HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2015.0611.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION June 11,2015 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew,Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault; Commissioners Stan Connick, Jeremy Strohan, Howie Jones, Eugene Mikolajczyk, and Denise Ham. Also in attendance were Director of Development Services Paul Mood, Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator Robert Rodgers,and Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes Janice Baxter. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION DATED MAY 28,2015. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday,May 28, 2015, as written. Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED. Chairman Pew Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Mikolajczyk Aye Commissioner Ham Aye Commissioner Connick Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7-0. AGENDA ITEM #2 — CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED CONCEPT PLAN BY VLADIMIR BUER FOR "THE FOUNTAIN VIEW AUTO CENTER", A NEW AND USED AUTO DEALERSHIP AT 13040-13048 N. VERDE RIVER DRIVE. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE C-2 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER CP2015-03. Robert Rodgers gave the presentation and included a PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Rodgers stated that this application was submitted by Vladimir Buer requesting approval of a Concept Plan and a favorable recommendation to Town Council for a Special Use Permit for the "Fountain View Auto Center", a new and used auto dealership in the downtown area at the corner of Verde River Drive and Parkview Avenue. He added that the site consisted of two vacant lots on the southwest corner,with a total lot area of 17,806 sq. ft. Zoning is C-2 intermediate commercial and auto sales uses are required to get a Special Use Permit to operate in this district. He continued to explain that the General Plan and Downtown Plan designation was"Avenue District"and the proposal was consistent with the Downtown Plan guidelines. Page 1 of 9 Mr. Rodgers stated there would be one large 3-story building with a height of approximately 40' and 49,054 sq. ft. in size. Vehicle access to the 2nd floor and roof top areas would be via an internal vehicular ramp with a bay door in the rear of the building for access from the parking lot. There would also be glass sliding doors in the front for access from Verde River Drive. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that all vehicle display, repair, and storage would be on-site and added that the Plat 208 parking lots in the rear would be for customer use only and would not be used for inventory storage. Mr. Rodgers noted that the building would have a stucco finish with white and aluminum accents, giving it a sleek and modern look. There would also be large window areas for showroom display areas adjacent to the front of the building. Mr. Rodgers expressed that staff recommended that the Commission approve the Concept Plan and also that they forward a recommendation to Council to approve the Special Use Permit as presented and subject to the stipulations in the staff report, as follows: 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive Encroachment Permits for any work to be done within the public Right-of-Ways prior to the commencement of said work. 2. The applicant shall provide an approvable landscaping plan prior to the issuance of any building permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. 3. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. All utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of any Building Permit. 411) 4. No Occupancy Permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Said improvements must be approved by both the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 5. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement pursuant to the requirements outlined in Section 19.05.1 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance. 6. Signage is not included in this approval. All signage shall comply with the requirements of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance,Chapter 6 and shall require separate Building Permits. 7. Concept Plan approval is subject to Town Council's approval of the Special Use Permit request. Including any additional stipulations they may include. Vote was combined with agenda item#3. AGENDA ITEM #3 — PUBLIC HEARING OF A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY VLADIMIR BUER FOR"THE FOUNTAIN VIEW AUTO CENTER",A NEW AND USED AUTO DEALERSHIP AT 13040-13048 N. VERDE RIVER DRIVE. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE C-2 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER 5U2015-09. Public Hearing Opened at 6:33 p.m. There being no speakers,Chairman Pew closed the Public Hearing at 6:35 p.m. Page 2 of 9 AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT BY VLADIMIR BUER FOR"THE FOUNTAIN VIEW AUTO CENTER",A NEW AND USED AUTO DEALERSHIP AT 13040-13048 N. VERDE RIVER DRIVE. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN THE C-2 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT. CASE NUMBER SU2015-09. There being no questions or comments from the Commissioners the Chairman asked for a motion. Commissioner Howie Jones MOVED to approve the Concept Plan(CP2015-03)for"The Fountain View Auto Center"and forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit case #SU2015-09, including Staff's recommended stipulations. