HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2014.1113.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION November 13,2014 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault. Commissioners: Jeremy Strohan, Stan Connick, and Howie Jones. Also in attendance were Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator and Janice Baxter, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATED SEPTEMBER 25,2014. ® Commissioner Archambault MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, September 25,2014,as written. Commissioner Connick SECONDED. Chairman Pew Aye Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Connick Aye Commissioner Jones Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present(5-0). Chairman Pew welcomed Jeremy Strohan whom the Town Council recently appointed to the Commission; Commissioner Strohan was appointed to serve a two year term. Chairman Pew also pointed out that the Commission needed two additional members and asked the Commissioners' for their help recruiting qualified applicants. FOR A ONE-YEAR POSITION,APPOINTMENT OF A CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN. Chairman asked Mr. Rodgers to open nominations for the Commission's chairman to serve a term beginning November 13, 2014 until November 12, 2015. Mr. Rodgers asked the Commissioners for nominations. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault nominated Lloyd Pew and Commissioner Connick seconded. The Commissioners unanimously appointed Lloyd Pew as chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission for a one-year term. Mr. Rodgers turned the meeting back to Chairman Pew. Chairman Pew asked for nominations for vice- (' chairman to serve the same term as the chairman. Chairman Pew nominated Michael Archambault to be Page 1 of 7 re-appointed as vice-chairman and Commissioner Connick seconded. The Commissioners unanimously appointed Michael Archambault as vice-chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. AGENDA ITEM #2 — PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ORDINANCE 2014-07, A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 6, SIGN REGULATIONS, SECTIONS 608.B.13 AND 6.08.B.13 AND 6.08.D.3. THE AMENDMENTS EXTEND TE EXPIRATION DATE TO DECEMBER 31, 2015, FOR A-FRAME SIGNS AND BANNERS FOR SPECIAL SALES EVENTS. CASE NUMBER Z2014-05. Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the Public Hearing at 6:34 p.m. Senior Planner Robert Rodgers addressed the Commission and reviewed the information contained in the staff report involving agenda items 2 and 3, in one report. (See Exhibit"A") Mr. Rodgers stated that this item was a public hearing for consideration of Ordinance 2014-07, text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance that extends the expiration dates on commercial A-Frame Signs and Promotional Event Banners. Mr. Rodgers mentioned that Section 6.08.B.13 related to the use of A-Frame signs. And Section 6.08.D.3 related to the use of promotional banners. He added that since the current sign Ordinance was adopted in 2009,these two sign types were typically given annual expiration dates of December 31'. However in 2012,the Town Council agreed to a two-year extension. Mr. Rodgers noted that staff was directed by the previous Town Manager to be lenient regarding these signs during this last two years. He continued to say that this had resulted in continued very poor compliance regarding A-Frame signs. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that staff would be requesting a more ® proactive approach to be authorized in the future, if the sunset clause extensions continue to be granted. Mr.Rodgers concurred that there had been no appreciable difference in A-Frame sign compliance. In fact he said it has slowly been getting worse. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that currently only about 20% of signs were in compliance. Mr. Rodgers added that banner compliance however was gradually getting better and has become relatively manageable. He added that compliance was currently a little over 60%. In conclusion, Mr. Rodgers stated that staff felt that 5-years was enough time to assess the business community's ability to self-police and abide by the A-Frame Sign Ordinance provisions and it is apparent that they were unable to do so. That being said the business community had however begun to embrace the Banner Ordinance provisions and should be permitted to continue with their use. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve both the expiration extensions for"one-year only" until December 31, 2015, subject to staff being re-authorized to enforce the A-Frame Sign Ordinance more strictly. Chairman Pew asked what kinds of violations were found. Mr. Rodgers answered that the violations were mostly A-Frame signs that were not permitted. Other violations were sign location on the sidewalk, signs located in the street and signs left out over night. Chairman Pew also asked what kinds of warnings were given to violators. Mr. Rodgers stated that the violation process had three parts that consisted of a verbal warning;written warning if verbal warning was not successful; and lastly a fine implemented of$25.00, plus court cost, if the violation continued. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that most violator's were past the third step but because of the leniency as instructed, 416, staff has only been removing the A-Frame sign and placing it at the front door of the violator's business. Mr. Rodgers added that the Town had only issued two(2)citations total for A-Frame Sign violations. Page 2 of 7 Vice-Chairman Archambault asked Mr. Rodgers if staff had spoken with the violators. Mr. Rodgers answered that Officer Jaffe had met with the businesses and explained the ordinance including the possibility of a fine for not adhering to the ordinance and he has also given them information on how to obtain a permit. There being no speakers, Chairman Lloyd Pew closed the public hearing at 6:42 p.m. AGENDA ITEM#3- CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE 2014-07,A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 6, SIGN REGULATIONS, SECTIONS 608.B.13 AND 6.08.B.13 AND 6.08.D.3. THE AMENDMENTS EXTEND TE EXPIRATION DATE TO DECEMBER 31, 2015, FOR A-FRAME SIGNS AND BANNERS FOR SPECIAL SALES EVENTS. CASE NUMBER Z2014-05. Chairman Pew stated due to the poor economic climate he was inclined to extend the date one more year with more enforcement, citations and fines issued for non-compliance of the ordinance. Commissioner Jones stated he would like to see the ordinance extended but wished to add a stipulation that more business compliance was needed. Vice-Chairman Archambault stated he was sorry to hear of the lack of compliance and supported a stipulation giving staff the approval to enforce the ordinance. