HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003.0206.TCREM.Packet/'rAIN �1 NOTICE OF REGULAR AND EXECUTIVE Ilew SESSION OF THE %� �4o FOUNTAIN HILLS TOWN COUNCIL AND Fsci� �• 'bat isAs�� "PRE -COUNCIL" MEETING WITH THE PRESS Mayor Jon Beydler Councilman Rick Melendez Councilwoman Kathy Nicola Councilwoman Leesa Stevens Councilman John Kavanagh Councilman Mike Archambault Vice Mayor Susan Ralphe WHEN: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2003 TIME: 5:00 P.M. TO 6:00 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:00 P.M. TO 6:30 P.M. MEETING WITH THE PRESS 6:30 P.M. REGULAR SESSION WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16836 EAST PALISADES BOULEVARD, BUILDING B (Executive/Press meetings held in the Building A Teleconference Room) MAYOR AND COUNCIL MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC "Your comments are an important and valuable part of the governmental process and we welcome your input. Anyone wishing to speak before the Council must fill out a speaker's card located at the rear of the council chambers and submit it to the recording executive assistant prior to public discussion of that agenda item. After a motion regarding and agenda item has been made, seconded, and discussed by the Council, the Mayor will call each person who has completed a speaker's card for public comment on that issue. At that time, if you wish to address the Council regarding that issue, pleas stand and approach the microphone. Please direct your comments to the Chair and not to other members of the Council or staff. You will have three minutes to speak from the time you are recognized. During that time, limit your comments to the specific agenda item at issue, refrain from being repetitive, and please be respectful when making your comments. If you do not comply with these rules, you will be asked to leave. Thank you for participating in your Town government." RULES FOR ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL — ADOPTED 1/18/90 Please adhere to the following rules of order if you wish to speak: 1.) All citizens wishing to speak must fill out speaker cards and be recognized by the Mayor. 2.) The Mayor will not call for public comment on an item until after a motion has been made and seconded and the Council has had adequate opportunity to discuss the item. 3.) Please stand, approach the microphone and state your name and address after being called on to speak. 4.) All comments must be directed to the Mayor. 5.) TIME LIMIT — THREE (3) MINUTES PER PERSON PER ITEM. 6.) Statements should not be repetitive. 7.) Persons or groups wishing to make longer presentations should see the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2003\Regular Session 2-6-03.doc Page 1 of 3 Last printed 2/5/2003 2:56 PM CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL — Mayor Beydler 1.) Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.4. and A.R.S. §38-431.03.A.3 VOTE TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE - SESSION FOR: discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body in order to consider its position and instruct its representatives regarding negotiations for the purchase, sale or lease of real property. (Specifically, the Council will discuss contract negotiations with respect to the Town Hall lease.), and discussion or consideration for legal advice with the attorney or attorneys of the public body. 2.) RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION • CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE TO THE FLAG — Mayor Beydler • INVOCATION — Pastor Cory Bran lett, First Baptist Church • ROLL CALL • STATEMENT REGARDING MEETING PROTOCOL — Mayor Beydler • ROTATION OF POSITION OF VICE MAYOR TO SUSAN RALPHE Consent Agenda: All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine, non -controversial matters and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote of the Council. All motions and subsequent approvals of consent items will include all recommended staff stipulations unless otherwise stated. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember or member of the public so requests. If a Councilmember or member of the public wishes to discuss an item on the consent agenda, they may request so prior to the motion to accept the consent agenda. The item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the aaenda. *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of January 7, 8, 14, 16, 21 and 23, 2003. *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by Bruce Thulien for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 7507, 15759 Mustang Drive. The request is for a fund raiser to be held in conjunction with the Great Fair scheduled for February 21 through 23, 2003, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. *3.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by American Legion, Post 58, 16837 E. Parkview Ave. The request is for a fund raiser to be held in conjunction with the Great Fair scheduled February 21, 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 10 p.m., and February 23, 2003, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 P.M. 4.) Consideration of APPOINTING four citizens to the Parks and Recreation Commission to fill the vacancies caused by expiring terms. 5.) PRESENTATION by SRP of a proclamation to the Town for support over the last 100 years, in celebration of their centennial celebration (celebrating 100 years of service to the Salt River Valley). 6.) PRESENTATION of the annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report by the town's auditor. 7.) PRESENTATION of the Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation to Julie Ann Ghetti for the fiscal year 2002/2003 budget. This distinguished award is given by the Government Finance Officers Association and is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and represents a significant achievement by the Town. 8.) PRESENTATION/UPDATE by the Committee to Save Our Community on their progress in ,. pursuing the formation of a new fire district with possible direction from the Council. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2003\Regular Session 2-6-03.doc Page 2 of 3 Last printed 2/5/2003 2:56 PM 9•) PUBLIC HEARING on a request for a Special Use Permit for the expansion of existing facilities at the Chaparral City Water Company Well #10 site, located on Parcel "A" Well Site, Block 1, Final Plat 103, north of Palisades Boulevard, east of Fountain Hills Boulevard, and west of Westby err _ Drive, Case Number SU2002-14. 10.) Consideration of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for the expansion of existing facilities at the Chaparral City Water Company Well #10 site, located on Parcel "A" Well Site, Block 1, Final Plat 103, Case Number SU2002-14. 11.) Consideration of ORDINANCE 03-02 extending and increasing the corporate limits of the Town of Fountain Hills pursuant to the provisions of Arizona Revised Statutes § 9-471.02 and amendments thereto, annexing thereto certain territory located at the northeast corner of Copper Wynd drive and Eagle Ridge Drive. 12.) COUNCIL ASSESSMENT AND REVIEW of the meeting to identify procedural strengths and weaknesses and discuss possible improvements for future meetings. 13.) CALL TO THE PUBLIC. 14.) ADJOURNMENT. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda but must be within the jurisdiction of the Council. All comment is "subject to reasonable time, space and manner restrictions" and the Council will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Council members may respond to criticism, ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. DATED this 31st day of January, 2003 Bevelyn J. Ben r, Toon Clerk The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this meeting or to obtain agenda information in large print format. Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished the council with this agenda are available for review in the Clerk's office. E:\BBender\Documents\Current Minutes 2003\Regular Session 2-6-03.doc Page 3 of 3 fast printed 2/5/2003 2:56 PM Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Town Manager Consent;® Regular:® Meeting Date: 02/06/03 Contact Person: Bev Bender Requesting Action;❑ Tvne of Document Needing Anuroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Meeting Minutes Council Prioritv (Check ADDroDriate Areas): Report Only:❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Library Services ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Economic Development ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Parks & Recreation ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Regular Agenda Wording: *1.) Consideration of APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES of January 7, 8, 14, 16, 21 and 23, 2003. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $0 Purpose of Item and Background Information: Approve the minutes for archival purposes. List All Attachments as Follows: Minutes from the January 7, 8, 14, 16, 21 and 23, 2003 Council meetings. Type(s) of Presentation: None Signatures of Submitting Staff: CI k I ,�.v.n.✓ Department Head A�& Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Public Works Consent:® Regular:[--] Meeting Date: 2-6-03 Contact Person: Tom Ward Requesting Action:® Type of Document Needing Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ® Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ® Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:❑ ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: Consideration of the Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by American Legion, Post 58, 16837 E. Parkview Ave. The request is for a fund raiser to be held in conjunction with the Great Fair scheduled February 21, 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and February 23, 2003, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No - Purpose of Item and Background Information: To obtain Council approval for the special event liquor license. The application is consistent with the event held in conjunction with the Fall Festival last year. There were no incidents related to this event in the past. The application meets the security requirements, it complies with statutory and liquor license regulations, and it received a favorable recommendation from the Town Marshal based on his background investigation. At the manager's request in an attempt to reduce paper, full applications will not be reproduced for the packets. The front page will be included for representative purposes and the full application is available for review in the clerk's office. List All Attachments as Follows: Ward memo; Tate memo; application front page Type(s) of Presentation: Consent Agenda Signatures of Submitting Staff: D�rtinent Hea *4w� �P/Z,�w "4�az own Man er / Designee jFCfit�C'ti Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and DT: February 5, 2003 Town Council FR: Tom Ward, Director of P is W rks RE: American Legion Special Event Liquor License The American Legion Post 58 is requesting Council approval of a special event liquor license for a fund raising event scheduled for February 21 through 23, 2003. Hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. The event will be held at the American Legion located at 16837 East Parkview Avenue. This is an annual event that the American Legion scheduled to coincide with the Great Fair. Although the special event liquor license is issued by the state, local approval by the Council is required. Public Works and the Town Marshal have reviewed the application. It is consistent with previous applications and includes the following provisions: Security: • Security guards posted at both entrances to restrict alcohol to the event area • Security personnel present at all times to prevent liquor law violations Licensing Compliance: • Bona fide non-profit, charitable organization • Applicant is a member and authorized to act on behalf of the qualifying organization • Within the ten day per year limit (3 days this year including this event) • At least 25% of the proceeds going to the charitable organization making the application • Written agreement to suspend the existing Class 14 license during the event • Does not sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning Background Investigation: • Favorable recommendation from the Town Marshal (attached) • No previous infractions to result in denial Based on incident -free past events, statutory compliance, and the fund-raising nature of the event that benefits the community, staff recommends approval. EASpecial Event Liquor License\American Legion February 2003.doc TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF TOWN MARSHAL INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Tom Ward, Director of Public Works DT: 02-05-03 FR: Todd Tate, Interim Town Marshal % T RE: Liquor License Application — American Legion The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event liquor license application and forward the results of my investigation. It is my understanding that this item will be reviewed by the Council at their meeting on February 6th I am recommending approval based on the following factors: The American Legion Post has a valid class 14 (club license) in place at 16837 Parkview. According to the state liquor department, organizations with a class 14 license are permitted up to 10 days per year in which they are eligible for a special event license allowing public liquor sales. At all other times, the class 14 allows sales to members and guests only. A review of the record indicates that this will be the first such request for the calendar year and will bring their total to 3 of the 10 days they are allowed for special events in 2003. 