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault SECONDED. The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-0). AGENDA ITEM#5—PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON RESOLUTION 2015- 31, A PROPOSED MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS GENERAL PLAN 2010 — TOWN CENTER AREA SPECIFIC PLAN. IF ADOPTED, THE AMENDMENT WILL ALLOW AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY TO BE A PERMITTED USE WITHIN THE "SOUTH END DISTRICT". CASE NUMBER GPA2015-03. Chairman Pew simultaneously opened the Public Hearing agenda items 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13 on this project at 6:39 p.m. Mr. Rodgers gave the presentation and included PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit "A") involving the complete project. He said that the N-Shea Group,LLC was proposing"Morningstar of Fountain Hills",a 91-room, 111-bed Assisted Living and Memory Care Facility a the northeast corner of Verde River Drive and Paul Nordin Parkway. Mr. Rodgers explained that the site consisted of three existing vacant lots with a total area of 3.34 acres and was adjacent to the Lexington Inn on the east, and the "Village at Town Center Condominiums" to the south. He pointed out that the remaining property around the site was vacant and was currently zoned TCCD. Mr. Rodgers stated that Morningstar was a PAD proposal and in order for the development to be completed,five distinct requests must be fulfilled,as follows: 1. Resolution 2015-31, is a request to amend the Downtown Area Specific Plan, south end district guidelines to allow"Assisted Living Facility"as a permitted use. 2. Resolution 2015-32, is an amendment to the General Plan to allow a residential density increase from the current limit of 12 units per acre to 28 units per acre. 3. Ordinance 15-07 would amend the zoning ordinance to reduce the minimum lot size of a PAD in the downtown area from 5-acres down to 3-acres. 4. Ordinance 15-08 would approve the Morningstar PAD zone and district guidelines. 5. Concept Plan approval of the building and site. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that since the Commission was the approving authority over Concept Plans, it is appropriate to look at this request first and point out the following facts: • One large 81,550 square feet two-story building with a footprint of approximately 45,279 square feet Page 3 of 9 • Building height is just a bit over 31' • 91-rooms containing a total of 111-beds • Sixty-Three(3)rooms containing seventy-six(76)assisted living beds • Twenty-eight(28)rooms containing thirty-five(35)memory care beds • Two internal courtyards containing seating, water features, planters, shade structures, and outdoor dining areas • The front entry Porte-Cochere drop-off and pick-up area has decorative concrete and palm trees • The preliminary landscaping plan uses low water plants and other elements • There are 92-parking spaces in total with 4-spaces being ADA compliant and 18-spaes being covered parking • Main vehicular access is off Paul Nordin Parkway • Secondary access will be off Verde River Drive • There are pedestrian sidewalk connections • Mr. Rodgers also pointed out that the building has a footprint of over an acre in size and is two stories high. He added that in order to mitigate the design, wall bump-outs, roof line variations, changes in window treatments, wall color variations, and other methods to create visual interest would be incorporated so not to present one massive wall plane. Mr. Rodgers added that colors were earth tones with tile roofs and stone accents (color and materials board was provided for the Commission's review). He continued to say that the colors, materials, and architectural style met the recommended downtown area development standards of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Rodgers explained that there were two General Plan amendments being requested in this proposal. First; Resolution 2015-31; a minor amendment to the Downtown Area Specific Plan that would allow an Assisted Living facility to be a permitted use within the"South End District". He added that the applicant believed that the project created a good transition between the condos to the south and the future, denser commercial development to the north. Mr. Rodgers stressed that the proposal was not consistent with the stated goals of the Downtown Plan. Second; Resolution 2015-32 is a minor amendment to the General Plan that would allow the maximum residential density to increase from 12 to 28 dwelling units per acre within the Town Center area. Mr. Rodgers commented that the applicant believed that the density increase was needed in order for the project to make financial sense and also to support the future commercial uses downtown. He concurred that while staff hesitated to agree that the assisted living facility tenants would provide much support for the commercial activities, the basic premise of having a higher residential density in the downtown area was sound and was in accordance with the Downtown Plan goals. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that there were also two (2) zoning amendments being requested in this proposal. First; Ordinance 15-07 is a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance reducing the minimum lot size requirement for PAD zoning from 5-acres to 3-acres in the downtown area. Second; Ordinance 15- Page 4 of 9 08 is an amendment to the Zoning Map, rezoning 3.34 acres from "TCCD" to "Morningstar PAD" and would adopt the new PAD district regulations allowing the development of a 111-bed Assisted Living Facility. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the approval of Ordinance 15-08, effectively approved the project and created the zoning district regulations that would govern it. Mr. Rodgers had noted staff's objections to waiver items 4 and 5 regarding parking and trash in the staff report. Mr. Rodgers commented that Ordinance 15-08 could not be approved unless both the General Plan Resolutions(2015-31 and 2015-32)along with the zoning text amendment above(Ordinance 15-07)were also approved. Failure of any of those would disqualify this site for PAD approval. Mr. Rodgers noted that the staff recommendations were based on current ordinances, regulations and plans that have been adopted by the Town. It is staffs responsibility to point out whether a proposal is consistent or not with these rules and make recommendations accordingly. Staff recommended that the Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to DENY the Downtown Area Specific Plan amendment that would allow an Assisted Living Facility as a permitted use in the"South End District'. Staff recommended that the Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the Minor General Plan Amendment increasing the residential density allowance from 12-units/acres to 28-units/acre for the downtown area only. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed amendment to Zoning Section 23.06.(1)to allow for a 3-acre PAD within the downtown Area,as presented. Staff recommended that the Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed Morningstar PAD only"IF"the Downtown Area Specific Plan and the General Plan Amendments, as well as the Zoning text amendment allowing a 3-acre PAD, were also approved. If any one of those amendments fails,the PAD amendment would not qualify for approval. Mr. Rodgers stated that included in this recommendation was also staff s recommendation that the proposed PAD guidelines be amended per the staff recommendations regarding the parking space sizes and trash container waiver requests. Staff recommended that "IF" the Planning and Zoning Commission APPROVES the Concept Plan,the approval should be subject to the following stipulations outlined I the staff report. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault asked Mr. Mood if he had any information regarding the number of beds and occupancy rates at Fountain View Village. Mr. Mood answered that he had stopped by today and was told these stats by their manager. I was also told the majority of residents were from Fountain Hills or their families lived in Fountain Hills. Mr.Mood stated the following: 90-independent living apartments were 85%full. 68-assisted living apartments were 98%full 5-memory assistance apartments were 98%full 48-skilled nursing beds 16-special personalized attention beds(end stage Alzheimer's C Page 5 of 9 Representing N-Shea Group, LLC were the following presenters of a PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit "B")and made themselves available for questions from the Commission: Wade Felkins,Landmark Design Architects, Scottsdale,Arizona Bart Shea,President of N-Shea Group,LLC Matt Turner, CEO of Morningstar Assisted Living The following businesses and residents submitted letters to Staff to share with the Commissioners concerning this project, as follows: 1. Dohrmann Architects, Inc.opposing the project(Exhibit"A"). 2. Verde Valley Nursery in support of the project(Exhibit"B"). 3. Kern Realty,Real Estate and Rentals in support of the project(Exhibit"C"). 4. Craig Wilson Sales at Fountain Hills Motorsports in support of the project(Exhibit"D"). 5. Robert Rothbard speaker#1 opposing the project(Exhibit"E"). 6. David Bickler,MD speaker#2 opposing the project(Exhibit"F"). The following"Request To Speak Cards"were received: 1. Robert Rothbard a Fountain Hills resident opposed the project and submitted a letter covering his presentation and concerns(See attachment"G"). 2. David Bickler,MD,a Fountain Hills resident opposed the project(See attachment"H") 3. Clifford Lentz,a Fountain Hills resident opposed the project. __ _ 4. Lee Miller,a Fountain Hills resident opposed the project. 5. Yvonne Wyman, a Fountain Hills resident spoke in favor of the project. 6. Todd Brecto,a Fountain Hills resident spoke in favor of the project. 7. Gerry Gliva,a Fountain Hills resident spoke in favor of the project. 8. Pam Aguilu,a Fountain Hills resident spoke in favor of the project. 9. Mike Wager,a Fountain Hills resident opposed the project. 10. Phillip Blackerby, representing the Fountain Hills Design Center spoke in favor of the project. 11. Jay Schlum, a Fountain Hills resident spoke in favor of the project. 12. Lisa Wager, a Fountain Hills resident did not wish to speak, but indicated she was opposed to the - project. 