HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001.1101.TCREM.PacketI NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Councilman McNeill Councilman Wyman Councilwoman Fraverd Councilwoman Hutcheson Vice Mayor Kavanagh Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2001 TIME: 5:30 P.M. (The Council will meet in executive session from 5:30 to 6:30. The regular session will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.) WHERE: COMMUNITY CENTER 13001 LA MONTANA DRIVE (Please note location change) RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL — ADOPTED 1118190 It is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting, please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1.) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand, approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT — THREE (3) MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Morgan ROLL CALL 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.3., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consultation for legal advice with the attorney or attorneys of the public body (specifically regarding the Fire District). CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE TO THE FLAG — Mayor Morgan INVOCATION — Father Tot O'Dea — Church of the Ascension • ROLL CALL Town of Fountain Hills Page I of 3 Last printed 10/31/01 4:36 PM Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (') are considered to be routine, non -controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of October 18, 2001. *2.) Consideration of the FINAL PLAT for "Firerock Industrial Park", a re -subdivision of Lots 68 and 69, Final Plat 414. *3.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for Eagle Mountain, Parcel 10/11, Tract G, located in the Eagle Mountain subdivision south of Shea Boulevard, Case Number S2001-27. *4.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2001-48 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located along the southerly property line of Lot 6, Block 5 of Plat 603C, (15803 E. Cholla Drive) as recorded in Book 161 of Maps, Page 43 records of Maricopa County, Arizona. (Robert Olney) EA01-24 5.) PRESENTATION of a plaque of appreciation to David Combs for his service on the Planning and Zoning Commission 6.) UPDATE by Acting Town Manager Bill Farrell on the Town's financial status. 7.) DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE ACTION regarding negotiations with the Fountain Hills Fire District. 8.) Consideration of a CUT/FILL WAIVER request for The Villas at Firerock Condominiums development proposed for the southeast corner of the intersection of Shea Boulevard and Firerock Country Club Drive, Case Number CFW2001-04. 9.) Consideration of a PRELIMINARY PLAT for the 10.74± acre, 26-unit The Villas at Firerock Condominiums development proposed for the southeast corner of the intersection of Shea Boulevard and Firerock Country Club Drive, Case Number S2001-18. 10.) Discussion with possible action on AMENDING THE LEASE AGREEMENT with the Fountain Hills Community Theater to include the building formerly known as the Community Center with direction to staff to draft the agreement. 11.) PUBLIC HEARING on ORDINANCE 01-20 amending The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills, Sections 6.02 and 6.03, to prohibit neon signs, Case Number Z2001-06. 12.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 01-20 amending The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills, Sections 6.02 and 6.03, to prohibit neon signs, Case Number Z2001-06. 13.) PUBLIC HEARING on ORDINANCE 01-17 rezoning Final Plat 412-B, Block 6, Lots 5 and 6 from the "R1- 43 - Single -Family Residential Zoning District" to a "C-1 PUD - Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Planned Unit Development", Case Number Z2001-01. 14.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 01-17 rezoning Final Plat 412-B, Block 6, Lots 5 and 6 from the "R143 - Single -Family Residential Zoning District" to a "C-1 PUD - Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Planned Unit Development", Case Number Z2001-01. 15.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY PLAT for the proposed 56.65± acre, 5-lot, 68-unit, The Summit at Crestview condominium project including a proposed hillside disturbance transfer from the single-family Crestview subdivision to the proposed The Summit at Crestview multi -family subdivision, Case Number S2001- 08. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 3 Last printed 10/31/01 4:36 PM 16.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. LCouncil. A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of All comment is "subject to reasonable time, space and manner restrictions" and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on sed during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the idual Council members may respond to criticism, ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. 17.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 31S` day of October, 2001`- Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. Town of Fountain Hills Page 3 of 3 Last printed 10/31/01 4:36 PM 1%ft Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL A' From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION �Jy Date: 10/26/2001 Re: MR FARRELL'S AGENDA ITEMS #7, #8, #9, AND #10 I I6 AGENDA ITEM #11 — COMMUNITY THEATER'S USE OF THE OLD COMMUNITY CENTER Due to the very short week for all of those attending the League conference, Bill has asked for your indulgence and patience on his agenda items. He will be working over the weekend and will have the materials for the following agenda items available the first part of next week: AGENDA ITEM #7 regarding the fire district ordinance. He will have an ordinance and staff report. AGENDA ITEMS #8 AND #9 regarding the cut and fill waiver and preliminary plat for the Villas at Firerock Condominiums. He will have a cover memo to accompany Dana's materials. AGENDA ITEM #10'Iegarding the revised lease. He will have a draft of the revised lease and a memo outlining the proposed changes. AGENDA ITEM #11 — AMENDING THE COMMUNITY THEATER'S LEASE AGREEMENT TO INCLUDE THE OLD COMMUNITY CENTER At a meeting last spring, the Council discussed priorities for the 2001/2002 budget to provide staff with direction for future projects. One of the items that received collective support from the Council was allowing the Community Theater to use the old community center when the new facility was complete and the building on Saguaro was totally empty. Since the new Community Center is complete and the old facility empty except for some stored items waiting for storage units at the new location, the time has come to address this particular priority. Although the current lease/management agreement between the Fountain Hills Community Theater and the Town is effective until April, 2005, staff thought it would be prudent to revise the existing agreement to include the second building rather than have two separate agreements. Based on the input of some Councilmembers, there may be a desire to modify some of the provisions of the lease agreement since the Theater will benefit from a second Town -owned facility. These are details that staff will work out based on additional input and direction from the Council. The item has been agendized in such a way that an affirmative vote of the Council will formalize the support of the Theater's use of the facility while leaving the details of the revised lease open for additional input by Page 1 of 2 November 1, 2001 Agenda Items Last printed 10/26/2001 4:05 PM 10/26/2001 October 26, 2001 directing staff to draft the agreement. If the Council agrees to the concept of amending the lease, staff will discuss the specific provisions with each of the Councilmembers and draft a document for consideration at a future meeting. This will allow the Theater to begin using the facility as soon as the proper insurance certificates are obtained. Rehearsals for a children's play are beginning and it would be very helpful to the Theater's busy schedule if these rehearsals could take place in the old community center. The Town and the Theater have enjoyed a "creatively productive" relationship over the last five years as evidenced in the landslide of "Zonies" recently received by this award -winning group. The Theater touches and enriches many people in the community and the valley as well through their productions throughout the year. They feel confident that this additional space will greatly increase their ability to serve the community. Staff is prepared to take Council input and work out the details in a manner acceptable to the Town and the Theater. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 2 x / e (W Town of Fountain Hills 1 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains [ Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 [ I Development Services Department I 1 CAPTION HEADING: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER HELEN PURCELL 2012-0996126 11 /01 /2012 01:44 ELECTRONIC RECORDING RES200148CorrectAdd-5-1-1--, N CORRECTIVE RECORDING OF ADDRESS RESOLUTION NO.2001-48 PREVIOUSLY RECORDED ON 11/09/2001 MCR 2001-1050632 AS 15803 E. Cholla Drive S/B 15807 E. Cholla Drive Plat 603C, Block 5, Lot 6 Robert Olney DO NOT REMOVE This is part of the official document. a/ l z o b When recorded, please return to: I I Town of Fountain Hills I P. O. Box 17958 I Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 I I Attn: Engineering Department I I CAPTION HEADING: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER HELEN PURCELL 2001-1050632 11/09/01 16:16 2 OF 2 WOES EA 2001-24; RESOLUTION 2001-48 15803 E. Cholla Drive PLAT 603C, BLOCK 5, LOT 6 Robert Olney This is part of the official document. Copies Routed To: ❑ Administration ❑ Engineering ❑ Community Development ❑ Parks & Recreation ❑ Magistrate Court ❑ Marshals Department V W When recorded, return to; .ngineering Department Town of Fountain Hilts P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2001-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN TEN (10') FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 5, OF PLAT 603C, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAPS, PAGE 43, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights -of -way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plot or other lawful means; and (.iHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows; SECTION 1. That a portion of the certain ten (10) foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the southerly property lot line of Plat 603C, Block 5, Lot 6, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown in Exhibit "A"; as recorded in book 161 of maps, page 43 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot -to -lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 6 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 2001-48 Page 1 of 2 7 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1 a day of November 2001. ATTEST: FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAHILLS Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk aron Morgan, Mayor REVIEWED BY AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: &/' 1L.