2. During the time frames specified on the permits, the American Legion in effect suspends their class 14 license and replaces it by the special event permit for those hours specified. The American Legion officials apparently understand that since they have included a written statement foregoing their class 14 license during the special event period. 3. In previous investigations, we have found that the American Legion has met all the legal requirements under the Arizona Revised Statutes for both a liquor license and temporary permit. This included covert monitoring by state liquor agents and overt monitoring by the Marshals Department to ensure compliance with provisions of the special event license. Nothing has been found which would prohibit granting of this permit. Based on the factors outlined above, I recommend approval by the Council on February 6th ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL RECEIVED 800 W Washington 5th Floor 400 W Congress #150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 JAN O 0003 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 o FounrrAi (520) 628-6595 TOWN 04ZPRK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE Fee = $25.00 per day, for 1-10 day events only A service fee of $25.00 will be charged for all dishonbred checks (A R S 44-6852) PLEASE NOTE: THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED OR IT WILL RF. RF.Tf TRivF n DEPT USE ONLY **APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT LIC# l , Name of Organization: ll J&t ?0 T 2. Non-Profit/I.R.S. Tax Exempt Number: �G - 4 �©,3,/e./I,y 3. The organization is a: (check one box only) Charitable ❑ Fraternal (must have regular membership and in existence for over 5 years) ❑ Civic ❑ Political Party, Ballot Measure, or Campaign Committee ❑ Religious 4. What is the purpose of this event? aJD f}l5E2 / r02 LC6i 10'A� &44PZt 1-1 &-1' 5. Location of the event: Y4� f37 , Aaoeyl�W Ae. Frw11),5 % #,QI e,oM Address of physical location (Not P.O. Box) City County Zip ►ter iplicant must be a member of the qualifying organization and authorized by an Officer, Director or Chairperson of the Organization named in Question #1 (Signature required in section #18) 6. Applicant: jjOGt/h1�� �C c1yv f � %- O -qi Last First Middle Date of Birth 7. Applicant's Mailing Address: J70S3 e-j9 L46- L CAeo �,,/ ,kc ;& Street City State Zip 8. Phone Numbers: (5 sd) %- 4(t22—L�5y) R,39► S yse-? (VSD) 9.32- tN-2-7 Site Owner # Applicant's Business # Applicant's Home # 9. Date(s) & Hours of Event: (Remember: you cannot sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m. on Sunday) R Date Day of Week Hours from A.M./P.M. To A.M./P.M. Day 1: - %-0 3 /72/D/+y 9�� 4ni t e Day 2: ,�-tea- O. 3 SorTLye-b r 4 ` ,q1n Day 3: g- a3-0 QA) b6- jr _/, c9 t 4Aj Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10: Uc 0106 11rz000 *Disabled ini-iriduals requiring special accommodations, please call (602) 542-9027. 10. Has the applicant been convicted of a felony in the past five years, or had a liquor license revoked? ❑ YES NO (attach explanation if yes) 11. This organization has been issued a special event license for kys this year, including this event (not to exceed 10 days per year). 12. Is the organization using the services of a promoter or other person to manage the event? ❑ YES A NO If yes, attach a copy of the agreement. 13. List all people and organizations who will receive the proceeds. Account for 100 % of the proceeds. THE ORGANIZATION APPLYING MUST RECEIVE 25% of the gross _revenues of Alcoholic Beverage Sales. Name Address Percentage tt,�n] �E&ad .S AjfiS A 3?E. PAkE'!Y/ W 46 FrrJ 44, Pz,. (Attach additional sheet if necessary) 14. Knowledge of Arizona State Liquor Laws Title 4 is important to prevent liquor law violations. If you have any questions regarding the law or this application, please contact the Arizona State Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for assistance. NOTE: ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES MUST BE FOR CONSUMPTION AT THE EVENT SITE ONLY. "NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SHALL LEAVE SPECIAL EVENT PREMISES." 15. What security and control measures will you take to prevent violations of state liquor laws at this event? (List type and number of security/police personnel and type of fencing or control barriers if applicable) # Police ❑ Fencing # Security personnel ❑ Barriers 16. Is there an existing liquor license at the location where the special event is being held? YES ❑ NO If yes, does the existing business agree to suspend their liquor license during the time period, and in the area in which the special event license will be in use? YES ❑ NO (ATTACH COPY OF AGREEMENT) Name of Business Phone Number 17. Your licensed premises is that area in which you are authorized to sell, dispense, or serve spirituous liquors under the provisions of your license. The following page it to be used to prepare a diagram of your special event licensed premises. Please show dimensions, serving areas, fencing, barricades or other control measures and security positions. 9 Pls rL.AY GPSE - Gl.osET' sEcu2rrY 6u RR-D ILI) Cl krTGH b� O O Off Ice, � O ke* r \ �H E� Glk=jt . P I IZ"c PLA4c TINS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED ONLY BY AN OFFICER DIRECTOR OR CHAIRPERSON OF I ORGANIZATION NAMED IN QUESTION #1 18. I, , declare that I am an Offic/Director/Chairperson appointing the (Print full name) — I 94 listed in Question 6, to apply on behalf of the foregoing organization for a Special Event Liquor J" — UFFICIAL SEAL DEANNA M. WORKMAN Notary Public - State of Arizona MARICOPA COUNTY My comet, expires Jan. 3, 2000 My Commission expires on: (Date) THIS SECTION TO BE COIVIPLET 19. I, M. ela6 /l woxeie I— 4-03 14e 837-642,Z (Title/Posi on) (Date) (Phone 1 State 6f G KO % County of L The for/egoin Instrument was acknowledged before rAe this �l day of ay of Month Month Year !Z/CSL- (Signatur of NOTARY PUBLIC) IN declare that I am the APPLICANT filing this application as (Print full name) as,listed in Question 6. I have read the application and the contents and all.statements are true, correct and (Signature) Ar SEAL DEANNA M. WORKMAN OF Notary Public - State of Arizona MARICOPA COUNTY My comm. expires Jan. 3, 2008 My commission expires on: (Date) State of County of The forego W.nstrllment was acknowl4eli before me this / -1-A day of , 1-7 Day 9f Month / Month ' �, Year Z12 �" V) (Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC) You must obtain local government approval. City or County MUST recommend event & complete item #20. The local city or county jurisdiction may require additional applications to be completed and additional licensing fees before approval may be granted. LOCAL GOVERNING BODY APPROVAL SECTION 20. I, /5-`id-fr,yU'n lei-t', hereby recommend this special event application on (Governihent Official) (Title) behalf of D _ ' r 1 6r�lr/n ��i l�S � 6 ll (City, Town or County) (Sig e p OFFICIAL) (Date) FOR DLLC DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Department Comment Section: (Employee) (Date) ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED BY: (Title) (Date) SPECIAL EVENT LICENSED PREN11SES DIAGRAM (This diagram must be completed with this application) Special Event Diagram: Show dimensions serving areas and label type olencl p g ( g yp osure and security positions) �.•� NOTE: Show nearest cross streets, highway, or road if location doesn't have an address. NT �'-' � A' �� . -' �'y,�7�.� �f r ��Y�/� ,•v11y�,�y � f�\�i .;, 1� lJ; L ' -'-- i � it - � 1� ` �1 r � � 't ../�'� !,�� / �� ? ,. 1,• 1 �Z� ' �� �'�, r ' f �` �1rr�erica n P glo ost Ariz ;T-I�Psjlll na 8SZ68 . .�,�� .J •.1 J r � . Wit. '� . r �f Gbh% r 1i )',' Ai zoilA, D ` eP `ftiquor 'J r\ Yl��� ',t\-fi��,,4. r\.•,_.��-, �� �.`Y �, '.,. � r'S 1��*7 I (/.r r �. 1 1 r e111eI1CR11 Legion Fpst�58 agce�es to sus nd LiquAr�L forthc:pe " r 1vIr1 Ken pwnm a' Cl� 4.r �. ,' � \ .y �-,.J,., l.r � +' �„�,,,. Y i •43 jC�.� r �. � � ,,, r i ..`y / � 1 _ J `1 aY, �t,;ry(,ty `/ �� J'•• I ' l-�(f 4 � '~y � -.� 1) � �i .\� : r , \/ ,. \ ' �;^ .: � - • �1 \",;.� .tin •J r { ,C1 \.� " .-d •J� 1:�+ i'�; .� /. \ � v - _ �� { �t. i � - ti�� {��' , 1 �;,�i ,.I\�1. 1 1, r �� �,1 .� r l �` I � •l � `' '\ 'ty r .�.a•J �rl.• 1 nn�''� �•:) ^`�� ( "r. \t. , Y , � I i' y i :'1,.,' 1 \, j ' � � t <.'� � p � � .t`' `� :.�!%�, y''f • � � i s �`I. 11 � _•' "1 � r .t r ` { � �� r i i :j i .. f .. 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R k ' v ( ., r 1 � ik� �; r � :" f � - `• \J 1 I�� , ` r /� �.1 A • r . / L :, , r i `i � 1.' � I,,r t t . .,�, ti: / ti .AL ./-;... 1g 1•., i � '.(, , / r _,):; \ . -� y ( ' - _ .�I �/' . \ ` ^ram � ' I' � y ' , �I ,i i11 �� \ •:f `'�i t ; >., �, a %) � \ J �r r . `, \ J ( (\) Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 2/6/03 Admin Contact,Persoon: Hansen C©asenf® Ilse tie ai bdeument�I'�tee litr t�i 1( h ck all that anal ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ® Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: Council Prioritv (Check Annronriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ® Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation RetYularAendarWording *2.) Consideration of the SPECIAL EVENT LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION submitted by Bruce Thulien for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 7507, 15759 Mustang Drive. The request is for a fund raiser to be held in conjunction with the Great Fair scheduled for February 21 through 23, 2003, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Staff Ilecornmendation Approve Fiscal Impact: No Pur'nose:Ult ri and_Baekaon: To obtain Council approval for the special event liquor license. The application is consistent with the event held in conjunction with the Fall Festival last year. There were no incidents related to this event in the past. The application meets the security requirements, it complies with statutory and liquor license regulations, and it received a favorable recommendation from the Town Marshal based on his background investigation. At the manager's request in an attempt to reduce paper, full applications will not be reproduced for the packets. The front page will be included for representative purposes and the full application is available for review in the clerk's office. T*Pe(s) of Presentation: None Signatures d�`Subniittin��i d4�� Department Head ' (/ ,,& 1 ) Town Manager / Designee Hansen memo; Tate memo; application front page Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and DT: January 29, 2003 Town Council TH: Tim Pickering, Town Manager FR: Cassie Hansen RE: VFW Special Event Liquor License Director of Administ ation/Town Clerk The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7507 is requesting Council approval of a special event liquor license for a fund raising event scheduled for February 21 through 23, 2003. Hours of operation are 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The event will be held on a portion of Saguaro Boulevard just north of the Avenue of the Fountains. Since this event is being held in conjunction with the Great Fair, Saguaro will be closed for three days. Although the special event liquor license is issued by the state, local approval by the Council is required. Administration and the Town Marshal have reviewed the application. It is consistent with the special event liquor license obtained by the VFW during the Fall Festival last year except for the location. It was moved to improve visibility and access. The application contains the following provisions: Security: o The area will be fenced to control and confine alcohol to the event area o Security personnel posted at both entrances to restrict alcohol to the event area o Security personnel to have cell phone contact with law enforcement - Licensing Compliance: o Bona fide non-profit, charitable organization o Applicant is a member and authorized to act on behalf of the qualifying organization o Within the ten day per year limit (3 days this year including this event) o At least 25% of the proceeds going to the charitable organization making the application o Does not sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning o Provisions to prevent sales to minors - Background Investigation: o Favorable recommendation from the Town Marshal (attached) Based on no incidents at last year's Fall