HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2018.0125.Minures TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 111 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION January 25,2018 Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski, Vice-Chairman Susan Dempster. Commissioners: Christopher Jones and Eric Hansen. Also in attendance were Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director, Marissa Moore, Senior Planner and Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC AGENDA ITEM # 1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED JANUARY 11,2018. Vice-Chairman Dempster MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, December 07, 2017 as written. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4/0. o AGENDA ITEM # 2 - CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2018-04, DECLARING AS A PUBLIC RECORD THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND ENTITLED THE"FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING"PAD APPLICATION. Commissioner Jones MOVED to APPROVE the RESOLUTION 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living" PAD application. Vice-Chairman Dempster SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4/0. AGENDA ITEM #3 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE 18-03, AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 5.75 ACRES FROM HEMINGWAY PAD TO FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA PLAT 403B, BLOCK 5, LOT 1. (APN 176-10- 811) CASE#Z2017-14 Chairman Dabrowski opened the public hearing at 5:39 p.m. Ms.Moore,Development Services Senior Planner,presented a staff report and a PowerPoint presentation, (Copy is on file in the Development Services Department) on the details of an application by CA Ventures for a Assisted Living/Independent/Memory Care project located at 9700 N. saguaro Blvd. The building is 167,000 square feet in size with 196 beds,which both changed recently and the applicant will explain the details in their presentation. The property is currently zoned Hemingway PAD. When the Hemingway PAD was adopted in 2015, the following were adopted and remain part of the development without needing additional approvals; Special Use Permit allowing an assisted living facility, a Fill Wavier to allow three feet of fill and an Abandonment of the Hillside Protection Easement. Ms. Moore 111) explained in detail, as listed in pages 2, 3, and 4 in the staff report further changes made to the existing PAD. The PAD would change the underlying zoning from the Hemingway PAD with a base C-1 zoning Page 1 of 6 to a base C-2 zoning for the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD which would allow for a maximum building height of forty feet from the existing grade. The current maximum height under the base C-1 is • twenty-five feet. The C-2 zoning would allow the front yard setback to be reduced from twenty-five feet to ten feet. Ms. Moore detailed the applicant's request for the following waivers from the Zoning Ordinance(Z.O.)and Subdivision Ordinance(S.O.): 1. Waive the requirement for an 8-foot high masonry fence along and adjacent to the residential property to the rear of the site. The intent of this requirement is to limit visual impacts of commercial development from residential development. If this wall was built, per the Zoning Ordinance, it would not be visible to the neighbors, as the project would be creating a cut along the north property line—where it would be required(Z.O. Section 12.07.A.a); 2. Allow the 5-foot reduction from the required 10-foot separation between the building walls and the drive aisle,to allow for a 5-foot wide separation(Section 7.03.B.6); 3. Allow the height of the entry sign to be measured from finished grade rather than the top of curb of the public road nearest the sign (Z.O. Section 6.07.H), so that the sign would be visible from the adjacent roadways 4. Allow a reduction in the required plant material amounts to create landscaping that is more viable in the long-term than what is required in the Subdivision Ordinance, while still meeting all other landscaping requirements(S.O.Article 6.05.C); 5. Waive the requirement to construct a sidewalk along Burkemo Drive and instead extend the sidewalk along N Saguaro Boulevard from the north property line to Monterey Drive (S.O. Article 4.04); 6. Allow offsite drainage to be routed to N Saguaro Boulevard, as opposed to flowing onto the subject property as it has done historically(S.O. 5.2.A.9); 7. Allow a 10-feet roadway easement in lieu of right-of-way dedication for construction of a future wider street section for a minor collector along a portion of E Trevino Dr. (S.O.Article 3, Exhibit 7); 8. Allow an entrance to be 2 feet greater than the maximum of 28 feet to construct a 30-foot wide driveway entrance on Burkemo Drive(Z.O. Section 7.03.A.3); 9. Allow two 40-foot wide entrances along E Trevino Drive (staff would not normally approve a traffic design with two driveway entrances at this width near each other); Parking requirements for this use are 49 spaces.However,the plan proposes to have 90 parking spaces. The project must be in substantial compliance with the proposed PAD and conceptual site plan as presented at the time of approval of a building permit. Ms. Moore concluded that staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD rezoning as presented. Chairman Dabrowski thanked Ms.Moore and asked for the applicant's presentation. Chris Russ, Vice President of Development, CA Ventures, explained to the commission that Senior Living is part of a larger company out of Chicago called CA Ventures. CA Ventures develops senior living across the country. The Fountain Hills Senior Living is a community for Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care. This project was originally 190+beds which has been reduced to 178 beds with 170 units within the building thus reducing the square footage. This is the only change to the PAD. The building is amenities rich with multiple dining, community rooms, clubhouse/lounge, gym, pool, therapy/exercise room, golf simulators and gathering spaces indoor and outdoor. The location is Saguaro and Trevino. Mr. Russ referenced a slide showing the site plan minimizing the building as best as they can. In order to keep the site low profile they are proposing a lot of export out of the site so it can sit (sink) down. This will help preserve the neighbors views of the mountains and views back to the Page 2 of 6 neighbors are limited and to maintain their privacy. The three stories are only visible from Trevino. Mr. Russ showed conceptual landscaping plans and Architect,Drew Roskos explained the locations of each Chairman Dabrowski asked for speaker cards and Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were two cards received from residents who wish to speak. David Williams, a Fountain Hills resident, addressed the Commission. Mr.Williams identified himself as a retired contractor and understands that the property would be developed at some point. Mr. Williams said he does not have a problem with the proposed project except that it is not very attractive and he does not like the color. Looks institutionalized and could use some more architectural detail. Jane Bell, a Fountain Hills resident, thanked the Commission and wanted to say that Chris from CA Ventures has been a pleasure to work with. Ms. Bell's concern is the lack of width on Trevino and to increase the entrance width on Trevino and move the Burkemo entrance to gain a wider path on the left hand side. She suggested landscaping ideas to help cut down on the noise. Chairman Dabrowski closed the public hearing at 5:59 p.m. AGENDA ITEM # 4 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 18-03, AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 5.75 ACRES FROM HEMINGWAY PAD TO FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA PLAT 403B,BLOCK 5,LOT 1.(APN 176-10-811) CASE#Z2017-14 Commissioner Dempster asked for clarification regarding the height from the lowest point of grade and the sightline from the homes affected. Ca Ventures responded that the homes will maintain their mountain views. • Commissioner Dempster asked what is the building square footage and how many employees. Mr.Russ said there will be seventy-five employees and the building is 150,000.square footage. Commissioner Dempster asked for clarification regarding item number two, the importance of the five foot reduction. Ms Moore replied that the requirement between the building and where the parking starts is a ten feet separation. They are asking for five feet instead of the ten to maximize the parking area and pull the parking lot in toward the building which pulls it further away from the property line. Commissioner Hansen asked for confirmation regarding the Hemingway PAD and the CA Senior Living PAD. Ms. Moore said the Hemmingway PAD is going away and this is a new CA Senior Living PAD. Commissioner Hansen asked about the offsite drainage flow and the 100 year storm drainage. Eric Winters, civil engineer from EPS Group INC, explained the drainage enters the site in three locations. Predominately south of the proposed entrance off Burkemo and a couple locations along the north edge. He referenced the swales from Google earth showing they all merge into one that dumps on Saguaro Blvd., north of Trevino. To protect the site,the drainage will pass through the site and the route will follow along the north edge. With our plan, the flow rate will be less than what it is now because we will retain at the site.The storm drain has the capacity to handle the existing and proposed volumes. Page 3 of 6 In response to Commissioner Jones, Ms. Moore said it was not requested nor suggested that the plants allocated be larger to accommodate the plant reduction request. Commissioner Jones commented that based on the size of the building and in his experience, it would be nice to see an increase in larger plant material. Ms. Moore said it can be discussed with the applicant and may be added as a stipulation. Commissioner Jones asked where is the 5 foot landscape set back from the building. Mr. Russ referenced the site plan showing details of the landscape setbacks. Commissioner Jones expressed concern about areas that could use more trees. He referenced an area near the drive and loading area. Mr. Russ agreed and confirmed that accommodations could be made as well as the north side of the curb. Commissioner Jones asked where is the mechanical location and is it included in the rooftop analysis. Mr. Roskos said there is one roof top unit that will be screened similar to the building. He referenced the rooftop analysis showing the site lines from the existing homes. He confirmed it is visible from the residents from the north. Commissioner Jones asked at what point is the building height measured. Mr. Roskos said from the height measurement was taken from the existing grade. The valley in the middle of the site is the measurement starting point. (south side elevation, Chairman Dabrowski expressed concern about the height of the building. She asked if the height could be reduced by expanding the footprint? Mr. Russ said in order to get the two story portions, on the south side, forty-feet was necessary while other parts of the building are lower. Chairman Dabrowski asked about the expected traffic flow. Mr. Russ said that the Trevino Drive is the primary entrance. Chairman Dabrowski asked to review the traffic analysis and if a Saguaro blvd entrance was every considered. Ms. Moore replied that the road is congested and referred to the civil engineer. Mr. Winters said it was the developers preference but the grading was an issue. Chairman Dabrowski asked if there was any discussion around greening efforts on the rooftop. Mr. Russ said there are different options and they have not made any final decisions. Chairman Dabrowski asked if CA Ventures met with any of the surrounding businesses. Mr. Russ replied that they held two community meetings and did not receive any contact nor did anyone show up for the community meeting. ftivr Page 4 of 6 Chairman Dabrowski asked what was the outcome of the traffic study in regards to the commercial traffic. Mr. Winters explained he was not a traffic engineer however the study, (by EPS Group) resulted in the need to widen the road in order to provide a left turn lane on the east side. Chairman Dabrowski asked about the trash truck route. Mr.Russ said they would service the southeast side of the building. Chairman Dabrowski asked for any further discussion and to review the stipulations. Commissioner Jones asked how many rooms are independent living and where do they park. The independent living is seventy-four units and thirty memory care units. Based on other locations parking history they have increased parking more than what is dictated by code. Commissioner Jones commented he would like to see more interest in the monument sign detail. Mr. Russ agreed and said the rendering is a place holder and more details will be taken into consideration the monument sign design. Chairman Dabrowski asked if the height of the project could be reduced in anyway. Mr. Russ replied that in order to achieve the two-stories and the interior ceiling height it would not be possible. Discussion took place amongst the commissioners and concluded with the following recommend stipulations to be forwarded to the Town Council: 1. Provide larger landscaping plants as a trade-off for the reduction in the number of plants installed. 2. Increase the number of plants in the northwest corner of the lot. 3. Provide trees and taller plants along the south building wall. 4. Ensure the rooftop equipment is screened. 5. Widen E Trevino Drive all the way to N Burkemo Drive. 6. Create an entry sign that better blends in with the building structure. 7. Bring the height of the building down as much as possible. 