HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.0812.TCSEW.Packet0'tAIN 3 0�. 4 'bat is 9a NOTICE OF SPECIAL, EXECUTIVE AND WORK STUDY SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Beydler Councilman Melendez Vice Mayor Fraverd Councilman Archambault Councilwoman Nicola Councilman Kavanagh Councilwoman Ralphe WHEN: MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 2002 TIME: 5:00 P.M. WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 E. Palisades, Building B 0 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL — Mayor Beydler 1.) Consideration of EXTENDING THE CONTRACT with Sintra Hoffman for town manager services. 2.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38431.03.A.4., VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR: Discussion or consultation with the attorneys of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its attorneys regarding the public body's position regarding contracts that are the subject of negotiations, in pending or contemplated litigation or in settlement discussions conducted in order to avoid or resolve litigation, specifically mediation in the Hoffman/Robinson/Knapp vs. Town, et al litigation. 3.) RETURN TO SPECIAL SESSION. 4.) DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING MEDIATION CONTINUATION to August 13, 2002. 5.) ADJOURN THE SPECIAL SESSION AND CONVENE THE WORK STUDY SESSION AT 6:30 P.M. PLEASE NOTE — THIS IS A WORK STUDY SESSION FOR THE TOWN COUNCIL. THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME TO ATTEND AND OBSERVE BUT NO PUBLIC COMMENT WILL BE TAKEN UNTIL THE AUGUST 15 COUNCIL MEETING. THE WORK STUDY SESSION IS SCHEDULED FROM 6:30 P.M. TO 7:30 P.M. 6.) Discussion of the PRELIMINARY PLAT for the 9-lot, 11.104± acre, Sierra Madre Estates, Phase 1, located along the northwest side of Sierra Madre Drive, southwest of Golden Eagle Boulevard, Case Number S2001-16. The discussion will include but not be limited to an independent traffic engineer's re ort by Burgess Niple requested by the Town Council at the July 2 council meeting. 7.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 8t' day of August, 2002. L"e4�1 sz By: Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration own Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting. Burgess-Niple Traffic Engineering Review.doc Chron 167 O�^fAT11T o � � u 0 that is is TO: Honorable Mayor and Con '1 FROM: Randy L. Harrel DATE: August 12, 2002 Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Public Works Department MEMORANDUM RE: Burgess & Niple's Traffic Engineering Review for Sierra Madre Estates Staff has reviewed the initial submittal of Burgess & Niple's traffic report (dated 5-9-02). Our initial review comments to the report are attached for your review. If the Council wishes to incorporate Burgess Niple's initial recommendations, as they are currently written and reviewed into this subdivision's design, the following project stipulations could be added: �w • Utilize a 40 mph design speed with sight distances in accordance with the 2001 AASHTO Geometric Design of Highways and Street manual, for new driveway and street intersection design. Therefore: • Grade down the existing "berm" and fully remove and relocate the existing monument sign on the north side of the roadway, where needed for that sight distance. • If that sight distance cannot be achieved due to the existing Sierra Madre roadway surface itself, the Town may, at its discretion, allow supplemental intersection warning signage, median extension (thereby restricting left -turn movements), U-turn prohibitions, or other measures as determined to be additionally appropriate. ITZ att. Burgess-Niple Traffic Engineering Review.doc Chron 167 Review Comments for Burgess & Niple's Traffic Engineering Review Letter of the Sierra Madre Estates Phase I Subdivision Dated 8-9-02 Section 1 - Appropriate Design Speed • Seven of the nine existing intersecting streets and seven of the eleven existing platted lots along Sierra Madre pre -date the Town's incorporation and its subsequent design review. Their sightlines were either designed (like the Sierra Madre roadway itself) for 25 mph, or were undesigned. Many may rate at a much lesser design speed. The two Town approved street intersections were designed for 30 mph. Why should the proposed street and two proposed driveway intersections be designed so much higher (40 mph) and so inconsistent with the remainder of the existing roadway corridor? • You correctly note that "The addition of driveways and streets will typically cause drivers to decrease their speeds. With the addition of the proposed driveways and street, one would expect to see a decline in the existing 85`h percentile speed." Yet, you made no allowance for that anticipated drop in your recommended design speed recommendations. Why not? Section 2 and 3 - Intersection Sight Distance Standards Comparison • The AASHTO values you noted are generally the basic values extracted directly from the AASHTO GDHS tables for the various turning movements. Shouldn't those values be