HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2017.0824.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
August 24,2017
Chairman Michael Archambault opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Michael Archambault, Vice-Chairman Eugene
Mikolajczyk. Commissioners: Amberleigh Dabrowski, Susan Dempster, Erik Hansen, Roger Owers and
Howie Jones. Also in attendance were Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director, and Paula
Woodward, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes.
Chairman Michael Archambault requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of
silent reflection.
Chairman Archambault asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward
answered there were no requests.
Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, August 10,
2017 as presented. Commissioner Dabrowski SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED
The public hearing opened at 6:35 p.m.
Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director presented a staff report and a PowerPoint presentation,..
(Copy is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk) about a proposed amendment of the Copperwynd PAD
(Planned Area Development), at 13225 N. Eagle Ridge Drive. Mr. Rodgers stated that Copperwynd is
requesting some modifications of their PAD approvals and their Development agreement. Mr. Rodgers
showed a review of the revised Site Plan and the proposed PAD amendments in detail. He stated the old
Phase 1 plan was to include demolition of the existing thirty-two hotel rooms and the construction of a
new one hundred and twenty-eight room structure on the north end of the property. Phase I also included
extensive renovations of the clubhouse and restaurant areas and the construction of the 9,850 square foot
conference center on the east end of the property. The proposed new Phase I will retain the existing
thirty-two hotel rooms while constructing an expanded facility area, a 7,890 square foot banquet space,
pool area, and one hundred and forty new rooms south of the current hotel lobby in the previous Phase II
location. This building is also the location of the requested height increase up to seventy-five feet due to
the topographic conditions. Phase I also includes the south parking area expansion.
Mr. Rodgers explained that the Phase II old plan was to include a new building on the south side of the
clubhouse with sixty new rooms. Phase II would also include,pool area renovations with a poolside
lounge/restaurant and a large parking lot expansion near the new conference center. The new Phase II
amendment will begin after the Phase I construction completion and the new rooms are available. The
thirty-two room north building would be demolished and a new one hundred and ten room building built
in its place. The new building would be a different configuration than the previously approved building.
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This revised phase would include the construction of the south end parking garage, new fitness pool, lawn
and juice bar area.
Mr. Rodgers displayed a slide of the new Phase III plan. He said the old plan was to include a new south
wing with approximately one hundred and twelve rooms. Phase III also included additional outdoor
activity spaces, additional pool areas, a new restaurant and the parking garage with roof top tennis courts.
The new Phase III would construct fifty rooms on top of the new parking garage and provide 3,870 square
feet of new banquet/meeting space built on the south end of the property in the same location the previous
approval proposed the conference facilities be located. Mr. Rodgers went on to display an exhibit
showing the building height in Phase I. The fifty foot height limit above the existing ground is the current
approved height limit. Mr. Rodgers explained there is terrain that drops off significantly under the
building's footprint. A portion of the requested amendments to the PAD is to allow for portions of the
phase I building to exceed the fifty foot height limit up to a maximum height of seventy-five at the
building's downhill end.
Mr. Rodgers concluded that the applicant is requesting the following amendments to the PAD; Approval
of the new site plan, new phasing schedule, a building height waiver, and fractional ownership permitted
in the PAD list of permitted uses. Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a
recommendation to Town Council to approve the proposed amended and restated Copperwynd PAD as
Mr.Nick Labadie representing Bill Hinz and the Copperwynd Resort provided a PowerPoint presentation.
Mr. Labadie said the applicant is requesting to build more rooms sooner rather than later in the phase I. In
the past PAD, the existing thirty-two rooms were to be deleted with the building of one hundred and
twenty-eight rooms. The proposed amendment request is to keep the existing thirty-two rooms and add
one hundred and forty rooms in Phase 1. There are minor structural changes which were based on the
feedback received from the hotelier. Operations were improved by swapping out phase I and phase II.
