HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2018.0111.MinutesTOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION January 11, 2018 Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski, Vice -Chairman Susan Dempster. Commissioners: Christopher Jones and Eric Hansen. Also in attendance were Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director, Marissa Moore, Senior Planner and Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Chairman Dabrowski asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were no requests. AGENDA ITEM # 1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED DECEMBER 07, 2017. Vice -Chairman Dempster MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, December 07, ® 2017 as written. Commissioner Hansen SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4/0. Commissioner Jones recused himself from this agenda item due to a conflict of interest. AGENDA ITEM # 2 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #2017-34, DECLARING AS A PUBLIC RECORD THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND ENTITLED THE "ADERO CANYON, PHASE H, PAD APPLICATION." Vice -Chairman Dempster MOVED to APPROVE the Resolution #2017-34, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the town clerk and entitled the "Adero Canyon, Phase II, Pad Application." Commissioner Hansen SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3/0. AGENDA ITEM # 3 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE #17- 10 AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HELLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 322 ACRES LOCATED AT 13300 N. EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE (AKA ADERO CANYON PARCELS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10) FROM "R1-43" AND "MF -PAD" TO "ADERO CANYON, PHASE II PAD". (CASE #Z2017-12) Chairman Dabrowski opened the public hearing at 5:34 p.m. Mr. Rodgers, Development Services Director, presented a staff report and a PowerPoint presentation, (Copy is on file in the Development Services Department) on the details of an application by MCO Properties and Toll Brothers for a Planned Area Development (PAD), Preliminary Plat, and Cut Fill Waivers for Adero Canyon Phase II located at 13300 N. Eagle Ridge Drive Mr. Rodgers said the property is currently owned by MCO Properties, and Toll Brothers will purchase it once the entitlement Page 1 of 4 process is completed. The Major General Plan Amendment was completed last December and now the applicant is asking for a recommendation to Council regarding the zoning, platting and cut and fill waivers required for the project to proceed. The request for rezoning will allow for smaller homes on smaller lots to create more open space areas. The project density will remain the same however unit count will be redistributed in the development and reducing the minimum lot size. Mr. Rodgers explained the proposed new Preliminary Plat follows the PAD's development plan. There are 205 home lots and 30 duplex townhouse units. Parcels nine and ten which are not included in the Preliminary Plat are designated as open space with no development. Mr. Rodgers displayed an exhibit showing the visible cut and fill areas that exceed ten feet. In order to develop the Preliminary Plat as proposed in the PAD, these areas and depths of cut and fill would be necessary. The main areas of cut waivers are along rear property lines. Most cut waivers max out around twenty-nine feet in order to allow level pads and small backyards. The main areas of fill waivers are at the right-of-way, wash crossings and most max out between twenty and thirty feet. Mr. Rodgers concluded that currently the rights and responsibilities for both Adero Canyon and Eagles Nest are included in a Settlement Agreement between the Town and MCO. This proposal will divide these rights and responsibilities into two different agreements the Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Final Settlement Agreement will address the Eagles Nest development. The Adero Canyon Phase II Development Agreement will address Adero Canyon. Staff recommends that the Commission vote to forward recommendations to Town Council to approve the PAD rezoning, the Preliminary Plat and the proposed cut/fill waivers as presented, subject to the staff report stipulations. Wendy Riddell of Berry Riddell LLC addressed the Commission. Ms. Riddell stated that tonight's request is to reduce the total number of units from three -hundred forty-three to three -hundred forty, replace custom home lots on all ridges to open space and reconfigure and reclassify land uses. Ms. Riddell displayed exhibits showing the reallocation of product type and preservation of scenic views. Vice -Chairman Dempster asked how many acres are in parcels nine & ten? Ms. Riddell replied Parcel nine is 82.121 acres and parcel ten is 12.159 acres. Commissioner Hansen asked for the total amount of units and if a trail was part of the open space. Ms. Riddell replied for Phase II there are 235 units. Combined Phase I and II were originally approved for three -hundred forty-three units but are now asking to reduce to three -hundred forty units total. The trailhead is planned near the open space with parking incorporated with the trailhead design. Chairman Dabrowski expressed concern regarding the amount of "cut" and how drastic and extreme it appears. Ms. Riddell explained the exhibits can be a bit deceiving. There are limited areas up to twenty-nine feet but they are located strategically and somewhat hidden. They are not visible from the public right of way. The amount of cut was minimized to the extent possible. Some are necessitated needing to cross washes or things like that. The cuts were very strategically placed. Vice -Chairman Dempster asked if there are studies on the undetermined flood zone areas. She said from a realtors' perspective it seems home owners would have to purchase flood insurance. Ms. Riddell said that (flood zone area information) could be worked out during the final plat and as to whether or not the zone would necessitate flood insurance, she could not answer. Page 2 of 4 Chairman Dabrowski asked if there were any requests to speak from the public and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were no more requests. ® Chairman Dabrowski closed the Public Hearing at 5:49 p.m. AGENDA ITEM # 4 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE #17-10, AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HELLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 322 ACRES LOCATED AT 13300 N. EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE (AKA ADERO CANYON PARCELS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10) FROM "R1-43" AND "MF -PAD" TO "ADERO CANYON, PHASE II PAD". (CASE #Z2017-12) Commissioner Hansen MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the ADERO Canyon Phase II PAD Zoning Amendment. Vice -Chairman Dempster SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3/0. AGENDA ITEM # 5 - CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAT FOR ADERO CANYON, PHASE II, A 235 DWELLING -UNIT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON 325 ACRES AND LOCATED IN ADERO CANYON PARCELS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, AND 10. (CASE # S2017-12) Commissioner Hansen MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the ADERO Canyon Phase II Preliminary Plat as presented. Vice -Chairman Dempster SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3/0. AGENDA ITEM # 6 - DISCUSSION WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF REGARDING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING DAY CHANGING FROM THURSDAYS TO TUESDAYS AT 5:30 P.M. Staff was asked to place this on an upcoming agenda. AGENDA ITEM # 7 - SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM # 8 - REPORT FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SENIOR PLANNER. Ms. Moore extended an invitation to the Commissioners to attend the mandatory Annual Open Meeting Law/ Conflict of Interest Training Work -Shop given by the Town Attorney. The training will be held at Town Hall on February 6, 2018, beginning at 4:30 PM. Ms. Moore said this is an opportunity for Commissioners to ask the Town Attorney questions related to open meeting law and conflicts of interest. AGENDA ITEM # 9 - ADJOURNMENT. Vice -Chairman Dempster MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 p.m. and Commissioner Hansen SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION BY: C—) Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski Page 3 of 4 ATTEST: PWA 0 nk Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 11th day of January, 2018 in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.. Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant ,7 Page 4 of 4 POST ACTION MEETING AGENDA �:1�j AIN Irl REVISED AGENDA 1/10/2018 REGULAR MEETING NOTICE o x z n OF THE � b �• is P►<<�'�� PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 9'�hat Commission Members: Chairman Amberieigh Dabrowski, Vice -Chairman Susan Dempster Commissioners: Erik Hansen and Christopher Jones Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a regular meeting, which is open to the general public, on January 11, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town's Councilmembers or various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. TIME: 5:30 P.M. — REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2018 WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 EAST AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Commission Recorder prior to the Commission's discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Recorder's position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Recorder or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers' statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Commissioners, Town Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. .Speakers may not (i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or (ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing, please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by (i) discretion of the Chairman upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the Commission at Meeting or (iii) the Chairman either prior to or during a Meeting. If you do not comply with these rules, i-ou will be asked to leave. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page I of 3 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski 5:30 P.M. MOMENT OF REFLECTION - Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski ROLL CALL - Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and (ii) is .subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Public" unless the matters are property noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public individual Commission members may (i) respond to criticism (ii) ask staff to review a matter or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission a_-enda. AGENDA ITEM(S) 1. CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes from December 07, 2017. APPROVED/O 2. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #2017-34, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the "Adero Canyon, Phase II, PAD Application."APPROVED 3/0 3. PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on ORDINANCE #17-10, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 322 acres located at 13300 N. Eagle Ridge Drive (AKA Adero Canyon Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10) from "R1-43" and "MF -PAD" to "Adero Canyon, Phase II PAD". (Case #Z2017-12) OPENED 5:34 PM CLOSED 5:49 PM 4. CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE #17-10, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 322 acres located at 13300 N. Eagle Ridge Drive (AKA Adero Canyon Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10) from "R1-43" and "MF -PAD" to "Adero Canyon, Phase II PAD". (Case #Z2017-12) APPROVED 3/0 5. CONSIDERATION of a proposed PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAT for Adero Canyon, Phase II, a 235 dwelling -unit residential subdivision on 325 acres and located in Adero Canyon Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. (Case # S2017-12) APPROVED 3/0 6. DISCUSSION with possible direction to staff regarding the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting day changing from Thursdays to Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. NO ACTION TAKEN 7. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Senior Planner.NO ACTION T 8. REPORT from Development Services Senior Planner. NO ACTION TAKEN Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 2 of 3 M41 1 9. ADJOURNMENT 5:55 PM -, Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished to the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Planning & Zoning Division of the Development Services Depar ent. DATED this 10`h day of January 2018. By: R ert dge , Development Services Manager, own ofFo fain Hills The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting. A majority of the Council Members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 , subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in rhich children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are 61 present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived. " Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 3of3 REGULAR MEETING NOTICE OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Commission Members: 11 Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski, Vice -Chairman Susan Dempster Commissioners: Erik Hansen and Christopher Jones Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a regular meeting, which is open to the general public, on January 11, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town's Councilmembers or various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. TIME: 5:30 P.M. —REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2018 WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 EAST AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a s eaker's card and submit it to the Commission Recorder prior to the Commission's discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Recorder's position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Recorder or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers' statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Commissioners, Town Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not (i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or (ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing, please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by (i) discretion of the Chairman upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the Commission at Meeting or (iii) the Chairman either prior to or during a Meeting. If you do not comply with these rules, )u will be asked to leave. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 1 of 3 AIN Z "bat is P.V�� Meeting Date: January 11, 2018 Agenda Type: Regular Staff Contact Information: N/A TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ❑ Planning and Zoning ❑ Board of Adjustment AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Division: Development Services REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVING THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 07, 2017. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A elated Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): The intent of approving previous meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at that meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website in compliance with state law. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to Approve the Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes dated December 07, 2017, as presented. Attachment(s): N/A Submitted by: 01/02/2018 Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Date Approved b 01/02/2018 Rob Rod evelopment Services Director Date Page 1 of 1 Meeting Date: January 11, 2018 Meeting Type: Regular Staff Contact Information TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ❑ Planning and Zoning ❑ Board of Adjustment AGENDA ACTION FORM Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director rrodgers fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #2017-34, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the "Adero Canyon, Phase II, PAD Application." PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on ORDINANCE #17-10, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 322 acres located at 3300 N. Eagle Ridge Drive (AKA Adero Canyon Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10) from "R1-43" and "MF - PAD" to "Adero Canyon, Phase II PAD". (Case #Z2017-12) CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE #17-10, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 322 acres located at 13300 N. Eagle Ridge Drive (AKA Adero Canyon Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10) from "R1-43" and "MF -PAD" to "Adero Canyon, Phase II PAD". (Case #Z2017-12) CONSIDERATION of a proposed PRELIMINARY MASTER PLAT for Adero Canyon, Phase II, a 235 dwelling -unit residential subdivision on 325 acres and located in Adero Canyon Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. (Case # S2017-12) Applicant: Jeff Nielsen, Toll Brothers Applicant Contact Information: 480-951-0782 Property Location: Adero Canyon Phase II 13300 N Eagle Ridge Drive Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Page 1 of 4 Adero Phase II P&Z 1/11/18 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: 2010 General Plan Chapter 3 — Land Use Map — (Figure 11) Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2 — Procedures Zoning Ordinance Chapter 23 — Planned Area Development Subdivision Ordinance Article 2 — Section 2.05 — Preliminary Plats Subdivision Ordinance Article 2 — Section 2.06 — Final Plats Subdivision Ordinance Article 5 — Section 5.03 — Cut & Fill Standards Staff Summary (background): SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Town of Fountain Hills McDowell Mountain Preserve (OSP) SOUTH: City of Scottsdale (Single -Family Residential) (R1-7, R1-18 & R1-43) EAST: Copperwynd Resort (R5 PUD) & Sunridge Canyon Open Space (OSR) WEST: City of Scottsdale Mountain Preserve (R1-43) PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT: (Adero Canyon Phase II PAD) The property is currently zoned for single and multi -family residential development. The R1-43 and MF -PAD zoning districts are currently affecting this property. Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, & 10 make up the approximately 322 acres that are proposed to be rezoned to "Adero Canyon Phase II PAD". The Adero Canyon Phase II PAD will change the residential product from single-family hillside custom lots and multi -family apartments to a mixture of townhouses, and single-family semi -custom lots. The overall project density will not change. .