HomeMy WebLinkAboutC2019-006S1.R - T & T Construction OJ/�AlNl4 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS n 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 slow 480.816.5100 I Fax: 480.837.3145 'oar rip March 9, 2020 Jerrad Trulson T&T Construction Inc. 12014 N.Falcon Drive Fountain Hills,AZ.85268 Re: Contract Renewal Confirmation Dear Mr.Trulson: The Town of Fountain Hills (the"Town") entered into Professional Services Agreement,No. 2019-00651, dated March 19,2019,with T&T Construction Inc. (the"Agreement"). The Town is hereby providing written notice of its intent to extend the Agreement for an additional term as permitted in Section 1.0 of the Agreement and requests your acceptance to exercise this first,one-year renewal option. By signature below,both the Town and T&T Construction Inc.give their consent that said Agreement is renewed for an additional one-year term, from March 19, 2020 through March 18, 2021. In all other respects, the Agreement is affirmed and ratified and, except as expressly modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions regarding this notice,please do not hesitate to contact Kevin Snipes at 480-816-5178 and/or ksnipes@fh.az.gov Sincerely, aO OLie—wL r f ssGrady E.Mill ,T n Manager AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED: T&T Construct' n In . By: Name:Jerrad Trulson Title:President cc: File/Procurement Town Clerk www.fh.az.gov ��TAIN4r O,7 of g CONTRACT/GRANT INFORMATION SHEET- RENEWAL 'hat Is Ai`ti Date: 5/5/2020 Staff's Name: Kevin Snipes Department: 502 Vendor's Name: T&T CONSTRUCTION INC Vendor Number: 615 Received W9:0 Y ❑ N ® ALREADY IN SYSTEM Business License#:4991 Exp. Date: 9/30/2020 ACCOUNTING SUMMARY Org Object Project/# $ Accounting Code: TBD(used for variety of different Various NTE things/departments/funds): $125,000 CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract Number Assigned: 2019-006s1 Current Contract Total: $125,000 Owner's Contingency N/A (included in Current Contract Total) Total Contract Amount with NTE $125,000 Renewals: Brief Description of Service: Construction Services If Renewable: #1 Total#of Renewals Max: 4 Contract Beginning Date: 3/19/2019 Contract Expiration Date: 3/18/2021 Budgeted Expenditure: ® Yes ❑ No Budget Page#: Approved by Council: ® Yes; Date: 3/19/2019 ❑ No ❑ N/A Insurance Certificate provided: ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A GRANT SUMMARY Name of Grantee: Grant Number Assigned: Resolution Number: Date Council Approved: Revised 3/19/20