HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY06 ACFRTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Mr. Wall ace J. Nich o ls Mayor Councilmembers Mr. Edwin Ke he Vi ce Mayor Mr. Mike Arch ambault Ms. Gi1my D i ckey Mr. Hem-y Leger M r. Keit h McMahan Mr. Jay Schlum Timothy G. Picke rin g, C Ec D , ICMA-CM Town Manager J ul ie A. Gh etti , CPA Finance Direct or Prepared by: F inan ce D epartment TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Letter of Transmittal List of Principal Officials Organizational Chati TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION GFOA Certificate of Achievement FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditor's Repm1 Management's Discussion and Analysis Statement ofNet Assets Statement of Activities Basic Financial Statements Balance Sheet -Govemmental Funds Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet to the Statement ofNet Assets- Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Chm1ges in Fund Balances - Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balat1ces to the Statement of Activities -Governmental Funds General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual Notes to the Basic Financial Statements I 9 10 II I5 I7 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Combining and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules Combining Balance Sheet -Nonmajor Govermnental Funds 56 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances-Nomnajor Goverm11ental Funds 58 General Obligation Debt Service Fund -Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 60 Municipal Property Corporation Fund-Schedule ofRevenues, Expenditures , and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 61 Development Fees Fund-Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 62 Capital Projects Fund-Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 63 HURF Fund -Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 64 Excise Tax Fund -Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 65 Grants Fund -Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures , and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 66 Local Comt Enhancement Fund -Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 67 HURF Debt Service Fund -Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 68 Eagle Mountain Debt Service Fund -Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 69 Cottonwoods Special AssessmentFund -Schedule of Revenues, Ex penditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Budget and Actual 70 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FI SCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Financia l Trends : Net Assets by Component C h an ges in Net Assets TABLE OF CONTENTS STATISTICAL SECTION Fund Balances of Govenunental Funds C hanges in Fund Balances of Govemmental Funds Revenue Capaci ty General Govenm1ent Tax Revenues by Source Sales Tax Coll ections by Cat egory D irect and Overlapping Sal es Tax Rates Assessed V alue and Estimate d Actual Value of Tax able Prope11y Property Tax Rates -Direct and Overlapping Govermnents Principal Property Taxpayers Property Tax Levi es and Coll ections Debt Capacity Ratio of Outstanding Debt by Type Ratio of General Bonde d Debt Outstanding Direct a nd Overlapping Governmental Activities Debt Legal Debt Margin Information Calc ulation of Legal D e bt Margin Demographic and Economic Info rmation Demographic and Economic Statistics Principal Employer s Operating Information Full-time Equivale nt Employees by F unction O p erating Indicators by Function Capital Assets Statistics by Function 73 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9 1 92 93 94 INTRODUCTORY SECTION THIS PAGE BLANK Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS September 29, 2006 To the Honorable Mayor , Members of the Governing Council, and Citizens ofthe Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona: State law requires that all general-purpose local governments publish within 120 days of the close of each fiscal year a complete set of fmancial statements presented in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and audited in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) by a finn of licensed ce1iified public accountants. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (Town) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, is hereby submitted. This document represents a joint effort by Town staff as well as our auditors , Cronstrom, Osuch & Company, P.C. Tllis report consists of management 's representations concerning the finances of the Town of Fountain Hills. Responsibility for the accuracy of the data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with management. To provide a reasonable basis for making these representations, management of the Town of Fountain Hills has established an internal control framework that is designed to both protect the government's assets from loss, theft, or nlisuse and to compile sufficient reliable information for the preparation of the Town of Fountain Hills' fmancial statements in conformity with GAAP. Because the cost of internal controls should not outweigh their benefits, the Town of Fountain Hills' framework of internal controls has been designed to provide reasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free from material misstatement. As management, we assert that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, this financial report is complete and reliable in all material respects. All disclosures necessary for the reader to understand the Town's activities have been included. The Town of Fountain Hills' financial statements have been audited by Cronstrom, Osuch & Company, P.C., a firm of licensed ce1tified public accountants. The goal of the independent audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2006, are free of material misstatement. The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the fmancial statements; assessing the accounting principles used and sigruficant estimates made by management; and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The independent auditor concluded, based upon the audit , that there was a reasonable basis for rendering an unqualified opinion that the Town of Fountain Hills ' fmancial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30 , 2006, are fairly presented in conformity with GAAP . The independent auditor's report is presented as the first component of the fmancial section of tills report . 166705 E. Avenue ofthe Fountains, Fountain Hills , Arizona 85268 1 GAAP requires that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the basic financial statements in the form of Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). This letter of transmittal is designed to complement the MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it. The Town of Fountain Hills' MD&A can be found immediately following the report of the independent auditors. Town of Fountain Hills Profile The Town of Fountain Hill s is a planned, family- oriented community establi shed in 1970 by McCulloch Properties (now MCO Properties, Inc.). Prior to 1970 the area was a cattl e ranch and was part of one of the largest land and cattle holdings in Arizona. It was purchased by Robert McCulloch in the late 1960s and designed by Charles Wood, Jr. (designer of Disneyland in southern California). The centerpiece of Fountain Hills is one of the world's tallest man- made fountains , a focal point that attracts thousands of visitors each year. Located on 13,006 acres of land, and bordering northeast Scottsdale, Fountain Hills is surrounded by the 3,500-foot McDowell Mountains on the west, the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation on the east , the Salt River Indian Reservation on the south and by the McDowell Mountain Regional Park on the north. E levation is 1,520 feet at the fountain, 3,000 feet on Golden Eagle Boulevard, and is 500 feet above Phoenix. Over the past sixteen years Fountain Hills has grown from 10,190 residents to a town of 24,492 in 2 005. The latest estimates for Fountain Hills indicate that the population will continue to grow to near 36 ,045 by 2025 . Although the rate of growth is slowing as the Town approaches build-out, the community continues to attract residents building large custom homes to take advantage of the scenic vistas surrounding its mountain community. On June 5, 2006 the Town of Fountain Hills became two square miles and about ten percent l arger by annexing 1,300 acres of State Trust Land . T he process to annex the State Trust Land occurred over a two and one-half year period and development of the land will occur over the next decade. A public auction has been tentatively planned for Spring 2007 and the property wi ll be sold to the highest bidder for development. Annexing this property into the Town ensures that its future development will be of the highest quality under such Town's standards as the cut-and-fill ordinance and strict zoning regulations . Fountain Hills will have an opportunity to demonstrate that it is truly the best place to live in the Vall ey. The Town offers a range of living styles, from small community subdivisions to a number of large custom homes. Fountain Hills also offers recreational, cultural and retirement programs that address the needs and lifestyles of active families and adults. The community consists of primarily residential property; of the total 13 ,006 acres of land only 3% of the total is zoned commercial , 31% is reserved as open space and the remainder is residential. 2 The Town's Mission Statement for the Organization The Town of Fountain Hills' purpose is to serve the best interests of the community by: providing for its safety and well-being; respecting its special , small -town character and quality of life ; providing superior public services; sustaining the public trust through open and responsive government; and maintaining the stewardship and preservation of its financial and natural resources. To serve and respect, and provide trust and stewardship. The Town of Fountain Hills is an Ariz ona Municipal Corporation, acting as a general law Town as prescribed in the Arizona Revised statutes. The Town was incorporated on December 5, 1989 with the governmental and administrative affairs of the Town operating under the Council-Manager form of government. The Town Counc il is res ponsible, among other things , for the adoption of local ordinances, budget adoption, the development of citi zen advisory committees and hiring the Town Manager. The Town Manager is responsible for implementation of the policies ofthe Town Council and administering the Town's operations through three department directors and approximately 87 FTE employees. The Magistrate, Town Attorney and Town Prosecutor are under the direction of the Town Council. The Town provides or administers a full range of services including public safety (law enforcement, fire , animal control, building inspection); community development (code enforcement, planning, zoning and engineering); the construction and maintenance of streets and infrastructure, municipal court, recreational activities, community center and cultural events. The Town does not maintain utility or other operations that require the establi shment of enterprise funds. Fountain H ill s Town Hall The financial reporting entity (the Town) includes all the funds of the primary government (i .e ., the Town ofFountain Hills as legally defined) as well as all of its component units. The component units consist of legally separate entities for which the primary government is financially accountable . Blended component units , although legally separate entities, are , in substance, part of the primary goverrunent's operations and are included as part of the primary government. Accordingly, the Cottonwoods Maintenance District, Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District and Fountain Hills Municipal Property Corporation are included in the financial reports of the Town. 3 The annual budget serves as the foundation for the Town of Fountain Hills' fmancial planning and control. The Town Council formally adopts the budget and legally allocates, or appropriates, avai lable monies for the General Fund, Highway User Revenue Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds, and Capital Projects Fund. Therefore, these funds have appropriated budgets, and budget to actual information is presented. On or before the second meeting in May the Town Manager submits to the Town Council a proposed budget for the fiscal year commencing the fo llowing July 1. The budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. The Town Council is then required to hold public hearings on the proposed budget and to adopt a final budget by no lat er than June 30, the close of the Town of Fountain Hills' fiscal year. The budget is legall y enacted through passage of an ordinance and is prepared by fund and department. The ordinance sets the limit for expenditures during the fiscal year. The Town Manager may authorize transfers from and within personnel and from operating capital to services or supplies within a department. Additional expenditures may be authorized for expenditures directly necessitated by a natural or man-made disaster as prescribed in the State Constitution, Article 9, Section 20. Factors Affecting Financial Condition The information presented in the financial statements is perhaps best understood w hen it is considered from the broader perspective of the specifi c environment within which the Town of Fountain H ill s operates. Local economy. Th e Town of Fountain Hills, similar to other Arizon a municipalities, is overly dependent upon state revenues and local sales tax as a m ajor source of revenue. D uring fiscal year 200 5-06 the Town benefited from a regional economy fueled by the real estat e and construction industry. St ate and lo cal sales tax revenues provided 51% of the Town's General Fund budget. Locally, 31% of the Town's sales tax is from construction activ ity and 39% is generated from retail activity. T h e construction activity is primarily residential ; in FY05-06 the Town issued permits for 130 si n g le -family homes, 325 multi-family units and 10 commercial proj ects. Sales Tax Activity by Sector-FY02 thru FY06 Construction Tran.s portntionrutil Wh olesale/Retail Res taurant/Bars 4 III FYO I -02 QFY02-03 .FYOJ-04 • FY04-05 Ill FYOS-06 T h e chart to the left is a summary of local sales tax collections from FY02 through FY06 by category. The increase in the whole sale/ret a il activity reflects the opening of a new shopping center that was constructed in October 2002; the center is now 99% occupied . The increase in construction sal es t ax is due to the large number of multi- family, primarily condo, units during the past year. The opportunity to further expand the retail tax base in Fountain Hills is limited by the lack of available commercial land -75% of the developable lots are already developed. However, in FY05- 06 the Town invested $7.6M in improvements to the downtown area including a streetscape enhancement project along Avenue of the Fountains and a new Town Hall municipal building. The building was constructed on Avenue of the Fountains as Phase II of the Civic Center project as a permanent home to Town Government and the streetscape enhancement was designed to revitalize the downtown area . The Town completed the Avenue of the Fo untains Enhancement Project Phase 1A and 1B in October 2006, which cost about $1.6 million, and included streetlights, shade structures, sidewalk enhancements and landscape improvements along the north side of the avenue from La Montana Drive to Saguaro Boulevard and on the south side in front of the Town Hall. The enhancements were designed to enhance the main street for residents and visitors alike and to encourage everyone to shop , dine , discover downtown Fountain Hills . T he goal is to create the perfect place for citizens to shop and dine while enjoying the enchanting surroundings. Once the project is complete businesses should expect more foot traffic on the A venue creating a place where people want to be and businesses want to locate . New lighting, pedestrian walkways, water features and cultural amenities are planned that will provide interest for adults and children. A new Holiday Inn Hotel with 104 rooms opened in FY 2006 in the downtown area. The final phase of the Plaza Fountainside project, also in the downtown area, is scheduled to open by the end of FY2006. At the west gateway to Town, the Fountain Hills Conference and Resort Spa is planned . The project, which is currently under design will have a combination of condominium units , and resort hotel rooms that will expand tourism within the community and could bring additional bed tax revenue to Fountain Hills . Long-term financial planning. In December 2005, through a citizen driven process, the Town initiated the "2006-201 0 Strategic Plan" (visit www.fh.az.gov) where the community identified amenities and priorities that will guide Fountain Hills Town Council Members and staff as they establish budgets and priorities over the years . A strategic priority that was identified was to resolve the Town's projected long-term revenue shortfall by December 31, 2007. The citizens recognize the need to address future revenue shortfalls that will occur when construction related revenues are constrained by availability of land or the economy. In June 2006 the Mayor and Town Council reviewed a Twenty Year Financial Overview and Capital Projects plan that included projected operating and revenues through the year 2025. The purpose of the overview was to respond to the strategic priority of resolving the future revenue shortfall and provide a blueprint for future operating and capital costs. The analysis indicated that operating expenditures will begin to outpace revenues by the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 with the decline in construction revenues and increased operating costs . Through the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee the Town will be conducting several informed choices workshops that will provide an opportunity to inform residents about the Town's financial options and allow for citizen input. The committee will present their findings to the Town Council in December, 2006. 