HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002.1113.TCTHFF.Packeto�t�'Nt NOTICE OF TOWN HALL FINANCIAL FORUM o�. SPONSORED BY THE 'OE ftr,� ;° FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL that is Aim Mayor Jon Beydler Councilman Rick Melendez Councilwoman Kathy Nicola Vice Mayor Leesa Fraverd Councilman John Kavanagh Councilman Mike Archambault Councilwoman Susan Ralphe WHEN: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2002 TIME: 6:00 P.M. WHERE: COMMUNITY CENTER 13001 NORTH LA MONTANA DRIVE PLEASE NOTE: The Town Council is sponsoring this forum to inform the citizens on the financial condition of the Town and to eek public input. If you would like to comment on this important issue, please fill out a speaker card and give it to the Town Clerk before the end of the Manager's presentation. Please keep comments to 3 minutes to allow time for all citizens to speak. CALL TO ORDER— Mayor Beydler ROLL CALL 1.) PRESENTATION by Town Manager Tim Pickering on the "Town of Fountain Hills General Fund — Financial Condition and Action Plan", discussion by the Town Council on the presentation and all aspects of the Town's financial condition. 2.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. Please complete a speaker card if you wish to comment. 3.) Possible COUNCIL DISCUSSION of action plan, suggestions, research, direction and prioritization of options. 4.) ADJOURNMENT. DATED this 12t" day of November, 2002 2.t. Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the neeting to request a reasonable accommodation to attend this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. \\earth\CHansen\AGENDAS\SPECIAL\2002\Town Hall Financial Forum.doc Page I of I Last printed 11/12/02 1:50 PM ALBERT HOLLER & ASSOCIATES local government consultants 722 N. Meadowlark Lane Chandler, Arizona 85226-1818 (480) 940-1130 fax (480) 705-0341 e-mail aholler@.att.net November 12, 2002 To: Julie A. Ghetti, CPA, Accounting Supervisor From: Albert Holler RE: Revenue impact of tax changes We completed an analysis of the financial impact of amending your current tax code by eliminating several exemptions. The amounts are estimates based on other cities yearly tax collections adjusted by population and tax rate. The estimated revenues may be received by adopting or eliminating the following options to your code as well as changing the zero percent tax rate on certain sales. 1. The current tax rate on advertising is zero. By changing the rate to 1.6% we estimate additional yearly revenues of $200,000 to $250,000 per year. This rate change has the effect of including advertising revenues to the income of publishers. Statewide newspaper advertising revenue, included in the publishing tax, will be allocated to Fountain Hills based on circulation within the Town. Additional businesses affected are telephone directories, local newspapers, magazines, billboards, and other periodicals. Only 12 of 87 cities exempt advertising. 2. Adopt Local Option H. This option imposes the privilege tax on health spas, fitness centers, dance studios and other businesses who charge for the use of their premises. The revenue impact is estimated at less than $20,000 per year. 3. Delete Local Option S. This option exempts residential rental units from the privilege tax. By eliminating this exemption the tax is imposed on landlords renting homes or apartments if they have three or more units available within the State. Individuals who rent on a casual basis (less than 3 units) are not affected. The revenue impact is estimated at $30,000 to $40,000 per year. Currently 65 of 87 cities tax rentals. Enclosed are summaries of all Model Tax Code options and a list of all Cities with the options they have selected. 