HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2018.0524.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE 111; PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION May 24,2018 Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski, Vice-Chairman Susan Dempster. Commissioners: Mathew Boik, N'Marie Crumbie, Eric Hansen, Christopher Jones and Scott Schlossberg. Also in attendance were Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director, Marissa Moore, Senior Planner and Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Chairman Dabrowski asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were requests for agenda items two,three, four and five. AGENDA ITEM # 1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED MARCH 22,2018. Vice-Chairman Dempster MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, March 22, 2018 as written. Commissioner Boik SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6/0. Commissioner Jones recused himself from this agenda item since he was absent from the March 22, 2018 meeting. AGENDA ITEM # 2 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2018-04, DECLARING AS A PUBLIC RECORD THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND ENTITLED THE "FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT". (CASE#Z2017-14) Vice-Chairman Dempster MOVED to APPROVE the consideration of Resolution 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the town clerk and entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living Planned Area Development". (Case# Z2017-14) and Commissioner Hansen SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7/0. AGENDA ITEM#3 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE 18-03 AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.74 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND TREVINO DRIVE FROM HEMINGWAY PAD TO FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD (CASE# Z2017-14) Chairman Dabrowski opened the public hearing at 6:06 p.m. Marissa Moore, Senior Planner,presented a staff report and a PowerPoint presentation, (Copy is on file in the Development Services Department) on the details of an application submitted by CA Ventures for Fountain Hills Senior Living at 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd. Ms.Moore gave a brief history of the project.The project was presented at the January 25, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting and was then Page 1 of 12 forwarded for public hearing at the February 20, 2018 Town Council with a recommendation to approve the PAD with the stipulations as listed in the staff report. The applicant made changes to their proposal to meet the recommended stipulations prior to presenting to the Town Council. Town Council expressed concerns about the project and architectural designs and voted to continue the item until the applicant met with Town Citizens to bring forward a new proposal that had public input. Staff determined that the changes made to the proposal are substantial enough to return to the Planning and Zoning Commission for another review. Ms. Moore went on to explain the proposed changes made to the Senior Living PAD as summarized in the staff report. Ms. Moore said although the proposal meets some of the General Plan's goals and objectives it is generally inconsistent with the General Plan. With the exception of the nine waivers requested by the applicant, the proposal is consistent with C-1 Zoning District regulations, the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance. Ms. Moore emphasized that traditionally multi- family uses may be used as a buffer between commercial and single-family uses and this project could serve as such a buffer. In conclusion, Ms. Moore said Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve Ordinance 18-03 amending the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District map for approximately 5.74 acres located at Saguaro Blvd and Trevino Drive from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD as presented, excluding waiver#8, any screen/fence wall(s) installed along the north property line may be no taller than six feet in height and must be constructed at the property line for those neighbors who wish to have it installed. Chairman Dabrowski asked for the applicant's presentation. Nick Wood of The Law Firm of Snell & Wilmer said he joined the project after the Town Council voted to continue the proposed project allowing the applicant to bring forward a new proposal with changes addressing their concerns. Mr. Wood said meetings were held with property owners and residents located near the proposed Fountain Hills Senior Living location. CA Ventures took into account the concerns ® expressed at the public meeting and implemented changes into the new proposal. At the request of the neighbors, the building height was reduced from three stories to two stories and one story. The one story portion makes up fifty percent of the entire building. The unit count was reduced from one hundred fifty- seven units to one hundred thirty units. The reduction in units was achieved by taking away the independent living component. At the public meeting different architectural designs were proposed. The architecture and details chosen are a direct result of feedback from the public meeting. The landscaping has been enhanced by adding more mature landscaping and using native species. The deliveries are allowed only during the day and the receiving areas are located away from the residential properties. Mr. Wood said there were five different meetings held with the public to receive feedback about the project. Mr.Wood provided a handout with more stipulations as a result of the meeting. They are: 1. All Deliveries, except for those related to resident move in/move out activity, to the project shall be limited to the loading area located on the south side of the building, with access to the site being limited to Trevino Drive, as shown on Exhibit X, Vendor contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 2. All service activity, including trash collection, for the project shall be limited to the loading area located on the south side of the building, with access to the site being limited to Trevino Drive, as shown on the Exhibit X. Service contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 3. Construction traffic shall be limited to Trevino Drive as shown on the Exhibit X. The use of Monterrey Drive and Burkemo Drive for construction traffic is prohibited. All construction contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 4. Upon completion of site grading and the construction of some of the parking spaces and associated drive isles, construction parking shall be provided on-site. Page 2 of 12 5. The access drive located at the northwest corner of the site that provides access onto Berkemo Drive shall be limited to emergency vehicles only and shall be gated. The gate shall be closed at all times. Mr. Wood said if the Commission is inclined to recommend approval to the Council nothing would change from this evening's presentation unless it was the Commission's or Staff's request. Chairman Dabrowski asked for speaker cards and Recorder Paula Woodward answered there are sixteen speaker cards.Nine cards submitted would like to speak. Seven cards submitted who do not want to speak but would like to indicate their position for or against the project. Five non speakers indicated they were for the project; Eric Maceyko, Shawn Byron, Eric Winters, Michael Sullivan, and Christopher Russ. Two non-speakers indicated they were against the project; Wendy Muller and Michelle Krook. Larry Meyers, a Fountain Hills resident, addressed the Commission referencing a handout and visual aid he provided and stated that he is against the project. Tom Lindsey,a Fountain Hills resident, spoke on behalf of resident David Williams, said; "If I were a council member, how would I vote on the Senior Living PAD? Lacking a very complete knowledge of the project I might think: 1. Commercial developments in that area needs help and this development will add customers. A. According to the developer, assisted living and memory clients seldom leave the facility. They no longer plan for any independent living units. And the staff will likely not live in Fountain Hills. So, very few new customers. 2.The town government needs the development fee. A. Potential law suits for diminished home values resulting from zoning changes may diminish the value of the development fee. 3. The town needs to encourage development and a vote against would discourage future developers. A. The neighbors did not fight the Hemingway PAD because it did not deviate far from the principles of C-1 zoning. This project is more like C-2 zoning. 4. The current market for this product is soft and if it does not improve the PAD can always covert to apartments. A.As an apartment project there is woefully little parking and little room to add more. 5. The developer has clearly made an effort to make it more acceptable. A. Even though it may be more acceptable, it is still far beyond C-1 zoning." Joanne Meehan,a Fountain Hills resident, spoke out against the project. Jane Bell,a Fountain Hills resident, spoke out against the project. Peter Gray, a Fountain Hills resident, spoke out against the project. Glenn Mills,a Fountain Hills resident, spoke out against the project. Brain Zub, a Fountain Hills resident, spoke out against the project. Mary Lou Robinson, a Fountain Hills resident, spoke out against the project. Mary Lou Ruiz, a Fountain Hills resident, spoke out against the project. She said the Town needs to be self-sustaining. She does not see a need for another Senior Living Facility since there are already two existing at questionable occupancy. From her marketing background "I have learned that a perception can never change if this is who we say we are; we want to attract businesses, young families, young professionals, and the main entrance to Town is another senior living facility. We can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. Please take this into consideration when making your decision." Page 3 of 12 Chairman Dabrowski closed the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. AGENDA ITEM # 4 — CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 18-03 AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.74 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND TREVINO DRIVE FROM HEMINGWAY PAD TO FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. (CASE# Z2017-14) Commissioner Schlossberg asked to see the sign package. Chris Russ, CA Ventures, displayed the sign and confirmed the location is at the corner of Trevino and Saguaro Blvd. Ms. Moore said the sign details are in the agenda packet. Commissioner Boik asked the applicant how many visitors per day are expected at this facility and details about the lighting. Chris Russ replied,typically, four to five visitors a day during the week and ten visitors on weekend days. There are twenty-three parking light poles throughout the parking area and they are in compliance with the dark sky ordinance. Vice-Chairman Dempster asked if a traffic study was conducted. 4111, Ms. Moore said there was a traffic study conducted and the executive summary of the study is included in the agenda packet. The applicant's traffic engineer and the town engineer are present to answer any questions. Vice-Chairman Dempster asked if it was possible for a one way road into the facility, using an extension of Bukemo Drive to Shea Blvd. Randy Harrel, Town Engineer, said this would be a major project because of the grade constraints, the topography and utilities on Trevino. Vice-Chairman Dempster asked the applicant if considerations were made for other locations in Fountain Hills and what is the timeframe from start to completion of the project. Chris Russ said there were other Fountain Hills locations considered but decided this was the best location. The projected timeframe is six to seven months including the next few meetings, in design and permitting and sixteen months total construction till completion. Commissioner Hansen asked although it is called senior living, is the facility available to people who are not seniors? Are the assisted living residents allowed to leave the property unassisted? Chris Russ replied that there is an age component because there is a licensing component with the Department of Health. The bottom floor minimum age is fifty-five or sixty years old. The assisted living residents are allowed to leave the property but do so escorted by staff or family members. They have freedom throughout the building. The memory care portion is locked down all the time. Commissioner Hansen referenced the executive summary of the traffic study and asked the Town Engineer if there are existing intersections that are operating at a level service of D already? Page 4 of 12 Mr. Harrel said there are intersections operating at a level service D in Town,but not in this area. The Trevino intersection, because of the left turn lane, is at a level of service D, the right turns improved from level of service C to B.The threshold to implement mitigation is level D. Commissioner Crumbie asked if the sixty-six parking spaces included employees, visitors, and vendors, or is there a perceived risk of on street parking in the neighborhood. Mr. Wood stated the Town requires thirty-six spaces based on the employees and square footage. The sixty-six spaces are almost double what is required. The sixty-six spaces guarantee adequate parking so there is no parking elsewhere especially on Trevino. Commissioner Jones asked the applicant what was the rationale for choosing Fountain Hills for this project and location and what are the projections. The applicant replied that the project site was selected for the views, location and demographics. Future and projected demographics for the area are taken into consideration when planning this type of project. These types of facilities are built in reserve with the idea they will be filled up in two years time or sooner. Looking at the census projections along with the current and future amount of the population at seventy years old in the area is a very compelling demographic. Commissioner Jones asked about the resident transportation. The applicant replied the facility offers a shuttle service for the residents. Mr. Wood stated that this project is the least traffic generation of all the permitted uses at this location. Although the General Plan calls for this to be retail this is a down zoning with a nominal amount of traffic. Commissioner Jones expressed concerns and comments regarding the architectural design. He suggested it be less institutionalized and more true to the Spanish Mission style. He suggested more arched windows rather than recta-linear windows as well as architectural detail such as iron work and tiling. Roof line variation provides opportunity to accentuate those areas. The sign could use some work to tie in with the building. Mr. Jones asked if the applicant would work with staff to soften the overall look. The ten-foot screen that projects toward Saguaro Blvd. request is also a concern and suggested an eight foot wall with more landscaping.Mr.Jones thanked the applicant for improving the landscaping. Mr. Russ addressed the ten-foot wall waiver request by explaining the majority of the wall is eight feet but the center of the wall technically is ten feet because of the low area(dip)where it is measured. Mr. Wood said the wall waiver request is a result of the neighbor requests. The property owners that are adjacent to the site are not present at the meeting. Mr.Russ said the facility would employ eighty