- P;1' , // "IIliam E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager/Town Attorney Resolution 2001-48 Page 2 of 2 d: T NN OF FOUNTAIN H1� S EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" PLAT 60�r RI nry r) i nT A Meeting of 2001-11-01 Regular and Executive Session TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL November 1, 2001 Mayor Morgan called the regular session of the Town Council to order at 5:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #1 - PURSUANT TO A R.S 438-43103 A.3 VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR DISCUSSION OR CONSULTATION FOR LEGAL ADVICE WITH THE ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEYS OF THE PUBLIC BODY (SPECIFICALLY REGARDING THE FIRE DISTRICT) Councilman Wyman MOVED that the Council convene the executive session and Councilwoman Fraverd SECONDED the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Morgan adjourned the executive session at 6:20 p.m. Mayor Morgan reconvened the regular session at 6:30 p.m. Following the pledge to the flag and invocation by Father Tot O'Dea from the Church of the Ascension, roll call was taken. ROLL CALL - Present for roll call were the following members of the Fountain Hills Town Council: Mayor Sharon Morgan, Vice Mayor John Kavanagh, and Councilmembers Sharon Hutcheson, John McNeill, John Wyman, Susan Ralphe, and Leesa Fraverd. Also present were Acting Town Manager/Town Attorney Bill Farrell, Director of Administration Cassie Hansen, Director of Public Works and Town Engineer Randy Harrel, and Director of Community ® Development Jeff Valder. AGENDA ITEM #1. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18.2001. AGENDA ITEM #2. CONSIDERATION OF THE FINAL PLAT FOR "FIREROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK". A RE -SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 68 AND 69, FINAL PLAT 414 AGENDA ITEM Q. CONSIDERATION OF THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR EAGLE MOUNTAIN, PARCEL 10/11, TRACT G, LOCATED IN THE EAGLE MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION SOUTH OF SHEA BOULEVARD CASE NUMBER S2001-27. AGENDA ITEM #4. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2001-48 ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST THE TOWN HAS IN CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 5 OF PLAT 603C, (15803 E. CHOLLA DRIVE) AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAPS PAGE 43 RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY ARIZONA. (ROBERT OLNEY) EA01-24 W Mayor Morgan advised that a councilmember had requested the removal of Age a I em 3 /U tU�.y A. the consent agenda. She then read agenda items 1, 2, and 4. Councilwoman Fraverd MOVED to \ approve the Consent Agenda as read and Councilwoman Ralphe SECONDED the motion. A roll CO call vote was taken with the following results. Councilman Wyman - aye Councilman McNeill - aye Councilwoman Hutcheson - aye Councilwoman Fraverd - aye Vice Mayor Kavanagh - aye Page 1 of 15 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: William E. Farrell, Town Attorney and Acting Town Manager FROM: Jesse Drake, Senior Long Range Planner J D DATE: October 26, 2001 SUBJECT: Consideration of the Final Plat for "Firerock Industrial Park", a re -subdivision of Lots 68 and 69, Final Plat 414. This request is for consideration of the Final Plat for "Firerock Industrial Park", a re -subdivision of Lots 68 and 69, Final Plat 414, located at the northwest corner of Technology Drive and Saguaro Boulevard. Please refer to the attached Staff report for additional details regarding this request. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT NOVEMBER 1, 2001 CASE NO: S2000-041 LOCATION: Northwest corner Technology Drive and Saguaro Boulevard, aka Lots 68 and 69, Final Plat 414. REQUEST: Consideration of the Final Plat for "Firerock Industrial Park", a re -subdivision of Lots 68 and 69, Final Plat 414. PROJECT MANAGER: Jesse Drake, Senior Long Range Planner DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: MCO Properties, L.P. OWNER: MCO Properties, L.P. EXISTING ZONING: IND-2, I.U.P.D. EXISTING CONDITION: Vacant Land LOT SIZE: 234,804 square feet (5.39 acres) SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Vacant land under development, zoned "C-2" SOUTH: Existing U-Haul Storage facility zoned "IND-2, I.U.P.D." EAST: Existing multi -family, zoned "M-1" and Fountain Hills Fire Station No. 2, zoned "R-3" WEST: Existing Van's Storage facility, zoned "IND-1" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of a Final Plat for the re -subdivision of Lots 68 and 69, Final Plat 414. The two existing industrial parcels form a roughly triangular block bounded by Laser Drive on the north, Saguaro Boulevard, which angles southwesterly on the east, and Technology Drive on the south, which angles northwesterly and then curves northward to intersect with Laser Drive at the northwest corner of Lot 68. On the north side of the site, the Laser Drive right-of-way will be abandoned as part of the development of the proposed Four Peaks Plaza/Target project. The Laser Drive alignment is proposed to become a 60-foot wide utility and drainage easement. All access will be vacated from the northern boundary of the existing Lots 68/69 and the existing alley will terminate at the southern edge of the Laser Drive alignment. Additional proposed traffic improvements will be the continuation and connection of Technology Drive with Shea Boulevard and the gated closure of Technology Drive at the `. intersection of Technology Drive and Saguaro Boulevard allowing access north on Technology Drive from Saguaro for emergency vehicles only. The proposed re -plat configuration will create a new cul-de-sac on the prior alley alignment. Lots 2, 3 and 5 will have access from the cul-de-sac. Lot 4 will have access solely from Technology Drive, and Lot 1 will have access from the cul-de-sac and a possible future access driveway from Technology Drive. No access will be allowed from the abandoned Laser Drive alignment or from Saguaro Boulevard. A one -foot non - vehicular access easement has been placed along the entire Saguaro Drive and Technology Drive frontages with the expectation of a future change to allow a driveway to Lot 4. If the actual future design of Lot 1 or Lot 4 necessitates driveway access onto Technology Drive, any revision to the NVAE will be accommodated with an easement abandonment/dedication to be recorded at Maricopa County. A new 8-foot wide meandering sidewalk is proposed for the Saguaro frontage, which tapers to 6-foot wide at the Technology Drive/Saguaro intersection and continues around the corner and along the Technology Drive frontage and the proposed cul-de-sac. The preservation and open space reservation area shown in Tract "A" are part of an approved Alternative Hillside Preservation Agreement, approved on May 17, 2001. Tract "A" will contain a meandering three-foot high decorative wall and Chilean Mesquite trees that will screen and buffer future development from the residential properties to the southeast on Saguaro Boulevard. EVALUATION: The proposed re -subdivision is consistent with the uses identified in the General Plan and with the existing zoning for the site. The northern extension of Technology Drive to Shea Boulevard, in conjunction with the closure of the Technology/Saguaro intersection and the non -vehicular access onto Saguaro Boulevard will eliminate industrial park traffic on Saguaro Boulevard and protect the residential neighborhood to the southeast. The wide landscape buffer and decorative wall and trees will provide further visual protection and create continuity with the proposed landscape plan for the Four Peaks Plaza/Target project on the north. Drainage for the site will be directed primarily to the north to the new Laser Drive alignment channel. All on -site drainage has been reviewed and approved by the Town of Fountain Hills Engineering Department. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat S2000-041 "Firerock Industrial Park" on May 10, 2001, and staff recommends approval of the Final Plat S2000-041 "Firerock Industrial Park" with the following stipulations: 1. As a part of the development plan, the applicant shall submit a landscape plan for the project to the "Non -abutting" landscape standards found in the Town of Fountain Hills subdivision ordinance. The landscape plan shall include a re -vegetation plan for Tract "A" that includes native plants and includes the removal of the grassy invasive plants remaining from the former effluent - water field. 2. The thirty-foot (30') alley Right -of -Way abandonment and the two associated abandonment of the eight -foot (8') Public Utility Easements (P.U.E.) adjacent to the alley shall be approved by Council and recorded at Maricopa County prior to Final Plat recordation. 3. The applicant shall provide to the Town a Letter and Certificate from Chaparral City Water Company assuring water supply and service for the project prior to Final Plat recordation. 4. Applicant shall provide the Construction Assurance and Warranty Bond for the project, for the project improvements, in an amount to be determined by the Town Engineering Department, prior to Final Plat recordation. N'wx a 2rTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRE INARY-PLAT APPLICATION J f Date Filed ]!Fee P—aid­ � -S 0U $500.00 Plat Name/Number FIREROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK Parcel Size 234,804 sq. ft./ 5.39 Acres Number of Tracts 0 General Plan Land Use Designation Industrial Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) n/a Applicant MCO Properties, L.P. 4ddress 6930 E. Palisades Blvd. Owner MCO Properties, L.P. Address 16930 E. Palisades Blvd. Accepted By / 7 I (,-,- Number of Lots 5 Zoning I-2 (IUPD) City Fountain Hills City Fountain Hills Day Phone 480- 837-9660 ST AZ 8��268 Day Phone 48 0 - 37-9660 ST Zip AZ �5268 Attachments (Please list) Preliminary Plat, Drainage Report Slope Analysis, Title Report Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date O FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed �S- u scribed and sworn before a this �t o• D day of 01 Not"• n'•61'.. My Commission Expires ii—/ -7 OFFICIAL 86AL LAURA PETERSEN Notary Publk - State of Anton MARICOPA COUNTYL .e Schedule Attached TFH Case Number -5aOoO--C)q/ U • 1 Y I n .. S ` 3g 0 •�zl: M o . `a I W CY ~ Ni�mpp � � a= 4�=iu • �' - o r co W v tt �. IR •tl I _ .,..-.-Vz.. i p4i �� W i • ^_ _____________ Zu.� I t r- --- -- ____ -- N p I n h! ..I �..•� • of LAL y � m � Y N ' IR �, C I � • 21 � Py tui0 Z?I '��as . V)Q�iw _ M J¢ �� .a• n a r Zy�~ �, q 5 i t _ � I it ,, •a � r _`�.. I a I •� n , I.� I � • OtttA•t•r•6ttt/••F_t••4 m 1 •^t��•'� � � eirtnt RtG GR'JI'J�Ip�1�11/Attt I -••yam. o m •,1 •I !'- ��� i' �•avts:vatt•urnrczzt•• � cl S y v _ / r.�rl�caaazatgoerirpFt�Ztf 7 1�j,' _ __' ••:•----- ,_�_-. � I _� i�FtP��PTMFL'i Ak`«�pM}vi ,' � ,, . . -S� lam' .F-ev _ / •'e.e.c.n.zrrr.r...or...a SN° Id 9.E210 1002-'r2101 6.P'IYN3! 