HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY00 ACFRTown of Fountain Hills, Arizona Fiscal Year 1999 - 2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report ��� ,� ,�. of the TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA for the FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 Prepared by the Finance Department Town Manager Paul L. Nordin Town Accountant Julie A. Ghetti TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUKE 305 2000 Contents INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal GFOA Certificate of Achievement Organizational Chart List of Principal Officials FINANCIAL SECTION Independent Auditor's Report General -Purpose Financial Statements Combined Balance Sheet -All Fund Types and Account Groups 4 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual All Governmental Fund Types Notes to Financial Statements Required Supplementary Information: Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Analysis of Funding Progress Combining, Individual Fund and Account Group Statements and Schedules GENERAL FUND: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 11 30 34 36 37 OR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 302000 Contents (Cont'd) Page Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual 38 Cottonwoods Maintenance District Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual 39 Grants Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual 40 I� t Combining Balance Sheet 42 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances 43 HURF Debt Service Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual 44 GO Debt Service Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual 45 Eagle Mountain Debt Service Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance -Budget and Actual 46 Cottonwoods Special Assessment Fund: CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS: Combining Balance Sheet Combining Statement of Revenues, Expendihxres and Changes in Fund Balance 50 51 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUKE 30, 2000 Contents (Concl'd) Page Heritage Grant Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual 52 Capital Projects Fund: Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual 53 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNT GROUP: Comparative Schedules of General Fixed Assets by Source 56 Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity 57 Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets by Function and Activity 58 STATISTICAL SECTION General Govemment Expenditures by Function 60 General Government Revenues by Source 61 General Governmental Tax Revenues By Source 62 Primary and Secondary Taxable Property Assessed Valuation 63 Primary and Secondary Property Tax Rates - All Overlapping Governments 64 Assessed Valuation of Major Taxpayers 65 Computation of Legal Debt Margin 66 Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt to Assessed Value and Net Bonded Debt Per Capita 67 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures to Total General Expenditures 68 Direct and Overlapping General Obligation Bonded Debt 69 Assessed and Estimated Actual Value of Property 70 Property Tax Levies and Collections 71 Property Tax Rates for all Overlapping Governments 72 Maricopa County Economic Indicators 73 Demographic and Miscellaneous Statistics 74 THIS PAGE BLANK Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS October 13, 2000 To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of the Town of Fountain Hills for the year ended June 30, 2000, is hereby submitted. Local ordinances and state statutes require that the Town issue an annual report on its financial position and activity and that this report be audited by an independent firm of certified public accountants. Responsibility for the accuracy of the data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with management. Staff believes that the data is accurate in all material respects and is reported in a manner that presents fairly the financial position and operational results of the Town of Fountain Hills' various funds and account groups. All disclosures necessary for the reader to understand the Town's activities have been included. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report is presented in three sections: Introductory, Financial and Statistical. The Introductory Section includes the letter of transmittal, an organizational chart and a list of the Town of Fountain Hills' elected officials and department heads. The Financial Section includes the general-purpose financial statements, the combining, individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules, as well as the independent auditor's report on these financial statements and schedules. The Statistical Section includes selected financial and demographic information, generally presented on a multi -year basis. The financial reporting entity (the Town) includes all the funds and account groups of the primary govemment (i.e,, the Town of Fountain Hills as legally defined) as well as all of its component units. The component units consist of legally separate entities for which the primary government is financially accountable. The Town provides or administers a full range of services including public safety (police, animal control, building inspection); community development (code enforcement, planning and engineering); the construction and maintenance of streets and infrastructure, municipal court, recreational activities and cultural events. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the primary govenunent's operations and are included as part of the primary government. Accordingly, the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District and Cottonwoods Improvement and Maintenance District and are included in the financial reports of the Town. During fiscal year 1999-2000 the Fountain Hills Municipal Property Corporation was formed to finance the construction of a Community Center, 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building A - P.O. Box 17958 -Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 - (480) 837-2003 -FAX: (480) 837-3145 The Town does not have a property tax for operating purposes. Operations are paid for from sales tax, user fees and charges, licenses and permits and other similar sources. The Town's property tax of $0.26 per $100 of assessed secondary valuation is used solely for the retirement of debt. GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE, LOCAL ECONOMIC CONDITION AND OUTLOOK General Information The Town of Fountain Hills is a planned, family -oriented community established in 1970 by McCulloch Properties (now MCO Properties, hic.). Prior to 1970 the area was a cattle ranch and was part of one of the largest land and cattle holdings in Arizona. It was purchased by Robert McCulloch in the late 1960s and designed by Charles Wood, Jr. (designer of Disneyland in southern California). The centerpiece of Fountain Hills is one of the world's tallest man-made fountains, a focal point that attracts thousands of visitors each year. Located on 11,340 acres of land, and bordering northeast Scottsdale, Fountain Hills is surrounded by the 3,500-foot McDowell Mountains on the west, the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation on the east, the Salt River Indian Reservation on the south and by the McDowell Mountain Regional Park on the north. Elevation is 1,520 feet at the fountain, 3,000 feet on Golden Eagle Boulevard, and is 500 feet above Phoenix. The population of Fountain Hills is estimated to be 18,595 in 2000. The 1995 special census revealed a year round population of 14,146. The 2000 estimate represents a 45.4% increase in population from 1995 and a 643% increase from the 1980 census (2,771). Governmental Structure The Town of Fountain Hills is an Arizona Municipal Corporation, acting as a general law Town as prescribed in the Arizona Revised statutes. The Town was incorporated on December 5, 1989 with the governmental and administrative affairs of the Town operating under the Council - Manager form of government. Policy making and legislative authority are vested in the Town Council, which consists of a Mayor and six Councilmembers. Councilmembers are elected at large for staggered four-year terms. The Mayor, who also sits on the Town Council, is directly elected bi-annually by the voters and the Vice -Mayor is selected by the Council every eight months on a rotating basis. The Town Council is responsible, among other things, for the adoption of local ordinances, budget adoption, the development of citizen advisory committees and hiring the Town Manager. The Town Manager is responsible for implementation of the policies of the Town Council and administering the Town's operations through six department managers and approximately 106 regular full time employees. The Magistrate, Town Attorney and Town Prosecutor are under the direction of the Town Council. ii The towns two master -planned communities, Eagle Mountain and Sunridge Canyon, are nearing completion in home construction. Nearly all of the subdivision approvals in these two communities have been approved. Eagle Mountain will construct approximately 600 single- family homes and 80 condominiums. The Sunridge Canyon development will ultimately include approximately 720 single-family houses. In April of 1998 the Town approved the Firerock Country Club development. The developer, MCO Properties, plans to develop up to 390 single-family homes and 288 condominiums in this gated community. The development has a private country club that includes an 18-hole golf course. Several of the subdivisions within the Firerock Country Club have been platted and lot sales have begun. The golf course and the clubhouse are now open. The Town recently approved subdivisions for the development of the remaining undeveloped land east and north of Fountain Park. Diamante Del Lago, a 139 lot single-family development and Bella Lago, a 68-unit condominium development were approved. Town voters also approved a bond issue that was used to acquire 9.25 acres of land that comprises most of the prime viewshed ridgeline in the area. As of July 1, 2000 there were 6,884 developed single-family dwelling units within the Town and 3,214 multi -family dwelling units. As of today, within the entire Town, there are 2,214 undeveloped single-family zoned platted lots. The remainder of the Town's commercial core will soon be subdivided. Anchoring the commercial development in this area is the Town future Community Center and Library/Museum, which is currently under construction. The Town expects that construction will soon commence on a new Hilton Hotel, more retail, office and multi -family developments. Initial entitlements have been approved for a third shopping center with a Target and grocery store along Shea Boulevard on land that has recently been rezoned for commercial uses. A 20f-acre parcel of land near the northeast comer of the Shea/Palisades Boulevard intersection received zoning approvals fora 200-room hotel with a restaurant and conference facility. This facility should begin construction early in 2001. Fountain Hills has a business park that is partially developed. The Business Park contains individual construction equipment storage and maintenance yards, construction company operation yards, a utility company storage and maintenance yard, a distribution business and several small manufacturing operations. ElL MAJOR INITIATIVES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS Community Centerlbbrary Museum: Progress continues on the Community Center and Library/Museum complex currently under construction on the 13-acre town -owned site located in the downtown area of Fountain Hills. Following a successful $3.7 million bond election in May 1999 for the 21,000 square foot Library/Museum, a citizen advisory committee worked with the Town staff and architect to design the facility. The architect also completed the re -design of the Community Center lobby to accommodate the revised site plan resulting from the temporary removal of the performing arts facility and addition of the Library/Museum to the project. A Mayor -sponsored visioning committee planned and designed the courtyard area created by the re -siting of the Community Center, Library/Museum and future Performing Arts Center. They also designed the adjacent 1,470400t long, 120400t wide linear mall that will provide