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to recommend that the Town Council approve Ordinance number 2014-07, a text amendment to Sections 6.08.B.13 and 6.08.D.3, of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, extending the expiration dates for Banners and A-Frame signs until December 31, 2015, with the added stipulation that staff increase enforcement of the A-Frame Ordinance and the Commission would like to see the compliance numbers flipped from 20%compliance to 80% compliance by December 31,2015. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. AGENDA ITEM #4 — CONSIDERATION OF THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR "PARCEL B AT FIREROCK", A MULTI-FAMILY PROJECT LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OF FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE. CASE NUMBER CO2014-02. Senior Planner Robert Rodgers addressed the Commission and reviewed the information contained in the staff report.(Exhibit`B") Mr. Rodgers stated that this was for Concept approval of a 64-unit; multi-family condominium development on Parcel B in the Firerock Country Club. Mr. Rodgers also included a request for a favorable recommendation regarding some cut and fill waiver requests and added that Parcel B contained 14.63 acres. Mr. Rodgers mentioned that this property was located across Firerock Country Club Drive from the Firerock Clubhouse; directly south of the Villas at Firerock; located between the driving range and the 10th hole of the golf course and west of the Balera Condominium Development. The property is currently zoned M-1 PUD and this zoning designation allowed for up to 50% lot coverage with some modified setback requirements, and a maximum dwelling unit density of 88 units. Mr. Rodgers pointed out the property is currently vacant with its only access off Firerock Country Club Drive. Page 3 of 7 PROPOSED CONCEPT PLAN Mr. Rodgers remarked that the topography was dictating much of the roadway location with the loop road wrapping around the crest of the ridge and added the following description of the project: (See Exhibit C) • 64 Condominium units in 32 two-unit buildings are proposed on the 14.63 acres. • Primary vehicular access would be off Firerock Country Club Drive. o Turning up between the two high points. o The road ends in a cul-de-sac and there would be a looped road as well. • Emergency and utility access is provided along the south side of the property and will connect to the cul-de-sac. • There will be four (4) basic unit floor plans; each would be semi-customizable with various design features such as front/side entry garages and walk-out basements (many of these features would be based on topography). • All units would have two-car garages. • An additional 16 guest parking spaces would be provided at various pull-out points along the roadway that would provide a total of 144 parking spaces. Mr. Rodgers explained that the project was being designed to fit well into the hillside and would use colors that blended with the natural environment. CUT AND FILL WAIVERS Mr. Rodgers acknowledged that the applicants were also asking for some waivers: FILLS: • There was one area with fill greater than 10' near the site entrance. • Maximum depth of visible fill was anticipated at 10.51'. • The total area of fill above 10' in depth is calculated at 55 square feet. Mr. Rodgers supported this waiver and stated that due to the predeterminated location of the site entrance, it was staff's opinion that this fill was necessary and reasonable for a safe access. CUTS: • There are four levels of cut areas greater than 10' with the maximum depth of visible cut and the deepest at 26.9'. • Combined,the area of the cut waivers represents 98,578 square feet or 15.5%of the total site. • Most cuts are necessitated by the roadway construction, location, and the need to connect smoothly and safely to the driveways. Mr. Rodgers expressed that staff recommended approval of the Concept Plan for Parcel B at Firerock, ICase number CP2014-02, subject to the following stipulations: Page 4 of 7 1. The applicant shall proved a landscaping and lighting plan prior to the issuance of any building 4rh; permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Landscaping plans shall include irrigation details. 2. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. All utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permit. 3. No occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. 4. The applicant shall ensure that the Emergency Vehicular Access Roadway is installed, fully functional, and approved by the Fountain Hills Fire Department prior to the issuance of any building permit. 5. All off-site drainage or other utility improvements required as conditions of this approval shall return any off-site disturbed areas to a condition similar to or better than their pre-existing state prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. This shall include, but is not limed to re-grading, revegetating, and re-constructing moved or damaged structures or similar improvements. 6. All off-site improvements required as conditions of any approval regarding this project shall be either constructed, or fully bonded with a performance guarantee in a form and amount satisfactory to the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. 41110° 7. The applicants shall provide a Hillside Protection Easement for appropriate areas as outlined on the approved plans prior to placing any disturbance fencing or the commencement of any construction activities. 8. Compliance with items 1 and 2 of the October 13, 2014, memorandum from the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. 9. Compliance with items 1-9 of the November 5, 2014, memorandum from the Fountain Hills Town Engineer. 10. The applicant shall apply to the Fountain Hills Town Council for, and be granted, cut waivers as needed to substantially comply with the development plans outlined in this Concept Plan. 11. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement pursuant to Section 19.05.1 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. Wendy R. Riddell, Berry Riddell and Rosensteel, LLC, legal counsel for Toll Brother's Homes presented additional information on the project and included a PowerPoint presentation. (See Exhibit"C") Commissioner Jones inquired on the start and completion dates projected for the project. Ms. Riddell answered that plans were to commence in June 2015. Jeff Nielsen, representing Toll Brothers AZ Construction Company added that it would take approximately (1) one-year for site improvements and another 3 to 4 years to completion. Vice-Chairman Archambault stated he was impressed with the project because it was less density, reduced the vertical mass, and the cuts requested would be hard to see. He was in favor of the project. Page 5 of 7 Chairman Pew agreed with Vice-Chairman Archambault and added that the cuts were acceptable and more desirable than the previously approved site plan. Commissioner Strohan inquired on the height of the retaining wall located on the north side of the project. Matthew Olsen, Principal for JMI & Associates Consulting Civil Engineer, located at 8590 E. Shea Boulevard, Suite 110, Scottsdale, Arizona explained that that particular retaining wall is to accommodate the Fountain Hills Sanitary sewer line for maintenance and would be no higher than(6)six feet. No further comments were received from the Commission. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to approve the CONCEPT PLAN for "Parcel B at Firerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive as presented and subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. AGENDA ITEM #5 - CONSIDERATION OF CUT AND FILL WAIVERS FOR "PARCEL B AT FIREROCK", A MULTI-FAMILY PROJECT LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST SIDE OF FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE. CASE NUMBER CFW2014-01. Mr. Rodgers expressed that staff recommended that a favorable recommendation for approval of the Cut and Fill waivers be forwarded to the Town Council , subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the CUT&FILL WAIVERS FOR"Parcel B at Firerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side klisw of Firerock Country Club Drive, as presented. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. AGENDA ITEM#6-COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM#7- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM #8—REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Mr. Rodgers reiterated the statement made by Chairman Pew in regards to needing help finding qualified applicants to fill two open seats on the Commission. Mr. Rodgers also pointed out that applications for the Board of Adjustment where also being accepted. Mr. Rodgers mentioned that staff was cancelling two upcoming meetings dated Thursday,November 27, 2014, and Thursday, December 25, 2014, due to the holidays. Mr. Rodgers did inform the Commissioners that staff had scheduled a meeting on Thursday, December 11, 2014. L Page 6 of 7 AGENDA ITEM#9-ADJOURNMENT. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. and Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present 5-0. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION BY: airman Lloyd Pew ATTEST: . ice E. Baxter, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 13th day of November 2014, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 13th-day of November, 2014. ox.cti. J ice E. Baxter, Executive Assistant I L Page 7 of 7 t= '-of Fountain Hills e' ` taff Presentation .ioi ,t.c O� No A frame signs wilt be permitted after Dec.31,2014 44 riitinance Secction 6_08.D 3: F iV i , Eal1oons and Pennants c` "le ast is ' No Banners;balloons or pennants will be permitted after Dec 31,2014 NEd A-Frame & Banner Sign Regulations Background rr t Enforcement n C ouncil approved major amendments to sign regulations on "ent has been very light-handed regarding.A Frame ll'ho +n 'i il 008 including: c riines reinstated but set to a>pire Dec,31,2409 'r c •,'ice of iioiation , ,.r :sap ennanis for events allowed but sit to expire co „e measures. owner il .m., ,. . u0 . ll<abone q 7a' Df4r A Yrdrv.N SiA ,dRP (.... ,, ,,....„, ..„ ,,,L Extensions r.nitIgOrdinance,Section6 05 Penalty 1 0"inbtr 2009-Council extended the expiration date to •rtytcen+ere of violations of the Sian ordinance shall be made through ii&t.11bet 31,2016 J, t'tetr+se of: ':ivtl complaint. Fines may be assessed according to the December 2010-Council extended the expiration date to follotjrtng schedule December 31.2011 s A. First offense.fine not to exceed 3Z5.00 and confiscation of sign(s) December 2011-Council extended the expiration date to B. Secondoffens-within twelve r12i calendar months of first offense. December 31,2012 fine not t:,exceed S50.00 and confiscation of signtsj. December com b-Council extended the expiration date for two C. Ali subsequent violations within twelve(1 2)calendar months of the first offense,fine not to exceed 5100.00 and confiscation of years to December 31.2014 slgnlsl 1 it '''' nance Compliance -.,-R commendations °1.,s c ,�ilear over the past t„e years that the Uusmess ,,,�contply with these ordinances as written unless 4 —'"' El .nettorates such as the ones being 7;t } ... :, to that staff should recommend - ittt+s10nnot'fegranlld PIPI���� `;t)tis m45 be due to the light-handed s ' enforcement.Also, t. ___. r peroi economic climate_in recent years such a decision r' r tt Sdd7tional unintended consequences. NI 1 °Thetefote.,staf will continue so iecommend that the Planning& Zoning Coinm;ssion forward a recommendation that the Town r''Ccfl oun approve the extension of the expiration date for A-frame gltlns and Event Banners for an additional year. w ■ Exhibit "A " 1 • 11/12/2014 C of Fountain Hills Vicinity & Zoning aft Presentationiii - I.-- - •*,/,...: ...-0. .7.7..„si, Air- _ PI1.D. 1 7qi r• �,:�� FIRE' U\ �..� .,• 4 , Firerock Parcel B >.4. ,J Gorr.ept Pan/Cut&Fill Waver's r r. -�yi1 .\ A Current Use + ographic Plan . 4 .`• 9 V 4!'.il it \t Concept Plan Artist's Renderings CONCEPT^°U , I F Putts arr wa«x �, '�-.zr " fh dt.(hTi aY.,i Y Y y�� :1. F �{It k .4,j. ,.., Y\tom g -�ll�'_ � all.a 'S —1'"} a _ ; Bo $` "r 'tea . —-=..�"..l.. -- (:�� 3.G.. - l� � k" Exhibit "B" 1 11/12/2014 • , ` Floor Plan Variations `�:i lding Elevations ; t,. yy. . Paired Building Elevations -.• Ors & Materials i L . O l .: III _" . . . . 1.. , , .rit!e.„,,71....r. ,- Cut & Fill Waiver Plan � condat�ons M uo.. na 'o r ...nu.00r !°ends " ''' 4� eta,,� - any �tl ,''C Concept Plan. • .f i . fr r a -c ' � .. {� � o!v atd a recomnrendai!on to the Town Council to -c.,n, kyy,�,, r 7r_lil y l rove the Cut and Pill%Waivers. .Y1*�• s.7 i.s i i. t �t 1 �6''s 4', t`k'5 '=`r- -- -i y\ z ■f _ _.: Subject to the stipulations outlined in the Staff Report i iki 2 11/17/2014 `Toll`Brothers" PARCEL B FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB At Toll Brothers,we build more than homes:we build communities.Trusted since 1967,we've been building communities in picturesque settings where luxury meets convenience.and where neighbors become lifelong friends. `Toll Brothers " FIREROCK PARCEL B °�;, DESIGN COMPETITION 421 SWABACK PARTNERS pttcB�� flu�'f`.itecl'sse•Pisnninl•in!e N-Devigi • A!2 0 °rlrC@I fj kNfbJ'_l rNrFU'�' SITE CONTEXT LOCAL SITE CONTEX T L Exhibit "C" 1 11/17/2014 r : £ +�Y 'if ;ill,* .. fu, :' �,., APPROVED PLAN 22 c FriC 'a4-, +g, k 4 . Y , ROVED PLAN M xpd . it .: b . APPROVED PLAN Ak .' . an err Ill game MAN _ ": Lr' .3T PAR.0 /RWOOt R R 4> 7i R Wtt �M a y APPROVED PLAN 4 b144- 3 11/17/2014 4111,, " � UTILITIES& PUBLIC SAFETY t e y .r °~;_ � � . • : WATER aF �� q �' ' CHAPARRAL CITY WATER 20 s ' ;,V € FIRE DEPARTMENT { POLICE DEPARTMENT SANITARY DISTRICT LANDSCAPE DESIGN f h p,�^ " h 1.:P rito'ca t i 1 t '' : ELECTRICITY , d ,pn iFac-Igfhoi wlllseal Ieslty ��„ �, .� ti i itl ihes r."I it 7de ertzrtl ..c°. �;, SALT RIVER PROJECT nestle Iho cievekprnc,I,r to the silo. "There was a unanimous,positive consensus of the design direction and land planning. "INVEST WISELY IN BEAUTY, IT The COA was pleased at the proposed WILL SERVE YOU ALL THE addition to the community." DAYS OF YOUR LIFE." IRANK 00Yla WP01-1r Opt R.;CK COMMUNITY ASS,X11,010N Yle d f a 16 1, l Ai ar . . ., - t � ,' , SIGNAGE&MONUMENTATIOP# € i ¢g 4r" ists . �y �. �k omrr rdy men m.r atlar wll • "y+k , " ' a c arr,p1 e t ex ng h r a e '°-Pb, „ , d gaal]y Ial real at e and :� x' des MI or,a ombr-.fl..