11/01/2002 12:41 4807050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 03 Appendix III - Local Options r.. Index to Local Options PAGES OPTION DESCRIPTION MODEL OPTION Z3 A New agricultural machinery Taxable Exempt Z3 B s Governmental entities as customers Taxable Exempt Z3-Z4 C Moratorium on certain taxes for certain Not Imposed Imposed annexed areas. Z4 D Activity on Military Reservation Taxable Exempt Z4 E License issuance conditional on meeting all No Yes other City Code provisions Z5 F Duration of license Permanent 1 Year Z5 G Exempt local advertising from tax when Taxable Exempt exempted by State in 1/86 Z5 H Health spas membership fees Exempt Taxable I (Not Used) I, Z5 J Golf -green fees Taxable Exempt Z5-Z6 K Construction contracting at Fort Huachuca Taxable Exempt L (Not Used) Z6 M Construction contracting cost of land sold Taxable Exempt Z6 N Construction contracting fair market value Taxable Exempt of land sold 0 (Not Used) Z6 P Wholesale feed sales tax Not Imposed Imposed Z7-Z8 Q Rental Occupancy Tax Not Imposed Imposed Z9-Z10 R Single-unit/single-tenant commercial rental Taxable Exempt Z10 S e Lodging rental to non -transients Taxable Exempt Z10 T Real estate rental to certain subsidiary Taxable Exempt corporations (Index continued on next page) Appendix III to MODEL CITY TAX CODE (Rev. 1195) -Zl- 11/01/2002 12:41 4807050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 04 Appendix 1H - Local Options Index to Local Options (continued) PAGESPAGF,S Z11 OPTION U DESCRIPTION MODET (Reserved) (1995 amendments repealed this option.) OPTION Z12 V Two -level tax structure on "big -ticket" items Not Imposed Imposed Z12 W Livestock used for breeding and production Taxable Exempt Z12 X Works of "fine art" Taxable Exempt Z13 Y (Reserved) (1995 amendments repealed this option on used manufactured buildings) Z13 Z College textbooks Taxable Exempt Z13 AA Employee meals Taxable Exempt Z13 BB (Reserved) (1998 amendments repealed this option.) Z 14 CC Gross income from destructive testing Taxable Exempt Z14 DD Cable TV Income Taxable Exempt Z 14 EE Motor vehicle transport to out -of -City Taxable Exempt (but in -State) locations Z 14 FF Towing as form of transportation for hire Taxable Exempt (when not subject to Az DOT "Ton -Mile" Tax) Z14 GG Municipal utility service to out -of -City Exempt Taxable customers 215 HH Use Tax liability for charitable donations Taxable Exempt II (Not Used) Z15 JJ Use Tax liability of the City Taxable Exempt Z15 KK Events sponsored by charitable non-profit Exempt Taxable organizations with attendance in excess of 10,000 people (Index continued on next page) Appendix III to MODEL CITY TAX CODE (Rev. 7/98) -Z2- 11/01/2002 12:41 4807050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 05 Z15 LL Jet Fuel Tax Not Imposed Taxable Z15 MM Job printing shipped out of state Taxable Exempt P Z16 NN Cable license fee tax credit offset Taxable Exempt Z17 QQ Commercial rentals Taxable Exempt 'relates to page numbers in physical book 11/01/2002 12:41 4907050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 08 no MEN is■i�iwon ■ii �■�o n�ii�■��■m�n�■�■o Nono■���n��o�ao 0 MEN MEN mono ONE MOM 0 END a so man ON M MEMO mom ME so mom mom MMMMEMM mom ofo masons■ ■000� ME ME NEEM ON sm lea Rome long moo mom mom moo mom go ii �imoo riie �■ n ■ nMpg o . mom 11/01/2002 12:41 4807050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 09 Appendix H - Model Options Index to Model Options Y2 1 In -City sales to out -of -State residents Taxable Exempt Y2 2 . Food for home consumption Exempt Taxable Y2 3 • Job printing fot publishers Exempt Taxable Y2 4 Real property rental to nonprofit primary Exempt Taxable health care facilities Y2 5A Lodging rental - 2 units only Exempt Taxable Y2 513 . Lodging rental - 1 unit only Exempt Taxable Y2 6 Transient (hotel "bed") tax as part of Imposed Not imposed Privilege Tax Y2 7 Income from coin -operated washing, drying Exempt Taxable car -wash & dry-cleaning machines Y3 8 (Reserved) (1996 amendments repealed this option on retail warranty, maintenance, and service agreements) Y3 9 Factoring of parts and labor for "flat fee" Allowed Not Allowed retail repair service Y3 10 • Livestock, feed, and agricultural chemicals Exempt Taxable Y3 11 . Franchise & license fees credit against Allowed Not Allowed telecommunications tax Y3 12 Motor vehicle transportation for hire (if Taxable Exempt not subject to Az DOT "Ton -Mile" tax) Y3 13 Franchise