HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2019.0225.Minutes 4i., �yT A INr o� ;, � TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE . COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 25,2019 rhat is AO' AGENDA ITEM#1: CALL TO ORDER A public meeting of the Community Services Advisory Commission was convened and called to order by Chair Doty at 5:00p.m.,Monday,February 25,2019 in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. AGENDA ITEM#2: ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Chair Don Doty, Vice-Chair Ron Ruppert, Commissioners Amy Arnold, Daniel Fecteau, Jerry Gorrell, Sharron Grzybowski, Sharon Morgan, Natalie Varela and Youth Commissioner Hayden Arnold. Staff members present were Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu AGENDA ITEM#3: CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#4: UPDATE ON NEW COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS AND TERMS Chair Doty welcomed new appointed commissioners Daniel Fecteau and Sharon Morgan. AGENDA ITEM#5: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A COMMISSION CHAIR Chair Doty made a motion to appoint Vice-Chair Ruppert, Commissioner Varela seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#6: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING A COMMISSION VICE-CHAIR Vice-Chair Ruppert made a motion to appoint Commissioner Amy Arnold, Commissioner Doty seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. AGENDA ITEM#7: UPDATE ON GOLDEN EAGLE PARK Director Goodwin reported that the new grading is helping drainage and are on track to open the ballfields this weekend. Additional projects will be ongoing, such as shade structures and concrete improvements. A ribbon cutting ceremonial is expected to occur later in April 2019. We are on track to stay under the $600,000 budget that is mainly from the capital improvement project fund. Community Services Advisory Commission Page 1 of 5 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M AGENDA ITEM #8: DISCUSSION AND DIRECTION REGARDING BALLFIELD ACCESS AT GOLDEN EAGLE PARK Director Goodwin requests commission's input on accessibility of the ballfields at Golden Eagle Park. This is a very big issue that staff is facing and needs your input. Currently, the park is accessible seven days a week during operating hours. However, residents are allowing dogs to use the field and this is of concern. With the construction, the ballfields have been locked. Over the weekend, someone cut the lock on one of ballfields and dogs were observed on the ballfields. Director Goodwin pointed out to the commission that most major cities lock their ballfields. Commissioners mentioned below concerns in response to Director Goodwin's request: • Health concerns regarding dog feces on playable ballfields? • Are other recreational facilities locked? • Is there an opportunity to make ballfields not completely closed? • Vandalism an issue? • Been observed seeing people on the ballfields with dogs • Could you reserve a locked ballfield to the public? • Should Sherriff's department be involved with enforcement? A subcommittee group was formed based upon Chair Doty's recommendation to research further that consist of Commissioner Gorrell, Commissioner Grzybowski and Commissioner Varela AGENDA ITEM#9: UPDATE ON THE IMPROVEMENTS AT FOUR PEAKS PARK Director Goodwin reported that we are back on track and that installation began today on the five to twelve- year-old playground and should be complete by the end of March 2019. Also working on the two to five- year-old children playground and on track to hopefully be complete by end of March 2019. We want to make sure that all of the safety equipment is in place prior to opening the playground for public use. This project will be ongoing as we continue to add improvements. AGENDA ITEM#10: DISCUSSION REGARDING PROPOSED DOG PARK RULES Director Goodwin reported to the commission that there are new proposed dog park rules (see attached document). These are an update version of the rules that are currently in place at Desert Vista Dog Park. This issue we are having with enforcement of rules is not having a dedicated staff member at the dog park. There have been numerous complaints about too many dogs and aggressive dogs.ADOG came to the Town for assistance. Chair Doty recommended including this item into the subcommittee group for the ballfields. Chair Doty requested that Commissioner Fecteau be added to this group. AGENDA ITEM #11: UPDATE FROM THE WORK GROUP TO DEVELOP GUIDELINES FOR SENIOR CONCERN/WELLNESS ISSUES Commissioner Varela reported that she is working with Senior Services Supervisor Jennifer Lyons about wellness issues. Chair Doty suggested putting a link on the Town's website directing visitors to the Crisis Community Services Advisory Commission Page 2 of 5 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M C Centers website. Commissioner Varela stated that she will research this option and will report her findings at the next commission meeting. AGENDA ITEM #12: UPDATE FROM WORK GROUP TO RESEARCH GRANT OPPORTUNITIES Commissioner Arnold reported that she and Chair Doty met with Kristin Skevington and Sean Klaussen in regards to grants. They were informed that it takes 30-35 days for each grant and they suggested that Director Goodwin speak with Arizona Community Foundation in regards to grants. Chair Doty mentioned that Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority has a quick grant in the amount of$5,000 but you will need to show a need and another grant that is for$250,000. Director Goodwin acknowledged that they are aware of this grant program. AGENDA ITEM#13: UPDATE ON VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES WITH TOWN EVENTS Commissioner Grzybowski reported that on March 15 