HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2014.0925.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS
September 25,2014
Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Commissioners: Angela Strohan,
Stan Connick, Steven Harris, and Howie Jones. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Director of
Development Services and Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner.
Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault and Commissioner Gene Slechta were absent.
Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent
No one wished to speak.
411) Commissioner Strohan MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, August 28, 2014,
as written. Commissioner Connick SECONDED.
Chairman Pew Aye
Commissioner Strohan Aye
Commissioner Connick Aye
Commissioner Harris Aye
Commissioner Jones Aye
The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present (5-0). Vice-Chairman
Archambault and Commissioner Slechta were absent.
Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the Public Hearing at 6:35 p.m.
Senior Planner Robert Rodgers addressed the Commission and reviewed the information contained in the
staff report.
The Planning&Zoning Commission formed a subcommittee in February of this year for the purpose of
reviewing the hillside disturbance and the way the disturbance and disturbance envelopes are calculated.
The subcommittee reported its findings to the Commission on July 2411i and made six recommendations
for revising the hillside protection ordinance section standards in order to simplify the calculation
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• process and to allow for a greater degree of flexibility during hillside lot design and development. The
Commission accepted the report and directed staff to initiate the amendment process. He indicated that
Ordinance #14-08 was before the Commission tonight, which was drafted to reflect those
recommendations and contains the following changes:
1. Allow a 20' wide driveway path exemption between the front property line and the
garage door,or front of house if there is no garage.
2. Allow a 10' wide utility trench exemption subject to written confirmation of the
requirement from the utility that the trench be outside of the driveway exemption area
and that the trench area be re-vegetated.
3. Slopes shall be considered"Hillside" slopes if they are 20%or greater(currently that is 10%).
4. Up to 40%of the "Hillside" slope areas on a residential lot may be disturbed.
5. Commercially and Industrially zoned properties shall be exempt from the hillside
disturbance limitations.
6. Residential lots that are zoned R1-6, R1-6A, R1-8, R1-8A, R1-10 and R1-10A (Small
Lot Zoning) shall be exempt from the hillside disturbance limitations and be 100%
e Mr. Rodgers stated that staff recommends that the Commission forward a recommendation to the Town
Council to approve this ordinance amendment as proposed and presented.
There being no speakers, Chairman Lloyd Pew closed the public hearing at 6:40 p.m.
Chairman Pew advised that he had a couple of minor technical changes noting that in the exemptions,
Section C, #2, the 20' wide exempted band for the driveway doesn't mention measuring to the house if a
garage or a carport isn't there; it states to the nearest garage door or carport. The second change was in
Section 2, Paragraph A (regarding methodology). He read the last part of that section, "whether a
subdivider chooses a lot by lot hillside protection option or a hillside transfer protection option set forth,
the actual square footage of disturbance in one slope intervals can be transferred into a lower slope
interval". He stated that did not seem applicable to the situation being proposed since we only have two
intervals(one at 40%and the other at 100%). Chairman Pew commented that prior to that,there had been
four intervals and you could take area in the steeper interval and add it to a lower interval. He asked staff
to look at that and determine if it was technically correct.
Development Services Director Paul Moon stated staff could look at that.
Chairman Pew acknowledged that the ordinance addressed everything that the Commission had set out to
accomplish as it addressed all of the issues, made a simpler calculation, and had cut down a lot of
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Chairman Pew MOVED that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the
Town Council to approve Ordinance #14-08, a proposed text amendment to the Fountain Hills
Subdivision Ordinance revising the hillside protection standards in order to allow a greater degree of
flexibility during hillside lot design and development. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the
MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present(5 0). Vice-Chairman Archambault
and Commissioner Slechta were absent.
Mr.Rodgers asked if those technical questions were intended to be included in the motion;Chairman Pew
clarified that yes,they were technical wording issues and meant to be included.
Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or
(ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission.
Chairman Pew asked for an update on the department's Executive Assistant and the new positions being
Mr. Rodgers stated that there were three new commissioners of which two are returning commissioners
11;;;) (Commissioner Jones and Connick). The new commissioner is Jeremy Strohan. He commented on the
fact that this was the last meeting for commissioners Slechta and Strohan.
Mr.Mood commented that they hoped Janice would be returning in the next two to three weeks.
Chairman Pew asked about the joint meeting with the Town Council and Mr. Rodgers confirmed that
would be held the third or fourth week of the month in October.
Mr. Mood indicated there weren't any agenda items scheduled yet; Mr. Rodgers suggested the
Commissioners provide items for the joint meeting agenda to him so that Chairman can work with staff to
prepare the agenda.
Mr.Mood gave a brief update on the median project at the request of Commissioner Jones noting that the
project was ongoing; once the pavers were completed on the east end of the plaza, the fountain
subcontractor would start working on the pebbletec and tiling and then the pathways. He noted that then
they will move into the underground irrigation and then do the landscaping and the trees/plants. He stated
that contractually the construction is to be done by October 20t. He indicated that he was unsure at this
time if they would meet that deadline as they have a lot of work that needs to be done. He explained the
current delay regarding the turf situation noting that he anticipated an update form the contractor next
week. He pointed out that the construction fence was to stay up for an additional month to allow for the
establishment of the grass and plants; therefore, even if the construction date were met, the earliest that
construction fence would go away would be the first week in December(in time for the Stroll in the Glow
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Commissioner Jones MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 p.m. and Commissioner Connick
SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present 5-0. Vice-
Chairman Archambault and Commissioner Slechta were absent.
hai Lloyd Pew
-if TL'X..
IDI hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the
Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 25th day of September, 2014, in the Town
Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that
the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present.
Dated this_7`h day of October,2014.
