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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020.1117.TCRM.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Mayor Dickey Mayor Dickey called the meeting of November 17, 2020, to order at 5:32 p.m. and led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. INVOCATION - Pastor John Nichols, Harvest Bible Chapel Pastor John Nichols of Harvest Bible Chapel gave the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL — Mayor Dickey Present: Mayor Ginny Dickey; Vice Mayor David Spelich; Councilmember Mike Scharnow; Councilmember Art Tolis; Councilmember Alan Magazine; Councilmember Gerry Friedel Absent: Councilmember Dennis Brown Staff Town Manager Grady E. Miller; Town Attorney Aaron D. Arnson; Town Clerk Present: Elizabeth A. Burke 4. REPORTS BY MAYOR, COUNCILMEMBERS AND TOWN MANAGER Town Manager Grady Miller reported that as part of the equipment upgrade that took place over the summer with the audio/visual equipment for Council meetings, Cox Communications has completed their part this week and Council meetings are now in high definition. He also reported that the Fountain Hills Shoulder Widening project is progressing. They have completed the concrete curbing and are nearing completion of the asphalt. Councilmember Scharnow reported that at the last Valley Metro meeting they talked about proposed service changes, which included the elimination of Route 514 Express. Once that is gone, the route would start and end at the Mustang Transit Center in Scottsdale. They are accepting public comments through December 4. He said that they are also talking about a huge improvement at the Broadway curve which will include replacing ten bridges. He said that they had a Fountain Hills Coalition meeting, and the members were pleased with Council action on the marijuana proposition. He is working with Mr. Miller and Mr. Ciccarone to host a panel discussion on December 3 to discuss meth and fake opioid pills. Councilmember Scharnow reported that in lieu of the Thanksgiving Parade the Chamber is collecting turkeys for the Extended Hands Food Bank; they are trying to get 300 turkeys. Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 2 of 12 He also reported that he attended the Veterans Day ceremony last week where the Mayor was the keynote speaker. He commended staff on getting the Town Hall, Community Center and Library repainted. Councilmember Tolis recognized the Chamber of Commerce and Town Council for moving forward with the Arts Fair. He said that they had strict health regulations and Ms. LaVoie and her team did a great job. He said that he was in attendance and would say that they had a 90% compliance with masks and cleaning efforts. He was happy to see businesses thriving. He said that they need those types of activities as they cannot risk businesses losing their livelihood. Councilmember Friedel said that he also attended the Veterans Day ceremony and he appreciated all veterans. He said that he was also at the Arts Fair six different times to make sure protocols were being followed; he hoped everyone was safe. He commended the Fire Department and Chief for coming to the aid of his neighbor whose car caught on fire. He said that the firemen were at the top of their game. They got there and got it under control and he gave kudos to the Fire Department. Vice Mayor Spelich thanked Chief Ott for spearheading and following through with Epcor to obtain access to fire hydrants. He noted that he put Councilmember Friedel in for a lifesaving award. He was fighting his neighbor's fire with a garden hose. He said that the Town of Fountain Hills lost one of its residents, Dr. C.T. Wright. He spoke at his funeral and read the Town's Proclamation. He said that Dr. Wright was President of the School Board, Director of the State Clemency Board, appointed by Governor Brewer, served on the Governor's Council of Aging and was involved with the NAACP. He thanked the Mayor for the proclamation, noting that Dr. Wright's family was bvery appreciative. Councilmember Magazine said that it was a sad situation losing Dr. Wright. He said that although he saw him a number of times, he did not know anything about him until he read it in the newspaper. He said that it was astounding to read about his life. Mayor Dickey thanked Vice Mayor Spelich for representing the Town so well and reading the proclamation at the funeral. She noted that the Town lost another member, Karl Gaardsmore, who was a school board member. She thanked everyone involved in the Make a Difference Day, particularly to Volunteer Coordinator Kim Wickland. She said that she also appreciated Paul Garvey from the McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission for his video. She said that she and Mr. Miller attended a very safe opening of the new We-Ko-Pa Casino. There was a lot of excitement and they wishes the best to their neighbors at Ft. McDowell. She reported that she and staff have had meetings with representatives and discussions about Dark Skies, FHUSD, Canadian AZ Business Council, MAG, GPEC, River of Time Museum, and theTraffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee met, welcoming Mike Scharnow and Peggy McMahon as new members. Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 3of12 The Veteran's Day ceremony, held at the Veterans Memorial, was a joint activity with AMVETS, VFW Post 7507 and American Legion Post 58. It was an important event to honor US service women and men. She said that she posted a video of what would have started off the next Town Talk Tuesday. She looks forward to having Council participate as they did before the pandemic to give all an opportunity to meet and discuss whatever they like. A. RECOGNITION OF outgoing Vice Mayor Mike Scharnow and incoming Vice Mayor David Spelich Mayor Dickey thanked Councilmember Scharnow for his service as Vice Mayor, who reliably attended local activities and met responsibilities which she appreciated very much. She said that she was looking forward to David Spelich serving as Vice Mayor. B. PROCLAMATION - declaring November 28, 2020, as Small Business Saturday. Mayor Dickey read the proclamation proclaiming November 28, 2020, as Small Business Saturday. Councilmember Magazine said that three or four weeks ago he read that 100,000 small businesses have gone out of business, and he is sure it is a lot more. There will be more than that because of COVID. A lot of people are being thrown out of work and he hoped that the House and Senate could get together with a financial package. 5. SCHEDULED PUBLIC APPEARANCES/PRESENTATIONS A. PRESENTATION by representatives of Rural Metro on update. Brian Davis with Rural Metro came forward and thanked Mr. Miller for the opportunity to return to a Town Council meeting to provide an update. He said that Chief Ott does a wonderful job of running the department in Fountain Hills, but he wanted to provide a periodic snapshot of their global presence. He said that the Fountain Hills operation is part of Central Arizona which includes 13 stations fulled staffed with 200 people. The Arizona Operation, which include Pima and Yuma Counties, includes 27 stations and 500 staff, three fleet maintenance facilities and three dispatch services. He said that they can find members of Rural Metro in Josephine County, Oregon, Know County, Tennessee and many are staffing areas of Chicago. Mr. Davis said that even though this has been the year of unmentionables, it has been a good year for Growth Medical Responses (GMR). He said that it was a three-legged stool with 1) Rural Metro; 2) Air Emergency; and 3) AMR Ambulance. That makes up the foundation of who they are, with almost 38,000 employees. He said that they can now tap into responses and information that the average organization would not have. He said that they participate with all of those employees. This year Fountain Hills firefighters responded in New York City, California, Oregon, Louisiana, etc. He said while the rest of the country was having PPE shortages, their large buying power allowed them to have their own cache. He said that all of their firefighters were following a Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 4of12 regiment nationwide. Within the Central Arizona area they had a total of 17 positive COVID cases with employees. He said that their firefighters have the full resources of the national organization, making sure that Fountain Hills residents are being provided with cutting edge procedures. Councilmember Magazine thanked Mr. Davis for the presentation. He asked if Rural Metro was a for profit company. Mr. Davis replied that it was. Councilmember Magazine asked who pays when someone is transported. Mr. Davis said that it would be through insurance or the patients. Councilmember Magazine said that he has heard horror stories of ambulance bills running $30,000 to $50,000, and asked how that justified. Mr. Davis said that it comes down to the slight amount of actual revenue received. He said that ambulance billing causes them more frustration than anyone else. He would deeply love to not have situation, but there are many players involved. Councilmember Magazine asked if the amount received is so much less, why they receive bills like that. Mr. Davis said that was a decision made higher up. With regard to the cache of PPE's, he keeps seeing that nurses are wear masks for 30 days and he asked why. Mr. Davis said that he does not know that there are enough for the entire nation. They rotate the stock and buy it from the same places everyone buys them from. Councilmember Tolis thanked Mr. Davis for his presentation, stating that it was very informative. He said that he had no idea of their global presence and it sounds like the residents of Fountain Hills are in good hands. Mr. Miller said that he meets periodically with Mr. Davis, and anything that needs to be worked out with worked out mutually with them and Chief Ott. Mayor Dickey said that she appreciated all of their work, noting that it was a tough year all around. B. PRESENTATION OF annual financial audit results by Heinfeld Meech & Co. Jennifer Shields with Heinfeld Meech & Co. said that this is the fifth year of their contract. She said that they only get to come out and visit a few times a year. This past year with COVID was different. They came on site and worked closely with David Pock and Be, and others as well, and she thanked staff and Mr. Miller. She said that an audit is never an easy undertaking, and this year provided additional challenges, but the Town has done a good job keeping everything electronically so they can be reviewed at other locations. Tomorrow she will send a letter to Mr. Miller, the Letter to Governance. She said that it will outline the process of what they were required to do. She said that they had no disagreements with management; no difficulties in performing the audit; no audit adjustments were required to be made; and those are all good things. She said that this report is where any disclosure of audit findings would be, but there wer no audit findings. Mayor Dickey said that they appreciated their work, and thanked staff for doing such a fine job. Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 5of12 6. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R. S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Council, and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual councilmembers may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Council agenda. None 7. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine, noncontroversial matters and will be enacted by one motion of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda, he/she may request so prior to the motion to accept the Consent Agenda or with notification to the Town Manager or Mayor prior to the date of the meeting for which the item was scheduled. The items will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. MOVED BY Vice Mayor David Spelich, SECONDED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine to approve Consent Agenda Items 7-A through 7-B. Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously A. CONSIDERATION OF approving the meeting minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 6, 2020; and the Regular Meeting of October 20, 2020. B. CONSIDERATION OF approving Fountain Hills Cultural and Civic Association's application to the Arizona Department of Revenue for a Bingo License to conduct Bingo at the Community Center. 8. REGULAR AGENDA A. CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-43 declaring and adopting the results of the General Election held November 3, 2020. Town Clerk Elizabeth Burke reported that the final numbers from the County had not yet been received, so they were unable to canvass the election results. She said that the County has notified the Town that they will have the numbers to the Town tomorrow, so in order to comply with State Statutes, which requires a canvass within 20 days of the election, the Council would need to schedule a quick special meeting for either Thursday or next Monday. Mr. Miller thanked the Town Council and gave kudos to the Development Services Director for taking a very good General Plan to the voters for ratification. He said that Bo did quite a bit with public engagement, and with all of their working groups, it was a stamp of approval for all those involved in its development. The Town Council directed staff to schedule a special meeting for 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, 2020. Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 6 of 12 B. PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF Resolution 2020-42 adopting the Town's FY 2021-22 Comprehensive User Fee Schedule. Mayor Dickey opened the Public Hearing and Finance Director David Pock gave a brief PowerPoint presentation which addressed: USER FEE BACKGROUND GENERAL FUND REVENUE USER FEE WORK SESSION Mr. Miller said that his recollection at the end of the work session was that the Town Council was inclined to approve the fees as presented. He believed that the Vice Mayor had brought up a fee for an expedited service. Mr. Pock said that at the end, Council's direction was to accept as recommended; that did not mean that all of them were adjusted to be full cost recovery. Councilmember Magazine said that his recollection was that this would increase revenue by $515,000 per year. Mr. Pock said that it is difficult for projected revenues. He said that revenues will increase if they have the same level of activity. Mr. Miller said that they had used a spreadsheet where all things being equal, in theory the fees would increase revenue up to $500,000. Mayor Dickey closed the Public Hearing Councilmember Scharnow said that it is being recommended that such a study be done every five years. He asked if the development of this study will help with future studies. Mr. Pock said that it does provide a good foundation; going forward they can update with sales/benefits, but will still revisit everything. MOVED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Mike Scharnow to adopt Resolution 2020-42. Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously C. CONSIDERATION OF Approving contract 2021-007 for General Plumbing Services, which encompass three (3) as -needed Job Order Master Agreement Contracts; 2021-007A, 2021-007B, and 2021-007C with terms for a period of one-year with up to four, one year renewable options and with identical compensation not to exceed $125,000 per contract in a twelve (12) month period. Mr. Miller said that this item, as well as the next, were related to job order contracting for plumbing and general electrical services. Parks Superintendent Kevin Snipes provide some background. He said that they used this same process for general contractors. It was a townwide contract and used by multiple departments. It is very beneficial in getting things done in a timely fashion. He said that they have used this method for the past year and a half, and decided to use it for more specific work such as