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FY00 Adopted Budget
^#The Honorable Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills are pleased to present the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 1999 -2000 Sharon Morgan ! a I I * I Penfield H.Mower Mayor M ^^^^^SfP|7^7 S'M Vice Mayor Fountain Hills Town Council Sid Apps Sharon Hutcheson Al Poma Marianne Wiggishoff John Wyman Town Manager Paul L.Nordin Town Clerk Cassie Hansen c BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS The new millenium is here! Fiscal Year 1999-2000 will prepare Fountain Hills for the year 2000and beyond!ThisbudgetreflectstheTownCouncilandstaff's continued commitment to provide outstanding community servicein the most efficient and effective manner possible. Onceagain,the Town enjoys an exceptionallystrongfinancialposition. Sound practiceswill guide the 1999-2000budget process including: • Operating expenses do not exceed current revenues. • A strong General Fund reserve is provided that includes undesignated reserves and a contingency account. •Sufficient maintenance and replacement funding is recommended to ensure proper maintenance of facilities and equipment. • No tax increases of any kind are proposed.The Town does not have a primary property tax and probably never will. •Departmental descriptions,mission statements,accomplishments,objectives,and performance standards are included. • Thisbudget maintains acompetitive compensation andbenefits package forTownemployees who are the finest of any community in the state. 1999-2000 Budget Town of FountainHills- Budget Highlights Page 1-1 BUDGET PROCESS To aid Councilmembers and citizens,a section entitled "Budget Process"has been included. Designed to provide informative budget basics, this section should prove helpful to both the seasoned veteran and novice. LOCAL SALES TAX The 1.2% local sales tax continues to be a significant source of financial strength for the Town. ForFY '99-00, local salestax revenue wasprojected at$3,000,000. Actual receipts willapproach $3,300,000.The local sales tax revenues continue to be used to fund the five Council-designated priorities of law enforcement,Community Center construction,park construction,street maintenance,and preservation. THE TOWN'S FINANCIAL HEALTH L The Town continues to enjoy excellent financial health.Local sales tax receipts,building permits, and related fees continue to meet or exceed expectations.Expenditures are either on target or below estimates.When expenditure projections have been exceeded,it is in response to community/Council desires.This excellent financial condition has allowed the Town to respond to unanticipated community needs. One concern should be noted. The Arizona state legislature hasreducedthepreviously agreed upon amounts ofstate shared income tax that willbe distributed to cities and towns for fiscal year 2000-2001.This situation will be monitored and the negative impacts reported to the Mayor and Council. The Town's financial reporting system is superior as confirmed by the excellent audits received for this critical area.The Town continues to enjoy an "A"bonding rating and has received three national awards for excellence in financial reporting. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Budget Highlights Page1-2 NEW BUDGET FORMAT The new budget format began two years ago. New departmental formats included mission statements,operationaldescriptions, past accomplishments, future objectives, and performance standards.This format is carried on in this budget,allowing the Council to examine each department's primary purposes and shift priorities if necessary. These sections are more "user friendly" so the general public may easily understand what each department does. FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) Afive-yearCIPisincludedinthisyear's budget. TheCIPisnotapartofthe 1999-2000 budget nor does the Council have to act on it. It is provided for informational purposes. "THE BIG FOUR"-NOW FIVE The Council continues to support the following four top priorities: 1.Law Enforcement 2.Community Center Construction 3.Park Construction 4.Street Maintenance Thisyear,the Council addedOpenSpace Preservation asafifth priority anddirectedtheManager to fund the priority. This budget addresses five priorities rather than four. LAW ENFORCEMENT The combined services of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and the Marshal Department continue to bethe model used for law enforcement in Fountain Hills.Funding increases for the Sheriff's contract are requested to maintain the recommended number (1.5 officers per 1,000 population) of officers necessary to provide sufficient coverage for a fast-growing population. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Highlights Page 1-3 COMMUNITY CENTER CONSTRUCTION The Community Center bids, received in January 1999, exceeded the budget for the project. The Council rejected all bids, deleted the performing arts wing from the project, and converted the Community Center wing into a stand-alone structure.This budget includes $1,500,000 for a down payment on the Community Center. The balance of the estimated $4,000,000 million in construction cost will be funded with a Municipal Property Corporation. PARK CONSTRUCTION TheFY '99-00 budget provides for $700,000 tobespentonpark construction at Fountain Park. The total amount will be funded by a State Heritage Fund grant. Another park construction project is the Phase II portion of Four Peaks Neighborhood Park. Since the Council has notyet approved a master plan for this project, no construction funding is included in this budget. However, when the Council does approve the master plan, a supplemental appropriation may be made to begin the construction yet this fiscal year. What is included in this budget is a recommended appropriation for plans preparation for this project. NEW MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION -SHEA BOULEVARD The Council also requested that the Manager include monies in this budget for new median construction on Shea Boulevard.In the Public Works budget,$160,000 is recommended for this purpose. STREET MAINTENANCE The total amount of $1,427,000 is recommended for street maintenance and major road improvements. These funds will pay for more than thirty miles of various types of reconstruction and/or major maintenance and are consistent with the Five-Year Capital Improvement Street Maintenance Program. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Highlights Page 1-4 MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION The Fountain Hills voters have approved a six million-dollar General Obligation (G.O.) Bond issue for McDowell Mountain land purchase.It is anticipated that a purchase will be made during FY '99-00.Therefore,these funds are included in this budget. PRESERVATION As previously noted, the Council has established open space preservation as a fifth priority. The Manager was directed to budget an unspecified dollar amount to begin an open space preservation savings account. This budget recommends that an initial amount of $1,000,000 be set aside for this purpose.It is not specified which land will be purchased.During FY '99-00, the Council should consider adopting appropriate procedures to administer these dollars. THE "POST CARD"VIEW In May of 1999, the voters approved a $1,400,000 bond issue to purchase land behind the Fountain for preservation.Since the purchase will be consumated within the first quarter of the new fiscal year,these funds are included in this budget. LIBRARY/MUSEUM CONSTRUCTION The Fountain Hills voters also approved a $3,700,000 bond issue for the construction of a new Library/Museum building.The building will be constructed next to the new Community Center in the southwest portion of Plat 208 across from the post office. The Maricopa County Library District has agreed to operate the Library once it is constructed. In this budget,construction and planning monies are included.It is anticipated that construction will begin prior to the conclusion of fiscal year 1999-2000 with completion by January 2001. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Highlights Page 1-5 \%$$$rjf TEEN PROGRAMS This budget also recommends a large number of new recreation programs for the teenage population. A total of $45,000 is recommended. This request is made by the Manager, the Parks and Recreation Director,and the Parks and Recreation Commission in response to numerous requests for additional programming of this type. OTHER "NOTEWORTHY11 ISSUES AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS An amount of $150,000 is included to provide significant upgrades to the electrical system in the Avenue of the Fountains.This project was bid last year but no bidders came forward. A second attempt will be made during this fiscal year. DESERT VISTA PARK Desert Vista Park construction will be completed next fiscal year.This project will provide needed areas for effluent disposal. An off-leash recreational facility is being constructed on one end of the park. MEDIAN MAINTENANCE The Town has taken control of a large number of medians.Corresponding increases are found in the Public Works budget to address these landscaped areas. 1999-2000 Budget Town of FountainHills• Budget Highlights Page 1-6 BUDGET PROCESS The annual budget process is one of the most important policy-implementing activities for the Town.TheTownManagerisresponsibleforitspreparationwhiletheTownCouncilis responsible for its approval. The Town's budget year begins each July 1and ends on the following June 30. The budget adoption process has three formal approval steps. First, a "tentative"budget must be approved on or before July 15. Following this step, the budget can only be reduced. After the Council approves the tentative budget, it is published twice in the local newspaper. Public notice is given of the mandatory public hearing which must occur in August. Following the hearing, the Council approves the final budget. The last formal budget step is the approvalof the property tax levy on or before the third Monday in August. The bulk of the budget work performed by Council and staff occurs prior to the adoption of the tentative budget.Several "Special Council Sessions"are scheduled to review and consider the entire budget in detail.These sessions allow the Council to make additions,deletions,and receive additional public input. The budget adoption schedule this year is as follows: DATE:ACTION: Friday, May 28 Proposed Budget Distributed to Council Tuesday, June 29 and Wednesday, June 30 Special Council Budget Sessions Thursday, July 1 Regular Meeting & Tentative Budget Adoption Wednesday, July 21 and Tentative Budget published Wednesday,July 28 Thursday,August 5 Final Budget Adoption Monday,August 16 Set Property Tax Levy l^^Note:All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.,unless otherwise noted. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Process Page 2-1 c BUDGET BASICS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999 -2000 The Town has the following five funds: •General Fund •Street Fund •Bond Debt Retirement Fund •Grant Fund •Bond Construction (Acquisition)Funds GENERAL FUND: The General Fund is an "all purpose"fund.This means that General Fund monies can be expended on all legally authorized municipal purposes. Revenues deposited into the General Fund come from a wide variety of sources (please refer to the Summary Sheet section for a complete breakdown of each source and the amount expected from each source). The largest revenue sources for the General Fund are state-shared sales tax,state income tax (also called state revenue sharing), local sales tax,building permit fees, and other zoning or subdivision related fees. The Town's General Fund receives no property tax dollars. All operation and maintenance expenses of theTownare paid from sources other than property taxes. The General Fund pays the expenses of the following Town Departments: 1999-2000 Budget Community Center Community Center Construction Mayor and Town Council Magistrate Court Administration Building Safety Community Development Town Marshal Parks and Recreation Golden Eagle Park Four Peaks Park Fountain Park Desert Vista Park Engineering Public Works/Medians,Dams and Washes Kiwanis Building Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Process Page 2-2 \mj^^y The General Fund also provides monies for capital projects and supplemental funding for the Street Fund. STREETFUND: The Street Fund is a "restricted use" fund.These monies may only be used for specific purposes. Funds deposited into the Street Fund include Highway User Revenue Funds (HURF or gasoline tax dollars)and State Lottery Funds (LTAF). In compliance with state law,these funds must be depositedintoaseparateaccount. Thesedollarsmay onlybespentforstreetorhighwaypurposes. Eligible expenses for Street Funds include Street Department employee salaries, street repair, maintenance, capital construction projects, and related activities. In the case of LTAFdollars, 10% may be used for specific,philanthropic purposes.Unlike the General Fund, the Street Fund has only one department,the Street Department. BOND DEBT RETIREMENT FUND: The Town also has a Bond Debt Retirement Fund.This fund is used to pay the principal and interest debt of the Town's two voter approved bond issues.This separate fund is required by the individual bond covenants.Proceeds from these two bond issues were used to pave all of the Town's unpaved streets in 1992. One of these bond issues is a General Obligation (G.O.) Bond.The other is a Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF)Bond.The G. O.Bond is paid with a secondary property tax and the HURF Bond is paid with a portion of the Town's HURF (gas tax)revenues. GRANT FUND: The budget also includes a Grant Fund. This fund exists to receive grant monies from the state and federal governments.All grants require that a very clear financial trail be maintained for audit purposes, often necessitating the establishment of a separate fund. BOND CONSTRUCTION (ACQUISITION)FUNDS: Included in this budget are construction acquisition funds for various planned capital expendi tures.These funds are established as a result of either voter or council approved bond projects. Specifically,theTownwillhaveaLibraryconstructionfund,aCommunityCenter construction fund, an open space acquisition fund for the "postcard view", and a construction and mainte nance fund for the Cottonwoods Improvement District. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Budget Process Page2-3 ADDITIONAL "BUDGET BASICS" The adoption of the budget does not affect the amount of money theTown receives. The Town's authority to generate revenue is based on several completely separate state statutes. When the Town adopts its budget, it adopts legal authorityto spend the money it receives.The budget itselfisnot arevenue-authorizing instrument. The only part of thebudget that hasauthorization relating to revenue is the secondary property tax levy adopted in August for the G. O. Bond issue payments.(See the "Debt Service"section of this budget). BUDGET AMENDMENTS It isnot legally possible to amend the budget during afiscal year. The Council may,by motion, move budget authority from one fund to another. The authorized expenditure total may not be exceeded. Due to this legal limitation,it is wise to adopt extra expenditure authority to allow the Council some flexibility during any given fiscal year. This is very helpful if unexpected funds are received during the year. At their discretion,the Council may spend some or all of these unexpected monies.Although state budget law is expenditure rather than revenue oriented,it is still possible for the Council to establish savings or reserve accounts. However, there are established expenditure limitations that cannot be exceeded without a public vote. A provision in the Arizona State Constitution establishes an annual expenditure limitation for all Arizona cities and towns.For FY '99-00,Fountain Hills'expenditure limitation is $12,408,810 for all funds combined.A significant number of exclusions are provided.The limit may be exceeded for certain purposes such as capital expenditures from bond proceeds, bond principal and interest payments,interfund transfers,expenditure of grant monies and earned interest,and several other exemptions. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Process Page 2-4 \iBiir' BUDGET REVIEW Town operations are divided into departments.The Council reviews each department's budget during the special budget sessions.All budgets are broken down by departmental line items (e.g. wages,engineering fees,advertising,etc.) that vary by department.For example,the Engineering Department has an "engineering fees" line item; the Town Marshal Department does not. In addition to the "numbers"portion of each departmental budget, a narrative section isprovided. The purpose of the narrative is to briefly explain departmental operations and to provide justifications for the budgetary requests. No attempt was made to provide narrative for each individual line item.This would create a budget document several times its present size. Explanations are provided for large, special and/or unique expenditure requests. Detailed breakdowns of each line item are available upon Council request. 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Budget Process Page 2-5 § w c a H o 3 C a c 3 3 Department Community Center Kiwanis Building Mayor and Town Council Magistrate Court Administration Information Technology Civic Center Construction Building Safety Engineering Public Works Fountain Park Desert Vista Community Development Parks &Recreation Golden Eagle Park Palisades/Four Peaks Marshal Department Department Totals Transfers Out Reserves GENERAL FUND TOTALS TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 1998-99 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS Salaries Contract Repairs &Supplies Capital &Benefits Services Maintenance &Services Outlay Total % 0 37,400 16,700 9,300 1,500 $64,900 0% 0 0 9,700 4,900 10,000 $24,600 29,000 0 0 43,000 0 $72,000 0% 220,740 5,500 1,000 17,400 2,000 $246,640 2% 653,500 757,100 140,000 552,700 14,700 $2,118,000 14% 0 24,750 46,700 55,100 148,800 $275,350 2% 0 45,000 0 10,000 1,500,000 $1,555,000 10% 393,600 130,000 4,000 33,700 0 $561,300 4% 640,360 441,000 4,600 42,400 0 $1,128,360 7% 129,590 0 515,000 67,400 345,000 $1,056,990 7% 44,210 30,000 176,800 121,600 0 $372,610 2% 0 0 46,700 6,700 0 $53,400 0% 218,970 6,000 1,500 46,750 0 $273,220 2% 373,700 232,100 1,000 39,200 2,500 $648,500 4% 113,200 0 67,600 45,265 30,100 $256,165 2% 44,540 110,000 41,350 24,320 8,000 $228,210 1% 575,060 1,384,000 13,350 74,180 68,600 $2,115,190 14% $3,436,470 $3,202,850 $1,086,000 $1,193,915 $2,131,200 $11,050,435 $1,250,000 $3,135,634 71% 8% 20% $3,436,470 $3,202,850 $1,086,000 $1,193,915 $2,131,200 $15,436,069 100% State Shared Revenues $3,237,200 21% 1999-2000 Budget FY 1999-2000 General Fund Summary Revenues $15,436,069 Local Sales Tax Revenue $3,300,000 21% Carry Forward $5,990,746 39% Building Permit Fees $1,500,000 10% Charges for Services $338,523 2% Subdivision Fees $205,000 1% Other 9%; Fines &Forfeitures $297,800 2% Misc.Fees $380,000 2% Franchise Fees $110,000 1% License Fees $76,800 1% Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Sununarv Sheets Page 3-2 FY 1999-2000 General Fund Summary Supp ies and Services $1,193,915 8% Contractual Services / $3,202,850 21% Repairs &Maintenance $1,086,000 7% Expenditures $15,436,069 Capital Outlay $2,131,200 14% Salaries and Benefits $3,436,470 22% 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Budget Summary Sheets Transfers Out $1,250,000 8% Contingency $50,000 <1% Undesignated -$2,085,634 14% Land Acquisition $1,000,000 6% Page 3-3 w FY 1999-2000 General Fund Summary Reserves and Transfers $4,385,634 28% Four Peaks Neighborhood Pk $228,210 1% Information Technology $275,350 2% Administration $2,118,000 14% Kiwanis Building $24,600 <1% 1999-2000 Budget Expenditures by Department Mayor and Town Council $72,000 <1% Community Center $64,900 <1% Building Safety $561,300 4o/o Golden Eagle Park $256,165 2% Community Development $273,220 2% Marshal Department 15,190 4% Magistrate Court $246,640 Civic Center Construction $1,555,000 10% Parks &Recreation $648,500 4% Fountain Park $372,610 2% Desert Vista Neighborhod Pk $53,400 <1% Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Summary Sheets Page 3-4 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY REVENUES State Sales Tax State Revenue Sharing Vehicle License Tax Local Sales Tax Business License Fees Building Permits Court Fines &Fees Animal License Fees JCEF Revenue CCEF Revenue Rezoning/Variance/Special Use Improvement Plan Review Fee Encroachment Permit Fees Subdivision Fees Fountain Park Agreement Franchise Fees Parks &Recreation User Fees Rental Income Interest/Investment Income Miscellaneous TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE Carry-In Balance TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Benefits Contractual Services Repairs &Maintenance Supplies and Services Capital Outlay Transfers Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES/USES RESERVES: Contingency Undesignated Land Acquisition TOTAL RESERVES Carryfoward Fund Balance TOTAL REVISED 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-2000 Year-to-Date Budget Rev. Estimate Budget 828,375 1,050,000 1,100,000 1,187,965 1,059,614 1,413,000 1,413,000 1,569,200 347,181 350,000 463,000 490,000 2,576,003 3,000,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 49,671 55,000 63,000 60,000 1,395,848 1,800,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 183,333 220,000 240,000 270,000 14,298 15,500 19,000 16,800 2,758 1,500 3,600 7,800 0 0 10,000 20,000 22,583 25,000 28,000 10,000 75,665 50,000 100,000 50,000 195,790 90,000 280,000 120,000 41,453 35,000 48,000 25,000 248,904 215,000 300,000 97,223 55,616 100,000 120,000 110,000 120,686 189,750 150,000 226,300 12,550 15,000 16,000 15,000 247,629 200,000 330,000 350,000 22,852 20,000 30,000 30,000 $7,500,809 $8^44,750 $10,013,600 $9,455,288 5,126,711 5,217,583 5,126,711 5,990,746 $12,627,520 $14,062,333 $15,140,311 $15,446,034 1,944,873 3,173,558 2,847,699 3,436,470 1,523,212 2,712,674 2,376,957 3,202,950 699,768 975,765 866,714 1,086,000 654,543 1,082,315 882,994 1,206,915 273,404 2,512,299 743,896 2,212,360 246,705 1,597,472 1,366,305 1,265,000 $5,342,505 $12,054,083 $9,084,565 $12,409,695 15,000 50,000 20,000 50,000 45,000 1,958,250 45,000 1,986,339 0 0 0 1,000,000 $60,000 $2,008,250 $65,000 $3,036,339 $7,225,015 $0 $5,990,746 $0 $12,627,520 $14,062,333 $15,075,311 $15,446,034 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Summary Sheets Page 3-5 FY 1999-2000 Street Fund Summary Transfer from General Fund $1,250,000 52% 1999-2000 Budget Revenues $2,446,692 Carry Forward $12 Transfer from Cottonwoods $3,200 <1% Highway User $1,006,000 41% Charges for Svcs/ln isc.Income /\_Lieu Pmts $500 S <1%Interest $1,000 <1% $80,000 3% Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Summary Sheets Page 3-6 c FY 1999-2000 Street Fund Summary Capital Outlay $133,500 5% Supplies and Services $138,000 6% 1999-2000 Budget Expenditures $2,446,692 Debt Retirement $115,650 5% Contingency $3,075 Salaries and Benefits $539,617 Repairs and Maintenance $1,489,000 61% Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Summary Sheets Contractual Services $27,850 1% Page 3-7 STREET FUND SUMMARY REVENUE: Highway User LTAF FEMA Hazard Mitigation Interest Charges for Svcs/ln Lieu Pmts Misc.Income TOTAL CURRENT REVENUE Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Cottonwoods ID Carry Forward TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES: Salaries and Benefits Contractual Services Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Services Capital Outlay Debt Retirement TOTAL CURRENT EXPENDITURES Contingency (Carry Forward) TOTAL REVISED 2/28/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget 618,045 953,400 925,000 988,117 91,875 120,000 120,000 105,980 0 28,600 0 0 5,580 2,000 6,000 1,000 76,016 50,000 100,000 80,000 0 500 0 500 $791,516 pl,154,500 $1,151,000 $1,175,597 250,000 1,467,472 1,146,400 1,265,000 0 0 0 3,200 382 0 382 12 $1,041,898 $2,621,972 $2,297,782 $2,443,809 320,742 473,222 497,295 539,617 10,425 27,800 31,300 27,850 508,875 1,669,800 1,393,825 1,489,000 85,193 129,350 111,800 138,000 137,380 198,000 140,000 133,500 89,865 123,800 123,550 115,650 $1,152,480 $2,621,972 $2,297,770 $2,443,617 0 0 12 192 $1,152,480 $2,621,972 $2,297,782 $2,443,809 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Budget Summary Sheets Page 3-8 ^^^*^&$j$0#>r' / CONTINGENCY FUND The six-year old policy of maintaining a contingency fund is continued in this budget. An amount of $50,000 has been included in the General Fund for contingency purposes.These amounts will be set aside for unforeseen expenses.If spent, these funds will be expended according to the Town's purchasing regulations. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Contingency Fund Page 4-1 GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS STREET MAINTENANCE: The Street Department has several large major road improvements scheduled for the upcoming fiscal year. The improvements will require a contribution from the General Fund to theHighway User Revenue Fund. A breakdown of these projects is outlined in the Street Department budget. Council has approved these projects and a transfer of $1,250,000 is required. Request $1,250,000 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills-Contingency Fund Page 4-2 \ji.ii.yjpi»rJ PERSONNEL AND RELATED ISSUES TheFY '99-00 budgetincludesrecommendationsfor thefollowingpersonnel items: •Merit Monies for FY '99-00 •Full-time/Part-time Employees - New Position Requests •Re-Classifications or Change inStatus Requests •Retirement Increase 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Personnel and Related Issues Page 5-1 ^HHpsC' C w MERIT MONIES The FY '99-00 budget includes a merit allowance that is part of the Town's Pay for PerformanceProgram. Raises are not automatic, but are awarded based on performance. The totaldollaramount requested is $123,019, which represents4.25% of the total budgetedsalaries for the year. As in previous years no Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) has been budgeted. The employees are awarded a merit increase based on their annual evaluation. Employeesare also eligible to receive Service Excellence Assistance Performance (S.E.A.L) Awards. These awardsareworth $25 and are given to staff members for service above and beyondtheir normal duties.Employees are also eligible to receive larger bonus awards according to the Town's Superior Performance Award Program. The funds for these awards are taken from the total merit allowance. The breakdown,by fund,of requested merit monies is as follows: •General Fund:$99,855 •Highway Users Fund (Street Fund):15,400 •Grant Funds (COPS FAST,GETEM,Court)7,764 Total:$123,019 Appendix A shows what other Phoenix metropolitan cities and towns are granting for merit and/or COLA monies in FY '99-00. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Personnel and Related Issues Page5-2 Department: Administration Administration Street Department Court Court Four Peaks Neighborhood Park Total: NEW POSITION REQUESTS #Requested:Description: Supervisor of Facilities Operations Information Technology Solution Center Specialist Maintenance Worker Judicial Collections Specialist I Court Services Specialist I Part-time Intern Comments: To oversee maintenance & repair to existing & new buildings Administrative support to Information Technology Group due to growth and increased workload Growth and increased workload Growth and increased workload - partially funded by Grant Growth and increased workload Growth and increased workload Please refer to the department sections for further explanation and justification for these individual requestsand Appendix B forthe job descriptions. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Personnel and Related Issues Page5-3 For additional reference, the number of present full-time equivalent employees by department is shown below. Department FTE Positions Court 4 Administration 11.75 Building Safety 8 Engineering 10 CommunityDevelopment 4 Parks &Recreation 9.75 Golden Eagle Park 3 Four Peaks Neighborhood Park 1 Fountain Park 1 Marshal's Dept.17 Street Department 12 Public Works J2 (TOTAL 83.5 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Personnel andRelated Issues Page 5-4 Re-Classifications or Changein Status Requests Also requested for this budget year are the following position re-classifications or change in status requests: Department: Parks and Recreation Court 1999-2000 Budget #Requested: 1 Description:Comments: RecreationAsst. EI Changeone position from part-time to fiill time Court Services Specialist HI Addition of Title only-no addition to personnel Town ofFountain Hills -Personnel and Related Issues Page5-5 ^itygg&S1 RETIREMENT INCREASE The Employee Benefits Committee is comprised of representatives from each department within the Town government.Their mission is to annually evaluate the Town's benefit package, suggest changes or enhancements to the package, and act as a representative liaison between the Town staff,Manager and Council. During FY '98-99, the EBC presented the Manager with a prioritized list of suggestions to consider during the FY '99-00 budget process. A high priority was placed on the reconsideration of the Town's current retirement plan. The current retirement plan is a qualified money purchase pension plan maintained under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. The employee and employer each contribute 9.5%of the gross salary per pay period.This contribution was originally determined based on three factors: 1.When Fountain Hills incorporated,the option to not join Social Security was selected. Due to that one-time choice,full time employees of the Town cannot participate in Social Security (currently 6.2%of their salary)nor does the Town contribute on their behalf. 2. Employees in the Arizona State Retirement System contribute to Social Security and the retirement system (3.34% in FY '97-98).The State Retirement System is a defined benefit program whereby the retiree receives a retirement income for life. A retiree from the Town of Fountain Hills will only receive the amount contributed over the term of employment. 3. Due to the limits on contributions to the 401(a)plan, the maximum allowable contribution rate has been 9.5%. 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Personnel and Related Issues Page5-6 REVISED Congress has recently changed the definition of "compensation"for purposes of the 401(a)Plan to include,rather than exclude,certain pre-tax employee contributions to the Town's cafeteria plan maintained under Section 125 and the Town's 457 Plan. As a result,allowable contributions to 401(a)Plans have increased as of 1998.The new maximum contribution is 11%or a contribution increase of 1.5%. This contribution increase represents a desirable enhancement to the Town's benefit package. To partially offset the cost of the increase, the Manager has reduced the merit request from 5% to 4.25%. 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills-Personnel and Related Issues Page 5-7 c INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY InformationTechnologyfunctions arepart ofthe Administrative Department. Responsibilities, accomplishments, and goals are included in that section of the budget. All hardware, software, information technology, and related expenditures appear in this section to avoid duplicity of presentation and assist tracking of resources throughout the budget year. Information Technology includes all expenditures for the Town's computers, local and wide- area networks,inter-networking,voice and data communications systems, and cablecast tech nologies.This budget uses aproject-based format with associated costs summarized bydepart ment.All hardware and software requested in this section are based on departmental requests. Network Related Expenses: This section includes the hardware and software necessary to maintain Town Hall's local area network.Staff is requesting funds to replace the current network backup system to meet the increasingdependencyon networkfile systems.Upgradingtheoperatingsystemofthedesktop computers to NT Workstation will help address several concerns including Y2K issues, future software compatibility,data security and integrity, and cost management.The Cisco Routers will provide network connectivity to staff at GEP and reduce monthly telephone cost for that site through circuit sharing. Software Enterprise Backup Software 2,000.00 Network Management Software 2,500.00 MS Windows NT4 Workstation (upgrade)6,000.00 Software Subtotal 10,500.00 Hardware: Repairs and Maintenance 20,000.00 Cisco 2600 Router 7,200.00 Proxy Host System 3,000.00 Enterprise Backup System 20,000.00 RAID Disk Storage Drives 12,000.00 Hardware Subtotal 62,200.00 Services: 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Information Technology Page6-1 c c c Support and Contract Services (hourly)6,000.00 Services Subtotal 6,000.00 Furniture: Misc.CablingandRackHardware 1,500.00 Furniture Subtotal 1,500.00 Total Network Related Expenses 80,200.00 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Information Technology Page6-2 Vj^^jw' W3 and Internet Related Expenses: Staff use of the Internet increased significantly during FY '98-99.Technology budget requests for FY '99-00 include software to increase security,improve management of Internet resources, andenableindividualdepartmentstobeinvolvedinwebsitedevelopment. Additionalfundsare requested for installation,configuration andtestingoftheMSProxyServerandfor design sup port of the Town's Website. Software Total WWWManagementUtilities 3,000.00 MS FrontPage 98 500.00 Total Software Request 3,500.00 Support Services: SystemSupport (hourly)8,000.00 Internet Connection to ASU (per Month)600.00 Total Support Request 8,600.00 Total Internet Related Request 12,100.00 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Information Technology Page 6-3 Telephone Network: This request includes new voicemail to replace the existing unit that is not Y2Kcompliant. It also includes local and long distance charges for voice and data lines. Hardware Total VoiceMail System 5,000.00 Total Communications Network Hardware Request 5,000.00 Line Costs GEP 56k Frame Relay (US WEST)900.00 Street Yard 56k Frame Relay (US WEST)960.00 ASU Data T-1 (US WEST)4,200.00 Voice T-1 (US WEST)1,872.00 VC's(USWEST)192.00 OPX Circuits (US WEST,6 circuits )3,456.00 Muzak 720.00 US West & ATT Call Charges 24,000.00 POTS Lines (6 circuits)3,456.00 Cellular Service and Pagers 1,700.00 Total Communications Line Cost Request 41,456.00 Support Services: Programming,Installation and Support (per hr)3,750.00 ASU Data T-1 (US WEST)Installation 500.00 GEP 56k Frame Relay (US WEST)Installation 500.00 Total Support Request 4,750.00 Total Communications Network Request 51,206.00 1999-2000 Budget TownofFountainHills-Information Technology Page6-4 . Town Council: Atthepre-budgetworkstudysession,someCouncilmembersrequestedthatanelectronicvot ing/recordingsystem be included in the budget.This system would record votes,motions,vote absenteeism,and member abstentions in the Town Clerk's computer and be visually displayed in the Council Chambers. The requested copy stand and computer-imaging camera would enable staff to display presen tation materials on the large screen in the Council chambers using the LCD projector. Video and Audio System Computer Imaging Camera %o\/> Remote Control Pan &Tilt Head 3-CCD Video Camera and Lens Miscellaneous Cabling Total Video and Audio Request Hardware: Electronic Voting System &oz.^ Total Hardware Request Support Services: Videotape Services for Council Meetings (per mtg.) Total Support Request Total Town Council Technology Request 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Information Technology Total 5,500.00 10,000.00 500.00 19,500.00 18,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 49,500.00 Page 6-5 Administration Department: Thisrequestincludessoftwaretoincreaseuserlicensesfortheaccountingsoftwareandahuman resource package to insure compliance with Federal regulations.There are requirements for COBRA and EEO tracking that must be stringently adhered to if the Town is to avoid costly fines. This software will provide immediate access to information such as attendance, benefits, salaryhistoryandotherroutinelyaccessedinformationthatiscurrentlyassembled manually. Software Total AEK User Licenses 1,600.00 AEK Installation 750.00 ExchangeClientLie 80.00 NT Client Lie 50.00 Office 97 Lie 600.00 Human Resources Software 2,500.00 Total Software Request 5,580.00 Hardware: BaseComputerSystem 3,600.00 UPS 500.00 Monitor 600.00 NIC 100.00 Total Hardware Request 4,800.00 Support Services: AnnualSupportforAEKAccountingSoftware 2,500.00 AnnualSupportforCodeMaster Software 750.00 Total Support Request 3,250.00 Training and Professional Conferences: Training(Microsoft ATEC Courses)4,000.00 Training(AGTSCourses)1,000.00 Networld+ Interop 500.00 GovernmentTechnologyConference (Southwest)750.00 Airfare/Hotel 1,500.00 TotalTraining Request 7,750.00 Total Administration Computer Request 21,380.00 Building Safety Department: 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Information Technology Page 6-6 Xijggp*/ xSn^i*^ In FY '98-99,the Building Safety Department successfully computerized the permitting and inspection operations. To maximize the use of this conversion,staff is requesting one computer to replacea"non-Y2K" compliant machine. Software requests includedesktopapplicationsfor the inspectors'notebook computers and a version upgrade of our permitting application. Software:Total Exchange Client Lie 200.00 NT Client Lie 125.00 Office 97 Lie 1,500.00 Total Software Request 1,825.00 Hardware: Base Computer System 1,800.00 UPS 250.00 Monitor 300.00 NIC 50.00 Total Hardware Request 2,400.00 Support Services: PTWin Upgrade /Programming 700.00 Total Support Request 700.00 Total Building Safety Computer Request 4,925.00 1999-2000 Budget TownofFountainHills•InformationTechnology Page6-7 Snj^^jjjt/' Community Development Department: The Department is requesting hardware and software to initiate the implementation ofa compre hensive Geographic Information System.This project will benefit all departmentsof Town government. Software Total Arcview (GIS application)1,000.00 Total Software Request 1,000.00 Hardware: GIS Workstation 3,500.00 UPS 250.00 Monitor 350.00 NIC 50.00 Total Hardware Request 4,150.00 Support Services: Total Support Request 0.00 Total Community Development Computer Request 5,150.00 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Information Technology Page 6-8 Engineering Department: A desktop inkjet plotter is requested for the CAD personnel. The existing full-size plotter is excellent for large engineering drawings and color presentation graphics. However, thedemand for large quantities of small plots (8-1/2 xll and 11x17; in color) has increased significantly. Running and trimming small-size plots from the full-size plotter is laborious and inefficient. Departmental software requests include 1newcopy of AutoCAD, 2upgrades of AutoCADMap and Softdesk for mapping and civil design, and 1copy of 3D Studio Viz for viewshed, traffic sight lines, and other 3D analysis. Software Total Exchange Client Lie 40.00 NT Client Lie 25.00 Office 97 Lie 300.00 AutoCAD Release 14 w/Map 2.0 2,650.00 Land Development Desktop Upgrades 990.00 3D Studio Viz R2 1,200.00 Total Software Request 5,205.00 Hardware: Base Computer System 3,600.00 UPS 450.00 Monitor 600.00 NIC 150.00 Network Installation and Cabling 100.00 Desktop Ink Jet Plotter 1,300.00 Total Hardware Request 6,200.00 Total Engineering Department Computer Request 11,405.00 1999-2000 Budget TownofFountainHills-Information Technology Page 6-9 c \s^ifT Magistrate Court: The Magistrate Courtrequeststhe standarddesktop applications suitefor installation on a Su premeCourtprovidedPC. Software Total Exchange ClientLie 40.00 NT Client Lie 25.00 Office 97 Lie 300.00 Total Software Request 365.00 Total Magistrate Court Computer Request 365.00 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Information Technology Page 6-10 c Marshals Department: The Marshals Department isrequesting two computer workstations in the upcoming budget for the unit supervisors. These will replace outdated hardware that is not capable of accessing the Department's new lawenforcement software orthe standard issuedesktop applications. Software Total Exchange Client Lie 80.00 NT Client Lie 50.00 Office 97 Lie 600.00 NetRMS Cruiser Report Authoring System 11,200.00 Total Software Request 11,930.00 Hardware: Base Computer System 3,600.00 UPS 450.00 Monitor 600.00 NIC 150.00 Network Installation and Cabling 200.00 Total Hardware Request 5,000.00 Support Services: Annual Support for CRIS/RMS 4,300.00 Total Support Request 4,300.00 Total Marshals Department Computer Request 21,230.00 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills-Information Technology Page 6-11 Public Works Department: I," Public Works hasno technology requests thisfiscal year. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Information Technology Page 6-12 \f!ff8prf \B|yflMijsr Parks and Recreation Department: A computer and facility booking software are requested to maximize staff time and increase service to the public by connecting GEP to the Parks and Recreation software in use at Town Hall. This will also provide the GEP field personnel with email and network access. Software Quantity Class Facility Booking Licenses Exchange Client Lie NT Client Lie Office 97 Lie Total Software Request Hardware: Base Computer System UPS Monitor NIC Network Installation and Cabling Total Hardware Request Support Services: Annual Support for Escom Software On-site Installation of Diamondback Upgrade Total Support Request Total Parks and Recreation Computer Request Cost Total 1 1,495.00 1,495.00 1 40.00 40.00 1 25.00 25.00 1 300.00 300.00 1,860.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 2 225.00 450.00 2 300.00 600.00 2 75.00 150.00 2 100.00 200.00 4,500.00 3,750.00 3,200.00 4,500.00 3,750.00 8,250.00 13,310.00 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Information Technology Page 6-13 Street Department: The Street Department's technology request includes a garage maintenance software package and new traffic counting software. With the increase of Town-owned and maintained vehicles and equipment since incorporation, it has become a significant task to track parts, repairs,job orders, costs, etc. in the shop. The software package selected by the Town's Mechanic increases the efficiency of the repair shop. The purchase of new traffic counters will require software to perform various analyses of the collected data. Software Total ExchangeClientLie 80.00 NT Client Lie 25.00 Office 97 Lie 300.00 GarageMaintenanceSoftware 1,695.00 Cartegraph Traffic Counter Module 1,500.00 Total Software Expenses 3,600.00 Hardware: Total Hardware Request 0.00 Support Services: Annual Support for Cartegraph Software 500.00 Annual Support for Garage Maintenance Software 400.00 Total Support Request 900.00 Total Street Department Computer Request 4,500.00 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Information Technology Page 6-14 XjiggjjiJ^ INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 CONTRACT SERVICES Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget Professional/Outside Services 1,178 9,500 3,000 12,750 Video Tape Council Meetings 7,338 12,000 9,000 12,000 TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Computer Repairs & Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Conferences Education/Training Internet Subscription Office Supplies Communications TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay -Computers Capital Outlay - Software Capital Outlay -Communications TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES $8,516 $21,500 $12,000 $24,750 27,642 52,865 32,000 .46,700 $27,642 $52^5 $32,000 $46,700 0 2,500 2,000 2,750 456 13,070 1,500 8,750 630 600 750 600 3,818 4,900 4,500 1,500 1,372 4,875 1,800 41,500 $6,276 52,899 29,933 1,009 $83,841 $126,275 $25,945 75,100 64,655 8,700 $148,455 $248,765 $10,550 67,000 40,000 1,500 $108,500 $163,050 $55,100 98,400 45,400 5,000 $148,800 $275,350 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Information Technology Page 6-15 ^^yer* c COMMUNITY CENTER GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: For over twenty years the Community Center has been a community amenity, providing a facility for recreational, civic, educational, commercial and personal use. Under the manage ment of the Civic Association,the efforts of the Property Committee,and the support of the Town, the goals and objectives of the current facility are continually met. These include: maintaining a safe and accessible facility;providing an affordable facility for Fountain Hills residents;improving and equipping the facility to best meet the public's needs; and maximiz ing the use of the facility. The Town endeavors to: administer a fair and equitable manage ment agreement;support the Civic Association in civic and community-based projects; and recognize citizen involvement and contributions to the facility. CONTRACT SERVICES: Since 1990, the Town has contracted with the Fountain Hills Civic Association for manage ment of the Center.This continues to be a positive,cooperative arrangement for both the Town and the Civic Association.The Civic Association provides the services of a full time Manager who averages 50 to 65 hours per week at the Center. In addition to scheduling the building, the Manager assists with event programming and planning and oversees all repairs, maintenance and improvements to the building.Increased activity at the Center has had a direct impact on the Manager's hours.During the period of July 1998 through April 1999, the Manager logged 2,345 hours including 186 hours for Parks and Recreation programs.The Manager coordinates and administers the activities of the Property Committee,a group of volunteers that oversees and assists in the operations and maintenance of the building.The Manager also obtains and directs the services of volunteers who assist with repairs and main tenance to the building and provide support services in the office. The Civic Association Board has requested an approximate increase of 6.25 percent in the management fee for the services provided in FY '99-00. Request $37,400 REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Building Repairs &Maintenance: The routine repairs and maintenance expenses included in this line item are: $3,250 for land scaping services; $1,800 to convert and upgrade the irrigation system which has developed a number of problems; $5,400 for cleaning services; and $250 for pest control. An additional 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Community Center Page7-1 $5,400 has been requested for miscellaneous repairs and maintenance for the building, parking lot and exterior lights. Request $16,100 Office Repairs &Maintenance: An amount of $450 has been included for the maintenance contract on the copier machine;$150 has been included for miscellaneous repairs. Request $600 SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Monthlycosts incurred for the basicoperation of the building arebudgeted asfollows: $6,000for electricity;$200 for office supplies; $600 for telephone expense (pay telephone);and $2,500 for water and sewer. Request $9,300 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay -Furniture/Equipment: Last year, funds were included for the replacement of one air conditioning unit that managed to remain operational for the entire year. It is strongly suspected that this unit will not survive another year.$1,500 has again been budgeted for this anticipated expenditure. Request $1,500 Capital Outlay -Improvements: No capital improvements are proposed in this budget. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Community Center Page7-2 ^q(*jgj^r COMMUNITY CENTER CONTRACT SERVICES Management Fees TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Bldg. Repairs &Maintenance Office Repairs/Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Electricity Office Supplies Communications Expense Water/Sewer TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Furniture /Equipment Capital Exp.