connectivity between the community center plaza and Fountain Park a block and a half to the east. The courtyard feature, budgeted at $400,000, will provide a sheltered outdoor venue for art shows, small concerts and other community/commercial activities. Both projects successfully bid in February 2000. The 31,000 square foot Community Center, consisting of two arts and crafts classrooms, two seminar rooms, two classrooms, a kinder -care room, a conference room, a game room, lounge and lobby areas, an 8,000 square foot banquet room subdividable into four activity/event rooms, a catering kitchen, office and support facilities, will be financed through a Municipal Property Corporation with bonds retired using local sales tax revenues. The 21,000 square foot Library/Museum, consisting of separate adult and children reading areas and book stacks, meeting rooms, computer resource center and 5,000 square feet of exhibit space for the museum, will be paid for by the voter -approved general obligation bonds. The groundbreaking ceremony took place June 2, 2000 and the facilities are expected to open in April 2001, The final phase of construction for Golden Eagle Park was completed by the end of calendar year 1998. Golden Eagle Park is a 25 acre active recreation facility located adjacent to the Fountain Hills Middle/High School. The School District and the Parks and Recreation Department have developed a partnership which supports their needs as well as the community activities at the Park. Golden Eagle Park includes four multi -purpose ballfields with covered dugouts, a batting cage, seating for 550 spectators, four lighted tennis courts with a shaded waiting area, two lighted basketball courts with spectator seating, two lighted sand volleyball courts with automated watering and shower tower, a tot lot and children's playground area. The park also includes a 2,500 square foot control building with restrooms, one large ramada (Saguaro) with seating for 96, two smaller ramadas (Ocotillo and Cottonwood), all available for parties and group activities. Other amenities include a horseshoe pit, six chilled drinking fountains, a shaded seat wall at the children's playground, two pedestrian foot bridges, three parking lots with entry gates with a total of 223 parking spaces. The Town of Fountain Hills received $1,718,800 in grants from the Arizona Heritage Fund to construct Golden Eagle Park. Recognition for this and the development of this multi purpose park complex was presented in September, 1999 with the Outstanding Facility Award. 1V On May 1, 1997, the Town to ownership of Fountain Park. Fountain Park is a 59-acre passive recreation area which includes: 30-acres of turf, a 29-acre lake with a "world famous fountain" that sends a jet stream 560 feet into the air. The park also includes a pump station, a dam, an 18- hole championship disc golf course, and a children's playground. On July 31, 2000 Chaparral Construction Company was given notice to proceed with Phase I improvements to the park. The project includes a new 970 square foot restroom/control building, two 640 square foot picnic ramadas with site furnishings and connecting sidewalks. Phase I improvements are scheduled to be completed by February 2001. Four Peaks Neighborhood Park is a 15-acre active recreation area adjacent to the elementary school. The park includes a 300' x 150' soccer field, two multi -purpose ball fields with seating for spectators, two lighted tennis courts, two lighted basketball courts, a children's playground, a 750 square foot restroom/control building, a group ramada with barbecue grills. The park also includes 42 parking spaces, two chilled drinking fountains, a pedestrian foot bridge, and a storage yard. This park also supports both the Fountain Hills School District and community activities. Phase II improvements for the park is in the conceptual stages and has not been finalized. Desert Vista Neighborhood Park is a 12-acre site that the Town acquired on May 21, 1998 from the master developer. The Town has fenced 3.5 acres of this site for an off -lease recreational facility with the balance of the site available for open play. Future park improvements are in the planning stages. Town Management is responsible far establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the government are protected from loss, theft, or misuse and to ensure that adequate accounting data are compiled to allow for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The internal control structure is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. In addition, the Town of Fountain Hills maintains extensive budgetary controls. The objective of these controls is to ensure compliance with legal provisions embodied in the annual appropriated budget approved by the government's council. Activities of the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds and capital projects funds are included in the annual budget. The level of budgetary control (i.e., the level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount) is the departmental level for the General Fund and in total by fund for the other funds. As demonstrated by the statements and schedules included in the Financial Section of this report, the Town of Fountain Hills continues to meet its responsibility for sound financial management. v General Government Functions The following schedule presents a summary of General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds and Capital Projects Funds revenues for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000 and the amount of increases and decreases in relation to the prior year. Increase/ Percent Percent of (Decrease) Increase/ Revenues Amount Total from 1998-99(Decrease) Taxes $ 4,876,466 35.40% $ 110153129 26.29% Intergovernmental 4,7715792 34.63 (1573270) (3.19) Fines and forfeitures 293,970 2.13 34,486 13.29 Licenses and permits 2,56%472 18.65 973257 3.94 Charges for services 4549366 3.30 (170,378) (27,27) Rents and royalties 27,208 0.20 9,068 49.99 Contributions and donations 10,598 0.08 105598 100.00 Special Assessments %241 0.07 (5,283) (36,38) Interest 743,259 5.39 122,620 19.76 Other 21.055 0.15 (4,602) 17.94 Total 13.777.427 100,00% 1625 The General Government revenues total $13,777,427 for fiscal year 1999-00, which represents an overall increase of $951,625 or 7.42% from 1998-99. The $1,015,129 increase in Taxes is primarily due to an increase in local sales tax revenues ($693,362) as well as an increase in secondary property tax revenue ($308,347). Local sales tax revenues are generated primarily from construction and retail trade (72% of the total). Construction tax revenues increased 21% from fiscal year 1998-99 and retail trade revenues increased 38%. The property tax increase was the result of a $1,400,000 voter approved bond issue that was used to purchase 9.25 acres of open space, preserving the "postcard" view behind the fountain. Major items included in Intergovernmental (state -shared) revenue include state sales tax, highway user revenue, state income tax, vehicle license tax and grants. There was an overall 8% increase in state shared distributions; however, the Town received $526,555 less in grant revenue, primarily from State Heritage Grant funding for Parks. The Town continues to participate in the federal COPS Universal Hiring program for community policing. The increased enforcement and continued growth of the community contributes to the increase in Fines and Forfeitures of $34,426, which consists primarily of traffic citations. The Town of Fountain Hills continues to experience growth in the area of new home construction, which is reflected in the Building Permit revenue ($2,152,562), a 12.2% increase over the prior year. There was, however, a decrease in Encroachment and Improvement Plan Review fees of $152,758. vi Revenue received under the Charges for Services category includes Developer Contributions, In Lieu Payments and Parks & Recreation User Fees. The decrease in this category reflects the scheduled reduction in contributions from the developer, MCO Properties, as stipulated in the agreement with the Town. The Town continues to maintain a large reserve fund, primarily invested with Lite Arizona State Local Government Investment Pool. The cash reserves generated total interest earnings of $743,259 in fiscal year 1999-2000. The Other category of revenue is used for miscellaneous and not -otherwise -categorized sources of revenue. The following schedule presents a summary of General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service Funds and Capital Projects Funds expenditures for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000 and the increases and decreases in relation to prior year amounts. Increase/ Percent Percent of (Decrease) Increase/ Expenditures Amount Total from 1998-99 Decrease Current General government $ 2,528,953 16.42% $ (102,292) (3.89%) Public Safety 3,0591020 19.86 853,420 38.69 Highways and streets 294%498 16.02 483,619 24.36 Culture and Recreation 353595509 21.81 1,024,608 43.88 Community development L276,951 8.29 321,500 33.65 Capital outlay 1,7875469 11.60 1,230,095 220.69 Debt service Principal retirement 33%013 2.20 115,989 52.01 Interest and fiscal charges 5853001 3.80 67,305 13.00 Bond issuance costs -0- 0.00% (54368) 0.00 Total 15.404.414 100,00% $ 3.939.876 34.370 Expenditures for general operations totaled $15,404,414, which was $3,939,876 more than the prior year. The most significant increase is in the Capital Outlay and Culture and Recreation category, which reflects the expenditure for the new Town Community Center and Library/Museum construction projects in the amount of $916,832. Additionally, during fiscal year 1999-2000 the Town of Fountain Hills purchased 9.25 acres of land from the developer to preserve a "postcard" view behind the fountain at a cost of $1,363,500, vii The General Government function consists of the Administration, Magistrate Court and Town Council Departments. Public Safety includes Building Safety and the Town Marshal Department. The Marshal Department is responsible for all local law enforcement activities, which includes the annual contract with Maricopa County Sheriff's Office for outside police services. The 1999-2000 expenditure for this contract exceeded the prior year by $577,2330 The Town also receives federal funding through the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, which stipulates hiring and retaining new police officers. Expenditures increased by $483,619 during 1999-00 in the Highways and Streets department as a result of the increased major road maintenance projects during the year. Culture and Recreation includes the new Community Center/Library/Museum under construction, four parks (121 acres), 25 acres of landscaped medians, and 1,100 acres of open space. In June of 2000 construction began on the Community Center/Library/Museum. The General Fund had previously allocated $1,500,000 to be used as a down payment for the project - $515,000 of that amount was actually expended during fiscal year 1999-2000. The costs for the parks and medians are mainly for building maintenance costs, electricity, water and mowing/landscape maintenance fees. Major costs ($482,824) were incurred in Fountain Park due to the lake liner replacement project that began in May of 2000. The remainder of the project is scheduled for completion November 2000. Another $316,650 was spent for a major renovation project on the Avenue of the Fountains median located in the downtown area. Community Development expenditures increased by $321,500 due to increased engineering fees required by the Engineering Department, General Fund Balance The fund balance of the General Fund decreased by $17,161 from June 30, 1999 due to the unanticipated costs associated with the reconstruction of the lake liner at Fountain Park, Debt Administration On June 30, 2000, the Town had one Street and Highway User Revenue Bond and four general obligation bonds issues outstanding.; the outstanding principal totals $1,045,000 for the new Street and Highway User Revenue Bond and $7,947,163 for the general obligation bonds. The Town also had two Community Facilities District Bonds outstanding totaling $4,905,000 and an Improvement District Bond outstanding for $29,048. Cash Management Policies and Practices The Town uses a system of consolidated cash management. Cash from all funds is pooled in a central disbursement