8. Consideration of greening options for the rooftops. Chairman Dabrowski said if there are no more questions, is there a motion. Vice-Chairman Dempster MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve ORDINANCE 18-03, an amendment to the Town Of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 5.75 acres from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD with stipulations. AKA Plat 403b,Block 5,Lot 1. (APN 176-10-811) CASE#Z2017-14 Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the motion carried unanimously 4/0. AGENDA ITEM # 5 - CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting start time from 5:30 p.m.to 6:00 p.m.beginning February 22,2018. Commissioner Hansen MOVED to APPROVE changing the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting start times to 6:00 p.m. and direct staff to bring back a resolution in the future adopting the Commission Page 5 of 6 schedule change as part of the Council Rules of Procedure. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4/0. (.0„. AGENDA ITEM # 6 - SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Director. None AGENDA ITEM#7-REPORT FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SENIOR PLANNER. Ms. Moore extended an invitation to the Commissioners to attend the mandatory Annual Open Meeting Law/ Conflict of Interest Training Work-Shop given by the Town Attorney. The training will be held at Town Hall on February 6, 2018, beginning at 4:30 PM. Ms. Moore said this is an opportunity for Commissioners to ask the Town Attorney questions related to open meeting law and conflicts of interest. AGENDA ITEM#8-ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Hansen MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 6:36 p.m. and Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski ATTEST: ?OA 0144)11 Paula Woodward,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 25th day of January, 2018 in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. 1/1-7Qt)/A,S Paula Woodward,Executive Assistant Page 6 of 6 ;AIN.14,f1 POST ACTION MEETING AGENDA � i� � `� REGULAR MEETING NOTICE _ OF THE 91/16at i5 NIC"IP � PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Commission Members: Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski, Vice-Chairman Susan Dempster Commissioners:Erik Hansen and Christopher Jones Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a regular meeting, which is open to the general public, on January 25, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers at 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town's Councilmembers or various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. TIME: 5:30 P.M. —REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY,JANUARY 25,2018 WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 EAST AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS it; PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Commission Recorder prior to the Commission's discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Recorder's position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Recorder or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers'statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Commissioners, Town Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not(i)reserve a portion of their time for a later time or(ii)transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing, please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by (i) discretion of the Chairman upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii)consensus of the Commission at Meeting or(iii) the Chairman either prior to or during a Meeting. If you do not comply with these rules, you will be asked to leave. (111\- — - _ lanning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE— Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski 5.30 PM 0,41., MOMENT OF REFLECTION— Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski ROLL CALL— Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G),public comment is permitted(not required)on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Public" unless the matters are property noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Commission members map(i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. AGENDA ITEM(S) 1. CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes from January 11,2018. APPROVED 2. CONSIDERATION of RESOUTION 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the"Fountain Hills Senior Living"PAD application. APPROVED 3. PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on ORDINANCE 18-03, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 5.75 acres from Hemingway PAD to FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA Plat 403B,Block 5, Lot 1. (APN 176-10-811) Case#Z2017-14 OPENED 5:39 PM CLOSED 5:59 PM 4. CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE 18-03, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 5.75 acres from Hemingway PAD to FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA Plat 403B,Block 5, Lot 1. (APN 176-10-811) Case#Z2017-14 APPROVED 5. CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting start time from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. beginning February 22, 2018.APPROVED 6. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director.NO ACTION TAKEN 7. REPORT from Senior Planner.NO ACTION TAKEN 8. ADJOURNMENT 6:36 PM Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 2 of 3 Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished to the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Planning&Zoning Division of the Development Services Depart nt. L DATED this 22nd day ofJanuary 2018. By: ober R er4Development Services Director own of Fountain Hills The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting.A majority of the Council Members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S.§1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions,parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may he subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived." L Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 3 of 3 Paula Woodward From: Marissa Moore ant: Monday, January 29, 2018 5:29 PM .""To: Paula Woodward Subject: FW: Fountain Hills -Senior Living Follow Up Attachments: Height Exhibit.pdf; RedLine Height Exhibit.jpg From: Marissa Moore Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 17:20 To: 'Chris Russ' Cc: Ryan Carron; Drew Roskos (droskos@hed.design); Aliza Sabin (aliza.sabin@epsgroupinc.com); Shawn Byron (Shawn.Byron@epsgroupinc.com); Matt Booma; Eric Winters (eric.winters@epsgroupinc.com) Subject: RE: Fountain Hills - Senior Living Follow Up Chris— Here are the stipulations as we understand them that will be forwarded on to Town Council as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission: 1. Larger plants as a trade-off for the reduced number of plants 2. Increase the number of plants in the northwest corner 3. Landscape with trees/taller plants along the couth building wall 4. Make sure the rooftop equipments is screened 5. Widen Trevino all the way to Burkemo 6. Blend the sign wall in better with the building architecture (it should be noted that the sign is part of this PAD and the TC will want to see the design presented in the PAD as close to what will actually be built as possible) 7. Bring the height down as much as possible, since the base zoning is 25 feet (additionally, as I mentioned after the meeting, submit graphics showing the specific areas of the building that will exceed 30 feet,which is the standard maximum building height in residential zoning districts here in town; I've attached a similar graphic from a different development here in town, Copperwynd,that the Council requested) 8. They are going to want to see a color board and materials examples for the building and sign. 9. I think there were concerns expressed about the colors and design. See note 8. The deadline for getting everything to me for the February 20th Town Council meeting is February 8th.That's coming up FAST. Anything else? I think that's a good start and we will obviously be in touch. Marissa Moore, AICP Senior Planner '''1 eta v; Town of Fountain Hills A' 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 „v w;�, mmoore@fh.az.Qov Direct: 480-816-5139 Fax:480-837-3145 1 .rom: Chris Russ [mailto:CRuss©ca-ventures.com] .8ent: Monday, January 29, 2018 11:37 To: Marissa Moore Cc: Ryan Carron; Drew Roskos (droskos(ahed.design); Aliza Sabin (aliza.sabin@epsgroupinc.com); Shawn Byron (Shawn.Byron@epsgroulDinc.com); Matt Booma; Eric Winters (eric.winters@iepsgroupinc.com) Subject: Fountain Hills - Senior Living Follow Up Marissa Good afternoon.Thanks again for everything last week.We're very pleased with the way the meeting went on Thursday and are looking forward to getting through Council next month.There were a number of items discussed at the meeting that we are looking into so I wanted to understand from you when we need to get you updates to the PAD and the corresponding conceptual plans. I imagine we have a short time for back and forth with you and then you'll need final info by a certain date ahead of the meeting on the 20th? Also, are you able to send me the final list of recommendations from the PZ meeting so we make sure we address all the items one way or another? We saw a copy of the email from David Williams, the neighbor at the bottom of the hill, and while we are looking into the colors and earth tones,we aren't looking at a whole sale change to the building façade and roof type. I believe the majority of the other neighbors, staff and the Commission are generally happy with the aesthetic. Do you agree? Thanks P of Development I CA Ventures 130 East Randolph Street I Suite 2100 I Chicago, IL 60601 Cell: 704 578 3161 cruss(a�ca-ventures.com I www.ca-ventures.com AP VENTURES ES This message may contain information that is confidential, legally privileged, or subject to other restrictions on use or redistribution. 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TIME: 5:30 P.M. —REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY,JANUARY 25,2018 WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 EAST AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Commission Recorder prior to the Commission's discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Recorder's position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Recorder or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers'statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause, protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Commissioners, Town Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not(i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or(ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing, please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by (i) discretion of the Chairman upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the 'ommission at Meeting or(iii) the Chairman either prior to or during a Meeting. If you do not comply with thesg-' you will be asked to leave. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE— Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski MOMENT OF REFLECTION— Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski ROLL CALL— Chairman Amberleigh Dabrowski CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G),public comment is permitted(not required) on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Public" unless the matters are property noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Commission members may (i) respond to criticism, (ii) ask staff to review a matter or (iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. AGENDA ITEM(S) 1. CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes from January 11, 2018. 2. CONSIDERATION of RESOUTION 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the"Fountain Hills Senior Living"PAD application. %Ai` 3. PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on ORDINANCE 18-03, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 5.75 acres from Hemingway PAD to FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA Plat 403B,Block 5, Lot 1. (APN 176-10-811) Case#Z2017-14 4. CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE 18-03, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 5.75 acres from Hemingway PAD to FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA Plat 403B,Block 5,Lot 1. (APN 176-10-811) Case#Z2017-14 5. CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting start time from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. beginning February 22, 2018. 6. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Development Services Director. 7. REPORT from Senior Planner. 8. ADJOURNMENT L Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 2 of 3 Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished dS to the Commission Depart si nn with this agenda are available for review in the Planning&Zoning Division of the Development (� W.ATED this 22nd day of January 2018. By. ober R er Development Services Director own of Fountain Hills The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting.A majority of the Council Members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions,parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived." C Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 3 of 3 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS �oJ�yTAIN k�ill N ?N -- a V Planning and Zoning x n 3p Board of Adjustment if,tbar�..._r is tioo AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: January 25, 2018 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Division: Development Services Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVING THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FROM January 11, 2018. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): The intent of approving previous meeting minutes is to ensure an accurate account of the discussion and action that took place at that meeting for archival purposes. Approved minutes are placed on the Town's website in compliance with state law. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to Approve the Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes dated January 11, 2018 as presented. Attachment(s): N/A Suplitted Approve., sy: itiaW" W 01/22/2018 01/22/2018 Paula Woodward, Executive ssistant Date Roo -lid Development Services Director Date Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS *.- 1.4� 5 X Planning and Zoning ?to Board of Adjustment thatfsmy' AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: 2/20/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Session Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Marissa Moore, AICP, 480-816-5139, mmoore@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO COUNCIL (Agenda Language): CONSIDERATION of RESOUTION 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living" PAD application. Case #Z2017-14 PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on ORDINANCE 18-03, an amendment to the Town of ountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 5.75 acres from Hemingway PAD to FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA Plat 403B, Block 5, Lot 1. (APN 176-10-811) Case #Z2017-14 CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE 18-03, an amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to change the zoning on 5.75 acres from Hemingway PAD to FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. AKA Plat 403B, Block 5, Lot 1 . (APN 176-10-811) Case #Z2017-14 Case #Z-2017-14 Applicant: Matthew Booma, CA Ventures Applicant Contact Information: 130 E Randolph Street, Ste 2100 Chicago, IL 60601 mboomaaa.ca-ventures.com (312) 239-1896 Property Location: 9700 N Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 "elated Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Ordinance #15-05 Amendment to the Official Zoning Map Zoning Ordinance Section 2.01 — Amendments or Zone Changes Page 1 of 5 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD P&Z—25 January 2018 Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6 — Sign Regulations Zoning Ordinance Section 7.03 — Design and Location of Parking Spaces. Zoning Ordinance Chapter 12 — Commercial Zoning Districts Zoning Ordinance Chapter 19 —Architectural Review Guidelines Zoning Ordinance Chapter 23 — Planned Area Development (PAD) District Subdivision Ordinance Article 3 — Subdivision Design Principles and Standards Subdivision Ordinance Article 4 — Public Improvement Requirements Subdivision Ordinance Article 5 — Grading Standards Subdivision Ordinance Article 6 — Landscaping Standards 2010 General Plan Chapter 3 - Land Use Map — (Figure 11) Staff Summary (background): SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Single-Family Residential (Zoned R1-35) SOUTH: Commercial (Zoned C-1) EAST: Multi-Family Residential (Zoned R-5) WEST: Single-Family Residential (Zoned R1-35) "Fountain Hills Senior Living" is a proposed Assisted Living / Independent Living / Memory Care project located at 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd. The proposal consists of one building that is approximately 167,000 square feet in size with 196 beds. The Assisted Living/Independent Living amenities include the office, clubhouse/lounge, gym, physical therapy/exercise room, salon and library. The Memory Care portion of the building amenities includes living rooms, dining room, library, family room, four ,easons room, assisted bathing and exam room. Shared spaces on the ground floor include 'employee lounge, a commercial kitchen, property management offices with a conference room, and various other support spaces. The property is currently zoned Hemingway PAD. With the Hemingway PAD, which was adopted in 2015, the following were adopted and remain a part of this development without needing additional approvals: Special Use Permit to allow an assisted living facility Fill Waiver to allow three feet of fill Abandonment of the Hillside Protection Easement Changes to the existing PAD are explained in more detail below. PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT: (Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD) (ORD 18-03) (Case #Z2017-14) The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD would change the underlying zoning from Hemingway PAD with a base C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial and Professional Zoning District) to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD with a base C-2 (Intermediate Commercial Zoning District). This change in underlying zoning is being requested to allow for a maximum building height of 40 feet from existing grade. The current maximum building height is 25 feet from existing grade. Approving this PAD would allow the building height to increase by 15 feet from the existing maximum allowed. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD will contain a total of 196 assisted living / independent living / care residential suites in one building. The building will be approximately 167,000 square feet in size and 40 feet in height from existing grade. Page 2 of 5 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD P&Z—25 January 2018 Rezoning the property would also allow the front yard setback to be reduced from 25 feet to 10 feet. The applicant is also requesting the following waivers from the Zoning Ordinance (Z.O.) and Subdivision Ordinance (S.O.): 1. Waive the requirement for an 8-foot high masonry fence along and adjacent to the residential property to the rear of the site. The intent of this requirement is to limit visual impacts of commercial development from residential development. If this wall was built, per the Zoning Ordinance, it would not be visible to the neighbors, as the project would be creating a cut along the north property line —where it would be required (Z.O. Section 12.07.A.a); 2. Allow the 5-foot reduction from the required 10-foot separation between the building walls and the drive aisle, to allow for a 5-foot wide separation (Section 7.03.B.6); 3. Allow the height of the entry sign to be measured from finished grade rather than the top of curb of the public road nearest the sign (Z.O. Section 6.07.H), so that the sign would be visible from the adjacent roadways 4. Allow a reduction in the required plant material amounts to create landscaping that is more viable in the long-term than what is required in the Subdivision Ordinance, while still meeting all other landscaping requirements (S.O. Article 6.05.C); 5. Waive the requirement to construct a sidewalk along Burkemo Drive and instead extend the sidewalk along N Saguaro Boulevard from the north property line to Monterey Drive (S.O. Article 4.04); 6. Allow offsite drainage to be routed to N Saguaro Boulevard, as opposed to flowing onto the subject property as it has done historically (S.O. 5.2.A.9); 1/4, 7. Allow a 10-feet roadway easement in lieu of right-of-way dedication for construction of a future wider street section for a minor collector along a portion of E Treveno Dr. (S.O. Article 3, Exhibit 7); 8. Allow an entrance to be 2 feet greater than the maximum of 28 feet to construct a 30-foot wide driveway entrance on Burkemo Drive (Z.O. Section 7.03.A.3); 9. Allow two 40-foot wide entrances along E Trevino Drive (staff would not normally approve a traffic design with two driveway entrances at this width near each other); Parking requirements for this use are 49 spaces. However, the plan proposes to have 90 parking spaces. The project must be in substantial compliance with the proposed PAD and conceptual site plan as presented at the time of approval. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the Site Plan will allow the applicant to design construction drawings and proceed to the Site development and Building Permit processes. Approval of the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD will rezone the property from the current Hemingway PAD zoning district designation and allow development in accordance with the proposed Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD guidelines. denial of this project would require that the applicant either revise the appropriate proposal and resubmit, or abandon the proposal. Page 3 of 5 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD P&Z—25 January 2018 Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): NA 'Budget Reference (page number): NA Funding Source: NA If Multiple Funds utilized, list here: NA Budgeted; if No, attach Budget Adjustment Form: NA Staff Recommendation(s): A. Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD rezoning as presented. List Attachment(s): Draft Ordinance #18-03 Fountain Hills PAD Conceptual Site Plan 1. Application 2. Vicinity Map 3. 2010 General Plan Land Use Map 4. Current Zoning Map 5. Project Narrative and Concept Plan of Development (24 pgs) 6. Resolution #2108-04 — Fountain Hills Senior Living Planned Area Development L. 7. Ordinance #15-05 — Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD SUGGESTED MOTION (for Council use): Move to forward a recommendation to Town Council to Approve RESOUTION 2018-04, declaring as a public record that certain document filed with the Town Clerk and entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living" PAD application. (Case #Z2017-14) Move to forward a recommendation to Town Council to Approve ORDINANCE 18-03, "FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING" PAD as presented. (Case #Z2017-14) Prepare by: brfte Mariss Moore, Sr. Planner 1/16/2018 'o... Page 4 of 5 Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD P&Z—25 January 2018 Director's Approval: Robert Rod ers, D lopment Services Director 1/16/2018 Approved: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager 8/21/2017 Page 5 of 5 T AIN �I DO Not write in this space —official use only 44O " �tv, Filing Date '2Fj11 o 'fi , ; Accepted By VC AA W001A 14 (••• \1 _ e Fee Accepted 4 g 55%aD c.Mr b Case Manager y,-that is A tioo The Town of Fountain Hills PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - APPLICATION Abandonment (Plat or Condominium) _ Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Area Specific Plan &Amendments Concept Plan • Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver Development Agreement HPE Change or Abandonment General Plan Amendment Ordinance (Text Amendment) ✓ Planned Unit Development Preliminary/ Final Plat Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) Rezoning (Map) Special Use Permit &Amendments Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit(Median Fee, if applicable) Variance Other PROJECT NAME / NATURE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name CA Senior Fountain Hills AZ Block Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS: 9700 N Saguaro Blvd,Fountain Hills,AZ,85268 PARCEL SIZE (Acres)5.75 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-10-811 NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED 165 TRACTS 165 EXISTING ZONING PAD(C1) PROPOSED ZONING PAD A licant Mrs. Matthew Booma Day Phone 3122391896 ✓ Mr. Ms. Address: 130 E Randolph St,Ste 2100 City: Chicago State: IL Zip: 60601 Email: MBooma@CA-Ventures.com Owner Mrs. Day Phone Mr. Ms. Address: City: State: Zip: If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed SIGNATURE OF OWNER r DATE Cc-(a - - I HEREBY AUTHORIZE m Q P.0 . Dti1/4`r1C<_. TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me th. 1,0"P day of e ?\-e :101 , 20 1-7 1Cu 1 My Commission Ex•ir-s - 1, Notary Public MUNIS %l ,0041,t,, TAMMY L TRAMMELL APPLICATION # _zaart-a 14 y 1 Notary Public-Arizona ;t-;'� Maricopa County '`Q'',,i My Comm.Expires Nov 19,2019 2 a ti O N Q T C 7 O U M a 1. 0 (6 L \ \ O ED O >--- <5 'r z \ ". / Z " U \''.\ .\,..,/* /\'' '''' ,, . , / \ / / / i '1/(1 .4 CD �. er t Z , i 0 , 7 \\\\ , / 0_ CY) / 2 \ / ,..'..-;/ „ \ r .4•. H I I ig41,1/9"f1". :"---- '4*. / -A ---- .. '''4"44:%1'',..A'Slif.till);;Ir t..g ///,')/:-..- , -.'" 7'/ \..''''' 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C) 7 c 76 e T° E•'' E -PP, . ii 4_, . . .,. . n 1 ? 1 TI Ts .F.7 1 ! ; t 1'E e 1111rn il Zli IIISIZ' t °. S . -3 5 .7 88 § 0 Ev i181$ § § § F -df ' Ic/, 2 113 '7' 8 .42i as. . .. .3 , Ar i 1 51 ca •- . - - - - - z z a - - - - — 1'.1 t - •-. - - - t A0- ,S c q •7 .2 V '4 7 re re .7 .7 I M 0 1 ell , TT LE . rr n- FY rt. Fr yr rt i 2 2 2 d ot a 1 3 `,`,„<75 386x. K ,(2 . .. 3000u... -, fali I —4—IIIIII 1 c 1 ' I ... . IV er-- ;.; EMMEN ii' ill— 11111 ;' ki. ._._.4c; I g l'art pip , , 4 44 Or P 1.10 • ,› AP, S 104,110. . tigt Or* Nir , war OAT' MIIIIIIIII - / Air i it iriw 41IP ftlife ft, 1:,, v ,K, 4* iv 11111014 i i; i : , ftv ?_,-- ) \irair_ _. iip4,44114 INI cu ca IN agyalimw-vii ale 0_ _ "'III riii*MTI riiip 4-, U Cll '^ ,w 1111' ps — ilk 111 f Mrsorhat • 'n 11141' 1111,11111111!;- (.., The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ 411 THE FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING— PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) Section 1 —Purpose The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD zoning district, formerly approved as the Hemingway PAD zoning district, is located on 250,062 square feet (5.74 acres) and is established to (i) rezone the district to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD; (ii) to create a modified set of regulations based upon the C-2 zoning district requirements; and (iii) approve certain uses that would otherwise require a special use permit under C-2, and waive certain requirements including the following: 1. Grant a Special Use Permit for retirement-focused multifamily uses, including assisted living and independent living units. 2. Route the offsite drainage flows to N. Saguaro Boulevard. The historic offsite flows which enter the site, will be piped through the site and discharged onto N. Saguaro Boulevard, thus separating them from the onsite drainage which will be retained. 3. Provide a minimum of 5' from building wall to drive aisle curb. Reducing the minimum requirement from 10 feet to 5 feet would allow flexibility to ID locate the building on a tight site while maximizing the landscape setbacks along the perimeter to be greater than what is required by the Town. 4. Dedicate a 10' roadway easement in lieu of right-of-way dedication in order to construct a wider street section (minor collector) along a portion of E. Trevino Drive west of N. Saguaro Boulevard per Town's request. The easement and site improvements will begin just east of the westernmost entrance on Trevino Drive as has been determined by the new traffic study. See the Traffic Study Exhibit. 