The majority of the conference space moved internally in phase I. The change in the permitted height is
not actually changing just the point of measurement. The maximum number of rooms is not changing nor
is the building height. Off site traffic improvements, parking structure, and neighbors views are not
changing significantly. The full build out is not changing from the original PAD. The main difference is
more will be built sooner.Mr. Labadie displayed the elevation height of the new proposed phase I and the
old phase I from a Sun Ridge Gold Club entrance view. He said there would be no negative visual impact
with the change. He referenced a parking breakdown and the updated numbers for room expansion and
tax benefits presented in the presentation. Mr. Labadie concluded he was available for comments and
Chairman Archambault asked if there were any requests to speak and the Recorder Paula Woodward
answered there were no requests.
The public hearing closed at 6:51 p.m.
(CASE #Z 2017-08)
Commissioner Dempster commented that this project is very exciting. She asked about the parking and
room formulas provided.
Mr. Labadie said the tables provided take all potential options into account should changes need to be
made. The parking spaces are taking into account the members,rooms and employee parking.
Commissioner Dabrowski thanked staff and the owners for all their work and time dedicated to the project.
She commented that it is very responsible of the owner to reconsider the operational value of keeping the
rooms and the hotelier to make sure this is successful. Commissioner Dabrowski asked for clarification
regarding the parking garage as she remembered it to include tennis courts on top.
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Mr. Labadie replied the tennis courts would be at full build out in the old phase III. The new phase III will
have fifty rooms on the top of the parking garages.
Commissioner Dabrowski stated she understands and is in favor of what was presented about the roofline
elevation not increasing.
Commissioner Jones said this was a great presentation and asked about the square footage change of phase I
and phase II.
Mr. Labadie said it would depend on the rooms square footage. There is an additional 3,000 square feet in the
conference space but the overall square footage remains the same. It is the same amount of rooms (300) but
just reconfigured.
Commissioner Jones asked if the parking associated with the proposed phase I and phase II(in combination)is
similar to the old phase I and phase II.
Mr. Labadie said it is similar although there is more parking provided in the proposed phase II because of the
garage build. In the proposed phase II the parking is 144 surplus spaces at 100%room occupancy and with a
full event taking place.
Commissioner Jones asked if the banquet space is part of phase III and how many rooms are associated with
phase III.
Mr.Labadie said the additional banquet space and the fifty rooms take place in phase III.
Commissioner Jones asked how much the view would change from the restaurant during phase I and also
about the tennis courts status.
Mr. Labadie said it would remain much the same other than the event lawn and pool area. There are two
tennis courts proposed for the top of the parking structure.
Michael Marcoux, Architect, said the number of tennis courts at the end of phase II and phase III would
depend upon timing.
Commissioner Owers asked if the scheduled tax revenue projection is a change from the prior phasing and if
so what is the net effect.
Mr. Labadie replied there is a net change. The difference is by building more rooms sooner it allows for the
estimated taxes to be much higher,much sooner.This would be beneficial to the business and the town.
Commissioner Owers asked if the difference between the phasing is what is on the chart, or is this just what is
projected on the new plan.
Mr.Labadie said that is a good question.These are estimates,it depends what takes place during the phasing.
Commissioner Owers asked what is the number of the net tax effect.
Mr.Hinz, stated phasing is always the best guess taking into account sales tax and construction
projections.The numbers are based upon studies from Kimpton and an outside consulting group.
Chairman Archambault asked what is the percent of rental projection capacity based on?
Mr. Hinz, stated a rough estimate is seventy percent occupancy by the second year.
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Commissioner Dempster asked for clarification on the phase I service area located near condo units 101
and 102.
Mr. Hinz stated the area near these units is currently the service area. There is a maintenance building and
service yard. Condo units 101, 102 and 103 overlook these areas. There is no significant change to the
service area. The impact to these units would be minimal.
Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk asked if the existing exterior color changes.
Mr.Marcoux, said the existing color would remain.The existing structure is used as the jumping off point
to carry a theme throughout the property.
Commissioner Owers asked about the proposed zoning change made for time share properties as shown in Mr.