fund. Cash to be used for payment of current expenditures is maintained in a checking account, the balance of cash is maintained on deposit with the Arizona State Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool. Cash in the Local Government Investment Pool is available upon 24 hours notice. The LGIP invests in U.S. Treasury Notes, U.S. Treasury Bills and federally guaranteed insurance contracts. The average interest rate for fiscal year 1998-99 was 5.312% and 5.907% for fiscal year 1999- 00. Investments held at LGIP earned interest revenue of $415,821 for the year ended June 30, 2000. ViZ1 Risk Management The Town of Fountain Hills participates in the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool. Risk coverage includes general liability, errors and omissions, property and automobile insurance. The policy insures up to $1,000,000 per incident occurrence plus any excess liability of up to $8,000,000 as of June 30, 2000 and $15,000,000 as of July 1, 2000, per occurrence per year. Coverage is provided on a claims -made basis. The Arizona Municipal Workers Compensation on is the Town insurance provider for Workers' Compensation. The rate varies according to the functions performed by personnel. Independent Audit Arizona statutes require an annual audit by independent certified public accountants. The firm of Cronstrom and Trbovich P.C., CPAs was retained by the Town to perform the 1999-00 audit. Generally accepted auditing standards were used by the auditors in conducting the engagement. The auditor's report on the general-purpose financial statements and combining and individual fund statements and schedules is included in the Financial Section of this report. r Acknowledgements I would also like to extend my appreciation to the Mayor and Council for their leadership and support. The preparation of this Comprehensive Annual Financial Report was made possible by the hard work of the Finance Department staff. Each member of the department has my sincere appreciation for the contributions made in the preparation of this report. Respectfully submitted, Paul L. Nordin Town Manager Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1999 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. Imo/ C President Y Executive Director m eau U E d yy �9 e a U w y 3�® Qo;U a U maw �F w d wro a a TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA LIST OF PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS Mayor Vice -Mayor Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember DEPARTMENT HEADS Town Manager Magistrate Planning & Zoning Director Town Clerk/Director of Administration Town Engineer Director of Public Safety Parks &Recreation Deputy Directors Town Attorney Town Prosecutor Street Superintendent xii Ms. Sharon Morgan Ms. Sharon Hutcheson Ms. Leesa Fraverd Dr. John Kavanagh Mr. John McNeill Ms. Susan Ralphe Mr. John Wyman Paul Nordin Stuart Shoob Jeffrey Valder Cassie Hansen Randy Harrel Steve Gendler Don Clark Bryan Hughes William E. Farrell Iacovino & Kayler Pat Harvey r THISPAGEBLANK C E R T I F I E D P U B L I C A C C O U N T ANT S The Honorable Mayor and the Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona We have audited the accompanying general-purpose financial statements of the Town of Fountain. Hills, Arizona (Town), as of and for the year ended June 30, 2000, as listed in the table of contents. These general-purpose financial statements are the responsibility of the Town's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general-purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general-purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the general-purpose financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall general- purpose financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general-purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as of June 30, 2000, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general-purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund and account group financial statements and schedules listed in the table of contents as supplementary information are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general-purpose financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general-purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the general-purpose statements taken as a whole. The other information included in this report, designated as the "Statistical Section" in the table of contents, was not audited by us and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. Cronstrom & Trbovich, P.C. October 13, 2000 8706 EAST MANZANFFA DRIVE, SUITE 100 • SCOTTSDAIE, ARIZONA 85258 • (480) 348-1102 • FAX (480) 348-1104 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION THIS PAGE BLANK 2 .�, � � ��,.. i,�: y.i 3 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS AS OF JUNE 30, 2000 Governmental Fund Types Special Deb[ Capital General Revenue Service Projects Assets and Other Debits Assets Cash and investments $ 79312,420 $ 14,604 $ 45988,389 $ 313595527 Cash on deposit with paying agent - - 447,697 Accounts receivable 40,490 74 - Taxes receivable - 497 18,832 - Intergovernmental receivable 501,907 272,601 - 4769321 Interest receivable 493848 - - - Special assessments receivable - - 233239 - Due from other funds 281,963 - - - Prepaid items 11672 - - - Fixed assets - - - - Other Debits Amount available in debt service fund - - - - Amount to be provided for retirement of general long-term debt - - - Total Assets and Other Debits $ 8.188,300 $ 287,776 $ 5.478.157 $ 3.835.848 Liabilities, Equity and Other Credits Liabilities Accounts payable $ 1,6019171 $ 1715650 $ 19726 $ 27,597 Accrued wages and benefits 128,454 31,072 - - Due to developer - - 494353000 - Retainagepayable 399137 29728 - - Interest payable - - 2899262 - Intergovernmental payable 123731 - - - Due to other funds - 42,503 - 2399460 Refundable deposits 26,350 - - - Deferred revenue 65,996 3%823 36,897 155000 Compensated absences payable - - - - General obligation bonds payable - - 3159110 - Community facilities district bonds payable - - - - Special assessment debt with government commitment - - Total Liabilities 1,873,839 287,776 590779995 2829057 Equity and Other Credits Investment in genera] fixed assets - - - - Fund balances Unreserved, undesignated 6.314.461 - 400,162 3.553.791 Total Equity and Other Credits 6314,461 - 400,162 3,5534791 Total Liabilities, Equity and Other Credits $ 841889300 $ 287.776 $ 5,4789157 $ 3,835,848 The accompanying notes [o fmancial statements are an integral part of [his statement. Account Groups Totals General General (Memorandum Fixed Assets Long-term Debt Only) 447,697 40,564 19,329 I,250,829 49,848 23,239 2815963 1,672 191843,041 - 1958439041 400,162 4003162 139386,731 1393869731 $ 19.843,041 $ 1397863893 $ 5L420,015 159,526 - - 49435,000 41,865 289,262 12,731 281,963 26,350 157,716 - 1755792 1759792 - 816773053 8,9929163 - 459053000 459053000 294048 29,048 13,786,893 21308.560 1%843,041 - 1938433041 109268,414 l%8432041 305111,455 $ 19,843.041 $13,786.893 $ 51.4203015 The accompanying notes [o financial statements are an integral part of [his statement. 5 THIS PAGE BLANK TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 Totals Special Debt Capital (Memorandum General Revenue Service Projects Only) Revenues Taxes $ 432193440 $ 35202 $ 653,824 $ - $ 458763466 Intergovernmental 313349964 L4369828 - - 437713792 Fines and forfeitures 2935970 - - - 293,970 Licenses and permits 25569,472 - - - 235693472 Charges for services 3182748 1359618 - - 454,366 Rents and royalties 279208 - - 275208 Contributions and donations - 10,598 - - 103598 Special assessments - - 95241 - 91241 Interest 4205323 - 303,537 195399 7439259 Other 21.055 21.055 Total Revenues IIn205.180 1,586,246 9669602 19.399 139777,427 Expenditures Current General government 2,5013466 273487 - - 295289953 Public safety 2,8181628 2405392 - - 310599020 Highways and streets - 2,4689498 - - 294689498 Culture and recreation 333582209 1,300 - - 39359,509 Community development 192769951 - - - L276,951 Capital outlay - - - 15787,469 157879469 Debt service Principal retirement - - 3395013 - 3395013 Interest and fiscal charges - 5854001 - 5855001 Total Expenditures 94955,254 2/7372677 9244014 1.787.469 15.404.414 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures L2494926 U 151/4311 42,588 _(1776890701 (L626,98) Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in 23025 L2695112 115,656 - L386,793 Operating transfers out (112693112) (1175681) - - (L386,793) Proceeds from sale of bonds - 5.100.000 51100,000 Total other financing sources (uses) (L2620871 1.151.431 l l5.656 51100,000 5.100.000 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses (175161) - 158,244 35331,930 3,4731013 Fund balance, beginning of year 6,3313622 - 241 918 2215861 6,795,401 Fund balance, end of year $ 6.314,461 $ $ 400.162 $ 3,553.791 $ 10.268,414 The accompanying notes to financial statements aze an integral part of this statement. 7 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - BUDGET AND ACTUAL - ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES YEAR ENDED JUNE 303 2000 General Special Revenue Variance Variance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Taxes $ 33410,000 $ 41219,440 $ 8099440 $ 31200 $ 33202 $ 2 Intergovernmental 312479165 3,334,964 879799 138753452 1,436,828 (438,624) Fines and forfeitures 2973800 2939970 (3,830) - - - Licenses and permits 11756,800 2,5695472 812,672 - - - Charges for services 3489523 318,748 (299775) 803000 135,618 553618 Rents and royalties 15,000 27,208 127208 - - - Contributions and donations - - - - 10,598 103598 Special assessments - - - - - - Interest 3505000 4203323 70,323 19000 Other 304000 21.055 (899451 500 (500) Total Revenues 944554288 11.205,180 1.749,892 1.960,152 145869246 (373,9061 Expenditures Current General government 598479029 23501,466 333455563 5195535 27,487 492,048 Public safety 29676,490 29818,628 (142,138) 2559595 2403392 159203 Highways and streets - - - 213359559 25468,498 (1329939) Culture and recreation 45255,935 333583209 897,726 29025 11300 725 Community development 154013580 192769951 1245629 - - - Capital outlay - - - - - - Debt service Principal retirement - - - - - - Interest and fiscal charges - - Total Expenditures 14,181,034 94955,254 4,2259780 3,112,714 2,7374677 3754037 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (4,725,746) 1 249 926 51975,672 1 1(, 52.562) (19151,431) 1331 Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in - 2,025 23025 152689200 1126%112 912 Operating transfers out (152655000) (1726%112) (49112) (115,650) (1179681) (2,031) Proceeds from sale of bonds Total other financing sources (uses) (1,265,0001 (1.267,087) (240871 L1524550 1,1519431 1119) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses (5,990,746) (17,161) 5,973,585 (12) - 12 Fund balance, beginning of year 54990,746 693319622 3404876 12 (12) Fund balance, end of year $ - $ 6.314.461 $ 643149461 The accompanying notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. E3 Debt Service Capital Projects Vaziance Vaziance Favorable Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Actual (Unfavorable) - - - - 21100,000 - (291009000) 27000 %241 79241 1205850 303,537 182,687 - 1%399 199399 7719400 9669602 1959202 2.1009000 199399 (2,080.601) 346,320 339,013 79307 581888 585,001 (3,113) 928,208 924.014 4.194 (156,8081 42,588 1999396 115,650 115,656 6 115,650 115.656 6 11,200,000 1,787,469 9,412,531 11200000 12787,469 9JI2,531 (95100.0001 (1576840701 7,3319930 9.100,000 5.100,000 (4.000,000) 9.100.000 5.100,000 (4.000.0001 (41,I58) 158,244 199,402 - 3,331,930 3,331,930 41,158 241,918 200s760 221,861 2214861 $ $ 400.162 $ 400,162 $ $ 3.553,791 $ 3,553.791 The accompanying notes to financial statements aze an integral part of this statement. 