adjusted for the: • Minor street (Princess Court) or driveway approach grade (per GDHS Exhibit 9-54 and 9-57). • Major street (Sierra Madre) approach grade (into a sag) (per GDHS Exhibit 9-53 and page 664). • Major street roadway and median width (per GDHS Exhibit 9-54) • The "available/provided" sightlines were calculated based on the Town's (and MCDOT's) standard sightline requirement of 2' of ground clearance in landscaped areas to allow for short shrub growth (trees in critical locations have to be adequately spaced and/or skirted up in roadway crest locations). Please review: Do the AASHTO requirements specifically require this sightline ground clearance and, if not, do the sightlines provided actually then come close to meeting the GDHS requirements for the 40 mph speed? Or, by deleting shrubs in the critical areas, could the sightline be taken at the ground line? • The listed AASHTO "left turn from the Lots 3 and 4 driveway and Princess Court" values of 365' (for 30 mph) and 490 (for 35 mph) are 10% higher than the GDHS basic values (of 335' and 445" respectively) but the lot 1 and 2 driveway values were not increased. Why? We would have expected the following adjustments: M Burgess-Niple Traffic Engineering Review.doc Chron 167 • Minor street (or driveway) approach grade • Major street approach grade (into a sag): Looking left (Looking right) • Major street width Net change - looking left (looking right) Change in required sightline (+ = increase, NC = no change) Princess Court Lots 1 - 2 Lots 3 - 4 NC (-) (-) NC (+) + 0 NC (-) + (+ +) NC (-) NC (-) For the right turn from Princess Court the "available/provided" distance is listed as 266'; however, we see no obstruction which would limit the available sightline so short. The AASHTO required sightline is listed as 385; however, since traffic has to start from a stop or near -stopped turning or crossing movement at Golden Eagle Boulevard, the actual required sightline should be substantially shorter unless you believe that there will someday be a traffic signal at this intersection (we don't). Section 4 - Left Turn from Sierra Madre into the Lot 3-4 Driveway • The 325' GDHS sightline noted should be adjusted downward 10% based on the 4% uphill approach grade along westbound Sierra Madre (per GDHS, Exhibit 9-53), yet a much flatter (or downhill) grade for the left turning vehicle. Even without considering the above adjustments, the required (325') and available/provided (312') sightline are within the limit of precision of the sightline diagram, and therefore cannot be considered to be computationally significantly different (i.e., it's "close enough"). We do, however, agree that an approach warning sign is an appropriate mitigation measure, as well as the driveway slightly eastward and a small amount of shrub removal in the median. (Please also note that this will be an uncommon movement and serves only two lots --there will probably be about two such left turns per day.) Iq LA BURGESS & NIPLE Mr. Randy Harrel, PE, LS Town of Fountain Hills PO Box 17958 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 August 9, 2002 Re : Sierra Madre Estates Phase I Subdivision Traffic Engineering Review Dear Mr. Harrel: Burgess & Niple, Inc. 5025 East Washington Street This writing is in regards to the Sierra Madre Estates Phase I Subdivision proposed in the Suite 212 northwest quadrant of Fountain Hills consisting of nine, one -acre lots. Lots one and two Phoenix, AZ 85034 and lots three and four will access Sierra Madre Drive through two joint access driveways. 602 244.8100 Lots five through nine will access a new hillside -local classification roadway called Fax 602 244. 1 sl 5 Princess Court that intersects Sierra Madre Drive west of Golden Eagle Boulevard. We have completed the following as requested by the Town: 1. Evaluate the appropriate design speed for streeddrive intersections. 2. Review the Subdivision Ordinance's intersection sight distance vs. the 2001 American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (GDHS) requirements. 3. Review the developer's plan/profile's grading for conformance with AASHTO and Town required streeddriveway sight distance. 4. Review the sight distance for the eastbound to northbound left turn from Sierra Madre onto the lot 3-4 driveways and evaluate whether it meets the AASHTO and Town requirements. S. Evaluate Princess Court intersecting Sierra Madre on the inside of a curve. The following is a list of reference materials utilized during this review: ➢ Sierra Madre Estates Preliminary Plat sheets ➢ Town of Fountain Hill's Subdivision Ordinance ➢ Sightline drawings by Kirkham Michael Consulting Engineers ➢ Left turn from Sierra Madre sightline drawing by Town at lots 34 driveway ➢ Town's intersection sight triangle ➢ Town's roadway sight triangle ➢ Town's sight distance requirements from Subdivision Ordinance ➢ Town's restrictions and pruning requirements within the sight triangle ➢ Letter regarding intersection sight distance and stopping sight distance for Eagle Ridge North and Eagle's Nest ➢ Record drawings of Sierra Madre Drive ➢ Paving plans for Dove Drive and Sierra Madre Drive intersection August 9, 2002 Page 2 ➢ Memorandum regarding traffic s g g peed/volume counts for Sierra Madre Drive near Dove Drive ➢ Roadway functional classification system and transportation traffic counts exhibit from the 2002 General Plan ➢ 2001 AASHTO GDHS Also included later in this writing, are the following from the Town's Subdivision Ordinance: ➢ Table 1 — Road Standards Table ➢ Exhibit 6 — Limited Collector Road Typical Section ➢ Exhibit 7 — Minor Collector Road Typical Section ➢ Exhibit 16 — Sight Distance Requirements 1. Evaluate the appropriate design speed for street/drive intersections. Design speed is a selected speed used to determine the various geometric design features of a roadway. The design speed should be a logical one with respect to the topography, anticipated operating speed, the adjacent land use, and the functional classification of the roadway. The design speed should fit the travel desires and habits of most drivers expected to use a particular facility. A consideration in selecting a design speed is the average trip length. The longer the trip, the greater the driver's desire to use higher speeds. Lower design speeds are generally applicable to local and collector streets through residential areas. They are also applicable to roads with winding alignment in rolling or mountainous terrain or where environmental conditions dictate. High design speeds are generally applicable to roads in level terrain or where environmental conditions are favorable. In evaluating the appropriate design speed for the street/drive intersections, several items were taken into consideration. The first includes the original design speed for Sierra Madre Drive. Based upon record drawings provided by the Town, the roadway design speed for Sierra Madre Drive from Golden Eagle Boulevard to Montezuma Boulevard was 25 miles per hour (mph). Even though the design speed listed was 25-mph, most of Sierra Madre Drive may meet a much higher design speed. The second item is the 30-mph intersection design speed of Dove Drive with Sierra Madre Drive located across from lot number 8 of the proposed Sierra Madre Estates Phase I Subdivision. The other existing street and driveway intersection design speeds along Sierra Madre Drive are unknown. The last item is the recent measured traffic speed taken near Dove Drive on May 29, 2002 through June 2, 2002. The 85`h percentile operating speed was found to be 41-mph. Operating speed is the speed at which drivers operate their vehicles during free flow conditions. The 85`h percentile speed is usually the speed range used by most drivers, and it is the most frequently used means to measure operating speed associated with a particular location. It is desirable that the running speed of a large proportion of drivers be lower than the design speed. Speeds on roadways are governed by such factors as posted speed limits and turns into and out of driveways and intersections. The addition of driveways and streets will typically Burgess & Niple August 9, 2002 Page 3 cause drivers to decrease their speeds. With the addition of the proposed driveways and street, one would expect to see a decline in the existing 85' percentile speed. Sierra Madre Drive is approximately 1 mile long. Recent traffic counts taken 300 feet east and west of Dove Drive indicate that the two-way average daily traffic is 1,367 vehicles per day. Based upon Table I of the Subdivision Ordinance, these items would most closely resemble a minor collector. The existing roadway cross section of Sierra Madre Drive is similar to both a limited collector road (exhibit 6) and a minor collector road (exhibit 7). The minimum design speed for these cross sections are 25-mph and 30-mph respectively. The 2002 Town of Fountain Hills General Plan classifies Sierra Madre Drive as a minor collector. Per the Town's Subdivision Ordinance, the minimum roadway design speed for a minor collector is 30-mph. Normally the design speed selected to determine the various geometric design features would be based upon the topography, the adjacent land use, the functional classification of the roadway, and the anticipated operating speed. In this case, the measured operating speed cannot be ignored. The data obtained by the Town indicates that vehicles are operating at a speed closer to 40-mph. It is appropriate to use a 40-mph design speed to determine the intersection sight distances for the new driveways and Princess Court off Sierra Madre Drive. 