plumbing and electrical. They received quotes and are submitting a list of vendors from which staff would contact at ..:.;-_:. the time of need. This allows them to get things done as quickly as possible. If the first Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 7of12 contractor on the list is unable to help, then they move to the next on the list.. This prevents staff from having to bring items back before Council in those situations where timeliness is essential. He said that they were able to get 14 general contractors. This time, they have three vendors they can use for plumbing and five for electrical. He said that they are not asking for consideration on spending extra money; it is to be able to spend monies budgeted when they need it. Vice Mayor Spelich asked if any local businesses provided a quote. Mr. Snipes said that no local vendors submitted on either of the bids. Vice Mayor Spelich said that he would like to use businesses in Fountain Hills, and asked how they increase participation by businesses, or ask them why they do not participate. Mr. Snipes said that when they did the general contractor JOC, they got several quotes from locals and they have been used several times. Part of the goal in JOC was to get locals. Councilmembers asked why locals do not bid. Councilmember Scharnow said that he knows some local electrical contractors and they have done some commercial, but a lot of what they are being asked to do for the Town is more commercial. Most of the plumbers that he knows are more residential. Mr. Snipes said that a year and a half ago they had a problem at the bathrooms at Fountain Park, over a holiday weekend, and once the plumbers heard that the toilets were hung on the wall, they would not touch them. Mr. Miller said that last year at the Council Retreat, the Council brought up the desire to have opportunities for local vendors. He said that while this one did not work out like they would have liked, they have done a good job. He said that a local videographer worked with James Smith. He said that they are still trying to kick up more opportunities for the local vendors. Councilemember Friedel said that they have to have people that have the expertise. MOVED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Mike Scharnow to approve Job Order Master Agreement Contracts Nos. 2021-007A, 2021-007B, and 2021-007C, for general plumbing services. Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously D. CONSIDERATION OF Approving contract 2021-008 for General Electrical Services, which encompass five (5) as -need basis Job Order Master Agreement Contracts; 2021-008A, 2021-00813, 2021-008C, 2021-008D, and 2021-008E with identical terms for a period of one-year with up to four, one-year renewable options and with identical compensation not to exceed $125,000 per contract in a twelve (12) month period. MOVED BY Councilmember Art Tolis, SECONDED BY Councilmember Gerry Friedel to approve Job Order Master Agreement Contracts Nos. 2021-008A, 2021-00813, 2021-008C, 2021-008D, and 2021-008E for general electrical services. Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 8of12 E. CONSIDERATION OF approving Professional Services Agreement C2021-022 with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc., for the design of: (1) Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive traffic signal design, and (2) Fountain Hills Boulevard and Palisades Boulevard intersection analysis. Public Works Director Justin Weldy said that this is a two-part contract. The first part is to evaluate the intersection of Palisades and Palomino for a traffic signal. He said that they have had some growth in that area, with the expansion of Copperwynd and Phase 2 of Adero Canyon. He said that several years ago they put this into the capital projects list for when there may be a need to build a traffic signal. • Phase 1 consists of warrant study to evaluate and document the need for a signalized controlled intersection based on the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), Section 4. • Phase 2 consists of preparing preliminary design, cost estimates, and scoping document that will define the project improvements necessary for a fully functional four -legged traffic signal.Town staff anticipates other improvements being necessary for a fully functional and safe intersection. Phase 2 will be instrumental in assisting with defining the project of improvements in more detail and provide Town staff with a budget for programming and scheduling purposes. • Phase 3 consists of the final design of the improvements. Councilmember Tolis said that the Development Agreement with CopperWynd required them to allocate $500,000 towards a signal in anticipation of their third phase. Mr. Miller said that it would be required on completion of the third phase. They would be a part and have to participate in contributing. At this point, there is no indication it is required; this would be to determine a need. He said that in the event that the warrants were met, the Town would be able to get them when they did develop phase three. As far as Toll Brothers, they acquired property from MCO and originally MCO had given a small contribution many years ago for their portion. Councilmember Scharnow asked how many warrants have to be met. Mr. Weldy said that one one is needed, but they would probably