HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.0321.TCREM.Packet�TAIN �l o � 3 0 4 `4T 1999 ,bat is As NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Morgan Councilman Rick Melendez Councilwoman Hutcheson Councilwoman Fraverd Vice Mayor Kavanagh Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2002 TIME: 5:00 P.M. (the Council will meet in executive session from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at which time the regular session will begin) WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 EAST PALISADES BOULEVARD, BUILDING B RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL — ADOPTED 1118190 It is the Council's desire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting, please adhere to the wing rules of order if you wish to speak: All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. �.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand, approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT — THREE (3) MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. 38431.03.A.1, AND A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4, VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee of any public body, except that with the exception of salary discussions, an officer, appointee or employee may demand that such discussion or consideration occur at a public meeting. The public body must provide the officer, appointee or employee with such personal notice of the executive session as is appropriate but not less than 24 hours for the officer, appointee or employee to determine whether such discussion or consideration should occur at a public meeting; (specifically the contract for the Acting Town Manager and recruitment for a new judge due to the pending retirement of Judge Shoob); AND for discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation, or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation (specifically regarding Robinson vs. the Town); respectively. 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION • CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE TO THE FLAG — Mayor Morgan • INVOCATION — Pastor David Iverson from Fountain Hills Assembly of God ROLL CALL '14iWAYOR'S REPORT: Recognition of resident William Cartee, the 68 year old McDonald's employee, who helped feed the athletes in Salt Lake City as a member of the McDonald's Crew. Town of Fountain Hills Page 1 of 2 Last printed 03/19/02 12:51 PM Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (") are considered to be routine, non -controversial matters and will be enacted by one -,tion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all .ommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of March 7, 2002. *2.) Consideration of a PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for Fountain View Village, located to the east of Fountain Hills Boulevard, west of Avenue of the Fountains, and north of Avenida Vida Buena, to subdivide the property into two lots, Case Number S2002-03. *3.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2002 — 11 declaring and adopting the results of the primary election held on March 12, 2002. *4.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2002 - 12 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easement located along the northerly property line of Plat 505B, Block 2, Lot 11 (16207 Bottlebrush Way) as recorded in Book 158, of maps, Page 43 records of Maricopa County, Arizona (Sherre Lyn Batson and Thomas P. McAuliff) EA2002-04 *5.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2002 - 13 abandoning two (2) segments of the 1-foot Non -Vehicular Access Easement (west and east driveways) located along the northerly Shea Boulevard property line of Eagle Mountain Tract C-3, Parcel 1. Fry's Food Store of Arizona, NVAE 2002-02 6.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 02-03, an amendment to the Town Code, Chapter 3, Administration, by adding to Article 3-1 Officer in General, Section 3-1-3 Town Magistrate: Section 3-1-3 (A) Education and Certification, Section 3-1-3 (B) Length of Practice, Section 3-1-3 (C) Length of Term, and Section 3-1-3 (D) Judicial Experience. 7.) DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE ACTION on a motion to direct Maricopa County Elections Department to remove one or both items from the May 21st, 2002, General Election Ballot regarding Proposition 400, a base limit adjustment, and Proposition 401, a primary property tax levy. 8.) Consideration of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT application to permit a guest house as a special use in an "R1-35" Residential Zoning District, located at 16648 N. Boulder Drive, aka Plat 505C, Block 1, Lot 28, Case Number SU2001-17. 9.) COUNCIL DISCUSSION concerning items/issues to be included in the manager's preparation of the Town's 2002-2003 fiscal year budget. 10.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC AND ADJOURNMENT. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of the Council. All comment is "subject to reasonable time, space and manner restrictions" and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Council members may respond to criticism, ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. _ , DATED this 19th day of February, 2002 )LJA- v-L, . Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administratiordrown Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with abilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting ner request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. Town of Fountain Hills Page 2 of 2 Last printed 03/19/02 12:51 PM r�z� � w � a31 0 TOWN of FOUNTAIN HILLS - Community Development Department Oat is An" MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Roy Pederson, Acting Town Manager FROM: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Case # S2002-03; consideration of the final plat for "Final Replat of Fountain View Village", a two lot subdivision project. DATE: March 14, 2002 This request is for approval of a final plat for the "Final Replat of Fountain View Village", a two lot subdivision project located at the northeast corner of Fountain Hills Boulevard and Avenida Vida Buena. Please refer to the attached Staff Report for additional details regarding this request. If you should have any questions, I can be reached at (480) 816-5138. 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS *AW PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT March 21s`, 2002 CASE NO: S2002-03 LOCATION: Northeast corner of Fountain Hills Boulevard and Avenida Vida Buena, aka. Final Plat of Fountain View Village REQUEST: Consider approval of the "Final Replat of Fountain View Village" a lot split request. CASE MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Fountain View, LLC APPLICANT: Montgomery Engineering & Management, LLC EXISTING ZONING: "C-2" Intermediate Commercial EXISTING CONDITION: Senior Living Facility LOT SIZE: 18.3 acres SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Safeway/Palisades Plaza; zoned "C-2" SOUTH: La Vida Buena Condominiums; zoned "R-4" EAST: Thunder Ridge Condominiums; "C-2" by SUP WEST: Multiple Family residential; zoned "R-4" SUMMARY: This request is for final plat approval of a replat for "Fountain View Village Final Plat", a two lot subdivision. The owner proposes to subdivide the existing plat to create Lot 2, a 101,895 square foot (2.34 acre) commercial lot located along Fountain Hills Boulevard. The applicant is also requesting that a portion of the existing 1' Non -Vehicular Access Easement (NVAE) along Fountain Hills Boulevard be abandoned. EVALUATION: The proposed lot configuration meets all of the minimum Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements. The proposed common property line between lots 1 & 2 maintains a minimum distance of 47 feet from the existing skilled nursing building on lot 1. A zero lot line building setback is required on both properties from the common lot line. The proposed common property `ftw boundary is located approximately 8 feet from the existing drive aisle on lot 1. The request for abandonment of the NVAE is premature. Staff would review proposed development of Lot 2 prior to the abandonment of any portions of the existing NVAE. A Comprehensive Sign Plan Special Use Permit has been approved for the development of this property. For your review, I have attached a copy of the staff report describing the permitted signage for this property. RECOMMENDATION: The proposed lot configuration is in compliance with the regulations of The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff recommend approval of replat S2002-03; "Final Replat of Fountain View Village" with the following stipulations: 1) The applicant shall provide a note on the final replat stating "Abandonment of the 1' Non - Vehicular Access Easement shall be by separate request and document subject to Town Council approval." 2) The applicant shall provide a note on the final plat stating "All future signage on this property shall conform to the approved Comprehensive Sign Plan Special Use Permit." TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT September 6, 2001 CASE NO: SU2001-11 LOCATION: 16455 Avenue of the Fountains, aka -Final Plat Fountain View Village. REQUEST: Consideration of a S ecial Use Permit, for a Comprehensive Sign Plan for existing and future buildings at Fountain ViewTi age. PROJECT MANAGER: Jesse Drake, Senior Long Range Planner DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: OWNER: EXISTING ZONING: EXISTING CONDITION: PARCEL SIZE: Vital Signs Fountain View, L.L.C. "C-2" w/S.U.P. SU99-04. Partially built -out group vacant land remaining. 18.31 acres SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: home building complex, some NORTH: Existing retail center, zoned "C-2" SOUTH: Existing multi -family (La Vida Buena) and vacant land, zoned "R-4" EAST: Existing multi -family (Thunder Ridge), zoned "C-2" w/S.U.P. SU97-03 WEST: Existing multi -family (Four Peaks Vistas) and vacant land, zoned "R-4" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of a Comprehensive Sign Plan for the Fountain View Village Senior Living Center complex. The proposal consists of: 1. Four 24-square foot freestanding monument signs, with the provision for one future 24- square foot freestanding monument sign for a future building. a. One at the northernmost entry on Avenue of the Fountains b. One at the corner of Avenue of the Fountains/Avenida Vida Buena c. One at each of the two entry driveways on Avenida Vida Buena d. One at the future building site at the northeast corner of Fountain Hills Boulevard/Avenida Vida Buena 2. Four directional signs, each two square feet in area, 3.5 feet tall a. One at each of the two entry driveways on Avenue of the Fountains b. One at each of the two entry driveways on Avenida Vida Buena 3. Building identification signs The monument signs will have external ground mounted illumination. The directional signs will be internally illuminated. Building identification signs will not be illuminated. EVALUATION: The Fountain View Village group home complex was originally permitted by Special Use Permit SU99-04. The 8/12/99 staff report states in part: "In discussions with staff prior to application of this special use, staff made the interpretation that the Skilled Nursing and Assisted Care portions of the request were commercial in nature.... Staff further interpreted that the Independent Care facility was more of a multi -family use. No part of the original application contained any provision for signage. The zoning ordinance specifies that the signage for a non-residential building complex in a C-2 zoning district conform to the requirements of a Comprehensive Sign Plan (Section 6.07.D.2). As such the allowable signage would be limited to one freestanding sign of 24-square feet on each street frontage, and wall (building) mounted signage. Additionally, Section 6.06.C.3 restricts the approval of a Comprehensive Sign Plan to projects of at least forty (40) acres if there is a mixture of residential and non-residential development. Since the acreage is insufficient for a Comprehensive Sign Plan and the applicant and owners of the Fountain View Village Senior Living Center are requesting more than one freestanding sign per street frontage, the only method to accommodate the request is a Special Use Permit application. The proposed signage is low-key and in keeping with the design of the center. All monument signs will be placed onto split -face block architectural features. The corner monument sign will identify the project as a whole at the intersection, and will blend into the slope of the hill and incorporate landscaping above the block wall. The remaining monument signs will identify the individual building uses: Independent Living, Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing. The proposal includes one future matching monument sign for a future building at the remaining vacant portion of the site. Four illuminated directional signs are proposed placed at each of the complex entrances to assist with internal circulation at the project site. Approval of this Special Use Permit would limit future signage on the site. No other signage for commercial uses would be allowed. No neon or backlit signage would be permitted. No directory boards would be permitted. The signage for the future building on the vacant portion of the site would be identified and pre -approved, -eliminating the need for future permits by the applicant. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of SU 2001-11, "Fountain View Village" on August 23, 2001 with one stipulation, and staff recommends approval of SU 2001- 11, "Fountain View Village" Comprehensive Sign Plan with the stipulation that: 1. The directional sign, located in the planter box at the main entrance into the complex from Avenue of the Fountains, shall be placed a minimum of eighteen (18) feet back (west) from the projected street curb line (face of curb) to the street -most portion of the sign. a TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS � I F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRELIMINARY. PLAT -APPLICATION Date Filed Fee Paid (' � - .0 a� Accepte B Z -(.. —cs Z U ad 110 Plat Name/Number FUv rA�L1 ��l Lll� �� L Parcel Size Number of Lots I 'I • 3 Z. Number of Tracts O Zoning C General Plan Land Use Designation C_ O M vti. 0Z_C l 14L_ Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) N Applicant Day Phone ddres//s / h `' '/ lam?(� ���V�r^„� �Il',T� �QY City // /- 'f'a.)��U STT 4Z Zip &S2i g Owner Day Phone Address City ST Zip Attachments (Please list) R<e .Q Z.34 At- + (s )7 A -- Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) Date TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. -4-7 .7: aye Subscribed `fi and sworn before me this day of of a,ti <��V� SWO My Commissigpa8 No a Public 600" TJHwm"0 90406. ExP�e°t� Seal �e Schedule Attached TFH Case Number 5 � - 0 3 C: CD n Z n Mo m C •--i C) m m z -Ti m co O rn fV O 0 N oQ^2ig33`�a S B46A'°; '3 Q�oog���BQ° c c iERY:$q�g= yyS =;gERzR°yE 3 EF8,4 3 4'��3 '^SSg�a�3 �Q4¢`E�ao33 ❑ any—� S F � /n/ / //� $ ,•(yam I� � / /` RR R c-�. r<ipl R/ t3• w, RZI � / g �� � / gadBR>? dP W 11 r0 D 946,45/ / $Qr• T1 / 6• c n (/1 €m4� o �Ag P pzoz a ooi" !S �zc - / D�K _< I �•' pppLLLY11•� ts's;ao- ;.R:r mi G 3 3 Ar u CnuFPr Fr,Mrnuc j ❑��❑���� ENGINEERING 8 MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. 16,16 E. PARK VIEW AVE. SUITE 204 FOUNTAIN HILLS. ARIZONA 85268 (480) 837-1845 to. (480) 837-8668 e-mail: dmontgomeryt Qgwest.net FOUNTAIN VIEW, L.L.C. > ,, KSM/TJ z. ORnt ,,,,_ 3-zooz n 0 — FOUNTAIN VIEW VILLAGE ADDRESS _ A:i NORD REPLAT p, 0,IR !LM e . Interoffice Memo To: HONORABLE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL"`' From: CASSIE HANSEN, DIRECTOR OF ADMINIST T`! rN/TOWN CLERK Date: 3/19/2002 Re: AGENDA ITEM #3 AGENDA ITEM #3 — RESOLUTION 2002-11 CANVASSING THE ELECTION As mentioned in the memo I included in last Friday's packet, you will be acting on a statutory election housekeeping item Thursday night. Adoption of Resolution 2002-11 will canvass the election and make the unofficial results official. I am including the 'almost complete" resolution with this mini packet to insure delivery before Thursday night. The only stats missing are the total ballots to be verified, challenged and ineligible. They are denoted on the resolution with double X's (XX). Whatever those numbers turn out to be will not affect the numbers that appear on the resolution. They have already been reflected in the totals and are for information purposes only. I will have clean copies for signature Thursday night. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Pic of 1 Cassie Hansen Last printed 3/19/2002 1:17 PM 3/19/2002 RESOLUTION 2002-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, DECLARING AND ADOPTING THE RESULTS OF THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON MARCH 12, 2002. WHEREAS, the Town of Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona did hold a primary election on the 12t' day of March, 2002 for the nomination of a Mayor and three Councilmembers; and WHEREAS, the election returns have been presented to and have been canvassed by the Town Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, as follows: SECTION 1. That the total number of ballots cast at said primary election, as shown by the poll lists, was 4,572. SECTION 2. That the number of ballots to be verified was M, the number of challenged ballots was Q and that voters found to be ineligible were 32. SECTION 3. That the votes cast for the candidates for mayor were as follows: BEYDLER, Jon 520 369 312 325 293 408 429 2,656 MORGAN, Sharon 448 240 215 202 191 183 326 1,805 SECTION 4. That the votes cast for the candidates for councilmember were as follows: ARCHAMBAULT, Michael 451 336 291 283 246 342 404 2,353 HANSEN, Bruce D. 498 277 268 251 247 263 343 2,147 HENRY, Hugh 327 262 225 219 210 254 325 1,822 HUTCHESON, Sharon B. 480 256 223 223 190 236 309 1,917 KAVANAGH, John 571 319 306 254 256 314 388 2,408 NICOLA, Kathleen Connelly 430 294 234 268 239 304 379 2,148 Resolution 2002-11 Page 1 of 2 r SECTION 5. That is hereby found, determined and declared of record, that the following 3 candidates did receive the greatest number of votes of the electors of the town at said election and are hereby issued certificates of election: MAYOR: COUNCII-A EMBER: COUNCILMEMBER: Jon Beydler Michael Archambault John Kavanagh SECTION 6. That is hereby found, determined and declared of record, that the following 2 candidates for councilmember did receive the next greatest number of votes of the electors of the town voting at said election and shall have their names placed on the general municipal election ballot of the Town of Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, to be held on the 21st day of May, 2002, and are hereby issued certificates of nomination: COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCMMEMBER: Bruce D. Hansen Kathleen Connelly Nicola SECTION 7. This resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, this 21S` day of March, 2002. APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Farrell, Town Attorney REVIEWED BY: Roy Pe rson, flown Manager ATTEST TO: Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Admin./Town Clerk Resolution 2002-11 Page 2 of 2 w El a Wm a �a H u H W w O za z H W z O H E U W a F>4 w z � o D z O O O N U H H q � U N a H r1 O Q Uu]x H H U 1 a O a 0 O w W 0 u 4 x P. W a w w H a a w E+ a O a w x [� O O1 ID a O O GU O 1 OD W U o (v ON o w o M 1n -0a (A 1, V N l0 1n 10 V .--1 W rn 1` 1n O m t- F M 1n %v 00 O .i U) •a H x w . vi a z a a H a H • • A,' H x xz �. n D z H O H 4 Q W 1 � DO a H . . . . . W z r° W 14 W H, i x O z > Hz °a� mo E D z m UF z H H F w o w ~ 10 m m w0aH ow��H°a aaw4O> �oawa M l� N 01 OD t� O O O 00 w v a oo to -4 .--1 r-I '-1 r-4 '-1 m r N r w w O N m r m 0.4 N H O a H N 1, m .-1 co 01 .0 ri 00 N N 1 1 N N M a a N x a z a s m O FF z u . . . . . wzwazca m m a u w O x ••• m m w o a d 0 h H 4.) 0 z4P9xmoxzzz�y Hr°w wNW2;owww mro ZH uHHH wu u a z x x� a O z w H w N z 0 H F U W a w N�o D z o O O N U H F ao 10-IN MvvOlDDnvan a H .-I N O n N M O 00 M 1D In 0 0 0 0 Q W u [n x U o mvi.-i aODHr,oui H H U a o in o ei ri ri rl N 'i w M OD V O co N 0.0 H OD n 0 .i O .-I -4 N M OD W a rn N a -1 .4 Ln On N O n M .-1 F -! 0% 1n V a V M .! In o N O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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W 5+ O O D Wz z rn W O EF W O pW�, px r2� r� p E+ W H DGC aC a p o PG Ln w a7 9 O m S 7 O O RC x x z 3 S 3 U 7 f 09 H U H N 14 O 14 z O H E U W a w >4F z � o p z o O O Cl U H E aUN a H O 0 Uwx H H U � z � W U o0 a M W a warr, W rn n F rn n O .1 ul a a H x • w ma z a a U1 H a H a a H x w H x z x ozH M O H rj N z w H F Oj o cn0OG+ o w F ILn I I y F za o n W U a w z° wcnEx+ q a H a w o U' E+ zcna 0 a000a nvrn nvo�M.�rnin�n Moon nrn.�Mo�v000 to N co Ln N -o co n Lna -4-4-1-1-1-4 01 ko to -4 01 v M ui 01 oo 01 N . i . i ko Ln NN ovN000n in V4 M . . . . . . . . . . -0 M M M M (n .-'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... co . . . . . . . . . . . a � x a a m E E a z z H W w U o z x a0 0 Ca 7-•. G. O z z W z z o m m z w x a m m H z m m a U m O x ••• m m E O V a� W E E D x �7 F a. L °z m oz �3 x x z x z z z> 7 O a a Hw N 1 0 H H H it Wwaza H �fxq wW2 w w w roit 8 o HZ op a :1: >°awaz Chron 40 a � a yo ghat its � Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Engineering Department MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Art Candelaria, Civil Engineer L�-- , i lI REVIEWED: Randy Harrel, Town Engineei i y. i THROUGH: Roy Pederson, Interim Town Manager DATE: March 13, 2002 RE: Easement Abandonment 2002-04; Resolution 2002-12 16207 Bottlebrush Way Plat 505B, Block 2, Lot 11 Sherre Lyn Batson & Thomas P. McAuliff This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon the ten (10) foot public utility and drainage easements located at the northerly property line of Lot 11, Block 2, Plat 505B, (16207 Bottlebrush Way) as shown in Exhibit "A". The property owners of Lot 11 desire the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The westerly 20' of the northerly 10' public utility easement will be retained for existing and potential future utility boxes. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot -to - lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 11 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2002-12. lib att. Cc: Ms. Batson & Mr. McAuliff - (Property Owner - 16214 N. Gold) M/M Cegon -- M/M Sexton -- M/M Pearce -- M/M Doggett -- EA2002-04; Res 12 16207 N. Bottlebrush Way, Plat 505B, Blk 2, Lot I 1 (Batson & McAuliff 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 When recorded, return to; ngineering Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2002-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN TEN (10') FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 11, BLOCK 2, OF PLAT 505B, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 158 OF MAPS, PAGE 43, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights -of -way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and VHEREAS. All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows; SECTION 1. That a portion of the certain ten (10) foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the northerly property lot line of Plat 505B, Block 2, Lot 11, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown in Exhibit "A"; as recorded in book 158 of maps, page 43 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot -to -lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 11 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SECTION 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 2002-12 Page 1 of 2 �` PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2151 day of March 2002. ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: Q, --7f" " Paiti Roy Pe t rson, Interim Town Manager FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Morgan, APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Farrell, Town Attorney Resolution 2002-12 4) Page 2 of 2 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" PLAT 505—B BLOCK 2 LOT 11 PLAT BOOK 5 58 B ROW / � R/ciy 0 00 PAGE 43177 , R �s• \ �F LOT 12 RETAIN 20' L.F. OF 10' P.U.E. & ABANDON 10' E. v i ABANDON 10' P.U.E. & D.E. LOT 8 �' LOT 13 4 \ o � � BLOCK 2 /6.