HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2019.1022.Minutes � TAINI�f� 0 _ ,� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 8` 4,7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION =\"' OCTOBER 22,2019 chat is mAl 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Myers called the meeting of Tuesday, October 22, 2019, to order at 5:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Bill Myers, Vice Chairman Tom Barberic, Commissioners Thomas Aiello,Bill Craig, Paul Garvey, Scott Grzybowski*, and Darrienne Slater. *Commissioner Grzybowski participated in the meeting via telephone. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine. 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC There was no comments from the citizens present. 4. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Garvey asked that a correction be made to item #10, paragraph 9 that the word "not" be removed and the sentence to read ... including knowing that large equipment entered the preserve. Commissioner Slater moved to approve the September 16, 2019, meeting minutes as amended, seconded by Vice Chairman Barberic; passed unanimously(7-0). 5. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION TO APPOINT COMMISSION MEMBERS TO THREE (3) STAGGERED TERMS Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine explained that at the September 3, 2019 Council meeting, the Council approved all Boards/Commissions to have seven board members (with the exception of the Board of Adjustment who have 5 members). She noted that the terms are for three (3) years, staggered. She suggested that the Commissioners to expire in 2020 (Aiello, Craig, Grzybowski, and Slater) volunteer for the years 2020 and 2021. Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin asked that Chairman Bill Myers be appointed to the 10/31/2020 term due to the fact that he is resigning as of December 31, 2019. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes October 22,2019 Page 2 of 5 Discussion ensued relative to which commissioner to be appointed to each of the term dates. Vice Chairman Barberic moved to approve the following updated appointment terms for the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commissioner Members: Term October 31, 2020 - Commissioners Myers and Slater Term October 31, 2021 —Commissioners Aiello, Craig, and Grzybowski Term October 31, 2022—Commissioners Barberic and Garvey Seconded by Commissioner Aiello; passed unanimously(7-0) 6. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF THE CONSERVANCY "HOST" PROGRAM ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD (ACT) a. Continuation of host program with expanded days b. First Aid Kits to be provided and used by the Conservancy hosts c. Refresher training class and schedule for hosts d. Purchase of a storage cabinet for trailhead supplies e. Provide status updates Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin stated that Staff supports the host program. She noted that a storage cabinet for trailhead supplies will be provided and placed by the water tank. Discussion ensued relative to the function of the Conservancy. In response to a question posed by Vice Chairman Barberic, Chairman Myers reported that the host program has 80 hosts of which 40 hosts are at ACT. Additional discussion ensued relating to First Aid Kits and training classes for hosts. It was the consensus of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission that the recommendation to the Town is to continue the support the host program. 7. UPDATE ON TRAIL COUNTER ACTIVITY Chairman Myers commented that the trail counter activity is in front of them for their review and that three (3) counters are not working and will be addressed by the end of the year. (See Attachment 1) 8. UPDATE ON ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD (ACT) CONSTRUCTION Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin stated staff met with Toll Brothers and addressed the concerns of the public access due to the area being an active construction area. She pointed out that hikers will have limited access to the trailhead during the week(Monday-Friday) with access starting at 3:00 p.m. until dusk and access on the weekends will be from dawn to dusk. She noted that re-evaluation will be done over the next couple of weeks. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes October 22,2019 Page 3 of 5 Ms. Goodwin thanked the Trailblazers for the cleanup of the Ramada at ACT where there was debris from the recent storms. In response to a question posed by Vice Chairman Barberic,Ms.Goodwin responded that staff is monitoring the construction and if necessary will close access to the trail during the week. In response to a question from Commissioner Garvey, Ms. Goodwin reported that trail signage has been put in place. Commissioner Craig requested that the barricades be placed so only pedestrians are able to access versus vehicles being able to drive through. Commissioner Garvey expressed concern about the construction along the promenade trail where significant rocks have been placed in numerous drainages. Ms. Goodwin explained that the focus is on drainage and run-off and that the erosion measure was put in place as such including large rocks to assist with drainage. Discussion ensued relative to the emergency access road, erosion control, and Trailblazers assistance in areas on the trail. Ms. Goodwin confirmed that the hard slick areas (aka marble area) of the promenade where stabilizer had been suggested to use, unfortunately, would not be effective due to the rocks would still come over the top and not address the problem. She noted that a meeting with Toll Brothers occurred today, she was not in the meeting, however the meeting was to address the drainage issues. She added that nothing has been signed off by the Town with Toll Brothers. Vice Chairman Barberic suggested addressing the drainage issue once the ACT is completely done. Commissioner Garvey stated that he can provide the Commission pictures from the air of the trail that shows the runoff and the direction the water flows. In response to a question posed by Chairman Myers, Ms. Goodwin responded that the restrooms have not been hooked up as of their last visit to the trail. 