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ORDINANCE NO. 14-08 -_ f. PAP I
WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town
Council") adopted Ordinance No. 96-29, which established the Subdivision Ordinance for the
Town of Fountain Hills (the"Subdivision Ordinance"); and
WHEREAS, Sections 5.02 and 5.04 of the Subdivision Ordinance contain provisions
relating to grading and hillside disturbance that limit the amount of disturbance allowed on lots
with slopes in excess of 10% (the"Hillside Requirements"); and
WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend the Subdivision Ordinance to modify
the Hillside Requirements to allow for greater areas of disturbance on certain lots; and
WHEREAS, public hearings regarding this Ordinance were advertised in the
September 10,2014, and September 17,2014, editions of the Fountain Hills Times; and
• WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning & Zoning
Commission on September 25, 2014, and by the Town Council on October 16,2014.
SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are incorporated as if fiilly set forth herein.
SECTION 2. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Subsection
5.02.B (Grading Standards), is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
B. Grading Standards. Unless exempt pursuant to Subsection 5.02.0 of this
Article, the following grading standards shall apply to all property within the
corporate limits of the Town.
1. Residential Property: The area permitted to be disturbed on any platted
residential land is unlimited on terrain sloping less than 20%. Terrain
containing slopes equal to or exceeding 20% is limited to 40%
disturbance, as set forth in Subsection 5.04.A of this Article.
a. When the subdivider has granted a Hillside Protection Easement(s)
and/or has donated undisturbed hillside land to the Town or to a
• Town-approved land preservation organization in an amount
necessary to satisfy the hillside protection requirements of this
Ordinance, all areas outside of the Hillside Protection Easement(s)
and/or preservation lands may, be disturbed.
b. When no preservation measures have taken place in the platting
process, the disturbance allowance shall be in accordance with the
grading limitations of Subsection 5.04.A of this Article.
c. If a residual area remains after computing the allowed area of
disturbance of a lot or parcel, and any of the following conditions
apply, the Town Manger or authorized designee may allow the
property owner to disturb all or a portion of residual area under any
of the following circumstances:
1. The residual area of the lot or parcel was previously
disturbed during subdivision construction.
2. There are no rock outcrops, significant topographic features
or significant native vegetation to be preserved.
3. All adjacent property owners were permitted to disturb
property adjacent to the residual area.
• d. There shall be no waiver by the Town Manager or authorized
designee,for disturbance of residual area that:
1. Contains rock outcrops, significant topographical features,
significant native vegetation; or
2. Abuts land dedicated in any form as non-disturbance or
open space, such as wash parcels, native open space tracts,
Hillside Protection Easement(s), or other non-disturbance
areas on privately owned land.
2. Grading of All Un-platted Land, Regardless of the Base Zoning
District: The area permitted to be disturbed for all un-platted land is
unlimited on terrain sloping less than 20%. The area permitted to be
disturbed on slopes equal to or exceeding 20% is set forth in Subsection
5.04.A of this Article.
3. Grading for Non-Residential Structures in Residential Zoning
Districts: The limitations on grading area for non-residential structures in
residential zoning districts as specified in Subsections 5.02.B.1 through
5.02.B.2 of this Article,may be waived by the Town Council.
4. Grading for Parks and Golf Courses: The limitations on disturbance as
,m., specified in this Article (including area of disturbance as well as height
and retention of cut and fill) may be waived by the Town Council for the
:- ;., 4�r it
development of a park, a golf course, trails or other recreational
development that does not entail a building or buildings as the primary
purpose of the development.
5. Grading for Utility Lines: With the exception of power lines capable of
carrying 69kv or more of voltage, utility lines shall be located
underground. Utilities must be located within allowed disturbance areas as
outlined in Subsection 5.04.B.1.b of this Article.
6. Road Grading: Grading for roads is subject to the cut and fill limitations
of this Article. These limitations may be waived by the Town Council.
7. Total Disturbance: All grading, including subdivision improvement
grading, and/or disturbance performed subsequent to September 20, 1991
is considered to be cumulative under this Article.
8. Disturbance Limit Fencing: Prior to the issuance of a building or
grading permit, and prior to any disturbance activities, a six foot high
imbedded chain-link fence shall be installed on the disturbance limit line
as identified on the approved site plan for the site. The disturbance limit
boundary shall be established and staked by an Arizona-registered land
surveyor. No disturbance limit fencing shall be located outside of the
• surveyor's staked area. Appropriate warning signs in English and Spanish
shall also be posted at least every 100 linear feet on the required fencing.
The Town Manager or authorized designee shall inspect the fence,
signage, and surveyor's staking to insure its proper location and
construction prior to the issuance of the building/grading permit for the
site. Such fencing and signage shall be maintained in place throughout the
grading/construction process and shall only be removed after a final
inspection or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Town.
These regulations may be waived by the Town Manager or authorized
designee if 100% of the lot on which the construction activity is permitted
has been graded or disturbed as part of an approved subdivision grading
9. Disturbance Buffers:
a. It is recommended that all proposed non-disturbance areas or
Hillside Protection Easements be located not closer than:
1. Eight feet from any building.
2. Five feet from the outside face of any retaining wall where
the retaining wall is supporting a fill slope.
• 3. One foot from the "day lighted" top of a maximum one to
one cut slope,the toe of such slope beginning at the bottom
rv: r
4111 of the outside edge of the footing for any retaining wall
where the retaining wall is supporting a cut slope.
4. Three feet from the outside face of any other wall or fence
or the edge of any fill grading.
5. One foot from the edge of any cut grading.
6. Ten feet from any sewer lateral, or five feet from the edge
of any utility line trench,whichever is greater.
b. If disturbance does take place within a non-disturbance area or
within a Hillside Protection Easement, all construction and grading
activity on the site shall stop, pursuant to a Town-issued stop work
order. The stop work order shall remain effective until the
property owner and the property owner's authorized
representatives, either jointly or severally, do all of the following:
1. Provides the Town with a revised site plan prepared by an
Arizona-registered land surveyor that accurately depicts the
area and size, in square feet, of the disturbance into the
non-disturbance area(s) or Hillside Protection Easement
• area(s).
