HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY17 Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Adopted Budget The Height of Desert Living 2 The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented the award of Distinguished Budget Presentation to the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a: 1) Policy Docu- ment, 2) Financial Plan, 3) Operations Guide, and 4) Communica- tions Device. This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our cur- rent budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we will submit it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. The Height of Desert Living 3 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION This section will give the reader a brief overview of the budget process. The budget mes- sage from the Town Manager will summarize the goals of the Town Council and how the budget will aid in the accomplishment of those goals. Also provided here is a brief over- view of the Town as well as information about the Town Councilmembers. Budget Message 7 Community Profile 21 Town Council 33 FINANCIAL OVERVIEW This section provides a summary of the financial policies used by the Town and incorpo- rated into the budget, budget highlights, a detailed discussion of the revenues and expen- ditures of the Town and ends with an overview of the budget process. Financial Overview & Policies 43 Budget Highlights 79 Revenue Summary 95 Expenditure Summary 113 Budget Process & Schedule 121 OPERATING BUDGETS This section begins with an organization chart of the Town and then details all depart- ments and divisions, missions, goals, and expenditures by programs and line items. Per- formance measures, accomplishments, and objectives are provided within each depart- ment section. Operating Budgets 129 Organization Chart 130 Mayor & Town Council 131 Administration 137 Town Manager 145 Town Clerk 149 Administrative Services 153 Finance 157 Information Technology 161 Page The Height of Desert Living 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Economic Development (General Fund) 165 Legal Services 166 General Government 169 Municipal Court 173 Public Works 181 Public Works 189 Facilities 193 Development Services 199 Development Services 207 Building Safety 209 Code Compliance 213 Engineering 216 Mapping & Graphics 219 Planning 222 Community Services 227 Community Services 236 Community Center 238 Parks 242 Recreation 248 Senior Services 253 Law Enforcement 257 Fire & Emergency Medical 263 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS This section presents the special revenue funds of the Town. Fund expenditures are de- tailed here, similar to the information presented in the Operating Budgets section. Special Revenue Funds 271 Streets Division-Highway User Revenue Fund 272 Excise Tax Funds 279 Downtown Strategy Fund 281 Economic Development Fund 284 Table of Contents Page The Height of Desert Living 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) Tourism Fund 289 Special Revenue Fund 293 Court Enhancement Fund 299 Environmental Fund 303 Cottonwoods Maintenance District 307 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS This section presents a summary of the various debt service funds of the Town and Tax Levy and Tax Rate information. Debt Service Funds 311 Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information 317 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM This section details the Town’s Capital Improvement Program, definitions, a summary, and details of each project. Capital Improvement Program 319 Capital Projects Summary 325 Capital Projects Information Sheets 333 Facilities Replacement Fund 373 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM This section presents policy and procedures of the vehicle replacement program as well as interfund charges. Policy & Procedure 377 Interfund Charges 382 SCHEDULES This section presents information not found elsewhere in this budget document. Comprehensive Fee Schedule 384 Schedule of Authorized Positions 405 Pay Plan 409 Resolution 2016-07 411 Glossary 415 Acronyms 429 Table of Contents Page The Height of Desert Living 6 Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 7 Budget Message Honorable Mayor and Town Council: I am pleased to submit the operating budgets for the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2016, and ending June 30, 2017. This budget is balanced and designed to convey to the public a message that articulates priori- ties and issues for the upcoming fiscal year. Although each fund should be viewed individually, the Town’s proposed total budget, including all funds, is $34,298,778, excluding transfers. (The total budget is $40,484,193 if transfers are included.) It is important to note that the budget includes the use of one-time sources of funding, such as one-time accumulated reserves and grant funds. These funds cannot be relied upon for on-going opera- tions of the Town. Department Directors and supervisors, Finance staff, and the Town Manager are actively involved in the annual budget process. Primary focus is placed on the General Fund (operating fund) which supports core services. FIVE-YEAR REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FORECAST During the Town Council Retreat on February 11, 2016, the Finance Director out- lined financial challenges the Town will be facing beginning in FY17-18. Based on a financial forecast for the next five years, the Town will be facing budget shortfalls totaling up to $5.9 million. As was stated at the Town Council Retreat, the Town has significantly reduced staffing levels and contracted out a number of services over the years. By doing so, the Town has diligently pared down expenditures while preserving the core services and amenities that make Fountain Hills a desir- able place to live. In a number of critical service areas, staff members have taken on additional responsibilities to assume the additional workload and service func- tions. The Town is projected to face budget deficits over the next five years that will make that task increasingly more difficult, as depicted in the following chart: BUDGET MESSAGE June 2, 2016 The Height of Desert Living 8 Budget Message Primary funding issues facing the Town of Fountain Hills include:  Increased costs for maintenance, repair and/or replacement of aging infrastruc- ture (roads, buildings, parks, the Fountain, etc.)  Dependence upon State Shared revenues to fund operating expenditures  Dependence upon economically volatile local sales tax to fund operational ex- penditures and capital improvement projects  Decreased proportionate share of State Shared revenues due to increased population of surrounding communities combined with negligible population growth or decreased population in Fountain Hills  Lack of a growing, sustainable, and diversified revenue base to fund ongoing operating costs  Potential state legislation impacting revenues, e.g., sweeping of State Shared revenue or unfunded mandates  Retaining adequate staffing levels to maintain current service levels  Public safety costs as an increasing proportion of total expenditures, resulting in less funding for other core services One of the chief roles of government is to provide for the safety of its citizens. The citizens of Fountain Hills receive great value from the Town’s contracts for public safety with Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and Rural/Metro Fire Department. Town funds that are expended for public safety services provided under these con- tracts are undeniably high quality and cost efficient. However, the fact remains that public safety costs, while essential, represent an ever-increasing proportion of the Town’s total expenditures. During the period from FY01-02 through FY15-16, Town total General Fund expenditures increased 25.4%, while public safety costs increased 52.9%, leaving reduced funding to pay for non-public safety core services. $5.0 $7.0 $9.0 $11.0 $13.0 $15.0 $17.0 $19.0 FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19 -20 FY20 -21 FY2017-2021 Projected General Fund Revenues and Expenditures TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES OPERATING REVENUES The Height of Desert Living 9 Budget Message For example, in FY01-02 the Town’s total General Fund expenditures were $10.8M. Fourteen years later, in FY15-16, the Town’s total expenditures had increased by $2.8M, to a total of $13.6M; public safety accounted for more than all of the $2.8M increase. In essence, this means that by FY15-16, the revenue available for the remainder of the Town’s core services had decreased by $8,000. In FY16-17, pub- lic safety costs now represent 50.8% of the General Fund. The chart below demonstrates the proportion of total Town expenditures relative to public safety costs. (Note: Town General Fund expenditures peaked in FY08- 09.) The problem lies not in total public safety costs to the Town, which are fair and reasonable, but rather in the lack of a growing, sustainable, and diversified reve- nue base. In order to provide the core services and amenities that the residents of Fountain Hills expect, new sources of revenue must be found in the near future. The Town relies primarily on two main sources of revenue for operations: (1) State Shared revenues (sales, income and vehicle license taxes distributed proportion- ately by the State based on population); and (2) local sales tax. Combined, these two sources contribute 87% of the General Fund (35% and 52% respectively). At the time of this original budget message, the Town of Fountain Hills anticipated a reduction of its portion of this revenue source due to the impact of the high growth cities that participated in the 2015 mid-decennial census and the fact that Fountain Hills’ population growth has remained relatively flat since 2010. Fortu- nately, the actual numbers were approximately $470,000 higher than anticipated. 41% 42% 53% $- $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 FY01-02 FY08-09 FY15-16Millions Public Safety Costs Total General Fund Expenditures The Height of Desert Living 10 Budget Message The chart below demonstrates that overall local sales tax collections now reflect a modest increase over prior years: The following chart demonstrates how total building permits have declined over the past eighteen years, and is over 75% below the record number issued in 2005. $7.50 $8.38 $8.41 $7.33 $7.07 $7.26 $7.27 $7.38 $7.61 $8.08 $0.0 $2.0 $4.0 $6.0 $8.0 $10.0 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Local Sales Tax Collections FY06 thru FY15 (excluding construction) millions The Height of Desert Living 11 Budget Message BUDGET APPROACH In developing the proposed FY16-17 budget, each Department Director was given specific instructions to stay within the FY15-16 budget as the base budget for FY16 -17. Any new budget requests would be submitted separately as supplemental budget requests. This process was designed to maintain the current level of effort for core services and streamline the process for considering supplemental re- quests. The criteria used to evaluate the supplemental requests are as follows:  Is there a dedicated revenue source to pay for the new program or service?  Is the budget request one-time or ongoing?  Does the supplement address issues involving operational efficiencies, safety, a Council priority, or a Strategic Plan priority? By working with Department Directors to find operational efficiencies and identify- ing budget savings in the current budget, we were able to fund $172,000 in one- Bldg.Total Units Bldg. Total Units 1998 582 17 34 36 170 786 26 995 1999 415 18 36 34 229 680 36 947 2000 326 33 66 23 97 489 37 892 2001 227 23 46 6 28 301 8 707 2002 135 3 6 4 33 174 16 622 2003 124 10 20 10 28 172 14 689 2004 143 7 14 64 154 311 14 664 2005 165 13 26 184 287 478 9 777 2006 95 3 6 102 137 238 19 745 2007 62 0 0 18 18 80 7 589 2008 33 0 0 1 2 35 50 489 2009 5 1 2 0 0 7 20 328 2010 11 0 0 0 0 11 18 366 2011 7 0 0 0 0 7 17 319 2012 6 0 0 0 0 6 20 376 2013 14 0 0 0 0 14 18 386 2014 27 1 2 5 13 42 20 391 2015 37 0 0 5 10 47 23 347 18 Year Total 2414 129 258 492 1206 3878 372 10629 18 Year Avg 134.1 7.2 14.3 27.3 67.0 215.4 20.7 590.5 OtherCommercialSingle Family Duplex Multi-Family Total Dwelling UnitsYEAR TOWN-WIDE BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED The Height of Desert Living 12 time supplemental budget needs and $380,000 in ongoing supplemental needs. The ongoing budget supplements include $230,000 in expenditures that could eas- ily be scaled back or eliminated, if necessary, in FY17-18. In the past, each program and service was charged to a multitude of program budgets. This fact led to unnecessary complexity in budgeting and reporting of ex- penditures. By consolidating program budgets and charging to the appropriate program code, the new structure will streamline the ongoing budget, improve de- partmental operations, and hopefully reduce the number of budget transfers in op- erating departments. Another budget approach consisted of creating a new cost center entitled General Government to identify and capture budget expenditures that are Town-wide ori- ented rather than department-specific. Such Town-wide expenditures as annual dues to the Arizona League of Cities and Towns, Maricopa Association of Govern- ments, Sister Cities International, and the Town’s Community Contracts are now located in the General Government budget. CORE SERVICES BUDGET In developing the proposed budget, staff focused on a review of services delivered by the Town, increased scrutiny of expenditures, and prioritization of programs to be funded with limited resources. This proposed budget provides the following core services to Town citizens from the funding sources listed: REORGANIZATION One of the major roles of a Town Manager is to evaluate the organization and take steps to optimize its operations. While the structure and function of the Town’s or- ganization is sound, it became apparent that when the Development Services De- partment was created over six years ago by combining the Public Works Depart- ment and the Planning & Zoning Department into one department, the focus was on saving money. Since that time, the Town has been fortunate to have a Depart- Budget Message FY15-16 FY16-17 Funding Source Public Safety 7,185,767$ 7,638,828$ General Fund General Government - 3,559,041 General Fund Administration 2,627,269 2,798,079 General Fund Public Works - 830,201 General Fund Development Services 1,841,444 927,139 General Fund Community Services 2,359,946 2,181,309 General Fund Excise Tax Funds - Downtown/ED/Tourism 1,067,567 1,548,286 Excise Tax Special Revenue Funds 5,173,861 5,882,662 Special Revenue Debt Service 3,027,313 2,922,266 Debt Service Capital Funds 14,664,106 12,196,382 CIP 37,947,273$ 40,484,193$ The Height of Desert Living 13 Budget Message ment Director with experience in planning, building safety, engineering, streets, capital projects, and right-of-way maintenance to manage the Development Ser- vices Department. With the increased importance in implementing a Facilities Re- placement strategy for addressing our aging infrastructure and overseeing the Capital Improvement Program, Pavement Management Program, and the next street reconstruction bond package for 2020, it was critical to have a separate De- partment Director focusing on these Town needs in a new Public Works Depart- ment. In creating this new Public Works Department, I have asked Development Services Director, Paul Mood, to become the new Public Works Director as he has demonstrated considerable talents in these areas. We will begin the recruitment for a Development Services Director following the Council adoption of the FY16-17 tentative budget on May 5, 2016. NEW STAFFING REQUESTS All of the Department Directors made compelling justifications for additional staff- ing as part of their supplemental budget requests. If the Town had the revenues to support these requests, all of the requests would have been submitted for consid- eration in the FY16-17 budget. Unfortunately, with limited resources, I can only recommend a new Public Works Director position, as discussed above, and a part- time Accounting Clerk in the Finance Division. The FY16-17 budget also includes $35,000 in ongoing contractual labor for the Development Services Department which will address increased demands for inspections and/or permit counter op- erations. The FY16-17 budget also reallocates salary savings in the Parks Maintenance area to restore two Groundskeepers to Park Operations Leads. Since downgrading the Park Operations Lead positions to Groundskeeper positions four years ago, the Town has experienced a difficult time in attracting and retaining skilled employees in these positions which has negatively impacted park maintenance operations. COMMUNITY CONTRACTS Over the years, a number of non-profit organizations have received grants in aid from the Town of Fountain Hills in exchange for providing services to the commu- nity. Recognizing that the Town does not have the resources to continue funding these non-profits long-term, in FY15-16 the Town Council reduced the funding of the community contracts by ten percent from the previous fiscal year. Based on the policy direction from last fiscal year, the funding for community contracts in FY16-17 have been reduced by another ten percent from FY15-16 funding levels. PUBLIC ART FUND The Town of Fountain Hills has over 100 pieces of art in the Town’s public art col- lection. The Town is fortunate to have such an outstanding public art collection which has been donated or financed by residents. The Town also requires develop- ers to contribute one percent of the value of development projects to a Public Art Fund or purchase an equivalent value of art work. The Public Art Committee of the The Height of Desert Living 14 Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association coordinates the acquisition of public art with the Town. Beginning in FY16-17, it is recommended that the Public Art Fund provide for the annual maintenance and insurance costs of approximately $25,000 for the municipal art collection. FACILITIES REPLACEMENT FUND The Town of Fountain Hills was incorporated as a municipality in 1989. Despite be- ing a relatively new town, the Community Center, Town Hall, central plant, roads, parks, and the Town’s namesake, the Fountain, have been aging. Unfortunately, the Town has not been setting aside sufficient resources in reserve to repair or re- place major infrastructure. Thanks to the efforts of Town Council, Town Manager Ken Buchanan, and staff, a Capital Reserve Study was initiated in FY15-16 to ad- dress this issue. A Council workshop on this important topic was be held on April 12, 2016. The report from the Capital Reserve Study indicates that the Town of Fountain Hills needs to appropriate approximately $1 million annually to the Facili- ties Replacement Fund in order to adequately budget for our facilities. Based on the report recommendations, the FY16-17 annual budget includes a transfer of $1 million from the General Fund reserves to the Facilities Replacement Fund. This transfer still leaves the General Fund reserves in a strong position and is consis- tent with the Town Council adopted financial policies. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Town of Fountain Hills remains committed to funding one-time capital projects with one-time revenue sources. Whenever possible, the Town capitalizes on grants and other outside funding sources to complete projects. The Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, which represents an investment in public facilities and infrastructure, totals $9,312,200 in FY16-17, down from $14,261,200 in FY15-16 or a 35% decrease from last fiscal year. Most of this de- crease is due to the completion of two major capital improvement projects: Sa- guaro Boulevard Reconstruction and Shea Boulevard Widening. Per the Town Council’s adopted financial policies, any operating budget surplus is designated to be used for funding the Town’s Capital Improvement Program. In reviewing the Town’s past practices regarding this policy, it was discovered that the Town had not been consistently following this policy. As a result, the FY16-17 annual budget includes a transfer of $1 million in excess General Fund reserves to the Capital Improvement Program Fund. The General Fund Reserves will still be sufficient per the Town’s stated policy. STRATEGIC PLANNING GOALS AND OPERATIONAL PRIORITIES Following the discussion at the Council Retreat held on February 11, 2016, the Mayor and Town Council affirmed the following Strategic Planning Goals from the Town of Fountain Hills 2010 Strategic Plan for FY16-17: Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 15 Budget Message The proposed FY16-17 budget provides for incremental implementation of the fol- lowing Strategic Planning Goals and Operational Priorities. Operational Priorities for FY16-17  Stabilize Town Finances  Create a Facilities Reserve Fund  Pavement Management Program  Plan and Build Fire Station No. 2  Work with the State Land Department on Future Development of State Lands  Continue to Implement the Town’s Economic Development Plan  Develop methods to Improve the Water Quality of Fountain Lake  Conduct Traffic Studies to focus on pedestrian and vehicular safety at key loca- tions The Height of Desert Living 16 Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 17 Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 18 Budget Message BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS FOR FY16-17 AND BEYOND  Adherence to State-imposed Expenditure Limitations Law which impacts the Town’s ability to budget proposed capital projects  Revenue projections are determined using both a trend analysis formula, as well as a flat percentage increase, but are estimates  A reduction in the distribution of State Shared revenues  Existing levels of service are maintained  A transfer of $1 million from General Fund reserves to fund a Facilities Replace- ment Fund as recommended by the 2016 Capital Reserve Study  A transfer of $1 million from General Fund reserves to the Capital Projects Fund  Annual debt service payment for McDowell Mountain Preserve bonds will be eliminated after July 1, 2016  A cost of living adjustment of 3.5% will go into effect July 1, 2016, for all full- time and part-time employees  An inflation factor of 2.5% to 3.5% has been added to existing budgets for de- partments in future years  The law enforcement contract with Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has been budgeted at an increase of 7%  The fire services contract with Rural/Metro Corporation is projected at 3% in- crease for FY16-17 and beyond. The following chart provides General Fund projections through FY20-21: FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 REVENUES Intergovernmental 5,213,309$ 5,340,454$ 5,470,827$ 5,604,516$ 5,741,606$ Permits, Licenses, Fees 801,653 1,154,665 1,181,707 1,207,842 1,230,272 Building Revenue 1,143,855 774,164 828,314 699,397 692,374 Local Taxes 7,883,475 7,685,740 7,837,691 7,989,782 8,142,016 Total Revenues 15,042,292$ 14,955,023$ 15,318,539$ 15,501,537$ 15,806,268$ EXPENDITURES Mayor & Town Council 72,545$ 74,359$ 76,962$ 79,656$ 82,444$ General government 980,986 1,005,511 1,040,704 1,077,129 1,114,829 Administration 2,092,500 2,099,813 2,218,307 2,250,948 2,374,731 Municipal Court 321,254 329,285 340,810 352,738 365,084 Public Works 1,059,334 1,085,817 1,123,820 1,163,154 1,203,865 Development Services 698,006 715,457 740,498 766,414 793,239 Community Services 2,178,839 2,204,349 2,276,217 2,271,184 2,026,875 Public Safety (Police & Fire)7,638,828 8,161,644 8,728,304 9,342,897 10,009,912 Total Expenditures 15,042,292 15,676,235 16,545,622 17,304,120 17,970,979 Surplus/(Deficit)-$ (721,212)$ (1,227,083)$ (1,802,583)$ (2,164,711)$ Five-year Budget Projection The Height of Desert Living 19 Budget Message DISTINGUISHED BUDGET PRESENTATION AWARD For the past 14 years the Town of Fountain Hills has been awarded the Govern- ment Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. This award is presented to government entities that meet certain criteria in the presentation of their budget. This Budget Message section is designed to pro- vide the lay person with a broad view of the contents of the FY16-17 annual budget, its processes, issues and anticipated outcomes. A DEBT OF GRATITUDE A special thank you is extended to the Mayor and Town Council, our numerous board and commission members, and our Town volunteers for their many hours of volunteer service without which the Town could not function in the fine manner it does. This volunteer core of 750 plus citizens provides the Town of Fountain Hills with a vast bank of knowledge about subjects that contribute to planning for the present and future of Fountain Hills. I would also like to thank the Town of Fountain Hills Department Directors and Di- vision Supervisors for their diligence in preparing their budgets. The Directors and their staff attended several sessions with the Town Manager and Finance Division to justify programs, develop cost estimates, and answer questions. This team ef- fort has resulted in a balanced budget that achieves the Council’s current goals and assists in planning for the future of Fountain Hills. Respectfully submitted, Grady E. Miller Town Manager The Height of Desert Living 20 Budget Message The Height of Desert Living 21 Community Profile Community Profile The Height of Desert Living 22 COMMUNITY PROFILE The Town of Fountain Hills is a master planned community established in 1970 by McCulloch Properties (now MCO Properties, Inc.). Prior to 1970, the area was a cattle ranch and was part of one of the largest land and cat- tle holdings in Arizona. The land was purchased by Robert McCulloch in the late 1960s and the community de- signed by Charles Wood, Jr. (designer of Disneyland in southern California). One of the community’s most valuable assets is its natural beauty. Incredible views and natural desert terrain pro- vide for a wide range of outdoor activi- ties including hiking, biking, and golf. In fact, Fountain Hills contains some of the more challenging and picturesque golf courses in the State of Arizona. The centerpiece of Fountain Hills is our beautiful fountain; one of the world's tallest man-made fountains. It serves as a focal point for the community and attracts thousands of visitors each year. The fountain, driven by three 600 horsepower (450kW) turbine pumps, sprays water at a rate of 7,000 gal- lons per minute though an 18-inch nozzle. With all three pumps and un- der ideal conditions, the fountain reaches 560 feet (171m) in height, though in normal operation only two of the pumps are used, with a foun- tain height of around 330 feet (101m). When built, it was the world's tallest fountain and held that record for over a decade. Fountain Hills is home to over 100 pieces of publicly displayed artwork throughout its downtown and at public buildings. Art is a significant part of the Town's heritage. The many origi- nal fountains along the Avenue of the Fountains were the beginning of the public art collection. Bronze sculptures and fountains with community profile themes, ranging from the whimsical to the serious, dot the streets and adorn the public build- ings, plazas, and parks. The collection also contains a wide variety of other Community Profile The Height of Desert Living 23 art types and media, including paint- ings, stone, photography, and metals. Residents and visitors are invited to wander the streets or take the “Art Walk” guided tour. Located on 13,006 acres of land, Fountain Hills is surrounded by the 3,500-foot McDowell Mountains and Scottsdale on the west, the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation on the east, the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community on the south, and the McDowell Mountain Regional Park on the north. The elevation is 1,520 feet at the fountain, 3,000 feet on Golden Eagle Boulevard, and is 500 feet above Phoenix. Over the past twenty plus years, Fountain Hills has grown from 10,190 residents to a town of 22,489 in 2010. Although the rate of growth has slowed due to the lack of available land on which to build, the Town con- tinues to attract residents who are building large custom homes to take advantage of the scenic vistas sur- rounding our mountain community. The Town offers a wide range of living accommodations, from small condo- minium complexes to large custom homes. Fountain Hills also offers rec- reational, cultural and retirement pro- grams that address the needs and lifestyles of active families as well as older adults. The community consists of primarily residential property and open space (9,661 acres or 74%). Of the remaining land, 2,488 acres are developable, with 72 acres being zoned commercial (approximately .6%), 8 acres zoned industrial (.1%), and 1,528 acres are right-of-way/streets (12%). In 2006, Fountain Hills was named by Phoenix Magazine as the best place to live and was cited as "a welcome oasis on the outskirts of a metropolis." The magazine measured the quality of life in 22 Valley communities, including a statistical analysis of each commu- nity's population, income, home price, crime rate, miles to Sky Harbor Air- port, and square feet of retail. The cri- teria used by the magazine in this ranking are similar to the priorities established in the Town's Strategic Plan. The volunteer spirit and high level of involvement of the citizens and business representatives were highlighted. Fountain Hills has also earned a top accolade from Business Week maga- zine. In its February, 2009 online edi- tion, Fountain Hills was named the “Best Affordable Suburb” in all of Ari- Community Profile The Height of Desert Living 24 zona. The magazine evaluated sub- urbs on a variety of factors but weighted affordability most heavily. They also considered lifestyle (short commutes, clean air, low crime, good weather, and green space), the qual- ity of schools, and the strength of the local economy. None of the places evaluated had populations of more than 60,000 or less than 5,000. Only one suburb per state was selected. Fountain Hills’ low population density is a major reason it is such a desir- able place to live. Unlike other re- gions of the Valley one can dine, play, and commute, without conges- tion. Fountain Hills’ land is currently devel- oped at an average density of 1.4 dwelling units per acre for single family homes and 7.0 units per acre for multi-family housing. At the end of the year, there were 1,043 vacant single family lots and 100 vacant multi-family lots. Based upon 2010 population, Foun- tain Hills has an average of 1,106.7 people per square mile, or 1.73 peo- ple per acre. Community Profile The Height of Desert Living 25 Community Profile Demographics Year Fountain Hills Population 1980 2,772* 1985 5,200** 1990 10,030* 1995 13,745** 2000 20,235* 2005 24,492* 2010 22,489* 2020 25,929** 2030 31,042** 2040 31,181** Estimated Buildout ~2050 36,540*** Population Trends * US CENSUS ** MAG ***TOWN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Population Housing Units Population Housing Units Population Housing Units Occupied Housing Units Vacant Housing Units22,489 13,167 20,235 10,491 11.1% 25.5% 10,339 2,828 201020102000Percent Change 2000-2010 Population Age 0-17 Years Population Age 18 Years & Over 22,489 3,230 19,259 14.4% 85.6% Percent of Population Population 2010 Population Age 0-17 Years Population Age 18 Years & Over The Height of Desert Living 26 Community Profile 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Fountain Hills Population Trends YEARPOPULATION The Height of Desert Living 27 TOWN-WIDE BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED Community Profile Bldg.Total Units Bldg. Total Units 1998 582 17 34 36 170 786 26 995 1999 415 18 36 34 229 680 36 947 2000 326 33 66 23 97 489 37 892 2001 227 23 46 6 28 301 8 707 2002 135 3 6 4 33 174 16 622 2003 124 10 20 10 28 172 14 689 2004 143 7 14 64 154 311 14 664 2005 165 13 26 184 287 478 9 777 2006 95 3 6 102 137 238 19 745 2007 62 0 0 18 18 80 7 589 2008 33 0 0 1 2 35 50 489 2009 5 1 2 0 0 7 20 328 2010 11 0 0 0 0 11 18 366 2011 7 0 0 0 0 7 17 319 2012 6 0 0 0 0 6 20 376 2013 14 0 0 0 0 14 18 386 2014 27 1 2 5 13 42 20 391 2015 37 0 0 5 10 47 23 347 18 Year Total 2414 129 258 492 1206 3878 372 10629 18 Year Avg 134.1 7.2 14.3 27.3 67.0 215.4 20.7 590.5 OtherCommercialSingle Family Duplex Multi-Family Total Dwelling UnitsYEAR 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUEDYEAR SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX MULTI-FAMILY COMMERCIAL The Height of Desert Living 28 TOWN-WIDE BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED VALUATION IN DOLLARS *1998-2015 Valuation includes commercial building permits as well as tenant improvements. Community Profile COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED AND VALUATION Year Permits Issued Valuation ($ in Millions) 1998 26 9.739 1999 36 13.326 2000 37 25.869 2001 8 15.625 2002 16 16.698 2003 14 9.554 2004 14 23.021 2005 9 27.782 2006 19 15.792 2007 7 5.966 2008 50 10.004 2009 21 0.944 2010 18 0.719 2011 17 2.311 2012 20 1.012 2013 18 1.060 2014 20 1.936 2015 23 12.730 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 DOLLARS IN MILLIONSYEAR 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 The Height of Desert Living 29 Public Schools Address 1. Fountain Hills High School 16100 E. Palisades Blvd 2. Fountain Hills Middle School and 15414 N. McDowell Mountain Rd Four Peaks Elementary School 3. McDowell Mountain Elementary School 14825 N. Fayette Drive Preschools Address 4. McDowell Mountain Preschool 14825 N. Fayette Drive 5. Creative Child Care Preschool 17150 E. Amhurst Drive 6. Here We Grow Learning Center 16901 E. Palisades Blvd 7. Maxwell Preschool Academy 15249 N. Fountain Hills Blvd 8. Maria Montessori Preschool 16751 E. Glenbrook Blvd 9. Promiseland Christian Preschool 15555 E. Bainbridge Ave 10. Sunflower Preschool 15055 N. Fountain Hills Blvd Charter School Address 11. Fountain Hills Charter School 16751 E. Glenbrook Blvd The Fountain Hills Unified School District has earned a reputation for excellent aca- demic programs, noteworthy student achievement, and high levels of parent and community involvement. Over the past several years, the district has earned re- spect throughout the state as a small, friendly, and high achieving system with well-trained and motivated staff (www.fhusd.org). Fountain Hills Schools Fountain Hills High School Fountain Hills Middle School and Four Peaks Elementary School McDowell Mountain Elementary School Community Profile The Height of Desert Living 30 Community Profile The Height of Desert Living 31 Community Profile Shopping Center Location Map The Height of Desert Living 32 TOWN-WIDE LAND USE Community Profile Residential Single Family – L 1,003 1,336.5 1,352.3 Single Family – M 7,299 2,291.9 935.1 Multi-Family – L 442 83.3 Multi-Family – M 30 1.2 Multi-Family – H 150 9.1 Multi-Family/Condo – L 561 89.7 Multi-Family/Condo – M 207 19.8 Multi-Family/Condo – H 3,051 435.2 Commercial/Retail 216.4 72.0 288.4 Mixed Use 259 17.2 17.2 Lodging 18.7 44.2 62.9 Institutional 44.5 44.5 Industrial 31.3 8.4 39.7 Utility 71.8 71.8 Government/Town Owned 28.7 28.7 Schools 110.5 110.5 Parks 182.4 182.4 Golf Course 770.6 770.6 Open Space 3,031.3 3,031.3 Scottsdale Owned Land 199.9 199.9 Right of Way/Streets 1,527.7 1,527.7 Total 13,002 7,286.5 2,488.0 3,231.2 13,005.7 Total AcresLand Use 6,630.1 Residential Units Developed Acres Undeveloped Developable Acres Undeveloped Undevelopable Acres 76.0 The Height of Desert Living 33 Town Council Town Council The Height of Desert Living 34 Town Council Organization Chart FRONT ROW: Councilmember Cassie Hansen, Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh, Councilmem- ber Cecil A. Yates BACK ROW: Councilmember Alan Magazine, Vice Mayor Henry Leger, Councilmember Dennis Brown, Councilmember Nick DePorter Development Services Citizens of Fountain Hills Presiding Judge Town of Fountain Hills Organization Engineering Streets Recreation / Tourism Community ServicesFire / EMS Administration Law Enforcement Town Manager Town Attorney Community Center Code Enforcement Building Safety Facilities Finance / Information Technology Town Clerk Administrative Services Senior Services Parks Executive Assistant Town Prosecutor Economic Development Appointed by Council Contracted Volunteer Program Mayor and Town Council Public Works GIS Planning Inspection The Height of Desert Living 35 Town Council Linda M. Kavanagh Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh's busi- ness career began as second in com- mand at a book and magazine import company in New York City, which ca- tered to specialized markets. She then went on to manage a salon and also became a published author. Upon moving to Arizona with her husband and two sons, she became immersed in business and community service activities in her new home- town of Fountain Hills. Mayor Kavanagh was and is a member of many civic organizations including the American Legion Auxiliary, Cul- tural & Civic Association, ADOG, Fountain Hills Republican Club, Fal- con Boosters, PTO, Sister Cities Foundation, Arizona Latino Republi- can Association, Library Association, Friend of the Chamber (past chair), McDowell Park Association, Historical Society (past board member), and Chamber Ambassadors (past chair). She served on the Public Art Commit- tee and created the Fountain Hills Docent-Guided Art Walk to showcase the town's world-renowned art collec- tion. She was also very active with the Visitor's Bureau to spur tourism for the town. Mayor Kavanagh is an honorary Cap- tain with the Maricopa County Sher- iffs' Department, was named Busi- ness Advocate of the Year by the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce and also served as its Board of Direc- tors Chair. She was also named Fountain Hills Parks & Recreation Outstanding Volunteer of the Year, Community Center Volunteer of the Year, and received the River of Time Museum Hero Award. Mayor Kavanagh was inducted into the Lower Verde River Valley Hall of Fame in 2009, as a tribute to her many years of active involvement with the town's civic, cultural, ser- vice, religious and business commu- nities. Mayor Kavanagh earned a BA degree in English and Education from Queens College in New York City and is an A+ certified computer repair technician, graphic designer, and un- paid Director of Constituent Services for her husband, State Senator John Kavanagh. She has two sons and one grandson. Mayor Kavanagh was reelected to her second term of office in 2014. The Height of Desert Living 36 Councilmember Dennis Brown and his wife, Judy, moved to Fountain Hills in 1996. In 1999, they opened their construction company, Echelon Company, building both commercial and residential products in Fountain Hills. Councilmember Brown was the Presi- dent of the Fountain Hills Licensed Contractors Association for five years from 2002 through 2007. In 2002, a Planning and Zoning Com- mission seat became available. He was appointed to serve on the Com- mission and served for more than seven years, four of which were as Chair of the Commission. During his seven year tenure on the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Com- mission rewrote the Town’s sign ordi- nance, passed the Saguaro protection ordinance, and wrote the Commercial Architectural Guidelines. Councilmember Brown and his wife have supported Little League baseball and football, the Fountain Hills Com- munity Theater, Movies in the Park, and numerous other local organiza- tions. They have two sons and one daughter who have given them five – count them five – granddaughters. Town Council Dennis Brown The Height of Desert Living 37 Town Council Nick DePorter Councilmember Nick DePorter’s professional experience includes community relations, business devel- opment, strategic planning, and higher education leadership. Nick currently works at LinkedIn serving as the Senior Field Organizer on the Policy and Government Relations team. Nick is responsible for partner- ing with companies, non-profits, edu- cation providers, and governments to create economic opportunity for every member of the workforce. Councilmember DePorter previously served on the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission for three years, holding the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair. He also served as a Board Member for the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association for two years. He currently serves on the Health & Human Services Board for Chicanos Por La Causa and the Phoe- nix Business and Workforce Develop- ment Board for the City of Phoenix. Councilmember DePorter has enjoyed living in Arizona for 20 years and moved to Fountain Hills in 2010. He was born in Long Beach, California and primarily raised in Las Vegas, Ne- vada. Nick holds a BA in Political Sci- ence, with minors in Business & Mass Communications, and a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Ari- zona State University. He enjoys trav- eling and spending time with his wife, Adrienne, and children, Jack and Ab- bie. Nick is proud that his family, par- ents, and in-laws all call Fountain Hills home. The Height of Desert Living 38 Councilmember Cassie Hansen has called Fountain Hills home since 1989. She became the first town em- ployee as Town Clerk for 13 years. Her areas of responsibility included human resources, facilities, finance, IT, and administrative support. Coun- cilmember Hansen was the liaison with many community groups includ- ing the design and construction of the library/museum and community center and the relocation of the Sen- ior Center to Building C of the old Town Hall complex. Councilmember Hansen has been an ongoing participant in the community and has participated in the following:  Civic Association  Community Chorus  Arts Council and Public Art Com- mittee  Fountain Hills Community Theater  Chamber Players  Sunridge Foundation  Fountain Hills Chamber of Com- merce (1998 Business Person of the Year)  Fountain Lake Republican Women’s Club  Fountain Hills Republican Club  Library Association  Historical Society (2004 First Hall of Fame)  Boys & Girls Club  Cattleguard  PTO  Mentor/director of various third grade musical programs Councilmember Hansen is originally from Illinois but moved to Arizona in 1977. She received her BA in Sociol- ogy from Luther College. After re- turning to Arizona, she met her hus- band, Bruce. Together they began a telecommunications business in 1983. Her husband is a long time member of the FH Sanitary District and was actively involved in solving the town’s effluent problem. Town Council Cassie Hansen The Height of Desert Living 39 As a resident of Fountain Hills for over 25 years, Vice Mayor Henry Leger is currently serving his third term on Town Council. He has served the Town in this capacity since June of 2006. In addition to his Town Council position, Henry is currently a member of several com- munity organizations, including the Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic As- sociation and Chamber of Com- merce. Originally from Massachusetts, Henry moved to Arizona in 1970 to attend the University of Arizona where he received his Master’s De- gree in Educational Psychology. Henry worked as a professional in the field of leadership and organiza- tional development for 30 years. Throughout his career, he held a number of leadership positions in education and government work settings and worked as an internal consultant for several Fortune 500 companies. He is now retired from that field. Prior to his position on Town Coun- cil, he volunteered his time on nu- merous community initiatives and activities, including:  Serving on the Chamber’s Business Vitally Advisory Committee  Serving on the Executive Committee for the Downtown Visioning project  Member of the Technical Ad- visory Committee for our Town’s citizen-driven strate- gic planning initiative:  Co-chair of the Youth Visioning Institute  Co-Chair for the com- munity survey team  Board member, treasurer, and member of the Commit- tee of Architecture for the Fir- erock Ridge neighborhood property owners’ association  Class room volunteer in the Fountain Hills School District  President and Vice President of the Church Council at Shepherd of the Hills Lu- theran Church - Fountain Hills Henry is passionate about living in Fountain Hills and contributing to its quality of life. He cherishes spending time with his family and friends and enjoys hiking, golf, and the arts. Henry and his wife, Janet, have two daughters, Kristin and Marisa. Ma- risa, a graduate of Fountain Hills High School, is enrolled at the University of Arizona. Kristin, a graduate of Fountain Hills High School and Uni- versity of Arizona, is serving in the Peace Corps. Janet is an active vol- unteer in the community and enjoys her long-standing professional career at CVS Health. Town Council Henry Leger The Height of Desert Living 40 Town Council Alan Magazine Councilmember Alan Magazine was sworn in for his first term on the Town Council on December 4, 2014. Prior to that, he served for over five years on the Strategic Planning Advisory Com- mission, the last year as Chair. Born and raised in the Boston area, his entire career took place in Wash- ington, D.C. where he served as presi- dent of three organizations, the last being The Health Industry Manufac- turers Association. Additionally, he served on the staff of the Interna- tional City Management Association, as well as two four-year terms on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in Virginia. In the latter capacity, he rep- resented the county on the Metropoli- tan Washington Council of Govern- ments’ Board of Directors, as well as serving as Chairman of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission. During his “retirement” in Fountain Hills, he has won numerous awards as a nature photographer. Councilmember Magazine received a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in 1976. He has lived in Fountain Hills with his wife, Cynthia, since 2006. Magazine has two children and a granddaughter. Cynthia has two children from a previous marriage and four grandchildren. The Height of Desert Living 41 Councilmember Cecil A. Yates was born in New York City, but grew up in Bay Village, Ohio (a suburb of Cleve- land). He graduated from Bay High School in 1985. He has earned two undergraduate degrees; one in Mar- keting and the other in Management from the University of Cincinnati in 1990 and has recently completed his MBA in Strategic Management from Patten University in California. He and his family moved to Fountain Hills in 2005. Councilmember Yates has served on the Planning and Zoning committee for five years and two years as its Vice Chairman. He has chaired the General Plan update committee, the economic and development commit- tee with BVAC, co-chaired the sign committee, and was treasurer of Sunridge Canyon HOA. He presently sits on the Maricopa Association of Governments, Domestic Violence Committee. In his spare time, Coun- cilmember Yates coaches soccer and is active in his church. Councilmember Yates is an award winning Commercial Real Estate De- veloper. He is presently the Executive Director of Property Management for Commercial Properties, Inc. (CPI) and operates over 6,000,000 square feet of office, retail and industrial space throughout Arizona. He has owned and operated several restau- rants including Panini's Bar & Grill (as seen on "Man vs. Food") and Zeppes Pizzeria. Councilmember Yates and his wife; Nancy, have been married since 1995 and are the proud parents of two children, Sophia, 17; and Mason, 14 (not to mention their black lab, Wiz- ard; German Shepherd, Gracie; their cat, Simba; and whatever other crawling creatures their kids adopt!) Town Council Cecil A. Yates The Height of Desert Living 42 Elected Officials’ Terms of Office Mayor: Linda M. Kavanagh Term of Office: First term: June, 2012 - November, 2014 Second term: December, 2014 – November, 2016 Vice Mayor: Henry Leger Term of Office: First term: June, 2006 – May, 2010 Second term: June, 2010 – November, 2014 Third term: December, 2014 - November, 2018 Councilmembers: Dennis Brown Term of Office: Partial term: May, 2009 – May, 2012 Second term: June, 2012 – November, 2016 Nick DePorter Term of Office: First term: December, 2014 – November, 2018 Cassie Hansen Term of Office: First term: June, 2008 – May, 2012 Second term: June, 2012 – November, 2016 Alan Magazine Term of Office: First term: December, 2014 – November, 2018 Cecil A. Yates Term of Office: First term: June, 2012 – November, 2016 Town Council Terms of Office The Height of Desert Living 43 Financial Overview & Policies Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 44 FUND STRUCTURE Financial Overview & Policies OPERATING FUNDS General Fund (100) Public Art Fund (410) Internal Service Fund (800) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS Vehicle Replacement Fund (810) Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) (200) Downtown Strategy Fund (300) Special Revenue/Grants Fund (400) Revenue Bond Debt Service (500) General Obligation Debt Service (510) Eagle Mountain Debt Service (520) Court Enhancement Fund (420) Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service (530) Capital Projects Fund (600) Law Enforcement Development Fee Fund (710) Fire & Emergency Development Fee Fund (720) Parks/Recreation Development Fee Fund (740) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BUDGETARY FUNDS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Economic Development Fund (310) Environmental Fund (460) Tourism Fund (320) Facilities Replacement Fund (610) Cottonwoods Maintenance District Fund (540) Open Space Development Fee Fund (750) The Height of Desert Living 45 The preceding page depicts the budgetary funds of the town. The table above represents the departments of the Town and the funds that are used by those de- partments. Financial Overview & Policies Fund Statement Department Summary Total Proposed Budget Fund Type Fund Department Amount Operating Total 17,934,597$ General Fund Mayor & Town Council 115 131-136 72,545 General Fund Administration 115 137-172 2,092,500 General Fund General Government 115 169-172 3,559,040 General Fund Municipal Court 115 173-180 321,254 General Fund Public Works 115 181-198 830,201 General Fund Development Services 115 199-226 927,139 General Fund Community Services 115 227-256 2,181,310 General Fund Law Enforcement 115 257-262 3,930,111 General Fund Fire & Emergency Medical 115 263-270 3,708,717 Public Art Fund Community Services 116 116 39,000 Internal Service Fund Administration 116 116 71,780 Vehicle Replacement Fund Administration 116 377-383 201,000 Fund Type Fund Department Amount Special Revenue Total 7,430,948$ Highway User Revenue Fund Development Services 116 272-278 3,594,696 Downtown Strategy Fund Administration 116 281-283 1,021,655 Economic Development Fund Administration 116 284-288 318,411 Tourism Fund Community Services 116 289-292 208,220 Special Revenue Fund Administration 116 293-298 1,655,000 Court Enhancement Fund Municipal Court 116 299-302 88,115 Environmental Fund Development Services 116 303-306 540,586 Cottonwoods Maintenance District Fund Administration 116 307-310 4,265 Fund Type Fund Department Amount Debt Service Total 2,922,266$ General Obligation Bond Fund Administration 116 312-313 2,119,350 Eagle Mountain CFD Fund Development Services 116 313 409,226 Municipal Property Corporation Fund Administration 116 313-314 393,690 Fund Type Fund Department Amount Capital Projects Total 12,196,382$ Capital Projects Fund Administration, Community Services, Development Services, Fire & Emergency Medical 117 325-372 9,692,885 Facilities Replacement Fund Development Services 117 373-376 431,000 Development Fees Funds Community Services, Development Services, Law Enforcement, Fire & Emergency Medical, Parks/Recreation, Open Space 117 117 2,072,497 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS - includes transfers 40,484,193$ Page Number Page Number FUND/DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE Governmental Funds Page Number Page Number The Height of Desert Living 46 FUND STRUCTURE The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabili- ties, fund equity, revenues and expenditures. Town resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based on the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The Town of Fountain Hills appropriates all funds in its budget process. Operating Funds «The General Fund (Fund 100) is the primary operating fund of the Town and accounts for the resources and uses of various Fountain Hills departments. It exists to account for the financing of services traditionally associated with local government. These services include police and fire protection, development ser- vices (public works/planning), community services (parks and recreation/ community center/senior activity center), general administration, and any other activity for which a special fund has not been created. Governmental accounting requires the General Fund be used for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund and have designations of non-spendable, re- stricted, committed, assigned or unassigned. «The Public Art Fund (Fund 410) is funded by developer in-lieu contribu- tions. These funds may only be used for the purchase of art and for the installation of this art throughout the community. This fund has a committed fund balance. «The Internal Service Funds (Funds 800 and 810) are used to account for the Town’s business-type activities. These funds are considered self-supporting in that the services rendered are financed through user charges or are on a cost reimbursement basis. These funds are classified as having assigned fund balances. Internal Service Funds include:  General Internal Service Fund (Fund 800)  Vehicle Replacement Fund (Fund 810) Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes, desig- nated as committed or restricted. The Town maintains the following Special Reve- nue Funds: «The Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) (Fund 200) is funded by State Shared revenues and transfers from the Capital Improvement Fund. The State of Arizona taxes motor fuels and collects a variety of fees and charges relat- ing to the registration and operation of motor vehicles. These revenues are depos- ited in the Arizona Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) and are then distributed to the cities, towns, and counties and to the State Highway Fund. This fund may only be used for street and highway purposes and is a restricted fund. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 47 Financial Overview & Policies «The Downtown Strategy Fund (Fund 300) is a committed fund which may only be used for development of the downtown. Revenue for this fund comes from the 20% (previously 40%) of the .1% of local sales tax collections that have been dedicated for this purpose. «The Economic Development Fund (Fund 310) is a committed fund which may only be used for economic development. Revenue for this fund comes from the 80% (previously 60%) of the .1% of local sales tax collections that have been dedicated for this purpose. «The Tourism Fund (Fund 320) is a committed fund which may only be used for tourism. Revenue for this fund is provided by a transfer from the Eco- nomic Development Fund. «The Special Revenue/Grants Fund (Fund 400) is restricted by the terms of the individual grants or program funds received. An example of this would be ARRA Funds or other federal funds. These funds are to be used only for the specific program or programs for which the funds have been awarded and in accordance with all the grant conditions. «The Court Enhancement Fund (Fund 420) is a restricted fund which may only be used to enhance the technological, operational and security capabili- ties of the Fountain Hills Municipal Court and to support the operation of the Court collection program. Revenues are derived from court fees and bond forfeitures. «The Environmental Fund (Fund 460) is a restricted fund which may only be used to help offset the costs of stormwater management and air quality permit requirements as well as other environmental programs. These items in- clude, but are not limited to, permit fees, wash maintenance, ADWR dam inspec- tion and maintenance, street sweeping, storm drain cleaning and household haz- ardous waste disposal. Revenues are derived from the annual environmental fee billed to Town residents «The Cottonwoods Maintenance District Fund (Fund 540) is a re- stricted fund which may only be used for maintenance of the Cottonwoods Mainte- nance District. Revenues are derived from a secondary property tax. Debt Service Funds are established for the payment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness. Revenues are derived from a secondary property tax levy, and municipal property lease payments. (The 0.2% of local sales tax previously dedicated to mountain preserve bonds has been redirected to the Highway User Revenue Fund for the pavement management program.) Revenues are received in amounts sufficient to pay the annual debt service payment; therefore, the fund balance will be no less than the annual debt service payment due on July 1 of the new fiscal year and no more than 2% greater than the annual delinquency factor based on the past five years delinquency amounts, categorized as restricted. The Height of Desert Living 48 Financial Overview & Policies Debt Service funds include:  Revenue Bond Debt Service (Fund 500)  General Obligation Debt Service (Fund 510)  Eagle Mountain CFD Debt Service (Fund 520)  Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service (Fund 530) Capital Improvement Funds are used for the acquisition and or construction of major capital items including facilities, heavy equipment, technology, open space, park improvements, and major road improvements. «The Capital Projects Fund (Fund 600) revenues are assigned revenues derived from excess General Fund revenues and 50% of the construction related local sales tax. The Capital Projects Fund is the primary source of capital improve- ments funding for the Town. «The Facilities Replacement Fund (Fund 610) revenues are assigned and currently the result of a transfer from the General Fund. The Fund has been established to cover replacement costs for large scale items that cannot be ab- sorbed in annual operating budgets. These items include, but are not limited to, roofing, interior and exterior building painting, carpet replacement, Physical Plant mechanical equipment, Fire Department equipment, and Parks and Recreation structures. The Development Fee Funds (Funds 710-760) are restricted funds which may only be used for the planning, design, and construction of public facilities serving the needs of the new development from which it was collected and designated as restricted. The Town has developed an Infrastructure Improvement Plan (IIP) that identifies each public improvement that is proposed to be the subject of a develop- ment fee. This IIP is incorporated as part of the Town’s Capital Improvement Pro- gram (CIP). Funds 710, 730, 750 and 760 will be eliminated when all remaining funds have been expended. Development Fee funds currently include:  Fire & Emergency (Fund 720)  Parks/Recreation (Fund 740) BUDGETARY AND ACCOUNTING BASIS The budget is prepared on a budgetary basis of accounting for all fund types. Ex- penditures are recorded when the related fund liability is incurred, and revenues are recognized only when they are measurable and available. In all cases, when goods and services are not received by year-end, the encumbrances lapse. This basis means certain transactions are recognized in the budget on a basis other than Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which is the basis used to prepare the Town’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The major dif- ferences between the budgetary and GAAP basis are: The Height of Desert Living 49  Certain revenues, expenditures and transfers are not included on a budget- ary basis, but are accrued and reported on a GAAP basis. For example, in- creases or decreases in compensated absences are not reported for budget- ary purposes, but are presented as revenues or expenditures on a GAAP ba- sis.  Depreciation is not budgeted as an expense in budgetary accounting.  Capital outlays are an expenditure in budgetary accounting and an asset in GAAP.  Certain debt service principal and interest payments are accounted for as expenditures in the General Fund on a budgetary basis, but are reported as expenses in the Debt Service Fund on the GAAP basis. All actual amounts in the budget document are shown on the budgetary basis to facilitate meaningful comparisons. Operating and Capital Budget Relationship Included within the annual budget is a Capital Improvement Program presented on a budgetary basis. Capital project budget funding sources are matched with budg- eted expenditures. Governmental accounting procedures do not require adequate budget to pay for an entire contract to be available and appropriated in the period in which a contract is entered. Therefore, expenditures are presented on a budget- ary basis which is a cash flow model. For example, a 180 day construction contract entered into in May of fiscal year one would have cash expenditures from May of fiscal year one through October of fis- cal year two; however, the entire budget for this project would not be appropri- ated in fiscal year one, the year in which the contract was entered. Any unspent funds at fiscal year-end are carried forward and budgeted again in year two. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 50 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FINANCIAL POLICIES I. INTRODUCTION The Mayor and Town Council (the “Town Council”) of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town”) understands that principles of sound financial management establish the framework for overall fiscal planning and management. The principles set forth guidelines for both current activities and long range planning. Following these prin- ciples will enhance the Town’s financial health as well as its image and credibility with its citizens, the public in general, bond rating agencies, and investors. The policies will be reviewed periodically to assure the highest standards of fiscal man- agement. Policy changes will be needed as the Town continues to grow and be- comes more diverse and complex in the services it provides, as well as the organi- zation under which it operates, to provide these services to its citizens. The Town Manager and staff have the primary role of reviewing and providing guidance in the financial area to the Town Council. II. OVERALL GOALS The overall financial goals underlying these principles are: 2.1 Fiscal Conservatism. To ensure that the Town is, at all times, in a solid fi- nancial condition, defined as: A. Cash solvency – the ability to pay bills. B. Budgetary solvency – the ability to balance the budget. C. Long run solvency – the ability to pay future costs. D. Service level solvency – the ability to provide needed and desired ser- vices. E. Adhering to the highest accounting and management practices as well as the financial reporting and budgeting standards established by the Government Finance Officers Association, by the Governmental Ac- counting Standards Board (GASB) and by other professional organiza- tions. 2.2 Maintaining Bond Rating. To maintain an Aa3 or better bond rating in the financial community to assure the Town taxpayers that the Town govern- ment is well managed and financially sound. 2.3 Stability. To have the ability to withstand local and regional economic fluc- tuations, to adjust to changes in the service requirements of our commu- nity, and to respond to changes in Federal and State priorities and funding as they affect the Town’s residents. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 51 Financial Overview & Policies 2.4 Delivering Quality Services. To deliver quality services in an affordable, effi- cient and cost-effective basis providing full value for each tax dollar. III. FUND BALANCE Fund balance is defined as the cumulative difference of all revenues and expendi- tures, also considered the difference between a fund’s assets and deferred out- flows of resources and its liabilities and deferred inflows of resources. The purpose of this policy is to establish a key element of the financial stability of the Town by setting guidelines for fund balance. It is essential that the Town maintain adequate levels of fund balance to mitigate financial risk that can occur from unforeseen revenue fluctuations, unanticipated expenditures and similar circumstances. The fund balance also provides cash flow liquidity for the Town’s general operations. Fund balance is an important indicator of the Town’s financial position and ade- quate reserves must be maintained to allow the Town to continue providing ser- vices to the community during periods of economic downturns and/or unexpected emergencies or requirements. The level of fund balance is related to the degree of uncertainty that the Town faces. A prudent level of financial resources is necessary to protect against the need to reduce service levels or raise taxes and fees due to temporary revenue shortfalls or unpredicted one-time expenditures. With the Town dependency upon State shared income and State sales tax revenues for approximately one third of the General Fund budget, there is increased opportunity for fluctuation. Addition- ally, a significant portion of Town revenue is received from sales taxes – both state shared and local – which are sensitive to fluctuations in the economy. Therefore, the level of reserves needs to be sufficient to ensure stability in ongoing govern- ment operations during a slowdown in the economy or legislative changes to the revenue sharing formula. Fund balance is one of the most widely used elements of state and local govern- ment financial statements by (1) municipal bond analysts through credit reviews and ratings, (2) taxpayer associations, (3) research organizations and oversight bodies, (4) state, county and local legislators and officials, (5) financial statement users and (6) reporters. Other objectives that influence the size of the fund balance are: 1. Credit reviews performed by municipal bond analysts. 