Mr. Rodgers said fractional ownerships are a permitted use within the L-3 district which is the base
zoning for the PAD. This request was left off the original approved PAD. Most resorts in the valley offer
fractional ownerships and rentals.The proposed amendment includes fractional ownership.
Mr. Labadie agreed with Mr. Rodgers that fractional ownerships are a staple in high end resorts. He said
there are no plans to offer fractional ownership right now but the intent is to include all the uses of the L-
3.Utility structures were also added to the allowed uses.
Chairman Archambault commented that this would be an option that would allow for flexibility should
the market go in that direction.
In response to Commissioner Dabrowski, Mr. Labadie confirmed the outdoor mountain bike refreshment
element would be included in this proposal as it was in the original.
Chairman Archambault asked is the seventy-five foot height request for phase I only? And with the
current design could it not step down and add more rooms during phase III to get to the three hundred
Mr. Labadie said it came down to laying out the site and what was the best use without impacting the
surrounding area.
Chairman Archambault questioned what was the maximum height of phase II that was approved earlier
this year.
Mr. Labadie said that what was approved earlier in the year was at the same exact height physically as
what is proposed now. What changed was the point where the measurement begins from. The bottom of
the building measures lower but the top line height remains the same.
Chairman Archambault questioned the maximum height during each phase and what the applicant was
asking approval for this evening.
Mr. Labadie said that if any changes were made an amendment would be required. Technically the
maximum height is seventy-five feet for the whole site.
Mr. Rodgers disagreed and stated that it was staff's understanding that it only applied to a portion of the
Phase I building.
Chairman Archambault asked about the public art feature and the chapel.
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Mr. Labadie displayed on the overhead the location of the art and said the specific design is later to come.
The chapel location is currently on hold until a location is decided.
Mr. Hinz said he is comfortable with the seventy-five feet required for phase I and asked for a provision
• for phase II and III should they need to exceed fifty feet.
Chairman Archambault asked Mr.Rodgers,if an administrative approval would be granted if the fifty feet
were to exceed for example by two feet.
Mr. Rodgers replied it would not be and construction drawings presented above the fifty feet would be
Chairman Archambault asked the applicant what height do they feel comfortable with?
Mr. Marcoux said with such a unique site it would be a challenge to commit to the height. It is not such a
construction height but more of an architectural height concern.
Chairman Archambault proposed the phasing and height to be as follows; seventy-five feet for phase I,
sixty feet for phase II and fifty feet for phase III.
Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk asked Mr. Rodgers to give input about the Development Agreement and the
commission's discussion.
Mr. Rodgers said that this is a valuable discussion since staff was not aware the applicant wanted the
seventy five feet waiver to be across the entire site completely. This would be the time for the
Commission to make any change to the recommendation and to note the rationale behind it.
Commissioner Jones asked Mr. Rodgers if the applicant could request a revision to the height at a later date
and if so would that be reasonable.
Mr.Rodgers replied that when a PAD is adopted, a new zoning district with its own regulations is created for
that site.
Commissioner Dabrowski MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the
proposed Copperwynd PAD amendment subject to the following heights: The phase 1 building may have
a maximum height of 50' on the northern (uphill) end of the building and a maximum height of seventy
five feet (75') on the southern(downhill) end of the building The phase 2 building may have a maximum
height of sixty feet (60'). The phase 3 building. may have a maximum height of fifty feet (50').
Commissioner Dempster SECONDED and the motion CARRIED by those present(7/0).
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
Commissioner Dempster Aye
Commissioner Hansen Aye
Commissioner Jones Aye
Commissioner Owers Aye
Vice-chairman Mikolajczyk Aye
Chairman Archambault Aye
Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(I)placing items on a future agenda for action or
(ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission.
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Vice-chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. and Commissioner Jones
airman Mike Archambault
A " EST:
Paula Woodward,Executive Assistant
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the
Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 24th day of August, 2017 in the Town
Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that
the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.
17aASr,. tDeRritwoLok
Paula Woodward,Executive Assistant
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