HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020.0602.TCRM.Packet       NOTICE OF MEETING REGULAR MEETING FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL      Mayor Ginny Dickey Vice Mayor Mike Scharnow Councilmember Dennis Brown Councilmember Sherry Leckrone Councilmember Alan Magazine Councilmember David Spelich Councilmember Art Tolis TIME:5:30 P.M. – REGULAR MEETING WHEN:TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2020 WHERE:FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ Councilmembers of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town’s various Commission, Committee or Board members may be in attendance at the Council meeting. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Town Council are audio and/or video recorded and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents, in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived.    REQUEST TO COMMENT   The public is welcome to participate in Council meetings. TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM , please complete a Request to Comment card, located in the back of the Council Chambers, and hand it to the Town Clerk prior to discussion of that item, if possible. Include the agenda item on which you wish to comment. Speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Council. Verbal comments should be directed through the Presiding Officer and not to individual Councilmembers. TO COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM IN WRITING ONLY, please complete a Request to Comment card, indicating it is a written comment, and check the box on whether you are FOR or AGAINST and agenda item, and hand it to the Town Clerk prior to discussion, if possible.   REGULAR MEETING    REGULAR MEETING NOTICE OF OPTION TO RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council, and to the general public, that at this meeting, the Town Council may vote to go into executive session, which will not be open to the public, for legal advice and discussion with the Town's attorneys for legal advice on any item listed on the following agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(3).        1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dickey     2.INVOCATION - Pastor Keith Pavia, Christ Church Fountain Hills     3.ROLL CALL – Mayor Dickey     4.REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER     A.PROCLAMATION June 14, 2020, as United States Army's 245th Birthday.    5.SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS     A.PRESENTATION by Peter Volny on Concourse in the Hills and its positive impact on the Town of Fountain Hills.     6.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda.     7.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.     A.CONSIDERATION OF approving the meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020.    B.CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-30, renaming Del Cambre Court to Mirage Heights      Town Council Regular Meeting of June 2, 2020 2 of 4   B.CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-30, renaming Del Cambre Court to Mirage Heights Court; renaming Del Cambre Court West to Mirage Heights Court West; changing the applicable street addresses within the Mirage Heights subdivision, and waiving the fee.     C.CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-31 approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Maricopa County Animal Care and Control (Contract C2019-011) for July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021, in the amount $21,688.     D.CONSIDERATION OF authorizing staff to apply for tourism-related grants administered by the Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT), Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) and Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation to support marketing and promotion initiatives of Fountain Hills.      8.REGULAR AGENDA     A.CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-32 declaring and adopting the results of the Special Election held May 19, 2020.     B.CONSIDERATION OF a request for a Special Use Permit to allow operation of a hospital between 11 pm and 7 am on an approximately 5.74 acre parcel generally located at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive (AKA 9700 N. Saguaro Boulevard; APN # 176-10-811) in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District.  Continued to June 16, 2020.  SU 2020-01.     C.CONSIDERATION OF draft Executive Summary of the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020.    D.PUBLIC HEARING regarding Resolution 2020-23, approving the Final Budget for the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021. CONSIDERATION of Resolution 2020-23 of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, approving the Final Budget for the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021.     E.RECESS INTO SPECIAL MEETING     F.RECONVENE INTO REGULAR MEETING     G.CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-24 adopting and establishing the 2020-21 Budget Implementation Policy and approving the Town Organizational Charts, the FY 2020-21 Pay Plan, the Schedule of Authorized Positions, the updated Employee Job Descriptions, and the FY 2020-21 Comprehensive Fee Schedule.     H.CONSIDERATION OF Ordinance 20-06, amending Sections 12-3-18 and 12-3-19 pertaining to citations and penalties for parking violations.        Town Council Regular Meeting of June 2, 2020 3 of 4   Town Council Regular Meeting of June 2,2020 4 of 4 CONSIDERATION OF Ordinance 20-07, amending the Subdivision Ordinance by adding Section 2.08 C. to allow administrative approval of abandonment of hillside protection easements; amending Section 5.02 C.2 to clarify applicability of the driveway exemption; and, amending Section 5.04 B. adding a new subsection 4 allowing administrative approval of exemptions to the hillside disturbance requirements of Section 5.04. J. CONSIDERATION OF authorizing the Town Manager to administratively approve a contract to make emergency repairs to the Panorama storm drainpipe. 9. COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s)listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing such item(s)on a future agenda for action,or (ii)directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council. 10. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Town Council with the Town Clerk. Dated this�� w day of !,C ,2020. zabeth . urke, MMC,Town CI k The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities.Please call 480-816-5199(voice)or 1-800-367-8939(TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format.Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's Office. ITEM 4. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Reports Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council Staff Contact Information: Angela Padgett-Espiritu, Executive Assistant to Manager, Mayor/Council SPECIAL PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS (Agenda Language):  PROCLAMATION June 14, 2020, as United States Army's 245th Birthday. Staff Summary (Background) Mayor Dickey will be proclaiming June 14, 2020, as United States Army's 245th Birthday.  Attachments Proclamation - United States Army's 245th Birthday  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director David Pock 05/20/2020 03:03 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/20/2020 03:19 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/21/2020 03:26 PM Form Started By: Angela Padgett-Espiritu Started On: 05/20/2020 02:30 PM Final Approval Date: 05/21/2020  ITEM 7. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk Staff Contact Information: Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  approving the meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020. Staff Summary (Background) The intent of approving meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at the meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website and maintained as permanent records in compliance with state law. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approving the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020.. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020. Attachments Minutes  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/26/2020 08:14 AM Form Started By: Elizabeth A. Burke Started On: 05/21/2020 04:29 PM Final Approval Date: 05/26/2020  TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL MAY 19, 2020            1.CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Mayor Dickey    Mayor Dickey called the meeting of May 19, 2020, to order at 5:30 p.m. and led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. She noted that Item 8-F had been pulled from the agenda.   2.INVOCATION - Dr. Bobby Brewer, North Chapel Bible Church    Dr. Bobby Brewer of North Chapel Bible Church gave the invocation.   3.ROLL CALL – Mayor Dickey Present: Mayor Ginny Dickey; Vice Mayor Mike Scharnow; Councilmember Sherry Leckrone (telephonically); Councilmember Art Tolis (telephonically); Councilmember Dennis Brown; Councilmember Alan Magazine; Councilmember David Spelich (telephonically) Staff Present: Town Manager Grady E. Miller; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Burke 4.REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER    Councilmember Spelich said that last week was National Police Week, started in 1962 by President Kennedy. On May 15, 2020, they added 307 names to the wall, and unfortunately the COVID-19 put a damper on that memorial service. He thanked all the men and women of law enforcement for their work and recognized them. Mayor Dickey said that a sixth Emergency Declaration was issued, incorporating the Governor's most recent Executive Order. They continue to guide people to use the CDC website as it differentiates between different industries. She said that here they are giving out masks and sanitizers to Town employees. She said that while the numbers look alarming they are doing a lot more testing so those numbers alone are not as bad as first appear. She said that they are on a good trajectory for the number of hospitalizations. She was anxious to see how the opening up will affect the numbers and she asked everyone to continue with their individual responsibilities. Mayor Dickey said that she has been working with James in Economic Development and the Town Manager to create a Health and Business Resource Sheet which is on the website. It provides good news with what they can do. She said that if anyone had questions they should call or e-mail any of them and if they do not know the answer, they will find it. She attended a virtual business meeting of the Arizona Canadian Business group. They are active in the medical field and they are excited about the new trade agreement. She said that she also attended a quarterly meeting with mayors and supervisors with GPEC. There was a lot of talk about the CARES Act. They have had some difficulty accessing the $1.9 billion that is left after part of the initial money was distributed. She said that Mayor Gallego expressed appreciation for GPEC and they are trying to get resources for those with populations under 500,000. She said that the League is actively petitioning the Governor to allow them to participate in the distribution formula. She said that they also sent letters to the federal delegation asking that they not consider it a bailout. She asked that they help them help their constituency.    Councilmember Magazine said that he has noticed around town that a lot of people are not paying attention to congregating in large crowds. He said that it only takes a few people in a crowd like that to cause problems. He will be asking Captain Kratzer what they are doing. He asked Mr. Miller if Congress does make appropriations to the states if there was any way of knowing if any of it would filter down. Mr. Miller said that it would probably be based on population. He said that even with the FEMA funding, it is based on actual expenditures and tends to be grants and aid to those with 50,000 populations or more that are direct recipients of CDBG. Councilmember Tolis said that if Councilmember Magazine wants to discuss with the captain regarding enforcement of social distancing, that is a policy matter that the entire Council should be discussing. No one councilmember should be taking it upon themselves to direct the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Miller said that staff has returned to Town Hall and the Council Chambers have been open to the public; however, they will have more restricted and limited access.   A.A PROCLAMATION recognizing National Day of Prayer and declaring May 7, 2020, as Fountain Hills Day of Prayer.       Councilmember Brown read the proclamation proclaming May 7, 2020, as Fountain Hills Day of Prayer and presented it to Pastor Brewer of North Chapel Bible Church.   B.RECOGNITION of outgoing Community Services Advisory Commission Youth Commissioner Hayden Arnold.    Mayor Dickey read a recognition of Community Services Advisory Commission Youth Commissioner Hayden Arnold and presented it to him, wishing him the best in his future endeavors.   5.SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS   A.PRESENTATION by MCSO Captain Larry Kratzer with a monthly report of MCSO activities.    Captain Kratzer thanked Councilmember Spelich for his comments and thanks to the men and women. He said that he would be addressing some of the kind acts seen by MCSO with the local businesses and residents. He said that several restaurants have contacted him with the desire to feed his officers on patrol. He said that one restaurant had not even opened their doors but found a date to feed them. On Easter Sunday, another restaurant fed the officers and several residents have had pizza delivered for the deputies and have dropped off treats and snacks. He thanked the businesses and residents that showed support. Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 2 of 12 He said that over the last two months they have seen an uptick in fraud cases. He said that unfortunately the demographics of the town make these residents ripe for being taken advantage of. He said that they had a 94 year old out of $150,000 and an 80 year old out $19,000. He said that they are elaborate scams and there is not a lot that law enforcement can do; they involve foreign accounts and cell phones that are not traceable. He asked that the public be educated and remind the older population, perhaps through their children that live close, to keep them aware of these scams. He said that in the future they plan to hold Fountain Hills Cares where they will have residents come out and they will provide sessions to learn about fraud and con games. He said that they also do community outreach with Coffee with a Cop. He added that he left some information at the back of the room they are welcome to take with Ten Things To Do to Avoid Fraud. Captain Kratzer said that with the way the contract is with the Town, his direction usually comes from the Sheriff himself. He does not know of a scenario where one councilmember directs the MCSO department. He said that the burden of enforcement of the executive orders was placed on local law enforcement and it is a constant learning situation. He said that similar to the Governor's Stay at Home Order, if they get calls they will respond, with a lighter, softer touch through their Service Aides and educating the public. Sheriff Penzone outlined in his directives, when the orders were modified, that there would be no arrests or citations. He said that there are plenty of opinions on this issue, but MCSO's approach will be through educating the public. Councilmember Magazine said that he was not previously suggesting that they direct the department, but more that he had questions to ask. He said that Captain Kratzer's explanation has answered those questions. Councilmember Tolis said that he appreciated all that MCSO does. His understanding now is that the executive order has been rescinded or expired. He also said that there had been some discussion about the orders not being constitutional. After further discussion, Mr. Arnson said that some of the provisions in the Stay at Home Order were carried over into the May 12 Order, 2020-36, and he would be happy to follow up with Council and provide additional information. He said that those are still in effect and available online as well. Mayor Dickey added that the new order is available online at www.azgovernor.gov. She said that each of the orders are listed, but if they read the news release associated with each, it is much easier to understand. And, as to the constitutionality, a federal judge in Arizona determined that they are constitutional. Councilmember Spelich asked Capt. Kratzer to ask his detectives in Fountain Hills to take time to meet with bank managers and inform them of the scams going on in town. When customers are coming in to banks to withdraw large amounts of money, the tellers could ask questions and maybe stop someone from being a victim. Mayor Dickey noted that at this time she was going to move up Item 8-G to hear from Jack Lunsford on legislative issues, who was on the telephone.(See Item 8-G for minutes)   6.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 3 of 12 6.CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda.    None   7.CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.    MOVED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown to approve Consent Agenda Items 7-A through 7-G.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   A.CONSIDERATION OF approving the meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 2020.     B.CONSIDERATION OF approving adjusting budget transfers for Capital Projects Fund and General Fund.      C.CONSIDERATION OF adopting Resolution 2020-19 an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement with Fountain Hills Unified School District.      D.CONSIDERATION OF adopting Resolution 2020-26, abandoning a portion of the 10' Public Utility Easement and Drainage Easement on the Arroyo Vista Manor Condominiums plat (a duplex condominium lot, originally Plat 206, Block 7, Lot 11).      E.CONSIDERATION OF adopting Resolution 2020-28, abandonment of the 10' Public utility and Drainage easement on Plat 603-B, Block 5, Lot 11 (15601 E. Cholla Drive) as recorded in Book 161, page 41, records of Maricopa County, Arizona. (EA 2020-05)      F.CONSIDERATION OF adopting Resolution 2020-27, abandoning the 10' Public Utility and Drainage Easement at the southerly (rear) of Plat 603-B, Block 1, Lot 18 (15621 E. Thistle Drive), as recorded in Book 161, page 41, records of Maricopa County, Arizona, with stipulation. (EA 2020-04).      G.CONSIDERATION OF approving a Liquor License Application for Asian Fang, located at 16740 E Palisades Boulevard #110, Fountain Hills, Arizona, for a Series 12 (Restaurant) license.      Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 4 of 12        8.REGULAR AGENDA   A.HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER adoption of Resolution 2020-01, adopting the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 and calling a Special Election on November 3, 2020, for voter ratification of the Plan.       Mayor Dickey opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Miller said that this item was already approved at a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and John Wesley, the Development Services Director, would give a report on this project which started over a year ago. He said that there has been a lot of hard work and effort put into it and the consultant, Maria Mask, was on the phone should they have any questions. Mr. Wesley gave a PowerPoint presentation which addressed: PLANNING PROCESS MILESTONES OVERVIEWING PRINCIPLE VISION CHARACTER AREA MAP OVERVIEW OF A 150-PAGE DOCUMENT Councilmember Magazine said that he did not make it a secret that he was not happy spending over $100,000 for the study, but it is mandated by the state every ten years and they did an excellent job. Mr. Wesley said that they met with the various commissions, including the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission, last November and received 23 comments. Councilmember Magazine said that they were going to be asking the voters to vote on the final plan. He asked if there was plan to do a "CliffsNotes" version and how they would get the word out. Mr. Wesley said that is always a challenge. The Town can educate; they cannot advocate. One of the requirements with the consultants is to put together an Executive Summary. Ms. Mask said that it has been a long process. They are in the process now of completing the Executive Summary and that is what they will use as an educational tool for people that do not want to read the entire document. Councilmember Magazine requested that the Council review the Executive Summary before it goes out. Others agreed. He thanked the staff, stakeholders and consultants for doing an excellent job. Vice Mayor Scharnow asked if they would say the plan allows for changes. He said that in light of the Daybreak issue, they have been taken to task for amending the General Plan. He asked Mr. Wesley to explain how the process works. Mr. Wesley said that the General Plan is general; it allows for issues to come forward and possibly make changes. He said that a General Plan is a policy document, an adopted guidance, with the understanding that it will be, and needs to be, amended. The state statutes define what is considered a major versus minor change. Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 5 of 12 Mr. Wesley said that has been done in this plan. While Maria is a good, seasoned planner, they do not always get everything right and there needs to be an ability to amend. He said that a good example is the Palisades/Shea area. It is in the plan as a secondary gateway. With regard to neighborhood characters, it showed higher density residential in the Town Center and the Shea corridor. He agreed with that and that is what they did. He said that there is some flexibility and some reasoning to look at projects as they come in. Councilmember Magazine said that was an excellent point; it is not gospel. He suggested that this explanation be included in the Plan itself. Mr. Wesley said that they could come up with something like that for the Plan, or perhaps include it in the Executive Summary. Vice Mayor Scharnow said that he thinks there is enough broad and general language that anything the Council does they could be hung with. Councilmember Brown said that the current General Plan, which is ten years old, does not even allow for mixed use. Over the last ten years every time the councils try to amend the General Plan they are abused. They should be able to go in and make changes. Mayor Dickey said that the General Plan is a reference, a guiding theme. When they talk about what they are, if they read the beginning of this, it explains, but it still has to integrate with the Zoning Ordinance and the Town's specific plans. They also coincide with the Strategic Plan Advisory Commission and Vision Fountain Hills. It is worthwhile for them to have. She said that one of the conversations with Daybreak was whether it was a major versus minor amendment. it is important to include wording about the ability to make amendments. She said that soon they wll be having a report from the Traffic Safety Committee and there is a lot of discussion about safety in the General Plan, and speeding. She said that it helps to have something there as a guide that everyone has voted on. It can be a guide; it does not mean it is a dictation. Mayor Dickey said that it does mention being a walkable Town, but she would like to see that emphasized more. Also, with regard to infrastructure, they have talked about having internet for the entire community as being part of infrastructure and she would like to see that added. She thanked them for adding the brownfield efforts. They recently had one tank removed and they have a couple of other areas in Town. She said that Page 29 mentioned school property and she asked if they could put something in the Plan on #7 with the school district property having restrictions and including wording such as "in accordance with state statutes." She also said that they are working with Valley Metro and Proposition 500. She asked if they need specific things listed. Mr. Wesley said that those are outside of what they would consider in a General Plan document. They do have a section on the street network and they have covered that from a broad perspective. Mayor Dickey said that page 79 references MCSO and Rural Metro, but she asked if there was anything preventing them from exploring their own departments. She asked if the priorities and timetables could be changed administratively. Mr. Wesley said that they could and that is stated. There being no public input, Mayor Dickey closed the Public Hearing.   Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 6 of 12  MOVED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown, SECONDED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine to adopt Resolution 2020-01 with the recommended changes (school district property, Rural Metro/MCSO, explanation in the beginning that it is a general plan and can be amended).  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   B.CONSIDERATION OF Awarding the Annual Landscape Contract #2020-062 to BrightView Landscape Services, Inc.       Mr. Miller said that this is the third largest contract they have for services in Town. The company will provide landscaping and maintenance for rights-of-way, parks and grounds keeping. He then asked Parks Superintendent Kevin Snipes to give his report. Mr. Snipes said that this is the Town's landscape contract. The new contract proposal was advertised in the Fountain Hills Times and the Business Gazette. They had nine people show up for the mandatory meeting. From those they had four proposals. On April 7, 2020, they had a group of five different staff members that are touched by the contract and they scored the proposals based upon general information, experience/qualifications, key positions, project approach, project schedule, and budget. Through that process 500 points were possible. The top scorer, with 474 points, was the highest scored by 51 points. There was a definite difference between one and two. Mr. Snipes said that this is a contract that is important to the Town. They will maintain the rights-of-way, all parks mowing and major tree trimming, irrigation work and design area. He said that they can do more than just general maintenance. He said that the group recommended is Brightview Lanscape Services for $388,012.10, with an additional $50,000.00 for unexpected purchases on an emergency basis, as approved by Town staff. Vice Mayor Scharnow asked if the "owner's allowance" was something they had in the current contract. Mr. Snipes said that it was not. He said that one thing he kept running into over the years that if something came up, he was unable to jump on it and get it fixed. This allows for that to take place. If it is not needed, it will not be touched. Vice Mayor Scharnow asked if they are going to be able to have the resources available if there are big monsoons that hit, if they are contracted with the other big cities. Mr. Snipes said that he could not answer that since he has never worked with them, but there were three of their staff at the meeting. Mr. Miller said that the Town does have other emergency vendors. There is a local company that could help with heavy work as the parks typically get hit hard. Vice Mayor Scharnow said that they have had previous discussions about the median on Palisades and asked if they would be dealing with that project. Mr. Miller said that he believes that the Public Works staff will be able to do some of the work themselves. Councilmember Magazine asked if it was at the contractor's sole discretion to use the owner's allowance. Mr. Miller clarified that the Town would have to authorize any of those funds being spent.    MOVED BY Vice Mayor Mike Scharnow, SECONDED BY Councilmember Sherry Leckrone Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 7 of 12  MOVED BY Vice Mayor Mike Scharnow, SECONDED BY Councilmember Sherry Leckrone (telephonically) to award the Annual Landscape Contract #2020-062 to BrightView Landscape Services, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $388,012.10 with an additional $50,000 as an owner's allowance for expenditures on an emergency basis.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   C.CONSIDERATION OF a proposal to create a Fountain Hills Walk of Mayors at the linear park on Avenue of the Fountains.       Mayor Dickey recused herself from discussion on this item. Mr. Miller said that a few weeks ago Councilmembers Brown, Leckrone and Tolis had asked that an item be placed on a future agenda to discuss the possibility of recognizing all past and present mayors of the Town. Councilmember Brown said that there have been eight mayors in the Town of Fountain Hills and between being appointed by four different mayors to the Planning and Zoning Commission, he has worked with three of them on Council. He has witnessed the abuse given to the mayors. While the councilmembers receive it as well, with the mayor being the leader and in Town Hall day after day, folks not participating as a councilmember do not get to know and see the value of the mayors that lead the town. He said that since they have the walk on the Avenue of the Fountains, they would like to see every mayor recognized somewhere in the Town and that is the perfect spot to be considered. Councilmember Leckrone agreed; she thought it was a great idea. Councilmember Spelich said that he appreciated this coming to the Council's attention. He has mixed emotions about naming things after people. He is opposed to it being limited to just former mayors. While he understands that being a mayor in this town sucks the life out of them, he would be opposed to this if it was simply for mayors. There are many civilians and community members that serve the community in various ways and he does not believe it should be just for elected officials. Councilmember Magazine said that he would be concerned going in that direction, and asked who would make the selections. Leaders of their community are already recognized through the Lower Verde Valley Hall of Fame. Vice Mayor Scharnow asked if they would agree to the general concept, but have staff consider other possible locations. Mr. Miller said that tonight staff was seeking direction on whether to have them develop a conceptual design and estimated cost to be brought back to the Council for further consideration. Councilmember Brown said that is exactly the conversation he thinks they should have. He believes that their leaders carry a special torch. He said that he suggested the Avenue because that is where Sharon Morgan was recognized, but he is not married to that location at all. Councilmember Spelich asked if it would include others, or just the mayors. Councilmember Brown said that he was requesting just the mayors. Vice Mayor Scharnow suggested, and others agreed, that all mayors should be recognized equally.    MOVED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown, SECONDED BY Councilmember Sherry Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 8 of 12  MOVED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown, SECONDED BY Councilmember Sherry Leckrone (telephonically) irect staff to develop a conceptual design and estimated costs of a Walk of Mayors and other possible concepts for Town Council consideration and approval at a future Town Council meeting.  Vote: 6 - 0 Passed   D.CONSIDERATION of Amendment #1 to contract 2017-034 with Bel-Aire Mechanical for HVAC maintenance and repairs and the associated budget transfer.       Mr. Weldy said that he was requesting funding for two compressors. He said that the #2 Chiller, which is approximately 20 years old, has taken the majority of the load to cool town facilities. He said that Raymond Rees, himself and Mr. Miller reviewed their options. They have a long-standing, good relationship with Bel-Aire who has managed to help keep these things moving. He said that the proposal is for two duplicate units and shipping back the old units, for which they will be given a $1,500 per compressor core fee. They are also asking for additional funding toward their contract for unexpected work. Councilmember Brown said that this was brought to Council by Mr. Rees probably six years ago and he has managed to fix them. He asked if there was funding available. Mr. Weldy said that the funding is there. He said that the Town Hall campus is controlled separately. Inside there are several departments and compartments that are conditioned for their use. The Council Chambers is held at a basic temperature and when needed it is programmed appropriately. The same goes for the larger meeting spaces in Town Hall and at the Community Center. Councilmember Magazine complimented Mr. Weldy and his staff. He comes before Council at almost every meeting with items. He cannot even begin to imagine how much work goes into getting contracts, working the budgets, etc. He said that they do a terrific job.    MOVED BY Vice Mayor Mike Scharnow, SECONDED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine to approve Amendment #1 with Bel-Aire Mechanical for $81,000 for HVAC maintenance and repairs, and the required budget transfer.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   E.CONSIDERATION OF options and direction to staff regarding the completion of the Fountain Hills Blvd. shoulder paving project.       Mr. Weldy said that they do not yet know from the comptroller with the State how much funding is left, but they wanted to provide an update. Through value engineering and savings on projects they have done in house they have some funding in the capital fund and there is one-time money from HURF. There are a few options available: 1) direct select the contractor that was already building the shoulder; or 2) take the documents approved and release it for public, sealed bids to construct the second half. He said that they want to keep the project in the forefront. They are frustrated with the amount of time it has taken to close out this project. Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 9 of 12 Councilmember Magazine asked staff if they felt it would be a minor difference if they took it out for bid. Mr. Weldy said that it is a risk. Right now the market is up and down. He believes that if they put it out to public bid, because of the competition available, it would be in the best interest of the community. It does not mean that they would have to select them. Staff was asked what the time difference was between the two options. Mr. Weldy said that they are minimal. it will be two months no matter what they do. They would not come back with it until the fall, probably in September. He said that they already have a bid packet, they just need to advertise. He said that even if they went with direct select, they may not be ready before the Council break. Councilmember Brown suggested that they put in on the streets. Mr. Weldy said that the first phase is tied to this section, but there would be no ADOT or federal funding involved in this phase. Those funds would be used for the project manager. It could be 18-24 months before they see any refund. He said that right now they are saying it is around $70,000, but staff believes it is considerably higher. Councilmember Brown asked if they would have the funds available if they go through this process. Mr. Miller said that they will be using HURF funding along with the recent proceeds from the Fire Station. Councilmember Brown asked if this would take away from repairing streets throughout town. Mr. Miller said that his preference would be to use the capital funds. Mr. Weldy agreed.    MOVED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown, SECONDED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine to direct staff to prepare a sealed bid package and award a contract to construct the shoulder widening improvements.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously   F.DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF regarding the approval of the 2020 Ten Year Pavement Management Program. ITEM REMOVED FROM AGENDA      G.DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION relating to any item included in the League of Arizona Cities and Towns’ weekly Legislative Bulletin(s) or relating to any action proposed or pending before the State Legislature.       Mr. Lunsford joined the meeting telephonically to give an update of what is happening legislatively. He said that the Senate met last Thursday and sent a message to the House that they were ready to adjourn. The House, in turn, met today and had committee meetings last week , with more scheduled this week. He said that the notion is that legislative bills would be COVID related directly or indirectly and there approximately 60 of them. They will not by amended so they can go directly to the Governor. Mr. Lunsford said that they have been tracking the short-term rental bill. It has died as far as they know, but they will continue to keep an eye out. He said that Representatives Kavanagh and Farnsworth are introducing legislation regarding civil liability for people who have violated the Executive Orders or who may violate them. He said that it states that Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 10 of 12 have violated the Executive Orders or who may violate them. He said that it states that anyone charged with or convicted of a violation during an emergency declaration would pay a $100 civil penalty, rather than the current fee which is much higher. It also prohibits a Town from suspending or revoking business licenses of a business found in violation. He said that it also expands the liability immunity that if a person gets COVID they will not be able to take an action against schools, individuals, businesses, churches, nonprofits, etc. There is also a version from Senator Leach that would expand that to governmental agencies and health care providers and that is the one the League supports. He said that in order to become effective immediately, it would require a 2/3 vote from each chamber. If it passes without the emergency it would become effective 90 days after the session ends, assuming the Governor signs it. Mayor Dickey asked if the first bill referenced would include a civil penalty of $100 for violation of any Executive Order in the future. Mr. Lunsford said that as he reads it, he believes they are going to restrict it in session law, so it would only be effective during this time. He said that no one outside the Legislature has seen the exact language. On the federal level, there are efforts for the next round of federal stimulus relief. He said that the US House passed a $3 trillion bill past Friday, and the ball is now in the Senate's court. He said that he did see some publication earlier that there are some bipartisan efforts to move that forward. Mr. Lunsford said that transportation is important and in Arizona he is a member of the Transportation Business Partners, a group of advocates for transportation, roads, highways and transit. He said that group has evolved into the Arizona Coalition for Transportation Infrastructure with over 41 organizations in the group. He said that they have come forward with a one-page document and letter in which they are asking as many organizations as possible to communicate to their delegation to: 1) move forward the COVID economic stimulus; and 2) fast track the transportation reauthorization at the federal level. With regard to HURF funding which funds the roads in Arizona, they were originally estimated at a $500 million shortfall. As of last Friday, it is now estimated at a $711 million shortfall. He said that many agencies are reducing their budgets by up to 15%. Today he was a Zoom Meeting with Senator McSally and about 50 others, and they talked about the grants available for local governments and the need for greater flexibility and waivers for the matching requirements to be extended. He asked the Council to consider supporting the Arizona delegation in support of additional transportation infrastructure, for not only the state but down to the towns. Mayor Dickey said that they would look at his letter and would support it as the Town relies on HURF funds. She asked him to keep the Council posted on any changes.   9.COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s) listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such item(s) on a future agenda for action, or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council.    None   Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 11 of 12 10.ADJOURNMENT    MOVED BY Councilmember Dennis Brown, SECONDED BY Vice Mayor Mike Scharnow to adjourn the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020.  Vote: 7 - 0 Passed - Unanimously    The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held May 19, 2020, adjourned at 7:59 p.m.     TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ____________________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ______________________________ Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 19th day of May, 2020. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 2nd day of June, 2020. _________________________________ Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk Town Council Regular Meeting of May 19, 2020 12 of 12 ITEM 7. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: Randy Harrel, Town Engineer Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-30, renaming Del Cambre Court to Mirage Heights Court; renaming Del Cambre Court West to Mirage Heights Court West; changing the applicable street addresses within the Mirage Heights subdivision, and waiving the fee. Staff Summary (background) The Mirage Heights Association's Board of Directors has requested that the Town rename the streets and re-assign the 33 applicable street addresses (for eight four-plex condominium units plus the community swimming pool) in that community. "Del Cambre Court" will be renamed "Mirage Heights Court" and "Del Cambre Court West" will be renamed "Mirage Heights Court West". Normally, Town staff will re-address a single property upon an acceptable request from that property owner (with a fee of $25 for the address change). However, in this case, there are 2 street name changes relating to 33 properties plus any applicable large utility boxes will need to be re-addressed, (from having an address on Grande Blvd. to having an address on Mirage Heights Court or on Mirage Heights Court West). Due to the street name changes (and due to the size and scope of this property re-addressing), staff has prepared this item as a Town Council consent agenda item. Following approval of this, or of any other street renaming/ re-addressing, sStaff (CADD/GIS Technician Ken Valverde) will notify in writing all affected entities (utility companies, public safety agencies, County Assessor, Post Office, other affected governmental agencies, etc.) of the street name and address changes. Staff normally has not supported street names differentiated only by the ending directional suffix (e.g ".... West"). However, in this case, the existing street names already have that issue.  Since the streets are short, the residences are all within a single HOA, and that HOA had initially requested this change. The proposed address changes are shown on the attached map. (Note: Due to a 1995 platting issue, the streets within the Mirage Heights subdivision - Del Cambre Court and Del Cambre Court West - had been much later deeded to the Town via Town Council action and Quit Claim Deeds from all the units in the Mirage Heights subdivision (MCR 20190033084).) Since this addressing change is a logical outgrowth of the Council's street right-of-way acquisition action, staff also recommends waiver of the fees relating to this action. Upon approval of these address changes, the Mirage Heights HOA and/or the individual property owners will need to change their addresses at their gang mailboxes, and to make the needed changes on the building wall addresses. Town staff will need to install new street name signage clearly depicting these new street names. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis The HOA has requested this re-addressing to reduce existing confusion regarding the street locations of these buildings. Not approving this re-addressing will continue the current situation. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval of Resolution 2020-30, changing the street names and addresses within the Mirage Heights subdivision, and of waiving any fee. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Resolution 2020-30. Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact:Minor Budget Reference:N/A Funding Source:N/A If Multiple Funds utilized, list here:N/A Budgeted: if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form:N/A Attachments Vicinity Map  Aerial Photo Map  Res 2020-30  Exhibit A Map  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Burke 05/12/2020 10:20 AM Public Works Director Justin Weldy 05/20/2020 03:54 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/21/2020 08:51 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/21/2020 03:59 PM Form Started By: Randy Harrel Started On: 02/13/2020 12:50 PM Final Approval Date: 05/21/2020  BEELI N E H W Y SHEA BLVDPALISADES BLVDSAGUARO BLVD SAGUARO BLVDPALI S A D E S B L V D PALISA D E S B L V D S A G U A R O B L V DFOUNTAIN HILLS BLVDMcDOWEL L M O U N T A I N R D FOUNTAIN H ILLS BLVDSUNRIDGE DREL L A G O B L V D AVE N U E O F T H E FOU N T A I N S PANORAMA DRFIREROCK COUNTRYCLUB DR EA G L E M O U N T A I N PK W YCRESTVIEW DRPAL O M I N O B L V D SIERR A M A D R E GRANDE B L V DGOLDEN EAG LE B LVD EAGLE R IDGE DR EAG L E R I DG E D R VICINITY MAP TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS NORTH SCALE: 1" = 3500'All that i s A r i z o n aFOU N T A IN HI L LSTOWN OFINC. 1989TOWN HALL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCOTTSDALE McDOWELL MOUNTAIN PARK FORT McDOWELL YAVAPAI NATIONSALT RIVER PIMA MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY TOWN BOUNDARY SCOTTSDALE PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGE (DEL CAMBRE CT & DEL CAMBRE CT WEST) TO (MIRAGE HEIGHTS CT & MIRAGE HEIGHTS CT WEST) PUBLIC WORKSAll that is Ari zo n a F O UNTAIN HILLST O W N OF INC. 1989E GRANDE BLVDN DEL CAMBRE AVEAERIAL PHOTO MAPFINAL PLATMIRAGE HEIGHTSCONDOMINIUMS(BOOK 394, PAGE 22)PROPOSED STREETNAME CHANGEDEL CAMBRE CT &DEL CAMBRE CT WESTTOMIRAGE HEIGHTS CT &MIRAGE HEIGHTS CTWESTPROPOSED STREET NAMECHANGEMIRAGE HEIGHTS CTPROPOSED STREET NAMECHANGEMIRAGE HEIGHTS CTWESTLA CASA DR FONTANA WYBONITA DR ROSITA DRDE ANZA DRDELDE L C A M B R E CT W E S T CTCAMBREALOE DR RESOLUTION NO. 2020-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, APPROVING STREET NAME CHANGES WITHIN THE MIRAGE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, AND WAIVING ANY FEE RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mirage Heights Association’s Board of Directors has requested that the Town rename the streets within the Mirage Heights subdivision and reassign applicable street addresses within the subdivision, to eliminate confusion regarding street locations of buildings within the subdivision; and WHEREAS, the requested remaining meets the criteria of Town of Fountain Hills Municipal Sponsorship and Naming Rights Policy, Amended and Restated December 15, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills have determined that it is appropriate to rename Del Cambre Court and Del Cambre Court West as, respectively, Mirage Heights Court and Mirage Heights Court West; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills have determined that it is appropriate to waive any fee associated with the renaming or subsequent address reassignment. ENACTMENTS: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. Del Cambre Court and Del Cambre Court West are hereby renamed as, respectively, Mirage Heights Court and Mirage Heights Court West, as set forth in Exhibit A hereto. SECTION 2. Any fee associated with the street renaming or subsequent address reassignment are hereby waived. SECTION 3. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to execute all documents necessary carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, this 2nd day of June, 2020. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: ___________________________________ __________________________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk RESOLUTION 2020-29 PAGE 2 REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ __________________________________ Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney ITEM 7. C. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Community Services Prepared by: Jamie Salentine, Executive Assistant Staff Contact Information: Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  Resolution 2020-31 approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Maricopa County Animal Care and Control (Contract C2019-011) for July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021, in the amount $21,688. Staff Summary (Background) Chapter 6 of the Town Code authorizes the Town of Fountain Hills to regulate animals within the town. Complaints regarding unlicensed dogs are enforced by Code Enforcement and barking dog complaints are enforced by Law Enforcement (MCSO). Through an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), the County responds to calls for service from the town for dog bites, stray dogs, leash law violations, etc. The existing IGA expires on June 30, 2020, and staff is recommending renewal for July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021. The annual cost for animal control services from Maricopa County is $21,668. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Ordinance 18-05; Town Code Chapter. Risk Analysis Animcal control is a critical service which is contracted out with Maricopa County at a very low cost annually.  While the Town of Fountain Hills could provide this service itself, the additional cost impacts for staffing, training, liability insurance, and other operating costs would far outweigh the annual cost through Maricopa County Animal Control.  Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends approval. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to Approve Resolution # 2020-31. Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact:$21,688 Budget Reference: Funding Source:LAD If Multiple Funds utilized, list here: Budgeted: if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form:Yes Attachments Resolution 2020-31  Contract 2019-11  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin 05/20/2020 05:32 PM Finance Director David Pock 05/20/2020 05:41 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/21/2020 08:59 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/21/2020 03:36 PM Form Started By: Jamie Salentine Started On: 05/19/2020 02:29 PM Final Approval Date: 05/21/2020  RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, RELATING TO BASIC ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town”) acknowledge the need for animal control services within the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town has entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement (the “Agreement”) with Maricopa County, a political subdivision of the State of Arizona (the “County”), for the provision of animal control services within the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town and the County desire to extend the term of the Agreement and provide for compensation for services provided thereunder. ENACTMENTS: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Town, through its Mayor and Council, hereby approves the Amendment to the Agreement (the “Second Amendment”) in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. SECTION 3. The Town hereby authorizes the expenditure of funds for basic animal control services, as more specifically detailed in the Agreement and in Exhibit A. SECTION 4. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to cause the execution of the Second Amendment and to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, this 2nd day of June, 2020. RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31 PAGE 2 FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: ___________________________________ __________________________________ Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ __________________________________ Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31 PAGE 3 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2020-31 [SECOND AMENDMENT TO INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR BASIC ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES BETWEEN MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA AND THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS] See following pages. Page 1 of 6 Fountain Hills SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES (“Second Amendment”) is entered into by and between the Town of Fountain Hills (“TOWN”) and Maricopa County, administered through Animal Care and Control (“COUNTY”). The COUNTY and TOWN are collectively referred to as “Parties” and each individually as “Party.” RECITALS: I. The Parties entered into an Agreement for animal control services effective July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, which term was extended by amendment (“First Amendment”) for a three (3) year period from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022, together the “Agreement”. II. The Parties now desire to amend the Agreement upon the terms and conditions contained in this Second Amendment. SECOND AMENDMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing and other valuable considerations, the Parties hereby amend the Agreement as follows: I. Modify the Recitals section to include recitals of the COUNTY’S authority to enforce the TOWN’S ordinance, as follows: The COUNTY is authorized to enter into this Agreement by A.R.S. §§ 11-201, 11-952, 11-1005 and 11-1007. The TOWN is in need of the animal control services and desires to enter into this Agreement with the COUNTY to appoint the COUNTY as the Enforcement Agent for the TOWN in order to administer basic animal control services. II. Include a definition for “Enforcement Agent” under the General Provisions, Section 1 Definitions, as follows: Enforcement Agent: As defined at A.R.S. §11-1001(4), the person in each county who is responsible for the enforcement of the animal control statutes and any rules adopted pursuant to those statutes. III. The Term of the Agreement is reduced, and effective through June 30, 2021. Page 2 of 6 Fountain Hills IV. Appendix A to the Agreement, “Compensation Schedule”, is replaced in its entirety with the Appendix A attached hereto and incorporated herein. V. Appendix B to the Agreement, “Services”, is replaced in its entirety with the Appendix B attached hereto and incorporated herein. VI. Appendix C to the Agreement, “Hours of Operation”, is stricken from the Agreement. VII. Appendix D to the Agreement, “County Observed Holidays”, is replaced in its entirety with the Appendix D attached hereto and incorporated herein. VIII. The foregoing paragraphs contain all changes made by this Second Amendment. All other terms and conditions of the original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Second Amendment on this ____ day of ___________________, 20__. Maricopa County Town of Fountain Hills Board of Supervisors By: _____________________________ BY: _____________________________ Chairman of the Board Mayor Attest:____________________________ Attest:______________________________ Clerk of the Board Town Clerk In accordance with A.R.S. §§ 11-201, 11-251, and 11-952, undersigned counsel has reviewed the foregoing amendments to the Agreement and have determined that said amendments are in proper form and within the powers and authority granted to the public body represented by their respective attorneys. BY: ______________________________ BY: ________________________________ Attorney for Board of Supervisors Attorney for Town Page 3 of 6 Fountain Hills APPENDIX A COMPENSATION SCHEDULE ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 1. COUNTY Service Level: Basic Animal Control Services 2. Service Cost July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 $21,668 Page 4 of 6 Fountain Hills APPENDIX B SERVICES 1. The COUNTY, as the appointed Enforcement Agent, shall be responsible for and enforce the Animal Control Ordinance for the TOWN. Chapter 6-2 Rabies/Animal Control Leash Law 6-2-5A Vicious 6-2-5C Dog at Large 6-2-5D Failure to Wear 6-2-7A Failure to Quarantine 6-2-8A Unlawful Interference 6-2-8B Unlawful Keeping A.R.S. § 1-1008E Failure to License 2. Minimum Staffing: Staffing will be sufficient to respond to approximately ninety percent (90%) of service requests within the time frame prescribed below 3. Response Times: Normal Hours of Operation is defined as the operating hours from 8am to 5pm seven (7) days per week, except COUNTY observed holidays. COUNTY staff will arrive at the scene of a reported service request within the time prescribed below based on the service classification: Priority 1 1 hour Priority 2 2 hours Priority 3 48 hours Priority 4 72 hours 4. Response Time during Limited Operations Hours: Limited Operations Hours will be from 5pm to 10pm seven (7) days per week, except COUNTY observed holidays, and only Priority 1 and 2 calls for service will be acted upon and only when the requesting police agency agrees to remain on scene for the duration of the time needed to handle the call for service. The COUNTY will not respond to priority 3 or 4 calls for service after 3pm until the commencement of the next Normal Hours of Operation. The response time for Limited Operations Hours will be two (2) hours maximum. The response time could be longer should a higher priority call for service be received. The choice to respond to higher priority calls is at the discretion of the COUNTY. 5. The COUNTY shall not respond to scenes involving owned animals being seized or impounded as a part of a police function related to neglect, abuse, abandonment, arrests, crime scene investigations, fire scenes, or any situation where the law enforcement officer has seized an owned animal. The COUNTY will not respond to citizen response requests for abuse, neglect, or cruelty of animals. Page 5 of 6 Fountain Hills 6. Law enforcement agencies needing assistance in accordance with this IGA can call the Field Dispatch non-public phone line (602-506-1309) to request general assistance during Normal Hours of Operation and after 5pm for Priority 1 or 2 calls. The decision to respond is based on the information provided to staff at the time of the request. The COUNTY reserves the right to respond to non-emergency requests at the beginning of the next Normal Hours of Operation. 7. The COUNTY will be closed for business on all COUNTY observed holidays. The COUNTY reserves the right to provide Limited Operations Hours response times from 8am to 10pm on County observed holidays. 8. The COUNTY shall provide Lost and Found Services from 8am to 5pm seven (7) days per week to allow for citizens to report found and lost dogs. This service will not be provided for the holiday coverage prescribed in Paragraph 7. 9. The COUNTY shall provide Call Center services 8am to 5pm, seven (7) days per week and 24-hour online services for citizens to report animal control issues, conduct licensing transactions, and ask general animal control questions. Call Center services will not be provided for the holidays prescribed in Paragraph 7. 10. The COUNTY at its discretion may deny the pickup of dogs from third parties who are part of rescue groups who work to trap, confine, and/or pick-up found dogs from other parties who are not reporting the found animal directly to the COUNTY, or from parties who take in stray dogs from private citizens for the sole purpose of holding the animal for short periods of time until contacting the COUNTY. The COUNTY, at its discretion, may deny pickup of dogs from individuals who habitually confine stray dogs and are not contracted by a local jurisdiction to provide animal control services for cities or towns within Maricopa County. Page 6 of 6 Fountain Hills APPENDIX D COUNTY OBSERVED HOLIDAYS New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Presidents Day Memorial Day Veterans Day Independence Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day {!_,-7q, lf-o//,-3 -()t) INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 AGREEMENT FOR BASIC ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES BETWEEN Maricopa County And The Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. ,;..&J q -(')// Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-011 AGREEMENT FOR BASIC ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES This Intergovernmental Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and betweei:i Maricopa County, administered through Maricopa County Animal Care and Control rcoUNTY") and the Town of Fountain Hills ("TOWN"). The COUNTY and TOWN may be referred to individually as "Party" or collectively as "Parties." . RECITALS ·A The COUNTY maintains facilities, equipment, and trained personnel for .provision of animal control services; B. The COUNTY is authorized ~o enter into this Agreement by A.RS.§§ 11-201, 11-952, 11-1005; C. The TOWN is authorized to enter into this Agree"!ent pursuant to A.RS. § 11-952; D. The COUNTY is in need of animal control services and desires to ent,,fr into this Agreement with the COUNTY for Basic Animal Control Services (as defined herein); and E. The TOWN and COUNTY desire to enter into this Agreement to establish the Parties' rights and responsib.ilities with respect to the services. · NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are incorporated herein by reference, the following mutual covenants and conditions arid other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Definitions: Afterhours operations: Refers to the hours of 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. seven days a week and all County Observed Holid~ys. Aggressive Dog: Any dcig that has bitte~ a perso~ or domestic animal without provocation or that h~s a known history of attacking persons or domestic animals without provocation. · · Animal: Refers generally to dogs, but may also include cats that have bitten a human. Animal Control Ordinanc~·: Maricopa County Animal Control Ordinance and the Fountain Hills Town Code Chapter 6 Animals, Article 6-2, se·ctions 6-2-1 through 6-2-9 attached hereto as Appendix E. · Animal At-Large: Dog that is not contained by an enclosure or physically restrained by a leash .. Animal Control Services: -Includes: . . . a. , toiitiol or impound of Animais At-!-~rge; and . b. enforcement of licensing and rables vaccination laws and ordinances; and c. rabies surveilfance and impound of dogs and cats who have bitten a human. Bite Animal At-Large: A dog or cat that has bitten a human. . ' . County Observed Holidays: H~lidays identified on APpendix D. PAGE 2 OF 11 PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-011 Basic Animal Control Services: Basic animal control services performed within the response periods prescribed for priority dispatch in Appendices B & C. Providing adequate staffing to respond to no less than 90% of calls for service .. Normal Hours of Operation: Refers to the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p:m. seven days a week except County Observed Holidays~-· · ,.1• • ,I. ..... ~. Limited Operations Hours: Refers to the hours of 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week except County Observed Holidays. • · '·, , Priority 1 Dispatch: Request for service from the police or fire departments or calls from the public involving a Bite Animal At-Large. Priority 2 Dispatch: Request for ser:vice involving an Animal At-Large on school property while school is in session; Aggressive Dogs or injured or sick Stray 'Dogs in imminent harm. , Priority 3 Dispatch:~ Request for service.to impound stray dogs and to quarantine and investigate dog and cat bites to human; confined strays at business or private home; citizen request contact with officer to provide information on Stray Dog issue. Priority 4 Dispatch: Request for service to enforce license or leash laws. R~~ponse Ti~e: The time within which the COUNTY will respond. to a ~alf"for servic~ w~ich varies based on the time of the call and the priority assigned to the call. · · · · ·· · Stray Dogs: Means any dog three months of age or aider running at large tnat is not wearing ·a valid license tag. · · · · • · 2. Term: The term of this Agreement is from July 1,''2cr1a throu.gh June 30, 2019 ("Initial Term"). This Agreement is effective upon full execution of the Parties. 3. Renewal: This Agreement may be renewed for up to two successive three-year terms by the m1,1tual agreement of the Parties, subject to avallability and appropriation of funds for renewal. Any extension, modification or amendment to th1s Agreemerit shall be approved by both Parties in writing: . ' ., _. ,.. '. 4. Amendment: This.Agreement supersedes all previous Agreements.between the Parties concerning Animal Control Services. Nothing in this Agreement' may be·modified or waived except by prior writt_en· ameni:1ment,' duly executed by both Parties. · 5. Termination: Either party may, with or without cause, terminate this Agreement by giving the other Party.sixty (60) ·days prior written notice of such termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, all prciperty'used in performing services under this Agree merit shall be returned promptly ~0-the. P~rty. 01:"'"}ng or .~avmg 'the:" "right ·1.6 "possess th_e same. 6. Insurance: The Parties agree to secure and maintain sufficient insurance coverage for any and all risks that may arise out of the terms, obligations, operations, and actions as set forth in this Ag'reement. including but not 1(mited to· public entity insurance. The acquisition of insurance or the maintenance and operation of a self-insurance PAGE 3 OF 11 PH OEN IX 77018-1 468680v2 Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-0l l program may fulfill the insurance requirement. 7. Record Keeping and Audits: The Parties agree to maintain and furnish to each other such records and documents pef!aining to the services provided pursuant to this Agreement as may be required by this Agreement and any applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations. Each Party,·prior to conducting an audit, must give on~ hundred and twenty ( 120) calendar days notice to the other Party. Notice shall be given as provided in $ection 15(E). 8. .Default: In the event of non-payment by TOWN this Agreement shall be tenninated and COUNTY obligations hereunder shall immediately cease. • 9. County Reporting Obligations: COUNTY shall provide TOWN with quarterly routine statistical and/or management reports which provided the following infonnation: the number of calls, the date and time the call was received, incident address or area, descriptor (stray/dangerous), and disposition of the call concerning the services provided pursuant to this Agreement. I 10. Amendments to Ordinances: By this Agreement, the COUNTY has agreed to provide enforcement of the Animal Control Ordinances. If the TOWN changes its Ordinance, the COUNTY may at its option, decline to _enforce the changes to the Animal Control Ordinance or enter into a written amendment adding enforcement of such changes which may include modification of service and additional payment tenns · 11. Conflict of Interest: Pursuant to the provisions of A.RS: § 38-511, either Party may .cancel the Agreement, without penalty or obligation, if any person significantly involved in initiating, negotiating, securing, drafting;i or creating the Agreement on behalf of that Party is at any time while the Agreement.or any extension thereof is in effect an employee of any other Party to the Agreement with respect to the subject matter of the Agreement. ' r 12. Indemnification: To the extent pennitted by law, the COUNTY and the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control ("Department") do hereby covenant and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the TOWN, its officers, employees, contractees and agents from and against any and all suits, actions, legal or administrative proceedings, claims, demands or damages of any kind or nature relating to this Agreement which are the result of any act or.omission of the COUNTY and the,Oepartment; its.officers, employees, contractees, agents and anyone acting under its direction or control, whether intentional or negligent, in connection with or incident to this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, the TOWN does hereby covenant and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the COUNTY, its officers, employees, contractees and agents from and againstany and all suits, actions, legal or administrative proceedings, claims, demands or damages of any kind or nature relating to this Agreement which are the result of any act or omission of the TOWN,'its officers, employees, agents and anyone acting under its direction or control, whether intentional 6r negligent, in connection with or incident to this Agreement. 13., Services: The COUNTY agrees to provide the Animal Control Services described in Appendix B. PAGE 4 OF 11 PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-011 •. 