13. Dana Thornton, a Fountain Hills resident did not wish to speak, but indicated he was opposed to the project. There being no other speakers,Chairman Pew closed the Public Hearings at 7:50 p.m. Page 6 of 9 Ce AGENDA ITEM #6 — CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2015-31, A PROPOSED MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS GENERAL PLAN 2010 — TOWN CENTER AREA SPECIFIC PLAN. IF ADOPTED, THE AMENDMENT WILL ALLOW AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY TO BE A PERMITTED USE WITHIN THE "SOUTH END DISTRICT". CASE NUMBER GPA2015-03. Chairman Pew requested questions and comments from the Commissioners. Commissioner Ham asked for further information on the surrounding traffic counts and explained that the report could change if this project was built. Commissioner Ham was concerned that the whole project was not presented to the Commission for their review and expressed her concern that too many residents were out of town for the summer and were not able to comment on the proposed project. After some discussion Chairman Pew requested a motion. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE Resolution 2015-31, the DOWNTOWN AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT to allow an Assisted Living Facility to be a permitted use within the "South End District" as presented and subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED. The MOTION CARRIED 5-2, with Chairman Pew and Commissioner Ham voting"NO". AGENDA ITEM#7—PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON RESOLUTION 2015- 32, A PROPOSED MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS GENERAL PLAN 2010. IF ADOPTED,THE AMENDMENT WILL ALLOW A MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY INCREASE FROM 12-DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE TO 27.25-DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE TO BE PERMITTED WITHIN THE TOWN CENTER AREA. CASE NUMBER CGP2015-04. Public Hearing Opened under agenda number 5 @ 6:39 p.m. and closed at 7:50 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #8 — CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2015-32, A PROPOSED MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS GENERAL PLAN 2010. IF ADOPTED, THE AMENDMENT WILL ALLOW A MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY INCREASE FROM 12-DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE TO 27.25-DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE TO BE PERMITTED WITHIN THE TOWN CENTER AREA. CASE NUMBER CGP2015-04. Chairman Pew requested a motion. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault moved to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE Resolution 2015-32, the MINOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT to allow a maximum residential density increase from 12-dwelling units per acre to 28-dwelling units per acre within the Town Center area as presented and subject to the stipulations outline in the staff report.. Commissioner Eugene Mikolajczyk SECONDED.The MOTION CARRIED 6-1,with Commissioner Ham voting"NO". AGENDA ITEM #9 — PUBLIC HEARING RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE 15-07, A PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 23.06(I). IF APPROVED, THE AMENDMENT WILL REDUCE THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT FOR PAD ZONING FROM 5-ACRES TO 3-ACRES. CASE NUMBER Z2015-04. Page 7 of 9 ® Public Hearing Opened under agenda number 5 @ 6:39 p.m. and closed at 7:50 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #10 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 15-07, A PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 23.06(I). IF APPROVED, THE AMENDMENT WILL REDUCE THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT FOR PAD ZONING FROM 5-ACRES TO 3-ACRES. CASE NUMBER Z2015- 04 Chairman Pew requested a motion. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault moved to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed amendment to Zoning Section 23.06 (I) to allow for a 3-acres PAD within the Downtown Area, as presented. Commissioner Eugene Mikolajczyk SECONDED. The MOTION CARRIED 7-0. AGENDA ITEM #11 — PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON ORDINANCE 15- 08, A PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING MAP. IF ADOPTED, THE AMENDMENT WOULD REZONE APPROXIMATELY 3.3 ACRES AT 16750-16820 N. PAUL NORDIN PARKWAY, FROM THE "TCCD" ZONING DISTRICT TO THE MORNINGSTAR "PAD" ZONING DISTRICT. IF APPROVED, THE REZONING WILL ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 111-BED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY. CASE NUMBER Z2015-05 Public Hearing Opened under agenda number 5 @ 6:39 p.m. and closed at 7:50 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #12 - CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 15-08, A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING MAP. IF ADOPTED, THE AMENDMENT WOULD REZONE APPROXIMATELY 3.3 ACRES AT 16750-16820 N. PAUL NORDIN PARKWAY, FROM THE "TCCD" ZONING DISTRICT TO THE MORNINGSTAR "PAD" ZONING DISTRICT. IF APPROVED, THE REZONING WILL ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 111-BED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY. CASE NUMBER CP2015-04. Chairman Pew requested a motion. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault moved to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed Morningstar PAD subject to the Minor General Plan Amendments being approved as well as the PAD guidelines being amended per the staff recommendations. Commissioner Eugene Mikolajczyk SECONDED. The MOTION CARRIED, 5-2, with Chairman Pew and Commissioner Ham voting"NO". AGENDA ITEM #13 - CONSIDERATION OF A CONCEPT PLAN, FOR MORNINGSTAR OF FOUNTAIN HILLS", A 111-BED ASSISTED-LIVING FACILITY LOCATED ON APPROXIMATELY 3.3 ACRES AT 16750-16820 N. PAUL NORDIN PARKWAY, FROM THE "TCCD"ZONING DISTRICT TO THE "MORNINGSTAR PAD"ZONING DISTRICT. IF APPROVED, THE REZONING WILL ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 111-BED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY. CASE NUMBER CP2015-04 Chairman Pew requested a motion. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault moved APPROVE the CONCEPT PLAN, subject to staffs recommended stipulations. Commissioner Eugene Mikolajczyk 111) SECONDED. The MOTION CARRIED 5-2, with Chairman Pew and Commissioner Ham voting "NO". Page 8 of 9 fri# AGENDA ITEM#14-COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (ii)directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM#15- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM#16-REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Mr. Rodgers stated that he had nothing to report. AGENDA ITEM#17-ADJOURNMENT. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m. and Commissioner Howie Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY(7-0). FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: , Chai Lloyd Pew ATTEST: 40 I k, Jartte E. Baxter,Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 11th day of June 2015, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 11th day of June 2015. k • 6u Janice E. Baxter, Executive Assistant Page 9 of 9 6/8/2015 MorningStar i MorningStar of Fountain Hills r Site Location Fpw.- e .. a 1+.^" -s ,�, MorningStar of Fountain Hills ire,., 91-Unit C la A`Assisted Living and Memory Care Development " . Fount nn Mlls Arizona ''t° ,t" 1,,. x a • tl MorningStar VING MorningStar SELII0A LIVING MorningStar ® MorningStar of Fountain Hills MorningStar of Fountain Hills South End District Site Plan • 'X Ii' o. ..r• i f '�1a - ' -t,' e '' ;; '' ,,,i:',;,..1-,.. .-,e..,.. 10' - ' (.- _.,...„..,,,e, . ,,,- b ... , .a • 1 ( p ► MorningStar is . SENIOR. MorningStar X,XlA OtOU> MorningStar of Fountain Hills MorningStar of Fountain Hills Elevations Grading and Drainage t�lm�b .. . yN.71. 1 , ( ) 1 '- f Er"4 l lin i. fir-rr m ' P { .I ..i_ 1127'•1n,_�� " —r t $T e l l _ I1 }7 '', y .` j 4', ri�q 1 I Y t r, a. ° ` ,i r,tr _ P A'i briar . In i i i i1i. i� i� .. --. .. 'r.. f a. rt� Exhibit "A " 1 6/8/2015 C- 1orpingStar el ,. MorningStar of Fountain Hills «s«r•�•o Landscaping 610 a 1 in. , -' MorningStar ii 1 a sib , __ c °-:l °II' I •• - I33 , 1 -IV- le .o do SENIOR LIVING rI I L �; ." A , �a�tiru;a new,light r .- 11 I I �. 11 i �tiviii � a �.. �.. �I a Presentation Regarding:MorningStar of fountain Hills 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 MorningStar •'+MorningStar Who We Are 0,4 L.N°,u. MorningStar of Fountain Hills `" "*°"u"'"` MorningStar is a developer and operator of high-quality senior What Are We Doing? living communities with a current portfolio of over 20 projects in Eight states. We were founded in Colorado in 2003 with the • 91-unit Living Assisted Living and Memory Care community following foundational principals: • All rental with no large entrance fees or"buy-ins" • Final building expected to be approximately 81,550 total 1. Honor God in our business practices and relationships square feet on two floors(i.e.45,300 footprint)on 2. Value all seniors as gifted and contributing individuals approximately 3.3 acres of land. 3. Invest generously in our employees'ability to serve rslirtq„ +fit. 111111.111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111 Illow— MorningStar MorningStar MorningStar of Fountain Hills MorningStar of Fountain Hills ��°•�� °� General Project Goal:Contribute to the Community by Creating Goal:Provide a high-quality option for aging residents to stay in Fountain Value for our Stakeholders Hills regardless of their lifestyle and/or care needs SENIORS NEIGHBORS CITY — .. Specific Project Goals: "Try I. 1. Provide a high quality option for aging residents to stay in Fountain Hills 3 regardless of their lifestyle and/or care needs niii It „ 2. Enhance and compliment the neighborhood 3. Create low-impact economic engine. 'r 1. 70+new jobs;$1.7mm+annual payroll ► - ,! i 2. Near-term taxes and fees exceeding$1.4mm 3. Low impact-extremely low traffic and noise,minimal use of city resources/infrastructure 11111111111111111M1.111111111111111111111111 iiiraminiimmamminen IL Exhibit "B" 2 6/8/2015 C •?+Morningstar Morn4Ota7• MorningStar of Fountain Hills ry MorningStar of Fountain Hills °Kt°<' f p g Orr ire f 1111, "tr MorningStar "�"MorningStar MorningStar of Fountain Hills 5/NiOR�yIH� MorningStar of Fountain Hills °° SlHip.