2. Preserving or improving the Aa3 bond rating. 3. Maintaining a positive trend to historical fund balances. 4. Maintaining a rating equal to or better than surrounding communities. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (“GASB”) has found that useful- ness and value of fund balance information provided is significantly reduced by The Height of Desert Living 52 misunderstandings regarding the message that it conveys and the inconsistent treatment and financial reporting practices of governments. GASB issued a pro- nouncement, GASB Statement No. 54 (“GASB 54”), which applies to all financial reports of all state and local governmental entities; GASB 54 intended to improve financial reporting by providing fund balance categories and classifications that will be more easily understood. 3.1 Fund Balance Categories. An accounting distinction is made between por- tions of fund balance that are spendable and nonspendable. These portions are broken into five categories: (A) Nonspendable fund balance—Includes amounts either not in spendable form or legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. This amount includes inventory, prepaids, and non-current re- ceivables such as long-term loan and notes receivable and property held for resale (unless the proceeds are restricted, committed or as- signed). (B) Restricted fund balance— Includes amounts that are either (1) ex- ternally imposed by creditors (such as through debt covenants), grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other governments or (2) imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling leg- islation. Restricted fund balance means “restricted net assets” as de- fined in the government-wide Statement of Net Assets, GASB State- ment No. 34, as amended by GASB Statement No. 46. (C) Committed fund balance—Includes amounts that are committed for specific purposes by formal action of the Town Council. Amounts clas- sified as “committed” are not subject to legal enforceability like re- stricted fund balance; however, those committed amounts cannot be used for any other purpose unless the Town Council removes or changes the limitation by taking the same form of action it employed to previously impose the limitation. The action to commit fund bal- ances must occur prior to year end; however, actual amounts can be determined in the subsequent period. (D) Assigned fund balance—Includes amounts that are intended by the Town to be used for specific purposes, but are neither restricted nor committed. Intent should be expressed by the Town Council itself or a subordinate high-level body or official possessing the authority to as- sign amounts to be used for specific purposes in accordance with pol- icy established by the Town Council. This assignment would include any activity reported in a fund other than the General Fund that is not otherwise restricted more narrowly by the above definitions. The Town is not allowed to assign balances that result in a residual deficit. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 53 (E) Unassigned fund balance—Includes any remaining amounts after applying categories (A)-(D) above (amounts not classified as non- spendable, restricted, committed or assigned). Planned spending in the subsequent year’s budget would be included in the unassigned fund balance category. The General Fund is the only fund that will re- port a positive unassigned balance. 3.2 General Fund. The fund balance of the Town General Fund may consist of up to five com- ponents, as described previously. In order to satisfy the objective of main- taining a bond rating equal to or better than surrounding peer communities, a combined General Fund operating fund balance of at least 30% of reve- nues is recommended. A. Committed Fund Balance. The Town will maintain a committed fund balance in the General Fund of 20% of the average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years, indicating stable fis- cal policies. The maintenance of this fiscal balance is a particularly important factor considered by credit rating agencies in their evalua- tion of the credit worthiness of the Town. It is of primary importance that the Town’s credit rating be protected. (1) Rainy Day Fund to be Maintained. As a component of the Com- mitted fund balance, the Town will maintain a Rainy Day Fund, separate and apart from the Unassigned General Fund, which shall be designated for use in the event of an unanticipated ex- penditure or loss of revenue. The Rainy Day Fund balance at the end of any fiscal year will be equal to a minimum of 20% of the average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. This contingency will provide for the tempo- rary financing of an unforeseen nature for that year. Expendi- tures for these emergency or unforeseen appropriations can only be undertaken with Town Manager approval and only if funds are not available in the department requesting the con- tingency funding. (2) Guidelines for Rainy Day Fund. In order to achieve the objec- tives of this policy, and to maintain sufficient working capital and a comfortable margin of safety to address emergencies and unexpected declines in revenue without borrowing, the fol- lowing guidelines shall be adhered to by the Town Manager, Town staff and Town Council: (a) Deposit Rules. At the end of each fiscal year, the Town Council shall transfer 5% of any surplus revenues (before transfers to the Capital Projects Fund) to the Rainy Day Fund. Deposits shall be made as set forth Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 54 herein until the Rainy Day Fund balance is equal to at least 20% of the average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. (b) Use Rules. Rainy Day Funds may only be expended for any one of the following purposes or under the following circumstances: (i) To replace the loss of more than 25% of the Town’s local share of State shared revenues re- ceived pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 43-206. (ii) For any event that threatens the health, safety or welfare of the Town’s citizens. (iii) For any event that threatens the fiscal stability of the Town. (iv) To address any matter declared as an emergency by the Governor or the Mayor. (c) Withdrawal Rules. All withdrawals from the Rainy Day Fund shall be subject to the following rules: (i) Any appropriation shall require the approval by at least 2/3 of the entire Town Council. (ii) The maximum amount of Rainy Day withdrawals in any fiscal year shall not exceed one-half of the total balance in the Fund. (d) Replenishment Rules. Any amounts withdrawn from the Rainy Day Fund shall be replenished as follows (and such repayment shall be in addition to the annual de- posits set forth above): (i) All amounts shall be repaid in not more than five years, in annual installments of not less than 1% of the previous fiscal year General Fund balance. (ii) Repayments shall be appropriated as part of the annual budget adoption. B. Assigned Fund Balance. The Town will maintain an assigned fund bal- ance in the General Fund of a minimum 10% of the average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. This as- signed fund balance will be assigned for (1) “pay-as-you-go” capital replacement expenditures, (2) vehicle or equipment replacement, (3) capital projects, (4) prepaying or defeasing existing Town debt or (5) Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 55 any other expenditure that is non-recurring in nature. The 10% is the minimum and may be increased to accelerate accumulation of funds for a large capital expenditure. To the extent these balances are ex- pended, additional funds necessary to restore this additional 10% amount will be provided in at least approximately equal contributions during the five fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the event occurred. The assigned General Fund balance can be authorized for expenditure only in accordance with Resolution 2012-02 adopted by the Mayor and Town Council on June 7, 2012, as may be amended from time to time. C. Unassigned Fund Balance. Funds in excess of the balances described in the preceding paragraphs will be unassigned General Fund balance, unless otherwise assigned in accordance with GASB 54. By Resolu- tion, the Town Council has allocated General Fund surplus funds to be (1) transferred to the Rainy Day Fund, (2) used to supplement “pay as you go” capital replacement expenditures in the Capital Projects Fund or (3) used to prepay or defease existing Town debt. These funds may not be used to establish or support costs that are recurring in nature. During the annual budget process, the Town Manager will estimate the surplus or deficit for the current year and prepare a pro- jection of the year-end unassigned General Fund balance. Such pro- jection will include an analysis of trends in fund balance levels on an historical and future projection basis. The Finance Director is authorized to assign available fund balance for specific purposes in accordance with GASB 54. It is the policy of the Town that expenditures for which more than one category of fund balance could be used, that the order of use is: Nonspendable fund balance, restricted fund balance, committed fund balance, assigned fund balance and unassigned fund balance. These guidelines will be reviewed by the Town Manager periodically following adoption (or sooner at the direction of the Town Council). 3.3 Special Revenue Funds. A. HURF. The Highway User Revenue Fund (“HURF”) is restricted in use solely for street and highway purposes. The fund depends upon State shared revenues for over 90% of annual revenues. The restricted fund balance will be based on the minimum requirement as specified in the schedule for projects funded with Special Revenue or grant funds. The schedule will be reviewed on an annual basis to determine the required amount to be set aside as restricted fund balance. B. Excise Tax Funds. The excise tax funds are committed funds that the Town Council may dedicate for specific purposes by resolution or as part of the annual budget adoption. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 56 Financial Overview & Policies 3.4 Debt Service Funds. The Debt Service Fund is established for the payment of principal and inter- est on bonded indebtedness and as such is a restricted fund. Revenues are derived from a property tax levy, pledged excise taxes, municipal property lease payments and shared revenues. Revenues are received in amounts sufficient to pay the annual debt service payment; therefore, the restricted fund balance will be no less than the annual debt service payment due on July 1 of the new fiscal year and no more than the annual debt service pay- ment due on July 1 plus an amount equal to the average annual delinquency factor based on the prior three years’ delinquency rates. 3.5 Capital Projects Fund. A Capital Projects Fund has been established to allow the Town to accumu- late monies for (1) purchase of land or buildings, (2) improvements to Town -owned properties, (3) grant matches associated with capital improvements, (4) public safety projects and equipment purchases, (5) economic develop- ment projects and (6) such other capital projects as determined by the Town Council. The Capital Projects Fund will be funded by: (A) sales of real and personal property belonging to the Town; (B) General Fund transfer of any excess revenues collected over budgeted and unexpended appropria- tions not needed to meet fund balance requirements or re-appropriation; and (C) interest earnings on the balance of the fund invested per the Town’s investment policy. Accounted for separately, but considered part of the Capital Projects Fund, are accumulated development fees collected pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-463.05 that are assessed on new construction for the purpose of funding growth. These funds are restricted to growth-related capital expenditures as designated in the Town’s adopted Infrastructure Im- provements Plan. The fund balance will be established each fiscal year dur- ing the budget process depending on planned expenditures but cannot ex- ceed accumulated revenues. The Town shall first be entitled to recoup the cost of any capital improvements, infrastructure, marketing or sales-related costs associated with the disposition of property before crediting the Capital Projects Fund (for funds other than development fees). The Town Council may approve the uses of the Capital Projects Fund as a part of its annual budget or by motion and affirmative vote at the time the expenditures are approved. IV. FINANCIAL PLANNING Financial planning refers to the process of identifying resources and allocating those resources among competing purposes. The primary vehicle for this planning is the preparation, monitoring and analyses of the Town’s budget. It is increasingly important to monitor the performance of the programs competing to receive fund- ing. The Height of Desert Living 57 4.1 Budget Adoption. The Town Manager shall prepare a proposed annual budget, which shall be submitted to the Town Council and the public for re- view in accordance with ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17001, et seq. The Town will budget revenues and expenditures on the basis of a fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending the following June 30. The Town Council will adopt the budget no later than June 30, and the Town Manager shall execute the Town Council policies as set forth in the finally adopted budget. 4.2 Budget Preparation. The Town Manager or authorized designee will prepare a budget in accordance with the guidelines established by the Government Finance Officers Association in its Distinguished Budget Award Program. The proposed budget will contain the following: A. Revenue estimates by major category, by major fund. B. Expenditure estimates by department levels and major expenditure category, by fund. C. Estimated fund balance by fund. D. Debt service by issue detailing principal and interest amounts by fund. E. Proposed personnel staffing levels. F. A detailed schedule of capital projects, including a capital improve- ment program. G. Any additional information, data, or analysis requested of manage- ment by the Town Council. 4.3 Operating Budget. The operating budget will be based on the principle that current operating expenditures, including debt service, will be funded with current revenues, creating a balanced budget. The Town will not balance the current budget at the expense of meeting future years’ expenditures; for example, accruing future years’ revenues or rolling over short-term debt to avoid planned debt retirement. 4.4 Revenue Sources. Ongoing operating costs should be supported by ongoing, stable revenue sources. This policy protects the Town from fluctuating ser- vice levels and avoids crises when one-time revenues are reduced or re- moved. Revenues from growth or development should be targeted to costs related to development, or invested in improvements that will benefit future residents or make future service provision efficient. 4.5 Revenue Estimate. The Town Manager will provide an estimate of the Town’s revenues annually for each fiscal year, as well as estimates of spe- cial (grant, excise tax, etc.) revenues and interfund transfers. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 58 4.6 Staffing. The budget will fully appropriate the resources needed for author- ized regular staffing. At no time shall the number of regular full-time em- ployees on the payroll exceed the total number of full-time positions author- ized by the Town Council. All personnel actions shall be in conformance with applicable Federal and State law and all Town ordinances and policies. 4.7 Budget Preparation Schedule. Annually, the Town Manager shall provide a budget preparation schedule outlining the preparation timelines for the pro- posed budget. Budget packages for the preparation of the budget, including forms and instructions, shall be distributed to Town Departments in a timely manner for the Department’s completion. Department Directors shall pre- pare and return their budget proposals to the Administration Department, as required in the budget preparation schedule. 4.8 Performance Measurement. Performance measurement indicators will be in- tegrated into the budget process as appropriate. 4.9 Efficiency Analysis. Alternatives for improving the efficiency and effective- ness of the Town’s programs and the productivity of its employees will be considered during the budget process. Duplication of services and ineffi- ciency in service delivery should be eliminated wherever they are identified. 4.10 Department Responsibility. Department Directors are required to monitor revenues and control expenditures to prevent exceeding their total depart- mental expenditure budgets. Department Directors shall immediately notify the Town Manager of any exceptional circumstances that could cause a de- partmental expenditure budget to be exceeded. 4.11 Quarterly Report. A quarterly report on the status of the General Fund budget and trends will be prepared within 60 days of the end of each quar- ter by the Town Manager or authorized designee. In addition, the quarterly report shall include revenue and expenditure projections through the end of the fiscal year. 4.12 Deficit. If a deficit is projected during any fiscal year, the Town will take steps to reduce expenditures, increase revenues or, if a deficit is caused by an emergency, consider using the Rainy Day Fund, to the extent necessary to ensure a balanced budget at the close of the fiscal year. The Town Man- ager may institute a cessation during the fiscal year on hirings, promotions, transfers and capital equipment purchases. Such action will not be taken ar- bitrarily or without knowledge and support of the Town Council. V. EXPENDITURE CONTROL The Town Manager shall ensure compliance with the legally adopted budget. In ad- dition, purchases and expenditures must comply with all applicable legal require- ments. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 59 5.1 Budgeted Expenditures. Expenditures will be controlled by an annual budget at the departmental level. The Town Council shall adopt appropriations through the budget process. Written procedures will be maintained for ad- ministrative approval and processing of certain budget transfers within funds. 5.2 Purchasing System and Policies. The Town will maintain a purchasing sys- tem that provides needed materials in a timely manner to avoid interrup- tions in the delivery of services. All purchases shall be made in accordance with the Town’s purchasing policies, guidelines and procedures and applica- ble State and Federal laws. The Town will endeavor to obtain supplies, equipment and services as economically as possible. 5.3 Internal Controls. Expenditures will be controlled through appropriate inter- nal controls and procedures in processing invoices for payment. 5.4 State Expenditure Limit. The State of Arizona sets a limit on the expendi- tures of local jurisdictions. The Town will comply with these expenditure limitations and will submit an audited expenditure limitation report, audited financial statements and audited reconciliation report as defined by the Uni- form Expenditure Reporting System (ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 41-1279.07) to the State Auditor General each year. 5.5 Capitalized Assets. All assets of $10,000 or more will be capitalized and re- corded in the Town of Fountain Hills Summary of Capital Assets. VI. REVENUES AND COLLECTIONS All government employees are considered stewards of public funds. In order to provide funding for service delivery, the Town must have reliable revenue sources. These diverse revenues must be collected equitably, timely and efficiently. 6.1 Balanced Revenue Base. The Town’s goal is a General Fund revenue base that is equally balanced between sales taxes, State shared revenues, prop- erty tax, service fees and other revenue sources. 6.2 Stable Revenue Base. The Town will strive for a diversified and stable reve- nue base to shelter it from economic changes or short-term fluctuations and in any one revenue source by doing the following: A. Establishing new charges and fees as needed and as permitted by law at reasonable levels. B. Pursuing legislative change, when necessary, to permit changes or establishment of user charges and fees. C. Aggressively collecting all revenues, late penalties, outstanding taxes owed and related interest as authorized by law. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 60 Financial Overview & Policies 6.3 Monitoring Collection. The Town Manager or authorized designee will moni- tor all taxes to ensure they are equitably administered and collections are timely and accurate. Fees and charges should be based on benefits and/or privileges granted by the Town, or based on costs of a particular service. 6.4 Intergovernmental Aid. The Town Manager or authorized designee should pursue intergovernmental aid for those programs and activities that address a recognized need and are consistent with the Town’s long-range objectives. Any decision to pursue intergovernmental aid should include the considera- tion of the following: A. Present and future funding requirements. B. Cost of administering the funds. C. Costs associated with special conditions or regulations attached to the grant award. 6.5 Cost Recovery. The Town will attempt to recover all allowable costs (both direct and indirect) associated with the administration and implementation of programs funded through intergovernmental aid. In the case of the Foun- tain Hills Unified School District, the Town may determine to recover less than full cost of services provided. In the case of State and Federally man- dated programs, the Town will attempt to obtain full funding for the service from the governmental entity requiring the service be provided. Allowable costs will be determined based upon a “Cost Allocation Study” prepared pe- riodically. 6.6 Growth Revenues. Local sales tax revenues are derived from several sources with a significant portion from construction related activity. To en- sure that the revenues from growth or development are targeted to costs related to development, or invested in improvements that will benefit future residents or make future service provision efficient, the Town will designate 50% of those one-time revenues to the Capital Projects Fund. Monthly, these revenues will be transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Pro- jects Fund for future appropriation. VII. USER FEE COST RECOVERY User fees and charges are payments for voluntarily-purchased, publicly-provided services that benefit specific individuals. The Town relies on user fees and charges to supplement other revenue sources in order to provide public services. 7.1 Establishing Fees. The Town may establish user fees and charges for certain services provided to users receiving a specific benefit. User fees and charges will be established to recover as much as possible the direct and indirect costs of the program or service, unless the percentage of full cost recovery has been mandated by specific action of the Town Council. It is recognized The Height of Desert Living 61 that occasionally competing policy objectives may result in reduced user fees and charges that recover a smaller portion of service costs. 7.2 Recalculation. Periodically, the Town will recalculate the full costs of activi- ties supported by user fees to identify the impact of inflation and other at- tendant costs. VIII. CASH HANDLING POLICY Collecting and controlling cash at the Town are very important functions. The Cus- tomer Service Representatives and Permit Technicians are the Town’s cash han- dling agents. Strong internal controls for cash collection and handling are neces- sary to prevent mistreatment of Town funds and to safeguard and protect employ- ees from unwarranted charges of mishandling funds. Historical practices shall not constitute justification for deviation from these proce- dures. The material contained in this Section supersedes any previous policies and procedures regarding the handling of cash followed within the Town and/or within Departments. The Finance Division will conduct periodic reviews of cash handling procedures. Any amendments to the policies require Town Council approval, but the Town Manager may make interpretations and exceptions to the policies con- tained in this Section as more particularly set forth in Subsection 8.13 below. 8.1 Individual Responsibilities. All cash transactions are to be processed by Town staff (including cash, credit cards, checks, etc.) and not volunteers. Any Department Director or manager with responsibilities for managing Town cash receipts and those employees who are entrusted with the re- ceipt, deposit and reconciliation of cash for Town-related activities shall be responsible for knowledge of and compliance with this Section VIII. A refer- ence to this Section should be included as part of all departmental policies and procedures. 8.2 Establishing Cash Handling Sites. Ideally, from a control perspective, col- lecting and controlling cash should be centralized in one location; however, that is not always possible or practical. As a result, the collection of money is, in part, decentralized. The Finance Division must authorize all cash han- dling sites, including one-time requests for cash for special events. Depart- ments requesting status as a cash handling site (or special events where money is being collected and a cash float is needed) must submit a request to the Finance Division at least 24 hours prior to the special event that in- cludes: A. Reason(s) why cash handling site or cash float is needed. B. A list of the personnel involved with the cash handling site, descrip- tions of their duties and how segregation of duties will be maintained. C. Whether a change drawer will be needed. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 62 D. A description of the reconciliation process, including frequency of rec- onciliation. E. A description of the process for safeguarding cash until it is depos- ited. F. A schedule of how often and where cash deposits will be made. 8.3 Procedures for Cash Collection. A. “Cash” is defined as any of the following accepted methods of pay- ment for Town transactions: (1) Cash (coin and currency). (2) Checks (made payable to the Town, no third party checks). (3) Credit Cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express- ACTIVE Net only). (4) Money Orders. B. Cash should be physically protected through the use of vaults, safes, cash registers, etc. Each Department is responsible to make the nec- essary provisions to properly safeguard the cash receipts in its area and maintain the necessary safe or vault that will ensure the security. Generally, any amount of cash on hand must be maintained in a vault or heavy safe (one which cannot be easily moved by two persons us- ing a hand cart). Cash should not be retained in desk drawers or standard file cabinets without a locking mechanism; petty cash must be secured in a locked file cabinet and keys should be secured sepa- rately. C. The cash drawer should be kept shut when not in use and after each transaction. The cash drawer, when open, should not be left unat- tended when it contains money. The contents of cash drawers should be placed in a safe, vault, or an approved, locked location after each day; all safes are to be kept locked. 8.4 Receipts. A. Procedures must be in place to record the daily beginning and ending receipt numbers of the cash register, and include safeguards to pre- vent manipulation of register totals, receipt numbers, etc. Automatic numbering of receipts through a computerized system is an accept- able alternative. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 63 B. Receipts should be generated from either receipt books or cash regis- ter receipt system. C. Cash registers must be programmed to issue receipts, which shall contain all information required by the accounting system to properly credit and track payments. D. Receipt books, if issued for special events, must be issued in sequen- tial order. All books should be accounted for from the time of delivery and returned to the Finance Division. E. Only those receipt books that have been distributed by the Finance Division may be used. F. At a minimum, sequential, pre-numbered receipt forms must contain the following information: (1) Date issued. (2) Cashier and/or Department issuing the receipt. (3) Name of payor (not the department name or revenue source). (4) Net amount received. (5) Sufficient information to identify the purpose of the payment. (6) Form of payment (cash, check, credit card, etc.). G. The receipt forms should also: (1) Contain all available identifying numbers and other pertinent, descriptive information including invoice numbers. (2) Be issued in a minimum of two copies, one for the payor and one to accompany the deposit. (3) Never be altered; if any type of change is necessary, all copies of the receipt must be clearly marked “void” and a new receipt issued. (4) Be filed sequentially and retained by the Department (including void receipts). 8.5 Cash Received in Person. A. When a customer produces a mutilated bill (where a portion is miss- ing), the receiver should request that the customer have a bank re- Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 64 deem the bill. No bill will be considered for acceptance if both serial numbers are not present. B. A printed receipt must be issued for each payment received when the customer pays in person. At a remote location (for special events), manual pre-numbered receipts may be used when cash register re- ceipts are not available. C. Departments may not accept post-dated checks, IOU’s, or third party checks. D. All cash received must be recorded through the computerized ac- counting system (MUNIS and/or ACTIVE Net) with computer- generated official Town cash receipts. When a cash handling site with a computerized accounting system has to use temporary cash re- ceipts, those temporary receipts must be converted over to comput- erized receipts as soon as possible. If the conversion cannot be ac- complished within 48 hours, the cash should be deposited into the Department’s safe and tracked in detail until it is recorded on the computerized accounting system. E. The customer must be presented an official Town receipt form with a duplicate record being retained by the receiving Department. All num- bered receipts must be accounted for, including the original of voided receipts. F. The cash handling site must maintain a clear separation of duties. An individual should not have responsibility for more than one of the cash handling components: collecting, depositing, disbursement and reconciling. G. The procedures below are to be followed to safeguard the employee and the cash: (1) Account for cash as soon as is it received – count the cash in front of customer. (2) Keep cash received in view of the customer until the transac- tion is complete. (3) If change is required, count all cash and change in front of cus- tomer. (4) Reconcile the funds received to the computerized accounting system cash report or to the total of the temporary receipts at the end of the day or at the end of each shift and balance the receipts as set forth in Subsection 8.9. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 65 (5) Immediately place all cash in a cash drawer, safe or other se- cure place until deposited. A secure area for processing and safeguarding funds received should be provided and restricted to authorized personnel. (6) Personal transactions with Town cash funds are prohibited. Monies may never be borrowed nor loaned from cash funds, nor may personal checks be cashed from receipts. (7) All employees paying for Town services (rentals, movie tickets, animal license, business license, etc.) must be rung up by a different employee under a separate user ID. (8) Deposit all cash intact and not intermingled or substituted with other cash. (9) Pay refunds or expenditures through the appropriate Town bank account on a Town-generated check from the main ac- counts payable account or petty cash for the smaller accounts. If the original payment was made using credit/debit card, then refunds will be issued through the credit card per credit card regulations. (10) Provide printed receipts generated by the point of sale (POS) program for every transaction involving money. (11) Voided cash receipts must be approved and initialed by a su- pervisor before the daily deposit is done, noting the reason for voiding the transaction. (12) Deposit daily cash report and cash promptly at the end of each day into the Finance Division safe. (13) Place cash in amounts over $500.00 in the Finance Division safe immediately following the transaction until the end of day close out. (14) Cashiers should enter transactions using their personal logins (switch user) during a single shift. (15) All packaged coin or strapped currency received as payment should be removed from the package or straps and verified. H. Cashing checks from Town deposits, borrowing cash for personal use, lapping receipts to cover shortages in cash receipts, withholding checks for deposit in order to float checks, commingling personal and Town funds and modifying cash records are all serious offenses and may result in discipline up to and including immediate discharge from employment. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 66 8.6 Cash Received Through the Mail. A. When mail is opened, if the cash received is not credited directly into the appropriate Town account or issued a receipt through a comput- erized accounting system, a log of the checks, credit card transac- tions and or cash should be prepared and submitted to the Finance Division. The log should include the customer’s name, amount re- ceived, check number and any other information available that may assist in proper allocation of the funds. The envelope also should be retained as part of the records. B. When mail is opened, checks must be endorsed promptly with a re- strictive endorsement stamp. Checks must be stored in a safe or other secure place approved by the Finance Division until deposited. C. Unidentified receipts must be deposited to a depository account ap- proved for such purposes. All reasonable attempts should be made to identify the correct account and transfer the funds. 8.7 Check Acceptance. A. The Federal Reserve has established a regulation to standardize check endorsements: (1) Checks must be made payable to the Town of Fountain Hills and endorsed promptly with a restrictive endorsement stamp payable to the Town of Fountain Hills. The endorsement stamps must be distributed by the Finance Division; this stamp protects the check if lost or stolen. (2) All depositor’s endorsements are limited to the top 1.5 inches on the back side of the check, at the trailing edge of the check. This area is where endorsements are normally placed. If you look at the face of the check, the endorsement area is directly behind where “Pay to the Order of” is printed. (3) Any check that has been endorsed may not be returned to the customer. Any marks below the 1.5 inches on the check may obscure the bank routing number, cause delays in returning checks, and forfeit the Town’s right to recovery. The purpose of this regulation is to speed collection and returns. (4) The endorsement must include the following: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS [Account Number] Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 67 Financial Overview & Policies (5) Checks should have the customer information pre-printed on the face of the check. Bank issued/generated checks are ac- ceptable. (6) Personal checks from employees for cash may not be cashed at any counter in a Town facility. (7) Checks or credit card transactions will not be cashed or proc- essed for more than the amount of purchase. Departments are not authorized to return currency to the payor in the event that the check exceeds the amount due to the Town. B. Be sure that the name, branch, city and state where the drawer’s bank is located is printed on the check. C. The Town will not accept a check that is: (1) Illegible or not written out clearly; checks should be written out in blue or black ink only. (2) For anything other than the exact amount (no change will be given). (3) A third party check (that is, checks made out to someone other than the Town). (4) Altered or changed. (5) Undated, post-dated or stale dated (older than six months). (6) Not signed. (7) A starter check, i.e. a check without the name, address and check number on the face of the check. (8) Not in U.S. funds. (9) From a foreign bank, even if payable in U.S. funds. (10) Transfer checks. D. If the written amount on a check does not match the numerical amount, the written amount will govern. E. Money orders should be filled out by the customer in the presence of Town staff; the customer must countersign and write Town of Foun- tain Hills in the payee section. The Height of Desert Living 68 8.8 Credit Card Acceptance. A. Credit cards accepted are Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express (ACTIVE Net only). B. When presented with a credit card, the Department cashier shall: (1) Verify that the card has not been altered and is not expired. (2) Check customer identification to verify that the name on the card and the account name are the same, unless someone is paying for other family members. (3) Retain the credit card until the transaction is complete. (4) Enter the credit card transaction by swiping the card through the terminal on the keyboard; if the keyboard does not have a terminal, the swipe reader is not functioning or payment is be- ing taken over the telephone, the credit card number should be entered manually when prompted by ACTIVE Net or Class soft- ware programs. (5) If the credit card information is being input from a paper regis- tration form that includes the card number and payor signa- ture, shred or permanently mark over the portion of the form that includes the credit card information as soon as the trans- action is complete and the card is accepted. (6) If receiving credit card information over the phone, verify the caller’s name as it appears on the card, verify the amount to be processed, enter the credit card number, expiration date and security code directly into the ACTIVE Net or Class program – immediately shred any piece of paper where the information can be viewed or taken. 8.9 Balancing of Cash Receipts. A. All funds collected must be balanced daily, by mode of payment, by comparing the total of the cash, checks and credit cards to the com- puterized accounting reports, to the manual receipts totals, including the totals of the money received by mail. All cash receipts and sup- porting documentation (daily deposit slip, system receipts, and sys- tem reports) should be transferred daily to the accounting system and all discrepancies should be resolved before the end of the day/ shift. B. Daily cash counts and reconciliations will be performed on a random basis by the Accountant or other senior Finance Division staff mem- Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 69 Financial Overview & Policies ber. These reconciliations should be signed and dated by the re- viewer. The total monthly receipts should be balanced with the monthly bank account statements and accounting system monthly reports and all discrepancies should be resolved. C. Currency and coin must be reconciled separately from checks, credit cards and money orders by comparing actual cash received to the cash total from the cash report or to the sum of the cash sales from the manual receipts. D. Over/short amounts must be separately recorded, investigated and resolved to the extent possible as set out in the over/short portion of this Section. E. Because balancing can be a time-consuming task and requires atten- tion to detail, it is recommended that each cashier pre-balance his/ her own drawer periodically during the day. NOTE: On the rare occasion that a check needs to be forwarded to another party by the Town of Fountain Hills, the check cannot be en- dorsed. Any of the following positions are authorized to approve this receipt without endorsement: the Town Manager, the Finance Direc- tor and the Town Clerk. Approval to accept this instrument in this manner requires approval from one of the Town’s authorized signato- ries in writing prior to the presentation of the instrument. F. End of day close out process for cash collection points includes the following: (1) Two signatures on the daily cash report before submitting to the Finance Division. (2) Total deposit must match the printed report from the software program. (3) Deposits are turned in daily and deposited in the Finance Divi- sion safe by the responsible party. 8.10 Cash Over & Short. A. A daily accounting of cash received should be balanced against the total amount on the daily reports run by the Department. Any amount that is over or short shall be reported on the same day to the Depart- ment Director and the Accountant. B. The discipline procedures set forth below should be followed if the es- tablished dollar limits and frequency of overages and/or shortages are exceeded. The current established dollar limit is five dollars. A log The Height of Desert Living 70 should be established to record any overages and shortages, and the employee’s name and date. Patterns, frequencies and inconsistencies should be noted on the employee’s performance review. Overages or shortages of $50.00 or more are to be reported to the Finance Direc- tor. C. Warnings or exceptions involving cash overages or shortages shall be retained in the employee’s permanent file. D. If the shortage is the result of a suspected or documented theft, the shortage must be reported immediately and in writing to the Account- ant, the Finance Director and the Town Manager who will submit to law enforcement for investigation, regardless of amount. E. Employees who handle cash are expected to be careful and accurate and to balance their funds each day without overages or shortages. Failure to follow internal controls and checks and balances as ap- proved by the Finance Division is considered to be at least negligence and could be considered misconduct subject to the following discipli- nary procedures: (1) Verbal Warning. A verbal warning will be given if an employee has: (i) Two or more over/shorts in any 90-day period (regardless of the amount). (ii) Cumulative over/shorts of $75.00 or more in any 30-day period. (2) Written Warning. (i) After an employee has received two verbal warnings, the third warning will be in the form of a written warning. A fourth warning will be subject to disciplinary action as determined by the Department Director. (ii) A written warning will be issued if an employee exceeds a cumulative total of $100.00 or more cash short in any month regardless of the number of verbal warnings. 8.11 Returned Check Procedures. A. Any checks returned by the Town’s depository bank as uncollected shall be sent to the Finance Division. Examples of returned checks in- clude: non-sufficient funds (NSF), account closed, payor’s signature missing, refer to maker and post-dated or stale-dated checks. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 71 Financial Overview & Policies B. When a check is returned, the Finance Division prepares a negative entry to the revenue journal, debiting the originating account for the amount of the check and at the same time assessing a service fee in the amount set forth in the Town’s adopted fee schedule. It is the re- sponsibility of the Department that was credited with the revenue to notify the check writer and use due diligence to collect the amount of the check and the service fee. The check writer will be prohibited from receiving Town services until the Town is paid the full amount, plus the returned check fee. Restitution should be in the form of cur- rency, money order, cashier’s check or certified check. The Finance Division will maintain an aging report on all non-collectable items; this report will be submitted monthly to the Finance Director. C. When restitution is obtained, the same account should be used that was used on the negative entry and the deposit should be transferred to the Customer Service Representative for inclusion in the daily de- posit. D. If after proper due diligence is performed, collection has not been made, the Accountant may be consulted regarding returned items that remain uncollected for further action through the State. 8.12 Preparation of Deposits (performed by the Finance Division). A. The Finance Division shall prepare all deposits. B. All checks must be made payable to Town of Fountain Hills and en- dorsed. A calculator tape of the checks should be included with the checks bundled together. C. Cash must be recorded on the deposit slip in the appropriate space. D. Only depository-issued deposit slips, including the appropriate ac- count number(s) and sub-code(s) are to be used. E. Someone not involved with collecting the cash, opening the mail or reconciling the deposit must prepare the deposit. F. Deposit from the Municipal Court should be secured in locking deposit bags, which are available from the bank. G. Trips to the bank should be at random times during each day. 8.13 Exceptions to Cash Handling Policy. A. Any exception to this Section must be approved in writing by the De- partment Director and requires the concurrence of the Finance Direc- The Height of Desert Living 72 tor. For example, in cases where there is not enough staff available to maintain complete separation of duties, an alternate process to safe- guard Town funds must be established and approved by the Finance Director. Requests for exceptions to these procedures must be sub- mitted to the Finance Director in writing. B. Town personnel are prohibited from depositing Town cash into check- ing or other bank accounts unless the account has been set up by the Finance Division. 8.14 Records Retention. All cash receipts and related documents must be main- tained in accordance with Records Retention Schedules pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. §§ 39-101 through 39-103 and 41-151.15 through 41-151.19. Accounting reports, deposit slips, credit card receipts, copies of manual cash receipts, etc. should be kept for the period specified by the Records Reten- tion Schedules. IX. DEBT POLICY The purpose of this debt policy is to provide for the preservation and enhancement of the Town’s bond ratings, the maintenance of adequate debt service reserves, compliance with debt instrument covenants and provisions and required disclo- sures to investors, underwriters and rating agencies. The Town’s overall debt man- agement policy is to ensure that financial resources are adequate in any general economic situation to not preclude the Town’s ability to pay its debt when due. These policies are meant to supplement the legal framework of public debt laws provided by the Arizona Constitution, State Statutes, Federal tax laws and the Town’s current bond resolutions and covenants. 9.1 General. A. The Town will (1) use current revenues to pay for short-term capital projects, repair and maintenance items and (2) reserve long-term debt for capital improvements with useful lives of ten years or more. The Town will not use long-term debt to fund current governmental operations and will manage its cash flow in a fashion that will prevent any borrowing to meet working capital needs. However, exclusive re- liance upon “pay-as-you-go” funds for capital improvements requires existing residents to pay for improvements that will benefit new resi- dents who relocate to the area after the expenditure is made. Financ- ing capital projects with debt provides for an “intergenerational eq- uity,” as the actual users of the capital asset pay for its cost over time, rather than one group of users paying in advance for the costs of the asset. Where there is a benefit to all future residents, debt fi- nancing should be given consideration. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 73 Financial Overview & Policies B. To increase its reliance on current revenue to finance its capital im- provements, and promote a “pay-as-you-go” philosophy, the Town will appropriate each year a percentage of current revenues to main- tain a minimum 10% of average actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years in the assigned fund balance. 9.2 Capital Improvement Plan. A. As part of the budget process each year, the Town Manager or au- thorized designee will prepare a capital spending plan that provides a detailed summary of specific capital projects for the five fiscal years subsequent to the fiscal year presented. The plan will include the name of the project, project schedule, capital cost by fiscal year and a recommended specific funding source. The five year capital im- provement plan will be developed within the constraints of the Town’s ability to finance the plan. B. The Town Manager and Department Directors will develop formal ranking criteria that will be used in the evaluation of all capital pro- jects. The ranking criteria will give greatest weight to those projects that protect the health and safety of its citizens. “Pay-as-you-go” pro- ject financing shall be given the highest priority. Capital improve- ments that must rely upon debt financing shall be accorded a lower priority and projects with a useful life of less than ten years shall not be eligible for inclusion in bond issues except in extraordinary circum- stances. C. Lease-purchase financing shall be undertaken only when the project is considered essential to the efficient operation of the Town or to re- move expenditures that would exceed the State-imposed expenditure limitation. The Town Manager or authorized designee shall be respon- sible for ensuring that “pay-as-you-go” expenditures do not cause the State-imposed expenditure limitation to be exceeded in any fiscal year. D. All capital project requests will be accompanied by a description of the sources of funding to cover project costs. Where borrowing is rec- ommended, a dedicated source of funds to cover debt service re- quirements must be identified. All capital project requests will be re- quired to identify any impact the project may have on future operat- ing costs of the Town. The Town will seek grants to finance capital improvements and will favor those projects that are likely to receive grant money. E. All capital project appropriations and amendments to the capital im- provement plan must be approved by the Town Council. The Height of Desert Living 74 F. The capital plan will include all equipment and facilities with a useful life of greater than ten years and a cost greater than $50,000. Debt financing shall not exceed the useful life of the infrastructure im- provement or asset. G. The following steps shall be used to prepare the Capital Improvement Program (“CIP”): (1) Establish Capital Improvement policies, including: (a) Time period the CIP will cover. (b) Facilities/equipment that will be included in the CIP. (c) How acquisition of multiple items (e.g., computers) will be treated. (d) Identification of projects that are expected to be under- taken, but fall outside the time horizon of the plan. (2) Adopt standards to rank project requests. (a) Projects that address a public health or safety concern are given top priority. (b) Projects mandated by a court of competent jurisdiction or a government with authority over the Town are equal with public health or safety. (c) Major maintenance (preservation of assets). (d) Replacement of obsolete equipment (improving effi- ciency). (e) Expansion to meet demand caused by growth. (f) Coordination of projects to achieve cost savings. (g) Availability of cash to finance improvements from cur- rent revenues. (h) Acquisition of open space. (3) Perform and maintain a capital inventory and identify useful life. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 75 Financial Overview & Policies (4) Identify projects. (a) Status review of previously approved projects. (b) Identification of new projects. (c) Assess capital project alternatives. (d) Complete project request forms. (5) Assess funding sources. (a) Available grants. (b) Development fees shall be utilized to fund capital pro- jects before “pay-as-you-go” and bond issuance financ- ing. (c) Developer contributions. (d) Private contributions. (e) Issuance of securities. (f) Capital leases. (6) Approve the CIP and Budget. (a) Town Council review. (b) Public hearing. (c) Adoption of the CIP and capital budget. All capital project requests will be accompanied by a description of the sources of funding to cover project costs. Where borrowing is recommended, the source of funds to cover debt service requirements must be identified. All capital project re- quests will be required to identify any impact the project may have on future oper- ating costs of the Town. Department Directors will submit detailed descriptions of the useful life of capital projects submitted in conjunction with the preparation of the Town’s CIP. The Town Manager shall incorporate an estimate of the useful life of proposal capital improvements in developing an amortization schedule for each bond issue. If a short-lived asset or project (less than ten years) is included in a bond issue then the bond amortization schedule shall be adjusted to reflect the asset’s rapid depre- ciation. At no time shall the amortization exceed the life of the asset. The Height of Desert Living 76 9.3 Financing Alternatives. A. Financing alternatives include, but are not limited to: (1) Grants. (2) Developer Contributions. (3) General Obligation (“GO”) Bond – requires voter approval, sup- ported by an ad valorem (property) tax. (4) Revenue Bonds – repaid with dedicated revenue source (HURF, revenue generated by project). (5) Municipal Property Corporation (“MPC”) Bonds – repaid with a dedicated revenue source. (6) Community Facilities District (“CFD”) or Special District Bonds – supported by an ad valorem property tax, revenues of the district or assessments of the cost of public infrastructure or enhanced municipal services. (7) Capital Leases – repaid within operating budget. (8) Commercial Paper (CP) or Bond Anticipation Notes (BAN) with terms less than two years. B. Town debt service costs (GO Bonds, Revenue Bonds, MPC Bonds, Leases) shall not exceed 20% of the Town’s operating revenue in or- der to control fixed costs and ensure expenditure flexibility. Improve- ment District, CFD and Special District debt service is not included in this calculation because it is paid by district property owners and is not an obligation of the general citizenry. Separate criteria for CFDs have been established and included within the Town’s CFD policy. C. The Town shall comply with all U.S. Internal Revenue Service arbi- trage rebate requirements for bonded indebtedness. D. Where applicable, the Town will structure GO bond issues to create level debt service payments over the life of the issue. The goal will be to strive for a debt repayment schedule to be no more than 15 years; at no time will the debt exceed 25 years. E. Refunding bonds will be measured against a standard of the net pre- sent value debt service savings exceeding 3% of the principal amount of the bonds being refunded, or if savings exceed $750,000, or for the purposes of modifying restrictive covenants or to modify the ex- Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 77 isting debt structure to the benefit of the Town. Refinancings under- taken for other reasons should proceed only when the advantages have been clearly shown in a cost/benefit analysis of the transaction. F. The Town will seek to maintain and, if possible, improve the current bond rating in order to minimize borrowing costs and preserve access to credit. G. An analysis showing how a new issue combined with current debt im- pacts the Town’s debt capacity and conformance with Town debt poli- cies will accompany every future bond issue proposal. The debt ca- pacity analysis should reflect a positive trend and include: (1) Percent of debt outstanding as a percent of the legal debt limit. (2) Measures of the tax and revenue base. (3) Evaluation of trends relating to expenditures and fund balance. (4) Debt service as a percentage of assessed valuation. (5) Measures of debt burden on the community. (6) Tax-exempt market factors affecting interest costs. (7) Debt ratios. H. MPC and contractual debt, which is non-voter approved, will be util- ized only when a dedicated revenue source (e.g., excise taxes) can be identified to pay debt service expenses. The project to be financed will generate net positive revenues (i.e., the additional revenues gen- erated by the project will be greater than the debt service require- ments). I. The Town’s privilege/excise tax to debt service goal will be a ratio of at least 2.5:1 to ensure the Town’s ability to pay for long-term debt from this elastic revenue source. 9.4 Issuance of Obligations. A. The Town shall select the underwriter and the paying agent/registrar for each debt issuance based on competitive bid. The underwriter must be a firm with an office in the Phoenix area and a record of prior working relationships. B. The request for proposals process will be designed to select the ser- vice providers that offer the Town the best combination of expertise and price. The Town is not required to select the firm offering the Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 78 lowest price, but a report must be prepared by the Town Manager providing justification to the Town Council for a recommendation when other than the lowest bidder is chosen. The review of all pro- posals submitted shall be the responsibility of the Town Manager. C. The Town will sell bonds through public sale, online bidding process or an accelerated bidding process unless the Town Council authorizes the bond to be sold by negotiated sale or private placement. D. The Town Manager or designee and Town Attorney will coordinate their activities to ensure that all securities are issued in the most effi- cient and cost-effective manner and in compliance with the governing statutes and regulations. The Town Manager and the Town Attorney shall consult and jointly select the bond counsel for a bond issue. E. The Town Manager or authorized designee will seek a rating on all new issues which are being sold in the public market if economically feasible. F. The Town will report all financial information on an annual basis and notices of listed events in a timely manner, not in excess of ten busi- ness days after the occurrence of event, to the rating agencies and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s (“MSRB’s”) Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) system. The annual report will in- clude but not be limited to the Town’s annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and other items specified in the Town’s con- tinuing disclosure undertakings. G. Any institution or individual investing monies as an agent for the Town shall do so in a manner consistent and in compliance with the Town’s adopted Investment Policy. H. The Town Manager or authorized designee will provide detailed draw schedules for any project to be funded with borrowed monies. The Town will invest the proceeds or direct a trustee to invest the pro- ceeds of all borrowings in a manner that will ensure the availability of funds as described in the draw schedules. I. The Town acknowledges the responsibilities of the underwriting com- munity and pledges to make all reasonable efforts to assist underwrit- ers in their efforts to comply with Securities and Exchange Commis- sion Rule 15c2-12 and MSRB Rule G-36. The Town will follow its adopted issuance and post-issuance compliance procedures relating to its tax-exempt financings. Financial Overview & Policies The Height of Desert Living 79 Budget Highlights Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 80 Budget Introduction In FY09-10, the Town introduced program budgeting. Program budgeting is a method of budgeting expenditures to meet programmatic objectives rather than budgeting on a line-item basis. In program budgeting, specific performance objec- tives or outcomes are defined and the costs to produce those outcomes are enu- merated in the budget. In FY16-17, although the budget document continues with Department level, Division level and Program level budgets, many programs were combined for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. There were also two new Departments created. The new General Government Department was cre- ated for all non-departmental, Town-wide items and the Public Works Department was created out of the Development Services Department to oversee the Streets and Facilities Divisions, as well as the Outside Inspections program that was previ- ously reported under Engineering. For a summary of all Town programs, please see pages 115-117. The proposed budget is based on revenue pro- jections that are con- servative and based on the expectation that the local and national econ- omy will continue at its existing pace of moder- ate growth in revenues next fiscal year. Reve- nues for all funds are $30.7M (excluding re- serves) with expendi- tures of $40.5M (including transfers) with some funds utiliz- ing reserves for pro- jects. Budget Highlights Operating Funds 52% HURF 14% Excise Tax Funds 2% Special Revenue Funds 8% Debt Service Funds 9% Capital Projects Funds 4% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REVENUES BY FUND TYPE Total All Funds = $30.7M Operating Funds 41% HURF 10% Excise Tax Funds 1% Special Revenue Funds 7% Debt Service Funds 9% Capital Projects Funds 28% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EXPENDITURES BY FUND TYPE Total All Funds = $40.5M The Height of Desert Living 81 Budget Highlights It should be noted that the State Shared sources of revenue are very sensitive to the fluctuations of the economy as well as to annual legislative appropriations. Ad- ditionally, these revenues are distributed to cities and towns based on each mu- nicipality’s population compared to that of the entire State. Some municipalities have abundant available land for expansion and will continue to grow in popula- tion, while others, like Fountain Hills, have fixed borders and limited population growth. Over time, Fountain Hills will, therefore, represent a smaller and smaller percentage of the total and will be allocated a smaller percentage of State Shared revenues. Past efforts to diversify the Town’s revenue sources by asking the voters to approve a primary property tax have been unsuccessful which has necessitated reductions in force while maintaining the existing level of service. During FY15-16, seven cities and towns had a mid-decade census done in order to capture a bigger portion of State Shared revenues, which in turn, has had a negative impact on the Town’s portion. General Fund Budget Overview The General Fund supports core services and is the largest fund with the greatest potential for revenue fluctuations. Revenues from taxes, State Shared revenues, license and permit fees, and charges for services provide the major resources to fund programs and services delivered by the Town. Almost 87% of the Town’s Gen- eral Fund resources are derived from the local sales tax and State Shared revenues. In FY08-09, the Town received $14.8M in General Fund revenues but dropped over $2M by FY12 to $12.6M. The economic recovery saw a return to a revenue stream of $13.9M. The drop in FY13-14 reflects the reallocation of the Vehicle License Tax revenue (historically available for General Fund expenditures) to the High- way User Revenue Fund (HURF) for pavement management. Intergovernmental 35% Permits, Licenses, Fees 5%Building Revenue 8% Local Taxes 52% FY16-17 GENERAL FUND OPERATING REVENUES $13.5 $13.2 $12.6 $13.3 $13.2 $14.1 $13.9 $15.1 $10.0 $12.0 $14.0 $16.0 FY09-10 FY10-11 FY11-12 FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 FY15-16 FY16-17 General Fund Revenues (in millions) The Height of Desert Living 82 The economic recession forced the Town to focus on the delivery of core services, defined by the Town Council as:  Public Safety – Fire/Emergency Medical, Law Enforcement and Judicial  Administration – Economic Development, Finance, Human Resources, Infor- mation Technology, Town Manager, Town Clerk, General Government  Public Works - Streets, Stormwater/Environmental Services, Facilities  Development Services – Building Safety, Engineering, Planning, Code En- forcement, Mapping & Graphics  Community Services – Parks, Recreation, Senior Services, Community Cen- ter, Tourism, Open Space and Trails In FY14-15 , the Town Council directed staff to develop a new program for funding maintenance capital – those projects that are necessary to maintain the Town’s infrastructure but are not considered a capital improvement program (i.e., under the $50,000 threshold for capital). In FY15-16, the Town had a Capital Reserve Study performed to identify those items. During the upcoming year, a transfer of General Fund reserves in the amount of $1 million is proposed into the Facilities Replacement Fund to help cover some of those projects. Following is a brief summary of what is included in the proposed General Fund budget for FY16-17: Salaries and Benefits - For FY16-17, additional staffing is proposed, totaling 1.63 FTEs; a full-time director of Development Services and a part-time account- ing clerk in Finance. Most Town employees’ salaries and benefits are funded through the General Fund; salaries normally include overtime, sick leave, vacation and a set aside for merit increases. Staff is proposing a cost of living increase based on an updated market analysis with a 3.5% adjustment being proposed for FY16-17. The market analysis will result in a 5% adjustment to pay ranges (see pay plan on page 410. Because local governments are primarily a service industry, salaries and benefits comprise a major portion of expenditures. For Fountain Hills, salaries and benefits represent 22% of the proposed General Fund budget in FY16- 17 and 10% of the total budget. Employee benefits include health, vision and dental insurance, employer taxes, disability, workers’ compensation insurance, and employer match of retirement The chart on the right shows that the number of Town em- ployees is only slightly higher than at the lowest level in over fifteen years while the level of service to the citizens has re- mained constant. Budget Highlights 115 106 77 77 82 87 88 87 80 61 58 57 51 52 52 54 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 FY02 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Number of FTE Employees The Height of Desert Living 83 contributions. The Town does not provide a defined benefit pension plan for em- ployees but rather matches employee contributions into a 401(a) account main- tained by the International City/County Managers Association (ICMA). Contractual Services - The Town contracts with outside professionals for a num- ber of services which represents 24% of the total budget (51% of the General Fund). Two major contracts included in this category are: 1. Fire protection and emergency medical services ($3,406,877), currently un- der contract with Rural/Metro Corporation – 3% increase; and 2. Police protection ($3,814,531), currently provided through the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office – 7% increase. These two contracts alone represent 51% of the General Fund budget in FY16-17. Contractual Services also includes annual landscape maintenance contracts, equip- ment and vehicle repairs, and facilities maintenance (janitorial, building mainte- nance, etc.). Maintenance of the Town’s 119 acres of parks, Town medians, dams, and washes are provided by independent contractors. These contracts are solicited through a bid process to obtain the most competitive price for the Town. With pavement management a high priority, the Town is placing a priority on infrastruc- ture maintenance that has been deferred ($1,000,000 in the HURF fund annually). Maintenance/Utilities - In FY16-17, maintenance/utilities represent 7% of the total General Fund budget. The Town owns ten buildings that require maintenance on HVAC equipment, interior and exterior surfaces, electric and plumbing, fire sys- tems, irrigation, etc. Town staff has been unable to dedicate the resources neces- sary to maintain the buildings in an optimum condition; consequently future budg- ets will require increasing amounts of maintenance funding to bring the buildings up to standards. Supplies and Services - Supplies and Services include operational costs such as insurance, office supplies, etc. for Town Hall and other Town-owned buildings and accounts for 4% of the operating budget. The Town owns the Library, the Mu- seum, the Community Center, two fire stations, a vehicle maintenance facility, the Kiwanis building, and the Community Theater building. Other items in this cate- gory are postage and travel. Capital Outlays - Capital outlays include the purchase of furniture and equip- ment, and the improvement of Town facilities with a cost of at least $10,000 but less than $50,000. Expenditures of $50,000 or more are included in the Capital Improvement Program. The Town began, with the FY10-11 budget, the inclusion of vehicle replacement charges to each department based on replacement cost to be transferred and expended within a Vehicle Replacement Fund. Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 84 HURF/Streets Fund Overview The HURF/Streets Fund is a fund restricted to streets and transportation related purposes. With an operational priority for pavement management, the revenue from Vehicle License Taxes (VLT) will be appropriated within the HURF fund to be used for pavement maintenance (not reconstruction). The available resources in HURF are anticipated at $3.5M in FY16-17 which includes $929,081 from VLT. Road maintenance has not been adequately funded for several years which has re- sulted in serious degradation of the Town’s 186 miles of arterial and collector streets. The FY16-17 program of work will continue to focus on resolving the long- term fiscal needs for road maintenance. The HURF/Streets fund provides funding for the following Town programs:  Streets Department—Administration, including Legal Services  Adopt-A-Street  Open Space  Pavement Management  Street Signs  Traffic Signals  Vehicle Maintenance Excise Tax Funds Overview The Excise Tax/Downtown Fund was created in FY00-01 designating .1% of the Town’s 2.6% local sales tax to downtown development. Subsequently, on April 18, 2013, the Town Council established an additional fund by splitting the original Ex- cise Tax/Downtown Fund into two separate funds:  Downtown Strategy Fund (original Excise Tax/Downtown Fund )  Economic Development Fund Both funds were funded originally through the dedicated .1% of local sales tax with a 60/40 split—60% of sales tax revenues allocated to the new Economic De- velopment Fund and 40% of sales tax revenues allocated to the Downtown Strat- egy Fund. The residual fund balance of the Excise Tax/Downtown Fund as of June 30, 2013, was included with any new revenue in the Downtown Strategy Fund to be used towards Town Center infrastructure improvement and develop- ment. The Economic Development Fund, originally, was funded with 60% of the .1% lo- cal sales tax to be available for any economic development purpose. The Economic Development budget also included a proposal to create a new fund for Tourism in the amount of $103,000 as well as implementation of the Economic Development Plan adopted by the Council in March 2013. A resolution (2014-50) was passed on December 4, 2014, changing the allocations to 80% to the Economic Development Fund and 20% to the Downtown Strategy Fund effective January 1, 2015. Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 85 Special Revenue Fund Overview All special revenues (grants, etc) are received in the Special Revenue Fund. Oper- ating expenses are also recorded in the Special Revenue Fund unless the projects supported are in the Capital Improvement Program or the funds are in support of ongoing Town services. In these cases, funds are transferred from the Special Revenue Fund to either the Capital Projects Fund or the General Fund. In 2013, with proceeds from a $60,000 grant from the State lottery funds (LTAF II), the Town contracted with Valley Metro for a study on possible transportation programs in Fountain Hills that will bring visitors and workers into Town. The study was conducted throughout the community to get a wide response as to the trans- portation needs; as a result, the Town created a Ride Choice program. Grant funds will be used for that program as long as they are available. Included in the FY16-17 budget is an appropriation in the event that unanticipated grants become available. Other revenues in the Special Revenue Funds are the Court Enhancement Fund, the Environmental Fund, and the Cottonwoods Mainte- nance District Fund – these funds will be committed/assigned/restricted for spe- cific purpose and not available for general operations. Debt Service Funds Overview Total debt service revenues for FY16-17 are budgeted at $2.9 million including secondary property taxes for voter approved bonds and transfers from the General Fund for the Community Center. Revenues are budgeted higher than expenditures to allow for a delinquency factor in uncollected property tax revenues. The follow- ing is a summary of the debt payments for FY16-17:  General Obligation Bonds (property taxes) $2.1 million  Municipal Property Corporation (excise taxes) $0.4 million  Eagle Mountain Facilities District (property taxes) $0.4 million Development Fees Fund Overview With limited funds from development anticipated, there are few capital projects budgeted to be funded from Development Fees in the next fiscal year. However, new legislation required that the Town update the Infrastructure Improvement Plan (IIP) and conduct a revised development fee study prior to August 1, 2014. This study was initiated in FY12-13, completed in FY13-14 and is the basis for new fees. The study was approved and reduced the number of fee categories from five to two:  Law Enforcement, Streets, and Library/Museum were eliminated  Fire & Emergency and Parks/Recreation will remain Budget Highlights The Height of Desert Living 86 Budget Highlights The fund balances remaining in the eliminated categories are included in the FY16- 17 expenditures to be used towards programs or projects that were included in the original IIP. Capital Projects Fund Overview The Capital Projects Fund resources are derived from one time construction sales tax (50% of revenues – the other 50% funds operations in the General Fund) as well as bond proceeds or other revenue sources. During the building boom prior to 2008, the Town accumulated approximately $10M in the Capital Projects Fund and has been cautious about moving forward with projects during the recession. The following project areas and funding source are programmed for FY16-17 with total expenditures for capital projects budgeted at $9.3M which include: $3.8M for a new fire station relocation project, funded with CIP reserves $2.3M in park improvements, funded with Development Fees and CIP reserves $.7M in wash channelization project The complete list of projects is shown on page 326 and 330. Stormwater Management/ Drainage Projects 3% Downtown Improvement Projects 3% Facilities Projects 35% Parks & Recreation Projects 21%Street/Sidewal k Projects 35% Contingency 1% Projects by Project Type Expenditures -FY17-21 Total = $22.0M The Height of Desert Living 87 Budget Highlights Excise Tax Fund 4% Grants 22% Capital Projects Fund 29% Development Fees 10% Unfunded 34% Projects by Funding Source Expenditures -FY17-21 Total = $22.0M The Height of Desert Living 88 Budget Highlights Operating Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Non-Major Funds Total Revenues: Sales Tax 7,551,057$ -$ 433,023$ 1,039,167$ 9,023,247$ Property Tax - 2,272,976 - 5,588 2,278,564 Franchise Tax 332,418 - - - 332,418 Intergovernmental 5,213,309 - 255,000 3,909,986 9,378,295 Fines and Forfeitures 210,685 - - 16,350 227,035 Licenses and Permits 1,292,775 - 180,571 540,000 2,013,346 Charges for Services 139,050 - - 262,000 401,050 Leases and Rents 254,691 - - - 254,691 Investment Earnings 30,612 660 12,264 3,532 47,068 Other 374,637 - 150,000 35,000 559,637 Sub total Revenues 15,399,234 2,273,636 1,030,858 5,811,623 24,515,351 Transfers In 78,828 249,055 5,046,962 810,570 6,185,415 Sub total 15,478,062 2,522,691 6,077,820 6,622,193 30,700,766 Use/(Source) of Reserves 2,456,535 399,575 6,118,562 808,755 9,783,427 Total Revenues 17,934,597$ 2,922,266$ 12,196,382$ 7,430,948$ 40,484,193$ Expenditures: Current: General Government: Mayor and Council 72,545$ -$ -$ -$ 72,545$ Administration 2,275,280 2,922,266 693,885 1,659,265 7,550,696 General Government 980,986 - - - 980,986 Municipal Court 321,254 - - 88,115 409,369 Total General Government 3,650,065 2,922,266 693,885 1,747,380 9,013,596 Public Safety: Fire & Emergency Medical 3,708,717 - 3,800,000 - 7,508,717 Law Enforcement 3,930,111 - - - 3,930,111 Total Public Service 7,638,828 - 3,800,000 - 11,438,828 Community Services 2,217,839 - 2,940,535 208,220 5,366,594 Development Services: Public Works 920,201 - 2,311,000 4,135,282 7,366,483 Development Services 927,139 - - 186,138 1,113,277 Total Development Services 1,847,340 - 2,311,000 4,321,420 8,479,760 Sub total 15,354,072 2,922,266 9,745,420 6,277,020 34,298,778 Transfers Out 2,580,525 - 2,450,962 1,153,928 6,185,415 Total Expenditures 17,934,597$ 2,922,266$ 12,196,382$ 7,430,948$ 40,484,193$ FY16-17 Summary of Proposed Budget Revenues and Expenditures - All Funds The Height of Desert Living 89 Budget Highlights Sales Tax 37% Property Tax 9% Franchise Tax 2% Inter- governmental 37% Fines and Forfeitures 1% Licenses and Permits 8% Charges for Services 2% Leases and Rents 1% Other 2% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS NET REVENUES BY TYPE -ALL FUNDS Total = $24.5M General Government 26% Public Safety 33% Community Services 16% Development Services 25% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS NET EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION -ALL FUNDS Total = $34.3M The Height of Desert Living 90 Budget Highlights FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Revenues: Taxes: Sales Tax 8,459,268$ 8,983,050$ 8,647,150$ 9,023,247$ Property Tax 1,463,056 904,661 2,531,529 2,278,564 Franchise Tax 349,414 352,673 324,310 332,418 Intergovernmental 6,677,517 9,746,473 10,647,829 9,378,295 Debt Service Proceeds - 12,087,086 - - Fines and Forfeitures 170,995 186,456 163,361 227,035 Licenses and Permits 891,783 1,043,382 1,332,338 2,013,346 Charges for Services 161,376 176,541 163,700 401,050 Leases and Rents 252,585 269,754 279,561 254,691 Investment Earnings 81,138 135,541 74,719 47,068 Other 384,836 362,785 503,251 559,637 Sub total Revenues 18,891,968 34,248,402 24,667,748 24,515,351 Transfers In 1,838,453 2,782,646 1,240,980 6,185,415 Sub total 20,730,421 37,031,048 25,908,728 30,700,766 Use/(Source) of Reserves 1,494,623 (4,668,563) 12,038,545 9,783,427 Total Revenues 22,225,044$ 32,362,485$ 37,947,273$ 40,484,193$ Expenditures: Current: General Government: Mayor and Council 76,799$ 82,680$ 80,084$ 72,545$ Administration 5,494,282 9,276,154 7,197,295 7,550,696 General Government - - - 980,986 Municipal Court 296,384 298,501 357,722 409,369 Total General Government 5,867,465 9,657,335 7,635,101 9,013,596 Public Safety: Fire & Emergency Medical 3,821,720 3,534,617 7,151,797 7,508,717 Law Enforcement 3,067,013 3,353,581 3,683,970 3,930,111 Total Public Service 6,888,733 6,888,198 10,835,767 11,438,828 Community Services 2,042,598 2,646,343 3,606,803 5,366,594 Development Services: Public Works - - - 7,366,483 Development Services 5,587,795 10,387,963 14,635,622 1,113,277 Total Development Services 5,587,795 10,387,963 14,635,622 8,479,760 Sub total Expenditures 20,386,591 29,579,839 36,713,293 34,298,778 Transfers Out 1,838,453 2,782,646 1,233,980 6,185,415 Total Expenditures 22,225,044$ 32,362,485$ 37,947,273$ 40,484,193$ Historical Summary of Revenues and Expenditures - All Funds The Height of Desert Living 91 Budget Highlights 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 FY13 -14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed BudgetIn MillionsTown of Fountain Hills Revenues -By Year and Type Taxes Intergovernmental Debt Service Proceeds Fines and Forfeitures Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Leases and Rents Investment Earnings Other 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 FY13 -14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed BudgetIn MillionsTown of Fountain Hills Expenditures -By Year and Function General Government Public Safety Community Services Development Services The Height of Desert Living 92 Budget Highlights Fund/Department FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures - includes transfers Operating Funds Mayor & Council 76,799$ 82,680$ 80,084$ 72,545$ Administration 1,958,224 2,202,263 2,155,523 2,092,500 General Government - - - 3,559,040 Municipal Court 292,490 297,656 277,107 321,254 Public Works - - 1,841,444 830,201 Development Services 1,609,961 1,891,781 - 927,139 Community Services 2,120,860 2,178,290 2,359,946 2,181,310 Fire & Emergency Medical 3,385,588 3,415,299 3,501,797 3,708,717 Law Enforcement 3,064,707 3,353,581 3,683,970 3,930,111 Total General Fund 12,508,629 13,421,550 13,899,871 17,622,817 Community Services 1,234 7,185 15,000 39,000 Total Public Art Fund 1,234 7,185 15,000 39,000 Administration 64,560 60,203 68,555 71,780 Total Internal Service Fund 64,560 60,203 68,555 71,780 Administration 550,581 23,954 31,000 111,000 Public Works 134,091 - - 90,000 Total Vehicle/Equip Repl Fund 684,672 23,954 31,000 201,000 Total Operating Funds 13,259,095$ 13,512,892$ 14,014,426$ 17,934,597$ Special Revenue Funds Public Works 3,146,310$ 1,312,001$ 2,848,121$ 3,594,696$ Total Highway User Revenue Fund 3,146,310 1,312,001 2,848,121 3,594,696 Administration 272,730 1,194,160 557,886 1,021,655 Total Downtown Strategy Fund 272,730 1,194,160 557,886 1,021,655 Administration 147,581 264,396 321,101 318,411 Total Economic Development Fund 147,581 264,396 321,101 318,411 Community Services - 118,120 188,580 208,220 Total Tourism Fund - 118,120 188,580 208,220 Administration 61,667 102,364 1,601,841 1,655,000 Total Special Revenue Fund 61,667 102,364 1,601,841 1,655,000 Municipal Court 3,894 845 80,615 88,115 Total Court Enhancement Fund 3,894 845 80,615 88,115 Public Works - - 639,241 540,586 Total Environmental Fund - - 639,241 540,586 Administration 3,363 3,235 4,043 4,265 Total Cottonwoods Maint District 3,363 3,235 4,043 4,265 Total Special Revenue Funds 3,635,545$ 2,995,121$ 6,241,428$ 7,430,948$ The Height of Desert Living 93 Budget Highlights Fund/Department FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures - includes transfers Debt Service Funds Administration 1,014,000$ 561,022$ 2,094,722$ 2,119,350$ Total Gen Oblig Debt Service 1,014,000 561,022 2,094,722 2,119,350 Development Services 425,313 2,669,113 411,851 409,226 Total Eagle Mtn CFD Debt Service 425,313 2,669,113 411,851 409,226 Administration 1,108,910 2,954,713 520,740 393,690 Total Munic Prop Corp Debt Service 1,108,910 2,954,713 520,740 393,690 Total Debt Service Funds 2,548,223$ 6,184,848$ 3,027,313$ 2,922,266$ Capital Projects Funds Administration 539,410$ 1,099,020$ 324,771$ 1,072,885$ Public Works 1,678,516 7,422,660 9,140,000 1,880,000 Community Services 92,712 535,714 1,148,114 2,940,000 Fire & Emergency Medical 433,826 119,319 3,650,000 3,800,000 Total Capital Projects Fund 2,744,464 9,176,713 14,262,885 9,692,885 Public Works - 41,010 130,000 431,000 Total Facilities Replacement Fund - 41,010 130,000 431,000 Law Enforcement 2,306 - 203,484 203,484 Total Law Enforcement Dev Fee 2,306 - 203,484 203,484 Fire & Emergency Medical 2,306 - 67,202 51,822 Total Fire/Emergency Dev Fee 2,306 - 67,202 51,822 Public Works 11,813 407,921 - - Total Streets Dev Fee 11,813 407,921 - - Community Services 9,217 - - 144,987 Total Park/Rec Dev Fee 9,217 - - 144,987 Community Services 9,769 535 535 1,672,204 Total Open Space Dev Fee 9,769 535 535 1,672,204 Community Services 2,306 43,445 - - Total Library/Museum Dev Fee 2,306 43,445 - - Total Capital Projects Funds 2,782,181$ 9,669,624$ 14,664,106$ 12,196,382$ Grand Total of All Funds, including Transfers Out 22,225,044$ 32,362,485$ 37,947,273$ 40,484,193$ Less: Transfers Out 1,838,453 2,782,646 1,240,981 6,185,415 Net Expenditures - Total of All Funds 20,386,591$ 29,579,839$ 36,706,292$ 34,298,778$ The Height of Desert Living 94 Operating funds included in this table are the General Fund, Public Art and Internal Service Funds. The reduction in fund balance is the result of transfers out to fund one time capital expenditures in other funds. The Debt Service Fund decreased be- cause of the use of accumulated reserves. The Capital Projects and Non-Major funds will also be utilizing accumulated reserves, as well as funds transferred into the funds, for one time capital expenditures. Budget Highlights Operating Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Non-Major Funds Total Revenues: Sales Tax 7,551,057$ -$ 433,023$ 1,039,167$ 9,023,247$ Property Tax - 2,272,976 - 5,588 2,278,564 Franchise Tax 332,418 - - - 332,418 Intergovernmental 5,213,309 - 255,000 3,909,986 9,378,295 Fines and Forfeitures 210,685 - - 16,350 227,035 Licenses and Permits 1,292,775 - 180,571 540,000 2,013,346 Charges for Services 139,050 - - 262,000 401,050 Leases and Rents 254,691 - - - 254,691 Investment Earnings 30,612 660 12,264 3,532 47,068 Other 374,637 - 150,000 35,000 559,637 Sub total 15,399,234 2,273,636 1,030,858 5,811,623 24,515,351 Transfers In 78,828 249,055 5,046,962 810,570 6,185,415 Total Revenues 15,478,062 2,522,691 6,077,820 6,622,193 30,700,766 Expenditures: General Government: Mayor and Council 72,545 - - - 72,545 Administration 2,275,280 2,922,266 693,885 1,659,265 7,550,696 General Government 980,986 - - - 980,986 Municipal Court 321,254 - - 88,115 409,369 Total General Government 3,650,065 2,922,266 693,885 1,747,380 9,013,596 Public Safety: Fire & Emergency Medical 3,708,717 - 3,800,000 - 7,508,717 Law Enforcement 3,930,111 - - - 3,930,111 Total Public Service 7,638,828 - 3,800,000 - 11,438,828 Community Services 2,217,839 - 2,940,535 208,220 5,366,594 Development Services: Public Works 920,201 - 2,311,000 4,135,282 7,366,483 Development Services 927,139 - - 186,138 1,113,277 Total Development Services 1,847,340 - 2,311,000 4,321,420 8,479,760 Sub total 15,354,072 2,922,266 9,745,420 6,277,020 34,298,778 Transfers Out 2,580,525 - 2,450,962 1,153,928 6,185,415 Total Expenditures 17,934,597 2,922,266 12,196,382 7,430,948 40,484,193 Net Change in Fund Balance (2,456,535) (399,575) (6,118,562) (808,755) (9,783,427) Fund Balance Beginning of Year - estimated 10,383,176 1,053,522 8,060,487 2,677,101 22,174,286 End of Year 7,926,641$ 653,947$ 1,941,925$ 1,868,346$ 12,390,859$ Fund Balance Percentage Change (24%) (38%)(76%) (30%)(44%) Note: See page 44 for a listing of the funds included in each column. FY16-17 Projected Changes in Fund Balances The Height of Desert Living 95 Revenue Summary Revenue Summary The Height of Desert Living 96 Revenue This section provides a broad overview of the revenues included in the FY16-17 budget. Information is presented for each fund. Total revenues for all funds are estimated at $30,700,766. The Operating Funds portion represents approximately 50% of the total. HURF/Streets funds represent 12% of the total. Special Revenue funds represent another 8% of the budget. Debt Service represents 8% and Capital Projects represent 20%. Revenue Summary Operating Funds 50% HURF 12% Excise Tax Funds 2%Special Revenue Funds 8% Debt Service Funds 8% Capital Projects Funds 20% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REVENUES BY FUND TYPE WITH TRANSFERS Total All Funds = $30.7M The Height of Desert Living 97 Revenue Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Revenues - includes transfers Operating Funds Sales Tax-Local 7,100,383$ 7,504,014$ 7,317,367$ 7,551,057$ Franchise Fees 349,414 352,673 324,310 332,418 Liquor License Fees 4,400 4,550 1,500 1,500 Business License 103,640 128,377 109,575 103,500 Animal License 44,426 41,261 41,832 40,320 Building Permit 137,133 171,307 257,755 556,512 Sign Permits 8,540 7,145 3,350 6,200 Planning & Zoning Fees 40,278 34,346 10,000 16,059 Landscape Permits - 840 2,100 25,200 Encroachment Permits 19,921 38,709 20,000 35,000 Variances 3,225 5,000 4,000 9,000 Subdivision Fees 34,755 78,835 21,000 44,500 Special Event Permit 5,350 6,925 2,500 2,500 Engineering Fees 3,850 5,100 2,500 3,500 Plan Review 131,005 172,778 193,316 430,884 Inspection Fees 18,168 24,204 17,000 17,000 Alcohol Permits - 20 1,270 1,100 Rental Fees 98,793 116,736 124,840 134,210 Non-Taxable Rental 12,215 10,229 12,509 11,209 Cell Tower Lease 141,576 142,789 142,212 109,272 Sales Tax-State 1,957,505 2,055,241 2,148,444 2,250,724 Income Tax-State 2,506,685 2,722,433 2,707,673 2,925,453 Fire Insurance Prem Tax 39,174 38,211 36,050 37,132 Program Fees 138,089 156,839 135,200 139,050 Non-Taxable Fees 381 500 1,500 - Sponsorships 9,469 9,860 11,750 10,200 Donations 36,208 2,484 20,260 105 Reimbursements/Refunds - - 1,000 1,000 Auction/Recycle Proceeds 2,516 643 1,000 1,000 Restitution/Ins Proceeds 60 9,282 1,000 1,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 13,583 2,543 20,822 10,150 Taxable Sales 7,785 6,938 6,900 6,522 Court Fines/Fees 154,024 167,491 147,011 195,685 Interest Income 56,449 55,009 50,000 30,000 Internal Service Charges 1,926 2,289 5,420 3,330 Transfer In - - 2,000 39,828 Total General Fund 13,180,926 14,075,601 13,904,966 15,082,120 In-Lieu Fees 750 16,180 15,000 15,000 Transfer In - - - - Interest Income - 6 - 12 Transfer In - - - 39,000 Total Public Art Fund 750 16,186 15,000 54,012 Miscellaneous Revenue 201 - - - Internal Service Charges 61,859 70,650 68,555 73,840 Total Internal Service Fund 62,060 70,650 68,555 73,840 Auction/Recycle Proceeds 54,107 239 - - Restitution/Ins Proceeds - - - - Interest Income 95 293 - 600 Internal Service Charges 2,233 1,445 1,268 1,268 Vehicle Repl Charges 153,797 178,027 205,194 266,222 Transfer In - - - - Total Vehicle/Equip Repl Fund 210,232 180,004 206,462 268,090 Total Operating Funds 13,453,968$ 14,342,441$ 14,194,983$ 15,478,062$ The Height of Desert Living 98 Revenue Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Revenues - includes transfers Special Revenue Funds Sales Tax-Local -$ -$ -$ 692,778$ Vehicle License Tax 800,475 858,874 888,838 929,081 Highway User Tax 1,268,563 1,392,806 1,403,324 1,444,905 In-Lieu Fees 22,156 3,022 12,000 262,000 Reimbursements/Refunds - 509 - - Auction/Recycle Proceeds 437 2,089 - - Restitution/Ins Proceeds 9,212 8,510 - 25,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 533 - 6,000 - Interest Income 375 809 300 300 Transfer In 994,000 562 - 202,000 Total Highway User Revenue Fund 3,095,751 2,267,181 2,310,462 3,556,064 Sales Tax-Local - - 66,517 69,278 Sales-Excise Tax 129,069 100,540 - - Interest Income 11,878 13,225 6,000 3,036 Total Downtown Strategy Fund 140,947 113,765 72,517 72,314 Sales Tax-Local - - 266,066 277,111 Sales-Excise Tax 193,603 244,420 - - Interest Income 29 80 - 96 Transfer In - 90,000 50,000 50,000 Total Economic Development Fund 193,632 334,500 316,066 327,207 Grants - - 26,659 30,000 Prop 202/Gaming Rev - - 25,000 30,000 Sponsorships - - - 10,000 Transfer In - 119,100 139,100 139,570 Total Tourism Fund - 119,100 190,759 209,570 Grants - 2,000 1,481,841 1,336,000 LTAF II 31,667 9,643 65,000 65,000 Prop 202/Gaming Rev 30,000 67,044 75,000 75,000 Donations - 23,677 - - Transfer In - 1,639 - 179,000 Total Special Revenue Fund 61,667 104,003 1,621,841 1,655,000 CCEF Revenue 14,750 16,599 14,250 14,250 JCEF Revenue 2,221 2,366 2,100 2,100 Interest Income 124 64 100 100 Total Court Enhancement Fund 17,095 19,029 16,450 16,450 Environmental Fee - - 540,000 540,000 Transfer In - - 222,480 240,000 Total Environmental Fund - - 762,480 780,000 Property Tax-Cy 4,823 4,823 5,366 5,588 Interest Income 5 8 - - Total Cottonwoods Maint District 4,828 4,831 5,366 5,588 Total Special Revenue Funds 3,513,920$ 2,962,409$ 5,295,941$ 6,622,193$ The Height of Desert Living 99 Revenue Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Revenues - includes transfers Debt Service Funds Property Tax-Cy 1,029,428$ 475,285$ 2,109,477$ 1,894,584$ Interest Income 178 327 210 210 Transfer In - 362,638 - - Total Gen Oblig Bond Debt Service 1,029,606 838,250 2,109,687 1,894,794 Property Tax-Cy 428,805 424,552 416,686 378,392 Debt Service/Bond Proceeds - 2,300,000 - - Interest Income 77 166 9 150 Total Eagle Mtn CFD Debt Service 428,882 2,724,718 416,695 378,542 Sales Tax-Local - - 665,165 - Sales-Excise Tax 645,342 689,920 - - Debt Service/Bond Proceeds - 1,880,000 - - Interest Income 107 455 100 300 Transfer In 421,884 500,000 - 249,055 Total Munic Prop Corp Debt Service 1,067,333 3,070,375 665,265 249,355 Total Debt Service Funds 2,525,821$ 6,633,343$ 3,191,647$ 2,522,691$ The Height of Desert Living 100 Revenue Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Revenues - includes transfers Capital Projects Funds Sales Tax-Local 390,871$ 444,155$ 332,035$ 433,023$ Development Fees - 200,000 - - Debt Service/Bond Proceeds - 7,565,000 - - Premium on Bond Proceeds - 342,086 - - Grants 43,449 2,600,221 1,790,000 255,000 Reimbursements/Refunds - 11,600 154,082 150,000 Restitution/ Ins Proceeds - 32,001 - - Miscellaneous/Reimbursements - - - - Interest Income 30,814 51,587 12,000 6,000 Transfer In 421,641 1,564,936 745,686 4,046,962 Total Capital Projects Fund 886,775 12,811,586 3,033,803 4,890,985 Transfer In - 143,772 81,715 1,000,000 Total Facilities Replacement Fund - 143,772 81,715 1,000,000 Development Fees 3,059 672 - - Interest Income 105 58 - - Total Law Enforcement Dev Fee 3,164 730 - - Development Fees 9,234 20,504 26,579 58,277 Interest Income 25 45 - 144 Total Fire/Emergency Dev Fee 9,259 20,549 26,579 58,421 Development Fees 228,265 33,684 - - Interest Income 147 121 - - Total Streets Dev Fee 228,412 33,805 - - Development Fees 93,636 68,651 78,060 122,294 Interest Income 1 34 - 120 Total Park/Rec Dev Fee 93,637 68,685 78,060 122,414 Development Fees - - - - Interest Income 11,622 13,241 6,000 6,000 Total Open Space Dev Fee 11,622 13,241 6,000 6,000 Development Fees 2,898 474 - - Interest Income 17 13 - - Total Library/Museum Dev Fee 2,915 487 - - Transfer In 928 - - - Total General Govt Dev Fee 928 - - - Total Capital Projects Funds 1,236,712$ 13,092,855$ 3,226,157$ 6,077,820$ Grand Total of All Funds, including Transfers In 20,730,421$ 37,031,048$ 25,908,728$ 30,700,766$ Less: Transfers In 1,838,453 2,782,646 1,240,980 6,185,415 Net Revenues - Total of All Funds 18,891,968$ 34,248,402$ 24,667,748$ 24,515,351$ The Height of Desert Living 101 See the following pages for a discussion of the major revenue types, restrictions on use, and major influences for each type. The graphs on the following pages do not represent all of the accounts combined into the above categories. The use of reserves is intended to be for funding capital projects. Revenue Summary Operating Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Non-Major Funds Total % of Total Revenues: Sales Tax 7,551,057$ -$ 433,023$ 1,039,167$ 9,023,247$ 22% Property Tax - 2,272,976 - 5,588 2,278,564 6% Franchise Tax 332,418 - - - 332,418 1% Intergovernmental 5,213,309 - 255,000 3,909,986 9,378,295 23% Fines and Forfeitures 210,685 - - 16,350 227,035 1% Licenses and Permits 1,292,775 - 180,571 540,000 2,013,346 5% Charges for Services 139,050 - - 262,000 401,050 1% Leases and Rents 254,691 - - - 254,691 1% Investment Earnings 30,612 660 12,264 3,532 47,068 0% Other 374,637 - 150,000 35,000 559,637 1% Sub total Revenues 15,399,234 2,273,636 1,030,858 5,811,623 24,515,351 60% Transfers In 78,828 249,055 5,046,962 810,570 6,185,415 15% Sub total 15,478,062 2,522,691 6,077,820 6,622,193 30,700,766 76% Use/(Source) of Reserves 2,456,535 399,575 6,118,562 808,755 9,783,427 24% Total Revenues 17,934,597$ 2,922,266$ 12,196,382$ 7,430,948$ 40,484,193$ 100% FY16-17 Revenues by Type The Height of Desert Living 102 Revenue Summary State Shared Sales Tax Revenue General Fund The Height of Desert Living 103 Revenue Summary Local Sales Tax All Funds The Height of Desert Living 104 Revenue Summary State Shared Income Tax Revenue General Fund The Height of Desert Living 105 Revenue Summary Highway User Revenue Highway User Revenue Fund The Height of Desert Living 106 Revenue Summary Vehicle License Tax Revenue Highway User Revenue Fund The Height of Desert Living 107 Revenue Summary Fines and Forfeitures Revenue General Fund The Height of Desert Living 108 Revenue Summary Licensing Fee Revenue General Fund The Height of Desert Living 109 Revenue Summary Building Related Revenue General Fund The Height of Desert Living 110 Revenue Summary Charges For Services-Recreation User Fees General Fund The Height of Desert Living 111 Revenue Summary Charges For Services-Rentals General Fund The Height of Desert Living 112 Revenue Summary The Height of Desert Living 113 Expenditure Summary Expenditure Summary The Height of Desert Living 114 Expenditures This section provides a broad overview of the expenditures included in the FY16- 17 budget. Information is presented for each fund. All Funds Expenditure Summary Total expenditures for all funds are $40,484,193, including transfers. The Operat- ing Funds represent 41% of the total. HURF/Streets Fund represents 10% of the total Town budget. Special Revenue Funds represent 7% of the budget with Debt Service representing 9%, and Capital Projects 29%. With the introduction of program budgeting, all expenditures are categorized by line item or program. A summary of all programs and proposed costs is shown on the next pages. Expenditure Summary Operating Funds 41% HURF 10% Excise Tax Funds 1% Special Revenue Funds 7% Debt Service Funds 9% Capital Projects Funds 29% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EXPENDITURES BY FUND TYPE WITH TRANSFERS Total All Funds = $40.5M The Height of Desert Living 115 Expenditure Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures by Fund and Program Operating Funds Accounting 38,113$ 33,003$ 116,656$ 199,347$ Administration 1,699,275 2,001,704 1,490,318 9,796,494 Amenities 190,310 234,832 437,447 - Animal Control 37,705 31,817 40,320 33,244 Art & Culture 48,127 38,857 41,713 - Attorney Services 205,137 257,683 293,454 396,950 Audit Services 68,946 96,157 98,020 - Boards & Commissions 56,217 53,865 48,691 - Budget 56,545 50,268 51,951 - Building Inspection 234,543 245,262 274,972 224,508 Building Maintenance 593,143 653,723 648,374 557,159 Capital Improvement Prog 89,718 91,417 93,274 - Civil Cases 31,909 32,924 31,505 - Code Compliance 93,627 96,965 99,979 77,980 Community Events 94,842 102,117 113,380 77,729 Criminal Cases 51,224 51,980 48,866 - Current Planning 97,300 101,425 107,623 - Customer Service 32,151 19,297 18,762 36,264 Elections 57,432 41,316 34,840 - Emergency Medical 1,420,228 1,464,522 1,513,136 - Engineering 136,475 142,668 212,854 229,133 Environmental Service 32,611 32,419 30,747 - Event Planning 61,195 54,514 57,862 - Field Prep/Maint 170,384 171,716 180,893 - Fire Suppression 1,624,954 1,606,250 1,661,464 - Fountain 223,119 196,149 214,871 212,375 Home Delivered Meals 60,983 56,661 73,522 63,464 Incarceration/Transport 56,302 56,703 67,500 - Juvenile 8,691 9,448 8,286 - Landscape Maintenance 162,852 184,317 226,638 - Legislation 38,488 41,443 46,655 14,090 Licensing 45,436 49,243 49,277 51,388 Long Range Planning 26,790 27,130 29,278 - Mapping & Graphics 72,239 70,893 68,865 106,351 Network Administration 145,728 132,268 159,391 - Open Space 31,494 37,249 29,058 21,058 Operations 115,620 121,833 116,568 4,765,260 Outside Inspections - - - 60,647 Patrol 2,946,797 3,249,272 3,554,666 - Payroll 16,291 22,139 23,668 - Permitting 114,359 117,510 126,218 - Planning & Zoning - - - 121,314 Public Defender 3,750 6,750 4,800 - Prosecutor 91,667 90,000 90,000 - Purchasing 28,341 46,269 48,247 57,544 Records Management 15,550 15,968 16,206 - Recruitment 21,110 29,209 30,152 - Risk Management 243,193 257,612 276,779 301,272 Senior Memberships 86,956 93,129 105,841 68,382 Social/Community Services 129,103 133,991 115,197 - Support 54,487 41,883 42,451 - Special Events 27,073 23,450 26,769 - Special Interest Programs 24,407 30,697 38,590 16,007 Sports Activities 55,629 61,520 82,551 26,602 Stormwater Management 205,650 246,430 148,939 - Strategic Planning 22,040 16,114 57,259 - Training & Development 4,389 2,536 17,500 - Treasury 41,053 41,702 42,902 - Video Services 17,188 11,580 13,233 - Volunteers 44,024 66,315 75,435 80,424 Web Site 10,948 40,227 39,927 - Youth & Teen Programs 94,771 87,208 85,531 27,831 Total General Fund 12,508,629 13,421,550 13,899,871 17,622,817 The Height of Desert Living 116 Expenditure Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures by Fund and Program Operating Funds - continued Art & Culture 1,234 7,185 15,000 39,000 Total Public Art Fund 1,234 7,185 15,000 39,000 Operational Support 64,560 60,203 68,555 71,780 Vehicle Replacement 684,672 23,954 31,000 201,000 Total Internal Service Funds 749,232 84,157 99,555 272,780 Total Operating Funds 13,259,095$ 13,512,892$ 14,014,426$ 17,934,597$ Special Revenue Funds Administration 336,496$ 149,690$ 220,860$ 331,598$ Adopt A Street 3,585 3,220 4,227 1,010 Legal Services 25,698 28,689 32,136 - Open Space 241,291 261,749 350,309 339,583 Pavement Management 2,205,886 504,599 1,761,276 2,618,080 Street Signs 82,757 84,970 95,098 69,767 Street Sweeping 74,772 87,908 - - Traffic Signals 103,333 111,358 278,145 163,483 Vehicle Maintenance 72,492 79,818 106,070 71,175 Total Highway User Revenue Fund 3,146,310 1,312,001 2,848,121 3,594,696 Administration 272,730 1,194,160 557,886 1,021,655 Total Downtown Strategy Fund 272,730 1,194,160 557,886 1,021,655 Administration 147,581 264,396 321,101 318,411 Total Economic Development Fund 147,581 264,396 321,101 318,411 Administration - 118,121 188,580 208,220 Total Tourism Fund - 118,121 188,580 208,220 Grants Admin 61,667 102,364 1,601,841 1,655,000 Total Special Revenue Fund 61,667 102,364 1,601,841 1,655,000 Administration - - 50,615 58,115 Equipment Replacement 3,894 845 30,000 30,000 Total Court Enhancement Fund 3,894 845 80,615 88,115 Administration - - 639,241 540,586 Total Environmental Fund - - 639,241 540,586 Cottonwoods Maintenance District 3,363 3,235 4,043 4,265 Total Cottonwoods Maint District 3,363 3,235 4,043 4,265 Total Special Revenue Funds 3,635,545$ 2,995,122$ 6,241,428$ 7,430,948$ Debt Service Funds Gen Oblig Bond Debt Service 1,014,000$ 561,022$ 2,094,722$ 2,119,350$ Eagle Mtn CFD Debt Service 425,313 2,669,113 411,851 409,226 Munic Prop Corp Debt Service 1,108,910 2,954,713 520,740 393,690 Total Debt Service Funds 2,548,223$ 6,184,848$ 3,027,313$ 2,922,266$ The Height of Desert Living 117 Expenditure Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures by Fund and Program Capital Projects Funds Administration 1,236$ 2,362$ 124,771$ 472,885$ Downtown Development 515,983 1,096,658 200,000 600,000 Fire Projects 433,826 119,319 3,650,000 3,800,000 General Govt Projects 220,714 486 - 300,000 Park Development 92,712 535,714 1,148,114 2,940,000 Pavement Management 1,414,200 7,338,805 6,565,000 830,000 Stormwater Management 51,814 15,177 2,195,000 750,000 Traffic Signals 13,979 68,192 380,000 - Total Capital Projects Fund 2,744,464 9,176,712 14,262,885 9,692,885 Administration - 41,010 130,000 431,000 Total Facilities Replacement Fund - 41,010 130,000 431,000 Law Enforcement Dev Fee 2,306 - 203,484 203,484 Fire/Emergency Dev Fee 2,306 - 67,202 51,822 Streets Dev Fee 11,813 407,921 - - Park/Rec Dev Fee 9,217 - - 144,987 Open Space Dev Fee 9,769 535 535 1,672,204 Library/Museum Dev Fee 2,306 43,445 - - Total Development Fee Funds 37,717 451,901 271,221 2,072,497 Total Capital Projects Funds 2,782,181$ 9,669,623$ 14,664,106$ 12,196,382$ Grand Total of All Funds, including Transfers Out 22,225,044$ 32,362,485$ 37,947,273$ 40,484,193$ Less: Transfers Out 1,838,453 2,782,646 1,240,981 6,185,415 Net Expenditures - Total of All Funds 20,386,591$ 29,579,839$ 36,706,292$ 34,298,778$ The Height of Desert Living 118 Expenditure Summary Department Division Proposed Budget Mayor & Council Mayor & Council 72,545$ Administration Town Manager 298,057 Town Clerk 155,603 Administrative Services 445,951 Finance 528,677 Information Technology 267,262 Legal Services 396,950 Total Administration 2,092,500 General Government Non-Departmental 3,559,040 Municipal Court Municipal Court 321,254 Public Works Public Works 191,233 Facilities 638,968 Total Public Works 830,201 Development Services Development Services 167,853 Engineering 229,133 Planning 121,314 Code Compliance 77,980 Mapping & Graphics 106,351 Building Safety 224,508 Total Development Services 927,139 Community Services Community Services 205,342 Recreation 435,659 Community Center 222,606 Senior Services 222,475 Parks-Administration 79,579 Parks-Fountain Park 427,673 Parks-Golden Eagle Park 297,936 Parks-Desert Vista Park 108,626 Parks-Four Peaks Park 79,757 Parks-Open Space/Trails 21,058 Parks-Avenue of the Fountains Plaza 80,599 Total Community Services 2,181,310 Law Enforcement Law Enforcement 3,930,111 Fire & Emergency Medical Fire & Emergency Medical 3,708,717 Total General Fund Expenditures 17,622,817$ FY16-17 General Fund Expenditures by Department and Division The Height of Desert Living 119 Expenditure Limitation Each year, the Economic Estimates Commission of the State of Arizona develops expenditure limits for local governments in Arizona based on a formula using 1979-80 expenses adjusted for inflation and population growth. Cities and towns are required to stay within the limits or incur a penalty (reduction in State Shared revenues). The FY16-17 expenditure limitation for the Town of Fountain Hills is $27,473,653 which is a 2.5% increase from the previous year. The limit applies to FY16-17 ex- penditures of the Town (all funds) but allows for certain exemptions and deduc- tions. For example, bond proceeds, debt service payments, grant expenditures, and HURF and are not included when determining compliance with the expenditure limitation. However, development fee and capital project expenditures are subject to the limitation. The table below is an estimate of the Town’s expenditure limita- tion, deductions and exclusions and final spending authority. Expenditure Summary Total Expenditures 34,298,778$ Exclusions (Subtractions) from Revenues: Separate Legal Entitites 807,181 Bond Proceeds, including amounts carried forward - Debt Service Payments 2,118,250 Dividends, Interest, Gains 47,068 Grants, Aid, Contributions from Federal Government 15,000 Grants, Aid, Contributions from Private Organizations 20,305 Amounts Received from State 1,776,000 Quasi-External interfund Transactions 345,020 Savings Reserved for Capital Purchase (voter approved)- Highway User Revenues Excess 1979-80 2,665,615 Contracts with Other Political Subdivisions - Refunds, Reimbursements - Voter Approved Exclusions - Prior Years Carry Forward - Total Exclusions 7,794,439 Expenditures subject to limitation 26,504,339 Expenditure Limitation 27,473,653 Under/(Over) Limitation 969,314$ EXPENDITURE LIMITATION ANALYSIS (Estimated) The Height of Desert Living 120 Expenditure Summary The Height of Desert Living 121 Budget Process & Schedule Budget Process & Schedule The Height of Desert Living 122 Budget Process Planning Process A number of planning processes are in place to guide the Town’s decision making. Many of these processes allow for direct citizen input through public hearings, community meetings or participation in Council-appointed committees. The Town’s planning processes include: Planning Process Description Town Vision, Mission, Goals and Values Sets the overall tone of the organization and guides employees in managing the daily operations of the Town. General Plan A guide designed to encourage the most appropriate use of land and resources within the Town consistent with the interest of the citizens. The General Plan sets forth goals, objectives, policies and implementation techniques that will guide the development activity within the Town and promote, preserve and protect the health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens. Capital Improvement Program A five year guide to assist in long range planning for the Town’s capital needs. Details of the adopted Capital Improvement Plan are found beginning on page 320. Fiscal Policy Guidelines Policies guiding the financial management of the Town of Fountain Hills are approved by the Town Council to ensure a fiscally sound government. The adoption of and compliance with these policies is an important factor in Rating Agency reviews. A summary of the Town’s policies can be found beginning on page 50. Annual Budget Process Town staff develops a recommended budget. Many of the decisions included in that recommendation are driven by processes noted above. A summary of the Town’s budget process can be found on the following pages. Five Year Financial Plan A five year financial forecast is developed annually as a tool to anticipate potential budget imbalances. The current plan can be found on page 18. The Height of Desert Living 123 Mission of the Budget Process Communication and involvement with citizens and other stakeholders is stressed. The broad nature of the budget mission allows issues to be addressed that have limited the success of budgeting in the past. Apathy is a serious illness of govern- ment; it is in the best interests of government to have involved stakeholders. The term stakeholder refers to anyone affected by or who has a stake in govern- ment. This term stakeholder includes, but is not limited to, citizens, customers, elected officials, management, employees and their representatives, businesses, vendors, other governments, and the media. It is vital that the budget processes include diverse stakeholders. Each year, the Town of Fountain Hills budget is developed from the Town Council’s priorities by the Finance Division with the individual Departments and the Town Manager. Meetings with each Department, the Town Manager and the Finance Di- vision are held during the month of March. After these meetings are completed, a proposed Town-wide balanced budget is prepared for submittal to the full Town Council and public in April/May. Recommended Budget Practices The Town of Fountain Hills budget process is designed to meet citizens’ needs for information and input; decision makers’ needs for information and advice from citi- zens on their desired blend of services; and the time line set by the State of Ari- zona through the Arizona Budget Law. The Town of Fountain Hills budget process incorporates the recommended prac- tices promulgated by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB) and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). Concurrently, Town staff apply diligent effort into improving the processes, decisions and out- comes with each new budget year. The NACSLB’s practices encourage govern- ments to consider the long-term consequences of actions to ensure that impacts of budget decisions are understood over a multi-year planning horizon and to assess whether program and service levels can be sustained. Budget Definition All cities and towns in Arizona are required to adopt an annual budget. State law dictates that fiscal years begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Certain parts of the budget document, such as summaries of revenues and expenditures showing two years of spending history, are required by State law. A good budget process is characterized by several essential features:  Incorporates a long-term perspective  Establishes linkages to broad goals  Focuses budget decisions on results and outcomes Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 124  Involves and promotes effective communication with stakeholders  Provides incentives to government management and employees These key characteristics of good budgeting make clear that the budget process is not simply an exercise in balancing revenues and expenditures one year at a time, but is strategic in nature, encompassing a multi-year financial and operating plan that allocates resources on the basis of identified goals. A good budget process moves beyond the traditional concept of line-item expenditure control, providing incentives and flexibility to managers that can lead to improved program efficiency and effectiveness. Principles and Elements of the Budget Process The budget process consists of four broad principles that stem from the definition and mission previously described. These principles are as follows: 1. A government should have broad goals that provide overall direction for the government and serve as a basis for decision making. 2. A government should have specific policies, plans, programs and man- agement strategies to define how it will achieve its long-term goals. 3. A financial plan and budget that moves toward town achievement of goals, within the constraints of available resources, should be prepared and adopted. 4. Program and financial performance should be continually evaluated, and ad- justments made, to encourage progress toward achieving goals. These principles encompass many functions that spread across a governmental or- ganization. They reflect the fact that development of a balanced budget is a politi- cal and managerial process that also has financial and technical dimensions. Each of the principles of the budget process incorporates components or elements that represent achievable results. These elements help translate the guiding principles into action components. Individual budgetary practices are derived from these ele- ments. The principles and elements provide a structure to categorize budgetary practices. The Town of Fountain Hills has broad goals that provide overall direction for the government and serves as a basis for decision-making.  Assess community needs, priorities, challenges and opportunities  Identify opportunities and challenges for governmental services, capital as- sets, and management  Develop and disseminate broad goals  Develop approaches to achieve goals – a government should have specific policies, plans, programs, and management strategies to define how it will achieve its long-term goals  Adopt financial policies  Develop programmatic, operating, and capital policies and plans  Develop programs and services that are consistent with policies and plans Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 125  Develop management strategies  Develop a budget consistent with approaches to achieve goals – a financial plan and budget that moves toward achievement of goals, within the con- straints of available resources, should be prepared and adopted  Develop a process for preparing and adopting a budget  Develop and evaluate financial options  Make choices necessary to adopt a budget  Evaluate performance and make adjustments – program and financial per- formance should be continually evaluated, and adjustments made, to en- courage progress toward achieving goals  Monitor, measure, and evaluate performance  Make adjustments as needed When does the “budget season” start? The budget process typically begins in January when the Finance Division begins to review current levels of service, Council goals and objectives as identified at the annual Council retreat, proposed capital improvements, and financial forecasts. In reality, the budget process for the Town is actually an ongoing process. Throughout the fiscal year, citizens and staff submit suggestions for new services, regulations, funding sources, and improved service delivery, as well as concerns to the Town Council and Commissions for discussion, study, and/or implementation. Advisory Boards and Commissions develop plans for new or enhanced programs to be included in the following year’s budget proposal. Implementing, Monitoring, and Amending the Budget A budget is an annual planning tool - it identifies the Town’s work plan and matches the financial, material, and human resources available with the require- ments to complete the work plan. The budget includes information about the or- ganization and identifies the Council policy that directed the budget preparation. Although a budget is often discussed as a financial document, the financial portion means very little without the policy and administrative information that explains what the organization intends to do with the financial resources. In July, the Town staff begins the process of implementing the newly adopted budget and is accountable for budgetary control throughout the fiscal year. Reve- nue and expenditure patterns are examined, compared to budget plans, and cor- rective action, if necessary, is taken during the fiscal year. Town management has access to a monthly budget and activity report; the Town Council is provided a summary budget report at the end of each quarter disclosing actual revenue, ex- penditure, and fund balance performance as compared to the budget. The Town of Fountain Hills budget is adopted at a Department level and the Capi- tal Improvement Program is adopted at a project level. Control of each legally adopted annual budget is at the Department level; the Town Manager may, at any time, transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof be- Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 126 tween general classifications of expenditure (line items) within a Department. The items are reduced by a like amount. At the request of the Town Manager, the Council may transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof between one Department to another. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes, “No expenditure shall be made for a purpose not included in such budget...”. Thus, a contingency line item is included within the General Fund to accommodate most unplanned expenditures. The other option in amending the budget, according to State law, is for the Council to declare an emergency and then transfer the monies from one line item or Department to an- other. In essence, any approved Council transfers do amend the budget although the budget is never reprinted. All transfers are reflected on the following year’s le- gal schedules as required by the Auditor General’s Office. What funds are included in this budget? The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based on the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The Town of Fountain Hills appropriates all funds in its budget process:  General Fund – revenues and expenditures to carry out basic governmental activities such as police and fire, recreation, planning, legal services, admin- istrative services, etc. (unrestricted).  Special Revenue Funds – revenues derived from specific taxes or other ear- marked revenue sources, usually required by statute or ordinance to finance particular activities. Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF), grants, and the Excise Tax Funds are examples of special revenue funds.  Debt Service Funds – established to account for the accumulation of re- sources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and inter- est. Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) and Community Facilities District (CFD) funds are included within the debt service funds.  Capital Projects Funds – to account for the purchase or construction of ma- jor capital facilities, heavy equipment, park improvements and major road improvements. The Capital Projects Fund revenues are derived from excess General Fund revenues and 50% of the construction related local sales tax. Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 127 When can a citizen have input into the budget process? Town staff welcomes comments and suggestions throughout the year. The first op- portunity for the Town Council to contribute to the budget is during the annual goal setting retreat which is typically held around the beginning of the calendar year. The proposed budget is presented to the public and Town Council in April/ May at which time a public hearing is held to receive input. This hearing is the op- portunity to increase the budget for the next fiscal year before the maximum spending amount is established. Once the maximum spending amount is adopted as the tentative budget, line items can only be exchanged or decreased prior to the budget’s final adoption. Budget Process The Height of Desert Living 128 Budget Schedule Budget Schedule FY16-17 Budget Schedule FY16-17 Mon, November 30, 2015 5 year Revenue Forecast due to Town Manager Mon, December 17, 2015 Staff budget “kick-off” meeting in the Council Chambers Thu, January 14, 2016 Preliminary operating budgets entered into MUNIS; with Staffing Requirements and budget supplements due to Finance Thu, February 4, 2016 Department/Division templates due to Finance for inclusion in budget book Thu, February 11, 2016 Council Retreat Session – Priorities for FY15-16; Council receives preliminary CIP Budget & Strategic Plan Review Final operating budgets entered into MUNIS Mon-Thu, February 22 - 25, 2016 Department presentations due to Town Manager Thu, March 3, 2016 Final revenue projections entered into MUNIS Tues, March 8, 2016 Council Special Session @ 5:30 PM – Consideration of projects listed in the CIP Mon, March 28, 2016 Staff to publish fee and tax levy notice on website for legal compliance Mon, April 11, 2016 Council receives proposed budget – the proposed budget is posted online & the Resolution exhibit schedules are prepared by Finance for Legal Tues, April 19, 2016 Council Budget Special Session @ 5:30 PM *Wed, April 20, 2016 Council Budget Special Session @ 5:30 PM, *if needed Tues, April 26, 2016 Public Outreach/Open House (6:00 – 6:30 PM) Thu, May 5, 2016 Town, CMD & EMCFD Meetings – Adoption of Tentative Budgets Thu, June 2, 2016 Town, CMD & EMCFD Meetings – Adoption of Final Budget Thu, June 16, 2016 Town, CMD & EMCFD Meetings – Adoption of Tax Levy The Height of Desert Living 129 OPERATING BUDGETS MAYOR & TOWN COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES LAW ENFORCEMENT FIRE & EMERGENCY MEDICAL Operating Budgets The Height of Desert Living 130 Operating Budgets Organization Chart Department Directors Town Manager Grady Miller Finance Director Craig Rudolphy Presiding Judge Robert Melton Community Services Director Mark Mayer Development Services Director Vacant Public Works Director Paul Mood Fire Chief Chief Randy Roberts, Rural/Metro Corporation District Commander Captain David Letourneau, Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office Town Prosecutor Mark Iacovino The Law Office of Mark Iacovino Town Attorney Andrew McGuire, Development Services Citizens of Fountain Hills Presiding Judge Town of Fountain Hills Organization Engineering Streets Recreation / Tourism Community ServicesFire / EMS Administration Law Enforcement Town Manager Town Attorney Community Center Code Enforcement Building Safety Facilities Finance / Information Technology Town Clerk Administrative Services Senior Services Parks Executive Assistant Town Prosecutor Economic Development Appointed by Council Contracted Volunteer Program Mayor and Town Council Public Works GIS Planning Inspection The Height of Desert Living 131 Mayor & Town Council Operating Budgets Mayor & Town Council The Height of Desert Living 132 MAYOR & TOWN COUNCIL Mission Statement The Mayor & Town Council are charged with serving the best interests of the com- munity by providing for its safety and well-being; respecting its special, small- town character and quality of life; providing superior public services; sustaining the public trust through open and responsive government; and maintaining the stewardship and preservation of its financial and natural resources. FRONT ROW: Councilmember Cassie Hansen, Mayor Linda M. Kavanagh, Council- member Cecil A. Yates BACK ROW: Councilmember Alan Magazine, Vice Mayor Henry Leger, Council- member Dennis Brown, Councilmember Nick DePorter Operating Budgets Mayor & Town Council The Height of Desert Living 133 Department Overview The Town Council is comprised of the Mayor and six Councilmembers, all of whom are elected at large to serve the citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills. The term of office for the Mayor is two years, and Councilmembers serve overlapping terms of four years. The corporate powers of the Town are vested in the Council and are exercised only as directed or authorized by law via ordinance, resolution, order or motion. The Council appropriates funds and provides policy direction to Town staff. The Council appoints a Town Manager, who is responsible for the day-to-day ad- ministration of the Town. The Council also appoints the Presiding Judge, Town At- torney, and Town Prosecutor. Operating Budgets Mayor & Town Council Administration 100% Use of Funds -Mayor & Town Council -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $72,545 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration $ 76,799 $ 82,680 $ 80,084 $ 72,545 Total $ 76,799 $ 82,680 $ 80,084 $ 72,545 Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 134 Operating Budgets Mayor & Town Council Operational Priorities for FY16-17  Stabilize Town Finances  Pavement Management Program  Economic Development Plan  Fire Station #2 Relocation  Fountain Lake Water Quality  Facilities Reserve Fund  Traffic Studies  State Land Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages $ 60,144 $ 60,143 59,703$ 54,652$ Employment Taxes 4,386 3,892 3,730 3,577 Benefits 5,370 6,267 5,687 5,306 Dues and Memberships 360 393 360 - Meetings and Training 2,491 1,772 5,634 5,420 Maintenance and Repair 246 99 - - Contractual Services - 2,995 1,740 240 Supplies 1,396 4,746 1,200 1,200 Equipment/Improvement 127 412 - - Internal Service 2,279 1,961 2,030 2,150 Total $ 76,799 $ 82,680 $ 80,084 $ 72,545 Expenditures by Category Wages 76% Employment Taxes 5%Benefits 7% Meetings and Training 7% Supplies 2% Internal Service 3% Use of Funds -Mayor & Town Council -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $72,545 The Height of Desert Living 135 STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS FOR FY16-17 From the Values listed in the Strategic Plan 2010, Council identified the following Strategic Directions as Goals for FY16-17. Operating Budgets Mayor & Town Council The Height of Desert Living 136 Operating Budgets Mayor & Town Council Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 27,144$ 23,693$ 23,703$ 18,652$ Salaries-Part Time 33,000 36,450 36,000 36,000 FICA 2,251 2,260 2,232 2,232 Medicare 863 861 866 792 Workers Compensation 548 284 234 144 Unemployment Insurance 724 487 398 409 Group Health Insurance 2,438 3,305 2,738 2,877 Group Dental Insurance 152 167 153 208 Group Vision Insurance 23 28 23 29 Disability Insurance 66 86 87 79 Retirement 2,617 2,604 2,607 2,051 Life Insurance 74 75 79 62 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 360 393 360 - Meetings & Training 2,491 1,772 5,634 5,420 Sign Repair & Replacement 246 100 - - Legal Fees - 2,773 - - Printing Expense - 223 240 240 Community Contracts/Events - 315 1,500 - Office Supplies 1,055 493 100 100 Food & Beverage Supplies 341 3,938 250 250 Program Materials - - 850 850 Peripherals 127 - - - Furniture/Appliances - 412 - - ISF-Copier Charges 199 81 200 100 ISF-Mail Service Charges 36 43 30 50 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - 40 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,044 1,797 1,800 2,000 Sub total Expenditures 76,799 82,680 80,084 72,545 Transfers Out - - - - Total Mayor & Council 76,799$ 82,680$ 80,084$ 72,545$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Mayor & Council The Height of Desert Living 137 Administration Operating Budgets Administration The Height of Desert Living 138 Operating Budgets Administration Department Note: Numbers in parentheses represent full-time equivalents (FTE). Town Manager Executive Assistant Volunteer Coordinator ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Network and IT Administrator Financial Services Tech Accountant *Customer Service Rep II (.5) Finance Director Town Clerk Administrative Services Director Economic Development Director * Part time Full Time *Customer Service Rep II (.5) *Accounting Clerk (.63) *Accounting Clerk (.63) The Height of Desert Living 139 Operating Budgets Administration Department ADMINISTRATION Mission Statement The Administration Department is dedicated to serving the citizens of Fountain Hills by providing administrative direction and support to the Town’s Departments. Administration provides accurate and current information on Council legislation and administrative actions; provides for the delivery of comprehensive financial services to internal and external customers; provides support to Town staff; reaches out to political leaders and geographical neighbors to continue to grow re- lationships in the best interests of the Town; and enhances the Town’s economic base through business attraction, retention and business vitality activities. Department Overview The Administration Department is made up of seven (7) Divisions and one (1) ser- vice function: Town Manager, Town Clerk, Administrative Services, Finance, Infor- mation Technology, Economic Development, Legal Services, and the Volunteer Program. The Town Manager provides direct supervision over the Town Clerk, Ad- ministrative Services, Finance, Economic Development, and the Volunteer Pro- gram. The Town Manager also administers the budget for Legal Services. The Fi- nance Director is responsible for Finance and Information Technology. The Admin- istrative Services Director is responsible for Human Resources and Risk Manage- ment. Variance Explanations: Town Manager: Various Town-wide, non-departmental expenditures previously reported under this division have been relocated into the General Government de- partment. Division FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Town Manager 577,643$ 654,775$ 451,463$ 298,057$ Information Technology 253,853 237,468 265,975 267,262 Town Clerk 141,316 132,117 130,490 155,603 Human Resources/Risk Mgmt. 321,961 360,033 401,120 445,951 Finance 362,897 373,437 518,221 528,677 Economic Development - 90,000 - - Legal Services 300,554 354,434 388,254 396,950 Total 1,958,224$ 2,202,264$ 2,155,523$ 2,092,500$ Expenditures by Division The Height of Desert Living 140 Operating Budgets Administration Department Town Manager 14% Information Technology 13% Town Clerk 7% Human Resources/Risk Mgmt. 21% Finance 26% Legal Services 19% Use of Funds -Administration -By Division Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $2,092,500 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Accounting 38,113$ 33,003$ 116,656$ 199,347$ Administration 625,601 760,347 475,275 776,591 Attorney Services 205,137 257,683 293,454 396,950 Audit Services 68,946 96,157 98,020 - Budget 56,545 50,268 51,951 - Customer Service 32,151 19,297 18,762 36,264 Elections 57,432 41,316 34,840 - Legislation 38,488 41,443 46,655 14,090 Licensing 45,436 49,243 49,277 51,388 Network Administration 145,728 132,268 159,391 - Operations - - - 178,630 Payroll 16,291 22,139 23,668 - Public Defender 3,750 6,750 4,800 - Prosecutor 91,667 90,000 90,000 - Purchasing 28,341 46,269 48,247 57,544 Records Management 15,550 15,968 16,206 - Recruitment 21,110 29,209 30,152 - Risk Management 243,193 257,612 276,779 301,272 Social/Community Services 30,615 32,934 32,683 - Support 54,487 41,883 42,451 - Strategic Planning 22,040 16,115 57,259 - Training & Development 4,389 2,536 17,500 - Treasury 41,053 41,702 42,902 - Video Services 17,188 11,580 13,233 - Volunteers 44,024 66,315 75,435 80,424 Web Site 10,949 40,227 39,927 - Total 1,958,224$ 2,202,264$ 2,155,523$ 2,092,500$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 141 Operating Budgets Administration Department Variance Explanations: Accounting/Audit Services/Budget/Treasury: Programs were combined into Ac- counting for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Administration/Elections/Payroll/Records Management/Recruitment/Strategic Plan- ning/Training & Development: Programs were combined into Administration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Attorney Services/Public Defender/Prosecutor: Programs were combined into At- torney Services for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Customer Service: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. Legislation: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Network Administration/Operations/Support/Video Services/Web Site: Programs were combined into Operations for more efficient managing and reporting pur- poses. Risk Management: The increase is a result of rising insurance costs. Social/Community Services: The expenditures were relocated to the General Gov- ernment department. Accounting 10% Administration 36% Attorney Services 19% Audit Services 3% Licensing 2% Operations 9% Purchasing 3% Risk Management 14% Volunteers 4% Use of Funds -Administration -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $2,092,500 Note: Programs that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 142 Operating Budgets Administration Department Variance Explanations: Meetings and Training: The increase is a result of two additional conferences, one each for the Town Manager and the Town Clerk. Transfers/Contingency: The amounts were relocated in the new General Govern- ment department. Capital Expenditures: FY15-16 budget reflected a one-time expenditure for soft- ware. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 682,418$ 675,705$ 687,792$ 740,897$ Employment Taxes 22,671 16,034 15,357 18,076 Benefits 119,836 158,636 157,092 138,724 Dues & Memberships 126,588 118,975 138,746 128,342 Meetings and Training 10,469 10,325 28,835 38,851 Maintenance and Repair 3,369 3,736 5,050 8,000 Utilities 2,742 2,538 1,680 1,800 Contractual Services 674,579 733,108 884,736 927,404 Supplies 23,434 23,868 28,272 31,774 Equipment 43,374 16,720 36,862 32,400 Internal Service 20,360 26,625 28,975 26,232 Transfers 228,384 396,500 130,000 - Contingency - - 6,351 - Capital Expenditures - 19,494 5,775 - Total 1,958,224$ 2,202,264$ 2,155,523$ 2,092,500$ Expenditures by Category Wages 35% Benefits 7%Dues & Memberships 6% Meetings and Training 2% Contractual Services 44% Supplies 2%Equipment 2% Contingency 5% Use of Funds -Administration -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $2,092,500 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 143 Operating Budgets Administration Department FY15-16 Department Accomplishments FY16-17 Objectives Initiative Strategic Value Enhanced Town Website CR1–Civic Responsibility Implemented an Environmental Fee ES2–Environmental Stewardship Initiative Strategic Value Estimated Cost/Funding Source Implement and Fund Infra- structure Facilities Replace- ment I2–Maintain and Improve Com- munity Infrastructure $1 million transfer from Gen- eral Fund Reserves Create a Communications Plan for Town of Fountain Hills CR4, CR7–Civic Responsibility $10,000 one time funding from General Fund to create a com- munications plan Continue investment in Pave- ment Management Program I3–Maintain and Improve Com- munity Infrastructure $1 million from HURF, includes Excise Tax and CIP Funds Promote quality development and actively assist new busi- nesses, retain current busi- nesses EV1, EV3, EV4–Economic Vital- ity Economic Development and Development Services staff and budgets Conduct bi-annual Citizens Academy CR4–Civic Responsibility This expense is in department operating budgets The Height of Desert Living 144 Operating Budgets Administration Department Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 546,177$ 637,991$ 653,797$ 667,625$ Salaries-Part Time 135,998 36,307 33,995 73,272 Overtime 243 1,406 - - FICA 8,423 2,251 2,108 4,543 Medicare 9,616 9,487 9,887 10,655 Workers Compensation 2,955 3,177 2,655 1,930 Unemployment Insurance 1,677 1,118 707 948 Group Health Insurance 53,481 79,982 77,134 56,913 Group Dental Insurance 3,536 4,396 3,991 4,158 Group Vision Insurance 495 648 585 409 Disability Insurance 1,364 2,007 2,368 2,781 Retirement 59,451 69,667 70,888 72,246 Life Insurance 1,509 1,935 2,126 2,217 Licenses/Filing Fees 87,794 75,786 94,720 103,955 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 38,794 43,189 44,026 24,387 Training/Cont Ed 5,550 2,385 28,835 36,726 Meetings & Training 4,919 7,940 - 2,125 Equipment Maint/Repair 1,364 1,687 5,000 5,000 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 1,901 1,694 - 3,000 Other Maint/Repair - 134 - - Sign Repair & Replacement 104 221 50 - Telecommunications 2,742 2,538 1,680 1,800 Auditing Expense 53,260 53,260 53,874 99,500 Professional Fees 20,013 40,386 86,792 52,258 Legal Fees 296,698 350,584 384,623 298,900 Management Fees 15,925 15,755 16,225 16,375 Insurance Expense 218,629 222,795 244,013 264,300 Printing Expense 8,163 2,134 4,465 1,965 Advertising/Signage 6,090 5,195 10,119 12,390 Intergovt Agreements 22,993 9,202 49,845 51,000 Constituent Communication - - 1,000 - Contractual Services - 535 - - Bank/Merc Acct Fees 8,608 9,064 9,220 10,320 Election Expense - - - 25,236 Community Contracts/Events 24,200 24,200 24,200 - ActiveNet Fees - - 360 360 Prosecutor Fees - - - 90,000 Public Defender Fees - - - 4,800 Office Supplies 5,211 3,535 5,741 5,791 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - 39 10 10 Operating Supplies 4,384 3,069 5,780 6,690 Food & Beverage Supplies 7,000 6,886 8,620 9,400 Program Materials 6,262 9,981 7,365 9,127 Uniforms 87 45 - - Postage & Delivery 372 314 756 756 Miscellaneous Expense 118 - - - Software 3,654 1,373 7,400 550 Hardware/Peripherals 39,358 14,632 29,325 31,850 Peripherals 362 195 - - Furniture/Appliances - - 137 - Equipment - 519 - - ISF-Copier Charges 9,713 14,044 17,245 12,955 ISF-Mail Service Charges 4,713 7,398 5,665 6,727 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 161 217 220 220 ISF-Telecom Charges 5,773 4,967 5,845 6,330 Contingency - - 6,351 - Capital Expenditures - 19,494 5,775 - Sub total Expenditures 1,729,840 1,805,764 2,025,523 2,092,500 Transfers Out 228,384 396,500 130,000 - Total Administration 1,958,224$ 2,202,264$ 2,155,523$ 2,092,500$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Administration Department The Height of Desert Living 145 Town Manager Division Service Delivery Plan Provide leadership to ensure a high quality of life for the citizens of Fountain Hills by utilizing Town resources to the greatest extent possible and offering superior service. Work in conjunction with the Town Council and the Strategic Planning Ad- visory Commission (SPAC) for successful implementation of Operational Priorities and Strategic Plan Goals. Per direction and approval of the Town Council, adminis- ter fees for service contracts and administer the Volunteer Program. Variance Explanations: Administration/Strategic Planning: Programs were combined into Administration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Meetings and Training: The increase is a result of two additional conferences, one each for the Town Manager and the Town Clerk. Social/Community Services: Amounts were transferred to the new General Gov- ernment Department. Operating Budgets Town Manager Division Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration $ 480,964 $ 539,412 286,086$ 217,633$ Social/Community Services 30,615 32,934 32,683 - Strategic Planning 22,040 16,114 57,259 - Volunteers 44,024 66,315 75,435 80,424 Total $ 577,643 $ 654,775 $ 451,463 $ 298,057 Expenditures by Program Administration 73% Volunteers 27% Use of Funds -Town Manager -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $298,057 The Height of Desert Living 146 Operating Budgets Town Manager Division Variance Explanations: Benefits: The decrease is a result of significant savings from changing health in- surance carriers. Dues & Memberships/Contractual Services/Transfers/Contingency: Amounts were transferred to the new General Government Department. Meetings and Training: The increase is a result of two additional conferences, one each for the Town Manager and the Town Clerk. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 235,065$ 222,387$ 227,258$ 219,352$ Employment Taxes 6,976 4,481 4,267 3,855 Benefits 40,700 50,799 52,124 36,806 Dues & Memberships 18,927 19,948 21,147 2,057 Meetings and Training 1,905 2,406 3,400 9,025 Maintenance and Repair 591 864 50 - Utilities 778 768 780 900 Contractual Services 28,124 24,922 65,719 2,840 Supplies 11,527 14,427 13,380 17,002 Equipment - 546 137 - Internal Service 4,666 6,727 6,850 6,220 Transfers 228,384 306,500 50,000 - Contingency - - 6,351 - Total 577,643$ 654,775$ 451,463$ 298,057$ Expenditures by Category Wages 74% Benefits 12% Meetings and Training 3% Supplies 6% Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Town Manager -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $298,057 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 147 Operating Budgets Town Manager Division Activities/Results The Town Volunteer Program presents an avenue in which the town and its resi- dents can work together to provide enhanced services to the community, person- nel cost savings, as well as opportunities for volunteers to utilize their many tal- ents. The volunteers enable new and innovative programs, such as the Art Docent Walk and Save Our Sculpture Program as well as the Give a Lift transportation program that could not otherwise be offered, as well as supplement and compli- ment existing programs and services. The Town presently works with more than 750 volunteers and, in 2014, provided over 25,000 hours, at an overall cost savings to the Town of $559,000! (using data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics; AZ hourly volunteer value was $22.37).  190 Volunteers delivered 4,800 meals to homebound residents in 2014  42 volunteers provided over 1000 rides through the Give a Lift Program  Over 250 volunteers helped with:  Teen Court - 26  Halloween in the Hills - 40  Ballet Under the Stars - 21  Movie in the Park - 12  Town Hall receptions - 11  Guided Hikes - 43  Decorating the Community Center for the Holidays and offering a Christ- mas party for families - 104  92 Volunteers helped make Turkey Trot another success this year  42 Volunteers provide excellent customer service and welcome residents and visitors at reception desks  8 Volunteers currently provide specialized support to staff in a variety of func- tions: procurement, accounting, special projects, archiving, and data entry throughout the town  300 Volunteers served during the Make a Difference Day event, making a great difference in the homes of 40 residents  12 Volunteers keep our public art pieces clean through the Save Our Sculp- tures; 5 Volunteers are ready to lead art walk tours  100’s of Volunteers assist with special events throughout the year, such as St. Patrick’s Day, the Oktoberfest, Pitch, Hit, and Run, the Eggstravaganza, and serving at the Tourism Booth at all events  100 Volunteers keep the streets clean through the Adopt a Street program  21 Volunteers build and maintain trails  16 youth serve as Volunteers on the Mayor’s Youth Council, a civic and service program  55 Volunteers serve on Advisory Committees, Boards, and Commissions Our Town relies today, more than ever, upon the volunteer service of our residents and is grateful for the incredible value and enhanced services that they bring to Fountain Hills. The Height of Desert Living 148 Operating Budgets Town Manager Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 206,378$ 222,387$ 227,258$ 219,352$ Salaries-Part Time 28,688 - - - FICA 1,779 - - - Medicare 3,321 3,137 3,209 3,094 Workers Compensation 1,502 1,034 863 562 Unemployment Insurance 375 310 195 199 Group Health Insurance 16,418 24,080 24,801 10,987 Group Dental Insurance 988 1,334 1,360 798 Group Vision Insurance 140 199 195 107 Disability Insurance 525 720 810 897 Retirement 22,028 23,796 24,224 23,302 Life Insurance 601 669 734 715 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 18,927 19,948 21,147 2,057 Meetings & Training 1,905 2,406 3,400 6,900 Boards & Commissions - - - 2,125 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 487 508 - - Other Maint/Repair - 134 - - Sign Repair & Replacement 104 222 50 - Telecommunications 778 768 780 900 Professional Fees 3,750 - 40,300 800 Printing Expense 70 76 - - Advertising/Signage 104 111 1,219 2,040 Contractual Services - 535 - - Community Contracts/Events 24,200 24,200 24,200 - Office Supplies 1,864 1,081 1,820 2,240 Operating Supplies 2,138 1,316 2,410 3,070 Food & Beverage Supplies 5,063 5,576 6,020 6,800 Program Materials 2,035 6,123 2,795 4,557 Uniforms 87 45 - - Postage & Delivery 339 286 335 335 Hardware - 546 - - Furniture/Appliances - - 137 - ISF-Copier Charges 3,027 4,780 4,105 3,900 ISF-Mail Service Charges 396 996 1,325 1,050 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 161 - 120 120 ISF-Telecom Charges 1,081 952 1,300 1,150 Contingency - - 6,351 - Sub total Expenditures 349,259 348,275 401,463 298,057 Transfers Out 228,384 306,500 50,000 - Total Town Manager 577,643$ 654,775$ 451,463$ 298,057$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Town Manager The Height of Desert Living 149 Town Clerk Division Service Delivery Plan The Town Clerk serves as the Town’s custodian of records and election official who conducts municipal elections and who coordinates all related activities in the most efficient and effective manner and in full compliance with all applicable State Stat- utes and Town Code provisions. The Town Clerk maintains documents necessary for the effective administration and operation of municipal government and pre- serves the Town’s permanent records. Variance Explanations: Administration/Elections/Records Management: Programs were combined into Ad- ministration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Legislation: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Operating Budgets Town Clerk Division Administration 91% Legislation 9% Use of Funds -Town Clerk -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $155,603 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 29,846$ 33,390$ 32,789$ 141,513$ Elections 57,432 41,316 34,840 - Legislation 38,488 41,443 46,655 14,090 Records Management 15,550 15,968 16,206 - Total 141,316$ 132,117$ 130,490$ 155,603$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 150 Operating Budgets Town Clerk Division Variance Explanations: Benefits: The decrease is a result of significant savings from changing health in- surance carriers. Contractual Services: FY15-16 is an election year for the Town’s Mayor and Coun- cil elections; therefore, a Primary and General Election were included in the budget. The General Election funding will only be expended if a “run-off” election is required to be held in November. Election costs are based on the consolidate ballot rate of $.50 per registered voter as local Town candidates are on the same ballot as County, State, Federal and Presidential candidates. Election costs also include the cost of election notice publication and the Spanish translation of election no- tices that are required to be prepared for the Mayor and Council Candidate elec- tions. Reminder: Spanish translation of voter information is required by Federal law. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 80,988$ 83,206$ 84,137$ 88,388$ Employment Taxes 1,471 1,594 1,620 1,589 Benefits 21,051 21,395 22,290 16,712 Dues & Memberships 354 467 870 720 Meetings and Training 983 2,657 2,304 4,967 Maintenance and Repair 487 508 - - Contractual Services 33,066 18,738 15,140 39,326 Supplies 468 264 1,001 551 Equipment - - 50 50 Internal Service 2,448 3,288 3,078 3,300 Total 141,316$ 132,117$ 130,490$ 155,603$ Expenditures by Category Wages 58% Benefits 11% Meetings and Training 3% Contractual Services 25% Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Town Clerk -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $155,603 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 151 Performance Measures Quality Productivity Operating Budgets Town Clerk Division Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Registered Voters: Bond Election (Nov) Primary (Mar) General (May) Primary (Aug) General (Nov) N/A 16,043 16,074 16,031 16,213 Not Town Election 17,000 18,500 Voter Turnout % Bond Election (Nov) Primary (Mar) General (May) Primary (Aug) General (Nov) N/A 39% 34% 43% 38% Not Town Election 41% 45% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Town Council Agenda /Meeting notices posted 30/19 36/18 38/20 30/20 Requests for Public Information processed 149 148 175 150 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of contracts processed within 5 business days after approval 100% 100% 100% 100% Percentage of agenda and meeting notices posted in compliance legal requirements 100% 100% 100% 100% The Height of Desert Living 152 Operating Budgets Town Clerk Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 80,988$ 83,206$ 84,137$ 88,388$ Medicare 1,084 1,117 1,220 1,281 Workers Compensation 259 394 327 233 Unemployment Insurance 129 83 73 75 Group Health Insurance 10,912 10,968 11,736 5,643 Group Dental Insurance 648 633 629 594 Group Vision Insurance 90 90 89 82 Disability Insurance 241 289 307 374 Retirement 8,908 9,153 9,255 9,723 Life Insurance 251 262 274 296 Licenses/Filing Fees 7 - 70 70 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 347 467 800 650 Training/Cont Ed 271 - - - Meetings & Training 712 2,657 2,304 4,967 Office Equip Maint/Repair 487 508 - - Professional Fees 5,841 8,065 10,740 10,290 Printing Expense 6,457 - - - Advertising/Signage 3,775 2,472 4,400 3,800 Election Expense - - - 25,236 Intergovt Agreements 16,993 8,201 - - Office Supplies 468 264 801 351 Postage & Delivery - - 200 200 Software - - 50 50 ISF-Copier Charges 2,176 3,043 2,750 3,000 ISF-Mail Service Charges 32 34 98 50 ISF-Telecom Charges 240 211 230 250 Sub total Expenditures 141,316 132,117 130,490 155,603 Transfer Out - - - - Total Town Clerk 141,316$ 132,117$ 130,490$ 155,603$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Town Clerk The Height of Desert Living 153 Administrative Services Division Service Delivery Plan Lead the organization in the acquisition, maintenance, development, supervision and measurement of the human assets and the results of their work (quality, pro- ductivity and service). Protect the Town’s assets from loss and minimize employee injuries on the job. Variance Explanations: Administration/Payroll/Recruitment/Training & Development: Programs were com- bined into Administration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Risk Management: The increase is a result of rising insurance costs. Operating Budgets Administrative Services Division Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 36,978$ 48,537$ 53,020$ 144,679$ Payroll 16,291 22,139 23,668 - Recruitment 21,110 29,209 30,153 - Risk Management 243,193 257,612 276,779 301,272 Training & Development 4,389 2,536 17,500 - Total 321,961$ 360,033$ 401,120$ 445,951$ Expenditures by Program Administration 32% Risk Management 68% Use of Funds -Administrative Services By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $445,951 The Height of Desert Living 154 Operating Budgets Administrative Services Division Variance Explanations: Benefits: The increase is a result of change in the election of benefits. Contractual Services: The increase is a result of rising insurance costs. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 72,114$ 94,927$ 95,692$ 98,326$ Employment Taxes 6,012 2,174 1,831 1,758 Benefits 66 18,195 10,925 22,423 Dues & Memberships 762 546 1,774 1,530 Meetings and Training 4,389 2,277 18,500 21,000 Maintenance & Repair 163 169 - - Contractual Services 230,121 235,517 262,514 291,418 Supplies 6,886 5,161 7,866 8,266 Equipment - 206 - - Internal Service 1,448 861 2,018 1,230 Total 321,961$ 360,033$ 401,120$ 445,951$ Expenditures by Category Wages 22% Benefits 5% Meetings and Training 5% Contractual Services 65% Supplies 2% Use of Funds -Administrative Services By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $445,951 The Height of Desert Living 155 Performance Measures Quality Productivity Operating Budgets Administrative Services Division Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Increase the percentage of employee per- formance reviews completed on schedule 90% 90% 80% 97% Increase or maintain the number of applica- tions received per recruitment for non- exempt positions 22 20 23 25 Increase or maintain the number of applica- tions received per recruitment for exempt positions 20 18 40 40 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Decrease the number of days lost to injury per workers’ compensation claim 49 0 14 0 Maintain the turnover rate of full-time em- ployees at an acceptable rate 13% 4% 17% 6% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of full-time employees departed from Town service 6 3 6 0 Number of exit interviews conducted 3 1 6 0 Ensure supervisors receive performance evaluation documentation four weeks in ad- vance 100% 95% 95% 100% Quarterly track and analyze performance evaluation trends, including number of per- formance evaluations that were late, type of increases each employee received, etc. 100% 100% 100% 100% Number of exempt recruitments conducted 6 2 2 1 Number of full-time non-exempt recruitments conducted 1 2 2 2 Average number of days to fill a vacancy 30 35 37 30 Number of workers’ compensation claims due to injury 1 3 1 0 The Height of Desert Living 156 Operating Budgets Administrative Services Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 716$ 92,315$ 95,692$ 98,326$ Salaries-Part Time 71,398 2,612 - - FICA 4,417 162 - - Medicare 1,044 1,372 1,386 1,425 Workers Compensation 262 455 373 259 Unemployment Insurance 290 184 72 74 Group Health Insurance - 7,004 - 10,388 Group Dental Insurance - 398 - 853 Group Vision Insurance - 59 - - Disability Insurance (13) 308 343 402 Retirement 79 10,155 10,270 10,450 Life Insurance - 271 312 330 Licenses/Filing Fees - 125 125 125 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 762 421 1,649 1,405 Training/Cont Ed 4,389 2,015 - - Meetings & Training - 262 18,500 21,000 Office Equip Maint/Repair 162 170 - - Professional Fees 10,171 11,321 15,252 20,668 Legal Fees - - 600 1,000 Insurance Expense 218,629 222,795 244,013 264,300 Printing Expense - 132 150 150 Advertising/Signage 1,320 1,268 2,500 5,300 Office Supplies 445 204 500 900 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - - 10 10 Operating Supplies 314 - 400 400 Food & Beverage Supplies 1,938 1,311 2,600 2,600 Program Materials 4,082 3,638 4,240 4,240 Postage & Delivery 8 8 116 116 Small Tools 100 - - - Hardware/Peripherals - 206 - - ISF-Copier Charges 837 215 1,135 310 ISF-Mail Service Charges 130 193 427 420 ISF- Motor Pool Charges - 30 - - ISF-Telecom Charges 481 424 455 500 Sub total Expenditures 321,961 360,033 401,120 445,951 Transfers Out - - - - Total Administrative Services 321,961$ 360,033$ 401,120$ 445,951$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Administrative Services The Height of Desert Living 157 Finance Division Service Delivery Plan Provide efficient and cost effective financial oversight of both the short and long- term components of the Town’s functions. Provide safe, secure and effective cash, banking, merchant service, tax service and debt service administration for the Town. Variance Explanations: Accounting/Audit Services/Budget/Treasury: Programs were combined into Ac- counting for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Administration/Customer Service/Purchasing: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. Operating Budgets Finance Division Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Accounting 38,113$ 33,004$ 116,656$ 199,347$ Administration 52,312 37,497 92,406 184,134 Audit Services 68,946 96,157 98,020 - Budget 56,545 50,268 51,951 - Customer Service 32,152 19,297 18,762 36,264 Licensing 45,436 49,243 49,277 51,388 Purchasing 28,341 46,269 48,247 57,544 Treasury 41,052 41,702 42,902 - Total 362,897$ 373,437$ 518,221$ 528,677$ Expenditures by Program Accounting 37% Administration 35% Customer Service 7% Licensing 10% Purchasing 11% Use of Funds -Finance -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $528,677 The Height of Desert Living 158 Variance Explanations: Wages: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes and an amount was added for a new part-time accounting clerk position. Contractual Services: Amounts were added for additional audit services. Transfers: FY15-16 reflected a one-time transfer to the new Environmental Fund. Operating Budgets Finance Division Wages 50%Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 9% Contractual Services 34% Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Finance -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $528,677 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 213,445$ 209,382$ 213,825$ 264,571$ Employment Taxes 6,611 6,436 6,334 9,596 Benefits 37,222 52,765 55,603 48,414 Dues & Memberships 3,037 2,928 3,105 2,785 Meetings and Training 3,192 2,949 4,631 3,859 Maintenance & Repair 487 508 - 3,000 Utilities 690 - - - Contractual Services 85,571 81,834 135,839 179,620 Supplies 2,586 3,272 4,325 4,055 Equipment 824 - - - Internal Service 9,232 13,363 14,559 12,777 Transfers - - 80,000 - Total 362,897$ 373,437$ 518,221$ 528,677$ Expenditures by Category Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 159 Performance Measures Quality Productivity Operating Budgets Finance Division Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Consecutive years for GFOA annual Certifi- cate of Achievement for Excellence in Finan- cial Reporting award 18 19 20 21 Consecutive years for GFOA annual Distin- guished Budget Presentation award 12 13 14 15 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Actual revenue versus forecast 99% 99% 97% 100% Unqualified audit opinion Yes Yes Yes Yes FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Accounts payable checks issued 1,667 1,703 1,500 1,500 Purchase orders processed 1,152 1,019 1,150 1,140 Local tax revenues from audits $66,889 $73,750 $30,000 $20,000 Business licenses processed 2,298 2,723 2,500 2,500 The Height of Desert Living 160 Operating Budgets Finance Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 177,289$ 174,281$ 179,830$ 191,299$ Salaries-Part Time 35,912 33,695 33,995 73,272 Overtime 243 1,406 - - FICA 2,227 2,089 2,108 4,543 Medicare 3,007 2,906 3,101 3,837 Workers Compensation 680 983 831 691 Unemployment Insurance 696 458 294 525 Group Health Insurance 15,597 30,621 32,773 24,252 Group Dental Insurance 1,100 1,595 1,564 1,501 Group Vision Insurance 128 236 237 166 Disability Insurance 358 460 661 811 Retirement 19,645 19,326 19,781 21,043 Life Insurance 394 527 587 641 Licenses/Filing Fees 851 1,095 1,325 1,460 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 2,187 1,833 1,780 1,325 Training/Cont Ed 890 370 - - Meetings & Training 2,302 2,579 4,631 3,859 Office Equip Maint/Repair 488 508 - 3,000 Telecommunications 690 - - - Auditing Expense 53,260 53,260 53,874 99,500 Professional Fees 250 485 - - Management Fees 15,925 15,754 16,225 16,375 Printing Expense 1,635 1,926 4,315 1,815 Advertising/Signage 892 1,344 2,000 1,250 Intergovt Agreements 5,000 - 48,845 50,000 Constituent Communication - - 1,000 - Bank/Merc Acct Fees 8,608 9,064 9,220 10,320 ActiveNet Fees - - 360 360 Office Supplies 1,355 1,476 2,120 1,800 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - 39 - - Operating Supplies 1,068 1,535 1,870 1,920 Program Materials 145 220 330 330 Postage & Delivery 1 3 5 5 Miscellaneous Expense 18 - - - Hardware/Peripherals 824 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 3,524 5,743 9,055 5,480 ISF-Mail Service Charges 4,153 6,164 3,804 5,197 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - 187 100 100 ISF-Telecom Charges 1,555 1,269 1,600 2,000 Sub total Expenditures 362,897 373,437 438,221 528,677 Transfers Out - - 80,000 - Total Finance 362,897$ 373,437$ 518,221$ 528,677$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Finance The Height of Desert Living 161 Information Technology Division Service Delivery Plan The Information Technology Division is dedicated to providing professional support in a timely and responsive manner while focusing on high availability and reliable technology. The Division also endeavors to implement alternative technologies to reduce operating and maintenance costs. Variance Explanations: Administration: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. Network Administration/Operations/Support/Video Services/Web Site: Programs were combined into Operations for more efficient managing and reporting pur- poses. Operating Budgets Information Technology Division Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 25,502$ 11,510$ 10,973$ 88,632$ Network Administration 145,728 132,268 159,391 - Operations - - - 178,630 Support 54,487 41,883 42,451 - Video Services 17,188 11,580 13,233 - Web Site 10,948 40,227 39,927 - Total 253,853$ 237,468$ 265,975$ 267,262$ Expenditures by Program Administration 37% Operations 67% Use of Funds -Information Technology -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $267,262 The Height of Desert Living 162 Variance Explanations: Capital Expenditures: FY15-16 budget reflected a one-time expenditure for new software. Operating Budgets Information Technology Division Wages 26% Benefits 5% Dues & Memberships 45% Maintenance and Repair 2% Contractual Services 8% Equipment 12% Use of Funds -Information Technology -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $267,262 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 80,806$ 65,802$ 66,880$ 70,260$ Employment Taxes 1,600 1,349 1,305 1,278 Benefits 20,796 15,482 16,150 14,369 Dues & Memberships 99,892 91,446 107,850 117,250 Meetings and Training - 36 - - Maintenance and Repair 1,641 1,686 5,000 5,000 Utilities 1,274 1,771 900 900 Contractual Services 1,000 21,514 21,500 21,500 Supplies 1,968 744 1,700 1,900 Equipment 42,550 15,968 36,675 32,350 Internal Service 2,326 2,176 2,240 2,455 Capital Expenditures - 19,494 5,775 - Total 253,853$ 237,468$ 265,975$ 267,262$ Expenditures by Category Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 163 Performance Measures Quality Productivity Operating Budgets Information Technology Division Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of emergency related helpdesk tickets resolved within two business hours 97% 95.5% 95% 98% Percentage of high priority helpdesk tickets resolved within four hours 99% 98.5% 99% 99% Percentage of helpdesk tickets resolved within twelve hours 98% 95% 95% 98% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Total number of tickets opened 818 612 400 500 Total number of tickets closed without resolu- tion 0 0 0 0 Total number of tickets resolved within es- tablished timeframe 818 612 400 500 Number of issues resolved during initial con- tact 613 520 375 450 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Average cost involved for support per FTE $4,477 $4,345 $5,096 $3,308 Availability of computer system up-time 98% 99% 99% 99% The Height of Desert Living 164 Operating Budgets Information Technology Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 80,806$ 65,802$ 66,880$ 70,260$ Medicare 1,160 954 971 1,018 Workers Compensation 252 311 261 185 Unemployment Insurance 187 83 73 75 Group Health Insurance 10,553 7,308 7,824 5,643 Group Dental Insurance 801 435 438 412 Group Vision Insurance 137 64 64 54 Disability Insurance 252 230 247 297 Retirement 8,791 7,238 7,358 7,728 Life Insurance 263 206 219 235 Licenses/Filing Fees 86,937 74,566 93,200 102,300 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 12,955 16,881 14,650 14,950 Meetings & Training - 36 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 1,364 1,687 5,000 5,000 Office Equip Maint/Repair 276 - - - Telecommunications 1,274 1,771 900 900 Professional Fees - 20,514 20,500 20,500 Intergovt Agreements 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Office Supplies 1,080 510 500 500 Operating Supplies 864 218 1,100 1,300 Postage & Delivery 24 17 100 100 Software 3,654 1,373 7,350 500 Hardware 38,534 13,880 29,325 31,850 Peripherals 362 195 - - Equipment - 519 - - ISF-Copier Charges 149 263 200 265 ISF-Mail Service Charges 1 12 10 10 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,177 1,901 2,030 2,180 Capital Expenditures - 19,494 5,775 - Sub total Expenditures 253,853 237,468 265,975 267,262 Transfers Out - - - - Total Information Technology 253,853$ 237,468$ 265,975$ 267,262$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Information Technology The Height of Desert Living 165 Economic Development Division – (General Fund) Service Delivery Plan Economic Development remains in its own fund and is no longer part of the Gen- eral Fund. Operating Budgets Economic Development Division (General Fund) Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ 90,000$ -$ -$ Total -$ 90,000$ -$ -$ Expenditures by Program Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Transfers -$ 90,000$ -$ -$ Total -$ 90,000$ -$ -$ Expenditures by Category Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Transfers Out -$ 90,000$ -$ -$ Total Economic Development -$ 90,000$ -$ -$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Economic Development The Height of Desert Living 166 Legal Services Division Service Delivery Plan The Town Attorney and Town Prosecutor are appointed by the Town Council to serve as general counsel for the Town in addition to responsibility for the efficient disposition of criminal cases prosecuted in the Municipal Court. Variance Explanations: Attorney Services/Public Defender/Prosecutor: Programs were combined into At- torney Services for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Operating Budgets Legal Services Division Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Attorney Services 205,137$ 257,683$ 293,454$ 396,950$ Public Defender 3,750 6,750 4,800 - Prosecutor 91,667 90,000 90,000 - Total 300,554$ 354,433$ 388,254$ 396,950$ Expenditures by Program Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Dues & Memberships 3,616$ 3,639$ 4,000$ 4,000$ Contractual Services 296,698 350,584 384,024 392,700 Internal Service 240 210 230 250 Total 300,554$ 354,433$ 388,254$ 396,950$ Expenditures by Category Attorney Services 100% Use of Funds -Legal Services -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $396,950 The Height of Desert Living 167 Operating Budgets Legal Services Division Productivity Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Ordinances processed 6 11 9 10 Resolutions processed 57 41 40 35 Contracts and Agreements processed 51 40 200 280 Dues & Memberships 1% Contractual Services 99% Uses of Funds -Legal Services -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $396,950 Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Dues, Subscript & Publicat 3,616$ 3,639$ 4,000$ 4,000$ Legal Fees 296,698 350,584 384,024 297,900 Prosecutor Fees - - - 90,000 Public Defender Fees - - - 4,800 ISF-Telecom Charges 240 210 230 250 Sub total Expenditures 300,554 354,433 388,254 396,950 Transfers Out - - - - Total Legal Services 300,554$ 354,433$ 388,254$ 396,950$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Legal Services The Height of Desert Living 168 Operating Budgets Legal Services Division The Height of Desert Living 169 General Government Operating Budgets General Government The Height of Desert Living 170 Operating Budgets General Government GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mission Statement The mission of General Government is to provide a central location for Town-wide expenditures rather than in individual departmental budgets. By doing so, trans- parency will be enhanced. Department Overview The purpose of the General Government Department is to locate expenditures that are Town-wide and do not belong to any one department. Such expenditures as the Community Contracts, Town’s membership dues in the Arizona League of Cit- ies and Town, Maricopa Association of Governments, East Valley Partnership, and other Town-wide expenditures are located in the General Government Depart- ment. Transfers for MPC debt service for the Community Center are also located in General Government. Terms such as General Government or Non-Departmental to describe the cost center is a common approach in municipal budgeting. Division FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Non-Departmental -$ -$ -$ 3,559,040$ Total -$ -$ -$ 3,559,040$ Expenditures by Division Non- Departmental, 100% Use of Funds -General Government-By Division Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,559,040 The Height of Desert Living 171 Operating Budgets General Government Variance Explanations: Administration: New program that encompasses all Town-wide, non-departmental expenditures. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ -$ -$ 3,559,040$ Total -$ -$ -$ 3,559,040$ Expenditures by Program Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Dues & Memberships -$ -$ -$ 32,695$ Contractual Services - - - 137,021 Transfers Out - - - 2,578,055 Contingency - - - 811,269 Total -$ -$ -$ 3,559,040$ Expenditures by Category Variance Explanations: As a new department created for the purpose of keeping Town-wide expenditures in one, easy to find cost center for FY 16-17, there are no variances in General Government from previous years. Please note that other departments will have variances to account for transferring expenditures previously located in their de- partments to General Government. Administration 100% Use of Funds -General Government -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,559,040 The Height of Desert Living 172 Operating Budgets General Government Contractual Services 4% Transfers Out 72% Contingency 23% Uses of Funds -General Government -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,559,040 Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Dues, Subscript & Publicat -$ -$ -$ 32,695$ Constituent Communication - - - 10,000 Conmmunity Contracts/Events - - - 127,021 Contingency - - - 811,269 Sub total Expenditures - - - 980,985 Transfers Out - - - 2,578,055 Total General Government -$ -$ -$ 3,559,040$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures General Government Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 173 Municipal Court Operating Budgets Municipal Court The Height of Desert Living 174 Operating Budgets Municipal Court *Presiding Judge (.63) Court ClerkSenior Court Clerk MUNICIPAL COURT Court Administrator - *Part time - Appointed by Council Full Time The Height of Desert Living 175 MUNICIPAL COURT Mission Statement The Fountain Hills Municipal Court is committed to professionally serving the citi- zens of Fountain Hills by administering justice in a fair, efficient and respectful manner, so as to enhance public trust and community confidence in our court sys- tem. Department Overview The Fountain Hills Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the Fountain Hills gov- ernment. Pursuant to State law and the Town Code, decisions regarding the over- all function of the Court are the sole responsibility of the Presiding Judge, who also has exclusive supervisory authority over all court personnel. The Court has juris- diction over civil traffic, criminal traffic and criminal misdemeanor offenses and violations of our Town Code and ordinances. The Court also has authority over specified juvenile offenses. In addition, the Municipal Court Presiding Judge has authority to issue arrest/search warrants, civil orders of protection, and injunctions against harassment. As part of the Arizona State Court System, the Fountain Hills Municipal Court is subject to the authority and administrative supervision of the Arizona Supreme Court. The Fountain Hills Municipal Court has legal obligations and reporting responsibilities to the State as well as to the Town of Fountain Hills. The Court must comply with constantly changing federal, state, and local laws and administrative rules, including those relating to crimes and criminal procedure, vic- tims’ rights, record keeping, ADA, minimum accounting standards and judicial eth- ics. Operating Budgets Municipal Court Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration $ 200,666 $ 203,304 $ 188,450 $ 174,232 Civil Cases 31,909 32,924 31,505 - Criminal Cases 51,224 51,980 48,866 - Juvenile 8,691 9,448 8,286 - Operations - - - 147,022 Total $ 292,490 $ 297,656 $ 277,107 $ 321,254 Expenditures by Program Variance Explanations: Civil Cases/Criminal Cases/Juvenile/Operations: Programs were combined into Operations for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. The Height of Desert Living 176 Operating Budgets Municipal Court Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 222,774$ 223,506$ 200,111$ 234,633$ Employment Taxes 5,406 8,724 6,480 8,740 Benefits 35,705 36,952 38,470 42,384 Dues and Memberships 4,323 3,774 5,001 5,101 Meetings and Training 1,288 439 4,600 6,600 Maintenance and Repair 478 521 800 800 Contractual Services 14,293 14,490 14,090 15,090 Supplies 3,041 2,532 3,800 3,800 Equipment 1,234 2,942 - - Internal Service 3,948 3,776 3,755 4,106 Total 292,490$ 297,656$ 277,107$ 321,254$ Expenditures by Category Variance Explanations: Wages: Budgeted salaries were corrected to reflect actual costs. Administration, 54% Operations, 46% Use of Funds -Municipal Court -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $321,254 The Height of Desert Living 177 Operating Budgets Municipal Court FY15-16 Department Accomplishments Wages 73% Employment Taxes 3% Benefits 13%Dues and Memberships 2% Meetings and Training 2% Contractual Services 5% Use of Funds -Municipal Court -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $321,254 Initiative Strategic Value Provided all court and judicial services as man- dated by the Constitution, statutes and ordi- nances as fairly, effectively and efficiently as possible. CR6, CR7-Civic Responsibility Provided community outreach through inform- ing the public and Fountain Hills High School about Teen Court and the justice system. CR4, CR7-Civic Responsibility Effectively and efficiently monitored and en- forced timely compliance with Court ordered sentencing and diversion programs while hold- ing defendants accountable for their actions and obligations. CR3, CR7-Civic Responsibility Complied with recognized Supreme Court/AOC guidelines for timely case processing, manage- ment and finances. CR1-Civic Responsibility Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 178 FY16-17 Objectives Operating Budgets Municipal Court Initiative Strategic Value Estimated Cost/Funding Source Provide all court and judicial ser- vices as mandated by the Constitu- tion, statutes and ordinances as fairly, effectively and efficiently as possible. CR6, CR7-Civic Responsibility $0 Provide community outreach and garner support through informing the public and Fountain Hills High School about Teen Court and the justice system. CR4, CR7-Civic Responsibility $0 Transition to the new case manage- ment system provided by the Ari- zona Supreme Court to provide better access to justice. CR3, CR6-Civic Responsibility $0 Eliminate paper files by transition- ing to scanning of active case re- cords to improve case processing. CR3, CR6-Civic Responsibility $0 Comply with recognized Arizona Supreme Court/AOC standards for timely case processing, manage- ment, and finances. CR1-Civic Responsibility $0 Comply with standard court secu- rity standards as defined and man- dated by the Arizona Supreme Court/AOC. CR1, CR6-Civic Responsibility Unknown Effectively and efficiently monitor and enforce timely compliance with Court ordered sentencing and di- version programs while holding de- fendants accountable for their ac- tions and obligations. CR3, C6, C7-Civic Responsibility $0 The Height of Desert Living 179 Operating Budgets Municipal Court Activities/Results Performance Measures FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Estimate Cases Filed 1,649 1,738 2,000 2,050 Cases Terminated 1,875 1,833 2,200 2,250 Hearings/Trials Held 1,665 1,585 1,900 1,950 The Height of Desert Living 180 Operating Budgets Municipal Court Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 207,049$ 154,523$ 156,844$ 162,473$ Salaries-Part Time 15,719 68,965 43,267 72,160 Overtime 6 18 - - FICA 975 4,292 2,617 4,474 Medicare 3,147 3,162 2,885 3,404 Workers Compensation 650 967 712 562 Unemployment Insurance 635 304 266 300 Group Health Insurance 18,463 17,022 18,217 13,719 Group Dental Insurance 2,134 1,736 1,720 1,655 Group Vision Insurance 198 193 193 162 Disability Insurance 560 545 577 688 Retirement 13,776 16,971 17,253 25,616 Life Insurance 572 485 510 544 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 4,323 3,774 5,001 5,101 Training/Cont Ed 375 50 - - Meetings & Training 913 389 4,600 6,600 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 478 521 800 800 Auditing Expense - 3,500 - - Professional Fees 526 848 150 150 Legal Fees 6,800 100 2,000 2,000 Printing Expense 612 1,261 2,000 2,000 Advertising/Signage - - 150 150 Intergovt Agreements 4,501 4,750 7,600 8,600 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 1,854 4,031 1,950 1,950 ActiveNet Fees - - 240 240 Office Supplies 1,861 1,764 3,300 3,300 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 75 139 - - Safety Supplies 26 11 - - Food & Beverage Supplies 471 593 500 500 Uniforms 609 25 - - Small Tools - 54 - - Hardware/Peripherals 1,234 2,453 - - Furniture/Appliances - 435 - - ISF-Copier Charges 4 11 5 6 ISF-Mail Service Charges 1,327 1,699 1,200 1,700 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 403 162 250 250 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,214 1,903 2,300 2,150 Sub total Expenditures 292,490 297,656 277,107 321,254 Transfers Out - - - - Total Municipal Court 292,490$ 297,656$ 277,107$ 321,254$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Municipal Court The Height of Desert Living 181 Public Works Operating Budgets Public Works The Height of Desert Living 182 Note: Numbers in parentheses represent full-time equivalents (FTE). Operating Budgets Public Works Department Director PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Streets Maintenance Tech Inspection *Custodian (.8) Maintenance Tech *Custodian (.5) Streets Superintendent Facilities/Environmental Supervisor Traffic Signal Tech II Fleet Mechanic/ Open Space Spclst. Custodian * Part time Full Time Contracted Executive Assistant (.5) (shared with Development Services) Full Time Shared Civil Engineer Inspector The Height of Desert Living 183 Variance Explanations: Public Works: The decrease is due to the reorganization of the Development Ser- vices Department in which the Engineering Division was separated from Public Works. Operating Budgets Public Works Department PUBLIC WORKS Mission Statement The Public Works Department is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Foun- tain Hills by ensuring the construction of quality infrastructure; maintenance of roadways and traffic control devices; maintenance of Town-owned washes, dams, medians and open space; and maintenance of Town facilities in a manner that pro- vides a safe, healthy and secure environment for staff and visitors. The Depart- ment strives to provide quality customer service in a professional and timely man- ner. Department Overview The Public Works Department is made up of four (4) Divisions: Public Works, Streets, Facilities and Environmental Services. Public Works and Facilities are part of the General Fund. The Streets Division is funded through the Highway Users Revenue Fund (HURF) and the Environmental Services Division is funded through the environmental fee. The Public Works Director provides direct supervision over Division heads and the executive management assistant. Division FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Public Works 355,958$ 399,712$ 308,140$ 191,233$ Facilities 600,513 812,836 744,561 638,968 Total 956,471$ 1,212,548$ 1,052,701$ 830,201$ Expenditures by Division Public Works 23% Facilities 77% Use of Funds -Public Works -By Division Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $830,201 The Height of Desert Living 184 Variance Explanations: Administration/Capital Improvement Projects/Stormwater Management: Programs were combined into Administration for more efficient managing and reporting pur- poses and there were personnel allocation changes. Outside Inspections: A new program for FY16-17 representing the portion previ- ously combined with the Engineering Division. Administration 26% Building Maintenance 67% Outside Inspections 7% Use of Funds -Public Works -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $830,201 Operating Budgets Public Works Department Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 67,959$ 220,977$ 162,113$ 212,395$ Building Maintenance 593,144 653,724 648,374 557,159 Capital Improvement Projects 89,718 91,417 93,274 - Outside Inspections - - - 60,647 Stormwater Management 205,650 246,430 148,940 - Total 956,471$ 1,212,548$ 1,052,701$ 830,201$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 185 Operating Budgets Public Works Department Variance Explanations: Dues & Memberships: Environmental-related costs were moved to the Environ- mental Fund. Building Maintenance: Maintenance costs of the fire stations were moved to the Fire Department’s budget. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 246,640$ 262,093$ 254,406$ 262,129$ Employment Taxes 15,092 20,513 16,624 14,011 Benefits 54,558 58,864 63,794 54,000 Dues & Memberships 15,383 7,132 6,859 1,665 Meetings and Training 95 - 1,740 2,240 Maintenance and Repair 346,800 426,221 175,616 150,240 Utilities 169,102 178,427 189,918 188,138 Contractual Services 54,239 46,409 106,320 97,623 Supplies 27,950 33,239 41,535 40,022 Equipment 19,379 14,890 5,635 5,950 Damages/Vandalism - 9,510 250 900 Internal Service 7,233 11,478 10,809 13,283 Transfers - 143,772 179,195 - Total 956,471$ 1,212,548$ 1,052,701$ 830,201$ Expenditures by Category Wages 31% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 7% Maintenance and Repair 18% Utilities 22% Contractual Services 12% Supplies 5% Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Public Works -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $830,201 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 186 Operating Budgets Public Works Department Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 207,271$ 217,630$ 211,752$ 217,585$ Salaries-Part Time 38,758 44,180 42,654 44,545 Overtime 611 283 - - FICA 2,418 2,733 2,645 2,763 Medicare 3,479 3,703 3,689 3,804 Workers Compensation 8,544 13,693 9,963 7,033 Unemployment Insurance 652 384 327 411 Group Health Insurance 28,397 31,462 37,135 26,681 Group Dental Insurance 1,755 1,728 1,659 1,533 Group Vision Insurance 253 253 238 201 Disability Insurance 631 762 777 922 Retirement 22,864 23,981 23,291 23,934 Life Insurance 658 678 694 729 Licenses/Filing Fees 5,026 5,000 5,100 460 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 10,357 2,132 1,759 1,205 Meetings & Training 95 - 1,740 2,240 Building Maint/Repair 35,386 80,405 74,586 63,800 HVAC Repair 56,028 106,417 66,640 53,180 Plumbing Repair 12,394 6,240 11,300 6,100 Electrical Repair/Maint 2,089 159 3,995 5,140 Fire Protection Systems 8,712 6,352 6,105 5,645 Grounds Maint/Repair 350 5,694 - - Irrigation Repair - - 4,200 2,650 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 30 824 1,185 810 Wash Maintenance 147,968 163,160 - - Dam Inspection And Maint 18,314 42,858 - - Storm Damage Cleanup - 3,033 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 5,924 8,370 3,905 7,550 Vehicle Maint/Repair - 513 800 1,360 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 442 822 200 200 Other Maint/Repair 2,068 807 1,200 1,500 Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 26,411 - - - Sign Repair & Replacement 1,610 566 1,205 1,205 Painting 29,072 - 295 100 Lighting Repair - - - 1,000 Electricity Expense 146,777 147,467 157,040 152,039 Refuse/Recycling 2,006 2,423 1,703 1,703 Telecommunications 1,343 1,234 1,740 3,060 Water/Sewer 17,433 26,142 26,985 26,985 Gas & Oil 1,544 1,161 2,450 4,350 Professional Fees 25,989 18,016 38,490 36,160 Instructor Fees 10 - - - Rentals & Leases - - 400 750 Printing Expense 54 65 130 213 Advertising/Signage 64 - - - Contractual Services - - 25,000 25,000 Bank/Merc Acct Fees - - - 1,500 Landscape Contracts 28,121 28,329 42,300 34,000 FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Public Works Department The Height of Desert Living 187 Operating Budgets Public Works Department Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Public Works Department General Fund-continued Office Supplies 1,231$ 1,426$ 2,310$ 2,372$ Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 8,773 11,563 14,150 10,500 Safety Supplies 765 378 670 725 Operating Supplies 14,189 16,992 20,905 22,625 Food & Beverage Supplies 1,619 1,322 2,000 2,000 Program Materials 33 - - - Uniforms 1,315 1,461 1,500 1,800 Postage & Delivery 25 97 - - Small Tools 371 259 490 950 Hardware/Peripherals 320 - 600 - Furniture/Appliances 6,200 13,321 2,200 600 Equipment 12,488 1,310 2,345 2,500 Damages/Vandalism - 9,510 250 1,900 ISF-Copier Charges 1,403 3,250 2,005 900 ISF-Mail Service Charges 52 35 35 1,075 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 1,790 5,160 5,263 17 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 500 29 171 8,320 ISF-Telecom Charges 3,489 3,004 3,335 171 Sub total Expenditures 956,471 1,068,776 873,506 826,501 Transfers Out - 143,772 179,195 3,700 Total Public Works 956,471$ 1,212,548$ 1,052,701$ 830,201$ The Height of Desert Living 188 Operating Budgets Public Works Department FY15-16 Department Accomplishments FY16-17 Objectives Initiative Strategic Value Completed Town-owned wash and ADWR juris- dictional dam maintenance ES2-Environmental Stewardship Completed Zone 1 Pavement Management I3-Maintain and improve Community infrastruc- ture Completed Saguaro Blvd. Reconstruction I3-Maintain and Improve Community Infrastruc- ture Completed Shea Widening Project (SR87 to Technology Drive) I3-Maintain and Improve Community Infrastruc- ture Completed Unpaved Alley Paving – Phase III I3-Maintain and Improve Community Infrastruc- ture Initiative Strategic Value Estimated Cost/Funding Source Foster a culture of public ser- vice and volunteerism CR1-Civic Responsibility $0/General Fund Compete Town Owned wash and ADWR jurisdictional dam maintenance ES2-Environmental Steward- ship $170,000/Environmental Fund The Height of Desert Living 189 Operating Budgets Public Works Division Public Works Division Service Delivery Plan The Public Works Division, through its administrative direction, is responsible for the general oversight of capital projects and review, approval and inspections re- lated to encroachment permits. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 60,589$ 61,864$ 65,926$ 130,586$ Capital Improvement Program 89,719 91,417 93,274 - Outside Inspections - - - 60,647 Stormwater Management 205,650 246,430 148,940 - Total 355,958$ 399,711$ 308,140$ 191,233$ Expenditures by Program Variance Explanations: Administration/Capital Improvement Projects/Stormwater Management: Programs were combined into Administration for more efficient managing and reporting pur- poses and there were personnel allocation changes. Outside Inspections: A new program for FY16-17 representing the portion previ- ously combined with Engineering Division. Administration 68% Outside Inspections 32% Use of Funds -Public Works -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $191,233 The Height of Desert Living 190 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 136,930$ 139,372$ 131,707$ 118,863$ Employment Taxes 5,347 7,200 5,702 3,784 Benefits 34,457 34,751 33,861 26,058 Dues & Memberships 6,703 6,496 6,364 1,170 Meetings and Training 95 - 1,740 2,240 Maintenance and Repair 166,629 206,841 - 560 Utilities 277 228 440 3,660 Contractual Services 1,519 - 26,400 27,983 Supplies 1,339 1,400 1,935 1,860 Equipment 320 - - 450 Internal Service 2,342 3,423 2,511 4,605 Transfers - - 97,480 - Total 355,958$ 399,711$ 308,140$ 191,233$ Expenditures by Category Variance Explanations: Benefits: The decrease is a result of significant savings from changing health in- surance carriers. Dues & Memberships: The decrease reflects an alternative basis for collection of the environmental fee. Transfers: The amount of funding to the Environmental Fund was eliminated. Wages 62% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 14% Utilities 2% Contractual Services 15% Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Public Works -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $191,233 Operating Budgets Public Works Division Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 191 Operating Budgets Public Works Division Performance Measures Quality Productivity Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of inspections completed within 24 hours of notice 95% 100% 98% 99% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of right-of-way and encroachment permits issued 229 285 325 325 Total number of inspections (includes multi- ple inspection totals for residential, commer- cial & encroachment permits) 321 350 300 350 Number of Capital improvement (CIP) pro- jects completed 3 2 3 4 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Expenditure per right-of-way and encroach- ment permits issued $264.58 $217.07 $202.85 $185.23 Expenditure per inspection (includes multiple inspection totals for residential, commercial & encroachment permits) $188.75 $176.75 $219.75 $172.00 The Height of Desert Living 192 Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 136,557$ 139,097$ 131,707$ 118,863$ Overtime 373 275 - - Medicare 1,906 1,949 1,910 1,725 Workers Compensation 3,216 5,112 3,674 1,929 Unemployment Insurance 225 140 118 130 Group Health Insurance 17,304 17,297 17,338 11,163 Group Dental Insurance 1,081 1,054 980 812 Group Vision Insurance 153 153 142 108 Disability Insurance 409 486 484 503 Retirement 15,088 15,330 14,487 13,074 Life Insurance 422 432 430 398 Licenses/Filing Fees 5,017 5,000 5,100 460 Dues, Subscriptions & Publications 1,686 1,496 1,264 710 Meetings & Training 95 - 1,740 2,240 Wash Maintenance 147,968 163,160 - - Dam Inspection and Maint 18,314 42,859 - - Vehicle Maint/Repair - - - 560 Office Equipment Maint/Repair 348 822 - - Telecommunications 277 227 240 1,560 Gas & Oil - - 200 2,100 Professional Fees 1,400 - 1,400 1,400 Printing Expense 54 - - 83 Advertising/Signage 64 - - - Contractual Services - - 25,000 25,000 Bank/Merc Acct Fees - - - 1,500 Office Supplies 986 1,302 1,935 1,285 Safety Supplies - - - 100 Food & Beverage Supplies 45 - - - Program Materials 33 - - - Uniforms 275 97 - 475 Small Tools - - - 450 Hardware/Peripherals 320 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 1,391 3,044 1,955 875 ISF-Mail Service Charges 44 33 25 13 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge - - - 2,896 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 486 29 171 171 ISF-Telecom Charges 421 317 360 650 Sub total Expenditures 355,958 399,711 210,660 191,233 Transfers Out - - 97,480 - Total Public Works 355,958$ 399,711$ 308,140$ 191,233$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Public Works Division Operating Budgets Public Works Division The Height of Desert Living 193 Service Delivery Plan The Facilities Division is dedicated to maintaining a safe and clean environment in Town-owned buildings for citizens and employees to enjoy. The Facilities Division maintains Town Hall, Community Center, Library/Museum, Kiwanis Building and the Fountain Hills Theatre. Facilities Division Variance Explanations: Library/Museum/Community Theater/Kiwanis Building/Leased Buildings: These locations were consolidated into Leased Buildings for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Physical Plant: A budget supplement was included to replace the economizer valve. Fire Station #1/Fire Station #2: Amounts were relocated to the Fire Department budget. Operating Budgets Facilities Division Location FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Town Hall 169,944$ 378,223$ 265,756$ 273,159$ Community Center 164,255 151,405 168,075 176,734 Library/Museum 134,477 136,020 143,865 - Community Theater 5,004 16,507 26,729 - Kiwanis Building 9,544 5,969 9,446 - Physical Plant 44,146 46,542 57,516 36,203 Fire Station #1 53,661 59,777 53,757 - Fire Station #2 19,482 18,393 19,417 - Leased Buildings - - - 152,872 Total 600,513$ 812,836$ 744,561$ 638,968$ Expenditures by Location Town Hall 42% Community Center 25% Physical Plant 6% Leased Buildings 24% Use of Funds -Facilities -By Location Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $638,968 The Height of Desert Living 194 Variance Explanations: Transfers Out: The amount transferred to Facilities Replacement Fund was elimi- nated from this Division. Operating Budgets Facilities Division Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 109,711$ 122,721$ 122,699$ 143,267$ Employment Taxes 9,745 13,312 10,922 10,227 Benefits 20,101 24,113 29,933 27,941 Dues & Memberships 8,680 636 495 495 Maintenance and Repair 180,169 219,379 175,616 149,680 Utilities 168,825 178,200 189,478 184,478 Contractual Services 52,720 46,409 79,920 69,640 Supplies 26,612 31,839 39,600 38,162 Equipment 19,059 14,890 5,635 5,500 Damages/Vandalism - 9,510 250 900 Internal Service 4,891 8,055 8,298 8,678 Transfers Out - 143,772 81,715 - Total 600,513$ 812,836$ 744,561$ 638,968$ Expenditures by Category Wages 23% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 4% Maintenance and Repair 23% Utilities 29% Contractual Services 11% Supplies 6% Use of Funds -Facilities -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $638,968 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 195 Operating Budgets Facilities Division Performance Measures Quality Productivity Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of maintenance requests resolved within 24 hours 79% 79 79 79 Percentage of maintenance requests resolved within 48 hours 92% 92 92 92 Percentage of trade related work orders com- pleted in house versus contracts 70% 70 70 70 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Civic Center utility costs per square foot (water, sewer, electric – includes parking lot lighting and landscape irrigation) $1.80 $1.90 $2.02 $1.96 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Square footage of buildings maintained by staff 117,387 117,387 117,387 117,387 Square footage of buildings cleaned by staff 23,500 23,500 23,500 23,500 Number of annual maintenance requests 1,625 350 350 350 Number of Custodial Staff 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Library/Museum Custodial Staff .5 .5 .5 .5 Town Hall Custodial Staff .75 .75 .75 .75 *Number of paper shedding events held 2 2 2 2 Hazardous Waste 1 1 1 1 Number of recycling events held (*Electronic) 1 1 1 1 CFL/Florescent bulb recycling 0 0 0 0 The Height of Desert Living 196 Operating Budgets Facilities Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Facilities General Fund Salaries-Full Time 70,714$ 78,533$ 80,045$ 98,722$ Salaries-Part Time 38,758 44,180 42,654 44,545 Overtime 239 8 - - FICA 2,418 2,733 2,645 2,763 Medicare 1,573 1,754 1,779 2,079 Workers Compensation 5,328 8,581 6,289 5,104 Unemployment Insurance 427 245 209 281 Group Health Insurance 11,092 14,165 19,797 15,518 Group Dental Insurance 674 674 679 721 Group Vision Insurance 100 100 96 93 Disability Insurance 222 277 293 419 Retirement 7,776 8,651 8,804 10,859 Life Insurance 236 245 264 331 Licenses/Filing Fees 9 - - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 8,671 636 495 495 Building Main/Repair 35,386 80,405 74,286 63,800 HVAC Repair 56,028 106,417 68,640 53,180 Plumbing Repair 12,394 6,240 7,500 6,100 Electrical Repair/Maint 2,089 159 3,995 5,140 Fire Protection Systems 8,712 6,352 6,105 5,645 Grounds Maint/Repair 350 5,694 - - Irrigation Repair - - 4,200 2,650 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 30 824 1,185 810 Storm Damage Cleanup - 3,033 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 5,924 8,370 3,905 7,550 Vehicle Maint/Repair - 513 800 800 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 94 - 200 200 Other Maint/Repair 2,068 807 1,200 1,500 Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 26,411 - 2,100 - Sign Repair & Replacement 1,610 566 1,205 1,205 Painting 29,072 - 295 100 Lighting Repair - - - 1,000 Electricity Expense 146,777 147,466 157,040 152,040 Refuse/Recycling 2,006 2,423 1,703 1,703 Telecommunications 1,066 1,006 1,500 1,500 Water/Sewer 17,433 26,142 26,985 26,985 Gas & Oil 1,544 1,161 2,250 2,250 Professional Fees 24,589 18,016 37,090 34,760 Instructor Fees 10 - - - Rentals & Leases - - 400 750 Printing Expense - 65 130 130 Landscape Contracts 28,121 28,329 42,300 34,000 Office Supplies 246 123 375 1,087 The Height of Desert Living 197 Operating Budgets Facilities Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Facilities General Fund-continued Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 8,773$ 11,563$ 14,150$ 10,500$ Safety Supplies 765 378 670 625 Operating Supplies 14,189 16,992 20,905 22,625 Food & Beverage Supplies 1,574 1,322 2,000 2,000 Uniforms 1,040 1,364 1,500 1,325 Postage & Delivery 25 97 - - Small Tools 371 259 490 500 Hardware/Peripherals - - 600 600 Furniture/Appliances 6,200 13,321 2,200 2,500 Equipment 12,488 1,310 2,345 1,900 Damages/Vandalism - 9,510 250 900 ISF-Copier Charges 11 206 50 200 ISF-Mail Service Charges 8 2 10 4 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 1,790 5,160 5,263 5,424 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 14 - - - ISF-Telecom Charges 3,068 2,687 2,975 3,050 Sub total Expenditures 600,513 669,064 662,846 638,968 Transfers Out - 143,772 81,715 - Total Facilities 600,513$ 812,836$ 744,561$ 638,968$ The Height of Desert Living 198 Operating Budgets Facilities Division The Height of Desert Living 199 Development Services Operating Budgets Development Services The Height of Desert Living 200 Operating Budgets Development Services Department Director (Vacant) DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Code Enforcement Officer GIS Technician / CAD Operator Building Permit Technician Town Engineer Senior PlannerBuilding Safety Full Time Executive Assistant (.5) (shared with Public Works) Full Time Shared Chief Building Official The Height of Desert Living 201 Operating Budgets Development Services Department DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Mission Statement The Development Services Department is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Fountain Hills by providing plan review, construction permitting, building inspec- tions, enforcement of Town codes, as well as the use of innovative and proven land planning techniques. The Department strives to provide quality customer ser- vice in a professional and timely manner. Department Overview The Development Services Department is made up of five (5) Divisions: Building Safety, Code Compliance, Engineering, Mapping & Graphics and Planning in the General Fund. The Development Services Director provides direct supervision over Division heads and the executive management assistant. Division FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Development Services -$ -$ -$ 167,853$ Engineering 136,475 142,668 212,854 229,133 Planning 156,701 160,973 167,649 121,314 Building Safety 194,449 207,734 239,397 224,508 Code Compliance 93,627 96,965 99,979 77,980 Mapping & Graphics 72,239 70,893 68,865 106,351 Total 653,491$ 679,233$ 788,744$ 927,139$ Expenditures by Division Variance Explanations: Development Services: New Division created for the new position requested. Planning/Code Compliance: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes and significant savings from changing health insurance carriers. Mapping & Graphics: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. The Height of Desert Living 202 Operating Budgets Development Services Department Variance Explanations: Administration: Amounts reflect the reorganization of the Department and a new position request. Building Inspection/Permitting: Permitting was merged into Building Inspection for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Current Planning/Long Range Planning/Planning & Zoning: These programs were consolidated into Planning & Zoning for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Code Compliance: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes and significant savings from changing health insurance carriers. Environmental Service: Expenses were moved into the Environmental Fund. Mapping & Graphics: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ -$ -$ 167,853$ Building Inspection 80,090 90,224 113,179 224,508 Code Compliance 93,627 96,965 99,979 77,980 Current Planning 97,300 101,425 107,623 - Engineering 136,475 142,668 212,854 229,133 Environmental Service 32,611 32,419 30,748 - Long Range Planning 26,790 27,130 29,278 - Mapping & Graphics 72,239 70,893 68,865 106,351 Permitting 114,359 117,510 126,218 - Planning & Zoning - - - 121,314 Total 653,491$ 679,234$ 788,744$ 927,139$ Expenditures by Program Development Services 18% Engineering 25% Planning 14% Building Safety 24% Code Compliance 8% Mapping & Graphics 11% Use of Funds -Development Services -By Division Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $927,139 The Height of Desert Living 203 Operating Budgets Development Services Department Variance Explanations: Dues & Memberships: The decrease reflects movement of the environmental fee out of this Department. Contractual Services: Budget supplements were included for engineering studies & surveys and amounts were increased for contracted inspections and plan re- views. Wages: The increase is the result of personnel allocation changes. