HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2016.0526.Agenda F0 AIN 11 4. ( ��`r' REGULAR MEETING NOTICE O 2 Iftiva 4 4 P ' \ ' INV E OF THE 9'' °� 'hat is AT��' PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Commission Members: Chairman Mike Archambault, Vice-Chairman Eugene Mikolajczyk Commissioners:Stan Connick,Howie Jones,Jeremy Strohan,Susan Dempster and Roger Owers Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a regular meeting, which is open to the general public, on May 26, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town's Councilmembers or various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. TIME: 6:30 P.M. —REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY,May 26,2016 WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 EAST AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS Saw PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Commission Recorder prior to the Commission's discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Recorder's position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Recorder or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers' statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause,protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Commissioners, Town Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not(i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or(ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing,please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by (i) discretion of the Chairman upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the Commission at Meeting or(iii) the Chairman either prior to or during a Meeting. If you do not comply with these rules,you will be asked to leave. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 1 of 3 *CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE—Chairman Mike Archambault *MOMENT OF REFLECTION—Chairman Mike Archambault *ROLL CALL—Chairman Mike Archambault CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G),public comment is permitted (not required) on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during "Call to the Public" unless the matters are property noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Commission members may(i)respond to criticism,(ii)ask staff to review a matter or(iii)ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. AGENDA ITEM(S) (1) CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes from April 14,2016. (2) PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on RESOLUTION #2016-12, a Minor General Plan Amendment related to the proposed "Park Place" mixed-use development proposal to be located at 16725 & 16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains. If approved, the amendment would increase the maximum residential density in a mixed-use project in the downtown area from 28 dwelling units per acre to 50 dwelling units per acre. (Case# GPA2016-01) (3) CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION #2016-12, a Minor General Plan Amendment related to the proposed "Park Place" mixed-use development proposal to be located at 16725 & 16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains. If approved, the amendment would increase the maximum residential density in a mixed-use project in the downtown area from 28 dwelling units per acre to 50 dwelling units per acre. (Case#GPA2016-01) (4) COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing such items on a future agenda for action or(ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. (5) SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Senior Planner. (6) REPORT from Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator,Planning and Zoning Division of Development Services. (7) ADJOURNMENT Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished to the Commission witl t ' agenda liable for review in the Planning & Zoning Division of the Development Services Department. DATED this 18th day of May 2016 By: obert g rs, Senior Planner&Zoning Administrator Town f Fo ntain Hills C Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 2 of 3 -he Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 ,nice) or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD) 48 hours prior to the meeting to request reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting. A majority of the Council Members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9, subject to certain specified statutory exceptions,parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived." Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 3 of 3 A TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ogj Planning and Zoning 0 Board of Adjustment 9l�tbat�,,,,_,,,,r boo is AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: May 26, 2016 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Division: Development Services Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Consideration for approving the Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes from April 14, 2016. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A "roperty Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes from April 14, 2016. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to Approve the Planning & Zoning Regular Meeting Minutes dated April 14, 2016, as presented. Attachment(s): N/A Submitted by: _/ Appro >l. O��Ct. 05/18/2016 / / 05/18//2016 Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Date '.bert R...:s, Senior Planner, Zoning Administrator Date Page 1 of 1 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION April 14,2016 Chairman Michael Archambault opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Michael Archambault. Vice-Chairman Eugene Mikolajczyk. Commissioners: Stan Connick, Jeremy Strohan, Howie Jones, Susan Dempster and Roger Owers. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Development Services Director, Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator and Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Michael Archambault requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED March 10,2016. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, March 10, 2016 as written. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. AGENDA ITEMS #2 -CONSIDERATION OF A REPORT BY A VOLUNTEER STUDY GROUP REGARDING DOWNTOWN OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS,WITH POSSIBLE DIRECTION TO STAFF. Chairman Archambault stated several meetings ago he asked an AD-HOC committee to research expanding the outdoor entertainment area to the north side of the Avenue of the Fountains. He asked the committee members,Commissioner Dempster and Commissioner Mikolajczyk,to report their findings. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk referenced the agenda packet and explained the background on the TCCD, (Town Center Commercial District). The TCCD is a small area downtown that allows for bars & restaurants to have outdoor entertainment with few restrictions. There is another area zoned C-2 that states restaurants and bars can have entertainment such as music but cannot have it audible off site. They are allowed indoor music/entertainment only. The C- 2 area is quite large and the committee reviewed a portion of the C-2 area near the TCCD to somehow make an exemption to allow outdoor entertainment. Mr. Rodgers reminded the Commission about the 2009 Downtown Area Specific (Swaback) Plan which included a larger area of downtown and the Avenue of the Fountains. The Downtown Area Specific Plan envisioned a larger area of downtown to allow entertainment and provide businesses opportunity to draw more people. Sofrita's which is in the C-2 area, obtained a permanent permit for outdoor audible entertainment. They are an example of what the overlay would do for all businesses in this area. Commissioner Dempster stated the point was to be proactive in helping the businesses in the area. The goals of the Downtown Area Specific Plan are; to create a shopping&restaurant area that attracts visitors and residents, promote business entrepreneurship and be a must visit area — magnets for visitors. Commissioner Dempster stated the committee is suggesting an overlay to allow businesses in Fountain Hills to have outdoor audible entertainment in the downtown area. An overlay would enhance some properties zoned C-2&C- 3 without changes to the underlying zoning. L Page 1 of 3 Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk referred to page 12 of the staff report as an example showing the TCCD area and the proposed area of C-2 they are suggesting the rules for outdoor entertainment. The outdoor entertainment would be the same for the C-2 area highlighted in yellow, as they are for the TCCD. This would also apply to the bowling alley which is in the C-3 zoning. Chairman Archambault asked Mr. Rodgers if the overlay applied to the entire highlighted area in the map. Mr. Rodgers stated it would apply to those areas which are highlighted. He then referred to the map saying the overlay is bordered by these streets: Palisades to Saguaro, Saguaro to both sides of the Avenue of the Fountains,to La Montana and also to the eastern end portion of the Basha's vacant lot. Commissioner Jones asked about the other C-2 zones not included in the overlay and areas adjacent to the overlay area. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk responded by saying areas were excluded so very few pieces of property across the street from the overlay would abut any residential areas. The strip mall where Goodwill once was has residential behind it. The conclusion was to be sensitive to the residential area and that's why the overlay was not extended. The C-2 area runs up into the Safeway shopping center at Fountain Hills Blvd. which is across from residential therefore excluding it from the overlay as well. In response to Commissioner Jones Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk said the Emerson Gallery would not be included in the overlay. Commissioner Jones asked if excluded businesses wishing to host an outdoor event would be eligible for a onetime event permit. Mr. Rodgers replied they would be eligible for a onetime temporary event permit. In response to Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk, Commissioner Dempster stated the overlay would help promote the downtown businesses making it more appealing to the businesses, residents and visitors. Commissioner Dempster said that the Chamber of Commerce thought this was a great idea and supports the overlay. Chairman Archambault said the overlay district would support the Downtown Area Specific Plan which was voted on by voters in 2009, in creating a vibrant downtown. It was kept to this area and moves into the TCCD. There are some vacant land areas included as well. Chairman Archambault asked why the overlay was included in an area that already allows for outdoor entertainment. Commissioner Dempster stated they were included because the timeframe allowing the outdoor audible entertainment changes with the overlay. Commissioners Jones stated we should not delay this and move it forward to Town Council. Chairman Archambault explained the next process would be for the commission to agree on staff continuing to initiate a zoning amendment and bring that back to the Commission for a public hearing. Commissioner Owers asked if any businesses asked for the overlay. Chairman Archambault answered no and it was his idea to be pro-active to allow for businesses in the area to host outdoor entertainment. Discussion took place amongst the Commissioners regarding the vacant corner lot that is part of the Basha's shopping center. cr. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Rodgers stated the property is currently under agreement. Part of the proposal includes a commercial presence on that corner which would create an anchor on this end of the Avenue Plaza. Chairman Archambault asked for a roll call vote. All seven commissioners agreed to accept the study group's report and recommendations, and to direct staff to draft amendments to the zoning ordinance and zoning map in order to provide for expanded outdoor entertainment opportunities as recommended in the staff report. AGENDA ITEM#3-COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing such items on a future agenda for action or(ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. Mr. Rodgers stated he heard a request for a zoning amendment. AGENDA ITEM#4-SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM #5 - REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Mr. Rodgers stated the Basha's corner vacant lot project discussed earlier is one big project that might be in phases. It may be age restricted apartments with some assisted living and memory care. The ends would be commercial. AGENDA ITEM#6-ADJOURNMENT. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m. and Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: Chairman Mike Archambault ATTEST: Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 14th day of April 2016, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. 1 further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 19th of April 2016 Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Page3of3 O��TAINyl. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS \e Development Services Department .......) __� Planning & Zoning Division at ismvi AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: May 26, 2016 Agenda Type: Regular Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner, 480-816-5138, rrodgers(a�fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on RESOLUTION #2016-12, a Minor General Plan Amendment related to the proposed "Park Place" mixed-use development proposal to be located at 16725 & 16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains. If approved, the amendment would increase the maximum residential density in a mixed-use project in the downtown area from 28 dwelling units per acre to 50 dwelling units per acre. (Case # GPA2016-01) CONSIDERATION of RESOLUTION #2016-12, a Minor General Plan Amendment related to the proposed "Park Place" mixed-use development proposal to be located at 16725 & 16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains. If approved, the amendment would increase the maximum residential density in a mixed-use project in the )wntown area from 28 dwelling units per acre to 50 dwelling units per acre. (Case # GPA2016-01) Applicant: Bart Shea, N-Shea Group, LLC 14555 N. Scottsdale Rd. Ste 240 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (480) 315-0154 Owner: Park Place Properties, LLC C/O Sam Gambacorta 1221 Cleveland Street Wilmette, Ill 60091 (847) 251-2348 Property Location: 16725 — 16845 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ Plat 208, Block 2, Lot 1 and Plat 208, Block 7, Lot 5 APN's 176-25-561 & 176-27-097 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: I 2010 General Plan Chapter 3— Land Use Map — (Figure 11) 2010 General Plan Chapter 10 —General Plan Amendment Criteria 2010 General Plan Downtown Area Specific Plan Staff Summary (background): N-Shea Group LLC is proposing to construct a mixed use development project on the vacant land along the Avenue of the Fountains, between Saguaro Blvd and the Town Hall/Community Center complex. The project Park Place GPA#16-01 5/26/2016 will include 43,000 sq ft of commercial space and 404 multi-family residential dwelling units in five buildings. Buildings B and F are proposed to be 3 stories tall. Buildings C, D and E are proposed to be 4 stories tall with a ,aximum height of 58'. As the proposed unit-per-acre density (50) exceeds the density allowed in the General Plan (28), the applicants are requesting, among other things, a Minor Amendment to the General Plan. GENERAL PLAN The General Plan serves as the town's "blueprint" for future growth. It depicts the vision, goals, and objectives of the community, and systematically examines existing conditions and their implications for the future. The current Town of Fountain Hills General Plan, adopted May 18, 2010, fulfills the State of Arizona Growing Smarter legislation, ARS §9-461.05&6. Under this legislation the plan must include a land