fee credit against utility tax Allowed Not Allowed Y4 14A Criminal penalties -misdemeanor level Class 1 Class 2 Y4 14B "Decriminalize" penalties to petty offenses Misdemeanor Petty Offense Y4 15 Use Tax Imposed Not Imposed 10 Appendix II to MODEL CITY TAX CODE (Rev, 1/97) _YI_ 11/01/2002 12:41 4807050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 10 L C') Y Y Nloll 1111� oil I III A 9 O 0 m r- O O Z 11/01/2002 12:41 4807050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 11 1 � n 0 � o milli 101111 0 11111-IN111 1111 NM- ..IN 0 a MEN I �a a B � N RI 11/01/2002 12:41 4807050341 ALBERT HOLLER ASSC PAGE 12 1 10 n a v 0 a TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL CONDITION AND ACTION PLAN GENERAL FUND WHERE ARE WE NOW? First Quarter Budget Report ■ REVENUES (� W� .g rem W—, ..kr, . ■ EXPENDITURES ■ FIRST QUARTER SURPLUS(DEFICIT) LL ■ $2,656,467 26% ■ $2,991,029 20% ■ $(334,562) or 6.7% of budget JULY 1, 2003 PROJECTION ■ REVENUES ■ $10,245,400 ■ EXPENDITURES ■ $15,187,525 ■ SURPLUS(DEFICIT) ■ $(4,942,125) PROBLEM: DEFICIT OF $4.9 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 COULD AFFECT ONE THIRD OF TOWN SERVICES We $462M Insxca over —s 2 y—, Janis�xle $5M y-, T-n $9 M Clu,nfvll 3 1 rq PROBLEM: RECOMMENDED FUND BALANCE Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommended minimum fund balance 60 Days Expenses Fountain Hills 60 Days Expenses" $2,369,667 Fountain Hills Estimated Fund Balance $959,612 (estimated July 1, 2003) Fund Balance Deficit —est. July 1, 2003 $1510,000 *Besed oa FY02-03 Bulge¢d Ezpe.h— CAUSES OF PROBLEM Unfunded Fire Department $2.4M Reduced State Shared Revenues ■ Income Tax (estimated by League to be reduced by $350,000) ■ State Sales Tax (estimated to remain flat for next 2 years, $500,000 less than FY00-01) Stow Economic Recovery Continued Decline in Building Activity ■ 2000 Permits 326 2001 Permits 227 ■ 2002 Permits 106 (Oct. 23, 2002) ■ $1.4M Decrease in permit revenue compared to FY00-01 Refunds of Local Sales Tax due to recent legislation $4.9M Deficit $1,510,000 Deficit in Fund Balance sraP35Y.� iW4.1rs lr.744'2aP aWR,Mq. RiallMe Mwofoo Erma ne nwuv Mat7u sym, syxeia, sszoma si1+3® suamol tII+,+u tstno P yoo smepm sat Peo srn,ma saoroo.i eau s®.m vuazs am�.e, steam: sruoe az® I:L\Ht \I. II \I, RI I.\I I:\, 4 \I'I\lu l l Itl:,I' \\II I1 ND It \I. \\I'h: �o�aEVEweS �,o,,.. ,_,ui,vaEs ruro en,a E J GENERAL FUND RATIO OF FUND BALANCE TO REVENUES it2.ono.lxxi ' ' — fA.anurti iz,an aXl 154.ppp.a GENI: It kL FUND RATIO OF FUND BALANCE TO EXPENDITURES 250 3000 � OFWBela -Days ■60DpbpvdWn ewpNw 3 Rwal ReIB w TOWN OF —AIN HILLS �i LOCAL SALES TAX IB -tORY Year End j Petered . ... ... ... %1997 52-664,923 998 SMOB4 1* S3,394.1115.21, 10 ItIC It Rp% ENI E -I R('FS STATE —N TAX HIS -.11 1998 6i IC4 1111, F.U. REVENUE .11 1111.1 STATE SALES TAX HISTORY Fsm RE Year Erd Pet M IW7 $W&A ign sumx 1999 $1,6622 YD S �24209 $ AM 32R401 11559316 T_ ewaxw mw 121 0 Fiscal Re—e ..._........:.._........... Year End Receited t 1991 � 51418,O1A 1998 11 si, 8,211 1999 i 51,919,334 II100 57,152,56E 2(ql 11,871915 _� N(R S947�D9 20ICi 5101.Op ... 2004 370U,OOD uc t-a u ur-- F.ureces a-- PFRM1IIr RLrvFNUE F•S'ro 13Y ssoo,000 - - 13 PRELIMINARY OPTIONS FOR SOLVING FY03-04 $4.9M DEFICIT & INCREASING FUND BALANCE BY $1.5M ■ Increase Local Sales Tax 1.1 % $2,956,250 • Replace Former Fire District $2,648,527 ■ Property Tax rate of .0097 ■ Reduce Land Preservation Sales Tax $200,250 to Level of Debt Service Put (new rate 0.25% vs current 0.3%) ■ Increase Pernut, User, License Fees, Charge for Svc $200,000? ■ Cutback Services (15% from each department) $2,083,100 ■ Sell Assets (Land & Buildings) $1,500,000+(approx) ■ Subscription Fire Service $2,400,000 ■ Impose Utility Franchise Fee $350,000 ■ Amend model sales tax code by eliminating various Exemptions $270,000 14 DECISION FACTORS ■ Ability to Implement ■ Comparison to Other Towns ■ Payment by Those who Receive Service ■ Timing ■ Long Term Solution ■ Diversification of Revenue ■ Periodic Revenue Stream ■ Political Feasibility ■ Contribution to Solving Problem 5 l SURROUNDING CITIES SALES TAX RATES El Mirage 3.0% Cave Creek 2.5% Avondale, Buckeye, Carehee, Goodyear, Guadalupe, Litchfield Park, Surprise 2.0% Phoenix 1.8% Tempe 1.8% Fountain Hills 1.6% Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa Peoria 1.5% Paradise Valley 1.4% S—usdale 1.4% Qurcn Creek 1.0% 17 SURROUNDING CITIES PROPERTY TAX RATES Imd rim stn b.H sim ruv w� b.fi rris • R bsr • 9upru. t r o- bW • b.W bm �, i nrt bm • bm r.iky bm • pa.�crxt b.W rum bm 18 M L DECISION TABLE !1 — 5 Ratios w/5 beine the best) MMGIIEMEEE�MM MIME 7 0 DECISION TABLE SCORE OPTION TOTAL SCORE AVERAGE SCORE liw:rease local Sales Tex 36 400 Araesd Sabs Tax Code 35 3.89 Uplire Ocsignetcd Salo Tex 35 3.99 P.,. Pat mpy Tax 34 3.79 I—Pennil. Uur Fees, Licensea 34 3.78 bryrou Utiaty archiTax30 RT 7.75 Modify F Service 26 3.71 Dw:ruu EzpeNituru 29 363 seuAeae,a le z.zs ACTION PLAN Deficit $4.9 Need Additional $1.5 Fund Balance Immediate: 23 Hving rreeu — only critical vacancies tilled Rev well contracts for savings Large hems delayed Research revenue enhancers Phase I —Revenue Enhancers New Town Sales Tex Rnm (of 2.796) $2,956,250 Phase II —Revenue Enhancers and Cost Cutting Amend Existlng Local Sales Tex Code E271),000 Utilize Designated Sales Tex $200,000 Replace Former Fire District Property Tex (50.97) $2,650,000 Increase Permit, User Fees, Licenses $200,000 Research Utility Franchise Taz S350,000 Consider Expenditure Reductions up to IS'R, $2,093,I00 Phase 111 -Contingency: Subscription Fire Smice S2,400,e00 Sell Assets $t.sao,000 WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? 1. Research 2. If Council agrees, with analysis, move forward on each Phase 3. If not, use decision tools, such as multi -voting to reduce options ■ 4. Additional Council work study sessions ■ 5. Regardless —inform public though variety of methods: ■ A) gross releases ■ B) mailer ■ C) public forum; ■ D) cable station 6. Set blue ribbon panel to assist in long term financial analysis 7. Pass legislation to enact revenue enhancers and/or place items on ballot N 3 c cr N 2 s - O a c 6 (D .( Q S in fl O <� 3' , � N � , =n O W 3 S raj jj = Q- p 0 fl c K p c p O O. 3 O O �. N N (D O CT = O, 0 3 Q o °�- O Q o °. o 3 3 n— Q° O M C (Q W H n (D a_ O Q c 3 N Q Q^ Q 0 0 0° ii ° O /D fl O Q O c �` O (aD O' 3 14 N -A D O fl 0 r) QS_ a(D o p � Q fl fp < :3 O O fl A 0c h O OO 3= (DQ. W— N 1 p Q y. lD N -a 64 O 3 N � _ IlaO M n S:E I OW N 3 A <_ Q :O :3 n 3 Q 0 p O O a (D Q f (fl O tQ , Q tQ O W = 7 0 0 O (D T 3 (D U.Q Q Or T co w c o- m 0 0 = W � n Q Q. 9 e N D N 00 00 U P � OD < 0 a cn 3 /,Sown of � � s N O 0 R N 3 (D (D 3 O 'a "' (D �, O O O �? d cr (D �. 0 NO (D N' T(D n Q O c S 3 O O (1 Q. 3 3� Q C O O Q O Q N' 3 ° Q.. N c n S 7r �• c 3 c (DO 3 3 N 3 (D (D fD — p C Q 0 D 5 K (p M DfD z m �• �v m m G7 M O• n 1 R rL cD T V O 0 C D r m x� m Z N Ou g� C y a m: d w�. o »' s.CL o O A_ A O � 3 � ►T.1 O O 3 Vi a a x w O z 3 0 a a x z 0 H x 0 w 1 O O N � NOC W O � • • • a N O O N M N U O M N b�A O U •� Q Q� N N O a a a U U O O O O v� U cq 0 LL 9 0 c a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6s > 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 CT d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C\T cq �: 1-: 64 0 VD, to e C\l C) CD S / cq 0 i a. tm cm E C) CD C\j C) C) C� C) C) C) LO C) LO (D LO CD LA Cl) CO C\J C\l — — O co 0 a) co 0 Lb c 0 0 0 0 0 (D 0 0 0 0 6H > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 6 L6 6 6 N — — V9, 64 61) 61+ r V--3 O c� On CD O O N C) O O 06 N O CD O W d' 000 O O o � c .o w � Z � � � � o oo CA H � O w ct cn tn .� ct a, a� o O j u cn. ,..� cn CA Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills REOUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITE Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 P gOL N/ Al / / No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hy the end of the Town Mana er's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) F If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please com lete the f it to the Town Clerk ti the end of the Town Mana eorm and submit r's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after bein called on to speak. g • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the f it to the Town Clerk b the orm and submit rese accepted after that time. end of the Town Mana er's ntation. No cards will be How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills No. 3 REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 P /I /, V/ .