-Improvements TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 Year-to-Date 1998-99 Budget 1998-99 Rev.Estimate 1999-00 Budget 26,400 35,200 35,200 37,400 $26,400 $35^00 $35,200 $37,400 8,049 487 14,300 600 10,500 500 16,100 600 $8,536 $14,900 $11,000 $16,700 3,682 6,000 6,000 6,000 60 200 100 200 179 600 200 600 1,687 1,700 2,000 2,500 $5,608 $8,500 $8300 $9,300 0 0 1,500 700 0 0 1,500 0 $0 $2,200 $0 $1,500 $40,544 $60,800 $54,500 $64,900 Town of Fountain Hills -Community Center Page 7-3 COMMUNITY CENTER CONSTRUCTION MISSION STATEMENT: The missionof this Departmentcontinuesto be the successfulconstructionof the Community Center. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: This Department does not yet have a physical name nor does it have dedicated in-house staff. Its part-time staff includes the Town Manager,TownClerk, and other Administration Depart ment personnel as needed. The primary staffing for this Department comes from the Town's Architect. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Plans completed and bid for the Community Center building. • Routine updates supplied to the Council and the public on the project's progress. •Questions and changes dealt with in an effective manner by the Community Center Advi sory Commission and Town. •Re-design of site plan completed for campus arrangement of buildings. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: •Finalize re-design of plans in conjunction with the Library/Museum plans to maximize savings to both projects. • Work with the Sanitary District to coordinate the appropriate time when the 13-acre Com munity Center site is no longer needed for effluent disposal. •Meet the following schedule: Plans complete and ready for bid November 1, 1999 Bid Date:December 1,1999 Bid Award:February 1,2000 Ground Breaking:Spring of 2000 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Continue to produce high quality architectural/engineering plans to minimize review time. •Continue to provide thorough review of all architectural/engineering plans so the above dates and objectives are met. • Respond to Council and citizen inquiries within three working days of receipt. •Provide periodic progress reports to Council as needed. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Community Center Construction Page8-1 • Providecontinuedsupport to the Community Center Advisory Commission in the plan ning/review process. • Support the Community Center Advisory Commission and the Library/MuseumAdvisory Commission to encourage the cohesive and cooperative efforts necessary to design and construct the two projects on a shared site. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-ARCHITECTURAL FEES: These budgeted expenditures are to pay for any additional drawings and specifications not in cluded in the original re-design ($10,000),construction administration ($25,000),and contin ued development of the common downtown landscape/development ($10,000). The Town has the total responsibility for all costs associated with the Community Center. MCO continues to work with the Town on downtown planning,sharing the design costs. Request $45,000 PRINTING: The construction plans and specifications must be printed. This is a significant expense due to the complexity and volume of printing required. Since the two projects will be bid together, the printing costs will be split with the Library/Museum project. Request $10,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY -BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: These requested funds represent the cash amounts recommended to be spent for this project. The total construction costs,including the enlarged lobby and covered promenade,are esti mated to be $5,500,000. Of that total, it is recommended that $1.5 million be paid from cash reserves. The balance of the funding will be provided by a Municipal Property Corporation Bond issue. Request $1,500,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Community Center Construction Page 8-2 c COMMUNITY CENTER CONSTRUCTION 3/31/99 CONTRACT SERVICES Year-to-Date 1998-99 Budget 1998-99 Rev.Estimate 1999-00 Budget Professional/Outside Services 132,504 255,350 132,500 45,000 TOTAL $132,504 i $255,350 $132,500 $45,000 SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Printing TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Construction TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 188 14,817 $15,005 0 20,000 $20,000 200 14,900 $15^00 0 10,000 $10,000 0 1,500,000 0 1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 $147,509 $1,775,350 $147,600 $1,555,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Community Center Construction Page 8-3 c William E.Farrell Town Attorney REVISED MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL Fountain Hills Voters Fountain Hills Town Council lacovino &Kayler Town Prosecutor Paul Nordin Town Manager Stuart J.Shoob Town Magistrate Susan Oegler Executive Assistant Cassie Hansen Town Clerk Director of Administration Robin Goodman Parks and Recreation Director Randy Harrel Town Engineer Jeffrey Vatder Community Development Director Steve Gendler Public Safety Director GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Expenditures appearing in the Mayor and Town Council budget support the goals and objec tives which include: maximizing the public access to Council meetings; providing funding for municipal elections; enhancing constituent communication; compensating and equipping the Mayor and TownCouncil with the tools necessary to do theirjobs; and promoting communica tion and awareness of the Mayor, Town Council and Town with other jurisdictions. SALARIES &BENEFITS: Included in this line item are Council salaries and FICA expense. Request $29,000 SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Election Expense: Every two years the Town of Fountain Hills conducts a municipal election to elect three council members and mayor.This budget includes funds for a primary and general election.Twice in the Town's history a general election was not necessary but funds must be budgeted in the event all seats are not filled in the primary election.Because the possibility of a special election always exists,funds have been included in this budget for three elections. Election costs are driven by the number of registered voters appearing in the county registration database and the number of early ballots voted by mail.An election costs the Town .78 cents 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Mayor and Town Council Page 9-1 REVISED per registered voter plus $1.43 to $1.72 for each early voting request by mail. Bond, referen dum, initiative andrecall elections require that informational pamphlets be mailed toeach house hold in which a registered voter resides. This adds approximately $4,500 to $5,000 to the cost of such an election. When the election can be consolidated with another jurisdiction or govern mental entity, the per registered voter cost is reduced to .31 cents.The recent bond election cost $13,239.69. This was a non-consolidated election based on 11,198 registered voters. It is anticipated that voter registration will continue to increase during FY '99-00.This budget includes funding for two non-consolidated regular elections at $9,500 and one special election requiring an informational pamphlet mailing,at $14,000. Request $33,000 Advertising Expense: Throughout the year, there are opportunities for the Mayor and Council to meet other dignitar ies, attend functions where they represent the Town, host activities and welcome special guests to the community. An amount of $6,000 has been included in this budget for the purchase of items suitable for presenting and exchanging with other dignitaries and elected officials.A portion of the funds will be used to display Fountain Hills at the annual Arizona League of Cities and Towns conference in September.The Mayor has requested that $2,000 be added to this line item to fund a reception for the Mayor and visitors of Kasterlee in the fall.Kasterlee may become a Sister City of Fountain Hills during the 1999/00 fiscal year. Request $8,500 Community Outreach: The Mayor wishes to continue the efforts to enhance the public's access to local government through the "Mayor's Chat"program initiated in FY '98-99.To reduce cost,minimize confu sion and encourage Town-wide participation,all chats will be held at the Community Center. Funds have been included for advertising costs and refreshments. On December 5, 1999,The Town of Fountain Hills will celebrate its ten-year anniversary.The Mayor has requested that an amount of $10,000 be added to this line item to fund acommunity- wide celebration.If the Council approves funding for this purpose,the Mayor will appoint a committee to plan activities for the anniversary event. Request $11,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Mayor and Town Council Page 9-2 REVISED L ,Office Supplies: Included in this line item is an amount of $1,500 for office supplies,business cards, various publication requests and miscellaneous items requested by the Council throughout the budget year. $1,950 has been included for new council portraits, if needed, and reframing. Although assured of future availability of the current frames,the line has been discontinued.Also included in this line item are funds for office supplies,business cards,portraits of newly elected council members,various publication requests and miscellaneous items requested by the Council. Request $3,500 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: No capital expenditures are requested in this budget. 1999-2000 Budget Town of FountainHills- MayorandTown Council Page 9-3 c REVISED TOWN COUNCIL 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS Wages 19,800 26,400 26,400 26,400 Employer Taxes 1,827 2,288 2,200 2,600 TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Election Expense Advertising Community Outreach Mayors Youth Council Office Supplies/Portraits TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay -Improvements TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES $21,627 $28,688 $28,600 $29,000 47 10,600 13,250 33,000 5,056 3,500 6,000 8,500 1,611 2,000 1,700 11,000 0 5,000 0 0 1,678 250 1,700 3,500 $8,392 $21,350 $22,650 $56,000 0 5,000 5,000 0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $30,019 $55,038 $56,250 $85,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Mayor and Town Council Page 9-4 Ann Kotnan Anderson CourtServices Specialist II MAGISTRATE COURT Stuart J.Shoob Presiding Judge Kathleen Connelly Nicola Court Administrator Dawn Allory de Hernandez CourtServices Specialist I Proposed CourtCollection Specialist I Proposed CourtServices Specialist I Part-time MISSION STATEMENT: The Town Court is committed to providing excellent service to the residents and visitors of Fountain Hills through swift and impartial justice,balanced with ethics and education.The Court strives to act as a model for public trust and confidence in the justice system. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The Court has jurisdiction over civil traffic,criminal traffic,and misdemeanor violations of Arizona Revised Statutes and Town of Fountain Hills Codes and Ordinances.The Judge pre sides over juvenile violations per A.R.S.8-232.The Judge has authority to issue search war rants,Orders of Protection and Injunctions Prohibiting Harassment.The Court must remain compliant with constantly changing laws, rules of procedure,and surcharges assessed on fines. The Court must comply with federal, state and local regulations pertaining to Victims Rights, Domestic Violence legislation,Driving Under the Influence laws,Record Disposition and Fin gerprinting, ADA, and Minimum Accounting Standards. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • The Court Collection Enhancement Fund,developed pursuant to Resolution 1997-60, has received deposits in the amount of $9,381 from January 1998 through April 1999. • The imposition of the clerk filing fee pursuant to A.R.S. 22-404 to file a Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment brought $2,839 in revenue to the Townfrom January 1998through March 1999. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Magistrate Court Page 10-1 • The Court hasfiled 4,617 cases as of April 30, 1999. This compares with 3,919 filings for the same period last year. The Court staff terminated 4,699 cases as of April 30,1999.The terminations as of April 30, 1998 were 3,991. This represents an 18% increase in filings and a 19%increase in terminations. • The Court Administrator attended aconference on Caseload Management. This isrequired coursework for the Court Executive Development Program being pursued through the In stitute for Court Management of the National Center for State Courts. •Court staff completed a total of 101.25 hours of continuing education related to the Court. • The Court was privileged to have a full-time Spanish interpreter on staff for the first full year. The bilingual skills provided have been of great assistance to the Court operations. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: •Implementation of the Collections Unit which will recruit,hire and train personnel as re quested,and show a reduction of the outstanding monies by 45% by the end of the fiscal year.The result will show a significant increase in Court revenue. •Create or adopt a policies and procedures manual for Court collections.Revise the policies and procedures manual currently in use. •Utilize the Debt Setoff Program to intercept and collect the state income tax refunds of defendants who fail to meet their monetary obligation to the Court. •Show a reduction in active warrants and associated pending criminal cases.Implement procedures to improve compliance with Court orders. •Upgrade existing software that is not Y2K compliant. •Recreate pending case and monetary judgment records that are still in the LOCIS software program used from 1990-1998 to the new software system. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Court facilities shall be safe,accessible,and reasonably convenient for all users of the Town Court.Accommodations will be made to insure that all who appear before the Court are able to participate without undue hardship or inconvenience,and that every effort will be made to simplify access to the Court system. • The Court, having adopted standards for expeditious case management,will continue to insure compliance with the time requirements established for all matters. • The Court will insure that all Court procedures adhere to the constitutional,statutory, Town Code, case precedent, Court rules, and other authoritative guidelines. The Court will con sider cases individually and treat similar cases fairly and equitably based on legally relevant factors. 1999-2000Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Magistrate Court Page10-2 • The Court maintains its institutional integrity by assuming responsibility for thecontrol and accountability for its operations. Users of the justice system will perceive the Court to be accessible,to function expeditiously and fairly, to be accountable for its actions, and not unduly influenced by other components of government.The Court will have procedures and processes that the public understands, and relies upon as part of an effective judicial system. PERSONNEL SERVICES: The Court is presided over by one Presiding Judge and Pro TernJudges who serve as necessary. Staff consists of one Court Administrator,one Court Services Specialist II, and one Court Ser vices Specialist I. The Marshal Department has one Deputy Marshal assigned to the Court to function as constable,bailiff,court security,collection officer,and warrant executor. REQUESTED POSITIONS: Additional police protection and increased population have had a significant impact on the Town Court operations.The Court is requesting the addition of one full-time Judicial Collec tion Specialist I and one part-time Court Services Specialist I. The Court requests the creation of a Court Services Specialist III title to allow for future reclassification of assigned personnel. The Court Services Specialist III is a progressively responsible designation with specialization of assigned duties. This is not a position request. It is a position to be attained through experi ence,training,and longevity. The Court has applied for a grant to fund the Court Collection Specialist I position for the first fiscal year.The Court Collection Specialist will focus on the collection of past-due monies owed to the Court.The position will enhance the efforts of the Court Deputy Marshal through the creation of a Collections Unit under the direction of the presiding Judge and Court Admin istrator. The Court requests that the position be funded regardless of the grant approval.This is a position that will pay for itself through increased revenue. The Judicial Collection Enhance ment Fund grant, if approved,will utilize local and state Judicial Collection Enhancement Fund monies to pay for the salary and related costs of this position for up to one year. Funds re quested inthis grant include $20,000 for salary and $2,400 for ERE. The Court budget include $3,100 for employee related expenses not covered by grant monies. The part-time position requested will be an entry-level Court Services Specialist I. This addi tion is intended to enhance customer service in the Court while offering an intern opportunity within the justice system. The level of service in the Court has reached apoint where additional assistance is necessary to allow staff the time to complete their assigned duties without contin- 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Magistrate Court Page 10-3 ued interruptions. The addition of a part-time Court Services Specialist will provide the neces sary file maintenance;customer service; and data entry and cashier assistance required by the increased Court activity. SPACE NEEDS: Staff is aware that there is no additional space available in Building B at this time.Current space has been carefully analyzed to accommodate the new position requests. Office sharing and maximization of the jury room space will provide the necessary work areas on a temporary basis. If space does become available any time during FY '99-00,the Court has requested consideration in the allocation process. CONTRACT SERVICES: Interpreters and Pro Tem Judges: The Court provides access to all persons regardless of their method of communication.Pro Tem Judges serve at the direction of the Presiding Judge when a conflict or absence in Court occurs. Request $3,500 IGA: This contract is maintained with the Administrative Offices of the Supreme Court.The cost of maintaining the three ACAP computers,the network printer, and the software is $2,000 per year. This includes all hardware maintenance and replacement as necessary. Request $2,000 REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Office Equipment Repairs: The amount requested is to perform any office equipment repairs not covered by a maintenance contract. Request $400 Maintenance Contract for Copier: The annual maintenance agreement for the copier purchased last fiscal year is $528 per year. Copiersupplies are expected to cost $900, and are included in the office supplies request. Request $600 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Magistrate Court Page10-4 SUPPLIES AND SERVICE: Advertising/Signage: TheCourt will incur significant coststo postjob position openings,including signage,forthe recruitment of new positions. Request $400 Conferences: The Court requests funds for conferences allowing staff to complete mandatory continuing education.Conference attendance is mandatory onan annual basistoenable presiding Judges to remain current on new legislation and to complete ongoing education. Request $1,500 Education: Court staff is required to complete a minimum of sixteen hours of ongoing education to fulfill ethical, customer service,computer information, and other judicial requirements. Request $500 Dues &Publications: The Court uses the Cole's Directory,areverse directory to locate address and phone numbers, at an annual costof$300. The legislativeupdatesandreprintingofA.R.S. volumesis anticipated tobe$2,000. The cost to obtain information through Credit Data Southwest is $5.00permonth and $.95 for each social security number.Addresses can be located for an additional cost. Aggressive collection efforts planned for FY '99-00 will substantially increase these costs. The amount anticipated is $1,400. Annual dues for Court association membership are $100. $200 has been budgeted for miscellaneous publication costs. Request $ 4,000 Office Supplies: The Court has a fax machine, two printers,and one copier that require toner cartridges costing $1,200 per year to maintain.Miscellaneous supplies and small equipment purchases are antici pated to be $1,800. Request $3,000 Printing: The Court prints many forms on NCR paper for convenience and speed.It also saves wear and tear on the copier and printers.The area code change has necessitated the reprinting of forms 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Magistrate Court Page 10-5 c and letterhead. Request $1,500 Communication Expense: TheCourtwillrequesttwoadditionaltelephonelines andtwotelephoneswith voicemail.Com puter network linkswillalsobe necessary forthe two positions requested.The Courthasone cellular phone. Request $200 Travel: Travel costs are incurred for training,education and convention attendance.The additional staff requested will necessitate additional travel expense for training purposes. Request $1,000 Bank Charges: Charges are incurred for printing check and deposit slips for the Bond Trust Account. Bank charges are incurred for the use of MasterCard and VISA transactions.The Court has imple mented electronic transmittal of debit and charge card payments. Request $2,000 Local JCEF Expenditures: Local JCEF funds are monies previously collected from time payment and filing fees and are retained in a separate fund. They can only be expended with the written approval of the Admin istrative Offices of the Supreme Court. The requested expenditure from local JCEF is $3,300 for installation and maintenance of one computer with case management software. Request $3,300 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Equipment: The Court is requesting permission to purchase a Sony BM-246 Confer-Corder through a state contract.This is an updated model of.the jcurrentsystem used since 1991. Request $2,000 1999-2000Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Magistrate Court Page10-6 MAGISTRATE COURT \(]qcroo 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 J19S&99 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS Wages 114,661 162,300 165,400 179,400 FICA 1,620 2,380 2,400 3,250 Unemployment Insurance 316 520 400 350 Employee's Health Insurance 5,826 9,460 8,200 13,500 Employee's Life Insurance 193 360 260 360 Employee's Dental Insurance 1,551 2,620 2,100 2,620 Employee's Eye Insurance 289 570 400 510 Worker's Compensation Insurance 345 1,010 700 1,120 Employee's Retirement Fund 10,893 15,420 15,750 18,640 Disability Insurance 590 820 800 990 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Accounting Fees Interpreters/Pro-Tem Judge Intergovernmental Agreements TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Office Equipment Repairs TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising/Signage Conferences Education/Training Fees &Publications Office Supplies Printing Communication Expense Travel Local JCEF Expenditures Bank Charges TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay -Furniture/Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget $136,284 $195,460 $196,410 $220,740 1,250 1,500 1,250 0 288 3.500 2,500 3,500 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 $1,538 $7,000 $5,750 $5,500 0 1,000 0 1,000 $0 $1,000 100 $0 $1,000 0 0 400 427 900 600 1,500 144 600 200 500 1,508 2,400 2,000 4,000 2,674 3,000 3,000 3,000 576 1,500 1,000 1,500 182 300 300 200 219 1,000 400 1,000 0 0 0 3,300 1,940 3,100 2,000 2,000 $7,670 $12,900 $9,500 $17,400 6,014 6,000 6,014 2,000 $6,014 $6,000 $6,014 $2,000 $151,506 $222^60 $217,674 $246,640 Town of Fountain Hills -Magistrate Court Page 10-7 Pater B.Putlerman Inlorrmation Systems Technician Drew Richards Information Systems Intern Proposed Information Technology Support Specialist Julie Qhettl Accounting Supervisor Joan Doran Accountant ADMINISTRATION Cassie Hansen Director ol Administration Linda Lemmen Executive Assistant I- Bev Bender Administrative Assistant Debbie Feller Human Resource Specialist Jane Robinson Part-time Receptionist n?Susan Griggs Part-tune Receptionist Proposed Supervisor ot FacilitiesOperations Merv &Sonia (shared position)| Part-time Custodian Administrative Start Fountain HHJi Water Co Don Thumith Part-time Custodian MISSION STATEMENT: The AdministrationDepartment isdedicated toserving the citizens ofFountain Hillsbyprovid ing accurate and current information on Council legislation and administrative actions; sup porting the Town of Fountain Hills and its departments; providing for the delivery of compre hensive financial services to internal and external customers; protecting the integrity of Town assets; and delivering the finest municipal services to ensure the highest quality of life for Fountain Hills residents. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The Administration Department is responsible for all administrative operations of the Town including: human resource functions including benefits, payroll,policies/procedures;losscon trol,insurance and claim processing;purchasing;facilities management and maintenance;in formationtechnologymanagement includingcomputer networking andinter-networking,voice anddatacommunications, governmental cable accessprogramming; budgetpreparation;bank ing operations including deposits, reconciliations, transfers, and investments; audits; special districts auditing/management;fixed asset tracking;operational support including caller and visitor assistance, mail processing,computer training, and clerical support to all departments. The Department administers the LTAFand Community Benefit funding programs; coordinates with other governmental agencies for facility use; serves as liaison with other local organiza tions on various community projects; processes special event requests; administers the Adopt- a-Street Program;administers the management agreements for the Community Center,Theater and Kiwanis Buildings;writes proclamations;provides notary and certification services; and processes requests for public records.Additional areas of responsibility include:record main tenance of all council business; election operations for all municipal elections; licensing func- 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-1 tions including business, alarm and liquor licenses;council agenda and packet preparation. The Administration budget includes all activities of the Town Manager's Department and the legal services for the Town. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In the first eleven months of FY '98-99,the Administration Department accomplished the fol lowing: Designed and implemented plan to move Parks and Recreation to Building A, created anAccounting area inBuilding C andenhanced theStreet Supervisor/RuralMetro work areas for less than half of the budgeted amount. Implemented the transition fromcontractjanitorialservicestoin-house custodians,greatly improving the level of maintenance of the Town Hall facilities. Assumed a portion of the maintenance responsibilities for the Kiwanis building per the revised lease. Completed system-wide upgrade of operating systems (Windows95).Upgraded Town Hall's computernetworkwithnew,fastserversandalargecapacitydiskstoragesystem. Arranged for the donation and installation of the new Ethernet Hubs valued at over $12,000 dollars. Expanded the network to Building "A"to serve the needs of the Parks and Recreation Department. Implemented a Computerized Building Permit tracking and records system. Installed a new Law Enforcement Records Management System providing Y2K com pliance and future capacity for possible changes in Law Enforcementcoverage. Improved the videotaping of Town Council meetings through the installation of addi tional audio equipment and video lighting. Fulfilled the facility requirement for an emergency operations center for the Town of FountainHillsasprovidedfor intheTown's EmergencyManagementPlanbyinstalling an auxiliary emergency power source in Building B. Installed new telephone system at the street yard. Coordinated the bid process and installation of an access control system for Town facili ties,improving -Town Hall security and ability to protect assets. Processed 215 new business licenses and 1,071 renewals. Created a Fountain Hills Business "Info-letter"to include with all new business licenses and renewals. Processed 22 liquor license applications. Processed 19 special event requests. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-2 "V^^aT^ c Assembled a citizen committee to review and recommend distribution of LTAF monies. Implemented an application and review process using a citizen committee for the distri bution of Community Benefit Program funds. Served as the Town liaison on the Community Center Advisory Commission,the Town Activity Center Committee and the Library/Museum Action Committee. Provided support to the Community Center Property Committee and the Community Theater with the implementation of the management agreements. Provided support services to the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission,the Shuttle Service and Mayor's Council for Business Growth. Supplied support services for the Adopt-A-Street program consisting of 43 residential volunteers and 43 groups/organizations. Served as Town liaison to the Midnight Madness Program and the Boys and Girls Club. Assisted Town Marshal with annual awards banquet. Provided staff support,packet materials and documentation for 74 Council and Council affiliated committees. Coordinated and administered the May special bond election;assisted 315 residents with early voting. Codified 10 new ordinances. Implemented the legislative andtracking software, providing greater searchcapabilities for the Town Code and all Council meeting minutes. Converted to new accounting system (to be completed by July 1, 1999). Expanded the website through the addition of an employment opportunity link. Completed purchase and upgrades to Town Hall equipment including two copy ma chines and two fax machines,improving productivity capabilities. Completed the Loss Control Program policy and submitted to Southwest Risk Services for review;received high marks and comments of "comprehensive,well-written and concise". Organized bloodborne pathogens training for the Marshal,Street,Parks and Recreation, and Public Works Departments and implemented program for employees to receive Hepatitis B-series and Tetanus shots. Completed a pre-employment drug testing policy,pending adoption. Expanded the professional scope of Human Resource support services offered the Town staff and assisted other departments with the interviewing and hiring process. •Organized training for staff personnel including a progressive discipline class for de partment heads and supervisors,a fire extinguisher use and safety class for employees, 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-3 and a violence in the workplace class extended to other community district employees. • Organized monthly staff support meetings providing Townemployees with a venuefor accomplishment recognition, communication and informative speakers. • Implemented seventeen ofthetwenty-six AMRRP recommendations regardingemploy ment and administration requirements of ADA and Loss Control. •Coordinated seven neighborhood chats at various locations and times throughout the community. •Coordinated meetings between the Maricopa County Health Services,Red Cross repre sentatives and the Town in an effort to increase availability of vehicles in the Shuttle program;implemented new schedule to allow later return trips from the Mayo Clinic stop. •Received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for ex cellence in the preparation of the Town's comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFR). •Prepared the third annual CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) for the Town. •Coordinated sales tax audits identifying/recovering more than $70,000 in sales tax revenues. •Provided staff support for the Risk Control Manager and Sales Tax Auditor. •Worked with Phoenix Transit System to provide all ongoing support services for purchasing bus tickets. •Participated in the mentoring program at McDowell Mountain School (four partici pants). •Coordinated and assembled the bi-weekly Town Information Packet report. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: •Complete implementation of recommendations made to the Town by AMRRP regarding employment and administration requirements of ADA. •Update and revise the Town's sexual harassment policy to reflect proposed changes made through Southwest Risk Services by the law firm of Lewis and Roca. •Continue-to increase the public's access-to public-records and information through the Internet,maximizing the utilization of increased staffing capabilities. • Explore the options of a paperless retrieval system to enhance and improve the records and retention plan for the Town records. •Continue analysis of current/future Town Hall office space and facility needs, including the acquisition and increased responsibilities of the library, the water company building 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-4 *%ul^P^r and revised lease for the Town Hall buildings on February 1, 2000. Completethe design and biddingprocessfor the new CommunityCenter and Library and break ground in the spring of 2000. Continue to improve the level of maintenance management of the current and future municipal facilities and provide for increased responsibilities with the conclusion of the master lease. Convert to on-line requisition/purchase orders by March 1, 2000. Develop A/P and cash receipts/disbursement accounting policies and procedures. Formulate written policies and procedures for major administrative functions. Review and revise fee structures for public record duplication. Create and implement a special event policy. Implement a fee structure for all administrative licensing activities. Develop an investment policy for the Town. Assimilate the administrative functions of the Fountain Hills Water Company (if ac quired)intothe Administration Department,maximizingthe effortsof supportandac counting personnel in the Town's operations. Develop and maintain asystemforthe Cottonwoods Improvement District property tax collection. Increase the public awareness of the Adopt-a-Street Program through articles and no tices in the Times,the Focus,Channel 11 and the Town's website. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: • Process business license applications within5 working days, peddlers license applications within 10 working days. • Adhere to a rigorous accounts payable schedule. • Respond to all citizen inquiries within the same working day. •Present a customer friendly and helpful attitude to all callers and visitors to Town Hall. • Serve the public as a source of reliable informationon TownCouncil legislation and actions and insure the preservation of legal documents. • Perform all-dutiesrequired to conform withthe ArizonaOpen Meeting Law. • Conduct elections in accordance with current state law and facilitate the public's ability to vote. • Prepare Council meeting minutes within 10working days and process resolutions and ordinances on a timely basis. •Update the Town Code on a regular basis. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page11-5 •Provide monthly budget reports by the last day of the following month. •Update Town policies and procedures to stay current with local, state and federal law. •Meet all federal and state requirements regarding hiring,employment practices,and record keeping. • Perform daily deposits,enhance the financial position of the Town and protect the integrity of its assets. THE KIWANIS BUILDING On April 16, 1998, the Council approved an amended lease/management agreement with the Sunset Kiwanis for the Kiwanis Building. In this agreement, the Town assumed the majority of the financial responsibility for the building including major maintenance and repair, remodel ing costs,and utilities.For the first year of operation,line items were included in the Adminis tration budget per the terms of the agreement.Although responsibility for these functions re mains in the Administration department,a separate section and budget is included in the FY '99-00 budget for the Kiwanis Building. PERSONNEL SERVICES: As shown in the organizational chart,there are thirteen employees in the Administration De partment.This includes five part-time employees and one intern.Although the salaries of the Manager and his Executive Assistant are included in the Administration budget, their job ac tivities and responsibilities are not. These positions, therefore, do not appear in the organiza tional chart. For FY '99-00,the addition of two full-time positions is proposed. Last year,the Council approved in-house personnel to replace contract services for cleaning the Town Hall office space. In addition to cleaning,the in-house staff has provided routine repairs and maintenance services such as changing light bulbs,moving furniture,coordinating outside services, and performing minor carpentry,electrical and mechanical tasks/repairs. The appear ance of Town Hall has improved 100 percent and employees have been very complementary of the in-house custodial staff. The part-time custodians^verage-approximately 60to^54-hours-per week to^lean and maintain 21,000 square feet of office space. They have had to stretch their hour maximum to accomplish routine maintenance and special cleaning tasks such as window washing and carpet cleaning. The funds budgeted in the current fiscal year for carpet cleaning were recently used to purchase an industrial,self-propelled carpet cleaner which will save $6,000 in the repairs and mainte nance budget.Additional hours will be needed to add this function on a routine basis.The 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-6 ^gp^s""' Town will become responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the library's 7,000 addi tional square feet of space when the master lease is terminated on February 1, 2000. The facilities manager services currently provided by MCO Properties will also terminate on Febru ary 1. As the largest tenant in the Town Hall complex,facility management may become the Town's responsibility,depending on lease negotiations over the next four to six weeks.Main tenance responsibility for the Fountain Hills Water Company could also be transferred to the Town sometime during the next fiscal year. In addition to additional custodial hours,an indi vidual to coordinate the various maintenance needs of Town facilities is needed. Staff is requesting the addition of a Supervisor of Facilities Operations position in FY '99-00. This position would oversee the maintenance and repair operations of Town Hall, the library (existing and new), and possibly the water company. In addition to scheduling and supervising the custodial staff, the position would perform custodial duties as well to insure adequate cov erage. Responsibilities would also include the budgeting and purchasing of all necessary sup plies and assessing/recommending improvements to the facilities. A job description and salary range appear in Appendix B. The other position request is to meet the increasing demands on the Town's Information Tech nology personnel. One person has supported the voice and data communications, computer hardware and software as well as audio-visual needs since 1991. The number of computer workstations requiring support has increased from eight to sixty,proportionately affecting the amount of support required. Since originally installed, the network has been upgraded from eight computers sharing printers on LANtastic in a single building to aWindows NT enterprise network in a three-building campus environment.Five large vertical market database software applications are supported and network print and file services are provided for eighty plus users. Fifteen remote users are supported and maintained.The management and maintenance demands on the Information Technology personnel has increased dramatically over the last eight years. The current position has also evolved with the gradual addition of varied projects including: programming andsupport for Fountain Hills Channel 11 videotaping and cablecasting of Town Council meetings and special forums;supervising the high school intern program; managing and supporting the Town's Internet services;and representing the Town on the MAG Telecom munications Advisory Group. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-7 c Tomeet the technological needs of the Town, staff is requesting the addition of anInformation Technology Solution Center Specialist.This position would be responsible for providingad ministrative supporttothe Information Technology groupandenhancingthe delivery ofquality services to all departments. Ajob description and salary range appears in Appendix B. CONTRACT SERVICES: Cost Splits: The following lineitemsaresplit,charging boththe Administration andtheStreet Department budgets percentages as follows: Accounting Fees (75%Administration,25%Street Fund) Town Attorney Fees (95%Administration,5%Street Fund) Liability Insurance (65%Administration,35%Street Fund) Accounting Fees: A total of $11,000has been budgeted for accounting fees which includes the annualaudit and CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)preparation.As shown in the cost splits above,75% of this amount, or $8,250, appears in the Administration budget. Request $8,300 Professional/Outside Services: The Administration Departmentperformsallof theTown's centralized functions including all financialactivities, facilities maintenanceand information systems management. Outsideser vices are utilized to maximize the performance of these functions. The Town budgeted $8,000foran outside payroll serviceinthe '98-99 budget.Dueto ongoing problems with the current provider, a new service will be contracted on July 1, 1999. An amount of $5,800 has been budgeted which includes annual processing costs,year-end charges and a one-timeimplementationfee. Due to the anticipatedchange in the service provider,the human resource softwareapproved in lastyear'-s budget was not purchased. A requestfor HR software is included in the Information Technology budget. The Council has approved a three-year sales tax auditor contract for $18,000 per year. Al though this reflects a 20 percent increase,sales tax revenues in the amount of $228,976 have been assessed during the period of 6/14/96 through 3/31/99.$194,800 of that amount has 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-8 Tkojjiffi^r^ actuallybeen recovered.An additional$1,800 hasbeen includedfor auditing servicesduring the large special events to insure proper sales tax collection practices. Other services included in this line item are $2,800 for substance abuse testing, pre-employ ment testing, CDL physicals,hepatitis and tetanus shots. In last year's budget, $500 was bud geted for substance abuse testing only. The additional $2,300 has been budgeted to comply with new Federal mandates and HR policies. An amount of $75,000 has been included for Y2K remediation. The Town will soon receive the consultant's report with recommendations identi fyingtheareasrequiringremediation. $15,000hasbeenincludedfor anoutsideconsultingfirm to provide the Town with a classification and compensation study.$10,000 has been included for miscellaneous consulting fees to assist with special projects such as a space use analysisfor Town Hall. Request $128,400 IGA's (School District) InFY '98-99, theCouncilapproved$30,200toassisttheFountainHillsSchoolDistrictthrough cooperative programs,security personnel at the Jr/Sr High School,and maintenance assistance of joint use facilities.The District is requesting assistance from the Town to continue these efforts during the FY '99-00 school year. The request,identical to last year's,is shown in Appendix C and includes:$14,000 for thecontinuation of theTown/Schoollibrarystaffingon three weekday afternoons and on Saturday mornings;$10,700 for custodial staff at the Middle School/High School; $2,500 for continued security services at home athletic games; $3,000 for the cleaning and resurfacing of the large and small gyms and cafeteria floors;and $23,500 for the landscape maintenance of Four Peaks Park including the overseeding of turf areas and maintenance of the tennis courts. The funding for the landscape maintenance portion of this request is included in the Parks and Recreation landscape maintenance line item.Included in the School District's request is a commitment to contribute $8,000 to support drug prevention counseling from their Federal Prevention Entitlement. Request $30,200 Legal Fees: Four separate legal services are included in this line item. William E. Farrell has requested $106,080,an increase of approximately 6.25 percent, for town attorney services in FY '99-00. $100,776 (95%) of this amount is charged to the Administration budget while the remainder is charged to the Street Fund. The Town Prosecutor is again requesting $96,000 for FY '99-00. Letters addressing both of these requests can be found in Appendix D. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-9 \s^SK/< As in last year's budget, $5,000 has been included for the public defender fees which the court must provide. At the request of Mr.Farrell,$5,000 has again been included for the services of Charles Whetstine,Attorney at Law, who ensures the ongoing compliance of the employee retirement plan with IRS regulations.Also at the request of Mr.Farrell,$1,000 has been in cluded for membership in the international association known as IMLA and for attendance at the annual conference of the Arizona League of Cities and Towns. An additional $5,000 has been included for the bond counsel services of Gust Rosenfeld for district matters such as the Cottonwoods and Eagle Mountain improvement districts and the community facilities districts. Request $212,800 Jail/Prisoner Fees: Maricopa County and the City of Scottsdale charge the Town on a per diem basis to hold pris oners sentenced in the Fountain Hills Magistrate Court. The Court's continued heavy caseload maintains a consistent number of jail sentences on a monthly basis. Fees continue to average approximately $2,200 per month. An amount of $30,000 is again requested to cover the cost of holding prisoners. Request $30,000 Community Benefit Programs: Last year the Council received requests totaling $152,555 to fund various Community Benefit Programs. An amount of $80,000 was approved for distribution between seven groups. A citizen committee reviewed the requests and made a recommendation to the Council for distri bution. The committee suggested that a more formal application be created,requiring more information and containing stricter criteria. In a memo dated December 17, 1998, staff pro posed a future procedure for distributing Community Benefit funds. A copy of that proposal appears in Appendix E.Since staff received no suggestions or concerns regarding the proce dure, it has been incorporated into the proposed budget. The Town Manager has included an amount of $80,000 in the budget for Community Benefit Programs.This amount is commensurate with the level of-funding supported last year and the monies are available in the Town budget.If the Council approves the amount,the application process will begin following the budget approval in August. Request $80,000 Special Programs -Chamber of Commerce: 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-10 The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce is again requesting financial assistance from the Town to help fund two community events:the Thanksgiving Day Parade ($2,575),and the Holiday Lighting ($2,155). This is a slight reduction from last year's request of $5,300 for these two community events. The Town does provide support to other Chamber-sponsored community events through street personnel hours, street equipment,traffic control devices and signage. In FY '98-99,this support amounted to approximately $15,700. The Chamber is requesting Town support for an extensive media plan that they feel will benefit Fountain Hills and itseconomic base. The plan includes updating the 1993Town video ($12,000); advertising invalleyhotels through the Guest Informant and QuickGuide ($9,000); advertising inthevalleyusingtheArizonaDriveGuide ($4,000);advertisingoutofstatethroughtheAmerica West Magazine and preprint publishing ($9,246); providing brochures and business opportu nity packets for tourist and mail requests ($5,325).Please see Appendix F for a detailed de scription of this request and additional information from the Executive Director. Request $44,300 Special Programs -Civil Defense: The Town has an Intergovernmental Agreement with Maricopa County for emergency services and annually budgets for this ongoing Civil Defense support.Costs include assistance with the annual update of the emergency service plan for Fountain Hills. Request $1,500 Special Programs -American Red Cross STS: Maricopa County, through the Red Cross STS (Special Transportation Services)Program, pro vides transportation services for low income,elderly and disabled citizens in Fountain Hills and is requesting the Town's continued support of this service.Their proposal includes a request for $15,956 in operating funds and $4,560 in capital funds which would provide two vehicles for medical and social service appointments,senior center trips and other personal trips such as grocery shopping. This funding, only $629 more than last year, will include usage of a mini-van in the Home Delivered Meals program beginning late fall, 1999. A copy of the request can be found in Appendix G. Request $20,600 Special Programs -Public Transit: As part of the comprehensive Special Transportation Services (STS)Program,a third van is used to provide a shuttle service in Fountain Hills with connections to the Valley Metro bus stop 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Administration Page 11-11 at Mayo Clinic. A committee consisting of Town staff, local Red Cross representatives, and County staff meets quarterly to evaluate usage, routes, suggestions and promotional issues. Route changes are considered and implemented to facilitate ridership. Funding is requested to continue the service in the amount of $31,352. The addition of funds for advertisingand sup plies accountsfor the $1,300increaseover last year. Please reference Appendix G for a copy of the request. Request $31,400 Special Programs -Mayor's Council for Business Growth: Funding has been included in the budget for an ongoing advertising campaign designed by members of the Mayor's Council. The Council will receive presentations throughout the com ing fiscal year regarding proposed advertising strategies and plans. Cost allocations will be approved at the time of presentation,funded from this budgetary amount. Request $30,000 Special Programs -McDowell Preservation: The McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission has prepared a FY '99-00 budgetrequest for Councilconsideration. Totaling$27,500, the request includes: $6,000 to prepare one video presentation to help citizens become more familiar with the Upper Sonoran Desert; $4,500 to continue the"October isMcDowell Month" program; $500 toadvertise public noticesofopen ings on the Commission;$6,000 for printing a quarterly newsletter;$10,000to hire a consultant to prepare a three dimensional computer-generated accompaniment to the video; and $500 for Commissioners and staff to attend educational workshops and meetings outside of town. A copy of the Commission's proposed budget can be found in Appendix H. Request $27,500 Special Programs -Drug Rehabilitation Counseling: During the FY '98-99 budget process, the Council established a special program line item to budget$50,000for drugrehabilitationcounseling. Acommittee includingrepresentativesfrom the Marshal's Department,the Cattleguard Alliance and the Fountain Hills High School adver tised,reviewed,interviewed and-recommended a counseling service to provide intervention services to Fountain Hills youth ages 13 to 18.Imagine Recovery Resources was the unani mous choice of the committee, meeting all of their criteria which included availability of group and individual programs.The program has evolved and been fine tuned throughout the school year through the cooperative efforts of the Marshal's Department resource officers,the School District Board and personnel,the Cattleguard Alliance,the Imagine staff and various commu- 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-12 c REVISED nity supporters. The original program included local support groups and assessments in the amount of $22,000 and outpatient treatment at the Imagine offices in Scottsdale in the amount of $28,000. The outpatient program included 10 "scholarships"at $2,800 each. The actual cost to administer the treatment offered through the scholarships is $4,000 per person. To date, Imagine has given out 13 scholarships. Imagine and School District personnel are creating a policy and procedure manual to assist teachers in handling substance abuse problems at school. This will assist in the referral process to the intervention program.Imagine is proposing to increase the scholarship program to 15 at $3,300 each ($49,500) in FY '99-00.The support groups and assessments ($22,000) will be rescheduled to coordinate with and compliment the program offered through Fort McDowell. Imagine proposes to add an educational group ($2,500) to emphasize and promote prevention. A copy of the Imagine proposal and an endorsement from the School District for the program appear in Appendix I.The cost of the proposed program is $74,000. The School District has pledged grant money in the amount of $8,000,making the request to the Town $66,000. Imag ine will continue to provide periodic reviews of the program and document activity on a monthly basis. Request $66,000 Special Programs -Senior Center Services: FY '98-99 represented the first full year that the Senior Center,located in the Kiwanis Building, was open and available for use by the seniors of Fountain Hills. Last year's budget included Community Benefit funds in the amount of $12,000 for the Senior Center. This included fund ing for many of the start up expenses,materials,equipment,supplies and operating costs.The part-time efforts of a volunteer director contributed to a successful first year according to the President of Senior Services of Fountain Hills,Inc. Due to her efforts,a number of programs were well received and the registration met the expectations for a start up year. The Senior Services Board has finalized an employment contract with an individual who has a great deal of experience in delivering programs of various kinds to adults. They feel that the services pro vided by a full-time director will enhance the facility, the programs and the over-all benefit to the seniors of Fountain Hills. The Board is requesting funding from the Town in the amount of $21,200. The total budgetfor Senior Services is $34,200 and includes instructors'fees,programming expense,operating expenses and the director's salary. A $13,000 grant from the Sunridge Foundation will accom modate approximately one third of the budget. A letter of request from the Senior Services of 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-13 'jJaisjSiyar c Fountain Hills as well as a listing of programs and services offered at the Center appear in Appendix J.Senior Services of Fountain Hills offers abroadrangeof services and programs to the seniorsof Fountain Hills in a Town-owned facility.Staff felt it was appropriate that this request be considered under Special Programs asan ongoing community service supported by the Town. Request $21,200 Special Programs -Holiday Lighting Included in this budget is a request from the Holiday Lighting Committee for an amount of $25,000 to purchase additional holiday decorations.Acopyof the request is included in Ap pendix K.Last year theTowncontributed$45,000from undesignated contingencyreservesto the holiday lighting project. A group of volunteers will put up and take down the lights this year,allowing all funds to be used on lights rather than labor. Request $25,000 REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance: The Town Manager's car is approximately two years old and the Town's mechanic advises that additional funds be budgeted for routine repairs and maintenance. Request $1,500 Building Repairs &Maintenance: This line item is comprised of routine expenditures required for the repair and maintenance of Town Hall,Buildings A, B and C, and the Theater building.Although included in this line item last year, the Kiwanis building maintenance now appears in its own budget section. There is one significant change in this line item for FY '99-00.Due to the termination of the master lease on February 1,2000,it is feasible that the Town will assume,at that time,some or all repair,maintenance and operational costs formerly paid by MCO Properties. The degree of responsibility will^lepend on negotiations that-will take place over the next couple of months. This budget is based on the "worst case scenario"which would be the assumption of most of the costs.There is a strong possibility that negotiations for a short-term lease will result in lower actual costs.Budgeted amounts are based on MCO's previous budgets and figures for actual maintenance expenditures and contingencies.Included in this line item are:$10,000 contin gency for roof/building/parking lot maintenance;$8,300 for landscaping fees including tree 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-14 \^*/ trimming and removal, flowers, and overseeding; $750 for irrigation repairs; $6,000 for pre ventive maintenance on the HVAC system;$18,000 for outside services including door mainte nance, window cleaning,exterminating,electrical and plumbing repairs,and recycling;$7,000 for cleaning, paper and sanitation supplies,building maintenance supplies, fire extinguishers and maintenance.In future budgets,landscaping expense for Town Hall facilities will be in cluded in the contract administered by the Public Works Department.Since the Town may assume this responsibility mid-year,current contracts may be assumed on a short-term basis. No funds have been budgeted for major repairs to the HVAC systems.Negotiations will un doubtedly include some due diligence stipulations prior to the Town entering into a new lease. The Town is responsible for major repairs and maintenance of the Theater building.Since FY '95-96,an amount of $7,500 has annually been budgeted for repairs and maintenance of the building. To date, repairs have been minimal and the Community Theater group has paid for a number of improvements to the building. Last year an amount of $50,000 was approved for some major repair work and enhancements to the Theater building. The bidding process re vealed that the estimate to replace the overhang above the main entrance which is separating from the building,widen and replace the door,enlarge and cover the entry way porch,and remove and replace the ramp in compliance with ADA requirements was too low to complete the project. The Theater's architect is redrawing the plans to simplify and modify the project. This budget includes $67,500 for repairs,maintenance and project completion in FY '99-00. Request $117,600 Office Equipment Repairs: This line item includes routine maintenance to the existing copiers and fax machines utilized in Town Hall.These include:$15,000 for the monthly charges and maintenance of two copiers; $900 for monthly maintenance of three fax machines; and $5,000 for copier drums and miscel laneous repairs. Request $20,900 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Advertising: One of the departmental performance standards is to serve the public as a source of reliable information on Town Council legislation and actions.Publishing ordinances and public notices in the localpaper meets this standard and complies with statutory requirements as well. Request $15,000 1999-2000Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page11-15 Conferences: Each year, funds are budgeted for the Council and senior staff to attend conferences for the purpose of enhancing their abilities to fill their respective roles within the Town government. Included in this budget is $5,000 for the annual Arizona Cities and Towns League conference which is attended by the Council and some staff;$1,000 for the annual Council retreat;and $2,600 for the Town Manager to attend the annual International City Management Association (ICMA) and the Arizona City Management Association (ACMA) conferences. The remaining $3,400 includes the annual International Institute of Municipal Clerks conference,the Arizona Municipal Clerk's Association conference,AMMRP loss control conferences and other work shops that occur during the year. Request $12,000 Education/Training: One of the goals stated in the Administration Department's mission statement is to deliver the finest municipal services to ensure thequality of lifefor Fountain Hills residents. Providing the Townstaff with continued education and training isone way to achieve this goal. The proposed budget includes $3,300 for tuition reimbursement for employees who successfully complete approved, career related classes at a local university. Also included is $4,200 for speakers and educational presentations at the monthly staff support meetings; $1,500 for supervisory train ing;$1,800 for specialized Human Resource related training;$2,200 for software,clerical and personal skills training; $1,500 for continuing education for the accountants;and $1,000 for miscellaneous workshops offered throughout the year. Request $15,500 Dues &Publications: Most of the items included under dues and publications are annual renewals of professional/ municipal memberships,publications/periodicals and updated reference/resource materials. The largest dollar items include the following Town memberships:$4,820 for the Arizona League of Cities and Towns; $1,500 for MAG (Maricopa Association of Governments);$2,000 for ICMA {International City Manager's Assoeiation);-and $2,500 for Human Resource reference materials and periodicals.The remaining $5,300 includes the Chamber of Commerce member ship, two memberships to the IIMC and the Arizona Municipal Clerk's Association,the cost to update the law library, state procurement and miscellaneous publications such as BASIC,FLSA Handbook,Thomas Register. Request $16,200 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-16 Travel: This line item includes travel expenditures associated with the various conferences included in the budget as well as mileage reimbursement for the use of personal vehicles. It also includes expenditures associated with visiting dignitaries and associates. Request $4,000 Gas &Oil: This line item includes funds to purchase gas and oil for the Town Manager's car. Request $2,000 Office Supplies: Included under the office supply heading are a vast array of items ranging from office furniture and copy paper to the employee recognition/anniversary program. In previous years, purchases such as filing cabinets,desks,chairs,and some software programs valued at $500 or more were considered capital outlay and were tracked through asset inventory.Accounting standards dic tated the decision to increase the capitalization threshold to $1,000. This change contributed to the diversity and size of the office supply line item. Some of the larger dollar items included in this request are:$3,600 for office furniture (new positions,3 filing cabinets,marker boards for small conference room, metal shelving Admin. Storage, 2 bookshelves); $4,500 for copy paper; $2,500 for employee recognition/ anniversary program; $8,000 for fax/copier/printer/postage supplies; $8,500 for office supplies; and $2,500 for volunteer recognition program. The remaining $5,400 includes the following items: flags, Council recognition program,annual holiday party and picnic, water service, laser printer drums, coffee and paper goods,and interior signage. Request $35,000 Postage: The postage line item includes $12,000 for the meter refill; $4,800 for the meter rental fee; and $2,000 for-miscellaneous postage.-TheTown currently expends-an average of $972 per month on postage for all departments. Request $18,800 Printing: Printingexpenditures include $5,500for forms, requisitions, business licenses, letterhead, busi- 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-17 c nesscards,etc.;$2,300forthebudgetand CAFR;and$1,000for miscellaneous projects.Print ingcosts are expected to be twice as high as last year due to the change in the Town's areacode and the subsequent reprinting expense. Request $8,800 Bank Charges: This line item is for bank charges associated with insufficient fund checks.Individuals are charged a fee for checks returned to the Town for insufficient funds. Request $500 Rent Expense: This expenditure is for Town Hall,Buildings A, B and C. Due to negotiations for the Parks and Recreation space in Building A last year, the Town did not incur the annual four percent in crease which was to be effective November 1,1998.The current rate has been used to calculate the anticipated rental expense for the entire FY '99-00.The rent expense will increase from $13,235.88per month to approximately$17,700 on February 1when the Townacceptsfinan cial responsibility for the library. The Town is reimbursed approximately $15,000 in rental fees from Maricopa County Sheriff's Department and Department of Public Safety for the space they occupy in Building B. Request $181,200 Electricity: The Town currently reimburses MCO Properties for electricity usage based on the square foot age occupied by Town Hall in Buildings A, B and C. When the Town assumes responsibility for the library space on February 1,2000,electricity expense will increase proportionately. If MCO Properties continues to lease space in Building A,electricity expense in that building will remain approximately the same. If they do not, this expense could increase for Building A depending on the lease negotiations.This budget reflects a "worst case scenario"amount of $100,700, with the Town assuming the full electrical expense for the remainder of Buildings C and A on February 1. If Building A remains only a partial responsibility,the amount will be closer to $86,000. Request $100,700 Water/Sewer: This budget includes a line item for water and sewer in the event the Town assumes responsibil ity for these expenses on February 1.Based on current bills for these utilities,an amount of 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Administration Page 11-18 REVISED $2,800 has been included for water and $1,700 for sewer for a period of five months.A ten- percent increase was factored into the sewer fees to allow for the expected raise in Sanitary District fees after July 1. Request $4,500 Communication Expense: Communication expenditures include the monthly line charges for the Town, the Community Center, the Street Department and Golden Eagle Park. Also included are long distance service charges, pager fees, monthly portable radio charges and the frame relay charge for the Internet connection. These items now appear in the Information Technology budget. Liability Insurance: In FY '98-99 the Town received a renewal credit of $29,110 from the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool (AMRRP).This credit was a return of surplus due to a favorable,membership- wide loss control ratio. The credit reduced the actual cost of the premium from $179,414 to $150,304. The premium for FY '99-00 will be approximately $210,000. This is an increase of $30,000 or 17%over last year.The increase is primarily due to the increase in ratable expenditures includ ing salaries and benefits (employee population),repairs &maintenance costs,supplies & ser vices costs,and vehicles and equipment.The Town's loss ratio also contributes to the increased premium. This ratio is calculated on the total dollars paid out in losses versus the total premi ums paid.Over the past four years, the Town's loss ratio is 69.9%.One additional factor impacting the premium is the Town's intent to increase the excess limit of coverage from $5 million to $8 million. The insurance premium is allocated to the General Fund (65%) and the HURF Fund (35%). Included in this budget is an amount of $136,500 to provide for the General Fund portion of the premium and $2,000 for miscellaneous endorsements such as fireworks and new equipment. Request $138,500 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Administration Page11-19 c X^ggjX REVISED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay -Furniture/Equipment: In the FY '98-99 budget,the Countil approved a $60,000 expenditure to install a portable emergency powersysteminBuildingB. Sincethisprojectwillnotbecompletedinthecurrent fiscal year and no funds have been expended, the request has been extended to the 1999/00 budget. Request $60,000 Capital Outlay -Computers &Communications These items are located in the Information Technologybudget. Capital Outlay -Improvements -Town Hall Fromacapitaloutlay standpoint,FY '99-00 isbeing viewed as a "status quo" year. Themaster lease with MCO Properties and Dr. Lukenda terminates on February 1,2000 bringing about a transition for the facility operations of Town Hall. As additional assessments are made,cost comparisons concluded and negotiations finalized,the future location of Town Hall will be decided.Duringthistime,itwouldbebeneficialfortheTowntocontinueleasingthe buildings directlyfrom Dr.Lukenda on a short-term basis. Provisions have been made in this budgetto satisfy this arrangement. Until a final determination has been made regarding Town Hall's future, no major capital ex pendituresare planned. A few minor projects identified include moving the computer network room to Building B. The auxiliary power system will soon be installed in Building B, making that facility the emergency center for the Town. It is advisable to move the Town's computer network to a location where its security, safety and uninterrupted operation would be insured. One wall of the old network room would be removed and minor remodeling done to the space to expand the drafting/CAD technicians area which is currently no wider than a hallway. Addi tionally,Community Development has requested to move the wall between the Director and Planning Technician's office and remove the wall between the Director's office and the file room.The cost for these alterations should not exceed $12,700. A final capital improvement request would complete a portion of the ADA survey performed by the Town Chief Building Official.Last year, the installation of ADA exterior signage was included in the budget.Due to the higher cost of some of the other ADA upgrades,the signage was not done. The estimated cost for this upgrade is $2,000. Request $14,700 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Administration Page 11-20 REVISED Special Requests: Staffreceived arequest toconsider and include covered parking andlighting for Plat 208inthe FY '99-00 budget. A copy of the request can be found in Appendix L.Unless direction is received from the Council on this request, no funds will be allocated to this project in this budget. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-21 REVISED ADMINISTRATION 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Kev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages 317,230 455,100 465,000 539,700 FICA 6,123 9,600 9,300 11,400 Unemployment Insurance 829 1,600 1,000 1,000 Employee's Health Insurance 18,231 26,300 24,000 33,600 Employee's Life Insurance 490 900 650 1,000 Employee's Dental Insurance 4,182 6,100 5,550 8,300 Employee's Eye Insurance 757 1,300 1,010 1,600 Worker's Compensation Insurance 904 1,200 1,300 1,300 Employee's Retirement Fund 27,530 38,800 40,000 52,800 Disability Insurance 1,663 2,100 2,225 2,800 TOTAL $377,939 $543,000 $550,035 $653,500 CONTRACT SERVICES Accounting Fees 6,434 10,500 6,450 8300 Professional/Outside Services 32,524 38,500 40,200 128,400 IGA's (School District)30,200 30,200 30,200 30,200 Legal Fees 174,060 206,000 225,000 212,800 Jail/Prisoner Fees 21,178 30,000 27,000 30,000 Community Benefit Programs 80,145 80,000 80,150 80,000 Chamber of Commerce 3,712 5,300 3,712 44300 Civil Defense 1,108 2,500 1,108 1300 Red Cross Transportation 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,600 Public Transit /RPTA 27,187 30,000 27,187 31,400 Mayors Council Business Growth 25,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 McDowell Mtn Preservation 2,765 45,500 5,000 27,500 Drug Rehabilitation Counseling 50,000 45,466 42,000 66,000 Senior Center Services 0 0 0 21,200 Holiday Lighting 0 0 0 25,000 TOTAL $474,313 $568,966 $533,007 $757,200 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Administration Page 11-22 c REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance Building Repairs &Maintenance Office Equipment Repairs TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues &Publications Travel Gas &Oil Office Supplies Postage Printing Bank Charges Rent Expense Electricity Water/Sewer Communication Expense Liability Insurance TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Furniture/Equip Capital Outlay-Computers Capital Improvements-Town Hall Capital Improvements-Kiwanis TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget REVISED 160 700 200 1,500 44,473 71,600 50,000 117,600 10,959 22,800 15,000 20,900 J55392 $95*100 $65,200 $140,000 7,288 20,000 10,000 15,000 8,465 15,100 10,000 12,000 4,230 12,900 8,000 15,500 13,661 15,400 15,400 16,200 1,744 1,500 2,400 4,000 474 1,200 700 2,000 23,171 40,000 27,000 35,000 9,625 13,500 14,000 18,800 2,472 5,300 3,000 8,800 438 0 500 500 98,439 161,600 136,900 181,200 39,751 68,000 52,200 100,700 323 2,000 500 4,500 25,000 32,100 32,100 0 83,422 99,700 108,000 138,500 $318,503 $488300 $420,700 $552,700 20,299 4,534 22,058 24,564 192,000 4,534 78,950 40,000 150,000 4,534 30,000 24,600 60,000 0 14,700 0 $71,455 $315,484 $209,134 $74,700 $1,297,802 $2,010,850 $1,778,076 $2,178,100 Town of Fountain Hills -Administration Page 11-23 BUILDING SAFETY Jeffrey Valder Community DevelopmentDirector 1 Patrick Davis ChiefBuildingOfficial 1 1 Jeffrey Sterling Senior Building Inspector Dale McKendrick SeniorBuildingInspector 1 Jason Lindsey Building Inspector Michael Stevens Senior Plans Checker 1 Lari Bratcher BuildingPermit Technician Sandie Howes BuildingPermit Technician Michael Ciccarone Building Department Clerk MISSION STATEMENT: The Building Safety Department is dedicated to providing the highest quality construction permitting,planreview,andbuildinginspectionservicesinaresponsiveandfriendly manner. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The Building Safety Department processes applications for permits to construct buildings, fences, pools, and anyother structures. The Department serves as a receiving and processing center for interdepartmental review of these plans and provides a certified residential plans examiner and four certified field inspectors to assure compliance with the Town's adopted building codes. The Building Safety Department issues numerous reports concerning build ing activity to other public agencies. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In the first ten months of FY '98-99,the Building Safety Department accomplished the fol lowing: •Reviewed 1,259 building plans. • Performed over 11,500 commercial and residential building inspections. •Provided technical assistance in the design and construction of Four Peaks Neighborhood Park. •Continued the scanning of all archived site plans into electronic format. •Implemented an automated building permit system to better enhance customer service and reduce paper work. •Experienced no workmen's'compensation related losses to date. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Building Safety Page 12-1 \s^^/ c \sSj8jgjjBlK 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: • Providethestaffwitheducationalopportunitiestobestservethe community withthehigh est level of expertise in the building safety field. • Provide a highly trained and qualified team of plan examiners, building inspectors and building permit technicians. • Provide the Department with the latest electronic information storage and retrieval system. •Reduce the massive storage facilities presently utilized by the Department. •Maintain high workplace safety standards in the field and in the office. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Perform first review plan reviews within 10 working days, and subsequent plan reviews in 5 working days. •Identify all plan review concerns in the first review. •Perform all requested inspections within 24 hours. • Provide a customer friendly environment for citizens to access the services of the Depart ment and process the needed applications. •Complete the CD-ROM scanning of building permits and site plans of all building permits over one-year old. • Put all of the remaining MCO Committee of Architecture files on CD-ROM. •Respond to all citizens inquires within the same working day. PERSONNEL SERVICES: The Building Safety Department has evolved into an eight-person department under the super vision of the Community Development Director.There is a Chief Building Official,three Building Inspectors,a Residential Plans Examiner and three counter personnel.The expertise of the entire department is increasing through continued education and cross-training. No per sonnel additions are proposed in FY '99-00. PROFESSIONAL FEES: The level of commercial activity in Fountain Hills is not sufficient to justify a commercial plans examiner. When commercial building .plans are.submitted for review, or when the residential plancheckor inspection loadexceedstheDepartment'sabilitytomaintainits turn-around goals, outside consulting firms are utilized. The Town currently has contracts with Willdan Associ ates, G.P.Engineering,PC,and Kelly P.Reynolds and Associates. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Building Safety Page12-2 c The Building Safety Department anticipates the review of a nursing home, commercial build ingsin the TownCenterI plat, FireRockCountryClub, PhaseII of the SouthwestInn atEagle Mountain, the possible "Target" commercial development, continued development in Plat 208, the new Community Center, and the new Library. In addition to the outside plan check and inspection services, the Building Safety Department needs to continue scanning its inactive permit files and Committee of Architecture records. This request includes$125,000for outsideplan checkfees and $5,000for record scanning. Request $130,000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance: The Building Safety Department has a fleet of five trucks.Funding is requested for regular service and maintenance of these vehicles. There is also an amount for unanticipated repairs. Request $3,500 Equipment Repairs and Maintenance: These funds are budgeted to repair and maintain various types of office and field equipment used by the Department. Request $500 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Advertising/Signage: This line item covers the costs of publishing code modifications and advertising possible job openings. Request $500 Conferences: Conferences consist of the International Conference of Building Officials and the in-state con ferences for the Building Safety Department personnel. These conferences are where code modifications.are.discussed andxontinuingxducation is provided. Request $3,000 Continuing Education: Insurance rates in the Town are partly determined by the amount of certification and continuing education receivedby the Building Inspectors. The first objective in FY '99-00 is to "Provide 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills • Building Safety Page12-3 \^0p/ staff educational opportunities to best servethe community withthehighestlevelof expertise in the communitydevelopmentfield." The InsuranceServices Officewill again be ratingthe BuildingSafetyDepartment in April 1999. ISO isnowratingbuilding departmentseverythree years nationwide via their "Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule"(BCEGS) which is intended to measure a "community's commitment to code enforcement."This greater level of measuredcommitment results in lower insurance premiums due to decreased anticipated losses in the event of a claim. Some areas of the country are receiving a 13 percent reduction in insurance costs for their commitment to code enforcement.One criteria which accounts for 26.5percent of a department's overall rating is based on the following factors: continuing edu cation, training,professional certifications and participation in code development activities. ISO BCEGS requires at least 2 percent of a department's total overall budget be allocated to ward the training of code enforcement personnel.The expenditures in conferences,travel, and continuing education will meet this requirement.Additionally,inspectors need to be trained in the use of computer software this fiscal year. Request $4,000 Dues and Publications: Included in this line item are dues for the International Conference of Building Officials,Inter national Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI),and local chapter dues for all four building inspectors.The 1997 codes will need to be purchased. Request $2,300 Gas and Oil: Gas and oil for the five trucks,including the bi-fuel vehicle,are included. Request $5,500 Office Supplies: On-going office supplies are included in this line item. Request $5,000 Tools and Shop Supplies: This line item includes testing tools for the building inspectors.The levels needed to check the slope for handicapped accessibility ramps cost approximately $100. Pressure gauges, tape measures, electrical testing equipment,etc. require periodic replacement. Request $600 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Building Safety Page12-4 Printing: Printingconsists of the building permit applications, inspection forms, stop workforms, etc. Request $1,000 Communication Expense: Thefourbuildinginspectorsusecellular telephonestocommunicate withcontractors,property owners, and other members of the Town staff. This line item requests funds for the monthly telephone costs. Request $8,500 Travel: This item includes travel to and from conferences,seminars and other continuing education classes.Due to increased training requirements,this line item was increased. Request $1,500 Uniforms: The uniform shirts worn by the front counter staff present a professional image.This budget includes replacement costs for these shirts.Rain gear,uniform shirts,hard hats, and safety shoes worn by the inspectors also require periodic replacement to maintain the professional appearance of the inspectors.It has also been suggested that uniforms would enhance the professional appearance of the inspectors. Request $1,800 FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000: The Building Safety Department will process various building permit applications and perform inspections on approximately 2,500 building sites. Most of the Department's activity will be concentrated in the developing portions of SunRidge Canyon,Westridge Village, Westridge Estates, recently approved Lakeside projects, and development within Eagle Mountain. The Building Safety Department does not expect a significant decline in building activity. The FireRock County Club Development will begin construction of model homes and clubhouse facility during this fiscal year. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Building Safety Page12-5 BUILDING SAFETY SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages FICA Unemployment Insurance Employee's Health Insurance Employee's Life Insurance Employee's Dental Insurance Employee's Eye Insurance Worker's Compensation Insurance Employee's Retirement Fund Disability Insurance TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Professional Fees TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance Equipment Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues &Publications Gas &Oil Office Supplies Tools, Shop Supplies Printing Communications Expense Travel Uniforms TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 1998-99 1997-98 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev. Estimate Budget 210,190 303,300 306,100 322,900 3,065 4,450 4,450 4,710 576 1,030 600 560 12,096 18,380 16,500 19,000 336 720 500 720 2,675 4,770 3,600 4,420 588 1,010 800 1,010 897 2,720 1,000 2,890 19,830 28,810 28,950 35,520 1,227 1,520 1,700 1,870 $251,480 $366,710 $364,200 $393,600 116,278 140,000 125,000 130,000 $116,278 $140,000 $125,000 $130,000 2,217 2,900 2,500 3,500 0 1,000 0 500 $2,217 $3,900 $2,500 $4,000 0 500 0 500 2,236 2,000 2,250 3,000 520 8,000 1,000 4,000 1,700 1,600 2,000 2,300 3,652 5,500 4,000 5,500 2,769 5,000 3,000 5,000 469 0 500 600 1,445 1,000 1,500 1,000 6,649 7,000 7,500 8,500 840 750 1,100 1,500 261 1,800 1,000 1,800 $20,541 $0 $390,516 $33450 $0 $543,760 Town of Fountain Hills -Building Safety $23,850 $0 $515,550 $33,700 $0 $561,300 Page 12-6 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jeffrey Valder Community Development Director i 1 i Geir Sverdrup Senior Planner Dana Burkhardt Planner Joan Blankenship PlanningTechnician MISSION STATEMENT: The Community Development Department isdedicated toenhancing the quality of life inFoun tain Hills through innovative planning techniques and exceptional customer service provided in a professional and timely manner. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The Community Development Department processes applications for General Plan amend ments, area specific plans,special use permits,rezonings,subdivisions,variances,and other land use matters. The Department provides staff support to the Town Council,the Planning and Zoning Commission,the Board of Adjustment,and the McDowell Mountain Preservation Com mission.Other service areas are census,recycling programs,and code enforcement. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In the first ten months of FY '98-99,the Community Development Department accomplished the following: •Processed 16 subdivision applications to plat 713 lots. •Processed 9 subdivision replat applications that affected 17 lots. •Processed/processing 19 condominium applications for 172 units. • Prepared ordinances and provided staff and Commission reports on 21 rezoning applica tions,which included 16 Zoning Ordinance text amendments. •Reviewed over 1,400 building plans. •Processed 7 special use permit applications. •Processed 10 temporary use permit application. •Processed the General Plan amendment for the area southwest of the Shea and Saguaro intersection. • Provided extensive support to the Town Manager regarding negotiations on the Eagles Nest and Eagle Ridge North development areas. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Community Development Page 13-1 \pjgjjipdr • Assisted the Town Attorney in annexing the Crestview area. •Assisted in the acquisition and use of computerized slope and view shed analysis software for the Town. •Developed the Town Center Commercial Zoning District,associated design guidelines,and assisted in the development of a conceptual land use plan for the Town center. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: Complete the preliminary plat for Eagles Nest and Eagles Ridge North,identifying areas of the McDowell Mountains that property owners are willing to dedicate to preservation. Determine,through the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission,the community's desire to acquire the McDowell Mountains. Identify the diversity of housing desired in the community while encouraging fair share equal housing opportunities. Identify attractive sites,develop and implement ordinances to encourage greater hospitality industry development. Complete the revisions of the update of the General Plan to fulfill the goals and objectives of the community. Provide staff educational opportunities to best serve the community with the highest level of expertise in the community development field. Continue developing a Geographic Information System ("GIS")for the Town. Continue commercial sign code enforcement as desired by the Town Council. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Perform first review plan checks within 10working days and subsequent plan reviews in 5 working days. Identify all plan review concerns in the first check. Provide a customer friendly environment for citizens to access the services of the Depart ment and process the needed applications. Providethorough subdivisiontechnical reviewcomments at the SubdivisionTechnicalRe view Committee meetings. Provide-clearand objeGtive-staff recommendations-to the-Town Council andthe appropriate advisory commissions. Respondto all citizen inquirieswithin the same working day. Treat all people with the utmost respect. Keep the Council and appropriate commissions informed of new Supreme Court rulings concerning land use matters. 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Community Development Page 13-2 • Provideeducationalopportunitiesto allCouncil members,commissionersand staffon per tinent and evolving land use matters. •Identify and correct any and all land use ordinance conflicts. • Help to assure that the Council approved ordinances are upheld within the Town. PERSONNEL SERVICES: As shown inthe organizational chart, there are four employees inthe Community Development Department.No personnel additions are proposed in FY '99-00. Professional Fees: In the planning process,the Community Development Department occasionally needs profes sional services beyond the expertise or time availability of the "in-house"staff. Such services include,but are not limited to, a planning consultant or a geographic information system expert. Request $6,000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance: The Community Development Department has one vehicle,a 1991 Chevrolet Corsica.This vehicle has low mileage and is running reasonably well.Staff may request its replacement in FY '00-01.The money budgeted is precautionary and not for any known repair or modifica tion. Request $1,500 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Advertising/Signage: To provide public participation opportunities from a cross section of the community and con form to State Law, funds must be budgeted to advertise in The Times ofFountainHills and post sites prior to all public hearings for rezonings, area specific plans, special use permits and variance requests. Even though fees are required for these activities, the expenditures are still chargedtotheCommunityDevelopment Department budget.Towninitiatedtextzoningamend ments are also charged to the-Community Development Department budget. Publication costs depend on the size of the advertisement. Staff expects a large advertisingbudget inFY '99-00 due to the public notice advertising costs associated with the General Plan revisions. Public participation is greatly encouraged. Request $20,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Community Development Page13-3 Conferences: Conferences include funds for two staff members to attend the National American Planning Association ConferenceinApril2000andfor staffto attendthe ArizonaPlanning Association Conference in October 1999.The in-state conference is for interested Planning and Zoning Commission members and Community Development Department staff. Request $7,000 Education/Training: A FY '99-00 objective reads:"Provide staff educational opportunities to best serve the com munity with the highest level of expertise in the community development field." The Arizona Department of Commerce,the Arizona Planning Association,the Urban Land Institute and other organizations conduct meaningful education seminars on land use practices, new laws, and recent case laws to help keep the planning staff and commissioners up to date. Training in database design and management isalsoproposed to coincide withthe continuing development of the Geographic Information System. Request $3,000 Dues and Publications: Dues are included for the American Planning Association for all Department staff members. Dues for the American Institute of Certified Planners for two certified,professional planners are included also. The Department also subscribes to several land use oriented publications. Request $3,000 Gas and Oil: Gas and oil for the Corsica are included. Request $1,000 Office Supplies: This line item includes on-going office supplies,including the replacement of worn or damaged office furniture and the addition of a storage cabinet within the department. Request $5,000 Printing: Printing consists of the General Plan Update and additional copies of the General Plan, Subdi vision Ordinance,and Zoning Ordinance. Request $5,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Community Development Page 13-4 Communication Expense: The Department will purchase a cellular phone for staff use when they are working in the field. This item does not include the phone,but does include all anticipated air-time costs for the year. Request $250 Travel: Travel expenses to and from conferences and seminars are included. Request $2,500 FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000: The Community Development Department anticipates processing continuing applications for the FireRock Country Club parcels, Eagle Ridge North, Eagles Nest and Crestview develop ments. The Department also has goals of completing a Growing Smarter-compliant General Plan update and further development of a Geographic Information System for the Town. 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Community Development Page 13-5 \**y COMVftMIYBEVELCfMENT 301/9?199&-99 1998-99 1999-2000 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wfcges 121,458 197,700 167,500 177,600 HCA 2,693 2,890 3,350 2,600 Unenployrrent Insurance 295 640 300 350 Employee's Ffealth Insurance 7,931 14,380 11,025 13,400 Employee's LifeInsurance 165 360 250 360 Employee's Dental Insurance 1,705 3,440 2,350 3,030 Employee's EyeInsurance 342 700 500 630 Worker's Compensation Insurance 148 470 200 430 Employee's Retirement Fund 9,994 18,780 14,500 19,540 Disability Insurance 559 990 800 1,030 TOTAL $145£90 $240350 $200,775 $218^970 Professional Fees $1,569 6,000 1,600 6,000 TOTAL $L5®$6,000 $1,600 $6,000 REPAIRS &MAINIENANCE: Vehicle Repairs &iVraintenance 233 1,500 300 1,500 TOTAL $233 $L500 $300 $L500 SUPPLIES &SERVKES: Advertising/Signage 15,972 28,000 18,000 20,000 Conferences 200 3,500 2,400 7,000 Edtcatior/Training 1,189 1,000 1,500 3,000 Dues &F\iblications 2,977 2#»3,300 3,000 Gas&Ol 227 500 400 1,000 Office Supplies 2,616 4,200 3,000 5,000 FYinting 2214 3,000 2^00 5,000 Gorrirunication 0 0 0 250 Travel 1,153 2,000 1,300 2^00 TOTAL $26&»$M^00 $32^100 $46,7® CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL CAFTTALEXPENDITURES $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTALEXPENDTIURES $173,640 $292£S0 $235,075 $273£20 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Community Development Page 13-6 j_ Field Operations Todd Tate Supervisor Adrian Davis/ Greg Scblosser School Resources Arlena Mannila Animal Control ElvinVelez Code Enforcement TOWN MARSHAL Investigative Services Ken Martinez Supervisor Ted Lamer Gang Supression Tony Tate Court and Warrants Matt Miller Special Projects Steve Gendler Public Safety Director Community Services Ron Lemon Supervisor Lou Lombari Youth Services Susan Finley Crime Prevention Reserve Volunteers Administrative Services Mary Scblosser Supervisor Dispatch Services Batista.Szerlag. Dawlabam. McCay.McElmeel Civilian Volunteers Contract Services MCSO Statute Enforcement Maricopa County Kennel Services Arizona DPS ACJ1S/RMIN/ Lab Scottsdale Jail Services MISSION STATEMENT: The Public Safety Department is dedicated to creating a safe and secure environment for town residentsthrough voluntary compliance with statutes and codes, impartialresolutionof neigh borhood disputes,acommitmentto"qualityoflife"issuesandtimelylaw enforcement services. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: Lawenforcementservices areprovidedthrough aunique combination offulltimeofficers,vol unteers and contracted services from the Maricopa County Sheriff. Public Safety personnel handle "quality oflife"issuessuchascode enforcement,crime prevention,special events,and community services."Lifeand death"issues suchas criminal investigations and traffic enforce ment are provided in conjunction with the County Sheriffundera contract administered bythe Public Safety Director. 