2. Provides the Town with re-vegetation and irrigation plans
prepared by an Arizona-registered landscape architect for
the non-disturbance or Hillside Protection Easement area(s)
3. Causes the non-disturbance area(s) or Hillside Protection
Easement Area(s) to be re-vegetated and irrigated
according to the submitted and approved re-vegetation and
irrigation plans.
4. Pays to the Town a fee, in an amount determined by the
Town Manager or designee, per square foot of disturbance
that occurred within the non-disturbance areas or Hillside
Protection Easements on the property.
10. Columbaria Disturbance Exemptions by Special Use Permit: The
development of columbaria, including any accompanying features such as
walkways, may be exempted from the regulations of this Subsection
5.02.B by Special Use Permit pursuant to Section 2.02 of the Town
Zoning Ordinance, if all of the following conditions exist:
• a. The columbaria is an accessory use to a church.
75' 2
b. The columbaria and any accompanying features shall be designed
to minimally alter the existing topography and vegetation.
c. The columbaria and any accompanying features shall be designed
so that any Natural Features are not disturbed.
d. The building area of the columbaria shall not exceed 10% of the
total building area of the church buildings.
e. A landscape plan prepared and stamped by an Arizona-registered
landscaping architect, which plan meets the applicable landscaping
regulations of Article VI, Section 6.05 of this Ordinance, is
submitted and approved by the Town Manager or authorized
11. Pad Elevation and Building Location Certifications: Prior to the
approval of any building stem wall inspection or a pre-slab inspection,
whichever occurs first, the property owner or his/her designee shall
provide the Town with a certification statement that is prepared, stamped
and signed by an Arizona-registered land surveyor, that certifies the
finished floor elevation(s) and the horizontal location of the building. Pad
elevations and building locations must be accurate to 1/10th of a foot as
® compared to the approved site plan or an amended site plan. The
requirements in this subsection may be waived at the discretion of the
Town Engineer.
12. Stabilization of Slopes: Slope stabilization is required as set forth in the
Town's most recently adopted version of the International Building Code,
as amended.
13. Pre-Grading: A grading or building permit shall not be conditioned on
altering, modifying or not utilizing existing grading, if the existing grading
work was completed in conformance with valid permits, and does not
present a threat or danger to the proposed development or neighboring
properties. This provision does not prevent the Town Engineer from
requiring necessary documentation of site suitability to assure soil
stability, compaction, and other geotechnical purposes.
14. Restoration of Graded Surfaces:
a. Vegetation shall be reestablished on all exposed fill slopes, cut
slopes, utility lines, driveway(s), and graded surfaces, except for
cosmetic landscaping abutting buildings in accordance with the
standards established in Article VI of this Ordinance. Newly
exposed rock faces shall be stained to match adjacent areas of the
ruvi7 A eri
b. This re-vegetation process shall be completed prior to the final
approval by the Town Manager or authorized designee, unless a
specific exemption is granted by the Town Manager or authorized
designee. Grading and other improvements for drainage and
erosion control purposes shall also be completed and re-
vegetated/landscaped prior to final inspection.
15. Dust Control: During all grading, and until re-vegetation or site
restoration is completed, dust should be minimized by application of
approved dust control methods.
C. Exemptions:
1. Lots used for governmental purposes and owned by utility companies that
are regulated by the Arizona Corporation Commission, and lots owned by
other political subdivisions of the State or Federal government, are exempt
from the hillside disturbance limitations of Sections 5.02 and 5.04.
2. A 20' wide band of primary driveway access (measured from the back of
curb to the nearest garage door or carport) is excluded from the hillside
disturbance limitations.
. 3. A 10' wide utility trench exemption may be allowed, subject to written
confirmation of the requirement from the utility company stating that the
trench must be outside the driveway access exemption. Such exempted
area must be re-vegetated upon completion.
4. Single-Family Residential lots zoned R1-6, R1-6A, R1-8, R1-8A, R1-10
and R1-10A shall be 100% disturbable and exempt from the hillside
disturbance limitations.
5. Non-residential property in Commercial or Industrial zoning districts shall
be 100%disturbable and exempt from the hillside disturbance limitations.
SECTION 3. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Subsection
5.04.A(Purpose; Methodology),is hereby amended as follows:
A. Purpose; Methodology. The purpose of these hillside regulations is to limit the
amount of hillside disturbance within each subdivision. The amount of hillside
area that may be disturbed shall be based on the severity of the slope. Hillside
areas shall mean any area having slopes equal to or greater than 4-0 20%, as
measured from a topographical contour map prepared and stamped by an
Arizona-registered land surveyor. The Town requires the submission of
topographic contour maps having contour intervals not greater than two feet and
at a scale not smaller than 1" = 20' for sites less than 10 acres. Sites 10 to 100
acres may utilize contour intervals not greater than five feet at a scale not smaller
than 1" = 50'. Sites over 100 acres may utilize contour intervals not greater than
five feet at a scale not smaller than 1" = 100'. Individual non-contiguous areas of
hillside or non-hillside that are less than 500 square feet that are located within
larger areas non-hillside or hillside, respectively, may be included with the larger
area of non-hillside or hillside that surrounds it. Whether a subdivider chooses
the Lot-by-Lot Hillside Protection Option or the Hillside Transfer and Protection
Option as set forth in SubSections 5.04.G.1 and 5.01.G.2, respectively, the actual
square footage of disturbance permitted within one slope interval may be
transferred into areas having lesser degree of slope. The percent of slope shall be
determined by the spacing between the contours lines as shown on the preliminary
plat. Following are the land disturbance allowance of slope interval areas of 500
square feet or more:
on Disturbance
Allowance (%)
-�0 g 100
40--420 .70 3-0
20 <30 Sr0 20
90 49
0-20% 0 100
20%+ 60% 40%
SECTION 4. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Subsection
5.04.B (Exemption; Calculations), is hereby amended by adding a new Subsection, 504.B.1.c, to
read as follows:
c. All lots and uses deemed exempt under Subsection 5.02.0 of this Article.