-, ,.e t. >f Ianciaaap lapcaym ar,, ,tx.a M a d metal 4 4,4- 4 5 O ,/ z Jii�h REGULAR MEETING NOTICE os' • OF THE 9i/ 'hat is m" PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Commission Members: Chairman Lloyd Pew and Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault Commissioners:Stan Connick,Howie Jones, Jeremy Strohan Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02,notice is hereby given to the members of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a regular meeting,which is open to the general public, on November 13,2014,at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers at 16705 E.Avenue of the Fountains,Fountain Hills,Arizona. Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town's Councilmembers or various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. TIME: 6:30 P.M. —REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 13,2014 WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CIO 16705 E.AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Commission Recorder prior to the Commission's discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Recorder's position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Recorder or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers' statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause,protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Commissioners, Town Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not(i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or(ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing,please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by 1111 (i) discretion of the Chairman upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the Commission at Meeting or(iii) the Chairman either prior to or during a Meeting. If you do not comply with these rules,you will be asked to leave. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 1 of 3 (lbr * CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE—Chairman Lloyd Pew * MOMENT OF REFLECTION—Chairman Lloyd Pew * ROLL CALL—Chairman Lloyd Pew • Appointment of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to serve a one (1)year position on the Planning and Zoning Commission. The appointed seats will begin Thursday, November 13, 2014 until November 12, 2015. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G),public comment is permitted(not required)on matters not listed on the agenda.Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during"Call to the Public" unless the matters are property noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Commission members may(i) respond to criticism, (ii)ask staff to review a matter or(iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM(S) (1) CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the meeting minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission dated September 25,2014. (2) PUBLIC HEARING regarding ORDINANCE #14-07, a text amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Sections 6.08.B.13 and 6.08.D.3. The amendments extend the expiration date to December 31, 2015, for A-frame signs and banners for special sales events. Case Number Z2014-05. (3) CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE #14-07, a text amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Sections 6.08.B.13 and 6.08.D.3. The amendments extend the expiration date to December 31, 2015, for A-frame signs and banners for special sales events. Case Number Z2014-05. (4) CONSIDERATION of the CONCEPT PLAN for "Parcel B at Firerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive. Case Number CP2014-02 S5) CONSIDERATION of CUT & FILL WAIVERS for"Parcel B at Firerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive. Case Number CFW2014-01 Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 2 of 3 6) COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. (7) SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Senior Planner. (8) REPORT from Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, Planning and Zoning Division of Development Services. (9) ADJOURNMENT Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished to the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Planning & Zoning Division of the Development Services Department. DATED this 6th day of November 2014 By: Robe odgers, Senior Planner (or Planning and Zoning Division The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting. A majority of the Council Members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 , subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are audio and/or video recorded, and, as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is present at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 have been waived." Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 3 of 3 8,�,vAi4f TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS L 44° t�� z X Planning and Zoning Y: ,., Board of Adjustment `1rr��$t is my, AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: November 13, 2014 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Planning&Zoning Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO COMMISSION: Consideration of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes from September 25, 2014. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes from September 25, 2014. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes dated September 25, 2014, as presented. Attachment(s): Submitted by: /nice afaaYem November 5, 2014 Name/Title Date pprov'ed tiert dgers, Senior Planner Da e Page 1 of 1 i TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Ni,. ° t 5 X Planning and Zoning ° .. l.. ' Board of Adjustment tlat is A'r`l AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: November 13, 2014 Agenda Type: Regular Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner, 480-816-5138, rrodgers@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: PUBLIC HEARING regarding ORDINANCE #14-07, a text amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Sections 6.08.B.13 and 6.08.D.3. The amendments extend the expiration date to December 31, 2015, for A-frame signs and banners for special sales events. Case#Z2014-05 CONSIDERATION of ORDINANCE #14-07, a text amendment to the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Sections 6.08.B.13 and 6.08.D.3. The amendments extend the expiration date to December 31, 2015, for A-frame signs and banners for special sales events. Case#Z2014-05 Applicant: Town of Fountain Hills Applicant Contact Information: Planning& Zoning Division Property Location: Town-Wide Related Ordinance,Policy or Guiding Principle: Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6, Section 6.08.B.13 Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6, Section 6.08.D.3 Staff Summary (background): This is a Zoning Ordinance text amendment that would extend the expiration dates on Commercial A-frame signs