HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2019.0624.Minutes -!�f �o �,-- � TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS • - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE . e COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION "ow ' JUNE 24,2019 that is Av‘I' 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Ruppert called the meeting of Monday, June 24, 2019, to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall,located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. 2. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Ron Ruppert,Vice Chairperson Amy Arnold,Commissioners Don Doty, Daniel Fecteau,Jerry Gorrell, Sharron Grzybowski, Sharon Morgan, and Natalie Varela. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin and Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine. 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC There was no comments from the citizens present. 4. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MAY 20,2019 MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Doty moved to approve the May 20,2019 meeting minutes,seconded by Commissioner Grzybowski; passed unanimously(8-0). 5. DISCUSSION ON THE CSAC BYLAWS, SECTION 3(B) MEMBERS & APPOINTMENTS FOLLOWING THE TRANSITION PERIOD, APPOINTMENTS, ON THE YOUTH REPRESENTATION TERM Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine reviewed the CSAC Bylaws, Section 3(B) and clarified that the youth representation term is for a one-year term, however, the Council approved the term and set an end date of May 31, 2019 within the motion. She stated that moving forward the motion will read as a one-year term. She pointed out that Section 3(C) a member shall remain seated until a successor is appointed and qualified due to vacancy by expiration of member's term. She noted that Youth Commissioner Hayden Arnold can participate at the meetings. (See Attachment 1) In response to a question posed by Commissioner Arnold, Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin clarified that moving forward all Commissions/Committees are being reviewed and updated to be consistent with term expiration dates,rotating of expiration dates,etc. She pointed out that Youth Commissioner Arnold can still have his seat due to Section 3(C)until the process of a new appointment is completed. Discussion ensued relative to the youth representation application process start time and term of appointment start and end dates. Further discussion ensued relating to the youth representation requirement of being a member of the Mayor's Youth Council and removing that requirement to reach more students who may be interested. Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes June 24,2019 Page 2 of 4 Commission came to a consensus to remove being a member of the Mayor's Youth Council and open the position to all students and the term be set from September 1 through June 30. 6. UPDATE ON DESERT VISTA DOG PARK RULES Commissioner Gorrell commented that in#2 of the rules that the Dog Park has no parking lot and suggested changing the wording to exiting the dog park or something similar. (See Attachment 2) Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin clarified that the rules have been reviewed by Maricopa Animal Control and the Town Attorney and that the document provided is the final draft. She stated that she will talk to them on rule#2. Ms. Goodwin pointed out that the rules have been posted online and at the Desert Vista Dog Park. 7. UPDATE FROM WORK GROUP ON THE RESEARCH FOR GRANT OPPORTUNITIES Commissioner Arnold commented that there are no new grants available. Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin added that she has received grant information on Association of American Retired Persons(AARP) and will provide the information to Commissioners Arnold and Doty. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Doty,Ms. Goodwin reported that the Arizona Sports Authority and Tourism Grant is complete and due at end of June, 2019 and the Diamonds Back Grant is in process and due by July 31,2019. Commissioner Doty reported that he will have an update in August on the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation Grant. 8. UPDATE ON COMMUNITY CENTER LAYOUT FOR ADDITIONAL PROGRAM ROOMS AND OFFICE RELOCATIONS Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin thanked everyone who attended the tour and confirmed that resident Jim Judge and everyone he represented will support the new layout for additional program rooms and office relocations. She noted that the rooms have been cleared out and offices relocated. She added that updated flooring will be installed in fall. Commissioner Varela commented that Senior Services,Inc.(SSI)is looking for approval for future vending machines, a removable puzzle table, a television, and rearranging the tables and chairs in the lobby. She pointed out that the vending machines would be placed in the back not in the lobby area and that all other items would be removable. Commissioner Morgan expressed the opinion that the lobby should stay a lobby and is opposed to anything semi- permanent as well as the vending machines. Commissioner Doty clarified that the vending machines would be placed back by the restrooms and not in the lobby area. Discussion ensued relative to the layout of the lobby area,removable items, and making the area more vibrant. Commissioner Gorrell emphasized the need to address all of the space in the Community Center for future use as the use increases. Commissioner Varela pointed out that SSI would like the lobby to stay classy. Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes June 24,2019 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Grzybowski stated that SSI would need to understand that at times such as during Christmas that the removable items would be stored for a period of time. Additional discussion ensued relating to the uses of the lobby of scheduled classes and drop-in uses. Ms. Goodwin clarified that the additional uses in the lobby is exploratory at this time. Commissioner Varela confirmed that the requests from SSI is informational and wanted to receive feedback on the suggestions. 