2. Review the Subdivision Ordinance's intersection sight distance vs. the 2001 American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Geometric ® Design of Highways and Streets (GDHS) requirements. Sight distance is the length of the roadway ahead that is visible to the driver. The available sight distance on a roadway should be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. We have reviewed the Subdivision Ordinance's intersection sight distance requirements (Exhibit 16) versus the 2001 AASHTO GDHS requirements for passenger cars. The following values listed are the minimum design intersection sight distance requirements per the 2001 AASHTO GDHS, and the Town's Subdivision Ordinance and are as follows: Town AASHTO Town AASHTO (30 mph) (30 mph) (40mph) (40 mph) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) Lots 1 and 2 Driveway Left turn from the driveway 380 335 580 445 Right turn from the driveway 380 290 580 385 Lots 3 and 4 Driveway Left turn from the driveway 380 365 580 490 Right turn from the driveway 380 290 580 385 Princess Court Left turn from Princess Court 380 365 580 490 Right turn from Princess Court 380 290 580 385 Burgess & Niple August 9, 2002 Page 4 As can be seen above, the Subdivision Ordinance's sight g t distance requirements for passenger cars is more than required by the 2001 AASHTO GDHS for each case. I Review the developer's plan/proftle's grading for conformance with AASHTO and Town required streeddriveway sight distance. The developer's plan/profile's grading for the above referenced street/driveway sight distances were reviewed and were compared to the AASHTO requirements for a 40-mph design speed and are as follows: Available/ AASHTO Provided Required (feet) (feet) Lots 1 and 2 Driveway Left turn from the driveway 500 445 Right turn from the driveway 380 385 Lots 3 and 4 Driveway Left turn from the driveway 380 490 Right turn from the driveway 380 385 Princess Court Left turn from Princess Court 380 490 ORight turn from Princess Court 266 385 N Burgess & Niple The available sight distance for a left turn from the lots 1-2 driveway is 500 feet. This meets the AASHTO requirements based upon a 40-mph design speed. For right turns from the driveway, no grading was needed in order to obtain the 380-foot sight distance. In order to provide the minimum 385-foot sight distance as required by AASHTO, grading. may or may not even be needed. For the lots 3-4 driveway, the proposed plans show that grading is required in order to obtain the required intersection sight distance. Additional grading to what has -already been shown may or may not even be needed to provide the minimum AASHTO sight distance requirements for a 40-mph design speed listed above. For the left turn from Princess Court, the proposed plans show that grading is required in order to obtain the required intersection sight distance. Additional grading to what has already been shown will be needed to provide the minimum 490-foot sight distance listed above. For the right tum from Princess Court, the required AASHTO sightline distance of 385 feet ends in the intersection of Golden Eagle Boulevard. The alignment of this sightline intersects the existing north side curb and gutter just west of Golden Eagle Boulevard. The area within this sight triangle shall be clear of any obstructions. Based upon a field visit and record drawings, the intersection sight distance can be obtained with the removal and or relocation of existing vegetation. Also, the developer is providing advanced warning signs for vehicles approaching the proposed Princess Court in each direction. August 9, 2002 Page 5 As shown on the previous page, the Town requires a minimum sight distance of 580 feet for a 40-mph design speed. The developer did not provide profiles indicating whether a 40-mph design speed can be met. The plans provided by the developer do meet the Town's 30-mph design speed. The 40-mph sight distance design speed should be analyzed. 4. Review the sight distance for the eastbound to northbound left turn from Sierra Madre onto the lot 3-4 driveways and evaluate whether it meets the AASHTO and Town requirements. We have calculated the required sight distance for the eastbound to northbound left turn from Sierra Madre Drive onto the lots 1-2 driveway, the lots 34 driveway, and Princess Court per the 2001 AASHTO GDHS to be 325 feet for each based upon a design speed of 40-mph. The driveway of most concern is the lots 34 driveway since it is located near a crest curve. The profile provided by the Town for this driveway shows an available sightline distance of 312 feet, and we concur. As a back check, we used the record drawings of Sierra Madre Drive to determine that the available sightline distance is at least 305 feet per AASHTO requirements. The lots 1-2 driveway and Princess Court meet the AASHTO minimum sight distance requirements for left turns from the Sierra Madre Drive for a 40-mph design speed. ® The lots 3-4 driveway do not meet the AASHTO minimum 325-foot sight distance requirement for left turns from the Sierra Madre Drive due to the existing roadway crest vertical curve. An advanced driveway approach warning sign for westbound vehicles approaching the proposed driveway must be installed. S. Evaluate Princess Drive intersecting Sierra Madre on the inside of a curve. As indicated in the Subdivision Ordinance, intersections on the inside of a horizontal curve on arterial, collector, or local streets shall be avoided, unless otherwise approved by the Town Engineer. Sierra Madre Drive from