�g Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, lease com lete the form and su it to the Town Clerk b the end of the Town Mana er's esentationp No cards will be bmit accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after bein called on to speak. g • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Address City/Town Comments k up [Pm Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 7j:%,W� r�r 0 No. Ck V -1 �. W_ - L Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hy the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 d tls No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk b the end of the Town Manager's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 _ BIAWA No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, g, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager' accepted after that time. s presentation. No cards will be How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please com lete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hy the end of the Town Ma na er's vresentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. 33 REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name T ^' CO xj Address /07 -38 4' N 1 G,c City/Town Comments c t .r A Z Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the frm and submit the Town Clerk b the end of the Town Mana er's resentation. No cards o it to will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. _ REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name t rn m t c (4 &-jz ryL t 4- Address / Lf W& 0 a City/Town �q) c,-4 -7�Ae PO Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the fo it to the Town Clerk by rm and submit accepted after that time. 'sresentation the end of the Town Mana er. No cards will be How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name ��,:F N d o q Address / '� r_ ^ -f D A/-1 N A City/Town CM �a1 ; A, jJ 14 0, L5 Comments _ W c, .i L a k. i Ic 1 T S r',.g lc- /:� tj 60 0/11 F %� �►'T/,i to S If, )-P, L-j L) Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial) Forum - November 13, 2002 Name �tJi (� 7. A I fJ2 Address J ` VO zt /Y% 10 %A.Vlo City/Town Comments %AI 724 A51 )joA j r A 1 j IS /n A 0 Vz c 7 : i-31 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please corn it to the Town Clerk hv the end of the Town Manager's presentation accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments y� ��"` No. T� Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. 4— Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Name Address City/Town Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name ::5rv5,q A,) -:5 %o Address �•5"l0�� /L'/�lit/c�� !/� City/Town /7o6/AU?"i9//cJ if/z-L-5 Comments ��°,C/yp D/1/-5�ci(JTiAL� ati-tY ��'o�7f'L€TE ©�fiy 57-u,6 X tv� e�;.e-o Le iIyca m G,�o �Ps - To ,D�7c e �i rtl � �Ei'P�AI %4-G�= Q.�Tie1.BU'T/Or✓ 4�" ��iE'y iCCs COSTS .. �y���� Tt=. �iE'E.Dve� 4z"ZF , Ca T 1-oiv 6-5T �5y o��e s2 • .Cf� /.f/sTr�T� t/.eE ,/ /s Taei e7 il% 4.eo�F.eT W Lllt .«ASE �A[Es %f% X/ IA,) 46 �5 ee U/-T" /cC'�S j O /U D T-=F5"i!i f 6E5,- ' !/ TiU 1777/117-- U5E Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. /T 7—/�Z-1 (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM A Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. S Z REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name / I Address City/Town Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hxr the end of the Town Mana er's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk b the end of the Town Mana er's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hy the end of the Town Manage -'s presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Fob -November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. 