use element that; "designates the proposed general distribution and location and extent of such uses of the land for housing, business, industry, agriculture, recreation, education, public buildings and grounds, open space and other categories of public and private uses of land as may be appropriate to the municipality". The adopted General Plan fulfills this requirement through the incorporation of Exhibit 4, the "Land Use Map", a copy of which is attached. This map is a graphic representation of the adopted vision, goals, and objectives within the General Plan and displays land use classifications appropriate to depict such information. DOWNTOWN AREA SPECIFIC PLAN An Area Specific Plan is a "blueprint" for the future growth of a specific area of Town. The Downtown Area pecific Plan (commonly referred to as "The Swaback Plan" or "Vision Plan") was approved and adopted as an amendment to the General Plan on December 17, 2009 by popular vote of the citizens of Fountain Hills. The plan defines the boundaries of the downtown area and also provides for nine separate and distinct mixed-use "Districts" within that defined area. The plan also provides the recommended criteria for development within each downtown district. A copy of the Downtown Area Specific Plan is attached to this report. MINOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT: As outlined in Chapter 10 of the 2010 General Plan, a Land Use designation change for a residential density increase affecting 80 acres or less requires a Minor General Plan Amendment. The 2010 General Plan currently designates this property as "Mixed Use" with an additional "Town Center Area Specific Plan" overlay. On June 18, 2015 the Town Council voted to amend the General Plan and increase the downtown residential density allowance from 12 dwelling units per acre to 28 dwelling units per acre in order to accommodate the Morningstar Assisted Living Facility proposal which is now currently under construction. The current proposed RESOLUTION 2016-12; Minor Amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 will amend the permitted maximum residential density from the current maximum of 28 dwelling units per acre to a new maximum of 50 dwelling units per acre. The amendment could allow the Park Place development to include up to a maximum of 465 dwelling units (condominiums and/or apartments) within the development proposal. However, the project density may be further limited by a Development Agreement currently under negotiations with the Town Council, and the applicant currently proposes 404 dwelling units (44/acre). 4 Page 2 of 3 Park Place GPA#16-01 5/26/2016 The applicant's state that the proposed density increase is necessary for the project to be financially successful and that such a density is necessary for the economic health of the commercial portions of the project and for se downtown area as a whole. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the Minor General Plan Amendment (RES #2016-12) to allow the maximum residential density to increase from 28 units per acre to 50 units per acre, will allow the proposed mixed-use development to include the requested 404 residential apartments/condominiums. Denial of this Minor General Plan amendment will require that the applicant either revise the proposal accordingly and resubmit, or abandon the proposal. Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): NA Staff Recommendation(s): It is important that the Commission consider that the proposed Minor General Plan Amendment will affect all properties located within the defined boundaries of the Downtown area, not just the current project proposal. Staff agrees that any residential products developed within the downtown area should be allowed a greater density level than other areas of town might reasonably expect. If the Planning & Zoning Commission agrees that the proposal to increase the allowable residential density in the downtown area to 50 units per acre is appropriate and beneficial for the town due to the unique character anticipated for the downtown area, the Commission should recommend approval. If the Planning & Zoning Commission does not agree that the proposal is appropriate and beneficial the Commission should either; 1. Recommend approval of an increased density level that the Commission feels is more appropriate or, 2. Recommend denial if the Commission feels that the current density level is most appropriate. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to forward a recommendation that the Town Council Approve / Deny RESOLUTION #2016-12, a Minor General Plan Amendment to increase the maximum residential density in a mixed-use project in the downtown area from 28 dwelling units per acre to 50 dwelling units per acre. Attachment(s): 1. Application 2. Applicant's Narrative 3. Park Place "Exhibit B" Land Use Plan 4. Park Place Building Elevations 5. Draft RES #2016-12 6. 2010 Fountain Hills General Plan, Chapter 10 7. Downtown Area Specific Plan Submitted by: lNo6ert Rodger CO 5/17/2016 ,�terim Developm-nt Services Director Date Page 3 of 3 04-28-16PO _31 RCVD o��%T AIN kj�t DO Not write in is ace —official use only c; ,,, Filing Date 77e27/(v o ' \ z Accepted By �-, o = �= Fee Accept-. = o Case Manager "Ti that is my' The Town of Fountain Hills PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - APPLICATION Abandonment (Plat or Condominium) Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Area Specific Plan &Amendments Concept Plan Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver ✓ Development Agreement as—co HPE Change or Abandonment ✓ General Plan Amendment 3,30- - Ordinance (Text Amendment) Planned Unit Development Preliminary/ Final Plat Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) Rezoning (Map) Special Use Permit &Amendments Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit(Median Fee, if applicable) Variance Other PROJECT NAME / NATURE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name 208 Block 2&7 Lot 1 &5 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16725&16845 E Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 PARCEL SIZE (Acres) 9.3 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-25-561 & 176-27-097 NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED O7 TRACTS EXISTING ZONING TCCD PROPOSED ZONING --- A liMrs. ,'� Day 480-315-0154 Mrs. Bart Shea of the N-Shea Group, LLC Phone ✓ Mr. Ms. Address: 14555 N Scottsdale Rd., Suite 240 City: Scottsdale State: AZ Zip: 85254 Email: shea@scd-Ilc.com Owner Mrs. Sam Gambacorta of Park Place Properties, LLC Day Phone 847-251-2348 ✓ Mr. Ms. Address: 1221 Cleveland Street City: Wilmette State: IL Zip: 60091 If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed. SIGNATURE OF OWNER L.,-: `�` DATE r id), '1-e/6 I HERE 0 ZE iti'Y) C�h/1-6.© TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print flea S sc ' re me this , 7�' day of f , 20 /(p . My Commission Expires /�.29'40i7 � otary ublic li.Sass MUNIS l�/�coo . .7. tlisorganna...