Festival, statutory compliance, the close proximity of law enforcement officers working the Festival, and the fund-raising nature of the event that benefits the community, staff recommends approval. EAMEMOMCOUNCRA2003\2-6-03 VFW SELL.doc Last printed 1/29/2003 2:36 PM Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF TOWN MARSHAL INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Bev Bender, Executive Assistant DT: 01-28-03 FR: Todd Tate, Interim Town Marshal TwT. RE: Special Event Liquor Permit — Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7507 The purpose of this memorandum is to endorse the attached special event liquor permit submitted on behalf of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7507 and applicant Bruce Thulien. It is my understanding that this will be considered by the Council at their meeting on February 6d'. Background: The liquor permit would be used in conjunction with the Great Fair, from Friday, February 20-Sunday February 23`d. The special event liquor license is permitted for non-profit organizations as an exception to the Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 4. The Veterans of Foreign Wars is a tax-exempt organization holding IRS number 74-2514547. Investigation: According to the state liquor department, this event will fall under the provisions of R19-1-244 in which qualifying organizations are allowed a total of 10 days per year for special event permits. According to our records, this application represents only three of the ten days allowed in 2003. Since the liquor license will be used in conjunction with a larger event (the Great Fair), two important provisions apply. First, 25% of the gross revenues from any alcohol sales must go to the non-profit organization; and second, the alcohol must be purchased from a qualified off -premise source rather than a wholesaler. The requirement that the alcohol be purchased from a retailer is outlined in R19-1-250(a) and specifies that the source have a class 6,7,9 or 10 license such as Price Club, Bashas or Safeway. Findings: In reviewing overall plans for the Great Fair, where the liquor will be available in a "beer garden" setting, the Marshals Department is satisfied that there is adequate control and provisions to prevent minors from having access to intoxicating beverages. The Veterans of Foreign Wars will have the area fenced, limited access and a system in place to control alcohol sales using their own personnel. Moreover, the same plan was used at the Fall Festival in November without incident. Recommendation: Based on the Veterans of Foreign Wars meeting all legal requirements for non profit, charitable and exempt organizations; this awareness that alcohol must be purchased through a licensed retailer; and provisions in place to restrict access of alcohol by minors, I recommend approval by the Council at their meeting on February 6th. ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF LIQUOR LICENSES & CONTROL 800 W Washington 5th Floor 400 W Congress #150 Phoenix AZ 85007-2934 Tucson AZ 85701-1352 (602) 542-5141 (520) 628-6595 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT LICENSE Fee = $25.00 per day, for 1-10 day events only A service fee of $25.00 will be charged for all dishonored checks (A. R. S. 44-6852) YLt,AJ)L IVV 11:: 1ti1S D UUA1EN 1' MUST Bh YULLY COMPLETED OR IT WILL BE RETURNED. DEPT USE ONLY **APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY LOCAL GOVERhTWNT LIC# 1. Name of Organization: VG raAA&A. C' ERCY(GM u)&&x� (�OST -Pj67 2. Non-Profit/I.R,S. Tax Exempt Npmber: /-M ND_ 74 -•--6-1 g5g7 3. The organization is a: (check one box only) ❑ Charitable Fraternal (must have regular membership and in existence for over 5 years) ❑ Civic ❑ Political Party, Ballot Measure, or Campaign Committee ❑ Religious 4. What is the purpose of this event? RU N b 5. Location of the event: 0✓ &.) g � 'rb($ ajj&n&%1 s �(&ft&jM YL " lllla 001)At 2G8 Address of physical location (Not P.O. Box) City County Zip ,—dplicant must be a member of the qualifying organization and authorized by an Officer, Director or Chairperson of the Organization named in Question #1: (Signature required in section #18) 6. Applicant: -rU (l L 101 ► Z-V C9 k 7 Last First Middle D e of Birth 7. Applicant's Mailing Address: 157 4? 19 UStw q hik. T6wt&tj 14(LC:s 1 Jam , Street City State Zip 8. Phone Numbers: �� ) ?14 • Slls ( ) ��iO •a3c� 7 (lt j) B�G, • Site Owner # Applicant's Business # Applicant's Home 9. Date(s) & Hours of Event: (Remember: you cannot sell alcohol before 10:00 a.m, on Sunday) Date Day 1: ?j Day 2: 11D -4 Day 3: Day 4: Day 5: Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10: Day of Week Hours from A.M./P.M A ,A To A.M./P.M. Lic 0106 1112000 *Disabled iniiiduals requiring special accommodations, please call (602) 542-9027. 10. Has the applicant been convicted of a felony in the past five years, or had a liquor license revoked? ❑ YES NO (attach explanation if 11. This organization has been issued a special event license for 'ays this year, including this event (not to exceed 10 days per year). 12. Is the organization using the services of a promoter or other person to manage the event? ❑ YES � NO If yes, attach a copy of the agreement. 13. List all people and organizations who will receive the proceeds. Account for 100 % of the proceeds. THE ORGANIZATION APPLYING MUST RECEIVE 25% of the gross _revenues of Alcoholic Beverage Sales. Name . s Address . Percentage (Attach additional sheet if necessary) 14. Knowledge of Arizona State Liquor Laws Title 4 is important to prevent liquor law violations. If you have any questions regarding the law or this application, please contact the Arizona State Department of Liquor Licenses and Control for assistance. NOTE: ALL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES MUST BE FOR CONSUMPTION AT THE EVENT SITE ONLY. "NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SHALL LEAVE SPECIAL'EVENT PREMISES." 15. What'si=rit� and -control measures will you take to prevent violations of •state liquor laws at this event? (List type and number of security/police personnel and type of fencing or control barriers if applicable) # Police # Security personnel Fencing ❑ Barriers 16. Is there an existing liquor license at the location where the special event is being held? If yes, does the existing business agree to suspend their liquor license during the time period, and in the area in which the special event license will be in use? (ATTACH COPY OF AGREEMEXI) of Business ❑ YES %k NO ❑ YES ❑NO Phone Number 17. Your licensed premises is that area in which you are authorized to sell, dispense, or serve spirituous liquors under the provisions of your license. The following page it to be used to prepare a diagram of your special event licensed premises. Please show dimensions, serving areas, fencing, barricades or other control measures and security positions. THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED ONLY BY AN OFFICER DIRECTOR OR CHAIRPERSON OF 1 ORGANIZATION NAMED IN QUESTION #1 18. I, R( �. �� c(L ie� , declare that I am an Offic/Director/Chairperson appointing the (Print full name) applicant listed in Question 6, to apply on behalf of the foregoing organization for a Special Event Liquor License. 1--, X © 3 q&4,2 -,ZW7 (Signatur OFFICIAL — ( e/Position) TAMMIE NEAVES (Dat (Phone NOTARY PUBLIC-ARIZONA tate of TjLQ(Uh County of �-ka,kxL� MARICOPA COUNTY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this M 6�fiifi�: € fires Jul _14, 2006 'L 3 day of Q a Day of Month Month' Year My Commission expires on:�� �, ;,� , 14 ` amp � o ( Lk p__ (Date) r— (Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC) THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED ONLY BY THE APPLICANT NAMED IN OUESTION #6 19. I, �� �(,�,�. GI.L� declare that I am the APPLICANT filing this application as (Print full name) as listed in Question 6. 1 have read the application and the contents and all.statements are true, correct and oemplete. _ X TAMMIE NEAVES NOTARY PUB LICAR IZONA MARICOPA COUNTY ly Cdrhfh,_ Expires July 14, 2006 y commission expires on: `iuI!l 14, 20ZG, (Date) State of Q rj LprL(t- County of " Ci Y t CAPLi. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Z 3 day of cul t& G!Lv,- 2 WQ3 Day of Month Month Year (Signature of NOTARY PUBLIC) You must obtain local government approval. City or County MUST recommend event & complete item #20. The local city or county jurisdiction may require additional applications to be completed and additional licensing fees before approval may be granted. LOCAL GOVERNING BODY APPROVAL SECTION 20. I, 7 ���c y— , i, �7 ( � � , hereby recommend this special event application on (Government Official) / (Title) behalf of OGtl/1 �Gt �7 tt1 ,' <7 D 3 (City, Town or County) (Sig�4ture OFFICIAL) (Date) FOR DLLC DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Department Comment Section: (Employee) (Date) ❑ APPROVED ❑ DISAPPROVED BY: (Title) (Date) SPECIAL EVENT LICENSED PREMISES DIAGRAM (This diagram must be completed with this application) Special Event Diagram: (Show dimensions, serving areas, and label type olenclosure and security Y P ty positions) NOTE: Show nearest cross streets, highway, or road if location doesn't have an address. 01/23/03 THIT 15:50 FAX 480 836 7649 Bruce Thullen Z001 wr LA MONTANA DRIVE S + N E e Cr 2 t 3 O p a m, o m _ w °C m = � 4 5 T i vt 0 A R K N Parking G s wsl.r I � Restrooms M onboom stagy. 6RUlE Gove►sd VERDE RIVER DRIVE Dl 8 19 b o a m 9 pr 04 o P o a 18 0 o A R K co a W H I m tz t G w u 10 17 W Q 11 16 5 SAGUARO 14 BLVD F-D tip. EXHIBITORS F-1 TO F-40 'VFUJ PbSi' 7s�1 COVERED DIKING MEDIAN j F MEDIAN 12 13 EXHIBITORS E-1 TO E-63 Restrooms' •=HANDICAP ACCESS FOUNTAIN PARK s Event Quote ZY Concerts/ Special Events Insurance Program Attention: Bruce Thulien Via Email Applicant: VFW Post 7507 Policy Term: Feb 21, 22, 23 2003 Coverage: Commercial General Liability Coverage Limits: Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate $1,000,000 Products Completed Operations $1,000,000 Personal Injury $1,000,000 Damage to Premises Rented $50,000 Deductible: 250 Based on: 500 attendance Program: Beer Garden Location: Fountain Hills, AZ Additional Insured: Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce / City of Fountain Hills Premium: $800 There is no cancellation of this policy so make certain of your event arrangements before paying this premium. Please mail in the premium payment (name & address below) and we will issue all certificates to you and the venue. We also accept Visa / Mastercard, AMEX for this service a $24 fee will be added to the premium. Terms and Conditions Policy Exclusions: Policy Exclusions: Amusement Rides & Devices, All Security Operations, Punitive Damages, Collapse of Temporary Structure, Terrorism, Hip Hop/ Rap Music, Sexual Abuse Molestation, Participants, Injuries to Employees, Pyrotechnics, Fireworks, Stunts, Liquor Liability, Assault & Battery, Injury to Performers CSI Entertainment Insurance 2546 Elm Street 2nd Floor Dallas, Texas 75226 Phone 214 749 7700 x 118 / 800 204 1523 x118 / fax 214 749 7720 www.csicoverage.com / info@csicoverage.com Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Regular Meeting Meeting Date,December 19, 2002 Parks and Recreation Contact'Fersoni Mark Mayer t e. ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Parks/Rec. Comm. Appointments Council Priodit -1'Cfi A ibro"oriateAf6as)' ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Commission ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Consideration of Appointing four members to the Parks and Recreation Siaifi'RecApprove Fiscal ln,puet; No l 40; nat' and Radio "nilltfbrmation There are four total positions open on the Parks and Recreation Commission beginning in 2003. There is one opening which is available each year for the Youth Commissioner, and three for the remaining Commissioner positions, which are each three year terms. The Town received a total of seven applications for the openings, including one for the Youth Commissioner. One current Commissioner, Dick Schmidt, is seeking reappointment. Interviews were conducted by the Council on January 21, 2003. New Commissioners are scheduled to be appointed at the February 6, 2003 Council meeting. New Commissioners would be sworn in just prior to attending their first official meeting on February 10, 2003, and would serve through December 2005. The one exception being the Youth Commissioner, who would serve a one year term through December 2003. Written Department Head C� Town Manager / Designee 1) January 21, 2003 - Interview Schedule Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Commissioner Applications For January 2003 Recruitment Interview Date: January 21, 2003 INTERVIEW TIME NAME ADDRESS PHONE 4:00 PM Dick Schmidt 17319 E. Teal Drive 836-0632 4:20 PM Mark Smith 15206 N. Maple Drive 837-0105 4:40 PM Paul Clare 15551 E. Chicory Drive 836-8616 5:00 PM Lauren Conway 14021 E. Edgeworth Drive, #A 836-4228 5:20 PM John Kovac III 15837 Cactus Wren Court 836-0653 5:40 PM Michael Howard 16820 Last Trail Drive 837-9496 6:00 PM Daniel Coughenour 13847 N. Hamilton Dr., #102 837-5831 Commission Interview Times Rev 1/17/2003 Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Town Manager Consent:❑ Regular:® Meeting Date:' 02/06/03 ontact Person: Susan Stein Requesting Action:❑ Tvne of Document Needing ADDroval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Presentation Council Prioritv (Check ADDroDriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:® ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: PRESENTATION by SRP of a proclamation to the Town for support over the last 100 years, in celebration of their centennial celebration (celebrating 100 years of service to the Salt River Valley). Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $0 Purpose of Item and Background Information: SRP President Bill Schrader and Kathie Lee will read the Centennial Year Resolution of the SRP Board of Governors to the Council and recognize the efforts of the Fountain Hills community and town officials, which assisted SRP in meeting the obligations for which it was formed. List All Attachments as Follows: Copy of proclamation Type(s) of Presentation: oral Signatures of Submitting Staff: Department Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) CENTENNIAL YEAR RESOLUTION OF THE SRP BOARD OF GOVERNORS WHEREAS, the enterprise, vision and perseverance of the Valley's early farming communities contributed to the passage of the National Reclamation Act of 1902 and subsequent incorporation on February 7, 1903, of the Salt River Valley Water Users' Association, now known as the Salt River Project or "SRP"; and WHEREAS, Valley settlers offered their lands as collateral for a federal loan to construct and complete Theodore Roosevelt Dam in 1911, and to provide a reliable and adequate supply of water for Central Arizona's economic growth and development; and WHEREAS, Valley cities and towns partnered with SRP in the 1920s in developing additional water storage, flood control, and hydro -generation facilities on the Salt River to expand water and power services to the rural communities of Central Arizona; and WHEREAS, Arizona's elected officials passed legislation in 1936 which permitted the establishment of the Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District for purposes of sustaining SRP during the Depression years and for further improving the Valley's electric power supply; and WHEREAS, Valley cities, towns, and businesses partnered with SRP to build additional water storage dams on the Verde River in the late 1930s, and to improve the delivery and treatment of water for Valley residents from the 1950s onward; and WHEREAS, advocates of the Central Arizona Project ("CAP") worked closely with SRP to win federal backing to construct the CAP, to form the Central Arizona Water Conservation District, and to significantly enhance Arizona's water resources; and WHEREAS, Valley municipalities and Indian communities partnered with SRP to obtain federal assistance to improve dam safety and flood control in the 1980s and 1990s; and WHEREAS, Valley communities have worked with SRP to develop water management plans, implement groundwater recharge programs, strengthen economic development, and expand important environmental initiatives; and WHEREAS, Central Arizona communities and organizations have long worked with SRP and its employees to benefit local education, human services, community safety, and cultural and aesthetic programs throughout Arizona. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the SRP Board of Governors recognize and pay tribute to the many federal, state, and local elected officials and communities who, over the past 100 years, have enabled the Salt River Project to meet the obligations for which it was formed, to win national recognition as a foremost public power provider, and to enter its second century prepared to bring continued valued service to Arizona. BY ORDER OF THE SRP BOARD OF GOVERNORS, this 6th day of January 2003. Board of Governors Meeting, January 6, 2003 Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 02/06/03 Submitting Department: Administration Contact Person: Julie Ghetti Consent:❑ Regular:® Requesting Action:❑ Report Only:® Type of Document Needing Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Ordinance ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Acceptance ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Plat ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Presentation Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Library Services ❑ Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Economic Development ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Parks & Recreation ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Regular Agenda Wording: PRESENTATION of the annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report by the town's auditor. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $00 Purpose of Item and Background Information: Mr. Craig Trbovich of the CPA firm Cronstrom & Trbovich will present to the Council the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002 which includes the Independent Auditor's Report. List All Attachments as Follows: None - Annual Financial Report distributed previously to Council. Type(s) of Presentation: oral Signatures of Submitting Staff: C a.", Department Head Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form '-% - Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Administration Consent:❑ Regular:® Meeting Date: 02/06/03 Contact Person: Julie Ghetti Requesting Action:[] Tvne of Document Needing Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Presentation Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Areas): ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ® Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:Z ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Rezular Agenda Wording: PRESENTATION of the Certificate of Recognition for Budget Preparation to Julie Anne Ghetti for the fiscal year 2002/2003 budget. This distinguished award is given by the Government Finance Officers Association and is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and represents a significant achievement by the Town. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $0 PurposeofItem and Background Information: To recognize Town staff for their efforts in preparing a budget that satisfies national guidelines for effective budget presentation. This is the first award for the Town of Fountain Hills for budget preparation. List All Attachments as Follows: Memo to Council and Press Release. Type(s) of Presentation: oral Signatures of Submitting Staff: �l Department Head Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Mr. Timothy Pickering, Town Manager DT: January 28, 2003 FR: Julie A. Ghetti, Accounting Supervisor Administration RE: GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award U The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has announced that the Town of Fountain Hills Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. The attached Press Release will be provided to the media and highlights the significance of this award. The Town Council, Department Directors and staff deserve recognition for this accomplishment during a time of financial instability and rotating Interim Town Managers. cc: Mayor and Town Council Fountain Hills Times Arizona Republic Tribune Attach: Press Release \\eaith\JGhetti\WPDATA\INTEROFFICE MEMO GHETTI.doc GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700, Chicago, Illinois 60601-1210 312/977-9700 • Fax: 312/977-4806 January 22, 2003 PRESS RELEASE For Further Information Contact Stephen J. Gauthier (312) 977-9700 Chicago --The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) is pleased to announce that Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona has received the GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget. The award represents a significant achievement by the entity. It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, the entity had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity's budget serves as: ■ a policy document ■ a financial plan ■ an operations guide ■ a communications device Budget documents must be rated "proficient" in all four categories to receive the award. When a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award is granted to an entity, a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Presentation is also presented to the individual or department designated as being primarily responsible for its having achieved the award. This has been presented to Julie A. Ghetti, MPA, CPA, Accounting Supervisor. Since the inception of the GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program in 1984, approximately 900 entities have received the Award. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America. The Government Finance Officers Association is a nonprofit professional association serving 14,000 government finance professionals throughout North America. The GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program is the only national awards program in governmental budgeting. WASHINGTON OFFICE 1750 K Street, N.W., Suite 350, Washington, DC 20006 202/429-2750 • Fax: 202/429-2755 Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Submitting Department: Town Manager Consent:❑ Regular:® Meeting Date: 02/06/03 Contact Person: Tim Pickering Requesting Action: El TvDe of Document Needing Approval (Check all that a ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Presentation Council Prioritv (Check Appropriate Area ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ® Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ❑ Community Development Report Only:® ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda Wording: PRESENTATION/UPDATE by the Committee to Save Our Community on their progress in pursuing the formation of a new fire district. Staff Recommendation: Approve Fiscal Impact: No $00 Purpose of Item and Background Information: Members of the Committee to Save Our Community will provide a progress report on their activities toward the formation of a new fire district. List All Attachments as Follows: Memorandum from Town Manager, Cover letter from the Committee to Save Our Community, impact statement, Resolution 2003-02, A.R.S. statute covering district creation. Type(s) of Presentation: oral Signatures of Submitting Staff: Department Head, - 1 f Town Manager / Designee LAw Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICE OF TOWN MANAGER MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and DT: January 29, 2003 Town Council "- ` FR: Tim Pickering, Town Manager r/ RE: Staff Review of Fire District Impact -' Statement Staff received the fire district impact statement on January 28, 2003, and completed a cursory review of the document, in accordance with Resolution 2003-02 that passed on January 16, 2003. Attached are the Arizona A.R.S. statute covering district formation and the Council's approved resolution. The impact statement is basically in order. Three issues are of interest. The first (#1) is that Exhibit A and B are not attached to the impact statement. I was told that the Town would be forwarded a copy. The second issue (#3) is the description of the property tax liability. The description indicates a property tax rate of $0.97. This would potentially bring in revenue of $2,635,400, plus the $325,000 of fire district assistance, for a total potential budget of $2,960,400. This amount is $599,130 above than the Town's current cost. This amount should be noted, not as a deterrent to the district forming, but for full disclosure. The proposed revenue amount for the new district may be slightly higher than current Town -run fire department cost to take into consideration the purchase of equipment, buildings, and land currently owned by the Town. Finally, section (4b) of the impact statement indicates that $25,000 pension money is only available to fire districts. This money is also available to the Town The Town's legal department will perform a separate review of the impact statement and present findings orally to the Council. Please remember that the staff simply reviewed the impact statement to determine if it meets the statutory minimums. It is the County's responsibility to determine sufficiency of the information. cc: Andrew McGuire, Town Attorney Julie Ghetti, Accounting Supervisor Pickeimg/E:/Stein/Pickering/impactstatement2.dce/ 12903 IMPACT STATEMENT FOR NEW FOUNTAIN HILLS FIRE DISTRICT Pursuant to the provisions of A.R.S.