full-time employees and forty percent would be salaried at fifty thousand dollars or more. Vice-Chairman Dempster asked what other types of business would be allowed to be built in that area. Ms. Moore replied by referring to the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 12, Commercial Uses, Professional Office Uses, Public and Quasi-Public Uses. Ms. Moore said the list is not all inclusive but those are the general ideas. Coe Page 5 of 12 Commissioner Jones asked what is the grading impact for the Hemmingway site plan compared to this project and did the applicant request any more than what was approved for the Hemmingway. Ms. Moore said the Hemmingway did request a cut fill waiver which does apply to this property regardless of what is there. The hillside protection has gone away and there is an allowance for more cut which is 10 feet of exposed and 24 feet total. The current application does not require any more than what Hemmingway requested. Chairman Dabrowski thanked the applicant for lowering the height of the building In response to Chairman Dabrowski's questions Mr. Russ said the shuttle van will be parked on site and there are no parking spaces marked or allocated for "Doctor Only" parking. The reduction in staff is ninety-five full-time employees to eighty-five full-time employees. Chairman Dabrowski commented that the landscaping in the rendering show beautiful and mature trees. Mr. Russ replied a number of the trees depicted in the rendering will be close to that size especially since a reduction in landscaping was requested. The trees to the north, which are a buffer between the facility and residential,will be twelve to fourteen feet in height. Chairman Dabrowski asked about the sign measurement difference from the finish grade and the curve of the public road. Mr. Russ said he did not know the measurement but would have it for the upcoming Council meeting. Chairman Dabrowski asked Ms.Moore why the wall height is six foot instead of eight or ten foot? Ms. Moore said typically if a commercial use butts against a residential the requirement is an eight-foot wall. This is considered a residential use abutting residential so an eight-foot wall is not required and defaults to the maximum allowed of six feet. If it was requested to go higher than six feet, it would be detailed in the PAD. Ten feet is not allowed in town unless there are extreme circumstances. Chairman Dabrowski stated she is concerned about the potential traffic jammed up at both Trevino entry points because of the fire station construction and the senior living construction. She asked if the offsite drainage would compromise any of the Saguaro improvements or surrounding area. Mr. Harrel said that the applicant is using Saguaro Blvd for the construction traffic. The drainage will move through the site and be held to be metered out slowly. Chairman Dabrowski MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve Ordinance 18-03 amending the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map for approximately 5.74 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive from Hemmingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD as presented with the exception of Waiver#8,which should be denied and amended as noted in the staff report. Case Number Z2017-04. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Boik Nay Commissioner Crumbie Nay Commissioner Hansen Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Schlossberg Nay Vice-Chairman Dempster Nay Chairman Dabrowski Nay Page 6 of 12 The motion to forward a recommendation to approve failed 2-5. 41) Chairman Dabrowski MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to deny Ordinance 18-03 amending the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map for approximately 5.74 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive from Hemmingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD as presented with the exception of Waiver#8,which should be denied and amended as noted in the staff report. Case Number Z2017-04. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Boik Aye Commissioner Crumbie Aye Commissioner Hansen Nay Commissioner Jones Nay Commissioner Schlossberg Aye Vice-Chairman Dempster Aye Chairman Dabrowski Aye The motion to forward a recommendation to deny passed 5-2. AGENDA ITEM # 5 - RECONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL THREE CELLULAR ANTENNAS WITH ASSOCIATED ROOF-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT TO BE LOCATED WITHIN 300 FEET OF A RESIDENTIALLY ZONED AND PLATTED PROPERTY AND ONE OF THESE ANTENNA, LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE ROOF TO BE 2-FEET 4-INCHES ABOVE THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED HEIGHT OF 54 FEET AT 16845 E AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS. (CASE# SU2018-01) Ms. Moore presented a staff report and a PowerPoint presentation (Copy on file in the Development Services Department) on the details of an application submitted by Darren Snodgrass for Verizon Wireless for a Special Use Permit to allow three wireless facilities at 16845 East Avenue of the Fountains, Building D. Two of the three facilities are under the maximum height allowed and one exceeds the maximum height by three feet eleven inches. All facilities are within a residentially zoned district, which along with the height trigger the need for a Special Use Permit. The facilities would provide coverage in the Town Center. It has been reported by the applicant as well as residents there is a cellular coverage issue in this area. Ms. Moore displayed a map showing the building locations and where the facilities would be placed on the building. The renderings depicted before and after the facilities placed on the building. The Beta Sector exceeds the building height by three feet eleven inches. Staff has worked with the applicant regarding design and required all equipment to be enclosed. The facilities would be accessed through the roof. Ms. Moore concluded that staff recommends that the Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit to allow Verizon Wireless to install three cellular antennas with associated roof-mounted equipment to be located within 300 feet of a residentially zoned and platted property and one of these antenna, located on the northeast corner of the roof to be three feet eleven inches above the maximum allowed height of fifty-four feet at 16845 East Avenue of the Fountains. Darren Snodgrass Regional Director of Velocitel, explained to the Commission the proposal for a wireless communications facility located at the 16845 East Avenue of the Fountains. Mr. Snodgrass highlighted that the facility will augment and improve wireless voice, data and internet related service to the Fountain Hills community, further enhancing the attractions of Fountain Hills to future residents, businesses, visitors and tourists. The facility will provide enhanced E911 Service, enhanced mobile streaming capabilities, location services (GPS) for mapping programs and augmented capacity to help prevent dropped calls or system busy. Mr. Snodgrass addressed concerns brought up at a previous Page 7 of 12 commission meeting regarding the structures location and visibility. He stated the screens will be constructed to cover all four sides so that homes located to the south would not see the antenna. The • Verizon technicians would have roof access through the rooftop hatch. To prevent any noise the equipment is buffered behind enclosed material and inside a cabinet. Mr. Snodgrass concluded with an explanation that no other existing towers or structures in the area met the engineering requirements. Chairman Dabrowski asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there is one speaker who would like to address the commission. Bart Shea addressed the commission stating that the cellular facilities are needed to supply the WIFI that was part of the Park Place Development Agreement. This site is unique in that it would not be able to receive service from the surrounding cactus or palm tree antennas placed throughout the town. Mr. Shea concluded with thanking the commission for the consideration. Commissioner Jones asked if there is existing equipment located on the roof, and what is the material of the screening. Mr. Shea replied not at this time. Once the restaurants and businesses are in location there will be equipment. The equipment will be below the maximum height restriction and not visible. Mr. Snodgrass said it is a fiberglass like material that radio frequency waves can pass through. Commissioner Jones asked why one structure has to be taller than the other two. Ms. Moore answered that the one location of the Beta Sector tower height is measured from the existing grade, which is higher at the west end thus making it three feet eleven inches above the maximum allowed height of fifty-four feet for this property. Vice-Chairman Dempster asked if the Beta Sector tower could be mounted on the side of the building instead of the top of the building. Mr. Snodgrass said there is more kickback at the back of the antenna than the front of the antenna. This would give more long term exposure of radio frequency which is not a good idea. Commissioner Boik referenced the small cell units replacing the macro units. Mr. Snodgrass said there is a possibility to augment in the future. In response to Commissioner Jones, Mr. Snodgrass said they are DAS systems. Small cells do not allow for tower height reduction. Commissioner Hansen asked if this is everything or nothing regarding the towers. Mr. Snodgrass said all three towers are necessary. Chairman Dabrowski asked if the Verizon Antennas are necessary to provide the Wi-Fi and can the Wi-Fi occur without the Verizon Antennas? Mr. Shea said the antennas are needed to provide cellular service and the free Wi-Fi. Vice-Chairman Dempster MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit to allow Verizon Wireless to install three cellular antennas with associated roof-mounted equipment to be located within three hundred feet of a residentially zoned and plated property and one of these antenna,located on the northeast corner of the roof to be three feet eleven inches above the maximum allowed Page 8 of 12 height of fifty four feet at 16845 East Avenue of the Fountains as depicted in the site plan submitted with this request, with stipulations that all three wireless facilities are screened on all four sides. Commissioner Boik SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7/0. • A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Boik Aye Commissioner Crumbie Aye Commissioner Hansen Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Schlossberg Aye Vice-Chairman Dempster Aye Chairman Dabrowski Aye AGENDA ITEM# 6- PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE 18-07, AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 0.36 ACRES LOCATED AT 11639 N. SAGUARO BLVD. (AKA APN#176-08-448) FROM C-1 — NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL ZONING DISTRICT TO C-3 — GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTO SALES, SERVICE, AND DETAIL BUSINESS. (CASE#Z2018-02) Chairman Dabrowski opened the public hearing at 8:36 p.m. Ms. Moore presented a staff report and a PowerPoint presentation (Copy on file in the Development Services Department)on the details of an application submitted by Rex Foley to rezone 11639 N. Saguaro Blvd. from C-1 —Neighborhood Commercial and Professional to C-3 — General Commercial to allow a 411) one-story 3,800 square foot auto sales, service and detail business and a proposed 500 square foot future expansion totaling 4300 square feet of building lot coverage to be constructed as a permitted use. The applicant owns an existing auto sales business in town and wants to expand to be able to increase their inventory by displaying fifty to sixty vehicles at the subject property. They would also provide auto service and detailing services for inventory at both the existing location and proposed locations. They would like to access the property from both Desert Vista Right of Way and the alley. The full build-out would require five parking spaces which their rendering displays. Ms. Moore provided details on the difference between the two zoning districts, the current and proposed, intensity of uses. Intensity is the increased floor to area ratio and in this case is met with smaller setbacks and an increased in building height. Lower intensity uses are offices, restaurants, banks, and other retail businesses that support the local neighborhood commercial development. In researching of thirty parks within the valley the same size as Desert Vista Neighborhood Park, uses were typically residential and public uses such as churches and schools. Only two of the thirty had more intense use. Ms.Moore pointed out the General Plan which was adopted in 2010, states that the Foley Motor proposal is inconsistent with the General Plan's "Goal Five: Protect and reserve existing neighborhoods from incompatible adjacent land uses." Staff's analysis of the neighborhood is that of a park— Desert Vista Neighborhood Park. The park use and safety issues are concerns which may outweigh the commercial development. In conclusion Ms. Moore stated staff recommends denial of this rezoning request due to the proposal's inconsistencies with the General Plan 2010, and because of safety concerns with increasing the intensity of the land use, which for this proposed development includes an increase in exposure to chemicals, air pollutants, noise, and traffic, adjacent to the Town's Desert Vista neighborhood Park. Ms. Moore stated if the commission votes to recommend approval, staff recommends stipulations be placed on the development of the property as outlined in the staff report. Ms. Dabrowski asked if the applicant was present for questions. The applicant, Rex Foley was not represent but on his behalf Dave Montgomery, Montgomery Engineering answered the Commissions questions. Page 9 of 12 Mr.Montgomery said that everything Mr. Foley is asking for is within the zoning requirements except for the motorcar sales.Mr. Foley owns a similar car sales lot on Saguaro Blvd. It has been observed that there is very little high traffic volume that would affect the park and surrounding area. There are a lot of parked car for sale but not much movement of vehicles. The hours of operation would be day time hours, most likely closing at 6:00 p.m. so there would be no impact after that time and very little during business hours. Chairman Dabrowski asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were none. Chairman Dabrowski closed the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. AGENDA ITEM # 7 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 18-07, AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 0.36 ACRES LOCATED AT 11639 N. SAGUARO BLVD. (AKA APN#176-08-448) FROM C-1 —NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL ZONING DISTRICT TO C-3—GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN AUTO SALES, SERVICE BUSINESS. (CASE#Z2018-02) Vice-Chairman Dempster asked how many parking spaces were requested and how many employees are expected. Ms.Moore replied there are five parking spaces and they comply with the zoning ordinance. Mr.Montgomery stated two to five employees. Vice-Chairman Dempster asked if a buffer could be made between the property area that faces the park. Ms.Moore said a review of buffers were considered but the applicant would most likely want egrees/ingress to that area. There would not be a line of site issue based on the measurements estimated. The service bays would back into the alley. Discussion took place amongst the commission regarding if service of vehicles were the same as sales and if the zoning would allow both. In response to Commissioner Dabrowski, Ms. Moore said that there is a C-3 zoning district to accommodate more intense uses such as noise,traffic,fluids and chemicals possibly from doing detailing and service. If this was just C-3 zoning and didn't need the rezoning we would not be concerned about the noise as long as there was compliance with the noise ordinance. Mr. Montgomery said that the service would be similar to oil changes and minor items such as repair. It would not include body work or painting. Commisisoners Jones and Chairman Dabrowski questioned what was covered under the C-3 verses the C-1 and what are the restrictions. Mr. Boik pointed out the narrative states, "with the possibility of expanding further in the future to service other outside vehicles in the Fountain Hills area." Ms.Moore referenced the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 12,Section 12.02.D.which includes repair. Chairman Dabrowski MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve Ordinance 18- 07 declaring as a public record that certain documents filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the"Ordinance Page 10 of 12 No. 18-07. Case # Z2018-02. And to move to forward a recommendation to Town Council to Approve Ordinance 18-07 amending the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map for apporximently 0.36 acres located at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Blvd and Desert Vista right-of-way from C-1 Neighborhood commercial and Professional to C-3 General Commercial (Case # Z2018-02), with the following Stipulations: 1. This property can only be used for automotive sales, servicing, and detailing, and must be constructed in substantial conformance with the proposed site plan. 2. If a building permit is not requested within 6 months of the approval of the rezoning, the property will revert b a c k t o the c u r r e n t C-1 - Neighborhood Commercial and Professional zoning designation. 