9 THIS PAGE BLANK 10 ii . NOTE I - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (Town) conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governmental units. The Town was incorporated on December 5, 1989 and operates under the Town Council form of government. The more significant of the Town's accounting policies are described below. Reporting Entity - In evaluating how to define the Town, for financial reporting purposes, management has identified two potential component units. The decision to include a potential component unit in the reporting entity has been made by applying criteria set forth in generally accepted accounting principles. Generally, component units are legally separate organizations for which the elected officials of the primary government (i.e., the Town) are financially accountable. The primary government is financially accountable for a potential component unit if it: appoints a voting majority of the potential component unit's governing body; and, either is able to impose its will on the potential component unit or there is a possibility of the potential component unit to provide specific financial benefits to, or impose specific financial burdens on the primary government. In addition, a primary government may be financially accountable for a potential component unit even though the potential component unit may have a separately elected governing board, a board appointed by another government, or a jointly appointed board if the potential component unit is fiscally dependent on the primary government (e.g., the primary government must approve the potential component unit's budget, tax rates, etc.). The following component units have been included in the Town's reporting entity: The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District and the Cottonwoods Improvement and Maintenance District. As special purpose districts and separate political subdivisions under the Arizona Constitution, the Districts can levy taxes and issue bonds independently of the Town. Property owners in the designated areas are assessed for District taxes and thus for the costs of operating the Districts. The Town Council serves as the Board of Directors; however, the Town has no liability for the Districts' debt. For financial reporting purposes, transactions of the Districts are combined together and included as if they were part of the Town's operations. Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Municipal Property Corporation. The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Municipal Property Corporation's (MPC) board of directors consists of three members which are appointed by the Fountain Hills Town Council. The MPC, which is a nonprofit corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Arizona, was formed for the sole purpose of assisting the Town in obtaining financing for various projects of the Town. The Town has a "moral obligation" for the repayment of the MPC's bonds. The MPC had no financial activity during the fiscal year. 11 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED TUNE 30, 2000 NOTE I - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Cum d) Fund Accounting -The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self -balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues and expenditures, as appropriate. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. The various funds are grouped, in the financial statements in this report, into generic fund types and broad categories as follows: Governmental Funds General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Town. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or major capital projects) that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Debt Service Funds - The Debt Service Funds account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest and related costs. Capital Projects Funds - The Capital Projects Funds are used to account for specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for the acquisition or construction of general fixed assets. Account Groups General Fixed Assets - The General Fixed Assets Account Group accounts for the fixed assets of the Town. General Long-term Debt - The General Long-term Debt Account Group accounts for the unmatured principal balances of bonds and other long-term debt not reported in proprietary funds. Measurement Focus - The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All Governmental Funds are accounted for using a current financial resources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, only current assets and current liabilities generally are included on the balance sheet. Operating statements of these funds present increases (i.e., revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (i.e., expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. RN .! all 111 N®TE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Cuntt d) Basis of Accounting -Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Governmental Funds are accounted for usang the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available to finance expenditures of the current period. Expenditures are recognized when the related fund liability is incurred. However, since debt service resources are provided during the current year for payment of general long-term debt principal and interest Inc early in the following year, the expenditures and related liabilities have been recognized in the Debt Service Funds. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are intergovernmental grants and appropriations, franchise taxes, licenses, interest revenue and charges for services. Sales taxes collected and held by the state at year end on behalf of the government also are recognized as revenue. Fines, permits and parking meter revenues are not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable until received in cash. Budgetary Accounting -The Town Council follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: 1. In accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes, the Town Manager submits a proposed budget for the fiscal year commencing the following July 1 to the Town Council. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them for the upcoming year. 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comment. 3. State law requires that, prior to April 1, the Economic Estimates commission provides the Town with a final expenditure limit for the coming fiscal year. To ensure compliance with the expenditure limitation, a uniform expenditure report must be filed with the State each year. This report, issued under a separate cover, reconciles total Town expenditures from the audited financial statements to total expenditures for reporting in accordance with the State's uniform expenditure reporting system (A.R.S. §41-1279.07). 13 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 NOTE 1 - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Cunt'd) 4. By Arizona Constitution, expenditures may not legally exceed the expenditure limitation described below of all fund types as a whole. For management purposes, the Town adopts a budget by department for the General Fund and in total by fund for other funds. The Town Manager, subject to Town Council approval, may at any time transfer any unencumbered appropriation balance or portion thereof between a department or activity. The adopted budget cannot be amended in any way without Town Council approval. 5. Legal budgets are adopted for the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Capital Projects Funds on essentially the same modified accrual basis of accounting used to record actual revenues and expenditures. The Town is subject to the State of Arizona's Spending Limitation Law for Towns and Cities. This law does not permit the Town to spend more than budgeted revenues plus the carry-over unrestricted cash balance from the prior fiscal year. The limitation is applied to the total of the combined funds. The Town complied with this law during the year. No supplementary budgetary appropriations were necessary during the yeaz. Encumbrances -Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded to reserve that portion of the applicable fund balance, is not employed by the Town during the year. All appropriations lapse at yeaz-end. Cash Equivalents -Cash equivalents consist of short-term, highly liquid investments that are both (a) readily convertible to known amounts of cash; and (b) so near their maturity that they present insignificant risk of changes in value because of changes in interest rates. Generally, only investments with original maturities of three months or less meet this definition. Investments -Investments in securities aze stated at fair value in accordance with GASB Statement No. 31. Short-term Interfund Receivables/Payables - During the course of operations, numerous transactions occur between individual funds for goods provided or services rendered. These receivables and payables are classified as "due from other funds" or "due to other funds" on the balance sheet. NOTEI-SUMMARYOFSIGNIFICANTACCOUNTINGPOLICIES(Cunt'd) Inventory of Supplies -Purchases of such inventory items are recorded at the time of purchase as expenditures in the funds from which the purchases are made; and because the amounts on hand at June 30, 2000 were immaterial, they are not included in the balance sheet. Prepaid Items -Payments made to vendors for services that will benefit periods beyond June 30, 2000, are recorded as prepaid items. Expenditures for prepaid items are recorded using the consumption method. Property, Plant and Equipment -Fixed assets used in governmental fund type operations are accounted for in the General Fixed Assets Account Group. Public domain (infrastructure) assets consisting of certain improvements other than buildings, such as roads and sidewalks are not capitalized, as these assets are immovable and of value only to the government. Property, plant and equipment acquired or constructed for general governmental operations are recorded at the time of purchase as expenditures in the funds from which the expenditures were made. Property, plant and equipment is recorded at historical cost or estimated historical cost if actual historical cost is not available. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair market value on the date donated. Assets in the general fixed assets account group are not depreciated. Fund Equity -The unreserved fund balances for governmental funds represent the amount available for budgeting future operations. The reserved fund balances for govenunental funds represent the amount that has been legally identified for specific purposes. Compensated Absences -Because all vested or accumulated vacation leave is not expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources, it is reported in the general long-term debt account group. Interfund Transactions -Quasi-external transactions are accounted for as revenues, expenditures or expenses. Transactions that constitute reimbursements to a fund for expenditures/expenses initially made from it that are properly applicable to another fund, are recorded as expenditures/expenses in the reimbursing fund and as reductions of expenditures/expenses in the fund that is reimbursed. 