SECTION 5. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Section 5.04
(Hillside Disturbance), is hereby amended by deleting the Illustration of Preservation
Requirement, in its entirety.
SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this
Ordinance is for any reason to be held invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of
competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of
this Ordinance.
SECTION 7. The Mayor, the Town Manager, the Town Clerk and the Town Attorney are
hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents and take all steps necessary to carry out the
purpose and intent of this Ordinance.
PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills,
Arizona,October 16,2014.
Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk
Kenneth W. Buchanan, Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney
of-tti T f t n u'" "SECTION 1. The
- end-ment - th Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5;-5 (Grading Standards),Section
5.02.B, be amendedSubsection 5.02.B (Gradi Standards). i hereby deleted in its entirety and
replaced with the following:
B. Grading Standards. Unless exempt pursuant to Subsection 5.02.0 of this Article,
the following eradin tandards shall apply to all property within the corporate
limits of the Town.
1. Residential Property: The area permitted to be disturbed on any platted
residential land is unlimited on terrain sloping less than 20%. Terrain
containing slopes equal to or exceeding 20%is limited to 40%disturbance;
as set forth in Subsection 5.04.A of this Article.
• 0
C ,• . .
l -a. When the subdivider has granted a Hillside Protection Easement(s)
and/or has donated undisturbed hillside land to the Town or to a
Town-approved land preservation organisation in an amount
necessary to satisfy the hillside protection requirements of this
Ordinance, all areas outside of the Hillside Protection Easement(s)
and/or preservation lands may be disturbed.
e—b. When no preservation measures have taken place in the platting
process, the disturbance allowance shall be in accordance with the
grading limitations of Subsection 5.04.A of this Article.
d--c. If a residual area remains after computing the allowed area of
disturbance of a lot or parcel, and any of the following conditions
apply, the Community Development Director orTown Manger or
authorized designee;may allow the property owner to disturb all or
a portion of residual area under any of the following circumstances:
1. The residual area of the lot or parcel was previously
disturbed during subdivision construction.
(be 2. There are no significant areas of native vegetation to be
preserved.3. There are no rock outcrops, significant
2 04;942220t10.2
(kw topographic features or significant native vegetation to be
4:3. All adjacent property owners were permitted to disturb
property adjacent to the residual area.
ed. There shall be no waiver by the Community Development Director
or'fown Manager or authorized designee,for disturbance of residual
area that:
1. Contains rock outcrops, significant topographical features,
significant native vegetation-,-3 or;
2. Abuts land dedicated in any form as non-disturbance or open
space, such as wash parcels, native open space tracts,
Hillside Protection Easement(s), or other non-disturbance
areas on privately owned land, etc.
2. Grading of All Un-platted Land, Regardless of the Base Zoning
District: The area permitted to be disturbed for all un-platted land is
unlimited on terrain sloping less than 20%. The area permitted to be
disturbed on slopes equal to or exceeding 20% is set forth in Subsection
5.04.A of this Article.
3. Grading for Non-Residential Structures in Residential Zoning
Districts: The limitations on grading area for non-residential structures in
residential zoning districts as specified in Subsections 5.02.B.1 through
5.02.B.2 of this Article,may be waived by the Town Council.
4. Exemptions:
€�. Lots used for governmental purposes and owned by utility
companies that arc regulated by the Arizona Corporation
Commission and owned by other political subdivisions of the State
or Federal government are exempt from the lot disturbance
limitations of this subsection.
b. A twenty (20') foot wide band of primary driveway access
(Measured from the back of curb to the Garage door) is excluded
from the land disturbance area limitations.
c. A ten (10') foot wide utility trench exemption may be allowed
subject to written confirmation of the requirement from the utility
company stating that the trench must be o
22201-10 12220110.2
d. Single Family Residential lots zoned RI 6, Rl 6A, R1 8, RI 8A,
RI 10 and RI 10A shall he 100% disturbanle and exempt from the
Hillside Disturbance limitations.
c. Non re-*
districts shall be 1-00% ; i
Disturbance limitations.5. Grading for Parks and Golf
Courses: The limitations on disturbance as specified in this Article
(including area of disturbance as well as height and retention of cut and
fill)may be waived by the Town Council for the development of a park,
a golf course, trails or other recreational development that does not
entail a building or buildings as the primary purpose of the
6:5. Grading for Utility Lines: With the exception of power lines capable of
carrying 69kv or more of voltage,utility lines shall be located underground.
Utilities must be located within allowed disturbance areas as outlined in
Subsection 5.04.B.1.b of this Article.
are only exempted from the hi ide distu banc•
e regulatio m-i'Tis
Ordinance if the level
• 7-:6. Road Grading: Grading for roads is subject to the cut and fill limitations
of this Article. These limitations may be waived by the Town Council.
8,7. Total Disturbance: All grading, including subdivision improvement
grading,and/or disturbance performed subsequent to September 20, 1991 is
considered to be cumulative under this Article.
9,8. Disturbance Limit Fencing: Prior to the issuance of a building or grading
permit, and prior to any disturbance activities, a six foot high imbedded
chain-link fence shall be installed on the disturbance limit line as identified
on the approved site plan for the site. The disturbance limit boundary shall
be established and staked by an Arizona-registered land surveyor. No
disturbance limit fencing shall be located outside of the surveyor's staked
area. Appropriate warning signs in English and Spanish shall also be posted
at least every 100 linear feet on the required fencing. The Chief Building
Official, or his/herTown Manager or authorized designee(s), shall inspect
the fence, signage, and surveyor's staking to insure its proper location and
construction prior to the issuance of the building/grading permit for the site.
