HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2015.0423.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION APRIL 23,2015 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault, Commissioners Stan Connick, Jeremy Strohan, Howie Jones, Eugene Mikolajczyk, and Denise Ham. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Director of Development Services, Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator and Janice Baxter, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATED APRIL 9, 2015. 11) Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, April 9,2015,as written. Commissioner Denise Ham SECONDED. Chairman Pew Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye Commissioner Ham Aye Commissioner Connick Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-0). AGENDA ITEM #2 — PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE #15- 05, AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 5.75 ACRES FROM C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL & PROFESSIONAL) TO HEMINGWAY PAD, AKA PLAT 403B, BLOCK 5, LOT 1. (APN 176-10-811)CASE#Z2015-01. (CONCEPT PLAN (#3) AND PAD (#4) WERE PRESENTED AS ONE, BUT VOTED ON SEPARATELY). Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner gave the presentation and included a PowerPoint Presentation (Exhibit "A" attached). Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the property was located at 9700 N. Saguaro Boulevard and located on Trevino Drive between Saguaro Boulevard and Burkemo Drive. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that Page 1 of 10 this was a vacant lot and noted that the property backed up to five single-family residential house lots to the north. Mr. Rodgers continued that the property is currently zoned C-1 and if approved would be rezoned to Hemingway PAD. Mr. Rodgers stated that this application was to request a favorable recommendation to the Town Council for approval of rezoning the property. Mr. Rodgers added that the PAD would generally maintain all the C-1 zoning district regulations and the new PAD regulations would also allow for the following: • A 3' fill waiver, • It would allow the building height to be up to 25' as measured from the finish floor elevation rather than existing grade,proposed actual building heights would be 23'6". • It would abandon a previous Alternative Hillside Protection development agreement for a project that was never built,along with a HPE that was recorded as part of the agreement, • And it would include the Special Use Permit,which is required for the Assisted Living use. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that this was also an application for Concept Plan approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, who must review and approve all proposals for new construction of a commercial, industrial, or multi-family development. Approval would also be contingent on the Town Council's approval of the rezoning request. Mr. Rodgers described the request as nine residential buildings with one clubhouse/office building. He continued that all buildings would be single-story with a maximum height of 25' and the actual height from finish floor would be 23'6". He added that access would be off Trevino Drive. 34 parking spaces are required by the ordinance. Mr. Rodgers added that parking for 90 was provided along the length of the driveway cul-de-sac and additional Handicap Spaces are provided in excess of the ADA requirements and all buildings were Handicap accessible. Mr. Rodgers explained that the primary kitchen facilities would be in the clubhouse building and food would be cooked then delivered to each residential building where there would be "warming kitchens" only. Each independent living building would have 11 suites and each assisted living building would contain 16 suites. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the proposed monument signage and site lighting meets the zoning ordinance standards. He continued that there would be external amenity areas that include seating areas,a tot lot for visiting grandchildren, a small garden, water features, and a putting green. He added that the use of low-water plantings exceeded the ordinance requirements. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve the Concept Plan and that you forward a recommendation to approve the PAD rezoning, subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report as follows: 1. The applicant shall provide a landscaping and lighting plan prior to the issuance of any building permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Landscaping plans shall include irrigation details. Page 2 of 10 2. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. All utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 3. No occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Said improvements must be approved by both the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 4. All off-site drainage or other utility improvements required as conditions of this approval shall return any off-site disturbed areas to a condition similar to or better than their pre-existing state prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. This shall include, but is not limited to re-grading, re-vegetating,and re-constructing moved or damaged structures or similar improvements. 5. All off-site improvements required as conditions of any approval regarding this project shall be either constructed, or fully bonded with a performance guarantee in a form and amount satisfactory to the Town of Fountain Hills prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. 6. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement pursuant to Section 19.05.1 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance prior to the issuance of each Certificate of Occupancy. 7. The"Hemingway is licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health. 8. The"Hemingway" is registered with and administratively approved by the Zoning Administrator or designee as to compliance with the standards of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. • 9. Town Council approving the"Hemingway PAD"rezoning. 10. Town Council approving the abandonment of the alternative hillside preservation agreement and associated hillside protection easements. 11. Town Council approving the special use permit to allow an assisted living facility in the "Hemingway PAD"commercial zoning district. 12. Town Council approving the fill waiver,as requested. Staff also recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward recommendations to the Town Council to approve "The Hemingway PAD rezoning, Special Use Permit,the agreement and the Hillside Protection Easement Abandonment along with the fill waiver,as presented. Dan Kauffman, applicant and developer of the property gave an overview of his community service activities within the Town of Fountain Hills and presented a PowerPoint Presentation on his proposed project. (Exhibit"B"attached) Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the Public Hearing at 6:50 p.m. Chairman Pew requested the following residents address the Commission as requested: Robert E. Huschen, a Fountain Hills resident was in support of the project and stated that it would be an asset to the community. 111) Rose Anouti,a Fountain Hills resident stated it was a"great project"and was in support. Page 3 of 10 Jane Bell, a Fountain Hills resident liked the project but was also concerned with the density proposed noise during building of the project, and the length of time before the project would be completed. Glen Mills, Fountain Hills resident was concerned that there would be congestion on Trevino and the possible conflicts with the in and out traffic from McDonalds on Trevino. There being no further requests to speak, Chairman Lloyd Pew closed the Public Hearing at 6:57 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#3 CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE #2015-05,AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON 5.75 ACRES FROM C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL & PROFESSIONAL) TO HEMINGWAY PAD, AKA PLAT 403B, BLOCK 5, LOT 1 (APN 176-10- 811) CASE NUMBER Z2015-01. AGENDA ITEM #4 CONSIDERATION OF A CONCEPT PLAN FOR AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY IN THE HEMINGWAY PAD ZONING DISTRICT, AT 9700 N. SAGUARO BOULEVARD. Aka PLAT 403B, BLOCK 5, LOT 1. (APN 176-10-811) CASE NUMBER CP2015-02. The Commission would vote on items number three (3)and four(4) in the same MOTION. Chairman Pew asked the Commission for their comments or questions. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault asked Mr. Kauffman how he came to estimate $100,000.00, sales tax revenue the Town would be able to collect from this project. Vice-Chairman Archambault added that he was attempting to look out for the Town and questioned the possible loss of tax revenue to the Town since this would not be built as a commercial property on this site. Dan Kauffman answered that he would check into the amount quoted, but pointed out that he had looked at this site and believed this would be the best project for the neighbors, who, after talking with them, would be upset with a commercial project such as a restaurant. Mr. Kauffman stated that the Town had a lot of empty commercial space"For Rent Signs"in town that needed to be filled. Vice-chairman Archambault asked Mr. Kauffman if he owned the property. Mr. Kauffman stated that he was closing on the property very soon. Vice-Chairman Archambault asked Mr. Kauffman if he would be opposed to an amendment that would restrict the selling or building on this site other than what was proposed and if the property were to be sold,the property would then revert back to the C-1 zoning. Mr. Kauffman answered that that would be no problem. Vice-Chairman Archambault also added that he felt the Town's public art requirement was not fair to the applicant and that the requirement was like a tax on the businesses. Vice-Chairman stated that he felt the requirement had served its usefulness. Vice-Chairman Archambault asked Mr. Kauffman if he would agree with this proposal that he was agreeable to eliminate this requirement. Mr. Kauffman said that he was agreeable. Chairman Lloyd Pew complimented Dan Kauffman on reaching out and working with the neighbors. Chairman Pew stated it was a great project and appeared to be an appealing and small community campus COwith the different look of the buildings; seating areas, and the use of landscaping. Page 4 of 10 Commissioner Stan Connick also complimented Mr.Kauffman on the project and stated it would serve an increasing community need. Commissioner Connick added that this project would be a great buffer between the current commercial and the residential properties and acknowledged it was a difficult site to build. Commissioner Connick added that this project would be an asset and overall, a great project for Fountain Hills. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault moved to approve the Concept Plan and forward the PAD subject to the stipulations as outlined in the staff report with the exception of item number six (6), public art requirement. Vice-Chairman asked that the public art requirement be eliminated. Also, Vice-Chairman Archambault added a stipulation that if the applicant does not construct the project as proposed or sells the property,the PAD and additional waivers become void and zoning is reverted back to C-1. Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED THE MOTION. Commissioner Howie Jones requested an additional stipulation that would require a more accurate accounting of the stated sales tax the Town would collect on this project. Vice-Chairman Archambault and Commissioner Connick agreed and accepted the additional stipulation proposed by Commissioner Jones. Chairman Lloyd Pew asked for a voice vote with the following results: Chairman Pew Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye CCommissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye Commissioner Ham Aye Commissioner Connick Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-0). AGENDA ITEM #5—PUBLIC HEARING OF ORDINANCE #15-06, APPLICATION BY SIXTH STREET ENTERPRISES, INC. DBA NATURE'S AZ MEDICINES FOR AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 24.3.B OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE. IF ADOPTED THE PROPOSAL WOULD AMEND THE ZONING ORDINACE BY EXENDING THE PERMITTED OPERATING HOURS OF 8:00 A.M.—10:00 P.M.DAILY. Robert Rodgers gave the presentation related to Natures AZ Medicines, a medical marijuana dispensary located at 16913 E. Enterprise Drive. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the marijuana dispensary had been open and in operation for approximately two years. Mr. Rodgers stated that the hours of operation were currently only permitted by the ordinance from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Mr. Rodgers noted that the applicant was requesting that Section 24.03.B of the zoning ordinance be amended to allow the marijuana dispensary to have operating hours between 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily. cie It was noted that the dispensary was currently in conformance with the zoning ordinance and had also been in compliance with the additional stipulations of their site approval, which included lighting, Page 5 of 10 security cameras, guards, and signage. Mr. Rodgers pointed out the no incidents at this site have been reported by Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Mr.Rodgers remarked that the primary reasons cited by the applicant are as follows: 1. The limited hours inhibit the dispensary's ability to complete with dispensaries in other cities and towns that allow longer hours; 2. That the limited hours are inconvenient to customers who work during the day or travel from out of town; 3. In their opinion the limited hours are discriminatory in that they only relate to his business,and 4. Dispensaries help reduce illegal drug use. Mr. Rodgers noted that the rules established in other communities are not relevan ,to this application as they do not reflect the attitudes or standards that Fountain Hills adopted or follows. Mr. Rodgers also said the ordinance, as written, was well within the guidelines established under state law and there was no requirement that the ordinance be changed. He continued that this was really a public policy decision that the Council would be asked to decide whether or not amending the ordinance and extending the operating hours of the marijuana dispensary was in the best interests of Fountain Hills. Mr. Rodgers explained that since this was a policy decision rather than a physical property-related issue, staff would respectfully withhold a recommendation. • Mr. Mark Steinmetz, applicant and general manager for Nature's AZ Medicines spoke to the Commissioners about his business and stressed several reasons for requesting the additional days and hours and pointed out that the other Pharmacies in town (i.e., CVS and Walgreens) had extended hours. (See Exhibit"C") Mr. Steinmetz also stated that Fountain Hills passed their ordinance before the state law passed that allowed the hours of 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., and requested the Commission reconsider the extended hour's request. Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Pew requested the following residents address the Commission as requested: 1. Shelly Mowrey, Director of the Fountain Hills Coalition, spoke against the extended hours. (Handout to Commissioners see Exhibit"D"attached) 2. Maria Perreault a Fountain Hills resident spoke against the extended hours. 3. Reverend Andrea Martin-Boutselis a Fountain Hills resident spoke against the extended hours. 4. Dr.Alex Boutselis a Fountain Hills resident spoke against the extended hours. 5. Arizona State Senator John Kavanagh a Fountain Hills resident spoke against the extended hours. Page 6 of 10 There being no further requests to speak, Chairman Lloyd Pew closed the Public Hearing at 7:49 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #6 CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE #15-06, APPLICATION BY SIXTH STREET ENTERPRISES, INC. DBA NATURE'S AZ MEDICINES FOR AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 24.03.B OF THE FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE. IF ADOPTED THE PROPOSAL WOULD AMEND THE ZONING ORDINACE BY EXTENDING THE PERMITTED OPERATING HOURS OF A MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARY TO ALLOW OPERATION BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 A.M—10:00 P.M.DAILY. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault stated that he felt that with the number of card holders in town (approximately 358), it was hard to believe the patients could not be serviced within the allotted hours. Vice-Chairman Archambault also pointed out that there was an "on- line ordering" and pick-up service available to the three hundred fifty-eight card holders registered and who could pick-up on Saturdays until 3:00 p.m. and then Monday through Friday until 7:00 p.m. Mark Steinmetz stated that there were patients from surrounding areas that use his services and also go to local restaurants in town and use other town services. Commissioner Eugene Mikolajczyk asked Mr. Steinmetz how many other facilities he owned. Mr. Steinmetz answered one other facility in Scottsdale and those store hours were from 8:00 a .m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Mr. Steinmetz reiterated that the Arizona State Statue allowed hours from 7:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.Commissioner Mikolajczyk asked what hours most of the other facilities had in the state. Mr. Steinmetz answered that out of approximately 80, Fountain Hills was one of possibly two that were closed on Sunday. 110 Commissioner Mikolajczyk asked Mr. Steinmetz to estimate the percentage of patients outside of Fountain Hills and the percentage of Fountain Hills' residents that use his services. Mr. Steinmetz estimated 40%from out of the area and 60%were in town. Chairman Lloyd Pew stated he believed the hours currently approved should be sufficient to serve the patrons and he was not in support of the extended hours. Commissioner Howie Jones reiterated that the hours were enough to serve the public and the opportunity to order on-line and pick-up was available to patients. Commissioner Howie Jones MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to DENY the proposed zoning ordinance text amendment to Section 24.03.B to extend the permitted hours of operation of the medical marijuana dispensary to 8:00 a.m. — 10:00 p.m., Monday — Sunday, as presented. Vice- Chairman Mike Archambault SECONDED the MOTION. Chairman Lloyd Pew asked for a voice vote with the following results: Chairman Pew Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Nay Commissioner Ham Aye Commissioner Connick Aye The MOTION CARRIED(6-1),Commissioner Eugene Mikolajczyk voted against the motion to deny. Page 7 of 10 AGENDA ITEM#7—PUBLIC HEARING OF ORDINANCE#15-04,AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPER 6, SECTION 6.03, SUBSECTION A.13, IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT THAT A-FRAME SIGNS RECEIVE A PERMIT (CASE#Z2015-03) Mr. Rodgers gave the presentation and stated that the A-Frame Sign permit requirement was adopted in 2009. Initially a $5.00 permit fee was instituted so that staff would have an opportunity to advise businesses on the rules for size and placement when they picked up their permit. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the permit fee was not designed to recoup the costs associated with the permit, in fact it does not even cover the costs of materials and time to create the permit stickers and the additional costs for staff time to process and enforce the permits were not covered either. Mr. Rodgers continued that last December, due to the high percentage of non-compliance,mainly due to a failure to get the permit,Council directed staff to review the A-Frame Sign permit process and regulations and return with some recommendations for revising, streamlining, or otherwise improving the permitting process and/or reducing the incidence of non-compliance. He added that staff provided Council with a report that listed a number of options ranging from the following: 1. Do Nothing. 2. Increased Enforcement. 3. Raise the cost of the Permit. 4. Extending the length of the Permit. 5. Eliminating the Permit entirely. Mr. Rodgers recommended that the Town eliminate the permit requirement, but stressed this would not eliminate the businesses from the responsibility to follow the regulations or change the sunset clause in any way. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that it would only eliminate the requirement that an annual permit be issued. Mr. Rodgers commented that at that meeting Council agreed and directed staff to proceed with an ordinance amendment that would eliminate the requirement for the permit. Mr. Rodgers explained that it was suggested the businesses notification process should be somehow attached to the business license process and enforcement needed to be stepped up. Mr. Rodgers stated that this hearing was related to the zoning ordinance amendment that would eliminate the permit requirement only since the other two issues were internal procedural issues and are already being addressed. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve Ordinance #15-04, a zoning text amendment that eliminates the requirement that businesses get a permit in order to display an A-Frame sign. Mr. Rodgers added that this would take effect at the end of the year to coincide with the expiration of the currently existing A-Frame Sign permits. Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the Public Hearing at 8:00 p.m. There being no requests to speak, Chairman Lloyd Pew closed the Public Hearing at 8.:00 p.in. 110 Page 8 of 10 AGENDA ITEM #8 CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE #15-04, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPER 6, SECTION 6.03, SUBSECTION A.13, IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT THAT A-FRAME SIGNS RECEIVE A PERMIT(CASE#Z2015-03) Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault asked Mr. Rodgers if the Council looked at possibly hiring a part-time Code Enforcement Officer to cover week-ends and assist in enforcement. Mr. Rodgers answered that the Town did not have the budget to hire any additional staff. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault asked what staff had in mind for week-end enforcement. Mr.Rodgers answered that issue would have to be addressed since there would have to be a change in work schedules to accommodate an Officer covering some week-ends. Chairman Lloyd Pew pointed out that this request was more of a housecleaning item, but added that another look at this issue would be made during the December sunset clause for A-Frames and then review enforcement and the compliance of the businesses. No other questions or comments from the Commissioners. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault made a MOTION to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve Ordinance#15-04, amending the Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6, section 6.03, Subsection A.13, in order to eliminate the requirement that A-Frame Signs receive a permit, as presented. Commissioner Howie Jones SECONDED the MOTION and it CARRIED 7-0. AGENDA ITEM#9- COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM#10- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM #11 — REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR,PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Mr. Rodgers stated that he had nothing to report. AGENDA ITEM#12-ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Howie Jones MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. and Commissioner Denise Ham SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-01 • Page 9 of 10 , C FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: ee/ —&c.3' phairman loyd Pew ATTEST: k• ,'1L`- J 'ce E. Baxter,Executive Assistant t CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 9th day of April 2015, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 9t day of April 2015. IP . c- �. :...r Jhllice E. Baxter,Executive Assistant • Page 10 of 10 7 6 /`�� '4/27/2015 / lavm of fountain Bills '. ° Staff Presentation • i pm O�4 AIN y R;;n ,� a �� a • �p bat Ix 0...♦ q.:f 1.., , The Hemingway w, 9700 N.Saci ar'o 6 i.ci , v'Iv7N ,>. ,., ix,3 ....w P , ,, r1a F e r .a �y�' x # !% aka i\ N. .�... R1.. Y, 1� k08tY. e pp Sta omni ndation yy �i� \1p 11 H Y C- 1tl=w e.s JAIRi.r J If.**,.. �'ba,4f� ��,n-.,m,i ,J,1 t h 1 L - t 1 t P..r• t "� i , ,i s �_ #f i forward R,.c iOlen{ 11 , A�.i s >•''i.- alliallallia 1001101110 Ri•iF -1 th.3,n,F 1� 1 NC%F y.. r F � C.14 HFAiM<SY iI PA? t � �. t � tDe t. `‘ ,Yvstst 1[.' Independent v,Del t 0, named 9 ME MIIIIIIIIIIMMMIIIIIMMIIIIIIIMIII S Exhibit "A " e/ If Pilf;/C1°11°7 4/27/2015 • 14110;€' -lkili0. ...-".. lg- . ' .. . - .4,,...4. , --------- _ f& _ ..,._', .___ 121 .-• . --,.i . , - a . - , . -'-,,,"i on at i- " .- lo i II ._._. " c,..___: .._ ,. 1 .1 . . 7 P _ . .. ..„. . ._. 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Overdose deaths from these pharmaceutical opioids have approximately tripled since 1991, and every day 46 people die of such overdoses in the United States. However, in the 13 states that passed laws allowing for the use of medical marijuana between 1999 and 2010, 25 percent fewer people die from opioid overdoses annually. "The difference is quite striking,"said study co-author Colleen Barry, a health policy researcher at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore. The shift showed up quite quickly and become visible the year after medical marijuana was accepted in each state, she told Newsweek. In the study, published today August 25 in JAMA Internal Medicine, the researchers hypothesize that in states where medical marijuana can be prescribed, patients may use pot to treat pain, either -4) instead of prescription opiates, or to supplement them—and may thus require a lower dosage that is less likely to lead to a fatal problem. As with most findings involving marijuana and public policy, however, not everyone agrees on a single interpretation of the results. It certainly can be said that marijuana is much less toxic than opiates like Percocet or morphine, and that it is"basically impossible"to die from an overdose of weed, Barry said. Based on those agreed- upon facts, it would seem that an increased use in marijuana instead of opiates for chronic pain is the most obvious explanation of the reduction in overdose deaths. Not so fast, said Dr. Andrew Kolodny, chief medical officer at Phoenix House, a national nonprofit addiction treatment agency. He said that the immediate reduction in overdose deaths is extremely unlikely to be due to the substitute use of the herb, for one simple reason: Marijuana isn't widely prescribed for chronic pain. Exhibit "C" "You don't have primary care doctors in these states [prescribing] marijuana instead of Vicodin," he said. Even in states where medical marijuana is legal, it is only prescribed by a small subset of doctors, and, therefore, probably couldn't explain the huge decrease in opiate-related overdose deaths. Kolodny says the study results are more likely due to a host of factors. One example is differences in state policies to cut down on over-prescribing of opiate medications. Also, many people who overdose on painkillers are already addicted, and these individuals are naturally among the most likely to take too much, Kolodny told Newsweek. States that pass progressive laws to treat addiction may be more likely to lower their rates of overdose deaths; for political reasons these states may also be more likely to legalize medical marijuana. "This is a good example of where policy change has gotten ahead of the science," Barry said. She and Kolodny would probably agree on that point. S • *'; • (how . , -i- c ft. „ cl_ g T3--3- cr 43 ',S' 1_, E ,„:"-°- p, li 71) .71. 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Taal aaenbs 000`0i ueyi ssal A1jg6!Is aq II!M s6u!pl!nq le!ivap!saa ay1 .s6u!pl!nq au!u u! sai!ns le!ivap!saa bu!n!l ivapuadapu! 1Bum pais!sse j7£l• 4o !eioi e u!eiuoo li!M Qyd AeM6u!waH eql .dew 6uiuoz pue ixei aoueu!pao bu!uoz ayi gloq puawe pinoM s!y1 .siouis!p bu!uoz lepaawwoo aagio u! pannolle se aauuew awes ayi u! i!waad asn moods Aq s!yi aoj Moue II!M suo!ielnbaa Qyd pasodoad ay1 .sasn aoii}o ao Ileiaa le!oaawwoo ueyi aayiea asn pue! 6u!n!I ivapuedapu! ,i 6u!n!I pais!sse le!ivap!saa e yi!M �! dolanap of inq ai!s ayi jo 6u!uoz lepaawwoo ivaaano ayi u!eiu!ew of spuaiu! Qyd AeM6u!waH ay1 (.0-g LOZZ# aseQ) (90-9 1# ci o) (clvd AeM6u!weH ay1) :1N31NdO13A30 v32id a3NNV1d .Molaq I!eiap wow u! pau!eldxa s! sivauodwoo aseql io goe3 ivawase3 uo!ioaioad ap!slltH pue ivawaai6e ivawdolanap buiis!xe-aid e uopueqe pue `aan!eM IN Tool eaayi e Molle `ivawdolanap io ueld id9ou03 ayi anoaddy `AT!I!oei 6u!n!I pais!sse ue moue of i!waad asn le!oadg e iueab `„Qyd AeM6u!waH„ of Aiaadoad LIT auozaa pinoM Iesodoad siyl .az!s ui same 17L.g s! pue I.-Q pauoz AIivaamo Si Aiaadoad ay1 'P£, eq II!M sai!ns 4o aagwnu !eioi au .sa!i!l!oei uayoi! j le!3aawwoo pue `asnoggnp `ao!}}o ayi su!eiuoo 6u!ppnq auo pue `yoea sai!ns bum ivapuadapu! (t i) uanala u!eiuoo s6u!ppnq oMi 'pea sai!ns 6u!nil pais!sse (91,) uaaix!s u!eiuoo s6uipl!nq uanas .s6u!pl!nq (0t) uai io sis!suoo lesodoad aql •pole oaenbeg •N 00L6 le Plea)! ioa(oad 6uin!l ivapuadapul ,i 6u!n!i pais!ssy pasodoad e s! „AeMbuiwaH ay1„ (g£-t-2i pauoz) le!ivap!say AI!wed-al6u!S :1S3M (g- i pauoz) le!ivap!soH AI!wet!ilnW :1S`d3 (1,-0 pauoz) le!oaawwoo :1-11f10S (cc-I,H pauoz) le!luap!saH Al!wed-al6u!S :H1JON :ONINOZ QN`d SSfl QNt1 ONIQNflOHHfS :(punoa6poeq) Aaewwns gels (i, t- aan6!j) — den asn puei - £ aaideg3 ueld leaauo0 0 LOZ spaepueis 6u!deospuei — g ap!iay aoueu!paO uo!s!n!pgng spaepueig 6u!pBJO — g ap!py aoueuipJO uo!s!A!pqns sivawaa!nba ivawanoadwl o!lgnd — j7 alo!pv aoueuipiO uo!s!n!pgng iolais!Q (Qyd) iuewdolanaE eaay pauueld — £Z aaidegJ aoueuipiO 6u!uoZ sauilep!no Me!naH leanioai!goay— 61, Jeldeg3 aoueu!pJO 6u!uoZ si!waad asn le!oadS — ZO-Z uo!ioaS aoueu!piO 6u!uoZ I C sa6ueg0 auoz JO siuewpuawy — 1,0.Z uo!pos 6u aoueuipaO 6u!uoz den 6u!uoz le!o!}}O ayi of ivawpuawy gO-g t,# aoueu!piO :aldioupd 6uipinO ao AO!Iod `aoueu!paO paiemj suEziv z'd UVd rt2 A u1w31{ c •uo!Tepunol eq1 jo A1!I!q!s!n Noolq of aapao u! sqniqs pue saaal qT!M padeospuel aq uagl pinoM ewe 6u!punoaans all .deep ,E i, s! eaae ll!4 alq!s!n e mane of palsenbaa s! Jen!eM e `pau!elu!ew Apoloels!Tes s! 6uipl!nq all 0l ssaooe 'Qy 1eL1 aansua o1 pue wall() aql se uo!lenala awes an AIen!lelaa Te lou s! leg! 6u!pl!nq auo anal uegl aagleH .uo!leln6aa [Map II!1 wnw!xew 0 SLIT ql!M Aidwoo of aapao u! paddoap aq uo!lenale aool4 bu!pl!nq eq legn aa!nbaa pinoM alerts ag1 jo gldap all .padolanap s! a1!s agl aouo e6euieap Joj pasn aq aa6uoi ou II!M go!gM alerts 6u!1s!xe ue Jano pals s! Apadoad AeM6u!waH ag1 10 aauaoo lseaglaou eq1 u! 6u!pilnq aql .i!ounoa uMol SLIT woa.j aan!eM e Maas ao `sluawaa!nbaa ag1 laaw 01 aapao u! 6uipea6 all es!naa aawT!a lsnw gldap s!ql paaoxa TeLI1 seaay II!1 ao Tno alq!sy\ deep ,0i. e o1 do ao1 Molle suo!Teln6aa 6u!pea6 sll!H u!elunod all (1,0-9I-OZMIa# asea) :N3AIVM 11Ii .6uggaaw agl 10 salnu!w SLIT u! pau!ITno aq lsnw uo!sioap eq} aoj suoseaa aql .aleudoadde weep Aag1 se uo!Teo!ldde ueld ldaouoa all Auep ao `anu!Tuoo `suoil!puoo ql!M anoadde `anoadde Aew uo!ss!wwoa all .uo!ss!wwoa 6u!uo7 '8 6u!uueld eqT Aq lenoadde J04 Tuewdolanac 4o ueld SLIT to aoeld u! pa11!wgns aq Aew veld ldaouoa e loafoad le!oaawwoo Mau e s! ueld sill sv ole `a6eu6is `6uideospuei `suo!lenala 6u!pl!nq 6u!pnpu! luawdolanap al!s all to sloedse luenaiaa aql lie Mogs lsnw luawdolanap jo ueld all luawdoianap 4o ueld e ap!noad isnw slsanbaa 6uiuozaa Qyd pasodoad Ilb' (Z0-960Zda# asea) :NV1d 1d33NO3 'Odd all u! suo!Telnd!ls JO suoileln6aa 'uoil!ppe ql!M passaappe aq pinoqs lell sanssi paTelea-al!s ao sweouoo leuo!T!ppe Aue Me!AeJ of Ipunoa uMol all sMoile pue Aaeuo!Taaos!p Aialaldwoo s! 1!waad asa Ie!oads all loafoad le!oaawwoo e ql!M pa4eposse Aileaaua6 jou s! go!gM asn pue! e o1 Au!Tnaos 10 !anal leuo!1!ppe ue sppe luawaa!nbaa l!waed esa le!oedS all .1!wied e gons aa!nbaa osie II!M 101JTs!p avd AeM6u!waH pasodoad aql .To!Ts!p all u!gl!M aleooi o1 aapao u! 1!waad asa iepadS e an!Soaa Tsnw AT!Iped 6u!n!1 pals!ssy ue leg! aa!nbaa louis!p 6uluoz p-a all to uo!ldeoxa aql q1!M `slouls!p 6u!uoz Iepaawwoo sii!H u!elunod II`d (90-9 L-o ns# asea) :111AI2i3d 3Sfl 1VI33dS .saipadoad pauoz Alleulsnpu! ao Aiiepaawwoo UO s,3dH aainbaa Tou op go!gA suo!1ein6aa ap!sli!q s,Aepol aapun lesodoad Mau aq1 dolanap o1 pue lesodoad Qyd AeM6u!waH Mau ag14o luawdoianap all alel!ipel of aapao u! sluawasea ap!sll!q 6u!Auedw000e sI! ql!M luawaaabe Tell uopueqe of sNaas uo!leo!idde s!ql `palaidwoo aanau seM iesodoad snoinaad all sv .papooaa Ainp seM pue seaae luawase3 uo!Toaload ep!sll!H aaagl 10 seuepunoq pas!naa all pags!lgelsa luawaaa6e all luawdoienap pasodoad SLIT °Te1!I!0el 01 aapao u! sauepunoq 3dH aql AJ!pow pue sluawaa!nbaa 3dH 6u!Ts!xa-uagl SLIT aa11e o1 aadolanap sno!naad e ql!M (luawaaa6y uo!lenaasaad ap!sli!H an!lewally) lueweeibe ue ow! paaalua uMoT all `uo!geo!Idde sill 01 aoud 'CON ul (Z0-9LOZ3dH# asea) :S1N3INNOaNVBV 3dH '8 1N3IN332i9V NOI1VA213S32Id 30IST1IH 3AI1VNN311V luawaa!nbaa °oueuipo SLIT paaoxa II!M gons se pue seoeds 6u!ved 0610 lelol e ap!noad 01 6u!sodoad Si a1!s aql •paaal1e aq o1 pasodoad lou ale (seoeds pc) sluawaa!nbaa 6uNed el!s .aoeds uado padeospuel Ai!neaq se ewe sT! 10 Alalew!xoadde ap!noad '', ii!M Alaadoad aq1 `Aiieuo!1!ppy saanleal aaieM snoaawnu pue `101-TOT hews e `uapae6 AT!unwwoo e `uaaa6 6uillnd e `seaae builees aoopino `sepewea °pegs apnpu! se!T!uewe lewalxa pasodoad SI/EZ/v Z d Odd,Curt ULwoH b jiwaad Aouedn000 ue 4o aouenss! eqj o1 aoud sll!H u!eTunod 4o uMol aq1 o1 Aaope4slges )unowe pue wao4 a u! aalueaen6 aouewaoped e q}!M papuoq AIln4 JO `paiona1suoo aaq ie eq 3qs pafoad sm. 6u!pae6aa Ienoadde Aue 4o suo!Tlpuoo se paa!nbaa sluawanoadw! el!s-go liv .q .sTuawanoadw! ael!w!s ao saanTonags pe6ewep JO panow 6u!TonJTsuoo-eJ pue `6u!lelaben-aa `6u!pea6-aa o1 pal!w!I jou s! inq `epniou! !legs s!ql .1!waad Aouedn000 ue jo aouenss! aqi o1 aoud awls 6u!1s!xe -aad iiegT ueg1 aailaq JO `o} aeIlw!s uo!1!puoo a o} seaae pagan1s!p a1!s-mo Aue uan1aa Ilegs Ienoadde s!ql 40 suo!1!puoo se paJ!nbaa sluewanoadw! AT!l!Tn aagTo JO e6eu!eap a}!s-J40 IId .17 .aoTEJTs!u!wpy 6u!uueld aq1 pue aaau!6uR uMol eq} gloq Aq panoadde eq Tsnw s1uawanoadw! p!eS •panoadde pue paTo!dap se s1uawanoadw! ails lie 4o uo!ialdwoo aLT o1 ao!ad panss! eq !legs 1!wJed Aouedn000 oN .£ .1!waad 6u!plinq Aue 4o aouenss! agj o1 aoud aaaui6u3 uMol aqT Aq panoadde pue sueld luawanoadw! agT uo uMogs se leuo!1oun4 pue paileTsu! eq 1snw saan1ea4 96eu!eap pue sawn liy .sueld }uawanoadwi a1!S 1!wgns !legs Tueo!Idde aql .z .silelep uo!1e6w! apnlou! !legs sueld 6u!deospue1 .panoadde pue pa1o!dap se sluewanoJdw! el!s Ile 4o uo!1aldwoo aq1 o1 aoud panss! eq !legs 1!waad Aouedn000 ou pue 1!waad 6uipl!nq Aue 4o aouenss! ag} o1 aoud ueid 6u!Tg6!i pue 6u!deospue! e ep!noad !legs Tueo!idde aql • :suo!lelnd!1s 6u!Mo!lo4 aq} o1 Toafgns veld jdaouo0 ag1 enoadde uo!ss!wwo3 6u!uo7 9 6u!uueld ag1 jail spuawwooaa gels .y :(s)uogepuewwo3eI gels •uMo1 aq1 o1 sjoedw! leos!I Aue a}eaao o1 paied!oque lou s! Iesodoad aq}4o lenoaddy :(snTe1s ja6pnq `sisoo 6u!o6uo pue Ie!1!u!) 1oedwi ieosu .Iesodoad eqi uopuege JO ` !wgnsaa pue Iesodoad aleudoadde ag1 as!naa Jagp!e 1ueo!ldde aq1 Tall aalnbaa osIe pinoM TI .slesodoad Jain° aqT Jo suo!s!noad awos gTiM 1ua1s!suoo lie aae siesodoad asagJ eou!s lie weq} 4o ie!uap aq1 eTe1!ssaoau !pm siesodoad enoge ag14o auo 4o ielua4 .uo!Tenela bu!pi!nq ag1 6u!s!naa 4o AT!ssaoau aq1 lnogl!nn veld TdaouoO ail uo paToldap se a1!s aq1 4o ivawdoienap aq1 Molle II!M aanleM II!d au. 4o lenoaddy 1opTs!p 6u!uoz Ie!oaawwoo Qyd AeM6u!weH aLT u! padolanap eq o1 `Iesodoad Qyd aLT u! paupno se `Al!l!oe]. 6u!n!l luapuadepul i 6u!nr pe1s!ssy ue mop !!!M l!waad esfl le!oadS aq} 4o lenoaddy .eaae Qyd aaoe t7L.S aq1 u!gh!M kl!suep luawdolanap pasodoad @LT a04 mop II!M 3dH eqi pue ivawaaa6y uogenJesaad ep!shh!H en!1euaa1ly ag} 4o luewuopuege eqi 6u!noaddy .sauliap!n6 Qyd AeM6u!waH pa}dope qT!M aouepa000e u! luawdolenap mane pue uo!Teu6!sap Tou}s!p 6u!uoz 1,-0 1uaaano aq1 woa4 Apadoad ag1 euozei II!M Qyd AeM6u!weH ag1 4o lenoaddy •Iesodoad slg1 ao4 suo!}eo!idde aq1 o aapu!ewaa aq1 sanoadde !louno3 uMol uagM/4! sassaooad }!waad 6ulp!!n8 pue wawdolanep a}!g aq} "'" oT pe000ad pue s6u!Meap uo!}ona1suoo u6!sep o} Tueo!ldde aq1 mop !!!M ueld TdaouoO @LT 4o lenoaddy :(suo!Teo!!dw! q1!M san!1eweTle JO suo!1do) sisAi;euv )Isib Sl/£Z/b PBd QY'd Aum2u!umF1 c 0-9 L OZMda# asea) •pawasaad se H3AIVM -nu anoaddy o1 I!ounoa uMol aq1 o1 uo!gepuawwooaa e paennao4 o} anon (90-9LOzns# asea) .paluasaad se 1ou1s!p 6u!uoz Ie!oaawwoo ayd Aenn6u!waH aqT u! I4 i!oel 6u!n!I paTs!sse ue moue 01 IIn213d 3Sfl 1`d103dS ay} anoaddy o1 I!ounoa UMo1 aqi uoIWepuawwooaa e paennao4 o1 anon (1-0-9LOZZ# asea) •pajuasaad se }uawpuawe dew buiuoz pue 6u!uoz „laid AVMONIn3H 3H1„ `90-91# a2iO anoaddy o1 i!ounoa unnol aqf o1 uo!1epuawwooaa e paennao4 o1 anon (Z0-9LOZ3dH# asea) •pa}uasaad se 3dH aq} pue 1N31/133210V NOIIVAH3S3 id 3QISq-1IH 1AI1VND:1311V 3H1 dO 1N3nNOaN`d8`d eqT anoaddy o1 I!ounoa unnol uo!1epuawwooaa e paennao4 o1 anon (Z0-9 t-OZda# asea) .podaa Me1s u! paulllno suo!1eind!ls 1oefgns pue pajuesaad se „Aenn6u!waH aq1„ ao4 NV-d 1d33NO0 anoaddy o} anon :SNOIjOW a31S3o ns .pawaseid se aan!eM II!d pue luawuopuegy 3dH pue ivawaaa6y eql `1!1-uaad esil lepods aql '6u!uozai ayd Aenn6u!waH aql anoaddy o1 I!ounoa UMol eq4 o1 suo!}epuawwooaa paennaoi. uo!ss!wwoa 6u!uoZ '8 6u!uueld }eq4 spuewwooaa gels .8 •pajsanbaa se aan!eM II!d aq1 6u!noadde I!ounoa unnol ZI. }opTs!p 6u!uoz le!oaawwoo ayd /(enn6u!waH aq} u! 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Rom` t'F �s ? 412 k xa ja-I ua. r- 33 Ixx .i i" $x _,.a n. - F g= F a >F S_ t 8.rt. 0e E g �,3y 1: 1 asq i _>12,4= c`;N- ^g,� s , px Z y' _ xt }o � si 9.1, t g r, AA b rA., >> _.3.. g= ri.Fi - EZ x' A il. x _- 81 it $: •, F 7. - x Y i Y w lei 4 i r e d ! m fi 7 1 c } . Q y ; R %u ' Sc N '; 2I_yP, n a c _ s S g orl s7 x s ' - is ` x a C) 0 z C) rn 1, -a . -al = C) m m33 Pd .777 .J � a z a -< C) m L a cD Z _t% z � �y r z /- 02 70 CL—CD Fcr_ 1.'E p,u LA o �J Exm,, O Z "l N"4 y .r A it N 1 n r =on XI ; 1 77 _ _ /� /� LCP RIr./HT Z 2,-,.00w mammy_na•Ir wnc o-Mr. _N,L.L.Z. yC x THE HEMMINGWAY / ADNTGD/V\ER i —1- O n — KSAI ,�_ 10/07/07 AT FOUNTAIN HILLS f ENGINEERING 8 MANAGEMENT_,L.L.C. •2:7% � 1o7-G .. Paf2KbITA AVE. `>J 2C4 i .-CFM �,exs wa 75D0S A.P.N. 176-10-811 I-T "tq PCUVTAIN III-LS, AR ZOVA 65:68 x ,,,,� Ai Nr,-Up - - 480, 837 '845 `<■(18C)837-8668 o CCVEk SET 370C N. SACJARO BOULEVARD a . a'l. DaveCC'V.AZ Carr Ha DAM ssnn:Av l'5 1 ` / .. I • QI. " � LA J 3 :, i 0'' \ + Jri ,417 ,pe ----, ...-; -c-, 7 ,..1,0„,..,,,.., .:— ;., , ,:„,. „,...., . ,4444„ .. .,.,„ ,, .. .4c,,, , P i-7V tre -:',4'44-/' 4‘ .,.) r/. /,' -' 7 - . .'N.-,., .,''''c . . / •. ...•:•z,,/ '' - ' V/I i 4/4,...r *?.; Si/. ../.,'..,' , 4ri' ----- -' -•----.. — . ''-- - .'"- ."':,.. ... -.. / / . ./. ," \'� ��� lI t-�r.� • - 'tom'. i _� �1�j. s � . H•� -,3 .-44, , .,,,.-,-.---nsb. V. ‘f,. c:ii-.:'::.\,-\. . : -'41ii.;,.. / qz 1,5., il ,, -- 1 • .._... IMil 9� r1 J1/ i 1r i. ✓ "�"sa 7r a .0 1// g Itt.17s' .' i' •. _ { 6 iI 'I� ar / w Yt I� .J•' 0� _ l ' T ,. it L ii .\ \ ;r t f Ill � '' �; t LA , ' . r 1 „ 1 rI i,/ ` `\ 1a , / . 2,1_,. r ea / / Y g .�e L M7 p —,., .s'.1::, '- 4 F:al , ,, / ,i „.„..,,•.„.. i- , it _,..--4.7.11411.:41, • ,.. ..,,,„ -t, .....:..g 0.x , ,'A s c m -,ii W ""c2 i .. 's r' pep `". P. [61 .,,_, :4 Q' r, ter, C7 �' � ��. ..' a D ri o / \ '^^` \\ "" \ / GAY ,.z^ Aso, '� ,, ,a Z 0 v C') \I �*a ^'° P4c�• , Nqµ as 2* 7 ^ F \ ^ - t o �d , .^ It \ m • as —"'I -y�^`'..* F•'`L.-d 2,- .fit Art �5 _ �'�r. �,ao '9' �y,,,,Ck IT C, a BY wONTGt MEE1 NC 3 VANA,41011 L. o / ---- \ MONTGDMERY _' : _,....„„ KW _v..: 1C/07/02 THE HEMMINGWAY \ ENG1 ERNG&MANAGEMENT,L.L.C. -' N AT FOUNTAIN HILLS ( 16 '6 =. PARK VIEW 'L. s,: - 201 i �,.�,,.CON .,,oerr.Mo:'1�CCS A.P.N. 178-10-811 FCCN-AI�1 RILLS. ARIZCNA fi5268 _ 0 . ._ —� .,,,,,�, AS NCTEO - '" (48C)837-18AS (ux(L60)637 8668 N'? — e.-mci.: CaveGCIvIIAZ Am No. DATE ocscm!rw uv CONCEPT - /00 t, SACI:ARC NOI:LcVARG i /' o 1/ ,./,.' ....`'.i.'41T ,e .,,,,W .4, `"*.kr, :',,,,, /..,,,<,,,, .s / '..i.7.-, 11 ... IQ '‘'/HIli :...:14.•#..1,,,t.s, ,,,•:••.$•,-;. / � I �./ ' • �..ne :'•.r, , ® •4i1;,0(X) a aa 8 all IP • C5-16?-,DA_ ," 4. 4 §5 5 o .1 iWA 1"N S l e °a'� i I �f�t^ °� G \CA ` ,t o r__1 o Fs C a4 a i5 P n ga "s i ! Ae a II `G (1W Y •- oi-ds � E £ pd 14 h Z �v" 'j'.„ =c /Iris, 7 woa ,,0 °'!°°/G 9 .. sx, ii :fag o r � I !� �r & £ C c s s s es e s m r,o _, FR viw , . . o r -kL�. r or 1 =' i1J �IIIl�a1 1 ! ` �'e ...777 �' Yot 1,'I I nl °. I ,�0, 1 :� et, ;;)• I: o „ o •' • • �• •a o i r1 I � eab b,-- 8`ma�.c g 9pq 5 e I gn€ R1 - 3 p' I 3 E I uum I 'lio 11 zZiif bi '. v - g .-- - , -4...° . ...-. Ada. , 1 i i ‘4,1114 „zit:, .-,..1, ... =.1•r i H f ,L•HI-- tylg. n _ , �. 'N S. I F +{ NW -/ Fes. `o M• •Ilt Rll t�x oo - - • ,/AM l'1� -. f 1I I 1iv, - z #i - o 1 AI�Tt��-: .• . E . , 4r-,4 1 IT ji-lb0;;;, ft, I I 1J z � � I e I - \ ` ° ; „` AV ti 6'0�\ +g,8 ®o -.. •• 1. �l nit s •9J \ 1 ' r g i R THEHEIVIINGWAYAT }}r PARSONS DESIGN STUDIO 5 FOUNTAIN HILLS R'r�` a =`II LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 1 URBAN DESIGN D f) kg 9700 N.SAGUARO BOULEVARD tz ;'! MD W.Me0bdc 01M,PM•IOG AZ RA'13 P6P1-0➢Y&iflB .) Flr7il1VT71VfIIIdB,AR�VA ,< _ PREPARED FOR:KAUFMAIV HOMES ORDINANCE NO. 15-05 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP FOR APPROXIMATELY 5.74 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAGUARO BOULEVARD AND TREVINO DRIVE AS SHOWN IN CASE NO. Z2015-01, FROM C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) TO HEMINGWAY PAD. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills '(the "Town Council") desires to amend the Town of Fountain Hills Official Zoning District Map (the "Zoning Map") pursuant to ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04, to change the zoning description for a 5.74 acre parcel of real property from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial)to Hemingway PAD (the "Zoning District Map Amendment"); and WHEREAS, the Zoning District Map Amendment proposed by this ordinance is consistent with the Fountain Hills General Plan 2010 as amended; and WHEREAS, all due and proper notices of public hearings on the Zoning District Map Amendment held before the Town of Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission (the "Commission") and the Town Council were given in the time, form, substance and manner cv provided by ARIz. REV. STAT. § 9-462.04; and WHEREAS, the Commission held a public hearing on April 23, 2015 on the Zoning District Map Amendment, after which the Commission recommended approval; and WHEREAS, the Town Council held an additional public hearing regarding the Zoning District Map Amendment on May 21, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. The 5.74 acre parcel of real property generally located at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive, as more particularly described and depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby rezoned from C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) to Hemingway PAD, subject to (i) the Town's adopted codes, requirements, standards and regulations, except as specifically modified by the Hemingway PAD document date stamped , as included in case no. Z2015-01 and (ii) the time condition set forth in Section 3 below. SECTION 3. Approval of the Hemingway PAD zoning is conditioned on development of the project commencing within three years of the effective date of this Ordinance, subject to the following: 2366929.2 1. Prior to the expiration of the three-year time condition, the property owner or authorized representative may submit an application for an extension to the Town. Submittal of an application for extension of the three-year time condition does not toll the running of the time condition. Should the three-year time condition expire between the submittal of an application for a time extension and the public hearing on the requested extension, the Hemingway PAD shall be subject to reversion as set forth below. Upon receipt of a request for extension, the Town's Zoning Administrator shall submit the request to the Town Council for consideration at a public hearing held as set forth below. 