-" Notary Public-Mama APPLICATION # L \j January 2f,2017 4 N-SHEA GROUP `r. April 26, 2016 VIA HAND DELIVERY Robert Rodgers Senior Planner&Zoning Administrator Town of Fountain Hills 16705 E Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 RE: Request for a General Plan Amendment regarding the Park Place project. Mr. Rodgers: In connection with the Park Place Master Planned project, the applicant hereby requests an amendment 4411, to the 2010 General Plan. The requests are as follows: 1) Minor General Plan Amendment to allow the density increase from 27.25 (Multi-Family High Density)/acre to the Park Place density of 50/acre. 1. Proposed Name of Development: Park Place Master Plan 16725 & 16845 E Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 2. Applicant Information: N-Shea Group, LLC 14555 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 240 Scottsdale, AZ 85266 PH: 480-315-0154 *The property is currently owned by Park Place Properties, LLC. The N-Shea Group, LLC currently controls I ( the property through an active/executed Purchase and Sale Agreement 14555 N Scottsdale Rd.,Suite 240 •Scottsdale,AZ 85254 • (480) 315-0154 P • www.n-sgroup.com Page 4 3. Legal Description: LOT 5, OF A FINAL REPLAT OF BLOCK 7, PLAT NO. 208, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA BOOK 144 OF MAPS, PAGE 4, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, RECORDED IN BOOK 615 OF MAPS, PAGE 49. LOT 1, OF A FINAL REPLAT OF BLOCK 2, PLAT NO. 208, FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, RECORDED IN BOOK 615 OF MAPS, PAGE 48. EXCEPT ALL MINERALS AS RESERVED UNTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN PATENT OF SAID LAND RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 1956 IN DOCKET 1839, PAGE 426, RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. EXCEPT ALL OIL, GASES AND OTHER HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES, COAL, STONE, METALS, MINERALS, FOSSILS AND FERTILIZERS OF EVERY NAME AND DESCRIPTION, TOGETHER WITH ALL URANIUM, THORIUM, OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL WHICH IS OR MAY BE DETERMINED TO BE PECULIARLY ESSENTIAL TO THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIALS, WHETHER OR NOT OF COMMERCIAL VALUE. EXCEPT ALL UNDERGROUND WATER, IN, UNDER OR FLOWING THROUGH SAID LAND AND WATER RIGHTS APPURTENANT THERETO. 4. Generalized Location Map: # ,Y m' 622 t1?V x1pl ' Il{ I4'4". . "tilis l 745 Yac evi xo +tt r `�:- fir- — 4. ' x -0546s,. .""---P , 78 , n ' t` `� ) i`• I! •,y ri 1 o t;,4%`Litp 4 •,. . : I 'w� +a( i pet ,p a ttE r.'. "3`. '{, '"'•?f ll4r y�r Y ?, f; +tip 'f f I� drllr '; { - eri,"/ 0 r -: '4. 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THE PLAZA EL ieWNEC L, T: OUNTAIN' PRIMER° DESERT SAGE VASE II' CONDOS "ON10S FOUNTAIN VIEW e0U(�, IEN . I EL ARp I •LAZA WATERFRONT 1LCONDOPRISE �_ 1 r► �� CONDOS f.1.cr l (h... 5. Traffic Circulation: 6n 11111011111P • e a SITE 4, 4 SITE N„- '`- , " .., ,. ikt. 8 % .. - N... `'., ,4. .' h i., Vehicular Circulation Character ♦ • Arterial 4 46, :1. b . Boulevard 4 ? Avenue of the Fountains } Neighborhood Collector 4 --- On-Street Parking 14555 N Scottsdale Rd.,Suite 240 •Scottsdale,AZ 85254 • (480) 315-0154 P • www.n-sgroup.com 4 Page 4 6. Infrastructure Impact: Extension of existing utilities from existing right-of-ways will be developed with site improvements and placed underground. Water service will be provided by EPCOR Water Arizona, Inc. and wastewater service will be provided by the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. A Will Serve letter dated January 11, 2016 from Ronald Huber of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District stated "the Fountain Hills Sanitary District will provide sewer service to the Park Place project in accordance with the rules, regulations and policies of the District." A Will Serve letter dated January 13, 2016 from Josh Vig of EPCOR stated "Based on the water service currently provided by EPCOR in the CC&N, EPCOR will have adequate water capacity for normal use in the Development upon developer's fulfillment of its obligations under the MXA (if required) 7. Land Use Plan: PHASEI r PHAS -N FILD'AS'C.A'D' (4)STORY MIXED USE 230 UNITS 5 CO SF COMMERCIAL BLLO3S'E'&F'-(4) DRY MIXEC-USE xMa.r.E n!E ili::,«IN.: Mr •7 UNITS 15 V. 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E._ 0 ply .,. — kb �Gs1 ` ■' IS ' l 1 , 1 i PHASE III northEXHIBIT 'B' LAND USE PLAN Fit f.i'R' a)STORY MULTI FAMILY / PARK PLACE MASTER PLAN m.1:cf..W.f.. NoN Mom'.1 xE:r:. • FOUNTAN I-LL8 . A R I Z O N A fPs:k'-- 'I u:N:M,A YEF_E_R:,£lAI*FMWG,TKa i.E•w•r r{.n t NAIA NCxMATY.M:. SCAM MA ATV.J:PARF AF FpNA L:T`I � L 14555 N Scottsdale Rd.,Suite 240 •Scottsdale,AZ 85254 • (480) 315-0154 P • www.n-sgroup.com 1 C L 'r l'•. ,,...D, „a. ki r 0 IN i Ajk ...--- I e 'aAl$196JTERCI soli ' •V^ t , Z Z - c--g , c • Qom' * 5?� ®_ Q Q !1000': �.01/11. -r T* p-P ram >r o to O• >• r02 0- u- 111111:1 a4Z o , O W Q J .. ! i: : k- ii, Ijowce • 1 ;; IIIh 1.- -I to Oqw w� o,^� • — J �o,nE,VWY I N. 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L !•„: ._ • Cl_ hi. _a__ ..,:. . . .. . : ..„. ,.., ,--...„...Y..,„.. : .:-... ..... .:...:. 1 .Y .i, .. ....._..... 7,:?' I a 41 ...11 • -iya auk. ........at- _ 1 11111111P0-''*f1111 ma„ - ;‘-• . ..,.„...,..,, , .------ . I .,',.i.•.•,' • . , ..„ .,. ... , •-,ki ..,,, - , 1: t:•. .:.r , ,,...: 4...t..: ....- RESOLUTION 2016-12 DRAFT A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS GENERAL PLAN 2010 REGARDING ALLOWABLE RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES IN MIXED USE DEVELOPMENTS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC AREA PLAN, AS SHOWN IN CASE NO. GPA2016-01. WHEREAS, the Town of Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 (the "General Plan") was adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council") on January 7, 2010, and ratified by the qualified electors of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town")on May 18, 2010; and WHEREAS, Figure 11 in Chapter 3 of the General Plan (the "Land Use Plan") sets forth the land-use designations for all real property within the corporate limits of the Town; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan designates the area of downtown that is included in the Downtown Area Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Definitions set forth in Chapter 3 (Land Use Element) of the General Plan include residential densities for multifamily uses, but do not specifically address the residential densities allowed in mixed use developments; and CO' WHEREAS, the General Plan establishes the authority and procedures for amendments to the General Plan land-use designations; and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend the General Plan to provide for a range of residential densities in mixed use areas (the"General Plan Amendment"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to ARIz. REv. STAT. § 9-461.06 and the General Plan, the Town has consulted with, advised and provided the opportunity for public comment on the General Plan Amendment; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Aiuz. REv. STAT. § 9-461.06 and the General Plan, the Town Planning and Zoning Commission (i) held a public hearing on the proposed General Plan Amendment on May 26, 2016, and (ii) provided notice of such hearing by publication in the Fountain Hills Times on May 11, 2016, and May 18, 2016; and WHEREAS, pursuant to ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-461.09 and the General Plan, the Town Council (i) held a public hearing on the proposed General Plan Amendment on June 16, 2016 and (ii) provided notice of such hearing by publication in the Fountain Hills Times on May 11,2016, and May 18, 2016; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds and determines that (i) proper notice of the proposed General Plan Amendment has been given in a manner required by ARIz. REV. STAT. § • 9-461.09 et seq. and(ii)each of the required publications have been made. 2667797.1 DRAFT DRAFT Aw NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The General Plan is hereby amended to modify the narrative text for the definition of the Mixed Use land-use category (p. 37) as follows: Mixed-Use The Mixed Use category denotes the Town Center area where a mix of commercial, retail, office, high density residential, municipal,civic, recreational, cultural, institutional, parking, lodging and religious facilities are to be located. Several uses can be accommodated within a single project if the mix of uses is carefully designed to be mutually supportive and the project as a whole will reinforce the viability and vision of the Town Center. Notwithstanding maximum residential densities designated for other land-use categories, high-density residential uses in the mixed use category may be up to 28 50 DU/acre within the boundaries of the Downtown Area Specific Plan. SECTION 3. If any provision of this Resolution is for any reason held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision or portion hereof shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent of all other provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. thor SECTION 4. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, June 16, 2016. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: 1100404 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Grady E. Miller, Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 2667797.1 2 ountain • s -General Plan 2010- �yT AIN1yl 4 Q r z n ■ " q 1/ ` 1 1:° S i/lumaellate o yp that is Ao`ti /' ❖ OVERVIEW The General Plan Implementation chapter of the Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 establishes the specific measures that will lead to plan achievement. The intent of the General Plan Implementation chapter is to list implementation activities identified at the conclusion of each element. The activities are listed in Table 3, Implementation Activities. This approach will provide an easy to use reference for the Town and its stakeholders to monitor implementation in an effort to continue providing quality growth and development in the Town for existing and future residents, businesses and visitors. This chapter is organized into four sections in order to clearly communicate the Town's future direction regarding implementation of the General Plan 2010. ➢ Administration of the General Plan ➢ General Plan Amendment Criteria ➢ Area Specific Plans ➢ Implementation Activities ❖ ADMINISTRATION OF THE GENERAL PLAN After the Town Council has adopted the General Plan 2010 and it has been ratified by public vote, the Planning and Zoning Department shall undertake the following actions to encourage effectuation of the plan: 1. Investigate and make recommendations to the Town Council regarding reasonable and practical means for putting into effect the General Plan or parts thereof. Town staff will seek to ensure that the General Plan serves as a guide for the orderly growth and development of the municipality and as a basis for the efficient expenditure of its funds relating to the subjects of the General Plan. The measures recommended may include plans, regulations, financial reports and capital budgets. 2. Render an annual report to the Town Council on the status of the General Plan and progress in its application. 3. Endeavor to promote public interest in and understanding of the General Plan and regulations relating to it. 4. Consult and advise with public officials and agencies, public utility companies, civic, educational, professional, and other organizations and citizens generally with relation to carrying out the General Plan. Upon adoption of the General Plan 2010, or part thereof, each municipal officer, department, board or commission, and each governmental body, commission or board whose jurisdiction lies entirely or partially within the Town, and whose functions include recommending, preparing plans for or constructing major public works, shall Chapter Ten General Plan 2010 104 General Plan Implementation Town of Fountain Hills submit a list of the proposed public works projects located entirely or partially within the Town recommended for planning, initiation or construction during the ensuing fiscal year. The agency shall list and classify all such recommendations and shall prepare a coordinated program of proposed public works for the ensuing fiscal year. Such coordinated program shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department for review and report to such agency as to conformity with the adopted General Plan. No public real property may be acquired by dedication or otherwise for street, square, park or other public purposes, no public real property may be disposed of, no public street may be vacated or abandoned and no public building or structure may be constructed or authorized, if an adopted General Plan or part thereof applies thereto, until the location, purpose and extent of such acquisition or disposition, such street vacation or abandonment, or such public building or structure have been submitted to and reported upon by the Planning and Zoning Department as to conformity with such adopted General Plan or part thereof. The Planning and Zoning Department shall render its report as to conformity with such adopted General Plan or part thereof within forty days after the matter was submitted to it. The provisions of this subsection do not apply to acquisitions or abandonment for street widening or alignment projects of a minor nature if the Town Council so provides by ordinance or resolution. ❖ GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CRITERIA Any proposed amendment to the General Plan 2010 may not result in an adverse impact to the community as a whole. Public participation shall be encouraged for any proposed amendment to the General Plan 2010 and all legal requirements shall be met. Amendments to the General Plan 2010 should occur only after careful review of the request, and of findings of fact in support of the revision at public hearing(s) before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Town Council. The term "amendment" shall apply to both text and map revisions. A Major Amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 shall be approved by affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the Town Council. Amendments to the General Plan 2010, in accordance with procedures set forth by State statute, may be initiated by the Town or by formal application by the owner(s), or owner(s) agents, of real property within the Town of Fountain Hills incorporated boundaries. Prior to any approval of any land development that is in conflict with the General Plan 2010; an amendment to the General Plan 2010 must be approved and completed. 41, Chapter Ten General Plan 2010 105 General Plan Implementation Town of Fountain Hills Minor Admendments: ➢ Any change mandated by initiative or Arizona law shall require the Minor Amendment process. ➢ Any change in land use on parcels of 40 acres or less shall require the Minor Amendment process. ➢ Any change in land use from residential, commercial or industrial to parks, open space, public facilities or institutional uses shall require the Minor Amendment process. ➢ An increase of intensity of any residential land use classification of less than 80 acres shall require the Minor Amendment process. ➢ Minor Amendments may be brought forward for consideration at a public hearing at any regularly scheduled public meeting. Minor amendments will require at least one public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission and at least one public hearing before the Town Council. Major Admendments: ➢ Parks, Open Space, Public Facilities and Institutional Lands: Any change in land use from parks, open space, public facilities or institutional land use classification to any residential, commercial or industrial land use classification on parcels larger than 40 acres shall require the Major Amendment process. ➢ Residential: Any increase of intensity of any residential land use classification of 80 acres or more shall require the Major Amendment process. ➢ Non-Residential: Any change of non-residential land use classification, except Parks, Open Space, Public Facilities and Institutional Land uses, of 40 acres or more shall require the Major Amendment process. ➢ Any DECREASE in the intensity of use on a property of 40 acres or more at the initiative of the Town of Fountain Hills shall require the Major Amendment process. ➢ Any DELETION of a requirement for the reservation or dedication of land for Public Purposes, except for minor boundary adjustments or street alignments shall require the Major Amendment process. ➢ Any establishment of a new, or deletion of, a planned arterial or a major or minor collector road shown on the General Plan 2010 shall require the Major Amendment process. Major Admendment Process: ➢ Major Amendments to the General Plan 2010 may only be presented and considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation to the Town Council at a minimum of two (2) public hearings (Planning Chapter Ten General Plan 2010 106 General Plan Implementation Town of Fountain Hills Commission Major General Plan Amendment (MGPA) hearings) during the calendar year in which the amendment is made, and by the Town Council at a