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 456,654$ 457,158$ 466,099$ 556,535$ Employment Taxes 15,088 19,371 17,513 16,995 Benefits 111,928 113,670 120,755 120,365 Dues & Memberships 8,587 7,292 13,238 5,442 Meetings and Training 1,026 1,313 7,940 11,650 Maintenance and Repair 2,261 1,115 5,188 4,220 Utilities 6,618 6,689 8,348 5,120 Contractual Services 26,358 50,946 117,256 172,919 Supplies 7,965 4,244 10,842 10,065 Equipment 1,801 445 5,700 5,250 Internal Service 14,278 15,351 15,865 18,578 Transfers 928 1,639 - - Total 653,492$ 679,233$ 788,744$ 927,139$ Expenditures by Category Administration 18% Building Inspection 24% Code Compliance 8% Engineering 26% Mapping & Graphics 11% Planning & Zoning 13% Use of Funds -Development Services -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $927,139 The Height of Desert Living 204 Operating Budgets Development Services Department FY15-16 Department Accomplishments Initiative Strategic Value Completed the 2015 edition of the “Land Use Analysis and Statistical Report” EV1-Economic Vitality Revised Planned Area Development (P.A.D.) Ordinance EV3-Economic Vitality Revised Outdoor Lighting Ordinance ES3-Environmental Stewardship FY16-17 Objectives Initiative Strategic Value Estimated Cost/Funding Source Foster a culture of public ser- vice and volunteerism CR2-Civic Responsibility $0/General Funds Compete 2015 edition of “Land Use Analysis and Statistical Report” EV1-Economic Vitality $1,000/General Fund Wages 59% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 13% Maintenance and Repair 11%Utilities 11% Contractual Services 19% Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Development Services -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $927,139 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 205 Operating Budgets Development Services Department Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 453,011$ 456,844$ 466,099$ 556,535$ Salaries-Part time 3,270 - - - Overtime 373 314 - - Fica 203 - - - Medicare 6,436 6,453 6,761 8,072 Workers Compensation 7,570 12,373 10,239 8,369 Unemployment Insurance 879 545 513 554 Group Health Insurance 54,988 56,069 61,844 50,358 Group Dental Insurance 3,863 3,757 3,867 4,072 Group Vision Insurance 514 514 532 493 Disability Insurance 1,333 1,608 1,711 2,355 Retirement 49,853 50,288 51,273 61,221 Life Insurance 1,377 1,433 1,528 1,866 Licenses/Filing Fees 4,689 791 10,310 1,850 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 3,899 6,501 2,928 3,592 Meetings & Training 1,026 1,313 7,940 11,650 Equipment Maint/Repair 770 976 3,425 3,100 Vehicle Maint/Repair 1,383 - 1,763 1,120 Office Equip Maint/Repair 108 140 - - Telecommunications 3,128 3,692 3,648 3,120 Gas & Oil 3,491 2,997 4,700 2,000 Professional Fees 9,812 16,609 28,000 78,500 Printing Expense 162 65 1,416 1,499 Advertising/Signage 941 1,388 2,500 2,500 Contractual Services 11,315 30,000 80,920 87,500 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 4,127 2,883 4,300 2,800 ActiveNet Fees - - 120 120 Office Supplies 6,153 2,839 8,062 8,585 Operating Supplies - 451 - - Program Materials 842 80 925 - Safety Supplies - - 200 100 Uniforms 950 874 1,505 1,230 Postage & Delivery 20 - 150 150 Small Tools - 44 700 250 Software - 76 5,000 - Hardware/Peripherals 1,801 324 - 5,000 ISF-Copier Charges 1,669 2,957 2,535 3,715 ISF-Mail Service Charges 302 449 840 358 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 8,023 8,183 8,593 11,461 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 1,125 907 727 694 ISF-Telecom Charges 3,159 2,855 3,170 2,350 Sub total Expenditures 652,565 677,592 788,744 927,139 Transfers Out 928 1,639 - - Total Development Services 653,493$ 679,231$ 788,744$ 927,139$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Development Services Department The Height of Desert Living 206 Operating Budgets Development Services Department The Height of Desert Living 207 Operating Budgets Development Services Division Development Services Division Service Delivery Plan Development Services through its administrative services provides direction to and clerical support for the Department by the Development Services Director and Executive Assistant. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ -$ -$ 167,853$ Total -$ -$ -$ 167,853$ Expenditures by Program Variance Explanations: Administration: New program created as a result of the reorganization of the De- partment and personnel allocation changes. Administration 100% Use of Funds -Development Services -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $167,853 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages -$ -$ -$ 130,773$ Employment Taxes - - - 4,166 Benefits - - - 29,764 Dues & Memberships - - - 94 Education and Training - - - 400 Contractual Services - - - 83 Supplies - - - 1,285 Internal Service - - - 1,288 Total -$ -$ -$ 167,853$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 208 Operating Budgets Development Services Division Wages 78% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 18% Use of Funds -Development Services -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $167,853 Variance Explanations: Wages/Benefits: The increase is due to the reorganization of the Development Services Department which includes personnel allocation changes. Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time -$ -$ -$ 130,773$ Medicare - - - 1,897 Workers Compensation - - - 2,157 Unemployment Insurance - - - 112 Group Health Insurance - - - 13,209 Group Dental Insurance - - - 1,058 Group Vision Insurance - - - 122 Disability Insurance - - - 553 Retirement - - - 14,384 Life Insurance - - - 438 Dues, Subscript & Publicat - - - 94 Meetings & Training - - - 400 Printing Expense - - - 83 Office Supplies - - - 1,185 Uniforms - - - 100 ISF-Copier Charges - - - 875 ISF-Mail Service Charges - - - 13 ISF-Telecom Charges - - - 400 Sub total Expenditures - - -$ 167,853$ Transfers Out - - - - Total Development Services -$ -$ -$ 167,853$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Development Services Division Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 209 Building Safety Division Service Delivery Plan The Building Safety Division is dedicated to processing applications for permits to construct homes, commercial buildings, fences, swimming pools and other struc- tures in a manner that is responsive and customer friendly. The Division coordi- nates the review of plans for the structures it permits and conducts construction inspections. Operating Budgets Building Safety Division Variance Explanations: Building Inspection/Permitting: Permitting was merged into Building Inspection for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Building Inspection 100% Use of Funds -Building Safety -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $224,508 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Building Inspection 80,090$ 90,224$ 113,180$ 224,508$ Permitting 114,359 117,510 126,218 - Total 194,449$ 207,734$ 239,398$ 224,508$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 210 Operating Budgets Building Safety Division Variance Explanations: Benefits: The decrease is a result of significant savings from changing health in- surance carriers. Contractual Services: A budget supplement was included for additional contracted inspections. Equipment: FY15-16 included a one-time expenditure for software updates. Wages 66% Employment Taxes 2%Benefits 11% Contractual Services 8% Internal Service 3% Use of Funds -Building Safety -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $224,508 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 136,911$ 131,170$ 133,923$ 119,511$ Employment Taxes 4,456 5,226 4,798 3,388 Benefits 30,229 31,074 32,445 25,584 Dues & Memberships 509 439 710 650 Meetings and Training 789 307 2,260 2,360 Maintenance and Repair 589 173 685 760 Utilities 1,496 1,606 1,768 1,780 Contractual Services 13,292 32,292 52,240 62,320 Supplies 853 642 1,100 1,050 Equipment 222 325 5,150 150 Internal Service 4,175 4,480 4,319 6,955 Transfers 928 - - - Total 194,449$ 207,734$ 239,398$ 224,508$ Expenditures by Category Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 211 Operating Budgets Building Safety Division Performance Measures Quality Activities/Results Productivity FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of all residential building plan re- views completed within established turn- around times 100% 97% 100% 97% Percentage of all commercial building plan reviews completed within established turn- around times 100% 100% 100% 100% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of building plan reviews conducted (multiple reviews possible) 452 462 510 550 Number of residential plan reviews conducted (multiple reviews possible) 125 125 400 500 Number of commercial plan reviews con- ducted (multiple reviews possible) 250 70 50 65 Number of building inspection FTE’s 1 1 1* 1* Total number of permits 445 443 550 500 Total number of inspections (all inspections) 2,131 2,448 2,200 2,200 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Average expenditure per inspection during the reporting period (includes all inspections) $436.96 $436.96 $436.96 $436.96 Average processing cost per permit $91.25 $84.86 $108.40 $101.46 *Building Inspections are performed by Building Official and 3rd party Inspectors The Height of Desert Living 212 Operating Budgets Building Safety Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 133,642$ 131,162$ 133,923$ 119,511$ Salaries-Part Time 3,270 - - - Overtime - 8 - - FICA 203 - - - Medicare 1,902 1,807 1,943 1,734 Workers Compensation 2,075 3,252 2,695 1,504 Unemployment Insurance 276 167 160 150 Group Health Insurance 13,408 14,442 15,457 10,388 Group Dental Insurance 1,181 1,166 1,162 1,006 Group Vision Insurance 168 168 166 136 Disability Insurance 380 458 491 506 Retirement 14,699 14,429 14,731 13,147 Life Insurance 393 411 438 401 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 509 439 710 650 Training/Cont Ed 100 - - - Meetings & Training 689 307 2,260 2,360 Equipment Maint/Repair - - 125 200 Vehicle Maint/Repair 589 173 560 560 Telecommunications 740 758 768 780 Gas & Oil 755 848 1,000 1,000 Printing Expense 108 - 200 200 Contractual Services 11,315 30,000 49,920 60,000 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 1,869 2,292 2,000 2,000 ActiveNet Fees - - 120 120 Office Supplies 532 117 550 550 Operating Supplies - 69 - - Uniforms 321 456 550 500 Small Tools - 150 150 Software - - 5,000 - Hardware/Peripherals 222 324 - - ISF-Copier Charges 247 487 340 500 ISF-Mail Service Charges 26 51 25 25 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 2,647 2,700 2,754 5,480 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 53 187 - - ISF-Telecom Charges 1,202 1,056 1,200 950 Sub total Expenditures 193,521 207,734 239,398 224,508 Transfers Out 928 - - - Total Building Safety 194,449$ 207,734$ 239,398$ 224,508$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Building Safety The Height of Desert Living 213 Code Compliance Division Service Delivery Plan The Code Compliance Division is actively involved in maintaining an excellent quality of life by addressing community issues such as abandoned vehicles, prop- erty maintenance, improperly maintained pools, illegal signs, improper parking on private property, and dumping or other destruction in Town-owned washes. The Code Compliance Division strives to address problems in a confidential, friendly and understanding way which allows for sufficient time to come into compliance voluntarily. Operating Budgets Code Compliance Division Code Compliance 100% Use of Funds -Code Compliance -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $77,980 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Code Compliance 93,627$ 96,965$ 99,979$ 77,980$ Total 93,627$ 96,965$ 99,979$ 77,980$ Expenditures by Program Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 67,750$ 69,579$ 70,465$ 51,215$ Employment Taxes 2,602 3,497 3,121 1,801 Benefits 17,630 18,068 18,853 12,131 Dues & Memberships 35 - 150 150 Meetings and Training 80 376 900 900 Maintenance and Repair 755 642 560 560 Utilities 1,277 1,226 1,768 1,780 Contractual Services - - 72 2,572 Supplies 296 356 580 580 Equipment 286 - - - Internal Service 2,916 3,221 3,510 6,291 Total 93,627$ 96,965$ 99,979$ 77,980$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 214 Operating Budgets Code Compliance Division Performance Measures Quality Productivity Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of code violations brought into voluntary compliance prior to initiation of ad- ministrative or judicial action 99% 99% 99% 99% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of Code Enforcement Officers 1 1 1 1 Number of code violation cases 730 752 775 725 Number of code violation cases reviewed in court proceedings (does not include barking dog cases) 2 4 2 2 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Average cost per code violation case $128.26 $128.94 $129.01 $106.78 Wages 66% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 16% Utilities 2% Contractual Services 3% Internal Service 8% Use of Funds -Code Compliance -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $77,980 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. Variance Explanations: Wages: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Benefits: The decrease is a result of significant savings from changing health in- surance carriers. The Height of Desert Living 215 Operating Budgets Code Compliance Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 67,750$ 69,579$ 70,465$ 51,215$ Medicare 971 1,006 1,022 743 Workers Compensation 1,475 2,396 2,007 983 Unemployment Insurance 156 95 92 75 Group Health Insurance 9,135 9,318 9,976 5,643 Group Dental Insurance 554 554 555 412 Group Vision Insurance 82 81 81 54 Disability Insurance 201 244 259 216 Retirement 7,450 7,654 7,752 5,634 Life Insurance 208 217 230 172 Licenses/Filing Fees - - 100 100 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 35 - 50 50 Training/Cont Ed - 341 - - Meetings & Training 80 35 900 900 Vehicle Maint/Repair 755 642 560 560 Telecommunications 749 758 768 780 Gas & Oil 528 468 1,000 1,000 Printing Expense - - 72 72 Contractual Services - - - 2,500 Office Supplies 99 48 450 450 Operating Supplies - 232 - - Uniforms 198 75 130 130 Hardware/Peripherals 286 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 27 81 40 40 ISF-Mail Service Charges 13 7 15 20 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 2,647 2,700 3,000 5,981 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - 10 - - ISF-Telecom Charges 228 424 455 250 Sub total Expenditures 93,627 96,965 99,979 77,980 Transfers Out - - - - Total Code Compliance 93,627$ 96,965$ 99,979$ 77,980$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Code Compliance The Height of Desert Living 216 Engineering Division Service Delivery Plan The Engineering Division is responsible for the review of commercial and residen- tial building plans, flood plain administration, preliminary and final plats, easement abandonments, etc. Operating Budgets Engineering Division Engineering 100% Use of Funds -Engineering -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $229,133 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Engineering 136,475$ 142,668$ 212,854$ 229,133$ Total 136,475$ 142,668$ 212,854$ 229,133$ Expenditures by Program Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 89,713$ 90,900$ 105,925$ 101,435$ Employment Taxes 3,069 3,908 4,175 3,486 Benefits 23,750 23,787 30,134 19,935 Dues & Memberships 791 1,528 1,965 1,595 Meetings & Training 135 629 1,840 2,240 Maintenance and Repair 39 230 560 - Utilities 3,661 3,251 3,648 780 Contractual Services 9,336 12,893 57,022 96,822 Supplies 1,071 597 2,025 1,200 Equipment - 44 450 - Internal Service 4,910 4,901 5,110 1,640 Transfers - - - - Total 136,475$ 142,668$ 212,854$ 229,133$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 217 Operating Budgets Engineering Division Variance Explanations: Benefits: The decrease is a result of significant savings from changing health in- surance carriers. Contractual Services: Budget supplements were included for engineering studies & surveys. Performance Measures Quality Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of reviews of final plats, site plans and commercial plans completed within es- tablished turn-around time. 95% 95% 95% 95% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of easements released or acquired 27 27 15 25 Wages 44% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 9% Contractual Services 41% Use of Funds -Engineering -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $229,133 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 218 Operating Budgets Engineering Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 89,340$ 90,657$ 105,925$ 101,435$ Overtime 373 243 - - Medicare 1,240 1,261 1,537 1,471 Workers Compensation 1,682 2,555 2,536 1,948 Unemployment Insurance 148 92 102 67 Group Health Insurance 12,440 12,295 16,607 7,399 Group Dental Insurance 815 779 998 535 Group Vision Insurance 106 107 142 73 Disability Insurance 266 321 389 430 Retirement 9,847 9,999 11,652 11,158 Life Insurance 275 285 346 340 Licenses/Filing Fees 346 271 500 500 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 445 1,258 1,465 1,095 Meetings & Training 135 629 1,840 2,240 Vehicle Maint/Repair 39 160 560 - Office Equip Maint/ Repair - 70 - - Telecommunications 1,454 1,569 1,548 780 Gas & Oil 2,207 1,682 2,100 - Professional Fees 7,807 12,455 24,200 71,500 Engineering Fees - - - - Printing Expense 54 65 322 322 Contractual Services - - 31,000 25,000 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 1,475 373 1,500 - Office Supplies 767 202 850 750 Safety Supplies - - 200 100 Operating Supplies - 150 - - Uniforms 304 245 825 200 Postage & Delivery - - 150 150 Small Tools - 44 450 - ISF-Copier Charges 432 796 600 800 ISF-Mail Service Charges 130 88 400 50 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 2,729 2,784 2,840 - ISF-Motor Pool Charges 899 599 570 540 ISF-Telecom Charges 720 634 700 250 Sub total Expenditures 136,475 142,668 212,854 229,133 Transfers Out - - - - Total Engineering 136,475$ 142,668$ 212,854$ 229,133$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Engineering The Height of Desert Living 219 Mapping & Graphics Division Service Delivery Plan The Mapping & Graphics Division is dedicated to providing excellent customer ser- vice in a professional and timely manner. The Division is responsible for providing internal and external customers with maps, graphic information, and research. Operating Budgets Mapping & Graphics Division Mapping & Graphics 100% Use of Funds -Mapping & Graphics -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $106,351 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Mapping & Graphics 72,239$ 70,893$ 68,865$ 106,351$ Total 72,239$ 70,893$ 68,865$ 106,351$ Expenditures by Program Variance Explanations: Mapping & Graphics: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. The Height of Desert Living 220 Wages 64%Benefits 19% Maintenance and Repair 2% Contractual Services 7% Supplies 3% Equipment 5% Use of Funds -Mapping & Graphics -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $106,351 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 48,137$ 49,045$ 44,182$ 67,899$ Employment Taxes 1,041 1,156 991 1,238 Benefits 13,544 13,489 12,542 16,764 Dues & Memberships 2,015 3 - 1,000 Meetings and Training 21 - 1,000 1,000 Maintenance and Repair 770 - 2,500 2,500 Utilities 2,006 3,937 - - Contractual Services 3,352 1,412 3,800 7,000 Supplies 1,061 - 3,500 3,600 Equipment - - - 5,000 Internal Service 292 212 350 350 Transfers Out - 1,639 - - Total 72,239$ 70,893$ 68,865$ 106,351$ Expenditures by Category Operating Budgets Mapping & Graphics Division Variance Explanations: Wages: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 221 Operating Budgets Mapping & Graphics Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 48,137$ 49,037$ 44,182$ 67,899$ Overtime - 8 - - Medicare 691 705 641 984 Workers Compensation 255 389 301 179 Unemployment Insurance 95 62 49 75 Group Health Insurance 7,376 7,228 6,901 8,076 Group Dental Insurance 530 487 426 649 Group Vision Insurance 50 50 44 54 Disability Insurance 145 175 162 288 Retirement 5,295 5,395 4,861 7,469 Life Insurance 148 154 148 228 Dues, Subscript & Publicat - - - 1,000 Licenses/Filing Fees 2,015 3 - - Meetings & Training 21 - 1,000 1,000 Equipment Maint/Repair 770 - 2,500 2,500 Professional Fees 2,006 3,937 3,800 7,000 Office Supplies 3,352 1,412 3,500 3,500 Uniforms - - - 100 Hardware/Peripherals 1,061 - - 5,000 ISF-Copier Charges 12 - 20 - ISF-Motor Pool Charges 40 1 100 100 ISF-Telecom Charges 240 211 230 250 Sub total Expenditures 72,239 69,254 68,865 106,351 Transfers Out - 1,639 - - Total Mapping & Graphics 72,239$ 70,893$ 68,865$ 106,351$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Mapping & Graphics Performance Measures Quality Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Work order survey satisfaction rating 95% 96% 95% 95% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target t Number of internal customer requests proc- essed 280 300 250 250 Number of aerial site plans completed 65 100 75 100 Number of external customer requests proc- essed 110 80 75 100 GIS database maintenance in hours 80 60 80 80 The Height of Desert Living 222 Planning Division Service Delivery Plan The Planning Division is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Fountain Hills through innovative, proven planning techniques, and providing excellent customer service in a professional and timely manner. The Division implements land use planning related goals, policies and programs as approved by the Town Council. The Division processes applications for zoning interpretations and verifications, preliminary and final sub-division plats, variances from the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Temporary Use Permits, Special Use Permits, Concept Plans (site plans), signs and amendments to the General Plan and Area Specific Plans. The Division also processes amendments to the Town’s regulations, the Zoning Or- dinance, Sub-Division Ordinance and Town Code. Operating Budgets Planning Division Current Planning, 100% Use of Funds -Planning -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $121,314 Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Current Planning 97,300 101,425 107,623 - Environmental Service 32,611 32,419 30,748 - Long Range Planning 26,790 27,129 29,278 - Planning & Zoning - - - 121,314 Total 156,701$ 160,973$ 167,649$ 121,314$ Expenditures by Program Variance Explanations: Current Planning/Long Range Planning/Planning & Zoning: These programs were consolidated into Planning & Zoning for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Environmental Service: Costs were moved into the Environmental Fund. The Height of Desert Living 223 Operating Budgets Planning Division Wages 71% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 13% Dues & Memberships 2% Meetings and Training 4% Contractual Services 3% Supplies 2% Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Planning -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $121,314 Variance Explanations: Wages/Benefits: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes and the significant savings from changing health insurance carriers. Dues & Memberships: The decrease reflects an alternative basis for collection of the environmental fee. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 114,143$ 116,465$ 111,604$ 85,703$ Employment Taxes 3,921 5,583 4,428 2,916 Benefits 26,774 27,253 26,781 16,186 Dues & Memberships 5,237 5,323 10,413 1,953 Meetings and Training - - 1,940 4,750 Maintenance and Repair 108 70 883 400 Utilities 185 605 1,164 780 Contractual Services 1,724 1,824 4,122 4,122 Supplies 2,393 1,238 3,637 2,350 Equipment 232 76 100 100 Internal Service 1,984 2,536 2,577 2,054 Total 156,701$ 160,973$ 167,649$ 121,314$ Expenditures by Category Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 224 Performance Measures Quality Activities/Results Operating Budgets Planning Division FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of first reviews of plans com- pleted within the established Department turnaround time 100% 100% 100% 100% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of temporary use permits completed 2 0 N/A 2 Number of ordinance/code changes proc- essed 4 4 4 4 Number of zoning cases 15 6 8 8 Number of concept plans reviewed 8 6 12 4 The Height of Desert Living 225 Operating Budgets Planning Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 114,143$ 116,409$ 111,604$ 85,703$ Overtime - 55 - - Medicare 1,633 1,673 1,618 1,243 Workers Compensation 2,084 3,781 2,700 1,598 Unemployment Insurance 204 129 110 75 Group Health Insurance 12,629 12,786 12,903 5,643 Group Dental Insurance 783 771 726 412 Group Vision Insurance 108 108 99 54 Disability Insurance 340 411 410 362 Retirement 12,561 12,812 12,277 9,428 Life Insurance 352 366 366 287 Licenses/Filing Fees 2,328 518 9,710 1,250 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 2,910 4,805 703 703 Meetings & Training - - 1,940 4,750 Equipment Maint/Repair - - 800 400 Vehicle Maint/Repair - - 83 - Office Equip Maint/ Repair 108 70 - - Telecommunications 185 605 564 780 Gas & Oil - - 600 - Professional Fees - 218 - - Printing Expense - - 822 822 Advertising/Signage 941 1,388 2,500 2,500 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 783 218 800 800 Office Supplies 1,403 1,060 2,712 2,150 Program Materials 842 80 925 - Uniforms 127 97 - 200 Postage & Delivery 20 - - - Small Tools - - 100 100 Software - 76 - - Hardware/Peripherals 232 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 951 1,593 1,535 1,500 ISF-Mail Service Charges 133 304 400 250 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 132 110 57 54 ISF-Telecom Charges 769 530 585 250 Subtotal Expenditures 156,701 160,973 167,649 121,314 Transfers Out - - - - Total Planning 156,701$ 160,973$ 167,649$ 121,314$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Planning The Height of Desert Living 226 Operating Budgets Planning Division The Height of Desert Living 227 Community Services Operating Budgets Community Services The Height of Desert Living 228 Operating Budgets Community Services Department Note: Numbers in parentheses represent full-time equivalents (FTE). Director Executive Assistant Parks SupervisorRecreation Supervisor COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Park Operations Lead Groundskeeper *Customer Service Rep I (.53) *Customer Service Rep I (.35) ) Park Operations Lead Community Center Operations Coordinator Events & Operations Supervisor Senior Services Supervisor *Senior Services Assistant (.45) *Home Delivered Meals Coordinator (.75) *Senior Services Activities Coordinator (.58) Park Operations Lead *Operations Sup Worker (.71) *Operations Sup Worker (.09) * Part time Full Time Rec. CoordinatorRec. Coordinator *Park Attendant (.35) *Park Attendant (.32) *Park Attendant (.39) *Park Attendant (.48) *Park Attendant (.12) Tourism Coordinator *Operations Sup Worker (.70) *Operations Sup Worker (.08) *Park Attendant (.30) *Operations Sup Worker (.07) *Lead Park Attend. (.49) The Height of Desert Living 229 Operating Budgets Community Services Department COMMUNITY SERVICES Mission Statement The mission of the Community Services Department is to provide exceptional cus- tomer service to enhance the quality of life by providing and maintaining safe, available, and accessible parks and facilities, recreation programs, events, and services that will meet the intellectual, social, cultural, and leisure needs of all residents. Department Overview Management and operations of Parks, Recreation, Community Center, Senior Ser- vices, McDowell Mountain Preserve, Desert Botanical Garden, a growing public trails system, public art, tourism, and the Avenue of the Fountains Plaza. Variance Explanations: Community Services: New Division to house all administrative costs. Recreation: Administrative costs were moved into the new Division. Community Services 9% Recreation 20% Parks 51% Community Center Operations 10% Senior Services 10% Use of Funds -Community Services -By Division Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $2,181,310 Division FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Community Services -$ -$ -$ 205,342$ Recreation 532,018 527,535 615,767 435,659 Parks 947,624 1,005,310 1,284,510 1,095,228 Community Center Operations 433,194 430,739 227,823 222,606 Senior Services 208,024 214,706 231,846 222,475 Total 2,120,860$ 2,178,290$ 2,359,946$ 2,181,310$ Expenditures by Division The Height of Desert Living 230 Variance Explanations: Administration: The increase is the result of the consolidation of several programs and personnel allocation changes. Amenities/Field Prep/Maintenance/Landscape Maintenance/Operations: These pro- grams were consolidated into Operations for more efficient managing and report- ing purposes. Art & Culture: Amounts were relocated into the General Government Department, and the Tourism and Public Art Funds. Boards & Commissions/Event Planning: These programs were consolidated into Administration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Community Events/Social/Community Services/Special Events: These programs were consolidated into Community Events for more efficient managing and report- ing purposes. Open Space/Senior Membership/Special Interest Programs/Sports Activities: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Youth & Teen Programs: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes and moving the community contract previously reported here into the new General Government Department. Operating Budgets Community Services Department Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 546,422$ 557,661$ 397,508$ 768,406$ Amenities 190,310 234,832 437,447 - Art & Culture 48,127 38,857 41,713 - Boards & Commissions 56,217 53,865 48,691 - Community Events 94,842 102,117 113,380 77,729 Event Planning 61,195 54,514 57,862 - Field Prep/Maintenance 170,384 171,716 180,892 - Fountain 223,119 196,149 214,871 212,375 Home Delivered Meals 60,983 56,661 73,522 63,464 Landscape Maintenance 162,852 184,317 226,638 - Open Space 31,494 37,249 29,058 21,058 Operations 115,620 121,833 116,568 899,456 Senior Membership 86,956 93,129 105,841 68,382 Social/Community Services 70,459 72,515 82,514 - Special Events 27,073 23,450 26,769 - Special Interest Programs 24,407 30,697 38,590 16,007 Sports Activities 55,629 61,520 82,551 26,602 Youth & Teen Programs 94,771 87,208 85,531 27,831 Total 2,120,860$ 2,178,290$ 2,359,946$ 2,181,310$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 231 Operating Budgets Community Services Department Administration 35% Community Events 4% Fountain 10%Home Delivered Meals 3% Operations 41% Senior Membership 3% Use of Funds -Community Services -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $2,181,310 Note: Programs that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 232 Operating Budgets Community Services Department Wages 41% Employment Taxes 2% Benefits 8% Maintenance and Repair 8% Utilities 16% Contractual Services 15% Supplies 6%Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Community Services -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $2,181,310 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 824,172$ 810,544$ 860,753$ 879,464$ Employment Taxes 44,449 53,740 51,352 44,770 Benefits 165,368 175,507 200,023 170,779 Dues & Memberships 4,940 4,621 4,642 5,092 Meetings and Training 9,138 11,284 11,655 12,425 Maintenance and Repair 141,825 167,243 310,355 173,848 Utilities 280,071 280,115 336,528 354,830 Contractual Services 279,706 304,634 417,591 331,245 Supplies 116,243 112,512 103,914 122,864 Equipment 20,296 21,524 8,235 27,120 Damages/Vandalism 1,080 1,226 7,100 2,100 Internal Service 40,072 41,840 47,798 54,303 Transfers 193,500 193,500 - 2,470 Total 2,120,860$ 2,178,290$ 2,359,946$ 2,181,310$ Expenditures by Category Variance Explanations: Maintenance and Repair: FY15-16 included a one-time expenditure for a new playground at Golden Eagle Park. Contractual Services: Community Contracts were moved to the new General Gov- ernment Department. Equipment: Budget supplements are included to replace a portion of the chairs and tables in the ballrooms at the Community Center and audio-video equipment for Senior Services. Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 233 Operating Budgets Community Services Department FY16-17 Objectives Initiative Strategic Value Estimated Cost/Funding Source To increase, to the extent pos- sible, both internal (Town) and external (Others) special events in the Community C2-Civility and RI, R2 and R3- Recreational Opportunities and Amenities TBD/General Fund To continue to participate/ provide input to the Youth Coa- lition and the School Health Committee P5-Public Safety, Health and Welfare $0 To again be designated as a Playful City USA for the 6th consecutive year R1 and R4-Recreational Oppor- tunities and Amenities $0 Begin construction on the Adero Canyon Trailhead RI, R2 and R3-Recreational Opportunities and Amenities $2.2 million/CIP Fund & devel- opment fees FY15-16 Department Accomplishments Initiative Strategic Value Provide over 3,000 meals under the Home De- livered Meals program. P4-Public Safety, Health & Welfare Transitioned to a lower cost/coverage for back- ground checks. R1-Recreational opportunities and amenities Named Playful City—5th straight year R1-Recreational opportunities and amenities Successfully transitioned the Technology Learn- ing Center (TLC) lease to a rental status. R1-Recreational opportunities and amenities Greater utilization of TLC space by Senior Activi- ties/Community Center R1-Recreational opportunities and amenities Won several awards and grants for Tourism and Special Events R1-Recreational opportunities and amenities The Height of Desert Living 234 Operating Budgets Community Services Department Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 654,805$ 622,757$ 656,237$ 678,279$ Salaries-Part Time 168,884 186,762 202,516 201,184 Overtime 484 1,024 2,000 - FICA 10,533 11,270 12,454 12,473 Medicare 11,748 11,514 12,437 12,754 Workers Compensation 18,670 28,378 24,997 17,498 Unemployment Insurance 3,498 2,580 1,464 2,045 Group Health Insurance 80,901 95,269 115,371 83,343 Group Dental Insurance 7,747 6,611 6,919 6,828 Group Vision Insurance 956 968 1,006 851 Disability Insurance 1,828 2,145 2,405 2,873 Retirement 71,990 68,602 72,181 74,611 Life Insurance 1,946 1,912 2,141 2,273 Licenses/Filing Fees 2,394 1,756 1,710 1,710 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 2,545 2,865 2,932 3,382 Training/Cont Ed 2,267 4,378 - - Meetings & Training 6,871 6,906 11,655 11,275 Boards & Commissions - - - 1,150 Building Maint/Repair 1,102 915 1,000 1,000 HVAC Repair 1,018 - 1,400 1,400 Plumbing Repair 3,940 1,043 2,650 2,650 Electrical Repair/Maint 8,758 6,593 5,750 5,750 Fire Protection Systems 2,712 640 1,200 2,200 Grounds Maint/Repair 6,098 6,026 102,372 23,300 Irrigation Repair 15,836 14,296 17,450 15,400 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 70 495 3,690 2,450 Storm Damage Cleanup - 2,006 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 59,088 34,749 88,590 40,090 Vehicle Maint/Repair 4,388 17,320 13,300 13,100 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 1,792 2,860 1,080 2,000 Other Maint/Repair 10,865 39,470 24,200 31,600 Art Maint/Repair/Install 9,525 6,600 7,500 - Parking Lot Repair - 1,269 1,300 - Striping 820 927 2,380 2,380 Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 1,765 1,249 8,200 1,600 Sign Repair & Replacement 1,583 3,124 8,190 7,825 Painting 676 1,464 1,803 1,803 Lighting Repair 11,789 26,196 18,300 19,300 Electricity Expense 211,224 207,542 237,540 248,100 Refuse/Recycling 5,955 4,962 6,080 6,380 Telecommunications 6,900 9,218 7,492 7,514 Water/Sewer 41,868 46,682 70,604 78,024 Gas & Oil 14,124 11,711 14,812 14,812 Professional Fees 17,610 22,312 29,905 25,500 Instructor Fees 8,267 14,509 27,104 21,229 Rentals & Leases 32,914 35,309 36,491 41,001 Printing Expense 4,535 2,564 5,320 5,270 FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Community Services Department The Height of Desert Living 235 Operating Budgets Community Services Department Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Community Services Department General Fund-continued Advertising/Signage 7,151$ 4,501$ 5,470$ 3,250$ Contractual Services 45,804 43,295 56,320 54,200 Constituent Communication - 25,050 28,200 31,890 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 4,016 4,364 9,950 8,000 Community Contracts/Events 99,120 79,296 74,176 - Landscape Contracts 53,079 65,544 134,070 130,320 ActiveNet Fees 7,211 7,890 10,585 10,585 Office Supplies 9,391 2,985 7,750 7,550 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 11,335 10,924 12,353 12,153 Safety Supplies 810 867 1,100 1,100 Operating Supplies 65,939 61,387 46,033 58,593 Food & Beverage Supplies 2,397 2,830 1,870 2,070 Program Materials 23,703 26,597 30,315 36,905 Uniforms 2,460 2,695 3,593 3,593 Postage & Delivery 83 4,227 900 900 Miscellaneous Expense 125 - - - Small Tools 3,443 5,844 8,235 7,120 Hardware/Peripherals 969 886 - 5,000 Peripherals 421 - - - Furniture/Appliances 13,224 10,335 - 15,000 Equipment 2,239 4,459 - - Damages/Vandalism 1,080 1,226 7,100 2,100 ISF-Copier Charges 6,526 6,318 11,160 7,752 ISF-Mail Service Charges 743 479 453 466 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 26,022 29,108 29,691 39,296 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 22 83 - - ISF-Telecom Charges 6,758 5,852 6,494 6,790 Sub total Expenditures 1,927,360 1,984,790 2,359,946 2,178,840 Transfers Out 193,500 193,500 - 2,470 Total Community Services 2,120,860$ 2,178,290$ 2,359,946$ 2,181,310$ The Height of Desert Living 236 Community Services Division Service Delivery Plan The Community Services through its administrative services provides direction to and clerical support for the Department by the Community Services Director and Executive Assistant. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ -$ -$ 205,342$ Total -$ -$ -$ 205,342$ Expenditures by Program Administration 100% Use of Funds -Community Services -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $205,342 Variance Explanations: Administration: New program created to house all administrative costs. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages -$ -$ -$ 153,418$ Employment Taxes - - - 2,864 Benefits - - - 35,485 Meetings and Training - - - 1,150 Maintenance and Repair - - - 500 Utilities - - - 1,140 Supplies - - - 4,500 Internal Service - - - 6,285 Total -$ -$ -$ 205,342$ Expenditures by Category Operating Budgets Community Services Division The Height of Desert Living 237 Operating Budgets Community Services Division Wages 75% Benefits 17% Supplies 2% Internal Service 3% Use of Funds -Community Services -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $205,342 Variance Explanations: Wages/Benefits: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes. Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time -$ -$ -$ 153,418$ Medicare - - - 2,224 Workers Compensation - - - 490 Unemployment Insurance - - - 150 Group Health Insurance - - - 16,031 Group Dental Insurance - - - 1,264 Group Vision Insurance - - - 149 Disability Insurance - - - 650 Retirement - - - 16,877 Life Insurance - - - 514 Boards & Commissions - - - 1,150 Vehicle Maint/Repair - - - 500 Telecommunications - - - 540 Gas & Oil - - - 600 Office Supplies - - - 4,500 ISF-Copier Charges - - - 10 ISF-Mail Service Charges - - - 30 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge - - - 5,745 ISF-Telecom Charges - - - 500 Sub total Expenditures - - -$ 205,342$ Transfers Out - - - - Total Community Services -$ -$ -$ 205,342$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Community Services Division Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 238 Community Center Division Service Delivery Plan The Community Center strives to enhance the quality of life of Fountain Hills resi- dents by providing and maintaining a safe, available, and accessible facility that will meet the needs of all residents. Operating Budgets Community Center Division Variance Explanations: Administration/Event Planning: These programs were consolidated into Admini- stration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 244,233$ 242,164$ 53,393$ 100,587$ Boards & Commissions 12,146 12,228 - - Event Planning 61,195 54,514 57,862 - Operations 115,620 121,833 116,568 122,019 Total 433,194$ 430,739$ 227,823$ 222,606$ Expenditures by Program Administration 48%Operations 55% Use of Funds -Community Center -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $222,606 The Height of Desert Living 239 Operating Budgets Community Center Division Variance Explanations: Benefits: The decrease is a result of significant savings from changing health in- surance carriers. Equipment: A budget supplement is included to replace a portion of the chairs and tables in the ballrooms. Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 164,593$ 163,934$ 156,129$ 146,139$ Employment Taxes 9,624 11,977 10,664 9,286 Benefits 30,264 30,654 29,097 21,770 Dues & Memberships 1,270 642 870 870 Meetings and Training 268 146 - 2,000 Maintenance and Repair 1,751 2,626 1,080 2,000 Utilities 1,387 1,453 1,320 1,140 Contractual Services 9,463 9,354 18,314 14,654 Supplies 2,615 3,007 3,650 3,650 Equipment 14,930 10,867 2,950 18,020 Internal Service 3,529 2,579 3,749 3,077 Transfers 193,500 193,500 - - Total 433,194$ 430,739$ 227,823$ 222,606$ Expenditures by Category Wages 65% Employment Taxes 4% Benefits 10% Contractual Services 7% Supplies 2% Equipment 8% Use of Funds -Community Center -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $222,606 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 240 Performance Measures Quality Productivity 1 Population for FY13-14 - FY16-17 is based on the 2010 U.S. Census. Operating Budgets Community Center Division Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target To attain a high overall satisfaction rating (good or better) with quality on rental evaluations N/A N/A Good Good To achieve a high return rate on rental sur- veys N/A N/A 50% 50% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of bookings 3,220 3,946 4,065 4,187 Number of patrons served 69,400 78,600 80,100 81,700 Number of hours worked by volunteer staff in support of facility operations 875 884 884 892 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Net operating costs of facility per capita1 $11.34 $10.64 $9.66 $9.66 The Height of Desert Living 241 Operating Budgets Community Center Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 112,449$ 108,109$ 99,822$ 88,901$ Salaries-Part Time 52,145 55,755 56,307 57,238 Overtime - 70 - - FICA 3,233 3,459 3,427 3,548 Medicare 2,374 2,365 2,250 2,120 Workers Compensation 3,220 5,695 4,696 3,200 Unemployment Insurance 796 456 291 418 Group Health Insurance 15,909 16,810 16,352 10,439 Group Dental Insurance 1,216 1,056 911 762 Group Vision Insurance 169 174 161 115 Disability Insurance 291 379 366 377 Retirement 12,362 11,896 10,981 9,779 Life Insurance 318 340 326 298 Licenses/Filing Fees 1,178 568 600 600 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 92 75 270 270 Meetings & Training 268 146 - 2,000 Equipment Maint/Repair - 580 - - Office Equip Maint/ Repair 1,751 1,921 1,080 2,000 Other Maint/Repair - 125 - - Telecommunications 1,387 1,453 1,320 1,140 Professional Fees - - 300 300 Rentals & Leases 1,689 3,098 3,120 3,480 Printing Expense 455 - 1,130 1,130 Advertising/Signage 5,819 3,913 4,920 2,850 Constituent Communication - 699 3,000 3,000 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 1,166 1,091 4,911 2,961 ActiveNet Fees 334 553 933 933 Office Supplies 913 466 450 450 Operating Supplies 188 792 1,000 1,000 Food & Beverage Supplies 380 328 550 550 Program Materials 652 842 1,000 1,000 Uniforms 482 454 650 650 Postage & Delivery - 126 - - Small Tools 808 531 2,950 3,020 Furniture/Appliances - - - 15,000 Hardware/Peripherals 969 - - - Peripherals 317 - - - Furniture/Appliances 11,304 10,335 - - Equipment 1,531 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 913 422 1,370 820 ISF-Mail Service Charges 13 5 10 7 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,603 2,152 2,369 2,250 Sub total Expenditures 239,694 237,239 227,823 222,606 Transfers Out 193,500 193,500 - - Total Community Center 433,194$ 430,739$ 227,823$ 222,606$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Community Center The Height of Desert Living 242 Parks Division Service Delivery Plan The Parks Division staff is dedicated to providing safe, clean and green parks that will meet the intellectual, social, cultural, and leisure needs of all park patrons. The Town’s park system has been developed to enhance the quality of life of Fountain Hills residents with hiking trails and park facilities for Youth and Adult Sports Pro- grams, Youth and Teen Programs, Special Events, and Facility Rentals. Each year, our experienced staff works to meet the goals through efficient park maintenance and operations methods. Variance Explanations: Town Hall/Golden Eagle Park/Four Peaks Park/Desert Vista Park/Trails: Personnel allocation changes for administrative costs were moved out of the parks and into Town Hall. Operating Budgets Parks Division Town Hall 7% Fountain Park 40%Golden Eagle Park 27% Four Peaks Park 10% Desert Vista Park 7% Trails 2% Avenue of the Fountains 7% Uses of Funds -Parks -By Location Where the Money Goes Total Proposed Budget = $1,095,228 Location Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Town Hall -$ -$ -$ 79,579$ Fountain Park 411,288 396,811 446,867 427,673 Golden Eagle Park 296,590 327,719 374,239 297,936 Four Peaks Park 115,257 141,793 145,963 108,626 Desert Vista Park 92,995 101,738 201,563 79,757 Trails 31,494 37,249 29,058 21,058 Avenue of the Fountains - - 86,821 80,599 Total 947,624$ 1,005,310$ 1,284,511$ 1,095,228$ Expenditures by Location The Height of Desert Living 243 Operating Budgets Parks Division Variance Explanations: Administration: Non-administrative costs were relocated into Operations. Amenities/Field Prep/Maintenance/Landscape Maintenance/Operations: These pro- grams were consolidated into Operations for more efficient managing and report- ing purposes. Open Space: The decrease is the result of personnel allocation changes. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 169,465$ 181,047$ 195,604$ 84,358$ Amenities 190,310 234,832 437,447 - Field Prep/Maintenance 170,384 171,716 180,893 - Fountain 223,119 196,149 214,871 212,375 Landscape Maintenance 162,852 184,317 226,638 - Open Space 31,494 37,249 29,058 21,058 Operations - - - 777,437 Total 947,624$ 1,005,310$ 1,284,511$ 1,095,228$ Expenditures by Program Administration 8% Fountain 19% Open Space 2% Operations 72% Uses of Funds -Parks -By Program Where the Money Goes Total Proposed Budget = $1,095,228 The Height of Desert Living 244 Variance Explanations: Wages/Benefits: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Internal Service: The increase is a result of a increased vehicle replacement charges. Supplies: The increase includes a budget supplement for miscellaneous items re- quested by the MMPC and FY15-16 revised budget reflects budget transfers made to other categories in this division, including Contractual Services and Maintenance and Repair. Operating Budgets Parks Division Wages 20% Benefits 6% Maintenance and Repair 16% Utilities 33% Contractual Services 14% Supplies 7% Internal Service 3% Uses of Funds -Parks -By Category Where the Money Goes Total Proposed Budget = $1,095,228 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 271,388$ 278,316$ 280,594$ 219,575$ Employment Taxes 13,538 17,526 15,450 11,000 Benefits 73,369 82,225 92,257 64,273 Dues & Memberships 840 747 1,035 885 Meetings and Training 2,299 1,144 3,905 1,875 Maintenance and Repair 130,250 154,141 299,226 171,298 Utilities 276,638 274,805 332,520 350,822 Contractual Services 73,761 84,964 159,172 153,822 Supplies 76,535 72,924 59,770 78,470 Equipment 3,472 9,598 5,285 4,100 Damages/Vandalism 1,067 1,226 7,100 2,100 Internal Service 24,467 27,694 28,197 35,008 Transfers - - - 2,000 Total 947,624$ 1,005,310$ 1,284,511$ 1,095,228$ Expenditures by Category Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 245 Performance Measures Quality Productivity Operating Budgets Parks Division Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Maintain a high overall satisfaction rating (good or better) of maintenance/operations Good Good Good Good Number of Special Events hosted in parks 25 30 45 50 Appearance/availability Good Good Good Good FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Restroom serviced and cleaned 365 days 365 days 365 days 365 days Ramadas serviced and cleaned 365 365 365 365 Trails maintained and ready for use daily 365 365 365 365 Trailhead promotions with brochures, maps and Town website 365 365 365 365 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Net expenditures for park operations per cap- ita* $34.60 $36.65 $44.29 $44.87 Park rentals/ Revenue 292/ $21,500 294/ $23,700 320/ $17,670 325/ $25,000 Fountain Hills Hiking Trail visitors 1000+ 1000+ 1000+ 1000+ Fountain Hills Park Statistics:  119 Acres of Developed Parks  740 Acres of Mountain Preserve Park  8 Acres of Botanical Garden Preserve  59.2 Acres of Lake Overlook Trail Preserve  7.7 Miles of Preserve Trails  8.7 Miles of Urban Trails (FIT) * Population for FY13-14 - FY16-17 is based on the 2010 U.S. Census. The Height of Desert Living 246 Operating Budgets Parks Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Parks General Fund Salaries-Full Time 270,929$ 277,498$ 278,594$ 219,574$ Overtime 459 818 2,000 - Medicare 3,874 3,974 4,039 3,185 Workers Compensation 8,901 13,006 10,982 7,441 Unemployment Insurance 762 546 429 374 Group Health Insurance 37,902 46,672 56,387 35,392 Group Dental Insurance 3,502 2,736 2,879 2,737 Group Vision Insurance 480 425 416 328 Disability Insurance 811 941 1,022 930 Retirement 29,832 30,614 30,642 24,151 Life Insurance 843 837 911 735 Licenses/Filing Fees 590 552 440 440 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 250 195 595 445 Training/Cont Ed 2,079 889 - - Meetings & Training 220 255 3,905 1,875 Building Main/Repair 1,102 915 1,000 1,000 HVAC Repair 1,018 - 1,400 1,400 Plumbing Repair 3,940 1,043 2,650 2,650 Electrical Repair/Maint 8,758 6,593 5,750 5,750 Fire Protection Systems 2,712 640 1,200 2,200 Grounds Maint/Repair 6,098 6,026 102,372 23,300 Irrigation Repair 15,836 14,296 17,450 15,400 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 70 495 3,690 2,450 Storm Damage Cleanup - 2,006 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 59,088 34,169 88,590 40,090 Vehicle Maint/Repair 4,261 16,065 12,800 12,600 Other Maint/Repair 10,865 39,345 22,200 31,600 Parking Lot Repair - 1,269 1,300 - Striping 820 927 2,380 2,380 Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 1,765 1,249 8,200 1,600 Sign Repair & Replacement 1,452 1,442 8,140 7,775 Painting 676 1,465 1,804 1,804 Lighting Repair 11,789 26,196 18,300 19,300 Electricity Expense 211,224 207,542 237,540 248,100 Refuse/Recycling 5,955 4,962 6,080 6,380 Telecommunications 3,868 4,118 4,084 4,106 Water/Sewer 41,868 46,682 70,604 78,024 Gas & Oil 13,723 11,501 14,212 14,212 Professional Fees 7,700 10,049 14,200 12,000 Rentals & Leases 9,917 6,413 7,380 7,380 Printing Expense 1,986 2,099 2,300 2,900 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 550 385 551 551 Landscape Contracts 53,079 65,544 134,070 130,320 The Height of Desert Living 247 Operating Budgets Parks Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Parks General Fund-continued ActiveNet Fees 529$ 475$ 671$ 671$ Office Supplies - 23 200 100 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 11,335 10,824 12,153 12,153 Safety Supplies 810 867 1,100 1,100 Operating Supplies 62,926 58,222 42,733 55,083 Food & Beverage Supplies - - 120 120 Program Materials - 1,119 1,350 7,800 Uniforms 1,464 1,869 2,114 2,114 Small Tools 2,546 5,139 5,285 4,100 Furniture/Appliances 307 - - - Equipment 620 4,459 - - Damages/Vandalism 1,067 1,226 7,100 2,100 ISF-Copier Charges 360 601 580 451 ISF-Mail Service Charges 5 77 9 6 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 23,141 26,170 26,693 33,551 ISF-Telecom Charges 960 845 915 1,000 Sub total Expenditures 947,624 1,005,310 1,284,511 1,093,228 Transfers Out - - - 2,000 Total Parks 947,624$ 1,005,310$ 1,284,511$ 1,095,228$ The Height of Desert Living 248 Recreation Division Service Delivery Plan The Recreation Division strives to enhance the quality of life of Fountain Hills resi- dents by providing recreation services that will meet the intellectual, social, cul- tural, and leisure needs of all residents. Program activities include: Special Inter- est Classes, Youth and Adult Sports Programs, Youth and Teen Programs, Special Events, and Facility Rentals. Operating Budgets Recreation Division Variance Explanations: Administration/Boards and Commissions: The increase is a result of personnel al- location changes and the consolidation of these two programs for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Art & Culture: Amounts were relocated into the General Government Department, and the Tourism and Public Art Funds. Community Events/Social/Community Services/Special Events: These programs were consolidated into Community Events for more efficient managing and report- ing purposes. Special Interest Programs/Sports Activities: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Youth & Teen Programs: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes and that Community Contracts were moved to the new General Government De- partment. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 87,388$ 82,090$ 96,028$ 287,490$ Art & Culture 48,127 38,857 41,713 - Boards & Commissions 29,322 29,081 48,691 - Community Events 94,842 102,117 113,380 77,729 Social/Community Service 70,459 72,515 82,514 - Special Events 27,073 23,450 26,769 - Special Interest Programs 24,407 30,696 38,590 16,007 Sports Activities 55,629 61,520 82,551 26,602 Youth & Teen Programs 94,771 87,208 85,531 27,831 Total 532,018$ 527,534$ 615,767$ 435,659$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 249 Variance Explanations: Wages/Benefits: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes and the significant savings from changing health insurance carriers. Maintenance and Repair: The art maintenance costs were moved into the Public Art fund. Contractual Services: Community Contracts were moved to the new General Gov- ernment Department. Internal Service: Vehicle replacement charges were moved into the new Commu- nity Services Division. Operating Budgets Recreation Division Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 252,513$ 226,634$ 277,991$ 219,698$ Employment Taxes 14,165 17,128 17,284 13,713 Benefits 48,792 49,633 66,586 40,223 Dues & Memberships 1,968 2,286 2,417 2,417 Meetings and Training 6,535 9,845 7,750 7,200 Maintenance and Repair 9,824 10,476 10,000 - Utilities 1,709 2,779 1,908 948 Contractual Services 157,189 170,992 186,449 115,323 Supplies 30,137 29,731 34,844 30,184 Equipment 90 - - - Damages/Vandalism 13 - - - Internal Service 9,083 8,030 10,538 5,483 Transfers - - - 470 Total 532,018$ 527,534$ 615,767$ 435,659$ Expenditures by Category Administration 66% Community Events 18% Special Interest Programs 4% Sports Activities 6% Youth & Teen Programs 13% Use of Funds -Recreation -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $435,659 The Height of Desert Living 250 Operating Budgets Recreation Division Quality Activities/Results Performance Measures FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target To attain a high overall satisfaction rating (good or better) with the quality of Town rec- reation programs on program evaluations 80% 82% 80% 85% To achieve a high return rate on recreation program surveys 25% 26% 35% 35% FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of individual program participants1 2,234 2,470 2,450 2,650 Number of team sports program participants 602 615 600 600 Number of teen trip/teen activity participants untracked 160 400 450 Number of volunteer hours in support of Town recreation programs2 1,000 998 1,000 1,100 Number of youth sport, Boys and Girls Club, and FHUSD facility bookings 1,761 1,871 1,800 1,800 1Does not include participations at special events or teen drop in programs. 