%..dero Canyon was originally approved for 343 custom hillside dwelling units. This approval was amended with the Adero Canyon PAD to 113 custom hillside homes, 61 semi -custom homes, 44 townhouses and 125 apartments. Currently, 61 Semi -Custom SF lots and 44 Townhouse units are under construction (105 units). O This Adero Canyon Phase II PAD will change the previous Adero Canyon PAD approvals as follows: Replace the remaining 113 SF hillside custom house lots and 125 apartments with; 205 Phase II PAD Semi -Custom SF lots (SC) 30 Phase II PAD Townhouses (TH) 235 TOTAL Adero Canyon Phase II dwelling units As a result of this Adero Canyon Phase II PAD, the total Adero Canyon unit count will actually be reduced by 3 dwelling units from 343 to 340 total dwelling units. The minimum zoning bulk and coverage controls for the new proposed Adero Canyon Phase II PAD districts are outlined in the attached table (see pages 44-45 of PAD). The corresponding site and architectural design standards will be established in the HOA's CCRs and will compliment the designs used in the currently developing portions of Adero Canyon. Page 2 of 4 Adero Phase 11 P&Z 1/11/18 PRELIMINARY PLAT: The proposed Preliminary Plat entitled "Adero Canyon Parcels 2-6" is a 226.1+ acre area within Adero Canyon Phase II. The five affected parcels, which are not changing in size or shape, range in size from 18.6 acres to 61.6 acres. Phase II parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 will contain a total of 205 single-family house lots that meet the criteria of the "SC" zoning district as previously developed in Parcels 1 and 7 of Phase I. Parcel 6 will also contain 30 single-family "attached" lots that will meet the criteria of the "TH" zoning district as previously developed in Parcel 8 of Phase I. Parcels 9 and 10, which are also part of Adero Canyon Phase II, are not being platted by this Preliminary Plat and are being designated as Open Space consistent with the proposed PAD and the previously approved General Plan Amendment. Eagle Ridge Drive will be extended from its current end point near the beginning of Parcel 2 for approximately 1 mile to the location of the town's Central Trailhead which is currently under construction. The Preliminary Plat does not create any buildable lots at this time. It is administrative in nature and is designed to meet the guidelines set forth in State statutes in order to create a legal document which will define the development boundaries of the parcels. Whenever a development is proposed staff must review the request against the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan Land Use Map to determine if the proposal is compatible with those documents and the long-term goals of the Town. The General Plan was amended to allow for the proposed shift i residential densities on December 19, 2017. The Zoning designations must still be amended (See attached PAD proposal) in order to allow for this development currently being proposed. CUT/FILL WAIVERS: As with any mountainside development proposal, This Preliminary Plat has identified specific areas of cut or fill that exceed the allowable 10' maximums. The areas have been identified on the attached exhibit and waivers have been requested to allow for Phase II lot and roadway development as proposed. The majority of the cut waiver areas are located along the rear property lines of the proposed lots. The majority of the fill waiver areas are located along roadway/wash crossings. AGREEMENTS This section is for the Planning & Zoning Commission's general information only. The Commission will not be asked to make recommendations regarding these Agreements. AMENDED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT: Prior to this application, the town entered into an agreement with the current property owner (MCO) that outlined the development potential of both Eagles Nest and Adero Canyon (Settlement Agreement). The agreement outlines the numerous responsibilities and conditions for both the developer and the town during the development process. With this application, the Settlement Agreement is being amended to remove all references and obligations regarding Adero Canyon. The Settlement Agreement will hereafter only deal with the 'ligations related to Eagles Nest. Page 3 of 4 Adero Phase I1 P&Z 1/11/18 ADERO CANYON PHASE II DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: Simultaneous with the Amendment to the existing Settlement Agreement, a new Development Agreement will be entered into between the Town and Adero Canyon Phase II (Toll Brothers). The Adero Canyon Phase II Development Agreement will reassign the existing Adero Canyon responsibilities and obligations to the new owners and will also require development in accordance with the new Adero Canyon Phase II PAD. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the "Adero Canyon Phase II PAD" Zoning Amendment will allow the currently allowed residential density to be re -allocated within the remaining parcels while not affecting the overall residential dwelling unit density of Adero Canyon. It will also create consistency between the proposed "Adero Canyon Phase II PAD" zoning and the previously approved General Plan Land Use Map. Approval of the Preliminary Plat will be consistent with the General Plan and PAD also. Denial of these proposals will require that the applicants re-evaluate their proposal and re -design according to the reasons for denial or, denial may cause the applicants to abandon the project. Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): Approval of the Planned Area Development (Adero Canyon Phase II PAD) will create no fiscal impact to the town. Approval of the Preliminary Plat will create no fiscal impact to the town. Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council for approval of the Adero Canyon Phase II PAD Zoning Amendment as presented. staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council for approval of the Adero Canyon Phase II Preliminary Plat as presented and including the Cut/Fill Waivers as depicted in the "Adero Canyon Cut Exhibit", and as further described in the "Adero Canyon Phase 2 Cut and Fill Waiver Request Narrative". SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Move to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Adero Canyon Phase II PAD Zoning Amendment as presented. Move to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Adero Canyon Phase II Preliminary Plat as presented, including the Cut/Fill Waivers as outlined in the staff report. Attachment(s): Application Proposed Adero Canyon Phase II PAD Booklet Proposed Adero Canyon Phase II Preliminary Plat Proposed Cut/Fill Waiver Exhibit and Narrative Submitted by: ?Q ert Roca e� rs 1/2/2018 Development Services Director Date Page 4 of 4 o VI" .04 DO Not write in t ist pace —official use only Filing Date Nal / Accepted By E. Iw�Q Fee Accepted 401, G,L',1/ M Case Manager 13nb &dn�✓5 The Town of Fountain Hills 08-29-17PO4:17 RCVD PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - APPLICATION Abandonment (Plat or Condominium)Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Area Specific Plan & Amendments Concept Plan Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver HPE Change or Abandonment a. Ordinance (Text Amendment) Planned Unit Development I Preliminary / Final Plat Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) Rezoning (Map) Special Use Permit & Amendments Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit (Median Fee, if applicable) Variance 4 Other rrcwtc i NAMt / NArURE OF PROJECT: I%w LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat NameADERO CANYON PROPERTY ADDRESS: Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 10A of Adero Canyon PARCEL SIZE (Acres)322.4 NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED340 EXISTING ZONING PAD :JO ASSESSOR OARCEL NUMBER TRACTS 340 PROPOSED ZONING PAD 1G ZiGIG, ; fr attached ` A licant Mrs. Wendy Riddell; Berry Riddell LLC Day Phone 480-682-3902 Mr. Ms. Address: 6750 E Camelback Road, #100 City: Scottsdale State: AZ Zip: 85251 Email: wr@berryriddell.com Owner Mrs. Adero Canyon II LLC Day Phone Mr. Ms. Address: 13620 N Saguaro Blvd, Suite 200 City: Fountain Hills State: AZ Zip: 85268 If application is being submitted by someone other than the o weer of the property under consideration, the section be%w must be completed. ADE CANYON II LLC SIGNATURE OF OWNER CS"I DATE August , 2017 M. Emily Madison, Treasu I HEREBY AUTHORIZE TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print S dwbe remh�1(itclayof n l 5+ ,20 t `7 My Commission Ex Ires 7Su I v I Ia D a Zb Notary PublicF=�"n UNIS TOINETTE FONTENOT ry Public, State of Texas APPLICATION # m. Expires 07-11-2020I ?—doly — G1 fT ao��--ov-~�?-�o��df 34/ 00 Notary ID 5779008 341-50. PHASE II PAD Application PARCELS 2, 3, 41 5, 61 9,10 & l0A August 28, 2017 2ND SUBMISSION: October 18, 2017 S Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (Toll `Brothers America's Luxury Home Builder" SWABACK PARTNERS Plic / ,jechre•oonning•Inivo,oeQn �s � g ��� t 4Ek jl+� �e ��� � `\ I y/' � ^� i. - !�; . . � _ _e,J,., _ �_ —" ':. � .: � } .��— �� p �� `�' �"' ..�+f ..._.--- ____.J Applicant Team C Toll Brothers Inc. (on behalf of Adero Canyon II, LLC) 8767 E. Via de Ventura Suite #390 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 T: 480-951-0782 Contact: Mr. Jeff Nielsen, Director of Land Acquisitions • Berry Riddell LLC (Land Use Attorney) 6750 E. Camelback Rd. Suite #100, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 T: 480-682-3902 F: 480-385-2757 Contact: Ms. Wendy R. Riddell, Esq. • Swaback Partners (Planning and Design) 7550 East McDonald Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 T: 480.367.2100 F: 480.367.2101 Contact: Mr. Jeffrey Denzak, Partner • Sustainability Engineering Group, LLC (Civil Engineering) 8280 E. Gelding Dr. Suite 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 T: 480.588.7226 Contact: Ali Fakih Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development PROJECT INFORMATION 3 Wiiic design. They are intended to provide visual exam •ry . provide �- xr, 'rations, and / or stCetch imagery are conceptus in nature an ples and aspirations of the intended design and development • TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 1 Introduction p 7 4-• a. The Applicant b. Adero Canyon C. The Proposed Planned Area Development d. Legal Description 2 The Site and Context p 24 a. Site Conditions b. Location Map C. Topography d. Slope Analysis e. Major Vegetative Cover f. Drainage, Streams and Water Ponding g. Natural Features 3 Development Objectives p 42 a. Design Philosophy b. Land Uses & Development Standards C. Community Theme d. Architectural Concepts e. Grading Standards f. Sewer System g. Water System h. Circulation / Streets Plan i. Site Design and Landscape j. Open Space Improvements k. Signage I. Transition from Existing Context M. Compliance with Existing Agreements n. Community Property Owners Association 4 Positive Impact on Fountain Hills p 80 a. Population and Schools b. Traffic and Streets C. Public Utilities d. Trails & Trailhead Access e. Fire and Life Safety f. Economic Impact 5 Compatibility with the General Plan p 82 b Phasing Plan n 92 7 A Note on Sustainabilify p 94 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development J ti 1 a . LAo yy. ji '• 41♦ .�„ ' i IN } Ab IV v Y� .1 v 3 � „{� , ' fir• • .. t d i l:kL ! -P Y SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 7 1. INTRODUCTION a. The Applicant Toll Brothers has entered into an agreement with Adero Canyon II, LLC (the current property owner) to purchase the remaining undeveloped lands within Adero Canyon. This agreement is contingent on all associated approvals and Town agreements necessary to allow Toll Brothers to secure new entitlements based on the following refined development plan for the community. As such, Adero Canyon II, LLC, has legally granted Toll Brothers the authority to submit this Planned Area Development (PAD) as well as the associated documentation. Based on the above parameters, Toll Brothers is the identified "Applicant" of this PAD document. Toll Brothers, a publically traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), is a national industry leader in building high-end luxury oriented master plan communities. This award winning Fortune 500 company is well known for embracing a dedicated commitment to quality, customer service and design excellence. For the past three years in a row, Toll Brothers has been ranked the #1 home builder worldwide on the Fortune Magazine "World's Most Admired Companies" list. Toll Brothers has developed numerous successful and award winning communities throughout the Phoenix Valley over the past two decades proven to be attractive to families. Lead by Bob Flaherty, Division President, Toll's core focus has been in North Scottsdale and the northeast valley and has resulted in several celebrated communities such as Windgate Ranch, Saguaro Estates and most recently Talon Ranch. Toll Brothers is very familiar with Adero Canyon. Over the past three years, Toll Brothers has contracted with Adero Canyon II, LLC on the purchase of two key parcels within Adero Canyon (Parcels 1 and 7). These two neighborhood enclaves (Hawkeye and Stoneview) are currently being developed by Toll Brothers, including several active home sales. The initial development effort has been very successful. Toll Brothers' model home at Stoneview- "The Sullivan" (a new residence designed specifically for the Adero project) was recently awarded the Home of the Year Award by the Pacific Coast Builders Conference for planning, home design and construction excellence. "The Parker", Toll's second model at Adero was also awarded a Grand Award. The winners were selected from over 600 entries worldwide. "This Home of the Year should be applauded and serve as a standard for all as an example of not compromising design and showing what's possible in housing today." PCBC Design Jury, July 2017 Toll Brothers looks to expand on this success with the proposed refined development strategy for Adero Canyon. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 8 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION b. Adero Canyon Adero Canyon (formerly referred to as Eagle Ridge North) is a 432 acre box canyon adjacent to the McDowell Mountains with exceptional views of the southwest valley. In 2014, MCO Properties coordinated with the Town of Fountain Hills and submitted a redevelopment plan, that was approved by the Town and became the basis for the recently completed initial phase of site improvements on the property as well as the first three neighborhood enclaves currently being built -out (two Toll Brothers neighborhoods and a Camelot Homes neighborhood of single family attached homes). Over the past three years, the elite custom home buyers continued to evade the housing market. National housing trends continue to show that the market for large custom estates has dwindled and concurrently, new home buyers are looking for smaller homes, homes with less maintenance and lock and leave housing options. These trends also align with what's been occuring in the Phoenix Valley. Based on Toll Brothers' national experience, particular knowlege of Phoenix housing trends and their current commitment to Adero Canyon, Toll believes that the proposed development plan will position Adero Canyon for significant success over the coming years and become an important brand asset for all of Fountain Hills. I Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 3 Approved 21 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development ki SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 9 10 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION c. Proposed Planned Area Development The proposed PAD encompasses 325 acres, or 75% of the total Adero Canyon property area. The accompanying exhibits (Proposed Zoning exhibit on page 1 1) visually show the extent of the proposed amendment area. The majority of the "core" area of the property (in white) is not part of the PAD and represents those areas that have been recently improved and part of current Toll Brothers and Camelot Homes development and sales efforts. The PAD will again refine the residential product mix within the boundaries identified and go from large custom hillside lots to a mixture of more traditional housing products. Specifically, this request is to amend the following: 1. Go from a currently approved unit count of 238 down to 235 units. A portion of these units are shifting to the northwest area of the property where buildable areas are more conducive (the total unit count, for both the Phase I PAD and the Phase II PAD goes from 343 previously approved units down to 340 units). Previously Approved PAD and Master Plan allowed for the following Semi -Custom Home units: 61 Townhome units: 44 Total Units Previous Approved: 105 Proposed Phase II PAD is as follows Semi -Custom Home Units: Townhome Units 205 30 Total Units Requested: 235 2. Remove all the proposed custom lots up along the ridges (in the most difficult hillside terrain) and place the majority of that land area within an open space category to remain natural desert- totaling 167 acres, almost 51 % of the PAD area (40% of the total development area) would go from privately held land to preserved open space. 3. Reconfigure and reclassify residential land uses (including the semi -custom designation and the townhome designation approved with the previous PAD) to better fit within the physical context of the land as well as better align with home buyer preferences and market conditions. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development r7 SCOTTSDALE EXISTING ZONING SCOTTSDALE PROPOSED ZONING SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 11 The accompanying exhibits illustrate the difference in zoning relative to the current and proposed conditions. The key changes to zoning go from R 1-43 to OSR (Open Space Recreation) and to the proposed Semi -Custom lot designation and the Townhome designation per this document. The other significant zoning change goes from Multi -family to OSR. In addition to the PAD, the applicant will be submitting concurrently a proposed Major General Plan Amendment based on coinciding proposed refinements to the Town's General Plan. All these applications and associated submittals will include careful coordination with the Town's ,rr Attorney relative to updates to the associated Development Agreement (under separate cover). Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development ii Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 - Existing Zoning Y eierM W{khnWl Oievk4 it-'yll I t W peu 19D WU W e O R1J3 / t du pa {3.560 W n R13511 W pet M.000 p n Q^ Rt -16l 1 du per ,8.000 W n �J R1-1011 de per ,0.000 W n =R11 I 1 du per 8 OCO W 6 R1-6 per 8.000 W n "Y Ree10eMM101elrlcb M-, 11 du per SM5 W n _ M.] 110u per {,368 W B _ M-31 l du W 3.630 WB _ R.2 / 1 du per 1,000 W n _ R-311 du per 3,000 W n _R4/1dpr 2.ODO WB _ R-511 a per V40 W n comeercbl DIeNcY Go / cemm.e.l olr QGc 1 comma_ Conmeruei Gt r r.eon6prt,rod cpmme.rrei _ G2 / kMMrlefd.eee commercui _ G31 Dernre� f raN 1 DIeMN INO-, I Pmnned InOueBrei i IND -2, LQ. kicue6W 7CCD I Taw. Cernn� _ L1l VeryLw Denelq Lodpirig _ L.2 / Lou. D r ft todginy _�--I L3 Medium DentitY tod®mg UT L=1 !/UMy Menetlor�l DbWct ODR / Open Space Reoeetional L—� p9e I Open 9pece Geruerra'wn Dpen SI., P�eanmivi 1111 POunipin HRls Juricdi i ..i Buund ,r PZ;;;q Arlerwl ROW slate Hgh-y 12 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION The resulting plan puts in place a "Conservation Community", a strategy to group development areas more closely together and, at the same time, dedicate a substantial amout of perimeter property area (which in the case of Adero Canyon had been previously planned for private ownership and development) to protected open space which allows for the use as part of community trails and connectivity. Conservation Communities are a fairly recent trend in the development industry and we think this refined strategy for Adero Canyon aligns very well with the targeted buyer profile who is passionate about living in special environments that include a significant amount of protected open space. 4. Change Adero Parcels 9 and 10 totally to Open Space Recreation. 5. Eagle Ridge Drive is dedicated as a public right of way from the entrance of Adero Canyon to the proposed/ future trailhead at the northern end of the Canyon. Eagle Ridge Drive and the meandering trail (previously approved and established in the 2014 PAD and installed per the most recent site improvements) shall be completed as part of the associated construction in the remaining parcels as required by the Development Agreement. 6. New Disturbance Allowances shall be established in the associated Development Agreement based on agreements between the Town and the Applicant. Because the Applicant is committed to removing a substantial amount of land area from private property (app'oximately 167 acres) and placing it into community oriented open space, the resulting orchestrated development scenario strategically located in more buildable areas will require an additional disturbance allowance. This amount shall be determined, identified and agreed to through the Development Agreement and the preliminary plats. 7. Exceptions to the Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance shall be allowed per the plans and exhibits included herein and as permitted by the Development Agreement. In addition, this shall include those allowances approved in the previous PAD with the intent of carving out the same degree/ level of variance moving forward in order to execute future development in the same quality as the most recently completed development. This encompasses cut and fill waivers, on -street parking, roadway curb standards, sidewalks, street signage, retaining wall standards, trail surface treatments. Due to the much steeper topography than in Phase I, cut and fill waivers are anticipated to cover much more extensive areas, with higher maximum cut/fill depths for these lots, with the specifics to be provided at the time of preliminary plat. Once the PAD, Major GPA and Development Agreement are secured and approved by Council, The Town Manager shall have the administrative authority with respect to the intent of these documents to grant such exceptions and waivers necessary in his sole discretion to construct the work to the same degree and level of excellence as the current construction. 40 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 14 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION Existing Plan Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 15 is Prosed Pian A Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development ,\pR ECTS\TOLL &GONERS\fDERO CMYON EOUNTNN NAI.i 17EE01\I7 M (SEG)\11.2 EHII%DW-RINIMC\rn¢r PUT-DNG NORTH —_ AQ RJR AMR ASN OF 0 0 0 a$ a 3$ q!z om s Ali tiY-m � A ww 1 1 F2 g HS" NORT-00 El�fppE'� - i IHINH A R PE;3ili,� ! F5 Y y g D P D Y PROJECT AMM CWYDN oll Brothers "� r `�EEJ,C SEG SUSTAINABILITY ENGINEERING�g GROUP E $ g S Y LOCATION 1- EWM�M HILLS. Al 11- AMFRICA'S LUXURY HOME BVILDE cw i¢ �eow�ae 7 X:\PR3JM\RXL W ME \XXRD CANYON POLWAN IR)5 170001\11 CID (SEG)\112 ENMILNENT-PLANNM\PRELM PLATowc MATCHLINE SHEET PP1 I v iyg a � 0, 1_ p 11 o N o �N w l jj MAT CHCINESHEET pp3 r �o SS ! ! 1 p L* Ll, > ] } j PROJECT P P 1 �DERO CRRON E ! oft Brotf yy F(]UMAN RXWWN MiS AI 80480 AMERICA -5 LUXURY HOME T16 qW WR1G 6nR I18lPIX.iM0i�1VIR/JLTELROf6RY0FA6TPR1Ml)IYFI1GREf11NGQdM,MD)INLLRFMMIT1MRtlIafIY. THF U)FOfT160PPNnNGLW10ERF)1RICRI SEGSUSTAINABILITY EN 6POUPING'y 1#1 X:\MWECrS\Ed1 9RJTNBEVCERO CWM FOWAIN HILLS 170501\II CAD (SEC)\11.7 DAMEMBR-PANNING\FREIu PIAT.GNG �%aft MArCHIINSSHEEr PP2 a6 e j PROJECT F � � AOERJ cwra _ LOCATM 8 Jill TUNTN IROS. A7 9578E 8 \7 c C/ SUSTAINABILITY ENGINEERING 1-011 Brother SEG _ AMERICA'S LYMYNY NOMff DOILDB w.xv K9W.CCM iEL. bO.E!l.YY3BROIZ�i fi1116DMNxiG51NLLYREAPICIEDlOT1EgUC NRLSIIEfOR W11101rt61TEYMFDND W BIIfAIIONTHREOF6E161E4LYLIMR®TOSlUlU4. 1�z X:\PRMM\TOLL BROTHERS\>OERO WON EOUNTAN HILLS 170801\T1 CAD (SEG)\T 13 ENITLENENT-RIANNINO\BRELIN PLAT DWG 1 MATCHLINE SHEET PP3 ..l. Boom Mae �`— MATCHL //VE Sl,,,ETpP I b I j0 ji, R a o 0 m � N I B if�;�;�; 9 9 i DDDD ! RC 1 SUSTAINABILITY 11HLOCATION Noll Brother SEG E" GROUPNEEING Sx, pp Hone BUILDER ROUNINI W. A2 65286 lu vaw uscc can re� nao Bee Tae imrwesxo C0C0 .,.��„o.,.,�„r.....R,o,.�.�.Kaow�ee„�,��.�.naR.a,.,w�nr..r�.�e.rr..ynueweu wEwx�ww.�rtrc.nrugomsauvnncswieeusm�oromeowr�xusnEwnwt�rtavnewumunrueirararvTreuaaow ss<ruNn®Town usc. �w E0 X:\PRDJECTS\TOLL 8ROTHER9\ODERO C M7N FGUMNH HIUS 170901\II CID (SEG)\113 EN1111DIEM-PLANING\PRE1.1111 PLAT 5-9.D'BG MATCHUNE SHEET PP4 'T """l""" 11 IIB i I I t PROJECT 0 � AOERO CYDVN ' LOCA710N € J R pp C a FWNTAN HW. A2 99289 t_.r imisom SUSTAINABILITY Moll Brothers ` SEG ENGINEERING AMERICA'S LUXURY HOME BUILDER GROUPS p �' THEugo'THBouwxGswLExaTnnEBroTHEDRrau�snER)f1Y.lO1R6N6DMRONgweuCATXXiTHFR1nf 6E�RfSAYUNrRDrovJO1 usE. ea A I I• F ISI e o e a � � a SUSTAINABILITY Moll Brothers ` SEG ENGINEERING AMERICA'S LUXURY HOME BUILDER GROUPS p �' THEugo'THBouwxGswLExaTnnEBroTHEDRrau�snER)f1Y.lO1R6N6DMRONgweuCATXXiTHFR1nf 6E�RfSAYUNrRDrovJO1 usE. n • %.\PROJECTS\TOLL BROTNERS\ADERV CANYON FOUNTAIN RIIS 1MWI\I7 Cb (SEC)\113 EMMLWf-RIH•N)\AaIY PLAT'.- M I MATCHLINE SHEET PP7 LCICATION E E• h Iq 0 o e m x II SEG 1 r SUSTAINABILITY NG Moll Brothers S E ENGINEERING $� ERICA'S LUXURY HOME BUILDER GRoI��BS o mEugaETHsovwwRa;vuu aE �smlcRnroiHcoPx+Nuv1E wxxwlRsmmramuoMieuunonT�EuaysmrEEarwmorowausE. c\vxw[ci�\iuu ewnne O . - -.. Mlu -.\II u'U lxq\1 i., cninurva-�umw.\�nua rui �- • 966133HS 3NIlt1� MATCHUNESHEETPP8 • F ISI 0 o e m it gill, p DDDR 6 e= a CTS y A i SUSTAINABILITY 8 SEG I �f ENGINEERING LO - OFTIC 'rollBrothers \VVI N GROUP 9 - 5 AM{AICA'{LU%URV HOME BUILDER �='*Ll ' e 1 Y GWMIN HW. A2 BSME —UE MaDR„— 116 DA%WNf 6MIf61R1/.EN�O:IIRVIQINDIHE RRDR9DYDi46TAwHU1YFMRmRNGGRDUR, A'DBHRLLRERWITIDRIROIBIIY. T1FUg0FlIRORPWINGYWlL0ER6iR�ClmTD1HEDPofiRK311EPoI1M'�KlID61RF➢PRDJPW R1011UtNW 1HEICOi6DD1E4LYDMD®lDLld UY If X:\PRWECrS\TOLL BROTNEAS\AOERO CANYON FOUNTAIN NULLS 110801\11 CID (SEG)\I73 ERORLIIENT-PANNING\PRELN MT YYAMC a� 0 NORTH � ` � r •• y \- /G I P. 'Alev x 44AI-CHL11VE81lLcETpp9 \ r f = MINN - 3 p D D D R S ! E PIPES PROJECT IYON _ P ! _ MSUSTAINABILITY $A 'roll Brothers SEG ENGINEERING 3^ LOCATION LUXURY NOME BUILDER GROUP s 9 — AMERICA'S LUMU LUER > 1 f011110�1 ILS. K &51G8 FE k\PRDJECR\T(EL 8R0TNERSV9ERO GW VON IouMNN HILLS 110801\I1 UD (SEC)\11.2 ENfRIEWW-PWlNING\PREW PUT ".DWG MArCH(l 44011,�� EFT PP 8 \`.. ti�a ao . / o g •: `�W �- MArCH(l 44011,�� EFT PP 8 \`.. �- ( 2f25 rr NORTN pig - - �,�;�:'�a�s 3 n D D D D h = PROJECT E ' �' /DERa GVTNaII SUSTAINABILITY - SEG ++ ���--++ ENGINEERING s�`x LOCATION oll Brother �7 E V GROUP ~" s 9 AMERICA'S LUXURY NOME WILDE+� �L y y iWI1LY1 NR1S, K 852fiE ,xrt�w.wwRRax vKnX».FxrncaRnaarnTxe wroNxmlPvmuNAaun exr.—OHOUTANnvwuRuwrtNDRPRDPertr. --—EE weminmromeaw-irwsmrawiolrt¢PwsNaowowaumN,lEuaswmiuxun111rorosuausE. • x.\PRMM\TOLL \ADELD CWYCN 1 UTM Nus 170501\I1 M (SEG)\II.2 DMEMENT-PUNNING\PREUN Pur IG-i!owG /r NORTH 1 / f 3116�1•Egg'�y6g � � _ J I 1 �illia3c MATCHLINE SHEET F71 I o • F �I e o 0 a I 0 A PROIICT P F ! 2M WON SUSTAINABILITY — ENGINEERING - �7an� 'roll Brother SEG GROUP AMIRICA'i LUXURY XOMI BUILCI > i 1 FWNfN! NILS. Al BSYBE ,wc�.w,,.r. R.u.m�nwanarsarvn.NOTNev�nrazmuwauner�newxoawv.uas�w�nuvwTMunmovErtn. �ugaixswwwiwvuueeusmic mron�valrawvrewnvMa rts�wseneo,vowwuxwNnencaysv�ammr ummu.owa usr. L • x \RIDIECMTXL RMTTHER \U M 01X0.0.1 FOUNTAIN HILLS 170801\11 CAD (SEDT\112 EWffnEKr-PLAWNG\PRFW RAT 10-11.00.0 • t\Ri0MC15\ttXl RROiNER \U w OWYGN FOUNTAIN KILLS 170801\11 M (SEC)\112 EXIMDA)II-RAKING\PRIVY RAT 10-1/.0K o 11 € # m A o _ , r r v-% Ao5 i NX: m Iy 44ATCH(INESHEET pp` e z ' �0 NORTN \9 1' 9 a DDDD 14 PROJE ADM susTalNnRnrtr F roll Brother SEG ENGINEERING 9 9 LOCAPON AMBRICF'S LUXURY HOME BUILDE RO'u H-e5z5o R f 1 RMIXLYH-Ai 85768 iwR rnawinrrtnx Esmwt<xlOi411YIINUMRtl19fttOFAbTNNW1YRICilE9WFGMUE.MOSIWLRFIAMlT18RRIOIFMM1. TEUYOf T16 PAWINGSWil Y11F51RE'ROTOIMEQgNNSRE WR'MOI R6RIVNEDNARIRK 1pRriEREDf 6EI61E4LYlIMIINTO5UU1 UY. 0 • z:\PPMMc TOLL ROTHERSVDERD WMN EOUNTNN HILLS 170801\11 CAD (SEG)\11.2 ENfM.DW-RUW"\PREUW PLAT 10-14.owc pp12 of cn m� _rd YA ,ac / g , �A ism114T�� &'►�yF 00 " J — ADERO CANYON DRIVE = g� A� N w r :< asp 1 1 mUTI ll� NORTH 31 � S S s < �i.jl Eqqe Lg R e D D D PROJECT A � P p � ! i � rDERo wrrox SUSTAINABILITY oll Brother SEG ENGINEERINGE§ s EocnnoN HOME B GROUP f E Fi Jill 'AMWMICA'3 LUMUFv uiLDE wnNv usEn.caB TEE.,Eow.Tm imruenso FWNINN HILL$, IS 65268 3 TH6CuwvG 6nN iN5T11UMFMOEEENVEFANDME MbVBrtTOEEufTNNRMIIry ENC XEEPoNGCgUV,ANOSH4LRENMW THEM P�PERfT. TIEU4 DETHE6DMWINGCYNL6f REARIC,mrtITNEDPAXN.511ERM WIEpEB6M1AMIDIJDRIBNUTIDNTIFR�E6BPPIIYTIIM1Hf®1051KNU5E L %:\PRDJECrS\TDLL BROTHERS\<DM GWY(N! EOUNTA HILLS 170801\ll tl0 (SEG)\11.2 ENT16ENW-PLVMMG\PRELN PIAT M-14.0106 MATCHLINE SHEET PP15 9 9 e DDDD a ��I� PROJECT 0 P ! SUSTAINABILITY SEG ENGINEERING "sF' - 'roll Brother=v. LOCATION „one au GROUP AMERICA'S LU%UHY f > fWNfN! NILLS, /S &Si88 ....c w.�u.r-a suwcrw w�ur.savwsunY.swwmrnEart'Eawawim EMauEERIRc cROuv.aOSWULREMANTIDRVN0vFR1Y. THEUYDFiH15 DAAWINGSINLLEE RESTNE:ffOTOTXEDRgNALNE F]RWlgl R6{PVRREDNDR191K lK%1111ERFDF6EDPIESAY UMREDT05+L1USe. IN .J x:\PROJECTS\TOIL 9POTHM\CM W" FWAN %LLS 17=1\II CAD (SEC)\I11 DMlfW-P jNG\PREIIN Pur Is-MWG a n z m m m m v v J ,�i S S � I I • j�! O 0 e �� 7 I s m 9 C) x r z m x m v v PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY ENGINEERING LOCAPN Toll Brothers SC GROUP AMERICA'S LUXURY HONE —LOER E J FgINIAM MILLS. Al 85288 vuw. usEom ,EL. uo.see.,m imN.mMo K\PxaccTs\TOLL BRo1NER5 WM CA" FOUNTAIN HILLS 17=1\11 M (4C)\112 DMrLD M-PLAHIIm6\PRELM PLAT 15-190Xo NORTH I I pp IL F� � � I�• h 19 0 o e m�� g PROIE` oll Brothe SUSTAINABILITY ENGINEERING ENG S E GROUP d � "3Y LOCATION HILLS. A285269 § gRNINdN AMRRICA'R LUXURY NOMR RUILOR WN:1. Az6m.caU reL. uo xe.im tlm0 0 <_m_____ __e _w«_,______, DWG AM {�| ■ / f \ ��,,�R.�-,■,% � | § § ■ � i .» AD=w� _mNA.� ! | | \ me �1 Bfo her SEG" 6O '° f \■ � ,! ®■K| _ �._ ©- , \vawccrs\TOLL BROTHERS\AFRO CgMN aOUWTNN HILLS 171801\11 CO (SCG)\11.7 [NIII1DM-%µWNG\PITUM aur 20-I4.OwG \` 0 IM a nm Tf Nff y'a % v / ' l 1/J} i r "+e e EjCed)S+�` DD©©� e 9 9 e 6 �iB�PPROJEEC�T \` 0 IM a nm Tf Nff y'a % v / ' l 1/J} i E �1 SUSTAINABILITY C�lw^J ENGINEERING wxn. usm.ca. ROUP "+e e EjCed)S+�` DD©©� e 9 9 e 6 �iB�PPROJEEC�T �� E �1 SUSTAINABILITY C�lw^J ENGINEERING wxn. usm.ca. ROUP X.\PROJCCIS\TOLL BROTHERS\A7ERO CAHYON FOUNTAIN HILLS 170601\11 W (SEG)\11.2 MATO M-RAMII APREW PUT 20 -24 -DRG I � N Y a a u ! P � l� � � I% "� ✓' r � c�i, �� -moi" 1 " RIF iii/ w. Y a a u ! P � l� � � I% "� ✓' r � c�i, �� -moi" 1 " 9 ' 10 7jT3 Pte° 1A LU{ -1 HILLS, 12 65268 AMRRICA'S LUXURY --- 1 11 11 I SEG SEN GROUPINGr 3E� s3 01, RotTeMLE, MIZttN!!1® � NVNl. K9LO.CCY 1EL. iii/ 9 ' 10 7jT3 Pte° 1A LU{ -1 HILLS, 12 65268 AMRRICA'S LUXURY --- 1 11 11 I SEG SEN GROUPINGr 3E� s3 01, RotTeMLE, MIZttN!!1® � NVNl. K9LO.CCY 1EL. s • %\MECI5\TOL BROTKERS\ADER0 Wo 1aNfuN HILLS 170801\11 CID (SEC)\11.2 EN Mj3iM-%NNINC\MN MT 20-20'MG 11 " �I :\'��y 'ENV „ 1 I ii( O if .. �/ lr✓- v I y wA O� p 9 DD D R a �i9� F- oil — -- p SEG SUSTAINABILITY �L Brothers ENGGROUV ANFnICn'S LUxURv HOME BUILOEnLLS. A2 &5288 O1. EcortawLE rnlmrwemao 'ENV „ 1 I ii( O if .. �/ lr✓- v I y wA O� p P11 m \, 1 9 DD D R a �i9� F- oil — -- p SEG SUSTAINABILITY �L Brothers ENGGROUV ANFnICn'S LUxURv HOME BUILOEnLLS. A2 &5288 O1. EcortawLE rnlmrwemao X\PMECTS\TML MMM\ADM WON MMAN HKIS 170801\jj CA (Sl E7MUNEfr-PLANNING-0 -0 -24W it 0 U; v 07 F- 14_ x R, 0 M 0 7 -n N p. m > Ln 0 _Ato 1/0 WWII, A CT LOCI IIN FOUWAM 1110. AZ 95288 AMERICA'S LUXURY .- SUSTAINABILITY R�LITY ENGINEERING N EE NG SEG GGI GROUP DO 1/0 WWII, A CT LOCI IIN FOUWAM 1110. AZ 95288 AMERICA'S LUXURY .- SUSTAINABILITY R�LITY ENGINEERING N EE NG SEG GGI GROUP k\I*JECA\TOLL 8MM 5\0R0 MON raxrud HUus 1100D1U+ CAD (SEG)\111 EKMDJW-Pu"1NG\NEuu PUT 20-24,D c f /"h -7 monis i r 7 119 �_ /tiycP 'T �' SBse�er��••515 -� ��, ��.� �' i �' ��. ;'����.- Z Q m LF cn C) D I Tl �.' -� �. r• i� (�i �Z / I r `II 1 i;l 3 e DDDR e j PROAc p p ! SEG r SUSTAINABILITY p y oll Brothers �rIJ� C ENGINEERING LL 4 p LOCATON GROUP AMGIIICA•S LUXURY NOME BUILDER R i" FOIINIAN HILLS. AZ 85268 emoEaELw ou'rel wsuE. rn�zaNA roxo _�__...___...��... �........ ae...�.v�...c � ncU rcraNMunvENGINEDUNG AIXIv, ANDSWLLRfMAiNiHEIRVR0RR11'.TIEUSFDiTrt W'MMGLYIL9F REnMK'IEDTDTMEpE�W1LIE R]IIM'1Ed R6PREOMFDANONIBIKI�TgN1NEREUc6D�M,SAYLIMIt®RISUtl1,I5E a -Aliadoid ay} jo ea.ie Aaana ssoa:)e }no pagolaals juawdolanap pey }eyj ueld snolnaad ayl woa j Aeme 2u!AOW }o leOB @qI yl!M IIy •IsaM y}aou ayj of joeq aaylanl palenj!s a.ie pue uoAue:) ayj u! .iannol J!s JeyJ sanelpua pooyaoggSiau llews }o sialsnp pasodoad ayj ao} >lioMawe.ij Su!uueld Ileaano ue pa!j!luap! aney saaau!sua pue sl:)al!y:)ae's.iauueld ayl'uo!l!ppe ul •Iao}ja uol}eAaasuo:) slyj aol suol}ealdse s,llol sluasa.idai meds uado pale:)lpap jo same L9T Alalewixoadde ayl •(aauuew joedwoz) pue aAll!suas aaow a ui juawdolanap oulaa}snl:) pue meds uado :)!lgnd SUTAJasaid) .sail!unwwo:) uoljeAaasuo:) yl!m paleposse saldpulid pue seap! ayj sa:)eagwa jeyj ASaleals juawdolanap pauljaa a Ino paddew aney pue Aliadoid a.iljua ayj pallem aney saaauiSua pue sl:)al!y:)ae 's.iauueld pafoid ayj Sulpnlpu! 'weal Ilol ayl •sanelZ)ua pooyaog42!au paaaisnp aaow }o salaas a Su!leaa:) pue meds uado of ea.ie puel jo }unowe jue:)ipugis a ou!lmlpap uo sn:)oj lepads a ql!m `uoAue:) oaapy ulyl!m (Z aseyd) Aliadoid 2ululewaa ayl ao} ABalea}s juawdolanap pasodoad ayj of papuedxa aq II!M ssa:):)ns s!yl weal algeaSpalmoul pue pale js sa!uedwo:) ayj o; juawelsa} a si uoAueD oaapy }o I aseyd uo alep of ssa:):)ns s,llol •u2isap Al!unwwo:) ln}ssa:):)ns ajeaa) }saq of Moy pue aaAnq ayj'1aliew ay} to gu!puelsiapun uaal a a.insua of sl:)afoad juawdolanap Ile yl!m paleposse p ieasai algeaap!suo:) sl:)npuo:) saayio.ig Ilol •I!Iauaq Al!unwwo:) aol Al!unlaoddo ou uaaq aney pinom aaagVsaaumo awoy Ienp!n!pu! Aq play AlaIeAlad uaaq aney pinom Aliadoid ayj Ile asne:)aq'puy (ueld aalsew snolnaid ayj uo paseq) uoAue:) ayj jo Ino pue olu! pedwi Iens!A aAlleSau a pey aney pinom'sau!l aSp!a ay} aeau pue do-gBiq 'sawoy pauueld asayl •uoAue:) ayj jo sap!s ylnos pue ylaou Suole aagSiq y:)nw pale:)ol uaaq aney pinom jeyj sawoy wolsn:) jol pasodoad Alsno!Aaad uaaq pey meds uado pale:)!pap aol paipluap! spuel asayl Al!unwwo:) sII!H ulelunod ayj aol1!jauaq jueoipuS!s a aq ll!M ueld juawdolanap pau!jaa ayl'saaAnq awoy m@u pue sjuaplsai jua:)efpe'saagwaw Al!unwwoj'siapeal umol yl!m suolssnoslp algeaap!suoo uo paseg AoaleJIS uol}eAaasuo:) luauew iad a jo Lied se apse las aq of puel jo same L9T Ala}eualxo.idde u! jInsai II!M uoAueD oaapy}o Z aseyd aol uoipaalp juawdolanap pauljaa ayl anlJeaaeN Isan ag aaA1eM II!d pue Ind Z aseyd UOAue:) oaapd sjauuDjd + sjZ)atiy:)jy ` srar��orS� IIoZ� M a�edIZ •(IInsai pue juawieaal paa!sap ael!wIs e aneq phone-isanbai aan!enn s!q} jo lied jou /suo!l!puoa llq) luawleaai papualui aqj salea}snll! uo!lenala pue uoipas al!s BuiAuedwoaae aql •apejo le.injeu o} j:)eq pualq o} paaaau!sua pue pauo!sap aq ll!nn legl (IgS!aq Ilene juaaefpe galew of glp!nn wnwiu!ua) sauoz adeaspuel snoiauaS pue (}g2!aq u! ,g uegl aaoua ou) sheen paaeaaal 41W ao SwJOJpuel Buldols gl!nn auop aq II!m s!ql •adeaspuel an!leu pue apejS leinjeu aql olui jaeq spualq isaq legs aauuew In jjgSnogj e ui seaae pagan}s!p uo!}!sueal o} aaea leaas aNel II!nn weal luellnsuoa aqi pue saagloa8 Ilol •%l!unwwoa aljeweap pue ln}!lneaq a ui slInsaa legl aauuew an!leaaa a u! Supaauloua pue uSisap 'ainjeu spualq legl 1aafoad leu!l a Su!leaaa of paii!wwoa s! Ilol •alq!ssod se ganw se spedua! I!w!I II!M ap!s pea uo siol Bu!iuoa} 10 ixaluoa aq} u!gl!nn juawaaeld }aaals gi!nn palelaosse 2u!uueld puel In}aaea agl'suo!l!puoa II!} pue in:) of speduai aaleajS aneq phone }eq} siol iadaap lea!dAl amuN -alq!ssod se ganw se soueuaas II!j pue ina 1!wil of aap.io u, q}dap ul aannoaaeu aae jegj slanpo.id awoq pale!aosse pue s;ol an!leaaa aanpoaju! II!nn weal agl'lao}la s!ql }o lied sy -ueld aql uo suo!}eaol aq} g;!nn ap!au!oa jegj s.ioloa ua@JB 10 sagas a ui ina jo saSuea pue aaaSap aqi sa!�lluap! pu@Sal s,l!q!4x3 aql -}sanbai aan!enn aq} q}!nn pajelaosse ina }o seaae aqj of se aauaaajaa lens!n a sap!noad (dnoaE) Bu1aaau12u3 Al!l!geu!elsnS) 93S Aq paaedaad }!q!gxa ueld Buiftedwoaae aql •uoAue:) oaapy jo Ile ao} }uauauoa!nua Su!uunjs a ui jInsaa ll!nn }egl ASa}eais ivawdolanap papuedxa ue palelna!}ae seq weal uS!sap aqi 'Z asegd aM!3 •uo!sap pue su!.iaau!qua jo spadse lsaq Aaan aq} saIL'Aalul legl jnoAel a paaedaad aneq pue suo!seaao }o aagwnu a uo puel aqj paMlenn seq weal aql •sialaweied piepue}s 1001 -pt aql puo%aq pa.i!nbai aq II!nn Il!j pue-in:) jo aaa2ap u!elaaa a'sanelaua poogaoggs!au pauo!s!nua asagl JOI Su!llas Al!lenb-qS'4 a a}naaxa pue ueld aqj jo sleoB aq} analgae of aapio ul LZOZ 'LZ aagwaaaa-an!jeaaeN jsanbab aan!eM II!3 pue jnD Z asegd uoAueD oaapy SUSTAINAD:LITY ENGINEER NIS I -oil Brothers SEG GROUP AMERICA'S LUXURY HOME SUMDER PROJECT CANYON LOCATION SUSTAINAD:LITY ENGINEER NIS I -oil Brothers SEG GROUP AMERICA'S LUXURY HOME SUMDER N ►A PRESENTATION NOTES Adero Canyon Phase II P&Z 1/11/2018 "ftw SLIDE 1- Cover This is an application by MCO and Toll Brothers for a PAD rezoning, A Preliminary Plat, and some Cut/Fill Waivers for Adero Canyon Phase II. Located at 13300 N. Eagle Ridge Drive. The property is currently owned by MCO Properties, and Toll Brothers will be buying it once this entitlement process is completed. As you know, a Major General Plan Amendment was completed last December. The applicants are now asking for a favorable recommendations to the Council regarding the zoning, platting, and cut/fill waivers needed for the project to proceed as proposed. SLIDE 2 - Existing GP Land Use ,,,,,,,'his slide shows the General Plan's Future Land Use plan as it exists today. (As of December) The current categories are highlighted in the red boxes. As you can see, most of the property is designated as Open Space. - The residential areas are mostly SF-LDR which matches the development densities that Toll Brothers are currently developing in Parcels 1 and 7. (POINT) - The remaining residential areas are designated SF -MDR which matches the development densities that Camelot is currently developing in Parcel 8. (POINT) SLIDE 3 - Existing Zoning Adero Canyon Phase II is currently zoned R1-43 in Parcels 2-9. (YELLOW) And MF in parcel 10. (ORANGE) '11-43 requires 1 acre or larger single-family hillside house lots. *"MF was approved in the previous Adero Canyon Phase I PAD to allow up to 12 JVap artments /hotel rooms. SLIDE 4 - Proposed PAD Zoning The proposed Phase II PAD will change the residential product from single- '*-ramily hillside custom lots and multi -family apartments to a mixture of townhouses (TH), and single-family semi -custom lots (SC). The overall project density will not change. But the unit count will be redistributed throughout Parcels 2-6 in the development and the minimum lot sizes will be reduced. All remaining land area, (GREEN), including the entirety of Parcels 9 and 10, is being zoned as Open Space (OSR). SLIDE 5 - Proposed Preliminary Plat This is the cover sheet of the proposed new Preliminary Plat. As you can see, the lotting plan follows the PAD's development plan. 205 House lots and 30 Duplex Townhouse units. You should also note that Parcels 9 and 10 are not included in this Preliminary Plat. They