there is a Sock Hop at the Community Center and will send out an email to Executive Assistant Angela to send out the entire list of events needing volunteers. AGENDA ITEM#14: UPDATE ON SPECIAL EVENTS Director Goodwin reported that we had the Great Fair this past weekend that occurred rain or shine. Commissioner Morgan commented that the Great Fair had 193,000 visitors in three days. Director Goodwin reported that we will have the Disc Golf Tournament this weekend and Fountain Park and will have Pitch Hit and Run at Golden Eagle Park. Upcoming events are Mountain to Fountain Fun Run, Kite Festival, 4,,,, Irish Festival, Music Festival and Thunderbird Artists. AGENDA ITEM#15: DISCUSSION ON NEW CSAC WORK GROUPS Chair Doty reported on Visions and Goals of Community Service Advisory Commission and Work Groups (see attached document). Chair Doty reported that he and Vice-Chair Ruppert met with Director Goodwin and the staff of the Community Services Department a couple of months ago, where they went over their visions and decided that the Community Services Advisory Commission could assist with them. • Vision One - Provide recreation that inspires personal growth, healthy lifestyles and sense of community. o Revive the medical equipment loaner program o Senior trips to enhance quality of life • Vision Two- Increase the number of multi-day conventions held on an annual basis o Work with Tourism and economic development to conduct outreach to local and national organization. We would like have more convention groups come to our Community Center. • Vision Three—Optimize safe utilization of facilities, amenities and open space o Work with CSAC/SSI to evaluate Community Center lobby utilization. SSI, along with Community Center has been ongoing revamping the Community Center. Community Services Advisory Commission Page 3 of 5 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&Minutes lMinutes12 01 8/04 1 81 8M • Vision Four — Actively seek progressive, future-oriented options for funding, operations, and programs o Consider alternate revenue sources-grants, sponsorships Chair Doty gave an update on the status of 2018 existing work groups as being ongoing for the recruitment of volunteers and for the strategy to develop plan to compliment town. Chair Doty reported that 2018 work group for senior information, reference material and the rewriting of the Community Services Advisory Commissioner by-laws are nearing completion. Chair Doty reported on how the Four Visions are incorporated into three Work Groups. In Work Group B, Chair Doty and Commissioner Arnold has been working with Advisors regarding grants. In Work Group A, Commissioner Varela is working with Senior trips and lobby utilization. One work group is open,which Work Group C, which is Tourism. Director Goodwin reported that the major element for Fountain Hills. We want to draw more people and events to Fountain Hills. We are looking to host more 3-day level convention format events at the Community Center, such as the Watch and Clock event that is held at the Community Center each year. Chair Doty asked if anyone would like to volunteer for Work Group C (Tourism). Work Group C, Tourism will include Commissioner Morgan, Commissioner Grzybowski, Commissioner Gorrell and Commissioner Varela. Work Group C will work with Tourism Coordinator Grace Rodman- Guetter on generating ideas on new uses for the Community Center and attracting new events to the Town. AGENDA ITEM #16: DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION OF CANCELLING OR MOVING MARCH 25,2019 COMMISSION MEETING Commissioners approved moving the meeting to March 28, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. ... AGENDA ITEM#17: CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Chair Doty made a motion to adjourn at 6:32 p.m.,Vice-Chair Ruppert seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. Community Services Ali,ry C i mission A40.0„„vr By: 411, AP di Community Services Advisory Commission _ Page 4 of 5 G.Commission CSACIAgenda&Minutes1Minutes12018/041818M (OW Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwi , Dire r of Community Services Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Community Services Advisory Commission Regular Meeting held on February 25, 19. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. By: A ge a Padgett-Esp ' , xecutive Assistant Dated this March 12, 2019 (1, Community Services Advisory Commission Page 5 of 5 G:Commission CSACIAgenda&MinuteslMinutes12018/041818M Dog Park Rules The following rules apply to Desert Vista Park: Dogs must wear a visible and current license. ➢ Dogs must be leashed until completely inside the enclosed facility. ➢ A limit of three(3) dogs per owner/handler will be strictly enforced. • Female dogs in heat are not permitted within the facility; Un-Neutered Males are not permitted ✓ Gates must be kept closed at all times. ✓ Dog handlers must be within the facility and supervise their dogs at all times. ✓ Dog handlers using this facility must carry on their person, a standard (6-foot) length leash. ✓ Dog waste must be removed and properly disposed of. ✓ Dog handlers may not allow their dogs to bark continuously at dog or others either inside or outside of either side of the dog park. • Aggressive dog behavior is not permitted within the dog park. • Any damage done to the park(i.e. digging) must be repaired by the dog handlers. • Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times. • No skateboards, in-line skates, or bikes in the dog park • No children running or teasing dogs All dog handlers who fail to comply with these rules can be asked to leave,and will be cited by the Sheriff when the dog's or handler's behavior is deemed to be inappropriate. 40 s E Q. 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