6 Z Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. 0 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 L ! o O 5 D No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Mana er's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name "V / m /N),� Address / l0 7 0 ,N t Ilfc A "- /! x--/ c-- City/Town 7-furr7';�•/-Z j'Y%4J-L5 Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hir the end of the Town Mana er's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. 7o REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name L Address I [' (a ,1 i�­ L& e a L City/Town L L V Comments �,� t) R«/ A) G Q 7 S C Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hII the end of the Town Mana0,er's pre accepted after that time. sentation. No cards will be How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM own Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 ZO A I c,-- XF OC-d No. I; Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hv the end of the Town Mana er's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Address City/Town Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 11 !An4 k o, Bain OMO C o No. 4Ono P -�v �rol`C(2 c'n L4 o Pin to() Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk b the end of the Town Mana er's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM' Town Ha 1 Fin cial Forum - November 13, 2002 rAA.-LD City/Town Comments �iY)'1A/1u16I T T Erjk;e� E C 2)W Oct OONU -�704s - - Ci� Thank you for p ' ipating in your Town gov of the process. i Mom'_-,' rit.. Your comments are an important and valuablp part see reverse)�� Y If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Mana er's presentation. No cards will accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address /I2_ v x-f City/Town Comments �� e /fie No. Uncr f� wZ rS�/os sL /�✓�' 7- es Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Mana er's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 No. ,J�,- W- Gv �� O-y�%�18�/1�jf�Z>G�1��j� �Lav�t3� AV Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name izl.e Address IRO City/Town t-22 v,s' 14 Comments iY No. S 3 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please it to the Town Clerk b the end of the Town Mana er's resentat on. No chards will b submit accepted after that time. 1 be How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name Address City/Town Comments No. q;' Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please complete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk by the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. /M REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 13, 2002 Name C h©� (� C Oct,-t-C S Address City/Town Thank you for participating in your Town government. x uui W,11111G11L3 Ul, .._ ....r-' --- - - - of the process. r Please see reverse) co o AA.� nob I aZ7P ....s _. If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, lease com lete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk b the end of the Town Ma na er's resentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card perspeaker is requested. Town of Fountain Hills No. /6) 3 REQUEST TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEM Town Hall Financial Forum - November 1.3, 2002 in j r own government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process." (Please see reverse) If you wish to speak to the Council at tonight's meeting, please com fete the form and submit it to the Town Clerk hy the end of the Town Manager's presentation. No cards will be accepted after that time. How to address the Mayor and Town Councilmembers: • The Mayor will call your name from this speaker's card when it is your turn to speak. • Please stand, approach the microphone, and state your name and address after being called on to speak. • Citizens are asked to restrict their comments to 3 minutes. • Groups wishing to speak should elect a spokesperson to represent the views of the group. Comments will be restricted to 3 minutes unless the Mayor grants more time. • Only one card per speaker is requested.