HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.0116.TCREM.Packetthat is "' NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL Mayor Jon Beydler Councilman Rick Melendez Councilwoman Kathy Nicola Vice Mayor Leesa Stevens Councilman John Kavanagh Councilman Mike Archambault Councilwoman Susan Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2003 TIME: 6:00 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:30 P.M. REGULAR SESSION WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 EAST PALISADES BOULEVARD, BUILDING B (Executive Session will be held in the Building A Teleconference Room) RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL — ADOPTED 1118190 It is the Council's �esire to hear public comment on agenda items. As it is important to maintain order during the meeting, please adhere to the followt3ig rules of order if you wish to speak: 1.) All citizens wishing to speak must first be recognized by the Mayor. 2.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand, approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT — THREE (3) MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. • CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL — Mayor Beydler 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38431.03.A.3, VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR: Discussion or consultation for legal advice with the attorney or attorneys of the public body, specifically, regarding implementation of the recommendations from the Fire and Emergency Service Funding Citizens Advisory Committee. 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION • CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE TO THE FLAG — Mayor Beydler • INVOCATION — Pastor David Iverson, Fountain Hills Christian Church • ROLL CALL • STATEMENT REGARDING MEETING PROTOCOL — Mayor Beydler • REPORT TO PUBLIC ON COUNCIL RETREAT — Mayor Beydler \\earth\CHansen\AGENDAS\REGULAR\2003\Regular Session 1-16-03.doc Page 1 of 3 Last printed 1/15/2003 4:45 PM Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non -controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of December 19, 2002 and January 2, 2003. *2.) Consideration of the PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT for the 2-unit Costa Alada Condominiums, located at 12616 N. Mountainside Drive, aka Plat 601A, Block 3, Lot 17, Case Number S2002-51. *3.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2003-01 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located at the northwesterly property line of Lot 30, Block 6, Plat 401B (10248 N. Demaret Drive) as recorded in Book 155 of Maps, Page 12 Records of Maricopa County, Arizona EA2002-24. Elizabeth and David Van Voorhees. *4.) Consideration of APPROVING THE PURCHASE of one mobile and seven portable radios from Motorola in the amount of $37,062.11. The radios will be purchased on state contract and are needed for the Marshals Department officers to be dispatched by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office effective February 1, 2003. 5.) Consideration of APPOINTING four citizens to the Community Center Advisory Commission to fill the vacancies caused by expiring terms. 6.) Consideration of a TEMPORARY USE PERMIT to allow Outdoor Retail Sales to occur more than four `401 times during one calendar year, located at 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd., aka Lot 2 of the Plaza Fountainside Final Plat, Case number TU2002-04. 7.) UPDATE on the recent budget reductions including: how the steps taken so far have impacted town services; what solutions have been identified to handle any situations that had risen from the changes; and a projection on how much money would be saved in the current fiscal year, with possible direction to staff. 8.) REPORT on three revenue sources cited in the manager's memo dated December 11, 2002 to provide the Council with more details on the options that include: the elimination of sales tax exemptions; the increase of permit, license and user fees; and the placement of a utility franchise fee on the ballot. 9.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2003-02 relating to the consent by the Town of Fountain Hills to formation of a fire district within the incorporated boundaries of the Town; and declaring an emergency. 10.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 03-01 relating to the privilege license tax; amending the Town Code by increasing the rate of taxation from one and six -tenths percent (1.6%) to two and sixth -tenths percent (2.6%) providing penalties for the violation thereof; providing for severability; designating an effective date and providing for application of tax to certain contract. 11.) Consideration of RESOLUTION 2003-03 submitting to the qualified electors of the town the question of authorizing the Town to levy primary property taxes; and declaring an emergency. The emergency clause is necessary to make the resolution effective immediately and meet the statutory deadlines for the election process. 12.) COUNCIL ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW of the meeting to identify procedural strengths and weaknesses and discuss possible improvements for future meetings. \\earth\CHansen\AGENDAS\REGULAR\2003\Regular Session 1-16-03.doc Page 2 of 3 Last printed 1/15/2003 4:45 PM 13.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. 14.) ADJOURNMENT. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431 -01 (G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of the Council. All comment is "subject to reasonable time, space and manner restrictions" and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Council members may respond to criticism, ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future aqenda. DATED this 15'h day of January, 2003 Cassie B. Hansen, Director of Administration/Town Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. \\earth\CHansen\AGENDAS\REGULAR\2003\Regular Session 1-16-03.doc Page 3 of 3 Last printed 1/15/2003 4:45 PM Town of Fountain Hills Council Attendance Roll - Consent Agenda Action Meeting Date: 1— 16 - O 3 Attendance Roll Present Absent Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor Kavanagh Melendez Nicola Ralphe Agenda Item Number(s): /•—• 7 Staff Andrew McGuire Tim Pickerin ✓ Cassie Hansen Tom Ward Jesse -fie Others: Consent Aqenda /) ti - C,.rm/]��-- Motion: KO Second: ry\ Roll Call _ Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Ma Kavanagh Melendez Nicola Ralphe Amendment: Second: Roll Call Archambault Beydler, Mays Fraverd, Vice Kavanagh Melendez Nicola RalDhe r Notes/Post Council Meeting Actions: Nay Action Taken v Approve Denied `-Tabied" Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Tabled Continued Denied Date: Date: Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type:: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Administration Consent:® Regular:❑ Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person: Requesting Action:❑ Tvpe of Document Needing Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Minutes Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of December 19, 2002 and January 2, 2003. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No Purpose of Item and Background Information: Approve the minutes for archival purposes. List All Attachments as Follows: Draft minutes from December 19, 2002 and January 2, 2003. Type(s) of Presentation: none Signatures of Submitting Staff: t Department Hea Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Com. Dev Consent:® Regular:❑ Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner Requesting Action:® Tvne of Document Needing Anoroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ® Community Development Report Only❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ® Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: Consideration of the PRELIMINARY and FINAL PLAT for the two -unit Costa Alada Condominiums, located at 12616 N. Mountainside Dr., aka Final Plat 601-A, Block 3, Lot 17; Case Number S2002-51. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impacts. No $ Purpose of Item and Background Information: This is a request for preliminary and final plat approval for "Costa Alada Condominiums", a two -unit residential condominium project under construction. The Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff recommend approval of this condominium subdivision. List All Attachments as Follows: Staff Report; Application; Final Plat Reduction Type(s) of Presentation: N/A Signatures of Submitting Staff: o Town Manager / Designee IR Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and DT: January 8, 2003 Town Council FR: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner RE: Case # S2002-51; Preliminary & Final Plat for The Costa Alada Condominiums LOCATION: 12616 N. Mountainside Dr. aka Lot 17, Block 3, Final Plat 601A. REQUEST: Consider the Preliminary and Final Plat for "Costa Alada Condominiums", a two - unit condominium project. PROJECT MANAGER: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner DESCRIPTION: OWNER: Betty J. Poteet APPLICANT: Betty J. Poteet EXISTING ZONING: "R-3" EXISTING CONDITION: Under construction LOT SIZE: 13,750 square feet (.31 acres) SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Town -owned wash; zoned "R-3" SOUTH: Duplex; zoned "R-3" EAST: Undeveloped; zoned "R1-10" WEST: Undeveloped; zoned "R-3" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat for "Costa Alada Condominiums" Declaration of Condominium, which subdivides cubic airspace, and is not a land sell project. Due to the simplicity of this request and the fact that this project does not involve any off -site public improvements, a "fast track" process is being allowed. The owner, Betty J. Poteet, has chosen to convert a two -unit residential complex and record a Declaration of Condominium to sell the units individually. The units have a maximum livable area of 1,470 square feet and a minimum livable area of 1,290 square feet. Each unit has a two -car garage and a covered patio. The property is currently under construction, building permit number 2001-553. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of S2002-51; Preliminary and Final Plat "Costa Alada Condominiums". `1� A PBA 1/02 The Town of Fountain Hills COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I For Case Ma alg Use Only Fountain Hills, Arizona : APPLICATION Area Specific Plan or Change Preliminary Plat General Plan Amendment Cut/Fill Waiver Plan of Development Special Use Permit Zoning Change SU Comprehensive Sign Plan Variance HPE Change or Abandonment NATURE OF THE REQUEST: �vidomi'►1i uL Pfat-r PROJECT NAME lady COKdomi'h;u Mrs. Applicant: + '� ' Pof-�ecf Day Phone C rU S/6 ���� _ Mr. /r?