single public hearing during the calendar year in which the amendment proposal is made. ➢ Applicants proposing a Major Amendment should submit a formal application at least four months prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission MGPA hearing. Such application shall include both graphic materials and a project narrative, together with supporting materials and presentation materials as deemed necessary by the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department. The graphic and project narrative shall include a description of the public benefit and impacts in the following areas: • Intensity/density of use/design • Open space and linkages • Circulation, including pedestrian and bicycle paths ❖ AREA SPECIFIC PLANS An Area Specific Plan is a further refinement of all of the elements of the General Plan 2010 in a specific area. Under the direction of the Planning and Zoning Commission or Town Council, the Planning and Zoning Department may prepare such plans in accordance with the General Plan and may recommend such plans to the Town of Fountain Hills for adoption. An Area Specific Plan may be prepared by private individuals or agencies under the supervision of the Town. The basis for the preparation of an Area Specific Plan includes the following factors: 1. Development potential for new or expanded economic activities (including commercial areas, employment areas and mixed use districts). 2. Development and/or revitalization (e.g.Town Center). 3. Special site characteristics (i.e. recreational, natural resources). 4. Rapid growth or economic change. 5. Other extenuating circumstances. The Town may adopt Area Specific Plans as provided by State law. An Area Specific Plan shall modify the overall pattern of land uses, when the pattern will not detrimentally affect surrounding existing and/or future land use patterns, and will not be in conflict with other provisions of the Fountain Hills General Plan 2010. 411 Chapter Ten General Plan 2010 107 General Plan Implementation Town of Fountain Hills '400.- ❖ IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES The implementation activities listed below consists of projects identified to be accomplished by the year 2020. Each year the Town Council will prioritize projects for completion in the coming fiscal year. These projects will assist in implementing the elements of the Fountain Hills General Plan. These projects are as follows: Table 3: Implementation Activities Activity Element Goal/ Supports Other Objective Elements Town Center Area Specific Plan Growth Areas 5.6 Land Use Retail Trade Capture/Leakage Study Land Use 1.1 Growth Area Shea Boulevard Access Control Plan Update Circulation 1.1 Land Use Saguaro Boulevard Circulation Study Circulation 1.2 Land Use Parks,Trails,and Open Space Master Plan Open Space 2.1,2.2 Circulation Preparation Municipal Public Safety Cost/Benefit Analysis Cost of Development 1.6 Growth Area Economic Incentive Considerations Land Use 4.2 Cost of Development Traffic Count Data Update Circulation 1.5 All Elements Street Crossing Drainage Analysis Circulation 1.11 Open Space Transit Needs/Feasibility Study Circulation 4.1 Land Use Land Disturbance Ordinance Update Environmental Planning 1.6 Land Use Parks and Recreation Dedication Program Open Space 7.2 Land Use Upgrade Telecommunications Service Cost of Development 1.9 Land Use Develop/Distribute Materials of Proper Environmental Planning 4.8 Cost of Development Disposal of Hazardous Materials ISanitary District Cost/Benefit Analysis Water Resources 2.4 Cost of Development Approved Plant List Update Environmental Planning 1.5 Open Space Trails and Open Space Marketing/Education Open Space 5.3 Environmental Planning Materials Cost/Benefit Analysis of Town Providing Water Resources 1.4 Cost of Development Water Shea/Saguaro Area Specific Plan Growth Areas 1.5 Land Use Policies for Rezoning Corridors to Open Open Space 1.2 Land Use Space Shea/Beeline Highway Plan Growth Areas 1.6 Land Use Fountain Hills Blvd.North Area Specific Plan Growth Areas 1.7 Land Use Annual Update of Land Use Analysis and Land Use 3.1 Growth Areas Statistical Report Prepare Master Circulation Plan Circulation 1.3 All Elements Town Center Circulation Plan Circulation 1.4 Growth Areas Special Event Parking and Traffic Circulation 1.9 Growth Areas Management Plan kir Chapter Ten General Plan 2010 108 General Plan Implementation Town of Fountain Hills 11-F do 1 �` T 0 / G r.. 0 mimmoor • 4 • that isS I' IUI,r- .. 4 The Town of F Hills Downtown Area Specific Plan Adopted December 17, 2009 This Downtown Area Specific Plan is a direct descendant of the Downtown Vision Plan prepared by Swaback Partners in cooperation with the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Fountain Hills. WELCOME 6;/itur'.1 #17,6 B'�``ACw' SWtiBACK PARTR3El S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE cr 0 The Town of Fountain Hills z • ow • Downtown Area Specific Plan 1* .. 44 1% ikt ' RESOLUTION NO. 2009-40 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS,ARIZONA, APPROVING THE DOWNTOWN FOUNTAIN HILLS AREA SPECIFIC PLAN. WHEREAS, on September 17, 2009, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council") approved the Downtown Fountain Hills Vision Plan (the "Downtown Vision Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to adopt the Downtown Vision Plan as an Area Specific Plan as provided in ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-461.09, as amended,to be known as the "Downtown Fountain Hills Area Specific Plan" (the "Area Specific Plan"); and WHEREAS, the proposed Area Specific Plan provides for appropriate land uses for the downtown area; and (or WHEREAS, the proposed Area Specific Plan satisfactorily addresses the issues of traffic circulation, ad- equacy of public utilities,transition to existing development,economic development,the preservation of open space and all of the elements of the Town's adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearings on the proposed Area Specific Plan before the Planning and Zoning Commission(the"Commission")was provided in the Fountain Hills Times on November 4,2009 and November 11, 2009; and WHEREAS,notice of the public hearings on the proposed Area Specific Plan before the Town Council was provided in the Fountain Hills Times on November 18, 2009; and WHEREAS, public hearings on the Area Specific Plan were held by the Commission on November 30, 2009 and December 10, 2009, and by the Town Council on December 17, 2009. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUN- TAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The Area Specific Plan contained in file ASP2009-01, including narrative text that clarifies and supports modifications in land use and changes to the area shown on the Land Use Map, as described in Exhibits A and B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby adopted. SECTION 2. If any provision of this Resolution is for any reason held by any court of competent jurisdic- lbw tion to be unenforceable, such provision or portion hereof shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent of all other provisions and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolu- tion. 1 ram cA_s$ CO >1°, CIMF cip c.) cn F8 C g #k • /-1 ; 3 • Cl) v p c� I.) 'CS .r., .Cid .E E...,4 -4—',,„ 8 H a.) E 7:;, fa, 3 .Erto #Juc.) ...44 ,c) ‘,... ;..., 0 .t to t'L' .47-1 '—' U e' ' 0 .� O O CD ° v1 �, O v. 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AV s * ' * s 0 .41..' ....' 4 ,,,, 4 1*!.* e— 1.-- -4—' C 03 ZO *ft iit st , "r,,.1.., • ' .0. ...... 4 , 1$ . ,..k ' - : '.-4 • • - c 0 , 1) - e 4st 4, '''!,, Ntt • t ' (I) s..... .-"-- (..-) Ci- < 1....._. . ..... ... ...., . _ . .;.,. •.. „A.'1111114t? ik A ":- A ' ..., -i-Ael' - • - "mi '''' ** 4i' 4 .• ...;.:',-''.•), „ ‘9 *'' 4.0 04 ''''O' • 1.• .401° 0,-'•-. 10. % '" *0 4 . '• 11,..4, ,It,-,i ie.,.. ''.,,;" a I 1 i, •. N.. .1 ......5:11%* ' a . • , a ....• t 'a < '' itr, ..,. ,›.::::0... ,L . • * .... : * i • ' - .,,,'Itik. ^• -4., * ,,rr, ' *• ,--, fr.:I-Y.': • -:• i • 0 it '..-- '•.' 0,,• . ..C''i i $ ^ . Ili*:.'