2. The Town Council shall, after notices via certified mail to the property owner and authorized representative have been provided at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing, hold a public hearing on the extension request. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the limitation on the number of extensions set forth below. If the public hearing is held after expiration of the time condition, the Town Council may also, at that public hearing, take action to revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 3. In the event the project has not commenced within the three-year time period and no request for time extension has been received as provided above, the Zoning Administrator may submit the Hemingway PAD to the Town Council for consideration of reversion, pursuant to the hearing procedure set forth below. 4. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the property owner and authorized representative by certified mail of the Town Council's intention to hold a hearing to determine compliance with the three-year time condition, and to revert the zoning on the property to its former classification if the condition is determined by the Town Council to have not been met. All such notices shall be made at least 15 days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing. The Town Council may, in its sole discretion, either grant an extension of the time condition, subject to the limitation on the number of extensions set forth below, or revert the zoning on the property to its prior zoning classification. 5. The Town Council may grant up to four one-year extensions of the time condition. 6. Following the commencement of the project, the Zoning Administrator shall monitor the project to ensure it continues to completion. Upon the Zoning Administrator's initial determination that the project is not being actively pursued, no further review or approval of any project site plan or plat shall occur until it is determined that good cause exists for delay in the construction of the project. Should the project fail to proceed, a public hearing shall be held by the Town Council to determine the cause of the delay. At the public hearing on the matter, if . the Town Council determines that there is not good cause for the delay, it may 2 2366929.2 11;) impose additional conditions on the Hemingway PAD to ensure compliance. If such additional conditions are not met, the Zoning Administrator may set the matter for public hearing, according to the process set forth in subsection above, on a possible reversion of the Hemingway PAD zoning. If the Town Council determines that good cause exists, it may amend the Hemingway PAD development schedule. 7. For purposes of this Section, the terms "commence," "commencing" and "commencement" shall mean physical vertical construction activity in accordance with a valid building permit issued by the Town. SECTION 4. If any provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision or portion hereof shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent of all other provisions and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, May 21, 2015. • FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenneth W. Buchanan, Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney 4 3 2366929.2 EXHIBIT A TO ORDINANCE No. 15-05 (Legal Description and Map) See following pages. 41) 2366929.2 0 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS EASEMENT ABANDONMENT EXHIBIT "A" MCR 20110399571 z PLAT 430-B LOT 5 0 =90'00'00" w L20.00' tx BLOCK 4 = 311.42' � r 0 LOT 3 ~ LOT 4 z LOT 1 o0z• ,4g1//// \\ =41'34'00" - LOT 2 \\ R = 715.00' o \\ L = 518.71' o \\ i TEMP. j) A =81'57'08" CONSTRUCTION ;'u R = 20.00' �/ EASEMENT TO o REMAIN L = 28.61' o /�/�/ N8 99.700 W 0 =87'25'23" in R = 20.00' Z 0 =28'20'00" �< i •'/ L = 30.52 R = 185.00' 2�� 'N- �i, 0 =15'21'52" L = 91.48' pcA 5 6 R = 230.00'OD l) ,5g2 z L = 61.68' s 7) Y APN 176-10-811m AREA=250,555 SF ro O ri i O O CC '7)l 0 p =00'58'12" tho. CIRCLE K D J R = 7047.49' �� PN CD L = 119.30' �J McDOAPNLDS 176-10-001X :LOCK 5 176-10-001 W LOT 1 bit" — — —t J L =42'51'31" A =89'35'41" R = 175.00' R = 20.00' L = 130.90' ��0civitFti CArCL = 31.27' SHEA BLVD_ — 4/ 3666 - _ 1 o m `w� PAUL A. A MOOD HILLSIDE PROTECTION EASEMENT $r„ 0 75' 150' S�9"ea� s P /i/ IN 20030813438 MCR),), ,ABANDONED BY THIS DOCUMENT. zAVA U. SCALE: 1" = 150' TOTAL AREA = 65,217.63 SF F.pi ea 9/301M6 DATE: 4-15-15 k The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 (40 THE HEMINGWAY — PLANNED AREA DEVELOPMENT (PAD) Section 1 — Purpose The Hemingway PAD zoning district is located on 250,062 square feet (5.74 acres) and is established to (i) create a modified set of regulations based upon the existing C-1 zoning and (ii) approve certain uses that would otherwise require a special use permit under C-1, including the following: • 1. Allow a 3 foot fill waiver on a portion of the assisted living building #6 (which backs onto Saguaro Boulevard), to eliminate a swale in the middle of the building. 2. Allow the 25' maximum building height to be measured from the finish floor. 3. Grant a Special Use Permit for retirement-focused multifamily uses, including assisted living and independent living units. The Hemingway PAD hereby establishes the 5.74 acre PAD zone subject to the design guidelines and standards set forth below and the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. In the event of a conflict between the Zoning Ordinance and this PAD, the provisions of this PAD shall prevail. Unless specifically modified herein, all of the provisions of the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance and Town of Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance shall apply to The Hemingway PAD. Section 2 —Development Plan Upon the Fountain Hills Town Council's approval of the ordinance adopting the Hemingway PAD, development of the property shall be governed as set forth in this Development Plan. The Hemingway PAD shall include uses identified as Permitted Uses and Special Permit Uses in the Town's C-1 zoning district; provided, separate Special Use Permits shall be required for any special use other than the retirement-focused multi-family use granted as part of this PAD. Incorporated by reference into this Development Plan are the following documents, which are attached in the appendix hereto (collectively, the "Concept Plan"): (i) Concept Grading and Drainage Plan, prepared by Montgomery Civil Engineering, date stamped October 7, 2002; (ii) Preliminary Landscape Plan, prepared by Parsons Design Studio; (iii) Lighting Plan, prepared by Donna Auer, Arizona Lighting; (iv) Lighting Cut Sheets and Specs; (v) Outdoor Amenities Plan, prepared by Parsons Design Studio; and (vi) Architectural Elevations and Floorplans, prepared by L.C. Design and Drafting, LLC. Pursuant to the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Section 23.07.B, The Hemingway PAD DEVELOPMENT PLAN contains the following components: 1. Name of Development: The Hemingway 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 1 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 Saw 2. Developer: Kauffman Real Estate & Development, LLC PO Box 18571 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 480-816-6155 3. Legal Description: That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the monument line intersection of Shea Boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard from which the West quarter corner of said Section 26 bears North 58 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 1388.31 feet and also from which a Maricopa County Highway Department Brass Cap Monument for P.O.C. 243-83.30, 22 feet RT. Bears North 50 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 724.56 feet; Thence North 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East along the centerline of Saguaro Boulevard, a distance of 775.00 feet. Thence North 47 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the Southeast corner of lot 6, Block 4, FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO 403-B; Thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West along said right-of-way line, a distance of 330.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence departing from said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 87 degrees 25 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 30.52 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said point being on the Northeasterly right-of-way of a road being 50.00 feet in width and being more commonly known as Trevino Drive, said point also being at the beginning of a curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 425.00 feet and a radial line passing through said point bears North 40 degrees 15 minutes 23 seconds East; Thence along said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 332.48 feet' Thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 111.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 175.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds, and an arc length of 130.90 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through last said curve bears South 38 degrees 17 minutes 31 seconds West, said reverse curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 7047.49 feet; 2 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds and an arc length of 119.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through said point bears North 37 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds East, said reverse curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds and an arc length of 31.27 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Burkemo Drive, said point also being on the Easterly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B, North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 69.89 feet from the Southeasterly corner of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 260.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Westerly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds and an arc length of 61.68 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 20.00 feet a radial line passing through said point bears North 68 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds West; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds and an arc length of 28.61 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Low Thence continuing along said line South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 12.75 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 185.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 91.48 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 99.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 715.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 518.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial line passing through said point bears.South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 31.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Except all underground water in, under or blowing through said land and water rights appurtenant thereto; Lir Except all oil, gases and other hydrocarbon substances, coal stone, metals, minerals, fossils and fertilizers of every name and description, together with all uranium, thorium or any other 3 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 ..... material which is or may be determined to be more peculiarly essential to the production of fissionable material, whether or not of commercial value, without, however, reserving any right of surface entry. TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS REZONING (C-1 TO HEMINGWAY PAD) MCR 20110399571 �•. °Ck LOT 5 ` LOT 6 MONK PLAT 430-8 A R 90'o o" BLOCK 4 ` L = 31.42' LOT 4 - LOT 1 LOT 3 �^ W p hS3�5� 8" J LOT 2 ‘ '. t,, 0 Z 0! A =81'57'08. 0 R = 20.00' APN 176-10-811 c., L = 28.61' �A't` AREA=250,555 SF A=87'25'23- < 2o99. R = 20.00' A-28'20'00"L - 91.48' L = 30.52' R - 185.00' k,sid, A -15'21'52" s R = 230.00' D A'.e�32 03 L - 61.68' \. .- rn 73 z w rn O p°'- A =42'51'31" cp. o R - 175.00' fb`O..� CO m L = 130.90'icy�`�. S� BLOCK 5 A=00'58'12" e, CIRCLE K APN LOT 1 R = 7047.49 4- McDONALDS / 176-10-001X L = 119.30' APN 176-10-001W A=89'35'41" SHEA BLVD , R = 20.00' L = 31.27' ——- -- — — / .. ' ---...., $ - ----- 41%. — ,,k 4 MAP BASED ON DOCUMENT RECORDED, MAY 11, 2011, IN THE '‘k S OFFICE OF MARICOPA COUNTY ARIZONA, INSTRUMENT NUMBER i 0 73' 150' 20110399571, EXHIBIT "A", LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BEING A .i PORTION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER SCALE: AND THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, T. 3 N., R. 6 E. OF THE GILA AND SALT RIVER DALE: 4-15-15 BASE AND MERIDIAN, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. Cr 4 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 0 4. Location Map: it ,. (.....,6/V ihriN1 EFL° F ..,.. RBR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AERIAL PHOTO MAP APN 175-10-1311 .-",-4/ %11, A,0„,, �., �R ADDRESS:9700 N. SAGUARO BLVD 4 Ott b Q __-- '� 4,,,01 LEGEND: 47� • .� LOTLIN E ROW 1p t EASEMENT IC % L• f LOODPLAIN N.,.,\ '�0�� SUBJECT SITE JP ABANDON HPE .._.. (REVINO DR c2P� TRAFFIC DIREC ON 'tt? Ikt4 4' ,4 Via, s yea ' N 1/4*, (14;i1 0 If le.,le.,e4 S �� - � 1-_2011 j•. / AERIAL FLIGHT DATE 11/13 5. Site Conditions: "The Hemingway at Fountain Hills" is planned as an Assisted/Independent Living ("AL/IL") complex of single-level multifamily homes at the northwest corner of Saguaro Boulevard and Trevino Drive. The land is of varying slopes generally sloping from north to south and bordered by five single family homes to the north, Montera Ranch Condominiums across Saguaro Boulevard to the east, single family vacant lots across Burkermo Drive to the west and McDonalds and Circle K to the south across Trevino Drive. "The Hemingway" will be tucked between single family homes, condominiums and commercial property making it a perfect transition between all sides. Existing drainage channels will remain or be modified per engineering design guidelines. Structures will be designed to ensure adequate setbacks from all drainage channels. Adequate detention channels will be designed: Detention required= 7,552 CF; detention proposed= 8,562 CF. The preliminary grading and drainage plan (included as part of the Concept Plan and incorporated into this PAD) is shown on page C2 of 2, including the following information: C 5 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 La. Topographic contours. b. Location and extent of major vegetative cover. All Saguaro cacti as well as other significant vegetation will be identified. All salvageable plants within the project and will be incorporated into the overall design. c. Location and extent of intermittent streams and water ponding areas. d. Existing drainage. e. Location of all retaining walls, which are between 1' and 6' in height. f. Natural features and manmade features such as existing roads and structures are shown on the Concept Plan. All existing roads are to be maintained, with alterations to Trevino Drive. g. A slope analysis map is not included; commercial property is exempt from the Town's hillside protection easement requirements. h. There are no known existing agreements applicable to the site. 6. Proposed land use areas and specifications, including use standards of each area: a. Proposed dwelling unit type, total land area and maximum density of residential use areas are shown on the Concept Plan. b. Proposed uses, total land area and maximum lot coverage are as follows: SITE INFORMATION: Address: 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd,Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 APN: 176-10-811 Gross Lot Area: 250,062 Sq. Ft Project Data: Current Zoning: C-1 Proposed Zoning: The Hemingway PAD Lot Size: 250,062 SF (5.74 AC) Usage Allowed: 50% 125,031 SF Actual Usage: Independent Living: 22,324 SF Assisted Living: 74,753 SF Clubhouse: 4,500 SF Total Roof Area: 101,577 SF Excess: 23,454 SF 4 Cr 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 Sc. Proposed public streetscape and public and private open space improvements and their relationship to the overall development are shown on the Concept Plan. d. Building heights, minimum lot areas and setbacks are shown on the Concept Plan according to the following: Minimum Setbacks Lot BldgLot Distance District Area Height Front Side Rear Coverage Between (Sq Ft) Bldgs Hemingway 250,062 25'* 25' 10'** 25' 101,577 20' PAD * Or height of the building, whichever is greater based on finished floor of The Hemingway Grading& Drainage Plan C2 of 2. ** When adjacent to a residential district, there shall be a setback equal to the greater of 10 feet or a distance equal to the height of the adjacent building wall plane. e. Building elevations and architectural renderings showing architectural theme colors and type of exterior building materials for each structure or group of structures in the PAD are shown on the Concept Plan. 11, f. A graphic representation of the proposed landscaping treatment, plant materials, fences, walls and other site plan and open space improvements are shown on the Concept Plan. g. Proposed location and width of any arterial, collector or local streets are shown on the Concept Plan. h. Proposed location and use of all lands proposed to be dedicated for public purposes are shown on the Concept Plan. i. Master water, sewer and drainage plans are shown on the Concept Plan. Water Service will be provided by the Chaparral City Water Company (EPCOR). All water service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of EPCOR. Sewer service has been confined to be provided by the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. All sewer service requirements shall be pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. Existing and proposed grades and drainage systems and how drainage is altered, how it is redirected to original channel, and how the requirements regarding storm water runoff and drainage have been met are shown on the Concept Plan. j. When The Hemingway site is developed and operational, it is forecast to generate approximately 180 trips in a 24 hour period. Due to the small site within The Hemingway PAD, an abbreviated Traffic Impact Analysis including projected volumes on streets within and adjacent to the site has been completed. The 7 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 analysis indicated limited off-site improvements are necessary to accommodate the increase in traffic at level of service C or better. The Southeast corner of the property bordering Trevino Dr. will be increased with an 85' taper needed to accommodate additional traffic departing from the site and McDonald's commercial area. The entrance to the site on Trevino has been increased to 25-30 degrees to accommodate traffic entering the site. There will be a 10' roadway easement on Trevino for future widening as needed. Site triangles will be provided and maintained at the site access points to give drivers exiting the site a clear view of oncoming traffic., 7. The location, number of spaces, dimensions, circulation patterns, and surface materials for all off-street parking and loading areas, driveways, access way and pedestrian walkways are shown on the Concept Plan. The Hemingway PAD parking ratio has been increased from the Town's zoning requirements: 134 beds would typically require 34 spaces,but 90 spaces will be provided. 8. The location, dimensions, height, area, materials and lighting of signage are shown on the Concept Plan. On-site signage will be located at the Southeast entrance on Trevino Drive, and also on the corner of Saguaro Blvd and Trevino Drive. All signage will be by separate permit and shall conform to the Fountain Hills Zoning ordinance. 9. The location, height and type of outdoor lighting are shown on the Concept Plan. Exterior site lighting shall conform to the illumination results shown on the lighting design plan. At no time shall the amount of light leaving the property be greater than one lumen. On-site exterior lighting shall also conform to the Fountain Hills Dark Sky Zoning ordinance. Section 3 — Proiect Narrative "The Hemingway" is incorporating a different spectrum of AL/IL living. Instead of the typical large institutional living, "The Hemingway" is designed with single level "homes" incorporating a more home-like environment living, with the careful mix of elevations, paint, steel accents, roof and stone colors which will offer a variety of elevations. These plans are not the standard institutional three-story scenario, they offer a mixture of unique and identifiable AL/IL homes, giving the best aspect of AL/IL living. The design intent is to focus on designs that are authentic to the area, that introduce home styles with architecture variety and integrated design techniques and materials to create a strong unique design theme for the community. "The Hemingway at Fountain Hills" consists of seven assisted living single level "homes" of approximately 10,000 square feet, 15 foot dramatic ceilings with 16 individual suites, laundry, office, beauty parlor, medicine room, large kitchen, living room, library area(which will be used for education, exercise, games, worship, and social events), a large dining area and patios. Each individual suite will have a niche for family portraits, wet bar area, custom design adjustable closets, and oversize bathrooms with roll-in showers. The two independent living "homes" of approximately 10,000 square feet will consist of 10 one-bedroom and living room suites and one 8 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 two-bedroom suite and will also have the same options as the assisted living "homes." The "home like environment" will provide a warm, comfortable, peaceful lifestyle for our residents. The location is key to the success of"The Hemingway at Fountain Hills." Tucked in between residential and commercial with easy access to shopping, medical facilities, Sky Harbor Airport, Fountain Hills, Mesa and Scottsdale, The Hemingway's location will benefit all who live and visit here. Because of the type of business there will likely be minimal traffic, crime and noise. Lush landscape, comfortable sitting areas, calming resident water feature area, and beautiful putting green have been included in the front yards of"homes" to allow residents to gather out front for more socialization. The developer will create an environment for residents to support the community's commitment to environmental stewardship and integrate sustainability into the lifestyle of the community. This will be a unique one of a kind sustainable AL/IL community. C I 9 2366332.2 The Hemingway PAD 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd ORD#15-05 APPENDIX Concept Plan Documents Concept Grading and Drainage Plan Preliminary Landscape Plan Lighting Plan Lighting Cut Sheets and Specs Outdoor Amenities Plan Architectural Elevations and Floorplans L L 10 2366332.2 When recorded, please return to: OFFICIAL RECORDS OF MARICOPA COUNTY RECORDER Town of Fountain Hills H E L E N P U R C E L L P.O.Box 17958 2003-0813438 06/24/03 10:24 Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 5 0 F S CMOS Attn: Community Development CAPTION HEADING: Alternative Hillside Preservation Agreement—Trevino Business Center This is part of the official document. that is I Copies Routed To: o Administration o Engineering ❑ Community Development ❑ Parks and Recreation a Magistrate Court ❑ Marshals Department a P43 -- � V 1 /.)