HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020.0414.TCBR.PacketVice Mayor Mike Scharnow Councilmember Dennis Brown Councilmember Sherry Leckrone NOTICE OF MEETING BUDGET WORKSHOP FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Ginny Dickey Councilmember Alan Magazine Councilmember David Spelich Councilmember Art Tolis TIME: 5:00 PM — BUDGET WORKSHOP WHEN: TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2020 WHERE: FOUNTAIN HILLS COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E. AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS, FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ PUBLIC NOTICE Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings of the Fountain Hills Town Council will be closed to the public. Previous items that may have been of interest for public comment or were not directly related to the operation of the Town have been removed from the agenda. As always, the meeting will be broadcast live on Cox Channel 11 and streamed from the internet at www.fh.az.gov/live. If you wish to listen to the meeting, please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone by going to https://www.gotomeet.me/tofh You may also dial in using your phone. United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073 Access Code: 958-719-309 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https:// Ig obal.eotomeeting.com/install/958719309 1. CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Ginny Dickey 2. ROLL CALL — Mayor Dickey 3. Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Proposed Budget. 4. ADJOURNMENT Town Council Budget Workshop of April 14, 2020 2 of 2 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted in accordance with the statement filed by the Town Council with the Town Clerk. • Date this `;�^way of 4 2020. fill, • t`lizabeth rke,M ,Town Cler • The To of'ountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities.Please call 480-816-5199(voice)or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 8 h. rs prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. ‘pporting documentation and staff reports furnished the Council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's Office. I I 4 ITEM 3. Meeting Date: 04/14/2020 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT Meeting Type: Town Council Budget Workshop Agenda Type: Public Appearances/Presentations Submitting Department: Administration Prepared by: David Pock, Finance Director Staff Contact Information: David Pock, Finance Director DISCUSSION ITEM (Agenda Language): Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Proposed Budget. Staff Summary (Background) On April 4, 2020, a budget workshop will be for the Town Council. At the workshop, staff will present an update on the Town's current fiscal year revenues, expenditures, estimated year-end fund balances, and the Proposed FY 2020-21 Budget. In light of the COVID-19 situation, the budget workshop will be held telephonically in the Council Chamber. The budget materials are posted to the website for filing by the public and the session will be televised on Cox Channel 11 and available via live stream from the town's website. Proposed Budget FY20-21 Presentation - Budget Workshop Inbox Finance Director (Originator) Town Attorney Town Manager Form Started By: David Pock Final Approval Date: 04/09/2020 Attachments Form Review Reviewed By David Pock Elizabeth A. Burke Grady E. Miller Date 04/09/2020 04:07 PM 04/09/2020 04:27 PM 04/09/2020 04:41 PM Started On: 04/09/2020 02:50 PM • _T f •lmid•llilrur: or zvzv-zc d Budaet P �'L ;� # - The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, for its Annual Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as a financial plan, as an operations guide, and as a communications device. This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our cur- rent budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award. GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Distinguished Budget Presentation Award PRESENTED TO Town of Fountain Hills Arizona For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2019 Executive Director Budget Highlights Budget Highlights Budget Highlights Budget Introduction In FY09-10, the Town introduced program budgeting. Program budgeting is a method of budgeting expenditures to meet programmatic objectives rather than budgeting on a line -item basis. In program budgeting, specific performance objec- tives or outcomes are defined, and the costs to produce those outcomes are enu- merated in the budget. In FY16-17, although the budget document continues with Department level, Division level and Program level budgets, many programs were combined for more efficient managing and reporting purposes. There were also two new Departments created. The new General Government Department was cre- ated for all non -departmental, Town -wide items and the Public Works Department was created out of the Development Services Department to oversee the Streets, Facilities, and Engineering Divisions, as well as the Outside Inspections program. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REVENUES BY FUND The proposed budget is based on revenue projec- tions that are conservative and based on the expecta- tion that the local and na- tional economy will recov- er quickly with some mod- ome est growth in revenues ment next fiscal year. Revenues eve nue for all funds are $27.4 i CF D with expenditures of $33.9M with some funds acts utilizing reserves for pro- jects. venuenepiacemen[rung erantFee 1% Development It should be noted that the Total All Funds = $27.4M 1% State -shared sources of revenue are very sensitive TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS to the fluctuations of the economy as well as to an- EXPENDITURES BY FUND nual legislative appropria- tions. Additionally, these Economic revenues are distributed Streets Development to cities and towns based 1% General Fund on each municipality's Tourism 1% population compared to that of the entire State. Special Revenue 4% Some municipalities have Environmental abundant available land 2% 14 for expansion and will con- Eagle Mtn CFD tinue to grow in popula- 1% tion, while others, like Facilities Fountain Hills, have fixed Replacement Fund Total All Funds = $33.9M 3% borders and limited popu- lation growth. Over time, Fountain Hills will, therefore, represent a smaller and smaller percentage of the total and will be allocated a smaller percentage of State -shared revenues. During FY15-16, seven cities and towns had a mid -decade census done in order to cap- ture a bigger portion of State -shared revenues, which in turn, has had a negative impact on the Town's portion. 4 Budget Highlights General Fund Budget Overview The General Fund supports core services and is the largest fund with the greatest potential for revenue fluctuations. Revenues from taxes, State -shared revenues, license and permit fees, and charges for services provide the major resources to fund programs and services delivered by the Town. TOTAL = $17.6M Town of Fountain Hills FY20-21 General Fund Operating Revenues 4% Licenses, !es 91% of the Town's General Fund resources are derived from the local taxes and State -shared revenues. The economic recession forced the Town to focus on the delivery of core services, defined by the Town Council as: • Public Safety - Fire and Emergency Medical, Law Enforcement • Administration - Finance, Administrative Services, Information Technology, Purchasing, Town Manager, Town Clerk, General Government, and Judicial • Public Works - Facilities, Engineering • Development Services - Building Safety, Planning & Zoning, Code Enforce- ment, Mapping & Graphics • Community Services - Parks, Recreation, Senior Services, Community Cen- ter, Tourism, Open Space and Trails In FY12, the Town re- ceived $12.6M in Gen- eral Fund revenues. The economic recovery saw a return to an up- ward revenue stream. The drop in FY14 re- flects the reallocation of the Vehicle License Tax revenue (historically available for General Fund expenditures) to the Streets Fund (HURF) for pavement management. General Fund Revenues 5 Budget Highlights In FY14-15 , the Town Council directed staff to develop a new program for funding maintenance capital - those projects that are necessary to maintain the Town's infrastructure but are not considered a capital improvement program (i.e., under the $50,000 threshold for capital). In FY15-16, the Town had a Capital Reserve Study performed to identify those items, which are now included in the Facilities Replacement Program. Following is a brief summary of what is included in the proposed General Fund budget for FY20-21: Salaries and Benefits - For FY20-21, an increase of 1.25 Full -Time Equivalents is proposed. This proposal adds a full-time Groundskeeper II position and an in- crease in hours for a Customer Service Representative II position at the Communi- ty Center. Most Town employees' salaries and benefits are funded through the General Fund; salaries normally include overtime, sick leave, vacation. The Town Manager is also proposing a cost of living increase of 2.5%. Because local govern- ments are primarily a service industry, salaries and benefits comprise a major por- tion of expenditures. For Fountain Hills, salaries and benefits represent 24% of the proposed General Fund budget in FY20-21 and 16% of the total budget. Employee benefits include health, vision and dental insurance, employer taxes, disability, workers' compensation insurance, and employer match of retirement contributions. The Town does not provide a defined benefit pension plan for em- ployees but rather matches employee contributions into a 401(a) account main- tained by the International City/County Managers Association (ICMA). The chart on the right shows that the number of Town employees is only slightly higher than at the lowest level in over sixteen years while the level of service to Contractual Services - The Town contracts with out- side professionals for a num- ber of services, which repre- sents 35% of the total budget (56% of the General Fund). Number of Full -Time Equivalent Employees 120 110 100 88 87 82 80 70 61 61 62 60 51 52 52 54 50 40 FW5 M0 F115 F121 Two major contracts included in this category are: 1. Fire protection and emergency medical services ($3,833,346), currently un- der contract with Rural/Metro Corporation - 3% increase; and 2. Police protection ($4,918,265), currently provided through the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office - 5.2% increase. These two contracts alone represent 46% of the General Fund budget in FY20-21. Contractual Services also includes annual landscape maintenance contracts, equip- ment and vehicle repairs, and facilities maintenance (janitorial, building mainte- nance, etc.). Maintenance of the Town's 119 acres of parks, Town medians, dams, and washes are provided by independent contractors. These contracts are solicited Budget Highlights through a bid process to obtain the most competitive price for the Town. With pavement management a high priority, the Town is placing an emphasis on infra- structure maintenance that has been deferred. Maintenance/Utilities - In FY20-21, maintenance/utilities represent 6% of the total General Fund budget. The Town owns eight buildings that require mainte- nance on HVAC equipment, interior and exterior surfaces, electric, plumbing, fire systems, and irrigation. Town staff has been unable to dedicate the resources nec- essary to maintain the buildings in an optimum condition; consequently future budgets will require increasing amounts of maintenance funding to bring the build- ings up to current standards. Supplies and Services - Supplies and Services include operational costs such as insurance, office supplies, etc. for Town Hall and other Town -owned buildings and accounts for 4% of the operating budget. The Town owns the Library/Museum, the Community Center, two fire stations, a vehicle maintenance facility, the Kiwanis building, Town Hall, and the Streets operations building. Capital Outlays - Capital outlays include the purchase of furniture and equip- ment, and the improvement of Town facilities with a cost of at least $10,000 but less than $50,000. Expenditures of $50,000 or more are included in the Capital Improvement Program. The Facilities Replacement Fund is used to cover the costs of other infrastructure type items, such as buildings, parks, and the fountain. Streets (HURF) Fund Overview The Streets (HURF) Fund is a fund restricted to streets and transportation related purposes. With an operational priority for pavement management, 70% the reve- nue from Vehicle License Taxes (VLT) will be appropriated within the Streets fund to be used for pavement maintenance (not reconstruction). The available re- sources in Streets are anticipated at $4.5M in FY20-21, including $816,689 from VLT. Road maintenance has not been adequately funded for several years which has resulted in serious degradation of the Town's 163 miles of streets. The FY20- 21 program of work will continue to focus on resolving the long-term fiscal needs for road maintenance. The Streets (HURF) fund provides funding for the following Town programs: • Streets Department —Administration, including Legal Services and Traffic Signals • Open Space • Pavement Management • Street Signs • Vehicle Maintenance Excise Tax Funds Overview The Excise Tax/Downtown Fund was created in FY00-01 designating 0.1% of the Town's 2.9% local sales tax to downtown development. Subsequently, on April 18, 2013, the Town Council established an additional fund by splitting the original Excise Tax/Downtown Fund into two separate funds: • Downtown Strategy Fund (original Excise Tax/Downtown Fund) • Economic Development Fund Budget Highlights Both funds were originally funded through the dedicated 0.1% of local sales tax with a 60/40 split-60% of sales tax revenues allocated to the new Economic De- velopment Fund and 40% of sales tax revenues allocated to the Downtown Strate- gy Fund. The residual fund balance of the Excise Tax/Downtown Fund as of June 30, 2013, was included with any new revenue in the Downtown Strategy Fund to be used towards Town Center infrastructure improvement and develop- ment. The Economic Development Fund was originally funded with 60% of the 0.1% local sales tax to be available for any economic development purpose. The Economic Development budget also included a proposal to create a new fund for Tourism in the amount of $103,000, as well as implementation of the Economic Development Plan adopted by the Council in March 2013. A resolution (2014-50) was passed on December 4, 2014, changing the allocations to 80% to the Economic Development Fund and 20% to the Downtown Strategy Fund effective January 1, 2015. Special Revenue Fund Overview All special revenues (grants, etc.) are received in the Special Revenue Fund. Oper- ating expenses are also recorded in the Special Revenue Fund unless the projects supported are in the Capital Improvement Program or the funds are in support of ongoing Town services. In 2013, with proceeds from a $60,000 grant from the State lottery funds (LTAF II), the Town contracted with Valley Metro for a study on possible transportation programs in Fountain Hills. The study was conducted throughout the community to get a wide response as to the transportation needs; as a result, the Town created the Ride -Choice program. Grant funds will be used for that program as long as they are available. Additionally, a portion of subsequent funding was used to con- struct the first bus shelter in Town as part of a Park N' Ride approach near Town Hall. Included in the FY20-21 budget is an appropriation in the event that unanticipated grants become available. Other revenues in the Special Revenue Funds are the Court Enhancement Fund, the Environmental Fund, and the Cottonwoods Mainte- nance District Fund - these fund balances are committed, assigned, or restricted for specific purpose and not available for general operations. Debt Service Funds Overview The Town retired all of its General Obligation and Municipal Property Corporation bonds in FY19-20, as scheduled. There is one-year of debt service remaining for Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District. Total debt service revenues for FY20 -21 are budgeted at $402,281. These revenues will be collected as a secondary property tax from residents of the District, and the final bond payments for the District will be paid during FY20-21. Development Fee Funds Overview With limited funds from development anticipated, there are no capital projects budgeted to be funded from development fees in the next fiscal year. However, prior legislation required that the Town update the Infrastructure Improvement E Budget Highlights Plan (IIP) and update the development fee schedule. This study was initiated in FY18-19, completed in FY19-20 and is the basis for current fees. The study was approved and increased the number of fee categories from two to three: •Fire & Emergency Medical Service • Parks/ Recreation •Streets Per statute, the Town will update the Infrastructure Improvement Plan and fee schedule in FY24-25. Cauital Proiects Fund Overview The Capital Projects Fund resources are derived from one time construction sales tax (50% of revenues - the other 50% funds operations in the General Fund), bond proceeds, or other revenue sources. The following major project areas are programmed for FY20-21 with total expenditures for capital projects budgeted at $5.5M: $2.6M for Stormwater Management & Drainage projects $1.8M for Street & Sidewalk projects $0.6M for Parks & Recreation projects $0.5M for other minor projects FY20-21 Projects by Project Type TOTAL = $5.5M 1% !Cts i7 Budget Highlights FY20-21 Summary of Proposed Budget Revenues and Expenditures - All Funds Operating Debt Service Capital Non -Major Funds Funds Projects Funds Funds Total Revenues: Sales Tax $ 10,422,156 $ - $ 904,152 $ 1,306,878 $ 12,633,186 Property Tax - 400,001 - 6,643 406,644 Franchise Tax 211,974 - - - 211,974 Intergovernmental 6,840,899 - 17,500 3,937,072 10,795,471 Fines and Forfeitures 185,004 - - 49,000 234,004 Licenses and Permits 992,737 - 679,311 - 1,672,048 Charges for Services 302,700 - - 200,000 502,700 Leases and Rents 278,590 - - - 278,590 Investment Earnings 26,640 2,280 33,600 29,052 91,572 Other 500,897 - - 31,000 531,897 Sub total Revenues 19,761,597 402,281 1,634,563 5,559,645 27,358,086 Transfers In 50,000 - 975,000 606,240 1,631,240 Sub total 19,811,597 402,281 2,609,563 6,165,885 28,989,326 Use/(Source) of Reserves (100,524) 6,319 3,947,011 2,690,600 6,543,406 Total Revenues $ 19,711,073 $ 408,600 $ 6,556,574 $ 8,856,485 $ 35,532,732 Expenditures: Current: General Government: Mayor and Council $ 75,026 $ - $ - $ - $ 75,026 Administration 2,260,227 408,600 263,035 1,894,893 4,826,755 General Government 2,332,885 - - - 2,332,885 Municipal Court 403,897 - - 24,800 428,697 Total General Government 5,072,035 408,600 263,035 1,919,693 7,663,363 Public Safety: Fire & Emergency Medical 41195,663 - - - 4,195,663 Law Enforcement 5,029,469 - - - 5,029,469 Total Public Safety 9,225,132 - - - 9,225,132 Community Services 3,082,069 - 635,000 - 3,717,069 Public Works 1,126,390 - 5,428,839 5,785,252 12,340,481 Development Services 955,447 - - - 955,447 Sub total 19,461,073 408,600 6,326,874 7,704,945 33,901,492 Transfers Out 250,000 - 229,700 1,151,540 1,631,240 Total Expenditures $ 19,711,073 $ 408,600 $ 6,556,574 $ 8,856,485 $ 35,532,732 10 Budget Highlights TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS NET REVENUES BY TYPE - ALL FUNDS Franchise Fee 1% Fines and Forfeit 1% Leases and Rents 1% Property Tax 1% 2% 2 io 6 i Total = $27.4M TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS NET EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION -ALL FUNDS Development Services 3% Comm Se rvi ce s 11% Total = $33.9M 11 Budget Highlights Historical Summary of Revenues and Expenditures - All Funds FY19-20 FY20-21 FY17-18 FY18-19 Revised Proposed Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues: Taxes: Sales Tax $ 10,311,578 $ 10,348,824 $ 10,995,809 $ 12,633,186 Property Tax 2,286,081 2,402,801 2,094,172 406,644 Franchise Tax 421,682 374,461 187,231 211,974 Intergovernmental 8,266,027 8,667,542 10,534,886 10,795,471 Fines and Forfeitures 182,998 298,000 228,001 234,004 Licenses and Permits 2,004,386 1,572,121 1,585,419 1,672,048 Charges for Services 254,122 310,724 497,800 502,700 Leases and Rents 282,530 237,768 283,584 278,590 Investment Earnings 158,861 297,068 79,536 91,572 Other 601,425 120,159 433,449 531,897 Sub total Revenues 24,769,690 24,629,468 26,919,887 27,358,086 Transfers In 4,582,728 3,711,632 - 1,631,240 Sub total 29,352,418 28,341,100 26,919,887 28,989,326 Use/(Source) of Reserves 639,707 7,785,398 7,562,806 6,543,406 Total Revenues $ 29,992,125 $ 36,126,498 $ 34,482,693 $ 35,532,732 Expenditures: Current: General Government: Mayor and Council $ 77,779 $ 82,592 $ 98,544 $ 75,026 Administration 5,443,898 5,883,922 6,684,965 4,826,755 General Government 1,432,215 663,579 1,346,771 2,332,885 Municipal Court 326,699 422,543 552,078 428,697 Total General Government 7,280,591 7,052,636 8,682,358 7,663,363 Public Safety: Fire & Emergency Medical 5,703,533 6,495,801 4,030,800 4,195,663 Law Enforcement 3,792,675 4,211,488 4,785,920 5,029,469 Total Public Service 9,496,208 10,707,289 8,816,720 9,225,132 Community Services 3,549,873 4,780,935 3,315,874 3,717,069 Public Works 4,207,210 8,768,608 10,647,520 12,340,481 Development Services 875,515 