. . ";'-'7; ^•-• .141. - * . • .. ,„ . * ,... ': ,^,^, , • 8 *41,,,Business District: The Business District is envisioned as the center of commerce for Fountain Hills. The Business District is a place to promote entrepreneurship through a variety of commerce related opportunities. Business oriented uses may range in size, shape and character from small- scale office suites to stand-alone office buildings. Service oriented commercial uses may also be a major component of the Business District that can complement the overall downtown. The Business District is also suitable for more traditional retail and service uses that may not as appropriate in other districts. While generous shaded store front sidewalks will not be a mandate in this district; safe, attractive and functional pedestrian connections should be put in place in order to connect the Business District with all other parts of the downtown. It will be critical to provide clear and easily acces- sible areas for both on-street parking and off-street parking lots. Special attention should be given to the treatment of parking areas including attractive landscape buffers and covered park- ing where appropriate. Future consideration should also be given to the incorporation of a central parking structure that may serve the Business District as well as other areas of downtown. Creative opportunities for redevelopment of existing parcels should be considered with future mixed-use environments that may include live-work scenarios. Short-term initiatives should be considered for improving the visual character of vacant lots with landscape treatments. • *� p, gnu. ... _ L .ya' fir^-' ,w..u,, , :' ' $ a., riN " tr$ j� ' ' N „ ,N --.,. 947.y . r ,.., --- w yF , ;„ ',le` * a� ` ` ' � Ile•a � a+ � `� < ? r' ''" i , * % „,. . ' „+ . * ,r % p ce r rr - K a f ,°. "M„, , 4. „.., ..- -,,,,,,,,.3/4,,,s ,, 4,.. : 1,- ", ' ,.*1.4:7,7":„ r—l'I'' ,,e , ''.,--44: fi "`' rC ',''. ' ., - ‘-`--- ' ' - .-- '-11,..,'''. - 1. 0 , ,i :7- , 'it it '- . ^r.,a y • 4 . El . , i P T .a. • i ,44, • .. R ...fi t A a # `: K ., a . 4a i +' I 4 n : ' 11 . • I• } * r o..,,,, Va,, M 10 JK 9F M .% * q�,�. 1. w «- : ;. 1 *' ►a yy4 4 0, 4,74. 4,, ..,, f , * L.— CL p C C Q t6 tCi i i . • '*, . E ._q 2 •C • 0 I a I- 0 ,l. * P 7M M .fie tV uD > e t 4— t C M . 04 w Q a •. k x 4 iS w E o D i. i b Uw i rt AAA A 10 The Avenue District: The Avenue District is envisioned as the core of the downtown with a wonderful and comfortable atmosphere for strolling, sight-seeing and shopping. This cor- ridor is designed to evolve into Fountain Hills' premier shopping destination for residents and a "must-see" magnet for visitors. A variety of unique eating experiences that reinforce the one-of- a-kind nature of Fountain Hills is intended to compliment the range of specialty shops and bou- tique stores. These restaurants will be of a quality that not only caters to local residents but also attracts the attention of visitors and guests. The Avenue District is designed to accommodate a degree of other uses including second story office space, condominiums and small-scale busi- nesses along with limited neighborhood services. If designed appropriately, a small percentage of brownstone style housing could be integrated into The Avenue District. Traffic calming measures such as crosswalks, additional on-street parking, and narrower travel lanes are planned to provide easy and safe access to all areas of the downtown for both vehicles and pedestrians. Special attention should be given to creating sidewalks with an abundance of shade. Sidewalk design should allow for generous space for seating as well as storefront"presentations". Outdoor sidewalk cafés and dining will be highly encouraged. On-street parking needs to be convenient and balanced with a real focus being placed on pedes- trian activity. Access to parking lots should be efficient for patrons. Pedestrian portals to "inte- rior" parking lots will be enhanced with appropriate architecture and design treatments that are ‘kily, both attractive and safe. Special attention should also be given to the architectural massing and specific treatment along all intersections. Appropriately designed street scenes at intersections will bring building mass and uses closer to the street corners. Placing parking behind the building frontages will also help. The Avenue District character and quality should be expanded to include both sides of Verde River Drive northeast of The Avenue of the Fountains. This linkage and treatment may be an- chored by a specialty entertainment and retail component if future economic conditions warrant greater density and intensity in the area. This entertainment component component may take the form of a traditional multi-screen movie theatre, a specialty small-scale movie house, a perfor- mance venue, or some other theatre use. These uses would likely require that a parking structure be thoughtfully integrated into the overall design. The central green mall will be enhanced with a better integration of updated fountain features and amenities (Art Walk) as well as specialty small-scale retail uses that may take the form of en- closed kiosks. Such features, along with improved sidewalk crossing environments will result in a seamless transition from one side of the Avenue of the Fountains to the other. This connectivity from The Avenue District to The Lakeside District is a most important consideration. co, 11 . , „ .., . ...4 , -,.*' ,r „.,.., - , ' 1AF '4 * -4.,.p itt,.:''' ','.., -la, ...-,„ • 41, ..4 .' . ,1..,,-'.:r.-.:,:;,t- 7 e r,, ' ; ' Al ; ' 4101" . ..,. i;,., f:: .3 -. -4101 .. .1 -z - 4 . t,,,, , .. . ...,,,.. I ;•- •:-., Q. ,.. 4 r.. ' *Z9 t ......; ; -,,,, I . .?''...•j 44, 42... P 1:::, • i QO ;'' • .',. 4; . ,.. . (I) I ,L N. ' 4t Ittt i pLD -• 1.-- . ..- - t • 4? 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These residential uses should be complimented by small-scale neighborhood oriented commercial, second story offices, and other specialty shops and businesses. The Area Specific Plan calls for The South End District to be anchored by an iconic village square that will provide a civic presence for the downtown and a prominent park for neighboring residents. te an active street Residential development is intended to incorpora front with parking and ga- rages strategically located to the rear of lots with access from alleys. The range of residential products may include single-family detached homes, townhomes, brownstones, row homes, con- dominiums and apartments. The fabric of the neighborhood should be complimented with small streets, comfortable sidewalks, generous street trees for shade, on-street parking, and pocket parks that provide strategic open space for adjacent development. b ,. atom' %j'' µ ` '"1' r5ywpx„ ,, r w �. zip ,�" ., ,.. • r WI'•`s1l w w . � } yv.• � � , AtN ,..,,,e,,,, ..k. ,, .... ,, ,.....„, „,_ ..,.....„, ....„.,. ,.. ,. ., .rA 4. .d F,.. a% m:. t � a. ',� - a.w > q �� ... l �y'fi 1 r ° 1 ,may �' �,ry F'$.* vts ` t k r • al $ .r 13 , • ' 'mot' i 1 .., 4-• (I:5 „,, a) m a 0 ct3 0 cl- a) _ ) __ a c < > (1) E = . . . .. , I , A „ CW 0 A ...... E (I) 0 o p 0:]..) 7.:, I,- ....- 4...! (-.) # ° f - • .„... ......... .„. _ • • triiiiiitior ) es, ‘........, , , 0 "... 0 -.... 1 •*"."....1 ' I. , .. k .."..)' tOt , ..-,,1 ' , --4. .4 of 4h .. , 4*it* .1 .......... ...............______ C ..,. N a I 1 4 ‘,...- Residential District - The Residential District is on the west side of La Montana Dr. This district is currently fully developed with multi-family dwellings. The Residential District provides a population base for the downtown area. T; *, ' uu * * - _ . • .. R % a • „„,, 4.-4,, , - , ,..„„,, r 4„"° w rw 4 3 YY., k s rr kt ii 44. .� r,If '. 411 x C 15 , . P"hk, ,.. ,..4 * 1.1.....* ...4 ,,, .......- 4 ..410040 ' iti/40$ "`,4,:/a4 /40,0( 4, 1st A . . ..., , 411olk 40 . ' ‘• ":„ :41:,,. '' ''..S.,. :14**' ''' ',, ''''' ' '''''' ... Cr' '•;•'-, - - 4 11 a).' ,... L... • , --. 