-0t Q �✓`a�5� Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 1 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: rr► 20030813438 `od 41101. WHEN RECORDED,RETURN TO: Town of Fountain Hills 16838 East Palisades Boulevard Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 ALTERNATIVE HILLSIDE PRESERVATION AGREEMENT THIS ALTERNATIVE HILLSIDE PRESERVATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement")is entered into lq,rh , 2003, by and between TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, an Arizona municipal corporation (the "Town") and GMCAR, L.L.C., an Arizona Limited Liability Company(the"Developer"). RECITALS A. The Developer is the owner of certain real Property located within the Town of Fountain Hills, Arizona consisting of approximately 5.49 acres, legally described and depicted on Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by reference and commonly known as the Trevino Business Center(the"Property"or the"Project"). B. The Town, through its subdivision ordinance regulations (the "Subdivision Ordinance"), is requiring Developer to maintain a portion of the Property as natural open space in order to preserve a portion of the hillside slopes (designated as "Hillside Preservation Easement"on Exhibit A)on the Property(collectively,the"Preservation Requirement"). C. The Developer and the Town are entering into this Agreement pursuant to the provisions of ARIZ. REV. STAT. § 9-500.05 in order to facilitate the development of the Property by providing for an alternative means for Developer to satisfy the Preservation Requirement of Section 504 of the Subdivision Ordinance to ensure compliance with the Preservation Requirement through the Alternative Preservation Plan, as more particularly identified and described on the Slope Analysis, dated February 11,2003,prepared by Montgomery Engineering & Management, L.L.C. and the document entitled "Proposed Alternative Hillside Preservation Requirement for Trevino Business Center, dated December 11, 2002, both attached as Exhibit B hereto(collectively,the"Alternative Preservation Plan"). D. The Developer acknowledges that the Alternative Preservation Plan will benefit the Developer by allowing for the designation of a contiguous parcel of land to satisfy the Preservation Requirement instead of requiring Developer to reserve multiple, disconnected smaller areas throughout the Property, a requirement that would hinder development of the Property while not furthering the Town's preservation goals. E. The Town acknowledges that the Alternative Preservation Plan will benefit the Town by reserving a larger area of open space, approximately 1.5 acres of preservation land instead of the approximately 1.34 acres that is required by the Preservation Requirement, The Alternative Preservation Plan would also provide a buffer between the single-family zoned neighborhoods to the north and west of the Trevino Business Center. AGREEMENT NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein,the parties agree as follows: 9196,010\Trevino HPB Agt.v2.doo 6.12-03-1 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 2 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 1. Development Plans. 1.1 Plan of Development. The Documents referred to in the Town's File #S2002-55, the exhibits attached to this Agreement and this Agreement collectively constitute a "Plan of Development" for the Property. It is the intent of the parties that the Preservation Requirement will be satisfied in accordance with the Plan of Development and as further clarified herein. To the extent there is conflict between the various documents making up the Plan of Development and the various ordinances and development guidelines of the Town of Fountain Hills, such development standards as are required to develop the Property in accordance with Plan of Development shall be applied and shall govern and control. 1.2 General Plan, The Town and Developer agree and acknowledge that the Plan of Development is consistent with the adopted general plan of the Town of Fountain Hills as it exists on the date of this Agreement. Developer and Town agree that at any point in the future and during the term of this Agreement that the Developer may seek an amendment to Plan of Development, but that any amendment to the Plan of Development must also be consistent with the then-adopted General Plan of the Town and adopted Town ordinances. 1.3 Minor Amendments. The Plan of Development presently describes the acreage and location of the alternative hillside preservation area. So long as such acreage and location is not altered, the Developer may apply to the Town Council for minor changes to the Plan of Development affecting part or parts of the Property. 1.4 Regulation of Development. The Town and Developer agree and acknowledge that the ordinances, rules, regulations and policies of the Town applicable to and governing the development of this Property shall be those ordinances, rules, regulations and officially adopted policies (with current interpretation and practices) which are in existence and in force for the Town as of the date of approval of the plans and permits required for the development of the Property. 2. Obligations of Developer. 2.1 Developer's Construction. Developer shall construct, at its sole cost and expense, all parking lots, retaining walls, monument features, off-site improvements, etc., as shown on the Plan of Development. Developer shall reintroduce native plant species in a quantity and variety commonly found on the Property over that portion of the Hillside Protection Easement previously disturbed by utility work. Additionally, the Developer shall be allowed to plant 36-inch box indigenous trees, 20-30 feet on center, on the south side of Trevino Drive within the Town's Right-of-Way easement, Developer shall (i) provide a drip irrigation system that shall be maintained by the Trevino Commercial Association and Trevino property owners and (ii) maintain such landscaping in the same manner as the Property. Developer shall construct sidewalks along Trevino Drive and Saguaro Boulevard, but not along Burkemo Drive. The Saguaro Boulevard sidewalk shall be meandering and may be placed partially within the Hillside Protection Easement without impacting the calculations for the Hillside Protection Easement. 2.2 Hillside Protection Payment. Developer and the Town acknowledge that, while the total area of hillside disturbance proposed in the Plan of Development is less than allowed under the Subdivision Ordinance, approximately 21,926 sq. ft. would not be allowed in 9196,010\Trevino HPE Agt.v2.doc 6-12.03-1 2 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocZD 2003.813438 Page: 3 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 Nur Lor certain slope categories without the exchange contemplated by this Agreement. In consideration for the Town's approval of the Plan of Development including the excess hillside disturbance in certain slope categories, the Developer shall pay to the Town $21,926.00 prior to recording the final plat for the Project. 3. Cooperation and Alternative Dispute Resolution. 3.1 Appointment of Representatives. To further the commitment of the parties to cooperate in the implementation of this Agreement, upon the request of the Developer or the Town, the Town and the Developer each shall designate and appoint a representative to act as a liaison between the Town and its various departments and the Developer. The initial representative for the Town (the "Town Representative") shall be the Public Works Division, and the initial representative for the Developer shall be its Project Manager (Carl Bommarito),or as may be identified by the Developer from time-to-time (the "Developer Representative"). The representatives shall be available at all reasonable times to discuss and review the performance of the parties to this Agreement and the development of the Property pursuant to the Plan of Development. The representatives may recommend amendments to the Plan of Development or this Agreement which may be agreed upon by the parties. 3.2 Default. Failure or unreasonable delay by either party to perform or otherwise act in accordance with any term or provision of this Agreement for a period of thirty (30) days (the "Cure Period") after written notice thereof from the other party shall constitute a default under this Agreement. Said notice shall specify the nature of the alleged default and the manner in which said default may be satisfactorily cured, if possible. In the event such default is not cured within the Cure Period, the non-defaulting party shall have all rights and remedies which may be available at law or in equity. 4. General. 4.1 Notices and Filings. All notices, filings, consents, approvals and other communications provided for herein or given in connection herewith shall be validly given,filed, made,delivered or served if(i)delivered to the party at the address set forth below, (ii)deposited in the U.S. Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, to the address set forth below, (iii)given to a recognized and reputable overnight delivery service, to the address set forth below or(iv)delivered by facsimile transmission to the number set forth below: The Town: TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 16838 East Palisades Boulevard Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Facsimile: 480-837-3145 Attn: Town Manager The Developer: GMCAR,L.L.C. 17100 E. Shea Boulevard, Suite 320 Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268 9196.010\Trevino HPE Agt.v2.doc 6-12-03-1 3 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 4 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 With a copy to: VISION/5 DEVELOPMENT 17100 E. Shea Boulevard, Suite 400-D Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Attn: Carl Bommarito or at such other address, and to the attention of such other person or officer, as any party may designate in writing by notice duly given pursuant to this Section. Notices shall be deemed received (i) when delivered to the party, (ii) three business days after being placed in the U.S. Mail, properly addressed, with sufficient postage, (iii) the following business day after being given to a recognized overnight delivery service, with the person giving the notice paying all required charges and instructing the delivery service to deliver on the following business day, or (iv) when received by facsimile transmission during the normal business hours of the recipient. If a copy of a notice is also given to a party's counsel or other recipient, the provisions above governing the date on which a notice is deemed to have been received by a party shall mean and refer to the date on which the party, and not its counsel or other recipient to which a copy of the notice may be sent, is deemed to have received the notice. 4.2 Waiver. No delay in exercising any right or remedy shall constitute a waiver thereof, and no waiver by the Town or the Developer of the breach of any covenant of this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any preceding or succeeding breach of the same or any other covenant or condition of this Agreement. 4,3 Headings. The descriptive headings of the paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of 4116.- any of the provisions hereof. 4.4 Exhibits. Any exhibit attached hereto and the documents constituting the Plan of Development, shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein by this reference with the same force and effect as if fully set forth in the body hereof. 4.5 Further Acts. Each of the parties hereto shall execute and deliver all such documents and perform all such acts as reasonably necessary,from time to time,to carry out the matters contemplated by this Agreement.Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,the Town shall cooperate in good faith and process promptly any request and applications for plat or permit approval or revisions, and other necessary approvals relating to the development of the Property by the Developer and its successors. 4.6 Time of Essence and Successor. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. All of the provisions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties. 4.7 No Partnership: Third Parties. It is not intended by this Agreement to, and nothing contained in this Agreement shall, create any partnership, joint venture or other arrangement between the Developer and the Town. No term or provision of this Agreement is intended to, or shall, be for the benefit of any person, firm, organization or corporation not a party hereto, and no such other person, firm, organization or corporation shall have any right or cause of action hereunder. 9196.0I0\Trevino HPE Agt.v2,doc 6-12-03-1 4 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DooID 2003.813438 Page: 5 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 4.8 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto pertaining to the subject matter hereof. All prior and contemporaneous agreements, representations and understandings of the parties, oral or written are hereby superseded and merged herein. 4.9 Amendment. No charge or addition is to be made to this Agreement except by a written amendment executed by the parties hereto. Within ten days after any amendment to this Agreement, such amendment shall be recorded in the official Record of Maricopa County. 4.10 Names and Plans. Subject to the provisions of the "Public Records and Documents" laws of the State of Arizona, the Developer shall be the sole owner of all names, titles, plans, drawings, specifications, ideas, programs, designs and work products of every nature at any time developed, formulated or prepared by or at the insistence of the Developer in connection with the Property; provided, however, that in connection with any conveyance of portions of the Property to the Town, such rights pertaining to the portions of the Property so conveyed shall be assigned, to the extent that such rights are assignable, to the Town. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the Developer shall be entitled to utilize such materials described herein to the extent required for the Developer to construct, operate or maintain improvement relating to the Property. 4.11 Good Standing and Authority. Each of the parties represents and warrants to the other that it is duly formed and validly existing under the laws of Arizona, and that the individual(s) executing this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties are authorized and L empowered to bind the party on whose behalf each such individual is signing, of this 4.12 Severability. If any provisionAgreement is declared void or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from this Agreement, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. If an applicable law or court of competent jurisdiction excuses the Town from undertaking any contractual commitment to perform an act hereunder, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect,but the provisions requiring such action shall be deemed to permit the Town to take such action at its discretion. If, however, the Town fails to fulfill its obligations required hereunder, the Developer shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement. 4.13 Governing Law. This Agreement is entered into in Arizona and shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of Arizona. 4.14 Recordation. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Official Records of Maricopa County no later than ten days after this Agreement is executed by the Town and the Developer. 4.15 No Developer Representation. Nothing contained herein or the Plan of Development shall be deemed to obligate the Town or the Developer to commence construction on or complete any part or all of the development of the Property; provided, however, any development that is undertaken by the Developer shall be done in accordance with this Agreement and the Plan of Development, as the Plan of Development may be amended from time to time. 9196.0I0\Trcvino HPE Agt.v2,doc 6.12-03-1 5 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DociD 2003.813438 Page: 6 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: vow 20030813438 Nisi) • Crw IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. TOWN: DEVELOPER: THE TOWN OF FO P • IN HILLS,an GMCAR,L.L.C.,an Arizona Arizona a: re adoration. limited liability company By: I. *:_ 4 By: , W .Nichols,Mayor — Name: (...-G4- 2):,‘ ATTEST: Title: t &-e dr- /P,rc 5'eLJ 1a/l4VhJ'k? i/ A Bevelyn J. 46nd ,Town Clerk (ACKNOWLEDGMENTS) STATE OF ARIZONA ) )ss. COUNTY OF MARICOPA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowled ed before me this /3 day of 4, , 2003, by 6 t-e LA rso et , as /lk'm 6 e t-• Pre 5/de n of GMCAR, L.L.C., an Arizona limited liability company, for and on behalf of said company. ea/(41 OFFICIAL:TEAL Notary Public My Col •+ �_, : J.BENDER! \��' Notary Public•Steta o/Arizona' a, s MARICOPA COUNTY My oamrn,expires Aug,28 2003 STATE OF ARIZONA ) )ss. COUNTY OF MARICOPA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Aa day of , 2003, by W.J.Nichols, as Mayor of the Town of Fountain Hills,an Arizona municipal corporation, for and on behalf of said corporation. 6 7 )243-V/IAOlUr ) Notary Publi� •,"'! o• mnt •-. pLres: �'_:EVELYN J.BENDE' ,w, Notary Public-State of Arizona a, ,ate u' " •PA • My oomm,axplree Aug.28,2003 9196.010\Trey no PE Agt,v2.•oo 6-12-03-I 6 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 7 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: %ow 20030813438 00) .n�h d z / ��e.r {Ctvii�� wpQ0 m 1 0 � RI_dpvo J1 ! �^ G F-d Q V = v,o fit. m 0ow/v / w�Q x I''./ -- w 0 I'- CO N-o62 < • rnN riM <i'?) O 1- w p II II �, w mos idiy OLL I Z 4�r O� N 0 = u_N z : 's ODS \ Od'b. O N N ho (n W o w m \ o ��'P. 4/ \\6- o~o O. CV ' o ax i- Ow \ II II II II w w M IX 1- --I • ▪ a o WN .d. •.�-1 1 - _J ¢ a QQN>�w,z QPo 0 =w = {aCl •-a e On i a ,N �,v `OD W i = ' c� cow ,. v.o%� / 0 • rl b IlI! d0 eI (". o •0 ?S w , J 'CiCe v `v S � a z ti m �l � 4 m ..a -I i !no 1 -.0 ic' ..) O aw Ce l NQ�cp IIi I • U)M w Q OOOOon•-4' �i r-• IINMu O p N d'00OC7) zQc• • x -CO `-,iM mV) Co II II II II •O N- N r Oga10 p Z ILI ..._01 a Ln r.. Q ~ J i �r t<IM 00 '�c\ito(D O ec 75 -co- ) OpaO d nc�o ) Gj D h ,'1 o r,n_ , II II II II J' Q z Oin M MtD \•- i d tij 4ce p' ASS• e �.>J ` 0.... Z bb,,�� r / 0 CZ O J in --a4+W---� FII b S' '4"-3.�J p r`n� o ,o cry`''• �\ LIJ z � r3p y 4 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 8 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: kilie 20030813438 0 2 H.P.E. EXHIBIT [--- ' - • - . . 0 TREVINO BUSINESS CENTER / PARCEL 'A' . ' 0 S 0 \ 0 1 . O • \ SCALE 1" = 30' LEGEND H.P.E. HILLSIDE PROTECTION EASEMENT — . — . — INDICATES H.P.E. LINE 0 C Ao\ 1 ,a(c.; F4/0-* 21549 s• ce DAVID R. \ t MONTGOMERY: q, POINT OF \Q,`•GA?Al'I Z/ t BEGINNING \ '''�,?orra ).•• / INTERSECTION - ' 0 imk TREVINO DRIVE VP am AND BURKEMO DRIVE i FOUND TFH ' w BRASS CAP o� .o • 0 40 •••• - \ 0 L. d SHEET L OF 7 L Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 9 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 `d L.•• PARCEL "A" MATH ONorth 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 219.18 feet OSouth 44 degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds East, 69.65 feet OSouth 14 degrees 53 minutes 56 seconds West, 12.80 feet EIII South 85 degrees 31 minutes 27 seconds West, 59.70 feet 0 South 51 degrees 05 minutes 58 seconds West, 22.26 feet OSouth 04 degrees 39 minutes 49 seconds East, 70.66 feet OSouth 15 degrees 55 minutes 21 seconds West, 87.56 feet OSouth 26 degrees 52 minutes 09 seconds East, 6.22 feet gO South 28 degrees 34 minutes 16 seconds East, 6.97 feet 10 South 24 degrees 34 minutes 55 seconds East, 16.94 feet 11 South 39 degrees 44 minutes 27 seconds West, 9.07 feet • 12 Central angle of 00 degrees 52 minutes 42 seconds R= 7,057.49 feet L= 108.19 feet 13 Central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 43 seconds R= 20.00 feet L= 31.27 feet 21549 ' DAVID R. le MONTGOM Y; /' SHEET 3 OF 7 L Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 10 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: fkIrd 20030813438 POINT OF 6 BEGINNING H.P.E. EXHIBIT TREVINO BUSINESS CENTER • • . \ PARCEL 'B' • ` .d0" , e, .\ ® • \ SCALE 1" = 80' 0 0 \. 