1· 14. Payment for Services: ··:,"'"..,• The TOWN agrees to pay the COUNTY for services performed under this Agreement in accordance with Appendix A of this Agreement as may be amended. COUNTY will submit an invoice quarterly for services' to be provided. The TOWN will submit payment to COUNTYwithin thirty (30) days of receiving of a correct il]voice.'. The Townagrees to pay the County $19,698.for the Initial Term of the l,\ti'r~ement. Thereafter.the TOWN shall pa/the COl,.JNTY those fees approved by.the· Maricopa CoLin~y •Board of Supervisors in accordance with a formula developed by the Department and the County Office of Management and Budget, in accordance with Board of Supervisors Budgeting for Results Guidelines, which require full recovery of the COUNTY's direct and indirect costs. See Appendix A. 15. •t-.... , General Provisions: ·• A. Force Majeure: Neither Party shall be responsible for delays ·or failures in performance' resulting' from acts beyond their control. Such acts shall include, but not be limited to, acts of God, riots, acts of war, epidemics, governmental regulations imposed after the fact; fire, communication line failures or power fallures. · ,•, B. This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed to by the Parties. No other understanding, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Parties hereto. .. ·• , C. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as consent to any suit or waiver of any defense in a suit brought against the COUNTY or the TOWN in any State or Federal Court. .. D. The COUNTY and TOWN warrant they are in compliance with the provisions in A.RS. § 41- 4401 (e-verify). E. Notices. Whenever written notice is required or permitted to be given by any Party to the other, such notice shall have been.deemed to have been sufficiently given if personally delivered or deposited in the United States Mail in a properly stamped envelope,,certified or registered mail, return-receipt-requested, addressed to: - Animal Care and Control: Finance Division Maricopa County Animal Care and Control 250Q South 27 1~ Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85009 Town of Fountain Hills: . Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ. 85268 Attn: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager With a copy.to: T~wn of Fountain Hills •t • 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Attn: Town Attorney F. This Agreement shall not be assigned, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Parties, and any purported assignment in contravention of this provision shall be null and void. · '' PAGE 5 OF 11 PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C20I9-011 G. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the law of the State of Arizona. H. Each Party. shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, Executive Orders, rules, regulations, standards, and codes of the Federal and State whether or not specifically referenced herein. I. The person signing this Agreement warrant that they have full authority to do so and that their signatures shall bind the Party for which they sign. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties enter into this Agreement: MARICOPA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chairman Attest: ~UG 2 2 1018 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS By: ~G.rl Attest: This Agreement has been reviewed pursuant to A.R.S. § 11-952 et. seq. by the undersigned attorney, who has determined that it is in proper form and is within the power and authority granted under the laws of the Stain. By. ~ 'Atto ~rd ofSHpervisors PAGE 6 OF 11 PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 Interim Town Attorney "ght PLLC Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-0l l APPENDIX A COMPENSATION SCHEDULE ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE,S 1. COUNTY Service Level: Basic Animal Control Services 2. Service Cost July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 July 1, 2019 through Ju,ne 30, 2020 July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 \ '• ., , ~.-r ...... .,:J .. ,.r, ... ' ·. . '""'".,_. ·; ~ .... , ·. \ J : ~ . '. 'I! ~-... ,.\ \ .,. \ • •-I __ .... -.. ' \.J'.I..:,·'\ . '~ .\ • • '\ \ \t"-1 ..... •'\ I •• •,: ._. ,_ ."\. PAGE 7 OF 11 PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 $19,698 $20,683 $21,668 ·, . ~--.. , _ _. ' __ ..,_ .,,,. .... Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-011 .APPENDIX B BASIC ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES 1. The COUNTY shall be responsible for and enforce rabies/animal control all provisions in the Fountain Hills Town Code Chapter f? Animals, Article 6-2, and Sections 6-2-1 through 6-2-9 attached hereto as Appendix E within the geographic boundaries of Foyntain Hills and in accordance with the tenns of this Ag·reement. · 2. Minimum Staffing: Staff sufficient to respond to approximately 90% of service requests within the time prescribed below. 3. Response Times during Ordinary Qperation Hours: During Ordinary Operation Hours, the County staff shall arrive at the scene of an animal control incident within the time prescribed below based on the Priority Dispatch classification: Priority 1 - Priority 2 - Priority 3 - Priority 4 - 1 hour 2 hours 5 hours 6 hours 4. Response Times during limited Operation Hours: During limited Operation Hours the County will respond only to Priority 1 and 2 calls. The County will respond to such calls within 1 and 2 hours of dispatch, respectively. The County will not respond to Priority 3 and 4 calls received after 5 p.m. until the commencement of the next Ordinary Operations period. Response times for such calls will be 5 and 6 hours respectively measured from the commencement of the next Ordinary Operation period. 5. After Hour Response Times: After hours, the County will respond to Priority 1 calls involving bite animals within 3 hours of the dispatch within the geographic boundaries of the Town of Fountain Hills. PAGE 8 OF l1 PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-011 APPENDIX C -HOURS OF OPERATION FOR BASIC ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES The facilities and locations specified _b_elow and will be available during the hours of operation indicated. Regular Operatio11 I-lours: Call Center Limited Opemtio11 J-fomr: Retordi11g After hours Operatio11s a11d police 111:gmg•: Direct Dispatch PAGE9 OF 11 PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 fvlonday -Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p-m. except County Observed Holidays l\fonday -Sunday 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. except County Observed Holidays 24/7 including holi~ays (602)506-7387(public) (602)506-7387(public) (602)506-1309(not publishc1). Po.lice Only Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-011 APPENDIX D -County Observed Holidays include the following marked days: 181 New Year';; Day D \Vashington's 181 Memorial lliy D Rosh 181 Veteran's Day birthday Hashanah 181 Manin Luther King 181 President';; Day 181 Independence Day D Yorn Kippur l8J Thanksgh-ing Day JR's Birthday D Lincoln's birth(by D Good Friday 181 Labor Day D Columbus 181 Christmas Day Day OTHER HOLIDAYS: 18] Day After D Flo:iting Holiday -D Day Before D D Thanksgi\-ing Christma~ (specify) (specify) • Cesar Chavez Birthday PAGE 10 OF li PHOENIX 77018-1 468680v2 PAGE 11 OF 11 Town of Fountain Hills Contract No. C2019-0l l APPENDIXE [Town of Fountain Hills Code, Chapter 6, Article 6-2J See follmving pages. PHO EN IX 77018-1 468680v2 Fountain Hills Town Code Article 6-2 RABIES/ANIMAL CONTROL LEASH LAW Sections: 6-2-1 6-2-2 6-2-3 6-24 6-2-5 6-2-6 6-2-7 6-2-8 6-2-9 Definitions Powers and Duties of the Enforcement Agent License Fees f~r pogs; Iss~ance of Dog Tags; Records; Penalties; Classification Anti-Rabies Vac;cinatioo·; Vaccination and License Stations · Dogs Not Permitted at Large; Wearing Licenses Impounding and Dhposing of Dogs and Cats; Pound Fees • Ha~dling of Biting Animals; Respons~bility fo~ Repo~ing Animal Bites Unlawful Interference with Enforcement Agent; Unlawful Keeping of Dogs Violation; Classification; Dogs; Liability Section 6-2-1 Definitions In this chapter unless the context otherwise requires: A. "Animal" means any animal of a species that is susceptible to rabies, except man. B. "At large" means on or off premises of owner and not under control of owner or other person acting for the owner. A dog shall not be deemed at large for the purposes of this section: 1. If it is restrained by a leash, chain, rope or cord of sufficient strength to control the action of the dog; or 2. If the dog is in a suitable enclosure that actually confines the dog; or 3. While the dog is being trained or used for hunting purposes; or 4. While the dog is being exhibited at a town approved show or other town sponsored event; or 5. While on the dog owner' s property, the dog is under the direct and immediate control of the owner. C. "County pound" means any establishment authorized by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors for the confinement, maintenance, safekeeping and control of dogs and other animals that come into the custody of the enforcement agent. D. "Department" means the Arizona Department of Health Services. E. "Dog" means a member of.the canisfamiliaris family. F. "Enforcement agent" means the; town manager or the town manager's designee who is responsible for the enforcement of this article and the regulations promulgated thereunder. G. "Impound" means the act of taking or receiving into custody by the enforcement agent any dog or other animal for the purpose of confinement in a county pound in accordance with the provisions of this article. Page 1 of 6 H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. Fountain Hills Town Code "Kennel" means an enclosed, controlled area, inaccessible to other animals, in which a person keeps, harbors or maintains five or more dogs under controlled conditions. "Livestock" means neat animals, horses, sheep, goats, swine, mules and asses. ''Owner" means any person keeping an animal other than livestock for more than six consecutive days. "Rabies quarantine area" means any area in which a state of emergency has been declared to exist due to the occurrence of rabies in animals in or adjacent to this a,re~. "Rabies vaccination certificate" means a method of recording and duplicatihg\abies information • • . 1 that is in compliance with the enforcement agent's ·ucensing system or enforcement agent's prescribed_ forms. I ' "Stray dog" means any dog three months of age or older running at large that is not wearing a valid license tag. "Vaccination" means the administration of an anti-rabies vaccine to animals by a veterinarian. "Veterinarian", unless otherwise indicated, means any veterinarian licensed to practice in this state or any veterinarian employed in this state by a governmental agency. "Veterinary hospital" means any establishment operated by a veterinarian licensed to practice in this state that provides clinical facilities and houses animals or birds for dental, medical or surgical treatment. A veterinary hospital may have adjacent to it or in conjunction with it, or as an integral part of it, pens, stalls, cages or kennels for quarantine, observation or boarding. Q. "Vicious animal" means any animal of the order camivora that has a propensity to attack, to cause injury to or to otherwise endanger the safety of human beings without provocation or that has been so declared after a hearing before a justice of the peace or a city or town magistrate. (13-07, Amended, 06/06/20 I 3; 06-08, Amended, 02/02/2006; 03-21, Amended, 12/1812003). Section 6-2-2 Powers and Duties of the Enforcement Agent A. The enforcement agent shall:. 1. Enforce the provisions of this article and any regulations promulgated by the council. 2_ Issue citations for the violation of the provisions of this article. The procedure for the issuance of notices to appear shall be as provided for peace officers in A.R.S. § 13-3903, except that the enforcement agent shall not make an arrest before issuing the notice. B. In addition to all powers granted to the state and the county, the local enforcement agent may declare a rabies quarantine area within the town's jurisdiction. When a quarantine area has been declared, the enforcement agent shall meet with the state veterinarian and representatives from the Arizona Department of Health Services and the ·game and fish department to implement an emergency program for the control of rabies within that area. Any;regulations restricting or involving the movements of livestock within that area shall be subject to approval by the state Page 2 of6 Fountain Hills Town Code veterinarian. C. The issuance of citations pursuant to this section shall be subject to the provisions of A.R.S. § 13- 3899. Section 6-2-3 License Fees for Dogs; Issuance of Dog Tags; Records; Penalties; Classification A. The owner of a dog shall pay an annual license fee, as established by the enforcement agent, for each dog three months of age or over that is kept, harbored or maintained within the boundaries of the town for at least thirty consecutive days of each calendar year. The licensing period shall not exceed the period of time for revaccination as designated by the state veterinarian. A penalty amount shall be added to the license fee in the event that application is ·made subsequent to the date on which the dog is required to be licensed under the provisions of this article. This penalty shall not be assessed against applicants who furnish adequate proof that the dog to be licensed has been in their possession in the town less than thirty consecutive days. B. Durable dog tags shall be provided. Each dog licensed under the terms of this article shall receive at the time oflicensing, such a tag on which shall be inscribed the name of the Co_unty, the number of the license and the year in which it expires. The tag shall be attached to a collar or harness which shall be worn by the dog at all times while running at large, except as otherwise provided in this article. Whenever a dog tag is lost, a duplicate tag shall be issued upon application by the owner and payment of a fee to the enforcement agent. C. License fees may be set at a rate that is lower for (i) persons over the age of 65, upon proper proof of age and (ii) dogs pennanently incapable of procreation. An applicant for a license for a dog claimed to be incapable of procreation shall furnish adequate proof satisfactory to the enforcement agent that such dog has been surgically altered to be permanently incapable of procreation. D. Any person who fails within fifteen days after written notification from the enforcement agent to obtain a license for a dog required to be licensed, counterfeits or attempts to counterfeit an official dog tag, or removes such tag from any dog for the purpose of willful and malicious mischief or places a dog tag upon a dog unless the tag was issued for that particular dog is guilty of a class two misdemeanor. (09-08, Amended, 07/02/2009; 06-08, Amended, 02/02/2006; 03:21, Amended, I 2/18/2003; I 8-05,Amended, 04/17ll.O 18) Section 6--2-4 Anti-Rabies Vaccination; Vaccination and License Stations A. Before a license is issued for any dog, the owner must present a vaccination certificate signed by a veterinarian stating the owner's name and address and giving the dog's description, date of vaccination, and type, manufactw:er and serial nuinber of the vaccine used and date revaccination is due. A duplicate of each rabies vaccination certificate issued shall be transmitted to the enforcement agent on or before the tenth day of the month following the month during which the dog was vaccinated. No dog shall be licensed unless it is vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of this article. B. A dog vaccinated in any other state prior to entry into Arizona may be licensed in the town provided that,· at the time of licensing, the owner of such dog presents a vaccination certificate, signed by a veterinarian licensed to practice in that state or a veterinarian employed by a governmental agency Page 3 of 6 Fountain Hills Town Code in that state, stating the owner's name and address and giving the dog's description, date of vaccination, and type, manufacturer and serial number of the vaccine used. The vaccination must be in conformity with the provisions of this article. C. The enforcement agent shall make provisions for vaccination clinics as deemed necessary. The vaccination shall be performed by a veterinarian. Section 6·2-5 Dogs N_ot Permitted at Large; Wearing Licenses . A. No person shall intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently permit, allow or cause a female dog during her breeding or mating season or a vicious dog to be at large. For the purposes of this subsection only, a female dog during her breeding or mating season or a vicious -dog shall be deemed at large if it is not within a suitable enclosure that actually confines the dog, or when such dog is not within a suitable enclosure, if it is not restrained by a leash, chain, rope or cord of sufficient strength to control the action of the dog. B. No person shall intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently permit, allow or cause a dog in a rabies quarantine area to be at large. While on any owner' s property, each dog shall be confined within an enclosure on such property, secured so that the dog is confined entirely to the owner' s property, or otherwise under the direct and immediate control of the owner. When not on the owner's property, such dog shall be on a leash not to exceed six feet in length and directly under the owner's control. C. No person shall intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently permit, allow or cause a dog to be at large within the town boundaries. D. The owner of any dog over the age of three months shall not permit, allow or cause such dog to be outside of a suitable enclosure that actually confines the dog without a collar or harness to which is attached a valid license tag issued pursuant to this article. Dogs, while being used or trained for hunting or dogs while being exhibited or trained at a town approved event,· and such dogs while being transported lo and from such events, need not wear a collar or harness with a valid license attached provided that they are properly vaccinated, licensed and controlled. E. Any dog at large may be apprehended and impounded by the enforcement agent. 1. Said agent shall have the right to enter upon private property when it is necessary to do so in order to apprehend any dog that is at large. Such entrance upon private property shall be in reasonable pursuit of such dog and shall not include entry into a domicile or enclosure which confines the dog unless it be at the invitation of a person residing thereon. 2. Said agent may issue a citation to the dog owner, p~rson a_cting for th(? dog owner, custodian or other person whom said agent may reasonably believe permitted, allowed or caused the dog to be at large. · 3. In the judgment of the enforcement agent, if any dog at large or other animal that is dangerous or fierce and a threat to human safety cannot be safely impounded, it may be slain. F. Notwit_hstanding any other provision of this article, any dog owner, person acting for the dog owner, custodian or other person who permits, allows or causes a dog to be at large in violation of: Page4 of6 Fountain Hills Town Code 1 . Subsection A or B of this section is guilty of a class one misdemeanor. 2. Subsection C or Dor this section is guilty of a class three misdemeanor. (03-21, Amended, 12/18'1003) Section 6-2·6 Impounding and Disposing of Dogs and Ca~s; Pound Fees A. That the town has entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors \o provide for impounding ~nd disposing of dogs and cats at county pounds. B. That all fees, charges, rules, regulations and procedures shall be as authorized by law and implemented by the rules and regulations of Maricopa County. Section 6-2-7 Handling of Biting Animals; Responsibility for Reporting Animal Bites A. An unlicensed or unvaccinated dog or cat that bites any person shall be confined and quarantined in a county pou_nd or, upon request of an~ at the expense of the owner, at a vi;terinary hospital for a period of not less than· seven days. A dog properly licensed and vaccinated pursuant to this article that bites any person may be confined and quarantined at the home of the owner or wherever the dog is harbored and maintained with the consent of and in a manner prescribed by the enforcement agent. B. Any animal other than a dog or cat that bites any person shall be confined and quarantined in a county pound or, upon request of and at the expense of the owner, at a veterinary hospital for a period of not less than fourteen days, provided that livestock shall be confined and quarantined for the fourteen day period in a manner regulated by the Arizona livestock board. If the animal is a caged rodent, it may be confined and quarantined at the home of the owner or where it is harbored or maintained, for the required period of time, with the consent of and in a manner prescribed by the enforcement agent. C. Any wild animal which bites any person may be killed and submitted to the enforcement agent for transmission to an appropriate diagnostic laboratory. D. Whenever an animal bites any person, the incident shall be reported to the enforcement agent immediately by any person having direct knowledge. E. The enforcement agent may destroy any animal confined and quarantined pursuant to this article prior to the termination of the minimum confinement period for laboratory examination for rabies if: 1. Such animal shows clear clinical signs of rabies. 2. The owner of such animal consents to its destruction. F. Any animal subject to licensing under this article found without a tag identifying its owner shall be deemed unowned. Page 5 of 6 G. Fountain Hills Town Code The enforcement agent shall destroy a vicious animal upon an order of a justice of the peace or a town magistrate. A justice of the peace or town magistrate may issue.such an order after notice to the owner, if any, and a hearing. Section 6-2-8 Unlawful Interference with Enforcement Agent; Unlawful Keeping of Dogs A. It is unlawful for any person to interfere with the enforcement agent in the performance of his duties. B. It is unlawful for a person to keep, harbor or maintain a dog within the town except as provided by the terms of this article. Section 6-2-9 Violation; Classification; Dogs; Liability A. Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of this article, or violates any of its provisions, is guilty of a class two misdemeanor. B. Injury to any person or damage to any property by" a dog while at large shall be the full responsibility of the dog owner or person responsible for the dog when such damag~s were inflicted_. PHOENIX 77018-1 445484v1 Page 6 of 6 ITEM 7. D. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Consent Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: James Smith, Economic Development Director Staff Contact Information: James Smith, Economic Development Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF authorizing staff to apply for tourism-related grants administered by the Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT), Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) and Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation to support marketing and promotion initiatives of Fountain Hills.  Staff Summary (Background) The Town of Fountain Hills has applied for and been granted funding through the Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT), Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC) and Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation (FMYN) over the past several years.  The grant funds have primarily been used to supplement Town General Fund allocations in order to enhance branding and advertising campaigns to support tourism.   The Town's current fiscal year allocation from the AOT was originally estimated at approximately $36,395.  However, the current estimate is that the allocation will be reduced to $34,168 due to reduced revenue collections.  The Town has utilized these grant funds for advertising in Phoenix Magazine, a Phoenix area map, a Cactus League newspaper insert, the State's Official Visitor's Guide and for the production of and display of a video at Phoenix Mesa Gateway Airport, among other initiatives.   Based on AOT estimates for Fiscal Year 2020-21, it is anticipated that the Town's allocation will be reduced significantly to approximately $16,000.  It is anticipated that the Town will apply to utilize the allocated funds for marketing projects similar to those listed above. During the current fiscal year, the Town received an allocation of $30,000 from the SRPMIC.  The Town utilized $5,000 for advertising at Salt River Fields during Diamondbacks' Spring Training games.  The remaining funds were to be used for the Town's Music Fest which has been postponed due to COVID-19.  Staff is currently attempting to determine with SRPMIC representatives if the grant funds can be carried over in order to market and promote Music Fest when it can be rescheduled.  Staff submitted a letter to SRPMIC in January indicating our intent to apply for grant funding in the coming fiscal year, and with Council approval will continue with that process.   The Town received an allocation of $10,000 from the FMYN during the current fiscal year, which was primarily used for marketing related to the Waste Management Phoenix Open, including a hole sponsorship and an advertisement in the official program.  Council has already been provided a copy of the Town's FMYN application for $10,000, which was submitted prior to this memo due to the timeline for their process.  While the Town requested an amount similar to its allocation from this fiscal year, the 2020-21 Proposed Budget has been adjusted to account for the potential that reduced gaming revenues will have a corresponding impact on grant revenues.    Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Town of Fountain Hills Adopted Grant Policy Risk Analysis If approval to apply for these Tourism-related grants is not provided, staff will not be able to execute many of the marketing and promotion initiatives which are described above.  It is important to note that tourism and gaming activities provide the funding for these grants, so that even with the submittal and approval of our grant applications, the level of grant funding the Town receives next fiscal year will likely be significantly reduced.   In addition, if Town revenues are significantly impacted in Fiscal Year 2020-21, it will be increasingly important to secure funding for tourism initiatives from other agencies and organizations.   Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends Town Council approval to allow staff to apply for tourism-related grants to support the marketing and promotion efforts of the Town. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to authorize submittal of Tourism-related grant applications with the Arizona Office of Tourism, Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community and Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation and to authorize Town to accept and utilize the grant funds in a manner consistent with the grant requirements. Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director David Pock 05/20/2020 03:24 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/21/2020 08:59 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/21/2020 03:52 PM Form Started By: James Smith Started On: 05/18/2020 05:48 PM Final Approval Date: 05/21/2020  ITEM 8. A. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk Staff Contact Information: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  Resolution 2020-32 declaring and adopting the results of the Special Election held May 19, 2020. Staff Summary (Background) This resolution is presented to memorialize the results of the Special Election held May 19, 2020, at which three propositions were presented to the voters of Fountain Hills. The following chart indicates the final votes for each of these propositions:      # PROPOSITION TITLE YES VOTES NO VOTES TOTAL VOTES   %   427 Daybreak Rezone       3,137       8,303      11,440  27% / 73%   428 Daybreak GP Land Use Map Amendment         3,179       8,266      11,445   28% / 72%   429 Term of Mayor       5,135       6,282      11,417  45% / 55% For this election, the Town had 17,391 registered voters, with a return of 11,477 ballots, resulting in a 66% turnout.  Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A        Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends that the Town Council adopt Resolution 2020-32. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Resolution 2020-32. Attachments Res 2020-32  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director David Pock 05/20/2020 05:59 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/21/2020 09:03 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/21/2020 03:26 PM Form Started By: Elizabeth A. Burke Started On: 05/20/2020 03:30 PM Final Approval Date: 05/21/2020  RESOLUTION NO. 2020-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, DECLARING AND ADOPTING THE RESULTS OF THE SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON MAY 19, 2020 RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town”) held a special election to present three propositions to the voters of Fountain Hills: 1) Prop 427 – Daybreak Rezone; 2) Prop 428 – Daybreak General Plan Land Use Map Amendment; and 3) Prop 429 – Changing the Term of Mayor from two years to four years. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. That the recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. That the total number of registered voters was 17,391; that the total number ballots cast at the Special Election was 11,478; and that the total rate of return was 66%. SECTION 3. That the number of ballots cast for each proposition were as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The number of provisions ballots was as set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The number of ballots rejected was as set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4. It is hereby found, determined and declared of record, that the following are the final results of the Special Election: # PROPOSITION TITLE YES VOTES NO VOTES TOTAL VOTES % 427 Daybreak Rezone 3,137 8,303 11,440 27% / 73% 428 Daybreak GP Land Use Map Amendment 3,179 8,266 11,445 28% / 72% 429 Term of Mayor 5,135 6,282 11,417 45% / 55% SECTION 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption. RESOLUTION 2020-32 PAGE 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, this 2nd day of June, 2020. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney Candidate Party Total YES 3,137 27.42% NO 8,303 72.58% Total Votes 11,440 Total Unresolved Write-In 0 Total Times Cast 11,478 / 17,391 66.00% PROPOSITION 427 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total YES 3,179 27.78% NO 8,266 72.22% Total Votes 11,445 Total Unresolved Write-In 0 Total Times Cast 11,478 / 17,391 66.00% PROPOSITION 428 (Vote for 1) Candidate Party Total YES 5,135 44.98% NO 6,282 55.02% Total Votes 11,417 Total Unresolved Write-In 0 Total Times Cast 11,478 / 17,391 66.00% PROPOSITION 429 (Vote for 1) Registered Voters: 11,478 of 17,391 (66.00%) Ballots Cast: 11,478 ELECTION SUMMARY REPORT FINAL ELECTION RESULTS Maricopa County Jurisdictional Election May 19, 2020 5/22/2020 5:28:50 PMPage: 1 of 1 Counted Reason Code Description Count Y A1 NEW RESIDENT BALLOT VERIFIED AND ADDRESS UPDATED 2 A2 EARLY BALLOT REQUESTED AND NOT RETURNED 2 A7 ID ADDRESS DOESN'T MATCH SIGNATURE ROSTER 4 Page 1/1 Provisional Ballots Totals Special Election Election 1375 2020-05-19 Town Of Fountain Hills (By Precinct) Election 1375 2020-05-19 Precinct Counted Reason Code Description Count 6761 Y 6 A1 NEW RESIDENT BALLOT VERIFIED AND ADDRESS UPDATED 2 A2 EARLY BALLOT REQUESTED AND NOT RETURNED 2 A7 ID ADDRESS DOESN'T MATCH SIGNATURE ROSTER 2 6762 Y A7 ID ADDRESS DOESN'T MATCH SIGNATURE ROSTER 2 Total count: 8 (Summary) Election 1375 2020-05-19 2 Total count: 8 Precinct Counted Reason Code Description Count 6761 6 Y 6 A1 NEW RESIDENT BALLOT VERIFIED AND ADDRESS UPDATED 2 A2 EARLY BALLOT REQUESTED AND NOT RETURNED 2 A7 ID ADDRESS DOESN'T MATCH SIGNATURE ROSTER 2 6762 2 Y 2 A7 ID ADDRESS DOESN'T MATCH SIGNATURE ROSTER 2 Total count: 8 Page 1/1 Provisional Ballots Totals Special Election City FH (by Precinct) Election 1375 2020-05-19 Town Of Fountain Hills Election Title: TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Election Number: 1375 Election Date: 05/19/2020 MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER'S INFORMATION SYSTEMS CENTER REJECTED BALLOTS BY PRECINCT / CPC 7:14 pmTime: EV36Batch-V10.rpt Page: 1 5/22/2020Date: Precinct/CPC NamePrecinct/CPC Number Reason Number Rejected 6761 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BAD SIGNATURE 13 RETURNED LATE 10 NO SIGNATURE 19 6762 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS BAD SIGNATURE 6 RETURNED LATE 6 NO SIGNATURE 15 Bad Signature Total: No Signature Total: Total Rejected: 34 53 19 16 Returned Late Total: Total Rejected + LATE: 69 ITEM 8. B. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  a request for a Special Use Permit to allow operation of a hospital between 11 pm and 7 am on an approximately 5.74 acre parcel generally located at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive (AKA 9700 N. Saguaro Boulevard; APN # 176-10-811) in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District.  Continued to June 16, 2020.  SU 2020-01. Staff Summary (Background) In 2019 the property owner submitted a request to rezone this 5.74 acre tract to C-2 (Intermediate Commercial) to establish a hospital on the property.  Hospitals are not a specifically listed use in the Town's Zoning Ordinance.  At the public hearing on the requested rezoning, the Council determined the hospital use could be classified as a C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial and Professional) use rather thn rezone the property to C-2.  The C-1 zoning district requires all businesses to be closed between 11 pm and 7 am unless the Council approves a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow extended hours. The property owner submitted the request for the SUP earlier this year.  The request has drawn significant neighborhood questions and concerns.  The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the application at their regular meeting on May 11, 2020.  Based on the input received, the Commission continued the case to their regular meeting on June 8, 2020.  