HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019.1119.TCRM.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL NOVEMBER 19, 2019 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Ginny Dickey Mayor Dickey called the meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held November 19, 2019, to order at 5:30 p.m. and led the Town Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Dr. Cathy Northrup of the Verde Community Church gave the invocation. 2. ROLL CALL— Mayor Dickey Present: Mayor Ginny Dickey; Vice Mayor Sherry Leckrone; Councilmember Mike Scharnow; Councilmember Art Tolis; Councilmember Dennis Brown; Councilmember Alan Magazine; Councilmember David Spelich Staff Town Manager Grady E. Miller; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; Town Clerk Present: Elizabeth A. Burke 3. REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER Councilmember Scharnow reported that he attended the Leadership Academy graduation last week at the Community Center. They had 17 graduates and presented great projects for the Town to look at and consider. Councilmember Spelich said that he attended the Veterans Day celebration at the Memorial. Mayor Dickey reported that the legislature is already working on the budget and the GPEC Ambassadors are doing an Economic Development 101 with legislators. They are building up trust, and providing tools to assist cities and the county with economic activity and support for Prop 400 renewal. She said that they are asking the towns to be extensions of their leadership teams. She attended the East Valley Mayors' lunch which was hosted by Scottsdale. They discussed short term rentals, signage, homelessness and other common issues. The attended the River of Time New Exhibit Opening, which is the Territorial Medicine exhibit featuring the relationship between the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation's first doctor, Carlos Montezuma, and Dr. Charles Mayo. She also attended the River of Time Annual Meeting with a presentation by Cherie Koss and election of the Board. At the Flying Garden, Monarch Butterfly Open House she met people from Georgia attending the national event in Phoenix. It was fun to see Fountain Hills through the eyes of a new visitor. They came to the Museum with the Monarch committee, Allyn, Nancy, Joe and Lisa, from the proclamation presentation last week. They have beautiful plans, with more to come. She reported that she also attended the Leadership Academy graduation. They have inspiring, great projects with a lot of enthusiasm, energy and commitment to Fountain Hills. Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 2 of 10 She attended the Consular Corp of Arizona Ambassadors' Ball, benefiting the Thunderbird School of Global Management at ASU, honoring Canada and the founders of the Make a Wish Foundation (The Shankwitzs), and attended by many honorary consults from around the world, some on whom live right here in Fountain Hills. She thanked former Councilmember Enrique Melendez for including Fountain Hills in the event. She reported that Sheriff Paul Penzone came to the Community Center last night and brought his staff who presented and answered questions from the audience. A. PROCLAMATION November 19 - 25, 2019, as Be Kind America Week Mayor Dickey read the proclamation proclaiming November 19-25, 2019, as Be Kind America Week. 4. SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS A. PRESENTATION by Heinfeld Meech & Co of annual financial audit results. Mr. Miller said that one of the cornerstones of good, transparent government is to have independent audits. They are in their third year of a multiyear contract with Heinfeld Meech & Co. for auditing services. Jennifer Shields with Heinfeld Meech & Co. said that the audit is an important thing that the Town undergoes. They look at transactions that occur throughout the year and staff has been great to work with in providing the required information. Josh Jumper said that the biggest part of the audit report is the CAFR (Comprehensive Accounting Financial Report), which includes an unmodified opinion. He said that they also issued the Annual Expenditure Limitation Report and a Management Letter which noted a few items. One item noted was related to information technology and a disaster recovery plan. It is his understanding that there is already a plan in the works. As technology continues to become a part of everyone's life, the more there is a need for a formalized plan if something were to happen. Mr. Miller said that immediately upon hearing this, the Information Technology Administrator, drafted a plan based on best practices. It is still in the process of being reviewed and like other sensitive information, they will be bringing it back to Council for approval, but the document itself will not become public, similar to the Emergency Operations Plan. Councilmember Magazine asked if anything was recommended in last year's Management Letter that was not addressed this year. Mr. Jumper said that for the past few years there has been an issue with building permits. He said that there are a lot of manual calculations that go into a building permit and because of the manual nature and due to the volume, there have been instances for multiple years of miscalculations. He said that management had made a recommendation that manual calculations have a second review and that was done for 100% of the population that they looked at. Out of the 19 they looked at, 1 had an error. This is something that warrants attention, but management has been attempting to improve the process. Councilmember Spelich said that in reading the report, the positive things he gleaned were that interest earnings were up $400,000 and miscellaneous earnings were up $190,000. Additionally, retail sales were up 4.4% and restaurants/bars were up 7.7%. Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 3 of 10 With regard to the miscalculation on building permits, Mr. Miller said that the Management Team is committed to insuring that they have proper oversight of that. Councilmember Scharnow asked the auditors, from their own experience and other cities and towns, how the Town was doing compared to others. Mr. Jumper said that they had comments in the Management Letter. The audit findings can be higher in severity, with deficiencies in internal control. Those would go into a different report, but they did not relate any of those. B. PRESENTATION on Four Peaks Park Update Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin said that recognizing that they approved this capital project right before Golden Eagle Park flooded last year, it took their time and attention away from this project. However, when they started to look at how much progress they have made, they wanted to share it with the Council. She thanked the Parks staff, and Kevin Snipes in his efforts to keep it rolling. She also thanked Public Works Director Justin Weldy and the Public Works staff for their assistance in the project. Additionally, Bea, David and Craig all helped them keep it rolling as well. She then reviewed a PowerPoint presentation, Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, which addressed: PRE-CIP PROJECT - Bus Barn Removal SPRING 2018: A New Vision STEP ONE: Court Removal STEP TWO: Play Space design and install, Ages 5-12 years STEP TWO: Play Space design and install, Ages 2-5 years STEP THREE: Accessibility and park usability STEP FOUR: Ballfield improvements WHAT'S NEXT? AZSTA Grant: Update WHAT'S NEXT?: Playground Shade WHAT'S NEXT?" Walking Paths WHAT'S NEXT?" Playground Grand Opening Ms. Goodwin said that she was excited to announce that they requested a grant through the Arizona Sports Authority and the Town was able to secure an $85,000 matching grant for installation of a full court and lighting. She said that they also have an outstanding grant request for ball field refurbishment, but they have not heard yet on that one. Councilmember Scharnow said that there had been a few complaints about Golden Eagle Park closing fields if they were not reserved, but it was his understanding that they could go to this park and use the fields. Ms. Goodwin said that was correct, and they have had significant improvements. Mayor Dickey thanked Ms. Goodwin and her staff for all the work, noting that so much happens behind the scenes. She said that she appreciated that their staff wears three or four hats, and she appreciated it. The amenities make their home town special. Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 4 of 10 5. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted(not required)on matters NOT listed on the agenda.Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and(ii)is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may(i)respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda. 6. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. MOVED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown to approve Consent Agenda items 6-A through 6-D. Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously A. CONSIDERATION OF adopting Resolution 2019-56, abandonment of a portion of the 20' Public Utility and Drainage Easement at the westerly side of Plat 203, Block 7, Lot 1 (16326 E. Kingstree Blvd.), as recorded in Book 149, Page 29, records of Maricopa County, Arizona. (EA 2019-17) B. CONSIDERATION OF approving an Extension of Premises application submitted by Sarah Meredith representing S & C Meredith LLC / DBA Alamo Saloon located at 11807 N Saguaro Blvd, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 for a private party on December 14, 2020 from 6:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. C. CONSIDERATION OF adopting Resolution 2019-57 approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community relating to Proposition 202 funding. D. CONSIDERATION OF approving a Liquor License Application submitted by Kostas Sotirhos, owner of Alexanders Greek Kitchen, located at 13014 N. Saguaro Boulevard #101, Fountain Hills, AZ. This is for a series 12 (restaurant) license. 7. REGULAR AGENDA A. PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF adopting Ordinance#19-16, a text amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Sections 6.08 Zoning Districts Table, 6.08. M. and 6.08. Q.The amendments update the Zoning Districts Table with the new language, replace the existing language in Section 6.08 M. regarding Garage Sale Signs with new provisions for Residential Directory Signs and eliminate Section 6.08. Q. regarding Open House Signs.(Case#Z2019-06) (DUE TO A VARIETY OF FACTORS,STAFF IS REQUESTING THE PUBLIC HEARING REMAIN ON THE AGENDA, BUT BE CONTINUED TO THE DECEMBER 3,2019,COUNCIL MEETING.) Mayor Dickey opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Miller said that this item will be coming back on December 3, 2019. For a variety of factors, staff was requesting to have a motion to continue. Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 5 of 10 MOVED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown, SECONDED BY Vice Mayor Sherry Leckrone to continue the Public Hearing to the December 3, 2019, Regular Council Meeting at 5:30 p.m. Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously B. CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2019-52 approving a Development Agreement associated with the Daybreak P.A.D. rezoning located at the northeast corner of Palisades and Shea Boulevards. Mayor Dickey said that before they get started she wanted to remind everyone that the PAD/Rezoning and the General Plan Amendment have already been approved. Tonight they are only discussing the development agreement. They will hear from staff, the Council and then take speaker cards. Development Services Director John Wesley briefly reviewed the item, noting that during the October 1, 2019, Town Council meeting, there were three things on the agenda: 1) the PAD/Rezoning; 2) the General Plan Amendment; and 3) the Development Agreement. The first two items were approved; however, the third item was not voted on that night and staff was directed to continue negotiations with the developer which is what they have been doing. Mr. Miller noted that typical development agreements will include major points of a development. However, in this development agreement, many of those points reference the PAD which has already been approved. He said that there are still a few items within the development to be reviewed, which he would have the Town Attorney go over. Mr. Arnson said that the major deal points within the development agreement are: 1) Vesting of zoning on the property for a ten-year period. 2) Language related to complying with construction and phasing plan 3) Developer contribution of a letter of credit to address traffic mitigation, should the post traffic study warrant it 4) The Town would not be obligated to fulfill its requirements should the referenda items get on the ballot and be approved by the voters. Councilmember Magazine asked what the potential impact would be if the Town Council turned down the development agreement. Mr. Arnson replied that the Town would lose some of the benefits included within the development agreement, such as the $150,000 letter of credit toward traffic mitigation, shuttle service for the age-restricted portion, etc. He said that the development can still move forward. Councilmember Scharnow said that the Town Council received a letter a few days ago claiming that there is no indemnification or form of liability as part of the agreement, and he asked the Town Attorney to address that issue. Mr. Arnson said that the letter was referencing a provision of the Adero Canyon Development Agreement which contained Dimunition of Value, more commonly known as a Prop 207 Waiver, which the developer has already submitted to the Town, so that issue has been resolved. Mayor Dickey asked what would happen if the Town Council did not approve the Site Plan. Mr. Arnson said that there are a lot of ways to handle an impasse. If negotiations do not pan out, parties are required to settle by negotiation within a 20-day period with a third-party mediator. Councilmember Brown asked the Town Council, if they do not pass this, if it was worth losing Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 6 of 10 the $150,000 letter of credit and everything that the developer is offering to bring to the Town. If they do not pass it, it could go away altogether. If they do pass it, it becomes a document that would give the Town a letter of credit. He asked why they would not pass it. Councilmember Magazine said that he was not suggesting they not approve it. He just wanted the public to understand that it benefits the Town and the development can still move forward without it. Councilmember Tolis said that it was obvious that many of the people in the audience are neighbors to this development. As those in the audience responded negatively to the comment, he added that perhaps they are residents of Fountain Hills. He said that he was sympathetic to them and if he lived in that area he would have the same feeling. However, they are at a point now where they have approved the PAD Rezoning and if the development agreement is approved, but the project does not move forward because of the referenda items, it protects the community. He said that this is democracy in the works. He said that there are pros and cons to every decision they make. At this time, the following individuals addressed the Council: •Steve Messel •Larry Hering Comments received included: •How can they approve a development agreement when the exhibits are not attached? •How much are they waiving in fees for the developer and are they subsidizing him? •The developer previously assured them that a retaining wall would not be required. •It appears that the public meeting process does not establish the truth •Certain members of the Town Council have dismissed the vote of the (Planning and Zoning) Commission •Some councilmembers have shown extreme bias, with a diatribe speech about how good it will be while threatening that if it not built, no developer will ever build •This public process has verified that many in the Town government are bias and dishonest. •People of Fountain Hills are spinning their wheels trying to do the right thing while government is dismissing them as vigilantes. •They will exercise their right to put this on the ballot and put new people on the ballot Councilmember Magazine said that he has been hearing about how dishonest the Council is and that they must be getting something from the developer. He said that it absolutely disgusting. They can argue the merits, but to call them dishonest because they do not agree is not fair. He would strongly urge them to go to the FBI with any information they have about the Council receiving something from the developer. Councilmember Brown said that he used the term vigilante, and it was easy to explain. When he walked into the meeting room on October 1, 2019, he was pulled to the side by staff into the hallway. There had been messages that if they do not want the project to wear blue, then it was red. Just before the meeting happened, they got another message to not worry about the