0 0 • m 0 0 m o . ®® m • 0 Qor" !n o,\ A 4rf �°Q 0 . gI ` 21549 V T. I a MONTG CO)MERY, 'Q 1 LEGE H P END HILLSIDE PROTECTION EASEMENT \\\\ $'& ,�7,'. - . - • - • - INDICATES H.P.E. LINE I ��ary„ec / O S - " SHEET4 OF 7 L Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DoaID 2003.813438 Page: 11 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 "" c PARCEL "B" MATH 0 Central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds R= 20.00 feet L= 28.61 feet 2 South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, 12.74 feet 3 Central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds R= 185.00 feet L= 91.48 feet 4 South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East, 99.71 feet 5 Central angle of 39 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds R= 715.00 feet L= 499.12 feet © North 84 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds West, 86.92 feet 0 North 12 degrees 05 minutes 55 seconds West, 14.37 feet ONorth 70 degrees 19 minutes 51 seconds West, 57.46 feet 0 North 41 degrees 57 minutes 43 seconds West, 26.63 feet 0 North 70 degrees 34 minutes 58 seconds West, 41.74 feet QSouth 19 degrees 25 minutes 02 seconds West, 10.14 feet ® North 70 degrees 34 minutes 58 seconds West, 23.53 feet 13 South 19 degrees 25 minutes 02 seconds West, 18.10 feet 0 North 75 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds West, 28,89 feet tik ® North 36 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds West, 16.55 feet 0 North 76 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West, 34.73 feet South 88 degrees 39 minutes 46 seconds West, 38,97 feet North 75 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds West, 9.17 feet }g North 69 degrees 14 minutes 27 seconds West, 14.60 feet 0 North 02 degrees 32 minutes 48 seconds West, 11.43 feet ® South 87 degrees 27 minutes 12 seconds West, 17.11 feet 22 South 02 degrees 32 minutes 48 seconds East, 4.21 feet 23 North 88 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West, 77.47 feet 24 North 86 degrees 00 minutes 43 seconds West, 22.65 feet e� ® c 4 e- South 86 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds West, 76.29 feet ;!e',��� �rF ��,7 0 North 05 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds West, 33.64 feet �' 2t549 4 te i DAVID R. 27 South 87 degrees 21 minutes 23 seconds West, 86.56 feet t \ MONTGOMERY:)F' : North 48 degrees 49 minutes 41 seconds West, 67.29 feet \ `•••• .`1ened ..--li North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 11.56 feet 0 Central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds R= 230.00 feet L= 61.68 feet SFtE T £ d e 7 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 12 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 0 20030813438 Ind ® fr NE COR h0 Ai 0 _ . POINT r ... — OF BEGINNING . . o N 1 / i / 1 / 0 SCALE: 1" = 20' ll rt © 1 / '/ H.P.E. EXHIBIT / TREVINO i /. / BUSINESS CENTER 1 PARCEL "Cr / I LEGEND / H.P.E. HILLSIDE PROTECTION EASEMENT — , — . — — INDICATES H.P.E. LINE / / eI 1 a 21549 / a 1 DAVID R. MONTGOMERY: L? I / \r�'(q'63.r7`i slgn.e / \ `2 0.5 j i / 0 SHEET60F 7 4 46, Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocrD 2003.813438 Page: 13 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 _. • PARCEL "C" MATH 1O South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West, 18.00 feet OSouth 49 degrees 36 minutes 31 seconds West, 101.58 feet I0 South 42 degrees 45 minutes 01 seconds West, 65.91 feet 0 Central angle of 03 degrees 22 minutes 04 seconds R= 20.00 feet L= 1.18 feet I 0 North 19 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds East, 155.43 feet OSouth 77 degrees 37 minutes 56 seconds East, 85.33 feet Ic 7,, 1, F D— a ��cI \21549 k. DAVID R. A 1 MONTGOMERY:i Q' erg"°°,/ % SHEET 7 OF 7 44. Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 14 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 E Xk IQIY Q' �n6014Nd/ FOk H► LLsi ot= PRorEcrror`7 O\r� ,rem c fUT"S AVID DVID F; MOM't3OMERY sou N DARY G—+st•s7 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~T�°°°"'-'= �" That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 6 East, of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian,Maricopa County,Arizona, described as follows: COMMENCING at the monument line intersection of Shea boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard from which the West quarter corner of said Section 26 bears North 58°04'18" West, 1388.31 feet; THENCE North 42°50'00" East along the centerline of Saguaro Boulevard,775.00 feet; THENCE North 47°10'00" West, 55.00 feet to a point on the Northwesterly right of way line of said Saguaro Boulevard, said point also being the Southeast corner of Lot 6,Block 4,Fountain Hills Arizona, Final Plat No. 403-B, a subdivision recorded in Book 155 of Maps, page 34,records of Maricopa County,Arizona, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 42°50'00" West, along said right of way line, 330.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 87°25'23", an arc distance of 30.52 feet to a point of reverse curvature on a curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 425.00 feet,a radial line bearing North 40°15'23"East,said point being on the Northeasterly right of way line of Trevino Drive; THENCE along the said right of way line and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44°49'23", an arc distance of 332.48 feet; THENCE South 85°26'00"West, 111.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve Northerly and having a radius of 175.00 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42°51'31",an arc distance of 130.90 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line bearing South 38°17'31"West, said reverse curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 7047.49 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00°58'12", an arc distance of 119.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line bearing North 37°19'19"East, said reverse curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 89°35'41",an arc distance of 31.27 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way line of Burkemo Drive, said point also being on the Easterly line of said Fountain Hills Arizona, Final Plat No. 403-B,North 36°55'00"East,69.89 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; THENCE North 36°55'00" East,260.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Westerly and having a radius of.230.00 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15°21'52", an arc distance of 61.68 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 20.00 feet,a radial line bearing North 68°26'52" West; THENCE Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 81°57'08", an arc distance of 28.61 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Fountain Hills Arizona,Final Plat No. 403-B; Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year,DocID 2003,813438 Page; 15 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 THENCE along said Southerly line, South 60°24'00"East, 12.75 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 185.00 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28°20'00",an arc distance of 91.48 feet; THENCE South 88°44'00"East,99.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 715.00 feet; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41°34'00",an arc distance of 518.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature,said curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet,a radial line bearing South 24°50'00"West; THENCE along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90°00'00", an arc distance of 31.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING: 040 a 21549 w DAVID R. MONTGOMERY Description: Marioopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 16 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 �. EXHIBIT Hillside Protection Easement Parcel"A" A portion of said boundary more particularly described below: Beginning at the intersection of Trevino Drive and Burkemo Drive thence North 66 degrees 31 minutes 01 seconds East, a distance of 62.20 feet to a point on said boundary, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East,a distance of 219.18 feet thence departing said boundary; thence South 44 degrees 26 minutes 34 seconds East,a distance of 69.65 feet; thence South 14 degrees 53 minutes 56 seconds West, a distance of 12.80 feet; thence South 85 degrees 31 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 59.70 feet; thence South 51 degrees 05 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 22.26 feet; thence South 04 degrees 39 minutes 49 seconds East,a distance of 70.66 feet; thence South 15 degrees 55 minutes 21 seconds West, a distance of 87.56 feet; thence South 26 degrees 52 minutes 09 seconds East,a distance of 6.22 feet; thence South 28 degrees 34 minutes 16 seconds East,a distance of 6.97 feet; thence South 24 degrees 34 minutes 55 seconds East,a distance of 16,94 feet; thence South 39 degrees 44 minutes 27 seconds West, a distance of 9.07 feet; to the point of curve of a non tangent curve concave to the southwest,of which the radius point lies South 38 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West, a radial distance of 7,057.49 feet; thence northwesterly along the arc,through a central angle of 00 degrees 52 minutes 42 seconds, a distance of 108.19 feet to a point of reverse curve concave to the east having a radius of 20.00 feet and a central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 43 seconds; thence northerly along the arc, a distance of 31.27 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 15,829.30 square feet,more or less, subject to all existing easements. `r 1. o a, 0 e 1 AVID R D R. MONTGOMERY '1,4,6,-(3�0..' / Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.613438 Page: 17 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: .... 20030813438 -- EXHIBIT Hillside Protection Easement Parcel"B" A portion of said boundary more particularly described below: Beginning at the northwest corner of said boundary, said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING and the beginning of a curve to the left, of which the radius point lies South 68 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds East,a radial distance of 20.00 feet; thence southerly along the arc of said boundary,through a central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds, a distance of 28.61 feet; thence South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East,a distance of 12.74 feet; thence continuing along said boundary to a point of curve concave to the north having a radius of 185.00 feet and a central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds; thence easterly along the arc a distance of 91.48 feet; thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East,a distance of 99.71 feet; to a point of curve concave to the south having a radius of 715.00 feet and a central angle of 39 degrees 59 minutes 46 seconds;thence easterly along the arc a distance of 499.12 feet; thence departing said boundary North 84 degrees 09 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 86.92 feet; thence North 12 degrees 05 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 14.37 feet; thence North 70 degrees 19 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 57.46 feet; thence North 41 degrees 57 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance of 26.63 feet; thence North 70 degrees 34 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 41.74 feet; thence South 19 degrees 25 minutes 02 seconds West,a distance of 10.14 feet; thence North 70 degrees 34 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 23.53 feet; thence South 19 degrees 25 minutes 02 seconds West,a distance of 18.10 feet; thence North 75 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds West,a distance of 28.89 feet; thence North 36 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 16.55 feet; thence North 76 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West,a distance of 34.73 feet; thence South 88 degrees 39 minutes 46 seconds West,a distance of 38.97 feet; thence North 75 degrees 54 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 9.17 feet; thence North 69 degrees 14 minutes 27 seconds West,a distance of 14.60 feet; /ar.44, R �o ' 21549 DAVID R. MONTGOMERY cA V4•3,43 Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 18 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 Trevino Parcel"B" Page 2 thence North 02 degrees 32 minutes 48 seconds West, a distance of 11.43 feet; thence South 87 degrees 27 minutes 12 seconds West, a distance of 17.11 feet; thence South 02 degrees 32 minutes 48 seconds East,a distance of 4.21 feet; thence North 88 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 77.47 feet; thence North 86 degrees 00 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance of 22.65 feet; thence South 86 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 76.29 feet; thence North 05 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds West, a distance of 33.64 feet; thence South 87 degrees 21 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance of 86.56 feet; thence North 48 degrees 49 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 67.29 feet to a point on said boundary; thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East,a distance of 11.56 feet; to a point of curve concave to the west having a radius of 230.00 feet and a central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds;thence northeasterly along the arc a distance of 61.68 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 43,105.11 square feet, more or less, subject to all existing easements. -•i1v v of , 1,•Q'1�.; •�%�y • ° f�' a 21549 DAVID R. MONTGOMERY 1?: 'PO Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DoclD 2003.81343E Page: 19 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 -- EXHIBIT Hillside Protection Easement Parcel"C" A portion of said boundary more particularly described below: Beginning at the northeast corner of said boundary; thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West,a distance of 131.72 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West,a distance of 18.00 feet; thence South 49 degrees 36 minutes 31 seconds West,a distance of 101.58 feet; thence South 42 degrees 45 minutes 01 seconds West,a distance of 65.91 feet; to a point of curve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet and a central angle of 03 degrees 22 minutes 04 seconds;thence southwesterly along the arc a distance of 1.18 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 19 degrees 28 minutes 30 seconds East,a distance of 155.43 feet; thence South 77 degrees 37 minutes 56 seconds East,a distance of 85.33 feet; Containing 6,283.22 square feet, more or less, subject to all existing easements. v.% wr011ir i m 21549 DAVID R. MONTGOMERY `t4. Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 20 of 24 Order; 50 Comment: 20030813438 O''4� 1 l' TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS �°�"�', COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1,n+, ,,�:�qa 7 a' r7a�n/e(�iu�itr 4• a a;' 4 ° . ` MIfARY PL;AVAPPGCATI Date Flled . ////v Z— Fee Paid 2f Acce to By Plat Name/Number COI(101 I . ! J, LJ , T \ANO �A6'0AK° PL T Parcel Size 1J- ,r7 rROS5 SIZES Number of Lots ' \ Number of Tracts ©N� SCE Zoning od✓ I General Plan Land Use Designation Density Requested (Dwelling Units Per Acre) Applicantpnic� \itS(0/\1/5 �t�V LD-P a-1,,,.r, Day Pho CA AL. & in ivt -R.I TO s ne F?-. e.i3-7—9 O 0 Address I (ll o D 5. S{-{2!� 13LvD,) 4L)jo.-� city F. ST Zg 2 Owner ,CS OF IZ-'(c.— Off. Day Phone '�C '4 ,I L .L , C. 02-8 (;-3362 Ad r ss /1105' Al. TT�Z)4LE Kl) �'u r7� City ST Zip ...) Lr� 852r Attachments (Please list) A-LL -1:YR...Alkit�(rs - GV µ -S Tip /� J-�L� EQ U 12� Signature of Ow r s I ERBY AUTHORIZ (Please Print) Date 1610Ays /11.. Plokrii-lom5R eki&i TO FILE THIS APPLICATION, / , 2/ ' t 0 2 Subscribed and sworn before me this 177e day of bfiGFe4.11-ell L 11.0 Notary Public My Commi• >.. .•.--; 'i %i, OF IAL - •L _�" ' HARRIET KOSMITIS . Notary Public•Stale of Arizona \\\...`%%%) MARIOOPA COUNTY f My Comm.expire; • 22 ..Off Fee Schedule Attached TFH Case Number Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 21 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: "'e 20030813438 1`'"' L EXHIBIT"B" PROPOSED ALTERNATIVE HILLSIDE PRESERVATION REQUIREMENT FOR TREVINO BUSINESS CENTER INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND INFORMATION The proposed Trevino Business Center consists of platting of undeveloped land at the northwest corner of Saguaro Blvd. and Trevino Drive in Fountain Hills, Arizona. The proposed development is approximately 5.5 acres in size. The property is bounded by Trevino Drive to the south, Saguaro Drive to the east, Burkemo Drive to the west,and residential lots to the north. The adjacent land use zoning and/or development in the area consists of R1-8 to the north, multi-family to the east, R1-35 to the west, and C-1 to the south. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY One of the key considerations of this proposed alternative method of"Preservation Requirement"is a buffer zone at residential zoning districts adjacent to the east,north and west boundaries of the site. The C-1 zoning requirements for this site require a 10- foot building setback along the north side and 25 foot along the east and west sides. Therefore, site grading and vegetation disturbance could occur right up to the property line. If this were to occur there would be virtually no natural, or otherwise, "buffer" between the single-family zoned properties and this proposed commercial development. The land use zoning of the remaining adjacent properties along Saguaro Drive and Trevino Drive are more similar and compatible with the zoning of this development. Therefore there is much less concern for providing buffering along these areas of the site as compared to the residential land use. As a result,GMCAR, LLC,the developer and applicant, is proposing to create and designate a natural open space area along the entire northern and western boundaries(less a strip of land for a drainage easement)plus a portion of the east boundary of the site. This open space area is proposed to be designated as separate Hillside Protection Easements at areas"A", "B", AND"C". Areas"A","B", and"C"would serve as the total "Preservation Requirement"for the entire Trevino Business Center. Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 22 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: 20030813438 lord L Some of the benefits of this proposed alternative preservation method are as follows: • All of the natural vegetation and topography within the proposed Hillside Protection Easements will be preserved. • The current building setback requirements do not guarantee preservation of the natural vegetation and topography along the north, east and west sides of the site. • This proposed method concentrates all of the preservation area in three large masses, where as the general Section 504 Hillside Disturbance requirement would create much smaller and segregated pockets of preservation area throughout the subdivision. • This proposed method would provide a natural vegetative buffer strip ranging in width from 23 feet to more the 85 feet along adjacent residential zoning areas providing a natural area buffer that is larger than the 10 foot and 25 foot building setbacks. • This proposed method provides the maximum buffer area for the single family residential properties along the north and west sides of the subject site. • Using the standard preservation requirement, approximately 62,574 square feet of land in total would be required for preservation. This alternative method would provide approximately 65,217 square feet of preservation or approximately 2643 more square feet of land area preserved in total. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is believed that this proposed Alternative Hillside Preservation method will provide more total preservation area and strategically locate a much larger natural open space buffer strip along the northern,western, and eastern boundaries of the site where residential zoning is adjacent to this site.This method will have a greater benefit to the nearby residents. 2 r Description: Maricopa,AZ Document Year.DocID 2003.813438 Page: 23 of 24 Order: 50 Comment: "The' e44444,044)cty • At. Fcytivaia4.At. Pad Application 3rd submittal: . . • \\it 4 • - 4 ' e": 4 Ata. The Hemingway . . . . . . . . . . . . Assisted Care Project Plat 403B, BIk 5, Lot 1 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd 3rd Submittal 3/19/2015 41 -'4, ) "..'i; .'WA ' , _ , \ . , Si y • X. .,-,,:: ,�-�' "+� "'`r t �r 'P � N.i-� fir' .4 ar „" f ...yam' py q ..y w * a a* .. - 'ti � • �-.",. .. - . • _ y 1� '" " "`' �. _ .. b....- - •- - t * 1 r/ �, / �• lam _ r ,j M"' .i '1... ,..N ..,.. ,. ,,,,,,,o,„ ... r. _ . . g - .4,,..' -.- .' " warlc' ' a'f pLace/ a wow 6 0-htuncy for c 'td'I hate/ ver 'nch' y uto- Le avve/ W'. Ecx4'rWJt i-f eAltiAt J%t'cly • . 2 Applicant Dan Kauffman 16810 Ave. Of The Fountains Suite 110 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 T: 480-816-6155 F: 480-816-6160 Contact: Dan Kauffman, President Team Kauffman Real Estate and Development (Planning and Design) 16810 Ave. Of The Fountains Suite 110 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 T: 480-816-6155 F: 480-816-6160 Contact: Dan Kauffman Montgomery Engineering & Management, LLC (Engineering) 16716 E. Parkview Ave. Suite 204 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 T: 480-837-1845 F: 480-837-8668 Contact: David Montgomery, PE Berens, Kozub, Kloberdanz & Blonstein, PLC (Land Use Attorney) 7047 E. Greenway Parkway Suite 140 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 T: 480-624-2777 Contact: Matthew Berens, ESQ Parsons Design Studio (Landscape Design) 1209 W. Medlock Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85013 T: 602-999-9209 Contact: Stephen Parsons, RLA Alpha Geotechnical & Materials (Geotechnical Engineer) 2504 W. Southern Ave. Tempe, AZ 85282 T: 602-453-3265 F: 602-453-3267 Contact: Alf Wold, PE D&M Engineering (Surveyor) 1020 E. Gilbert Dr. Suite D Tempe, AZ 85281 T: 480-350-9590 Contact: Duran Thompson 3 1 . Introduction Page 5-16 a. The applicant b. "The Hemingway" at Fountain Hills c. Proposed Plan Area Development d. Legal Description 2. Site Page 17-20 a. The Site / Location Map b. Grading Drainage Plan c. Vegetation 3. Development Objectives Page 21 -52 a. Design & Architecture Concepts b. Circulation — Parking Plan c. Sewer System d. Water System e. Site Design f. Site Lighting g. Landscaping h. Signage 4. Impact on Fountain Hills Page 53 5. "The Hemingway" A Sustainable AL / IL Community Page 54 Note: Full size exhibits under separate cover / • 1 . INTRODUCTION a. The Applicant The applicant and developer of the property Dan Kauffman, of Kauffman Real Estate and Development is a local land development company based out of Fountain Hills for over 20 years. The developer Dan Kauffman has been volunteering in the community with local kids sports, involved in helping the veterans in many ways, and in many fund drive projects. He has developed over 250 condominiums, commercial projects including; Charter Schools, preschools, commercial office buildings, apartments and many community subdivisions including Active Adult Communities and Family Oriented Communities of over 1 ,000 homes. Kauffman Real Estate and Development strives at planning developments that are sensitive to key locations with designs that are tailored to local communities, thus ensuring superior value to local project opportunities. ag !c t T r`. ......,-*.:„.... . -..s: I i 14., ,1 ' ,r , if I lui I) ..? *. - 1 s . 