HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2018.1022.Minutes IN 4,, 4a�, �� . ,,��, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS `` MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE -- '� COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION OCTOBER 22,2018 h�f is 01 AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened and called to order by Vice-Chair Ruppert at 5:25p.m., Monday, October 22, 2018 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Vice-Chair Ron Ruppert, Commissioners Jerry Gorrell, Sharron Grzybowski, Amy Arnold, Natalie Varela and Youth Commissioner Hayden Arnold. Absent at roll call were Chair Don Doty and Commissioners Jim Judge and Patt Canning. Staff members present were Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC „r. No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #4: CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE JUNE 25, 2018 MEETING MINUTES Vice-Chair Ruppert made a motion to accept the June 25, 2018 meeting minutes and Commissioner Hayden motioned to approve and Commissioner Grzybowski seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM #5: UPDATE ON RECRUITMENT FOR A YOUTH COMMISSIONER FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISRY COMMISSION Director Goodwin welcomed Youth Commissioner Hayden Arnold backed to the Community Services Advisory Commission. AGENDA ITEM#6: UPDATE ON COMMISSIONERS WITH TERMS ENDING 12/31/2018 Director Goodwin reported that we have a number of commissioners on this commission, whose terms are expiring at the end of this year, which are Commissioner Varela, Grzybowski, Judge, Gorrell and Canning. If you are interested in coming back and rejoining, it is a simple form that will need to be submitted. I do not know yet if there will be interviews, I assume yes. Assuming we have more applicants than we do Commissioner seats, then there will be an interview process. Depending upon on the changing of the councilmembers, we will know who will be conducting them. The deadline for application, I believe is November 1st, so give Angela your applications. (ii.. Vice-Chair Ruppert posed a question about the number of applications other the one's here on the panel.4 Community Services Advisory Commission Page 1 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M • Director Goodwin responded that there have been a number of inquiries between now and then. AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE ON GOLDEN EAGLE PARK Director Goodwin reported that I know that this big hot topic in the community. I have sent out some pictures and updates so at least some people were aware of what we are dealing with. Long story short, we had a tremendous rain, the wash and dam could not sustain the amount of rain, run-off and debris that came with it. It is essentially clogged and backed up from the dam. Over the summer during our monsoon season we had a number of rain incidents that brought additional sediments into the park and we had been digging out over time and stock piling the sediment on site so that it could be removed. When all of this water came through, it redistributed this sediment along with other sediment. So most of what you see on the fields right now is what had been stock piled over summer to be redistributed. The damage was extremely extensive. If you have been out to the park, you can see that it tore down fences, it tore out sidewalks, trees and vegetation. It is still unknown whether or not it has done any damage to our irrigation system. It flooded out are storage area where we had our mowers and bobcat equipment. Those are currently unusable at all. We are in a clean-up mode. It varies from a couple of inches in points to knee deep in other points. Right now we are working with a number of different vendors to address this situation. So, how are we going to remove all of the mud and muck? In order to scrape all of the muck off, you scrape off all of the grass with it. We have quite a bit of irrigation out there and the irrigation is buried underneath the sediment. This is also why we have not worked with Make a Difference Day committee. Because going out there and trying to voluntarily hand dig a lot of that stuff, it smells really bad and the irrigation is underneath and we have no map that shows were the irrigation is located. Another reason is where you are going to put all of the muck and sediment. We do not have a set-up yet to dispose of it and that is part of why a Make a Difference Day effort hasn't been organized at this park. We have a number of vendors evaluating what we are going to do and how to do it. Then we will need to come back to council to figure out how we are going to pay for it. There isn't a funding effort right now that we know of. Estimates range from roughly about a $500,000 and $600,000 was quoted to council last week. We have been able to work with a few vendors to work with some numbers but it is a matter of how we are going to proceed. Vice-Chair Ruppert responded that he has several questions on this and inquired about a vendor RFP and has one been put out or is there going to be one? Director Goodwin responded not yet and ideally yes, we have had a number of people contact us with a willingness to help out. Right now, we are working with a vendor that works with spring training facilities and the Diamondbacks that does laser leveling of fields. What we are talking with them about is can they do it, would they do it, do they have the means to do that, do we have to piece mill it or can we do turnkey project, does it makes sense to sod, does it makes sense to overseed, what are the potential differences there, how does it affect the playability of the space, does it mean the space will be ready in March or in June or not until next fall. All of those are factors that we are trying to mitigate in options before we bring to council and let them decide on how we want to proceed. Vice-Chair Ruppert stated, do you think public understand that the number one priority of Golden Eagle Park is water retention and the second is a park. It actually did what it was supposed to do. Community Services Advisory Commission Page 2 of 6 G.