§48-261, the undersigned submit and enclose the following as a Fire District Impact Statement for the proposed creation of a new fire district to be known as Fountain Hills Fire District. Description of Boundaries Attached to this statement are two exhibits. Exhibit A: is a legal description of the district. Exhibit B: is a detailed, accurate map proposed fire district. boundaries for the proposed fire of the area to be included in the 2. Estimated Assessed Valuation The estimated 2002 (year) assessed valuation as provided by the office of the Assessor, Maricopa County, State of Arizona on November 13, 2002, for the area within the proposed fire district as of November 13, 2002 is Two hundred seventy million, six hundred two thousand, eight hundred sixty-six ($270,602,866). - 3. Property Tax Liability The estimated change in property tax liability of the proposed Fountain Hills Fire District will be $0.97 per $100 assessed valuation. The new District proposes to have the same tax rate as in the last budget of the old Fountain Hills Fire District. Example: A $300,000 house with an assessed value of $30,000, at the new Fountain Hills Fire District proposed secondary tax rate of $0.97, would have an increased tax liability of $291.00 per year after creation of this District. 4. Benefits that will result from the New Fountain Hills Fire District: a. The New District will receive Fire District Assistance Tax in the amount of $300,000 to help defray costs to taxpayers. This money is available to fire districts only. b. The New District will receive State Fire Marshall Pension Fund monies in the amount of $25,000 to help defray costs to taxpayers. This money is available to fire districts only. C. Direct accountability of Directors of New District to the electorate via the ballot box. If the citizens don't like the quality of service they are receiving, they have recourse via public meetings and by voting out offending members of the District. Currently 4 and by voting out offending members of the District. Currently under Town jurisdiction, the fire service is just one of many town - run departments with limited community oversight. d. The New District gives the citizens of Fountain Hills direct input over every aspect of the District including budgets, taxation and actual operations. Whereas, if the fire and EMS services remain incorporated in the Town budget and operation, direct accountability of the fire service is lost among the many other responsibilities of the Town. e. Formation of the New District would remove $2.6 million (the estimated cost of fire and emergency medical service per annum) from the Town of Fountain Hills' budget, which is already losing approximately $140,000 per month and currently projects a $5 million deficit in fiscal 2004. f. A financially independent Fire District is insulated from the financial shortfall of the Town, thereby assuring uninterrupted fire and EMS services so critical for our citizens. Injuries that will result from the New District: a. Money to support fire and emergency medical service must be raised. A secondary property tax in the amount of $0.97 (same as the old Fire District) per $100 Assessed value would be levied on all property in the New District. 6. Proposed Members of the Fountain Hills Fire District's Organizing Board of Directors: John M. Cutillo 16714 Nicklaus Drive Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Retired, Former Mayor of Fountain Hills F. Tim Yoder John Wyman 16905 E. Jacklin Drive Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Retired, Town Councilman of Fountain Hills 15459 E. El Lago Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 General Contractor, Yoder Built Construction A I cM I I OUR 09 January 28, 2003 Mayor and Town Council Town Hall Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 Dear Mayor and Council Members: On January 27, 2003 at 4:00 P.M. the Committee to Save Our Community (CSOC) delivered to Town Hall a FIRE DISTRICT FORMATION IMPACT STATEMENT. This document meets the requirements of Town Council Resolution #2003-02. We are adopting the same budget as set forth by the Town Manager, Tim Pickering, which is $2.6 Million for the first year of operation. To fill the positions of the initial fire commissioners, CSOC selected two names of men who served on the "Blue Ribbon Committee" and one name which was submitted by the Fire Fighter's Union on January 17, 2003. Both John Cutillo and Tim Yoder served on the Blue Ribbon Committee. On January 17, 2003 at approximately 9:00 A.M., Brian Golden, via telephone, submitted seven names to Hugh Henry, Chairman of the CSOC (copy of Hugh Henry's handwritten list as dictated by Brian Golden, attached). The first name on the list was John Wyman followed by Steve Gendler and the last name on the list was Randy Roberts. At this point, John Wyman graciously accepted the position and Hugh Henry withdrew his name. We have had five meetings with the Union. We requested on two separate occasions to meet with the Rural/Metro Fire Fighters serving in Fountain Hills at shift change, which was denied by Steve Springborn, President, United Maricopa County Fire Fighters Association, I.A.F.F. Local 3878. We are requesting at this time a meeting with the Town Council, as outlined in the original Resolution #2003-02. Sincerely, Hugh enry Rita Cobain Brown Chairman, CSOC Treasurer, CSOC RESOLUTION NO.2003-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, RELATING TO THE CONSENT BY THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS TO FORMATION OF A FIRE DISTRICT WITHIN THE INCORPORATED BOUNDARIES OF THE TOWN; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, on November 7, 2002, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Council") adopted Resolution 2002-45 (i) establishing the Emergency and Fire Services Funding Citizen Advisory Committee (the "Committee") and (ii) charging the Committee with the task of analyzing the Town's budget for the current fiscal year and estimating the budgetary constraints for the fiscal year 2003-2004 and beyond with respect to funding for emergency and fire services. The Committee was also requested to provide analysis of funding alternatives including the necessity to impose a property tax to supplement the Town's budget for the 2003-2004 fiscal year and thereafter for the purpose of providing the necessary funding for emergency and fire services; and WHEREAS, the Council required the Committee to present its initial findings to the Council in a written report to be distributed not later than December 31, 2002; and WHEREAS, the Committee delivered its findings to the Council in a written report on January 2, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Committee recommended, inter alia, that the Council approve a resolution in support of a citizens' effort to petition the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (the "Board") to permit the formation of a new fire district pursuant to ARIZ. REv. STAT. § 48- 261 to provide fire and emergency medical services within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Fountain Hills; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to follow the recommendation of the Committee by endorsing the efforts of a citizens' group to seek approval from the Board to circulate petitions for the formation of a new fire district covering the entire incorporated area of the Town of Fountain Hills, subject to the conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, as follows: Section 1. That the Council hereby endorses the creation of a fire district pursuant to ARiz. REv. STAT. § 48-261 covering the entire incorporated area of the Town, subject to the following conditions: 1. This endorsement shall expire on the earlier of (i) December 31, 2003 or (ii) the date, if any, that the Board (a) denies the request to circulate formation petitions pursuant to ARiz. REv. STAT. § 48-261 (A)(4) or (b) orders that the petition 9196.001\new fire dist.res.doc 1-10-03-2 signatures are insufficient to cause the formation of a new fire district pursuant to Apjz. REv. STAT. § 48-261 (A)(9). 2. The citizen's group shall submit the completed district impact statement required pursuant to ARz. REv. STAT. § 48-261 (A)(1) for review by the Council prior to submission to the Board. The Council hereby reserves the right to reconsider this Resolution at a public meeting in the event that the completed district impact statement indicates that the cost to Fountain Hills residents for emergency medical services and fire protection under a new district will be significantly higher that it would be if provided by the Town. Section 2. By reason of the urgent need to resolve the issue of funding for fire protection and emergency medical services and the substantial tinit necessary for (i) preparation of the district impact statement, (ii) collection of the necessary signatures by the citizens' group and (iii) the required review, public hearings and approvals by the Board, the immediate operation of the provisions of this Resolution is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist. This Resolution will be in full force and effect immediately upon passage and adoption and it is so enacted. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, January 16, 2003. ATTEST: C Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APVED AS TO FORM: Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2003-02 was duly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, at a meeting held on January 16, 2003, and the vote was % aye's and O ' nay's and that the Mayor and Council members were present and voting. _"-4 -A 1�6 Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk 9196.001\new fire dist.res.doc 1-10-03-2 2 48-261 - District creation; procedures; notice; hearing; determinations; petitions; definitions Page 1 of 3 48-261. District_creation __procedures: notice; hearing; determinations;__petitions; definitions A. A fire district, community park maintenance district, sanitary district or hospital district for either a hospital or urgent care center shall be created by the following procedures: 1. Any person desiring to propose creation of a district shall prepare and submit a district impact statement to the board of supervisors of the county in which the district is to be located. If a proposed district is located in more than one county, the impact statement shall be submitted to the board of supervisors of the county in which the majority of the assessed valuation of the proposed district is located. The boards of supervisors of any other counties in which a portion of the district is to be located shall provide information and assistance to the responsible board of supervisors. If the person desiring to create a district pursuant to this section is unable to complete the district impact statement, the board of supervisors may assist in the completion of the impact statement if requested to do so, provided the bond required in subsection C of this section is in an amount sufficient to cover any additional cost to the county. The district impact statement shall contain at least the following information: (a) A description of the boundaries of the proposed district and a detailed, accurate map of the area to be included in the district. (b) An estimate of the assessed valuation within the proposed district. (c) An estimate of the change in the property tax liability, as a result of the proposed district, of a typical resident of the proposed district. (d) A list and explanation of benefits that will result from the proposed district. (e) A list and explanation of the injuries that will result from the proposed district. (f) The names, addresses and occupations of the proposed members of the district's organizing board of directors. 2. On receipt of the district impact statement, the board of supervisors shall set a day, not fewer than thirty nor more than sixty days from that date, for a hearing on the impact statement. The board of supervisors may, at any time prior to making a determination pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subsection, require that the impact statement be amended to include any information that the board of supervisors deems to be relevant and necessary. 3. Upon receipt of the district impact statement, the clerk of the board of supervisors shall mail, by first class mail, written notice of the statement, its purpose and notice of the day, hour and place of the hearing on the proposed district to each owner of taxable property and each qualified elector within the boundaries of the proposed district. The clerk of the board of supervisors shall post the notice in at least three conspicuous public places in the area of the proposed district and shall publish twice in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the area of the proposed district, at least ten days before the hearing, or, if no daily newspaper of general circulation exists in the area of the proposed district, then at least twice at any time before the date of the hearing, a notice setting forth the purpose of the impact statement, the description of the area of the proposed district and the day, hour and place of the hearing. 