5 b. "The Hemingway" at Fountain Hills "The Hemingway" at Fountain Hills AL IL is a unique mixed use home like setting of an Independent and Assisted Living community consisting of 7 AL single level homes of 10,000 square feet, 15 foot dramatic ceilings with 16 large suites, laundry, office, beauty parlor, medicine room, large kitchen, living room, library area which will be used for education, exercise, games, worship, and social events, a large dining area and patios. Each large suite will have a niche for family portraits, wet bar area, custom design adjustable closets, and oversize bathrooms with roll in showers. The 2 IL homes of 10,000 square feet will consist of 10 (1 ) bedroom and living room suites and 1 (2) bedroom suite and will also have the same options as the AL. The "home like environment" will provide a warm comfortable peaceful lifestyle for our residents. "The White House Counsel on Aging recommends the best way for seniors in need of care to maintain a High Quality of Life is to live in a home setting". There will be daily activities for residents to choose from or they can simply enjoy taking walks or gathering with neighbors on our beautiful landscaped grounds. The clubhouse will offer more amenities to our residents for larger group social activities. It will also include offices for our management and a commercial kitchen where all meals will be cooked on-site and distributed to each house. After interviewing doctors and AL managers, they have all agreed for a need of this type of community in Fountain Hills. It is between the larger institutional AL, IL Communities and the converted residences into Group Homes. It allows for a professional setting but a more personal, and a family atmosphere that is affordable and family centered. The location is key to the success of "The Hemingway" at Fountain Hills, tucked in between residential and commercial with 6 easy access to shopping, Sky Harbor Airport, Fountain Hills, Mesa and Scottsdale which will benefit all who live and visit here. Because of the type of business there will be minimal traffic, crime and hopefully very quiet! Emphasis has been put on the front yard of the residences with the lush landscape, comfortable sitting areas, calming resident water feature area, and beautiful putting green to allow residents to gather out front for more socialization as a well-rounded neighborhood should be. Each of the custom homes will provide unique characteristics that cater to distinct profiles of older Americans as well as younger age groups with debilitating diseases or handicaps. • 1 IMI , il• ,a 4. } v s 7 .,w av * 'X ' 1 c +'.w Is . }}yy e r w 4 � T 2:(j `.r el 7 r tom/.L( e" '. "'r' * • 7 c. Proposed Planned Area Development The Developer proposes the establishment of a (PAD) to specifically request to amend the following: 1 . A 10 foot fill waiver on a portion of the AL building backing on Saguaro, there is a swale in the middle of the building. (see highlighted grading & drainage plan). Landscaping with trees and plants will block the foundation walls from Saguaro Blvd. 2. The abandonment of the Alternative Hillside Preservation Agreement recorded on 6/19/03 by the Town of Fountain Hills and Trevino Business Center Project recording number 2003- 081343, the developer never started the project and the easement should not have been recorded with the Agreement. ,043- • • 0 8 /4 roamws3c n.o ON woo'ZyI1!3 nod :pow-e - — • _.... 133F5 if3AOJ / ' 899E-Li9(09+)•oi t+>a:-t[t:(oe+) Ca1+A3lf'CB 021Vf1Jb'S 'N 00L6 r.x, N 99ZS8 VNCZ,V 'SIIIH MV1 Nn0i `RCN S° i w aez 3_Ins "no M=IAYtbd 3 9:L91 44B-04-9L4s'N'd'r sOOS}-?°-�'° I waa'°0*'° 2 0 'OTy�'1N3M130YNYI ?ONIH33NION3 __- S7 NlV Od lr Zo/Lo/01 .-31 nsv '""''"' -T A 2 V V❑JN❑W AV/A MN1 'V 3"71'_N3N3OWNVN N 0..40,43&N3.g01v0n AE 1103 0 _H011n<O0 I \ 7 .iO,xy71 Et U !)Y z z a W C J < 4 O y 2 H zd ., , F 0 " , �,,,az 5, xo?m x u1, L Nor C7 /� Q'. �.<=.p` oord' 2 l 2��5� I 4- v Q Z cr u_ J • ao w z Q r Z >-J R *IC QJ 0zQ C lam Q =0 CCw4L 111111rC7 IH Q F— a w C) z 0 0 -g r i'" ks L. gib . -5 a i g ° F � V €. ii s fi L� 9 . . 4 .. .,, 5 gjl 4 L. g Er r a C bbb-bu r g g' .a si.t3 g -k - "F 'E F 6 0 �b a ln?� --x i a a ,, - _<_ alieia''Ss or% f e` gpi $i a ei '.g ' -r . - a _ e z kk .011 Ypai- & ^fit "' y! £ a g4 sale ' —: v. :; • - 5' p - 4 ��aa r ,-,,, 8g t;i: es E s �a ,2 -i < - Y i o 1' '' 0 F e °r�g A = % °a 3 P 7NR ' °F t a:l e• o. 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I ' 1 Z .r.- ' 1,11C,1 ii, 5t ,-- 1 t 6l'Al 11. li , el 11 ,g l,: um I .. ; , -••,,,,; ',1 ' 1 ', 1 't .-- - '‘ (I 1 5`/ '4.. a n I- _ ..-''. 5 ''a 1 IM‘110* 4 -\ 31 ' ' ' i \_0 •' 'ti 4 .," /dr, \\' fil 4.4), 1 • , , ; i---- ',.. , •••,.. /i . './ ; •.1,7 Ill-, -... - ‘41.,Nt.,„ / t AP" I 1/ 1 ' / .1 m _ ., •,t444.,. .4. // / z'° " / ; N- ,... .. i it • . 79,7: i ' 0 / ti! ' ''''`..;..N s•% .-., - f / I I— Pt 41 g. t17'Po''07•11; ic- "*. •4•1f,wo //IV- i/ fi_,z; %.4.°. t• 4'0. V` . - -°^4'fr-' .# / - / ,„,. ?„. •., .,„ - . II/ V..,'S ,,, r • / .11.• , - 16 / f It /' d 1: r•: ::n.., l////I . • l' • % ., . 0.-,e1 \•..._ ' / // /, 4 / ./V 1:a‘ / } AfriffIr'n— \ , 3. The Town of Fountain Hills height allowance per C-1 zoning is 25 feet. All houses on site will be a maximum 23' 6". Due to a swale and the lower terrain near Trevino getting filled to keep ADA acceptable on site with cross grades on the street, Developer is requesting a height based on the finish floor which will establish a 23' 6" height for the homes mostly bordering Trevino and Saguaro Blvd. low t t { .- rk 11 4. The Town of Fountain Hills C-1 setbacks are: 10' side, 25' front, 25' rear. The Hemingway setbacks will be part of the P.A.D. specs: 10' side, 25' front, 25' rear. br + `�.. � a . «. � _ J � �, qe Ai 1s r ' ' "*+ yam, "av- ' „"�`' L. — S. .-_ zz. • \. ,a, '10. • y�e r. il, t` `a �t }'- '.? YEN. a•••'."1' . sa f •� � i. . ./ NIV �+ lFter_., AO a -."� 's > . 4 "—...... 'its^a...-...' r a it4"s�`_ ' 12 5. Parking — Based on The Town of Fountain Hills Regulations, the project complies and exceeds the current Town Regulations. Because there is minimal need for parking at Independent/Assisted Living Communities parking needs and traffic flow will be very low. I have met with an executive director of a new (2 year old) Assisted Living Community with 140 units (comparable size to The Hemingway) in Scottsdale. He has been Executive Director of many Assisted Living communities in the Phoenix area for over 20+ years. This information is the closest to real facts of traffic and parking requirements. The entrance to The Hemingway has been designed further up on Trevino, approximately 400 feet from Saguaro, to alleviate congestion on the corner of Saguaro and Trevino. The Shea and Saguaro corner is also currently being completed to alleviate congestion in that area. The Hemingway consists of 7 AL and 2 IL and 1 clubhouse. The AL building will consist of memory care alzheimer's and residents needing assistance which will not be driving or have a car. Outlined below is a breakdown of the AL, IL, and Clubhouse of employees, guests, deliveries on a daily basis of traffic and parking needs. *Daily Grand Buildings Suites Employees Visitors Per House Total 7 AL 16 5* 4 9 63 2 IL 11 1 4 5 10 1 Office 6 5 11 11 Deliveries 1 1 1 85 *2 employees are double shift Employee Grand Buildings Parking Residents *Visitors Per House Total 7 AL 3 4 7 49 2 IL 1 6 4 11 22 1Office 6 5 11 11 Deliveries 1 1 1 83 *50% of IL Residents have cars *Average#of Visitors per day AL=112 beds, IL=22 beds 134 beds/4 =34 spaces Required By Town of Fountain Hills Daily parking needs are 83 Daily parking provided is 90 L 13 6. Open Space - The Town of Fountain Hills Requires 15 % of open space. "The Hemingway" has allowed 40% of open space exceeding the Town of Fountain Hills requirements. (see civil engineer plans) 7. Minor General Plan Amendment In a Commercial District the Town of Fountain Hills General Plan allows up to 14 dwelling units per acre. The developer proposes 27 "suites" / units per acre 8. Special Use Permit Special Use Permit for Assisted Living Use in a Commercial District. , t � .•r C "4'4. , ,.. , al.4 e'I W a 1 ft ♦ aA✓ a� a 'sal , l " !��\ ; x •, s ' T} 11, L i '4w wx a 411) 14 Legal Description That portion of the South half of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 6 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the monument line intersection of Shea Boulevard and Saguaro Boulevard from which the West quarter corner of said Section 26 bears North 58 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 1388.31 feet and also from which a Maricopa County Highway Department Brass Cap Monument for P.O.C. 243-83.30, 22 feet RT. Bears North 50 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 724.56 feet; Thence North 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East along the centerline of Saguaro Boulevard, a distance of 775.00 feet. Thence North 47 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 55.00 feet to the Northwesterly right-of-way line and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point also being the Southeast corner of lot 6, Block 4, FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO 403-B; Thence South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West along said right-of-way line, a distance of 330.45 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence departing from said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 87 degrees 25 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 30.52 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said point being on the Northeasterly right-of-way of a road being 50.00 feet in width and being more commonly known as Trevino Drive, said point also being at the beginning of a curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 425.00 feet and a radial line passing through said point bears North 40 degrees 15 minutes 23 seconds East; Thence along said right-of-way and along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 44 degrees 49 minutes 23 seconds and an arc length of 332.48 feet' Thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, a distance of 111.13 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 175.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 42 degrees 51 minutes 31 seconds, and an arc length of 130.90 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through last said curve bears South 38 degrees 17 minutes 31 seconds West, said reverse curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 7047.49 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 00 degrees 58 minutes 12 seconds and an arc length of 119.30 feet to a point of reverse curvature, a radial line passing through said point bears North 37 degrees 19 minutes 19 seconds East, said reverse curve being concave Easterly and having a radius of 20.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 89 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds and an arc length of 31.27 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Burkemo Drive, said point also being on the Easterly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B, North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 69.89 feet from the Southeasterly corner of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; 15 Thence North 36 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 260.77 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Westerly and having a radius of 230.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15 degrees 21 minutes 52 seconds and an arc length of 61.68 feet to a point of cusp with a curve concave to the Northeast and having a radius of 20.00 feet a radial line passing through said point bears North 68 degrees 26 minutes 52 seconds West; Thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 81 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds and an arc length of 28.61 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT NO. 403-B; Thence continuing along said line South 60 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 12.75 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Northeasterly and having a radius of 185.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 28 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 91.48 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds East, a distance of 99.71 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve being concave Southerly and having a radius of 715.00 feet; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 41 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 518.72 feet to a point of reverse curvature, said curve being concave Northerly and having a radius of 20.00 feet, a radial line passing through said point bears South 42 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 31.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Except all underground water in, under or blowing through said land and water rights appurtenant thereto; Except all oil, gases and other hydrocarbon substances, coal stone, metals, minerals, fossils and fertilizers of every name and description, together with all uranium, thorium or any other material which is or may be determined to be more peculiarly essential to the production of fissionable material, whether or not of commercial value, without, however, reserving any right of surface entry. • 16 1 . SITE a. The Site / Location Map "The Hemingway" at Fountain Hills is planned as an Assisted, Independent Living single level homes, 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd at the corner of Saguaro and Trevino Drive. The land is of varying slopes generally sloping from North to South and bordered by 5 single family homes to the North, Montera Ranch Condominiums across Saguaro Blvd. to the East, single family vacant lots across Burkermo Dr. to the West and McDonalds and Circle K to the South across Trevino Dr. "The Hemingway" will be tucked between single family homes, condominiums and commercial property making it a perfect transition between all sides. (see exhibit map) 17 b. Grading and Drainage Plan Existing drainage channels will remain or be modified by Montgomery Civil Engineering per engineering design guidelines. Structures will be designed by Montgomery Civil Engineering to ensure adequate setbacks from all drainage channels. (see civil plans) Adequate retention basins will be designed. v- y 18 ACIMMEMZMIZI 3 L.,0,ZVI,,,D453^DC Pr w-4 oevA:inoe odvnovs N OOL6 Nvld.1. 10C 2995-LcS 1087)..7 GYEIL /c5(04,) -— ---10319N Su ....5 2 el — ----- 29752 VNOZIEV SKIV_Nr0 1.18-01.-9L1. cllf -4- 1= au sins 3tt. 04115NdVt-1 - 9L, is S111H NIV1N110d iv'O'ri'INNOOVNY111 it ONI1133NION3 ..vrfito .1 c41 %0 A63WEI91NOW AVMONIINVI3H 3H1 zoi,o/cL O.-,, N 1,3CVNVV..ONGANION3 AtillICOANCA.all. Z tOt1 20 • i t ' c`ciz, l;!rh li 4,- + ,..2 ...,, 4 9qc 2 ‘,..3,.. t ..,,, I I. % e••-•7:i ILI \ 1!4 il 0 4 \ 4 ;I' l•il 4 •'4' \ a .4 c•-,. N i 1.! Cli X 1!: '',, \ N:1\ ii CC = '''.I- .', 1\`• N 't "•.±' \.1 •4'')`''.' 'f5\ \ -___"' { - -6 - ”,'' •' 06 '' '6N ." .\.. '•=7',„% c___ // X•\• , .'sk4,:i..,,;\ \ - 1 ' s`Nr„$14• X ... . , • F"--= ZZ N, - ' ,A 44/1 •1/4,, \-,e \ ;,, , =WM , , *N ''"=.,,‘ 0 0 0 R e s a' SI CC i ae 0 X irri IL ., 4 zo Elfi&;, , , -.2'•-, \ \ / I \ • t -'...."., / 1 :!ig.,-,,,,... ,>.\\ ,, _ 1— w •,-• ' .4x... -NI\ —, ;..., r , u_ 0_X V 1Z. = 0 / " it -,t = i -.- I> Z ---- 44 A I '4-At-. /-. _t ,,._L... 7znm ,..., m t > .,1 , ..` a . e. 4.,.. , ., . 4,1.'' . . '11\.!, .'•*":.:N N '2-'s'"i• ,T_,T_c.' •-.. 2 <--- Ii , ,41,,,,, ..--- z ,- •II1 . r , ... , , fb,2 T , -- p . , iw LI ' ' • • T., .,_;:,,i 1 - . mmilltibit7.4h,4° .. 8m 1--: E .„,., - trfr I.; if- if t 104_ L...,.. !An . . , ,, AA 1_--....... ____„ Fli... /1/1, 11 litaw . --_.x.- / tr.* Si 11 - .. -0 , . -I ..ff/ .,111 ..J ':I w: f .,,, 4f.Ji fri 1:,.1 I1 . 4 1 ., =.1' ' —1 it b 1 , L -, /.t11;1 1,, ' I I I 1‘ _ 1 , . : .1 li I 4 , , i I _ . iiii- 1 4 :1' k le •'--'i ,- / 1 -- :— — ; I --- il-.• .! A , / ./- :;. . , „1 / ,c,-,- 61 ''' z--,.•- , -pc, _ t‘ -._ , o - (,, i' .., / &•,.'-:AI ,,,4":. I,Ig .'t --' ' II li --6 4.,/ ..i.,,• I, /N., // /...„,. , \'/‘ ''''*•• fl441114 .1 ...,. // , / .._ 4-- ' I . I i N / / /// -15/'''',',' ,,ks -1V%-sigi I 74K, // //i/ :•> 4 /? : / y / '-44C sPes.1°?64, \•ig 44• ''* 4.4.'4.4r / $ //'4- / j/ I ''40 4., 9.1-4b0, '7'4. • .4, • // /‘• // / 4' ../1•/0..- , % 4. , ., i;',. - u, .._, oc; is• is,,_/,,, ,IH/!,.°E , / ///,/ / / /// -i- . R.--,--- , / it --) \ / --- c. Vegetation All Saguaro cacti as well as other significant vegetation will be identified. The landscape plans will call for the use of all salvageable plants within the project and will be incorporated into the overall design. a z a . I, x' ' r: .s.'' * t` v. )0,c,, .-74 ,,i,,. • ems .Z . 4 .. Y t +yam, _' 1.- / . ... Vt.: , ............ -ililun., . 1 — N. . . ...— ' '- 46* ,:p , N ".s . 1 L �` Yi * k �. xor. •• y. - rt� -'fit' • , i • r 1 II 20 2. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES a. Design and Architecture Concepts "The Hemingway" is incorporating a different spectrum of AL/IL living. Instead of the typical large institutional living, "The Hemingway" is designed with single level homes incorporating a more home like environment living, with the careful mix of elevations, paint, steel accents, roof and stone colors which will offer a variety of elevations. These plans are not the standard institutional 3 story scenario, they offer a mixture of unique and identifiable AL/IL homes, giving the best aspect of AL/IL living. The design intent is to focus on designs that are authentic to the area, that introduce home styles with architecture variety and integrated design techniques and materials to create a strong unique design theme for the community. There are 7 AL single level homes of 10,000 square feet, 15 foot dramatic ceilings with 16 large suites, laundry, office, beauty parlor, medicine room, large kitchen, living room, library area which will be used for education, exercise, games, worship, and social events, a large dining area and patios. Each large suite will have a niche for family portraits, wet bar area, custom design adjustable closets, and oversize bathrooms with roll in showers. The 2 IL homes of 10,000 square feet will consist of 10 (1 ) bedroom and living room suites and 1 (2) bedroom suite and will also have the same options as the AL. The "home like environment" will provide a warm comfortable peaceful lifestyle for our residents (see elevations and floor plans). 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[igitiv�(�Rarf+' Q I�i ri�a� j11 Q -I 1 r ill i.: .1 �.0 it. LRt�f+R.. ..l fRi hl!-11•� �11 I• iiii0':... �111/: s(}t(1t■waal■ jj'11 s(w(r{wf�I♦/1 I' lit .w i 1 j ((r I'I 1 rli iYRftl 111.,p L-w�ili l 1i ■1 r� r 1 l I •.1 [r�,i I y.• t�cii 1 SIi 4�i�[a�1t11' 11111 Udl•l r,i 4 4, 1 iIIFll' s ate• III: r sti1 ■L'■II�i 11 tq..■1•1+ 1 i [f �iif i + ;lel r .[ j .l . sue,'.¢ -UI ■ ,III sawwwaa ' . _p i, RRti fA. I •�',��I�ff1rtat +' II tf II. �,{,IL 'fRi�ii nCrIt Ofif� ;, I. 1 [♦a. j�� *vs _ M, H w�i' �lu r n r , :in.. ssw�"iiaai I4. I�Ilj w IEit i� - tiii j 11,+1I, dl, •,�,i',; �sl�►a t s ' j•l R f ,�rl ._I va[i+ I r,. 1�,fff '�tf , ICI f °_+crw ' 11j ' wii j ••• ,ttss[ 1t�,r •'+:I ♦ f1 . :, I ttt, I' o l I f ft It t �1t42 ■w 1- swra■ I I II I r a�atl■'r�ifiaw 11�i its Dear aEli ...vsat , L ff a*�srs�s� YI I[ '+ ■! 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"f�Et, Jlj,l I ' ' ! } I a 11i1.�1 lij1. w +t 1 ■ Ili +�■+ r�� q • /,!11 ales+ 1 , i+' 1 . i..ii ai.1y 1/�ail �" 11411III11jl111.111'11 Xi , lit '+� 1 41 ' Ill 1411. I,1!4 nuP;N! ■ I ilj' I wolf 111,51.1•+I 1•IIII, i4i ■■I'11 i I I I, I iif .11. It �I Ilq■ II' Iry' tti.•. i;�illi_ ';11111I;111�1 if �r,:U!Al 11ia. / / 1 r i .-. ----y' Y %- v / t. SNOII1VA313 2fO12131X3«...< Yi Cy).- -09.:x,3 9919-91.-09.'3x0xa 8 SNVld DNIINV2i8 3 ' NOIIVONIlO3 ULL 13ix9 -fi 8 xsLOM9 Lv�V9T'a ' Sxnlxn.i 3AV 3DV50.9. 3W 30 3p1,13W 3 01991 = 1 011 'SUMO 8 NDIS30 '0'1 S3 N W OH NVddf1VN TV 'SIIIH NIV1Nf103 = ,. . NL = ' ` P� AVM`JNIW3H QQ yy y1 v I. NM 103Mba c G $ 0 d I I 0 I = _UUZOQiHQ1 .•WWW W . E f , t; , C a.. / / t. ITi71� 1 Y ; f II'`1 ,• I.n.•. 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It1�40 1!I Sa ■L 11 q1j Il. i ., t I:1 *� . d j,1 i,11 1 11P-11' I,,. - e. ,..itilfg UI iI 1 s 1 Ill. j) 4, ,1111 I tr p,,1 l , "Itar 4.•... - jljl_I` I:'l1*! til'iii11I11��,,1�I, ] t a - ,,t,..,,, r1; I ,,,,,, 'rr?aa 1,' . '.,11 �f j_!111b 1111., II'l,..1111�!0, �4•� r I•li;_. 11 111'I ss) p to! I h i f_ f b. Circulation and Parking Plan "THE HEMINGWAY" AL / IL Traffic Analysis 9700 N. Saguaro Blvd., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Saw Because there is minimal need for parking at Independent/Assisted Living Communities parking needs and traffic flow will be very low. I have met with an executive director of a new (2 year old) Assisted Living Community with 140 units (comparable size to The Hemingway) in Scottsdale. He has been Executive Director of many Assisted Living communities in the Phoenix area for over 20+ years. This information is the closest to real facts of traffic and parking requirements. The entrance to The Hemingway has been designed further up on Trevino, approximately 400 feet from Saguaro, to alleviate congestion on the corner of Saguaro and Trevino. The Shea and Saguaro corner is also currently being completed to alleviate congestion in that area. The Hemingway consists of 7 AL and 2 IL and 1 clubhouse. The AL building will consist of memory care alzheimer's and residents needing assistance which will not be driving or have a car. Outlined below is a breakdown of the AL, IL, and Clubhouse of employees, guests, deliveries on a daily basis of traffic and parking needs. *Daily Grand Buildings Suites Employees Visitors Per House Total 7 AL 16 5* 4 9 1 63 2 IL 11 1 4 5 10 1 Office 6 5 11 11 Deliveries 1 1 1 85 *2 employees are double shift Employee Grand Buildings Parking Residents *Visitors Per House Total 7 AL 3 4 7 49 2 IL 1 6 4 11 22 1 Office 6 5 11 11 Deliveries 1 1 1 83 * 50% of IL Residents have cars *Average#of Visitors per day AL=112 beds, IL=22 beds 134 beds/4 =34 spaces Required By Town of Fountain Hills Daily parking needs are 83 Daily parking provided is 90 31 c. Sewer System Ron Huber of The Fountain Hills Sanitary District has agreed it is within the sewer district and they have main sewer lines on all 3 sides of the project, Saguaro Blvd., Trevino Drive and Burkemo Drive and are sufficient to serve the project (see civil for preliminary design). d. Water System Epcor has agreed they have sufficient lines on all 3 sides of the project Saguaro Blvd., Trevino Dr. and Berkemo Dr., and will be able to serve the project (see civil for preliminary design). L ,x ert+ w s:-y. m —r wpiyn { r1 ,.. .'K. ., -.r : ....