HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY08 ACFRTOWN OF FOUNTAIN lULLS, ARI ZONA FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCA L YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 Issued by: Finance De partm ent TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARiZONA TABL E O F C ONTENTS INTRODUCTOR Y SECTION Letter of Transmittal GFOA Certificate of Ach ievement Organizational C han List of Princ ipal Officials FINANCIAL S ECTION INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (MD&A) (Required Supplementary Information) BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Government-Wide Fi nancial Statements: Statement of Net Assets Statement of Activiti es Fund Financial S ta te ments: Balance Sheet -Governmental Funds Reconcil iation of the Balance Sheet - Govenunental F und s to the Statement of Net Assets Statement of Revenues, Expendi tures a nd Changes i n Fttnd Ba lances - Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures a nd Changes in Flllld Balances-Governmenta l Funds to the Statement of Acti vities Notes to Financial Statements P age X XI X II 5 20 21 24 2 7 28 30 31 TOWN OF FO UNTAIN IDLLS, AIUZONA TABLE OF CONTENTS (Con t 'd) FINANClAL SECTION (Co nt'd) SCHEDULE OF REVENUES , EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL (Required Supplementary In fo rm at ion) General Fund Deve lopment Fees Fund Note to Req uired Supp lementary InfornJation COMBINING AND IND IVID UAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES Other Major Governmental Funds Schedules of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Ba lances-Bu dget and Actua l: Genera l Ob li gation Debt Serv ice Fund Municipal Property Corporati on Debt Serv ice Fund Capi tal Projects Fund Non -Major Governmenta l Funds: Comb ining Balance Shee t -All Non -Maj or Govern mental Funds- By Fund Type Combin ing Statemen t of Revenues , Expend itures and Changes in Fund Balances -All Non-Major Governmental Funds -By Fund Type Non -Major Spec ial Revenue Funds: Com binin g Balance Sheet Combin in g Statement of Revenues, Ex penditu res and Changes in Fund Balances Com bining Schedule of Revenues , Expenditures and Changes in Fu nd Balances-Budget and Actual Page 46 47 48 52 53 54 56 57 60 62 64 T OWN OF FO UNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA TABLE O F C O NTENTS (C ont'd) F I NANCI AL SECTIO N (C o n c l'd ) Non-Major Debt Service Funds: Combining Balance Sheet Combin ing Statement of Revenues , Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Comb ining Sc hedule of Revenu es, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances-Budget and Actua l STATI ST I CAL SECTI ON Financial Trends: Net Assets by Component Expenses, Program Revenues , and Net (Expense)/Revenue General Revenu es and Tota l C hanges in Net Assets Fund Balances-Governmental Fun ds Governmental Funds Revenues Governmental Funds Expenditures and Debt Service Ratio Other Financing Sources and Uses and Net Changes in Fund Balances -Governmental Funds Revenue Capacity: Taxable Sales by Category Direct and Overlapping Sales Tax Rates Pa g e 71 72 74 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, AIUZO NA TABLE OF C ONTENTS (Coocl 'd) ST ATISTI CAL SECTION (Co ocl'd) Debt Capacity: Outstanding Debt by Type Direct and Overlapping Governmental Activities Debt Legal Debt Margin Information Demographic and Economic Information: Demographic and Economic Statistics Principal Employers Full-Time Equivalent Town Government Emp loyees by Func ti on/Program Ope rating Infonna ti on: Operating Indicators by Function Capital Assets Statistics by Function P a ge 89 90 9 1 92 93 94 96 97 November 13 , 2008 Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E . Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Phone: 480-816·5100 • Fax: 480-837-3145 www.tb.az.gov To the Honorable Mayor, Members of th e Town Counci l, and Citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills : State law requires that all general-purpose local governments p ubli s h, within six months of the c lose of each fiscal year, a complete set of fmancial statements presented in confor mity w ith generally accepted accounting princ ip les (GAAP) and audited in accordance with generally accepted aucliting s tandard s by a firm ofl icensed certified public accountants. Pursuan t to that requirement, we hereby issue the compreh ensive annual financ ia l report of the Town of Fountain Hi ll s for the fiscal yea r ended June 30, 2008. This rep ort consists of management's representations concerning the finances of the Town of Fountain Hills. Con sequently, ma nagement assumes full responsibi lity for the completeness and reliability of al l of the informati on p resented in this report. To provi de a reasonable basis for making th ese representations, management of the Town of Fountain Hi lls has establ ished a comprehensive internal contro l framework that is designed both to protect the government 's assets from loss, theft, or misuse and to compi le s ufficient reli able information for the preparation of the Town ofFountain Hills' financ ia l statements in conformity with GAAP. Because the cost of internal co ntro ls s hould not outwei gh their benefits, the Town of Fountain Hills ' comprehensive fran1ework of internal controls has been designed to provide reasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free of materia l mi sstatement. As management, we assert that, to the best of our knowledge an d be lief, this financial report is co mpl ete and re liable in a ll material respects . The comprehensive armual financ ial report is presented in three sections: introductory, financial , and stati stical. Th e introductory section includes this transm ittal letter. the Town of Foun tai n Hills ' organizati o n chart and a li s t ofT own of Fountain H ill s e lected and appointed o rfi c ials. The financ ial section includes U1e fmancial s tatements and the combining and individual ftutd financial s tatements and sc hedules , as well as the aud itors' report on U1e financial statements and schedules. The s tatistical secti on includes certai n unaudited financ ia l a nd de mographi c info m1ation, gene rall y presented on a multiyear basis. The Town of Fountain Hills' fmancial statements have been audited by Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C., a firm of licensed certified public accountants. The goal of the independent audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year ended June 30,2008, are free of material misstatement The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management; and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The independent auditors concluded, based upon the audit, that there was a reasonable basis for rendering an unqualified opinion that the Town of Fountain Hills' fmancial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008, are fairly presented in conformity with GAAP. The independent auditors' report is presented as the first component of the financial section of tllis report. The independent audit of the financial s tatements of the Town of Fountain Hill s was part of a broader, federally mandated Single Audit as requir ed by the provisions of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Audits of Stares, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations designed to meet the speciaJ needs of federal grantor agencies. The standards governing Single Audit engagements require the independent auditor to repon not only o n the fair presentation of the financial statements, bm also on the Town of Fountain Hills' internal controls and compliance with legal req uirements, with special emphasis on internal controls and legal requirements involving the administration of federal awards. These reports are avaiJable in a separately issued Single Audit Reporting Package. GAAP require that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the basic financial statements in the fo rm of Management's Discussion and Analys.is (MD&A). This leuer of transnlittal is designed to complement the MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it. The Town of Fowllain Hills' MD&A can be found immediately following the repon of the independent auditors . Town of Fountain Hills Proftle i i The Town of Fountain Hills is a plarmed, family- oriented community established in 1970 by McCulloch Properties (now MCO Properties, lnc.). Prior to 1970 the area was a cattle ranch and was part of one of t11e largest land and cattle holdings in Arizona. It was purchased by Robert McCulloch in tbe late 1960s and designed by Charles Wood, Jr. (designer of Disneyland in southern California). The centerpiece of Fountain Hills is one of the world's taU est man- made fountains, a focal point that attracts thousands of visitors each year. Located on 13,006 acres ofland , and bordering northeast Scottsdale, Fountain Hills is surrounded by the 3,500-foot McDowell Mountains on the west, the Fort McDowelllndian Reservation on the east, the Salt River Indian Reservation on the south and by the McDowell Mountain Regional Park on the north. Elevation is 1,520 feet at th e fountain, 3,000 feet on Golden Eagle .Boulevard , and is 500 feet above Phoenix. Over the past seventeen years Fountain Hills has grown from I 0 ,190 residents to a town of almost 25,000 in 2008. The latest estimates for Fountain Hills indicate that the population will continue to grow to near 36,045 by 2025. On June 5. 2006 the Town of Fountain Hills became two square miles and about ten percent larger by annexing I ,3 00 acres of State Trust Land. The process to annex the State Tn.1st Land occurred over a two and one-half year period and development of the land will occur over the next decade. Annexing this property into the Town ensures that its future development will be of the highest q uality under such Town's standards as the cut-and-fill ordinance and strict zoning regulations. Fountain Hills will have an opportunity to demonstrate that it is truly the best place to live in the Valley. The Town offers a range of living styles , from small community subdivisions to a nun1ber of large custom homes . Fountain Hills also offers recreational , cultural and retirement prograo1s that address the needs and lifestyles of active families and adults. The community consists of primarily residential property; of the total 20.32 square miles of land only 2.58% of the total is zoned commercial and/or industrial, 31 % is reserved as open space and the remainder is res idential. The Town 's Mission Statement for the Organization The Town of Fountain Hills' purpose is to serve the best interests of the community by: providing for its s afety and well-being; respecting its special, small-town character and quality of life; providing superi or public services; sustaining the publi c trust through open and responsive government; and maintaining the stewardship and preservation of its financial and natural resources. To serve and respect, and provide trust and stewardship. Fountain Hills Town Hall Ill Tbe Town of Fountain Hills is an Arizona Municipal Corporation, acting as a general law Town as prescribed in the Arizona Revised statutes. The Town was incorporated on December 5, 1989 with the governmental and administrative affairs of the Town operating under the Cow1cii-Manager form of government. The Town Council is responsib le, among other things, for the adoption of local ordinances, budget adoption , the development of citizen advisory committees and hiring the Town Manager. The Town Manager is responsible for implementation of the policies of the Town Council and administering the Town's operations through five department directors and approximately 89 FTE employees. The Magistrate, Town Attorney and Town Prosecu1or are under the direction of the Town Council. The Town provides or adm inisters a full range of services including public safety (law enforcement, fire , animal control, bui lding inspection); community development (code enforcement, planning, zoning and engineering); the constm ction and maintenance of streets and infrastructure, municipal court, l'ecreational activities, community center, se nior ce nte r and cultura l events. The Town does not maintain utility or other operations that require the establi shment of enterprise funds. The financial reporting entity (the Town) includes all the funds and account groups of the primary government (i.e., the Town of Fountain Hills as legally defmed) as weU as all of its component units. The component Wlits consist of legally separate entities for which the prinlary government is financially accountable. Bl ended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the primary government's operations and are included as part of the primary government. Accordingly, the Cottonwoods Maintenance District, Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District and Fountain Hills Municipal Property Corporation are included in the financial reports of the Town. The annual budget serves as the foundati on for the Town of Fountain Hills' financial planning and control. The Town CounciJ forma ll y adop ts the budget and legally allocates, or appropriates, available monies for lhe General Fw1d, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, and Capital Projects Fund. Therefore, lhese funds have appropriated budgets, and budget to actual infonnation is presented. On or before the second meeting in May the Town Manager submits to the Town Council a proposed budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1. The budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. The Town Council is then required to hold public hearings on the proposed budget and to adopt a final budget by no later than June 30, the close of the Town of Fountain Hills· fiScal year. The budget is legally enacted through passage of an ordinance and is prepared by fund and department. The ordinance sets the limit for expenditures during the fiscal year. The Town Manager may authorize transfers from and within personnel and from operating capital to services or supplies within a department. Additional expenditures may be authorized for expenditures direc tl y necessitated by a natural or man-made disaster as prescribed in the State Consti tution, Article 9, Section 20. Fact or s Affcetinl!, F ina n c ia l Con dition The infom1ation presented in the financial statements is perhaps best understood when it is considered from the broader perspective of the specific environment within which the Town of Fountain Hills operates. IV Local Economy. The Town of Fountain Hills, similar to other Arizona municipalities, is primarily dependent upon state revenues and l.ocal sales tax as a major source of operating revenue, accounting for 77% of total revenue for fiscal year 2007 -08 . Locally, 20% of the Town's sales tax is from construction activity (down from 31% last fiscal year) and 37% is generated from retail activity. The construction activity is primarily residential; fiscal year 2007 -08 continued the dramatic downturn in building permit activity that is being experienced nationwide. State shared revenues increased during fiscal year 2007-08 because state income tax revenues are based on two years prior personal and corporate earnings; however future revenues from income tax are projected to decline for the next few years. The majority of land use in Fountain Hills is residential, therefore , there is not a significant amount of retai l activity that is affected locally by the economy. Revenues from retail and non -construction related activity are projected to remain flat over the next couple of years. The chart below is a breakdown of Town resources: r..p Me. CFD '" ,.-;. Revenues (all funds) Fiscal Year E nding 6/30/08 T otal $25.1M The Fountain Hills Medical Plaza will complete a substantial redevelopment proj ect in the Fall of 2008. The three buildings totaling 50 ,000 square feet that used to house Town municipal operations were comp lete ly renovated including new interiors and a new exterior fmish. The proj ect has also created a shaded courtyard between the three buildings . Other improvements to the site incl uded upgraded lan dscaping and covered parking areas as well as new ingress and egress to adjacent developments. v Eighteen months of discussion between Fountain Hills Town Square, LLC and the Town have resulted in a development agreement being approved for the potential development of the 13 -acre downtown parcel on the Avenue of the Fountains. An aggressive deve lopment schedule has been estab lished starting with a Phase 1 Concept Plan application submittal by October 20, 2008. The plans will be reviewed by staff and the Concept Plan is planned to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council for approval by the end of the year. Phase I will include 38,000 square feet of retail, 58,000 square feet of office and a 52,000 square foot movie theater. Firerock Plaza, located on Shea Boulevard, bas completed construction and has begun allowing tenants to occupy some suites. Included in the list of tenants so far are a beauty salon and an urgent care medical facility. Firerock Business Park industrial condominiums located on Technology Drive behind Target Plaza was approved for a revised Concept Plan for Phase II of the project to allow a re-configuration of building pads and a mini -storage facility. Fountain View Retail Plll7..a, located on Fountain Hills Boulevard just south of Safeway Plaza, completed constmction and has occupancy in a majority of their suites. Fountain Hills Plaza (Bashas Plaza) applied for and received approvals to enlarge the Bashas and Ace Hardware building footprints as well as to do a complete fa<;:ade renovation of the entire plaza. Additiona ll y, numerous site improvements will be made inc luding shade structures for a portion of the parking areas , more landscaping and decorative hardscape , and improved ingress and egress to the Plaza. Plaza Waterfront , located adjacent to P lll7..a Fountainside at the comer of Saguaro Boulevard and El Lago Bou levard. has completed constmction and has begun allowing tenants to occupy both their retail suites as well as the residential condominiums. The Eagle Mountain Golf Club received approval to expand and enclose their event pavil ion overlooking the 181h ho le. The go lf c lub a lso received permits for shade stmctures over their golf cart storage area. A 9-lot, sing le-family residential subdivision named Serenity Estates (fom1erly High Nob Acres) and located at the end of Cerro Alto Drive was approved. A 12-lot, single-fami ly residential subdivision named The Vista at Fountain Hi ll s (formerly Lion's Spring) and located at the intersection of Cerro Alto Drive and Sierra Madre Drive was app roved . The Ellman Company who purchased the fo rmer State Trusl Land in2007 requested an amendment to U1e pre-armexation agreement, a rezoning of U1e property and a General Plan amendment The requested an1endments proposed several design changes including additional park space. additional open space , a reduction in housing units and a realignment of McDowell Mountain Road. Even though all requested amendments were approved by Mayor and Council in May 2008, the amendments are sti ll pending. vi i'nulftitl Hllll2.6°o Std~TAX At'lhitr"Y Sr<_cor-'F\"14 thi'IJ !'