5 The Fountain Hills Town Council maintains a fund balance policy that ensures adequate reserves that will provide financial stability in the event of an unanticipated economic downturn. The policy states: 1. A contingency fund of no less than 30 days operating expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year to be designated for unanticipated expenditure or loss of revenue (contingency). 2 . A designated unreserved fund balance of a minimum of ten percent ( 1 0%) of the average actual revenues for the preceding five fiscal years designated for "pay-as-you-go" capital. 3 . A reserved fund balance of twenty percent (20%) of the average actual revenues for the preceding five fiscal years which is unavailabl e for appropriation. These amounts will not be programmed for expenditure and are only available for use within the confines of expenditure limitations imposed by the State. A historical perspective of past General Fund balances is shown in the following chati. The decline in the General Fund balance from FYOO through FY03 resulted from an economic downturn, spending for capital projects and the creation of a municipal fire department. This trend was reversed in FY04 and the Mayor and Town Council and management are committed to maintaining the $6.5M of reserves in the future. A Capital Improvement Special Revenue Fund has been created and funded with proceeds from excess revenues collected over budgeted and unexpended appropriations that are not needed to meet fund balance requirements or re-appropriation. In order to maintain the General Fund balance at $6.5M approximately $3M was tran sferred to the Capital Projects Fund in FY2005-06. -------------- Fund Balance & Reserves General Fund (in millions) $8 .0 ~--------------------------------------------~ $7.0 ~---------------------------------------------------- $6.0 $5.0 $4.0 $3.0 -1-----.-----,-----.----.------,-----.-----,-----,-----,-------l 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 Fiscal Years The Council also adopted financial policies that include guidelines for the is suance of debt for capital expenditures, Community Facility Di stricts , financing altematives, ex penditure controls and financial planning. The d e bt policy was prepared with a preference for "pay-as-you-go" financing for capital spending. An investment policy was adopted and was awarded the Investment Policy Certification from the Association of Public Treasurers ofUnited States and Canada. 6 Cash management policies and practices. State statutes permit municipalities in Arizona to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury, commercial paper, corporate bonds, repurchase agreements, and the State Treasurer's Local Govemment Investment Pool (LGIP). The Town of Fountain Hills debt policy restricts investments to securities that are 100% backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. govemment. The Town of Fountain Hills invests all idle cash in the State LGIP -GOV, which consists of government-backed securities. The year-to-date yield on investments as of June 30, 2006 was 4.5418%. Investment income includes appreciation in the fair value of investments. Increases in fair value during the current year, however, do not necessarily represent trends that will continue; nor is it always possible to realize such amounts, especially in the case of temporary changes in the fair value of investments that the govetmnent intends to hold to maturity. Daily cash deposits are made with the local bank and are maintained for payroll and payables; these accounts are fully collateralized to $1 million. Risk Management The Town of Fountain Hills is a member of the Ari zona Municipal Risk Retention Pool. Risk coverage includes general liability, workers compensation, errors and omissions, property and automobile insurance. The policy insures up to $2,000,000 per incident occurrence plus any excess liability of up to $13,000,000 per occurrence per year. Coverage is provided on a claims-made basis. Pension and other postemployment benefits. The Town of Fountain Hills provides two deferred compensation plans through the Intemational City/County Management Association (ICMA) in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Sections 401A and 457. The 401A is funded by mandatory employee wage deductions and matching Town contributions. The 457 is vo luntary and funded 100% through employee pruiicipation. For further information on these plans please refer to Note 4 (C) in the fmancial statements. Awards and Acknowledgements. The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Repmiing to the Town of Fountain Hills for its comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal yeru· ended June 30, 2005. This was the ninth consecutive year that the government has received this prestigious award. In order to be awru·ded a Certificate of Achievement, the government published an easily readable and efficiently organized CAFR. This report satisfied both GAAP and app lic able legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one yeru· only. We believe that our current CAFR continues to meet the Certificate of Achievement Program's requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA to determine its eli gibi lity for another cetiificate. In addition, the govemment also received the GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its annual budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005. In order to qualify for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awru·d, the government's budget document was judged to be proficient in several categories, including as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device. This is the third consecutive year that the Town has received the award. 7 The preparation of this report would not have been possible without the efficient and dedicated services of the entire team of the Finance and Administration Department. I would also like to extend my apprec iation to the Mayor and Council for th eir leadership and support. Each member of the department has my sincere apprec iation for the contributions made in the preparation of this report. Respectfully submitted, /) ~··/ 1/ / I . •/ ,/; i·~··· ./ .,//···/·z;~t~;t;· 1(>1 A~? t> ,. ~ .. "/ Timothy G . Pickering, ICJ\1k·C~t CEcD Town Manager /...-· i ' ~····· v 8 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA LIST OF PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Mr. Wally Nich o ls Vice-Mayor Mr. Edwin Kehe Councilmember Mr. Mike Archambault Councilmember Ms. Ginny Dickey Councilmember Mr. Henry Leger Counc ilmember M r. Keith McMahan Co un ci lmember Mr. Jay Schlum APPOINTED OFFI CIALS AND DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS Town Manager Magistr ate Finance Director Publi c Works Director Parks & Recreation Directo r Fire Chi ef Distri ct Commander Town Prosecutor Town Attorney 9 Timothy G. Pickering Ted Armbruster Julie A. Ghetti, CPA Tom Ward Mark Mayer Scott LaGreca, Rura l Metro Corporation Captain Jolm Kleinheinz, Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Iacovino & Kay ler Andrew McGuire, Gust Rosenfeld, P.L.C. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ORGANIZATIONAL CHART JUNE 20, 2006 10 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona For its Co mprehens ive Ammal F inancial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2005 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financ ial Reporting is presented by the Govenm1ent Finance Offi cers Association of the United States and Canada to govenm1ent units and public emp loyee re tirement sys tems whose comprehensive annua l fina ncial rep011s (CAFRs) achieve the highes t standards in govemment accounting and fmancial reporting. President Exec utive D irector 11 THI S PAGE BLANK 12 FINANCIAL SECTION 13 TH IS PAGE BLANK 14 C ronstrom Osuch & Com]pany Cerltified Public Accounlta !rlts 8706 E. MANZANITA DRIVE, SUITE 100 SCOTTSDALE, ARI Z ONA 85 25 8 (480) 348-1102 • F AX (480) 348-11 04 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Th e Honorable Mayor and the Town Council of t he Town ofFountain Hills, Arizona We have audited the accompanying fmanc ia l statements of the governmental activ ities, each major fun d, and the aggregate remaining fund infmmation of the Town of Fountain Hills , Ari z ona (Town), as of and for the year e nd ed June 30, 2006 , w hi ch collective ly comprise the Town's bas ic finan ci al stat e me nt s a s li st ed in the tabl e of contents . These financial statements are the respons ibility of the Town's management. Our responsibility is to ex press opini ons on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standard s generally accept ed in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan an d perf orm the audit to obtain rea so nable assurance about whether the financial stat em ents are free of m ate ri al mi sstate ment. An aud it includes examining, on a test basi s, evidence s upporting the amounts a nd disclos ures in the fin a ncial statements. An audit al so includes assess ing the accountin g principles used and significant es timates made by management, as well as evaluatin g the overall financial statement presentation . We be li eve that our aud it prov ides a reasonable bas is for our opinions . In our opini on, the fin a nci a l statements referre d to above present fa irl y, in all materi a l re spects, the respective financial position of the govenunental activit ie s, each m ajor fund, and the aggregate re maining fund informatio n of t he Town of Fountain Hills, Ari zona, as of June 30, 2006, and the respective chan ges in financial pos ition , thereof and the r espect ive budgetary comparison for the General Fund for the year the n ended in conformity with accounting principles generall y accepted in the United States of America. The manage ment's discuss ion and a naly si s on pages 17 -27 is not a r equired part of the bas ic financia l stat ements but i s s upp lementary information required b y the Govenm1ental Accounting Standards Board. We have app li e d certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of m eas urement and presentation of the required s uppl em e ntary infmmation. However, we d id not aud it the infonnat ion and expr ess no opinion o n it. 15 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATI ON • WWVV.ClWNSTROM0SUCH .COM Our audit was conducted for the purpo se of forming opinions on the financial stat ements that collectively comprise the Town's basic financial statements . The introductory section, combining and individual fund finan c ial statements and schedules and statistical section are presented for purpo ses of additional analysis and are not a r equired pmt of the basi c financial stat em ents . The combining and individual fund financial statements and schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial stat ements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material re spects in re lation to the bas ic financia l statements taken as a whol e. The intro ductory and statistical sections have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and , accordingly, we express no opinion on them. ~t;vrrv,, d)AIA.c~c "r!vm10, jJ c Cronstrom, Osuch & Company, P.C. September 29, 2 006 16 Management's Discussion and Analysis We (the Town of Fountain Hills) (Town) are pl eased to provide an overview of our financial act ivi ties for the fi sca l ye ar ended June 30, 2006. The intend ed purpose of Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) is to provide an introduction to the basic fina nci a l statements and notes, that provides an objective a nd easy to read ana lysis of our financial activities b ased o n currently known facts , dec isions, and conditions, by pro v iding an eas il y rea da bl e sunm1ary o operating res ults and reasons for changes, which will help to determine if our financial po s ition improved or deteriorated ove r the past year. This report addresses current operational activiti es, th e so urces, uses , and changes in resource s, a dherence to budget, serv ice leve ls, limitations, significa nt economic factors, and th e statu s of infrastructure and its impacts on our debt and operation. When referTin g to prior yea rs data in this analysis we wi ll be drawing upor infonnation from last years' audited fin anc ial report. Financial Highlights * T he assets of the Town of Fountain H ill s exceeded its liabilities at the close of the most recent fi scal year by $4 2.3 million (net ass ets). Of tlli s amount $9M (umestri cte d net assets) may be used to meet the govermnent's ongoin g obli gation s to citizens and creditors. * As of the close of the current fi scal year, the Town of Fountain Hill s' gove nm1ental fund s reported combined e nding fund balances of $19.1 M , an increase of $4 . 7M in co mparison with the prior year. * At the end of the current fi scal yea r, umeserved fund balance for the ge nera l fu nd was $6 .5M or 52 perc ent of tota l ge neral f und expenditure s. The fund ba lance po licy adopted by the Council requires a minimum of $5 .I M in designated, undesignated and r eserve fund s . Surplus reve nues from the prior fi sca l year ($2.6M) a nd th e current fisca l year ($2.9M) were transfen ed to th e Capital Proj ects Fund for future appropri atio n. * Genera l fund revenues (o n a bud getary bas is) exceeded bud geted revenues by $1. 8M for fi sca l year 2006. Additiona ll y, budgetary bas is expenditu res were only 87% (I3% savin gs) ofthe fina l budge t in the Gene ra l Fund. * Genera l Fund reve nu es exceede d expenditures by $5.I, revenues ha d a po s iti ve variance of$ I.8M from the original bud get. * T he Town includes t wo types of separa te legal entiti es in its report -the Fountain Hills Municipal Property Corpor ati on and Co mmunity Facility Districts. Altho ugh legally separ ate, these "component units" are important becau se the Town i s financially accou nta bl e for them. A descri ption of these three types of component units is a vai lab le in Note I on page 37. Separate F in a ncia l Statements a re n ot avail ab le fo r these entities. I 7 Overview of the basic financial statements This discuss ion and analysis is intended to serve as an introduction to the Town of Fountain Hi ll s, Arizona's basic financial statements. The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona's basic financial statements are comprised of three components (as illustrated below): 1) government- wide financial statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to the basic financial statements. This repmi also contains req uired supplementary information in the form of this management discussion and analysis letter. I • Management 's Discussion and Ana l ys i s -···· ..... .... ...... ········· Gov e rnm e nt- wide Financial Statements Summa r y ····· ...... Required Components of the Annual Financial Report .... ····· ...... Ba s ic Finan c ial S tatem en ts Fun d Financial Statements Government-wide financial statements Requir e d S uppl ementary In formation Notes To the Financial Statements D e tail The goverrnnent-wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the Town's finances, in a matmer similar to private-sector business. The statement of net assets presents information on all of the Town's assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two reported as net assets. Over time, increases or decreases in net assets may serve as useful indicators of whether the financial position of the Town is improving or deteriorating. The statement of activities presents information showing how the government's net assets changed during the most recent fiscal year. Changes in net assets are reported as soon as the underlying event giving rise to the change occurs, regardless of the timing of related cas h flows . Thus, rev enues and expenses are reported in tllis statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods (e.g., uncollected taxes and earned but unused vacation leave). 