Therefore, this case needs to be continued by the Council until after the P&Z Commission takes action.  Therefore, this case is being continued to the Council's June 16, 2020, meeting. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff Recommendation(s) Continuance to June 16, 2020. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to continue consideration of SU 2020-01 to the June 16, 2020, Council agenda.  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 05/13/2020 01:18 PM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 05/13/2020 01:00 PM Final Approval Date: 05/13/2020  ITEM 8. C. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  draft Executive Summary of the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020. Staff Summary (Background) The Town Council reviewed and approved the Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 at their May 19, 2020, meeting.  Part of the discussion at the meeting was the upcoming Executive Summary of the Plan.  The Town Council expressed a desire to see the Executive Summary for review and possible changes.   The consultant for the General Plan submitted a first draft of the Executive Summary which is attached for review by the Town Council.  The Executive Summary is intended to provide a quick overview of the key elements contained in the General Plan as well as serve as a marketing document for the Town.  The document includes information on the reasoning for the General Plan, how it can be amended, some background on the Town of Fountain Hills, and key elements from the General Plan including the Vision, Overarching Principles, and the Character Areas. Based on comments at the Council meeting on June 2, 2020, the Executive Summary will be revised and then made available to the community. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) N/A SUGGESTED MOTION Since this item is for general discussion and feedback on the draft Executive Summary, no action is required.  Attachments Draft Executive Summary  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 05/26/2020 03:12 PM Finance Director David Pock 05/26/2020 04:31 PM Town Attorney Elizabeth A. Burke 05/27/2020 07:38 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/27/2020 07:48 AM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 05/26/2020 02:57 PM Final Approval Date: 05/27/2020  1 Fountain Hills Thrives! Executive Summary 1 or t Prepared for: Town of Fountain Hills Mayor and Council 16705 E Ave of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Prepared by: The Planning Center 2 E Congress, Suite 600 Tucson, Arizona 85701 May 2020 Executive Summary General Plan Project Team Mayor and Council Ginny Dickey, Mayor Mike Scharnow, Vice Mayor David Spelich, Council Member Michael Scharnow, Council Member Alan Magazine, Council Member Art Tolis, Council Member Dennis Brown, Council Member Planning & Zoning Commission Erik Hansen, Chair Peter Gray, Vice-Chair Susan Dempster, Commissioner Mathew Boik, Commissioner Scott Schlossberg, Commissioner Dan Kovacevic, Commissioner Clayton Corey, Commissioner Consultant Team Linda Morales, Owner/CEO Maria Masque, Principal-in-Charge/Project Manager/Lead Planner Brian Underwood, Planner/GIS and Mapping Rick Merritt, Economic Development Daniel Court, Economic Development John Gray, Engineering General Plan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Grady Miller, Town Manager John Wesley, AICP, Development Services Director Marissa Moore, Senior Planner Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Rachel Goodwin, Community Services Director James Smith, Economic Development Director Raymond Rees, Facilities & Environmental Supervisor Ken Valverde, GIS Technician/CAD Operator Dana Trompke, PE., Sanitary District Manager ii Table of Contents Section Page General Plan Project Team i Table of Contents ii The Fountain Hills General Plan 1 Ability to Adapt to Change 2 About Fountain Hills 3 The Fountain Hills General Plan Organization 5 Fountain HIlls Vision 6 Fountain Hills Overarching Principle 7 The Fountain Hills General Plan Approach 8 List of Figures Figure Page Fountain Hills Location and Regional Context 4 Fountain Hills Character Areas Plan 10 Parks, Recreation, Trails and Open Space Plan 11 Connectivity, Access and Mobility Plan 12 Bicycle Connectivity Plan 13 1 The Fountain Hills General Plan The Fountain Hills General Plan is the primary overarching policy for the Town of Fountain Hills. The General Plan has a major impact on the future of the Town by setting forth guiding policies for governance in many areas of Town responsibility that will influence future development and redevelopment within the Town’s corporate boundary. Authority and direction to plan come from the Arizona Revised Statutes, expressly the Growing Smarter and Growing Smarter Plus Acts, as amended. This General Plan adheres to all applicable federal and state laws. The direction included in this plan applies to new development, redevelopment and infill. The General Plan directives do not apply to entitlements existing at the time of adoption of this General Plan which have already been approved by the Town and are therefore grandfathered. Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 9-461.06 requires that all municipalities in Arizona update their existing general plan every ten years. Such updates ensure that the general plan complies with all applicable requirements included in Arizona Revised Statutes 9-461.05. The Fountain Hills General Plan Update 2020 complies with all applicable Arizona Revised Statutes. More importantly, the plan incorporates other Town of Fountain Hills efforts such as Vision Fountain Hills and the 2017 Strategic Plan to ensure that such efforts are integrated with Town needs and community aspirations. The Arizona Revised Statutes also require the Town to submit this adopted General Plan to the voters for ratification. The Town of Fountain Hills General Plan 2020 manages growth in a manner consistent with the community’s vision through its ten-year planning horizon. It guides decisions by establishing goals and policies that balance maintenance of existing and developing neighborhoods, economic development and conservation of resources. The General Plan provides the basis for new development while supporting the quality of life that makes the Town distinct. The plan includes the vision, goals and policy framework identified during the community outreach process. It addresses specific community needs and aspirations. Under State law, actions on private land development, such as Specific Plans, Area Plans, rezonings, subdivisions, public agency projects and other decisions must be consistent with the General Plan ratified by the voters. 2 Ability to Adapt to Change The Fountain Hills General Plan is based on community values and an understanding of existing and projected conditions and needs, all of which are subject to change. The General Plan amendment process established by the Arizona Revised Statutes allows maps and written policy statements to be changed. The General Plan is a policy document for the entire Town and may be amended in a manner that supports the community’s interest. The Fountain Hills General Plan provides a decision-making framework for Town elected and appointed officials and staff to guide future growth, development, redevelopment and infill and maintain the public infrastructure and services needed to support existing and future needs. Over time, unanticipated or unforeseen changes in economy, technology, environment, demographics, transportation systems, and other factors may occur. General Plan updates and major, minor, and administrative amendments allow the Town to address such changes. The Administration Chapter of the General Plan defines these administrative tools and describes their respective processes. The General Plan Implementation chapter includes the Implementation Strategy to carry out the goals and policies identified in this General Plan and serves as the primary mechanism for General Plan implementation. The General Plan implementation actions will be utilized in conjunction with the Town Council’s annual priority-setting efforts, including the Strategic Plan, the Capital Improvements Program, and the Town’s Operating Budget. As priorities change, the Implementation Strategy will be updated. This approach provides an easy-to-use reference guide for the Town to monitor progress and evaluate priorities on an annual basis. 3 About Fountain Hills The Town of Fountain Hills (Town) is located in the northeast portion of the Phoenix Valley and is bordered by the McDowell Mountain Regional Park within Maricopa County. The Town is east of the City of Scottsdale, north of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and west of the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation. One of Fountain Hills’ most valuable assets is its natural beauty. The Town’s scenic views and desert terrain provide for a wide range of outdoor activities including hiking, biking, and golf in support of healthy lifestyles. Fountain Hills contains some of the more challenging and picturesque golf courses in the State of Arizona. Its dark skies provide opportunities for star gazing. The landforms that comprise the Town are characterized by low ridgelines and wash corridors that were originally home to Native Americans. Archaeological studies have identified the area around the Fort McDowell Yavapai Indian Nation as a major center of Hohokam-Salado occupation from approximately 100 to 1450 A.D. Petroglyphs and lithic remains have been found in both McDowell Mountain Regional Park and in the surveyed portions of the former State Trust land on the northeast area of the Town. Fountain Hills was named by Phoenix Magazine as the best place to live in the Valley of the Sun and was cited as "a welcome oasis on the outskirts of a metropolis." The small-town charm, lakeside, Town Center, relaxed desert lifestyle, lush desert landscapes and diverse landforms, public art, and an idyllic location at the foothills of a picturesque mountain setting overlooking Fountain Park, making Fountain Hills an oasis. A step away from the bustling Phoenix Metropolitan area, Fountain Hills’ aesthetics and natural desert setting create a desirable environment for a variety of lifestyles. Artists, professionals, retirees, singles, new families, and permanent and seasonal residents call this world apart home. 4 FOUNTAIN HILLS LOCATION AND REGIONAL CONTEXT 5 The Fountain Hills General Plan Organization The following documents are part of the General Plan in the order they are presented. Executive Summary This Executive Summary summarizes the General Plan planning process and serves as a marketing tool for the Town of Fountain Hills. Policy Plan The Policy Plan includes the policy framework guiding development, redevelopment, infrastructure, economic development, and resource conservation efforts within the Town of Fountain Hills. This Plan includes the community vision, overarching principles, and plan elements in compliance with all applicable Arizona Revised Statutes. Each element includes goals and policies. This volume also includes the administrative tools to manage, monitor, amend and implement the General Plan. Background and Current Conditions Report The Background and Current Conditions Report contains all pertinent analyses supporting the General Plan. This document assesses background and current conditions and identifies the physical, regulatory, demographic, socioeconomic and fiscal realities impacting development within the Town of Fountain Hills. This technical report and the public input gathered during the community engagement process serve as the foundation to the goals and policy framework of the General Plan. The Background and Current Conditions Map Series summarizes the opportunities and constraints in map format. Community Vision Report The Community Vision Report summarizes the input received at the various community meetings, workshops and visioning efforts. Figure 1: General Plan Organization Executive Summary Community Vision Report Background & Current Conditions Policy Plan 6 Fountain Hills Vision Our Commitment As part of this General Plan, we embrace a positive outlook, get actively involved and continue to take the necessary steps to support our community and our vision. As Fountain Hills grows, we:  Sustain the quality of life, vitality, and distinct charm of our Town;  Maintain the delicate balance of land uses that make the Town a desirable place to live, work, enjoy and visit.  Further enrich the natural, built, and social environments that make the Town unique;  Support existing businesses and continue to a ttract businesses that stimulate the Town’s economy; and  Provide recreational and resort opportunities to strengthen the Town’s reputation as a premier desert destination. Our Vision Picture an inviting desert oasis in the Phoenix metropolitan region, a place where:  Native desert vegetation, topography, and natural resources are valued and preserved  Distant mountains by day and countless stars by night offer a memorable setting  Neighbors and visitors gather at special events and festivals  Residents enjoy a walkable community that is conducive to civic involvement and activities  Unique dining and shopping options abound  Multiple recreational opportunities support healthy and active lifestyles  A stable economy invites innovation and creativity and delivers meaningful employment options to an engaged, active, and diverse population  A variety of housing options are available in safe, quiet, pleasant, and enjoyable neighborhoods 7 Fountain Hills Overarching Principle One overarching principle supports Fountain Hills’ Vision: Carefully and thoughtfully integrating neighborhoods, environment (built, natural and social) and economy to maintain a thriving community. This principle seamlessly brings together the places we live, work, shop, go to school, and recreate in a viable and sustainable manner. Neighborhoods Environment Economy 8 The Fountain Hills General Plan Approach The Fountain Hills General Plan structure exceeds all applicable requirements of section 9-461.05 (General plans; authority; scope) of the Arizona Revised Statutes while addressing all its components in an integrated manner:  Thriving Neighborhoods addresses housing, neighborhood preservation/revitalization, neighborhood-scale amenities and neighborhood safety to support healthy, complete, and vibrant neighborhoods,  Thriving Environment integrates all aspects of the built, social, and natural environments by carefully knitting growth areas, infill, redevelopment and revitalization, place-based land use utilizing a character areas approach, connectivity, access and mobility supporting circulation for all travel modes, parks, recreation, trails, and open space, resource protection, energy conservation, air and water quality, infrastructure and public services in a cohesive manner as integral parts of Fountain Hills,  Thriving Economy supports a strategic economic development approach to achieve the long-range viability of the Town and provides specific mechanisms to finance new development. Town of Fountain Hills Growth Areas Growth areas are identified based on land ownership, topography, hydrology, vacant land, and infrastructure availability or anticipated cost of providing needed infrastructure. This planning approach includes short-term and long-range growth strategies and directs development to those areas of the Town with the largest tracts of undeveloped lands. These areas include:  The Canyons Character Area (short-term strategy)  State Trust Land (long-range strategy) 9 Character Areas The map on page 10 depicts the Character Areas for Fountain Hills. To maintain a thriving community, the Fountain Hills General Plan utilizes these Character Areas to organize land uses in a way that reinforces and maintains the character of each portion of the Town. The character areas and their opportunities for redevelopment, revitalization and infill include:  Neighborhoods: Residential areas throughout the Town, along with associated non-residential uses such as schools, parks, churches, offices, with opportunities for continued development, maintenance, and infill.  Town Center: Located along the Avenue of the Fountains and envisioned as a vibrant walkable and bikeable mixed-used district, the Town Center functions as the heart of the Town and includes Fountain Park, Civic Center (Town Hall, Community Center, Library) and Visitor’s Center. The Town Center includes infill opportunities for mixed-use, residential, retail, business, entertainment, and services. Reconfiguration of underutilized surface parking could open more areas for development.  Commerce Center: Located east of Fountain Hills Boulevard, Commerce Center is bounded on the north by Palisades Boulevard, on the south by Keith McMahan Drive and Avenue of the Fountains and on the east by the Town Center. Within walking distance from the Town Center, this character area in cludes two significant commercial areas and higher density multifamily residential, Fountain View Village, a mixed-use independent and assisted living community (ranked as one of the top ten retirement communities in Arizona), and general commercial uses. The Plan is to continue this mix of uses while working to improve walkability within the area and to the surrounding areas.  Shea Corridor: Functions as the main gateway to Fountain Hills from State Route 87 and includes an industrial park along Technology Drive. Shea Corridor is envisioned as a commerce and employment corridor serving residents and welcoming visitors. Although it includes few infill parcels, reconfigur ing underutilized commercial development would open additional opportunities for revenue -generating and employment uses further supporting the long-range viability of the Town. The strategic location of this center with access to State Route 87 in proximity to resort and gaming facilities at the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation could support economic development partnerships with the Nation.  Saguaro Boulevard: Primarily a commercial corridor, this area includes few significant parcels for commercial/retail infill along Saguaro Boulevard as well as redevelopment opportunities. 10 FOUNTAIN HILLS CHARACTER AREAS PLAN 11 PARKS, RECREATION, TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN 12 CONNECTIVITY, ACCESS AND MOBILITY PLAN 13 BICYCLE CONNECTIVITY PLAN 14 Fountain Hills Thrives! ITEM 8. D. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: David Pock, Finance Director Staff Contact Information: David Pock, Finance Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  PUBLIC HEARING  regarding Resolution 2020-23, approving the Final Budget for the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021. CONSIDERATION of Resolution 2020-23 of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, approving the Final Budget for the Town of Fountain Hills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021. Staff Summary (background) The proposed fiscal year 2020-21 budget was presented to the Town Council and the public in April 2020, and the Tentative Budget was approved on May 5, 2020 establishing the maximum expenditure amount for all funds at $33.9M. Resolution 2020-23 adopts the adjusted Tentative Budget as the Final Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle A.R.S. § 42-17105 Risk Analysis If not approved, the Town will not be in compliance with State Statute. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Adoption of Resolution 2020-23 SUGGESTED MOTION 1) HOLD Public Hearing 1) HOLD Public Hearing 2) RECESS INTO SPECIAL MEETING 3) MOVE to adopt Resolution 2020-23 4) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR MEETING Attachments RES2020.23 FY21 Final Budget  Exhibit A  Presentation - Final Budget  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director (Originator)David Pock 05/20/2020 03:03 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/20/2020 03:21 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/21/2020 03:38 PM Form Started By: David Pock Started On: 04/27/2020 03:56 PM Final Approval Date: 05/21/2020  RESOLUTION 2020-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, APPROVING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2020, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2021 RECITALS: WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 42, Chapter 17, Arizona Revised Statutes (the “Applicable Law”), the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Tow n Council ”) did, on May 5, 2020, prepare (i) a full and complete statem ent of the Tow n’s financial affairs for the preceding fiscal yea r, (ii) an estimate of the different amounts that will be required to meet the Town’s public expense for the current fiscal year, including all of the i tem s presc ribed by ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 42-17102 and (iii) a summary schedule of estimated expenditures and revenues, which was prepared according to forms sup plied by the Auditor General and entered in the Town Council ’s minutes; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Applicable Law, and followin g due public notice, the Town Council met on May 5, 2020, at which meeting any taxpayer was provided the opportunity to appear and be hea rd in favor of or against any proposed expenditure or tax levy; and WHEREAS, publication has been duly made as required by law, of said estimates toget her with a notice that the Tow n Council would m eet on June 2 , 2020, at the Fountain Hills Town Council Chambers, for the purpose of hearing taxpayers and with respect to s aid estimate or any proposed expenditur e or tax l evy. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The statements and schedules attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby adopted as the budget of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021. SECTION 3. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. RESOLUTION 2020-23 PAGE 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain H ills , Arizona, June 2 , 2 0 20. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Pierce Coleman PLLC Town Attorney 3 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION 2020-23 [Budget Statements and Schedules] See following pages. OFFICIAL BUDGET FORMS TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Fiscal Year 2021 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office Official City/Town Budget Forms TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Fiscal Year 2021 Schedule A—Summary Schedule of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures/Expenses Schedule B—Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Schedule G—Full-Time Employees and Personnel Compensation Schedule C—Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Schedule D—Other Financing Sources/(Uses) and Interfund Transfers Schedule E—Expenditures/Expenses by Fund Schedule F—Expenditures/Expenses by Department (as applicable) 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office Official City/Town Budget Forms Fiscal Year General Fund Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund Permanent Fund Enterprise Funds Available Internal Service Funds Total All Funds 2020 Adopted/Adjusted Budgeted Expenditures/Expenses* E 1 16,941,430 8,482,064 2,378,862 3,829,194 0 0 931,149 32,562,699 2020 Actual Expenditures/Expenses** E 2 16,941,430 8,482,064 2,378,862 3,829,194 0 0 931,149 32,562,699 2021 Fund Balance/Net Position at July 1*** 3 7,615,027 3,134,056 697,933 6,071,417 744,584 18,263,017 2021 Primary Property Tax Levy B 4 0 2021 Secondary Property Tax Levy B 5 0 0 2021 Estimated Revenues Other than Property Taxes C 6 19,258,264 5,659,884 402,280 1,634,563 0 0 421,942 27,376,933 2021 Other Financing Sources D 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021 Other Financing (Uses) D 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021 Interfund Transfers In D 9 0 588,413 0 575,000 0 0 50,000 1,213,413 2021 Interfund Transfers (Out) D 10 250,000 733,713 0 229,700 0 0 0 1,213,413 2021 Reduction for Amounts Not Available: 11 LESS: Amounts for Future Debt Retirement:0 Stabilization (Rainy Day) Fund 3,228,246 3,228,246 0 0 2021 Total Financial Resources Available 12 23,395,045 8,648,640 1,100,213 8,051,280 0 0 1,216,526 42,411,704 2021 Budgeted Expenditures/Expenses E 13 19,258,264 7,788,736 408,600 6,316,374 0 0 76,989 33,848,963 EXPENDITURE LIMITATION COMPARISON 2020 2021 1 Budgeted expenditures/expenses 32,562,699$ 33,848,963$ 2 Add/subtract: estimated net reconciling items (785,163) (478,381) 3 Budgeted expenditures/expenses adjusted for reconciling items 31,777,536 33,370,582 4 Less: estimated exclusions 7,978,989 5,260,667 5 Amount subject to the expenditure limitation 23,798,547$ 28,109,915$ 6 EEC expenditure limitation 29,854,752$ 30,646,564$ * ** *** TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Summary Schedule of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures/Expenses Fiscal Year 2021 Includes actual amounts as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, adjusted for estimated activity for the remainder of the fiscal year. Amounts on this line represent Fund Balance/Net Position amounts except for amounts not in spendable form (e.g., prepaids and inventories) or legally or contractually required to be maintained intact (e.g., principal of a permanent fund). S c h FUNDS Includes Expenditure/Expense Adjustments Approved in the current year from Schedule E. The city/town does not levy property taxes and does not have special assessment districts for which property taxes are levied. Therefore, Schedule B has been omitted. 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE A Official City/Town Budget Forms 2020 2021 1. $ $ 2. $ 3.Property tax levy amounts A. Primary property taxes $$ B. Secondary property taxes 1,674,485 C.Total property tax levy amounts $1,674,485 $ 4.Property taxes collected* A. Primary property taxes (1) Current year's levy $ (2) Prior years’ levies (3) Total primary property taxes $ B. Secondary property taxes (1) Current year's levy $1,661,729 (2) Prior years’ levies 13,220 (3) Total secondary property taxes $1,674,949 C. Total property taxes collected $1,674,949 5.Property tax rates A. City/Town tax rate (1) Primary property tax rate (2) Secondary property tax rate 0.3382 (3) Total city/town tax rate 0.3382 B. Special assessment district tax rates Secondary property tax rates - As of the date the proposed budget was prepared, the two (2)special assessment districts for which secondary property taxes are levied. For information pertaining to these special assessment districts and their tax rates, please contact the city/town. * city/town was operating Includes actual property taxes collected as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated property tax collections for the remainder of the fiscal year. Amount received from primary property taxation in the current year in excess of the sum of that year's maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17102(A)(18) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Tax Levy and Tax Rate Information Fiscal Year 2021 Maximum allowable primary property tax levy. A.R.S. §42-17051(A) 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE B Official City/Town Budget Forms ESTIMATED REVENUES ACTUAL REVENUES* ESTIMATED REVENUES 2020 2020 2021 GENERAL FUND Local taxes Local Sales Tax $9,125,999 $9,125,999 $10,422,156 Franchise Tax 187,231 187,231 211,974 Licenses and permits Business License Fees 141,696 141,696 139,764 Liquor License Fees 2,000 2,000 2,000 Building Permit Fees 240,587 240,587 394,072 Sign Permits 6,100 6,100 6,100 Landscape Permit Fees 16,800 16,800 44,520 Subdivision Fees 52,250 52,250 62,250 Special Event Permits 8,750 8,750 8,750 Engineering Fees 5,900 5,900 5,600 Third Party Revenues 210,000 210,000 Planning & Zoning Fees 16,185 16,185 15,825 Plan Review Fees 185,969 185,969 265,925 Intergovernmental State Sales Tax 2,583,377 2,583,377 2,815,032 Fire Insurance Premium Tax 46,258 46,258 46,721 Vehicle License Tax 336,749 336,749 350,010 Shared Income Tax 3,253,750 3,253,750 3,629,136 Charges for services Parks & Rec User Fees 197,800 197,800 221,550 Encroachment Fees 25,000 25,000 25,000 Variances 4,300 4,300 5,300 Inspection Fees 13,250 13,250 17,000 Leases & Rents 283,584 283,584 278,590 Fines and forfeits Court Fines 179,000 179,000 185,004 Interest on investments Interest on Investments 24,000 24,000 24,000 In-lieu property taxes Contributions Voluntary contributions 37,545 37,545 37,545 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 40,350 40,350 44,440 Total General Fund $17,224,430 $17,224,430 $19,258,264 * TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2021 Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. SOURCE OF REVENUES 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE C Official City/Town Budget Forms ESTIMATED REVENUES ACTUAL REVENUES* ESTIMATED REVENUES 2020 2020 2021 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2021 SOURCE OF REVENUES SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway User Revenue Fund Highway User Tax $1,666,476 $1,666,476 $1,761,600 Vehicle License Tax 785,748 785,748 816,672 Local Sales Tax 819,678 819,678 871,254 In-Lieu Fees 200,000 200,000 200,000 Recycle Proceeds 1,000 1,000 1,000 Interest 24,000 24,000 24,000 Miscellaneous 30,000 30,000 30,000 $3,526,902 $3,526,902 $3,704,526 Downtown Strategy Fund Sales-Excise Tax $81,968 $81,968 $87,120 Interest 1,260 1,260 1,260 $83,228 $83,228 $88,380 Economic Development Fund Sales-Excise Tax $327,871 $327,871 $348,504 Interest 240 240 240 $328,111 $328,111 $348,744 Grants Miscellaneous $1,582,525 $1,582,525 $1,308,800 $1,582,525 $1,582,525 $1,308,800 Public Art In-Lieu Fees $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Interest 240 240 240 $100,240 $100,240 $100,240 Court Enhancement Fund Court Enhancement/JCEF Revenue $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 Grants 100,000 100,000 Interest 840 840 900 $149,840 $149,840 $49,900 Cottonwoods Maintenance District Cottonwoods Maintenance District $6,642 $6,642 $6,642 Interest 72 72 72 $6,714 $6,714 $6,714 Tourism Fund Grants $90,000 $90,000 $50,000 Interest 180 180 180 $90,180 $90,180 $50,180 Environmental Fund Environmental Fee $491,976 $491,976 $ Interest 2,400 2,400 2,400 $494,376 $494,376 $2,400 Total Special Revenue Funds $6,362,116 $6,362,116 $5,659,884 *Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE C Official City/Town Budget Forms ESTIMATED REVENUES ACTUAL REVENUES* ESTIMATED REVENUES 2020 2020 2021 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2021 SOURCE OF REVENUES DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Debt Service Interest Income $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 Eagle Mountain CFD Property Taxes $413,042 $413,042 $400,000 Interest Income 240 240 240 $413,282 $413,282 $400,240 Municipal Property Corp Interest Income 840 840 840 $840 $840 $840 Total Debt Service Funds $415,322 $415,322 $402,280 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Projects Fund Sales Tax-Local $640,293 $640,293 $904,152 Grants 90,000 90,000 17,500 Donations Interest 7,224 7,224 19,200 Miscellaneous $737,517 $737,517 $940,852 Facilities Replacement Fund Interest Income $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 Development Fee Funds Development Fees $164,025 $164,025 $679,311 Interest Income 7,200 7,200 7,200 $171,225 $171,225 $686,511 Total Capital Projects Funds $915,942 $915,942 $1,634,563 *Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE C Official City/Town Budget Forms ESTIMATED REVENUES ACTUAL REVENUES* ESTIMATED REVENUES 2020 2020 2021 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2021 SOURCE OF REVENUES PERMANENT FUNDS $$$ $$$ Total Permanent Funds $$$ ENTERPRISE FUNDS $$$ $$$ $$$ Total Enterprise Funds $$$ *Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE C Official City/Town Budget Forms ESTIMATED REVENUES ACTUAL REVENUES* ESTIMATED REVENUES 2020 2020 2021 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Revenues Other Than Property Taxes Fiscal Year 2021 SOURCE OF REVENUES INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Vehicle Replacement Fund 327,584 327,584 356,942 Technology Replacement Fund 65,000 $327,584 327,584 421,942 Total Internal Service Funds $327,584 $327,584 $421,942 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $25,245,394 $25,245,394 $27,376,933 *Includes actual revenues recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated revenues for the remainder of the fiscal year. 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE C Official City/Town Budget Forms FUND SOURCES (USES)IN (OUT) GENERAL FUND Technology Replacement Fund $$$50,000 Environmental Fund 200,000 Total General Fund $$$$250,000 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Environmental Fund-General Fund $$$200,000 Tourism Fund-Economic Dev 158,713 Downtown Strategy Fund-Capital Pro 575,000 Economic Dev Fund-Tourism Fund 158,713 Streets Fund-Capital Projects Fund 200,000 Special Revenue-Capital Project Fund 29,700 Total Special Revenue Funds $$$588,413 $733,713 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $$$$ Total Debt Service Funds $$$$ CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Projects Fund-Streets Fund $$$200,000 Capital Projects-Downtown Strategy 575,000 Capital Projects -Special Revenue 29,700 Total Capital Projects Funds $$$575,000 $229,700 PERMANENT FUNDS $$$$ Total Permanent Funds $$$$ ENTERPRISE FUNDS $$$$ Total Enterprise Funds $$$$ INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Tech Replacement Fund-General Fund $$$50,000 $ Total Internal Service Funds $$$50,000 $ TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ $ $ 1,213,413 $ 1,213,413 2021 2021 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Other Financing Sources/(Uses) and Interfund Transfers Fiscal Year 2021 OTHER FINANCING INTERFUND TRANSFERS 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE D Official City/Town Budget Forms ADOPTED BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES EXPENDITURE/ EXPENSE ADJUSTMENTS APPROVED ACTUAL EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES* BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES FUND/DEPARTMENT 2020 2020 2020 2021 GENERAL FUND Mayor & Town Council $98,544 $$98,544 $74,882 Municipal Court 397,276 397,276 402,603 Administration 2,050,966 (43,782)2,007,184 2,339,660 General Government 1,073,362 (318,000)755,362 2,204,940 Public Works 1,100,934 1,100,934 1,120,861 Development Services 1,100,290 1,100,290 946,483 Community Services 2,595,839 78,782 2,674,621 2,942,037 Law Enforcement 4,785,920 4,785,920 5,029,469 Fire & Emergency Medical 4,021,299 4,021,299 4,197,328 Total General Fund $17,224,430 $(283,000)$16,941,430 $19,258,264 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Highway User Revenue Fund $5,194,059 $$5,194,059 $5,120,819 Downtown Strategy Fund 38,400 8,000 46,400 38,400 Economic Development Fund 285,482 285,482 241,270 Tourism Fund 259,103 259,103 208,264 Public Art Fund 139,340 139,340 144,649 Court Enhancement Fund 154,800 154,800 24,800 Special Revenue Fund 1,662,525 1,662,525 1,338,500 Cottonwoods Maint District 5,101 5,101 5,131 Environmental Fund 735,254 735,254 666,904 Total Special Revenue Funds $8,474,064 $8,000 $8,482,064 $7,788,736 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS General Obligation Bonds $1,663,800 $$1,663,800 $350 Eagle Mountain CFD 409,192 409,192 407,240 Municipal Property Corp 305,870 305,870 1,010 Total Debt Service Funds $2,378,862 $$2,378,862 $408,600 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Capital Projects $3,200,050 $(240,000)$2,960,050 $5,457,230 Fire/Emergency Dev Fee 9,500 9,500 Park/Rec Dev Fee 40,500 40,500 40,000 Open Space Dev Fee Facilities Replacement Fund 819,144 819,144 819,144 Total Capital Projects Funds $4,069,194 $(240,000)$3,829,194 $6,316,374 PERMANENT FUNDS Contingency $$$$ Total Permanent Funds $$$$ ENTERPRISE FUNDS Contingency $$$$ Total Enterprise Funds $$$$ INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Vehicle Replacement 416,149 515,000 931,149 51,989 Technology Replacement 25,000 Total Internal Service Funds $416,149 $515,000 $931,149 $76,989 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 32,562,699 $ $ 32,562,699 $ 33,848,963 * Expenditures/Expenses by Fund Fiscal Year 2021 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Includes actual expenditures/expenses recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated expenditures/expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year. 