1,105,398 1,100,296 955,447 Sub total Expenditures 25,409,397 32,414,866 32,562,768 33,901,492 Transfers Out 4,582,728 3,711,632 1,919,925 1,631,240 Total Expenditures $ 29,992,125 $ 36,126,498 $ 34,482,693 $ 35,532,732 12 Budget Highlights $14 $12 $10 $ 8 c 0 $6 $4 $2 $14 $12 $10 Ln $8 o $6 $4 $2 Town of Fountain Hills Revenues - By Year and Type Ij FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Budget Budget ■ Taxes M Intergovernmental o Other Town of Fountain Hills Expenditures - By Year and Function FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19- 20 FY 20-21 Actual Actual Budget Budget o General Government o Public Works 6d Development Services ■ Public Safety o Community Services 13 Budget Highlights FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Fund/Department Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Operating Funds Mayor & Council $ 77,779 $ 81,836 $ 98,544 $ 75,026 Administration 2,290,065 2,156,946 2,007,198 2,260,227 General Government 204,809 263,431 755,364 2,255,896 Municipal Court 321,152 325,550 397,278 403,897 Public Works 795,607 837,523 1,100,938 1,126,390 Development Services 730,745 866,208 1,100,296 955,447 Community Services 2,177,851 2,227,249 2,674,635 2,937,420 Fire & Emergency Medical 3,866,395 3,892,841 4,021,300 4,195,663 Law Enforcement 3,792,675 4,153,699 4,785,920 5,029,469 Total General Fund 14,257,078 14,805,283 16,941,473 19,239,435 Community Services Total Public Art Fund 29,234 22,791 139,340 144,649 29,234 22,791 139,340 144,649 Administration 61,229 Total Internal Service Fund 61,229 General Government Total Vehicle/Equip Repl Fund Total Operating Funds Special Revenue Funds Public Works Total Streets (HURF) Fund Administration Total Downtown Strategy Fund Administration Total Economic Development Fund Administration Total Tourism Fund Administration Total Special Revenue Fund Municipal Court Total Court Enhancement Fund Public Works Total Environmental Fund Administration Total Cottonwoods Maint District Total Special Revenue Funds - 25,000 25,000 1,008,231 176,401 591,407 51,989 1,008,231 176,401 591,407 51,989 $ 15,355,772 $ 15,004,475 $ 17,672,220 $ 19,461,073 $ 2,611,947 $ 4,563,969 $ 5,194,062 $ 5,118,040 2,611,947 4,563,969 5,194,062 5,118,040 56,044 38,204 46,400 38,400 56,044 38,204 46,400 38,400 183,332 224,051 285,482 283,246 183,332 224,051 285,482 283,246 206,514 235,302 182,724 229,616 206,514 235,302 182,724 229,616 157,945 91,211 1,662,525 1,338,500 157,945 91,211 1,662,525 1,338,500 5,547 1,690 154,800 24,800 5,547 1,690 154,800 24,800 530,655 501,717 735,255 667,212 530,655 501,717 735,255 667,212 4,696 4,530 5,101 5,131 4,696 4,530 5.101 5,131 $ 3,756,680 $ 5,660,674 $ 8,266,349 $ 7,704,945 14 Budget Highlights FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Fund/Department Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Debt Service Funds Administration $ 2,121,550 $ 1,972,850 $ 1,663,800 $ 350 Total Gen Oblig Debt Service 2,121,550 1,972,850 1,663,800 350 Administration 407,724 405,767 409,192 407,240 Total Eagle Mtn CFD Debt Service 407,724 405,767 409,192 407,240 Administration 377,696 381,854 305,870 1,010 Total Munic Prop Corp Debt Service 377,696 381,854 305,870 1,010 Total Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds Administration Public Works Community Services Fire & Emergency Medical Total Capital Projects Fund Public Works Total Facilities Replacement Fund Fire & Emergency Medical Total Fire/Emergency Dev Fee Public Works Total Streets Dev Fee $ 2,906,970 $ 2,760,471 $ 2,378,862 $ 408,600 $ 2,791 $ 2,720 $ 116,673 $ 263,035 250,012 571,328 2,458,378 4,609,695 1,135,740 1,120,213 385,000 595,000 1,837,138 2,558,246 - - 3,225,681 4,252,507 2,960,051 5,467,730 163,759 437,028 819,144 819,144 163,759 437,028 819,144 819,144 - 7,632 9,500 - - 7,632 9,500 - Community Services - 33,094 40,500 40,000 Total Park/Rec Dev Fee - 33,094 40,500 40,000 Community Services 535 68 - - Total Open Space Dev Fee 535 68 - - Total Capital Projects Funds $ 3,389,975 $ 4,730,329 $ 3,829,195 $ 6,326,874 Total Expenditures $ 25,409,397 $ 28,155,949 $ 32,146,626 $ 33,901,492 15 Budget Highlights FY20-21 Projected Changes in Fund Balances Revenues: Sales Tax Property Tax Franchise Tax Intergovernmental Fines and Forfeitures Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Leases and Rents Investment Earnings Other Sub total Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures: General Government: Mayor and Council Administration General Government Municipal Court Total General Government Public Safety: Fire & Emergency Medical Law Enforcement Total Public Service Community Services Public Works Development Services Sub total Transfers Out Total Expenditures Net Change in Fund Balance Fund Balance Beginning of Year - estimated End of Year Fund Balance Percentage Change Operating Debt Service Capital Projects Non -Major Funds Funds Funds Funds Total $ 10,422,156 211,974 6,840,899 185,004 992,737 302,700 278,590 26,640 500,897 19,761,597 50,000 19,811,597 75,026 2,260,227 2,332,885 403,897 5,072,035 4,195,663 5,029,469 9,225,132 3,082,069 1,126,390 955,447 19,461,073 250,000 19,711,073 $ - $ 904,152 400,001 - - 17,500 - 679,311 2,280 33,600 402,281 1,634,563 - 975,000 402,281 2,609,563 408,600 263,035 '+u0'0uU Z0.3, V.SJ $ 1,306,878 $ 12,633,186 6,643 406,644 - 211,974 3,937,072 10,795,471 49,000 234,004 - 1,672,048 200,000 502,700 - 278,590 29,052 91,572 31.000 531,897 5,559,645 27,358,086 606,240 1,631,240 6,165,885 28,989,326 - 75,026 1,894,893 4,826,755 - 2,332,885 24,800 428,697 1,919,693 7,663,363 - - - 4,195,663 - - - 5,029,469 - - - 9,225,132 - 635,000 - 3,717,069 - 5,428,839 5,785,252 12,340,481 - - - 955,447 408,600 6,326,874 7,704,945 33,901,492 - 229,700 1,151,540 1,631,240 408,600 6,556,574 8,856,485 35,532,732 100,524 (6,319) (3,947,011) (2,690,600) (6,543,406) 7,665,230 585,001 6,055,896 2,750,360 17,056,487 $ 7,765,754 $ 578,682 $ 2,108,885 $ 59,760 $ 10,513,081 1% (1%) (65%) (98%) (38%) Operating funds included in this table are the General Fund, Public Art and Internal Service Funds. The Capital Projects and Non -Major Funds will be utilizing accumu- lated reserves, as well as funds transferred into those funds, for one time capital expenditures. 16 Revenue Summary Revenue Summary Revenue This section provides a broad overview of the revenues included in the FY20-21 budget. Information is presented for each fund and fund type. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REVENUES BY FUND TYPE Funds 1% Total All Funds = $27.4M ilRevenue unds 5% 31 Projects unds 6% ix Funds YO Total revenues for all funds are estimated at $27,358,086 excluding transfers. The Operating Funds portion represents approximately 72% of the total. Streets (HURF) funds represent 14% of the total. Special Revenue funds represent anoth- er 5% of the budget. Debt Service represents 1%, Excise Tax is 2%, and Capital Projects represent 6%. 17 Revenue Summary Description Operating Funds Sales Tax -Local Franchise Fees Liquor License Fees Business License Animal License Building Permit Sign Permits Planning & Zoning Fees Landscape Permits Encroachment Permits Variances Subdivision Fees Special Event Permit Engineering Fees Plan Review Inspection Fees Alcohol Permits Third Party Revenues Rental Fees Non -Taxable Rental Cell Tower Lease Sales Tax -State Income Tax -State Vehicle License Tax Fire Insurance Premium Tax Program Fees Sponsorships Donations Reimbursements/Refunds Auction/Recycle Proceeds Restitution/Ins Proceeds Miscellaneous Revenue Taxable Sales Convenience Fees Court Fines/Fees Abatements Interest Income Internal Service Charges Total General Fund In -Lieu Fees Donations Restitution/Ins Proceeds Interest Income Total Public Art Fund Internal Service Charges Vehicle Replacement Charges Total Internal Service Fund Auction/Recycle Proceeds Interest Income Internal Service Charges Vehicle Replacement Charges Total Vehicle/Equip Repl Fund Total Operating Funds FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Revenues FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Revised Budoet Proposed Budoet $ 8,417,615 $ 9,198,866 $ 9,125,999 $ 10,422,156 421,683 423,947 187,231 211,974 2,600 1,750 2,000 2,000 133,280 137,869 141,696 139,764 36,174 - - - 251,517 230,326 240,588 394,073 6,935 8,905 6,100 6,100 6,384 13,212 16,185 15,825 23,520 27,300 16,800 44,520 24,887 717,686 25,000 25,000 2,200 2,500 4,300 5,300 206,768 76,952 52,250 62,250 8,800 10,810 8,750 8,750 6,600 8,350 5,900 5,600 185,422 159,460 185,969 265,925 35,440 18,187 13,250 17,000 240 200 630 630 - - 210,000 - 134,007 128,327 156,095 151,100 7,301 8,381 7,300 7,301 141,223 144,093 120,189 120,189 2,352,502 2,476,030 2,583,378 2,815,032 3,032,329 2,976,998 3,253,750 3,629,136 - - 336,750 350,010 45,347 46,275 46,258 46,721 164,456 174,886 197,800 202,700 5,858 5,101 5,200 37,200 37,239 28,496 32,345 345 328 18,785 1,260 1,260 39 611 640 640 712 115,355 200 200 5,721 5,383 5,310 5,535 34,088 32,135 30,810 33,925 5,448 3,318 1,500 2,250 152,161 120,340 179,001 185,004 1,575 - - - 25,792 136,572 24,000 24,000 15,916,191 17,457,406 17,224,434 19,239,415 69,491 6,219 100,000 100,000 1,500 - - - 2,318 3,434 240 240 73,309 9,653 100,240 100,240 56,129 5,100 61,229 3,839 12,830 1,193 331,305 349,167 $ 16,399,896 46,457 26,049 268,446 340,952 $ 17,808,011 - 65,000 65,000 25,000 2,400 300,184 327,584 $ 17,652,258 2,400 354,542 356,942 $ 19,761,597 18 Revenue Summary FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Revenues FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Special Revenue Funds Sales Tax -Local $ 793,197 $ 883,932 $ 819,678 $ 871,254 Vehicle License Tax 1,011,836 1,061,441 785,748 816,672 Highway User Tax 1,593,514 1,679,594 1,666,476 1,761,600 In -Lieu Fees 20,145 - 200,000 200,000 Adopt -A Street Fee 30 - - - Reimbursements/Refunds - - - - Auction/Recycle Proceeds 1,159 1,504 1,000 1,000 Restitution/Ins Proceeds 989 23,957 30,000 30,000 Interest Income 39,992 91,634 24,000 24,000 Internal Service Charges - - - - Total Streets Fund 3,460,862 3,742,062 3,526,902 3,704,526 Sales Tax -Local 79,320 88,393 81,968 87,120 Interest Income 3,755 28,231 1,260 1,260 Total Downtown Strategy Fund 83,075 116,624 83,228 88,380 Sales Tax -Local 317,280 353,573 327,871 348,504 Taxable Sales - - - - Interest Income 1,150 1,340 240 240 Total Economic Development Fund 318,430 354,913 328,111 348,744 Grants 37,554 35,127 45,001 25,000 Prop 202/Gaming Rev 35,000 35,000 45,000 25,000 Donations 2 - - - Miscellaneous Revenue - 312 - - Taxable Sales 2,243 1,911 - - Convenience Fees 6 - - - Interest Income 932 1,646 180 180 Total Tourism Fund 75,737 73,996 90,181 50,180 Grants - - 1,160,000 1,118,800 LTAF II 101,946 26,211 297,525 65,000 Prop 202/Gaming Rev 56,000 55,000 125,000 125,000 Total Special Revenue Fund 157,946 81,211 1,582,525 1,308,800 Grants - - 100,000 - CCEF Revenue 26,924 8,659 46,500 46,500 JCEF Revenue 2,337 1,483 2,500 2,500 Interest Income 589 876 840 900 Total Court Enhancement Fund 29,850 11,018 149,840 49,900 Environmental Fee 488,474 486,924 491,976 - Convenience Fees 75 3 - - Interest Income 7,663 15,997 2,400 2,400 Total Environmental Fund 496,212 502,924 494,376 2,400 Property Tax -Cy 5,471 6,749 6,643 6,643 Interest Income 197 414 72 72 Total Cottonwoods Maint District 5,668 7,163 6,715 6,715 Total Special Revenue Funds $ 4,627,780 $ 4,889,911 $ 6,261,878 $ 5,559,645 19 Revenue Summary FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Revenues FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Debt Service Funds Property Tax -Cy $ 1,909,924 $ 2,011,867 $ 1,674,486 $ - Interest Income 8,494 18,703 1,200 1,200 Total Gen Oblig Bond Debt Service 1,918,418 2,030,570 1,675,686 1,200 Property Tax -Cy 370,686 409,114 413,043 400,001 Interest Income 2,116 3,344 240 240 Total Eagle Mtn CFD Debt Service 372,802 412,458 413,283 400,241 Interest Income 3,811 7,090 840 840 Total Munic Prop Corp Debt Service 3,811 7,090 840 840 Total Debt Service Funds $ 2,295,031 $ 2,450,118 $ 2,089,809 $ 402,281 Capital Projects Funds Sales Tax -Local $ 704,166 $ 966,359 $ 640,293 $ 904,152 Grants - - 90,000 17,500 Reimbursements/Refunds 103,051 54,211 - - Auction/Recycle Proceeds - - - - Interest Income 22,557 158,048 7,224 19,200 Total Capital Projects Fund 829,774 1,178,618 737,517 940,852 Donations 5,400 9,600 - - Interest Income 17,275 38,411 7,200 7,200 Total Facilities Replacement Fund 22,675 48,011 7,200 7,200 Development Fees 172,727 27,004 31,323 23,988 Interest Income 1,608 5,808 2,400 2,400 Total Fire/Emergency Dev Fee 174,335 32,812 33,723 26,388 Development Fees - - - 301,331 Interest Income - - - - Total Streets Fee - - - 301,331 Development Fees 412,417 113,187 132,702 353,992 Interest Income 5,522 14,898 4,800 4,800 Total Park/Rec Dev Fee 417,939 128,085 137,502 358,792 Interest Income 2,260 2,053 - - Total Open Space Dev Fee 2,260 2,053 - - Total Capital Projects Funds $ 1,446,983 $ 1,389,579 $ 915,942 $ 1,634,563 Total Revenues $ 24,769,690 $ 26,537,619 $ 26,919,887 $ 27,358,086 20 Revenue Summary FY20-21 Revenues by Type Operating Debt Service Capital Non -Major % of Funds Funds Projects Funds Funds Total Total Revenues: Sales Tax $ 10,422,156 $ - $ 904,152 $ 1,306,878 $ 12,633,186 36% Property Tax - 400,001 - 6,643 406,644 1% Franchise Tax 211,974 - - - 211,974 1% Intergovernmental 6,840,899 - 17,500 3,937,072 10,795,471 30% Fines and Forfeitures 185,004 - - 49,000 234,004 1% Licenses and Permits 992,737 - 679,311 - 1,672,048 5% Charges for Services 302,700 - - 200,000 502,700 1% Leases and Rents 278,590 - - - 278,590 1% Investment Earnings 26,640 2,280 33,600 29,052 91,572 0% Other 500,897 - - 31,000 531,897 1% Subtotal Revenues 19,761,597 402,281 1,634,563 5,559,645 27,358,086 76% Transfers In 50,000 - 975,000 606,240 1,631,240 5% Subtotal 19,811,597 402,281 2,609,563 6,165,885 28,989,326 82% Use/(Source) of Reserves (100,524) 6,319 3,947,011 2,690,600 6,543,406 18% Total Revenues $ 19,711,073 $ 408,600 $ 6,556,574 $ 8,856,485 $ 35,532,732 100% 21 Expenditure Summary Expenditure Summary Expenditures This section provides a broad overview of the expenditures included in the FY20- 21 budget. Information is presented for each fund and fund type. All Funds Expenditure Summary Total expenditures for all funds are $33,901,492, excluding transfers. The Operat- ing Funds represent 57% of the total. Streets (HURF) Fund represents 15% of the total Town budget. Special Revenue Funds represent 6% of the budget with Debt Service representing 1%, Excise Tax 2%, and Capital Projects 19%. With the introduction of program budgeting, all expenditures are categorized by line item or program. A summary of all programs and proposed costs is shown on the next pages. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EXPENDITURES BY FUND TYPE Total All Funds = $33.9M Special Revenue Funds 6% :xcise Tax Funds 2% bt Se rvi ce Funds 1% 22 Expenditure Summary FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures by Fund and Program FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Operating Funds Accounting $ 164,076 $ 171,417 $ 308,661 $ 321,330 Administration 6,186,029 6,788,386 8,172,272 10,157,211 Animal Control 24,319 - - - Attorney Services 464,384 302,557 285,116 293,564 Building Inspection 299,489 334,201 536,490 359,850 Building Maintenance 99,165 107,194 174,089 175,429 Code Compliance 74,502 79,628 158,855 163,947 Community Events 165,798 175,152 175,873 189,575 Customer Service 41,261 44,330 42,985 45,564 Engineering 144,770 161,642 272,018 282,869 Fountain 150,662 121,176 173,217 175,515 Home Delivered Meals 45,606 50,023 67,010 67,244 Legislation 13,138 5,274 - - Licensing 55,163 58,570 - - Mapping & Graphics 96,039 102,723 113,329 117,870 Media Relations 36,012 35,799 35,427 49,741 Open Space 11,172 12,300 45,330 59,011 Operations 5,525,164 5,592,859 6,020,761 6,392,645 Outside Inspections 53,702 39,394 56,703 59,385 Planning & Zoning 98,097 102,683 111,483 122,260 Purchasing 61,342 65,335 - - Risk Management 285,141 300,238 - - Special Interest Programs 16,087 16,092 15,878 15,878 Sports Activities 39,293 38,611 52,520 52,520 Volunteers 85,739 76,382 93,516 108,087 Youth &Teen Programs 20,928 23,314 29,940 29,940 Total General Fund $ 14,257,078 $ 14,805,280 $ 16,941,473 $ 19,239,435 Art & Culture $ 29,234 $ 22,791 $ 139,340 $ 144,649 Total Public Art Fund 29,234 22,791 139,340 144,649 Operational Support Total Internal Service Fund Vehicle Replacement Total Vehicle Replacement Fund Total Operating Funds 61,229 61,229 25,000 25,000 1,008,231 176,401 931,150 51,989 1,008,231 176,401 931,150 51,989 $ 15,355,772 $ 15,004,472 $ 18,011,963 $ 19,461,073 23 Expenditure Summary FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures by Fund and Program FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Special Revenue Funds Administration $ 314,509 $ 432,605 $ 529,357 $ 536,438 Open Space 255,891 279,629 430,379 409,642 Pavement Management 1,748,607 3,647,363 4,012,909 3,947,718 Street Signs 46,003 163,443 153,220 156,302 Traffic Signals 188,049 - - - Vehicle Maintenance 58,888 40,929 68,197 67,940 Total Streets Fund 2,611,947 4,563,969 5,194,062 5,118,040 Administration 56,044 38,204 46,400 38,400 Total Downtown Strategy Fund 56,044 38,204 46,400 38,400 Administration 183,332 224,051 285,482 283,246 Total Economic Development Fund 183,332 224,051 285,482 283,246 Administration 206,513 235,302 182,724 229,616 Total Tourism Fund 206,513 235,302 182,724 229,616 Grants Admin 157,945 91,211 1,662,525 1,338,500 Total Special Revenue Fund 157,945 91,211 1,662,525 1,338,500 Court Enhancement 5,547 1,690 124,800 24,800 Judicial Court Enhancement - - 30,000 - Total Court Enhancement Fund 5,547 1,690 154,800 24,800 Administration 530,655 501,717 735,255 667,212 Total Environmental Fund 530,655 501,717 735,255 667,212 Cottonwoods Maintenance District 4,696 4,530 5,101 5,131 Total Cottonwoods Maint District 4,696 4,530 5,101 5,131 Total Special Revenue Funds $ 3,756,679 $ 5,660,674 $ 8,266,349 $ 7,704,945 Debt Service Funds Gen Oblig Bond Debt Service $ 2,121,550 $ 1,972,850 $ 1,663,800 $ 350 Eagle Mtn CFD Debt Service 407,724 405,767 409,192 407,240 Munic Prop Corp Debt Service 377,696 381,854 305,870 1,010 Total Debt Service Funds $ 2,906,970 $ 2,760,471 $ 2,378,862 $ 408,600 24 Expenditure Summary FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures by Fund and Program FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Capital Projects Funds Administration $ 2,791 $ 2,720 $ 116,673 $ 263,035 Fire Suppression 1,837,138 2,558,246 - - General Govt Projects 25,482 - 350,000 150,000 Park Development 1,135,741 1,120,213 385,000 595,000 Pavement Management 224,530 568,802 1,433,378 1,858,000 Stormwater Management - 2,526 675,000 2,551,695 Traffic Signals - - - 50,000 Total Capital Projects Fund 3,225,682 4,252,507 2,960,051 5,467,730 Administration 163,759 437,028 819,144 819,144 Total Facilities Replacement Fund 163,759 437,028 819,144 819,144 Fire/Emergency Dev Fee - 7,632 9,500 - Park/Rec Dev Fee - 33,094 - - Open Space Dev Fee 535 68 40,500 40,000 Total Development Fee Funds 535 40,794 50,000 40,000 Total Capital Projects Funds $ 3,389,976 $ 4,730,329 $ 3,829,195 $ 6,326,874 Total Expenditures $ 25,409,397 $ 28,155,946 $ 32,486,369 $ 33,901,492 FY20-21 Expenditures by Function Operating Debt Service Capital Non -Major % of Funds Funds Projects Funds Funds Total Total Expenditures: General Government $ 5,072,035 $ 408,600 $ 263,035 $ 1,919,693 $ 7,663,363 21% Public Safety 9,225,132 - - - 9,225,132 26% Community Services 3,082,069 - 635,000 - 3,717,069 10% Public Works 1,126,390 - 5,428,839 5,785,252 12,340,481 35% Development Services 955,447 - - - 955,447 3% Subtotal Expenditures 19,461,073 408,600 6,326,874 7,704,945 33,901,492 95% Transfers Out 250,000 - 229,700 1,151,540 1,631,240 5% Total Expenditures $ 19,711,073 $ 408,600 $ 6,556,574 $ 8,856,485 $ 35,532,732 100% 25 Expenditure Summary FY20-21 General Fund Expenditures by Department and Division Department Division Proposed Budget Mayor & Council Administration General Government Municipal Court Public Works Development Services Community Services Mayor & Council Town Manager Town Clerk Administrative Services Purchasing Finance Information Technology Legal Services Total Administration Non -Departmental Municipal Court Public Works Engineering Facilities Total Public Works Development Services Planning & Zoning Code Compliance Mapping & Graphics Building Safety Total Development Services Community Services Recreation Community Center Senior Services Parks -Town Hall Parks -Fountain Park Parks -Golden Eagle Park Parks -Four Peaks Park Parks -Desert Vista Park Parks -Open Space/Trails Parks -Avenue of the Fountains Plaza Total Community Services Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Fire & Emergency Medical Fire & Emergency Medical Total General Fund Expenditures $ 75,026 339,616 249,251 261,535 99,890 693,329 323,042 293,564 2,260,227 2,255,896 403,897 144,376 282,869 699,145 1,126,390 191,520 122,260 163,947 117,870 359,850 955,447 345,070 661,686 318,248 220,454 102,798 584,219 291,755 134,662 92,603 59,011 126,914 2,937,420 5,029,469 4.195, 663 $ 19,239,435 W. Expenditure Summary Expenditure Limitation Each year, the Economic Estimates Commission of the State of Arizona develops expenditure limits for local governments in Arizona based on a formula using 1979-80 expenses adjusted for inflation and population growth. Cities and towns are required to stay within the limits or incur a penalty (reduction in State -shared revenues). The