18 The govenunent-wide financial statements di stin guish functions of the Town that are principally supporte d by taxes and intergovenunental reve nues (govenunental activities) f rom other funct ions that are intended to recover a ll or a significant portion of their costs through user fees and charges (business-type activities). The governmental activities of the Town include general government, conununity development, public safety, highways and streets, and culture and rec reation. The Town does not have any business-type activities . The government-wide financ i a l statements can be found on pages 30 -31 of this report. Fund financial statements Al so presented are the traditional fund financia l statements for governmental funds. A fund is a gro uping of related accounts that is use d to m a intain control over reso urces that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The Town, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to e nsure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related lega l re quirements. A ll ofthe fund s ofthe Town are included in the governm e ntal funds. Governmental funds Govenm1ental funds are used to account for essentially the same functions reported as governmental act ivities in the gove nm1ent-w ide financial statements. However, unl ike the govenunent-wide financia l statements, govenm1enta l fund financial statements focus on near- term inflows and outflows of spendable resources, as well as balances of spendable r esources available at the end of the fi scal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating a government's near-te1m financing requirements. Since the govenm1ental fund financial statements focus on near-term spendable resources, whi le the govenm1ental activities on the govenunent-wide financ i al statements have a longer tenn focus, a reconciliation of the differences between the two is provide d following the fund fin ancial statements' balance sheet and statement of re venues, expenditures a nd changes in fund balances, respectively. Notes to the basic financial statements The notes to the basic financia l statem e nts (pages 3 7 -52) provide a ddition a l infmmation that i s essenti a l to a fu ll underst anding of t he data provided in th e govenm1 ent-wid e and fund financial statements and should be read with the financia l statements. Required supplementary information other than MD&A Governments have an option of including the budgeta ry comparison statements for the General Fund a nd major special r evenue funds as e ither part of the fund financial statements w ithin the basic fin ancial statements, or as r equired suppl em e ntary informat ion after the footnotes . The Town h as chosen to present these budgetary statements as part of the basic financ ia l statements. Additionally, governments ar e requir ed to disclose certain inforn1at ion about emplo yee pension funds. The Town has di sclo sed this information in Note 4.C. in the notes to the fin ancia l st at em ents . 19 Governm ent-wide Fin ancial Analysis As prev io us ly m entione d , net assets may serve ove r t ime as useful indi cators of a government's financ ial pos ition. The follo w in g tabl e refl ec ts the co ndensed Stateme nt of Net Assets of the Town for Jun e 30 , 2006 compared to the pri or year. Th e combined net asse ts of the T ow n in creased by 26.4% from $33 .5 milli on t o $42.3 million in fi sca l year 2 006 , a difference of $8 .8 milli on in gove nm1 ental acti v ities . T he Town do es not currentl y h ave any propriet ary or enterpri se fund s that would oth er wise be cl ass ifie d as bu siness- ty pe activiti es. A ll Town fund s are co n sid ered gove nunental activ iti es . T own of F o unta in Hill s , Arizona Conde n sed S t atem e nt o f Net A sset s A s of June 30, 200 6 and 200 5 Governmenta l Activ ities Pe rcent 2006 20 05 Change Assets C UtTe nt a nd othe r assets $ 24 ,58 1,68 2 $ 18 ,958,084 29.7% Capita l assets Non-de precia b le 23,57 1,668 30,267,560 (22.1) De precia b le (net) 24 ,947.862 16,256,985 53.5 Tota l assets 73,101.2 12 65,48 2,629 11.6 Li a biliti es O th er li abiliti es 4 ,828,94 1 4,11 3,074 17.4 Non-c uJTe nt li abilities Due w ith in o ne year 1,968,496 1,996,478 (1.4) Due in m ore th an one year 23.997.510 25,9 12.107 (7.4) Tota l liab il iti es 30 .794 947 32.02 1,659 (3 .8) Net asset s In vested in capita l assets, net of r e lated debt 2 0,80 6,5 07 17,495,539 18.9 Res tric ted 12,446,147 5,144,12 7 141.9 Unrestri cted 9.0 53.61 1 I 0,82 1.304 (16.3) Tota l net assets $ 42.30 6 .265 $ 33.460.970 26.4% Ne t Asset s c onsists of tlu·ee co mp on ents. The largest p 011ion of the T own of Fo untai n Hills ne t assets ( 49%) r efl ec ts its investme nt in capital assets (e .g ., land , build ings, mac hinery and equi pment), l ess a ny related d e bt use d to acquire tho se assets that is still o utstandi ng. The Town of Fou ntain Hills uses th ese ca pita l assets to provid e services to cit ize ns; consequentl y, these assets are not avail a bl e for f ut ure spending . A lt hou gh the Town of Fountai n Hi ll s ' investment in its ca pi ta l assets is re p011ed net of re lated debt, it sho uld be noted t hat the reso urces needed to repay this deb t must be provid ed from oth er so m ces , since the capita l assets themselves ca1mot be used t o liquidate these li a bilities. T hi s categ01y of Net Assets increased $3.3M in FY05 primarily fro m the in vestme nt in th e Fo untain Hill s downtown area, incl uding a new Town Ha ll. The second porti on of th e T own of Founta in H ill s ' net assets (29%) repr esents reso urces that ar e subj ect to ex terna l and interna l restriction s on h ow they may be use d . These assets are restri cted fo r capita l proj ect s . 20 The remaining balance of umestricted net assets ($9.1M) may be used to meet the govenunent's ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. This category decreased by $1.8M in FY06 with t he transfer of surplus revenues to capita l project funds. At the e nd of the current fiscal year, the Town of Fountain Hills is able to report positive balances in all three categories of net assets for the government as a whole. Analysis of changes in net assets The table on the next page compares the revenue and expenses for the current and previous fisca l year. The program revenues (charges for services and grants that are clearly identifiable to an operatin g function) of governmental activ iti es decreased $264,785 ( 4.1%) overall from the previous year; grants and contributions , ho wever, increased due to additional grant funding. Fees, fines and charges for service revenues decreased with a reduction of building related fees that are collected at the time of permit issuance . Local sa les tax from construction is collected during the construction project, therefore, lag as a n indicator of building permit activity. Program expenses increased ove ra ll 9.9%, particularly in Commwlity Development and Public Safety. The increase in Community Development reflects the internal transfer from Building Safety of two code enforcement officers and hiring of an additional code enforcement officer to increase compliance with Town ordinances. The increase in public safety reflects the ammal increase in the contracts for fire and emergency serv ice s with Rural Metro Corporation and Maricopa County Sheriffs Office for law enforcement. Highways and streets increases are the result of the installation of new traffic signal. 2 1 Town of Fountain Hill s , Arizona Changes in Net Assets For the Fi scal Year Ended June 30 ,2006 and 2005 Governmental Activitie s Percent 2006 2005 Change Revenues Program revenues Fees, fines a nd charges for services $ 4 ,133,263 $ 4,490,704 (8.0)% Operating grants and contribu t ion s 2,022 ,675 1,692,7 12 19.5 Capita l grants and contributions 237,307 N/A General revenues: Property taxes 1,648,947 2,020,800 (18.4) Local taxes 11 ,322 ,283 9 ,095,829 24.5 State shared revenues 5,389,55 1 4,756,481 13.3 Inve stment earnings 673 ,35 1 395,124 70.4 Other 200.92 1 120.666 66.5 Total revenues 25 .390.99 1 22.809.623 11.3 Expenses General government 3,875 ,014 3 ,7 66,5 00 2.9 Public safety 5,403 ,620 5,024,686 7.5 Hi ghways and streets 1,581 ,068 1,2 81 ,061 2 3.4 Cu lture and recreation 2 ,576,406 2 ,362,66 1 9.0 Conununity deve lopment 1,812,469 1,460,181 24.1 Interest on Jong-tem1 debt 1 297 119 1.162.796 11.6 Total expenses 16 .545 .696 15,057.885 9 .9 In crease in net assets 8,845 ,295 7,75 1,738 14 .1 Net assets, beginning of year (as resta ted) 33.460,970 25,709.232 30.2 Net as sets, end of year $ 42.306.265 $ 33.460.970 26.4% Governmental activities. An a nalys is of govenm1ental fund revenues and expenditures has been presented in this discus sio n and analysis and comparative analysis of government-wide revenues and expenditures. Govenm1enta l activities account for 100% of the total revenues and ex penditures of the Town. The following grap h illustrates that th e largest financing source for the Town of Fountain Hills is the local sa les tax (45%); state shared revenues combined account for 2 1% of the govenm1ent-w ide revenue sources. GO\'F:R '\~IJ::\T -"IDE RFH:'\ 1.'£ S.Ot'RO:S fi;ral Y~.w !00~ l!-:1.11~!.4:. 22 Financial analysis of the Town's funds The focus of the Town 's governmental funds is to provide infonnation on near-te1111 inflows, outflows, and balances of resources that are available for spending. Such information is useful in assessing the Town's financing requirements. In pat1icular, umeserved fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a gove1nm ent' s net resources avail ab le for spending at the end of the fiscal year. Types of Govermnental funds reported by the Town include the General Fund , Special Revenue Funds, Excise Tax Funds, Debt Service Funds and Capital Project Funds. As a measure of the General Fund's liquidity, it may be useful to compare both General Fund balance and total fund balance to total fund expenditures. The size of the Town 's fund balances can affect its ability to meet special needs and withstand financial emergencies. Availab l e fund balance can be used to fund capital purchases without having to bon·ow. General Fund balance represents 32 percent of total fund expenditures, while total fund balance represents 93 percent of that same amount. Funds in excess of the policy target are typically progranm1ed in the subsequ ent year to support the Town's Capital Improvement Program and to fund one-time expenditures. The fund balance of the govermnental funds is $19.1 million, an increase of $4.7 million, or 33%, from the previous year. Of this, $14 ,393 is classified as "Reserved" because it i s not appropriab le for expenditure or is legally segregated for a specific future use. Approximately 34% of thi s total amount ($6.5 million) constitutes General Fund balance. The increase in total fund balance and r estricted fund balance is l argely due to increased construction related revenues (sales tax and permit fees). An additional $6.7 million of the governmental fund balance has been designated or committed for specific purposes by council policy; these designations include current capital projects and equipment replacement reserves. At fiscal year-end 2005-2006 fund balances wer e as follows: Fund General Fund General Ob li gation Debt Service Fund Municipal Property Corporation Debt Service Fund Development Fees Fund Capital Projects Fund Nomnajor Govemmental Funds 23 Balance $ 6,53 0 ,248 202,347 736 ,570 2,749,028 6 ,747,238 2,110,964 Increase (Decrease) From 2004-05 $ (2 ,552, 195) (163 ,432) 458,260 319,803 6,747 ,238 (65 ,122) During FY2005-06 the Town Council adopted a policy that authorized the tran sfer of any unreser ved, undesignated or des ignated fund balance to the Capital Projects Fund ; subsequ ently, the Gene ra l Fun d balance declined by $2.6M of surplus revenue s from the prior fis ca l year and the Capital Proj ects Fund increased accordingly in add ition to the surp lu s fro m the current fiscal year (pl ease refer to page 17). An additional $1.6M was transfen·ed from the Excise Tax Fund to complete a downto wn cap ital project. Development fees consist of govemmenta l impac t fees for str eets and hi ghways , parks and recreation , law enforcement, genera l govemment and op en space. This is a restricte d fund and may only be appropriated for capital items for whic h they were imposed. The fund ba lance as of June 30, 2006 in this fund is $2.7 million; expenditures were made in FY2005 for traffic signa ls, open space/tra ilhead des ig n and a recreation splash park at Fountain Park . All Nonmajor Gove nm1ental Funds of t he Town are combined into one column o n the govemmen tal fund statem ents. The decrease in fund balance for thi s gro up of funds i s attributed to the use of accumu lated reserves that were appli ed to a restructurin g d ebt transaction ($1.5M) within the excise tax fund. The four-tenth s Exc ise Tax (Sa les Tax) F und is dedicated by the Town Council for downtown developme nt and debt payments for the M unic ip al Propetiy Corpo ration (transfer s to de bt service). Rev enues in thi s fund increased over th e prior year w ith the increa se in construction related activity. Operating expenditures are for the coo rdinator for economic de velopment in the Town's downtown core. Nonmajor governmental fund s of the Town a lso include the H ighway User Revenue Fund that is required by state statute to trac k the state allocation of gasoline taxes and other state revenues shared w ith local governme nt s. HURF fund s are re quired to be used fo r tran spmiation purpo ses . Revenue in thi s f und increased $73 ,744 (4%) in fi scal year 2006 with an inc rease in state shared revenu es. Special Revenue (comi and grants) as we ll a s non-ge nera l obligation debt se r v ice are a lso includ ed within thi s group. Budgetary highlights The Town's annua l budget is the lega ll y adopted ex p enditure contro l doc ument of the Town. Budgetary com pari son statements are required for the General Fund and all m ajor special rev enue fund s and may be found on page 36. This statement compares the original adopted budget, the budget if amended throughout the fi scal year, and the actua l expenditures prepared on a bud getary basis . The Town d id not amend its budget durin g the fisca l year. 24 General Fund revenues of $17 .7 million, on a budgetary basis , exceeded budgeted revenues by $1.8 million whi le budgetary basis expenditures of $12.6 million were only 87% of budgeted expend itures (savings of $1.9 million). The excess of revenues over budgeted revenues is primarily due to better than expected construction related activity, for both building pem1its and local sales tax revenues , primarily from condominium construction. The expenditure savings were derived from withholdin g a sales tax refund claim included in the budget that is being litigated and included in the FY06-07 budget. Other savings were due to the early payoff of a development agreement with the Target shoppi n g Center. Addit ionally , an appropriation was included for a claim by the old Town Hall landlord for rent and property taxes that is also canied over to the cunent fiscal year. Capital asset and debt administration The Town's capital assets for its govenm1ental activities as of June 30 , 2006 amount to $48.5 million (net of accumu lated depreciation), a net increase from 2005 of 4.3%. For govenm1ent- wide financial statement presentation, a ll depreciable capital assets were depreciated from acquisition date to the end of the current fiscal year. Fund financial statements record capital asset purchases as expe nditures . See Note 3 in the Notes to the Basic Financial Statements for further information regarding capital assets . Capita l assets include land, buildings and improvements, machinery and equipment, roads and improvements, vehicles, office and computer equipment. During fiscal year 2005-2006 the annual depreciation expense was $1,127 ,927 . T he following table provides a comparison of current and prior year capital assets. Land Con struction in progress Buildin gs and improvements Town ofFountain Hil ls, Ari zona Capita l As sets (Net) June 30, 2006 and 2005 Governmental Activities 2006 2005 $ 23,57 1,668 $ 23 ,571 ,668 6,695 ,892 16 ,448,465 9,128 ,812 Improvements other than buildings 6 ,71 1,069 5,814 ,099 Infrastructure 870,250 483,162 Furniture, machinery and equ ipment 690,231 460,889 Vehicles 227.847 370.023 $ 48.519.530 $ 46.524.545 25 Percent Change % 80 .2 15.4 80.1 49.8 (38.4) 4.3% Long-term debt The Town 's outstanding non-cunent liabilities, including bonds and compensated absences, were $26 million at June 30, 2006, all in governmental activities. The Town's outstanding debt decreased $1.9 million in fiscal year 2006. The Town issued $17M in refunding General Obligation and Municipal Property bonds in June and July, 2005 in order to take advantage of the more attractive interest rates. At the end of the cmTent fiscal year, the Town of Fountain Hills had total long-term obligations outstanding of $26 million. Of the outstanding debt, $8.4 million is General Obligation bonds backed by the full faith and credit of the Town. All other outstanding debt is sec ured by pl edges of specific revenue sources of the Town. The State imposes certain debt limitations on the Town of six percent (6%) and twenty percent (20%) of the outstanding seco ndruy net assessed valuation of the Town. The Town's available debt margin at June 30,2006 is $19.8 million in the 6% capacity and $68.0 million in the 20% capacity. Additional infonnation on the debt limitations and capacities may be found in the statistical section ofthis report (page 89). The following schedule shows the outstanding debt of the Town (both current and long-term) as of June 30, 2005 and 2006. Further detail on the Town's outstanding debt may be found in Note 3.C. on pages 48-50. Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Outstanding Debt General Obligation Debt Highway User Revenue Bonds Special Assessment Debt Community Facilities District Debt Municipal Property Corporation Debt Compensated Absences June 30, 2006 and 2005 Governmental Activities 2006 2005 $ 8,434,328 $ 9,607,162 455,000 540,000 9,681 12,909 4,415,000 4,455,000 12 ,434,014 13,108,935 217 983 184.579 $ 25,966.006 $ 27.908.585 Percent Change (12.2)% (15. 7) (25.0) (0.9) (5.1) 18 .1 (7.0)% The Town cuiTently maintains a rating on its general obligation debt of Aa3 from Moody's Investor Services. 