% /V , / gs'a _ Ms. Address: MOc�n %I K s� �e r. Cif,: N ��S Stater Zip: 6 uh�f � Mrs. Owner: Mr. Ms. Address: Sayhe— Day Phone City: State: Zip: If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration, the section below must be completed. SIGNATURE OF OWNER I HEREBY AUTHORIZE Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me this day of DATE My Commission Expires Notary Public `LING DATE: ` � FEE PAID: (See Fee Schedule) Application Page 2 of 7 TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. ACCEPTED BY: Case Number PBA 1 /02 The Town of Fountain Hills LEGAL DESCRIPTION 6oi,- 3 /y Plat Name Block Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS �a7Al Maui s rd� r �v PARCEL SIZE (Acres) �O?S X 1 / o ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER /7G - Q. r- �17O O NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED Z TRACTS h Oh -P-- EXISTING ZONING: "R` 3 PROPOSED ZONING S 4 M_j5-' Application Page 3 of 7 Case Number . e urwm,lll:f,]I1.AR is A, 11e 71'E9" 1. e m �og�3 0 Q1 It1 1 '1 m s 3C 11 � SI -j 1 Z ' 1_ 1 1 9�� 4:2o N C$ ^. ^# 'ekiF 2:�' �v€ a' Eato 6A9 R a �r i R7h F .�-- t� A. AFii as 7 tF GY WJ R #y ^�. S.= 8� > qq f z; c Fe xAR - e> _ i�iwR 38 4' a rya¢ b w3i a" Ste' a� S v - .. is s:e$:E '^J.gaFn sggF oR -sFe P 1 �3 v 19 - ��31 x t->g11_a e g 0 S�mA EAa— x Alb _4�a�+ggg3RRg s IR Wg a' r`A 4 � �.a�og,Fs-F}X Ll z € + ' �%� COSTA ALADA O M❑NTG❑MERY y ENGINEERING a MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. 16?16 E PARKV ;Cw AVE ".TIE 274 FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARI.'ONA 85268 (480) 837-1845 Fax (480) 837-8668 a-nafb anontgo- lylegw,st.net a::e c2 PLAT 601r BLOCK L ❑T i� « e, DRY! —1 •__ �6 ,�. AS 'DOTED 12616 N. MEIUNTAINSIDE DR. CON^ON;'Qul -•L=- o,o,i xsc>.om> W —D 7 N O � z N CASA SEGUNDO CONDOMINIUMS - M❑NTG❑MERY i ENGINEERING 3 MANAGEMENT, L.L.C. �• 15%16 E. PAF.K'. !: ,`!E. ,,j!TE [J4 EOUNTAu4 P.1 .s,. + 1ZONA a5?ea - 1480) 837-1845 fo 1480) E37-e661 e-mail dnr_r. .4c:-etylecwest.net 3 mR ut ld•O2 �,. DRM ..o_ r•w 21 — T — FEAT 60ir+ FLOCK 3 L❑ i % S NOTED 1-S16 N. f/pl_o.TAINSIDE DF'. CONDOF+INIUV _-E:,TIONS 1.rz ncsr_m, Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Public Works Consent:® Regular:❑ Meeting Date: l/16/03 Contact Person: Art Candelaria/Janice Baxter Requesting Action:❑ Tyne of Document Needing Annroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ® Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Priority (Check ADDronriate Areas): ® Education ❑ Public Fitness ® Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ® Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Reizular Agenda Wording: Consideration of RESOLUTION 2003-01 abandoning whatever right, title, or interest the Town has in certain public utility and drainage easements located at the northwesterly property line of Lot 30, Block 6, Plat 401B (10248 N. Demaret Drive) as recorded in Book 155 of Maps, Page 12 Records of Maricopa County, Arizona - EA2002-24. Elizabeth and David Van Voorhees Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $00 Purpose of Item and Background Information: Mr. & Mrs. Van Voorhees submitted a request for a 20' public utility and drainage easement abandonment on December 6, 2002 for the purpose of building a swimming pool. List All Attachments as Follows: Staff Memo, Resolution, and 1-Exhibit Type(s) of Presentation: Consent Agenda Signatures of Submitting Staff: Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Town Manager / Designee TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and Town DT: December 16, 2002 Council FR: Art Candelaria, Civil Engineer RE: Easement Abandonment 2002-24 Jim Leubner, Senior Civil Engineer� 10248 N. Demaret Drive Thomas L. Ward, Director of Public orks Plat 401B, Block 6, Lot 30 Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 2003-01. This item on the Town Council's agenda is a proposal to abandon a portion of the twenty (20) foot public utility and drainage easements located at the northwesterly property line of Lot 30, Block 6, Plat 401 B, (10248 North Demaret Drive) as shown in Exhibit "A". The property owners of Lot 30 desire the assurance that any future improvements made to the lot will not be infringed upon by the construction of utilities. Staff has received no comments to date from the adjacent property owners. The Engineering Department has reviewed the site to ascertain any drainage issues in addition to the Town's general interest in the easement. It is the professional opinion of the Engineering Department that there is no need for the Town to retain the drainage easement proposed to be abandoned, with the understanding that certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot -to -lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 30 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. All affected utility companies have been notified of this abandonment proposal and have approved of the proposed abandonment of this public utility easement. Enclosures: Resolution Exhibit cc: " Van Voorhees M/M Vider M. Arabia Golf International, Inc. Acande1aria\.lbaxter\PIat401B, Blk6,Lot30(10248NDemaretDr)\VoorheesChron `%W When recorded, return to: Public Works Department Town of Fountain Hills P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 RESOLUTION 2003-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA ABANDONING WHATEVER RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IT HAS IN A PORTION OF THE CERTAIN TWENTY (20') FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LOT LINE OF LOT 30, BLOCK 6, OF PLAT 401B, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AS RECORDED IN BOOK 155 OF MAPS, PAGE 12, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, as the governing body of real property located in the Town of Fountain Hills, may require the dedication of public streets, sewer, water, drainage, and other utility easements or rights -of -way within any proposed subdivision; and WHEREAS, The Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills has the authority to accept or reject offers of dedication of private property by easement, deed, subdivision, plat or other lawful means; and WHEREAS, All present utility companies have received notification of the proposed abandonment; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona as follows: SECTION 1. That a portion of the certain twenty (20) foot public utility and drainage easements, located along the northwesterly property lot line of Plat 401B, Block 6, Lot 30, Fountain Hills, Arizona; as shown in Exhibit "A"; as recorded in book 155 of maps, page 12 records of Maricopa County, Arizona; are hereby declared to be abandoned by the Town of Fountain Hills. Certain lots within this subdivision are subject to lot -to -lot drainage runoff. The property owners of Lot 30 are required to pass the developed flows generated by the upstream lots across their property. SFCTTON 2. That this Resolution is one of abandonment and disclaimer by the Town solely for the purpose of removing any potential cloud on the title to said property and that the Town in no way attempts to affect the rights of any private party to oppose the abandonment or assert any right resulting there from or existing previous to any action by the Town. Resolution 2003-01 Page 1 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of January 2003. ATTEST: c(7, ' �' � I Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: G. Pickering, CEcD own Manager FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Resolution 2003-01 Page 2 of 2 QPJ�' Q. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" PLAT 401-B BLOCK 6 LOT 30 LOT 31 ABANDON 20' P.U.E. & D.E. per, ���• , o � / W4\N F S, SCALE: 1 "=40' DATE: 12-19 r 17 BLOCK 6 LOT 30 h �C 7 i Town of Fountain Hills Council Action Meeting Date: ) —14- D,3 Public Hearing began: am/pm Public Hearing ended: am/pm Agenda Item #(s) Motion: .. �� �v + < -t; -}�,�.;, Second L 5 ��: + 3 ; r ��; .�� 1,q f �t c /_ L.1 l.. � 't'�� r.•. � � r-. t�okrcC Roll Call Ape Nay Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor Kavanagh Melendez Nicola RalDhe Amendment: Second: Roll Call Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice M '<avana h telendez Nicola Ralohe Action: Oublish Aye I Nay Action Taken:-� Approved Denied — —Tabted''" Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Post Council Meeting Notes: Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Town Manager Consent:❑ Regular:® Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person: Tim Pickering Requesting Action:,® Tyne of Document Needinp- Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ® Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ® Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only: El ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording Consideration of RESOLUTION 2003-02 authorizing the qualified electors of the Town of Fountain Hills to begin the process of forming a new fire district. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: Yes Purpose of Item and Background Information: Consideration to authorize citizens to begin the process of forming a new fire district. List All Attachments as Follows: Resolution 2003-02 Type(s) of Presentation: oral Siiinatures of Submitting Staff: Department Head /-/6 03 Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) RESOLUTION NO.2003-02 *" A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, RELATING TO THE CONSENT BY THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TO FORMATION OF A FIRE DISTRICT WITHIN THE INCORPORATED BOUNDARIES OF THE TOWN; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, on November 7, 2002, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Council") adopted Resolution 2002-45 (i) establishing the Emergency and Fire Services Funding Citizen Advisory Committee (the "Committee") and (ii) charging the Committee with the task of analyzing the Town's budget for the current fiscal year and estimating the budgetary constraints for the fiscal year 2003-2004 and beyond with respect to funding for emergency and fire services. The Committee was also requested to provide analysis of funding alternatives including the necessity to impose a property tax to supplement the Town's budget for the 2003-2004 fiscal year and thereafter for the purpose of providing the necessary funding for emergency and fire services; and WHEREAS, the Council required the Committee to present its initial findings to the Council in a written report to be distributed not later than December 31, 2002; and WHEREAS, the Committee delivered its findings to the Council in a written report on January 2, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Committee recommended, inter alia, that the Council approve a resolution in support of a citizens' effort to petition the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (the "Board") to permit the formation of a new fire district pursuant to ARiz. REV. STAT. § 48- 261 to provide fire and emergency medical services within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Fountain Hills; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to follow the recommendation of the Committee by endorsing the efforts of a citizens' group to seek approval from the Board to circulate petitions for the formation of a new fire district covering the entire incorporated area of the Town of Fountain Hills, subject to the conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, as follows: Section 1. That the Council hereby endorses the creation of a fire district pursuant to ARiz. REV. STAT. § 48-261 covering the entire incorporated area of the Town, subject to the following conditions: 1. This endorsement shall expire on the earlier of (i) December 31, 2003 or (ii) the date, if any, that the Board (a) denies the request to circulate formation petitions pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 48-261 (A)(4) or (b) orders that the petition 9196.001\new fire dist.res.doc 1-10-03-2 signatures are insufficient to cause the formation of a new fire district pursuant to ARiz. REV. STAT. § 48-261 (A)(9). 