FY20-21 expenditure limitation for the Town of Fountain Hills is $28,954,251 which is a 3.0% decrease from the previous year. The limit applies to FY20-21 ex- penditures of the Town (all funds) but allows for certain exemptions and deduc- tions. For example, bond proceeds, debt service payments, grant expenditures, and HURF are not included when determining compliance with the expenditure lim- itation. However, development fee and capital project expenditures are subject to the limitation. The table below is an estimate of the Town's expenditure limitation, deductions and exclusions and final spending authority. EXPENDITURE LIMITATION ANALYSIS (Estimated) Total Expenditures Exclusions (Subtractions) from Revenues: Separate Legal Entitites Required fees paid to the Arizona Department of Revenue Debt Service Payments Dividends, Interest, Gains Grants, Aid, Contributions from Federal Government Grants, Aid, Contributions from Private Organizations Amounts Received from State Quasi -External interfund Transactions Savings Reserved for Capital Purchase (voter approved) Highway User Revenues Excess 1979-80 Contracts with Other Political Subdivisions Refunds, Reimbursements Voter Approved Exclusions Prior Years Carry Forward Total Exclusions Expenditures subject to limitation Expenditure Limitation Under/(Over) Limitation $ 33,901,492 413,381 65,000 350 188,329 37,545 1,376,300 31679,695 1,260 5,761,860 28,139,632 28,954,251 $ 814,619 27 Budget Schedule Budget Schedule FY20-21 Wed, November 13, 2019 Staff budget "kick-off' meeting in the Council Chambers Thu, November 21, 2019 CIP & Facilities Replacement Fund meeting Thu, December 12, 2019 DEADLINE for preliminary operating budgets entered into MUNIS. Staffing requirements and budget supplements due to Finance. CIP project re- quests and funding sources due to Finance. Revenue projections from indi- vidual departments due to Finance. New or updated existing fees on Fee Schedule due to Finance Mon, January 13, 2020 5 year Revenue Forecast due to Town Manager from Finance Final reconciliation of revenues vs. expenditures (Finance staff) Tue - Thu, January 21 - 23, 2020 Departmental presentations for Town Manager Tue, January 28, 2020 Mayor's State of the Town Address Tue, February 25, 2020 Council Retreat Session - Priorities for FY20-21 with Council receiving preliminary CIP Budget & Strategic Plan Review Wed, February 26, 2020 Staff meeting to debrief Council Retreat Department/Division templates due to Finance Mon, March 2, 2020 Final operating budgets entered into MUNIS based on proposed changes from Retreat Wed, March 4, 2020 Staff to review proposed budget dates with Town Attorney for statute compliance Tue, March 24, 2020 Council Special Session @ 5:30 PM - Consideration of CIP projects Thu, April 3, 2020 A.R.S. §9-499.15(B)(1)-(3): Deadline to publish the proposed fee and tax levy notice on the Town's website (including written report/data support- ing any increases or new fees) for legal compliance at least 60 days prior to date will be approved by the Council. Council receives proposed budget, posted online Budget Schedules prepared for Legal Mon, April 13, 2020 Final revenue projections entered into MUNIS Public Outreach/Open House (5:30 - 6:30 PM) Tue, April 14, 2020 Council Budget Workshop - Special Session @ 5:00 PM Tue, May 5, 2020 Town, CMD & EMCFD Meetings - Adoption of Tentative Budgets with notice of hearing dates; notices sent to Cottonwood Homeowners the next day - CMD requires 20 days between the date of the published notice and the final budget hearing, which (due to advertising date limitations creates a 29-day window between the tentative budget adoption and the final budget adoption; EMCFD requires 10 days between the date of the pub- lished notice and the final budget hearing, which would allow the EMCFD budget to be adopted with a 21-day gap between the tentative budget adoption and the final; however, it is aligned with the CMD to avoid confu- sion Wednesdays, May 13 & 20, 2020 Publish Notice of time & place of budget hearings, where budgets are available (Town Hall & Library), and Tentative Budget(s) in the Times legal section for 2 consecutive weeks; place on Town website & at Library the next day after adoption [A. R.S. §42-17103] Mon, May 18, 2020 A.R.S. 59-499.15(B)(4): Deadline to post [on all Town social media sites] the "Notice of Intent" - for legal compliance at least 15 days prior to date will be approved by Council. Tue, June 2, 2020 Town, CMD & EMCFD Meetings - Public Hearing held in Regular Session (required to be held on or before the 14t" day before the day on which it levies taxes); Council convenes in Special Session & adopts Town's Final Budget (A.R.S. §42-17104) and reconvenes the Regular Session [14 days - June 16, 20201 Tue, June 16, 2020 Town, CMD & EMCFD Meetings - Adoption of Tax Levy occurs on or before the 3rd Monday in August [A.R.S. §42-17151]; Forward certified copy of approved tax levy ordinance(s) to County Board of Supervisors the next business day Tue, June 23, 2020 Post Final Budget(s) on website within 7 days of adoption [A.R.S. §42- 17105 - for 60 months] July through August 10, 2020 Council Summer Hiatus Tue, August 11, 2020 1st meeting of the new fiscal year 28 Operating Budgets OPERATING BUDGETS MAYOR & TOWN COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION MUNICIPAL COURT GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES LAW ENFORCEMENT FIRE & EMERGENCY MEDICAL 29 Operating Budgets Organization Chart Town of Fountain Hills Organization ommunity Development I Law oFire/EMMSPServices Services public Works Administration Enforcement Department Directors Town Manager Grady Miller Finance Director David Pock Presiding Judge Robert Melton Community Services Director Rachel Goodwin Development Services Director John Wesley Public Works Director Justin Weldy Fire Chief Chief Dave Ott, Rural/Metro Corporation District Commander Town Prosecutor Town Attorney Appointed by Council Contracted Captain Larry Kratzer, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Mark Iacovino, The Law Office of Mark Iacovino Aaron Arnson, Pierce Coleman PLLC 30 Operating Budgets Mayor & Town Council Mayor &Town Council Description General Fund Salaries -Full Time Salaries -Part Time FICA Medicare Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance Group Health Insurance Group Dental Insurance Group Vision Insurance Disability Insurance Retirement Life Insurance Bonus Allowance/Stipend Dues, Subscript & Publicat Meetings & Training Boards & Commission Sign Repair & Replacement Legal Fees Printing Expense Office Supplies Operating Supplies Food & Beverage Supplies Program Materials U n ifo rms Postage & Delivery ISF-Copier Charges ISF-Mail Service Charges ISF- Technology Replacement ISF-Telecom Charges Total Mayor & Council FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Mayor & Council FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget $ 19,408 $ 26,640 $ 22,822 $ - 36,000 37,400 36,000 36,000 2,207 2,244 2,232 2,232 781 919 853 522 86 116 105 65 209 130 135 555 3,008 3,007 3,040 - 215 218 232 - 43 43 46 - 76 94 96 - 2,179 3,062 2,511 - 20 24 25 - 18 105 17 - - - 315 - - 66 - - 685 2,497 15,575 15,575 - - 1,090 - - 104 - - 10,890 3,264 10,000 10,000 - 270 240 240 114 1,005 600 600 - 74 - - 242 290 1,200 1,200 897 152 900 900 - - 400 400 - 5 10 50 97 108 100 100 6 - - - - 6,587 598 - - - $ 77,779 $ 81,837 $ 98,544 $ 75,026 31 Operating Budgets Administration Department Administration FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Administration Department FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 737,079 $ 821,275 $ 863,219 $ 938,276 Salaries -Part Time 77,277 69,012 89,524 96,749 Overtime 193 630 - - FICA 4,855 4,340 5,508 5,954 Medicare 11,637 12,891 13,922 15,204 Workers Compensation 1,237 1,650 1,730 1,876 Unemployment Insurance 332 418 346 1,547 Group Health Insurance 63,680 64,847 78,292 82,068 Group Dental Insurance 4,955 5,379 6,490 6,267 Group Vision Insurance 797 859 994 1,015 Disability Insurance 2,671 3,206 3,640 3,942 Retirement 81,813 91,071 94,315 102,432 Life Insurance 727 825 965 1,043 Bonus 666 811 693 710 Allowance/Stipend 12,180 13,380 14,490 12,780 Licenses/Filing Fees 89,028 82,638 99,445 103,685 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 47,548 69,954 61,588 62,236 Education/Tuition Reimb - 7,635 15,179 15,179 Meetings &Training 20,378 38,149 40,603 42,647 Boards & Commissions 185 185 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 1,403 1,746 5,000 5,000 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 2,632 2,139 6,000 3,600 Sign Repair&Replacement - 83 - - Telecommunications 1,280 12,770 13,700 12,800 Auditing Expense 74,970 76,981 68,740 70,615 Professional Fees 67,674 38,419 63,384 122,184 Legal Fees 351,031 178,119 167,000 169,800 Management Fees 14,754 12,209 13,025 13,025 Insurance Expense 247,437 264,631 4,000 4,000 Rentals & Leases 1,214 1,163 1,224 1,224 Printing Expense 20,562 3,349 7,415 2,540 Advertising/Signage 4,685 5,268 9,810 9,810 Intergovt Agreements 50,606 59,971 66,000 66,500 Contractual Services 1,858 3,595 4,000 4,000 Constituent Communication 5,628 22,369 19,423 29,800 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 3,609 2,307 3,600 3,840 Election Expense 53,333 8,388 - 60,000 Community Contracts/Events - 3,356 - - Prosecutor Fees 105,000 110,316 110,316 119,964 Public Defender Fees 3,500 5,894 8,800 4,800 Office Supplies 2,475 1,524 6,295 5,970 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 39 86 10 10 Operating Supplies 4,976 1,078 3,225 5,850 Food & Beverage Supplies 10,699 10,991 5,641 5,641 Program Materials 12,108 5,367 4,950 4,950 Uniforms - 470 - - Postage & Delivery 511 5,805 5,454 5,345 Miscellaneous Expense 397 13 - - 32 Operating Budgets Administration Department Description General Fund -continued Software Hardware/Peripherals Equipment ISF-Copier Charges ISF-Mail Service Charges ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge ISF-Motor Pool Charges ISF- Technology Replacement ISF-Telecom Charges Total Administration FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Administration Department FY17-18 FY18-19 Actual Actual FY19-20 FY20-21 Revised Budget Proposed Budaet $ 37,845 $ 4,376 $ 550 $ 5,550 29,121 19,653 13,250 11,500 4,453 - - - 4,947 3,684 3,070 3,010 6,098 - - - 828 1,353 1,808 1,840 817 318 565 1,966 - 11,483 6,337 - - - $ 2,290,065 $ 2,156,946 $ 2,007,198 $ 2,260,227 33 Operating Budgets Town Manager Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Town Manager FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 183,775 $ 204,484 $ 202,610 $ 233,231 Medicare 2,804 3,136 2,955 3,517 Workers Compensation 307 389 363 417 Unemployment Insurance 45 43 46 240 Group Health Insurance 12,792 12,915 6,817 17,783 Group Dental Insurance 485 490 523 891 Group Vision Insurance 95 95 102 163 Disability Insurance 679 722 858 987 Retirement 20,984 23,252 22,287 25,655 Life Insurance 189 202 226 259 Bonus 94 296 93 110 Allowance/Stipend 8,280 9,180 8,865 9,180 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 1,934 3,937 2,462 3,909 Meetings & Training 3,204 2,380 7,615 7,615 Boards & Commissions 185 185 - - Telecommunications - 13 - - Professional Fees 2,410 - - - Printing Expense 19,473 70 80 80 Advertising/Signage - - 1,000 1,000 Constituent Communication 3,153 20,649 18,601 29,800 Office Supplies 295 85 1,650 1,650 Food & Beverage Supplies 697 800 200 200 Program Materials 96 118 500 500 Postage & Delivery 52 6 61 60 Software 11 - - - Hardware/Peripherals - 236 - - ISF-Copier Charges 111 74 116 115 ISF-Mail Service Charges 18 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 179 111 82 87 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - - 26 96 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 2,071 ISF-Telecom Charges 360 - - - Total Town Manager $ 262,707 $ 283,868 $ 278,138 $ 339,616 34 Operating Budgets Town Clerk Division Description General Fund Salaries -Full Time Salaries -Part Time FICA Medicare Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance Group Health Insurance Group Dental Insurance Group Vision Insurance Disability Insurance Retirement Life Insurance Bonus Allowance/Stipend Licenses/Filing Fees Dues, Subscript & Publicat Meetings &Training Professional Fees Printing Expense Advertising/Signage Contractual Services Bank/Merc Account Fees Election Expense Office Supplies Operating Supplies Postage & Delivery Software Hardware/Peripherals ISF-Copier Charges ISF-Mail Service Charges ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges ISF- Motor Pool Charges ISF- Technology Replacement ISF-Telecom Charges Total Town Clerk FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Town Clerk FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget $ 125,270 $ 116,873 $ 122,006 $ 126,313 - 2,407 18,578 13,519 - 149 1,152 838 1,722 1,751 2,053 2,042 141 267 251 250 24 56 50 163 5,788 5,780 5,849 6,303 614 431 459 481 124 82 79 79 359 473 516 535 13,813 12,856 13,421 13,895 94 119 136 141 51 51 100 75 300 600 900 900 - 113 70 300 380 8,333 6,650 6,650 50 2,769 4,824 4,824 10,068 382 - - - 128 80 80 3,070 4,440 5,000 5,000 - 3,595 4,000 4,000 32 - - - 53,333 8,388 - 60,000 423 118 470 470 - 18 - - - 15 225 225 - - 50 50 - 1,474 - - 1,585 574 420 420 39 - - - - 153 284 252 141 - 89 269 - - - 1,177 239 - - - $ 217,660 $ 172,395 $ 187,712 $ 249,251 35 Operating Budgets Administrative Services Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Administrative Services FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 100,736 $ 104,495 $ 109,591 $ 128,584 Salaries -Part Time - - - 13,519 Fica - - - 838 Medicare 1,321 1,379 1,603 2,075 Workers Compensation 158 184 196 254 Unemployment Insurance 25 23 25 163 Group Health Insurance 10,868 10,875 10,983 11,797 Group Dental Insurance 865 875 932 979 Group Vision Insurance 74 78 79 156 Disability Insurance 399 434 448 526 Retirement 11,081 11,495 11,647 13,666 Life Insurance 104 108 122 143 Bonus 51 51 50 75 Allowance/Stipend 900 900 900 900 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 9,175 9,657 9,017 10,347 Training/Cont Ed - 7,635 15,179 15,179 Meetings & Training 13,457 29,898 21,025 21,025 Professional Fees 13,308 14,111 21,084 21,084 Legal Fees - - 1,000 1,000 Insurance Expense 247,437 264,631 4,000 4,000 Printing Expense - - 150 150 Advertising/Signage - 730 1,810 1,810 Office Supplies 192 151 830 830 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - - 10 10 Operating Supplies 82 - - - Food & Beverage Supplies 2,582 3,759 5,441 5,441 Program Materials 1,349 789 3,830 3,830 Postage & Delivery 34 30 160 160 Miscellaneous Expense 397 - - - Hardware/Peripherals 26 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 439 323 420 420 ISF-Mail Service Charges 72 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 89 379 673 676 ISF- Motor Pool Charges 311 110 210 721 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 1,177 ISF-Telecom Charges 478 - - - Total Administrative Services $ 416,010 $ 463,100 $ 221,415 $ 261,535 36 Operating Budgets Purchasing & Legal Divisions FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Purchasing FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ - $ - $ 62,100 $ 80,890 Medicare - - 914 1,174 Workers Compensation - - 111 145 Unemployment Insurance - - 25 109 Group Health Insurance - - 10,983 6,303 Group Dental Insurance - - 932 481 Group Vision Insurance - - 156 79 Disability Insurance - - 254 331 Retirement - - 6,600 8,597 Life Insurance - - 69 90 Bonus - - 50 50 Allowance/Stipend - - 900 - Dues, Subscript & Publicat - - - 350 Meetings &Training - - 200 200 Office Supplies - - 150 150 Hardware/Peripherals - - 1,750 - ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 941 Total Purchasing $ - $ - $ 85,194 $ 99,890 FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Legal Services Description FY17-18 Actual FY18-19 Actual FY19-20 Revised Budget FY20-21 Proposed Budget General Fund Dues, Subscript & Publicat $ 4,432 $ (148) $ - $ - Professional Fees - 8,376 - - Legal Fees 351,031 178,119 166,000 168,800 Advertising/Signage 182 - - - Prosecutor Fees 105,000 110,316 110,316 119,964 Public Defender Fees 3,500 5,894 8,800 4,800 ISF-Telecom Charges 239 - - - Total Legal Services $ 464,384 $ 302,557 $ 285,116 $ 293,564 37 Operating Budgets Finance Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Finance FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 197,518 $ 266,545 $ 269,646 $ 279,180 Salaries -Part Time 77,277 40,405 37,847 39,185 Overtime 193 630 - - FICA 4,855 2,567 2,304 2,385 Medicare 3,881 4,348 4,476 4,633 Workers Compensation 428 537 548 568 Unemployment Insurance 189 202 150 654 Group Health Insurance 22,655 23,692 36,349 33,579 Group Dental Insurance 2,140 2,721 3,070 2,954 Group Vision Insurance 354 449 479 459 Disability Insurance 776 1,018 1,141 1,182 Retirement 21,659 29,292 29,661 30,710 Life Insurance 204 256 300 310 Bonus 369 311 300 300 Allow nce/Stipend 900 900 900 900 Licenses/Filing Fees 876 1,076 1,425 1,585 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 9,848 2,678 1,925 1,880 Meetings & Training 3,162 2,845 6,744 8,983 Office Equip Maint/Repair 2,615 2,089 6,000 3,600 Auditing Expense 74,970 76,981 68,740 70,615 Professional Fees 34,627 14,791 42,300 101,100 Management Fees 14,754 12,209 13,025 13,025 Rentals & Leases 1,214 1,163 1,224 1,224 Printing Expense 1,089 3,152 7,105 2,230 Advertising/Signage 1,433 97 2,000 2,000 Intergovt Agreements 49,606 58,971 65,000 65,500 Contractual Services 1,858 - - - Bank/Merc Acct Fees 3,577 2,307 3,600 3,840 Office Supplies 1,231 998 2,684 2,370 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 10 76 - - Operating Supplies 1,722 391 1,975 4,650 Food & Beverage Supplies - 39 - - Program Materials 116 331 620 620 U n ifo rms - 470 - - Postage & Delivery 63 5,313 4,776 4,800 Software 6,790 - - - Hardware/Peripherals 87 22 - - Equipment 4,393 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 2,418 2,284 1,993 2,005 ISF-Mail Service Charges 5,814 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 426 562 711 773 ISF- Motor Pool Charges 327 208 222 825 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 4,705 ISF-Telecom Charges 1,914 - - - Total Finance $ 558,338 $ 562,926 $ 619,240 $ 693,329 38 Operating Budgets Information Technology Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Information Technology FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 79,976 $ 82,961 $ 87,006 $ 90,078 Salaries -Part Time - 26,199 33,099 30,526 FICA - 1,624 2,052 1,893 Medicare 1,174 1,597 1,769 1,763 Workers Compensation 125 191 242 242 Unemployment Insurance 24 71 50 218 Group Health Insurance 5,788 5,791 5,849 6,303 Group Dental Insurance 426 431 459 481 Group Vision Insurance 75 78 79 79 Disability Insurance 285 345 368 381 Retirement 8,798 9,126 9,571 9,909 Life Insurance 84 87 97 100 Bonus 51 51 100 100 Allowance/Stipend 900 900 1,800 900 Licenses/Filing Fees 88,152 81,449 97,950 101,800 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 21,734 45,456 41,490 39,100 Equipment Maint/Repair 1,403 1,746 5,000 5,000 Office Equip Maint/Repair 17 50 - - Telecommunications 1,280 12,758 13,700 12,800 Professional Fees 7,245 752 - - Intergovt Agreements 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Office Supplies 114 46 500 500 Operating Supplies 823 669 1,250 1,200 Program Materials 3,177 - - - Postage & Delivery 19 2 100 100 Software 31,045 4,376 500 5,500 Hardware/Peripherals 29,007 17,920 11,500 11,500 Equipment 60 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 14 16 50 50 ISF-Mail Service Charges 3 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges - 25 58 52 ISF- Motor Pool Charges 38 1 18 55 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 1,412 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,390 - - - Total Information Technology $ 285,227 $ 295,718 $ 315,657 $ 323,042 39 Operating Budgets General Government General Government Summary of Expenditures General Government FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Licenses/Filing Fees $ - $ 150 $ - $ - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 34,163 37,330 40,931 57,163 Meetings & Training - - 650 650 Boards & Commissions 3,694 - - 1,090 Office Equipment Maint/Repair - 5,958 6,300 6,300 Sign Repair & Replacement 84 - - - Telecommunications - 22,907 24,120 24,120 Professional Fees 39,200 56,388 116,000 48,000 Legal Fees 365 - - - Insurance Expense - - 298,582 262,749 Advertising/Signage 728 74 10,000 - Contractual Services 12,758 19,551 - - Community Contracts/Events 110,890 118,515 102,795 84,410 Holiday Lighting 2,846 907 - - InterestExpense - 224 - - Office Supplies - 1,123 3,000 3,000 Program Materials - 3,044 21,000 51,000 Postage & Delivery 82 2,231 2,305 2,305 ISF-Copier Charges - (8,179) (8,500) (8,500) ISF-Motor Pool Charges - (1,012) (1,654) (6,055) Contingency - 4,220 139,754 1,729,664 Total General Government $ 204,810 $ 263,431 $ 755,283 $ 2,255,896 40 Operating Budgets Municipal Court Municipal Court FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Municipal Court FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 165,592 $ 173,846 $ 182,375 $ 188,829 Salaries -Part Time 73,929 75,777 77,708 77,708 FICA 5,090 5,218 4,817 4,817 Medicare 3,524 3,686 3,775 3,881 Workers Compensation 352 414 426 437 Unemployment Insurance 98 93 100 436 Group Health Insurance 19,879 19,892 20,232 21,782 Group Dental Insurance 1,512 1,530 1,521 1,709 Group Vision Insurance 224 233 237 237 Disability Insurance 659 