4. At the hearing called pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection, the board of supervisors shall hear �.. those who appear for and against the proposed district and shall determine whether the creation of the district will promote public health, comfort, convenience, necessity or welfare. If the board of http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/48/0026l.htm 1/28/2003 48-261 - District creation; procedures; notice; hearing; determinations; petitions; definitions Page 2 of 3 supervisors determines that the public health, comfort, convenience, necessity or welfare will be promoted, it shall approve the district impact statement and authorize the persons proposing the district to circulate petitions as provided in this subsection. The order of the board of supervisors shall be final, �01 but if the request to circulate petitions is denied, a subsequent request for a similar district may be refiled with the board of supervisors after six months from the date of such denial. 5. After receiving the approval of the board of supervisors as provided in paragraph 4 of this subsection, the person proposing the district may circulate and present petitions to the board of supervisors of the county in which the district is located. 6. The petitions presented pursuant to paragraph 5 of this subsection shall comply with the provisions regarding petition form in section 48-265 and verification in section 48-266 and shall: (a) At all times, contain a description of the boundaries of the proposed district and a detailed, accurate map of the proposed district and the names, addresses and occupations of the proposed members of the district's organizing board of directors. No alteration of the proposed district shall be made after receiving the approval of the board of supervisors as provided in paragraph 4 of this subsection. (b) If a petition of property owners, be signed by more than one-half of the property owners in the area of the proposed district. (c) If a petition of property owners, be signed by persons owning collectively more than one-half of the assessed valuation of the property in the area of the proposed district. (d) If a petition of qualified electors, be signed by more than one-half of the qualified electors within the boundaries of the proposed district. 7. On receipt of the petitions, the board of supervisors shall set a day, not fewer than ten nor more than thirty days from that date, for a hearing on the petition. 8. Prior to the hearing called pursuant to paragraph 7 of this subsection, the board of supervisors shall determine the validity of the petitions presented. 9. At the hearing called pursuant to paragraph 7 of this subsection, the board of supervisors shall, if the petitions are valid, order the creation of the district. The board of supervisors shall enter its order setting forth its determination in the minutes of the meeting, not later than ten days from the day of the hearing, and a copy of the order shall be filed in the county recorder's office. The order of the board of supervisors shall be final, and the proposed district shall be created thirty days after the board of supervisors votes to create the district. A decision of the board of supervisors under this subsection is subject to judicial review under title 12, chapter 7, article 6. B. For the purpose of determining the validity of the petitions presented pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 5 of this section: 1. Qualified electors shall be those persons qualified to vote pursuant to title 16. 2. For the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of subsection A, paragraph 6, subdivisions (b) and (c) of this section, property held in multiple ownership shall be treated as if it had only one property owner, ir.• so that the signature of only one of the owners of property held in multiple ownership is required on the formation petition. http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/48/0026l.htm 1/28/2003 48-261 - District creation; procedures; notice; hearing; determinations; petitions; definitions Page 3 of 3 3. The value of property shall be determined as follows: (a) In the case of property assessed by the county assessor, values shall be the same as those shown on the last assessment roll of the county containing such property. (b) In the case of property valued by the department of revenue, the values shall be those determined by the department in the manner provided by law, for municipal assessment purposes. The county assessor and the department of revenue, respectively, shall furnish to the board of supervisors, within twenty days after such a request, a statement in writing showing the owner, the address of each owner and the appraisal or assessment value of properties contained within the boundaries of the proposed district as described in subsection A of this section. C. The board of supervisors may require of the person desiring to propose creation of a district pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 of this section a reasonable bond to be filed with the board at the start of proceedings under this section. The bond shall be in an amount sufficient to cover costs incurred by the county if the district is not finally organized. County costs covered by the bond include any expense incurred from completion of the district impact statement, mailing of the notice of hearing to district property owners and electors, publication of the notice of hearing and other expenses reasonably incurred as a result of any requirements of this section. The requirements of this subsection do not apply to proposed districts having fewer than one hundred qualified electors. D. If a district is created pursuant to this section, the cost of publication of the notice of hearing, the mailing of notices to electors and property owners and all other costs incurred by the county as a result of the provisions of this section shall be a charge against the district. E. If a proposed district would include property located within an incorporated city or town, in addition to the other requirements of subsection A of this section, the board shall approve the creation and authorize the circulation of petitions only if the governing body of the city or town has by ordinance or resolution endorsed such creation. F. Except as provided in section 48-2001, subsection A, the area of a district created pursuant to this section shall be contiguous. G. A district organized pursuant to this section shall have an organizing board of directors to administer the affairs of the district until a duly constituted board of directors is elected as provided in this title. The organizing board shall have all the powers, duties and responsibilities of an elected board. The organizing board shall consist of the three individuals named in the district impact statement and the petitions presented pursuant to subsection A of this section. If a vacancy occurs on the organizing board, the remaining board members shall fill the vacancy by appointing an interim member. Members of the organizing board shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in performing their duties. The organizing board shall elect from its members a chairman and a clerk. H. For purposes of this section: 1. "Assessed valuation" does not include the assessed valuation of property that is owned by a county. 2. 'Property owner" does not include a county. http://www.azleg.state.az.us/ars/48/00261.htm 1/28/2003 Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Meeting.Date 2/6/03 Submitting Department: Com. Dev. Contact Person: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner Consent:❑ Regular:® Requesting Action-® Tvne of Document Needing Approval (Check all that annl ® Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ® Special/Temp Use Permit ❑ Other: CounciPrionty€CheckApprprtafeAreas ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ® Community Development ❑ Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Re i& i Akenda� ording Consideration of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for the expansion of existing facilities at the Chaparral City Water Company Well #10 site, located on Parcel "A" Well Site, Block 1, Final Plat 103; north of Palisades Boulevard, east of Fountain Hills Boulevard, and west of Westby Drive, Case Number SU2002-14. Approve No Purr►ose.of Item and Backjr'ouridInformation This request is for approval of a Special Use Permit that would allow the expansion of the existing utility facilities on the Chaparral City Water Company Well #10 site. The proposal includes the construction of a gunite detention basin and drain, an eight -foot masonry perimeter screen wall with a view obscuring gate, landscaping and irrigation, and a new fire hydrant. On January 9, 2003 the Planning & Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this request. List All Attachments as Follows: Staff Report; Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes; Application; Site Plans. Type(s) of Presentation: Powerpoint Signatures of Submitting Staff: D artment Head `✓"� -t J Town Nfanager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS .. PLANNING & ZONING TOWN COUNCIL MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor Beydler and DT: January 29, 2003 Town Council FR: Dana Burkhardt, Senior Planner 1 RE: SU2002-14; Request for water utility facility expansion. LOCATION: 16426 N. Palisades Blvd.; aka Parcel A Well Site, Block 1, Final Plat 103. REQUEST: Consideration of a Special Use Permit that would allow the expansion of the existing Chaparral City Water Company facilities located on Parcel A (Well #10). DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT: Michael S. Thompson OWNER: Chaparral City Water Company EXISTING ZONING: "R-3" Multi -family Zoning District EXISTING CONDITION: Developed well site for water utility provider LOT SIZE: 40,187 square feet SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Vista Montana Casita Condominiums; zoned "R-3" SOUTH: Palisades Blvd and Walgreen's Drug Store; zoned "C-2" EAST: Fountain Hills Fire Department, Station #1; zoned "R-3" WEST: Fiesta Casitas Condominiums; zoned "R-3" SUMMARY: This request is for approval of a Special Use Permit that would allow the expansion of the existing utility facilities on the Chaparral City Water Company Well #10 site. The proposal includes the construction of a gunite detention basin and drain, an eight -foot masonry perimeter screen wall with a view obscuring gate, landscaping and irrigation, and a new fire hydrant. The Chaparral City Water Company proposes to improve their existing Well #10 site. The proposed use of the site will not be significantly altered from the existing use. This request is to provide adequate site screening for the existing facility, to upgrade the existing pump equipment, and to construct a drainage basin to catch the cleanout water from the pump line, which drains into the sanitary sewer system. The applicant proposes to provide paved access to this facility from Palisades Boulevard and a single parking space for vehicle turn -around at the entrance. The applicant also proposes to install landscaping and irrigation improvements to the site and install a fire hydrant on the adjacent Town -owned Fire Department site, per staff's request. EVALUATION: Pursuant to §5.17 of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, special use permit shall be required by all public service companies in order to establish or substantially expand utility buildings, structures, or appurtenances thereto, in any residential zoning district. The proposed application conforms to the screening and landscaping requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for commercial outdoor storage areas. The only alteration of use from the existing use is that a water line cleanout system would be provided, which requires draining the well pump line into the proposed catch basin for a period of approximately 10 minutes on an irregular basis. The proposed catch basin then drains into the existing sanitary sewer through a four -inch drain line. To date, staff has not received a nuisance complaint regarding the existing well site. Staff does not foresee any adverse impacts from the proposed improvements of this site, as these improvements would enhance the site and reduce the potential for noise or visual nuisances or trespass. The surrounding uses include the Fountain Hills Fire Department Station #1 to the east, Palisades Boulevard to the south, and condominium developments on the north and west. Chaparral City Water Company has agreed to provide a fire hydrant at the Town's request, at their sole cost and expense, on the Fountain Hills Fire Department Station #1 property. The adjacent property owners were notified of this request and staff has not received an objection. The applicant is allowed to disturb 100% of all slopes less than 15% gradient, and 50% of all slopes greater than 15% gradient per §5.11B(2) of the town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has proposed to disturb 100% of al slopes less than 100% and 21.5% of all slopes greater than 15% grade. The applicant is in conformance with the disturbance requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. On January 9, 2003, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this Special Use request with Staff's stipulations. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff recommend approval of SU2002-14, a Special Use request to permit the expansion of the existing Chaparral City Water Company facilities located on Parcel A (Well #10), with the following stipulation: 1) Prior to building permit issuance; provide a notarized letter from the adjacent property owner granting permission to attach your wall to their existing screen wall, as proposed. PBA 1/02 �'tAIN �y\ p �t eve+ a at is A9 The Town of Fountain Hills COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I ,or Use CaseOfficial Manager: Only Fountain Hills, Arizona Area Specific Plan or Change General Plan Amendment Plan of Development Zoning Change Variance NATURE OF THE REQUEST: PROJECT NAME APPLICATION Ie LJ- * 10 ==4) ram% " Preliminary Plat Cut/Fill Waiver Special Use Permit SU Comprehensive Sign Plan HPE Change or Abandonment Mrs. Applicant: Day Phone � M r. `� Ms. Address: C"--7CCity: "'" " �/'/'State: Zip: 6:52LL, Mrs. Owner: Mr. Ms. Address: City: Day Phone State: - Zip: If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration, the section below must be completed, SIGNATURE OF OWNER I HEREBY AUTHORIZE Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me this day of DATE TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. My Commission Expires Notary Public FILING DATE: FEE PAID: ACCEPTED BY: TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS (See Fee Schedule) 20 Application DEC 0 5 2002 Case Number Page 2 of 7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SU -- 1 PBA 1/02 The Town of Fountain Hills LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY ADDRESS `L � PARCEL SIZE (Acres) l ' NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED - EXISTING ZONING: Application Page 3 of 7 lv3 d 7 Plat Name Block Lot — ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER%(° _ o/ - Y3 L N1A TRACTS - A) AI PROPOSED ZONING /V /4 Case Number -in ¢o°i zv '9w� wn..oa z�ci-r°t = n v°� o••:9ra ogm-£Lz (zo9) p0.9 ll•�+od w�'i:. 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JSONVI 81-£LZ 059) '�0�0� -!�'�D�a"� �'S - covy 6�a� aHS - 6ylae.nS - bulawa6u3 goose P.08 IloMoa'WDuOz)1 '-I... 4 'OU, `UOSIeN - UOS�apUV 01# hIS 73M AVdA03 H31VM AiIO 1VddVd`dHO Z U z 1 1 a 0 m N Z z g a m D of N Town of Fountain Hills Town Council Agenda Action Form Meeting Type,; Regular Meeting Meeting Dater 02/06/03 Submitting Department: Community Development Contact Person: Denise Ruhling, Planner11 Consent:❑ Regulars® Requesting Action:,® Tvne of Document Needing Approval (Cheek all that appI ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Agreement ❑ Emergency Clause ❑ Special Consideration ❑ Intergovernmental Agreement ❑ Grant Submission ❑ Liquor/Bingo License Application ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Special/Temp Use Permit ® Other: Annexation of Land Council Priority (Check Appropriate Areas ❑ Education ❑ Public Fitness ❑ Public Safety ❑ Community Activities ❑ Public Works ❑ Human Service Needs ❑ Town Elections ® Community Development ® Ordinance ❑ Special Event Permit ❑ Acceptance ❑ Plat ❑ Library Services ❑ Economic Development ❑ Parks & Recreation Regular Agenda wording: Consideration and possible approval of Ordinance No. 03-02 An ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona extending and increasing the corporate limits of the town of Fountain Hills pursuant to the provisions of Arizona Revised Statues subsection 9-471.02 and .amendments thereto, annexing thereto certain territory located at the northeast corner of Copperwynd Drive and Eagle Ridge Drive. Approve Fiscal Impact: No Purpose of Item and Background Informations In May of 2002 the Town of Fountain Hills and the City of Scottsdale were approached by Neil Ginsberg, Sun Tech Development, regarding the possiblity of deannexing/annexing a portion of their property. After consulting with the City of Scottsdale and meeting with Neil Ginsberg the process of deannexation/annexation started. Per A.R.S. 9-471.02 territory may be deannexed and severed from one city or town and annexed to another city or town in accordance with the provision of the section if the territory which is deannexed is contiguous to the city or town which annexes the territory. The City of Scottsdale adopted Ordinance No. 3485 at their January 21, 2003 meeting by a unanimous vote. It is the desire of Neil Ginsberg that this property now be annexed into the Town of Fountain Hills. The annexation will include zoning of RI-8 (closest match to current zoning in Scottsdale). Ordinance 03-02; Scottsdale Ordinance No. 3485 Powerpoint Signatures of Submitting Staff: • D artment He Town Manager / Designee Budget Review (if item not budgeted or exceeds budget amount) ORDINANCE NO. 03-02 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA EXTENDING AND INCREASING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES § 9-471.02 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, ANNEXING THERETO CERTAIN TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO THE EXISTING TOWN LIMITS. WHEREAS, the provisions of ARiz. REV. STAT. § 9-471.02 allow for real property within the corporate limits of one municipality to be deannexed by that municipality and concurrently annexed into a contiguous municipality; and WHEREAS, the City of Scottsdale ("Scottsdale") adopted Ordinance No. 3485 on January 21, 2003, setting forth its desire to deannex approximately 1.69 acres of land contiguous with the corporate boundaries of the Town of Fountain Hills ("Fountain Hills") as more fully described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills desire to extend and increase the corporate limits of Fountain Hills to include the Property; and WHEREAS, the legal description of the Property set forth on Exhibit A is a true and correct description of all the exterior boundaries of the entire area proposed to be annexed to Fountain Hills; and WHEREAS, Fountain Hills shall provide all of its municipal services to the property upon issuance of the order by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors deannexing the Property from Scottsdale and annexing same to Fountain Hills. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA as follows: SECTION 1. That the Property be, and the same hereby is, annexed to the Town of Fountain Hills, and that the present corporate limits be, and the same hereby are, extended and increased to include the Property contiguous to the present Town limits. SECTION 2. That a copy of this Ordinance, together with an accurate map of the Property hereby annexed to Fountain Hills, certified by the Mayor, be forthwith filed with the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. SECTION 3. That this annexation shall be contingent upon fulfillment of the requirements of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-471.02. 9196.01Mopperwynd annex.ord.doc 1 1-17-03-1 SECTION 4. That, upon annexation, the Property shall be zoned Rl-8 and subject to the �w - regulations set forth for such designation in the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona, February 6, 2003. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Cassie B. Hansen, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: An i cGuire, Town Attorney 9196.010\Copperwynd annex.ord.doc 2 I-17-03-I EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tracts "K", "J" and "P" of "CORDILLERA AT COPPERWYND , a subdivision Plat recorded in Book 483 of Maps, Page 08, Records of Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeasterly corner of said Tract "K"; THENCE South 39 degrees 14 minutes 57 seconds East, along the Northerly line of said Tract "K", a distance of 243.71 feet; THENCE South 59 degrees 20 minutes 26 seconds East, continuing along the Northerly line of said Tract "K", a distance of 317.41 feet to the Northeasterly comer of said Tract "J"; THENCE South 59 degrees 20 minutes 26 seconds East, along the Easterly line of said Tract "J", a distance of 91.04 feet to the Southeasterly comer of said Tract "J", said point also being the Northeasterly corner of said Tract "P"; THENCE South 59 degrees 20 minutes 26 seconds East, along the Easterly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 41.55 feet; THENCE South 38 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East, continuing along the Easterly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 44.46 feet to the Southeasterly comer of said Tract "P"; THENCE South 83 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds West, along the Southerly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 134.36 feet; THENCE North 79 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds West, continuing along the Southerly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 110.32 feet; THENCE South 87 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds West, continuing along the Southerly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 102.97 feet; THENCE South 32 degrees 50 minutes 41 seconds West, continuing along the Southerly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 49.85 feet to the Southwesterly comer of said Tract "P", said point being on the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of Eagle Ridge Drive, as shown on "MAP OF DEDICATION FOR EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE" as recorded in Book 465 of Maps, Page 16 of Official Records of Maricopa County, Arizona, said point also being on a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 2035.00 feet and a radial bearing of South 68 degrees 13 minutes 42 seconds West; THENCE Northwesterly, along the Westerly line of said Tract "P" and along the Easterly Right -of - Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 00 degrees 30 minutes 13 seconds and an arc distance of 17.89 feet; THENCE North 24 degrees 39 minutes 29 seconds East, continuing along the Westerly line of said Tract P and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 30.60 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Tract "P", said point being the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 310.00 feet and a radial bearing of South 18 degrees 10 minutes 17 seconds East; Sheet 1 of 4 THENCE Northeasterly, along the Northerly line of said Tract "P" and along the Easterly Right -of - Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00 degrees 57 minutes 31 seconds and an arc distance of 5.19 feet to the Southwesterly comer of said Tract "J"; THENCE North 25 degrees 49 minutes 41 seconds West, along the Westerly line of said Tract "J" and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 80.73 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Tract "J", said point also being the Southerly Southwesterly corner of said Tract "K"; THENCE North 65 degrees 11 minutes 12 seconds West, continuing along the Westerly line of said Tract "K" and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 32.99 feet to the Westerly Southwesterly comer of said Tract "K"; THENCE North 22 degrees 14 minutes 49 seconds West, continuing along the Westerly line of said Tract "K" and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 307.65 feet to a point on the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 765.00 feet and a radial bearing of North 67 degrees 45 minutes 11 seconds East; THENCE Northwesterly, continuing along the Westerly line of said Tract "K" and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 06 degrees 08 minutes 25 seconds and an arc distance of 81.98 feet returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1.69 acres or 73,545 square feet, more or less. BASIS OF BEARINGS North 22 degrees 14 minutes 49 seconds West along the Monument Line of Eagle Ridge Drive (adjacent to Tract "K") as shown on Plat of "CORDILLERA AT COPPERWYND", Book 483 of Maps, Page 08, Maricopa County Recorder - and as shown on "MAP OF DEDICATION FOR EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE", Book 465 of Maps, Page 16, Maricopa County Recorder. Reference is hereby made to the attached Exhibit B drawings. k•if41f "-_ �'/. !�%gyp Sheet 2 of 4 1237.1 B01 04/ 10/02 GT/REC:bls TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS l�/ EXHIBIT B CORPORATE UMITS R=765.00' LU P 0 NOTE.• M SEE CURVE DATA TABLE IQ can I % HD D LINE TABLE ON o HEFT 4 OF 4 O� o M mac,► �- O CL v v li� \ NOT TO SCALE ©m N � so a t� v mz ;r . in � 1 � N 35' R/bv PER ` rn BOOK 465 OF MAPS, PAGE 16. M.C.R. cs •P� t pc� `y0 s SAS oGy O Kwl J' �Mlrag*%%M_ � WPrT40/// TRACT A" "CORMLLERA AT COPPERW' ND— BOOK 483 OF MAPS, PAGE 08, H.C.R. �-qbi INDICATES AREA DESCRIBED BY LEGAL DESCRIP710N. SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION GERVASIO & ASSOC. INC. TRACTS X'. 'J' & NP CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF 'CORDILLERA AT 4527 N. 16TH STREET. SUITE 200 COPPERWYIIID' PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85016 (602) 285-1720 FAX 285-15M • ...a.. ..4 -4 esrw;^M I+ is thw mmnerty of CITY OF SCOTISQALE CORPORATE UMRS .