Such fencing and signage shall be maintained in place throughout the
grading/construction process and shall only be removed after a fmal
inspection or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Town. These
regulations may be waived by the Community Development Director
erTown Manager or authorized designee if 100% of the lot, on which the
Lor construction activity is permitted:has been graded or disturbed as part of an
approved subdivision grading permit.
1-1-;9. Disturbance Buffers:
a. It is recommended that all proposed non-disturbance areas or
Hillside Protection Easements be located not closer than:
1. Eight feet from any building.
2. Five feet from the outside face of any retaining wall where
the retaining wall is supporting a fill slope.
3. One foot from the "day lighted" top of a maximum one to
one cut slope,the toe of such slope beginning at the bottom
of the outside edge of the footing for any retaining wall
where the retaining wall is supporting a cut slope.
4. Three feet from the outside face of any other wall or fence or
the edge of any fill grading.
5. One foot from the edge of any cut grading.
r. 6. Ten feet from any sewer lateral,or five feet from the edge of
any utility line trench,whichever is greater.
b. If disturbance does take place within a non-disturbance area or
within a Hillside Protection Easement, all construction and grading
activity on the site shall stop, pursuant to a Town-issued stop work
order. The stop work order shall remain effective until the property
owner and the property owner's authorized representatives, either
jointly or severally-flees,do all of the following:
1. Provides the Town with a revised site plan prepared by an
Arizona-registered land surveyor that accurately depicts the
area and size, in square feet, of the disturbance into the
non-disturbance area(s) or Hillside Protection Easement
2. Provides the Town with re-vegetation and irrigation plans
prepared by an Arizona-registered landscape architect for
the non-disturbance or Hillside Protection Easement area(s)
3. Causes the non-disturbance area(s) or Hillside Protection
Easement Area(s)to be re-vegetated and irrigated according
2 2O4#04222011Q.2
to the submitted and approved re-vegetation and irrigation
4. Pays to the Town a fee, in an amount determined by the
Town Manager or designee, per square foot of disturbance
that occurred within the non-disturbance areas or Hillside
Protection Easements on the property.
10. Columbaria Disturbance Exemptions by Special Use Permit: The
development of columbaria, including any accompanying features such as
walkways,may be exempted from the regulations of this Subsection 5.02.B
by Special Use Permit pursuant to Section 2.02 of the Town Zoning
Ordinance,if all of the following conditions exist:
a. The columbaria is an accessory use to a church.
b. The columbaria and any accompanying features shall be designed to
minimally alter the existing topography and vegetation.
c. The columbaria and any accompanying features shall be designed
so that any Natural Features are not tior d. The building area of the columbaria shall not exceed 10% of the
total building area of the church buildings.
e. A landscape plan prepared and stamped by an Arizona-registered
landscaping architect, which plan meets the applicable landscaping
regulations of Article VI, Section 6.05 of this Ordinance, is
submitted and approved by the ' Development
13irectorTown Manager or authorized designee.
13. 11. Pad Elevation and Building Location Certifications: Prior to the
approval of any building stem wall inspection or a pre-slab inspection,
whichever occurs first,the property owner or his/her designee shall provide
the Town with a certification statement that is prepared,stamped and signed
by an Arizona-registered land surveyor, that certifies the finished floor
elevation(s) and the horizontal location of the building. Pad elevations and
building locations must be accurate to 1/10th of a foot as compared to the
approved site plan or an amended site plan. The requirements in this
subsection may be waived at the discretion of the Town Engineer.
1=1:12. Stabilization of Slopes: Slope stabilization is required as set forth in the
currentTown's most recently adopted version of the International Building
Code,Chapter 18 and Appendix Jas amended.
43-- grading
:13. Pre-Grading: A or building permit shall not be conditioned on
altering, modifying or not utilizing existing grading, if the existing grading
work was completed in conformance with valid permits, and does not
present a threat or danger to the proposed development or neighboring
properties. This provision does not prevent the Town Engineer from
requiring necessary documentation of site suitability to assure soil stability,
compaction, and other geotechnical purposes.
1-€�l4. Restoration of Graded Surfaces:
a. Vegetation shall be reestablished on all exposed fill slopes, cut
slopes, utility lines, driveway(s), and graded surfaces, except for
cosmetic landscaping abutting buildings in accordance with the
standards established in Article VI of this Ordinance. Newly
exposed rock faces shall be stained to match adjacent areas of the
b. This re-vegetation process shall be completed prior to the final
approval by the Town Manager
or authorized designee,unless a specific exemption is granted by the
Town Manager or authorized
designee. Grading and other improvements for drainage and
erosion control purposes shall also be completed and
re-vegetated/landscaped prior to final inspection.
• 15. Dust Control: During all grading,and until re-vegetation or site restoration
is completed, dust should be minimized by application of approved dust
control methods.
C. Exemptions:
1 Lots used for governmental purooses and owned by utility companies that
are regulated by the Arizona Co •oration Commission. and lots owned b
other political subdivi ions of the State or Federal government, are exem•t
from the hillside disturbance limitations of Sections 5.02 and 5.04.
2 A 20' wide band of primary driveway access (measured from the back of
curb to the nearest garage door or c• •ort is excluded from the hillside
disturbance limitations.
3. A 10' wide utility trench exemption may be allowed, subject to written
confirmation of the requirement from the utili company statin that the
trench must be outside the drivewa access exemptio n Su h e m_ •t _d
area must be re-vegetated upon completion.
4. _.Sin le-Famil Residential lot zoned R1-6. R1-6A=R1-8. Rl-8A, R1-10
and R1-10A shall be 100% disturbable and exempt from the hillside
disturbance limitations.
2220410 I-2.220110.2
5. Non-residential property its Commercial or Industrial zoning districts shall
be l_0%o disturbabce and exempt from the hillside disturbance limitations.