•Commirsion CSACIAgenda&Minutes\Minuter12018/041818M C Director Goodwin responded, you are absolutely correct in that it did what it was supposed to do by salvaging the high school and homes. Which is also why there is no insurance claim, it is a flood plane and is uninsurable. It is a flood incident and not a storm incident. Vice-Chair Ruppert asked if Department of Water Recesses contacted you about that particular darn? Director Goodwin responded as of not yet. We are working with them. There are a lot things going on in tandem. My focus is on the park and the public works group is on the darn side and the wash. I will certainly keep everyone up to speed as decisions and progress are made. Commissioner Varela addressed about current actions being flip-flopped as to not have it happen again. Director Goodwin responded, in theory yes but we are losing revenue, playability and little league not being able to play. Ideally we are going to dig out the current wash, integrate some of the immediate resources we have on an immediate basis and look at long term basis to prevent something from this scale happening again but it is in flood zone and could potentially happen again. We are taking measures to ensure that it does not happen again at this scale. We are working to channelize the washes again and get that set-up. We also have a mechanism that may be installed that is similar to a debris gate that most other dams have installed. Right now there is no funding or plan other than we are at the point of rehabbing the park to get it back to a playable condition. 41, Commissioner Varela inquired about using the fields at Four Peaks Park. Director Goodwin responded that the fields at Four Peaks Park are not in the playable condition that Golden Eagle Park was. Those fields have rock and are not in a playable condition. The machinery that we need in order to get those fields ready were damaged in the flood. We are waiting for those to get rehabbed. Commissioner Varela inquired if any fields at the school that the schools will step up and let us use. Director Goodwin responded that would be a school district question. The only field that I am aware of would be at Four Peaks Middle School. The high school uses our field one, which is the only that is usable. Four fields down to one field is significant. Commissioner Varela asked would you reach out to the schools and ask? Director Goodwin responded We probably would but take ourselves out as the middle man. Redirect any user potential to the schools. Also an element of concern is whether or not their fields are lit. Commissioner Varela asked would there be a chance of any other cities letting us use their fields? Director Goodwin responded we have not yet reached out to any other communities. This is a question that we would need to involve our attorney to see if that was doable but this is a very good suggestion. Lastly, I would like to add that despite not being able to make it a Make a Difference Project, don't be surprised if you do see something done the line. Community Services Advisory Commission Page 3 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12 01 8/0 4 1 81 8M yid AGENDA ITEM#8: UPDATE ON THE IMPROVEMENTS AT FOUR PEAKS PARK Director Goodwin reported we have been award two discounted grants through two different vendors. We put in for two and received two. One is focused on our tot lot, 2 to 5 years old. We are also working with another vendor for the 5 to 12-year-old playground that is the same vendor that installed the playground over at Golden Eagle. Working with both vendors to make our money go as far as we can. This vendor works out to just over a $20,000 discount and the other one is over a $30,000 discount. Ideally what would happen is if we have identified all of these pieces in our funding format and we cannot afford what you see in this photo. What we have identified for the big kid playground is more than we can afford. So Ideally, if we have any community groups that would like to step forward and fund a piece or two, we do have a number of pieces that are unfunded right now and should we find outsourcing or should we be funded in future capital years to add to it, we will do that and add to it. The goal is to establish a playground that is at least usable and functional and then build upon it. What we didn't want to do was to have one playground for a certain age group and not one for the other. That is what we were concerned with. Both of those are projects that are moving ahead. We are looking to make the purchases. One has to be made by the end of this month and one by the end of the year. Installation will probably not happen until late spring. The swings that are here now are not reusable. We are hoping to integrate a small sand area too. Just to remind everybody, where the swings and slides existing play spaces is being removed and we are going to redesign the use of that space and this is going where the sand volleyball court is adjacent to the existing basketball court. The basketball will become the big kid playground and the volleyball court will become the tot playground. They will be cattycorner to each other with parking adjacent and sidewalks to provide accessibility. AGENDA ITEM#9: UPDATE ON STAFFING AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER Director Goodwin confirmed