HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSAC.2021.0322.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMISSION MARCH 22, 2021 1 . CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Arnold called the meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2021 , to order at 5:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, located at 16705 East Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Chairman Amy Arnold, Vice Chairman Natalie Varela, Commissioner Stephen Barnes, Commissioner Jerry Gorrell, Commissioner Ron Rupert, Commissioner Rory Wilson. COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Youth Commissioner Jacelle Bautista (Arrived at 5:10p.m.) STAFF PRESENT: Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin, Community Services Recreation Manager Linda Ayres and Executive Assistant Patti Lopuszanski 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the citizens present. 4. CONSIDERATION of Approving the November 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes MOVED BY Vice Chairman Natalie Varela, SECONDED BY Commissioner Ron Ruppert to approve the November 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes as submitted. Vote: 7-0 - Unanimously 5. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of Fountain Park Bocce proposal Mr. Bill Pape and Mr. Jerry Butler presented their Fountain Park Bocce Ball proposal requesting $95,000 from the Town of Fountain Hills to supplement the $50,000 they have in commitments from private entities. The approximate project cost is $190,000. Chairperson Arnold asked where the estimates came from and where additional funding will come from. Discussion ensued on the maintenance and future funding for replacement of the carpet due to wear and tear. Chairperson Arnold shared uncertainty that Bocce Ball court would meet all ages and asked about age usage on the Kiwanis courts. Commissioner Ruppert stated that corn hole would help it go further. MOVED BY Chairperson Arnold, SECONDED BY Commissioner Ron Ruppert to table item until next meeting. Vote: 7-0- Unanimously 6. UPDATE on the Community Services Parks, Trails, and Recreation Master Plan Ms. Goodwin provided the timeline for the draft of the Master Plan and informed the Commission that a presentation was on the website for all to view. A rough draft will be presented at the April 20th Town Council Meeting for review. The Commission's feedback with additional changes and edits will be taken to Council for final approval in May. 7. UPDATE on the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) - Sidewalk and Bikeway Plans Ms. Goodwin informed the Commission to look at the Planning and Zoning ATP Plan that is online and reminder of the joint meeting to be held on April 12, 2021. Planning and Zoning is looking for the Commission to endorse the ATP Plan. 8. UPDATE on proposed Capital Improvement Projects Ms. Goodwin reviewed the CIP projects on the agenda for presentation to the Town Council which included the Splash Pad, renovations to the Community Center, turf rehab at Desert Vista Park and Fountain Park playground. Chairperson Arnold asked about a feasibility study to build and support a pool. Ms. Goodwin emphasized it would be a three window if a pool was to be built. A pool would not replace a splash pad element at Fountain Park. Ms. Goodwin highlighted the areas that are in need of renovation at the Community Center that is 20 years old. Paint, carpet, sound system and other modifications will begin in June. Due to the high demand of use on the building re-purposing the lounge, enclose and create a dedicated room for meetings, game room and other amenities are being considered. 1 9. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION of the Community Center Reservation Policy Ms. Goodwin requested feedback from the Commission as at the current time the Community Center has a cost recovery of 15%. A new fee schedule will go into effect July 2021. The Community Center is losing income from small scale events and it was discussed on looking at allocating for civic use two weekends a month, and the other two for larger events. In the past it has been difficult to schedule multiple days for conventions/groups. 10. DISCUSSION AND CONSIDERATION on Work Groups and Assignments Vice Chairman Varela requested an update on vending machines in the Community Center and asked if Gail Pape should come to the April meeting to discuss why they want vending machines. Ms. Goodwin shared that vending machines are not supported by staff and proceeds do not go to the Town funds but required by the State of Arizona to go to the Deaf and Blind. 11 . UPDATE on Commission Tours of the Town's Amenities and Scheduling of Tours Ms. Goodwin stated that due to COVID there had been a hiatus on tours, but now would be advisable to welcome new commissioners with an informal tour on a Saturday morning to look at different sites. 12. UPDATE on Volunteer Opportunities with Town Events Ms. Goodwin provided information on volunteer opportunities with Give a Lift to get people to doctor appointments that has experienced an upswing in need. Music Fest on April 10th is looking for volunteers as well as the Town Tent from April 9th to the 11th. 13. UPDATE on Commission terms Ms. Lopuszanski will be sending out information on Commission terms. • 14. UPDATE on Special Events Ms. Linda Ayres, Community Services Recreation Manager, informed the Commission on the Music Fest to take place on April 10, 2021 on the Great Lawn with food trucks and t-shirts available for purchase. There will be four bands covering Blues, 80's-90's cover band, Indie Rock and Hip Hop. Chairperson Arnold asked how bands are chosen and Ms. Ayres informed her that they have a booking agent and tell them about the crowd in attendance. Eggstravaganza will take place on April 4 and allow 50 kids every 15 minutes to get a bag off goodies and their picture taken with Peeps. Other upcoming events include: Movie in the Park is being organized for May at Four Peaks Park, Stroll on Avenue with concerts and self guided art tours, yard games in the grass and restaurant offerings. COMMUNITY SERVICES A VISORY COM ISSI N /1 ' d, Chairman �Idalca rckk ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Patti Lopuszans i, E utive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills Community Services Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 23rd day of March, 2021. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this O T day of VI Cta , 2021. G-t1-4--j) Patti Lopuszansk ,Ex utive Assistant