AinendmentSECTION 2. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 57.5 (Grading Standards),
SectionSubsection 5.04.A (Purpo e., Methodology , is hereby amended
€ellawingas follows:
A-:-A. Purpose; Methodology. The purpose of these hillside regulations is to limit the
amount of hillside disturbance within each subdivision. The amount of hillside
area that may be disturbed shall be based on the severity of the slope. Hillside areas
shall mean any area having slopes equal to or greater than 4-0 20%, as measured
from a topographical contour map prepared and stamped by an Arizona-registered
land surveyor. The Town requires the submission of topographic contour maps
having contour intervals not greater than two feet and at a scale not smaller than 1"
=20' for sites less than 10 acres. Sites 10 to 100 acres may utilize contour intervals
not greater than five feet at a scale not smaller than 1"= 50'. Sites over 100 acres
may utilize contour intervals not greater than five feet at a scale not smaller than 1"
= 100'. Individual non-contiguous areas of hillside or non-hillside that are less than
500 square feet that are located within larger areas non-hillside or hillside,
respectively, may be included with the larger area of non-hillside or hillside that
• surrounds it. Whether a subdivider chooses the Lot-by-Lot Hillside Protection
Option or the Hillside Transfer and Protection Option as set forth in
Snrr3cct'crc�rrJyi SubSections 5.04.G and-5.01 •2, r specti el y, the actual square
footage of disturbance permitted within one slope interval may be transferred into
areas having lesser degree of slope. The percent of slope shall be determined by the
spacing between the contours lines as shown on the preliminary plat. Following are
the land disturbance allowance of slope interval areas of 500 square feet or more:
nt /0%l is t A 11 l0/
1'L)���rit[7[�ilvNv r rn R rt
0 20% 0 1-00%U
20%-t- 60% 4WA
Percent f S l ope Preservation Disturbance
.1 <10 0 400
10 <20 70 30
20 <30 g0
30 - e 90 400
0-20% 0 100%
20%+ 60% 4-�I%
AnientimentSECTION 3. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5-5 (Grading Standards),
SectionSubsection 5.04.B (Exemption; Calculations), is hereby amended and replaced with the
f' by adding a new Subsection, 504.B.1.c, to read as follows:
Section C 04 Hill is Di t ban
B. Exemptions; Calculations. Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this
Ordinance, there are no exempted disturbance activities. When permitted,
exempted disturbance: activities shall be subtracted from the gross area of the
subdivision, and the required "Preservation Requirement" and "Disturbance
Allowance" areas, as noted above in Subsection 5.0'1.A. shall be calculated from
1. Exemptions: The following disturbance activities are exempted only from
o. Disturbance within street rights of way, tracts of land for private
roads meeting public road standards, and any roadway grading
required by the Town Engineer outside of street rights of way or
tracts for late a t „ blic , standards_
li. Utility lines,or any other public improvement activities needed for
the development of utility lines and associated equipment, outside
er development activities, either
pre existing or current, may be exempted from the requirements of
this Section upon administrative review by the Community
Development Director or designee and approval of a "Utility
Disturbance Permit" by the 'Town Council. Utility Disturbance
Permits shall ,only be issued in conformance with the fol
1. The Community Development Director or designee shall
find that the proposed disturbance is necessary.
• 2. The Community Development Director or designee shall
completed within a specified time frame and made a
condition of the Utility Disturbance Permit.
3. The Community Development Director or designee shall
during non working hours.
9. The Community Development Director or designee shall
specify the expiration date of the Utility Disturbance Permit.
r2044M222cU 2
5. Utility Disturbance Permits are project specific and
property specific and are non transferable.
6. The Community Development Director or designee may, at
he feels is necessary to ensure public safety and
7. Any violations of the conditions of a Utility Disturbance
R '+ s h"" render the permit void.
c. Lots used for governmental purposes and owned by utility
Commission and owned by other political subdivisions of the State
or Federal government are exempt from the lot disturbance
limitations of this subsection.
d. A twenty (20') foot. wide band of primary driveway access
(Measured from the back of curb to the Garage door) is excluded
from the land disturbance area limitations.
c. A ten (10') foot vide utility
subject to written confirmation of the requirement from the utility
company stating that the trench must be outside the driveway
access exemption. Such exempted area must be revegetated upon
f,----S-ine.le-Family.-Residential lots zoned R1 6, RI 6A, R.l 8, Rl $A.
RI 10 and R1 l0A shall be 100% disturbable and exempt from the
Hillside Disturbance limitations.
g. Non residential property in Commercial or Industrial zoning
districts shall be 100% disturbable and exempt from the hillside
Disturbance limitations.
2. Specified Non exempt Activities: The following disturbance activities
are specifically not exempted from the Hillside Disturbance Regulations
a. Disturbance activities for the development of any effluent watering
effluent, or any service and/or access road or any above or
below ground pipeline or utility lines, whether or not the
development of such lief
pipelines—or—utility lines have
Vvv. -- - - n^t - or - „'
ested by
b. Any ``utility" disturbance, other than for a utility line and
J described above in S
3. In addition to the detailed information that is required to be provided to the
Town to ensure compliance wit s Article,asnote b tion
``Disturbance Allowance" as set forth in Subsection 5.01.A. The Town
"Preservation Requirerr -• d tI Iowan t the time
of preliminary plat consideration.
c. All lots and uses deemed exempt under Subsection 5.02.0 of this Article.
A dmentSECTION 4. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards),
Section 5;O4-.5.04 (Hillside Disturbance), is hereby amended by deleting the Illustration of
Preservation Requirement, is hereby deletedin its entirety.
22 2-01-4 0.1222 0110.2
Document comparison by Workshare Compare on Monday, August 18, 2014
10:43:28 AM
Document 1 ID interwovenSite://GRPHX_SQL/Phoenix/2220110/1
#2220110v1<Phoenix> - CODE - 2014 Chapter 5
Description Amendments (Draft) (B. Rodgers)
Document 2 ID intenrovenSite://GRPHX_SQL/Phoenix/2220110/2
#2220110v2<Phoenix> - CODE - Chapter 5 Amendments
Description Subdivision Ordinance v2 (AJM 8.15.14)
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SECTION 1. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Subsection
5.02.B (Grading Standards),is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
B. Grading Standards. Unless exempt pursuant to Subsection 5.02.0 of this
Article, the following grading standards shall apply to all property within the
corporate limits of the Town.