26 Economic factors and next year's budgets and rates The regional ec onomy remain s strong, fu e le d by the rea l es tate market , strong popu l at ion growth a nd inc reased personal income. Within Fountain Hill s, the Town remain s depe ndent on state share d re ven ue s (29%) and lo cal sa les taxes for re so urces (44%) that are se nsitive to eco nomic downturns and le gis lative appropr iations. Fountain Hill s' economic activity is fue led primarily by the construction industry as development of custom homes continues before build-out is reach ed. The budget for fi sca l year 2005-2006 includes re so urce s target ed towards econ om ic development in the do wntown area (Avenu e of the Fountains). A pmiion ofthe local sa les tax is segregated and intended to focus on deve loping the downtow n area to promote economic development. Financial contact This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the Town's fin ances for all of those w ith an interest in govenunent's finances and to de monstrate accou ntabili ty for the use of public fund s. Questions about any of the information provided in thi s report , or requests for additional financial information should be ad dre ssed to: Town of Fountain Hill s Finance Depruiment 16705 E. Avenue ofthe Fountain s Fountain Hills, AZ 85 26 8 27 Or vi sit our website at: http:/ /www.fh.a z .gov THIS PAGE BLANK 28 Basic Financial Statements 29 Assets Cash and eq ui va lents Cash with paying agent Receivab les, net Accounts receivable T axes rece i vab le TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS JUNE 30, 2006 Intergovernmental receivable Special assessments receivable In ventories Prepaid items Deferred charges Capital assets Non-depreciable Depreciable (ne t) Tota l assets Liabilities Accounts payable Contracts payab le Inte res t payable Deposits payabl e Due to deve lopers and CFD Matured debt p rin cipal payab le Noncurrent li ab iliti es Due withi n one year Due in more than one year Total l iabilities Net assets Invested in capital asse ts, net of re lated debt Restricted for Publ ic safety Hi g hways and streets Deb t service Capita l outl ay Other Un restri c te d Tota l ne t a ssets Governmental Activities $ 19,452,083 2 ,578,729 48 1,320 28,754 1,59 1,418 4,108 12 ,444 1,949 430,877 23 ,57 1,668 24.947.862 73.101.2 12 1,930,24 3 6 1,142 586,562 22,000 263 ,994 1,9 65 ,000 1,968,496 23.997.5 10 30.794.947 20,806,507 163 ,082 1,102 ,905 1,098,447 9,396,266 685,447 9.053.6 11 $ 42.306.265 Th e notes t o the financia l statements are a n in tegr a l patt of th is statement. 30 Functions/Programs Governmental activities General government Public safety Highways and streets Culture and recreation Community deve lopment Intere st on long-term debt Totals TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Fees, Fines and Expenses $ 3,875,014 $ 5,403 ,620 1,581 ,068 2,576,406 1,812,469 1.297.119 $ 16.545.696 $ General revenues Taxes Sales taxes Property taxes Franchise taxes Charges for Services 4,029 ,437 - 16,881 65,798 21.147 4.133.263 Program Revenues Operating Grants and Contributions $ 336,584 1,686,091 - - $ 2.022.675 State revenue sharing-unre stricted State sales tax revenue shari ng -unrestricted Auto lieu tax rev enue sharing -unrestricted investment earnings Other Total general revenues Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year Capital Grants and Contributions $ - - - - - - $ The notes to the fmancial statements are an integral part of this statement. 3 I Net (Expenses) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets Totals $ 154,423 (5,067,036) 12l,904 (2 ,51 0,608) ( 1 ,812,469) ( 1.275.972) (I 0.389. 758) 11 ,007.924 1,648,947 314,359 2,244,159 2,170,940 974,452 673 ,351 200.921 19.235.053 8,845,295 33.460.970 $ 42.306.265 Assets Cash and eq u ivalents Cash with paying agent Accoun ts receivable Taxes rece ivable Intergovernmental receivable Special assessments receivable In ve ntories Prepaid items Total assets Liabilities a nd F und Bala n ces Liabilities Accounts payable Contracts payable Intere st payable Deferred revenue Deposits payable Due to developers and C FD Matured debt principal payable T otal liabi litie s Fund balances Reserved for inventories Reserved for prepaid items Unreserved Unreserved, re ported in n onmaj or Special revenue funds Debt service funds T otal fund balances Total liabilities and fu nd balances TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE 30, 2006 General Municip al Obl igation Property Development Capital General Debt Service CO!J20ra ti on Fees Projects $ 5,938 ,981 $ 205,962 $ 7 14,652 $ 3 ,187,877 $ 7,096,786 1,293 ,429 960,566 3 13 ,083 11 ,929 8 ,541 I, 188 ,570 25,601 12,444 1.949 $ 7.466.956 $ 1.533 .533 $ 1.675.2 18 $ 3.187.877 $ 7 ,0 96.786 $ 72 1,778 $ 648 $ 5,249 $ 278,849 $ 288,406 61 ,142 2 18,429 268 ,399 192,930 37,109 22,000 160,000 1.075 .000 665.000 936.708 1.331.186 938.648 438 849 349.548 12,444 1,949 6,515 ,855 202,347 736,570 2,749,028 6, 747,238 6.530.248 202.347 736.570 2.749 .028 6.747.23 8 $ 7.466.956 $ 1.533.533 $ 1.675.2 18 $ 3.187.877 $ 7.096.786 The note s to the financial statements are an integral part of thi s stateme nt . 32 Nonmajor Governm ental Funds T otals $ 2,307,825 $ 19 ,452,083 324,734 2,578,729 168 ,237 48 1,320 8,284 28,754 377,247 1,59 1,4 18 4,108 4,108 12,444 1.949 $ 3.190.435 $ 24.150.805 $ 635,3 13 $ 1,930,243 6 1,142 99,734 586,562 15,430 245,469 22,000 103 ,994 263 ,994 225.000 1.965.000 1.079.47 1 5.074.4 10 12,444 1,949 16,95 1,038 1,95 1,434 1,95 1,434 159.5 30 159.530 2.110.964 19 .076.395 $ 3.190.435 $ 24.150.805 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA RECONCILIATION OF THE BALANCE SHEET TO THE STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS J UNE 30, 2006 Fund balances -tota l go vernm ental funds Amounts repo rted for governmental acti vities in the statement of net assets are different because: Property taxes and special assessments not collected within 60 d ays s ubseq uent to fisca l year-end are deferred in the govem mental fi.mds. Capital assets used in governmental activitie s are not financia l re so urces and therefore are not reported in the government al funds. Governmental capit al assets Less accumulated depreciation Capital assets used in govern mental activities Other long-term assets are not avail ab le to pay for current-period expenditures and are no t s usceptib le to accrual. Long-term li abiliti es, including bonds payab le, are not due and payable in the current period an d therefore are not repo1ied in the governmental funds. General obligation bonds Reven ue bonds Special assessme nt debt with government commitment Community facili ti es d istrict bonds payable Defe rred amount on the refunding Defe1Ted amount on the bond premium Deferred issuance cost s Compensated absences Net assets of governm ental act iv ities The notes to the financial statem ents are an integra l patt of th is stat ement. 33 $ $ 19,076,395 55 ,700 55,656,739 (7.137.209) 48.5 19.530 189 ,769 (I 0,055,000) ( 12 ,3 I 0,000) (9,681) (4 ,4 15,000) 1,165,672 (124 ,0 14) 430 ,8 77 (217.983) 42.306.265 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Genera l Municipal Non major Ob li gation Property Development Capital Govemmental General Debt Service Coq~oration Fees Proj ects Funds Rev enues Taxes Sales taxes $ 8 ,786,172 $ $ $ $ 528,225 $ 1,693,527 $ Property ta'l:es 1,325,58 1 346,012 Franchi se taxes 314,359 Intergovernmental 5,389,55 1 2 ,022,675 Fi nes and forfei tures 2 14 ,008 2 1,042 Licenses and penn its 1,9 18 ,107 Charges for services 251 ,538 1,424,706 12 ,802 Rents an d royalties 255,527 Special assessments 21 ,147 Investment earnin gs 303,834 29,37 1 34,658 11 3,870 105,176 86,442 Oth er 228.450 1.036 4.079 Total Revenues 17.661.546 1.355.9 88 34.658 1.538.576 633.40 1 4.207.726 Expenditures Current Genera l government 3 ,507,216 12,415 649,649 289,903 Public safety 5,203 ,208 5,562 Hi ghways and streets 413 ,595 1,708 ,39 1 Cu lture and recreation 2 ,040,788 542,35 1 959,92 1 64,690 Community development 1,8 12,469 Debt Serv ice Principa l retirement 1,075,000 665 ,000 228,228 Interest on long-term debt 444,420 546,576 201,418 Issuance costs 232,762 Advance refund ing escrow 300.000 Total Expenditures 12.563.68 1 1.519.420 1.2 11.5 76 973.923 1.609.570 3.025.392 Excess (defi ciency) of rev enues over expenditures 5.097.865 ( 16 3.432) (1.176 .918) 564.653 (976.169) 1.182.334 Other financing sources (uses) Transfe rs in 1,652 ,2 40 7,723,407 77 1,0 16 Totals 11,007,924 1,67 1,593 3 14 ,359 7,4 12,226 235 ,050 1,9 18,107 1,689,046 255 ,527 2 1,147 673 ,35 1 233.565 25.43 1.895 4 ,459,183 5 ,208,770 2,12 1,986 3 ,607, 750 I ,8 12,469 1,968,228 1,192,414 232,762 300.000 20.903.562 4 .52 8 .333 10 ,146,663 Transfers out (7 ,650,060) (17 ,062) (244 ,850) (2,234,69 1) (I 0 , 146,663) Issuance o f refunding debt 4 ,555,000 4 ,555 ,000 Pay me n t to refunded debt e scrow agen t (4.338.78 1) (4.338.78 1) Tota l other finan ci ng sources (uses) (7 .650.060) 1.635.178 (244.850) 7.723.407 ( 1.24 7.456) 216.219 Net change in fund balances (2,552, 195) ( 163 ,432) 458,260 3 19 ,803 6 ,747 ,238 (65 ,122) 4 ,744 ,552 Fu n d balances , beginning of year 9.082.443 3 65.77 9 278 .3 10 2.429.225 2.176.086 14.33 1.843 Fun d balances, end of year $ 6.530.248 $ 202.347 $ 736.570 $ 2.749.028 $ 6.747.238 $ 2.1 10.964 $ 19.076.395 The note s to the financial statements are an integral patt of thi s statement. 34 TOWN OF FO UNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA RECONCILIATION OF THE STATEMENT OF REVENUES , EX PENDITURES, AN D C HANGES IN FUND BALANCES TO THE STATEMEN T OF ACTIVITIES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDE D JUNE 30, 2006 Net ch ange in f und bal ances -t otal gove rnmen ta l fu nds Amounts reported for governmental activ iti es in the stateme nt of act ivities are di fferent because: Governmental fund s report cap ital outl ays as ex p enditures. However, in the statement of act ivities the cost of those asset s is allocated over their esti mate d u seful li ves a nd reported as d epreciation ex pen se. Expend itures for capital a ssets Less c urrent year deprec iati on Excess capita l ex pe nditures over d eprec iation Some revenues re po rted in the st atement o f activ iti es do not p rovid e curre nt fin anc ia l reso urces and the refo re are not reported as revenu es in governmental fund s. C ourt fin es Property taxes T he issuan c e of long-term debt (e.g. bonds, leases) provid es current financial resources to governmental funds, wh il e the repayment of th e p rinci pa l o f long-term debt consumes t he curre nt financ ial resources of governmental fund s. Neither tran sa cti on, howeve r, has a ny effect o n ne t asset s. The issuance of long- term debt in creases lo ng-te rn1 li ab iliti es o n th e statement of n et assets a nd the repayment of princ ipal o n long-tenn debt reduces long-te rm d ebt o n th e statement of net assets. Also, governmenta l fun ds report th e effect of issuan ce costs, premiums, di scounts, and simil ar ite ms wh e n the debt is first issued, w he reas these it ems are deferred and a morti zed over t he t erm o f th e lo ng -t erm debt in th e statement of acti v it ies. Principal payments o n lon g-term deb t Issu ance costs Proceed s o f ref unding debt issuance P ayment to refun ded debt escrow agent Amortizatio n of issuance costs Amortization of deferred amount on th e premium and th e refunding Some expenses reported in the statement o f activ iti es do not require the use of current fin a ncial reso urces and therefore a re not reported as ex penditures in the governmenta l fu nds. Net in c rease in compensated ab sences Change in net a ssets of governme ntal acti vi t ies The not es to the financia l statements are an integra l part of this stateme nt. 35 $ 4,744,5 52 3,122 ,9 12 ( 1.1 27.927) 1.994.985 ( 18,2 58) (22 ,646) 1,968 ,228 232,762 ( 4,555 ,0 00) 4,638 ,7 8 1 (28 ,679) (76 ,026) (33.404) $.====:f8~. 8::;45;;,;;. 2f:::!9~5 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HIL LS, ARIZONA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES , EXPENDITURES , AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR T HE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Original and Final Variance with Final Budget Actual Budget Revenues Taxes $ 8,092,000 $ 9, I 00 ,53 1 $ 1,008,53 1 I ntergovemme nt a l 4,975,159 5,389,551 414,392 Fines and forfeitures 236,240 2 14,008 (22,232) Licen ses and permits 1,775,165 1,9 18,107 142,942 Charges for servic es 318,450 25 1,538 (66,9 12) Rents and royalti es 227,002 255 ,527 28 ,525 Investment earnings 130,000 303,834 173,834 Other 102.148 228.450 126.302 Total Rev enu es 15.856.164 17.661.546 1.805.382 Expendi t ures Current General govemment Mayor and Town Counci l I 10 ,663 79,268 3 1,395 Magistrate Co urt 362,275 340,29 1 2 1,984 General and Administrative 1,284,308 1,265 ,041 19,267 In formation Technology 36 1,455 330,206 3 1,249 Operati onal Support 2.70 1.0 17 1.492.4 10 1.208.607 Total genera l govemment 4.819.718 3.507.2 16 1.3 12.502 Publi c safety Building Safe ty 652,845 583 ,804 69,04 1 Law Enforcement 1,903 ,894 1,907,0 I 5 (3 , 12 1) Fire Department 2.698.593 2. 712.389 (13.796) Total public safety 5.255.332 5.203.208 52.124 Culture and recreation Parks and Recreation 597,714 557,235 40,479 Desert V ista Park 87,250 38,069 49,18 1 Go lden Eagle Park 396,620 40 1,743 (5 ,123 ) Foun ta in Park 362,700 275 ,442 87,258 Four P eaks /Pal isades Court 225,390 193,6 19 3 1,77 1 Co mmunity Center 484,824 44 1,75 1 43 ,073 Sen ior Services 174.400 132 .929 4 1.4 71 Total cu lture and recreation 2.328.898 2.040.788 288.11 0 Community deve lopment Planning an d Zoning 742 ,240 745 ,675 (3 ,435) Public Works 1.36 1.804 1.066.794 295.0 10 T otal co mmunity deve lopment 2.104.044 1.8 12.469 291.575 Total Expenditures 14.507.992 12.563.68 1 1.944.3 11 Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures 1.348.172 5.097 .865 3.749.693 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers out ( 1.348.172) {7.650.060) ( 6.30 1.888) Total other financ ing sources (uses) ( 1.348.172) (7.650.060) (6.30 1.888) Net change in fund balan ces (2 ,552, 19 5) (2 ,552, 195) Fund ba lances, beginning of yea r 6.392.523 9.082.443 2.689.920 Fund balances, e nd of year $ 6.392.523 $ 6.530.248 $ 137.725 T he notes to the financial statements are an integra l part of this statement. 36 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 NOTE 1 -SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accompanying basic financial statements of the Town of Fountain Hills, Ari zona (Town) have been prepared in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles applicable to govenm1ental units adopted by the Govenm1ental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). A smmnary of the Town's more significant accounting policies follows. A. Reporting entity The Town is a municipal govenunent that is governed by a separately elected governing body. It is legally separate from and fiscally independent of other state and lo cal goverru11ents . The accompanying financial statements present the Town and its component units, entities for which the Town is considered to be financially accountable. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the Town's operations. Included within the reporting entity: The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District and the Cottonwoods Improvement District. As special purpose districts and separate political subdivisions under the Arizona Constitution, the Districts can levy taxes and issue bonds independently of the Town. Property owners in the designated areas are assessed for District taxes and thus for the costs of operating the Districts. The Town Council serves as the Board of Directors; however, the Town has no liability for the Districts' debt. For financial reporting purposes, transactions of the Districts are combined together and included as if they were pari of the Town's operations. A separately issued annual financial repmi was issued for the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District and is available at Town Hall. Town of Fountain Hills , Arizona Municipal Property Corporation. The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Municipal Prope1iy Corporation's (MPC) board of directors consists of three members which m·e appointed by the Fountain Hills Town Council. The MPC, which is a nonprofit corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Arizona, was formed for the sole purpose of assisting the Town in obtaining financing for various projects of the Town. The Town has a "moral obli gation" for the repayment of the MPC's bonds. For financial reporting purposes, transactions of the MPC are combined together and included as if they were pmi ofthe Town's operations. 37 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 B. Government-wide and fund financial statements The government-wide financial statements (i.e ., the statement of net assets and the statement of activities) rep01i inforn1ation on a ll of the nonfiduciary activities of the primary govermnent and its component units. The effect of interfund activity has been removed from these statements. Governmental activities are normally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. Program revenues include 1) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment and 2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not properly included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds. Major individual govemmental funds are rep01ied as separate colurm1s in the fund basi c financial statements. C. Measurement focus, basis of accounting, and fmancial statement presentation The goverrunent-wide financial statements are rep01ied using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting . Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is incuned, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Property taxes are recognized as revenues in the year for which they are levied. Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current .financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized as soon as they are both measurable and available. Revenues are considered to be available when they are collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose , the Town considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incuned, as under accrual accounting, except expenditures related to compensated absences and claims and judgments, which are recorded only when payment is due. However, since debt service resources are provided during the current year for payment of long-tern1 principal and interest due early in the following year, the expenditures and related liabilities have been recognized in the Debt Service Fund. 38 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FIS CAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Propetty taxes, intergovenm1ental g rants and aid, and interest associated with the current fisca l period are a ll con sid er ed to be s usce ptibl e to accrual and so have been recognized as revenues of the cunent fiscal p eriod . A ll other revenue items are cons idere d to be meas urabl e and a vailabl e onl y when cash i s r ece ived by the govern ment. T he Town repmts the following major governmental fund s: The General Fund is the Town's prima ry operating fund . It accounts for all financial r eso urces of the Town, except tho se required to be accounted fo r in another fund. The General Obligation Debt Service Fu nd accounts fo r th e To wn's propetty tax r evenues received to pay the d ebt se r vice of the Town's general obli gation bonds. The Municipal Property Co rp oration Debt (MPC) Service Fund accounts for the r evenue s received to pay the debt se rv ice on MPC revenu e bond s . The Developm ent Fees Fund accounts for development fees coll ected from developers restricted for proj ects approved by the Town Council. The Capital Projects Fund account s for the Capital improvements to vari ous projects ofthe Town. As a general rul e the effect of inte rfund ac ti vity has been eliminated f rom the govenunent-wide fin anc ia l statements. H owever , services provided and u sed are not e li minated in the pro cess of co n solidation. Amounts reported as prog ram revenues include 1) fees, fi nes and char ges for ser vices, 2) operating grants and co ntributions, and 3) capital g rants a nd contributions. Internally d edi cated re sources a re reported a s gen er al revenues rather than as program r evenue s . Likewise, ge neral revenues include all taxes. When both re stricted an d unrestricted resources are avail ab le for use, for goverrunental activiti es, it is the Town's policy to use restricted re so urc es first, then unrestricted r eso urces as they are need ed. 39 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 , 2006 D. Assets, liabilities, and net assets or equity 1. Deposits and investments The Town's cash and cash equivalents are considered to be cash on hand , demand d eposits, cash and investments held by the State Treasurer, and hi ghly liquid investments with maturities oftlu·ee months or less from the date of acquisition. Cash and investments are pooled except for funds required to be he ld by fiscal agents or restricted under provisions of bond ind entures. Interest eamed from investments purchased with s uch pooled monies is allocated to each of the fund s based on the average da il y cash balances . State statutes authorize the Town to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury and U.S. agencies, certificates of deposit in eligible d epositories, repurchase agreements, obligations of the State of Arizona or an y of its counties or incorporated cities, towns or duly organized sc hool district s, improvement district s in tllis state and the State Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool. Investments are state d at fa ir value. 2. Receivables All trade and property taxes receivables are shown net of an allowance for uncoll ec tible s . Maricopa County levies real property taxes on or before the third Monday in August that become due and payable in two equal installments. The first in stallm ent is due on the first day of October and becomes del inquent after the first bu siness day of November. The second installment is due on the first da y of March of the next year and becomes delinquent after the first business day of May. However , a lien against rea l and personal property assessed attach es on the first day of January preceding assessment and levy thereof. 3. Short-term interfund receivables/payables During the course of operations, individua l funds wi tllin the Town's pooled cash accounts may bonow money from the other funds within the poo l on a short-term basis. These receivables and payables are class ified as "due from other f und s " or "due to other funds" on the ba lance sheet of the fund financial statements and are eliminated in the preparation of th e govemment-wid e fin ancial statements . 4. Inventories and prepaid items Inventories consist of exp endabl e s uppli es held for consumption. Inventories are valued at cost using the fir st-in/first-o ut (FIFO) method. Inventories of gove nunental funds are recorded as expenditure s when consumed rather than when purchased. 40 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 , 2006 Cetiain payments to vendors reflect costs applicable to future accounting periods and are recorded as prepaid items in both goverrunent-wide and fund financial statements . 5. Capital assets Capital assets, which include property, plant, and equipment, are reported in the governmental activities column in the govenm1ent-wide financial statements. Capital assets are defined by the Town as assets with an initial, individual cost of more than $10,000 and an estim ated useful life in excess of one year. Propetiy, plant and equipment purchased or acquired is canied at historical cost or estimated historical cost. Contributed assets are recorded at fair market valu e as of the date received. Additions, improvements and other capital outlays that significantly extend the useful life of an asset are capitalized. Other costs incurred for repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. General infrastructure assets acquired prior to July 1, 2002 are not repmied in the basic financial statements . Those assets wi ll be transitioned in over the next two fisca l years in accordance with GASB Statement No. 34. Depreciation on all assets is provided on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: Buildings and improvements Improvements other than buildings Infrastructure Furniture, machinery and equipment Vehicles 6. Compensated absences 50 years 20 years 50 years 5 years 5 years The liability for compensated absences reported in the government-wide statements consists of unpaid, accumulated l eave balances. The liability has been calculated using the vesting method , in which leave amounts for both emplo yees who currently are eligible to receive tennination payments and other employees who are expected to become eligible in the future to receive such payments upon termination are included. 41 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HIL LS, ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FIS CAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2 006 7. Long-term obligations In the govenunent-wid e financial statement s, lon g-tenn debt and other long-tem1 obligations are reported as li abilities in the applicable governmenta l activities. Bond premiums and di scount s, as we ll as issu ance costs, are de fened and a morti ze d over the li fe of the bonds using the straight line method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. Bond issuance costs are reported as deferred charges and ammtized over the term of the re lated d eb t. The Town did not have ·any premiums, discounts or iss uance costs re lated to any outstanding bonds. In the fund financial st atements , govenm1ental fund types recognize bond premiums and disc ounts , as well as bond issuance cos ts, durin g the cunent p eriod . The face amount of debt iss ued is repmted as other financing source s. Premiums rec eive d on debt iss uances are reported as other financing sources w hile discounts on debt issuances are reported as other financ ing u ses . Iss uance costs, whether or not withheld from the actual d ebt proceeds receive d, are repmted as debt service expenditures. 8. Net assets In th e goverrunent-wide financial st ate ments, net assets are repmted in tlu·ee categories: net assets inve sted in capital assets, net of related debt ; re stri cte d n et assets; and umestricted net assets. Net assets invested in capital assets, net of related debt is separat ely repmted because the Town repo rts all Town assets which make up a signifi cant pmiion of tot al net assets. Restricted n et assets account for the portion of net assets res trict ed by parties outside the Tow n. Um estri cted n et assets are the remaining net assets not included in the previous two categories. 9. Fund equity In th e fund financial statements , govenm1 ental funds report reservations of fund bal ance for amounts that are not availab le for appro pri ation or are legally restricted by outside parties for use for a specific purpo se. Designations of fund balance represent tentati ve management plans that are subject to change. 42 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 NOTE 2-STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE, AND ACCOUNTABILITY A. Budgetary information The Town Council follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements : 1. In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes, the Town Manager submits a proposed budget for the fiscal year conm1encing the following July 1 to the Town Council. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them for the upcoming year. 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comment. 3. State law requires that, prior to April 1, the Economic Estimates commission provides the Town with a final expenditure limit for the coming fiscal year. To ensure compliance with the expenditure limitation, a uniform expenditure report must be filed with the State each year. This repmi, issued under a separate cover, reconciles total Town expenditures from the basic financial statements to total expenditures for repmiing in accordance with the State's uniform expenditure repotiing system (A.R.S. §41-1279.07). 4. By Arizona Constitution, expenditures may not legally exceed the expenditure limitation described below of all fund types as a whole. For management purposes , the Town adopts a budget by depmiment for the General Fund and in total by fund for other funds . The Town Manager, subject to Town Council approval, may at any time transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or pmiion thereof between departments. The adopted budget cannot be amended in a11y way without Town Council approval. 5 . Legal budgets are adopted for the Ge neral , Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds on essentiall y the same modified accrual basis of accounting used to record actual revenues and expenditures, with the exception of the Criminal Enhm1cement Justice Fund and Capital Projects Fund for which a budget was not prepm·ed. The Town is subject to the State of Arizona's Spending Limitation Law for Towns and Cities. This law does not permit the Town to spend more than budgeted revenues plus the can-yover umestricted cash balance from the prior fiscal year. The limitation is applied to the total of the combined funds. The Town complied with this law during the year. 43 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARJZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUN E 30, 2 006 No supplementary budgetary appropriations were necessary during the year. B. Excess of expenditures over appropriations Expenditures exceeded appro pri ations in the following funds: General Fund : Law Enforcement Fire Depatiment Golden Eagle Park Plmming and Zoning General O bli gations Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Local Comi Enhan cem ent Fund Eagle Mountain Debt Service Fund Amount of Over expenditure $ 3,12 1 13,796 5,123 3,435 136,420 312,070 4,950 193,10 5 During the fiscal year 200 5-06, th e Town refin an ce d Ge neral Obligation bo nd s for long-term sav in gs; the tran saction resulted in cos ts of issuance over an d abo ve the bud get for ammal debt serv ice interest. Capital impro vements for the Downtown area were anticipated to be expended within the Exci se Tax Fund; ho wever , the project was tra ns fened to th e Capital Projects Fund , acco unting for the overexpenditure. Cash was available to cover all of the overexpenditures li sted abo ve. 44 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 NOTE 3-DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS A. Assets 1. Deposits and investments Deposits and investments at June 30, 2006 con si st of the following: Deposits Cash on h and Cash in bank Cash on deposit with paying agent Investments Money Market Mutual Fund U.S. Govenunent Securities State Treas urer's Investment Pool Cash on deposit with Trustee Total cash and investments Cash on deposit with paying agent Total cash and equivalents $ 4,594 147,469 2,578,729 396,468 8,751 18 ,790,807 103 994 22,030,812 (2.578.729) $ 19,4 52.083 Deposits -The Town's deposits at June 30, 2006, were entirely covered by federa l depo s itory insurance or by coll ater a l he ld by the Town's custodial bank in the Town's name. The Town's deposits are not subject to custodial credit risk. Investments -The State Board of Deposit provides oversight for the State Treasurer's pools, and the Local Govenunent Investment Pool Advisory Conunittee provides consultation and advice to the Treasurer. The fair value of a participant's position in the pool approximates the value of that patticipant's pool s hares. The shares are not identified with specific investments and are not subject to custodial credit risk. In addition, the money market mutual fund is not s ubject to custodial credit risk. All other investments of the Town are uninsured and umegistered with the securities held by the counterpruty's trust department or agent in the Town's nan1e. Interest rate risk. In accordance with its investment policy, t he govemment manages its exposure to declines in fair value by limiting the average maturity of its investments to less than one year. 45 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDE D JUNE 30, 2006 Cus todial credit risk. The U.S . Govenunent Securities and the State Treasurer's Investment Pool are not subj ect to the custodial cr edit ri sk; the investment in the State Treasurer's Investment Poo l and the U.S. Government securi ties are not given a quality cred it rating by a nationa l cre dit r ating agency. The mo ney market mutual funds are inves ted in Fmmie Mae Sec uriti es and ha ve a AAA Stan d ard and Poor's rating . The a mount deposited with the Trustee represe nts the Jul y 1 principal and interest payments due on outstanding bond s. The inves tment does not pose m1y custodial cred it risk as the funds are invested for less than one day to make the required prin cipal and interest payments. Concentrations of credit risk. The Town's investm ent policy does not allow the Town to invest in securiti es that are not ins ured , umegistered or backed by U.S. government securiti es. 2. Receivables Court fines are recorded net of uncoll ec tible atnounts in the govenunent-wid e statements and are r ecord ed as a r ece ivabl e and a deferred revenue in the fund financia l state m ents because the comi fin es did not m eet the reve nu e recognition cri teria under the modified acc ru al bas is of accountin g. T he total receivable at June 30, 2006 was $237,21 1, which was r educe d by $47 ,442 for unco ll ectible amounts resulting in a net rec eivab le balance at June 30,2006 of$189 ,769. Govenunental fund s repmi deferre d revenue in cmmection with receivab les for revenues that ar e not con sidered to be avai labl e to liqu idate li abi liti es of the cunent period. Govenm1enta l funds also defer revenue recogniti on in cmmection w it h resources that h ave been re ce ive d, but not ye t earned . At the end of the cmT ent fisca l year, the vari o us components of deferre d revenue reporte d in the governmental funds were as fo ll ows: Delinqu ent prope1iy taxes rece iva bl e (Ge neral F und) DefeiTed court r evenu e (General Fund) Deli nquent property taxes receivab le (General Obligation Debt Serv ice F und ) Delinquent property taxes receivable (Nonmajor Govenm1 e ntal Funds) Specia l assess ments receivab le (No nmaj or Government a l F und s) 46 Unava il ab le $ 3,16 1 189 ,769 37,109 10,948 4 48 2 $ 245.469 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 3. Capital assets Capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 2006 was as follows: Beginning Balances In creases Decreases Governmental Activities: Cap ital assets not being depreciated: Land $ 23 ,571 ,668 $ $ Constru ction in progress 6,695 .892 959.92 1 (7,655 .813) Total capital assets, not being depreciated 30,267,560 959,921 (7,655,813) Cap ital assets being depreciated: Buildings and improvements 10 ,098,933 7,655,8 13 Improvements other than buildings 8,390,993 1,3 19 ,867 Infrastructure 521,8 19 397,525 Furniture, machinery and equipment 1,5 18,647 35 1,978 Vehicles l, 735,875 93 ,621 Total capita l assets being depreciated 22,266,267 9.818,804 Less accumulated depreciation