HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2018.1108.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION December 6,2018 Chairman Dempster opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Susan Dempster Vice-Chairman Eric Hansen, Commissioners N'Marie Crumbie and Peter Gray. Commissioner Mathew Boik, Christopher Jones and Scott Schlossberg were absent. Also in attendance were Marissa Moore, Senior Planner and Paula Woodward,Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Dempster requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one from the public wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM # 1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED October 25,2018. Vice-Chairman Hansen MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, October 25, 2018 as written. Commissioner Crumbie SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4/0. AGENDA ITEM # 2 PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ORDINANCE #18-10, A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 6, SIGN REGULATIONS, SECTIONS 6.08.B.11 AND 6.08.D.1.C. THE AMENDMENTS EXTEND THE EXPIRATION DATE TO DECEMBER 31, 2020, FOR A-FRAME SIGNS AND BANNERS FOR SPECIAL SALES EVENTS. CASE#Z2018-10 Chairman Dempster opened both public hearings at 6:02 p.m. Marissa Moore,Senior Planner reviewed the information in the staff report on amending The Town Zoning Ordinance to extend the expiration date to December 31, 2020, for A-frame signs and banners for special events. Ms. Moore provided a PowerPoint presentation (available on-line or in the office of the Development Services Department). Ms. Moore explained the amendments are virtually the same as previous years, with changed expiration dates in two sections of Chapter 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Originally,the review process was annual, expiring on December 31 St of each year between 2009 through 2012.The extension time frame changed to every two years between 2012 to present.If the extension were not granted, these signs, (A-frames and banners) would no longer be allowed after December 31, 2018. The reason this is revisited is to ensure compliance and if any adjustments are needed to the ordinance.The Town provides educational presentations throughout the year that are organized with the Chamber of Commerce.Ms. Moore's PowerPoint presentation included a photo showing results of a sign survey done before 7 a.m.,on October 23,2018. The windshield survey resulted in a few A-frame real estate signs that which the Zoning Ordinance prohibits. All signs surveyed were compliant in location, size and materials, but most were not in compliance with the time of day regulations. A-frame signs do not require a permit. Banners require a permit and are limited times to be posted: Special events and promotional banners are allowed to remain for 14 days during a calendar month. Grand opening and church signs are allowed 30 days for a one-time grand opening. Signs cannot be larger than thirty-two square feet and must be attached to the building. Code Enforcement also surveyed banner signs on October 23,2018. He found twenty-four banner signs displayed. Only two of the twenty-four signs were permitted. Year to date twelve banner signs have been issued.Ms.Moore showed an example of a non-compliant feather banner Page 1 of 5 Ms. Moore asked the commission to take into consideration that businesses rely on the opportunity to display these type of signs. If the ordinance was not reinstated, the effect on businesses may be notable. • Enforcement of the regulation is challenging due to staff levels and there are concerns of visual clutter. Ms. Moore concluded that staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the extension of the sunset clause. Chairman Dempster asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were none. Vice-Chairman Hansen asked how many complaints were received since this ordinance was last approved. Ms. Moore replied the document she received from Code Enforcement was so insignificant and it did not portray what is really occurring. Code Enforcement will do a sign sweep on random weekends throughout the year. The Code Enforcement Officer drives around, removes the signs and contacts the sign owners. There are not many complaints in general about banners and A-frame signs. The presentation today is not driven by complaints; it is considering if it is appropriate to have the ordinance as written extend another two years. Vice-Chairman Hansen asked if the Town is doing more to educate the public regarding the ordinance. Ms.Moore said she and code enforcement facilitate presentations to businesses through the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. She consistently answers questions form the public regarding sign regulations. Whether or not they follow the answers given is hard to say, as you can see from the windshield survey it is ambiguous. Commissioner Crumbie asked for clarification on the staff summary, "Text amendment that would extend the expiration dates on Commercial A-frame signs and for Banners for two special sales events." Ms. Moore said that"two special sales events" should be replaced with"promotional, special events and one time grand opening event." In response to Commissioner Gray,Ms.Moore replied that this ordinance was written with a sunset clause originally in 2009. 2009 through 2012 the ordinance was extended every one year.In 2012, it was decided to review the ordinance every two years. The last time this was reviewed was in 2016. Commissioner Gray asked how the violations are trending and if the every two year review was too long of an interval where people might take advantage. Ms. Moore replied, although the number has decreased, code enforcement has by no means experienced reduction in violations. The numbers do not tell the true story of what is going on out there because of the way code enforcement works. Chairman Dempster requested that the Development Services Department reach out to the Chamber of Commerce to schedule continual training. Ms.Moore agreed and said she would follow up on her end. Staff is always available to make presentations at anyone's request. Chairman Dempster asked that the recommendation include partnership with the Chamber for training. Commissioner Gray asked for the recommendation include Code Enforcement sweep quarterly. Page 2 of 5 Chairman Dempster closed the public hearing at 6:13 p.m. C AGENDA ITEM#3—CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE#18-10,A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 6, SIGN REGULATIONS, SECTIONS 6.08.B.11 AND 6.08.D.1.C. THE AMENDMENTS EXTEND THE EXPIRATION DATE TO DECEMBER 31, 2020, FOR A-FRAME SIGNS AND BANNERS FOR SPECIAL SALES EVENTS. CASE#Z2018-10 Vice-Chairman Hansen MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE ORDINANCE #18-10, a text amendment to The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Sections 6.08.B.11 and 6.08.d.1.c.to include the Town provide training in partnership with the Chamber and that Code Enforcement conduct quarterly sign sweeps.The amendments extend the expiration date to December 31,2020,for A-frame signs and banners for special sales events.Case#z2018- 10 Commissioner Gray SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4/0. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Crumbie Aye Commissioner Gray Aye Vice-Chairman Hansen Aye Chairman Dempster Aye AGENDA ITEM #4 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE 18-15, AMENDING SECTION 5.06.G.OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING Ce TO LARGE DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; AMENDING SECTION 1.12 TO CREATE A DEFINITION FOR THE FRONT PLANE OF A PRIMARY BUILDING AND THE STREET SIDE PLANE OF A PRIMARY BUILDING;AND AMENDING SECTIONS 1.12,5.06.F,5.06.H.,5.09.B.,10.03.A.8.,AND 15.03.A.8. FOR CONSISTENCY. CASE#Z2018-08 Chairman Dempster opened the public hearing at 6:19 p.m. Chairman Dempster asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there was none. Marissa Moore, Senior Planner reviewed the information in the staff report on amending The Town Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Moore provided a PowerPoint presentation (available on-line or in the office of the Development Services Department).Ms.Moore explained over the last two years there have been multiple inquires for large accessory structures on properties. The current ordinance would prevent such structures. Specifically requests have been for large accessory structures in the front of the principal building which is not allowed. The current ordinance does not allow large accessory buildings: within any setback, in front of the principal building,kitchen facilities(oven/stove restriction),a height over fifteen feet,a guest house with a separate garage and the maximum thirty percent of the floor area of the livable space of the principal building. Ms. Moore then reviewed the small accessory structures requirements: less than one hundred twenty feet, a maximum height of twelve feet, cannot be located in front of the principal structure and no closer than three feet from side and rear lot lines. Small accessory structures do not require a building permit and need to be located in the front plain of the principal structure. Multiple small structures are allowed on a property and can be located close to the neighbor's property line.Ms.Moore explained many requests are to allow large detached accessory buildings in front of the principal structure. The current ordinance requires these buildings be located behind the front of the primary structure. Some lots are built with the main structure set back so far into the lot it prevents from adding these type of buildings in front Page 3 of 5 of the principal structure. If the lot is small,there may not be any place on the property for a large accessory building location. Another concern is that corner lots have significantly greater rear yard setbacks, which can be restrictive. By amending the ordinance, corner lots would have more developable area. Allowing for more use of a lot can add to the property value and better use of the lot.Ms,Moore displayed diagrams of corner lot setbacks; Staff is proposing amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to create a definition of the "front plane of the primary structure"to clarify what that means and allow large accessory buildings to be located in front of the plane of the principal building with some restrictions. The restrictions applying to accessory buildings are that the building be completely enclosed,constructed of materials and of a color that match the principal building and cannot have an overhead garage doors facing any street front. This proposal also includes allowing large accessory buildings in the rear yard setback on corner lots with certain zoning districts, as there is yard setback compliance. Ms.Moore stated staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendments as presented. Vice-Chairman Hansen asked, are pools allowed in front yards under the current zoning ordinance? Ms. Moore referenced a slide and said the front yard is defined between the right of way and the front set back line. The problem with a pool in a front yard is the front yard fence wall cannot be higher than three and a half feet and the pool fence requirement is five feet. In response to Commissioner Gray,Ms.Moore said by having the garage door face the road,it could reduce the property value and aesthetics of the neighborhood. 411) Commissioner Crumbie asked about the permitting for large and small accessories. Ms. Moore said that large accessory structure require a building permit but small accessory buildings do not require a permit. The large and small accessory buildings are permitted on the same lot as long as they meet the zoning ordinance. Chairman Dempster expressed concern that the word"match"being vague and suggested the word"color" replace"match." Ms. Moore said the town attorney suggested the wording and the Chairman Dempster's change could be included in the Commissioner's recommendation. Chairman Dempster suggested she would also like to add to the recommendation that no rooftop mechanics on the accessory buildings. Commissioner Crumbie asked,would this be limited to certain lot size? Ms.Moore said the recommendation is for corner lots in the Rl-10 areas and the front plane of the primary building amendment is for all lots. Chairman Dempster closed the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. AGENDA ITEM # 5 — CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 18-15, AMENDING SECTION 5.06.G. OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO LARGE DETACHED ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; AMENDING SECTION 1.12 TO CREATE A DEFINITION FOR THE FRONT PLANE OF A PRIMARY BUILDING AND THE STREET SIDE PLANE OF A PRIMARY Page 4 of 5 BUILDING;AND AMENDING SECTIONS 1.12,5.06.F,5.06.H.,5.09.B., 10.03.A.8.,AND 15.03.A.8. FOR CONSISTENCY. CASE#Z2018-08 \r+ Vice-Chairman Hansen MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE ORDINANCE 18-15, amending section 5.06.g. Of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance relating to large detached accessory buildings in single-family residential zoning districts; amending Section 1.12 to create a definition for the front plane of a primary building and the street side plane of a primary building; and amending sections 1.12, 5.06.f, 5.06.h., 5.09.b., 10.03.a.8.,and 15.03.a.8. for consistency; and not to allow for rooftop equipment to be located on the large accessory building;and the large accessory building be the same color as the principal building. Case#z2018-08.Commissioner Gray SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4/0. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Crumbie Aye Commissioner Gray Aye Vice-Chairman Hansen Aye Chairman Dempster Aye AGENDA ITEM # 6 — SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR. None AGENDA ITEM#7-REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM # 8 -ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Dempster adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: Ch ' an Susan Dempster ATTEST: 'RUA& ki3M40 Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 6th day of December 2018 in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Page 5 of 5