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Town Marshal Page 14-1 c \i$^*/' 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: In the first ten months of FY'98-99, the Department accomplished the following: • Received $575,000 in state and federal grants for crime prevention, traffic safety,gangeradi cation,and youth programs. •Handled 1,229 ordinance and zoning complaints closing 87% to the residents'satisfaction within 30 days of receipt. •Recruited,selected and trained five new dispatchers to establish a 24-hour dispatch service. •Selected and trained four new reserve volunteers and had three members of the Marshals Reserve program complete the police academy. • Logged 1,252hours of volunteer time through the reserve program saving the community $17,089 in law enforcement salary costs. •Issued 1,587dog licenses,representing a 15%increase over last year and more than $14,300 in revenue for the Town. • Handled 164incidents atthe high school and middle school including drugs, weapons, alco hol,assaults,disorderly conduct and truancy violations. • Took action in 270 law enforcement service calls,including assistance at accident scenes, felony arrests,juvenile disturbance situations,criminal damage reports, drug arrests, traffic related detentions, and warrant service. This represents a 29% increase over last year. • Provided traffic, security and parking services at special events authorized by the Town Council including the Great Fair, Concerts in the Park, Egg Scramble, Soap Box Derby, Family Fest, July 4th Fireworks, Fall Festival, Thanksgiving Parade, TurkeyTrotRace,and Holiday Lighting of the Avenue. • Sponsored and presented a wide variety of community service programs including weekly participation in the Midnight Madness Program,Kid-Care Identification Program, "No to Drugs/Bowling"Program,and "Stranger-Danger"presentations at the local day care cen ters,bicycle safety inspections,and licensing programs. •Promoted crime prevention through awide variety of community programs including ananti- graffiti campaign,public service articles on crime resistance techniques,vacation watches, business security evaluations,bicycle patrols, elderly welfare checks, park security pro grams,and residential risk analysis. •Received an_exemplary.rating in each of the .quarterly Arizona Police Office Standards and Training Boards audits and became a participating law enforcement agency with the Rocky Mountain Information System. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: •Improve clearance rates on ordinance and zoning violations to at least 85% based on the 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Town Marshal Page14-2 criteria of handling complaints to the resident's satisfaction within 30 days of receipt. • Reduce crimes against property by at lease 5% through an aggressive crime prevention and public information effort. • Continue to save the law enforcement salary expenses by recruiting, selecting and training at least 4 qualified volunteers for the reserve program.Place an emphasis on completion of application packages,qualificationappraisalboards,backgroundinvestigations,polygraphs, physical agility testing,medical examinations,and psychological tests. • Promote safety and security on the high school and middle school campuses through the school resource program.Achieve at least a 5%annual decrease in the number of criminal incidents on both campus locations. • Have at least three qualified volunteers from the reserve program graduate from the police academy. • Provide Fountain Hills with a minimum staffing level of 1.5 officers per 1000 residents using grant funding and the combined forces of the Marshals program and the Sheriff's con tract services. • Develop andimplementanorganized trafficsafetyprogramfor the community emphasizing engineering,enforcement,and education. • Increase dog licenses by at lease 5% through an aggressive program of public information and enforcement.Licensing is important because it ensures that the dogs have been vacci nated for rabies and other diseases.Unlicensed dogs represent a threat to the health and welfare of the community. • Sponsor,participate, or present youth oriented community service programs during the up coming year including,but not limited to;midnight madness,Kid-Care Identification,"No to Drugs/Bowling"programs,bike registration,and "stranger-danger"in day care centers. • Obtain at least "Class C" AJCIS criminal history access certification for all uniformed per sonnel. •Implement "direct access"capability for all uniformed personnel,both full time and volun teer,so that they may enter case information directly into the Department database aspart of the computerized,report writing program. • Continue the commitment and effort toupgrade the Department fleet through purchase oflow maintenance.patrol vehicles. • Upgrade the dispatch center to facilitate service and support all frequencies used by depart ments in Town government.This is a critical component of the Department's emergency response plan. •Promote public visibility,accessibility,and community relations through clearly marked cars and high profile uniformed personnel. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Town Marshal Page14-3 \%g^/ HijSjgipjiK •Reduce Town liability from law enforcement operations through an aggressive in-service trainingprogramforDepartmentpersonnel. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: • All Department members will subscribe tothe principles of community based policing. • Thepublicwillbetreatedwithcourtesyandrespectbyallmembersofthe Department. •Clearance rates for ordinance and zoning code violations will be based on closing a case to the satisfaction of the complainant within 30 days of receipt. •Acknowledgement of all ordinance and zoning complaints,as well as assignment to an in vestigating officer, within one working day of receipt. • All uniformed personnel in the Department will have at least "Class C" ACJIS certification for access to the criminal history files. • All certified personnel in the Department will meet, or exceed,AZ-POST annual training requirements as a means of reducing liability. •Notification on dog license renewals will be given to all animal owners at least 30 days before expiration. •Selection of all civilian volunteers will be based on a three-part process involving an appli cation package, interview, and background investigation. •Selection of all uniformed volunteers will be based on an eight-part process including an application package, written exercise,qualification appraisal board, background investiga tion, polygraph, physical agility test, medical exam, and a psychological exam. • In order to encourage community volunteers,the Department will continue to provide all equipment, supplies and training at no expense to the individual volunteer. PERSONNEL SERVICES: While the Department is not seeking any new positions in this fiscal year, two grant-funded positionsapproved inFY '98-99 willbe filled inFY '99-00. The JusticeDepartment grant pays 75% of the total personnel cost for each of these positions. The Town's portion is $9,400 per officer. Request $18,800 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Town Marshal Page 14-4 CONTRACT SERVICES: One of the primary objectives of the Department is to provide for public safety.The Depart ment uses a national standard of 1.5 officers per 1,000 residents on the theory that popula tion drives the demand for law enforcement services.Based on population estimates,Foun tain Hills fields a combined force of 30 law enforcement officers including 16 under a MCSO's contract.While no increase is sought in the level of contract services,the cost of maintaining the current contract reflects an increase over last year because the contract period this year covers 12 months at the 3.0 beat level rather than 10 months in last year's budget. Request $1,384,000 Recruitment Costs: This category contains costs relating to reserve volunteers,certified officers,and civilian personnel. All candidates go through an extensive recruitment and selection process that costs $852per individual.Duringlast fiscal year,the Departmentreceivedgrant funding for two additional officers that will be hired in the upcoming fiscal year. This,combined with vacancies in the reserve program, will result in the need for five positions to be filled in the upcoming fiscal year at a cost of $4,260. In addition to selection costs, Department policy requires random drug testing.Monthly random tests at $25 each will cost $300. Request $4,560 Repairs and Maintenance: ThiscategoryreferstoexpensesrelatingtotheDepartment vehiclefleet.The requestforFY '99-00 represents a decrease from last year based on the projected addition of two low maintenance vehicles. By annually upgrading the fleet with newer vehicles, operating de mands on older vehicles are reduced with an accompanying reduction in maintenance costs. Maintenance costs are further reduced due to warranty provisions on newer vehicles. The request is predicated on actual invoice costs and repair information maintained by theTown Mechanic under the fleet records system. Request $13,350 Advertising and Promotion: This category supports costs associated with Department recruitment and promotion of com munity service programs.These expenditures support three of the original Council man dates given when the Department was established:maintaining high visibility,promoting community policing,and recruiting a qualified reserve force. The FY '99-00 request pro- 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Town Marshal Page 14-5 \%|ilrr vides funding for the service recognition program, awards program,crime prevention pro gram, and community youth programs that are all outlined in Department policies. The ad vertisingexpenses relate tofilling officer,reserve, andcivilian positions anticipated through grant funding and normal attrition. Request $6,570 Conferences: Conferences allow the opportunity to learn of grant availability,alternate funding sources, material resources,innovative programs, liability reduction possibilities and the satisfac tion oftraining requirements and state mandates. Conferences during FY '99-00 includethe annual International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Law Enforcement Coordinating Council, the FBI National Academy Training Conference,and Az-POST sponsored semi nars. The Town's Public Safety Director will be serving as President of the Arizona Police ChiefsAssociation, the Az-POSTRulesCommittee, and the Arizona CommunityPolicing InstituteExecutive Board makingattendancemandatory atscheduled meetings andconfer ences. Request $2,560 Continuing Education: Liability reduction is one of the Department's basic objectives and training is an essential element in this effort. Training requirements increase every year due to changes in local, stateandfederal laws.The FY '99-00 fundingrequest incorporates alllevels oftrainingfor communityserviceofficers,certifiedofficers,andfull-time officerscurrently employedby the Department.The Department training program,outlined in written policy, includes 40 hoursof basic training for non-certifiedofficers,24 hours of Az-POST in-servicetraining required for certified officers,three firearms qualification sessions,and law enforcement certification requirements for officers in the academy. Request $5,250 Rabies and Animal Control: One of theprimary responsibilities of theDepartment is animal control. This category con tains the funding for County kennel fees and local veterinary hospitals when animals are picked up in Fountain Hills.Under the animal control program,licensed dogs are returned to their owners and unlicensed animals are transported to the County kennel in Mesa. Li censed dogs are kenneled overnight for $10 at the local veterinary hospital if the owner is unavailable.Unlicensed dogs cost $7 per day plus euthanasia costs if unclaimed after three 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Town Marshal Page14-6 x^*^ days orifa Fountain Hills resident drops offan animal atthe County kennel.When dog bites occur,theDepartmentisrequiredtoquarantinetheanimalfortendays. TheDepartmentis averaging 8.3straysand 1.4dogbitesituationspermonth.Quarantinecostsand kennel fees account for 88% of this request with animal control and licensing constituting 12%. Request $4,350 Dues and Publications: Dues are paid to various professional organizations on behalf of full time personnel in the Department. Most of these organizations provide a journal and other publications necessary to keep staff current on legal decisions and procedural changes.Included are renewals for animal control subscriptions,crime prevention publications,and the local newspaper.The most important publication the Department will order in FY '99-00 is the "Arizona Crimi nal and Traffic Manual"which is an essential part of the training program. Request $1,960 Gasoline and Oil: The Department fuel request is based on actual costs,carefully tracked and documented on the vehicle maintenance system.The Department fleet consists of ten vehicles with two additional vehicles anticipated late in the fiscal year.Department vehicles average 12.7 mpg and are operated an average of 7,502 miles per month. Fuel projections are based on the purchase of 7,087 gallons at 1.57 per gallon. Request $11,150 Office Supplies: Office supplies are essential to meeting statutory and contract requirements as well as daily operations.As the host law enforcement agency in "Building B" of the Town office com plex, the Department is responsible for the common use fax machine andcopier. Funding in this category will also be used for evidence photography film,batteries,intoxilizer sup plies, animalcontrol tags, stationary,license forms, keys, fingerprint supplies, writing uten sils, paper supplies,and filing requirements.Also included are flares, first aid components, tapes, and field-supplies. Request $10,500 Printing: 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountainHills•Town Marshal Page14-7 \tjsgy01lf \jHgjjj-''' **isfe^w Part of the objectives for FY '99-00 pertains to crime prevention and community based policing. Inconjunction with those objectives, printing requirements include the public rec ognition program and photographic services. The second component of the printing needs pertains to liability reduction and ordinance enforcement.In conjunction with this, the De partment will be printing updates to the policy and procedures manual including all ordi nances, codes, and sub-manuals addressing operational requirements,abandon vehicle stick ers,citations,report forms,violation forms,and warnings.A significant cost affecting the upcoming fiscal year pertains to reprinting business cards,stationary,forms and notices because of the area code change from 602 to 480. Request $6,260 Communication Expenses: This is a vital area pertaining to Department operations,contractual obligations,and officer safety objectives.Communication expenses fall into three categories;telephones and pag ers,leased services,and communication enhancements. Telephones andPagers: With implementation of 24-hour dispatching,service requests may occur at times when officers are not on duty. All on-call personnel are issued pagers for rapid response and call outs. The Department also relies heavily on cellular telephones for direct communication between headquarters and supervisory personnel in the field. Cellu lar communication is used to transmit detailed information and to verify warrants which may not be appropriate for general broadcast. Leased Services:The Department,by contract,is host agency for the regional intoxilizer connected by landline with the DPS crime laboratory and the Town's criminal history termi nal connected by landline with DPS - ACJIS Division. These Department obligations are reflected in the communications budget request. Communication Enhancements:Public accessibility is an important objective ofthe Depart ment and regulations require accessibility to information as the Town's municipal agency of record.Under the Town's Emergency Response Plan, the Department dispatch center has been designated as the communications point for all public safety services. In meeting these requirements,the Department is seeking to enhance its 24-hour dispatch service and tele communication capability by restructuring the communications center,expanding voice acti vated recording systems,and adding dispatch channels.These costs are included in this budget. Request $8,900 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Town Marshal Page14-8 ^iftftsS"' \®^&/ Travel Expenses: ThiscategoryreferstoexpensesincurredwhiletravelingonofficialDepartmentbusiness.It is in direct support of objectives relating to training, certification, liability reduction, and the reserve program. Personnel assigned to the Department are also required to travel for warrant service and liaison purposes. The requested funds will be used primarily for train ingrelated travel, in-service requirements,community policing responsibilities, and liaison duties in various state law enforcement associations. Request $3,550 Uniforms: Uniforms are an essential part of the Department objectives relating to visibility and acces sibility.Department personnel are clearly identified at special events and recognized as public safety officers.The uniform serves a specific role in crime prevention efforts and community oriented policing practices.For liability reduction purposes,Department policy requires all officers to be in uniform when engaged in enforcement action,patrol activities, in-service training exercises,and all community service projects.The Department has an established policy that standardizes uniform issue, care, and inventory procedures.The requested funds will be used in carrying out this policy as it relates to uniforms. Request $10,030 Weapons and Ammunition: Firearms training is a critical area in liability reduction objectives.Department policy re quires that all certified officers complete an annual examination on the firearms simulator and pass three firearms qualification shoots.In the upcoming fiscal year these are scheduled for the summer (night shoot),fall (day shoot),and spring (day shoot).More than 77% of the Department uniformed personnel are fully certified police officers authorized tocarry weap ons. The ammunition request is based on qualification requirements for 14 in-service offic ers and two academy attendees.The remainder of the firearms budget would go for targets, eye and ear protection,and cleaning materials required at the Mesa Police range. Request $3,100 CAPITAL OUTLAY-VEHICLES: The Department began service in 1990 with surplus DPS vehicles as the core of its fleet. Using a planned program budget over the last seven years, the vehicles have gradually been 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills-Town Marshal Page14-9 Nigppj^ upgraded to a modern, low maintenance fleet. As part of the upcoming fiscal year, the Department is seeking to continue this program by adding two patrol vehicles to the fleet. Normally, the Department seeks a single vehicle each year to replace aging vehicles in the fleet.However,5 years ago, two vehicles were added to accommodate Department growth. Since it takes approximately a year between the time a budget request is prepared and a vehicle comes on line,replacement of two vehicles would occur in the upcoming fiscal year. The Department has added five grant-funded positions in the last 18months with two additional grant-funded positions scheduled to be filled during the upcoming fiscal year. The additional personnel have placed astrain onthe existing fleet resulting inhigher main tenanceandoperatingcosts.By addingtwonew vehicles,theoperating requirementscanbe spreadover awider,newerfleet reducingmaintenancecosts anddowntime. Theproposed vehicles would be purchased and equipped at state contract price. Request $50,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY-FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT: Threeyearsago,theDepartmentrelocatedtoBuildingB.Thesefacilitieshelpedmeetlegal requirementsrelatingtocriminal historyfiles,the ACJISterminal,regionalintoxilizer,evi dence storage, training facilities and additional law enforcement responsibilities. In addi tion the Department assumed responsibility as host agency for common use areas inthe law enforcement building servicing the County sheriff and state highway patrol. At thetime of the move, the Department borrowed furniture from the court and used surplus or damaged furnishings from remodeling in Building C. After threefull years inthe newfacilities, theDepartment has conducted acomplete analy sis of furniture and equipment needs to serve officers,reserves,civilians,and volunteers. As a result, the Depatment is seeking tables designed for training purposes and armless chairs that will not damage flooring materials in the building. A heavy emphasis is being placed on utility furniture with multiple uses to control costs. An important component of this request pertains to the dispatch center. After seven months of operation, temmporary workstations have proven inefficient. A specially designedconsole is requested that would house allradio and telecommunications equipment, voice activated recording equipment, ACJIS terminal,and computer equipment. Request $12,500 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills-Town Marshal Page14-10 \gig$$~jS CAPITAL OUTLAY-COMMUNICATIONS: DuringFY '98-99,the Townauthorized a 24-hour local, live dispatch service. This service was brought on line with a minimum of communications equipment to allow time for a comprehensive evaluation. The dispatch center is currently capable of handling the Department's dispatch needs as well asassisting some components ofTown government. In the upcoming fiscal year, the Department is seeking to complete implementation of a full servicedispatchcenterby upgradingthepowersupplyandantennas, and addingfouraddi tional frequency modules to serve every Department in Town government. This would enablethedispatchcenterto havedirect communication withneighboring agencies andto function astheTown's communications centerunderthe Emergency Response Plan. Request $6,100 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -TownMarshal Page 14-11 ^tS^Jr^ c MARSHAL DEPARTMENT 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages 244,218 469,000 363,200 468,300 FICA 3,461 6,900 5,200 6,900 Unemployment Insurance 974 1,900 1,000 1,400 Employee's Health Insurance 16,375 39,700 23,100 37,000 Employee's Life Insurance 445 1,300 600 uoo Employee's Dental Insurance 3,843 10,000 5,300 9,600 Employee's Eye Insurance 802 2,100 1,100 1,900 Worker's Compensation Insurance 996 5,000 4,000 4,900 Employee's Retirement Fund 15,200 36,800 23,700 36,600 Recruitment Costs 3,305 4,560 4,000 4,560 Disability Insurance 1,411 2,300 2,000 2,700 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Sheriffs Contract TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Repairs &Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising/Signage Conferences Education/Training Rabies/Animal ControlFees Dues &Publications Gas &Oil Office Supplies Printing Communication Expense Travel Uniforms Weapons/Ammunition TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay-Vehicles Office Furniture &Equipment Capital Outlay-Commun. TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget $291,030 $579,560 $433,200 $575,060 470,509 1,131,958 1,094,900 1,384,000 $47039 $1,131,958 $1,094,900 $1,384,000 12,393 15,100 13,000 13,350 $12,393 $15,100 $13,000 $13,350 6,938 6,600 6,940 6,570 1,454 1,900 1,900 2,560 3,584 5,800 4,000 5,250 1,285 5,000 2,000 4,350 549 1,800 1,550 1,960 5,767 10,600 7,700 11,150 8,838 8,600 9,000 10,500 3,596 3,800 3,800 6,260 4,894 16,500 6,000 8,900 2,603 4,900 3,730 3,550 7,073 19,200 10,000 10,030 2,011 2,500 2,300 3,100 $48,592 $87,200 $58,920 $74,180 24,607 16,108 9,105 25,000 15,000 8,350 24,610 16,110 9,110 50,000 12,500 6,100 $49,820 $48^50 $49,830 $68,600 $872,344 ...$1,862,168 :.-.$1,649^50 $2,115,190 Town ofFountain Hills -Town Marshal Page 14-12 XaSj^p/ >4as|S8K PARKS AND RECREATION Robin Goodman Director of Parks and Recreation | 1 1 r |1 Michelle Carlson Administrative Assistant Bryan Hughes Recreation Program Coordinator George Seevers Recreation Program Coordinator Jamie Anderson Recreation Program Coordinator Katy Quinn Administrative Assistant MISSION STATEMENT: The missionof the Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Department is to enhance thequalityof life by providing and maintaining safe,available,and accessible parks and recreation services that will meet the intellectual,social,cultural,and leisure needs of all residents. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for providing safe and accessible recre ation services for all age groups. Parks and Recreation provides senior programs, adult sports, youth sports, pre-school programs, cultural programs, teen services, outdoor programs, special events, special interest classes,adult education classes, and after school programs. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Recruited, hired, and trained aRecreation Coordinator filling a new position responsible for Youth and Teen programs. • Partneredwith the Scottsdale Boys and Girls Club- Fountain Hills Branch to offera sum mer long day camp program with an average attendance of over 80 children per day. Also partnered with Boys and Girls Club to offer NFL Punt,Pass and Kick and MLB Diamond Skills. • Held a series of Town meetings to develop a Master Plan for Desert Vista Neighborhood Park including an Off-Leash Recreational Facility, picnic ramadas,children's playground area, 3 sand volleyball courts,3 lighted racquetball courts,3 lighted basketball courts,and a multipurpose field. •Received a 1998 Heritage Grant Award for Phase I at Fountain Park in the amount of $700,000. •Received a 1998 Arizona Commission on the Arts Grant Award for the Concert in the Park Series for $2,500. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Parks and Recreation Page 15-1 c •Completed Phase I of Four Peaks Neighborhood Park and held a grand opening ceremony. •Coordinated with MCO Properties to offer the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra in Fountain Park. •Coordinated with the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce in reserving park facilities for the Great Fair. •Coordinated with various community service organizations to sponsor the first Fountain Hills Day,combining Founders Day activities, Arts Day and Public Safety Day. • Certified50coachesthroughtheFountainHillsChapteroftheNational Youth SportsCoaches Association. •Assisted the activities of 250 volunteers who worked over 7,000 hours,5,000 of which were donated by parents who worked in the 1999 YouthBasketball Program. • Continued coordination with the Fountain Hills Municipal Court to offer a Community Service Program working with individuals required to complete community service hours. Staff has coordinated over 200 hours in donated court appointed labor this year. 1990-2000 OBJECTIVES: • Recruit, hire, and train a new Recreation Coordinator to work with the two existing Recre ation Coordinators in planning and implementing more than 80 different programs offered by the Department. • Offer 16new and 4 expanded recreation programs. • Increase Department volunteer base and continue to explore and use creative methods to recognize volunteers. •Increase program participation. • Provide outreach services and support for youth organizations including the Fountain Hills Unified School District,Fountain Hills -Fort McDowell Cattle Guard Alliance and the local Soap Box Derby events. • Cross train employees to handle increased workload. • Publish the Fountain Hills Focus newsletter six times per year including information from Fountain Hills Unified School District, McDowell Mountain Preservation,Sanitary District and Chaparral Water. •Provide current and quality information for the Parks and Recreation area of the Town's website. •Staff and assist the nine member Parks and Recreation Commission and its subcommittees. •Identify the new recreation and leisure education programs to be offered in FY '99-00. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Parks and Recreation Page 15-2 \ij^K PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Provide excellent customer service including information referral,quality programs,and easy registration. •Provide staff support to all events and activities scheduled at Golden Eagle Park, Four Peaks Neighborhood Park, and Fountain Park. •Respond to all facility use requests within 3 working days. •Provide Fountain Hills Little League and Fountain Hills Soccer Club with any assistance necessary to ensure the success of their respective organizations. • Work closely with the Fountain Hills Unified School District to assist with scheduling and maintenance of facilities used by the Parks and Recreation Department. •Monitor expenditures and revenues to meet Department objectives. •Continue to supplement park development budgets through Heritage Grant Funding. PERSONNEL SERVICES: Anincrease inpart-time hours of $22,100 isrequested this year,includingemployer costs. This request is two-fold; it includes $12,500 in part-time hours for field supervisors and $9,600 to increase a current 30-hour per week part-time Recreation Assistant III position to full-time. The increase for field supervisors would serve to cover evening and weekend hours.These addi tional hours are directly proportionate to the increased use and growth of park facilities. Part- time/seasonal staff workevenings, weekends, and holidays to provide leadership during events, prep athletic fields, clean restrooms, open/close facilities, pick-up litter, and post reservations. The Recreation Assistant III position will provide 10 more hours per week to assist with teen programs, program registrations and facility bookings.The Commission has placed an empha sis this year on teen programming.Teen programming will provide more opportunities for teens and help to reduce juvenile delinquency in Fountain Hills. The Fountain Hills Municipal Court has reported that 40 - 60%of their caseload involves juveniles. CONTRACT SERVICES: These four line items contain the special events and community services that the Department organizes.The Parks and Recreation Commission is recommending that twenty new or ex panded programs be approved and adopted by the Council.Both program expenditures and revenues are increasing as a result of the addition and expansion of these programs,which are primarily youth and teen oriented.As always,revenues depend largely on the success of indi vidual programs.A complete list of all programs to be offered in FY '99-00 appears in Appen dix M. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Parks and Recreation Page 15-3 c Newprograms areselectedby the Parks andRecreationCommissionthrough anannualevalu ation process. The Leisure Recreation Subcommittee initiates this process in December and brings the recommendation to the full Commission for a vote. This recommendation is then forwarded to the Mayor and Council during the budget process. The Commission and staff have emphasized a significant increase in programs for youth and teens. Some of these pro grams do not pay for themselves. However, it is recognized that there is a community value and benefit to offering programs for youth and teens. The Parks and Recreation Commission sup ports the subsidy of children's programs. Program Funding History (5 years) FY 99-00 FY 98-99 FY 97-98 FY 96-97 FY 95-96 Expenditures $208,100 $144,600 $105,500 $87,000 $92,340 Revenues $226,300 $145,000 $129,000 $83,000 $70,949 SPECIAL PROGRAMS: This line item covers the expenditures for 32 programs found in Appendix M.Special pro grams include special events,community education classes (i.e.computer classes),and Foun tain Hills non-profit clubs co-sponsored by the Town. Of the $84,600 budgeted,$20,000 is for the 1999 Community Fireworks Display.A few community events are subsidized,such as the Fireworks Display and the St.Patrick's Day Event. Request $84,600 Revenue Estimate $95,000 SPORTS ACTIVITIES: This line item is for expenditures with Youth and Adult Sports Programs.There are 25 pro grams offered in this category for next year. A detailed breakdown of expenditures by program can be found in Appendix M. Request $ 78,500 Revenue Estimate $100,000 YOUTH AND TEEN PROGRAMS: This line item includesseveral new-programs to-be offered to teens.There are 28 total pro grams detailed in Appendix M.This past year, the Council places a priority on funding a new Recreation Staff position to specifically work with youth and teens. With this additional help, staffhas been able to work more closely with the School District,Boys and Girls Club,Cattleguard Alliance,and various youth groups.The result has been the development of new and attractive programs for the young adults of Fountain Hills. To determine the interest of teens, surveys 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Parks and Recreation Page 15-4 c were conducted in both the middle school and the high school. The results were then used to developnewprogramstomeetteen interests.A newcommunicationtoolisalsobe developed called Just4 Teens,which is a monthly teen newsletter. This newsletter will promote "things to do", announcejob opportunities, provide civic education, and partner with the Arizona Depart ment of Health Services to carry an anti-smoke message/slogan in every issue. Request $ 45,000 Revenue Estimate $31,300 CONSTITUENT COMMUNICATIONS: This line item is for the printing,postage,and photographs for six issues of the Town's newslet ter,Fountain Hills Focus.This year's Focus will be expanded to eight full pages and will be mailed to an increased number of homes (8,900).The expanded format will permit more mate rial to be printed on Town priorities and projects.Additional coverage on preservation,trails, park beautification projects,and the Community Center are anticipated. Request $24,000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: This new line item has been added to account for the new 15-passenger van purchased during FY '98-99. REQUEST $1,000 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Advertising and Promotion: This expense is for advertising and miscellaneous signage.Marketing efforts during FY '99-00 will concentrate on utilizing the Fountain Hills Focus,news releases,flyers,monthly calendars, Channel 11,community bulletin boards,and the Parks and Recreation Home Page.Addition ally,ads are run in The Times of Fountain Hills for programs in attempts to boost participation or simply for increased exposure. Request $3,000 Conferences: Conferences consist of the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association Conference in Septem ber, the National Parks and Recreation Association Congress and Trade Show in October, the California Parks and Recreation Society Conference in March,and the Southwest Commission on the Arts Conference in March.Commission members attend both the state conference and the arts conference. Two employees will be attending the National Parks and Recreation Asso- 1^/ciation Congress (Director and one Recreation Program Coordinator).Recreation Coordina- 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Parks and Recreation Page15-5 torsalternate years they attend. Additionally,two employees (Recreation Coordinator, Admin istrative Assistant)will be attending a 4-day symposium on the Class Recreation Software used by the department. This training is only available every other year and will not become a yearly expense. Request $4,500 Continuing Education: One of the Department's objectives is, "To maintain high training standards and to cross train employees".Employees are required to maintain professional standards and certifications,re new first aid and CPR certifications annually,and to improve customer service skills and com puter information skills.Continuing education includes classes through the Arizona Govern mentTraining Seminars, one day workshops and seminars, and the one week Park Planning and Maintenance School for the Director. Request $2,800 Dues and Publications: This line item pays the dues for staff and the Commission to participate in the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association and Arizona Heritage Alliance.The Director and Recreation Pro gram Coordinators are required to maintain a certification as a Certified Leisure Professional. Request $1,800 GAS AND OIL: This new line item has been added to account for the new 15-passenger van purchased during FY '98-99.Approximately 40 different trips and excursions are planned for youth and teens in the coming year. Request $1,500 Office Supplies: This includes miscellaneous office supplies such as pens,folders,color paper, etc. for the De partment.Over the past year, both office staff and programs have increased requiring the need for more office supplies.Flyers and newsletters published internally account for a large per centage of this line item,most going toward colored paper. The Department also assists youth groups and clubs with copying flyers and programs. Request $7,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Parks and Recreation Page 15-6 Printing: Printing consists of letterhead,special marketing projects, slides,photographs,and certifica tions for volunteers. The largest expense associated with printing will be the new teen newslet ter that will be published each month at a cost of $4,200 for the year. In addition, the changing of the local area code to 480 will require that all of the Department's publications be reprinted to reflect new phone, fax,pager and mobile numbers.Also,posters and special brochures promoting upcoming community special events fall under the printing budget.These items are placed around town in local businesses to aid in marketing programs. Film development also accounts for a large portion of this line item. Many pictures are taken each year of programs, construction projects,etc. and used for future reference. Request $10,000 Communications: This expense is for communication technology. The Department pays monthly service charges and fees associated with the use of pagers,cellular phones,and radios. Use of Town owned equipment is for business purposes only. Request $2,900 Travel: This line item is for miscellaneous mileage and travel for five full-time and ten part-time/sea sonal staff members.It also includes airfare for out of state travel. Request $2,500 Uniforms: One of the Department's objectives is "to be visible"and "provide on-site information,assis tance, and services to park visitors and program patrons".The Department needs to maintain high standards with regard to on-duty appearance.Staff uniforms are required to be worn when on duty, attending special events,or training. The public must clearly recognize whom to ap proach in emergencies,when seeking information or reporting facility problems.Presenting a neat appearance creates immediate identity and public trust. Request $3,200 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Parks and Recreation Page 15-7 SeSgj^gpf c REVISED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Office Furniture &Equipment: This expense is for office partitions to provide additional work areas in the offices located in Building A.These partitions will help to create two 36 sq. ft.work areas for part-time staff and interns allowing more privacy and ultimately creating a better work environment. Request $2,500 Vehicle: This expense is for the purchase of a 15-passenger Chevy van used to transport youth and teens to various events for Parks and Recreation.In addition to providing transportation for programs,Parks and Recreation staff would also be able to utilize the vehicle for errands around town,deliveries to other Valley cities,conference travel and Commission facility visits throughout the state and other uses. The van will also be used to assist with transporta tion for Senior Center activities. Request $21,160 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Parks and Recreation Page 15-8 REVISED PARKS &RECREATION 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages 168,482 271,300 256,900 309,900 FICA 4,790 8,610 7,650 9,350 Unemployment Insurance 653 900 900 910 Employee's Health Insurance 7,675 15,730 10,350 17,600 Employee's Life Insurance 204 540 270 630 Employee's Dental Insurance 1,567 3,030 2,250 4,380 Employee's Eye Insurance 344 730 500 970 Worker's Compensation Insurance 740 2,590 1,500 3,020 Employee's Retirement Fund 4,462 18,670 8,800 25,590 Disability Insurance 526 980 800 1,350 TOTAL $189,443 $323,080 $289,920 $373,700 CONTRACT SERVICES Special Programs 52,930 64,100 60,000 84,600 Sports Activities 49,586 80,500 59,000 78,500 Youth and Teen Programs 0 0 0 45,000 Constituent Communications 10,135 20,000 15,000 24,000 TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance &Repair TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues &Publications Gas &Oil Office Supplies Printing Communications Travel Uniforms TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicles Office Furniture &Equipment Capital Outlay-Fencing TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES $112,651 $164,600 $134,000 $232,100 $0 $0 0 1,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 3,419 2,000 3,600 3,000 3,590 3,775 4,000 4,500 1,024 2,800 1,400 2,800 541 1,800 800 1,800 0 0 0 1,500 5,639 6,000 6,800 7,000 1,891 1,600 2,500 10,000 1,410 3,295 1,850 2,900 2,098 1,900 2,300 2,500 2,043 2,300 2,300 3,200 $21,655 $25,470 $25,550 $39,200 0 0 0 21,160 402 3,010 500 2,500 0 18,000 18,000 0 $402 $21,010 $18,500 $23,660 $324,151 $534,160 $467,970 $669,660 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Parks and Recreation Page 15-9 ^ill^agjjt/ GOLDEN EAGLE PARK Robin Goodman Director Don Clark ParkOperations WorkerII 1 1 1 Danny Tancrcdi ParkOperations Worker1 Chance Botierfield Park Operations WorkerI MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Golden Eagle Park Department is to enhance the quality of life by providing and maintaining safe,available,and accessible parks and recreation services that will meet the intellectual,social,cultural,and leisure needs of all residents. PARK DESCRIPTION: Golden Eagle Park is a 25-acre active recreation area adjacent to the middle school/high school. The park includes four multi-purpose ball fields with Musco lights,covered dugouts and seat ing for 550 spectators,four lighted tennis courts,two lighted basketball courts with bleachers, two lighted sand volleyball courts with a shower tower, a children's playground,a 2,500 square foot restroom/control building,a large group Ramada with barbecues (seating for 96), 223 parking spaces,a horse shoe pit, open turf area,eight chilled drinking fountains,one pedestrian foot bridge,three pedestrian wash crossings,three park entry gates,picnic Ramada at volleyball courts,shaded waiting area for tennis courts,and a shaded seat wall at the children's play ground.Additional sidewalks and lighting that connect and circle the entire park, three asphalt parking lots with firelane markings,maintenance storage yard, additional irrigated landscaped areas, and new park signage are also included. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: •Maintained 244,000 square feet of athletic turf including a fall over-seeding schedule. •Installed lighting on all four ball fields and on sidewalks in the park. • Completed Field 4, the third softball field. • Opened and cleaned restrooms daily including weekends and holidays. • Provided support servicesto 8school teams, 3senior softball teams, 16adult softballteams, 34 Little League Teams and 42 Soccer Club teams. • Sponsored 'Tarty in the Park" utilizing the new amenities and providing a safe, secure and supervised recreational activity for teen residents. •Sponsored the Annual Great Fair Seniors Softball Tournament. •Completed the expansion and reconstruction of Field 1. •Closed out Phase V Heritage Grant in January,1999. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: • EducateandtraintheParksOperations Workers Itoassistwiththedaytoday operations of the park. Finishthe repairsand clean-upof all warningtracksandball field playing surfaces. Complete irrigation systems check and upgrade three old irrigation controllers. Maintain current support services toassist youth sport organizations andother community organizations using park facilities. Provide exceptional maintenance of the Town's assets. Emphasize restroom cleanliness and a litter free environment. Increasethe use of communityserviceworkersto assist with park beautification. Cross-trainParks and Recreationemployeesto assistwith park beautification. Manage financial resources to meet authorized expenditures. Plan and implement a successful over-seed schedule. Increase staff visibility and provide assistance to park visitors. Revegetate damaged areas and connection with school area. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: • Provide clean litter-free facilities daily. • Prep and line all ball fields for scheduled community use. • Secure restroom/control building and park entry gates daily. •Maintain beautiful stress-free turf year round. •Maintain an accident-free work environment. • Maintain aesthetically natural looking landscaped areas. PERSONNEL SERVICES: This expense is for three Parks Operations Workers (POW). It includes one POW II and two POW I. The increase in wages is due to the transfer of one position from Fountain Park to GoldenEagle Park. There will be a correspondingdecrease in the FountainPark budget. No new staff increases are requested this year. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Golden EaglePark Page16-2 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance/Repairs: This line item includes annual/routine monthly maintenance and cleaning of six pieces ofequip ment including a 1999 Dodge pick-up,one 1991 Chevy pick-up,twoJohnDeere4x2s,aJohn Deere 1200, and a tow-behind utility trailer. Approximately $1,600 will be contracted for an outside vendor. Request $3,600 Equipment Rental: This includes miscellaneous rentals such as a sod cutter, utility pump, trencher, and aturf vacuum. An additional $2,000 has been added for equipment rentals,such as tractors,backhoes,and frontloaders for major park clean-up. Request $2,000 Building Repairs/Maintenance: A FY '99-00 objective reads,"Emphasize restroom cleanliness and a litter free environment". Cleaning supplies,paper,paint,trash,receptacles,and miscellaneous replacement parts will be purchased for the building and surrounding areas. Metal handrails surrounding the building and other exterior portions of the building will be repainted.The restrooms receive significant traffic throughout the day. Also included is maintenance of firelane markings,electrical cabi nets, and entry gates. The increase to this line item is based on FY '98-99 expenditures and projected expenditures for FY '99-00. Request $9,000 Field Preparation/Maintenance: This is for maintaining ball fields,fertilizing,striping soccer fields,replacing landscape mate rial, purchasing irrigation supplies, and other miscellaneous items. Valverepairs on Fields #1- 4 and replacement of broken valve boxes are scheduled for FY '99-00.This line item isconsis tent with another objective,that reads,"Maintain current support services to assist youth sport organizations and other community organizations using park amenities."All field preparation and striping is performed in house for organizations that reserve fields. This goes along with the performance standard that states, "Prep and line all ball fields for scheduled community use".Included in this line item for FY '99-00 is the replacement of miscellaneous trees, shrubs, and cacti.Additionally,200 gallons of paint for athletic striping are used annually for soccer, Little League,and High School sports. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills • Golden Eagle Park Page16-3 Request $19,000 Mowing/Landscaping Maintenance: Landscapemaintenanceis includedfor the annualmowingandoverseedingcontract. Another FY '99-00 objective reads, "Plan and implement a successful overseed schedule." All turf areas will be mowed weekly as needed and will be overseeded on an annual basis. This is in accordance with the performance standard that states,"Maintain beautiful stress-free turf year round." Expenses will increase during the year due to the addition of 93,607 square feet of new turf areas including the expanded baseball infield, Field #4,miscellaneous turf on Field #2, and areas adjacent to the center parking lot. Request $34,000 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Advertising: These funds would provide additional park signage yet to be identified for the park and build ing. Request $300 Conferences: Funds are requested to attend the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association Conference,the Playground Safety Conference,sponsored by the National Parks and Recreation Association, and Xeriscape Conference. Request $660 Continuing Education: This example includes training for one employee in playground safety inspections,a nationally certified program by the National Parks and Recreation Association,that will train staff to identify playground hazards. One employee will attend a program on desert landscaping of fered by the Desert Botanical Garden.This is a very important priority for the Department.A highly trained staff increases productivity,customer service,professionalism,and job satisfac tion. It also decreases the potential for on the job injuries and Town liability.This increase also includes computer training for three POWs at GEP. Request $1,910 Electricity: Electricity expenses are expected to increase 35% due to park expansion and increased use of 1999-2000Budget Town of Fountain Hills • Golden Eagle Park Page16-4 \s^0sy \^m^/ park amenities. All park amenities are constructed with lights for evening play. Newly lighted amenities include two multi-purpose fields (Fields #1 and 4),twenty-four additional area lights, and nine mounted lights. Request $28,000 Gas and Oil: Funds are included for two department pick-ups and miscellaneous equipment (two gators and one John Deere 1200). Request $1,500 Tools and Shop Supplies: This request is for consumable items used in the care and maintenance of the park and park equipment (hoses, locks, keys, cement, rope, small irrigation parts, paint, miscellaneous tools and supplies). Request $3,000 Printing: Printingrefers to park maps,reservation forms, and laminatedsigns. Because the park is no longer under major construction, this line item is reduced from last year. Request $625 Communications: Monthly feesare charged to maintain communication through radios,pagers,andcellularphones. Park operations are more efficient because of the use of these tools. Each Park Operations Workeris equipped with a digital pager and radio. A cellular phone is used at night by field supervisors. Request $1,320 Water/Sewer: Water and sewer expenses will increase as use of the park and restroom/control building in creases. Three new chilled drinking fountains and several potable quick couplers were also added in Phase V.The park has a total of eight restroom stalls, seven drinking fountains, one shower tower,three dumpsters, several potable quick couplers, andfour potable irrigation heads for the volleyballcourts. The park also hasthree 6-yard dumpsters whichare serviced monthly. Request $5,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Golden Eagle Park Page 16-5 Uniforms: Funds arerequestedfor uniforms to outfit three Parks Operations Workers.Uniforms increase staff visibility and help further a positive public image. Personal safety equipment is also included in this line item.(Estimated at $800 per worker). Request $2,400 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Park Equipment: A Tennant sidewalk sweeper is being requested and will be used in all parks ($27,000). This sweeper would beused to continuously maintain theconcrete trails, sidewalks, ramada grounds, and plazas at the park. The sweeper would reduce the amount of dust that is created with regular sweeping/blowing and cut down on the time spent sweeping larger areas by hand. This unit could also be used by other departments as needed.Several linear feet of concrete trails were added during Phase V.Trails were added to Four Peaks Neighborhood Park with more planned for the future. Trails are also planned for Fountain Park with construction beginning in August/September of 1999.Concrete trails are also planned for Desert Vista Neighborhood Park. Also requested are three irrigation control clocks to upgrade the old controllers.The controllers being requested are one 16station and two 24 station clocks ($3,100). These upgraded control lers will be consistent with other Town parks and also Maxi Com compatible,which will soon be the Town's park irrigation control standard.They will be Y2K compliant. Request $30,100 1999-2000Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Golden Eagle Park Page16-6 CHURCHSITEI•M'"7iFw QWi!5crsoccnRFin.D1RECREATIONALMASTERPLANGOLDENEAGLEPARKFOUNTAINHILLS,ARIZONAegrouplandscapearchitecture/environmentaldesigninc.Si:-1"*toi.Ititled:•;;•;85KH607-'-'!fi/22T98eg «9 5139.00SCHOOLSITE/SAGUARORAMADAhorseshoeprret&-l$SUNRIDOECANYONGOLFCOURSEnorth050100200 GOLDEN EAGLE PARK SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages FICA Unemployment Insurance Employee's Health Insurance Employee's Life Insurance Employee's Dental Insurance Employee's Eye Insurance Worker's Compensation Insurance Employee's Retirement Fund Disability Insurance TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES: TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance/Repair Equipment Rental Building Repairs/Maintenance Field Preparation/Maintenance Mowing/Landscape Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues and Publications Electricity Gas and Oil Office Supplies Tools,Shop Supplies Printing Communication Expense Water/Sewer Travel Uniforms TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Park Equipment TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget 33,015 51,500 49,250 87,700 466 760 700 1,300 133 260 175 210 2,595 5,030 4,000 8,100 66 180 100 .-•270 462 1,170 734 1,760 102 260 160 450 541 1,900 1,000 3,250 3,184 4,900 4,680 ...;9,650 150 260 225 510 $40,714 $66,220 $61,024 $113,200 2,504 2,000 2,550 3,600 10,528 500 11,000 2,000 17,087 6,200 18,000 9,000 23,939 12,000 28,000 19,000 21,624 34,000 28,600 34,000 75,682 $54,700 $88,150 $67,600 998 300 1,025 300 420 500 500 •660 185 450 200 1,910 235 150 300 200 19,646 19,000 25,000 28,000 751 2,500 1,000 1,500 79 250 100 250 2,591 2,500 3,000 3,000 156 1,500 200 625 98 675 200 .1,320 2,712 3,200 3,800 5,000 23 100 25 100 1,691 2,400 1,800 2,400 $29,585 5,739 $5,739 $151,720 $33,525 5,800 $5,800 $160,245 Town of Fountain Hills -Golden Eagle Park $37,150 5,800 $5,800 $192,124 $45,265 30,100 $30,100 $256,165 Page 16-7 FOUR PEAKS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK Robin Goodman Director Dave Arnold ParkOperations Worker II MISSION STATEMENT: The Department's mission is to maintain a 15-acrefacility to department standards and to work cooperatively with the Fountain Hills Unified School District in scheduling these facilities. PARK DESCRIPTION: FourPeaks Neighborhood Park is a 15-acre active recreation area adjacent to the elementary school.Thepark includes a lighted150' x 300' soccerfieldwithspectator seating,twomulti purpose ball fields with lights and spectator seating,two lighted tennis courts, two lighted basketball courts,achildren's playground,a750squarefoot restroom/control building,an18'x24' group ramadawitha barbecue,50 parking spaces,fivechilled drinking fountains,a 100'pedes trian foot bridge,and 1,100 linear feet of concrete. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: •Constructed Phase I improvements under budget and on time. •Maintained athletic turf and ball fields. •Provided support services to 34 Little League Teams and 42 Soccer Club teams. •Developed conceptual plan for Phase II. 1998-1999 OBJECTIVES: • Maintaincurrentsupport servicesto assistyouth sportorganizationsand othercommunity organizations using park facilities. •Provide exceptional maintenance of the Town's assets. •Emphasize restroom cleanliness and a litter free environment. • Increase the use of community service workers to assist with park beautification. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Four Peaks Park Page 17-1 c • Cross-trainParks and Recreation employees to assist with park beautification. • Managefinancial resources to meet authorizedexpenditures. •Increase staff visibility and provide assistance to park visitors. • Workclosely with Fountain Hills Unified School District Administration and Four Peaks Elementary School Principal to ensure smooth operations. • Write and submit Heritage Grant for Phase II. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Provide clean litter-free facilities daily. • Prep and line all ball fields for scheduled community use. •Closeout Phase I Heritage Grant by May, 1999. •Secure restroom/control building and park entry gates daily. •Maintain beautiful and safe turf year round. •Maintain an accident-free work environment. PERSONNEL SERVICES: One Parks Operations Worker II maintains the entire 15-acre site. A turf and horticulture intern is requested.This would be a temporary student position to assist with park operations each spring. We would advertise nationwide for a student intern and pay a $5,000 stipend for 16 weeks of full-time work. CONTRACT SERVICES: Engineering/Design Fees This expense is for the professional contract services.Specifically,it is for the development of construction documents for Phase II improvements.It is anticipated that the Town will contract with e-group,inc. for these services.Development of Phase II construction documents would not begin until after the Mayor and Council has approved the Park Master Plan. The Parks and Recreation Commission plans to bring the Master Plan back to the Council after the budget process and during the first quarter of the fiscal year. Request $110,000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance/Repair: This includes annual/routine monthly maintenance for three pieces of equipment,a 1996Dodge Ram half-ton pick-up, John Deere 4x2 (utility cart), and a John Deere 1200. Approximately $1,600 will be contracted for an outside vendor. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills • Four Peaks Park Page 17-2 Request $3,100 Equipment Rental: Miscellaneous rentals such as a sod cutter,water pump,or tow behind aerifier are included in this line item. Request $2,750 Building Repairs/Maintenance: A FY '99-00 objective reads,"Emphasize restroom cleanliness and a litter free environment." Therefore, cleaning supplies, paper, paint, trash receptacles, and miscellaneous replacement parts will be purchased for the new building and surrounding areas. The building is the only permanent restroom facility on site. Request $2,500 Field Preparation/Maintenance: This is for maintaining ballfields, fertilizing, striping soccer fields, replacing landscape mate rial,purchasing irrigation supplies,and other miscellaneous items. This line item is consistent with another objective, which reads, "Maintain current support services to assist youth sport organizations and other community organizations using park amenities." All field preparation and striping is performed-in house for organizations that reserve fields. This goes along with the performance standard which states, "Prep and line ball fields for scheduled community use." Also, now that a full-time POW II is on site, a major portion of the turf management will be done in-house and not by the contractor.Maintenance practices will include fertilization, aerification, verticutting, sweeping, pest control, irrigation maintenance, and overseeding. Request $15,000 Mowing/Landscape Maintenance: Landscape maintenance isfor the annual mowing contract. All turf areas willbe mowed weekly as needed.This is in accordance with the performance standard which states,"Maintain beau tiful and safe turf year round.". The current contractor, E/G Management,has performed well for the Town the past two years. The contractor will no longer perform maintenance practices listed previously under Field Preparation/Maintenance. Request $18,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Four Peaks Park Page 17-3 *TU^^j^T Nsi^^ SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Conferences: Funds are requested to attend the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association Conference,as well as other conferences that pertain to Parks and Recreation. Request $200 Education/Training: These costs are for workshops and maintaining certifications. Request $300 Dues and Publications: Request $100 Electricity: Four Peaks Neighborhood Park is routinely used, especially at night. The addition of the new lightedsoccerfield willcause an increasein charges. The increaseis basedon use from Sep tember 1998 through March 1999. Request $12,000 Gas and Oil: This providesgas and oil for one department pickup and miscellaneousequipment. Request $900 Office Supplies: Miscellaneous office supplies are purchased from this line item. Request $200 Tools and Shop Supplies: This request is for consumable items used in the care and maintenance of the park and park equipment with approval to go ahead with Phase II at Four Peaks Neighborhood Park. Addi tional supplies andequipment willbe needed to stock the new maintenance facility shop. Items will include a vise, bench grinder,storage for pesticides,and gasoline. Request $2,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Four Peaks Park Page 17-4 c Printing: Printing isfor construction documents,as-builtplansandnewbusinesscardsfor POWII. Request $1,200 Communication Expense: There are monthly fees associated with using communication tools, such as radios and pagers. Park operations are more efficient because of these tools. Request $320 Water/Sewer: This facility is irrigated with potable water, not effluent. As a result, the cost to irrigate the 183,400square feet of turf is extremely high compared to other facilities using effluent water. The new restroom/control building and five chilled drinking fountains are anticipated to be used frequently. Request $6,000 Uniforms: Funds are requested for uniforms to outfit the Parks Operations Worker.Uniforms increase staff visibility and help further a positive public image.Personal safety equipment is also included in this line item. Request $800 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Park Equipment: One piece of park equipment is being requested for Four Peaks Neighborhood Park. This piece of equipment is a John Deere 1200 Bunker Rake/Field Groomer. This is a specialty piece of equipment used to maintain skinned areas on ball fields. When deciding which tools andequip ment to use in maintaining an infield it is important to understand the concepts that need to be addressed. When grooming a skinned area it is very important to maintain a smooth and even surface that allows the ball and the player to react consistently. Maintaining a safe, level, and consistent infield requires three basic types of drags for groom ing. Onetypeisascarifierornaildragfor thepurposeoflooseningthetop V2"orsoto allowfor safe ball bounces and sliding comfort.Creating a loose surface also assists in re-leveling the skin area with other drags. 1999-2000Budget Town of Fountain Hills - Four Peaks Park Page17-5 The second type of drag for grooming infields is a leveling drag that is nothing more than a variation of a straight edge. The purpose of this type of drag is to fill in holes and undulations that are created over a period of time particularly at second and third base sliding areas and the lead-off area at first base. When using a leveling drag it is important to have it set at a slight angle so the loose material can move off the end to fill low areas and prevent the drag from bouncing. The third type of drag is a mat drag for the purpose of leveling loose and solid soil of the infield. The most popular types are metal link mats for slightly heavier grooming. The John Deere 1200 is equipped with standard attachments that would perform all of these drags. It is an efficient piece of equipment that will aid in reducing labor costs. Request $8,000 PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS: Inthefirstquarterofthefiscal year,theParksandRecreationCommissionplanstobringthe Councilthe masterplan for Four Peaks Neighborhood Park Phase II. The completionof the Four Peaks Neighborhood Park is the number one priority of the Parks and Recreation Com mission.Tomoveforwardon this priority,an approvedmasterplan mustbe adopted.Once the master plan is adopted, the Commission would like to establish a development timeline, which meets with Council approval, to complete the construction/renovations at this park. The current master plan is estimated to cost $1 million and focuses on the balance of the site (11 acres). The site has existing improvements, but is in need of renovation. The develop ment of this 11-acresite includes: a lighted inline hockey court (85' x 180') with spectator seating;onelightedmulti-purpose fieldwithspectator seating; three lighted basketballcourts (50'x 84');concretewalkwayswithlighting;one picnicramada;openpicnic area;45 space parking lot;children's playground with bicycle parking; tennis court lighting and court im provements (2 courts); material storage yard; signage; landscaping; irrigation; and grading. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Four Peaks Park Page 17-6 SCHOOL DISI'KK I III II.DIN<. AMI'lll I llt.A I'l-.lt SK.VTINt KOK St MODI.VITIV I I lis m:vv soi-nun.i-iKi.i) wini limits K'slDKVV VI.K — M-'.VV I'VltklM. .VII STALLS ki:\isr im v\vui-:\ sl/.K VV.MIADKSI 1(1 ( | 1 I(|T L itii.oi \i i him:k u k iaistim;i'vkki.Nt; I•MSI INC Kl.l'MKN. I'VUV st iioiii.in ii.dim; HI l HI- VI ION.VI \IVSI IK IM VNNIM.11*1 CONCEPTl AL DEVELOPMENT IM.AN FOUR PEAKS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK PHASE II c XISI'lNti IK VMS NKVV Itl'.STUOOM TO itKi'i.vci:i:\is rise. s VVIK I.OC VTION :nii\2inr com . i"vi) i.m sir %sr ha.skkt ii.vi.I.rot K i III X5'>.IHI)'UOI.I.KU UOt MA -IA I'KIUOK I.Kill I IM. ii->ir inn' inn'V_^soiri FOUR PEAKS NEIGHBORHOOD PARK SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages FICA Unemployment Insurance Employee's Health Insurance Employee's Life Insurance Employee's Dental Insurance Employee's Eye Insurance Worker's Compensation Insurance Employee's Retirement Fund Disability Insurance TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES: Engineering/Design Fees TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance/Repair Equipment Rental Building Repairs/Maintenance Field Preparation/Maintenance Mowing/Landscape Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues and Publications Electricity Gas and Oil Office Supplies Tools, Shop Supplies Printing Communication Expense Water/Sewer Travel Uniforms TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicles Park Equipment TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev. Estimate Budget 15,216 25,400 23,560 34,400 214 380 350 790 134 130 150 140 1,064 3,130 1,695 3,350 28 90 50 90 298 720 475 860 37 150 60 180 209 930 420 1,270 1,446 2,410 2,250 3,290 64 130 103 170 $18,710 |$33,470 $29,113 $44,540 27,600 15,000 27,600 110,000 27,600 15,000 27,600 110,000 1,218 1,500 1,600 3,100 0 500 200 2,750 1,768 2,500 4,000 2,500 6,587 5,000 7,500 15,000 10,939 25,000 17,200 18,000 $20,512 $34,500 $30,500 $41^50 49 600 100 200 140 200 200 200 55 300 75 300 70 100 100 100 8,299 8,000 11,245 12,000 580 900 700 900 76 400 100 200 2,801 3,000 3,000 2,000 62 500 100 1,200 654 1,425 750 320 4,165 6,000 6,000 6,000 45 100 100 100 569 1,200 750 800 $17,565 $22,725 $23,220 $24,320 14,706 0 20,000 0 15,500 0 0 8,000 $14,706 $20,000 $15,500 $8,000 $99,093 $125,695 $125,933 $228,210 Town of Fountain Hills -Four Peaks Park Page 17-7 FOUNTAIN PARK RobinGoodman Director RobbieFord Parks OpentDiu Worker I MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Fountain Park Department is to express and enhance the beauty, value, and quality of the environment,and to provide quality recreational opportunities by operating and maintaining Fountain Park. PARK DESCRIPTION: Fountain Park is a 64-acre passive recreation area and anchor to the town center. The park was built in 1970 and includes:35-acres of turf, a 29-acre million gallon effluent lake, the world famous fountain,a dam,pump station,an 18-hole championship disc golf course,a children's playground,a restroom building,a chilled drinking fountain,various picnic tables and benches, and two parking lots. The Town acquired the park May 1, 1997, from MCO Properties,Inc. Approximately 9 months later the Parks and Recreation Commission developed a new Park Master Plan. The plan includes 7,200 linear feet of lighted walkways,3 picnic ramadas with tables and barbecues,scattered picnic tables,2 restroom/control buildings,2 parking lots total ing 120 stalls,children's playground and tot lot with water feature and shade structure,18-hole disc golf course with driving tees,outdoor performance pad, 12 station par course,connecting footbridge,interpretive signage,and site furnishings. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: •Hosted Town-sponsored Fourth of July Celebration and Concert in the Park Series. •Leased the park for over 20 weddings providing revenue through facility use fees. •Coordinated with MCO Properties-topresent thePhoenix^Symphony Orchestra and Founder's Day activities. •Coordinated with the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce to utilize the park for the Great Fair and Mitch Silver Rockin'Auction &Collector Car Show. •Installed decorative garbage cans with the help of the Fountain Hills Arts Council. • Upgraded disc golf course from a 9-hole to an 18-hole championship course with a "putting 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Fountain Park Page 18-1 green. • Continued annual tradition of dyeing the fountain green on St.Patrick's Day. •Installed a liquid fertilizer injection system. •Relocated approximately 1,200 waterfowl from the lake. •Re-landscaped 2 islands. •Added 1,000 cubic yards of mulch to the soil. •Rebuilt four vertical turbine pumps. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: Provide professional assistance during fairs and large events. Begin Phase I construction of the approved Master Plan. Continue to decrease the migratory bird population at the lake. Provide exceptional maintenance of the Town's assets. Emphasize restroom cleanliness and a litter free environment. Increase the use of community service workers to assist with park beautification. Cross-train Parks and Recreation employees to assist with park beautification. Manage financial resources to meet authorized expenditures. Plan and implement a successful over-seed schedule. Increase staff visibility and provide assistance to park visitors. Major clean up of pump house building and yard for possible public tours. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Provide clean litter-free facilities daily. •Secure restroom building and park entry gates daily. •Maintain beautiful stress-free turf year round. •Maintain an accident-free work environment. PERSONNEL SERVICES: The Parks and Recreation Department has taken over the maintenance of Fountain Park. The transfer of responsibility occurred on July 1, 1998. The park is staffed with one Parks Opera tions Worker H. Tn-addition to Fountain Park,-thisemployee will assist with management of the 12-acre Desert Vista Neighborhood Park property.Personnel expenses have been decreased due to a transfer of one employee to Golden Eagle Park. Request $44,210 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Fountain Park Page 18-2 CONTRACT SERVICES: Engineering Design: This expense is for inspection services and construction administration services for Phase I construction. Phase I construction is being paid for through a $700,000 Arizona Heritage Grant.Construction is scheduled to begin in August/September of 1999. Request $30,000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance/Repair: Annual maintenance is for a 1999 Dodge Ram xh ton pickup. Request $1,000 Equipment Repair/Maintenance: All three pumps were rebuilt as of February 1999. $5,000 is budgeted for electrical repairs. Routine repairs on both the pump house and restroom/control building are anticipated due to the age of both facilities.Preventive maintenance is included to provide for any pump fail ures due to electrical problems,pump motor failure, oil leaks, valve problems,or bearing seals failure. Additionally,$1,600 is budgeted for the repair/maintenance of the John Deere 4x2 and a small boat with an outboard motor.Funds for routine maintenance,cleaning,and safety inspections are also included. Request $6,600 Equipment Rental: Equipment rental for Fountain Park includes a tractor and large aerator to aerate the turf five times per year (4 x $1,300). This important process allows air and water to penetrate the soil profile.Turf can become compacted in areas of heavy traffic.Over time these areas become hard and the soil so dense that roots cannot grow. With several special events hosted in Fountain Park, this is a necessary component of the park maintenance plan. Request $5,200 Building Repairs/Maintenance: The present control building/restroom will be demolished in August/September 1999 in or der to make way for the brand new restroom/control building.This new building is being paid for entirely by Arizona Heritage Funds.During construction temporary port-a-johns will be brought into the park. The construction area will be fenced for safety and the play ground and parking lot will remain open. Request $5,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Fountain Park Page 18-3 c Field and Park Maintenance: This line item is for the majority of the other maintenanceexpenses, not including the mow ing/irrigation contract that appears in a separate line item. The following is a break down of these expenses:i^^0%f ^f^r^f ^fia^^A,^j)^-6$i(^^•Mulch-$30,000-cbJ^^^Azxc^^-v^o,,^DcrwC.^" •Winter overseeding -$22,000 (scheduled for 9/28 - 10/18) •Fertilizer/acid-$15,500 • Tree trimming -$3,000 •United States and Arizona State Flags - $500 • New trees and landscape material -$5,000 Request $76,000 Mowing/Landscape Maintenance: Landscapemaintenanceisforweeklymowing,landscapemaintenance,andirrigationsystem repairs. ThepresentcontractorisFiveStarLandscaping. TheyhavebeenmaintainingFoun tainParkforthreeyears. TheoriginalagreementforserviceswaswithMCOProperties,Inc. and was transferred to the Town on May 1,1997,whenthe Town acquiredthe park. This contract will be rebid and will be a multi-year contract. This bid package will be a consoli dated package between departments.It will be broken down into five areas of work.These contractswill include:mowing,landscape/irrigation,palm trimming, major tree trimming, and weed spraying. Request $83,000 SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Electricity: Thelargestexpenseforsuppliesandservicesis electricity.Theotherlineitemsinthis category are minorand straightforward.The electricalexpense is to run the threefountainpumps,one irrigation pump, fountain lighting, illumination of the flag pole, lake aeration compressors, restroom/control building, and pump house facilities for effluent distribution to SunRidge Can yon and Firerock. The electricity required to pump effluent to SunRidge Canyon and Firerock are separately sub-metered-andpaid-byMCOTYoperties,Inc.and SunRidge Canyon L.L.C. Request $110,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Fountain Park Page 18-4 Office Supplies: This expense is for miscellaneous items and a couple of purchases for the new restroom/control building. These unique one-time purchases include a file cabinet, small refrigerator, micro wave,and chair. Request $1,000 Water/Sewer: This expense is for the restroom/control building, drinking fountains, and trash dumpsters. There is a significant decrease in the expense for FY '99-00 due to the demolition of the old building and the use of port-a-johns for approximately nine months. Request $4,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: No capital expenditures are requested for Fountain Park this year. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Fountain Park Page 18-5 FOUNTAIN HILLS PARKS AND RECREATION GENERAL PROJECT K£Y NOTES IV WIDE INTEGRALLY COLORED CONCRETE SIDEWALK.WITH LIGHTING PAR COURSE AND BENCHES x 7200 LINEAR FEET -I.J6M1 MULTI-USE WALKING PATH. DECOMPOSED GRANITE OVER ASPHALT 8"WIDE WITH 12 STATION PAR COURSE,BENCHES AND LIGHTING. 6200 LINEAR FEET -I.I7MI LARGE GROUP RAMADA WrTH TEN S PERSON PICNIC TABLES AND TWO BARBECUES MEDIUM GROUP RAMADA WITH FIVE g PERSON PICNIC TABLES AND TWO BARBECUES SMALL GROUP RAMADA WITH THREE S PERSON PICNIC TABLES AND ONE UARBEQUE MASTER PLAN FOUNTAIN PARK MASTER PLAN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA reuKiMRY u.mi CONCRETE PAD AREA FOR OUTDOOR NEW PLAYGROUND FOR TWO SEPARATE AGE GROUPS.NEW WATER PLAY AREA AND SHADB FRO SUMMER USE NEW RESTROOM FACILITY WITH PARK OFFICE AND STORAGE AREA DRINKING FOUNTATNS TO BE LOCATED AT THESE AREAS NEW PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE TO CONNECT SAOUARO BLVD.DIRECTLY TO THE WALKING PATH.THE BRIDGE AND ITS ACCESS SHALL BE ADA ACCESSIBLE. THE BRIDGE SHALL ALIGN ON THE FOUNTAIN. RECREATIONAL MASTER PLANNING BY: c FOUNTAIN PARK 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages 34,110 56,300 51,500 34,800 FICA 486 840 750 520 Unemployment Insurance 187 260 200 70 Employee's Health Insurance 1,999 5,030 3,250 2,700 Employee's Life Insurance 68 180 100 90 Employee's Dental Insurance 457 1,170 750 860 Employee's Eye Insurance 138 260 210 110 Worker's Compensation Insurance 530 2,090 1,060 1,030 Employee's Retirement Fund 3,150 5,350 4,500 3,830 Disability Insurance 152 280 230 200 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES: Engineering/Design Fees TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Equipment Repair Vehicle Maintenance/Repair Equipment Rental Building Repairs/Maintenance Field and Park Maintenance Mowing/Landscape Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues &Publications Electricity Gas and Oil Office Supplies Tools, Shop Supplies Printing Communications Expense Water Travel Uniforms TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicles TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget $41,277 $71,760 $62,550 $44,210 69,610 165,600 136,100 30,000 69,610 165,600 136,100 30,000 61,400 72,000 61,400 6,600 639 2,100 800 1,000 0 6,500 0 &Q0 6,604 10,000 8,000 5,000 56,401 85,000 65,000 76,000 53,007 75,000 78,500 83,000 $178,051 $250,600 $213,700 $176,800 663 800 800 400 140 500 200 100 75 600 150 750 141 200 200 150 59,564 150,000 100,000 110,000 291 2,000 500 1,000 82 500 150 1,000 1,559 1,000 2,000 2,000 62 1,000 150 500 1,531 1,350 1,600 800 1,560 2,000 3,000 4,000 27 1,300 50 100 810 0 1,000 800 $66,505 $161,250 $109,800 $121,600 14,706 20,000 14,706 0 $14,706 $20,000 $14,706 $0 ~$370;149 '"$669,210 $536,856 $372,610 Town of Fountain Hills -Fountain Park Page 18-6 DESERT VISTA PARK Robin Goodman Director ~mmammmmmmmmmt Robbie Ford (Fountain Park) Park Operations Worker II MISSION STATEMENT: The Desert Vista Neighborhood Park assists the Sanitary District with effluent disposal and provides residents with an additional open space/passive park area. The site is divided into an upper and lower terrace. The upper terrace is open turf and the lower terrace is a 3-acre fenced Off-Leash Recreational Facility. SITE DESCRIPTION: Desert Vista Neighborhood Park is a 12-acre site between Desert Vista and Tower Drive south ofTiogaDrive. The Town Council acquiredthe site on May 21, 1998,fromMCOProperties, Inc. The Town and the Sanitary District have constructed in-ground irrigation and developed 12-acres of usable turf. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: •Develop an overseed schedule for the fall of 1999. •Research and write an Arizona Heritage Grant for 2000. •Develop partnerships to support the Off-Leash Recreational Facility. • Work to acquire (through donation)the 5-acre effluent disposal site on Desert Vista. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: •Relocated 12-acres of-desert vegetation. • Worked with the Sanitary District to install an in-ground irrigation and pump system for effluent disposal. •Developed and approved a park master plan and maps. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Desert Vista Park Page 19-1 \^#j»>/' •Developed and approved a set of Off-Leash Recreational Facility Rules. • Wrote an Arizona Heritage Grant for future park construction. •Fenced 3-acres for the Off-Leash Recreational Facility. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Provide a clean litter-free site for public use. • Monitor and maintain the Off-Leash Recreational Facility daily. This will include daily inspections and trash removal. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Equipment Rental: This is for the rental of a tractor and aerator 4 times per year (4 x $1,300) to aerate all the turf areas. Request $5,200 Field and Park Maintenance: This line item is for the majority of maintenance expenses, not including the mowing con tract.Request $5,000 Mowing/Landscape Maintenance: Landscape maintenance is for weekly mowing and irrigation maintenance, beginning in July 1999. Request $36,500 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: These expenses total $6,700 and include signage for the Off-Leash Recreational Facility,elec tricity for the irrigation and pump yard, and twelve-month service for one port-a-john. Request $6,700 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: No expenditures are requested for next year. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Desert Vista Park Page 19-2 c c DESERT VISTA PARK CONTRACT SERVICES: Professional Fees Engineering/Design Fees TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Equipment Rental Field Preparation/Maintenance Mowing/Landscape Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Electricity Water/Sewer Tools, Shop Supplies TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Projects TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 Year-to-Date 15,000 21,031 36,031 1998-99 Budget 0 22,500 22,500 1998-99 Rev.Estimate 15,000 22,500 3730 1999-00 Budget 0 0 0 5,200 1,500 5,000 3,000 5,000 0 20,000 0 36,500 $2,500 $25,000 $3,000 $46,700 754 0 754 3,000 0 0 0 2,000 6,289 0 6,300 1,200 0 0 0 500 $7,043 $0 $7,054 $6^00 152,567 225,000 190,000 0 $152,567 $225,000 $190,000 $0 $198,141 $272,500 $237,554 $53,400 Town of Fountain Hills -Desert Vista Park Page 19-3 VlClBl Traffic Eogioeeriog Analyst Belly BraDooB Administrative Assistaot Janice Baxter Secretary I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT JimLeuboer.B.S.E. Eogioeer/ Plan Reviewer ArtCandelana.B.S.C.E. Engineer/ Plan Reviewer Randy Harrel. P.E.. L.S. Tow a Engineer Tom Ward Senior Eogioeeriog Inspector Gary Mosgrave. C.E.T. Eogioeeriog lospector DaoSchmerfeld Eogioeeriog lospector KeoValverde Eogioeeriog Technician/ CAD Operator j_ r l Katbryo Carrillo Drafiiog/CAD Tecboiciao Vacant Part-time lotern MISSION STATEMENT: The Engineering Departmentisdedicatedto protectingthehealth,safetyandwellbeingofthe publicbyassuringproperlydesignedandconstructedinfrastructure,correctpropertytransfers, quality mapping,and excellent community service. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The EngineeringDepartmentprocesses,reviews,permits,and inspectsencroachmentpermits, including subdivision plans, "off-site" improvementplans, and utility cuts. The Department supportstheBuildingSafetyDepartmentbyreviewingandinspectingsiteworkplansforbuild ingpermits. The Department supports the Community Development Department by technical review of area specific plans, rezonings, preliminary plats, special use permits, and other land use matters. The Engineering Department is responsible for site capital projects including streets, traffic, drainage,andlandscaping,anditprovidestechnicalsupportforparkandbuildingprojects. The Departmentprovidesproject planning,design anddrafting (ordesigncontract managementand planreview),constructioninspection,andcontractadministration. TheDepartmentalsohandles all street major maintenance contracts, including design, layout, and inspection. The Engineering Department provides mapping and drafting support for allTowndepartments, and provides administrative and clerical support for the Public Works and Street Departments. The Department functions as the Town's Traffic Engineer,Drainage Administrator, and Flood- plain Administrator. The Engineering Department processes all real estate transactions for the Townincluding right- of-way,easements,and real property. The transactions include acquisitions,abandonments, and annexations. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Engineering Department Page 20-1 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • Reviewed 1,228 site plans for building permits. * • Reviewed 44 subdivision preliminary plats. * •Reviewed,permitted,and inspected 33 subdivision improvement plan projects.* • Reviewed, permitted, and inspected 214 utility permit requests and 1,050locations under blanket permits.* •Reviewed and processed 76 real estate transactions:** 41 easement abandonments 22 easement grants 9 property acquisitions 4 other real estate transactions Inspected major public projects including: Golden Eagle Park Phase V Four Peaks Park Desert Vista Neighborhood Park Town entrance signs Clearaire frontage road reconstruction Tioga/Falcon paving El Pueblo paving (Fountain Hills Boulevard to Alamosa) El Lago paving (with MCO) Fountain Hills Boulevard at Cuesta Acres Updated plat, zoning, and building development maps quarterly. Scanned plat maps and improvement plans onto CD-ROM. Prepared traffic signal conduit map. •During 10 months ended April 30, 1999 **Calendar year 1998 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: •Begin the Town-wide benchmark survey. • Begin preparation-of the storm drain atlas maps. •Continue data conversion to a GIS system. • Continue capital project planning, design, and construction consistent with the budget and the 5-year CIP 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Engineering Department Page 20-2 c •Continue street major maintenance work (see Street Section),expending all budgeted funds. • Perform a Town-wide pavement maintenance evaluation (last done in 1993). PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Perform building permit first review plan checks within 10 working days for single family residences and miscellaneous permits,15 working days for multi-family and commercial permits, and 5 working days for subsequent plan reviews. •Perform subdivision (encroachment permit) first review plan checks within 20 working days and subsequent plan reviews in 5 working days.Perform utility cut (encroachment permit) plan checks within 10 working days. • Identify all plan review concerns in the first check. •Provide a customer friendly environment for citizen and developer access to services. •Provide thorough,timely subdivision (and other development related)technical review com ments to the Community Development Department. •Provide technical input to the Town Council and advisory commissions as requested. • Respond to citizen inquiries within one working day, when feasible. PERSONNEL SERVICES: As shown in the organizational chart,there are currently eleven full-time positions in the Engi neering Department. No new positions are being requested; however, one full-time and one part-time position are currently vacant, as follows: • Traffic Engineering Analyst - Since an early-year evaluation showed a very tight job mar ket for this position,advertising was delayed until recently. •Part-time CAD intern (high school)- for Summer 2000, when space,equipment,and men tor are available. These positions will be filled as soon as possible. CONTRACT SERVICES: Contractual Services: Periodically, real-estate transactions including right-of-way dedications, easement grants, or abandonmentsrequire a marketanalysis, appraisal,-and/or title-report.Funds are requestedfor these reports. Request $2,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Engineering Department Page 20-3 c Engineering Fees: The Engineering Department regularly contracts withdesign professionals (engineers, landsur veyors, mappers, architects, and landscape architects) for services. These contracts provide disciplines and expertise not available among the Town's regular staff; technical manpower for majorprojects, and a reserve of technical manpower during overflow and bottleneck time peri ods. The Engineering Fees are substantially higher this year due to the large design costs for the Golden Eagle Park Dam #4 Improvements ($180,000),and the Shea Bike Lanes design ($100,000). The estimated contract fees include: Geotechnical Engineer and Materials Testing Lab - On Call Surveyor - On Call Landscape Architect - On Call Civil Engineer - On Call Plan Review (Willdan) Phase I Environmental Assessments Civil Engineer (GEP Dam #4 Improvements)Payment to FCDMC Civil Engineer -Shea Bike Lanes (Federal Aid Project,Year 2000) Civil Engineer -Civic Center Plat and La Montana Medians Civil Engineer -Shea Boulevard (Reimburse MCDOT) Landscape Architect -Shea Boulevard Medians Surveyor -Benchmark Control Survey Electrical Engineer (Avenue of the Fountains) Scan,Rastorize and Edit maps Aerial Mapping Traffic Engineer Request $439,000 $10,000 5,000 2,500 5,000 5,000 2,500 180,000 100,000 20,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 4,000 15,000 10,000 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance: The Engineering Department has five vehicles assigned to the three full-time inspectors,the Town Engineer,and "the field" for use by the Plan Reviewers,CAD staff, and administrative staff. The vehicles include a 1991 pickup truck; 1994, 1996 and 1999 utility vehicles; and a 1984sedan ("loaner").Based on the age, mileage, usage, and repair maintenance history, costs of $800 per vehicle are projected. Request $4,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Engineering Department Page 20-4 c ^*lit^0li*/' SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Advertising: Thisitem includes public bid,public notices,and employment advertising. Request $4,500 Conferences,Education/Training,Dues and Publications: Conferences include one national conference (ASCE or APWA), one in-state conference,and five local conferences among the10staff members.Continuing education includes an average of4daysof technical seminars perstaff member,reimbursement for approved college classes, and specialized GIS training forthetwoCAD operators.Dues and publications include profes sional registration and certification renewals,publications,books, and technical literature. Request $9,200 Conferences $1,700 Education/Training 5,000 Dues and Publications 2,500 Office Supplies;Tools &Shop Supplies;Printing;Communication Expense: Officesuppliesinclude paper supplies, general officeconsumables, software support, andCAD plotter supplies (paper,cartridges,etc). Also included are office furniture including a worksta tion desk and shelving. Tools and shop supplies cover small cost items not considered capital expenditures.Printing includes deliveries,photography costs,overflow CAD plotting, blueprinting, and copying costs.Communication expense includes monthly radio fees,cellular phone bills, batteries, one replacement cell phone and four hands-free cellular phone setups. Request $23,200 Office Supplies $8,300 Tools, Shop Supplies 500 Printing 7,200 Communication Expense 7,200 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •Engineering Department Page 20-5 \si^y ENGINEERING 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages 311,359 497,800 461,500 524,800 FICA 4,429 7,470 6,557 7,910 Unemployment Insurance 753 1,550 800 770 Employee's Health Insurance 17,966 29,570 24,000 31,650 Employee's Life Insurance 490 990 655 990 Employee's Dental Insurance 4,239 7,680 5,600 7,410 Employee's Eye Insurance 882 1,570 1,170 1,600 Worker's Compensation Insurance 1,274 4,430 2,550 4,880 Employee's Retirement Fund 29,641 47,010 43,850 ,57,330 Disability Insurance 1,635 2,470 2,200 3,020 TOTAL CONTRACT SERVICES Contractual Services Engineering Fees TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Repair & Maint. Equipment Rental Office Equipment Repairs TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues &Publications Gas &Oil Office Supplies Tools,Shop Supplies Printing Communications Expense Travel TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay - Vehicles TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES $372,668 1,644 44,049 $45,693 $600,540 4,000 175,000 $179,000 $548,882 1,800 100,000 $101,800 $640,360 2,000 439,000 $441,000 2,365 4,000 3,000 4,000 0 100 0 100 9 500 10 500 $2,374 $4,600 $3,010 $4,600 708 4,000 3,500 4,500 563 1,700 1,000 1,700 2,586 8,000 3,000 5,000 622 3,000 800 2,500 2,516 4,000 3,000 5,000 4,160 9,700 7,000 8,300 767 900 900 500 4,678 6,000 6,000 7,200 5,698 7,700 7,500 7,200 248 1,000 300 500 $22^46 $46,000 $33,000 $42,400 0 20,000 21,812 0 $0 $20,000 $21,812 $0 $443,281 $850,140 $708,504 $1,128,360 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Engineering Department Page 20-6 PUBLIC WORKS -MEDIANS,DAMS,WASHES Randy Harrel Town Engineer Bud Clutter PublicWorks Supervisor 1 r i Vacant Public Works Maintenance I David Stepanek Public Works Maintenance I MISSION STATEMENT: ThePublic Works Department'smissionistoexpressandenhancethe beauty,value,andquality of the environment by operating and maintaining public grounds, dams, medians, natural washes, and mountain preserves. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: Public Works is responsible for the operation and maintenance of Town-owned wash parcels, mountain preserves,dams,public grounds,and median landscaping.The Department is also responsible for five ADWR jurisdictional dams and numerous smaller dams. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Accomplishments in FY '98-99 included: •Clean-up of Ashbrook Wash (between Fountain Hills Boulevard and Saguaro),utilizing vol unteers (particularly high school students)where possible. •Emergency fire hazard clean-up in Ashbrook and Balboa Washes (Fountain Hills Boulevard to El Pueblo),started in June 1998. •Transfer of Fountain Park to Parks and Recreation Department. •Fountains,electrical,and vegetation upgrades at Avenue of the Fountains. •Landscape upgrades on Saguaro medians,including planting 80 salvaged specimen trees, placing granite from Firerock Country Club, and 1-gallon plantings (El Lago-La Montana). •Contracting and inspection assistance at Desert Vista Neighborhood Park. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Public Works/Medians,Dams and Washes Page 21-1 c 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: • Assume operation and maintenance responsibilities for the areas listed in the Public Works Management Responsibilities attachmentfortransfer thisyear. • Completeclean-up ofthe Ashbrook andColonyWashfire hazard areasduring 1999. • Continue clean-up of other urgent and moderate fire hazard areas designated by the Fire District. • Set up checklists for routine daily, weekly, and monthly operations and maintenance work at the medians and dams. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: • Prepare personnel to provide public information regarding the medians, dams, preservation areas,and washes. • Provide a high level of median maintenance,recognizing that medians are a very important element of the "first impression"people have of Fountain Hills. •Inspect all dams quarterly. •Check irrigation operation quarterly to ensure proper coverage. •Spray herbicides semi-annually. •Respond promptly to citizen inquiries and concerns. PERSONNEL SERVICES: Public Works is budgeted for a Public Works Supervisor and two Operations Workers,plus 0.1 FTE for a student intern.Depending on qualifications,the intern will be used to write environ mental assessments,grant proposals,and maintenance standards.Due to delays in several land acquisitions and responsibility transfers,the second Operations Worker has not been hired. This position will need to be filled early in FY '99-00. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Dam/Wash Maintenance: This item includes fire hazard,erosion hazard, trash, and dumping removals in the wash and preservationareas. ItalsoincludesmaintenanceofitemsrequiredbyADWRatthefiveADWR jurisdictional-dams.-Most ofthisbudget-amountwill be^xpended forurgentfirehazard removal areas during the remainder of the summer. Request $200,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Public Works/Medians,DamsandWashes Page21-2 Median Landscape Maintenance: This item has substantially increased due to the significant addition of median landscape areas maintained by theTown. From 1996to 1999,median landscape acreage has nearly quadrupled. A listing of existing and proposed median landscape contract breakouts is included in this sec tion. Request $300,000 Major Landscape Improvements: This budget section was previously titled "Capital Outlay -Projects"and has been re-titled at the request of the Accounting Department.The following projects are proposed: • Avenue of the Fountains,Phase II ($150,000).This will extend and upgrade the minor electrical improvements made in FY '98-99 to accommodate the fairs by reducing generator usage,expand the holiday lighting,and serve other events well into the future. • Shea medians -144th Street to Palisades ($160,000).MCDOT's widening project will install new median curbs and granite in this 4,000 foot section.This project will coincide with the MCDOT's project to install median plants and irrigation. • Landscape restoration/upgrade median landscaping ($35,000). This work will restore pre viously scarred areas using Eonite slope staining,hydroseeding,spriggings,and plantings. This work will also upgrade landscaping,irrigation,and granite in existing landscaped ar eas,primarily Saguaro Boulevard. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Water and Sewer: This expenditure provides water service for median and other landscape watering (45±meters). The increase in this item is partially due to the additional landscape areas. Also in 1998, ChaparralCityWaterCompany(CCWC)beganchargingthe"proper" ratefor irrigationmeters. This "correction"almost doubled the previous rate. Request $45,000 Tools and Shop Supplies: This item includes landscaping-tools;small (non-capitalized)equipment and supplies. Request $2,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of FountainHills-PublicWorks/Medians, DamsandWashes Page21-3 Public Works Management ResponsibHities Location Property Number of Parcels(1)Acreage Acquisition Date Parcels owned in 1996 5 37 1996 or earlier MCO transfer parcels ("the washes")162 557 March & September 1997 New Civic Center site 1 13 May 1997 Avenue of the Fountains 2 3 February 1998 Fountain Hills Boulevard @ Shea 1 1 February 1998 Subtotal-June 1998 171 611 Firerock Country Club transfer parcels 3 ±389 August 1998 Dittler Subdivision 3 2 October 1998 SunRidge Canyon - Parcel 12 1 5 May 1999 Sub-total-June 1999 178 1007 Pending McDowell Mountains Bond 100-400 Lakeside Bond 65 CCWC Acquisition 21 Puerto del Lago Parcel C (Partial) North Heights Dam Town Hall (Lease?) Medians (&Landscaped Right-of-way Frontages) Medians maintained in 1996 10 1996 or earlier Street Yard perimeter 1 June 1997 Lakeside HOA medians (Panorama,El Lago)3 June 1997 MCO medians 10 February 1998 Avenue of the Fountains 3 February 1998 Subtotal-June 1998 27 Town Center I (On Fountain Hills Blvd/Palisades)1 July 1998 Firerock Ridge HOA medians 3 April 1999 Public Art at Saguaro/Shea -June 1999 Cottonwoods Improvement District 1 June 1999 Town Center II (on El Lago) 1 June 1999 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Public Works/Medians,Dams and Washes Page 21-4 \^^ \&g^S \jg^-5s/'' Subtotal-June 1999 Pending Avenue of the Fountains (at Post Office) Shea-144th Street to Palisades Sierra Madre Courtside Villas Entrance signs (2 areas) Total 33 1 November 1999 2 June 2000 1 1 - July 1999 38 (1)Town-owned parcelsnot managed by PublicWorksconsistof 7 parcels,totaling106acres. PublicWorkshad previously been responsible for FountainPark(whichis separately budgetedandnot includedin this listing)untilits transferto the Parks&Recreation Department in December 1998. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Public Works/Medians,Dams and Washes Page 21-5 c si^jjj^y PUBLIC WORKS 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages 46,764 97,200 66,500 100,100 FICA 653 1,560 950 1,470 Unemployment Insurance 118 520 150 280 Employee's Health Insurance 4,018 9,420 5,500 9,900 Employee's Life Insurance 97 270 130 270 Employee's Dental Insurance 796 2,170 1,100 2,170 Employee's Eye Insurance 132 460 200 330 Worker's Compensation Insurance 877 3,600 1,700 3,710 Employee's Retirement Fund 4,689 9,040 6,400 10,790 Disability Insurance 267 480 360 570 TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Maintenance Repair Equipment Rental Median/Landscape Maintenance Dam/Wash Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues &Publications Electricity Gas and Oil Office Supplies Tools,Shop Supplies Printing Communication Expense Water/Sewer Travel Uniforms TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay -Vehicles Capital Outlay -Projects TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES $58,411 $124,720 $82,990 $129,590 70 4,000 250 5,000 2,879 18,000 3,000 10,000 9,983 200,000 200,000 300,000 •1,104 200,000 201,104 200,000 $314,036 $422,000 $404,354 $515,000 0 400 0 400 0 1,500 0 1,500 0 1,700 200 1,700 69 500 150 500 2,082 5,000 2,500 5,000 992 4,000 1,200 4,000 88 700 100 200 22 2,000 1,000 2,000 89 0 100 200 1,200 2,500 2,000 3,400 26,619 30,000 36,000 45,000 0 1,000 0 500 1,348 2,000 2,000 3,000 $32,509 0 26,721 $26,721 $431,677 $51,300 25,000 150,000 $175,000 $773,020 $45,250 24,100 75,000 $99,100 $631,694 $67,400 0 345,000 $345,000 $1,056,990 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Public Works/Medians,Dams and Washes Page 21-6 c STREET DEPARTMENT Randy Harrel Tow d Engineer Pat Harvey Street Superintended CREW«I Striping.Signage. Brush Control. Traffic Signals Steve Calhooo Maintenance III Ken Kunh Maintenance II Michael Koveikis Maintenance II Tony Marchess Field Supervisor CREW #2 Crack Sealing. Road Patching Mike Wood Maintenance III TimSchilreff Maintenance I Dennis Bratcher Maintenance I Phil Brouzes Maintenance 1 Proposed Maintenance Worker George Roth Mechanic CREW • 3 Equipment Operators Street Sweeping CregEIco Equipment Operator Tom Morgan EquipmentOperator MISSION STATEMENT: The Street Department is dedicated to quality customer service by operating,preserving and maintainingTown-ownedroadwaysand trafficcontrol systems safely and efficiently. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: The Street Fund pays for Street Department personnel and contract work for street repairs, operations, maintenance, and improvements. Major Street Department stafftasks includecrack sealing,asphaltpatching, signing, striping,traffic signals, brush removal, andstreetsweeping. The Department provides vehicle maintenance services for the entire Town fleet, and traffic barricading for Town-sponsored special events.Contracted tasks include construction and reno vation of streets, walls, sidewalks, drainage facilities, and traffic signals. Contracted major street maintenance items include concrete curb replacement, asphalt reconstruction, asphalt overlays, slurry seal,emulsion seal, and house number painting. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-1 c c 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: During thefirstten months ofFY '98-99,major projects and accomplishments included: • Barricading and street closures for 12special events. • Completing crack sealing in the northwest quadrant of Town. • Streetpatchingfollowingcontractcurb replacementandprior to slurry seal. •Gutter sweeping all roadways 6 times. •Gutter sweeping all arterial roadways 12 times. • Performing major storm cleanup in north half of Town. •Logging no workmen's compensation loss time. Contract Work: • Participation in widening/medians on Fountain Hills Boulevard, El Lago, and Saguaro in conjunction with the Cuesta Acres,Town Center II, and Little Fountains subdivisions. Major asphalt reconstruction at 4 locations. Replacement of 62 sections of concrete curb,totaling 0.6 miles. Overlay of 15 areas,totaling 1.1 miles of roadway. Tioga/Falcon paving project consisting of 0.1 miles of new street. Completion of 4 minor drainage projects. Emulsion seal coating of 14 miles of street including 0.5 mile of Reclamite,3 miles of CRF, and 11 mile of Plastic Seal. Slurry sealing or microsurfacing 13 miles of street. Construction of 1,620'of sidewalk and ramps. Painting of 1,800 house numbers on curbs. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: Perform a night stop sign and regulatory sign check.Replace all poorly visible signs. Install signing and striping for the ADOT Bike Lanes Signing and Striping Project. Begin data entry into the sign maintenance computer program. Crack seal in the north central/northeast quadrant of Town. Initiate a vehicle operator's maintenance checklist for all Town-owned vehicles. Track and minimize vehicle maintenance "down-time". Implement a traffic signal preventive maintenance plan and evaluate timing sequence and phase length for all signals. Establish a policy for special event barricading and street closure. Contract Work:complete all construction and major maintenance projects budgeted. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-2 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: •Gutter sweep all streets quarterly,with a full street sweep annually.Gutter sweep all arterial streets and commercial area collector streets monthly. • Respondto citizen inquiries within one working day,wheneverpossible. •Schedule requested maintenance ina reasonable time frame,consistent with maintaining a high level of productivity. • Minimize disruption to the motoring public due to maintenance and construction work. •Continue to have a safe working environment as evidenced bylow workmen's compensa tion rates. • Continue to keep the streets safe as evidenced by low rates of insurance claims filed and paid by the Town. • Patch asphalt within three weeks of concrete curb placement. •Minimize vehicle maintenance "down-time". PERSONNEL SERVICES: The Street Department currently has twelve full-time regular employees. A Street Maintenance Worker position is requested in this budget. The Street Maintenance Worker will be the fourth person on the crack seal crew. The Street Department currently crack seals approximately 85%of all workdays.This crew also does asphalt patching, brush control, and special events barricading.A crack seal crew can operate with 3 persons, but is more productive and safer with a four-person crew. With a three-person crew, they have to first blow out the cracks and then come back to crack seal. With a four- person crew, they can either blow out and seal in one pass,or they can crack seal much faster, utilizing the fourth person to refill the heater, move traffic control signage,and operate asecond squeegee. If the Town acquires CCWC this fiscal year, an Assistant Mechanic position will be needed.If CCWC is not acquired,the Assistant Mechanic position can be deferred until FY '00-01.It has not been included in the current year budget. The Assistant Mechanic will perform routine vehicle maintenance and assist in major and com plex vehicle repairs. The increased size and age of the Town's vehicle fleet (as shown in the C following table) has created a workload requiring more than one mechanic.For the past two years, this overload has required overtime,assistance from a Street Maintenance Worker (0.3 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-3 FTE), anduseof outside vendors. Operators of small supportpowerequipment have had todo more of their own maintenance and service intervals have been increased.An Assistant Me chanic will allow this work to be performed more efficiently, more consistently, and with better documentation.The future addition of an Assistant Mechanic will allow the assimilation of CCWC's vehicles into the vehicle maintenance operations. Town 1991 Town 1996 Town 1999-00 6 10 4 28 6 38 0 8 10 0.5 3 19 4 1 3 19 3 2 CCWC FHSD Fleet Large vehicles and equipment 6 4 6 22 Cars and pickup trucks Support Small vehicles (gators) Small engine support equipment Average fleet age Number of mechanics 0.5 1 2 0* *A11 CCWC vehicle work is currently performed by vendors. CONTRACT SERVICES: Accounting (auditor)and Town Attorney legal fees are annually prorated to the Street Fund. LTAFSpecial Programs are budgeted at 10% of the estimated LTAF revenue.These funds are used for non-street "grants".The Council has traditionally awarded these funds based on the recommendations of a special citizens'review committee in the spring. Request $27,850 Accounting Fees $ 2,750 Legal Fees $ 5,300 LTAF Special Programs $19,800 REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE: Vehicle Repair and Maintenance: The Street Department has 5 pickup-trucks,3 specialized vehicles, and 5 major equipment pieces. The sweeper(gutter and belly brooms), striper (hoses,nozzles, and guns) and grinder (grindingblades)havehigher maintenancecosts than other vehicles/equipment.The agingof the vehicles and equipment increases the probability of major breakdowns. Request $50,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Street Department Page22-4 Road Repair and Maintenance: This item includes both materials and contracts for routine work.Major categories of road repairs and maintenance include: House number painting $9,000 Traffic signal 15,000 Signs and traffic control 30,000 Striping 25,000 Crack sealing 36,000 Paving 10,000 Dump fees 10,000 Misc.materials 5,000 Adopt-a-Street Signage 2,000 Request $142,000 Major Road Improvements: This item is budgeted at $1,285,000.These funds will be used on contract maintenance and construction projects as outlined below. A reference map is included in Appendix N. NewtrafficsignalinstallationattheSaguaro/Grandeintersectionisproposed($100,000). School warningflashers will be constructed in Summer 1999at the FountainHills Boulevard/Fayette and Palisades/Hampstead intersections ($30,000).The Palisades/Saguaro signal will be up graded for opticoms and illuminated street name signs ($20,000),and coordinated with the proposed Saguaro/Grande traffic signal. Final portions of the Fountain Hills Boulevard/Shea signal upgrade (a joint project with Firerock Country Club) may extend into FY '99-00 due to long equipment purchase lead time ($30,000). $30,000 has been budgeted for sidewalks, with the priority location(s) to be determined. Town directional signage (carried forward from FY '98-99)will be installed at 34 locations ($70,000). In accordance with the Council's recently adopted Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy and Process,$10,000hasbeenbudgetedforphysicaltrafficcalmingmeasuresincludingspeedhumps, road narrowing,and/or closures. The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Projects are for catch basins on Saguaro Boulevard across from f Fountain Park (at Parkview and north of Stewart Vista),a drainage channel from Grande Bou levard to Rosita Drive,and minor pedestrian safety improvements at Golden Eagle Park Dam. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-5 kN V. -20 LANDSCAPE MEDIANS (PWI WITH MCDOT (1) :'2-l ¥P oo mm 21 --+--- (1) REINBURSEMENT PAYMENT DUE TO MCDOT IN FY 'OO-'OI HELLS STREET/DfiAlAGE MAJOK .!:'S0JEC LEGEND TRAFFIC SIGNAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL (MODIFY) WARNING FLASHERS PAVING PROJECT FEMA HAZARD MITIGATION PROJECT (DRAINAGE) PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE WORK AREA (CURB REPLACEMENT,CRACK SEAL,SEAL COATS) WITH MCDOT (1) NORTH SCALE:1"=300( DATE:MAY 27, 91 Carried forward from last year,these projects were delayed in the FEMA environmental ap proval process andfor coordination with theGoldenEagleParkDam design process.FEMA will be providing $28,000 in matching funds. Five minor drainage projects in various areas of Town (mainly on Saguaro Boulevard)are budgeted at an average $5,000 each, totaling $25,000. Pavement maintenance will be concentrated in the north central and northeast quadrants of Town inFY'99-00.Emulsion seal ($100,000)includessome preservative sealin newly paved areas, primarily through developer in-lieu payments; plastic seal on pavements 3-6 years old; and CRF crack seal in heavily alligatored areas with a slurry seal to follow 2-6 months later. One of the types of emulsion seal will be placed on approximately 20 miles of streets. Slurry seal ($350,000)will be concentrated in the north central and northeast quadrants of Town,totaling approximately 30 miles. Some slurry seal work will be performed in October, butthemajoritywillbeperformedinApril. Microsurfacing($150,000),apolymer-addedslurry seal, will be placed on 5 miles on portions of Shea,Saguaro,Palisades,Glenbrook,El Pueblo, and/or other collector streets. Asphaltoverlay($100,000)andreconstruction($90,000)willbeusedfor approximately2miles of the worst,most deteriorated sections. Curb replacement willbe occurring inthe north central/northeast quadrant ofTown. The $100,000 budgeted will remove and replace approximately 1 mile of concrete curb at about 70 locations. The majority of locations will be curb radii at intersections. Request $1,285,000 SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: Dues and Publications: This item includes professional organization dues, licensing and certifications,publications, and technical literature. The major items are the Arizona Blue Stake subscription ($4,000), and the vehicle maintenance update cartridges,information subscription,and helpline ($4,000). Request $10,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-6 Electricity: This includes power and lighting for the Street Yard,office trailer, maintenance building and seven traffic signals. Request $10,000 Gas and Oil: Gas and oil are needed for the pickup trucks,specialized vehicles,major equipment and a number of small engine driven tools. Propane heating is used at the office and shop buildings. Request $19,500 Tools and Shop Supplies: This includes the addition/replacement of small tools under $1,000 technical supplies for the Street Department,and vehicle maintenance on all Town vehicles. Request $8,000 Communication Expense: This includes the monthly charges for radios,cellular phones,pagers,and communication equip ment for new personnel. Request $6,000 Water and Sewer: This item includes water,sewer,and trash pickup charges for the Street Yard. Request $5,000 Uniforms: All Street Department employees, except the Street Superintendent, wear Town uniforms. Uniforms are rented,maintained,cleaned and replaced by a weekly service. Request $11,000 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Equipment: A backhoe with a front clam bucket,extenda-hoe and 4-wheel drive is requested.In this last year,the backhoe/bucket wouldhavebeenusedduring heavy storm cleanup during November whenaheavyfrontendloaderhadtoberented. Itcouldalsohavebeenusedforthecleanupat Golden EagleParkafterthestorm when abackhoeandheavyloaderhadtoberentedfor several months. The backhoe is needed for repair and upgrades to Parks and Public Works irrigation 1999-2000 Budget Town of FountainHills- Street Department Page 22-7 c lines, the Street Department's traffic signal conduit and storm drains, and utility service work at Town buildings. $90,000 A 1-tonpickup crew cab to replace vehicle S-11 is requested. S-11 is 8 years old. This truck pulls thecrack sealing machine, carries approximately 1500lbs. of crack seal materialandruns at a very slow (walking) speed all day. It has a tremendous amount of grueling hours on the engine. It is now requiring major maintenance costs to keep it running. Many cities replace this type of vehicle after 5 years. $37,000 Four new traffic counters, hoses, and accessories are also being requested.$6,500. Request $133,500 Debt Retirement: This is the annual principal and interestpayment for the 15-year 1991HURF Bonds. Request $115,650 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-8 STREET DEPARTMENT 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget SALARIES &BENEFITS: Wages 257,208 373,460 401,100 415,887 FICA 3,858 6,510 6,000 6,100 Unemployment Insurance 734 1,546 900 910 Employee's Health insurance 20,466 26,600 27,800 34,450 Employee's Life Insurance 572 990 770 1,170 Employee's Dental Insurance 4,283 6,590 5,900 8,310 Employee's Eye Insurance 967 1,535 1,300 1,820 Worker's Compensation Insurance 6,624 20,310 13,500 22,810 Employee's Retirement Fund 24,605 33,897 38,105 45,748 Disability Insurance 1,425 1,784 1,920 2,412 TOTAL $320,742 $473^$497,295 $539,617 CONTRACT SERVICES Accounting Fees 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,750 Legal Fees 3,925 5,000 5,000 5,300 Engineering Fees 3,500 0 3,500 0 LTAF Special Programs 0 19,800 19,800 19,800 TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Vehicle/Equipment Rep/Maint. Equipment Rental Road Repair/Maintenance Building Repairs/Maint. Office Equipment Rep/Maint. Major Road Improvements TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Advertising Conferences Education/Training Dues &Publications Electricity Gas &Oil Liability Insurance Office Supplies Tools, Shop Supplies Printing Rent Expense Communication Expense Water/Sewer Travel Uniforms TOTAL 1999-2000 Budget $10,425 28,929 5,291 82,565 2,420 522 389,148 $508,875 $27,800 50,800 5,000 150,000 3,000 1,000 1,460,000 $1,669,800 $31,300 45,000 5,300 110,000 3,000 525 1,230,000 $1,393,825 $27,850 50,000 7,000 142,000 4,000 1,000 1,285,000 $1,489,000 0 600 0 600 0 1,000 0 1,000 1,053 2,000 1,500 2,000 4,130 7,800 5,000 10,000 5,998 10,000 7,800 10,000 10,776 19,500 14,500 19,500 39,050 51,600 51,600 55,000 2,813 3,650 3,650 5,000 6,364 8,000 8,000 8,000 163 300 300 300 2,757 4,000 3,500 4,500 3,413 4,800 4,800 6,000 3,356 5,000 4,600 5,000 23 100 50 100 5,297 11,000 6,500 11,000 $85,193 $129,350 $111,800 $138,000 Town of Fountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-9 c CAPITAL EXPENDITURES CapitalOutlay- Equipment CapitalOutlay- BldgConstruction Debt Retirement 137,380 0 89,865 168,000 30,000 123,800 140,000 0 123,550 133,500 0 115,650 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $227,245 $321,800 $263,550 $249,150 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,152,480 $2,621,972 $2,297,770 $2,443,617 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills -Street Department Page 22-10 w c DEBT SERVICE The Debt Service Fund provides for the payment of interest, principal and related costs on the voter-approved General Obligation (G.O.)and Highway User Revenue Fund bonds for the street paving project. The HURF Bond principal and interest payment, $115,650 for FY '99-00, will be paid from HURF revenues received during the year. The G.O. Bond principal and interest payment for next yearis$360,220. This obligation is paid by the Fountain Hills property owners using secondary property tax receipts less any credits, carryforward, and/or interest earnings. This year's levy amount is $318,037. The property tax levy is based on the total amount required for the payment (plus delinquency allowance)divided by the total assessed valuation for the Town of Fountain Hills.The Town received notice of a preliminary net assessed property valuation of $177,468,711 for the upcom ing year. The levy for FY '99-00 is $0.-F79£-per $100 of assessed value. •V)Vi 1999-2000Budget Town of Fountain Hill-Debt Service Page 23-1 c REVISED DEBT RETIREMENT -HURF/GO BOND REVENUE: Property Tax Revenue Highway User Fund Transfers Highway User Bond Proceeds Cottonwoods Improvement District Lakeside Preservation Interest Earnings TOTAL REVENUES Carry Forward TOTAL AVAILABLE EXPENDITURES: Bond Payment - GO Bond Payment -HURF Bond Payment -Cottonwoods Bond Payment -Lakeside Trustee Fees TOTAL EXPENDITURES Contingency TOTAL AVAILABLE 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 Year-to-Date 1998-99 Budget 1998-99 Rev. Estimate 1999-2000 Budget 171,594 89,865 5,588 0 0 3,640 260,000 123,800 0 2,000 0 2,000 260,000 123,800 5,588 0 0 4,000 318,050 115,650 0 2,000 130,500 4,000 270,687 387,800 393,388 570,200 123,370 91,039 123,370 41,158 394,057 478,839 516,758 611,358 97,598 19,555 0 0 600 351,000 123,800 2,000 0 800 351,000 123,800 0 0 800 360,220 115,650 2,000 130,500 800 117,753 477,600 475,600 609,170 276,304 1,239 41,158 2,188 394,057 478,839 516,758 611,358 Town of Fountain Hill-Debt Service Page 23-2 \i^y GRANTS State of Arizona,Department of Public Safety Gang Intervention Task Force: This grant provides all salary and employee related expenses for a Fountain Hills officer to continueparticipating in the state gang taskforce program. As a member of that taskforce, the individual receives specialized training and experience to serve as a school resource officer,a DARE officer, or to organize gang resistance efforts in Fountain Hills. The Town of Fountain Hillshashadthree officers participate inthis program overthepastthree years and expects to take advantage of the program again in FY '99-00. It provides 100%funding every yearthe Town participates. Request $41,800 United States Department of Justice: Office of Community Oriented Policing (COPS): Thisgrantseries,titled "COPS-UNIVERSAL",providessalaryandemployeerelatedexpense funding for nine full time officers in the Marshal's Department and two in the Sheriff's Office. Those assigned to the Marshal's Department are responsible for community oriented crime prevention, crime resistance efforts, patrol activities, and law enforcement youth programs. Those assigned to the Sheriff's Office provide preventive patrol services. This grant program provides up to $75,000 to cover the cost of each officer over a 3-year period. As currently administered,the program provides 75% of salary and ERE the first year, 65% the second, and 55% the third year. During FY '99/00 two officers on the grant will be in their third year, five officers will be in the second year, and two officers will be in the first year. The entire grant program will expire in January 2002. Request $213,700 Arizona Commission On the Arts Grant: In March of 1999,staff submitted a request for $2,025 in project support monies to the Arizona Commission On the Arts as part of the commission's annual grant cycle. If awarded, the grant funds will help support Spring Concerts in the Park. This annual Concert in the Park series will be held every Sunday during the month of March as a means to bring culturally diverse enter tainment to Fountain Hills residents.Notification of the grant awards will be made public after July 1,1999. Request $2,025 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Grants Page 24-1 State of Arizona,Heritage Grant Fund: Fountain Park Phase I: Construction on this park will begin in August/September and include $700,000 in park im provements. Funding for Phase I is coming from a $700,000 from the Arizona Heritage Fund. Phase I will include: the completed trail/sidewalk around the park; a 65' circular performance pad with spectator seating for concerts and small outdoor performances;two shaded picnic ramadas (Red Yucca Ramada and Golden Barrel Ramada)complete with three 8' picnic tables and a barbecue at each; a new restroom/control building to replace the old restroom now in the park; and miscellaneous landscaping,irrigation,and grading improvements. Request $700,000 State of Arizona,Heritage Grant Fund Fountain Park Phase II: An Arizona Heritage Grant request of $700,000 was submitted to Arizona State Parks for Phase II improvements.Notification is expected in September,1999.The grant would fund several new improvements and would not require a general fund match. The match for the grant is the value of the land donation.Phase II includes a children's playground with a seatwall and a water play feature, 3 small picnic ramadas,2 parking lots with lights,lighting around the pedes trian trail, a restroom control building,and improved landscaping and signage. Request $700,000 Desert Vista Neighborhood Park Phase I: A grant request for $700,000 for park equipment is being sought for the Town's fourth park. Notification is expected in September 1999. This is a 12-acre donated site. The site will provide several unique outdoor recreation opportunities,including a 3-acre off-leash recre ational facility, 3 lighted racquetball courts,2 lighted sand volleyball courts,2 lighted basket ball courts, a children's playground and a water play area, 6 ramadas, 1 lighted multipurpose field, a restroom/control building,site furnishings,landscaping,and signage. Request $700,000 Miscellaneous Grants: Request $500,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Grants Page24-2 GRANT FUNDS SUMMARY 3/31/99 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Year-to-Date Budget Rev.Estimate Budget REVENUE: Golden Eagle Park - Phase V 142,000 0 142,000 0 Four Peaks Neighborhood Park 200,000 0 200,000 0 Fountain Park -Phase I 0 0 0 700,000 Fountain Park -Phase II 0 0 0 700,000 Az.Commission on the Arts 0 2,500 1,700 2,025 Desert Vista Park -Phase I 0 0 0 700,000 DPS Gang Int. Task Force 25,000 35,900 29,500 41,900 US Dept Justice Comm.Policing 169,698 210,200 205,000 213,695 Court JCEF CCS 0 0 0 23,735 Undesignated Grant Requests 4,264 500,000 4,264 500,000 Transfer In 526,321 130,000 182,683 0 Carry Forward 1,677 0 1,677 0 TOTAL AVAILABLE $1,068,960 $878,600 $766,824 $2,881,355 EXPENDITURES: Golden Eage Park - Phase V 282,968 100,000 283,000 0 Fountain Park -Phase I 0 0 0 700,000 Fountain Park -Phase II 0 0 0 700,000 Desert Vista Park -Phase I 0 0 0 700,000 Four Peaks Neighborhood Park 243,353 30,000 243,360 0 Az Commission on the Arts 0 2,500 1,700 2,025 Court JCEF CCS 0 0 0 23,735 DPS Gang Int.Task Force 25,000 35,900 29,500 41,900 US Dept Justice Comm.Policing 171,375 210,200 205,000 213,695 Misc.Grant Expenditures 4,264 500,000 4,264 500,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $726,960 $878,600 $766,824 $2,881,355 Contingency 342,000 0 0 o TOTAL $1,068,960 $878,600 $766,824 $2,881355 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Grants Page 24-3 \sggjj^t/ EAGLE MOUNTAIN CFD The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District is comprised of approximately 326 acres locatedinthesouthwest corner ofFountain Hills andwasorganized for thepurposes offinancing the public infrastructure.The infrastructure,constructed by the District from the sale of bonds, includes the following items: •Sewer Mainlines •Storm Water Conveyance System •Two Main Roadways The Community Facilities District budget was established to receive property tax revenue from the community's property owners to make the debt service payment on the bonds. The District was formed with the stipulation that the developer would provide an investment agreement to make upfor any shortfall in property tax revenues for the debt service payment. The development of the community has resulted in a substantial increase in assessed valuation.This has reduced the amount to be provided by the investment agreement.The preliminary assessed valuation for Eagle Mountain Community is $6,689,992. The amount to be provided for FY '99-00 is $316,850. The tax levy on the homeowners is $3.00 per hundred dollars of assessed value. The expected revenue from property tax receipts is $200,000 and the remainder would come from the investment agreement. 1999-2000 Budget Town of FountainHills- EagleMountain CFD Page 25-1 EAGLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT REVENUE: Property Tax Revenue Investment Agreement TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Debt Service Trustee Fees Misc.Fees/Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTALS 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 Year-to-Date 1998-99 Budget 1998-99 Rev.Estimate 1999-2000 Budget 64,170 96,016 92,200 226,150 90,000 228,350 200,000 116,850 160,186 318,350 318,350 316,850 139,638 3,200 313,350 5,000 0 313,350 3,200 0 313,350 3,500 o 142,838 318,350 316,550 316,850 142,838 318,350 316,550 316,850 Town of Fountain Hills - Eagle Mountain CFD Page 25-2 COTTONWOODS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS During FY '98-99,the Cottonwoods Improvement District assessed each property owner in the the Cottonwoods Subdivision (Plat 112) to pay for the installation of a sidewalk,landscaping and the repair of the exterior perimeter block fence. The improvements were completed in FY '98-99.The Cottonwoods Maintenance District now provides the landscaping maintenance on the Saguaro, Grande, and Del Cambre Boulevard frontages. This revenue line item represents the maintenance fee that will be billed to each homeowner duringFY '99-00. The annualsubdivisionmaintenancewillbeperformedbyStreetDepartment personnel.Attheendofthefiscalyear,thepropertytaxrevenuewillbetransferredto reimburse the Street Department. Request $3,200 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills-Cottonwoods Page 26-1 ^t%gjpiii*a/ ^ikMffr c COTTONWOODS IMPROVEMENT/MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Annual Statement of Estimates of Expenses 1998-99 1998-99 1999-00 Budget Rev*Estimate Budget REVENUE: Improvement Bonds 46,800 46,800 0 Maintenance District Revenue 3,200 0 3,200 General Fund Transfer 0 37,222 0 TOTAL REVENUES 50,000 84,022 3,200 EXPENDITURES: ImprovementConstruction Other Costs Maintenance Costs TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTALS 34,200 12,600 3,200 74,022 10,000 0 0 0 3,200 50,000 84,022 3,200 50,000 84,022 3,200 1999-2000 Budget Town ofFountain Hills-Cottonwoods Page 26-2 \iij^^' Mcdowell mountain preservation (open space land acquisition) In 1997,theFountain Hillsvoters approveda$6million dollar GeneralObligation(G.O.)Bond issue to purchase McDowell Mountain property. It is anticipated that a purchase will be made during FY '99-00.Therefore,these funds are included in this budget. Request $6,000,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills •McDowell Mountain Preserve Page 27-1 MUNICIPAL PROPERTY CORPORATION Construction of the Community Center is planned during FY '99-00 and bonding (borrowing) will be required. OnecommontypeofbondusedinArizonatobuildmunicipalbuildingsisaMunicipalProperty Corporation Bond.InFY '98-99, the Councilapprovedtheformationof a Municipal Property Corporation to build the Community Center. Request $5,500,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Municipal Property Corporation Page 28-1 KIWANIS BUILDING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: In 1994,the Town of Fountain Hills assumed ownership ofthe property commonly known asthe KiwanisBuildingandenteredintoa lease/managementagreementwiththeSunsetKiwanis. The agreement assigned all management,maintenance and repair responsibilities forthe facility tothe Sunset Kiwanis.Although available as a rental facility,the building was used primarily bythe Kiwanis. In 1998,the lease/management agreement was amended inaneffortto maximize the usability of thebuildingandprovideanotheramenityfor the citizens.The Town assumed responsibility for all major maintenance and repair of the building,the contents and all mechanical fixtures, and all utilities. The Kiwanisretainedresponsibilityfor scheduling andfor dailymaintenance andclean ing. Funds were raised and matchedby the Town to remodel the building,providing office and activity space for Home Delivered Meals, the Red Cross, the Boys and Girls Club and Senior Services. Withthe paving,lightingand landscapingof the parking lot,the goal of providingthe community with a Senior Center and a multi-use activity/office facility is being achieved. Last year the Town-assumed expenses appeared in the Administration budget. In FY '99-00,the expenditures have been moved to a separate section to facilitate tracking and accountability. CONTRACT SERVICES: The Sunset Kiwanis schedules and cleans the building at no cost to the Town. REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Building Repairs &Maintenance: The routine repairs and maintenance expenses included in this line item are: $1,200 for extermi nating and pest control; $2,000 for heating/cooling repair and maintenance; and $1,500 for roof maintenance and repair. Although no major HVAC repairs are anticipated, the life expectancy of one air conditioning unit is questionable and $2,000 has been included on as "as needed" basis. The same is true for the roof maintenance and repair funding. An additional $5,000 has been included for miscellaneous repairs and maintenance for the building,parking lot and exterior lights. Outside landscaping maintenance has been included in the Public Works budget. Request $9,700 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Kiwanis Building Page 29-1 c c SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Electricity: Basedonten months billing history,$3,000hasbeenbudgetedfor electrical costforthe building. Request $3,000 Water/Sewer: Based on ten months billing history and an anticipated rate increase insewer fees, $1,000has been budgeted for water and sewer expense. Request $1,000 Cable/Satellite: Interest has been expressed by the building users to have cable installed to the building. Due to the location of the nearest cable feed, Cox Communications has quoted a price of approximately $5,000 to supply the building with cable. An alternative to cable would be the purchase and installation of a satellite dish for the building.The cost of a dish including installation would be a maximumof$300. Monthlycost wouldrangefrom $19.99to$47.99permonthdependingonthe programming package selected. It is possible that building users would contribute to the monthly charge to provide for enhanced viewing capabilities.As a starting point, this budget includes funding for the satellite dish, installation, and a monthly expenditure of $47.99. Request $900 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay -Furniture/Equipment: No capital expenditures for furniture/equipment are requested in this budget. Capital Outlay -Improvements: Due to the number of users that occupy the building, there are a number of service vehicles (Boys and Girls Club van, Home Delivered Meals, Red Cross, etc.) routinely parked on site. The Kiwanis havesuggestedbuildinga wallon thenorthsideofthebuilding,separatingthepropertyfromthe adjacentelectricalplant,andpavingadrivewaytotherearofthebuilding. Servicevehiclescould accessthe-rear ofthebuildingTather thantakingmp space in the main parking lot. The Kiwanis feel that with some donated time and materials, this project could be accomplished at a cost of $10,000. Request $10,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills- Kiwanis Building Page29-2 KIWANIS BUILDING CONTRACT SERVICES TOTAL REPAIRS &MAINTENANCE: Bldg. Repairs &Maintenance TOTAL SUPPLIES &SERVICES: Electricity Water/Sewer Cable/Satellite TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Exp.-Improvements TOTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget 3/31/99 Year-to-Date $0 1998-99 Budget $0 1998-99 Rev.Estimate $0 1999-00 Budget $0 0 0 0 9,700 $0 $0 $0 $9,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,000 1,000 900 $0 "':;;:V.|;';:::$o:/-:.•.•-:..$0 $4,900 0 0 0 10,000 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $24,600 Town of Fountain Hills -Kiwanis Building Page 29-3 *^g}'ffijjffigr c LIBRARY/MUSEUM CONSTRUCTION MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of this Department is the successful construction of the new Library/Museum facility approved by the Fountain Hills voters on May 18, 1999. DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION: This Department does not yet have aphysical name nor does it have dedicated in-house staff. Its part-time staff includes the Town Manager,Town Clerk,and other Administration De partmentpersonnel as needed. The Department supports theefforts of theLibrary/Museum Advisory Commissionintheplanninganddesignstagesoftheproject. Theprimarystaffing for this Department comes from the Town's Architect. 1998-1999 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: •Coordinated the efforts of the Maricopa County Library District,the Fountain Hills Li brary Association,the Fountain Hills Historical Society, and the Town Architect to de sign a conceptual facility and calculate construction costs for bond election purposes. •Apprised the Council and the public of the project's progress. • Provided the Council with a roster of citizens to serve on the Library/Museum Advisory Commission. •Coordinated organizational meetings for the new Commission and initiated a visioning questionnaire to promote citizen interest and input. 1999-2000 OBJECTIVES: •Conduct a series of public meetings to obtain citizen input on the new community ame nity. • Design a Library/Museum facility to fulfill the needs of the community and compliment the site shared with the Community Center. •Coordinate the completion of plans and specifications in conjunction with the Commu nity Center plans to maximize savings to both projects. • Work with the Sanitary District to coordinate the appropriate time when the 13-acre Community Center/Library/Museum site is no longer needed for effluent disposal. • Work with the County Library District to coordinate their operating budget schedule with the opening of the new facility. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Library/Museum Construction Page 30-1 \jM^0^r' XiBRs^-r'" • Meet the following schedule: Plans complete and ready for bid:November 1, 1999 Bid Date:December 1, 1999 Bid Award:February 1,2000 GroundBreaking:Spring of 2000 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: • Provide ampleopportunity for citizen input into the design process. • Produce high quality architectural/engineering plans to minimize review time. • Provide thorough review of all architectural/engineering plans so the above dates and ob jectives are met. • Respondto Council and citizen inquiries within three workingdays of receipt. •Provide periodic progress reports to Council as needed. • Provide appropriate support to the Library/Museum Advisory Commission for their work. • Support the Community Center Advisory Commission and the Library/Museum Advisory Commission to encourage the cohesive and cooperative efforts necessary to design and construct two projects on a shared site. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-ARCHITECTURAL FEES: These budgeted expenditures are to pay for the architectural and engineering fees associated with the Library/Museum project. These costs include the preparation of the drawings and specifications ($100,000);the bidding for both projects ($5,000);and construction administra tion ($25,000). These expenditures,specified in the ballot language and approved by the voters on May 18, will be paid from bond proceeds. Request $130,000 PRINTING: The construction plans and specifications must be printed.This is a significant expense due to the complexity and volume of printing required.Since the two projects will be bid together, the printing costs,will be-splitavith-the Community-Center-project. Request $10,000 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills -Library/Museum Construction Page 30-2 CAPITAL OUTLAY -BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: The Library/Museum will be constructed with funds from the bond proceeds approved by the voters at the May 18, 1999election. The total cost of the project is included in this budget. All aforementioned expenditures are included in this total amount. All aforementioned expendi tures are included in this total amount. Request $3,700,000 1999-2000 Budget Townof Fountain Hills -Library/Museum Construction Page 30-3 X^j^jpr CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Library/Museum Civic Center REVENUE: Bond Proceeds -Lakeside Bond Proceeds -Civic Center Bond Proceeds -Library/Museum TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Acquisition -Lakeside Preservation Construction -Civic Center Construction -Library/Museum TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1999-2000 Budget REVISED 1998-99 Budget 1998-99 Rev.Estimate Town of Fountain Hills -Library/Museum Construction 1999-00 Budget 1,400,000 4,000,000 3,700,000 9,100,000 1,400,000 4,000,000 3,700,000 9,100,000 Page 30-4 PRESERVATION The Town Council directed the Town Manager to include "preservation"as the fifth budgetary priority at the March 30th pre-budget meeting.This budget recommends that an amount of $1,000,000 be designated for this purpose. 1999-2000 Budget Town of Fountain Hills-Preservation Page31-1 c L C MUNICIPALITY WAGE &SALARY PROJECTIONS FOR 1999-00 City of Apache Junction .50 to .75 cents per hour Town of Carefree 3.5%COLA plus 3.5%merit Town of Cavecreek 75%of University study plus 5%merit City of Casa Grande Based on market study City of Chandler Unknown at this time Town of Gilbert 2 or 3%market adjustment City of Glendale 2%market plus 4%merit City of Mesa 3%market -3/12%step Town of Paradise Valley 2.5%COLA,4.5%merit City of Peroria-3%COLA plus 5%merit City of Phoenix No figures at this time Town of Queen Creek 2.8%COLA plus 5%merit City of Scottsdale No figures at this time City of Surprise No figures at this time City of Tempe COLA plus 5%merit SUPERVISOR OF FACILITIES OPERATIONS JOB OBJECTIVES Organize,supervise, and oversee the maintenance and custodialservices and operationsof owned and/or leased Town buildings;coordinate set up activities for meetings and events in Town facilities;and perform a variety of tasks relative to the position. SUPERVISION RECEIVED Receives direction from the Administration Department. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Plan,prioritize,assign,supervise and reviewthe workofstaff involved inprovidingcustodial services to Town facilities;review and distribute request for services from other departments. Participate in budget preparation and administration;prepare cost estimates for budget recommendations;submit justifications for budget items;monitor and control expenditures. Coordinate assigned schedules of crews and activities with other shifts. Participate inthe selection of staff; participate in monitoring employee performance objectives; assist inthe preparation of employee performance reviews; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies;implement discipline procedures. Respond to requests for services;oversee and inspect the work of assigned personnel;ensure work is accomplished in a timely and appropriate manner. Coordinate all factors required for meetings and events inTown facilities, i.e. room set up, audiovisual,etc. Requisition supplies, materials and custodial contracting needs;issue and control supplies and equipment;oversee custodial contracts. Coordinate and direct a full range of custodial and maintenance duties including but not limitedto functions such as patching, painting, and minor plumbing and electrical repairs, remodeling and upgrades. Review,recommend and coordinate upgrades and improvements to Town facilities to insure compliance withall legal and safety requirements. Coordinate with the Public Works Department for the outside maintenance of Town owned/leased facilities. c c POSITION ACCOUNTABILITIES Prepare a variety of reports and records related to custodial operations and activities. Serve as safety coordinator for assigned staff. Employees in this class may also participate in the custodial work. Perform related duties,as assigned. CRITICAL SKILL/EXPERTISE Knowledge of: Methods and practices used in custodial services and minor building maintenance activities. Tools, equipment and supplies used in providing comprehensive custodial and minor building maintenance services. Techniques for estimating job requirements in terms of manpower,supplies,and equipment. Principles of personnel supervision,training and performance evaluation. Budgeting procedures and techniques. Occupational hazards and standard safety precautions necessary inthe work. Ability to: Supervise and direct the custodial service activities;recommend and coordinate the operations of outside services. Monitor the work activities of assigned staff. Maintain records and prepare administrative reports Communicate clearly and concisely,both orally and inwriting. Supervise,train,and evaluate assigned staff. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Anycombination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abilities is qualifying. Atypical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience Two years of responsible experience performing custodial duties,including one year of lead or supervisory responsibility. Training Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade supplemented by specialized training in personnel supervision or a related subject. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Physical Reouirements Exerting up to 50 pounds of force occasionally and/or up to 20 pounds of force frequently and the use of arm and/or leg controls require exertion of forces greater than for sedentary work. Work Environment The position is subject to both environmental conditions.Activities occur inside and outside. License or Certificate: Possession of, or ability to obtain,a valid,Arizona driver's license. FLSA Status:Non-Exempt Employee Association Status:Exempt Salary Range:$10.00 -$16.00 Effective 7-1-99 c NiS^/*1 Position Title Information Technology Support Specialist Position Responsibilities -Duties may include,but are not limited to,the following: • Train, advise and assist personnel with technical problems related to computer software,equipment and graphics applications. •Monitor and assess training needs and recommend,develop and present courses to meet those needs. • Answerquestionsandprovideinformationto variousdepartmentsabouta wide rangeof electronicdataprocessingissues,microcomputers,word processing, databases, applications systems and electronic mail system. • Assist in determining the causes of minor malfunctions of computer equipment and notify responsible parties. • Track and perform follow-up on technical support incidents. • Attend professional meetings and seminars as required. • Participateand assist in the administration of the InformationTechnology department;research,compile,analyze,and summarize datafor special projects and various comprehensive reports; assist with preparation the annual budget, processexpenditurerequestsfordesignated accounts;monitorapprovedbudget accounts. • Prepare reports on operations and activities as requested. • Assist with purchasing and vendor relations • Evaluate operations and activities of assigned responsibilities; recommend organizational or procedural improvements and modifications affecting support activities; prepare various reports on operations and activities. • Initiate and maintain a variety of files and records for departmental information such as purchasing, inventory, budget, maintenance cost records; maintain manuals and update resource materials. •Perform related duties as assigned. Skills Required •Excellent customer service, time management,and task management skills. • Strong interpersonal,organizationaland reporting skills. • Strong computing skills •Limited technical knowledge of PCs and Networks. •Experience supporting and/orusingas manyof the following as possible: Windows 95,Windows NT Workstation v4.0,Microsoft Outlook 98,Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition, Internet Explorer v4, Netscape, PageMaker 6.5, CorelDraw,NetRMS,Escom CLASS,AEK Government Accounting, PTWin, CodeMaster. •Basic principles and practices of fiscal,statistical and administrative research and report preparation. • Principlesandproceduresof recordkeeping and reporting. • Englishusage,spelling,grammar and punctuation. • Modernoffice practices,procedures,equipment. Abilities Required • Performresponsibleandcomplex work involving the use of independent judgment. • Research,compile, analyze, interpretand prepare avariety of fiscal,statistical and administrative reports. •Work cooperativelywith other departments,Town officials andoutside agencies. • Analyze situations carefullyandadopt effective courses of action. •Maintain confidential data and information •Implement and maintain standard filing and accounting systems. •Assist in preparing andmonitoring abudget. •Communicate effectively,both orally and in writing. • Establishandmaintainacooperativeworking relationship with those contactedin the course of work. •Operate avarietyof modernoffice equipmentincludinga computer. Recommended Salary $10.58 - $15.34 per hour, DOE,Non-Exempt Organizational Structure Cassie Hansen Director of Administration Peter B Putterman Information Systems Specialist PositionRequested- To Be Filled Information Technology Support Specialist Drew Richards Information Technology Intern A job description for the Maintenance Worker position (Street Department)hasnotbeen included in this budget. JUDICIAL COLLECTION SPECIALIST I JOB OBJECTIVES Performrelevantworkforthe collection of fines,fees and sanctions. Performprofessionalduties of considerable difficulty to ensure compliance withcourt orders. SUPERVISION RECEIVED Receive concurrent supervision fromthe Town Magistrate and Court Administrator. Work is cooperatively performed with the Court Services Specialists and Judicial Enforcement Officer. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Perform a variety of tasks with regard to collectingcurrent and past-due monies: • Perform financial investigations and effect collections ofcourt imposed fines,sanctions,fees (and restitution.Prepare payment orders and verify application information for accuracy. • Monitor payments and refer noncompliance appropriately for suspension or hearing;prepare notices and reports as needed. D Utilize a variety of resources to locate defendants,their income and assets. POSITION ACCOUNTABILITIES Coordinate and maintain payment plans,suspension and warrant files. Monitor community service hours completed and coordinate with outside agencies for referrals. Track warrants for reporting purposes. Computer proficiency requirements including data entry, retrieval,and report writing as necessary for collection purposes. Maintain the court Debt Set-Off Program,including entries and updates. Maintain current Credit Data Southwest referrals for records sent to collection and accounts paid. Perform other duties as required. CRITICAL SKILL/EXPERTISE Knowledge of: Knowledge of skip-tracing and other locating methods. Familiarity withmodern officeequipment, current office practices and procedures. Ability to: Ability to work independently without constant or direct supervision. Ability to track the progress ofthe collection programand justify effortsand procedures. Ability to learn the Arizona Revised Statutes,Fountain Hills Town Code, Court Rules and Policies. Ability to work effectively with difficult individuals to achieve compliance with court orders. Ability to handlestressfulsituationsand perform multiple tasks while maintaining a calm, professional manner. Ability to interact with outside agencies to obtain informationand leads. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience The ideal candidate has one year of experience in a collection environment and/or two years clerical or court experience. Training Education requirements are equivalent tothe completion ofthe twelfth grade.Additional training or specialized work in collections is desirable. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Physical Requirements Exertingup to 20 pounds offorce occasionally and/or negligible amount offorce frequentlyto move objects;involves sitting,standing,and some bending. Work Environment Position is typicallyoffice work and is not substantially exposed to adverse environmental conditions. License or Certificate:None FLSA Status:Non-exempt Employee Association Status:Exempt ( y Salary Range:$18,000 -$26,000 COURT SERVICES SPECIALIST I JOB OBJECTIVES Perform a variety of clerical duties,file maintenance,and customerservice work forthe municipal court. SUPERVISION RECEIVED Work is performed underthe concurrent direction ofthe Presiding Judge and the Court Administrator for the town court. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Perform Spanish interpretation services for non-English speaking customers.*** C Perform intense public contact work atthe counter and over the telephone:fine payments,answering questions,and providing information todefendants,attorneys,police officers and the general public. Dataentrywork including calendar maintenance and case management. Establishand maintaincomplexcourt files and records;verify completion ofcourt orders. Responsible for mailroom and file room duties. Perform related duties as assigned. ***Thisis a function providedby theperson currently assigned to the position and does not reflect a permanent essential duty-or responsibility forthe position.This ability is considered when the rate of pay is established. POSITION ACCOUNTABILITIES Meet the needs of the court through efficient,established office procedures.Follow all verbal and written instructions.Complete all duties accurately and ina timely manner. Maintain quality control over assigned tasks;careful attention'to detail is required. Act in a courteous and professional manner,and with good judgment,while assisting all persons. CRITICAL SKILL/EXPERTISE Knowledge of: Working knowledgeofcomputer software,data entryand file maintenance. Working knowledge of general clerical duties and familiarity with modern office machinery. Requires good organizational and prioritizing skills. Requires careful attention to detail and the ability to perform multiple tasks. Ability to: Understand the court process,including statutes, rules and procedures, and disposition protocol. Ability to handle high stress situations and irate persons ina courteous and diplomaticmanner. Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING Experience Customer service and cash handling experience required. Strong computer experience preferred. Training Education requirement is equivalent to graduation from highschool. Some college or computer training is preferred. Ability to complete a minimum of 16 hours of COJET training. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Physical Requirements Exerting up to 20 pound offeree occasionally to move objects;involves sitting most of the time. Work Environment Position is typicallyoffice work and is not substantially exposed to adverse environmental conditions. License or Certificate:None FLSA Status:Non-exempt Employee Association Status:Exempt Salary Range:$7.00 -$13.00 Fountain Hills Unified School District "Surging Toward Greater Heights in Education" Maria L.Menconi,Ed.D. Superintendent Terry Tatterfield Assistant Superintendent Paul Nordin Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills 16836 E.Palisades Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 May 3,1999 Dear Paul, Thank you for the opportunity to continue to ask for cooperative funding between the town and the school district.Based on our current needs,I would like to request the following: 1)That the High School Resource Officers continue as part of Marshall Gendler's budget. 2)That you transfer funding to us for the following continuing items: •Custodial staff MS/HS (.5 FTE) =$10,700. •Security for Home Games $2,500. •Town/HS Library staffing on 3 weekday afternoons and Saturday mornings (to possibly expand to tutoring services in 1999-2000) $14,000. •Cleaning and resurfacing of large and small gym and cafeteria floors $3,000. •Total $27,200. 4)That the town continue landscape maintenance for Four Peaks Park (including overseeding of turf areas and maintenance of tennis courts)since the town is taking title to this area.$23,500. We can continue to support Drug Prevention counseling in the amount of $8,000 from our Federal Prevention Entitlement. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss this further,please give me a call.We are highly appreciative of your continual support and advocacy for our school district. Sincerely,. Maria Menconi,Superintendent c:Jim Dickey,FHUSD Board President Terry Tatterfield,Assistant Superintendent Dawn Iwamoto,Special Programs Director 14605 N.Del Cambre,Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 602-837-0690 FAX 837-7603 Law Offices Of William E.Farrell,rllc. Suite 220 Telephone (480)661-6044 William E.Farrell 10135East Via Linda Facsimile (480)661-7454 Scottsdale,Arizona 85258-5312 May 3, 1999 Mr. Paul Nordin,Town Manager Mrs.Cassie Hansen,Town Clerk RE:Annual Compensation for Legal Services Dear Paul &Cassie: Pursuantto the preparation of your budget for the 1999-2000 fiscal year I would like to offer the following information to you for consideration by yourselves and the Town Council in budget preparation. As you areallawareI have been providing legal services to the Town continuously sincethe C secondtown council meeting in 1989. Although I saythis every yearIdo wish to again empahsisthat I am extremely proud and happy to have been associated with the Town of Fountain Hills for such a long period of time. I alsowish to be considered forretention again next yearto provideallcivil legal services to the Town. My currentrate of compensation is $130.00 andthe monthly payment of $8,300.00 is based on approximately sixty-four (64) hours of service.A statement is delivered each month which itemizes the actual hours spent each day in legal services. It is my estimation that the amount of legal services needed by the Town of Fountain Hills will increase during the next fiscal year.This estimate is based on events that are occuring during the present fiscal year such as the need to update and implement the new general plan amendments to be in conformance with the recently adopted "growing smarter" legislation. There is also considerable interest in the partnership for the acquisition of the two sections of state owned land in the northeast corner of our community.Much more citizen involvement in the local land use decisions aswell as increasing anti-city and town legislation will increase the need,in my opinion,for legal services. I have purposely excluded the negotiations to acquire the water company as those expenses would be associated with the newly formed community facilities district. I would therefore respectfully request that you and the council consider an allocation of 68 hourspermonth atthe presentrate of $130.00 perhour foramonthly total of $8,840.00whichequates to annual total of $106,080.00.I would also respectfully request that an additional $5,000.00 be placed in the legal services account for the purposes of retaining outside counsel for assistance in employee retirement matters. I would alsorequestthatan additional $1,000.00be placedinthe legal A:\99-00BUDGETREQUEST.WPD May 3, 1999 Page 2 department account for membership in the International association known as IMLA and for attendance at the annual conference of the Arizona League of Cities and Towns. As always all other additional costs or charges are included in our fee except for litigation which would be undertaken on behalf of the Town at the direction of the Town Council and for which no insurance coverage might be available.This type of litigation would be primarily in the area of eminent domain or defense of actions against the Town that are not covered by South West Risk. Those services would be performed atthe same hourly rateand a separatedetailed invoice would be provided foryourconsiderationpriorto payment. I would be most happy to discuss this matter either with you or with the council atanytime. Respectfully submitted, WEF:tpf William E.Farrell Town Attorney A:\99-00BUDGETREQUEST.WPD MarkSilacovino^ •..:?.6-..; \ <•"*;.*•>* C 8180N. Hayden Road Sr^D-204 S ^ale,Arizona 85258 (602)483-2404 IACOVINO AND KAYLER April 30,1999 ......,-.,oi.-..-Paul Nordin,Town Manager S^t;?sv^^fc"'^ '^ Townof Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 16836 E.Palisades,Bldg. C Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Re:Prosecution Services for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Dear Paul: We appreciate the opportunity to provide service to the Town of Fountain Hills.At your request,after consideration of current caseloads, we make the following proposal for the 1999-2000 fiscal year: The law firm of lacovino and Kayler proposes to provide full criminal misdemeanor prosecution services to the Town of Fountain Hills from July 1,1999 through June 30,2000 at a flat rate of $96,000 for the year paid in equal monthly installments of $8,000 per month paid on the first of each month commencing with the first payment for the fiscal year due on July 1,1999. Again,thank you for the opportunity to work with you. Very truly yours, Partner Susan J.Kayler C/ Partner L Interoffice Memo «:<»^MS»f.l->:X!aC*.-V-"!^'VKi^:::;**^^^j.^.^^-^w^^jw4»l,v-s<j.->sic.--,.;.;. To:HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL From:CASSIE HANSEN,TOWN CLERK Date:12/17/98 Re:COMMUNITY BENEFIT PROGRAM -FUTURE PROCEDURE Now that we have made it through the transition year of allocating Community Benefit funds,staff has reviewed and discussed the process and formulated a proposed plan for the next fiscal year. The;process,would.""remain administrative except for two Council approvals.The proposed procedure isjis faljqyvsr,t y In each year/s'budget,the Town Manager would recommend a sum of monies to be usedifbr Community^Benefit Programs.He will attempt to maintain a certain level of funding but his final'detenriination will be made based on the overall Town budget.This ^dollar?amount will be.subject to Council approval during the budget process.No indMdua Irequests will'beacceptedor entertainedat that time. Wherfothe jHouj^et jte approved and a dollar amount set,staff will advertise that applications are being accepted for Community Benefit Funds.An application format will be provided,-just Js with*LTAF applications.Requested information will include but not be.limited tojj^J&P '"--"••••1. •'"Name,"address,contact information. 2. Description of charitable purpose,mission statement.Description of problem being addressing. 3. Identification of target population ie. Seniors, youth,homeless,income disadvantaged,etc.Percentage of target population within Fountain Hills.Criteria for inclusion in the respective programs and how programs are advertised. 4. Description of how the program works including measurable goals and objectives.Description how the citizens will benefit. 5. Identification of any collaborative partners or affiliations including contact names and telephone numbers;description of relationship. 6. Proof of non-profit status under IRS code section 501(c). Page 1 of 2 Cassie Hansen Last printed 04/29/99 5:46 PM December 17,1998 - 7. Balance sheet and income statement for most currently completed fiscal year, including detail of all revenue sources. - 8. Budget for next calendar or fiscal year with narrative for items containing material changes from prioryears. - 9.Description,based on most recently completed IRS form 990, of percentages of expenses used for administrative costs; explanation required if greater than 25%. - 10. Number of volunteers and total hours contributed. Number of employees broken down by full and part-time.Hours of operation. - 11. If there is a board of directors, list of names,addresses and board members. How many meetings held in the last year. - 12.Statement of amount requested and anticipated use of funds. Report the amount of funding requested from the Town in the past year and the amounted granted.Verification that previous funds were used for the purpose requested. Explain the reason for any change made to last year's request. - 13. Description of some success stories from last year. - 14. Any narrative/commentary that would be helpful to the request. - 15.Possible requirement to appear before the Community Benefits Committee during the review process. A statement will probably be added from the Town Attorney regarding statutory use of public funds. Applications will be accepted for a minimum of four weeks.Following the closing date, the Community Benefits Committee will meet to review all applications and evaluate them based on the criteria.The Committee will forward a recommendation to the Council for final approval. Please review the proposed procedure. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please let me know. If staff does not receive any other direction,we will incorporate the procedure into next yearfs budget process. \i$g^r»' April 22,1999 T CHAMBER OF |COMMERCE Mr.Paul Nordin,Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Dear Mr.Nordin: Chambers'of Commerce throughout the Valley and indeed throughout the state utilize a combination of private/public funding to accomplish their mission. Although our Chamber is relatively self-sufficient,we do require additional funding from the town to meet objectives.In the past the Town of Fountain Hills has been very generous in providing funding and assistance in both our community-wide projects and our major fund-raising events.For this we are grateful,we do however,have a continued need to allocate funds for projects that are outside the realm of community-wide projects that benefit both the town and the economic base.These projects,if not undertaken by the chamber,would most certainly fall within the responsibility of the town. For this reason we are submitting our budget request for the 1999-2000 FY. Our request will be of benefit to both the town and it's residents,in that it will continue to offer the community-wide events,such as the Thanksgiving Day Parade,the Stroll the Avenue and the ever popular Luminaria lighting, but also provide for promoting the Town of Fountain Hills as a wonderful place to live and work.This promotion of the Town in both film and print will enable us to invite not only new residents to our town but also new and invigorating small business enterprises. The types of projects we envision to undertake,if provided the funds we are requesting,would be the development of a new Town video; Advertising allowance,and continued funding for our community-wide projects.These will be discussed in detail in our attachment. Sincerely yours, si Frank S.Ferrara Executive Director FSF/dr Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce • P.O. Box 17598 •Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269-7598 • (602)837-1654 •FAX (602)837-3077 \^jgjip/ Ferrara Backup for Town Fund Request If the Chamber did not exist,many duties and services performed by the Chamber would most likelyfall squarely on the Town.Specifically,these duties could include tourism and general promotion such as our community wide projects The community wide projects for which we are requesting funds include the Thanksgiving Day Parade,Stroll the Avenue and the Luminaria Lighting.These activities are promoted for the good of the residents and should be continued. What does the Chamber do in the area of Tourism? We maintain one of the finest Visitor Centers in the state.We have updated/upgraded material that is carefully scrutinized by our capable manager,Mrs.Eleanor Bentson,and is constantly being updated.Through our advertising on the web and other cost free venues,we have attracted an average of 500 visitors per month this calendar year.The overwhelming reason for visiting the Center is to obtain information regarding Fountain Hills real estate,rentals,golf courses and maps.Undoubtedly many of these visitors become future residents.Our visitors come from45 states and 10 foreign countries. Our Visitor Center is manned by 13 volunteers who have donated 1,210 man-hours of work in 1998 and almost 500 hours so far in 1999.Additionally we have received an average of 2,200 phone calls per month from January to the present.The overwhelming reason for calls is to obtain verbal information on Fountain Hills as to location,events and amenities. During 1999 we have averaged approximately 100 information packages per month sent to potential visitors and new residents and I have a listof eight out-of-state people who have indicated an interest in relocating to either start a business here or relocate a present business. What does the Chamber do for the Town? The Chamber is involved infive major events on a yearly basis.Three of these events, the Fountain Festival,Great Fair and Native American Artist Invitational are Chamber sponsored and the other two (the Mitch Silver Car Auctionand Cactus Cup Races)have minimal or indirect involvement. Our major three events bringapproximately 300,000 people to Fountain Hills yearly with the estimates of 35,000 people forthe other two events.To bringthis number of people to Fountain Hills requires an enormous expenditure on the part of the Chamber.We spend $85,000 per year promoting Fountain Hills through our events.Mitch Silver auction and Cactus Cup spend $50,000 and $35,000 respectively to promote Fountain Hills through their events.Thistotal of$170,000 inadvertising dollars is spent forthe good ofthe communityand its businesses.If we make a conservative assumption that these 330,000 people spend an average of$25, then the totaleconomic impact is $8,250,000,These funds are spent on food,clothing,art, our retail establishments, grocery stores and forother business services.Further, this direct economic impact when translated to sales tax revenue is a town benefitofapproximately $103,138. c NiiBa^ The impact on the economy of Fountain Hills is considerable.Additionally,some of these people have an interest in learning more about Fountain Hills as is evidenced by the questions we receive at our information booth,and could conceivably become future residents. 4.What do other Town/Cities do for their Citizens? As Executive Director I have had the opportunity to meet with and discuss various issues with my counterparts in the Valley.One of the issues centered on how each Chamber benefits from its government.All receive some or the majority of their funds from their local governments.A sampling follows: Chandler:Receives approximately $1,000,000 for operations and business retention. Economic Development is responsibility of the City. No advertising. Apache Junction:Receives $40,000 from the City. EDC is responsibility of City. Tourism/advertising done by City. Avondale,Litchfield,Goodyear (Tri-City)all providecollectively$60,000 to Chamber for operation.Chamber not involved inadvertising ortourism and they do not have a Visitor Center. Glendale:Receive $40,000 from City, primarilyfor business retention.City has its own Tourism Dept. and EDC Council, with no Chamber involvement. SUMMARY We feel that the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce does both a present and future service to the Town and its residents as has been discussed above.We also feel that the budget request for Community Wide projects will continue to enhance the ambience of our Town and the budget request for the media will promote the Town during periods when there is no advertising.We respectfully request that the Council grant both partsof the request from the Chamber. C FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER MEDIA PLAN (BY PRIORITY) 1999-2000 PRIORITY 1 SUPPORT MATERIAL FOR TOURIST AND MAIL REQUEST • 10,000 Fountain Hills Color Brochures $4,200 with updated material and pictures. •5,000 Fountain Brochures $475 •Business Opportunity Packet $ 650 Revise and reorder 300 sets. TOTAL SUPPORT MATERIAL $5,325 PRIORITY 2 UPDATE THE FOUNTAIN HILLS VIDEO $12,000 The last time the current video was produced was 1993 @ a cost of about $9,000,this was done by the Mayor's Council. Truly Fountain Hills has had some major changes in seven years.The video would be the link to the other planned media. PRIORITY 3 OUT OF STATE ADVERTISING AMERICA WEST MAGAZINE $3,316 •"Arizona Travel Showcase"%page-October and January issues. FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER REQUEST FOR TOWN GRANT MEDIA PLAN $39,571 COMMUNITY WIDE PROGRAMS $4.730 TOTAL GRANT REQUEST $44,301 c CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce • P.O. Box 17598 • Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269-7598 • (480) 837-1654 •FAX (480)837-3077 c FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER REQUEST FOR TOWN GRANT MEDIA PLAN $39,571 COMMUNITY WIDE PROGRAMS $4.730 TOTAL GRANT REQUEST $40,301 CHAMBER OF I COMMERCE Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce •P.O.Box 17598 •Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269-7598 •(602)837-1654 •FAX (602)837-3077 c c FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER MEDIA PLAN 1999-2000 UPDATE THE FOUNTAIN HILLS VIDEO $12,000 The last time the current video was produced was 1993 @ a cost of about $9,000,this was done by the Mayor's Council. Truly Fountain Hills has had some major changes in seven years.The video would be the linkto the other planned media. HOTEL ADVERTISING GUEST INFORMANT:$ 5,000 •Guaranteed Distribution:Featured in over 19,000 hotel rooms and suites throughout the Valleyofthe Sun. •Annual Readership of2,000,000 guests per year. •Affluent Readers:Average household income is $138,400. •National Recognition:Guest Information is published in34 major U.S.markets. QUICK GUIDE $ 4,000 •500,000 copies distributed annually •Distributed to over 80 hotels, 10 malls and 75 high trafficretail outlets. •Published 4 times a year. VALLEY ADVERTISING •ARIZONA DRIVE GUIDE $4,000 October and February 1/3 page.42,000 guides are distributed exclusivelythrough Car rental agencies and handed to every client upon arrival. TOTAL VALLEY ADVERTISING $25.000 ^Ks^^r OUT OF STATE ADVERTISING •AMERICA WEST MAGAZINE $3,316 "Arizona TravelShowcase" % page- Octoberand January issues • PREPRINT PUBLISHING:$5,930 Circulation -1,050,000 households,total readership 3,055,500. Fountain Hills Brochure Ad and also 1/8 page information Ad. This ad reaches the following markets:ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION,BOSTON GLOBE,CHICAGO TRIBUNE, GLOBE &MAIL(Toronto), GLOBE &MAIL (Vancouver) MINNEAPOLIS STAR TRIBUNE,NEW YORK TIMES,LOS ANGELES (direct mail),SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE, SEATTLE TIMES,VICTORIA TIMES COLONIST TOTAL OUT OF STATE ADVERTISING $9.246 SUPPORT MATERIAL FOR TOURIST AND MAIL REQUEST •10,000 Fountain Hills Color Brochures $4,200 with updated material and pictures. •5,000 Fountain Brochures $475 •Business Opportunity Packet $ 650 Revise and reorder 300 sets TOTAL SUPPORT MATERIAL $5.325 c \i^^r FOUNTAIN HILLS CHAMBER COMMUNITY WIDE PROGRAMS 1999-2000 .PARADE $2,575 .HOLIDAY EVENTS $2.155 TOTAL $4,730 'iS^^j*' Human Services Department 3335 W.Durango Phoenix,Arizona 85009-6214 Rich Marshall Tel:(602)506-5911 Director Fax:(602)506-8789 March 10,1999 Paul Nordin Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills 16838 East Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Dear Mr.Nordin: Maricopa County Human Services Department is pleased to submit this proposal to continue transportation services, including general public shuttle service,to Fountain Hills residents through the Special Transportation Services (STS) Program. The special needs of elderly, disabled, and low-income persons,coupled with limited transit services in Fountain Hills, makes STS an important resource for these transit-dependent populab'ons. Fountain Hills clients need STS to access basic needs and maintain independence and self-reliance. The STS program values and relies upon support from the local cities and towns served to meet program objectivesand provide qualityservice.Maricopa County Human Services Department requests local capitalmatch funding of $4,560, and operational funding of $15,956 forthe specializedservice and $31,351 forthe shuttle service, fora total of $51,868 to support continued services in Fountain Hills in Fiscal Year 1999-2000.The increased request amounts are a result of greater costs in operating the shuttle over the current year, especially for staffing, marketing, cellular telephone and maintenance expenses. Thank you foryour careful consideration of our proposal.Please feel free to contact me at 506-4849 ifyou have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Phyllis Smith Transportation Manager jV"\TT^'-»r>^vjn^rwv "CC^Qryr*rvj <?r» •r>t Summary of Request In our cultureof personal mobility,many of us take for granted the ability to access basic necessities like medical treatment,food,social interaction, and employment. Mobility-limited populations in Fountain Hills are particularly challenged because of limited availability of publictransit services and other transportation resources. In response to these ongoing needs,Maricopa County Human Services Department established the SpecialTransportation Services Program in 1980. A number of Fountain Hills residents currently depend on the transportation ST5 provides, and an even larger number are eligible for future services. In order to continue the high quality services provided in Fountain Hills,Maricopa County Human Services Department is requesting funding from the Town of Fountain Hills to support the ST5 programduring Fiscal Year 1999-2000.Local assistance will enable eligible Fountain Hills residents to access existing services,as well as to allow new services to be developed to meet identified needs. Section A of this proposal provides a summary of current and proposed STS services in Fountain Hills.Section B gives an overview of the STS program countywide. \\HSD-STORAGE\COMMSVCSS\STS.TEAM\FUNDING\FHSummary.doc jv>TT\">m v-imTwrc 706^000 tvj fit-mi rp\\fifi/ni/eri c c Request for funding,Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Maricopa County Human Services Department Spedal Transportation Services is seeking support from the Town of Fountain Hills to continue existing transportation services to eligible Fountain Hills residents.Local capital match funding of $4,560 and operating funding of $15,956 for specialized service and $31,352 for general public shuttle service, for a total of $51,868 is requested. The Need For Specialized Transportation in Fountain Hills STS serves low-income, elderly, and disabled Fountain Hills residents.These populations often need specialized transportation services because they: ♦Do not have access to other transportation resources ♦Cannot afford or access other public or private transit services ♦Physically require personalized,door-to-door assistance •>Cannot wait long periods for pick-up, especially in excessive heat or inclement weather •:•Cannot manage the transfer from one vehide to another. Busservice for Fountain Hills residents is limited; one Valley Metro express bus makes dailytrips from Fountain Hills into Phoenix Monday through Friday.Formany transit- dependent individuals,especially those with special needs or mobility limitations,STS is an essential transportation resource, and a key to self-reliance and independence. The table belowshows transportation need demographics for Fountain Hills: Total population*14,146 Total households*5,724 Population 65 and over* 2,741 (19.40/q Of total population) Mobility-limited population*368 Households receiving TANF benefits**23 Individuals with income below Federal Poverty Level*368 Households with income 150%or less of Federal Poverty Level*225 (*1995 Special Census) (**Arizona Department of EconomicSecurity) jv*\tt^-)A^vjn^TWTT 70fifooc tvj of-:oT rrsw GR.'ni'on C Service Objectives for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 •MMtfM During Rscal Year 1999-2000,the STS program will provide the following services to eligible Fountain Hills residents: 1.Dedicate three vehicles to Fountain Hills service Monday through Friday 2.Provide 7,000 passenger trips 3.Provide general public shuttle service within Fountain Hills andthe Valley Metro bus stop at the Mayo Clinic Service Facts STS provided transportation servicesto 96 low-income,elderly,and disabled Fountain Hills residentsin Fiscal Year 1997-98 throughthe local Red Cross Reservation Office. Assisted,door-to-door transportation serviceis provided to medical appointments, senior centers,adult day care, and other activities and services.In Fiscal Year 1997- 98, a total of 6,617 one-way passenger trips were provided to eligible Fountain Hills residents.The graph below illustrates 1997-98 passenger trips by type in Fountain Hills. Fountain Hills Passenger Trips by Type Fiscal Year 1997-98 Adut Day Care .._,., 30%^zi&BttBBssaa***^Medical ,36% Social/Recreational 24% Senior Center 8% Shopping/Personal 2% Three STS vehicles are assigned to the town of Fountain Hills to provide transportation to eligible residents.The table below,along with Figure 4,outlines services available in Fountain Hills. Vehicle Coverage Area Schedule Service Type Population(s) Served Scottsdale/Mesa Inter-City Fountain Hills to Scottsdale and Mesa Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,7:00 am to 4:00 prn Passenger trips Elderly Low-income Disabled Fountain Hills Shuttle Fountain Hills area to ValleyMetro bus stop at Mayo Clinic Monday Through Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Trips to Mayo Clinic,connections to Valley Metro, and trips within Fountain Hills General public Scottsdale/N. PhoenixInter-City Fountain Hills to Scottsdale and N. Phoenix Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Passenger trips Elderly Low-income Disabled Fountain Hills Client Demographics Charactenstics of Fountain Hills STS users in Fiscal Year 1997-98 are illustrated in the charts below. White 86% Ethnicity Asian 1%"X. African American S^7% aSfa Hispanic H 6% Age 60 and over 18-30 31-59 85%5%10% Gender Annual Income 5%14% •$0-$4>999 nS5,000-S9f999 asio.ooo^A.ggg H$25,000-$49,999 ^^^^^^^^r^j ^^^^^^^P^j^^^^^j 23% ^^^^^^^BEt^ JV>TT^'IO'N Vjn^TVVT fofifone wj of :ot n?\<6 s / n T ' o n ^%$$2J0*S vigjl^gifr Funding Required to Provide Services in Fountain Hills STSvalues and relies upon support from local communitiesto maintain program services. The table below illustrates the total funding required, allocated between the Townof Fountain Hills and other availablefunding sources, to meet our Fountain Hills service objectives. Town of Fountain Hills administrative expenses Admin.Support Program Overhead Space Supplies Phone Training/Travel Substance Abuse Program Total Administrative Costs OPERATING EXPENSES Driver Salaries Dispatcher/Coordinator Employee Related Expenses Professional &.Outside Svcs Fuel and Oil Maintenance Vehicle Insurance Total Operating Cost Sub-Total OTHER FUNDING $4,447 $1,073 $2,426 $1,500 $482 $76 $101 $10,104 $0 $4,148 $913 $5,000 $7,389 $15,113 $4,566 $37,129 $47,233 Capital Request @ $2,280 per vehicle TOTAL AREA EXPENSES 2 vehicles REQUEST Town of Fountain Hills SPECIALIZED SHUTTLE SERVICE SERVICE $1,603 $2,269 $875 $171 $300 $27 $36 $5,281 $2,705 $1,500 $1,200 $5,405 $0 $1,496 $329 $0 $2,804 $4,400 $1,646 $10,675 $22,947 $3,000 $25,947 $15,956 $31,352 $4,560 $20,516 $31,352 $51,868TotalRequestedfromFountain Hills $47,233 TOTAL $6,050 $6,047 $3,300 $3,171 $1,982 $103 $137 $20,790 $0 $5,644 $1,242 $27,947 $10,193 $22,513 $6,212 $73,751 $94,541 $4,560 $99,101 JV^TTK'IO^VJmTWTi'ZPfif-SOO YV-T T*:0T dl\\66/0T/C0 FountainHillsServiceRoutesParadiseValleyMallPHOENIXFigure 1FountainHillsScottsdaleMesaLegend.* =FountainHillsShuttle— — - =STSlongdistance/inter-cityroute=Valley Metro connections c \Li^y Maricopa County Human Services Department- Special Transportation Services Program Our Mission The mission of the Special Transportation Services Program is to increase access to human services in order to Foster andpromote independence and self-reliance for spedal needs populations. Our Program Objectives The Maricopa County Human Services Department (MCHSD)established the Special Transportation Services (STS) program in 1980 to meet two primary community needs: 1. To provide alternative,cost-effective means of transportation for low-income, elderly, and disabled Maricopa County residents who live in areas where other forms of public or private transportation are limited,unavailable,or unaffordable 2.To deliver meals to low-income individuals who are homebound and unable to prepare their own food on a regular basis. How We Provide Our Services STS has providedservices through a contract withthe Central Arizona Chapter ofthe American Red Cross for the past 18 years.Program administration is provided by MCHSD,including planningand program development, procurement of the 70-vehIcle fleet,financial requests and management,and purchase of contracted transportation services. Maricopa County has three full-time employees dedicated to the STS program,a Transportation Manager, an Operations Specialist, and a Transportation Planner, As contractor, RedCross staffs program operations with a Manager, Directorof Operations, Site Coordinators,and Regional Supervisors.Over300 volunteersare currently trained as STSdrivers; STSalso employs a small staff of paid drivers to meet specificservice needs not met by volunteer drivers. Description of Services (Figure #2 provides a graphic illustration of STS servicesand routes countywide.) Locations STS provides service in 19 Maricopa County communities,classified within four regions: •>Northwest—Aguila,El Mirage,Glendale,Peoria,Sun City,Surprise,Wickenburg, and Wittman ♦Southwest—Avondale,Buckeye,Gila Bend,and ToIIeson.(Service also provided in Goodyear and Litchfield Parkthrough Avondale office.) ♦East—Chandler, Fountain Hills,Gilbert,Mesa/ East Mesa,Scottsdale, and Tempe. Service also provided to Chandler Heights,Queen Creek,Sun Lakes,and Guadalupe through Chandler office.Connections withservicein Pinal County at Apache Junction. Rnn^jvn TTvim vjmT\rvTc ZQKf'Qnc tvj tt-:ot rrqu fiR/ni/m OTO ** •:•Centraf-Phoenix and Ahwatukee Red Cross provides efficient reservation and dispatch service with 11 reservation centers located throughout the county. Service Features •>Assisted,door-to-door transportation service •:•Travel to both local and inter-city destinations,no transfers required for most trips ♦Service provided Monday through Friday,hours vary by community ♦24-hour advance reservation required •:•Donation per ride requested—no fixed fare charged ♦New employment-related transportation services for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)recipients • Expanded routes—connections between 14 Western Maricopa County cities and towns •Expanded hours ♦Home delivered meals provided in 13 communities Trip Statistics,Fiscal Year 1997-98 One-Way Trips Trip Type Number Medical 33,462 Social Service 23,019 Senior Center 52,227 Shopping/Personal 5,758 Recreational 5,684 Adult Day Care 3,581 TANF 1,758 Refugee 8 Other Sub-Total 3,160 128,657 Home-Delivered Meals 119,753 Grand Total 248,410 PASSENGER TRIPS BY TYPE Adult Day Care TANF 3%"\1* Recreational 4% Shopping/Personal 4% Senior Center 42% jvo TT\Hrn v^mT>rw Medical 26% Social Service 18% 7S6f'90e;YV4 TJ^OT <I3A\66/0T/C0 The People We Serve Any low-income,elderly, and/or disabled Maricopa County resident is eligible to use STS services.The charts below illustrate STS client demographics for Fiscal Year 1997-98. Native American 1% White 66% ETHNICITY GENDER African American 5% Hispanic 27% ANNUAL INCOME 0$O-$4,999 11%™/O$5,000-$9,999 O$10,000-$24.999 25%m ^63% a$25l000-?49,9^ •$50,CXX)and over JV^TTV'IO^VJO^iTMVTv'7QRf'Q0C VVJ 7T-:0T (T3W fifi/flT/PO Program Funding Capital Costs •>80%Federal Transit Administration ♦20%Local cities and towns Operational Costs ♦Local cities and towns ♦Older Americans Act/Area Agency on Aging ♦Community Services Block Grants ♦Social Services Block Grant ♦Maricopa County General Fund ♦Arizona Department of Economic Security •Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)funding • Refugee Targeted Assistance (RTAP)Program In-Kind Services The STS staff of over 300 volunteer drivers resulted in a cost savings of $10 per hour,or a total of $575,600 in Rscal year 1997-98. 'to**jv^TT\nrn vjmTWK 7c?rt-qoc tvj 7f:ni nn\[RG/ni/on : AguildMARICOPACOUNTYSPECIALTRANSPORTATIONSERVICESWickenburgWitfman/^% £ SurpriseElMirage**N^SunCities^.PeoriafHOEfllS'tiichtepork^^Serf.••"—•..Goodyear®:/^BuckeyeTmopaH%•^Arlington«m'...•••'AvondaleFigure 2,.i»*».(I°l>.•z'•'\IS•i_/ «EostM^sa,fa-^ "\ApaZheUunbtionempeGua/ialuM'^v*•!''1^*\ChandlerSkyMall\esunLakjsTolle$bnAhwatukee,-.o^/?Cretk'tt^fiStr1Legend=localcirculator=longdistance/inter-cityrout^= ValleyMetroconnection MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 BUDGET The McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission (MMPC)would like to continue with its mission to promote preservation of the McDowell Mountains within the Town of Fountain Hills in conjunction with the larger preservation effort in the McDowell Mountain range. To accomplish this goal, the MMPC requests the items budgeted below: Public Awareness 1.Video Presentations.The MMPC proposes to make one professionally made video to help citizens become more familiar with the Upper Sonoran Desert. This video will include descriptions of the area's natural desert landscape,the preservation process, a description of any additional land acquired and the associated hiking trails and destinations.Cost Estimate:$6,000 2.McDowell Mountain Month.The Commission would like to continue and add to this highly successful program which consists of the school program,the hiking series,and the open house at the communitycenter.Cost Estimate:$4,500 3.Advertising.These funds would be needed in the event public notices were needed to advertisefor openingson the Commission.Cost Estimate:$500 4.Printing.The MMPC believes that a one-page quarterly newsletter,describing preservation efforts and general preserve information,is necessary and would be beneficial to the Town.In connection with the public awareness effort,the MMPC also occasionally prints a large number of informational brochures and handouts. Cost Estimate:$6,000 5.Outside Services.The MMPC desires to hire a consultant to prepare a three- dimensional computer-generated accompaniment to the video to graphically illustrate development options in the McDowell Mountains of Fountain Hills.Cost Estimate: $10,000 6.Travel.Members of the Commission and Staff,from time to time,attend educational workshops and meetings outside of the town. In the past, commissioners have paid for such travel and educational workshops from personal funds.Cost Estimate: $500 7.Newspaper Series.The MMPC is also planning a newspaper series for the local papers. Articles will be written by commissioners and experts concerning the importance of the native lands, preservation, management of the preserve, characteristics of the Upper Sonoran Desert, wildlife and other topics of interest.Cost Estimate:$0 TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST:$27,500 Town of Fountain Hills Purchasing Division Fountain Hills, AZ April 30,1999 Design and Service of Community Based Adolescent Assessment and Substance Abuse Treatment Program Program Goals: To builda strong foundation for lasting recovery from chemical dependency. •develop communication and parenting skills,which focus on getting, parents to commit to being involved • efforts that focus on strengthening values pertaining to the elimination of alcohol and other drug abuse • efforts that focus on parent behaviors,including elimination and reduction of alcohol and other drug abuse • efforts designed to change community perceptidhs and social norms about alcohol and other drug abuse f •efforts will include the parents to reinforce what the adolescents are learning,such as L,facts about drugs and their harmful effects,what will open opportunities for family discussions about use of legal and illegal substances and family policies about their use. •efforts will includesupport groups and 12 Step meetings for adolescents recovering from addiction •house a meeting place for recovering teenagers which allows them to develop a healthy alternative to being with their using peers and start a support group of sober teens. •restore hope to the alcoholic and substance abuser and their family members by helping them to begin their recovery from these devastating illnesses and to realize their full potential for the rest of their lives. Program Objectives •To offer substance abuse counseling by certified practitioners in the area of alcohol, tobacco,and drugs AH State of Arizona certifications are included in the addendum to the proposal. •To provide organized substance abuse counseling services without leaving Fountain Hills There are four different and equally important aspects of substance abuse counseling services for adolescents.They are: 1)Assessment We believe the key to successful treatment is careful evaluation,assessing all aspects of the patient's symptoms and living situation.A thorough psychosocial and substance abuse evaluation to identify those problems that 9318 H.95TLI WAY 5UITX 101.±>COT[±>DJ\\JL.AZ 85258 (602)6l4-3/i/l/l •FAX (602)614-3888 must be addressed intreatment.Finally,ifindicated,psychological testing and psychiatric evaluation will be used as ways of making sure all psychiatric conditions are discovered and properly treated. With this information,a care team made up of physicians,counselors and social workers, allspecialistsin addiction medicine and recovery,develop a program of goal-oriented care and support. 2)Intervention- Intervention Services consist of an Intervention Specialist working with one or more concerned people and family to interrupt the chemical dependency of a loved one.Anytime someone needs help but refuses to accept it, an intervention is appropriate.Intervention is used for people engaged in any self-destructive relationship with drugs and alcohol. Intervention is the most loving, powerful and successful method yet for helping people accept help. An intervention can be done with love and respect in a non-confrontational,non-judgmental manner. Sometimes a great deal of family education takes place before the intervention,in others it takes place afterward.Some interventions occur in the person's home, others in the Imagine Recovery Resources Fountain Hills office.Some are a surprise,others are not.Some interventions require several weeks of preparation;others can be done in a few hours or days. 3)Adolescent Support Groups Imagine Recovery Resources will facilitate regular sober teen support groups at The Fountains Church. In fact,we have already begun offering this service one afternoon a week.We would like to expand this service to three and four y-times weekly. L,Adolescent sober support groups have two goals.The first goal is to get the addicted teenagers into a healthy non-drug using peer support group where it is 'cool*to be sober.The second goal is for the facilitator to continue to teach the newly recovering teens coping mechanisms to better deal with their parents,school and other stressors. 