for: Buildings and improvements (970, 121) (336, 160) Improvements other than buildings (2 ,576,894) (422,897) Infrastructure (38,657) (10,437) Furniture, machinery a nd equipment (1,057,758 ) (122,636) Vehicles (1.365 ,852) (235.797) Total accumul ated depreciation (6.009.282 ) (1,127.927) Total capital assets, being dept·eciated, net 16.256,985 8,690,877 Govemmental activities E nding Balances $ 23 ,571 ,668 23,571,668 17,754,746 9,7 10 ,8 60 9 19 ,344 1,870,625 1.829.496 32.085,071 (1,306,281) (2,999' 791) (49,094) (1,180 ,394) (1.601.649) (7.137.209) 24,947,862 capital assets, net $ 4635243545 $ 936503798 $ (736553813) $ 4835193530 47 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Depreciation expense was ch ar ged to functions /programs as fo ll ows: Governmental activities: General govenm1ent Public safety Highways and streets Culture and r ecreation $ 191 ,894 251 ,873 88,504 595.656 Total deprec iation expense-govenunental activities $ 1 J 27.927 B. Interfund transfers Interfun d transfers for the year ended June 30, 2006 consisted of the following: Transfer In Nonmajor MPC Debt Cap ital Governmen tal Transfers Out Se rvice Fu nd Projects Fund Funds Tota l Genera l Fund $ 387,000 $ 6 ,659,192 $ 603,868 $ 7,650,060 MPC Debt Service Fund 17 ,062 17 ,062 Deve lopment Fees Fund 244,850 244,850 Nonmajor Governmenta l Funds 1.265.240 819.365 150 ,086 2.234,69 1 $ 1.652.240 $ 7,723,407 $ 771.0 16 $ I 0, 146 1663 The General Fund transfer of$6,659,192, the Development Fees transfer of$244,850 and t he Nomnajor Govenm1ental Funds transfer of $8 19,365 to the Capital Projects Fund were recorded to subsidize the completion of Town Hall faci lity and to subsidize future proj ects . The transfers of $603,86 8 from the Genera l Fund and $17,062 from the MPC D ebt Service Fund to the Nonmajor Govenunental Funds was recorded to reimburse certain expenditures and su bsid ize street improvements. The tr ansfers of $1,265,240 and $150,086 from the Nom11ajor Governmental Funds as well as the $387,000 from the Genera l Fund to the MPC Debt Service Fund and the Nom11ajor Govenunental Funds were recorded to make t he debt service payments during the year on outstanding bonded in debtedness. C. Long-term obligations The Town has long-term bonds and special assessments payable issued to provide funds for the acquisition and construction of major capital faci liti es. The Town has a lso issued debt to refund earlier obligations with higher interest rates. The debt is repaid by various debt service funds. Compensated absences are paid by the applicab l e fund wher e eac h employee i s regularly paid, primarily the General Fund. 48 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Special Assessment di stricts ar e cr eated only by p etition of the Town Council by property owners within the Di st rict areas. The Cottonwoods Improvement Distr ict was created so the Town co uld fund improvements . Each of the 54 homeowners within the District has been assessed taxes by the Town for repayment of the bond. In case of default, th e Town has the responsibility to cover de linquencies of special assessment bonds with other sources until foreclosure pr oceeds are received. Conununity faciliti es di stri cts (CFDs) are created only by petition to the Town Counci l by property owners w ithin t he Di strict areas. As board of directors for the Di strict, the Town Co uncil has adopted a fmmal policy that CFD debt w ill be pem1itted only when the ratio of fu ll cash value of th e District prop e1ty (pri or to improvements being install ed), when compared to proposed Di strict debt, is a minimum of 3 to 1 prior to issuance of debt and 5 to 1 or hi ghe r after construction of improvements. These r atios are verified by an appraisal paid for by the Di stri ct and admini stere d by the Town. In addition, cumulative debt of a ll CFDs cannot exceed 5 percent of the To wn's seco nd ary assessed va lu ation. Changes in long-term ob li gations for the year ended June 30, 2006 are as fo ll ows : Due w ith in Jul;i I , 2005 Increases Decreases June 301 2006 One Year Governmental Activit ies : Bonds and special assessments Genera l obligation bonds $ 11 ,2 15,000 $ $ (1,160,000) $ I 0,055,000 $ 1,090,000 Municipal Property Corporation debt 12,975,000 (665,000) 12 ,3 10,000 7 15,000 Spec ia l assessment debt wi th government co mmitment 12,909 {3,228 ) 9,681 3,228 Co mmuni ty Fac ilit ies Di s trict bonds payable 4,455.000 4.555.000 (4.595,000) 4.4 15.000 160 .000 28,657,909 4,5 55,000 (6,423,228) 26,789,68 1 1,968,228 Deferre d amount on: Refunding (1,067,838) (183,78 1) 85 ,947 (I , I 65,672) (85,947) Premium 133,935 (9,921) 124.0 14 9.92 1 Tota l bonds and special assessment debt 27,724 ,006 4 ,37 1,2 19 (6,347,202) 25,748,023 1,892,202 Other li abi lities Compensated ab sences 184 579 253.047 (219.643) 2 I 7,983 76.294 $ 27.908.585 $ 4.624.?66 $ (6 .566.845) $ 25.966.006 $ 1.968.496 49 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Debt service requirements on long-te1m debt at June 30, 2006 are as follows: Goverrunental Activities Princi12al Interest Year Ending June 30 2007 $ 1,968,22 8 $ 1,087,408 2008 2,153,227 1,005,049 2009 2,243 ,226 918,286 20 10 2,460,000 825,846 2011 2,115 ,000 728,703 20 12-16 10,4 10,000 2 ,309,750 2017-21 5.440.000 551.190 $ 26.789,681 $ 7.426.232 During the year ended June 30, 2006, the Town issued $4,555,000 in general obligation bonds with an average interest rate of 3.95 percent to advance refund $4,455,000 of outstanding general obligation bonds with an average interest rate 6.43 perce nt. The net proceeds of $4,322,238 (after payment of $232 ,762 in underwriting fees, in s urance, and other issuance costs) were used to purchase U.S. govenm1ent sec urities. Those securities were deposited in an in·ev ocable trust w ith an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service payments of the refunded general obl i gation bonds. As a result, the r efunded general obligation bonds are considered to be defeased , and the liabi lity for those bonds has been r emoved from the stat em e nt of net assets . The Town advance refunded the general obli gation bond s to reduce its total debt service payments over the next 15 year s by $996,895 and obtain ed an economic gain (i.e ., difference between the present values of the debt service payments on the old and new debt) of $790,798. NOTE 4-OTHER INFORMATION A. Risk management The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, is exposed to various ri sks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters. The Town's insurance protection is provided by the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool , of whi ch the Town is a participating member. The limit for basic coverage is for $2,000,000 per occurrence on a claims made basis. Excess coverage is for an additional $13,000,000 per occurrence on a follow fonn , claims made basis. No significant reduction in insurance coverage occmTed during the year and no settlements exceeded ins urance coverage during any of the past three fiscal year s . 50 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 The Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool is structured such that member premiums are based on an actuarial review that will provide adequate reserves to allow the Pool to m ee t it s expected financial obligations. The Pool has the authority to assess its member s additional premiums should reserves and annual premiums be insufficient to meet the Pool's obligations. The Town is also insured by Arizona Municipal Workers Compensation Fund for potential worker related accidents. B. Contingent liabilities Accumulated sick leave -Sick leave benefits provide for ordinary sick pay and are cumulative but do not vest with emp loyees and ; therefore , are not accrued. Unvested accumulated sick leave of Town employees at June 30, 2006, totaled $3 17,338 . Lawsuits -Th e Town is a defendant in various laws uits. In the opinion of the Town's attorney , the outcome of these lawsuits is not presently determinable. C. Retirement plans Defined Contribution Pension Plan All full-time employees of the Town participate in a defined contribution pension plan administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation as a 401(a) plan. The payroll for the Town employees covered by this plan the year ended June 30, 2006 was $3,240,448. The Town's total payroll was $3,613 ,982. A defined contribution pension plan provides benefits in return for services rendered , provides an individual acco unt for each participant, and specifies how contributions to the individual's account are to be determined instead of specifying the amount of benefit the individual is to receive. Under a defined contribution pension plan, the benefits a participant wi ll receive depend so le ly on the amount contributed to the participant's account, the returns earned on investment of tho se contributions, and forfeitures of other patticipant's benefits that may be allocated to such patticipant's account. All non-peace officer full-time Town employees must pm·ticipate in the pension plan from the date they m·e hired. Contributi ons made by an employee vest inunediately and co ntributions made by the Town vest after three yem·s of service. 51 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO THE BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 , 2006 An emplo yee that leaves the employment of the Town is entitled to his or her contributions and the vested pm1ion of the Town's contributions, plus interest eamed. Each employee must contribute 11% of hi s or her gro ss earnings. The Town must contribute 11% of covered earnings. During fiscal year 2005-06, the Town's required and actual contributions amounted to $356,076. The empl oyees' contributions totaled $356,449. No pension prov ision changes occmTed during t he year that affected the required contributions to be made by the Town or its employees. The ICMA Retirement Corporation held no securities of th e Town or other related pru1ies during the fiscal year 2005-06 or as ofthe close of the fiscal yeru·. 52 Combining and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules 53 THIS PAGE BLANK 54 NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highw ay User Re venue Fund (HURF) -accounts for the Town's share of motor fuel tax revenues and lottery proceeds. Excise Tax Fund-accounts for the pmiion of Town sales tax reserved by the Town Co uncil for special projects including Town beautification and economic development. Grants Fund -accounts for the activities of various grants and contributions received by the Town. Local Court Enhancement Fund -accounts for the activities of grants from the Ariz ona Supreme Court. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS HURF Debt Service -accounts for operating transfe rs rece ived from the HURF special revenue fund to pay the debt service of the Street and Highway User Revenue Bonds. Eag le Mountain Debt Service Fund -accounts for the propetiy tax revenues received to pay the debt service of the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District component unit. Cottonwoods Special Assessment -accounts for all special as sessments received to pay the debt service of the Cottonwoods Special Assessment District. 55 HURF Assets Cash and equi valen ts $ 1,3 63 ,690 Cash wi th pay in g agen t Receivables, net Accou nts receivable Taxes receivable b1tergovernmental rece iva bl e 233 ,224 Spec ial assess men ts receiv abl e Tot al assets $ 1.5969 14 Liabilities and Fun d Ba la nces Liabilities Accounts payable $ 494,009 Interest payabl e Deferred reve nue Ma tured debt principal payab le Due to deve lope rs and CF D Tota l li abi liti es 494.009 Fund balances Unreserved 1.102.905 Total fund bal ances 1.1 02.905 Total liabiliti es and fund balances $ 1.596.9 14 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HLLL S, ARIZONA COMB INING BALANCE SHEET NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE 30, 2006 SQec ial Revenue Loca l Cou rt Excise Tax Grants En hanceme nt Tota l $ 50 1,57 1 $ 2,473 $ I 78 ,880 $ 2,046,614 168 ,237 168,237 138,672 371,896 $ 640.243 $ 170.710 $ 178.880 $ 2.586.747 $ 509 $ 124,997 $ 15 ,798 $ 635,313 509 124.997 15 .798 635 .3 13 639.734 45.7 13 163.082 1.95 1.434 639.734 45.7 13 163 .082 1.951.434 $ 640.243 $ 170.7 10 $ I 78.880 $ 2.586.747 56 Debt Se rvice Eag le Cotto nwoo ds HURFDebt Mou ntai n Special Service Debt Service As sessmen t $ $ 257,094 $ 4 ,11 7 97 ,24 1 227,493 7,206 1,078 5 ,35 1 4.108 $ 97.24 1 $ 497.144 $ 9.303 $ $ $ 12 ,24 1 87 ,493 10 ,948 4,482 85,000 140 ,000 103.994 97.24 1 342.435 4.482 154.709 4.82 1 I 54.709 4.82 1 $ 97.24 1 $ 497.144 $ 9.303 Debt Service Total Non majo r Governmenta l Tota l Fu nds $ 26 1,211 $ 2,3 07 ,825 324,734 324,734 168 ,23 7 8 ,284 8,284 5 ,35 1 377,247 4.108 4.108 $ 603.688 $ 3.190.435 $ $ 635 ,3 13 99,734 99,734 15 ,430 15 ,430 225,000 225 ,000 103 994 103.994 444.158 1.0 79.47 1 159.530 2.110.964 159.530 2.11 0.964 $ 603.688 $ 3.190.435 57 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN HILLS , ARIZONA COM BIN iNG STATEMENT OF REVENUES , EXPEND ITURES , AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -NONMA JOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS FOR TH E FISCAL YEA R END ED JUNE 30, 2006 SEecial Reve nue Debt Serv ice Eag le Cottonwoods Local Co urt HURF Debt Mountain Special HURF Exc ise Tax Grants En han ce ment Total Serv ice Debt Se rvice Assess men t Revenues Taxes Sa les taxes $ $ I ,693,527 $ $ $ 1,693,527 $ $ $ Prop erty taxes 346,0 12 Int ergovern mental 1,686,09 1 336,584 2,022,675 Fin es and forfeitures 2 1,042 21,042 Charge s fo r serv ices 12,802 12,802 Special assessments 21 ,147 Inves tm ent eamings 24 ,009 34,807 3 ,245 62,061 24,380 I Ot her 4.079 4 079 To tal reven ues 1.726.981 1.728.334 336.584 24.287 3.816.186 370.392 21.148 Expendit ures Current Ge neral gove mment 107,025 147,928 34,950 289,903 Highways and streets 1,438 ,804 269,587 1,708 ,391 Culture and recreation 64 ,690 64,690 Deb t Serv ice Princip al retire ment 85 ,000 140,000 3,228 Interes t on long-term deb t 24,882 175 ,943 593 Iss uance cos ts 232,762 Advance refunding escrow 300.000 Tota l expe nditures 1.438.804 10 7.025 482,205 34 950 2.062.984 I 09.882 848.705 3.821 Excess (deficiency) of reve nues ove r expe nditures 288.177 1.62 1.309 (145.62 1} (10.663) 1.753.202 (I 09.882) (478 .3 13) 17 .327 Other finan cin g so urces (uses) Transfers in 519,869 17,062 77,6 12 614,543 106 ,473 50 ,000 Tra nsfers out (130,2 17) (2,065,240) (19,365) (2,214,822) (19 ,869) Issua nce of refundi ng de bt 4,555,000 Paymen t to refund ed deb t escrow agen t (4 .338.781) Total other fi nanci ng so urces (uses) 389.652 (2.048.178) 77.6 12 (1 9.365) ( 1.600.279) 106.473 266.2 19 (19.869) Ne t change in fu nd balances 677,829 (426 ,869) (68,009) (30,0 28) 152 ,923 (3 ,409) (2 12,094) (2 ,542) Fu nd ba lan ces, beg in ning o f yea r 425 .076 1.066.603 113 722 193 .1 10 1.798.5 11 3 409 366.803 7.363 Fund ba lances, end of yea r $ 1.1 02.905 $ 639.734 $ 45 7 13 $ 163.082 $ 1.95 1 434 $ $ 154.709 $ 4.821 58 Debt Service Total No nmaj or Gove m me ntal Tota l Fu nds $ $ 1,693 ,527 346,0 12 346,0 12 2,022,675 2 1,042 12,802 2 1,147 2 1,147 24,3 8 1 86,442 4 .079 391.540 4.207.726 289,903 1,708,39 1 64 ,690 228,228 228,228 20 1,4 18 20 1,4 18 232,762 232,762 300.000 300.000 962.408 3.025.392 (570.868) 1.182.334 156,473 77 1,0 16 (19 ,869) (2 ,234,69 1) 4,555 ,000 4 ,555,000 (4.338.781) (4.338. 78 1) 352.823 ! 