a Commission would take Council direction, however, would confirm. 10. UPDATE ON EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin commented that the project is progressing along and will know more in August. 11. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Aiello moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Grzybowski; passed unanimously by those present (6-0). The McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission adjourned at 5:57 p.m. McDowell ntain Pres on Commission By: Bill Myers, Chairman Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwin, Co unit Services Director Prepared by: Jami Salentine, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on June 25,2019. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: Q, Ja e Salentine,Executive Assistant Attachments - 3 Attachment 1 1 MMPC June 25,2019 Page 1 of 2 Draft MMPC 2019 objectives Fountain Hills AZ Bill Myers MED Listed are ideas of the 2019 MMPC objectives. No particular order or organization. Please look at the very tentative abbreviated list and contact me with other ideas,e.g. delete this one, add others. We will get a final list with a little more detail for our direction for calendar 2019. Tom Barbaric had the good idea of assigning each objective to a work group. That group was to accomplish the objective or see that it was done. So,we can allocate each of the final objectives to a workgroup. To be in compliance with the Open Meeting Law, please do not discuss,just send me your ideas. By direction from the Town Council,the McDowell Mountain Preserve Commission (MMPC) is responsible for initiating the planning and provide management direction for the operation and protection of the Preserve. The following 2019 MMPC objectives are listed to meet that directive. Thanks S00000, 1 Deterring if first aid kits should be installed at the two Trailheads. Coordinate with the Conservancy on this issue. 2 Determine if AED kits(defibrillator)should be installed at the two Trailheads. Town may have addressed this item. If not, look at other valley Preserves to see what their experience is. 3 Help with any final Adero Canyon Trailhead construction or installation of maps etc. Final construction hopefully will be complete by 2018 except for utility hookups. 4 Update Kiosk at both Trailheads New maps and information on the right side of the Kiosks. 5 Provide pictures/videos for town/conservancy/other websites to help get the ACT know. The more the ACT is known,the better for our Town in economics,ambiance etc. 6 Provide public knowledge campaign to let folks know about the Trailhead. E.g.Access, safety, picnic tables. Times, Scottsdale papers, hiking/biking literature. 7 More coordination with Scottsdale and Regional Park folks in connection with the new trailhead. Joint hikes,joint training,joint trail maintenance etc. 8 Install sign at Golden Eagle Trailhead the$1,200 sigh has been discussed and we have a rendering. Maybe this is the year to erect that sign. 9 Do grand opening of ACT if not already done. November 17, 2018 for the opening, but we may have another Grand Opening in mid-2019 if the road is complete. 10 Coordinate two town fairs with emphasis on new Trailhead there is an opportunity go get the word out about the new Trailhead and other Town trails. 11 Install Lower Sonoran Trail and Trailhead signs. Hopefully to be complete in 2018. 12 Deterring if fire/conservancy/other can fly drones over Preserve to help find lost hikers etc. Other entities may be flying legal drones to help in safety matters. Attachment 1 MMPC J. June 25,2019 Page 2 of 2 13 Add 5th trail counter and see that all 5 are working. The information we can give the Council and others the better. The information can help with determining the trail maintenance relative importance. 14 Do 19/20 MMPC budget I think this has to be done in first quarter of 2019. 15 Deterring if state Good Samaritan law is adequate to protect volunteers. Is some additional coverage necessary? We have been told that Scottsdale volunteers have some kind of additional coverage. 16 Better recognition of the SCFH. The Conservancy does the vast bulk of the trail creating and maintenance and deserves a lot of recognition. With the new trailhead,the Conservancy will be even more involved this coming year. 17 Quarterly updates of the Preserve to the Council with a 10 minute update quarterly,the council may want an update. 