\"OS ...... n """M -........ ........ ........ ,_ I:.OOIJIIOO ........ .. _ ...... .. CCIIutr'IJCUIOtl. ThiiUf'Ol ~Mib 11ul \\llo.,_I.,'RIIt:lll nt$U\lftDt184'1rt The chart to the left is a summary of local sales tax collections from fiscal year 2003-04 through fiscal year 2007- 08 by category. Retail activity declined slighL.ly during fiscal year 2007-08 with the s lowdown in the national economy . Sales tax from construction activity bas declined for three years straight; this rrend will likely continue through fiscal year2009-10. The opponunityto further expand the retail tax base in Fountain Hills is limited by Ll1e lack of available commercial land -75 % of tbe ,__ ___________________ .J developable lots are already developed. L ong-term F inancia l Planning. Over the past decade the Town of Fountain Hills nas embraced a strategic planning process that has focused on the long-term viability of the community. In late 2004, the Town initiated a compre hensive strategic p lanning process that involved a significant amount of citizen input. A technical Advisory Committee consisting of citizens, vo lunteers and Town staff met to discuss tlte To wn's long range vis ion for nearly a year. This citizen driven strategic planning process resulted in an expansive report entitled. "Town of Fountain HiUs Strategic P lan 2006-2010" which was adopte d on December l, 2005. One of the major issues addressed in the report was the Town's projected future financ ial health. Tbe report described a growing concern witll the current reliance on construction sales tax base. Construction sales tax is considered a one- time revenue source which is dri ven entirely by development activity. As the Town approaches build-out construction related sales taxes and fees are likely to dwind le ; with a declining revenue base it will become a challenge for the Town to meet tile increasing demands of current service leve ls. The Fountain Hills Town Council main tains a fund balance policy that ensures adequate reserves that will. provide financial stabil.ity in the event of an unanticipated economic downturn. The pol icy states: 1. A contingency fund of no less than 30 days operating expenditures for lbe upcoming fiscal year to be designated for unanticipated expenditure or loss of revenue (contingency) 2. A designated unreserved fund balance of a min imun1 of ten percent (10%) of the average acwal revenues for the prec eding five fiscal years designated for "pay-as-you-go" capital 3. A resetved fund balance of twenty percent (20%) of the average actual revenues for tile preceding five fiscal years which is unavailable for appropriation These amounts will not be progranlllled for expenditure and are only available for use within tile confines of expenditure limitations imposed by the State. A Capital Projects Fund has been c reated and is funded with proceeds from excess revenues collected over budget and any tmexpended appropriations not needed to meet fund balance requirements or re-appropriation. For the fiscal- year ending June 30, 2008 $1M of surplus revenues were transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Projects Fund. vi.i The Council a lso adopted financi a l policies that include guidelines for the issuance of debt for capital expenditures, Community Faci lity Districts, financin g alternat ives, expenditure controls and financial planning. The policy was an1ended during fiscal year 2006-07 to allocate a portion of the local construction sales taX to the Capital Projects Fund , thereby assuring that one time revenues are used for one time expenditures . The debt policy was prepared with a p reference for "pay-as-you-go" fmancing for capital spending. An investment policy was adopted and was awarded the In vestment Policy Certification from the Association of Public Treasurers ofUnited States and Canada. Cash Management. State statutes permit municipalities in Arizona to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury, commercial paper, corporate bonds, repurchase agreements, and the State Treasurer's Local Government lnvestment Pool (LGIP). The Town of Fountain Hi ll s debt policy restricts investments to securities that are 100% backed by the full fa ith and c redit of th e U.S. government. The Town of Pountain Hills inves ts al l idle cash in the State LGIP-GOV , which consists of government-backed securities. The year-to-date yie ld on investments as of J nne 30, 2008 was 3.4404%. Investment income includes appreciation in the fair value of investments. Increases in fair va lue during the current year, however, do not necessaril y represent trends that wi ll continue; nor is it a lways possible to realize s uch amounts, especially in the case oftempOr'<ll)' changes in the fair va lue of investments that the government in tends to hold to mat1u·ity . Dail y cash deposits are made with the local bank and are maintained fo r payroll and payables; these accounts are fully co ll ateralized to $1 million. Risk Management. The Town of Fountain Hills is a member of the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool. Risk coverage includes genera l l iabi li ty, workers compensation, errors and omissions, property and auto mobi le ins urance. The pol icy insures up to $2,000,000 per incident occurrence p lus a ny excess liabi lity of up to $13,000,000 per occurrence per yea r. Coverage is provided on a c laims-made basis. Pension P lan and Otber Postemployment Benefits . The Town of Fountain Hills provides two deferred compensation plans through the International City/County Management Assoc iation OCMA) in accordance with In terna l Revenue Code Sections 40 I A and 457. The 40 I A is funded by mandatory employee wage deductions and matching Town contributions. The 457 is volunta ry a nd funded l 00% tlu·ough employee participation. Por further infonnation on these p lans please refer to Note 1 1 in the financial statements. AWARDS AND AC KNOWLEDGEMENT Awards. The Government F inan ce Officers Association (GFOA) awarded a Cen ificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the Town of Fountain Hills for its comprehensive annual financia l report (CAFR) for the fi scal year ended June 30,2007. This was the e leventh consecutive year tha t the government has rece i ved this presti gious award. In o rder to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, the government published an easily readable and efficien tly organized CAFR. This report satisfied both GAAP and app licab le lega l requirements. A Cert ificate of Achievement is valid for a peri od of one year only. We believe that our current CAFR con ti nues to meet U1e Certificate of Achievement Program's requiremen ts and we are s ubmitting it to tbe GFOA to determine its el igibility for another certificate. vi ii In addition, the government also received the GFOA 's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual budget for the fiscal year ending June 30 ,2008. In order to qualify for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, the government's budget document was judged to be proficient in several categories, including as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide , and a communications device. This is the fifth consecutive year that the Town bas received the award. Acknowledgements. The preparation of this report would not have been possible without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire team of the Finance and Administration Department. I would also like to extend my appreciation to the Mayor and Council for their leadership and support. Each member of the department has my sincere appreciation for the contributions made in the preparation of this report. Respectfully submitted, 't<.Q;_ Richard L. Davis , ICMA-CM Town Manager ix Certificate of Achievement for Excellenc e in Financial Reporting Presented to To wn of Fountain Hill s Ari zona For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30,2007 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the GoveiiUDeDt Finance Officers Association of the l!nited States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting . ~~-C?ox President ~/.~ Executive Director X ~- Stnlor Stnotecs Ad\'I.JOry Commlllto111 ConJn1a111lty Cenfer Advltei'J Commiulon Baud flf AdJ ••t ... •c TOWN OF FOUNT AJN HILLS, ARIZONA ORGANI ZATIONAL CHART JUNE 30, 2008 rtanJ~IIII.,.d Zealn1 Commln:k• OHuuorth«- To'lm t f Fount•l• tllllt Mayor ond TOWII COIIIf(.U P•rkt .. d Rtetullo• Con~n•ln .. • Mt.D•w«<l Mo•nlaln PRKrY•Un c ...... ~.ar ... ToWll Attornty Prw.ld.lna Jadae Stnttt;k Plan•J"C: Advltery c ...... , ... ,.,. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA List of Principal Officials ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Vice-Mayor Counc ilmcmber Councilmembe r Cou ncil member Cou ncil member Councilrnember Town Manager Mag istrate Finance Director Public Works Director Parks & Recreation Director Planning & Zo nin g Director Comm uni ty Center Director Fire Chief District Commande r Town Prosecutor Town Attorney Mr. Jay Schlum Mr. Henry Lege r Mr. Mike Archambault Mr. Dennis Co ntino Ms. Ginny Dickey Ms. Cassie Hansen Mr. Keith McMahan DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR S xii Richard L. Davis Ted Am1bruster Ju lie A. Ghetti, CPA Tom Ward Mark Mayer Ri chard Turner Samantha Coffman Scot1 LaGreca , Rural Metro Corporatio n Capt John .Kleinbeinz, Maricopa Conn ty Sheriff's Office lacovino & Kayler Andrew McGui re, Gust Rosenfeld , P.L.C . 't:l :z > '2 (") -> I:"" V> r:rl ~ -0 '2 ...,... HEINFELD, MEECH & CO., P.C. ~'fi CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Gary Heinfeld. CPA, CG FM Nancy A. Meech, CPA , CGFM Jennifer L. Shields, CPA Corey Arvizu, CPA Sco tt W . Kies, CPA Kim berly A. Rob inson . CPA Ke ra Badal am enti . CPA, CGFM INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Town Council Town of Fountain H ill s, Arizona 3033 N. Centml Avenue, Sui te 300 Phoeni x, Ari zono 85 01 2 (602) 277·9449 Fax (602) 277·9297 We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the govemmemal activities, each major fund (General Fund, Development Fees Fund, General Obl igation Debt Service Fund, Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service Fund. Capital Projects Fund), and the aggregate remaining fun d infonnation ofthe Town ofFow1tain Hills, Arizona (the Town}, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2008, which collectively comprise the Town's basic financial statements as li sted in rhe table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Town's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audi t. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the Uoited States of America and the standards a pplicable to fmancial audits contained in Governmenl Audiling Standards, issued by tile Comptroller General of the United States. Those staodards require that we p lan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are rree of material misstatement. An au di t includes examining, on a test basis, evidence s uppo rting ti1e amounts and disclosures in the fmancial statements. An audi t also inc ludes assess in g tile accounting p rinci ples used and tl1e significant esti mates made by management, as weU as evaluating the overall fi11ancial statement presentation. We believe that o w· audi t provi des a reasonabl e basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to a bove present fa irl y, in all material respects, the res pective financ ial position of the governmental activi ties, each major fund as listed above, and tile aggregate remainin g fund information of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as of June 30,2008, and the respective changes in ftnancial position thereof for the year then ended in conform ity with accoUDting princi p les general ly accepted in the United States of America. ln accordance wi th Govemmenl Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated Novembe r 13 , 2008, on our consideration of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona 's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compli ance w ith certain provisions of laws , regu lations, contracts, and grant agreements and o ther matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compli ance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion o n the internal control over fmancial reporting or on compliance. Tbat report is an integral part of an audit perfom1ed in accordance with Government Auditing S!Crndards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. TUCSON • PHOENIX • FLAGSTAFF www.he infe ldm ecch.com The management's d iscussion and anal ysis on pages S through IS and budgetar y comparison information on pages 46 through 48 arc not a requ ired part of the basic financial statements but are supplementary information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Town's basic financial statements. The accompanying supplementary information such as the introductory section, combining and individual fund financial statements and schedules, and statistical section arc presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The combining and individual fund fmancial statements and schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financia l statements and, in our opinion, arc fairly stated in all materia l respects ill relation to the basic linancial statements taken as a who le. The introductory section and statis tical section have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the aud it of the basic financial statements and , accordingly, we express no opinion on them. ~~ M_W)t flW .;"P.CJ . HEINFELD, tv£EECH & CO., P.C . Certified Public Accountants November 13, 2008 Page2 ;,o ao (D w TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DI SCUSSION AND ANALYSTS (MD&A) YEAR E NDED JUNE 30, 2008 As management of the Town of Fountain Hi ll s, Arizona (Town), we offer readers of the Town's financial statements th is narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Town for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008. We encourage readers to consider the infom1ation presented here in conjunction wi th addilional information lhat we have furnished in our letter of transmittal, which can be found in the introductory section of this report. FINANCIAL HIG I ILIGHTS • The Town's total net assets of governmenta l activities increased $2.0 million which represents a 2 percent increase from fiscal year 2006-07 primarily due to lhe increase in investment of capital assets, specifically park deve lopment. • Genera l revenues accounted for $22.3 million in revenue, or 87 percent of all fiscal year 2007-08 revenues. Program specific revenues in the fom1 of charges for serv ices and grants and contributions accounted for $3.2 million or 13 percent of total fiscal year 2007-08 revenues. • The Town had approximate ly $23.5 million in expenses re lated to governmental activities , an increase of 5 percent from the prior fiscal year. The increase was primarily due to increased costs for pub I ic safety and public works projects. • Among major funds , the General Fund had $16.7 mill ion in fiscal year 2007-08 revenues. wh ich primarily cons isted of local sales tax and state shared revenues , and $15.3 million in expendit11fes . Per local policy residual General F\md revenues are transferred at year end to lhe Capital Projects Fw1d {$1.0 million for fiscal year 2007-08). Therefore, the General Fu nd 's fund balance remains at $6.6 m illion. OVERVIEW OF F I NANCIAL S TATEMENTS This discussion and analysis are intended to serve as an introduction to the Town 's basic financial statements. The Town's basic fmancial statements comprise three components: I) government-wide financial statements, 2) fund financ ial statements, and 3) notes to the financial sta tements. This report also contains other supplementary information in addition to the basic financial statements themselves. Govc .