and for Banners for special sales events. This process has become an almost annual review as the permitted usage of these types of signs has been expiring on Dec. 31 st of each year since 2009. However, the last extensions were granted for two years in 2012. The Planning & Zoning Commission is being requested to once again make recommendations regarding extending the sunset provisions for an additional year. The attached draft Ordinance #14-07, if approved, would extend the expiration date for A-frame signs to December 31, 2015 as well as extend the expiration date for canners, balloons and pennants to December 31, 2015. Without an extension these signs may no longer be used after December 31, 2014. Page 1 of 3 Banners&A-Frames 2014 Sunset Extension Staff field-checked the use of Banners and A-Frame signs during the week of October 20-25, 2014. The following table displays the results of these field checks along with the prior year reviews: 'fir- * Signs Total with 1 or D Permits Signs more %in % in xi YEAR Issued Displayed Violations Violation Compliance D 3 2009 0 39 27 69% 31% N 2010 37 64 58 91% 9% z 2011 55 64 44 69% 31% cm 2012 56 57 44 77% 23% 2013 59 No Survey Done NA 2014 30 107 86 80% 20% * Businesses displaying signs -- some had more than 1 sign Permits Banners % in % in YEAR Issued Displayed Violations Violation Compliance n 2009 0 No data NA z 2010 5 No data NA z m 2011 0 24 24 100% 0% v' 2012 3 27 24 89% 11% 2013 39 No Survey Done NA ,,, 2014 17 28 11 39% 61% The Current Sign Ordinance was adopted 11/1/2012 Sunset Clause Extension was granted to 12/31/14 Additional violations: Springboard signs 12 Pennants 3 Both the Planning & Zoning Commission and Town Council expressed reservations in past years about extending the expiration dates due to the obvious non-compliance of a number of the businesses who use these types of signage. The proposed amendments before you this evening are virtually the same as previous years. Only changing the expiration dates in the two sections of Chapter 6 of the Zoning Ordinance which include expiration dates of December 31, 2014. Section 6.08.B.13 of the Zoning Ordinance relates to A-Frame signage and states that; "No A-frame sign is permitted anywhere within the Town of Fountain Hills after December 31, 2014." Section 6.08.D.3 of the Zoning Ordinance states relates to Banners and states; "Banners, balloons and pennants are permitted for events such as special sales events with advance notification to the Town for L not more than sixty (60) consecutive hours per month. The provisions of this subsection 6.08(D) (3) shall expire on December 31, 2014." Page 2 of 3 Banners&A-Frames 2014 Sunset Extension Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of this text amendment will extend the expiration date for A-Frame Signs and Banners for an additional period of time. ikor Denial of this text amendment will require that the use of A-Frame Signs and Banners stop as of December 31, 2014. Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): NA Staff Recommendation(s): Continuously low compliance rates such as the ones being displayed would generally indicate that staff should recommend that the extension not be granted. However, due to the poor economic climate in recent years such a decision could have additional unintended consequences. Therefore, staff will continue to recommend that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a recommendation that the Town Council approve the extension of the expiration date for A-frame Signs and Event Banners for an additional year. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to recommend that the Town Council approve Ordinance #14-07, a text amendment to Sections 6.08.B.13 and 6.08.D.3 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, extending the expiration dates for Banners and A-Frame signs until December 31, 2015. Attachment(s): Draft Ordinance#14-07 ubmitted by: chobert 1Rodgers Cod October 29, 2014 Name/Title Date Approved by: i/z/ry Development Services Director Date L Page 3 of 3 • ORDINANCE NO. 14-07 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS, ARIZONA, AMENDING THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 6, SIGN REGULATIONS, RELATING TO A-FRAME SIGNS AND BANNERS. WHEREAS, the Mayor and the Council of the Town of Fountain Hills (the "Town Council") adopted Ordinance No. 93-22, which established the Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Fountain Hills (the"Zoning Ordinance"); and WHEREAS, the Town Council desires to amend the Zoning Ordinance to revise Chapter 6 thereof, Sign Regulations, to (i) extend the time period during which A-frame signs are allowed until December 31, 2015, and (ii) extend the time period during which banners, balloons and pennants are permitted for certain events until December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and pursuant to ARIz.REV. STAT. § 9-462.04, as amended, public hearings regarding this ordinance were advertised in the October 29, 2014 edition of the Fountain Hills Times; and WHEREAS, public hearings were held by the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission on November 13, 2014, and by the Town Council on December 18, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS as follows: SECTION 1. The recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2. "The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Subsection 6.08(B), is hereby amended by modifying subsection 13 thereof as follows: 13. No A-frame sign is permitted anywhere within the Town of Fountain Hills after December 31,201-4 2015. SECTION 3. The Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 6, Sign Regulations, Subsection 6.08(D)(3), is hereby amended as follows: 3. Banners, balloons and pennants are permitted for events such as special sales events with advance notification to the Town for not more than sixty (60) consecutive hours per month. The provisions of this subsection 6.08(D)(3) shall expire on December 31, 20112015. 0 PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the Mayor and Council of the Town of Fountain Hills, December 18, 2014. FOR THE TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS: ATTESTED TO: Linda M. Kavanagh, Mayor Bevelyn J. Bender, Town Clerk REVIEWED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ken Buchanan, Town Manager Andrew J. McGuire, Town Attorney III • Aljl TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Planning and Zoning vox — Board of Adjustment that is a ;i2 AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: November 13, 2014 Agenda Type: Regular Meeting Type: Regular Submitting Department: Development Services Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner, 480-816-5138, rrodgers@fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION of the CONCEPT PLAN for "Parcel B at Firerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive. Case #CP2014-02 CONSIDERATION of CUT & FILL WAIVERS for "Parcel B at Firerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive. Case #CFW2014-01 pplicant: Jeff Nielsen, Toll