15 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 303 2000 NOTE I - SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (Concl'd) All other interfund transactions, except quasi -external transactions and reimbursements, are reported as transfers. Nonrecurring or nonroutine permanent transfers of equity are reported as residual equity transfers. All other interfund transfers are reported as operating transfers. Property Tax Revenues -Property tax revenues aze recognized as revenues in the fiscal year they are levied and collected or if they are collected within 60 days subsequent to fiscal year-end. Property taxes not collected within 60 days subsequent to fiscal year-end or collected in advance of the fiscal year for which they are levied, are reported as deferred revenues. The County levies real property taxes on or before the third Monday in August that become due and payable in two equal installments. The first installment is due on the first day of October and becomes delinquent after the first business day of November. The second installment is due on the first day of March of the next year and becomes delinquent after the first business day of May. The County also levies various personal property taxes during the year that aze due the second Monday of the month following receipt of the tax notice and become delinquent 30 days thereafter. Total Columns -Total columns on the combined financial statements are captioned "Memorandum Only" to indicate they are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations or cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither are such data comparable to a consolidation. Interfund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. l A • • ! Ilfi NOTE 2 - STEWARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE, AND ACCO UNTABILITY Expenditures exceeded the adopted budget in the following funds: Amount of Fund Overexpenditure General Fund: Building Safety $ 665016 Town Marshal 76,122 Parks and Recreation 321,535 Special Revenue Funds: HURF 1075564 Cottonwoods Maintenance District 2 Debt Service Funds: HURF Debt Service 292 Eagle Mountain Debt Service 4,746 Cottonwoods Special Assessment 25908 Cash or receivables were available to meet all of the overexpenditures listed above. NOTE 3 - CASHAND INVESTMENTS Cash and investments are pooled and invested. Interest earned from investments purchased with such pooled monies is allocated to each of the funds based on the average monthly cash balances of the Town. State statutes authorize the Town to invest in obligations of the U.S. Treasury and U.S. agencies, certificates of deposit in eligible depositories, repurchase agreements, obligations of the State of Arizona or any of its counties or incorporated cities, towns or duly organized school districts, improvement districts in this state and the State Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool. Cash and investments at June 30, 2000 consist of the following: Cash on hand Cash in bank Investments Total cash and investments Cash on deposit with paying agent Total cash and investments on the combined balance sheet $ 380 815,027 15,307,230 16,122,637 �447,697) � 15.674.940 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2000 NOTE 3 - CASHAND INVESTMENTS (Concl'd) The Town's deposits as of June 30, 2000 were entirely insured or collateralized with securities held by the Town's custodial bank in the Town's name. The TOWn'S investments at June 30, 20002 consisted of the following. The State Board of Deposit provides oversight for the State Treasurer's pools, and the Local Government Investment Pool Advisory Committee provides consultation and advice to the Treasurer. The fair value of a participant's position in the pool approximates the value of that participant's pool shares. The shares are not identified with specific investments and are not subject to custodial credit risk. The guaranteed insurance contract is also not subject to custodial credit risk. All other investments were insured or registered in the Town's name or were held by the Town or its agent in the Town's name. Carrying Fair Amount Value U.S. government securities $ 452,982 $ 452,982 Guaranteed Insurance Contract 4,4503765 4945%765 State Treasurer's Investment Pool 1%374,435 l%3741435 Investment in Cottonwoods Improvement Bonds 29,048 299048 Total $ 15.307.230 $ I5.307.230 NOTE 4 -PROPERTY TAXES RECEIVABLE Property taxes receivable consist of uncollected property taxes as determined from the records of the County Treasurer's Office, and at June 30, 2000, were as follows. General Obligation Eagle Mountain Total Year Debt Service Fund Debt Service Fund Debt Service 1999-00 $ 11,173 $ 7,105 $ 18,278 1998-99 67 10 77 1997-98 -0- -0- -0- 1996-97 27 -0- 27 1995-96 -0- -0- -0- Prior 450 -0- 450 Total 11 717 11 1 832 That portion of property taxes receivable not collected within 60 days after June 30, 2000, has been deferred and, consequently, is not included in current year revenues. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL. STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 NOTE 5 - CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS A summary of the changes in general fixed assets follows. Balance Completed Balance July 1, 1999 Additions Deletions Construction June 30, 2000 Land and improvements $ 13,202,697 $ 194669294 $ -0- $ -0- $ 14,6683991 Buildings and improvements 194405528 252309 -0- -0- 154652837 Improvements other than buildings 166,953 -0- -0- -0- 1665953 Furniture, equipment and vehicles 222885376 343,125 -0- -0- 25631,501 Construction in progress -0- 909,759 -0- -0- 9093759 Total 17.098.554 2.744.487 $ -0- $ 0- 19.843.041 The estimated cost to complete construction at June 30, 2000 was $4,301,805. Operating Lease -The Town leases office space under the provisions of a long-term lease agreement classified as an operating lease. Rental expenditures under the terms of the operating lease totaled $162,595 for the year ended June 30, 2000. The operating lease is cancelable with a 90-day notice. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED DUNE 3% 2000 NOTE 7 - GENERAL OBLIGATIONBONDSPAYABLE Bonds payable at June 30, 2000 consisted of the outstanding general obligation bonds presented below. Bonds maturing prior to July 1, 2000 are noncallable. Bonds maturing thereafter are subject to call. Interest is payable semiannually. Principal and interest requirements at June 30, 2000 were as follows. Interest Description Rates % Maturity Street and Highway User Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 3.75-4,625 7/1/9940 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1991 7.0-10.0 7/1/99-2000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 1995 4.6-5.3 7/l/99-2010 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1999 5.1-6.5 7/l/00-2014 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2000 5.5-7.0 7/I/O1-2014 Outstanding Outstanding Principal Issues/ Principal July 1, 1999 (Retirements) June 30, 2000 $ 1,075,000 $ (30,000) $ 1,045,000 325,000 (150,000) 175,000 2,715,187 (43,024) 2,672,163 Less: amounts transferred to Debt Service Funds to retire bonds payable on July 1, 2000 Total long-term bonds payable 20 -0- 1,400,000 1,400,000 -0- 3,700,000 3.700.000 8,992,163 (315,110) 1 General obligation on debt service requirements to maturity, including $3,410,134 of interest, are as follows: Year ending June 30: 2001 $ 981,870 2002 190115418 2003 995,263 2004 981,453 2005 9749558 Thereafter 7,142,625 12.087.187 In prior years, the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona defeased certain general obligation and other bonds by placing the proceeds of new bonds in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future debt service payments on the old bonds. Accordingly, the trust account assets and the liability for the defeased bonds are not included in the Town's financial statements. At June 30, 2000, the amount of defeased debt outstanding but removed from the General Long-term Debt Account Group was $294555000. NOTE 8 -SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT WITH GOVERNMENT COMMITMENT Special assessment debt with government commitment at June 30, 2000 consisted of the outstanding bond presented below. The bond is owned by the Town. The bond is generally callable with interest payable5 semiannually. Principal and interest requirements at June 30, 2000, were as follows. Interest Descri to ion Rates Cottonwoods Improvement Bond 5.25 Outstanding Principal Maturity July 1, 1999 1/1/00-09 32 27 21 Issues/ (Retirements Outstanding Principal June 30, 2000 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 302 2000 NOTE 8 - SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DEBT WITH GOVERNMENT COMMITMENT (Concl 'd) General obligation bond debt service requirements to maturity, including $6,863 of interest, are as follows: Yeaz ending June 30: 2001 $ 4,668 2002 4,498 2003 4,329 2004 4,160 2005 3,990 Thereafter 146266 E� Improvement Districts are created only by petition of the Town Council by property owners within the District areas. The Cottonwoods Improvement District was created so the Town could fund the improvements. Each of the 54 homeowners within the District has been assessed taxes by the Town for repayment of the bond. In case of default, the Town has the responsibility to cover delinquencies of special assessment bonds with other sources until foreclosure proceeds are received. NOTE 9 - COMMUNITYFACILITIES DISTRICT BONDS PAYABLE Community Facilities District bonds payable at June 30, 2000 consisted of the outstanding bonds presented below. The bonds are generally callable with interest payable semiannually. Of the total amount originally authorized, $2,095,000 remains unissued. Principal and interest requirements at June 30, 2000 were as follows. Interest Descri ty ion Rates % Maturity Series 1996-A 5.5-6.5 7/1/03-21 Series 1996-13 7.25 7/1/03-21 Outstanding Outstanding Principal Issues/ Principal July 1, 1999 (Retirements) June 30, 2000 $ 4,4351000 $ -0- $ 4,435,000 470,000 -0- 4704000 Total long-term bonds payable 4 au 000 $ _0_ $ 4.905.000 22 Community Facilities District on debt service requirements to maturity, including $4,389,800 of interest are as follows: Year ending June 30: 2001 $ 313,350 2002 313,350 2003 453,350 2004 4555475 2005 4565828 Thereafter 7,302,447 Community facilities districts (CFDs) are created only by petition to the Town Council by property owners within the District areas. As board of directors for the District, the Town Council has adopted a formal policy that CFD debt will be permitted only when the ratio of full cash value of the District property (prior to improvements being installed), when compared to proposed District debt, is a minimum of 3 to 1 prior to issuance of debt and 5 to 1 or higher after construction of improvements. These ratios are verified by an appraisal paid for by the District and administered by the Town. In addition, cumulative debt of all CFDs cannot exceed 5 percent of the Town's secondary assessed valuation. The developer contributed $4,435,000 to the CFD to guarantee the repayment of the Series 1996 A bonds. The District then established a guaranteed investment contract with a trustee as collateral for the Series 1996 A bonds, which provides for an A rating for the bonds from Standard & Foor's Corporation. When property valuation in the Eagle Mountain development is sufficient to establish an A rating on the bonds without the guaranteed contract, the developer may apply to the CFD Board to have the $4,435,000 returned. Until then, all interest earned on the guaranteed investment contract is deposited into the Debt Service Fund of the CFD. Because it is the intention of the CFD to return this money to the developer as long as property taxes are sufficient to repay the bonds, it has been recorded as due to developer. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 NOTE 10 - COMPENSATED ABSENCES The liability for vested compensated absences is recorded in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group. A summary of changes in liabilities for compensated absences for the year ended June 30, 2000, follows. Balance at July 1, 1999 $ 139,799 Current year increase in liabilities for compensated absences 35,993 Balance at June 30, 2000 1 792 NOTE 11 - INTERFUND RECEIVABLESAND PAYABLES As of June 30, 2000, interfund receivables and payables that resulted from various interfund transactions were as follows: Due from Due to Other Funds Other Funds General Fund $ 281,963 $ -0- Special Revenue Funds: Cottonwoods Maintenance District -0- 497 Grants Fund -0- 423006 Capital Projects Funds: Heritage Grant Fund -0- 239,460 2 1 963 2 1 963 NOTE 12 -CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Accumulated Sick Leave -Sick leave benefits provide for ordinary sick pay and are cumulative but do not vest with employees and, therefore, are not accrued. Unvested accumulated sick leave of Town employees at June 30, 2000, totaled $458,497. 24 •ilkr IN r NOTE 13 -SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Subsequent to June 305 2000, the Town sold $456805000 of Municipal Property Corporation (MPQ Revenue Bonds, Series 2000 for the construction of a 31,500 square foot community center on a 13-acre site owned by the Town. The first principal payment will be made during the 2001-02 fiscal year and there will be an annual principal payment through the year ended June 30, 2020. The annual interest rate varies from 4.50% to 5.625%. Subsequent to June 30, 2000, the Town also contracted with two outside parties as part of the Fountain Park Repair for $701,800 and $189,689. The repairs are part of an on -going project that is not included in the General Fixed Assets construction in progress. NOTE 14 -RISK MANAGEMENT The Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters. The Town's insurance protection is provided by the Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool, of which the Town is a participating member. The limit for basic coverage is for $1,000,000 per occurrence on a claims made basis. Excess coverage is for an additional $8,000,000 per occurrence on a follow form, claims made basis. No significant reduction in insurance coverage occurred during the year and no settlements exceeded insurance coverage during any of the past three fiscal years. However, effective July 1, 2000 the liability coverage was increased to $15,0009000. The Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool is structured such that member premiums are based on an actuarial review that will provide adequate reserves to allow the pool to meet its expected financial obligations. The pool has the authority to assess its members additional premiums should reserves and annual premiums be insufficient to meet the pool's obligations. The Town is also insured by Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool for potential worker related accidents. 