HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2020.0225.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION February 25, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Garvey called the meeting of Tuesday, February 25, 2020, to order at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Paul Garvey; Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski; Commissioner Thomas Aiello; Commissioner Tom Barberic; Commissioner Dr. Darrienne Slater Absent: Commissioiner Bill Craig; Commissioner Janice Holden Staff Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin; Executive Assistant Present: Jamie Salentine 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC There was no comments from the citizens present. 4. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of Safety Options on the Promenade Trail Chairman Garvey reviewed the Promenade Trail safety problem and displayed the three (3) options. (See Attachment 1) He noted that options 2 and 3 does not guarantee pedestrians would be diverted off the promenade. Discussion ensued relative to the direction pedestrian's hike and which option would be best. Chairman Garvey stated that Parks Superintendent Kevin Snipe's concern is the water management. He noted that under option 1 that water would be diverted towards the water tank and east of the gazebo. He confirmed that a mechanical trench or a backhoe would be needed. He suggested to build steps up to the berm and that the steps would be made with rocks. In response to a question by Commissioner Aiello, Chairman Garvey replied that by providing the pedestrians another option around the promenade is the only way to keep them off. In response to a question posed by Commissioner Barberic, Chairman Garvey responded McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of February 25, 2020 2 of 5 that Phase 3 of the trail will be delayed and the focus will be on the promenade section of trail. He noted that the goal is to have that section completed by 2022. Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin pointed out that the direction on which option to use is coming forth from the Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills (SCFH) and that the Commission should make a motion to recommend to SCFH approval of one of the options. Moved by Commissioner Tom Barberic, seconded by Commissioner Thomas Aiello to recommend to SCFH approval of Option la—hybrid as shown on the picture. (See Attachment 2) Vote: 5 -0- Unanimously 5. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION on Emergency Marker and Landing Zone for Ridgeline Trail Chairman Garvey stated that he and Commissioner Grzybowski met with Fire Chief Dave Ott to discuss emergency response, resources within the preserve, and the practices such as tools and landing zones. He noted that the markers have value for the fire department however, not necessarily used during a 9-1-1 call. He added they know where the markers are located on a map and that he suggested less density between markers (ex: currently there are 30 markers on the 4-mile Sonoran trail). He commented that the markers will be spread out more and taller and that no landing zone is recommended for this section of the trail, as there are 10 landing zones within the preserve. In response to a question from Commissioner Barberic, Chairman Garvey suggested that they speak with Chief Ott for his opinion on how many landing zones are needed and then address the maintenance of those landing zones. Moved by Commissioner Tom Barberic, seconded by Commissioner Thomas Aiello to recommend to SCFH approval for higher markers and fewer markers throughout the trail and no additional landing zone. Vote: 5 -0- Unanimously 6. UPDATE on the Community Services Parks,Trails, and Recreation Master Plan Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin stated that the Community Services Parks, Trails, and Recreation Master Plan is an external document and that the Community Services Department sent out a Request for Proposals (RFP) in early January and that three vendors submitted proposals. She noted staff is recommending a vendor with a budget of$65,000. She added that the master plan is essentially a road map for the parks over 10-years and directs what would be best for the Town Parks,Trails, and Recreation. In response to a question from Commissioner Barberic, Ms. Goodwin reported that a significant amount of community outreach will be done to hear what the community wants. She noted that they would look all age demographics, space, land availability, McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of February 25,2020 3 of 5 funding, etc. In response to a question by Commissioner Grzybowski, Ms. Goodwin explained that the feedback would assist in supporting the current demographic population as well as what the future goals such as; reaching out to younger families. She added that a community wide survey would be completed too. She pointed out that the Commission may become involved in the future once this is approved and in process. In response to a question from Commissioner Barberic, Ms. Goodwin confirmed that development fees are earmarked for Parks and Recreation and utilizing$40,000 for part of the master plan funding. She added that consideration of approval for a vendor is currently on the March 17, 2020 Council agenda and asked for their attendance to support the master plan approval. Discussion ensued relating to intertwine the Community Services Strategic Plan and the Master Plan, potential kick-off of the master plan project, and timing of the mailed and/or online survey. Commission came to the consensus to draft a recommendation of approval on behalf of the entire Commission and if they are able to attend the meeting, they attend. 7. REVIEW of Trail Counter Activity (See Attachment 3) Chairman Garvey explained the new excel sheet and graphs. He clarified that the trail counter program are owned by the Conservancy with Stan Ruden gathering the information and an apprentice over the summer months. Ms. Goodwin clarified that the reports are to track trends and when maintenance is needed which trail should be addressed first, which is determined by usage. She added that the reports are used for year-end benchmarks too. Chairman Garvey stated that the apprentice will also assist on checking that trail counter batteries are working throughout the year. He noted that estimated counts are in yellow. 8. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of Revised Work Group Structure Vice Chairman Grzybowski reviewed the workgroup meeting. (See Attachment 4) In response to a question from Commissioner Barberic, Vice Chairman Grzybowski stated that option 1 explanation on Value of the Preserve is unknown, however, once the strategic plan is placed in, that group fits within option 3 which is being recommended by the work group. In response to a question by Commissioner Barberic, Vice Chairman Grzybowski answered that the the group would assign the work to be completed and verify completion. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of February 25, 2020 4 of 5 Discussion ensued relating to the redefining of the groups, names of groups, and aligning to the strategic planning. Executive Assistant Jamie Salentine emphasized that if the commission goes with the two workgroups of three and three; that no other discussion with another member is to be done and brought to the meeting as an agenda item. Chairman Garvey clarified that the commission agrees with option 3, with two groups of three commission members: Group 1 Commissioners (short term task): Aiello, Barberic, and Craig Group 2 Commissioners (long term task): Grzybowski, Holden, and Slater Commissioner Barberic suggested that each group come to the next meeting with goals/items that are prioritized. 9. DISCUSSION on Adero Canyon Trailhead Access Ms. Goodwin stated no update. 10. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Vice Chairman Scott Grzybowski, seconded by Commissioner Tom Barberic to adjourn. Vote: 5 - 0 - Unanimously The McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission adjourned at 6:03 p.m. MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION Paul Garvey, Chairman ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: ►1C Jam Salentine, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission in the Town Hall McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of February 25, 2020 5 of 5 Council Chambers on the 25th day of February, 2020. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 26th day of May, 2020. Ja ie Salentine, Executive Assistant Attachment 1 MMPC February 25, 2020 Page 1 of 8 Promenade Trail Safety Problem Option 1: Build steps up to the end of this area. This might be done by digging steps into the existing surface. This might easily be done with a backhoe although it could be done, with effort, by hand. It is our belief that this is the best option. It would provide a solution for hikers. However, it does not address the safety factor for bikers and it would be difficult to do if done by hand and possibly expensive if done with backhoe. Option 2: Build similar steps up to the entrance to the Alternate Bike trail. Then from about 100 yards up this Alternate bike trail build a new trail to the left of the existing Promenade trail, using some switchbacks, that would go up to the area of the original entrance to the Western loop trail. This would allow hikers to avoid the uphill portion of the Promenade. However, it would be somewhat difficult to build and people would probably still use the existing Promenade trail instead of this new alternate. Option 3: Bypass the initial bad part of the Promenade trail that is just past the second gate by building a new trail starting to the east of the rock outcropping just north of the Trailhead ramada and going up to the area of the present temporary water tower. This would be a safe way for hikers to avoid that first part of the Promenade trail. However, it would not deal with the area from the water tower up to the Western Loop entrance and people would probably still tend to use the Promenade trail. �, �+ „�} ems- <r' 4-, a ' A ate y # fir., ;. 8-; t* '.„- x � ♦ ... ,'"°1y .;, tG! ^�'-' ,.., ,T`z. , -`S+ ..J, 'r° �,.'j_w�3�a. i.. ..�<. ' ff ,°d 4,.' ate: ^t T * +a P,414 ,`&S'4.1 i y, :-7r.�4" 't" ;A. h :d5 s. ..: ...,„,,,,„„— ''. ;,..,--)14 ~iv / , ,1.-414".7.44.t-4,-. .1.7„i'r:„..,...i, . .....7.: '..,, 4.'... vi t.ii.i '"V"‘1,1;,,,,,, ^.. " m ac A1. y. w S.a." ,ate'*. r tt s fWs _ .1.d,y �y.�t sr Y�' e1F �-at.P; A. 4 ', M l/) Q 0 C!) 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The goal for the Working Groups' assignments: To be a source for recommendations to the Commission To ensure the execution of Commission commitments To be relevant to our mission of Preserving the Preserve To serve our strategic pursuits, the Community Services' Strategic Plan and our stakeholder community and align our goals with the Sonoran Conservancy of FH Based on these objectives we determined that the tasks associated with the 2019 Work Groups had mostly been accomplished or were no longer relevant. In our discussions, Liaison persons came up. A Liaison to the Town, Sonoran Conservancy of Fountain Hills (SCFH), McDowell Sonoran Preserve (MSP), McDowell Mountain Regional Park (MMRP), etc. The Chair & Vice Chair would be the liaison to the Town. But would it make sense to appoint one or more other Commissioners to liaison positions or is this a work group. A work group does not fit this position but we support a Liaison position. We present our work group findings to the MMPC for consideration. Option 1 Leave the work groups as is which are: 1. Value of the Preserve 2. Safety 3. Preserve Marketing and Fairs 4. Trail heads Tasks associated with the 2019 Work Groups had mostly been accomplished or were no longer relevant Option 2 Leave the work groups as is (above) but add new tasks Attachment 4 MMPC February 25, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Option 3 (Recommended) Align our work groups to the Fountain Hills 2020-2023 Community Services strategic plan. We added some examples of tasks in alignment with the plan as well as a few tasks relevant to the coming year. With that in mind we recommend naming 2 primary work groups: 1. Tactical (short term tasks): Vision #1 Provide recreation that inspires personal growth, healthy lifestyles and a sense of community. Task #3 Maintain parks, recreation, and open space as a vital element in the quality of life for residents • Create plant identification areas at Golden Eagle Park and Four Peaks Park (the Botanical Garden and the Preserve) Additional Tasks: • Complete and open phase 1 & 2 of new trail with signage • Update the Emergency Marker and Landing Zone Location Plan; distribute as required • Remove vegetation ID tags at ACT • Remove all QR codes and their mounting plates • Repair info sign at top of Overlook Trail • Confirm working condition of Preserve trail counters 2. Strategic (long term tasks): Vision #2 Expand and strengthen outdoor experiences and opportunities to contribute to the region's attractiveness as a place to live, work and play Task #1. Preserve, protect, maintain, and enhance natural resources, parkland, and recreational opportunities a. Planning • Work to balance nature and man-made environments in town Vision #3 Optimize safe utilization of facilities, amenities and open spaces Task #3 Create respectful ambassador for parks, Community Center and other facilities a. Integrate Social messaging to expand outreach b. Develop and assign website monitoring for updates c. Enhance/re-establish Docent/Volunteer Training Attachment 4 MMPC February 25, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Additional Tasks: • Implement workaround to the Promenade Trail safety issues • Validate accuracy of several Preserve trail signs (distance to MMP, FH-MMP reference, distance of Sonoran Trail) • Design walking path mapping and associated signage • Determine Emergency Marker requirements for the new trail