HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2018.0625.Minutes \41AIN!1l o • �� TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION . .- JUNE 25,2018 that is par' AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Don Doty at 4:59 p.m., Monday, June 25, 2018 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Don Doty, Vice-Chair Ron Ruppert, Commissioners Jerry Gorrell, Sharron Grzybowski, Patt Canning and Natalie Varela. Absent at roll call was Commissioners Amy Arnold and Jim Judge. Staff members present were Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Jennifer Lyons. AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE APRIL 18, 2018 MEETING MINUTES Chair Doty made a motion to accept the April 18, 2018 meeting minutes and Youth Commissioner Arnold seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #5: UPDATE ON IMPROVEMENTS AT FOUNTAIN PARK BOCCE BALL COURTS Director Goodwin reported that a proposal from a member of the community groups including the rotary group, senior citizens Inc and interest from the FHCCA to install bocce ball courts on the backside of plaza fountain side. There was an adopted capital improvement plan to redo that section that included a bocce ball courts, putting green, as well as paver section near Euro Pizza that could be used for entertainment small gatherings, weddings, farmers market of that nature. While the plan was approved, there was not enough funding for it. Some of these community groups came out and said that they would like to come out and fundraise for the bocce ball portion. Some ideas were brought forth. Some preliminary research was done. However, council decided it was not a priority and did not want to provide support for this project and it has been tabled indefinitely. AGENDA ITEM#6: UPDATE ON IMPROVEMENTS AT FOUR PEAKS PARK Director Goodwin reported that the CIP plan was approved based on the plan you saw in the last meeting. Which is the relocation of the playground to where is now the existing basketball courts. The program is r now approved with around $200,000 allocated in this coming fiscal year's budget and will likely span Community Services Advisory Commission Page 1 of 5 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M j over the next four years with an additional $100,000 per year for a total of a $500,000 investment. We are going to make as much head way on the plan as proposed at the last meeting with relocation of playground, installation of new parking, covered Ramada area and sidewalk access, so that it is ADA accessible. We are looking for other grant opportunities to forward the progress as much as possible. We should hopefully know something by the end of the month. We submitted the grant request to Kompan which is a playground equipment provider. The equipment at Golden Eagle Park is from Kompan and their representative mentioned that they have a grant opportunity, so we followed-up and submitted. Talked with grant administrator and they came out and did a site visit. Vice-Chair Rupert stopped by and dropped off some information about the Diamondbacks grant, which looks great. We are going to proceed with putting it out there. It is due July 31 st, 2018. I did talk to the grant administrator It is fi different than any other grant; it is not a funding grant. They come in and do everything for us. Vice-Chair Rupert reported that they are like dedicated fields around the state that are named after Randy Johnson, Mark Grace and Louis Gonzalez. There are 35 communities around the valley that come in and build little league fields. Director Goodwin reported, what is different about this grant, is that they come in with their suppliers and vendors and do all of the work. They overhaul everything and do all of the work and gift it to the Town to take care of Vice-Chair Rupert reported that at the end of the season they rip out the field and it is a chance for them to get rid of that sod and give back to the community. It is a win-win for everyone. Director Goodwin reported that the notice for award is made by December 1 and the work is done by j early February or March to be ready for opening day of MLB. As we make progress, we hope to tell the story of why we are giving Four Peaks Park a face-lift. This type of park needs a rehab, when compared to other parks in town. We are trying to do the best we can with in terms of the $500,000 budget. AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE ON STAFFING AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER Director Goodwin reported that Senior Services Supervisor Kelley Fonville retired. We did interviews a few weeks ago and received quite a few inquires. We are proud to say the Jennifer Lyons has accepted the position as Senior Services Supervisor at the Community Center. AGENDA ITEM #8: UPDATE ON THE WORK GROUP TO DEVELOP GUIDELINES FOR SENIOR CONCERN/WELLNESS ISSUES The Senior Concern Wellness, Jim will not be doing and Patt is good with working on this. Commissioner Varela has made a contact with Hospice of the Valley lady through Rotary Club and they offer a lot now with Alzheimer's and Senior Care. Will make a connection with her and add some of her information to the packet. The information will include services, rental equipment or assistance if you have to go into a home facility. AGENDA ITEM#9: UPDATE ON STRATEGIC PLAN WORK GROUP We have not met yet due to the staff changes. I expect to have the work group set-up probably at the end of July or August. Will invite Chair Doty and Vice-Chair Rupert to participate. Community Services Advisory Commission Page 2 of 5 G:Commission CSACAgenda&Minutes1Minutes12018/041818M AGENDA ITEM #10: UPDATE FROM THE WORK GROUP TO RESEARCH GRANT OPPORTUNITIES Chair Doty reported that he has tried to find Grant opportunities but most of them look like they are shams. He asked where Director Goodwin would look to find grant opportunities. Director Goodwin reported that it takes leg work and it is not a one-stop-shop place to recommend finding those opportunities. Yes, there are data bases that you could subscribe to but only really beneficial