HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2018.1126.Minutes 41109 #1,AIN Ftr/ o u t TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION ' NOVEMBER 26,2018 op"' 'hat is 01' AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A public meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened and called to order by Vice-Chair Ruppert at 5:01p.m., Monday, November 26, 2018 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Vice-Chair Ron Ruppert, Commissioners Jim Judge, Sharron Grzybowski, Amy Arnold,Natalie Varela, Patt Canning and Youth Commissioner Hayden Arnold. Absent at roll call were Chair Don Doty and Commissioner Jerry Gorrell. Staff members present were Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC , No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#4: UPDATE ON COMMISSIONERS WITH TERMS ENDING 12/31/18 Director Goodwin reported that we have a new council being installed December 4th. At the request of the Town Manager, we are going to wait until that council has been installed and a new workgroup has been appointed for our commission,who will then hold the interviews to do the appointments for the seats. Until that time, which will probably be after the new year, the outgoing commissioners have the choice of remaining in place until those are complete. Those that have chosen not re-up are welcome to finish their term as of 12/31 or remain in their seat until the appointments are done. There is nothing wrong based upon what our by-laws say and the legal counsel on remaining in those seats until then. We will send a communication to those that have applied regarding the delay. 1 AGENDA ITEM#5: UPDATE ON GOLDEN EAGLE PARK REHAB Director Goodwin reported that the good news is that two weeks ago, we had a special session with the council specifically for the Golden Eagle Project and we had all funding requests fulfilled, which is a little over $400,000 for the ballfields. Additionally, funding was allocated to rework the dams and wash maintenance areas. If you think of the project in two parts, the recreation side ballfields are what our department is taking care of and the dams and wash and studies side is what is being taken care of by the Public Works, which is longer term project. Vice-chair would you like to talk about what happened this morning? I heard we had a flood come through this morning that was a mainline break? Vice-Chair Ruppert responded that we had a leak at the golf course and just some water ran overnight. I do not know as to what extent. ks., Community Services Advisory Commission Page 1 of 6 G:Commission CSACAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M Director Goodwin responded it was from my understanding the removal of all of the debris. There are big piles that they have piled up and are removing with a dump truck. some of the piles are in the middle of the wash, where the water came through last night and backed up into the park. Thankfully, it did not get onto the ballfields. What this a reminder of that I was tell the staff is that we need to be operating with the expectation that there could be water at any point. We could have our own irrigation line leak and we need to plan for the worst. The ballfields are in process but the dam and wash side is moving slower. We are trying to preventative. It terms of the ballfields, everything is being rebuilt, replacing concrete, removing trees and replacing them with shade canopies. The main tree in the middle of the three ballfields will remain. Time is not on our side but we are working as fast as we can with contracts, ordering supplies, labor and the holidays. It is on track right now. We are hoping to be up and running by the end of January but may be closer to February. Commissioner Varela asked are you reaching out to any organizations to help pay for those shade structures, like rotary? Director Goodwin responded, we have not yet. Were in a situation where if we are going to do that with this renovation project, we have to order them next week in order to have them here. So there is a timing issue behind that. We would like to. Funding may limit us to only being able to do two of three that we may like to do. We have not had a whole lot of time to reach out to different groups in the community and generate that kind of traction. I do not think that it is a bad option or bad idea,we just have not had the time to do that yet. Commissioner Varela responded, can you make a list of things that you do want that we could reach out to different groups and ask for specific funding for that you could put a plaque on that says from? Director Goodwin responded I don't think that is a bad option,we could look into doing a complied list that includes not only Golden Eagle but other projects as well. AGENDA ITEM#6: UPDATE ON THE IMPROVEMENTS AT FOUR PEAKS PARK Director Goodwin reported that unfortunately, Golden Eagle took