HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2019.0827.Minutes �^c ,jr,� o � TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE o MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION ". AUGUST 27, 2019 ghat isA tioQ 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Myers called the meeting of Tuesday, August 27, 2019, to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Myers, Commissioners Thomas Aiello, Bill Craig, Paul Garvey, Scott Grzybowski, and Darrienne Slater. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Tom Barberic. STAFF PRESENT: Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine. 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC There was no comments from the citizens present. 4. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE JUNE 25, 2019 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Grzybowski moved to approve the June 25, 2019, meeting minutes, seconded by Commissioner Craig; passed unanimously by those present (6-0). 5. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION ON AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS (AED'S) AND FIRST AID KITS PLACED AT DESIGNATED PARKS AND/OR TRAILHEADS Commissioner Aiello reviewed his visit to Scottsdale's Lost Dog trailhead that has an AED located in the women's restroom with a sign on the outside indicating that the AED is inside. He added that the AED is enclosed in a metal cabinet. He pointed out that Fire Chief Dave Ott has expressed that an AED be installed at the Adero Canyon Trailhead (ACT). Discussion ensued relative to use of an AED and other locations of AED's throughout the Town of Fountain Hills. Chairman Myers recommended that the Commission hold off on first aid kits due to liability. Commissioner Garvey emphasized the only vetting criteria applied for the AED is safety and to instead utilize the vetting process particularly when costs are incurred to the Town. Chairman Myers commented that having an AED is reasonable. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes August 27,2019 Page 2 of 5 In response to a question posed by Commissioner Craig, Commissioner Grzybowski responded that he believes the liability on the AED is covered under the Good Samaritan Law. Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin pointed out that there are numerous other public facilities with AED's and is not aware of any issues, however, deferred the clarification to Fire Chief Dave Ott. Additional discussion ensued relating to AED response time, being aware of AED locations, and training on AED through CPR training. Chairman Myers moved to approve the implementation of one (1) AED at the Adero Canyon Trailhead with appropriate signage and once the trail is officially open to public, seconded by Commissioner Aiello; passed by majority vote by those present (5-1; Commissioner Garvey-Nay). 6. UPDATE ON ORDINANCE 19-13 AMENDMENT TO TOWN CODE,ARTICLE 9-5,SECTION 9-5-3 GENERAL PRESERVE REGULATIONS ADDING 9-5-3(R)PROHIBITING GEOCACHING AND ARTICLE 9-5, SECTION 9-5-5 GOLDEN EAGLE TRAILHEAD REGULATIONS TO ALLOW BICYCLES ON THE PRESERVE Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine stated that the ordinance was approved at the August 13, 2019 Council meeting and Town Code will be updated accordingly. 7. UPDATE ON TRAIL COUNTER ACTIVITY Chairman Myers stated that two (2) trail counters are not working and will change out the batteries. He noted that Stan Ruden updates the trail counter sheet. (See Attachment 1) 8. DISCUSSION ON IDEA QUALIFICATION CRITERIA PROCESS Commissioner Garvey explained that this process is an opportunity to move from an idea mode to implementation. He added that the criteria will move the idea off the list either by disqualification or to pursue. He noted that the criteria could vary especially when used within the workgroups objectives. (See Attachment 2) Chairman Myers suggested that the workgroups use the idea qualification criteria process. 9. UPDATE ON JOINT MEETING WITH STAFF AND MCDOWELL SONORAN CONSERVANCY a. Volunteer Forms Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin reported that she and Commissioner Garvey worked on gathering the Conservancy and Town's Volunteer forms for comparison. She noted that she was to reach out to the Town's Risk Manager to discuss the forms, however, during that time the Town's Volunteer Coordinator announced her retirement and this item has moved down in priority. Ms. Goodwin pointed out that with the retirement, reorganization of the departments structure is taking place and the Volunteer Coordinator position will be moving to the Community Services Department. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes August 27,2019 Page 3 of 5 Ms. Goodwin emphasized that the change is an ideal situation to bring the new person on board and better vet the relationship between the Conservancy volunteers that are on Town property. In response to a question posed by Chairman Myers, Ms. Goodwin confirmed that the Town has over 800 volunteers. In response to a question from Commissioner Garvey, Ms. Goodwin responded that there is no baseline at this time regarding hosts. Discussion ensued relative to risks as hikers increase over the coming months and forms that cover the participants versus volunteers working on a trail. b. Inclusion of Town Trails Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin reviewed her meeting with Town Manager Grady Miller regarding the role expansion of the MMPC to include Town Trails and that at this time he is not supportive of expanding the role. She noted that the focus of MMPC should be on the preserve. In response to a question from Commissioner Garvey, Ms. Goodwin stated that the Sonoran Conservancy is not under the Town's jurisdiction and no changes on what the Conservancy is currently maintaining. She thanked the Conservancy for everything they do. Ms. Goodwin clarified that the question posed,was should town trails such as Lake Overlook,Botanical Gardens, and FIT Trails fall under the MMPC and the Town Manager denied at this time. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Garvey, Ms. Goodwin explained that she is working with the Town Attorney on all groups, not specific with MMPC but all groups throughout the Town, such as the Botanical Garden and Sports Leagues,(aka Friends groups)which includes the Conservancy. She noted that the Town is developing a boilerplate agreement to determine a scope on what each group does and how the Town derives from them. c. Additional Topics Discussed No additional items. 10. UPDATE ON EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin highlighted on the most recent visit to the construction site and noted that the area has a lot of topography change that includes the individual subdivisions. She noted the next meeting with the Developers and Public Works Director would be mid-September. She added that access at this time to the trailhead is not possible and no temporary trail access or parking will be made. Discussion ensued relative to opening date, access to trailhead, and progress of project. 11. UPDATE OF 2019 MMPC OBJECTIVES Chairman Meyers requested that the Conservancy Host Program be placed on the next agenda. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes August 27,2019 Page 4 of 5 12. UPDATE AND DISSCUSSION OF 2019 MMPC WORKGROUPS a. Preserve Marketing and Fairs Chairman Myers asked for a delay in discussion of EBikes and EWheelchairs until Toll Brothers project is complete. Chairman Myers stated that access to the easy trail is not easy due to the marble on the ground and asked the workgroup to look at alternatives. b. Safety Chairman Myers clarified that Marksmen Security no longer monitor the project area. c. Trailheads Chairman Myers commented that the workgroup may assist in the Adero Canyon Trailhead (ACT) completion when needed. Commissioner Slater reported that two (2) of the four (4) benches were donated on the ACT and asked the Commission if they wanted to add more benches, keep the trail as natural as possible, and limit the number of benches. She noted there are 42 benches at Fountain Park of which only about 14 benches have been dedicated;however, this would be the time to decide if more benches would be dedicated due to the promotion of the other benches. She added that the cost of the bench with the plaque is $2,000. Chairman Myers requested the workgroup to meet and come up with recommendations on the benches. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Garvey, Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin responded that consistency of the type of benches throughout the parks is important. She noted that the new benches are slated, which is easier to replace if damaged, and made of a composite material to withstand the heat better. Discussion ensued relative to bench placement throughout the preserve and preservation of the preserve. d. Value of Preserve No discussion. 13. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF 2020 MEETING DATES Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin requested that the September 22, 2020 meeting be moved due to a conflict with a conference. Discussion ensued relative to a new meeting date in September 2020. The Commission agreed upon September 8, 2020 at 5:00 pm. I McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes August 27,2019 Page 5 of 5 Commissioner Grzybowski moved to approve the 2020 MMPC meeting dates with the amendment of the September meeting to be held September 8, 2020, seconded by Chairman Myers; passed unanimously by those present(6-0). 14. SCHEDULING OF SEPTEMBER MEETING Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin commented that she and Parks Superintendent Kevin Snipes are at a conference for the regular scheduled meeting. Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine reported that each suggested date for September(9th or 16th) only four (4) commission members are available. Discussion ensued relating to a new meeting date in September 2019. Commissioners Grzybowski and Slater pointed out they can be available for September 16. The Commission agreed upon September 16, 2019 at 5:00 pm. 15. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Grzybowski moved to adjourn, seconded by Chairman Myers;passed unanimously by those present(6-0). The McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission adjourned it 6:1 4 p.m. McDowell o :'. 'reservation Commission By: Bill M ers, airman Reviewed by: Rachael Good in, Com unity Services Director Prepared by: rYUk.Sc- ..-- J e Salentine, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on August 27, 2019. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: J e Salentine, Executive Assistant Attachments—2 I Attachment 1 MMPC MONTHLY TRAIL COUNTER PASSES August 27, 2019 Page 1 of 1 BOTANICAL LAKE SONORAN AK/WL ADERO GARDEN OVERLOOK NORTH END TRAILS CANYON 2017 Total 57277 4825 3775 2018 Jan 6984 483 240 Feb Counter Start 6448 737 1059 Mar 2491 9948 1581 1461 Apr 1262 5153 2409 *500 May 925 3356 898 *300 Jun 563 1816 1042 *300 Jul 439 1646 *500 *300 Aug *700 1622 *500 *300 Sep *1080 1935 *500 *300 Oct *1500 3715 *500 *450 Nov *1900 5463 655 628 Start 12/7 Dec 2251 5001 487 2101 7363 2018 Total 13111(10M) 53087 10292 8739 7363 (1M) 2019 Jan 2291 6969 677 *2550 10237 Feb 2467 5505 731 *2250 9010 Mar 3295 8080 1150 *4150 16564 Apr 1452 5488 1581 1879 **6645 May 945 3938 754 1212 666 Jun 449 2471 254 115 183 Jul 402 1736 152 No Reading No Reading Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Total * Estimate. Counter was not functioning. ** On 4/29/19 Eagle Ridge Road closed I Attachment 2 MMPC August 27, 2019 Page 1 of 1 July 27, 2019 MMPC Idea Qualification Criteria Step 1 - VETTING: 1. what's the source? (if the idea comes from the Town, it should receive the highest consideration) 2. what problem does it solve or what need does it satisfy? (this needs to be articulated rationally and objectively) 3. what about funding? (both non-recurring and recurring costs as well as funding sources) 4. what's the LOE to pursue? (it has to be achievable within the means of the MMPC) 5. with the vetting results, put it to a vote of all Commissioners. (this ensures anything moving towards implementation is endorsed by the majority) Step 2 - PRIORITIZATION: a. are there time constraints in implementing the idea? (budget deadlines, seasonal considerations, resource availability, etc.) b. are some more strategically relevant than others? c. will funding complexities affect completion?