* • rnow 32 . Z V1 .., ',309.,,C I.c.,-. 9999-LE8 l010)*,1 St8l /SR(067) Deic%rIn09 odvnovs N 0___IOL6 0310r,f:Lid id3N°' ' 2 997g9 VNOZIet/ S-11H Nib,Nrc' Li_ 11.8-01-SLI 'N'cl'V —1— -fr oz 3i ins 3/"If 0411/018Vd - 9 li. --0'T_,..'3."" 0 .0.1-1..1 11131109VNVVI V ONIV33NISN3 1 4- S111H NIVINC104 J.V - — 1 1VV63E VV SINO . .l— AVMONIV41113H 3HI to/op/0 ! hs>i • -;., 0 1 Ifly 4, ', I .q I•\,•\•2z-r-V 4" t• i J Z "1• - • .".. <ILI N . \ \! i -•co ._g . Lik. .., - < ' \ i 4 '''.... SE _ : . z , g g ..1:-/ ,,r- , _ ••• I., '''',\ \ ci 0 z (-___ 8 — • —< h - /\ .•-.X, • \‘'',4's• '' \ 1.- 2 C7 mc/- 0,s \ * \''.,:.*,•••-.., ,,-) CI X 0 ..._') •:C u_ , N iv"), 0A/if „. r \ s, A. II`, i..\\. I I 1 CC ILI '5 0000e - r '12.1'i di it: '\,6 •:' '',',= \ \ / I 1 i-< a A, a„, Ilk.,. • i . 4.... I 4101,a . I-- '1 t O. it i 3 -, --- ._-. w .4.-----+.,,- ,,, / i \ / - .,-, 1 , ' 0 , ,,, 1 ',- - 0 ,_ Z - --4, - / 0 11 , f d:5. _. ,..., n-: 0 2' : '9• ire, , , %, li m„ 1 ,. Z P , a z r ,,_ f„._i " 1.4„ „„-......7. -..:\ , , . \-,, — ±. .r. s 4. 1___.- 00 V . "„- 1 A 11 IT .':,,4, : k,7...,,, --1-,,.„. _ r- - v / ". / aVOININa' --4:- 'ff. CI_ ,.. _:,..,:: , --, Ai ,Ng, /i 'PI i •.....,,, , V fr.,,0 _ ---.'11.11-1-14 •diliA / h l' i I 'i iser4 " I•',1 I !4-1 ""I.r_ .. i f1iVl — - 4I 0 7lt iPi.,i ti II,I l.. 1'l ..,/,,,, / 4 ( ' /// i _.10 ,, / , , 1 L----.. .- ''- / :,,•-:: I.! i \ I , ,i---I II m *II • • -•.,-- • I ' il \ 4d,, - - . ,., 4 .„-.q\, ce / ' -),, 1/ is 41, „..A.7' 1 .. ^ ...., - '. s t o, 7-0-1 wiry I1 . ,. ,..\ , „..., c . .. --, A,N , , , . , ,,.:. q, i- ,,,, ._::,: ,,,,, \ ,„.14.0_ ‘C. ,R17:' 4'. , / „..., , , i , ii, / , ., 1 ) / isN,N rp / /(/ <,/ :it° / , / r: / / ,.., ..,..- ,. 0....2, 1 0 j,-10)6:Ci 4 ' ''''. .se—-71 / 1 • e/7 ••• °4 4'000 '-t., ' , "1,,' 4' / 'X% .•'„, - .,' / IF,i 1 , // / *;;- ;g• sX'''. • sa / ' / ,/y ,a2 4 //---- i'l- ,Mi6h ) •._. / 1 l' / ie _z_z __., ;1 / , e. Site Design The site planning and design will create a distinctive environment to add to the overall quality of the community. Careful site planning will focus on the front relationship of the homes and visible elements to meet the demand and functional needs of the residents. Integrated into the dramatic desert environment, emphasis has been put on the luxurious front yard of each residence with the landscape elements, approximately 30 different convenient sitting areas, beautiful resident water feature areas, a large neighborhood garden area for residents to get back to nature, a play area for grandkids to enjoy while visiting, ramada for the family outdoor gatherings, and a large putting green to allow our wonderful adventurous residents to gather for even more socialization, thus creating a unique and well-rounded neighborhood! The sidewalk in the community will allow for a better circulation to each of these special areas for the neighborhood (see hardscape plan). tikw 19"4 raWANiik ,.,,... ;,.., r - -- ,, 34 I SawnllNi-xdJ V :aodOsao-ddad - -I VNODNb'S77/H NLLNnOd - — 60L6-666409d CUM TO'YN Id'11600WPM'M6021 r P ONVn37nOAONdnOdS'NOOZ6 8 4 NOIS30 waif1/321f113311HDINV 3dVOSONVI , ` , ; s77IH NIVIAII701 # 01anIS NOIS30 SNOSHVd �< �..� - g z.4< "'- ill A VA1 DNII/V3H 3HI Li ;,a °=a ,.� `.- ler p // �d"b \ `\ -1,>j . 7 / :411I •s :-.,, O b , 4' Oaf& ...‘, b- ,, N/ ..-446L 4is s, j ii W*14" ..iir __.*. -s, N ,/ 5e% „.. 1411,i , ,)* , ,i," Er III IPIF • 1 / '*74 ipL�I&i /i / , w; w;� ,; � � ,: w��-7 O. w"�,� ,w , / ,! �, -I: 1� Lys / i C Pi L i I y' ± Ira"' F Q L. �;� � / 1� 1 1 1 , ( I, eivierlem a I I 1 mulerai '1 1 I , , ,, , �. ww ' S !F p,:,, /.., wnisw nii lifIl �i: _ ip,itiogoir. ,, ,..,..., _, " , • .„. L._, ,, > mI, - -Yr \ O f&�tM ` 1 , a Cl B �� ff �,, .N \ Valilaillik;7167 ) / / , '''''''''>' >';` " /N 4 / //,'/ U z 5 6 t ,51,7,g§ 6 / h/ Z ',7), i i i ':5J,1 '' N. 0000 0 N ,+ ,11, s. -',....,...„<•:A.:„,,,,,`h N, f. Site Lighting The dramatic site lighting will comply with The Town of Fountain Hills lighting ordinance. Because of the numerous amenity areas, there will be sufficient lighting for safety and still allow the residence to enjoy the stars and outdoor activities. do a m r .., § q'r r''i •fit s i et 9.0 aS. .. ir{ 'JIN '"eW.' a . NAMx 36 LNC2 Cali HUBBELL Outdoor Lighting SERIES Job Type Approvals SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT IMAGE(S) " :'°` h"a Intended Use: Optical: ilt.14' iv', ;fa dearlr I ro r;annper 1.I D I NC2 IS depagrod tar p1,,. type II,Ill and IV distributions win zero uplighl:in- Ile r rrlatkx la safely.smartly and identity 1lie - dividual PMMA acrylic Muses for wide lateral 1lxnw. v�� pace%Ma't has no uptight and is neighbor Pelmet/Pelmet/ maximum control and efficiency,Acrylic diffuses rate typical mounting heights up to 1511 0,111s are included where leducctl LFD brigntneSs is desired r J a)>,Nlert tvilh an Jcrylic r iffiLs r nu ,-,'y troll GM Lunen Mailttenan:C: be used Jo'lower I l D hey rIn ncr building 196 al 60.000'es(Projected per IESNA TM-21 11), r I aide or ricer pedestrian areas Units have pro- sec toile on page 2 Ka all values lecuve rlvlycsle'finish fin long lasting ailtrea'ance Installation: Construction: Costruc die-BSI alilmin;nn'rausirxl pr0lcris(xxn- °rock-mourn;Maple'pnrvidef txlSy installation LNC2-12U1 LNC2.18LU 1 to wall or to recessed)unction boxes(4"square lxnents and ptwaVIS at'antithehxal fatterlranr4, Junction box).Gasket seal and secured 1>y two Casting homily conducts 110 heat to optimize tx'. Allen head hidden fasteners for tamps resistance fnmlanoe and hag f('Puler oriel flnLdt mvides durability u1 cwtn(xx anwranme Is. p DP-Signed for deer,!j-box mount or conduit toed inilleillk 42 Single SKI.Conduit feed not available wind BBU. Electrical: Options: •120V-277v un e.ial!voltaglr 50r160Ha 0-10V Controls: dimming drivers WIth diffuser Battery Back-up or Sewn, See Page 2.3 •Bntlrn plgt(IC(xrtrpt Iddisk l0('lflw'r energy Savings •3471/and 480V dimmable driver Om Ir1 121. • oceaparo:d sensor options available DillealONS configuration ler rxanpM)e,ouna1 and dines%Gwent(includes I • _. _ c •tleelrorrlr*mars 0,x,in 71,9t.and 121 unit; laryrry installed NO Innl 1wu cnwrrs in 181 unit, �� - •Miramurd operating temperature is-40 Cr-401 Egress:f ry trark-tm IXxrno..121 rnnfrgtrralion rnry— ^\\ •)reerr RnhtS and IPfi6 y ) "�--�, -_.^ I t povliMS 1 It average ever 16't x 48'W or 1 lc •Drivers have greater than 90 power factor minimum at 11 maiming height 1-2QC to 30C1 I • and kiss than 20%total Harnuxrm Ukslodt,n (see page 3)'(rr eludes tixtnr installed NO Ixto LED(S)CCT: listings: • — =r;I •3000K CCT nominal—80 CRI,4000K CCt •fit C Qualified(type:;III and fly(Snsull 01 C II I Pretrial—70 CBI.5000K CCT rtorninal—67 CRI wetrsire for mare details. lV •7 LIDS,18 input mils. s.dralver 1389 lumens with IlUR11/waefistu1(8Ll0:1IS,g1$VUPL With Battery Back-up 801PW dflcrenry at 5000K GCE •Lksled to 111 1598 for use;in total locations,40 C Of SenSU15 •9 LEDS.22 input watts.deliver 1745 lumens with ambient rnvironme'lts A B C B E Weight I BBU 8b LPW efllcaorry al 5000K C(11 -- - •12 LEDs.29 input walls,dniive!2420 lumens Warn*: 6.25" 1.6" 10.25" 5.6" 10.25" 7 0/15.0 lbs. five year limited warranty'(for more tnlornlatinn with 85 LPW efficiency al 5000K CCT cell n y _ 158 7 min 40.2 mm 260.4 min 142.2 mm 260.4 min 3.2/6.8 kg •1 B LEDs.45 input wolfs.deliver 3311 lumens altlifAwnr Awarlt Winner 201sAtrCe w4 tl •IES Pmgres Award Winner-2013 78 IPW etlld05cy al 5000K CCT •Braiding Operonur,Management 7014 SHIPPING INFORMATION MP Predicts Award-I NC2-181 U C•te*, who Carlon alrmml canon an'. NomMr Cm Length width I Prot P•r M•••• L'EfiTfFICATK '�5� (i$ ,, c •Ct e`y - Inch( ) Inch tom) Inch OM) p•a' SRlighting a LNCi2-ilia Ina re h) 45(37) II•(291 9412151 2_. �7 facts o, F(rndlr (41/g LNC2-1/Ku In B(L 7)1 rJe1 114(29) 84(21.51 2 ORDERING INFORMATION—ORDERING EXAMPLE:LNC2-12LU-5K-3-1 LNC2 i - — — — • SERIES NUMBER OF LEDS/SOURCENOLTAGE CCT IES DISTRIBUTION FINISH OPTIONS LNC2 I Tea,. 7LU 7 LEDs,18w input linivei:a' 3K'3000K nominal 2' Type II 1 Bronze PC Plroloconlrol LNC2 voltage 120-277V 80 CRI 2 Black (Must speclly inch- 3 type III victual voltage) 9LU 9 LEDs,22w Input.universe! 4K 4000K nominal y voltage 120-277V 70 CRI 4 Type IV 3 Gray BBU'4 Integral 1010 y for 12LUa 12 LEDs.29w input,Universal 4 While 120 only(must specify voltage 120-277V 5K 657 CPI0K nominal 5 Platinum i col o1 a 2cuter outage 67 fun in voltage categtwl 18LU 18 LEDs.45w input Universal rater'for-20'C to 30 C voltage 120-277V AM Amber(590 Urn available Sggu.c Motion sensor 0n/Off 12L5 12 LEDs.29w input,480V for•TWk Enradly''lnbscr control,No light output eatery applications 350 mA vficn no motion 12L6 12 LEDs.29w input.347V Iconsu@ Imlay', detected Haller,backup only nvaxabe on 121 rente not nveilabk•tin Carum:u SCP •ore-nil quality for OW "p PrapammaUle motion .Mnlare n with I lor 12d5 m 4 tin 2',7V ler 121 wm1 nab control factory detain! 'Mil!,man m,Mmur1 M nnr mom rMimt On rimer.hmmnln fnnnlg%0 Inv liar arlii,lablc dimming will,mirror; is 10%light output dorlOrucvlmrarnu',and ndro,nr inn Jlas 9n111n'..II(h'e 7:V only Pr l�� � rnmm vet apphr9dn M,included in acey {7M 'nail and redo+tensor collie capitol hry rerntii wie. r', 'HUBBELL Hubbell Outdoor Lighting•701 Millennium Boulevard•Greenville,SC 29607•Phone:864-678.1000 Outdoor Lighting Bee In our continued efforts In improve our prnducts,proow&specifications are subject to change without notice C.2015 a118nll l eMVKInl.lanwn merle-r).--.sw•r,en',ir-,,:,;rn:l'my a"'n.r'wvnan r.Nouldba.tom •P.oLfin 551i W1605100-S$0 ins 37 REPLACEMENT PART/ACCESSORIES CATALOG NUMBER I DESCRIPTION 93044013 FrostpN rnnlforl ehleld mlpmuc6 uniformity with only Sr,lumen reduction 'Slew nmISCP-REMOTE Remote control for SCP option Order al least one per project to program and•oil nl fixtures Lt:it . P. n Al M„ „ w p,I,- :Two.y; n o...o I W WYy AdIteNNAP nmmLM12 Wm antOlroM1c afyhpin eaM allot NA(fiAelem unk tklar'ellinG-120V w 277V only PHOTOMETRICS Without acrylic diffuser Without acrylic diffuser 1.11C7.12111 515 325 ' LNC2 1e1.1)511 a1ES % M 17. SW IN /, Y I� N M Y N N ,. PERFORMANCE DATA 5K 4K 3K (0100K nominal,67 CRO (4200K nominal,70 CRI (3000K nominal,70 CRI) M OF I DRIVE SYSTEM DIST. I T T LEDS CURRENT WATTS TYPE 1;LUMENS LPW' B U I O LUMENS LPW' B U G LUMENS LPW' B U 6 7 18W 3 1080 81 10 0 1 1421 82 0 0 '011, ray 0 1 0 1 4 1441 is, I o 0 1 1428 82 0 0 1 11).1 62 0 1 0 1_ 9 STD. 22% 3 I 1;4y tit I 0 1 _1766 86 0 0 I I lain 64 1 0 1 0 I_ n60ma) 4 '801, 88 0_ Q 1 1772 86 0 0 I 1317 64 0 I 0 1 12 286W 3 1 24(1 8' 1 0 1 2246 79 0 0 1 tars I 64 0 1 0 1 4 I 2485 /1 0 Q 1 2291 80 0 0 1 b 0 0__1 18 l 4A.5V/ 3 71 I ;4 1 0 1 3069 69 1 0 1 -^ 1 0 1 __- 1__ , 3602 81 1 0 1 3225 72 11 0 I 11 18 I u/ 0 I 0 I 1 LIDIMPPY,ale l,nu fl'1 rr-�r.f �.. •...Il timAlM/n IIt DTI,.'�,,. U 07 0,.,' I.l v nl ,,.t.n 1 '1 n,..hew'Aflua n.i..nniC fen O,L�,y l C:.ult ni end bow MIFyR,lR1P„1 An','.-r'..iti= PROJECTED LUMEN MAINTENANCE LUMINAIRE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE FACTOR(LATF) TPERATING HOURS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE LUMEN MULTIPLIER Ambient TM-21-11' L70 0"C 32 F 1.02 Temp. 0 1 25,000 50,000 I L96 60,000 100,000 (hours) 10'C 50.F 1.01 11111, 1 25°C/;/I- 1.00 0.98 _0.97 0 96 0.95 >791,000 ® .77( 40'C 1104 F 0.99 0.98 0.96 ® 68"F 1.00 0.96 O.BI >635,000 30 C 86 1.00 F 1.00 Lenistini p011(SNAiM2111•pinta 219&700m4p5"C Ts.10,000Mf1 _40•C 104:F _ 0.99 DCe tHererc0 it.r.ee7Oimo penaimMW ceoleC0MN Mt 1M DIC-12W-9r I.e model In R 41rC OW These 1 M 00Mrmwr A AIN/Iun,on Ru wen*serbient amerent.Ogee 0-I)I 0>l MY"el LEn Mena IM+IESNA LM BOOBUPTW „iralnrPC l,nn,0 eP't 132 lUA'r) ELECTRICAL DATA MOTION SENSOR I DRIVE CURRENT INPUT VOLTAGE I CURRENT I SYSTEM POWER 9 OF LEOS (n1A) AV) l (Amps) (w) 70 18 ®0 18 Iill: 9 '�i 'bill 22 I 277 0.09 22 1 120 0.24 26.9 12 STD.(700mA) _ 0.10 27.7 347 0.10 33.7 480 096 28.8, 18 120 0.35 4)__0 ! ,enso'Oars owlet conbol and energy sovirgo Witt SCO-OnV011 27/ 0-16 41 5 sensor o:SCP programmable sensor with Amiable onlay and t9mming 18 Amber f 120 I 2.68 32 0 j levels ff•aclory doleutl if,10%)—Both Mtreeny options VISIP(Kfp;Uw%w,hubbelllightinq.r,7m/solutions/ggnlrPLW fur cumin!a4Nlhrahu'„:' .twlr�.• HUI3BELL Hubbell Outdoor Lighting•701 Millennium Boulevard•Greenville.SC 29607•Pthone.864-678-1000 4M�1tF 2° Outdoor Lighting Due le m r Conlin 0 0FI0111,10 11111111141 our p rdlICts p nth el smote elms are subiect In Orono(wilhoul rob, "M' re Mar 0,1(1tlnn,I0NiING.All 11404,ReLeNed•Ins.•7v PI,+IN,-vrd up,wnlair wwwb10ne11M1644/.tom •Wn1MnUSA IARF000BC2-5PFC 1/15 I 38 LNC2 BATTERY BACK LIP (1111161I allt5 Side View 3/4 View Swoup.14 Muth tic tic Unit • Average Allimmum l ength 16' 15' 44-,ere^ Width I 112' 68' I %die Single tic 1 tc "T eA Unit Average Minimum • Length 1.13011 15' Morthrt Width MEM 24' I lir eenote WIAP Promos Lite Solely Code hews Illuminance of 1.0 Ic ASSuMer Opel'ePar, ohenClienq and',tem,height of 1 !Lao•{I for Illwariiban purposes only,poses sops.WWI lei Upper:MUM,layOut LIGHTING FACTS INC2-12LU-4K-3 LNC2-181.1.1-48-3 INC2-18111-51(-3 '"elers, 1110 ' — lighting facts lighting facts lighting facts. 204,1 ; 4620("0(0wh..0) =let— SON(0,11101, 111=5111111112=MMM225111111111 1111=511111111=17.511• 1111111111 1=111111110=a111 • Hubbell Outdoor•entitle•701 Millennium Boulevaid•Cr(mittlim SC 29607•Phone:864-678-1000 HUE3BE Lt. Outdoor Lighting Due to OM continued e—^..cik pretext r ere euteeul Ir.""OF'Ulr vmhoui nohce I.Allt0411140.0ft ins SSW 39 PROL (HID)— Providence Large Housing Scale TYPE • • I It.' .ino al reflector Tyoe 2,3,4.8 5 • lar.-,ir:u in lamp available • Inn rating , • Fewest cost finish,n 13 glardard colors well a pelVmct P'imer sealer 1 LUMINAIRE "2 LAMP/BALLAST 3 COLOR . 4 OPTIONS 5.MOUNTING I'NO'"(1111)) 1. LUMINAIRE 3. COLOR SPECIFICATIONS I11Q((Ail lemma:;lraw glass Inns) 0 AWT(Alrbr Wore) 0 CRT(Go,teal HOUSING Honionlal Reflector 0 Ot K Aria 0 MAL Wage Alurtananl The l,,,l.ve houS,n;l snail Ire Iwo.plac.ri danced ❑PROI•H2(WO, 0 MTB(MNlell'xlI 0 MOO(Marmara(ire) akrmrnum The Internal refacln'module Is scaic0 ❑Pk+UI:H317ppp3 0 DUN(Haar,wrl) 0 AFC(Anamr GISOI frog the Dula'housing win a one.1:a0ee.roan nay ❑P3U.•114 lippe4; 0 D57((YeA Bannai 0 1GY((Aahl(✓ey; relenlive.molded cihrnne ge;:kel The hanperod ❑rRO: IS(TiveA) 0 Mil(W1r.71lrre113,4454)❑ RAI tiR(MIIIM flat glass Ions shall r.c.iuolad IL(ha hurraing wall ❑ i1RM(Mdaaw pawn) COLOR(Arvid:WA() a slhcone,gasket One teem:sad 0tainless Weal latch shall release Ina do,'t'allow aroecs::Ill the ❑ `JI31(Mao Waal 0 Cl ISTOM COI OP ;Liu anev. 2. LAMP/BALLAST (Pravdacolm etnphr:malnunp) PIJ,LSE.STARI.METALHALIGS I I2l23T$/70271 w8 lelL2sl1 i REFLECTOR MODELS-REFLECTOR/LAMP Mbmrlh,IW(D I71apm ' 4. OPTIONS trio 0PPcr lamp housing shall be die cast ❑ 15OPSMI I aluminum The Internal reflegl 'mOrlulc,L:vaicd ❑S"K(( rairwsprM) 0 P/N(Foalionlal Wass) (foolIhn n.ner hrnr•ang will a one piece mrnnory Mdh'i bavn,(D?Vamp 0 Bi'3(Swans ema1Wassi 0 PCA a IHmabeenfoincenl ❑9SOnSMH 0 37,iPSMH p 'menthe,molded siticune gasket I he tempered 0"SS(Haase aide 514(41 Ivl amiable M1 Ime h[ardor)' lace tans CCCII be Lcalad:o the housing yam E ❑350PSM-, 0 AOOPSMH g g v.n msIlT; sa:cene gasket One ale.loss steel larch shall HIGH PR,SSSUBE..SQDISJM(110.41/8/240/?//m111N1415Il 0 l DI (bpyltydN;geekns I waled.la!M'$wredgtio$Lass ea5 !release the hors,In allow a,Cass to the lamp Trio Mapu'bpse.(P731i71aoyi a tightly Ohara Wash le nnr•Imur lie U%Y,arse mama;;41414mS$i "ie'Ipctor module shall toe compyoed us Inhaled. ❑ t50HP5 0 CEPS(heJrdp tnrlrelk:;and 1 4 rule raliswim;MO ON 1 spaocular and sem"sPecular arieIt cd aluminum M:tbolbam..Il,78(roa, lellnwrnp pose imklgir mffiI HID reUaro lot niMltisss(bang panel ng,dIy attached on a the cast aluminum ❑700HPS 0250HPS ❑400I1P5 Katmai,ndle plrneilMaisl nallapel hous h9The rellecsx shall De ism Ned without ❑Oi (Saner IOI l 4 Piro ran lamp held alma to a swath' tools ry rele.aeirly a Pa" i INDUCTION.LAMP(1.•a47/ABP40alNImllballast crMait(I amp walparma1rper&ballast wallapr1Mastb^Ire V o'eleellatehaGnte, L','L SI.RI rJ O ward in a sin Bala(71!unit Cn.i 1 (ellect°,fray shall be,relatable on 99'centers ❑Ii.55(55 wags) 0 ILK.185 wand tun orienting the tight d .isiribuii I he horilunla' ❑P(4(Parst lit;tale;fura471g2mm 011 pule) 'rellerl's shall meal ANSI II S standards lot toll A,alalstr am Ixlmry-slrealmr PI'vo8s.mess spXJm%I lanys 40 i cued'roflcclnt sralerns an:selai. 5. MOUNTING-Most Prose oar REFLECTOR MODELS-BALLAST � :The envoi bails>I ho;/Gong shall bT cast al;ri'iinurr, WALL ryfQSJN b WMA!i5 WMAS6 i The h1ol•les ballast access lot servlcmg Is accomplished by it(IOW le'turn notion 01 Ire+.cg POLE MQUN7 cwei 'h lr e ballast shall be mounted on a p'ewed or 0 S'A'' ❑SI At-7 'traywall a 000ck discunrrect 0 IRASt 0-PASF plug lla/.stint-nod le l ins unrtarvde of the covet.HID npllasts arc high PIER MOUNT 'priwo'factor rated lo'30'C starting.Socsets are ❑PM I 0 PM? 0 PM3 ,medium tale,G12'o'use will 16 lamps of n.o9u1 base pulse raaco porcelain.Ballasts are wired at she lactury ter Ill colts.unless Cpesalard. 1`(Ei.(Www.aai.noLt4'Arms,PBle@.A AG4'956IP7e5 i ,Seer nem'(Inge 577aUftealaate Gam. JOB TYPE NOTES 11 ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 16555 Fast Gala Ave.I City of Indusay I CA 91745 •I P 626.96B3l.5666 1 I 626 M1.2695 I www aal.nel I 1 Copyright T./2012 I REV 6 12 e tg d I E. I. t 4 i C) 40 PROL (HID)— Providence Large Housing Scale TYPE I 40 INSTALLATION&MOUNTING DIMENSIONS too ter gr(I'll)F';w:dencn.shall be<a<:tn:y cunpl•<rrl as a CoMplete wowed aStamhty,-N3 PHUT'Ill,anal)tAlf.. over a 5/127 mm open top pole Or 4'/IGJmm am and no i 2:i.6'IGODmrn - secured anal leveled wan CIillnle!:t Mel:CI Sct0W8, r FINISH I rxt'nn ilnn;h r onststs of a true,1*5n rlretrealrnnnr rngr'nen wnh a palyrne+primer sealer.oven dry orl end rub waled wan a Ihelrn0.301 64091'OIC 001yeisle'powder coat 1:12= y11III7. trawl'-he I,n:sh shall none'Inc AAMA 600.2 Par tarmansc -- — I yyp:ghr R� Specarca:ror which rr;larre:passing a 3000 hour sell ,r1, ~pray lac:IC'c0 ron uoc r0wan tdce. .\ CPA 1,33 39 967 989mm CERTIFICATION _ i no 1,,lose anal)oe holed wart E.T 1.lur oulduo',wet luurerun use Oonto•ms to the ILlS98 and Canacsan CSA Old. I]; • --- '; 022.2 no.250 vended,..roi5. WARRANTY tormOl nrUvrdenct HILT Is warranted ra,3years An/;rna.anorreed 1, l return roper replacernen'ar rrladr loa;rno cl the Prno.sct(51 ' I _ Sn511 Vi),t)lhrc warranty !Ps warranty embus only IC the use of Me Produal(s)as intended by AAt.end does not cove,pu!et,a'rns.rra.unterv,U'any mr5e0pkc aeon 01 tr1•2419e r/1 SSW,Prnd0C1(3).0,rn6:elt9h01'In ha2ar2o00 a'carroslvc env:runmont5.'Lon:ac,AAt la,complete PROL H5 400MH LDL WATTAGE 465 LOMEEN OUT PI IT:18098 EFFICACY'774 warranty langaage,excepGGns and la/stationt '—'- --'--^------_._..— -.. B4 UO G2 ear - Ixxrnlrn9 EJIIWARO LIG,+1 LT n.e2 H1H91n Mdligw Ft 30' 3 6% 1352 0.05 0.1 10 4.000 CM 6J` 619% 53'1 0.2 - . 15 1 778 F� 8C" 6 7% 2398 0.5 20 1.000 I VI1 90 0 6% 199 =t* 30 0.444 I ,I :IS 0.327 PACK LIGHT 4a 0.250 61. 30' 4.U% 158e 45 0.198 OM 60" 14.3% 5159 00 0,1E0 ©H 80" 5.7% 2046 IIPLIGHT0% 1 (NH 90• 0 3% 115 DOWNLIGHT 100% UPL IGHT ' 'it_ 100 0% p Ufa Inns 0% 0 20 MOUNTING HEIGHT C MI 11•1'W/Ole upnl to dunµ:pr,0leo Apt:Mk-VIM:,wrthuut nolo L:lli2 L'a 1l2.8..k6=T.d:1YSYN,aa1.fle; ARCHITECT twi.'AREA LIGHTING 16555 Eael Oak,Ave. I City of Industry I CA 91745 =n P 626.968.'6666 I 1 62G 36926�95 I wow.aal nal --... Cnpyrignl 1512012 I REV 6 12 12 I civr 41 PRSC— Providence Sconce TYPE I • • fun,.,1,11 I t••J., :lot t ON,-,nly, • 1 1" • :.1,opt•,,t,t,.1 t It,'ti Idltl.,,I,,,I!1.1,1,,,,`,,,,ei134 Avenel-4n yet••/wally.11111::(,1 1,,, ,),..•'...,I Illi'll • AWIllabit,wan rtownliont single SOWOO,orlitglVidOWnittittl will, • little SOilroe and tiplOttitinWohgtit with(Ittal i,outt,c, • ip(..t;;moo i • Avaliaillf•wail Fi 1 i(bib.t:Ot-Intlat'y OtIptr-Jog output!tot nut • Powtiot coat ht1i.1.11 Ill 13 Hl•ritiOol c olort vain ii Otsivrnot 1 pnritr,%toff?, 2 OUTPUT 1 LUMINAIRE 3 LAMP/LED 4.COLOR t 5.OPTIONS-INT ERNAL DECORATIVE • OPTIONS 3/ PRSC 1. LUMINAIRE 4. COLOR SPECIFICATIONS HORITONTAL LED C.F a'II 0 AWT plascliSna 0 t:ir 0:0,,,11 HOUSING 0 Pnsr.x CI Rt K(Niro 0 MAI fAialls.41seLause 1 he 11•100.hoto.log Ill otwt'mat,uttui aturt•ntint 0 MTR(Wm:No Al 0 UDC;(*than airy) T he il,-,:e%(1,:fs,Ifi c;,,,,r altartment.IltltplO and 0 I/13N(IM4 Oreesi 0 ATE,Plarme&rem: sectrad will.1vitt ilplop lalCile•tor folkonotrig 0 PROC 2(Ie y e 21 0 PE1SC 3 1 11TP,P a PRSC 4(i•VO4) ,—, L-1 hfiZ(Ilse tytesol 0 I CV II 0:ego aml iilleFoalaCtnitS 114,pr,,,,,,,y iont,15 CI prise w(Itoroseill Caton,Airont,Mesas ReanO El WIT?OV11X1POI(a010v)0 114,1/PREMIUM Immed tettopred glow.yeth A mowned shape 0 fiftM ekStelfie Brow) COLOR((Some.ilill I )1)5lI06 Wale,Tv.tvngle s)on-,Iv dveLtional 2. OUTPUT OPTIONS 0 MI Wive/me 0 CI ISTOM COI OB Cot-11104,81ton ilStO 0,MIlused lenE la 01/ells O ID IS/cia/c sem:1B77,,ateren agora) ltiovolo eV'Clot 10,ltt,:',,I' 0,',note itlo waif anti Ott:deal snesce :6:49ye10yi:4-4d,4"Ora'lenS TOtt HCCetir.,1i01)t ,..,,,,,a,,Ld war.8 memory rOlLtOtivO,Elubatey.ClUito0 t;Oil gasket Ti'tea/Olet.Inc.al acCess hat.a 3. LAMP/BALLAST 5.OPTIONS noltied Mk-ow plug to completely seal ma IP lore 111._LI EIN/,1 UrlIcAlo ko01 pist•ctI.is dot emanating Iforn the eleadmal t(III PLtsc.x 0(re..,Mosinee cow)lik'l,',off d Imo,Gaff sodoe mil few es>,eo r,s,nrisa: Al;vilemal I'll)extuttoll Ilerdwate LLD i tt itt.h.f,t' •• -;JAL/kart,ydttit ctatato/207ar,17/1 loilowlattaoli•oulitOr ottP;/Niro it Its 11•11t000rt.t.Ilany 1:4 saamlesr,stool stew nal to/Italy:MOS saffalc /IV flanierltif ferMae/asit Not D 3(..('r)ww 0'..,bi rr.)rtW for(IT) OPTICAL ASSEMBLY 0 01(Sc.))lo:d I 4 moo(x,esoor,one) Most ty)sad woe III"'`°11''''''''''''''''''1"k'I.r)4'''10),.