1.24 7.456) (2 18,045) (65 , 122) 3 77.575 2,176.086 $ 159.530 $ 2.110.964 59 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN HILLS, ARIZO NA GENERA L OBLI GAT ION DEBT SERV ICE FUN D SC HEDULE OF REV ENUES , EXPEND ITURES, AN D C HANGES IN FUN D BALANCES -BU DGET AN D ACTUA L FOR THE FISCAL YEA R ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 O ri gi nal and Fi na l Variance with Final Bu dget Actual Bud!!e t Revenues Taxes Pro perty taxes $ 1,150,000 $ I ,325,58 1 $ 175,58 1 In vest ment earnin gs 1,400 29,37 1 27,97 1 Other 1.036 1.0 36 Tota l Revenues 1.151.400 1.355.988 204.588 Expendit ures Debt Serv ice Pri ncipa l re t ire men t 1,075 ,000 I ,0 7 5,000 Interest on long -term de bt 308.000 444.420 { 136.420) Tota l Expe ndi tures 1.383.000 1.519 420 { 136.420) Excess (de fi cie ncy) of reven ues over expend itures (23 1,600) ( 163 ,432) 68,168 Fund balances, beginn ing of year 592.020 365 779 {226.24 1) Fu nd ba lan ces, end of year $ 360.420 $ 202.347 $ { 158.073) 60 TOWN OF FOUNTAJN HILLS , ARIZONA MUNICIPAL PROPERTY CO RPORA TION FUND SCHEDU LE OF REV ENUES, EXPEND ITURES, AND CHANGES IN FU ND BALANCES-BUDGE T AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDE D JUNE 30, 2006 Original and Final Var iance with Fi nal Budget Actual Budget Revenues Invest ment ean1in gs $ $ 34.658 $ 34.658 Tota l Revenues 34.658 34.658 Expen d itures Debt Service Princ ipa l retirement 665 ,000 665 ,000 Interes t on long-tenn debt 598.500 546.576 51.924 Total Expe nditures 1.263.500 1.211.576 51 924 Excess (de fi c iency) of revenues ove r expe ndi tures ( 1.263.5 00) (I, 176.918) 86.582 Ot her fi nanc ing sources (uses) Tran sfers in 1,263 ,500 1,652,240 388,740 Transfers ou t (17.062) ( 17.062) Tota l other financing sources (uses) 1.263.500 1.635 178 371.678 Net change in fund bal ances 458,260 458,260 Fund ba lances, begi nning of yea r 278.3 10 278.310 Fund balances, end of year $ $ 736.570 $ 736.570 6 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HIL LS, AR IZONA DEVELOPMENT FEES FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPEN DITUR ES, AN D CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Origin al and Fin al Varian ce with Final Bu doet Act ual Bu dget Revenues C harges for services $ 1,345,376 $ 1,424,706 $ 79,330 Investm ent earni ngs 11.500 113.870 I 02.3 70 Total Reven ues 1.356.876 1.538.576 18 1 700 Expen d itures Current Gen eral government 12,4 15 (12,4 15) Pub li c safety 5,562 (5 ,562) H igh ways and s treets 295,000 4 13,595 ( 1 18,595) Culture an d rec reati on 733.500 542.35 1 191.149 Total Ex p end it ures 1.028.500 973.923 54.577 Excess (deficien cy) of revenues over expen d itures 328.376 564.653 236.277 Other fi nan cing sou rces (u ses) Transfers out (261.535) (244.850) 16.685 Total oth er financing sources (uses) (261.535) (244.850) 16.685 Net c han ge in fu n d b alan ces 66,84 1 3 19,803 252,962 Fund balances , begin ni ng of yea r 1.965 .676 2.429.2 25 463.549 Fund b alances , end of year $ 2 .032.5 17 $ 2.749.028 $ 7 16.51 1 62 TOWN OF FOUNTAfN HI LLS , A RIZONA CAPITAL PR OJ ECTS FUN D SCHEDULE OF RE VENUES , EXPEN DIT URES. AND C HANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YE AR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Ori gi nal and Final Varia nce with Fi n al Budoet Actual Budget Revenu es Taxes Sales taxes $ 528,225 $ 528,225 $ Investm ent earn in gs 25.000 105.176 80.176 Total Reven ues 553.225 633.40 1 80.176 Expe nditures C urren t Genera l government 956,500 649,649 306,85 1 Hi gh ways and streets 135,000 135 ,000 C ulture and rec reatio n 206.000 959 92 1 (753.921) To tal Expe nd itures 1.297.500 1.609.5 70 {312.070) Excess (deficiency) o f revenues over ex pend itures (744.275) (976.169) (231.894) O ther financi ng sources (uses) Tran sfers in 3 .2 14 .827 7.723.407 4.508.580 Total other fi nancing so urces (uses) 3.214.827 7.723.407 4.508.580 Net change in Fund bala nces 2 ,4 70,552 6,74 7,238 4 ,276 ,686 Fund balan ces , beg inn ing of yea r Fund balances, e nd o f yea r $ 2.4 70.55 2 $ 6.747.238 $ 4.2 76.686 63 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, AR IZONA HUR FFUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES , EX PEN DITURES, AND CHAN GES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDG ET AN D ACTUAL FO R THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Original and Fina l Vari ance wi th Final Budge t Actual Budget Revenues In tergovernmen tal $ I ,7 12 ,550 $ 1,686,091 $ (26,459) Charges fo r servi ces 4 ,500 12,802 8,302 Inves tment earnings 8,000 24,009 16,009 Other 1.000 4.079 3.079 Total Revenues 1.726.050 I. 726.981 93 1 Expend it ures C urren t Highways and streets 2.226.903 1.438.804 788 099 Total Ex penditures 2.226.903 1.438.804 788.099 Excess (deficie nc y) of revenues over ex penditures (500.8 53) 288 177 789.03 0 Ot her financing so urces (uses) Transfer s in 500,000 519,869 19,869 Transfers out (160.500) (130.2 17) 30.283 Total o th er fin ancing sources (uses) 339.500 389.652 50.152 Net change in fu nd balances (161 ,353) 677,829 839,182 Fund balan ces, beg inning o f ye ar 42 5.076 425 076 Fund bal ances, end o f year $ '161.353 ) $ I 102.905 $ 1.264.258 64 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN HIL LS , ARIZO NA EXC ISE TAX FUND SC HED ULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FI SCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Ori ginal and Fin al Variance wi th Final Budget Act ual Budget Rev enues Taxes Sa les taxes $ 1,442,179 $ 1,693 ,527 $ 25 1,348 Inve stment earn ings 24.000 34.807 10.807 Total Revenues 1.466.179 I 728.334 262 .155 Ex penditures Current Ge neral govern ment 139.283 I 07.025 32.258 Total Ex penditures 139.283 I 07.025 32.258 Excess (defi ciency) of revenues ove r expenditures 1.326.8 96 1.621.309 294.413 Ot her fi nancing sources (uses) Transfe rs in 17,062 17 ,062 Trans fers out ( 1.676.500) !2.065.240) (388.740) Total ot he r financi ng so urces (uses) ! 1.676.500) !2.048.178) (371.678) Net cha nge in fund ba lances (34 9,604) (426,869) (77 ,265) Fu nd balances, begi nning of year 2.658.448 1.066.603 ! 1.59 1.845) Fu nd ba lances, end of year $ 2.308.844 $ 639.734 $ p.669.1 10) 65 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN 1-l!LLS , AR IZONA GRANTS FUND SCHEDULE OF REV ENUES, EXPEND ITURES, AN D CHANGES IN FUN D BALANCES-BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR THE FI SCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Original and Final Variance with Final Budget Actual Bud!let Revenues Intergov ernm en tal $ 1.730.125 $ 336.584 $ ( 1.393.541) Total Reven ues 1.730.125 336.584 ( 1.393.54 I) Expend itures Current Genera l government 1,437 ,000 147 ,928 1,289,072 Public safety 50,000 50,000 Highways and streets 293 ,125 269,587 23 ,538 Cul ture and rec rea ti on 40.000 64.690 (24.690) Total Expen d itu res 1.820.125 482.205 1.337.920 Excess (deficie ncy) of reve nues ove r expend itures (90.000) (145.62 1) (55 .621) Ot her financ ing sources (uses) Transfers in 50.000 77.612 27.612 Total other fi nanci ng sources (uses) 50 .000 77.612 27.612 Net change in fund balances (40 ,000) (68,009) (28 ,009) Fund ba lances , beg in ning of year 143.937 113.722 (30.2 15) Fund balances , end of year $ 103.937 $ 45.7 13 $ p8.224) 66 TOWN OF FOUNTA IN HILLS, ARIZONA LOCAL COURT ENHANCEMENT FUND SCHEDU LE O F REVENUE S, EX PEN DIT URES , AND C HANGES IN FUND BALANCES -BUDGET AN D ACTUAL FOR THE F ISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Original a nd Fina l Variance with Final Bud!!et Actua l Budget Revenues Fi nes and fo rfeitures $ 22,300 $ 2 1,042 $ (1,258) Inve stment earnings 1.000 3.245 2 .245 Total Re venues 23.300 24.287 987 Expenditures Current General government 30.000 34.950 (4.950) Total Expenditures 30.000 34 .950 (4,950) Excess (de fici e ncy) of revenues over expend itures (6.700) (10.663) (3.963) Other finan cing sources (uses) Trans fers o ut (19.365) ( 19.365) Total o th er financing sou rces (uses) ( 19.365) ( 19 .365) Net change in fund balances (6,700) (30,028) (23,328) Fund balances, begin ning of year 193.11 0 193.11 0 Fund balances, end o f year $ 186.41 0 $ 163.082 $ (23.328) 67 TOWN OF FOUN TAIN HIL LS, ARIZONA HURF DEBT SE RVICE FUN D SCHEDU LE OF RE VE NUE S, EX PEN DI TURES, AND CHANG ES IN FUN D BALANCES -B UDGET AND AC TUAL FOR TH E FISCAL YEAR ENDED JU NE 30, 2006 Ori ginal and Final Variance with Fina l Bud get Ac tua l Budge t Ex pendi tures Debt Servi ce Prin cipal retiremen t $ 85 ,000 $ 85,000 $ Interes t on long-tem1 debt 2 5.500 24.882 6 18 Total Ex pendi tures 110.500 109.882 61 8 Excess (defi ciency) o f revenue s ove r ex penditu res (11 0.5 00) '1 09.8 82 ) 6 18 Oth er finan cin g sou rces (uses) Tra nsfers in 11 0.500 106.473 (4.027) To tal oth er fin ancin g sources (uses) 11 0.500 I 06 473 (4 ,027) Ne t change in fu nd balances (3 ,409) (3,409) Fu nd balances, beg in ning of year 3.409 3.409 Fund ba lances, end of year $ $ $ 68 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA EAGLE MOUNTAIN DEBT SE RV ICE FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES , EXPENDITURES, AND C HANGES IN FUND BALANCES • BUDGET AND ACTUAL FOR T HE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Orig inal and Fina l Variance w ith Final Budget Actu a l Budoet Revenues Taxes Property taxes $ 353,600 $ 346,012 $ (7,588) Investmen t camings 2 ,000 24,380 22 ,3 80 Other 50.000 (50.000) To tal Re ven ue s 405.600 370.392 (35.208) Ex pe n ditures Debt Service Principal retiremen t 140,000 140,000 In terest on long-term debt 2 I 5,600 175,943 39,657 Issuance costs 232 ,762 (232 ,762) Advance refunding escrow 300.000 (300.000) Total Expendit ures 355.600 848.705 (493.1 05) Excess (deficiency) of reven ues over ex pend itu res 50.000 (478.313) (528.313) Other financ ing sources (uses) Transfers in 50,000 50,000 Issuan ce o f refunding debt 4 ,5 55,000 4,555,000 Pay ment to refun ded debt escrow agen t (4.338.78 1) (4.338. 781) T o ta l other finan cing sou rces (uses) 266.219 266.219 Net change in fun d balances 50,000 (212,094) (262,094) Fund balances, beg inning o f year 306 100 366.803 60.703 Fund ba lances , end of year $ 356.100 $ 154.709 $ (201.39 1) 69 TOWN OF FOUNTAfN HILLS , ARIZONA COTTONWOODS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES , EXPEND ITURES , AND CHANGES fN FUND BALA NCES -BUDGET AN D ACTUAL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2006 Revenues Special assess ments Investment earn ings Total Revenues Expend it ures Debt Se rvice Principa l reti remen t Interes t on long-tenn debt Total Expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financ ing sources (uses) Transfers ou t Total ot her fi nancing sou rces (uses) Fund ba lances, beg inni ng o f yea r Fund ba lances, end of yea r Original and Final Budget $ 3,85 0 $ 3.850 3,228 622 3.850 $ $ 70 Actual Variance with Fi nal Budget 2 1,147 $ I 17,297 I 2 1.148 17.298 3,228 593 29 3.821 29 17 ,327 17 ,327 (19.869) (19.869) (19.869) (19.869) 7.363 7.363 4.821 $ 4.821 STATISTICAL SECTION This s ection of the Town of Fountain H ill s, Arizona's comprehensive ammal financia l rep01i presents detai led infom1at ion as a context for understanding what the inf ormation in the financial statem ents, note disclosures, and required s upp lementary inform ation says about the govenm1ent's overall financia l healt h. Financial Trends The se schedules contain trend information to help the reader understand how the government's .financial pe1jormance and well-b eing have changed over time. Revenue Capacity The se schedules contain informat ion to help th e reader assess the government's mo st significant local reve nue source, the property tax. Debt Capacity These schedules present information to help the reader assess th e a.ffordability of the government 's current levels of outstanding debt and the government's ability t o issue additional debt in th e future. Demographic and Economic Information These schedules offer demographic and econo mic indicators to help the reader understand the environment within which the gove rnment's financial activities take place. Operating Information Th ese schedules con tain service and infrastru ct ure da ta to h elp the r eade r under stand how the information in the government's financial r eport r elates to th e services the go v ernmen t provides and the activ ities it pe1jorms. See the table of contents for page numb ers of the schedules that encompass the above sections. 7 1 THIS PAGE BLANK 72 Governmental activities TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA NET ASSETS BY COMPONENT LAS T TEN FISCAL YEARS (ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Year 2003 2004 2005 In ves ted in capital asses t s, net of relate d debt Res tricte d $ II ,8 43 ,575 6,68 1,170 2 .6 38.149 $ 2 1.1 62 .894 $ 11 ,26 1,25 6 6 ,47 1,863 7 .976.11 3 $ 25.709.232 $ 17,495 ,539 5,144,127 10 .82 1.3 04 $ 33,460.970 Unrestricted Tota l govemmental activities net a ssets So urce: Town of Fountain Hill s, Ariozna's Finan c e Depmtment. 2006 $ 20,806,50 7 12,446,14 7 9.053,6 11 $ 42.306.265 Note 1: 2 002-03 was the Town of Fountain Hill s, Ari zona 's fir st yea r to prepare government-wide fina ncial statements. Note 2: The Town of Fo untain Hill s, Arizo na does not have any business-ty pe ac ti viti es . 73 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA CHANGES IN NET ASSETS LAS T TEN FISCAL YEARS (ACCRUAL BAS IS OF ACCOUNTING) (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ex pe n ses Governmenta l act ivities: General governm en t $ 3,479,333 $ 3,686,4 52 $ 3,766,5 00 $ 3,875,0 14 P ub li c safety 5,494,708 4,9 18,280 5,024,686 5,403 ,620 Hi ghways and streets 1,3 10,683 1,4 19 ,509 I ,28 1,06 1 1,58 1,068 Culture a nd recreat ion 2,363,897 2,068,6 13 2,362,66 1 2,576,406 Com munity developmen t I ,235,985 1,144,964 1,460,18 1 1,8 12,469 Interest on long-term debt 1.576.842 1.499.575 1.162.796 1.297.11 9 Total governm ental activ iti es 15.461.448 14.737.393 15.057.885 16.545.696 Prog ram Revenues Governme nt a l activ it ie s : Fines, fees and charges for serv ices: General governm ent 2,738,898 3,388,923 4,43 1,154 4,0 29,437 Hi ghways and streets 39,185 28,597 58,038 16,88 1 Culture and recreation 65 ,798 Interest on long-term debt 4,302 3 ,6 12 1,5 12 2 1,147 Operati ng grants and contributions 1,697,900 1,590,787 1,692,7 12 2,0 22,675 Capital g rants and contributions 237.307 Tota l governm ental activities pro gram re venues 4.480.285 5.0 11.9 19 6.420.723 6.155.938 Net (ex t>ense)/reven u e Governmen ta l activities (I 0.981.163) (9. 725.474) (8.637.162) (I 0.389. 758) Gen eral Revenues and Othe r Cha nges in Ne t Asset s Governmen ta l activities: Tax es : Sales taxes 5,051 ,872 7,733 ,643 8,879,798 11 ,007,924 Property taxes 1,905,770 2,195,856 2,020,800 1,648,947 Franchise taxes 152,542 126,362 2 16,031 3 14,359 State revenue sharing 2,360,879 1,967,973 2,0 16,08 1 2,244,159 State sales tax revenue sharin g I ,582,535 1,702,374 1,874,577 2,170,940 Auto lieu tax revenue shar in g 797,344 819,497 865,823 974,452 Investment earnin gs 1,976,809 122,082 395,124 673,351 Other 79.706 195.978 120.666 200.92 1 Total governm enta l activities 13.907.457 14.863.765 16.388.900 19.235.053 C hange in Net Assets Governmen ta l activ ities $ 2.926.294 $ 5.138.29 1 $ 7. 75 1.738 $ 8.845.295 So urce: Town of Fountain Hill s, Ari zona's Finance Depmtment. Note I : 2002-03 was the Town of Fountain Hill s, Arizona's first year to prepare governm ent-wi de finan c ial statement s. Note 2: Th e Town of Fountain Hill s, Ari zona doe s not have any bu s iness-ty pe acti v ities. 74 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN I-ITLLS, ARIZONA FUNDBALANCESOFGOVERNMENTALFUNDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 General Fund Reserved $ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ -$ -$ 77.485 $ 40 ,664 $ 14 ,393 Unreserved 2.494.333 5.126.713 6.331.622 6.3 14.461 4.710.061 4.812.370 4,037,863 6.293.94 1 9 04 1 779 6.515.855 Total General Fund $ 2.494.333 $ 5.126.7 13 $ 6.331.622 $__6d_!_4 .~_6I $ 4.710.061 $ 4.812.370 $ 4.037.863 $ 6.371.426 $ 9.082.443 $ 6.530.248 All other governmental funds Unreserved, repo rted in: Special revenue funds $ 286.794 $ 2 ,059 $ 221 ,861 $ 221,861 $ 9,167 $ -$ 3,411 ,738 $ 5,969,830 $ 2,176 ,086 $ 1,951 ,434 Debt service funds 87.644 213 ,225 241 ,259 609 ,351 532 ,248 1,051 ,311 1.705 ,230 530,3 72 644,089 159 ,530 Capital projects funds --1.571.117 414.432 --2.429,225 9.496.266 Total all other governmental funds $ 374.438 $ 215.284 $ 463.120 $ 831.212 $ 2.112.532 $ 1.465.743 $ 5.116.968 $ 6.500.202 $ 5.249.400 $ 11.607.230 Source: Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona's Finance Department. 75 1997 Revenues Taxes $ - Intergovernmental - Fines and forfeitures - Licen ses and permits - Charges for services - Rents and royalties - Special assessments Investment earnings Other - Total revenues - Expenditures General government - Public safety - Highways and streets - Culture and recreation - Community development Capital outlay - Debt service Principal retirement Interest on long-tern1 debt - Issuance costs - Advance refunding escrow Total expendi tures - Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures - TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES OF GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 $ 3 ,326,207 $ 3,861,337 $ 4,876,466 $ 6,088,047 $ 7,595,748 $ 7,114,486 4 ,364,859 4 ,929,062 4,771 ,792 5,281 ,156 5,895,676 6,311,458 208,930 259,484 293,970 310,359 265,605 195,091 1,961 ,687 2,472,215 2,569,472 2,177,614 1,351 ,209 1,308,747 795,700 624,744 454,366 431 ,316 1,067,814 810,412 13 ,591 18,140 27,208 35,781 107,613 188 ,745 -14,524 9,241 7,958 4,520 4 ,302 582,757 620,639 743,259 (I ,063 ,339) 726,441 1,976,809 117.487 25.657 31 653 11 357 1.783.851 275.343 11.371.218 12 .825.802 13.777 427 13.280.249 18.798.477 18.185.393 1,964,427 2,631,245 2,528,953 3,646,500 3,859,633 3,318,574 2,074,441 2,205,600 3,059,020 3,354,037 5,084,532 5,174,492 2 ,020,450 1,984.879 2,468,498 2,212,432 1,877,790 I, 198,080 1,471,559 2,334,901 3,359,509 3,866,245 3,069,695 1,815 ,416 947,251 955,451 1,276,951 1,175,649 1,064,913 1,215 ,387 1,352,936 557,374 1,787,469 5,261 ,585 14,770,507 79,427 245,210 223,024 339,013 620,408 1,229,215 1,393,228 554,731 572,064 585,00 I 1,231,194 1,673,901 1,576,842 -- -- - -- 10.631.005 11.464.538 15.404.414 21.368.050 32.630.186 15.771.446 740.213 1.361.264 (I ,626,987) (8,087.80 I) ~ 13,831. 709) 2.413.947 76 2004 2005 2006 $ 9,997,706 $ 11,151 ,893 $ 12 ,993,876 6,080,631 6,686,500 7,412,226 361 ,339 249,564 235,050 1,600,934 2 ,230,046 1,918,107 1,038,170 1,834,205 1,689,046 242,704 222,327 255,527 3 ,612 1,512 21 ,147 122 ,082 395,124 673,351 261.561 179 657 233.565 19.708.739 22.950.828 25.431.895 3,614,458 9,547,409 4 ,459,183 4,616,161 4 ,754,523 5,208,770 1,402,502 1,682,563 2 ,121,986 1,597,150 3 ,004.216 3,607.750 1,144,964 1,460,181 1.812.469 101,951 1,423,228 1,308,228 1,968,228 1,499,575 1,164,561 1,192,414 -229.990 232,762 -300 000 15.399.989 23.151.671 20.903.562 4.308.750 (200.843) 4.528.333 Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 200 1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in -1,213 ,129 I, 170,732 1,386,793 1,833,192 1,585,674 5,981 ,544 1,630,907 4,805 ,635 10,146,663 Transfers out (I ,213 , 129) (1 ,170,732) (I ,386, 793) (I ,833, 192) (I ,585,674) (5,981 ,544) (I ,630,907) ( 4,805,635) (I 0, 146,663) Iss uance of refunding debt - - -- - - - 12,555,000 4,555,000 Issuance of long-term debt -1,102,629 5,100,000 4,641,980 13,750,000 3,783 ,896 Payment to refunded debt escrow agent (I ,0 I 0.489) - - - - - : 14.677,838) ( 4.3 38. 781) Total other tinancing sources (uses) 92 .140 5.100.000 4.641.980 13 .750.000 -1.661.058 216.219 Net change in fund balance $ $ 740.213 $ I .453.404 $ 3.473 .013 $ 0 .445 .821) $ (81.709) $ 2.413 .947 $ 4308.750 $ 1.460.215 $ 4,744.552 Debt service as a percen tage of noncapital expenditures N/A 8.6% 7.3% 6.8% 11.5% 16 .3% 18.9% 19.1% 11.7% 16 .2% Source: Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona's Finance Department. 