HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPAC.2020.0923.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 1. CALL TO ORDER—Chairman Craft Chairman Craft called the meeting of Wednesday, September 23, 2020, to order at 4:03 P.M. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. 2. ROLL CALL—Chairman Craft Present: Vice Chairman Peter Bordow; Chairman John W. Craft, Jr.; Commissioner Gerry Friedel; Commissioner Cynthia Magazine; Commissioner John McHugh; Commissioner Chad Bernick; Commissioner Gerard Bisceglia Staff Town Manager Grady Miller; Executive Assistant Angela Padgett-Espiritu Present: 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted(not required)on matters NOT listed on the agenda.Any such comment(i)must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and(ii)is subject to reasonable time,place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may(i)respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. No one spoke at the Call to the Public. 4. CONSIDERATION OF Approving the June 24, 2020, Meeting Minutes. MOVED BY Commissioner John McHugh, SECONDED BY Commissioner Gerard Bisceglia Vote: 7 - 0 - Unanimously 5. UPDATE ON Current Plan Progress. Town Manager Grady Miller updated the commission on the progress of the current plan. Plan Goal #2: Infrastructure and Digital Capacity- Research electric car charging stations. Town staff is working with a company called Charge Point, a major e-vehicle charging station to have electric charging stations installed. The costs for each unit is approximately $3,500. Plan Goal #4- Ensure that finances are stable and sustainable. Recently, the council adopted a three-tenths sales tax increase that helped the town get through a very difficult fiscal year. In addition, the Town had a firm develop a model on the true cost of service study. The firm looked at various cost of user fees and developed a model that reflects the true cost of user fees. The council decided to go with a 100% cost of recovery on all of the fees. This will be taken to council for formal action in November and would take effect in July 2021. Town Manager Grady Miller informed the commission that the Town has a new Community Relations Manager, Bo Larsen. He will help get the word out on all of the initiatives that the commission is doing 6. DISCUSSION OF Preliminary Findings from Vision Fountain Hills Online Survey. Vice Chair Peter Bordow reported to the Commission that the Vision Fountain Hills Online Survey (see attached VisionFH.org Online Survey document) launched the first week of September 2020. The survey gave importance and performance rate for Town's services and assets, and had approximately 550 respondents. The key focus to note on the results is the comparison of the importance rating of a category in comparison to the category's performance rating. For example, the last four items are listed as high importance but the performance level is significantly low. Town Manger Miller commented that this is very similar to a satisfaction survey. Vice Chair Bordow mentioned that the survey received a large amount of comments in the free form field from respondents. Town Manager Grady Miller asked for clarification regarding the survey category "Local Environment Management". Chair Craft responded that it pertains to the natural settings in the community, such as the parks and washes and, we are still researching data for clarification. Vice Chair Bordow commented that these reflect the hierarchy of the questions in the survey itself. These do not come from the free form text. The survey also gathered demographic data. Chair Craft mentioned that the only other aspect of the survey is the comment mentioned on the bottom of the survey results document that asked if respondents believe that their voices are being heard by local leaders. Town Manager Miller commented that his goal with the New Community Relations Manager is in five years to have 80% of voices being heard. Vote: 7 - 0 - Unanimously 7. UPDATE ON SWOT Top 5 Opportunities. Commissioner Bernick reported that after the last meeting, the workgroup came up with a methodology for prioritizing identified opportunities for the town and took the town's 2015 strategic priorities and developed a ranking system for previously identified opportunities; SWOT Prioritization Abstract. (See attached) The#1 priority falls into this category as rebranding the town. • Rebranding the community Center #2 Urban Planning and Economic Development • International Dark Skies * (top priority) #3 Strategic Partnerships •Strategic Partnerships with ASU/NAU * (top priority but perhaps reworded to be broader) #4 Attract California (other state) outflows • Fountain Hills is unique in the valley for feeling like California hill country. #5 Increase rental market • Increase the rental market (housing) * (top priority) Commissioner Cynthia Magazine mentioned to the commission about the Swaback Vision Plan aka Downtown Area Specific Plan that was adopted in 2009. Town Manager Miller requested a copy be emailed to the commissioners and a hard copy be given at the next meeting. Commissioner Magazine commented that Commissioner Bernick has done a great job and