25 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 3% 2000 NOTE I S - DEFINED CONTRZBUTIONPENSIONPLAN All non -peace officers and full-time employees of the Town participate in a defined contribution pension plan administered by the ICMA Retirement Corporation as a 401(a) plan. The payroll for Town employees covered by this plan for the year ended June 30, 2000 was $2,497,358. The Town's total payroll was $3,490,735. A defined contribution pension plan provides benefits in return for services rendered, provides an individual account for each participant, and specifies how contributions to the individual's account are to be determined instead of specifying the amount of benefit the individual is to receive. Under a defined contribution pension plan, the benefits a participant will receive depend solely on the amount contributed to the participant's account, the returns earned on investment of those contributions, and forfeitures of other participant's benefits that may be allocated to such participant's account. All non -peace officer full-time Town employees must participate in the pension plan from the date they are hired. Contributions made by an employee vest immediately and contributions made by the Town vest after three years of service. An employee that leaves the employment of the Town is entitled to his or her contributions and the vested portion of the Town's contributions, plus interest earned. Each employee must contribute 11% of his or her gross earnings. The Town must contribute 11% of covered earnings. During fiscal year 1999-00, the Town's required and actual contributions amounted to $287,196. The employees' contributions totaled $287,196. No pension provision changes occurred during the year that affected the required contributions to be made by the Town or its employees. The ICMA Retirement Corporation held no securities of the Town or other related parties during the fiscal year 1999-00 or as of the close of the fiscal year. • • •A 11 A P • i� • • 1 111 r r a Plan Description -The Town of Fountain Hills contributes to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS), an agent multiple -employer, public employee retirement system that acts as a common investment and administrative agent to provide retirement and death and disability benefits for public safety personnel who are regularly assigned hazardous duty in the employ of the State of Arizona or a political subdivision thereof. All benefit provisions and other requirements are established by State statute. The Public Safety Personnel Retirement System issues a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information for PSPRS. That report may be obtained by writing to Public Safety Personnel, 1020 E. Missouri Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85014 or by calling (602)255-5575. Funding Policy -Covered employees are required to contribute 7.65 percent of their annual salary to the PSPRS. The Town of Fountain Hills is required to contribute the remaining amounts necessary to fund the PSPRS, as determined by the actuarial basis specified by statute. The current rate is 9.44% of annual covered payroll. Annual Pension Cost -During the yeaz ended June 30, 1999 (the date of the last available information), the Town of Fountain Hill's annual pension cost of $25,603 for police was equal to the Town of Fountain Hill's required and actual contributions. The required contribution was determined as part of the June 30, 1999 actuarial valuation using an entry age actuarial funding method. Significant actuarial assumptions used in determining the entry age actuarial accrued liability include (a) a rate of return on the investment of present and future assets of 9.0% per year compounded annually, (b) projected salary increases of 6.5% per year compounded annually, and (c) additional projected salary increases of 0.0% to 3.0% per year attributable to seniority/merit. The actuarial value of the Town of Fountain Hill's assets was determined using techniques that smooth the effects of short-term volatility in the mazket value of investments over a four-year period. The Town of Fountain Hill's unfunded actuarial accrued liability is being amortized as a level percentage of projected payroll on a closed basis. The remaining amortization period at June 30, 1999, was 19 years. The preceding methods comply with the financial reporting standards established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. 27 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 302 2000 NOTE 16 -RE, MEME, AND PENSION PLANS (Cond ",/ Three -Year Trend Information Police Fiscal Annual Year Ended Pension Percent Net Pension June 30, Cost (APC) Contributed Obligation 1997 $ 13,997 100.0% $ -0- 1998 22,869 100.0 -0- 1999 25,603 100.0 -0- Additional historical trend information for the Town of Fountain Hill's PSPRS is disclosed on page 30. Historical trend information is presented in order for a reader to assess the progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay pension benefits as they become payable. !1 11 111 i • TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION PUBLIC SAFETY PERSONNEL RETIREMENT SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF FUNDING PROGRESS Schedule of Funding Progress Police (Underfunded)/ Overfunded Entry Age AAL as a Valuation Actuarial Actuarial (Underfunded)/ Annual Percentage Date Value of Accrued Overfunded Funded Covered of Covered June 30, Assets Liabilily(AAL) AAL Ratio Payroll Payroll 1996 $ 17,463 $ 16,084 $ 1,379 108.6% $ 771574 1997 543809 48,512 6,297 113.0 216,163 2.91 1998 1849135 125,791 %344 148.7 3947005 15.31 1999 258,664 263,285 (4,621) 98.2 412,182 (1.1) 30 Statements and Schedules THIS PAGE BLANK 32 The General Fund is the general operating fund of the Town. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - GENERAL FUND -BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 303 2000 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Taxes $ 394105000 $ 4321%440 $ 8093440 Intergovernmental 352479165 353349964 879799 Fines and forfeitures 2972800 2932970 (3,830) Licenses and permits 11756,800 235695472 8125672 Charges for services 348,523 318,748 (29,775) Rents and royalties 157000 279208 12,208 Interest 3505000 4209323 70,323 Other 30 000 214055 (84945) Total Revenues 9,455,288 119205,180 1.749,892 Expenditures Current General government Mayor and Town Council 859000 81,306 3,694 Magistrate Court 2462640 232,305 143335 General and Administrative 2,41%350 251639742 2559608 Non -departmental 3,096,039 24,113 3,0714926 Total General government 5,847,029 2/5019466 34345,563 Public safety Building Safety 5613300 627,316 (66,016) Town Marshal 2.115,190 2,1919312 (76.122) Total Public safety 2.6769490 2,818,628 (142,1381 Culture and recreation Parks and Recreation 1,322,880 196449415 (3219535) Golden Eagle Park 2563165 2483832 72333 Civic Center 1,5559000 515,009 190399991 Community Center 64,900 603166 49734 Public Works L056.990 889,787 1679203 Total Culture and recreation 4,255,935 393584209 897,726 Community development Engineering Department 12128,360 19015,152 113,208 Community Development 273.220 261,799 11,421 Total Community development 1,4019580 1,276,951 1244629 Total Expenditures 14,181,034 9,9554254 4,225,780 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (4,7259746) 11249,926 5,9754672 Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in - 29025 29025 Operating transfers out (14265,000) 0.269,1121 (4,1121 Total other financing sources (uses) (1,265,000) _(19267,087) (29087) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses (5,9909746) (17,161) 51973,585 Fund balance, beginning of year 5,9909746 6,3314622 340,876 Fund balance, end of year $ $ 6.3 t4.461 $ 6.314,461 34 r Highway User Revenue Fund (HURF) -accounts for the Town°s share of motor fuel tax revenues and lottery proceeds. Cottonwoods Maintenance District -accounts for taxes assessed to pay for the maintenance of the Cottonwoods District. Grants Fund -accounts for the activities of various grants received by the Town. 35 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF JUNE 30, 2000 Cottonwoods Maintenance HURF District Grants Fund Totals Assets Cash and investments $ 14,604 $ - $ - $ 14,604 Accounts receivable 74 - - 74 Taxes receivable - 497 - 497 Intergovernmental receivable 91,757 180,844 272,601 Total Assets $ 106.435 $ 497 $ 1 $ 287.776 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts payable $ 869425 $ - $ 85,225 $ 171,650 Accrued wages and benefits 17,282 - 13,790 31,072 Retainage payable 25728 - - 21728 Due to other funds - 497 423006 423503 Deferred revenue 39,823 39,823 Total Liabilities 106,435 497 1809844 287,776 Fund balances Unreserved, undesignated - - Tand Fund Balance Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 106,435 $ 497 $ 180,844 $ 287,776 s TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED TUNE 30, 2000 Cottonwoods Maintenance HURF District Grants Fund Totals Revenues Taxes $ - $ 33202 $ - $ 33202 Intergovernmental 131365051 - 300,777 L436,828 Charges for services 1355618 - - 1353618 Contributions and donations 10 598 10.598 Total Revenues 14282,267 3.202 300,777 1,586.246 Expenditures Current General government Public safety Highways and streets Culture and recreation Total Expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in Operating transfers out Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses Fund balance, beginning of year Fund balance, end of year - 3,202 29435,723 - 294354723 3.202 (19153,4561 1,269,112 (I15,6561 1.153,456 24,285 27,487 24%392 2403392 329775 25468,498 1,300 1,300 98 752 2.737.677 2 2.025 (L(51,431 - 1,269,I12 (2,0251 1117,681) (2,025) 1.151,431 37 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA HURF SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 Budget IN FUND BALANCE - Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Revenues Intergovernmental $ 1,0941097 $ 1,136,051 $ 415954 Charges for services 803000 135,618 559618 Contributions and donations - 103598 10,598 Interest 19000 - (11000) Other 500 (500) Total Revenues 1,1759597 142829267 1069670 Expenditures Current Highways and streets 2328,159 294354723 (107,564) Total Expenditures 2328.159 2,435J23 (107,564) Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (1,152,562) (141539456) (894) Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in 112685200 1,26%112 912 Operating transfers out (115.650) (115,656) (6) Total other financing sources (uses) 14152,550 19153,456 906 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses (12) - 12 Fund balance, beginning of year 12 - 12) Fund balance, end of year $ - $ $ - 38 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COTTONWOODS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED TUNE 303 2000 Vaziance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Taxes $ 3.200 $ 3 202 $ 2 Total Revenues 3.200 3,202 2 Expenditures Current General government Total Expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Fund balance, beginning of year Fund balance, end of year 3.200 3.202 1200 3.202 (21 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA GRANTS SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2000 Budget IN FUND BALANCE - Variance Favorable Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Intergovernmental $ 7819355 $ 300,777 $ (480.5781 Total Revenues 781,355 3009777 (48095781 Expenditures Current General government 516,335 24,285 4922050 Public safety 2559595 240,392 15,203 Highways and streets 79400 32,775 (255375) Culture and recreation 2,025 1,300 725 Total Expenditures 7819355 298.752 482,603 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures 2,025 2,025 Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers out (240251 (2.025) Total other financing sources (uses) (29025) (2.0251 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses - - - Fund balance, beginning of year - Fund balance, end of year $ $ $ 40 + .