are being designated as open space and will not be developed at all. SLIDE 6 - Cut /Fill Waivers This exhibit shows the areas that exceed 10' visible cut or fill. These areas and depths of cuts & fills would be necessary for the proposed Preliminary Plat to be developed as proposed/.v PA The main areas of CUT waivers are along the rear property lines of the proposed house lots. Most cut `"aces max out at around 29' in order to allow for level pads and small back yards. The main areas of FILL waivers are at the right-of-way / wash crossings and most max out somewhere between 20'- 30'. SLIDE 7 - Additional Applications Currently, the rights and responsibilities for both Adero Canyon and Eagles Nest are included in a Settlement Agreement between the Town and MCO. This iroposal will divide those rights and responsibilities into two different agreements. The 2nd Amendment to the Amended and Restated Final Settlement Agreement will deal with the Eagles Nest development. �bAnd the Adero Canyon Phase II Development Agreement will deal with Adero Canyon. This is just informational; The Commission isn't charged with making any recommendations on these. Town Council will be considering these documents when they hold their hearings. :�Pw SLIDE 8 - Recommendations Staff recommends that the Commission vote to forward recommendations to Town Council to APPROVE the PAD Rezoning, the Preliminary Plat, and the proposed CUT/FILL Waivers, as presented and subject to the stipulations in the staff report. Representatives for Toll Brothers and MCO are both present to answer k,,,,,uestions. And, the applicants have indicated that they have a presentation of their own that they'd like to make. CHAIRMAN S AGENDA 01/11/20111 p& MEETING TO ORDER .LTHE �E OF ALLEGIANCE MENT OF REFLECTION MO ROLL CALL MINUTES 1. APPROVAL O Motion to Approve call for a - Call {Or a Second fur ther discussion. ote _ Ask if there is any is done, Call fo _ When discus51On 2 2 Read item#to Approve 3 l 0 _ Call for a M otio � �l�°i ,� � � I Call for a Secon ther discussion on Ask if there is any Jul Call for Vote _ 9� 34 When discussion is done, �-. item #3 3 read C� , V pUgLIC HEARING & I� e tion pre 3 Open the re5enta for1.0111 a p applicants to make their p Call on Bob ask the app _ After Bob is d one, have any questions --Vj?yvA.'A Ask the Commissioners if they the public wishes to speak Ask Paula if anyone from When all done, Close the public Hearing C �A 4. Call for Motion to Forward (Item #4) recommendation to }h ►I� r, - Ark if thoro ic IIS :A11 THE MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MOMENT OF REFLECTION ROLL CALL CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA P&Z 01/11/2018 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Call for a Motion to Approve - Call fora Second - Ask if there is any further discussion. - When discussion is done, Call for a Vote. 2. Read item # 2 � - a Motion to A rove Call for pp - Call fora Second Vt V i, � �/ - Ask if there is any further discussion. '�- - When discussion is done, Call for a Vote. 3. Open the PUBLIC HEARING & read item #3 '�;- , 3 d';� I r Q a M 7 2 'V '11-�) Call on Bob for a presentation CzygAd- 3, d dJ�" After Bob is done, ask the applicants to make their presentation — X031 Ask the Commissioners if they have any questions ji rve- - Ask Paula if anyone from the public wishes to speak) When all done, Close the Public Hearings %v 4. Call fo�Motion to Forward (Item #4) recommendation to the Town Council to approve. - Call for a Second �, `j �D - Ask if there is any further discussion. - When discussion is done, Call for a Vote. IM CHAIRMAN'S AGENDA P&Z 01/11/2018 5. Read item #5 a. - Ask Bob if he has anything to add regarding the plat.- - Ask the applicants if they have anymore to add. - Call for a Motion to Forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve. NN - Call for a Second V( 5 P S)'D - Ask if there is any further discussion. - When discussion is done, Call for a Vote. b. Ask all for a Motion to Forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the cut fill waivers - Call for a Second - Ask if there is any further discussion. - When discussion is done, Call for a Vote. DISCUSSION with possible direction to staff.�j 6. DIS ARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Senior Planner.ww 7. S U M M ®� ---, �1 � REPORT trom a lopme t Services Senior Plan er., A41vi Ag; 8. MAIL 9. ADJOURNMENT V Gjd alt r` r r U r.. RELN vuT.OEO x\alaFCTs\Tou srmn�a+sVOerso cwYaR FoutnuN Nays ITmoIUI cm (("\11.2[xmU>lxr-vur+uT+O\a �)A;;la' ,I: LIQ IIS 0oem��o mo D "s o -m -v Z - m 9 0 r- 90 90 �mZZ�m_ D --o ov Z D si r r NCAA 2 zo N H 61 PM 1 DDDR � PROJECT�O �� SUSTAINABIjG! ! ! I I I IENGINEERIE�oll Brothers �J GROUP=��M/RICA'S LUXURY HOME 6 x'\PR0JECIS\TfM1,,OTS,CM CWM FMWAN HILLS 170BOIV1 GD (SEG)\11.2 ENMEWflR-PAINING\YRELN RAT I5-19.D'NG — e ial 1 im I g �a 0. _vA1; ------------ ----------- ---------- ---------- g�#� '%---- ---- I Y2 'Ar 9R 4g g�`a �VI��� F ; �� REAR SETYCII Far-& n IRA t K � .F •t � � �—'17 W ,t,t�� \ Qr o 8 � RNllf YiBICN 1�Q � �u€ S. F8 = -------- A 1 9 — — _ fEWU AT AS g O 3. 55 „ ci S —i— _ Mao LEE Z��F55S t,„ SFN�v -ii O .Ra Ng VAX $ETHCN LINE Sawa INE i�FiFE ili1�q EE 3 g o DDDR 3 ,ilk AROIECT DMC p p p SENGINNEBRLITY NG ENGINEERING - oll Broth GROUP t �RI1 LIXATONMERIcn•E LUXURY NOME EUI 188 LCE =k a FWNFAN HIUS. uM A exmeoE�nxOORnu,, xonsw�..nizau mam G ! J vnw+. FasEa wu �. uo.eee.,ae \Nsnwr.�AGsaxramuaxraFssnvlrEnrw7NewnvFmYawsrwwNunu+c+neFwne sxauv.ao nnnioRvnaFmY. mEleEamsFllavnwvaueFRamK,mromFoww.uvFFNnwwlrtsvnFra�EOAnowErwnoNnEreaFSF�Fas%runuFmrowwug. M\PRQIEETS\TOI1 R oO M\ADERO CANYON FOUNTAIN HILLS 170501\11 CID (SED)\11.2 ENRREIIENT-PWYUN6\PREUM RAT 15-15.DN0 I m 1 - - I r 1 F.. n g� aye 1 —---ENAE�REDFIVEI�—I----_� I / M. 9 / M. / 8d , P' / `\ y 11 it . 1 w M, 3r /NORTH NORTN g 8 / w \ lS � w♦ // M�� ! Im Y' PIN -� I:A / / a - _A- 14 TIT 5 -- e � kox -EPA i n 151, 1 m PROJECT 9 e j i i p0 Ogrul /1 r %1 SUSTAINABILITY p p p IIII SEG G ENGINEERING oll Brother GROUP . LOCA¶ON AMGRICA'S LUXURY NOME 9UIL0® i3 y �� FOUNTAN XI115. K 65155 evoemara onnat rnnaouE NumNa axed > J � wMN. K9e3•wl 1Ft_1a.eeerne 1H6 CRlN/IMi B AN tE1RlIMENt (K 4INIQ NIO TXE PImP6RY OF ASFNN>HNY FNGINEFRNG GRd1Y. NP 51 W l RFMINTHFNpMFFRYY. THFUSECFTX6FIPAVIINGLWL9ERIIlRICIEDTOIXECRCiNNiREfCR'MbIR6PPE1N1E0N�M191KATgN11EREOF6DUPIIYYUMl1®TOAAIUY. ww X:\P EM\To, BRoi ERS\CERo CA'MN EOUMUN HILLS 178801\i1 CM (SEG)\11.2 ErrtmtRQ+l-PLAWINc\PRnY RAT.owc Ti —_ I I LOCATI(IN e � ��� FOUNIAR HIUS, A2 95268 ji /1 gm 1 PUE Rl• � � � RRA Rt• RRA �. RRR� R>• � � Rl• RI MATCHLINE SHEET PP2 �eOem l l o AMRRICA'{ LUXURY MOMR SUSTAINABILIT EN GR.UPING SEG r at,� a �E. NaZaML M3m WnW_,�zeEa.cau •iEL. PHASE II PAD Application PARCELS 2, 3, 41 5, 61 9,10 & l0A August 28, 2017 2ND SUBMISSION: October 18, 2017 S Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona (Toll `Brothers America's Luxury Home Builder" SWABACK PARTNERS Plic / ,jechre•oonning•Inivo,oeQn �s � g ��� t 4Ek jl+� �e ��� � `\ I y/' � ^� i. - !�; . . � _ _e,J,., _ �_ —" ':. � .: � } .��— �� p �� `�' �"' ..�+f ..._.--- ____.J Applicant Team C Toll Brothers Inc. (on behalf of Adero Canyon II, LLC) 8767 E. Via de Ventura Suite #390 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 T: 480-951-0782 Contact: Mr. Jeff Nielsen, Director of Land Acquisitions • Berry Riddell LLC (Land Use Attorney) 6750 E. Camelback Rd. Suite #100, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 T: 480-682-3902 F: 480-385-2757 Contact: Ms. Wendy R. Riddell, Esq. • Swaback Partners (Planning and Design) 7550 East McDonald Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 T: 480.367.2100 F: 480.367.2101 Contact: Mr. Jeffrey Denzak, Partner • Sustainability Engineering Group, LLC (Civil Engineering) 8280 E. Gelding Dr. Suite 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 T: 480.588.7226 Contact: Ali Fakih Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development PROJECT INFORMATION 3 Wiiic design. They are intended to provide visual exam •ry . provide �- xr, 'rations, and / or stCetch imagery are conceptus in nature an ples and aspirations of the intended design and development • TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 1 Introduction p 7 4-• a. The Applicant b. Adero Canyon C. The Proposed Planned Area Development d. Legal Description 2 The Site and Context p 24 a. Site Conditions b. Location Map C. Topography d. Slope Analysis e. Major Vegetative Cover f. Drainage, Streams and Water Ponding g. Natural Features 3 Development Objectives p 42 a. Design Philosophy b. Land Uses & Development Standards C. Community Theme d. Architectural Concepts e. Grading Standards f. Sewer System g. Water System h. Circulation / Streets Plan i. Site Design and Landscape j. Open Space Improvements k. Signage I. Transition from Existing Context M. Compliance with Existing Agreements n. Community Property Owners Association 4 Positive Impact on Fountain Hills p 80 a. Population and Schools b. Traffic and Streets C. Public Utilities d. Trails & Trailhead Access e. Fire and Life Safety f. Economic Impact 5 Compatibility with the General Plan p 82 b Phasing Plan n 92 7 A Note on Sustainabilify p 94 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development J ti 1 a . LAo yy. ji '• 41♦ .�„ ' i IN } Ab IV v Y� .1 v 3 � „{� , ' fir• • .. t d i l:kL ! -P Y SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 7 1. INTRODUCTION a. The Applicant Toll Brothers has entered into an agreement with Adero Canyon II, LLC (the current property owner) to purchase the remaining undeveloped lands within Adero Canyon. This agreement is contingent on all associated approvals and Town agreements necessary to allow Toll Brothers to secure new entitlements based on the following refined development plan for the community. As such, Adero Canyon II, LLC, has legally granted Toll Brothers the authority to submit this Planned Area Development (PAD) as well as the associated documentation. Based on the above parameters, Toll Brothers is the identified "Applicant" of this PAD document. Toll Brothers, a publically traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), is a national industry leader in building high-end luxury oriented master plan communities. This award winning Fortune 500 company is well known for embracing a dedicated commitment to quality, customer service and design excellence. For the past three years in a row, Toll Brothers has been ranked the #1 home builder worldwide on the Fortune Magazine "World's Most Admired Companies" list. Toll Brothers has developed numerous successful and award winning communities throughout the Phoenix Valley over the past two decades proven to be attractive to families. Lead by Bob Flaherty, Division President, Toll's core focus has been in North Scottsdale and the northeast valley and has resulted in several celebrated communities such as Windgate Ranch, Saguaro Estates and most recently Talon Ranch. Toll Brothers is very familiar with Adero Canyon. Over the past three years, Toll Brothers has contracted with Adero Canyon II, LLC on the purchase of two key parcels within Adero Canyon (Parcels 1 and 7). These two neighborhood enclaves (Hawkeye and Stoneview) are currently being developed by Toll Brothers, including several active home sales. The initial development effort has been very successful. Toll Brothers' model home at Stoneview- "The Sullivan" (a new residence designed specifically for the Adero project) was recently awarded the Home of the Year Award by the Pacific Coast Builders Conference for planning, home design and construction excellence. "The Parker", Toll's second model at Adero was also awarded a Grand Award. The winners were selected from over 600 entries worldwide. "This Home of the Year should be applauded and serve as a standard for all as an example of not compromising design and showing what's possible in housing today." PCBC Design Jury, July 2017 Toll Brothers looks to expand on this success with the proposed refined development strategy for Adero Canyon. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 8 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION b. Adero Canyon Adero Canyon (formerly referred to as Eagle Ridge North) is a 432 acre box canyon adjacent to the McDowell Mountains with exceptional views of the southwest valley. In 2014, MCO Properties coordinated with the Town of Fountain Hills and submitted a redevelopment plan, that was approved by the Town and became the basis for the recently completed initial phase of site improvements on the property as well as the first three neighborhood enclaves currently being built -out (two Toll Brothers neighborhoods and a Camelot Homes neighborhood of single family attached homes). Over the past three years, the elite custom home buyers continued to evade the housing market. National housing trends continue to show that the market for large custom estates has dwindled and concurrently, new home buyers are looking for smaller homes, homes with less maintenance and lock and leave housing options. These trends also align with what's been occuring in the Phoenix Valley. Based on Toll Brothers' national experience, particular knowlege of Phoenix housing trends and their current commitment to Adero Canyon, Toll believes that the proposed development plan will position Adero Canyon for significant success over the coming years and become an important brand asset for all of Fountain Hills. I Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 3 Approved 21 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development ki SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 9 10 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION c. Proposed Planned Area Development The proposed PAD encompasses 325 acres, or 75% of the total Adero Canyon property area. The accompanying exhibits (Proposed Zoning exhibit on page 1 1) visually show the extent of the proposed amendment area. The majority of the "core" area of the property (in white) is not part of the PAD and represents those areas that have been recently improved and part of current Toll Brothers and Camelot Homes development and sales efforts. The PAD will again refine the residential product mix within the boundaries identified and go from large custom hillside lots to a mixture of more traditional housing products. Specifically, this request is to amend the following: 1. Go from a currently approved unit count of 238 down to 235 units. A portion of these units are shifting to the northwest area of the property where buildable areas are more conducive (the total unit count, for both the Phase I PAD and the Phase II PAD goes from 343 previously approved units down to 340 units). Previously Approved PAD and Master Plan allowed for the following Semi -Custom Home units: 61 Townhome units: 44 Total Units Previous Approved: 105 Proposed Phase II PAD is as follows Semi -Custom Home Units: Townhome Units 205 30 Total Units Requested: 235 2. Remove all the proposed custom lots up along the ridges (in the most difficult hillside terrain) and place the majority of that land area within an open space category to remain natural desert- totaling 167 acres, almost 51 % of the PAD area (40% of the total development area) would go from privately held land to preserved open space. 3. Reconfigure and reclassify residential land uses (including the semi -custom designation and the townhome designation approved with the previous PAD) to better fit within the physical context of the land as well as better align with home buyer preferences and market conditions. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development r7 SCOTTSDALE EXISTING ZONING SCOTTSDALE PROPOSED ZONING SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 11 The accompanying exhibits illustrate the difference in zoning relative to the current and proposed conditions. The key changes to zoning go from R 1-43 to OSR (Open Space Recreation) and to the proposed Semi -Custom lot designation and the Townhome designation per this document. The other significant zoning change goes from Multi -family to OSR. In addition to the PAD, the applicant will be submitting concurrently a proposed Major General Plan Amendment based on coinciding proposed refinements to the Town's General Plan. All these applications and associated submittals will include careful coordination with the Town's ,rr Attorney relative to updates to the associated Development Agreement (under separate cover). Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development ii Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 - Existing Zoning Y eierM W{khnWl Oievk4 it-'yll I t W peu 19D WU W e O R1J3 / t du pa {3.560 W n R13511 W pet M.000 p n Q^ Rt -16l 1 du per ,8.000 W n �J R1-1011 de per ,0.000 W n =R11 I 1 du per 8 OCO W 6 R1-6 per 8.000 W n "Y Ree10eMM101elrlcb M-, 11 du per SM5 W n _ M.] 110u per {,368 W B _ M-31 l du W 3.630 WB _ R.2 / 1 du per 1,000 W n _ R-311 du per 3,000 W n _R4/1dpr 2.ODO WB _ R-511 a per V40 W n comeercbl DIeNcY Go / cemm.e.l olr QGc 1 comma_ Conmeruei Gt r r.eon6prt,rod cpmme.rrei _ G2 / kMMrlefd.eee commercui _ G31 Dernre� f raN 1 DIeMN INO-, I Pmnned InOueBrei i IND -2, LQ. kicue6W 7CCD I Taw. Cernn� _ L1l VeryLw Denelq Lodpirig _ L.2 / Lou. D r ft todginy _�--I L3 Medium DentitY tod®mg UT L=1 !/UMy Menetlor�l DbWct ODR / Open Space Reoeetional L—� p9e I Open 9pece Geruerra'wn Dpen SI., P�eanmivi 1111 POunipin HRls Juricdi i ..i Buund ,r PZ;;;q Arlerwl ROW slate Hgh-y 12 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION The resulting plan puts in place a "Conservation Community", a strategy to group development areas more closely together and, at the same time, dedicate a substantial amout of perimeter property area (which in the case of Adero Canyon had been previously planned for private ownership and development) to protected open space which allows for the use as part of community trails and connectivity. Conservation Communities are a fairly recent trend in the development industry and we think this refined strategy for Adero Canyon aligns very well with the targeted buyer profile who is passionate about living in special environments that include a significant amount of protected open space. 4. Change Adero Parcels 9 and 10 totally to Open Space Recreation. 5. Eagle Ridge Drive is dedicated as a public right of way from the entrance of Adero Canyon to the proposed/ future trailhead at the northern end of the Canyon. Eagle Ridge Drive and the meandering trail (previously approved and established in the 2014 PAD and installed per the most recent site improvements) shall be completed as part of the associated construction in the remaining parcels as required by the Development Agreement. 6. New Disturbance Allowances shall be established in the associated Development Agreement based on agreements between the Town and the Applicant. Because the Applicant is committed to removing a substantial amount of land area from private property (app'oximately 167 acres) and placing it into community oriented open space, the resulting orchestrated development scenario strategically located in more buildable areas will require an additional disturbance allowance. This amount shall be determined, identified and agreed to through the Development Agreement and the preliminary plats. 