�ed� ,�. // i Zr ".,/: d^'� . me so +4Mi" C, • . M�ningStar MorningStar of Fountain Hills �� 5ln°Kl,°°° Traffic Analysis Projected Trip Generation for MorningStar of Fountain Hills Am PM lend Use Oescdytion lit Code Quantity Units Oath Tnps Out Total In Out Total MMEMM •iOwre-Kimky Hwnarld Assarntrs,ING Trofflc Srady • Independent traffic study conducted to determine traffic impact • Trip generation rates calculated using the Institute of Transportation Engineers'(ITE)Trip Generation Manual,9`e Edition • Potential to generate 296 daily trips • 16 during AM peak hour • 24 during PM peak hour • Results in no significant change in traffic conditions or delays surrounding the project 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111 DOHRMANN ARCHITECTS, INC. Architects & Planners 16716 E.Parkview Avenue,#203 Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 Arizona License No.29578 Licensed in Arizona,California,Colorado,Florida,Minnesota,North Carolina and Texas MEMO TO: Members of the Planning and Zoning Commission Town of Fountain Hills FROM: Mark Dohrmann RE.: Assisted Living Proposal in Downtown South End Area DATE: June 11, 2015 I am writing concerning the request to approve construction of an assisted living facility in the South End District of our downtown.The developers are asking for significant changes to our downtown zoning, including the amending of our town's general plan and more than doubling the allowable residential density.As a local architect and twenty year resident of Fountain Hills I oppose the project for the following reasons: 1) Downtown Vision: In 2009,a significant number of our residents worked over a period of months with the Swaback Partners to develop a Vision Statement for the downtown area.The area where the assisted living facility is proposed was designated as the South End District,to be a neighborhood of moderate density,walk-up style townhomes and apartments.The idea was,as stated by Vernon Swaback at one of the meetings,to develop a neighborhood where residents could walk to the Avenue of the Fountains for morning coffee,dining,shopping or to go to work.To replace this distinctive,vital style of a neighborhood with an assisted living facility will serve to abandon an important part of the downtown vision. 2) Downtown Merchant Activity: Part of the purpose of the neighborhood envisioned in the 2009 Vision Statement was to develop a neighborhood that by the nature of its design would encourage the residents to frequent downtown businesses for dining and shopping,something that is sorely needed along the Avenue of the Fountains. If an assisted living facility replaces the walk-up neighborhood,downtown businesses will not see any meaningful benefit. Residents of the assisted living facility will almost always eat their meals in the facility and because of their lack of mobility will not likely spend time shopping on the avenue. 3) Density:The site is currently zoned for twelve(12)units per acre,which is appropriate for the neighborhood envisioned in the 2009 plan. More than doubling the density to over twenty seven(27) units per acre will not serve the town well and establishes a negative precedent for other development in the area. For these reasons, I am opposed to the proposed changes necessary for the construction of the assisted living facility and ask that you vote against the proposal. Please call me if you have any questions.Thank you. Sincerely, Mark ohrmann � Dohrmann Architects Inc. Exhi•bit• "C Tel:(480)816-1699 E-Mail:dohrmannarchitects@cox.net Cell Phone:n (602)8811-7004 rL d. 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D 10 ..**, ,,,,- ,'-** ' .: -. 7, ,i.., .. - --0Jr , ••,s'r:'t. * '''' ' 1 '' ;''. kw.f 41i1.- * ‘ - / a711 I 4 ; t • .4' • 0.0**,....1 • , ' ‘0".c. , ,6.',I , *,* ,0 .0,,,, •* tr"''' '; , 7 f e67 *.„S. s.,, „„,t.. , ' * &3 i I**ii 6..„,. •-/11*-.- . * g ,.., . ..A.A.• -, w 4-•4 j,„,4 p .14,,, .2 , , r 01 , ' - . ...y .., : t, • - .----,,,,, . . .._, , ,.. -.,... - , '4......"4-4,. ..... 4 .4 . 1! ik, v- 111r,, 41.sZt.t' • #0;..' N''. goit, 4 ,s.f. ....: 4 it 4, i I i i t 64 .. .., ... . • 4., . , „ 40, • 4414 4 i ."' os-.. •. -* , jamirm: -iv „I _ ... t ti .t . , At Pr ....-; Verde Valley Nursery 12025 N. Saguaro Blvd. Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Ph: 480.837.8131 June 11, 2015 Mayor Kavanagh and Town Council OFountains15P05:45 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 RCVD Re: First Phase of Park place Dear Mayor and Town Council, LaLLa Salma, LLC, dba Verde Valley Nursery, would like to offer our support for the project proposed by Vladimir Buer and the development at Park Place. We believe that such project would benefit our town in numerous ways such as: Offering new commercial business Sales tax benefits for the Town Additional jobs for the community Attract clients from other areas to Town Increase traffic to other business I appreciate your consideration of the project and hope that you would approve the development and bring these positive attributes to the community. erely, ---`" S ousa Slaw Exhibit "D" Kern Realty Real Estate & Rentals 6/18/15 Mayor Kavanagh and Town Council 16705 E Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 n6-1 1 _15P05 : 45 RCVD Re: First Phase of Park Place Dear Mayor and Town Council: I would like to offer my support of the project proposed by Vladimir Buer and the development at Park Place. The benefits to the Town are numerous, but several key positives that I associate with the project are: 1. Offering new commercial business 2. Sales Tax benefits for the Town 3. Additional jobs for our