111d\D.P\%91-DO1\2a sluOO'd —1\-9 LU LLJ Z �p� � � R e W `a ee beb z € ! $ 3. w A z IL 9 "I"I9 iii rrrriu w ~ e i 39353i� 4/4 S LLI Q En # w c� g 3yygg e y y s 3y •�'dd isdd CD w 81 ? �s w z ig� a s o w jig z Q I¢�. O . LL 0, U IMF w o Q :11h z U >- Y a in TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS STAFF REPORT OCTOBER 26, 2001 CASE NO.: S2001-27 LOCATION: Eagle Mountain Parcel 10/11, Tract G, north of Mira Vista Drive between Fireridge trail and Palisades Boulevard. REQUEST: Consideration of the Preliminary and Final Plat of a replat of Tract "G" in Eagle Mountain Parcel 10/11 subdivision. PROJECT MANAGER: Jeff Valder DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Eagle Mountain Investors L.L.C. APPLICANT: Eagle Mountain Investors L.L.C. EXISTING ZONING: "RI-6A" PARCEL SIZE: 4.34 Acres PROPOSED NUMBER OF LOTS: 2 SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Platted land within the Eagle Mountain Parcel 10/11 subdivision, zoned "R1-6A." SOUTH: Platted land within the Eagle Mountain Parcel 13 subdivision, zoned "R1-10A." EAST: The Firerock Country Club Golf Course, zoned "OSR." WEST: The Eagle Mountain Golf Course, zoned "OSR." "TET"a This request by Eagle Mountain Investors L.L.C. is for approval of a preliminary and final plat for a 4.34- acre subdivision of tract "G" in the Eagle Mountain This is a fairly simple request, although there are a number of comments from the Engineering Department that will need to be addressed prior to final plat recordation. The applicant is proposing to split tract "G" into two developable lots. Due to Los Altos Hills Development agreement, there are no subdivision -required hillside disturbance regulations. At the time of building permit application the then owners of the lots will be required to meet the Land Disturbance Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. On October 25, 2001 the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-1 to recommend Town Council approval of S2001-27. Staff also recommends Town Council approval of S2001-27 with the following stipulations: The 312.36' proposed for the northerly property line of future lot 64 measures short of tying to the southerly property line. Recheck it and conform closure and acreage. 2. Grant a slope easement between the rear property lines for lots 30-34 to top of bank adjacent to the proposed northerly property line of lot 64. Town Council Staff Report Eagle Mountain Parcel 10/11 Tract G PP October 26, 2001 Page 2 of 3 3. Propose a cut ditch to convey runoff between the proposed northerly property lot line for future lot 64 and the top of bank of slope. 4. Dash existing 8" sewer line along common lot line of lots 30 and 31. 5. Is there a tract on the west side and adjacent to the west property line of future lot 65? Show the existing fire hydrant west of Fireridge Trail. 7. Show the 10" sewer force main along Miravista and along the easement through the golf course. 8. Show the 8' PUE and SWE along Miravista within future lots 64 and 65. 9. Indicate who is responsible for maintenance for what section or full -width of Miravista along this plat frontage. 10. Show future community gates for Eagle Mountain and for Firerock County Club. 11. Final Plat is to reflect all Preliminary Plat comments. 12. Propose a sidewalk fronting proposed lots 64 and 65. 13. Plat 10/11 Note #6 states that Tract G is to be conveyed as common area to the Community Association. Since this won't apparently happen, the Community Association should be signatory to the Plat, and give up any rights it might have for the property. If the LLC representative still has signature authority for the Community Association, that authority should be so stated on the lot split plat. 14. Plat 10/11 dedication statement says that a sewer easement is dedicated over a portion of Tract G. There is no specific sewer easement on the Parcel 10/11 plat. Therefore, there should be an acknowledgement statement and signature by the Fountain Hills Sanitary District that either no sewer easements were required, or that the platted PUEs contain all required sewer easements. 15. Submit a request for abandonment of the existing VNAE along Eagle Mountain Parkway/Miravista. The Town would only allow abandonment of frontage lengths that: Have adequate corner clearances from Twilight View Drive, Palisades Blvd, and Fireridge Trail. Have adequate driveway intersection sightlines onto Eagle Mountain Parkway. This is particularly important because these driveways are both on the inside of a horizontal curve, and may be at or near the crest of a vertical curve. Substantial grading may be needed to provide these driveway sightlines, depending on their locations. 16. Provide and grade for sight easements where needed from the proposed driveways, the golf cart crossing, along Eagle Mountain Parkway/Miravista, driveways on lots in Parcel 13, Palisades Blvd, Firerock Trail, and Camelview Drive. Town Council Staff Report Eagle Mountain Parcel 10/11 Tract G PP October 26, 2001 Page 3 of 3 17. An easement for existing utility boxes at the southeast corner of the plat and perhaps along the cart path will be needed. 18. Grant a slope easement adjacent to Lots 30-34. This slope has not adequately vegetated at this time. Responsibility and scope of proposed and future revegetation efforts, and for maintenance of this slope should be clarified (LLC/Community Association recommended). A cut ditch and maintenance access width of 20' should be provided at the top of this slope. 19. There is a smaller 20'-40' width of Tract G directly north of Lot 34 in Plat 10/11, and south of Palisades Blvd. This width should be placed in a separate tract, and should probably be dedicated to and accepted by the Community Association/LLC. 20. Conceptual driveway plans/building pad plans will need to be submitted. We anticipate that a significant effort will be required to avoid the constraints of excessive depth/heights of cut/fill and excessive height/number of retaining walls for both the driveways and for the house pads themselves. 21. Resolve and indicate who is responsible for what section for full -width maintenance of Eagle Mountain Parkway/Miravista along this plat frontage. If that involves owners of Firerock Country Club Plat M-2, Firerock LLC, or the Firerock HOA, they should sign the plat. If Eagle Mountain is fully responsible, so indicate, and state the Firerock agreement recording number. 22. Resolve where the community gates will be for Eagle Mountain and for Firerock Country Club. (Staff continues to recommend that those lots —as well as the Parcel 13 lots —be allowed to access onto Palisades Blvd, as well as onto Eagle Mountain Parkway. Additionally, staff recommends that Firerock Parcels M-1, M-2, and P-2 — Q-1 be allowed to access via Eagle Mountain Parkway. 23. Sewer line force main (10") is along the west side of Tract G property line. 24. Study, submit for review, and place non -building easements on those portions of the lots (if any) where golf ball damage is reasonably possible. These lots are directly in line with the fairway and green for the Eagle Mountain Golf Course Hole #2, although considerably beyond and above the green. 25. What drainage protection measures will be needed for the adjacent golf cart path and golf green areas? 26. There are two (2) fire hydrants ahead (across Miravista Drive) of proposed lot split, and a third fire hydrant about 75' west of Fireridge Trail. 27. Is any widening of Palisades needed for turn lanes at Palisades or Fireridge Trail? This might not have been addressed before because of the plat sequencing. Chron Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Engineering Department MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Candelaria, Civil Engineer zy� REVIEWED: Randy Harrel, Town Engineer THROUGH: William E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager DATE: October 26, 2001 RE: Easement Abandonment 01-24; Resolution 2001-48 15803 E. Cholla Drive Plat 603C, Block 5, Lot 6 Robert Olney This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10) foot public utility and drainage easements located at the southerly property line of Lot 6, Block 5, Plat 603C, (15803 E. Cholla Drive) as shown in Exhibit "A". The property owner of Lot 6 desires the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot -to - lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 6 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2001-48. jb Att. Cc: M/M Palys M/M Bonomolo M/M Schwegel M/M Schultz M/M Cueny EA01-24; Plat 603C, Blk 5, Lot 6 (15803 E. Cholla Dr) Olney 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 When recorded, return to: Engineering Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2001-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN TEN (10') FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 5, OF PLAT 603C, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 161 OF MAPS, PAGE 43, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights -of -way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and L.VHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That a portion of the certain ten (10) foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the southerly property lot line of Plat 603C, Block 5, Lot 6, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown in Exhibit "A"; as recorded in book 161 of maps, page 43 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot -to -lot drainage runoff. The property owner of Lot 6 is required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 2001-48 Page 1 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this I" day of November 2001. ATTEST 1 Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: illiam E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager/Town Attorney FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS aron Morgan, Mayor `1 Resolution 2001-48 Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" PLAT 603C BLOCK 5 LOT 6 Town of Fountain Hills Memorandum DATE: November 1, 2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council FROM: Jeffrey Valder, Director of Community Development 6ij THROUGH: William E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager SUBJECT: Town Council consideration of the preliminary plat for the Villas at Fire Rock Condominiums (Parcel A-2 of the Fire Rock Country Club Development). There are two stipulations in the staff report regarding the preliminary plat for the Villas at Fire Rock Condominiums (Parcel A-2 of the Fire Rock Country Club Development) that staff has reevaluated. Staff recommends Town Council approval of this preliminary plat application without stipulations 1 and 2. These stipulations now call for the deletion of the 26`h unit within the development due to non- conformance with the Town's cul-de-sac limitation regulations. The other stipulation relates to IL whether the disturbance for the roads within the development should be "exempt" from the hillside disturbance calculations. After a review of the Development Agreements for the Fire Rock Country Club, staff now recommends the deletion of these stipulations. Stipulation 1 now states: The applicant reduce the number of dwelling units to the maximum of 25 as allowed by Article 305 (A)(3b) of the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. The Development Agreements specified which single-family cul-de-sacs could exceed the limitations in the subdivision ordinance. We were able to identify those cul-de-sacs because that level of planning was accomplished before the Agreements were approved. The three multi- family parcels were not planned at the time the Agreements were approved, but staff believes that if they were, that the Council would have, in a similar spirit, approved at least a 26`h unit for Parcel A-2. Additionally, Section 1(b)(ii) of the Development Agreement states: The developer may develop the Property with the uses, density and intensities set forth in the Specific Plan. In connection therewith the Town shall grant all approvals necessary to permit the Developer to implement the Specific Plan and develop the Property. Staff does not believe that this statement provides the developer with carte blanche to disregard the Town development regulations. However, as it pertains to the cul-de-sac stipulation, it does provide the Town with language to support the allowance of the 26t' dwelling unit on this cul-de- sac. Town Council Memorandum Fire Rock Country Club Parcel A-2 November 1, 2001 Page 2 of 2 11*" Stipulation 2 now states: Article 504K(la) of the Subdivision Ordinance states that disturbance