-,-g000,00~ LOT 11 \ t R=20.00 + / L=31.42' •g$ LOT 10 SCALE: 1 "=40' DATE: 03-01-02 / LOT 28 LOT 29 16545 RANDY L. I a URk�! J ned , y R� s DNA, .. til C � xSF:19g`� s 'bat is Ate'°4 Interoffice Memo To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Bev Bender, Executive Assistant to the Town Clerk Date: 3/15/02 RE: Agenda Item #6 AGENDA ITEM #6 — ORDINANCE 02-03 TOWN CODE AMENDMENT Bill will provide this ordinance and his memo to the Council early next week. If you have any questions, please contact Bill. Law Offices of William E. Farrell, P.L.L.C. Tel (480) 837-5750 William E. Farrell Building A. Fax (480) 837-5805 16838 E. Palisades Blvd. E-mail billfarrell@gwest.net Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council Town Manager Town Clerk Presiding Judge FROM: William E. Farrell Town Attorney DATE: March 21, 2002 RE: Ordinance 02-03 On your agenda for consideration this evening is Ordinance 02-03 amending a small part of Chapter 3 and a significant portion of Chapter 5 of the Town Code all dealing with our Municipal Court. The basic change to Chapter 3 is to remove the title Magistrate and substitute the title Presiding Judge. As you know the Municipal Court has been in existence since shortly after incorporation and although the nomenclature in the past had been Magistrate the Arizona State Supreme Court has been effectively moving for a consolidated system of courts. Part of that program and the perception by most of the individuals is that our Judge is a judge. The title of Magistrate therefore is being recommending to be changed to Presiding Judge. The changes to Chapter 5 of the Town Code have more substance. The repetition of the removal of Magistrate and the substitution of Presiding Judge continues, however, the first set of significant revisions appear in Section 5-2-1 on page 2 of the Ordinance wherein it is the recommendation of Staff that the initial term for the new judge be two (2) years and its subsequent terms be four (4) years. Staff also recommends that applicants for the position be Arizona licensed attorneys with five (5) years experience in either private practice or on the bench. This section also recommend that an initial term of two (2) years with subsequent terms of four (4). As always if we can answer any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office and Staff would conclude by respectfully requesting you look with favor upon Ordinance 02-03. k ORDINANCE 02-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN CODE, CHAPTER 3, ADMINISTRATION, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 3-1 OFFICERS IN GENERAL, SECTION 3-1-3 TOWN MAGISTRATE TO REFLECT THE CHANGE IN TITLE FROM "TOWN MAGISTRATE" TO "TOWN PRESIDING JUDGE", AND AMENDING CHAPTER 5, MUNICIPAL COURT, ARTICLE 5-2 OFFICERS, POWERS AND DUTIES, ARTICLE 5-3 PROCEEDINGS OF COURT, AND ARTICLE 5-5 COURT CLERK: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Town code of the Town of Fountain Hills, Chapter 3, Administration, is amended by amending Article 3-1 Officers in General, Section 3-1-3 Town Magistrate, and that Chapter 5 , Municipal Court, Articles 5-2, 5-3 and 5-5 are amended as indicated in Section 2 of this Ordinance. (New text is shown as ALL CAPS, deleted text is shown as str-ileugh.) Section 2. Chapter 3, Section 3-1-3 Town "fie -PRESIDING JUDGE The town magistr-ate PRESIDING JUDGE shall be appointed by the council and shall be the presiding officer of the MUNICIPAL court. He shall perform those functions necessary to the maintenance of the MUNICIPAL court as provided by state law. Chapter 5, Municipal Court, Article 5-2 Officers, Powers and Duties Sections: 5-2-1 Presiding Magistr-ate JUDGE 5-2-2 Associate PRO TEM JUDGE 5-2-3 Substitution Mag}stFate JUDGE 5-2-4 Powers and Duties of the Town Magistrate PRESIDING JUDGE 5-2-5 Hearing Officers 5-2-6 Relationship of Town Municipal Court with Appointing and Funding Authority 5-2-7 Court Revenue E Section 5-2-1 Presiding Mee JUDGE The presiding officer of the town municipal court shall be the presiding m� JUDGE who shall be appointed by the council for aN INITIAL term of two years WITH SUBSEQUENT TERMS OF FOUR YEARS with the beginning and end of the term to be specified at the time of appointment. During such term, the magiJUDGE may be removed only for cause. The presiding JUDGE shall control the calendar, supervise the activities of the ^1i COURT ADMINISTRATOR and make all sitting assignments for PRO TEM JUDGES. The presiding magi e JUDGE shall serve for such salary or other compensation as the council may determine. THE PRESIDING JUDGE SHALL BE AN ATTORNEY LICENSED TO PRACTICE IN THE STATE OF ARIZONA, WITH AT LEAST FIVE (5) YEARS EXPERIENCE IN PRIVATE PRACTICE OR ON THE BENCH. Section 5-2-2 Associate MagistFate PRO TEM JUDGE The office of associate magistrate PRO TEM JUDGE is hereby created. The associate magistrates PRO TEM JUDGES shall be appointed by the L, PRESIDING JUDGE to serve at the pleasure of the magistrate PRESIDING JUDGE and to perform the duties of the magistrate PRESIDING JUDGE in the absence of the magistrate PRESIDING JUDGE. The associate PRO TEM JUDGES may serve for such salary or other compensation as the council may determine. 44W Section 5-2-3 Substitute JUDGE The office of substitute magistr-ate JUDGE is hereby created. The individual serving as justice of the peace in the precinct in which the town hall is located may serve as substitute mrate JUDGE in all cases where the presiding JUDGE and all associate magistfates JUDGES are unable or unwilling to act and where requested to so serve by the presiding JUDGE. Section 5-2-4 Powers and Duties of the Town AlagistraWPRESIDING JUDGE. The powers and duties of the tewn magist PRESIDING JUDGE shall include: K A. The powers and duties set forth and conferred upon the fnagggate JUDGE 0 under the provisions of the state constitution and statutes, this code and the ordinances and resolutions of the town. B. The keeping of a docket in which shall be entered each action and the proceedings of the court therein. C. The responsibility for €i*ieg SETTING and receiving all bonds and bails and receiving all fines, penalties, fees and other monies as provided by law. D. Payment of all fees, fines, penalties and other monies collected by the court to the town, in accordance with a schedule established by the town manager. E. Submitting a monthly report to the council summarizing court activities for that month. F. Preparation of a schedule of traffic violations, not involving the death of a person, listing specific bail for each violation. G. Ser-viee SERVE as juvenile hearing officer if appointed by the presiding judge of the juvenile court for Maricopa County. Section 5-2-5 Hearing Officers The council may appoint one or more hearing officers to preside over civil traffic violation cases when, in their opinion, the appointment of such hearing officers is necessary to assure prompt disposition of civil traffic violation cases. Hearing officers may hear and dispose of civil traffic violation cases which are appealable to the superior court. Hearing officers shall be supervised by the presiding officer of the town municipal court. Section 5-2-6 Relationship of Town Municipal Court with Appointing and Funding Authority Because of the relationship between the town and the town municipal court, town JUDGES must exercise care to insure that the adjudication process remains free from the influence of any person or institution having responsibility for judicial appointments or funding. While any JUDGE may listen to the counsel of others, decisions regarding the resolution of a particular case must be made by the magistrate JUDGE in the exercise of a free and unfettered judgment. Decisions regarding the overall function of the court are the sole responsibility of the presiding magie JUDGE. The authority of the presiding magi-st-fate JUDGE for making decisions regarding the overall function of the court applies to decisions concerning handling of court mail and records, aad hiring, supervision, discipline and dismissal of court personnel ; previded th deeisiona . DECISIONS regarding hiring, supervision and dismissal of court personnel must be consistent with municipal personnel policy. Personnel rules 3 adopted by the town for the employment, grievance procedures, termination, sick leave, overtime, vacation time and other items are applicable to employees of the town municipal court. In employing additional personnel, the existing town personnel procedures shall be followed. The presiding m� JUDGE shall have exclusive supervisor authority over all court personnel while such personnel However, non judicial functions, such as custodial and maintenance services assigned to the town municipal court may be performed by employees or contractors working under the supervision and authority designated by the town council. Section 5-2-7 Court Revenue The PRESIDING JUDGE should not permit anyone to control or influence the discretionary amount of any fine, penalty or sanction imposed. Under the direction of the presiding JUDGE, the court shall collect all fines, sanctions, restitution and bond payments imposed by the court. Because all monies coming into the possession of the town municipal court are public monies, these funds shall be handled and accounted for in accordance with state law and procedures adopted by the town council. Chapter 5 Article 5-3 Proceedings of Court. Sections: 5-3-1 Proceedings 5-3-2 Admission to Bail 5-3-3 Jury Trials Section 5-3-1 Proceedings 5. The proceedings of the town municipal court shall be conducted in accordance with the state constitution, the applicable state statutes and rules of the state supreme court pertaining to justice of the peace or town peliee MUNICIPAL courts. The proceedings shall also be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure in civil traffic cases and the rules of criminal procedure, including the provisions thereof regarding bail, issuance of subpoenas, summons and warrants, and punishment for disobedience thereof, so far as applicable and when not otherwise prescribed. 6. The town municipal court proceedings for violations of this code and town ordinances shall be commenced by complaint under oath and in the name of the state setting forth the offense charged, with such particulars of time, `�.. place, person and property as to enable the defendant to understand distinctly the character of the offense complained of and to answer the complaint. 7. If the magistr-ate JUDGE is satisfied that there exists probable cause to believe that the offense complained of has been committed by the person charged, he shall issue a summons or a warrant of arrest. Before issuing a summons or warrant of arrest on a complaint, the magistr-ate JUDGE may subpoena and examine witnesses as to the truth of the complaint. Section 5-3-2 Admission to Bail Defendants, after arrest and before conviction, shall be admitted to bail, if bailable, and the rules of criminal procedure shall govern the release of all defendants, wherever applicable. Section 5-3-3 Jury Trials I. The right of trial by jury shall be granted in all cases of such a nature as are triable before a jury under the constitution and laws of the state, but not for violation of ordinances of such a nature as by common law are not triable by a jury. 2. Each juror for every day's attendance in the town municipal court shall be paid a sum fixed by the council. 3. The formation, summoning, drawing and disposition of names and impaneling of juries in the town municipal court shall be done in the same manner as in courts of record. 4. Selection of potential jurors shall be made from the list furnished by the county eleetiens depaFtment JURY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. Chapter 5 Article 5-5 Court mil£ Employees Sections: 5-5-1 Appointment and Compensation 5-5-2 Duties of Court Clerk ADMINISTRATOR 5-5-3 Assistant Court Cler- s COURT SERVICES SPECIALISTS Section 5-5-1 Appointment and Compensation 5 The town municipal court shall have a court Elefk ADMINISTRATOR appointed �. by the presiding magistrate JUDGE. The court c-Ier4 ADMINISTRATOR shall be an employee of the town whe may also pe4eFm other- duties for the and shall serve as a eeui4 e4er4 at the pleasure of the presiding Fnagistr-ateJUDGE. Compensation of the court e-4er4 ADMINISTRATOR shall be established by the council and be comparable with other employees of a similar class. Section 5-5-2 Duties of Court Qe& ADMINISTRATOR. The duties of the court elm ADMINISTRATOR are the following, subject to the overall supervision of the presiding magistrate JUDGE with regard to their performance: A. Te-�t-ACCEPT and file all summons, complaints, pleading, motions, records, judgments and other documents presented to, or issued by, the town municipal court in the exercise of its jurisdiction. B. PREPARE and maintain the court's dockets, calendar and other records of its proceedings. C. To issue ISSUE any town court process. D. z RECEIVE and collect all funds in payment of fines, bail and costs, and to deposit, disburse and account for the same as required by state statute or court rules. E. To assist in the pfepafati PREPARE all statistical and other reports required to be maintained or filed by the town municipal court. F. To-peFfeFm PERFORM such other services as may be directed by the magistfate JUDGE in the exercise of the town municipal court's jurisdiction. G. To fumish FURNISH all secretarial services required in the exercise of the jurisdiction of the town municipal court. Section 5-5-3 Assistant Court Cle--lks COURT SERVICES SPECIALISTS The presiding magistfate JUDGE may appoint one or more assistant , ew4 ell fks COURT SERVICES SPECIALISTS, who, subject to the supervision of the presiding magistrate JUDGE, may perform the duties of the court elerk ADMINISTRATOR when the court clerk ADMINISTRATOR is unavailable to do so. 