77 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA GENERALGOVERNMENTTAXREVENUESBYSOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 200 1 2002 2003 2 004 2 005 2 006 (MODIFIED ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING) (UNAUDITED) Sales taxes Prope rty taxes Franchise taxes Tota l $ 2,664,923 $ 350,024 $ 86,840 $ 3,101 ,787 2,920,084 302,375 103 ,748 3,32 6,207 3,394,152 348,778 118,407 3,86 1,337 4,087,5 14 657,026 131 ,926 4,876,466 4 ,923,174 I ,038 ,891 125,982 6,088,047 4 ,355 ,70 1 3 ,109 ,353 130,694 7,595 ,748 5,05 1,872 1,910,072 152,542 7,114,486 7,733,643 2,137,70 1 126,362 9,997,706 8,879,798 2,056,064 2 16 ,03 I 11,151,893 11 ,00 7,924 I ,671 ,5 93 3 14,359 12 ,993,876 Source: The Town of Fountain Hi ll s, Arizona's F ina nce Departme nt. 78 1997 1998 Sales Category Construction $ 1,004,125 $ 1,227,312 $ Transportation and utilities 210,836 271,577 Wholesale/Retail 695,575 785,563 Restaurants and bars 106,149 108,770 Real estate 161 ,715 105 ,851 Services 276,6 11 304,482 Miscellaneous 43 823 60.794 Total $ 2.498.834 $ 2.864.349 $ City sales tax rate 1.20% 1.20% Source: Arizona Department of Revenue. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARlZONA SALES TAX COLLECTIONS BY CATEGORY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) F iscal Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 1,526,063 $ 1,852 ,068 $ 1,9 15 ,206 $ 1,32 5,749 303,507 350,634 4 53 ,2 17 523 ,237 793,367 I ,087,8 19 1,405,560 1,477,424 128,3 30 148 ,668 187 ,000 219,921 133,666 99,155 245,064 192,339 322,428 357,253 398,1 57 370,806 102 153 136 814 195 313 157 818 3.309.5 14 $ 4.032.411 $ 4.799 .51 7 $ 4.267.294 1.20% 1.20% 1.60% 1.60% 79 2003 2004 2005 2006 $ 1,203,706 $ 1,482,98 1 $ I ,83 7,3 17 $ 3,362,079 590,446 916,498 1,124,677 1,240,120 1.930,175 3,212,062 3,536,045 3,796,192 276,664 419,107 524,368 547,276 205,849 341 ,951 604,356 626,364 455,324 423,433 185,8 68 263,239 188 654 706.816 933 ~66 I 030 966 $ 4.850.818 $ 7.502.848 $ 8.745 997 $ 10.866.236 1.60% 2.60 % 2.60% 2.60% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARJZONA DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING SALES TAX RATES LAST TEN F ISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) C ity Direct Maricopa State of Fi scal Year Rate (a) County Arizona 1997 1.20% 0.75% 5.00% 1998 1.20 0.50 5.00 1999 1.20 0 .70 5.00 2000 1.20 0 .70 5.00 200 1 1.60 0 .70 5.60 2002 1.60 0.70 5.60 2003 1.60 0 .7 0 5.60 2004 2.60 0.70 5.60 2005 2.60 0.70 5.60 2006 2.60 0.70 5.60 Source: A ri zona D e partm e nt of Revenue, T r a nsactio n Privilege (Sales) Tax Rate Tables. 80 Fiscal Residential Year Pro12erty 1997 $ 69,781 1998 83 ,164 1999 105,890 2000 129,425 2001 151 ,060 2002 173 ,968 2003 189,664 2004 241 ,412 2005 249,982 2006 273 ,093 TOWN OF FOUNT AJN HILLS, ARJZONA ASSESSED VALUE AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS) (UNAUDITED) Commercial Agricultural Less: Tax Total Taxable and Industrial and Vacant Exempt Real Seconda1y Total Direct Estimated Full Pro12erty Pro12erty Pro12erty Assessed Value Tax Rate* Cash Value $ 16,983 $ 22,700 $ (5,519) $ 103,945 $ 0.30 $ 906,495 19,661 20,273 (6,765) 116 ,333 0.23 l ,034,893 22,843 26,996 (8,786) 146 ,943 0.17 1,317,947 27,500 28,616 (10 ,780) 174 ,761 0.26 I ,583,073 29,968 40,895 (9,507) 212 ,416 0.33 1,88 9,0 16 37,443 41,859 (14,555) 238,715 0.56 2,154,929 37,866 57,192 (14, 119) 270,603 0.51 2 ,418,236 49,318 53,317 (20,663) 323,384 0.48 2,942,849 58,132 69,477 (28 ,192) 349,399 0.42 3,162,855 59,876 70,005 (27,791) 375,183 0.35 3,411,461 Source: The Maricopa County Treasurer. 81 Seconday Assessed Value as a Percentage of Full Cash Value 11.467% 11.241 11.149 11.039 11.245 I 1.078 11.190 10.989 I l.047 10.998 Fisca l Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 200 1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PROPERTY TAX RATES DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Direct Rates OverlaEEing Rates General Loca l Primaty Obligation Total Direct Schoo l Spec ia l Rate Debt Service Rate Distr icts (a) D istricts 0 .3 0 0.30 7.3 1 6.20 0.23 0.23 7.37 5.88 0.17 0.17 7.35 5.92 0.26 0.26 5.98 5.72 0.33 0.33 6.4 1 6.83 0.56 0.56 6.45 6.03 0.5 1 0.5 1 6.23 4.29 0.48 0.48 5.80 4.15 0.42 0.42 5.67 3.72 0.35 0.35 5.27 2.49 Source: Arizona Depa1tment of Reven ue and Maricopa Co un ty Depa1tment of Finance. Total Overlapping Co unty Rate 3.38 16.89 2.49 15.74 2.45 15.72 3.43 15.1 3 3.35 16 .59 3.29 15.77 3.28 13.80 3.22 13.1 7 3.09 12.48 3.18 10 .94 (a) Includes tax ra t es for Fountain Hi ll s U nified Schoo l Distri ct No. 98 and East Va ll ey Inst itute of Techno logy No.40 1. 82 Taxpayer Qwest Corporation $ Chapmnl City Water Company inland Westem Fountain Hills Four Peaks WSL Fountain View Investors V LLC Target Corporation MCO Properties LP Cox Communications Inc. EnLLC Four Peaks Limited Partnership Adero Canyon LLC $ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PRINCIPAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS JUNE 30, 2006 (UNAUDITED) 2006 Percentage of Taxable Total Net Assessed Secondary Value Assessed Value Taxpayer 3,261,128 0 .87% Chaparral City Water Company 3,180,452 0 .85 U S West Communications 2,946,653 0 .79 MCO Properties lnc . 2,251,544 0 .60 Eagle Mountain investors LLC 2,030,676 0 .54 Safe way Inc . # I29 I 1,873,070 0 .50 Basha's 1,754,079 0.47 Fo urway Properties Limited Partnership I ,695,043 0.45 City of Scottsdale 1,593,577 0.42 Fountian Hills Old Vine LP 1.585 .520 0.42 Golf lntemational Inc. 22.171.742 5.91% 83 1997 Percentage of Taxable Total Net Assessed Secondary Value Assessed Value $ 2,112,467 2.03% 2,103,803 2.02 1,769,358 1.70 715,908 0.69 631,287 0.61 589,465 0.57 486,961 0.47 478,720 0.46 371,149 0.36 316.115 0.30 $ 9.575,233 9.21% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILL S, ARIZONA PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Collected within the Fiscal Year of the Levy Total Collections to Date Ratio of Total Tax Collections Taxes Levied for Percent of Collections in Total Tax to Total Tax Fiscal Year the Fiscal Year Amount Levy Subsequent Years Collections Levy 1997 $ 313,963 $ 303 ,580 96.69% $ 8,854 $ 312,434 99 .51 % 1998 269,569 261 ,704 97.08 6,556 268,260 99.51 1999 248,422 242,254 97.52 5,384 247,638 99.68 2000 448,242 432,965 96.59 9,581 442,546 98.73 2001 701,275 675,710 96.35 21,422 697,132 99.41 2002 1,335,787 1,282,844 96.04 43,927 1,326,771 99.33 2003 1,384,478 1,329,929 96.06 43,900 1,373 ,829 99.23 2004 1,545,051 1,492,143 96.58 44,041 1,536,184 99.43 2005 1,449,287 1,408,289 97.17 31,632 1,439,921 99.35 2006 1,319,373 1,275,049 96.64 -1,275,049 96 .64 Source : The Maricopa County Treasurer's Office . Note I : Amounts collected are on a cash basis rather than modified accrual basis as in the financial statements. Note 2: Unsecured personal property taxes are not included in this schedule. Note 3: The amount levied and collected is net of resolutions. 84 Outstanding Ratio of Delinquent Delinquent Taxes Taxes to Tax Levy - $ 1,529 0.49% 1,309 0.49 784 0.32 5,696 1.27 4,143 0.59 9,016 0.67 10,649 0.77 8,867 0 .57 9,366 0 .65 44,324 3 .36 Fiscal Year 1997 $ 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2 003 2004 2005 2006 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA RATIO OF OUTSTANDING DEBT BY TYPE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Governmental Activities General Percentage of Ob ligat ion Sales Tax HURF Total Primary Perso nal Bonds Bond s (a) Bonds (b) Government Income 2,930,000 $ $ 1,000,000 $ 3,930,000 5.53% 2,780 ,000 1,075 ,000 3,855,000 4.92 7,730,000 1,045 ,000 8,775,000 10.46 7 ,505,000 4,680,000 975 ,000 13,160,000 14.15 13 ,280,000 12 ,280,000 905,000 26,465,000 27.24 12,600,000 11 ,855,000 810,000 25,265,000 26.00 11 ,865,000 II ,430,000 720,000 24,015,000 22.51 11 ,110,000 13,595 ,000 630,000 25 ,335,000 21.92 10 ,675,000 12,975 ,000 540,000 24,190 ,000 N/A 9,600,000 12 ,3 10 ,000 455 ,000 22,365,000 N/A Source: The Town of Fountain Hills, Ari zona's Finance Department. Per Capita $ 241 223 472 650 1,2 38 I , 151 1,080 1,124 1,042 913 (a) Represents outstanding principal amount of bonds of the Town of Fountain Hills Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) for which the Town is obligated through a lea se-leaseback anangement with the MPC to make the bond payments which are sec ured in part by Sales Taxes of the Town. (b) Represents outstanding princ ipal amount of bond s secured by street and highway user revenues collected by the State and shared with the Town. 85 Fiscal Year TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA RATIO OF GENERAL BONDED DEBT OUTSTANDING LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Percentage of Taxa ble Actual General Net General Assessed Va lue Assessed Obligation Obligation of Property OR Value of Bonds Bonded Debt Taxab le Sales Prop erty Population Net General Obl igation Bonded Debt Per Cap ita 1997 $ 2,930,000 $ 2,930,000 $ 103 ,944,000 2.82% 16 ,275 $ 180 1998 2,780,000 2,78 0,0 00 116 ,333,000 2.39 17 ,2 80 16 1 1999 7,730,000 7,730 ,000 146 ,944,000 5.26 18,595 416 2000 7,505,000 7,505 ,000 174,76 1,000 4.29 20,235 37 1 200 1 13 ,280,000 13 ,28 0,000 212,4 15,000 6.25 21,383 62 1 2002 12,600,000 12 ,6 00 ,000 238,715,000 5.28 21,954 574 2003 11 ,865,000 II ,865,00 0 270,603,000 4.38 22,243 533 2004 11 ,110,00 0 11,1 10,000 323,385,000 3.44 22,541 493 2005 10,675,000 10,675,000 349,3 98 ,000 3.06 23,217 460 2006 9,600,000 9,600,000 375,183,000 2.56 24,492 392 Source: The Town of Fountain Hi ll s, Arizona's F inanc e Depattment. Note: Detai l regarding the Town's outstanding debt can be found in the notes to the financial stat em ents. 86 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS , ARIZONA DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES DEBT JUNE 30, 2006 (UNAUDITED) Outstanding Govemmental U n it Debt Debt repaid with property taxes Maricopa County $ Maricopa Co unty Community Co ll ege Di strict 399,805,000 Fountain Hill s Sanita ry District East Va ll ey In s titute of Technology Fountain Hi ll s Un ifi e d School Di stri ct 25 ,090,000 Eagle Mountain Community Fa ci lities District 4 ,555 ,000 Other debt Maricopa County (a) 139,075 ,000 Maricopa County Community College District (b) 23,360,000 Subtotal , overlapping debt Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona direct debt Total direct a nd overlapping d ebt So urce: Officia l statements for pub lic offerings of the indicated entities. Estimated Percentage App licab le (I) 0 .00 1 % 0 .00 1 % 97.620% 0 .003% 97.030% 100 .000 % 0.001 % 0.00 1 % $ Estimated Share of Overlapping Debt 4 ,5 18 24,344,827 4,555 ,000 1,572 264 28 ,906,18 1 26.789,68 1 $ 55.695.862 (a) Inc lud es lease revenu e bo nds, ce1tificates of pmticipation and rev enu e bonds of th e Maricopa County St ad ium D istri ct. (b) Includes revenue bonds. 87 122L_ Debt limit (20% and 6% bonding limit) $ 27,025,453 Total applicable to limit 3.055.000 Legal debt margin $ 23.970.453 Total net debt applicab le to the limit as a percentage of the debt l imit 11.30% 1998 $ 30,246,686 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA LEGAL DEBT MARGIN INFORMATION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Fi scal Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 $ 38,205 ,3 70 $ 45,437,792 $ 55,228,024 $ 62 ,065,780 2.930.000 2.780.000 6.330.000 6.155 .000 6.005.000 $ 27.316.686 $ 35.425.370 $ 39.107.792 $ 49.073.024 $ 56.060.780 9.69% 7.28% 13 .93% 11.14% 9.68% 88 2003 2004 2005 2006 - $ 70,356,745 $ 84,080,160 $ 90,843,567 $ 97,547,62 7 12.585.000 11.740.000 10.225.000 9.600.000 $ 57.771.745 $ 72.340.160 $ 80.618.567 $ 87.947.627 17.89% 13.96% 11.26% 9.84% TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA CALCULATION OF LEGAL D E BT MARGIN JUNE 30 ,2 0 06 (UN AUDITED) Net secondary assesse d valu atio n Water , Sewer , Light , Parks , O pen Space and Recreationa l Facili ty Bonds Debt limit -20% ofsecondmy net assessed va luation Debt appli cable to limit G enera l obligat ion bonds o utstanding Less amoun t set aside fo r repayment of debt N et debt app licab le to limi t 20% lega l debt margin A ll other gener a l obli gation bonds Debt li mit-6% of secondaty net assessed va luation Debt appl icab le to li m it Ge nera l ob li gation bo nds outstanding Less amo unt set a side for repayment of deb t Net debt appli cable to li mit A ll other ge nera l obl igati o n bo nds debt marg in Total lega l debt marg in Source: Mari copa Co unty Assessor's Office. 89 $ 7,2 65 ,000 (325 ,000) $ 3,4 10,000 (750,000) $ 375,1 83.18 1 $ 75,036,636 6.940 ,000 68 .096.636 22 ,5 10 ,99 1 2.660 .000 19.850.99 1 $ 87.947.627 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN IDLLS , ARIZONA DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Per Capita Fiscal Population Personal Personal School Unemployment Year (I )(2) Income (3) Income (3) Median Age (2) Enrollment (4) Rate (5) 1997 16 ,275 $ 71 ,078,707 $ 23,983 N /A 2 ,139 1.6% 1998 17 ,28 0 78 ,3 10,846 25,471 N/A 2,192 1.5 1999 18 ,595 83 ,860,233 26,385 N /A 2 ,224 1.6 2000 2 0,2 35 92,975 ,77 1 28,3 63 46.4 2,344 1.6 2001 21 ,3 83 97,138,599 28,717 N /A 2 ,411 2.0 2002 2 1,954 I 00,805 ,099 28,900 N /A 2,446 2.7 2003 22,243 106,385 ,325 26,609 N /A 2,456 2.6 2004 22,541 115 ,604, 165 31,133 N /A 2 ,452 2.1 2005 23,217 N/A N/A N/A 2 ,372 2.0 2006 24,492 N/A N/A N/A 2,335 1.8 Sources: (1) Arizona Department of Economic Security, Research Administration, Population Statistics Unit for 1997 -1999 and 2001 -2005. (2) U.S. Census Bureau for 2000. (3) Do ll ars in thousands. U.S. Departmen t of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Statistics. Information for Metropo litan Statistical Area. (4) Repre sent s average dail y members hip for Fountain Hill s Unified School, which in c ludes a portion of students residing outside the Town. (5) Arizona Department of Economic Securi ty , Research Administration, CES/LAUS UNIT. 90 Employer Fountain Hills Unified School District No. 98 Monks Construction Target MCO Properties, Inc. Safeway Food Stores Town of Fountain Hills Fry's Basha's Sun Ridge Canyon Golf Course Eagle Mountain Golf Course Golf International TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PRINCIPAL EMPLOYERS JUNE 30, 2006 (UNAUDITED) 2006 - Percentage of Total Town Type Employees Employment* Education 285 2 .26% Construction 190 1.51 Retail 130 1.03 Property Management 125 0 .99 Grocery Store 110 0 .87 Government 87 0.67 Grocery Store 80 0.63 Grocery Store 70 0.56 Golf Course 70 0.56 Golf Course 70 0.56 Golf Course ~ 0.52 1.282 10 .16% 1997 Percentage of Total Town Employees Employment* 235 3.39% 85 1.22 95 1.37 85 1.22 70 1.0 I 70 1.0 I 40 0.58 50 0.72 730 10.52% Source: The 1998 and 2006 Arizona Industrial Directory; Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce; Community Profiles Arizona Depmtment of Commerce; and an individual employer survey. * Employment infonnation for 2006 as of May 2006. Arizona Unemployment Statistics Program, Special Unemployment Report, Arizona Department of Economic Security, Research Administration, CES/LAUS UNIT. 91 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES BY FUNCTION LAST FIVE FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Full-Time Equ ivalent Employees Function 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 General govenunent Municipal CoUI1 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 5.5 Administration 18.0 14.5 10.0 11.0 12.5 Planning & Zonin g 5.5 8.0 9 .0 8.0 9.5 Public safety Building Safety 9.0 8.0 7.0 9.0 9.0 Law Enforcement 26.0 20.0 1.0 Public Works Engineering 13.0 13.0 10.5 11.5 11.5 Street s 15 .0 14.0 13 .0 11.0 11.0 Parks and recreation 17.5 16.0 13.0 15.0 16 .5 Community Center 5.0 6.5 6 .5 6.5 7.0 Total 115.0 106.0 75.0 77 .0 82 .5 Source: The Town of Fountain Hi ll s, Arizona's Finance Depa1tment. 92 Function General Government Building permits issued Building inspections conducted Police (contracted) Physical arrests Traffic violations Fire (contracted) Inspections Parks amd recreation Park acreage Community/Senior Centers TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA OPERATING INDICATORS BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Years 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 953 936 929 584 351 260 N /A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8,491 N /A 886 895 890 981 503 N/A 4,988 5,64 I 7,907 4,767 3,186 N/A N/A N/A N /A N/A N/A 121 I2I I2I 121 I2I I2 I I I I 1 I I Source: The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona's Finance Department. 93 2003 2004 2005 2006 168 228 430 468 6,389 6,985 8,446 9,377 60I 60I 644 N /A 3,I86 3,I86 2,432 N /A N /A N /A N /A I,8I5 I21 I2I I2I I2I I I I I Function Public safety Fire Stations Other public works Streets (miles) Streetlights Traffic signals Parks and recreation Acreage Playgrounds Baseball/ softball diamonds Soccer/football fields Community centers TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA CAPITAL ASSETS STATISTICS BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 N /A N /A N /A N /A N /A 3 178.5 178.5 178.5 178.5 178 .5 178.5 N /A N /A N /A N /A N/A N/A 5 6 6 6 10 10 121 121 121 121 121 121 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 I I I I I I Source: The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona's Finance Department. 94 2003 2004 2005 2006 3 3 3 3 178.5 178.5 178.5 178.5 N/A N /A N /A 34 10 II II 12 121 121 121 121 3 3 .., ..) 3 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 3 I 1 I I