�--.- ^^ = E' Job No. 12.3Z IB01 date 04/10102 WIG T/REC Sheet No. 3 OF 4 FRV OCIATES INC., Tina ul%+wnly .... - --- -- - - and may not be reproduced or reproduction hereof used without permission. CURVE DATA TABLE: CURVE DELTA RADIUS ARC CHORD 0 00'30'13' 2035.00' 17.89' N.22*01'24'W.N17.89' © 00-57'310 310.00' 5.19' N.7218'29'E.N5.19' © 04'05'42' 350.00' 25.01' N.69'48'02'E.-25.01' DL� 06-08-25' 765.00' 81.98' 1 N.19-10'36-W.N81.94' LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE QA S.38' 57' 36'E. 44.46' O S.&T07*30v. 134.36' @C N.79'22'24V. 110.32' OD S.8738'26V. 102.97' EO S.32'50'41 V. 49.85' O N.24 39'29'E. 30.60' © N.25'49'41 V. 80.73' O N.SS11'12'Vll. 32.99' QJ N.6745011'E 35.00' QK S.59'20'260E 91.04' © S.59 20'26'E. 41.55' EXHIBI T B NOTE - SEE SKETCH y OF TRACTS ' 'J OC' & IPa OF CORDILLERA AT COPPERMD ON SHEET 3 OF 4 Job No. . `� r ``.: r ` ` :'� `� `t SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION 04110102 `; GERVASIO & ASSOC. INC. TRACTS 1' 'i' & OP' ,E " w/crIVEC CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF CORDILLERA AT Sheet No. 4527 N. 16TH STREET. Sun 200 COPPER"D' ,�:� � PHOENIX. ARIZON► 85016i. �y P 4 OF 4 (602) 285-1720 FAX 285-1530 , TL!— J� ..w wer�rf irnan+ of QMru;rM I+ IQ +his nmflP_rt/ of GFRVASIO a[ ASSOCIATES. INC.. and may not be reproduced or reproduction heteof used without permission. ' JPN-27-2003 13:33 COS COMMUNITY DEU. 490 3127091 P.02 ORDINANCE NO.3485 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, DEANNEXING AND DECREASING THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE, PURSUANT TO ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES SECTION 9-471.02, BY DEANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY WITHIN THE PRESENT CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SCOTTSDALE, CONTINGENT UPON THAT SAME TERRITORY BEING ANNEXED BY THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS. MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, AND UPON FULFILLMENT OF THE CONDITIONS OF SECTION 9-471.02, ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the best interest of the Clty of Scottsdale for certain territory within the corporate boundaries of the City, specffically described in the attached Exhibit A and shown on the maps attached as Exhibits B and C of this Ordinance, to be deannexed from the City of Scottsdale contingent upon that same territory being concurrently annexed by the Town of Fountain Hills; and WHEREAS, section 9-471,02, Arizona Revised Statutes, provides for the deannexatlon of land from one municipality and the annexation to another municipality if all of the conditions of the statute are fulfilled; and WHEREAS, the Territory proposed to be de -annexed is contiguous to the Town of Fountain Hills; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Scottsdale as follows: Section 1 That the City Council hereby determines that the territory to be de -annexed, hereafter referred to as the Territory," Is as legally described In the attached Exhibit "A," incorporated herein by this reference, and shown on the maps attached as Exhibits `B" and "C; incorporated herein by this reference. Seption 2, That the Cfty Council hereby expresses Its intention to deannex the Territory and hereby declares the deannexatlon to have occurred and the present corporate limits of the City of Scottsdale modified and decreased to exclude the Territory, contingent upon the annexation of the same Territory by the Town of Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, and upon fulfillment of the conditions more particularly set forth in section 9-471,02, Arizona Revised Statutes. Sogtion a, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Ordinance and the attached maps to the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, Arizona, evidencing its successful passage on the day and date written below. Attachment 45 Page 1 of 2 JAN-27-2003 13:33 COS COMMUNITY DEU. 490 3127391 P.03 $Oction 4. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to notify by letter the owner of any real property in the territory to be deannexed at least twenty days before the hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Such notification shall specify that the area is to be deannexed and annexed to the Town of Fountain Hills and that such property shall continue to be subject to any tax lawfully assessed against it for the purpose of paying any indebtedness lawfully contracted by the City Council of the City of Scottsdale while the property was within the corporate limits. The letter shall further state that the property owner may protest the action by letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors prior to the hearing or in person at the hearing. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Scottsdale, Arizona this January, 2003. day of ATTEST: CITY OF SCOTTSDALE, an Arizona municipal corporation By. BY Sonia Robertson Mary Manross City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: By. -' David A. Penn rtz City Attorney Attachment #S Page 2of2 JAN-27-2003 13:33 COS COMMUNITY DEU. 480 3127091 P.04 Im"Adipj*PWO! • Tracts "K", "T' and "P" o.f"CORDILLERA AT COPPERWYND", a subdivision Plat recorded in Book 483 of Maps, Page 08, Records of Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly desen'bed as follows: BEGS TNING at the Northeasterly corner of said Tract "K' THENCE South 39 degrees 14 minutes 57 seconds East, along the Northerly line of said Tract "K", a distance of 243.71 feet; THENCE South 59 degrees 20 minutes 26 seconds East, continuing along the Northerly line ofsaid Tract "K", a distance of 317.41 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Tract "T; TFIETNCE South 59 degrees 20 minutes 26 seconds East, along the Easterly lint of said Tract,,I,,, a distance of 91.04 feet to the Southeasterly comer ofsaidTract "T', saidpoint also being the Northeasterly comer of said Tract "P"; TIDl NCE South 59 degrees 20 minutes 26 seconds East, along the Easterly line of said Tract a distance of 41.55 fret; TIENCE South 38 degrees 57 minutes 36 seconds East, continuing along the Easterly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 44.46 feet to the Southeasterly comer of said Tract'P'; THENCE South 83 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds West, along the Southerly line of said Tract "P", a distance of 134.36 feet; THENCE North 79 degrees 22 minutes 24 seconds West, continuing along the Southerlyline ofsaid Tract'T", a distance of 110.32 feet; THENCE South 87 degrees 38 minutes 26 seconds West, continuing along the Southerly line ofsaid Tract "P", a distance of 10297 feet; THENCE South 32 degrees 50 minutes 4I seconds West; continuing along the Southerly line ofsaid Tract IF% a distance of 49.85 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Tract "P", said point being on the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of Eagle Ridge Drive, as shown oa "MAP OF DEDICATION FOR EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE" as recorded in Bbok 465 of Maps, Page 16 of Official Records of Maricopa County, Arizona, sgid point also being on a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 2035.00 feet and a radial bearing of South 68 degrees 13 minutes 42 seconds West; THENCE Northwesterly, along the Westerly line ofsaidTract"P"aid alongthe Easterly Right -of - Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 00 degrees 30 minutes 13 seconds' and an are distance of 17.89 feet; THENCE North 24 degrees 39 minutes 29 seconds Fast, continuing along the westerly lute of said Tract " P" and along the Easterly Right -of --Way Line ofsaid Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 30.60 feet to the Northwesterly comer of said Tract "P", said point being the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 310.00 feet and a radial bearing of South 18 degrees 10 minutes 17 seconds East; Sheet 1 of 4 JAN-27-2003 13:34 COS COMMUNITY DEU. 4e2 3127091 P.05 THENCE Northeasterly, along the N1orthe;ly line of said Tract "P" and along the Easterly Right -of - Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, along the arc of said curve through a cen!ral angle of 00 degrees 57 rainutes 31 seconds and an arc distance of 5.19 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Tract ' 7"; THENCE North 25 degrecs 49 minutes 41 seconds West, along the Westerly line of said Tract "T' and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Lire of said Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 80.73 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Tract "J", said point also being the Southerly Southwesterly corner of said Tract "K"; THENCE North 65 degrees 11 minutes 12 seconds West, continuing along the Westerly line of said Tract "K" and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 32.99 feet to the Westerly Southwesterly corner of said Tract 'x"; THENCE North 22 degrees 14 minutes 49 seconds West, continuing along the Westerly line of said Tract "K" and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, a distance of 307.65 feet to a point on the beginning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 765.00 feet and a radial bearing ofNorth 67 degrees 45 minutes 11 seconds East; THENCE Northwesterly, continuing along the Westerly line of said Tract "K" and along the Easterly Right -of -Way Line of said Eagle Ridge Drive, along the arc of said curve, through a ccntral angle of 06 degrees 08 minutes 25 seconds and an arc distance of 81.98 feet returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 1.69 acres or 73,545 square: feet, more or less. F I : � M. - M_ % M � North 22 degrees 14 minutes 49 seconds West along the Monument Line of Eagle Ridge Drive (adjacent to Tract '%") as shown on Plat of "CORDELLERA AT COPPERWYND", Book 483 of Maps, Page 08, M.aricopa County Recorder - and as shown on "MAP OF DEDICATION FOR EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE", Book 465 of Maps, Page 16, Maricopa County Recorder. Reference is hereby made to the attacbed F_xhibit B drawings. ,r,f; IAPio Sheet 2 of 4 �.- 1237.1 B01 04/10/02 GT/REC:bls TOTAL P.05 Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date Name Addre City/1 Comments:/ -/_'— /)'-0— (%/S C_ Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. - - REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date — Name Address e /z City/Town_ Comments: L�15�� i nank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable_ part of the process. (Please see reverse) i Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD �Wrown Council Meeting Date — Name q,ti rgl�rt Address City/Town ._���., -7 Comments: -y4I AV R - ME I _-M-W (.W ou /etl e,- TT — Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date — Name IV o C ay, di Address _f �y City/Town Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. - (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD ,%W Town Name Addre City/ I own Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) �r Town of Fountain Hills gAgenda Item No. `4:r- REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date —_R Name Address City/Town Comments: i< 1� Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable Part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills ti Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date - Name , �� 4 L� 7 � G E A/1 Address 3 L%Z I . City/Town- - /-"/. 1 S Comments: 14 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date - Name Address_ )__�7 t/ S City/Town �-p a,. -)-*n,_ , i I , Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. nt. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Pq Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date — Name H C Address �; If L City/Town F�) (' ants: �L� �� f icJ — �' L' �✓ (% (" A, R/ /3 Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills ` Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date — Name Address City/Town <� Comments-, Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) 09 Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. U REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Name Addre City/1 Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date — Name N O lye Ga /d Address City/Town Comments: L Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. _REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date — Name •h i ' c'' �'' /V /�% �� ,' Address City/Town r- ; Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Name Addre City/'I Coma Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Council Meeting Date — Name Address City/Town Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. x` REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Town Councii Meeting Date — - 'i—S Name �� Address � City/Town Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. (Please see reverse) `%W Town of Fountain Hills Agenda Item No. Town Council Meeting Date — , NameL r) Address / City/Tow Comments: L Thank you for participating in your Town �overnme part of the process. b nt. Your comments are an important and valuable (Please see reverse)