color, but if they had a concealed weapons permit to bring their gun. He said that if that was not a vigilante move, he does not know what is. He said that the group they put together has been extremely aggressive. He has been there for ten years and has never seen anything like it. He said that the Town is broke and this project will bring continuous revenue to the Town. Public comment continued from: Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 7 of 10 -Robert Hahn -Carol Kelso •Jim Messmer Comments included: •Requiring a traffic study after the final Certificate of Occupancy is issued is too late. He said that the most controversial part of the development has been completely misunderstood by the Town Council and ignored by a majority of them. -It is not the number of cars, but rather the location of the southern exit. The solution is to eliminate the project by moving this exit 2000 feet to the north on Palisades. -The process they should have used is that the public gets a draft and then has time to comment on it. Now she is looking at a development agreement that is not the same agreement. -In every one of the plans the development agreement should be considered the development plan. These are two separate and distinct legal documents. -To date, they still do not have a complete development plan. -The process here is upside down. -Mr. McCullough did a fabulous job developing Fountain Hills -Disappointed in the Town Council for totally ignoring the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation -Why have a commission or a General Plan if it is going to be ignored? -This is a gross misuse of the project to cut 30 feet off of it. •A good architect and developer works with the land. •The density of the development is ridiculous. •A roundabout is not going to fix the traffic problem. Written comment cards in opposition to this item were also received from: Georgeann Zoros; Pat Rousseau, Alan Rousseau; Carroll Anderson; Eileen Anderson; Laura Crane; Linda Bauerle; Michael McClelland; Cindy Reese; Dan Toomey; Gary Housein; Donna Lyons; Linda T. Wilk; Ed Kelso; Elaine Rugg; Phil Parrish; Larry Goldsteion; Kathleen Quinlan; David Quinlan; Erica Westg; Grete Coolson; Thomas Kupka; Dan & Kathy Geiger; Beth Court; Rene Bouchelk; Sharon Latham; E. M. Washam; Reginald Court; Heather Fryberg; Sharon Duboe; JoAnne Crosby; Eugene Osterkorn; Stephanie Czapp; Arnold Takemoto; Coleen Takemoto; Martha Parrish. Mr. Arnson said that a number of issues have been raised and he would like to address them: -The exhibits are included in the PAD, and one of them is the PAD. The site plan has not yet been submitted, but it will be coming before Council prior to December 1, 2020. -From past development agreements, they found at least six entered into in Fountain Hills that have had periods of identical length. •A traffic study was done and was included and the results were included in the PAD approved on October 1, 2019. -What is being requested is that once the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, which would have actual populations on the property, it would determine whether warrants exist for mitigation. •The version of the agreement included in the Council packet, that has been available online since last week, is the version being considered tonight. -The issue of retaining walls was included in the PAD. Mayor Dickey asked the attorney to clarify what a development plan is, and if it was a term they are used to. Mr. Arnson said that the site plan is included in a development plan, or the Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 8 of 10 PAD, which includes development standards and the site plan. Mr. Wesley added that Chapter 23 of the Zoning Ordinance has a specific statement of what constitutes a development plan--the project narrative, site plan, and previous studies, which were included with the PAD. He said that the improvements will be included in the final versions of the final plat. They will see those as they continue through the process. Mayor Dickey clarified that development agreements do not go to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. Mr. Wesley confirmed that was correct. Councilmember Tolis said that the reason why they had previous meetings that were postponed was because there was a tremendous amount of time dealing with negotiations and the developer and town attorney have been negotiating to make this the best possible development agreement in the interests of the community. The process has been tedious. Councilmember Scharnow noted that the Council packet, including the development agreement, has been available on the website since last Thursday. They deliberately did that so the public could see it. The process has been deliberate and as public as it could be. Further discussion was held on the fees being waived that are referenced in the development agreement. Mr. Wesley said that the final plat would run about $1,500 to $2,000. The grading permit is 5% of the construction cost, and he could not tell them tonight. With regard to reviewing the PAD stipulations, there would be no charge anyway. Overall, Councilmember Tolis said that they are talking about waiving around $30,000 for a $95 million project. Councilmember Spelich said that when the public comes forward and says they have no faith in the Town Council, it makes it out that the vote was unanimous. He and the Mayor voted against it. To clarify, they have all had input into the agreement, but he does not feel as confident saying that it protects the Town so greatly. They have had other projects in Town that have gone for over ten years. There is a strong possibility that this is going to need a stop light. They cost $500,000, and they are only