be looking to met two or three. He said that the notice to proceed would only cover the first phase of the project. It would be one big contract, but they would be paid in phases, if the warrants are met. In any case, he said, they would come back to Council to provide an update. Mr. Miller noted that the Council preauthorized staff to be there tonight as this is in the CIP. He said that if they find that there are warrants, then that would be a CIP discussion. Vice Mayor Spelich said that he believes they will end up with a traffic study done during COVID when many people are working from home and will not have a true count of traffic. Mr. Weldy said that they are fortunate at this intersection to have historic data with the CopperWynd, Adero Canyon and Daybreak developments He said that they have numbers outside of COVID; the only data they are lacking is the turning movements. Councilmember Magazine asked how much Phase I would cost. Mr. Weldy said that he did not have the exact number, but he believed it was around $17,000. Councilmember Magazine said that he would go along with the first phase, but after that he would have to be convinced. Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 9of12 Mayor Dickey said that with the Prop 400 reauthorization, it is based on modeling. They need to recognize that what they are going to experience now may not be what is happening in 18 months. She said that if it comes back that they should be looking ahead, she would be comfortable moving ahead with this. Ms. Burke noted that one Request to Comment card was submitted electronically and they were opposed to moving forward. Councilmember Scharnow asked if Palisades was the busiest main street. Mr. Weldy said that he did not have that information in front of him. Councilmember Scharnow said that this is about improving the flow of traffic. With the hills and curves, it is a weird intersection. To him, it is good planning to at least go forward and make an allowance for this to happen. Mr. Weldy said that when the intersection was taken over from Maricopa County, there has been only one change. There has not been an evaluation in 20 years. Councilmember Magazine said that he can attest that it is a dangerous situation and it is worth looking at. MOVED BY Councilmember Mike Scharnow, SECONDED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine to approve Professional Services Agreement C2021-022 with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $175,082, of which $15,917.00 shall be an owners' allowance, for the design of Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive traffic signal and Fountain Hills Boulevard and Palisades Boulevard intersection analysis. Vote: 3 - 3 Failed AYE: Mayor Ginny Dickey Councilmember Mike Scharnow Councilmember Alan Magazine NAY: Vice Mayor David Spelich Councilmember Art Tolis Councilmember Gerry Friedel Mr. Arnson said that at this time the Council could have staff come back or the Council could vote to reconsider the matter and if approved, limit the motion to something different. MOVED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Art Tolis to approve the design of the intersection of Fountain Hills Blvd. and Palisades in the amount of $21,480. Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously F. CONSIDERATION OF approving the third amendment to Professional Services Agreement C2019-002 with Brown & Associates Certified Inspection Services, INC, for civil plan review and inspection services. Mr. Weldy said that this was to cover the vacancy due to the town engineer retiring. It has also been used in the past to allow for inspections for the building safety division, should they need it. Vice Mayor Spelich asked if staff had any idea of the estimated time for filling the position. Mr. Miller said that they just closed recruitment and have eight applicants. They are hopeful Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 10 of 12 Cep to be able to get this filled within the next three to four weeks. With regard to the other building inspector, they just made an offer and they will be starting on November 30, 2020. He said that this is worst case scenario. It is close to what is available. They probably will not need to spend the full amount, but it gives staff more cushion to be on the safe side. CONSIDERATION OF directing staff to proceed in undertaking the remaining projects in the Town Council -approved FY2020-21 Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Weldy said that earlier this year the Town Council had directed staff to move forward with a few high priority capital projects, but the rest were put on hold, although they had been budgeted. This evening was to review the other projects and receive direction on whether to move forward. Mr. Weldy reviewed the various projects at this time. TABLE A Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements D6074 $$ 50,000 [Pollina Brantley Drive Detention Basin i D6059 $100,000 HVAC Controllers IFF4035 $ 70,000 [Fire Alarm Control Panel Replacement A_ F4036 $ 80,000 .Sidewalk Infill �FS6061 $200,000 [Palisades & Eagle Ridge Traffic Signal T5005 $ 50,000 [Four Peaks Park Upgrades P3035 $335,000 [Four Peaks Park Playground Parking lot P3045 $ 65,000 Mr. Weldy said that it was brought to his attention today that he did not include the multiyear project which is