`",110'..60'i COMI'ACLEUJOHESGLNI(120 lNo 2i7 sag ballast Soo.;ity ; M Opectutto seK,d1ZEKI ElltIlnarli MT 1) Ills outtIly tt,dt•pt Irc llitneielffiStaleMPI Or On b3Se A.1?0 4?we Nor I"'''V4"''''''1()""''''''.1 a"''''4460"g'I"'4'1'11 i4431 &O D':/1 1 Olowonie 3M(lle!U Cr 2 O(4ruontal NW *Aye)Not for LEO.CFI,CF2 or I(55 cod ,allaohett 1,art(Atonal...tn.moduir Tne relleckv 0 SE:13 IStotatv toneoe 13)))) 1,1,NM teloP of,emcit Pas 1 noddle is easily retcoved from Ine ballast brac101 .KBUC TION LAMP(IX ille 240 to.,/:off 25 C fIIII1.14,11enwi 6,,goed who))co,,,,(0 WOO woe,y),,,siestmed so),1;:),,,a4,4 1 by looservng Iota SCrewt.all tiling 1:Oul Tne 2D LJ II SS I 01 urthotl:4 dOWnibghi veratOo Inc:ludo,a 1,0cOrto DI(i MA,adfashl plass Imslored1,1.the ettlease and FOB PBSC-2./PFISC•3/PRSC74LEFISC-W tleteezi mai totoOlop.e).ale oeoe) i reflector assembly allaCtiati IQ the ballast toam•el • MEIAL HALIDE 020,249/2417,V/wit/704z 0 BB0 filuou.tup.iupw.ui,uk,our III,up p..,uue,upfiuu.s, :which threcls Int light energy In Ine dillused lens Maims base 10-I i tany (*NYS a WWI 010e Owing of the.7?wall lams soli ne 511) .Lesael for the secondary light oulpet The 2ft uplIgni 0 51/N,11-' 0 70Mil 0 100MH kreem OMNI km'or d?reif trw staht:230tenens Opeelloy I i stow:111V version has a Macke:assembly woo a r.9 tw.I 6)4.snot Noy tooperawee It tv't.i)..5!)T:IN Ci I(V CI P e01thitee'llei th,Iv ;10 nitOC:hold ireun a RI 1 i 14111,1•01,111,0 through the CI 7(1031-1T6 0 391,11-0 6 loleNall I secondary okay lens The relleclors shall meet 0 3.1i siv:,4a;-‘4,,,,,;:„,,,,,,sli,„00 0,,,,,I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,o,,,, ,ANSIEES standards tor loll,,,,a Olt 6,,,,,,,ti,..a,oy, kLEC1BONIC METALKAIJOE 11X)Ilse 2:7 soil; iltANt Nal StaltSsa”IlellaY Not available lot 2 fi output) PGA Iwo MI1,Maslow*:Noy ELECTRICAL Onrotoc 0 31111411:44r CT;;FV.1?(PO vNI.ww,lys oottaitol ryrra/yereytai 1,4110/1 t vh,ixilow,,,,„,,,,,,,,,d„L„,,,,,,,,,,,„(..1„,m.,,k, CI) MOO, We f 0 I).tsno O 50MHER CI:,tase.J-li WIPE Swop CS*naliabie will 10 output(Phoroost ntteler. w s soul), , ith A des:*disco/meal plug and removed by 0 SPC2/In%2/104,,7,:te time!Imre/01(k*1.101,1 lik,r11 1,,,,,,,,n,,,f,1,w,...„..thve,,,,,,,,,,,,un mmerLe, Sea.*valtdp/OrdyatarlaDie milt/0 areput(Plorocall ovlareo i HID b,01,„,,,,,high pow,lam,,8/tad In 0 391:1110EB 0 39141-1T618-14 1 1 I(2ft oplon only) i''''leU ' 30'"C stertog Socked am medium base Palsc PALLS L START 020/209/AP/21 toll MORO 0(lb I. trwace,Saw 11P'/''''''(RIT0T'lfRifia"M II! i rated porcelain Co. fluorer.cem sockets Mete alloloce'l reolaez MINN Maturn talc£17 1:toy lor a 26 32 os 42 wee lamp are 4 pin.G4240,4. 0 11,OPSI,AH a 1TPC:'7(Pim111'l ThWan il4102()817404'1''all("'/'''''''I`PA' ,wi)l:an elocaomc ballast.(Pf stareng Ballasts Os IP peat ePtolotecelllares and/p Whet I b(yaw tarry i We prewned al tnr."lac:troy les 277 yells,unless 0 150P5h4.1t, 0 iPc,lrhaloceil lielel(le ado Juke*,wilt ID oulool 'specified , ro,all Olsson:41m ogres) HICiHPRESSUBLSODIUM u,,,u,lki/14(4,',I7i vol(War ow000lloigeoos l s!! RIL rmp , . CYLtondadsotacya so lt,4 Peolialeve Only Mackae:at(rn/t"Watt See next ovge 0 50i IPS 0 TORPS a 109tIns available with rp output) 0 thoHrs 0 rt4,`riesolst sower RI I 1 i,wly yotaii food l'alloin OnN .nothibk waf,2R output) PJ-111.1PfLQQ,Stag(R10 two 27%‘,10 ballast) PG717 base cosmotaoy tlfl;CMATIVI OatIONS • 0 6000 . 0 PEN(GeV aertnuor Nual Lamle bias Cole'Only avaslable 44 tallish aro teeny woe I co 27'RI&001005SACINO lamps ore : yds.10.(pot) IICilKiai except LEO why CI OSE1(flaw vets osnital brass rolls) 0 DSP fikok.5/40 leinf,V le owl)teem who) JOB TYPE . NOTES ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 16555 Cam Gale Ave I Coy a Industry I CA 9 1(45 ambitedlural areitlightin P 62E—969 5666 1 r G21:369 2691,I www naI net g CogyogIn ES:2012 I REV 6 12 I 1 I III 42 1 PRSC- Providence Sconce TYPE FINISH DIMENSIONS ., wol,A 1,01Y,,,,fny.rl iii Oil!Its' ill&VI:OP will nfib(',III),TI IT I, hob: Itnisb bv, AAMA r YY:ladr., Yomy CTMOSt:. INSTALL A f ION 1,, Inr.11.1,f+IIIEE i',.891I ill,Down,I. !NI "Ill y;.I.Vi•V.,11,1‘., obit Kt tlq.r,ilonisof1 Elvrryr h 1 hlory t'101t oucjre I'll,lirawe lo PO,V.,811 0;11, on,/ rIVE,i9c:.1 desiqqf 4 CERTIFICATION 1%, it.3,It 111;30CI wI1,Cit ItIf 0X,1,30, "1, I tx,v,'11)1/Willil 0.4”1“31.0,1 III 1596 Owl 'S.ji,Sid C27 7 NO 756 II RohoGf.) V,rf It, WARRANTY rYiblIY.CI,Lco I,i1,1,1 I iro,,9111 eimuical ,:bniieviebis.IS Waltd11....6 1,4 V.0, HID 9,16,11 to'3 V(30,5 Ai, teltrn 3,A P:Olit/ClIV)Olaf!vow Th4 wananty aRtlhos wily;Cs the(Meryl intevoJecl by AA!tiro'.OOPS 710. PRSC 150IAH wATT46f- hIT, t DMEI,flilTIfiui 8034 ErriCAC., 1.01e1..Films tii0k/ftlifig 0,Orly MsappbCabon 01 nl,s1.,St,01 Said Proodel(s).0,vtRollfmnrIll.lwabiocis co‘rmb.f.. 7014- I umn45 014160 0% orodebruneills . L. 30 2044 It 1% yl i% DOWNVORT T0r11a3AAI I rornoleie waganti kopuallt egall*OaS 1007r01460,6 ,10 3(4): ?I)5% I 7.. l) (4./ 94.14 E,34.5e. If,4% RI All 212b 17 4% V CC e9:48 70 et," 10(19', I Pr, I tir.. lig, B631,1 10 8%. WO* 3SCC • ACM PRSC 36LED SW '3' I IMF t916 rrEIGACIY UPLIGHT DOWNLIGHT WO% 4,11 resefies fltf qgNit;070112f pralthlWeerfcilion$WAN!tklw IFS bias car_tylatinsiatimitza.ner ARCHITFCTURA1 AREA I IGHTINC 16555 COO'C;ale Ave. I Div of ImuRry I CA 91745 ardhillettUrall P 6?6 gbb 56EA, r 626 3439.2595 I wwwAel-el arealighting 2 I copyrtghl 21,3 II,I REV t;12 111, 43 Swoop 1212 HP 5,rvr,212 XVJP1E12 VanoaRes!s;• ., Project Information Y'v't' "2 Hiol Performance.E:., WALL/CEILING MOUN _ LAMPS LED C ON SPECIFICATIONS Description The Swoop 1211 series features a durable,color-impregnated,polycarbonate housing supported by a marine grade,die cast aluminum base plate to provide a lighting fixture that will survive in the harshest environments. Bezel One piece injection molded UV stabilized polycarbonate mechanically interlocked to lens. Minimum wall thickness shall be 0.140".Color is molded through entire part for scratch resistant finish Lens One piece injection molded UV stabilized prismatic polycarbonate with minimum 0 140"wall thickness.Available in Clear or Opal and secured to base plate with(4)concealed captive stainless steel screws.XWP and YWP models come with a chemically etched,scratch resistant surface painted lens Reflector Die formed,shaped for maximum efficiency and finished with high gloss electrostatically applied white polyester powder coat. Driver Constant current driver at 3S0mA, 120.277V.347V optional. LED Samsung LM561B Series 0 3000K,3500K or 4000K and 80 CRI wired in parallel-series. • L,,projected life of over 130,000 hours at 50eC. Ten year warranty on LED boards against operational defects. Base Plate Pressure die cast marine grade aluminum.Chemically primed and finished with electrostatically applied polyester powder coat. Gasket Closed cell die cut,self-adhesive neoprene gasket provided between fixture base plate and mounting surface.High temperature silicone 0-ring between lens and base plate UL Listing U.L.,C.UL.,Wet standard, 1598a Lifetime Luminaire LED Incorporated will repair or replace any fixture damaged due to Warranty vandalism for the lifetime of the installation. DIMENSIONAL DATA I A B C SWP1212 12.34 12 34 5,05 ^ XWP1212 12.34 12 34 5.05 � �------ t YW P 1212 12.34 12.34 5.05 S Sutton Place.P0.Box 2162•Ldison,NJ•08818 Luminaire Led ) P 732.549 0056 F.732.549 9737 Made in Luminaire LED Incorporated product,,are r*,anufacto od on the USA with components www.l Ulllillaireled.net C purchased from USA suppliers,end moot the Buy Anna roan requirements under the ARRA. Rev:1/1 5 1111;) 44 Swoop 1212 HP S,r/P'212 X WP?212 i'l NP 1212 hp$ I t.•tot rn<inct ORDERING INFORMATION SERIES LED CC I" VOLTS LENS COLORS OPTIONS r__..:__..I— — — 1— — TX/SD (REQUIRED) SERIES LED CCT VOLTS LENS COLORS OPTIONS SWP1212 15W HP 3000K 120-277 CP BLK- DIM XWP1212 25W HP 3500K Clear Black OCC YWP1212 4000K Prismatic WHT EMB2OR Standard White EMB23 OP BRZ- EMB125R Opal Bronze EMB375R Optional GRY• CAB Gray PC COST• GLR Custom Color DKO Consult Factory TRIM OPTIONS SWP1212 XWP1212 YWP1212 • OPTIONS DIM 0-101/dimming driver(requires CAB) EMS 20R Remote mounted micro inverter that will operate a 20W maximum load for 90 nunutes. 0"C(32"F)to SO"C(122°Fl Not available in 347V ,V�e EMS 23 450 lumen self contained 90 minute emergency battery pack CAB option required and included 0°C(32"F)to 50"C 1122°F) EMB 125R Stand-alone inverter that will operate a I25W maximum load for 90 minutes Select ceiling grid or surface mount.20°C 168"F)to 30"C(86'F) Not available in 347V EMB 375R Stand alone inverter that will operate a 375W maximum load for 90 minutes 20"C(68°Fl to 30"C(86"q. Not available in 347V CAB Ore cast marine grade aluminum back box Provided with(3)1/2"i.p.t.holes for conduit entry and'3) threaded plugs.Chemically primed and finished with electrostatically applied polyester powder coat PC Photoelectrit switch(requires CAB option) GLR Fuse and fuse holder. DKO Delete(3)1/2"i.pt.holes in CAB TX/SD TORXIT head bit 5 Sutton Place-P.O.Box 2162•Ldison,NJ•08818 Luminair a Led P 732.549.00.56 F.732.5499737 Made in Lurninaire LLD Incorporated products arc rnanulartured m thv USA with components mww.luminaireled.rtel purchased from USA suppliers.and meet the Buy Aniencan requirement:wider the ARRA. C 45 Swoop 1212 HP SWF1212 XV'P1212 11/ PHOTOMETRIC DATA Lumen Output Model Input Watts Delivered Lumens SWP1212 -15W 134W 1366 SWP1212 -25W 26.71A, 2724 SWP1212HO-40W 38.2W 3895 MODEL SWP1212-25W HP-4000K-CP IES FILE: SWP1212-25W HP-4000K•CP Delwered Lumens 2.724 Lumens Total Power 13 56W 'resting was performed In accordance with IES LM 70,08 '•"��6 Zone Lumens %Lamps lighting facts 0-30 670 24.6 0 40 1118 41.0 ux � 0-60 2023 74.3 60-90 649 23.8 0-90 2671 98.1 90-180 53 1.9 0-180 2724 100.0 t=a wic=immic=avo • 5 Sutton Place.P.O.Box 2162•Edison,N1.08818 Lumina. Led P.732.549.0056 F.732.549.9737 Made inLuminaire LED Incorporated products are manufactured ri the USA with components wwW.luminaireled.net purchased from USA suppliers,and meet the Buy American requirements under the ARRA C 46 Swoop 1212 HP SWP 1212 XWF1212 Var cial Resi r,, YWP1212 Hlol Performance LED •e Tw. :1 W INSTALLATION DETAILS Base Plate gu. 173q $. J t dd 4® bb nP c • • CAB drill punts l4? ,,Q • , d"k t q,< KO Detail I1�: I�III t 5 Sutton Place.PO.Box 2162•Edison,NJ•08818 Luminaire Led P 732 549.0056 F.732 549 9737 Mad¢in Lumiwdre LED Incorporated rrodvas are manufectumd in the USA wrth rorr>t�onanls www.luminalreled net purchased from USA suppliers,and meet the Buy Amwieen requirements under the ARRA 47 PROB - Providence Bollard TYPE • • •Warm wale arid pnyhl while LIPa oral HID Slips ova,a 3775mm petal for muun:nlg • Die • LaAI aluminum Gnrislrilcl(7110r rehabdll Y.511JSl • IPr G Raunq • corrwocadn aril Corrosion ins.le Irxa • Powrtn c oat linie.h in I3 slaada•d colors with a prtlyrnar • • • • Tnrl Muss access and ryrnnval of lamp and ballast txithor snake ' • Drtacl hilt rulNl ofairal system • InttxtK)1 a5yrnrnalnG and Symrnelrri cut-ell opt K;al;yRlronlf 1 LUMINAIRE 2.LAMP/LED 3.COLOR 4 OPTIONS 5 MOUN1 INC PFJ(1R 1. LUMINAIRE 3. COLOR SPECIFICATIONS SYMMETRICHORIZUNTAI OPTI(',ALSYSTLM ❑ AWT Wet Wrier; 0 111'4Ta:a/VW HOUSING ❑PROS Providence bollard ❑ HI.K fainki ❑ MAI (Mack.AltlrY7MTIl The La arto.housing anal rose are cos'akmrrnurr- ❑ MTR(Mi11e Bieck ❑ MDG(M%1ko Grey) free o1 any pcxoany.lorelpn materials or co':n laic ❑ DON((074kri1 0 SIT)(MIMr+y7raml Iillev. Ti,,,;hull r:h;dl br.5 in/I27 Mr/1 wad'•and 2. LAMP/BALLAST ❑ I1R7/Park&we) ❑ I OW amhl Gavel ;23 x1!'.14 nun hill,ervnr!y(161161 TF,elunrnum 0 W1721Wa)lhered&a1v"❑ RAI/PRCM0.1M yieldmy;:Iill,uc I rri{;li nI 4P;Mhos,The bedlasl LED(Warm whem(30 0K).Nelrrrar whrlr(42drlA'l liriphl one 1blettkl ❑ RRM(Mtlalin.&rave) CCOLOR(Pnwxln RAI I 'Is mnunled Internally and accnsswrl lay l009c/rang GYlllro'T/ICN!1 0 VRI lVvat facer ❑ 1:US1(lM COI OR '!hum sal Ac'nws One Mang the lyrtre load oft liar 19 walls five i (pr,wrerrd9,ir,,'ku rlichrug);shall Reliamtanp is dory by Ioospnrng a c".aplrve CI IOi OD YJV'7(Winn wade) :AtrOW no the side of the(infradurily enlr)srle CI 181..ED NW(Nealtal wade/ I OK:halyy an0 lillrnp lily finny hn hrrr,11 The Imps CItALEU- W Might while)oorlIs tempered plass.sealed to the housing with a 4. OPTIONS r:4e;nne gavkel All,normal inn external hardware 29 wan.Isar a 0 PIC;Painted brass:howl gap; Is siamlass:!eel The Iodise ill Sealed to prevent ❑271ID"W W(Warm white,) 0 17SC(Dom 5Aprap km,'liana bah rail I dila: ,mail yr rtNK$l;l'e mrnlay➢nalmll by ttalrrg ❑27LED-NW(Nellie,Woe) ❑PPS/S0uhs model Davi one•prece.memory nrlenave rrvJldod silicone ❑271..EU-RW(lJpnr wrldel ; 0 HSS(None srrk"uunld No/1nr1ID1 gaskets The Wore ensures larnl�rer resident 371.3/6 Tvye2 ❑I.DI.!lrphllyditi4A1kns) hardware ❑361..ED•WW/Warm while) , 0 BEG(Palley 0t:N'rpr powers thr Larry Sri loth rrrrutpnprarys ELECTRICAL ❑361 ro.NW(Nan±rat whet, (humpaprtan'/adore admit of liar 3.'mall lamp will M 5L5 The ballast ir,muegral to late!maim.mounted ❑3ol.CD-BW dkrgie whilpl luaxK OallMrl horu alp'42 war lamp will he 7.50 llrml^% on a preweed modulo wish a dock dtscrrxlte,: GOMI'AGTFLUORESOE5TIi2O6pu7I7wlll.ie s Sim* '• Olwrahrrrr;irnlurdivrePT1to55'C Iunnewd1;crmly) plug The ballad module liar,Iwo keyhole slots warrior 1,9'!'m:nxhxL Manor tenet - and is removable by krosenirgl two screws All GPO IaiO:15.2m 42 sea I,ym, Componorlts and materials are J 1. recogra[yd Sockelu are pulse riled prNcetanr HID ballasts ❑CI 5. MOUNTING are IKgh power lector.rated for 30"C sla•Iir 7 METAL HALIDE(l26/7A9/NO/77.7 mil badasll 0 F-I 147"oval!hetpafr2'/i7rmmMa.edrudcdlk;tad body' Me(11111N Ism porCeletu,seckols are 4KV Mednrrrr)use EO 171a711 ❑RD(47"0wyall herphI.e g 72/mm da malrrbed stnndt!b(plyl rehear RAllaa!s am wove aa the factory fax 277 ❑59M11 0 70MH 0 mow 0 nM(Semi ta;rssed pax mryrMl I volts.tiniest 5pecil1Pd CUnrfrac:Diem/scentG17hie 7 6ewranvc Mohr Lranalnnners are nlaelronec.170 through 777 volt ❑70MHT6 Y75di1Yat iti LI/tik torila tb"P..leek Arazaka t t5 for 26,370,47 wet;4 pin lamps Sntatlediiaa ELECTRONIC_METAL.HALIDE(PO 11ae7ll eill! REFLECTOR coy pGlS lose Mara Maslexevkn lxrpt.I201Ixu77r mil hallnl The rNleCcrn module shall be enmpnagd of a ❑70MMC 0 39MMG i spun.specula,aluminum panel rigidly al lathedMadam lam PD 17ram I,In the dy coal aluminum housing The hnritontal ❑50MI-IEB 0 row IER ❑IOCMHEB lamp reflectors shall nice'ANSI-IES standards In, • I lull cuipll classification G 17 base.I-keerantic Jane ❑39Ml'T61-0 0 70MRT6E0 HIGHPELESSURE SODIUM(150/208/246/77/vall6a;lasl) Medium Wk.IS I lamp Sec next page ❑501iPS 0 7oHP6 0 1001-IPS •• An taws are lam'',wiro3 Or 7/'volts unhi$s spccilrerl(amps net incliuk:t nitre'1 PO op/or. • it 1tJOB TYPE .'T NOTES ARCHITECTURAL.AREA LIGHTING • 14'dit'M 65li5 Eaai Gale Ave I City of Indusav I GA 91745 IIIIInahP 676 968 5066 I F 626.399"2095 I www eel net 3".:'t 6141114119. l opynghl 8r 2017 I RFV 6 12 I I I C 48 PROB—Providence Bollard TYPE FINISH DIMENSIONS r„1010 Amen shall ronsist of a live $1001 Ieal l e II Tolman will,0 OMyra 1)rxTNx Sealer nw:n rlr y oil and lop oaten vn 1 a IlaIrmosel super TGIC p lynr.lcr UOwd0r coal Ib x9 N:rmm qry li xa Tire•hlfllh shall novel ihN AAMA F0,2 prvrm l0ar er spoeiNC,al Or which r.1006!Oars)D a 3000I pair soh �� '••• spray teal I01 t'orrn Ur,n rtf:islanr:e CERTIFICATION The iwture i5 ilstdd won ETI.for o 85r101.wet Inrall0n taw. �:'•IA'%tf.70rnm WI 27 Ib5 IJL.1598 and Canadian CSA Ski C22 2 NO.250. IP Rahng 66 WARRANTY Prr1v0d0r0 y 1 ED.InCiuor+g I,0-,20m9 LEES and oko local •;pmla)noils.rr warran1el1for live yearn Prrrvrtlrmr[HID 15 warranlod Idr H year8 My lmalaiorzed rel urn.repair imo. replasorrinn�0r nlllclhcailor.dl Ow P1Od90(0 shall YEW llii warranty.Tilts warranty apl)11m only id Ole UM'01 010 Prr,ducHt)bsc murkier(by AAI cool n)el'no!50001 I0 0,0.arrm,mnu11011/j Tx ll0 rr 1 I l 1,ln.e 01 BOTTOM VIEW said P•Miucl(0)or m•L90050o m h lv e, a Slnvnrnmenit.."Conlali hAl In'r , IancIUdgc+a%Gapa)015,ono hrnhtelior, PROS 60MH WATTAGE 72 UJMrN 1•)UTru) I097 Er!IC ACY 49 B1 UO GO • IIPLIGHT 0% FORWARD 1 IGHT I OMEN DOWNLIGNT 100% FL 30 9.9% 306 FM 60 7.2% 224 FH 80' 0.5% 1R 81 rvH 901 01% 2 RACE I IGHT l RI 30. 9.9% 306 ° BM 60` 7 2% 221 OH 80' 0b% 15 BVH 90 0.1% c 'PLIGHT UL lOO" 0% O LJH 180" 0':. 1) 4'MOUNTING HEIGHT PROS 3BLED SW WATTAGE 37 LUMEN OUTPUT.2080 EFFICACY.56.2 Bt U1 GO — UPTIGHT 0.2% —FORWARD LIGHT LUNG DOWNLIGHT 99.8% EI. 30" 10% 207 0,001 FM 60Y 302% 627 PH 80' 9 6% 199 • FVH 9(T" 0.2°% 5 s. BACK LIGHT 1. .0 ... BL 30, 10% 207 BM 60' 30.2% 627 10 OH 80 9.6% 199 02 Us BVH 901 6.2% 5 on UPLIGP1T .01 UL )GO' 0"% i • UH 180' C 2% 4 4'MOUNTING HEIGHT AAl refer*.slW ngh110 L74NNp.111'YIUG.I(k'l.':!:Cdxnas w)lhoul r 0/07 I iL 15O5 Gan lIe found LII WWN API O}^f ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 16555 East Gale Ave. I City of Plduslry I CA 91745 f f�, ^'*y P 626.96E belie I F 626 369.2695 I maw sal.net 'f* Copynghi€,2012 I REV G.12 I 2 I 0 49 g. Landscaping A comprehensive landscape plan will be utilized to ensure the overall landscape design intent. The planting design will establish a strong visible link between new construction, neighbors and the native setting. All site improvements will be complimented with landscape of native trees, cacti and ground cover. All plant materials shall conform with The Town of Fountain Hills approved plant species list. The owner of the property shall be responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping including the public right of way (see landscape plan). Reuse of boulders on the site will be organized to blend in with the landscape. c ." fir• �` "1 .hip r" «�� o 11 �t". . 4; , , 1 .► ESL ...".t" .<,7��In'r^.a I. Mom'' ,4.v...' rw . 40 ill lir . ,„fi ti S 50 — 1 S3w0/I NI Wdi'1VY Y0.1 udavdaad Y 12 <a €Osb 6 O9d CIOSSN'N•OW'WVO TAH MBOZI _ b'NOZIN ffON67 OVS OO g Z Q N i ;. ONdA37(1O9ONYnOYS'N OOL6 NOIS30 NVean/321f IO 1IH02 V 3dV3SONV1 C.}T\ i 2 v`li OIOf11S NJIS30 SNOS21b dke' y S77IH�VldLnillOd _ Z< O L V AVM D/VIIIHH 9H,1 i I-) `C01, o 10 _, ,...kitr..*....,‘"'N,r....,, c;‘,:.z.?? B t17ikr,„ it IL ,�. \ ,hitZuevre ti \ `2:_ 5.•V /• Ri .ice \\`\ , \ Q ce ii tt eg ii;e1 Lrji 3 i y. / / rI .11111 ,1,'!If f:::Q- L I i �-• / w —1 L / ss , ss °fig ssss 2 , 2 • f ply F "" 1 I b 8 i e� %5 „ 1. '-.-4.4,`.. 1 ..ra 1 -•.,I $� £ 4 � i_.—] ' '. ,irjilmil.:, ' �'F� ' $pi � 3ait cg of i1 ,1 ; ggli ,,, - 1 ._.j 1.-' k. � ♦..: IIII1�`u w a s r All gsgsgg , e,,11511fr.._ ,....._ ,. ,,,,,..,..„,..„...,.,,,,,,, ,i i D., v it n'. i NE Vw P 4r T , ,` : k� � Piiii3 .6.8 8 VW. xIJ�Pysc. � 4 ym yE1 n md rc gv li •N • ® e • • ° o� 1 ; ,,r�x 00O/ 1414c. , * 0 +t• a. N,„..14 44,,,Ltt 4 /# . • ..: /Nsw Alt.!" ,,,er ///, ��o. " _' .4 4 ` , fir �\� ��4''e tall N, 4 '-i .,, \ P •. 1 ' h. Signage All proposed signage will be integrated with the overall community theme. All signage will be incorporated with care so as not to result in visual clutter within the community. Proposed signage will be at the entrance of the community on Trevino Drive and at the corner of Saguaro Blvd. and Trevino Drive. The owner of the property will be responsible for the maintenance of any custom signage. The signage will follow the The Town of Fountain Hills signage ordinance. The signage design will incorporate rusted steel, block walls and boulders to blend in with the Sonoran Landscape. Designs will be submitted for future approval. 4 ''' -''-. t .--1,,,‘ „. i' .., ., ,.*v t. 1114( . i ., , , .0 m°dx''$. a1° py' r ro 4tkit ...-3,4 A \ . '' , . . s' . • t rat' ,r's .,i, r 'YA'e •`;its 52 3. IMPACT ON FOUNTAIN HILLS • Local Jobs -- 55 • Development fee -- $121 ,000 • Rental tax -- $100,000+ • Property tax for Fountain Hills School District Visitors and residents will dine in area restaurants and shop at local merchants. A quality AL/IL will have a tremendous impact on the quality of life for the residents at "The Hemingway" at Fountain Hills. 1-1 �►x° New /14 • j4. "The Hemingway" a Sustainable AL/IL Community 53 "The Hemingway" a Sustainable AL/IL Community Listed below is a format of sustainable design incorporated into "The Hemingway" at Fountain Hills. • Landscape low water desert plants • Dual pane vinyl windows • Efficient AC units • Recycle • Energy Star Appliances • Low VOC paint / adhesives • Lighting CFL / LED • Garden area • Cool roofs • Increased insulation and improved installation • Low water toilets • Low water plumbing fixtures • Operation & Maintenance manuals for employees • Automatic humidity sensor and fan control in all bathrooms • Auto lighting sensors in baths, closets and specialty rooms The developer will create an environment for residents to support the community's commitment to environmental stewardship and integrate sustainability into the lifestyle of the community. This will be a unique one of a kind sustainable AL/IL community. «3 efrnte yaw a.ct, L 4tev B efo-re yaw react, thir k tiere spevtd/, earn/. t3efbre/yaw C4 tire/, wait. 3 e fore'yow pray, frn o-i-vex 13 ewe/yaw q L t, try. &AT-rte./it t e4n Autvaty C 54 • If� rze ti� ii L.,, Itti- lclr : ;... it t = !'�?lt (sail, l� tttra it \'( tt1 . e.if E1OttO 1"1C_' i rv. /t (?i`i:V' ;level- ft,?44' Cl-11\'tiliil 1. Eal`inest 7 Lci?it aq way k i', .7 . t r Iy ` ',4 F' }tt (1 $i ten.. p, t ,.'�' J� 7 r. ... ,i.f�'. 'f . •„�,I.- ter ' f ^'� s • _• , ! ✓ M1 ..„....*Olfr , Y Wh 4! .! T t ti d +�, , , `Q Y r . 55 ZZ t N01.140 - SN0UYnTEI § I ,;, , OMame OMwl 0aIS1eeV , ` s x 1 Ofl''JNLiYtlO 7 IIVEal'0l S3WQH NYWAAf1M1 2Y'STNt4 NIYlNf704 8• IL t z &§ O AYMJNIW3N c e 8 o $ I. s W e J b 1 ., u� ,'1r � C k 1' ¢ dr }' dji. `.. - 4 i it 3 t. sr� ��F � _� I �� iiii tl ;ii1; I ' r 1 1 .�Y 11 i U�'�' i...'e;. 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Ik / F • SZ SNOII1VA313 11OI1:131X3 % 4 4 3 'S0,10 b..WC ..a.r m% e V SNYld ONINV!!d 4 NOI1VONf1Od a.ins S a 0 i2V 'WM NIVJNSOd t9G @k d �1 4JNlitllqMV �!NJI830 I 83WOH ANVYVddf1V)1 �11V SAVOY 13e 1 e 3 k e E ar,.....,.K a I € a x rST A-F a, .0-n rn r.. r.0 a-.0 r.0 r 'Tr r r _. itI l-1 I I F ., „ .„. L ,„, 1,/„I iL ,/„I I I /��11 „��, I /' �11 / 1 r 1 � • Mini 11,1 I i Ill ICI I doni Ibl l i 1./NM§ i f b i� 1 rn 1a-2 1 d.-x I .0,. 1. r-a. .r� § ti 1IPuI :: ,.. ITH‘11 aI�4 ..-a t• H„„ I �p J I I k4 A i I a-a a-n b a-.i: a.� 1,_f•, a-r ai-a I.T-rian su 1.r� a-a I.rr'A ,1 S IL 1fl ill: •� ft- OF b °,. 1 ., 1 .1.111 Vt ` VIT.. J rF ..- 'l f .I 'ill 1 •►/1 _ ii � Aa. a-.T .- I p L IC � C� I �pI FT " Iii x - I x hill I I. I OE SNOILLVA313 t1OIH31X3 o N g s b•r w, -,0 . 4 SNKld ONIINVNd 4 NOI1vONf1Od .. g M IMO r h1 DTI'9NLidMO 4 IfJIS3U'01 S3WOH am.... N 'S'17H NIV1Nf10d 9 . 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