if you have someone that is dedicated to searching and applying. Most recently, some are through dermatologists for shade because of skin cancer being high. This is something that would not necessary come to mind for a parks facility but definitely is appropriate. We don't know what we don't know because we do not have the staff or time do the research. We would like to add lights to our skate park for night. That would be ideal to find some funding for lights, maybe a solar company possibly. The ideal scenario for the Town is incorporating the assistance from the commissions to assist with finding grants. Director Goodwin will look into a subscription to a grant data base being shared. It was agreed that all should be helping to find grant opportunities. Commissioner Varela commented that Eagle Scout came to a Rotary meeting and did the low lights. Director Goodwin responded that we had an Eagle Scout come to Golden Eagle Park and did fitness stations. Definitely encouraged and willing to listen to ideas. AGENDA ITEM#11: UPDATE ON VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES WITH TOWN EVENTS Commissioners commented that they are still looking for work for July 5th for assistance. Mentioned that Heather Ware is looking for two slots the night of July 4th. Director Goodwin commented that there is not anything else coming up for volunteer opportunities with summer with the exception of Back-2-School Bash. This does take a lot of hands which is on Friday, August 24th. It is at the Four Peaks Park north field there is five or six water slides that we set-up, a dunk tank and DJ. We mostly need assistance with volunteers being stationed at the activities and it is a well- attended event. Having a monitor is helpful for the Town for safety. The event is usually from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. This is year three of the event and typically is very popular. AGENDA ITEM#12: UPDATE ON SPECIAL EVENTS Director Goodwin commented that on 4th of July the gates open at 7:00 p.m. will have a DJ and food vendors. Saguaro will be closed around Panorama around 2:00 p.m. The fireworks begin around 9:00 p.m. and the fountain will be running during the event pending the wind. Director Goodwin addressed a question regarding if the Town has received any backlash of having fireworks with the dryness. Director Goodwin addressed concern by stating that the vendor has built a rack that is somewhat cannon and will be somewhat over the lake. Back-to School Bash mentioned is another special event in August. We have some smaller programs, such as Wacky Wet Wednesday at Four Peaks Park and the summer games programs that goes on in the community center every Thursday. We just completed a full week of summer camp. The kids and staff Cry were both exhausted. This is not meant to be a profit but a service to the community that offers full Community Services Advisory Commission Page 3 of 5 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M � activities each day with a field trip each day. There are no parameters on residency but however, if we were in that high demand, we would give fountain hills first priority. AGENDA ITEM#13: UPDATE ON PUBLIC ART Director Goodwin reported that there are only two art pieces that are new and recently accepted and are both associated with Park Place development. They are two kinetic pieces meaning they move, they are windmills but not windmills in the traditional extent. These have been approved by council and will be installed along the avenue adjacent to Park Place. Received word today that the art piece Quackers, which is our duck that was stolen and vandalized from Fountain Park is back. The footing is supposed to be poured tomorrow and Quackers will be installed properly at a more secure place near the bathrooms at Fountain Park. Quackers is not the original one, we had to have him redone. AGENDA ITEM#14: UPDATE ON THE ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD PROJECT Director Goodwin reported we have found a number of issues at the trailhead. We had a change in superintendents at the trailhead due to the number of issues that we found. They are being addressed with the contractor. We were meeting with contractor, architect and EPCOR this morning. It is moving along but is behind schedule. A lot of things that they moved on were not inspected. They were some discrepancies on who was responsible and that is why we had the meeting this morning. There were some cracked concrete. Hopefully, this will not be an additional cost to the town. Once we get to a point where it is agreed upon by town staff and contractor, we we will have a site visit. With the amount of activity -.0010 going on at the trailhead currently, it would not be good to have a public visit to the site at this time. The trailhead progress is moving along but is behind schedule. Hopefully, we can make up some of the time. The current dryer weather is helping with the progress of the trailhead to move along. They are working day and night. Toll Brothers is moving forward with development and looking at developing the two parcels closest to the trailhead site first. They are working from the back forward. So we expect progress to be made on the roadway up there, as well as the utilities. AGENDA ITEM#15: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Varela made a motion to adjourn at 5:46 p.m., Commissioner Grzybowski seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Communi Services y mission By: Don Doty, Chair Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwin, Dir ctor f Community Services Commun Services Advisory Commission Page 4 of 5 G.Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutesl2018/041818M Prepared by: \LD C Angela Pa, ett-Espiritq,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Community Services Advisory Commission Regular Meeting held on June 25, 2018. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: Gam- Je fifer Lyons, xecuti istant Dated this 18th day of October 2018 Community Services Advisory Commission Page 5 of 5 G:Commission CSAC1Agenda&MinuteskMinutes12018/041818M