1. Residential Property: The area permitted to be disturbed on any platted
residential land is unlimited on terrain sloping less than 20%. Terrain
containing slopes equal to or exceeding 20% is limited to 40%
disturbance, as set forth in Subsection 5.04.A of this Article.
a. When the subdivider has granted a Hillside Protection Easement(s)
and/or has donated undisturbed hillside land to the Town or to a
own-a roved landpreservation organization in an amount
r OP),4 pp g
iecessary to satisfy the hillside protection requirements of this
Ordinance, all areas outside of the Hillside Protection Easement(s)
and/or preservation lands may be disturbed.
b. When no preservation measures have taken place in the platting
process, the disturbance allowance shall be in accordance with the
grading limitations of Subsection 5.04.A of this Article.
• c. If a residual area remains after computing the allowed area of
disturbance of a lot or parcel, and any of the following conditions
apply, the Town Manger or authorized designee may allow the
property owner to disturb all or a portion of residual area under any
of the following circumstances:
1. The residual area of the lot or parcel was previously
disturbed during subdivision construction.
2. There are no rock outcrops, significant topographic features
..„„ FT. or significant native vegetation to be preserved.
3. All adjacent property owners were permitted to disturb
property adjacent to the residual area.
d. There shall be no waiver by the Town Manager or authorized
designee,for disturbance of residual area that:
1. Contains rock outcrops, significant topographical features,
significant native vegetation; or
2. Abuts land dedicated in any form as non-disturbance or
open space, such as wash parcels, native open space tracts,
410 Hillside Protection Easement(s), or other non-disturbance
areas on privately owned land.
2. Grading of All Un-platted Land, Regardless of the Base Zoning
District: The area permitted to be disturbed for all un-platted land is
unlimited on terrain sloping less than 20%. The area permitted to be
disturbed on slopes equal to or exceeding 20% is set forth in Subsection
5.04.A of this Article.
3. Grading for Non-Residential Structures in Residential Zoning
Districts: The limitations on grading area for non-residential structures in
residential zoning districts as specified in Subsections 5.02.B.1 through
5.02.B.2 of this Article,may be waived by the Town Council.
tf rading for Parks and Golf Courses: The limitations on disturbance as
specified in this Article (including area of disturbance as well as height
and retention of cut and fill) may be waived by the Town Council for the
development of a park, a golf course, trails or other recreational
development that does not entail a building or buildings as the primary
purpose of the development.
5. Grading for Utility Lines: With the exception of power lines capable of
• carrying 69kv or more of voltage, utility lines shall be located
underground. Utilities must be located within allowed disturbance areas as
outlined in Subsection 5.04.B.1.b of this Article.
6. Road Grading: Grading for roads is subject to the cut and fill limitations
of this Article. These limitations may be waived by the Town Council.
Total Disturbance: All grading, including subdivision improvement
grading, and/or disturbance performed subsequent to September 20, 1991
is considered to be cumulative under this Article.
8. Disturbance Limit Fencing: Prior to the issuance of a building or
grading permit, and prior to any disturbance activities, a six foot high
imbedded chain-link fence shall be installed on the disturbance limit line
as identified on the approved site plan for the site. The disturbance limit
boundary shall be established and staked by an Arizona-registered land
surveyor. No disturbance limit fencing shall be located outside of the
surveyor's staked area. Appropriate warning signs in English and Spanish
shall also be posted at least every 100 linear feet on the required fencing.
The Town Manager or authorized designee shall inspect the fence,
signage, and surveyor's staking to insure its proper location and
construction prior to the issuance of the building/grading permit for the
site. Such fencing and signage shall be maintained in place throughout the
• grading/construction process and shall only be removed after a final
inspection or Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Town.
These regulations may be waived by the Town Manager or authorized
11) designee if 100% of the lot on which the construction activity is permitted
has been graded or disturbed as part of an approved subdivision grading
9. Disturbance Buffers:
a. It is recommended that all proposed non-disturbance areas or
Hillside Protection Easements be located not closer than:
1. Eight feet from any building.
2. Five feet from the outside face of any retaining wall where
the retaining wall is supporting a fill slope.
' 3. One foot from the "day lighted" top of a maximum one to
one cut slope, the toe of such slope beginning at the bottom
of the outside edge of the footing for any retaining wall
where the retaining wall is supporting a cut slope.
4. Three feet from the outside face of any other wall or fence
or the edge of any fill grading.
• 5. One foot from the edge of any cut grading.
6. Ten feet from any sewer lateral, or five feet from the edge
of any utility line trench,whichever is greater.
b. If disturbance does take place within a non-disturbance area or
within a Hillside Protection Easement, all construction and grading
activity on the site shall stop, pursuant to a Town-issued stop work
u '4xp:d .y °The stop work order shall remain effective until the
pdpey owner and the property owners authorized
representatives, either jointly or severally, do all of the following:
1. Provides the Town with a revised site plan prepared by an
Arizona-registered land surveyor that accurately depicts the
area and size, in square feet, of the disturbance into the
non-disturbance area(s) or Hillside Protection Easement
2. Provides the Town with re-vegetation and irrigation plans
prepared by an Arizona-registered landscape architect for
the non-disturbance or Hillside Protection Easement area(s)
3. Causes the non-disturbance area(s) or Hillside Protection
Easement Area(s) to be re-vegetated and irrigated
according to the submitted and approved re-vegetation and
irrigation plans.
4. Pays to the Town a fee, in an amount determined by the
Town Manager or designee, per square foot of disturbance
that occurred within the non-disturbance areas or Hillside
Protection Easements on the property.