Golden Eagle Boulevard to approximately 1,500 feet west is a divided roadway with landscaped median. From this location to almost 500 feet west, the roadway narrows from the aforementioned to two lanes. This is also the west end of the Sierra Madre Estates Phase 1 development. There is also one existing local street, Dove Drive, situated about 800 feet west of Golden Eagle Boulevard. It accesses residential properties on the south side of Sierra Madre Drive. The land along the north side of Sierra Madre is currently zoned residential and permits development. Management of driveway/street access to collectors is desirable. Access control should be used to reduce traffic congestion. Uncontrolled access will interfere with through traffic. The developer has combined driveways for lots 1-2 and lots 3-4 into two joint access driveways and has the driveways from lots 5 through 9 off of Princess Court. The developer has reduced the number of driveway entrances off of Sierra Madre Drive from nine to three. This reduces traffic congestion. The developer is also going to provide advanced warning signs for vehicles approaching eastbound and westbound proposed Princess Court. Burgess & Niple 1� Burgess & Niple August 9, 2002 Page 6 Our evaluation is that Princess Court entrance off of Sierra Madre Drive is preferred over having five driveway entrances. Princess Court can be located on the inside of a horizontal curve as long as the minimum sight distance is provided. If the minimum sight distance cannot be met, advanced warning signs must be installed on Sierra Madre Drive. As a final note, we recommend that the existing vegetation not only be relocated and/or removed to maintain the required sight distances, but also that the vegetation that does not require removal or relocating be maintained for years to come. This is for both the median and along the edge of roadway. Respectfully submitted, Patrick D. Osborne, PE Project Engineer Enclosures copy: Mr. Tom Ward, Town of Fountain Hills Larry Woodlan, PE essiona� V 3J%Z}9 C PATRICK D. <_ OSBORNE Table 1 ROAD STANDARDS TABLE e Right -of- Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Reverse t n Wa y 2-Wa ADT y Design Roadway Minimum Horizontal Curve Speed Len th Radius Curve Length Tangent' Hillside -Local 26' 40' 300' 20 MPH 1,500, 100' 100, 0' Local 321 50, 700 25 MPH 1,500, 200' 100, 0, Limited Collector 40 ' 82' 900 25 MPH 2,000' 200' 1001, 0, Minor Collector 40' 60' 5,000 30 MPH 1 Mile 300' 150' Major Collector 56' 100, 7,000 35 MPH 2 Miles 500' ' 150, Minor Arterial 130' 22,000 45 MPH -- 80' incipal Arterial 160' 45,000 50 MPH -- 108' Notes: Minimum length of tangent between curves in opposite directions (reverse cures). Reverse curves without tangent section between the curves are not permitted, except on local streets. 2 Fourteen foot wide landscaped medians are required on limited collector roadways. 16 foot wide landscaped medians are required on major collector and minor arterial roadways. 20 foot wide landscaped medians are required on principal arterial roadways. All median widths are included in the pavement width as shown on the typical sections. Per the Town Engineer. October 3, 1996 Article III, Page 3-13 K-1 Exhibit 6 LIMITED COLLECTOR ROAD TYPICAL SECTION �N _J a O � � W a a � W 3N/7 411& a 1 p o - o o W N �Q I V1 _Z m� J 1I J O a W Z V Q p O N a W N W J W J U a2 � Naw am a�a 3�a o2N aao>z N � " ct: O NN �p0 S O ZZ ;7: a V)a z UJ O 2— a w J J 3 � � oo In a 1-- a N W N L Q Lo' Z N �! N a U Cr X W N p W p m cn N Q W Z 1 om �J a Wa _ a D> Wo J > W Q Ln O p JN/ 7 M1,y �oU W w > < c� zIn a In W _za a �O wz o� o m O O V October 3, 1996 Article III, Page 3-16 Exhibit 7 MINOR COLLECTOR ROAD TYPICAL SECTION 0 MQ) 3N/7 M/b' �f V) z Q W Q �ICk: J Q U < W W U < Q O a$ U J � m a Q -� ti Q U W - U 0 LO � W O O 4 Ckf w 00vi 1 W � � a mmz ddW O J Z j N _Z J w O wN fY�O 1 > > l� 00 00Er O Lnnm 0ua. CDa aaa OJ�ytADI October 3, 1996 Article III, Page 3-17 is 18' STREET 10' DRIVEWA r CURB L INE DRI vER S EY E Exhibit 16 SIGHT DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS 0 -H � �O � AREA MUST BE CLEAR OF SIGHT OBSTRUCTIONS CENTER OF LANE i 5 FFE-T E..»r`u I ` CENTER OF LANE 05 FEET HICH) TRAFFIC SPEED (MPH) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 D 240 300 J80 470 580 710 840 990 October 3, 1996 Article III, Page 3-27 l a a that is A� PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN COUNCIL COURT ATTENDANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 13, 14 and 15, 2002, at 8:15 a.m., four or more members of the Fountain Hills Town Council nmy be in attendance to observe the Hoffman vs. the Town of Fountain Hills trial at Superior Court of Arizona, Maricopa County located at the Downtown Phoenix Complex Central Court Building, Floor 4-C, Room 402, 201 West Jefferson, Phoenix, Arizona. This is not a meeting of the Town Council, rather a notice to the public that a quorum may be in attendance to observe the proceedings. Dated this 8th day of August, 2002. By: Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk �w