HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2016.1208.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE • PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION December 8,2016 Chairman Michael Archambault opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Michael Archambault, Vice-Chairman Eugene Mikolajczyk. Commissioners: Amberleigh Dabrowski, Susan Dempster, Erik Hansen, Howie Jones and Roger Owers. Also in attendance were Bob Rodgers, Development Services Director and Paula Woodward,Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Michael Archambault requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 13, 2016. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, October 13, 2016 as written. Commissioner Dabrowski SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7/0. 411) AGENDA ITEM #2 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EPCOR WATER TO INSTALL A 50' TALL RADIO ANTENNA AT THE ADERO CANYON BOOSTER PUMP STATION AND RESERVOIR SITE. CASE#SU2016-04 Chairman Michael Archambault opened the Public Hearing at 6:32 p.m. Bob Rodgers addressed the Commission and gave a PowerPoint presentation about the EPCOR Adero Canyon water tank radio antenna. Mr. Rodgers said the application is for a 50' monopole radio antenna. The tower is required to request the SUP for three reasons: 1. its height being above 30'. 2. its within 300' of a residential area 3. because it is not a stealth design. Mr. Rodgers showed on the screen the tower location within Adero Canyon. The monopole will be located next to the existing Adero Canyon water tank. The entire area is currently under construction with Toll Brothers in Parcels 1 and 7 to the south and northwest and Camelot Homes in Parcel 8 to the southeast.The tank site is already fenced off as its an existing water tank. A Blow-up of the tank site plan was shown as well as the tower profile. The tower is a 50' monopole design. The pole will be galvanized steel and the theory is that it will weather to a medium gray color that'll help it blend into the sky and be less obtrusive. The height is necessary for the radio signals to make it back to EPCOR through the intervening terrain. Similar poles are at the Morning Dove Drive water tank site in Eagles Nest and the Boulder Drive tank site. Mr.Rodgers said that to his knowledge,they have not generated complaints. Page 1 of 3 Mr. Rodgers said Staff believes that the radio antenna is a necessary piece of equipment for the water company in that it provides them with the ability to properly monitor the water tank, and that it will not create a detriment to the area. Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the SUP as presented. Chairman Archambault asked if there was anyone from the public who wished to speak. No one wished to speak. Chairman Archambault closed the Public Hearing at 6:34 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#3 - CONSIDERATION of a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow EPCOR Water to install a 50' tall radio antenna at the Adero Canyon Booster Pump Station and Reservoir Site. Case#SU2016-04 Commissioner Dabrowski asked if the water tank radio antenna is in addition to the one Commissioner Dabrowski saw earlier in the day at the Adero Canyon property. She also asked if the Eagle's Nest antenna is 50 feet tall and if the base is included in the total height calculation. Mr. Rodgers stated that this antenna is in addition to the existing antenna. He stated he did not know the height of the antenna at Eagles Nest. In reference to the base of antennas and total height, sometimes the base is included in the total height calculations and other times not. Usually the base measures 2—3 feet above ground. Commissioner Owers asked what is the rationale behind the maximum height restriction of 30 feet. Mr. Rodgers said all residential areas have a 30 feet height limit. This property area is zoned as residential. 30 feet would be 2 % stories with a peaked roof • Commissioner Owers asked if the homes are currently selling. Mr. Rodgers said Toll Brothers and Camelot are selling the homes. Commissioner Owers asked if home buyers are aware of the proposed antenna. Commissioner Dabrowski interjected that while driving around Adero Canyon she stopped in the sales office and inquired about the radio antenna. Personnel stated they were unaware of the proposed radio antenna. Commissioner Dabrowski informed them of tonight's meeting and invited them to attend. Mr. Rodgers replied the property owners within 300 feet of this antenna were notified by mail. The property owners notified are Toll Brothers, Camelot and MCO. Commissioner Dempster asked if the antenna could be designed to be less conspicuous or if other options are available. Mr. Rodgers said the options would be a tree (palm) or Saguaro tower. Saguaro tower's do not go over 40 feet. A palm tree would look out of place. The galvanized finish of the antenna pole will blend in with the background. We can always ask them to paint. Please make whatever recommendations you feel are necessary. Chairman Archambault suggested they can use galvanized steel similar to what is used in other areas around town. The steel could be acid washed to a brownish color to blend in with the surrounding 41) landscape. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Rodgers replied that once the poles go beyond the horizon level the brown against the blue sky would be more noticeable than the grey against blue sky. Chairman Archambault asked for any further comments and a motion. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit and allow EPCOR to install a 50' tall Monopole Wireless Radio Communication Antenna at 14401 N. Eagle Ridge Drive as presented. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7/0. AGENDA ITEM#4- COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM#5- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM#6-REPORT FROM DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR. Mr. Rodgers stated the December 22, 2016 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting is cancelled. The Noise Ordinance is on the Town Council Agenda meeting scheduled Thursday, December 15, 2016. Vice-Chairman Mikolajczyk said the Strategic Planning Advisory Commission will be presenting a report to Town Council this Thursday. Among the draft, one recommendation is to propose a re-zoning of commercial downtown properties to make it more amendable for residential. (: AGENDA ITEM#7-ADJOURNMENT. `1r• Commissioner Jones MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m. and Commissioner Demptser SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION BY: airman Mike Archa ault ATTEST: COPOkAas4 Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 8th day of December 2016, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. 074„.ip Dated this 12`h of December 2016 - Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant Page 3 of 3