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona this 21st day of March, 2002. FOR THE TOWN Of FOUNTAIN HILLS: Sharon Morgan, Ma REVIEWED BY: Q6, Z pl� 6-�� Roy P erson, Acting Town Manager ATTESTED TO: — (L4-L��6 iL� Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: pJAF I l;�Yjx PAW. A M. William E. Farrell, Town Attorney 7 Chron 38 0 a �� as �rbat is Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Engineering Department MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council FROM: Jim Leubner. Senior Civil Engineer THROUGH: Randy L. Harrel, Town Engineer DATE: March 13, 2002 RE: Non -Vehicular Access Easement Abandonment 2002-02 Resolution 2002-13 Section of Shea Blvd. & Eagle Mountain Parkway 1-foot VNAE Abandonment East and West Driveways Fry's Food Stores of Arizona This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon two (2) segments of the I' Non- Vehicular access easement located along the northerly Shea Boulevard property line of Eagle Mountain Tract C-3, Parcel 1, (As shown in Exhibits "A" and Exhibit "B"), The applicant desires to abandon both of these easement segments to allow access from Shea Boulevard into their project. The civil improvement plans have been approved by Town staff with the driveways designed and located per Exhibits "A" and "B", The Town Engineer has reviewed the site relative to the Town's traffic and access interests along Shea Boulevard and has determined that there is no need for the Town to retain these portions of this "Non -Vehicular Access" Easement. Therefore, the Town has no objections to abandoning it. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2002-13. /jb cc: Tom Ward Jeff Valder Art Candelaria Artie Hauer, Eagle Mountain Investors/via Fax (602) 265-7740 NVEA 2002-02 1-ft Abandonment east & west driveways Shea Boulevard 16836 East Palisades Boulevard, Building C — P.O. Box 17958 — Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 — (480) 837-2003 — FAX: (480) 837-1404 When recorded, return to: Engineering Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2002-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN NON -VEHICULAR ACCESS EASEMENT LOCATED ALONG THE NORTHERLY (SHEA BOULEVARD) LOT LINE OF PARCEL 1 EAGLE MOUNTAIN TRACT C-3, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 436 OF MAPS, PAGE 30, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights -of -way, including no vehicular access easements, within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and NHEREAS, The Town of Fountain Hills received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That the certain portions of the one foot (1 ) Non -Vehicular Access Easement, located along the northerly (Shea Boulevard) property lot line of Parcel 1 Eagle Mountain Tract C-3 as shown in Exhibits "A" and "B" Fountain Hills, Arizona; as recorded in book 436 of maps, page 30 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; is hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. SECTION 2, That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting therefrom or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 2002-13 Page 1 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2151 day of March 2002. ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: Rc j Pe erson Interim, Town Manager CO FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 2 �G Sharon Morgan, M yor APPROVED AS TO FORM: r W . �) I -�A� T'J,� William E. Farrell, Town Attorney Resolution 2002-13 Page 2 of 2 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEA BOULEVARD 1-FOOT VNAE ABANDONMENT WEST DRIVEWAY THAT PART OF PARCEL 1, ACCORDING TO THE FINAL PLAT FOR EAGLE MOUNTAIN TRACT C-3, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 436, PAGE 30, MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SHEA BOULEVARD; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOUTH 790 12' 28" WEST 622.17 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOUTH 100 47, 32" EAST 1.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE 1.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE SOUTH 790 12' 28" WEST 32.05 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 100 47' 32" WEST 1.00 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 790 12, 28" EAST 32.05 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 32 SQUARE FEET OR 0.0007 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. S \F AT 2 0 LAWRETIC ° o PEARSOt� \DNA, U SA EXHIBIT "All N 10 47'32 "W 1.00' SHEA TPOB i i E 32 051 S10'47'32"E 79'12'28� 1.00' N � 9�ZS,W i VA RD OULE 522-117 12' 28"WJ - NEC PARCEL 1 POC -FOOT VNAE 401, PG 18,7MCR v�EAGLE ��� BK PARCEL 1 MOUNTAIN TRACT C-3 436, PG 30, MCR rn 3 vN rA I N P q N R 41r4Q' i,VM x ' .0. V ...� ul q�pj20 crP � NTS FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA / WEST D/W OF EAGLE MOUNTAIN j JMA ENGINEERING CORPORATION VILLAGE MARKET PLACE 531 Bethany Home Road, Garden Site a- 1—FOOT VNAE ABANDONMEN �MPhoenix, Arizona 85012 99564x_esmt_west 01102 EXHIBIT "B " 79 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEA BOULEVARD 1-FOOT VNAE ABANDONMENT EAST DRIVEWAY THAT PART OF PARCEL 1 ACCORDING TO THE FINAL PLAT FOR EAGLE MOUNTAIN TRACT C-3, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 436, PAGE 30, MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1, SAID POINT BEING ON THE SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SHEA BOULEVARD; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOUTH 790 12' 28" WEST 297.78 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE LEAVING SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE SOUTH 100 47' 32" EAST 1.00 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE 1.00 FEET SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE SOUTH 790 12' 28" WEST 66.55 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 100 47' 32" WEST 1.00 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID SOUTH 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE ALONG SAID 200-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 790 12' 28" EAST 66.55 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 67 SQUARE FEET OR 0.0015 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 99564ld 1 EXHIBIT "B" — 7TPOB " fib 55�- S10'47'32"E N79'12'28 E� 41.00' �W 55 N1047'32"W 79 8 / 1.00' / SHEA a Ln I 3 _- BOULEVARD gOU o ,L •12#28"W s� Io �,- 2g7.78 1-FOOT VNAE BK 401, PG 18, MCR PARCEL 1 EAGLE MOUNTAIN TRACT C-3 BK 436, PG 30, MCR NEC PARCEL 1 POC Q o v Eo NTA I N 35832 �° P A RKI�, x, u q Y '9p2onod IVA U cP 1D NTS u m rn FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA i EAST D/W OF EAGLE MOUNTAIN % JMA ENGINEERING CORPORATION VILLAGE MARKET PLACE Bethany Home Road, Garden Site Ph 1—FOOT VNAE ABANDONMENT � Phoenix, Arizona 65012 99564x_esmt_east 01102 Ir 1•- MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR MORGAN AND TOWN COUNCILMES FROM: ROY PEDERSON, A TINGIIOMANAGER DATE: MARCH 7, 2002 RE: BUDGET POLICY DECISION/DIRECTION The process for preparing the fiscal year 2002-2003 budget has begun. This is an appropriate time for the Town Council to give any policy direction that you deem appropriate. In prior years, six priority items have been identified: law enforcement, community center construction, park construction, street maintenance, open space preservation, and downtown development. The council may wish to add to, delete from, or modify these items. Departments have indicated that some significant capital needs will be requested, including items such as radio upgrades, vehicle replacements, and a dispatching console for the Marshals Department, totaling approximately $275,000, some staffing considerations in both Community Development and Parks and Recreation, and some park capital projects for Fountain Park and Four Peaks Park. In addition, this is the time to consider compensation issues for Town employees. The difficulty of predicting the Town's fiscal condition for this year is complicated by the expenditure limit and transfer of the former fire district's property tax to the Town. It seems quite clear that if the revenue previously collected by the district is not made available to the Town, extremely painful decisions might have to be made for fiscal year 2002-2003. We also have to grapple with the issue relating to the state of the economy in general. Further, the Legislature may end up taking actions that affect revenues shared by the municipalities with the State. So far, revenues and expenditures are holding relatively solid for the current year, and as more time passes, it seems less likely that the Legislature's action would negatively affect the current fiscal year. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET POLICY DISCUSSION ITEMS 2002-2003 Fiscal Year Park Construction FOUNTAIN PARK Fiscal year 2001-2002 included $1,000,000 from the general fund and over $200,000 from a State Heritage Grant for Fountain Park — Phase II Improvements and three additional alternates. While the Town was unsuccessful in its pursuit of a state grant, we were successful in receiving this amount under a Land and Water Conservation Fund, which is a federal grant. The bulk of these dollars would need to be carried forward into the 2002-2003 fiscal year to complete the preparation of the plans and specifications, bidding and construction of Phase II Improvements and the three additional alternates. This would leave at least one additional phase to complete the park's improvements under the previously approved master plan. FOUR PEAKS PARK Estimates have also been prepared for the cost to continue the improvement of Four Peaks Park for Phase H, for the 2002-2003 fiscal year. This estimate of over $2,000,000 includes hard and soft costs and includes the addition of a skate park. The cost of the skate park, including hard and soft costs, is $284,200. The Parks and Recreation Commission has discussed and has recommended that the skate park be potentially separated from Phase II improvements and funded in the 2002-2003 fiscal year. The effect of separating the skate park from Phase II would be twofold. The first would be the potential for completing the drawings and construction of the skate park during the 2002-2003 fiscal year, assuming that the necessary funding were provided. The second would be to drop the total potential cost of the remaining items of Phase II, including hard and soft cost, to $1,764,695. With the potential for a state heritage grant, with matching funds ranging up to $600,000, the amount potentially financed by the general fund would then drop even lower. The completion of Phase II would complete the improvement of the park under the previously approved master plan. Both Fountain Park and Four Peaks Park are priorities by the Parks and Recreation Department and the Parks and Recreation Commission for completion during fiscal year 2002 - 2003. Fountain Park would utilize funding carried forward that was previously dedicated in 2001- 2002 to the next fiscal year, while funds for Four Peaks and the skate park would require new funding. It Park Maintenance The Parks Division will also be seeking funding to add a full time employee to the park maintenance staff. This employee would replace the position vacated by Deputy Director of Parks, Don Clark, when he assumed the new position. Current staffing includes a single employee to cover Four Peaks, one employee to cover Fountain Park and Desert Vista and two employees at Golden Eagle Park, our most heavily scheduled park. This additional employee would be assigned to Golden Eagle Park, but would also perform a "roving" function to provide coverage at park sites when needed due to illness, vacations or provide additional help at parks when needed for special projects. As the amount of park acreage acquired and the amenities at each site both continue to increase, the demands on the park staff will continue to increase. Recreation Programs The Recreation Division will be preparing two budgets: one to simply maintain the current programs and a second that shows the addition of new programs and the expansion of some existing programs. Currently, the Division runs over fifty programs, during six bimonthly seasons, often with multiple sessions available for an activity. Under the expanded offerings budget being planned for fiscal year 2002-2003, both the number of programs and the sessions available would increase. Lastly, in our ongoing efforts to improve customer service, we have requested through the Town's Technology budget, that we add the option of paying by credit or debit card when registering for programs or facilities. This would require purchasing the necessary hardware that is compatible with our existing program registration software. This is a frequent request made by patrons when paying for programs. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Town Council THROUGH: Roy Pederson, Acting Town Manager FROM: Jesse Drake, Interim Director of Community Development -J 0 DATE: March 15, 2002 SUBJECT: Consideration of the Special Use Permit for " Calvin Guest House". This agenda item, continued from the February 7, 2002 meeting, is a request for approval of a Special Use Permit which would allow Ms. Joyce M. Calvin to include a guest house as an accessory structure in addition to the main residence at 16648 North Boulder Drive. Please refer to the attached Staff report for additional details regarding this request. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND STAFF REPORT March 21, 2002 CASE NO: SU2001-17 LOCATION: 16648 N. Boulder Drive, aka Final Plat 505C, Block 1, Lot 28. REQUEST: This request is for approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a guesthouse as an accessory building in addition to the main residence. PROJECT MANAGER: Jesse Drake, Interim Director of Community Development DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: OWNER: EXISTING ZONING: EXISTING CONDITION: LOT SIZE: Greg and. Joyce Calvin Greg and Joyce Calvin "R1-35" Existing Single-family residence 86,822 square feet SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Existing single-family residence, zoned "R1-10". SOUTH: Mountain Wash, zoned "R1-35". EAST: Existing single-family residence, zoned "R1-35". WEST: Mountain Wash, zoned "R1-35". SUMMARY: This request, continued from the February 7, 2002 meeting, is for approval of a Special Use Permit, which would allow Mr. and Mrs. Calvin to keep an existing guesthouse as an accessory building in addition to the main single-family residence on an 86,822 square foot lot. The applicant has listed the property for sale identifying a guesthouse as one of the amenities. The house was permitted under building permit number BP1998-1660 with plans that show an RV garage and workshop as an accessory building located in front of the main house near the road. Final inspection of the premises in July 2000 did not reveal any improvements to the RV garage/workshop building. Subsequent to the final inspection, the applicant, with knowledge of the building code, and in violation of the building code of the Town of Fountain Hills, modified the interior of the RV garage/workshop to include plumbing fixtures and appliances for a bathroom and kitchen. SU02-17 Calvin Guest House-TC.doc EVALUATION: The R1-35 Single -Family Residential District allows for low -density single-family land uses. As such, the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance identifies principal permitted uses in the R1- 35 zoning district as single-family dwellings, churches, schools, parks, playgrounds and other community facilities. The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance contains the following definitions: A Guest House is described as "Living or sleeping quarter within an accessory building for the sole use of occupants of the premises, guests of such occupants or persons employed on the premises. The accessory building may be attached to or detached from the main building. Such quarters shall not be rented, and/or otherwise used for income producing purposes." A Building, Accessory is described as "A building or structure that does not share a livable, enclosed connection to the main building, and that is subordinate to, and the use of which is customarily incidental to, that of the main building, structure, or use on the same lot or parcel." As shown on the site plan, the guesthouse is a separate accessory building located in front of the main residence with private and separate access. To obtain a permit the applicant identified this structure as an RV garage and workshop, but modified the structure to include separate guesthouse living quarters after final inspection. By definition, an accessory structure used for the occupants and their guests is a "guest house". The inclusion of a guesthouse on the lot has triggered the requirement for the Special Use Permit. In the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Section 10.02.C: Guest Houses are permitted by Special Use Permit in any Single -Family Zoning District if all of the following conditions exist: 1. Structure must conform to at least minimum setback requirements. (Structure conforms.) 2. Must be located behind the front line of the primary structure. (Structure is in violation.) 3. May not exceed thirty (30) percent of the square footage of the livable area of the primary structure. (Structure conforms.) 4. Shall be single story. (Structure conforms.) 5. Must be connected to primary structure's utilities. (Structure conforms). 6. The lot or parcel must be at least 70,000 square feet in size. (Lot size conforms.) 7. May not be used for any commercial or non-residential uses. (Structure conforms.) As shown above, the structure does not conform to the Zoning Ordinance requirements. If the Special Use Permit is approved, the applicant will be required to provide adequate evidence of compliance to the Town Building Code and will be required to pay the appropriate building and sewer connection fees. The Town has received nine applications for a Special Use Permit for a guesthouse in the period from 1991 to the present. Every permit, with the exception of the applicant's permit application, shows the location of the guesthouse behind the front line of the primary structure as required by the Zoning Ordinance. SU02-17 Calvin Guest House-TC.doc 2 EVALUATION OF REALTOR LIST AS SUPPLIED BY MR. CALVIN: As a part of the application, the applicant provided to staff a realtors' list of homes in Fountain Hills that indicate a guesthouse amenity. Only one of the properties on the list has a Special Use Permit for a guesthouse. The property with the Special Use Permit meets all of the code requirements, including the requirement that the guesthouse be located behind the primary structure. The list provided by Mr. Calvin is evaluated below: 14418 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard No detached accessory structures shown on approved site plan. No Special Use Permit approval. 15019 N. Mayflower Guesthouse located behind the front line of the primary structure. No Special Use Permit approval. 15870 E. Trevino No detached accessory structures shown on approved site plan. No Special Use Permit approval. 14323 E. Thoroughbred No plans found. (W No Special Use Permit approval. 10621 N. Eagle Lane No detached accessory structures shown on approved site plan. No Special Use Permit approval. 15530 E. Cactus No plans found. No Special Use Permit approval. 15868 N. Aspen No plans found. No Special Use Permit approval. 14901 N. Marathon Guesthouse located behind the front line of the primary structure. Special Use Permit obtained -application meets all conditions of the ordinance. 15747 E. Greystone Site plan shows an accessory building behind the front line of the primary structure. No Special Use Permit approval. 14705 E. Golden Eagle Site plan shows an accessory building behind the front line of the primary structure. No Special Use Permit approval. SU02-17 Calvin Guest House-TC.doc 15721 E. Teepee - Site plan shows an accessory building behind the front line of the primary structure. No Special Use Permit approval. 16648 N. Boulder -applicant Site plan does not meet Special Use Permit requirements for guest house. No Special Use Permit approval. 16648 E. Kingstree - Site plan shows an accessory building behind the front line of the primary structure. No Special Use Permit approval. From the above evaluation, it appears that all but one of the realtor listings for guesthouses as supplied by Mr. Calvin are in violation of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: At the January 24, 2002 meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously voted to DENY SU2001-17 "Calvin Guest House." Commissioner Downes commented that what Mr. Calvin had done as an owner/builder was considered fraud because he had known he would change the garage into the guesthouse. Chairman Howes stated that the ordinance would need to be enforced and would have to be denied if the rules had been followed. Staff recommends denial of SU2001-17 "Calvin Guest House". SU02-17 Calvin Guest House-TC.doc 4 AALN oJr Date Filed Type of Special Use Requested 4 ;-V 5 c Address of Subject Property Legal Description;,. Plat Applicant �Y e Addre s t�(G r U �� /�� %D a ltf< Owner TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT !�USE'P Fee Paid _ _ ; f f- l( y / Accepted By , ll� ' r l�C 1c arei\. rLI E -• r'S,' %: 4-4-1 Zoning Block Lot(s) Day Phone tt'Wv- Address C tivLC City Signature of Owner I HERBY AUTHORIZE (Please Print) w1 ti� TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Subs ribed and sworn before me this day of ST Z Zip Day Phone q� 4,t1S S4z I zi�r�ll�' Date Notary Public MY Commission Expires Submittal Requirements (attach additional sheets): 19 1. Mailing labels (2 sets) with names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the external boundaries of the subject property and a map showing the 300 foot radius from which the names and addresses were derived. 2. 15 full size folded prints (preferably 24"X36") of the site plan showing minimum zoning requirements and the proposed development if the Special Use Permit is granted, as well as the exterior elevations. 3. 1 8.5" X 11" photostatic reduction of each of the above referenced exhibits. 4. Describe the proposed use, the operations of the use, and the facilities proposed for the land use. S. A narrative describing any adverse impact the proposed land use may have on the surrounding properties and on the neighborhood and what steps will be taken to avoid these adverse impacts. Fee Schedule Attached 7FH C7ase Number T CC p e = e ■ a Ilk 1. as �: e d did a f 6�k ee d 1YEd5 r 4 � s • e2 z --Em • l n IJ N Flu N 0 �J � e0000co \ so •,� ,�'.� � ��� -,> �il (mod I I `I III III ;:I I :� q,j I:. lllI oil L*l L 2 � 5u Doo► - / a 21 -,arra.tive deport for .-ro ject 10c)4,) No. Boulder Drive ireg and .Joyce Calvin TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS' DEC Z 8 2001 COMMUNITY DEVELc)p,- DEPARTMENT Purpose of recuest; We would like to convert the storage area of --e _ower R v garage to a guest casita- mother-in-law suite. Tne RV garage was completed with the main residence in 2000. Description of proposal; We want to have a full bath, small bedroom and open living-kithenette area for regrigerator, sink and microwave. A spiral staircase will access a small sbDrage loft with a b foot ceiling. When the lower garage was completed , the electric panel was inspected and lighting to the patio, fire sprinklers were installed per cote and in- spected. Remodeling will involve interior partial walls , a bath , AC system. The outside landscaping and appearance from the outside or the street will be unchanged. Only interior changes are to be made. Relationship to surrounding properties; We are located accross the wash from the Phoenician - which has a special use permit for a bed and break- fAst. The lower garage is at the bottom of our 2 acre lot. We have spoJ�en to the neighbors behind us who have no objection. The two neighbors accross the street from us also have 2 acre lots, it is at the end of Boulder Drive. We do not belive it would adversly affect anyone. Development schedule; We would like to proceed as soon as possible. Circulation system; A ground installed AC unit will be used and screened from view with a black wall, stuccoed and painted to match the house and extensive retaining walls. Public utilites; We are currently serviced by Chaparral Water, SRP, i9lw WMFF m.." x � � rb•.,• �^�`p�{+�V! is S vj }(�.. oil' t *• p g ��r t .� '". � � � a 'ash fY��'q ' Gb.. p ,. r��„t.�• ti iFi '9F '♦ a >�. � �. � lk. +' - " � �, ' ewe �'� ,t � :• ` �•� � r � � . {+t t.' ;� Av; "' Evp � '� Pik �' � a. �'ftr:,i!?� ,.�.ar " p 'o,� �•� r jc : y � � �• gyp,, y�; ° , ,�� ��a�d� �� 1�, 3 �R. sl �'«. a:d?',r,F��Y"'T •rG ° X�,�x.°}2'�. f � 'X!3r.' � �' + � 2,: t�4 .I�A� ee. �1EY��f ►a1,-jrt •'�. ' �►+ilMa�.fr .Wft. IL iAi .. ._ . , ! �. �g � s � + arr fix• 3 irk a. r au �cIr11 Zia •�yyy •, pyc w M'.s" .y a ... .._�, ��, � ��.. � w ♦ f"c• �"�. 4 .. d. � .. F ♦.. M• - � «�, 'yam J < .F w� 9.. 