HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY04 Adopted BudgetTown of Fountain Hills Annual Budget Fiscal Year 2003 -2004 Town Manager Citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills Mayor and Town Council Parks and Recreation Commission McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Board of Adjustment Planning and Zoning Commission Town AttorneyTown Prosecutor Town Magistrate Law Enforcement Finance and Administration Parks & Recreation and Community Center Public Works, Planning, Building Safety, Streets Community Center Advisory Commission Fire Department Fountain Hills Town Council Mayor Wally Nichols Vice Mayor Susan Ralphe Councilmember Mike Archambault Councilmember John Kavanagh Councilmember Rick Melendez Councilmember Kathleen Nicola Councilmember Leesa Stevens Management Staff Timothy G. Pickering, CEcD, CM, Town Manager Department Directors Ted Armbruster, Town Magistrate Mark Mayer, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Community Center Scott Penrose, Sheriff Captain and Interim Town Marshal Thomas Ward, Director of Public Works, Building Safety and Planning Mark Zimmerman, Fire Chief/Fire Marshal Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget Town of Fountain Hills Table of Contents Budget Overview ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Manager’s Message 1 Budget Process 15 Budget Schedule 18 Budget Summary ▬▬▬▬▬▬ All Funds Revenue Summary 19 All Funds Expenditures 21 Budget Expenditure by Account Code 23 General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Summary 25 General Fund Revenues 27 General Fund Expenditures 36 Department Budgets ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Town Council 37 Administration 45 Information Technology 55 Public Safety 59 Law Enforcement 59 Fire Department 65 Municipal Court 69 Parks and Recreation 75 Community Center 93 Public Works 99 Building Safety 107 Planning 113 Streets 118 Schedules/Summaries ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Special Revenue Funds 125 Debt Retirement 128 Development Fees 133 Capital Improvement Goals 138 Miscellaneous Statistics 141 Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information 142 Schedule of Fountain Hills Assessed Valuation 143 Schedule of Authorized Positions 144 Appendix ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Glossary 147 Job Descriptions 151 Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget Town of Fountain Hills Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget Town of Fountain Hills Manager’s Message ▬▬▬▬▬▬ To the Honorable Mayor and Town Council: The Town of Fountain Hills staff is pleased to present a balanced budget for fiscal year 2003- 2004. The proposed budget is designed to meet the economic challenges confronting the Town in the upcoming year and to restore financial stability during times of economic uncertainty. Developing the proposed budget required making choices to achieve a budget that balances the following objectives: 1. identifying a revenue source to fund fire and emergency medical services; 2. restoring financial stability, increasing general fund balance, and retaining our Aa3 bond rating; 3. streamlining operations and concentrating on offering only mandatory services; 4. maintaining, completing and/or replacing equipment and infrastructure; 5. balancing citizen expectations and investing in the Town’s future needs; and 6. investing in economic generators for the downtown area. To meet unforeseen demands, prior year budgets have relied heavily on using one-time sources of revenue (e.g., fund balance) to fund ongoing expenditures, including the addition of fire protection services. Over the past three fiscal years, expenditures have exceeded revenues. The proposed budget that follows reverses that trend. While expedient, this practice reduced the Town general fund balance to a level that created concern among the financial community. The budget presented has addressed these issues, while beginning the trend of restoring reserves to mandated levels. Fountain Hills’ reliance on sales tax revenues has led to a situation where town services are dependent upon the fluctuations of the economy. Almost two-thirds of the Town’s general fund resources are derived from state and local sales tax, while only 4% of the Town’s land is zoned for commercial or industrial uses. The importance of a diversified revenue stream will guide priorities in upcoming years. In developing the proposed budget, Town staff followed a zero-based approach, leading to a focused review of services delivered by the Town, increased scrutiny of expenditures, and prioritization of programs to be funded using limited resources. The following is a summary of budget highlights. A more detailed analysis of all the Town’s revenues and expenditures is included in the budget summary and department sections. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 1 - Town of Fountain Hills Budget Summary ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Town relies heavily on state shared revenues and the local sales tax for resources (75%). State shared revenues are projected to decrease by $187,863, or 4.2 %, from the current year-end estimate of $4,438,000. The projections are based on estimates provided by the League of Arizona Cities and Towns and do not factor in any reductions resulting from legislative changes or reductions. Local sales tax is projected to increase by $2,687,500 due to the 1% temporary rate increase that went into effect on April 1, 2003, primarily for fire operations. The expenditures for all Town funds for fiscal year 2003-2004 is $18,658,981 and represents a 44% decrease from the prior fiscal year. The most significant portion of the decrease is attributable to the purchase of preservation land during fiscal year 2002-2003. The Town purchased 354 acres of open space in the McDowell Mountains at a cost of $13,750,000, using proceeds from General Obligation bonds and Municipal Property Corporation bonds. The budget is balanced with total expenditures equal or less than total projected revenues. The use of one-time revenue sources to fund ongoing operations has been eliminated in fiscal year 2003-2004. The budget also begins the process of restoring the fund balance to levels that are consistent with the fund balance policy adopted by the Council. REVENUE SOURCES - ALL FUNDS $19,867,023 Local Sales Tax 40% State Shared Sales Tax 8% Shared Income Tax/VLT/HURF 22% Secondary Property Tax 11% Miscellaneous 1%Grants 5% Rental Income 1% Fines & Forfeitures 1% Licenses and Permits 10% Charges for Services 1% Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 2 - Town of Fountain Hills EXPENDI TURES - ALL FUNDS $18,658,981 Ge ne r a l F und 65% HU RF F und 8% Special Revenue F und 7% Exc ise Tax 5% Debt Service 13% Development Fees 2% Revenues ▬▬▬▬▬▬ General Fund The general fund is the core service delivery budget and the largest fund with the highest potential for revenue fluctuations. The estimates in this proposal reflect a very conservative and cautious assessment of revenues due to the uncertainty regarding the national, state, and local economies. The proposed budget is based on projections that the annual inflation will be approximately 2.0 percent for the coming fiscal year. The general fund revenues are projected to be $12,678,885, which reflects a slight increase over the prior year. However, there were one-time revenues last fiscal year of $2,207,300 which will not recur. The difference in the current year will be made up from a 1% increase in the local sales tax rate to primarily fund fire operations. Without the increase, it was anticipated that the local sales tax collections would remain level due to the economic slowdown. Current service levels for public safety, administration of Town government and maintenance of Town-owned property are included in the operating budget request. GENERAL FUND REVENUES TOTAL $12,678,885 Rental Fees 2% Miscellaneous 2% State Sales Tax 12% Local Sales Tax 52% Licenses and Permits 7% Charges for Services 2% Fines and Forfeitures 2% State Income Tax 14% Vehicle License/Fire Ins Tax 7% Charts and descriptions of the major revenue sources with a ten-year history for the Town of Fountain Hills are shown in the budget summary section. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 3 - Town of Fountain Hills It is apparent from the previous chart, that the Town’s general fund is heavily dependent upon sales tax and state shared revenues for over 85% of revenue sources. These revenue sources are not controlled by the Town and are therefore subject to fluctuations in the economy and legislative appropriations. The Town should focus efforts on alternative revenue options that will diversify resources and provide a more financially stable future to allow multi-year planning and budgeting. Options that could be considered for Council approval are: 1. expand current tax code to eliminate tax exemptions on rentals $ 75,000 2. eliminate tax exemption on advertising, health spas $270,000 3. institute higher trash collection license fees $ 90,000 4. increase permit and license fees $ 74,500 Other options that would require voter approval are: 5. implement a .93 primary property tax $2,600,000 6. propose to the voters a utility franchise fee $350,000 As the Town has no primary property tax, Fountain Hills’ largest revenue source is the local sales tax (52%). On April 1, 2003, the Town increased the local sales tax rate to 2.6 percent on taxable activity occurring within the Town borders: 2.2% for general fund use, 0.1% for downtown development and 0.3% for land preservation. (The dedicated downtown development and land preservation sales tax is discussed further in the Excise Tax Special Revenue Fund.) A major component of local sales tax collections has historically been due to construction related activity. However, residential construction activity in Fountain Hills has been steadily declining over the past two years. In April and October 2002, two new major retail shopping centers within Town borders opened that have increased retail sales tax activity and made up for the loss in construction sales tax. The chart below highlights the decline in the construction activity and the increase in retail activity. S A L ES TA X C O L L EC TI O NS B Y C A TEGO R Y 1995 THROUGH 2004 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (es t)2003-04 (e s t) Construction T ransport ation/Util W h o lesale/Ret ail Rest auran t s/Bars Se r v i c e s Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 4 - Town of Fountain Hills Another major portion (34%) of general fund revenue is derived from state shared revenues, which are controlled by the State Legislature. The State of Arizona shares a portion of its sales, income and motor vehicle taxes with cities and towns based on a set of population formulas established by state law. Estimates for these non-locally controlled revenues are provided annually by the State. These estimates are considered conservative and are expected to decrease slightly from the prior year revised estimate (total projected revenue is $4,250,137) due to lower income tax collections. Licenses and building permit revenue, related to the construction market, is expected to decline in fiscal year 2003-2004, specifically building related fees. The Town’s building permit fees are expected to be better in fiscal year 2002-2003, based on better than anticipated home construction activity. For the upcoming year, the Town expects a downward trend and therefore is projecting only $769,250 in permit revenue. The Building Safety Division estimates that 125 single-family units will be constructed next year compared to an estimated 144 during fiscal year 2002-2003. Special Revenue Funds In addition to the general fund, Fountain Hills maintains several other funds that are established for specific purposes. Within the special revenue funds is the Highway Users Revenue Fund (HURF), the resources of which are restricted for street and highway purposes (cost of right-of- way acquisition, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repairs, roadside development of Town roads, and payment of the interest and principal on highway and street bonds). Another HURF revenue source is the Local Transportation Assistance Fund (LTAF), which is generated by the State lottery. Statute allows that 10% of the proceeds may be used for cultural, educational, historical, recreational or scientific facilities or programs if the state receives a maximum distribution of $23 million. The HURF fund also includes in-lieu payments ($6,000), which are payments made to the Town for road work completed by the Street Division on behalf of a utility and/or developer. Within the special revenue fund is the excise tax special revenue, which accounts for the dedicated local sales tax. The tax collections are deposited to this fund for land preservation (0.3%) and downtown development (0.1%) purposes as determined by the Council. Grants are utilized whenever possible to supplement the Town’s general fund and are designated for the specific purchases for which they are awarded. The Town has a few grants that will be utilized in fiscal year 2003-2004, as follows: Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) – Funds are donations received by the community for furniture, fixtures and equipment at the new Community Center. Any unspent funds are carried over to the subsequent year. Land and Water Conservation (LWCF) – This grant was awarded to the Town of Fountain Hills in fiscal year 2001-2002, but has not been utilized until this fiscal year due to lack of Town matching funds. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) – This grant is for the fire department’s upgrade for firefighting equipment. Undesignated Grant Revenue – An appropriation in the event the Town receives unanticipated grant funding, unspecified at this time. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 5 - Town of Fountain Hills Debt Service Funds Debt service funds account for the payment of principal and interest on the Town’s outstanding debt. Total debt service payments for fiscal year 2003-2004 are $2,606,500 including general obligation bond, HURF, and improvement districts. General obligation debt is approved by the voters and retired through a secondary property tax. The tax rate is determined by dividing the total amount required by the Fountain Hills Secondary Assessed Valuation provided by the Maricopa County Assessor. The valuation for 2003 increased from $270,602,866 to $323,385,230 (+19.5%). The Town’s secondary property tax portion of the 2003 property tax levy rate is estimated to be $0.4716 per hundred dollars of assessed valuation. HURF debt is paid through receipts from the Highway Users Revenue Fund. There are two MPC issues, one to repay debt for the construction of the Community Center and the other to repay debt for the purchase of land preservation. The Community Center debt will be repaid with residual funds from recovered PG&E investment. Land preservation bonds are repaid through the dedicated portion of the local sales tax proceeds (.3%). The Eagle Mountain and Cottonwoods Special Districts are levied by the County through the secondary property tax. Financial Planning & Policies During fiscal year 2002-2003, the Mayor and Town Council adopted several formal policies that will guide the Town in making major policy decisions that have financial implications. • An investment policy was adopted on March 20, 2003 specifying that Town idle cash reserves may only be invested in securities that are backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal government. The policy has been submitted to the Municipal Treasurers’ Association of the United States and Canada for certification of standards set forth by the Association. • The Council adopted a policy on the formation of community facilities districts on March 6, 2003 that outlines the requirements and procedures for developers who present the Town with a proposal to form a facilities district to finance infrastructure. • In May 2003, the Council approved financial policies that include the establishment of a formal reserve fund amount of no less than 30%, including an allowance for designated reserves and contingency. For more information, refer to the Reserves section further into this budget message. A key component of the annual budget is the Town’s five-year capital improvement program (CIP) for infrastructure and public facilities including roads, parks, buildings and information technology. The proposed five-year plan is the beginning of the process of long range planning. During better economic times an appropriation would be designated for the CIP; however, this year’s budget will focus on restoring reserved fund balance to the level established by policy. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 6 - Town of Fountain Hills Expenditures ▬▬▬▬▬▬ General Fund GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES TOTAL $12,163,902 Town Council 1% Municipal Court 2%Fire Department 20% Law Enforcement 14% Parks, Recreation, Community Center 18% Public Works, Planning, Bldg Safety 16% Information Technology 1% Administration 28% The proposed general fund expenditures for fiscal year 2003-2004 are $12,163,902 and reflect a decrease in expenditures of 14.4% over the prior year, primarily in salaries and benefits. During fiscal year 2002-2003, the Town implemented a budget reduction plan, which affected all levels of service within the Town government. One should note that the Administration Department is responsible for all non-departmental costs that are not allocated to individual departments. For example; legal costs, rent and utilities for Town-owned and/or occupied buildings, general liability insurance, information technology and developer sales tax rebates are included in the Administration Department budget, although these costs affect all departments. The total cost for these line items is $2,175,597 and represents 17.9% of the entire general fund budget. Without these expenditures, the Administration Department budget would equal 9.5% of the general fund budget. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 7 - Town of Fountain Hills The following chart illustrates the operating expenditures that were most affected by the budget reduction plan: THREE YEAR EXPENDITURE COMPARISON FY01-02 Actual FY02-03 Budget $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 Salaries &Co ntr act Repairs &Supplies &Capital Benefit s Services Maintenance Services Out lay FY03-04 Proposed Salaries and Benefits Most Town employees’ salaries and benefits are funded through the general fund (the exception is the Street Division staff who are funded through Highway User Revenue Fund revenues). Salaries include wages, overtime, vacation pay and merit. There are no cost of living raises included with this budget. An allowance of 4.5% is available for pay for performance merit increases. Employee benefits include health insurance, employer taxes, disability and worker compensation insurance, and employer match retirement contributions. The total salaries and benefits proposed for fiscal year 2003-2004 is $3,298,290 (a 34% decrease from the fiscal year 2002-2003 budget). The proposed budgeted authorized positions has decreased from fiscal year 2002-2003 level of 106 FTE’s to 77 FTE’s. As a result of assuming responsibility for fire and emergency medical service without a dedicated revenue source, the decline in state shared revenues, ongoing deficits, and the slowdown in residential construction; the Town was forced to implement a reduction-in- force, which was completed on January 31, 2003. This resulted in a total estimated savings of approximately $2.8M; the Town has no plans to repeat this in fiscal year 2003-2004. However, although no new positions are included in the proposed general fund budget, a planning manager vacancy will be recruited due to the workload in Public Works, Planning and Zoning, and Building Safety. One new position is proposed in the excise tax (downtown development fund), which is the position of downtown development coordinator. This position will insure a focus on the completion of the downtown area, which is one of Council’s objectives for fiscal year 2003-2004. The person hired for this position will work on projects such as enhancement of Avenue of the Fountains, inventorying developable parcels, shepherding economic development projects to fruition, overseeing consulting contracts, working with the local Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce and meeting with local businesses to promote the development of the downtown area. Currently the Town does not have the staff resources available for such activities. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 8 - Town of Fountain Hills The Law Enforcement Department has undergone a significant change during the last year. The Town has maintained a dual law enforcement agency system since 1990 with a Marshal Department and a contract with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. However, during the budget reduction plan analysis it was concluded that eliminating the in-house dispatching service was more economical and code enforcement would be transferred to a Building Safety Division responsibility. Furthermore, the Town Council passed a resolution in April 2003 to contract out all law enforcement activities, thereby eliminating the dual agency system. Additionally, the Town Council has requested that the position of emergency management coordinator be considered in the event that law enforcement is fully contracted. The fiscal year 2003-2004 budget as proposed is based on minimum staffing requirements due to the lack of stable revenue source. Consequently, there are staffing needs that are being postponed. There are four positions that are critical to the future of the organization – a public information officer for handling media requests, an accounting clerk to free up the accounting supervisor to handle the finance director responsibilities, an assistant town manager who can assist the town manager and assume those duties in the event of an extended illness or absence, and a risk manager to handle liability/worker compensation insurance requirements and a safety program due to the upcoming retirement of our volunteer risk manager. Contractual Services The Town contracts with outside professionals for recreational programs, consulting and legal fees, outside auditing services, engineering/inspection fees and contributions to special programs. Unlike past years, there will be no special events sponsored by the Town without private sector contributions. Two major contracts included in this category are: 1) Police protection (Maricopa County Sheriffs Office at $1,598,388) and 2) Fire protection and emergency medical services ($2,273,480), currently under contract with Rural Metro Corporation. The MCSO contract has been increased in anticipation of the final determination of the U.S. Department of Justice for increased police officers. Contractual services also include contributions that the Town makes to social and community benefit programs based on requests from the organizations. Total funding for fiscal year 2003- 2004 is $207,000 and is described in the Administration Department budget. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 9 - Town of Fountain Hills Repairs and Maintenance Repairs and maintenance include annual landscape maintenance contracts, equipment and vehicle repairs, and facilities maintenance (janitorial, building maintenance, etc.). The contracts were reduced in fiscal year 2002-2003 as part of the budget reduction plan and there are no plans to increase this level of service until there is sufficient revenue to do so. However, despite the many cost savings reductions, the Town is able to afford over-seeding the parks in the next year. Maintenance of the Town’s 121 acres of parks, as well as medians, dams and washes is solicited through a bid process to obtain the most competitive price for the Town. Supplies and Services Supplies and services include operational costs such as rent, electricity, utilities, insurance, etc. for Town Hall and other Town-owned buildings. The Town owns the Kiwanis building, two fire stations, the Library/Museum, the Community Center, the vehicle maintenance garage, and the community theater building. The Town leases three buildings for Town Hall, Municipal Court and Building Safety. The annual rent including the property tax ($482,920), electricity ($442,000) and insurance ($250,000 general fund portion) makes up the largest portion of supplies and services. Due to the high cost of leasing a 42,000 square foot town hall complex and the need for less space due to the reduction-in-force, a less expensive alternative needs to be explored for future space requirements. Other items in this category are office supplies, gas and oil, postage, travel and communications. Capital Outlay Due to the uncertainty regarding a stable revenue source, a limited number of capital requests have been included in this budget until the reserves have been replenished. Only 4.7% of the general fund is dedicated to capital outlays. Some capital requests will be partially funded with grant funds or development fees. Work will continue on Phase II Improvements to Fountain Park. All items planned are consistent with the park’s previously approved park master plan. These include the removal and replacement of the existing playground with two ADA compliant structures for different age groups, costing $300,000 from which $160,000 is derived from grant funding. The remaining section of sidewalk would be completed, which would run from the park’s east side northwesterly to Saguaro Boulevard, estimated at $187,000. Currently pedestrians are forced to either walk in the park or more commonly, in the street, which is unsafe. An additional picnic ramada will be constructed, which will help to disperse users throughout the park. The ramada will be adjacent to the restroom/control building at a cost of $69,670, which will be paid for with development fees. The $183,000 performance pad will be used for weddings, stage and musical performances, and will bring activity to the downtown area. This work will complete most of the items, but not all of the items planned under this phase. The other three projects, the Four Peaks Neighborhood Park skate park, one additional picnic ramada, and the traffic signal at El Lago and Fountain Hills Boulevards will be constructed using proceeds from development fees. A summary of the project, associated costs and development fee account are: Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 10 - Town of Fountain Hills Project Name Estimated Cost Development Fee Account McDowell Mountain trailhead study/design $33,500 Open Space Four Peaks Park Skatepark $60,000 Parks & Recreation Fountain Park Picnic Ramada $69,670 Parks & Recreation El Lago/Fountain Hills Blvd Traffic Light $200,000 Streets TOTAL $363,170 FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 DEVELOPMENT FEE EXPENDITURES These projects are described in the Parks & Recreation – Parks and Streets sections of the budget. Special Revenue Funds ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Highway User Revenue Fund, grant fund, and excise tax funds are considered special revenue funds, which are dedicated for specific purposes. The HURF fund can only be used for road maintenance, construction, and debt service on road improvement bonds. The grants that are proposed will be used to purchase fire equipment (Federal Emergency Management Agency), and Phase II of Fountain Park as well as an undesignated amount should we receive grants throughout the year. Expenditures from the excise tax special revenue fund are restricted for land preservation and downtown development. This budget provides that debt service payments for the MPC portion of the mountain preservation purchase be made out of this fund in order to free up general fund revenues ($639,610 for fiscal year 2003-2004). This budget also provides for capital expenditure from the downtown development fund in the amount of $225,000 for improvements to the Avenue of the Fountains. The downtown development funds are also proposed for use to hire a downtown development coordinator. If these expenditures are approved, the projected fund balance at the end of fiscal year 2003-2004 is estimated to be $1,339,590 for land preservation and $669,108 for downtown development. The debt service funds are for the payment of principal and interest on the Town’s general obligation bonds for the retirement of debt. A schedule of outstanding debt is included in the Schedules/Summaries section, page 133. The development fees fund is a restricted fund and may only be spent with Council approval. Additionally, expenditures from this fund are also restricted by Ordinances 00-21 through 00-26 which state that the expenditures cannot be “appropriated for funding maintenance or repair of public facilities nor operational or personnel expenses associated with the provision of the public facility”. However, appropriations can be made by the Council for financing public facilities and public facility expenditures, and capital expenditures related to maintaining the level of service standards for existing Town residents (streets). Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 11 - Town of Fountain Hills Transfers In prior years the Town’s general fund has allocated a portion of its revenues to the Highway Users Revenue Fund to help offset the costs of maintaining the community roads. However, a general fund transfer is not being proposed this fiscal year due to the need to increase the general fund balance. Two projects that require general fund matching funds, Fountain Park ($160,000) and FEMA firefighting equipment ($2,430), are included in the department budgets. Reserves One of the main goals of the Town Council is to ensure that adequate funding will be available to fund the designated and undesignated reserves. In May 2003, the Town Council adopted a formal fund balance policy appropriating funds as designated reserves for future capital expenditures, a contingency fund for unanticipated expenditures, and/or revenue shortfalls and an undesignated reserve fund. An important component of the reserve funds is an amount set aside that is not available for appropriation but will be maintained at a level that will satisfy the public and financial community regarding the fiscal stability of the Town, referred to as undesignated reserves. With the adoption of this budget the Town will set aside approximately 1/5 of the amount needed to reach the five-year goal to regain the fund balances to the designated amounts of roughly $4.7M. A contingency amount of $50,000 is included in non-departmental for minor unforeseen expenditures. The following chart depicts the historic and future trend of the general fund reserves. F und B a la nc e & R e s e r v e s Ge ne r al Fund $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $4,000,000 $4,500,000 $5,000,000 $5,500,000 $6,000,000 $6,500,000 $7,000,000 $7,500,000 1997- 1998 1998- 1999 1999- 2000 2000- 2001 2001- 2002 2002- 2003 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 Fis c al Ye ars Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 12 - Town of Fountain Hills A Debt of Gratitude A special thanks to the Mayor, Town Council members, and all commission members for their many hours of volunteer service without with the Town could not function in the fine manner that it has. This volunteer core of more than 200 citizens offers staff a vast bank of knowledge in many areas that contribute to the planning for the present but also for the future. Once again, my very sincere thanks. I would also like to thank the Town of Fountain Hills department directors for their patience and great effort in preparing their first departmental budgets under my leadership. Under very difficult times, these individuals have assumed more responsibility, endured more scrutiny and have been asked to provide more justification without one complaint. The directors and their staff endured several sessions with me justifying their programs, educating me about the uniqueness of Fountain Hills, developing cost estimates and answering my many questions. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed and have resulted in a balanced budget that achieves many goals for the vision of Fountain Hills. I would also like to thank Sue Stein, assistant to the town manager and town council, for coordinating the production of this budget document. Other contributors from the Administration Department who I would like to recognize are: Mike Ciccarone who provided the great photographs in the budget, and all staff members who helped assemble, review, and distribute the budget by the deadline date. Finally, I would like to thank Julie Ghetti, accounting supervisor, for her willingness to explore new and better methods of forecasting revenues and expenditures, the ability to meet any deadlines and implementing an improved budget format that succeeded in being awarded the GFOA (Government Finance Officers Association) Distinguished Budget Award for fiscal year 2002-2003 on its first submittal. I have confidence that the Town will be successful in receiving this award on an annual basis. Respectfully submitted, Timothy G. Pickering, CEcD, CM Town Manager Submitted June 19, 2003 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 13 - Town of Fountain Hills This page intentionally left blank Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 14 - Town of Fountain Hills Budget Process Introduction ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The budget process for the Town of Fountain Hills is designed to meet citizens’ needs for information and input; decision makers’ needs for information and advice from citizens on their desired blend of services; and the time line set by the State of Arizona through Arizona Budget Law. The information in this section is intended to help the Town Council, citizens, and staff better understand the budget process. The question and answer format is designed to assist the reader in finding information. When does the “budget season” start? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The budget process typically begins in January when the Finance Department begins to review current levels of service, council goals and objectives, proposed capital improvements, and financial plans. In reality, the budget process for the Town is actually an ongoing process. Throughout the fiscal year, citizens and staff submit suggestions for new services, regulations, funding sources, and improved service delivery, as well as concerns to the Town Council and commissions for discussion, study, and/or implementation. Advisory boards and commissions develop plans for new or enhanced programs to be included in the following year’s budget proposal. What is a budget? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Simply stated, a budget is an annual planning tool. It identifies the Town’s work plan and matches the financial, material, and human resources available with the requirements to complete the work plan. It includes information about the organization and identifies the council policy that directed the budget preparation. Although a budget is often discussed as a financial document, the financial portion means very little without the policy and administrative information that explains what the organization intends to do with the financial resources. What is a fund-based budget? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Town’s accounts are organized on the basis of funds. Each fund is a separate entity with its own set of self-balancing accounts comprised of its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 15 - Town of Fountain Hills What funds are included in this budget? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • General Fund – general purpose operating revenues: expenditures (non-restricted). • Special Revenue Funds (restricted to purpose) – Highway User Revenue Funds (roads), excise tax special revenue (land preservation and downtown development), grants (varied purposes). • Debt Service Fund – principal and interest payments on all general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, special districts and Municipal Property Corporation. • Development Fee Fund – capital projects related to growth • Capital Projects Fund – accumulation of funds and administration of a large capital project. How can I find out what a department is doing? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Departments are organizational units formed on the basis of compatible services. Departments provide services based on departmental goals and objectives that fulfill work plans. In some cases, a department will work within several funds. Although each of the operations in these funds is different, they are similar enough that savings can be achieved by having people who can share job responsibilities. Each department prepares a budget that includes information about the organizational unit and matches the available resources with the requirements to complete the department and fund work plans. Why does a town create a budget? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ All cities and towns in Arizona are required to adopt an annual budget. State law dictates that fiscal years begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Certain parts of the budget document such as summaries of revenues and expenditures showing two years of spending history are required by State law. When can a citizen have input into the budget process? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Town staff welcomes comments and suggestions throughout the year. The final opportunity occurs in May when the Town Council holds a public hearing on the proposed budget as recommended through the budget hearings. This is the last opportunity to increase the budget for the next fiscal year. Once the tentative budget is adopted, line items can only be decreased prior to the budget’s final adoption. Many revenue estimates must be made based on assumptions regarding general economic conditions. For example, development related revenues (building permits, system development charges, etc.) are all based on assumptions regarding development forecasts for Fountain Hills during the coming year. Revenue estimates are conservative to avoid setting expenditure budgets that will not be supported by actual revenues. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 16 - Town of Fountain Hills Can the budget be amended once it is adopted? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ During the fiscal year, the town manager may transfer appropriations between line items within a department. What basis of accounting/budgeting does the Town use? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Governmental fund budgets (General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects) are prepared on a modified accrual basis. This means that expenditures are recorded when the related fund liability is incurred, and revenues are recognized only when they are measurable and available. In all cases, when goods and services are not received by year-end, the encumbrances lapse. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) shows the status of the Town’s finances on the basis of “generally accepted accounting principles” (GAAP). In most cases, this conforms to the way the Town prepares its budget. The exceptions are liabilities for compensated absences, i.e. vacation pay, which are expected to be paid with available financial resources. The liability is reported as accrued by employees (GAAP) as opposed to being expended when paid (Budget). The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report shows fund expenditures and revenues on both a GAAP basis and Budget basis for comparison purposes. How do I get more information? ▬▬▬▬▬▬ All requests for public information in the Town of Fountain Hills are handled by the Town Clerk’s office. Please call (480) 837-2003 or visit the Town’s website www.fh.az.gov and click on the Accounting Department icon. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 17 - Town of Fountain Hills Budget Schedule (Fiscal Year 2003-2004) Date___________ Action______________________________________ Jan. 20 – Feb. 14 Department directors and accounting supervisor review YTD 2002-2003 budget and projected year end balance. Department directors prepare initial budget requests. February 10 Summary of estimated fiscal year end 2002-2003 revenue, expenditures, and fund balance submitted to town manager, department directors Feb. 3 – March 21 Fiscal year 2003-2004 revenue projections are prepared and reviewed with town manager. February 14 Departmental proposed budget numbers submitted to accounting department (revenues and expenditures). March 11 Department justifications for expenditures due. March 17 – March 28 Department directors, town manager and accounting supervisor meet to review requested expenditures. March 28 Departmental language finalized and electronically submitted to accounting department. April 4 Draft budget document submitted to town manager. April 7 – April 15 Staff review of proposed budget. April 28 Document submitted electronically for final compilation. May 7 Council receives copy of draft budget. May 15 Public Council budget meeting – Adopt tentative budget. June 19 Regular Council meeting – Adopt final budget. July 1 Regular Council meeting – Adopt tax levy. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 18 - Town of Fountain Hills All Funds Revenue Summary FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Revised Est.Proposed Source of Revenues GENERAL FUND Intergovernmental State Sales Tax $1,320,401 $1,559,318 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $1,575,000 State Income Tax $1,688,004 $2,110,536 $2,100,000 $2,100,000 $1,826,315 Vehicle License Tax $576,264 $667,570 $660,000 $750,000 $760,822 Fire Insurance Premium Tax $0 $0 $28,000 $88,000 $88,000 Total Intergovernmental $3,584,669 $4,337,424 $4,288,000 $4,438,000 $4,250,137 Taxes Property Tax $0 $1,355,318 $0 $10,000 $0 Local Sales Tax $4,923,174 $4,355,701 $4,300,000 $4,971,875 $6,459,293 Franchise Tax $125,982 $130,694 $130,000 $150,000 $150,000 Total Taxes $5,049,156 $5,841,713 $4,430,000 $5,131,875 $6,609,293 Charges for Services Parks & Rec User Fees $175,724 $175,376 $190,000 $160,000 $188,750 Encroachment Permit Fee $112,731 $185,431 $50,000 $90,000 $41,000 Subdivision Fees $61,284 $36,854 $15,000 $20,000 $15,200 Total Charges for Services $349,739 $397,661 $255,000 $270,000 $244,950 Licenses and Permits Animal License Fees $24,072 $24,779 $25,000 $25,000 $32,495 Business License Fees $87,521 $87,394 $65,000 $90,000 $95,210 Building Permit Fees $1,871,925 $997,239 $700,000 $900,000 $769,250 Rezoning/Variance Fees $28,160 $27,327 $15,000 $25,000 $15,300 Improvement Plan Review Fee $53,205 $29,040 $15,000 $20,000 $15,750 Total Licenses and Permits $2,064,884 $1,165,779 $820,000 $1,060,000 $928,005 Fines and Forfeitures Court Fines $303,261 $256,774 $260,000 $250,000 $212,000 JCEF/CCEF Revenue $7,098 $8,831 $0 $0 $1,500 Total Fines and Forefeitures $310,358 $265,605 $260,000 $250,000 $213,500 Community Center Rental Fees $14,166 $71,057 $100,000 $120,000 $195,000 Bar Sales/Commission $0 $41,291 $35,000 $40,000 $40,000 Total Community Center $14,166 $112,347 $135,000 $160,000 $235,000 Miscellaneous Leases $21,615 $36,556 $36,600 $51,600 $63,000 Donations $400 $12,760 $0 $10,000 $0 Interest on Investments $380,824 $188,681 $150,000 $0 $85,000 Miscellaneous $10,957 $1,729,801 $12,000 $50,000 $50,000 Total Miscellaneous $413,796 $1,967,798 $198,600 $111,600 $198,000 Transfer from County $0 $0 $1,070,000 $0 $0 Transfer from Development Fees $0 $0 $137,300 $137,300 $0 Transfer from MPC (BNY)$0 $0 $1,000,000 $1,255,000 $0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $11,786,768 $14,088,326 $12,593,900 $12,813,775 $12,678,885 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 19 - Town of Fountain Hills All Funds Revenue Summary – continued FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Revised Est.Proposed Source of Revenues SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway Users Revenue Funds Highway Users $1,061,521 $1,254,816 $1,310,000 $1,300,000 $1,401,400 Local Transportation (LTAF)$109,942 $114,861 $110,000 $113,000 $115,000 In Lieu Payments $93,986 $37,422 $20,000 $35,000 $6,000 Interest $7,749 $7,648 $2,000 $0 $500 Miscellaneous $0 $0 $0 $7,500 $1,000 Transfers In $1,034,234 $588,079 $249,000 $0 $0 Total Highway Users Revenue Fund $2,307,432 $2,002,827 $1,691,000 $1,455,500 $1,523,900 Excise Tax Special Revenue Land Preservation $635,243 $804,959 $806,250 $806,250 $880,813 Downtown Development $211,748 $271,065 $268,750 $268,750 $293,600 Total Excise Tax Special Revenue $846,991 $1,076,024 $1,075,000 $1,075,000 $1,174,413 Community Center FF&E Donations $0 $174,000 $0 $117,000 $0 Total Community Center FF&E $0 $174,000 $0 $117,000 $0 Grants COPS Universal $190,991 $118,086 $28,900 $28,900 $0 State Parks $238,679 $0 $0 $0 $160,000 AZ Commission on the Arts $1,500 $2,500 $4,000 $0 $0 FEMA - Fire Department $0 $0 $83,000 $51,551 $21,600 Miscellaneous Grants $0 $0 $750,000 $0 $680,000 Total Grants $431,170 $120,586 $865,900 $80,451 $861,600 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $3,585,593 $3,373,437 $3,631,900 $2,727,951 $3,559,913 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Bonds Secondary Property Tax $697,684 $1,341,025 $1,250,000 $1,290,000 $1,540,000 Interest $0 $953 $2,650 $0 $1,000 Total General Obligation Bonds $697,684 $1,341,978 $1,252,650 $1,290,000 $1,541,000 HURF Street Paving Transfers $112,800 $135,861 $126,000 $126,000 $124,000 Eagle Mountain CFD $645,240 $715,494 $490,000 $490,000 $561,500 Community Center MPC $394,600 $407,634 $380,000 $380,000 $375,500 Cottonwoods Improvement District $7,958 $4,520 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $1,858,282 $2,605,487 $2,253,150 $2,290,500 $2,606,500 DEVELOPMENT FEES Marshal Department Development Fees $960 $10,843 $8,510 $5,700 $9,950 Street Department Development Fees $13,742 $144,761 $84,235 $89,070 $138,175 Parks & Recreation Development Fees $33,900 $176,759 $292,650 $199,725 $347,200 Open Space Development Fees $37,740 $198,023 $367,790 $222,350 $386,500 General Government Development Fees $13,987 $160,338 $123,030 $82,350 $139,900 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES $100,329 $690,724 $876,215 $599,195 $1,021,725 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Community Center MPC $0 $0 $2,100,000 $2,189,660 $0 Land Preservation $13,826,973 $13,826,973 $0 $0 $0 Library Museum $1,530,431 -$0 $0 $0 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $15,357,404 $13,826,973 $2,100,000 $2,189,660 $0 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $32,688,376 $34,584,947 $21,455,165 $20,621,081 $19,867,023 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 20 - Town of Fountain Hills All Funds Expenditures FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Bud get Revised Est.Proposed Fund/Department GENERAL FUND Community Center $765,444 $1,067,997 $660,704 $585,030 $469,994 Municipal Court $296,802 $337,469 $327,470 $286,489 $299,870 Town Council $58,290 $102,491 $64,660 $57,460 $85,360 Administration $2,855,337 $2,826,034 $3,109,900 $3,025,525 $3,329,771 Information Technology $262,693 $213,318 $184,555 $150,050 $178,169 Planning & Zoning $337,693 $347,581 $409,510 $301,450 $252,000 Building Safety $650,018 $524,116 $501,700 $389,215 $587,900 Public Works $1,663,118 $1,181,919 $1,205,200 $982,050 $1,082,560 Recreation $644,256 $744,139 $728,350 $652,400 $543,070 Parks $2,016,483 $812,452 $845,620 $733,795 $1,205,840 Law Enforcement $2,483,545 $2,645,929 $2,696,380 $2,556,760 $1,743,538 Fire Department $0 $1,819,291 $2,361,270 $2,326,700 $2,335,830 NonDepartmental $45,833 $50,825 $47,500 $47,500 $50,000 Transfers (In)/Out $1,357,489 $2,324,389 ($1,132,300)($317,300)$0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $13,437,001 $14,997,951 $12,010,519 $11,777,124 $12,163,902 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway Users $2,298,427 $2,011,832 $1,689,447 $1,389,449 $1,523,900 COPS Universal $28,900 $28,900 $0 State Parks $238,679 $0 $0 $0 $320,000 AZ Commission on the Arts $1,500 $2,500 $4,000 $0 $0 FEMA - Fire Department $0 $0 $83,000 $51,551 $24,150 Community Center FF&E $0 $51,706 $120,000 $52,000 $187,294 Miscellaneous Grants $0 $0 $750,000 $0 $680,000 Total Grants $2,538,606 $2,066,038 $2,675,347 $1,521,900 $2,735,344 Excise Tax Special Revenue Land Preservation $0 $520,315 $605,000 $627,750 $639,610 Downtown Development $0 $50,000 $175,000 $7,600 $318,455 Total Excise Tax Special Revenue $0 $570,315 $780,000 $635,350 $958,065 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS $2,538,606 $2,636,353 $3,455,347 $2,157,250 $3,693,409 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Bonds Bond Payment - GO $351,573 $338,220 $354,000 $354,000 $360,000 Bond Payment - Lakeside $156,875 $142,000 $137,500 $137,500 $133,000 Bond Payment - Library/Museum $380,602 $397,075 $385,000 $385,000 $372,000 Bond Payment - Mtn Preserve GO $0 $402,000 $513,500 $513,500 $505,000 Total General Obligation Bonds $889,050 $1,279,295 $1,390,000 $1,390,000 $1,370,000 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 21 - Town of Fountain Hills All Funds Expenditures – continued 1 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Bud FY 2000-200 Actual get Revised Est.Proposed und/DepartmentF Special Districts/MPC Debt Service: Bond Payment - HURF $113,223 $135,861 $126,000 $126,000 $124,000 Bond Payment - Cottonwoods ID.$4,667 $3,821 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 MPC - Community Center $394,600 $392,000 $380,000 $380,000 $375,500 Eagle Mountain CFD $324,231 $321,526 $458,350 $508,350 $514,500 Total Special District Debt Service $836,721 $853,208 $968,850 $1,018,850 $1,018,500 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $1,725,771 $2,132,503 $2,358,850 $2,408,850 $2,388,500 DEVELOPMENT FEES Law Enforcement Development Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Street Department Development Fees $0 $0 $245,835 $7,000 $200,000 Parks & Recreation Development Fees $0 $80,954 $0 $0 $129,670 Open Space Development Fees $0 $0 $15,000 $0 $33,500 General Government Development Fees $0 $185,500 $137,300 $50,000 $50,000 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES $0 $266,454 $398,135 $57,000 $413,170 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Community Center MPC $0 $0 $362,500 $0 $0 Land Preservation $1,400,000 $13,750,000 $0 $0 $0 Library Museum $0 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND $1,400,000 $13,750,000 $362,500 $0 $0 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $19,101,378 $33,783,261 $18,585,351 $16,400,224 $18,658,981 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 22 - Town of Fountain Hills Budgeted Expenditure by Account Code – All Funds Gen Fund Special Development Debt TOTAL % of TOTALS Rev Funds FF&E Fees Service ALL FUNDS Total $3,298,290 17.7% 201 FICA $60,590 $7,460 $68,050 0.4% 5202 Unemployment Insurance $4,245 $696 $4,941 0.0% 5203 Employee's Health Insurance $283,142 $62,592 $345,734 1.9% 5204 Employee's Life Insurance $3,230 $840 $4,070 0.0% 5205 Employee's Dental Insurance $33,492 $7,488 $40,980 0.2% 5206 Employee's Eye Insurance $0 $0 $0 0.0% 5207 Worker's Compensation Insurance $34,170 $28,747 $62,917 0.3% 5208 Employee's Retirement Fund $276,451 $55,844 $332,295 1.8% 5209 Recruitment Costs $2,257 $2,257 0.0% 5211 Disability Insurance $12,061 $180 $12,241 0.1% Total Wages & Salaries $3,510,994 $663,780 $0 $0 $0 $4,174,774 22.4% 5901 Accounting Fees $35,300 $3,500 $38,800 0.2% 5902 Professional Fees $84,700 $84,700 0.5% 5903 Legal Fees $301,400 $4,000 $305,400 1.6% 5906 Jail/Prisoner Fees $38,000 $38,000 0.2% 5908 Engineering Fees $43,500 $25,000 $68,500 0.4% Rabies & Animal Control 5915 Elections Expense $36,000 $36,000 0.2% 5920 Intergovernmental Agreements $3,000 $3,000 0.0% 5929 Special Programs - RPTA $56,250 $56,250 0.3% 5930 Special Programs - Chamber $0 $0 0.0% 5932 Special Programs $225,950 $10,000 $235,950 1.3% 5933 Youth And Teens $11,100 $11,100 0.1% 5935 Sports Activities $51,100 $51,100 0.3% 5936 Spec.Programs-Constituent Comm $58,200 $58,200 0.3% 5941 McDowell Mtn Preservation $1,000 $1,000 0.0% 5947 Tourism $50,500 $50,500 0.3% 5950 Sheriff's Contract $1,598,388 $1,598,388 8.6% 5955 Rural Metro Contract $2,273,480 $2,273,480 12.2% 5980 Sales Tax Rebates $798,460 $46,210 $844,670 4.5% Total Contract Services $5,692,528 $88,710 $0 $0 $0 $5,781,238 31.0% 6400 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance $47,000 $30,000 $77,000 0.4% 6402 Road Repair & Maintenance $0 $128,600 $128,600 0.7% 6403 Equipment Rental $6,150 $500 $6,650 0.0% 6404 Building Repairs & Maintenance $99,522 $4,000 $7,500 $111,022 0.6% 6405 Office Equip. Repairs & Maint. $74,379 $500 $7,500 $82,379 0.4% 6406 Major Road Improvements $0 $407,475 $407,475 2.2% 6410 Field Preparation/Maintenance $90,300 $90,300 0.5% 6415 Mowing/Landscape Maintenance $295,800 $295,800 1.6% 6420 Dam/Wash Maintenance $150,000 $150,000 0.8% Total Repairs & Maintenance $763,151 $571,075 $15,000 $0 $0 $1,349,226 7.2% 5200 Wages $2,800,614 $497,676 5 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 23 - Town of Fountain Hills Budgeted Expenditure by Account Code – All Funds – continued Gen Fund Special Developmen Debt TOTAL % of TOTALS Rev Funds FF&E Fees Service ALL FUNDS Total 6501 Advertising/Signage $40,500 $100 $5,000 $45,600 0.2% 6505 Conferences $14,095 $2,500 $16,595 0.1% 6507 Continuing Education $36,530 $4,300 $40,830 0.2% 6508 Dues & Publications $54,890 $4,600 $59,490 0.3% 6509 Dues - GPEC $8,300 $8,300 0.0% 6511 Electricity Expense $313,632 $25,000 $338,632 1.8% 6514 Gas & Oil Expense $41,150 $17,000 $58,150 0.3% 6517 Liability Insurance $250,000 $117,000 $367,000 2.0% 6520 Office Supplies $43,800 $2,000 $4,794 $50,594 0.3% 6525 Tools, Shop Supplies $5,300 $5,000 $10,300 0.1% Firefighting Equipment $12,000 $24,150 $36,150 0.2% 6529 Postage $17,200 $17,200 0.1% 6530 Bar Supplies $25,000 $25,000 0.1% 6531 Printing $18,500 $300 $2,500 $21,300 0.1% 6534 Rent Expense $482,920 $482,920 2.6% 6537 Communication Expense $86,450 $7,500 $93,950 0.5% 6546 Water/Sewer $142,362 $6,000 $148,362 0.8% 6548 Travel Expense $6,550 $100 $6,650 0.0% 6549 Uniforms $11,500 $9,000 $20,500 0.1% 6550 Weapons and Ammunition $0 $0 0.0% 6560 Bank Charges $4,400 $4,400 0.0% 6650 CCEF Expenditures $1,500 $1,500 0.0% Total Supplies & Services $1,616,579 $224,550 $12,294 $0 $0 $1,853,423 9.9% 8020 Capital Outlay - Furn & Equip.$3,600 $685,000 $20,000 $708,600 3.8% 8025 Capital Outlay - Computers $4,050 $4,050 0.0% 8026 Capital Outlay - Software $13,000 $13,000 0.1% 8090 Capital Expend. - Improvements $510,000 $545,000 $413,170 $1,468,170 7.9% 9000 Debt Service $0 $123,000 $2,388,500 $2,511,500 13.5% 9030 Debt Retirement $0 $605,000 $605,000 3.2% 9999 Contingency $50,000 $140,000 $190,000 1.0% Total Capital/Contingency $580,650 $1,958,000 $160,000 $413,170 $2,388,500 $5,500,320 29.5% GRAND TOTAL $12,163,902 $3,506,115 $187,294 $413,170 $2,388,500 $18,658,981 100.0% Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 24 - Town of Fountain Hills General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Summary FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget REVENUES State Sales Tax 1,320,401 1,559,318 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,575,000 State Revenue Sharing 1,688,004 2,110,536 2,100,000 2,100,000 1,826,315 Vehicle License Tax 576,264 667,570 660,000 750,000 760,822 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 0 0 28,000 88,000 88,000 Property Tax 0 1,355,318 0 10,000 0 Local Sales Tax 4,923,174 4,355,701 4,300,000 4,971,875 6,459,293 Business License Fees 87,521 87,394 65,000 90,000 95,210 Building Permits 1,871,925 997,239 700,000 900,000 769,250 Court Fines & Fees 303,261 256,774 260,000 250,000 212,000 Animal License Fees 24,072 24,779 25,000 25,000 32,495 JCEF Revenue 5,578 0 1,500 CCEF Revenue 1,520 8,831 0 0 0 Rezoning/Variance/Special Use 28,160 27,327 15,000 25,000 15,300 Improvement Plan Review Fee 53,205 29,040 15,000 20,000 15,750 Encroachment Permit Fees 112,731 185,431 50,000 90,000 41,000 Subdivision Fees 61,284 36,854 15,000 20,000 15,200 Franchise Fees 125,982 130,694 130,000 150,000 150,000 Parks & Recreation User Fees 175,724 175,376 190,000 160,000 188,750 Rental 14,166 71,057 100,000 120,000 195,000 Cellular Lease Payment 21,615 36,556 36,600 51,600 63,000 Bar Sales/Commission 0 41,291 35,000 40,000 40,000 Donations 400 12,760 0 10,000 0 Interest/Investment Income 380,824 188,681 150,000 0 85,000 Miscellaneous 10,957 1,729,801 12,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE $11,786,768 $14,088,326 $10,386,600 $11,421,475 $12,678,885 EXPENDITURES: Mayor and Town Council 58,290 102,491 64,660 57,460 85,360 Administration 2,855,337 2,826,034 3,109,900 3,025,525 3,329,771 Information Technology 262,693 213,318 184,555 150,050 178,169 Building Safety 650,018 524,116 501,700 389,215 587,900 Public Works 1,663,118 1,181,919 1,205,200 982,050 1,082,560 Planning and Zoning 337,693 347,581 409,510 301,450 252,000 Recreation 644,256 744,139 728,350 652,400 543,070 Parks 2,016,483 812,452 845,620 733,795 1,205,840 Community Center 765,444 1,086,274 660,704 585,030 469,994 Law Enforcement 2,483,545 2,645,929 2,696,380 2,556,760 1,743,538 Fire Department 0 1,819,291 2,361,270 2,326,700 2,335,830 Municipal Court 296,802 337,469 327,470 286,489 299,870 Non Departmental (Contingency)45,833 50,825 47,500 47,500 50,000 Transfer from County 0 (1,070,000)0 0 Transfer from Development Fees 0 0 (137,300)(137,300)0 Transfer from MPC (BNY)0 0 (1,000,000)(1,255,000)0 Street Department 1,357,489 217,518 0 0 0 MPC 1,031,871 0 0 0 Land Preservation Fund 806,250 806,250 806,250 0 owntown Development Fund 268,750 268,750 268,750 0 OTAL EXPENDITURES &TRANSFERS $13,437,001 $15,016,228 $12,010,519 $11,777,124 $12,163,902 XCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (1,650,233)(927,902)(1,623,919)(355,649)514,983 und Balance Beginning of Year $6,314,461 $4,664,228 $2,483,712 $3,736,326 $3,380,677 nding Fund Balance $4,664,228 $3,736,326 $859,793 $3,380,677 $3,895,660 D T E F E Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 25 - Town of Fountain Hills This page intentionally left blank Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 26 - Town of Fountain Hills General Fund Revenues General fund operating revenu r fiscal year 2003-2004. The llowing charts are a new addition to the budget this year and will summarize operating revenues y major source, as well as show a ten-year history. The charts highlight the trends, account des, restrictions on usage, major influences and assumptions for the fiscal year 2003-2004 timate. es are estimated at $12,678,885 fo fo b co es Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 27 - Town of Fountain Hills State Shared Sales Tax f e ajor influences: Construction Activity, Retail Sales, Population and Economy Percent 1994-95 $772,609 9.6% 1995-96 $830,145 7.4% 1996-97 $998,459 20.3% 1997-98 $1,054,548 5.6% 1998-99 $1,130,422 7.2% 1999-00 $1,242,559 9.9% 2000-01 $1,320,401 6.3% 2001-02 $1,559,318 18.1% 2002-03 (est.)$1,500,000 -3.8% ccount: 3010 2003-04 (est.)$1,575,000 5.0% crease as a result of mid-decade census population growth Restrictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $397,853 1991-92 $602,256 51.4% 1992-93 $650,250 8.0% 1993-94 $705,184 8.4% No restrictions on usage. Must be expended for public purposes. A In T th he State assesses a 6.3% sales tax, of which cities and towns share in the collections total on the basis o e relation of its population to the total population of all incorporated cities and towns in the state using th 000 census figures. The drop in sales tax receipts in FY 2002-2003 reflects the slowdown in the economy at has been felt statewide. The revenue estimate for FY 2003-2004 as provided by the League of Arizona ities and Towns was compared to State-wide estimates from the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. he FY 2003-2004 estimate is lower than the League estimate of $1,600,687 for conservatism but still flects a 5.0% growth over the FY 2002-2003 estimate. Assumptions 2 th C T re M $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est .) 2003-04 (est .) S TATE S HAR ED S ALES TAX La s t Te n Fis ca l Ye a rs Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 28 - Town of Fountain Hills State Income Tax Restrictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $390,512 1991-92 $621,504 59.2% 1992-93 $648,456 4.3% 1993-94 $653,838 0.8% 1994-95 $722,920 10.6% 1995-96 $766,077 6.0% 1996-97 $1,071,161 39.8% 1997-98 $1,210,113 13.0% 1998-99 $1,412,702 16.7% 1999-00 $1,567,610 11.0% 2000-01 $1,688,004 7.7% 2001-02 $2,110,536 25.0% 2002-03 (est.)$2,100,000 -0.5% Account: 3020 2003-04 (est.)$1,826,315 -13.0% Increase as a result of mid-decade census population growth No restrictions on usage. Must be expended for public purposes. Percent Assumptions A 1972 citizen's initiative gave the cities and towns a percentage share of the state income tax, officially called urban revenue sharing. Arizona cities and towns receive 14.8% of the State's income tax collection ntil FY 2004-2005 when the percentage will go back up to 15%. This state shared revenue is distribu cities and towns based on the relation of their population to the total population of all incorporated ci nd towns in the state according to the 2000 census. Amounts distributed are based on actual income ta s ted ties x u to a collections from two years prior to the fiscal year in which the Town receives the funds. The estimated revenue for next fiscal year is provided by the Arizona League of Cities and Towns and is the first time in thirty years that this revenue source has gone down over the previous year (16.32%). Major Influences: Personal Income, Corporate Net Profits, Population and State Policy S TATE S HAR ED IN La s t Te n Fis c a l Ye a rs $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est .) 2003-04 (est .) COM E TAX Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 29 - Town of Fountain Hills Vehicle License Tax Percent Restrictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $85,000 1991-92 $134,247 57.9% 1992-93 $170,922 27.3% 1993-94 $228,936 33.9% 1994-95 $285,044 24.5% 1995-96 $273,111 -4.2% 1996-97 $378,103 38.4% 1997-98 $403,775 6.8% 1998-99 $476,430 18.0% 1999-00 $524,796 10.2% 2000-01 $576,264 9.8% 2001-02 $667,570 15.8% 2002-03 (est.) $750,000 12.3% Account: 3030 2003-04 (est.) $760,822 1.4% Assumptions No restrictions on usage. Must be expended for public purposes. Approximately 20% of the revenues collected for the licensing of motor vehicles is distributed to corporated cities and towns. The Town receives its share of the vehicle license tax collections based on its population in relation to the total incorporated population of the county (0.7%). The remainder of the revenues collected are shared by schools, counties, and the state. The fiscal year 2003-2004 estimate is based on receiving 0.7% of the mid-point between the County's most likely and pessimistic projection in ($108,688,909). Major Influences: Automobile Sales, Population, and State Policy $800,000 VEHI CLE LICEN S E TAX La s t Te n Fis c a l Ye a rs $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $700,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est .) 2003-04 (est.) $600,000 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 30 - Town of Fountain Hills Local Sales Tax Fo restricted. The ining is de ated to cland preservation the local sales e Town Counci emergency me roved a 1% services a rease estore a 19 -9 19 -96 $1,610,1 19 19 -9 -9 $2 $3 19 -00 87,514 20 -01 923,174 .4% 20 -02 355,701 .5% 20 20 -03 (est.) -04 (est.) 971,875 633,710 .1% .5%A R C purpose. Percent strictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $0 1991-92 $0 1992-93 $0 93 4 $0 1994-95 $16,622 95 16 1996-97 $2,664,923 65.5% 97 8 ,920,084 9.6% 98 9 ,394,152 16.2% 99 $4,0 20.4% 00 $4,20 01 $4,-11 02 $4,14 ccount: 3205 03 $7,53 ate increase f the total proceeds from the 2.6% tax rate .4% of the revenue ation and Downtown Development. due under the Municipal Property orporation Agreement are repaid from local sales tax. Excess proceeds are not restricted but must be expended for public Re O is restricted for Land Preserv Additionally, bond payments Assumptions untain Hills’ local sales tax rate is 2.6% of which 2.2% is un rema dic (0.3%) and downtown development (0.1%). Th l app in tax effective April 1, 2003 to help fund fire nd dical nd r nancial stability to the Town, providing an additional $671,875 in FY 2002-2003. Sales tax collections for FY 2003-2004 are estimated to increase by approximately 9.2% excluding the rate increase proceeds. in fi The additional revenue will be provided by th ter that opened in October 2002. e new shopping cen Major Influences: Economy, Construction Activity, Retail Sales, and Public Policy LOCAL S ALES TAX Las t Te n Fis cal Ye ars $0 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est .) 2003-04 (est .) Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 31 - Town of Fountain Hills Fines and Forfeitures Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 32 - $0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est .) 2003-04 (est .) Assumptions Municipal Court fines come from traffic violations and other fines paid for the violation of municipal ordinances. The decline in fines and forfeitures beginning in FY 2001-2002 is related to the reductions in the Marshal Department that were initiated in October 2001. A dual law enforcement agency system has tain Hills since 1991. The Town will revert to a single agency law enforcement stem beginning in FY 2003-2004 due to financial constraints. 1996-97 $209,485 -0.9% 1997-98 $208,900 -0.3% 1998-99 $259,453 24.2% 1999-00 $293,910 13.3% 2000-01 $310,359 5.6% 2001-02 $265,605 -14.4% 2002-03 (est.)$250,000 -5.9% Account: 3230 2003-04 (est.)$212,000 -15.2% Percent strictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $0 1991-92 $123,498 1992-93 $134,618 1993-94 $166,736 1994-95 $171,675 1995-96 $211,289 Re No restrictions on usage. Must be expended for public purpose. been utilized in Foun sy FINES URES Las t Te n Fis cal Ye ars & FORFEIT $250,000 $300,000 $350,000 $200,000 Town of Fountain Hills Building Related Fees Percent trictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $0 1991-92 $427,949 1992-93 $490,837 1993-94 $807,940 1994-95 $1,379,965 1995-96 $1,688,321 1996-97 $1,759,326 4.2% 1997-98 $1,912,468 8.7% 1998-99 $2,433,602 27.2% 1999-00 $2,547,521 4.7% 2000-01 $2,127,305 -16.5% 2001-02 $1,275,891 -40.0% 2002-03 (est.)$1,055,000 -17.3% Accounts: 3220-3250 2003-04 (est.)$872,250 -17.3% o restrictions on usage. Must be expended for public purpose. Res N Assumptions Revenues from this source include the fees collected from building permits, rezoning, improvement pl encroachment and subdivision plans. The sharp decline from 2001 to present is due to the absence of production home building, economic downturn and completion of several major development project such as Eagle Mountain, Monterra Ranch, Diamonte del Lago and the Target shopping center. While th number of permits being issued has decreased the permit valuation will increase with the construction mes on large lots. Permits Valuation Y1999-2000 510 $146,408,220 FY2000-2001 342 $105,687,713 FY2001-2002 218 2,831 (large commercial project) Y2002-2003 (est.) 144 $53,736,500 an, s, e of primarily residential custom ho F $113,12 F Major Influences: Population, Economy, Development, Public Policy B UI LD IN G R ELATED FEES La s t Te n Fis ca l Ye a r $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (e s t .) 2003-04 (e s t .) s Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 33 - Town of Fountain Hills icense Fees Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 34 - L Assumptions Percent Restrictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $0 1991-92 $23,628 1992-93 $29,488 1993-94 $39,523 1994-95 $53,925 1995-96 $61,594 1996-97 $70,038 13.7% 1997-98 $81,125 15.8% 1998-99 $90,717 11.8% 1999-00 $100,134 10.4% 2000-01 $115,681 15.5% 2001-02 $112,173 -3.0% 2002-03 (est.)$115,000 2.5% Accounts: 3210, 3225 2003-04 (est.)$127,705 11.0% No restrictions on usage. Must be expended for public purpose. License fees are derived from a license tax on professions, occupations, businesses and animals within the d primarily as a means of regulating businesses and animal control within the mmunity. The estimate for FY 2003-2004 is based on 2,041 active business licenses and 2,761 animal censes. Major Influences: Economy, Enforcement Town. The license fee is use co li $140,000 LICEN S E FEES Las t Te n Fis cal Ye ars $120,000 $100,000 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est .) 2003-04 (est .) Town of Fountain Hills Charges for Services Assumptions Charges for services are collected from users lities (parks, community center) or programs 1991-92 $33,819 1992-93 $39,183 1993-94 $37,934 1994-95 $44,827 1995-96 $70,948 1996-97 $150,209 111.7% 1997-98 $656,283 336.9% 1998-99 $479,633 -26.9% 1999-00 $267,835 -44.2% 2000-01 $211,800 -20.9% 2001-02 $324,300 53.1% 2002-03 (est.)$371,600 14.6% Accounts: 3270, 3280, 3285 2003-04 (est.)$486,750 31.0% Percent strictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $0 Re No restrictions on usage. Must be expended for public purpose. of Town faci developer in F(recreation). During FY 1997-1998 the master ountain Hills transferred Fountain Park to the proved by the Council in April and is reflected in the FY 2003-2004 estimate. y on Rates CHAR GES FOR S ER VICES Last Ten Fiscal Years Town along with a monetary contribution for the two years following. In September 2001 the new Fountain Hills Community Center opened providing a venue for weddings, banquets, civic meetings, etc. The Community Center Advisory Commission reviewed the rates in early 2003 and the recommended increase was ap Major Influences: Population, Internal Polic $0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 (e s t ) 03-04 (e s t ) Recreation Com m . Center Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 35 - Town of Fountain Hills General Fund Expenditure Summary TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 2003-04 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Salaries Contract Repairs &Supplies Capital % of Department & Benefits Services Maintenance & Services Outlay Total Total ayor and Town Council $34,660 $0 $0 $50,700 $0 $85,360 0.7% dministration $830,300 $1,410,210 $71,522 $1,017,739 $0 $3,329,771 27.4% Information Technology $0 $22,200 $53,029 $85,890 $17,050 $178,169 1.5% Law Enforcement $75,900 $1,662,588 $500 $4,550 $0 $1,743,538 14.3% Fire Department $0 $2,273,480 $27,200 $35,150 $0 $2,335,830 19.2% Municipal Court $276,320 $8,200 $1,100 $14,250 $0 $299,870 2.5% Parks & Recreation $586,910 $155,350 $295,500 $201,150 $510,000 $1,748,910 14.4% Community Center $301,144 $52,000 $8,300 $104,950 $3,600 $469,994 3.9% Public Works $635,710 $44,000 $303,000 $99,850 $0 $1,082,560 8.9% Building Safety $553,100 $15,000 $2,500 $17,300 $0 $587,900 4.8% Planning & Zoning $227,950 $2,500 $500 $21,050 $0 $252,000 2.1% Contingency $50,000 0.4% GENERAL FUND TOTALS $3,521,994 $5,645,528 $763,151 $1,652,579 $530,650 $12,163,902 100.0% % of General Fund 29.0%46.4%6.3%13.6%4.4%100.0% M A Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 36 - _______________________ Town Council _______________________ Town of Fountain Hills Fountain Hills Town Council Mayor Wally Nichols Vice Mayor Susan Ralphe Councilmember Mike Archambault ber John Kavanagh ber Rick Melendez Councilmember Kathleen Nicola Councilmember Leesa Stevens Councilmem Councilmem Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 37 - Town of Fountain Hills Fountain Hills Town Council ayor Wally Nichols _____________________________________________________________________________ allace J. Nichols was elected Mayor of Fountain Hills in May 2003. His background in the mmunity began in 1985, when Wally and his wife, Sheila, bought their first condominium in Fountain Hills as a retreat f s the years went by, they found themselves staying lo Sheila made the Town of Fountain Hills their permanent home in 1995. The Nichols keep busy with their family of two sons, three grandchildren, and four fo Mr. Nichols has served in h s career; such as Executive Director for WorldatWork (fo or Nichols & Wharton, Inc., Senior Vice-President Human nal, Inc., Vice-President of Compensation & Benefits for Director of Compensation & Benefits for CPC International,iversity, earning a Bachelor’s egree in Economics, and is an alumnus of the Harvard Business School. ocally, Wally Nichols currently serves as President of Nichols International, Inc., which rovides consulting and educational services to the human resource community. He is also hairman/CEO of Hawk Enterprises, Inc., a local rental/property management company. His rofessional affiliations include member and past board member of WorldatWork (32 years) and CP, Certified Compensation Professional. He is also a member of the teaching faculty for orldatWork specializing in accounting and finance, and the use of equity in pay plans. ally’s previous public service record in Fountain Hills is impressive. He served the community an elected officer/Chairman of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District, Los Arcos Multipurpose acilities District Board of Directors, Scottsdale Boys & Girls Club Board of Directors, Fountain ills Boys & Girls Club Advisory Chairman, Chairman of the Fountain Hills Community Center dvisory Commission, and on the Citizens Committee/Community Benefits Committee Board. ther local affiliations include the Noon Kiwanis, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, Friend f the Fountain Hills Community Theater, Senior Center, Civic Association, Library Association, epublican Club, Fountain Hills Historical Society, McDowell Park Association, and the Four eaks Community Church. M _ W co rom the Barrington, Illinois winters. A nger here than in llinois. Wally and I ster daughters. ighly regarded positions throughout hi rmerly ACA), Managing Director f Resources at Premark Internatio Dart & Kraft International, Inc. and Inc. He was educated at Tufts Un d L p C p C W W as F H A O o R P Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 38 - Town of Fountain Hills Councilmember Mike Archambault _____________________________________________________________________________ ike Archambault moved to Fountain Hills from Columbus, Ohio in 1972. He built one of the rst homes in Fountain Hills and was among the first ten families to live here. Mike worked in ountain Hills with his father for almost ten years under the company name of Archie’s onstruction. In 1981, he saw a need for quality cabinets in Fountain Hills and started Fountain et shop that currently employs fifteen craftsmen. Mike cabinets for Valley builders for more than 20 years. en involved in community services since he moved here in 1972. He r needy families, served as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader, and a Leader for Order of the the Sunset Kiwanis. _____________ ohn Kavanagh is serving or has served with the following town groups: Parks and Recreation _ M fi F C Hills Wood Whims, Inc., a custom cabin and his crew have been providing custom Mike Archambault has be ran annual “Secret Santa” programs, bringing toys to children and helping with food donations fo Arrow, graduating fourteen Eagle Scouts. Mike also helped with the drive to bring the first health clinic to Fountain Hills in 1977. He served on the Church of the Ascension Committee, and with the help of volunteers, Mike built the Church’s rectory. He also helped construct the original town library (now the Fountain Hills Theatre) with the Contractors Association, and assisted in building the Sunset Kiwanis clubhouse. He also served the community as President of the Fountain Hills Youth Association, and as a member of Mike has been married to Charla for 28 years. The Archambaults have two children, Michelle, 25, and Eric, 22. Councilmember John Kavanagh ______________________________________________________________ John Kavanagh is a ten-year resident of Fountain Hills who is married to Linda and has two sons, Jonathan and Nicholas. He is a professor of criminal justice at Scottsdale Community College and Director of the college’s Administration of Justice Studies Program. Prior to teaching at Scottsdale Community College, John taught at Arizona State University and spent 20 years as a police officer with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police, retiring as a detective sergeant. He also served three years as a town council member in Lafayette, New Jersey. John Kavanagh has a B.A. in Sociology from NYU, an M.A. in Public Administration from St. John’s University (Queens, New York), and a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Rutgers University. He also belongs to professional associations, such as the American Society of Criminology and the Arizona Criminal Justice Educators Association. J Commission, Community Center Advisory Committee, Vision 2000 Planning Committee, School Board Calendar Committee, Youth Basketball League, Veterans Memorial Sitting Committee, the Knights of Columbus, Civic Association, and the American Legion. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 39 - Town of Fountain Hills Councilmember Kathleen Nicola _______________________________________________________________________ long-time Arizona resident, Kathleen Connelly Nicola moved to Lake Havasu City in June 967. After a move to Mesa in 1985, Kathleen and her family settled in Fountain Hills in 1989. he is married to John Nicola. Kathleen’s daughter Tonya, son-in-law Jim, and grandson atthew reside in Chandler. dministrator of the court over the following nine years, Kathleen’s extensive duties included eal A 1 S M Kathleen’s service to the Town of Fountain Hills began in 1990, when she began working for the municipal court, after a brief period of volunteering her services. During her tenure as a budget preparation and day-to-day management of the court. Kathleen’s responsibilities included the court’s compliance with local, county and state statutes, rules and administrative orders, in addition to statistical and financial reports. Kathleen earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Justice Studies from the College of Public Programs at Arizona State University. Kathleen graduated from the Arizona School of R Estate & Business, and made a career change in the summer of 2000 to become a licensed real estate salesperson. Her license currently hangs with John Hall & Associates in Scottsdale. As a local real estate professional, Kathleen is an active member of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce and the Scottsdale Association of Realtors. Other professional memberships she holds are with the Arizona Association of Realtors, National Association of Realtors, and the Real Estate Buyers Advisory Council. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 40 - Town of Fountain Hills Councilmember Rick Melendez ________________________________________________________________________ nrique (Rick) Melendez and his wife, Pam (an Arizona native) moved from California to the untain Hills area nine years ago. He has a son, daughter, and grandchildren who reside in lifornia. Rick was born in El Salvador and came to the U. S. for his education. He is the only ember of his family who decided to stay in our country, although he continues to represent his mily’s business interests in Central America. h Day dventist Church, California Judges Association, SOKA University, and many others. His firm mittee of the California Manufacturers Association, the ultiple Sclerosis Association Board, California Chamber of Commerce, Sacramento Blood rive, Sacramento Opera, and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. His Arizona community rvice includes membership in the Maricopa County Jail Committee, Fountain Hills Charter City ommittee, Fountain Hills Law Enforcement Advisory Panel, Fountain Hills FAA Committee, d an active member of the Scottsdale Police Department’s Chief Advisory Council. ick attended Loyola High School in Los Angeles and holds a B.S. in Foreign Trade from the niversity of San Francisco and also earned certificates during his oil business career in rofessional Management sponsored by Stanford University and the Petroleum Educational stitute. Rick looks forward to serving the Fountain Hills community and continuing to improve e quality of life for its residents. E Fo aC m fa Rick’s professional business background for 35 years in the petroleum industry covered many assignments including marketing, human resources, advertising, and public affairs. He served in many areas of senior management. His last assignment with Atlantic Richfield Company was Regional Manager for Public Affairs in the Western Region of the U. S. During this time, he was a member of the negotiating team that established the Arco Arena, home of the NBA Sacramento Kings. In 1982, Rick was honored at the White House by President Reagan and received an award as one of the top 20 Hispanics in the country. In 1983, California State Senate President Pro Tempore, David Roberti, appointed Mr. Melendez to the World Trade Commission. During the next 12 years, Rick served on this commission and was instrumental in the development of World Trade Offices in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Frankfurt, and London. Those years brought him invaluable practical and business experience, which he later used to open his own consulting company following early retirement from Atlantic Richfield Company. His company included clients such as ARCO, General Dynamics, The Port of Long Beach, California Steel, E&J Gallo Winery, California Wine Institute, Sacramento Kings, Sevent A specialized in developing business opportunities in the areas of environmental technology, marketing, distribution of products, and government interface on behalf of clients. Rick also served on the Executive Com M D se C an R U P In th Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 41 - Town of Fountain Hills Vice Mayor Susan Ralphe _______________________________________________________________________ ice Mayor Susan Ralphe is a Milwaukee, Wisconsin, native who grew up in Norway in ichigan's Upper Peninsula. An alumnus of Northern Michigan University in Marquette, ichigan, she graduated summa cum laude in 1968 with a B.S. degree in business education. She 30 years, have lived in Fountain Hills since 1993 and in porting awards for three consecutive years in statewide Minnesota Newspaper Association contests. As a freelance writer, her articles have nsored initiative approved by voters in 1996. idents of a nearby nursing home. ved here from her home state of Michigan. Mrs. Stevens, a cum laude graduate, received a B.A. degree in art ouncil member Stevens was a former Fountain Hills environmental activist, advocating nsitive and sensible development. She was appointed to the position of Commissioner and _ V M M and Roger, her husband of more than Arizona since 1978. They have two grown sons - Jason, Reno, Nevada, and Matt, Portland, regon. O A journalist, Ralphe covered government and consumer affairs for 15 years as a newspaper reporter for large dailies - The Phoenix Gazette, Phoenix, Arizona, and The Duluth Herald, Duluth, Minnesota -- and a weekly, the Hastings Star, in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. area. She is the recipient of First-Place Investigative Re appeared in national magazines. In 1994 Ralphe founded the Fountain Hills grassroots citizen group, the Committee to Preserve the Environment (CPE), and chaired it for two years. Today more than 400 acres of town-owned washes remain under the protection of the Watercourse Preservation and Habitat Ordinance, a CPE-spo In the spring of 1999 she founded another local volunteer citizen group-- Save the Mountains (STM), a coalition of organizations and individuals active in McDowell Mountain preservation and wise mountain land-use. She stepped down as President after being elected to the Council. Ralphe is a member of the McDowell Park Association (MPA) and the Fountain Hills Historical Society, and for several years has been making weekly visits to res Councilmember Leesa Stevens ______________________________________________________________________________ Formerly Leesa Fraverd, Leesa married Michael Stevens, President of Eagles View Custom Homes, on Christmas Eve 2002. A thirteen-year resident of Fountain Hills, Council member Leesa Stevens has been active in community service almost since the day she arri education from Michigan State University. She taught art education in Charlotte and St. Joseph, Michigan. Leesa obtained a second degree after moving to Arizona, an A.A.S. in Environmental Drafting and Design. She is currently the president of Architectural Angles, a drafting and design firm specializing in custom home design in the northeast valley, since 1996. Recently Leesa and her husband, Mike, have joined forces to form a design/build team in Fountain Hills. C se Chair of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission from 1995 to 2000. Leesa Stevens is an active member of the Neighborhood Property Owners Committee of Architecture (since 1994) and the Fountain Hills Civic Association. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 42 - Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ xpenditures appearing in this section support the goals and objectives of the Mayor and Town izing public access to Council meetings, providing funding for communication and awareness of the Mayor, Town Council, and the Town with other Town Council members are paid monthly at the same rate since June 2000. oter ballot and printing costs. omote Fountain Hills at the annual Arizona League of Cities and Towns conference. ed cost for these events is $4,000. E Council. These include maxim municipal elections, enhancing consistent communication, compensating and equipping the Mayor and Town Council with the tools necessary to do their jobs; and promoting municipalities Salaries and Benefits $34,660 This category of expenditures includes the salary and related taxes for the Mayor and Council members. Supplies and Services $50,700 Every two years, citizens of the Town are given the opportunity to vote for Mayor and three Council members. The next scheduled election is May 2004, which falls within this budget year. An appropriation of $36,000 includes one primary and one general election at $18,000 each, payable to the Maricopa County Elections Department. This charge is based on $0.78 per registered voter, $1.47 per early v An appropriation of $5,000 is included to support activities such as meetings with other dignitaries, attending functions as Town representatives, hosting intergovernmental activities, and welcoming special guests and visitors to the community. This line item provides funding to purchase commemorative items to share with visiting dignitaries and to pr During fiscal year 2002-2003, the Council attended a strategic planning retreat that gave them an opportunity to focus on issues such as goal setting, economic development, and council relations. The Council would like to incorporate the retreat as an annual event as well as attend other related opportunities throughout the year such as League of Arizona Cities and Towns functions, Maricopa Association of Government (MAG) workshops, legislative events, and seminars. The estimat Monies are also included for travel reimbursement, communications, publications, ads/notices, printing, portraits, and miscellaneous office items. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 43 - Town of Fountain Hills Summary Expenditures – Town Council FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget ALARIES & BENEFITS $38,257 $38,159 $39,460 $39,460 $34,660 39 460 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $64,332 $25,200 $18,000 $50,700 S CONTRACTUAL SERVICES R SUPPLIES & SERVICES $20,033 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $58,290 $102,491 $64,660 $57,460 $85,360 Y 2 3-2004 B get ALARIES & BENEFITS 35,200 35,000 0 36,00 3,057 3,159 0 3,46 5,000 0 5,000 onferences 1,800 1,200 700 0 500 TOWN COUNCIL FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 F 00 Actual Actual Budget Estimate ud S Wages 36,00 0 31,200 Employer Taxes 3,46 0 3,460 TOTAL $38,257 $38,159 $39,460 $39,460 $34,660 SUPPLIES & SERVICES: Election Expense 7,845 36,201 15,000 15,000 36,000 Advertising 6,029 23,482 C CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $58,290 $102,491 $64,660 $57,460 $85,360 Continuing Education 0 0 0 0 4,000 Dues & Publications 48 0 0 0 0 Community Outreach 300 0 500 0 0 Office Supplies/Portraits 2,549 957 1,500 1,500 2,200 Printing 613 113 0 0 500 Communications 0 0 1,250 1,000 1,250 Travel 849 2,379 1,250 500 1,250 TOTAL $20,033 $64,332 $25,200 $18,000 $50,700 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 44 - _______________________ Administration _______________________ Information Technology Town of Fountain Hills Administration Department Facilities Finances Human Resources Information Technology Finance and Ad inistration Town Clerk m Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Administration Department is dedicated to serving the citizens of Fountain Hills by providing accurate and current information on Council legislation and administrative actions; supporting the Town of Fountain Hills and its departments; providing for the delivery of comprehensive financial services to internal and external customers; protecting the integrity of own assets; maintaining Town facilities; and delivering the finest municipal services to ensure e highest quality of life for Fountain Hills residents. T th epartment Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ he Administration Department provides all administrative services for the Town including: town manager; town clerk; human resources; finance; risk management; facilities; information technology; legal; council, operational and community support. Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Process zoning-approved business license applications within 2 working days, peddlers license applications within 10 working days. • Respond to all citizen inquiries within the same working day. • Serve the public as a source of reliable information on Town Council legislation and actions and insure the preservation of legal documents. • Perform all duties required to conform to the Arizona Open Meeting Law. • Conduct elections in accordance with current state law and facilitate the public's ability to vote. • Coordinate and compile agenda packets prior to Town Council meetings; prepare Council meeting minutes within 10 working days and process resolutions and ordinances on a timely basis. • Update the Town Code on a regular basis to reflect legislation enacted by the Council. • Maintain the Town’s “Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting”. D T Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 45 - Town of Fountain Hills • Maintain the Town’s “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award”. • Update Town policies and procedures to stay current with local, state and federal law. • Provide a comprehensive personnel program based on merit principles administered in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws. • Administer and coordinate all employee-related programs and benefits. Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Actual Estimated Estimated Televised Regular Council Meetings 24 24 24 Special or Executive Sessions 19 21 23 Number of Resolutions Processed 45 40 49 Number of Ordinances Processed 18 15 19 New Business Licenses 471 490 545 Business License Renewals 1,432 1,500 1,653 Number of Registered Voters 12,482 12,712 -- Number of Ballots Cast 3,793 2,561 of Ballots Cast to Number of Registered Voters 30.39% 20.15% dopt-A-Street Commercial/Residential 62/57 65/58 ertificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award 5th year 6th year 7th year istinguished Budget Presentation Award - 1st year 2nd year voices/Accounts Payable Checks 11,241/3,150 8,600/2,900 9,000/3,000 equisitions/Purchase Orders 5,800/300 2,700/160 4,000/200 $56,801 $32,400 $170,000 10 12 13 ond Rating Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Received first Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). • Restored financial stability through a budget reduction plan. • Maintained an Aa3 bond rating after Town review by Moody’s Financial Services. • Reorganized several departments to streamline operations eliminating three department directors. Initiated a recruitment process for two key management positions – a new town manager • Adopted formal community facilities district, investment and financial policies. % A C D In R Sales Tax Recovered nsurance Claims Managed I B • and a town Judge. • Expanded web casting to include live Council meetings, minutes, maps, general plan, budget, license applications, requests for public information and agendas. • Created and implemented a new agenda process. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 46 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Identify and implement new locally controlled revenue sources to diversify Town • Improve Aa3- general obligation bond rating. • Move toward implementing a strategic long range planning process including a performance measurement system. ities and insurance losses. • Expand functionality of Channel 11 broadcasting to include other community members. • • Prepare Summary Exp echnology) resources. • Adopt a formal debt policy. • Implement new financial reporting model per Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement 34. • Create safety programs to decrease liabil Prepare capital equipment and infrastructure replacement policy with financing schedule. a popular financial report. enditures – Administration (includes Information T 000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 SALARIES & BENE CONTRA L SE REPAIRS AINT SUPPLIES & SERVI $790,598 $846,389 $1,204,500 $1,209,375 $1,103,629 CAPITAL PEND $17,050 TOTAL EXPENDITU $3,108,511 $3,007,588 $3,294,455 $3,175,575 $3,507,940 FY 2 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget FITS $766,354 $831,256 $1,080,700 $972,300 $830,300 CTUA RVICES $1,020,212 $965,809 $837,000 $874,850 $1,432,410 & M ENANCE $167,662 $151,993 $172,255 $117,500 $124,551 CES EX ITURES $363,685 $212,141 $0 $1,550 RES Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 47 - Town of Fountain Hills Authorized Personnel 01 003 2003-2004 uthor zed Authorized Proposed E TE E Position-Title 2000-20 2001-2002 2002-2 Authorized A i FT FTE F FT .00 .00 0 .00 0 rk .00 .00 0 0 00 .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 T Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0.50 0.50 ccountant 1.00 1.00 0 0 Acc n Admini 0.50 0.50 1.00 0 Ass 1.00 1.00 Exe ti 0 H.R d I. T. Su alist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Adm i Facilitie 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Mai n 1.00 Cus i Clerk T 1.50 Administration Town Manager 1 1.00 1 1.00 Undesignated Position 1.00 2 Director of Admin/Town Cle 1 1.00 1 Town Clerk 0 0 1. Supervisor/Accounting 1 I/ I/T Intern 0.50 0.50 A ou ting/H.R.Clerk 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 strative Intern t to Town Mgr/Council 1.00 1.00 cu ve Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 . A ministrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 pport Speci in strative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 s Operations Sup. nte ance/Custodial Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 tod an 1.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 ypist/Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 uthor .00 18.50 12.50 $830,300 hi a equ l informa staff. Salaries and benefits decreased by $25 0 ination of three full-time positions when the budget reduction plan was implemented in January 2003. There are no new full-time pos n Co a These f ide vendors who provide specialized functions for the Tow i d miscellaneous fees. In p t s incl in Clu C ountain Hills School District. The fiscal year 2003- 2004 budget includes some funding for the Boys & Girls Club, Community Theater, and Senior ervices. The following line item explanations will provide an explanation and amount for those A ized FTE 15.50 18 alaries and Benefits S T s c tegory of expenditure provides salary and employee related expenses for 12.5 full time iva ent positions including the town manager, town clerk, finance, human resources, tion technology, risk management and support 0,4 0 from fiscal year 2002-2003 as a result of the elim itio s being requested in the fiscal year 2003-2004 proposed budget. ntr ct Services $1,410,210 unds provide for contracts with outs n n the areas of accounting, auditing, legal fees, intergovernmental an as years the Town has been able to provide funding to support the community service ud g special social and community benefit programs, such as Senior Services, Boys & Girls b, ommunity Theater as well as the F S items that represent a significant portion of the Administration budget. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 48 - Town of Fountain Hills Accounting Fees and Professional/Outside Services $72,500 The Town is required by law to have an annual audit conducted by an independent auditor at the end of each fiscal year. The Town plans on submitting a request for proposals for auditing services; the successful bidder will conduct the fiscal year 2002-2003 audit. The estimated cost ($22,500) is based on the State average of auditing fees paid by other municipalities in the surrounding area, plus an allowance for assistance with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and conversion to a new Financial Reporting Model required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Professional/outside services ($50,000) include the contract payment of $24,000 under the current three-year agreement with the sales tax auditor. The auditor works with the accounting staff in assisting taxpayers with sales tax matters, including remittance, compliance, reporting and refund quests. In the first nine months of fiscal year 2002-2003 the auditor has identified an additional 296,300 of local sales tax liability, of which $32,400 has been paid; property tax liens have been led with those that are unpaid. Another outside service is for transcription service for Town ouncil meeting minutes ($12,000), which was previously handled by the executive assistant. he executive assistant has assumed the duties of Town Clerk; additionally, an administrative osition was eliminated during the reduction in force, which requires staff to take on more job sponsibilities. The use of an outside service for transcribing meeting minutes frees up a gnificant amount of administrative time. The Town also utilizes an outside service for payroll rocessing ($6,500). egal Fees re $ fi C T p re si p L $296,200 he proposed legal fees budget has been reduced significantly from fiscal year 2002-2003; the own was involved in a lawsuit with a former Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) trustee and nancial investment company over an investment with Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) which was ttled in August 2002. An amount of $215,000 had been included in the estimate of legal fees st fiscal year that is not required in fiscal year 2003-2004. vices of the town attorney, town prosecutor and needed legal services nd counsel or other specialized attorneys broken down as follows: rney (5% adm % p mploy nt, IR $ 3,500 20,00 T T fi se la Legal fees include the ser for employment issues, bo own a T tto 9 inistration, 5 street fund) $170,000 Town rosecutor $100,000 E ee retireme S compliance $ 2,700 Employment issues ict, mis ellaneous, public Fire distr c defender $ 0 Total $0 296,20 School District, Community Benefits, and Special Programs 185,000 $ ills h tradit y pporte c muni riety l Dis ict, the ommu en fit pro specia ups ave su itted funding requests to be considered in the budget. This 00, the Boys and Girls lub w iv $130,e Com 00. Th comm benefit program in ludes hat nefit t m nity. The Town of Fountain H as ionall su d the om ty in a va of ways e Sch o s. Each year, through th o tr c nity b e gram and l program various gro h bm year the seniors will receive $40,0 C ill rece e 000, and th munity 15 tTheatre will receive $,0 e unity c funds to assist non-profi organizations with projects t be he com u Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 49 - Town of Fountain Hills Sales Tax Rebate 798,460 $ ouncil ntered n econom arget stores with 50%of the local sales tax c d pa ebate cannot exceed $989,000 first; ear ym stimated to be y $254,000, assum ate remains a 2.6%. If the tax rate e rebate will be paid full w ou years.n rece large requests for local sales tax refunds that will require considerable research for verification. It n 545,000. In July 2001, the Town C e into a ic development agreement with the Shea Retail Center providing T ollected an id to the Town by the merchants doing business on the project. The total r or ten years, whichever comes the fiscal y 2003-2004 pa ent is e approximatel ing that the tax r t stays in effect, it is estimated that th in ithin f r The Tow ived two is likely that these refunds will be made i fiscal year 2003-2004 and total approximately $ Public Transit/RPTA $56,250 The Town currently has two Intergovernmental Agreements (IGA’s) for transportation related services. The agreement with Maricopa County Human Services Department has provided the Town with Special Transportation Services (STS) since 1995-1996. STS provides cost effective transportation for low-income, elderly, and disabled Fountain Hills residents for medical appointments, social services, shopping trips, adult day-care, recreational activities, employment as well as home-delivered meals. The STS vans are driven by Maricopa County employees with ips coordinated through the Fountain Hills senior center. The request for fiscal year 2003-2004 Jul 2002 with th d operating town-owned cilities except minor maintenance and cleaning of the Community Center, Theater, and fire nt $10,000 Maintenance/Repair Supplies (Home Depot, Paul’s, etc) $10,000 tr is $50,750. A new IGA was entered into in y e Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority (RPTA). The IGA will provide funding to the RPTA for a portion of the annual costs to run the bus service from Fountain Hills to Phoenix over the next three years. The fiscal year 2003-2004 cost is estimated at $5,500 and is expected to increase each fiscal year. The next two years’ costs were not available at the time this budget was prepared. Repairs and Maintenance $71,522 This section of the budget funds vehicle maintenance for two vehicles, office copier maintenance contract ($15,000), and all expenditures dealing with maintaining an fa stations. Budgeted amounts are based on the curre costs and reflect reductions that were a result of the budget reduction plan. The following is a breakdown of the costs: HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) $14,500 HVAC for Town Center $ 9,680 Waste Collection $ 4,342 Cleaning Supplies $ 6,000 Electrical, plumbing, fuel station repairs $54,522 These costs assume that routine maintenance will be done by in house staff and outside service calls only when technical service is required. Supplies and Services $1,017,739 This category of expenditures for the Administration Department includes all routine operating costs associated with the Town governmental functions. Administration supports all other departments in the areas of public notices, public facility utilities and/or rent and postage costs. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 50 - Town of Fountain Hills Advertising $13,050 The annual cost of placing meeting notices, the annual budget, resolutions and ordinances in the cal newspaper; includes costs associated with employee recognition and service awards. lo The following is a breakdown of the costs: Notices, resolutions etc. $8,500 Recognition and service awards: $4,000 The awards are particularly important this year when staff is being asked to assume more responsibilities as a result of the reduction in force. Education/Training $14,450 The Town of Fountain Hills includes in the employee benefit package a tuition reimbursement olicy that encourages employees to further their education. Two employees are currently n well as the em ons that require continuing education as part the costs: Tuition reimbur ontinued professional development $1,500 3,000 p enrolled in a college degree program, which benefits the Tow as ployees. When the employee receives a grade of “B” or better the class qualifies for reimbursement. Several of the other Administration employees have certificati of their continued professional development. The following is a breakdown of sement $7,000 C Costs for two off-site director meetings $ Miscellaneous seminars $2,250 Staff meeting speakers $ 700 Dues and Publications $33,400 The estimated cost is $33,400 for fiscal year 2003-2004; the following is a breakdown of the costs: Annual dues of the League of Arizona Cities and Towns $ 7,500 aricopa Association of Governments (MAG) $ 4,000 1,500 on is 1%. M ICMA $ Subscriptions (FH Times, Republic, AM Best, West Group, etc) $ 5,400 MAG Special Census $15,000 The allocation of $15,000 has been included as an initial payment to MAG for a possible special census in 2005. The Management Committee for MAG approved the establishment of a Subcommittee on 2005 population options to explore alternatives to deriving a 2005 population figure for distributing state shared revenues. The subcommittee approved reserving a total of $6M over a four-year period to keep options open regarding taking a 2005 Special Census. The Town’s porti In past years, the Town Council has funded the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) to promote Fountain Hills; during the past two fiscal years GPEC has received no funding. However, this budget includes GPEC’s request in the amount of $8,300 to refocus the Town on development of its tax base. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 51 - Town of Fountain Hills Electricity/Water/Sewer $164,594 Utility costs for Town-owned buildings include electricity and water/sewer charges for a total of $164,600. The following is a breakdown of the costs: Town Hall $138,800 Kiwanis Building $ 4,500 Library/Museum $ 21,300 Liability Insurance $250,000 The Town of Fountain Hills is a member of the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool (AMRRP) which provides municipal insurance to most Arizona cities and towns. The limit for s $2,000,000 per occurrence on a claims-made basis, excess coverage in the amount icipated increase in insurance stry for overage item in 0 for basic coverage i of $8,000,000 is included in the premium. The ant premiums of approximately 15% in this budget reflects the trend in the insurance indu increases (the premium for next fiscal year has not yet been determined). The Town’s c maintains a $10,000 per occurrence deductible; there is $20,000 included within this line the event two claims are made and the Pool settles on behalf of the Town as well as $5,00 additional endorsements for any equipment added. Office Supplies $15,000 The Administration Department is responsible for supplying copy paper for all the departments of e Town; the following is a breakdown of the other costs: nnual holiday party $1,500 ater service $1,200 th Five (5) pallets of copy paper @ $1,000 each $5,000 Misc. first aid supplies, flags, name plates $3,800 Consumables (binders, pens, staples, paper, etc.) $3,500 A W Rent Expense $482,920 eet, or 476,920. The terms of the lease agreement also require that the Town reimburse the landlord for $85,0 annually. The lease will expire on June 30, tion staff s space needs and res rching lternat ns to long term omes the most economical decision, it would quire that reserves be set aside over the next two years so that the project can be on a pay-as- The Town leases office space under the provisions of a long-term lease agreement that provides for annual adjustments to the rent. The rate for fiscal year 2003-2004 is $9.26/square f $ property taxes in the estimated amount of 00 2005. With the implementation of budget reduction plan reorganization, the administra has begun reevaluating the Town’ea a ive optio leasing. One option being considered is the construction of a new town municipal building and senior center on Town-owned property. If this bec re you-go plan. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 52 - Town of Fountain Hills 003-2004 dget 673,300 15,100 nemployment Insurance 725 968 1,000 1,000 1,000 35,609 53,969 7 0 61,50 681 634 900 70 Eye Insurance 1,389 1,404 1,900 700 0 0 6,400 66,760 8 0 66,000 0 2,900 $830,300 NTRACT SERVICES 51,868 0 0 0 56,250 owntown Partnership 0 47,971 0 0 0 $1,001,313 $938,741 $804,000 $855,850 $1,410,210 PAIRS & MAINTENANCE: hicle Maintenance 1,473 507 1,000 1,500 2,000 uilding Repairs & Maintenance 124,593 83,812 102,000 52,000 54,522 ffice Equipment Repairs 13,566 15,848 16,000 14,000 15,000 OTAL $139,632 $100,168 $119,000 $67,500 $71,522 ADMINISTRATION FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Bu SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 640,634 653,995 860,000 785,000 FICA 13,278 13,959 18,200 14,000 U Employee's Health Insurance 8,10 0 57,800 Employee's Life Insurance 0 700 Employee's Dental Insurance 5,492 6,607 8,400 7,500 7,100 Employee's Worker's Compensation Insurance 2,653 4,906 6,80 5,900 Employee's Retirement Fund 63,004 6,90 80,000 Recruitment Costs 0 25,850 15,000 13,500 Disability Insurance 2,889 2,204 3,500 2,500 TOTAL $766,354 $831,256 $1,080,700 $972,300 CO Accounting Fees 11,875 13,443 18,000 15,000 22,500 Professional/Outside Services 114,245 91,407 82,500 52,000 50,000 IGA's (School District)32,200 50,800 17,200 0 0 Legal Fees 273,331 491,675 469,800 630,000 296,200 Litigation and/or Land Use ProfessionalFees 394,437 285 0 0 0 Community Benefit Programs 40,000 80,000 0 0 15,000 Chamber of Commerce 22,610 15,031 4,500 4,500 0 Civil Defense 1,269 1,415 1,500 1,500 1,800 Public Transit /RPTA D Drug Rehabilitation Counseling (7,123)12,214 8,000 4,000 0 Sales Tax Rebates 0 0 62,500 118,850 798,460 Senior Center Services 31,600 34,500 40,000 10,000 40,000 Boys & Girls Club 35,000 100,000 100,000 20,000 130,000 TOTAL RE Ve B O T Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 53 - Town of Fountain Hills Bank Charges 1,443 1,474 1,500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL $729,480 $774,968 $1,106,200 $1,129,875 $1,017,739 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Vehicles 17,551 0 0 0 Capital Outlay-Furniture/Equip 72,440 71,031 0 0 0 Capital Improvements-Town Hall 119,048 78,106 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $209,038 $149,137 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,845,818 $2,794,270 $3,109,900 $3,025,525 $3,329,771 : 5,000 2,000 14,450 16,100 20,000 33,400 es - GPEC 7,681 0 0 0 8,300 1,488 17 00 139,932 1,117 300 2,850 3,128 19 00 250,000 15,000 17,200 4,500 482,920 er/Sewer 14,720 18,892 22,000 22,000 24,662 3,651 3,517 0 2,00 0 1,028 200 2,200 SUPPLIES & SERVICES Advertising 7,939 12,236 11,000 10,000 13,050 Conferences 11,450 11,972 8,900 6,800 7,975 Education/Training 6,321 2,343 es & Publications 17,819 29,026Du Du Electricity 115,260 13 0,7 170,700 Gas & Oil 1,341 1,2,500 Liability Insurance 154,792 18 4,0 228,175 Office Supplies 36,276 36,061 30,000 20,000 Postage 14,630 16,682 17,200 17,200 Printing 5,006 2,358 4,500 4,500 Rent Expense 331,152 323,648 620,300 620,300 Wat Travel 1,50 0 2,000 Uniforms 2,0 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 54 - Town of Fountain Hills Information Technology Division Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The mission of the Information Technology Division is to work in partnership with the Town staff, facilitating their use of computing, telephone, and network technologies. The division also endeavors to provide excellent information technology, internal and external customer support, and resources to enable and encourage staff to effectively use technology to achieve their town- wide missions and strategic goals. Department Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Information Technology (I/T Division) functions are incorporated within the Administration Department but the appropriation is shown separately to highlight the total investment in technology. Responsibilities include all aspects of Information Technology: computers, the Internet, local and wide-area networks, inter-networking, voice and data communications systems, and cablecast technologies (Channel 11). All hardware and software requests in this section are based on departmental requests. Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Increase coordination and development of all technology related purchases and processes Town-wide. • Improve the functionality of the Information Technology Division. • Expand and enhance internal training programs • Act as technology consultants and coordinators for Town departments to aid in identification, selection, and implementation of technology driven or assisted needs. Develop enterprise-wide technology architecture to drive standards that enable information sharing and maximize return on technology investments. Provide strategic I/T services and serve as an enabler to improve the delivery of town services and improve the efficiency, productivity, and financial performance of town operations. anagement Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 Actual Actual Actual Estimated umber of training programs offered N/A N/A N/A 1 verage of time to resolve HelpDesk lated problems N/A N/A 48 hrs. 24 hrs. Average time for set-up of new systems N/A N/A N/A 48 hrs. Documented service requests 761 825 703 650 Channel 11 requests N/A N/A 153 200 • • M N A re Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 55 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Initiated live web casting of Town Council meetings on the Internet. • Enhanced Town website to make available business license forms and information, zoning and building permit status. • Made available downloadable maps from Public Works including zoning, building development, aerial photography and benchmark maps. • Placed the Town’s annual budget online in downloadable PDF format through the website. • Placed the Town’s general plan online in downloadable PDF format through the website. • Created online library of forms – business license, request for public records, alarm permits and Channel 11 announcements. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Expand internal training programs to reduce support needed in the future. • Respond to HelpDesk requests within 90 minutes. • Expand Government Access Channel 11 for civic issues. • Expand co-operative IT intern program with local high school. Expand functionality of Town website. alaries and Benefits he I/T division currently has one Information Technology Support Specialist and a part-time formation Technology Intern. These positions are appropriated through the Administration epartment. ontract Services $22,200 ith the reduction in staff levels in the I/T division to 1.5 employees, an amount of $4,200 is cluded in this budget for an outside contractor to cover during I/T staff’s absence. The annual ppropriation for videotaping council meetings is included within this category. (24 meetings at 750 each = $18,000). epairs and Maintenance $53,029 his expenditure line item includes required maintenance and service on all Town-owned mputer hardware and software. It includes annual software maintenance agreements and pay- er-call service calls for the various programs. The I/T staff is researching the practicality of iminating annual maintenance contracts for some programs; it may be possible to reduce the nual contract costs without jeopardizing the program updates. The cost by department is as llows: • S T In D C W in a $ R T co p el an fo Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 56 - Town of Fountain Hills Information Technology Division Repairs & Maintenance FY 2003-2004 Information All computer repairs, internet connection, domain are support $28,900 Technology registration, softw Community Center Software support for facility booking program $ 2,900 Parks & Recreation Software support for program registration & facility booking program $ 8,000 Street Dept. Pavement and fleet vehicle maintenance software support $ 7,875 Public Works CAD software support $ 4,654 Fire Dept. Firehouse annual support $ 700 Supplies and Services $85,890 the Internet, the Town pays a subscription service to SU and Qwest for the Internet connection at an annual amount of $9,240. sociated with telecommunications, networking, and hones ($70,000). The monthly line charges through Qwest, ASU (internet), Muzak, and others m add An appropriation of $4,000 is included in education/training for Parks & Recreation staff to implement a new software program requested with this budget. The I/T Support Specialist is planning on taking some professional development courses that will enhance his level of service to the public and the staff ($2,000). In addition to the monthly line charges for A The I/T Division is responsible for all costs as p co prise the majority of this category at approximately $44,350. Long distance service is in ition to the monthly line charges and is estimated to be approximately $20,000. Capital Expenditures $17,050 Capital expenditures included in the I/T budget are for a new software program for Parks & Recreation that will allow program participants to register for programs on-line using a credit card. The cost of the Point of Sale/Payment Processing Server Module is $12,000 for the software and $2,550 for the required hardware. The I/T division is also requesting a new large format scanner to replace the outdated one that the Town currently has. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 57 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 58 - 3 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 ONTRACT SERVICES Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget fe 3,000 4,200 e TOT $18,899 $27,068 $33,000 $19,000 $22,200 REP Com 53,255 50,000 53,029 T 9 P Conf 528 1,568 2,300 0 0 Educ ,956 1,015 6,500 2,000 6,000 ues & Publications $1,283 1,297 10,000 10,000 9,390 ffice Supplies $1,545 2,751 1,500 2,500 500 ommunications 53,806 64,789 78,000 65,000 70,000 $98,300 $79,500 $85,890 P pit 0 1,550 4,050 pit 0 0 13,000 pit 0 0 0 T $63,004 $0 $1,550 $17,050 TOTAL EX ENDITURES $262,693 $213,318 $184,555 $150,050 $178,169 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-200 C Pro ssional/Outside Services 9,867 12,175 15,000 Vid o Tape Council Meetings 9,031 14,893 18,000 16,000 18,000 AL AIRS & MAINTENANCE: puter Repairs & Maintenance 28,030 51,825 TO AL $28,030 $51,825 $53,255 $50,000 $53,02 SU PLIES & SERVICES: erences ation/Training 3 D O C TOTAL $61,118 $71,420 CA ITAL EXPENDITURES Ca al Outlay - Computers 52,194 47,454 Ca al Outlay - Software 26,970 14,527 Ca al Outlay - Communications 75,483 1,023 TO AL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $154,647 P _______________________ Public Safety _______________________ Law Enforcement Fire Department Town of Fountain Hills Law Enforcement Department ission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ . Clearance rates for ordinances and zoning code violations will be based on closing a case to the satisfaction of the complainant within 30 days of receipt • Acknowledgement of all ordinance and zoning complaints, as well as assignment to an investigating officer, will occur within one working day of receipt. • All certified personnel will meet, or exceed, state training standards (AZ-POST) as a means of reducing liability. Notification on dog license renewals will be given to all animal owners at least 30 days before expiration. Animal control will be contracted out with the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control Program. M The Law Enforcement Department is dedicated to creating a safe and secure environment for our residents through voluntary compliance with statutes and codes, impartial resolution of neighborhood disputes, a commitment to “quality of life” issues, and timely law enforcement services. Department Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Law enforcement services are provided to our residents through contract services from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) include “quality of life” issues such as municipal code enforcement, crime prevention, traffic safety, special events, and community services, as well as “life and death” issues such as criminal investigations and traffic enforcement are rovided by the County Sheriff under a contract administered by the Town Managerp Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • All department members will subscribe to the principles of community based policing. • The public will be treated with courtesy and respect by all members of the department • The department will not engage in racial profiling • • Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 59 - Public Safety Fire Department Law Enforcement Town of Fountain Hills Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2000 2001 2002 Actual Actual Actual Crimes Part I* 328 370 443 Crimes Part II** 882 637 410 Ordinance Violations 1,557 1,554 1,764 Traffic Accidents 213 208 212 Driving Under the Influence (DUI) 61 86 46 *Part I Crimes – Homicide, Sex Assault, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Residential/Business Burglaries, Auto Burglaries, Auto Theft, Theft, Arson. **Part II Crimes – All other crimes, except Part I crimes and traffic violations. Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ In the first nine months of the fiscal year, the Law Enforcement Department accomplished the following: • Received 3,107 calls for service. • Handled 1,023 ordinance and zoning complaints, closing approximately 83% to the resident’s satisfaction within 30 days of receipt. • Responded to 256 law enforcement service calls including violations of state statutes and liquor laws as well as warrant related arrests, alarm calls, and criminal investigations. • Issued 420 citations for traffic safety violations and apprehended 12 motorists operating their vehicles under the influence of alcohol. • Responded to 438 animal complaints. • Apprehended 104 loose dogs. • Dispatchers handled 13,872 telephone calls on a 24-hour a day basis and 5,833 citizen service requests at the front window. • Issued 2,013 dog licenses, representing more than $17,998 in revenue for the Town of Fountain Hills. • Collected over $47,699 in delinquent fines for the Municipal Court as well as serving 56 court orders cases and apprehending 28 convicted persons on outstanding warrants. • Provided traffic, security, and parking s at special events authorized by the Town Council. • Sponsored and presented a wide variety of youth service activities including Special Olympics, the KidCare-id Program, “Stranger-Danger” presentations, Teen Court, “Twilight Tuesday and “Wednesday in the Park” teen programs in conjunction with the Parks Department as well as Bicycle Safety Rodeos, child restraint inspections and sponsorship of the Fountain Hills Law Enforcement Explorer Post. • Promoted crime prevention through a wide variety of community programs including anti-graffiti efforts, public service articles on crime resistance techniques, vacation watches, business security evaluations, block watches, bicycle patrols, elderly welfare checks, park security programs, wash watches, residential risk analysis, and public property protection efforts. ervices Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 60 - Town of Fountain Hills • Received “exemplary ratings” on each of the quarterly peace officers standards audits and the annual ACJIS (criminal history information system) compliance audit. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Achieve a clearance rate on violations of at least 85% based on the criteria of handling resolving complaints to the resident’s satisfaction within 30 days of receipt. • Eliminate any increase in property crime, despite a growing population, through an aggressive crime prevention and public information effort. • Enhance the concept of community based policing by supporting the Law Enforcement Advisory Panel (LEAP). • Increase dog licenses by at least 5% through an aggressive program of public information is particularly important because licensing ensures that bies and other diseases. Unlicensed dogs represent a engineering, education and enforcement for this purpose. oriented community service programs during the ot limited to, KidCare-id, bike safety inspections ent will be ummary Expenditures – Law Enforcement and enforcement. This objective dogs have been vaccinated for ra threat to the health and welfare of the community. • Continue to promote effective communications between the Town and Sheriffs Office. • Develop and implement an organized traffic safety strategy for the community to stop the increased traffic accident rate. The program will emphasize a combination of • Sponsor, participate, or present youth upcoming fiscal year including, but n and registration, child restraint inspections, distribution of bicycle helmets, “Stranger- Danger” presentations, and support of Special Olympics. • Promote public visibility, accessibility, and community relations through clearly marked cars and high profile uniformed personnel. • All excess equipment will be sold and a transition to an all-contract departm implemented. S FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003- Actual Actual Budget Estimate Bud 2004 get L CON 00 $1,497,500 $1,662,588 REP $26,000 $ 500 P TOT SA ARIES & BENEFITS $857,661 $975,029 $983,100 $949,000 $ 75,900 TRACTUAL SERVICES $1,473,920 $1,535,156 $1,547,7 AIRS & MAINTENANCE $19,512 $25,843 $29,500 SUPPLIES & SERVICES $84,411 $75,521 $82,080 $47,260 $ 4,550 CA ITAL EXPENDITURES $48,040 $34,381 $54,000 $37,000 $0 AL EXPENDITURES $2,483,546 $2,645,929 $2,696,380 $2,556,760 $1,743,538 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 61 - Town of Fountain Hills Authorized Personnel Position-Titl 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 FTE tor/T wn Ma shal .00 r 0 ergeant 4.00 4.00 3.00 0 0 ispatcher 6.00 7.00 7.00 0 1.00 0 e Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE Law Enforcement Public Safety Direc o r 1 1.00 1.00 0 Emergency Management Coordinato 0 0 1.00 S Deputy Marshal 14.00 14.00 8.00 D Administrative Assistant 0 0 uthorized FTE 25.00 26.00 20.00 1.00 ry includes projected salary and employee related expenses for one full-time mergency management coordinator. This is a decrease from the twenty full-time positions auth iz 002-2003 budget. The reduction is due primarily to elim Safety D t system. Contra 88 One f Fountai enforcement and crim rted to the Maricopa County jail and the Town is cha d 8,000. The Town also contracts with Maricopa County Ani l Rep r These c tenance of the miscellaneous office equipment that will be utilized by the Em Sup i Expens category are for miscellaneous office and communication supplies for the Em A Salaries and Benefits $75,900 This catego e or ed in the Town’s fiscal year 2 ination of dispatchers, transferring of code enforcement responsibilities to the Building ivision, and using an all-contract law enforcemen ct Services $1,662,5 o the primary objectives of the department is to provide for public safety. The Town of n Hills contracts with the Maricopa County Sheriffs’ Office for traffic inal investigations. Prisoners are transpo rge a per diem fee, estimated $3 ma Care and Control for animal control and shelter services in the amount of $26,200. ai s and Maintenance $500 osts are for main ergency Management Services Coordinator. pl es and Services $4,550 es in this ergency Management Coordinator. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 62 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 63 - LAW ENF FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget ALARIES & BENEFITS: 773,700 740,500 740,000 55,200 10,900 10,900 800 nemployment Insurance 1,054 858 1,100 1,100 0 mployee's Health Insurance 52,814 79,041 123,800 97,500 7,800 Empl 's Employee's Employee's 0 Work Employee's Recruitmen 0 500 3,000 Disab I TOTAL 857,661 $975,029 $983,100 $949,000 $75,900 CONTRAC Jail/Prisone Rabies/Ani Sheriff's Co 1,509,700 1,462,500 1,598,388 TOT 8 REP S Vehicle Re Office Equi ,500 4,000 500 TOT SUPPLIES Advertising Conferences ,150 500 400 Education/T Dues ub Gas & Oil ,912 16,000 10,000 0 Office Supp ,327 14,000 5,000 500 Printi Communic 3,782 8,286 15,000 15,000 1,400 ravel 5,181 2,579 2,000 2,000 500 niforms 11,038 7,770 9,000 3,330 0 eapons/Ammunition 1,882 2,663 4,250 4,250 0 119 80 80 50 TOTAL $83,983 $75,521 $82,080 $47,260 $4,550 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Vehicles 48,040 0 0 0 0 Office Furniture & Equipment 0 5,051 0 0 0 Capital Outlay-Commun.0 29,330 54,000 37,000 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $48,040 $34,381 $54,000 $37,000 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,483,545 $2,645,929 $2,696,380 $2,556,760 $1,743,538 ORCEMENT FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 S Wages 698,682 FICA 9,755 10,709 U E oyee Life Insurance 1,108 966 1,200 1,000 100 Dental Insurance 8,204 10,272 13,200 11,000 900 Eye Insurance 2,039 2,014 2,700 900 er's Compensation Insurance 8,874 14,510 16,200 16,200 1,700 Retirement Fund 69,714 78,254 67,200 67,200 6,100 t Costs 2,005 1,699 3,00 ility nsurance 3,413 3,007 3,300 2,700 300 $ T SERVICES r Fees 37,511 38,804 38,000 35,000 38,000 mal Control 428 0 0 0 26,200 ntract 1,436,409 1,496,352 AL $1,474,348 $1,535,156 $1,547,700 $1,497,500 $1,662,58 AIR & MAINTENANCE: pairs & Maintenance 18,673 18,707 22,000 22,000 0 pment Repairs/Maintenance 839 7,136 7 AL $19,512 $25,843 $29,500 $26,000 $500 & SERVICES: /Signage 6,701 7,147 6,500 500 200 2,644 2,750 1 raining 3,698 5,846 6,500 2,500 500 & P lications 1,985 2,087 2,100 2,100 500 24,639 15 lies 16,209 14 ng 6,185 6,035 5,500 2,000 500 ation Expense T U W Bank Charges 40 Town of Fountain Hills This page intentionally left blank Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 64 - Town of Fountain Hills Fire Department Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The mission of the Fire Department is to preserve life and property through fire prevention, education, suppression and emergency medical services, while maintaining the highest level of training, professionalism and dedication to customer service. Department Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Fire fighting and emergency medical services are provided to the residents through a unique combination of municipally owned equipment and facilities operated by contract personnel from the Rural Metro Corporation. The Fire Department is responsible for prevention and suppression of structural and wild land fires within the town limits. The fire department also provides inspections, emergency medical services, emergency transport, hazardous material handling, and takes the lead role in emergency response to natural disasters. In conjunction with its primary role, the Fire Department provides a wide range of auxiliary community services such as public education, snake removal, a fire support program, and a youth-oriented explorer post. Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Response time of 5 minutes or less to the scene of fire and medical calls at least 90% of the time. • Provide a minimum of 240 hours of training to each individual assigned to Fountain Hills per year. • Inspect and test all fire hydrants in Fountain Hills on an annual basis. Emergency Medical Fire Protection Fire Department Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 65 - Town of Fountain Hills Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2002-2003 2003-2004 Actual Actual Estimated Projected mergency response time 3min 54min 3min 39sec 3min 39 sec 4min MS response time 3min 43min 3min 40sec 3min 08 sec 4min ercentage of EMS calls 76% 81% 89% 85% mergency calls 1,585 1,359 1,383 1,450 on-emergency service calls 1,372 1,071 947 1,000 onstruction inspections/safety surveys 2,395 1,742 1,520 1,400 Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Utilized a FEMA grant to acquire fifteen new self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and new wildland firefighting gear. • Maintained 4 minutes or less emergency response time community-wide. • Maintained 4 minutes or less emergency medical response time community-wide. • Expanded hazardous material capability. • Enrolled a candidate in the Executive Fire Officer program at the National Fire Academy in Maryland. • Implemented an Automatic External Defibulator (AED) training program through cooperative effort with the Law Enforcement Advisory Panel (LEAP). Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Maintain or improve upon a 4-minute response time for all emergency calls. • Continue to convert all fire and emergency service records from 2000 forward to the new fire management software system. • Continue the E.D.I.T.H. House program, school fire prevention programs and senior citizen safety program. • Qualify for a FEMA fire grant for the purchase of upgrades to meet new National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards for the self contained breathing apparatus. • Enhance relationship with Maricopa County Sheriffs’ Office due to their expanded role in Fountain Hills. 2000-2001 2001-2002 E E P E N C Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 66 - Town of Fountain Hills Summary Expenditures – Fire Department CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Contract Services $2,273,480 his represents the amount of the Town’s fire protection and emergency medical services of office equipment for administrative activities. Fleet expenses clude tires, brakes, batteries, and vehicle parts essential to keeping equipment in operating the department and range from fuel costs fire fighting tools, office supplies, specialized training, printing, and publications. Items in this tegory are outside of the parameters of the Rural/Metro contract and represent expenses largest line item within this category at $20,800, llowed by furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) at $12,000. FF&E to be purchased incl e tips and or ladder truck at $2,600, and $2,415 matching funds towards the cost of purc s FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $1,305,562 $2,275,700 $2,275,700 $2,273,480 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $0 $24,110 $38,570 $22,000 $27,200 SUPPLIES & SERVICES $0 $4,079 $42,000 $29,000 $35,150 $0 $485,540 $5,000 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $1,819,291 $2,361,270 $2,326,700 $2,335,830 T contract with Rural/Metro Corporation. Repairs and Maintenance $27,200 This refers to expenses relating to the department’s fleet of fire equipment for field operations as well as maintenance and repair in order. Office equipment includes service contracts on existing copiers, printers, and computer equipment. Tires are budgeted at $7,500, repairs at $18,700, and $1,000 for miscellaneous expenses. Supplies and Services $35,150 Expenses in this category pertain to daily operations of to ca specifically for Fountain Hills. Gas is the fo ud s ten SCBA upgrades at $700 each, totaling $7,000, foam at $2,400, and lifelines, hoses, nozzle f ha ing equipment upgrades. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 67 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 68 - IRE DEPARTMENT FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Budget Estimate Budget ALARIES & BENEFITS: OTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NTRAC SERVICE ofessional ees 0 0 ural Metro Contract 0 1,281,362 2,275,700 2,275,700 2,273,480 $0 480 0 0 0 6,200 000 ,200 UPPLIES & SERVICES: ues & Publications 0 0 0 1,000 650 0,000 17,000 20,800 0 0 12,000 ffice Supplies 0 2,706 20,000 10,000 1,000 Printi Com Travel 0 0 0 0 TOT $35,150 CAP L Capit utl 0 0 0 0 Offic rn Capital Out 0 0 0 0 0 TOT OTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $1,819,291 $2,361,270 $2,326,700 $2,335,830 F Actual S T CO T S Pr F 24,200 0 0 R TOTAL $1,305,562 $2,275,700 $2,275,700 $2,273, REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: nceBuilding Repairs/Maintena 6,410 0 0 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 0 37,000 22,000 2 Office Equipment Repairs/Maintenance 0 17,700 1,570 0 1, TOTAL $0 $24,110 $38,570 $22,000 $27 S D Gas & Oil 0 0 2 e Fighting Equipment 0 0Fir O ng 0 0 2,000 1,000 700 munication Expense 0 1,373 0 0 0 0 AL $0 $4,079 $42,000 $29,000 ITA EXPENDITURES al O ay-Vehicles 0 e Fu iture & Equipment 0 485,540 5,000 0 0 lay-Commun. AL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $485,540 $5,000 $0 $0 T _______________________ Municipal Court _______________________ Town of Fountain Hills Municipal Court Court Services Specialist III Court Services Specialist I Court Services Specialist I Court Administrator Presiding Judge Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ he Fountain Hills Municipal Court is committed to professionally serving the citizens of inistering justice i s part of the Arizona State Court System, the Fountain Hills Municipal Court is subject to the ve su ervisio of the Arizona Supreme Court. The erformance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Adjudicate 95% of all civil traffic cases within 60 days. • Adjudicate 80% of criminal and criminal traffic cases within 60 days and 95% within 120 days. • Maintain a fair and impartial environment to resolve legal disputes. • Respond to incoming mail requests within 24 hours. • Issue warrants for failure to appear within two business days. • Keep written procedures current with changes in laws and rules. T Fountain Hills by adm n a fair, efficient and respectful manner, so as to enhance public trust and community confidence in our court system. Department Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Fountain Hills Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the Fountain Hills government. The court has jurisdiction over civil traffic, criminal traffic and criminal misdemeanor offenses and violations of our town codes and ordinances. The Municipal Court judge also presides over some juvenile violations and has authority to issue search warrants, orders of protection and injunctions against harassment. A authority and administrati p n court has legal obligations and reporting responsibilities to the State, as well as to the Town of Fountain Hills. The court must comply with constantly changing federal, state and local laws and administrative rules, including those relating to crimes and criminal procedure, victims rights, domestic violence, driving under the influence, record keeping, ADA, minimum accounting standards and judicial ethics. Decisions regarding the overall function of the court are the sole responsibility of the presiding judge, who also has exclusive supervisory authority over all court personnel. P Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 69 - Town of Fountain Hills Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ FY 2001-2002 Actual FY 2002-2003 Projected FY 2003-2004 Projected Cases filed 3,780 3,200 3,600 Cases terminated 4,418 3,400 3,500 Hearings held 777 770 800 Civil traffic cases closed within 60 days 96%96% 96% Criminal/criminal traffic cases closed within 60 days 75%88% 90% Criminal/criminal traffic cases closed within 120 days 95%96% 95% Fiscal Year 2002–2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • The new presiding judge completed the 2003 Orientation for Limited Jurisdiction Courts as required by the Arizona Supreme Court, as well as DUI, civil traffic and domestic violence judicial training. • The court created and implemented a community service program for juvenile and adult sentencing alternatives, benefiting town departments and community entities. • The presiding judge or court administrator attended all Limited Jurisdiction Presiding Judges meetings, gathering information to keep the court current with ever changing laws and procedures. • The entire court staff completed at least 16 hours of mandatory continuing education. • The court continued to participate in the Tax Intercept Program that intercepts and collects state income tax refunds of defendants with financial obligations to the court. • The court initiated a comprehensive review of court policies and procedures. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Complete the review, updating and implementation of court policies and procedures. • Review and enhance collection methods and procedures. • Provide training and education opportunities to staff that will best serve the needs of the Municipal Court as well as any mandates from the Supreme Court while staying within reduced budget recommendations. • Form and initiate a local Criminal Justice Committee involving court, prosecution, law enforcement and defense bar representat n. io Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 70 - Town of Fountain Hills Summary Expenditures – Municipal Court FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS $269,937 $300,515 $304,920 $264,214 $276,320 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $7,079 $8,084 $7,000 $9,000 $8,200 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $618 $1,057 $1,200 $1,000 $1,100 SUPPLIES & SERVICES $19,168 $20,853 $14,350 $12,275 $14,250 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $6,960 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $296,802 $337,469 $327,470 $28 89 $299,8706,4 Authorized Personnel Position-Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE FTE Municipal Court Presiding Judge 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Collection Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Court Services Specialist 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 Authorized FTE 5.50 6.00 6.00 5.00 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 71 - Town of Fountain Hills Salaries and Benefits $276,320 is item includes compensation for five full time equivalent employees within this department. Contract Services This category includes required interpreting services other than Spanish, wh h is provided by court staff, and the services of pro tem judges when t iding judge ilable. The also has a contract for $3,000 with the Supreme Court for the use and ma ce of the Ar Court Automation Program (ACAP). Repairs and Maintenance $1,100 T maintenance ice equipment S $14 This line item includes funding to support advertising and signage, $1,700 for staff to attend andatory continuing education conferences to fulfill training requirements required by the upreme Court, fees and publications, updated A.R.S. volumes and Rules of Court, subscriptions ting services. Also included in is item are funding for office supplies, printing, communication, travel, bank charges and Court Col ti Th $8,200 ic he pres is unava court intenan izona his supports routine service and annual of off . upplies and Services ,250 m S for the Cole’s Directory and Credit Data Southwest credit repor th lec on Enhancement Fund (CCEF) expenditures to improve the court’s recording equipment. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 72 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 73 - 002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS Wages 222,147 241,629 238,200 210,000 220,600 FICA 3,480 3,404 3,490 3,100 3,230 Unemployment Insurance 511 249 300 300 250 Employee's Health Insurance 15,289 23,719 31,100 22,000 23,480 Employee's Life Insurance 387 290 360 260 300 Employee's Dental Insurance 2,171 2,754 3,000 2,350 2,670 Employee's Eye Insurance 517 536 700 175 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 375 329 480 400 460 Employee's Retirement Fund 23,846 26,579 26,210 23,100 24,270 Recruitment Costs 0 0 0 1,704 Disability Insurance 1,214 1,025 1,080 825 1,060 TOTAL $269,937 $300,515 $304,920 $264,214 $276,320 CONTRACT SERVICES ccounting Fees 0 2,000 0 0 0 terpreters/Pro-Tem Judge 2,929 3,084 4,000 6,000 5,200 tergovernmental Agreements 4,150 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 OTAL $7,079 $8,084 $7,000 $9,000 $8,200 618 1,057 1,200 1,000 1,100 $ PLIES & SERVIC : tising gnage onferences ucation/Training 169 537 1,000 500 700 3,453 4,163 3,000 3,500 3,100 4,135 2,139 0 2,165 1,375 0 151 0 250 356 358 500 2,542 2,275 0 0 0 0 4,566 8,831 0 $19,168 0,853 1 50 S Capital Outlay - Furniture/Equipment 0 6,960 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $6,960 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $296,802 $337,469 $327,470 $286,489 $299,870 MUNICIPAL COURT FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2 A In In T REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Office Equipment Repairs TOTAL $618 $1,057 1,200 $1,000 $1,100 SUP ES Adver /Si 326 456 400 0 400 C 1,305 719 200 1,300 1,000 Ed Fees & Publications Office Supplies 4,50 1,900 2,200 Printing 2,00 2,000 2,000 Communication Expense 375 450 Travel 200 400 Bank Charges 2,50 2,500 2,500 Local JCEF Expenditures 0 0 Local CCEF Expenditures 0 1,500 TOTAL $2 $4,3 $12,275 $14,250 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Town of Fountain Hills T e eft blank his pag intentionally l Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 74 - _______________________ Parks, Recreation, and Community Center _______________________ Town of Fountain Hills Parks, Recreation, and Community Center Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The mission of the Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Department is to enhance the quality of life by providing and maintaining safe, available, and accessible parks and recreation services that will meet the intellectual, social cultural, and leisure needs of all residents. Vision Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ In April 2000, the Parks and Recreation Commission developed a vision statement for the department. The vision statement is contained in the department’s strategic plan, which is reviewed annually. The vision statement states, “By the year 2007, Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Department will achieve full agency accreditation, a national gold medal, and a 100% excellent rating from our citizens”. Department Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for providing safe and accessible recreation services for all age groups. Parks and Recreation services include senior programs, adult and youth sports, pre-school programs, cultural programs, teen services, outdoor programs, special events, special interest classes, adult education classes, and after school programs. In 2002, the epartment also assumed the responsibility for management of the Community Center. erformance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Increase participation through unique marketing techniques. • Increase the department’s volunteer base and continue to explore and use creative methods to recognize volunteers. • Provide Little League baseball, PONY League baseball, Soccer Club, Pop Warner Football, Jr. Miss Softball, and Lacrosse Club with assistance to help ensure the success of their respective organizations. • Special events sponsorship by community businesses. Parks Recreation Programs Parks and Recreation Community Center d P Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 75 - Town of Fountain Hills Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Actual Estimated Projected ecreationR • Special Events 10 7 4 • Adult and Youth Sports Activities/ • Number of Courses Offered 191/126 12/60 12/83 • Special Interest Programs/ • Number of Courses Offered 27/142 11/61 12/124 • Youth and Teen Programs/ Number of Courses Offered 11/36 9/27 8/50 • Clubs Co-Sponsored by Parks and Recreation 7 8 0 • Volunteer Hours (estimated) 3,700 3,800 4,000 dministrative Support A outh Sports Organizations – Facility Bookings • Little League Baseball 426 443 425 • PONY League Baseball 110 133 135 • Jr. Miss Softball 6 48 50 • Soccer Club 255 377 325 • Lacrosse Club 132 110 150 • Pop Warner Football 130 Y 94 100 Total 1,059 1,205 1,185 arks and Recreation Revenue ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Actual Estimated Projected • Recreation Programs $ 175,376 $ 145,070 $ 170,750 • Facility Rentals $ 10,434 $ 12,000 $ 15,000 • Park Ramada Reservations $ 2,985 P $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Parks and Recreation Grand Total $ 188,795 $ 160,070 $ 188,460 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 76 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Completed the department’s consolidation with and relocation to the Community Center, effective February 1. • Worked with the local VFW and American Legion groups on the plan that was approved for the Veterans Memorial. The cannon pad is the first phase of the project, and is currently being review by Town staff prior to beginning construction. • Continued to work with the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission regarding the hiring of a firm to complete design work for a planned permanent trailhead into the McDowell Mountain preserve. Staff also assisted the group in its continuing efforts to establish an initial trail from the trailhead. • Continued the positive relationship between the Town and the Fountain Hills School District to jointly utilize school facilities for various programs in return for the District’s use of park facilities. e department began a number of arts and crafts classes utilizing the newly furnished art rooms in the Community Center. rd straight year. The Mayor’s Youth Council volunteered over 1,000 hours last year and is on track to have ear. Utilizing the conservation Federal minimum wage rate, this equates to over $10,000 in volunteer labor contributed to the community. ation, by naming Milo Bonnin the “Young Professional of the Year”, and Bryan Hughes receiving the “Outstanding Partnership Award” for cted Chair of the APRA’s Youth and Teen Branch for 2003. ▬▬▬ erral, quality programs, and • nd activities scheduled at all town parks. • education programs to be offered in fiscal year 2004- • Despite tight economic times, th • Successfully gained sponsorship of several special events including St. Patrick’s Day and Eggstravaganza in order that the community may continue enjoying these traditions. • Increased participation in the Mayor’s Youth Council for the thi over 2,000 hours this school y • Continued cooperative relationship with the Fountain Hills Branch of the Boys and Girls Club and MCSO Midnight Madness Foundation to offer a number of youth and late night programs throughout the year. • Members of the staff received professional recognition this year, through the Arizona Recreation and Park Associ programming. Corey Hromek was ele • Continued to provide expanded opportunities to utilize park facilities by the local Little League, soccer, Pop Warner, and Lacrosse youth organizations. • Continued successful partnership with Senior Services, Inc. of Fountain Hills to provide excursions throughout the state for senior citizens. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬ • Provide excellent customer service including information ref easy registration. Provide staff support to all events a • Work closely with Fountain Hills Unified School District to assist with scheduling and maintenance of facilities utilized by the Parks and Recreation department. Identify new recreation and leisure 2005 that meet or exceed program break-even factors. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 77 - Town of Fountain Hills Summary Expenditures – Recreation Programs FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002 003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004-2 Actual Act e NEFITS $403,199 $482,995 $478,300 $450,400 $372,620 CON A $222,565 $217,500 $147,550 $142,550 REP S 631 $3 5 SUP E 47 $9,0 CAP L $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 TOT E $7 0 ual Budg t Estimate Budget SALARIES & BE TR CTUAL SERVICES $195,879 0 AIR & MAINTENANCE $$2,837 ,000 $3,6 0 $2,950 PLI S & SERVICES $44,5 35,742 $2 550 $20,8 0 $24,950 ITA EXPENDITURES AL XPENDITURES $644,256 44,139 $728,350 $652,4 0 $543,070 Au thorized Personnel Pos n 2000-2001 uthor ed FTE arks &e ion irector 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 ark Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ec. Program Coordinator 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Parks Worker .00 arks In rn .50 ecreation Intern 1.00 1.00 0 0 Par O .00 Rec t .00 Exe ti .00 Admini 0 eceptionist 0 0 0 .50 itio -Title 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 A iz Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE P D Recr at P Recreation Supervisor 1.00 R 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 P te 0 0.50 0 0 R ks peration Supervisor 3 3.00 3.00 2.00 rea ion Assistant 5 4.00 4.00 4.00 cu ve Assistant 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 strative Assistant 1.0 1.00 1.00 0 R uthorized FTE 19.50 17.50 16.00 13.00 A Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 78 - Town of Fountain Hills Recreation Programs ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Sal ie This category includes projected salary and employee related benefits for 4.5 full-time staff and sev l Contra $142,550 No r special program instruct ipants; $11,920 for supplies and instructions for e particip instruct $1,890 for a dog obedience instructor for 60 participants; $1,110 for hiki for a instructors with 90 par p trips. The you supplies Kiddie with 100 The spo 0 is broken down as follows, $1,420 for adult basketball refe s particip 120 pa umpires $7,005 for senior softball tournament umpires and supplies for 40 teams; $6,564 for youth and adu e $1,236 74 for a youth wrestling coa a particip ch program was analyzed comparing expenses, including overhead versus fees, to insure at ar s and Benefits $372,620 era part-time/seasonal staff. ct Services inc ease was anticipated for recreation programs, which include special interest programs, events, adult and youth sports activities, and youth and teen programs. The special s line item of $34,350 is broken down as follows: $4,250 for an adult education class ors for 3 sessions with estimated 250 partic thr e sessions of art classes with 260 participants; $500 for refreshments for 958 bridge ants; $900 for computer class instructors for 60 participants; $2,250 for a dance class or for 120 participants; ng leader with 120 participants; $2,240 for language instructor for 70 participants; $1,260 photography instructor for 45 participants; $2,070 for TaiChi tici ants; $2,440 for a Yoga instructor with 100 participants, and $3,520 for Karchner Caverns th and teen programs line item of $11,100 is broken down as follows: $1,175 for art class with 159 participants, $6,863 for a dance class instructor for 305 participants; $500 for Rythmics supplies for 48 participants; $1,300 for Mayor’s Youth Council supplies participants, and $1,225 for Roar n’ Snore for 330 participants. rts activities line item of $51,10 ree and supplies for 18 teams; $11,605 for youth basketball referees and supplies for 320 ants; $1,140 for golf instructors for 60 participants; $5,880 for a gymnastics instructor for rticipants; $1,200 for karate instructor with 80 participants; $7,120 for adult softball and supplies for 36 teams; $6,440 for senior softball umpires and supplies for 46 teams; lt t nnis instructor for 168 participants; $4,625 for turkey trot supplies with 600 participants; for a youth volleyball coach and supplies for 36 participants; $6 ch nd supplies for 25 participants; and $670 for youth sports competition supplies for 300 ants. Ea least a break-even program. R epairs and Maintenance $2,950 Thi f repair to Sup i This ca blications, gas and oil, s re ers to expenses relating to the department’s 15-passenger van, as well as maintenance and office equipment. pl es and Services $24,950 tegory includes advertising, conferences, continuing education, dues and pu office supplies, printing, communications, travel, and uniforms. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 79 - Town of Fountain Hills 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 344,226 391,524 384,700 $367,000 307,800 FICA 10,375 12,412 10,300 $7,500 10,400 Unemployment Insurance 868 971 800 $700 800 Employee's Health Insurance 16,372 26,945 38,100 $34,200 23,300 Employee's Life Insurance 388 326 400 $350 300 Employee's Dental Insurance 2,338 2,992 3,900 $3,400 2,400 Employee's Eye Insurance 645 644 900 $350 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 2,074 3,053 3,700 $3,600 3,220 Employee's Retirement Fund 24,379 30,342 34,100 $32,000 23,400 Disability Insurance 1,163 1,104 1,400 $1,300 1,000 Recruitment Costs 370 12,683 0 $0 0 TOTAL $403,199 $482,995 $478,300 $450,400 $372,620 CONTRACT SERVICES ngineering Fees 2,000 1,117 5,000 0 0 pecial Programs 46,296 69,551 63,000 40,000 39,150 outh and Teen Programs 38,288 43,459 44,000 27,500 11,100 ports Activities 62,472 55,354 48,500 43,000 51,100 cDowell Mtn Preservation 3,631 3,564 500 600 1,000 onstituent Communications 43,191 49,521 56,500 36,450 40,200 OTAL $195,879 $222,565 $217,500 $147,550 $142,550 EPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance & Repair 183 475 1,000 1,200 500 ffice Equipment Maintenance 448 2,362 2,000 2,450 2,450 $631 $2,837 $3,000 $3,650 $2,950 SUPPLIES & SERVICES: ucation/T ining ues & Pub ions as & Oil ffice Supplies 15,138 7,042 8,000 7,000 7,000 rinting 5,376 3,138 2,500 2,500 2,500 3,726 3,549 4,200 3,000 2,500 2,451 3,095 250 2,387 3,421 0 46 89 150 $44,547 5,742 $2 50 es 0 0 0 ove ents 0 0 0 DITUR $0 $0 $0 $644,256 44,139 $72 0 PARKS & RECREATION FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY E S Y S M C T R O TOTAL Advertising 4,222 1,885 1,500 1,000 1,500 Conferences 4,285 8,842 1,000 1,200 1,700 Ed ra 3,786 1,729 5,500 1,000 3,200 D licat 1,961 1,859 1,450 1,200 1,400 G 1,168 1,094 2,000 1,000 1,500 O P Communications Travel 250 500 Uniforms 3,00 2,500 3,000 Bank Charges 150 150 TOTAL $3 9,5 $20,800 $24,950 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicl 0 0 Capital Outlay - Impr m 30,000 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPEN ES $30,000 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $7 8,35 $652,400 $543,070 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 80 - Town of Fountain Hills Parks ission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ards by professionally maintaining and operating each rk’s facilities and amenities enhancing the beauty, value, quality of the park’s environment; and q ality recreation opport ities, safe and clean parks, and superior park M The park staff is dedicated to maintaining over 112 acres of park land throughout the Fountain Hills park system to department stand pa continuing to provide u un beautification. Park Descriptions ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Each of the four parks in the Town’s system is in a different stage of development based on master plans that were developed specific to each park. The Parks and Recreation Commission and Town Council have reviewed and approved these master plans, which included public input during their planning. Desert Vista Neighborhood Park esert D Vista Neighborhood Park is an all turf 11-acre park located between Desert Vista and Tower Drives, south of Tioga Drive. The Town acquired this site on May 21, 1998, from MCO Properties, Inc. The Town, in cooperation with the Fountain Hills Sanitary District, is using the 11-acre site for effluent disposal. However, the Town has fenced 3.5 acres to be used as an off- leash recreational facility and uses the remainder of the park for lacrosse, soccer, and open play. Fountain Park Fountain Park is a 62-acre passive recreation facility and home of the Town’s world famous fountain, which is the heart of the community. The park was built in 1970 and includes 33 acres of turf, a 29-acre million gallon effluent lake, pump house station, dam, 18-hole disc golf course, restroom/control building, children’s playground, two ramadas with picnic tables and grills, and two parking lots. The Town acquired the park on May 1, 1997, from MCO Properties, Inc., and approximately nine months later, the Parks and Recreation Commission developed a new park master plan. The revised plan includes approximately 7,200 linear feet of walkways complete with lighting, five picnic ramadas with tables and barbecue grills, one restroom/control building, two parking lots with over 130 parking spaces, a tot lot and a playground. Additional amenities nclude a vetierans’ memorial and an outdoor performance pad. Several park improvement k projects were made during fiscal year 2000-2001 including the replacement of the lake liner, construction and installation of injection wells, and the completion of Phase I improvements. Four Peaks Neighborhood Par 1, bringing the total acreage of the park to 14 acres. The Parks and s mai ained is land over th nds, a restroom/control building, one ramada with a grill, and parking for 20 vehicles. Four Peaks Neighborhood Park is a 14-acre recreation facility adjacent to Four Peaks Elementary School. The Parks and Recreation Department acquired approximately 9.9 acres of land from the chool District in May 200S Recreation Department ha nt th e last several years and will continue to maintain the property in the future. The park currently includes a lighted soccer field with seating, a multi-purpose field with lights, one Little League field, one softball field, two lighted tennis courts, two lighted basketball courts, two children’s playgrou Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 81 - Town of Fountain Hills Golden Eagle Park Golden Eagle Park is a 25-acre active recreation facility adjacent to Fountain Hills High School. The park includes four multi-purpose lighted ball fields with covered dugouts and seating for 550 spectators, four lighted tennis courts with a shaded waiting area, two lighted basketball courts with bleachers, two lighted sand volleyball courts with a shower tower, a shaded tot lot, a shaded children’s playgrounds with a shaded seat wall, a 2,500 square foot restroom/control building, three parking lots with a total of 223 parking spaces, three picnic ramadas with grills, one pedestrian foot bridge, eight chilled drinking fountains, a horse shoe pit, six open turf areas, a large equipment storage yard, and over one mile of sidewalks and concrete pathways. Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Fountain Hills Park System (Fountain Park, Desert Vista Park, Four Peaks Park and Golden Eagle Park) • Provide safe and clean facilities daily. • Secure restroom/control buildings and park entry gates daily. • Prepare and line all ball fields for scheduled activities. • Maintain athletic facilities at standards acceptable for all scheduled sports activities. • Maintain safe and beautiful green turf year-round. • Maintain an accident free work place. Desert Vista Neighborhood Park • Provide pet waste bags. • Eliminate irrigation leaks and standing water within the off-leash recreational facility. Management Indicators – Parks ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Actual Estimated Projected Grounds Maintenance Mowing Frequency 50 weeks 50 weeks 42 weeks Aeration 4 x annually 4 x annually 2 x annually 2 In house ost Emergent Spraying 3 x annually 3 x annually In house re Emergent Spraying 2 x annually 2 x annually In house ark Ramada Rental Hours esert Vista Neighborhood Park 0 0 0 ountain Park 0 75 150 our Peaks Neighborhood Park 29 35 35 olden Eagle Park 551 525 550 P P P D F F G Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 82 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments - Parks ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Reduced the annual landscape contract for the park system. , the Chamber of Commerce, Ministerial Association, Little League, the Soccer Club, Pop Warner Football, Lacrosse Club, the Senior Softball program, and the Men’s • Provided support services and field preparation to high school, middle school, and Fountain Hills Park System • Over-seeded all of the parks within the park system. • Posted new signage throughout the park system. • Installed several new memorial park benches and trees at several parks. • Provided support services and field preparation for various Fountain Hills organizations, such as League. elementary school personnel and associated sports teams. • Upgraded turf and field conditions at all parks. • Acquired access to Golden Eagle Park pump station for better control of routine maintenance. Desert Vista Neighborhood Park • Constructed new containers for mutt mitts. • Installed trees at the off-leash recreational facility. • Set up for the annual Paws in the Park special event. • Prepared and lined the turf for lacrosse and soccer games ountain Park the St. Patrick’s Day annual tradition of dyeing the fountain green. • Worked with SunRidge Canyon to repair and maintain the required level of pump mp operations. F • Continued • Repaired four aeration pumps for better circulation of oxygen into the fountain lake. • Successfully repaired the irrigation system for 100% automatic clock operation. • Restocked Fountain Park Lake with fish to help control insects, odors, and algae. Four Peaks Neighborhood Park • Reconditioned the Little League field. • Constructed a field-marking device to the gator. • Continued park operations with staff reduction. Golden Eagle Park • Replaced gate and isolation valves throughout the park. pressure to ensure effective pu • Worked with SunRidge Canyon to gain access to the pump house. • Reconditioned field #1 with new sod and stabilizer. • Successfully overseeded all turf areas throughout the park. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 83 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives - Parks ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Level all low and uneven turf areas throughout each park. • Cross-train recreation assistants to assist with park maintenance. thorized expenditures. • Maintain high staff visibility and provide friendly help for park patrons. f the off-leash recreational ou a igratory bird population at the lake. use building and yard for possible public tours. of all athletic fields. • treamline maintenance hase II skate park. Fountain Hills Park System • Maintain current support services and professional assistance to customers, youth and adult organizations, school sports activities, and other community organizations using the facilities and amenities within the Fountain Hills park system. • Provide exceptional weekly maintenance of the parks, and emphasize restroom cleanliness and a litter free environment. • Eliminate turf weeds and weeds on dirt slopes and open areas. • Manage financial resources to meet au Desert Vista Neighborhood Park • Install additional benches and trees. • Work with ADOG to continue safe and clean operations o facility. • Install drip irrigation to trees. F nt in Park • Continue to decrease the m ho• Major clean up of pump • Install concrete slab for Veterans Memorial. • Complete major work on Phase II of master plan. Four Peaks Neighborhood Park • Continue annual reconditioning • Meet with neighborhood watch groups to discuss issues. S operations as a result of staff reductions. • Install or design P Summary Expenditures – Parks 000 FY 2001-2002 Y 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-20 T FY 2 -2001 F 04 Actual ALARIES & BENEFITS $221,880 $237,080 $254,740 $237,970 $214,290 $79,514 $800 T NANCE 320,389 $3 $321,$287,80 ,550 129,498 $2 $254,$193,02 ,200 APITAL EXPENDITURES $1,265,203 $24,810 $15,000 $15,000 $510,000 OTAL EXPENDITURES $2,016,483 $812,452 $845,620 $733,795 $1,205,840 Actual Budget Estimate Budget S CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $0 $0 0 $12, REPAIRS & MAIN E $44,772 000 0 $292 SUPPLIES & SERVICES $05,789 880 5 $176 C Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 84 - Town of Fountain Hills Parks ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Salaries and Benefits $214,290 The a visor, two parks operations sup i e staff members are assigned to a spec c s and perform their duties wherever necessa ult of the budget redu io operatio sta Neighborhood Park $ 0 $ 0 $157,920 Contra $12,800 quatic consulting fees paid to maintain Fountain Lake, reduce midge flies and mitigate other Rep r $292,550 Thi e the park, as well as renting power tool n major component to this ate ry this ategory. The annual landscape contract was be re-bid during fiscal year 2001-2002 and renewed s for up to four additional years. During fiscal year 2002-2003 the annual land a plemented during t ude the n Desert Vista Neighborhood Park $ 36,900 $133,250 $ 42,000 $ 80,400 Des d maintenance, primarily mowing and landscaping work in the amount of $30,000. This line item consists of mowing 42 times, ation technician at $2,400; spraying fields at $2,200 and over seeding the field a Fountai ent repairs at $12,000 to replace valves on the o ark maintenance line item supplies $5,000, granular fertilizer $5,0 ,eding $2,500, concrete pads 000, trees $800, memorial benches $5,000, waterfowl removal $3,000, and flags at $500. ountain Park’s mowing and landscaping line item of $70,000 breaks down as follows: Mowing 2 times at $23,000; irrigation $4,800; irrigation tech $7,000; pesticide spraying $4,020; imming $6,000; and over seeding and scalping at $25,200. p rks are maintained by a staff that consists of a park super erv sors, and one parks operations worker. Although th ifi park, they share responsibilities for all park ry. One park operations supervisor accepted a severance package as a res ct ns this fiscal year. However, the remaining park staff will cover the maintenance and ns of the park until the position can be filled. Desert Vi Fountain Park $ 56,370 Four Peaks Golden Eagle Park ct Services A problems. ai s and Maintenance s r fers to expenses relating to the daily maintenance of s a d small equipment to perform park maintenance repairs. The go is the annual landscape contract, which comprises most of the expenditures forc c on an annual basi sc pe contract was significantly reduced to meet the budget reduction plan im his fiscal year. Additionally, the annual landscape contract is adjusted annually to incl Co sumer Price Index. Fountain Park Four Peaks Park Golden Eagle Park ert Vista Park has $36,900 budgeted for repairs an equaling $17,000; irrig s t $8,400. n Park’s budget of $133,250 consists of equipm “w rld famous” fountain and make any necessary repairs. Field and p of $43,300 consists of; liquid fertilizer $11,000, acid 00 irrigation repairs $6,000, Wercon service $2,500, hydrose $2, F 4 tr Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 85 - Town of Fountain Hills Four Peaks Park budget of $42,000 consists mainly of two line items, $16,000 for field reparation and $17,800 for mowing and landscape maintenance. The $16,000 field preparation repairs, $4,000 stabilizer and paint, $4,000 fertilizer, $2,500 irrig o $17,800 over see Golden f $16,000 for building repairs and maintenance whi ies for plumbing repairs, shel ,fire lanes and painting walls. $26 0 e”, as follows: $3,000 stab e ,000 electrical repairs, $3,0 hes and picnic tables and 50 000 is budgeted der “Mowing and Landscape Maintenance” as follows: $12,600 for 42 mowings, $7,700 for ,700 for scalping. Supplies and Services $176,200 Exp s the daily operations of the park and include costs for ctricity, water, sewer, trash pick-up, associated operational signage, and miscellaneous tools so included are expenditures associated with continuing education and con e $ 6,600 $ 75,720 Four Peaks $ 38,750 $ 55,130 Fou i 59,500 for electricity to operate the n ction of the fountain’s ope io aks Park, $38,750, has o a for lights and water and sewer costs $18,000 for 0, has a major line item expense for electricity at $33, 000 urts. Capital Improvement Projects $510,000 Expenses in this category pertain to two park improvement projects: a skate park project at Four Peaks Neighborhood Park and a portion of Fountain Park Phase II Improvements. $60,000 of costs associated with the skate park will include either engineering/design fees or modular components for the skate park and will come from development fee monies. Fountain Park Phase II Improvements, costing $510,000 in general fund monies, include an activity area with a shared tot lot and playground ($300,000 less $160,000 in grant funding), and the north sidewalk to complete the walking path around the park ($187,000), and a performance pad ($183,000). p consists of $2,500 for lighting ati n repairs, $1,000 herbicides, $2,000 rye and Bermuda seed. The mowing and landscaping line item breaks down as 42 mows, totaling $14,000; $1,500 for trimming, $1,800 for ding, and $500 for spraying. Eagle Park’s request of $80,400 consists o ch includes $6,000 for painting shelter roofs, $10,000 for suppl ter concession stand and maintenance shed repairs, painting ,00 is budgeted under line item “Field Preparation and Maintenanc r, $2ilizr on running track, $5,000 lighting repairs, $3,000 fertilize 00 irrigation, $2,500 chemicals, $2,000 vandalism, $1,500 benc 3, un 0 sports chalk and equipment, and $500 for emergency funding. While $28, trimming, $5,000 irrigation tech, and $2 en es in this category pertain to ele and supplies. Al fer nces for park staff to keep current with certifications. Desert Vista Neighborhood Park Fountain Park Golden Eagle Park nta n Park has the largest line item, $75,720, which includes $ fou tain pumps. This cost has been dramatically reduced by the redu 10 minutes per hour. Four Peratn time from 15 minutes per hour to m jor line items: electricity at $14,000tw sprinkling. Golden Eagle Park, $55,13 for lighting the ball fields and tennis co Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 86 - Town of Fountain Hills The Town was awarded a Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant for the Fountain ark project in December 2000 in the amount of $237,307, of which approximately $160,000 will uced s e of th projec P be available due to the red iz e t. Fountain Park $ 510,000 Four Peaks Neighborhood Park $ 60,000* *From development fees. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 87 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 88 - TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 1,300 550 600 TOTAL $4,858 $4,856 $7,300 $5,750 $6,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $48,297 $43,118 $49,800 $40,250 $43,500 DESERT VISTA PARK FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget CONTRACT SERVICES: Professional Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Engineering/Design Fees 0 0 0 0 0 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Equipment Rental 0 0 500 0 1,900 Field Preparation/Maintenance 4,201 2,536 2,000 4,500 5,000 Mowing/Landscape Maintenance 32,505 35,726 40,000 30,000 30,000 TOTAL $36,706 $38,263 $42,500 $34,500 $36,900 SUPPLIES & SERVICES: Advertising 109 0 500 0 500 Electricity 3,256 3,628 5,000 4,700 5,000 Tools/Shop Supplies 200 132 500 500 500 Water/Sewer 1,293 1,096 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Equipment 6,733 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay - Park Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $6,733 $0 $0 $0 $0 Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 89 - ,945 39,100 39,100 40,800 CA 515 552 590 590 610 50 50 mployee's 6,002 7,600 7,820 ployee's 53 60 60 mployee's Dental Insurance 476 632 900 1,000 950 138 135 150 75 0 682 829 1,210 900 1,390 mployee's Retirement Fund 4,228 4,504 4,310 4,310 4,490 isability Insurance 174 151 180 160 200 OTAL $48,708 $53,849 $55,000 $53,845 $56,370 NTRACT SERVICES: nsultant Fees 0 0 0 0 12,800 ngineering/Design Fees 72,514 0 0 0 0 OTAL $72,514 $0 $0 $0 $12,800 PAIRS & MAINTENANCE: quipment Repair 6,213 1,648 11,000 12,000 12,000 hicle Maintenance/Repair 2,093 910 2,000 1,000 2,000 quipment Rental 182 96 500 500 950 uilding Repairs/Maintenance 5,626 5,670 3,000 4,500 5,000 Park Maintenance 61,927 62,350 36,000 50,000 43,300 wing/Landscape Maintenance 81,246 110,446 90,000 69,300 70,000 OTAL $157,287 $181,119 $142,500 $137,300 $133,250 PLIES & SERVICES: tising 1,522 978 3,000 1,000 1,000 onferences 0 125 100 100 240 ducation/Training 309 100 500 300 780 ues & Publications 65 120 100 100 100 ectricity 35,195 87,155 125,000 72,600 59,900 as and Oil 2,776 1,800 2,000 1,000 1,500 ffice Supplies 198 500 500 200 200 op Supplies 592 659 1,000 1,000 1,000 ng 75 0 3,000 50 300 ommunications Expense 243 498 1,600 9,200 500 er 4,192 7,375 8,000 8,000 9,200 el 5 5 0 0 0 niforms 660 1,130 2,000 1,000 1,000 OTAL $45,832 $100,445 $146,800 $94,550 $75,720 APITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Equipment 2,233 0 0 0 0 Capital Outlay - Improvements 1,225,295 0 15,000 15,000 510,000 TOTAL $1,227,528 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $510,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,551,870 $335,414 $359,300 $300,695 $788,140 FOUNTAIN PARK FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: ages 38,456 40W FI Unemployment Insurance 53 46 50 E Health Insurance 3,922 8,450 Em Life Insurance 64 60 E Employee's Eye Insurance ker's Compensation InsuranceWor E D T CO Co E T RE E Ve E B Field and Mo T SUP Adver C E D El G O Tools, Sh Printi C Wat Trav U T C Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 90 - FOUR PEAKS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 33,996 29,184 33,900 $25,100 0 FICA 455 377 500 $900 0 Unemployment Insurance 53 60 50 $75 0 Employee's Health Insurance 4,246 4,035 6,950 $4,120 0 Employee's Life Insurance 64 40 60 $50 0 Employee's Dental Insurance 662 613 900 $800 0 Employee's Eye Insurance 151 103 150 $75 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 645 881 1,040 $500 0 Employee's Retirement Fund 3,740 3,210 3,730 $1,820 0 Disability Insurance 174 106 150 $75 0 TOTAL $44,185 $38,609 $47,430 $33,515 $0 CONTRACT SERVICES: Engineering/Design Fees 7,000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 7,000 0 0 0 0 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 2,879 357 2,000 2,000 1,300 Equipment Rental 2,349 1,829 2,500 500 1,900 Building Repairs/Maintenance 5,644 6,135 5,000 5,000 5,000 Field Preparation/Maintenance 14,208 15,318 17,500 15,000 16,000 Mowing/Landscape Maintenance 11,256 13,798 14,000 15,000 17,800 TOTAL $36,336 $37,437 $41,000 $37,500 $42,000 SUPPLIES & SERVICES: Advertising 155 95 3,000 100 150 Conferences 10 1,491 100 100 0 ducation/Training 505 75 300 300 0 ues and Publications 135 305 200 100 0 ectricity 13,734 13,729 14,000 13,600 14,000 as and Oil 1,394 1,351 2,400 600 600 ffice Supplies 206 89 100 0 0 ools, Shop Supplies 1,959 1,097 1,000 1,000 1,000 rinting 82 51 0 0 0 ommunication Expense 220 572 800 350 0 ater/Sewer 7,521 20,763 15,000 24,400 23,000 ravel 39 0 0 0 0 niforms 482 709 1,000 1,000 0 OTAL $26,442 $40,328 $37,900 $41,550 $38,750 APITAL EXPENDITURES apital Outlay - Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 ark Improvements 11,158 0 0 0 0 OTAL $11,158 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $125,121 16,375 $126,330 $112,565 $80,750 E D El G O T P C W T U T C C P T $1 Town of Fountain Hills GOLDEN EAGLE PARK FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 102,331 110,708 112,200 $113,900 120,700 FICA 1,367 1,445 1,660 $1,660 1,780 Unemployment Insurance 214 139 150 $150 150 Employee's Health Insurance 9,514 14,957 19,650 $16,550 15,260 Employee's Life Insurance 191 158 180 $180 180 Employee's Dental Insurance 1,315 1,568 1,700 $1,850 1,800 Employee's Eye Insurance 373 354 410 $200 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 1,927 2,674 3,520 $3,000 4,190 Employee's Retirement Fund 11,256 12,171 12,340 $12,600 13,280 Disability Insurance 497 447 500 $520 580 TOTAL $128,987 $144,622 $152,310 $150,610 $157,920 CONTRACT SERVICES: TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance/Repair 8,406 9,098 9,000 9,000 9,000 Equipment Rental 322 628 2,000 1,500 1,400 Building Repairs/Maintenance 8,667 22,828 22,000 16,000 16,000 Field Preparation/Maintenance 47,358 26,857 30,000 26,000 26,000 Mowing/Landscape Maintenance 25,306 28,541 32,000 26,000 28,000 TOTAL $90,060 $87,953 $95,000 $78,500 $80,400 SUPPLIES & SERVICES: Advertising 485 395 1,000 500 500 Conferences (20)630 255 200 780 Education/Training 750 1,245 2,500 250 1,000 Dues and Publications 650 495 225 225 250 Electricity 30,340 34,041 30,000 33,000 33,000 Gas and Oil 3,264 3,674 3,000 3,300 3,900 Office Supplies 1,696 79 1,000 200 200 Tools, Shop Supplies 2,209 2,069 3,000 1,700 2,000 Printing 0 0 500 0 0 Communication Expense 681 1,485 2,400 1,500 1,900 Water/Sewer 10,527 13,300 15,000 7,000 8,000 Travel 0 372 0 0 0 Uniforms 1,784 2,377 4,000 3,300 3,600 TOTAL $52,365 $60,160 $62,880 $51,175 $55,130 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Park Equipment 0 19,434 0 0 0 Park Improvements 19,784 5,376 0 0 0 TOTAL $19,784 $24,810 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $291,195 $317,545 $310,190 $280,285 $293,450 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 91 - Town of Fountain Hills This page intentionally left blank Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 92 - Town of Fountain Hills Community Center Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Like the trademark fountain that stands at the heart of the community, so too does the Community Center. Its mission is to enhance the quality of life for Fountain Hills’ citizens by providing a gathering place for civic, non-profit and community events, promoting the arts, and developing a conference and convention trade. The Community Center shall be “All that is Fountain Hills”. Department Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Fountain Hills Community Center provides rental space for recreational, civic, educational, commercial, and personal events that require meeting, banquet, seminar, and classroom or exhibit space. The Center staff works with clients to ensure that meeting rooms and other areas are clean, properly set, and prepared for their use. License agreements ensure that users comply with the policies and procedures as adopted by the Town. Goals and Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Fountain Hills Community Center is dedicated to service the residents and community groups of Fountain Hills in the manner and spirit established by the former Community Center. A variety of amenities and spaces combined with a very affordable rate structure provide residents with increased opportunities for personal and local non-profit use. The Center will continue to make community and resident usage a number one priority. Additionally, the department will incorporate the following goals and objectives previously established: maintaining a safe and accessible facility, satisfying client’s requirements, maximizing facility usage, and bringing additional revenues into Fountain Hills. The Center will provide a positive economic stimulus to the To n by scheduling and booking as many outside groups as possible while continuing to meet the needs of the Fountain Hills community. Community Center Communtiy Meetings Conferences Cultural Events Trade Shows Parks and Recreation w Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 93 - Town of Fountain Hills erformance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • The Center shall meet with clients, obtain all necessary event information, discuss rental fees and mail a license agreement within ten working days. • Clients shall be furnished a detailed scale drawing of their event showing the set. The drawing requires client approval before the event set-up begins. • All events shall be properly supervised with Center personnel readily available to assist with clients’ needs. • Outstanding billings for events are to be processed in a prompt manner within ten days of the events. anagement Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 Actual Estimated Projected vents/Activities 1,316 1,400 1,630 ttendance 55,628 80,000 96,000 evenues $101,075 $152,000 $195,000 iscal Year 2002–2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ he Fountain Hills Community Center has accomplished the following: • Hired and trained new staff for a number of part-time positions. • Renewed the State of Arizona liquor license and transferred the agent of record. • Continued to meet monthly with the Community Center Advisory Commission. • With Advisory Commission assistance, developed and recommended to the Town Council an updated rental rate schedule intended to encourage local participation. • Updated the policies and procedures manual in cooperation with the Advisory Commission. • Continued to utilize volunteer staff that not only oversees the front desk but also has created several community activities: the Holiday Celebration and tree decorating, “Munch and Music”, and “Summer Serendipity”. • Developed and operated within the first full year budget. • Cross-trained four additional departmental employees to serve as manager for events where alcohol is served. • Continue working toward the reduction of the annual operation subsidy of the facility. It is anticipated that the previously budgeted deficit of over $300,000 will be reduced to approximately $240,000 for fiscal year 2002-2003. The budget for the facility combined with revenues for fiscal year 2003-2004 will reduce the annual deficit amount even further to approximately $220,000, with actual numbers probably being at or even possibly under $200,000. P M E A R F T Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 94 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003–2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Continue serving as the location of choice for many service club meetings, civic functions, and major community social, fundraising, and Chamber events. • The Center is working on making the facility one of the premier wedding destinations in the Valley by exposing the public to a facility through a marketing campaign that includes bridal exhibitions and trade shows, hosting bridal consultant meetings and other venues. A goal of 50 weddings per year appears realistic. Summary Expenditures – Community Center FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget $32,366 $223,448 $329,804 $302,730 $301,144 $75,986 $85,000 $55,000 $52,000 0 TAL EXPENDITURES $765,444 $1,086,274 $660,704 $585,030 $469,994 SALARIES & BENEFITS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $41,140 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $12,524 $6,744 $10,500 $10,600 $8,300 SUPPLIES & SERVICES $395,573 $113,628 $115,400 $96,700 $104,950 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $283,841 $666,468 $120,000 $120,000 $3,60 TO Authorized Personnel Position-Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized Authorized Proposed E FTE FTE FTE 1.00 1.00 Authorized FT Community Center Director 0 1.00 1.00 0.50 Events/Marketing Coordinator 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operations Supervisor 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 dministrative Assistant 0 0.50 A Operations Worker 0 1.00 1.00 1.50 Custodian 0 0 1.00 1.00 Volunteer Coordinator 0 0.50 0.50 0.50 Authorized FTE 0.00 5.00 6.50 6.50 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 95 - Town of Fountain Hills Salaries and Benefits $301,144 his item includes compensation for three full time and several part-time employees. ontract Services $52,000 Con c include ain Hills’ participation with Sco and stat Repairs and Maintenance $8,300 Thi a rental such as sound or lighting systems, and normal office equipment repair and maintenance. hough certain pieces of equipment are under warranty, it is anticipated that some repairs will be quired. $104,950 This budget reflects needs based on u of actual usage. Also i advertising from community event pro omot ffice supplies for daily operations, and volunteer expenses. The largest line item in this category ,000 t run the buildin s are a signi cant pa t of ov argins are lower than private commercial centers, allowing lower prices to be charged. This is advantage in holding major events at the Center. and event supervisor staff for a rofessional, recognizable appearance. Ca a $3,600 This am T C tra t services include costs associated with event security. Additionally, this category s $50,500 requested under Tourism: $30,000 is for Fount ttsdale Convention and Visitors Bureau. Also included is $20,500 for brochures, advertising, ionery printing. s c tegory includes the costs for normal repair and maintenance of the facility, equipment T re Supplies and Services pon analysis ncluded is local grams, user brochures, flyers, pr ional reminders, o is electricity at $50 o g. Liquor sale fi r erall revenues and supplies cost $25,000. The Center’s m an niforms are for polo shirts to be worn by operational, custodial,U p pit l Expenditures ount represents a shaded parking canopy. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 96 - Town of Fountain Hills FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Budget Estimate Budget ALARIES & BENEFITS Wage FICA Unemploym 845 Empl 's Empl 's Employee's Employee's Worker's C Employee's 84 16,600 16,981 Recru ment Costs 14,409 0 0 0 0 sab ty Insurance 0 502 673 650 741 rtender Services 0 0 10,000 10,000 11,000 8 329,804 302,730 301,144 CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Security Fees 0 3,300 5,000 5,000 1,500 Touris ment Costs 14,409 0 0 0 0 sab ty Insurance 0 502 673 650 741 rtender Services 0 0 10,000 10,000 11,000 8 329,804 302,730 301,144 CONTRACT SERVICES Contract Security Fees 0 3,300 5,000 5,000 1,500 Tourism 0 62,401 80,000 50,000 50,500 TOTAL $0 $65,701 $85,000 $55,000 $52,000 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Equipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 Building Repairs & Maintenance 172 3,480 7,000 9,300 7,000 Office Repairs/Maintenance 0 448 3,500 1,300 1,300 TOTAL $172 $3,928 $10,500 $10,600 $8,300 SUPPLIES & SERVICES: Advertising 4,335 2,860 3,000 2,800 8,000 Conferences 0 1,656 1,500 0 0 ducation/Training 0 514 500 500 500 ues/Publications 0 1,700 1,000 1,600 600 ectricity 0 33,653 60,000 46,500 50,000 ffice Supplies 118 35,521 10,500 10,000 7,000 ar Supplies 0 19,550 25,000 22,500 25,000 92 1,622 2,500 2,500 2,500 94 2,002 2,000 1,250 1,150 Water/Sewer 186 7,554 7,500 8,700 9,000 nk Charg ease Paym t TOTAL $388,709 $108,452 $115,400 $96,700 $104,950 ture/Equip ent 5,844 8,082 12 00 77,996 0 841 66,468 12 0 088 $1 7,997 66 4 COMMUNITY CENTER FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 Actual Actual S s 15,536 192,370 265,050 248,000 242,614 189 6,031 9,150 9,150 9,030 ent Insurance 41 542 447 600 oyee Health Insurance 387 8,121 18,450 14,200 13,692 oyee Life Insurance 0 123 240 220 210 Dental Insurance 52 873 1,900 1,650 1,502 Eye Insurance 22 195 480 160 0 ompensation Insurance 25 527 3,630 1,500 4,530 Retirement Fund 1,705 14,165 19,7 it ili it iliDi Ba Di Ba TOTAL 32,366 223,44TOTAL32,366 223,44 E D El O B Printing Communications Expense Travel 881 136 200 200 200 Uniforms 0 1,559 1,500 0 800 Ba es 35 126 200 150 200 L en 382,968 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL EX Capital - Furni m 1 0,0 120,000 3,600 PENDITURES Construction Costs 2 648,387 0 0 TOTAL $283,$6 $0,00 $120,000 $3,600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $705,,06 $0,70 $585,030 $469,994 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 97 - Town of Fountain Hills This e eft blank pag intentionally l Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 98 - _______________________ Public Works _______________________ Building Safety Planning Streets Town of Fountain Hills Public Works Department EngineeringOpen Space Management Street Maintenance Public Works Planning Building Safety and Code Enforcement Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Public Works Department’s mission is to express and enhance the beauty, value, and quality of the environment by operating and maintaining public grounds, dams, medians, natural washes and open space, as well as protecting the health, safety, and well being of the public by assuring properly designed and constructed infrastructure, correct property transfers, quality mapping, and excellent customer service. Department Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Open Space Management and Engineering Divisions are responsible for the operation and maintenance of Town-owned wash parcels, open space, dams, public grounds and median landscaping. The department is responsible for six ADWR jurisdictional dams and numerous smaller dams. The department maintains landscaping at all Town-owned buildings and facilities (except public parks), including Town Hall, Community Center/Library, two fire stations, Community Theatre buildings, and the street yard. Engineering also processes, reviews, permits and inspects encroachment permits, including subdivision plans, “off-site” improvement plans and utility cuts. The department supports Building Safety by reviewing and inspecting site work plans for building permits. The department supports the Planning Division by technical review of area specific plans, rezonings, preliminary plats, special use permits and other land use matters. Public Works is responsible for all right-of-way capital projects including streets, traffic, drainage and landscaping, and it provides technical support for park and building projects. It provides project planning, design and drafting (or design contract management and plan review), construction inspection and ntract administration. The department also handles all street related construction maintenance ntracts, including their design, layout and inspection. iscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Continued the wash management program in Colony Wash and a small portion of Emerald Wash until the budget was reduced. • Assumed maintenance responsibility f r the medians on Shea Boulevard (Palisades- Fountain Hills Boulevard) and Avenue the Fountains (Post Office to Palisades). co co F o of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 99 - Town of Fountain Hills • Received favorable insp l maintenance is performed to all six Town-owned dams to ensure the upkeep and safety of the dams. • Reviewed 393 site plans for building permits * • Reviewed 27 subdivision preliminary plats and condo replats * • Reviewed, permitted, and inspected 31 subdivision project improvement plan projects * • Reviewed, permitted and inspected 275 utility permit requests * • Reviewed and processed 17 easement and right-of-way abandonments and acquisitions* • Reviewed 34 applications for cut and fill waivers, concept plans and special use permits* * During 8 months ended March 31, 2003 • Inspected (or liaison for) major public projects including: • Target on-site and off-site infrastructure • Microsurface for 3 miles on Shea Boulevard • Slurry seal 3.8 miles in southwest area • Chip seal with MCDOT at east and west ends of Shea Boulevard • Signing and striping for all of Shea Boulevard • Prepared section maps for all field employees and public. • Updated plat, zoning and building development maps. • Provided legal descriptions and boundary maps for the Verde River abandonment. ection reports by ADWR. Annua iscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Fulfill the requirements of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System as required by ADEQ and EPA agencies. • Continue the wash management program at urgent and moderate fire hazard areas in coordination with the Fire Department requests. • Assist the MMPC with their goals and objectives for the open space areas. • Continue the storm drain atlas maps and traffic signal conduit maps. • Continue data conversion to a GIS system. • Continue capital project planning, design and construction consistent with the budget. • Continue street major maintenance work (see Street Section). erformance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Provide information to the public regarding the medians, dams, preservation areas and washes. • Provide a high level of median maintenance, recognizing that medians are a very important element of the “first impression” people have of Fountain Hills. • Inspect all dams quarterly. • Check irrigation operation monthly to ensure proper coverage. • Spray herbicides semi-annually for weed control in median areas. • Respond promptly to citizen inquiries and concerns (within 24 hours, when feasible). • Perform building permit first review plan checks within: • 15 working days for single-family residences and miscellaneous permits and 7-10 working days for multi-family and commercial permits. F P Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 100 - Town of Fountain Hills • Subsequent plan reviews in 5 working days. • Perform subdivision (encroachment permit) first review plan checks within 20 working days and subsequent plan reviews in 5 working days. Perform utility cut (encroachment permit) plan checks within 5 working days. • Identify all plan review concerns in the first submittal. • Provide a customer friendly environment for citizen and developer access to services. • Provide thorough, timely subdivision (and other development related) technical review comments to the Planning Division. • Provide technical input to the Town Council and advisory commissions as requested. • Provide positive support to all departments by way of trust, respect and communication. ▬ FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬ Estimated Projected Engineering Plan Review Time Goal (1st submittal) Single family residence 15 working days 90% 90% Commercial 15 working days 90% 90% Subdivision 20 working days 90% 90% Utility 5 working days 90% 90% 40% 80% (including Council action) 22.7 acres 17.0 acres 33.1 acres ote: Acreage can vary depending on density of vegetation Easement abandonments 35 working days FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Estimated Projected Town Owned Maintained Property 1523 acres 1528 acres 1528 acres Wash Management Program N Summary Expenditures - Public Works FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS $641,930 $664,480 $716,100 $652,150 $635,710 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $198,917 $58,700 $36,000 $35,000 $44,000 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $424,653 $343,771 $355,500 $200,000 $303,000 UPPLIES & SERVICES $98,155 $96,699 $97,600 $94,900 $99,850 $0 $0 $0 OTAL EXPENDITURES $1,663,118 $1,181,919 $1,205,200 $982,050 $1,082,560 S CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $299,463 $18,269 T Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 101 - Town of Fountain Hills Authorized Personnel Pos n 02-2003 2003-2004 FTE FTE Pub Directo 1.00 1.00 1.00 Tow E 1.00 1.00 Senior C i 1.00 1.00 1.00 Civil En n 1.00 1.00 Eng. Te /CAD 1.00 1.00 1.00 Civil En neerin 1.00 Drafting AD T 1.00 1.00 Exe ti 1.00 1.00 Adm i 1.00 0 Ope 0 0 pe 1.00 raffic Engineering Analyst 1.00 1.00 0 0 itio -Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 20 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE lic Works r 1.00 n ngineer 1.00 1.00 iv l Engineer 1.00 gi eer 1.00 1.00 ch Operator 1.00 gi g Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 /C echnician 1.00 1.00 cu ve Assistant 1.00 1.00 in strative Assistant 1.00 1.00 n Space/Landscape Sup. 1.00 1.00 O T n Space/Landscape Spec. 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 11.00 9.00 Sal e There a lic Works Department. No increase in pers n Con a $44,000 Eng e rs, arch c ide disciplines and special pertise that are not available among the Town’s regular staff; provide technical manpower for ajor projects; and can provide a reserve of technical manpower during overflow time periods. he anticipated major projects are: • • Traffic Engineer - Design signal at Saguaro Boulevard and El Lago Boulevard • Tra n to Palisades • and on-call surveying Authorized FTE 13.00 1 ari s and Benefits $635,710 re currently nine full-time positions in the Pub on el is anticipated during the fiscal year. tr ct Services ine ring regularly contracts with design professionals (traffic ite ts and landscape architects) for services. These contracts prov engineers, land surveyo ex m T Civil Engineer - Shea Boulevard Bike Lanes (Federal aid) - construction phase ($10,000). -50% developer contribution ($12,500). ffic Engineer - Design Shea Boulevard interconnect from Eagle Mountai Boulevard ($15,000). Contribution to flood plain management, mylar scanning, appraisals ($6,500). Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 102 - Town of Fountain Hills Rep r $303,000 Vehicle ai s and Maintenance Repairs and Maintenance $3,000 partment has five assigned vehicles; one for the departThe de ment director, one for the eng e ecialist, and two for field work by the e Median ine ring inspector, one for the open space and landscape sp oth r six personnel. Landscape Maintenance $150,000 Thi e int effo w reage has quintupled. The total median maintenance to date is 45 acres. The Town assumed sponsibility for all medians on Shea Boulevard except adjacent to the Target site and on ent (roundup) twice a year ($17,000) • ($22,88 • 00) • • inspection and repairs (required by law) ($1,760) Fountain maintenance/supplies - this work is done in-house and includes chlorine, algaecide, shock treatment, pump/motor maintenance a Irrigation maintenance supplies - this work is heads, pipes, etc. ($3,000) D s it m will remain approximately the same due to a successful bidding process and a jo rt ith the Fountain Hills Unified School District. From 1996 to 2002, median landscape ac re Avenue of the Fountains from the Post Office to Palisades Boulevard. The request for median landscape maintenance covers: • Spraying pre-emergent (surflan) and post-emerg Mowing, aeration, fertilizer and application 5) Landscape maintenance-3,000 hours ($86,4 Palm tree trimming ($6,864) Tree trimming-117 trees ($5,792) • Scalp, vacuum, dispose of clippings, mulch, overseed ($3,960) • Annual backflow assembly • nd cleaning bronze statues ($2,500) • done in house and includes valves, clocks, am/Wash Maintenance $150,000 and dumping removal in the wash and reservation areas. It also includes maintenance of items required at the six Town-owned t will be expended for urgent fire hazard removal areas during next fall, winter, and spring. Due to increased rainfall amounts this year, a sense of urgency does exist for this item. Total open space, including dames and washes, is 1,442 acres. The request for dam and wash maintenance includes: • Bridge inspections performed by ADOT on box culverts and CMPs and the removal of sediment and vegetation ($3,000) • Dam inspections by ADWR and the required cleanup and maintenance ($8,000) • Wash maintenance: To prevent any drainage problems and for fire protection, we propose to work in (1) Ironwood Wash (Fountain Hills Boulevard to Chicory) 6.6 acres, (2) Mimosa Drain (Mountainside to El Lago 1.0 acre, (3) Emerald Wash (Saguaro to Fountain Hills Boulevard) 11.0 acres and (4) Ashbrook Wash (Aspen Dam to North Boundary 14.5 acres. The work is estimated at $128,000. After the cutting and removal of debris from the washes, a post-emergent spray is applied to prevent re-growth of vegetation not indigenous to the area. The spraying and labor is estimated at $10,000. Re-vegetation of native plant material (seed) is applied - done in-house. Cost of the seed is estimated at $1,000. The item includes fire hazard, drainage control, trash p jurisdictional dams. Most of this budget amoun • • Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 103 - Town of Fountain Hills Supplies and Services $99,850 electricity, advertising, education and training, dues and publications, fuel costs, office supplies, tool and shop supplies, printing, communication expenses, travel forms. The wa , f roperti . Electricity for water features is estim 0, re $68,00. This item includes water, expenses and uni ter is for irrigation of medians ountains and other Town-owned p es ated at $11,80 while water and sewer estimates a 5 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 104 - Town of Fountain Hills OTAL EXPENDITURES $1,663,118 $1,181,919 $1,205,200 $982,050 $1,082,56 FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 621 534 550 600 450 35,759 54,894 71,850 62,100 56,530 Employee's Life Insurance 717 567 660 600 540 0 500 Engineering Fees 198,917 58,700 35,000 35,000 43,500 $44,000 R Ve 5,000 5,000 3,000 O 250 500 0 0 M 266,550 211,173 200,000 150,000 150,000 W 150,983 128,068 150,000 45,000 150,000 T ,500 $200,000 $303,000 SU A 0 C 0 Ed 1,900 D 1,000 El 600 450 35,759 54,894 71,850 62,100 56,530 Employee's Life Insurance 717 567 660 600 540 0 500 Engineering Fees 198,917 58,700 35,000 35,000 43,500 $44,000 R Ve 5,000 5,000 3,000 O 250 500 0 0 M 266,550 211,173 200,000 150,000 150,000 W 150,983 128,068 150,000 45,000 150,000 T ,500 $200,000 $303,000 SU A 0 C 0 Ed 1,900 D 1,000 El 11,800 G 8,362 6,262 5,000 5,000 5,000 O 13,370 5,167 4,000 4,000 4,000 Tools, Shop Supplies 3,970 511 500 500 500 0 0 ,850 C T $0 T 0 PUBLIC WORKS Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 526,581 528,422 556,700 510,000 501,300 FICA 7,503 7,323 8,150 7,400 7,320 Unemployment Insurance Employee's Health InsuranceEmployee's Health Insurance Employee's Dental Insurance 5,856 7,099 7,820 7,400 6,740 Employee's Eye Insurance 1,371 1,266 1,530 750 0 Employee's Dental Insurance 5,856 7,099 7,820 7,400 6,740 Employee's Eye Insurance 1,371 1,266 1,530 750 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 3,135 4,140 5,090 4,800 5,280 Employee's Retirement Fund 57,887 57,988 61,240 56,100 55,140 Disability Insurance 2,498 2,246 2,510 2,400 2,410 TOTAL $641,930 $664,480 $716,100 $652,150 $635,710 CONTRACT SERVICES Contractual Services 0 0 1,000 Worker's Compensation Insurance 3,135 4,140 5,090 4,800 5,280 Employee's Retirement Fund 57,887 57,988 61,240 56,100 55,140 Disability Insurance 2,498 2,246 2,510 2,400 2,410 TOTAL $641,930 $664,480 $716,100 $652,150 $635,710 CONTRACT SERVICES Contractual Services 0 0 1,000 TOTOTAL $198,917 $58,700 $36,000 $35,000TAL$198,917 $58,700 $36,000 $35,000 EPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: hicle Repair & Maint.7,121 4,280 EPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: hicle Repair & Maint.7,121 4,280 ffice Equipment Repairs 0ffice Equipment Repairs 0 edian/Landscape Maintenance ash Maintenance/Fire Prevention edian/Landscape Maintenance ash Maintenance/Fire Prevention OTAL $424,653 $343,771 $355OTAL$424,653 $343,771 $355 PPLIES & SERVICES:PPLIES & SERVICES: dvertising 155 154 500 0 20 onferences 426 70 0 0 50 ucation/Training 1,318 1,058 1,000 1,000 dvertising 155 154 500 0 20 onferences 426 70 0 0 50 ucation/Training 1,318 1,058 1,000 1,000 ues & Publications 1,257 843 500 500 ectricit ues & Publications 1,257 843 500 500 ectricity 6,204 9,184 8,000 11,500 as & Oil ffice Supplies Printing 3,739 2,612 2,000 1,000 1,00 Communications Expense 4,695 3,359 3,500 3,000 3,500 Water/Sewer 52,269 65,497 70,000 66,800 68,500 Travel 257 262 0 0 500 Vehicle Lease Payments 0 0 0 0 0 Uniforms 2,097 1,685 2,500 1,500 1,450 Bank Charges 35 35 100 100 TOTAL $98,155 $96,699 $97,600 $94,900 $99 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicles 0 18,269 0 0 0 apital Outlay - Improvements 299,463 0 0 0 0 OTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $299,463 $18,269 $0 $0 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 105 - Town of Fountain Hills T e his pag intentionally left blank Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 106 - Town of Fountain Hills Building Safety Division Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Building Safety Division of the Public Works Department is dedicated to providing the highest quality construction permitting; plan review and building inspection services in a responsive and friendly manner. Division Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Building Safety Division processes applications for permits to construct buildings, fences, pools, and any other structures. The division serves as a receiving and processing center for interdepartmental review of these plans. The division’s review and inspection staff includes a building official, two certified residential plans examiner, and two certified building inspectors to assure compliance with the adopted building codes of the Town. The Building Safety Division also issues numerous reports concerning building activity to other public agencies. The Building Safety Division anticipates that it will process building permit applications and perform inspections at approximately 700 building sites in fiscal year 2003-2004. Most of the division’s activity will be concentrated in the developing portions of Firerock Country Club, Crestview, Palatial Estates, Eagle’s Nest and Town Center. While the number of building permit applications is expected to decrease in fiscal year 2003-2004, the division expects the same levels of construction inspection activity due to on-going construction projects that have been permitted in fiscal year 2002-2003, and new residential and commercial projects permitted early in fiscal year 2003-2004. Code enforcement will transition into the Building Safety Division with the downsizing of the Marshals Department. In the past, this area was mostly complaint driven by the citizens of Fountain Hills. As our Town gets larger, more Town code and ordinance violations are obvious. With this in mind, it is time for a more proactive approach, rather than a reactive approach. The Town is also moving into the build-out phase where we will want to preserve the beauty of Fountain Hills by maintaining residential and commercial establishments. This can only be accomplished with firm code enforcement. Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Perform first review plan reviews within 15 working days, and subsequent plan reviews in 7-10 working days. • Identify all plan review concerns in the first review. • Perform all requested inspections within 4 hours. • Provide a customer friendly environment for citizens to access the services of the department and process the needed applications. 2 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 107 - Town of Fountain Hills • Continue to have buildi lding permits over one year old scanned and stored on compact discs. • Respond to all citizens inquires within th same working day. Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2001-2002 Actual 2002-2003 Estimated 2003-2004 Projected Building Permit Activity • Single-family 227 150 125 • Multi-family 74 215 175 • Commercial 8 10 10 • Pools & Fences 305 250 275 • Other 402 402 300 Building Counter Activity 600 600 650 On-site Inspection 14,500 15,000 9,000 Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬ Projected from figures based on first nine months of fiscal year 2002-2003, the Building Safety Division accomplished the following: • Reviewed 497 building plans and permit applications. • 4,758 commercial and residential buildi s. • Provided technical assistance in the construction of the library, museum and community center project. • Maintained an automated building perm system to better enhance customer service and reduce paper work. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Provide staff educational opportunities to serve the community with the highest level of expertise in the building safety field. • Provide highly trained and qualified te m of plan examiners, building inspectors and building permit technicians. • Provide the division with the latest electr nic information storage and retrieval system. • Reduce the massive storage facilities presently utilized by the division. • Present the highest professional service and image to our customers. • Maintain high workplace safety standards in the field and in the office. • Provide staff with the most up-to-date UBC books and technical manuals. ng permits and site plans of all bui e ▬ ng inspection it best a o Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 108 - Town of Fountain Hills Summary Expenditures - Building Safety FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget $413,646 $454,600 $361,665 $553,100 NTRACTUAL SERVICES $106,313 $85,674 $25,000 $10,000 $15,000 $38,492 $20,721 $19,600 $15,050 $17,300 APITAL EXPENDITURES $21,586 $0 $0 $0 $0 $524,116 $501,700 $389,215 $587,900 SALARIES & BENEFITS $477,978 CO REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $5,649 $4,075 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 SUPPLIES & SERVICES C TOTAL EXPENDITURES $650,018 Authorized Personnel 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 uilding Inspector 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Position-Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE FTE Building Safety Chief Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Plans Examiner B Building Permit Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Building Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 0 Building Safety Clerk 1.00 1.00 0 0 Code Enforcement Officer 0 0 0 3.00 Administrative Assistant 0 0 0 1.00 Authorized FTE 9.00 9.00 8.00 11.00 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 109 - Town of Fountain Hills Sal ie Three c his fiscal year. ontractual Services $15,000 he level of commercial activity in Fountain Hills is not sufficient to justify a commercial plans are submitted for review, or when the residential lan check or inspection load exceeds the division’s ability to maintain its turn-around goals, utside consulting firms are utilized. The Town s P E An estimated $15,000 for this service is budgeted based on prior p ntenance $2,500 regular service and repair and maintenan for the three d n vehicles. p ces $17,300 nd included for advertising, signage, conferen education an ning, dues ffice supplies, printing, commu tion expenses,l and unifo ar s and Benefits $553,100 ode compliance officers will be added t C T examiner. When commercial building plans p o currently ha a contract with G ngineering. experience. Re airs and Mai This item includes ce ivisio Su plies and Servi Fu s are ces, d trai and publications, gas and oil, o nica trave rms. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 110 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 111 - -2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 394,441 334,965 352,000 285,000 425,400 FICA 5,993 4,391 5,100 4,200 6,200 Unemployment Insurance 638 615 300 600 500 Employee's Health Insurance 26,615 29,000 46,800 31,500 57,900 Employee's Life Insurance 553 370 500 365 600 Employee's Dental Insurance 4,367 3,898 5,300 4,450 7,200 Employee's Eye Insurance 958 699 1,000 300 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 2,007 2,325 3,300 2,500 6,500 Employee's Retirement Fund 40,396 36,066 38,700 31,500 46,800 Disability Insurance 2,012 1,319 1,600 1,250 2,000 TOTAL $477,978 $413,646 $454,600 $361,665 $553,100 CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Fees 106,313 85,674 25,000 10,000 15,000 OTAL $106,313 $85,674 $25,000 $10,000 $15,000 PAIRS & MAINTENANCE: ehicle Maintenance 5,649 4,075 2,500 2,500 2,500 quipment Maintenance 0 0 0 0 OTAL $5,649 $4,075 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 UPPLIES & SERVICES: Advertising 556 1,672 1,000 1,000 1,000 onferences 2,702 2,027 0 0 500 ducation/Training 4,204 300 1,000 1,000 2,500 1,993 1,400 2,000 2,000 1,500 6,394 4,538 4,000 2,500 4,000 Office Supplies 7,567 4,131 4,000 2,000 1,500 ommunica ns Expense el niforms ank Charges 0 4 100 50 0 $38,492 $20,721 $19,600 $15,050 $17,300 17,517 0 0 4,069 0 0 $21,586 $0 $0 $650,018 24,116 $50 0 BUILDING SAFETY FY 2000-2001 FY 2001 T RE V E T S C E Dues & Publications Gas & Oil Tools, Shop Supplies 133 249 500 500 300 Printing 3,530 1,149 1,000 1,000 1,000 C tio 6,462 3,714 4,500 3,300 3,300 Trav 3,020 1,031 500 300 300 U 1,932 508 1,000 1,400 1,400 B TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicles 0 0 Capital Outlay - Improvements 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $5 1,70 $389,215 $587,900 Town of Fountain Hills This page intentionally left blank. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 112 - Town of Fountain Hills Planning Division Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Planning Division of the Public Works Department is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Fountain Hills through innovative planning techniques and to providing customer service in a professional and timely manner. Division Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Planning Division processes applications for general plan amendments, area specific plans, special use permits, rezonings, subdivisions, variances, and other land use matters. The division provides staff support to the Town Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, and the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission. Other service areas are census, on-site inspections, and code enforcement. The Planning Division represents the Town at intergovernmental meetings and at Maricopa Association of Governments functions, boards, special interest, and neighborhood groups. Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Perform first review plan checks within 15 working days and subsequent plan reviews in 7- 10 working days. • Identify all plan review concerns in the first check. • Provide a customer friendly environment for citizens to access the services of the department and process the needed applications. • Provide thorough subdivision technical review comments at the subdivision technical review committee meetings. • Provide clear direction and suggestions to applicants at concept plan review and pre- application meetings. • Provide clear and objective staff recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Town Council and the appropriate advisory commissions. • Respond to all citizen inquiries within the same working day. • Treat all people with the utmost respect. • Keep the Council and appropriate commissions informed of new Supreme Court rulings concerning land use matters. • Provide educational opportunities to all Council members, commissioners and staff on pertinent and evolving land use matters. • Identify and correct any and all land use ordinance conflicts. • Assure that the Council approved ordinances are upheld within the Town. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 113 - Town of Fountain Hills Management Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2001-2002 Actual 2002-2003 Estimated 2003-2004 Projected ases Processed pecial Use Permits 13 14 14 emporary Use Permits 5 5 5 ut/Fill Waivers 7 4 6 ubdivisions w/improvements 11 22 15 eplats 23 15 15 dministrative Use Permits 2 4 6 ariances 0 0 0 omprehensive Sign Plans 7 4 6 oncept Plans 17 16 15 PE Abandonments 0 1 2 lan of Development 1 1 1 oning Text Amendments 7 5 8 e-zoning 1 3 2 eneral Plan Amendments 1 1 1 nnexations 0 1 1 iscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ the first ten months of fiscal year 2002-2003, the Planning Division accomplished the following: • Processed requests for subdivisions applied for in the prior fiscal year, including Crestview Condos (64 units), Desert Vista Place Condos (21 units), Colony Wash Vistas Condos (20 units), Town Center Crossing Condos (36 units), Lakeside Villas (12 units), Cornerstone II Condos (15 units), Firerock Country Club Parcel C (115 units), Lakeside Villas Condos (12 units), La Montana Crossing Condos (15 units) and LaStrada (60 units) • Received requests for Adero Canyon, Eagles Nest, Sierra Madre, and Palatial Estates Final Plats, totaling 442 new single-family lots. • Received Preliminary Plat requests for Town Center III Condos (145 units) and Fountain Peak Condos (42 units). • Received five requests for development agreements with the Town. • Received and/or processed 37 subdivision requests, 14 special use requests, five (5) temporary use requests, four (4) cut and fill waivers, four (4) comprehensive sign plans, 16 concept site plans, five (5) zoning ordinance text amendments, and one (1) general plan amendment. • Provided landscape and site improvement final inspections for Eagle Mountain Village Market Place, Four Peaks Plaza Phase I, Diamante Del Lago On year warranty inspection, and Firerock Country Club Phase II. • Received approximately 126 zoning complaints. • Reviewed and processed approximately 540 building permits. • Prepared a request for proposal for downtown improvements. • Prepared a comprehensive revision to the Town’s sign code, Chapter 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. • Prepared the 2002 General Plan update, which was adopted in October 2002. C S T C S R A V C C H P Z R G A F In Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 114 - Town of Fountain Hills • Processed and received approval for the Copperwynd Resort and Fountain Hills Resort s. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Continue the final parcel plat review for the proposed Eagles Nest and Adero Canyon roposal if approved by Town Council. • Continue to process existing multi-family development proposals, the Town Center commercial and industrial plans. • Develop policies and procedures for the sign permit application process. ties to best serve the community with the highest level of expertise in the community development field. Sum expansion project subdivision applications. • Review and select a proposal for downtown public improvements and begin implementation of the p development proposals and other • Prepare a comprehensive update to the existing lighting code. • Provide staff educational opportunities to best serve the community with the highest level of expertise in the community development field. • Organize and implement an effective policy to provide proactive code enforcement. • Identify attractive sites and develop the implementing ordinances to encourage greater hospitality industry development. • Provide staff educational opportuni mary Expenditures - Planning Division 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Budget Estimate Budget SALARIE $283,271 $376,010 $278,725 $227,950 CON A REP S SUPPLIE $39,131 $40,570 $28,000 $21,225 $21,050 CAPITAL TOT E $301,450 $252,000 FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY Actual Actual S & BENEFITS $227,899 TR CTUAL SERVICES $63,910 $0 $5,000 $1,000 $2,500 AIR & MAINTENANCE $727 $296 $500 $500 $500 S & SERVICES EXPENDITURES $6,025 $23,445 $0 $0 $0 AL XPENDITURES $337,693 $347,581 $409,510 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 115 - Town of Fountain Hills Authorized Personnel osition-Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized ed Authorized FTE TE TE E 1.00 .00 00 0 0 0 1 0 1.00 .00 2.00 1 0 1.00 .00 00 0 e Assistant 1.00 .00 00 0 .50 1.00 1 0 Downtown Devlpmt Coord. 0 0 0 1 * P Authoriz Proposed FT F F Planning Director 1 1. 0 Planning Supervisor .0 Senior Planner 2 .0 Planner 1 1. 1.0 Executiv 1 1. 0 Administrative Assistant .0 Economic/.00 Authorized FT 5 6. 5.0 *25% budgeted from Gener ve Salaries an At beginning fiscal year, th of a planning E 4.00 .50 00 0 al Fund, 75% budgeted from Downtown De lopment Excise Tax. d Benefits $227,950 ere are four full-time positions in the Planning Division. The addition supervisor and an economic/downtown development coordinator is anticipated. The function of the planning supervisor is to assist the public works director with day-to-day responsibilities would involve ogram goals, preparing the division budget, negotiating and implementing development e of a e projects develop range f supervi Cona These c that are not available among the Town’s regu r technica low time periods. Rep r This inc Suppli $21,050 Fun publica operations and help handle caseloads for the planners. Other pr agreements and attending all Planning and Zoning Commission and MAG meetings. The purpos n conomic/downtown development coordinator is to provide special planning and research , analyze the needs of the downtown business community, institute an economic ment business retention and attraction program, monitor the implementation of long- inancial and capital improvements, and assist the public works director and planning sor with the goals of the Town Council. trct Services $2,500 ontracts provide disciplines and special expertise la staff; provide technical manpower for major projects; and can provide a reserve of l manpower during overf ai s and Maintenance $500 ludes regular service and maintenance for the division’s vehicle. es and Services ds are included for advertising, signage, conferences, education and training, dues and tions, gas and oil, office supplies, printing, communication expenses, travel and uniforms. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 116 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 117 - PLA N SALARIE es 189,229 234,839 288,600 220,000 181,700 CA 2,686 4,358 4,230 3,200 2,660 300 500 200 43,600 26,100 19,560 mployee's Life Insurance 233 202 360 275 240 Empl 's Empl 's Worker's C 261 423 710 450 500 Empl 's Disab I TOT Professiona 1,000 2,500 TOT $2,500 REP S Vehi e TOT $500 SUP S Advertising 11,067 9,000 9,000 9,000 Conferences 8,615 0 0 500 Educ T Dues & Pub 4,000 3,000 3,000 & Oil 1,800 1,000 1,000 ffice Supplies 5,925 7,335 5,000 3,000 2,500 ng 3,929 5,886 6,000 3,200 3,000 802 500 500 500 9 500 300 300 Uniforms 85 160 100 125 250 Bank Charges 59 174 100 100 0 TOTAL $39,131 $40,570 $28,000 $21,225 $21,050 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Expenditures - Vehicles 0 23,445 0 0 0 Capital Expenditures - Improvements 6,025 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $6,025 $23,445 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $337,693 $347,581 $409,510 $301,450 $252,000 NNI G & ZONING FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget S & BENEFITS: Wag FI Unemployment Insurance 259 347 mployee's Health Insurance 11,162 16,621E E oyee Dental Insurance 1,831 2,078 4,310 2,950 2,230 oyee Eye Insurance 467 457 860 250 0 ompensation Insurance oyee Retirement Fund 20,815 23,122 31,740 24,200 19,990 ility nsurance 956 824 1,300 800 870 AL $227,899 $283,271 $376,010 $278,725 $227,950 l Fees $63,910 $0 5,000 AL $63,910 $0 $5,000 $1,000 AIR & MAINTENANCE: cle R pairs & Maintenance 727 296 500 500 500 AL $727 $296 $500 $500 PLIE & SERVICES: /Signage 14,374 6,273 ation/raining 1,388 1,953 1,000 1,000 1,000 lications 4,352 3,146 313 862Gas O Printi Communication 629 Travel 1,804 56 Town of Fountain Hills Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $9,005 $0 $0 $66,051 Ending Fund Balance $9,005 ($0)$1,553 $66,051 $66,051 FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget ,31 TAF 11 terest 2 0 0 7,500 1,000 eneral Fu d 1,034,234 8,079 0 0 24 00 0 0 RENT RE ENUE 2,307,432 $2 2,827 ,69 0 Repairs and Maintenance 1,342,910 1,018,005 684,600 445,850 571,075 168,052 6,845 19 00 63,686 37,906 1 0 ebt Retirement 113,340 134,041 126,000 126,000 123,000 1,389,449 $1,523,900 STREET FUND SUMMARY REVENUE: ighway Us r H e 1,061,521 1,254,816 1 0,000 1,300,000 1,401,400 L 109,942 114,861 0,000 113,000 115,000 In 7,749 7,648 2,000 0 500 37,422 0,000 35,000 6,000Charges for Svcs/In Lieu Pmts 93,986 Misc. Income 0 Transfer from G n 58 0 0 Transfer from Development Fees 5,8 0 0 Transfer from Cottonwoods ID 3,20 0 0 TOTAL CUR V $,00 $1 1,00 $1,455,500 $1,523,900 EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Benefits 592,888 628,585 638,347 624,699 612,425 Contractual Services 17,552 16,450 31,300 7,500 17,500 Supplies and Services 17 4,2 182,400 194,900 Capital Outlay 5,00 3,000 5,000 D TOTAL CURRENT EXPENDITURES $2,298,427 $2,011,832 $1,689,447 $ EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 9,005 (9,005)1,553 66,051 (0) Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 118 - Town of Fountain Hills Highway User Revenue Funds Percent Restrictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 1990-91 $522,100 1991-92 $651,082 24.7% 1992-93 $672,957 3.4% 1993-94 $723,375 7.5% 1994-95 $758,980 4.9% 1995-96 $818,458 7.8% 1996-97 $1,017,600 24.3% 1997-98 $996,805 -2.0% 1998-99 $1,082,173 8.6% 1999-00 $1,136,051 5.0% 2000-01 $1,171,463 3.1% 2001-02 $1,369,677 16.9% 2002-03 (est.)$1,413,000 3.2% Accounts: 3040, 3050 2003-04 (est.)$1,516,400 7.3% There is a State constitutional restriction on the use of these funds which requires that these funds be used solely for street and highway purposes. Payment of principal and interest on highway and street bonds are an approved use. Assumptions Cities and towns receive 27.5% of gasoline tax and transportation related fees collected by the state based on population and county of origin of gasoline sales. The increases in HURF allocations in FY 1997 and 2002 were the result of the 1995 and 2000 census population growth. The estimate for FY 2003-2004 is provided by the League of Arizona Cities and Towns. Absent further unforeseen legislative changes the League estimate that the HURF revenue to cities and towns is up approximately 6.62% over last year's estimate. The Loca Transportation Assistance Fund (LTAF) is distributed to cities and towns based on population as a percenta of all incorporated cities and towns. Major Influences: Gasoline sales, Population, Economy and State Policy s l ge $0 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-9 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est .) 