precedence over the progress of Four Peaks because it was more acute. Now that we sort of moving at Golden Eagle,we have been able to put a few resources toward Four Peaks. The first is removing the fence at the basketball courts,then demo of the basketball courts. We eventually, we will get to digging out the sand at the volley ball court. We have not heard anything about the grant with the Diamondbacks. Think the window may be closing and we will need to reapply next year. AGENDA ITEM #7: UPDATE FROM THE WORK GROUP TO DEVELOP GUIDELINES FOR SENIOR CONCERN/WELLNESS ISSUES Commissioner Varela reported that we are still waiting for the January group over at the senior center. Once that meeting takes place will have more information, according to Senior Services Supervisor Jennifer Lyons. Community Services Advisory Commission Page 2 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&Minutes&Minutes12018/041818M Cw AGENDA ITEM#8: UPDATE ON THE COMMUNITY SERVICES STRATEGIC PLAN Vice-chair Ruppert reported that he and Chair Doty,who met with all of the department heads in Community Service here in town and went over the strategic plan that they put together. At this time, the work that Chair Doty and I did in the interim since that meeting was actually to break it down and to giving tasks to this committee on different subjects. We do not have the handouts ready tonight. I was unaware that Chair Doty was not going to be here tonight and would like to table this until the next meeting. It is fairly extensive. Director Goodwin agreed that it is extensive and would be better to wait until Chair Doty is present. Also, it may be prudent to wait to know who all the serving commissioners will be before assigning work groups. To that point, do you have any feedback on what you saw on the strategic plan? Vice-Chair Ruppert responded that I thought it was pretty thorough. I think that everybody did a great job. We are anxious to get going and to help. It was as great meeting. Director Goodwin responded that this was our big take away. We would like for each of the commissioners to be hands on with the goals and some of the things we have. AGENDA ITEM #9: UPDATE FROM WORK GROUP TO RESEARCH GRANT OPPORTUNITES Commissioner Arnold reported that Chair Doty and her met with Kristen Skevington. She is a 2018 Cgraduate of the Fountain Hills Leadership Academy and is a volunteer for Fearless Kitty Rescue. She writes grants for them. Her project for the Fountain Hills leadership academy was titled Fountain Hills Grant Writing and Assistance Program. Her project research came from Orange County California. Orange County has a grant writing program set-up specifically for that purpose. The Town of Fountain Hills does not have anything specifically set-up for that,so department heads are left spending time applying for grants, where their time could be better used elsewhere. Kristin gave a copy of her presentation to the Mayor and Town Manager and they told her that it is exactly what the town needs. Chair Doty asked her "Where do you find these grants?". She mentioned a newsletter called The Chronicle and it is $150 a year but you can get a free copy to check it out before buying. She also mentioned Arizona Community Foundation which provides flexible high impact giving opportunities for donors, major funding for non-profits and leadership around key community issues. At the conclusion of her meeting, Chair Doty asked to have a meeting set- up with him. Kristen and Rachael. AGENDA ITEM#10: UPDATE ON VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES WITH TOWN EVENTS Commissioner Grzybowski reported that there are none right now. Director Goodwin reported that the next one that you could probably put on your calendar is St. Patrick's Day and the event will be on the 16th. We also need help on Music Fest, especially getting the word out about the event. We usually get about 3500 but would like to get around 5,000 this year. I will get more information to you about this event. We just finished Turkey Trot and we had a number of volunteers this year. AGENDA ITEM#11: UPDATE ON SPECIAL EVENTS Community Services Advisory Commission Page 3 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&Minutes lMinutes12018/041818M Director Goodwin reported on Turkey Trot. It had record breaking numbers this year. We had 2328 participants,which is 27 more than we had last year. This year we changed the route because of the volume. We moved to a completely course this year and folks really like this aspect of it. We moved the packet pick-up from Tuesday night to Wednesday night. We had a tremendous turnout with about 1800 people show up that night to get their packets. I will clarify that we had 1800 packets picked-up that night maybe not quite 1800 people. Because we changed the route we changed the road closures. The feedback was that it was difficult to get out. When you have