HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2017.0323.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION March 23,2017 Chairman Michael Archambault opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Michael Archambault, Vice-Chairman Eugene Mikolajczyk. Commissioners: Amberleigh Dabrowski, Susan Dempster, Erik Hansen, Howie Jones and Roger Owers. Also in attendance were Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director, Randy Harrel, Town Engineer and Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Michael Archambault requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Chairman Archambault asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were no requests. AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED March 9,2017. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, March 9, 2017 as written. Commissioner Dabrowski SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7/0. AGENDA ITEM #2 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL A 34" TALL,FAUX WATER TOWER, CELLULAR ANTENNA AT THE ADERO CANYON ENTRY GATEHOUSE SITE. CASE#SU2016-01 The public hearing opened at 6:32 p.m. Mr. Rodgers, Development Services Director, presented a staff report and a PowerPoint presentation, (Copy is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk) on the details of a Special Use Permit request from Verizon Wireless to install a cellular antenna at the Adero Canyon entry gatehouse site. Mr. Rodgers referred to the overhead showing the location of the cellular antenna inside a faux old-style water tower in Parcel 10A of Adero Canyon. He said Parcel 10A is the relatively small parcel that creates the median island in the Eagle Ridge Drive right-of-way. This parcel is the location of the Adero Canyon Gate House.The water tower structure is proposed to be installed north of the gate house parking area. The Special Use Permit requirements are that the water tower will be thirty-four feet tall. The height limit in this district is twenty-five tall. The height limit may be exceeded if an appropriate stealth design is used. It must be determined that the stealth design is appropriate for the area. Mr. Rodgers said the tower is within 300' of a residential district and it's approximately 100' to the "PAD-MF" (Planned Area Development - Multi Family) in Parcel 10. The Special Use Permit must approve allowing the reduced setback and a 100% fall-down setback from any property line is required (thirty-four feet). Only seventeen feet is provided. This request includes a seventeen feet waiver. Mr. Rodgers said it is noted in the staff report that the "building" setback is fifteen feet and that the Planning and Zoning Commission should, as part of the recommendation, advise the Town Council regarding the appropriateness of 41) allowing this setback reduction. Mr. Rodgers concluded that Staff recommends that the Commission find Page I of 5 the following: that the Building Setback requirement of fifteen feet meets the intent of the ordinance,that the stealth design is appropriate for the area and that the Tower's location within 100' of a residential district will not be detrimental to the neighborhood and to the surrounding area. Mr. Rodgers suggested that the commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the proposal as presented. Rick Shaw, on behalf of Verizon Wireless, gave a short history of his relationship that started with MCO during the 2010 acquisition. He said the intent of the site is to cover the southern half of the Adero Canyon subdivision, Copperwynd and a Scottsdale subdivision. Mr. Shaw said the faux water tank was MCO Properties' preference because it was the best suited for the facade. The water tower is as short as possible at thirty-four feet,just nine feet taller than the short maximum height allowed by code. This was the minimum height needed in order to operate effectively. Most towers around town are sixty to sixty- five feet. Mr. Shaw referenced the fall down distance. He said the cellular tower industry no longer refers to fall down zones since technology, engineering and material advancement drastically decrease an occurrence. This tower will have four legs and will be structurally engineered and approval stamped by an engineer. Chairman Archambault asked if there were any more requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward answered there were no more requests. Chairman Archambault closed the Public Hearing at 6:39 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #3 -CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL A 34" TALL, FAUX WATER TOWER, CELLULAR ANTENNA AT THE ADERO CANYON ENTRY GATEHOUSE SITE. CASE # SU2016-01 ® Commissioner Dempster asked about the design and how it would fit better into the facade than other designs. Mr. Shaw stated the rock wall surrounding the tower will match the rock around the gatehouse. This is what the developer wanted.This is a much more costly design than a saguaro or palm tree. Commissioner Dabrowski asked why is the tower thirty-five feet tall when cell towers are lower in other areas. Mr. Shaw said the heights he quoted were for Saguaros which usually are twenty-six feet with a two feet taper in Scottsdale. He believes it to be thirty feet in Fountain Hills. Bob Rodgers said there are a few saguaro towers at forty-feet and palm tree towers at sixty-five in