Brothers AZ Construction Co. Applicant Contact Information: 8767 Via de Ventura #390 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (480) 596-5815 Property Location: The subject property is "Parcel B" in the Firerock Country Club located on the Northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive between the 10th Fairway and the Driving Range. (APN 176-11-004) Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 2.04 — Concept Plan Review Zoning Ordinance Chapter 19 —Architectural Review Guidelines Subdivision Ordinance Section 5.03 — Cut and Fill Standards Staff Summary (background): This is a proposed 64-unit condominium project on 14.63 Acres. The project is located in the M-1 PUD Multi- Family Zoning District. The subject property is currently vacant. The property is primarily hillside and has some areas that were previously disturbed during the golf course construction. The M-1 PUD Zoning District would allow for up to a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre, or 117 total units. SURROUNDING LAND USES & ZONING: North: Firerock Country Club —Zoning "OSR-2" South: Firerock Country Club —Zoning "OSR-2" East: Firerock Country Club —Zoning "OSR-2" West: Firerock Country Club Clubhouse —Zoning "OSR-1 PUD" BACKGROUND: Page 1 of 4 Parcel B at Firerock 11/13/2014 The subject property is included within the Firerock Country Club Area Specific Plan as a 14+ acre, multi-family parcel. The zoning designation is "M-1 PUD" with a maximum dwelling unit density of 88 units. Additionally, ?plicants are required to provide a Hillside Protection Easement (HPE) to be recorded protecting post- development undisturbed areas. Parcel B at Firerock is proposed to consist of 64 condominium dwelling units on 14.63 acres with four basic floorplans with additional options for basements and garage entries. The buildings will have two units each and will be of a southwestern contemporary architectural design. Primary vehicular access is proposed off Firerock Country Club Drive. The road is a 1,636' + long cul-de-sac with a loop road of approximately 655'± long. A 20' wide emergency vehicular and pedestrian access/egress path has been provided along the south property line and is located within a joint utility/access easement. All units have been provided with two-car garages. Additionally, 16 designated off-street parking spaces, as well as and the unit's driveways, are available to provide off-street visitor parking. No community amenities such as pools, tennis courts, or the like have been provided. Under the terms of the Firerock Development Agreement, this parcel was allotted a disturbance envelope of 8.01 Acres. The plan proposes 5.1 acres of roadway and utility disturbance which is exempted, leaving a NET disturbance area of 7.98 acres. This leaves a residual 1.56 acres to be protected by an Hillside Protection Easement. The proposed density is less than the maximum density allowable under the terms of the PUD. Unit design and location has been examined for aesthetics and accessibility. Emergency access requirements have been addressed for both vehicles and pedestrians. Staff has worked extensively with the applicants to bring the proposal into conformance with the Town's -dinance requirements. This has been accomplished with the exception of the depths of some of the Cuts which must be addressed by the Town Council. The Cut Waiver (#CFW2014-01) technically does not require Planning & Zoning Commission action. However, as this issue is integral to other portions of this proposal, Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a favorable recommendation to the Town Council. The Zoning Ordinance allows for the cutting of areas up to 10' in depth. The proposal requests waivers to allow five areas of significant cut in excess of 10' in depth. CUT WAIVERS: Cut Waiver 1 (Green) = 38,974 Square feet (.89 Acres) Visible cut area ranges from 10' — 15' deep with a maximum depth of 15'. Cut Waiver 2 (Turquoise) = 38,849 Square feet (.89 Acres) Visible cut area ranges from 15' — 20' deep with a maximum depth of 20'. Cut Waiver 3 (Purple) = 18,862 Square feet (.43 Acres) Visible cut area ranges from 20' — 25' deep with a maximum depth of 25'. Cut Waiver 4 (Yellow) = 1,893 Square feet (.04 Acres) Visible cut area ranges over 25' deep with a maximum depth of 26.92'. This is the deepest area of cut and is located north of building 53-54 between the building and the roadway. Combined total visible cut areas in excess of 10' equals 98,578 square feet (2.26 Acres). This represents 15.4% of the total project site. All four areas of cut in excess of ten feet are necessary due to roadway, 'riveway, or emergency access grading requirements. FILL WAIVER: (Dark Blue) Page 2 of 4 Parcel B at Firerock 11/13/2014 The previously approved proposal included waivers to allow fill between 10' and 16' deep in an area approximately 3,920 square feet in size. The current proposal requests one fill waiver of .51' deep in an area 55 square feet in size near the roadway entrance to the development. The Condominium Plat has not yet been applied for. It is anticipated that this application will be made once the project is underway. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The proposal will require the following approvals: A. Concept Plan (CP2014-02) B. Cut & Fill Waivers (CFW2014-01) C. Condominium Plat (Not yet applied for) Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of this Concept Plan will allow the applicants to develop 64 condominiums at the proposed location subject to Town Council approval of the Cut & Fill waivers being requested. Denial of this Concept Plan will not allow the applicant to locate at the proposed location or, will cause the applicants to re-design their proposal in an effort to receive Concept Plan approval. Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): None Recommendation(s): NA ^staff Recommendation(s): ,tall recommends approval of the Concept Plan for Parcel B at Firerock (Case #CP2014-02) subject to the following stipulations: 1. The applicant shall provide a landscaping and lighting plan prior to the issuance of any building permit and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Landscaping plans shall include irrigation details. 2. The applicant shall submit Site Improvement Plans. All utilities and drainage features must be installed and functional as shown on the improvement plans and approved by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permit. 3. No occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the completion of all site improvements as depicted and approved. Said improvements must be approved by both the Town Engineer and the Planning Administrator. 4. The applicant shall ensure that the Emergency Vehicular Access Roadway is installed, fully functional, and approved by the Fountain Hills Fire Department prior to the issuance of any building permit. 