4) Education Groups In conjunction with the Fountain Hills School District (FHSD),we are currently working to provide a lower intervention level than either the support group or the Intensive Outpatient Program at Imagine.These groups will be limited to four sessions per school year,each session being four 1.5 hour long didactic sessions with students and parents.They will be designed to educate families about alcoholism and addiction.They will be mandated as a level of care for students who get caught on campus. Imagine Recovery Resources will provide Assessment,Intervention and Adolescent Support Groups through our Fountain Hills offices.Intensive Outpatient Treatment and Parent Support Groups will be provided in our North Scottsdale offices. «To offer intensive outpatient treatment fora specific number of patients as determined by the provider Imagine Recovery Resourceswill provide Intensive Outpatient Treatment to fifteen chemically dependent adolescents from the Fountain Hills Community. The use of these funds will be limited to an as needed basis. Prior to granting a scholarship to a Fountain Hills teenager,their parents and the teenager must complete a chemical dependency assessment.They willalso complete a Financial Disclosure Form.This service will be provided at our North Scottsdale location. The normal cost for Adolescent IOP is$4,000,1 willgive Fountain Hills a discount of $700 per scholarship,which makes the cost of each IOP $3,300. Imagine Recovery Resources will provide a copy of the Financial Disclosure Form to the Town Council of Fountain Hills that will have the family's name deleted from the form for the purpose of confidentiality. A full desaiption of Imagine Recovery Resources Intensive Outpatient Program can be found in the addendum to this proposal. •To offer Parent Support and Education Groups Imagine Recovery Resources,LLC hosts a support group for parents of addicted teenagers.These groups are both educational and process oriented.An Imagine Recovery employed,state licensed counselor will lead the meetings. The staff of Imagine Recovery seeks to help family members and friends understand chemical dependency disease and to reduce the stress,anxiety and anger which surrounds the addiction of a loved one.By restoring self-respect,trust, and hope, Imagine's staff helps family members return to a normal life-style and enables them to provide a strong support system to promote recovery for the addict and the family. Bringingfamilies together to share common experiences and issues provides a tremendous opportunity for support and problem solving.Families that participate jn the support group feel less isolated and alone in their struggles.We encourage attendance at 12 Step groups such as Al-Anon and Parents Anonymous. Some of the topics to be discussed will be: •The Disease Concept of Addiction in Adolescents •Family Dynamics &The Chemically Dependant Teen •The Recovery Experience for Adolescents •Expectations • Rules in a Recovering Home •Family Realignment:Establishing EffectiveBoundaries •Parent Recovery • Relapse: Effective Strategies &Responses *To target adolescents from grade levels 6-12 in the local school district We will continue to work with The Fountain Hills United School District to compliment their programs and supportthe schools in any way possible.We have run groups with 'at-risk' students, helped design intervention programs,and spoken at school functions for students and parents.Our involvement with the District will include all of what we have been performing,and any other services,which they may require of us. «To establish a facility,or location, for continuing support within the Town of Fountain Hills. The Fountains, a local Fountain Hills based church has generously offered space for services to Imagine Recovery Resources.We will use The Fountains forcontinuing support in Fountain Hills. c Reporting A monthly report will be submitted to the administration of Fountain Hills reporting the hours served and the scholarships used for the previous month. Funds Requested Category Funds Requested Assessment,Intervention,Adolescent 8 Parent Support Groups, $22,000 Education Group $2,500 15 IOP Scholarships (@ $3,300 each)$49,500 Total $74,000 Thank you, H.Anthony BaSs,CEO c > n c FOUNTAIN HILLS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT "Surging Toward Greater Heights In Education " May 4, 1999 Cassie Hansen,Town Clerk Town of Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Dear Cassie, It was a pleasure meeting with you, Tony Bass and Marshal Gendler last week. It is crucial for us to continue our cooperative relationships in Fountain Hills. By working together, it is our hope to have a significant, positive impact on the families in our community. As a part of this effort, we would like to continue working together to provide substance abuse prevention and intervention programs for our youth. The Fountain Hills Unified School District is able to contribute $8,000 of its funds to support the programs we have initiated with the Town of Fountain Hills. By pooling our funds, the town is able to support substance abuse prevention and intervention programs to include:Education groups, support groups, intensive outpatient scholarships, and assessment services. This approach is comprehensive and designed to meet the needs of our community. Thank you for your continued support in this partnership. Sincerely, /^^^ Dawn Iwamoto,Ed.D. Director of Special Programs cc:Dr.Maria Menconi 14605 N.Del Cambre Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 602-837-0690 FAX 837-7603 Senior Services of Fountain Hills,Inc., p.O.Box 18561 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269-8561 March 4,1999 Mr.Paul Nordin Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 Dear Paul: Request for Special Programs -Senior Center Services $21,200 The first yearofthe Senior Services Program atthe Activity Center has proven tobe very successful.A number of programswerewell receivedandthe registrationmetthe expectations fora startup year.Thishasresultedinthe needto employa fulltime director. Theboardof Senior Services of Fountain Hills,Inc.a 501 c (3)organization,has finalized an employment contract witha professional witha great dealof experience in delivering programs of various kindsfor adults.SheisalsoontheMayor's Advisory Council forAgingina cityinthe Valley.(Shehasnotyetsubmittedher resignation from hercurrent position.)The positionwillbe filledbeginningSeptember1,1999 at an annual salary of $26,000 with benefits, includinghealth insuranceand FICA. TheattachedSeniorServicesOperatingBudgetforFY 1999-2000 reflectsthe program and operating budget and the salary requirements. The total amount is $34,200. The amountto be requested of the town is $21,200. The director's salary of $26,000will be sharedequallywiththe SunRidgeFoundation undera matchingfund agreement. Sincerely yours, Attachment John S.O'Flynn President Senior Services of Fountain Hills, AZ,Inc.,16957 Kiwanis Dr.Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 (602)816-5888 Senior Services Operating Budget FY 1999-2000 Item Expense Independent Contractors/Instructors'Fees $2,400.00 Equipment Maintenance $300.00 OASIS Expenses (Programs)$300.00 Advertising &Promotion $300.00 Phone w.Ans.service $800.00 Building Maintenance $1,800.00 Office Supplies $200.00 Postage $300.00 Mileage cost $600.00 Part-time consultant (80hrs)$1,200.00 Director's Salary w.benefits $26,000.00 Total $34,200.00 (less $13,000 from Sunridge for Director's salary $13,000.00 Amount requested $21,200.00 05/25/99 TUE 11:37 FAX 602 837 4281 JACKIE MILES ©002 C MEMO From JACKIE MILES 16317 Inca Ave.,Fountain Hills,AZ 8S268 Phone:602-837-3214 Fax:602-837-4281 TO: Paul Nordin,Town Manager DATE:May 25,1999 RE: 1999Holiday Lighting Financial Request Paul, As we discussed at our meetingon May 11th,the Holiday LightingCommitteewould like to request $25,000from the Town for additional purchases of lighting decorations so that this year we can install lights on both blocks of the Avenue. Our planis not final yet, but an approximation of what we would like to purchase this year follows: one 6 ft dradle $350 two 5x8 ft gingerbread men 1,060 one 14x14 ft animated rocking horse 5,725 one 10x16 ft animated snowball fight 7,100 one 11x13 ft heralding angel 2,650 one 7x7 ft animated penguin fishing 1,905 three 6 ft animated toy soldier musicians 2,341 one 30 ft animated santa/sleigh & 3 single deer 2,539 one 8 ft boy&girl decorating tree 1.460 TOTAL (not including shipping)$25,139 Sincerely Yours, C Jrfckie Miles,Chair Holiday Lighting Committee L L ^ December 23,1998 RECEIVED FEB 24 199S FOUNTAIN HILU- TOWN CU-rk Mr.Paul Nordin Town Manager Town of Fountain Hills P.O.Box 17958 Fountain Hills,AZ 85269 RE:Plat 208 -Covered Parking & Lighting Dear Mr.Nordin: In your 1999and 2000 budget preparations,please considerand include covered parking and lighting for Plat 208. In my opinion,it would be good if the lighting could be correlated with the Civic Center lighting so itis compatible and possibly be more cost effective. Ihavespoken with Mayor Morgan and she has asked that Iput this request to you. Thanks for your help and assistance on this matter. incerely Phyliss L.Kern PLK:pc FOUNTAIN CASIS CEALTT,Inc. 532 Ave.Of The Fountains FountainHills,AZ 85268 Office:602-837-1010 Fax:602-837-3796 http://www.fhoasis.com February 22, 1999 Phyliss L. Kern Fountain Oasis Realty,Inc. 16832 Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Dear Phyllis: Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Thank you for your interest and comments regarding covered parking and lighting for Plat 208.1 apologize for not responding to your December 23rd letter earlier. Please be assured that we have put your letter/request on file to be incorporated into the 1999-2000 budget process,which begins in May. Sincerely, Paul L.Nordin Town Manager PLNisd 16836 East Palisades Boulevard -P.O.Box 17958 -Fountain Hills,Arizona 85269 -(602)837-2003 - FAX: (602)837-3145 Town of Fountain Hills Parks and Recreation Department Programs for Fiscal Year 1999-2000 3-on-3 Adult Basketball 5-on-5 Adult Basketball 6-on-6 Adult Volleyball Acrylics Adult Education After School Kids • Flag Football •Gymnastics •Volleyball Arizona Excursions Arizona Gardening and Landscaping Arizona Lecture Series Ballroom Dancing Basketball -Youth Battle ofthe Bands Bridge Lessons Club Assistance •Alzheimer's &Related Disorders Support Group •Desert Beekeepers •Duplicate Bridge Club Family History Society of Arizona Men's Baseball Club Spanish Club •Toastmasters Club •Walking Club Computer Courses Concert in the Park Series Desert Awareness Dog Obedience Drawing Techniques Eat 'n'Run Lunch Time Program Eggstravaganza Fountain Hills Day Fourth of July Fireworks Free Throw Contest Friday Bridge Gymnastics -Summer Halloween Carnival Hiking Series Holiday Craft Workshop Homecoming Tailgate Party Junior Golf Clinics Karate Kids Kiddie Rhythmics Kids'Zone Library Partnership c \||ggjfcaf¥lew Programs (19) Expanded Programs (4) Line Dancing Magic on the Mountain Trip Mayor's Youth Council MLB Diamond Skills Competition National Recreation and Parks Month NBA 2Ball Competition NFL Punt, Pass & Kick Competition Open Basketball Party in the Park Photography Pottery Quilting Retirement Planning Roar and Snore Roller Hockey &In-Line Skating 5/.Patrick's Day Celebration Scavenger Hunt Sign Language Slam Dunk & 3 Point Shootout Softball -Adult Coed &Men's Softball -Coed &Men's Tournaments Softball -Seniors Softball -Senior Tournaments Spanish Spring Break Turnaround Stay 'n'Play Strategies for Successful Money Management Summer Clubhouse Summer Field Trips Swimming Lessons Tai Chi Teen Adventure Series Teen Excursions Teen Intramural Sports Teen Newsletter Teen Photography Tennis -Adult Tennis -Youth Tiny Tot Toddler Fun Turkey Trot 5K & One Mile Fitness Walk Twilight Tuesdays Volunteer Program Watercolor Painting Winter Break Trip Wrestling Approved bytheParks&Recreation Commission on04/12/99 Total Programs (89) c c Special Programs 081-5932 Special Programs Program Expenditures PT Staff Expenditures Total Expenditures Total Revenues Acrylics $96.00 $0.00 $96.00 $240.00 Adult Education $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $3,000.00 Arizona Excursions $3,120.00 $0.00 $3,120.00 $3,500.00 Arizona Gardening &Landscaping $315.00 $0.00 $315.00 $720.00 Arizona Lecture Series $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 $0.00 Ballroom Dancing $792.00 $0.00 $792.00 $1,320.00 Bridge Lessons $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60.00 Club Assistance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Computer Courses $33,408.00 $0.00 $33,408.00 $36,760.00 Concert in the Park Series*$4,850.00 $0.00 $4,850.00 $2,000.00 Desert Awareness $140.00 $0.00 $140.00 $240.00 Dog Obedience $1,080.00 $0.00 $1,080.00 $1,800.00 Drawing Techniques $192.00 $0.00 $192.00 $380.00 Fountain Hills Day*$1,500.00 $338.00 $1,838.00 $0.00 Fourth of July Fireworks*$20,439.00 $338.00 $20,777.00 $12,000.00 Friday Bridge $420.00 $0.00 $420.00 $1,050.00 Holiday Craft Workshop $150.00 $65.00 $215.00 $270.00 Line Dancing $0.00 $360.00 $360.00 $600.00 National Parks &Recreation Month*$250.00 $0.00 $250.00 $0.00 Photography $215.00 $0.00 $215.00 $350.00 Pottery $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 $540.00 Quilting $180.00 $0.00 $180.00 $400.00 Retirement Planning $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 $400.00 St.Patrick's Day Celebration*$2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 Sign Language $216.00 $0.00 $216.00 $420.00 Spanish $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 $900.00 Successful Money Management $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 $400.00 Summer Clubhouse $3,500.00 $14,250.00 $17,750.00 $19,250.00 Tai Chi $1,120.00 $0.00 $1,120.00 $1,920.00 Turkey Trot $5,637.00 $121.00 $5,758.00 $6,000.00 Volunteer Program*$1,308.00 $0.00 $1,308.00 $0.00 Watercolor Painting $192.00 $0.00 $192.00 $480.00 Total $84,600.00 $15,472.00 $100,072.00 $95,000.00 *The highlighted programs are subsidized for a total of $17,000 c Youth &Teen Programs Youth &Teen Programs Program Expenditures PT Staff Expenditures Total Expenditures Total Revenues Battle Of The Bands $785.00 $48.00 $833.00 $200.00 Coed Flag Football $480.00 $96.00 $576.00 $80.00 Coed Volleyball $480.00 $96.00 $576.00 $80.00 Eat 'N'Run Lunch Time Program*$2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 Eggstravaganza*$2,655.00 $0.00 $2,655.00 $0.00 Halloween Carnival $3,900.00 $144.00 $4,044.00 $4,085.00 Homecoming Tailgate Party*$940.00 $56.00 $996.00 $0.00 Junior Golf Clinics $1,600.00 $240.00 $1,840.00 $2,000.00 Kiddie Rhythmics $100.00 $225.00 $325.00 $375.00 Kids'Zone $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 $0.00 Library Partnership $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 $0.00 Magic on the Mountain $3,005.00 $0.00 $3,005.00 $3,360.00 Mayor's Youth Council*$2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 Party In The Park*$3,980.00 $384.00 $4,364.00 $0.00 Photography $325.00 $0.00 $325.00 $150.00 Roar 'N'Snoar $1,995.00 $0.00 $1,995.00 $1,895.00 Scavenger Hunt $460.00 $56.00 $516.00 $300.00 Slam dunk and 3 Point Contest $260.00 $0.00 $260.00 $95.00 Spring Break Turnaround Trip $3,830.00 $0.00 $3,830.00 $3,870.00 Stay 'N'Play*$1,915.00 $0.00 $1,915.00 $0.00 Summer Field Trips $3,100.00 $1,776.00 $4,876.00 $4,680.00 Teen Adventure Series $520.00 $0.00 $520.00 $400.00 Teen Excursions $1,355.00 $0.00 $1,355.00 $900.00 Teen Newsletter **$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Teen Sport Adventures $800.00 $0.00 $800.00 $600.00 Tiny Tot Toddler Fun $300.00 $195.00 $495.00 $600.00 Twilight Tuesdays $3,705.00 $0.00 $3,705.00 $3,640.00 Winterbreak Trip $4,010.00 $0.00 $4,010.00 $3,990.00 Total $45,000.00 $3,316.00 $48,316.00 $31,300.00 **Note:Teen Newsletter's cost will show-up in the printing line item *The highlighted programs above are subsidized fora total of $13,490.00 c c Sports Activities 081-5935 Sports Activities Program Expenditures PT Staff Expenditures Total Expenditures Total Revenues 3-on-3 Basketball $430.00 $900.00 $1,332.00 $1,600.00 5-on-5 Basketball $1,356.00 $460.00 $1,816.00 $2,000.00 6-on-6 Coed Volleyball $3,318.00 $1,500 $4,818.00 $5,520.00 After School Kids -Flag Football $788.00 $912.00 $1,700.00 $2,250.00 After School Kids -Gymnastics $14,590.00 $0.00 $14,590.00 $15,600.00 After School Kids -Volleyball $1,010.00 $0.00 $1,010.00 $1,125.00 Basketball -Youth $10,641.00 $7,211.00 $17,852.00 $18,000.00 Free Throw Contest*$0.00 $60.00 $60.00 $0.00 Gymnastics -Summer $1,969.00 $0.00 $1,969.00 $2,125.00 Hiking Series $755.00 $0.00 $765.00 $840.00 Karate Kids $2,688.00 $0.00 $2,688.00 $3,840.00 MLB Diamond Skills Competition*$0.00 $60.00 $60.00 $0.00 NBA 2Ball Competition*$175.00 $60.00 $235.00 $0.00 NFL Punt,Pass & Kick Competition*$0.00 $60.00 $60.00 $0.00 Open Basketball*$0.00 $2,214.00 $2,214.00 $0.00 Roller Hockey -Youth $3,000.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,040.00 Softball -Coed &Men's $14,754.00 $2,405.00 $17,159.00 $17,250.00 Softball -Coed &Men's Tournaments $4,264.00 $972.00 $5,236.00 $5,600.00 Softball -Senior $1,206.00 $0.00 $1,206.00 $1,500.00 Softball -Senior Tournaments $5,500.00 $972.00 $6,472.00 $6,700.00 Swimming Lessons $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Tennis -Adult $2,184.00 $0.00 $2,184.00 $2,730.00 Tennis -Youth $5,880.00 $0.00 $5,880.00 $6,300.00 Wrestling -Youth*$492.00 $0.00 $492.00 $480.00 Total $78,500.00 $17,786.00 $96,298.00 $100,000.00 *The highlightedprograms are subsidized for a totalof $2,640 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STREET/DRAINAGE MAJOR PROJECTS c ty.lXKF-UMXAHWt. -'V -'", LANDSCAPE MEDIANS (PW) WITH MCD0TI1). (1)REIMBURSEMENT PAYMENT DUE TO MCDOT IN FY 'OO-'OI LEGEND TRAFFIC SIGNAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL (MODIFY) OO WARNING FLASHERS mmm PAVING PROJECT A FEMA HAZARD MITIGATION PROJECT (DRAINAGE) PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE WORK AREA I (CURB REPLACEMENT,CRACK SEAL, SEAL COATS) sweuic .-"•'"••-..--... ALT FM31 ram »wr-o?A Km BcSHMHKN WITH MCDOT II) NORTH SCALE:1"=3000' DATE:MAY 27, 99 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STREETS CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY FY 1999 to FY 2004 (in $ x 1000) Njfctg^j,f Project Description 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 Total A TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1 Saguaro/Grande Intersection 100 100 2 Warning Flashers 30 30 60 3 Signal Upgrades 50 50 100 4 Palisades/LaMontana Intersection 100 100 5 New Signals 100 100 200 _ B STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1 Scalloped street widening - El Pueblo, F.H. Blvd, Shea 50 50 50 150 2 Shea Bke Lanes/Median (Federal Aid -$440K)80 80 3 Shea Blvd: Beeline to Saguaro and 144th St to Palisades (Jt. Project w/MCDOT)300 300 4 Firerock Country Club (Landscape Median & Intersection Upgrades)150 150 5 Town Center Improvement District 500 500 1,000 6 Reflective Markers (9 mi)50 50 100 7 Misc.Grants,Joint Projects 20 20 20 20 80 C STREET ENHANCEMENTS 1 Construct New Landscaped Medians on Exist. Streets 60 60 60 180 2 La Montana Medians @ Civic Center (+50%Developer)30 30 3 Sidewalks 30 30 30 30 30 150 4 Town Directional Signage 70 70 5 Traffic Calming 10 10 10 10 10 50 D DRAINAGE 1 Hazard Mitigation Grant-3 projects (Incl. FEMA Grant - $30K)80 80 2 Minor Drainage Projects (30 locations)25 50 50 125 — 3 4 Major Drainage Projects-per ADMP study 50 50 100 Golden Eagle Park Dam (FCDMC Part $800 K) 300 300 E 5 Ashbrook/Balboa Drainage Project (FCDMC Part $800K) 200 320 520 —- STREET MAINTENANCE 1 Emulsion 100 70 70 70 70 380 / 2 Slurry Seal 350 300 300 300 300 1,550 3 Overlay 100 100 100 100 100 500 4 Reconstruct 90 100 100 100 100 490 5 Microsurface (Saguaro, Shea, Fountain Hills Blvd &Collectors)150 200 200 550 6 Curb Repair & Sidewalk 100 100 100 100 100 500 Subtotal-Streets,Major Road Improvements 1,285 1,760 1,350 1,590 2,010 7,995 ••— 5 Year CIP 99-00 5/26/99 STREETS CAPITAL PROJECTS SUMMARY FY 1999 to FY 2004 (in $ x 1000) H%^J Project Description 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 Total F MAINTENANCE FACILITIES &EQUIPMENT l Dump Truck 65 70 135 2 Tractor/backhoe w/front loader bucket 90 90 3 Water Truck 50 50 4 Asphalt Laydown Box 30 30 5 Truck 40 40 6 Compressor/Trailer 10 10 7 Replace Truck 37 40 30 60 167 8 Replace Striper 150 150 9 Replace Crack Sealer 35 35 10 Replace Tractor 75 75 11 Asphalt - yard 35 35 12 Street Yard Building 200 200 Sub-Total -Facilities &Equipment 127 175 275 110 330 1,017 Total -Capital Projects 1,412 1,935 1,625 1,700 2,340 9,012 TiiiiSp*' *i2%i($Uir 5 Year CIP 99-00 5/26/99 c Public Works Capital Projects/Major Maintenance Summary FY 1999 to FY 2004 (in $x 1000) Project Description 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 Total A LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 330 400 420 440 1,590 l Maintenance Contract 240 240 2 Palm Trimming 10 10 3 Spray (Pre and Post Emergents~2 times per year)25 25 4 Winter Grass (AOTF and FHB/Shea)5 5 5 Fertilizer/Amendments 5 5 6 Irrigation Major Repair 15 15 B WASHES,DAMS,&PRESERVES MAINTENANCE 1 Wash clean up 200 100 100 100 100 600 C MAJOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS -MEDIANS 1 Upgrade Avenue of the Fountains (Aesthetics,Landscape, Fountains)200 200 400 2 Upgrade Avenue of the Fountains (Electric)150 80 230 3 Shea Medians -144th St.to Palisades 160 160 4 Shea Medians -With FCC 60 60 120 5 Landscape Restorations 20 20 20 20 20 100 6 Landscape New Medians 15 60 60 135 7 "Jeep Trail"Restoration 80 80 D FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT 1 Truck 20 20 2 Chipper 25 25 3 Replace Truck 20 20 Total -Capital Projects 845 775 940 540 680 3,780 5 Year CIP 99-00 5/26/99 >UNTAIN H/LLS FFIC SIGNALS MAP LEGEND SIGNAL TYPE TRAFFIC SIGNAL OO FLASHER/INTERMrTTANT SIGNAL % r TOWN OF=FOUNTAIN H/LLS -CIP EXISTING TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC COUNTS 1997 APRIL-JUNE TOWN OF=FOUNTAIN HILLS -OIR SHEA BLVD IMPROVEMENTS CONCEPT PLAN ii- J—-^ /«LU=Z *!£ E-e CO o!d CO=I / \y ~^-^w—-»i/^/ >'SUMMITE?fATES "^Hf// ./tCT -*/*-•/ #-fH UNSUB0IV1DED (FUTURE HOTEL) UNSUBDIVJDED E U. ' i 1 I ! ! U ! A-r*<\ . SIGNAL MOD. SUMMIT ESTATES LEGEND \^J INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT FCC FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB (T)BIKE LANE PROJECT (2)50%FCC CONTRIBUTION (99)PROJECTED CONSTRUCTION YEAR North -Ultimate BOT DOQ DOO ODD ODD OOP •ooo oooo •ooo •ooa oooo oooaoooo dooooooo aaaaaaaa aoDaaaaa aaaaaaaa «K aoaa oaaa aoaa •aaa POOP. aoooaaaa oooooooo ooaoaaaa ooaaaoaa oa•••• a a a ooo aaa aaa aaa North Bike Lane ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo DQQQD ooooo o oooa D DODO ••ooa aao aao aao ooa ooo a dooo d oooo ooooo a oooa ooooo WWWP oooo aaoo aaao oooo PPQO oooo •ooo oooa •ooo oooo •ooa •ooa oooo oooo aaoo oooo oooa aaoa aaaa oooa mm •ooo aaoo •aao •ooa oooo oooo •ooa aaoo aaoo oooo oooo oooo DOOO oooo oooo oooooooo aoooaaaa aaooaaaa aaoaaaaa ooaooooo DOOO •Doa aaoa aaaa oooo oooooooo ooaoaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaoaoaa oooooaaa •Daa a ooooo •aaoa aaoo a nnoo a aaaaaaaoaaoa aoaa aaoa oooo aaaa ooooo oaaa • •aaao aaaaa ooooo ooa aa aao oa aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aao oa aaaaa ooooo aaaaa ooooo Median naaaaaaaa a ooaaaoaa •oooaoooo •oooo aaoo aaaaa aaaaa aaaaa ooooo aaooa Parcel "o—z"m-is PROPOSED:FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB PARCEL "0-1' R'1-18-. v _^--_V> BHEABLvb EXISTING TYPICAL!SECTION 2 LANES EACH ABC-SURFACEC ULTIMATE SECTION PRINCIPAL ARTE RIAL 3 LANES EACH D RECTION WITH BIKE LANES. RAISED LANDSCAPED MEDIAN CURBED. MEANDERING SII >EWALK OR PARALLEL TRAIL (WHERE OCCURS) l l.I I.I.I.I.I. •!'!•!•!•!'!•!•!•!•!•!•'• .••••'•'.••'•••••'•'•••|. lV i i i i i i i i i i i i i"nr^-r oaoaa ODDDD aaaaa ooooo ooooo aaaa aaoo oooa oooo oooa •KfCBOT •ooa ap do DD^99§°°a o An tfA a a aaaaa oooo a oaaa a •aaoo ooooo •aaooooauuuaoaaaooou •ooa aoaa oaaaaooo aaaaaooo aaaaaaaa OOOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOO Q Q 0 0 0 0 0 aoaa oooo oooa aaoo •oaoooaaaaaaoooaaoao oooodooooooooooaoooo •aaaaaoaaaaooooaaaaa aooDaaaaaaaoaoaaaoaa •ooooooaaaopoooooooo •oooaaaa •aoooaaa aoooaaaa aaaaaaaa ooaoooao ooo aao • • • aaa ooo aao a oa a oa ooa • • • laaoaaoaooaooaaaoaacj loooaaoooaaoaoooaooc IDDaoaaODDDDDaDGOOOC jaoaoaaaoaoaaaaaaaac: ipoooooac South Bike Lane South -Ultimate d aaaa a 3 oaaa o laaaaa 3 aoaa a ooooo oaoaa aaaaa aaaaa aaa ooo aaa aaa •DO •oa ooo •oa •nn ooooo •aoaa •aaoa oaoaa n nnn n OOOO aoaa aaaa •aao nnn •ooa •ooa aaao aaaa oooa aaoo aaoo •aao aaaoooao aaaaoooo oaaaaooo aaaaaaaa gygun •oooooaoo •ooooDoaa Doaaaoaaa •oooa aaao •ooo oaaa aaaa nnnnnnnnnnnn ooooo aaaaa oaoaa aaaaa nnnnn aaooa oaoaa aaa oo aaaaa nnnnn ooo ooa ooo • • • una PARCEL "O-Y1 .•',R1-33H . NORTH ^>a?y ^«^/. TOWN & FCC REVISED:JUNE 23,1999 10F 2 "N r V. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN H/LLS -OIF SHEA BLVD IMPROVEMENTS CONCEPT PLAN ^HOUDAY \<< \ \ REVISED:JUNE 23,1999 2 OF 2 A TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS -CI FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT OF MARICOPA COUNTY FOUNTAIN HILLS AREA DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN FCD 94-16 INACCESSIBLE LOCATIONS MAP LEGEMD .;[)aOODING LOCATION Q ( )FLOOD STUDY LOCATION EXISTING INACCESSIBLE LOCATIONS PRIORITY ACCESS IMPROVEMENT LOCATION REMAINING INACCESSIBLE LOCATIONS (AFTER PRIORITY ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS) UM5mXI1WTH l^V©NORTH'-mm<n>pLEDCTHlliOJCirAJIP^XSCALEOFMILESFOUNTAINH/LLSLANDSCAPEMAINTENANCECONTRACT(MEDIANS&TOWN-MAINTAINEDFRONTAGES)LEGENDMAINTAINEDBYPUBLICWORKS;2K8(TURF)S'SSJORRIGATED)iSBBB(DRY)•;-.75EIMAINTAINEDBYASSOCIATIONSr^jjgjINTIALLYMAINTAINEDBYDEVELOPERS-FUTURETRANSFERTOTOWNTOWNOWNEDPARKORFACILITY(12<J3)MEDIANTRANSFERDATE(MONTH-YEAR)STATE LAIOREVISED:JUNE23,1999HI NORTH fLJWI SCALE:1"=2500' 0 0.5 SCALE OF MILES Dui\i I All ILLb"rni n WASH FIRE HAZARDS TOWN OWNERSHIP: FIRE HAZARD (EXTREME) FIRE HAZARD (MODERATE) PREVIOUSLY COMPLETE REVISED:JUNE 23,1999 J <. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN H/LLS TOWN OWNERSHIP MAP SCALE:1"=3500' 0 0.5 UODCMELLMOtNENHnnt LEGEND MCO PARCELS DEEDED TO THE TOWN 3-31-97 &9-24-97 (559 ± Acres) REA 97-04 MCO PARCELS AQU1RED THROUGH FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT I MEDIAN MAINT.AGREEMENT OTHER TOWN-OWNED PARCELS OTHER TOWN-OWNED PARCELS (NOT MAINTAINED BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.) TOWN OPTION OR FUTURE ACQUISITION COMMITMENT /j PRESERVATION BOND PURCHASES lAPPROX.-PROPOSEDf SALT ra.Hl RWA MAHCOPA M3AN RES5WAT1CN © NORTH SCALE OF MILES PREPARED:MAY 27,1999 Streets/Drainage/Landscape Capital Improvement Projects FY 1999 to FY 2004 This CIP accompanies the FY '99-00 budget submittal and covers street, drainage and landscape projects. Projects in the first year of the CIP are more fully described in the applicable budget section. In general, survey and design costs (typically about 10%), and construction inspection and testing costs (typically about 6%) have not been shown in the CIP listing except where indicated.Right-of-way costs are not expected to be significant for any of the listed projects. Each project cost contains a reasonable (10%)contingency. The CIP projects as listed are: A.Traffic Signals CThe attached Projected Traffic Signal Map shows the existing,planned and probable traffic signals, as well as developers commitments for traffic signal participation.The Town currently has six traffic signals and one intermittent signal. Two flashing yellow school warning signals will be installed in FY '99-00 at the Palisades/Hampstead and Fountain Hills Boulevard/Fayette intersections, as requested by the School District. The signals at Shea/Fountain Hills Boulevard and Saguaro/Palisades Boulevard will be upgraded to include opticom detectors, new controllers, wiring and illuminated street name signs. These modifications are scheduled for FY '99-00 and the opticom modifications have been requested by the Fire District. New traffic signals are proposed for four intersections: • Saguaro/GrandeBoulevard- met MUTCD warrants in 1996. Page 1 of 11 Ni^fcJH/1^ • La Montana/Palisades Boulevard - met warrants in 1996.Alternatively,the recently opened Palisades/Avenue of the Fountains intersection may need to be signalized instead of or in addition to La Montana/Palisades Boulevard.(MCO has a 50%commitment for the Palisades/Avenue of the Fountains signal through November 2002.) •Palisades/Sunridge Drive - this is considered to be the next most likely signal location, due to the continuing development of SunRidge Canyon,connection of Sunridge Drive through to North Heights (expected in 1999), and the construction of the Copperwynd condominiums. Palisades Boulevard has a relatively high speed limit (45 mph) and limited sight distance at this location.(SunRidge Canyon has a 50%commitment for this signal through October 2003.) •Unspecified location -developer commitment intersections and other potentially feasible locations are shown on the Proposed Traffic Signal Map.The location of signals is determined in a traffic signal warrant study conducted in accordance with the MUTCD. Additionally,warning flashers and signal upgrades are considered likely to be needed late within the five-year CIP time frame.Locations have not been specified at this time. B.Street Improvements Later year funding has been programmed for widening scalloped (unfinished)streets,reflective markers,and joint projects with developers,with the locations to be determined later.Specific later year projects include: •Shea Boulevard,Saguaro to Beeline,and 144th Street to Palisades.This is a MCDOT project, budgeted at $1.5 million and currently scheduled to begin in late 1999. The Town's costs include upgrades and extension to MCDOT's work, on a reimbursement basis after project completion.Upon completion of the project,Shea Boulevard will be six lanes (three in each direction)plus bike lanes and a raised center median from 144th Street to Palisades Boulevard and from Beeline Highway to Saguaro Boulevard.Town costs per the current IGAs are $492,000.However,developer participation relating to the Eagle Mountain and Firerock Country Club areas will likely reduce the Town's cost to $300,000. •Shea Boulevard Bike Lanes/Median - this is a Federal Aid project to add bike lanes on Shea Boulevard and includes adding some landscaped median.Programmed for FY 2000 Federal Page2 of 11 c Aid obligation, the project will likely begin construction about March, 2001. The project has $440,000 of Federal Aid funds and requires a minimum of $40,000 of Town funds. •Shea Boulevard Improvements at Firerock Country Club -MCO has agreed to construct a landscaped median from Palisades to Fountain Hills Boulevard,pay half of the median cost on the Firerock Country Club frontage east of Fountain Hills Boulevard and make Shea Boulevard intersection signal and turn lane improvements for their subdivision.The Town's costs include the remaining half median portion and additional intersection lane improvements. • Town Center Improvement District - MCO, the town, and perhaps the Plat 208 (north half) property owners would contribute to this District(s).Improvements could include landscaped medians,frontage landscaping,decorative sidewalks,decorative intersection pavement,fountains,traffic signals,lighting and a Civic Center pedestrian mall. The $1,000,000 shown in the later CIP years represents the Town's share of a substantially pared down project,or the first phase of the full project. C.Street Enhancements Town directional signage is planned for construction in FY '99-00.New landscaped medians, sidewalks, and traffic calming costs have been programmed for multiple years • New Landscaped Medians:Medians on La Montana at the Civic Center,in conjunction with MCO are programmed for FY '00-01. $30,000.Programmed for the later CIP years, priority locations for new medians would be to fill in gaps between developer-funded medians and to address access-related accident problems. $60,000 per year, beginning in FY '01-02. •Sidewalks:Priority sidewalk locations include routes leading to the schools,in commercial areas, for walking loops, to connect Town park facilities,and in filling in gaps developer- funded sidewalks.ADA accessible ramps continue to have a high priority when a need is identified.$30,000 per year. Staff is pleased to report that in May 1998, the walking loop around the Golden Eagle Park/High School block (Golden Eagle,Palisades,Hampstead and Bainbridge)was completed.This included construction by developers,the School District and the Town over Page 3 of 11 the last five years. This block was a primary course for the walking club until the on-street walking became too dangerous.In May 1999, the Town filled in a sidewalk gap at the Clearaire Subdivision along Saguaro,and there is now a mile-long continuous sidewalk along Saguaro. •Traffic Calming:The newly adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Process enables the Town, working with neighborhood groups,to install physical measures to reduce vehicle volumes and speed. Severe problems will be funded by the Town;moderately severe problems will be funded by the residents and constructed by the Town. $10,000 per year. D.Drainage Recurring drainage problems have been identified by visual observation during and after storms and by the street maintenance condition survey.Drainage problems that relate to major storms have been identified through Maricopa Country Flood Control District's floodplain delineation mapping and Area Drainage Master Study (ADMS).Proposed for correction in the CIP are: •Hazard Mitigation Grant:The FEMA Hazard Mitigation Projects are for catch basins on Saguaro Boulevard across from Fountain Park (at Parkview,and north of Stewart Vista), a drainage channel from Grande Boulevard to Rosita Drive,and minor pedestrian safety improvements at Golden Eagle Park Dam. Carried forward from last year, these projects have been delayed in the FEMA environmental approval process and for coordination with the major Golden Eagle Park Dam safety improvements design.FEMA will be providing $28,000 in matching funds. •Minor Drainage Projects:Since 1993 staff has field identified over 80 localized drainage problem locations. These recurring or nuisance problems include street ponding, undersized curb openings or catch basins, erosion, excessive street flow, and sedimentation. Funds have been used annually to correct the drainage problems in the street maintenance work areas. Approximately 30 locations remain to be corrected, scattered throughout Town and along Saguaro Boulevard. • Major Drainage Projects: The Flood Control District of Maricopa County (FCDMC) completed Floodplain Delineation Studies (FDS) of the major washes in Fountain Hills in November, 1994. Floodplain maps should be available from FEMA in 1999. Subsequently, FCDMC completed an Area Drainage Master Study (ADMS) in June, 1997 which consisted Page4 of 11 of three major parts:(1)Modifications to Golden Eagle Park Dam,(2)Roadway Crossings Study, and (3) Flood Access Study. The Roadway Crossings Study identified 26 major flood problem locations and recommended corrections.The large majority of problems were undersized roadway crossing culverts which will create excessive water depths and velocity over the roadways during major storms,andin some locations create localized flooding problems.For example, the highest water depth over a roadway is T crossing El Pueblo Boulevard at Ashbrook Wash, which is north of Grande Boulevard, during the 100-year storm event. In the Flood Access Study, a total of 86 "impassable"locations were identified. An impassable location was defined as having more than 0.5' depth of water crossingor along the roadway during a 100-year storm event. Next, 1,854 lots were identified as having no passable access during 100-year storm events. The three largest inaccessible areas were northeast of Saguaro and Grande,the Richwood-Boulder area,and the Firerock area. And finally, 7 culvert improvements with an estimated cost of $850,000 were identified which would reduce the number of inaccessible lots to 80, all in isolated pockets with no more than 30 lots inaccessible due to any single impassable location. There was substantial overlap between the improvements recommended for the Roadway Crossings Study and the Flood Access Study;combined estimated cost for all recommended improvements was $4.5 million. What does all this mean?During a widespread,major (100-year)storm, the Town will experience many hazardous wash crossings,a few building structures will be flooded,and 20% of the Town residences will be inaccessible (most for relatively short periods). Now that all this is known, what should be done?A range of options are available - ranging from a $4.5 million bond issue to correct all the problems immediately, down to making no physical improvements,just dealing with the emergency conditions as they happen. Staff recommends a more moderate course of action and has programmed $50,000 annually toward correction of the smaller cost problems.Two of the more widespread and severe Page5 of 11 \$ggps ^CiQjrp^* problems have been approved by FCDMC for their participation as shown in the next two projects: Golden Eagle Park Dam (GEPD)Modifications:Staff got its first inkling of GEPD's problems from the FDS. The FDS showed that during the 100-yearstorm, the reservoir pond (i.e. the Park) will fill up and water will flow through the spillway (i.e. the horseshoe pit and south parking lot area), down the amphitheater and onto the football field. By interpolation, it appears that future flows onto the spillway and onto the footfall field will start to occur during a 7-year storm event. The lowest softball fields in the Park will begin to be inundated by a 2-3 year storm event. Although the Park and football field were designed to be inside the dam reservoir and spillway respectively,these frequent inundation frequencies were unexpected. (Note: To date, the GEP ball fields have been inundated once, but they have only a 4-year history. It also appears that in the history of the dam, the spillway has never flowed.) In 1996, MCO and the Town completed the Safety of Dams analysis required by the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) for all 8 ADWR jurisdictional dams within the Town limits. The Safety of Dams analysis is based on 1/2 of the Probable Maximum Flood (1/2-PMF)rainfall.(The 1/2-PMF storm is roughly equivalent to a 500-year storm.)The other dams in Town did not significantly overtop in the 1/2-PMF storm (although a couple had less than the required 3' of freeboard and one other had a minor overtopping.) However, GEPD was shown to be overtopped by 4'(approximately 13' deep at the spillway) and would likely be catastrophically breached. ADWR has verbally advised the Town (but no written notification yet) that GEPD is being added to ADWR's list of about 25 unsafe dams. The recommended correction alternative includes adding a new box culvert outlet, lengthening the spillway, and raising the dam. In 1997, FCDMC approved this project for inclusion in its CIP with a Town cost share of 35%. Geotechnical borings were drilled in early 1998, and the pre-design is currently underway.$200,000 for pre-design and design costs (in 1999-00),and $300,000 for construction costs (in 2000-01) have been programmed. Although the pre-design and design Page 6 of 11 NmUjUP^ ^snj/gj^ costs represent huge expenditures relative to the normal percentages of construction cost, FCDMC staff has shown that the percentages are in line with previous dam modification projects. Please note that the Town is the licensee of the dam (from ADWR)and owns the reservoir and upstream half of the dam. The School District owns the downstream half of the dam, and the spillway route (i.e. the football field). In accordance with the Town's policy of assistance to the School District,the Town has in the past performed the maintenance on the whole dam.Staff has kept the School District fully informed regarding dam safety issues, proposed projects, and maintenance activities. The School District could be responsible for 50%of the local costs shown for this project;alternatively,these costs could be included in the Town's list of assistance to the School District.In any case,easement rights and maintenance responsibilities should eventually be clarified in an IGA between the Town and School District. Ashbrook/Balboa Drainage Project:The project was approved by FCDMC for inclusion in their CIP in FY '96-97,with a 40%Town cost share.The project includes several modifications in the lower Ashbrook Wash and Balboa Wash areas to reduce structure flooding and roadway impassability,as follows: •Saguaro Boulevard at Ashbrook Wash -new box culvert •Bayfield Drive at Ashbrook Wash - new box culvert •Ashbrook Wash,Saguaro to Del Cambre -clean-up overly dense vegetation (The Town Public Works Department has basically accomplished this item, for fire hazard elimination);and construct a maintenance access roadway •Fountain Hills Boulevard at Balboa Wash -new box culvert •Fountain Hills Boulevard at Oxford Wash -review whether the Fountain Hills Boulevard/Balboa Wash culvert solves the problems at this location. The project cost was estimated at $1.33M in 1995 (prior to the ADMS study). Staff has requested that this project be deferred to a lower priority than GEPD modifications. The Town's cost share of $520,000 has been programmed for FY '02-03 and '03-04. Page7 of 11 ^t^y&r ^>My^kr Street Maintenance The Town embarked on a well-defined course of major pavement maintenance in 1993. Five annual contracts have been bid to handle on-going major street maintenance and improvements: Concrete, asphalt, slurry seal, emulsion seal, and masonry. Several current annual contracts have been extendedthree times; staff anticipates rebidding these contracts this fiscal year.Basically, the annual contracts lock in unit prices and requirements quantities as needed; the Town issues workordersfor whateverquantities are requiredfor a maintenancearea or improvementproject. The basic pavement management plan was to work clockwise around Town over a five-year cycle. Since the Street Department was then crack sealing in the north central part of Town, all work began in that area in 1993. The proper normal sequence for the work is: •Utility reconstructions (primarily electric and water) •Minor drainage projects •Concrete curb replacements • Crack seal by the Street Department (or apply CRF by the emulsion seal annual contractor) • Pavement maintenance (emulsion seal, plastic seal, slurry seal, overlay, or reconstruct) The Town has coordinated extensively with Salt River Project and Chaparral City Water Company's reconstruction programs for the past two years. In several areas,the utilities chose to defer their work until at least two years after Town slurry seal. Currently,the Town is completing its first pass of virtually all areas of Town,ending in the northwest area.Also remaining are the former MCDOT roadways (Shea and Saguaro). MCDOT chip sealed these roadways in about 1989.Although the Town applied a light fog seal in 1995,these streets need to be micro-surfaced in FY '99-00 or '00-01. Except for budget year FY '99-00,the CIP amounts programmed are based on 15 miles of emulsion seal, 30 miles of slurry seal, 1 mile of overlay,1/2 mile of pavement reconstruction, and 1 mile of curb replacement. Page 8 of 11 ^fafofoaiiiK Maintenance Equipment New equipment proposed for purchase includes a dump trailer,backhoe/loader,chipper,water truck,asphalt laydown box,compressor/trailer,and sign machine. Replacement or additional equipment includes a striper,crack sealer,tractor,dump truck and pick up trucks. In general,Staff anticipates replacing equipment at 7-10 years of age, and pickup trucks at 70,000-100,000 miles. Maintenance Facilities Facilities proposed to be added at the Street Yard include asphalt for the yard area ($35,000, FY '00-01), and a building to replace the existing administrative trailer ($200,000,FY '03-04). Landscaping •Medians The Town historically maintained about 10 acres of medians.In FY '97 and FY '98,the Town assumed maintenance responsibility for about 23 acres of medians -including Avenue of the Fountains,other MCO medians,the Lakeside medians,the Firerock Ridge medians,and other medians as a part of participation agreements.See the Landscape Maintenance Map for these areas. In the remaining CIP years, the Eagle Mountain,SunRidge,Palisades,and Town Center I medians will be transferred from the initial developer maintenance to the Town.Additionally, new medians are expected to be built along Shea Boulevard (and possibly other locations) during this time frame,altogether totaling 17 acres. The median landscape areas are shown on the Landscape Maintenance Map. Although many of the medians transferred to date are in good condition, some need major upgradingto remove existing hazards and to upgrade the landscaping and other features to meet current expectations and standards, as follows: •Upgrade existing medians (primarily Saguaro)- The Saguaro Boulevard center and frontage medians were installed in the early 1970s. Long term maintenance by the developer,major removals in the name of roadway sight lines by MCDOT,and removal of Page9 of 11 ^^^^ dead materials (without replacement)by the Town have left the medians sparsely vegetated with an outdated landscape palette. Many of the Palo Verde trees are infested with borers (a terminal disease). Many of the other trees have been severely stressed and are aged. The proposed work will add trees, shrubs, cactus, and groundcover plants to these medians. The work will utilize a low-water "desert" palette with intensive use of on-going colorful blooming species. Older non-palette trees -particularly the highly allergenic olive trees - will be gradually eliminated as they die and as their green mass is no longer needed. The work is intended to be performed island-by-island beginning at Fountain Park. The remaining commercial areas will be targeted next,with the remaining medians last.Cost of $100,000 is programmed within the five year CIP. Upgrade Avenue of the Fountains medians -These wide medians are actually Town- owned property within the divided right-of-way.The medians were acquired from MCO in March 1998. A FY '99-00 project will be a major electrical upgrade.The FY '00 and FY '01 projects will eliminate ADA issues,make aesthetic changes,and install upgrades, particularly regarding the fountains, concrete, and irrigation controls. Cost - $400,000. Landscape Restorations -$20,000 per year has been programmed to correct past disturbance areas.The Town's current Subdivision Ordinance standards provide good revegetation of new disturbances.The landscape work is expected to consist primarily of hydroseeding,sprigging shrubs such as brittlebush and bursage,and replanting salvaged cactus. In whitish-colored rock faces and slopes,slope staining with Eonite or Permeon will be utilized. Landscape New Medians - New medians for the Town to landscape are expected to occur in the following ways: • Add new medians to fill in "gaps" and extend median areas.Example areas include Palisades Boulevard (Fountain Hills Boulevard to Avenue of the Fountains),Fountain Hills Boulevard (Palisades to Arrow),Saguaro Boulevard (La Montana to Grande), and Shea Boulevard. Page 10 of 11 1 W ":^r: '.m-yiq ^ :.'-r uf-• ilr;;-.• t 3 *f '"*-* * {**?:/£<•is' \'j ii'sSfcS •Modify existing medians for new turn lanes. • Add medians atjoint projects. Developer discussions have indicated a desire to have the Town construct and immediately maintain medians as a part of its share in joint projects. $135,000 hasbeen programmed to landscape new medians,spreadover alternating years, but the cost and distribution of this work is difficult to anticipate. Washes and Dams The Town has recently acquired over 1,100 acres of property. See the Town-owned property map. Another 300-500 acres are anticipated to be acquired within the next five years. Except for public parks and facilities, these properties will be managed for preservation. However, the property near homes must have fire hazards kept within acceptable limits. A number of "washes" have grown over with non-indigenous,fire hazard species such as salt cedar and desert broom.Additionally,fire hazards include 30 years of dead trees,limbs,and trash dumpings which have also accumulated.See the attached map of current urgent and moderate fire hazard areas. The Town is progressing with "clean-up"of the worst locations.The long term cost is difficult to estimate at this time.That cost is also highly dependent on rainfall.Wet winters - like 1993 and 1998 - produced large amounts of combustibles in the washes. After $200,000 for FY '99- 00,$100,000 has been programmed for the remaining four CIP years. Page 11 of 11