7. Exceptions to the Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance shall be allowed per the plans and exhibits included herein and as permitted by the Development Agreement. In addition, this shall include those allowances approved in the previous PAD with the intent of carving out the same degree/ level of variance moving forward in order to execute future development in the same quality as the most recently completed development. This encompasses cut and fill waivers, on -street parking, roadway curb standards, sidewalks, street signage, retaining wall standards, trail surface treatments. Due to the much steeper topography than in Phase I, cut and fill waivers are anticipated to cover much more extensive areas, with higher maximum cut/fill depths for these lots, with the specifics to be provided at the time of preliminary plat. Once the PAD, Major GPA and Development Agreement are secured and approved by Council, The Town Manager shall have the administrative authority with respect to the intent of these documents to grant such exceptions and waivers necessary in his sole discretion to construct the work to the same degree and level of excellence as the current construction. 40 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 14 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION Existing Plan Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 15 is Prosed Pian A Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 16 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION d. Legal Description Adero Canyon Phase 11 PAD Area LEGAL DESCRIPTION PORTIONS OF LAND LYING WITHIN SECTIONS 7, 8, AND 17, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT, A FOUND REBAR BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 7, FROM WHICH THE WEST ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 17, BEARS SOUTH 00'07'50" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 2,639.23 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER FINAL PLAT OF ADERO CANYON RECORDED IN BOOK 1220, PAGE 28 PER MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS, SOUTH 89'53'25" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 649.62 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 46°02'47" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 305.98 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 79°07'35" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 180.24 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 38°49'47" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 52.63 FEET; • THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 22°00'21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 208.17 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 06°10'13" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 111.65 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 62°22'57" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 170.42 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 46°19'28" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 489.45 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 48°27'06" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 223.14 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 22°32'07" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 260.92 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 59°25'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 306.65 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 85°22'48" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 99.32 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 22°01'23" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 288.02 FEET, Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 17 THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 86°09'31" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 113.38 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 60°45'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 676.46 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 38°30'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 190.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PARCEL 2 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 47°10'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 464.33 FEET, TO THE WESTERLY MOST BOUNDARY CORNER OF PARCEL 2, BEING A COMMON CORNER BETWEEN PARCEL 2 & 3 PER SAID PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 47"10'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 610.67 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 85°15'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 340.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 1S°00'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 210.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 43°40'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 410.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 07"11'39" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 429.43 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 18°08'06" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 302.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 75"01'55" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 402.66 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 3 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 53°50'54" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 271.22 FEET, TO THE BOUNDARY CORNER BEING COMMON PARCEL 3 & 4 PER SAID PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 22'06'56" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 270.93 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 82°23'06" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 718.98 FEET, THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 03°06'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 234.93 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT CURE WHOSE RADIUS POINT BEARS NORTH 03°06'15" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARCEL LINE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 241°26'20" AND LENGTH OF 168.56 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 50.00 FEET; Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 18 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARCEL LINE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 49"36'42" AND LENGTH OF 43.29 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 81°16'37" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 74.85 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 180.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARCEL LINE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 35°02'53" AND A LENGTH OF 110.11 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 24°24'05" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 263.43 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 60°05'20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 119.65 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 59°10'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 140.64 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 26'05'37" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 157.37 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 79°33'28" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 23.39 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 190.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARCEL LINE ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 25"11'04" AND A LENGTH OF 83.52 FEET, TO A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 180.00 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARCEL LINE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 24'23'35" AND A LENGTH OF 76.63 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 80°20'58" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 25.25 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 09°39'02" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 37.22 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 430.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARCEL LINE ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE 15 25°05'43" AND A LENGTH OF 188.34 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 62°36'57" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 405.10 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 53°45'01" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 542.54 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 66°08'45" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 497.09 FEET; Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 19 THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 51°09'44" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 419.71 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 4 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 46"40'41" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 227.88 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE WHOSE RADIUS BEARS SOUTH 34°47'47" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 225.00 FEET, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATED FOR EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE PER FINAL PLAT OF ADERO CANYON RECORDED IN BOOK 1220, PAGE 28 PER MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 02°09'34" AND A LENGTH OF 8.48 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY, NORTH 57'21'47" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 69.14 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 35°39'33" AND A LENGTH OF 24.89 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 251"19'05" AND A LENGTH OF 175.45 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 40.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 35°39'33" AND A LENGTH OF 24.89 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY, SOUTH 57"21'47" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 69.14 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 175.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 26°45'36" AND A LENGTH OF 81.73 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 625.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 12"01'51" AND A LENGTH OF 131.23 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 325.01 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 02°04'18" AND A LENGTH OF 11.75 FEET, TO A BOUNDARY CORNER OF PARCEL 5 PER SAID PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 5 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 36°31'11" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 119.21 FEET, TO A POINT BEING A BOUNDARY CORNER COMMON WITH PARCELS 5 & 6 PER SAID PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 58"32'12" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 396.00 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 84°44'21" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 146.14 FEET; Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 20 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 44°03'01" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 265.40 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 75°45'17" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 73.67 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 52°48'24" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 227.70 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 66°02'43" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 267.88 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 59°08'54" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 394.36 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 6 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 30°59'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1,736.13 FEET, TO A BOUNDARY CORNER COMMON TO PARCEL 6 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 9 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 58°17'01" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 4,704.22 FEET, TO THE EASTERLY MOST BOUNDARY CORNER OF PARCEL 9; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 9 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 43°25'10" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 557.22 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 84°33'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1,004.50 FEET, THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF PARCEL 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 64°24'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1,155.81 FEET, TO A BOUNDARY CORNER COMMON TO PARCEL 9 AND 8 PER THE SAID PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 41°49'37" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 128.49 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 01°11'09" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 276.29 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 40°20'05" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 231.03 FEET, THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 79°03'00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 440.08 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 55°26'42" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 164.36 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 01"17'20" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 250.46 FEET; Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 21 THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 66°29'43" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 61.85 FEET, TO A BOUNDARY CORNER COMMON TO PARCELS 7, 8 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 7 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 66°29'43" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 86.29 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 7 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 48°15'21" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 366.99 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 7 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 79°47'41" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 276.70 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 7 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 28°47'22" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 521.43 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 7 AND 9 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 48°27'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 460.67 FEET, TO A BOUNARY CORNER COMMON TO PARCELS 6, 7 AND 9; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 6 AND 7 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 48°27'16" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 262.83 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 6 AND 7 PER SAID PLAT, NORTH 65`21'48" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 136.48 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO PARCELS 6 AND 7 PER SAID PLAT, SOUTH 35"05'58" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 480.98 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE PER SAID PLAT; THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY PER SAID PLAT SOUTH 44°00'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY PER SAID PLAT, ALSO TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE WHOSE RADIUS BEARS SOUTH 44°00'33" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 225.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 16°21'57" AND A LENGTH OF 64.27 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY, SOUTH 29°37'30" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 260.09 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF ATANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 325.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 32°24'09" AND A LENGTH OF 183.80 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY, SOUTH 62°01'39" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 187.73 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 375.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 48`52'03" AND A LENGTH OF 319.84 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 325.00 FEET; Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 22 SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 24"57'42" AND A LENGTH OF 141.59 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 275.00 FEET: THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 22°24'39" AND A LENGTH OF 107.56 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY, SOUTH 15°42'40" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 139.40 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS 330.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE LEFT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 36°23'01" AND A LENGTH OF 209.55 FEET: THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY, SOUTH 52°05'41" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 99.79 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 720.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY CONTINUING ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 01°29'16" AND A LENGTH OF 18.69 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 13580283 SQUARE FEET OR (311.760) ACRES, MORE OR LESS 47373 JOSHUA S. MOYSES Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development -./' 9 17t OF NW COR. SEC. 17, T. 3 N., R. 6 E., PER G. & S. R. B. & M. P.O.C. -18 LEG ND P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING PARCEL LINE RE --ZONE LINE — — _____SECTION LINE ADERO CANYON OVERALL_ EXHIBIT B EAGLE RIDGE DRIVE N N.T.S. SIRATEGIC SURVEYING, LLC 1102 W. SOUTHERN AVE. TEMPE, AZ 85282 PHONE: (480) 272-7634 Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development SECTION 1- INTRODUCTION 23 PARCEL 10 ->7- - - PARCEL 10A 47373 JOSHUA S. MOYSES 19/17 EXPIRES 03/31/20 DRAWN JD CHECKED JSM SCALE NTS DATE 9/18/1 PAGE 8 OF 8 24 SECTION 2 -THE SITE AND CONTEXT 2. THE SITE AND CONTEXT a. Site Conditions Adero Canyon is a planned residential master planned community that is currently in the early stages of development with three neighborhoods (and associated infrastructure). The property is set within a secluded box canyon along the northeast side of the McDowell Mountains. The site is located in the northwestern portion of the Town of Fountain Hills. The land is rugged terrain of varying slopes with the most severe topography reaching up the sides of the Canyon and to the ridge lines of the property. There is an abundance of Sonoran desert vegetation now complimented by site and landscape improvements that included significant salvaged materials re -planted as well as revegetated areas based on approved native species plant lists. The property is surrounded by the McDowell Mountain Preserve, Eagles Nest, Copperwynd and the 18 hole SunRidge Canyon Golf Course. Three neighborhood enclaves are currently under development including model home complexes as well as the Ridge House Welcome and Sales Center located near the entrance to the community. Additional nearby residential development includes; HiddenHills, Copperwynd, Eagle Ridge, Crestview and SunRidge Canyon. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development • n x ff + + y � o r iI 1 q� Mr `*.o^ ---r r � y � ''Y it _ x i� . � ,• � �� , !