3. Dedicate a 10-foot public utilities easement along the front and street side property lines; 4. Install an extensive landscape buffer measuring a minimum of 10-feet in width along the front and street side property lines; 5. Install a meandering sidewalk along N Saguaro Blvd and Desert Vista right-of-way. 6. Landscaping within the landscape easement must include trees measuring a minimum of 3- inches in caliper and placed 20-feet on center 7. Provide "No Parking" signs along Desert Vista right-of-way adjacent to this property. 8. Install 'Parking for Park Patrons Only" signs at the five parking stalls across the alley closest to the subject property. Commissioner Boik SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 4/3. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Boik Aye Commissioner Crumbie Aye Commissioner Hansen Nay Commissioner Jones Nay Commissioner Schlossberg Aye Vice-Chairman Dempster Aye Chairman Dabrowski Nay AGENDA ITEM # 8 - SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REOUESTS FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR. None AGENDA ITEM#9-REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM# 10-ADJOURNMENT. Chairman Dabrowski adjourned the meeting at 7:11 p.m. Page 11 of 12 FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION B • irman Susan Dempster(9/1 /2018 ATTEST: pccui,x) (,37y340,,,a Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the May 24th day of March, 2018 in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Q� � ')1(, L l,J Paula Woodward, Executive Assis ant C C Page 12 of 12 l'bi6> VJDoO e- 0,41' ,i k (pet L iti:: q1� Draft Stipulations 1. All deliveries, except for those related to resident move in/move out activity, to the project shall be limited to the loading area located on the south side of the building, with access to the site being limited to Trevino Drive, as shown on Exhibit X. Vendor contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 2. All service activity, including trash collection, for the project shall be limited to the loading area located on the south side of the building, with access to the site being limited to Trevino Drive, as shown on Exhibit X. Service contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. e of 3. Construction traffic shall be limited to Tre foro corive as nstruction onen on traffic Exhibit i lbprohibited s All Monterey Drive and Burkemo Drive construction contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 4. Upon completion of site grading and the construction of some of the parking spaces and associated drive isles, construction parking shall be provided on-site. 5. The access drive locatedlmit d the to emnorthwest ency vehicles only site and shall be gat d. The g to s access onto Berkemo Drive shall b g shall be closed at all times. O��AIN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 40 k, A X Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: 5/24/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Session Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Marissa Moore, AICP, 480-816-5139, mmoore@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO COUNCIL (Agenda Language): CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living Planned Area Development". (Case#Z2017-14) PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on ORDINANCE 18-03 amending the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map for approximately 5.74 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD (Case#Z2017-14) CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE 18-03 amending the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map for approximately 5.74 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD. (Case#Z2017-14) Applicant: Matthew Booma, CA Ventures Applicant Contact Information: 130 E Randolph Street, Ste 2100 Chicago, IL 60601 mbooma(ca-ventures.com (312) 239-1896 Property Location: 9700 N Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Ordinance #18-0 Amendment to the Official Zoning Map Zoning Ordinance Section 2.01 —Amendments or Zone Changes Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6 — Sign Regulations Zoning Ordinance Section 7.03 — Design and Location of Parking Spaces. Page 1 of 7 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD Planning and Zoning 24 May 2018 Zoning Ordinance Chapter 12 — Commercial Zoning Districts Zoning Ordinance Chapter 19 —Architectural Review Guidelines Zoning Ordinance Chapter 23 — Planned Area Development (PAD) District Subdivision Ordinance Article 3 — Subdivision Design Principles and Standards Subdivision Ordinance Article 4 — Public Improvement Requirements Subdivision Ordinance Article 5 — Grading Standards Subdivision Ordinance Article 6 — Landscaping Standards General Plan 2010 Chapter 3 - Land Use Map — (Figure 11) General Plan 2010 Chapter Three Land Use Element General Plan 2010 Chapter Four Growth Areas Element General Plan 2010 Chapter Seven Circulation Element Fountain Hills Strategic Plan - 2017 Staff Summary (background): SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Single-Family Residential (Zoned R1-35) SOUTH: Commercial (Zoned C-1) EAST: Multi-Family Residential (Zoned R-5) WEST: Single-Family Residential (Zoned R1-35) A public hearing was held for this project at the January 25, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. It was then forwarded for public hearing at the February 20, 2018 Town Council with a recommendation to approve the PAD with the following stipulations: 1. Provide larger landscaping plants as a trade-off for the reduction in the number of plants f installed. 2. Increase the number of plants in the northwest corner of the lot. 3. Provide trees and taller plants along the south building wall. 4. Ensure the rooftop equipment is screened. 5. Widen E Trevino Drive all the way to N Burkemo Drive. 6. Create an entry sign that better blends in with the building structure. 7. Bring the height of the building down as much as possible, since the base zoning is 25 feet. The applicant made changes to their proposal in an attempt to meet the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommended stipulations. However, Town Council expressed concerns about the project and architectural design. Prior to opening up the item for public hearing, Town Council voted to continue the item until the applicant met with Town citizens to bring forward a new proposal that had public input. Staff has determined that the changes made to the proposal are substantial enough to warrant a return to the Planning and Zoning Commission for another review. The following is a summary of the revised proposal for the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD: "Fountain Hills Senior Living" is a proposed Assisted Living / Memory Care project located at 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd. The proposal consists of a two-story building that is approximately 126,000 square feet in size with a 78,000 building footprint. The uses would consist of 141 beds. The Assisted Living amenities include the "multiple dining venues, community room, clubhouse/lounge, pool, physical therapy/exercise room, salon, and library". The Memory Care portion of the building amenities includes "living rooms, dining room, library, family room, four seasons room, assisted bathing, and exam room". Shared spaces on the ground floor include "employee lounge, a commercial kitchen, property management offices with a conference room, and various other support spaces". Page 2 of 7 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD Planning and Zoning—24 May 2018 The property is currently zoned Hemingway PAD. With the Hemingway PAD, which was adopted in 2015, the following were adopted and remain a part of this development without needing additional approvals: Special Use Permit to allow an assisted living facility A 3-foot fill waiver Abandonment of the Hillside Protection Easement The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD would change the underlying zoning from Hemingway PAD with a base C-1 - Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, maintaining a base C-1 - Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District base zoning district. The applicant is requesting the following waivers from the Zoning Ordinance (Z.O.) and Subdivision Ordinance (S.O.): 1. Grant a Special Use Permit for retirement-focused multifamily uses, including assisted living (Per Chapter 12 Section 12.03.F of the Zoning Ordinance). 2. Route the offsite drainage flows to N. Saguaro Boulevard. The historic offsite flows which enter the site, will be piped through the site and discharged into the N. Saguaro Boulevard drainage system, thus separating them from the onsite drainage, which will be retained (Per Article Section 4.04.G of the Subdivision Ordinance). 3. Provide a minimum of 8.5' from building wall to drive aisle curb. Reducing the minimum requirement from 10 feet to 8.5 feet would allow minor flexibility in building location while maximizing the landscape setbacks along the perimeter to be greater than what is required by the Town. (See Building Offset Exhibit) (Per Chapter 7 Section 7.02.F.1 of the Zoning Ordinance). 4. Dedicate a 10' roadway easement in lieu of right-of-way dedication in order to construct a wider street section (minor collector) along E. Trevino Drive between N. Burkemo Drive and N. Saguaro Boulevard per Town's request without affecting the roadside building setbacks. (Per Article 3 Section 3.D.5). 5. Provide two 40-foot-wide entrances along E. Trevino Drive. This driveway width will allow for adequate turning radii for emergency service and delivery vehicles to access the site. Delivery vehicles coming to the service entry will be able to enter the site at the eastern E. Trevino Drive entrance and exit at the western entrance without having to navigate around the site (Per Engineering Design for Fire and Delivery Truck Town Engineering Policy). 6. Allow the height of an entry sign to be measured from finished grade instead of the top of curb of the public road nearest the sign (so long as it does not impede line of sight). The conceptual entry monument sign is sited on the southeast corner of the site at Saguaro Blvd. and E. Trevino Drive. The sign is 5'0" tall at the center with shorter 2'-6" walls flanking either side (relative to surrounding proposed grade). The sign wall is less than the 50-square foot maximum allowed per Zoning Ordinance. Boulders clustered on each side anchor the sign and allow it to blend aesthetically with the surrounding site. See the Landscape Exhibit (Detail 4 on L-0.02) Page 3 of 7 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD Planning and Zoning-24 May 2018 (Per Chapter 6 Section 6.07.H) 7. Allow a reduction in the planting requirements. The proposed plant density per the attached exhibit will allow for the plant material to achieve its mature size while maintaining the desired desert character. See the Plant Density Exhibit within the Preliminary Landscape Plans (L-0.01 F). In lieu of the decreased number of plants, larger plants will be installed per the landscape plan included in this PAD (Per Chapter 6 Section 6.05 of the Subdivision Ordinance) 8. Allow a screen wall up to 10' in height. Increasing the height limit to a maximum of 10' will allow for requested screening by adjacent property owners on the rear property line (Per Chapter 5 Section 5.09.A.1 of the Zoning Ordinance). 