+ HURF Debt Service -accounts for operating transfers received from the HURF special revenue fund to pay the debt service of the Street and Highway User Revenue Bonds, General Obligation (GO) Debt Service - accounts for the Towns property tax revenues received to pay the debt service of the Town°s general obligation bonds. Eagle Mountain Debt Service - accounts for the property tax revenues received to pay the debt service of the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District component unit. Cottonwoods Special Assessment - accounts for all special assessments received to pay the debt service of the Cottonwoods Special Assessment District. 41 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF JUNE 30, 2000 Eagle Cottonwoods HURF GO Mountain Special Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Assement Total Assets Cash and investments $ 60,336 $ 62510 $ 439165295 $ 51248 $ 499887389 Cash on deposit with paying agent 92,524 3553173 - - 447,697 Taxes receivable - 119717 75115 - 18,832 Special assessments receivable - 23,239 23,239 Total Assets $ 152,860 $ 373,400 $ 4.923.410 $ 28,487 $ 5,478,157 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts payable $ 579 $ 13147 $ - $ - $ 13726 Due to developer - - 41435,000 - 43435,000 Interest payable 22,524 110,063 1565675 - 28%262 Deferred revenue - 79444 65214 235239 369897 General obligation bonds payable 70,000 2459110 - 315.110 Total Liabilities 93,103 3634764 4,597,889 23.239 54077,995 Fund balances Unreserved, undesignated 59,757 9.636 3254521 5,248 400.162 Total Fund Balance 5%757 9,636 3259521 54248 400.162 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 152 860 $ 373,400 $ 4,923,410 $ 28.487 $ 5,478,157 42 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA DEBT SERVICE FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 Eagle Cottonwoods HURF GO Mountain Special Debt Service Debt Service Debt Service Assessment Totals Revenues Taxes $ - $ 451,760 $ 2023064 $ - $ 653,824 Special assessments - - - 93241 93241 Interest 6.986 295,636 915 303,537 Total Revenues 458.746 497.700 10,156 9669602 Expenditures Debt service Principal retirement $ 705000 265,785 - 39228 339,013 Interest and fiscal charges 45,942 215,783 321,596 1.680 5854001 Total Expenditures 1154942 4815568 321,596 4.908 924,014 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (1154942) (22,822) 176 104 54248 42,588 Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in 115.656 115.656 Total other financing sources (uses) 115,656 1154656 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses (286) (22,822) 176,104 5,248 158,244 Fund balance, beginning of year 60 043 32.458 149,417 241,918 Fund balance, end of year $ 59,757 $ 9.636 $ 325.521 $ 5.248 $ 4004162 43 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA HURF DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 Budget IN FUND BALANCE - Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Total Revenues $ $ $ Expenditures Debt service Principal retirement 7%000 702000 - Interest and fiscal charges 459650 45,942 (292) Total Expenditures 1154650 1159942 (292) Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (115,650) (115,942) (292) Other financing sources (uses) Operating transfers in 115,650 l l5,656 6 Total other financing sources (uses) 1154650 1154656 6 Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses - (286) (286) Fund balance, beginning of year - 604043 W043 Fund balance, end of year $ $ 59.757 $ 59,757 44 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA GO DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 301 2000 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Taxes $ 4489550 $ 4512760 $ 35210 Interest 41000 6.986 24986 Total Revenues 452,550 458.746 6,196 Expenditures Debt service Principal retirement 2759000 265,785 93215 Interest and fiscal charges 218,708 215,783 2.925 Total Expenditures 493,708 481 568 12,140 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (41,158) (22,822) 18,336 Fund balance, beginning of year 41.158 32.458 8 700) Fund balance, end of year $ - $ 9.636 45 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA EAGLE MOUNTAIN DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 3% 2000 Budget FUND BALANCE - Actual Variance Favorable (Unfavorable) Revenues Taxes $ 200,000 $ 202,064 $ 2,064 Interest 116,850 2954636 178,786 Total Revenues 316,850 497,700 180,850 Expenditures Debt service Interest and fiscal charges 316,850 3214596 (44746) Total Expenditures 3164850 3214596 (447461 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures - 176,104 1769104 Fund balance, beginning of year 1494417 1494417 Fund balance, end of year $ $ 325.521 $ 325,521 46 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COTTONWOODS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 305 2000 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Special assessments $ 25000 $ %241 $ 7,241 Interest 915 915 Total Revenues 25000 10,156 89156 Expenditures Debt service Principal retirement 13320 31228 (1,908) Interest and fiscal charges 680 19680 (1,000) Total Expenditures 2,000 4,908 (2.908) Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures - 59248 5,248 and balance, beginning of year Fund balance, end of year $ $ 5,248 47 ICY JbYJLef:� 71►:\.IN Cf Heritage Grant Fund -accounts for capital improvements through the use of Heritage Grant funds. CapiPal Projects Fund -accounts for the capital improvements to various proj acts of the Town. m TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET AS OF JUNE 30, 2000 Heritage Capital Grant Fund Projects Fund Total Assets Cash and investments $ - $ 33359,527 $ 313593527 Intergovernmental receivable 4769321 - 476,321 Total Assets $ 476321 $ 3,359.527 $. 3.835,848 Liabilities and Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts payable $ - $ 27,597 $ 279597 Due to other funds 23%460 - 2395460 Deferred revenue 15,000 154000 Total Liabilities 254,460 274597 282,057 Fund balances Unreserved, undesignated 221 86I 33314930 3,553,791 Total Fund Balance 221,861 33314930 3553,791 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 476,321 $ 3359,527 $ 3,835.848 50 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2000 Heritage Capital Grant Fund Protects Fund Total Revenues Interest $ $ 19,399 $ 19399 Total Revenues 19399 19399 Expenditures Capital outlay Total Expenditures Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Proceeds from sale of bonds Total other financing sources (uses) Excess of revenues and offier sources over (under) expenditures and other uses and balance, beginning of year Fund balance, end of year 221.861 $ 221.861 1,787.469 1,787,469 L7879469 13787,469 (1.7689070) (L768,070) 5.100.000 5.100.000 5,1001000 54100,000 3,331,930 3,331,930 2214861 $ 3,331930 $ 3,553.791 51 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA HERITAGE GRANT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Intergovernmental $ 2,100,000 $ $ (2,1009000) Total Revenues 2,100.000 (2,100,000) Expenditures Capital outlay 29100,000 - 291004000 Total Expenditures 21100,000 - 2.100,000 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures - - Fund balance, beginning of year 221,861 221,861 Fund balance, end of year $ $ 2219861 $ 221,861 52 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 309 2000 Variance Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues Interest $ $ 19.399 $ 19.399 Total Revenues 19.399 19 399 Expenditures Capital outlay 9.100,000 11787,469 743124531 Total Expenditures R10Q000 1.787,469 723 12.53 1 Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures (99100,0001 (1,768.070I 73312930 Other financing sources (uses) Proceeds from sale of bonds 95100,000 5,1009000 (4400000) Total other financing sources (uses) 9/1003000 5,100,000 4 0(, 00,000) Excess of revenues and other sources over (under) expenditures and other uses - 31331,930 35331,930 Fund balance, beginning of year - Fund balance, end of year $ $ 3.331.930 $ 3,331,930 53 THIS PAGE BLANK 54 General fixed assets consist of land and improvements, buildings and improvements, equipment and vehicles. These assets represent a major investment of Town funds. Adequate control and accountability of general fixed assets are essential to the protective custody of Town property. 55 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMPARATIVE SCHEDULES OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY SOURCE JUNE 30, 2000 AND 1999 2000 1999 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Land and improvements $ 1496689991 $ 135202,697 Buildings and improvements 134659837 13440,528 Improvements other than buildings 1669953 166,953 Furniture, equipment and vehicles 21631,501 252889376 Construction in progress 909 759 Total $ 19,843,041 $ 1Z098.554 INVESTMENT IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY SOURCE General Fund $ 5,8492848 $ 5,4865547 Special Revenue Funds 1,2719010 15146,414 Capital Projects Funds 724972481 532409891 Donations 5,224,702 5,224,702 Total $ 19.843,041 $ 17,098,554 56 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA SCHEDULE OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY AS OF JUNE 305 2000 Improvements Furniture, Land and Buildings and Other than Equipment and Construction Improvements Improvements Buildings Vehicles in Progress Total FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY General Government Council $ - $ - $ - $ %842 $ - $ 9,842 Administration 4,1551037 1823818 142,270 744,596 90%759 6,1349480 Community Development - - - 18,935 - 185935 Magistrate Court - - - 45,631 45 631 Total General Government 4,155.037 1829818 142,270 819,004 9099759 63208,888 Public Safety Building Safety - - - 865011 - 869011 Town Marshal 4155374 415374 Total Public Safety - - - 501 385 - 501,385 Highways and Streets Engineering - - - 1453673 - 1453673 Maintenance 744022 307,854 934,088 13159964 Total Highways and Streets 749022 3074854 14079,761 - 134619637 Culture and Recreation Community Center 4539618 4639500 179965 113351 - 9463434 Parks and Recreation 958763820 511,665 6,718 157,360 - 10,5523563 Public Works 109,494 629640 172.134 Total Culture and Recreation 10,439,932 9759165 24,683 231,351 11,671,131 Total $ 1456682991 $ L465,837 $ 166,953 $ 2.631,501 $ 909,759 $ 19,843,041 57 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA SCHEDULE OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2000 General Fixed Assets July 1, 1999 Additions Deletions General Fixed Assets June 30, 2000 FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY General Government Council $ 95842 $ - $ - $ %842 Administration 317135606 294203874 - 691343480 Community Development 183935 - - 18,935 Magistrate Court 43.918 1,713 45,631 Total General Government 34786.301 2,4224587 6,2089888 Public Safety Building Safety 869011 - - 86,011 Town Marshal 3524482 62,892 415,374 Total Public Safety 4384493 62,892 501.385 Highways and Streets Engineering 1459673 - - 145,673 Maintenance 1,191,368 124,596 14315,964 Total Highways and Streets 1.3374041 124,596 1,4619637 Culture and Recreation Community Center 9463434 - - 9469434 Parks and Recreation 1%418,151 1345412 - 105552,563 Public Works 172,134 172.134 Total Culture and Recreation 11.536,719 1344412 11,671,131 TOTAL GENERAL FIXED ASSETS $17,098.554 $ 2.744.487 $ $ 19.843,041 58 • 59 ) ) m ■ \ $( \ \ § \ § § a 2 7 ! & } ( ( \ \ } � z , rz \ $ R \ \ !