4—A. ...0 +—A 44" 4 0 LL 2 ..._ ... ,,,. ..1 o•- 0 . r 4— a) ' (5)) g ., '' w• 1 ms ez 1:3 0 -t , (D 0 a) X ......1 4—, 1., ._ C ci) U j (1) (1) - i t , .. .,.. ' Cr' ;-' ` - '''' 1 6 A A """' West Side District: The currently vacant West Side District is envisioned as a true mixed- use environment that compliments the range of activities throughout the downtown. Residential infill as well as retail, business and service uses will be encouraged. Because of its location at the western "end" of the Avenue of the Fountains, a future possible consideration may be for an entertainment anchor. F' tiff 4 s 410 e 17 _ E 0 = 0 la) 11 = ao) -- 2 ...c (r) .„,., , N ............ ......... 'r 4.....' (3 ' ..• . .. .. 0 ,-, I,r,-. '.•,....... -Alr- -,',4,/,''. r -- = .,... .., p....6,.. ,.,. CO " TVOCW " 0 ..• .. . .... ..---'0 ___I.- --. •.411..• -.. ..- ........,.. • . 1 -. C.) = .....„,. I— a) --J 0 ., r", ''......A 14--- 4-',..- 0 )-- 0) LI) ,,,-,& ,...":--- r ,..., a) a) -4--1 ' - r ,..., . . 0 :4__, ii_ 1.-.-2 ,..,.?„,.., 1. ,• th . 1 - ., . _. .. . . _. _;.,• L__ /,?) 1_ = 000 .. . .. , (._,) 0 ci- 0 •.. .. ), ... ,. •.„. ,-„, . .. A ..... :, *law ..„ .... ... ..._... ,, ,,, _„ ,•.. • ' ' . I * 4 . • * '''''': ' • .'• * * '' '• ,.. ,• *• ,, 40.4t, 40,,,,, di. . ift 40,-'::',.,.','.:•:'.'4,,,.....4.. . - * 'slit• ' '"""* '`,•. i • ';;-'4';.. .' *r.:1.e. 416 . , .'.'..•;:: '•'...'„:,1.'...,.. ,..•'.4.;i•;"!,. ,...,! .,,,d'' i '. '.."' ' k -. 74' . .''''''''''f;','•,.''- ',''—‘,.'::' IS. ...,' ..... ,..,,:- ,-„,,,,,. „ ,,,,, ,,..- .._ 4 :..., ,,...,,,,,. ..7:•..i..;,-.- 4, .4'41, g . ,s'28.4,, ' i„,7wrst :•.0;jr.;-4,,L,,IK•,.-• AN- • .4 •: Ix. :-.; , • . ,Y.'.: t 1.!/v 1„ 10 ,:•,,,,,, 7, '4 . ... • ,:,-!•,,••_:• 4 .,.:"..f.,.• :,,,,i. .;.,,,, :'. .- •,,, , .......,.: ,-,..4,4•7-.1r,,•'• .ii .40 * ' .., •,,,O, 4 ''-' - - , , ,,,.:,:tv,-- ' ,,.*: 444* .,,i, --*1 41. * * . . . ..-;.•.4 itle„ `,.'.."4„.1....L•.•...-. .-4 t •74,,,.,',„ ila ,:::::, .i; •, 4 ,,. :, ,.,.,,,•."...' 0.0: * . • ..-"Im-?g '.''' . ../.1A*.,,,, -, ,...:,.. a . ,.. ' . it. *ip 4:,-,-, i :, - --,7:-.:'; ,, • I 1 1111 v., , :•:.,..r,,,..,::-.,,, ...' ' - .: * * I '...!,-,.:.•. ,,,, ..,;,11 -t.':. ' 1,5,44.'''.1f.'=-";'';':.4.',.:,0", ,,,,.....-,.... • . ,, .s.,.. , k •-, ---- -, &---- ...........- 1 -'',''''"-- •.,,,... .. , . • .......• •. - - ''. r .:. . , .."''''' ' '.;.),!",. . -'.. ''''•4' •", i ,.,. . %%low 1 8 Civic / Cultural District: The existing character and quality of the Civic / Cultural District should be enhanced with future infill development that expands overall quality of life opportuni- ties for the residents of Fountain Hills. In addition, any opportunity to expand access and acclaim to the Art Circle and public art collection in and around the district is highly encouraged. The strategy for an art walk could be creatively connected with The Avenue District and the variety of planned design themes. ` . ntrmil IL ,. 4 i . ,. * r" % 6. i 4. i . 42, ' ...,' a M , F ! + '• '.fin r .a. y. �* 40 gtM 1� i ,,,ht t‘"It . 11 ' '' 4 # a i e y '""t.,* Ilf' A 'S", te' .,may, ole ler ! 4° 19 i 4 ..1".... • ........, ,,,„.. . , a Is., -- , . * . ' 49 1, t 44 ...... Ir... , • •••••• b....0•1 if,'1; , lir 't 414 .• , 0..... 13 , ' 1 • ,, ,..... —...a.... 4... ..s. A.*, 4E.. ...... V ..., i S t• t , .0... ..... 0 .751, On Go 1-1 (1) la) 0 ( c ...c -7-..., N 1/43 (13 t -C CL CC) +4 — 1-- = o co E •= .74=2 I ' cY) =% 03-1 o f e c E t 0 ..zaz .....:_-? 5‹ o c i tki. in (.....) ..± vo A. .ek. .,.k. 20 Service District: The existing community/neighborhood-oriented service businesses found in the existing shopping center should be maintained as an important component serving downtown and the community. Better opportunities will be considered for providing safe and attractive pedestrian connectivity to the market. Special consideration needs to be given to appropriate buffering and access related to any future development opportunities at the adjacent West Side District. w Irr' m F , , ' like tf'p f _ is 'AV Yl, 4M' It Y. ' A:til 1. it . NI", ''''''-`4,,,,:, --t:','„„,',),!: „7'4,,.-',414 ,' s '' ''''' 4'1' s. i 21 � 4 ( '40� -4 , EU = _c 0 CC3 MS C {l v { 3 U �- � — 0 _ _ ' (li > E a? E a CJ < oo cf) Ct 4.. 3 s/A► A A A A .., f wio t rp. r ,,, ,' ,,:, .H, #0" p r w If 0. • 0 u r - . • a, r - . , it , , , . ., 41.,. -4 .. . ,.. „ , ... d1 } � ! i 'e tie NU/ gr ' Grp 1* . 4 444 V 4 � t a, P 04 . it # } ;mob'# C - p84. " ...1 ;.. "--# .. ,,, 004, 41 ,..._ ,0 it- ', 404 •apA , 77 " y ''''WE s fit pt r " r4 ' itt 4 49 *tip d- h�+�� ' . a fit' ,,.w= M�.ct1Uu �4' n �4i�ty.,►.• t + `` K. , .a_ • ' ,,,„„,„„ , , vz , :,,f/heleve,.., A " ikiir 'rn, / ,. ' : s° .1 ''' ' -; - .‘-'AbONA'1" ' _.,,. ' t .aka ,a ,. ' f'. r''' S 1r„i 1'"r-, ` +fit v -Psii,„.i''. G` Lawn ''' e `` y ", ,� o � " At /y, ' ChAVon.P4tgrnuntl IN' Lake Park The Lakeside District: The Lakeside District provides a dynamic vision for the transfor- mation of a small portion of Fountain Park into a unique amenity-oriented open space environ- ment with a prominent performance venue and a range of potential uses including specialty retail shops, lakeside cafes and other appropriately sized businesses. Parking will be thoughtfully, inte- grated into the design of this district. The "garden terrace" amphitheatre and "great lawn" envi- sioned for the venue will provide a beautiful setting that works well for both large and small groups. The vision also suggests a possible location for a future welcome center to greet visitors. The potential center's strategic location, close to the intersection of Saguaro Boulevard and The Avenue of the Fountains, will allow for easy accessibility to downtown maps and other informa- tion about Fountain Hills. The organization of The Lakeside District provides a framework for creating a key connection from The Avenue of the Fountains to Fountain Park. Proposed im- provements along Saguaro Boulevard should consider on-street parking, improved and expanded sidewalks, and a limited amount of street-front development to re-enforce the pedestrian connec- tivity throughout the downtown. The Lakeside District is conceived to offer an abundance of shade so that the area can be utilized year round. Building orientation, design, covered patios, shade structures and trees should all be carefully incorporated to provide comfort from the desert sun. The proposed "1,000 Tree Pro- gram" for downtown should be incorporated into both The Lakeside District and The Park Dis- trict. Other special features to consider in the future may include an "Art Park" component for sculpture, a waterside dock for small boating access, and other unique activities. 23 er- • r, ....... .11•1112111111 . . . , I, i . ‘ I .-...:. -, : "''' I •'' N •.•.,,,,...,,,,,..„. .,, .., ' i.,-v '' .• ''' ‘,1 i iti: '''''• •,, • tO,, . ., L,..„. .. ,..-,-",,,,• 4....,, C.) ••,:t.., • . ,,... , it. • • t.,.. 1 ••. ,. ,,,,,,,,..*1',,/ ic.. 1 4....—, 7,1: • t . ....• ' et''''-• * . •..., .....„......- • . • . ..., . • i•-•,...1 . ,.. ..., '4. , .4, ,..4,.. ,. . Tfis. ' .,„,„., • • -.. j ' i'• ''' ' ' '..#' •.''‘ 1* . `•.'-, .„,. . .. ., /Mr : , * it* it ** • it*. * . . 10 et ' • *1 1* # • . . 0 • •-• . 41 4_1..4- • „ .-... .... 4.. •''' 41 le lir C • giti I ,,•i.•, •". "r... . (•i.,5)r H''.: I1,, 1,'. 1• • , ei* a - .,' I, ..;..., . 1 CO .c ''' •. r , ' '00$•,,,... 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(0 ''' tjidH"3 '4** A A ,,,,, .. ...,, . /, ,, . ... ,...e, II-'1: 44 ....._ .' 24 0 q k "+ i ry �t 0 CC t Mt , b Wes' ' 44.4"'' or „k.tit: 4‘....., .- , -4044.44 e 4 ��r t 4 off, �. x Willillir .. , Park District: The majority of Fountain Park is anticipated to remain in its current form including the range of passive uses that already exist. In addition, more shade structures and tree planting (1,000 Tree Program) should be incorporated to provide relief from the harsh summer desert exposure. Additional future improvements to consider are; site lighting, signage, seating areas, park furnishings and the treatment of the lake. 25 42 . ‘, 8 ''','' *' ' '... ,.,0,, '''" T, S''' ' 4 • * • *11:1'10'. .* *•"110:. * •14t# ,•** ,*I. : . • '.* '',":1,-,,,Y'''''''":'''t:'''''''',.,;'*';,'*''*.:''''*''L''A',„..z:*::t,. 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