9. Waive construction of a sidewalk along Burkemo Drive. The sidewalk along N. Saguaro Boulevard will be extended north to Monterey Drive, in lieu of sidewalk along the Burkemo Drive frontage in order to meet the Town's offsite improvements requirement (Per Town's Future Sidewalk General Plan). Parking requirements for this use are 36 spaces. However, the plan proposes to have 66 parking spaces. The additional spaces will be able to meet holiday visitor demands typical of this type of facility. General Plan: The current General Plan was adopted in 2010. While this is now 8 years old, it is still a legal document used as the rationale behind growth and development within the Town and each municipality in the State of Arizona is mandated to have this document. The Town is required to update this document every 10 years. The General Plan is adopted via referendum by the Town's citizens. Staff analyzed the project for consistency with the definitions, visions, goals and objectives outlined in the Fountain Hills General Plan 2010, which is the long-range plan for growth and development for the Town. This analysis is included as an Attachment to this staff report. This proposal is inconsistent with a number of Goals and Objectives spelled out in the General Plan 2010. Policy and Current Trends: While the General Plan is an over-riding growth and development legal document, over time the Town leadership may adopt policies that address new information and trends that may develop during the 10-year period between the adoption of revised General Plans. To this end, it has been Town policy, as outlined in the General Plan 2010, to promote commercial development, which is a predominant funding source for the local government. However, commercial vacancy (including both buildings and lots) is ubiquitous in town. There have been multiple discussions regarding "down- zoning" commercial properties to residential. In fact, the Fountain Hills Strategic Plan — 2017's Objective #2 states "Increase population and residential densities to sustain existing and future commercial businesses in town" with a three tasks to meet this objective: • Rezone undeveloped commercial property to residential where feasible; Adopt a text amendment that allows residential uses on commercially zoned properties; • Rezone unplatted land for greater density and affordable family homes Page 4 of 7 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD Planning and Zoning-24 May 2018 Rezoning this property to allow for multi-family housing would be a step towards achieving this objective. While this proposed land use (multi-family residential) is generally inconsistent with the land use ascribed to it in the General Plan (commercial/retail), it would provide a buffer between the uses to the north — single-family residential, and the uses to the south — fast food and a gas station with convenient store. It is not uncommon for multi-family residences to work as a transition between high- intensity commercial uses and low-intensity single-family residential uses. Some Multi-Family densities defined in the Zoning Ordinance are higher than what is called for by the base Land Use designation. In commercial districts, the R-3 Multifamily Zoning density of 14 units per acre is what is typically allowed. In the R-4 Multi-Family district, 21 units per acre are allowed, and in the R-5 Multi-Family district 25 units per acre are allowed. The proposed development is consistent with the R-5 Multi-Family Zoning District. In the same general area there are three other High-density Multi-family developments with R-5 zoning: Little Fountains, Montera Ranch, and Firerock Resort Casitas. (See attached aerial map "R-5 Multi-Family / High Density development near subject property".) As a comparison between this project and other assisted living development in town, the following table is provided: Name of Project Building Footprint Fountain Hills Senior Living (subject project) 1.79 acres (1 two-story bldg) Morning Star Assisted Living Facility 1.04 acres (1 two-story bldg) The Hemmingway (approved PAD for subject property 2.33 acres (10 one-story bldgs) The project must meet all of the requirements of the base C-1 zoning and be in substantial compliance with the proposed PAD and conceptual site plan requirements as presented in order to receive approval of a building permit. Concurrency All utilities and services provided in or by the Town of Fountain Hills are or can service this site, to include but not limited to: Fire Rescue, Police, schools, water, electric, sewer, telecommunications, and stormwater management. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the Planned Area Development will allow the applicant to create and submit construction drawings and proceed to the Building Permit processes. Approval of the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD will rezone the property from the current Hemingway PAD zoning district designation and allow development in accordance with the proposed Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD guidelines. Disapproval will require the applicants to redesign the project in order to address the reasons for denial, or abandon the project. Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): NA Budget Reference (page number): NA Page 5 of 7 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD Planning and Zoning-24 May 2018 Funding Source: NA If Multiple Funds utilized, list here: NA Budgeted; if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form: NA Staff Recommendation(s): Staff reviewed the applicant's resubmittal and determined that the applicant has made efforts to comply with the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended stipulations and to address the Town Council's concerns with this revised proposal. The Town has adopted a General Plan with specific goals and objectives, of which this proposal meets some, but is generally inconsistent with General Plan. The Town has adopted zoning that generally supports the goals and objectives of the General Plan 2010, and with the exception of the nine waivers requested by the applicant, this proposal is generally consistent with the C-1 Zoning District regulations, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Subdivision Ordinance. Traditionally, multi-family uses may be used as a buffer between commercial and single-family uses, and this project could serve as such a buffer. Because of the complexity of the various issues, staff suggests the Commission carefully weigh the issues when making their recommendation and stipulations, if any. After analysis, Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE ORDINANCE 18-03 amending the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map for approximately 5.74 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills 416, Senior Living PAD as presented, excluding waiver#8. Any screen/fence wall(s) installed along the north property line may be no taller than 6 feet in height and must be constructed at the property line for those neighbors who wish to have it installed. List Attachment(s): Application Location Map 2010 General Plan Land Use Map Current Zoning Map General Plan 2010 — Consistency Analysis (3 pages) Project Narrative and Concept Plan of Development (24 pgs) Traffic Study Executive Summary Letters/emails from citizens (13 pages) Review letter from Fountain Hills Sanitary District dated October 12, 2017 Resolution #2018-04 — Fountain Hills Senior Living Planned Area Development Ordinance 18-03 — Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD R-5 Multi-Family/ High Density development aerial SUGGESTED MOTION (for Council use): Move to forward a recommendation to Town Council to APPROVE RESOLUTION 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living Planned Area Development". (Case# Z2017-14) k • Move to forward a recommendation to Town Council to APPROVE ORDINANCE 18-03 amending the Page 6 of 7 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD Planning and Zoning--24 May 2018 Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map for approximately 5.74 acres generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD as presented with the exception of waiver #8, which should be denied and amended as noted in the staff report. Prepared by: Mari a Moore, !..,-,Planner 5/9/2018 Director's Approval: //. ert elopment Services Director 5/9/2018 L Page 7 of 7 Draft Stipulations `w 1. All deliveries, except for those related to resident move in/move out activity, to the project shall be limited to the loading area located on the south side of the building, with access to the site being limited to Trevino Drive, as shown on Exhibit X. Vendor contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 2. All service activity, including trash collection, for the project shall be limited to the loading area located on the south side of the building, with access to the site being limited to Trevino Drive, as shown on Exhibit X. Service contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 3. Construction traffic shall be limited to Trevino Drive as shown on Exhibit X. The use of Monterey Drive and Burkemo Drive for construction traffic is prohibited. All construction contracts should include a provision to enforce this requirement. 4. Upon completion of site grading and the construction of some of the parking spaces and associated drive isles, construction parking shall be provided on-site. 5. The access drive located at the northwest corner of the site that provides access onto Berkemo Drive shall be limited to emergency vehicles only and shall be gated. The gate shall be closed at all times. ItA,V1 VJ006( s-- h dA . I 0-11v:- DO Not write in this space —official use only Filing Date i1+ Accepted By matt wod�ly rd Fee Accepted 4f. S55.cz C{c,fl.Case Manager 6tf1'�/ The Town of Fountain Hills PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - APPLICATION Abandonment (Plat or Condominium) Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation I Area Specific Plan &Amendments Concept Plan Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver Development Agreement HPE Change or Abandonment General Plan Amendment Ordinance (Text Amendment) Planned Unit Development Preliminary/ Final Plat Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) Rezoning (Map) Special Use Permit &Amendments Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit(Median Fee, if applicable) Variance Other PROJECT NAME / NATURE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name CA Senior Fountain"ills AI Block Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6700 N Saguaro Blvd.Fountain HMIs AZ.65268 PARCEL SIZE (Acres)," ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-10-81, NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED 165 TRACTS 165 EXISTING ZONING PAD(C1) PROPOSED ZONING PAD A licant Mrs. MatthewBooma Day Phone 3122391896 ✓ Mr. Ms. Address: +30 0 Randolph St,Sle 2100 City: Chicago State: IL Zip: 60601 Email: h+Booma@CA.Ventures.com Owner Mrs. Day Phone Mr. Ms. Address: City: State: Zip: If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed. �7 SIGNATURE OF OWNER_ DATE vl -tq -MI-7 I HEREBY AUTHORIZE (Y)Ll,; t0.c,) UUROD._ TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me thj� \C-\ day of p, ex,11 ,,, , 20 \-1 . —fftie \c XJ s >,,_s,;.0 My Commission E it ► c _ ( \: Notary Public - MUNIS f51S(e'. ,{ 41 •0"I>i:, TAMMY L TRAMMELL APPLICATION # � DI'�' -O T ~�� Notary Public•Arizona �� :� Marlcopa County �� Comm.Expires Nov 19,2019 Q�.�M y 10'. war►► --, ' f,„ 0 . w \ _;" .,,. . S 7'. +16x .4., ..• 4t,,,„. : , .... 0•1*;1' , ..... . ' ''' ' . if# . i i -• wilk a • f NY if, ¢� /i ', ' .' .7H4; P'l / 111.11111111i\fr,' t by -ti N. p 'A 4. pi tea. >` h „se A * . - 0 \ --- „..., .a0, ...,.,,,IP,,,,. _' w , ..,g. .,,.,..:,,:..,.„\...-\74,,,,,. .,.:,.....,,,,:o..o..,.. .a '. Cyr t') / .e fin. • } ° y,, ,,,1J,.,-.. ... F+, .,ytf • - ., ,, #.i ,..., ,,•.,1 .„•,0., 1/4,,s,.)0,.,,,,..0,,",,,.\.. A.*- 0 ., r: ..,‘,.Pi ft°.J f` / . '' , .,.,. T, T ..1....,.,.. , 46. . ,...„.„4,.. ,,,-_,,,,,, ..., iirr;,,,,4, 47 w' 'sts y 1#ea • .' ifflf,' , 4',.,..v. t-t '' 4 . '?1,.', y •a'A, "a^ j!,'-,.4 7 . (e: f'? 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I 0 * ' cn "�1 r - 1 ? ---....., / N Mt ~` `r Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD (Case #Z2017-04) Ordinance #18-03 General Plan 2010 -Consistency Analysis for "Fountain Hills Senior Living" PAD with the Plan's Goals and Objectives (only applicable goals and objectives are provided, as many are not applicable to this specific project) Chapter Three Land Use Element The land use, which underlies the zoning district, for this project it C/R-General Commercial/Retail. This land use category is defined as, "areas providing for the sale of convenience goods (food, drugs, and sundries)and personal services that meet the daily needs of a multi-neighborhood trade area". This land use is inconsistent with the underlying land use designation of Commercial/Retail. Because this land use is considered "multi-family residential'; staff analyzed how many units per acre would be allowed. The property is 5.74 acres and 141 beds are proposed. This calculates to 24.6 dwelling units per acre, which exceeds the maximum multi-family density land use defined in the General Plan, which is 10.0-12.0 dwelling units per acre in the "Multi-Family/High Density" Allowable Residential Densities. (Staffs policy for residential dwelling units in commercially-zoned districts is a maximum of 14 dwelling units per acre, which is what is allowed in the R-3 Multi-Family Zoning District as allowed in the Town Center Commercial Zoning District.) Chapter Four Growth Areas Element Vision: A Town that is vibrant, successful and attractive, where businesses are complementary, where a wide range of housing types is available, and where open space is preserved. Goal One: Provide a community that is competitive and attractive to business • Objective 1.1 The Town should continue to examine creative methods to attract complementary retail and office business users that have mid to small space requirements and locate them within the existing retail corridors on both Saguaro Boulevard and Fountain Hills Boulevard. The proposed project is located in a designated retail corridor- the corner of Shea Blvd and N Saguaro Blvd. It is not retail or office business. This proposal is inconsistent with Objective 1.1. • Objective 1.3 The Town should focus promotional efforts on attracting small to medium sized businesses and offices that are appropriate to the future Town Center and corridor areas, and include accommodations for the proposed expansion of regional and local transit systems. The proposed project is not a small to medium sized business - it is multi-family development. It is inconsistent with this part of Objective 1.3. However, there is possibly an opportunity to expand a transit access by adding a bus stop in this area, and concrete pads for these potential future stops have been installed-one on Shea Blvd just west of Saguaro Blvd and one on Shea Blvd just east of Saguaro Blvd. • Objective 1.4 The Town should look favorably on any new, revitalization or redevelopment projects that emphasize the Town's unique character and scale. All projects should incorporate pedestrian pathways, bicycle accommodations. This project is designed to be one building immediately adjacent to single family residential and small commercial business. The scale of the building is inconsistent with the character of that area. Because of the amount of traffic at that intersection (Shea Blvd is a principal arterial"and Saguaro Blvd is a minor arterial') and high customer turn-over of the commercial uses to the south, this area is not in a 1 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD (Case #Z2017-04) Ordinance #18-03 traditional pedestrian-friendly or bicycle-friendly area, though sidewalks and bicycle paths are provided in this area. Per the applicant, the residents typically don't have vehicles. Because of this, modes of transportation would be walking or using transit provided by others. This is inconsistent with Objective 1.4. • Objective 1.5 The Town should prepare an Area Specific Plan for the Shea Boulevard corridor near Saguaro Boulevard. The Plan should evaluate rezoning possibilities that would increase the inventory of commercially zoned land. This is a multi-family residential use and is inconsistent with Objective 1.5. Goal Three: Encourage the Development of a variety of housing types. This project provides assisted-living and memory care, which adds an alternative housing type from the predominant single-family residential inventory. This project is consistent with Goal Three. Goal Five: Promote developments that will continue to provide small town character and quality of life. • Objective 5.1 The Town should encourage locally owned and operated businesses. This project is not locally owned and therefore is inconsistent with Objective 5.1. • Objective 5.2 The Town should encourage the development and extension of pedestrian pathways and bicycle trails in a manner that will link businesses, schools, shops and recreational activity centers. This project will provide a sidewalk along Saguaro Blvd. from Trevino Drive to Monterey Drive. This provides a pedestrian walkway that currently does not exist and provides a connection to the sidewalks to the south and north along N Saguaro Blvd. This plan is consistent with Objective 5.2. rik • Objective 5.4 The Town should discourage the widening of non-arterial streets except for the addition of bicycle lanes. The proposed project is designed so that access to the property is primarily from Trevino Dr, with a second access off of Burkemo Dr. Town staff has historically desired access to this site be off of Saguaro Blvd., the reason being the existing traffic issues along Trevino Dr. due to the high intensity and high traffic volume uses to the south (a gas station and fast food/drive throughs). Because this project is requesting their primary access be on Trevino Dr., they are proposing to widen Trevino to mitigate the additional traffic issues they are creating by adding more congestion to that street. By doing so, they are essentially turning Trevino Dr. from a local non-arterial to a minor collector. Additionally, no bike lane is proposed along Trevino Dr. This project is inconsistent with Objective 5.4. • Objective 5.8 The Town should ensure that all new housing provide street side landscaping complimentary to the native desert vegetation. This project provides desert landscaping along all frontages. It is consistent with Objective 5.8. Chapter Seven Circulation Element • Objective 1.11 The Town should develop policies to address street-level drainage and wash crossings and investigate the need for flood control and drainage accommodations at drainage ways and street crossings. The applicant is requesting, `Route the offsite drainage flows to N. Saguaro Boulevard. The historic offsite flows which enter the site, will be piped through the site and discharged onto N. Saguaro Boulevard, thus separating them from the onsite drainage, which will be retained (Per Article Section 4.04.G of the Subdivision Ordinance)." 