5. Allow a 30-foot-wide entrance along Burkemo Drive. Increasing this width from 28 feet to 30 feet will allow fire trucks enough room to enter and exit the site at this location. 6. Provide two 40-foot-wide entrances along E. Trevino Drive. This width will allow for adequate turning radii for bigger trucks to access the site. Delivery trucks coming to the service entry will be able to come in at the eastern Trevino entrance and exit at the western entrance without having to navigate around the site. 7. Allow the height of an entry sign to be measured from finished grade instead of existing grade. The eastern edge of the property is significantly higher than the curb, complying with 411 the zoning code is not practically viable. The conceptual entry monument sign is sited 1 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ • on the southwest corner of the site at Saguaro Blvd. and Burkemo Dr. The sign is 5'0" tall at the center with shorter 2'-6" walls flanking either side (relative to surrounding proposed grade). The sign wall is less than the 55-square foot maximum allowed per Town code. Boulders clustered on each side anchor the sign and allow it to blend aesthetically with the surrounding site. See the Landscape Exhibit (Detail 5 on L-0.02) 8. Allow a reduction in the planting requirements. The proposed plant density per the attached exhibit will allow for the plant material to achieve its mature size while maintaining the desired desert character. See the Plant Density Exhibit(L-DE). 9. Waive the requirement for 8'-0"high masonry fence along and adjacent to residential property. If built as required in the Town zoning ordinance, the fence would not be visible to the neighbors' due to the slope of the existing terrain, therefore screening won't be achieved. Retaining walls and landscape are proposed along this landscape setback. See the Site View Exhibit. 10. Waive construction of a sidewalk along Burkemo Drive. The sidewalk along N. Saguaro Boulevard will be extended north to Monterey Drive, in lieu of sidewalk along the Burkemo Drive frontage in order to meet the Town's offsite improvements requirement. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD hereby establishes the 5.74-acre PAD zone subject to the design guidelines and standards set forth below and the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. In the event of a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and this PAD, the provisions of this PAD shall prevail. Unless specifically modified herein, all the provisions of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance shall apply to this PAD. Section 2 —Development Plan Upon the Town Council's approval of the ordinance adopting the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, development of the property shall be governed as set forth in this Development Plan. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD shall include uses identified as Permitted Uses and Special Permit Uses in the Town's C-2 zoning district. Incorporated by reference into this Development Plan are the following documents, which are attached in the appendix hereto (collectively, the "Concept Plan"): (i) ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey prepared by EPS Group, date stamped September 12, 2017 (ii) Conceptual Site Plan, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 13, 2017; (iii) Conceptual Grading Plan, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 13, • 2017; (iv) Preliminary Landscape Plans, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 11, 2 a The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 2017; (v) Plant Density Exhibit, prepared by EPS Group; and (vi) Architectural Elevations and Floorplans, prepared by Harley Ellis Devereaux. Legal Description: That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the monument line intersection of Shea Boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard from which the West quarter corner of said Section 26 bears North 58 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 1388.31 feet and also from which a Maricopa County Highway Department Brass Cap Monument for P.O.C. 243-83.30, 22 feet RT. Bears North 50 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 724.56 feet; Thence North 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East along the centerline of Saguaro Boulevard, a distance of 775.00 feet; Thence North 47 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the Southeast corner of lot 6, Block 4, FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO 403-B; Thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West along said right-of-way line, a distance of 330.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence departing from said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 87 degrees 25 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 30.52 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said point being on the Northeasterly right-of-way of a road being 50.00 feet in width and being more commonly known as Trevino Drive, said point also being at the beginning of a curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 425.00 feet and a radial line passing through said point bears North 40 degrees 15 minutes 23 seconds East; Thence along said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 332.48 feet; Thence South 85 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 111.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 175.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds, and an arc length of 130.90 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through last said curve bears South 38 degrees 17 minutes 31 seconds West, said reverse curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 7047.49 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds 414r.► and an arc length of 119.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through said 3 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ point bears North 37 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds East, said reverse curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds and an arc length of 31.27 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Burkemo Drive, said point also being on the Easterly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B, North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 69.89 feet from the Southeasterly corner of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 260.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Westerly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds and an arc length of 61.68 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 20.00 feet a radial line passing through said point bears North 68 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds West; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds and an arc length of 28.61 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence continuing along said line South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 12.75 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 185.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 91.48 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 99.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 715.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 518.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial line passing through said point bears South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 31.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 4 m. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ LTown of Fountain Hills Rezoning(C-1 to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD) MCR 20110399571 • I i`t•� LOT 5 LOT 6 ''\ PLAT 430-8 a•90+�Y00' t BLOCK 4 L-31442** I LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT1 D.;. tgo,t• t 4 I i LOT 2 ... z A.a15TO hili R-2o.ar • APN 176-10-8111 L-2Aa1' .f AREA=25D,555 SF n-a77a A-2$20'00' L-J0.• It-1IS.00' L-91.40' ►d' to -tY21'SY A':'hil �R•MOM' ��' � L.61.5e A-425v31` �d�''i. I p1 �st R-17S.00 �C' 17 It 5 L-1 MY4,4, • pRG,EK i BOCK 5 A.00•Je12' .� APN LOT 1 R-7047.49' t OALDS 175-10-001X L-119.30. 175-10-ooiW G-ec R-2Qar0.0' SHEA BLVD L-31.2r ... r— _ - e((rti `♦ 4 MAP BASED ON DOCUMENT RECORDED, MAY 11, 2011, IN THE S OFFICE OF MARICOPA COUNTY ARIZONA, INSTRUMENT NUMBER o 75, no 20110399571. EXHIBIT 'A', LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BEING A amiiimiwiii PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER xa>r r.tar AND THE NORTH HALF Of THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, T. 3 N., R. 6 E. Of THE GILA AND SALT RIVER DA1C: 4-15-15 BASE AND MERIDIAN. MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. 5 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 4. Location Map: ."-----,11.,,JQy ---....4„ #Sp1N ory,FR FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AERIAL PHOTO MAP APN 176-10-811 tiR ed ADDRESS 9700 N.SAGUARO BLED ���49 -- sees .l LEGEND: • co i N. LOTLINE ROW jr EASEMENT-.---._- ... t FLOODPLAIN ^^^-- - RN' . •!,0 SUBJECT SITE • \ � TREVINO DR ABANDON HPE/"1- TRAFFIC DIRECTION 'tt R , vet 01,4 w E • r ?...\y ., 0 1cc zaa' Y E.T / AERIAL FLIGHT DATE 11/13 5. Site Conditions: "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" is planned as an Independent/Assisted/Memory Care Living ("IL/AL/MC") complex of multifamily apartments at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive. The land is of varying slopes generally sloping from north to south and bordered by five single family homes to the north, Montera Ranch Condominiums across N. Saguaro Boulevard to the east, single family vacant lots across Burkermo Drive to the west and McDonalds, That Guy's Pizza, Senor Taco, Munich Gyros and Circle K to the south across E. Trevino Drive. "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" will be developed between single family homes, condominiums and commercial property making it a traditional transition between all adjacent uses. Existing drainage swales will be replaced with inlet structures and storm drain pipe so that offsite flow can be routed through the site and discharged at N. Saguaro Blvd which is the historical outfall point. Adequate underground detention basins will be designed based on the 100-year, 2- hour storm. The concept grading plan is included as part of this PAD. .. 6 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ SITE INFORMATION: Address: 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd, Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 APN: 176-10-811 Gross Lot Area: 250,062 Sq. Ft Project Data: Current Zoning: The Hemingway PAD/C-1 Proposed Zoning: The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD/C-2 Lot Size: 250,062 SF (5.74 AC) Usage Allowed: 60% 150,037 SF Actual Usage: Total Roof Area: 78,737 SF Excess: 71,300 SF A. Proposed public streetscape and public and private open space improvements and their relationship to the overall development are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan B. Building heights, minimum lot areas and setbacks are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan and/or Elevation according to the following: Minimum Setbacks Lot L District Area Bldg Height Front Side Rear Lot Coverage (Sq Ft) Fountain Hills Senior Living 250,062 40'* 25'** 0'** 25'** 78,737 PAD * Measured from the existing grade based on the Grading Plan. ** When adjacent to a residential district, there shall be a setback equal to the greater of 10 feet or a distance equal to the height of the adjacent building wall plane. C. Building elevations and architectural renderings showing architectural theme colors and type of exterior building materials for the structure in the PAD are shown on the Architectural Elevations and Floorplans. D. A conceptual landscape plan of the proposed landscaping treatment, plant materials, fences, walls and other site plan and open space improvements has been provided on this PAD. The specific details of the landscape plan will be a part of the building permit application. E. Proposed entrance locations and widths, including drive aisles are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. F. Water Service will be provided EPCOR. All water service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of EPCOR. Sewer service has been 7 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ confirmed to be provided by the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. All sewer service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. Existing and proposed grades and drainage systems and how drainage is altered, how it is redirected to original channel, and how the requirements regarding storm water runoff and drainage will be met. G. Due to the small site within The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, an abbreviated Traffic Impact Analysis including projected volumes on streets within and adjacent to the site will be completed. 7. The location, number of spaces, dimensions, circulation patterns, driveways, access way and pedestrian walkways are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD parking ratio has been increased from the Town's zoning requirements: 196 beds would typically require 49 spaces, but 90 spaces will be provided. The additional spaces are provided based on our experience with similar communities we have built in the past. Typically, some of the independent living residents and a few of the assisted living residents own cars. In addition to that the communities have visitors on holidays which demand the parking that is proposed. 