-nm cnt-w id c finan cial statements. The government-wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the Town 's finances , in a manner similar to a private- sector business. Page 5 TOWN OF FOUN T A I N HILLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DI SC USS ION AND ANALYS IS (MO&A) YEA R E NDED JUNE 30, 2008 OV E RV IEW OF FINANCI AL ST ATEMENTS (Cont 'd ) The statement of net assets presents infonnation on all of the Town's assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two reported as net assets. Over time, increases or decreases in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the Town is improving or deteriorating. ll1e statement of activ ities presents information s howing how the Town's net asse ts c hanged during the most recent fisca l year. AU changes in net assets are reported as soon as the underlying event g iv ing rise to the c hange occurs, regardless of the ti ming of re lated cash flows. Thus, revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash nows in futu re fiscal periods (e.g., uncollected taxes and earned but unused compensated absences). The government-wide financial statements outline functions of the Town that are principally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues. The governmental activities of the Town include general government, public safety, highways and streets, culture and recreation, community development, and interest on long-tenn debt. Fund fina n cial s tatements . A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The Town uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. All of the funds of the Town are included in the governmental funds. Governme nta l f unds. Governmental funds are used to account for essentia lly the same functions reported as governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. However, unlike the government-wide financial statements, governmental fund financial statements focus on near-term inflows of spendable resources, as well as on balances of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating the Town's near-term fmancing requirements. Because the focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the government-wide financial statements, it is useful to compare the infom1ation presented for governmental funds with similar infom1ation presented for governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. By doing so, readers may better w1derstan d the long-term im p act of the Town's near-term financing decision. Both the governmental fund ba lance sheet and the governmental fund statement of revenues, expend itures and changes in fund balances provide a reconc iliation to facilitate this comparison between governmental funds and governmental activ it ies. Page 6 TOWN OF FOUN TAIN HILLS, ARIZ O NA MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSIO N AND ANALYS IS (MD&A) YEAR ENDE D JUNE 30, 2008 OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Co ncl 'd ) Information is presented separately in the governmental fund balance sheet and in the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances for the General Fund, Development Fees Fund, General Obligation Debt Service Fund, Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service Fund. and Capital Projects Fund, all of which are considered to be major funds. Data from the other governme ntal funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. Individual fund data for each of these non-major governmental funds is prov ided in the form of combining statements and schedules. No t es to the financial st~te ments. The notes provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government -wide and fund financial statements. The notes to the financial statements can be found immediately following the basic financial statements. Other information. In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain required supplementary information concerning the Town's budget process. The Town adopts an annual expenditure budget for all governmental funds. A schedule of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances-budget and actual has been provided for the General Fund and Development Fees Fund as required supplementary inforn1ation. GOVER NMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYS IS Net assets may serve over time as a useful indi cator of a government's financial position. In the case of the Town, assets exceeded liabilities by $121.0 million as of June 30, 2008. The largest portion of the Town's net assets (78 percent) reflects its investment in capital assets (e.g., land , infrastructure, buiJdings. improvements other than buiJdings. vehicles, machinery and equipment, artwork and construction in progress) Jess any related debt used to acquire those assets that is still outstanding. The Town uses these capital assets to provide services to its ci tizens; consequently, these assets are not avaiJable for future spending. Although the Town's investment in its capital assets is reported net of related debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources, since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. In addition, a portion of the Town's net assets (II percent) are restricted by statute for the specified purposes of debt service repayment, capital outlay investment, and highways and streets. Page 7 T OWN O F FOUNTAIN BILLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS (MD&A) YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 G O VERNMENT-WID E FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (Cont 'd) The Town's financial position is the product of several financial transactions including the net results of activities, the acquisition and payment of debt, the acquisition and disposal of capital assets, and the depreciation of capital assets. The following table presents a sum mary of the Town's net assets for the fiscal years ended Jw1e 30, 2008 and JUile 30,2007. Current and oth e r assets Capital assets, net Total assets, net Current and other liabi li ties Long-term liabilities Total liabilities Net assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted Unrestricted Total net assets As of June 30, 2008 $27,961,526 121 ,118,950 149,080,476 2,876,276 25,234,167 28,110 ,443 94,939,805 12,799,502 13,230,726 $120,970,033 As of June 30, 2007 $26,894,65 8 120,783,479 147,678,137 1,592,815 27,089,593 28,682,408 92,508,637 12,210,966 14,276,126 $118,995.729 Percent Chan ge 4% <I 1 81 (7) (2) 3 5 (7) 2% Th e fo llowing are s ignificant current year transacti ons that have had an impact on the Statement of Net Assets. • $2.0 million in construction in progress fo r park improvements. • $769,573 in receivable-s from the State for park improvement grants. • The addition of $1.0 million in capital assets through purchase of vehicles, a new street sweeper and pumper fire engine. Page8 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN RILLS, ARI ZONA MANAGEMENT'S DI SC USSION AND ANALYSIS (MD&A) YEAR ENDE D JUNE 30, 2008 GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (Cont'd) C h a n ges in n et assets. The Town's total revenues for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 , were $25.5 million. The total cost of all programs and services was $23 .5 million. The following table presents a summary of the changes in net assets for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2008 and June 30, 2007. Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Ended Ended Percent IliD~ JQ. 2QQ8 June30.2001 _Chane.e Revenues: Program Revenues: Charges for services $2 ,329,811 $2,520,068 (8)% Operating grants and contributions 56,802 N/A Capital grants and contribut ions 835 ,659 989,100 (16) General Revenues: Sales taxes 10,489,591 11,407,714 (8) Property taxes 1,635 ,542 I ,385 ,953 18 Franchise taxes 336,290 324,318 4 State shared revenue 8,848 ,199 8,444, 731 5 Investment income 780 ,935 1,094 ,994 (29) Miscell aneous !83.263 85 418 11 5 T o tal R eve nu es 25,496,792 26,252,296 (3) Expens es: General Government 3,92 1,588 4,292 ,515 (9) Public Safety 6,532,292 5,935 ,742 10 Highways and s treets 5,981 ,347 5,225 ,835 14 Culture and recreation 3,092 ,661 3,282 ,160 (6) Community development 2,861 ,653 2,512 ,170 14 Interest on long-term debt I I ~2.2:11 I Hi3 310 (3) Total E x penses ?1 522 488 22 411.122 5 Cba n ges in n et assets ~1.2Z~.~Q~ $3 B1Q,5Q4 (49)% Page 9 TOWN OF FOUNT AlN HILLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DISCU SSION AND ANALYSI S (MD&A) YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (Con t'd) Fiscal Year 2007..()8 Expenses Fiscal Year 2006·07 Expenses "" I 0tnem1 Oo·•~rnment 0 Cubure and Recn:ation ,.. 0 Public Safety • Communily lkYrlop"""' "' "'~ .. ~ 0 HisJ>wtys lU1d s ..... • lotcrcst on long-1erm debt The following are signi.ficant current year transactions that have had an impact on the Statement of Activities. • Overall revenues declined 3% with increases in state shared revenues and property taxes, the majority of other revenues declined due to the poor economy. • Overall expenses increased 5% primarily due to increased pub lic safety contract costs and publi c works projects. The fo llowing table presents tl1e cost of the six maj or Town functional activities: general gove=ent, public safety, highways and streets, culture and recreation, community development and interest on long-term de bt. The table also shows each function's net cost (total cost less charges for services generated by tlle activities and intergovernmental aid provided for specific programs). The net cost shows the financ ial burden that was placed on the State and Town's taxpayers by each of these functions. Year Ended June 30, 2008 Ye:tr Ended June 30,2007 Total Net (E.xpenseY Total Net (Ex pense)/ Ex~ses Revenue Ex~nses Rev~1 ue Gcncml Government $3,921,588 ($3 ,080,625) S4,292,515 ($3,38 1,537) Public Safety 6,532,292 (5,739,263) 5,935,742 (4,953.083) Highways and Streets 5,981.347 (5.957.647) 5,225,835 (5,197,650) C ulture and Recreation 3,092,661 (1 ,9 18,670) 3,282,160 (2,139,842) Community Development 2,861.653 (2.471.064) 2,512,170 (2,067,142) Interest on Long-Tenn Debt 1.132.947 (1.132.947) 1,163.370 (1.163,3 70) $23.522.488 ($20.300.216) S22.41 1.792 ($18.902,624) Page 10 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN EITLLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DI SCUSSION AN D ANALYSi S (MD&A) YEAR ENDED J UNE 30, 2008 GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANC IAL ANALYSIS (Co ncl'd) • The cost of all governmental activities this year was $23.5 million. • State government and charges for services subsidized certain programs with grants and contributions and other local revenues of $3.2 million. • Net cost of governmental activities ($20.3 million) was financed by general revenues, which arc made up of primarily sa les taxes ($1 0.5 million) an d state shared revenue ($8.8 million). Investment earnings accounted for $780,935 of funding. FINANCI AL ANA LYS IS OF THE TOWN 'S FUNDS As noted earlier, the Town uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with fmance- relatcd legal requirements. Gove r nmental fund s. The focus of the Town's governmental funds is to provide information on near-term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the Town's financing requirements. In particular, unreserved fund balance ma y serve as a useful measure of the Town's net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. The financial performance of the Town as a whole is reflected in its governmental funds. As the Town completed the year, its governmenta l funds reported a combined fund balance of $22.8 million, a decrease of$401 ,593 due primarily to use of reserves for plruu1cd cap ital projects in the Development Fees Fund. The General Fund comprises 29 percent of the total fund balance. Approximately $3.5 million, or 54 percent of the General Fund 's fund balance constitutes unreserved fund balance. The remaining fund balance is reserved to indicate that it is not available for spending because it has already been committed as follows: • $17,925 for inventory • $3,035,145 for other purposes The Genera l Fund is the principal operating fund of the Town. The fu nd balance of$6.6 million in the General Fund as of June 30, 2008 has remained constrult over th e past three years due to the annua l transfer of residual revenues from the General Fund to the Cap ital Projects Fw1d ($1.0 million for fiscal year 2007-08). Expenditures within the General Fund increased 7% over the priorycar due to increased costs for public safety contracts (police and fire), public works projects and recreation programs. Revenues declined 1% overall from the prior fiscal year particularly in building related revenue categories and interest earnings. Page II TOWN O F FOU NTAIN HILLS, ARI Z O NA MANAGEMENT 'S DIS CUSS ION AND AN AL YS 1S (MD&A) YEAR END ED JUNE 30, 2 008 FIN ANCi AL ANALY S IS OF TH E T OWN'S FUND S (Co ocl'd) Other !i.wd balance va ri ances include Deve lopmen t Fees Fund that expended accumulated funds for capita l pa rk projects. The !i.md balance in the General Ob ligation Debt Service Fu nd declined as property tax revenues decl ined. The fw1d balance in the Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service Fund increased du e to loca l sales tax co ll ec ti ons de ri ved from other funds exceeding the allJlual debt service paym en t during the year. BUD GETARYfllGHLIG HTS A schedule showing the original and fina l budge t amounts compa red to the Town's ac tual fi nancial acti vity for the Genera l Fu nd is provided in this repo rt as required supp lementary infonnation. The significant variances are summarized as fo ll ows: • The unfavorable variance of$377,486 in in tergovernmental revenues was a resu lt of the cont inued downturn in th e state economy, affecting coll ect ions and distrib ution of state sales tax to cities and towns. • The unfavorab le variance of$311,430 in licenses and permits was a result of the continued downturn in constr uction related act ivities, includ ing buildi ng pe rn1its. Bui lding permits are down 50% from the prior fiscal year. • T he unfavorable var ianc.e of$83,990 in investment income was a result of decreased rate of rerum on Town investments on depos it wi th the Arizona State Treasurers Local Government Investmen t Poo l where the Town 's idle funds are ma inta ined in a pool of gove rnment securi ties. • The favorab le variance of $633,896 in culture and recreation was a resu lt of a deferral of costs related to engineering and des ign fees fo r a joint use park with the Fountain Hills Unified Schoo l District. This project wi ll move forward when the funds to complete the project become available. • The favorable variance of $584,46 1 in community deve lopment was due to the deferral of design costs for capital projects tha t are partially funded with fede ral grants; these costs were deferred to fiscal year 2008 -09. • Th e favorab le variance of$221 ,222 in capita l outlay was due to the elimination of a cap ital expenditure for new commun ications equipment; it was dctcm1ined that this equ ipment could be defe1Ted to a future year. Page 12 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN lOLLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSI S (MD&A) YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2008 CAPITAL ASSET S AND DEBT A DMTNISTRA TION Capita l Assets . As of June 30, 2008, the Town had invested $186.8 million in capital assets , inclu ding buildings, vehicles, computers, equipment, infrastructure and artwork. This amount represents a net increase prior to depreciation of$5.1 million from last year, primari ly due to major park improvements at two Town parks (Fountain Park and Desert Vista Neighborhood Park). Total depreciation expense fo r the year was $4.7 mi ll ion. The fo ll owing schedule presents a sununary of capital asset balances for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2008 and June 30,2007. Capital assets -non -depreciable Capital assets -depreciable , net T ota l As of Jtme 30, 2"008 $ 26,971' 14 7 92,900,976 $ 119,872,123 As of June 30, 2007 $ 24,623,735 94,795,369 $ 119,419,104 Additional information on the Town's capital assets can be found in Note 5. Debt Administration. A t year-end, the Town h ad $24.9 million in long-tenn debt outstanding, $2.2 million due within one year. This represents a net decrease of$2.0 million. The Town's general obligation bonds are subject to two li mits; the Con.st ituti ooal debt l imit (total debt limit) on all general obligation bonds (up to 20 percent of the total secondary assessed valuation) and the statutory debt limit on general municipal purpose bonds (up to six percent of the total secondary assessed valuation). T h e current total debt limitation for the Town is $178.0 million, which is more than the Town's outstanding general obligation debt. Additional infom1ation on the Town's long-term debt can be found in Notes 6 and 7. ECONOMl C FACTORS The Town continues to maintain strong reserves for unforeseen c ircWllStances, whether of a financial nature or a natural (or other) disaster. The Town's reserves, i11 combination with our consistent adherence to adopted financial policies and management practices, proved big factors in the c redit rating awarded to Fountain Hills by the major credit rating companies. The housing market has cooled significantly (both nationally and regionally), indicating that the overall economy may experience s low g rowth in the year ahead. The Town's local housing economy provides building permit and construction sales tax revenue, which have declined over the past two fiscal years. It is not anticipated to recover until a recently annexed parcel begins development (currently projected for fiscal year 2010-1 1 ). Page 13 TOWN OF F O UNT A l N lULLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DI SCUSSI O N AND ANALYSI S (MD&A) YEAR ENDED J UNE 30,2008 ECONOMIC FACTORS (Concl'd) The Town's local sales tax collections. which represent the largest Town revenue source, are projected to decrease by 5% in fiscal year 2008-09. The Town's share of the state-shared revenue is expected to see a 3% reduction, largely based upon the State's declining sales tax collections. However, our financial forecasting is based upon the assumption that the economy will continue to lag for the foreseeable future. Rapid ly rising costs in health care, maintenance contracts and f uel , have increased departmental expenses. The Town is aggressively pursuing economic vitality and redevelopment opportunities, specifically a proposed development in the downtown cen ter including a movie theater, residential and retail stores. The Town has made significant quality of life investments including the major improvements