5. All off-site drainage or other utility improvements required as conditions of this approval shall return any off-site disturbed areas to a condition similar to, or better than their pre-existing state prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. This shall include, but is not limited to re-grading, re- vegetating, and re-constructing moved or damaged structures or similar improvements. 4 6. All off-site improvements required as conditions of any approval regarding this project shall be either constructed, or fully bonded with a performance guarantee in a form and amount satisfactory to the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. Page 3 of 4 Parcel B at Firerock 11/13/2014 7. The applicants shall provide a Hillside Protection Easement for appropriate areas as outlined on the approved plans prior to placing any disturbance fencing or the commencement of any construction activities. 8. Compliance with items 1 and 2 of the October 13, 2014 memorandum from the Fountain Hills Sanitary District. 9. Compliance with items 1-9 of the November 5, 2014 memorandum from the Fountain Hills Town Engineer. 10. The applicant shall apply to the Fountain Hills Town Council for, and be granted, Cut waivers as needed to substantially comply with the development plans outlined in this Concept Plan. 11. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement pursuant to Section 19.05.1 of the Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance prior to the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. Staff also recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the cut waiver as presented. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the CONCEPT PLAN for "Parcel B at Firerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive as presented and subject to the stipulations outlined in the staff report. Case #CP2014-02 Move to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the CUT & FILL WAIVERS for"Parcel B at -irerock", a multi-family project located on the northeast side of Firerock Country Club Drive as presented. 'v.- Case #CFW2014-01 Attachment(s): 10/13/2014 Fountain Hills Sanitary District Memo 11/5/2014 Fountain Hills Town Engineer Memo Circulation Plan Concept Plan Cut & Fill Plan Applicant's Narrative (33 pgs) Applicant's Architectural Elevations (14 pgs) Color & Materials Board (2 pgs) Submitted by: Robert cRodger'g ' November 4, 2014 Name/Title Date Approved by: Paul Mood November 5 2014 Development ery es Director Date Page 4 of 4 � .N4,, �� FOUNTAIN HILLS SANITARY DISTRICT 16941 E. PEPPERWOOD CIRCLE FOUNTAIN HILLS, AZ 85268-2901 7� �w TELEPHONE: 480-837-9444 FAX: 480-837-0819 �`9RY �IS� www.az-fhsd.gov DATE: October 13, 2014 MEMO TO: Bob Rodgers Town of Fountain Hills FROM: Chris Kiriluk RE: Subdivision Technical Review Parcel B at FireRock Concept Plan Case No. CP2014-02 First Submittal I have reviewed the above referenced submittal for conformance with District requirements and have the following comments: 1. All sewers must be built according to Fountain Hills Sanitary District Design Standards. 2. All sewers not in a street must be in a dedicated easement to provide access for District staff /cdk cc: Toll Brothers, Inc. 8767 E. Via de Ventura Scottsdale, AZ 85258 Contact: Jeff Nielsen Atwell 4700 E. Southern Avenue Mesa, AZ 85206 Contact: Matt Olsen, P.E. Hazel Cunningham FCC Parcel B—Concept Comments 0 TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS INTER OFFICE MEMO TO: Robert Rodgers,AICP ,- DATE: 11-5-14 CC: Paul Mood,PE/Dev. S rvices Did. FR:Randy L. Harr , , t\CFM/ RE: Firerock Parcel B Town Engineer II / Concept Plan Comments The Firerock Parcel B plans are satisfactory for Concept Plan review by the Planning Commission. A number of our initial comments remain to be addressed at the Improvement Plan stage, as follows, but we believe that these can be satisfactorily addressed without excessive modification of the Concept Plan: 1. Avoid an adverse crown on the entrance roadway. This is particularly important adjacent to the double tiered downhill retaining wall located on the outside of the downhill horizontal roadway curve. 2. Provide a permission letter/easement from the Firerock Golf Course indicating their concurrence with: o Storm drains (4 locations) o Storm Drain concentrated outlet flows, with riprap. o Fill grading on the Golf Course property. III o Draining onto the driving range. o Relocation of the cart path and bridge currently located at the northeast corner of the site. 3. Show the adequacy of vehicular roadway sightlines and intersection sightlines. (This can be done on a non-construction-plan-sheet drawing.) 4. Floodplain: o Clarify the 100-year floodplain area for Cereus Wash, Walnut Wash, and Chukar Wash. o Verify that Building Finish Floors are adequately (1' min.)above the 100-year HWL. o Calculate and provide adequate erosion hazard setbacks per ADWR requirements. o Re-delineate Cereus Wash and Chukar Wash floodplains through FEMA. (A LOMR-F is acceptable to the Town.) o The plan indicates"Existing golf cart path and bridge to be relocated offsite and to not alter storm water flows." Show and provide acceptable calculations of where/how that will be accomplished. 5. Revise (as needed) and resubmit the soils report for this site, for Town review and approval. 6. At the mailbox area, adequately widen the roadway and the sidewalk. 7. Clarify the existing waterline connections at the eastern edge of the site. 8. Provide adequate construction/maintenance separation between the proposed storm drain and the southerly side of Unit 59. II 9. Provide a curve radius for the"20' Easement Emergency Vehicle Access" at its southeasterly corner. .....+1P.0N9.PVi YOVOIYYCOIYMAIN MOW YWLNV'mH NnlNnnf \ . `�� o..M VIPs 9P....wMo9 �...9•w...1°o.otl. )1002,132lId 1V 813021Vd ""'"""i1 I®940PII 113M.LV I :�3 lt8 ,I l v" - o.omlPl `./ '4.99...d NVId NOIlV1f1O2�10 :.�. � g •..3 Ptl 9 svmEoPW, _ 1. �k'a- rd i 9 reeo$I.oN g� w<. _ J 3 ,9l'LlY 6< /// ( ,Amor- � ibEMS lid*������ 1 _ SIG-< R 4i got5h I 1 ".04..... wilt l' 4, ,/ A r 1 \\\ li , , 2 kil Ait ,, ,- .40\ ter(iii,- #4.* \ 1, ,, , , , . 1iS\I tl \////-\ \� L_—/ /pill-) 1 I '`,k, 10410\ 31 0 11 p Arri 1 \\ X % Z J a100 � Z \vT10102 ,4 ♦V ,,� v F— O < v� A ��� \\ k d Q " `�j F Dm I \ :'�, \,,,�. \ r , L — \?r \ `� � `\ ,\\ LL NO 1335 — _— y�j U U — —El Alt_ \ ,\ `\A , Bz OLLO35 ZF4 CL ��� . 1 *-►,' 1+ - I I \ z I v')'tt / s= _ N \wit lit ,-/ , , Ism\ _... , ,...., Alp" ;, , , ,),,el4‘''\'4 _J d 1 04141 I 74 --N is a aiPib J /// // \ ‘41.,1 'ior \\'. 1: ! gillii ce . / / All,' AI Ilk ,.I 1 _---- I. ! d xi"! 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'>sr — \-.' ii16.41% v#€ jai 4 A ial , s 1 i dlF'ul4 P 2 gb Mar 30 u+35N6>'IAwn*Wine 3111 N6:ettt 30.3A'nod W.IA elb a-WAr r:6t 0 untlxam na GO rt:t/.l:t 41-m44e ne x t.iox/r/i I.....3 SW IGw+A GOA..w.,..oVut4 MI A'»%..a-..n»44:-4490604:\:4 CONCEPT PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/ FILL WAIVER REQUEST simmesp7! , .14 -7 47, "111111111111r IN 1.1 • 1" '11 a . .„ .7,44•F 4 , 7"4".. 4*.* PT-firtF '11 • ' I 1 ""' " 7 • , 116444.41 4117:; . 