2. The citizen's group shall submit the completed district impact statement required pursuant to ARrz. REV. STAT. § 48-261 (A)(1) for review by the Council prior to submission to the Board. The Council hereby reserves the right to reconsider this Resolution at a public meeting in the event that the completed district impact statement indicates that the cost to Fountain Hills residents for emergency medical services and fire protection under a new district will be significantly higher that it would be if provided by the Town. Section 2. By reason of the urgent need to resolve the issue of funding for fire protection and emergency medical services and the substantial time necessary for (i) preparation of the district impact statement, (ii) collection of the necessary signatures by the citizens' group and (iii) the required review, public hearings and approvals by the Board, the immediate operation of the provisions of this Resolution is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist. This Resolution will be in full force and effect immediately upon passage and adoption and it is so enacted. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, January 16, 2003. ATTEST: Cassie B. Hansen, town Clerk AP P VED AS TO FORM: An ew J. cGuire, Town Attorney CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2003-02 was duly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, at a meeting held on January 16, 2003, and the vote was j aye's and 0 nay's and that the Mayor and Council members were present and voting. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk 9196.001\new fire dist.res.doc 1-10-03-2 2 Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Marshal Consent:® Regular:❑ Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person: Todd Tate Requesting Action:® Tyne of Document Needing Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: purchase approval Council Priority (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ® Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only;❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: Consideration of APPROVING THE PURCHASE of one mobile and seven portable radios from Motorola in the amount of $37,062.11. The radios will be purchased on state contract and are needed for the Marshal's Department officers to be dispatched by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, effective February 1, 2003. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: Yes 137,062.11 Purpose of Item and Background: Information: Last December, the Council approved the manager's budget reduction plan that included transferring dispatch reponsibilities to the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. To enable the Sheriffs Office to dispatch to Marshal Department officers, new radios must be purchased that are compatible with the County's equipment. Since the County will assume all dispatching on February 1, 2003, the Manager has directed staff to procure the necessasry equipment. Please note that this fiscal year's approved budget includes the amount of $54,000 for these radios. List All Attachments as Follows:: Tate memo, equipment specifications, requisition Type(s) of Presentation: none Signatures of Submitting Staff: -M Z_1_"2LA - Department Head_ -, ll0 -o 3 Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF TOWN MARSHAL INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Tim Pickering, Town Manager DT: January 10, 2003 FR: Todd Tate, Interim Town Marshal TIT RE: Radio Purchase I have been working with Sergeant Ken Martinez regarding new radios that will be needed in order for the Marshals Department officers to be dispatched by MCSO. We currently have five of the new mobile radios in five of our patrol cars. We will need one more mobile radio for the fleet and a total of seven portable radios, which will give us one spare portable. An amount of $54,000 for these radios was included in this year's approved fiscal year budget. If you should decide that three positions would stay in the Marshals Department and not go to the Building Department, then Sergeant Martinez can change the requisition for a purchase of ten portable radios. The radios are purchased on state contract and will have to be programmed by the County and then the one mobile unit installed in the patrol car. I have spoken with Julie and am aware that this purchase will have to go before the Council. Please let me know how you wish to proceed. Thank you. r U N O N 0 N N n N T U d 0 o W Q1 O CO U o N a � r •o cn Q Q to LL b L M a a, a O O z z a a 0 LL Ow 2 a Q o a w cc C- I c O, W) kn C\ r- It N 69 6o4. 6os M M 64 64 69 r 6R 69 6S 69 lzt V-) o r o o Wn Wn 64 69 'os � 69 69 S 64 69 F >C O F It .� 00 CW7 z F z z� wu Q w fWA o Q Q ��v7w0 w Qxa�¢ ...a�wzrx >CZUWO Qww'�z ��CaQ cn 0 W A w L1Ho�,FW-o QaXX.� �z wa x N o U 00 00 o�o�ON��zz MxaxOOx rA W W d F- O a. P� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O� M O N N �O M r Q� 00 C� C� O N 't �c Vl Q M 110 N N 69 00 M 64 69 69 6S 64 M 64i 69 (oq 0 0 cN 00 a) o 0 GNO m O N � N � M \0 �O N tn 69 69 69 69 69 69 S W � d O d F� E� r ¢3¢ c 0 N X ° i a J -0 C 6 a o a) o a E aw a .o ° a c aO L_ T m = 0 d NU O> N m a c H D of x CD w U m O m 0Wu0cc 0�oaw'm�loo aQomQ a ; _ u 0 Er°-d� U O C C 'a C- r o3aa)E+ft3 C h 3 U w a o CL c o 3 Z U _ ° c `0�oQ _00 Cl c a�C c°' 0 3 0 3 o o gCD v 3 (Y a O N Y m C c 0) c� a on a)0 o� -o 0 c E o c a o Q n 0 0 CLE my o00� °g X. a a � C c N a)�o o m a� o° o O o- o E Q 0 o c L 3 o a a) 12 0 0 o a -0 •0 u° 0 0 CDapO D a22 ri ri v Sri ,o � N I. J that Is Atv10 Town of FOUNTAIN HILLS Attn: Accounts Payable (480)837-2003 P.O. Box 17958 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85269 N° j378 REQUISITION FOR SUPPLIES & SERVICES VENDOR DATE: ! A O� TERMS: ACCT. NO: DIV NO: DEPT NO.: RESALE (PERMIT) ❑ YES ❑ NO CONFIRMING ❑ YES ❑ NO DELIVER TO FOR: 3TORES ❑ LAST OR RECOMMENDED VENDOR P.O. NO. ISSUED PURCHASE ITEM DESCRIPTION ORD. REC'D CUR CODE UNIT PRICE EXTENSION — d X r 300dZ C y�J r e2d CpX 3q 2 S5. o 7-7-7. c 0 DATE REQUIRED: F.O.B. SHIP VIA REQUESTED BY APPROVED BY APPROVED BY Town of Fountain Hills Council Action Meeting Date: /— I Lo-03 Public Hearing began: am/pm Public Hearing ended: am/pm Roll Call Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice M Kavanagh Melendez Nicola Ralphe Amendment: Second: Roll Call Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor .1avana h lelendez Nicola RalDhe Amendment: Second: Roll Call Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Ma Kavanagh Melendez Nicola Rabhe Action: f 11C lublish aecordation Nay Aye Aye I Nay Agenda Item #(s) ,,_� Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Post Council Meeting Notes: Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Parks and Recreation Consent:❑ Regular:® Meeting Date: January 16, 2003 Contact Person: Mark Mayer Requesting Action:® Tvne of Document Needing Anuroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Comm. Ctr. Comm. Appointments Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas) ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ® Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: Consideration of Appointing four members to the Community Center Advisory Commission Staff Recommendation: Approve No $ Purpose of Item and Background Informations There are currently four positions open on the Community Center Advisory Commission beginning in 2003. The Town received a total of eight applicantions for the openings. Interviews were conducted by the Council on January 14, 2003. New Commissioners are scheduled to be appointed at the Council meeting on January 16, 2003. New Commissioners will serve a two year term through December 2004. List All Attachments as Follows: Type(s) of Presentation: None Signatures of Submitting Staff: Department Head Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Town of Fountain Hills Council Action Meeting Date: ; public Hearing began: am/pm 'ublic Hearing ended: am/pm Agenda Item #(s) Motion:..-..,, a , I 1 _ Roll Call Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor Kavanagh Melendez Nicola Ralphe Amendment: rV\ A Second: J K Roll Call Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor .avana h Melendez Nicola RalDhe IM (o—O IL Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approve Denied Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Deni Tabled Date: Continued Date: Action: Post Council Meetinq Notes: Copy/Distribute/Follow-up File Publish Recordation Staff Direction Signatures Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Com. Dev. Consent;❑ Regular:® Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner Requesting Action;® Tv»e-of Docurnent Needing Anuroval (Check all that appl ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ® Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council P orn iii C ieci AMA 6'r 6iiate;% reas" : ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ® Community Development Report only:;❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regdfiii, nila W. 6rd ng: Consideration of a Temporary Use Permit to allow Outdoor Retail Sales to occur more than four times during one calender year, located at 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd., aka Lot 2 of the Plaza Fountainside Final Plat, Case number TU2002-04. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal jrnpact: No $ Purposea of temfand Backaroun&tfifo'rniation: This request is for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow outdoor retail sales to be located at 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd. The applicant, Loras Kotz, is proposing an open-air market to be held every Tuesday beginning January 21, 2003 and ending January 11, 2005. This agenda item was continued from the January 2, 2003 meeting. Please see the attached staff report for additional details regarding this request. List'A'll Attachments as Follows: Staff Report; Application Type(s) of'Presentafi " Powerpoint Signatures of Submitting Staff: Dep tment Head Town Manage / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN COUNCIL MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and DT: January 7, 2003 Town Council FR: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Plannex,_. RE: Case # TU2002-04; Temporary Use request for Outdoor Retail Sales LOCATION: 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd., aka Lot 2, Plaza Fountainside Final Plat REQUEST: Approval of a Temporary Use Permit for Outdoor Retail Sales. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: The Plaza Fountainside L.P. APPLICANT: Loras Kotz EXISTING ZONING: "TCC" Town Center Commercial Zoning District LOT SIZE: 1.45 Acres PROPOSED USE: Graded with dust control surfacing SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: 'o.. NORTH: Retail Shops; zoned "TCC" SOUTH: El Lago Blvd and vacant parcel; zoned "TCC" EAST: Town owned parking lot at Fountain Park; zoned "OSR" WEST: Plaza Fountainside shared parking area; zoned "TCC" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow outdoor retail sales to be located at 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd. The applicant, Loras Kotz, is proposing an open-air market to be held every Tuesday beginning January 21, 2003 and ending January 11, 2005. Please see the site plan and list of vendors attached with the application. EAVALUATION: On January 2, 2003, the Town Council continued this item at Staff's request, with a 3-1 vote. Temporary use permits for outdoor retail sales are regulated in the Zoning Ordinance §5.16B(4) as follows: "A time limit shall be established for each use conducted under the temporary use permit. Unless otherwise previously approved by the Town Council, the time limit shall not exceed seven (7) consecutive days, nor shall there be more than four (4) temporary use permits issued for the same use during any calendar year. The Town Council may grant permission for the same use to be held more than four (4) times during a calendar year." Therefore, Council may approve a temporary use permit under §5.16 of the Zoning Ordinance for any period of time, whether the use is for an event held on intermittent days or consecutive days, given that a single temporary use permit does not exceed a period of two years (§2.03E(3)). The application, as presented, conforms to the temporary use regulations of the Zoning Ordinance if approved by the Town Council. The applicant is aware that a business license is required for each individual vendor at the proposed site, pursuant to §8-1-10 of the Town Code regulating retail merchants. Staff recommends a stipulation to require each vendor to provide written consent from the property owner to locate on the site, to be submitted with, and in addition to, each vendor's business license application. Parking for this site has been provided with The Plaza Fountainside Final Plat subdivision improvements pursuant to the Plaza Fountainside Shared Parking Agreement. Overflow parking is provided to the east of this site at the Fountain Park parking area. The combined parking should be sufficient due to the limited schedule of the open air market. On -street parking will not be permitted. Due to the proximity of the proposed open-air market to El Lago Blvd. and the access drive aisle to the west, staff is proposing to stipulate that pedestrian access be delineated by the use of roping and/or barricades to ensure safe public access to the site. This should restrict pedestrian access to adjacent drive aisles at centralized locations. The proposed location of the market is on a graded lot, where dust control surfacing (2" decomposed granite) has been provided. The applicant is required to provide on -site trash receptacles and trash maintenance during each event. In the event that vertical structures, such as canopies or membrane type structures are requested, future administrative approval will be required. All temporary structures must conform to the minimum required building setbacks and all other applicable regulations of the "TCC" Zoning District in which it is located. Staff has not received letters of protest at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this Temporary Use Permit with the following stipulations: 1) The applicant shall provide designated pedestrian access by the use of roping, signage, and barricades or similar methods, to be approved by Town staff, prior to public access. 2) All signage shall be approved by separate permit. 3) The open-air market shall be open to the public between the hours of 9 A.M. and 3 P.M., each Tuesday. All items and equipment for the open-air market must be removed from the site at the end of each business day. 4) In the event that vertical structures, such as canopies or membrane type structures are requested, administrative approval is required. All temporary structures must conform to the minimum required building setbacks of the "TCC" Zoning District. 5) Obtain all necessary approvals and permits from Maricopa County Health Department prior to operation. 6) Approval of this temporary use permit shall expire on January 14, 2004, with the opportunity for an extension by Town Council to expire on January 12, 2005. 7) This temporary use permit is non -transferable and shall become null and void with the issuance of a building permit for a permanent structure for the same location. 8) Each vendor shall be required to obtain a business license pursuant to §8-1-10 of the Town Code (retail merchants... with a fixed place of business within the town limits...). At time of business license application, each vendor shall submit to the Town, written consent from the property owner to locate on the site. 9) The applicant shall provide a list of all vendors' State of Arizona Sales Tax Identification number and lease space number to the Town Accountant, or his/her designee, on a monthly basis. `t4at is The Town of Fountain Hills COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I or official u case managere Only Fountain Hills, Arizona GENERAL APPLICATION ✓ Temporary Use Permit Grand Opening Sign Permit Continuance Request (Maximum 14 Days) Administrator's Interpretation or Appeal NATURE OF THE REQUEST: _Gr�Ctn�zed �O�rmP�S �'��r ke.'t, eCcCh TkESdc�:� � ThE rr lore c,YN C( D0 6 n� DURATION REQUESTED (Temporary Use or Grand Opening): From Sanuac� �7, , 2_063 To ScLinuary 2� a PROJECT NAME tea; Mrs �X�arKE� LEGAL DESCRIPTION Plat Name Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS l a (o H 5 /J . Jac, Aa rr, 1U�1. �nu'{Aj \\5 AZ � Ze Mrs. Applicant: �-i'o�s �A�� a�1� , / —�. pp % /c.�,T�,s� Day Phone Mr. _ Ms. Address: / i7� � City: ��'� State: z Zip. Mrs. Owner: 1 Day Phone I96 D F" -2 3 �� Mr. Foss.:, s..' � L.. L', Ms. Address: City: State: Zip: If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration, the secb�on be/ow mil be completed G SIGNATURE OF OW DATE - �'7/"z I HEREBY AUTHORIZE Lv�G s �o TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me this day of M 19 Notary Public My Commission Expires FILING DATE: FEE PAID: ` 1 ACCEPTED BY: (See Fee Schedule) General Application_( Page 1 of 3 J Case Number -fu f1lamo for PLAZA FOUNTAINSIDE Of EN Alf; MARKET REQUEST FOR OPEN AIR MARKET AT THE PLAZA FOUNTAIN5IDE TO DE HELD WEEKLY ON TUE5DAY5 STARTING 1114103 THRU 04103. A L15T OF FARTICIFANT5 15 ATTACHED. THEY WILL BE 5ET OF IN ROWS UNDER CANOPIED BOOTHS, 5EE ATTACHED SKETCH. KE5FECTFULLY 5U13MITTED BY LORAS KOTZ 12220 N. TEAL DRIVE FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 480-837-8997 Alpine Almonds John Teuber (cell#(602) 418-4523) Atlantic Salmon Kenny Oshbacher (602) 286-9233 Breads,bakes desserts. cookies Monique/Marty Lightner (480) 585-8639 Beehive Candles Jen/Darian (866)411-9900 Bertas Burritos — Roberta (602) 787-0787 Blue Sky Farms David Voss (623)853-1424 Candy Apples Steve or Dana (602) 493-5032 DeCio Pasta Hazel (mother) Scott (son) (480) 456-1080 Desert Roots Backyard Herbs Kelly Saxter (480) 515-5453 Events by First Rose (480) 507-9331 Exotic Floral Designs Rita Picone (602) 867-1718 Gourmet Chololates Kathy McCarthy (480) 239-3903 Herbal Salves Nathaniel Davis (480) 456-1759 Lasan Teas — Sue Lybeck (602) 493-9297 Lebanese desserts Baklava LiL Sunshine Soaps/Cards Diane Tagg (480) 837-8152 Molly's Tamales Molly (623) 878-1815 Musician Brett James Philipps (623) 580-0426 Rohs Fudge Lowell Rohs (480) 585-2825 Schambach Maple Products Frank Schambach (623) 869-0523 Sconces/ Barbara (623) 879-9236 Sheridans graphics Sherry Lee (480) 496-8213 Southwest Chilies Tracy Mescha (602) 770-3150 Soy Nuts Shirley & Morris Weisman (480) 836-8320 Spice Bazaar Mary Karadsheh (480) 874-8841 Sulfur Springs Lavender Products Rita (602) 867-1718 Sunrider Products — Stephanie Cantu (602) 410-2929 Tanita Farms (602) 999-0297 Topiaries Living Sculptures (928) 632-4935 i• F_ ji•i V I've* As dW r a� • a - era • 11 I a.,.f s7•. is i • ett I `- Vim\ +� `�1.� `�• ~� � ` ~\�— l•.'' , � �`- ci.��-�------�.. V 1 - �J 1 .ice =� � � �. ��'•f`r%•..�^� =-'�1 �\ ti�4 � � ��. �� ' Y - � i� .I:J • • � �� �� lam"\ `- -��\ �` '�1 �l �• _ - • ': • =tip=• �. -mac • r .: �♦ J eW r �g > a � srss a3 _ a Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 1/2/03 Submitting Department: Com. Dev. Contact Person: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner Consent:® Regular:❑ Requesting Action:® Report Only:❑ Type of Document Needing Annroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Acceptance ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Plat ❑ Special Event Permit ® Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Priority (Check ADDronriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Library Services ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Economic Development ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Parks & Recreation ❑ Town Elections ® Community Development Regular Agenda Wording: Consideration of a Temporary Use Permit to allow Outdoor Retail Sales to occur more than four times during one calender year, located at 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd., aka Lot 2 of the Plaza Fountainside Final Plat, Case number TU2002-04.. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $ Purpose of Item and Background Information: This request is for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow outdoor retail sales to be located at 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd. The applicant, Loras Kotz, is proposing an open-air market to be held every Tuesday beginning January 14, 2003 and ending January 11, 2005. Please see the attached staff report for additional details regarding this request. List All Attachments as Follows: Staff Report; Application Type(s) of Presentation: NA Signatures of Submitting Staff: D artment Head T n Manager esig ee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN COUNCIL MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and DT: December 24, 2002 Town Council FR: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner RE: Case # TU2002-04; Temporary Use request for Outdoor Retail Sales LOCATION: 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd., aka Lot 2, Plaza Fountainside Final Plat REQUEST: Approval of a Temporary Use Permit for Outdoor Retail Sales. DESCRIPTION: OWNER: The Plaza Fountainside L.P. APPLICANT: Loras Kotz EXISTING ZONING: "TCC" Town Center Commercial Zoning District LOT SIZE: 1.45 Acres PROPOSED USE: Graded with dust control surfacing SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Retail Shops; zoned "TCC" SOUTH: El Lago Blvd and vacant parcel; zoned "TCC" EAST: Town owned parking lot at Fountain Park; zoned "OSR" WEST: Plaza Fountainside shared parking area; zoned "TCC" fY�IT/:, This request is for approval of a Temporary Use Permit to allow outdoor retail sales to be located at 12645 N. Saguaro Blvd. The applicant, Loras Kotz, is proposing an open-air market to be held every Tuesday beginning January 14, 2003 and ending January 11, 2005. Please see the site plan and list of vendors attached with the application. EAVALUATION: The time limit for a temporary use permit, as described in §5.16 of the Zoning Ordinance, shall not exceed seven (7) consecutive days, nor shall there be more than four (4) temporary use permits issued for the same use during any calendar year, unless otherwise approved by Town Council. This request to hold an open-air market exceeds four (4) times a year, therefore, Town Council .approval is necessary. Parking for this site has been provided with The Plaza Fountainside Final Plat subdivision improvements pursuant to the Plaza Fountainside Shared Parking Agreement. Overflow parking is provided to the east of this site at the Fountain Park parking area. Staff does not foresee conflicts with parking in the Town owned parking lot due to the limited schedule of the market. On -street parking will not be permitted. Due to the proximity of the proposed open-air market to El Lago Blvd. and the access drive aisle to the west, staff is proposing to stipulate that pedestrian access be delineated by the use of roping and/or barricades to ensure safe public access to the site. This should restrict pedestrian access to adjacent drive aisles at centralized locations. The proposed location of the market is on a graded lot, where dust control surfacing (2" decomposed granite) has been provided. The applicant is required to provide on -site trash receptacles during each event. In the event that vertical structures, such as canopies or membrane type structures are requested, future administrative approval will be required. All temporary structures must conform to the minimum required building setbacks and all other applicable regulations of the "TCC" Zoning District in which it is located. Staff has not received letters of protest at this time. Staff believes that this use is appropriate for this location. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this Temporary Use Permit with the following stipulations: 1) The applicant shall provide designated pedestrian access by the use of roping and barricades or similar methods, to be approved by Town staff, prior to public access. 2) All signage shall be administratively approved by separate permit. 3) The open-air market shall be open to the public between the hours of 9 A.M. and 3 P.M., each Tuesday. 4) In the event that vertical structures, such as canopies or membrane type structures are requested, administrative approval is required. All temporary structures must conform to the minimum required building setbacks of the "TCC" Zoning District. 5) Obtain all necessary approvals and permits from Maricopa County Health Department prior to operation. 6) Approval of this temporary use permit shall be for one year with the opportunity for an extension by Town Council. 7) This temporary use permit is non -transferable and shall become null and void with the issuance of a building permit for a permanent structure for the same location. 8) At time of business license application, each vendor shall provide written consent from the property owner to locate on the site. The Town of Fountain Hills COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ForCaseOM'a ManUse ager: Only Fountain Hills, Arizona GENERAL APPLICATION- ✓ Temporary Use Permit Grand Opening Sign Permit Continuance Request (Maximum 14 Days) Administrator's Interpretation or Appeal NATURE OF THE REQUEST: Grclani"zed �0.rrY�P�S n�dCKet eCcCh TkESd r —CkE rV�Utiles}, �,�Y� CI 00Cx r�� DURATION REQUESTED (Temporary Use or Grand Opening): From - Sanuar� ail, zC�3 10 Sctnuary PROJECT NAME tea; Mars �1�ac�cE� cat LEGAL DESCRIPTION Plat Name Block Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS 1 a (c Ll 5 k) . J3c, Ua rn \ �1i. --finis ny'Z)k !A i \\5 A Z �- Mrs. Applicant: ��`r'as �� �z 0.Kc-40 Day Phone Mr. Ms. Address: City: State: Z� 7— Zip: Mrs. Owner: Day Phone yL6]Q-?--2Z3 Mr. Ms. Address: City: State: Zip: a If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration, the .section below must be completed. G SIGNATURE OF OW DATE I HEREBY AUTHORIZE LvW-CA-s �o TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me this day of 19 J Notary Public My Commission Expires FILING DATE: ' ' FEE PAID: C' ` ` ACCEPTEDBY: ! } ,,Cw I (See Fee Schedule) General Application Page 1 of 3 J Case Number Flamo for FLAZA FOUNTAINSIDE OFEN Alfa MARKET REQUEST FOR OPEN AIR MARKET AT THE PLAZA FOUNTAIN5IDE TO BE HELD WEEKLY ON TUE5DAY5 STARTING 1/14/03 THRU 04/03. A L15T OF PARTICIPANTS 15 ATTACHED. THEY WILL BE SET UP IN ROWS UNDER CANOPIED BOOTHS, SEE ATTACHED SKETCH. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY LORA5 KOTZ 12220 N. TEAL DRIVE FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 480-837-8997 Alpine Almonds John Teuber (cell#(602) 418-4523) Atlantic Salmon Kenny Oshbacher (602) 286-9233 Breads,bakes desserts. cookies Monique/Marty Lightner (480) 585-8639 Beehive Candles Jen/Darian (866)411-9900 Bertas Burritos — Roberta (602) 787-0787 Blue Sky Farms David Voss (623)853-1424 Candy Apples Steve or Dana (602) 493-5032 DeCio Pasta Hazel (mother) Scott (son) (480) 456-1080 Desert Roots Backyard Herbs Kelly Saxter (480) 515-5453 Events by First Rose (480) 507-9331 Exotic Floral Designs Rita Picone (602) 867-1718 Gourmet Chololates Kathy McCarthy (480) 239-3903 Herbal Salves Nathaniel Davis (480) 456-1759 Lasan Teas — Sue Lybeck (602) 493-9297 Lebanese desserts Baklava LiL Sunshine Soaps/Cards Diane Tagg (480) 837-8152 Molly's Tamales Molly (623) 878-1815 Musician Brett James Philipps (623) 580-0426 Rohs Fudge Lowell Rohs (480) 585-2825 Schambach Maple Products Frank Schambach (623) 869-0523 Sconces/ Barbara (623) 879-9236 Sheridans graphics Sherry Lee (480) 496-8213 Southwest Chilies Tracy Mescha (602) 770-3150 Soy Nuts Shirley & Morris Weisman (480) 836-8320 Spice Bazaar Mary Karadsheh (480) 874-8841 Sulfur Springs Lavender Products Rita (602) 867-1718 Sunrider Products — Stephanie Cantu (602) 410-2929 Tanita Farms (602) 999-0297 Topiaries Living Sculptures (928) 632-4935 f a! W_ a�� $_ems a� �• I i • now dow �r • 1 � r%l a Alki%no - Town of Fountain Hills Council Action Meeting Date: Agenda Item #(s) 7 Public Hearing began: am/pm ?ublic Hearing ended: am/pm �\ 1 r 3 1 ,u c -fix ", o L� 5 o F Motion: '�1�' wo— u-^+;1 4+,LreSo)out Second: IX 4 -k, 1-4 f"1 0-IN1"+ -0, a- 1 OLJ Roll Call Aye Nay Z I •iAI - Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor Kavanagh Melendez Nicola RalDhe Action Taken: Approved Denied a ed Date: Continued Date: Amendment: 0 i<- del •l" O c . r c Second: "? Roll Gall Aye Nay Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor avana h Melendez Nicola RalDhe Action: t Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Post Council Meeting Notes: Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Town Manager Consent;❑ Regular:® Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person Tim Pickering Requesting Action:® Tvne of Document Needing Annroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Update Council Prioritv (Check ADDronriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:[] ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: UPDATE on the recent budget reductions including: how the steps taken so far have impacted town services, what solutions have been identified to handle any situations that had risen from the changes; and a projection on how much money would be saved in the current fiscal year. Staff Recommendation: Fiscal Impact: Yes $estimated as decribed in report Purpose of Item and Background Information: Town Manager Pickering will update the Council on the Town's budget reduction activities to date. List All Attachments as Follows: memo from Town Manager Type(s) of Presentation: oral Signatures of Submitting Staff: Department Head Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Office of Town Manager INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and Town DT: January 10, 2003 Councilmembers FR: Tim Pickering, Town Manager RE: Update on Budget Reduction Plan At the last Council meeting, the Council requested a short update on how the budget reduction plan is moving forward. Following are the major steps that have been taken: • Reduction of Full Time Employees (FTE) — We have received great response to our offer of severance packages to those targeted employees. As of Thursday, January 9`h, the Town has received thirteen volunteers for resignation. Two volunteers were Directors of the Community Development Dept. and the Community Center. Volunteers whose positions can be eliminated received three-month severance, 50% sick pay, and 100% vacation pay. We received five volunteer resignations from our dispatchers, but none from any Marshals. Marshal reductions may be complicated by previous or upcoming grant requirements. We are checking with the Justice Department to ensure compliance with all grant requirements. Administration has not finalized their personnel reductions as of this date, although the I/T Manager has volunteered and resigned. • Combining Departments — The Parks and Community Center department combination is moving forward. The Parks and Recreation Director will oversee all operations and Parks will occupy a less -utilized room at the Community Center as their headquarters. This move allows for a reduction in management and administrative personnel, a decrease in leased town office space, and offers increased manpower for Community Center setups. Office cubicles/computer/phones setup cost is approximately $22,000. This will be paid for with savings from the combination. The staff is also examining the location of the Public Works/Planning Dept, to potentially further reduce our leased space. No decision has been reached, nor has the future of the Senior Center been discussed or decided. The Public Works and Community Development Departments combination has yielded more savings than anticipated. An additional executive assistant position could be eliminated. Three planners have been reduced to two planners and the Department Director has resigned. The Public Works Director is now heading both departments. We may look at funding a Downtown/ED position with downtown sales tax funds • Staff is preparing a request to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office to decrease our annual contract price by $184,929, by reducing our late night coverage. • As dispatchers resign, the County