to both Fountain Park and Desert Vista Neighborhood Park. As of June 30, 2008 the Town had set aside $10.0 million in the Capital Projects fund. The majority of these funds have been earmarked for future projects within the Capita! Improvement Plan. NEXT YEAR'S BUDGETS AND RAT ES Current economic conditions allow U1e Town to maintain core services and , in some cases, to provide enhancements to existing service levels. However, pntdent long-tem1 fiscal planning dictates that we remain conservative, focus on the highest Council and citizen priorities, and fund only those enhancements we can sustain fmancially. The operating budget for fiscal year 2008-09 is $23.9 million representing a 3% decrease from fiscal year 2007-08. The operating budget is comprised of the costs to continue operations from year to year without any capital expenditures. It encompasses all the basic services provided to Fountain Hill s' residents: police and fire protection; parks, recreation, streets maintenance; planning and zoning; building inspection: economic development and administrative services. The capital budget for fiscal year 2008-09 is set at $4.4 million , a 25% decrease over fiscal year 2007-08. II includes projects and new programs that are included in the five-year plan and considered affordable within current revenue sources. Capital budgets tend to rise and fall each year depending on Lhc timing of projects -especially if a Town, such as Fountain Hi ll s, is primarily on a "pay-as-you-go" program. Page 14 TOWN O F FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSS ION AND ANALYSI S (MD&A) YEAR ENDED J UNE 3 0, 2008 NEXT YEAR'S BUDG ETS AND RATES (Concl'd ) The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is the Town's financia l plan for supporting large capital projects. The five-year CTP addresses the growing needs of the community and enhances the quality oflife through major public investment, and is an essentia l ingredient in the Town 's service delivery plan . The CIP is closely aligned with the General Plan, and integrates a number of specialized fac il ity and infrastructure master plans. Looking ahead, the five-year CrP tota ls $53.0 mi llion; with the Capital Budget for fiscal yea r 2008-09totaling $4.4 million (which includes carryover fi.mds for some large projects currently underway). lo fisc al year 2008 -09, the CIP places major emphasis on street maintenance and park improvement projects . Many factors were considered by the To"'m's administration during the process of developing the fiscal year 2008-09 budget. The fiscal year 2008-09 budget could not be prepared without considering the condition of the regional , state and national economies, specifically the real estate and construction industry. Construction related revenue-s are declining and the Town is projecting growth by only l percent over the fisca.l year 2007-08 budget. Expenditures are projected to decrease by 10 percent over the prior year, including capital. Additional concerns are the increased cost of doing business. The Town is a service organization; public safety services are provided by contract. The cost of providing those services exceeds the rate of revenue growth . The Town 's overal l authorized full-time equ ivaleut pos itions have not increased over the prior year. The Town has maintained a Genera l Fund reserve balance of30 percent of revenues; the budgeted expenditures do not include any use of fi.md balance. C ONTAC T rN G THE TOWN'S FINANC IAL MANA G E MENT This financ ial report is des igned to provide our c itizens, taxpayers , and investors and creditors with a gene ral overview of the Town's finances and to demonstrate the Town's accountabil ity for the resource-s it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional information, contact the Finance Department, Town of Fountain Hills, 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268. Page 15 00 ASSETS Current assets : Cash ru1d investments Ta.'Xc.s receivable Specia l assessment s receivable Accounts receivable Due from governmenta l entities lnvemory , at cos( Deferred charges Tota l current assets Noncurrc.nt assets: Deferred charges Lond In frastructure Buildings I mprovemems other thnn buildings Veh icles. machinery. and equipment Ar1work Construc.tion in progress Accumu lated depreciation Totul noncurrent assets To tal assel$ L IAB I LIT I ES Currcm liabilities: Accounl> payable Accrued payroll and emp loyee benefits Compensated absences paynb lc Accrued interest payable Uneamed revenue Bonds payab le Bonds premium payable Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabi lities: Non-c.urrent ponion or long-teml obligations Total non~currcnt liabilities 1"ota l linb ili tie.s NET ASSt:iS In vested in capital assets, net of related debt Restricted for : 1-fighways. and st reets Debt service Capital outlay Unres1ricted Total net sasstts TOWN OF FOUNi A I N HILLS, A RI ZONA STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS JUNE 30, 2008 s $ Governmental ActivitJes 25.474,675 38.285 4,7 10 696.789 1,611 ,594 17,925 117.548 27,96 1,526 1,246,827 23.57 1.668 125,508,736 17,896,595 11.805.869 4.65 1,525 1.376,500 2,022,979 (66.961,749) 121.11 8,950 149,080,476 1,396,966 25 .338 35.000 502 .399 951,573 2.150,000 9921 5,071.197 23.039.246 23,039.246 28,1 10.44 3 94.939.805 438,535 1.596.110 10,764,857 13,230,726 120,970.033 The notes to the fi nancia l state ments a re an integra l part of this statem ent. Page 20 Functions/Programs Governme-ntal activities: Ge nera I government Public safety Highways and st reets Culture and recreation Community development I ntcres t on long-term deb t T oul governmental uctiv ities TOWN OF FOUNT AIN HILLS, ARIZONA STATEMEN T OF ACTIV ITIES YEAR ENDED J UNE 30, 2008 Prog[am Revenues Operat ing Charges for Grants and Expenses Serv ices Contributio ns s 3,92 1,588 s 830 ,963 s 10,000 6,532,292 746,227 46,802 5.98 1,347 23,700 3,092,661 338 ,332 2,86 1,653 390,589 1,132 ,947 s 23,5_22,4j!Ji _$_2,329,811 s 56,802 General rc·venues: Taxes: Sales taxes Property taxes Franchise taxes Sta te shared reven ue Investment income Miscellaneous Total general reve nues Changes in net assets Net assets, beginn ing or yea r Net as se ts, end of yc or Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets Capita l Grants and Governmental Contributions Activit ies $ s (3,080,625) {5, 739,263) {5,957,647) 835,659 {1 .918,670) {2,47 1,064) (1.132 ,947) $ 835,659 _Q(),IoQ.~J~) 10,489,591 1,635.542 336,290 8,848,199 780,935 183,963 22.274,520 1,974,304 118,995,729 s 120,970,033 T he notes to the financial s tatements nrc an integral part of this statement. Pagc2 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HJ LLS, ARIZONA BALANCE S HEET-GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE 30,2008 General Develo pment Obli gation Debt General Fees Service ASSETS Cash and investments $ 6,135,076 $ 2,540,062 $ 1,222,267 Taxes receivab le 23,858 13,947 Special assessments receivable Accounts receivable 173,070 517,573 Due From governmenta l entities 956,617 252,000 32,656 Due from oth er fund s 141 ,917 Inventory, at cost 17.925 Total assets s 7,448,463 $ 3,309,635 $ 1,268,870 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabi li ties: Accounts payable $ 823,185 s 121 ,837 $ Due to other funds 37 ,860 Accrued payroll and employee benefits 23,470 Bond interest payable 169 ,798 Deferred revenue 22,000 929,573 5,888 Bonds payable 1,050,000 Total liabilities 868 655 I 05 1 410 I 263 546 Fund balances: Reserved for invento ry 17,925 Reserved for o the r purposes 3 ,035,145 Unreserved: Undesigna ted 2 ,009,165 2,258,225 5,324 Designa ted for non-recurring items 1,517,573 Unres erved reponed in: Special revenu e funds Debt s ervice funds Tot:lll'und bal:mces 6,579,808 2.258.225 5 324 Total liabilities and fund balances $ 7,448.463 $ 3,309,635 $ 1,268,870 The notes to the financinl statements nre an integral part of this s tatement. Page24 Municipal Propcny Non-Major Total Corporation Governmental Governmental Debt Service Capillll Projects Funds Fun~ s 2.525.357 s 11,015,638 s 2,036,275 s 25.474,675 480 38.285 4,7 10 4,710 6,146 696,789 95,992 274,329 1,6 11 ,594 14 1,9 17 17 925 $ 2,621,349 $ II 015,63 8 S 2,321,940 s ~Wi.89s s $ 250,78 1 s 201,163 $ 1,396,966 104,057 141,917 1.868 25,338 242.087 90,514 502.399 4 ,482 961,943 805.090 295 000 2.150,000 1,047J087 250.781 697,084 5,178,563 17,925 3,035,145 1,574,262 10,764,857 16,61 1,833 1.517,573 1,618.702 1.618,702 6 154 6.154 1.574.262 10,764,857 1.624.856 22,807,332 s 2,621,349 $ 11,0 15,638 $ 2,321,940 s 27,985,895 Page 25 TOWN OF FOUNTA I N IHLLS, ARI ZONA RECONCI LIATION OF THE BALANCE SH EET -GOVE RN M EN T A L F UNDS T O T HE STATEM ENT OF NET ASSET S JUNE 30, 2008 Total gove r·nm cnl a l fund bala nc es Amounls reported for governmental activities in the Slalemenl of Ne1 Asse ts are d ifferem because: Deferred charges re la ted 10 lhe issuance of refunding bonds are amortized over the life oflhe assoc ia1ed refun d ing issue in lhe government-wide statements but not reported in the funds. Capita l assets used in govcmmemal act ivi ties are no! financia l resources and therefo re are not reported in !he funds. Govemmenla l capila l assets Less accumulated depreciation Some revenues arc no t avai lable 10 pay for c urrenl period expenditures and, therefore, arc deferred in the funds . Special assessments Property !axes Long-temt liabi li lies are not due and payable in the curren t period and therefore are no t reported in lhe funds. Compensated absences payab le Bonds payab le Bonds premium payable Net assets of gove rnm en ta l ac ti vities s 186,833,872 (66.96 1,749) 4,482 5,888 (3 11 ,770) (22,668,225) (104 ,172) Th e not es to th e fin a ncia l sta te men ts a re a n int egra l p a rt or !his state me nt. Page27 s 22,807,332 1,364,375 119 ,872.1 23 10,370 (23,084, 167) s 120,970,033 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN triLLS, ARIZONA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES A ND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES· GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 Genera l Deve lopment Ob ligation Debt General Fees Service Rcvcnu e.s: Taxes $ 7,502,526 s s 1,302,724 Int ergovernmenta l 6,831,804 257,347 Fines and forfeitures 260,044 Lice nses and pem1its 1,124,405 Charges for services 210,560 359,735 Rents and roya lties 296.434 Spec ial assessments I nvesnncnt inco me 266,010 99,139 3 1 Miscell aneo us 182,196 43 Tolal reve nues 16 673 979 7 16 22 1 1,302,798 Expenditures: Current· General government 3,303,201 Public safely 6,320,030 Highways and st reets 2,606 Cu lture and recrear ion 2,200,4 84 Com mun ity developmenl 2,74 1,740 Cap ira l outlay 689,241 2,0 18 ,824 Debt serv ice · Pri ncipal reti rement 1,050,000 Interest and fiscal charges 343 844 Tolal ex pendilurcs 15,254.696 2.02 1,430 I 393,844 Excess (de!icienry) of reve nues ovor expendilurcs 14 19,28J_ __ (1,305,209} !9J~()4(i) Or her financing souo·ccs (u ses): Transfers in 426 Transfers out ( 1,440,050} Toho l olher financing souo·ces (uses) __ {1 .439,62<1) Changes in fund ba lances (20,341) ( 1,305.209} (91.046) Fund bnlanccs, beginning of year 6,600.149 3,563,434 96,370 Fund bnlan~es. end of ye nr s~7_MOj_ _s __ z,m,22~ s 5,324 The notes to the linancinl s tatements are llll integral part of this statement. Page 28 Municipnl Propeny Non-Major Tota l Corporation Governmental Govcmmenllll Debt Service Capital Projects Fuods Funds s s 1.752.724 s 1.899,112 s 12,457,086 27,217 2,2 36,892 9,353,260 27.076 287,120 1,552 1,125,957 50.005 620,300 296,434 4,337 4,337 5 1.078 2 87,324 71,353 780 ,935 I 724 183,963 51,078 __ ],067,265 4 298 051 25,109,392 245.094 3.548,295 1.639 6,321,669 2,21 1,95 I 2,214,557 56,523 2,257,007 10,000 2,751,740 2,219.078 312.026 5.239.169 805,000 298,228 2,153,228 498,878 182,598 1,025,320 I ,303,878 . __ 2,2J9.m 3,31 8,059 25~1 0,98 5 (1.252,8.QQ) (151,8 13) 979 992 . (401,593) 1,564,973 1,000,000 191.589 2,756,988 (1,316,938) ____12,756.~ 1.564,971. 1.000,000 (1 ,125.34?.) 312.173 -848,187 ·--(t~5~ (401,593) 1,262,089 9,916,670 1,770.213 23,208,925 s 1,574,262 s 10,764 ,857 $ 1,624 ,856 s 22,8Q.1.)32 Page 29 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN EllLLS, ARIZONA RE CONCILIATION OF THE STATEMENT OF REVENlJES, EXPEND ITlJRES AND CHANCES IN F UND BALANCES-GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS TO THE STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES YEAR ENDED Jl.JNE 30, 2008 Net clumges in fund balances -total governmental funds Amounts reported for governmemal acfivilies i n the Statemen t of Activ ities are diffcrenl because: Govcmmenla l fund s re pon ca pita l ou1lay as expend iiUres. However, in1he S1a1em em of Ac ti vi ties, the cost of those assets are allocated ove r their estimated useful lives as deprecia1ion expense. Expendi lures for capila1ized asse1s Less c urreru year deprecialion Repaymenl of long-1em1 dcb1 is an cxpcndi lurc in 1hc govc mmcma l funds , $ but the repayment reduces long-term liab ilil ies in !he Statement ofNet Assc1s. Some expenses reponed in the Statcmcn l of Act ivi ti es do no1 requ ire the use of current financial resou rces and therefore are not reponed as expenditures in gove rnmenta1 funds. Amoniza tion of deferred charges Compen sated absences Change in net assets in go,,ernmcntnl activities 5,171,5 11 (4,7 18,492) ( 11 7,548) ( 122,723) 1'age 30 The notes to the fionnc inl statements arc an integral part of this sta tement s (40 1,593) 453,019 2,163,149 (240,271) s 1,974,304 TOWN OF FOUNTAI N HJLLS, ARIZONA NOT ES TO FI NANC IA L STATEMENTS J UNE 30, 2008 NOT E I -SUMMARY OF S IG NIF ICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (Town) have been prepared in conformiry with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America as applied to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard-setting body for establishing governmental accow1ting and financial reporting principles. T he more s ign ificant of the Town's accoun ti ng policies are described belo w. A. R ep orting E nti ty The Town is a municipal entity governed by an elected Mayor and council. As required by accounting principles generally accepted in the Un ited States of America. these financial statements present the Town and its component units, entities for which the Town is considered to be financially accountable. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the Town 's operations and so data from these units are combined with data of the Town, the primary government. The financial reporting entiry consists of a primary government and its component units. A component unit is a legal ly separate en tity that mu st be included in the reporting entity in co nfonnity w ith generall y acce pted accoun tin g principles. The Town is a primary gove rnm ent that ha s a separately elected govern ing body, is lega lly separa te, and is fiscally ind epe nd ent of oth er state or local governments. Furthermore , component wtits combined wi th the Town for financia l sta tement presentation purposes and th e Town are not included in any other governmental reporting entity. Consequently, the Town's financial statements include only the funds of those organizational entities for which its elected governing body is financially accountable. The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities Town and the Col/om••oods Improvement Town. As special purpose districts and separate political subdivisions under the Arizona Constitution, the districts can levy taxes and issue bonds independently of the Town. Property owners in the designated areas are assessed for Town taxes, and thus fo r the costs of opera tin g the districts. The Town Counci l serves as the Board of Directors; however, th e Town has no liability for t11e di stri cts' debt. For financial reporting purposes, tran sacti ons of tbe Towns are combi ned together and included as if they were part o f the Town's operat ions. Page 3 1 TOWN OF FOUNT A I N HILLS, ARIZ O NA NOTES TO FI NANCI AL STATEMENT S J UN E 30 , 2008 NOT E I -SUMMARY OF S I GNIFI CANT ACCO UNTING P OLICIES (Con t'd) Town ofFormtain Hills, Arizona Municipal Property Corporation. The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Municipal Property Corporation's (MPC) Board of Directors consists of three members which are appointed by the Fountain Hills Town Council. The MPC, which is a nonprofit corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Arizona, was fom1ed for the sole purpose of assisting the Town in obtaining financing for various projects of the Town. The Town has a "moral obligation" for the repayment of the MPC's bonds. For financial reporting purposes, transactions of the MPC are combined together and incl uded as if they were part ofthe Town's operations. B. Governmen t -Wide a n d F und Fina n cial S tate ments The government-wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net assets and the statement of activities) present financial infonnation about the Town as a whole. The reported information includes all of the nonfiduciary activities of the Town. For the most part, the eiTcct of internal activity has been removed from these statements. These statements are to distinguish between the governmental and business-type activities of the Town. Governmental activities normally arc supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues. The Town does not have any business- type activities. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that arc clearly identifiable with a specific fullction or segment. Program revenues inc lude I) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, usc, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment and 2) grants and contributions that arc r estricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes, state shared revenues, investment income and other items not included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds. Major individual governmental funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. C. M cns u r e m eo t Foc u s, Bas is of Acco unting, and F inancial S tate me n t Prcsentution G ovc nun e n t-wide F inancial S tate m ents -The government-wide fimmcia l s tatements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accnral basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a li ability is incurred, regardless of the timing of related cash fl ows. Property taxes are recognized as revenues in the year for which they are le vied. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all e ligibility requirements imposed by the grantor or provider have been met. As a general rule, the eiTect of internal activity has been eliminated from the govemmenl-\vide financial statements: however, the effects of interfund services provided and used between functions are reported as expenses and program revenues at amounts approximating their external exchange value. Page 32 TOWN OF FOUNT AIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2008 NOTE 1 -SUMMARY OF SI GNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Cont'd) F und Financial Statemen ts -Governmenta l fund fmancial statements are reported using the curren t financ ial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and availab le. Revenues are consi dered to be available when they are collectible within the current period or soon enough the reafte r to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the Town considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fisca l period. Expenditures general ly are recorded when a li abili ty is incurred , as under accrual account ing . However, debt serv ice resources are provided during the current year for payment oflong-terrn debt principal and interest due ear ly in the fo ll owing year (not to exceed one month) and therefore the expend it·ures and related liabilities have been recognized . Compensated absences are recorded only when payment is due. Property taxes , sales taxes, franchise taxes, licenses and pem1its, charges for services , spec ial assessments and investment income assoc iated with the current fiscal period are all considered to be susceptible to accrual and have been recognized as revenues of the current fiscal period. Grants and simi lar awards are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the grantor or provider have been mel. Miscellaneous revenue is not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable until received in cash. Grants and similar awards arc recognized as revenue as soon as all el igibil ity requirements im posed by the grantor or provider have been met. Deferred revenues ari se when resources are received by the Town befo re it has lega l claim to them, as when grant monies are received prior to meeting all e li gib ili ty requ irements imposed by the provider. Delinquent property taxes have been recorded as deferred revenue . Receivables that will not be collected within the availab le period have also been reported as deferred revenue on the governmenta l fund financ ial statements. The Town reports the following major governmental funds . Genera l Fund -Th is fund accounts for all financia l resources of the Town, excep t those required to be accounted for in other funds . Development Fees Fund -This fund accow1ts for development fees co llec ted from developers restricted for projects approved by the Town Council. Gene ral Obligation Debt Service Fund -This fun d accounts for the Town's property tax revenues received to pay the debt service of the Town's gene ral ob li gation bonds. Mun icipal Property Comorat ion Debt Se rvice Fund -This fund accounts fo r the revenues received to pay the debt service on MPC revenue bonds. Page 33 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2008 NOTE 1 -SUMMARY OF SI GNIFI CANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Cont'd) Capital Projects Fund -This fund accounts for th e capital improvements to various projects of the Town. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the Town's policy to use restricted resources first, then unrestricted resources as they are needed. The focus of governmental fund financial statements is on major funds rather than reporting funds by type. Each major fund is presented in a separate column. Non-major funds are aggregated and presented in a single co lumn. D. Inves tments Nonparticipating interest-earning investment contracts are stated at cost. Money market investments and participating interest investment contracts with a remaining maturity of one year or less at time of pu rchase are stated at amortized cost. All other investments are stated at fair value. E. Investment Income Investment income is composed of interest and net changes in the fair value of applicab le investments. F . Receivables and P ayables Activity between funds that is representative oflending/borrowing arrangements outstanding at the end of the fiscal year is referred to as either "due to/from other fi.mds" (i.e., the current portion of interfund loans) or "advances to/from other funds " (i.e., the non-current portion of interfund loans). AU other outstanding balances between fund s are reported as "due to/from other funds." All trade and property tax receivables are shown net of an al lowance for uncollectibles. Property taxes are levied by the Town and collected by the Maricopa County Treasurer. Property taxes are levied no later than the third Monday in Augus t and are payable in two installments due October I of the current year and March 1 o f the subsequent year. Taxes become delinquent after the first business day ofNovember and May, respectively. Interest attaches on installments after the delinquency date. Page34 TOWN OF F OU NTA I N HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO F IN ANC IAL S TATEMENT S J UN E 3 0, 2008 NOTE I -SUMMARY OF S I GNfFI CANT ACCO UNTING P OLICIES (Co nt'd) Pursuant to A.R.S. a lien against assessed real and personal property attaches on the first day of January preceding assessment and levy; however according to case law, an enforceable legal claim to the asset does not arise. The State Constitution and State law specify a property tax levy limi tation system. The system consists of two levies, a limited levy known as the primary property tax levy and an unlimited levy referred to as the secondary levy , which may only be used to retire bonded indebtedness. The primary tax levy is limited to an increase of2 percent over the previous year's max imum allowable primary levy, plus an increased dollar amount because of a net gain in property not taxed the previous year. Also, th e primary property tax from all taxing jurisdictions for homeowners may not exceed I percent of the market value of their homes. If the combined primary property tax (for the Town , County, School Town, etc.) exceeds I percent of the market value of the homes, the school districts will reduce their rate until the homeowners ' aggregate rate is equal to or less than the allowable I percent. The State will then subsidize the school districts for the reduced revenue. This I percent limitation applies to primary property taxes only and does not affect the secondary property tax levy . 1l1ere is also a control on the assessed value of property for primary tax purposes. 1l1e base year for the new tax sys tem is fiscal year 1978-79. From this base year, two assessed values evolve. The pr imary assessed values are allowed to increase by no more than I 0 percent a year. The do llar amount of the secondary property tax levy is "unl imi ted" and the actual full cash value of property is used in determining the tax rate. G. Inve ntory Inventories are stated at average cost using the first-in/first-out (F[f0) method. Inventories consist of expendable supplies held for consumption. Inventories are recorded as expenses when consumed in the govemmenHvide financial statements, and as expenditures when consumed on the fund financial statements. H . C apital Asse ts Capita l assets, which include land, artwork, bui ldings, improvements other than bu il di ngs, vehicles, machinery, and equipment, construction i.o progress, and infrastructure assets (e.g., roads, bridges, sidewalks, and simi lar items), are reported in the applicable gove mmental or business-type activities columns in the government-wide financial statements. Capital assets are defined by the Town as assets with an initial, individual cost of$5,000 or more and an estimated useful life of more than one year. Such assets are recorded at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Donated capital assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of donation. Page 35 TOWN OF F O UNT AIN BJLLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL S T ATEMENT S JUNE 30 , 2 008 NO TE 1 -S UMMARY OF S IG NIFICANT ACCO UNTING POLICIES (Cont'd ) The costs of normal maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or mate.rial ly extend the l ife of the asset are not capitalized . Major outlays for capital assets and impr ovements are capitalized as projects are constmcted. Capital assets of the Town are depreciated using the straight-line method over the following estimated useful Jives: Assets lnfrastmcture Buildings lmprovements other than buildings Vehicles, machinery and equipment I. Compen s ated A b sen ces Years 15-50 50 20 5-15 The Town's empl oyee vacation and sick leave policies generally provid e for granting vacation and s ick leave with pay. Sick leave and vacation benefits vest after 30 days at the employee's current rate of pay. The current and long-term li abilities, including related benefits, for accwnulated vacation and sick leave are reported on the government-wide financial statements. A liability for these amounts is reported in governmental funds only if they have matured, fo r example, as a result of employee leave, resignations and retirements. Generally, resources from the General Fund are used to pay for compensated absences. J. L o n g-te rm Oblig ati on s In the govermnent-wide financi al statements, l ong-term debt and other long-term obligations are reported as l iabilities on the statement of net assets. Bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs and the difference between the reacqui sition pri ce and the net ca:rryi ng amount of the old debt, are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the straight-l ine method over the term of the related debt . In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, as well as bond issuance costs, during the current period. The face amowlt of debt issued is reported as other financing sources. Premiums r eceived on debt issuances are reported as other financ ing sources while discounts of debt issuances are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs, whether or not withheld from tbe actual debt proceeds recei ved, are reported as debt service expenditures. Page 36 TOWN OF F OUNTAI N H lLLS , ARIZ O NA NOTES TO F IN AN C I AL ST ATEMENTS JUNE 3 0, 2008 NOT E I -SUMMARY OF SI GNlFI CANT ACCO UNTING POLICIES (Concl 'd ) K . Fu n d E q uity In the fund financial statements, governmental funds report reservations of fund balance for amounts that are not available for expenditures or are legally restricted by outside parties fo r use for a specific purpose. Designations of fund balance represent tentative management plans tha t arc subject to c ha nge. L . l n tcr f u n d Activ ity Flows of cash from o ne fund to another without a requirement for repayment are reported as interfund transfers. lnterfund transfers between governmental funds are elim inated in the Statement of Activities. lnterfund transfers in lhe fund Statements are reported as other financing sources/uses in governmental funds. M. Estimates The preparation of the financial statements in confonnity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requ ires management to make estimates a nd assump tio ns that affect the amounts reported in the fi n ancial statements and accom panying notes. Actua l results may d i ffer fro m those estim ates. NOT E 2 -ST EWARDSHIP, COMPL I ANCE A ND ACCO UNT ABI L I T Y Excess E xp en ditures Over Bud ge t -At June 30, 2008, the foUowing individual major governmental funds had expenditures that exceeded the budget. Budget Major Funds: General Obligation Debt Service $ 1,392,350 Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service I ,296,350 Expenditures $ I ,393,844 $ I ,303.878 Cash was avail a ble to c o ve r a ll of the overexpcndi tures li sted above. Page 37 Excess 1.494 7,528 TOWN O F FOUNT ATN FULLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO F INANCIAL STATEMENTS J U NE 3 0 , 2008 NOTE 3-CASH AND INVESTMENT S A.R.S. authorize the Town to invest public monies in the State Treasurer's local government investment pools, obligations of the U.S. Government and its agencies, obligations of the State and certain local government subdivisions, interest-bearing savings accounts and certificates of deposit, collateralized repurchase agreements, certain obligations of U.S. corporations, and certain other securities. The statutes do not include any requirements for credit risk, custodial credit risk, concentration of credit risk, interest rate risk, or foreign currency risk for the Town's inves tments. The State Treasurer's pools are external investment pools , the Local Government Investment Poo l (Pool 5) and Local Government Investment Pool-Government (Poo l 7), with no regulatory overs ight . The pools are not required to register (and are not registered) with the Sec urities and Exchange Commission. The fair value of each participant's position in the State Treasurer investment pools approximates the value of the participant's shares in the pool. Custodial Credit Risk-DeposiTs. Custodial Credit risk is the risk that in the event of bank failure the Town's deposits may not be returned to the Town. The Town does not have a deposit policy for custodial credit risk. At June 30, 2008, the carrying amount of th e Town's deposits was $364,224 and the bank balance was $419,445. At June 30 ,2008, the Town's deposits were entire ly covered by Federal depository insurance. At June 30,2008, the Town's investments consisted of the following. Investment Type Town of Fountain Hills bonds State Treasurer's investment pool 5 To tal Maturities 01101/2009 45 days average Fair Value $ 2,752 22,426,682 s 22.429,434 Int erest Rate Risk. The Town does not have a formal investm ent policy that limits investment maturitie s as a means of managing its exposure to fair value losses arising from increasing interest rates. Cr edit Risk. The Town has no investment pol icy that woul d further limit it s investment choices. As of June 30 , 2008, fo r investments in the State Treasurer's investment poo l 5, 77% of t.he sec ur ities we re rated AAA, A+, or A I ; all of the remaining securities were ra ted A-or better by Standard and Poor's. CIIS todia/ Credit Risk-Investments. The Town's investment in the State Treasurer's investment pool represents a proportionate interest in th e pool's portfolio; however the Town ·s portion is not identified with specific investments and is not subject to custodial credit risk. Con centration of Credit Risk. The Town places no limit on the amount the Town may invest in any one issue r. Page 38 TOWN O F FOUNT AIN HILLS, ARIZ O NA N OTES T O FINANCIAL ST ATEMENT S JUNE 30, 2008 NOTE 3-CASH AND INVESTMENT S (Concl'd ) Cash and investmen ts at June 30,2008 consisted of the following : Can·ying amount ofTown 's deposits State Treasurer 's lnvestment Poo l Town ofFow1tain Hills bonds Petty cash on hand Cash wi th paying agent Total cash and investmen ts NOTE 4 -RECEI VA BLES $ 364,224 22,426,682 2,752 1,45 1 2,679,566 $ 25,474,675 Receivable balances , net of allowance fo r uncollectibles, have been disaggregated by type and presented separate ly in the financial statements with the exception of due JJ-om governmental entities . Due fTom govemmen tal entities , net of allowance for uncollectibles, as of yearend for the Town's individua l major funds and non -majo r governmental funds in the aggregate, were as fol lows. General Obligation Development Debt Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service Fund Non-Major Governmental Funds Due from governmenta l entities: General fund Due from State govenm1ent $ 956,6 17 $ Net due fi-om governmental ent ities $ 956,6 I 7 $ Fees Service Fund Fund 252 ,000 $ 32,656 $ 252 ,000 $ 32,656 $ 95 ,992 $ 274,329 95,992 $ 2 74,329 Governmental funds report deferred revenue in connection wi th rece ivab les for revenues that are not considered to be avail able to liquidate liab il ities of the current period. Governmental fi.mds also defer revenue recognition in connection with resources that have been received , but not yet earned. At the end of the current fisca l year, the var ious components of deferred revenue reported in the govenm1ental funds were as follows. Miscellaneous (General Fund) Miscellaneous (Deve lopment Fees Fund) Property taxes (General Ob ligat ion Debt Service Fund) Special assessments (Non-Major Govemmental Funds) Tota l deferred revenue for governmental funds Page 39 Unavailab le $ 5,888 4,482 $ 10,370 Unearned $ 22 ,000 929,573 $951 ,573 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STAT EMENTS JUNE 30, 2008 NOTE 5 -CAPITAL ASSETS A summary of capital asset activity for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 follows. Beginning Governmental Activ it ies Balance Increase Decrease Cap ita l assets, not being deprec iated: Land $ 23 ,571.668 $ $ Artwork 989,100 387,400 Constmction in progress 62,967 3,38 I 1632 1,4 2 1,620 Total capital asse ts , not being depreciated 24,623,735 3,769,032 I ,42 1,620 Capital assets, being depreciated : Infrastructure 125,495,515 13,22 1 Buildings 17,754,746 I 4 I ,849 Improvements other than bui ldings 10,169,670 1,636,199 Vehicles, machinery and equipment 3,696,144 1,032,830 77,449 Total capital assets being depreciated 157,11 6,075 2,824,099 77,449 Less accumulated depreciation