04 �p"Rt•i. 4 t jr. r`� � �� `. i ,� � ,' �•. :. ��.: 1 � }✓}�s fir.' 10 :• 1 Ll 13 i y < cmhY � Criteria: (ST=SLD) AND (AREA=413) AND (TYP=1) AND (XFEA=A) AND (DTYP=A); 02/02/02 14:07 SOLD RESIDENTIAL Paae: S LSTNG # ADDRESS ------- UNIT# PRICE -------------- FEATURES SQ FT COE AR RE: S 99396 14418 N FOUNTAIN H BL• 159,900 ----------- 33RXQ2C ----- 1805 ----- 01/01 --- 413 --- S 59903 15019 N MAYFLOWER DR 215,000 32XPSQ2G+DE 1955 09/01 413 2 S 1438052 15870 E TREVINO DR 229,900 32RXQ2G 2347 03/00 413 S 1394969 14323 E THOROUGHBR TR. 288,500 32FRDX2G 2200 09/99 413 4 S 1624269 10621 N EAGLE LN• 325,000 FDXPSTHQALN 2404 10/01 413 5 S 1459316 15530 E CACTUS DR. 325,500 44X3G 2651 04/00 413 6 S 1516895 15868 N ASPEN DR 429,900 44FRDXPSQ2G 4165 09/00 413 7 S 1466034 14901 N MARATHON DR� 593,000 43RDXXXPSA3 3200 09/00 413 8 S 1423511 15747 E GREYSTONE DR- 650,000 76FRDXXPSQA 5550 03/00 413 9 S 1636745 14705 E GOLDEN EAG BL 750,000 44FRXPQN4G+ 4418 06/01 413 10 S 1513405 15721 E TEPEE DR' 808,750 44FRDXLPSQA 4535 06/01 413 11 S 1685649 16648 N BOULDER DR*--PCAn- 839,900 44FRDXXPSQ7 4039 01/02 413 12 S 1497132 16648 E KINGSTREE BL-^ 1,150,000 45FRDXPSQA3 6150 05/00 413 13 Total RES listings: 13 Average Sale Price: $ 520,411 Average Market Time: 101 wzr -Su�?"fv 5'� TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR TOWN COUNCILMEM ROY PEDERSON, ACTViG MARCH 19, 2002 AND WN MANAGER FIRE DISTRICT PROPERTY TAX TRANSFER The attached information is provided to assist the council in making decisions regarding whether to retain Ballot Measure 401 for the May 21" election. Please understand that such information is preliminary in nature and is intended more to provide some conceptual appreciation of the financial implications of your decision. Because this matter was placed on the agenda at the eleventh hour, there was simply insufficient time to provide a more thorough analysis. We are providing a sufficient amount of back up information to show how the estimates were derived. In making projections of this nature, absolute accuracy is absolutely impossible. We are guessing about the future based upon the past and the present. However, this should be adequate to provide some sense of the order of magnitude in which future budgets can be impacted by the assumption of fire protection services. MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Roy Pederson, Acting Town Manager FROM: Julie Ghetti, Supervisor, Accounting RE: Revenue/Expenditure Estimates FY2002 006 DATE: March 19, 2002 As requested I have prepared an estimate of General Fund revenues and expenditures for fiscal year 2002-2003 taking into consideration the additional costs associated with providing fire protection services. I also took the opportunity to review the Five Year Financial Plan for the General Fund which had been presented to past Councils. This summary reveals that the Town could be operating at a deficit beginning in fiscal year 2002-2003 based on the following assumptions: 1. The revenue estimates are based on a historical trend analysis and will likely be revised when the League publishes their report on estimated revenues for fiscal year 2002-2003. It is uncertain at this time about the effect of the State's economy on State Shared Revenues. Local Sales Tax reflects declining construction activity and increased retail activity (Target and Fry's centers) resulting in level total receipts. Further analysis of retail activity at the two centers will be necessary in order to provide better estimates. 2. Revenues do not include a proposed $2.4 million in primary property tax revenue. 3. Fiscal year 2002-2003 revenues include approximately $1,000,000 of Fire District funds that will be distributed to the Town after July 1, 2002. 4. Expenditures are based on current level of service with an inflation factor of approximately 5 — 10% depending on the category. 5. Fire protection services are assumed to be contractual through 2005-2006 with annual increases for inflation. 6. Transfers/Debt Service includes the required debt service payments and a minimal ($200,000) annual transfer to HURF to fund street maintenance projects. I hope that this information is helpful and if you have any questions or would like further information please do not hesitate to ask. 17t oo110000000o e�` 000000'IT 00 O �o o - nooo0o0 d 00000s9�os9se 0 � oot0 N O� O N O M ••-O� � d' CT N a - 00 •--O � � M O 00 U [� O� vi N O h O� O oo U�. �� O oo N O �O O M N f1� � 00 11O N�� N 00 N N N O� O O �• =G_» O 00 0 .�' 00 xn h O M kn V 69 69 00 M DD " Vl M rr 69 N 69 �' Vl 1,O N ,--� O of K 64» 6) 69 69 69 69 a 69 69 69 69 69 w 69 �--i n, a ,r O O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O 00 O .b O 00 1100 O O O O O O O) .b O O O O O 69 kn 69 69 CD y O o0 c� O o0 01 n O M k, y _ O N kn N kn 'P O N �' ••-� •--� N M O a, ••-+ N DD CT h M {:i . 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F Personnel Department Council Court Administration Community Ctr Bldg Safety Engineering Comm. Dev. Parks & Rec -FPNP -FtnPark -DVNP -GEP Public Works Marshal Fire Dept TOTAL GENERALFUND SALARIES AND BENEFITS - FIVE YEAR CIP Budgeted Revised Est. Projected Projected Projected 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 $39,460 $39,460 $39,460 $39,460 $39,460 $289,800 $297,765 $312,653 $328,286 $344,700 $805,400 $847,500 $965,275 $1,013,539 $1,139,616 $196,258 $225,650 $236,933 $248,779 $261,218 $462,700 $423,650 $444,833 $467,074 $490,428 $675,930 $636,200 $668,010 $701,411 $736,481 $307,730 $299,000 $313,950 $329,648 $346,130 $467,790 $381,320 $400,386 $447,405 $469,776 $50,300 $42,220 $44,331 $46,548 $48,875 $50,540 $47,276 $49,640 $52,122 $54,728 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138,030 $125,380 $171,649 $180,231 $229,243 $44,810 $45,255 $47,518 $49,894 $52,388 $945,700 $762,100 $992,985 $1,042,634 $1,094,766 $4,474,400 $4,172,800 $4,687,600 $4,947,000 $5,307,800 Page 1 ContSvcs CONTRACT SERVICES - FIVE YEAR CIP Budgeted lRevised Est. I Projected Projected Projected Department 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Comm. Center $10,300 $10,285 $0 $0 $0 Court $10,500 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 Administration $1,420,200 $1,200,000 $1,260,000 $1,323,000 $1,389,150 -Information Tech. $65,600 $68,880 $72,324 $75,940 $79,737 -Kiwanis $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Civic Center $0 $5,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 Bldg Safety $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Engineering $120,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Comm.Devel. $25,000 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Parks & Rec $228,500 $2,000 $2,200 $2,420 $2,662 -FPNP $23,000 $23,000 $25,300 $27,830 $30,613 -DVNP $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -Ftn Park $110,000 $121,000 $133,100 $146,410 $161,051 -GEP $0 $110,000 $121,000 $133,100 $146,410 Public Works $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Marshal $1,570,250 $1,570,250 $1,700,000 $1,900,000 $1,900,000 Fire Dept. $0 $0 $2,400,000 $2,640,000 $2,904,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $3,683,4001 $3,321,9001 1 $5,980,4001 $6,520,2001 $6,890,100 Page 1 Rep&Maint El REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE - FIVE YEAR CIP Budgeted Revised Est. Projected Projected Projected Department 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Comm. Center $9,800 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 Court $1,200 $1,300 $1,300 $1,500 $1,600 Administration $73,900 $70,000 $77,000 $84,700 $93,170 -Info Technology $51,425 $48,000 $48,000 $50,000 $52,000 -Kiwanis $2,000 $1,000 $7,000 $7,500 $7,500 Civic Center $12,000 $6,000 $6,600 $7,260 $7,986 Lib/Museum $6,600 $6,600 $7,260 $7,986 $8,785 Bldg Safety $6,000 $2,500 $2,750 $3,025 $3,328 Engineering $5,500 $3,000 $3,300 $3,630 $3,993 Comm.Devel. $100 $1,000 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 Parks & Rec $1,000 $1,100 $1,210 $1,331 $1,464 -FPNP $38,100 $40,700 $44,770 $49,247 $54,172 -Ftn Park $132,500 $162,470 $178,717 $196,589 $216,248 -DVNP $60,500 $40,000 $44,000 $48,400 $53,240 -GEP $86,500 $90,750 $99,825 $109,808 $120,788 Public Works $538,800 $475,000 $522,500 $574,750 $632,225 Marshal $27,140 $22,000 $24,200 $26,620 $29,282 Fire Dept. $0 $100,000 $110,000 $121,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,053,100 $974,400 $1,169,600 $1,283,500 $1,408,000 Page 1 Supp&Svcs SUPPLIES AND SERVICES - FIVE YEAR CIP Budgeted Revised Est. Projected Projected Projected Department 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Comm. Center $7,000 $10,000 $0 0 $0 Mayor/Council $65,200 $26,000 $28,600 $31,460 $34,606 Court $22,150 $10,000 $11,000 $12,100 $13,310 Administration $808,200 $850,630 $935,693 $1,029,262 $1,132,189 -Kiwanis $6,600 $1,000 $1,100 $1,210 $1,331 -Info. Technology $97,590 $65,890 $72,479 $79,727 $87,700 Civic Center $144,300 $144,300 $158,730 $174,603 $192,063 Library/Museum $63,400 $63,400 $69,740 $76,714 $84,385 Bldg Safety $40,350 $51,040 $56,144 $61,758 $67,934 Engineering $43,400 $27,000 $29,700 $32,670 $35,937 Comm.Devel. $50,250 $63,525 $69,878 $76,865 $84,552 Parks & Rec $49,650 $57,090 $62,799 $69,079 $75,987 -FPNP $61,950 $36,000 $39,600 $43,560 $47,916 -DVNP $13,500 $4,620 $5,082 $5,590 $6,149 -Ftn Park $172,650 $95,000 $104,500 $114,950 $126,445 -GEP $73,700 $78,000 $85,800 $94,380 $103,818 Public Works $86,400 $64,350 $70,785 $77,864 $85,650 Marshal $92,400 $92,037 $101,241 $111,365 $122,501 Fire Dept. $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1 $1,898,7001 1 $1,739,9001 1 $2,002,9001 1 $2,193,2001 1 $2,402,500 Page 1 CapOutlay tipw CAPITAL OUTLAY/DEBT SERVICE - FIVE YEAR CIP Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Department 2001-02 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Comm. Center $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Mayor/Council $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Court $7,000 $7,000 $7,700 $8,470 $9,317 Administration $167,800 $160,000 $184,000 $211,600 $243,340 -Kiwanis $500,000 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 -Info Technology $86,575 $100,000 $115,000 $132,250 $152,088 Civic Center $670,000 $650,000 $425,000 $425,000 $425,000 Library/Museum $0 Bldg Safety $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 Engineering $22,100 $22,100 $30,000 $0 $0 Comm.Devel. $23,000 $23,500 $0 $0 $0 Parks & Rec $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -FPNP $55,000 $55,000 $63,250 $72,738 $83,648 -Ftn Park $0 $23,750 $27,313 $31,409 $36,121 -DVNP $2,500 $2,500 $2,875 $3,306 $3,802 -GEP $60,000 $2,500 $2,875 $3,306 $3,802 Public Works $10,000 $10,000 $11,000 $12,100 $13,310 Marshal $40,900 $30,000 $33,000 $36,300 $39,930 Fire Dept. $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1 1 $1,644,9001 1 $1,086,400 $1,012,000 $1,076,500 $1,150,400 Page 1 0 Law Offices of William E. Farrell, P.L.L.C. Tel (480) 837-5750 William E. Farrell Fax (480) 837-5805 E-mail billfarrcll(&gwest. net STAFF REPORT TO: Mayor and Council Acting Town Manager Town Clerk FROM: William E. Farrell Town Attorney DATE: March 21, 2002 RE: Possible Removal Of Two Items From The General Election Ballot Regarding ® Proposition 400 Base Limit Adjustment & Proposition 401 Primary Property Tax Building A. 16838 E. Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 As you are aware, on February 7, 2002 the Town Council passed Resolution 2002-09 and 2002-10, directing that two questions be placed before the voters of the Town of Fountain Hills at the General Election on May 21, 2002. These two questions, known as Proposition 400 and 401, would have sought voter approval to increase the expenditure limitation of the Town and to authorize a primary property tax levy for the next fiscal year. Both requests were driven in a large part by an action taken by the Council on October 31, 2001, wherein the Town by Ordinance 01-18 agreed to provide fire and emergency medical services to the residents. The result of Ordinance 01-18 was the merger of the Fire District into the Town and the assumption by the Town of the assets and liabilities of the District. The District fire board resisted the transfer until late November and it was early December before the Town was able to actually obtain control of the assets and liabilities and to review the spending habits and practices of the District. It became apparent to Town Staff that the expenditures for fire protection and emergency medical services were going to be general fund expenditures of the Town, and as such count against the Town's expenditure limitation. We were already aware that the Town's present budget placed it at or near the ceiling of the expenditure limitation, even though the Town had cash revenues and reserves in excess of the expenditure limitation. Memorandum Re: Possible Removal of Two Items From The General Election Ballot Regarding Proposition 400 Base Limit Adjustment & Proposition 401 Primary Property Tax March 21, 2002 Page 2 County Treasurer Mr. Doug Todd graciously agreed to continue to collect the taxes and to administer the expenditures of the District until the end of the fiscal year which is June 30, 2002. Director of Administration Cassie Hansen and Accounting Supervisor Julie Ghetti then set about a program to see whether or not the Economic Estimates Commission would grant the Town any special or extraordinary relief because of the unusual circumstances of the take over. The Voluntary Fire District is not subject to an expenditure limitation like the County and the Town are. The legislature, however, had in other municipalities placed some law on the books that would allow for a one time adjustment by the Economic Estimates Commission if they chose to do so. Accounting Supervisor Ghetti diligently worked with the Arizona League of Cities and Towns and the Economic Estimates Commission over the past three and a half months, and last Thursday, March 14, 2002 her hard work and efforts paid off handsomely for the Town. Mrs. Ghetti, along with Mr. Paul Nordin, appeared at a public meeting of the Economic Estimates Commission on behalf of the Town and at the conclusion of the meeting were present when the Economic Estimates Commission by a unanimous vote made a $4,107,576 adjustment to the Town's base limit, therefore making our 2002/2003 expenditure limitation $19,366,177. Prop 400 would have, if approved by the voters, adjusted our expenditure limitation to $20,284,124. It is the opinion of Staff that the voter -approved base limit adjustment would not be needed in light of the action last week of the Economic Estimates Commission. $19,366,177 is more than adequate to not only continue fire and emergency