is assuming dispatching duties. Before the end of 2002, the County assumed all late night dispatching with no complications. We are hopeful to have radios purchased and dispatching operations transferred by February. • Park related expense reductions — Mowing, reseeding, and irrigation frequency has been reduced. Fountain Park fountain spray time has been reduced to 10 minutes vs. 15 minutes each hour of operation. • Public Works related expense reductions — Wash cleanup stopped. Street sweeping and crack sealing reduced. Staff is working with the consulting engineer on the reduction of Shea Blvd. bike lane funding. The Town plans to use an $83,000 donation from MCO to pay our portion to ADOT and remaining engineering fees. The bike lane on the north side of Shea Blvd. has been eliminated. The consulting engineer is currently evaluating estimated costs necessary to complete the bike lane south of Shea Blvd. and median work. Updates will be provided to you as they are received. • Tourism funding has been cut. IMPACT ON TOWN SERVICE Measuring the impact of the above cuts is difficult, as reductions have not been in effect for any length of time. Staff is carefully monitoring key measurements; i.e. time to process building permits, crime statistics, community center profitability, etc. Until some of the adjustments are implemented for a longer period of time, the impact on services may be difficult to accurately measure. I would like to initiate more measurements of success. DOLLARS SAVED If fully implemented, the budget reduction plan would save approximately $2M for the general fund in the upcoming fiscal year. Staff is still working to determine accurate estimates for current fiscal year savings. We hope to have a "ballpark" estimate before our Council meeting. cc: Julie Ghetti Cassie Hansen Tpickering/ElStein//Tim Pickering/updateonbudgetreductionplan.doc/011003 c 0 F Arizo da. 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Q 69 ER E9 _ _ _ _ _ M _ (n _ _ r d4 69 69 69 6 k 6ri 69 E9 _ — 69 E9 69 69 N to 0 OEM (n0 _O V7 LO 0) O c C\i N L O n c (0 R n (o 11 >, CO (0 - EE co p Vy 0 0 m co r, r- m0`00 O Cl) LOco 00 .- (00 M �� N N a) M d9 ^ EA N N �; cc a� c n o- (O N M w II II II (0 M . _ °") E m f � o `m m n0i a CD�, ^ c N p to > M n .Q—LO mm M C jZ c co � m m � r Q J V II 00 7 0 lA n OV N 7 N `07 N co C N a7 N M 0 0 O °' — (n0- E E E (O y 'p O_ M_ N �c)iC na n > n3 n O n N ( 0 a) 0 m N0)Qvi } O (00 CO N N C\j e9 E d N U) 0 0 C c O O ~ ~ N } } U U (O O O O X O d O O O) L c0 07 07 a7 0 0 0 d M 00+0 +0 teCl) °) EE C\ V3� a) > > dada N N O 0 o LL LL n CD O LO 0 0 N O O � = te a (q Iqrll.�gL N O Of O N c O 0) (0 n tf) O 'IT n 0 co co 7 (c D 69. m m a I.L iL n (O (D II II II II M N 69 m a o CD '- IDm a) E c c c c n> a) a) m o c co3 a)0 y m x a) xa W ti c U) cp2W 0) ate) � d 0) 0 x O M co v Z N Q)(D 0 'Q '� M N 0 Q O 0 0 0 0 a) LLILd L}LIlEL C7 cn000 2 a 0 M 0 0 2 0 a Y VD m m` 0 c c m C, 0 cm Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form ieutg`pe Regular Meeting Meeting Date:; 1/16/03 Suatru n arfinenf� Town Manager Corntact'Perrso� g Con"ff—1 Regular: Requesting Action:,® Tie' dinSAnArovl f CheGk all that app1Y) ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Report Council Priority fChec1�0 �ate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Tim Pickering ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Re' aiA"' "nd' 1W ing: REPORT on three revenue sources cited in the manager's memo dated December 11, 2002 to provide the Council with more details on the options that include: the elimination of sales tax exemptions; the increase of permit, license and user fees; and the placement of a utility franchise fee on the ballot. Approve Fiscal Impact: Yes $estimated as decribed in report rpose of Item and Background Information: As requested at the last Council meeting, Town Manager Pickering will report on the revenue enhancement options as outlined in his December 11, 2002 memo to the Council. L1stfA �ts��is"Follow`sr memo from Accounting Supervisor oral Department Head Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Mr. Timothy Pickering, Town Manager DT: January 10, 2003 FR: Julie A. Ghetti, Accounting Supervisor RE: Additional Revenue Options Administration The Council has requested additional information on the revenue enhancements as outlined in your memo of December 11, 2002; hopefully the following will assist the Council in their discussions. Option 2: Eliminate Sales Tax Exemptions The Town of Fountain Hills adopted the Model City Tax Code (MCTC) when the local sales tax was implemented in 1995. The MCTC allows cities and towns to select which items will be taxed or exempt from the tax. Fountain Hills opted to include advertising but at a zero percent rate, and exempted residential rentals and health spa memberships. By ordinance .the Council can change the rate on advertising which will become effective the first of the month following 60 days notification to the Arizona Department of Revenue. If the rate were changed to 1.6% the Town could receive an additional $200,000 to $300,000 per year in revenue. This rate change will affect advertising revenues to the income of publishers. Statewide newspaper advertising revenue, included in the publishing tax, will be allocated to Fountain Hills based on circulation within the Town. Additional business affected are telephone directories, local newspapers, magazines, billboards, and other periodicals. Currently there are only 12 cities in Arizona that exempt advertising. When the Town adopted the Model City Tax Code one of the options (H) exempts privilege tax on health spas, fitness centers, dance studios and other businesses who charge for the use of their premises. The Council can amend the option to include tax on the membership fees (does not apply to hair salons). Approximate additional revenue would be $20,000 per year. Currently 32 cites in Arizona tax membership fees. Option S of the Model City Tax code exempts residential rental units from the privilege tax. Eliminating this exemption would impose tax on landlords renting homes or apartments if they have three or more units available within the State. Individuals who rent on a casual basis (less than 3 units) are not affected. The revenue impact is estimated to be an additional $75,000 at the 1.6% rate. Currently 22 cities in Arizona tax residential rentals. Page 2 `%W Option 4: Increasing Permits. Licenses and User Fees The Building Safety department has drafted an ordinance that would increase the building permit fees on single family residences and duplexes from $0.67/square foot to $0.75/square foot. The average size home that is currently being built is approximately 3,500 square feet including the garage and patio/porch; the average increase in permit fee per residential unit is $432 if the new fees are adopted. If approved the building permit rate would still be less than Cave Creek, Carefree and Paradise Valley. The additional revenue to the Town is approximately $45,000 and would require Council approval. By increasing the Animal License Fees by $5.00 per license the Town could receive an additional $14,000. This would require Council resolution. Another revenue source for the Town is the imposition of fees for miscellaneous services that are currently provided at minimal or no charge to all residents. Those are notary services, fingerprinting, council packet subscriptions (does not refer to media, council or staff), photocopies, etc. An estimate of increased revenue is approximately $3,500 per year. Under the Town business license ordinance the Town currently does not charge a separate liquor license application fee. Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria, Gilbert, and Avondale charge anywhere ,from $400 to $1,200 for bars, restaurants, liquor stores, etc. If the Council wishes to consider imposing a fee for liquor license applications; transfers, extension of premise permits, etc. the Town could receive an additional $12,0.00 - $15,000 in revenue. The City of Scottsdale and Town of Gilbert charge a commercial refuse license fee for trash haulers who do business in their city/town. The Town of Fountain Hills currently has three licensed trash haulers who operate within the community. If the Town were to adopt the commercial license refuse fee an additional $10,000 could be received. The Community Center will be proposing new rental rates that would increase revenue by approximately $54,000 per year. Option 5: Place Utility Franchise Fee on Ballot Cities and towns are given exclusive control over all rights -of -way dedicated to the municipality. Many cities and towns in Arizona have granted franchises to natural gas and water companies and utilities to place lines underground within the public right-of-way. In conjunction with this franchise, a franchise tax can be charged by the municipality. There is no specific amount or limitation in State law, however, according to the League of Arizona Cities and Towns the traditional amount for a franchise tax has been two percent of gross proceeds from the sale of M. Page 3 utility services within the city of town. The utilities typically pass this fee on to the customers. To grant a franchise, the Town must place the question before the voters of the community for approval. State law also limits the term of a franchise agreement to a maximum of twenty-five years. If the voters approve a franchise tax rate of 5% the Town could receive approximately $350,000 annually. Other Tax Increases Fountain Hills also has the option to increase the tax rate on specific industry classes, telecommunications for example. Several cities in Arizona (8) currently charge a higher tax rate on communication providers (Qwest, cellular phones, etc.). Currently there are 10 cities/towns which charge a higher rate on restaurants and bars. Increasing the tax on these two business classifications would bring in an additional $100,000 to $300,000 depending on the rate enacted. A summary of the revenue enhancements is attached for your. reference. If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to see me. Attach. \\earth\JGhetti\WPDATA\INTEROFFICE MEMO GHETTI.doc TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 1%01 OFFICE OF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Mr. Timothy Pickering, Town Manager DT: January 13, 2003 FR: Julie A. Ghetti, Accountin Supervisor Administration RE: Additional Revenue Options A summary of the revenue enhancements is attached and should have been included with the memorandum distributed to the council on Friday, January 10, 2003 (agenda item #8). If you would like any further information please do not hesitate to see me. Attach. \\earth\JGhetti\WPDATA\INTEROFFICE MEMO GHETTI.doc TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PROPOSED REVENUE ENHANCEMENTS OPTION CURRENT PROPOSED ANNUAL EFFECTIVE ACTION RATE RATE INCREASE DATE REQUIRED IN REVENUE Tax 0.0% 1.6% $250,000 May 1, 2003 Council Advertising Ordinance Health Spa 0.0% 1.6% $ 20,000 May 1, 2003 Council Membership Ordinance Residential 0.0% 1.6% $ 75,000 May 1, 2003 Council Rentals Ordinance Increase $0.67/sq $0.75/sq. $ 45,000* July 1, 2003 Council Building foot foot (based on avg. Ordinance Permit Fees square feet SFR) Increase $7/$15 $12/$20 $ 14,000 July 1, 2003 Ordinance Animal License Fees Utility 0.0% 5.0% $350,000 July 1, 2003 Voter Franchise Fee approval required Misc. Fees $0.00 $2 - $5 $ 3,500 July 1, 2003 Implemented (notary, by Staff alarms, etc.) Impose Liquor $0.00 $1,200 $12,000 July 1, 2003 Council License Fees Ordinance Commercial $0.00 $500 per $10,000 July 1, 2003 Council Refuse Fee application/ Ordinance $3,000annual TOTAL $779,500 PROPOSED Town of Fountain Hills Council Action Meeting Date: H tr— O Agenda Item #(s) ! v Public Hearing began: am/pm 'ublic Hearing ended: am/pm Ord o3-O( t. -� cn« . ors ,cnc4--t- Motion: K- Second:°:. K PIN Roll Call Aye Nay �(,�� ,,, ,c % �rr,ou & �(0 Archambault .d �� o Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor Action Taken: roved Denied Kavanagh (4a Melendez Date: Nicola Continued Date: Ralphe " n~ Amendment: S Second: 'Ltj Roll Call Aye Nay Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Archambault Beydler, Mayor ; Fraverd, Vice Mayor avana h Melendez I X Nicola x I I I Action Taken: n 3na Approved Denied )ndez Tabled Date: la Continued Date: the J y -6 a d i a A Ay" t C ell' �I- co{►t c�1; ,�, o k a t.