2Volunteer hours are estimated 3Population based on U.S Census 2014 estimates Productivity FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Net operating costs of recreation programs per capita3 22.57 24.83 26.05 26.50 Wages 51% Employment Taxes 3% Benefits 9%Meetings and Training 2% Contractual Services 26% Supplies 7% Use of Funds -Recreation -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $435,659 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 251 Operating Budgets Recreation Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 194,206$ 158,369$ 203,714$ 151,393$ Salaries-Part Time 58,282 68,205 74,277 68,305 Overtime 25 60 - - FICA 3,662 4,549 4,575 4,235 Medicare 3,547 3,130 4,030 3,184 Workers Compensation 5,672 8,331 8,203 5,593 Unemployment Insurance 1,284 1,118 476 701 Group Health Insurance 24,356 29,046 40,089 20,635 Group Dental Insurance 1,832 1,846 2,340 1,591 Group Vision Insurance 215 276 342 194 Disability Insurance 508 550 744 641 Retirement 21,334 17,426 22,408 16,654 Life Insurance 548 490 663 508 Licenses/Filing Fees 330 335 350 350 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 1,638 1,951 2,067 2,067 Training/Cont Ed 152 3,340 - - Meetings & Training 6,383 6,505 7,750 7,200 Vehicle Maint/Repair 127 1,255 500 - Office Equip Maint/ Repair 41 939 - - Other Maint/Repair - - 2,000 - Art Maint/Repair/Install 9,525 6,600 7,500 - Sign Repair & Replacement 131 1,683 - - Telecommunications 1,308 2,570 1,308 948 Gas & Oil 401 209 600 - Professional Fees 8,810 10,559 13,705 12,880 Instructor Fees 7,817 14,059 25,334 20,359 Rentals & Leases 21,137 25,643 25,835 29,985 Printing Expense 2,045 465 1,750 1,100 Advertising/Signage 1,332 588 550 400 Contractual Services 12,540 13,940 15,100 17,300 Constituent Communication - 21,347 22,200 25,500 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 1,835 2,340 2,868 2,868 Community Contracts/Events 99,120 79,296 74,176 - ActiveNet Fees 2,552 2,754 4,931 4,931 Office Supplies 6,335 742 5,300 700 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - - 200 - Operating Supplies 337 - - - Food & Beverage Supplies 403 450 550 550 Program Materials 22,501 24,609 27,965 28,105 Uniforms 514 372 829 829 Postage & Delivery 46 3,557 - - Small Tools 90 - - - Damages/Vandalism 13 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 4,101 3,381 5,625 3,850 ISF-Mail Service Charges 478 147 215 193 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 2,881 2,939 2,998 - ISF-Motor Pool Charges 22 83 - - ISF-Telecom Charges 1,602 1,480 1,700 1,440 Sub total Expenditures 532,018 527,534 615,767 435,189 Transfers Out - - - 470 Total Recreation 532,018$ 527,534$ 615,767$ 435,659$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Recreation The Height of Desert Living 252 Operating Budgets Recreation Division The Height of Desert Living 253 Senior Services Division Service Delivery Plan Provide meeting space to members for programs and presentations. Coordinate meeting schedule with support groups and offer social services for the community. Deliver a quality noon-time meal to Town residents who require assistance in ob- taining nutritional meals. Variance Explanations: Administration: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes and a budget supplement for replacement audio-video equipment. Senior Membership/Activities: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Operating Budgets Senior Services Division Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 45,335$ 52,360$ 52,483$ 90,629$ Boards & Commissions 14,750 12,556 - - Home Delivered Meals 60,983 56,661 73,522 63,464 Senior Memberships/Activities 86,956 93,129 105,841 68,382 Total 208,024$ 214,706$ 231,846$ 222,475$ Expenditures by Program Administration 40% Home Delivered Meals 29% Senior Memberships/Ac tivities 31% Use of Funds -Senior Services-By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $222,475 The Height of Desert Living 254 Operating Budgets Senior Services Division Wages 64% Employment Taxes 4% Benefits 4% Contractual Services 21% Supplies 3% Equipment 2%Internal Service 2% Use of Funds -Senior Services-By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $222,475 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 135,678$ 141,660$ 146,039$ 140,634$ Employment Taxes 7,122 7,109 7,954 7,907 Benefits 12,943 12,995 12,083 9,028 Dues & Memberships 862 946 320 920 Meetings and Training 36 149 - 200 Maintenance and Repair - - 50 50 Utilities 338 1,077 780 780 Contractual Services 39,294 39,323 53,656 47,446 Supplies 6,956 6,850 5,650 6,060 Equipment 1,803 1,059 - 5,000 Internal Service 2,992 3,538 5,314 4,450 Total 208,024$ 214,706$ 231,846$ 222,475$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 255 Operating Budgets Senior Services Division Performance Measures Quality Productivity Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of members 1,199 1,298 1,298 1,300 Maintain a high overall satisfaction rating (good or better) of meal quality Good Good Good Good FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of attendees to senior programs and presentations 22,228 21,841 22,000 22,000 Number of days per year meals delivered 365 365 365 365 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of senior programs offered 63 55 64 55 Number of special presentations offered 44 33 48 35 Number of socialization activities/special events offered 8 8 8 8 Number of attendees at Activities EXPO 12 12 14 14 Number of meals delivered annually 4,799 4,035 5,000 5,000 Number of clients participating in HDM pro- gram 57 61 60 60 The Height of Desert Living 256 Operating Budgets Senior Services Division Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 77,221$ 78,782$ 74,107$ 64,993$ Salaries-Part Time 58,457 62,802 71,932 75,641 Overtime - 76 - - FICA 3,638 3,262 4,452 4,690 Medicare 1,952 2,043 2,118 2,041 Workers Compensation 877 1,346 1,116 774 Unemployment Insurance 655 459 268 402 Group Health Insurance 2,735 2,741 2,543 846 Group Dental Insurance 1,197 973 789 474 Group Vision Insurance 93 93 87 65 Disability Insurance 218 275 273 275 Retirement 8,462 8,667 8,150 7,150 Life Insurance 238 246 241 218 Licenses/Filing Fees 296 301 320 320 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 565 645 - 600 Training/Cont Ed 36 149 - - Meetings & Training - - - 200 Sign Repair & Replacement - - 50 50 Telecommunications 338 1,077 780 780 Professional Fees 1,100 1,703 1,700 320 Instructor Fees 450 450 1,770 870 Rentals & Leases 171 156 156 156 Printing Expense 49 - 140 140 Contractual Services 33,264 29,355 41,220 36,900 Constituent Communication - 3,003 3,000 3,390 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 464 548 1,620 1,620 ActiveNet Fees 3,796 4,108 4,050 4,050 Office Supplies 2,143 1,753 1,800 1,800 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - 99 - - Operating Supplies 2,488 2,374 2,300 2,510 Food & Beverage Supplies 1,614 2,053 650 850 Program Materials 550 27 - - Postage & Delivery 37 544 900 900 Miscellaneous Expense 125 - - - Small Tools - 173 - - Hardware/Peripherals - 886 - 5,000 Peripherals 103 - - - Furniture/Appliances 1,613 - - - Equipment 87 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 1,152 1,913 3,585 2,620 ISF-Mail Service Charges 247 249 219 230 ISF-Telecom Charges 1,593 1,375 1,510 1,600 Sub total Expenditures 208,024 214,706 231,846 222,475 Transfers Out - - - - Total Senior Services 208,024$ 214,706$ 231,846$ 222,475$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Senior Services The Height of Desert Living 257 Law Enforcement Operating Budgets Law Enforcement The Height of Desert Living 258 Operating Budgets Law Enforcement LAW ENFORCEMENT District Commander (1 Captain) Patrol Sergeants (6) Detective Sergeant Sergeant (1) Deputy Commander (1 Lieutenant) Administration (1 Civilian) District Detectives (3) Patrol Deputies (18) Sergeant (1) School Resource Officer (1) Administrative Sergeant (1) Administrative Deputy (1) Sergeants The Height of Desert Living 259 LAW ENFORCEMENT Department Overview The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is a fully integrated law enforcement agency committed to being the leader in establishing the standards for providing quality law enforcement, detention and support services to the citizens of Maricopa County and to other criminal justice agencies. Under the command of Captain David Letourneau, twenty deputies are assigned full-time to the Town of Fountain Hills. Of these, nineteen deputies and four ser- geants are assigned to patrol. One deputy is assigned to the Schools and Commu- nity Services Department to address quality of life issues, court security, and ad- ministrative duties. Additionally, there are three detectives assigned, one detective supervisor sergeant, one administrative sergeant, one Commander (Captain), one Deputy Commander (Lieutenant), and one administrative assistant. Mission Statement The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) proudly provides contractual law en- forcement services to the Town of Fountain Hills by enforcing State and local laws, selective Town Ordinances and deterring criminal activity. MCSO will protect life and property, investigate criminal activity, and will work in partnership with the Town Council, staff, community leaders, and residents to resolve issues and con- cerns. MCSO is dedicated to providing these services to the residents of Fountain Hills and the general public in a respectful, courteous, and professional manner and is supportive of the community-based policing principles. Additionally, all sworn personnel will meet and stay current with established State training as delineated by Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZ POST) and the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office as a means of reducing liability. Operating Budgets Law Enforcement Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 23,903$ 15,789$ 21,484$ 3,896,867$ Animal Control 37,705 31,817 40,320 33,244 Incarceration/Transport 56,302 56,703 67,500 - Patrol 2,946,797 3,249,272 3,554,666 - Total 3,064,707$ 3,353,581$ 3,683,970$ 3,930,111$ Expenditures by Program Variance Explanations: Administration/Incarceration/Transport/Patrol: Programs were combined into Ad- ministration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. The Height of Desert Living 260 Operating Budgets Law Enforcement Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 15,659$ 13,785$ 13,598$ -$ Employment Taxes 818 830 736 - Benefits 1,348 1,443 1,471 - Dues & Memberships 1,200 1,296 - 1,296 Maintenance & Repair - - - - Contractual Services 3,042,459 3,332,673 3,663,710 3,924,305 Supplies 602 766 1,845 1,845 Internal Service 2,621 2,788 2,610 2,665 Total 3,064,707$ 3,353,581$ 3,683,970$ 3,930,111$ Expenditures by Category Contractual Services 100% Use of Funds -Law Enforcement -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,930,111 Administration 99% Animal Control 1% Use of Funds -Law Enforcement -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,930,111 Variance Explanations: Wages: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation. The Height of Desert Living 261 Operating Budgets Law Enforcement For the six month period ending December 31: Description July ‘14 to Dec. ‘14 July ‘15 to Dec. ‘15 Criminal Arrests 155 78 Criminal Citations Issued 96 46 Driving Under Influence (DUI) Arrests 39 9 Interviews 916 1208 Juvenile Referrals 10 2 Traffic Arrests 50 31 Traffic Violations 756 603 Traffic Warnings 494 441 Barking Dog Warnings Issued 4 15 False Alarm Warnings Issued 2 27 Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries-Full Time 8,014$ 5,960$ 6,135$ -$ Salaries-Part Time 7,637 7,825 7,463 - Overtime 8 - - - FICA 474 485 463 - Medicare 222 195 199 - Workers Compensation 49 67 51 - Unemployment Insurance 72 82 23 - Group Health Insurance 413 737 743 - Group Dental Insurance 25 10 9 - Group Vision Insurance 4 2 1 - Disability Insurance 13 15 22 - Retirement 877 661 675 - Life Insurance 16 19 21 - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 1,200 1,296 - 1,296 Printing Expense 569 - - 150 Advertising/Signage 46 - 220 - Intergovt Agreements 3,028,698 3,325,439 3,649,630 28,024 Contractual Services 13,147 6,973 13,500 13,500 Bank/Merc Acct Fees - 261 - 240 ActiveNet Fees - - 360 360 Law Patrol - - - 3,814,531 Jail Fees - - - 67,500 Office Supplies - - 40 40 Operating Supplies - 128 1,205 1,205 Program Materials 602 638 600 600 ISF-Copier Charges 71 155 110 165 ISF-Mail Service Charges 2,550 2,633 2,500 2,500 Sub total Expenditures 3,064,707 3,353,581 3,683,970 3,930,111 Transfers Out - - - - Total Law Enforcement 3,064,707$ 3,353,581$ 3,683,970$ 3,930,111$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Law Enforcement The Height of Desert Living 262 Operating Budgets Law Enforcement The Height of Desert Living 263 Fire & Emergency Medical Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical The Height of Desert Living 264 Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Fire Chief (1) Station Two Captains (3) A,B,C Shift Station One Captains (3) A,B,C Shift FIRE DEPARTMENT Assistant Fire Chief/ Fire Marshal (1) Firefighters (12) A,B,C Shift Firefighters (6) A,B,C Shift A,B,C Shift Firefighters (12) The Height of Desert Living 265 FIRE & EMERGENCY MEDICAL Mission Statement The mission of the Fire Department is to protect the safety and quality of life of residents, visitors and businesses in Fountain Hills. This mission is achieved by a commitment to exceptional service delivery in fire suppression, emergency medi- cine and rescue, as well as a pro-active approach to fire prevention and public safety education. Department Overview Fire protection and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) are provided by a public/ private combination of Town owned equipment and facilities, operated by contract personnel from the Rural/Metro Corporation. The Fire Department is responsible for EMS delivery and fire suppression within the Town limits. The Fire Department is also responsible for fire prevention that includes plan review and building inspections. The Fire Department takes the lead role in emergency management at large scale disasters. The Fire Department also provides other community services such as public education, youth career oriented Explorer Post, child car seat installations and other safety programs. Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Variance Explanations: FD Safety/FD EMS/FD Suppression/Operations: These programs were consoli- dated into Operations for more efficient managing and reporting purposes, includ- ing facility maintenance costs. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 157,925$ 160,946$ 165,404$ 168,564$ FD Safety 154,452 155,038 161,793 - FD EMS 1,420,228 1,464,522 1,513,136 - FD Suppression 1,624,954 1,606,250 1,661,464 - Operations - - - 3,540,153 FD Care 28,029 28,543 - - Total 3,385,588$ 3,415,299$ 3,501,797$ 3,708,717$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 266 Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Variance Explanations: Maintenance and Repair: Facility maintenance costs are now being reported in the Fire Department’s budget to show the true cost of operating the fire stations. Equipment: Budget supplements were added to purchase one fire defibulator and replace AED units. Internal Service: Vehicle replacement charge calculations were adjusted to reflect estimated replacement costs of the a new ladder truck. Administration 5% Operations 95% Use of Funds -Fire & Emergency Medical -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,708,717 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Dues & Memberships 183$ 680$ 750$ 750$ Maintenance and Repair 31,771 30,427 39,015 77,055 Utilities 24,291 23,129 22,300 20,000 Contractual Services 3,143,756 3,231,489 3,309,491 3,415,688 Supplies 81,946 2,843 7,150 4,360 Equipment 5,649 20,141 16,500 44,000 Internal Service 97,992 106,590 106,591 146,864 Total 3,385,588$ 3,415,299$ 3,501,797$ 3,708,717$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 267 FY15-16 Department Accomplishments FY16-17 Objectives Initiative Strategic Value Initiate Relocation of Fire Station Two P3-Public Safety, Health and Welfare Remodel Training Room and Chief’s Office P3-Public Safety, Health and Welfare Initiative Strategic Value Estimated Cost/Funding Source Relocate Fire Station Two P3-Public Safety, Health and Welfare $3,650,000/Capital Projects Remodel Storage area at Fire Station One P3-Public Safety, Health and Welfare $10,000/General Fund Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Maintenance and Repair 2% Contractual Services 92% Internal Service 4% Uses of Funds -Fire & Emergency Medical -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,708,717 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 268 Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Activities/Results Performance Measures Quality Productivity FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Child Car Seat installations 103 104 100 100 Public Education Activities 49 54 70 60 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Fire Prevention Inspections 518 549 400 500 Plan Reviews 213 250 300 300 FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Complete Annual Minimum Company Stan- dards 100% 100% 100% 100% Emergency Response Times (5 minutes) 84% 80% 85% 85% The Height of Desert Living 269 Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget General Fund Licenses/Filing Fees 18$ -$ -$ -$ Dues, Subscript & Publicat 165 680 750 750 Building Maint/Repair - - - 23,000 HVAC Repair - - - 2,500 Plumbing Repair - - - 2,000 Fire Protection Systems - - - 915 Irrigation Repair - - - 525 Backflow Testing & Maintenance - - - 300 Equipment Maint/Repair 6,204 14,612 9,765 16,165 Vehicle Maint/Repair 25,567 15,814 29,000 29,000 Office Equip Maint/ Repair - - 150 150 Other Maint/Repair - - - 2,400 Sign Repair & Replacement - - 100 100 Telecommunications 98 - 100 - Gas & Oil 24,193 23,129 22,200 20,000 Printing Expense 345 141 800 800 Intergovt Agreements 1,831 1,887 2,011 2,011 Contractual Services 3,141,580 3,229,462 3,306,680 3,405,877 Landscape Contracts - - - 7,000 Office Supplies 811 671 550 550 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - - - 50 Safety Supplies 79,669 - - - Operating Supplies 919 1,719 5,600 2,760 Program Materials 507 453 1,000 1,000 Postage & Delivery 40 - - - Small Tools - 1,741 6,500 6,500 Hardware/Peripherals 746 - - - Furniture/Appliances - 39 - - Equipment 4,902 18,361 10,000 37,500 ISF-Copier Charges 30 124 100 100 ISF-Mail Service Charges 123 44 85 100 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 90,104 99,839 99,546 139,514 ISF-Telecom Charges 7,736 6,583 6,860 7,150 Sub total Expenditures 3,385,588 3,415,299 3,501,797 3,708,717 Transfers Out - - - - Total Fire & Emergency Medical 3,385,588$ 3,415,299$ 3,501,797$ 3,708,717$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Fire & Emergency Medical The Height of Desert Living 270 Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical The Height of Desert Living 271 Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds The Height of Desert Living 272 Development Services Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) Special Revenue Funds Development Services-Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund The Height of Desert Living 273 Streets Division Service Delivery Plan The Streets Division is responsible for the maintenance of traffic signals; regula- tory signs; median landscape maintenance; storm debris clean up; street sweep- ing; street-related emergency responses; vehicle maintenance; contract admini- stration as well as minor asphalt, curb and sidewalk repairs. The Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) pays for Streets personnel and contract work for street re- pair. Variance Explanations: Administration: The increase is a result of personnel allocation changes and in- creased insurance liability and legal expenses. Legal Services: Program was combined into Administration for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. Pavement Management: Additional monies were budgeted for pavement mainte- nance, including a contingency of $250,000. Street Signs: The decrease is a result of personnel allocation changes. Traffic Signals: FY15-16 included a one-time expenditure to replace the existing deteriorating conduit for the traffic signal located at the intersections of Palisades and Fountain Hills Boulevards. Vehicle Maintenance: FY15-16 included a one-time expenditure to replace the sprinkler/EVAP cooler at the Street Yard and decreased vehicle replacement charges. Special Revenue Funds Development Services-Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 336,496$ 149,690$ 220,860$ 331,598$ Adopt A Street 3,585 3,220 4,227 1,010 Legal Services 25,698 28,689 32,136 - Open Space 241,291 261,749 350,309 339,583 Pavement Management 2,205,885 504,599 1,761,276 2,618,080 Street Signs 82,757 84,970 95,098 69,767 Street Sweepers 74,772 87,908 - - Traffic Signals 103,333 111,358 278,145 163,483 Vehicle Maintenance 72,493 79,818 106,070 71,175 Total 3,146,310$ 1,312,001$ 2,848,121$ 3,594,696$ Expenditures by Program The Height of Desert Living 274 Special Revenue Funds Development Services-Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund Variance Explanations: Employment Taxes: The decrease is a result of more favorable workers’ compen- sation rates. Maintenance and Repair: Additional monies were budgeted for pavement mainte- nance. Damages/Vandalism: Additional monies were budgeted for insurance expendi- tures. Transfers: FY15-16 included a one-time transfer to the Environmental Fund. Contingency: Monies were budgeted for unforeseen expenditures that may arise. Administration 9% Open Space 9% Pavement Management 73% Street Signs 2% Traffic Signals 5% Vehicle Maintenance 2% Use of Funds -Streets -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,594,696 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 265,179$ 294,027$ 268,815$ 300,647$ Employment Taxes 24,739 39,244 31,276 22,381 Benefits 82,065 87,518 85,035 82,207 Dues & Memberships 786 1,463 2,540 2,940 Meetings and Training - - 1,300 1,300 Maintenance and Repair 2,097,342 284,462 1,806,580 2,283,361 Utilities 129,377 131,136 152,133 157,145 Contractual Services 285,478 371,911 337,715 346,408 Supplies 24,823 28,395 29,036 29,090 Equipment 26,399 4,942 9,000 9,000 Damages/Vandalism 805 30,539 15,000 40,000 Internal Service 30,521 37,878 64,691 70,217 Transfers 178,796 486 45,000 - Contingency - - - 250,000 Total 3,146,310$ 1,312,001$ 2,848,121$ 3,594,696$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 275 Special Revenue Funds Development Services-Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund Wages 8% Benefits 2% Maintenance and Repair 63% Utilities 4% Contractual Services 10% Damages/Vandal ism 2% Internal Service 2% Contingency 7% Use of Funds -Streets -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $3,594,696 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 276 Special Revenue Funds Development Services-Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Streets Highway User Revenue Fund Salaries-Full Time 263,248$ 288,629$ 256,406$ 293,078$ Overtime 1,797 3,785 - 2,000 On Call Pay 133 1,614 12,409 5,569 Medicare 3,574 4,011 3,899 4,331 Workers Compensation 20,574 34,846 27,048 17,689 Unemployment Insurance 590 387 329 361 Group Health Insurance 47,634 49,767 50,241 43,270 Group Dental Insurance 3,262 3,251 3,014 3,462 Group Vision Insurance 424 419 387 377 Disability Insurance 776 918 989 1,265 Retirement 29,166 32,343 29,570 32,852 Life Insurance 803 819 834 981 Licenses/Filing Fees 20 10 - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 766 1,453 2,540 2,940 Meetings & Training - - 1,300 1,300 Building Maint/Repair 309 276 18,500 4,000 HVAC Repair 90 80 - - Electrical Repair/Maint 814 1,255 3,000 3,000 Fire Protection Systems - - 2,000 2,000 Grounds Maint/Repair 2,800 14,442 10,000 20,000 Irrigation Repair 6,618 6,215 2,500 2,500 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 425 1,605 7,410 7,410 Drainage Maint/Repair - 5,475 10,000 10,000 Storm Damage Cleanup - 3,114 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 10,644 4,322 141,500 26,500 Vehicle Maint/Repair 18,006 8,505 12,400 14,000 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 647 - 750 750 Other Maint/Repair 9,264 10,100 1,800 1,800 Road Repair 31,041 24,659 60,000 50,000 Striping - 29,905 - - Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 50,589 23,022 15,000 50,000 Other Road Related Repair 2,412 397 - - Sign Repair & Replacement 13,863 10,091 21,720 16,625 Pavement Management 1,949,821 139,237 1,500,000 2,074,776 Painting - 1,500 - - Lighting Repair - 260 - - Electricity Expense 38,318 43,695 39,800 39,800 Refuse/Recycling 5,781 4,384 6,200 11,200 Telecommunications 3,414 3,654 3,228 3,240 Water/Sewer 68,156 67,019 82,105 82,105 Gas & Oil 13,708 12,385 20,800 20,800 Auditing Expense 6,950 6,950 7,741 12,500 The Height of Desert Living 277 Special Revenue Funds Development Services-Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Streets Highway User Revenue Fund-continued Professional Fees 4,009$ 86,013$ 15,100$ 20,600$ Legal Fees 25,698 28,689 32,136 33,096 Insurance Expense 72,641 74,097 76,738 82,212 Rentals & Leases 1,345 - - - Printing Expense 54 - - - Advertising/Signage 238 186 - - Intergovt Agreements 15,322 13,750 20,000 20,000 Contractual Services 65,837 76,224 11,000 3,000 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 25 - - - Landscape Contracts 93,359 86,002 175,000 175,000 Office Supplies 226 508 2,225 2,225 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 574 441 500 500 Safety Supplies 436 131 350 400 Operating Supplies 21,717 26,001 24,265 24,265 Food & Beverage Supplies 129 224 200 200 Uniforms 1,662 1,051 1,496 1,500 Postage & Delivery 79 40 - - Small Tools 2,310 1,807 7,000 7,000 Software 1,660 712 2,000 2,000 Hardware/Peripherals 5,253 - - - Furniture/Appliances 15,459 - - - Equipment 1,719 2,423 - - Damages/Vandalism 805 30,539 15,000 40,000 ISF-Mail Service Charges 40 13 60 16 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 27,858 35,736 62,101 67,631 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,622 2,129 2,530 2,570 Contingency - - - 250,000 Sub total Expenditures 2,967,514 1,311,515 2,803,121 3,594,696 Transfers Out 178,796 486 45,000 - Total Streets 3,146,310$ 1,312,001$ 2,848,121$ 3,594,696$ The Height of Desert Living 278 Performance Measures Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Pothole repair requests completed within two business days. N/A N/A N/A 95% Quality FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Total residential lane miles 264 264 264 264 Total arterial lane miles 79 79 79 79 Number of vehicles in fleet 39 39 39 39 Acreage of medians maintained 59 56 56 56 Number of Adopt-a-Street participants 66 65 65 65 Productivity FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Net expenditures per capita $139.90 $58.34 $126.65 $157.16 Special Revenue Funds Development Services-Streets Division Highway User Revenue Fund The Height of Desert Living 279 Administration Excise Tax Funds Downtown Strategy Economic Development Tourism Special Revenue Funds Administration Excise Tax Funds The Height of Desert Living 280 The Town originally established an Excise Tax/Downtown Fund on August 3, 2000, for the purpose of improving the downtown area to spur economic activity; this fund has been funded through a dedicated portion of the Town’s local sales tax (.1% of 2.6%). On April 18, 2013, the Town Council established an additional fund by splitting the original Excise Tax/Downtown Fund into two separate funds: Downtown Strategy Fund (original Excise Tax/Downtown Fund ) Economic Development Fund (new) Both funds were originally funded through the dedicated .1% of local sales tax with a 60/40 split—60% of sales tax revenues will be allocated to the new Eco- nomic Development Fund and 40% of sales tax revenues will be allocated to the Downtown Strategy Fund. The residual fund balance of the Excise Tax/Downtown Fund as of June 30, 2013, was included with any new revenue in the Downtown Strategy Fund to be used towards Town Center infrastructure improvement and development. In January 2015, the percentage was changed 80/20 respectively. The Economic Development Fund is funded with 80% of the .1% local sales tax and will be available for any economic development purpose. Special Revenue Funds Administration Excise Tax Funds The Height of Desert Living 281 Downtown Strategy Fund Service Delivery Plan The Downtown Strategy Fund was established to provide resources for enhance- ment to the downtown area through capital and economic development expendi- tures to enhance the downtown’s economic base. Variance Explanations: Administration: The increase reflects transfers to the Capital Improvement Fund to fund capital projects. Special Revenue Funds Administration Downtown Strategy Fund Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 272,730$ 1,194,160$ 557,886$ 1,021,655$ Total 272,730$ 1,194,160$ 557,886$ 1,021,655$ Expenditures by Program Administration 100% Use of Funds -Downtown Strategy -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $1,021,655 The Height of Desert Living 282 Variance Explanations: Maintenance and Repair: FY15-16 included a one-time expenditure to repair and/ or replace light fixtures on both the north and south sides of the Avenue of the Fountains. Transfers: Amount increased for additional capital projects proposed. Special Revenue Funds Administration Downtown Strategy Fund Maintenance and Repair, 1% Contractual Services, 4% Transfers, 95% Use of Funds -Downtown Strategy -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $1,021,655 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Maintenance and Repair -$ 7,672$ 50,000$ 10,000$ Contractual Services 29,884 29,397 30,885 36,655 Internal Service 1 - 1 - Transfers 242,845 1,157,091 477,000 975,000 Total 272,730$ 1,194,160$ 557,886$ 1,021,655$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 283 Special Revenue Funds Administration Downtown Strategy Fund Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Downtown Strategy Fund Sign Repair & Replacement -$ 7,672$ $ - $ - Lighting Repair - - 50,000 10,000 Management Fees 535 493 535 535 Advertising/Signage 380 - - - Holiday Lighting 28,970 28,904 30,350 36,120 ISF-Mail Service Charges - - 1 - Sub total Expenditures 29,885 37,069 80,886 46,655 Transfers Out 242,845 1,157,091 477,000 975,000 Total Downtown Strategy Fund 272,730$ 1,194,160$ 557,886$ 1,021,655$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Downtown Strategy Fund The Height of Desert Living 284 Economic Development Fund Service Delivery Plan Economic development in Fountain Hills requires a collaborative effort to ensure success. The Town of Fountain Hills plays a key role along with the business com- munity and residents. The Town works collaboratively with the various stakeholder groups and other agencies in its effort to diversify the local economy. The economic development game plan is a multi-tiered approach to building a strong economic base. Create more base jobs locally to attract more year-round residents to live, work, and play in the community. Expand the market for local businesses creating revenues that support the community’s quality of life. As reve- nues are generated and the economic base expands, revenues are available for needed basic services such as parks, recreation, and roadway improvements. Coordinated Approach: All entities involved in economic development must work together to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals to ensure a sustainable effort. Community Collaboration: A comprehensive understanding of the town and re- gion and a commitment to collaborating with entities throughout the region (e.g., federal agencies and incorporated communities) are critical. Smart Growth: The regional environment is a tremendous asset that should be protected for community and economic development reasons. The community must take great strides in addressing resource issues, such as water, to ensure long-term sustainability. Long-Term Efforts: Economic development is not a one-shot activity. Success requires long-term investments (e.g., infrastructure and telecommunications) as well as continued focused effort and evaluation. Existing Business Support: The Town’s focus is on supporting existing enter- prises, while looking at diversifying the economic base is important. Existing busi- nesses are Fountain Hills’ most valuable assets because they are already contrib- uting to the local economy and quality of life. They are also the best source of business expansion and local job growth. Corporate Responsibility: Fountain Hills encourages enterprises to work as civic partners, contributing to the community, protecting the natural environment, and providing workers with good pay, benefits, and opportunities for upward mobility, within a healthy working environment. Human Investment: Human resources are so valuable in the Information Age. Fountain Hills will strive to provide life-long skills and learning opportunities by in- vesting in excellent schools, post-secondary institutions, and opportunities for con- tinuous education and training that are available to all. Special Revenue Funds Administration Economic Development Fund The Height of Desert Living 285 Special Revenue Funds Administration Economic Development Fund Economic Development Fund Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 147,581$ 264,396$ $321,101 $318,411 Total 147,581$ 264,396$ 321,101$ 318,411$ Expenditures by Program Administration 100% Use of Funds -Economic Development -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $318,411 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages 37,673$ 64,690$ 80,866$ 83,697$ Employment Taxes 2,958 2,984 1,670 1,614 Benefits 445 9,515 21,191 18,709 Dues & Memberships 9,817 12,600 10,811 778 Meetings & Training 757 1,796 5,715 6,915 Utilities 562 758 900 900 Contractual Services 94,806 52,469 59,053 21,405 Supplies 372 88 1,500 5,100 Equipment/Improvements - 6 - - Internal Service 191 390 295 365 Transfers Out - 119,100 139,100 178,928 Total 147,581$ 264,396$ 321,101$ 318,411$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 286 Variance Explanations: Dues & Memberships: Annual GPEC dues were moved into the new General Gov- ernment Department. Contractual Services: Community Contracts were moved to the new General Gov- ernment Department. Transfers Out: Amounts were included to fund the expenses that were moved into the new General Government Department. Special Revenue Funds Administration Economic Development Fund Wages 26% Benefits 6% Meetings & Training 2% Contractual Services 7% Supplies 2% Transfers Out 56% Use of Funds -Economic Development -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $318,411 The Height of Desert Living 287 Special Revenue Funds Administration Economic Development Fund Productivity Our Targeted Industry Sectors are the business sectors that offer Fountain Hills the most opportunity and will be pursued through our focused approach. Industry sectors help the community meet the stated economic objectives:  Professional, Technical, and Scientific Services  Healthcare, Medical, Biosciences, and Wellness  Finance and Insurance  Tourism and Recreation  Retail  Education Services Activities/Results Performance Measures Our Economic Objectives are the broad desired achievement that Fountain Hills will accomplish through the implementation of the Economic Development Plan. The economic objectives are:  Grow Our Economy  Maximize Our Talent  Enhance Our Community Quality Our Focused Approach is how Fountain Hills is going to achieve its economic ob- jectives. All five objectives are important and would be addressed simultaneously. The focused approach is through the following strategic initiatives:  Business Attraction  Business Retention and Expansion  Entrepreneurial Development  Foundational Maintenance  Locational Catalysts Performance metrics are applied to measure a plan's activities and its overall per- formance. As there is always an element of uncertainty about the future, regular review to ensure that a plan is still effective and achieving desired outcomes is critical. Performance metrics should support the intended strategic outcome and typically meet six criteria: time, cost, resources, scope, quality, and actions. Per- formance metrics will be established with each strategic initiative to provide an- nual assessment of progress. The Height of Desert Living 288 Special Revenue Funds Administration Economic Development Fund Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Economic Development Fund Salaries-Full Time 13,330$ 40,225$ 80,866$ 83,697$ Salaries-Part Time 24,343 24,465 - - FICA 2,080 1,695 - - Medicare 546 906 1,173 1,214 Workers Compensation 96 299 424 325 Unemployment Insurance 235 83 73 75 Group Health Insurance - 4,570 11,736 8,221 Group Dental Insurance - 262 - 594 Group Vision Insurance - 27 - 54 Disability Insurance (10) 127 297 354 Retirement 455 4,425 8,895 9,206 Life Insurance - 105 263 280 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 9,817 12,600 10,811 778 Training/Cont Ed 95 530 - - Meetings & Training 663 1,266 5,715 6,915 Telecommunications 562 758 900 900 Professional Fees 4,635 9,510 4,050 - Rentals & Leases - 2,019 - - Printing Expense 1,993 - 100 100 Advertising/Signage 595 500 21,105 16,305 Contractual Services 35,121 35,440 - - Community Contracts/Events - 5,000 33,798 5,000 Tourism 52,463 - - - Office Supplies 247 88 200 200 Operating Supplies 125 - 1,300 4,900 Software - 6 - - ISF-Copier Charges 26 179 50 100 ISF-Mail Service Charges 15 1 15 15 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 23 - - - ISF-Telecom Charges 126 210 230 250 Sub total Expenditures 147,581 145,296 182,001 139,483 Transfers Out - 119,100 139,100 178,928 Total Economic Development Fund 147,581$ 264,396$ 321,101$ 318,411$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Economic Development Fund The Height of Desert Living 289 Special Revenue Funds Administration Tourism Fund Tourism Fund Service Delivery Plan Implement a comprehensive tourism program as outlined in the Town’s Economic Development Plan. Provide a mix of marketing tools, with an emphasis on digital methods, to promote Town programs, amenities, and special events. Maintain the tourism website and provide timely analytic updates. Establish and maintain Foun- tain Hills as a Destination Marketing Organization with the Arizona Office of Tour- ism. Research grant opportunities, specific to prop 302 funding dispersed through the Arizona Office of Tourism and apply annually. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ 118,120$ 188,580$ 208,220$ Total -$ 118,120$ 188,580$ 208,220$ Expenditures by Program Administration 100% Use of Funds -Tourism -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $208,220 The Height of Desert Living 290 Variance Explanations: Contractual Services: Budgets were increased to spend grant monies that may be received. Supplies: Budgeted amounts were lowered from the previous year. Special Revenue Funds Administration Tourism Fund Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages -$ 40,288$ 47,303$ 51,181$ Employment Taxes - 1,824 2,848 988 Benefits - 7,606 15,340 13,262 Dues & Memberships - 1,941 2,350 2,350 Meetings & Training - 1,744 1,000 2,000 Maintenance & Repair - 184 - - Utilities - 272 150 420 Contractual Services - 56,143 103,459 124,470 Supplies - 4,166 11,700 6,649 Equipment/Improvement - 327 3,000 1,000 Internal Service - 3,625 1,430 5,900 Total -$ 118,120$ 188,580$ 208,220$ Expenditures by Category Wages 26% Benefits 6% Contractual Services 60% Supplies 3%Internal Service 3% Use of Funds -Tourism -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $208,220 Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 291 Special Revenue Funds Administration Tourism Fund FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Average monthly website views 4,384* 17,670 30,000 35,000 Average monthly social media reach 2,000* 4,700 8,700 9,500 Social Media Followers 1,470* 3,273 3,750 4,500 Support overall quality of visitor experience while in Fountain Hills via visitor surveys N/A Good Good Good FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Number of special events supported 16 44 48 50 Reach/maintain status of Destination Market- ing Organization as determined by the Ari- zona Office of Tourism standards N/A* Reached Maintain Maintain FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Total distribution of collateral (includes Visitor/ Dining Guides) N/A* 21,727 25,000 30,000 Percentage of in/out of county distribution N/A* 43/57 45/55 45/55 Performance Measures Quality Productivity *Numbers acquired during the Chamber of Commerce tenure The Height of Desert Living 292 Special Revenue Funds Administration Tourism Fund Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Tourism Fund Salaries-Full Time -$ 31,050$ 47,303$ 51,181$ Salaries-Part Time - 9,237 - - FICA - 981 - - Medicare - 569 687 742 Workers Compensation - 186 2,081 164 Unemployment Insurance - 87 80 82 Group Health Insurance - 4,226 9,204 6,682 Group Dental Insurance - 267 528 497 Group Vision Insurance - 40 78 64 Disability Insurance - 78 173 217 Retirement - 2,923 5,203 5,630 Life Insurance - 72 154 172 License/Filing Fee - 60 - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat - 1,881 2,350 2,350 Meetings & Training - 1,744 1,000 2,000 Sign Repair & Replacement - 184 - - Telecommunications - 272 150 420 Professional Fees - 9,952 15,500 28,500 Rentals & Leases - - - 13,000 Printing Expense - 285 4,300 470 Advertising/Signage - 43,475 83,659 81,000 Contractual Services - 2,431 - - Constituent Communication - - - 1,500 Office Supplies - 821 700 700 Operating Supplies - 559 - - Food & Beverage Supplies - 111 - 500 Program Materials - 1,625 10,000 4,449 Uniforms - 483 - - Postage & Delivery - 568 1,000 1,000 Software - - 3,000 - Hardware/Peripherals - 327 - - Equipment - - - 1,000 ISF-Copier Charges - 3,203 900 5,400 ISF-Mail Service Charges - 205 300 250 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - 7 - - ISF-Telecom Charges - 211 230 250 Sub total Expenditures - 118,120 188,580 208,220 Transfers Out - - - - Total Tourism Fund -$ 118,120$ 188,580$ 208,220$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Tourism Fund The Height of Desert Living 293 Administration Special Revenue Fund Special Revenue Funds Administration Special Revenue Fund The Height of Desert Living 294 Special Revenue Fund Service Delivery Plan The Special Revenue Fund was established as a receptacle for grant monies, both anticipated and unanticipated. Any monies received will have a matching expendi- ture associated with it. If grants require a Town match, those monies are trans- ferred into this fund. Anticipated grants received on annual basis include Proposi- tion 202 funds and LTAF II funds. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration 61,667$ 102,364$ 1,601,841$ 1,655,000$ Total 61,667$ 102,364$ 1,601,841$ 1,655,000$ Expenditures by Program Administration 100% Use of Funds -Special Revenue -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $1,655,000 Special Revenue Funds Administration Special Revenue Fund The Height of Desert Living 295 Special Revenue Funds Administration Special Revenue Fund Contractual Services, 9% Contingency, 66%Capital Expenditures, 24% Use of Funds -Special Revenue -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $1,655,000 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Dues & Memberships 8$ -$ -$ -$ Contractual Services 61,659 78,687 142,000 142,000 Equipment/Improvements - - 15,000 15,000 Contingency - - 1,076,336 1,108,000 Capital Expenditures - 23,677 368,505 390,000 Total 61,667$ 102,364$ 1,601,841$ 1,655,000$ Expenditures by Category Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Special Revenue Fund Licenses/Filing Fees 7$ -$ -$ -$ Professional Fees 31,660 - - - Advertising/Signage - - 2,000 2,000 Intergovt Agreements 30,000 76,687 140,000 140,000 Contractual Agreements - 2,000 - - Street Improvements - - 15,000 15,000 Contingency - - 1,076,335 1,108,000 Capital Expenditures - 23,677 368,505 390,000 Sub total Expenditures 61,667 102,364 1,601,840 1,655,000 Transfers Out - - - - Total Special Revenue Fund 61,667$ 102,364$ 1,601,840$ 1,655,000$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Special Revenue Fund Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 296 PROJECT TITLE: Tennis Courts Rehabilitation GRANT NUMBER: G5203 GRANT AMOUNT AWARDED: $211,000 TOWN’S MATCH AMOUNT: $179,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $390,000 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Rehabilitation of existing tennis courts at Golden Eagle Park and Four Peaks Park. TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town operates four tennis courts at Golden Eagle Park and two tennis courts at Four Peaks Park. The existing courts have been repaired numerous times with diminishing results. The Town applied for and was awarded a grant from the Arizona Tourism and Sports Authority in the amount of $211,000. The new courts will be designed and constructed using post-tensioned concrete to mini- mize cracking and provide for a longer useful life. The project, including a 10% contingency, is esti- mated at $390,000 and the remaining balance would come from the Town’s Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $179,000. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds Special Revenue Funds Grant Information Sheets G5203 The Height of Desert Living 297 Special Revenue Funds Grant Information Sheets G3204 PROJECT TITLE: Highway Safety Improvement Program GRANT NUMBER: G3204 GRANT AMOUNT AWARDED: $46,800 TOWN’S MATCH AMOUNT: $ 0 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $46,800 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project will provide improved stop signs on and intersecting with arterial streets. The project will also include the purchase of twenty traffic signal pedestrian countdown timers to be installed by the Streets Division. TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 FY17-18 Total TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $15,000 $31,800 $46,800 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town applied for and was awarded a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant through the Maricopa Association of Governments for the installation of guardrail impact attenuators and traffic signal pedestrian countdown timers. This project will provide additional safety measures for motorists and pedestrians while being funded 100% through grant funds. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds The Height of Desert Living 298 Special Revenue Funds Administration Special Revenue Fund The Height of Desert Living 299 Municipal Court Court Enhancement Fund Special Revenue Funds Municipal Court Court Enhancement Fund The Height of Desert Living 300 Court Enhancement Fund Service Delivery Plan Pursuant to local ordinance and Arizona Revised Statutes, the court collects mon- ies deposited into the local Court Enhancement Fund and Judicial Court Enhance- ment Fund to increase the effectiveness of Fountain Hills Municipal Court. Pursuant to A.R.S. §12-113(B), Judicial Court Enhancement Funds, “shall be used according to plans approved by the supreme court to train court personnel, improve, main- tain and enhance the ability to collect and manage monies assessed or received by the courts, including restitution, child support, fines and civil penalties, to improve court automation, to improve case processing or the administration of justice and for probation services.” The monies collected into these funds are to be used to supplement the court’s annual appropriations and shall not be used solely to fund court operations. Both funds are maintained as separate accounts within the Town and any balance remaining in such accounts at the end of the fiscal year shall carry over into the subsequent fiscal year. Special Revenue Funds Municipal Court Court Enhancement Fund Variance Explanations: Court Enhancement: Amount was added for painting the court room. Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Court Enhancement 3,894$ 845$ 50,615$ 58,115$ Judicial Court Enhancement -$ -$ 30,000 30,000 Total 3,894$ 845$ 80,615$ 88,115$ Expenditures by Program Court Enhancement 66% Judicial Court Enhancement 34% Use of Funds -Court Enhancement -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $88,115 The Height of Desert Living 301 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Dues & Memberships -$ -$ 1,500$ 1,500$ Meetings & Training - - 1,000 1,000 Maintenance & Repair 1,229 534 9,500 17,000 Contractual Services - - 7,375 7,375 Supplies - - 740 740 Equipment/Improvements 2,664 311 30,500 30,500 Capital Expenditures - - 30,000 30,000 Total 3,893$ 845$ 80,615$ 88,115$ Expenditures by Category Special Revenue Funds Municipal Court Court Enhancement Fund Dues & Memberships, 2% Maintenance & Repair, 19% Contractual Services, 8% Equipment/Impr ovements, 35%Capital Expenditures, 34% Use of Funds -Court Enhancement -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $88,115 Variance Explanations: Maintenance & Repair: Amount was added for painting the court room. Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 302 Special Revenue Funds Municipal Court Court Enhancement Fund Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Court Enhancement Fund Dues, Subscript & Publicat -$ -$ 1,500$ 1,500$ Meetings & Training - - 1,000 1,000 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 1,229 534 4,500 4,500 Other Maint/Repair - - 5,000 12,500 Professional Fees - - 1,500 1,500 Printing Expense - - 2,000 2,000 Advertising/Signage - - 500 500 Intergovt Agreements - - 3,375 3,375 Office Supplies - - 500 500 Food & Beverage Supplies - - 240 240 Program Materials - - - - Software 2,253 - 10,000 10,000 Hardware/Peripherals 412 311 8,000 8,000 Furniture/Appliances - - 12,500 12,500 Equipment Computer Hardware - - 30,000 30,000 Sub total Expenditures 3,894 845 80,615 88,115 Transfers Out - - - - Total Court Enhancement Fund 3,894$ 845$ 80,615$ 88,115$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Court Enhancement Fund The Height of Desert Living 303 Administration Environmental Fund Special Revenue Funds Administration Environmental Fund The Height of Desert Living 304 Environmental Fund Service Delivery Plan The Environment Fund was established to help offset the costs of stormwater management and air quality permit requirements as well as other environmental programs. These items include but are not limited to permit fees, wash mainte- nance, ADWR dam inspection and maintenance, street sweeping, storm drain cleaning and household hazardous waste disposal. Special Revenue Funds Administration Environmental Fund Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ -$ 639,241$ 540,586$ Total -$ -$ 639,241$ 540,586$ Expenditures by Program Administration 100% Use of Funds -Environmental -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $540,586 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Wages -$ -$ 17,665$ 18,283$ Employment Taxes - - 1,314 1,011 Benefits - - 4,147 3,677 Dues & Memberships - - 10,715 10,715 Meetings and Training - - - 300 Maintenance & Repair - - 335,400 335,400 Contractual Services - - 270,000 170,000 Supplies - - - 1,200 Total -$ -$ 639,241$ 540,586$ Expenditures by Category Variance Explanations: Contractual Services: FY15-16 included amounts for a household hazardous waste event and removal of sediment from the dam at Golden Eagle Park. The Height of Desert Living 305 Special Revenue Funds Administration Environmental Fund Wages 4% Dues & Memberships 2% Maintenance & Repair 62% Contractual Services 31% Use of Funds -Environmental -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $540,586 Quality FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Total lane miles on sweeping schedule 316 316 316 316 Total lane miles swept annually 2,682 2,682 2,682 2,682 Acres of Town-owned washes maintained 75 75 75 75 Number of paper shedding events held* 2 2 2 2 Number of electronics recycling events held 1 1 1 1 Number of household hazardous waste events held 0 0 0 1 *Friends of the Library sponsored event Performance Measures Activities/Results FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Percentage of residential sweeping com- pleted within specified cycle* 100% 100% 100% 100% Percentage of arterial sweeping completed within specific cycle* 100% 100% 100% 100% Completion of annual permit requirements N/A N/A N/A 100% *Contracted street sweeping in FY13-14. Arterial street sweeping changed from once every two weeks to once every three weeks. FY13-14 and FY14-15 actual sweeping costs were paid out of the Streets fund. Note: Categories that account for 1% of the total are not shown on the chart. The Height of Desert Living 306 Special Revenue Funds Administration Environmental Fund *Contracted street sweeping in FY13-14. Arterial street sweeping changed from once every two weeks to once every three weeks. FY13-14 and FY14-15 actual sweeping costs were paid out of the Streets fund. FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Estimate FY16-17 Target Expenditure for street sweeping* $74,772 $87,908 $90,000 $90,000 Expenditure per lane mile of streets swept* $27.88 $32.78 $33.56 $33.56 Productivity Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Environmental Fund Salaries-Full Time -$ -$ 17,665$ 18,283$ Medicare - - 256 265 Workers Compensation - - 1,040 727 Unemployment Insurance - - 18 19 Group Health Insurance - - 1,956 1,411 Group Dental Insurance - - 109 103 Group Health Vision - - 16 13 Disability Insurance - - 65 78 Retirement - - 1,943 2,011 Life Insurance - - 58 61 Licenses/Filing Fees - - 7,715 7,715 Dues, Subscript & Publicat - - 3,000 3,000 Meetings & Training - - - 300 Grounds Maint/Repair - - 5,000 5,000 Wash Maintenance - - 150,000 150,000 Dam Inspection and Maint - - 20,400 20,400 Drainage Maint/Repair - - 130,000 130,000 Storm Damage Cleanup - - 30,000 30,000 Professional Fees - - 80,000 80,000 Contractual Services - - 140,000 90,000 Community Contracts/Events - - 50,000 - Program Materials - - - 1,200 Sub total Expenditures - - 639,241 540,586 Transfers Out - - - - Total Environmental Fund -$ -$ 639,241$ 540,586$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Environmental Fund The Height of Desert Living 307 Cottonwoods Maintenance District Special Revenue Funds Cottonwoods Maintenance District The Height of Desert Living 308 Special Revenue Funds Cottonwoods Maintenance District The Cottonwoods Maintenance District was formed by the Town Council in June, 1999 for the purpose of improving the common areas of the Cottonwoods subdivi- sion; the Town Council serves as the governing Board for the District. The Mainte- nance District provides for the maintenance of the common area, which is per- formed by the Town of Fountain Hills. The cost is repaid through an annual prop- erty tax assessment per property owner levied by the Town and collected by Mari- copa County. The estimated levy for FY16-17 is $96.35 which includes the annual contract cost for landscaping as well as establishing a reserve amount for future exterior wall maintenance. COTTONWOODS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Revenues Property Tax 4,823$ 4,823$ 5,366$ 5,588$ Interest Income 5 8 - - Total Revenues 4,828$ 4,831$ 5,366$ 5,588$ Expenditures Grounds Maint/Repair (3,250)$ (3,000)$ (4,015)$ (4,015)$ Advertising/Signage (78) (185) - (200) ISF-Mail Service Charges (35) (50) (28) (50) Total Expenditures (3,363)$ (3,235)$ (4,043)$ (4,265)$ The Height of Desert Living 309 Special Revenue Funds Cottonwoods Maintenance District Summary of Tax Levy—Cottonwoods Maintenance District FY15-16 FY16-17 1. $$ 2. $ 3.Property tax levy amounts A. Primary property taxes $$ B. Secondary property taxes 5,366 5,588 C.Total property tax levy amounts $5,366 $5,588 4.Property taxes collected* A. Primary property taxes (1) Current year's levy $ (2) Prior years’ levies (3) Total primary property taxes B. Secondary property taxes (1) Current year's levy 5,366 (2) Prior years’ levies (3) Total secondary property taxes 5,366 C. Total property taxes collected $5,366 5.Property tax rates A. City/Town tax rate (1) Primary property tax rate $$ (2) Secondary property tax rate 92.5100 96.3500 (3) Total city/town tax rate $92.5100 $96.3500 *Includes actual property taxes collected as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated property tax collections for the remainder of the fiscal year. Cottonwoods Maintenance District Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Fiscal Year 16-17 Maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17051(A) Amount received from primary property taxation in the current year in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17102(A)(18) The Height of Desert Living 310 Special Revenue Funds Cottonwoods Maintenance District The Height of Desert Living 311 Debt Service Funds Debt Service Funds The Height of Desert Living 312 Debt Service Funds The Debt Service Funds provide for the payment of interest, principal, and related costs on General Obligation (GO) bonds (both the Town of Fountain Hills and the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District) and Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Revenue bonds. General Obligation Debt There have been four General Obligation bond issues that were approved by the voters for specific purposes: The first GO bond issue in 1991 (refunded in 1995) was to pave roads that remained unpaved at the time of incorporation. Additional GO bonds issued in 1999 and 2000 (partially refunded in 2005) were for the construction of a library/museum and acquiring land for open space preservation. Bonds issued in 2001 (partially refunded in 2005) were for the purchase of mountain preserve land in the McDowell mountains. Bonds were issued in December 2014 to pay for the Saguaro Boulevard Re- construction Project. The annual property tax levy is based on the total amount required for the pay- ment (with adjustments for carry-forward, delinquencies, etc.) divided by the total secondary assessed valuation for the Town of Fountain Hills. The Town’s assessed property valuation for FY16-17 is estimated to be $423,652,443 for the upcoming year (a 5.4% increase from the prior year) and the estimated levy is $0.4472 per $100 of assessed value. The levy is $.0774 lower than last year as a result of the use of accumulated reserves. Debt Service Funds GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Revenues Secondary Property Tax 1,029,428$ 475,285$ 2,109,477$ 1,894,584$ Interest Income 178 327 210 210 Transfer In - - - - Total Revenues 1,029,606$ 475,612$ 2,109,687$ 1,894,794$ Expenditures Principal Payments (900,000)$ (390,000)$ (1,770,000)$ (1,930,000)$ Interest Payments (113,750) (169,772) (321,622) (188,250) Administrative/Trustee Fees (250) (1,250) (3,100) (1,100) Total Expenditures (1,014,000)$ (561,022)$ (2,094,722)$ (2,119,350)$ The Height of Desert Living 313 Debt Service Funds Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District (CFD) Debt There have been four bond issues (issued as General Obligation bonds) that were approved for specific purposes: The first two CFD bond issues in 1996 (refunded in 2005) were to acquire certain public infrastructure benefiting the District, specifically a sewer pro- ject, a storm water conveyance system project, the Eagle Mountain Parkway Phase I project, and the Summer Hill Boulevard project. CFD bonds issued in 2005 were for refunding and defeasing the 1996 is- sues. Outstanding bonds were refinanced in 2015 to reduce interest costs. The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District debt payments are levied on the property owners within the District. These obligations are paid by the property owners using secondary property taxes, less any credits, carry-forward and/or in- terest earnings and allowing for delinquencies. The anticipated rate based on the estimated assessed valuation of $27,691,217 (an increase of 4.5% from the prior year) is $1.3665 per $100 of assessed valuation compared to $1.5729 in the prior year. Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Debt There have been four Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) bond issues that were approved by the voters for specific purposes: The first MPC bond issue in 2000 (partially refunded in 2005) was to build the Community Center. EAGLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Revenues Property Tax 428,805$ 424,552$ 416,686$ 378,392$ Bond Proceeds - 2,300,000 - - Interest Income 77 166 9 150 Total Revenues 428,883$ 2,724,717$ 416,695$ 378,542$ Expenditures Advertising/Signage (78)$ (175)$ (85)$ (170)$ Principal Payments (305,000) (2,495,000) (365,000) (375,000) Interest Payments (112,885) (100,685) (43,516) (34,056) Administrative/Trustee Fees (7,350) (1,253) (3,250) - Total Expenditures (425,313)$ (2,597,113)$ (411,851)$ (409,226)$ The Height of Desert Living 314 The second MPC issue was in 2001 (partially refunded in 2005) for the pur- chase of mountain preserve land. The third MPC issue was in 2004 for the construction of the Town Hall. Outstanding bonds were refinanced in 2015 to reduce interest costs. One of the methods of funding major municipal projects is the use of a municipal property corporation (MPC). The Town created the Fountain Hills Municipal Prop- erty Corporation and bonds were issued in 2000 and 2001 to build the Community Center and purchase a portion of the McDowell Mountain Preserve. The MPC owns the land and buildings purchased through bond proceeds. The bonds issued for the Community Center are repaid through the General Fund within the General Gov- ernment Department budget. When the bonds are retired, any assets owned by the MPC will be turned over to the Town of Fountain Hills. During FY11-12, the Town used surplus reserves to retire bonds that were issued in 2004 for the Civic Center (Town Hall). The payoff provided a net savings of ap- proximately $276,000 over the life of the bonds. The annual debt service payment savings will be available in the General Fund for ongoing operations. Beginning in FY16-17, the local sales tax that was dedicated to paying for the mountain preserve bonds will be used to fund the asphalt replacement program. Debt Service Funds MUNICIPAL PROPERTY CORPORATION DEBT SERVICE Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Revenues Sales-Excise Tax 645,342$ 689,920$ 665,165$ -$ Bond Proceeds - 1,880,000 - - Interest Income 107 455 100 300 Transfer In 421,884 500,000 - 249,055 Total Revenues 1,067,333$ 3,070,375$ 665,265$ 249,355$ Expenditures License/Filing Fees (10)$ (10)$ (10)$ (10)$ Principal Payments (955,000) (2,780,000) (480,000) (370,000) Interest Payments (149,400) (111,200) (32,740) (22,680) Administrative/Trustee Fees (4,500) (6,503) (7,990) (1,000) Total Expenditures (1,108,910)$ (2,897,713)$ (520,740)$ (393,690)$ The Height of Desert Living 315 Debt Service Funds Outstanding Debt Outstanding Debt The Schedule below includes an itemization of the outstanding debt as of June 30, 2015, after the scheduled principal and interest payment due July 1. Outstanding Debt Schedule Bond Purpose Date of Interest Date of Original Principal Principal Outstanding Type of Issue Bond Issue Rate Maturity Amount Amount Retired Principal GO Refunding 6/1/2005 4.00 7/1/2019 7,225,000$ 6,025,000$ 1,200,000$ GO Road Construction 12/18/2014 2.00- 3.00 7/1/2020 7,565,000 1,360,000 6,205,000 Total GO 14,790,000 7,385,000 7,405,000 Rev Refunding 6/4/2015 1.62 7/1/2020 1,880,000 480,000 1,400,000 Total Rev 1,880,000 480,000 1,400,000 GO Eagle Mtn 6/4/2015 1.76 7/1/2021 2,300,000 365,000 1,935,000 Total GO - Eagle Mtn 2,300,000 365,000 1,935,000 Grand Total 18,970,000$ 8,230,000$ 10,740,000$ GO General Obligation Bonds Rev Revenue Bonds The Height of Desert Living 316 Legal Debt Margin Information The Total Net Debt Applicable to Limit comes from the Report of Indebtedness, Department of Revenue, and is related to those issues noted by the appropriate % debt limit. 20% limit - GO bonds for projects involving water, sewer, artificial lighting, parks, open space, public safety, law enforcement, fire and emergency facilities, street and transportation facilities and recreational facility improvements. 6% limit - GO bonds for any other general purpose improvements. Proposition 117 in FY15-16 changed the basis for assessment from full cash value to limited property value. Debt Service Funds Legal Debt Margin Information FY13-14 FY14-15 FY15-16 FY16-17 6% Debt Limit Debt limit 21,978,160$ 24,177,956$ 24,128,118$ 25,419,147$ Total applicable to limit - - - - Legal debt margin 21,978,160$ 24,177,956$ 24,128,118$ 25,419,147$ Total net debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit 0%0%0%0% 20% Debt Limit Debt limit 73,260,534$ 80,593,185$ 80,427,061$ 84,730,489$ Total applicable to limit 3,755,000 2,900,000 2,000,000 7,405,000 Legal debt margin 69,505,534$ 77,693,185$ 78,427,061$ 77,325,489$ Total net debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit 5%4%2%9% Net Assessed: Full Cash Value $366,302,672 $402,965,927 Limited Property Value $402,135,304 $423,652,443 Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Legal Debt Margin Information The Height of Desert Living 317 Debt Service Funds Summary of Tax Levy—Town of Fountain Hills FY15-16 FY16-17 1. $$ 2. $ 3.Property tax levy amounts A. Primary property taxes $$ B. Secondary property taxes 2,109,477 1,894,584 C.Total property tax levy amounts $ 2,109,477 $ 1,894,584 4.Property taxes collected* A. Primary property taxes (1) Current year's levy $ (2) Prior years’ levies (3) Total primary property taxes B. Secondary property taxes (1) Current year's levy 2,109,477 (2) Prior years’ levies (3) Total secondary property taxes 2,109,477 C. Total property taxes collected $ 2,109,477 5.Property tax rates A. City/Town tax rate (1) Primary property tax rate $$ (2) Secondary property tax rate 0.5246 0.4472 (3) Total city/town tax rate $0.5246 $0.4472 B. Special assessment district tax rates Secondary property tax rates - As of the date the proposed budget was prepared, the two (2) special assessment districts for which secondary property taxes are levied. For information pertaining to these special assessment districts and their tax rates, please contact the city/town. * city/town was operating Includes actual property taxes collected as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated property tax collections for the remainder of the fiscal year. Town of Fountain Hills Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Fiscal Year 16-17 Maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17051(A) Amount received from primary property taxation in the current year in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17102(A)(18) The Height of Desert Living 318 Debt Service Funds Summary of Tax Levy—Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District FY15-16 FY16-17 1. $$ 2. $ 3.Property tax levy amounts A. Primary property taxes $$ B. Secondary property taxes 416,686 378,392 C.Total property tax levy amounts $ 416,686 $ 378,392 4.Property taxes collected* A. Primary property taxes (1) Current year's levy $ (2) Prior years’ levies (3) Total primary property taxes B. Secondary property taxes (1) Current year's levy 416,686 (2) Prior years’ levies (3) Total secondary property taxes 416,686 C. Total property taxes collected $ 416,686 5.Property tax rates A. City/Town tax rate (1) Primary property tax rate $$ (2) Secondary property tax rate 1.5729 1.3665 (3) Total city/town tax rate $1.5729 $1.3665 *Includes actual property taxes collected as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated property tax collections for the remainder of the fiscal year. Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Fiscal Year 16-17 Maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17051(A) Amount received from primary property taxation in the current year in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17102(A)(18) The Height of Desert Living 319 Capital Improvement Program Capital Improvement Program The Height of Desert Living 320 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Policy and Procedures Objective To provide a policy and procedures for the development, approval, and implemen- tation of the Town of Fountain Hills’ five (5) year and twenty (20) year Capital Im- provement Programs (CIP). Scope This policy applies to all projects undertaken by the Town of Fountain Hills that meet the definition of a capital improvement project detailed in the definitions sec- tion. Policy The purpose of the Capital Improvement Program is to provide an authoritative decision-making process for the evaluation, selection, and multi-year scheduling of public physical improvements based on a projection of available fiscal resources and the community's priorities. The objectives of the Program are to: a) ensure the timely repair, replacement and expansion of the Town’s infra- structure; b) serve as a link in the Town’s planning between the Town’s Strategic Plan and all subsidiary plans with a 5-20 year horizon and the annual budget process with a one-year horizon; c) maintain control over the Town’s long-term cash flow in relation to the Town's financial capacity; and d) ensure efficient, effective and coordinated capital improvement. Definitions The following words, when used in connection with this policy, shall have the fol- lowing meanings: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: A multi-year planning document that is the product of a systematic evaluation of capital projects. This Program serves as a guide for the efficient and effective construction and maintenance of public facili- ties, outlining a detailed timeline and financing schedule of capital projects for a five (5) year period of time and a summary schedule of capital projects for a twenty (20) year period. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: A capital project is a heavy equipment acquisi- tion, a computer/software systems acquisition, or a public improvement that in- volves construction of new infrastructure, additions to existing structures, renova- tion of existing structures, and major repairs to infrastructure of a comprehensive Capital Improvement Program Policy & Procedures The Height of Desert Living 321 Capital Improvement Program Policy & Procedures and non-routine nature. A capital project is defined in financial terms as a project with a projected final cost of at least $50,000 and is a non-recurring expense. In addition, the capital asset(s) resulting from the project should have a useful life of at least 10 years. Studies, design and engineering fees greater than $10,000 which are preparatory to a capital project with a projected final cost of at least $50,000 should be included as part of the capital project cost. INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PLAN (IIP): A written plan that individually or collectively identifies each public service that is proposed to be the subject of a de- velopment fee. The Town of Fountain Hills’ IIP is incorporated as part of the Town’s CIP and follows the same timeline and procedure. Process A. Schedule: Annually, the CIP Coordinator and Finance Director will submit a proposed CIP development calendar to the Town Manager for review. Based on this calendar, the CIP Coordinator will initiate a request to the management team for submission of updates, revisions and new projects for the five (5) year Capital Improvement Program. A further, but less detailed, review of the twenty (20) year Program will also be conducted. B. Format: The management team will utilize the previous year's approved CIP as a base for developing recommended additions, deletions, or changes for incorporation in the updated CIP for the ensuing year. The management team will utilize the standard format provided to submit new projects or propose revisions to existing projects. All new projects will also include a comprehensive estimate of the impact of the new project on the Town's an- nual operating budget; e.g., salaries and benefits, supplies, utilities, fuel, maintenance requirements, etc. C. Finance Review: The Finance Director will assist the CIP Coordinator as necessary in all facets of Capital Improvement Program development and review including production of revenue estimates and estimated growth in assessed valuation as well as overall financial analysis of the proposed pro- gram. Additional assistance may be requested to help produce draft docu- ments, etc. D. Town Manager Review: The CIP Coordinator will provide a copy of the proposed CIP document to the Finance Director and Town Manager for re- view and comment prior to distribution of the CIP document to the Town Council as part of the budget package. E. Public Hearing: The proposed CIP will be considered at a public hearing convened by the Town Council to accept comments and input from the pub- lic on the content of the Program. Notice of said public hearing date, place, and time will be made at least 60 days in advance of the scheduled hearing. Copies of the proposed CIP will be made available to the public at least 30 days prior to the scheduled hearing date and at the hearing itself. The Height of Desert Living 322 F. Town Council Approval: The final draft of the proposed CIP will be submit- ted as an agenda item for formal approval by the Town Council at the first Council Meeting in June. G. Distribution: A copy of the approved CIP document will be published on the Town’s website. H. Implementation: Upon adoption of the CIP, projects included within the applicable budget year may be implemented by the appropriate manage- ment team member in compliance with the Town’s procurement policy, spe- cial benefit district, or applicable procedure. I. Amendments: The adopted CIP may be amended upon approval of the Town Council. Examples of amendments include cost increases for approved projects, the acceleration of projects to the applicable budget year from a future year, and the addition of projects not previously included in the CIP. An amendment to the CIP will be submitted to the Town Manager for ap- proval. Upon approval, the amendment should be prepared as an agenda item for formal approval by the Town Council at a regular or special session. Upon approval, a copy of the amended CIP document will be published on the Town’s website. Procedure A. Form: The form listed as Attachment A shall be utilized to request inclu- sion of a project in the Capital Improvement Program. B. Funding Prioritization: As part of the project submittal process, manage- ment team members shall identify project priorities to help determine which projects are recommended for inclusion in the five-year CIP. The initial measure of the project’s priority is first established using the fol- lowing factors: HIGH  Project protects the health and safety of the Town, its residents, visi- tors and employees  Project is mandated by Federal, State or local, regulations  Project is a high priority of the Town Council, based on the most cur- rent Strategic Plan or other subsidiary plans. Project prevents irrepa- rable damage to existing facilities  Project leverages local funding with other non-local funding sources  Project finishes a partially completed project Capital Improvement Program Policy & Procedures The Height of Desert Living 323 MEDIUM  Project maintains existing service levels  Project provides for the maintenance of existing systems and equip- ment  Project results in increased efficiency  Project reduces operational costs  Project significantly reduces losses in revenue or provides for signifi- cant increased revenues LOW  Project provides an expanded level of service or new public facility not included in the Town Council’s priorities  Project is deferrable  Project uses debt financing C. Funding Sources: The primary funding sources for the CIP are the Gen- eral Fund, grants, development fees, excise taxes, HURF, bonded indebted- ness, capital leases and Capital Projects funds. All potential projects must identify the proposed sources of funding before submission of the CIP re- quest. Projects that are funded by development fees must also identify the relationship between the IIP project and the development fee from which it is funded in the justification section of the CIP Form. D. Project Schedule: Each Project Manager shall provide a preliminary schedule which shall detail the various phases involved in the project and their starting and ending dates. It is the responsibility of the Project Man- ager to maintain this schedule or to provide schedule updates to the CIP Co- ordinator on at least a quarterly basis. Responsibility for Enforcement The Town Manager, Finance Director and CIP Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that this policy is followed and/or updated as necessary. Capital Improvement Program Policy & Procedures The Height of Desert Living 324 Capital Improvement Program Policy & Procedures Attachment A Town of Fountain Hills Capital Improvement Project Information PROJECT TITLE: Click here to enter text. PROJECT NUMBER: Click here to enter text. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Click here to enter text. TIMEFRAME: Click here to enter text. Example FY 2017-19 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: Click here to enter text. Example FY 2016-17 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: Click here to enter text. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Click here to enter text. FUNDING PRIORITY: Click here to select a Priority from the list Note: Double click on the below tables to update them in Excel. The totals will automatically calculate. Fund Type Prior Years FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Total General $0 Capital Projects $0 Excise Tax $0 Grant $0 HURF $0 Development Fee $0 Developer $0 Unfunded $0 Other $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Funding Sources Fund Type Prior Years FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Total Planning $0 Design $0 Construction $0 Other $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Project Expenses Fund Type FY 16-17 FY17-18 FY 18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Total Salaries & Benefits $0 Services & Supplies $0 Other $0 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Operating Impact The Height of Desert Living 325 Capital Projects Summary Capital Projects Summary The Height of Desert Living 326 Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY16-17 THROUGH FY20-21 PROJECTS BY YEAR Project No. Project Title Prior Years' Costs FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Five Year Total (excludes Prior Years' Costs) Stormwater Management/Drainage Projects D6030 Ashbrook Wash Channelization Improvements- Bayfield to Del Cambre 646,436$ 700,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 700,000$ D6047 Drainage-Miscellaneous 51,362 50,000 - - - - 50,000 TOTAL 697,798$ 750,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 750,000$ Downtown Improvement Projects E8502 Downtown Public Improvements [formerly Downtown Vision Master Plan - Phase II (Avenue/Lakeside Project)]-$ 400,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 400,000$ E8505 Downtown Lighting Improvements 200,000 - - - - 200,000 TOTAL -$ 600,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 600,000$ Facilities Projects F4005 Fire Station 2 Relocation 187,178 3,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,800,000$ F4013 Fire Station 3 - - - - 2,745,000 2,745,000 F4014 Fire Station 3 Vehicles & Equipment - - - - 1,122,000 1,122,000 F4029 Civic Center Improvements - 150,000 - - - 150,000 F4030 Purchase and Install Chiller 300,000 - - - - 300,000 TOTAL 187,178$ 4,100,000$ 150,000$ -$ -$ 3,867,000$ 8,117,000$ Parks & Recreation Projects P3022 Fountain Lake Water Quality Improvements 67,106 205,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 205,000 P3023 New Pocket Park-West - - - - 903,000 903,000 P3025 Adero Canyon Trailhead 41,165 2,285,000 - - - - 2,285,000 P3026 Fountain Park Access Improvements 375,000 - - - - 375,000 P3027 Four Peaks Park - Phase I (bus barn)75,000 - - - - 75,000 P3028 Four Peaks Park - Phase II - - - - 800,000 800,000 TOTAL 108,271$ 2,940,000$ -$ -$ -$ 1,703,000$ 4,643,000$ Street/Sidewalk Projects S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects 513,755$ 255,000$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 405,000$ S6015 Fountain Hills Blvd Widening - Shea Boulevard to Pinto) - 100,000 - - - 100,000 S6053 Fountain Hills Blvd Shoulder Paving 122,208 500,000 - - - - 500,000 S6057 McDowell Mountain Road Repairs 75,000 - - - - 75,000 S6058 Shea Blvd. Widening - Palisades Blvd. to Technology Dr. - 100,000 - 1,091,000 5,389,000 6,580,000 TOTAL 635,963$ 830,000$ 350,000$ -$ 1,091,000$ 5,389,000$ 7,660,000$ Contingency 92,200$ 5,000$ -$ 10,910$ 109,590$ 217,700$ TOTAL PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,629,210$ 9,312,200$ 505,000$ -$ 1,101,910$ 11,068,590$ 21,987,700$ The Height of Desert Living 327 Capital Projects Summary CAPITAL PROJECTS FIVE-YEAR PROJECTION REVENUES & PROJECT COSTS REVENUES BY SOURCE FIVE-YEAR AVAILABLE FUNDS FY16-17 Requested FY17-18 Requested FY18-19 Requested FY19-20 Requested FY20-21 Requested TOTAL FIVE- YEAR PROJECTION SURPLUS/ DEFICIT General Fund -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Highway User Fund - - - - - - - - Downtown Strategy Fund 308,069 975,000 - - - - 975,000 (666,931) Grants 4,861,000 255,000 70,000 - 764,000 3,772,000 4,861,000 - Capital Projects Fund 8,009,930 5,860,238 435,000 - 10,910 109,590 6,415,738 1,594,192 Development Fees: Streets - - - - - - - - Law Enforcement 203,484 203,484 - - - - 203,484 - Fire & Emergency Medical 88,987 51,822 - - - 45,792 97,614 (8,627) Open Space 1,671,669 1,671,669 - - - - 1,671,669 - Parks & Recreation 363,654 144,987 - - - 90,690 235,677 127,977 Library/Museum - - - - - - - - Bonds - - - - - - - - Developers - - - - - - - - Unfunded 7,377,518 - - - 327,000 7,050,518 7,377,518 (7,377,518) Other 150,000 150,000 - - - 150,000 - Total Revenues By Source 23,034,311$ 9,312,200$ 505,000$ -$ 1,101,910$ 11,068,590$ 21,987,700$ (6,330,907)$ EXPENDITURES BY PROJECT TYPE & COSTS FY16-17 Requested FY17-18 Requested FY18-19 Requested FY19-20 Requested FY20-21 Requested TOTAL FIVE- YEAR PROJECTION Stormwater Management/Drainage Projects 750,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 750,000$ Downtown Improvement Projects 600,000 - - - - 600,000 Facilities Projects 4,100,000 150,000 - - 3,867,000 8,117,000 Parks & Recreation Projects 2,940,000 - - - 1,703,000 4,643,000 Street/Sidewalk Projects 830,000 350,000 - 1,091,000 5,389,000 7,660,000 Traffic Signal Projects - - - - - - Contingency 92,200 5,000 - 10,910 109,590 217,700 Total Project Costs 9,312,200$ 505,000$ -$ 1,101,910$ 11,068,590$ 21,987,700$ The Height of Desert Living 328 Capital Projects Summary Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Capital Projects Fund Management Fees 2,805$ 1,650$ 1,685$ 1,685$ Software 2,967 - - - Hardware/Peripherals 2,483 - - - Building Improvement Expenses 4,423 9,123 - - Street Improvement Expenses - 2,049 65,000 75,000 Park Improvement Expenses 44,350 - - - Stormwater/Drainage Expenses 7,166 13,901 50,000 50,000 Furniture/Equipment - - - 300,000 Computer Hardware 18,233 - - - Computer Software - 13,068 - - Building Improvements 63,115 632,349 3,650,000 3,800,000 Street Improvements 57,900 386,150 6,500,000 755,000 Park Improvements 33,416 74,227 1,148,114 2,940,000 Other Infrastructure 199,518 548,447 580,000 600,000 Stormwater/Drainage Improvements - 37,500 2,145,000 700,000 Damages/Vandalism - 32,001 - - Contingency - - 123,086 92,200 Sub total Expenditures 436,376 1,750,465 14,262,885 9,313,885 Transfers Out 334,000 994,000 - 379,000 Total Capital Projects Fund 770,376$ 2,744,465$ 14,262,885$ 9,692,885$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Capital Projects Fund The Height of Desert Living 329 CAPITAL PROJECTS FIVE-YEAR PROJECTION Capital Projects Summary Stormwater Management/ Drainage Projects 3% Downtown Improvement Projects 3% Facilities Projects 37% Parks & Recreation Projects 21% Street/Sidewal k Projects 35% Contingency 1% Projects by Project Type Revenues -FY17-21 TOTAL = $22.0M Excise Tax Fund 4% Grants 22% Capital Projects Fund 29% Development Fees 10% Unfunded 34% Projects by Funding Source Revenues -FY17-21 TOTAL = $22.0M The Height of Desert Living 330 The highlighted rows represent project funding through the Town’s Capital Projects Fund. Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY16-17 THROUGH FY20-21 BY YEAR AND FUNDING SOURCE Project No.Project Title/Funding Source Prior Years' Costs FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Five Year Source Total Project Total D6030 Ashbrook Wash Channelization Improvements-Bayfield to Del Cambre 1,346,436$ Capital Projects Fund $ 646,436 700,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 700,000$ Grants - - - - - - - D6047 Drainage-Miscellaneous 101,362 Capital Projects Fund $ 51,362 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 50,000$ E8502 Downtown Public Improvements [formerly Downtown Vision Master Plan - Phase II (Avenue/Lakeside Project)]400,000 Downtown Strategy $ - 400,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 400,000$ E8505 Downtown Lighting Improvements 200,000 Downtown Strategy $ - 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ F4005 Fire Station 2 Relocation 3,987,178 Capital Projects Fund $ 187,178 3,394,694$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,394,694$ Development Fees - 255,306 - - - - 255,306 Other - 150,000 - - - - 150,000 F4013 Fire Station 3 2,745,000 Development Fees - - - - - 45,792 45,792 Unfunded - - - - - 2,699,208 2,699,208 F4014 Fire Station 3 Vehicles & Equipment 1,122,000 Unfunded - - - - - 1,122,000 1,122,000 F4029 Civic Center Improvements 150,000 Capital Projects Fund $ - -$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ F4030 Purchase and Install Chiller 300,000 Capital Projects Fund $ - 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ P3022 Fountain Lake Water Quality Improvements 272,106 Capital Projects Fund $ 67,106 205,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 205,000$ P3023 New Pocket Park-West 903,000 Development Fees - - - - - 90,690 90,690 Unfunded - - - - - 812,310 812,310 P3025 Adero Canyon Trailhead 2,326,165 Capital Projects Fund $ 41,165 468,344$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 468,344$ Development Fees - 1,816,656 - - - - 1,816,656 P3026 Fountain Park Access Improvements 375,000 Downtown Strategy - 375,000 - - - - 375,000 P3027 Four Peaks Park - Phase I (bus barn)75,000 Capital Projects Fund $ - 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ P3028 Four Peaks Park - Phase II 800,000 Unfunded - - - - - 800,000 800,000 S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects 918,755 Capital Projects Fund $ 513,755 255,000$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 405,000$ S6015 Fountain Hills Blvd Widening - Shea Boulevard to Pinto)100,000 Capital Projects Fund $ - -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ S6053 Fountain Hills Blvd Shoulder Paving 622,208 Capital Projects Fund $ 114,900 245,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 245,000$ Grants - 255,000 - - - - 255,000 Other 7,308 - - - - - - S6057 McDowell Mountain Road Repairs 75,000 Capital Projects Fund $ - 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ S6058 Shea Blvd. Widening - Palisades Blvd. to Technology Dr.6,580,000 Capital Projects Fund $ - -$ 30,000$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ Grants - - 70,000 - 764,000 3,772,000 4,606,000 Unfunded - - - - 327,000 1,617,000 1,944,000 Contingency 217,700 Capital Projects Fund 92,200$ 5,000$ -$ 10,910$ 109,590$ 217,700$ TOTAL PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,629,210$ 9,312,200$ 505,000$ -$ 1,101,910$ 11,068,590$ 21,987,700$ 23,616,910$ The Height of Desert Living 331 Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY16-17 THROUGH FY20-21 BY YEAR AND FUNDING SOURCE TOTALS Source Prior Years' Costs FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Total FY16-17 - FY20-21 Project Total Capital Projects Fund 1,621,902$ 5,860,238$ 435,000$ -$ 10,910$ 109,590$ 6,415,738$ 8,037,640$ Grants - 255,000 70,000 - 764,000 3,772,000 4,861,000 4,861,000 Downtown Strategy - 975,000 - - - - 975,000 975,000 General Fund - - - - - - - - Development Fees - 2,071,962 - - - 136,482 2,208,444 2,208,444 Reimbursements from Developers - - - - - - - - Unfunded - - - - 327,000 7,050,518 7,377,518 7,377,518 Bonds - - - - - - - - HURF - - - - - - - - Other 7,308 150,000 - - - - 150,000 157,308 Total 1,629,210$ 9,312,200$ 505,000$ -$ 1,101,910$ 11,068,590$ 21,987,700$ 23,616,910$ REVENUE SUMMARY TOTALS BY FUNDING SOURCE Source Prior Years' Costs FY15-16 FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 Total FY16-17 - FY20-21 Project Total Acquisition -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ 300,000$ Planning 217,200 - 200,000 - - - 200,000 417,200 Design 598,918 775,000 15,000 - 1,091,000 456,000 2,337,000 2,935,918 Construction 813,092 7,837,200 290,000 - 10,910 10,612,590 18,750,700 19,563,792 Other Expenses - 400,000 - - - - 400,000 400,000 Total 1,629,210$ 9,312,200$ 505,000$ -$ 1,101,910$ 11,068,590$ 21,987,700$ 23,616,910$ EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TOTALS BY ACTIVITY The Height of Desert Living 332 Capital Projects Summary The Height of Desert Living 333 Capital Projects Information Sheets Capital Projects Information Sheets The Height of Desert Living 334 Capital Projects Information Sheets D6030 PROJECT TITLE: Ashbrook Wash Channelization Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: D6030 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project will upgrade the channel and culverts along the Ashbrook Wash between Bayfield Drive and Del Cambre Avenue to carry run-off from a 100-year storm event without flooding adjacent resi- dences. The work is anticipated to include a new culvert at Bayfield Drive (six barrel, 8' x 5' concrete box cul- vert), a new culvert at Saguaro Boulevard (seven barrel, 10' x 4' concrete box culvert), grading a portion of the channel length, excess vegetation removal, and two segments of masonry floodwall. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY14-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY13-14 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $2,295,094 TOTAL ESTIMATED TOWN PORTION: $1,346,436 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Survey data and hydraulic calculations from the Maricopa County Flood Control District (MCFCD) show that 13 houses and duplex units are susceptible to flooding in the 100-year flood along Ashbrook Wash between Bayfield Drive and Del Cambre Avenue. The MCFCD had deferred its assess- ment of the Town's 2009 CIP submittal request pending confirmation of the flooding hazard. Upon the Town’s updated information and re-submittal of its Capital Improvement Program Prioritiza- tion Procedure request, MCFCD staff approved the project and are splitting the project costs equally, along with the MCFCD managing the project's design and construction. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Prevents Irreparable Damage to Existing Facilities The Height of Desert Living 335 Capital Projects Information Sheets D6030 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects 646,436$ 700,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,346,436$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL 646,436$ 700,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,346,436$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning 150,094 150,094 Design - Construction 496,342 700,000 1,196,342 Other Expenses - TOTAL 646,436$ 700,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,346,436$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies Other Impact TOTAL The Height of Desert Living 336 Capital Projects Information Sheets D6047 PROJECT TITLE: Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: D6047 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project will provide for the construction of new drainage facilities or the extension of existing facilities at locations of future road widening projects where erosion occurs so that excess excavated materials may be put in place when available. The project will also provide for the revegetation of these locations. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY15-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY14-15 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $101,362 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town has worked successfully with municipal, private and utility construction contractors in the past to place excess excavation materials at locations where future Town road widening projects will require fill material. This work is done at no cost to the Town and will save on the costs to fill and compact these areas in the future. The locations where the excess materials can be placed are now limited without constructing or extending drainage culverts. Revegetation is also required in the ar- eas where fill materials are placed to help with erosion and aesthetics. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds The Height of Desert Living 337 Capital Projects Information Sheets D6047 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects 51,362$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 101,362$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL 51,362$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 101,362$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design - Construction 51,362 50,000 101,362 Other Expenses - TOTAL 51,362$ 50,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 101,362$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY The Height of Desert Living 338 Capital Projects Information Sheets E8502 PROJECT TITLE: Downtown Public Improvements [formerly Downtown Vision Master Plan - Phase II (Avenue/Lakeside Project)] PROJECT NUMBER: E8502 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project may be used as an inducement to reimburse a developer(s) up to $400,000 for con- struction of Town approved streetscape/sidewalks/road improvements for development of a project or projects in the Lakeside District and/or The Avenue District in alignment with the Downtown Vision Master Plan adopted by Council on 9/17/09 and in alignment with the Downtown Area Specific Plan framework. It may also be used by the Town for streetscape/sidewalks/road improvements/parking studies to induce a developer(s) to develop a project or projects in the above mentioned Districts. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: N/A TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $400,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: In FY05-06 and FY06-07, the Town completed Phases I and II of the "Avenue of the Fountains En- hancement Project." Phase I included design of the entire project, and construction of the street- scape and sidewalks on the north side of the Avenue. Phase II included construction of the street- scape and sidewalks on the south side of the Avenue in front of Town Hall. In January 2009, the Town of Fountain Hills and the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, embarked on a journey to develop a master plan for downtown Fountain Hills. Swaback Partners was engaged to assist in this project. The process included input in structured group settings. Two different groups, inclusive of community leaders and local constituents, formally assisted in defining the vision - the Project Team and the Focus Group. In addition, the process included numerous public meetings to discuss the project progress, and receive feedback and guidance. This project will continue the "Avenue of the Fountains Enhancement Project" in the form of an in- ducement up to $400,000 to reimburse a developer or developers for developing a project(s) in the Lakeside District or The Avenue District in alignment with the Downtown Vision Master Plan. It may also be in the form of a Town project to induce a development. The Town Council would formalize the reimbursement or inducement through an adopted Development Agreement which would outline the conditions of the reimbursements or inducements. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Town Council Priority The Height of Desert Living 339 Capital Projects Information Sheets E8502 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Grant - Downtown Strategy 400,000 400,000 General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ 400,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 400,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design - Construction - Other Expenses 400,000 400,000 TOTAL -$ 400,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 400,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY The Height of Desert Living 340 PROJECT TITLE: Downtown Lighting Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: E8505 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: The project will provide for lighting improvements along Avenue of the Fountains from Saguaro Boulevard to La Montana Drive. The design phase will include potential lighting options and cost esti- mates. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY16-17 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $200,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is at the request of Town Council from the March 8, 2016 Special Session. FUNDING PRIORITY: Low - Deferrable Capital Projects Information Sheets E8505 The Height of Desert Living 341 Capital Projects Information Sheets E8505 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Grant - Downtown Strategy 200,000 200,000 General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 40,000 40,000 Construction 160,000 160,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 200,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY The Height of Desert Living 342 PROJECT TITLE: Fire Station #2 Relocation PROJECT NUMBER: F4005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Construction of a new Fire Station #2 to replace the existing Fire Station #2 on Saguaro Blvd., south of Shea Blvd. The new station location is on Fountain Hills Boulevard, north of Shea Boulevard and will provide decreased response times within the service area. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY09-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY08-09 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $3,987,178 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Fire Department has previously completed a study to improve response times for all areas within the Town, in particular Eagle Mountain, Crestview, Copperwynd, Adero Canyon, Fire Rock, and the Westridge developments. The criteria used included response times (5 minutes 90% of the time), secondary emergency unit coverage, balanced call volumes, Town owned property, cost and sites requiring little or no Planning & Zoning or Council action. The new Fire Station location will afford superior overlapping coverage for both of the Town’s Fire Stations, which will equitably distribute and balance call volume, thus allowing better call support for multiple calls. Relocating Fire Station #2 will allow for faster response times to the western limits of Fountain Hills. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium - Results in Increased Efficiency Capital Projects Information Sheets F4005 The Height of Desert Living 343 Capital Projects Information Sheets F4005 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects 187,178$ 3,394,694$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,581,872$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees 255,306 255,306 Bonds - Other Sources 150,000 150,000 Unfunded - TOTAL 187,178$ 3,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,987,178$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 174,471 350,000 524,471 Construction 12,707 3,450,000 3,462,707 Other Expenses - TOTAL 187,178$ 3,800,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,987,178$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 344 Capital Projects Information Sheets F4013 PROJECT TITLE: Fire Station #3 PROJECT NUMBER: F4013 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Design and construction of Fire Station No. 3 in the northwest portion of the Town. Due to site con- straints, the fire station is anticipated to be approximately 3,000 square feet with two apparatus bays. Construction completion by FY22-23 is based on the 2014 Land Use Assumptions and Infra- structure Improvements Plan. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY21-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $2,745,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Fire Station No. 3 will allow the Fire Department to meet service levels and response times due to growth in the community. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Protects Health & Safety of the Town The Height of Desert Living 345 Capital Projects Information Sheets F4013 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees 45,792 45,792 Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded 2,699,208 2,699,208 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,745,000$ 2,745,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 343,000 343,000 Construction 2,402,000 2,402,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,745,000$ 2,745,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 346 Capital Projects Information Sheets F4014 PROJECT TITLE: Fire Station No. 3 Equipment PROJECT NUMBER: F4014 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Purchase of pumper truck, brush truck, vehicle radios, portable radios, SCBA equipment, thermal imaging camera, heart monitor/defibrillator and extrication equipment for Fire Station No. 3. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY21-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $1,122,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Fire Station No. 3 will allow the Fire Department to meet services levels and response times due to growth in the community. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Protects Health & Safety of the Town The Height of Desert Living 347 Capital Projects Information Sheets F4014 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded 1,122,000 1,122,000 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,122,000$ 1,122,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design - Construction - Other Expenses 1,122,000 1,122,000 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,122,000$ 1,122,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 348 PROJECT TITLE: Civic Center Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: F4029 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Removal and replacement of approximately 12,500 square feet of concrete between the Library and Community Center, removal of turf areas and replacement with xeriscape, tree replacement and mis- cellaneous improvements as needed. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY17-18 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY17-18 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $150,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Library and Community Center were opened in 2001 and since that time the concrete plaza has seen displacement causing tripping hazards. These trip hazards have been ground down to accept- able limits but the concrete continues to shift. The irrigation for the small turf areas surrounding the concrete plazas also run onto the concrete. Maintenance of these areas is a challenge and it is rec- ommended to replace the turf areas with concrete curbing, decomposed granite and desert friendly plants. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium—Provides Maintenance of Existing Systems Capital Projects Information Sheets F4029 The Height of Desert Living 349 Capital Projects Information Sheets F4029 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ -$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design - Construction 150,000 150,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ -$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 150,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 350 PROJECT TITLE: Chiller Installation PROJECT NUMBER: F4030 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Purchase and installation of a new chiller, controllers and plumbing modifications for the Civic Center complex. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY16-17 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $300,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: When the Civic Center complex was constructed, the Physical Plant was designed for two cooling towers and three chillers to supply chilled water for the HVAC system. During the original construc- tion, two chillers were sufficient to run the Community Center and Library/Museum. In 2005, the Town Hall building was constructed but the third chiller was not added. Two chillers are needed to run simultaneously to supply chilled water during the summer months. Without the third chiller, there is no operational redundancy and the current chillers have in excess of 42,000 hours of run time. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium—Provides Maintenance of Existing Systems Capital Projects Information Sheets F4030 The Height of Desert Living 351 Capital Projects Information Sheets F4030 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ Planning - Design - Construction - Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ 300,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 300,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 352 PROJECT TITLE: Fountain Lake Water Quality Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: P3022 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project will help improve water quality in Fountain Lake by developing a comprehensive water quality management program. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY12-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY11-12 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $272,106 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Fountain Lake serves as the centerpiece of the Town activities. The total lake area is approximately 29 acres and receives reclaimed wastewater with a high nutrient concentration. Over the years, the lake has experienced episodes of low oxygen levels, occasional algae blooms, unpleasant odors, and fish die off. Meetings are being held between the Town and the Fountain Hills Sanitary District to help determine the extent and funding levels needed to further improve the lake's water quality in the future. A comprehensive water quality management program was previously completed by a consultant. Fu- ture improvements to help aerate or “mix” the lake may be required with estimated funding shown in FY16-17. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium - Maintains Existing Service Level Capital Projects Information Sheets P3022 The Height of Desert Living 353 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3022 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects 67,106$ 205,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 272,106$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL 67,106$ 205,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 272,106$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning 67,106 67,106 Design 25,000 25,000 Construction 180,000 180,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL 67,106$ 205,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 272,106$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000 10,000 11,000 11,000 42,000 - -$ 10,000$ 10,000$ 11,000$ 11,000$ 42,000$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 354 PROJECT TITLE: Pocket Park West PROJECT NUMBER: P3023 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Development of a proposed pocket park to serve the western portion of the community near the northeast corner of Sunridge Canyon Drive and Desert Canyon Drive. The project is adjacent to Fire Station No. 3 and both projects should be done concurrently. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY21-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $903,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town's current General Plan recommends that the community add two neighborhood parks (10- 15 acres), or pocket parks (less than 5 acres), to parts of the community that are currently not being served because facilities are lacking and the distance to an existing community or neighborhood park is excessive. The General Plan indicates that one new neighborhood park should be located on exist- ing Town owned property near the northeast corner of Sunridge Canyon Drive and Desert Canyon Drive. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium - Maintains Existing Level of Service Capital Projects Information Sheets P3023 The Height of Desert Living 355 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3023 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees 90,690 90,690 Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded 812,310 812,310 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 903,000$ 903,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 113,000 113,000 Construction 790,000 790,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 903,000$ 903,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 356 PROJECT TITLE: Adero Canyon Trailhead PROJECT NUMBER: P3025 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This access and trailhead will be the main entrance into the Town's McDowell Mountain Preserve and would provide the public with a large parking area, trail access and information, restrooms, a shade ramada, and drinking water. Parking for up to two buses will be provided on the site for the potential use of the local school district to conduct on-site environmental classes. The site would be designed to meet ADA requirements. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY15-16 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $2,326,165 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This entrance would be the sole means by which people would be able to access the McDowell Moun- tain Preserve from the south without walking through existing MCO private property. The site has been planned for a number of years with a master plan for development. The timing of this project has been moved to FY16-17 to better reflect the realities of MCO's develop- ment schedule for the Adero Canyon development and the construction of the planned access road by MCO, which would serve as the means by which access to the trailhead site would be gained for the construction of the trailhead. The trailhead site, once completed, will be ADA compliant and provide access to the complete Pre- serve and its trail system which has already been constructed. FUNDING PRIORITY: Low - Provides an Expanded Level of Service Capital Projects Information Sheets P3025 The Height of Desert Living 357 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3025 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects 41,165$ 468,344$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 509,509$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees 1,816,656 1,816,656 Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL 41,165$ 2,285,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,326,165$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 41,165 130,000 171,165 Construction 2,155,000 2,155,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL 41,165$ 2,285,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,326,165$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 46,000 - -$ 10,000$ 12,000$ 12,000$ 12,000$ 46,000$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 358 PROJECT TITLE: Fountain Park Access Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: P3026 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Design and construction of a connection from the sidewalk along the east side of Saguaro Boulevard at the Avenue of the Fountains alignment to connect to the existing pathway around Fountain Lake. The improvements will be designed to be ADA compliant and may contain an observation area, steps, ramps, retaining walls, handrails lighting, etc. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY16-17 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $375,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: It has been observed that numerous pedestrians crossing Saguaro Boulevard at Avenue of the Foun- tains walk directly down the sloped drainage area into Fountain Park instead of utilizing the existing access points. Due to the existing change in grades from Saguaro Boulevard into Fountain Park, ac- cess is challenging down the existing steep slope. It is likely that some combination of steps, ramps and sidewalks will be required to provide a new access point into Fountain Park. FUNDING PRIORITY: Low - Provides an Expanded Level of Service Capital Projects Information Sheets P3026 The Height of Desert Living 359 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3026 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Grant - Downtown Strategy 375,000 375,000 General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ 375,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 125,000 125,000 Construction 250,000 250,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ 375,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 375,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 360 PROJECT TITLE: Four Peaks Park—Phase I of III PROJECT NUMBER: P3027 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Phase I consists of demolition and removal of the existing bus barn, grease and oil interceptor, elec- trical service and restoration of the area. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY16-17 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $75,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town acquired property adjacent to the Four Peaks school site approximately 15 years ago. This property included the bus barn that was used for vehicle storage and maintenance. The Town has received a number of complaints from the neighborhood regarding the unsightly condition of the bus barn and the surrounding area. The revised Four Peaks Park Master Plan shows this area be cleared, the bus barn removed and new athletic areas be constructed in the same spot. Demolition of the bus barn would be Phase I of that plan with athletic areas to be constructed in the future. FUNDING PRIORITY: Low - Deferrable Capital Projects Information Sheets P3027 The Height of Desert Living 361 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3027 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design - Construction 75,000 75,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 362 PROJECT TITLE: Unpaved Alley Paving Projects PROJECT NUMBER: S6003 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project involves paving a number of unpaved alleys throughout the Town. The paving project is divided into five phases as follows: Phase I: 1,400 LF from Panorama to Colony - Completed Phase II: 870 LF from Tower to Panorama - Completed Phase III: 890 LF from Panorama to Enterprise - Completed Phase IV: 1,150 LF adjacent to Colony Wash and 770 linear feet from Fountain Hills Boulevard to Glenbrook in FY16-17 Phase V: 635 LF from Desert Vista to Saxon Dr. and 410 LF from Tioga south and east of Pano- rama in FY17-18 TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY09-18 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY08-09 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $918,755 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Maricopa County has mandated that all municipalities stabilize unpaved alleys to mitigate air pollu- tion. The Town of Fountain Hills has entered into an IGA with Maricopa County requiring the unpaved alleys to be stabilized. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Federal, State or Local Mandate Capital Projects Information Sheets S6003 The Height of Desert Living 363 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6003 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects 513,755$ 255,000$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 918,755$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL 513,755$ 255,000$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 918,755$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 383,282 30,000 15,000 428,282 Construction 129,780 225,000 135,000 489,780 Other Expenses 693 693 TOTAL 513,755$ 255,000$ 150,000$ -$ -$ -$ 918,755$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 -$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 2,000$ 8,000$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 364 PROJECT TITLE: Fountain Hills Boulevard Widening - Shea to Segundo PROJECT NUMBER: S6015 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Design Concept Report for the widening of Fountain Hills Boulevard to four lanes from Shea Boule- vard to Segundo Drive. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY18-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY17-18 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $100,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Fountain Hills Boulevard from Segundo Drive to just north of Shea Boulevard is currently one lane in each direction. The Town’s General Plan identifies Fountain Hills Boulevard as a minor arterial road- way which includes four travel lanes, center turn lane/median, bike lane curb & gutter, etc. The De- sign Concept Report will provide a preliminary roadway layout, identify key issues, drainage improve- ments, etc. for the safe and efficient movement of vehicles. This information will be used for a future bond issue to fund the design and construction of the widening. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium - Results in Increased Efficiency Capital Projects Information Sheets S6015 The Height of Desert Living 365 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6015 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning 100,000 100,000 Design - Construction - Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 366 PROJECT TITLE: Fountain Hills Boulevard Shoulder Paving PROJECT NUMBER: S6053 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project will pave the dirt shoulders along Fountain Hills Boulevard from Segundo Drive to Pinto Drive providing dust mitigation and erosion control. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY12-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY11-12 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $622,208 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town applied for and was awarded a Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) grant through the Maricopa Association of Governments for the paving of the dirt shoulders on Fountain Hills Boulevard. This project will provide dust mitigation, erosion control, run-off-the-road hazard mitigation, potential future use by bicycles, and will reduce maintenance costs. The project design is funded by the Town, with construction funded 94.3% through grant funds with a 5.7% local match requirement. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds Capital Projects Information Sheets S6053 The Height of Desert Living 367 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6053 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects 114,900$ 245,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 359,900$ Grant 255,000 255,000 Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources 7,308 7,308 Unfunded - TOTAL 122,208$ 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 622,208$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design 122,208 75,000 197,208 Construction 425,000 425,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL 122,208$ 500,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 622,208$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 - 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 1,000$ 5,000$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 368 PROJECT TITLE: McDowell Mountain Road Repairs PROJECT NUMBER: S6057 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project will repair an uneven section of McDowell Mountain Road. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY16-17 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY16-17 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $75,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Repairs are required to correct an uneven section of McDowell Mountain Road. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Protects Health & Safety of the Town Capital Projects Information Sheets S6057 The Height of Desert Living 369 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6057 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning - Design - Construction 75,000 75,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ 75,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 75,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 370 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6058 PROJECT TITLE: Shea Boulevard Widening - Palisades to Technology PROJECT NUMBER: S6058 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Design Concept Report for the design and widening of Shea Boulevard to six lanes from Palisades Boulevard to Technology Drive. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY17-18 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY17-18 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $100,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Shea Boulevard is a road of regional significance and has an average daily traffic volume of 26,000 vehicles at Palisades Boulevard. This project is a MAG Proposition 400 project which will provide for 70% of the project funding with a 30% match from the Town. The Design Concept Report will pro- vide for an updated scope of work and cost estimate. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds The Height of Desert Living 371 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6058 ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Capital Projects -$ -$ 30,000$ -$ -$ -$ 30,000$ Grant 70,000 70,000 Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL -$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ ACTIVITY Prior Years FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL Acquisition -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Planning 100,000 100,000 Design - Construction - Other Expenses - TOTAL -$ -$ 100,000$ -$ -$ -$ 100,000$ FY16-17 FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 TOTAL -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Other Impact TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES PROJECT EXPENSES OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies The Height of Desert Living 372 Capital Projects Summary The Height of Desert Living 373 Administration Facilities Replacement Fund Capital Projects Funds Administration Facilities Replacement Fund The Height of Desert Living 374 Facilities Replacement Fund Service Delivery Plan The Facilities Replacement Fund has been established to cover replacement costs for large scale items that cannot be absorbed in annual operating budgets. These items include, but are not limited to, roofing, interior and exterior building paint- ing, carpet replacement, Physical Plant mechanical equipment, Fire Department equipment and Parks and Recreation structures. Capital Projects Funds Administration Facilities Replacement Fund Program Name FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Administration -$ 41,010$ 130,000$ 431,000$ Total -$ 41,010$ 130,000$ 431,000$ Expenditures by Program Administration 100% Use of Funds -Facilities Replacement -By Program Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $431,000 Category FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Maintenance & Repair -$ -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ Contractual Services - - 30,000 - Equipment/Improvements - 41,010 - - Contingency - - - 331,000 Total -$ 41,010$ 130,000$ 431,000$ Expenditures by Category The Height of Desert Living 375 Capital Projects Funds Administration Facilities Replacement Fund Variance Explanations: Maintenance and Repair: Amount was increased and moved from Contingency to better reflect the type of expenditures budgeted. Maintenance & Repair 23% Contingency 77% Use of Funds -Facilities Replacement -By Category Where does the money go? Total Proposed Budget = $431,000 Description FY13-14 Actual FY14-15 Actual FY15-16 Revised Budget FY16-17 Proposed Budget Facilities Replacement Fund Building Maint/Repair -$ -$ 100,000$ 100,000$ Professional Fees - - 30,000 - Furniture/Appliances - 41,010 - - Contingency - - - 331,000 Sub total Expenditures - 41,010 130,000 431,000 Transfers Out - - - - Total Facilities Replacement Fund -$ 41,010$ 130,000$ 431,000$ FY16-17 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Facilities Replacement Fund The Height of Desert Living 376 Capital Projects Funds Administration Facilities Replacement Fund The Height of Desert Living 377 Vehicle Replacement Program Policy & Procedure Vehicle Replacement Program The Height of Desert Living 378 Objective To provide a policy and procedures for the development, approval, and implemen- tation of the Town of Fountain Hills’ multi-year Vehicle Replacement Program (VRP). Scope This policy applies to all vehicles owned by the Town of Fountain Hills that meet the definition detailed in the definitions section. Policy The purpose of the Vehicle Replacement Program is to provide an authoritative de- cision-making process for the evaluation, selection, and multi-year scheduling of vehicle replacements based on a projection of available fiscal resources and the vehicle’s age, mileage, engine hours and repair costs. The objectives of the pro- gram are to:  Ensure the timely purchase, repair and replacement of the Town’s vehi- cles;  Serve as a link in the Town’s planning between the Town’s operating and capital budgets;  Maintain control over the Town’s long-term cash flow in relation to the Town's financial capacity; and  Ensure efficient, effective and coordinated vehicle acquisition and re- placement. Definitions The following words when used in connection with this policy shall have the follow- ing meanings: VEHICLE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM: A multi-year planning document that is the product of a systematic evaluation of vehicle utilization, repair and maintenance. This plan serves as a guide for the efficient and effective replacement of vehicles, outlining a detailed timeline and financing schedule of vehicle replacement. VEHICLE: A vehicle is defined in financial terms as a piece of rolling stock with a projected final cost of at least $10,000 and a useful life of at least 7 years. Vehi- cles shall be subdivided into various classifications, using gross vehicle weight rat- ing standards, as follows:  Sedans  Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV)  Light Duty Truck (commercial truck classes 1, 2 and 3) Vehicle Replacement Program Policy & Procedure The Height of Desert Living 379  Medium Duty Truck (commercial truck classes 4, 5 and 6)  Heavy Duty Truck (commercial truck classes 7 and 8)  Street Sweeper  Fire Ladder Truck  Fire Pumper Truck  Utility Vehicle/Bunker Rake  Loader/Grader/Tractor  Dump Truck  Trailer Process A. Schedule: Annually, the Public Works Director and Finance Director will submit an updated VRP to the Town Manager for review in each fiscal year. The Town Manager will review the proposal and forward the approved VRP to the Finance Director for inclusion in the Town’s CIP budget proposal. B. Format: The Public Works Director will utilize the previous year's ap- proved VRP as the basis for developing recommended additions, deletions, or changes for incorporation in the updated VRP for the ensuing year. All new (not replacement) vehicle requests will also include a comprehensive estimate of the impact of the new vehicle on the Town's annual operating budget; e.g., fuel, maintenance requirements, etc. C. Finance Review: The Finance Director will assist the Public Works Director as necessary in all facets of the Vehicle Replacement Program development and review including production of cost estimates, as well as an overall fi- nancial analysis of the proposed program. Additional assistance may be re- quested to help produce draft documents, etc. D. Town Manager Review: The Public Works Director will provide a copy of the proposed VRP document to the Finance Director and Town Manager for review and comment. Following approval by the Town Manager, the VRP will be incorporated into the CIP budget proposal for the coming year. E. Implementation: Upon adoption of the VRP in the operating budget, vehi- cles included within the applicable budget year may be purchased by the Public Works Director, or his/her designee in compliance with the Town’s Procurement Policy. Vehicle Replacement Program Policy & Procedure The Height of Desert Living 380 F. Amendments: The adopted VRP may be amended upon recommendation of the Public Works Director and approval of the Town Manager and Town Council. Procedure A. Form: A New Vehicle Request form shall be utilized to request inclusion of a new (not replacement) vehicle in the Vehicle Replacement Program. De- partment Directors may request the addition of a new vehicle or transfer be- tween departments to the VRP by submitting their request to the Public Works Director as part of the budget process. The Public Works Director shall include these requests in the VRP that is submitted to the Finance Director and Town Manager. B. Funding Prioritization: As part of the VRP development process, the Public Works Director shall create vehicle replacement priorities to help determine the vehicle replacement schedule which will be incorporated in the five (5) year Capital Improvement Program included in the upcoming fiscal year budget. The following guidelines shall be utilized:  Sedans 10 years/100,000 miles  Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) 10 years/100,000 miles  Light Duty Truck 10 years/100,000 miles  Medium Duty Truck 12 years/125,000 miles  Heavy Duty Truck 12 years/125,000 miles  Street Sweeper 8 years/75,000 miles  Fire Ladder Truck 25 years/120,000 miles  Fire Pumper Truck 15 years/120,000 miles  Utility Vehicle/Bunker Rake 7 years/15,000 engine hours  Loader/Grader/Tractor 20 years/15,000 engine hours  Dump Truck 15 years/125,000 miles  Trailer 10 years Vehicle Replacement Program Policy & Procedure The Height of Desert Living 381 In addition to the factors listed previously, the Public Works Director, or his/ her designee, shall also review the utilization, maintenance records of the vehicles, downtime and the overall condition of the vehicles when making recommendations for replacement. C. Funding Sources: The primary funding sources for the VRP are the Gen- eral Fund and Streets Fund. Revenues for the Vehicle Replacement Fund will also be generated from charges within the operating funds that support the departments that utilize the subject vehicles; charges will be calculated based on replacement cost and updated annually. Vehicles will be replaced according to the schedule and based on model year. Surplus sale proceeds and insurance claim proceeds will also be deposited to the Vehicle Replace- ment Fund to help offset future vehicle and equipment costs. D. Vehicle Disposal: At least once annually, the Public Works Director, or his/her designee, shall prepare a list of vehicles to be retired from the Town’s fleet based on the replacement schedule. At the discretion of the Public Works Director and based on a recommendation from the fleet me- chanic, early retirement of a vehicle with excessive maintenance may be recommended. Excessive maintenance is defined as repair costs that exceed 40% of the vehicle value in a twelve month period. The Town Manager shall authorize the sales of these vehicles at auction by signing over the vehicle title(s). The Public Works Director, or his/her desig- nee, shall then transport the vehicles to the auctioneer and shall be respon- sible to insure that the auction proceeds are submitted to the Finance Divi- sion for deposit to the Vehicle Replacement Fund. Responsibility for Enforcement The Town Manager, Finance Director and Public Works Director will be re- sponsible for ensuring that this policy is followed and/or updated as neces- sary. Fiscal Year 16-17 Vehicle Replacement Recommendation During FY12-13, the Vehicle Replacement Policy was updated with changes to the life of some vehicles and elimination of vehicles no longer utilized; the revised Policy was presented and approved by the Town Council. For FY16-17, five new vehicles are budgeted for vehicle replacement incorporat- ing the revised schedules. Vehicle Replacement Program Policy & Procedure The Height of Desert Living 382 Vehicle Replacement Program Interfund Charges Department Vehicle No. Description Type Mod Year Replacement Cost FY16-17 Development Services 148 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2008 $25,947.00 $2,980.49 Development Services NEW Ford Escape SUV 2016 $25,000.00 $2,500.00 Development Services 149 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2008 $25,947.00 $2,980.49 Development Services NEW Ford F-150 Light Duty Truck 2016 $30,000.00 $3,000.00 Fire 483 (L822) American LaFrance Ladder Truck 1998 $750,000.00 $56,938.40 Fire (E822)Spartan Pumper Truck 2014 $494,642.68 $34,140.79 Fire 752 (E823)Crimson Pumper Truck 2008 $369,225.00 $26,644.07 Fire 528 (E822R) American LaFrance Pumper Truck 1999 $396,032.00 $0.00 Fire 422 (S822) Ford F550 4x4 (V0822) Medium Duty Truck 2012 $95,912.00 $8,651.50 Fire (S823) Equipment on Truck Medium Duty Truck $20,000.00 $1,768.68 Fire (S823)Ford F550 4x4 Medium Duty Truck 2013 $38,177.00 $3,309.93 Fire 166 (D822) Ford F150 Supercab Light Duty Truck 2011 $28,829.00 $3,120.56 Fire 053(7 (D823))Ford F-150 4x4 Supercab Light Duty Truck 2009 $43,004.00 $4,939.81 Community Services 11 John Deere 4x2 Gator Gator 2013 $6,590.00 $960.26 Community Services 141 Ford F-150 Light Duty Truck 2007 $15,174.00 $1,743.03 Community Services NEW Ford F-150 Light Duty Truck 2016 $30,000.00 $3,000.00 Community Services 20 Bobcat Gator 2013 $7,943.04 $1,204.17 Community Services 17 John Deere 4x2 Gator Gator 2012 $6,248.47 $910.49 Community Services 146 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2007 $18,288.00 $2,100.71 Community Services SS1 Tenant Sweeper Sweeper 2013 $44,372.00 $6,726.91 Community Services 3 Sand Pro 3040 Bunker Rake 2013 $21,398.00 $3,244.02 Community Services 16 Bobcat Gator 2012 $8,965.95 $1,359.25 Community Services 18 Mule Gator 2012 $8,119.82 $1,230.97 Community Services 14 Kubota KU Tractor/Loader 2007 $27,199.00 $1,472.07 Community Services 147 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2007 $18,288.00 $2,100.71 Community Services 159 Ford F-150 Light Duty Truck 2016 $27,603.91 $2,815.60 Community Services 142 Ford F-250 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2007 $19,089.00 $2,192.72 Community Services M-1 Kubota Mower 2014 $16,751.82 $2,489.80 Community Services 143 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2007 $28,247.00 $3,244.68 Community Services NEW Ford Escape SUV 2016 $25,000.00 $2,500.00 Development Services 145 Ford F-150 Supercab Light Duty Truck 2007 $25,403.00 $2,918.01 Development Services 158 Ford F-250 Pickup W/Liftgate Light Duty Truck 2014 $24,090.00 $2,506.32 Development Services 154 Ford F-150 Pickup W/Lights Light Duty Truck 2013 $27,293.00 $2,896.43 FUND 100 TOTAL 32 $198,590.87 Development Services/Streets 155 Ford F-250 Pickup W/Lights Light Duty Truck 2014 $24,048.00 $2,501.95 Development Services/Streets 157 Ford F-250 Supercab W/Lights Light Duty Truck 2014 $26,440.00 $2,750.83 Development Services/Streets 20 Caterpillar 426C Backhoe 1999 $88,393.00 $5,076.77 Development Services/Streets 135 Freightliner M2106 Dump Truck 2005 $63,170.00 $7,256.24 Development Services/Streets 151 Ford F-450 Pickup Medium Duty Truck 2008 $52,183.00 $5,994.18 Development Services/Streets 156 Ford F-250 Pickup W/Lights Light Duty Truck 2014 $24,048.00 $2,501.95 Development Services/Streets 5085M John Deere 5085M Tractor Tractor/Loader 2013 $59,555.00 $3,098.07 Development Services/Streets NEW Ford F-550 Pickup-Bucket Medium Duty Truck 2016 $90,000.00 $7,500.00 Development Services/Streets BUCKET EQUIPMENT TRANSFER 2015 $40,000.00 $20,000.00 Development Services/Streets 134 Ford F-550 Pickup-Bucket Medium Duty Truck 2005 $41,994.00 $4,019.82 Development Services/Streets 134A Aerial Platform-2005 Ford F550 Lift 2005 $36,597.00 $3,503.21 Development Services/Streets 113 Ford F-150 Pickup Light Duty Truck 2001 $23,764.00 $0.00 Development Services/Streets 140 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2007 $29,275.00 $0.00 Development Services/Streets 144 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV 2007 $29,844.00 $3,428.14 FUND 200 TOTAL 13 $67,631.16 Fund 100 $198,590.87 Fund 200 $67,631.16 Total $266,222.03 Vehicle Replacement Interfund Charges The Height of Desert Living 383 Schedules Schedules The Height of Desert Living 384 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 The Height of Desert Living 385 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 MISCELLANEOUS FEES Services Notarization $2.00 per signature Affix Town Seal $2.00 each Faxing Service - Local Only $2.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional Page Faxing Service - Long Distance $3.