for: Infrastructure (54 ,2 53 ,061 ) (3,536,693) Buildings (I ,662 ,006) (357, I 65) Improvements othe r than bui ldings (3,503, 490) (584,066) Vehicles, machinery and equipment {2,902 , 149} {240,568} {77,449} Total accumulated deprec iati on (62,320, 706} ( 4,7 I 8,492 } (77,449} To tal capital assets, being depreciated , net 94,795,369 {1,894,393} Governmental activities capital assets, net $ 119,4 19,104 $ 1,874 ,6 39 $ 1.42 1,620 Depreciation expense was charged to functions/programs as foUows: Governmental activities: Genera l government Pub lic safety Highways and streets Cul ture and recreation Total depreciation expense $ 231 ,125 38,9 I 7 3,693,2 I 9 755,23 I $ 4,718 ,492 Ending Balance $ 23,57 1,6 68 1,3 76 ,500 2,022,979 26,97 1,14 7 125 ,508 ,736 17 ,896,595 11.8 05,869 4,65 1,525 159,862,725 (57,7 89.754) (2,0 19,171) (4,087,556) {3,065,268) (66,961 '749) 92,900,976 $ 119,872,123 Consh·uction Commitments -As of Jun e 30,2008 , the Town was involved in several construction projects. The es timated cost to complete the constmction projects is $198,628. Pagc40 TOWN OF FOUNT AJN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINAN C IAL STATEMENTS J UNE 30, 2008 NOTE 6-BO NDS PAY ABLE Bonds payable at June 30, 2008, consisted of the following general obligation, municipal property corporation, special assessment, and community facilities district bonds. The bonds are both callable and noncallable with the interest payable semiannually. Property taxes from the General Obligation Bond Debt Service Fund and Eagle Mountain Debt Service Fund are used to pay general obligation and community facilities district bonds. State shared revenues from the HURF Fund are used to pay street and highway user bonds. Tax revenues from the General Fund and Excise Tax Fund are used to pay municipal faci li ties bond s. Special assess ments imposed on certain parcel s ofland within the Cottonwood s Improvement District are used to pay the Special Assessment District bonds. Description Governmental activities: General Obligation Bonds, Series 1999 General Obligation Bonds, Project of 1999, Series B (2000) Genera l Obligation Bonds, Project of 1997, Series 200 I Genera l Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2005 Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2005 Street and Highway User Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 Municipal Facilities Revenue Bonds. Series 2000 Municipal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2001 Municipal Facilities Revenue Bonds, Series 2004 Unamortized premium on Municipal Faci lities Re venue Bonds, Ser ies 2004 Municip al Faci lities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2005 Cottonwoods Improvement District I mprovemcnt Bond Total Page 41 Origina l Amount Issued $ 1,400,000 3,700,000 6,000,000 7,225,000 Interest Rates 4 .7-4.9% 5.25% 4.125-4.4% 3 .25-4.0 % 4.555,000 3.5-4.125% I ,075,000 4.5-4.625% 4,680,000 5.0-5.25% 7,750,000 4.0-4.5% 3,645,000 3.0-4.5% 143,856 3.0-4.5% 5,330,000 3 .25-4.5% 32,276 5.25% Outstanding Principal Maturity June 30, 2008 Due Within One Year 711/08 -10 $ 300,000 $ I 00,000 7/1/08-09 550,000 275,000 7/110 8-11 1,150,000 275,000 7/1108-19 6,620,000 400,000 7/110 8-21 4,255 ,000 185,000 7/1/08 -10 345,000 110.000 711/08-12 1,080,000 200,000 7/1108-13 2,125,000 325,000 7/1/08-19 3.205,000 165,000 711/08-19 11 4,093 9,921 7/1108 -20 5,185 ,000 II 5,000 1/1/08-09 3,225 3,225 -=s-2=-4:-:,9~3='2,-='31~8 s 2,163,146 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HlLLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STAT EMENTS JUNE 30, 2008 NOTE 6-BONDS PAY ABLE (Cone!' d) Annual debt service re quirements to maturity on general o bli gation and other bonds at June 30, 2008, are summarized as follows . Year ending J une 30 : PrinciEal Interest Premium Total 2009 $ 2,153,225 $ 961,671 $ 9,921 $ 3,124,8 17 2010 2,240,000 872,022 9,92 1 3,121,943 201 1 2,460,000 777,276 9,92 1 3,247,197 2012 2,1 15,000 686,367 9,92 1 2,8 11,288 2013 2,205,000 599,449 9,92 1 2,8 14,370 2014-1 8 9,650,000 I ,694,173 49,605 11,393,778 2019-22 3,995,000 245,301 14,883 4,255,184 Total $ 24,818,225 $ 5,836,259 $1 14,093 $ 30,768,577 In prior years, the Town defeased certai n general obli gation and o th er bonds by placing lhe proceeds of new bonds in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future debt service payments on the defeased bonds . Accord ingly, the trust account assets and the liabi li ty for thedefeased bonds are not in cluded in tbe Tovvn' s financial statements. A !June 30, 2008, $1 1,958,000 of defeased bonds are still outstanding. NOTE 7 -CH ANGES IN LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Long-term liabil ity activity fo r the year ended Jw1e 30, 2008 was as follows. Beginning Ending Due W ith in Balance Additions Reducti ons Balance One Year Governmental activ ities : Compensated absences $ 189 ,047 $361 ,4 13 $ 238,690 $ 3 11 ,770 $ 35 ,000 General obligation bonds payable 22,4 89,0 14 1,8 14,921 20,674,093 I ,974,921 Special assessment bonds payable 6,453 3,228 3,225 3,225 C01rununity fac ilities district bonds payable _4.11~,()()() -1§0,000 4,255,000 185,000 Governmental activ ities long-term I iabi I ities $27,099,514 $361,413 $2,2 16,839 $25,244,088 $ 2,198,146 Page 42 ~ ;;;) 0 "' TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 3 0 , 2008 NOTE 8-INTERFUND RECEIVABLES, PAY ABLE S, AND TRANSFERS At Jtme 30, 2008, interfund balances were as follows. Due t o/from other fund s: Due from Due to General Fund Total General Obligation Debt Service Fund Non-Major Governmental Funds Total $ 37,860 104,057 $ 141,9 17 $ 37,860 104,057 $ 141 ,917 At June 30, 2008, several funds had negative cash balances. Negative cash was reduced by interfund borrowing with lhe General Ftmd . All interfund balances are expected to be paid within one year. Intc rfund transfers: Transfers in M unic ipal Property Corporation Non -Major General Debt Capital Govenunental Fund Service Fund General Fund Projects Fund Funds Tota l $ $ 387,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 53 ,050 $1,440,050 ... . . <.':l Non-MaJor Governmental ~ Funds f-< Total 426 1,177,973 138 ,539 1,316,938 $ 426 $ 1,564,973 $ 1,000 ,000 $ 19 1,589 $2,756,988 Per local policy, residual General Fund revenues are tran s fe rred at year end to lhe Capital Projects Fund ($1.0 million for fiscal year 2007-08). T ransfers between other funds were made by the Town during the fiscal year to ens ure that sufficient resources were available to cover expend itures i n the applicable funds. NOTE 9-CONTINGE NT LIABILITIES Laws uits-The Town is a defendant in variou s lawsuits . Although the outcome of these lawsui ts is not presentl y detemlinable, in the opinion of the Town's legal counsel, the reso lutio n of thes e matters will no t have a materi a l adverse effect on the financ ial condition of the Town. Page43 TOWN O F FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2008 NOTE 10 -RI S K MANAGEMENT The Town is exposed to various risks ofloss re lated to torts; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters. Th e Town's in surance protection is provided by the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool , of which the Town is a participating member. The limit for basic coverage is for $2,000 ,000 per occurrence on a claims made basis. Excess coverage is for an additiona l $13,000,000 per occurrence on a follow form , claims made basis. No significant reduction in insurance coverage occurred during the year, and no settlements exceeded insurance coverage during any of the past three fiscal years . The Town was unable to obtain worker's compensation insurance at a cos t considered to be economica ll y justifiabl e. Therefore the Town joined the Arizona Municipa l Workers' Compensat ion Pool (AMWCP). AMWCP is a public entity risk poo l cu rrenll y operating as a common worker 's compensation insurance program for 67 member cities and towns. The Town is responsible for paying a premium, based on an experience rating formula, that allocates pool expenditures and liabi lities among members. NO T E !!-RETIREMENT PLANS Define d Contribution Pen sion Plan -All fu ll -time employees of the Town participate in a deftned contribution pension plan administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation as a 40 I (a) plan. The payroll for tl1e Town employees covered by thi s plan for the year ended June 30,2008 was $3,694 ,466. The Town's tota l payroll was $4,152 ,103. A defined contribution pension plan provides benefits in return for services rendered, provides an indi vidual account for each participant, and specifies how contribut ions to the ind iv idual's account are to be dete rmined, instead of specifyin g the amount of benefit the individual is to receive. Under a defined contribution pension plan, the benefits a participant will receive depend solely on the amount contributed to the participant 's account , the returns earned on in vestment of those contributions , and forfeitures of other participants' benefits that may be allocated to such participant 's accow1t. All non-peace officer full-time Town employees must partic ipate in the pens ion plan from the date they are hired. Co ntributions made by an employee ves t imm ediately and contributions made by lhe Tovm vest after three years of service. An employee that leaves the employment of the Town is enti tl ed to his or her contributions and the vested portion of the Town 's contributi ons, plus interest earned. Each employee must contribute I I percent of his or her gross earnings. The Town must contribute I I percent of covered earnings. During fiscal year 2007-08 , the Town's required and actual contributions an10unted to $406 ,227. The emp loyees ' contributi ons totaled $542,958. Employees may also contribute to the JCMA Retirement Corpo ration 457 plan on a vo luntary basis ; there is no emp loyee match for those contributions. During fiscal year 2007-08 , emp loyees contributed $136 ,731 to that plan. No pens ion provision changes occurred during the year that affected the required contributions to be made by tl1e Town or its employee-s. The ICMA Retirement Corporation held no securities of the Town or other re lated parties during the fisca l year 2007-08 or as of the close of the fiscal year. Page44 Page 45 SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AN D CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL (R equired Supplementary Information) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN lULLS. ARJZONA SCttEDULE OF REVENUES. EXPENDITURES AND C HANGES IN FUND BALANCES· BUDGET AND ACI'UAL ·GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED J UNE30, 2008 Budgct«< Amounts Variance with Final Budget l'OSIIive Ori~tinal & Final Actunl (N<!!!!Iive) flt-,'tnues: Ta."<eS s 7,234,185 s 7,502.526 $ 268.341 lntergo\·emmental 7,209.290 6,831,804 (377.486) Fines and tOrfehurcs 209,705 260,044 50,339 Li«rues ~nd pc:nl~i ts 1,43 5,835 1,124,405 (311,430) Charges ror :SCIVices 323,57 1 210.560 (1 13 ,0 1 I) kents and roynltics 294,775 296.434 1,659 lnvestmenl income 350,000 266,0 10 (83.990) Misecllaneous 100.000 182,196 82,196 TotJil rtvtiHJd 17,157.36 1 16.673.979 (483,382) Expenditures : Gtnttal eovtr-nmtnl Mayor and council 212.146 200,081 12.065 M~gistnue coun 379.320 383,438 (4,118) Gtncrn l and admi nistrulive-2,694 ,526 2,7 19.682 (25,156) Tota l (tt>ntrlt l =ovtrnmtnt 3.285.992 3.303.201 (17.209) Publi t saftl:)' Building safety 576,700 527,920 48,780 Law enforcemem 2,790.900 2,829.736 (38 .836) Fire dep3mnem 3,045,826 2 962,374 83.452 TOt Ill publit Slftty ~413.426 6,320,030 93.396 Cullu n: and rtC'rCR1iOII Parks and rct.teation 2,134 ,746 1.566.326 568,420 Civ1c center 475.786 450,871 24.9 15 Senior services 223.848 183.287 40.S61 To111 1 culture tnd rttrt111 ion 2,834~80 ~00.484 633.896 Cummun ity developm ent Publte: wor'ks 2,462.462 2.021,587 440.875 Plnnnmg and ~nmg 863 739 720,153 143 586 1'ota l tommunhy drvelopment 3,326.20 1 2,741.740 584,461 CnJ)ht l outl~y Capitnl oull ay 910,463 689,241 22 1,222 Tot11 l t.ap ilal oullay 910,463 689.241 22 1.222 Total upcndiluru 16,770,462 15,254.696 I,SIS.766 f.;.xct'.U (dt'Ocicncy) of rtvt.nues ovcr upc.odhurts 386.899 1,419,283 1,032.)84 Othcrlin:.ncing sourers (us~): Transfer'$ in 426 426 Transfmoul (387,000) ! 1,440,050} !1 1053,050} Total otbtr financing. Jou rc·es (un.'l) (38 7.000) ( 1,439,624) (I ,052,624) Chnnge in fond bJIIAnttt ( 101) !20,341) (20.240) l~und ba lancu. July 1. 2007 6.600.1 49 6,600.149 Fund ba b1 nctt (dtl'itlts), June 30, 2008 s (101) s 6.S79,808 s 6,579,909 Page 46 Stc accompanying notes to chi.s .llthcdule. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN K ILLS, AIUZONA SC HEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FU N D BALANCES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL-DEVELOPMENT F EES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 Revenues: lntergovcmmcntal Charges for services Investment income Total revenues E~pcnditurcs: Current- Hi ghways and streets Capital outl ay Tot~tl expenditures Change ir.r fund balances Fund balances, July I, 2007 Fund balances (d c licits), June 30, 2008 Page 47 Budgeted Variance with Amou nts Final Budget Positive Original & Final Actual (Negative) s 774 ,920 s 257,347 $ (517 ,573) 586,490 359,735 (226,755) 15 ,285 99 139 83 854 1,376,695 716.221 (660,474) 2,606 (2,606) 2 ,412,5 14 2,0 18,824 393 690 2,412,5 14 2 ,02 1,430 391 084 0,035~12) (I ,305,209) (269 ,390) 3,563,434 3,563,434 s O~<t3_M19) s 2,258 ,225 $ 3,294,044 Sec accompanying notes to this schedule. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTE TO REQUIRED SU PPLEMENTARY INFORMATION JUNE 30, 2008 NOTE 1 -BUDG E TARY BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The adopted bud get ofLhe Town is prepared on a basis of accounting consisten t wilh accotmting principles genera ll y acce pted in the United States of Ame ri ca. Page 48 Page 49 C OMBINING AND INDIV ID UAL FUND FINANCIAL ST ATEMENTS AN D SCHEDULES Page 51 OTHER MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SCHEDULES OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES JN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARJZONA SCHEDULE OF REVEN UES, EXP EN DITURES AND CHANGES IN FUN D BALAN CES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL-GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,2008 Re ve nues: Taxes I nvestmcnt income Misce ll aneous Total revenues Expenditures: Debt se rvice - Principal retirement Interest and fisca l charges Total expenditures Change in fund balances Fund bnlances, July I , 2007 Fund balances, June 30,2008 Page 52 Budgeted Variance with Amou nts Final Budget Positive Or igi nal & Final Actual (Negative) $ 1,400,000 $ 1,302 ,724 s (97,276) 1,400 31 (1,369) 43 43 --1,40 1,400 1.302,798 (98,602) 1,050,000 1,050,000 __ -c-'3~40:2":3'-::5'7-0 J~J l ,392,350 • J'" ..,, • .., 844 (1,494) 1 ~cn.844 0,494) ____ 9=05::_:0,_ '" •' 'n' 046) (100,096) 96,370 96,370 -s 9 ,050 s .; J&..-. =q~==d~~ C ')"'A .. (3.726) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, E XPENDITURE-S AND CHANGES I N FUND B A LAN C ES -BUDG E T AND ACTUAL-MUNIC fPAL PROPE RTY C ORPORATION D E BT S ERVI C E YE AR END E D J UNE 30, ZOOS Budgeted Variance w ith Amounts Final Budget Positive Original & Fin a l Actual (Negative} Revenues: Investme nt income s 40 000 $ 5 1 078 $ I I 078 Total rev e nu es 40.000 5 1 078 11,078 Ex p e nditures : Debt s ervice - Prin c ipa l re ti reme nt 805,000 805 ,000 Interes t and fi sca l charges 491 350 498.878 (7,5282 Total expenditures 1,296,350 1,303,878 (7,528) Excess (deficiency) of revenues over e xpenditures ____11.256.350) --(1 ,252,80 0) 3,550 Other financin g s ources (us es ): Transfers in 1,329 ,843 I 564 973 235 130 Total other financin g s ou•·ces (uses) 1,329,843 1,564,2.73_ 235,13 0 C hange in fund balances 73.493 312,173 238,680 fund balances, .July 1, 20 07 1,262,089 1,262,089 fund balances , June 30, 2008 $ 73 493 $ 1,574 ,262 $ 1 500 ,769 Page 53 T OWN O F F OUNTAIN tnLLS, ARIZONA SC H ED ULE OF REVENUES, EXPENniTURES AND C H AN G ES I N F UN D BA L ANCES· B UDGET A ND ACTUAL-CA PITAL PROJ ECTS YEAR ENDED J UNE 30, 2008 Bud geted Va riance w ith Amoun ts Fina l Budget Posit ive Original & Final Actual Q::!egative) R e.ve nu es: Taxes s 907,434 s 1,752,724 $ 845,290 Intergovernmental 27,2 17 27,2 17 lnvcs lment income 250,000 287 324 37 324 Total revenues I 157 434 2,067,265 909 83 1 Ex penditures : Capital outlay 3,069,059 2J 19,078 84998 1 T ot a l ex pe nditures 3 oGU>~ --~.m.Q7Jt ___ 849,98 1 Excess {d e ficien cy) o f r eve nues ov e r e xpenditures __ U,ill,6)~) 1_5!,81)) __ IJ75~8 1 2 O ther finan c in g sources (uses): Transfers in 1.000,000 1,000,000 T ota l othe r financin g sources (us es) 1,000,000 1,000,000 C hange in fund b a lances (1,911,625) 848,187 2 759,8 12 Fund bala n ces, July I , 2007 9,9 16,670 9,916,670 Fund b a lances (defi c its), Jun e 30, 2008 $ {1 1911,625) J_IQ,7_~4,857_ .