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE E Official City/Town Budget Forms ADOPTED BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES EXPENDITURE/ EXPENSE ADJUSTMENTS APPROVED ACTUAL EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES* BUDGETED EXPENDITURES/ EXPENSES 2020 2020 2020 2021 Mayor & Council General Fund $ 98,544 $ $ 98,544 $ 74,882 Mayor & Council Total $98,544 $$98,544 $74,882 Administration General Fund $ 2,050,966 $ (43,782) $ 2,007,184 $ 2,339,660 Downtown Strategy Fund 38,400 8,000 46,400 38,400 Economic Development Fund 285,482 285,482 241,270 Tourism Fund 182,714 182,714 208,264 Special Revenue Fund 1,662,525 1,662,525 1,338,500 General Obligation Debt 1,663,800 1,663,800 350 Eagle Mountain CFD 409,192 409,192 407,240 Municipal Property Corp 305,870 305,870 1,010 Cottonwoods Maint District 5,101 5,101 5,131 Capital Projects 155,050 (38,378) 116,672 262,535 Administration Total $6,576,385 $108,555 $6,684,940 $4,842,360 General Government General Fund $ 1,073,362 $ (318,000) $ 755,362 $ 2,204,940 Technology Replacement 25,000 Vehicle Replacement 76,407 515,000 591,407 51,989 General Government Total $1,149,769 $197,000 $1,346,769 $2,281,929 Municipal Court General Fund $ 397,276 $ $ 397,276 $ 402,603 Court Enhancement Fund 154,800 154,800 24,800 Municipal Court Total $552,076 $$552,076 $427,403 Public Works General Fund $ 1,100,934 $ $ 1,100,934 $ 1,120,861 Highway User Revenue Fund 5,194,059 5,194,059 5,120,819 Environmental Fund 735,254 735,254 666,904 Capital Projects 2,660,000 (251,622) 2,408,378 4,459,695 Facilities Replacement Fund 819,144 819,144 819,144 Vehicle Replacement 339,742 339,742 Public Works Total $10,849,133 $(251,622)$10,597,511 $12,187,422 Development Services General Fund $ 1,100,290 $ $ 1,100,290 $ 946,483 Development Services Total $1,100,290 $$1,100,290 $946,483 Community Services General Fund $ 2,595,839 $ 78,782 $ 2,674,621 $ 2,942,037 Tourism Fund 259,103 (182,714) 76,389 Public Art Fund 139,340 139,340 144,649 Capital Projects 385,000 50,000 435,000 735,000 Open Space Development Fee Park/Rec Development Fee 40,500 40,500 40,000 Community Services Total $3,419,782 $(53,932)$3,365,850 $3,861,686 Fire & Emergency Medical General Fund $ 4,021,299 $ $ 4,021,299 $ 4,197,328 Capital Projects Fire/Emergency Dev Fee 9,500 9,500 Fire & Emergency Medical Total $4,030,799 $$4,030,799 $4,197,328 Law Enforcement General Fund $ 4,785,920 $ $ 4,785,920 $ 5,029,469 Law Enforcement Total $4,785,920 $$4,785,920 $5,029,469 * Expenditures/Expenses by Department Fiscal Year 2021 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Includes actual expenditures/expenses recognized on the modified accrual or accrual basis as of the date the proposed budget was prepared, plus estimated expenditures/expenses for the remainder of the fiscal year. DEPARTMENT/FUND 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE F Official City/Town Budget Forms Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Employee Salaries and Hourly Costs Retirement Costs Healthcare Costs Other Benefit Costs Total Estimated Personnel Compensation 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 60.62 $ 3,632,322 $ 342,205 $ 385,137 $ 215,106 $ 4,574,770 Highway User Revenue Fund 6.05 $ 411,565 $ 45,262 $ 60,022 $ 44,317 $ 561,166 Economic Development Fund 1.50 164,790 18,127 20,036 9,628 212,581 Tourism Fund 0.50 44,344 4,878 6,679 2,183 58,084 Environmental Fund 0.40 33,022 3,633 2,744 2,161 41,560 Total Special Revenue Funds 8.45 $ 653,721 71,900 89,481 58,289 873,391 $ $ $ $ $ Total Debt Service Funds $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Capital Projects Funds $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Permanent Funds $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Enterprise Funds $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Internal Service Fund $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL ALL FUNDS 69.07 $ 4,286,043 $ 414,105 $ 474,618 $ 273,395 $ 5,448,161 FUND TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Full-Time Employees and Personnel Compensation Fiscal Year 2021 GENERAL FUND INTERNAL SERVICE FUND SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS PERMANENT FUNDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS 4/19 Arizona Auditor General's Office SCHEDULE G Official City/Towns Budget Forms Fiscal Year 2021 Final Budget Grady Miller, Town Manager David Pock, Finance Director June 2, 2020 1 FY20 Revenue Update 2 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 $1,400 $1,600 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12ThousandsTotal TPT Collections by Fiscal Year & Period 2017 2018 2019 2020 FY21 Final Budget Total Budget –All Funds $33,848,990 General Fund $19,258,285 3 Revenue Assumptions •Transaction Privilege Tax –Revenues were not included for nearly-completed Copperwynd expansion or the Keystone project –Recent increase in TPT rate accounts for nearly all of the expected increase in revenue for FY21 •State Shared Revenue –Estimates were received in mid-March –Revised estimates are expected soon for State TPT, VLT, and HURF revenues •15% reduction in State Shared TPT & VLT would equate to approximately $500K loss in General Fund revenue 4 General Fund Revenues FY20 FY21 % Change Transaction Privilege Tax $9,313,000 $10,634,000 14.2% State Shared Revenues 6,220,000 6,841,000 10.0% Permits & Licenses 886,000 945,000 6.7% Fines & Fees 703,000 732,000 4.1% Other 102,000 106,000 3.9% Total $17,224,000 $19,258,000 11.8% 5 Expenditure Considerations •Contingency –$1.7M included in General Government for FY21 –Provides budget authority if revenues are received –Council must approve transfer to a different Dept. •Expenditures excluding Contingency –$17.0M for current FY vs. $17.5M for next FY •Technology Replacement Fund established –New annual charge to Departments and Divisions –Charges based on number of FTEs 6 General Fund Expenditures FY20 FY21 % Change Town Council $99,000 $75,000 -24.2% Administration 2,007,000 2,340,000 16.6% Municipal Court 397,000 402,000 1.3% General Government*755,000 2,205,000 192.1% Public Works 1,101,000 1,121,000 1.8% Development Services 1,100,000 946,000 -14.0% Community Services 2,675,000 2,942,000 10.0% Public Safety 8,807,000 9,227,000 4.8% Total $16,941,000 $19,258,000 13.7% * Includes $1.7M Contingency 7 Personnel 8 108 115 106 77 77 82 87 88 87 80 61 58 57 51 52 52 54 56 56 61 62 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 FY01 FY05 FY10 FY15 FY21 Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees Priority Capital Projects 9 Panorama Drive Storm Drain Improvements $1,902,000 Golden Eagle Impoundment Area 500,000 AOTF/La Montana Intersection 300,000 Fountain Lighting 150,000 Total $2,852,000 •Projects identified by Council as high priority •Funded through Capital Projects Fund; not by revenues •Work will continue during the first quarter of FY21 •Remaining capital projects will be evaluated after first quarterly budget update in October FY21 BUDGET ADOPTION PROCESS 10 Adoption of Three (3) Budget Resolutions: –May 5, 2020 •1st Resolution Tentative Budget (2020-22) adopted –June 2, 2020 •2nd Resolution Final Budget (2020-23) •3rd Resolution Budget Implementation Policy (2020-24) –Provides policy direction in administering policies and procedures governing planned budgeted expenditures –Highlights the parameters of various departmental and program expenditures for the Final Adopted Budget –Approves the Organizational Charts, Authorized Positions, Job Descriptions, and Pay Plan for FY21 –Includes adoption of the Fee Schedule Questions? 11 ITEM 8. G. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: David Pock, Finance Director Staff Contact Information: David Pock, Finance Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  Resolution 2020-24 adopting and establishing the 2020-21 Budget Implementation Policy and approving the Town Organizational Charts, the FY 2020-21 Pay Plan, the Schedule of Authorized Positions, the updated Employee Job Descriptions, and the FY 2020-21 Comprehensive Fee Schedule. Staff Summary (background) Resolution 2020-24 establishes certain budget policies and procedures governing the expenditures and determinations of budget for the various departments and programs, supplementing budget adoption Resolution 2020-23. This resolution is necessary to provide for a more consistent and uniform administration of the Town budget for FY 2020-21. Staff is also requesting that the Town Council consider and approve the FY 2020-21 Organizational Charts, Pay Plan, Schedule of Authorized Positions, Employee Job Descriptions, and the Comprehensive Fee Schedule.   Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Town Code Section 3-1-1 2020 Amended and Restated Financial Policies Risk Analysis If not adopted, consistency in budget administration, organizational structure, pay rates, and fee administration could be reduced. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Adoption of Resolution 2020-24 SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Resolution 2020-24 Attachments RES2020.24 FY21 Budget Implementation Policy  Organizational Charts  Jul-20 Pay Plan  Jan-21 Pay Plan  Authorized Positions  Job Descriptions  Fee Schedule  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Finance Director (Originator)David Pock 05/11/2020 11:50 AM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/12/2020 04:37 PM Town Manager David Pock 05/14/2020 03:50 PM Finance Director (Originator)David Pock 05/14/2020 03:54 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/15/2020 08:56 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/15/2020 09:36 PM Form Started By: David Pock Started On: 04/27/2020 04:18 PM Final Approval Date: 05/15/2020  RESOLUTION 2020-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, ADOPTING AND ESTABLISHING THE 2020-21 BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION POLICY AND APPROVING THE TOWN ORGANIZATION CHART S, THE 2020-21 PAY PLAN, THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS, THE EMPLOYEE JOB DESCRIPT IONS AND THE 2020-21 COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”), pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-240 (B)(2), is vested with the power to determine the budgets of all Town departments; and WHEREAS, the Town Council, in order to provide for consistent and uniform administration of the Town’s monies and to maximize savings of funds by monitoring expenditures, has determined it necessary to adopt a budget implementation policy for the FY 2020-21 Town Budget (the “2020- 21 Budget Policy”) governing the expenditures within the FY 2020-21 Town of Fountain Hills budget; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Subsection 3-1-1(H)(3) of the Town Code, the Town Council must approve the organization charts and job descriptions for employees of the Town. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Town Council hereby adopts the 2020-21 Budget Policy in substantially the form and substance attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3. The Town Council hereby approves and authorizes (i) the Town of Fountain Hills Organization Charts, (ii) the 2020-21 Pay Plan, (iii) the Schedule of Authorized Positions and (iv) the Employee Job Descriptions, all in substantially the form and substance attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 4. The Town Council hereby approves the 2020-21 Comprehensive Fee Schedule, effective July 1, 2020, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 5. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk, and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. RESOLUTION 2020-24 PAGE 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, June 2, 2020. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Pierce Coleman PLLC Town Attorney RESOLUTION 2020-24 PAGE 3 EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION 2020-24 [2020-21 Budget Implementation Policy] See following pages. RESOLUTION 2020-24 PAGE 4 EXHIBIT B TO RESOLUTION 2020-24 [Organization Charts, 2020-21 Pay Plan, Schedule of Authorized Positions , and Employee Job Descriptions ] See following pages. RESOLUTION 2020-24 PAGE 5 EXHIBIT C TO RESOLUTION 2020-24 [2020-21 Comprehensive Fee Schedule] See following pages. Citizens of Fountain Hills Presiding Judge Town of Fountain Hills Organization Fire / EMS Administration Law Enforcement Town Manager Town AttorneyTown Prosecutor Appointed by Council Contracted Mayor and Town Council Development Services Recreation Community Services Community Center Code Enforcement Building Safety Senior Services Parks Volunteer Program GIS Planning Engineering Streets Facilities Public Works Inspection Finance Town Clerk Administrative Services Economic Development / Tourism Community Relations LAW ENFORCEMENT District Commander (1 Captain) Patrol Sergeants (6) Detective Sergeant Sergeant (1) Deputy Commander (1 Lieutenant) Administration (1 Civilian) District Detectives (3) Patrol Deputies (20) School Resource Officer (1) Administrative Sergeant (1) Community Liaison (1) *Presiding Judge (.63) Senior Court ClerkSenior Court Clerk MUNICIPAL COURT Court Administrator - *Part time - Appointed by Council Full Time Temporary Revenue Collector Town Manager Executive Assistant to Town Manager & Town Council ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Town Clerk Deputy Town Manager / Administrative Services Director Economic Development Director Economic Development & Tourism Specialist Network & IT Administrator Financial Services Technician Accountant Customer Service Rep II (.50) Customer Service Rep II (.50) Finance Director Financial Services Technician IT Support Specialist (.50) Community Relations Manager Part time Full Time Procurement Officer Accounting Clerk (.50) Director PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street Maintenance Technician Custodian (.80) Facilities Maintenance Technician Custodian (.50) Streets Superintendent Facilities Supervisor Street Maintenance Technician Senior Maintenance Technician Part Time Full Time Executive Assistant (.5) (shared with Development Services) Full Time Shared Civil Engineering Inspector Town Engineer Street Maintenance Technician Assistant Town Engineer (.63) Director DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Executive Assistant (.5) (shared with Public Works) Senior Code Enforcement Officer Code Enforcement Officer Senior Planner Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner Building Permit Technician Building Permit Technician (.50) Full Time Full Time Shared Part time GIS Technician CAD Operator Senior Building Inspector Director Executive Assistant Parks Superintendent Recreation Manager COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Park Operations Lead Park Operations Lead Park Operations Lead Park Operations Lead Part time Full Time Recreation Coordinator Recreation Coordinator Customer Service Rep II (.53) Customer Service Rep II (.60) Community Center Manager Senior Services Supervisor Senior Services Activities Coordinator (.45) Senior Services Activities Coordinator (.75) Senior Services Activities Coordinator (.58) Community Center Operations Coordinator Lead Operations Support Worker (.63) Operations Sup Worker (.20) Operations Sup Worker (.04) Operations Sup Worker (.02) Operations Sup Worker (.11) Lead Operations Support Worker (.65) Volunteer Coordinator Groundskeeper II Park Attendant (.39) Park Attendant (.40) Park Attendant (.39) Lead Park Attend. (.49) Park Attendant (.39) Park Attendant (.39) Fire Chief (1) Station Two Captains (3) A,B,C Shift Station One Captains (3) A,B,C Shift FIRE DEPARTMENT Assistant Fire Chief/ Fire Marshal (1) Firefighters (12) A,B,C Shift Firefighters (6) A,B,C Shift Position Title Minimum Maximum Deputy Town Manager/Administrative Services Director 108,707$ 155,451$ Public Works Director 103,530 148,048 Finance Director 103,530 148,048 Development Services Director 103,530 148,048 Town Clerk 98,354 140,646 Economic Development Director 98,354 140,646 Community Services Director 98,354 140,646 Town Engineer 96,947 138,634 Assistant Town Engineer 82,410 117,846 Court Administrator 80,959 115,771 Network and Information Technology Administrator 80,959 115,771 Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner 71,618 102,414 Recreation Manager 70,748 101,170 Parks Superintendent 70,748 101,170 Community Center Manager 70,748 101,170 Community Relations Manager 70,748 101,170 Streets Superintendent 70,116 100,266 Senior Planner 69,828 99,854 Procurement Officer 62,057 88,742 Facilities Supervisor 61,084 87,350 Events and Operations Supervisor 59,396 84,936 Senior Services Supervisor 59,160 84,599 Executive Assistant to Town Manager/Council 58,744 84,004 Civil Plans Examiner 58,595 83,791 Economic Development and Tourism Specialist 58,595 83,791 Accountant 54,224 77,540 Operations Coordinator - Community Center 54,224 77,540 Recreation Program Coordinator 54,224 77,540 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 54,224 77,540 Volunteer Coordinator 54,224 77,540 Non-Exempt Positions Position Title Minimum Maximum Senior Building Inspector $ 29.01 $ 41.48 Information Technology Support Specialist 28.36 40.55 GIS Technician/CAD Operator 27.68 39.58 Civil Engineer Inspector 24.04 34.38 Executive Assistant 22.56 32.26 Code Enforcement Officer 22.56 32.26 Senior Maintenance Technician 22.01 31.47 Park Operations Lead 22.01 31.47 Facilities Maintenance Technician 20.36 29.11 Building Permit Technician 19.83 28.36 Senior Court Clerk 19.31 27.61 Street Maintenance Technician 19.31 27.61 Court Clerk 18.45 26.38 Financial Services Technician 18.45 26.38 Groundskeeper II 18.45 26.38 Accounting Clerk 17.87 25.55 Customer Service Representative II 17.87 25.55 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 17.48 25.00 Lead Park Attendant 17.48 25.00 Lead Operations Support Worker 17.48 25.00 Customer Service Representative I 15.92 22.77 Operations Support Worker 15.56 22.25 Custodian 14.38 20.56 Park Attendant 14.38 20.56 FY 20-21 PAY PLAN (July 2020) Exempt Positions Position Title Minimum Maximum Deputy Town Manager/Administrative Services Director 111,425$ 159,338$ Public Works Director 106,118 151,749 Finance Director 106,118 151,749 Development Services Director 106,118 151,749 Town Clerk 100,813 144,163 Economic Development Director 100,813 144,163 Community Services Director 100,813 144,163 Town Engineer 99,371 142,101 Assistant Town Engineer 84,470 120,792 Court Administrator 82,983 118,666 Network and Information Technology Administrator 82,983 118,666 Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner 73,408 104,973 Recreation Manager 72,517 103,699 Parks Superintendent 72,517 103,699 Community Center Manager 72,517 103,699 Community Relations Manager 72,517 103,699 Streets Superintendent 71,869 102,773 Senior Planner 71,574 102,351 Procurement Officer 63,608 90,959 Facilities Supervisor 62,611 89,534 Events and Operations Supervisor 60,881 87,060 Senior Services Supervisor 60,639 86,714 Executive Assistant to Town Manager/Council 60,213 86,105 Civil Plans Examiner 60,060 85,886 Economic Development and Tourism Specialist 60,060 85,886 Accountant 55,580 79,479 Operations Coordinator - Community Center 55,580 79,479 Recreation Program Coordinator 55,580 79,479 Senior Code Enforcement Officer 55,580 79,479 Volunteer Coordinator 55,580 79,479 Non-Exempt Positions Position Title Minimum Maximum Senior Building Inspector $ 29.74 $ 42.53 Information Technology Support Specialist 29.07 41.57 GIS Technician/CAD Operator 28.37 40.57 Civil Engineer Inspector 24.64 35.24 Executive Assistant 23.12 33.06 Code Enforcement Officer 23.12 33.06 Senior Maintenance Technician 22.56 32.26 Park Operations Lead 22.56 32.26 Facilities Maintenance Technician 20.87 29.84 Building Permit Technician 20.33 29.07 Senior Court Clerk 19.79 28.30 Street Maintenance Technician 19.79 28.30 Court Clerk 18.91 27.04 Financial Services Technician 18.91 27.04 Groundskeeper II 18.91 27.04 Accounting Clerk 18.32 26.20 Customer Service Representative II 18.32 26.20 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 17.92 25.63 Lead Park Attendant 17.92 25.63 Lead Operations Support Worker 17.92 25.63 Customer Service Representative I 16.32 23.34 Operations Support Worker 15.95 22.81 Custodian 14.74 21.08 Park Attendant 14.74 21.08 FY 20-21 PAY PLAN (January 2021) Exempt Positions Schedule of Authorized Positions FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed Position Title FTE FTE FTE FTE FTE Municipal Court Presiding Judge 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 Court Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Court Clerk 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Court Clerk 1.00 1.00 - - - Authorized FTE 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 3.63 Administration Town Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Deputy Town Manager/Administrative Services Dir.- - 1.00 1.00 Administrative Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - Executive Asst to Town Mgr/Council 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Town Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Volunteer Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 - - Economic Development Analyst - 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Economic Development and Tourism Specialist - - - 1.00 Economic Development Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Communications and Marketing Coordinator 0.20 0.20 0.20 1.00 - Community Relations Manager - - - 1.00 Network & Information Technology Administrator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Information Technology Support Specialist - 0.50 0.50 0.50 Finance Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Accountant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Financial Services Technician 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Procurement Officer - 1.00 1.00 Accounting Clerk 1.26 1.25 - 0.50 0.50 Customer Service Representative II 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Authorized FTE 12.46 13.45 13.70 15.00 15.00 Public Works Public Works Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Civil Engineering Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Town Engineer - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Assistant Town Engineer - - 0.63 0.63 Facilities Supervisor - - - - 1.00 Facilities/Environmental Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Facilities Maintenance Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Custodian 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 Streets Superintendent 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fleet Mechanic/Open Space-Landscape Spec 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Senior Maintenance Technician - - - - 1.00 Traffic Signal Technician II 1.00 1.00 - - - Street Maintenance Technician 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 Authorized FTE 9.80 9.80 10.80 12.43 12.43 FY 16-17 FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Proposed Position – Title FTE FTE FTE FTE FTE Development Services Development Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Town Engineer 1.00 1.00 - - - Senior Planner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 GIS Technician/CAD Operator 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Code Enforcement Officer - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 - - 1.00 1.00 Chief Building Official/Plans Examiner 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Building Inspector - 1.00 1.00 Civil Plans Examiner - 0.50 0.50 - - Building Permit Technician 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Authorized FTE 7.50 8.50 7.50 9.00 9.00 Community Services Community Services Director 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Supervisor 1.00 - - - - Recreation Program Coordinator 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Communications and Marketing Coordinator 0.80 0.80 0.80 - - Executive Assistant 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Parks Supervisor 1.00 1.00 - - - Parks Superintendent - 1.00 1.00 1.00 Park Operations Lead 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Lead Park Attendant 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49 Park Attendant 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 Groundskeeper II 1.00 1.00 - 1.00 Customer Service Representative II - - 0.88 0.88 1.13 Customer Service Representative I 0.88 0.88 - - - Community Center Manager - 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Events & Operations Supervisor - CC 1.00 - - - - Operations Coordinator - Community Center 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Operations Support Worker 1.65 1.65 0.37 0.37 0.37 Lead Operations Support Worker - 1.28 1.28 1.28 Senior Services Supervisor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Senior Services Activities Coordinator 0.58 0.58 0.58 1.78 1.78 Home Delivered Meals Coordinator 0.75 0.75 0.75 - - Volunteer Coordinator - - 1.00 1.00 Senior Services Activities Assistant 0.45 0.45 0.45 - - Authorized FTE 20.56 20.56 20.56 20.76 22.01 Total Authorized FTE 53.95 55.94 56.19 60.82 62.07 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 1 Job Title: Community Relations Manager Department: Administration Immediate Supervisor: Town Manager FLSA Status: Exempt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: Under the supervision and administrative direction of the Town Manager; the position serves as the Town’s Public Information Officer, implements strategic communications and community relations programs; administers and carries out all public information activities of the Town; serves in an Ombudsman capacity; assists in analyzing proposed legislation, drafting written documents advocating the Town’s position; assists Town departments in proofreading and editing of grant applications. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not identify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physical Strength Code ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1 S Serves as the Town’s Public Information Officer; maintains relationships with the news media and coordinates information flow and dissemination; manages news conferences; prepares, reviews, and edits news releases, scripts, publications, articles, Fountain Hills Insider, social media and blog posts. Creates and implements effective communications programs. Oversees and contributes public information-related content on the Town and/or department website(s) and social media pages with focus on communications and community relations content. Ensures effective and efficient outreach, education and information regarding delivery of Town programs and services to the community. Develops and implements community outreach programs through a variety of multi -media communications strategies; shares information and solicits input from the public. Assumes lead role in carrying out Town crisis communications activities. Prepares and delivers presentations on Town programs, services and activities. 2 S Serves as an Ombudsman by assisting the public in troubleshooting service requests, high level complaints, and other constituent-related matters. 3 S During legislative session, assists in analyzing proposed bills, developing Town’s legislative agenda, and drafting letters of support or opposition to bills that impact the Town of Fountain Hills. 4 S Performs a wide variety of outreach and community rel ations activities, which often requires coordinating with Town officials, one or more Town departments, or other governmental agencies, businesses and organizations. Advises and assists senior management regarding strategic communications and community rel ations aspects of policies, procedures, programs and actions. Serves as a resource and assists Town departments in the development of community relations programs that target appropriate stakeholder groups related to important issues. Facilitates communication/outreach/media trainings with Town officials and staff. Ensures interdepartmental coordination of the Town’s public and internal communications vision. Assists Town departments with proofreading and editing of grant applications. 5 S Prepares and administers program budget, prepares requests for proposals and evaluates proposals for contracted services. 6 S Performs other related duties as assigned. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 2 JOB REQUIREMENTS: JOB REQUIREMENTS Formal Education / Knowledge Work requires broad knowledge in a general professional or technical field. Knowledge is normally acquired through four years of college resulting in a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent in, Public Relations, Journalism, Public Administration, or a closely related field. Other knowledge requirements include the general theories, princip les, and practices of public relations, public information, and strategic communication techniques. Effective oral presentation skills, and the ability to organize and clearly present information in an engaging manner, both verbally and in writing is essential. Experience One to three years experience involving communication, public information, public relations or related field is required. Certifications and Other Requirements Possession of a valid driver's license for a minimum of two years with a good driving record. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Work requires the ability to read technical information and data, policies, guidelines, and procedures at a college level. Also requires the ability to interpret and utilize the English language and terminology used by various media. Math Work requires the ability to perform general math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and percentages Writing Work requires the ability to write reports, policies, goals, and objectives in a manner that is creative to ensure audience interest. Managerial Coordinating activities to meet deadlines Budget Responsibility May assist with preparation of annual division budget Supervisory / Organizational Control Coordinates activities in order to ensure cross-departmental consistency. Complexity Work is governed by broad instructions, objectives and policies. Requires the exercise of considerable initiative and independent analytical and evaluative judgment. Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills Work requires a high level of interaction with others outside the Town and requires exercising considerable initiative and independent judgment that supports Town efforts. Requires the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with coworkers, Town management, business owners, contractors, media personnel, residents, and the general public. * See page 3 – Overall Physical Strength Demands FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 3 OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL DEMANDS FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing O Sitting F Deskwork Walking F Around offices Lifting R Supplies and equipment Carrying R Supplies and equipment Pushing/Pulling R Supplies and equipment Reaching R For supplies and equipment Handling O Supplies and equipment Fine Dexterity R Supplies and equipment Kneeling R Retrieving items from the ground Crouching R Retrieving items from the ground Crawling R Retrieving items from the ground Bending R Retrieving items from the ground Twisting R Retrieving items from the ground or from shelving Climbing R Balancing R Vision F Reading, driving, observing work activities Hearing F Communicating with personnel and general public on telephone Talking F Communicating with personnel and general public on telephone Foot Controls O Driving Sedentary X Light Medium Heavy Very Heavy S=sedentary Exerting up to 10 lbs. occasionally or negligible weights frequently; sitting most of the time L=Light Exerting up to 20 lbs. occasionally, 10lbs. frequently, or negligible amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. M=Medium Exerting 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. H=Heavy Exerting 50-100 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. VH=Very Heavy Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. frequently, or up to 20-50 lbs. constantly. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 4 MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Copy machine, fax machine, telephone, calculator, general office supplies, computer and related software, laser or inkjet printer. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Mechanical Hazards N Extreme Temperatures S Chemical Hazards N Noise and Vibration N Electrical Hazards N Wetness/Humidity N Fire Hazards N Respiratory Hazards N Explosives N Physical Hazards N Communicable Diseases N Physical Danger or Abuse N Other (see 1 Below) (1) (2) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: None NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS Time Pressures F Emergency Situations R Frequent Change of Tasks F Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime F Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously F Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team C Tedious or Exacting Work F Noisy/Distracting Environment F Other (see 3 below) (3) PRIMARY WORK LOCATION Office Environment X Warehouse Shop Vehicle Outdoors Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 4/20/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 1 Job Title: Economic Development and Tourism Specialist Department: Administration Immediate Supervisor: Economic Development Director FLSA Status: Exempt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: Under the direct supervision of the Economic Development Director, is responsible for performing ro utine, professional-level activities in support of business attraction, expansion, and retention, as well as tourism, and the preparation of marketing and promotional materials for Economic Development and Tourism functions for the Town of Fountain Hills. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not id entify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physical Strength Code ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1 S Conducts analytical, and market research on economic development and tourism issues and opportunities; identifies information needed to conduct studies; obtains information from various sources including databases, field investigations, GIS mapping, publications, State, Town and County records, internal files and personal interviews. Analyzes data pertaining to development, land use, building and land ownership, population, visitor information, demographic conditions, and future projections. 2 S Develops and maintains statistical, economic, population, visitor, demographic, related information resources, and databases; maintains a library of maps, trade journals, and other materials supporting Economic Development's programs and services. 3 S Develops and maintains computer applications to track development and visitor data such as population, construction, vacancy rates, hotel occupancy, and other economic information, demographic data, and trends. May perform site analysis for proposed development projects including taxes, fees, as well as economic and relevant multiplier factors. 4 L In coordination with the Economic Development Director, responds to general information, and project-specific requests. Develops brochures, guides, pamphlets, profiles, market intelligence, and website materials. Works with staff to update, enhance and ensure the Town's website, and other electronic and print media reflects pertinent economic development and tourism related information, events, and projects. 5 S Meets with contracted consultants conducting research projects for the Town; assists consultants with obtaining needed information for studies. Serves as a member of cross-functional project teams, committees, and work groups as assigned. 6 L Works with various state-wide and regional groups to promote the Town for the purpose of seeking to secure additional business activity, events and tourism. These FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 4/20/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 2 organizations include, but are not limited to, the Arizona Commerce Authority, Greater Phoenix Economic Council, Arizona Association for Economic Development, Arizona Office of Tourism, East Valley Partnership and the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. 7 S Assists in marketing the Town by working with consultants to develop advertisements and/or campaigns and with publications that are strategically aligned with Economic Development and tourism strategies in order to secure additional business and tourism activity. 8 S Utilizes Town and Economic Development social media platforms in order to effectively communicate, promote and/or market the community, its opportunities, and events to intended audiences. 9 L Manages various projects and performs other related duties as assigned. * See page 3 – Overall Physical Strength Demands FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 4/20/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 3 JOB REQUIREMENTS: JOB REQUIREMENTS Formal Education / Knowledge Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in Economic Development, Regional Development, Economics, Urban Planning, Public Administration, Marketing, Geography, or related field is required. Knowledge of research and statistical methods and techniques; economic development principles and practices; the principles and techniques of sales, marketing and promotion; current economic development, demographic, and market trends in the regional area; and personal computer software applications ** Experience A minimum of two years of management support experience, conducting research related to economic development is preferred. Experience in both the public and private sectors preferred Certifications and Other Requirements Completion of IEDC Basic Economic Development course is preferred. Valid driver's license for a minimum of two years with a good driving record required. The Town currently designates this job as a “safety-sensitive position.” Accordingly, the Town requires satisfactory completion of a drug and alcohol screening as a condition of employment. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Work requires the ability to read, comprehend, and make inferences from research data in order to prepare statistical comparisons and trend analyses to be used in marketing and other promotional materials. Math Work requires the ability to perform general math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, college algebra, and statistical analysis. Writing Work requires the ability to write clearly and accurately in both print and electronic media in order to communicate with the general public, executive management, Town Council, Chamber of Commerce, and business executives. Develops, updates, designs, and edits a variety of electronic and printed materials including the Economic Development web page, community profiles, and other promotional and marketing materials. Position also drafts written documents such as brochures, advertisements, press releases, and prospect proposals for distribution to a variety of targeted audiences in order to promote and market Fountain Hills as a business location. Managerial None Budget Responsibility None Supervisory / Organizational Control None Complexity Work is widely varied, involving analyzing and evaluating many complex and significant variables. Work requires initiative and independent judgment, and the employee is expected to exercise discretion in planning and executing assignments. Organization-wide policies, procedures, or precedents may be recommended to management. Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills Incumbents in this position contact others within the organization and also communicate with the general public, professional service providers, economic development agency representatives, and the media in order to gather and provide information. Conducts off- site research and attends a variety of meetings including local economic development meetings and trade shows as required. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 4/20/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 4 OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL DEMANDS FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing O Presentations, copier, fax machine, filing Sitting C Computer, desk work, paperwork, answering telephone, meetings, driving Walking O Inter-office, to/from meetings, field work, tradeshows Lifting O Contracts, reports, plans, displays Carrying O Contracts, reports, plans, displays, boxes Pushing/Pulling R Doors, chairs, filing cabinet drawers Reaching O Supplies, files, boxes Handling F Contracts, reports, plans Fine Dexterity C Computer keyboard, writing, telephone keypad Kneeling R Filing, retrieving dropped items Crouching R Filing, retrieving dropped items Crawling R Retrieving dropped items Bending R Filing, retrieving dropped items Twisting R Filing, retrieving dropped items Climbing R Stairs Balancing R Stairs Vision C Computer, desk work, writing, reading, use of office equipment, field work, driving Hearing C Telephone, staff, co-workers, supervisor, Town Manager, Town Council, analysts, directors, planners, engineers, local businesses, reporters, meetings, presentations, training classes Talking C Telephone, staff, co-workers, supervisor, Town Manager, Town Council, analysts, directors, planners, engineers, local businesses, reporters, meetings, presentations, training classes Foot Controls O Driving Sedentary Light Medium Heavy Very Heavy S=sedentary Exerting up to 10 lbs. occasionally or negligible weights frequently; sitting most of the time L=Light Exerting up to 20 lbs. occasionally, 10lbs. frequently, or negligible amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. M=Medium Exerting 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. H=Heavy Exerting 50-100 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. VH=Very Heavy Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. frequently, or up to 20-50 lbs. constantly. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 4/20/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 5 MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Standard office equiptment such as a telephone and computer; use of a vehicle. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Mechanical Hazards N Extreme Temperatures S Chemical Hazards N Noise and Vibration N Electrical Hazards N Wetness/Humidity N Fire Hazards N Respiratory Hazards N Explosives N Physical Hazards N Communicable Diseases N Physical Danger or Abuse N Other (see 1 Below) N (1) (2) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: None NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS Time Pressures F Emergency Situations R Frequent Change of Tasks F Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime O Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously O Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team C Tedious or Exacting Work O Noisy/Distracting Environment R Other (see 3 below) N (3) PRIMARY WORK LOCATION Office Environment X Warehouse Shop Vehicle Outdoors Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 1 Job Title: Facilities Supervisor Department: Public Works Immediate Supervisor: Public Works Director FLSA Status: Exempt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: Organizes and supervises the operations, maintenance and custodial services of owned and/or leased Town buildings. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not id entify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physical Strength Code ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1 L Plan, assign and supervise the work of staff involved in providing maintenance and custodial services to Town facilities; requisition supplies, materials, and equipment for all facility needs; prepare and maintain preventive maintenance programs and contracts. 2 S Participate in budget preparation and administration; prepare cost estimates for budget recommendations; submit justifications for budget items; monitor and control expenditures. 3 S Participate in the hiring of staff; monitor employee performance; prepare employee performance reviews; provide or coordinate staff training; work with employees to correct deficiencies; implement discipline procedures. 4 L Assist with the safety inspections of all Town facilities; respond to requests from the risk pool to implement improvements in property and staff safety; prepare reports required by Federal, State, and Local agencies. Act as Town ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Coordinator, research and resolve ADA concerns with Town owned facilities; interact with US Department of Justice and State ADA compliancy agencies on matters concerning Town owned property. 5 M Participate in and supervise the liquidation of Town surplus property in accordance with State regulations; prepare all necessary reports. Prepare and plan for the collection and destruction of archived files in accordance with the State Records Reduction Act. 6 S Performs other related duties as assigned. * See page 3 – Overall Physical Strength Demands FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 2 JOB REQUIREMENTS: JOB REQUIREMENTS Formal Education / Knowledge Work requires broad knowledge in a general professional or technical field. Knowled ge is normally acquired through at least two years of college or technical training. Intermediate knowledge of HVAC, plumbing, electrical and plant maintenance required. Experience Working knowledge of Microsoft Office software. Five years of responsible experience in construction and commercial building maintenance . Certifications and Other Requirements Possession of a valid driver's license for a minimum of two years with a good driving record. The Town currently designates this job as a “safety-sensitive position.” Accordingly, the Town requires satisfactory completion of a drug and alcohol screening as a condition of employment. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Must be able to read and comprehend technical manuals and construction blue prints. Ability to complex, technical documents, reports and regulations. Math Must be able to perform basic math calculations. Writing Ability to write reports, correspondence, and ordinance amendments. Managerial Planning responsibilities include scheduling daily tasks. Possess skills to work as a lead worker on projects. Ability to manage projects including scheduling and organizing meetings. Budget Responsibility Prepares and monitors a comprehensive budget pertaining to the Facilities/Environmental Division. Supervisory / Organizational Control Minimum two years of lead and supervisory responsibility. Complexity Position requires the ability to be self motivated, independent and self managed. Ability to follow broad instructions, objectives and policies. Work requires analysis and judgment in accomplishing diversified duties. Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills The employee in this position has contact with work units or departments within the Town, which may be involved in decision-making or providing approval for purchases or projects. In addition, this employee works with individuals outside the Town who may belong to professional or peer organizations. Working with various state and federal agencies may also be required of the employee. Vendors and suppliers may also be called upon for information on purchases, supplies or products. Meetings and discussions may be conducted with customers and general public. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 3 OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL DEMANDS FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing F Work site Sitting O Driving and computer/office work Walking F Between work sites Lifting F Tools & equipment, packages, tables, chairs Carrying O Tools & equipment, packages Pushing/Pulling F Equipment, broom, vacuum Reaching O Telephone, office supplies Handling O Tools & equipment Fine Dexterity F Small hand tools, computer, calculator, telephone and writing Kneeling O Work site Crouching O Crawling R Bending F Twisting O Climbing O Balancing O On ladder Vision C Driving, computer Hearing C Communicating with public and personnel Talking C Communicating with public and personnel Foot Controls F Town vehicle, gator, other Town equipment Sedentary Light Medium Heavy Very Heavy S=sedentary Exerting up to 10 lbs. occasionally or negligible weights frequently; sitting most of the time L=Light Exerting up to 20 lbs. occasionally, 10lbs. frequently, or negligible amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. M=Medium Exerting 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. H=Heavy Exerting 50-100 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. VH=Very Heavy Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. frequently, or up to 20-50 lbs. constantly. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 4 MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Maintains HVAC equipment in the 25 to 150 ton capacity, operate s computer monitered and controlled HVAC. Operates hydraulic high reach equipment up to 30' in height. Operate s all machinery associated with facility custodial care. Utilizes all types of hand tools associated with construction and building maintenance. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Mechanical Hazards D Extreme Temperatures S Chemical Hazards W Noise and Vibration D Electrical Hazards D Wetness/Humidity S Fire Hazards D Respiratory Hazards W Explosives N Physical Hazards D Communicable Diseases N Physical Danger or Abuse N Other (see 1 Below) (1) (2) Mechanical Plants PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Hard hat, gloves (latex, leather , chemical protection), safety glasses, respiratory, safety belts, steel toed footware (when necessary). NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS Time Pressures O Emergency Situations R Frequent Change of Tasks F Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime R Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously F Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team C Tedious or Exacting Work F Noisy/Distracting Environment O Other (see 3 below) (3) PRIMARY WORK LOCATION Office Environment X Warehouse Shop X Vehicle Outdoors Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 1 Job Title: Parks Superintendent Department: Community Services Immediate Supervisor: Community Services Director FLSA Status: Exempt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: The Parks Superintendent plans, organizes and directs the activities of the Town’s park system. Incumbent is responsible for developing and monitoring the park’s budget, supervising and evaluating Parks Division staff, facilities and daily maintenance operations. Oversees, coordinates and administers the Town’s landscaping master contract for maintenance of parks, rights-of-way, groundskeeping, and other landscaping needs. Incumbent also coordinates activities with other departments and provides excellent customer service to citizens by resolving any issues and complaints. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not id entify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physical Strength Code ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1 L Directs, supervises, and evaluates Parks Division staff. Responsible for overall operation of Parks Division facilities, amenities and vehicles and equipment. Provides organizational leadership by developing division and individual goals and objectives, and recommending strategies for maximizing efficiency, safety and quality of park operations. Ensures safe and efficient operation of Parks facilities and equipment and compliance with Town policies, state, and local regulations. 2 S Develops and monitors overall Parks Division budget. Conducts research and prepares written budgetary expenditure justification, facility usage and activity reports. Reviews and approves division purchases. 3 S Oversees, coordinates, and administers the Town’s landscaping master contract for maintenance of parks, rights-of-way, groundskeeping, and other landscaping needs. Meets with vendors and oversees contract workers. 4 S Participates in the planning of new park facilities. 5 L Plans, develops and evaluates annual maintenance, landscape and horticulture plans for parks. Demonstrates continuous effort to improve operations and customer service by streamlining work processes, reducing turnaround times and ensuring budgetary goals are met. 6 H Assists staff with daily maintenance and operations as needed at each park facility. 7 L Performs other duties as assigned or required. * See page 3 – Overall Physical Strength Demands FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 2 JOB REQUIREMENTS: JOB REQUIREMENTS Formal Education / Knowledge Work requires knowledge of a specific vocational, administrative, or technical nature, which may be obtained with a two-year associate’s degree, diploma or equivalent from a college, technical, business, or vocational school. Appropriate certification may be awarded upon satisfactory completion of advanced study or training. Proficient in Microsoft Office applications especially spreadsheets, and Word documents. Proficient in the use of electronic maintenance management systems. Experience Minimum 5 years experience in supervision of municipal parks or ground maintenance. Certifications and Other Requirements Possess a valid Arizona Driver's License for a minimum of two years with a good driving record; Playground Equipment and Safety certification; CPR certification; First Aid Certification; Structural Pest Control license. The Town currently designates this job as a “safety-sensitive position.” Accordingly, the Town requires satisfactory completion of a drug and alcohol screening as a condition of employment. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Ability to read and interpret reports, memos, bids, blueprints, manuals and correspondence. Math Work requires the ability to perform general math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; basic calibrations for chemical applications. Writing Requires ability to correspond by writing reports, e-mails, memos, letters, requisitions, and employee evaluations. Managerial Responsibilities include personnel reviews, maintenance schedules, administering contracts, and attending meetings. Budget Responsibility Responsible for preparing all Town parks annual budgets, including research and recommendations for park equipment and facilities Supervisory / Organizational Control Work requires managing and supervising all Parks Division employees, including input on hiring, disciplinary actions, goal-setting and evaluations. Complexity Work requires extensive knowledge of all aspects of grounds and facilities maintenance: turf, irrigation, buildings, electrical, mechanical, safety, budgets, customer service. Work is governed by broad instructions, objectives and policies. Work requires the exercise of considerable initiative and independent analytical and evaluative judgment. Requires the ability to exercise decisiveness and creativity in situations involving the evaluation of information against sensory, judgmental, or subjective criteria, as opposed to tha t which is clearly measurable or verifiable Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills The incumbents in this position contact others within the organization. These contacts may involve similar work units or departments within the Town, which may be involved in decision-making or providing approval or decision-making authority for purchases or projects. In addition, these incumbents work with individuals outside the Town who may belong to professional or peer organizations. Working with various state and federal agencies may also be required of the employee. Vendors and suppliers will also be called upon for information on purchases, supplies or products. Meetings and discussions may be conducted with customers and the general public. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 3 OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL DEMANDS FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing F During inspections, tours, and assisting personnel Sitting O Desk work, meetings, and driving Walking F During inspections, tours, and assisting personnel Lifting O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Carrying O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Pushing/Pulling O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Reaching O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Handling O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Fine Dexterity F Computer keyboard , telephone keypad and writing Kneeling O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Crouching O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Crawling N N/A Bending O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Twisting O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Climbing R Assisting crews with equipment and projects Balancing R Assisting crews with equipment and projects Vision F Reading, computer monitor, observing work activities Hearing C Communicating with personnel and general public Talking C Communicating with personnel and general public Foot Controls O Assisting crews with equipment and projects Sedentary Light Medium Heavy Very Heavy S=sedentary Exerting up to 10 lbs. occasionally or negligible weights frequently; sitting most of the time L=Light Exerting up to 20 lbs. occasionally, 10lbs. frequently, or negligible amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. M=Medium Exerting 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. H=Heavy Exerting 50-100 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. VH=Very Heavy Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. frequently, or up to 20-50 lbs. constantly. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 4 MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Backhoe, trencher, blower, chainsaws, trailer, tractor, gators, spreaders, paint and chemical spayers, printer, and computer ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Mechanical Hazards M Extreme Temperatures S Chemical Hazards M Noise and Vibration M Electrical Hazards M Wetness/Humidity S Fire Hazards N Respiratory Hazards M Explosives N Physical Hazards M Communicable Diseases M Physical Danger or Abuse N Other (see 1 Below) (1) (2) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Safety glasses, gloves, hearing protection, constuction hat, steel-toe shoes NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS Time Pressures F Emergency Situations R Frequent Change of Tasks O Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime O Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously C Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team C Tedious or Exacting Work O Noisy/Distracting Environment R Other (see 3 below) (3) PRIMARY WORK LOCATION Office Environment Warehouse Shop Vehicle Outdoors X Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 1 Job Title: Public Works Director Department: Public Works Immediate Supervisor: Town Manager FLSA Status: Exempt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: Plans and directs the operation of the Public Works Department, including administration of the Street Division, Capital projects, Environmental programs, right-of-way permits and inspections. Operates and maintains the Town’s public infrastructure; develops and carries out the annual capital improvement program for the Public Works Department. Provides professional and technical support to the Town Manager. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not identify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physical Strength Code ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1 S Oversees the direction of department divisions by providing direction to division heads. Oversees and creates department goals, policies and procedures. Authorizes and oversees department personnel and budget decisions. 2 S Represents the Town on public works matters by presenting directions and decisions at Town meetings. Provides technical background and professional opinions to the Town Manager and Council. Communicates the Town's official opinion on public works related matters and makes presentations at external meetings regarding public works. 3 S Oversees the Town's public works projects by directing the division's development of regulations and guidelines. Makes final recommendations to the Town Manager and Council regarding the appropriate direction for Town public works. 4 S Responsible for program planning and project management of the Town’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Administers and distributes workloads for Town CIP projects; including preparation of Request for proposals and bid packages. 5 S Administers the Town’s solid waste contract. Interfaces with the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), Maricopa County Department of Environmental quality divisions, and outside environmental contractors to ensure compliance with environmental, air quality, and storm water regulations. Ensures annual reports are submitted in a timely manner. Reviews plans and other documents for consistency with the Town environmental policy. 6 S Performs other related duties as assigned. * See page 3 – Overall Physical Strength Demands FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 2 JOB REQUIREMENTS: JOB REQUIREMENTS Formal Education / Knowledge Work requires broad knowledge in a general professional or technical field. Knowledge is normally acquired through four years of college resulting in a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent. ** Experience Over ten years experience in public works. Experience in administering environmental or storm water management programs preferred. Certifications and Other Requirements Possess a valid Arizona Driver's License for a minimum of two years with a good driving record.The Town currently designates this job as a “safety-sensitive position.” Accordingly, the Town requires satisfactory completion of a drug and alcohol screening as a condition of employment. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Work requires the ability to read codes and ordinances, general and specific plans, engineering design standards, development agreements, case law, applications, reports and general correspondence. Math Work requires the ability to perform general math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and statistical analysis. Writing Work requires the ability to write reports, Town codes, amendments, plans, projects, technical analysis and general correspondence. Managerial Responsibilities include managing and directing department long range goals, divi sion managers and annual department expenditures. Budget Responsibility The incumbent has responsibility for final approval of budgetary recommendations to the Town Council and monitors progress toward fiscal objectives and adjusts plans as necessary to reach them. Supervisory / Organizational Control Work requires managing and monitoring work performance by directing subordinate supervisors or administrators, including making final decisions on hiring and disciplinary actions, evaluating program/work objectives and effectiveness, and realigning work and staffing assignments, as needed. Complexity Work is widely varied, involving analyzing and evaluating many complex and significant variables. Town-wide policies, procedures, or precedents are developed and/or recommended. Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills The incumbents in this position contact others within the organization. These contacts may involve similar work units or departments within the Town, wh ich may be involved in decision-making or providing approval or decision-making authority for purchases or projects. In addition, these incumbents work with individuals outside the Town who may belong to professional or peer organizations. Working with various state and federal agencies may also be required of the employee. Vendors and suppliers may also be called upon for information on purchases, supplies or products. Meetings and discussions may be conducted with department heads, customers, brokers and sales representatives. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 3 OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL DEMANDS FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing F Making presentations Sitting F Deskwork, meetings Walking F To and from meetings and around job sites Lifting R Files and furniture Carrying R Files, office supplies, books Pushing/Pulling R Equipment Reaching R For supplies and files Handling R Paperwork and supplies Fine Dexterity F Computer keyboard, calculator, telephone keypad Kneeling N N/A Crouching N N/A Crawling N N/A Bending R Retrieving items from lower shelves Twisting R From computer to telephone Climbing R Stairs Balancing N N/A Vision C Reading, computer monitor, driving Hearing C Communicating with personnel, general public and on telephone Talking F Communicating with personnel, general public and on telephone Foot Controls O Driving Sedentary Light Medium Heavy Very Heavy S=sedentary Exerting up to 10 lbs. occasionally or negligible weights frequently; sitting most of the time L=Light Exerting up to 20 lbs. occasionally, 10lbs. frequently, or negligible amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. M=Medium Exerting 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. H=Heavy Exerting 50-100 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. VH=Very Heavy Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. frequently, or up to 20-50 lbs. constantly. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 4 MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Copy machine, vehicle, computer and related software ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Mechanical Hazards M Extreme Temperatures N Chemical Hazards N Noise and Vibration N Electrical Hazards N Wetness/Humidity N Fire Hazards N Respiratory Hazards N Explosives N Physical Hazards N Communicable Diseases N Physical Danger or Abuse N Other (see 1 Below) (1) (2) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: None NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS Time Pressures F Emergency Situations R Frequent Change of Tasks F Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime F Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously F Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team F Tedious or Exacting Work O Noisy/Distracting Environment O Other (see 3 below) (3) PRIMARY WORK LOCATION Office Environment X Warehouse Shop Vehicle Outdoors Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 1 Job Title: Senior Maintenance Technician Department: Public Works Immediate Supervisor: Streets Superintendent FLSA Status: Non-Exempt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: Schedules and performs maintenance and repairs on Town vehicles and construction equipment. Schedules emission tests and licensing. Processes documentation into Fleet Management Program. Performs a variety of semi-skilled and skilled work in maintenance and repair of right-of-way landscaping, turf, irrigation systems, fountains and grounds. Assists Street Superintendent in the maintenance of dams and washes. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not identify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physical Strength Code ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1 S Maintains the fleet data management program. Schedules preventative maintenance inspections and repairs. Schedules emissions tests by conversing with agencies to receive emissions coupons and vehicle operations to complete the emission test, working with DMV for new and old vehicle registration. 2 S Processes maintenance documentation into fleet maintenance program, maintains fleet parts inventory and warranty repairs. 3 M Inspects and ensures medians and right-of-way spaces are maintained including landscaping, and water features, etc. Coordinates contracted landscape crews, and conducts follow-up. Performs maintenance and programs irrigation equipment as needed. Maintains up-to-date records on all irrigation systems, tracking water consumption, etc. Assists the Street Superintendent in ensuring maintenance of dams and washes. 4 H Performs routine scheduled and un-scheduled repairs to all town vehicles and equipment which include tractors, backhoes, street sweepers, dump trucks, light trucks, cars and golf carts. Also performs welding and fabrication work and checks all vehicles and equipment over for other needed services. 5 H Monitors shop safety procedures, ensures vehicles, equipment and the shop are kept clean. Repairs shop equipment, researches and orders parts. 6 M Performs other related duties as assigned. * See page 3 – Overall Physical Strength Demands FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 2 JOB REQUIREMENTS: JOB REQUIREMENTS Formal Education / Knowledge Work requires knowledge of a specific vocational, administrative, or technical nature which may be obtained with one year of advanced study or training past the high school equivalency. Junior college, vocational, business, technical or correspondence schools are likely sources. Appropriate certification may be awarded upon satisfactory completion of advanced study or training. Experience Five years experience as an automotive and/or heavy equipment mechanic preferred. Certifications and Other Requirements Possess a valid Arizona driver's license for a minimum of two years with a good driving record. Mac certification license for refrigerant use preferred. The Town currently designates this job as a “safety-sensitive position.” Accordingly, the Town requires satisfactory completion of a drug and alcohol screening as a condition of employment. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Work requires the ability to read manuals and instructions and requires the ability to access and read the internet, OSHA directives, Town, county and state laws. Math Work requires the ability to perform general math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Writing Work requires the ability to write vehicle replacement requirements, service reports and parts requests. Managerial None Budget Responsibility None Supervisory / Organizational Control None Complexity Work requires analysis and judgment in accomplishing diverse duties. Work requires the exercise of independent thinking within the limits of policies, standards and precedents. Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills The incumbents in this position contact others within the organization. These contacts may involve similar work units or departments within the Town, which may be involved in decision-making or providing approval or decision-making authority for purchases or projects. Vendors and suppliers may also be called upon for information on purchases, supplies or products. Meetings and discussions may be conducted with customers, brokers and sales representatives. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 3 OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: Sedentary Light Medium Heavy Very Heavy S=sedentary Exerting up to 10 lbs. occasionally or negligible weights frequently; sitting most of the time L=Light Exerting up to 20 lbs. occasionally, 10lbs. frequently, or negligible amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. M=Medium Exerting 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. H=Heavy Exerting 50-100 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. VH=Very Heavy Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. frequently, or up to 20-50 lbs. constantly. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL DEMANDS FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing F At job site Sitting O Deskwork and inside vehicle Walking F Around job site and vehicle Lifting F Tools and equipment Carrying F Tools and equipment Pushing/Pulling O Equipment and supplies Reaching F For supplies and equipment Handling F Supplies and equipment Fine Dexterity F Installing small parts in confined areas Kneeling O While inspecting and making repairs Crouching F While inspecting and making repairs Crawling F While inspecting and making repairs Bending F While inspecting and making repairs Twisting F While inspecting and making repairs Climbing F Stairs, ladder Balancing F On ladder and large vehicle Vision C Reading, driving and looking for physical problem Hearing C Communicating with personnel and listening for possible problems Talking O Communicating with personnel and general public and on telephone Foot Controls F Operating heavy equipment and driving FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Adopted 6/2/2020 4 MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Tool box, professional tool set, Hydraulic lift, jacks, A/C equipment, diagnostic break out box and scan tool equipment, tire repair equipment, steam cleaner, volt meters, charging systems, part washer, hydraulic hose maker and computer software. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Mechanical Hazards D Extreme Temperatures S Chemical Hazards D Noise and Vibration D Electrical Hazards W Wetness/Humidity M Fire Hazards W Respiratory Hazards D Explosives M Physical Hazards D Communicable Diseases N Physical Danger or Abuse D Other (see 1 Below) (1) (2) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Safety glasses, steel-toed boots, gloves, ear plugs, welding face shields NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS Time Pressures O Emergency Situations R Frequent Change of Tasks O Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime O Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously F Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team R Tedious or Exacting Work F Noisy/Distracting Environment C Other (see 3 below) (3) PRIMARY WORK LOCATION Office Environment Warehouse Shop X Vehicle Outdoors Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 1 Job Title: Street Superintendent Department: Public Works Immediate Supervisor: Public Works Director Status: Exempt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE JOB: Supervises general field and preventive maintenance activities of the street division and operates equipment used in the maintenance and construction of Town streets. Supervises Town's vehicle and equipment maintenance program. Supervises right-of-way, dam, and wash maintenance activities. Assists in the operation of environmental, storm water, and air quality programs. Performs special projects as required. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: This information is intended to be descriptive of the key responsibilities of the position. The following examples do not identify all duties performed by any single incumbent. Physical Strength Code ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS 1 S Performs administrative tasks by scheduling work, conducting research for various projects, compiling reports, and recommending changes in policies and procedures for the division. 2 M Provides supervision to all Street division personnel, and oversees all Town vehicles and equipment maintenance. Assists in hiring of new personnel, trains new staff, conducts performance evaluations, and verifies timesheets. 3 L Operates street maintenance equipment, and supervises emergency and unscheduled work. 4 L Assures department compliance with applicable safety rules and regulations. Initiates safety training, requisitions for tools, materials, equipment, and services. 5 L Represents the Town in contacting property owners, contractors, and utility company employees to ensure proper and safe road maintenance. Responds to resident's concerns regarding street, dam, and wash maintenance. 6 S Coordinates and supervises, dam, and wash maintenance. Assists the Public Works director with tasks related to the Town’s environmental, storm water, and air quality compliance programs and policies. 7 S Recommends purchases of materials and equipment required for related operations. Administers, and approves billing for work performed by street, dam, and wash maintenance contractors. * See page 3 – Overall Physical Strength Demands FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 2 JOB REQUIREMENTS: JOB REQUIREMENTS Formal Education / Knowledge Work requires knowledge of a specific vocational, administrative, or technical nature, which may be obtained with one year of advanced study or training past the high school equivalency. Junior college, vocational, business, technical, or correspondence schools are likely sources. Appropriate certification may be awarded upon satisfactory completion of advanced study or training. Experience Minimum of three (3) years in street maintenance. One year in a supervisory capacity. Certifications and Other Requirements Possession of a valid Arizona Driver's License for a minimum of two years with a good driving record. CPR/AED Certification. Close Quarters Rescue Certification. OSHA safety reporting. The Town currently designates this job as a “safety-sensitive position.” Accordingly, the Town requires satisfactory completion of a drug and alcohol screening as a condition of employment. ** Equivalent combinations of experience and training that meet the minimum qualifications may be substituted. Reading Work requires the ability to read blueprints, technical instuctions, manuals,letters, machine/equipment readings, measurements, gauges, and town, county, and federal regulations Math Work requires the ability to perform general math calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Writing Work requires the ability to write letters, memos, reports, formal documents, performance reviews, and general correspondence Managerial Planning responsibilities include managing all phases of street maintenance and some construction. Provides direct supervision to all Street Division personnel. Budget Responsibility The incumbent does research for documents, compiles data for computer entry, and has reponsibility for monitoring budget expenditures within the street department Supervisory / Organizational Control Work requires supervising and monitoring performance for a group of regular employees in a work unit, including providing input on hiring/disciplinary actions and work objectives/effectiveness, and realigning work as needed Complexity Work is widely varied, involving analyzing and evaluating many complex and significant variables. Organizational-wide policies, procedures, or precedents are developed and/or recommended Interpersonal / Human Relations Skills The incumbents in this position contact others within the organization. These contacts may involve similar work units or departments within the Town which may be involved in decision making or providing approval or decision making authority for purchases or projects.Vendors and suppliers may also be called upon for information on purchases, supplies or products. Meetings and discussions may be conducted with customers, brokers, or sales representatives FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 3 OVERALL PHYSICAL STRENGTH DEMANDS: PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs This is a description of the way this job is currently performed; it does not address the potential for accommodation. PHYSICAL DEMANDS FREQUENCY CODE DESCRIPTION Standing F Supervising, visiting work sites, observations Sitting F Computer, desk work, meetings Walking F To/from offices, vehicles, job sites Lifting O Hand tools, assisting at job sites Carrying O Hand tools, assisting at job sites Pushing/Pulling O Unloading materials and equipment Reaching O Books, files, supplies Handling O Office equipment, hand tools Fine Dexterity F Computer keyboard, writing Kneeling O Picking up equipment and materials Crouching O Picking up equipment and matreials Crawling O Inspecting equipment Bending O Picking up materials Twisting O Picking up materials Climbing O Onto equipment Balancing O On ladder Vision C Reading, computer work, driving, observing work activities Hearing C Communicating with personnel and general public Talking F Communicating with personnel and general public Foot Controls O Driving Sedentary Light Medium Heavy Very Heavy S=sedentary Exerting up to 10 lbs. occasionally or negligible weights frequently; sitting most of the time L=Light Exerting up to 20 lbs. occasionally, 10lbs. frequently, or negligible amounts constantly OR requires walking or standing to a significant degree. M=Medium Exerting 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. H=Heavy Exerting 50-100 lbs. occasionally, 25-50 lbs. frequently, or up to 10-20 lbs. constantly. VH=Very Heavy Exerting over 100 lbs. occasionally, 50-100 lbs. frequently, or up to 20-50 lbs. constantly. FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA Job Description Revised 5/5/2020 Adopted 6/2/2020 4 MACHINES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND WORK AIDS: Street sweeper, dump truck, front loader, backhoe, jackhammer, tractors, pick-up truck, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: D = Daily W = Several Times Per Week M = Several Times Per Month S = Seasonally N = Never HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Mechanical Hazards W Extreme Temperatures S Chemical Hazards M Noise and Vibration M Electrical Hazards M Wetness/Humidity S Fire Hazards M Respiratory Hazards S Explosives M Physical Hazards M Communicable Diseases S Physical Danger or Abuse M Other (see 1 Below) (1) (2) PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Hard hat gloves, safety shoes, safety glasses, hearing protection, reflective safety vest NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS: C = Continuously 2/3 or more of the time F = Frequently From 1/3 to 2/3 of the time O = Occasionally Up to 1/3 of the time R = Rarely Less than 1 hour per week N = Never Never occurs NON-PHYSICAL DEMANDS Time Pressures F Emergency Situations O Frequent Change of Tasks F Irregular Work Schedule/Overtime F Performing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously F Working Closely with Others as Part of a Team F Tedious or Exacting Work O Noisy/Distracting Environment O Other (see 3 below) (3) PRIMARY WORK LOCATION Office Environment X Warehouse Shop Vehicle X Outdoors X Recreation Center Other (see 2 Below) Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 1 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 MISCELLANEOUS FEES Services Notarization $2.00 per signature Affix Town Seal $2.00 each Faxing Service - Local Only $2.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional Page Faxing Service - Long Distance $3.00 First Page, $.50 Each Additional Page Email Document Service $0.00 Returned Check Fee $30.00 Incoming Wire Transfer Fee $35.00 ActiveNet Transaction Fee $2.50 per transaction Convenience Fee - credit card payment $3.00 per transaction Art Commission 20% of selling price Campaign Fees Pro/Con Argument Fee $100.00 Campaign Finance - Late Filing Fee $10.00 per business day (per ARS 16-918) Copies - Non - Commercial Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11 $.25 per page Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14 $.30 per page Photocopies (B&W) 11 x 17 $.40 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11 $.50 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14 $.60 per page Photocopies (Color) 11 x 17 $.70 per page Copies - Commercial Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 11 $.50 per page Photocopies (B&W) 8 1/2 x 14 $.60 per page Photocopies (B&W) 11 x 17 $.80 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 11 $1.00 per page Photocopies (Color) 8 1/2 x 14 $1.20 per page Photocopies (Color) 11 x 17 $1.40 per page Documents (CD Only) Town Code $25.00 each Zoning Ordinances $25.00 each Subdivision Code $25.00 each CAFR (Annual Financial Report)$25.00 each Annual Budget $25.00 each Land Use Analysis $25.00 each Council Meeting $25.00 each Other Materials $25.00 each Reports License Report (Non - Commercial Use)$25.00 (CD or hard copy) License Report (Commercial Use)$50.00 (CD or hard copy) Adopt A Street Fee, per sign $30.00 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 2 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 MISCELLANEOUS FEES (CONT.) Maps 8 1/2" x 11" (B&W)$0.50 8 1/2" x 11" (Color)$2.00 8 1/2" x 11" (Photo)$3.00 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (B&W)$6.00 11" x 17" Street/Index Map "Typical" (Color)$8.00 11" x 17" Aerial Site Plan (Photo)$20.00 24" x 36" Custom Map (B&W)$20.00 24" x 36" Custom Map (Color)$30.00 36" x 36" Bldg/Plat/Zoning Map (B&W)$30.00 36" x 36" Bldg/Plat/Zoning Map (Color)$40.00 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (B&W) $50.00 60" x 60" Street/Bldg/Develop/Plat/Plot (Color) $80.00 Map Book $25.00 DOG LICENSE Non - neutered dog $0.00 Spayed/Neutered dog $0.00 Over 65 with neutered dog $0.00 Service Dog $0.00 Replacement Dog Tag $0.00 Late fee neutered dog (per month)$0.00 Late fee non - neutered dog (per month)$0.00 BUSINESS LICENSE FEES Providers of services, wholesalers and manufacturers with a fixed place of business within the town limits $50.00/application and first year fee - non-refundable Retail merchants, restaurants, bars, contractors and renters of real and personal property with a fixed place of business within the town limits and persons engaging in the sale of real estate $50.00/application and first year fee - non-refundable Wholesalers, manufacturers and providers of services without a fixed place of business within the town $50.00/application and first year fee - non-refundable Retail merchants, etc. (as above) without a fixed place of business within the town limits $50.00/application and first year fee - non-refundable Annual renewal fee for business within the town limits $35.00 - non-refundable Annual renewal fee for business without a fixed place of business within the town limits $50.00 - non-refundable Late fee for renewal of business license fee 25% of renewal fee Penalty for operating a business without a license $100.00 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 3 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 BUSINESS LICENSE FEES (CONT.) Peddlers, solicitors and mobile merchants $250.00/calendar quarter or fraction thereof - non- refundable Peddler investigation fee (per person)$41.00 - non-refundable Promoters of entertainments, circuses, bazaars, etc., who receive a percentage of receipts or other consideration for their services. Each such promoter shall also obtain liability insurance of a minimum of $1 million naming the Town as insured. $100.00/week Animal Show $100.00/week Circus Parade Only $50.00/day Handbill Distributor $10.00/day Amusement Company, such as ferris wheel, merry - go - round, etc., not part of a circus. Tent Show. Wrestling Exhibition. Road Show, Carnival or Circus. $100.00/day Practice of palmistry, phrenology, astrology, fortune telling, mind reading, clairvoyancy, magic or any healing practices not licensed by the State of Arizona, or any similar calling without a fixed place of $50.00/day Duplicate Business License $10.00 - non-refundable Verification of License Letter $10.00 - non-refundable First and second None Third $50.00 Fourth $75.00 Fifth and Sixth $100.00 Seventh or more $200.00 each License fee $25.00/annually - non-refundable Lease Agreement Application Fee, each location $250.00, per location - non-refundable Amendments to Cell Tower Lease Agreements $250.00, per location - non-refundable Small Cell Wireless Facilities: (all fees are non-refundable) ROW Use Fee $50.00/year x number of small wireless facilities (SWF) Authority utility pole attachment $50.00/year per utility pole attachment Small Wireless Facilities (SWF) collocation $100.00 per SWF up to five Small Wireless Facilities (SWF) collocation $50.00 for SWF over five Batched applications for up to 25 SWF's $100.00 per SWF up to five (at $100 each) ($500 maximum fee) Batched applications for up to 25 SWF's $50.00 per SWF 6 - 20 sites ($1,000 maximum fee) Applications for new, replacement or modified utility poles NOT subject to zoning review Not to Exceed $750.00 Applications for new, replacement or modified utility poles and collocation of wireless facilities subject to zoning review Not to Exceed $1,000.00 FALSE ALARM SERVICE CHARGES (PER CALENDAR YEAR) ALARM SYSTEM LICENSE PERMIT WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS (CELL TOWER ON TOWN PROPERTY) Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 4 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS Special Event Permits - Food/Event Vendors Application Fee - Local (Fountain Hills) Business $100.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - Non-Local Business $350.00 - non-refundable Special Event Permits - Business Application Fee - Business (If submitted at least 60 days prior to the event date) $100.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - If submitted 59 days or less prior to the event date $300.00 - non-refundable Permit Fee $50.00 per day (not to exceed $400.00) Special Event Permits - Non-Profit Application Fee - Charitable Organization (If submitted at least 60 days prior to the event date) $50.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - If submitted 59 days or less prior to the event date $200.00 - non-refundable Permit Fee $25.00 per day (not to exceed $200.00) Special Event Permits - Extra Fees Special Event Liquor Application Fee See alcohol license application fees - non-refundable Utility Fees Actual cost of usage Park/Open Space Fees, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn, Centennial Circle and other lawns - Event with less than 5,000 attendance $2,500.00/day Park/Open Space Fees, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn, Centennial Circle and other lawns - Event with more than 5,000 attendance $3,500.00/day Special Event Permits - Deposit Fees Events with less than 1,000 attendance $500.00 Events with 1,000 - 1,999 attendance $1,000.00 Events with 2,000 - 5,000 attendance $2,500.00 Events with over 5,000 attendance $5,000.00 Special Event Permit Fees - Road Closure Admin Fees Events with less than 1,000 attendance $500.00 Events with 1,000 - 1,999 attendance $750.00 Events with 2,000 - 5,000 attendance $1,000.00 Events with over 5,000 attendance $1,500.00 Special Event Permit Fees - Vendor Compliance Fine First time penalty $250.00 Recurring penalty $750.00 Film permit application $50.00 non-refundable Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 5 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 ALCOHOL LICENSE APPLICATION Person Transfer Fee $150.00 - non-refundable Location Transfer Fee $150.00 - non-refundable Probate/Will Assignment/Divorce Decree $150.00 - non-refundable Extension of Premise $50.00 - non-refundable Sampling Permit $50.00 - non-refundable Acquisition of Control/Restructure/Agent Change $100.00 - non-refundable Initial/Interim Application Fee 01 - In State Producer $500.00 - non-refundable 02 - Out of State Producer $500.00 - non-refundable 03 - Domestic Microbrewery $500.00 - non-refundable 04 - In State Wholesaler $500.00 - non-refundable 05 - Government $500.00 - non-refundable 06 - Bar, All Spirituous Liquors $500.00 - non-refundable 07 - Beer & Wine Bar $500.00 - non-refundable 08 - Conveyance $500.00 - non-refundable 09 - Liquor Store $500.00 - non-refundable 10 - Beer & Wine Store $500.00 - non-refundable 11 - Hotel/Motel $500.00 - non-refundable 12 - Restaurant $500.00 - non-refundable 13 - Domestic Farm Winery $500.00 - non-refundable 14 - Private Club 15 - Special Event $25.00 - non-refundable 16 - Wine Festival/Wine Fair $25.00 - non-refundable ADULT ORIENTED BUSINESS LICENSE Application Fee - Business $500.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - Provider $100.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - Manager $100.00 - non-refundable Application Fee - Employee (per person)$50.00 - non-refundable License Fee - annual - Business $200.00 - non-refundable License Fee - annual - Provider $100.00 - non-refundable License Fee - annual - Manager $100.00 - non-refundable CABLE LICENSE Initial License Application $2,500.00 - non-refundable Transfer of ownership $2,000.00 - non-refundable License modification, pursuant to 47 USC Sec 545 $2,500.00 - non-refundable Other License modification up to $2000.00 - non-refundable License fee - quarterly 5% of gross receipts Late fee (after 30 days)5% plus interest of 1 1/2% per month Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 6 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 EXCAVATIONS/IN - LIEU FEES Base fee (per excavation)$250.00 plus: Trench cut fees: Newly paved or overlayed 0 - 1 yrs.$55.00 per lineal feet Newly paved or overlayed 1 - 2 yrs.$45.00 per lineal feet Newly paved or overlayed 2 - 3 yrs.$35.00 per lineal feet Newly paved or overlayed 3 - 4 yrs.$25.00 per lineal feet Newly paved or overlayed 4 - 5 yrs.$15.00 per lineal feet Newly paved or overlayed 5 - 6 yrs.$10.00 per lineal feet Slurry or chip sealed 0 - 2 years $4.00 per lineal feet Pavement replacement greater than 300 feet in $2.50 per square yard Utility Pit fees: Newly paved or overlayed 0 - 1 yrs.$5.00 per square feet Newly paved or overlayed 1 - 2 yrs.$4.50 per square feet Newly paved or overlayed 2 - 3 yrs.$3.50 per square feet Newly paved or overlayed 3 - 4 yrs.$2.50 per square feet Newly paved or overlayed 4 - 5 yrs.$1.50 per square feet Newly paved or overlayed 5 - 6 yrs.$1.00 per square feet Slurry or chip sealed 0 - 2 years $5.00 per square feet Adjustment (MH, valve, monument, etc.)$500.00 each Striping $.55 per linear feet Lane Markers $150.00 each Stop Bars $2.50 per square feet Crosswalks $.79 per square feet RPMs $7.00 each Seal-Coat $2.00 per square yard ENCROACHMENT/ENGINEERING PERMITS Base Permit Fee $70.00 - non-refundable 2"/6" Paving A.C.$.35 per square yard 1" Paving - Overlay or Top Course $.15 per square yard 1" ABC or Select Subbase $.05 per square yard Permanent Barricading $25.00 each Guard Rail/Hand Rail $.20 per linear feet Survey Monuments $10.00 each Concrete Aprons $15.00 each Scuppers $15.00 each Review for Adjustments MH, etc.$10.00 each 4" Paving - PC Concrete $.22 per square yard Decorative Sidewalk or Paving $.30 per linear feet Sidewalk & Bike path $.30 per linear feet Curb & Gutter $.20 per linear feet Valley Gutter $.50 per linear feet Sign (regulator, street etc.)$5.00 each Pavement Cuts $2.00 per linear feet Driveway/Driveway Modifications $30.00 each Utility, Water Line, Sewer Line Trench $.15 per linear feet Drywells (maxwell or similar)$100.00 each Storm Drain Pipe $2.00 per linear feet Catch Basins, Headwells $50.00 each Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 7 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 ENCROACHMENT/ENGINEERING PERMITS (CONT.) Cutoff Walls $.35 per linear feet Slope Protection $.30 per square yard Rip Rap $.90 square feet Retaining Wall $1.53 per linear feet Cut/Fill (Materials Moved)$.40 per cubic yard Box Culverts 5% of attached estimate Miscellaneous 5% of attached estimate Landscaping 5% of attached estimate Irrigation 5% of attached estimate Lighting 5% of attached estimate Grading 5% of attached estimate Utility Splice/Repair Pits (outside pvmt)$2.00 square feet (minimum $50.00) Other 5% of attached estimate In Lieu Payments Calculated for cuts greater than 300 feet in length - per MAG section 336 Traffic Control Plan Review $200.00 Engineering Plan Review Fee $350.00 per sheet Failure to obtain an Encroachment Permit $200.00 Failure to obtain a Final Inspection $100.00 Reinspection Fee $150.00 Investigation Fee for Work Done Without Permit $250.00 or the permit fee, whichever is greater, but not to exceed $2,500.00 for every day or a portion of a day from the time unpermitted work began until a permit is obtained. Oversize/Overweight Vehicle Permit $210.00 Haul Route Permit (greater than or equal to 500 cubic yards) $210.00 Failure to barricade or improper barricading Up to $1,000.00 Permit Extension $50.00 Penalty for work w/o permit 50% of Permit Fee Minimum Plan Review $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) ENVIRONMENTAL FEE Environmental fee: per residential solid waste account $3.00 per month per parcel; billed $36.00 annually per multifamily solid waste account (with a range for number of units to be determined commercial solid waste accounts (license fee and/or cost per commercial account) to be determined late fee for paying the environmental fee $5.00 per month up to a maximum of $35. Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 8 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FEES Easement or Right-of-Way Abandonment $350.00 Hillside Protection Reconfiguration and/or Replacement of Hillside Protection Easement $350.00 Revocation Administrative Fee $300.00 Engineering Plan Review Fee $350.00 per sheet Final Plat Improvement: Plan Checking $350.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews) Except water and sewer plans $175.00 per sheet (includes 2nd and 3rd reviews) Water and sewer plans only $200.00 per sheet with corrections (4th+ reviews); $75.00 per sheet for addendums (changes made afeeter approval). Engineering Report/Calculations Review Fee (Drainage, Environmental, Traffic, Structural, Water, Sewer, etc.) $350.00 per report New/Address Change $25.00 DEVELOPMENT FEES Single Family Residential $3,974.00 Multi - Family Residential $2537.00/dwelling Commercial $3.82/square feet Office $2.45/square feet Institutional $2.86/square feet Industrial $1.29/square feet Fee Detail (From Above) Park & Recreation Single Family $1,916.00 Multi - Family $1,479.00 Commercial $0.81/square feet Office $1.03/square feet Institutional $0.32/square feet Industrial $0.56/square feet Fire and Emergency Single Family $122.00 Multi - Family $94.00 Commercial $0.14/square feet Office $0.18/square feet Institutional $0.06/square feet Industrial $0.10/square feet Streets Single Family $1,935.00 Multi - Family $964.00 Commercial $2.86/square feet Office $1.24/square feet Institutional $2.48/square feet Industrial $0.63/square feet Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 9 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 PLANNING & ZONING FEES Administrative Use Permit/Grand Opening Sign $25.00 Appeal of a Decision by the Zoning Administrator $1,000.00 plus notification *^ Area Specific Plans and amendments $3,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^ Comprehensive Sign Plans and amendments $200.00 Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family Site Plan Review $500.00 plus $200.00 for every 5,000 square feet or portion thereof ^ Condominium Plats $1,500.00 plus $50.00 per unit ^ Continuance at Applicant Request $250.00 Cut & Fill Waiver $300.00 Development Agreements $5,000.00 plus $100 per acre or portion thereof Development Agreements - Amendment $5,000.00 Final Plats $1,500.00 plus $ 50.00 per lot, unit or tract ^ General Plan Amendments Minor $ 3,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^ Major $ 5,000.00 plus $ 100.00 per acre ^ Hillside Protection Easement (HPE)$20.00 + applicable recording fees Land Disturbance Fee $10.00 per square feet plus revegetation Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Public notice in Newspaper actual newspaper posting cost plus $10.00 processing Notification fee $5.00 per mailing label plus actual newspaper posting cost plus $10.00 processing. Ordinances (Text Amendments)$2,000.00 plus notification * Planned Area Developments (PAD)$2,000.00 plus $100.00 per acre or portion thereof plus notification * Planned Area Developments (PAD) - Amendment $2,000.00 Planned Unit Developments (PUD)$2,000.00 plus $100.00 per acre or portion thereof plus notification * Planned Unit Developments (PUD) - Amendment $2,000.00 Plat Abandonments $500.00 ^ Preliminary Plats $2,000.00 plus $50.00 per lot, unit or tract^ Recording Fees (subject to change without notice)$10.00 plus actual cost Replats (lot joins, lot divisions, lot line adjustments)$500.00 up to three lots, more than 3 lots use Final Plat fees ^ Rezones (Map)$2,000.00 plus $100.00 per acre or portion thereof plus notification *^ Saguaro Cactus Permit $90.00 Special Use Permits and amendments $500.00 plus notification *^ - non-refundable Temporary Use Permits $200.00 plus notification * - non-refundable Temporary Visitor Permit (RV Parking):$25.00 Time Extension Fee $100.00 Tract Housing $500.00 per Standard Plan + $100 per Variances $1,000.00 plus $300.00 for each additional variance plus Zoning Verification Letter $200.00 *$5.00 per mailing label plus actual newspaper posting cost plus $10.00 processing. **Deposit required for Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) if landscaping is not installed; refundable upon landscaping approval by Town within six (6) months. ^All fees include up to 3 reviews by staff. Any additional reviews will be subject to an additional fee equal to 25% of the original fee. The "recording fee" is per Maricopa County's Fee Schedule and is, therefore, subject to change. Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 10 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 Livable Area with A/C $.75 square feet Covered Area: Garage and/or Patio (non A/C)$.45 square feet Single Family Addition $.75 square feet Area non A/C $.45 square feet Single Family Remodel $.23 square feet Area non A/C $.14 square feet Solar Photovoltaic $140.00 Fence Walls $70.00 plus $.15 LF (Linear Footage) Retaining Walls $70.00 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage) Pools & Spas Attached $290.00 plus $.90 square feet Stand Alone Spas $235.00 Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** One Discipline Permit $70.00 (building, plumbing, electrical or mechanical) Combination Permit $210.00 Miscellaneous Plan Review Minimum Plan Review $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Revisions to Approved Plans $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Plumbing - Water heater replacement/solar (minor) $70.00 Mechanical - HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00 Electrical - panel repair (minor)$70.00 Demolition (minor)$120.00 Plan Review Add On (Afeeter 3rd Review)50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Reinspection Fee $150.00 per Trip Plan copies 24x36 $3.00 per page - B&W $5.00 per page - Color Permit Extensions - Residential new $400.00 Permit Extensions - Residential remodel only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $100.00 Refund for cancelled Single Family Home permit 35% of building permit fee paid - request must be made within 180 days of original payment Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee BUILDING PERMIT/PLAN CHECK – SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Single Family Homes (Includes Permit and Plan Review) Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review) Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee Extra) Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required) Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 11 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 Area with A/C $.75 square feet Covered Area (non A/C)$.45 square feet Commercial Building Addition Area with A/C $.75 square feet Covered Area (non - A/C)$.45 square feet Commercial Remodel (Existing) Area with A/C $145.00 plus $.23 square feet Covered Area (non - A/C)$145.00 plus $.14 square feet Shell Only for Commercial & Multi - Family Area with A/C $205.00 plus $.50 square feet Covered Area (non – A/C)$70.00 plus $.45 square feet Commercial Tenant Improvement Area with A/C $145.00 plus $.23 square feet Covered Area (non - A/C)$145.00 plus $.14 square feet Apartments/Condominiums Livable Area with A/C $.75 square feet Covered Area (non - A/C)$.45 square feet Livable Area with A/C $.60 square feet Covered Area (non - A/C)$.37 square feet Livable Area with A/C $.53 square feet Covered Area (non - A/C)$.33 square feet Solar Photovoltaic $140.00 Fence Walls $70.00 plus $.15 Lf (Linear Footage) Retaining Walls $70.00 plus $1.53 LF (Linear Footage) Pools & Spas Attached $290.00 plus $.90 square feet Stand Alone Spas $235.00 Landscape Plan Review $420.00 plus $ 2,500.00 refundable deposit ** Specialized Permits (Includes Permit and Plan Review) BUILDING PERMIT/PLAN CHECK - COMMERCIAL Commercial Building Permit (Includes Permit and Plan Review) Apartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & recurring floor plans (0 -100,000 livable square feet) Apartments/Condominiums with 4 or more units & recurring floor plans (Over 100,000 livable square feet) **Deposit required for Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) if landscaping is not installed; refundable upon landscaping approval by Town within six (6) months. Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 12 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 Minimum Permit (one discipline)$70.00 (or $210.00 for building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical) Minimum Combination (all disciplines)$210.00 Sign Permit, less than 32 square feet (Face $50.00 per sign Sign Permit, greater than 32 square feet (Face Replacement Only) $100.00 per sign Sign Permit, less than 32 square feet (New)$190.00 per sign Sign Permit, greater than 32 square feet (New)$240.00 per sign Miscellaneous Plan Review Minimum Plan Review $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Revisions to Approved Plans $70.00 per hour (1 - hour Minimum) Plumbing - Water heater replacement/solar (minor) $70.00 Mechanical - HVAC replacement (minor)$70.00 Electrical - panel repair (minor)$70.00 Demolition (minor)$120.00 Plan Review Add On (Afeeter 3rd Review) 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Reinspection Fee $150.00 per trip Permit Extensions - Commercial new construction only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $400.00 Permit Extensions - Commercial remodel only (If Town has all records and within current Code cycle) $100.00 Penalty for failure to obtain a building permit 50% of Bldg Permit/Plan Review Fee Refund for cancelled Commercial Building permit (must be done in writing) 35% of building permit fee paid - request must be made within 180 days of original payment Appeal of Decision by Building Official/Fire Marshall $1,000.00 plus notification *^ BUILDING PERMIT/PLAN CHECK – COMMERCIAL (CONT.) Miscellaneous Permits (Plan Review Fee is Separate) Over the Counter Permits (No Plan Review Fee Required) *$5.00 per mailing label plus actual newspaper posting cost plus $10.00 processing. ^All fees include up to 3 reviews by staff. Any additional reviews will be subject to an additional fee equal to 25% of the original fee. The "recording fee" is per Maricopa County's Fee Schedule and is, therefore, subject to change. Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 13 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 FIRE SAFETY FEES Residential Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspection $.05 square feet (minimum $25.00) Commercial Automatic Sprinkler System Plan Review/Inspection $.10 square feet (minimum $50.00) Commercial Auto Sprinkler System Modification Plan Review/Inspection $75.00 Commercial Hood System Plan Review/Inspection $100.00 Commercial Fire Alarm System Plan Review/Inspection $100.00 Commercial Fire Alarm System Modification Plan Review/Inspection $50.00 Residential LPG Installation Review/Inspection $50.00 Annual Adult Residential Group Care Inspection $100.00 per year Annual Commercial Fire Inspection Fee $0.00 Tent Permit Fee (any tent over 200 square feet & any canopy over 400 square feet) $100.00 Reinspection Fee (beyond one re-check)$150.00 per trip ABATEMENT FEES Inspection fee $70.00 per hour (1 - hour minimum) Reinspection fee $150.00 per trip PARK FACILITY RENTALS Park Rental Fees - Resident/Organization (1)Per Hour Small Ramada - 2 hour minimum $10.00 Medium Ramada - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Large Ramada - 2 hour minimum $20.00 Meeting Rooms 2 hour minimum $10.00 Multi-Purpose Fields - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $5.00 without lighting Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $7.00 with lighting Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn, Centennial Circle and other lawns $400.00/half day (4 hours or less) $750.00/full day (over 4 hours) (1) 10% wedding discount when combined with Community Center Rental Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 14 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 PARK FACILITY RENTALS (CONT.) Park Rental Fee Extras Power Distribution Box Rental Fee & Deposit $15.00/box per day; $100.00 deposit per box and power cable Athletic Field Lights (2 hour minimum)$10.00 per hour Athletic Field – Prep & Bases $25.00 per field Alcohol Permit with Park Reservation $10.00 for 50 Consuming Adults - non-refundable Fountain Operation $265.00 Per Half - Hour Staff (2 hour minimum)$21.00 - $38.00 Per Hour Park Rental Fees - Non-Resident/ Commercial (1) Per Hour Small Ramada - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Medium Ramada - 2 hour minimum $22.50 Large Ramada - 2 hour minimum $30.00 Meeting Rooms - 2 hour minimum $15.00 Multi-Purpose Fields - 2 hour minimum $22.50 Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $10.00 without lights Tennis Courts - 90 minute reservation $14.00 with lights Open Park space, including Amphitheater, Avenue of the Fountains Plaza, Great Lawn, Centennial Circle and other lawns $750.00/half day (4 hours or less) $1,400.00/full day (over 4 hours) (1) 10% wedding discount when combined with Community Center Rental Park Rental Fee Extras Power Distribution Box Rental Fee & Deposit $15.00/box per day; $100.00 deposit per box and power cable Athletic Field Lights - 2 hour minimum $10.00 per hour Athletic Field – Prep & Bases $25.00 per field Alcohol Permit with Park Reservation $10.00 for 50 Consuming Adults - non-refundable Fountain Operation $265.00 Per Half - Hour Staff - 2 hour minimum $21.00 - $38.00 Per Hour Recreation Fees Program Cancellation Fee $10.00 Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 15 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS Community Center Rental - Resident/ Organization (Tier 2) (2) Per Hour Any Meeting Room - 2 hour minimum $17.00 One Ballroom (30 - 90 people) Minimum 4 hours $36.00 Two Ballrooms *(91 - 160 people) Minimum 4 hours $72.00 Three Ballrooms*( 161 - 250 people) Minimum 4 hours $108.00 Grand Ballroom *( 251 - 450 people) Minimum 4 hours $144.00 Lobby (2)Per Hour 4 hour minimum $34.00 Grand Ballroom & Lobby (2) All Day Rate (Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to Midnight) $1,760.00 All Day Rate (Friday - Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight) $2,200.00 Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (2) Weekend Rates: Friday-Sunday Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)*Per Hour 4 hour minimum $41.00 4 hour minimum $41.00 4 hour minimum with contract 50% of Resident/Non-Profit rate (2) 10% wedding discount when combined with a Park Rental Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views) Tier 2 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year: *Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rental Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 16 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 Community Center Rental - Non-Resident/ Commercial (Tier 3) (2) Per Hour Any Meeting Room $39.00 One Ballroom (30-90 people) 4 hour minimum $83.00 Two Ballrooms *(91 - 160 people) 4 hour minimum $166.00 Three Ballrooms*( 161 - 250 people) 4 hour minimum $249.00 Grand Ballroom *( 251 - 450 people) 4 hour minimum $332.00 Lobby (2) 4 hour minimum $69.00 Grand Ballroom & Lobby (2) All Day Rate (Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to $4,400.00 All Day Rate (Friday - Saturday 7:00 am to Midnight) $5,500.00 Weekend Rates: Friday & Saturday (2) Weekend Rates: Friday-Sunday Ballroom 3 (includes patio access and views)*Per Hour 4 hour minimum $124.00 4 hour minimum $124.00 4 hour minimum with contract 50% of Non-Resident/Commercial Rate Tier 3 Groups meeting 6 or More Times per Year: COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS (CONT.) Ballroom 4 (includes patio access and views) *Ballroom 3 not available as a standalone rental (2) 10% wedding discount when combined with a Park Rental Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 17 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 Video Projector - Note Vission 3,000 Lumens $40.00 Overhead Projector $15.00 Slide Projector $15.00 27" TV $15.00 Flat Screen TV $25.00 TV/VCR (or DVD)$0.00 VCR or DVD Player $10.00 Small Screen $5.00 Large Screen (8' x 10')$10.00 Large Screen Border $15.00 Ping Pong Table $15.00 per rental Internet Access Hard Wire $125 per day Sound Reinforcement Wireless Microphones $5.00 Speaker Table (Includes Mixing Board)$15.00 each Conference Phone $10.00 Portable Sound System (Includes Mixing Board and/or Portable Speaker) $25.00 CD Player $10.00 Electricity (per booth) 110 V $15.00 220 V $40.00 Other Easel $5.00 Papers & Markers $10.00 Portable White Board $5.00 Walker Display Board $5.00 Items for Sale 25' Extension Cord $15.00 each Power Strip $15.00 each Masking Tape $5.00 per roll Miscellaneous Dance Floor - per 3' x 3' parquet square $3.00 Staging 6' x 8" section $5.00 Piano - Tuning Extra Upright $25.00 Grand $50.00 Coffee Service $5.00 per 8 cup pack COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS (CONT.) Community Center Extra Service Fees - Resident/Non-Profit Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 18 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 Video Projector - Note Vission 3,000 Lumens $75.00 Overhead Projector $30.00 Slide Projector $30.00 27" TV $30.00 Large Flat Panel Monitor $50.00 Flat Screen TV $50.00 VCR or DVD Player $20.00 Small Screen $10.00 Large Screen (8' x 10')$20.00 Large Screen Border $30.00 Ping Pong Table $30.00 per rental Internet Access Hard Wire $125.00 per day Sound Reinforcement Wireless Microphones $15.00 Speaker Table (Includes Mixing Board)$15.00 each Conference Phone $20.00 Portable Sound System (Includes Mixing $50.00 CD Player $20.00 Electricity ( per booth) 110 V $25.00 220 V $75.00 Other Easel $10.00 Papers & Markers $20.00 Portable White Board $10.00 Walker Display Board $10.00 Items for Sale 25' Extension Cord $15.00 each Power Strip $15.00 each Masking Tape $5.00 each Miscellaneous Dance Floor - Per 3' x 3' parquet square $5.00 Staging 6' x 8" section $10.00 Piano - Tuning Extra Upright $50.00 Grand $100.00 Coffee Service $5.00 per (10) 8oz cup pack Portable Bar $50.00 Labor Charges $25/hour NOTE: All Rentals Are Subject To Applicable Arizona Sales Taxes COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALS (CONT.) Community Center Extra Service Fees - Non - Resident/Commercial Comprehensive Fee Schedule Page 19 of 19 Description Proposed Fee FY20-21 Resident $20.00 Non - Resident $30.00 COURT FEES Non-Sufficient Funds (checks returned to Court)$30.00 per check Public Defender Actual costs for appointed attorney Jail Reimbursement Actual costs billed by County for jail time served Jury Costs (assessed if jury trial canceled within five days of trial) Actual administrative costs Civil Traffic Default $50.00 per defaulted charge Warrant $50.00 per warrant issued Diversion Program Rescheduling $25.00 Court Clerk $17.00 Court User $30.00 per charge, plus surcharges Public Records Search $2.00 per name Copies $0.50 per page Certified Copies $17.00 Copies of CDs $17.00 SENIOR SERVICES ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES (CALENDAR YEAR) NOTE: Court fees are subject to change throughout the fiscal year in accordance with State Law and Arizona Supreme Court Rules. ITEM 8. H. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  Ordinance 20-06, amending Sections 12-3-18 and 12-3-19 pertaining to citations and penalties for parking violations. Staff Summary (background) Chapter 12 of the Town Code covers a variety of traffic issues. Article 12-3 is on parking.  Section 12-3-18, Commencement of Proceedings for Violations, provides the requirements for how to handle violations.  Section 12-3-18 A states: "An action to hear and determine an alleged violation of this article shall be commenced by issuance of a citation by a peace officer of the State of Arizona or the Town Manager or his authorized designee."  Because the ordinance uses the word "shall," it does not give the officers responding to a complaint any alternatives on how to address the situation.  Staff is proposing to change the wording to "may."  This will allow the officer to use discretion in the given situation, including allowing the owner to immediately correct the violation. Section 12-3-19, Penalties, is very similar to the previous section.  This section states: "Unless otherwise specifically designated in this Article, violations of this Article shall be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1 , Article 1-8, Section 1-8-3 of this Code. Each day that a violation continues shall be a separate offense punishable by imposition of a civil sanction not to exceed $250."  By stating the violation "shall" be punishable in a specific way the ordinance does not leave the option for reduced or no punishment for someone who is being cooperative in correcting a violation.  Staff is recommending the wording in this section also be changed to "may." Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle Town Code Article 12-3, Parking Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) The proposed text amendment has been reviewed by Code Enforcement, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and the Town Attorney.  Staff recommends approval of Ordinance 20-06. SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Ordinance 20-06. Attachments Ord. 20-06  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Burke 05/12/2020 11:37 AM Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 05/12/2020 01:23 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/12/2020 04:31 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/14/2020 09:50 AM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 03/19/2020 04:18 PM Final Approval Date: 05/14/2020  ORDINANCE NO. 20-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 12, TRAFFIC, SECTION 12-3-18, COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS FOR VIOLATIONS, AND SECTION 12-3-19, PENALTIES. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend the Town Code to revise Chapter 12, Traffic, by amending Subsections 12-3-18 A. and 12-3-19 to allow discretion in the processing of a traffic citation. ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Town Code, Section 12-3-18, Commencement of Proceedings for Violations, is amended as follows: A. An action to hear and determine an alleged violation of this article shall MAY be commenced by issuance of a citation by a peace officer of the State of Arizona or the Town Manager or his authorized designee. SECTION 3. The Town Code, Section 12-3-19, Penalties, is amended as follows: Unless otherwise specifically designated in this Article, violations of this Article shall MAY be punishable as set forth in Chapter 1, Article 1-8, Section 1-8-3 of this Code. Each day that a violation continues shall MAY be a separate offense punishable by imposition of a civil sanction not to exceed $250. SECTION 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents and take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE 20-06 PAGE 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona , this 16th day of June, 2020. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney ITEM 8. I. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Development Services Prepared by: John Wesley, Development Services Director Staff Contact Information: John Wesley, Development Services Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF  Ordinance 20-07, amending the Subdivision Ordinance by adding Section 2.08 C. to allow administrative approval of abandonment of hillside protection easements; amending Section 5.02 C.2 to clarify applicability of the driveway exemption; and, amending Section 5.04 B. adding a new subsection 4 allowing administrative approval of exemptions to the hillside disturbance requirements of Section 5.04. Staff Summary (background) At the December 3, 2019, Town Council meeting, staff presented a report to the Council regarding options to address concerns with the current hillside protection ordinances and procedures.  Staff had been asked to look into and provide Council with feedback and recommendations on three items.  Those items were:    Should the Town make any modifications to the easement requirements?1. How should the Town handle requests for abandonment of existing easements?2. Should the Town continue charging an application fee for processing an abandonment?3. As a result of that presentation and Council discussion, staff was directed to draft and propose Subdivision Ordinance text amendments to provide additional flexibility in the application of the hillside protection ordinance and to enable staff to approve abandonment of Hillside Protection Easements.  In response to Council direction, staff has drafted proposed text amendments for review and consideration by the Town Council. Proposed Ordinance Modifications Disturbance Areas: One of the challenges staff, property owners, and builders face is how to meet the hillside protection ordinance requirements on atypical lots.  As more of the "easier" lots are developed, the remaining lots often have more challenges such as the degree of slope, the location of the steep slopes, and lot configuration.  These factors combined with the ordinance requirements for hillside protection and lot setbacks make it very difficult to build on some lots.  To address this problem, staff has drafted two solutions. Hillside protection occurs in one of two ways.  One is through the filing of the Hillside Protection Easement which is done all at one time for an entire subdivision or on a lot-by-lot basis.  The other option is the Hillside Transfer and Protection option, which sets aside a disturbance allowance for each lot and often has a "bank" of additional disturbance area which is transferred to a given lot as needed. Section 5.02 C 2 of the ordinance currently provides an exemption for driveways in the calculation of the disturbance area.  Because of the place and the way the paragraph is written it is not clear if this provision applies only to lots with a Hillside Protection Easement or if it also applies in the case of Hillside Transfer and Protection option.  The first proposed change is to amend this section to add a sentence to make it clear this exception applies in both situations.  The revised Section 5.02 C. 2. would read:  A 20' wide band of primary driveway access (measured from the back of curb to the nearest point of intersection with any portion of the house, the garage door or a carport or covered driveway, if any) is excluded from the hillside disturbance limitations whether done by the Hillside Protection Easement Option or the Hillside Transfer and Protection Option. The other proposed modification is to specifically address the challenges caused by the more difficult lots.  Section 5.04 A. of the Subdivision Ordinance sets the standard to protect at least 60% of the area of the lot with a 20% or greater slope from development.  Section 5.04 B. lists some exemptions from this requirement.  Staff is proposing to add a new number 4 to the list.  This new exemption would state:    4.  The Development Services Director may consider additional exemptions to or modifications of the disturbance area required by Section 5.04 when, in the determination of the Development Services Director, the specific situations of the lot (lot configuration, steep slope on the lot adjacent to the street, location of appropriate building site, etc.) make development of the specific lot impractical under the provisions of this ordinance.  The relief allowed shall be the minimum necessary to facilitate construction on the property. Easement Abandonment: Another concern expressed by Council at the December 3, 2019, meeting was addressing Hillside Protection Easement abandonment requests.  There are many lots which have easements based on previous ordinance requirements that have been changed and no longer apply. Owners of these lots file for and staff processes the request for the abandonment to Council.  Because of the routine nature of these requests, the delay to the property owner to go through the process to Council, and the additional staff and Council time it takes to review the requests, Council asked staff to see if the abandonments could be approved administratively.  Article 2 of the Subdivision Ordinance sets forth the Platting Procedures.  Section 2.08 provides the requirements for abandonment of a recorded subdivision.  Staff is proposing to add a new subsection to Section 2.08 which states:    C.  Applications for abandonment of all or a portion of a recorded Hillside Protection Easement as required in Section 5.04 of this ordinance may be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for easements which would not be required under the current Subdivision Ordinance.     This language will allow for the Development Services Director to administratively approve these easement abandonments. Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle General Plan 2010 - Land Use Vision Subdivision Ordinance - Section 1.01, Purpose and Intent Subdivision Ordinance - Section 2.08, Abandonment of Recorded Subdivision Subdivision Ordinance - Section 5.02, Subdivision Grading Standards Subdivision Ordinance - Section 5.04, Hillside Disturbance Risk Analysis N/A Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Staff recommends adoption of Ordinance 20-07 SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to adopt Ordinance 20-07. Attachments Ord 20-07  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Burke 05/12/2020 11:37 AM Development Services Director (Originator)John Wesley 05/12/2020 01:23 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/12/2020 04:30 PM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/14/2020 09:46 AM Form Started By: John Wesley Started On: 03/10/2020 09:36 AM Final Approval Date: 05/14/2020  ORDINANCE NO. 20-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, ARTICLE 2, SECTION 2.08, AND ARTICLE 5, SECTION 5.02 AND SECTION 5.04 IN THE FOUNTAIN HILLS SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TO REMOVE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR 6-FOOT TALL CHAIN LINK FENCING TO DELINEATE THE DISTURBANCE LIMIT BOUNDARIES AND TO ALLOW ORANGE HIGH VISIBILITY CONSTRUCTION FENCING TO BE USED TO DELINEATE THE DISTURBANCE LIMIT BOUNDARIES. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Town Council”) adopted Ordinance No. 96-29, which established the Subdivision Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills (the “Subdivision Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend Article 2 (Platting Procedures), Section 2.08 (Abandonment of Recorded Subdivision); and, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Section 5.02 (Subdivision grading Standards) and Section 5.04 (Hillside Disturbance) of the Subdivision Ordinance to address issues related to hillside disturbance and the abandonment of hillside protection easements; and WHEREAS, public hearings regarding this Ordinance were advertised in the April 29, 2020, and May 6, 2020, editions of the Fountain Hills Times; and ENACTMENTS: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 2, Platting Procedures, Section 2.08, Abandon- ment of Recorded Subdivision, is hereby amended as follows to add a new Subsection C: Section 2.08 Abandonment of Recorded Subdivision C. Applications for abandonment of all or a portion of a recorded Hillside Protection Easement as required in Section 5.04 of this ordinance may be reviewed and approved by the Development Services Director for easements which would not be required under the current Subdivision Ordinance. SECTION 3. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5, Grading Standards, Section 5.02, Subdivision Grading Standards, is hereby amended by adding to subsection C.2 as follows: Section 5.02 Subdivision Grading Standards ORDINANCE 20-07 PAGE 2 2 Section 5.02 C. 2. 2. A 20’ wide band of primary driveway access (measured from the back of curb to the nearest point of intersection with any portion of the house, the garage door or a carport or covered driveway, if any) is excluded from the hillside disturbance limitations whether done by the Hillside Protection Easement Option or the Hillside Transfer and Protection Option. SECTION 4. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5, Grading Standards, Section 5.04, Hillside Disturbance, is hereby amended as follows: Section 5.04 Hillside Disturbance Section 5.04 B.4. 4. The Development Services Director may consider additional exemptions to or modifications of the disturbance area required by Section 5.04 when, in the determination of the Development Services Director, the specific situations of the lot (lot configuration, steep slope on the lot adjacent to the street, location of appropriate building site, etc.) make development of the specific lot impractical under the provisions of this ordinance. The relief allowed shall be the minimum necessary to facilitate construction on the property. SECTION 5. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 6. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps and execute all documents necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this 16th day of June, 2020. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Ginny Dickey, Mayor Elizabeth A. Burke, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Aaron D. Arnson, Town Attorney ITEM 8. J. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT    Meeting Date: 06/02/2020 Meeting Type: Town Council Regular Meeting Agenda Type: Regular Agenda Submitting Department: Public Works Prepared by: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Staff Contact Information: Justin Weldy, Public Works Director Request to Town Council Regular Meeting (Agenda Language):  CONSIDERATION OF authorizing the Town Manager to administratively approve a contract to make emergency repairs to the Panorama storm drainpipe. Staff Summary (Background) The Panorama Drive Storm Drain was originally constructed in 1988 (pre-incorporation) by MCO Properties, as a part of the Panorama Drive Paving Improvements project. The storm drain is approximately 3000' long, and is primarily 48" diameter pipe, with 66" diameter pipe at the downstream two reaches.   Dry weather flows have frequently been noted in the channel downstream from this pipe outlet, although the cause(s) of those flows has never been clearly identified. However, those flows indicate the likelihood of drainage flow through this pipe's trench bedding and/or backflow. Water adjacent to a metallic pipe vastly increases its corrosion potential. In 2015-16, the Town's contractor cleaned this pipe (which had been half-filled with sediment) over a 2-year period.   In January 2020, a 6' x 3' surface sinkhole (and later a second sinkhole) was noted near this pipe. Upon excavating at that location, staff discovered that the pipe invert (bottom) had been corroded away and that there was a large hole above the pipe for about a 20' length. Staff had the Town's contractor remove/replace those sections of pipe and compact the backfill.   Between the date of those surface failures, staff had Ames Companies perform a camera inspection of the full length of the Panorama Drive storm drain, to determine the lengths and severity of the pipe corrosion. The camera inspection showed numerous locations of missing pipe invert, corroded pipe areas, and substantial areas of missing bituminous lining (asphalt coating) in addition to needing to skip over several failing pipe invert lengths. Since the extent of erosion over many segments of pipe, a nonstructural slip-lining of the pipe was not feasible. Consulting with several pipe contractors, staff determined that the full mainline pipe needed to be replaced with corrosion resistant pipe material.   Public Works Director Justin Weldy presented this situation to the Town Council at a work session, with Council consensus to proceed with engineering design. Wood, Patel prepared a proposal for the engineering work to design and prepare the bid documents for the removal/replacement of the engineering work to design and prepare the bid documents for the removal/replacement of the Panorama Drive storm drain main line with precast reinforced concrete pipe.   All costs will be paid from the Capital Improvements Project Fund, which contains an amount of $2,150,000 requested in the proposed FY20-21 Capital Improvement Program Budget. The design and construction schedule shows the project to be released for bid on July 1,2020, and the bid opening on July 29, 2020.   Due to the emergency nature of the situation and possible higher repair costs if further damage occurs or erodes the area around the drain pipe, staff is requesting authorization for the Town Manager to approve the contract administratively with the successful bidder. It is important to note that while the Town Manager plans to return to the Town Council for ratification of his approval of the contract at the August 24, 2020, meeting, repair work will likely occur on the project shortly after Town Manager approves the contract.  Therefore, it is recommended that the Town Council authorize the Town Manager to administratively approve the contract for the Panorama storm drain pipe repairs with an amount not to exceed the engineer's estimate for the project.  If the bids exceed this limit, then the award of the contract will be taken to the Town Council for its consideration and possible approval.   Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle N/A Risk Analysis Not approving this request will delay the start of construction and may result in further damage, sinkholes, and additional costs. Recommendation(s) by Board(s) or Commission(s) N/A Staff Recommendation(s) Approval of the request as presented.  SUGGESTED MOTION MOVE to authorize the Town Manager to enter into and administratively approve the contract with the successful bidder for construction of the Panorama storm drainpipe for subsequent ratification by the Town Council; and direct the Town Manager to take the contract to the Town Council at a special Town Council meeting, if necessary, if the successful bidder's proposal exceeds the engineer's project estimate. Fiscal Impact Fiscal Impact:$2,150,000 Budget Reference: Funding Source:CIP If Multiple Funds utilized, list here: Budgeted: if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form:Yes Attachments Construction design and bid schedule  Vicinity map  Form Review Inbox Reviewed By Date Public Works Director (Originator)Justin Weldy 05/20/2020 05:43 PM Finance Director David Pock 05/20/2020 06:04 PM Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson 05/21/2020 09:07 AM Town Manager Grady E. Miller 05/21/2020 04:27 PM Form Started By: Justin Weldy Started On: 05/20/2020 05:05 PM Final Approval Date: 05/21/2020  DESIGN SCHEDULE & ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULEPanorama Drive Storm Drain Replacement ProjectWP # 205129Tuesday, April 7, 202060%TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYSOIL BORINGS & GEO. REPORTPAVING & STORM DRAIN P&P, SPECS 100%4/12/20204/19/20204/26/20205/3/2020SCOPE OF WORKCIPCP DESIGNSUBSURFACE UTILITY INVESTIGATIONCONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONAS-BUILT SURVEY & RECORD DRAWINGS 4/5/20209/6/20205/10/20205/17/20205/24/20205/31/20206/7/20206/14/20206/21/20206/28/20207/5/20207/12/20207/19/20207/26/20208/2/20208/9/2020AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER9/13/20209/20/20209/27/202010/4/202010/11/202010/18/202010/25/202011/1/202011/8/20208/16/20208/23/20208/30/2020DECEMBERTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLAN REVIEWCONTRACTOR BIDDING & CONTRACT NEGOTIATION 12/6/202012/13/202012/20/202012/27/202011/15/202011/22/202011/29/2020APRIL MAY JUNE JULY BEELI N E H W Y SHEA BLVDPALISADES BLVDSAGUARO BLVD SAGUARO BLVDPALI S A D E S B L V D PALISA D E S B L V D S A G U A R O B L V DFOUNTAIN HILLS BLVDMcDOWEL L M O U N T A I N R D FOUNTAIN H ILLS BLVDSUNRIDGE DREL L A G O B L V D AVEN U E O F T H E FOU N T A I N S PANORAMA DRFIREROCK COUNTRYCLUB DR EA G L E M O U N T A I N PK W YCRESTVIEW DRPAL O M I N O B L V D SIERR A M A D R E GRANDE B L V DGOLDEN EAGLE BLVDEAGLE R IDGE DR VICINITY MAP TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS NORTH SCALE: 1" = 3500'All that i s A r iz o naFOU N T A IN HI L LSTOWN OFINC. 1989TOWN HALL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCOTTSDALE McDOWELL MOUNTAIN PARK FORT McDOWELL YAVAPAI NATIONSALT RIVER PIMA MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY TOWN BOUNDARY SCOTTSDALE PANORAMA DR STORM DRAIN PROJECT