so many road closures that affect so many roads. We did our best to alert people but when you have all of the Turkey Trot people trying to leave and all of the parade people trying to come in, within the same time window it gets a little congested. That being said we are having meetings to address this issues, while it is still fresh to resolve. Other than that, we heard nothing but good feedback. Commissioner Varela reported that she thought it was good and that the sheriffs were very helpful and friendly with maneuvering road blocks and closures. Director Goodwin reported that the best part about the run is that it was safe. You did not have runners and cars together in the same lane. Key intersection anticipated reopening did not work out like it did on paper. The parade,I have heard bits and pieces. I know of a couple of cars that stalled out on the route. The parade had about 60 entries with a great turnout. We will have a wrap-up meeting with the Chamber. All-in-all, the event went very well. Commissioner Arnold reported that she heard of gaps in the parade and how do we prevent? Director Goodwin commented that she had heard the same and will let the Chamber know and this is a problem that can be mitigated. Commissioner Grzybowski reported that is a problem with every parade. Commissioner Varela commented about maybe having shorter presentations from the parade participants Director Goodwin reported that Stroll in the Glow is this weekend. There will be a skating rink. This is being hosted by the Chamber. The town is not running this and the only part that the Town has is to ensure that the lights come on. One of the hardest things we have been seeing is with people plugging in the Christmas Tree. As of Saturday,the Avenue will be lit. Also,we have the new Fire station dedication this Saturday at 11:00 a.m. Also,two weeks ago,we had the Adero Canyon Trailhead dedication. If you have not had a chance to see it, you should go. It is very pretty and is a nice amenity. AGENDA ITEM#12: UPDATE ON PUBLIC ART Director Goodwin reported that for public art committee there is two new chairs and will be meeting with them and with their consultant that they have hired. Will be looking at the Town's gift policy of giving art and donating art. Will be looking at the what their current guidelines are and what their recommended guidelines are Including using other cities as a learning curve of what they have done and modeling after successful programs. At this time,there are no other proposed pieces to be installed. I will know more after I meet with them. ,40 Community Services Advisory Commission Page 4 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12 01 8/0 41 81 8M t L AGENDA ITEM#13: UPDATE ON ADERO CANYON TRAILHEAD Director Goodwin reported that it is open, gorgeous and very scenic. The restrooms are not open and there are portable restrooms. Whenever Toll Brothers gets their mainline in is when they will be operable. They are completed just not operable. Vice-Chair Ruppert commented that this would be a great venue for an event. Is it available for weddings/ parties, like the Ramada's in Fountain Park? Director Goodwin replied that it has been talked about and been discussed but a decision has not been made. Right now the road is not favorable for access and will be torn up here shortly, we have punted this discussion until the completion is done and the restrooms are usable. There have been some discussions as to whether it should be rentable or not. There is only one Ramada with three or four picnic tables, so if you did decide to take it over it limits public use of it. It we decided to do it, it would be done on a case-by-case basis based upon you wanted to do. So yes, this is something that we would work through, probably with the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission. AGENDA ITEM#14: DISCUSSION OF NEW CSAC WORK GROUPS Vice-Chair Ruppert reported that it has been decided to postpone discussing until next meeting and moved to adjourn. C AGENDA ITEM#15: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Grzybowski made a motion to adjourn at 5:42 p.m., Commissioner Varela seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Communi rvices Ad C' mission IOW By: Don Doty, Chair Reviewed by: Rac1ael Goo' , in, Dire ctor of Community Services Prepared by: i� i ) --= Ange a Pattt-Espiri , Executive Assi•stant 4 IL Community Services Advisory Commission Page 5 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M 1 r CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Community Services Advisory Commission Regular Meeting held on Nove ber 26, 2018. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: P Ange a Pas;-ett- spiritu, xecutive Assistant Dated this December 5, 2018 v.) 6 .44i1) Community Services Advisory Commission Page 6 of 6 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinutesMinutes12018/041818M