722 772 799 Retirement 26,324 27,455 28,401 29,112 Life Insurance 172 180 203 210 Bonus 206 206 200 200 Allowance/Stipend 75 900 - 900 Licenses/Filing Fees 3,422 2,447 - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat - - 8,863 8,863 Meetings &Training 1,649 1,154 3,405 3,405 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 690 771 804 804 Sign Repair & Replacement - 27 - - Auditing Expense 3,750 - - - Professional Fees 746 200 2,956 2,956 Legal Fees 400 675 1,400 1,400 Printing Expense 1,283 - 2,000 2,000 Intergovt Agreements 5,157 5,105 11,605 11,825 Contractual Services - - 40,000 32,500 Bank/Mere Acct Fees 385 335 540 300 Office Supplies 1,370 2,019 2,443 2,443 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 39 79 32 32 Safety Supplies 42 11 - - Operating Supplies 28 5 - - Food & Beverage Supplies 477 437 660 660 Postage & Delivery - 984 800 800 Hardware/Peripherals 58 214 260 260 ISF-Copier Charges 9 30 5 5 ISF-Mail Service Charges 1,049 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 756 810 562 567 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 54 96 176 604 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 3,416 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,152 - - - Total Municipal Court $ 321,152 $ 325,551 $ 397,278 $ 403,897 41 Operating Budgets Public Works Department Description General Fund Salaries -Full Time Salaries -Part Time Overtime FICA Medicare Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance Group Health Insurance Group Dental Insurance Group Vision Insurance Disability Insurance Retirement Life Insurance Bonus Allowance/Stipend Licenses/Filing Fees Dues, Subscript & Publicat Meetings & Training Building Maint/Repair HVAC Repair Plumbing Repair Electrical Repair/Maint Fire Protection Systems Irrigation Repair Backflow Testing & Maintenance Equipment Maint/Repair Vehicle Maint/Repair Other Maint/Repair Sign Repair & Replacement Painting Lighting Repair Electricity Expense Refuse/Recycling Telecommunications Water/Sewer Gas & Oil Professional Fees Rentals & Leases Printing Expense Advertising/Signage Contractual Services Bank/Merc Acct Fees Landscape Contracts Public Works FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Public Works Department FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Revised Budaet Proposed Budaet $ 305,460 $ 319,056 $ 316,865 $ 328,061 48,430 50,075 115,169 117,927 81 426 - - 3,009 3,111 7,140 7,310 4,999 5,199 6,282 6,484 7,015 9,141 9,277 9,585 155 187 174 767 35,311 36,143 36,317 38,509 2,106 2,263 2,442 2,578 366 401 420 436 1,188 1,310 1,340 1,389 33,609 35,147 34,857 36,085 325 328 352 364 332 362 353 353 - 750 900 900 10,286 8,571 9,060 700 1,511 540 2,180 2,855 685 800 3,285 3,415 11,164 17,041 44,900 48,315 52,069 49,143 78,080 80,680 5,216 185 8,100 8,100 - - 5,140 5,140 6,504 8,571 7,960 8,320 460 879 2,850 2,850 250 100 1,235 1,235 1,232 5,517 7,850 7,850 1,846 239 2,160 1,760 - 6,277 2,400 2,400 530 2,993 2,015 2,815 - - 100 - - - 1,000 - 139,636 145,027 155,942 153,290 1,704 3,004 1,704 1,704 3,006 4,533 5,736 7,416 22,602 21,015 26,985 26,585 3,514 3,044 5,050 4,450 29,888 52,088 76,591 76,951 - - 750 750 148 287 650 650 196 - - - 988 - 25,000 25,000 289 173 500 500 6,656 3,928 37,450 34,450 42 Operating Budgets Public Works Department FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Public Works Department FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Pro Dosed Budaet General Fund -continued Office Supplies $ 587 $ 237 $ 1,075 $ 1,075 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 9,631 9,643 14,500 14,500 Safety Supplies 2,091 269 825 825 Operating Supplies 10,468 8,199 15,833 15,473 Food & Beverage Supplies 1,547 1,875 2,000 2,000 Uniforms 1,021 804 2,100 2,100 Postage & Delivery - 61 175 175 Small Tools 25 94 950 950 Hardware/Peripherals 1,394 - - - Furniture/Appliances 1,152 2,708 2,900 2,900 Equipment 806 645 1,500 8,050 Building Improvements Exp 2,380 - - - Damages/Vandalism 2,779 - 900 900 ISF-Copier Charges 149 220 287 287 ISF-Mail Service Charges 62 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 14,350 14,300 10,984 11,108 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 386 618 348 1,489 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 5,629 ISF-Telecom Charges 4,014 - - - Total Public Works $ 795,608 $ 837,527 $ 1,100,938 $ 1,126,390 43 Operating Budgets Public Works Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Public Works Division FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 108,888 $ 100,678 $ 94,752 $ 98,099 Overtime 16 405 - - Medicare 1,545 1,429 1,375 1,423 Workers Compensation 2,697 3,750 2,633 2,724 Unemployment Insurance 41 55 37 168 Group Health Insurance 11,705 11,900 10,607 10,680 Group Dental Insurance 808 915 908 969 Group Vision Insurance 124 126 122 138 Disability Insurance 366 441 400 415 Retirement 11,979 11,123 10,423 10,790 Life Insurance 113 111 105 109 Bonus 89 101 78 78 Licenses/Filing Fees 8,460 8,388 8,560 100 Dues, Subscriptions & Publications - - 485 485 Meetings & Training - 800 2,040 2,040 Vehicle Maint/Repair 799 84 1,360 1,360 Telecommunications 803 880 1,116 1,116 Gas & Oil 2,830 2,396 2,600 2,600 Professional Fees - 2,744 - - Printing Expense 67 70 200 200 Advertising/Signage 196 - - - Bank/Merc Acct Fees 289 173 500 500 Office Supplies 587 105 900 900 Safety Supplies 22 - 100 100 Uniforms 533 - 575 575 Postage & Delivery - 5 - - Small Tools - - 450 450 ISF-Copier Charges 11 27 30 30 ISF-Mail Service Charges 24 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 6,384 6,519 6,631 6,820 ISF- Motor Pool Charges 21 90 16 48 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 1,459 ISF-Telecom Charges 598 - - - Total Public Works $ 159,995 $ 153,315 $ 147,003 $ 144,376 44 Operating Budgets Engineering Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Engineering FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 103,922 $ 107,801 $ 113,057 $ 117,048 Salaries -Part Time - - 65,499 66,495 Fica - - 4,061 4,122 Medicare 1,473 1,505 2,590 2,662 Workers Compensation 1,184 1,382 2,361 2,426 Unemployment Insurance 22 21 47 207 Group Health Insurance 7,736 7,740 7,817 8,405 Group Dental Insurance 553 559 596 625 Group Vision Insurance 112 118 119 119 Disability Insurance 412 448 478 496 Retirement 11,431 11,858 12,437 12,875 Life Insurance 108 112 126 130 Bonus 46 51 95 95 Licenses/Filing Fees 1,826 183 500 600 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 1,511 540 1,395 2,070 Meetings &Training 684 - 1,245 1,375 Telecommunications 723 588 780 1,560 Professional Fees 7,950 26,422 31,500 31,500 Printing Expense 80 148 250 250 Contractual Services 987 - 25,000 25,000 Office Supplies - 65 - - Safety Supplies - - 100 100 Uniforms - 58 200 200 Postage & Delivery - 34 170 170 Hardware/Peripherals 1,394 - - - ISF-Copier Charges 113 172 200 200 ISF-Mail Service Charges 36 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 1,624 1,312 1,063 1,306 ISF- Motor Pool Charges 365 527 332 1,393 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 1,440 ISF-Telecom Charges 478 - - - Total Engineering $ 144,770 $ 161,644 $ 272,018 $ 282,869 45 Operating Budgets Facilities Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Facilities FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 92,651 $ 110,577 $ 109,056 $ 112,914 Salaries -Part Time 48,430 50,075 49,670 51,432 Overtime 65 21 - - FICA 3,009 3,111 3,079 3,188 Medicare 1,981 2,264 2,317 2,399 Workers Compensation 3,133 4,009 4,283 4,435 Unemployment Insurance 92 111 90 392 Group Health Insurance 15,871 16,503 17,893 19,424 Group Dental Insurance 746 790 938 984 Group Vision Insurance 130 156 179 179 Disability Insurance 411 421 462 478 Retirement 10,199 12,166 11,997 12,420 Life Insurance 105 105 121 125 Bonus 197 210 180 180 Allow nce/Stipend - 750 900 900 Dues, Subscript & Publicat - - 300 300 Building Maint/Repair 11,164 17,041 44,900 48,315 HVAC Repair 52,069 49,143 78,080 80,680 Plumbing Repair 5,216 185 8,100 8,100 Electrical Repair/Maint - - 5,140 5,140 Fire Protection Systems 6,504 8,571 7,960 8,320 Irrigation Repair 460 879 2,850 2,850 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 250 100 1,235 1,235 Equipment Maint/Repair 1,232 5,517 7,850 7,850 Vehicle Maint/Repair 1,047 155 800 400 Other Maint/Repair - 6,277 2,400 2,400 Sign Repair & Replacement 530 2,993 2,015 2,815 Painting - - 100 - Lighting Repair - - 1,000 - Electricity Expense 139,636 145,027 155,942 153,290 Refuse/Recycling 1,704 3,004 1,704 1,704 Telecommunications 1,479 3,066 3,840 4,740 Water/Sewer 22,602 21,015 26,985 26,585 Gas & Oil 684 647 2,450 1,850 Professional Fees 21,939 22,922 45,091 45,451 Rentals & Leases - - 750 750 Printing Expense - 70 200 200 Landscape Contracts 6,656 3,928 37,450 34,450 Office Supplies - 67 175 175 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 9,631 9,643 14,500 14,500 Safety Supplies 2,069 269 625 625 Operating Supplies 10,468 8,199 15,833 15,473 Food & Beverage Supplies 1,547 1,875 2,000 2,000 Uniforms 488 746 1,325 1,325 46 Operating Budgets Facilities Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Facilities FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund -continued Postage & Delivery $ - $ 21 $ 5 $ 5 Small Tools 25 94 500 500 Furniture/Appliances 1,152 2,708 2,900 2,900 Equipment 806 645 1,500 8,050 Building Improvements Exp 2,379 - - - Damages/Vandalism 2,779 - 900 900 ISF-Copier Charges 24 22 57 57 ISF-Mail Service Charges 3 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 6,342 6,469 3,290 2,982 ISF- Motor Pool Charges - - - 48 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 2,730 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,938 - - - Total Facilities $ 490,843 $ 522,567 $ 681,917 $ 699,145 47 Operating Budgets Development Services Development Services FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Development Services Department FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 461,933 $ 519,736 $ 624,937 $ 646,443 Salaries -Part Time 45,071 63,759 20,623 21,345 Overtime 16 67 - - FICA 2,822 3,960 1,278 1,324 Medicare 7,231 8,315 9,406 9,754 Workers Compensation 3,957 5,159 6,405 6,624 Unemployment Insurance 306 220 237 1,035 Group Health Insurance 45,195 45,261 67,804 65,566 Group Dental Insurance 3,192 3,237 5,195 5,280 Group Vision Insurance 534 559 878 907 Disability Insurance 1,790 1,889 2,645 2,737 Retirement 50,778 57,175 68,745 71,110 Life Insurance 479 473 697 721 Bonus 438 463 475 475 Allowance/Stipend 1,800 1,800 2,700 4,500 Licenses/Filing Fees 1,278 793 1,420 1,690 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 3,174 3,477 2,726 3,801 Meetings &Training 2,244 3,010 12,390 13,540 Equipment Maint/Repair 393 - 2,500 2,500 Vehicle Maint/Repair 199 130 1,252 1,812 Office Equip Maint/Repair 1,501 1,622 1,800 3,600 Sign Repair & Replacement - 139 - - Telecommunications 1,627 1,554 2,340 1,560 Gas & Oil 1,222 1,286 3,000 3,000 Professional Fees 3,937 43,861 7,000 7,000 Rentals & Leases 1,214 1,163 1,214 1,224 Printing Expense 1,312 209 4,850 5,250 Advertising/Signage 1,350 1,837 3,000 3,000 Contractual Services 64,690 78,055 2,500 32,500 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 3,602 174 100 100 Third Party Fees - - 210,000 - Office Supplies 3,670 7,332 10,250 9,050 Cleaning Supplies 33 - - - Operating Supplies 91 5 - - Food & Beverage Supplies 17 - - - Uniforms 531 515 1,830 1,630 Postage & Delivery 69 130 280 280 Small Tools 159 119 300 300 Hardware/Peripherals 1,682 441 3,500 - ISF-Copier Charges 1,288 710 1,415 1,415 ISF-Mail Service Charges 361 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 7,297 7,251 10,733 11,044 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 230 322 3,871 4,860 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 8,470 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,032 - - - Total Development Services $ 730,745 $ 866,208 $ 1,100,296 $ 955,447 48 Operating Budgets Development Services Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Development Services Division FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 125,082 $ 166,454 $ 136,098 $ 142,119 Overtime 16 67 - - Medicare 1,819 2,419 1,975 2,075 Workers Compensation 1,195 1,852 1,508 1,577 Unemployment Insurance 37 35 37 163 Group Health Insurance 8,612 8,655 8,774 9,454 Group Dental Insurance 639 654 689 721 Group Vision Insurance 112 117 118 118 Disability Insurance 438 428 576 601 Retirement 13,761 18,314 14,971 15,633 Life Insurance 130 107 151 158 Bonus 76 101 75 75 Allowance/Stipend - - - 900 Licenses/Filing Fees - 55 70 70 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 791 674 592 742 Meetings & Training 305 785 4,100 4,100 Office Equip Maint/Repair 1,501 1,622 1,800 3,600 Telecommunications 841 901 780 - Professional Fees - 39,924 - - Rentals & Leases 1,214 1,163 1,214 1,224 Printing Expense 136 139 300 300 Bank/Merc Acct Fees - 148 - - Office Supplies 2,205 1,401 5,000 5,000 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 33 - - - Operating Supplies 91 5 - - Food & Beverage Supplies 17 - - - Uniforms 155 60 300 300 Postage & Delivery 69 1 5 5 Hardware/Peripherals 1,639 148 - - ISF-Copier Charges 708 430 650 650 ISF-Mail Service Charges 7 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 325 295 271 253 ISF- Motor Pool Charges 66 17 85 270 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 1,412 ISF-Telecom Charges 598 - - - Total Development Services $ 162,618 $ 246,971 $ 180,139 $ 191,520 Operating Budgets Building Safety Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Building Safety FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 138,034 $ 142,857 $ 222,827 $ 229,422 Salaries -Part Time 45,071 63,759 20,623 21,345 FICA 2,822 3,960 1,278 1,324 Medicare 2,602 2,957 3,558 3,664 Workers Compensation 1,184 1,411 2,309 2,374 Unemployment Insurance 196 116 100 436 Group Health Insurance 16,562 16,572 27,815 21,945 Group Dental Insurance 1,041 1,053 2,053 1,657 Group Vision Insurance 149 156 314 290 Disability Insurance 558 593 942 972 Retirement 15,147 15,714 24,511 25,236 Life Insurance 143 148 248 256 Bonus 210 210 200 200 Allow nce/Stipend 900 900 1,800 1,800 Licenses/Filing Fees 12 51 - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 355 250 530 380 Meetings & Training 1,439 477 3,990 3,640 Vehicle Maint/Repair 101 99 692 692 Sign Repair & Replacement - 139 - - Gas & Oil 636 639 1,000 1,000 Printing Expense 1,176 70 1,000 1,000 Advertising/Signage - 150 - - Contractual Services 63,190 78,055 - 30,000 Ba nk/Merc Acct Fees 3,447 - - - Third Party Fees - - 210,000 - Office Supplies - - 700 550 Uniforms 60 172 900 700 Postage & Delivery - 29 30 30 Small Tools 159 - 200 200 Hardware/Peripherals 43 293 1,750 - ISF-Copier Charges 118 61 150 150 ISF-Mail Service Charges 49 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charges 3,366 3,287 3,351 3,416 ISF- Motor Pool Charges 3 23 3,619 3,877 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 3,294 ISF-Telecom Charges 716 - - - Total Building Safety $ 299,489 $ 334,201 $ 536,490 $ 359,850 50 Operating Budgets Code Compliance Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Code Compliance FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 53,439 $ 59,609 $ 107,839 $ 111,648 Medicare 745 811 1,566 1,633 Workers Compensation 603 758 1,407 1,457 Unemployment Insurance 25 23 50 218 Group Health Insurance 5,788 5,792 16,832 15,642 Group Dental Insurance 426 431 1,391 1,176 Group Vision Insurance 124 131 288 264 Disability Insurance 208 241 457 473 Retirement 5,878 6,557 11,863 12,282 Life Insurance 55 62 122 126 Bonus 51 51 100 100 Allowance/Stipend - - - 900 Licenses/Filing Fees - - 100 120 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 70 50 100 100 Meetings & Training 500 290 900 900 Vehicle Maint/Repair 99 32 560 1,120 Telecommunications 786 653 1,560 1,560 Gas & Oil 586 647 2,000 2,000 Printing Expense - - 300 700 Contractual Services 1,500 - 2,500 2,500 Office Supplies - 104 150 - Uniforms 141 - 330 330 Postage & Delivery - 38 100 100 Small Tools - 119 - - Hardware/Peripherals - - 1,750 - ISF-Copier Charges 5 3 10 10 ISF-Mail Service Charges 72 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 3,162 3,225 6,580 6,706 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 1,882 ISF-Telecom Charges 239 - - - Total Code Compliance $ 74,502 $ 79,627 $ 158,855 $ 163,947 51 Operating Budgets Mapping & Graphics Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Mapping & Graphics FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 69,564 $ 72,170 $ 75,693 $ 78,384 Medicare 971 1,010 1,098 1,137 Workers Compensation 108 126 136 141 Unemployment Insurance 24 23 25 109 Group Health Insurance 8,445 8,450 8,534 6,303 Group Dental Insurance 660 668 603 747 Group Vision Insurance 75 78 79 79 Disability Insurance 276 300 321 332 Retirement 7,652 7,939 8,327 8,623 Life Insurance 72 75 84 87 Bonus 51 51 50 50 Licenses/Filing Fees 883 - - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 1,000 1,989 1,000 2,000 Meetings & Training - - 1,000 2,500 Equipment Maint/Repair 393 - 2,500 2,500 Professional Fees 3,937 3,937 7,000 7,000 Printing Expense - - 2,900 2,900 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 22 26 100 100 Office Supplies 1,465 5,581 3,500 3,500 Uniforms - 94 100 100 ISF-Copier Charges 70 94 130 130 ISF-Mail Service Charges 110 113 - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 22 - 113 100 ISF- Motor Pool Charges - - 36 107 ISF- Technology Replacement - - - 941 ISF-Telecom Charges 239 - - - Total Mapping & Graphics $ 96,039 $ 102,724 $ 113,329 $ 117,870 52 Operating Budgets Planning & Zoning Division Description General Fund Salaries -Full Time Medicare Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance Group Health Insurance Group Dental Insurance Group Vision Insurance Disability Insurance Retirement Life Insurance Bonus Allowance/Stipend Licenses/Filing Fees Dues, Subscript & Publicat Meetings & Training Printing Expense Advertising/Signage Bank/Merc Acct Fees Office Supplies Uniforms Postage & Delivery Small Tools ISF-Copier Charges ISF-Mail Service Charges ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge ISF-Motor Pool Charges ISF- Technology Replacement ISF-Telecom Charges Total Planning FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Planning & Zoning FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Revised Budaet ProDosed Budget $ 75,814 $ 78,645 $ 82,480 $ 84,870 1,093 1,117 1,209 1,245 867 1,012 1,045 1,075 24 23 25 109 5,788 5,792 5,849 12,222 426 431 459 979 75 78 79 156 311 327 349 359 8,339 8,651 9,073 9,336 78 81 92 94 51 51 50 50 900 900 900 900 266 687 1,250 1,500 1,074 514 504 579 - 1,457 2,400 2,400 - - 350 350 1,350 1,687 3,000 3,000 134 - - - - 246 900 - 175 190 200 200 - 62 145 145 - - 100 100 387 121 475 475 234 - - - 333 331 418 569 139 282 131 606 - - - 941 239 - - - $ 98,097 $ 102,685 $ 111,483 $ 122,260 53 Operating Budgets Community Services Department Community Services FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Community Services Department FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 731,358 $ 772,989 $ 838,149 $ 924,571 Salaries -Part Time 194,191 202,327 233,705 253,572 Overtime 1,233 1,092 - - FICA 12,101 12,589 14,301 15,509 Medicare 13,176 13,790 15,707 17,250 Workers Compensation 11,935 14,529 15,638 17,265 Unemployment Insurance 825 744 725 3,228 Group Health Insurance 89,438 102,321 109,836 135,474 Group Dental Insurance 6,921 7,473 8,364 10,843 Group Vision Insurance 1,106 1,238 1,297 1,780 Disability Insurance 2,464 3,143 3,549 3,911 Retirement 80,571 84,116 92,195 101,703 Life Insurance 736 787 930 1,030 Bonus 1,572 1,415 1,595 1,600 Allowance/Stipend 6,975 7,650 8,910 9,900 Licenses/Filing Fees 2,136 2,714 2,240 2,240 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 4,590 6,332 4,920 4,984 Meetings & Training 7,786 9,683 18,090 19,075 Boards & Commissions 195 370 575 575 Building Maint/Repair 2,749 380 1,300 1,300 HVAC Repair 150 107 1,400 1,400 Plumbing Repair 2,118 528 2,700 2,700 Electrical Repair/Maint 20,650 16,846 5,950 5,950 Fire Protection Systems 1,221 1,221 2,440 2,440 Grounds Maint/Repair 12,534 40,592 27,600 28,300 Irrigation Repair 25,460 17,829 15,400 15,400 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 672 2,931 2,450 2,450 Storm Damage/Cleanup - 326 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 20,465 16,194 31,790 31,790 Vehicle Maint/Repair 10,025 5,258 11,010 11,010 Office Equip Maint/ Repair 3,444 3,274 6,624 7,020 Other Maint/Repair 28,681 12,216 30,800 40,550 Striping 1,302 408 2,380 2,380 Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 8,857 - 6,575 6,575 Sign Repair & Replacement 5,369 6,094 6,850 6,850 Painting 5,978 2,144 1,804 1,804 Lighting Repair 31,947 20,052 15,900 15,900 Electricity Expense 196,266 181,196 230,642 234,940 Refuse/Recycling 5,124 4,904 6,380 6,380 Telecommunications 5,916 6,102 5,754 6,084 Water/Sewer 105,959 82,618 112,500 123,500 Gas & Oil 11,155 11,752 19,612 19,612 Professional Fees 24,758 23,860 58,740 33,740 Instructor Fees 36,499 39,244 48,165 49,341 Insurance Expense - - - 2,500 Rentals & Leases 31,264 36,416 54,677 42,061 Printing Expense 2,861 3,361 4,355 4,355 54 Operating Budgets Community Services Department Description General Fund -continued Advertising/Signage Contractual Services Constituent Communication Bank/Merc Acct Fees Community Contracts/Events Landscape Contracts Active Net Fees Office Supplies Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies Safety Supplies Operating Supplies Food & Beverage