within street rights of way, tracts of land for private roads meeting public road standards, and any roadway grading required by the Town Engineer outside of street rights -of -way or tracts for private roads meeting public road standards may be exempted from the hillside disturbance regulations. The proposed access aisles are not dedicated/public rights -of -way, are not located within a separate tract(s) of land (as required for a private roadway meeting public road standards), and therefore does not meet the local or hillside -local road standards as established by the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. Therefore, the access aisles should not be exempted from the hillside disturbance regulations. The applicant shall provide a notarized statement from Fire Rock LLC granting the total amount of proposed disturbance for this property including the disturbance created for the construction of the drive aisles. As stated earlier in this memorandum, Section l(b)(ii) of the Development Agreement states that the Town shall grant all approvals necessary to permit the developer to implement the Specific Plan and develop the property. Staff recommends that stipulation 2 be eliminated, and that the Council, pursuant to Section 1(b)(ii) of the Development Agreement, approve the preliminary plat as presented with 292,145± square feet of hillside disturbance to Parcel A-2 so that the parcel can be developed. �'rAIN� 14 � TOWN of FOUNTAIN HILLS a?? I s° Community Development Department that is A MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: William E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner - SUBJECT: Case #'s S2001-018 / CFW2001-04; Preliminary Plat and Cut & Fill Waiver for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condominiums" DATE: October 26, 2001 Staff has combined the reports for the preliminary plat and cut waiver request for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condominiums". This is a request for a 26-unit condominium subdivision located on Parcel "A-2" of the Fire Rock Country Club Master Plat. The applicant, Hillcrest Investments & Realco, inc., disagrees with staff's interpretation of the Fire Rock Supplemental Development Agreement and Subdivision Ordinance regarding roadway exemptions from land disturbance regulations. The Planning & Zoning Commission has amended staff's stipulations to include that the applicant shall reduce the number of units of this cul-de-sac to a maximum of 25 as allowed per the Subdivision Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommend approval of this preliminary plat and cut waiver with the listed stipulations. At the applicant's request, staff continued this item from the October 18th, 2001 Town Council meeting agenda to the November lst, 2001 meeting. If you have any questions regarding this request, I can be reached at (480) 816-5138. 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS `r- PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION & STAFF REPORT November 1, 2001 CASE NO.: S2001-018 & CFW 2001-04 PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner LOCATION: Located on the south side of Shea Blvd. and northeast of Fire Rock Country Club, a portion of the Fire Rock Country Club Master Plat. REQUEST: Consideration of the preliminary plat and cut waiver for FireRock Country Club Parcel "A-2" Subdivision, aka. "The Villas At Firerock Condominiums", which is a 10.74 acre, 26 unit condominium subdivision. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Hillcrest Investments & Realco, Inc. APPLICANT: David Montgomery EXISTING ZONING: "M-1 P.U.D." SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Shea Blvd. R.O.W. and single-family residences; zoned "R1-35" SOUTH: Fairway # 10 of Fire Rock Country Club Golf Course; zoned "OSR-2" EAST: Fire Rock Country Club Golf Course and Shea Blvd.; zoned "OSR-2" WEST: Fire Rock Parcel "A-1" tennis courts and real estate sales office; zoned "M-1 PUD" SUMMARY: This request by Mllcrest Investments & Realco, Inc., is for approval of the Preliminary Plat and cut waiver for "The Villas At Firerock Condominiums", a 26 unit multiple -family subdivision. The cut waiver request is for approximately 16.7 feet at the deepest point. The following staff report will review several aspects of the project, including the following: 1. A review of the FireRock Country Club Area Specific Plan, and the development's conformance with this plan. 2. The subdivision's design and its conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance. P & Z Report SO1-18, Preliminary Plat for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 2 The adopted General Plan Land Use Map was amended by GPA 97-01; Fire Rock Country Club Area Specific Plan. Parcel "A" was designated for 64 proposed multi -family dwelling units. Subsequently, Parcel "A" was subdivided into two parcels, Parcel "A-1" consists of 181,663 square feet and Parcel "A-2" consists of 468,330 square feet. Parcel "A-1" has been developed for tennis club facilities, and is currently used as the Fire Rock development and real estate sales offices. Staff has found this land use and request for subdivision to be in conformance with the Fire Rock Country Club Area Specific Plan. However, there are outstanding technical review comments the applicant has not addressed. These items are listed in the recommended stipulations and explained in the review for Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance conformance section of this report. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The topography of the property for Parcel "A-2" is steeply sloping hillside with areas of moderate to severe slopes. Slopes of 10-20% and 20-30% are predominate throughout the proposed subdivision. The subdivision proposes one new double -headed cul-de-sac off of Fire Rock Country Club Drive, approximately 1,450 feet long. This subdivision request does not conform to the maximum number of dwelling units allowed on a cul-de-sac (Article 305A(3)b & c) or Hillside Disturbance (Article 504K(la)) as established by the Subdivision Ordinance. Staff believes that allowing the 26th dwelling unit, where the subdivision ordinance only allows 25, will not adversely affect the site and is merely an economic benefit to the developer. Staff has interpreted this issue to be arbitrated under Subsection 3. Cooperation and Alternative. Dispute Resolution_, of the Fire Rock Country Club Development Agreement ( See attached ). The Planning and Zoning Commission disagrees with staff on this issue and has motioned to include the stipulation that only 25 units be permitted on this cul-de-sac. The Commission explained that their responsibility to the public is to provide an even playing field to all developers. If the Commission holds other developments to this standard, they must also be consistent with this project. Commissioner Downes explained that the Subdivision Ordinance incorporates nationally adopted standards from recognized organizations such as the National Fire Protection Association, and that he has difficulty deviating from safety standards such as the maximum number of units allowed to be accessed form a cul-de-sac. Per Article 305A(3b & c), the maximum number of dwelling units allowed to access from a cul-de-sac is 15 units for roads developed by hillside local standards and 25 for roads (W developed by local road standards. The Town has agreed to allow for the applicant to utilize a "modified" roadway standard, which is a combination of the hillside local and local P & Z Report SO1-18, Preliminary Plat for ,• `The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 3 road standard. This application proposes a private drive with 26 units total, 14 of which are accessed by a modified 32' paved width local road cul-de-sac design and 12 of which access from a modified 26' hillside local road cul-de-sac design. By not developing this drive aisle to public road standards or without placing it into a separate tract, the Town cannot require minimum building setbacks from the roadway. A purpose of the minimum yard setback and the private roadway tract is to provide a clear yard area and a maximum structure height of 3.5' to allow moving vehicles unobstructed sight distances for the safety of the public. The developer has not provided a separate roadway tract to allow the project to be designed with 6' terraced retaining walls 4' from the back of sidewalk, and buildings within 10' from back of curb. This is potentially unsafe due to the restricted sight lines these obstructions create adjacent to the roadways. However, developing drive aisles rather than private roadway tracts give the developer greater flexibility to develop these sloping hillside lots and parcels. As of publication of this report, the developer and Fire Rock LLC, remain in disagreement with staff over the hillside disturbance calculations as they pertain to exemptions for roadways. Firerock LLC, argues that the private drive aisles and the land disturbance created though their construction are exempt from land disturbance requirements per Section 1. Subdivision Ordinance Section 504(E) Ap rp nvnl_ of the Fire Rock Country Club Supplemental Development Agreement. The Following is an excerpt from Section la.: "... and (ii) Subdivision Ordinance Section 504 (B) provides that "[d]isturbance within tracts of land for private roads meeting public road standards... shall be exempted from the horizontal hillside disturbance limitations of this ordinance." (Emphasis added) The first review submittal of this preliminary plat proposed a total of 341,200 square feet of disturbance that Fire Rock LLC proposed to grant this parcel. That area includes the private drive aisle disturbance. The second submittal of the preliminary plat provides a revision to the total disturbance to be 343,433 square feet, but then subtracts 51,228 square feet for a roadway exemption. Staff believes that Fire Rock LLC anticipated granting this parcel the disturbance needed for roadway construction at the time of first submittal. In summary, the Subdivision Ordinance provides an incentive for developers to provide a separate roadway tract. In return for developing a separate roadway tract to Subdivision Ordinance standards, that area disturbed for the roadway construction is exempt from the hillside preservation requirements. The first 12 (bolded) stipulations listed under the Recommendation are the primary issues of the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff. The only stipulations that are not agreed to are stipulations 1 & 2. The Planning and Zoning Commission has amended staffs recommendation with the addition of stipulation number 1. The additional listed comments beyond the first twelve are technical review comments that staff and the applicant agree to, and have no baring on the P & Z Report S01-18, Preliminary Plat for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 4 overall preliminary plat configuration. The Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff recommend Town Council approval of the Preliminary Plat for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condominiums", with the following stipulations: 1) The applicant reduce the number of dwelling units to the maximum of 25 as allowed by Article 305 (A)(3b) of the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. 