Fountain Hills. Mr. Shaw said they kept the water tank tower to a minimum because the developer was sensitive to the height. However the radio frequency engineers needed it taller so a compromise was made. Ms. Dabrowski said her concern is that the water tower is not the best choice for the community. She stated perhaps Cave Creek,which has more of a western feel, is more suited for a water tower. She asked if there were options other than the water tower such as a saguaro. Mr. Shaw said height could be an issue with a saguaro and also the antenna restrictions caused by the 110 cactus diameter. A saguaro typically has two to three antennas. The less antenna capacity would then Page 2 of 5 possible require more sites. The water tower allows for more antennas thus reducing the need for more tower cites. Ms. Dabrowski asked if Toll Brothers was involved in the design since they are the ones selling the homes. Mr. Shaw said he did not have any contact with Toll Brothers but assumed Jeremy Hall may have had discussions with them. Commissioner Dabrowski expressed concern about the water tower falling down on the guard house. Mr. Rodgers said there should not be an issue since the distance between is more than enough. Chairman Archambault asked if a faux rock wall would be possible near the multi family site. Mr. Shaw said they discussed a fake rock wall near the water tank location however it lacked the height needed. The water tower location was premium to achieve the range for Copperwynd, Scottsdale and a portion of Adero Canyon. Chairman Archambault asked about the design structure and how it would hold up in extreme weather conditions. His concern is the fall factor. Mr. Shaw said the industry uses the national wind loading standards which are published and referenced during the design phase. Municipalities use the same publication for guidelines. The structure also has to meet the requirements of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) standards and building codes. The design would be approved and stamped by a structural/professional engineer. Chairman Archambault called on Randy Harrel, Town Engineer, asking him about the footings depth requirements. Randy Harrel said he did not review the plans but the design is very high and has adequate factors of safety. It would need to meet the national standards factors of safety in regards to the wind speed and the materials used. Commissioner Owers said he was concerned about the height and in particular the silhouette. Mr. Owers asked will it stick up around the surrounding area. Mr. Shaw said he could not recall if this water tank would show up against the skyline. Commissioner Dabrowski asked what other capabilities would the water tank tower provide. She expressed that since the trailhead is located in that area safety is an issue. Mr. Shaw said the tower will transmit on Verizon frequencies. It will be for cell service and data. It will not be used for emergency services unless other arrangements are made with the Town. Commissioner Jones asked if the water tower is shorter than others in the area and how effective will the tower meet the required use. Mr. Shaw said the radio engineers originally wanted the tower higher but it was negotiated down at the developer's request. It is still a viable site. Mr. Shaw presented a north side view of the site. ( Chairman Archambault asked if the tower is able to cover the area near the water tank. err. Page 3 of 5 Mr. Shaw said that the developer asked the same question and because of the topography it would not have the capability. There will have to be two sites because of the terrain. Commissioner Hansen asked about the process of choosing the color scheme. Mr. Shaw said they proposed a few things but they were modified by the developer. Chairman Archambault asked what material is the block wall surrounding the tower. Mr. Shaw replied that it is a CMU, (Concrete Masonry Unit)wall with a stone finish. Chairman Archambault asked if there were anymore questions. Commissioner Jones MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit and allow the thirty-four foot tall faux water tower cellular antenna to be installed inside the faux water tower structure as presented and in the location proposed along with the findings. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk SECONDED. A roll call vote was taken with the following results: Commissioner Dabrowski Nay Commissioner Dempster Aye Commissioner Hansen Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Owers Aye Vice-chairman Mikolajczyk Aye Chairman Archambault Nay The motion CARRIED by those present (5-2). AGENDA ITEM#4- COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (it) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM #5 - SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR. None AGENDA ITEM#6-REPORT FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR. None AGENDA ITEM#7-ADJOURNMENT. 4 kime Page 4 of 5 Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:04 p.m. and Commissioner Dabrowski SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION BY: airman Mike Arc ambault ATTEST: Pa 3ozL)MJ Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 23th day of March, 2017 in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. W t iA),0 . Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant krir 410 Page 5 of 5