medical service as a general fund entry, but also to provide for cash payments on capital projects should the Council wish to continue on a pay-as-you-go basis and not incur debt. Late Thursday afternoon we contacted the County Elections Department and determined that the ballot question on the base limit adjustment could be removed from the May 21 General Election but that the County Elections Department would have to have a decision by Friday, March 22 in order for the ballots to be printed on time for the General Election. I have sent such a letter to the County Elections Department requesting that they hold the final printing of the ballots until after our Council Meeting on Thursday, March 21, 2002. The Staff would feel very comfortable recommending to the Council that the Council consider the removal of Proposition 400 from the May 21, 2002 General Election Ballot. The amount of the increase given by the Economic Estimates Commission is more than adequate to allow the Council to continue to function as they see fit regarding capital expenditures and budget for at least the next four years, and should events change of a marked nature over the next several years, the voters could again be asked the question on expenditure limitation at the May 2004 General Election. Z A W PDATA\F H\Agendat[emMEM.wpd Memorandum Re: Possible Removal of Two Items From The General Election Ballot Regarding Proposition 400 Base Limit Adjustment & Proposition 401 Primary Property Tax March 21, 2002 Page 3 This left staff with the question of whether or not to recommend to the Council the elimination of the Primary Property Tax Levy question for the May 21, 2002 General Election. The request for voter approval of a primary property tax was the discussion of much of the debate and much of the print material concerning the recently -completed primary election. The tax has been labeled variously as a new tax and a replacement tax, and Staff does not wish to engage in that debate as part of this agenda issue. The single largest source of income for the Fountain Hills Voluntary Fire District since its inception has been its annual levy of a property tax against the real property of the citizens of the Town of Fountain Hills. Since the District merged into the Town, there will not be a property tax levied for the support of the District against the property of town residents for the 2002/2003 fiscal year. Should Council decide to withdraw the question from the May 21, 2002 election, then each and every property owner of the Town will receive the benefit of the possibility of a tax reduction. Increased assessed valuation by the County Assessor and actions of other taxing bodies such as the State, the County and the School District could in fact cause what should be a reduction in property taxes to actually become an increase. There would, however, be no tax collected for the Voluntary Fire District. The Town of Fountain Hills voter -approved tax for bond issues would still continue to appear on property tax bills There are sufficient cash reserves to operate and fund the contract with Rural Metro for at least one if not two calendar years under the present revenue flows from sales tax and other income items without a property tax. At the end of the second fiscal year, assuming a number of factors, it is possible that the Town would then need to seek additional income from tax payers through either increased sales taxes or a property tax levy to continue to provide the levels of service in all departments currently provided. It has been suggested by some that the new Council that will be sworn in June of this year should have the opportunity to determine how fire and emergency medical services are paid for. It has further been pointed out that four members of that Council were not on the Council that acted in October of 2001 or in February of 2002 when these issues regarding operation of services and property tax were voted upon. It is also been pointed out that there is litigation over the legality of the October meeting in 2001 and the possible liability of multiple employment contracts given to fire fighters by the Fire District. Both those lawsuits have now been filed and served and although it remains my opinion as Town ZAW PDATA\FH\AgendaItemMEM. wpd Memorandum Re: Possible Removal of Two Items From The General Election Ballot Regarding Proposition 400 Base Limit Adjustment & Proposition 401 Primary Property Tax March 21, 2002 Page 4 Attorney that neither will result in any liability or reversal of action by the Courts, they have not been settled and will be actively litigated during the next twelve months. Staff does not make a recommendation one way or the other on removing the property tax; however, we would recommend to the Council that you give us direction to eliminate the base adjustment question proposition 400 from the May 21, 2002 ballot and give us your recommendation on the remaining item, Proposition 401. ZAW PDATA\FHW gendaltemMEM.wpd 02Administration ' Pagel of 2 DIVISION 2. CITY COURT JUDGES AND HEARING OFFICERS Sec. 2-26. Appointment and qualification of judges. (a) All judges of the city court of the city must meet the minimum following qualifications: (1) Possess a law degree from an accredited law school and be a member of the State Bar of Arizona in good standing for a minimum period of five (5) years; and (2) Have sufficient experience and temperament to preside over the city court and continue to meet all qualifications as may be established by the Arizona Supreme Court or as required by law for such judges. (b) The presiding judge of the city court and such other judges as deemed necessary shall be appointed by the city council. The length of term of office for such judges shall be a minimum of two (2) years as determined by the city council. (Ord. No. 1145, § I, 2-12, 5-16-85, in part; Ord. No. 94.14, 6-30-94) Editor's Note - Ord. No. 94.22, 7-14-94, expressed council approval of the appointment of all judges of the City Court, regular and pro tempore, to serve as juvenile hearing officers by the presiding judge of the Maricopa County Juvenile Court. Sec. 2-27. Filling of vacancies. In the event of the death, resignation, suspension or removal of a city courtjudge, such vacancy may be filled for the unexpired term of office. The city council may suspend or remove a judge: (1) For any reason authorized by law; (2) Whenever the judge is unable to perform the duties of the office; or (3) For failure to meet the minimum qualifications of the position. (Ord. No. 1145, § I, 2-13, 5-16-85, in part; Ord. No. 94.14, 6-30-94) Sec. 2-28. Temporary judges. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this division, the presiding judge of the city court may appoint judges to serve on a temporary or "pro tempore" basis. Such judges shall be compensated on a contractual or hourly basis, shall not be eligible for any benefits as a full-time employee and shall be appointed for a term as set forth by the presiding judge of the city court. (Ord. No. 1145, § 1, 2-14, 5-16-85, in part; Ord. No. 94.14, 6-30-94) Sec. 2-29. Appointment and qualifications of court hearing officers. (a) The presiding judge of the city court may appoint court hearing officers who shall have the power to hear and adjudicate civil offenses. Court hearing officers appointed by the presiding judge must meet the following qualifications: (1) All qualifications as may be established, from time to time, by the Arizona Supreme Court or as may be required by statute for such officers; and (2) Possess a law degree from an accredited law school or a bachelor's degree with at http://www.tempe.gov/citycode/02administration.htm 3/20/2002 02Administration Page 2 of 2 least three (3) years of experience in the area of traffic law or a related field. (W (b) Court hearing officers shall be appointed for a tern of two (2) years and may be removed during the term by the presiding judge for cause and after a hearing. Court hearing officers shall comply with all personnel rules and regulations of the city as applicable and shall be nonclassified exempt employees. (c) The presiding judge of the city court may appoint one or more court hearing officers to serve on a temporary or "pro tempore" basis as may be required by the city court, to serve under the authority of the presiding judge. Such hearing officers shall be compensated on a contractual or hourly basis, shall not be eligible for any benefits as a full time employee and shall be appointed for a term as set forth by the presiding judge of the city court. (d) The powers and duties of the court hearing officers shall be those as may be established by statute or the rules of the Arizona Supreme Court or the presiding judge of the city court relating to such hearing officers. (Ord. No. 94.14, 6-30-94) http://www.tempe.gov/citycode/02administration.htm 3/20/2002 13:45 GILEFRT MUNICIPAL COLT = . 02 JUDICIAL. SELECTION PROCESS GILBERT M NiCYP.AL. CODE ARTICLE M. APPrJiiNT"VfEti7 Cc ILTGES OF TIC MUNICIPAL COURT Sec. 22-41, Applicability. This article shall apply to the appointment of fill -time and part-time judges and judges pro tetzmpore of the Gilbert Municipal Court This article shall not apply to appointment of the presiding judge. (Ord. No. 1074, § I, 12-9-97) Sec. 22-42. Selection comma-ttee. (a) The presiding judge shall appoint a judicial selection committee which shall review applications for judges of the municipal court. (b) The committee shall consist of at least the following: (1) At least one member of ire State Bar of Arizona, who resides within the town. (2) At least one municipal court magistrate from another Arizona c.=ty or town. (3) Upon recommendation of the mayor, one member of the council. (4) At least three town residents who arc not members of the State Bar of Arizona (5) The court administrator of the Gilbert municipal court. (6) An employment professional as recommended by the personnel director. Additional members of the committee may be appointed by the presiding magistrate as needed. (c) In appointing the committee, the presiding judge shall consider the racial, ethnic, gender and political diversities of the town. (d) The selection committee shall be guided through the selection process by and shall receive guidance on personnel law and procedures from the employment professional, who shall consult with the town attorney. Members of the committee shall disclose to each other and to the presiding judge any cause for bias in favor or against any applicant reviewed. (Ord. No. 1074, § I, 12-9-97) Sec. 22-43, Qualifications of judges of the municipal court. -2W2 13:47 GILEERT MUNICIPAL COURT P.0 (a) Each applicant for full-ti-ne or part-time appointment to the position of judge of the :municipal court shall: (1) Be either (i) a member in good standing of the State Bar of Arizona or (ii) hold a masters degree from an accredited college or university and have at least five years court experience within the State of Arizona; and (2) Have successfully completed a pre-etrployment physical and drug screen test administered by the personnel department prior to final appointment. (b) Each applicant for the position of judge pro tenWre shall: (1) Be either: W a member in good standing of the State Bar of Arizona or (ii) hold a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university and have at least five years experience in courts of limited jurisdiction, within the State of Arizona; and (2) Have successfully completed a drug screen test administer-W by the personnel department prior to final appointment. (Ord. No. 1474, § 1, 12-9-97) Sec. 22-44. Selection process —Full-time or par --time judges of the municipal court. (a) Advertising of vacancy; The position of judge of the municipal court shall be adverrsed state-wide in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the state and in available legal media in a manner such that qualified persons would be reasonable exp=cd to become aware of the advertisement. Applications filed after the deadline set forth in the advertisement shall be received and flied but not reviewed by the selection committee in the first round of review. If a eukable candidate cannot be found from the fast round of review, those filing laze application may be considered by the committee. The adverising of the position shall contain at least the following information: (1) Position title. (2) Position duties. (3) Required experience, academic requirements and other qualifications. C. MAR-20-2003 13:48 GILEERT MU^JICIPAL COURT =.04 (4) SaLary range. (5) Deadline for submittal of applications. (b) RNuired application materials. (7) Location for applications. (8) A statement that the town is an equal opportunity employer. (9) The identity of the presiding judge. (b) Applications: The to wn's general employment application shall be fully completed and submitted to the personnel department by each applicant, along with any letters of reference provided by the applicant at the time of filing. Letters of