2) Article 504K(la) of the Subdivision Ordinance states that disturbance within street rights of way, tracts of land for private roads meeting public road standards, and any roadway grading required by the Town Engineer outside of street rights -of -way or tracts for private roads meeting public road standards may be exempted from the hillside disturbance regulations. The proposed access aisles are not dedicated/public rights -of - way, are not located within a separate tract(s) of land (as required for a private roadway meeting public road standards), and therefore does not meet the local or hillside -local road standards as established by the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. Therefore, the access aisles should not be exempted from the hillside disturbance regulations. The applicant shall provide a notarized statement from Fire Rock LLC granting the total amount of proposed disturbance for this property including the disturbance created for the construction of the drive aisles. 3) Gain approval of a Town Council waiver to the Subdivision Ordinance requirement to provide a 5' sidewalk on both sides of all proposed streets. Due to the hillside constraints of the lot, the applicant has provided a 5' sidewalk on at least one side of all streets within this subdivision. 4) Provide a geotechnical report and a revised drainage report with the final plat submittal. 5) At the Villas entrance to Firerock County Club Drive, provide substantial sight triangles at the proposed roadway entrance for the left -in, left -out, and right -out turns. (Use a 30 mph design speed requiring an intersection sight distance of 380'. Note: On a horizontal curve, a shorter sight line can require a larger corner area.) Major areas on the median north and south of the entrance and minor areas on the corner are within the sight triangles. 6) Along Shea Boulevard: In accordance with the Firerock Country Club Master Plat, provide a roadway slope easement for the future Shea Boulevard widening. A diagram of the slope easement needed has been provided to the Developer and its extents are under discussion. (In P & Z Report SO1-18, Preliminary Plat for 'The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 5 lieu of a 20' wide "level" maintenance access width at the top of the slope, a plat note allowing Town maintenance access along the subdivision roadways is acceptable, where applicable.) 7) Also, provide a traffic/pedestrian barrier at the end of the westerly cul-de-sac. 8) Provide a water line easement to access and accommodate future fire hydrant(s) along Shea Boulevard at 1000' spacings. Pay for the two hydrants. 9) Provide a separate tract (the Town would accept ownership of this tract) for the Cereus Wash drainage flow channel. Extend the limits of the tract to the face of the retaining wall and along Shea Boulevard to include for future slopes, catch basins, and pipes after roadway widening. Provide an easement or restricted right on this parcel to allow units 113 and 114 to be developed as shown. 10) Extend the pipe outlets away from the retaining walls or provide special designs to avoid undermining or saturating the retaining wall footings. 11) Relocate the water valve past the last water meter for units 113 and 114. This will allow the main waterline crossing Cereus Wash to be shut off without shutting down any units. 12) Submit the final plat documents for the replat of Parcels A-1 & A-2, show all slope, H.P.E., wall and any other required easements on this plat. The preliminary plat for the Villas cannot be approved until the replat has been recorded. Community Development Department: 1) Show grading on west side of lot 120, you show a bottom of wall elevation inconsistent with the existing topography. You will need a couple of feet of fill adjacent to the proposed H.P.E 2) If a vehicle parks in front of the garage of unit 125, you will obstruct access to unit 126. Provide minimum 5 additional feet of clearance. 3) Add note to plat stating 3.5' max. wall height with in front yard building setback for the retaining wall located at the north side of the entry. 4) Provide statement from Fire Rock LLC. establishing the allowed disturbance for this parcel. Because you are not designating the roadway as public or within a separate private roadway P & Z Report SO1-18, Preliminary Plat for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 6 tract, the roadway disturbance is not exempted from the hillside preservation ordinance. 5) Provide scale on architectural plans. 6) Required parking shall be 2 spaces for each unit (2x26=52) plus 1 space for each 5 families for amenity area (6). Per the proposed parking, this leaves 8 spaces for the guest and guest casita parking. 7) Revise proposed H.P.E. to maintain minimum 5' distance from retaining wall location at the north side of the guest spaces closest to the Parcel A-2 entry. 8) Provide title report and property owners signature on preliminary plat application. All comments are number keyed to plat sheets General Comments 1. Provide a geotechnical report with the final plat submittal. 2. Provide a revised drainage report with the final plat submittal. Sheet PPl of 4 1. At the Villas entrance to Firerock Country Club Drive, provide substantial sight triangles at the proposed roadway entrance for the left -in, left -out, and right -out turns. (Use the Firerock Country Club Drive design speed, but not less than 30 mph where the intersection sight distance = 380' minimum.) Major areas on the median north and south of the entrance and minor areas on the corner are within the sight triangles. Sheet PP2 of 4 Revise Sheet PP2 per comment (1) on PP1. At Unit 121-123, mitigate the fall hazard for pedestrians and vehicles. Provide a traffic/pedestrian barrier at the end of the cul-de-sac. The Engineering Department is willing to consider a hammerhead at the Shea Boulevard end of the on -site roadway. Modify the home layout for unit 109 such that the garage is not in the direct path of the cul-de-sac southbound traffic flow pattern. Sheet PP3 of 4 Provide for drainage along Shea Boulevard frontage. Intercept water off Shea Boulevard and direct to Cereus channel. Provide a separate tract for the drainage flow channel along P & Z Report SO1-18, Preliminary Plat for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 7 Shea Boulevard (also needed for future slopes after roadway widening). Provide 20' width drainage easements for all storm drain pipes. 4. Provide retaining wall designs that protect against scour and place proper sized riprap for added protection. Consider extending the 72" cmp crossing Shea Boulevard to "lose" excess excavation and reduce retaining walls needed. Connect catch basins to this extension. As much as 30,000 cy of fill could be placed here beneficially. Re -landscape any disturbed slopes. 6. Extend the pipe outlets (10' minimum) away from the retaining walls within the cul-de- sac area and near the driveway for lot 114 to avoid undermining or saturating the footings. 7. Add a valve past the last water meter (units 113 and 114) to be able to shut off the main waterline crossing Cereus Wash. Sheet PP4 of 4 1. Revise Section A -A to show the retaining wall (TW Elev=90) in front of the patio. Show riprap at toe of retaining wall (match sheet PP2). 2. Revise Section B-B to show the retaining wall (TW Elev=96) in front of the patio. Show riprap at toe of retaining wall (match sheet PP2). 3. Revise Section C-C per comment #6 on sheet PP3 Preliminary Drainage Report Firerock Parcel A-2 Submit a final drainage report complying with all comments at final plat submittal. I. Report (A) Description • Structures close to the wash banks may need to be repositioned on the lot to satisfy the state standard for migrating channels/streams and the need for slope easements. If it is not possible to comply with these restrictions and/or the Town Engineer's requirements, some units may need to be deleted from the project (add to text). (B) Hvdr ■ Reference the runoff calculation table. (C) Hydraulic-, ■ This section should explain in detail how, where and which drainage structures will be required to provide an efficient drainage system. P & Z Report SO1-18, Preliminary Plat for "The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 8 (D) Street Drainage • Add more text to illustrate street capacity comments for the Qto storm event. Discuss inlet and catch basin sizing and how the Qloo water runoff is contained/conveyed within the street right-of-way and submit supporting calculations within the final drainage report. (E) Culverts ■ Discuss culvert sizing and type and submit supporting calculations within the final drainage report. (F) Conclusion ■ Provide a more comprehensive analysis and conclusion with the final drainage report. A. Post Development Runoff • Provide a flow routing diagram and table showing flow concentration points, intercepted flow, bypass flow, accumulated flow, required drainage structures, and the final discharge points. M. Street Section A. Gross -Section ■ Revise calculations using a 2% minimum street cross slope, if needed. ■ Submit the actual street cross-section that shows cross slope percent, curbs, wetted perimeter, etc. B. Curve ■ Does the curve plot represent a street with a 2% cross slope? C. Tahle. • Revise the rating table per comment (B), if needed. Does the street cross slope stay constant at 2%? If not, calculate specific street capacities at all concentration points (catch basins, etc.). IV. C'.erens Wash Worksheet ■ Submit a plan view showing the location of Sections 1, 2 and 3 (Cereus Wash). ■ Expand each cross-section to cut through the project retaining walls, driveways and units (show to scale). ■ Provide a Walnut Wash worksheet. Show two cross -sections through the wash P & Z Report SO1-18, Preliminary Plat for ""The Villas at Fire Rock Condos." November 1, 2001 Page 9 channel (one at unit 101 and one at unit 105). Utilize Sections A and B as shown on PP4 of 4. V. Drainage Area Man (D11 ■ Provide flow routing diagram and table. Include the table on Sheet D1 of 2. ■ Revise the routing diagram to include and show Qio and Qtoo concentration points, intercepted flow, bypass flow, accumulated flow, required drainage structures, and the final discharge points. EXHIBITS: 1) Copy of Section 3 of the Fire Rock Development Agreement 2) Preliminary Plat Application and reduced copy of pre -plat. 3) Floor Plans and Elevations `r e. Abandonment of Former M O Property. Upon the Effective Date hereof, the Town shallp A.R.S.§28-7205, diligently pursue all proceedings necessary to vacate all its right, title and interest in the Former MCO Property, whereupon title to the same shall vest in Developer. 