� � � ¢� _ M � p � - U �� �'d� .Y. h 'W +��•�..: vi� " $•��i�� y, �F tt r 4' V --+ � 26 SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT b. Location Map The Location Map shows the highlighted PAD are( within the overall context of the Adero Canyor master plan boundaries. The map identifies th( surrounding land uses, zoning classification., and circulation patterns within a minimum of c three hundred (300) foot radius of the property measured in all directions from the perimeter of the property lines. In addition to zoning anc land use, the accompanying legend identifies, McDowell Sonoran Preserve, City of Scottsdale municipal boundary and color codes for parks, housing, utilities, lodging and open space. LEGEND LANDUSE F__1 Natural O.S. . Open Space 0 Park/ Golf Lodging 1:1 300' Study Boundary 0 Multi-Family/Condo High Scottsdale Owned ® McDowell Sonoran Preserve (as of 4/2002) - Utility Zoning Boundaries Single Family/Medium Phase 2 PAD Area (Current Request) Single Family/Low Corporation Boundary Single Family/Very Low .Al Existing Roads ZONING Adero Parcels 1, 7, 8 Town of Fountain Hills: R1-43 (Single -Family Residential Zoning District- One (1) Acre/DU) RI -35H (Single -Family Residential Hillside Zoning District- 35,000 Sq Ft/DU) RI -8 (Single -Family Residential Zoning District - 8,000 Sq Ft/DU) R1-6 (Single -Family Residential Zoning District - 6,000 Sq Ft/DU) R-5 P.U.D. (Multi -Family Residential Zoning District) OSP (Open Space Preservation District) OSR (Open Space Recreational District) City of Scottsdale: R1-43 (Single -Family Residential - 86,000 Sq Ft/DU) R1-18 (Single-Fomily Residential -18,000 Sq Ft/DU) R1-7 (Single -Family Residential - 7,000 Sq Ft/DU scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development a. P1-35H,,4j Adero Parcels 1,7,8 PI -18 Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development S SECTION 2 -THE SITE AND CONTEXT 27 WAR 28 SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT c. Topography The accompanying exhibit illustrates the contour intervals (black lines) associated with the topography throughout the Adero Canyon property. The closer the contour lines are together, the more steep the slope is. The exhibit also illustrates the property line as well as the extent of the new PAD area. LEGEND Contour Intervals at 10' Phase 2 (Current Request) Planned Area Development (PAD) Boundary scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development r a Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT 29 30 SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT d. Slope Analysis The "Conservation Community" development strategy provides a more sensitive approach to limiting impacts and focusing disturbance to the least significant slopes. The accompanying slope analysis identifies the range of slope categories ;;° throughout the PAD area. The flattest land areas are in green and yellow and make up a significant portion of the newly proposed development plan. The majority of the orange and red areas (with the most severe slopes) were previously planned for large private custom lots- but in the new development strategy, will be part of the open space framework. LEGEND She Category 0-10% Slope 10-20% Slope 20-30% Slope �] 30%+ Slope Phase 2 (Current Request) Planned Area Development (PAD) Boundary scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development L 11 32 SECTION 2 -THE SITE AND CONTEXT To put the associated slopes within the PAD Area into the proper frame of reference, it is instructive to mention two important points of how they are determined and quantified across the master plan. First, a slope expressed as a percentage is a measure of the rise in feet over a given horizontal length. For example, a 30% slope would be ground that changes in elevation 3 feet for every 10 feet (3/10 = 30%). A common misconception is equating a 30% slope to a 30° angle; they are not the same as depicted below: grade ----- angle 58% (30.00°) - incorrect! 40% (21.80°) 30% (16.70) - correct! 20% (11.310) 10%(5.71-) ...s 0%(0-) The graphic above illustrates the difference between nomenclature for slopes and angles. While we present slopes in 10% increments, it is important to understand that these areas equate to numeric angles roughly half the numeric percentages and are, in fact, much closer to level ground than many perceive. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT 33 Second, natural terrain in all slopes are full of small slope anomalies. Swales, rock outcroppings, erosion channels and the like create isolated variances in slopes everywhere. These anomalies are evident on the slope analysis map. These natural anomalies can create isolated areas where development appears to encroach into higher slope areas, where in fact, a portion of overall disturbance quantities in these areas are actually higher - slope anomalies and landform undulations in flatter areas. It is impossible to quantify every anomaly, but it is important to recognize their abundance across the entire property. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 34 SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT e. Major Vegetative Cover Per Article 1 of the Subdivision Ordinance, all saguaro cacti over three (3) feet in height as well as significant vegetation and rock outcroppings will be identified. Landscape plans will call for the use of all salvage plants along rights of way, trails and sidewalks, neighborhood entries and common areas as a critical component of the overall project execution. The Applicant has taken great care to identify special site features and incorporate them into the overall design framework. LEGEND 0 Saguaro - Poloverde mixed scrub Association _ Brittlebush - mixed scrub Association Phase 2 (Current Request) Planned Area Development (PAD) Boundary The adjacent exhibit is a PAD area view of the Biotic Communities of Eagle Ridge North Subdivision, Adero Canyon ll, LLC Properties, Fountain Hills, Arizona, Prepared by Southwestern Field Biologists - October 1996. scale: NTS �4 Y � E 7� 4, y Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT 35 Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development Adero Parcels 4-11 7, 8 410: Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development v r • � .. I � M y � i r + a 3 I 1. SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT 37 f. Drainage, Streams & Water Ponding The Applicant will work closely with the Town on an updated Drainage strategy for the project that best aligns with the previous work done on the property. All agreed upon drainage strategies and solutions will be incorporated in the detailed engineering documents to be submitted at time of preliminary plat. Existing major drainage channels shall remain as historically located except that roads and utilities may be installed across such channels as approved by the Town. Minor draws and drainage channels that do not require US Army Corps of Engineers permits may be modified or impacted. Where channel modifications are planned, the Applicant shall obtain applicable Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permits through the US Army Corps of Engineers as required. Structures and or lots shall be arranged so as to minimize impacts to all drainage channels. The 100 -year storm shall be the basis for calculating setbacks. All best practices shall be utilized for the design and integration of drainage associated with storm water management. Facilities for the collection of storm water shall be designed so as to retain water safely and adequately for the maximum expected storm water runoff volume equal to the difference between the pre - development condition and the post -development condition for a 100 - year storm (or for a small storm if that results in a higher difference). No discharge shall exceed demonstrated predevelopment historical flows from any drainage, and such facilities will be constructed in the typical sequence of construction following the installation of utilities. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 38 SECTION 2 - THE SITE AND CONTEXT f. Drainage, Streams & Water Ponding Plan The following exhibit identifies the locations and extents of intermittent streams and proposed water ponding areas within the PAD area. In addition the exhibit shows the overall existing drainage, including the illustrated arrows that indicate flow direction. LEGEND Phase 2 (Current Request) Planned Area Development (PAD) Boundary Intermittent Streams Drainage Direction Proposed Detention Area Potential additional detention area, if needed. Potential Drainage Area Note: Detention basins to be sized only on specific drainage requirements forAdero Canyon. Basins will not be oversized and no land area will be set aside for additional uses. scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 11 • • 40 SECTION 2 -THE SITE AND CONTEXT g. Natural Features Mesas, rock outcroppings and man-made features v� such as existing roads, structures and utility lines have been identified on the accompanying exhibit.: # "�F LEGEND Rock Formations Phase 2 (Current Request) Planned Area Development (PAD) Boundary ✓\ Major Wash Corridors 0 Water Tank Power Poles Power Line Note: Powerlines may be relocated, realigned and/or buried depending on further design refinements. scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 42 SECTION 3 • DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 3. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Overview The proposed PAD meets the obeictives as set forth in the Town's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance and previous Settlement Agreement, while permitting a broader range of housing types currently lacking in Fountain Hills today. This PAD Amendment also provides an opportunity to preserve a greater amount or more meaningful open space. a. Design Philosophy The refined direction for Adero Canyon will continue to focus on incorporating a broader spectrum of housing types. The reality moving forward is that the market for large lot custom home subdivisions will not be viable for several more years. Recent development models in desert hillside environments such as DC Ranch, Silverleaf, and Fire Rock have shown that a careful mix of varied residential product types can help elevate the quality of a community as well as ensure financial stability and sustainability appealing to a broader market. The "Conservation Community" plan for Adero Canyon moves away from the exclusive custom lot scenario to one with a mixture of unique and identifiable products in neighborhoods that celebrate the best aspects of diverse community building. Adero Canyon . Planned Area Development The following principles will continue to guide the planning, design and execution of the community: Focus on Quality • Incorporate authentic timeless architecture that reinforces the community brand. • Maintain a consistent design theme • Create a unique community identity that further elevates the reputation of Fountain Hills Light Touch on the Land • Carefully balance development with open space • Highly sensitive to natural topography and landforms • Maximize view corridors • Limit disturbance into the native desert landscape Living Well Over Time • Focus on long-term stewardship of the land • Integrated healthy living opportunities with the outdoors • Create lasting positive impressions for homeowners and visitors • Establish a financial model that's based on long term success Flexible Framework • Introduce a more diverse product type to meet market segmentation • Anticipate future market changes and trends • Understanding changing buyer demographics SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 43 Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development MII _MKI 44 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES b. Land Uses and Development Standards ❑ SC (Semi -Custom Residential) Permitted Uses: Single family homes with customary accessory buildings. Walls (6' in height)and fences on side and rear property lines are permitted. Density, Area, Buildinq and Yard Regulations The table below specifies the minimum lot size, minimum lot width, maximum building height, minimum yard setbacks, maximum lot coverage percentage, and distance between buildings, and minimum distance between buildings on adjacent lots. Min. Lot Area (Sq.Ft.) Lot Width Max. Building Height Minimum Yard Setbacks Max. Lot Coverage Min. Distance Between Min. Distance Between Buildings on Front Side Street Rear Street Ft.) Side Buildings Rear Rear Coverage Between Setback Adjacent Lots Min. 7,500 6o' 30' 20'; 10'with side 5 15' 10' 3,500 40 30' 10' O' 15' loaded garage 15' 100%* 10 So% 6' 14 LJ TH (Townhome) Permitted Uses: Single-family residential attached dwellings, multifamily residential and accessory uses. Density, Area, Building, and Yard Regulations for common ownership structure of the parcel (i.e. multifamily condominium) The table below specifies the minimum parcel size, maximum density, minimum parcel width, maximum building height, maximum building width, minimum yard setbacks, maximum parcel coverage percentage, distance between buildings, and perimeter parcel setbacks. Density, Area, Building, and Yard Regulations for separate lot ownership structure within the parcel (i.e. single family attached) The table below specifies the minimum lot size, maximum density, minimum lot width, maximum building height, maximum building width, minimum yard setbacks, maximum lot coverage percentage, distance between buildings, and perimeter parcel setbacks.. Parcel Area (Sq. Ft.) Min. Lot Area/D.U. (Sq. Lot Width Max. Building Minimum Yard Setbacks Max. Lot Min. Distance Perimeter Parcel Line Front Side Street Street Ft.) Height Side Rear Rear Coverage Between Setback Buildings 26,000 3,500 40 30' 10' O' 15' O' 15' 100%* 10 30' * Coverage of the overall platted parcel containing lots shall not exceed 65% ■ OSR (Open Space Recreation) e Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 45 scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 46 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Land Use Description Land uses have been refined and sited for the proposed PAD by balancing three key objectives: 1. Remove all large lot custom home sites along the ridges and perimeter of the property and replace the majority of that area with a designation of open space recreation. 2. Infill additional buildable areas on the property in and around the basin floor, closest to Eagle Ridge Drive. This will include a range of semi -custom homes as well as the townhomes which will likely take the form of duplexes similar to the Camelot paired homes being constructed on the property now as well as similar paired homes that Toll has developed at the Overlook at Firerock. 3. Remove the planned multi -family unit parcel adjacent to the Ridge House Welcome Center and put that land area into open space. Associated units will be re -distributed to planned areas associated with the semi -custom units and the townhome units. SC - Semi -Custom Lots The associated development plan illustrates the locations for the new semi -custom neighborhood enclaves. This includes four neighborhoods to the west of Eagle Ridge Drive (totaling 144 units and approximately 91 acres and two neighborhoods to the east of Eagle Ridge Drive (totaling bl units and totaling approximately 1 1 acres). TH - Townhome Lots The associated development plan illustrates the locations for the new townhome neighborhood enclave. This enclave is located to the east of Eagle Ridge Drive (totaling 30 units and approximately 10 acres). Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development w i *imp. Ift an IN r ass ftq, oft Uft AMIL-*b w 48 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES C. Community Theme The overall site planning will continue to be complemented by community features and theming introduced in Phase One. We will continue to incorporate stone walls, rustic elements, simple geometry, boulders and natural vegetation in common areas. All this is intended to compliment the most recent site improvements associated with Phase One of the project. Community design elements, such as signage and walls, will continue to focus on a range of materials including: 1. RUSTED STEEL 2. STONE BOULDERS 3. RAMMED EARTH 4. BOARD FORM CONCRETE 5. PAINTED METAL/ CONCRETE PANELS 6. WROUGHT IRON 7. ADOBE BRICK AND SLUMP BLOCK Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 49 �x .� . .1. .. . ,C . 14' } ` ~'.!", Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development 50 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES d. Architecture Concepts The design intent will continue to establish a variety of styles. The strategy for building theme will continue to create a unifying philosophy of design that echoes some of the historic building aspects of the Sonoran desert. The design intent will continue to focus on design expressions that are authentic to the area and embrace the heritage of the historic inhabitants of the McDowell Mountains. The community theme will continue to be "old Arizona" echoing the simple organic building methods with a contemporary flair, prospectors and ranchers incorporating rammed earth, rustic elements, simple geometry, boulders and natural vegetation. The design guidelines for homes will continue to incorporate environmentally -sensitive design techniques and themes that have long been associated with the desert southwest. A hacienda ranch theme will complement the natural setting and reinforce a desert ranch vernacular that has evolved over centuries. Simple building masses, with broad overhangs, pitched roofs, shed roofs and carefully located courtyards and gateway thresholds provide for indoor/ outdoor living with integrated shade and landscape for comfort and lifestyle. Natural materials of brick, adobe, stone, metal and wood provide attractive visual accents and durability. Strategic placement of doors and windows, along with careful building orientation help to capture natural breezes. The hacienda traditional layout of open oriented rooms reinforces the connectivity to the outdoors and an expanded living area. Unlike many communities that introduce numerous house styles with the intent of creating architecture variety, Adero Canyon will continue to carefully integrate the many aspects of the hacienda design and incorporate contemporary construction techniques and materials to encourage a strong overall design theme for the community. A thoughtful and refreshing spectrum of variety will continue to be integrated based on house" size, product type, location, orientation and how homes integrate with the desert setting. M All included photographs, graphic exhibits, precedent photographs, illustrations, and/ or sketch imagery are conceptual in nature and not intended to he specific design. They are intended to provide visual examples and aspirations of the intended design and development outcome. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development k SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 51 House section with ten (10) percent slope in red with single terrace level. House section with twenty (20) percent slope in red with single terrace level. ,r— -_ House section with thirty (30) percent slope in red with single terrace level. See the alternative development standards set forth in Section 5.70(B) of the Canyon -Side Ordinance 17-08. Examples of sensitive design techniques for building homes in and around slopes. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 52 SECTION 3 -DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Hit ❑-u— pnulugrupm, grupmc exmdrrs, precedent photographs, illustrations, and/ or sketch imagery are conceptual in nature and not intended to be specific design. They are intended to provide visual examples and aspirations of the intended design and development outcome. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development �A `%W SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 53 All included photographs, graphic exhibits, precedent photographs, illustrations, and/or sketch imagery are conceptual in nature and not intended to be specific design. They are intended to provide visual examples and aspirations of the intended design and development outcome. Adero Canyon • Planned Area Development 54 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES e. Grading Standards Each newly proposed neighborhood enclave has been walked by the Applicant, the Land Planner and the project Civil Engineer. The organization of roadway layouts and associated building pads has been carefully crafted to limit impacts to significant landforms throughout the development. The "Conservation Community" development strategy, which results in removing a substantial part of the property from private ownership and moves it into an open space conservation easement, also entails located development in more central locations. Like the PAD previously approved, some degree of cut and fill waivers will be required to execute the "Conservation Community" development strategy. The Applicant will coordinate with the Town as part of the Development Agreement to establish the parameters of the necessary waivers for cut and fill. Note, between terraced walls, the "terraced" area can be up to a 3:1 slope for fills and a 2:1 slope for cuts, except as needed for drainage. Maximum cut of a natural slope up to 10' or greater dependent on the stability of the materials excavated, and shall be as prescribed by the Town Engineer. The applicant will work closely with the Town on an updated grading strategy for the project that best aligns with the previous work done on the property. All agreed upon grading strategies and solutions will be incorporated in the detailed engineering documents to be submitted at time of preliminary plat. f. Sewer System The Town is in possession of the Master Wastewater Plan dated November 6, 2013, prepared by the civil engineers. As part of the associated improvement strategies for the new PAD, the Applicant will coordinate with the Town on the preparation of an updated Master Wastewater plan based on current as built conditions. The updated Plan and associated system will be designed per the specifications of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District (based upon 100 gallons per person per day) for gravity fall with SDR 35 PVC pipe at flow velocities at or below 1 UPS No ductile iron pipe or lift stations are currently anticipated based on preliminary review. The Fountain Hills Sanitary District and the City of Scottsdale have confirmed that Adero Canyon is within their service areas and that existing plant capacities are sufficient to serve the wastewater plan for Adero Canyon and the total number of units previously approved. The applicant will work closely with the Town on an updated sewer strategy for the project that best aligns with the previous work done on the property. All agreed upon sewer strategies and solutions will be incorporated in the detailed engineering documents to be submitted at time of preliminary plat. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 55 g. Water System The Applicant will work closely with the Town on an updated water strategy for the project that best aligns with the previous work done on the property. All agreed upon water strategies and solutions will be incorporated in the detailed engineering documents to be submitted at the time of preliminary plat. Adero Canyon contains four pressure zones which will be served by two reservoirs. *41 Existing Reservoir Future Eagle Ridge North Reservoir Along with booster pump stations and pressure reducing valves to regulate minimum and maximum system pressures, each reservoir will serve maximum daily demand and peak hourly demand based upon design criteria established by EPCOR, including fire flow demand at 2 hours for residential uses and at 3 hours for non-residential uses. Hydrants will be placed in accordance with appropriate regulations and will be reviewed and confirmed with the Fountain Hills (Rural/Metro) Fire Department. The final design of the water system will be prepared per design specifications of EPCOR (and the IBC Plumbing Code) and subject to the approval of the Town. Adeio Canyon - Planned Area Development 56 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES h. Circulation/Streets Plan A traffic impact study was prepared previously in 2013 when the projects overall density was proposed (and subsequently approved by the Town) to increase from 171 units up to 343 units. The new PAD area consists of a total of 238 existing units and a proposed total number of units at 235. This overall decrease in density does propose a shift in the location of a significant portion of the units to the northwest portion of the propertywhere land areas are more conducive for development. The Applicant will prepare a new traffic study as part of the overall planned development in order to clearly understand any associated impacts on traffic, street design and overall circulation. The following exhibit has been highlighted with the proposed locations of new roadways. The Eagle Ridge Drive extension will be designed as a public right-of-way and the technical data (out puts) from the new Traffic Study and coordination with the Town will determine its street classification as well as its proposed design speed. All other roads planned for direct neighborhood access will be private roads maintained by a property owner's association and will be designed to standards based on the Traffic Study and Town's input. Wash crossings shall be shown on plats and bridges may be con -arch design and/or culverts so long as designs incorporate concrete bottoms or sandy bottoms with rip -rap under the sand and along the sides as necessary. LEGEND Phase 2 (Current Request) PAD Boundary Private Road Public Road Neighborhood Entry Gate Access to Scottsdale Mountain Estates Public Access Easement Note: To Enhance community aesthetics and avoid unnecessary concentrations of storm water collection, roadway curbs may be rolled or 72", 18" or 14" ribbon style on all public and private streets at the discretion of the Applicant except where rolled or vertical curbs are necessary for storm water management. Temporaryon-street parking shall be permitted on all private streets on the non -sidewalk side of the street so long as a 10' drivable width remains within the M as to permit the safe passage of emergency vehicles. For Hillside (oral Roods, minimum horizontal curve length shall be 50'. New street names to be provided by Applicant and shall replace previously submitted. On street FO degree parking shall be provided on private streets within the townhome areas. scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 57 [A Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 58 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES i. Site Design And Landscape Site Design The goal for site planning and site design will be to continue the distinctive and integrated environments that have added to the overall character and quality of the property. The sensitive nature of the planning is intended to have a "light touch" on the land and careful site planning will reinforce an overall development that is carefully integrated with nature and the dramatic Sonoran desert environment. Special care with all site planning issues will continue to focus on the relationship between the aesthetic of highly visible built elements coupled with the desire to provide an individual residential setting that delivers privacy, beauty and meets the functional needs of each individual home owner. In addition, the plan has organized home locations to take advantage of dramatic views within the canyon and to the south. th�-`-' . 7 i Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development `"M0V JL 60 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Landscape The overall landscape strategy for the development will continue to focus on highlighting the special nature of the Adero Canyon environment. All site improvements will continue to be complimented with landscape treatments of native trees, shrubs, cacti, succulents and ground covers. The planting design will continue to establish a strong visual link between new construction and the native, natural setting. A comprehensive landscape strategy comprised of three primary treatment zones will continue to be utilized to ensure the overall landscape design intent. These three zones will include: Native Treatment - areas intended for native open space. Transitional Treatment - areas along streets and ROWS adjacent to the natural desert. ®Enhanced Treatment- areas immediately surrounding new development Each treatment maintains its own identity and consistency of character while sharing plant species and design elements to create logical transitions between landscaped areas. These differing treatments are designed to both promote preservation and allow homeowners flexibility in personal aesthetic within their prospective lots while maintaining a unified theme. All plant materials shall be from the Town of Fountain Hills approved plant species lists. A property owners' association shall be responsible for the maintenance of landscaping along all rights of way including the public right of way for Eagle Ridge Drive. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development ;M-, 0 •. dY� �Fif �{w:ktiai R Adero Parcels 1,7,8 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 61 I� 1 � f j A,f, I I M le Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 10 62 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Native Landscape Zone The Native Landscape Zone (NLZ) is intended to mimic the native condition of Adero Canyon in both plant species and densities as well as native ground cover treatment. Disturbance from construction activities within the NLZ will be revegetated to the native condition. NLZ areas are primarily reserved for native open space. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 11 Transition Landscape Zone The Transition Landscape Zone (TLZ) is similar in nature to the Native Landscape Zone and has the general appearance of the natural desert, but is intended to incorporate additional adaptive species to seamlessly blend the Native and Enhanced Landscape Zones. The TLZ is also appropriate for improved roadside landscapes and disturbed areas that warrant an improved landscape treatment. SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 63 .� t. Tr 1 i ,r # qq11 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 64 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Enhanced Landscape Zone While the Enhanced Landscape Zone (ELZ) maintains many of the same characteristics as the Native and Transition Landscape Zones, it allows for additional adaptive species and treatments for improvements adjacentto residential development and key community features such as site amenities and community entrances. The ELZ allows flexibility for individual residential expression while maintaining continuity throughout the community and with the native condition of Adero Canyon. W Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development El i SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 67 �_ 1. Open Space Improvements The most significant amenity throughout the community is the natural setting of the McDowell Mountain Preseve. The master plan will incorporate natural open space as a major land component with at least 51 % of the PAD Area (40% of the total development area) for land to be left in its natural state. Future improvements to the property will focus attention on landscape treatments and consider impacts to the environment. The "conservation community" plan identifies the general strategy for integrated paths and trails throughout Adero Canyon and how they may link to existing facilities outside the property. The final implementation of paths and trails will balance privacy issues associated with homeowners and accessibility opportunities for the public. The plan on the following pages presents three small private neighborhood amenities and three notable public facilities as follows: Eagle Ridge Trail Meandering natural trail of stabilized decomposed granite extending from the end of current improvements to a future trailhead at the northern end of Adero Canyon and will generally follow the large natural wash through Adero Canyon. Adero Canyon Trailhead �W A public trailhead complete with water and restroom facilities will be constructed and maintained by the Town of Fountain Hills at the northern end of the Eagle Ridge Drive extension in the McDowell Mountain Preserve. The construction of Eagle Ridge Drive will be done in multiple phases. The Applicant will provide public access to the trailhead cul-de-sac following completion of the next phases of Eagle Ridge Drive. This access will include a paved extension of Eagle Ridge Drive from the end of current improvements to the trail head cul-de-sac, as defined by the Development Agreement. rM L A note about stabilized decomposed granite (DG) Shall be utilized in accordance and alignment of previously approved PAD. Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development 68 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Open Space Improvements LEGEND Neighborhood Gateway & Southern Trailhead Access Trailhead Eagle Ridge Dr. Paved Improvements Eagle Ridge Trail (on one side of Eagle Ridge Dr. meandering class A concrete, 6' wide) (meandering path, with street connections at bridges & intersections) Regional Trail Access OSP Open Space Recreation Note: All other hillside local roads to have 6' concrete sidewalks on one side only. Provide 5/W due to road steepness, curves, reduced lot areas, road lengths per Development Agreement. (: ) scale: NTS Founfain Hil(s`. McDowell `A Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development N I 1 ivmgl Wmaemq OSP �i4, 1 lmkim- m Adero Parcels 7,7,8 r SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 69 mi, Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 70 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES k. Signage All proposed signage should be thoughtfully integrated with the overall community theming and match the new built elements on the property. All signage will be incorporated with care and restraint so as not to result in visual clutter within the overall development. For the purpose of signage and wayfinding, the system should be organized into two main categories: Permanent Signs and Temporary Signs. In general, Permanent Signs are intended to remain in place long after the last construction project is complete within the community. Temporary Signs are intended to support the permanent sign program specifically for the builder/ owner as new residential projects come on line. Specific Permanent Signs may include; monument signage, wayfinding & identity signage and specialty signs. A property owners' association shall be responsible for the maintenance of any custom signage along all rights of way including the public right of way for Eagle Ridge Drive. Custom signage for vehicular control shall convey the basic principles that govern design in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). --1'r�' lam. � r J ,. � l• �. specific design. They are intended to provide visual examples and aspirations of the intended design and development outcome. Adero Canyon • Planned Area Development SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 71 All included photographs, graphic exhibits, precedent photographs, illustrations, and/ or sketch imagery are conceptual in nature Ono nor mrenaeo ro ae specific design. They are intended to provide visual examples and aspirations of the intended design and development outcome. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 72 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Conceptual Signage Plan The proposed signage has been designed to limit any visual clutter on the land and focus on providing helpful information to residents, visitors, guests and emergency responders. Features, materials and design elements are intended to compliment the beautiful setting. The plan will look to compliment the recently installed signs associated with phase one construction. LEGEND _ �' Neighborhood Identification Signage '0j . J Specialty Signage J Wayfinding Signage Note: final signage plan to reflect flexibility to add or move signs shown on the attached. Additional temporary signage will be installed relative to the home sales effort. Additional signage required for all traffic and circulation related func- tions. Custom tragic signs shall be permitted provided they convey the basic principles that govern design in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) with respect to shape, size, color, composition, and legibility. scale: NTS Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 13 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 74 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES Conceptual Design The signage design is intended to incorporate a variety of materials, features, and components that help to reinforce the overall character and community theme for Adero Canyon and compliment recently installed signs. Rammed earth, rusted steel, and boulders will carefully integrate in a organic manner to celebrate the very best features of the Sonoran Desert. Signage concepts depicted are understood to be conceptual in nature portraying intended general characteristics. Final detailed designs will be submitted in future design phases. A n ' ♦1. iv; � �, .' 'L..% icy Street and Traffic Signage 4 Wayfinding Signage All included photographs, graphic exhibits, precedent photographs, illustrations, and/or sketch imagery ore conceptual in nature and not intended to be specific design. They are intended to provide visual examples and aspirations of the intended design and development outcome. Adero Canyon • Planned Area Development 76 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES I. Transition from Existing Context In all instances, the refined plan provides sensible integration and transition from adjacent new development within Adero Canyon. Eagle Ridge Drive will continue to be improved as each phase develops. All associated utilities and infrastructure as well will be continued from the end of the current phase one construction area. All site features and elements (signage and planting design) will be done in a manner to create a seamless transition from old (current) to new development. P] Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 18 SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES m. Compliance with Existing Agreements SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION On December 4, 2001, the Town of Fountain Hills and MCO Properties entered into a Final Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") allowing the Town to acquire approximately 1,269 acres of land to add to the Fountain Hills McDowell Mountains Preserve. The Agreement acknowledged that the Town had approved final master plats for Eagle Ridge North (later renamed Adero Canyon) and Eagles Nest. On October 6, 2011, a First Amendment to the Final Settlement Agreement was approved which, among other things amended the timing of certain infrastructure improvements and vesting periods. On September 15, 2016, the Town and the successors in intereset to MCO Properties agreed to the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Final Settlement Agreement which, among other things provided for the construction of the trailhead and eliminated Adero and Adero II's obligation to provide temporary utilities. Toll Brothers is now under contract to purchase certain portions of Adero Canyon, necessitating amendments to the agreement to reflect MCO or its successor in interests remaining obligations, and to reflect Toll's obligations as it relates to the portion of Adero Canyon they will be developing. Amending the Agreement will be a separate action involving all of Adero Canyon, including those portions of Adero Canyon that are outside the boundaries of this PAD application. Eagles Nest iso not included in the amendments to this Agreement and is not affected by either the Major General Plan Amendment or the rezoning case. M Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 't� SECTION 3 - DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 19 n. Community Property Owners Association (POA) Adero Canyon property owners will be subject to private design guidelines established through the POA Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) that include architecture and site improvements. All house product design reviews will be reviewed by an established POAcommittee. Any Association or Sub -Association will be responsible for the maintenance anclvp keep of private amenity facilities, private roads and other improvements on POA property. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 80 SECTION 4 - POSITIVE IMPACT ON FOUNTAIN HILLS 4. POSITIVE IMPACT ON FOUNTAIN HILLS The projected residents/home owners associated with the "conservation community" development plan will be more socially and economically diverse which will attract them to the mix of housing product in the new plan rather than the single custom -home product in the original plan. The new plan will appeal to a broader age bracket with some working professionals, some families, some active empty nesters and some retirees. a. Population & Schools Based on the target markets for each product type, it is estimated that the population within the Adero Canyon development upon completion will increase Fountain Hills resident population by approximately 750 +/- people. It is anticipated that the market for these household units will be mature families with some young children generally. The impact to child population in the Fountain Hills School District will be minimal (70 +/-). b. Traffic and Streets As part of the proposed PAD and associated GPA, the Applicant will complete Eagle Ridge Drive to the "top" of the property where the Town's proposed trailhead is envisioned. c. Public Utilities Conversations with managers at EPCOR, the Fountain Hills Sanitary District, Southwest Gas, and Salt River Project indicated that existing utility infrastructure capacities are sufficient to serve the revised Adero Canyon master plan without negative impacts to offsite plant capacities or existing transmission lines. The project also contemplates extending services from Cox Communications and Qwest. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development K SECTION 4 - POSITIVE IMPACT ON FOUNTAIN HILLS 81 d. Trails & Trailhead Access The PAD will enable Adero Canyon to commence sooner than it otherwise would with the existing land plan. This will ensure that financial resources presently available to the Town will not be lost before they expire. The addition of the Eagle Ridge concrete trail will also dedicate an additional public amenity not provided in the existing plan. e. Fire & Life Safety Fire and ambulance service can reach all of Adero Canyon, including Phase II, within an 8 - minute response time, serviced by the existing Fire Station 1. The new Fire Station 2, located at the northwest corner of Shea Boulevard and Fountain Hills Boulevard on land that was provided by the current owner of Adero Canyon Phase II, will place the entrance to Adero Canyon within a 5 -minute response zone and will provide additional service to all of Adero Canyon. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FIRE STATION 1 & STATION 2 -(FUTURE) 4 5 MIN & 8 MIN ZONE N r E 5 xx[ a pais rc oaweu uouirtux rau Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development LEGEND STATION N STATION 2—(FUTURE) ..._... TOWN UMTS sm PUBLIC ROAD PRIVATE ROAD SCOTTSOALE -- FUTURE ROAD N r E 5 xx[ a pais rc oaweu uouirtux rau Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 82 SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 5. COMPATIBILITY WITH GENERAL PLAN Role of the General Plan and Relationship to Adero Canyon The Fountain Hills 2010 General Plan provides a focused and comprehensive vision for guiding community growth through meaningful development. In many ways, the Adero Canyon Phase II development will directly promote many of the long-term goals and objectives outlined in the General Plan. Pursuant to the guidelines established by the General Plan, any proposed amendment to the General Plan 2010 may not result in an adverse impact to the community as a whole. Public participation shall be encouraged for any proposed amendment to the General Plan 2010 and all legal requirements shall be met. Through the achievement of many of the goals and objectives of the General Plan, these criteria are met and will ensure positive impact of the development on the community. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 — Existing Zoning $In lafaml Resldentlal Districts R-190 ! 1 du per 190.000 aq fl O R1431 1 du per 43.5611 s, 11 O Rt -35/ 1 dupnr 35,000 sq ft R1-18/ 1 du per 18,IX10 sq ft [� R1-10 11 du per 10,000 W ft 0 R1 -8 / 1 du par 8,000 sq ft Q R1-6 / 1 du per 6,000 sq ft Mullti-Farelly Residential DistrIM M-1 11 du per 5,445 sq ft M-2 / 1 du per 4,356 sq fl _ M-3/ 1 du per 3,630 sq ft R-2 / 1 du per 4,000 sq ft i_ R -3l 1 du per 3,000 sq fl _ RA 11 du per 2,000 sq ft _ R-511 du per 1,740 sq ft Commercial Dli trlcts C-0 /Commercial Office !�C-C / Common Commercial C-1 / Neighoomood rda Commercial _ C 2 / Intermedial. Commel _ C-3 / Gonoral Commordal Em to nt District' INO-t 1 Planned Industrial i IND -2 / Light Industrial TCCD / Town Center ® LA / Very Low Density Lodging _ L -2I Low Density LWgmg _ L-31 Medium Density Lodging 0 UTI Utility R—titbdal Distdcl OSR/Open Spaco Recreational OSC / Open SpaceConservation _ OSP I Open SP_ Pr.servell.n as Fountain Hills i Jurisdiclional Boundaries i� Arterial ROW ® Stale Highway *No land is peoantly zoned this dassificalwn Ndc Oeciel coni,g is dep dN on it, Towns Off—I Zonins VA p SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 83 Specific examples of how the proposed PAD aligns with the General Plan includes the following references to the major elements, goals, and objectives highlighted in the Town's guiding document. Land Use Element Goal Five: "Protect and Rreserve existing neighborhoods from Incompatible adi cent land uses." Objective 5.2: "The Town should continue to preserve open space and natural washes as buffers between and within zoning districts." Adero Canyon is surrounded by open space except for an intended connection to Copperwynd. The proposed Major General Plan Amendment that accompanies this PAD will further accomodate the preservation of open space. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 84 SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Goal Six: "Continue to preserve open space and maintain strict guidelines for the conservation of natural resources." Objective 6.1: "The Town should continue to preserve steeply sloping hillsides, wash areas, and tracts of contiguous open space." Objective 6.3: "The town should maintain linkages in the form of pedestrian paths, visual corridors, and interconnection to public art." Objective 6.4: "The Town should continue to consider additional opportunities to connect its open space/trail system with the Maricopa County McDowell Mountain Regional Park regional trail system in a manner that protects natural assets, minimizes potential environmental degradation and discourages motorized vehicular traffic." The proposed amendment enhances the provisions of open space in several ways including; expanded native desert areas, greater accessibility to open space through an interconnected trail system and special park features in close proximity to neighborhoods. Adero Canyon -Planned Area Development Growth Areas Element Goal Three: "Encourage the development of a variety of housing types." Adero Canyon Phase 11 is planned as a diverse set of residential options driven by an existing gap in the housing market. The current housing mix in Fountain Hills consists primarily of low and high-income homes with little in the middle. Adero Canyon Phase 11 will promote a balanced variety of housing types that are sensitive to the character of the community. Housing styles will include townhomes and semi -custom homes among a natural desert setting with an abundance of open space. The current General Plan designation of the Site consists of a mix of R1-43, Pi -8, and R1-6 designations. Adero Canyon Phase 11 is designed to respect the existing land use designations through a variety of housing options that correlate with the current blend of densities on the land use map. The proposed PAD does not seek to deviate from the existing residential category, rather the goal is to seek the designation of Townhome and Semi -Custom Residential within this PAD, which will allow for the preservation Of a significant areas of open space. Objective 3.1: "The Town should encourage creative solutions for topographically challenging sites." The proposed amendment illustrates a thoughtful and sensitive solution for incorporating a variety of housing types within Adero Canyon including semi -custom homes and townhomes. The proposed land use has been organized in a highly sensitive manner based on careful consideration of slopes, drainage, landform, and topography. SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 85 Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 86 SECTION 5 -COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PIAN Goal Six: Encourage developments that preserve and protect natural resources. Objective 6.1 : The Town should encourage development, revitalization and redevelopment projects that set aside dedicated preservation areas. Response: Through the preservation of several acres of dedicated open space, this proposal respects and preserves the natural resources and desert environment of the McDowell Mountain Regional Park. Accessibility to the open space will be encouraged through the development of an interconnected trail system and special park features located in close proximity to neighborhoods. The preservation of open space is a key design theme to the Adero Canyon Phase 11 development and will promote the achievement of this objective. Over 167 acres of open space are incorporated into the development plan, over 57% of the PAD area. The open space areas will create significant, natural buffers between the homes and the adjacent McDowell Mountain Regional Park to promote land use compatibility and enhance the character of the community. Circulation Element Goal Three: "Provide for and encourage the use of non -vehicular modes of circulation." Objective 2.3: "The Town should develop standards for bikeway systems along the roadway as well as develop standards for pedestrian trails adjacent to open space corridors." The proposed amendment provides the framework for a carefully orchestrated path and trails system that will link the specific parcel neighborhoods as well as non -motorized connectivity to the entire surrounding areas. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development "4 Objective 3.1 : The Town should ensure that new developments include provisions for pedestrian and/or bike paths where appropriate, and that those pathways are a component of development plans. Response: The proposed PAD provides the framework for an interconnected trail system that will link the homes to the adjacent preserve as well as the Town center. Non -vehicular modes of transportation are encouraged through the incorporation of abundant open space and paths, which will provide the opportunity for alternative transit, recreation and fitness. The sensitive planning of open space and trails will elevate the quality of life for residents and the greater community. SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 81 Adero Canyon • Planned Area Development 88 SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Open Space Element Goal One: "Provide and maintain an open space network throughout the community." Objective 1.3: "...encourage the connection of major open space and contiguous open space with pathways outside the wash corridors, in the design of public and private developments." Objective 1.7: "...investigate the development of unpaved trails within the Town limits that provide opportunities for recreation, enjoyment and use of the Sonoran Desert subject to the appropriate findings and studies in places where they have little impact on residential developments and natural wildlife." The proposed amendment includes an interconnected path and trail system that provides both internal pedestrian access and linkage to the entire Adero Canyon Community. The open space proposed will be a considerable asset for the Town and community. Goal Five: "Provide open space linkages within the Town and to the regional systems beyond its boundaries." Objective 5.1 : "...continue to encourage the development of trail systems that link Fountain Hills with McDowell Mountain Regional Park, the City of Scottsdale trail system and potential trail systems on both the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and the Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation." The proposed amendment includes an interconnected path and trail system that provides both internal pedestrian access and linkage to the surrounding regional open space system. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development J ll �I 16..'�, rte•. Water Resources SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 89 Goal One: "Reduce water usage." Objective 1.3: "...The Town should encourage new and revitalization projects to be designed in a manner that limits water usage." Response: The proposed PAD takes careful consideration of the water usage throughout the Site. Preserving open space and implementing natural landscape and vegetation within the neighborhood parcels is a critical design theme that protects the natural environment and vegetation and thereby reduces water usage. Through the preservation of over half of the total site area as open space, the scale of the development is sensitive to the delicate desert environment and will promote the achievement of this goal. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 90 SECTION 5 - COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PIAN Environmental Planning Element Goal One: "Promote the continued vigilance and guardianship of the natural desert." Objective 1.: "The town should continually update the approved low water use plant list to ensure that all plants on the list are suitable for the community." The planned amendment protects significant areas of open space and native vegetation and celebrates the Sonoran Desert through the integrated use Of native and adaptive plants throughout the community to blend with the natural setting of Adero Canyon. Response: This proposal directly responds to this goal through the generous open space provision and will protect the valuable resources of the natural desert. Significant areas of open space are incorporated into this design, totaling over 167 acres, and will serve a variety of functions, including recreation, drainage, preservation and alternative transportation. Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 01 a f vp 401 44 t t'r. gy"Iiy�i�,,� ';� `. �.� p x .'fir R�.. 1 M "f" +.^�'.. � e< . a♦ 6 N — ,yx ✓ t .; �' s t •i a^ K� r. , )-}`"�� ' '*.� Y ,. � i aw.� r - f �" t. y! f�.i[i l �wf �' f �• +_ � � {�' ry rax. a. �"fK:�f�Ie# � `d, .'?_ 1 , t• J , .t. '� � •�. `',� 'yam Y � 92 SECTION 6 - PHASING PLAN 6. PHASING PLAN Adero Canyon will be platted and developed in several residential parcels in a logical sequence generally progressing through the property from south to north. Each residential parcel will commence concurrently or following the main backbone infrastructure along Eagle Ridge Drive, which will be constructed in four phases as shown on the map on the facing page. Now that phase one is complete, future phases will continue in a northernly direction up into the Canyon. The Applicant's intent is to follow up the entitlement documents with preliminary plats for the remaining total lots. Proposed phasing of the development may accelerate or decelerate due to unanticipated environmental or market conditions beyond the control of the Applicant. Therefore, the conceptual phasing plan is an estimate for the likely phasing for this development. LEGEND Phase 2A Eagle Ridge Dr. Paved Improvements Phase 2B Phase 2C Phase 2D Potential Eagle Ridge North Water Reservoir R-4 Access & waterline to Eagle Ridge North Water Reservoir R-4 The necessity and locations for the water reservoirs will be determined by the updated Water Master Study which will be completed prior to the submission of pre -plots. scale: NTS f' OSR Phase 2D Phase 2C 1 ,.. t� r i Phase 2A Phase 2A Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development SECTION 6 - PHASING PLAN 93 Phase -.�.- _ ,,yy 2B.:- 10 Adero Parcels 1,7,$ Adero Canyon - Planned Area Development 94 SECTION 7 -A NOTE ON SUSTAINABILITY 7. A NOTE ON SUSTAINABILITY The base for any strategy for sustainability includes a keen understanding of the land, resident culture, long-range regional growth and market preferences. For Adero Canyon, the refined development strategy is guided by the notion of a "soft touch on the land" to provide the platform for all sustainable design direction. The more the natural environment can be preserved and integrated into the lifestyle of the community, the better chance the community will have to become vibrant and secure a sense of timelessness in the marketplace. This stewardship of the land is not simply intended as a measuring stick of good faith, but a true economic barometer of the development's long-term financial success. The refined conservation community strategy brings this strategy to new heights. Sophisticated buyers today see value in the means and methods enlisted to carefully engage the natural setting. The Applicant will create an environment for future residents to support the community's commitment to environmental stewardship including embracing natural open space on lots, appreciating a built environment which integrates with the topography and enjoying the community's outdoor activities. Home design criteria will encourage sensible context design practices that consider sun angles, landform and vegetation. Sustainability also needs to be considered within the context of financial ramifications. It will be important to create a design framework that allows for flexibility to change and evolve based on macro -economic and market factors. Adem Canyon - Planned Area Development OORGANIC FAIR & SQUARE BEAUTIFUL HANDMADE 6 PURE Nftr, 41 av -A4 "Invest wisely in beauty, it will serve you all the days of your life." - Frank Lloyd Wright 0) '0 cn '1 h-'0 ti y `i'0 — n 0, � C0 .... -, �.-• r+ 9 ° 5 e+ n -3-- y .+. o n o �' 10 0 A;. PD (D 0 0 0 0 �� n's O r� p, ° � 0 " o r� o �. 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