8. All signage will be by separate permit and shall conform to the Fountain Hills Zoning ordinance and this PAD, with the exception of an entry sign as described in Section 1.9 herein. Section 3—Project Narrative "Fountain Hills Senior Living" provides a best-in-class community for Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care. The community promotes social engagement and an active senior lifestyle, allowing residents to age in place. The aesthetics offer resort-like environment living with varied amenities and materials to create a strong unique design theme for the community. "Fountain Hills Senior Living", a three-story building of approximately 167,190 square feet, is organized into three levels of care. The building amenities for Independent Living and Assisted Living include multiple dining venues, community room, clubhouse/lounge, gym, pool, physical therapy/exercise room, salon and library. Amenities for the Memory Care portion of the building include living rooms, dining room, library, family room, four seasons room, assisted bathing and exam room. Shared spaces on the ground floor include employee lounge, a commercial kitchen, property management offices with a conference room, and various other support spaces. The location is key to the success of "The Fountain Hills Senior Living". The location is a buffer between single family residential and commercial buildings with easy access to shopping, medical facilities, downtown Fountain Hills, Mesa and Scottsdale. This type of senior living development produces minimal traffic and noise. In addition, "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" will also act as a transitional use between the commercial establishments on E. Shea Boulevard and the nearby residential community. 8 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ APPENDIX ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Traffic Study Conceptual Site Plan Conceptual Grading Plan Preliminary Landscape Plans Plant Density Exhibit Architectural Elevations and Floorplans Site Views 11110 4111 17-290 rmuroa Ow 13,]0A 10X ,1 S:\P,*! 1.\00V\I1-]90\L•0(Sumr\aV.\I1-I90$001 9.9 • G v v a s- aR s R 's- aRg , Rc- 04 l;^`g lR AApulp €1g lig ig p R# 8 gR >g gR gv R R 1.4 gn g SS R i gR A 4 i, 8 G & m � �gf f R f {{ qp a q�R R f 5 f f �� �R � � F � i��']�-� A $pp� g x 9 gs. a gg hA ggg a gg 44 aA A A R.. RSA :RA A R a 1R v A'" g �� S� �" ,�oR F A� R G � R RR R AR R 2G 2pp G `: G RG R� �� O ERg � R � �R G �R q G r F F `� R ��91 ACIR g S - ja �4 q5 w gg ..4 A g ,: ig Rg ill l g ig" gh liOg �A g- !{ g1Ay; 7AF 45f3 s O g R R l9 gli , 8 RR 71R h Pi R a 1 R R 5 . 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' dt 1 v — illia / / i ;A J ' M, y gg q a , f Al ° m -a- i GE o� s iz \lb r /i// \ g / , N, o \ Q i it/Wti\ tc�o 9© o s a pad sat Rititilliti - 12 E pRg R \ �\,,,,, 1 52i `. u0H09GP C Au1 ., �\it - Zg " - i1 ` '\ G �, 4 � 5 ? 4 a g Y_ 1111 m u s 2 0 � e $ dui ��'-. = 5q '' N aax5aaU N 11A y i� lI llx s t a M K yi f i A a € R Ti A Ls nw o1 "ra 1= 9700 NORTH SAGUARO BOULEVARD . EPS e,e a se,l.1 O—NN v, ASe i11 1..,��.�Hm.. ..�.ten. c ep Ie ti =I�(0l E 1 ) 1 . ,, a I—to I;: ( I; '' ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY JJJ"lll 111 i' 1. li „, i i iE 9 7 ao7 /ry C- . n g �gkF�'rO 8 /INN .**. , ° . iN .7\ > ' / 410,„,„ "of 4111 64. ,i, ' i'' - xxxx D if gi /= VI zrn I ‘.111 11 'AI ® ' 70 \ a z & ( ,o 1? i r, ..� '� iN / �v.' six ...., 1. 0$, , �o ,, ilo LI . ,. // ../x, ,,,, .. ; ( (11 g ' Y W- ... .. 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V N U1 Fri $ . o m Fli CYI m w i ".Y I A/ ' m 111/ o ,.:.'4.i ® � tV 0 41, , FD. ll"' ':: ,:p., r'•..'.. .,.,, A ' 7 ', \ 41: ., .',... / fq ' '' q CD ,x -I--•`-,,..al .., ' . : .,, int .e e 5 01 , O a / t co C , 5 :': :;.. a O n ` , � co , 3 o = y o RESOLUTION NO. 2018-04 11) A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, DECLARING AS A PUBLIC RECORD THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND ENTITLED THE "FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT." BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. That certain document entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living Planned Area Development" of which three copies each are on file in the office of the Town Clerk and open for public inspection during normal business hours, is hereby declared to be a public record, and said copies are ordered to remain on file with the Town Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of!Fountain Hills, February 20, 2018. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: _=`= Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM Grady Miller, Town Manager = Fredda J. Bisman, Town Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 18-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.74 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND TREVINO DRIVE AS SHOWN IN CASE NO. Z2017-14, FROM HEMINGWAY PAD TO FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council") desires to amend the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map (the "Zoning Map") pursuant to ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04, to change the zoning description for a 5.74 acre parcel of real property from Hemingway to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD (the "Zoning District Map Amendment"); and WHEREAS, the Zoning District Map Amendment proposed by this ordinance is consistent with the Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 as amended; and WHEREAS, all due and proper notices of public hearings on the Zoning District Map Amendment held before the Town of Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission (the "Commission") and the Town Council were given in the time, form, substance and manner provided by ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04; and WHEREAS, the Commission held a public hearing on January 25, 2018 on the Zoning District Map Amendment, after which the Commission recommended approval; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held an additional public hearing regarding the Zoning District Map Amendment on February 20, 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The 5.74 acre parcel of real property generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive as shown in case no. Z2017-14, as more particularly described and depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby rezoned from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, subject to (i) the Town's adopted codes, requirements, standards and regulations, except as specifically modified in the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD document attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference and(ii)the time condition set forth in Section 3 below. SECTION 3. Approval of the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD zoning is conditioned on development of the project commencing within three years of the effective date of this Ordinance. 1. Prior to the expiration of the three-year time condition, the property owner or authorized representative may submit an application for an extension to the Town. A submittal of an application for extension of the three-year time condition does not toll the running of the time condition. Should the three-year time condition expire between the submittal of an application for a time extension and the public hearing on the requested extension, the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD shall be subject to reversion as set forth below. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the Town's Zoning Administrator shall submit the request to the Town Council for consideration at a public hearing held as set forth below. 2. The Town Council shall, after notices via certified mail to the property owner and authorized representative have been provided at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing, hold a public hearing on the extension request. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the limitation on the number of extensions set forth below. If the public hearing is held after expiration of the time condition, the Town Council may also, at that public hearing, take action to revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 3. In the event the project has not commenced within the three-year time period and no request for time extension has been received as provided above, the Zoning Administrator may submit the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD to the Town Council for consideration of reversion, pursuant to the hearing procedure set forth below. 4. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the property owner and authorized representative by certified mail of the Town Council's intention to hold a hearing to determine compliance with the three-year time condition, and to revert the zoning on the property to its former classification if the condition is determined by the Town Council to have not been met. All such notices shall be made at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, either grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the limitation on the number of extensions set forth below, or revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 5. The Town Council may grant up to four one-year extensions of the time condition. 6. Following the commencement of the project, the Zoning Administrator shall monitor the project to ensure it continues to completion. Upon the Zoning Administrator's initial determination that the project is not being actively pursued, no further review or approval of any project site plan or plat shall occur until it is determined that good cause exists for delay in the construction of the project. Should the project fail to proceed, a public hearing shall be held by the Town Council to determine the cause of the delay. At the public hearing on the matter, if the Town Council determines that there is not good cause for the delay, it may impose additional conditions on the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD to ensure compliance. If such additional conditions are not met, the Zoning Administrator may set the matter for public hearing, according to the process set forth in subsection above, on a possible reversion of the Hemingway PAD zoning. If the Town Council determines that good cause exists, it may amend the Fountain 111 Hills Senior Living PAD development schedule. r ID 7. For purposes of this Section, the terms "commence," "commencing" and "commencement" shall mean physical vertical construction activity in accordance with a valid building permit issued by the Town. SECTION 4. If any provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision or portion hereof shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent of all other provisions and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, May 21, 2015. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: --: Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor = Bevelyn J Bender, Town Clerk _ REVIEWED BY: = _== _ `= °_APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady Miller, Town Manager Town Attorney vzif =___= _=- EXHIBIT A TO =__ ORDINANCE No. 15-05 [Legal Description and Map] See following pages. EXHIBIT B TO ORDINANCE No. 15-05 II/ [Hemingway PAD] al See following pages. • • _ o�fA "ifj TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS l 44. 11.11 5, Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment 0,41, that`....i ti AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: January 25, 2018 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Division: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Marissa Moore, Senior Planner, (480)816-5139, mmoore@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION of changing the PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION regular meeting time effective February 22, 2018. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 ftiestaff Summary (background): Staff is recommending to start the Planning & Zoning Commission meetings at 6:00 p.m. instead of 5:30 p.m. If the Commissioners are agreeable to making the change then staff will implement the Commission meeting changes for the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on February 22, 2018 and bring back a resolution that officially amends the Council's Rule of Procedure. Staff will publicize the new meeting time on the website, Fountain Hills Times, Social Media and other tools so citizens will be fully informed about this meeting change. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends changing the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Start time to 6:00 p.m. as requested by the Planning &Zoning Commission Chairman. Attachment(s): N/A SUGGESTED MOTION: MOVE TO APPROVE changing the Planning &Zoning Commission meeting start times to 6:00 p.m. and direct staff to bring back a resolution in the future adopting the Commission schedule change as part of the Council Rules of Procedure. Submitted by: Approve • d 01/22/18 01/22/18 '3rissa Moore,Se r Planner Date Rc odger , D elopment Services Director Date `.. • The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ THE FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING—PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) Section 1 —Purpose The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD zoning district, formerly approved as the Hemingway PAD zoning district, is located on 250,062 square feet (5.74 acres) and is established to (i) rezone the district to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD; (ii) to create a modified set of regulations based upon the C-2 zoning district requirements; and (iii) approve certain uses that would otherwise require a special use permit under C-2, and waive certain requirements including the following: 1. Grant a Special Use Permit for retirement-focused multifamily uses, including assisted living and independent living units. 2. Route the offsite drainage flows to N. Saguaro Boulevard. The historic offsite flows which enter the site, will be piped through the site and discharged onto N. Saguaro Boulevard, thus separating them from the onsite drainage which will be retained. 3. Provide a minimum of 5' from building wall to drive aisle curb. Reducing the minimum requirement from 10 feet to 5 feet would allow flexibility to locate the building on a tight site while maximizing the landscape setbacks along the �w. perimeter to be greater than what is required by the Town. 4. Dedicate a 10' roadway easement in lieu of right-of-way dedication in order to construct a wider street section (minor collector) along a portion of E. Trevino Drive west of N. Saguaro Boulevard per Town's request. The easement and site improvements will begin just east of the westernmost entrance on Trevino Drive as has been determined by the new traffic study. See the Traffic Study Exhibit. 