2003-04 (est .) HIGHWAY US ER R EVEN UES La s t Te n Fis c a l Ye a rs 9 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 119 - Town of Fountain Hills Street Division Mission Statement ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The Street Division of the Public Works Department is dedicated to quality customer service by operating, preserving and maintaining Town-owned roadways and traffic control systems safely and efficiently. Division Description ▬▬▬▬▬▬ The HURF (Highway User Revenue Fund) pays for Street Division personnel and contract work for street repairs, operations, maintenance and improvements. Major Street Division staff tasks include crack sealing, asphalt patching, signing, striping, traffic signals, brush removal, house number painting and street sweeping. The division provides vehicle maintenance services for the entire town fleet, and traffic barricading for town-approved and sponsored special events. Contracted tasks include construction and renovation of streets, sidewalks, drainage facilities and traffic signals. Contracted major street maintenance items include concrete curb replacement, asphalt reconstruction, asphalt overlays, slurry seal and emulsion seal. Performance Standards ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Gutter sweep all streets quarterly (at a minimum), with full width sweeping annually. Gutter sweep all arterial streets and commercial area collector streets monthly. Sweeping has been reduced to three days per week due to financial constraints. Respond to citizen inquiries within one working day, whenever possible. Schedule requested street maintenance in a reasonable time frame, consistent with maintaining a high level of productivity. Minimize disruption to the motoring public due to maintenance and construction work. Patch asphalt at concrete curb placement areas on an as-needed basis. Minimize vehicle maintenance “down-time”. anagement Indicators ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 2002-2003 2002-2003 2003-2004 Estimated Actual Projected lurry Seal (includes Microsurfacing) 19 miles 6.8 miles 20 miles mulsion Seal Applications 0 miles 0 miles 11 miles triping Applied 95 miles 25 miles 35 miles • • • • • M S E S Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 120 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Accomplishments ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Major projects and accomplishments included: • Barricading and street closures for all special events (1,200 man-hours total for 8 special events). • Crack sealing in the west central quadrant of Town (2 miles of streets). • Street patching in miscellaneous areas - 77 tons of asphalt. • Gutter sweeping all roadways - 10 times. • Gutter sweeping all arterial roadways - 12 times. • Performing major storm cleanup on an as-needed basis. • Assisted other town departments (over 1,200 man-hours). • Graded 39 miles of shoulder. • Installed over 800 signs. • Removed 67 tons of brush and debris. • Performed 15 computerized traffic counts. • Applied 25 miles of roadway striping, 3,000 feet of crosswalk and stop bars, and 2,000 reflective pavement markers. • Slurry sealed 6.8 miles of street. heast area, along the north boundary, to minimize motorized vehicles in washes and open space areas. Vehicle and equipment maintenance: • 317 scheduled service repairs and routine maintenance • 278 unscheduled repairs major maintenance projects budgeted. Perform a town-wide evaluation of all streets relative to asphalt conditions. long-range goals. Develop a cross-training program for traffic signal maintenance and school flasher maintenance. Track and minimize vehicle maintenance down time. • Installed new guardrails in nort • Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Objectives ▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Continue visibility and reflectivity sign checks. • Crack seal in the west central area of Town. • Complete all construction and • • Create a street maintenance program for addressing short and • • Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 121 - Town of Fountain Hills Summary Expenditures – Streets FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget $628,585 $638,347 $624,699 $612,425 PPLIES & SERVICES $168,052 $176,845 $194,200 $182,400 $194,900 $171,947 $141,000 $129,000 $128,000 OTAL EXPENDITURES $2,298,427 $2,011,832 $1,689,447 $1,389,449 $1,523,900 SALARIES & BENEFITS $592,888 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $17,552 $16,450 $31,300 $7,500 $17,500 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $1,342,910 $1,018,005 $684,600 $445,850 $571,075 SU CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $177,026 Authorized Personnel Position-Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE T FTE FTE treet Division 1.00 1.00 1.00 upervisor/Maintenance 1.00 1.00 0 1.00 Flee Mai 00 2.00 S Superintendent of Streets 1.00 S Fleet Master Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 t Equipment Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ntenance 9.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 Equipment Operator 2.00 2.00 2. $612,425 e gular employees including two mechanics and e street superintendent. The division is not anticipating hiring any new employees for this fiscal Contract Services c unting (auditor) and town attorney legal fees pror a u has l ci ens’ review co epairs and Maintenance $571,075 ajor road improvements in fiscal year 2002-2003 were reduced by 41% of the previously udged amounts, due to other major town priorities. The previous work levels should be restored, our streets are not getting younger, to prevent deterioration in pavement quality, traffic safety d town liability. These funds will be used on contract maintenance and construction projects cluded in each division. Authorized FTE 15.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 Salaries and Benefits h Street Division currently has 13 full-time reT th year, nor replacing positions through attrition. $17,500 co are annually ated to the Street Fund. A LTAF special programs are budgeted t 10% of the estimated LTAF revenue. These funds are . T e Co cil used for non-street “grants”h n traditionally awarded these funds based on the of a speciarecommendations tiz mmittee in the spring. R M b as an in Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 122 - Town of Fountain Hills $30,000 has been budgeted under vehicle repairs and maintenance for five vehicles ($5,000), two ($10,000), such as a backhoe nd $1,000 for miscellaneous equipment. $2,5 painting $1,000; replace street signs $9,300; directional signs $4,000; 200 stop signs ,0 des $1,200; Phoenix g materials $18,600; crack seal 00; and miscellaneous materials has been budgeted for slurry seal l area of Town. This amount will l seven-year cycle. ree locations; Palisades Boulevard (Westby Drive to (Saguaro Boulevard to the north boundary), and a lanned for SunRidge Canyon. Note: This excludes gated n 200 $20,000 will be applied to all of Fountain Hills ap ramps, and aprons will be budgeted at $20,000, and upplies and Services $194,900 his includes advertising, education and training, dues and publications, fuel costs, liability plies, communication expenses, water vision employees. Liability insurance lone is $117,000. This item also includes electricity and lighting for the street yard, office ($25,000). $128,000 e for $3,500 and d geted for the sweepers and a striper ($14,000), five major pieces of equipment a $128,600 has been budgeted under road repair/maintenance for the following: Adopt-a-Street 00; curb $6 00; 200 street cones $2,000; vertical barricades $2,500; 8 foot barrica Highway services contract for traffic signals $52,500; stripin ; dump fees $6,0materials $15,000; paving materials $7,000 $1,000. Under the major road improvements line item $407,475 ($246,975), which will be applied primarily in the west centra serve as a “catch-up” to our norma Microsurfacing ($75,000) is planned for th Saguaro Boulevard), Fountain Hills Boulevard Pepperwood Circle. Pl stic emulsion seal ($46,000) is p areas. SunRidge Drive and Desert Canyon are also excluded since these streets were sealed i 1. Striping (thermoplastic) contract of Boulevard. Concrete curb repairs, handic traffic calming, as needed, at $2,000. S T insurance, office supplies and printing, tool and shop sup nd sewer, travel expenses and uniforms for the Street dia a trailer, maintenance building and eleven traffic signals Capital Expenditures Equipment includes items recommended by OSHA, as a wheel changer machin hy raulic lift upgrade for $1,500. A transfer in the amount of $123,000 is bud annual debt payment on the HURF Bonds. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 123 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 124 - FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 469,864 482,087 467,691 470,000 460,176 FICA 6,707 6,745 6,840 6,850 6,910 Unemployment Insurance 821 660 696 700 646 Employee's Health Insurance 39,280 56,003 73,450 59,000 54,768 Employee's Life Insurance 874 698 840 750 780 Employee's Dental Insurance 5,700 6,882 7,610 7,300 6,542 Employee's Eye Insurance 1,501 1,432 1,780 710 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 13,756 19,677 25,889 25,889 28,627 Employee's Retirement Fund 51,911 52,584 51,446 51,500 51,719 Disability Insurance 2,473 1,817 2,105 2,000 2,257 TOTAL $592,888 $628,585 $638,347 $624,699 $612,425 CONTRACT SERVICES Accounting Fees 0 2,750 3,500 3,500 3,500 egal Fees 6,552 7,200 8,000 4,000 4,000 TAF Special Programs 11,000 6,500 19,800 0 10,000 OTAL $17,552 $16,450 $31,300 $7,500 $17,500 Vehicle/Equipment Rep/Maint.54,016 40,828 39,000 27,000 30,000 Equipment Rental 575 0 0 0 500 12 uilding Re irs/Maint. ffice Equipment Rep/M or Road provemen 51 $1 8,005 $68 0 1,542 749 100 0 0 0 3,732 1,602 300 7,195 4,616 0 15,866 22,511 3 0 18,382 17,394 1 0 82,736 91,864 11 00 Office Supplies 2,763 1,997 2,000 2,000 2,000 rinting 7 41 100 100 300 ent Expense 3,682 3,168 0 0 0 ommunication Expense 4,259 10,868 6,000 7,000 7,500 5,360 5,059 0 5,20 203 79 100 10 pital Equipment - Vehicles 0 18,269 0 0 0 63,686 19,638 1 0 3,00 0 0 0 $1,389,449 $1,523,900 STREET DIVISION FY 2000-2001 L L T REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE: Road Repair/Maintenance 199,661 115,312 5,000 115,000 128,600 B pa 6,167 8,433 5,000 1,750 4,000 O aint.623 0 1,000 500 500 Maj Im ts 1,081,867 853,433 4,600 301,600 407,475 TOTAL ,01 4,60 $445,850 $571,075$1,342,910 SUPPLIES & SERVICES: Advertising 100 100 Conferences 0 0 Education/Training 1,1,300 1,300 Dues & Publications 4,60 4,600 4,600 Electricity 0,00 22,000 25,000 Gas & Oil 5,00 15,000 17,000 Liability Insurance 0,0 110,000 117,000 Tools, Shop Supplies 13,363 8,160 9,000 6,000 5,000 P R C Water/Sewer 6,00 0 6,000 Travel 0 100 Uniforms 8,963 8,736 10,000 9,000 9,000 TOTAL $168,052 $176,845 $194,200 $182,400 $194,900 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Ca Capital Outlay - Equipment 5,00 0 5,000 Capital Outlay - Communications 0 0 Capital Outlay - Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 Debt Retirement 113,340 134,041 126,000 126,000 123,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $177,026 $171,947 $141,000 $129,000 $128,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,298,427 $2,011,832 $1,689,447 Town of Fountain Hills Special Revenue Fund – Grants Ending Fund Balance $0 $0 ($781,449)$0 $0 General Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 ($162,550) TAL EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS $0 $833,000 $51,551 $861,600 und Balance Beginning of Year $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - GRANTS FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget REVENUE: Land and Water Conservation (LWCF)$0 $0 $0 $0 $160,000 MA - Firefighting Equipment $0 $0 $51,551 $51,551 $21,600 ndesignated Grant Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $680,000 FE U TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE $0 $0 $51,551 $51,551 $861,600 Fountain Park Phase II $0 $0 $0 $0 $320,000 FEMA - Firefighting Equipment $0 $0 $83,000 $51,551 $24,150 Undesignated Grant Expenditure $0 $0 $750,000 $0 $680,000 Transfer from TO EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 0 0 (781,449)0 0 F Special Revenue Fund - FF&E SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - FF&E FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget ontributions $0 $174,000 $0 $117,000 $0 OTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $51,706 $120,000 $52,000 $187,294 REVENUE: C TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE $0 $174,000 $0 $117,000 $0 Contract Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Repairs & Maintenance $0 $0 $10,000 $14,000 $15,000 Supplies & Services $0 $0 $45,000 $13,000 $12,294 Capital Expenditures $0 $51,706 $65,000 $25,000 $160,000 T EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 0 122,294 (120,000)65,000 (187,294) Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $0 $120,000 $122,294 $187,294 Ending Fund Balance $0 $122,294 $0 $187,294 $0 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 125 - Town of Fountain Hills Excise Tax – Special Revenue – Land Preservation EXCISE TAX SPECIAL REVENUE Land Preservation FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget REVENUES: Local Sales Tax (.3%)$635,243 $804,959 $806,250 $806,250 $880,813 TOTAL REVENUES $635,243 $804,959 $806,250 $806,250 $880,813 EXPENDITURES: Preservation Bond Payment $0 $520,315 $605,000 $605,000 $605,000 Sales Tax Rebate $0 $0 $0 $22,750 $34,610 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $520,315 $605,000 $627,750 $639,610 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $635,243 $284,644 $201,250 $178,500 $241,203 Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $635,243 $920,945 $919,887 $1,098,387 Ending Fund Balance $635,243 $919,887 $1,122,195 $1,098,387 $1,339,590 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 126 - Town of Fountain Hills Excise Tax – Special Revenue – Downtown Development XCISE TAX SPECIAL REVENUE 001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Budget Estimate Budget REVENUES: Downtown Development 211,748 271,065 268,750 268,750 293,600 TOTAL REVENUES $211,748 $271,065 $268,750 $268,750 $293,600 EXPENDITURES: SALARIES & BENEFITS: Wages 0 0 0 0 37,500 FICA 0 0 0 0 550 Unemployment Insurance 0 0 0 0 50 Employee's Health Insurance 0 0 0 0 7,824 Employee's Life Insurance 0 0 0 0 60 Employee's Dental Insurance 0 0 0 0 946 Employee's Eye Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 Worker's Compensation Insurance 0 0 0 0 120 Employee's Retirement Fund 0 0 0 0 4,125 Recruitment Costs 0 0 0 0 0 Disability Insurance 0 0 0 0 180 TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,355 CONTRACT SERVICES Engineering Fees 0 0 0 0 25,000 Sales Tax Rebate 0 0 0 7,600 11,600 Downtown Development Expenditures 0 50,000 175,000 0 0 OTAL CONTRACT SERVICES $0 $50,000 $175,000 $7,600 $36,600 UPPLIES & SERVICES onferences 00$0 $0 $2,500 ducation/Training 00$0 $0 $3,000 OTAL 0 0 0 0 $5,500 Capital Outlay-Ave Fountains Construction 0 0 0 0 225,000 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 225,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $50,000 $175,000 $7,600 $318,455 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES $211,748 $221,065 $93,750 $261,150 ($24,855) Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $211,748 $431,755 $432,813 $693,963 Ending Fund Balance $211,748 $432,813 $525,505 $693,963 $669,108 E Downtown Development FY 2000-2 Actual T S C E T CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 127 - Town of Fountain Hills Debt Retirement he Debt Service Fund provides for the payment of interest, principal and related costs on General ds and Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Revenue bonds. There are three General Obligation bond issues that have been voter- approved. The first GO bond issue was used to pave the roads that were unfinished at the time of incorporation. Two other GO bond issues were used for land preservation and the latest was used to construct the Fountain Hills Library/Museum. Total general obligation bond principal and interest payments are $1,540,000 and will be paid through a levy of Town property. The HURF Bond principal and interest payment is $124,000 for fiscal year 2003-2004 and will be paid from HURF revenues received during the year. The Cottonwoods Improvement District and Eagle Mountain CFD debt payments are levied on the property owners within those districts. These obligations are paid by the Fountain Hills property owners using secondary property taxes, less any credits, carry-forward and/or interest earnings. The annual Municipal Property Corporation debt service for the Community Center will be paid with residual proceeds from the PG&E refund. The annual land preservation MPC debt service is included as an expenditure in the Excise Sales Tax – Land Preservation Fund. Below is the schedule of debt service payments required for fiscal year 2003-2004. T Obligation (GO) Bonds, Highway User Revenue Fund bon ISSUE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL Street Paving - GO $255,000 $105,000 $360,000 Lakeside - GO $75,000 $58,000 $133,000 Mountain Preserve - GO $225,000 $280,000 $505,000 Library/Museum - GO $200,000 $172,000 $372,000 Street Paving - HURF Revenue $90,000 $33,000 $123,000 Cottonwoods ID $3,228 $1,000 $4,228 Community Center/MPC $150,000 $230,000 $380,000 Land Preservation MPC $275,000 $325,000 $600,000 Eagle Mountain CFD $150,000 $310,500 $460,500 he annual property tax levy is based on the total amount required for the payment (with adjustments r carry-forward, delinquencies, etc.) divided by the total assessed valuation for the Town of ountain Hills. The Town’s secondary assessed property valuation is $323,385,230 for the upcoming ear and the estimated levy is $0.4716 per $100 of assessed value. T fo F y Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 128 - Town of Fountain Hills Debt Retirement – HURF/GO Bonds EBT RETIREMENT - HURF/GO BONDS FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget EVENUE: roperty Tax Revenue: 0,000 1,290,000 1,540,000 Other Debt Retirement Issues: HURF Street Paving Transfers 112,800 135,861 126,000 126,000 124,000 Cottonwoods Improvement District 7,958 4,520 4,500 4,500 4,500 Community Center MPC 394,600 407,634 380,000 380,000 375,500 Interest Earnings 953 2,650 0 1,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,213,042 $1,889,993 $1,763,150 $1,800,500 $2,045,000 EXPENDITURES: General Obligation Bonds: Bond Payment - GO 351,573 338,220 354,000 354,000 360,000 Bond Payment - Lakeside 156,875 142,000 137,500 137,500 133,000 Bond Payment - Library/Museum 380,602 397,075 385,000 385,000 372,000 Bond Payment - Mtn Preserve GO 0 402,000 513,500 513,500 505,000 Special Districts/MPC Debt Service: Bond Payment - HURF 113,223 135,861 126,000 126,000 124,000 Bond Payment - Cottonwoods Impr. Dist.4,667 3,821 4,500 4,500 4,500 Bond Payment - MPC Comm Center 394,600 392,000 380,000 380,000 375,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,401,540 $1,810,977 $1,900,500 $1,900,500 $1,874,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (188,498)79,016 (137,350)(100,000)171,000 Fund Balance Beginning of Year 74,641 (113,857)238,600 (34,841)(134,841) Ending Fund Balance (113,857)(34,841)101,250 (134,841)36,159 D R P General Obligation Bonds 697,684 1,341,025 1,25 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 129 - Town of Fountain Hills Computation of Legal Debt Martin – Fiscal Year 2003-2004 he Arizona Constitution provides that the general obligation bonded indebtedness for a unicipality for general municipal purposes may not exceed six percent (6%) of the secondary sessed valuation of the taxable property in that city or town. In addition to the six percent mitation for general municipal purpose bonds, municipalities may issue general obligation onal twenty percent (20%) of the secondary assessed valuation for supplying , or sewers, and for the acquisition and development of land for open space T m as li bonds up to an additi ater, artificial lightw preserves, parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities General Municipal Purpose Bonds Water, Light, Sewer, Open Space and Park Bonds Net Assessed Value $323,385,230 $323,385,230 6% Limitation $19,403,114 20% Limitation $64,677,046 Less Bonds Outstanding ($5,625,000)($6,975,000) Unused Borrowing $13,778,114 $57,702,046 Capacity Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 130 - Town of Fountain Hills Schedule of Outstanding Debt (As of June 30, 2003) B T ond Purpose Date of Interest Date of Original Principal Principal Amount Outstanding ype of Issue Bond Issue Rate Maturity Amount Amount Retired Refunded Principal GO Street Paving 5/1/1991 7.00 7/1/2010 $3,530,000 $1,075,000 $2,455,000 $0 GO Refunding 11/1/1995 5.30 7/1/2010 $2,455,000 $180,000 $0 $2,275,000 GO Library/Museum 6/1/2000 5.50 7/1/2014 $3,700,000 $350,000 $0 $3,350,000 GO Land Acq-Lake 8/1/1999 5.10 7/1/2014 $1,400,000 $200,000 $0 $1,200,000 GO Mtn. Preserve 12/1/2001 4.90 7/1/2020 $6,000,000 $225,000 $0 $5,775,000 Rev Street Paving 5/1/1991 7.50 7/1/2010 $1,200,000 $200,000 $1,000,000 $0 Rev Refunding 8/1/1998 4.63 7/1/2010 $1,075,000 $265,000 $0 $810,000 Rev Comm. Center 7/1/2000 5.40 7/1/2020 $4,680,000 $300,000 $0 $4,380,000 Rev Mtn. Preserve 12/1/2001 4.70 7/1/2021 $7,750,000 $275,000 $0 $7,475,000 SA Eagle Mtn-A 6/1/1996 6.50 7/1/2021 $4,435,000 $0 $0 $4,435,000 SA Eagle Mtn-B 6/1/1996 7.25 7/1/2021 $470,000 $0 $0 $470,000 SA Improvmnts 6/16/1999 5.25 7/1/2009 $32,276 $9,683 $0 $22,593 GO General Obligation Bonds Rev Revenue Bonds SA Special Assessment Bonds Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 131 - Town of Fountain Hills Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Estimate Budget roperty Tax Revenue 339,770 413,962 490,000 490,000 561,500 OTAL EXPENDITURES 324,231 321,526 458,350 508,350 514,500 XCESS OF REVENUES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 321,009 393,968 31,650 (18,350)47,000 Fund Balance Beginning of Year 325,520 646,529 849,829 1,040,497 1,022,147 Ending Fund Balance 646,529 1,040,497 881,479 1,022,147 1,069,147 EAGLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT Annual Statement of Estimates of Expenses Actual Actual Budget EVENUE:R P Investment Earnings 305,470 301,532 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES 645,240 715,494 490,000 490,000 561,500 EXPENDITURES: Debt Service 320,231 316,526 453,350 453,350 455,500 Administrative Fees 0 0 0 50,000 54,000 Trustee Fees 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 T E Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 132 - Town of Fountain Hills Development Fees Percent estrictions Fiscal Year Amount Change 2000-01 $100,329 2001-02 $690,724 588.5% 2002-03 $946,215 37.0% Accounts: 802 - 819 2003-04 $998,975 5.6% here is a State constitutional restriction on the use of these funds expansion required by new development. The Development Fund is a restricted fund and may only be appropriated for the particular purpose for which they were imposed. R T which requires that these funds be used solely for infrastructure Assumptions ajor Influences: Development $37,740 $13,987 $198,023 $160,338 $367,790 $193,030 $377,400 $139,800 D EVELOPM EN T FEES La s t Fo ur Fis c a l Ye a rs M $960 $13,742 $33,900 $10,843 $144,761 $176,759 $8,510 $84,235 $292,650 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 (est )2003-04 (est ) $9,600 $133,175 $339,000 La w En f o r c e me n t Streets Parks Open Space General Government Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 133 - Town of Fountain Hills Development Fee Expenditures November 2000, the Town Council of Fountain Hills passed Ordinance 00-21 to establish and pose development fees on new residential permits to offset the costs associated with growth. he development fee accounts are restricted and may only be spent for the particular public cility for which they were imposed. Each year during the budget process, the Town of Fountain d in whole or in part with development fees. is presented for Council consideration and itemizes the proposed development fee expenditures based on available balance in each account as of June 30, 2004. In im T fa Hills will identify the projects anticipated to be funde For fiscal year 2003-2004, the following schedule Law Open General Enforcement Street Parks Space Government TOTALS Balance 6/3/2001 $960 $13,742 $33,900 $37,740 $13,987 $100,329 FY 2001-2002 Revenues $10,843 $144,761 $176,759 $198,023 $160,338 $690,724 FY 2001-2002 Expenditures $0 $0 ($80,954)$0 ($185,500)($266,454) FY 2002-2003 Revenues $5,700 $89,070 $199,725 $222,350 $82,350 $599,195 FY 2002-2003 Expenditures 0 ($7,000)$0 $0 ($50,000)($57,000) FY 2003-2004 Revenues $9,950 $138,175 $347,200 $386,500 $139,900 $1,021,725 FY 2003-2004 Expenditures1 $0 ($200,000)($129,670)($33,500)($50,000)($413,170) FY 2003-2004 Ending Bal.$27,453 $178,748 $546,960 $811,113 $111,075 $1,675,349 1Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Proposed Projects: treet: Major road improvements: design and install traffic signal at El Lago and Fountain Hills Boulevards. arks: Design of skate park at Four Peaks Neighborhood Park and one picnic ramada at Fountain Park. pen Space: Trailhead study/design for preservation land. eneral Government: Review the general fund for proportionate share of costs of municipal office space; these were included in the calculation of the impact fee for general government expenditures and therefore is an appropriate use of development fee funds; potential development fee study. S P O G Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 134 - Town of Fountain Hills Development Fees – Law Enforcement EVELOPMENT FEES AW ENFORCEMENT FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget EVENUES: aw Enforcement Development Fees 960 10,809 8,160 5,600 9,600 terest 34 350 100 350 OTAL REVENUES 960 10,843 8,510 5,700 9,950 EXPENDITURES: Law Enforcement Capital 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/960 10,843 8,510 5,700 9,950 (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $960 $14,560 $11,803 $17,503 Ending Fund Balance $960 $11,803 $23,070 $17,503 $27,453 D L R L In T Parks and Recreation EVELOPMENT FEES ARKS & RECREATION FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Development Fees – D P Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget REVENUES: P & R Department Development Fees 33,900 288,150 197,750 339,000 terest 479 4,500 1,975 8,200 33,900 176,759 292,650 199,725 347,200 XPENDITURES: APITAL EXPENDITURES ountain Park (1) Ramada 0 0 0 0 69,670 our Peaks Skate Par 176,280 In TOTAL REVENUES E C F F k 0 80,954 0 0 60,000 OTAL EXPENDITURES 0 80,954 0 0 129,670 XCESS OF REVENUES OVER/33,900 95,805 292,650 199,725 217,530 (UNDER) EXPENDITURES und Balance Beginning of Yea T E r $0 $33,900 $149,050 $129,705 $329,430 nding Fund Balance $33,900 $129,705 $441,700 $329,430 $546,960 F E Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 135 - Town of Fountain Hills Development Fees – Streets DEVELOPMENT FEES STREETS FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget REVENUES: Street Department Development Fees 13,742 144,391 80,835 88,180 133,175 Interest 370 3,400 890 5,000 TOTAL REVENUE 13,742 144,761 84,235 89,070 138,175 EXPENDITURES: APITAL EXPENDITURES apital Outlay-El Lago Traffic Signal 0 0 245,835 7,000 200,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0 245,835 7,000 200,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/13,742 144,761 (161,600)82,070 (61,825) (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $13,742 $179,742 $158,503 $240,573 Ending Fund Balance $13,742 $158,503 $18,142 $240,573 $178,748 C C Development Fees – Open Space DEVELOPMENT FEES OPEN SPACE FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget 197,506 320,790 220,150 377,400 terest 517 47,000 2,200 9,100 VENUES PENDITURES: PITAL EXPENDITURES lay-Trailhead TOTAL EXPENDITUR 0 0 15,000 0 33,500 NU 352,790 222,350 353,000 DIT REVENUES: Open Space Development Fees 37,740 In TOTAL RE 37,740 198,023 367,790 222,350 386,500 EX CA Capital Out Development 0 0 15,000 0 33,500 ES EXCESS OF REVE ES OVER/37,740 198,023 (UNDER) EXPEN URES Fund Balance Beginning of Year $0 $37,740 $149,050 $235,763 $458,113 $37,740 $235,763 $501,840 $458,113 $811,113Ending Fund Balance Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 136 - Town of Fountain Hills Development Fees – General Government DEVELOPMENT FEES GENERAL GOVERNMENT FY 2000-2001 FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Actual Actual Budget Estimate Budget REVENUES: General Government Development Fees 13,987 159,942 118,830 81,550 139,800 Interest 396 4,200 800 100 TOTAL REVENUE 13,987 160,338 123,030 82,350 139,900 EXPENDITURES: General Fund 0 185,500 137,300 50,000 50,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 185,500 137,300 50,000 50,000 EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER/13,987 (25,162)(14,270)32,350 89,900 (UNDER) EXPENDITURES und Balance Beginning of Year $0 $13,987 $149,050 ($11,175)$21,175 nding Fund Balance $13,987 ($11,175)$134,780 $21,175 $111,075 F E Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 137 - Town of Fountain Hills Capital Improvement Goals capital improvement project is defined as a non-recurring project costing more than $10,000, ovation, or acquisition of infrastructure with an expected useful life of many years. The most common examples include land and building purchases, construction of municipal buildings, street improvements, equipment replacement, flood control projects, median improvements and parks. Sources of funding for capital improvement projects include fund revenues and reserves, grants, or other forms of long-term financing recommended to the Council. The Town of Fountain Hills capital improvement goals will become an integral part of the five- year blueprint for creating and maintaining the infrastructure and equipment replacement program to maximize the use of “pay-as-you-go” financing. Much of the work involved in the development of the Town’s capital improvement goals involves identifying the priorities for the most urgent capital projects and balancing those projects with available revenue sources. The goals also give residents and businesses a clear and concrete view of the Town’s long-term direction in the area of capital improvements and a better understanding of the Town’s ongoing needs for stable revenue sources to fund large or multi-year capital projects. It should be noted that over the five-year period, the cost of a project and projected completion date could vary from e initial plan. Reasons for this variance include Council priorities, greater or less than ticipated revenue sources, greater than anticipated construction or replacement costs, and nforeseen events. direct relationship exists between the Town of Fountain Hills’ capital and operating budgets. apital projects completed generally require additional operating budget resources for upkeep, ts associated with additional acreage, mileage or square s resulting from capital projects must be considered in planning future operating budgets. The Town will consider new capital projects only if future operating revenues are sufficient to support future operating costs. A summary of the proposed capital improvement goals for fiscal year 2003-2004 through fiscal year 2007-2008 follows. A resulting in the construction, ren th an u A C maintenance, security and other cos footage. Additional operating cost Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 138 - Town of Fountain Hills Capital Improvement Goals (FY 2003 – FY 2008) - ($ x 100) Project Description 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 MAJOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS - MEDIANS 25 25 25 25 La Montana Medians @ Community Center 70 Palisades-Fountain Hills Boulevard east to existing median 40 Palisades-Westby to La Montana 70 Palisades-La Montana to Saguaro 120 3 Upgrade 2 waterfalls on Avenue of the Fountains (1)30 4 Upgrade Avenue of the Fountains Electrical (East End) (1)130 5 Avenue of the Fountains RFP 225 (1) Dependent upon RFP BEQUIPMENT 1 Replace Truck (Open Space)35 2 Replace Truck (Engineering Inspector)25 3 Replace Truck (All Purpose)25 4 Replace Truck (Building Safety 25 25 5 1/2 Ton Pickup (Supervisor) Streets 25 6 Dump Truck 100 7 Bucket/lift truck (signal maintenance, tree trimming)100 8 Street Sweeper 15 9 Sign Maintenance Truck 40 10 Compressor/Trailer 10 11 New Striper 100 12 New Grade Tractor 100 PARK IMPROVEMENTS 1 Activity Area with Shaded Tot Lot and Playground - Fountain Park 300 2 North Sidewalk - Fountain Park 187 3 Three Small Picnic Ramadas and Associated Amenities - Ftn Park 209 4 Engineering/design fees or modular components for Skate Park 60 5 Spray/Water Play Park - Fountain Park 125 6 Performance Pad - Fountain Park 184 7 Walking Path - Phase III Fountain Park 214 8 Engineering/design fees for Phase II Improvements - Four Peaks Park 212 665 9 Phase II Construction - Four Peaks Park 1,553 10 East Parking Lot - Fountain Park 306 11 Children's Water Feature - Golden Eagle Park 10 12 Phase II Design fees - Desert Vista Neighborhood Park 67 13 Phase II Construction - Desert Vista Neighborhood Park 665 14 Sprinkler System Reconstruct - Fountain Park 500 15 Park Signage 84 16 Educational Arboretum/Signage 58 17 BMX Track 30 18 Trail/Connectivity paths 1,000 19 Aquatic/Fitness Facility 1,000 A 1 Landscape Upgrades (Locations to be determined) 2 Landscape New Medians C Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 139 - Town of Fountain Hills Capital Improvement Goals – continued Project Description 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 D FACILITIES 1 Municipal and Senior Center 1,500 1,500 300 2,000 TRAFFIC SIGNALS Ridge Drive-Palomino 220 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 6 Guardrail Modifications/removals 50 na to Saguaro 180 DRAINAGE Firebrick Drive and Laser Drain 100 750 1,000 1,000 2 Reconstruct *100 100 100 * Assessment study will be performed to determine the extent of the street maintenance. (Dollar amounts are estimated at this time.) Total - Capital Projects 1,200 4,239 5,701 3,457 5,242 2 Street Yard Building 3 Performing Arts Building E 1 Signal Interconnect: (1) Shea (Eagle Mtn Pkwy to Palisades) (2) Shea (Technology to Saguaro) (3) Saguaro (El Lago to Grande)90 40 50 2 New Traffic Signals: Fountain Hills Boulevard/El Lago (50% developer) Saguaro/El Lago (50% developer)200 Palisades/Sunridge Drive (50% developer)200 Avenue of the Fountains/La Montana 220 Palisades/Eagle F 1 Shea Bke Lanes/Median (Construction Management) 2 Shea @ Saguaro--EB to NB LT lane lengthening 30 3 Town Center Improvement District (Avenue of the Fountains)100 100 4 WB Shea Climbing Lane--Fountain Hills Boulevard to Palisades (Federal Aid Project)200 5 WB Shea west from Saguaro, 3rd lane taper-back 200 G STREET ENHANCEMENTS 1 Sidewalks 30505050 2 Traffic Calming 5 5 5 5 3 La Montana Medians @ Community Center (Curbs)100 4 Construct New Median and Curbs on Exist. Streets a.Palisades-Fountain Hills Boulevard east to existing median 60 b.Palisades-Westby to La Montana 100 c.Palisades-La Monta H 1 Drainage Projects a.Ruskin and Kipling (remove & replace curbs and AC - ponding)40 b.Malta and Saguaro (west side) Add CMP and catch basins 60 c.Saguaro (south of Palmer); Saguaro (west side of Baptist Church); Saguaro (west side of Ledferd Lane) New catch basins 60 d.Del Cambre - Rosita to Ashbrook Wash (Add catch basins and CMP)50 2 Participation Agreement with Mirage Homes for a culvert project. I MAJOR STREET REPAIR 1 Mill and Overlay * Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 140 - Town of Fountain Hills Miscellaneous Statistics Date of Incorporation December 5, 1989 rm of Government Council - Manager umber of employees (no police and fire): Classified - Full time 57 16 22 Area in Square Miles 18.27 square miles Town of Fountain Hills facilities and services: Miles of Street: Surfaced 178.5 Unsurfaced 2 Population (2000 Special Census) 20,235 Housing Units 11,601 Building Permits Issued 897 Culture and Recreation: Community Centers 1 Parks 4 Park Acreage 121 Tennis Courts 6 Senior Center 1 Fire Protection: Number of stations 2 Number of fire personnel and officers 26 Number of calls answered 2670 Number of inspections conducted 3177 Facilities and services not included in the primary government: Police Protection: Contracted Number of stations (substation) 1 Number of police personnel and officers 23 Number of patrol units 9 Number of law violations: Physical arrests 503 Traffic/Parking violations 3186 Sewerage System: Special District Miles of sanitary sewers 200 Number of treatment plants 1 Number of service connections 10916 Daily average treatment in gallons 1.7 mgd Maximum daily capacity of treatment plant in gallons 2,600,000 mgd Water S ystem: Private Miles of water mains 178.4 Number of service connections 11448 Number of fire hydrants 1217 Daily average consumption in gallons 4.4 mgd Maximum daily capacity of plant in gallons 11570000 Education Number of elementary schools 3 Number of secondary schools 1 Number of students - elementary 1658 Number of students - secondary 833 ce: Town government offices and related districts. Fo N Classified - Part time Exempt Sour Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 141 - Town of Fountain Hills Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Summary of Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Fiscal Year 2003-04 2002-03 2003-04 FISCAL YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1.Maximum allowable primary property tax levy A.R.S. §42-17051(A).$0 $0 2.Amount received from primary property taxation in the 2002-03 fiscal year in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17102(A)(18).