community 4. Attract clients from other areas to Town 5. Increase traffic to other businesses (housing, restaurants, etc.) I appreciate your consideration of the project and hope the consensus is to approve the development and bring these positive attributes to the community. Sincerely, Phyliss Kern 4 16742 East Parkview Avenue#3 4 Fountain Hills,Arizona 85268 480-837-5833 Exhibit «E" www.kernrealtvrealestateandrentals.com Dear Mayor Kavanagh, 6/11/15 As a 14 year resident of Fountain Hills I wish to provide my opinion regarding the Car dealership that is being proposed by Vladimir Suer. Firstly, I want to share a story from 14 years ago when I first came to Fountain Hills looking for a new residence. When my wife and I asked our real estate agent to take us "downtown" for a tour. she took us by Bashas then down Ave of the Fountain and back up Parkview. I don't remember my exact words to her but I can tell you that I felt that we have no downtown. The dirt overwhelms the established buildings. I don't want to go further except that I had/have the impression that we really don't have what I consider a true downtown. I support Vladimir's desire to put a first class car dealership on one of the dirt lots and recognize the risk that he is making in trying to do so. His success will not only benefit Fountain Hills in terms of Tax Revenue but also will bring much needed jobs to our town as well. Thank you for your consideration. Respectively submitted, 'jdt1„,- isp0 5. 45 RCvD Craig Wilson Sales at Fountain Hills Motorsports Exhibit "F" Exhibit "G" 000c f2fi Mr. Chairman and Members of the Commission, C/N, It is an honor to be here amongst so many pe ple who care deeply about their community. T i is what democracy looks like! I'm here tonight to ask you to rf+ 2 prove the 9ilon Annendmentplot at this time, not with this scope of work. Instead, send it back to the developer and ask for his complete plan for all of the parcels including behind the Community Center and along the Avenue of the Fountains. We are told the Assisted Living Facility needs to be approved now. Why? Your being on vacation in July isn't a reason to act tonight with a piecemeal approach to developing this entire area. This project has been in the works for many months and it can't be the financing will be taken away if ground is not broken on July 1. Moreover,there is no reason to do piecemeal,foot in the door approvals. Some may say what's the harm in approving this project and working out the rest of the plan later? As the developer has stated, he is committed to building out the entire area and that is what the tow rants. That is what is in the General Plan, Mixed use Development. So the type, scope, density of development)ari4 height for the entire area is what is really at stake and what we need to see. The fact that the Developer exercised his right to show only this facility and seek immediate approval does not obligate the city to go along. As public servants your only obligation is to promote the best interests of our town! The most critical matter surrounding this request and the developer's plans was best expressed in a message to me from one of the Council Members. He wrote that this project (in its entirety) will help clearly define the F in Hills downtown. He is right. And that is exactly why it must be seen as a whole plan. In addition to the Aii#eld Facility,there vould be 400 apartment units, 50,000 sq. ft. of retail space, most of which would be in four story high buildings along every foot of the Avenue that forever take away the beautiful view, and an estimated 1,000+ parking spaces. The very look,feel and brand Fountain Hills is on the line. The Councilman also stated that this project is needed because the residents here are not generating enough sales tax revenue. The Census Bureau estimates that there were 23,235 residents in 2013. I don't know what percentage is "snowbirds", but 600 new residents including children living in apartments with rents below the surrounding area are being counted on to change the economic landscape of Fountain Hills. Really? The Developer said there will be medium income people who work in Mesa etc. but live here. How do we know that? For any that do,they would not be here all day five days a week. What shops are we talking about? We have plenty of retail here already that is struggling. Businesses in other parts of town might move to the Avenue to save themselves money,for them no new jobs would be created. And even if all of the claims a°re true, are there any other locations to build apartments and retail? Absolutely,just one block away. There is a huge tract of land surrounding Ace Hardware, Bashas etc. If all it will take is 600 more apartment dwellers to save our rtty budget,why not aggressively pursue alternatives? WhatI comes down to is we have land that no one has been able to obtain financing to build on until perhaps now, and the needs money,the vacant land s� la i an eyesore, and I was told any project will block the view. So if it's nixed use development,just approve something. This is a watershed moment for Fountain Hills. Our town is a special place with a unique avenue that has just been completely renovated. This is our heritage. We are the care taker of its beauty. Just approve something. We deserve better. in conclusion, whether