9. UPDATE AND DISSCUSSION OF 2019 MMPC WORKGROUPS (See Attachment 2) a. Preserve Marketing and Fairs Vice Chairman Barberic stated that he will send out information regarding the upcoming Art Fair on November 8-10 and ask for volunteers. Commissioner Craig requested that the during the fair to encourage the visitors to take pictures of the trail maps versus taking them. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes October 22,2019 Page 4 of 5 Vice Chairman Barberic stated the opinion that due to the City of Scottsdale and Regional Park not allowing Ebikes he sees no reason as to allow them on the Town trails since the trails connect and would cause issues. Commissioner Garvey pointed out that the Conservancy survey he spoke on at the last meeting had 23 votes against Ebikes with the primary concern on safety. Chairman Myers confirmed that Ebikes will not be moving forward. Commissioner Craig confirmed that the new entry to the Easy Trail will not work. Chairman Myers confirmed no further discussion on the new entry to the Easy Trail. b. Safety Commissioner Garvey confirmed that the hosts have First Aid kits on them and will continue to provide them. Commissioner Aiello confirmed that the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) will be at the ACT and will be provided free of charge from the Fire Department. Chairman Myers stated that if the Marksman are hired back from Toll Brothers that coordination will need to be addressed with the County Sheriff. In response to a question from Commissioner Garvey, Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin responded that the Town does a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that include security cameras. She noted that the security cameras are helpful to an extent, however expensive. She added that a security camera may be added in the future since Town amenities are being monitored in that capacity. c. Trailheads Chairman Myers pointed out that the Town has purchased directional signs and have installed for ACT. He stated the opinion that Town Staff was working on two (2) additional signs to be placed at the gates indicating the direction to the trail. Commissioner Slater reported that the work group is proposing a maximum of 12 memorial benches, which include four (4) existing benches. She added that the determination of bench placement would be provided by the donor with the approval of MMPC. She pointed out that the benches would be placed over the nine (9) miles. Discussion ensued relative to the amount of benches, cost,the amount of helicopter pads within the trail, and the demand for benches. Ms. Goodwin commented that the Town is working on current issues with memorial benches and staff input is needed. She recommended not taking a vote until there is a full scope. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes October 22,2019 Page 5 of 5 d. Value of Preserve Chairman Myers confirmed the new trail in the preserve has been approved and no further discussion is needed until the trail is complete. Ms. Goodwin confirmed that that the area the Commission requested for doggie bags over by Golden Eagle Trailhead is not the Town's land and no doggie bag holder will be installed. 10. NEXT MEETING DATE a. November 26, 2019 11. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Myers moved to adjourn, seconded by Vice Chairman Barberic; passed unanimously(7-0). The McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission adjourned at 6: 3 .m. McDowe 1 Mou ai reservation Com 'on By: Bill Myer , airman Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwin, C ity Services Director Prepared by: fl\j Q J :S � 4 , Jam Salentine, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Regular Meeting held on October 22, 2019. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: C .�,. J ie Salentine,Executive Assistant Attachments—2 Attachment 1 MMPC October 22, 2019 MONTHLY TRAIL COUNTER PASSES Page 1 of 1 BOTANICAL LAKE SONORAN A-K&WL ADERO GARDEN OVERLOOK NORTH END TRAILS CANYON 2017 Total 57277 4825 3775 2018 Jan 6984 483 240 Feb Counter Start 6448 737 1059 Mar 2491 9948 1581 1461 Apr 1262 5153 2409 *500 May 925 3356 898 *300 Jun 563 1816 1042 *300 Jul 439 1646 *500 *300 Aug *700 1622 *500 *300 Sep *1080 1935 *500 *300 Oct *1500 3715 *500 *450 Nov *1900 5463 655 628 Start 12/7 Dec 2251 5001 487 2101 7363 2018 Total 13111(10M) 53087 10292 8739 7363 (1M) 2019 Jan 2291 6969 677 *2550 10237 Feb 2467 5505 731 *2250 9010 Mar 3295 8080 1150 *4150 16564 Apr 1452 5488 1581 1879 **6645 May 945 3938 754 1212 666 Jun 449 2471 254 115 183 Jul 402 1736 152 No Reading No Reading Aug 386 1533 No Reading No Reading No Reading Sep 690 2588 No Reading No Reading No Reading Oct Nov Dec 2019 Total * Estimate. Counter was not functioning. ** On 4/29/19 Eagle Ridge Road closed Attachment 2 MMPC October 22, 2019 Page 1 of 1 2019 WORKGROUPS Preserve Marketing and Fairs (Barbaric*, Grzybowski, and Myers) a. EBikes in the Preserve Trails b. New entry to Easy Trail c. Update Preserve big map d. Prepare for November Town Fair Safety (Aiello*, Garvey, and Grzybowski) a. First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) at two trailheads b. Coordination with County Sheriff and Marksman c. Drones for construction and safety d. Security; camera at Adero Canyon Trailhead (ACT) e. Observe First Responders training MMPC/SCFH/Town f. Presentation from First Responders to above Preserve Trailheads (Myers*, Craig, and Slater) a. Assist with completion of the ACT b. Assist with completion of the Emergency fire road c. Two signs at ACT directing to Trails d. Bench criteria Value of Preserve (Craig*, Aiello, and Garvey) a. New Trail in the Preserve b. Doggie bag at entrance to Park by Golden Eagle Trailhead c. Take down QR code signs in Preserve *Workgroup Coordinator