$_)2J()'76,482 Page 54 TOWN O F FOUNTAJN HILLS, A RIZONA COMBlNI NG BALANCE S H EET-AL L NON-MAJOR GOVERNMENT AL FUNDS-BY FUND TYPE JUNE 30, 2008 Tota l Non-Major Governmental S~c i a l Revenue Debt Service F unds ASSF.TS Cash and inves tmen ts s I ,644,748 $ 391,527 $ 2,036,275 Taxes receivable 480 480 Special assessments receivable 4 ,710 4,710 Accounts receiva ble 6,146 6 ,146 Due from governme ntal entities 266,83 1 7 498 '74 329 Total assets s I ,917,725 s 404,215 $ 2,32 1,940 L IABILITI ES A ND FUND BALANCES Liabili ti es: Accounts payable s 201,163 s s 20 1,163 Due to oth er funds 95,992 8,065 104 ,057 Accru ed payro l I a nd employee benefits 1,868 1,868 Bond inte res t payab le 90,514 90,514 Deferred revenue 4,482 4,482 Bond s pa)•able 295 ,000 295,000 T otal liabilities 299,023 398 061 697 084 Fu nd balances: Unreserved : Undesignated 1,6 18 ,702 6 154 1,624 ,856 Total fund balances 1,6 18,702 6 154 1,624,856 Total liabilities and fund balances $ 1,911,7_~~ $ __ 101~15 s 2,32 1,940 Page 56 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN H1 LLS, ARJZONA COMBINI NG STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL NON-MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS-BY FUND TYPE YEAR ENDED J UNE 30, 2008 Total Non -Major Governmental ~ia l Revenue Debt Service Funds Rc''cnucs: Taxes $ 1,570,631 s 328,48 1 s 1,899,112 lntergovemmental 2,236,892 2,236,892 Fines and forfeitures 27,076 27,o76 Licenses and pennits 1,552 1,552 Charges for se rvices 50,005 50,005 Special assessments 4 ,337 4,337 Investment income 77,353 77,353 Miscellaneous I 724 l 724 Tohtl revenues 3,965,233 332,8 18 4,298,051 Ex penditures: Current- General government 245,094 245,094 Pub li c safety 1,639 1,639 Highways and streets 2,211,951 2,2 11 ,951 Culture and recreation 56,523 56 ,523 Community development 10.000 10 ,000 Capital outlay 312,026 3 12,026 Debt service - Principal retirement 298,228 298,228 Interest and fiscal charges 182 598 182 598 Total expenditures 2 ,83 7,233 480 826 3,318,059 Excess (deficiency) of reve nues over expenditures I ,128,000 (148,008) 979 ,992 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in 65,642 125,947 191,589 Tnmsfers out (1 ,316,938) ( 1,3 16 ,938) Total other financing sources (uses) (1 ,251,296) 125 947 (1,125,349) C hange in fund balances {123,296) 122,061) 145,357) Fund balances, beginning or year 1,741.998 28,215 1,770,213 Fund balances, end of year $ 1,618,702 $ 6 , 154 $ I ,624,856 Page 57 N O N-MA.IOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue fund s are used to account for proceeds of specific revenues so urces that are lega lly restr icted to expenditures for specific purposes (oth er than major ca pital projects). The funds are usual ly requ ired by statute, ord inance, or fede ral grant reg ulati on to finance spec ified ac ti vities of the Town . l11c Town maintains th e fo ll owing non -major Spec ial Revenue funds. HURF Fund-acco unts for the Town's snare of motor fuel tax revenues and lotte ry proceeds. Loca l Co urt E nhancement Fund -accounts for activities of gran ts from the Arizona Su preme Court. Grants Fund -accounts for the activities of various grants and cont ri bu ti ons received by the Town . Exc ise Tax Fund -accounts for the portion of Town sales tax reserved by the Town Council for special projects including Town beautificat ion and eco no mic deve lopment. Public Ar t Fund -accounts for the one perce nt surcharge on commercial and multi-family deve lopment dedic ated to purchasing art. Page 59 TOWN Of fOUNTAI N HI L LS , ARIZONA C OMBTN I N G BALANCE S HEET-N O N-MAJOR S P ECLAL REVENUE f U ND S JUNE 30, 2008 Local Court HURF Enhancement Grants Exc ise Tax ASSET S Cash and investments $ 458,557 $ 193,148 s 36,674 s 930,064 Acco un ts rece ivab le 6 ,146 Due from governmenta l e nt it ies 138,842 127 989 Tota l a ssets s 603 545 s 193 148 $ 36,674 s 1,058.053 L IABILITI E S AND f UND BALANCES Liab ili ties: Acco un ts payable s 164,233 s s 36,674 s 256 Due to o ther fun ds 95,992 Accrued payroll and employee benefits 777 I 091 Toralliabilities 165 010 36674 97,339 Fu nd balances: Unreserved: Undes ignated 438,535 193 14 8 9607 14 T otal fund balan ces 438,535 193,148 960,7 14 T o t:~ I liabilities and fund balances $ 603,5lj1_ S __ J23.148_ S 36.674 $ __ 1~058,053 Page 60 Public An Totals s 26,305 s 1,644 ,74 8 6,146 --266,831 s 26,305 $ 1,9 17,725 201,163 95,992 I 868 ----------:2=9::'9,0.23 s s 26,305 1.618 ,702 __ _,26"",3'""0"-5 1.618.702 s 26,305 s 1,917,725 Page61 T O WN O F FOUN T A I N HTL LS, A RIZONA C OMB IN I NG S T AT EMENT O F R EVENUES, EXPEN DI TUR ES AND C HANGES I N FUND BALANCES - N ON-MAJOR S P ECIAL REVENU E FUNDS YEAR EN D ED JUNE 30, 2008 Loca l Court HURF Enhancement Grams R evenues: Taxes $ $ $ Intergovernmental 1,801,365 435,527 Fines and forfeitures 27,076 Licenses and permits 1,552 Charges for services 23 ,700 l nvestment income 39,006 3,552 M iscell aneous I 724 Tota l r evenues I 867 347 30628 435 527 Expenditures: Current- Gene ra l government 2,274 174,574 Public Sllfety 1,639 Highways and streets 2,129,389 82,562 Culture a nd recreation 56,523 Community development 10,000 Capita l outlay 58 136 2 1 875 232,0 I S T otal expend itures 2,187,525 24 149 557,3 13 Excess (deficie ncy) o f revenues over expen ditures __ 020"178} -. -_6.479 {121,786) O the r fin a n cing sources (uses): Transfers in 65,642 Transfers out ( 138,539) (426) T o tal o the r financin g sources (u ses) (138,532) 65,2 16 C hange in fund b ala nc es (458 ,717) 6 479 56,570) F und ba la nces, begin ni ng ofycur 897,252 186,669 56,570 Fund b alances, e nd of year $ 438,535 $ 193 ,148 =$==== Page 62 Excise Ta.~ Public An Totals s 1,570.63 1 $ s 1,570,631 2.236.892 27.076 1,552 26,305 50,005 34.795 77,353 I 724 -1,605,426 _______ 2(i>~05_ __3,~6~,233 68.246 245.094 1,639 2.211.951 56,523 10.000 312.026 6!!.,246 2,837,233 I ,537,180 26 305 1,128,000 65,642 .u_._m,973) {I ,3 16,938) (1,177,973) (1.25 1.2.2§} 359.207 26.305 (123.296) 601,507 1,741,998 ~ ===-=9.;.69,714 -~ 26,305 $ I ,6 18,702 Page63 TOWN Of fOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMBINI NG SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN fUND BALANCES· BUDGET AND ACTUAL-NON-MAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 HURF Variance· Positive Bud get Actua l (Negative) Revenues: Taxes $ $ $ Intergovernmental 1,851 ,633 1,801 ,365 (50,268) Fines and forfe itures Licenses and permits 1,552 1,552 Charges for services 8,000 23,700 15 ,700 Investment income 40,000 39,006 (994) Miscellaneous I 000 I 724 724 Total revenues 1,900,633 I 867 347 (33,286) Expenditures: Current- General government Publ ic safety Highways and streets 2,289,485 2,129,389 160,096 Culture and recreation Community developmenl Capital outlay 74 000 58 136 IS 864 Total expenditures __ 2,~~3A!t5 2,187 ,525 175,960 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures __ (46~&m __ (320,178) 142,674 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out (126,300} {138,539} (12,239} Total other financing sou rces (uses) ( 126,300) {138,539) (12,239) Change in fund b:ahtnces (589,152) {458,717) 130,435 Fund balonCI.'S, July I, 2007 897 ,252 897,252 Fund balances (deficits), June 30, 2008 s ~89,152) $ 438 535 $ __ 1)2f7,687 Page 64 Local Court Enhancement Grants Variance· Var iance- Positive Pos itive Budget Actual (Negative) Budget Actua l (Negative) s $ $ s $ s 1,807,500 435,527 (I ,37 1,973) 23,300 27,076 3,776 3,552 3,552 --23 ,300 30,628 7,328 1,807,500 435,527 (1,37 1,973) 2,274 (2,2 74) 90.000 174,574 (84,574) 1,639 ( 1.639) 82,562 (82,562) 56,523 (56,523) 10,000 (10,000) 28,000 21.875 6 125 1,835 ,000 232 0 15 1,602,985 28,000 24.149 3 851 1,925.000 557 313 I 367 687 (4,700) 6,479 II ,179 (117 ,500) (121 ,786) (4,286) 42.500 65 ,64 2 23,142 (426} (426) 42 ,500 65,2 16 22 716 !1,IQQ) --6479 I I 179 (75 ,000) (56,570) 18 ,430 186,669 186 ,669 56,570 56,570 s (4, 700) $ 193.148 s 197,848 $ (75.000) s s 75,000 (Cont inued ) Page65 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN FUL LS, ARIZONA COMBI N I NG SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES· BUDGET AND ACTUAL-NON -MAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS YEAR EN DE D JUNE 30, 2008 (Concluded) Excise Tax Variance- Positive Budget Actual (Negative) Revenues: Taxes s 1,297,124 s 1,570,631 $ 273,507 Intergovernmental Fines and forfeitures Licenses and permits Charges fo r ser vices Investment income 34,795 34,795 Miscellaneou s Totul revenues I 297 124 1,605,426 308 302 Expenditures: Current- General government 18 3,120 68,246 114,874 Public safety Highways and streets Culture and recreation Community development Ca pital outlay Total expenditures 18 3,120 68~4_6_ 114 ,874 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditur-es I 114,()j)4 ___ l~snJSO_ 423,176 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in Transfers out (924,3 50} (1,177,973} (253,623) Total other financing sources (uses) (924,350) (1,177,973) (253,623) Chnngc in fund balonees 18 9 654 359 207 169,553 Fund balances, July I, 2007 601,507 601,507 -Fund balan ces (deficits), June 30, 2008 $ 189,654 $ 960,714 s 771.060 •n1e Publ ic Art Fund was included in the Town's budget, however, the budget was -0 -. Page66 Pub li c An Tota ls Variance 4 Varia nce · Positive l'osilive Budge t• Actual (Negative) Bu dget Actual (Negative) s $ s s 1,297,124 s 1,570,63 1 $ 273,507 3,659 ,133 2 ,236,892 ( 1,422,241) 23,300 27,076 3,776 1,552 1,552 26 ,305 26,305 8,000 50,005 42 ,005 40 ,000 77,353 37 ,353 I 000 I 724 724 26,305 26,305 5,028,557 3,965.233 (1,063 ,324) 273 ,120 245,094 28 ,026 1,639 (1,639) 2,289 ,485 2,2 11 ,951 77 ,534 56,523 (56,523 ) 10,000 (10,000) 1,937 ,000 3 12 026 1,624,974 4 ,499 ,605 2,837,233 1 662,372 26,305 26,305 528 ,952 1,128 ,000 599,048 42 ,500 65,642 23 ,142 ( 1,050 ,650) ( 1 ,3 16,938} (266 ~88} ( 1,008, 150) (1 ,25 1,296) (243 ,146 ) 26,305 26,305 (479,198) (123,296) 355 902 1,74 1,998 1.74 1,998 s $ 26,305 s 26,305 $ (479.198) $ 1,6 18,702 $ 2.097,900 Page67 NON-MA JOR DEBT SERVICE F UNDS II U RF Debt Ser-v ice Fun d -accounts for operating transfers received from th e HU RF special revenue fund 10 pay !he debt serv ice of the Street a nd Hi g hway User Revenue Bonds. Eagle Mountain Debt Service Fund -accou nls for the pr operty tax revenues received to pay the debt service of the Eag le Molllltain Community Faciliries District component unit. Cott onwood s S pecial Assessm ent Fund -accounts for all special assessments received to pay the debt service of the Cononwoods Special Assessment District. Page 69 T O WN OF FOUNTA I N HI LLS, AR IZONA COMBINI NG BA L ANCE SHEE T-NON-MAJ O R OE BT SER VICE FUNDS JUNE 30, 2008 Cottonwoods HURFDebt Eagle Mountain Special Service Debt Service Assessment ASSET S Cash and investments $ tl 7.896 s 267,138 $ 6,493 $ Taxes receivable 480 Special assessments receivab le 4 ,710 Due from governmental entities 7498 T otal assets $ 117 896 s 275 116 s 11.203 s LIABILITI ES AND FUN O BALANCES Liabilities: Due to otl1er funds $ s 7,498 s 567 $ Bond interest payable 7,896 82,618 Deferred revenue 4,482 Bonds payable 110 .000 185 ,000 Tota l li abiliti es 117 ,896 275 116 5 049 Fund balances: Unreserved: Undes ignated 6 154 T o tal fund bala n ces 6 154 Tota l liabilities and fund bala n ces s 117 ,896 s 275 ,11 6 s 11,203 $ Page 71 Totals 391,527 480 4,710 7498 404 215 8,065 90,5 14 4,482 295 000 398 061 6.154 6,154 404,215 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARJZONA COMBIN I NG STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES- NON-MAJOR DEBT SERVI CE FUNDS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2008 Cottonwoods HURFDebt Eag le Mountain Special Service Debt Serviee Assessment Revenues: Taxes s s 328,481 $ Special assessments 4 337 Total reven ues 328 481 4 337 Expenditures: Debt service - Pr incipal retirement 110,000 185,000 3,228 Interest and fisca l charges 16 192 166 054 352 Total expenditures 126,192 351,054 3 ,580 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 01§,1~2} m ,5m 757 Other financing sources {uses): Tra nsfers in 122 28 1 3.666 Total other financing sources (uses) 122,281 3,666 C hange in fund balances (3,911) (18,907) 757 Fund balances, beginning of yea r 3,911 18 ,907 5,397 Fund bal.ances, end of year s $ s 6,154 Page 72 "" .. "8 .. ..... c} ... ~ :.;: ~A-N ~~ ... ;; ..., "'f~ coco ... N ;;; 0> .. ..,. "' :co 0"' co A 00 iv 'f'f? ~ OOV'I'l-.J ... -:.. "' N "' N ..... ... u. ..... ..... 0> .... ..... - TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMBINI NG SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL-NON-MAJOR DEBT SERVICE FUNDS YEAR EN D ED JUNE 30, 2008 HURF Debt Service Variance - Positive Budget Actual (Negative) Revenues: Taxes $ $ s Special assessments Total r<venues l~:s penditu res: Debt service - Principal retirement 110 ,000 11 0,000 Interest and liscal charges 16 300 16 192 108 Total expenditures 126 300 126,192 108 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over ex penditures (126,300). (126,192) 108 Other financin g sources (us es}: Transfers in 126,3 00 122 ~81 {4 .019). Total other financing sources (uses) 126 300 122,281 (4,0 19) C hange in fund balonccs (3,9 11 ) (3,9 1 I) Fund bnlanccs, July 1, 2007 3,9 11 3,9 11 Fund balances, June 30, 2008 $ s $ Page 74 Eagle Mountain Debt Service Cononwoods S~ial Assessment Varian~-Variance· Positive Positive Bud~et ____ i\cJua_l _ ____!liegativo:}____ Budget Actual ____f!!_~\~ s 360,000 s 328.481 s (31,519) s s s 7 150 4 337 360,000 328,48_1_ (31~5.!9) 7 150 4 337 185,000 185,000 3,228 3,228 172,835 166,054 6 781 352 352 357,8]1 351,054 6 781 3 580 3 580 2,161 (22,573) (24,738} 3,570 757 -_(7Jlli} 3,666 3 666 3,666 3 666 2~ 165_ -_jl!,9Q71 (21,072) ________ 3,UQ _ 757 -_(f.._811) 18.907 18.907 5,397 5,397 -s 2,165 s s -(_2>1_65) s 3 570 $ 6)54 $ --2,584 (Continued) Page 75 TOWN OF F OUNTAIN HILLS, ARJZONA C OMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES· BUDGET AND ACTUAL-NON-MA.JOR DEBT SE RVICE FUNDS YEAR ENDED J UNE 30, 2008 Revenues : Taxes Special assessments Total revenut,s Ex penditures: Debt service - Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Excess (d e ficienc y) or revenues o••er e xpenditures Other financing sources (uses}: Tra nsfers in Total other financing sources (uses) C hange in fund balances Fund balances, July I, 2007 Fund b:1lnnces, June 30, 2008 Page 76 (Concluded) To tals Variance· Pos itive Budget Actua l (N egat ive) $ 360,000 $ 328,48 1 $ (31 ,5 19) 7,150 4 337 (2,8 13 ) 367,150 33UJ1_ (~1,JJ2) 298,228 298,228 -----:-1=89':':4:.::877 >Ok 487,715 I 0'"1 59..!. 6 889 48(),826 6.889 (12Q,~65) 1 1 ~0 " •• 008) (27,443) 126,300 125,947 (353) !M947 ----~12~6~.3~0~0 ,~, . (353) 5,735 (22,Q61) (27,796) 28,215 28,215 -- $ , • C:A ~ 419 5,735 $ 0 IJ~ ~~~======~~ STATISTICAL SECTION The statistical section presents financial statement trends as well as detailed fmancial and operational information not available elsewhere in the report. The statistical section is intended to enhance the reader's understanding of the information presented in the financial statements, notes to the financial statements, and other supplementary information presented in this report. The statistical section is comprised of the five categories of statistical information presented below. Fina nci a l Trends These s chedules contain information on financial trends to help the reader understand how the Town's financial position and financial activities have changed over time. Reven u e Capac ity These schedules contain information to help the reader assess the factors affecting the Town's abili ty to generate revenue. Debt Capacity These schedules present information to help the reader evaluate th e Town's current leve ls of outstanding debt as well as assess the Town's abi lity to make debt payments and/or issue additional debt in the fi.tture. D emog r aphic and Econ omic Inf ormation These schedules present various demographic and economic indicators to help the reader understand the environment in which the Town 's financial activities take p lace and to help make comparisons wi th other citi es. Operating Info rmation These schedules contain information about the Tovm 's operations and various resources to hel p the reader draw conclusions as to how the Town's financial information relates to the services provided by the Town. Due to cost considerations for the accumulation of data, the Town has e lected to present less than ten years of data, or data from less than nine years prior, for certain statistical schedules. This information will be ac cumulated and reported each year until the complete ten years of data is presented. Page 77 GoYernmrntal actMiies: Invest~ in capital assets, net of rclat~ deb1 Reslric1~ Unrestricted Total governmental ae1ivi1ies net assetS GoYernmental oelivities: Invested in capital assets, ncr of rclnt~ debl Restricled Unrestric led Total government al nctivilies net asse1s T O WN OF FO UNTA IN HILLS, AR IZONA NET ASSETS BY COMPONENT LAST S IX F ISCAL YEARS (Accrual basis of accounting) Fiscal Ytar End~ June 30 2008 1007 .wJ§ s 94,939,805 s 92,508,637 s 20,806,507 s 12,799,502 12,210,966 12,446,147 13,230.126 14,276,126 9,053.611 s 120,970.033 s 118,995,729 s 42,306.265 s 2003 s 11,843,575 6,681,170 2,638,149 $ 21,162.894 Source: The source of lhis infonna1ion is lhe Town's financial records. 2005 17,495,539 5,144.127 10,821.304 33,460.970 No1c: The provisions of1he Governmenla l Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34 were ndop1cd in fisca l year 2002·03 1hcrefore only six yea.·s are shown. Page 79 ~ s 11,261.256 6,471.863 7,976,113 s 25,709.232 Ex pen ses Governmental activities: General governmelll Publ ic safety Highways and streets Culture and recreation Conununity deve lopment Interest on long-term debt Total governmenta l activities Total expenses Program Revenues Governme ntal activities: Charges fo r services General government Public safety 0Lhe r acrivities Operating grants and contribu tions Capital grants and cQntribut ions Total governmenta l activities Total program revenues Net (E~pen se)/Re.ve ou e TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA EXPENSES, PRO GRAM REVENUES, AND NET (EXPEN SE)fRE VEN UE LAST SIX FISCAL YEARS (Accrual basis of accounting) Fiscal Year Ended June 30 2008 2007 2006 2005 3,92 1,588 4,292,5 15 3,875,014 3,766,500 6,532 ,292 5,935,742 5,403 ,620 5,024,686 5,98 1,347 5,225,835 I ,581 ,068 1,28 1,061 3,092 ,661 3,282,160 2,576,406 2,362,661 2,86 1,653 2 ,512 ,170 1,812,469 1,460 ,181 1,132,947 1,163 370 1297,119 1,162 ,796 23,522,488 22,411.792 16,545,696 15,057,885 $ 23,522,488 $ 22,411,792 s 16,545.696 s 15,057,885 830,963 910,978 4 ,029,437 4,43 1,154 746,227 982,659 752,621 626,43 1 103,826 59,550 56,802 2.022.675 1,692.712 835 ,659 989,100 237,307 3,2??,27? 3,509.168 6 ,155,938 6,420,723 s 3,222,272 s 3,509.168 s 6,155,938 s 6,420.723 s (20,300,2 I 6) $ (18,902,624) $ (10,3 89,75 8) s (8,637,162) Source: The source of this in format ion is the Town's financial rec<lrds . Noto : The provi sions of the Governmenta l Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No . 