5. Allow a 30-foot-wide entrance along Burkemo Drive. Increasing this width from 28 feet to 30 feet will allow fire trucks enough room to enter and exit the site at this location. 6. Provide two 40-foot-wide entrances along E. Trevino Drive. This width will allow for adequate turning radii for bigger trucks to access the site. Delivery trucks coming to the service entry will be able to come in at the eastern Trevino entrance and exit at the western entrance without having to navigate around the site. 7. Allow the height of an entry sign to be measured from finished grade instead of existing grade. The eastern edge of the property is significantly higher than the curb, complying with the zoning code is not practically viable. The conceptual entry monument sign is sited on the southwest corner of the site at Saguaro Blvd. and Burkemo Dr. The sign is ``"w. 5'0" tall at the center with shorter 2'-6" walls flanking either side (relative to 1 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ surrounding proposed grade). The sign wall is less than the 55-square foot maximum allowed per Town code. Boulders clustered on each side anchor the sign and allow it to blend aesthetically with the surrounding site. See the Landscape Exhibit (Detail 5 on L-0.02) 8. Allow a reduction in the planting requirements. The proposed plant density per the attached exhibit will allow for the plant material to achieve its mature size while maintaining the desired desert character. See the Plant Density Exhibit (L-DE). 9. Waive the requirement for 8'-0" high masonry fence along and adjacent to residential property. If built as required in the Town zoning ordinance, the fence would not be visible to the neighbors' due to the slope of the existing terrain, therefore screening won't be achieved. Retaining walls and landscape are proposed along this landscape setback. See the Site View Exhibit. 10. Waive construction of a sidewalk along Burkemo Drive. The sidewalk along N. Saguaro Boulevard will be extended north to Monterey Drive, in lieu of sidewalk along the Burkemo Drive frontage in order to meet the Town's offsite improvements requirement. ""' The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD hereby establishes the 5.74-acre PAD zone subject to the design guidelines and standards set forth below and the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. In the event of a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and this PAD, the provisions of this PAD shall prevail. Unless specifically modified herein, all the provisions of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance shall apply to this PAD. Section 2—Development Plan Upon the Town Council's approval of the ordinance adopting the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, development of the property shall be governed as set forth in this Development Plan. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD shall include uses identified as Permitted Uses and Special Permit Uses in the Town's C-2 zoning district. Incorporated by reference into this Development Plan are the following documents, which are attached in the appendix hereto (collectively, the "Concept Plan"): (i) ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey prepared by EPS Group, date stamped September 12, 2017 (ii) Conceptual Site Plan, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 13, 2017; (iii) Conceptual Grading Plan, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 13, 2017; (iv) Preliminary Landscape Plans, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 11, 2017; (v) Plant Density Exhibit, prepared by EPS Group; and (vi) Architectural Elevations and Floorplans, prepared by Harley Ellis Devereaux. 2 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ Legal Description: That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the monument line intersection of Shea Boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard from which the West quarter corner of said Section 26 bears North 58 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 1388.31 feet and also from which a Maricopa County Highway Department Brass Cap Monument for P.O.C. 243-83.30, 22 feet RT. Bears North 50 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 724.56 feet; Thence North 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East along the centerline of Saguaro Boulevard, a distance of 775.00 feet; Thence North 47 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the Southeast corner of lot 6, Block 4, FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO 403-B; Thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West along said right-of-way line, a distance of 330.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence departing from said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 87 degrees 25 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 30.52 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said point being on the Northeasterly right-of-way of a road being 50.00 feet in width and being more commonly known as Trevino Drive, said point also being at the beginning of a curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 425.00 feet and a radial line passing through said point bears North 40 degrees 15 minutes 23 seconds East; Thence along said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 332.48 feet; Thence South 85 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 111.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 175.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds, and an arc length of 130.90 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through last said curve bears South 38 degrees 17 minutes 31 seconds West, said reverse curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 7047.49 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds and an arc length of 119.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through said point bears North 37 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds East, said reverse curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; 3 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ iftior__ Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds and an arc length of 31.27 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Burkemo Drive, said point also being on the Easterly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B, North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 69.89 feet from the Southeasterly corner of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 260.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Westerly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds and an arc length of 61.68 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 20.00 feet a radial line passing through said point bears North 68 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds West; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds and an arc length of 28.61 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence continuing along said line South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 12.75 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 185.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds 406' and an arc length of 91.48 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 99.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 715.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 518.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial line passing through said point bears South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 31.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 4 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ Town of Fountain Hills Rezoning(C-1 to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD) MCR 20110399571 LOT 5 \ LOT 8 1 . A.+a00000 0 �'''t PLAT 430-8R-2000' .- BLOCK 4 L-31.42' LOT 4 LOT 1 LOT 3 LOT 2 I +ggi G-81 S70r Z H . R— 20.00' APN 176-10-811 L- a'' . AREA-250,555 SF o-672523- R-20.00' A-2820'00• L-30. I R- 10.7.00' L- 01.4$' .J� 4>d 1 R- 230A0' D i L-61.60' h, I 0 wo A-4231'31' 8 I 4q R- 175.00' ryk.,S ,�,. �i nG L-130.110', $�• •. CIRCLE K A 1 V� APN BLOTK1 5 R-. i 44r �.' MfOONALDS / 176-10-001x L.119.30' 176-�001w -_ I \.— A-er3541• SHEA eLw R..20.00 L-31.27' _ 1w -- V MAP BASED ON DOCUMENT RECORDED, MAY 11, 2011, IN NE ' OFFICE OF MARICOPA COUNTY ARIZONA. INSTRUMENT NUMBER 0 ,y my 20110399571, EXHIBIT -A-, LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BEING A mo PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF NE NORTHWEST QUARTER ... � WALL 1• +so' AND NE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, T. 3 N., R. 6 E. OF THE GIIA AND SALT RIVER 0A1[: 4-15-15 BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY. ARIZONA. wow 5 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ 4. Location Map: ----,Lii.,i --.44„1:... AIN 4 t ** "1°4*N\ M 1'4.I.e•/ 0 FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AERIAL PHOTO MAP APN 176-10-611 ti~ ADDRESS 9700 N.SAGUARO BLVD 4�45) {t s• 4,� LEGEND: LOTUNE ROW rt/ FLOOOPLAIN o ~.'.`^., �"- SUBJECT SITE • o JQ. ABANDON MPE TREVINO DR._____..--___7 i. , TRAFFC DIRECTION 1tf 4r. $t\\NN u‘ 5," � � ys N �1_ 1S r am. 0 IOC MAT v— `,► i ,CHIP$..MY / AERIAL FUGHT GATE 11/13 /*/7\ /\ 5. Site Conditions: "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" is planned as an Independent/Assisted/Memory Care Living ("IL/AL/MC") complex of multifamily apartments at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive. The land is of varying slopes generally sloping from north to south and bordered by five single family homes to the north, Montera Ranch Condominiums across N. Saguaro Boulevard to the east, single family vacant lots across Burkermo Drive to the west and McDonalds, That Guy's Pizza, Senor Taco, Munich Gyros and Circle K to the south across E. Trevino Drive. "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" will be developed between single family homes, condominiums and commercial property making it a traditional transition between all adjacent uses. Existing drainage swales will be replaced with inlet structures and storm drain pipe so that offsite flow can be routed through the site and discharged at N. Saguaro Blvd which is the historical outfall point. Adequate underground detention basins will be designed based on the 100-year, 2- hour storm. The concept grading plan is included as part of this PAD. I L. 6 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ SITE INFORMATION: Address: 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd,Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 APN: 176-10-811 Gross Lot Area: 250,062 Sq. Ft Project Data: Current Zoning: The Hemingway PAD/C-1 Proposed Zoning: The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD/C-2 Lot Size: 250,062 SF (5.74 AC) Usage Allowed: 60% 150,037 SF Actual Usage: Total Roof Area: 78,737 SF Excess: 71,300 SF A. Proposed public streetscape and public and private open space improvements and their relationship to the overall development are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan B. Building heights, minimum lot areas and setbacks are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan and/or Elevation according to the following: Minimum Setbacks Lot Bldg District Area Height Front Side Rear Lot Coverage (Sq Ft) Fountain Hills Senior Living 250,062 40'* 25'** 0'** 25'** 78,737 PAD * Measured from the existing grade based on the Grading Plan. ** When adjacent to a residential district, there shall be a setback equal to the greater of 10 feet or a distance equal to the height of the adjacent building wall plane. C. Building elevations and architectural renderings showing architectural theme colors and type of exterior building materials for the structure in the PAD are shown on the Architectural Elevations and Floorplans. D. A conceptual landscape plan of the proposed landscaping treatment, plant materials, fences, walls and other site plan and open space improvements has been provided on this PAD. The specific details of the landscape plan will be a part of the building permit application. E. Proposed entrance locations and widths, including drive aisles are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. F. Water Service will be provided EPCOR. All water service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of EPCOR. Sewer service has been 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-04 11) A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, DECLARING AS A PUBLIC RECORD THAT CERTAIN DOCUMENT FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND ENTITLED THE "FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT." BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. That certain document entitled the "Fountain Hills Senior Living Planned Area Development" of which three copies each are on file in the office of the Town Clerk and open for public inspection during normal business hours, is hereby declared to be a public record, and said copies are ordered to remain on file with the Town Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of!Fountain Hills, February 20, 2018. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: _=`= Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM Grady Miller, Town Manager = Fredda J. Bisman, Town Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 18-03 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.74 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND TREVINO DRIVE AS SHOWN IN CASE NO. Z2017-14, FROM HEMINGWAY PAD TO FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING PAD. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council") desires to amend the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map (the "Zoning Map") pursuant to ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04, to change the zoning description for a 5.74 acre parcel of real property from Hemingway to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD (the "Zoning District Map Amendment"); and WHEREAS, the Zoning District Map Amendment proposed by this ordinance is consistent with the Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 as amended; and WHEREAS, all due and proper notices of public hearings on the Zoning District Map Amendment held before the Town of Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission (the "Commission") and the Town Council were given in the time, form, substance and manner provided by ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04; and WHEREAS, the Commission held a public hearing on January 25, 2018 on the Zoning District Map Amendment, after which the Commission recommended approval; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held an additional public hearing regarding the Zoning District Map Amendment on February 20, 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The 5.74 acre parcel of real property generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive as shown in case no. Z2017-14, as more particularly described and depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby rezoned from Hemingway PAD to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, subject to (i) the Town's adopted codes, requirements, standards and regulations, except as specifically modified in the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD document attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference and(ii)the time condition set forth in Section 3 below. SECTION 3. Approval of the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD zoning is conditioned on development of the project commencing within three years of the effective date of this Ordinance. 1. Prior to the expiration of the three-year time condition, the property owner or authorized representative may submit an application for an extension to the Town. A submittal of an application for extension of the three-year time condition does not toll the running of the time condition. Should the three-year time condition expire between the submittal of an application for a time extension and the public hearing on the requested extension, the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD shall be subject to reversion as set forth below. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the Town's Zoning Administrator shall submit the request to the Town Council for consideration at a public hearing held as set forth below. 2. The Town Council shall, after notices via certified mail to the property owner and authorized representative have been provided at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing, hold a public hearing on the extension request. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the limitation on the number of extensions set forth below. If the public hearing is held after expiration of the time condition, the Town Council may also, at that public hearing, take action to revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 3. In the event the project has not commenced within the three-year time period and no request for time extension has been received as provided above, the Zoning Administrator may submit the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD to the Town Council for consideration of reversion, pursuant to the hearing procedure set forth below. 4. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the property owner and authorized representative by certified mail of the Town Council's intention to hold a hearing to determine compliance with the three-year time condition, and to revert the zoning on the property to its former classification if the condition is determined by the Town Council to have not been met. All such notices shall be made at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, either grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the limitation on the number of extensions set forth below, or revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 5. The Town Council may grant up to four one-year extensions of the time condition. 6. Following the commencement of the project, the Zoning Administrator shall monitor the project to ensure it continues to completion. Upon the Zoning Administrator's initial determination that the project is not being actively pursued, no further review or approval of any project site plan or plat shall occur until it is determined that good cause exists for delay in the construction of the project. Should the project fail to proceed, a public hearing shall be held by the Town Council to determine the cause of the delay. At the public hearing on the matter, if the Town Council determines that there is not good cause for the delay, it may impose additional conditions on the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD to ensure compliance. If such additional conditions are not met, the Zoning Administrator may set the matter for public hearing, according to the process set forth in subsection above, on a possible reversion of the Hemingway PAD zoning. If the Town Council determines that good cause exists, it may amend the Fountain 111 Hills Senior Living PAD development schedule. r ID 7. For purposes of this Section, the terms "commence," "commencing" and "commencement" shall mean physical vertical construction activity in accordance with a valid building permit issued by the Town. SECTION 4. If any provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision or portion hereof shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent of all other provisions and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, May 21, 2015. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: --: Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor = Bevelyn J Bender, Town Clerk _ REVIEWED BY: = _== _ `= °_APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady Miller, Town Manager Town Attorney vzif =___= _=- EXHIBIT A TO =__ ORDINANCE No. 15-05 [Legal Description and Map] See following pages. EXHIBIT B TO ORDINANCE No. 15-05 II/ [Hemingway PAD] al See following pages. • • _ o�fA "ifj TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS l 44. 11.11 5, Planning and Zoning Board of Adjustment 0,41, that`....i ti AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: January 25, 2018 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Division: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Marissa Moore, Senior Planner, (480)816-5139, mmoore@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION of changing the PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION regular meeting time effective February 22, 2018. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 ftiestaff Summary (background): Staff is recommending to start the Planning & Zoning Commission meetings at 6:00 p.m. instead of 5:30 p.m. If the Commissioners are agreeable to making the change then staff will implement the Commission meeting changes for the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on February 22, 2018 and bring back a resolution that officially amends the Council's Rule of Procedure. Staff will publicize the new meeting time on the website, Fountain Hills Times, Social Media and other tools so citizens will be fully informed about this meeting change. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends changing the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Start time to 6:00 p.m. as requested by the Planning &Zoning Commission Chairman. Attachment(s): N/A SUGGESTED MOTION: MOVE TO APPROVE changing the Planning &Zoning Commission meeting start times to 6:00 p.m. and direct staff to bring back a resolution in the future adopting the Commission schedule change as part of the Council Rules of Procedure. Submitted by: Approve • d 01/22/18 01/22/18 '3rissa Moore,Se r Planner Date Rc odger , D elopment Services Director Date `.. • The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ THE FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING—PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) Section 1 —Purpose The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD zoning district, formerly approved as the Hemingway PAD zoning district, is located on 250,062 square feet (5.74 acres) and is established to (i) rezone the district to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD; (ii) to create a modified set of regulations based upon the C-2 zoning district requirements; and (iii) approve certain uses that would otherwise require a special use permit under C-2, and waive certain requirements including the following: 1. Grant a Special Use Permit for retirement-focused multifamily uses, including assisted living and independent living units. 2. Route the offsite drainage flows to N. Saguaro Boulevard. The historic offsite flows which enter the site, will be piped through the site and discharged onto N. Saguaro Boulevard, thus separating them from the onsite drainage which will be retained. 3. Provide a minimum of 5' from building wall to drive aisle curb. Reducing the minimum requirement from 10 feet to 5 feet would allow flexibility to locate the building on a tight site while maximizing the landscape setbacks along the �w. perimeter to be greater than what is required by the Town. 4. Dedicate a 10' roadway easement in lieu of right-of-way dedication in order to construct a wider street section (minor collector) along a portion of E. Trevino Drive west of N. Saguaro Boulevard per Town's request. The easement and site improvements will begin just east of the westernmost entrance on Trevino Drive as has been determined by the new traffic study. See the Traffic Study Exhibit. 5. Allow a 30-foot-wide entrance along Burkemo Drive. Increasing this width from 28 feet to 30 feet will allow fire trucks enough room to enter and exit the site at this location. 6. Provide two 40-foot-wide entrances along E. Trevino Drive. This width will allow for adequate turning radii for bigger trucks to access the site. Delivery trucks coming to the service entry will be able to come in at the eastern Trevino entrance and exit at the western entrance without having to navigate around the site. 7. Allow the height of an entry sign to be measured from finished grade instead of existing grade. The eastern edge of the property is significantly higher than the curb, complying with the zoning code is not practically viable. The conceptual entry monument sign is sited on the southwest corner of the site at Saguaro Blvd. and Burkemo Dr. The sign is ``"w. 5'0" tall at the center with shorter 2'-6" walls flanking either side (relative to 1 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ surrounding proposed grade). The sign wall is less than the 55-square foot maximum allowed per Town code. Boulders clustered on each side anchor the sign and allow it to blend aesthetically with the surrounding site. See the Landscape Exhibit (Detail 5 on L-0.02) 8. Allow a reduction in the planting requirements. The proposed plant density per the attached exhibit will allow for the plant material to achieve its mature size while maintaining the desired desert character. See the Plant Density Exhibit (L-DE). 9. Waive the requirement for 8'-0" high masonry fence along and adjacent to residential property. If built as required in the Town zoning ordinance, the fence would not be visible to the neighbors' due to the slope of the existing terrain, therefore screening won't be achieved. Retaining walls and landscape are proposed along this landscape setback. See the Site View Exhibit. 10. Waive construction of a sidewalk along Burkemo Drive. The sidewalk along N. Saguaro Boulevard will be extended north to Monterey Drive, in lieu of sidewalk along the Burkemo Drive frontage in order to meet the Town's offsite improvements requirement. ""' The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD hereby establishes the 5.74-acre PAD zone subject to the design guidelines and standards set forth below and the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. In the event of a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and this PAD, the provisions of this PAD shall prevail. Unless specifically modified herein, all the provisions of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance shall apply to this PAD. Section 2—Development Plan Upon the Town Council's approval of the ordinance adopting the Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, development of the property shall be governed as set forth in this Development Plan. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD shall include uses identified as Permitted Uses and Special Permit Uses in the Town's C-2 zoning district. Incorporated by reference into this Development Plan are the following documents, which are attached in the appendix hereto (collectively, the "Concept Plan"): (i) ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey prepared by EPS Group, date stamped September 12, 2017 (ii) Conceptual Site Plan, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 13, 2017; (iii) Conceptual Grading Plan, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 13, 2017; (iv) Preliminary Landscape Plans, prepared by EPS Group, date stamped November 11, 2017; (v) Plant Density Exhibit, prepared by EPS Group; and (vi) Architectural Elevations and Floorplans, prepared by Harley Ellis Devereaux. 2 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ Legal Description: That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the monument line intersection of Shea Boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard from which the West quarter corner of said Section 26 bears North 58 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 1388.31 feet and also from which a Maricopa County Highway Department Brass Cap Monument for P.O.C. 243-83.30, 22 feet RT. Bears North 50 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 724.56 feet; Thence North 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East along the centerline of Saguaro Boulevard, a distance of 775.00 feet; Thence North 47 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the Southeast corner of lot 6, Block 4, FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO 403-B; Thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West along said right-of-way line, a distance of 330.