that everyone is aware that Jennifer Lyons is the new Senior Supervisor at the Community Center and Angela Padgett-Espiritu is the new Executive Assistant. AGENDA ITEM#10: UPDATE FROM THE WORK GROUP TO DEVELOP GUIDELINES FOR SENIOR CONCERN/WELLNESS ISSUES Commissioner Varela reported that she met with Jennifer Lyons at the Community Center and we are going to wait until January 10, 2019 for a meeting with a company that will address all of the options that they have. There already is an outline of sorts of what is available. She recommended postponement until then. The community Center is doing the loaner program again for wheel chairs, walkers and crutches. They are also accepting donations. Senior Services Inc. donated a shed to use for storage. AGENDA ITEM#11: UPDATE FROM THE STRATEGIC PLAN WORK GROUP Director Goodwin reported that the staff has met twice on this so far. I find it to be very valuable and direction for us as a group. I am excited to get you involve with it and to bring in some input. Eventually the idea will be to endorse it through this commission, then the MMPC and then bring to council. We were hoping to have it endorsed by the end of year but do not see that being possible. -.410) Community Services Advisory Commission Page 4 of 6 G.•Commission CSACL4genda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M • L AGENDA ITEM #12: UPDATE FROM THE WORK GROUP TO RESEARCH GRANT OPPORTUNITIES Director Goodwin reported that they have taken advantage of two grants for the Town's playground space. We are still waiting to hear back from the Diamondbacks grant. Vice-Chair Ruppert requested to be included with Town in an interview process that he would like to be included. Director Goodwin noted and agreed. Also reported that she has not received further communication as of this time. Vice-Chair Ruppert that the Diamondbacks are currently removing grass at Chase. AGENDA ITEM#13: UPDATE ON VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES WITH TOWN EVENTS Commissioner Grzybowski reported that she requested Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu to send out an email a couple of weeks ago regarding volunteer opportunities. Right now the Make a Difference Day this Saturday. If you can go and have not submitted your application, Heather will still be happy to take your volunteer. We have over 40 projects. Still looking for people to take Turkey Trot to, packets. Director Goodwin reported that last year we had a walking club volunteer that would help us. We are in need of more volunteers and it is very fun, festive and positive experience for them. Commissioner Grzybowski reported that we have still sculpture cleaning and volunteers needed for this project. Director Goodwin reported that the Stroll in the Glow is presented by the Chamber and the Town's role is only to ensure that the lights are working. AGENDA ITEM#14: UPDATE ON SPECIAL EVENTS Director Goodwin reported with have Make a Difference Day this Saturday and Halloween in the Hills coming up. We will have the fair upcoming and the dedication of the Sharon Morgan Plaza on November 1st. We have scheduled for November 17th the grand opening of the Adero Canyon Trailhead and the new Fire Station. We have Turkey Trot upcoming. We have moved the course for the Trot due to the increase of a race participants. It highly impacts the parade. We will be starting and finishing on the avenue this year. Since the participation is growing, we reevaluated the route and we will be using the Fountain Park as the run venue. This is a first year change and a long-term change that can accommodate our growth and runners over the years. This will accommodate runners that will not be staying for the parade and facilitate them getting out. The week before the race, all runners will receive an email with the new route and will be large signage during packet pick-up. By doing this change, it will address a number of issues I L, for the parade and the run. Community Services Advisory Commission Page 5 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&Minutes1Minutes12 01 8/04 1 81 8M 410 AGENDA ITEM#15: UPDATE ON PUBLIC ART Director Goodwin reported that the public art committee has been chaired for a long-time by Sandy. She retired back in June and now will be co-chaired with Dori Ritrick and Carol Carol. They are both heavily involved in our community. This new group has a new vision for the public art. Also to be more strategic in how they acquire new art. Otherwise, there is no new additional art that has been proposed to us thus far. AGENDA ITEM#16: UPDATE ON ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD PROJECT Director Goodwin reported that the trailhead has come together and it is beautiful. It is scheduled to have a grand opening by November 17th. Currently, we do not have electricity and running water and in the meantime will use portable restrooms. A shuttle will be offered from Town hall to the trailhead with a first stop for the fire station grand opening AGENDA ITEM#17: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Varela made a motion to adjourn at 6:04 p.m., Commissioner Gorrell seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Community Services Ad ' Commission By: on Doty, Chair Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwin, irg of Community Services Prepared by: ai Angela P gett- spirt u,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Community C' Services Advisory Commission Regular Meeting held on Octobe 22, 2018. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: W Angela Padge - • ' , ecutive Assistant Dated this 29th day of November 2018 „,-,) Community Services Advisory Commission Page6of6 G.•Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinuter12018/041818M