Supplies Program Materials U n ifo rms Postage & Delivery Miscellaneous Expense Small Tools Hardware/Peripherals Furniture/Appliances Equipment Damages/Vandalism ISF-Copier Charges ISF-Mail Service Charges ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge ISF-Motor Pool Charges ISF- Technology Replacement ISF-Telecom Charges Contingency Vehicles Furniture/Appliances Park Improvements Total Community Services FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Community Services Department FY17-18 Actual 1,763 $ 37,001 30,431 6,001 90,626 116,316 8,095 2,552 15,489 540 30,728 10,992 41,080 3,728 368 4,654 1,317 14,433 26,981 1,983 1,962 432 38,509 52 6,824 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget 716 $ 42,815 27,474 5,737 101,046 120,529 9,069 2,513 13,464 802 48,572 11,141 36,190 2,980 661 13 2,726 3,775 482 24,565 2,729 2,385 39,070 23,058 4,100 $ 62,200 33,990 6,705 98,098 145,009 10,083 4,351 13,429 1,100 76,538 10,620 44,410 3,679 720 4,500 4,100 57,900 33,990 6,705 98,800 159,190 10,083 4,350 23,179 1,100 76,538 12,620 50,410 4,129 720 4,500 5,200 5,200 2,100 2,100 1,922 1,922 50,961 42,939 122 387 - 20,716 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 - 35,000 $ 2,263,590 $ 2,303,667 $ 2,689,361 $ 2,937,420 55 Operating Budgets Community Center Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Community Center FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 104,990 $ 116,613 $ 124,935 $ 129,347 Salaries -Part Time 70,718 102,461 95,004 109,335 FICA 4,411 6,386 5,784 6,655 Medicare 2,556 3,182 3,197 3,480 Workers Compensation 2,368 3,347 3,134 3,264 Unemployment Insurance 169 200 191 846 Group Health Insurance 10,621 11,345 11,698 15,642 Group Dental Insurance 788 852 918 1,176 Group Vision Insurance 138 154 158 211 Disability Insurance 361 479 529 547 Retirement 11,549 12,827 13,743 14,228 Life Insurance 109 120 139 144 Bonus 439 426 500 500 Allowance/Stipend - 75 - 900 Licenses/Filing Fees 575 1,304 700 700 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 327 942 152 152 Meetings &Training - - 2,000 2,000 Office Equip Maint/ Repair (83) 1,245 2,304 2,700 Sign Repair & Replacement - 403 - - Telecommunications 1,138 1,848 2,064 2,064 Professional Fees - - 300 300 Rentals & Leases 3,534 2,460 4,056 4,416 Printing Expense 62 - 130 130 Advertising/Signage 1,281 - 3,500 3,500 Constituent Communication - - 1,500 1,500 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 1,283 1,102 1,320 1,320 Active Net Fees 990 865 1,000 1,000 Office Supplies 264 214 450 450 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 42 58 - - Operating Supplies 252 269 1,000 1,000 Food & Beverage Supplies 351 606 550 550 Program Materials 565 938 1,000 1,000 Uniforms 455 512 600 600 Small Tools 869 - - - Hardware/Peripherals 754 347 - - Furniture/Appliances 13,792 - - - Equipment 2,424 3,137 4,000 4,000 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 60 68 51 45 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - - 16 48 ISF-Technology Replacement - - - 4,498 ISF-Telecom Charges 2,164 - - - Total Community Center $ 240,316 $ 274,785 $ 286,623 $ 318,248 56 Operating Budgets Recreation Division Description General Fund Salaries -Full Time Salaries -Part Time Overtime FICA Medicare Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance Group Health Insurance Group Dental Insurance Group Vision Insurance Disability Insurance Retirement Life Insurance Bonus Allowance/Stipend Licenses/Filing Fees Dues, Subscript & Publicat Meetings &Training Equipment Maint/Repair Vehicle Maint/Repair Sign Repair & Replacement Refuse/Recycling Telecommunications Gas & Oil Professional Fees Instructor Fees Rentals & Leases Printing Expense Advertising/Signage Contractual Services Constituent Communication Bank/Merc Acct Fees Community Events Active Net Fees Office Supplies Operating Supplies Food & Beverage Supplies Program Materials Uniforms Postage & Delivery Small Tools Hardware/Peripherals Furniture/Appliances Equipment ISF-Copier Charges ISF-Mail Service Charges ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge ISF-Motor Pool Charges ISF-Technology Replacement ISF-Telecom Charges Contingency Total Recreation FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Recreation FY17-18 Actual 143,140 $ 55,754 118 3,481 2,909 4,006 281 15,054 1,112 186 493 15,745 141 423 2,325 454 2,919 1,597 1,090 170 204 1,126 3,801 13,161 36,499 17,792 312 482 14,700 24,340 2,912 90,561 2,925 259 34 1,656 32,309 1,352 27 450 777 1,557 1,168 69 286 52 1,436 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget 167,021 $ 56,796 20 3,536 3,221 4,998 201 19,467 1,329 218 641 17,433 161 369 2,475 398 4,144 1,230 1,366 1,411 794 5,248 14,294 38,604 19,122 156 421 15,450 22,514 3,179 97,690 3,827 208 2,304 30,776 890 19 247 1,837 1,763 207 183,971 $ 74,016 4,506 3,787 5,878 238 22,681 1,580 237 779 20,236 204 500 2,700 400 4,167 3,600 1,500 840 4,800 17,880 46,800 26,485 1,100 400 16,800 26,700 3,423 93,298 4,208 700 550 35,595 829 80 1,047 256 80 25,000 190,469 77,254 4,702 3,926 6,104 967 15,642 1,657 343 805 20,953 211 450 2,700 400 4,167 3,600 1,500 840 4,800 17,880 46,800 26,485 1,100 400 21,800 26,700 3,423 94,000 4,208 700 2,550 41,595 829 80 1,047 227 243 5,129 25,000 $ 501,645 $ 545,985 $ 637,851 $ 661,686 57 Operating Budgets Parks Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Parks FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 232,572 $ 248,919 $ 262,047 $ 315,212 Overtime 1,115 1,052 - - Medicare 3,306 3,510 3,855 4,642 Workers Compensation 4,728 5,696 6,032 7,259 Unemployment Insurance 153 116 124 652 Group Health Insurance 36,262 39,422 40,054 55,727 Group Dental Insurance 2,518 2,790 2,973 4,094 Group Vision Insurance 416 442 446 602 Disability Insurance 809 1,034 1,110 1,335 Retirement 25,706 27,405 28,824 34,672 Life Insurance 240 259 290 353 Bonus 254 254 250 300 Allowance/Stipend 3,000 3,300 3,600 4,500 Licenses/Filing Fees 795 550 590 590 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 330 215 450 515 Meetings & Training 3,413 2,694 8,390 7,925 Building Main/Repair 2,749 380 1,300 1,300 HVAC Repair 150 107 1,400 1,400 Plumbing Repair 2,118 528 2,700 2,700 Electrical Repair/Maint 20,650 16,846 5,950 5,950 Fire Protection Systems 1,221 1,221 2,440 2,440 Grounds Maint/Repair 12,534 40,592 27,600 28,300 Irrigation Repair 25,460 17,829 15,400 15,400 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 672 2,931 2,450 2,450 Storm Damage Cleanup - 326 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 20,465 16,194 30,290 30,290 Vehicle Maint/Repair 8,906 3,893 10,510 10,510 Other Maint/Repair 28,681 12,216 30,800 40,550 Striping 1,302 408 2,380 2,380 Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 8,857 - 6,575 6,575 Sign Repair & Replacement 5,199 3,821 6,800 6,800 Painting 5,978 2,144 1,804 1,804 Lighting Repair 31,947 20,052 15,900 15,900 Electricity Expense 196,266 181,196 230,642 234,940 Refuse/Recycling 4,920 4,904 6,380 6,380 Telecommunications 2,869 2,807 2,850 3,180 Water/Sewer 105,959 82,618 112,500 123,500 Gas & Oil 7,075 6,288 14,212 14,212 Professional Fees 10,765 8,499 13,900 13,900 Rentals & Leases 6,445 10,172 20,380 7,380 Printing Expense 1,937 2,965 2,900 2,900 Contractual Services - - 6,500 - Bank/Merc Acct Fees 1,112 626 772 772 Community Events 66 - - - 58 Operating Budgets Parks Division Description General Fund -continued Landscape Contracts Active Net Fees Office Supplies Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies Safety Supplies Operating Supplies Food & Beverage Supplies Program Materials Uniforms Postage & Delivery Small Tools Hardware/Peripherals Furniture/Appliances Equipment Damages/Vandalism ISF-Copier Charges ISF-Mail Service Charges ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge ISF-Motor Pool Charges ISF-Technology Replacement ISF-Telecom Charges Vehicles Furniture/Equipment Park Improvements Total Parks FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Parks FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget $ 116,316 $ 120,529 $ 145,009 $ 159,190 649 539 695 695 262 - 100 100 15,405 13,332 13,279 23,029 540 802 1,100 1,100 27,701 47,644 72,353 72,353 - 464 120 120 117 - 300 300 1,921 1,578 2,250 2,700 25 2 5 5 3,758 2,726 4,500 4,500 46 186 - - (245) - - - 20,653 19,591 - - 1,983 2,729 2,100 2,100 399 138 315 315 1 - - - 35,114 35,691 47,599 39,515 478 - - 5,649 - - - 25,000 - 23,058 - - - - - 35,000 $ 1,055,043 $ 1,046,230 $ 1,224,095 $ 1,391,962 59 Operating Budgets Senior Services Division FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Senior Services FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 69,013 $ 56,537 $ 59,143 $ 61,231 Salaries -Part Time 67,718 43,070 64,685 66,983 FICA 4,208 2,668 4,011 4,152 Medicare 1,995 1,364 1,811 1,876 Workers Compensation 550 174 221 230 Unemployment Insurance 150 113 100 436 Group Health Insurance 861 11,014 10,983 12,222 Group Dental Insurance 419 886 932 979 Group Vision Insurance 11 156 156 156 Disability Insurance 224 239 250 259 Retirement 7,592 6,219 6,506 6,736 Life Insurance 60 60 66 68 Bonus 309 213 200 200 Allowance/Stipend 750 900 900 900 Licenses/Filing Fees 312 462 550 550 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 909 989 100 100 Meetings &Training 25 - 200 200 Office Equip Maint/Repair 1,364 379 - - Office Equip Maint/ Repair - - 2,100 2,100 Sign Repair & Replacement - 376 50 50 Professional Fees 816 1,062 1,260 1,260 Instructor Fees - 640 1,365 2,541 Rentals & Leases 125 1,291 156 180 Printing Expense 80 70 150 150 Advertising/Signage - 128 - - Contractual Services 22,301 27,365 38,900 36,100 Constituent Communication 3,616 3,239 4,290 4,290 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 694 831 1,190 1,190 Active Net Fees 3,530 3,838 4,180 4,180 Office Supplies 1,079 1,281 2,000 2,000 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - 65 150 150 Operating Supplies 391 659 2,325 2,325 Food & Beverage Supplies 1,565 1,259 1,900 1,900 Program Materials 719 345 715 715 Postage & Delivery - 194 135 135 Hardware/Peripherals 27 2,946 - - Furniture/Appliances 109 482 - - Equipment 2,347 - 1,200 1,200 ISF-Mail Service Charges 182 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 60 68 51 45 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - - 16 48 ISF-Technology Replacement - - - 2,617 ISF-Telecom Charges 1,554 - - - Total Senior Services $ 195,665 $ 171,582 $ 212,947 $ 220,454 Operating Budgets Law Enforcement Law Enforcement FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Law Enforcement Description FY17-18 Actual FY18-19 Actual FY19-20 Revised Budget FY20-21 Proposed Budget General Fund Dues, Subscript & Publicat $ 1,295 $ 1,295 $ 1,296 $ 1,296 Printing Expense - - 700 700 Advertising/Signage 809 - - - Intergovt Agreements 19,464 - - - Contractual Services - - 10,000 10,000 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 305 - - - Law Patrol 3,715,447 4,090,928 4,675,701 4,918,265 Jail Fees 33,802 41,778 67,500 67,500 Animal Control - 19,698 20,683 21,668 Office Supplies - - 40 40 Program Materials 652 - - - Rewards Program - - 10,000 10,000 ISF-Copier Charges 362 - - - ISF-Mail Service Charges 3,138 - - - Furniture/Equipment 17,401 - - - Total Law Enforcement $ 3,792,675 $ 4,153,699 $ 4,785,920 $ 5,029,469 61 Operating Budgets Fire & Emergency Medical Fire & Emergency Medical FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Fire & Emergency Medical FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget General Fund Dues, Subscript & Publicat $ 3,959 $ 3,256 $ 3,360 $ 3,360 Meetings & Training - - 2,200 2,200 Building Maint/Repair 1,081 708 - - Plumbing Repair 374 609 - - Fire Protection Systems 814 814 - - Grounds Maint/Repar - 120 - - Backflow Testing & Maintenance - - 150 150 Equipment Maint/Repair 9,234 11,031 14,050 14,050 Vehicle Maint/Repair 34,542 31,636 40,900 40,900 Office Equip Maint/ Repair - - 150 150 Sign Repair & Replacement 192 370 - - Lighting Repair 19 - - - Electricity Expense - 1,228 3,000 3,000 Refuse/Recycling - - 1,080 1,080 Telecommunications - 4,935 5,040 5,040 Water/Sewer - 1,521 1,500 1,500 Gas & Oil 21,691 26,305 25,200 25,200 Professional Fees 304 864 640 640 Printing Expense 274 163 900 900 Intergovt Agreements 2,004 2,320 2,500 2,750 Contractual Services 3,508,053 3,613,295 3,721,696 3,833,348 Ba nk/Merc Acct Fees 4 1 - - Landscape Contracts 1,589 856 - - Office Supplies - 21 550 550 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies - - 50 50 Operating Supplies 3,473 4,452 6,760 6,760 Food & Beverage Supplies 2 146 - - Program Materials 711 1,047 1,000 1,000 Uniforms 3,456 940 3,600 3,600 Postage - 29 15 15 Small Tools 5,776 5,659 6,500 6,500 Hardware/Peripherals 413 838 - - Furniture/Appliances 651 - - - Equipment 20,425 6,013 10,000 10,000 ISF-Copier Charges 292 160 269 269 ISF-Mail Service Charges 27 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 238,102 173,504 170,190 232,651 ISF-Telecom Charges 8,933 - - - Total Fire & Emergency Medical $ 3,866,395 $ 3,892,841 $ 4,021,300 $ 4,195,663 62 Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds Public Works Streets Division Streets Fund (HURF) 63 Special Revenue Funds Public Works -Streets Division Streets Fund FY2O-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Streets Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Streets Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 263,018 $ 299,697 $ 389,325 $ 411,657 Overtime 3,022 6,909 - - On Call Pay 11,767 11,536 6,724 6,962 Medicare 3,840 4,398 5,761 6,087 Workers Compensation 11,860 16,144 22,057 23,399 Unemployment Insurance 171 145 147 655 Group Health Insurance 38,752 42,065 60,189 55,008 Group Dental Insurance 2,589 2,993 4,572 4,342 Group Vision Insurance 424 491 766 672 Disability Insurance 1,083 1,138 1,673 1,771 Retirement 30,559 34,876 43,541 46,021 Life Insurance 271 299 437 463 Bonus 246 203 302 302 Allow nce/Stipend 600 900 900 900 Licenses/Filing Fees 434 382 - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 1,569 2,344 8,750 11,750 Meetings & Training 300 410 - - Building Maint/Repair 21 1,811 15,000 15,000 HVAC Repair 310 80 - - Plumbing Repair 43 - - - Electrical Repair/Maint 1,130 - 3,000 3,000 Fire Protection Systems 509 509 2,000 2,000 Grounds Maint/Repair 14,406 127 50,000 50,000 Irrigation Repair 1,993 3,367 2,500 5,000 Backflow Testing & Maintenance 1,451 1,889 6,110 6,110 Drainage Maint/Repair 2,757 - 10,000 10,000 Storm Damage Cleanup - 14,307 - - Equipment Maint/Repair 1,647 704 19,300 11,300 Traffic Signal Maint/Repair - 2,889 - - Vehicle Maint/Repair 7,170 12,014 22,625 14,225 Office Equip Maint/ Repair - - 750 750 Other Maint/Repair 3,336 3,730 1,800 1,800 Road Repair - 5,188 - - Striping 12,326 20,047 50,000 100,000 Sidewalk/Pathway Repair 48,900 54,364 70,000 70,000 Other Road Related Repair - 3,178 - - Sign Repair & Replacement 14,483 96,923 32,000 32,000 Pavement Management 1,530,595 3,409,880 3,431,280 3,300,000 Painting - 763 - - Lighting Repair 107,333 - - - Electricity Expense 30,996 30,596 33,620 28,620 Refuse/Recycling 3,316 2,042 16,200 16,200 Telecommunications 3,703 4,689 4,956 5,016 Water/Sewer 57,564 42,779 75,910 76,210 Gas & Oil 8,913 14,400 14,400 14,400 Auditing Expense 8,530 9,694 11,460 11,460 64 Special Revenue Funds Public Works -Streets Division Streets Fund FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Streets Fund Description FY17-18 Actual Professional Fees $ 3,966 Legal Fees 39,003 Insurance Expense 80,398 Rentals & Leases 1,304 Printing Expense 81 Advertising/signage 45 Contractual Services 34,560 Landscape Contracts 135,009 Traffic Signals - Office Supplies 34 Cleaning/Janitorial Supplies 291 Safety Supplies 1,440 Operating Supplies 6,123 Food & Beverage Supplies 752 Program Materials - Uniforms 1,161 Postage & Delivery 156 Miscellaneous Expense 241 Small Tools 1,048 Software - Hardware/Peripherals 6,606 Equipment 6,076 Damages/Vandalism 2,280 ISF-Copier Charges 1 ISF-Mail Service Charges - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 31,450 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 20 ISF-Technology Replacement - ISF-Telecom Charges 3,030 Contingency - Furniture/Equipment 24,935 FY18-19 Actual FY19-20 Revised Budget FY20-21 Proposed Budget $ 10,687 $ 30,600 $ 37,100 19,607 54,000 70,200 82,851 104,392 89,036 384 - 2,400 1,076 13,500 18,500 142,706 175,000 175,000 40,100 47,600 47,600 675 2,075 2,075 389 500 500 852 150 1,020 9,870 15,600 16,450 1,079 500 500 139 - - 1,807 1,876 1,876 1,964 5,250 5,250 - 7,500 7,500 3,400 1,750 - 9,766 - - 6,976 40,000 40,000 15 5 5 32,079 54,748 54,205 25 16 48 - - 5,695 - 200,000 200,000 36,627 20,945 - Total Streets $ 2,611,947 $ 4,563,974 $ 5,194,062 $ 5,118,040 MR Special Revenue Funds Administration Excise Tax Funds Administration Excise Tax Funds Downtown Strategy Economic Development Tourism Special Revenue Funds Administration Downtown Strategy & Economic Development Funds FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Downtown Strategy Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Downtown Strategy Fund Sign Repair & Replacement $ 12,981 $ 1,079 $ 8,000 $ - Management Fees 313 381 400 400 Advertising/Signage 29 - - - Holiday Lighting 42,721 36,744 38,000 38,000 Total Downtown Strategy Fund $ 56,044 $ 38,204 $ 46,400 $ 38,400 FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Economic Development Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Economic Development Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 85,749 $ 151,288 $ 208,941 $ 200,388 Medicare 1,213 2,181 3,056 2,978 Workers Compensation 134 274 375 358 Unemployment Insurance 24 94 50 207 Group Health Insurance 8,548 10,723 14,535 20,175 Group Dental Insurance 614 790 1,121 1,628 Group Vision Insurance 124 156 211 253 Disability Insurance 340 536 884 848 Retirement 9,433 16,073 22,983 22,042 Life Insurance 89 133 233 223 Bonus 51 101 100 95 Allowance/Stipend 900 1,500 1,800 4,950 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 8,968 10,293 9,504 5,624 Meetings & Training 3,539 2,809 6,320 6,320 Printing Expense - 153 100 100 Advertising/Signage 475 - - - Marketing 62,650 26,754 15,000 15,000 Office Supplies 52 118 200 200 Operating Supplies - 18 - - Postage & Delivery - 3 - - ISF-Copier Charges 109 40 69 69 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charg, 81 16 - - ISF-Technology Replacement - - - 1,788 ISF-Telecom Charges 239 - - - Total Economic Development Fund $ 183,332 $ 224,053 $ 285,482 $ 283,246 67 Special Revenue Funds Administration Tourism Fund FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Tourism Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Tourism Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 49,343 $ 51,718 $ 54,241 $ 57,629 Medicare 712 745 801 853 Workers Compensation 78 91 119 124 Unemployment Insurance 22 21 22 98 Group Health Insurance 5,538 5,723 5,778 10,999 Group Dental Insurance 413 432 461 881 Group Vision Insurance 72 78 80 141 Disability Insurance 162 215 230 244 Retirement 5,434 5,689 5,968 6,339 Life Insurance 51 54 61 64 Bonus 46 51 45 45 Allowance/Stipend 795 720 810 1,170 Licenses/Filing Fees - 585 - - Dues, Subscript & Publicat 8,583 3,857 8,384 8,383 Meetings & Training 1,108 203 3,501 3,500 Telecommunications 506 532 481 552 Professional Fees 33,563 37,600 66,142 52,142 Rentals & Leases 3,250 - 3,550 3,550 Printing Expense 4,100 - - - Advertising/Signage 80,104 111,944 96,448 69,973 Constituent Communication 897 1,364 1,501 1,500 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 2 - - - Office Supplies 567 415 701 700 Food & Beverage Supplies - - 500 500 Program Materials 7,476 10,474 4,086 4,086 Uniforms 156 290 1,000 1,000 Postage & Delivery 128 1,047 1,595 1,594 Software - 3 - - Hardware/Peripherals 919 77 - - Equipment - - 1,000 1,000 ISF-Copier Charges 1,409 1,227 1,401 1,400 ISF-Mail Service Charges 774 - - - ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge 66 147 165 146 ISF-Motor Pool Charges - - 52 156 ISF-Technology Replacement - - - 847 ISF-Telecom Charges 239 - - - Total Tourism Fund $ 206,513 $ 235,302 $ 259,123 $ 229,616 .: Special Revenue Funds Administration Special Revenue Fund Public Art Fund Environmental Fund Cottonwoods Maintenance District Municipal Court Court Enhancement Fund Special Revenue Funds Administration Special Revenue & Public Art Funds FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Special Revenue Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Special Revenue Fund Advertising/Signage $ - $ - $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Intergovt Agreements 56,000 55,000 125,000 125,000 Contingency - - 1,230,525 1,063,000 Park Improvements - - 240,000 - Other Infrastructure 101,946 36,211 65,000 - Total Special Revenue Fund $ 157,946 $ 91,211 $ 1,662,525 $ 1,190,000 FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Public Art Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Public Art Fund Art Maintenance/Install $ 14,216 $ 11,319 $ 26,294 $ 25,000 Insurance 11,378 11,472 13,046 13,649 Damages/Vandalism 3,640 - - - Contingency - - 100,000 100,000 Total Public Art Fund $ 29,234 $ 22,791 $ 139,340 $ 138,649 70 Special Revenue Funds Administration Environmental Fund FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Environmental Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Environmental Fund Salaries -Full Time $ 18,731 $ 19,430 $ 32,605 $ 33,755 Medicare 262 268 473 490 Workers Compensation 375 438 880 911 Unemployment Insurance 6 6 10 43 Group Health Insurance 1,447 1,448 2,340 2,521 Group Dental Insurance 107 108 184 192 