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional Page Email Document Service $0.00 Returned Check Fee $30.00 Incoming Wire Transfer Fee $35.00 ActiveNet Transaction Fee $2.50 per transaction Convenience Fee - credit card payment $3.00 per transaction Art Commission 20% of selling price Campaign Fees Pro/Con Argument Fee $100.00 Campaign Finance - Late Filing Fee $10.00 per business day (per ARS 16-918) Copies - Non - Commercial Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11 $.25 per page Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14 $.30 per page Photocopies (B&W) 11 x 17 $.40 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11 $.50 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14 $.60 per page Photocopies (Color) 11 x 17 $.70 per page Copies - Commercial Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11 $.50 per page Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14 $.60 per page Photocopies (B&W) 11 x 17 $.80 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11 $1.00 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14 $1.20 per page Photocopies (Color) 11 x 17 $1.40 per page Documents Town Code $25.00 (CD or hard copy) Zoning Ordinances $25.00 (CD or hard copy) Subdivision Code $25.00 (CD or hard copy) CAFR (Annual Financial Report)$25.00 (CD or hard copy) Annual Budget $25.00 (CD or hard copy) Land Use Analysis $25.00 (CD or hard copy) CD of Council Meeting $25.00 ea Other Materials on CD $25.00 ea Reports License Report (Non - Commercial Use)$25.00 (CD or hard copy) License Report (Commercial Use)$50.00 (CD or hard copy) The Height of Desert Living 386 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 MISCELLANEOUS FEES (CONT.) Maps 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (B&W) $6.00 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Color) $8.00 11" x 17" Aerial Site Plan (Photo)$20.00 24" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (B&W) $20.00 24" x 36" Street/Final Plat/As Built (Color) $30.00 36" x 36" Bldg/Plat/Zoning Map (B&W)$30.00 36" x 36" Bldg/Plat/Zoning Map (Color)$40.00 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (B&W) $50.00 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (Color) $80.00 Map Book $25.00 Adopt A Street Fee, per sign $30.00 DOG LICENSE Non - neutered dog $42.00 - non-refundable Spayed/Neutered dog $17.00 - non-refundable Over 65 with neutered dog $6.00 - non-refundable Service Dog Replacement Dog Tag $4.00 - non-refundable Late fee neutered dog (per month)$2.00 - non-refundable Late fee non - neutered dog (per month) $4.00 - non-refundable BUSINESS LICENSE FEES Providers of services, wholesalers and manufacturers with a fixed place of business within the town limits $50.00/application and first year fee - non- refundable Retail merchants, restaurants, bars, contractors and renters of real and personal property with a fixed place of business within the town limits and persons engaging in the sale of real estate $50.00/application and first year fee - non- refundable Wholesalers, manufacturers and providers of services without a fixed place of business within the town limits $50.00/application and first year fee - non- refundable Retail merchants, etc. (as above) without a fixed place of business within the town limits $50.00/application and first year fee - non- refundable Annual renewal fee for business within the town limits $35.00 - non-refundable Annual renewal fee for business without a fixed place of business within the town limits $50.00 - non-refundable Late fee for renewal of business license fee 25% of renewal fee Penalty for operating a business without a license $100.00 The Height of Desert Living 387 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 BUSINESS LICENSE FEES (CONT.) Peddlers, solicitors and mobile merchants $250.00/calendar quarter or fraction thereof - non-refundable Peddler investigation fee (per person)$25.00 - non-refundable Promoters of entertainments, circuses, bazaars, etc., who receive a percentage of receipts or other consideration for their services. Each such promoter shall also obtain liability insurance of a minimum of $1 million naming the Town as insured. $100.00/week Animal Show $100.00/week Circus Parade Only $50.00/day Handbill Distributor $10.00/day Amusement Company, such as ferris wheel, merry - go - round, etc., not part of a circus. Tent Show. Wrestling Exhibition. Road Show, Carnival or Circus. $100.00/day Practice of palmistry, phrenology, astrology, fortune telling, mind reading, clairvoyancy, magic or any healing practices not licensed by the State of Arizona, or any similar calling without a fixed place of business $50.00/day Duplicate Business License $10.00 - non-refundable Verification of License Letter $10.00 - non-refundable First and second None Third $50.00 Fourth $75.00 Fifth and Sixth $100.00 Seventh or more $200.00 each License fee $25 - non-refundable Lease Agreement Application Fee, each location $100.00, per location - non-refundable Amendments to Cell Tower Lease Agreements $100.00 - non-refundable FALSE ALARM SERVICE CHARGES (PER CALENDAR YEAR) FIRE ALARM LICENSE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (CELL TOWER ON TOWN PROPERTY) The Height of Desert Living 388 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS Special Event Permits - Business Application Fee - Business (If submitted at least 60 days prior to the event date) $100.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - If submitted 59 days or less prior to the event date $300.00 - non-refundable Permit Fee $50 per day (not to exceed $400) Special Event Permits - Non-Profit Application Fee - Charitable Organization (If submitted at least 60 days prior to the event date) $50.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - If submitted 59 days or less prior to the event date $200.00 - non-refundable Permit Fee $25 per day (not to exceed $200) Special Event Permits - Extra Fees Special Event Liquor Application Fee See alcohol license application fees - non- refundable Utility Fees Actual cost of usage Park/ Open Space Fees- Festival Event $2,500/ day Park/ Open Space Fees- Mega Event $3,500/ day Special Event Permits - Deposit Fees Events with < 1,000 attendance $500 Events with 1,000 - 2000 attendance $1,000 Festival Events (2-5k attendance)$2,500 Mega Events (>5k attendance)$5,000 Special Event Permit Fees - Road Closure Admin Fees Events with < 1,000 attendance $500 Events with 1,000 - 2000 attendance $750 Festival Events (2-5k attendance)$1,000 Mega Events (>5k attendance)$1,500 Special Event Permit Fees - Vendor Compliance Fine First time penalty $250 Recurring penalty $750 The Height of Desert Living 389 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 ALCOHOL LICENSE APPLICATION Person Transfer Fee $150.00 - non-refundable Location Transfer Fee $150.00 - non-refundable Probate/Will Assignment/Divorce Decree $150.00 - non-refundable Extension of Premise $25.00 - non-refundable Sampling Permit $25.00 - non-refundable Initial/Interim Application Fee 01 - In State Producer $500.00 - non-refundable 02 - Out of State Producer $500.00 - non-refundable 03 - Domestic Microbrewery $500.00 - non-refundable 04 - In State Wholesaler $500.00 - non-refundable 05 - Government $500.00 - non-refundable 06 - Bar, All Spirituous Liquors $500.00 - non-refundable 07 - Beer & Wine Bar $500.00 - non-refundable 08 - Conveyance $500.00 - non-refundable 09 - Liquor Store $500.00 - non-refundable 10 - Beer & Wine Store $500.00 - non-refundable 11 - Hotel/Motel $500.00 - non-refundable 12 - Restaurant $500.00 - non-refundable 13 - Domestic Farm Winery $500.00 - non-refundable 14 - Private Club 15 - Special Event $25.00 - non-refundable 16 - Wine Festival/Wine Fair $25.00 - non-refundable ADULT ORIENTED BUSINESS LICENSE Application Fee - Business $500.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - Provider $100.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - Manager $100.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - Employee (per person) $50.00 - non-refundable License Fee - annual - Business $200.00 - non-refundable License Fee - annual - Provider $100.00 - non-refundable License Fee - annual - Manager $100.00 - non-refundable CABLE LICENSE Initial License Application $2,500.00 - non-refundable Transfer of ownership $2,000.00 - non-refundable License modification, pursuant to 47 USC Sec 545 $2,500.00 - non-refundable Other License modification up to $2000 - non-refundable License fee - quarterly 5% of gross receipts Late fee (after 30 days)5% plus interest of 1 1/2% per mo The Height of Desert Living 390 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 EXCAVATIONS/IN - LIEU FEES Base fee (per excavation)$250.00 plus: Trench cut fees: Newly paved or overlayed 0 - 1 yrs $55.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 1 - 2 yrs $45.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 2 - 3 yrs $35.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 3 - 4 yrs $25.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 4 - 5 yrs $15.00 per lineal ft. Newly paved or overlayed 5 - 6 yrs $10.00 per lineal ft. Slurry or chip sealed 0 - 2 years $4.00 per lineal ft. Pavement replacement greater than 300 ft in length $2.50 per sq. yd. Utility Pit fees: Newly paved or overlayed 0 - 1 yrs $5.00 per Sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 1 - 2 yrs $4.50 per Sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 2 - 3 yrs $3.50 per Sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 3 - 4 yrs $2.50 per Sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 4 - 5 yrs $1.50 per Sq. ft. Newly paved or overlayed 5 - 6 yrs $1.00 per Sq. ft. Slurry or chip sealed 0 - 2 years $5.00 per Sq. ft. Adjustment (MH, valve, monument, etc) $500 ea. Striping $.55 per linear ft. Lane Markers $150.00 ea. Stop Bars $2.50 per Sq. ft. Crosswalks $.79 per Sq. ft. RPMs $7.00 ea. ENCROACHMENT/ENGINEERING PERMITS Base Permit Fee $50.00 - non-refundable 2"/6" Paving A.C.$.35 per sq. yd. 1" Paving - Overlay or Top Course $.15 per sq. yd. 1" ABC or Select Subbase $.05 per sq. yd. Permanent Barricading $25.00 ea. Guard Rail/Hand Rail $.20 per linear ft. Survey Monuments $10.00 ea. Concrete Aprons $15.00 ea. Scuppers $15.00 ea. Review for Adjustments MH, etc.$10.00 ea. 4" Paving - PC Concrete $.22 per sq. yd. Decorative Sidewalk or Paving $.30 per linear ft. Sidewalk & Bike path $.30 per linear ft. Curb & Gutter $.20 per linear ft. Valley Gutter $.50 per linear ft. Sign (regulator, street etc.)$5.00 ea. Pavement Cuts $2.00 per linear ft. Driveway/Driveway Modifications $30.00 ea. Utility, Water Line, Sewer Line Trench $.15 per linear ft. Drywells (maxwell or similar)$100.00 ea. Storm Drain Pipe $2.00 per linear ft. Catch Basins, Headwells $50.00 ea. The Height of Desert Living 391 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 ENCROACHMENT/ENGINEERING PERMITS (CONT.) Cutoff Walls $.35 per linear ft. Slope Protection $.30 per sq. yd. Rip Rap $.90 Sq. ft. Retaining Wall $1.53 per linear ft. Cut/Fill (Materials Moved)$.40 per cubic yd. Box Culverts 5% of attached estimate Miscellaneous 5% of attached estimate Landscaping 5% of attached estimate Irrigation 5% of attached estimate Lighting 5% of attached estimate Grading 5% of attached estimate Utility Splice/Repair Pits (outside pvmt)$2.00 Sq. ft. (minimum $50.00) Other 5% of attached estimate In Lieu Payments Calculated for cuts greater than 300 feet in length Traffic Control Plan Review $200 Engineering Plan Review Fee $350 per sheet Failure to obtain an Encroachment Permit $200 Failure to obtain a Final Inspection $100 Reinspection Fee $150 Investigation Fee for Work Done Without Permit $250 or the permit fee, whichever is greater, but not to exceed $2,500 for every day or a portion of a day from the time unpermitted work began until a permit is obtained. Oversize/Overweight Vehicle/Haul Permit $210.00 The Height of Desert Living 392 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FEES Easement or Right-of-Way Abandonment $350.00 Hillside Protection Reconfiguration and/or Replacement of Hillside Protection Easement $350.00 Revocation Administrative Fee $300.00 Engineering Plan Review Fee $350.00 per sheet Final Plat Improvement: Plan Checking $350.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews) Except water and sewer plans $175.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews) Water and sewer plans only $200.00 per sheet with corrections (4th + reviews); $75.00 per sheet for addendums (changes made after approval). Engineering Report/Calculations Review Fee (Drainage, Environmental, Traffic, Structural, Water, Sewer, etc.) $350.00 per report Failure to barricade or improper barricading Up to $1,000 New/Address Change $25.00 Environmental fee: per residential solid waste account $3.00 per month per parcel; billed $36.00 annually per multifamily solid waste account (with a range for number of units to be determined commercial solid waste accounts (license fee and/or cost per commercial account) to be determined DEVELOPMENT FEES Single Family Residential $1,601 Multi - Family Residential $1,601/dwelling Commercial $0.243/Sq. ft. Office $0.243/Sq. ft. Hotel $0.243/Sq. ft. Industrial $0.243/Sq. ft. Fee Detail (From Above) Park & Recreation Residential (1)$1,301/dwelling Fire and Emergency Residential (1)$300/dwelling Non - Residential (2)$0.243/Sq. ft. (1) Residential includes single and multi - family dwelling units (2) Non - residential includes commercial and industrial square footage The Height of Desert Living 393 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 PLANNING & ZONING FEES Administrative Use Permit/Grand Opening Sign Permit $25.00 Appeal of a Decision by the Zoning Administrator $1,000.00 plus notification *^ Area Specific Plans and amendments $3,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^ Comprehensive Sign Plans and amendments $200.00 Concept Plans or Design Review or Site Plan Review $500.00 plus $200.00 for every 5,000 square feet or portion thereof ^ Condominium Plats $1,500.00 plus $50.00 per unit ^ Continuance at Applicant Request $250.00 Cut & Fill Waiver $300 Development Agreements $5,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof Final Plats $1,500.00 plus $ 50.00 per lot, unit or tract ^ General Plan Amendments Minor $ 3,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^ Major $ 5,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^ Hillside Protection Easement (HPE)$20.00 + applicable recording fees Land Disturbance Fee $10.00 per Sq. ft. Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Notification fee $5.00 per mailing label and $ 60.00 per newspaper posting as appropriate Ordinances (Text Amendments)$2,000.00 plus notification * Planned Area Developments (PAD)$2,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof plus notification * Planned Unit Developments (PUD)$2,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof plus notification * Plat Abandonments $500.00 ^ Preliminary Plats $2,000.00 plus $50.00 per lot, unit or tract ^ Recording Fees (subject to change without notice) $24.00 first page for plat filed for record, + $20.00 per page for each additional copy, and; $9.00 for each instrument, + $1.00 for each additional page over 5 pages. Replats (lot joins, lot divisions, lot line adjustments) $500.00 up to three lots, more than 3 lots use Final Plat fees ^ Rezones (Map)$2,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof plus notification *^ Saguaro Cactus Permit $90.00 Special Use Permits and amendments $500.00 plus notification *^ - non-refundable Temporary Use Permits $200.00 plus notification * - non-refundable Temporary Visitor Permit (RV Parking):$25.00 Time Extension Fee $100.00 Tract Housing $500.00 per Standard Plan + $100 per House Façade Variant Variances $1,000.00 plus $300.00 for each additional variance plus notification *^ Zoning Verification Letter $200.00 *Plus a notification charge of $5.00 per mailing label and/or $60 per newspaper posting as appropriate. **Deposit refundable upon landscaping approval by Town. ^All fees include up to 3 reviews by staff. Any additional reviews will be subject to an additional fee equal to 25% of the original fee. The "recording fee" is per Maricopa County's Fee Schedule and is, therefore, subject to change. The Height of Desert Living 394 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 Livable Area with A/C $.75 Sq. ft. Covered Area: Garage and/or Patio (non A/C) $.45 Sq. ft. Single Family Addition $.75 Sq. ft. Area non A/C $.45 Sq. ft. Single Family Remodel $.23 Sq. ft. Area non A/C $.14 Sq. ft. Solar Photovoltaic $140.00 Fence Walls $70 plus $.15 LF (Linear Footage) Retaining Walls $70 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage) Pools & Spas Attached $290 plus $.90 Sq. ft. Stand Alone Spas $235.00 Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** One Discipline Permit $70.00 (building, plumbing, electrical or mechanical) Combination Permit $210.00 Miscellaneous Plan Review Minimum Plan Review $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Revisions to Approved Plans $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Plumbing - Water heater replacement/solar (minor) $70.00 Mechanical - HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00 Electrical - panel repair (minor)$70.00 Demolition (minor)$120.00 Plan Review Add On (After 3rd Review) 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Reinspection Fee $150.00 per Trip Plan copies 24x36 $3.00 per page - B&W $5.00 per page - Color Permit Extensions - Residential new construction only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $400.00 Permit Extensions - Residential remodel only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $100.00 Refund for cancelled Single Family Home permit 35% of building permit fee paid - request must be made within 180 days of original payment Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee Extra) BUILDING PERMIT/PLAN CHECK – SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Single Family Homes (Includes Permit and Plan Review) Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review) Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required) The Height of Desert Living 395 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 Area with A/C $.75 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non A/C)$.45 Sq. ft. Commercial Building Addition Area with A/C $.75 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non - A/C)$.45 Sq. ft. Commercial Remodel (Existing) Area with A/C $145 plus $.23 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non - A/C)$145 plus $.14 Sq. ft. Shell Only for Commercial & Multi - Family Area with A/C $205 plus $.50 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non – A/C)$70 plus $.45 Sq. ft. Commercial Tenant Improvement Area with A/C $145 plus $.23 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non - A/C)$145 plus $.14 Sq. ft. Apartments/Condominiums Livable Area with A/C $.75 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non - A/C)$.45 Sq. ft. Livable Area with A/C $.60 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non - A/C)$.37 Sq. ft. Livable Area with A/C $.53 Sq. ft. Covered Area (non - A/C)$.33 Sq. ft. Solar Photovoltaic $140.00 Fence Walls $70 plus $.15 Lf (Linear Footage) Retaining Walls $70 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage) Pools & Spas Attached $290 plus $.90 Sq. ft. Stand Alone Spas $235.00 Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** BUILDING PERMIT/PLAN CHECK - COMMERCIAL Commercial Building Permit (Includes Permit and Plan Review) Apartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & recurring floor plans (0 -100,000 livable sq. ft.) 100,000 livable Sq. ft.) Apartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & recurring floor plans (Over 100,000 livable sq. ft.) 100,000 livable Sq. ft.) Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review) The Height of Desert Living 396 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 Minimum Permit (one discipline)$70.00 (or $210.00 for building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical) Minimum Combination (all disciplines)$210.00 Sign Permit, less than 32 Sq. ft. (Face Replacement Only) $50.00 per sign Sign Permit, greater than 32 Sq. ft. (Face Replacement Only) $100.00 per sign Sign Permit, less than 32 Sq. ft. (New)$190.00 per sign Sign Permit, greater than 32 Sq. ft. (New) $240.00 per sign Miscellaneous Plan Review Minimum Plan Review $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Revisions to Approved Plans $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Plumbing - Water heater replacement/solar (minor) $70.00 Mechanical - HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00 Electrical - panel repair (minor)$70.00 Demolition (minor)$120.00 Plan Review Add On (After 3rd Review) 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Reinspection Fee $150.00 per trip Permit Extensions - Commercial new construction only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $400.00 Permit Extensions - Commercial remodel only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $100.00 Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Refund for cancelled Commercial Building permit (must be done in writing) 35% of building permit fee paid - request must be made within 180 days of original payment Appeal of Decision by Building Official/Fire Marshall $1,000 plus notification *^ Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required) BUILDING PERMIT/PLAN CHECK – COMMERCIAL (CONT.) Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee is Separate) The Height of Desert Living 397 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 FIRE SAFETY FEES Residential Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspection 0.05 Sq. ft. (minimum $25) Commercial Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspection $.10 Sq. ft. (minimum $50) Commercial Auto Sprinkler System Modification Plan Review/Inspection $75.00 Commercial Hood System Plan Review/Inspection $100.00 Commercial Fire Alarm System Plan Review/Inspection $100.00 Commercial Fire Alarm System Modification Plan Review/Inspection $50.00 Residential LPG Installation Review/Inspection $50.00 Annual Adult Residential Group Care Inspection $100.00 per year Annual Commercial Fire Inspection Fee $15.00 Tent Permit Fee (any tent over 200 Sq. ft. & any canopy over 400 Sq. ft.) $100.00 Reinspection Fee (beyond one re-check) $150.00 per trip ABATEMENT FEES Inspection fee $70.00 per hour (1 - hour minimum) Reinspection fee $150.00 per trip Resident $20.00 Non - Resident $30.00 PARK FACILITY RENTALS Park Rental Fees - Resident/ Organization (1) Per Hour Small Ramada - 2 hour minimum $10.00 Medium Ramada - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Large Ramada - 2 hour minimum $20.00 Meeting Rooms 2 hour minimum $10.00 Multi-Purpose Fields - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $5.00 without lighting Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $7.00 with lighting Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn and other lawns $400/half day $750/ Full day (1) 10% wedding discount when combined with Community Center Rental SENIOR SERVICES ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES (CALENDAR YEAR) The Height of Desert Living 398 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 PARK FACILITY RENTALS (CONT.) Park Rental Fee Extras Power Distribution Box Rental Fee & Deposit $15.00/box per day; $100.00 deposit per box and power cable Athletic Field Lights (2 hour minimum) Athletic Field – Prep & Bases Alcohol Permit with Park Reservation $10.00 for 50 Consuming Adults - non- refundable Fountain Operation $265.00 Per Half - Hour Staff (2 hour minimum)$21 - $38 Per Hour Park Rental Fees - Non - Resident/ Commercial (1) Per Hour Small Ramada - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Medium Ramada - 2 hour minimum $22.50 Large Ramada - 2 hour minimum $30.00 Meeting Rooms - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Multi-Purpose Fields - 2 hour minimum $22.50 Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $10.00 without lights Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $14.00 with lights Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn and other lawns $750/half day $1,400/ Full day (1) 10% wedding discount when combined with Community Center Rental Park Rental Fee Extras Power Distribution Box Rental Fee & Deposit $15.00/box per day; $100.00 deposit per box and power cable Athletic Field Lights - 2 hour minimum Athletic Field – Prep & Bases Alcohol Permit with Park Reservation $10.00 for 50 Consuming Adults - non- refundable Fountain Operation $265.00 Per Half - Hour Staff - 2 hour minimum $21.00 - $38.00 Per Hour Recreation Fees Program Cancellation Fee $10.00 The Height of Desert Living 399 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS Community Center Rental - Resident/Organization (Tier 2) (2) Per Hour Any Meeting Room - 2 hour minimum $17.00 One Ballroom (30 - 90 people) Minimum 4 hours $36.00 Two Ballrooms *(91 - 160 people) Minimum 4 hours $72.00 Three Ballrooms*( 161 - 250 people) Minimum 4 hours $108.00 Grand Ballroom *( 251 - 450 people) Minimum 4 hours $144.00 Lobby (2)Per Hour 4 hour minimum $34.00 Grand Ballroom & Lobby (2) All Day Rate (Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to Midnight) $1,760.00 All Day Rate (Friday - Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight) $2,200.00 Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (2) (no rentals on Sunday) Weekend Rates: Friday-Sunday Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)*Per Hour 4 hour minimum $41.00 4 hour minimum $41.00 4 hour minimum with contract 50% of Resident/Non-Profit rate Centennial Circle - 3 hour minimum (2)$75.00 (2) 10% wedding discount when combined with a Park Rental Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views) Tier 2 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year: *Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rental The Height of Desert Living 400 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 Community Center Rental - Non- Resident/Commercial (Tier 3) (2) Per Hour Any Meeting Room $39.00 One Ballroom (30-90 people) 4 hour minimum $83.00 Two Ballrooms *(91 - 160 people) 4 hour minimum $166.00 Three Ballrooms*( 161 - 250 people) 4 hour minimum $249.00 Grand Ballroom *( 251 - 450 people) 4 hour minimum $332.00 Lobby (2) 4 hour minimum $69.00 Grand Ballroom & Lobby (2) All Day Rate (Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to Midnight) $4,400.00 All Day Rate (Friday - Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight) $5,500.00 Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (2) (no rentals on Sunday) Weekend Rates: Friday-Sunday Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)*Per Hour 4 hour minimum $124.00 4 hour minimum $124.00 4 hour minimum with contract 50% of Non-Resident/Commercial Rate Centennial Circle - 3 hour minimum (2)$112.50 (2) 10% wedding discount when combined with a Park Rental *Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rental COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS (CONT.) Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views) Tier 3 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year: The Height of Desert Living 401 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 Video Projector - Note Vission 3,000 Lumens $40.00 Overhead Projector $15.00 Slide Projector $15.00 27" TV $15.00 Flat Screen TV $25.00 TV/VCR (or DVD)$0.00 VCR or DVD Player $10.00 Small Screen $5.00 Large Screen (8' x 10')$10.00 Large Screen Border $15.00 Internet Access Hard Wire $125 per day Sound Reinforcement Wireless Microphones $5.00 Speaker Table (Includes Mixing Board)$15.00 each Conference Phone $10.00 Portable Sound System (Includes Mixing Board and/or Portable Speaker) $25.00 CD Player $10.00 Electricity (per booth) 110 V $15.00 220 V $40.00 Other Easel $5.00 Papers & Markers $10.00 Portable White Board $5.00 Walker Display Board $5.00 Items for Sale 25' Extension Cord $15.00 each Power Strip $15.00 each Masking Tape $5.00 per roll Miscellaneous Dance Floor - per 3' x 3' parquet square $3.00 Staging 6' x 8" section $5.00 Piano - Tuning Extra Upright $25.00 Grand $50.00 Coffee Service $5.00 per 8 cup pack COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS (CONT.) Community Center Extra Service Fees - Resident/Non-Profit The Height of Desert Living 402 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 Video Projector - Note Vission 3,000 Lumens $75.00 Overhead Projector $30.00 Slide Projector $30.00 27" TV $30.00 Large Flat Panel Monitor $50.00 Flat Screen TV $50.00 VCR or DVD Player $20.00 Small Screen $10.00 Large Screen (8' x 10')$20.00 Large Screen Border $30.00 Internet Access Hard Wire $125.00 per day Sound Reinforcement Wireless Microphones $15.00 Speaker Table (Includes Mixing Board)$15.00 each Conference Phone $20.00 Portable Sound System (Includes Mixing $50.00 CD Player $20.00 Electricity ( per booth) 110 V $25.00 220 V $75.00 Other Easel $10.00 Papers & Markers $20.00 Portable White Board $10.00 Walker Display Board $10.00 Items for Sale 25' Extension Cord $15.00 each Power Strip $15.00 each Masking Tape $5.00 each Miscellaneous Dance Floor - Per 3' x 3' parquet square $5.00 Staging 6' x 8" section $10.00 Piano - Tuning Extra Upright $50.00 Grand $100.00 Coffee Service $5.00 per (10) 8oz cup pack Portable Bar $50.00 Labor Charges $25/hr $40/hr OT Resident $20.00 Non - Resident $30.00 NOTE: All Rentals Are Subject To Applicable Arizona Sales Taxes COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS (CONT.) Community Center Extra Service Fees - Non - Resident/Commercial SENIOR SERVICES ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES (CALENDAR YEAR) The Height of Desert Living 403 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 Description Fee FY16-17 COURT FEES Non - Sufficient Funds (checks returned to Court) $30.00 per check Public Defender Actual costs for appointed attorney Jail Reimbursement Actual costs billed by County for jail time served Jury Costs (assessed if jury trial canceled within five days of trial) Actual administrative costs Civil Traffic Default $50.00 per defaulted charge Warrant $50.00 per warrant issued Diversion Program Rescheduling $25.00 Court Clerk $17.00 Court User $30.00 per charge, plus surcharges Public Records Search $2.00 per name Copies $0.50 per page Certified Copies $17.00 Copies of CDs $17.00 NOTE: Court fees are subject to change throughout the fiscal year in accordance with State Law and Arizona Supreme Court Rules. The Height of Desert Living 404 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Effective July 1, 2016 The Height of Desert Living 405 Schedule of Authorized Positions Schedule of Authorized Positions The Height of Desert Living 406 Schedule of Authorized Positions Schedule of Authorized Positions FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 Authorized Authorized Authorized Revised Proposed Position Title FTE FTE FTE FTE FTE Municipal Court Presiding Judge 1.00 1.00 0.63 0.63 0.63 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Court Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Clerk 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 5.00 4.00 3.63 3.63 3.63 Administration Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Town Manager/Finance Director 1.00 1.00 Administrative Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Asst to Town Mgr/Council 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Town Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Administrator/Risk Mgr.1.00 0.75 - Volunteer Coordinator 0.88 0.88 1.00 1.00 1.00 Economic Development Administrator 1.00 - - - Economic Development Specialist 0.63 1.00 1.00 Economic Development Director - - - 1.00 Information Technology Coordinator 1.00 1.00 - - Information Technology Administrator - - 1.00 1.00 Information Technology Technician 0.75 0.50 Network & Information Technology Administrator - - - - 1.00 Finance Director - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Supervisor 1.00 1.00 - Accountant - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Services Technician 0.75 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accounting Clerk 0.50 0.50 0.63 0.63 0.63 Accounting Clerk - - - - 0.63 Customer Service Representative II 0.80 0.80 0.70 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 11.68 10.56 11.33 11.63 12.26 Public Works Public Works Director - - - - 1.00 Civil Engineering Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities/Environmental Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Facilities Maintenance Tech 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Custodian 1.25 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.30 Street Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fleet Mechanic/Open Space-Landscape Spec 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Traffic Signal Technician II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Street Maintenance Technician 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 11.75 9.25 9.30 9.30 10.30 The Height of Desert Living 407 Compared to the high of 115 FTEs in FY01-02, the current level of 54 FTEs repre- sents a total decrease of 53% over a fifteen year period. The reduction in authorized FTEs is a result of the economic downturn and the need to reduce town expenditures, resulting in the consolidation of positions as well as actual staff layoffs. Schedule of Authorized Positions Schedule of Authorized Positions (continued) FY12-13 FY13-14 FY14-15 FY 15-16 FY 16-17 Authorized Authorized Authorized Revised Proposed Position – Title FTE FTE FTE FTE FTE Development Services Development Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Town Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GIS Technician/CAD Operator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Building Permit Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Community Services Community Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Program Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Tourism Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Operations Lead 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Lead Park Attendant - - 0.49 0.49 0.49 Park Attendant - - 1.96 1.96 1.96 Groundskeeper 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Customer Service Representative II 0.30 0.30 0.30 - - Events & Operations Supervisor - CC 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operations Coordinator - Community Center 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operations Support Worker 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 Customer Service Representative I 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.88 0.88 Senior Services Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 Home Delivered Meals Coordinator 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Senior Services Assistant 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Authorized FTE 21.18 20.18 21.06 20.76 20.76 Total Authorized FTE 56.61 50.99 52.32 52.32 53.95 The Height of Desert Living 408 Schedule of Authorized Positions The Height of Desert Living 409 Pay Plan Pay Plan The Height of Desert Living 410 Pay Plan FY16-17 PAY PLAN (adjusted by 5.0%) Position Title Minimum Maximum Finance Director 89,676$ 127,529$ 85,406$ - 121,456$ Public Works Director 88,300 125,571 84,095 - 119,592 Development Services Director 88,300 125,571 84,095 - 119,592 Town Engineer 84,884 120,713 80,842 - 114,965 Administrative Services Director 79,437 112,968 75,654 - 107,588 Community Services Director 79,129 112,529 75,361 - 107,171 Court Administrator 70,886 100,807 67,511 - 96,007 Town Clerk 65,165 92,671 62,062 - 88,258 Economic Development Director 63,352 90,094 60,336 - 85,804 Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner 62,706 89,174 59,720 - 84,927 Street Superintendent 61,391 87,304 58,468 - 83,147 Senior Planner 61,139 86,945 58,227 - 82,805 Network and Information Technology Administrator 57,532 85,697 51,774 - 73,628 Recreation Supervisor 56,940 80,975 54,229 - 77,119 Parks Supervisor 55,003 78,220 52,384 - 74,495 Facilities/Environmental Supervisor 53,483 76,059 50,936 - 72,437 Events and Operations Supervisor - Comm. Ctr. 49,861 70,907 47,486 - 67,530 Executive Assistant to Town Manager/Council 49,508 70,405 47,150 - 67,052 Senior Services Supervisor 47,486 67,530 45,225 - 64,315 Accountant 45,701 64,992 43,525 - 61,897 Recreation Program Coordinator 43,169 61,391 41,114 - 58,468 Tourism Coordinator 43,169 61,391 41,114 - 58,468 Volunteer Coordinator 43,169 61,391 41,114 - 58,468 Community Center Operations Coordinator 40,125 57,062 38,214 - 54,344 Position Title Minimum Maximum GIS Technician/CAD Operator 24.22$ 34.44$ $ 23.06 - $ 32.80 Traffic Signal Technician II 23.62 33.60 22.50 - 32.00 Civil Engineer Inspector 21.03 29.91 20.03 - 28.48 Code Enforcement Officer 19.74 28.07 18.80 - 26.73 Executive Assistant 19.74 28.07 18.80 - 26.73 Fleet Mechanic/Open Space-Landscape Specialist 19.25 27.38 18.34 - 26.08 Park Operations Lead 19.25 27.38 18.34 - 26.08 Facilities Maintenance Technician 17.82 25.35 16.97 - 24.14 Building Permit Technician 17.36 24.69 16.53 - 23.51 Senior Court Clerk 16.89 24.01 16.08 - 22.87 Street Maintenance Technician 16.89 24.01 16.08 - 22.87 Court Clerk 16.14 22.96 15.38 - 21.86 Financial Services Technician 16.14 22.96 15.38 - 21.86 Accounting Clerk 15.62 22.21 14.87 - 21.15 Customer Service Representative II 15.62 22.21 14.87 - 21.15 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 15.28 21.73 14.56 - 20.70 Lead Park Attendant 15.28 21.73 14.56 - 20.69 Customer Service Representative I 13.92 19.79 13.25 - 18.85 Home Delivered Meals Coordinator 13.61 19.36 12.97 - 18.44 Groundskeeper 13.61 19.36 12.97 - 18.44 Operations Support Worker 13.61 19.36 12.97 - 18.44 Custodian 12.58 17.89 11.98 - 17.04 Park Attendant 12.58 17.89 11.98 - 17.04 Senior Services Assistant 12.58 17.89 11.98 - 17.04 Exempt Positions Previous Range Non-Exempt Positions Previous Range The Height of Desert Living 411 Resolution 2016-07 Resolution 2016-07 The Height of Desert Living 412 Resolution 2016-07 The Height of Desert Living 413 Resolution 2016-07 The Height of Desert Living 414 Resolution 2016-07 The Height of Desert Living 415 Glossary Glossary The Height of Desert Living 416 Account A separate financial reporting unit for budgeting, management or accounting pur- poses. All budgetary transactions, whether revenue or expenditure, are recorded in accounts. Several related accounts may be grouped together in a fund. A list of accounts is called a chart of accounts. Accounting Standards The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) promulgated by the Govern- mental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) that guide the recording and reporting of financial information by state and local governments. Accrual Basis of Accounting The basis of accounting under which transactions are recognized at the time they are incurred, as opposed to when cash is received or sent. Expenses are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred and revenues are recorded when earned. Un- billed services are recorded as receivables at year end. Actual vs. Budgeted Difference between the amounts projected (budgeted) in revenues or expenditures at the beginning of the fiscal year and the actual receipts or expenses, which are incurred by the end of the fiscal year. Adoption Formal action by the Town Council, which sets the spending limits for the fiscal year. Ad Valorem Taxes Commonly referred to as property taxes. The charges levied on all real, and cer- tain personal property, according to the property’s assessed value and the tax rate. Used as a source of monies to pay general obligation debt and to support the General Fund. Appropriation Specific amount of monies authorized by the Town Council for the purpose of in- curring obligations and acquiring goods and services. An appropriation is limited in amount and time when it may be used unless it is for capital projects such as con- structing roads and buildings. Arbitrage The ability to use tax exempt proceeds and, by investing those funds in higher yielding taxable securities, generate a profit to the issuer. Assessed Valuation A value set upon real and personal property by the Maricopa County Assessor for the purpose of levying property taxes. Glossary A-AS The Height of Desert Living 417 Asset The resources and property of the Town that can be used or applied to cover li- abilities. Alternatively, any owned physical object (tangible) or right (intangible) having a monetary value or an item or source of wealth expressed in terms of any cost benefitting a future period. Attrition A method of achieving a reduction in personnel by not refilling the positions va- cated through resignation, reassignment, transfer, or retirement. Audit Report The report prepared by an auditor covering the audit or investigation of an entity’s financial position for a given period of time, usually a year. As a general rule, the report should include: 1) a statement of the scope of the audit; 2) explanatory comments concerning exceptions from generally accepted auditing standards; 3) opinions; 4) explanatory comments concerning verification procedures; 5) financial statements and schedules; and 6) statistical tables, supplementary comments and recommendations. The auditors signature follows 3). The Town is required to have an annual audit conducted by qualified certified public accountants. Authorized Positions Employee positions which are authorized in the adopted budget. Available (Unassigned) Fund Balance Funds remaining from the prior year which are available for appropriation and ex- penditure in the current year. Balanced Budget Arizona law (Title 42-Arizona Revised Statutes) requires the Town Council to annu- ally adopt a balanced budget by purpose of public expense. State law defines this balanced budget as “the primary property tax levy, when added together with all other available resources, must equal these expenditures.” The total of proposed expenditures will not exceed the total of estimated revenues and fund balances. Base Budget The ongoing expense for personnel, contractual services, commodities, and the replacement of equipment to maintain service levels previously established by the Town Council. Bond A written promise to pay a specified sum of money (called the face value or princi- pal amount) at a specified date or dates in the future (called the maturity dates), and carrying interest at a specified rate, usually paid periodically. The difference between a bond and a note is that a bond is issued for a longer period and re- quires greater legal formality. Bonds are primarily used to finance capital projects. The most common types of bonds are: Glossary AS-BO The Height of Desert Living 418  General Obligation (GO) Bond: This type of bond is secured by the full faith, credit, and taxing power of the municipality.  Revenue Bond: This type of bond is secured by the revenues from a specific source such as gas taxes or water revenues. Bond Refinancing The payoff and re-issuance of bonds to obtain better interest rates and/or bond conditions. Budget A financial plan of estimated expenditures and anticipated resources adopted for a specific period of time outlining a plan for achieving council goals and objectives. Budget Amendment A change of budget appropriation between expenditure accounts which does not change the legal spending limit adopted by Town Council. Budget Calendar The schedule of key dates which a government follows in the preparation and adoption of the budget. Budgetary Basis of Accounting The basis of accounting used to estimate financing sources and uses in the budget. The method used to determine when revenues and expenditures are recognized for budgetary purposes. This basis generally takes one of three forms: GAAP, cash, or modified accrual. Budgetary Control The control or management of a government in accordance with the approved budget for the purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of available appropriations and resources. Capital Assets Assets of significant value and having a useful life of several years. Capital assets are also called fixed assets. Capital Budget A spending plan for improvements to, or acquisition of, land, facilities and infra- structure that balances revenues and expenditures, specifies the sources of reve- nues, and lists each project or acquisition. Normally a capital budget must be ap- proved by the legislative body. The capital budget and accompanying appropria- tion ordinance may be included in a consolidated budget document that has a sec- tion devoted to capital expenditures and another to operating expenditures. Alter- natively, two separate documents may be prepared – one for the capital budget and one for the operating budget. Glossary BO-CA The Height of Desert Living 419 Capital Expenditure A capital expenditure is made when purchasing a fixed asset having a value of $10,000 or more and a useful life of more than one year. Capital Improvement Program A plan for capital outlay to be incurred each year over a fixed number of years to meet capital needs arising from the Town’s long-term needs. Capital Improvement Project Expenditures for the construction, purchase or renovation of Town facilities or property that have a value greater than $50,000. Capital Outlay Expenditures resulting in the acquisition of or addition to the Town’s fixed assets with a value of $10,000 or more and a useful economic lifetime of more than one year. Capital Project Carryover An approved Capital Project that was not completed in the fiscal year and, there- fore, was budgeted again in the current fiscal year in order to finish the project. Capital Projects Funds Capital project funds are used to account for and report financial resources that are restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for capital outlays, including the acquisition or construction of capital facilities and other capital assets. Capital projects funds exclude those types of capital related outflows financed by proprie- tary funds or for assets that will be held in trust for individuals, private organiza- tions, or other governments. Cash Basis of Accounting The basis of accounting in which transactions are recognized only when cash amounts are increased or decreased. Community Facilities District (CFD) A separate legal entity established by the Town which allows for financing of public improvements and services. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) The official annual financial report of the Town. The CAFR represents manage- ment’s report to the Town Council, constituents, investors and creditors. Contingency/Reserve An amount, a budgetary reserve/contingency, set aside as available, with Town Council approval, to cover unforeseen expenditures, emergency expenditures, or revenue shortfalls. Glossary CA-CO The Height of Desert Living 420 Debt Limit Statutory or constitutional limit on the principal amount of debt that an issuer may incur (or that it may have outstanding at any one time). Debt Ratio Total debt divided by total assets. Debt Service The cost of paying principal and interest payments on outstanding bonds according to a predetermined payment schedule. Debt Service Fund One or more funds established to account for revenues used to repay the principal and interest on debt. Deficit The excess of an entity’s liabilities over its assets or the excess of expenditures or expenses over revenues during a single accounting period. Department A functional group of the Town with related activities aimed at accomplishing a major Town service or program. Depreciation An accounting transaction which spreads the purchase cost of an asset across its useful life. Alternatively, expiration in the service life of capital assets attributable to wear and tear, deterioration, action of the physical elements, inadequacy or ob- solescence. Development Fees Those fees and charges generated by building, development, and growth in the Town. Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program A voluntary awards program administered by the Government Finance Officers As- sociation of the United States and Canada to encourage governments to prepare effective budget documents. Division A grouping of related activities within a particular Department (example, Senior Services is a Division of Community Services). Employee (or Fringe) Benefits Contributions made by a government to meet commitments or obligations for em- ployee fringe benefits. Included are the government’s share of costs for the vari- ous retirement, medical and life insurance plans. Glossary DE-EM The Height of Desert Living 421 Encumbrance The formal accounting recognition of appropriated or committed funds to be set aside for a future expenditure. To encumber funds means to set aside or commit funds for a specified future expenditure. For budgetary purposes, encumbrances are considered expenditures. Estimated Revenue The amount of projected revenue to be collected during the fiscal year. Expenditure A net decrease in financial resources. Expenditures include operating expenses which require the use of current assets. If accounts are kept on the accrual basis, this term designates total charges incurred, whether paid or unpaid. If they are kept on the cash basis, the term covers only actual disbursements for these pur- poses. Expenditure Limitation An amendment to the Arizona State Constitution that limits annual expenditures of all municipalities. The Economic Estimates Commission, based on population growth and inflation, sets the limit. All municipalities have the option of Home Rule where the voters approve a four-year expenditure limit based on revenues re- ceived. Expenses Charges incurred (whether paid immediately or unpaid) for operations, mainte- nance, interest or other costs. Financial Plan A summary by fund of planned revenues, expenditures, operating transfers, re- serves, and fund balances. Fiscal Policy A government’s policies with respect to revenues, spending, and debt manage- ment as these relate to government services, programs and capital investment. Fiscal policy provides an agreed-upon set of principles for the planning and pro- gramming of government budgets and their funding. Fiscal Year Any period of twelve consecutive months establishing the beginning and the end- ing of financial transactions. For the Town of Fountain Hills, this period begins July 1 and ends June 30. Fixed Assets Assets of a long-term character which are intended to continue to be in use or kept for more than one year and of a monetary value greater than $10,000. Full Faith and Credit A pledge of a government’s taxing power to repay debt obligations. Glossary EN-FU The Height of Desert Living 422 Full-Time Equivalent Position (FTE) A position converted to the decimal equivalent of a full-time position based on 2,080 hours per year. For example, a part-time typist working for 20 hours per week would be equivalent to a 0.5 FTE. Fund An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and changes in these assets and liabilities. Fund Balance The excess of the assets of a fund over its liabilities, reserves and carryovers. A balance or carryover that occurs when actual revenues exceed budgeted revenues and/or when actual expenditures are less than budgeted expenditures. GAAP (Generally accepted accounting principles) Uniform minimum standards for financial accounting and recording encompassing the conventions, rules, and procedures that define accepted accounting principles. General Fund The major fund in most governmental entities. While other funds tend to be re- stricted to a single purpose, the General Fund is a catch-all for general govern- ment purposes. The General Fund contains the activities commonly associated with municipal government, such as police and fire protection, parks and recrea- tion. General Obligation Bonds This type of bond is backed by the full faith, credit and taxing power of the gov- ernment. Bonds that finance a variety of public projects. The repayment of these bonds is usually made from secondary property tax revenues. General Plan A plan approved by the Town Council that provides the fundamental policy direc- tion and guidance on development decisions in the Town. Goal A statement of broad direction, purpose, or intent based on the needs of the com- munity. A goal is general and timeless. Governmental Funds Governmental Funds are those through which most governmental functions of the Town are recorded. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and available. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incurred ex- cept for unmatured interest on debt and certain similar obligations, which should be recognized when due. Glossary FU-GO The Height of Desert Living 423 Grants A contribution by a government or other organization to support a particular func- tion. Grants may be classified as either operational or capital, depending upon the grantee. Indirect Cost A cost necessary for the functioning of the organization as a whole, but which can- not be directly assigned to one service. Infrastructure The physical assets of a government (e.g. streets, public buildings, parks, etc.) Interfund Transfers The movement of monies between funds of the same governmental entity. Intergovernmental Refers to transactions between different levels of government, e.g. city, county, state and federal. Intergovernmental Revenue Funds received from federal, state, and other local government sources in the form of grants, shared revenues, and payments in lieu of taxes. Lapsing Appropriation An appropriation made for a certain period of time, generally for the budget year. At the end of the specified period, any unexpended or unencumbered balance lapses or ends, unless otherwise provided by law. Levy The total amount to be raised by general property taxes for purposes specified in the property tax levy motion. Levy Rate The amount of tax levied for each $100 of assessed valuation. Liability Indebtedness of a governmental entity, such as amounts owed to vendors for ser- vices rendered or goods received, and principal and interest owed to bondholders. These amounts are debts or legal obligations which must be paid at some future date. Line-item Budget A budget prepared along departmental lines that focuses on what is to be bought. Long-term Debt Debt with a maturity of more than one year after the date of issuance. Glossary GR-LO The Height of Desert Living 424 Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting The basis of accounting used by governmental-type funds. Under this basis, reve- nues are recognized when they become both “measurable” and “available” to fi- nance expenditures of the current period. Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Bond Bonds that are backed by the excise taxes of the Town including local sales tax, franchise tax, State Shared sales tax, and motor vehicle in-lieu tax. The MPC is a non-profit corporation established for the purpose of issuing debt to purchase mu- nicipal facilities, which it leases to the Town. Object Detail An expenditure classification, referring to the lowest and most detailed level of classification, such as electricity, office supplies, asphalt, and furniture. Objectives Something to be accomplished in specific, well-defined, and measurable terms and that is achievable within a specific time frame. The achievement of the objective advances an organization toward a corresponding goal. Obligations Amounts which a government may be legally required to meet out of its resources. They include not only actual liabilities, but also encumbrances not yet paid. Operating Budget Plans of current expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. The an- nual operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing of ac- quisitions, spending, and service delivery activities of the Town are controlled. Operating Expenses The cost for personnel, materials, and equipment required for a department to function. Operating Impacts Operating impacts are the additional, incremental revenues or costs associated with the project—any new cost or revenue streams resulting from the project less existing expenditures and revenues where applicable. These impacts include main- tenance expenses, utility and personnel expenses, revenues from project-specific construction spending and operating revenues. Operating Revenue Funds that the government receives as income to pay for ongoing operations. The revenue includes such items as taxes, fees from specific services, interest earn- ings, and grant revenues. Operating revenues are used to pay for day-to-day ser- vices. Ordinance A formal legislative enactment by the Town Council. Glossary MO-OR The Height of Desert Living 425 Pay-as-you-go Basis A term used to describe a financial policy by which capital outlays are financed from current revenues rather than through borrowing. Performance Based Budget The Performance Based Budget is a customer based, performance driven, results oriented budget system based on Outcome Management. Outcome Management is a management approach that focuses on the results achieved when providing a service. Performance Indicators Specific quantitative and qualitative measures of work performed as an objective of specific departments or programs. Measurement of service performance indica- tors that reflect the amount of money spent on services and the resulting out- comes at a specific level of services provided. Performance Measurement Statistical indicators that permit program evaluation to be conducted in a budget- ary context. Performance Target Percentage or number for each program performance measure that will be the de- sired level of performance for the upcoming budget period. Program A functional grouping of departmental expenditures or activities which are directed toward a common purpose, consistent over time and meet the following criteria: comprehensive, distinctive, practical, and clear. Activities performed by one or more organizational units for the purpose of accomplishing a function for which the Town is responsible. Property Tax The total property tax levied by a municipality. Arizona’s municipal property tax system is divided into a primary and secondary tax rate. The rate is expressed as dollars per $100 of assessed valuation. Primary Property Tax Rate Arizona statute limits the primary property tax levy amount and municipalities may use this tax for any purpose. Reserve An account used to segregate a portion of a fund balance to indicate that it is not available for expenditure, or it is legally set aside for a specific future use. Resolution A special or temporary order of the Town Council. Requires less formality than an ordinance or statute. Glossary PA-RE The Height of Desert Living 426 Resources Total amounts available for appropriation including estimated revenues, bond/loan proceeds, fund transfers, and beginning fund balances. Revenue Amounts received by government from sources including taxes, fines, fees, grants, or charges for services, which can be used to finance government operations or capital assets. These amounts increase the net assets of the government. For those revenues which are recorded on an accrual basis, this term designates addi- tions to assets which (a) do not increase any liability, (b) do not represent recov- ery of an expenditure, and (c) do not represent the cancellation of certain liabili- ties without a corresponding increase in other liabilities or a decrease in assets. Revenue Bonds Bonds whose principal and interest are payable exclusively from earnings of a revenue generating fund. Secondary Property Tax Rate Arizona statute does not limit the secondary tax levy amount and municipalities may only use this levy to retire the principal and interest or redemption charges on bonded debt. Service Level Services or products which comprise actual or expected output of a given pro- gram. Focus is on results, not measures of workload. Sinking Fund A means of repaying funds that were borrowed through a bond issue. The issuer makes periodic payments to a trustee who retires part of the issue by purchasing the bonds in the open market. Special Revenue Fund Accounts for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes. State Shared Revenue Includes the Town’s portion of State sales tax revenues, State income tax receipts, and motor vehicle in-lieu taxes. Strategic Plan The Strategic Plan defines the Town’s strategy, or direction, and assists Town management in making decisions on the allocation of personnel and resources. Supplemental Appropriation An additional appropriation made by the governing body after the budget year has started. Glossary RE-SU The Height of Desert Living 427 Tax Levy The total amount of the general property taxes collected for purposes specified in the Tax Levy Ordinance. Tax Rate The amount of tax levied for each $100 of assessed valuation. Taxes Compulsory charges levied by a government for the purpose of financing services performed for the common benefit of the people. This term does not include spe- cific charges made against particular persons or property for current or permanent benefit, such as special assessments. Transfer Movement of resources between two funds. Example: An interfund transfer would include the transfer of operating resources from the General Fund to the Streets Fund. Unassigned Fund Balance The portion of a fund’s balance that is not restricted or committed for a specific purpose and is available for general appropriation. Unencumbered Balance The amount of an appropriation that is neither expended nor encumbered; essen- tially the amount of money still available for future purposes. User Fees The fee charged for the direct receipt of a public service to the party or parties who benefit from the service. Valley The area represented by the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan area. Phoenix is also know as the Valley of the Sun. Working Capital A financial metric which represents the amount of day-to-day operating liquidity available. Also known as operating capital, it is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. Working Cash The excess of readily available assets over current liabilities. Glossary TA-WO The Height of Desert Living 428 Glossary The Height of Desert Living 429 Acronyms Acronyms The Height of Desert Living 430 ABC-American Base Course AC-Asphaltic Concrete ACA-Arizona Commerce Authority ACMA-Arizona City Manager’s Association ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act ADEQ-Arizona Department of Environmental Quality ADOG-Association of Dog Owners Group ADOT-Arizona Department of Transportation ADWR-Arizona Department of Water Resources AGIC-Arizona Geographic Information Council AICP-American Institute of Certified Planners AOC-Administrative Office of the Courts APA-American Planning Association APRA-American Parks & Recreation Association APWA-American Public Works Association ARRA-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ARS-Arizona Revised Statutes ASCE-American Society of Civil Engineers AZBO-Arizona Building Officials AZDOR-Arizona Department of Revenue AZDOT-Arizona Department of Transportation AZ POST-Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board Acronyms Acronyms AA-AZ The Height of Desert Living 431 BGC-Boys and Girls Club BRE-Business Retention and Expansion BVAC-Business Vitality Advisory Council CAD-Computer-Aided Design CAFR-Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CARE-Crisis Activated Response Effort CCEF-Court Collection Enhancement fund CELA-Code Enforcement League of Arizona CFD-Community Facilities District CIP-Capital Improvement Program CMAQ-Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality cu. yd.-Cubic Yard EMCFD-Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District EMMA-Electronic Municipal Market Access EOC-Emergency Operations Center EPIC-TBI-Excellence in Prehospital Care-Traumatic Brain Injury FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Administration FHUSD-Fountain Hills Unified School District FIT-Fountain Hills Integrated Trails FTE-Full Time Equivalent FY-Fiscal Year GAAP-Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GADA-Greater Arizona Development Authority GASB-Governmental Accounting Standards Board Acronyms BG-GA The Height of Desert Living 432 GFOA-Government Finance Officers Association GIS-Geographical Information System GO-General Obligation GPEC-Greater Phoenix Economic Council HDM-Home Delivered Meals HPE-Hillside Protection Easement HURF-Highway User Revenue Fund HVAC-Heating, Cooling, and Air Conditioning ICMA-International City/County Management Association ICSC-International Council of Shopping Centers ID-Improvement District IGA-Intergovernmental Agreement IIP-Infrastructure Improvement Plan ISO-International Standards Organization IT-Information Technology ITS-Intelligent Transportation System JCEF-Judicial Court Enhancement Fund ln. ft.-Lineal (Linear) Feet LTAP-Local Technical Assistance Program LTAF-Local Transportation Assistance Fund MAG-Maricopa Association of Governments MCFCD-Maricopa County Flood Control District MCSO-Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office MH-Manhole Acronyms GF-MH The Height of Desert Living 433 MHz-Megahertz MPC-Municipal Property Corporation MSRB-Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board NACSLB-National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting NRPA-National Recreation and Park Association PC-Portland Cement PUD-Planned Unit Developments PTO-Parent Teacher Organization RFP-Request for Proposal RFQ-Request for Quotation RPM-Reflective Pavement Marker RPTA-Regional Public Transit Agency SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission sq. ft.-Square Feet sq. yd.-Square Yard SR-State Route STORM-Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities V-Volt VHF-Very High Frequency VOIP-Voice Over Internet Protocol VRF-Vehicle Replacement Fund Acronyms MH-VR Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 480-816-5100 www.fh.az.gov - facebook.com/TownofFountainHills - twitter.com/fhazgov