security cameras at the parks and other Town facilities, which is budgeted at $50,000 a year. Mayor Dickey said that for the purposes of moving forward the cameras will be added to the list and the intersection of Palisades and Golden Eagle will be removed, which may affect the motion later. Regarding Brantley Drive, Councilmember Scharnow asked if the cost included construction. Mr. Weldy said the number was estimated based on the geography challenge. This is for design only. Councilmember Scharnow asked what was included in the Park Upgrades. Ms. Goodwin replied that it would provide a shade structure over the new playground and they would redo the addition of the south side to continue the walking path. She noted that it was for pedestrian access, not vehicular. Councilmember Friedel said that the improvements at the park have been outstanding; they did a great job. Mr. Miller added that Mr. Snipes has done a great job with the turf, too. Councilmember Magazine asked about the Polina improvement. Mr. Weldy said that the Town has a drainage easement and they will dig a hole to slow down the drainage water. Right now it goes down a steep road overtops curbs, entering properties. Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 11 of 12 Councilmember Magazine said that when they discussed these at the work session, there was a concern about income because of COVID. He really thinks that the income is likely to be worse in the coming months as COVID is increasing exponentially. He asked Mr. Miller his thoughts on moving forward with projects during this time. Mr. Miller said that Fountain Hills has been much more insulated than other communities that may have an airport, retail and hotels. They are more of a bedroom community, and their revenues have been much more stable. He said that the CIP fund is the most stable of all of their funds. He is more concerned with the operating budget. Mr. Pock clarified that the CIP funds could not be used for operating unless the Town Council decided to move it out. Councilmember Magazine asked staff if they thought there were any projects that they could safely put off. Mr. Miller said that they have made a commitment to go forward; he believes that once they are all done they will still be at $3 million in the CIP fund. Mr. Weldy said that each one of these will require a contract and that will be brought back for further consideration. Councilmember Scharnow said that it does not seem like it is being reckless to consider that projects at this time; he was in favor of going forward with all of them. Mayor Dickey agreed. Mr. Weldy asked that the motion not include the Table as recommended. MOVED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine, SECONDED BY Councilmember Mike Scharnow to direct staff to proceed in undertaking the remaining capital projects for FY2020-21 with the exception of the Palisades/Eagle Ridge. Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously H. CONSIDERATION OF approving Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement C2021-087 with Visus Engineering Construction, Inc. for a change order relating to the roundabout at the intersection of La Montana and Avenue of the Fountains, and the associated budget transfer. Mr. Miller said that the roundabout was just completed, the markings were completed. During the summer after it was started it was identified that there was a potential conflict with pedestrian traffic and the Town Council approved making a more simplified roundabout. This is a request for the change order, to pay the contract for that work. Mr. Weldy said that they are currently working with the vendors on quantities, there are still some plant establishments, but it will not exceeded this amount. He is comfortable that it will be slightly less. Councilmember Magazine said that he does not like the idea, but he understands the necessity. He said that after they approved it he had some real second thoughts, but now having seen it and receiving such positive e-mails, he thinks they did the right thing. MOVED BY Councilmember Mike Scharnow, SECONDED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine to approve Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement 2020-087 with Visus Engineering Construction, Inc. in the amount of $90,552.94, and the associated budget transfer. Vote: 5 - 1 Passed Town Council Regular Meeting of November 17, 2020 12 of 12 NAY: Vice Mayor David Spelich 9. COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION to the TOWN MANAGER Item(s) listed below are related only to the propriety of (i) placing such item(s) on a future agenda for action, or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Council. \[<= 10. ADJOURNMENT The Regular Meeting of the Fountain Hills Town Council held November 17, 2020, adjourned at 7:48 p.m. MOVED BY Mayor Ginny Dickey, SECONDED BY Councilmember Alan Magazine to adjourn. Vote: 6 - 0 Passed - Unanimously TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS q - I �� U"V�V\ , Gin t Dickeyqlayor ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Elizabeth ke, Town Cle CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Town Council of Fountain Hills in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 17th day of November, 2020. 1 further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 1st day of December, 2020.