34 were adop ted in fisca l year 2002-03 therefore on ly six years are shown. Page 80 2004 2003 3,686,452 3,479,333 4 ,918,280 5,494,708 1,419,509 1,3 10,683 2,068,6 13 2,363,897 1,144,964 1,235,985 1.499,575 1,576 842 14 .737,393 15,46 1,448 $ 14 ,737,393 s 15,46 1,448 3,388 ,923 2,738,898 32,209 43 ,487 1,590,787 1,697.900 5,01 1.919 4,480,285 s 5,0 11 ,919 s 4,480,285 s (9.725,474) s (10,981 ,16 3) Ntt(ExpcnseVRevcnuc s General Revenues: Governmental activities: Taxes: Sales taxes Propeny taxes Franchise taxes State shared revenue Investment ineome Miscellnneous Total governmental <1Ctivities Changes in Net Assets $ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN mLLS, ARIZONA GENERAL REVENUES AND TOTAL CHAN CES IN NET ASSETS LAST SIX FISCAL YEA RS (Accrua l basis or accounting) Fiscal Year Ended June 30 10()8 1007 2006 2005 (20,300,216) s (I 8,902,624) s (10.389,758) s (8.637 ,162) 10,489,591 11,407,714 11,007,924 8,879,798 1,635,542 1,385,953 1,648,947 2,020,800 336,290 324,318 314,359 216,031 8,848,199 8,444,731 5,389,551 4,756,481 780,935 1,094,994 673,351 395,124 183,963 85,418 200,921 120.666 22.274 ,520 22,743,128 19.235,053 16,388,900 1,974,304 s 3,840,504 s 8,845,295 s 7,75 1.738 So urce: The source o f this infommtion is the Town's financial records. Note : The provi sions of the Governmenta l Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34 were adopted in fiscal year 2002·03 therefore on ly six years nrc shown. Page 81 100.1 2003 s (9,725,474) s (10,981,163) 7,733,643 5,051,872 2,195,856 1,905,770 126,362 152,542 4,489.844 4,740.758 122,082 1,976,809 195 ,978 79,706 14.863.765 13 .907,457 s 5,138,29 1 s 2,926,294 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, All i ZONA FUND BALANCES -GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST 10 FISCAL \'EARS (Modified accrual basis or accounling) Fiscal Year Ended June 30 2008 2007 2006 ~ 2004 General Fund : Reserved s 3,053,070 s 2,934,144 s 14,393 s 40,664 s 77,485 Unresel"\ ed 3,526,738 3,666,005 6.515.855 9,041,779 6.293.941 Total General Fund s 6,579,808 s 6,600,149 s 6 ,530,248 s 9,082,443 s 6,371,426 All Other Governmental Funds: Unreserved, reported in: S~ial revenue funds 3,876,927 5,305,432 1,951,434 2,176,086 5,969,830 Capital projects funds 10,764,857 9,916,670 9,496,266 2,429,225 Debt service funds 1,585,740 1,386.674 159,530 644,089 530,372 Total all other governme ntal funds $ 16.227,524 $ 16 .608.776 s 11,607.230 s 5,249,400 s 6,500,202 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Genera l Fund : Rcset·vcd $ $ s $ s U nt'CServcd 4,037,863 4,8 12,370 4,710,o61 6 ,3 14 461 6,331,622 Tom I Genera l Fund $ 4,037.863 s 4,8 12,370 s 4,7 10 ,061 s 6,314,461 s 6,331,622 A II Other Governmental Funds: Reserved Unreserved, reported in: Specia l revenue funds 3,411,738 9,167 22 1,861 221,861 Capital projects funds 414,432 1,571,117 Debt service funds 1,705,230 1,051,311 532.248 609.35 I 241,259 Total all other governmental funds s 5,116,968 s 1,465,743 s 2.112.532 $ 831,212 s 463 ,120 Source: The source of this information is the To"11's financial records. Page 82 TOWN OF FO UNTAIN HIL LS, ARIZONA GOVERNME NT AL FU NDS ll EVE NUES LAST 10 F ISCAL YEARS (Mo dified accrua l ba sis o fn cco u ntin g) Fisca l Year Ended J une30 200 8 Ml!lZ 2006 2005 2004 Taxes s 12.457,086 s 13,159,087 s 12,993,876 s 11,151.893 s 9,997,706 lntergovcmmcntal 9,353,260 8,444,731 7,412,226 6.686,500 6,080,631 Fines and forfeitures 287,120 304.214 235,050 249,564 361,339 Licenses and Permits 1,125,957 1,239,318 1,918,107 2,230,046 1.600.934 Charges for services 620.300 898.955 1,689,046 1,834.205 1,038,170 Rents and royalties 296,434 267,350 255,527 222.327 242,704 Special assessments 4,337 4,228 21,147 1,512 3,612 Investment income (loss) 780,935 1,094,994 673,351 395,124 122,082 Miscellaneous 183,963 85,418 233,565 179.657 261 561 Total revenues $ 25.109.392 s 25,498,295 s 25,431.895 s 22,950,828 $ 19.708.739 2003 2002 200 1 2 00 0 1999 Taxes $ 7,114,486 s 7,595 ,748 s 6,088,047 s 4,876,466 s 3,861 ,337 Intergovernmental 6,311 ,45 8 5,895,676 5,281 ,156 4,771 ,792 4,929,062 Fines and forfe itures 195,091 265,605 310,359 293,970 259,484 Licenses and Penn its 1,308,747 1,351,209 2.177,6 14 2,569,472 2,472,2 15 Charges for services 810,41 2 1,067,81 4 431 ,3 16 454,366 624,744 Rents nnd roya lt ies 18 8,74 5 10 7,6 13 35,78 1 27,208 18,140 Special assessments 4,302 4,520 7,958 9,241 14,524 lnves nn cm in co me (loss) 1,976,80 9 726,44 1 ( 1,063,339) 74 3,259 62 0,63 9 Mi sce llaneo us 275,3 43 1,7 83,85 1 II ,357 3 1,653 25,65 7 Totnl revenues $ 18,185,393 $ 18 ,798 ,477 $ 13,280,249 $ 13,777 ,427 $ 12,825,802 Source: Tile source of this infonna tion is the Town's fi nancial records. Page 83 Expenditures: Current- General government Public safct) Highways and st~ Culture and recreation Community development Capital outlay Debt service - Principal retiremen t Interest on long-temt debt Issuance costs Advance refunding escrow Total expo ndllures Expenditures for CDI>ilnll zed assets Debt serv ice as n percentage of noncnpitnl expenditures Page 84 TOWN 01' FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARI ZONA GOVERNM E NTAL FUNDS EXPENDITURES AND D EBT SERVICE RATIO LAST 10 FI SCAL YEARS (Modi food accrual basis o f aecounling) Fis<lll Year Ended June 30 ~ 200 7 2006 s 3.548,295 s 4,024,551 s 4,459,183 s 6.321.669 5,689,020 5,208,770 2.214.557 2,028,397 2,121.986 2,257.007 2,131,374 3,607.750 2.751,740 2,462,643 1.812.469 5,239,169 2,002,8 87 2.153,228 1,968,228 1,968.22 8 1,025,320 1.058,665 1,192,414 232.762 300,000 s 25,510.985 s 21.365.765 s 20.903.562 s s 5,17 1,511 s 2,684,134 s 3,122,912 s 16% 16% 2 1% ~ 200~ 9,547.409 s 3.614,458 4,754,523 4,616.161 1,682.563 1,402,502 3.004,216 1.597,1 50 1.460.181 1.144.964 10 1,951 1.308,22 8 1,423,22 8 1,164.561 1,499,575 229,990 23.15 1,671 s 15,399.989 7,450,885 s 39 1.949 17% 19% (Continued) Exp<'ndilurt$: c~nt• General go•ernment Public safely Highways and streets Culture and rcc:=tion Communoty development Capita l outlay Debt service - Principal rctiremtnt Interest on long-tenn debt Issuance costs Advance refunding eserow Tow I expenditures Expenditures for cap itali zed assets Debt service as u percentage of no ncnpi 1ol expenditures TOWN OF FOUNTAI N HILLS, ARIWNA GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS EXPENDITURES AND DEBT SERVI CE RATIO LAST 10 FISCAL YEARS (Modified accrual basis of accounting) 2003 £2Q! l.QQ! s 3.31 8.574 s 3,859,633 s 3.646.500 5,174,492 5,084,532 3.354.037 I, 198,080 1,877,790 2.212,432 1,815,416 3.069,695 3.866.245 1,215,387 1,064,913 1.175,649 79.427 14.770,507 5,261,585 1,393,228 1.229,215 620,408 1,576,842 1,673,901 1.23 1.194 s 15.771.446 s 32.630,186 s 2 1.368.050 s 3 1.857 NIA NIA 19% 16% 12% Source: 1l1e source of this information is ll1e Town's financia l reoords . Page 85 ~ 1999 $ 2.528.953 s 2.631,245 3.059,020 2.205,600 2.468.498 1.984.879 3,359.509 2,334,901 1,276,951 955,451 1,787,469 557,374 339,013 223.024 585,00 1 572,064 $ l 5.404.4 14 $ 11,464,538 NIA NIA 7% 7% (Concluded) TOWN OF FOUNTA IN UI LLS, AR IZO NA OTII ER FI NANC ING SOU RCES AND USES AND NET CHANCES IN FUN D BALA NCES-GOVE RNM ENTAL FUNDS LAST 10 FISCAL YEARS (Modified acuual basis of accounting) fisca l Year Ended June 30 2008 1.2QZ 2006 ~ 2004 Ex«Ss (deO<lrncy) of revenues O\t.r txptndilurtS s (401.593) s 4.132530 s 4.528.333 s (200,843) s 4.308.750 Other nnancinc SO Ur<<S (us<S): Transfers in 2.756,988 4383.069 10.146.663 4,805,635 1,630.907 Transfers out (2.756.988) (4.383,069) (I 0.146.663) (4.805.635) ( 1.630. 907) Issuance or refunding debt 4.555.000 12.555.000 lssU311ce oflong-tenn debt 3.783.896 Payment to refund tS<:ro" agent !4.33 8.781) !14.6n.838! Total 01her financing sourctS (uses) 216.219 1.661.058 Changtsln fund balanc<S s !401.593) s 4,132,S30 s 4,744 ,552 s 1.460.215 s 4.308.750 2003 2002 1ll!U 1!!JlQ .!.222 Excess (lleOcien cy) of rtvtnuts over uptndltures s 2,413,947 s ( 13,831, 709) s (8,087 ,801) s ( 1,626.987) s 1,361,264 Olher finnnclng sourttS (uses): Transfers in 5,98 1.544 1,585 ,674 1,833,192 1,3 86,793 1,170.732 Tmnsfc rs ou t (5.98 1.544) (1,585,674) (1,833.192) (1.3 86,793) (1,170,732) Issuance of long-term debt 13,750,000 4,64 1,980 5.100.000 1,102 ,629 Paymen t to refund escrow agent {1,010.489) Toto! other financin g sources (uses) 13,750.000 4.64 1.980 5.100.000 92.140 C han ges in fund bnlantts $ 2.413.947 s {8 1.709) s (3.445,82 1) $ 3.473,013 $ 1.453.404 So urce : The source of this information is the Town's financial records. Page86 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN HILLS, AlliZONA TAXABLE SALES BY CATEGOIW LAST 10 FISCAL YEARS (Modified accrual basis of account in g) Fiscal Year Ended June 30 2008 2007 M!M ~ 2004 ConSlruction s 2,062.028 s 2,694,700 s 3,362,079 s 1.837,317 s 1,482,981 Transponation and utililic:s 1,422.158 1,330,052 1,240,120 1.124,677 916.498 Wholesale/Retail 3.912,512 4,144,263 3,796,192 3,536,045 3,212,062 Restaurants and Bars 582,226 537,596 547 ,276 524,368 419,107 Rtal Estate 982,198 792,358 626,364 604,356 341,951 S..rviec:s 327,411 280,290 263.239 185,868 423,433 M iseellaneous 1,182,349 1,296.171 1,030.966 933,366 706,816 Total s 10.470.882 s 11,075,430 s 10,866,236 s 8.745 ,997 s 7,502,848 2003 2002 lQru. 2000 1999 Construction s 1,203,706 s 1,325,749 $ 1,915,206 s 1,852,068 s 1,526,063 Transponnt ion and uti lilies 590,446 523,237 453,217 350,634 303,507 Who lesale/Retai l 1,930,175 1,477,424 1,405 ,560 1,087,8 19 793 ,367 Restaurants nnd Bars 276,664 2 19,921 187,000 148,668 12 8,330 Real Estate 205,849 192,339 245,064 99,155 133,666 Services 455,324 370,806 398,157 357,253 322,428 Miscella neous 188,654 157,818 195,3 13 136 814 102,153 Total $ 4,850,818 s 4,267,294 $ 4,799,517 s 4,032,411 $ 3,309,5 14 Source: The source of th is informa tion is the Town's financial records. Page 87 Page 88 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN HILLS, ARl ZO NA DIRECT AND OVERLAPI'ING SAL ES TAX RAT ES LAST 10 FI SCAL YEARS OveriB(!J2ing Rates Fiscal Year T own E nded of Marico J>• Arizona June 30 Fo untain Hi ll s County State 2008 2 .60 0.70 5.60 2007 2.60 0.70 5.60 2006 2.60 0.70 5.60 2005 2.60 0.70 5.60 2004 2.60 0.70 5.60 2003 1.60 0.70 5.60 2002 1.60 0 .70 5.60 2001 1.60 0.70 5.60 2000 1.20 0.70 5.00 1999 1.20 0 .70 5 .00 So urce: The source of th is informa tion is the Ari zona Depart ment o f Revenue. l'age 89 Fiscal Year ended June 30 2008 2007 2006 2005 2ooq 2003 2002 200 1 2000 1999 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN liiLLS, ARIZONA OUTSTANDING DEBT BY TYPE L;\ST 10 FI SCAL YEARS Govemmtntal Activities Total Outstanding Debt Less : Genera l Amounts Perctntage of Obllgalioo and Restricted for Estimated Other Bonds Prlncipa_l Total Actual Value -----------· ---- s 24,932,3 18 $ 2,163,146 $22,769,172 0.39 % $ 26.9 10,467 1,978,14 9 24,932,318 0.43 22,365,000 1,968,228 20,396,772 0.60 24.190,000 1.308.228 22.8 8 1.772 0.72 25.335.000 1.423.228 23.91 1.772 0.8 1 24,0 15.000 1.393.22 8 22.62 1,772 0.94 25,265,000 1.229.2 15 24.035.785 1.12 26,465,000 620,408 25,844 ,592 1.37 13,160,000 339,0 13 12,820,987 0.8 1 8.775.000 223.024 8,55 I ,976 0.65 Source: The so urce of this information is the Town's financial reco rds. Per Capita 892 1,018 833 986 1,06 1 1.017 1,095 1.209 634 460 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN fULLS., ARI ZONA DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVE RN MENTAL ACIWITI ES DEBT J UNE 30. 2008 Govcrnmcnud Unil Maricopa Co UJU)' Mari copa Co unt')' Co mmunhy College Disulct Fountain Hills Un ified Schoo l District E.aglc Mountain Com mun ity Fac-i liti es Distric t Subi0!$1, Over lapp ing De bt s Drbt Outs tandinJ!, 185.960.043 609.320,000 16.085,000 4.2 55 ,000 Es timat ed Perccnlltg·e A1,plicoblc 0.001% $ 0.001% 97.03% 100.00% Estimated Amount Ovtrl:.ipping D<bt 1,860 6,093 15.607 ,276 4.255.000 19,870,229 DirecL: Town or Founmin Hills, Arizona 18.514.172 Total Direct and Overl apping L>ebt S 38.384,40 I !'age 90 Source: The source of this infomtal ion is the Town's records and the State nnd County AbSlract o (ahe Asses.4lmt nl Arizona Department of Reve nue ~tnd t he ap plicable governmental unit Debt limit equa l to 26% of nssessed valuation Tota l net debt app li cab le to limit Lega l debt margin Tota l net debt app li cab le to the I irnit as a percentage of debt lim it Debt limit Total net debt applicable to limit Lega l debt margin Total net debt applicable to the limit as a pereentl1ge of debt limit TOWN OF FOUNTA IN HILLS, ARIZONA LEGAL DEBT MARCIN INFORMATION LAST 10 FISCAL YEARS Legal Debt Margin Calculation for Fiscal Year 2008: Secondary assessed valuation S 684,742,347 Debt limit (200/o and 6'~ of assessed value) 178,033.010 Debt applicable to limit 8,620,000 Legal debt margin S 169,413.010 Fiscal Year Endtd June 30 2008 200 1 2006 2005 2004 S 17 8,033,0 I 0 s 158,79 1,912 $ 97,547,627 s 90,843,567 $ 84,080,160 8.620.000 9,600.000 9.600.000 10,225,000 11,740,000 s 169,413,010 s 149,19 1,912 $ 87,947,627 s 80,6 18,567 $ 72,340.160 5% 6% 10% II% 14% 2003 2002 2001 WJl 1999 s 70,356,74 5 s 62 ,065,780 s 55,228,024 s 45.437,792 s 38.205,370 12,585 .000 6.005,000 6,155,000 6,330,000 2,780,000 s 57,771,745 s 56,060,780 s 49,073,024 s 39,107,792 s 35,425,370 18~'. 10% I"· 14°,. 7"/o Source: The source of this mformation is the To,.n's financial records. Page91 Yen r ~u l ntion 2007 25 .540 2006 24.<192 2005 23,2 17 2004 22.54 1 2003 22.243 2002 2 1.954 2001 2 1,383 2000 20,235 1999 18.595 TOWN OF FO UNTA I N AlLLS , ARI ZONA DEMOGRAPHI C AND ECONOMlC STATISTICS LA ST 10 CA LENDAR YEARS Personal Per Copi!JI Unemployme nt Income Incom e Rllt e N/A N/A 1.6 % s 132,423,154 s 35,046 1.8 125 .718.070 32,414 2.0 115.604,165 3 1,133 2.1 106.385.325 26,609 2.6 I 00,805,099 28.900 2.7 97.138.599 28.717 2.0 92 .975,771 28,363 1.6 83,860,233 26.385 1.6 So ur ces: 11te source of the "Perso n•llncomc" and "PcrCapiUt" info rmation is the Burea u of Economic Analysis. 11u: source or the "Popu lation'' nnd ·•unemployment Rate" informati on is State of Ari1..on~ Department of Eco nomi c Secu rity. Note: N/A indientcs lhnl lhe information is not availab le. Pagc92 TOWN OF FOUNT A IN HILLS, ARIZONA PRI NCI PAL EMPLOYERS CURRENT FISCAL YEAR AND SEVEN YEARS AG O 2008 Pe rcentage of Total Employer Employees Employment Fountain Hills Unified School Districi No. 98 28S 22.2 % Monk Construction 190 Target 130 MCO Properties, Inc. 12S Safcway Food Stores 11 0 Town of Founta in Hills 87 Fry's 80 Basha's 70 Sun Ridge Canyon Golf Course 70 Eagle Mountain Golf Course 70 Go lf International 6S Totlll 1,282 Totlll employment 1,2 82 Source: The source ofthis infom1ation is the Town's records. • lnfonnation prior to 2002 is not availab le. Page 93 14.8 10 .1 9.8 8.6 6.8 6.2 5.5 5.5 S.5 5.1 100.00 % Employees 250 ISO ss 9S l iS 70 70 40 50 925 92S 2002* l'erccntage ofToial Employmen t 27.0% 16.2 9.2 10.3 12.4 7.6 7.6 4.3 5.4 100.00 % TOWN O F FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA FULL-TIME-EQUIVALENT TOWN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES BY FUNCT ION/PROGRAM LAST SEVEN F ISCAL YEARS" Full-rime Eguivalen! EmJ!IOl'ees as or June 30 2008 2001 2006 2005 General Gov<rnmenl Municipal Coun 5 5 6 5 City Adminislr.ltion 13 12 13 II Plannmg & Zoning 10 10 10 8 Toral general government 28 27 29 24 Public Sa fet y Building Safety 8 8 9 9 Law Enforcement Total public safety 8 8 9 9 Public Work.s Engineering 12 12 12 12 StreetS 10 10 II II Tota l pub lic works 22 22 23 23 Pnrk.s ond Recreation 20 20 17 15 Com munit y Development II II 7 7 31 31 24 22 Total 89 88 85 78 P3ge 94 2004 5 10 9 24 7 I 8 II 13 24 13 7 20 76 (Continued) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA FULL-TLME·EQUIVALENT TOWN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES BY FUNCfiON/PROGRAM LAST SEVEN FISCAL YEARS• 2003 Ctneral Governmenl Municipal Coun Ci1y Adminismuion Planning & Zoning Total geneml govemmen1 Public Sa fel y Building Safe!)' law Enforcemen1 To1al public safe!)' Public Works Engineering Streets Total public works Parks nnd Recrenli o n Communi!)' Dcvelopmenl Total suppon and adminislralion Tolai Source: The sou rce oflhis information is the Town's Annual Budget • lnfonnation prior to 2002 is not avai lab le. Page95 2002 6 6 15 18 8 6 29 30 8 9 20 26 28 35 13 13 14 15 27 28 16 18 7 5 23 23 107 116 (Concluded) .El!!1sJWI Cenfrtl go"crnm ecnt Bu1 ld1n& penn1tS •ssued 716 Bu 1l d1n& 1rupeet1ons conducted 5,692 l)olict (COIIlriiC ltd) 1:111)'S1Cial nn ests 524 Traffic vlolat1ons l,S04 Flrc (co nl rllrtcd) lnspeca lons N/A l',u bll r: 'I'I'OI'kJ Pot~lesrcpairtd N/A Parb and Rt'ftC':ado n Pll1. ICfUg< 121 Commumty ccntm I Sourct: The SOW"ce oftbl$ mrormataon IS the Town's RCOrds 'ore: N/A indteates tb.allht mtonna.on ts not swallabk 159 7,975 993 2,3 15 2,570 N/A 121 I TOWN O F FOUNTA IN IIII.I.S. ARI ZONA OPERAT ING INDICATORS BY fliNCn ON lAST I 0 F"ISCA L YEARS 468 430 228 9,377 8,446 6,985 N/A 644 601 NIA 2,432 3,186 1,8 15 N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A 121 121 121 I I 168 260 JS I 514 929 6,389 8.49 1 N/A N/A N/A 60 1 503 93 1 890 895 3,186 3,186 4,767 7.907 5,641 NIA N/A N/A NIA NIA NIA N/A N/A NIA NIA 121 121 121 121 121 I I I I I Funt:lion r ·ublit Sartt) fIR $lll!l0n$ 3 3 Otbrr public •·otks Strecu(maks) 179 179 Str«<hghU .14 .14 T1111lie ••snols 12 12 Parb and Rcnutioa A<r<ogc 121 121 I'IO)'IJOOiflds ] l Bas<baiVsoftb.lll dal111100<1s 6 6 Soo=lroocball fidds 3 l Commumry c:tnters I 1 SouJ"tt: The SOU/tc: of thiS mform1uon •-. the Jown·s fae1hhes records. TOW N O F FOUNTA IN IU ~LS, ARIZONA CAPITAL ASSETS STATISTI CS BY FUNCTION LAST I 0 F1SCA L YEARS fiK•l \'car Ended J unt JO 3 3 l l 179 179 179 179 34 N/A N!A NIA 12 II II 10 121 121 121 121 l 3 3 J 6 6 6 6 3 • • 4 I I 1 I 3 N!A N/A N /A 179 179 179 179 N!A NIA NIA N /A 10 10 6 6 121 121 121 121 J 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 4 • 4 4 1 1 I I