putting in $150,000 toward a stop light. He said that he was not as concerned with the number of cars, but rather the fact that they would not need a signal without this development. He said that after spending his time on the Council to date looking for extra revenue and ways to cut spending, he is not into waiving fees. He said that they are not going to increase enforcement on the speed limit. Councilmember Tolis said that this has been discussed and debated many times. The property was zoned for a resort. In his opinion, this is in the best interest and highest and best use of the property. To him, it is a downgrade. Five of them looked at the financials, the Fry's Plaza, vacancies in Town, and the economic impact, and negotiations took place with outreach to the community. They have to do what they feel is in the best interest for the community financially. Councilmember Spelich added that he, too, reviewed the financials. Vice Mayor Leckrone said that most has been said, but the decision that many of them are against has already been made. Tonight they are there for the development agreement and the details in it. The development goes forward with or without the development agreement. There are two sides to negotiations. They did what they feel is their best effort, and have listened to the concerns. Mayor Dickey said that the development agreement is an improvement, but there are items she was hoping would be further addressed. She is not satisfied with the traffic proposal. She does not think that a development agreement should be setting a speed limit. The ten years is not the issue as much as the phasing. Phase 2 needs the 30 foot hill, but it has to be done at the beginning. If that happens, but Phase 2 does not happen, her fear is that it will sit there incomplete. She said that she, too, does not support waiving of any fees. Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 9 of 10 MOVED BY Councilmember Art Tolis, SECONDED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown to adopt Resolution 2019-52. Vote: 5 - 2 Passed NAY: Mayor Ginny Dickey Councilmember David Spelich C. CONSIDERATION OF approving the installation of the sculpture titled, "Fountain of Light" on the west end of the Avenue of the Fountains across the street from Town Hall. Mr. Miller said that this item was before the Town Council on September 17, 2019, and at that meeting the motion was to have the Public Art Committee and the Dark Sky organization work with staff to work out the differences they have. Mr. Goodwin said that they were left with a number of concerns and items specific to lighting control. The Public Art Committee and artist met with the experts of lighting and telescopes. They did some examples and the consensus was that this piece can co-exist with the dark sky obvservatory coming on line. Dori Wittrig then came forward and said that this project has been approved unanimously twice. She said that in the form of letter from the Bills, the Dark Sky Ordinance indicated that the current height of 45'[ does not exceed the height of Town Hall. Bruce Boyce, an expert with telescopes, helped craft the local dark sky ordinance and is on the board of the Dark Sky board. She said that a light test was recently conducted and the light output tested by them was so far below what the Town ordinance is. She said that they have approximately 75% of the funding. It will create a bookend for the Avenue and a full experience. The fountain is not lit 100°/0 of the time and this will be a nice reminder of how important the fountain is. Councilmember Magazine asked if the Council had not asked them at the last meeting to look at other locations. Ms. Wittrig said that the looked at other locations previously. Councilmember Magazine thanked the Arts Council, stating that they do an outstanding job. He said that when he addressed the issue of Park Place, he was opposed to it and voted against it, primarily because of the height. It he thought it was out of scale with Fountain Hills and he feels the same. To him, this is out of scale and not necessary. Ms. Wittrig said that speaking as a business owner, it has always been her belief that the downtown area is not the place to preserve views, it is to bring people in. She is happy to see people walking there from early to night. Mayor Dickey thanked the artist for such a beautiful piece. MOVED BY Councilmember Art Tolis, SECONDED BY Vice Mayor Sherry Leckrone to accept"Fountain of Light" sculpture to be installed on the western end of the Avenue of the Fountains with conditions listed in the risk analysis. Vote: 6 - 1 Passed NAY: Councilmember Alan Magazine Regular Meeting of November 19, 2019 10 of 10 8. COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s)listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing such item(s)on a future agenda for action, or(ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council. 9. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown to adjourn. Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held November 19, 2019, adjourned at 7:27 p.m. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS hi C--- - Ginny D key, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ---- .,,e,' . . ,, 4,--.-m .a , Elizabeth A rurke, Town Cler deCERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 19th day of November, 2019. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 3rd day of December, 2019. , L—a 7 , I E izabeth . urke, Town CI: k 1...,',Q t't. t„S 1 r 45;•,t r ra P 5 .fl, y y,9; 4 (K) "'rk:5 F0.1M x �` �i CDWyk (I) I- J S U i , ➢ �,. h Oimme • b: ... „, „.. , w ,--,-, -,,,-, c.,„) ,,,„ k, ,,, , s.__ ..,....,.„,,, .„,,,..„,.....,, ,. .. 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