3. Cooperation and Alternative Di pute Resolution. a. Appointment of Representatives. To further the commitment of the parties to cooperate in the implementation of this Agreement, upon the request of either the Developer or the Town, the Town and the Developer shall each designate and - appoint a representative to act respectively on behalf of the Town and its various departments and the Developer, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or by law. The initial representative for the Town (the Town Representative") shall be the Town Manager or his designee, and the initial representative for the Developer shall be its Project Manager, as identified by the Developer from time to time. The representatives shall be available at all reasonable times to discuss and review the performance of the parties to this Agreement and the development of the Property pursuant to the Specific Plan. The representatives may recommend amendments to the Specific Plan or this Agreement which may be agreed upon by the parties. b. Expedited Town Deci ions. The implementation of the Specific Plan ,shall be in accordance with the development review the Town. process of The Town and the Developer agree that the Developer must be able to proceed rapidly with the development of the Property and that, accordingly, an expedited Town review process is necessary. Accordingly, if at any time the Developer believes that an impasse has been reached with the Town staff on any issue affecting the Property, the Developer shall have the right to immediately appeal to the Town Representative for an expedited decision pursuant to this paragraph. If the issue on which an impasse has been reached is an issue where a final decision can be reached by the Town staff, the Town Representative shall give the Developer a final decision fifteen within (15) days after Developer's request for an expedited decision. If the issue on which an impasse has been reached is one where a final decision requires action by the Town Council, the Town Representative shall use its best efforts to schedule a Town Council hearing on the issue within four (4) weeks after Developer's request for an expedited decision; provided, however, that if the issue first requires review by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, the matter shall be submitted to the Commission within four (4) weeks after Developer's request, for an expedited decision. The Town Planning and Zoning Commission shall timely consider such matter. Following action by the Town Planning and Zoning Commission, the matter shall be submitted to the Town Council ~ for timely action. Both parties agree to continue to use timely efforts to resolve any tt:\wPv750,►cn.vru O5/15/98.02:37pm _ 1 Q- �4 r� Date Filed �l?e, 4 / Plat Name/Number Parcel Size I (� --� •4c Number of Tracts W TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT tEL'IMINARY. P"T."APPLICATION Fee Pai f'A-e.0 eL Az — General Plan Land Use Designation Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) Z `(3 ) 4c 2-E Applicant 510,00 Accepted By r TRG7 VILLAS A-T Ft4.E<ac.tt Cdr1l00 eel c rvtvmS Number of Lots / L 0 7- Z L U e7-1 Zoning Day Phone Address Z l City lS 4 tC �-�-. Owner a onecem p112 Address ti 7 - 5Sit S J 9 2. f E .i �-Q4 '�L VD C'�iC l- ST Zip — Attachments (Please list) Signature of Ow—J ner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date D��iQ n1oNTG�,,,�c2y TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Os'-3 C Subscribed and sworn before me this day of � 9 Notary Public My Commission Expires Seal Fee Schedule Attached TFH Case Number 5'dooI_ I z Iau'lca-91101AJaWOfij owp :P.D -0MX 1Vld ALVNINIl3Nd 9999-LC9 Of) •g! 9f91-M (DO)0310N SV 99ZS9 VNOZ18V 'S111H NIV1N1103 f0Z 311f15 3AV M31AXSVd '3 91L9t W80 .C)-n 'iN31930VNV11 4 ON1833N10N3._ ZV 1332 Vd N00213dfj 4 LLO �a a a 8^ �o a 8� -ail a'YB s s� 'Iii�_ 9 ^S 1 v 1 I C2 J 5 i 1 C/) J J_ ~ ?_ lJ.l = O d Z_ Q O N o F- W w Z N a�i LL O O L Z p Q ca o F- o CO. n r-I Cl �-000 L•a D" I..IA,. --p :IID.-a 999E-C[B (O9f) eD7 Sf9l-Lf9 (O9Y) B9ZSB vN3AY SHIN NI'3 gQ! fOZ 3Ll1S "3nv M3N Nilvd '3 9tL91 4- �ntl0 w'Nbv �3 V V OEU VOW �e wi �m.�n l3!!d SS38OOV g HSV ••13' ZN �30 V NNOoa3aij 7T 'LU.bveye a y,ym ..p .16mt�u• �.� �sarcry I +9,-cc(oa+) ln�au�rup g 27) e999-cre oo+) 99ZS9 VNOZ18Y 'SIIIH NIY1Nf103 10Z 311ns 3AY M3NNNYd 3 91L91 M '1N3M3OYNYM 7 0NIN33NI0N3 9NOL103S-ssoaass3aaad sv rlao , ZV 133avd N302i3 p SO war d ga m+ a'ti dNO11?!d 'S1lIH NId1Nf1Oj `d Nb'ld llNfl - NO021321IA 0 pNN. P 0 C Z Q 0 0 i W, rr VNOZINV 'rniH NIVINnod 9 Ndld IlNn - Ma3NIJ - 1 11111 1 Z Q CL v z O 0 - O r 13 Town of Fountain Hills Memorandum DATE: October 26, 2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council FROM: Jeffrey Valder, Director of Community Developmen THROUGH: William E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager SUBJECT: Town Council consideration of Ordinance 01-20, which would amend Sections 6.02 and 6.03 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills to prohibit neon signs. At their August 2, 2001 meeting, the Town Council initiated an amendment to Sections 6.02 and 6.03 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills to prohibit neon signs. The Town currently permits neon signs and neon lighting to be used to outline buildings and windows. On October 25, 2001 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended Town Council denial of Ordinance 01-20. The Commission believes that most of the offensive neon signs within the Town would be eliminated if the Town would strictly enforce the Town's existing sign code regulations. The Commission believes that the Town should increase its sign code enforcement efforts, and once the violating neon signs were removed the Town should reevaluate the need for an ordinance that prohibits all neon signs. If the Town Council desires to prohibit new neon signs, the Council should approve Ordinance 01-20 to amend Sections 6.02 and 6.03 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills. New text is shown as double -underlined. CHAPTER 6 SIGN REGULATIONS 6.01 Purpose. These Sign Regulations are intended to encourage attractive signage for businesses and services, while promoting the general welfare of the community by creating more aesthetic appearing street frontages through the use of controlled signage. 6.02 Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter, the conditions given in Sections 1.12 for definitions therein shall apply. Neon Sign. Any sign that uses neon, argon or any similar gas to illuminate transparent or translucent tubing or other materials, or any use of neon, argon or any similar gas lighting on or near the exterior of a building or window. 6.03 General Regulations. C. Signs not specifically authorized herein are prohibited, including, but not limited to the following. 1. Sandwich signs except as otherwise provided (See temporary signs). Town Council Memorandum Neon Signs Prohibition Text Amendment October 26, 2001 Page 2 of 2 2. Signs mounted, attached or painted on trailers, boats, or motor vehicles to serve as additional advertising signs on the premises. 3. Awning signs except as otherwise provided for non-residential uses. 4. Roof signs, or signs that project above the highest point of the roofline, parapet, or fascia of the building. 5. Any sign emitting sound. 6. Any sign with intermittent or flashing illumination, animated or moving signs. 7. Any neon sign, except for the following: a. Reverse pan -channel signs where neon tubing is used inside of three -sided solid metal letters to illuminate a wall on which the letters are attached, and in a manner that the illuminated neon tubing is not visible. b. A neon sign that had been specifically permitted by the Town, as a part of a Town -issued sign or building permit, and that is maintained in strict conformance with Chapter 6 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ORDINANCE #01-20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING CHAPTER 6, SECTIONS 6.02 AND 6.03 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2, SECTION 2.01 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TO PROHIBIT NEON SIGNS. WHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills adopted Ordinance #93-22, on November 18, 1993, which adopted The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills, and; WHEREAS, Chapter 2, Section 2.01 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills, provides for a procedure to amend said ordinance, and; WHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills desires to prohibit the future use of neon signs within the Town of Fountain Hills, and; WHEREAS, The procedures detailed in Chapter 2, Section 2.01 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills have been followed, and; WHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills has rewritten Chapter 6, Sections 6.02 and 6.03 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills and published these proposed text changes in the official newspaper of general circulation, The Times of Fountain Hills and Rio Verde on October 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2001 and; WHEREAS, Public hearings were advertised in the, and in the October 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2001 editions of The Times of Fountain Hills and Rio Verde, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes §9- 462.04, and; WHEREAS, Public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission on October 25, 2001 and by the Fountain Hills Town Council on November 1, 2001. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 2.01 of the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills, Chapter 6, Sections 6.02 and 6.03 of The Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills shall be amended as follows, with text to be added shown as double-unrie - ined and text to be deleted shown as crossed vat. ORDINANCE 01-20 PAGE 1 OF 3 (A-SS/AIL TION F r-ow c.r SECOND COUNT ►� a�J� • 4LA.4-cht5on, ihor�ur�01oNc; I I 6.01 Purpose. These Sign Regulations are intended to encourage attractive signage for businesses and services, while promoting the general welfare of the community by creating more aesthetic appearing street frontages through the use of controlled signage. 6.02 Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter, the conditions given in Sections 1.12 for definitions therein shall apply. 6.03 General Regulations. C. Signs not specifically authorized herein are prohibited, including, but not limited to the following. 1. Sandwich signs except as otherwise provided (See temporary signs). 2. Signs mounted, attached or painted on trailers, boats, or motor vehicles to serve as additional advertising signs on the premises. 3. Awning signs except as otherwise provided for non-residential uses. 4. Roof signs, or signs that project above the highest point of the roofline, parapet, or fascia of the building. 5. Any sign emitting sound. 6. Any sign with intermittent or flashing illumination, animated or moving signs. ORDINANCE 01-20 PAGE 2OF3 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this 1 st day of November, 2001. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: aron Morgan, Wayor REVIEWED BY: P. ILP William E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager ATTESTED TO: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Aa��' �); � - William E. Farrell, Town Attorney ORDINANCE 01-20 PAGE 3OF3 0M r�v a re),- cr A 3 Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS a Jill o . a� - b Community Development Department that is A MEMORANDUM DATE: October 26, 2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner bb TRHOUGH: William Farrell, Acting Town Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance 01-17, Rezone for Lots 5 and 6 , Block 6, Plat 412B from "R1-43" to "C-1 P.U.D.", Case Number Z01-01. Rider Land and Development LLC has applied to rezone Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, in Plat 412-B from the "R1-43" Single-family Residential Zoning District to the "C-1 P.U.D." Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Planned Unit Development Zoning District. The site is located on the southwest side of Shea Boulevard, northeast of Firebrick Drive and southeast of the Firerock Resort Casitas Condominiums. On August 6, 1998 the Town Council amended the Future Land Use Plan Map of The Fountain Hills General Plan to designate the site from the "Single-Family/Very Low" (SF/VL) to the "General Commercial/Retail" (C/R) land use designation. This request differs from the last two requests to rezone this property in that it includes modifications to the standard "C-1" Zoning District, and does not include Lot 7, Block 6, Final Plat 412-B. The "C-1 Planned Unit Development" specifies some prohibited uses and a few modifications to minimum setbacks and lighting requirements. Please see the staff report for a complete listing of the prohibited uses and for specifics regarding this request. On September 27, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the Town Council deny this proposed rezone, with a 5-1 vote. Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the Town Council deny this rezoning request until after the commercial development in the Town Center area is close to completion. On September 28`h, 2001, the applicant requested a continuance of this agenda item to the November ls` 2001 Town Council meeting. Due to the amount of material contained in the staff report, staff requested that you keep the October 4, 2001 Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff report. Updates since the production of that report are listed below. 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 • Staff has received a letter of protest from the property owner of lot 18, Block 5, Final Plat 412B. This property owner originally protested the rezoning, then rescinded the original protest to support the rezoning, and has now protested the rezoning again. This protest forces the super - majority rule pursuant to Section 2.01E(2) of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. The applicant does not protest staff's interpretation of this ordinance as it now applies. • Staff has met with the applicant to discuss the Engineering Department requirements to develop this property with access to Shea Boulevard. These stipulations are listed in the Memorandum from Randy Harrel to Jeff Valder, dated June 13, 2001, which is located in your staff report. The applicant disagrees with a few of the stipulations, those items have been clarified in the attached letter from Randy Harrel to Stuart Rider. If you like a copy of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff Report, or if you have any questions regarding this rezoning request, please contact me at (480) 816-5138. Please see the staff report for further details regarding this request. CAttachment: Letter from Randy Harrel to Stuart Rider, dated October 17, 2001 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 19000 Place.doc Pagel of 2 Chron 252 a �3�a b `�• ftr 19"sq that is An" October 17, 2001 Rider Land & Development LLC 15705 E. Richwood Avenue Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Attn: Stuart Rider Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Engineering Department Re: Comment Resolution Meeting of 10-17-01 19000 Place Commercial Center Rezoning Submittal (Shea Blvd) (Plat 412B, Block 5, Lots 5, 6, and 7; Zoning Case 2001-01 Gentlemen: At our comment resolution meeting of October 17, 2001, the following review comments were discussed, and the following supplemental clarification/resolution verbiage should be added to the staff recommended comments/stipulations as follows: (Verbiage from R. Harrel's 6-13-01 memo is shown in italics, and the clarification/resolution verbiage is shown in regular type.) 1. The applicant should construct the third eastbound through lane on Shea Blvd on the property frontage. [Now completed.] Reimburse the Town for its cost along the property frontage. [$80,000] All the other commercial properties along Shea Blvd have constructed or paid for their frontage length of Shea Blvd widening improvements —including Crossroads Convenience Center, Plat 704, 705, 706, Bank of America, and Four Peaks Plaza (Target). If rezoned, this property should do likewise. Staff is convinced that adequate nexus and proportionality rationale exist regarding these improvements on this proposed rezone. If these lots were being developed as large, single family residential lots as currently zoned on these properties, with no access onto Shea Blvd (access is directly prohibited on the original Plat 412B), staff does not believe that such nexus and proportionality would exist. Because of the existing zoning and access restriction, the Town agreed to pay MCDOT for the Shea Blvd improvements along this property frontage. (If the property is not rezoned, the Town does not intend to assess any Shea Blvd widening costs to these large residential lots.) If rezoned upon development, this property should reimburse the Town for its Shea Blvd widening cost on the property frontage. That amount has been previously calculated to be $80,000. 2. Revise the east driveway location to align with the Crossroads Convenience Center driveway. Modi the median noses to fit that driveway location. 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 19000 Place.doc Page 2 of 2 Chron 252 This alignment is particularly necessary to allow left -turns coming out of both driveways to avoid colliding vehicle paths. It will be even more important if a future traffic signal is eventually installed at this location. We would recommend centering your driveway island at the center of the Crossroads driveway alignment. 3. Construct a 6' meandering concrete sidewalk in the Shea Blvd right-of-way from the Texaco Station parking lot into this projects [center driveway. 8' wide on the Cereus Wash box culvert]. Construct this west of the westerly driveway. Staff is agreeable to bond for 5-years (at the Town's decision) for the portion of the sidewalk east of the westerly driveway provided that: ■ Adequate connecting pedestrian access into and through each parcel is being provided on -site. ■ No development of the SRP-MIC property directly east of the site is being actually proposed/designed. (If it was, the sidewalk stipulation should be modified to continue to the far east end of the property.) ■ The right-of-way will be graded and landscape/irrigation installed to accommodate a future meandering sidewalk within the Shea right-of-way. 4. Construct an 8' concrete bike/pedestrian way from the project site into the Cereus Wash box culvert (this would allow pedestrians to cross under Shea Blvd. Staff is also agreeable to bonding for this work, with the same above stipulations. S. Because of the Shea Blvd superelevation and uphill driveway from the Crossroads Convenience Center, verb that traffic entering from these two opposite driveways can see each other. If the proposed driveway is relatively flat (as you indicate it will be), this sightline will probably be ok. Verify that it is with a profile line along both driveways at the improvement plan submittal. 6. TO PLANNING —what property lines need screen walls because of the adjacent residential property? For parking lot screening, berms or retaining walls are probably also options. If Parcel 7 is not a part of your final project, staff will review the stipulations to determine which stipulations should be applicable (or revised) for the first commercially developed lots, versus which stipulations really should only apply to Parcel 7. Yours very truly, Randy L. Harrel, P.E., L.S. Town Engineer Ui7 cc: Dana Burkhardt Jim Leubner Art Candelaria 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 E TOWN of FOUNTAIN HILLS a 44 ° Community Development Department Esc ivew a that is A MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: William E. Farrell, Acting Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat for "The Summit at Crestview"; Case # S2001-08 DATE: October 26, 2001 This is a request for preliminary plat approval for "The Summit at Crestview", a 68 unit, 5 lot, and 1 tract subdivision located at the northwest corner of Shea and Palisades Boulevards. As part of this request, the applicant, MCO Properties, L.P., would like to grant the Town a Hillside Protection Easement over Parcels A,B,C, and E of "Crestview" Parcel One (the adjacent single-family development), to meet the required Hillside Protection for "The Summit at Crestview". The proposed preliminary plat and the hillside protection transfer meet the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances. The Planning and Zoning Commission and staff recommend approval of this preliminary plat and hillside protection transfer with the listed stipulations. If you have any questions regarding this request, I can be reached at (480) 816-5138. 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT November 1st, 2001 CASE NO.: S2001-08 PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner LOCATION: "Parcel 2", Located on the northwest corner of Palisades and Shea Boulevard REQUEST: Consideration of the preliminary plat for "The Summit at Crestview" Condominium Subdivision, which is a 56.65 acre, 68 unit, 1 Tract condominium subdivision. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: MCO Properties, L.P. APPLICANT: Michael K. Snodgrass EXISTING ZONING: "M-1" Multiple -family Zoning District C SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: "Parcel 1", Crestview single-family vacant lots; zoned "R1-43 PUD" SOUTH: Eagle Mountain Parcel "1"(future Fry's) and Driving Range; zoned "C-1 & OSR" EAST: Fountain Hills Resort; zoned "L-3 PUD" WEST: Crestview single-family vacant lots; zoned "R1-43 PUD" SUMMARY: This request by MCO Properties L.P. is for approval of the Preliminary Plat for "The Summit at Crestview", a 68 unit multiple -family subdivision. This Parcel of land was annexed into the Town of Fountain Hills in February 1999 pursuant to the "Pre -Annexation Development Agreement" with MCO Properties. The "Pre -Annexation Development Agreement" establishes the following development rights for this property: A. MCO has obtained from Maricopa County rezoning of Parcel 2 from R1-43 designation to the R-3 P.D. multifamily designation. B. The Town agrees that, upon execution of this agreement, and the signing of a petition by MCO authorizing annexation of the Property, the Town shall support the current request by MCO of Maricopa County for such rezoning of Parcel 2. P & Z Report SO1-08, Preliminary Plat for "The Summit at Crestview." November 1, 2001 Page 2 C. The Town and MCO agree, understand and acknowledge that after annexation is completed by the adoption of an ordinance by a majority of the members of the Town Council, and the passage of the 30 day period for questioning the validity of the ordinance of annexation, the town is required by the provisions of A.R.S. §9- 47(L) to adopt the zoning classification which permits densities and uses no greater than those permitted by the County immediately before annexation. The parties further agree, understand and acknowledge that the zoning designation to be adopted by the Town of Fountain Hills after the annexation shall be the M-1 P.U.D. zoning district as enumerated in the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Fountain Hills, and permitting private streets within Parcel 2 and providing for site plan approval by the Town, and otherwise, except as provided in paragraph 3(E) below, equivalent in all material aspects to the R-3 P.D. multifamily designation as approved by the County. D. MCO further agrees, understands and acknowledges that, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the development of Parcel 2 under the Town M-1 P.U.D. zoning classification, as that zone exists now, shall be subject to all of the appropriate ordinances, rules and regulations of the Town at the time that development occurs. MCO further agrees that in connection with the approval of such M-1 P.U.D. zoning, it shall restrict Parcel 2 to prohibit its development as single owner commercial rental property. E. MCO agrees, understands and acknowledges that the zoning classification of M-1 PUD, as provided for in this agreement is a less intense use than the R-3 P.D. zoning designation approved for the