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence departing from said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 87 degrees 25 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 30.52 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said point being on the Northeasterly right-of-way of a road being 50.00 feet in width and being more commonly known as Trevino Drive, said point also being at the beginning of a curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 425.00 feet and a radial line passing through said point bears North 40 degrees 15 minutes 23 seconds East; Thence along said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 332.48 feet; Thence South 85 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 111.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 175.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds, and an arc length of 130.90 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through last said curve bears South 38 degrees 17 minutes 31 seconds West, said reverse curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 7047.49 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds and an arc length of 119.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through said point bears North 37 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds East, said reverse curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; 3 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ iftior__ Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds and an arc length of 31.27 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Burkemo Drive, said point also being on the Easterly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B, North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 69.89 feet from the Southeasterly corner of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 260.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Westerly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds and an arc length of 61.68 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 20.00 feet a radial line passing through said point bears North 68 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds West; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds and an arc length of 28.61 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence continuing along said line South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 12.75 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 185.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds 406' and an arc length of 91.48 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 99.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 715.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 518.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial line passing through said point bears South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 31.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 4 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ Town of Fountain Hills Rezoning(C-1 to Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD) MCR 20110399571 LOT 5 \ LOT 8 1 . A.+a00000 0 �'''t PLAT 430-8R-2000' .- BLOCK 4 L-31.42' LOT 4 LOT 1 LOT 3 LOT 2 I +ggi G-81 S70r Z H . R— 20.00' APN 176-10-811 L- a'' . AREA-250,555 SF o-672523- R-20.00' A-2820'00• L-30. I R- 10.7.00' L- 01.4$' .J� 4>d 1 R- 230A0' D i L-61.60' h, I 0 wo A-4231'31' 8 I 4q R- 175.00' ryk.,S ,�,. �i nG L-130.110', $�• •. CIRCLE K A 1 V� APN BLOTK1 5 R-. i 44r �.' MfOONALDS / 176-10-001x L.119.30' 176-�001w -_ I \.— A-er3541• SHEA eLw R..20.00 L-31.27' _ 1w -- V MAP BASED ON DOCUMENT RECORDED, MAY 11, 2011, IN NE ' OFFICE OF MARICOPA COUNTY ARIZONA. INSTRUMENT NUMBER 0 ,y my 20110399571, EXHIBIT -A-, LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BEING A mo PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF NE NORTHWEST QUARTER ... � WALL 1• +so' AND NE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, T. 3 N., R. 6 E. OF THE GIIA AND SALT RIVER 0A1[: 4-15-15 BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY. ARIZONA. wow 5 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ 4. Location Map: ----,Lii.,i --.44„1:... AIN 4 t ** "1°4*N\ M 1'4.I.e•/ 0 FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AERIAL PHOTO MAP APN 176-10-611 ti~ ADDRESS 9700 N.SAGUARO BLVD 4�45) {t s• 4,� LEGEND: LOTUNE ROW rt/ FLOOOPLAIN o ~.'.`^., �"- SUBJECT SITE • o JQ. ABANDON MPE TREVINO DR._____..--___7 i. , TRAFFC DIRECTION 1tf 4r. $t\\NN u‘ 5," � � ys N �1_ 1S r am. 0 IOC MAT v— `,► i ,CHIP$..MY / AERIAL FUGHT GATE 11/13 /*/7\ /\ 5. Site Conditions: "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" is planned as an Independent/Assisted/Memory Care Living ("IL/AL/MC") complex of multifamily apartments at the northwest corner of N. Saguaro Boulevard and E. Trevino Drive. The land is of varying slopes generally sloping from north to south and bordered by five single family homes to the north, Montera Ranch Condominiums across N. Saguaro Boulevard to the east, single family vacant lots across Burkermo Drive to the west and McDonalds, That Guy's Pizza, Senor Taco, Munich Gyros and Circle K to the south across E. Trevino Drive. "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" will be developed between single family homes, condominiums and commercial property making it a traditional transition between all adjacent uses. Existing drainage swales will be replaced with inlet structures and storm drain pipe so that offsite flow can be routed through the site and discharged at N. Saguaro Blvd which is the historical outfall point. Adequate underground detention basins will be designed based on the 100-year, 2- hour storm. The concept grading plan is included as part of this PAD. I L. 6 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ SITE INFORMATION: Address: 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd,Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 APN: 176-10-811 Gross Lot Area: 250,062 Sq. Ft Project Data: Current Zoning: The Hemingway PAD/C-1 Proposed Zoning: The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD/C-2 Lot Size: 250,062 SF (5.74 AC) Usage Allowed: 60% 150,037 SF Actual Usage: Total Roof Area: 78,737 SF Excess: 71,300 SF A. Proposed public streetscape and public and private open space improvements and their relationship to the overall development are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan B. Building heights, minimum lot areas and setbacks are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan and/or Elevation according to the following: Minimum Setbacks Lot Bldg District Area Height Front Side Rear Lot Coverage (Sq Ft) Fountain Hills Senior Living 250,062 40'* 25'** 0'** 25'** 78,737 PAD * Measured from the existing grade based on the Grading Plan. ** When adjacent to a residential district, there shall be a setback equal to the greater of 10 feet or a distance equal to the height of the adjacent building wall plane. C. Building elevations and architectural renderings showing architectural theme colors and type of exterior building materials for the structure in the PAD are shown on the Architectural Elevations and Floorplans. D. A conceptual landscape plan of the proposed landscaping treatment, plant materials, fences, walls and other site plan and open space improvements has been provided on this PAD. The specific details of the landscape plan will be a part of the building permit application. E. Proposed entrance locations and widths, including drive aisles are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. F. Water Service will be provided EPCOR. All water service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of EPCOR. Sewer service has been 7 a The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills,AZ 'taw confirmed to be provided by the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. All sewer service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. Existing and proposed grades and drainage systems and how drainage is altered, how it is redirected to original channel, and how the requirements regarding storm water runoff and drainage will be met. G. Due to the small site within The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD, an abbreviated Traffic Impact Analysis including projected volumes on streets within and adjacent to the site will be completed. 7. The location, number of spaces, dimensions, circulation patterns, driveways, access way and pedestrian walkways are shown on the Conceptual Site Plan. The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD parking ratio has been increased from the Town's zoning requirements: 178 beds would typically require 45 spaces, but 90 spaces will be provided. The additional spaces are provided based on our experience with similar communities we have built in the past. Typically, some of the independent living residents and a few of the assisted living residents own cars. In addition to that the communities have visitors on holidays which demand the parking that is proposed. 8. All signage will be by separate permit and shall conform to the Fountain Hills Zoning ordinance and this PAD, with the exception of an entry sign as described in Section 1.9 herein. v.. Section 3—Project Narrative "Fountain Hills Senior Living" provides a best-in-class community for Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care. The community promotes social engagement and an active senior lifestyle, allowing residents to age in place. The aesthetics offer resort-like environment living with varied amenities and materials to create a strong unique design theme for the community. "Fountain Hills Senior Living", a three-story building of approximately 150,000 square feet, is organized into three levels of care. The building amenities for Independent Living and Assisted Living include multiple dining venues, community room, clubhouse/lounge, gym, pool, physical therapy/exercise room, salon and library. Amenities for the Memory Care portion of the building include living rooms, dining room, library, family room, four seasons room, assisted bathing and exam room. Shared spaces on the ground floor include employee lounge, a commercial kitchen, property management offices with a conference room, and various other support spaces. The location is key to the success of "The Fountain Hills Senior Living". The location is a buffer between single family residential and commercial buildings with easy access to shopping, medical facilities, downtown Fountain Hills, Mesa and Scottsdale. This type of senior living development produces minimal traffic and noise. In addition, "The Fountain Hills Senior Living" will also act as a transitional use between the commercial establishments on E. Shea Boulevard `ow and the nearby residential community. 8 The Fountain Hills Senior Living PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ APPENDIX ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Traffic Study Conceptual Site Plan Conceptual Grading Plan Preliminary Landscape Plans Plant Density Exhibit Architectural Elevations and Floorplans Site Views 9 0 cw (1) 5 I 3: Ih C ‘laffit CU la •-. C 1:1) 0 CCi • O co 0 2 y O CD N illi AMU NI •- 0 � o 1NW c rn D Ow- 'PCI) LJ- o 41.OS Ala ow. • 0 ~yvs 1N I I 4.0 0 i v Fill itowe Q 7 `.d0 NMOs.. a) O J > + a) N -> t L Ni c) 4 +�-� N N w +-, O 'c 1_ = 2 O a) t- o 1- -0 bp O o i ico "O E -c •- (� O 'L 4-,+ c c Co 2 p E Cl) co 4= }; a� E C6 >' E o ..c > C co E p 4- ++ O m O O co L c0 4- 4O ,- o - Q Zi O a1 C a) CD - N CHID ca — co 'c- 4_, O co 4"' ~ 1- ...0 a) 'Q c) - co ° ,e U - o +j 0° a) _c — +-1 C O C O ,� _, c� E c13 O Cl) .,_, 113 co cn -0 .E = N4- C -0 a C6 a) 5 N co F U oo i aA au 4_ ) - CD C au '� L o 0 +� a} x co c ID >. 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CO •— -0 13 v •+� E CD C• O Q ' a' ° c LL Cc 0_ MO N O N c N N i •C N O N t]A C v, -O N a) N O -— C N — ( O J E to O- = E N N — O D n C X _ N C N `} n — •— N -0 -0 . • L O E , > = • EEE� • °V) V) >, U � a) o v) -05D Lff.0 -C)N N a--+ N U L O O O O 0 D U 4A O c.c. 0_ U I I ' -0 a 0_ 0 C 0- E 0.) -0 r1 N O -C O O 0 as N O 4A 1 4 O •LID 0 • = a) O •41, C • •- J o -mo N •_ > Q oo � CU O (NJ L •— o in W 5 bet Ca C t^ I—mom •— - Ca c6 z 4-11 o z 3 ea N. 0 •_ LL ea C 0 U • J.-AN f,.Y..... . ri 0 part N+. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS t. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday,January 25,2018 at 5:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers located at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountain,Fountain Hills, Arizona,the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearings to receive comments on ORDINANCE #18-03 "FOUNTAIN HILLS SENIOR LIVING FACILITY PAD" a proposed Assisted Living development of a 5.74 acre commercial property located at 9700 N.Saguaro Blvd(AKA APN#176-10-811). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday,February 20,2018 at 5:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers located at 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountain, Fountain Hills,Arizona,The Fountain Hills Town Council will hold a public SENIORhearing S Io vFACILITY "FOUNTAINe comments on ORDINANCE #18-03 PAD"a proposed Assisted d Living development LIVINGof a 5.74 acre commercial property located at 9700 N.Saguaro Blvd(AKA APN# 176-10-811). CASE#Z2017-14 ". A complete copy of the proposal is available for viewing in the Fountain Hills Planning&Zoning Office,7:00 AM-6:00 PM Monday through Thursday. For more information, contact Marissa Moore, AICP; Planning and Zoning, L., Town of Fountain Hills, 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountain,Fountain Hills,AZ 85268;or by calling 480-816-5139. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend. Published in FH Times:January 10,2018 and January 17,2018 r =fi; h 2co1x3.5" @ $4.75/ci/week $66.50 + tax C