-�, o ( �c� {-� -{-tom �c • �f ion: ` r "Post Council Meeting Notes: Act Copy/Distribute/Follow-up File 'ublish Recordation Staff Direction Signatures Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Town Manager Consent:❑ Regular:® Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person: Tim Pickering Requesting Action:® Type of Document Needing Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Priority (Check ADDroDriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:❑ ® Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: Consideration of ORDINANCE 03-01 relating to the privilege license tax; amending the Town Code by increasing the rate of taxation from one and six -tenths percent (1.6%) to two and sixth -tenths percent (2.6%) providing penalties for the violation thereof; providing for severability; designating an effective date and providing for application of tax to certain contract. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: Yes Purpose of Item and Background Information: Consideration to initiate a temporary increase in local sales tax of 1.0%. List All Attachments as Follows: Ordinance 03-01 Type(s) of Presentation: oral Signatures of Submitting Staff: Department Head Budget Review �_— (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Aa-� 3 Town Manager / Designee ORDINANCE NO.03-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, RELATING TO THE PRIVILEGE LICENSE TAX; AMENDING THE TOWN TAX CODE BY INCREASING THE RATE OF TAXATION FROM ONE AND SIX TENTHS PERCENT (1.6%) TO TWO AND SIX TENTHS PERCENT (2.6%); PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; DESIGNATING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND PROVIDING FOR APPLICATION OF THE TAX TO CERTAIN CONTRACTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA: Section 1. That the tax rate in each of the following sections of the Town Tax Code is hereby set at two and six -tenths percent (2.6%): Section 8A-410 Section 8A-415 Section 8A-416 Section 8A-417 Section 8A-425 Section 8A-427 Section 8A-430 Section 8A-435 Section 8A-444 Section 8A-445 Section 8A-450 Section 8A-455 Section 8A-460 Section 8A-470 Section 8A-475 Section 8A-480 Section 8A-610 Amusements, exhibitions, and similar activities. Construction contracting: construction contractors. Construction contracting: speculative builders. Construction contracting: owner -builders who are not speculative builders. Job printing. Manufactured buildings Timbering and other extraction. Publishing and periodicals distribution. Hotels. Rental, leasing, and licensing for use of real property. Rental, leasing, and licensing for use of tangible personal property. Restaurants and Bars Retail sales: measure of tax; burden of proof; exclusions. Telecommunications Services Transporting for hire. Utility services. Use tax: imposition of tax; presumption Section 2. Any person found guilty of violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. 9196.001\.Sales Tax.03.ord.v4.doc 1-27-03-1 Section 4. By reason of the urgent need to provide funding for critical Town services the immediate operation of the provisions of this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect immediately upon passage and adoption and it is so enacted. Section 5. The increase in tax rate provided herein shall become effective on April 1, 2003, and shall remain in full force and effect only until such time as earlier to occur of (i) formation of a fire district that provides fire and emergency medical services to the entire incorporated area of the Town of Fountain Hills and the levy and collection of a secondary property tax by said district to fund such fire and emergency medical services or (ii) approval of a primary property tax by the qualified electors of the Town of Fountain Hills at the special election on May 20, 2003, and the levy and collection thereof. Section 6. The additional tax imposed pursuant to this Ordinance shall not apply to contracts entered into prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, January 16, 2003. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: 9196.001\.Sales Tax.03.ord.v4.doc 1-27-03-1 2 ATTEST: r Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: t Andrew J. cGuire, Town Attorney ORDINANCE NO.03-01 `�.. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TO OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, RELATING TO THE PRIVILEGE CENSE TAX; AMENDING THE TOWN TAX CODE BY INCREASING T RATE OF TAXATION FROM ONE AND SIX TENTHS PERCENT (1.6%) O TWO AND SIX TENTHS PERCENT (2.6 % ); PROVIDING PENAL S FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILIT ;DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; DESIGNATING AN EFFECTIVE DATE D PROVIDING FOR APPLICATION OF THE TAX TO CERTAIN CONTRA S. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COLTl�IL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA: / Section 1. That the tax rate in each of the following sections of the Town Tax Code is hereby set at two and six -tenths percent (2.6%): Section 8A-410 Amusements, exhibitions, and similar activities. Section 8A-415 Construction contracting: construction contractors. Section 8A-416 Construction contracting: speculative builders. Section 8A-417 Construction contracting: owner -builders who are not speculative builders. Section 8A-425 Job printing. Section 8A-427 Manufactured buildings Section 8A-430 Timbering and other extraction. Section 8A-435 Publishing and periodicals distribution. Section 8A-444 Hotels. Section 8A-450 Rental, leasing, and licensing for use of tangible personal property. Section 8A-455 Restaurants and Bars Section 8A-460 Retail sales: measure of tax; burden of proof; exclusions. Section 8A-470 Telecommunications Services Section 8A-475 Transporting for hire. Section 8A-480 Utility services. Section 8A-610 Use tax: imposition of tax; presumption Section 2. Any person found guilty of violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. 9196.001\Sales Tax.03.ord.v4.doc 1-27-03-1 Town of Fountain Hills Council Action Meeting Date: II — I U- 0 3 Public Hearing began: am/pm .'ublic Hearing ended: am/pm Motion: L 5 Second: S (L Roll Call Aye Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor Kavanagh Melendez Nicola Rabhe Amendment: ( J k Second: l Roll Call Aye Na Archambault Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor avana h Melendez Nicola Ralphe 40 Amendment: IL- 4+., Second: rj ; IM^ Roll Call Aye Na Archambault X. Beydler, Mayor Fraverd, Vice Mayor Kavanagh Melendez Nicola Ralohe Action ollow-up (File 'ublish Recordation Staff Direction Signatures Agenda Item #(s) ( ( VV � _ " 4-" .( car, to 3 -7,,D Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: a.V Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: •� Continued Date: Action Taken: Approved Denied Tabled Date: Continued Date: Post Council Meetinq Notes: rs 4' Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Regular Meeting Subihito DepTown Manager Consent:❑ Regular:® Meeting) Date. 1 / 16/03 Contact Person: Tim Pickering TvikHof-Document-N"iii`-Auurova!l ` ek alf that' ppl ❑ Public Hearing ® Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ® Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Word ne: Consideration of RESOLUTION 2003-03 designating the election date and purposes of the election; designating the deadline for voter registration; and submitting to the qualified electors of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, the question of authorizing the Town to levy primary property taxes and declaring an emergency. The emergency clause is necessary to make the resolution effective immediately and �w meet the statutory deadlines for the election process. Approve FiscalImpaet: Yes Purpose ofltem an&,RWtkround'Information Consideration to place a ballot for primary property tax, exclusively for fire and emergency services protection in the initial amount of $3,000,000, in the May 20, 2003 special election. List All Attachments as Follows: Resolution 2003-03 oral Department Head /-/d-0 j Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) RESOLUTION NO.2003-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWN THE QUESTION OF AUTHORIZING THE TOWN TO LEVY PRIMARY PROPERTY TAXES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (the "Town") has never levied primary property taxes; and WHEREAS, ARiz. REv. STAT. § 42-17056 requires that to establish a primary property tax, a city or town must present the proposed levy to the voters at an election on the third Tuesday in May in order to levy such taxes in fiscal year 2003-2004. Therefore, May 20, 2003 is the date available this calendar year for holding a Special Election in the Town of Fountain Hills for the purpose of establishing a primary property tax; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Council") has determined that (i) the Town is currently implementing budget cuts caused, in large part, by the necessity of funding fire protection and emergency medical services without an additional funding source and (ii) it will be necessary to levy primary property taxes commencing in fiscal year 2003-2004, and later fiscal years, to defray the Town's added costs of providing fire protection and emergency medical services; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to submit the question of authorizing the levy of primary property taxes to the qualified electors of the Town at an election to be held on May 20, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, as follows: Section 1. That, at the election to be held in and for the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, on May 20, 2003, the question of whether a property tax in the initial amount of $2,600,000.00 shall be levied within the Town shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the Town. Section 2. That the Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause the preparation and distribution of an information pamphlet and sample ballot. The officers of the Town are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and deliver, or cause to be prepared and delivered to the Town Clerk, the information necessary or appropriate for completing such information pamphlet, including, without limitation (i) the estimated tax rate impact on an average owner/occupied residence and commercial and industrial property, (ii) an introductory statement on behalf of the Town and (iii) a statement for which the primary property taxes are to be levied. 