Group Health Vision 19 19 31 31 Disability Insurance 74 81 138 143 Retirement 2,061 2,137 3,586 3,714 Life Insurance 19 20 36 38 Bonus 13 - 19 20 Licenses/Filing Fees 5,000 6,160 7,715 7,715 Dues, Subscript & Publicat 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 Meetings &Training - - 300 300 Grounds Maint/Repair - - 5,000 5,000 Wash Maintenance 152,549 - 210,000 210,000 Dam Inspection and Maint 19,070 13,400 20,400 20,400 Drainage Maint/Repair 111,485 68,416 180,000 160,000 Storm Damage Cleanup 12,506 265,340 80,000 80,000 Refuse/Recycling 750 - - - Professional Fees 47,289 43,428 50,000 - Advertising/Signage 189 - - - Contractual Services 115,978 77,356 135,920 135,920 Bank/Merc Acct Fees 51 74 25 25 Community Events 39,305 - - - Program Materials 330 36 2,000 2,000 ISF-Copier Charges 35 13 30 30 ISF-Vehicle Replacement Charge - 40 48 42 ISF-Motor Pool Charges 4 - 15 45 ISF-Technology Replacement - - - 377 Total Environmental Fund $ 530,655 $ 501,718 $ 735,255 $ 667,212 71 Special Revenue Funds Cottonwoods Maintenance District & Court Enhancement Funds The Cottonwoods Maintenance District was formed by the Town Council in June 1999 for the purpose of improving the common areas of the Cottonwoods subdivi- sion; the Town Council serves as the governing Board for the District. The Mainte- nance District provides for the maintenance of the common area, which is per- formed by the Town of Fountain Hills. The cost is repaid through an annual proper- ty tax assessment per property owner levied by the Town and collected by Mari- copa County. The levy includes the annual contract cost for landscaping as well as establishing a reserve amount for future exterior wall maintenance. COTTONWOODS MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Descriptio n Revenues Property Tax Interest Income Total Revenues Expenditures Grounds Maint/Repair Advertising/Signage Postage/Mailing FY17-18 FY18-19 Actual Actual FY19-20 FY20-21 Revised Proposed Budget Budget $ 5,471 $ 6,749 $ 6,643 $ 6,643 1 C) 7 it i it 7 -) 7 7 $ 5,668 $ 7,163 $ 6,715 $ 6,715 $ (4,500) $ (4,500) $ (4,851) $ (4,851) (195) - (250) (250) (1) (30) - (30) Total Expenditures $ (4,696) $ (4,530) $ (5,101) $ (5,131) Description Court Enhancement Fund Dues, Subscript & Publicat Meetings & Training Sign Repair & Replacement Rentals & Leases Printing Expense Small Tools Hardware/Peripherals Furniture/Appliances Computer Hardware Total Court Enhancement Fund FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Court Enhancement Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 2,478 - 2,500 2,500 - - 500 500 - - 2,800 2,800 - - 2,000 2,000 - 218 - - - 1,472 5,500 5,500 3,069 - 10,000 10,000 - - 130,000 - $ 5,547 $ 1,690 $ 154,800 $ 24,800 72 Debt Service Funds Debt Service Funds General Obligation Debt Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District Debt Municipal Property Corporation Debt 73 Debt Service Funds Outstanding Debt Debt Service Funds The Debt Service Funds provide for the payment of interest, principal, and related costs on General Obligation (GO) bonds (both the Town of Fountain Hills and the Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District) and Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Revenue bonds. Outstanding Debt The Schedule below includes an itemization of the outstanding debt as of June 30, 2020, after the scheduled principal and interest payments due July 1, 2020. Outstanding Debt Schedule Bond Purpose Date of Interest Date of Original Principal Principal Outstanding Type of Issue Bond Issue Rate Maturity Amount Amount Retired Principal Road 2.00- GO Construction 12/18/2014 3.00 7/1/2020 7,565,000 7,565,000 - Total GO 7,565,000 7,565,000 - Rev Refunding 6/4/2015 1.62 7/1/2020 1,880,000 1,880,000 - Total Rev 1,880,000 1,880,000 - GO Eagle Mtn 6/4/2015 1.76 7/1/2021 2,300,000 1,900,000 400,000 Total GO - Eagle Mtn 2,300,000 1,900,000 400,000 Grand Total $ 11,745,000 $ 11,345,000 $ 400,000 74 Debt Service Funds General Obligation Debt General Obligation Debt Voter -approved General Obligation bonds issued by the Town are repaid by collect- ing a secondary property tax. This secondary property tax levy is based on the to- tal amount required for the annual principal and interest payments (with adjust- ments for carry -forward and/or interest earnings, delinquencies, etc.) divided by the total assessed valuation for the Town of Fountain Hills. Currently, the Town does not have any outstanding General Obligation bonds, and a town -wide secondary property tax is not required for FY21. GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE Description Revenues Secondary Property Tax Interest Income FY17-18 FY18-19 Actual Actual FY19-20 Revised Budget FY20-21 Proposed Budget $ 1,909,924 $ 2,011,867 $ 1,674,486 $ - 8,495 18,703 1,200 1,200 Total Revenues $ 1,918,419 $ 2,030,570 $ 1,675,686 $ 1,200 Expenditures Principal Payments $ (1,980,000) $ (1,880,000) $ (1,615,000) $ - Interest Payments (140,950) (92,250) (48,450) - Administrative/Trustee Fees (600) (600) (350) (350) Total Expenditures $ (2,121,550) $ (1,972,850) $ (1,663,800) $ (350) 75 Debt Service Funds Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District Debt Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District (CFD) Debt There have been four bond issues (issued as General Obligation bonds) that were approved for specific purposes: •The first two CFD bond issues in 1996 (refunded in 2005) were to acquire certain public infrastructure benefiting the District, specifically a sewer project, a storm water conveyance system project, the Eagle Mountain Parkway Phase I project, and the Summer Hill Boulevard project. •CFD bonds issued in 2005 were for refunding and defeasing the 1996 is- sues. •Outstanding bonds were refinanced in 2015 to reduce interest costs. The Eagle Mountain Community Facilities District debt payments are levied on the property owners within the District. These obligations are paid by the property owners using secondary property taxes, less any credits, carry -forward and/or in- terest earnings and allowing for delinquencies. The anticipated rate based on the estimated assessed valuation of $32,058,853 (an increase of 5.1% from the prior year) is $1.2477 per $100 of assessed valuation compared to $1.3541 in the prior year. EAGLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE FY19-20 FY20-21 FY17-18 FY18-19 Revised Proposed Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Property Tax $ 378,872 $ 370,686 $ 413,043 $ 330,000 Interest Income 938 2,116 240 240 Total Revenues $ 379,810 $ 372,802 $ 413,283 $ 330,240 Expenditures Advertising/Signage $ (170) $ (195) $ (200) $ (200) Principal Payments (375,000) (380,000) (395,000) (400,000) Interest Payments (34,056) (27,529) (13,992) (7,040) Total Expenditures $ (409,226) $ (407,724) $ (409,192) $ (407,240) 76 Debt Service Funds Municipal Property Corporation Debt Municipal Property Corporation (MPC) Debt One of the methods of funding major municipal projects is the use of a Municipal Property Corporation (MPC). The Town created the Fountain Hills Municipal Proper- ty Corporation and bonds were issued in 2000 and 2001 to build the Community Center and purchase a portion of the McDowell Mountain Preserve, respectively. In 2004, MPC bonds were used to construct Town Hall. While the bonds are outstand- ing, the MPC owns the land and buildings purchased with bond proceeds. Now that all the MPC bonds have been redeemed, ownership of the buildings and land have been transferred to the Town. MUNICIPAL PROPERTY CORPORATION DEBT SERVICE FY19-20 FY20-21 FY17-18 FY18-19 Revised Proposed Description Actual Actual Budget Budget Revenues Interest Income $ 2,315 $ 3,811- Transfer In 249,055 249,055 - - Total Revenues $ 251,370 $ 252,866 $ Expenditures License/Filing Fees $ (10) $ (10) $ (10) $ (10) Principal Payments (370,000) (360,000) (300,000) - Interest Payments (22,680) (16,686) (4,860) - Administrative/Trustee Fees (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) Total Expenditures $ (393,690) $ (377,696) $ (305,870) $ (1,010) 77 Debt Service Funds Legal Debt Margin Information Legal Debt Margin Information The Total Net Debt Applicable to Limit comes from the Report of Bonded Indebted- ness and is related to those issues noted by the appropriate % debt limit. 20% limit - GO bonds for projects involving water, sewer, artificial lighting, parks, open space, public safety, law enforcement, fire and emergency facilities, street and transportation facilities and recreational facility improvements. 6% limit - GO bonds for any other general purpose improvements. The basis for determining the legal debt margin is the net full cash assessed value. Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona Legal Debt Margin Information FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 6% Debt Limit Debt limit $ 31,468,771 $ 32,385,629 $ 33,951,090 $ 35,683,229 Total applicable to limit - - - - Legal debt margin $ 26,678,977 $ 27,998,343 $ 33,951,090 $ 35,683,229 Total net debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit - - - - 20% Debt Limit Debt limit $ 104,895,902 $ 107,952,098 $ 113,170,302 $ 118,944,098 Total applicable to limit 5,475,000 3,495,000 1,615,000 - Legal debt margin $ 83,454,923 $ 89,832,809 $ 111,555,302 $ 118,944,098 Total net debt applicable to the limit as a percentage of debt limit 5% 3% 1% - Net Assessed Full Cash Value $ 524,479,512 $ 539,760,488 $ 565,851,508 $ 594,720,491 78 Capital Project Funds Capital Project Funds Capital Projects Fund Facilities Replacement Fund Vehicle Replacement Program 79 Capital Project Funds Capital Projects & Facilities Replacement Funds FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Capital Projects Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Capital Projects Fund Management Fees $ 2,791 $ 2,720 $ 2,800 $ 2,800 Building Improvement Expenses - - 150,000 - Street Improvement Expenses 49,099 31,703 - - Park Improvement Expenses - 388,492 - - Other Infrastructure Expenses 9,090 - - - Stormwater/Drainage Expenses - 2,526 50,000 50,000 Furniture/Equipment 16,392 - - - Building Improvements 1,837,138 2,558,246 150,000 150,000 Street Improvements 175,431 537,099 1,433,378 1,758,000 Park Improvements 1,135,740 1,120,213 385,000 695,000 Other Infrastructure - - 50,000 50,000 Stormwater/Drainage Improvements - - 625,000 2,501,695 Contingency - - 113,873 260,235 Total Capital Projects Fund $ 3,225,681 $ 4,640,999 $ 2,960,051 $ 5,467,730 FY20-21 Proposed Budget Summary of Expenditures Facilities Replacement Fund FY17-18 FY18-19 FY19-20 FY20-21 Description Actual Actual Revised Budget Proposed Budget Facilities Replacement Fund HVAC Repair $ - $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Painting - - 196,690 196,690 Equipment - 195,956 41,200 41,200 Park Improvements 163,759 241,072 237,043 237,043 Reserves - - 334,211 334,211 Total Facilities Replacement Fund $ 163,759 $ 437,028 $ 819,144 $ 819,144 Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY20-21 THROUGH FY24-25 PROJECTS BY YEAR Five Year Total Project Prior (excludes Prior No. Project Title Years' Costs FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 Years' Costs) Stormwater Manasement/Drainaue Projects D6047 Drainage -Miscellaneous $ 108,830 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 250,000 D6057 Golden Eagle hnpoundment Area Improvements 122,770 500,000 377,230 - - - 877,230 D6058 Panorama Drive Storm Drain Improvements 98,305 1,901,695 - 1,901,695 D6059 Pollina Brantley Detention Basin - 100,000 - - - - 100,000 TOTAL $ 329,905 $ 2,551,695 $ 427,230 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 3,128,925 Facilities Projects F4035 14VAC Controllers Replacement - Community Center $ - $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 70,000 F4036 Fire Panel Replacement -CC, Library, Museum 80,000 80,000 TOTAL $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 150,000 Parks & Recreation Proiects P3032 Sport Field Lighting $ $ - $ 1,733,000 $ $ $ $ 1,733,000 P3033 Video Surveillance Cameras 94,316 50,000 50,000 - - - 100,000 P3035 Four Peaks Park Upgrades 412,564 330,000 200,000 100,000 630,000 P3036 Desert Vista Skate Park Lights - - 75,000 - 75,000 P3038 Fountain Park Lake Liner 5,000,000 5,000,000 P3039 Fountain Park Pump Replacements 1,500,000 1,500,000 P3040 Splash Pad Renovation - - 550,000 - - - 550,000 P3041 Sunridge Park - 200,000 3,300,000 3,500,000 P3042 Fountain Lighting Replacement - 150,000 - - - - 150,000 P3044 Sierra Madre Park - 100,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 5,100,000 P3045 Four Peaks Park Playground Parking Lot Imp - 65,000 - - - - 65,000 TOTAL $ 506,880 $ 595,000 $ 9,108,000 $ 400,000 $ 5,800,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 18,403,000 Street/Sidewalk Proiects S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects $ 408,637 $ 308,000 $ - $ $ - S - $ 308,000 S6015 Fountain Hills Blvd Widening - Shea Boulevard to Segundo - - - - - - - S6051 AOTF/La Montana Intersection Improvements - 300,000 - - - - 300,000 S6053 Fountain Hills Blvd. Shoulder Paving 693,231 700,000 700,000 S6058 Shea Blvd. Widening - Palisades Blvd. to Technology Dr. 105,000 25,000 - - - - 25,000 S6061 Sidewalk Infill Program 247,138 200,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 750,000 S6062 AOTF/Verde River Intersection Improvements 7,630 75,000 - - - - 75,000 S6063 Palisades Median Landscape Improvements - 150,000 150,000 300,000 S6064 Desert Vista Crosswalk - 100,000 180,000 - - 280,000 TOTAL $ 1,461,636 $ 1,858,000 $ 530,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ - $ 2,738,000 Traffic Signal Projects T5005 Traffic Signal -Palisades & Eagle Ridge/Palomino $ - $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 550,000 TOTAL $ - $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 550,000 Vehicle Replacement Program Vehicle Replacement Per Schedule $ 51,989 $ 54,385 $ 530,198 $ 256,722 $ 82,067 $ 975,361 Contingency $ 260,235 $ 528,262 $ 32,500 $ 300,000 $ 127,500 $ 1,248,497 TOTAL PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS S 2,298,421 $ 5,464,930 $ 11,093,492 $ 682,500 $ 6,300,000 $ 2,677,500 $ 26,218,422 81 Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY20-21 THROUGH FY24-25 BY YEAR AND FUNDING SOURCE Prior Years' Project roject Title/Funding Source Costs FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 I FY24-25 D6047 Drainage -Miscellaneous Capital Projects Fund $ 108,830 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 D6057 Golden Eagle Impoundment Area Improvements Capital Projects Fund $ 122,770 $ 500,000 $ 377,230 $ - $ - $ - D6058 Panorama Drive Storm Drain Improvements Capital Projects Fund ' $ 98,305 $ 1,001,695 $ - $ - $ - $ - Downtown Strategy - 500,000 - - - - Environmental Fund - 400,000 - - - - D6059 Pollina Brantley Detention Basin Capital Projects Fund ' $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - F4035 HVAC Controllers Replacement - Community Center Capital Projects Fund ' $ - $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - F4036 Fire Panel Replacement -CC, Library, Museum Capital Projects Fund ' $ - $ 80,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - P3032 Sport Field Lighting Unfunded - - 1,733,000 - - - P3033 Video Surveillance Cameras Capital Projects Fund ' $ 94,316 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ - P3035 Four Peaks Park Upgrades Capital Projects Fund $ 412,564 $ 330,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ - $ - P3036 Desert Vista Skate Park Lights Capital Projects Fund $ - $ - $ 35,000 $ - $ Grants - - 40,000 - - - P3038 Fountain Park Lake liner Bonds - - 5,000,000 - - - P3039 Fountain Park Pump Replacements Bonds - - 1,500,000 - - - P3040 Splash Pad Renovation Bonds - - 550,000 - - - P3041 Sunridge Park Development Fees - - - 200,000 500,000 - Unfunded - - - - 2,800,000 - P3042 Fountain Lighting Replacement Capital Projects Fund $ - $ 150,000 $ P3044 Sierra Madre Park Development Fees - - - 100,000 - - Unfunded - - - - 2,500,000 2,500,000 P3045 Four Peaks Park Playground Parking Lot hup Capital Projects Fund $ - $ 65,000 $ - S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects Capital Projects Fund $ 408,637 $ 308,000 $ - S6051 AOTF/La Montana Intersection Improvements Downtown Strategy - 300,000 - - - - S6053 Fountain Hills Shoulder Paving Capital Projects Fund $ 693,231 $ 700,000 $ - $ - - S6058 Shea Blvd. Widening - Palisades Blvd, to Technology Dr. Capital Projects Fund $ 105,000 $ 7,500 $ - $- Grants - 17,500 - - - - S6061 Sidewalk hifill Program HURF 150,103 - - - - Capital Projects Fund $ 97,036 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ - S6062 AOTF/Verde River Intersection Improvements Downtown Strategy 7,630 75,000 - - - - S6063 Palisades Median Landscape Improvements Unfunded - 150,000 150,000 - - - S6064 Desert Vista Crosswalk Capital Projects Fund $ - $ 100,000 $ 180,000 $- T5005 Traffic Signal -Palisades & Eagle Ridge/Palomino Capital Projects Fund $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - Unfunded - - 500,000 - - - Contingency Capital Projects Fund $ 260,235 $ 528,262 $ 32,500 $ 300,000 $ 127,500 TOTAL PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 2,298,422 $5,464,930 $ 11,093,492 $ 682,500 $ 6,300,000 $ 2,677,500 The highlighted rows represent project funding through the Town's Capital Projects Fund. 82 Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY20-21 THROUGH FY24-25 BY YEAR AND FUNDING SOURCE TOTALS REVENUE SUMMARY TOTALS - BY FUNDING SOURCE Total Prior Years' FY20-21 to osts FY20-21 AkY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 FY24-25 Proiect Tota Capital Projects Fund $ 2,140,689 $ 4,022,430 $ 1,620,492 $ 382,500 $ 500,000 $ 177,500 $ 6,702,922 $ 8,843,611 Grants - 17,500 40,000 - - - 57,500 57,500 Downtown Strategy 7,630 875,000 - - - 875,000 882,630 • Development Fees - - - 300,000 500,000 800,000 800,000 Bonds - 7,050,000 - - 7,050,000 7,050,000 HURF 150,103 - - 150,103 Environmental Fund 400,000 400,000 400,000 Funding Source Totals 2,298,422 5,314,930 8,710,492 682,500 1,000,000 177,500 15,885,422 18,183,844 Unfunded - 150,000 2,383,000 - 5,300,000 2,500,000 10,333,000 10,333,000 Total Revenue Summary $ 2,2989422 $ 5,464,930 $ 11,093,492 $ 682,500 $ 6,300,000 $ 2,677,500 $ 26,218,422 $ 28,516,844 TOTAL = $26.2M Projects by Funding Source Revenues - FY21-25 Other 2% pment Fees 3% 83 Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY20-21 THROUGH FY24-25 EXPENDITURES BY YEAR BY PROJECT Project Prior No. Project Title Years' Costs FY20-21 EUL22 FY22-23 FYIJ,24 FUL25 Stormwater Management/Drainage Projects D6047 Drainage -Miscellaneous $ 108,830 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 D6057 Golden Eagle Impoundment Area Improvements 122,770 500,000 377,230 - - - D6058 Panorama Drive Storm Drain Improvements 98,305 1,901,695 - D6059 Pollina Brantley Detention Basin - 100,000 - - - - TOTAL $ 329,905 $ 2,551,695 $ 427,230 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Facilities Projects HVAC Controllers Replacement - Community F4035 Center $ - $ 70,000 $ - $ - S $ - F4036 Fire Panel Replacement -CC, Library, Museum 80,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ - $ $ $ Parks & Recreation Projects P3032 Sport Field Lighting $ - $ - $ 1,733,000 $ $ $ P3033 Video Surveillance Cameras 94,316 50,000 50,000 P3035 Four Peaks Park Upgrades 412,564 330,000 200,000 100,000 P3036 Desert Vista Skate Park Lights - - 75,000 - P3038 Fountain Park Lake Liner 5,000,000 P3039 Fountain Park Pump Replacements 1,500,000 P3040 Splash Pad Renovation 550,000 - P3041 Sunridge Park - 200,000 3,300,000 P3042 Fountain Lighting Replacement 150,000 - - - P3044 Sierra Madre Park - 100,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 P3045 Four Peaks Park Playground Parking Lot Imp - 65,000 - - - TOTAL $ 506,880 $ 595,000 $ 9,108,000 $ 400,000 $ 5,800,000 $ 2,500,000 Street/Sidewalk Projects S6003 Unpaved Alley Paving Projects $ 408,637 $ 308,000 $ - $ - S - $ - Fountain Hills Blvd Widening - Shea Boulevard S6015 to Segundo - - S6051 AOTF/La Montana Intersection Improvements - 300,000 S6053 Fountain Hills Blvd. Shoulder Paving 693,231 700,000 Shea Blvd. Widening -Palisades Blvd. to S6058 Technology Dr. 105,000 25,000 - - - S6061 Sidewalk lnfillProgram 247,138 200,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 S6062 AOTF/Verde River Intersection Improvements 7,630 75,000 - - - S6063 Palisades Median Landscape Improvements - 150,000 150,000 S6064 Desert Vista Crosswalk - 100,000 180,000 - - TOTAL $ 1,461,636 $ 1,858,000 $ 530,000 $ 200,000 $ 1509000 $ Traffic Signal Projects T5005 Traffic Signal -Palisades & Eagle Ridge/Palomino $ - $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ TOTAL $ - $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ - $ Vehicle Replacement Program Vehicle Replacement Per Schedule $ 51,989 $ 54,385 $ 530,198 $ 256,722 $ 82,067 Contingency $ 260,235 $ 528,262 $ 32,500 $ 300,000 $ 127,500 TOTAL PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 2,298,421 $ 5,4649930 $ 11,093,492 $ 682,500 $ 6,300,000 $ 2,677,500 84 Capital Projects Summary PROPOSED CAPITAL PROJECTS FY20-21 THROUGH FY24-25 BY YEAR AND PROJECT TYPE TOTALS EXPENDITURES BY PRO JECTTYPE & COSTS Stormwater Management/Drainage Projects $ 2,551,695 $ 427,230 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 3,128,925 Facilities Projects 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Parks & Recreation Projects 595,000 9,108,000 400,000 5,800,000 2,500,000 18,403,000 Street/Sidewalk Projects 1,858,000 530,000 200,000 150,000 - 2,738,000 Traffic Signal Projects 50,000 500,000 - - - 550,000 Contingency 260,235 528,262 32,500 300,000 127,500 1,248,497 $ 5,464,930 1 $ 11,093,492 1 $ 682,500 1 $ 6,300,000 1 $ 2,677,500 1 $ 26,218,422 Total Project Costs Projects by Project Type Expenditures - FY21-25 Total = $26.2M rra ffi c Sig na I Projects 2% 'ncy 5% 85 Capital Projects Information Sheets D6047 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements D6047 This project will provide for the construction of new drainage facilities, major repairs, or the exten- sion of existing facilities at locations of future road widening projects so that excess excavated mate- rials may be put in place when available. This project will also address erosion issues as well as im- prove drainage as needed. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY15-25 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY14-15 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $358,830 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town has worked successfully with municipal, private and utility construction contractors in the past to place excess excavation materials at locations where future Town road widening projects will require fill material. This work is done at no cost to the Town and will save on the costs to fill and compact these areas in the future. The locations where the excess materials can be placed are now limited without constructing or extending drainage culverts. Revegetation is also required in the are- as where fill materials are placed to help with erosion and aesthetics. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ 108,830 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 358,830 Grant - Downtown Strategy Development Fees Bonds Other Sources Unfunded - TOTAL $ 108,830 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 358,830 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Planning - Design - Construction 108,830 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 358,830 Other Expenses I I I I I I - TOTAL 1 $ 108,830 1 $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 1 $ 50,000 1$ 358,830 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ $ $ Services & Supplies Other Impact TOTAL $ $ - $ - $ $ $ Capital Projects Information Sheets D6057 PROJECT TITLE: Golden Eagle Impoundment Area Improvements PROJECT NUMBER: D6057 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Drainage channel improvements. Modify trash racks on Golden Eagle dam inlets. Construct flood walls, sediment drop basins, grouted rip -rap. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY19-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY19-20 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $1,000,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Golden Eagle impoundment area receives storm runoff from three washes: Ashbrook wash, Bristol wash and Cloudburst wash. The 100-year storm rainfall intensity values have increased in the north- eastern area of Maricopa County. Runoff values have increased due to increased upstream develop- ment. Runoff time of concentration has also accelerated due to increased upstream development. The net change as a result of the items noted have increased the amount of flow entering the im- poundment area (this area includes the park improvement areas, the ball fields, the picnic ramada area, etc.) and requires major modifications to the drainage courses. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Prevents Irreparable Damage to Existing Facili- ties FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ $ - $1,000,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ $ - $1,000,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ - Planning - Design - Construction 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 Other Expenses I I - TOTAL $ - $ 500,000 1 $ 500,000 1 $ - $ $ $1,000,000 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY19-20 FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 30,000 30,000 60,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ - $ - $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 60,000 87 Capital Projects Information Sheets D6058 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Panorama Drive Storm Drain Improvements D6058 The Panorama Drain is an existing 48" to 66" Storm Drain system underneath Panorama Drive be- tween Saguaro Blvd and El Lago Blvd and was constructed in 1988. Upstream runoff from the Town is routed downstream to Saguaro Blvd and Palisades Blvd, is collected at the intersection of Panora- ma and Saguaro Blvd and routed into the Panorama Drain. The Panorama Drain outfalls near El Lago Blvd into Panorama Wash which converges with Colony Wash. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $2,000,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The 31-year-old system is deteriorating and in many segments of the Storm drain system the pipes are at failure. This failure is defined as pipes being corroded to the extent that there is no longer a pipe bed in place which has caused erosion to occur beneath the pipe bedding. The original pipe ma- terial is CMP which has a life span between 20 to 35 years. It is essential for the Town's overall drainage system to implement a remediation and replacement for the Panorama Drain as delaying this remediation would cause adverse problems not only along the Panorama Drain alignment but also upstream the drain. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Prevents Irreparable Damage to Existing Facili- ties FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ 98,305 $1,001,695 $ - $ - $ $ - $1,100,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy 500,000 500,000 Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources 400,000 400,000 Unfunded - TOTAL $ 98,305 $1,901,695 $ - $ - $ $ $2,000,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ - Planning - Design 98,305 26,695 125,000 Construction 1,875,000 1,875,000 Other Expenses I I - TOTAL 1 $ 98,305 1 $1,901,695 $ $ - $ $ - $2,000,000 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 20,000 i] Capital Projects Information Sheets D6059 PROJECT TITLE: Pollina Brantley Detention Basin PROJECT NUMBER: D6059 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Storm Water Detention TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $100,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project will collect and temporarily store storm water runoff to minimize downstream flooding on neighborhood streets. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ 100,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 100,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ - $ 100,000 $ $ - $ $ - $ 100,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - Planning - Design 2,500 2,500 Construction 97,500 97,500 Other Expenses - TOTAL $ - $ 100,000 $ $ - $ $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 12,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 12,000 Capital Projects Information Sheets F40 3 5 PROJECT TITLE: HVAC Controller Retrofit PROJECT NUMBER: F4035 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Replacement of proprietary HVAC Metasys Johnson Controllers with non-proprietary controllers. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $70,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The maker of Johnson products no longer support/manufacture the HVAC controllers currently in use at the community center. Staff replaced the HVAC controllers in the Library/Museum and Town Hall with non-proprietary controllers to give more flexibility in maintaining equipment. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Provides Maintenance to Existing Facilities FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 70,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ - $ 70,000 $ $ - $ $ - $ 70,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ $ - $ 70,000 Planning - Design Construction - Other Expenses - TOTAL $ - $ 70,000 $ $ - $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - Services & Supplies - Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - .O Capital Projects Information Sheets F4036 PROJECT TITLE: Fire Alarm Control Panel Replacement PROJECT NUMBER: F4036 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Replacement of two fire alarm panels, one each at the community center and library/museum . TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $80,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The current fire alarm panels are original to the construction of the buildings, completed in 2001. Parts for the fire alarm panels are becoming increasingly harder to find, as this particular panel, made by Simplex, is no longer in production. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Provides Maintenance of Existing Facilities FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ 80,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 80,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ - $ 80,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 80,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ 80,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 80,000 Planning - Design Construction - Other Expenses - TOTAL $ - $ 80,000 $ $ - $ $ $ 80,000 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - Services & Supplies - Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - 91 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3033 PROJECT TITLE: Video Surveillance Cameras PROJECT NUMBER: P3033 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Purchase and installation of video surveillance cameras at various Town parks and facilities. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY17-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY17-18 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $200,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town has seen an increase in vandalism at Town parks and facilities. Additional surveillance cameras may deter vandalism or provide video evidence should vandalism occur. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Protects Health & Safety of the Town FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ 94,316 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ $ $ 194,316 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ 94,316 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ $ $ 194,316 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ 94,316 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ $ $ 194,316 Planning - Design Construction - Other Expenses - TOTAL $ 94,316 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ $ $ 194,316 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 25,000 92 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3035 PROJECT TITLE: Four Peaks Park Upgrades PROJECT NUMBER: P3035 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Redesign existing playground space and swing structures with new layout, play equipment, and ac- cessibility at Four Peaks Park. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY18-23 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY18-19 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $1,042,564 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Four Peaks Playground has a large swing structure that is underutilized and is misconfigured to the space available. The current play surface is non-ADA compliant and is a liability risk to the Town. Redevelopment of this area would enhance the park making it safer and more usable for children of all ages. Refurbishing of the infields and restrooms would also be included in this project. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Protects Health & Safety of the Town FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ 397,564 $ 330,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ $ - $1,027,564 Grant 15,000 15,000 Downtown Strategy - General Developer Development Fees Bonds Other Sources Unfunded TOTAL $ 412,564 1 $ 330,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ $ - $1,042,564 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ 66,234 $ 60,000 $ - $ - $ $ - $ 126,234 Planning - Design - Construction 346,330 270,000 200,000 100,000 916,330 Other Expenses TOTAL 1 $ 412,564 1 $ 330,000 1 $ 200,000 1 $ 100,000 1 $ $ - $1,042,564 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 8,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 48,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ 8,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 48,000 93 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3042 PROJECT TITLE: Fountain Lighting Replacement PROJECT NUMBER: P3042 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Replace existing fountain lighting that has surpassed its expected life cycle. Upgrade both the foun- tain and shoreline lights with LED fixtures and repair/replace surrounding enclosures including the trusses and supporting elements on the fountain. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $150,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing lights are failing fixture by fixture. Only three of six shoreline lights are currently opera- ble and five of 12 fountain lights currently operate. They are subjected to a very harsh environment including high water pressures and extreme salinity. Replacement is needed and upgrading to more current electrical technology, including LED fixtures, is prudent for longevity and financial purposes. FUNDING PRIORITY: Low - Provides an Expanded Level of Service FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ $ 150,000 $ - $ $ - $ - $ 150,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy General Developer Development Fees Bonds Other Sources Unfunded - TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ - $ $ - $ - $ 150,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ $ 75,000 $ - $ $ $ - $ 75,000 Planning - Design - Construction 75,000 75,000 Other Expenses TOTAL 1 $ $ 150,000 1 $ - $ $ - $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ $ - $ - $ Services & Supplies Other Impact TOTAL $ $ - $ $ - $ - $ 94 Capital Projects Information Sheets P3045 PROJECT TITLE: Four Peaks Park Playground Parking Lot Improve- ments PROJECT NUMBER: P3045 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Pave the south side parking lot and seal the entry driveway. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $65,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The south side of the playground parking area is currently an unimproved dirt lot. Paving this area will provide for a safer environment for park users. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Finishes a Partially Completed Project FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ 65,000 $ - $ - $ $ - $ 65,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ - $ 65,000 $ $ - $ $ - $ 65,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ $ - $ $ $ - Planning - Design 3,000 3,000 Construction 62,000 62,000 Other Expenses - TOTAL $ - $ 65,000 $ $ - $ $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ - $ $ $ - Services & Supplies - Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ $ - $ $ $ - 95 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6003 PROJECT TITLE: Unpaved Alley Paving Projects PROJECT NUMBER: S6003 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project involves paving a number of unpaved alleys throughout the Town. The paving project is divided into five phases as follows: Phase I: 1,400 LF from Panorama to Colony - Completed Phase II: 870 LF from Tower to Panorama - Completed Phase III: 890 LF from Panorama to Enterprise - Completed Phase IV: 1,150 LF adjacent to Colony Wash and 770 linear feet from Fountain Hills Boulevard to Glenbrook Phase V: 770 feet from Fountain Hills Boulevard to Glenbrook TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY09-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY08-09 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $716,637 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Maricopa County has mandated that all municipalities stabilize unpaved alleys to mitigate air pollu- tion. The Town of Fountain Hills has entered into an IGA with Maricopa County requiring the unpaved alleys to be stabilized. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Federal, State or Local Mandate FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ 408,637 $ 308,000 $ $ - $ $ 716,637 Grant - Downtown Strategy General Developer Development Fees Bonds Other Sources Unfunded - TOTAL $ 408,637 $ 308,000 $ - $ $ - $ - $ 716,637 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ $ Planning - Design 42,815 45,000 87,815 Construction 365,049 263,000 628,049 Other Expenses 1 773 1 1 773 TOTAL 1 $ 408,637 1 $ 308,000 1 $ $ $ - $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Services & Supplies Other Impact 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 TOTAL $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 10,000 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6051 PROJECT TITLE: Avenue of the Fountains/La Montana Intersection Im- provements PROJECT NUMBER: S6051 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Construct a roundabout to improve traffic/pedestrian safety. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY18-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY18-19 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $700,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic, bike, and pedestrian movements at the AOTF/La Montana intersection have been an on -going issue since the Town's incorporation, primarily due to the existing, wide AOTF median. This project will improve intersection traffic operations by constructing a roundabout. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Protects Health & Safety of the Town FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ $ - $ - $ $ - $ - Grant - Downtown Strategy 391,249 300,000 691,249 General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ 391,249 $ 300,000 $ - $ $ $ - $ 691,249 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - Planning - Design 91,249 91,249 Construction 300,000 300,000 600,000 Other Expenses I I I - TOTAL 1 $ 391,249 1 $ 300,000 1 $ - $ - $ $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 6,000 97 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6053 PROJECT TITLE: Fountain Hills Boulevard Shoulder Paving PROJECT NUMBER: S6053 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project will pave the dirt shoulders along Fountain Hills Boulevard from Pinto Drive to Segundo Drive providing dust mitigation and erosion control. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY12-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY19-20 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $2,273,781 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The Town recently completed the southbound section of Fountain Hills Boulevard from Segundo Drive to Pinto Drive utilizing both grant and local matched funding. This project will provide dust mitiga- tion, erosion control, run -off -the -road hazard mitigation, potential future use by bicycles for the northbound section from Pinto Drive to Segundo Drive. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Finishes a Partially Completed Project FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - Grant 880,550 880,550 Downtown Strategy 693,231 700,000 1,393,231 General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $1,573,781 $ 700,000 $ $ - $ $ $2,273,781 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - Planning - Design 349,399 349,399 Construction 1,224,382 700,000 1,924,382 Other Expenses I I I - TOTAL 1 $1,573,781 1 $ 700,000 1 $ $ - $ $ $2,273,781 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - Services & Supplies - Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - 0] Capital Projects Information Sheets S6058 PROJECT TITLE: Shea Boulevard Widening - Palisades Boulevard to Technology Drive PROJECT NUMBER: S6058 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Design Concept Report for the design and widening of Shea Boulevard to six lanes from Palisades Boulevard to Technology Drive. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY19-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY18-19 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $130,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Shea Boulevard is a road of regional significance and has an average daily traffic volume of 26,000 vehicles at Palisades Boulevard. This project is a MAG Proposition 400 project which will provide for 70% of the project funding with a 30% match from the Town. The Design Concept Report will pro- vide for an updated scope of work and cost estimate. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Leverage Local Funds FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ 31,500 $ 7,500 $ - $ - $ $ - $ 39,000 Grant 73,500 17,500 91,000 Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ 105,000 $ 25,000 $ $ - $ $ - $ 130,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ - Planning 105,000 25,000 130,000 Design Construction - Other Expenses - TOTAL $ 105,000 $ 25,000 $ - $ - $ $ $ 130,000 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - Services & Supplies - Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ - $ - $ $ - $ - Capital Projects Information Sheets S6061 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Sidewalk Infill Program S6061 Construct sidewalks to infill gaps between existing sidewalks; complete full street block sidewalk lengths; connect to existing pedestrian generators (including schools, parks, churches, and commer- cial areas), and for pedestrian safety (hazard removal, handicap accessibility, curb ramp upgrades, and along arterial streets). Specific project locations will be submitted annually by staff for Town Council consideration. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY18-24 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY18-19 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $1,000,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Most pre -incorporation areas within the Town were constructed without any sidewalks, requiring pe- destrians to walk in the street. Increased roadway traffic has created safety hazards; and increased pedestrian usage has intensified the hazards. Town funds may be used as matching funds for future sidewalk grant application(s), when available. Some of the funds may be utilized for survey and/or design work, when needed. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Finishes a Partially Completed Project FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ 97,036 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ $ 847,036 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources 150,103 150,103 Unfunded - TOTAL $ 247,139 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ - $ 997,139 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ $ - Planning - - Design - Construction 247,139 200,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 997,139 Other Expenses I I I I I I - TOTAL 1 $ 247,139 1 $ 200,000 1 $ 200,000 1 $ 200,000 1 $ 150,000 1 $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 10,000 100 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6062 PROJECT TITLE: Avenue of the Fountains/Verde River Intersection Im- provements PROJECT NUMBER: S6062 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Install curbing and landscape improvements. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY19-21 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY19-20 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $82,630 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The AOTF and Verde River Intersection has seen an increase in vehicle and pedestrian traffic. A traf- fic engineering study determined an all way Stop -using LED flashing Stop signs and adding cross- walks to connect the East and West segments of the Park would provide additional safety measures for pedestrian and vehicle traffic. FUNDING PRIORITY: High - Protects Health & Safety of the Town FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ - $ $ $ $ - $ - Grant - Downtown Strategy 7,630 75,000 82,630 General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ 7,630 $ 75,000 $ $ $ $ - $ 82,630 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ $ $ $ - $ - Planning - Design 7,630 7,630 Construction 75,000 75,000 Other Expenses I I I - TOTAL 1 $ 7,630 1 $ 75,000 1 $ $ $ $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 10,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 10,000 101 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6063 PROJECT TITLE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Palisades Median Landscape Improvements S6063 This project will provide the reconstruction of the medians on Palisades Blvd from Golden Eagle to Shea Blvd. New irrigation lines, line of sight issues and the removal/installation of new ground cover will enhance the look from the current natural state to a maintained appearance. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $300,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The current condition of the medians in this section are in a natural state leaving broken irrigation lines, line of sight issues for motorists and unsightly sporadic over -sized landscape rock throughout these sections of medians. FUNDING PRIORITY: Low - Provides an Expanded Level of Service FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ Grant Downtown Strategy General Developer Development Fees Bonds Other Sources - Unfunded 150,000 150,000 300,000 TOTAL $ $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ $ - $ $ 300,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ Planning - Design 20,000 20,000 Construction 130,000 150,000 280,000 Other Expenses TOTAL $ $ 150,000 1 $ 150,000 1 $ $ - $ $ 300,000 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits Services & Supplies 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 28,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 28,000 102 Capital Projects Information Sheets S6064 PROJECT TITLE: Desert Vista Park Crosswalk PROJECT NUMBER: S6064 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Installation of a crosswalk across Saguaro Blvd to allow for pedestrian access to Desert Vista Park. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY20-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY20-21 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $280,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Desert Vista Park currently has no pedestrian access. As it is located in an industrial area, there are very few homes that can access the park without a vehicle. Currently there are no crosswalks be- tween Shea Blvd and El Lago Blvd to allow residents west of Saguaro to access the park. (Roughly three miles) An added crosswalk would allow for increased usage for all ages as well as provide a safe crossing point. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium - Results in Increased Efficiency FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ $ 100,000 $ 180,000 $ $ $ - $ 280,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded - TOTAL $ $ 100,000 $ 180,000 $ $ $ - $ 280,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ Planning - - Design 50,000 50,000 Construction 50,000 180,000 230,000 Other Expenses TOTAL $ $ 100,000 1 $ 180,000 1 $ $ $ OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ $ $ - $ Services & Supplies Other Impact TOTAL $ $ - $ $ $ - $ 103 Capital Projects Information Sheets T5005 PROJECT TITLE: Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge/Palomino Drive Traffic Signal PROJECT NUMBER: T5005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: Provide for design and construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge Drive/Palomino Drive. TOWN GOALS TIMEFRAME: FY21-22 YEAR PROJECT BEGAN: FY19-20 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $550,000 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: With the Adero Canyon development and anticipated expansion of the CopperWynd Resort on Eagle Ridge Drive, traffic signal warrants at the intersection of Palisades Boulevard and Eagle Ridge Drive/ Palomino Drive are anticipated to be met based on the CopperWynd Resort traffic study. Once traffic signal warrants are met, the design and construction of a traffic signal at the intersection will provide for a more efficient flow of traffic. FUNDING PRIORITY: Medium - Results in Increased Efficiency FUNDING SOURCES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Capital Projects $ - $ 50,000 $ - $ $ $ 50,000 Grant - Downtown Strategy - General - Developer - Development Fees - Bonds - Other Sources - Unfunded 500,000 500,000 TOTAL $ - $ 50,000 $ 500,000 $ - $ $ $ 550,000 PROJECT EXPENSES ACTIVITY Prior Years FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Acquisition $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ - Planning - Design 50,000 50,000 Construction 500,000 500,000 Other Expenses I I - TOTAL $ - $ 50,000 1 $ 500,000 1 $ - $ $ $ 550,000 OPERATING IMPACT ACTIVITY FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 TOTAL Salaries & Benefits $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Services & Supplies 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 Other Impact - TOTAL $ $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 20,000 104 Vehicle Replacement Program Interfund Charges Vehicle Replacement Interfund Charges Mod Replacement ORG Vehicle No. Description Year Cost FY20-21 DVSBS 164 Chevy Equinox 2017 $30,624 $3,062 DVSCODE 160 Ford F-150 2017 $34,828 $3,483 DVSCODE 157 Ford F-250 Supercab W/Lights 2014 $32,230 $3,223 FDOP 172-(E822) Spartan 2014 $665,724 $44,382 FDOP 173-(E823) Crimson 2008 $496,928 $33,129 FDOP NEW Rosenbauer Pumper 2020 $691,660 $46,111 FDOP 175-(5822) Ford F550 4x4 (V0822) 2012 $121,640 $10,137 FDOP 171-(L822) Rosenbauer 2018 $1,266,278 $84,419 FDOP 174-(S823) Ford F55044 2013 $48,418 $4,035 FDAD 176-(DC823) Ford F150Supercab 2011 $35,142 $3,514 FDAD 177-(DC822) Ford F150Supercab 2019 $69,240 $6,924 FPOP 21 Bobcat 2016 $14,858 $2,123 FPOP 162 Ford F-250 Pickup 2017 $36,373 $3,637 DVOP 25 Toro Workman GTX 07042 2019 $10,435 $1,491 DVOP 168 Ford F-150 Pickup 2018 $33,177 $3,318 4POP 23 Toro Workman GTX 07042 2019 $10,435 $1,491 4POP SS1 Tenant Sweeper 2013 $51,989 $6,499 GEPOP 26 Sand Pro 3040 2019 $21,475 $3,068 GEPOP 22 Toro Workman HDX 2019 $34,606 $4,944 GEPOP 24 Toro Workman GTX 07042 2019 $10,435 $1,491 GEPOP 14 Kubota KU 2007 $40,416 $2,021 GEPOP 159 Ford F-150 2016 $33,649 $3,365 GEPOP M-1 Kubota 2014 $19,243 $2,749 PKAD 169 Ford F-150 2018 $33,177 $3,318 CSAD 165 Chevy Equinox 2017 $30,624 $3,062 FACAD 158 Ford F-250 Pickup W/Liftgate 2014 $29,366 $2,937 PWADMIN 163 Chevy Colorado 2017 $34,485 $3,448 PWINSP 154 Ford F-150 Pickup W/Lights 2013 $33,270 $3,327 STAID 155 Ford F-250 Pickup W/Lights 2014 $29,314 $2,931 STOPEN 161 Ford F-150 2017 $38,728 $3,873 STPAVE 420F Caterpillar420F Backhoe Loader 2019 $194,058 $9,703 STPAVE 179 Ford F-750 Dump Truck 2019 $112,805 $7,520 STSIGN 178 Ford F-250w/Utility Bed 2019 $58,518 $4,877 STPAVE NEW Caterpillar Loaderwith Gannon 2020 $143,124 $7,156 STPAVE NEW Broce Broom 2020 $85,951 $10,744 STPAVE 156 Ford F-250 Pickup W/Lights 2014 $29,314 $2,931 STPAVE (5085M) John Deere 5085MTractor 2013 $88,496 $4,425 STVEH 20 Bobcat 2013 $9,124 $0 GENAD 167 Chevy Impala 2017 $26,157 $2,616 GENAD 166 Chevy Equinox 2017 $30,624 $3,062 TOTAL $354, 542 105 Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 480-816-5100 www.fh.az.gov - facebook.com/TownofFountainHills ® - twitter.com/fhazgov Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Workshop Grady Miller, Town Manager David Pock, Finance Director April 14, 2020 Year -End Revenue,, Expenditure & Fund Balance Estimates Estimated Year -End Revenues — $12.0 Local Sales Tax $10.0 $8.0 c $6.0 $4.0 $2.0 M Operating Funds TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020 OPERATING FUND REVENUES State Shared Revenues r 4 FY18-19 Permits and Licenses : FY19-20 (Estimated) I FY19-20 E 3 Estimated Year -End Expenditures — $6.0 — $5.0 $4.0 c $3.0 $ 2.0 $1.0 $0.0 Operating Funds Operating Fund Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020 til ADMINISTRATION GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY GOVERNMENT SERVICES SERVICES 4 FY18-19 3 FY19-20 (Estimated) FY19-20 Budgeted FIRE & EMERGENCY LAW ENFORCEMENT IVIED Total = $16.7M Estimated Year -End TPT Collections $7.0 $6.0 $5.0 $4.0 $3.0 $2.0 All Funds Local Sales Tax Collections by Type (in millions) FY16 through FY20 Construction Trans/Uti I/Comm $1.0 $0 0 A FY15-16 U FY16-17 Wholesale/Retail I FY17-18 Restaurant/Bar Ins/Real Estate Services a FY18-19 FY19-20 (Estimated) Total = $11.5M 5 Estimated Year -End Fund Balances Restricted (Externally Restricted) Streets Fund (HURF) GO Debt Service Fund MPC Debt Service Fund Eagle Mountain CFD Debt Service Fund Cottonwood Maintenance District Fund Parks Development Fee Fund Fire & EMS Development Fee Fund Total Restricted Fund Balance $1,319,000 465,000 11,000 2 3, 000 2 3, 000 806,000 300,000 $2,9471000 Estimated Year -End Fund Balances Committed (Council Action) Rainy Day Fund Capital Projects Fund Downtown Strategy Fund Economic Development Fund Tourism Fund Public Art Fund Court Enhancement Fund Total Committed Fund Balance $3,228,000 3,707,000 514,000 71,000 57,000 187,000 389,000 $8,153,000 Estimated Year -End Fund Balances Assigned (Town Policies) General Fund (Assigned Portion Only) $1,614,000 Environmental Fund 370,000 Facilities Replacement Fund 111243,000 Vehicle Replacement Fund 647,000 Total Assigned Fund Balance $3,8741000 Estimated Year -End Fund Balances Unassigned (Budgeted Day -to -Day Exp.) General Fund (Unassigned Portion Only) Total Unassigned Fund Balance 5-Year General Fund Annual Avg. Revenues Unassigned Balance As % of Avg. Revenues Unassigned Balance As Avg. Monthly Rev. $1,989,000 $119891000 $16,141,000 12.3% 1.5 months Estimated Year -End Fund Balances Summary All Funds Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned Total Fund Balance $2,947,000 8,153,000 3/874/000 1,989,000 $16,9631000 Questions? FY21 Projections Overall Budget Considerations • COVID-19 pandemic occurred well into the budget process — Considerations were made for FY20 ending fund balances — Decision was made to maintain expectations for a speedy recovery and a return to normal activities • Budget Authority is not the same as Fund Balance • Tentative Budget to be considered on May 5t" sets the maximum amount of allowable expenditures for FY21 • Increase visibility of revenues collected — Quarterly budget updates to be presented to Council at the second meeting of the month following the end of a quarter — Larger Contingency amount included in General Government — Adjustments to expenditures can be made, if needed Revenue Assumptions • Conservative approach — Revenues not included for Copperwynd or Keystone — Modest 1% increase in TPT revenue — Existing Fee Schedule used • State Shared Revenue — Estimates were received in mid -March — Revised estimates for State TPT, VLT, and HURF expected due to COV I D-19 — State Shared Income Tax Revenue received in FY21 is based on 2018 income tax returns filed in 2019 and will not be affected by COVI D-19 Operating Fund Revenues Transaction Privilege Tax State Shared Revenues Permits & Licenses Fines & Fees Other Total FY19 0 FY2- 02 -21 Change $9,313,000 $10,6341000 14.1% 612 20, 000 61841, 000 10. 0% 11213,000 11271,000 4.8% 377,000 388,000 2.9% 101,000 105, 000 4.0% $17,p224,?000 $19,p239,000 11.7% Expenditure Considerations • Contingency —Included in General Government — Provides budget authority if revenues are received — $1.7M included for FY20-21 • Expenditures excluding Contingency — $17.5M for FY20-21 • Internal Service Fund added for technology — Charged to Department/Divisions annually — Charges based on number of FTEs Operating Fund Expenditures FY19 0 02 -21 FY2- % Change Town Council $99,000 $75,000 -24.2% Administration 2,0071000 2,260,000 12.6% Municipal Court 397,000 404,000 1.8% General Government 755,000 20256,000 199% Public Works 1,101,000 1,126,000 2.3% Development Services 11100,000 956,000 -13.1% Community Services 2,689,000 2,937,000 9.2% Public Safety 8,807,000 9,225,000 4.7% Total $16,955,000 $19,239,000 13.5% Town Council Expenditures FY19-20 Wages $59,.000 Employment Taxes 4,000 Benefits 6,000 Meetings & Training 17,000 Contractual Services 10,000 Supplies 3,000 Internal Service 0 Total $99,POOO FY20-21 $36,000 3, 000 0 16,000 10,000 3,000 7, 000 o, Change -39.0% -25.0% -100% -5.9% 0.0% 0.0% 100% -24.2 % Administration Expenditures Wages Employment Taxes Benefits Dues & Memberships Meetings & Training Maintenance & Repair Utilities FY19-20 $953,000 22,000 200,000 161,000 56,000 11,000 FY20 -21 % Change $1,035,.000 8.6% 25,000 13.6% 210, 000 5.0% 166,000 3.1% 58,000 3.6% 9,000 -18.2% 14,000 13,000 -7.15 Continued next page Administration Expenditures Contractual Services Supplies Equipment Internal Service Total (continued) FY19-20 $547,000 26,000 14,000 5,000 FY20-21 $682,000 28,000 17,000 18,000 $2,007,000 $2,260,000 o, Change 24.7% 7.7% 21.4% 260% 12.6 % Municipal Court Expenditures Wages Employment Taxes Benefits Dues & Memberships Meetings & Training Maintenance & Repair Utilities 0 FY2- FY19 02 -21 % Change $260,000 $266,000 2.3% 9,000 10,000 11.1% 52,000 55,000 5.8% 91000 91000 0.0% 31000 31000 0.0% 11000 11000 0.0% 0 0 0.0% Continued next page Municipal Court Expenditures (continued) Contractual Services Supplies Equipment Internal Service Total FY19-20 $58,000 4, 000 0 1,000 FY20-21 $51,000 4, 000 0 5,000 $397,000 $404,000 o, Change 12.1% 0.0% 0.0% 400% 1.8% General Government Expenditures Wages Employment Taxes Benefits Dues & Memberships Meetings & Training Maintenance & Repair Utilities FY19-20 $o 0 0 41,000 1,000 6,000 o, Change 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 39.0% 100% 0.0% 24,000 24,000 0.0% Continued next page FY20-21 $o 0 0 57,000 2,000 6,000 General Government Expenditures (continued) Contractual Services Supplies Internal Service Contingency Total FY19-20 $527,000 26,000 -10,000 140,000 FY20-21 $395,000 57,000 -15,000 11730,000 $755,000 $2,256,000 o, Change -25.0% 119.2% 50.0% 1,135% 199 % Public Works Expenditures Wages Employment Taxes Benefits Dues & Memberships Meetings & Training Maintenance & Repair Utilities FY19 0 FY2- 02 -21 % Change $432,000 $446,000 3.2% 23,000 24,000 4.3% 77,000 81,000 5.2% 111000 41000 -63.6% 3,000 3,000 0.0% 164,000 169,000 3.0% 195,000 193,000 -1.0% Continued next page Public Works Expenditures (continued) Contractual Services Supplies Equipment Damages & Vandalism Internal Service Total FY19-20 $141,000 37,000 5,000 1, 000 12,000 FY20-21 $138,000 36,000 12,000 1, 000 19,000 $1,101,000 $1,126,000 o, Change -2.1% -2.7% 140% 0.0% 58.3% 2.3% Development Services Expenditures Wages Employment Taxes Benefits Dues & Memberships Meetings & Training Maintenance & Repair Utilities FY19 0 FY2- 02 -21 % Change $646,000 $668,000 3.4% 17,000 19,000 11.7% 149,000 151,000 1.3% 41000 51000 25% 12,000 14,000 16.7% 6,000 8,000 33.3% 51000 51000 0.0% Continued next page Development Services Expenditures (continued) Contractual Services Supplies Equipment Internal Service Total FY19-20 $229,000 12,000 4,000 16,000 $1,F100,F000 FY20 -21 % Change $49,.000 -78.6% 11,000 -8.3% 0 -100% 26,000 62.5% $956,000 -13.1% Community Services Expenditures Wages Employment Taxes Benefits Dues & Memberships Meetings & Training Maintenance & Repair Utilities FY19 0 FY2- 02 -21 % Change $1,072,000 $1,178,000 9.9% 46,000 53,000 15.2% 227,000 266,000 17.2% 71000 71000 0.0% 18,000 20,000 11.1% 173,000 184,000 6.4% 375,000 390,000 4.0% Continued next page Community Services Expenditures (continued) Contractual Services Supplies Equipment Damages & Vandalism Internal Service Capital Expenditures Contingency Total FY19-20 $526,000 155,000 10,000 2,000 53,000 0 25,000 FY20-21 $503,000 173,000 10,000 2,000 66,000 60,000 25,000 $2,689,000 $2,937,000 o, Change -4.4% 11.6% 0.0% 0.0% 24.5% 0.0% 9.2% Law Enforcement Expenditures 0 FY2- FY19 02 -21 % Change Dues & Memberships $1,000 $1"000 0.0% Contractual Services 4,775,000 5,018,000 5.1% Damages & Vandalism 10,000 10,000 0.0% Total $4,p786,pOOO $5,pO29,pOOO 5.1% Fire & EMS Expenditures FY19-20 Dues & Memberships $3,000 Meetings & Training 2,000 Maintenance & Repair 55,000 Utilities 36,000 Contractual Services 31726,000 Supplies 12,000 Equipment 17,000 Internal Service 170,000 Total FY20-21 $3,000 2,000 55,000 3 6, 000 31838,000 12,000 17,000 233,000 $4,021,000 $4,196,000 o, Change 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37.1% 4.4 % FY21 Supplemental Requests FY21 Supplemental Requests - Green Sheet Total Requests Not Recommended Recommended: One-time: On -going: Revenue Offsets 2551000 911000 Oper. Fund Contribution $110341000 -688,000 3461000 -24,000 $3221000 Questions? FY21 Capital Projects Stormwater Manangement & Drainage Panorama Drive Storm Drain Improvements Golden Eagle Impoundment Area Pollina Brantley Detention Basin Miscellaneous Drainage Total $1,9021000 500,000 100,000 50,000 $2,552,000 Streets & Sidewalks Fountain Hills Blvd. Shoulder Paving $700,000 Unpaved Alley Paving 308,000 AOTF/La Montana Intersection 300,000 Sidewalk Infill 200,000 Palisades Median Landscaping 150,000 Desert Vista Crosswalk 100,000 AOTF/Verde River Intersection 75,000 Shea Blvd. Widening 25,000 Total $1,858,000 Parks & Recreation Four Peaks Park Upgrades $330,000 Fountain Lighting Replacement 150,000 Four Peaks Park Parking Lot Improvements 65,000 Video Surveillance Cameras 50,000 Total $595,000 Traffic Signals Palisades &Eagle Ridge/Palomino $50,000 Facility Replacement Facilities Replacement HVAC Controllers @ Community Center $70,000 Fire Panel @ Library 80,000 Total $150,000 Contingency Capital Projects Contingency $260,000 FY21 Capital Projects Stormwater Management/Drainage $2,552,000 Streets & Sidewalks 11858,000 Parks & Recreation 595,000 Traffic Signals 50,000 Facilities Replacement 150,000 Contingency 260,000 Tota 1 $5,465,000 Questions? Revenue Options Revenue Options • User Fees — User Fee study has been completed — Will be presented to Council for consideration in the Fall • Environmental Fee and/or Public Safety Fee — Arizona Supreme Court ruling in Phoenix Case — Awaiting written opinion — Not an Ad Valorem property tax — Town has prior experience collecting • Primary Property Tax — Is an Ad Valorem property tax — Must be approved by voters — Collected by the Maricopa County Treasurer Revenue Options • Franchise Fees — Charged to utility providers — Must be approved by voters • Transaction Privilege Tax — Raised 0.3% in November 2019 — Current rate for most categories is 2.9% — Current residential rental rate is 1.6% • Any increase must be approved by voters — Additional Tax for Hotels is currently 4.0% Questions?