18 Two new trails in the Preserve. The two legs in the Preserve appear to still be candidates for two loop trails to increase enjoyment of the Preserve. 19 Updated thunbdrive and information presentation of the Preserve and coordination with others. We have given several presentation to groups in town about the MMPC/Conservancy. We can continue this effort. 20 Put QR codes on some new signs and update codes. QR codes help with safety and general info on the Preserve. 21 Determined if other events should be coordinated at the Trailhead. There are a number of small events that the Town may want to use the Preserve for e.g. Weddings,outings. 22 Update directional signage. There are 6"Sonoran Trailhead" signs on Shea and Saguaro that need to be replaced with updated directional signs. Determine how best to direct folks to the two Trailheads. 23 New grants for the Preserve. Determine if there are grants that the Preserve can take advantage of. Signage, monuments,Trail equipment,tools,trail building equipment,other. 24 Doggie bags at several locations 25 Value( in dollars and other)of the Preserve 26 Criteria for Benches in Preserve 27 Roy Kinsey recognition lots of ideas. 28 Make Promenade private vehicle accessible see development agreement Toll/Town 29 Finnish road and utilities to ACT see development agreement 30 See if first responders will have rescue training. E.g.Helicopters landing etc. 31 Presentation from first responders to MMPC/SCFH Attachment 2 MMPC June 25,2019 Page 1 of 1 MMPC Current Objectives. May 2019 We have identified about 30-40 preliminary Annual objectives for MMPC for 2019. Many other objectives over the last decade have been completed. Of those,the following seem to be the most pressing and ones we can assign to a workgroup currently. Some current objectives are deleted from the last list and a couple added. Please get with your work group to address the objectives and give an update or vote on some at the next meeting on June 25th Call if questions Thanks Objective Workgroup 1) First aid kits and defibulators in the 2 trailheads Safety 2) Assist with completion of the ACT Trailheads 3) Assist with completion of the Emergency fire road Trailheads 4) New Trail in the Preserve Value of Preserve 5) Coordination with Sherriff and Marksman Safety 6) Address signage at ACT and "Sonoran Trail" Trailheads 7) Ebikes and Ewheelchairs Preserve Marketing 8) Doggie Bags Value 9) New entry to easy trail Preserve Marketing 10) Bench Criteria Trailheads Four Workgroup names who Value of Preserve Tommie Aiello *Bill Craig Paul Garvey Safety Scott Grzybowski *Tommie Aiello Paul Garvey Preserve Marketing and Fairs *Tom Barbaric Scott Grzybowski Bill Myers Trailheads Bill Craig *Bill Myers 4 Dr. Darrianne Slater * Is the workgroup coordinator Attachment 3 MMPC b June 25, 2019 o H ono H o\H H ***.y, ow ow ow Page 1 of 1 A HQ 000000000000 0 0 0 ✓ OW 1J NM H 0 am W 000000000000 0 0 0 O H 000000000000 0 0 0 Pa W • . • • • • . • . • . • 4CD 0000000000000 a W 00 0A 0000a0000N000 0 0 0 H p O O N N M U U N H M O M M M M 401 rJ NNN MN ION H M M M a' r-1 M M M U) 000000000000 0 0 0 W 000000000000 0 0 0 W N w A 000000000000 0 0 0 W 000000000000 0 0 0 A z w a x <' w A H CA AP 0003000000000 00 a co W W 0 0 0 0 CO 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 MU OONNMUOUNHMOM M M M 0—, HQ 'J N N N M N l 0 N H 1 M M M W M H M M Cl W 4 — ie.— U] 000000000000 0 0 0 MP WP H 0 a - aw • as a 0000000000000 cc) 00 co HH rip, 00000o000N000 0 0 0 x W ZO OONNM)UNH--I MOM M M M O H Pd MZA HO Ha NNN MNUDN H M M M H CO M M 7 FM O� W H owl WO E--' OH a 0 '` w .' t, H x t ,...., H U Z w U H Cn a a u) rx u cn a C H cawn UHU U) H U • g U www Uw>gwa 0 w D2 H r)rza WUr)WLJ D rz U 44 >C U ZU)EigH z w w HU) 4UUUUU U a w a g Hrx� a>acaU'HUU U] Q a gHHW wg wgaa z x w ,� a, ..W xa,Uw�UHaaXOH a w H M IXZ z )UHU U)ZUc) ZPO4 0 a 0 OW w c2112 �aHgU,2sg 0 MW 0 wo a z HUgHUU) rzaU a a a 4-1 0 N cn o DZUwHZHOOUa , g g < 0-r1 0 U) O0WHZHZZOOFCG4 H F H NV N H rx a U)Ha�wUo OrxUCn 0 0 0 H UUUU)U Uar�aCnH Ei E, H ow a a ua FC C' H 0 0 U) OUOMa0GNGLOUGHH \(O w U0 N H NL NNOOHH0000 %DU) UO 0 U., NNMU) U)UOG O 1-] 4,4 U) a UO UO UO UO UO UO IO UO UO UO UO UO