9196.001\Pmp. Tm.03.v3.doc 1-29-03-1 1 Section 3. Notice of the action and of the questions to be presented at the election shall be given by causing the information pamphlet to be mailed, in the manner required by law, to the residence of each registered voter of the Town, as shown on the general county register. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause the information pamphlet to be prepared and mailed as required by law. Section 4. County registration and voting lists will be used for the Special Election. In order to be qualified to vote at the Special Election, individuals must be registered by April 21, 2003. Section 5. That, if approved by the qualified electors of the Town at the Special Election on May 20, 2003, the property tax shall remain in full force and effect only until such time as (i) a fire district is formed that provides fire and emergency medical services to the entire incorporated area of the Town and (ii) such fire district levies a secondary property tax to fund fire and emergency medical services. Section 6. By reason of the urgent need for the preparation of the information pamphlet, the immediate operation of the provisions of this resolution is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist. This Resolution will be in full force and effect immediately upon passage and adoption and it is so enacted. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, on January 16, 2003. Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APPR VED AS TO FORM: '4' A RL —, Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 9196.001\Pmp. Tm.03A.doc 1-29-03-1 2 {� CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2003-03 was duly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, at a meeting held on January 16, 2003, and the vote was seven (7) ayes and zero (0) nays and that the Mayor and six Council members were present and voting. �4 Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk 9196.001\P op. Tm.03.0.doc 1-29-03-1 `. Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Town Manager Meeting Date: 1/16/03 Contact Person: Tim Pickering Consent:❑ Regular:® Requesting Action:;® Tvne of Document Needing Annroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Debriefing Council Prioritv (Check ADDronriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: COUNCIL ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW of the meeting to identify procedural strengths and weaknesses and discuss possible improvements for future meetings. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $0 _Purpose of Item and Background Information: As suggested in the recent Town retreat, Councilmembers will conduct a debriefing to assess the council meeting's protocol/procedures and make suggestions for future improvements. List All Attachments as Follows: none Type(s) of Presentation: oral Signatures' of Submitting Staff: Department Head Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Town Manager / Designee lM%I) LuuncAl `leeung—January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town (Comments �Ir✓.�0 (o t1AIa0Oq j I 0 gRv/1 ('Wn%CtL t,'Z/�Trw Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) 7 °N i? Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. 0 off. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16. 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments TrLrL L i WGJ�,Q t-) 1,1,(C TG rLl P'TIV(S '(G i�a5<ifL� Tz Mfr' Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. /P/... - ---- -` MN Town of Fountain Hills 0 -;t- WQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town Agenda Item N�� c✓ N � _ r4eM,�t, J7_; Comments ZF 'JOT ?72ctiT1r1TV j�'? Pl( &Te'O .7(� , U j 0v,2 ,rb ac (a ze Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting -January 16, 2003 Agenda Item No. nM.!<IVIa% 1 oN LAp CC,) n% C L. G.. C'ca - O .J R rn4-A, ;=- .ti Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Agenda Item No. 7 Town CounciII Meeting - January 16, 2003 Na >� I )2`>a� Jet..( r � Address 49 53 F- . Rz, j MSS 011 City/Town M,5 sly A 7- - Comments i ATE 1C)p V+ Cg. �rzf4 S 1 G�1 r t�oJ�O t-t I�ft TG S960�< Cl- (3ftiNCLr- o(_- O.)(z MFv^3i" . 113(:, MonSaALs C)fr-)CK t ��attuG 'rp P6SSiP,(�r-L. Tf-Mrzt lire 10­1 c�(- 1-��,' I'Z 0-,f1 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. • �o 1, , ?� Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item N !H�� _;. wN REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting - January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments ='` 110T .?%vim-_-W jr1l �/L�'71R`iTn� i U,�7_ N 6_CO -1--' C F&A e Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. � a REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting - January 16, 2003 dress City/Town Comments L " -\ �:: S J , 5 1'f +� i-- C `1 � S 1 S�. � S V�°mac s s Q c Rczn���(- Thank J�iT �7 Town Of Fountain H111S Agenda Item No. / r REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town-Cluncil Meeting - January 16, 2003 r, Name gL,c9.e(� Z.! e-TVC- Address '(o G' '�)Q. City/Town F c, 774 dal, Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills REOUEST TO SPFAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16. 2nna Name Address City/Towr Comments Town of Fountain Hills -F �0"a• REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Name Address City/Town Comments Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 G• � i; s � J' .::.mac-6�r-�✓-� Y i.L Agenda Item No. L Agenda Item NI Town of Fountain Hills Agenda ltem 1 REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name 4}a, c.nn1z>4%,-,k Address u S y �, k c„ w b ,< VA u 5 City/Town a� Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable pan of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills as REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name �.arnm r C a" i rf c I YYi [� �— c Agenda Item No. T Address 1 City/Town Comments ra V' y r Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) o°per Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. / REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name ! f1r�fJ�yN /riGCL�c?t Address City/Town Comments ��veT Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) ZI? 7�) /' L a • Town of Fountain Hills �y ei °''"`�' REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16. 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments Agenda Item No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. o°N& Town of Fountain Hills C )il yes REOUEST TO SPEAK CARD `rr► Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments Town of Fountain Hills I REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments Agenda Item No. c. Agenda Item No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) °J� Town of Fountain Hills R�UEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting - January t A .,,,.. 40 Town of Fountain Hills • aw FF REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Name Address City/Town Town Council Meeting - January 16, 2003 Agenda Item No. `I Agenda Item No. CIC .) 411 YL tit/�' e` L ✓ hi hJ� h� }� ✓� c - it �E �iK v L'1 i Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Name Address City/Town Town of Fountain lulls REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting - January 16, 2003 /I73,Sf E• itJ.GKC- Aur .D;? F r-✓ i-,� / G L J if z Comments -J Pr-4K T �os �ELC /J A,)0 E6 �b 7 ,� ��z Z T/'er— ! IAfri'.Y d T,y Ti f ?zf%Ce Es .7- gA)a i�o�ar pv.���� T.Ae. �J TTf'2io,Z Tl% /r; �zor,.v� �Gyiov TJ �U�/k ,g �ir2� tJ�.�Tr2iCY�. %genda Item \o. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town Council Meeting -January 16, 2003 Name Z AddressCh City/Town -� :omments ✓ , C Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting - January 16, 2003 Name 'L Address �N Z 2- Comments Agenda item No. WL n government. Your comments are an important and valuable part Thank you for participating in your Tow of the process. (Please see reverse) �� o°i S, & Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD own Council Meeting - January 16, 2003 Name Address 1 City/Town ,D -,,0 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Yo ur our comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Ac 00EN1''IUJYPAVCARD Name Address City/Town - Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and jai , ti� _ __ of the process. Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. q , ,i REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Name Address City/Town Comments Sew Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) � a Town Council Meeting — January 16. 2003 Name Address Cityfrown Comments Fi L 2 7'24 X r ran ), F-1 R c y) s r RD Pr-,,?_,,? T1. W �I Thank von for narhCivintino in vnur Tnn,n nn•,n..•..•....• V... - - - Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. '0Chui, ' REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name Address l 2 i iv G Citv/Town Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuahle Part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. 0 '0`°atis REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name LAUX1-t— \(n4S6w4 Address 1`1 3 Z4 Si Zn�pr (� 1 RS City/Town 4-6LO Tftnj Comments L Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. U Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments r Town of Fountain Hills REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD A Town Couunncil Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name I I - * 7 / .41,(/ �-- Address City/Town Comments Agenda Item No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills REO JEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting —January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments Agenda Item No. Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name Address City/Town Comments Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. / 5 ,bat t, REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting — January 16, 2003 Name Address / City/Town • ti' Comments z Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. 0 a REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Name Address City/Town Comments Town Council Meeting - January 16, 2003 L.owc�, L .��►_tso +...t ift -13 Z4 2A!) M to 7 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the nrnre¢C.