or not you think having vacant land is an eyesore, and it will be good for Fountain Hills to build pui .gat many apartments and stores on the Avenue from G ty Hall to Saguaro Blvd, or you believe the four story buildings will be the eyesore, and Fountain Hills property values will go down if this project is built, we must see the entire plan, so everyone can make an informed decision. Send this project back to the developer Thank You C (or June 11, 2015 Mr. Robert Rodgers Exhibit «H" Senior Planner&Zoning Administrator Development Services Department 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Dear Mr. Rodgers: I am writing you to express my opinion regarding the proposed MorningStar Assisted Living facility construction in the TCCD corridor of Fountain Hills. As a physician who is familiar with the operation of assisted living facilities in Arizona, I cannot emphasize to you enough how important it is for these facilities to be have as priority number one the health and safety of their residents. One crucial element in achieving health and safety goals for their residents is the decision on where to locate an assisted living facility. Ideally,the facility should be located within a very short distance of fire and emergency medical responders. There are several reasons why it is necessary to have fire and emergency medical responders available as quickly as possible to respond to situations at an assisted living facility: 1) Residents within assisted living facilities are often frail and unable to care for themselves, and are especially vulnerable to severe consequences during emergency situations - such as a fire, accident, injury or health crisis. 2) Residents often have dementia and are unable to understand or comprehend what to do when danger arises. The more rapidly that trained EMS personnel arrive on scene can make a great difference in managing the situation, and not making a situation more serious. 3) The vast majority of assisted living facilities in the state of Arizona (including two MorningStar Assisted Living Facilities) do not have surveillance cameras within their facilities - whether that is within private rooms, dining rooms, hallways or 4 other facilities where residents may be during a given day. Privacy is a commonly cited reason why cameras are not present,but in their absence,the facility must rely co. heavily on the supervision of residents by staff- which can be limited even in the best of assisted living facilities. Because of this an injury or accident may occur and not be immediately observed by staff - and this can further delay the arrival of 911 Emergency responders due to the fact that they are not contacted at the precise time of the injury/accident/health crisis. To illustrate how crucial the location of emergency medical responders is to the successful operation of an assisted living facility- I will use two examples of existing assisted living facilities within the town of Fountain Hills. Fountain View Village, located at 16455 E.Avenue of the Fountains,the largest assisted living facility in Fountain Hills, is located extremely close to the Fountain Hills Fire Department Rural/Metro EMS at 16426 E. Palisades - probably no more than 100 yards. Also,the new assisted living facility recently approved near the corner of Shea and Saguaro is a very short distance to the other location of the Fountain Hills Fire Department Rural/Metro EMS at 16831 E. Saguaro - probably on the order of several hundred yards. As I have stated, there are important reasons why it is critical to have emergency responders so close to assisted living facilities - time is of the essence when the initial responders (on site staff) have not become aware of a crisis situation when it immediately occurred. And this occurs very frequently within assisted living L facilities. Seconds do matter when a resident is seriously injured or has a health crisis. Given the above scenario, I cannot understand why construction of any assisted living facility is being proposed at its current location within the TCCD corridor- a considerable distance from fire department and EMS service? What compelling reason is there to have an assisted living facility at this location? Have other locations been considered that are closer to Fire/EMS service, such as the large parcel of land in the Bashas Grocery Store area (the northeast corner of Avenue of the Fountains/La Montana extending to Westby/Palisades Blvd)? It is essential that the Fountain Hills Town Council/ Planning Board ask themselves the following question when deciding whether to approve this proposed assisted living facility: what compelling reason is there to have an assisted living facility at this location? (especially when other two other assisted living facilities - including one that has operated successfully in Fountain Hills for greater than 20 years - have recognized the importance/necessity of being located so near to 911 Emergency Responders). I hope that the Fountain Hills Town Council/Planning Board remembers that the health and safety of senior citizens of this community is far more important than any trivial financial benefit that could be gained at their expense. Sincerely, David J. Bickler, MD 16800 E. El Lago Blvd. Unit#1053 Fountain Hills,AZ 85268 Cell Phone: 602-670-1435 L