reference will not be accepted unless submitted with the application. A copy of these procedures shall be provided to each applicant. (c) Selection process: (1) At the first meeting of the selection committee. nIx employment professional shall advise the commmittee on the relevant law pertaining to candidate interviewing in the selection processes. This information shall fast be reviewed by the town attorney. ('1) The court administrator and the employment professional shall act as staff for the committee, as well as have a vote in the selection process, (3) Review and selection of interviewees: The staff shall make copies of all applications timely filers, along with submitted letters of reference and distribute diem to each member of the selection for their review prior to the second meeting of the committee. At the second meeting, the committee shall select at least five candidates to be interviewed. The staff shall arrange for interviews at a time and date approved by the committee. (d) The interview process: (1) Each applicant shall be asked to appear for the interview one hour prior to the scheduled meeting with the comrnitcee. Upon the applicant's arrival, a staff member shall provide each applicant with a number of issues cur-ently facing the court With this Ist will be instructions indicating the applicant has one hour to prepare his or her thoughts in order to discuss these issues with the committee. (?) At the beginning of the interview, members of the committee shall each ircroduce themselves and indicate their role within the town or the local court system. E _- r0 13;49 GILEERT MUNICIPAL COURT D.06 The presiding judge shall provide for periodic evaluation of fulltirne municipal judges prior to ww any subsequent re -appointment of such assistant magistrate. The evaluation shall be based upon inforrnasion both by professional and public participants in the legal process. Any complaints received coneerning a part-time Ju Ages shall be considered prior ro re -appointment. (Ord. No. 1074, § I, 12-9-97 ) C7 TOTAL P.06 MAR-2e-2002 13:48 GILPERT MUNICIPAL COURT M.OT (3) The applicant, during the interview, shall direct the allocation of time and shall discuss the issues presented in any order he may wish. The applicant is free to question the committee and the committee is tree to ask follow-up questions of the applicant after he has completed his presentation. The interview shall not exceed one hour. (4) Staff shall prepare and make availabie an agreed-umm evaluation form on which each member of the committee shall score each applicant (e) Final selection and recommendation: Following the final interviews, the committee may elect to contact references given by the applicants. Ultimately, the cotrtrnittee shall recommend no more than tlzee applicants to fill the position, These recommendations shall be forwarded to the presiding judge with no indication of preference. (f) Judicial intern--ew: The presiding judge, and all full-time judges c=ertly serving the Gilbert Municipal Court, and any judges pro- tempore the Presiding Judge shall appoint for this purpose, shall interview each applicant recommended by the committee. (g) Background checks: Following the interviews, the presiding judge shall authorize a background check of each applicant prior to making a selection for recommendation to the council, This background check may consist of inquiries with the State Bar of Arizona, the Arizona Criminal Information Computer System, the Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct and any other agency deemed necessary by the presiding judge. (h) Reeommendadon to the town council: Following the background checks, the presiding judge shall, upon advice and consent of the full -tune judges currently serving the Gilbert Municipal Court and any judges pro-tempore the Presiding Judge shall appoint for this purpose, recommend one of the final list to the council for appointment to the position of assistant magistrate. The appointment shall be for a term of two year$. (Ord. No. 1074, § 1, 12-9-97) Sec. 22-45. Selection process —Judges pro tcmporr. (a) The council may appoint judges pro Lem -pore on a temporary fulltime or part-time basis without following the adopted selection process described in section 22-44. (b) The selection and appointment of judges pro ternpore shall be upon the recommendation of the presiding judge. See.22-47, Evaluation►. Guide to Arizona Courts Page 1 of 2 Back I AJB I Sitemap I Search THE STRUCTURE OF ARIZONA'S JUDICIARY Today's Court System Has Three Levels LIMITED JURISDICTION COURTS Municipal Courts Many incorporated cities or towns have a Municipal Court, also known as a City Court or Magistrate Court. Municipal Courts have criminal jurisdiction over misdemeanor crimes and petty offenses committed in their city or town. They share jurisdiction with Justice of the Peace Courts over violations of state law committed within their city or town limits. Municipal Court judges (magistrates) hear misdemeanor criminal traffic cases such as driving under the influence of alcohol, hit-and-run and reckless driving where no serious injuries occur. They hear civil traffic cases, violations of city ordinances and codes and issue orders of protection and injunctions prohibiting harassment. They can also issue search warrants and handle domestic violence and harassment cases. They DO NOT hear civil lawsuits between citizens. City charters or ordinances establish the qualifications of these judges, who may not have to be lawyers to serve as judges. City or town councils appoint their judges except in Yuma, where municipal court judges are elected. Judges serve terms set by the city or town council; their terms must be at least two years. Judges have court clerks who provide clerical assistance and schedule cases. In larger cities, the judges may also have court administrators. Previous Page I Next Page Justice of the Peace Courts Each county's board of supervisors sets the geographical boundaries, known as precincts, of that county's Justice of the Peace courts. Generally, Justice of the Peace precincts are larger than city or town limits and typically incorporate an entire city or town, and pieces of other communities as well. Although these geographical boundaries can be changed, the precincts cannot be abolished until the four-year term of the current justice of the peace expires. Justice of the Peace Courts hear traffic cases and certain civil and criminal cases. They can issue search warrants and handle domestic violence and harassment cases. Their civil jurisdiction is limited to cases involving claims of $10,000 or less. Justice courts share jurisdiction with the Superior Court in cases of ® landlord/tenant disputes where damages are between $5,000 and $10,000. They can hear matters regarding possession of, but not title to, real property. Disputes involving amounts greater than $10,000 require that the case be filed in the Superior Court. http://www.supreme.state.az.us/guide/gtc3.htm 3/20/2002 Guide to Arizona Courts Page 2 of 2 ,`. The Superior Court presiding judge in each county appoints special hearing officers to decide small claims cases less than $2,500. Small claims cases are decided before the judge or hearing officer. No attorneys are allowed to represent clients in these cases. Defendants who want to use an attorney may move the case from the small claims division to the civil division of the Justice court. When conducting preliminary hearings on felonies, Justice of the Peace Court judges may require defendants to answer criminal charges in Superior Court. They also may dismiss charges if there is no probable cause to believe the defendant is guilty. Justice of the Peace Courts have criminal jurisdiction over: 1. Petty offenses and misdemeanors,- 2. Assault or battery — when not committed on a public officer in the discharge of the officer's duties, or committed with intent to make the offense a felony; 3. Breaches of peace and committing a willful injury to propert, 4. Misdemeanors and criminal offenses punishable by fines not more than $2,500, or imprisonment in county jail, not more than six months, or both fine and imprisonment; and 5. Felonies, for the purpose of issuing warrants and conducting preliminary hearings. Previous Page I Next Page Court Personnel Most justice of the peace precincts have an elected constable. The constable's duties are to "execute, serve and return all processes and legal documents as directed by the court." Some statutes relating to sheriffs also govern the powers, duties and liabilities of constables. The justice of the peace usually has one or more court clerks to provide clerical assistance and maintain court records. Additionally, Justice of the Peace Courts in some busy urban precincts have a court administrator. Justice of the Peace Qualifications A Justice of the Peace: . Is elected to a four-year term. • Must be at least 18 years old. • Must be an Arizona resident. • Must be a qualified voter in the precinct in which duties of office will be performed. • Must read and write English. • Need not be an attorney. Previous Page I Next rage 04 January 2002 02001 Arizona Supreme Court. All Rights Reserved. Top of Page http://www.supreme.state.az.us/guide/gtc3.htm 3/20/2002 Mr. Pederson kv March 15, 2002 Page 2 Please contact Qur'an Nero at (602) 542-4641 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Respectfully Submitted, ECONOMIC ESTIMATES COMMISSION Mar W. Killian Chairman cc: Julie Ghetti, Accounting Supervisor William E. Farrell, Town Attorney U - `I�A f) L E J TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FY 2002/03 EXPENDITURE LIMITATION permanent adjustment to expenditure limit due to the acquisition of a fire dist: actual FY 79/80 base Limit $3,302,273 Fire District's FY 2002 budget $3,350,896 2000/1978 population factor 1.8749 2000/1978 inflation factor 2.2194 Increase amount $805,303 adjusted FY 79/80 base limit $4,107,576 EXAMPLE 1 current expenditure limitation 2001/1978 FY 2002/03 2001/1978 population inflation 79/80 base Expenditure factor factor limit __. = Limitation 2.0795 2.2673 $3,302,273 $15,569,378 EXAMPLE 2 Fire Dist adjustment 2001/1978 _ . adjusted _ FY 2002/03 2001/1978 population inflation 79/80 base Expenditure factor factor limit = Limitation 2.0795 2.2673 $4,107,576 $19,366,177 EXAMPLE 3 voter approved base limit adjustment 2001/1978 adjusted FY 2002/03 2001/1978 population inflation 79/80 base . Expenditure factor *. factor * limit - Limitation _ . _:. 2.0795 2.2673 $4,302,273 $20,284,124 EXAMPLE 4 fire district adjustment & voter approved base limit adjustment 2001/1978 adjusted FY 2002/03 2001 /1978 population inflation 79/80 base Expenditure factor `factor limit = Limitation 2.0795 2.2673 $5,107,576 $24,080,923 * On May 21, 2002, voters will be asked to approve a $1 million dollar base limit adjustment beginning with FY 2002/03. PREPARED BY EEC STAFF 3/13/02 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS General Fund ($ in millions) Actual Estimated Projected 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 Total Operating Revenues $11.8 $11.7 $13.2 Total Operating Expenditures ($9.9) ($11.1) ($16.6) Operating Surplus/(Shortfall) $1.9 $0.6 ($3.4) Project Related Expenditures ($3.5) ($2.1) ($1.0) Fire Transfer - - $1.0 Carry Forward $6.3 $4.7 $3.2 Net Surplus/(Shortfall) $4.7 $3.2 ($0.2) U ECONOMIC ESTIMATES COMMISSION REVENUE BUILDING - 1600 W. MONROE - PHOENIX AZ 85007 JANE DEE HULL GOVERNOR March 15, 2002 Mr. Roy Pederson Acting Manager Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RE: Final 2002/03 Expenditure Limitation for Fountain Hills MARK W. KILLIAN Chairperson ROBERT J. EGGERT, SR. Member ELLIOTT D. POLLACK Member During the Economic Estimates Commission meeting on March 14, 2002, the commission was asked to approve a $805,303 base limit adjustment for the Town of Fountain Hills due to the acquisition of Fountain Hills Fire District in October of 2001. The commission was also informed of the town's plans to ask voters to approve a $1,000,000 base limit adjustment during the May 2002 elections. After reviewing the facts, the commission voted and approved the base limit adjustment for the fire district. This $805,303 permanent base adjustment has the following effect on Fountain Hills' expenditure limitation for fiscal year 2002/03: TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Pre-3/02 Expenditure Limitation Calculation Post-3/02 Expenditure Limitation Calculation 2001 Population 21,190 21,190 1978 Population 10,190 10,190 Population Factor 2.0795 2.0795 Inflation Factor 2.2673 2.2673 Pre-3/02 Base Limit $3,302,273 Post-3/02 Base Limit $4,107,576 FY 2002/03 Expenditure Limitation $15,569,378 $19,366,177 In addition, the commission also agreed to approve the $1,000,000 permanent base limit adjustment conditioned on voter approval at the May 2002 elections. Should voters approve the increase, the final expenditure limitation for fiscal year 2002/03 including both adjustments, will be $24,080,923.