HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2015.0723.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION July 23,2015 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault, Commissioners Jeremy Strohan, Eugene Mikolajczyk, and Denise Ham. Also in attendance were Director of Development Services Paul Mood,Town Engineer Randy Harrel,and Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes Paula Woodward. Commissioners Jones and Connick were absent. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. CONSENT AGENDA AGENDA ITEM#1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATED JUNE 11, 411) 2015.. AGENDA ITEM #2 - CONSIDERATION OF A FINAL CONDOMINUM PLAT FOR PARCEL B FIREROCK. A 64-UNIT CINDOMINIUM PLAT LOCATED AT 160025 E. FIREROCK COUNRY CLUB DRIVE. (AKA APN 176-11-004)CASE NUMBER S2015-03. Commissioner Strohan MOVED to APPROVE the consent agenda as listed. Commissioner Mikolajczyk SECONDED. Chairman Pew Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye Commissioner Ham Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM#3-PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON TWO PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMITS TO ALLOW VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL A 40' TALL FAUX SAGUARO CELLULAR ANTENNA TOWER WITHIN 300 FEET OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION OF ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT AT 16000 E. FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE. LOCATED IN THE "OSR" ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-10. C Page 1 of 5 AGENDA ITEM #5 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON TWO PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL A 40' TALL FAUX SAGUARO CELLULAR ANTENNA TOWER WITHIN 300 FEET OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION OF ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT AT 16000 E. FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, LOCATED IN THE "OSR" ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-11. Public Hearing Opened Simultaneously under agenda number three(3)and five(5) @ 6:35 p.m. Paul Mood, Development Services Director gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Verizon Wireless requests to install two (2) forty — foot tall faux Saguaro cellular antenna towers. Mr. Mood stated that staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward recommendations to approve the Special Use Permits subject to the stipulations in the staff report. Chairman Pew requested that anyone wishing to make a comment address the Commission as requested: Urim Koroli, Fountain Hill's resident inquired about the safety concerns related to the cellular transmission. In response to Mr. Koroli and the Commission, a representative from Pinnacle Consulting (on behalf of Verizon Wireless) stated they operate and comply within the FCC standards. The location for the faux cactus is on the Firerock Country Club property. The height of the antennas is 40 feet. Center line is at 36 feet. Vice Chairman Archambault asked what is the purpose of two cactus instead of one. The Pinnacle consultant stated this project required more antenna's than three. Since one cactus only holds 3 antenna's, a second cactus was added for greater capacity. Public Hearing Closed under agenda number three(3)and five(5) @ 6:46 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF TWO PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMITS TO ALLOW VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL A 40' TALL FAUX SAGUARO CELLULAR ANTENNATOWER WITHIN 300 FEET OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION OF ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT AT 16000 E. FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, LOCATED IN THE "OSR" ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-10. AGENDA ITEM #6-CONSIDERATION OF TWO PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW VERIZON WIRELESS TO INSTALL A 40' TALL FAUX SAGUARO CELLULAR ANTENNA TOWERWITHIN 300 FEET OF RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION OF ASSOCIATED GROUND EQUIPMENT AT 16000 E.FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, LOCATED IN THE"OSR"ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-11. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the Special Use Permits to allow Verizon wireless to install two 40' tall faux saguaro cellular antenna towers within 300 feet of residential property and to allow the installation of associated ground equipment at 16000 E.Firerock Country Club Drive,located in the"OSR"zoning district. Case numbers SU2015-10 and SU2015-11 and subject to stipulations outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Ham SECONDED. Page 2 of 5 • Chairman Pew Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye Commissioner Ham Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. AGENDA ITEM#7-PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW T-MOBILE TO INSTALL A 65' TALL FAUX PALM TREE CELLULAR ANTENNA ARRAY WITH ATTENDANT GROUND EQUIPMENT AT 16701 E. LASER DRIVE,LOCATED IN THE"IND-1"ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-13. Public Hearing Opened under agenda number seven(7)@ 6:49 p.m. Paul Mood, Development Services Director gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding T-Mobile requests to install a 65' faux palm tree cellular tower. Mr. Mood stated that staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward recommendations to approve the Special Use Permit subject to the stipulations in the staff report. Public Hearing Closed under agenda number seven(7)@ 6:53 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#8-CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW T- MOBILE TO INSTALL A 65' TALL FAUX PALM TREE CELLULAR ANTENNA ARRAY WITH ATTENDANT GROUND EQUIPMENT AT 16701 E.LASER DRIVE,LOCATED IN THE "IND-1"ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-13. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit to allow T-Mobile to install a 65' tall faux palm tree cellular antenna array with attendant ground equipment at 16701 E.Laser Drive, located in the"IND-1" zoning district. Case number SU2015-13 and subject to stipulations outlined in the staff report.Commissioner Mikolajczyk SECONDED. Chairman Pew Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye Commissioner Ham Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. AGENDA ITEM #9 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EPCOR TO INSTALL A 42' TALL MONOPALM RADIO COMMUNICATION ANTENNA AT 10840 E. INDIAN WELLS DRIVE (THE WELL #11 SITE) LOCATED IN THE"R1-8 RUPD" ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-12. Public Hearing Opened under agenda number nine(9)@ 6:55 p.m. Page 3 of 5 Paul Mood,Development Services Director gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding EPCOR requests to install a 42' faux palm tree cellular tower. Mr. Mood stated that staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission forward recommendations to approve the Special Use Permit subject to the stipulations in the staff report. In response to Chairman Pew, Mr. Mood stated that the Desert Canyon Golf Course was the owner of the surrounding property and the well area belonged to EPCOR. Public Hearing Closed under agenda number nine(9)@ 6:56 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #10 - CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW EPCOR TO INSTALL A 42' TALL MONOPALM RADIO COMMUNICATION ANTENNA AT 10840 E. INDIAN WELLS DRIVE (THE WELL #11 SITE) LOCATED IN THE "R1-8 RUPD"ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-12. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to forward a recommendation to Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit to allow EPCOR to install a 42' tall monopalm radio communication antenna at 10840 E. Indian Wells Drive (the well #11 site) located in the "R1-8 RUPD" zoning district. Case number SU2015-12 and subject to stipulations outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Mikolajczyk SECONDED. Chairman Pew Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye O Commissioner Ham Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. AGENDA ITEM#11 -COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REOUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (ii)directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM#12- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM#13-REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER AND ZONING ADMINISTRATORS PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. None AGENDA ITEM#14-ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Mikolajczyk MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 p.m. and Commissioner Ham SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(5-0). C Page 4 of 5 FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: t;iejc2z, airman ATTEST: pot& vi,„4.4014. Paula Woodward, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 23rd day of July 2015,in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 23rd day of July 2015. • p.diu h►f3�7�IA LLdL Paula Woodward,Executive Assistant Page 5 of 5 PRESENTATION NOTES Verizon Wireless #SU2015-10 & #SU2015-11 P&Z — 7/23/15 SLIDE 1 - Cover This application is for two separate 42' tall Faux Saguaro Cell Towers. Both towers are required to request two SUP's. One each for height in excess of 30' and, One each for their proximity to residential areas (within 300'). SLIDE 2 — Location Map The two faux saguaros will be located north of the Firerock golf club parking lot and southwest of the 9th green. SLIDE 3 — Site Aerial This is a blow-up showing the location in better detail. .IDE 4 — Site Plan & Elevations The ground equipment will be nearer the club parking lot for accessibility. The towers will be approximately 230 feet up the hillside from the equipment. The two towers will be using the same design as other previously approved faux saguaros in town. SLIDE 5 — Photo Sims The sims on the left are "BEFORE" and, the sims on the right are "AFTER" As you can see, unless you are right up close you won't be able to tell they are cell towers. Even then, maybe not. SLIDE 6 - Recommendations Staff recommends that the P&Z Commission forward recommendations to Aaprove the SUP's subject to the stipulations in the staff report. 2/2.