HomeMy WebLinkAboutMMPC.2021.0517.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MCDOWELL MOUNTAIN PRESERVATION COMMISSION MAY 17, 2021 CALL TO ORDER welcome new MMPC Commissioner Steven Nurney Meeting called to order at 5:01 pm followed by Steven Nurney being welcomed as the newest commissioner to join MMPC. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioner Thomas Aiello; Commissioiner Bill Craig; Chairman Scott Grzybowski; Commissioner Janice Holden; Commissioner DJ Willard; Commissioner Steven Nurney Absent: Vice Chairman Tom Barberic Staff Community Services Director Rachael Goodwin; Executive Assistant Patti Present: Lopuszanski 3. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R. S. §38-431.01(H), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters NOT listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and (h) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during Call to the Public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual commissioners may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter, or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. None 4. CONSIDERATION OF Approving the April 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes MOVED BY Commissioner DJ Willard and SECONDED BY Commissioner Janice Holden to approve the minutes of the April 27, 2021, meeting. VOTE: 6-0, Passed 5. UPDATE on Adero Canyon Trail (ACT) head Ms. Goodwin reported that everything is open and operable at Adero Canyon Trail (ACT). The water pressure issue was resolved with the installation of a pump with the help of EPCOR. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of May 17, 2021 2 of 4 6. UPDATE from working group on future trail priorities Bill Craig sent out a work group summary from the meeting he attended on May 12, 2021 with Chairman Grzybowski, Commissioner Willard, Ms. Goodwin and Mr. Snipes. It was discussed that the Sonoran Conservancy would start the process suggesting the priority of future trails. Sonoran Conservancy would bring recommendations to the commission after they have voted on it, and then present their proposals to MMPC for consideration to determine if they agree with the trail priorities. Once MMPC has voted to follow through with that recommendation it will be given to Ms. Goodwin to bring to Town Council for final approval. Ms. Goodwin informed newly appointed Commissioner Nurney that MMPC is the commission that is Council appointed and carries the burden of formality to make recommendations to Council. Once the Sonoran Conservancy comes back with their input and options on what they propose, MMPC will discuss and have consensus to go to council. Chairman Gryzbowski discussed the need to look at working on a Master Trails Plan that would cover the next 10 years. DISCUSSION on The Guidelines for Management of the Preserve Commissioner Willard discussed input that was received for the Guidelines for Management of the Preserve. Ms. Goodwin requested that Mr. Snipes get his eyes on the plan to review before it is approved. It was put on hold until the June meeting to be added as a Discussion and Consideration item. Chairman Gryzbowski added the need for a Master Trails Plan and a timeline of the next projects to be considered. 8. DISCUSSION on Issues Bin Chairman Gryzbowski will be creating and maintaining a Google Doc for all to share and review on the MMPC Commission with items to be worked on. There are 13 items currently with some assigned to a working group. Chairman Gryzbowski and Vice Chair Barberic will take items #2 and #3. Chairman Gryzbowski researched ebike restrictions and found the Town Code ambiguous in the wording. He expressed the need to review and prepare a clearer statement from MMPC. Ebikes are restricted from trails by the Town and noted on trail signs. It was agreed that the functions of the work groups and members were as follows: Working Groups: Commissioner Craig, Commissioner Aiello and Commissioner Barberic (Trails) and Commissioner Holden, Commissioner Nurney, and Commissioner Willard (Marketing and communications). McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of May 17, 2021 3 of 4 9. UPDATE from Sonoran Conservancy Commissioner Holden reported that many members of the Sonoran Conservancy are out of town and leadership changes have occurred. Maps will be located at the Community Center until the end of June when renovations will begin. Town Hall and the Chamber of Commerce will also have maps available for visitors. Commissioner Holden will be working on guidelines for the Sonoran Conservancy. Commissioner Craig estimates the trailblazers will be completing the Lower Ridgeline Trail within 4-6 weeks from the start of the trailblazing season that is set to start in November. A trail steward program was discussed where there would be a volunteer for each of the trails to go through and do light maintenance twice a year. 10. REVIEW AND DISCUSSION of Trail Counter Activity and Trail Counter Recorder Paul Garvey had created the spreadsheets and workbook to report the monthly trail activity. Stan Ruden is currently providing the counts on a monthly basis for reporting to MMPC. Ms. Goodwin shared that this data is used to justify financial and staffing choices, establish trends where high use is, and where help is needed. This information also helps to support claims for grants. 11. UPDATE on Community Services Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan Ms. Goodwin presented the Master Plan draft to Town Council in April and received their feedback on recommended changes. The Master Plan will be going before council for final adoption on June 1 St. This ten year plan will be a guide for Community Services and a living document that can change. This was the last piece needed for the NRPA award application. Fountain Hills is one of 4 communities in the nation to be a finalist in the 30,000 and under population. The final results will be announced in September at the National Parks and Recreation Association conference. 12. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:44pm. MOVED BY Commissioner Thomas Aiello SECONDED BY Commissioner Janice Holden to adjourn the meeting. VOTE: 6-0 Passed. McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission Meeting of May 17, 2021 4 of 4 MCDOWELV ODUTAIN ADVISORY COMMISSY ATTEST AND PREPARED BY: Patti Lopuszans , E utive Assistant L CERTIFICATION Grzybowski I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Advisory Commission in the Town Hall Council Chambers on the 11`�day of , 2021. 1 further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. DATED this 19X4day of A, , 2021. *attfliusza ski, ecutive Assistant