2 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD (Case #Z2017-04) Ordinance #18-03 It should be noted that the project will be detaining all on-site stormwater, but off-site stormwater, which historically has flowed over this property onto Saguaro Blvd., will still follow that flow pattern at its current flow rate. S 3 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ Sir THE FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING—PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT(PAD) Section 1—Purpose The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD zoning district, formerly approved as the Hemingway PAD zoning district, is located on 250,062 square feet (5.74 acres)and is established to (i)rezone the district to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD; (ii) to create a modified set of regulations based upon the C-1 zoning district requirements; and (iii) approve certain uses that would otherwise require a special use permit under C-1, and waive certain requirements including the following: 1. Grant a Special Use Permit for retirement-focused multifamily uses,including assisted living (Per Chapter 12 Section 12.03.F of the Zoning Ordinance). 2. Route the offsite drainage flows to N. Saguaro Boulevard. The historic offsite flows which enter the site, will be piped through the site and discharged onto N. Saguaro Boulevard, thus separating them from the onsite drainage, which will be retained(Per Article 4 Section 4.04.G of the Subdivision Ordinance). 3. Provide a minimum of 8.5' from building wall to drive aisle curb. Reducing the minimum requirement from 10 feet to 8.5 feet would allow minor flexibility in building location while maximizing the landscape setbacks along the perimeter to be greater than what is required by the Town (See Building Offset Exhibit) (Per Chapter 7 Section 7.02.F.1 of the Zoning Ordinance). 4. Dedicate a 10' roadway easement in lieu of right-of-way dedication in order to construct a wider street section(minor collector)along E.Trevino Drive between N. Burkemo Drive and N. Saguaro Boulevard per Town's request(Per Article 3 Section 3.D.5). 5. Provide two 40-foot-wide entrances along E. Trevino Drive. This width will allow for adequate turning radii for emergency service and delivery vehicles to access the site. Delivery vehicles coming to the service entry will be able to enter the site at the eastern E. Trevino Drive entrance and exit at the western entrance without having to navigate around the site (Per Engineering Design for Fire and Delivery Truck Town Engineering Policy). 6. Allow the height of an entry sign to be measured from finished grade instead of from the top of curb grade of the nearest public road nearest the sign(so long as it does not impede line of sight). The conceptual entry monument sign is sited on the southeast corner of the site at Saguaro Blvd.and E.Trevino Drive.The sign is 5'0"tall at the center with shorter 2'-6"walls flanking either side(relative to surrounding proposed grade). The sign wall is less than the 55-square foot maximum allowed per Town code. Boulders clustered on each side anchor the sign and allow it to blend aesthetically with the surrounding site. See the Landscape Exhibit(Detail 4 on L-0.02) ca, The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ 7. Allow a reduction in the planting requirements. The proposed plant density per the attached exhibit will allow for the plant material to achieve its mature size while maintaining the desired desert character. See the Plant Density Exhibit within the Preliminary Landscape Plans(L-0.01 F) (Per Chapter 6 Section 6.05 of the Subdivision Ordinance). In lieu of the decreased number of plants, larger plants will be installed per the landscape plan included in this PAD. 8. Allow a screen wall up to 10' in height. Increasing the height limit to a maximum of 10' will allow for requested screening by adjacent property owners on the rear property line (Per Chapter 5 Section 5.09.A.1 of the Zoning Ordinance). 9. Waive construction of a sidewalk along Burkemo Drive. The sidewalk along N. Saguaro Boulevard will be extended north to Monterey Drive, in lieu of sidewalk along the Burkemo Drive frontage in order to meet the Town's offsite improvements requirement(Per Town's Future Sidewalk General Plan). The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD hereby establishes the 5.74-acre PAD zone subject to the design guidelines and standards set forth below and the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. In the event of a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and this PAD, the provisions of this PAD shall prevail. Unless specifically modified herein, all the provisions of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance shall apply to this PAD. Section 2—Development Plan Upon the Town Council's approval of the ordinance adopting the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, development of the property shall be governed as set forth in this Development Plan. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD shall include uses identified as Permitted Uses and Special Permit Uses in the Town's C-1 zoning district. Incorporated by reference into this Development Plan are the following documents, which are attached in the appendix hereto(collectively,the"Concept Plan"): (i) ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey prepared by EPS Group,dated December 12, 2017 (ii) Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by EPS Group, dated May 1, 2018 (iii) Conceptual Site Plan,prepared by EPS Group, dated May 1, 2018 (iv) Conceptual Grading Plan, prepared by EPS Group, dated May 1, 2018 (v) Building Offset Exhibit,prepared by EPS Group,dated May 1, 2018 (vi) Preliminary Landscape Plans, prepared by EPS Group,dated May 1, 2018 (vii)Architectural Floorplans and Elevations,prepared by Harley Ellis Devereaux,dated May 1,2018 2 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd 'Sur Fountain Hills,AZ Pursuant to the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Section 23.07.B. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD Development Plan contains the following components: 1. Name of Development: Fountain Hills Senior Living 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 2. Developer: CA Senior Living Holdings,LLC 130 E. Randolph St. Suite 2100 Chicago, IL 60601 3. Legal Description: That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the monument line intersection of Shea Boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard from which the West quarter corner of said Section 26 bears North 58 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds West,a distance of 1388.31 feet and also from which a Maricopa County Highway Department Brass Cap Monument for P.O.C.243-83.30,22 feet RT. Bears North 50 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds West,a distance of 724.56 feet; Thence North 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East along the centerline of Saguaro Boulevard, a distance of 775.00 feet; Thence North 47 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the Southeast corner of lot 6, Block 4,FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO 403-B; Thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West along said right-of-way line,a distance of 330.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence departing from said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 87 degrees 25 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 30.52 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said point being on the Northeasterly right-of-way of a road being 50.00 feet in width and being more commonly known as Trevino Drive,said point also being at the beginning of a curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 425.00 feet and a radial line passing through said point bears North 40 degrees 15 minutes 23 seconds East; Thence along said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 332.48 feet; Thence South 85 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 111.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 175.00 feet; 3 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds, and an arc length of 130.90 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through last said curve bears South 38 degrees 17 minutes 31 seconds West, said reverse curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 7047.49 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds and an arc length of 119.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through said point bears North 37 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds East, said reverse curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds and an arc length of 31.27 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Burkemo Drive, said point also being on the Easterly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B, North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 69.89 feet from the Southeasterly corner of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 260.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Westerly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds and an arc length of 61.68 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 20.00 feet a radial line passing through said point bears North 68 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds West; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds and an arc length of 28.61 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence continuing along said line South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East,a distance of 12.75 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 185.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 91.48 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 99.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 715.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 518.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial line passing through said point bears South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 31.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. fir The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ Town of Fountain Hills Rezoning(C-1 to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD) NCR 20110399571 . • �,CN pLAt 430-8 ARoOr•per; BLOCK 4 L• 31.42 1 LO1 4 ,r 1 tCT 3 Dp.�y6Z. 1 al L 01 2 ,' �, o \ i �'�2O APN 176-10-815 La L " �"� AREA-250,555 SF n.67'2523' Vi , '1+ 0 R.20.00' • .i5R1'S2' .~AqD k _ . R.230.00' p' 01 t .us1'3:' 1 Si R.nsa7' .L°6 f L.......,p. 04' aeaiR I A '+2'. '' AM R.7047.q I DS ( 176-10-001X L.1t6.3O' , 176-10-00IW I • A.W36'41' R.saw SHEA BLVD (lb 1/4'` ..-.- i. ' - - �I c, NOAFC OEDOARN ICOPCAU MOUN R CARRDO ,A,MAS T1U2E0 ,NUMBER a ,- t'y 20110399571. EXHIBIT "A", LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BEING A Nowyn.doomme PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER sre,..tar AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, T. 3 N., R. 6 E_ OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER OAlE- 4-15-17 BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. C 5 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd 1111) Fountain Hills,AZ 4. Location Map: Y ,, i : :„ * 1'' "�` a , , ,, i . ::: , v �� Y a t at ‘%N, i 4 ' t k y F ; e t 5. Site Conditions: "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" is planned as an Assisted Living/Memory Care Living ("AL/MC") complex at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive. The land is of varying slopes generally sloping from north to south and bordered by five single family homes to the north, Montera Ranch Condominiums across N. Saguaro Boulevard to the east, single family vacant lots across Burkemo Drive to the west and McDonalds, That Guy's Pizza, Senor Taco, Munich Gyros and Circle K to the south across E. Trevino Drive. "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" will be developed between single family homes, condominiums and commercial property making it a traditional transitional use between all adjacent uses. Existing drainage swales will be replaced with inlet structures and storm drain pipe so that offsite flow can be routed through the site and discharged at N. Saguaro Blvd which is the historical outfall point. Adequate underground detention basins will be designed based on the 100-year,2- hour storm. The Conceptual Grading Plan is included as part of this PAD. ID 6 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd `rrr Fountain Hills,AZ SITE INFORMATION: Address: 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd,Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 APN: 176-10-811 Gross Lot Area: 250,062 Sq. Ft Project Data: Current Zoning: The Hemingway PAD/C-1 Proposed Zoning: The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD/C-1 Lot Size: 250,062 SF(5.74 AC) Usage Allowed: 60% 150,037 SF Actual Usage: Building Footprint: 77,937 SF Excess: 72,100 SF a. Proposed public streetscape and public and private open space improvements and their relationship to the overall development are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan b. Building heights,minimum lot areas and setbacks are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan and/or Elevation according to the zoning requirements for the C-1 Commercial Zoning District c. Building elevations and architectural renderings showing architectural theme colors and type of exterior building materials for the structure in the PAD are shown on the Architectural Elevations and Floorplans d. A conceptual landscape plan of the proposed landscaping treatment,plant materials,entry signage and other site plan and open space improvements has been provided on this PAD. The specific details of the landscape plan will be a part of the building permit application, but shall not vary by number or size of plants depicted in the conceptual landscape plan included herein. e. Proposed entrance locations and widths, including drive aisles are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan f. Water Service will be provided by EPCOR. All water service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of EPCOR. Sewer service has been confirmed to be provided by the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. All sewer service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. Existing and proposed grades and drainage systems and how drainage is altered, how it is redirected to original channels,and the requirements regarding storm water runoff and drainage will be met. g. Due to the small site within The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, a Traffic Impact Analysis including projected volumes on streets within and adjacent to the site was completed on dated May 1,2018 (11100, The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ 6. The location, number of spaces, dimensions, circulation patterns, driveways, access way and pedestrian walkways are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD parking ratio has been increased from the Town's zoning requirements: 141 beds would typically require 36 spaces, but 66 spaces will be provided. The additional spaces are provided based on our experience with similar communities we have built in the past. Typically very few, if any,of the assisted living residents own cars.In addition to that,the communities have visitors on holidays which demand the parking that is proposed. 