property by the county and that, as such, the zoning classification applied to the Property by the Town could result in fewer units being constructed than if the property were to have been developed under R-3P.D. zoning in Maricopa County, provided that in no event shall such Town Zoning provide for any less density for Parcel 2 than is set forth in paragraph 1(E)(1). In summary, Parcel 2 shall conform to the M-1 zoning designation of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, with a maximum number of 150 dwelling units. The Town has also agreed to amend the General Plan Land Use Map to designate this property as Multiple Family from the existing Low Density Single Family designation. The following staff report will review the subdivision's design and its conformance with the Subdivision Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance. P & Z Report SO1-08, Preliminary Plat for to "The Summit at Crestview." November 1, 2001 Page 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The topography of the property for "Parcel 2" is steeply sloping hillside with areas of moderate to severe slopes. Slopes of 10-20% and 20-30% are predominate throughout the proposed subdivision. The subdivision proposes one through street, which will connect to the existing Viento Court in the Crestview single-family subdivision by emergency access only, and three new cul-de-sacs. The longest of the three cul-de-sacs measures approximately 1,480 lineal feet. All roads will be placed in a privately owned tract of land and developed to the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance roadway standards. This subdivision request conforms to the maximum number of dwelling units allowed on a cul-de-sac (Article 305A(3)b & c) of the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. The Hillside Disturbance (Article 504K(la)) does not meet within the property, however, the property owner proposes to transfer Parcels "A, B, C, and E" of Parcel 1, also known as "Crestview". With this transfer, the applicant will have a residual of approximately 12,000 square feet of additional disturbance with the existing proposal. Staff is requesting that Town Council approve the hillside transfer option. The proposed dwelling units consist of five preliminary duplex plans. The individual units range in size from 2,223 to 3,935 square feet with four of the five plans incorporating a lower level walk -out element. The preliminary plat shows unit specific grading and design, however the applicant will offer a choice of the optional plans to the consumer. Town staff will review each of the individual building and grading plans under separate permits to maintain conformance to the final plat and the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. This preliminary plat proposes a "shrink wrap" method of condominiumizing. The owner wishes to have the flexibility to provide different design options to future new home buyers, as each duplex model is selected and permitted, the Town will condominiumize the property to the specific plan dimensions. The proposed preliminary plat maintains conformance to all applicable the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, therefore the property owner is guaranteed a feasible design without the need for a variance or waiver. On October 25, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this preliminary plat to Town Council. The Planning and Zoning Commission was generally pleased with this project. The Commission recommends approval of this preliminary plat with a modification to stipulation #1. Stipulation # 1 originally included verbiage for the applicant to maintain the minimum required distances of 3' from grading, 5' from walls, and 8' from any buildings to the Hillside Protection Easement. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval with the stipulations as written below. P & Z Report S01-08, Preliminary Plat for "The Summit at Crestview." November 1, 2001 Page 4 The Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff recommend Town Council approval of the Preliminary Plat and hillside transfer for "The Summit at Crestview", with the following stipulations: 1) The applicant will revise the Preliminary Plat to show the Hillside Protection Easement boundary. The applicant will also include within allowed disturbance all grading activity that is not exempt from Article 504 (B) of the Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance. 2) The applicant shall provide a slope analysis exhibit identifying all areas exempt from land disturbance requirements and provide calculations accordingly. 3) The applicant shall provide a full set of on and off -site improvement plans, including landscaping as prescribed by the Subdivision Ordinance, and receive approval of such plans prior to final plat approval. IL4) That Town Council waive the requirement for the applicant to provide 5' sidewalks on both sides of all interior streets of this multi -family subdivision. Staff believes a sidewalk on only one side of the proposed roadways are appropriate for this subdivision. 5) Provide a 6' meandering sidewalk from the entrance, south to Shea Blvd. 6) Per MCDOT Roadway Design manual, Fig. 7.13 "volume warrants for right turn deceleration lane" into site, meets warrants in the P.M. Provide a 100' deceleration lane with 180' taper. This will be located southbound on Palisades Blvd. and westbound into the entrance of the site. 7) Provide a revised Drainage Report that complies with all Engineering Department comments with final plat submittal. 8) Provide a revised preliminary plat addressing the remaining technical review comments as noted on the second review submittal, prior to improvement plan submittal. 9) The Town agrees to amend the General Plan Land Use Map for this parcel from Low Density Single-family to the Multiple -family land use designation. 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Date Filed 3- Fee Paid 6 paA.p Accepted By Z)-U-)1 4 0 Plat Name/Number The Summit at CrestView Parcel Size Number of Lots 56.65 Acres 5 Lots/68 Units Number of Tracts Zoning 1 M-1 PUD General Plan Land Use Designation Single Family Low Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) 1.20 du/Acre Applicant Day Phone MCO Properties, L.P. 480/837-9660 Address City ST Zip 16930 E. Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills AZ 85268 Owner Day Phone Same as Above Address City ST Zip Attachments (Please list) Preliminary Plat ( 20 copies) , 8 2 x 11 " Reduction, Preliminary Floor Plans, Cross-section & typical elevation, Hillside Disturbance Calc., Drainage Report & Fee letter. Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date K. Michael Snodgrass 3_/_0( O FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of �%%i/%l _I , l�`9-9y L My Commissi Notar Public OFFICIAL SEAL JAMIE RODGERS Notary Public - State of &thou MARICOPA COUNTY My Comm. exPl f TFH Case Number Fee Schedule Attached of 5 020 ,TOWN OF FUUNIA!N MAR 0 2 1UU1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPM-t DEPART �,jc^'- 4w 11 V qg C i �x 0 cif' i i' ! g 3 0 CD W C < .^ df -.4=rn �=cn N � a W 3 JC Z T G n � N D 000 \\m m N D n y m PO< R tD a C 74 � C a 1111 9e Iai � IA� �# e yx MIX Sq �1 � R 'F 'R R S�LYR R R R R Y s 8 5>�y $ g ��A A y E gg gg � RX2 ��q�� �N � R4 BpRRa T 8 (� N b>b 8 R 8 RgW 8 FW FW Sq � ;A ��S p,R s a IR �1 I ga 111 4 4 14a y za, z p -1 "M" #L rTHE oe 8- a..¢Anderson ' sf SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW E1111 worm on. -4�41Ewtt Ne/son, Inc. En -wft - -wov - - r—ft °w" S"Aw^ D.Mbpwt - Nj&0ka Conlhvctlon dlfinlyenronf - CO/II/11//K SKYI{CIR M.Do-H Rowd Phi_. A,[.-. 85008 (602) 273-�850 7372 IF H�, A2 (W2) =71 2 PRELIMINARY PLAT r Can '- �• �' Yr FG4� S - a O N i �zm = Cl) a c � wok .w � 99 a D �N 0m� D N /1 D \ / �m `momA m N C nFn x P m �ln r Q �- • �.,�° `=°" °'� THE SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW _ wn v-0a Anderson - Ne/son,- - s - M. 6,adiq P4na - somr�, apt - N,. Cmstmctlm mvmg mart -Computer SxHcsa 4"l Eaat McDowell Road _• A-�• Rya (602) 273-1850 awn.ae city• •z I520l 7atin72 F-- -.. " (WW ul.aau PRELIMINARY PLAT L rSEE SHEET 4 'kill ho 920 .! f i P, g R. 1�tI m i �� '����,��i•7-� .,'mow e -r- s e` t• a _ S u >- ter_: ,.>✓r- _ ^d r 41 o a d ° THE SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW auw wx Anderson Nelson, Inc.«M=• En�a«ig - srna ng - SNs caa�y vw SLdorweior vsn✓grt - „�d odoyr02) Cmstmchon MMage t - Computer Sww1caa 41 East M.D."f RaaO Ar,=�,a 95008 273—,830 NtaM� �(oa Nal a31 PRELIMINARY PLAT ,f A dY - s tt ?aY- LO e f i ' � I /fit , � r Z� ✓ �. 4 A° O m e 0 ML gip, py6�41:* ,r iwa Ifs 3 D � 9 �eYM L � *9 i - ✓ .N O'fPe `°fit' � a < eo f / L ° .Kph\ -` — � Z LVLC � Pt ♦° $ _,„ ,Opt A wpm ;4y,- tfl 1. i'• S<M` � ap! - Kµ Mew °t _ o�L�i Y��'►y `os�t rat L . 14�4 ♦0 t�� M' SEE SHEET 5 THE SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW p �t �gg an s-ss-0o PhonMz,°ArIzWDO..J. 11 08 i 5ii p� 3° ff4 Anderson _-_Ne/son /nc. d PRELIMINARY PLAT t - �� - Sf. .� es w.>r Construction Msnsyement - Conpu Nf SNrksa t N (°V602� 273p1850 iaunt�n �p AZ 1(° stz-Yl72 1965- __ 1970 1980 s�} 1995'..s my E.g E} s sser, p� E 20 P yp W v. d m E# o ! M C _ a a 4w m -.0 to 1 _� � 1# 1• z � j. EE � 1 A \ s - m r^ r µ , -y ruse a: i 1970. } - R' ° eb r - _ ___�,—=ram-- '`�•`,� :y PALI$AMS WOUL _ i lfen 19fe ]9I0 - } r9q THE SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW gF •nEovm aa. 1 East McD*," Ro*d Anderson - Nelson, Inc. Pt —Ix, Arizma 05008 PRELIMINARY PLAT Enom - &.pv - �, Gnnig P/m - SSea.s,n Ane%p . //n/ ivy (602) 273-1850 C—trU ftm .N/Mg9rI1 f - CUII wtw SMmv, Hw Z 110111 Nal YD.t2 ' a. iE.. e of Ef m. SL ' f e y . �, 3 yy oEP o -l�l! � Yo x4.f � • C i. 0 f. mJ y N,eS • a 1 ^ .' _. t°�'+r' 'r'i—r-- P _ r '-,�#��'-.' _ _i--- - N '< mCn p _ _ Z _ - -- 1 ` pt 201 Ch - s m "s �e. �. _. • _-lam 4. P },y � _ c v li(F�gRO THE SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW 4441 Road Anderson - Nelson/nc. Ph—,4&st Mnecwe11B5008 PRELIMINARY PLAT EO—iv - Suromg - & r.,eA,g Py" - AsNlop wnt HniWvy (602) 273-1850 IF�� CWSI-CfAm Mvnegement - Computer Sw k*s M.A 19Wj11 7 YLt2 r -i b teF - — zo9s tr,2085m 20 g \ \ 0A C _�Qyy yp pb• ff \ q � Sal —--_za=.-_"-----•ice-___ 2i {°f E:.k or',.1 �{ -_. - >.ar� _ by '-_Z-�-- -- r•� %sdo, r T > �_ e m_ vov _ o m v E. E 20s SwL € y EE _ 19 u f4 ter, _ �. . _ .._� ._ __. �• - - no �; iyi ,9a5 jt s-s►er a so ro 955 "b THE SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW Anderson - Nelson, /ncr "" e.,1 McDowell Road o "s PRELIMINARY PLAT �°M"' ♦tl _ aso°° En --m - Su-,,v - ska crad',g %ru - 3u6647 D,-A W,, - �rym-w,yy (602) 273-1850 Conatrucf/an Menage j - Comput, Servicaa az lat0, 7a 73n um =w+.,neae�saroa w-ie-or mm.w FeuntYn ,W, €Z 10021aar-OM SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW p a.n s-u-oo + �+• �f Anderson - NelsonInc. 4Vn4' EsArizs,D * "8bU08 PRELIMINARY PLAT E �-• Grsdg pn, _ sea.„ a.,�; , . ,,ceo2) 273-ieso Construction Mfnsgem t - COMWtsr Ssrrtcss F 1� r i m �E� AD ND k k D � Nan `O ''m C Sys m 1p;-HSUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW PRELIMINARY PLAT Ne/sons /%%C. 44'1 EastMcDowell Road Anderson P„o.nc.�,=on. 85008 fnsoeer w - SmW q - Sffe Craokrg Mans - Soba m— 0,�rAopmen1 . Hydrobys (602) 273-1850 Consfrutflon Meneaemenf - C�m�..m. ca...,.__ ,__ -_--I— Ha., Az Ieo Pl eJz.Yaai [,c r 1; i T1 m Cn A \ l U) f� o•PRELIMINARY PLAT THE SUMMIT AT CRESTVIEW Anderson Ne/son /nc. Vho*mx onDo 1185008 Eixpxeirg Su my-9 - Site C/ r .tine P f - COmPOon Nelsen, l - H)'dipbgj (602) 273-1850 CO/1S1rUCl%On Menegemenl - COmpufe/ SB/YlGes eWMW Gfr. s2 13301 )ea_/i»