$0 3.Property tax levy amounts A. Primary property taxes $0 $0 B. Secondary property taxes 1,394,650 C. Total property tax levy amounts $1,394,650 $0 4.Property taxes collected* A. Primary property taxes (1) 2002-03 levy $0 (2) Prior years’ levy (3) Total primary property taxes $0 B. Secondary property taxes (1) 2002-03 levy $1,390,000 (2) Prior years’ levy (3) Total secondary property taxes $1,390,000 C. Total property taxes collected $1,390,000 5.Property tax rates A. Town tax rate (1) Primary property tax rate 0.0000 0.0000 (2) Secondary property tax rate 0.5136 0.4716 (3) Total city/town tax rate 0.5136 0.4716 B. Special assessment district tax rates Secondary property tax rates - As of the date the proposed budget was prepared, the town was operating two (2) special assessment districts for which secondary property taxes are levied. For information pertaining to these special assessment districts and their tax rates, please contact the town. *Includes actual property taxes collected as of the date the proposed budget was prepared plus estimated property tax collections for the remainder of the fiscal year. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 142 - Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 143 - Schedule of Fountain Hills Assessed Valuation 1995-2003 Tax %% Year Primary Change Secondary Change 4,188,635 $100,161,566 1996 $100,649,833 6.9%$103,944,051 3.8% 1997 $112,285,569 11.6%$116,333,406 11.9% 1998 $133,721,181 19.1%$146,943,730 26.3% 1999 $160,963,931 20.4%$174,760,640 18.9% 2000 $190,102,361 18.1%$212,415,476 21.5% 2001 $220,229,137 15.8%$238,714,537 12.4% 2002 $247,151,729 12.2%$270,602,866 13.4% 2003 $282,800,857 14.4%$323,385,230 19.5% 1995 $9 Town of Fountain Hills Schedule of Authorized Positions ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Position – Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE FTE Court Presiding Judge 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Court Collection Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Court Services Specialist 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 Authorized FTE 5.50 6.00 6.00 5.00 Administration Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Undesignated Position 0 1.00 2.00 0.00 Director of Admin/Town Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Town Clerk 0 0 0 1.00 Supervisor/Accounting 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I/T Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 I/T Intern 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Accountant 1.00 1.00 0 0 Accounting/HR Clerk 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 Administrative Intern 0.50 0.50 1.00 0 Asst to Town Mgr/Council 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 H.R. Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I. T. Support Specialist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Facilities Operations Sup. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance/Custodial Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Custodian 1.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 Clerk Typist/Receptionist 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 Authorized FTE 15.50 18.00 18.50 12.50 Building Safety Chief Building Official 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Plans Examiner 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Building Inspector 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Building Permit Technician 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Senior Building Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 0 Building Safety Clerk 1.00 1.00 0 0 Code Enforcement Officer 0 0 0 3.00 Administrative Assistant 0 0 0 1.00 Authorized FTE 9.00 9.00 8.00 11.00 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 144 - Town of Fountain Hills Schedule of Authorized Positions ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Position – Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE FTE Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Town Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Civil Engineer 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Eng. Tech/CAD Operator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Civil Engineering Inspector 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Drafting/CAD Technician 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Open Space/Landscape Sup. 1.00 1.00 0 0 Open Space/Landscape Spec. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Traffic Engineering Analyst 1.00 1.00 0 0 Authorized FTE 13.00 13.00 11.00 9.00 Street Superintendent of Streets 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Supervisor/Maintenance 1.00 1.00 0 1.00 Fleet Master Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fleet Equipment Mechanic 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Maintenance 9.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 Equipment Operator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Authorized FTE 15.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 Planning Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Planning Supervisor 0 0 0 1.00 Senior Planner 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Administrative Assistant 0 .50 1.00 1.00 Economic/Downtn Dev. Coord. 0 0 0 1.00 Authorized FTE 4.00 5.50 6.00 5.00 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 145 - Town of Fountain Hills Schedule of Authorized Positions ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Position – Title 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed FTE FTE FTE FTE Parks & Recreation Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 Park Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Rec. Program Coordinator 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Parks Worker 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Intern 0.50 0.50 0 0 Recreation Intern 1.00 1.00 0 0 Parks Operation Supervisor 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Recreation Assistant 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Administrative Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 Receptionist 0 0 0 .50 Authorized FTE 19.50 17.50 16.00 13.00 aw Enforcement ub.Saf. Directr/Town Marshal 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 mergency Mgmt Coord. 0 0 0 1.00 ergeant 4.00 4.00 3.00 0 eputy Marshal 14.00 14.00 8.00 0 ispatcher 6.00 7.00 7.00 0 dministrative Assistant 0 0 1.00 0 L P E S D D A uthorized FTE 25.00 26.00 20.00 1.00 ommunity Center irector 0 1.00 1.00 0.50 vents/Marketing Coordinator 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 perations Supervisor 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 dministrative Assistant 0 0.50 1.00 1.00 perations Worker 0 1.00 1.00 1.50 ustodian 0 0 1.00 1.00 olunteer Coordinator 0 0.50 0.50 0.50 A C D E O A O C V 5.00 6.50 6.50 Total Authorized FTE 104.50 115.00 106.00 77.00 Authorized FTE 0.00 Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 146 - Town of Fountain Hills Glossary ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ccrua asis transactions are recognized at the time they are incurred, as ou oj cted (b ed in re r expe t the beginning of the fiscal year and the actual receipts or expenses, which are incurred by the end of ing limits for the fiscal years. or he pur curring s and ds nd ser ces. n t upon real and personal property by y Assessor for the purpose of levying s. ces, comm nd the ent of n s vice levels previously shed by th . this de tru ent an ee o repay amoun nd on e. Bo re rimaril ) B nd This type of bond is secured by ll faith, credit, and taxing power of the pe of red y the s taxes or water revenues. d exp re and an ted resourc d for period a plan r achie o cil go o jective ary of bo ds or provem at may A l B A basis of accounting in which opposed to when cash is received or sent. Actual vs. Budgeted Difference between the am nts pr e udget )venues o nditures a the fiscal year. Adoption Formal action by the Town Council, which sets the spend Appropriation Specific amount of monies authorized by the Council f t pose of in obligation acquiring goo a vi Assessed Valuatio A value se the Count property taxe Base Budget The ongoing expense for personnel, contractual servi odities, a replacem equipment to maintai er establi e Council Bond A municipality will issue bt ins m d agr t the face t of the bo the designated maturity dat nds a p y used to finance capital projects. • General Obligation (GO o the fu municipality. • Revenue Bond This ty bond is secu b revenue from a specific source such as gas Budget Financial plan of estimate enditu s ticipa es adopte a specific of time outlining fo ving c un als and b s. Budgetary Basis The method used to determine when revenues and expenditures are recognized for budget purposes. Capital Budget The appropriation n operating revenue for im ents to city facilities th include buildings, streets, and parks. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 147 - Town of Fountain Hills Carry Over Year-end savings that can be carried rward to cover any one-time expenses such as supp e nt e ntracts. fo lies, quipme , or sp cial co Cash Basis hich transactions are recognized only when cash amounts are increased ed. r al, to forese ures, r revenue short falls. to l assets s sta b Estimated Revenue jected u c xpenditure a decrease in fund resources. Arizon te Consti t at lim l exp f all ic E tes Comm , b sed on growth and inflation A l municipalities have th m Rule four- ed on es eceive e months establishing the beginning and the ending of financial ansactions. For the Town of Fountain Hills, this period begins July 1 and ends June 30. e Equ alent P sition ) q ull ime po e, a part-time t o king fo ours per week would be equivalent to a 0.5 lf-bala se of acc ording other financial resources. balance or carry over that occurs when actual revenues exceed budgeted revenues and/or when tual expenditures are less than budgeted expenditures. A basis of accounting in w or decreas Contingency/Reserve An amount set aside as available, with Council app ov cover un en expendit emergency expenditures, o Debt Ratio Total debt divided by ta . Debt Service Principal and interest payment on out nding onds. The amount of pro reven e to be ollected during the fiscal year. E Represents Expenditure Limitation An amendment to the a Sta tution h its annua enditures o municipalities. The Econom stima ission a population sets the limit. l e option of Ho e where the voters approve a year expenditure limit bas revenu r d. Fiscal Year Any period of twelve consecutiv tr Full-Tim iv o (FTE A position converted to the decimal e uivalent of a f -t sition based on 2,080 hours per year. For exampl ypist w r r 20 h FTE. Fund A fiscal and accounting entity with a se ncing t ounts rec cash and Fund Balance A ac Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 148 - Town of Fountain Hills General Fund T d u re all financia ransactions of the municipality excep law or agreement to be accounted for in an fund. he fun sed to measu l t t those required by other u Bond way u o r eived r the p el e month period source consists of state taxes colle n asoline nse , and a er trans ortatio ed ees. T us use str t and ay conti e nd gro comm ity. E w s, pub buildi nd parks. forms of revenue (e.g. state sales tax, state income tax, gasoline x, motor vehicle license). re than one y Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting h; which rable, and b) expenditures are recognized in the accounting period in which the fund liability is incurred, if measurable, except for un-matured interest on general long- imilar accrued obligations, which should be recognized when due. P n ncludi local sales tax, franchise tax, x. he MPC is a non-profit corpo es ipal facilities, which it leases to the Town. A measurable output that an organization strives to achieve within a designated time frame. The dv organization toward a corresponding goal. perating Budget s. Performance Indicators f service performance indicators that reflect amount of money spent on services and the resulting outcomes at a specific level of services provided. Highway Users Reven e Proceeds used solely for street and highway purposes and require voter authorization. Bonds are payable from high ser revenue up to 50%f total ec fo ast tw v (stipulated by state law). Highway Users Revenue Fund (HURF) This revenue cted o g , vehicle lice s numb of other additional p n relat f hese funds m t be d for ee highw purposes. Infrastructure Facilities that support the nuanc a wth of a un xamples include roads, water lines, se er lic ngs, a Intergovernmental Revenue Federal and state grants and other ta Long Term Debt Debt with a maturity of mo ear after date of issuance. Management Indicators A measurable means of evaluating impact of budget on achieving stated objectives. Basis of accounting according to whic a) revenues are recognized in the accounting period in they become available and measu term debt and certain s Municipal Property Corporation (M C) Bond Bonds that are backed by the excise taxes of the Tow i ng state shared sales tax, and auto lieu ta T ration tablished for the purpose of issuing debt to purchase munic Objectives achievement of the objective a ances an O Day-to-day costs of delivering city service Measurement o Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 149 - Town of Fountain Hills Property Tax The total property tax levied by a municipality. Arizona’s municipal property tax system is ivided into a primary and secondary rate. . Rate ly use this vy to retire the principal and interest or redemption charges on bond debt. ppropriation including estimated revenues, bond/loan proceeds, fund ansfers and beginning fund balances. ces received from taxes, user charges and other levels of government. Revenue vy Tax Rate The amount of tax levied for each $100 of assessed valuation. Transfer Movement of resources between two funds. Example: An interfund transfer would include the ansfer of operating resources from the General Fund to the Street Fund. d Primary Tax Arizona statute limits the primary property tax levy amount and municipalities may use this tax for any purpose Secondary Arizona statute does not limit the secondary tax levy amount and municipalities may on le Resources Total amounts available for a tr Revenue Financial resour State-Shared Includes the Town’s portion of state sales tax revenues, state income tax receipts, motor vehicle in-lieu taxes. Tax Le The total amount of the general property taxes collected for purposes specified in the Tax Levy Ordinance. tr Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 150 - Town of Fountain Hills JOB DESCRIPTION – CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ing ordinances, zoning, land use, signage, and ublic nuisance codes in the Town. hief Building Official. IES AND RESPONSIBILITIES and in writing. Investigates possible violations of own property maintenance, nuisance and zoning codes; identifies violations and properties not and follows up with warning notices and citations to ensure compliance with city ers to correct violations. erforms preventative enforcement and conducts field inspections; inspects assigned areas of the observe violations of city codes including zoning nuisance, environment, ance violations. eets with residents to discuss accused violation, using diplomacy and tact. istories, approval documents, approved blueprints, property ownership records, e records, utility records and other related documents as ecessary. ublic, other Town departments, architects, engineers, contractors, abase for reporting and record keeping. proactive regarding sign code enforcement. ists the Prosecutor’s Office in determining appropriate rites positive letters of encouragement to residents and business owners who upgrade property. cts of a variety of business and residential structures, and those areas covered by Town odes related to buildings, land use, fire, parking, signs, zoning, and public nuisance regulations. ive techniques used to inspect residential, business, and land-use activities for non- on and layout of streets and zones, computer hardware, software and eripherals, ordinances, practices, procedures and terminology of governmental operations. ships with citizens and neighborhood ssociations; eliver quality services that meet customer needs in a respectful and professional manner through ositive, effective and honest communication; tively with others, orally and in writing, using proper sentence construction JOB OBJECTIVES Performs skilled technical work in enforcing build p SUPERVISION RECEIVED Work is performed under the supervision of the C ESSENTIAL DUT Responds to complaints from the public, orally T in compliance codes. Works with citizens, property and business own P Town to locate and swimming pool, neighborhood enhancement and health and safety ordin M Researches case h sales tax licenses, aerial photos, microfich n Provides information to the p and interested parties regarding zoning and other regulations, variances, related departmental programs and policies. Prepares reports, documents inspections, issues notices or letter, photographs property conditions and maintains required records. Uses a computer dat Is Prepares cases for court actions, ass disposition of outstanding cases and testifies in court. Performs systematic review of every property in Town on an annual basis. W Performs related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES Basic aspe c Investigat conformance and/or to ensure compliance with codes and ordinances, Town’s geography, including the locati p Ability to: Resolve issues and conflicts through working partner a D p Communicate effec and clearly organized thoughts in the explanation and application of regulations and procedures; Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 151 - Town of Fountain Hills Perceive and interpret customer needs and translate them into effective solutions and operational eye, arm, and hand movement. stablish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisors, and the ; and maintain regular consistent attendance and punctuality. INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS d experience equivalent to two years of recent public contact nce in general construction work; or any equivalent combination of xperience and education which provides the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform this DDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS equires the mobility to stoop, stand, reach and bend. Requires mobility of arms to reach and small objects. ay be required to work within enclosed spaces or at heights above ground level. round loud noise. ay be required to work weekend hours. ossession of a valid driver’s license issued by the State of Arizona. d within the first year of employment. policy; Work in a variety of weather conditions with exposure to the outdoor elements; Operate a variety of standard office equipment, including a personal computer that requires continuous and repetitive E general public; Produce letters and reports, which present case facts clearly and concisely; Analyze, interpret, and acquire knowledge of the Town’s sign and zoning ordinances and regulations Skill in: Use of computers, databases, and software. M Any combination of education an experience, preferably including the application and interpretation of rules and regulations; or two years of supervisory experie e work. A Physical Requirements: Requires vision (which may be corrected) to read small print. R dexterity of hands to grasp and manipulate Requires the ability to stand for long periods. Requires the ability to walk long distances. Performs lifting, pushing and/or pulling which does not exceed 50 pounds and is an infrequent aspect of the job. Work Environment: Is subject to inside and outside environmental conditions. May be required to work in inclement weather without effective protection from the sun, cold and rain. M May be required to work a May be required to attend periodic evening meetings and/or to travel within and out of district boundaries to attend meetings. M License or Certificate: P AACE certification is require FLSA Status: Non-exempt. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 152 - Town of Fountain Hills JOB DESCRIPTION – ECONOMIC/DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ES lans, organizes, and implements an economic development program to promote the growth and Town’s economic base, assists in the retention and expansion of existing N RECEIVED SSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES rganizes downtown development programs related to generating business and oordinates all administrative aspects of the downtown development program including g, grant administration, budget development and accounting. Prepares ants. evelops strategies for downtown economic development utilizing the Town’s human and sources. Becomes familiar with all persons and groups directly or indirectly involved , mmittees in developing an annual action plan for implementing a downtown vitalization program focused on the aspects of design preservation, promotion, /management, and economic restructuring/development. programs designed to enhance ppreciation of the downtown’s assets. Fosters an understanding of the downtown development goals and objectives through speaking arrangements, media interviews and Commerce, Economic evelopment Councils and various federal, state and local government agencies. Assists individual tenants or property owners with physical improvement projects through personal consultation or by obtaining and supervising professional design consultants; assists in cating appropriate contractors and materials; when possible, participate in construction pervision; provides advise and guidance on necessary financial mechanisms for physical provements. ssesses the management capacity of major downtown organizations and encourages provements in the downtown community’s ability to undertake joint activities such as promotional events, advertising, uniform store hours, special events, business recruitment, arking management, and so on. Provides advice and information on successful downtown management. Encourages a cooperative climate between downtown interests and local public fficials. Provides leadership for the active participation of business and community residents in presenting e Town to visitors. Monitors the downtown’s success by developing and maintaining data systems to track and assess e progress of the downtown development program. These systems should include at minimum , accurate and up-to-date hic documentation of all hysical changes and information on job creation and business retention. JOB OBJECTIV P development of the businesses, and vigorously seeks out new businesses for the Town, focusing in the downtown area. SUPERVISIO Reports to the Planning Supervisor. E Plans and o development opportunities. C purchasing, record keepin all reports required by the Town, assisting with the preparation of reports to funding agencies and supervising staff or consult D economic re in the downtown commercial area. Is mindful of the roles of various downtown interest groups assisting co re organization Develops and conducts ongoing public awareness and educational a program’s appearances, while keeping the downtown highly visible in the community. Acts as liaison between the Town, local and regional Chambers of D lo su im A im p o th th economic monitoring, leads reports and other accountability measures tax base information, individual building files, thorough photograp p Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 153 - Town of Fountain Hills Proposes strategy to achieve goals and objectives for downtown development to the Planning evelops and maintains an inventory of community resources including: commercially and frastructure, social, cultural and education advantages and related repares and administers the Town’s Business and Industry Marketing Program. d develops prospectus client list. s. cipals and practices of economic and community development; and regulations, sections of the Fountain Hills Town Code, standards, ake important judgments with regard to varied business matters of significance to the Town. se of computers, databases, and software. tion of education and experience equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree, and preferably experience in an economic development or real Supervisor; exercises broad discretion and makes independent judgments to attain goals and objectives. D industrially zones land, public in demographic information. P Maintains inventory of potential business relocations an Assists in negotiating business incentive programs. Establishes, maintains and coordinates working relationship with federal, state, municipal, and regional agencies involved in economic development and workfare education and training. Addresses businesses and civic groups regarding economic development activitie Attracts businesses to locate in Fountain Hills and facilitates building construction in the downtown area and throughout the town. Administers a business retention and service program. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES Knowledge of: Theory, prin Theory and practices of micro and macro economics, finance, marketing and general business administration; State and Federal laws policies and practices of the State Economic Development Department; Industrial, foreign trade, and enterprise zone law; Private activity bond practices and procedures; State, federal, and regional grant programs pertaining to economic and community development. Ability to: Communicate effectively in oral and written form. Direct consultants and project teams. M Think analytically and creatively. Work independently. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with local business leaders, business association officials, federal, state, local and regional economic development officials, Town staff, Boards and Commissions and the general public. Skill in: U MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Any combina a Master’s Degree, in urban and regional planning, market economics, architecture, urban geography or a related field, and three years estate environment. A CEcD or AICP designation preferred. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 154 - Town of Fountain Hills ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Physical Requirements: Requires the ability to sit for potentially long periods of time throughout the workday. Manual dexterity and vision sufficient to operate computer systems for potentially long periods of bility to operate a Town or personal vehicle in the course of work. orking conditions in the office are clean, well lit, and free from extremes of temperature and on of a valid Arizona driver’s license is required. rofessional certification as Certified Economic Developer preferred. time without experiencing abnormal hand, wrist or eye strain. Hearing sufficient to understand conversations, both in person and on the telephone. Ability to work out-of-doors in all weather conditions. A Work Environment: W humidity. Working conditions in the field are subject to extreme variations in temperature and can include high wind and rain. License or Certificate: Possessi P FLSA Status: Exempt. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 155 - Town of Fountain Hills JOB DESCRIPTION – EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR e as the Town’s liaison on emergency preparedness issues, coordinating training programs nd emergency operations drills, and assisting departments with their emergency and mitigation ivities. Assist in evaluating emergency service contracts. UPERVISION RECEIVED e Town Manager and works only under the ills emergency plans to identify and resolve hazards and anpower. by the state, county and town, including preparation of written reports with aw enforcement and fire departments, focusing on contract negotiation and JOB OBJECTIVES To serv a plans, response and recovery act S The Emergency Management Coordinator reports to th most general supervision. Work is evaluated primarily on the basis of results achieved. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Manages the daily activities and coordination of Town’s emergency management program and services. Reviews the Town of Fountain H potential shortfalls in preparedness for community emergencies. Provides or coordinates training and instruction in disaster preparedness, emergency operations and procedures with State and regional emergency management programs, orientations, drills and exercises. Serves as liaison to state emergency management agency (ADEM) and Maricopa County Emergency Management. Administers the Emergency Management Program budget, supplies, grants and reporting compliance requirements. Coordinates the response and recovery activities of departments, organizations and agencies involved in disasters. Establishes, implements and evaluates operational emergency response systems such as alerting the public, recalling personnel, managing resources and cost recovery. Responsible for ensuring that all emergency management documents, manuals, plans and recall lists are up to date. Identifies resources and/or agencies available to the Town of Fountain Hills in the event of an emergency. The resources should include, but are not limited to, other agencies, available equipment and m Initiates, develops and delivers public outreach and awareness campaigns, public service announcements and media releases for emergency and non-emergency information. Develops marketing materials, pamphlets, brochures and instruction manuals on emergency awareness, preparedness and safety procedures. Coordinates with sheriff’s department all investigations for liquor, alarm and peddler licenses as required recommendations on all investigations. Acts as liaison with l developing accountability measurements. Assists in reviewing, evaluating and negotiating contracts for emergency services (police, fire, medical, and animal control). Writes memos, Town Council reports, damage reports, and other administrative reports. Point person for homeland security grants and issues. Resolves routine problems encountered in performance of work assignments. Performs other related duties as assigned. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 156 - Town of Fountain Hills KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES Knowledge of: Federal, State, regional, County and Town emergency operations plans and management laws, inistration and management; evelop and present public awareness education and training; variety of resolutions; oordinate resources for emergency management; intain effective working relationships with others. INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS te’s Degree in Emergency Management or related field; five (5) years emergency equivalent combination of experience, he knowledge, skills and ability to perform these duties. S class is required to live within fifteen (15) miles of the Town limits, and volves extended workdays outside the regular working hours to respond, manage and e emergency response incidents. nsporting equipment weighing up to 50 pounds. ision and hearing is required to perform essential functions. fluids, infectious diseases and air nd water borne pathogens when responding to and managing emergency situations. equires the safe use of a Town vehicle on Town business. icense or Certificate: Must possess a valid Arizona Driver’s License, Certified Emergency statutes, rules, regulations, guidelines practices and procedures; Education and training methods and practices; Emergency management program development, adm Geographical layout of local and regional area; Computer hardware, software and peripherals; Customer service and public relations practices and procedures Ability to: Communicate effectively in oral and written form; D Identify emergency hazards and develop a Administer and c Research, analyze and interpret cost recovery regulations; Determine long range planning; Establish and ma Work independently. Skill in: Use of computers, databases, and software. M An Associa planning and disaster operations experience; or any education and training which provides t ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENT An employee in this within the United States. Physical Requirements: In investigat Requires data entry, lifting, carrying, and tra V Work Environment: Work is performed in office and field environments. May involve potential exposure to extreme weather conditions, extreme heat, hazardous chemicals and materials, emergency disaster situations, body a R L Manager (CEM) is preferred. FLSA Status: Exempt. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 157 - Town of Fountain Hills JOB DESCRIPTION – PLANNING SUPERVISOR JOB OBJECTIVES Manage/coordinate Town planning and development activities, to include overseeing the staff recommendations to own officials, coordinating current and long range planning projects, and ensuring compliance laws, codes, and ordinances. Provide highly responsible and complex sor receives general direction from the Public Works Director. ND RESPONSIBILITIES ommends and administers policies and onducts and supervises the planning studies in the community to gather data for evaluating current projects. Conducts special studies and assignments; researches complex lanning problems; prepares a variety of comprehensive reports. Responsible for General Plan mendments and compliance. irects the preparation of agenda items for the Town Council, Planning & Zoning Commission, oard of Adjustment, and other committees and boards involved in land use, development, and eneral planning activities. irects and coordinates site plan and preliminary subdivision review; recommends amendments Town Codes and Zoning Ordinances as needed. upervises and participates in the development and administration of the Planning Division perating budget; directs the forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, aterials and supplies; monitors and approves expenditures; implements mid-year adjustments. erves as a technical advisor to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustment, ublic Works Director, other Town divisions and departments, and civic groups on planning, oning and related matters; interprets ordinances and regulations as they apply to respective areas. irects, coordinates and reviews amendments to the general comprehensive master plan; provides lan and code interpretations as needed. rains, motivates and evaluates personnel; establishes and monitors employee performance bjectives; prepares and presents employee performance reviews; provides or coordinates staff aining; works with employees to correct deficiencies, implements discipline and termination rocedures. onfers with engineers, developers, architects, agencies and the general public in acquiring formation and coordinating planning and zoning matters; provides information regarding Town oning requirements. evelops and implements annexation plans. cts as Zoning Administrator. esponds to and resolves difficult citizen inquiries and complaints. erforms related duties as assigned. NOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES nowledge of: esearch methods and sources of information related to urban growth and development development review process, supervising assigned staff, presenting T with applicable Town administrative support to the Public Works Director. SUPERVISION RECEIVED The Planning Supervi ESSENTIAL DUTIES A Develops, plans and implements goals and objectives; rec procedures. C and advanced planning p a D B g D to S o m S P z D p T o tr p C in z D A R P K K Principles and practices of urban planning and zoning R Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 158 - Town of Fountain Hills Laws and regulations regarding general plans, environmental matters, zoning and land use ubdivision and site plan review and submittal procedures. el. elegate authority and responsibility, as well as schedule and program work on a long-term basis. and economic impacts on urban planning. minister sound division policies velopment policy issues. ience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge helor’s Degree from an accredited college or university with major course ENTS or eye strain. the course of work. ive work and is not substantially exposed to adverse environmental d Planners certificate. Principles and techniques of budget development and administration Principles and practices of organization, administration, and personnel management Economic Development principals and techniques S Ability to: Plan, prioritize, assign, and direct the work of professional, technical and clerical personn D Respond to changing perspectives of the environmental Interpret planning and zoning policies and procedures to the general public Develop and ad Prepare and administer a division budget Identify, coordinate, and resolve a wide variety of land use and de Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Skill in: Use of computers, databases, and software. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Any combination of exper and abilities is qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five years of professional planning experience. Three years of supervisory and administrative planning experience. Training: Equivalent to a Bac work in urban planning or a related field. ADDITIONAL REQUIREM Physical Requirements: Requires the ability to sit for potentially long period of time throughout the workday. Manual dexterity and vision sufficient to operate computer systems for potentially long periods of time without experiencing abnormal hand, wrist Hearing sufficient to understand conversations, both in person and on the telephone. Ability to work out-of-doors in all weather conditions. Operation of Town or personal vehicle in Exerting up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or negligible amount of force frequently to move objects. Work Environment: Typically office or administrat conditions. License or Certificate: Possession of a valid Arizona driver’s license is required. Possession of American Institute of Certifie FLSA Status: Exempt. Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Budget - 159 -