7. All signage will be by separate permit and shall conform to the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and this PAD Section 3—Project Narrative: "The Fountain Hills Senior Living"provides a best-in-class community for Assisted Living and Memory Care residents. The community promotes social engagement and an active senior lifestyle, allowing residents to age in place. The aesthetics offer resort-like living environment with varied amenities and materials to create a strong unique design theme for the community. "The Fountain Hills Senior Living", a two-story building of approximately 125,992 square feet, is organized into two levels of care:Assisted Living,and Memory Care. The building amenities for Assisted Living include multiple dining venues, community room, clubhouse/lounge, pool, physical tor therapy/exercise room,salon and library. Amenities for the Memory Care portion of the building include living rooms, dining room, library, family room, four seasons room, assisted bathing and exam room. Shared spaces on the ground floor include employee lounge,a commercial kitchen,property management offices with a conference room, and various other support spaces. The location is key to the success of"The Fountain Hills Senior Living". The location is a buffer between single family residential and commercial buildings with easy access to shopping, medical facilities, downtown Fountain Hills, Mesa and Scottsdale. This type of senior living development produces minimal traffic and noise. In addition,"The Fountain Hills Senior Living"will also act as a traditional transitional use between the commercial establishments on E. Shea Boulevard and the nearby residential community. 4 460.- The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ APPENDIX ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Traffic Impact Analysis Conceptual Site Plan Conceptual Grading Plan Building Offset Exhibit Preliminary Landscape Plans Architectural Floorplans and Elevations 9 as A3Haf15 31111 aNt/•1 SdSNI{/17V r x P "' Sd3 awn3lf1O9 OWf1JYS HlaON 00L6 ..>,�j , . }. 1't 1I, 7 6 o a a k 3 x 1 i $ a as E I e ti� 9 r R ; I 6 li it 2 i i �b, P. , z 1 1 X f 1 ,, ;1151111 . 1P; 1 Ili; 1Qllit. 5 � • 5Q15 2 ` EJ sZ ' 1 .1 a a „,w E- 'a �➢ ' . F F - g U .R.9i Ei@ Eo ii fi! 161 6 r 4 1, Y6 :III ; l it 2 1II '1 y 1 1 1 it, P aI lei 11 Q r r r ggr !if Pr ;er r gar ge Q E 5E - eC ,. .. }{ w � ; ) Pi ° r E. e o }}yy;; ' I p s•f � e �e� �� 1 a � q sk X£ W9 r e 6 gp� p t4 E6S° Q Q$b t r q v . > aC `,:94 e " i .€' . C 15Ni ', FEE E pn 1 3_ g . lit 'I 5ggkt JNQ a 21 QQEfFiZ� Elipiigtii� i ' 1 ' 110 :ga. 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Im crt ce 'ION I-- t cr- SIDI 4 c0 C•1 i $ 0 lij I _ _ g II > t ) (hIle 4)- 1 ii r_S_/. r IVY 1 NM ,I1 MIN _MI -;: 11111 a_ I • : ei i a I I IOM ai s MI , t si :si 1111111 ISM I IM �a� is INS / :EA! _� ,, g 1.11 al .sib a .11 — ;si ;im .J 11a• iii611101 "1.1 II MO iin .si Mil i nil :Ell F i i C� I CO Ism s• :sir a ■ i 0 U T Fountain Hills Senior Living Traffic Impact Analysis Executive Summary Introduction A new proposed mixed-use senior living development is being planned on the northwest corner of the Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive intersection in the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona. The development consists of multi-story assisted living and memory care facilities on approximately 6 total acres. The development is planned to include 98 assisted living units and 32 memory care units. Some two-bedroom units are planned for the assisted living units for a combined total of 141 beds. The year 2020 is the assumed opening year for the purposes of this report. Results The proposed development is anticipated to generate the following weekday traffic volumes. Day AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Time Period Units Enter i Exit Total Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total AL&MC(ITE LUC 254) 141 Beds 193 193 386 23 9 32 23 32 55 Recommendations without Proposed Development All existing intersections and movements are operating at a level-of-service "D" or better during the peak hours of traffic. Under ambient 2020 traffic conditions, some additional delay is anticipated. However, all study intersections and movements are anticipated to continue to operate at a level-of-service "D" or better during the peak hours of traffic. The analysis results reveal that the existing and ambient 2020 traffic conditions at the Saguaro Boulevard / Monterey Drive and Saguaro Boulevard /Trevino Drive intersection do not satisfy any of the warrants for traffic signal installation. No additional turn-lanes or improvements are recommended. Recommendations with Proposed Development Figure 1 depicts the recommended lane configuration and traffic control at the study intersections and site accesses. Under 2020 with site traffic conditions, some minor additional delay is anticipated. However, all study intersections and movements are anticipated to continue to operate at a level-of-service "D" or better during the peak hours of traffic. Per Town requirements, Trevino Drive will be widened from Saguaro Boulevard to Burkemo Drive to provide one lane in each direction and a two-way, left-turn lane. The widened section will be striped to taper back to match the existing roadway width to the west of Burkemo Drive. Due to the geometry at the Saguaro Boulevard / Trevino Drive intersection, it is recommended to provide a separate eastbound left-turn and shared thru / right-turn lane. The analysis results reveal that the 2020 with site traffic conditions at the Saguaro Boulevard / Monterey Drive and Saguaro Boulevard / Trevino Drive intersection do not satisfy any of the warrants for traffic signal installation. It is recommended to provide signage (MUTCD R10-7 or equivalent) and striping (per MUTCD Section 3B.17 and Town approval) on Trevino Drive to discourage driveway obstruction near Saguaro Boulevard. Page 4 C�EPs OJ�TAIIV�IC TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS x n X Planning and Zoning �Y • Inv w. J Board of Adjustment .04 obatisxv". AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: May 24, 2018 Agenda Type: Regular Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Marissa Moore, AICP, Senior Planner, 480-816-5139, mmoore(a�fh.az.gov REQUESTS TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: RECONSIDERATION of a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow Verizon Wireless to install three cellular antennas with associated roof-mounted equipment to be located within 300 feet of a residentially zoned and platted property and one of these antenna, located on the northeast corner of the roof to be 2-feet 4-inches above the maximum allowed height of 54 feet at 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains. Case # SU2018-01 Applicant: Darren Snodgrass for Verizon Wireless Applicant Contact Information: 2350 E German Rd, Ste. 26 Chandler, AZ 85286 (480) 254-9371 Owner: RCS-Park Place 1 LLC - Jay Northrop Owner Contact Information: 371 Centennial Blvd, No. 200 Louisville, CO 80027 (602)980-7789 Property Location: 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 APN 176-25-641 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 2.02 Special Use Permits Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 17 Wireless Telecommunications Towers and Antennas General Plan 2010 Chapter 5 Verizon Wireless- 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains 5/24/2018 Staff Summary (background): The Verizon Wireless site is located on the roof of Park Place, Phase 1 at 16845 Avenue of the Fountains. While the towers could be used to locate Wi-Fi equipment, it is not a component of this request. Per the applicant, "There is a third party who (could) be installing the WIFI and the Land Owner (would) be managing and working through a contract with the WIFI Vendor to facilitate the agreement Park Place has with the Town. The WIFI is not a component of the antenna. It is a separate system. There is a proprietary contract that (would) be negotiated between Verizon and the Landlord. The Capital Contribution agreed to by Verizon will be managed and dispersed by the Landlord. Vendor selection for the WIFI is up to the Landlord." The placement of the proposed wireless facilities is part of a plan to install three (3) antennas with associated screens on the roof of Park Place 1 Building D. All three antennas would require a Special Use Permit because they do not meet the requirement to be located outside of a 300-foot radius from a residentially zoned and platted property. The "Sector Beta" tower, on the northeast corner of the building, has an additional Special Use Permit requirement due to the antenna and screen exceeding this maximum allowed height. This proposed wireless antenna and screen is 57-feet 11-inches from existing grade, which is 3-feet 11-inches above this maximum allowed height of 54 feet for this property. The applicant states the Project Objectives in their narrative: "Initially identified as an area of concern from subscriber comments and feedback then verified by the use of radio frequency modeling software it was determined that there is a significant drop in both coverage and capacity for voice and data capabilities in this area. From that data a search area and proposed site criteria was developed. A Wireless Communications Facility located at the subject property will service the surrounding areas and fill in those gaps in coverage and capacity. This facility will augment and improve wireless voice, data and Internet related services to the Fountain Hills community further enhancing the attractiveness of Fountain Hills to future residents, businesses consumers, visitors and tourists. This facility will provide a number of benefits for the Fountain Hills Community that, again, are often taken for granted. 1. This facility will provide enhanced voice and data services 2. It will provide for an enhanced E911 Service 3. Enhanced mobile streaming capabilities 4. Location services (GPS) for mapping programs. 5. Augmented Capacity to help prevent dropped calls or system busy." General Plan 2010 — Consistency Analysis Chapter Five of the General Plan 2010 states that one of the Town's Visions is "to provide efficient and cost-effective infrastructure and public facilities systems, including methods that will ensure the reasonable and equitable participation of private development for both cost and benefit of the public improvements." Objective 1.9 under this visions states, "The Town should contact telecommunications providers to identify and rectify areas in the Town where cell service is not operable or exhibits poor reception." This facility is consistent with the Vision, Goals, and Objectives of the General Plan 2010. Page 2 of 6 Verizon Wireless- 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains 5/24/2018 GRANTING SPECIAL USE PERMITS FOR TOWERS: In addition to any standards for consideration of special use permit applications pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Town Council should consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a Special Use Permit. The Planning & Zoning Commission may make specific recommendations regarding any of these items. The Town Council may waive or reduce one or more of these criteria if they conclude that the goals of the Town are better served by doing so. Section 17.06.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance specifically outlines the factors to be considered when reviewing applications for towers. Factors Considered in Granting Special Use Permits for Towers. In addition to any standards for consideration of special use permit applications pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 2.02 of this Zoning Ordinance, the Town Council shall consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a special use permit, although the Town Council may waive or reduce the burden on the applicant of one or more of these criteria if the Town Council concludes that the goals of this ordinance are better served thereby: a. Height of the proposed tower; The proposed antenna and screen is 57-feet 11-inches. This exceeds the 54' height limit established in the Park Place DA. by 3-feet 11-inches. This requirement may be waived for communication towers as part of the Special Use Permit by the Town Council when deemed appropriate. Staff: Staff believes that the height of the tower will not create undue physical effects on the town. The southwest corner will be visible from ground level on E Paul Nordin Parkway and the properties immediately adjacent to the south, N Verde River Drive to the west, and may be visible from the Town Civic Center. From higher elevations to the south, specifically along E El Lago Boulevard and E Gunsight Drive, the facilities would be visible on the roof. This may have aesthetic affects on the nearby properties. Staff has required that the facilities be fully screened (on 4 sides) to reduce any visual effects. The zoning ordinance requires that any tower be constructed so that its "fall down" distance (equal to the height of the tower) is entirely contained within the boundaries of the property it is located on. This is a precaution against the tower damaging adjoining properties or structures should it fall. This requirement may be waived as part of the Special Use Permit by the Town Council when deemed appropriate. Staff: The antennas are on the roof behind a screen of equal height. If they were to fall, they would fall onto the roof or the screen structure. b. Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residentially zoned district boundaries; The zoning ordinance requires that any tower within 300' of residentially zoned property receive Special Use Permit approval from the Town Council. Staff. The antenna is on top of a residential building. %1. Page 3 of 6 Verizon Wireless- 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains 5/24/2018 The applicant states that the facility is designed to have little to no impact on the health of residents. The noise will be less than "50 db'; and a report entitled "Evaluation of Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Emissions" (see attached) shows the proposed facilities are compliant with FCC Guidelines. c. Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties; The properties immediately adjacent to this location are multi-family residential, mixed use, assisted living, and public parking. Staff. The applicant states that the facilities would improve cellular coverage for Verizon customers. d. Surrounding topography; The surrounding topography has a relatively level grade (a region that lacks appreciable topographic relief) Staff. Staff's opinion is that the topography will not affect the tower placement, and in fact was taken into consideration to determine the topography at this location is suitable for this facility. e. Surrounding tree coverage and foliage; There is currently no tree coverage or foliage within the parcel. There is foliage and tree coverage across Avenue of the Fountains, but not to the rear or side of the property, and not on the roof where this antenna will be located. Staff. The applicant is strongly encouraged to design the facilities so that the screen enclosures will prevent the antenna from being visible from the ground and surrounding properties. f. Design of the tower, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness; The plans presented with the Special Use Permit application show the equipment screening matching the same design characteristics (color, style, and materials) as the existing building. Staff• The design, materials, and colors are proposed to match the existing building. Because of the topography in the area, the homes located to the south are much higher in elevation and would be able to see the antenna if they are not enclosed on all 4 sides. Staff advised the applicant of this concern. g. Proposed ingress and egress; The proposed antenna is located on the roof and access to the roof is from inside the building. The antenna will be in an enclosure with a hinged door. Staff: The proposed facility has good access and egress. Page 4 of 6 Verizon Wireless- 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains 5/24/2018 h. Availability of suitable existing towers, other structures, or alternative technologies not requiring the use of towers or structures, as discussed in Section 17.06(B)(4); Section 17.06.B.4 specifically relates to the construction of new towers where none previously existed. In such cases the town should require proof that other less-obtrusive options are not available. Staff. Staff requested a response to this consideration from the applicant. Their response is as follows: A comprehensive evaluation has been completed - by driving, actually accessing rooftops, and experienced Site Acquisition review- and determined there are no existing towers or structures located within the geographic area that would meet the engineering requirements. There are no co-locatable opportunities in the search area. Regulations by the FCC do not allow interference and Verizon adheres to those standards. Section 17.08 Buildings or Other Equipment Storage A. Antennas Mounted on Structures or Rooftops: The equipment cabinet or structure used in association with antennas shall comply with the following: 1. The cabinet or structure shall not contain more than one hundred-twenty (120) square feet of gross floor area or be more than eight (8) feet in height and shall be located on the ground. Staff. Each of the three structures has a footprint of 10-feet by 10-feet (100 square feet). The equipment cabinet is proposed to be 32-inches by 48.78 inches (10.84 square feet) and 7.1 feet in height. The equipment cabinet is proposed to be located on the roof along with the wireless structures. While the code states it is to be located on the ground, the applicant states this is not feasible for this particular location. They are requesting the equipment cabinet be located on the roof as part of their Special Use Permit. 2. Equipment storage buildings or cabinets shall comply with all applicable building codes. Staff. As part of the building permit review, staff would ensure the structures are in compliance with all building codes. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): NA Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): NA Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends that the Commission forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit to allow Verizon Wireless to install three cellular antennas with associated roof- mounted equipment to be located within 300 feet of a residentially zoned and platted property and one of these antenna, located on the northeast corner of the roof to be 3-feet 11-inches above the maximum allowed height of 54 feet at 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains. Page 5 of 6 Verizon Wireless- 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains 5/24/2018 SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit to allow Verizon Wireless to install three cellular antennas with associated roof-mounted equipment to be located within 300 feet of a residentially zoned and platted property and one of these antenna, located on the northeast corner of the roof to be 3-feet 11-inches above the maximum allowed height of 54 feet at 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains as depicted in the site plan submitted with this request, with the stipulation that all three (3) wireless facilities are screened on all four (4) sides. Attachment(s): Letter detailing reasons for item to be reconsidered by the Planning and Zoning Commission Application Applicant's Narrative (16 pages) Verizon Zoning Drawings — PHO Facility (9 pages) "Evaluation of Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Emissions" (3 pages) Email from Citizen (2 pages) Fountain Hills Sanitary District Review Response Letter Sub ifted by: Approv by: I Ma issa Moore, Al 5/9/2018 ert Rod s 5/9/2018 14. Senor Planner Developm t Services Director 0 Page 6 of 6 tvTAIN�1 \1\e,j, TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS z z n tr, • 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 that is At,�oco 480.816.5100 I Fax: 480.837.3145 Thursday, April 5, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commissioners RE: Correction of Procedure: March 22, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing for Case SUP2018-01 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains/Verizon Wireless Commissioners: At the March 22, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the Commission heard Case SUP 2018-01 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains / Verizon Wireless. The applicant requested a Special Use Permit to install wireless facilities on the roof of Building D of the Park Place Development located at 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains. Chapter 17, Section 17.05states that alternative towers or structures are specifically permitted: "...when such structures and their accompanying equipment are appropriately blended into the surrounding terrain, are within the height limitations of the underlying zoning district and are not nearer than three hundred (300) feet to residentially zoned and platted property." If the structures do not meet Section 17.05.2, then a Special Use Permit is required per Chapter 17,Section 17.06.A.1,which states: If the tower or antenna is not a permitted use under Section 17.05 of this chapter, then a special use permit shall be required for the construction of a tower or the placement of an antenna in all zoning districts. The subject building is located in the TCCD -Town Center Commercial District,the purpose of which is: "...is to provide for a variety of pedestrian-oriented retail, office,lodging,residential and civic land uses in the Town Center area.The intent of the district is to encourage the development and sustainability of a vibrant mixed-use area where residents and visitors can live, work, shop, dine, be entertained, enjoy community and cultural events and contribute to the economic viability of the Town Center area and the Town as a whole." The TCCD is a zoning classification that contains and permits residential uses. The applicant's proposal is for three structures. All three are located on a residential building in a residentially-zoned district and on residentially platted property. Because the proposal is for structures on residentially zoned and platted property, all three structures require a Special Use Permit. (Pr www.fh.az.gov 1 Additionally, one of the structures exceeds the maximum allowed height requirement of 54 C feet by 2-feet 4-inches. For this structure, a Special Use Permit is required for both the location and exceeding the maximum allowed building height. At the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, a motion was made to "Continue" the item until the applicant brought back to the Commission a new design that met the height requirement of 54-feet. At that time, staff incorrectly informed the Commission that a Special Use Permit was only required for the structure that exceeded the maximum allowed building height, and should a new design meet this requirement, the item would not go back before the Planning and Zoning Commission. A new motion was made to recommend the Town Council deny the request. In order for this item to be heard on all merits and a motion to be made based on correct information,this item must be taken back before the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Public Hearing and recommendation. Staff has notified the applicant of this needed correction and will they inform staff on how they want to proceed. Please contact me if you have questions. Marissa Moore,AICP Senior Planner mmoore@fh.az.gov I (480) 816-5139 PHOENIX 77018-1 446545v1 I www.fh.az.gov 2 01 -11- 13PO4 :40 '1 IIIIV ova ye DO Not write in t is space—official use only ado. t7 Filing Date i FI, (� z Accepted By Fee Accepted . 0 VI ' ' • Case Manager RAriSSA A _ 9e, ha i 0 ( s Asvv" The Telfell of Fountain Hills PLANNING &ZONING DEPARTMENT-APPLICATION Abandonment(Plat or Condominium) Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Area Specific Plan&Amendments Concept Plan Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver Development Agreement HPE Change or Abandonment General Plan Amendment Ordinance Planned Unit Dev Jopment (Text Amendment) Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments)tminary/Final Plat Rezoning (Map) Special Use Permit&Amendments Site Plan Review(vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit(Median Fee,if applicable) Variance Other PROJECT 1 AIIcE / NATURE OF PROJECT: ....'""...."-�' " LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name No.206 PROPERTY ADDRESS: PARCEL SIZE(Acres)2.33 16845 E Ave.of the Fountains FountainHlus Az 85268 Block 7 Lot 5 �,, ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-25f41 NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED N/A BUSTING ZONING TCCD TRACTS N/A PROPOSED ZONING TCCD A lican G M . Shirley Keohane for Verizon Wireless ' (/"'1 0 I,3 Mr. Day Phone 480-254-9371 Ms. Address: 2350 E Germann Rd.Suite 26 City: Chandler State: /Z Zip: 85286 Email; SKeohane@velocitel.com Owner ifMrs, RCS-Park Place1 LLC-Jay Northrop Mr. Day Phone 602-980-7789 Ms. Address: 371 Centennial Blvd.No 200 City: Louisville State: co Zip: 80027 e b If application isbeing submitted by someone other tha II ap be comp .. a owner of the property under consideration,these coon below SIGNARIRE OF O1fi RER 27,,1 DATE I//7/P I H EBY ORIZE J�"reel ` ,1-\�,-o_- PleaseP' TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. \ubs - e this day of , 20/h' P c My Commission Expires . q 1i1t1':,� MUNIS !..•? ri"tr �, raittaiso Cows* $ APPLICATION#, ,:i.1`,_ 1 ~ • Cveloci verizoni Authorized Agent for Town of Fountain Hills for Review Narrative for a New Verizon Wireless Rooftop Structure Verizon Wireless is requesting a Conditional Use Permit Subject Project Location: Address: 16845 E.Ave of the Fountains. Fountain Hills,AZ.85268, Legal: FOUNTAIN HILLS; LOT 5 BLK 7 PLAT NO 208 APN: 176-25-641 Zoning: TCCD Lot Size: Lot size 101,704 sq.ft. Project Representatives Velocitel,LLC Darren Snodgrass Director,Southwest Region 222 S 52nd Street Tempe,AZ Verizon Wireless Chuck Larson ENG IV Specialist Real Estate/Regulatory 126 W Gemini Tempe,AZ Project Description The proposal before you today is for a wireless communications facility located upon a new building under development within Fountain Hills. The carrier proposing this facility is Verizon Wireless. Verizon's desire is always to work closely with the local municipality to be a good neighbor. In this case Verizon is proposing rooftop application that will be hidden within a RF friendly camouflage structure. This structure will be designed to completely blend in with the proposed building. Within those structures will be all of the equipment for the facility including 9 Antennas, 12 Remote Radio Units and the radio equipment cabinets. Particular care has been initiated to anticipate the concerns for aesthetics, including working closely with the building architects to design the camouflaging material. Project Objectives Initially identified as an area of concern from subscriber comments and feedback then verified by the use of radio frequency modeling software it was determined that there is a significant drop in both coverage and capacity for voice and data capabilities in this area. From that data a search area and proposed site criteria was developed. A Wireless Communications Facility located at the subject property will service the surrounding areas and fill in those gaps in coverage and capacity.This facility will augment and improve /tritmn, (alfcnL:I;ccraa Iliius Louisim I Arrcw& leseuri I HzYo4 kit i ultra I Uhio Gregor Pc 1srw'it I Ins I Virgriu (100 wireless voice,data and internet related services to the Fountain Hills community further enhancing the attractiveness of Fountain Hills to future residents,businesses consumers,visitors and tourists. Within the last 4 years the FCC has determined that we have hit what was heretofore an unimaginable milestone: Over 51%of the American households are completely and totally wireless. National Chamber of Commerce studies identify telecommunications infrastructure as one of the key criteria both commercial and residential developers look at when targeting planned growth and development. The reasoning behind telecommunications being a key indicator is varied but sometimes taken for granted in our modern world. First and foremost it provides communications in all its many different forms. This facility will provide a number of benefits for the Fountain Hills Community that,again,are often taken for granted. 1. This facility will provide enhanced voice and data services 2. It will provide for an enhanced E911 Service 3. Enhanced mobile streaming capabilities 4. Location services(GPS)for mapping programs. 