thanked him for all of his hard work. Commissioner Bernick reported that after the last meeting, the workgroup came up with a methodology for prioritizing identified opportunities for the town and took the town's 2015 strategic priorities and developed a ranking system for previously identified opportunities; SWOT Prioritization Abstract. (See attached) The#1 priority falls into this category as rebranding the town. •Rebranding the community Center #2 Urban Planning and Economic Development • International Dark Skies * (top priority) #3 Strategic Partnerships •Strategic Partnerships with ASU/NAU * (top priority but perhaps reworded to be broader) #4 Attract California (other state) outflows •Fountain Hills is unique in the valley for feeling like California hill country. #5 Increase rental market • Increase the rental market (housing) * (top priority) Commissioner Cynthia Magazine mentioned to the commission about the Swaback Vision Plan aka Downtown Area Specific Plan that was adopted in 2009. Town Manager Miller requested a copy be emailed to the commissioners and a hard copy be given at the next meeting. Commissioner Magazine commented that Commissioner Bernick has done a great job and thanked him for all of his hard work. 8. DISCUSSION OF Proposed Framework for 2020/2021 Strategic Plan. Chair Craft shared with the commission a document on the history of Fountain Hills Strategic Planning (see attached). Chair Craft shared with commission that from his workgroup with Commission Bisceglia and Commissioner McHugh the framework Commissioner McHugh presented background and logic on the proposed framework for the Fountain Hills Strategic Plan 2020/1 (see attached). The workgroup, which includes Chair Craft and Commissioner Bisceglia, reduced the five goals in the current Strategic Plan to four Strategic Priorities. The workgroup met with Town Manager Miller prior to meeting with the Mayor to discuss the four identified strategic priorities for the 2020/1 strategic plan. Commissioner McHugh requested feedback from the group. Commissioner Bisceglia commented that it is important, as the next step for this group is to define these priorities. Chair Craft commented that these priorities encompasses the overarching value and overall quality of life, if we move forward with framework. Commissioner McHugh commented that what the workgroup is saying that these are the four things that capture on what needs to be done. Commissioner Bisceglia commented that this is not ranking and that all are equally important. Commissioner Magazine asked the workgroup what was eliminated? Chair Craft replied that this went from the original five goals in the current Strategic Plan and this is a five-year view of what we need to focus on. Vice Chair Bordow commented that the priorities were remolded to reflect the new climate, perspective and data that has become known. Chair Craft commented that the Mayor is comfortable with the direction we are taking. Commissioner Bernick commented that is important in attracting California outflows and making people aware of who we are. 9. DISCUSSION OF Moving Forward -Workgroups. Chair Craft reviewed with the commission the document SPAC Work Groups and the formation of three specific workgroups. Workgroup for Strategic Priority Infrastructure and digital capacity- Commissioner Bernick and Vice Chair Bordow. Workgroup for Economic Development (3 industry focus—collaborations)—Chair Craft and Commissioner Bisceglia Workgroup for Health, Well-being, Safety (Quality of Life-Environment)—Commissioner Magazine and Commissioner McHugh. Chair Craft reviewed the below issues to consider with the commission. 1. Considering the economic realities, should the new Plan's objectives be organized according to what can be initiated with current and projected revenue resources and those that may require additional resources? 2. Where are there potential collaboration opportunities for the Town? 3. What will be the new normal over the next 5 years? 4. Is FH destined to be a suburban bedroom community, an over SO community or a destination site? How should our energies and resources be directed in support of the SP? 5. Tasks and objectives need to be actionable and measurable with an eye toward supporting the overarching value of strengthening our community's overall quality of life. Chair Craft reviewed the timelines and requested that each workgroup give a preliminary update on the progress of their workgroup. Chair Craft proposed before the end of the year to have preliminary objectives from each workgroup to use at the community workshop. I 10. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY Chairman John W. Craft, Jr., SECONDED BY Vice Chairman Peter Bordow Vote: 7 - 0 - Unanimously The Strategic Planning Adivsory Commission adjourned at 5:18 p.m. STRATEGIC PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION Jo . Craft, Jr., air ATTEST AND P EPARED BY: 1 Angela spiritu, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Strategic Planning Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 23 day of September, 2020. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 28 day of October, 2020. Angela E piritu, Ex tive Assistant