-3 - • // ‘ Town of Fountain Hills Location Staff Presentation TAIN J 3 p ie • • q 91.1/hat is ATE' Verizon Wireless 16000 F. Firerock Country Club Drive. Special Use P -mit'; SU20 ; I D & ;=SU2C1 S "1 Site Site Plan & Elevations tp •Mew ::✓S'.s: ""�'rmy.Fm.. n 6 G I .. ! _ -•• tt ors i xav�. • Photo Sims Recommendations Forward recommendations to Town Council to APPROVE the two Special Use Permits For the 40' Tall Faux Saguaro Communication Towers at 16000 Firerock Country Club Dri';e. Subject to the stip 3er,cuc: the s' �,. '.' -�� N_+'✓ ........ - - Win! 1 PRESENTATION NOTES T-Mobile Wireless #SU2015-13 P&Z — 7/23/15 SLIDE 1 - Cover This application is for a 65' tall Monopalm Cell Tower. The tower is required to request a SUP due to its height being in excess of 40'. SLIDE 2 — Location Map The monopalm will be located in the Van's Storage RV parking lot. The site's zoning district in IND-1. SLIDE 3 — Site Aerial This is a blow-up showing the location of the walled enclosure and tower in better detail. This location complies with the 100% fall-down distance requirement. SLIDE 4 — Site Plan & Elevations top shows the site plan with the distances to the property lines. The bottom left shows the enclosure with the three additional real palm trees next to it. The bottom right is the monopalm elevations SLIDE 5 — Photo Sims The sims on the left are "BEFORE" and, the sims on the right are "AFTER" The tree design is the same as previously approved at the Alamo Saloon and the Colony Drive mini storage locations. SLIDE 6 - Recommendations Staff recommends that the P&Z Commission forward a recommendation to approve the SUP subject to the stipulations in the staff report. 7/a3, , 7 .-1,-/-e., - 7 ___ It6.s/ Town of Fountain Kills Location Staff Presentation J,TAINif T `ti r1 ..ee C 1 3 ts, a: e11 � o • 9 de, �� -..(bat is A<�ti T-Mobile Monopaim 16701 E. Laser Drive Special Use Permit `-SU20I 3 1:), ' 17___ . Site Site Plan & Clcvations. k: r __ ,� '7 ,n.r,IOo s.- - T. w Photo Sims Reconinienclations APPROVAL of the Special Use Permit for a 65'Tall Monopalm Communications Tower Subject to: Three additional palm trees with minimum heights of 35',25 and 25 Development per Plans trevision date 7/1 4/151 ; i • Development per the photo•sims included in the application and attached to the staff report. 1 PRESENTATION NOTES 1 EPCOR #SU2015-12 P&Z — 7/23/15 SLIDE 1 - Cover This application is for 42' all monopalm radio tower. The tower is required to request the SUP due to its height above 30' as well as its proximity to a residential area. SLIDE 2 — Location Map The monopalm will be located east of the Saguaro Blvd/Kingstree Blvd intersection and just south of the Desert Canyon golf course 6th fairway. SLIDE 3 — Site Aerial This is a blow-up showing the location in better detail. The location is already fenced off as it is an existing well site. The fence is being replaced with a block wall. SLIDE 4 — Site Plan & Elevations The top left picture is the general site plan. The bottom left shows a blow-up of the proposed enclosure, as well as the necessary property line adjustment which will allow for the 100% fall-down requirement to be met. The lot line adjustment is not a part of this application and will be submitted in the near future. The picture at right shows the monopalm elevation with the radio antenna. Also, not shown, but proposed, are three 25' tall real palm trees to be installed nearby either inside the enclosure or outside but still near the monopalm. The locations of these palms hasn't been finally determined yet but they will be within 100' of the monopalm. SLIDE 5 — Recommendations ,taff recommends that the P&Z Commission forward a recommendation to approve the SUP subject to the stipulations in the staff report. 7/2_ — P.e-z--- - 9'— -- i--ec) �'�-.r.— f4004/c9 2 lid IN Arr. Govr-v •)/1-CePcAtre Town of Fountain Hills Location Staff Presentation .tkT AIN eta! t,," jai z:� 4 1. 4 I •9���6a!is A�vti�r bl T.. EPCOR 10840 E. Indian Wells Drive �p Special Use Permit �-SU20I S 12 °? ' , i Site Site Plan & (_levations A, C r �, .. t _ - --it-! I - - 77_ —i / /(JO/ d&t /, .D'drr1 "E0• • Recoinmendatinn APPROVAL of the Special Use Permit for a 42'Tall Monopalm Radio Tower at 10840 E. Indian Wells Drive Subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff repc,t 1 PLANNING & ZONING AGENDA ITEM Date: July 23, 2015 Motion 1sthoin✓ Item # 1 & 2 Consent) Motion 2nd i c4-.e h (ArtilZ--" Public Hearing Opened: Public Hearing Closed: Members: Commissioner Connick Aye Nay Commissioner Jones Aye Nay Commissioner Strohan Aye-/ Nay Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye/ Nay Commissioner Ham Aye / Nay Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye/7 Nay Chairman Pew Aye Nay Notes: Agenda Item Planning & Zoning I -r-i<144 _5 I. , /5 P&Z says OK on equipment I By Bob Burns were told that Verizon op- the storage facility. a14 Times Reporter erates under standards set Associated ground by the FCC and the corn- equipment would be in- The Planning and Zon- pany makes a conscious ef- stalled at the location and ing Commission voted July fort to assure its equipment additional live palms will 23 to recommend the Town does not operate in viola- be planted in proximity to .�= ^ Council approve special tion of those standards for the antenna. .s ,,. use permits for some corn- frequency. P&Z also recommended munications equipment in Commission Vice Chair- the council approve a spe- Fountain Hills. man Mike Archambault cial use permit for an- All of the requests in- asked why two saguaros other 42-foot mono-palm cluded proposals for the placed side-by-side were to be placed within the golf use of"stealth"technology being installed. course limits near Saguaro using faux saguaros and The representative and Kingstree boulevards. palm trees. explained that current EPCOR Water made the Verizon Wireless was designs call for up to 12 request for this antenna to asking to install two 40- separate antennas on a communicate via telemetry foot saguaros on a hillside transmission site.Each sa- between a water well site ` near the clubhouse at Fir- guaro is capable of holding where the antenna is to be eRock Country Club. only three antennas,so the placed and the water treat- While the antennas will second one is being placed ment plant off Shea Boule- sit on the hillside, the as- to double the capacity. yard west of Fountain Hills `' sociated ground equipment The commission otedd r Boulevard. will be placed a few hun- to recommend' approval This plan also ca1Is for ad- _,ted in the dred feet away near the of the request to include ditional live palm trees to be clubhouse parking lot. stipulations named by staff. planted near the faux tree. The special use permit is Those include the ground The Town Council will be required due to the height equipment be enclosed with holding public hearings and of the antenna and wall; a considering final approval C. ,o advertise proxim- an 8-foot masonry Ashbrook ity to residential property. revegetation plan be pre- of these permit requests at improve- A representative for sented and implemented; a future meeting. Pinnacle Consulting, do- develop according to revised The consent agenda for construe ing work for Verizon on plans submitted April 7, the zoning commission last ect will be- the project, told the corn- 2015; and fulfill the town's week included a recommen- -October" mission the new antenna public art commitment. dation on preliminary plat , would address dead space The second permit would approval for a 64-unit con- for an ad- service between Shea allow T Mobile to install a dominium project to be built ate tosoa Boulevard and the interior 65-foot tall "mono-palm" at FireRock Country Club f distancr of the FireRock community. antenna within the site of south of Shea Boulevard. lc is bein One resident speaking Van's Storage at Technol- Toll Brothers Construc- g at the public hearing on the ogy and Laser drives. tion is the proposed builder expects to issue asked about safety The property is located for this project. council the concerns related to cellular in an industrial zoning The council will consider le annual transmission. district and the antenna a final plat for this project annual He and the commission site is near the center of at a later date. nt He ed mber.near Two moonlight hikeswork nedrg this week ntain El- Fountain Join McDowell Moun- ing to participate to RSVP. 31, will begin from the hools dur- tam Regional Park Ranger Call 471-0173 or email Trailhead Staging Area at j Amy Roberts for a hike Ranger Amy at amyrob- 6 a.m. n get in- under the light of a full erts@mail.maricopa.gov. Each Friday Fitness rding the moon Thursday, July 30, A second, adults only, hike is eight to 12 miles. by follow- at 7 p.m. moonlight hike is sched- Bring plenty of water, e at www. The hike (weather uled for Friday,July 31. snacks and wear comfort- permitting) will take This hike will be on the able clothing and shoes. place on the North Trail, Scenic Trail with moderate There is a $6 fee per and hikers should plan difficulty. Hiking experi- vehicle to enter the park. eady resi- for a two-hour walk. ence is needed. Program changes or n Hills or Flashlights can be brought Meet at the Trailhead cancellations are posted and are but aren't a necessity. Staging Area at 7 p.m. on the website maricopa. y're tired Space is limited so the The Friday Fitness Hike gov/parks/mcdowell,or call least will- park is asking those want- in the park on Friday,July (480)471-0173,ext. 201. shorter re activ- Apartments helping homeless pets :office in 7/27/2015 P&Z recommends OK of equipment-fhtimes.com:Local News &Z recommends OK of equipment Posted: Friday, July 24, 2015 3:52 pm The Planning and Zoning Commission voted July 23 to recommend the Town Council approve special use permits for some communications equipment in Fountain Hills. All of the requests included proposals for the use of"stealth" technology using faux saguaros and palm trees. Verizon Wireless was asking to install two 40-foot saguaros on a hillside near the clubhouse at FireRock Country Club. The second permit would allow T-Mobile to install a 65-foot tall "mono-palm" antenna within the site of Van's Storage at Technology and Laser drives. The property is located in an industrial zoning district and the antenna site is near the center of the storage facility. P&Z also recommended the council approve a special use permit for another 42-foot mono-palm to to: placed within the golf course limits near Saguaro and Kingstree boulevards. EPCOR Water made the request for this antenna to communicate via telemetry between a water well site where the antenna is to be placed and the water treatment plant off Shea Boulevard west of Fountain Hills Boulevard. http://www.fhtimes.com/news/local_news/p-z-recommends-ok-of-equipment/article b1aed320-3256-11e5-9a33-53e7847d92ea.html?mode=print 1/1