{ [ \ / § TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL TAX REVENUES BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Property Franchise Year Sales Tax Tax Tax 2000 $ 4,087,514 $ 6573026 $ 1319926 $ 1999 33394,152 3489778 1183407 1998 2,9203084 302,375 103,748 1997 2,664,923 350,024 86,840 1996 1,610,116 336,000 783345 1995 16,622 3575033 949848 1994 393,654 94,780 1993 4233798 81,956 1992 350,831 76,585 1991 62 Total 4,8761466 3,861,337 3,326,207 3,101,787 2,0243461 4689503 488,434 5053754 4273416 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TAXABLE PROPERTY ASSESSED VALUATION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Assessed Assessed Assessed Assessed Valuation Valuation Valuation Valuation Fiscal Town of Fountain Hills Maricopa State of Year Fountain Hills School District County Arizona 2000 P $ 190J02,361 $ 191557%669 $ 1%362,298,255 $ 22,6453463,514 S 2122415,476 2143037,354 2018771715,546 239547,348,817 1999 P 133,721,181 1349650,036 17,463,875,533 21,67%3001013 S 1469943,730 1471884,952 18,676,830,848 22,53353483150 1998 P 11222855569 1135072,537 1590063270,531 2150015064,273 S 116,333,406 117,1443929 15,723,498,194 22,333,8615362 1997 P 10%6491833 101,573,954 131975,6683204 22,811,1583500 S 103,9445051 104,881,097 14,343,156,861 23,333,678,475 1996 P 94,1882637 95,155,307 13,493,736,826 22,10%8%588 S 10%161,568 1015137,745 145119,4349946 235022,33%962 1995 P 872383,347 8839783760 13,3021326,609 21,6883438,645 S 88,796,834 9%3941390 13,5215174,915 22,17%317,949 1994 P 85,5671821 87,353,865 13,2963003,025 21,3493754,194 S 87,4065208 8%208,873 13,50431073816 213748304%198 1993 P 83,486,645 85,445,505 133808,814,077 21,5321550,403 S 84,6879515 865675,510 13560535145589 213934,246,590 1992 P 802366,555 839384,340 14,1323936,570 2116705300,013 S 823825,480 8598789190 14,773,14%205 22,533,348,150 1991 P 795044,032 82,135,548 14376839185716 22,645,463,514 S 80,181,000 87507%910 15,43799415233 23,547,348,817 P =Primary assessed valuation S =Secondary assessed valuation Source: Maricopa County and Arizona Tax Research Foundation. 63 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PROPERTY TAX RATES - ALL OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Fiscal Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Year Town School District County State Total 2000 P $ 0.00 $ 3.91 $ 1.16 $ 0.00 $ 5.07 S 0.26 2.38 0.12 0.00 2.76 1999 P 0.00 3.89 1.19 0.00 5.08 S 0.17 1.96 0.11 0.00 2.24 1998 P 0.00 4.89 1.68 0.00 6.57 S 0.23 2.32 0.13 0.00 2.68 1997 P 0.00 4.98 1.64 0.00 6.62 S 0.30 2.17 0.16 0.00 2.63 1996 P 0.00 4.96 1.69 0.47 7.12 S 0.32 2.67 0.15 0.00 3.14 1995 P 0.00 5.50 1.77 0,47 7.74 S 0.39 1.69 0.00 0.00 2.08 1994 P 0.00 5.03 1.58 0.47 7.08 S 0.43 1.76 0.19 0.00 2.38 1993 P 0.00 4.29 1.60 0.47 6.36 S 0.47 1.51 0.14 0.00 2.12 1992 P 0.00 4.38 1.51 0.47 6.36 S 0.43 1.66 0.17 0.00 2.26 1991 P 0.00 N/A 1.50 0.77 2.27 S 0.00 N/A 0.17 0.00 0.17 P =Primary assessed valuation S =Secondary assessed valuation Source: Maricopa County and Arizona Tax Research Foundation. CZf TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ASSESSED VALUATION OF MAJOR TAXPAYERS JUNE 30, 2000 (UNAUDITED) Taxpayer MCO Properties Chaparral City Water Co. US West Communications Four Peaks Vista Safeway Inc. Sunridge Canyon LLC G&G Fountain Palisades Southwest Inn at Eagle Mountain Fountain Hills -Old Vine LP Eagle Mountain Golf Club Source: Treasurer of Maricopa County Land Description Vacan[ Land Water Utility Telephone & Telegraph Apartments Shopping Center Golf Course Shopping Center Hotel Shopping Center Golf Course As % of Town's 1999/00 Total Secondary Assessed Assessed Valuation Valuation $ 591563872 2.43% 2953%037 1,19% 2,3293867 1.10% 196413751 0.77% 7295361 0.34 % 686,985 0,32% 666,120 0.31% 525,000 0.25 % 521,144 0.25% 5045623 0.24% $ 15,291,760 7.20% l� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA COMPUTATION OF LEGAL DEBT MARGIN JUNE 305 2000 (UNAUDITED) Net secondary assessed valuation $ 212,415,476 Water, Sewer, Light, Parks, Open Space and Recreational Facility Boards Debt limit - 20% of secondary net assessed valuation $ 423483,095 Bonds outstanding None Net 20% General Obligation Bonding Capacity 42,483,095 All Other General Obligation Bonds Debt limit - 6% of secondary net assessed valuation 12,744,929 Bonds outstanding subject to debt limit 8,677,053 Net 6%General Obligation Bonding Capacity 4,067,876 Tota120%and 6%Bonding Capacity $ 46,550,971 Source: Maricopa County Assessor's Office. m TOWN OF •ARIZONA RATIO OF BONDED LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Net Secondary Net Ratio of Net Net Bonded Fiscal Assessed Bonded Bonded Debt to Debt Per Year Population Valuation Debt Assessed Value Capita 1999-00 18,595 * $ 212,415,476 $ 81677,053 4.08% $ 467 1998-99 18,015 * 146,943,730 31913,952 2.66% 217 1997-98 16,275 * 116,3333406 35883,018 3.34% 239 1996-97 15,220 * 1035944,051 4,0565473 3.90% 267 1995-96 145146 100,161,566 45277,315 4.27% 302 1994-95 13,100 88,796,834 4,1445881 4.67% 316 1993-94 12,005 83,384,908 4,292,389 5.15% 358 1992-93 119265 84,6871515 4,461,875 5.27% 396 1991-92 102475 80,181,000 4,65%579 5.81% 445 1990-91 10,030 82,825,480 4,730,000 5.71% 472 * The source of this information is Town records; 1998-99 population estimates based on DES. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES TO TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES* LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Ratio of Interest Total Debt Service to Fiscal and Fiscal Debt Total To Total Year Principal Charges Service Expenditures* Expenditures 1999-00 $ 3399013 $ 585,001 $ 924,014 $ 15,404,414 6.00% 1998-99 223,024 5175696 740,720 11,464,538 6.46% 1997-98 2455210 554,731 7999941 10,631,005 7.52% 1996-97 222,321 247,311 4699632 12,850,703 3.65% 1995-96 209,193 208,477 417,670 7,667,025 5.45% 1994-95 125,000 3279463 452,463 4,999,377 9.05% 1993-94 125,000 340,493 465,493 41113,127 11.32% 1992-93 125,000 352,913 477,913 6,9679798 6.86% 1991-92 75,000 420,301 495,301 31731,129 13.27% 1990-91 1,808,367 0.00% * Includes all Govenunental Fund Types. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDED DEBT JUNE 30, 2000 (UNAUDITED) Proportion Applicable to Net Town of Fountain Hills 1999-00 Outstanding Net Secondary General Assessed Obligation Approx. Net Debt Overlapping Jurisdiction Valuation (1) Bonded Debt Percent Amount State of Arizona $ 23,547,3489817 $ None 0.55% $ - MaricopaCounty 20,877,7159546 99,91Q000 0.94% 939,154 Maricopa County Community College District 203877,7152546 283,0353000 0.94% 2,66Q529 Fountain Hills Unified School District No. 98 214303 793 54 295650,000 99.36% 295460,240 East Valley Institute of Technology District No. 401 81294,757,601 32,475,000 2,07% 672,233 Fountain Hills Sanitary District 17%51%148 756153000 100.00% 7,615,000 Fountain Hills Fire District 17492167966 None 100.00% - Fountain Hills Road District None None 100.00% - Town of Fountain Hills 212,415,476 7,7309000 100.00% 757307000 Total Direct and Overlapoping GO Bonded Debt $ 49,0773156 (1) Proportion applicable to the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona is computed on the ratio of secondary assessed valuation for 1999-00. Source: Maricopa County Treasurer's Office. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF PROPERTY (1) LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) rail' iSkf:�`I Ratio of Total Total Net Assessed Value Tax Assessed Exempt Total Full Estimated Assessed to Total Estimated Year Value Amount Cash Value Actual Value Value Actual Value 2000 $ 1985224,776 $ 8,5781615 $ 19713,0293238 $ 2105536353086 $ 190,1022361 9,64% 1999 170,2583614 99255,978 114673193,748 1,760,6329498 1613002,636 9.67% 1998 141,077,170 7,355,989 1120839685752 12450,7625502 1339721,181 9.72% t997 118,888,547 65602,978 1900275467459 1,203,0551751 112,2859569 9,88% 1996 10539125474 5,262,641 884,979,322 130615975,186 100,649,833 9.97% 1995 9%271,154 5,082,517 82639179659 99253012191 94,1889637 10,00% 1994 92,3019694 41918,347 75321453358 90397743430 87,3839347 10.21% 1993 90,2995465 4,731,644 728,2553127 873,9062152 853567,821 10.33% 1992 873376,360 3,88%715 6993538,226 8391445,871 839486,645 10.41% 1991 84,2543975 338883420 6759434,505 8109521,406 80,3662555 10,40% 6YXK�)J� Ratio of Total Total Net Assessed Value Tax Assessed Exempt Total Full Estimated Assessed to Total Estimated Year Value Amount Cash Value Actual Value Value Actual Value 2000 $ 221,922,165 $ 9,894,702 $ 1,889,016,352 $ 2,266,819,622 $ 212,415,476 9.79% 1999 185,540,741 1Q,575,923 1,SS3,072,952 1,899,687,542 174,964,518 9.77% 1998 1553729,430 8,7853700 1,317,9463863 1,5811536,236 146,9433730 9,85% 1997 12390973961 617649555 1,0341892,731 11241,8713277 1162333,406 9.91% 1996 109,4635361 51519,310 9063495,406 13087,794,487 103,944,051 10.06% 1995 1053660,296 5,498,728 8669122,390 1503%346,868 10031613568 10.17% 1994 94,047,575 55250,741 764,582,686 917949%223 885796,834 10,25% 1993 921482,352 51076,144 74396282593 89273542312 873406,208 10.36% 1992 89,0557130 453679615 7095986,885 8513984,262 849687,515 10.45% 1991 86,808,710 359832230 691,418,802 8291702,562 82,8253480 10.46% (1) Arizona uses two types of property values for taxing purposes. Primary values are used to calculate primary property [axes which are collected to fund the maintenance and operation of school districts, community college districts, counties, cities, and state government. Secondary values are used to pay off secondary property taxes which are collected for such things as debt service (bonds), budget overrides and special districts. Source: Arizona Department of Revenue. 70 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (UNAUDITED) Percent of (1) Current Current Fiscal Total Tax Tax Taxes Year Levy Collections Collected 1999-00 $ 444,138 $ 4325965 97,48% $ 1998-99 2483607 235,968 94.92% 1997-98 268,917 2613704 97,32% 1996-97 312,638 312,489 99.95% 1995-96 3233517 3233511 100.00% 1994-95 3393832 33%605 99.93% 1993-94 3793779 379,537 99,94% 1992-93 396,610 397,434 100,21 % 1991-92 3595371 35%371 100.00% 1990-91 N/A Ratio of Ratio of Total Tax Delinquent Delinquent Total Collections Outstanding Taxes to Tax Tax to Total Delinquent Total Collections Collections Tax Levy Taxes Tax Levy 4,385 $ 4379350 98,47% $ 61788 1.53% 6,286 242,254 97.44% 67 0,03% 7,213 2683917 100,00% 0.00% 122 3125611 99.99% 27 0.01% 3 323,514 100.00% - 0,00% 4 339,609 99.93% 219 0.06% 11 379,548 99,94% 231 0.06% (412) 3973022 100,10 % - 0.00% 35%371 100.00% 0.00% N/A N/A (I) The amount levied and collected ie net ofresolutions. NOTE 1: Amounts collected are on a cash basis rather than the modified accrual basis as in the financial statements. NOTE 2: Unsecured personal property taxes are no4 included in this schedule. SOURCE: The Maricopa County Treasurer's Office. 71 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN ARIZONA . , CALENDARLAST TEN (UNAUDITED) I Value of Building Permits (in Thousands} Housing Year Starts Residential Commercial Industrial Other 1999 475106 $ 5,142,869 $ 1,878,629 $ 210,676 $ 1,092,337 1998 475801 4,7785571 212303445 378,141 1,101,269 1997 43,013 3,943,544 1,840,334 2335598 1,1333069 1996 399630 3,508,538 19422,483 788,083 1107%458 1995 37,091 3519%942 1,0435978 413,835 7829609 1994 33,862 3,203,144 95%539 145,310 584,029 1993 24,147 254329682 5475667 50,139 49%052 1992 20,488 2,15%844 5509345 3%244 4789990 1991 179082 1,613,832 307,566 65,099 515,236 1990 13,375 1,217,348 607,969 140fiM 539,318 SOURCE: Arizona Real Estate Center, College of Business, Arizona State University ric7 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA DEMOGRAPHIC AND MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS .TUNE 309 2000 (UNAUDITED) DATE OF INCORPORATION December 5, 1989 FORM OF GOVERNMENT Council - Manager NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (No police and fire) Classified - Full time 86 Classified - Part time 26 Exempt 20 AREA 18.27 square miles TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FACILITIES AND SERVICES Miles of Street Surfaced 178.5 Unsurfaced 2 Population (estimated) 14,146 Housing Units 91946 Building Permits Issued 859 Culture and Recreation Community Centers I Parks 4 Park acreage 121 Tennis Courts 6 Senior Center 1 FACILITIES AND SERVICES NOT INCLUDED IN PRIMARY GOVERNMENT Fire Protection: Special District Number of stations 2 Number of fire personnel and officers 42 Number of calls answered 31180 Number of inspections conducted 2,517 Police Protection: Contracted Number of stations 1 Number of police personnel and officers 23 Number of patrol units 9 Number of law violations Physical arrests 890 Traffic/Parking violations 7,907 Sewerage System: Special District Miles of sanitary sewers 180 Number of treatment plants 1 Number of service connections 11,000 Daily average treatment in gallons 1,580,OOOmgd Maximum daily capacity of treatment plant in gallons 1,900,OOOmgd Water System: Private company Miles of water mains 198.0 Number of service connections 113068 Number of fire hydrants 1,685 Daily average consumption in gallons 43688,851 Maximum daily capacity of plant in gallons 9,0002000 Education: Number of elementary schools 3 Number of secondary schools 1 Number of students - Primary 19739 Number of Students - Secondary 756 Source: Town government offices and related districts. 74