10. Columbaria Disturbance Exemptions by Special Use Permit: The
development of columbaria, including any accompanying features such as
walkways, may be exempted from the regulations of this Subsection
5.02.B by Special Use Permit pursuant to Section 2.02 of the Town
Zoning Ordinance,if all of the following conditions exist:
The columbaria is an accessory use to a church.
b.o- The columbaria and any accompanying features shall be designed
to minimally alter the existing topography and vegetation.
c. The columbaria and any accompanying features shall be designed
• so that any Natural Features are not disturbed.
d. The building area of the columbaria shall not exceed 10% of the
total building area of the church buildings.
e. A landscape plan prepared and stamped by an Arizona-registered
landscaping architect, which plan meets the applicable landscaping
regulations of Article VI, Section 6.05 of this Ordinance, is
submitted and approved by the Town Manager or authorized
y}. am; tion and Building Location Certifications: Prior to the
app dva�of any building stem wall inspection or a pre-slab inspection,
whichever occurs first, the property owner or his/her designee shall
provide the Town with a certification statement that is prepared, stamped
and signed by an Arizona-registered land surveyor, that certifies the
finished floor elevation(s) and the horizontal location of the building. Pad
elevations and building locations must be accurate to 1/10th of a foot as
compared to the approved site plan or an amended site plan. The
requirements in this subsection may be waived at the discretion of the
Town Engineer.
12. Stabilization of Slopes: Slope stabilization is required as set forth in the
Town's most recently adopted version of the International Building Code,
as amended.
13. Pre-Grading: A grading or building permit shall not be conditioned on
altering,modifying or not utilizing existing grading, if the existing grading
work was completed in conformance with valid permits, and does not
present a threat or danger to the proposed development or neighboring
properties. This provision does not prevent the Town Engineer from
requiring necessary documentation of site suitability to assure soil
stability, compaction, and other geotechnical purposes.
14. Restoration of Graded Surfaces:
a. Vegetation shall be reestablished on all exposed fill slopes, cut
slopes, utility lines, driveway(s), and graded surfaces, except for
cosmetic landscaping abutting buildings in accordance with the
standards established in Article VI of this Ordinance. Newly
exposed rock faces shall be stained to match adjacent areas of the
b. This re-vegetation process shall be completed prior to the final
approval by the Town Manager or authorized designee, unless a
specific exemption is granted by the Town Manager or authorized
designee. Grading and other improvements for drainage and
erosion control purposes shall also be completed and re-
vegetated/landscaped prior to final inspection.
15. Dust Control: During all grading, and until re-vegetation or site
restoration is completed, dust should be minimized by application of
approved dust control methods.
C. Exemptions:
1. ,t.t used for governmental purposes and owned by utility companies that
gulated by the Arizona Corporation Commission, and lots owned by
er political subdivisions of the State or Federal government, are exempt
from the hillside disturbance limitations of Sections 5.02 and 5.04.
2. A 20' wide band of primary driveway access (measured from the back of
curb to the nearest garage door or carport) is excluded from the hillside
disturbance limitations.
3. A 10' wide utility trench exemption may be allowed, subject to written
confirmation of the requirement from the utility company stating that the
trench must be outside the driveway access exemption. Such exempted
area must be re-vegetated upon completion.
4. Single-Family Residential lots zoned Rl-6, Rl-6A, Rl-8, R1-8A, R1-10
C and Rl-10A shall be 100% disturbable and exempt from the hillside
disturbance limitations.
5. Non-residential property in Commercial or Industrial zoning districts shall
be 100%disturbable and exempt from the hillside disturbance limitations.
SECTION 2. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Subsection
5.04.A(Purpose; Methodology), is hereby amended as follows:
A. Purpose; Methodology. The purpose of these hillside regulations is to limit the
amount of hillside disturbance within each subdivision. The amount of hillside
area that may be disturbed shall be based on the severity of the slope. Hillside
areas shall mean any area having slopes equal to or greater than 40 20%, as
measured from a topographical contour map prepared and stamped by an
Arizona-registered land surveyor. The Town requires the submission of
topographic contour maps having contour intervals not greater than two feet and
at a scale not smaller than 1" = 20' for sites less than 10 acres. Sites 10 to 100
acres may utilize contour intervals not greater than five feet at a scale not smaller
than_l" = 50'. Sites over 100 acres may utilize contour intervals not greater than
A vi
s, veffeet at a scale not smaller than 1"= 100'. Individual non-contiguous areas of
g; '':
0:: ,: -hillside or non-hillside that are less than 500 square feet that are located within
.;=€" t, larger areas non-hillside or hillside, respectively, may be included with the larger
0 area of non-hillside or hillside that surrounds it. Whether a subdivider chooses
the Lot-by-Lot Hillside Protection Option or the Hillside Transfer and Protection
Option as set forth in SubSections 5.04.G.1 and 5.04.G.2, respectively, the actual
square footage of disturbance permitted within one slope interval may be
transferred into areas having lesser degree of slope. The percent of slope shall be
determined by the spacing between the contours lines as shown on the preliminary
plat. Following are the land disturbance allowance of slope interval areas of 500
square feet or more:
,;,�,.* Via.._":,- ° Allowance(%)
-,..,,; ,, 0 498
<4 0
10 <20 70 30
20 <30 8) ?0
30 and more 90 4-0
0-20% 0 100 %
20%+ 60% 40%
SECTION 3. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Subsection
411) 5.04.B (Exemption; Calculations), is hereby amended by adding a new Subsection, 504.B.1.c, to
read as follows:
c. All lots and uses deemed exempt under Subsection 5.02.0 of this Article.
SECTION 4. The Subdivision Ordinance, Article 5 (Grading Standards), Section 5.04
(Hillside Disturbance), is hereby amended by deleting the Illustration of Preservation
Requirement, in its entirety.