9. UPDATE ON COMMISSION TOURS OF THE TOWN'S AMENITIES AND SCHEDULING OF TOURS Chairman Ruppert reported that the next tour will be Saturday,September 21,2019 with a tour of the Sanitary District and Fountain Park. 10. UPDATE ON VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES WITH TOWN EVENTS Commissioner Grzybowski emphasized on the need for volunteers for July 5,2019 for clean-up around Fountain Park and for Back to School Bash on August 16,2019. Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin clarified that the start time on July 5, 2019 is at 7:00 a.m. and to meet at the splash pad area. Commissioner Grzybowski confirmed that no sign-up is required for July 5,2019. 11. UPDATE ON SPECIAL EVENTS Community Services Director Rachel Goodwin reported on the upcoming special events: • Pizza Party,June 25,2019,at 12:00 p.m.—Community Center • Wacky Wet Wednesday,June 26,2019 at 11:00 a.m.—Four Peaks Park • Fourth at the Fountain,July 4,2019 at 6:00 p.m.—Fountain Park • Back to School Bash,August 16,2019 at 5:00 p.m.—Four Peaks Park • Summer games, Thursday's at 11:30 a.m. (through July 25, 2019)—Community Center • Movie in the Park, Date/Time TBD—Four Peaks Park—NEW LOCATION Ms. Goodwin emphasized the need for volunteers for Back to School Bash. Ms. Goodwin explained that Movie in the Park is being moved to Four Peaks Park due to better resources such as restrooms,light access,and safer accesses. She pointed out that the improved resources would save on costs too. She asked the Commission to assist in getting the word out of the new location. 12. CONSIDERATION OF ADJOURNMENT Vice Chairperson Arnold moved to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Morgan;passed unanimously(8-0). The Community Services Advisory Commission adjourned at 5:48 p.m. Attachment 1 CSAC June 24,2019 Page 1 of 1 H. Transition Officers. At the first Commission meeting, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson from among the members. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall assume responsibilities at the next scheduled meeting. The officers' terms will expire on December 31, 2015. The duties, vacancy and removal procedure set forth in Section 5 below shall apply to the officers. On the expiration of the initial officers' terms, officers shall be elected as set forth in subsection 5(A)below. 3. Members &Appointments Following the Transition Period. A. Number of Members. Following the transition periods, the Commission shall be composed of nine members, including one youth member. B. Appointments. Following the transition periods, appointments to the Commission shall be made by the Town Council according to, and from among residents of the Town that meet the minimum qualifications as outlined in, the Town Council Rules of Procedure. Adult appointments shall be for a term of three years. One appointee shall be the youth representation, who shall be a Town resident for one year, shall be a resident high school student, be a member of the Mayor's Youth Council and serve a one-year term on the Commission beginning with the start of the school year. C. Filling of Vacancies. Any vacancy on the Commission shall remain vacant until a new member is appointed by the Town Council to fill the vacancy. Upon a vacancy occurring, leaving an unexpired portion of a term, any appointment to fill such vacancy shall be for the unexpired portion of said term. In cases of a vacancy due to the expiration of a member's term, the member shall remain seated until a successor is appointed and qualified. D. Term. Unless appointed to fill a vacancy mid-term, each adult member's term of office shall be three years, unless the member resigns sooner or is removed from his or her position. E. Attendance. All members are required to attend all Commission meetings unless excused by the Chairperson, with the concurrence of the Commission. Three successive unexcused or unexplained absences from any regular or special meeting shall be deemed a vacancy as outlined in the Town Council Rules of Procedure. F. Removal. Any member may be removed as set forth in the Town Council Rules of Procedure. 2170815.4 3 Attachment 2 CSAC '`I ff' June 24, 2019 Page 1 of 1 Oa Oil 1: !!/ as,* %I DESERT VISTA DOG PARK RULES 1) Dogs must wear a visible and current license. 2) Dogs must be physically restrained by a leash not to exceed 6 feet until completely inside the enclosed facility and when returning to the parking lot. 3) A limit of three dogs per handler at one time. 4) Female dogs in heat and unneutered male dogs are not permitted within the facility 5) Gates must be kept closed at all times after entrance/exit. 6) Dog handlers must be within the facility and supervise their dogs at all times. 7) Dog waste must be removed and properly disposed of in the receptacles located throughout the park. 8) Dog handlers may not allow their dogs to bark continuously. 9) No dogs known to be aggressive toward other dogs or people may enter the dog park. 10)Leash/remove your dog at the first sign of aggression. Handler must carry a leash, not to exceed 6 feet for each dog under their care. 11)An adult must accompany/supervise children under 15 at all times. Children need to behave in an appropriate manner: no running, no chasing dogs, no petting of other dogs unless the owner/handler grants permission. 12) No skateboards, in-line skates or bicycles in the dog park. 13) The dog handler must repair any damages done to the park (ex. digging). 14)All dog handlers who fail to comply with these rules can be asked to leave or be cited if appropriate. Repeat offenders may be banned from the park. 15)Users of this park do so at their own risk. The Town of Fountain Hills shall not be liable for any injury or damages sustained in this park. Dog owners are legally responsible for their dog's actions, and are liable for any injuries caused to their dogs. 16)In case of a dog bite call 911 then notify Maricopa Animal Control at (602)506-7387 4 4 Community Services Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes June 24,2019 Page 4 of 4 Community Servi es Advisory Commission By: ✓L/�J4hL. Ir '* '/ •�� Ron Ira" /// Reviewed by: Rachael Goodwi , mmunity Services Director Prepared by: — C -t1ittlA Q J Jamie alentine,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Community Services Advisory Commission Regular Meeting held on June 24,2019. I further certify that the meeting as duly called and that a quorum was present. • By: . C ��rtcrLSl Ja 'e Salentine,Executive Assistant Attachments -2