5. Augmented Capacity to help prevent dropped calls or system busy Project Compliance: The need for a Conditional Use Permit stems from two separate points within the ordinance. The first criteria requiring the CUP is that the property currently zoned as TCCP which has been determined to be a residential classification. Under the ordinance a wireless facility within a residential zone requires a conditional use permit. The second criteria that is affected under this proposal is the overall approved fier. height of the building itself. In this particular case,the approved height of the building was 54'. Subsequently placing a wireless facility on the roof will exceed that height on two different sectors. After many discussions with the Town Planner it was determined what baseline was to be used for this review and approval. Based on that determination, the Alpha and Gamma sectors does in fact fall within the approved 54' height and need not be discussed under this subsection. The sector that comes into play under this subsection will be the Beta Sector. Utilizing the determined baseline for measurement this sector reaches a height of 57' 11" or just under 4 feet above the approved height. Visually,these sectors will not appear to be any different as the roof of the building is a level plane it is the variation of the ground elevations that affect the baseline and therefore the overall height. Much like with a walk out basement. If you have a side walk going back behind a house and one going across the front and you use the sidewalk as your baseline, is the house 15'tall or is it 27' tall? (These are made up numbers but the theory is valid) Lastly, in an effort to produce a facility that blends into the building profile itself and in consultation with the planning staff, Verizon is designing this facility with radio frequency friendly shielding that surrounds each sector on all four sides so no equipment whatsoever can be seen from outside the building. Inventory of Existing Sites:See attached Points of Concern: S 1.Will the screen be constructed to go around all four sides of the antenna? Because of the topography in the area,the homes located to the south are much higher in elevation and would be able to see the antenna if they are not enclosed on all 4 sides. Yes 2.How will the antenna be accessed—both access to the roof and access to the antenna within an enclosed screen? We will be accessing through the interior stairwell that has roof access. From there,Verizon techs will be accessing the rooftop via the roof hatch. The screening will be hinged to open and close from behind the facility. 3.Noise: No permit shall be issued for any facility, which generates a noise level greater than fifty decibels (50 db)as measured at the edge of the property upon which such facility is sited." The Equipment is buffered behind an enclosed material and inside of a cabinet,and does not exceed 50db 4.Availability of Suitable Existing Towers, Other Structures, or Alternative Technology: No new tower shall be permitted unless the applicant demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of the Town Council that no existing tower,structure or alternative technology that does not require the use of towers or structures can accommodate the applicant's a proposed antenna. An applicant shall submit information requested by the Town Council related to the availability of suitable existing towers, other structures or alternative technology. Evidence submitted to demonstrate that no existing tower,structure or alternative technology can accommodate the applicant's proposed antenna may consist of any of the following: a. No existing towers or structures are located within the geographic area,which meet applicant's engineering requirements. When we first are assigned a location to search we do a great deal of research prior to going into the field. We utilize a mapping program and database to keep track of existing towers. We first plot the search area on that map and do a scrub against any existing structures. We then take the target coordinates and run a FAA Search for all types of applications. We look for those for towers that have been built and also those that are proposed. Should we find anything that is not in our database we add that to the program and plot them on our map. Once that is complete we do a Google Earth search of the area to see if we can see anything of any height from a satellite image. We make note of any properties that appear to have structures of height. We will often cross check with the local county GIS system. All of this is completed prior to doing an actual field recognizance. Once in the field we confirm all of our findings from our desktop discovery. A comprehensive evaluation has been completed and determined there are no existing towers or structures located within the geographic area that would meet the engineering requirements. b. Existing towers or structures are not of sufficient height to meet applicant's engineering requirements. An evaluation,by driving,actually accessing rooftops has determined that there are no existing towers or structures within the search area that can meet the engineering requirements for this facility. c. Existing towers or structures do not have sufficient structural strength to support applicant's proposed antenna and related equipment. There are no co-locatable opportunities in the search area or immediately outside the search parameters. d.The applicant's proposed antenna would cause electromagnetic interference with the antenna on the existing towers or structures, or the antenna on the existing towers or structures would cause interference with the applicant's proposed antenna. While it has been determined that there are no existing structures of height that could fulfil the requirements of the facility, regulations by the FCC will not allow interference between carriers and most agreements have interference clauses within them that prohibit interference with other facilities. e. The fees, costs, or contractual provisions required by the owner in order to share an existing tower or structure or to adapt an existing tower or structure for sharing are unreasonable. Costs exceeding new tower development are presumed to be unreasonable. Not applicable as there are no existing towers or structures of height within the search parameters or immediately outside of the search parameters. f.The applicant demonstrates that there are other limiting factors that render existing towers and structures unsuitable. Please see the included coverage plots g. The applicant demonstrates that an alternative technology that does not require the use of towers or structures, such as a cable micro cell network using multiple low-powered transmitters/receivers attached to a wire line system, is unsuitable. Costs of alternative technology that exceed new tower or antenna development shall not be presumed to render the technology unsuitable. See Below for explanation of the Heterogeneous Network or HetNet Macro Cell vs Small Cell What's the difference between towers and small cells? "Best I Ise Case" TOWERS SMALL CELLS 1414 1111 • • I'biquilous coverage over • Precise coverage over a large area small geographic area. • Complement Small Cells by • Capacity and speed for providing contiguous high-density population coverage areas. • Offers capacity in high • Maximizes towers by mobile area offloading t raffle. coy • What is a Heterogeneous Network—"HetNet" Heterogeneous Network "HetNet" Overlay Overlay „.,. 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Ael 11011j 1."..40•••0 MoSin:d ...' ,mili....few..Mx mal.4.4 •avi ' N\(yt ir 'P. /‘‘ ..... , \xix:., \. ,, , - ' — •1 4117, , \ •,/ i' in i=------ -111 / v.salt.• ' ". •••31h-FaIi44S0.0 7 II • 11 ti 0,.•••Inv Iwo III \ I 1.4,•0•00.1.4 RN,, • ' ....-1,=-•,-.....,...7,-,--,,,,,r.1111 s !' rr.0,..t.WV1.. r Opr,K=Ir•.• .....r•viv.1,01, A`,.. ....-fl.....WA awl,m VIA,1.114.• '...,:j i . \ • I i .! r.. Ai .. - - , VII ..-----1115411113W-II3M--'—' .-OM YOXII (11, Pima County Assessors Map StVer e, . ... -....., 1,62•4,1 ' hr-ir.....I.ar,It • •., Mee,••••en*1..e•-••.0..f •11^AP,Oft."..• ...40,641.2,,,,,C•,..."..0.C.. 1...•••••-:11.4%0 • .-...„ - 1411.44.P.A.I.Nall., ''-^..., WO*.1.11441..,4444.4 IIIIILBN:31111lUIIIIIIII , ---- / •... • . , ...... ... -- -., . I, .........., ? . , ,,,,,' •.... i , , .... . ....,... , .. . . . 1•.,IR.,I,It , . 0 Summary: In summary,Verizon Wireless has demonstrated a need for a facility within the Town of Fountain Hills. The subject property provides the ideal location for a facility that would satisfy this need in a manner that has the least impact on the surrounding community. Verizon has also shown how this facility could act as the anchor location for the possibility of a very robust network in the future to accommodate the ever growing demand for service, reliability and connectivity Verizon Wireless respectfully requests a recommendation of approval by this body to the Town Council. Respectfully submitted, Vainea5, Sotool 480-340-0769 dsnodgrass@velocitel.com L PHO Fountains February 16th, 2018 L .wl own.rl „.. c Existing Sites 0 Iwo , - Of - . 0 ill M .. 'k-.-� - ,� fit .� � . • • I. . f. Current Coverage 1 ari*,11",•:. 'ZiliftN . \ ,-444,,,. ". 1 d 4y� 44. 104 I t " + +' ' d ;IN,v . r . Q f - �''' •,f �, 0 - . - r i• t'• 11 ,r .'i - - Proposed Coverage ki.... ._., ,. , ...Is ii .,,.. . . .,...„ 4 1, ,-- r if,-•.1 40,,....„, . ,. # • . . 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M -_____, ---._ `__ ! �#III,. - r µ lit ,41 ditiL m _ z� e < ;0, , _ __ , ,,„, .... ...., . L., , ,_ uj f. 1;1 til O r ! OU G iW~� zNN �� ; �� L-a Mill §�_ _ o fir' "Z` .. d & I ; , p 0a yZ a J 'Is 3 I.; • ;f' i. ..,: W ' Ti f I ,; 1 ; o W F I 7k 5d at.: ' \.....L"--,,'..L.'' '''':,,iii ._,..:......„.:4:,,,,,i,f44 ,,,,T.: ., -----, 10.1::. *•—• '''1- 1• .A I. ' i -7. 1 4 ye 54 mg§ Q OW 11 li p U eiX p#� 3g5� ;g p F rn z Q 8 ZN N q 3 Y 2a 'z. I co W 0 3 W .. 2# i s w `o CL o i w• & �k I S_ r- , _ ,-----.- - ( ....:- ,1villi,-4.- Aç ;;L_ a. ... : _ , - - O 0 ' al) 'K ' U pj r x 1 C Z c ti S`f. y•? V_ ... ..... wip ok t\a ',44 1 r ''a : r �� lilt (h. (( )) Global RF Solutions5M PREDICT, DETECT, PROTECT 1900 W. Chandler Blvd. Ste. 15-228 Chandler, AZ 85224 (480) 814-1393 www.grfs.net Evaluation of Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Emissions ,_ � 416"74 s� . ; . VOA"' 1,,,,. - -1 - 1 Pi r ,r --......7 *,z - f •A % SA. '' 1 '`+. f : �•.~"v. 4M C�f '%, �i tell 44, 4411144eil•Ne,, ,,,,,-------_ Afti •'' I- 4 . . s. : f ' m. ---,-,,, .obgle [ `) f Analysis of PHO-Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 0 SITE RESULTS: Site ID: N/A Site Name: PHO-Fountains Date of 06/01/2017 Site Evaluator (name): Harry Young Evaluation Site Type Building XX Tower/Monopole Water Tower Address: 16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 GPS NAD83 N 33 36 10.8 W 111 43 01.2 Site Compliant Yes An analysis of this Communications Facility has been completed to determine if it is compliant with guidelines set forth by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with regards to maximum human exposure limits. Calculations of the proposed changes to this site have been performed using RoofView® MPE software. We have determined that the proposed changes will result in an insignificant increase to the overall RF environment. The extremely conservative result derived from RoofView is that a worst-case exposure level of <1% of the FCC General Population limit can occur at any point on the rooftop. This site is compliant with FCC guidelines as proposed by Verizon Wireless. FCC Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure Frequency Electric Field Magnetic Field Poorer Density Averaging Time Range Strength (E) Strength (H) (5) IEl , IHI' or S (MHz) (Vim) (km) (mW/cm`) (minutes) 0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)`" 30 1.34-30 824/f 2.19/f (180/0« 30 30-300 27.5 0.073 0.2 30 300-1500 -- -- f/1500 30 1500-100,000 -- -- 1.0 30 f = frequency in MHz'Plane-wave equivalent power density • © 2017 Global RF Solutions 2 Preparer Certification I, Harry Young, the preparer of this report, am fully aware of and familiar with the Rules and Regulations of both the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with regard to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. I am also fully aware of and familiar with the Verizon Wireless Signage & Demarcation Policy. I have reviewed this Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment report and believe it to be both true and accurate to the best of m knowled.e. ealiompb0. Reviewer Certification I, Marvin Wessel, the reviewer, approved of this report, and am fully aware of and familiar with the Rules and Regulations of both the Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with regard to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation. I am also fully aware of and familiar with the Verizon Wireless Signage & Demarcation Policy. I have reviewed this Radio Frequency Exposure Assessment report and believe it to be both true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 111, ..._._ lJ4MA/ ?. 111) © 2017 Global RF Solutions 3 Marissa Moore From: Arthur C.Spaldin�- Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 13:02 To: Marissa Moore Subject: Verizon Special Use Permit Application Marissa Moore: Thank you for taking the time to help me understand the proceedings involving the request of Verizon for wireless antennas on one of the new buildings along Avenue of the Fountains. Would you please provide a copy of this email to the members of the Planning & Zoning Commission and the members of the Town Council. My wife and I have owned property in Fountain Hills since 1998 and completed the construction of a home in 2005. We are not permanent residents of Fountain Hills but spend nearly 6 months of each year here. Because of our need for internet service in locations other than Fountain Hills, we have discovered that the best way to obtain internet access in multiple locations is to have it provided by a wireless carrier. We have used Verizon for many years. We are just able to get by in Fountain Hills, on the back side of a ridge, with download speeds ( between 3 and 4 mbps, even though I have tested other locations in Fountain Hills and observed download speeds in excess of 35 mbps in some areas. I have had many conversations with Verizon techs over the years. About 3 years ago, I was informed by a Verizon tech that Verizon needed to add towers/antennas in Fountain Hills because of the topography and volume of use. He said it would happen in a year, but that obviously didn't occur. You may not have had much feedback from users of Verizon wireless internet service, but let me assure you that the proposed antennas on the building along Avenue of the Fountains are badly needed by some users. I was also informed by a Verizon tech just today that our service is provided over the tower/antenna best able to provide us with service, even if the tower/antenna is maintained by a different provider such as AT&T. Thus, it is clear to me that the service and the service location proposed by Verizon is essential to some residents of Fountain Hills. Section 17.01 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance provides that one of the goals of the ordinance is to: "(7) enhance the ability of the providers of telecommunications services to provide such services to the community quickly, effectively, and efficiently." I have also observed that Section 5.07. B. 6 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance provides that: height regulations established elsewhere in the ordinance shall not apply to towers and antennas approved in accordance with the requirements and provisions stated in Chapter 17 of the ordinance. The proposed location of the antennas is, of course, on the roof of residential apartments, however, the surrounding area and the ground floor of the building are devoted to commercial use. Given what I believe is the demonstrated need for these new antennas, I urge the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Town Council to approve the request of Verizon. Art Spalding Arth� ap Iding 1111,11.1. IL flDI _■- NOTICE: This message and any attachment contain attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email and delete this message and any attachment from your system. k, 2 , tAINh,� 0J gf FOUNTAIN HILLS SANITARY DISTRICT 16941 E. PEPPERWOOD CIRCLE cr �; FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268-2901 7- S4� TELEPHONE: 480-837-9444 FAX: 480-837-0819 'CRY p1S www.az-fhsd.gov DATE: January 26,2018 MEMO TO: Marissa Moore Town of Fountain Hills FROM: Chris Kirlluk RE: Subdivision Technical Review Pho Fountains(Park Place) 16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains First Submittal 41) I have reviewed the above referenced submittal for conformance with District requirements and have no comments. /cdk cc: Kirsten DeBie Bill Cunningham