444 j 91;11 trt, • 110111' . -d - '11%Pr444.:440: '* ...ifwv41 • - 444'•+1c. • . . •• •• PARCEL B FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB Toll Brothers Residential Development September 25, 2014 Updated: October 30, 2014 PARCEL B @ FIREROCK COUNTRY CLUB CONCEPT PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST Prepared for: Toll Brothers Contact: Jeff Nielsen Office: (480) 596.5815. Email:jnielsen@tollbrothersinc.com Land Planning: Swaback Partners Design Guidelines: Contact: Jeff Denzak Office: (480)367.2100 Email:jdenzak@swabackpartners.com Architecture: BSB Design, Inc. Contact: Brad Sonnenburg Office: (480) 663.2100 Email: BSonnenburg@BSBDesign.com Civil Engineering: Atwell Group Contact: Matt Olsen Office: (480) 218.8831 Email: molsen@atwell-group.com Legal Counsel: Berry Riddell & Rosensteel LLC Contact: Wendy R. Riddell Office: (480) 682.3902 Email: wr@brrlawaz.com • TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction p•1 2 Project Description p• 9 3 Architecture p. 14 4 Project Zoning p. 16 5 Compatibility with the General Plan p. 18 6 Streetscape Standards and Guidelines p. 24 7 Timing and Phasing p. 24 t,,, 8 Landscape, Lighting & Monumentation p. 26 rwq, s I "The overall design setting and spectacular views will make Parcel B one of the most memorable neighborhoods in all of FireRock" - Vernon D.Swaback, FAIR FAICP PARCEL B c FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 3,7,,,irk: • , - e „ .. , , ,.... .. , t . , ., ., . . ........„ ...,. ., ___„,,,' %., titre 4�. 'f"+' '" d �,, «$ • +,`" _ -, ,�, r, ii, 41 . 't.** 11'*..`lke _ 115, ,"'"",„,'1"1%44.4.4k.14*' _,*: ,/, ' .C.;ita'ZI,... t't ....**IP:A , i *s fig,ltii ./ r k , - �f i , •` :y." N.N. '" i 1, j_3ya ° • y�,,� :If �I• •` • ti ., 2 /! H« ♦ / a ri v ai 1t s • • i lot, M •°'� I ! • ' ''' 4. . 014, :...7,A.,..s-ot 11.0- --- , , .,. ,,,„.0 ,t -.....,,, „ ,41 ir„,„ a Tr �; + /1 t ,W r a s � r��t ,�' t' �' �. ,. 1 •♦ .',' \ r fib *'It • +r$ i �! ,, k 1 " ka,"*.4 t ,, i. l'in y}p , i sir ,q�FI.. ( % r r te _. ` �,� _ '� ���`r.,� . t - if? I a1 J • yor- -4144 x�' l� I 0 , , as te -Ari ir- a.f'rt.% - A ti cs . ` t . ay ! Nicit i ,or1*- ,y . r . I j#q' t. -C 1. it f ff• - ` ° ice"*` - ':r * e„4a I71 di • yrr e 1,...ftiv ,� w• -. .*f�'r ♦«a -,A s - � ', «ter. + + ` � + s ',- .. foli * t ` i n r * SECTION 1 : INTRODUCTION 1 11, 1. INTRODUCTION i Toll Brothers (the applicant) is proposing a new development for Parcel B (Ml) of the FireRock Planned Unit Development (PUD). Parcel B, identified under the historical FireRock :al approved PUD consists of approximately 14.63 acres and is located east of Country Club --z Drive, directly across from the clubhouse and adjacent to holes number 10, 11 and the practice facilities. The context maps on the following pages provide a visual reference as to the exact location of the property.This submittal consists of a proposed concept plan and a cut and fill waiver request for proposed development. f 1 , • :_s i - ,.4. 0 0 ,,- ' --: ::,,,,t I,, ' 11114:44# il • . 0 ... . „ .... .... ,.. , .. „ - e„,,,:- , -;.-- -, 1,,,,,.,„,„,- -.., .- - -- Entrance view coming into FireRock Country Club Drive PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 2 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION • • y R i .• .' 7. yt ,�t�a r . I .r'•r .. � $'�` k CopperWyndilk* 0 ,$4 r. n and Resort b + Clu Club , ° • i 1 ... `.+ Golf .+,•,. .. A' . • - .r i♦ . s 4 r+ Y i .I A r • ,# ,, , i., ! r I 1 $ I . r 1 . A. 0 7 2 xumu -. P, ICY ty r r r . FIRERDCKPQPERTYBDUNDARV r L •• � Eagl�: rlotnttairi R •G lfClub - • • a icy { ys'• Jeri ,yp � • r • y._ SITE cON11" E )(T . , .. . PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 3 N •� ',. , - • • a.,1 a a . . 4.x ♦ It, •4. , .r, f� a . r• , r • , = !; w. /fir +a ' t♦tr , L • • 1 r to � Y . '4 Fountain Park •_/ J // 1. �J . I . w . Aif', • t i ' • r ar I 4 "• • . as • .r"` t • N . s � • r• a . t to it SITE �^" . • rr , , . + • i•''�. , a +, , ," ^ y + I' '' a i.• ' - 4 . of jI ,• -•- •. 4. _ 4 • { * • 1' . , f a ` ,. . i, .' a. •4 { f f ..r k 4^ - ..a . "-.• i Y + 4 , ♦y' •I d; r • .r PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 4 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION f, - , ,,,,,,: .... ,..„ , , , ,_ ....... . ,_-. , •. _ , ,..„..... - ---„---, ,- ,,,: •.. „....t..., „.___, . ...., ,,,,, ' „ ,, '54'.i.,..: ittlf i": _,.... { $ VILLAS AT FI'EROCK - , .` t �. RpC • r .i GAT . .,, ,,�,.- -. �.,- i►�I►1- isors. � i. Nil* . 1,14 ,. 0 0 'k ,r , fi ,, `y{ a PRIMARY ACCESS '-,.• a r . aeF g GOLF CLUBHOUSE ,,,,, -- • ter, �rs, ' i - t r Lgs '4. , .. r. g 0 ? . ,, -... ^ 0,00,„ i. LOCAL SITE CS NTEXT PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 1 : INTRODUCTION 5 a a . r. FSyF .� , ail..,,. (I) ---,.. -'-',,*'......,Is,. ''',, ---' . ARYL • tee PROPERTY BOUND BALERA AT FIR , a , 1,:'..- - t ,. . y.. , it ''. ar 4 • 4aYt x » "i. \ .. � %,4 ,x lr et r ';r` w ` a 3 7,� r *. # t a : ` ** l *.. ". . r r 4s,i T ,fit t 2 4 fi ::'' ,; _. r _. .. 1 t. ..`•* r , , . , . . • T � ' ..., , s • N. DRIVING RANGE . i 4` �C • F , r s - .e�V• . ! t,,, PARCEL B a FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 6 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION • At Toll Brothers, we build more than homes; we build communities. Trusted since 1967,we've been building communities in picturesque settings where luxury meets convenience, and where neighbors become lifelong friends. When you choose Toll Brothers, a Fortune 1000 company, you choose our unwavering commitment to quality and customer service. We have won numerous awards -the Company was recently named national Builder of the Year by BUILDER magazine, and was twice named national Builder of the Year by Professional Builder magazine. But our greatest reward comes from the recognition we receive from our homeowners and the satisfaction that they express. Many Toll Brothers homeowners purchase a second - and even third - home from us, often within the same community, as their needs and preferences change over time. Eh Toll Brothers home offers a combination of quality materials and superior design, where every detail is meticulously crafted, and every enhancement you select is seamlessly added to create a dream home that is uniquely yours. At Toll Brothers, we believe that preserving the natural environment is an integral part of creating a community you'll be proud to call home. That means everything from environmentally sensitive planning to energy-efficient home design. Nationwide, Toll Brothers partners with conservation groups that include the National Wildlife Federation and Audubon International. In addition, the homes we build are designed to harmonize with the scenic beauty of the surrounding landscape. We preserve as much open space as possible, incorporating and even restoring the existing hills, trees, and ponds. Our homes include numerous green features that help to minimize our impact on the environment. By going green with a new Toll Brothers home, you'll be saving money, making a difference, and maximizing your quality of life. • PARCEL B FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 1 : INTRODUCTION 7 L Toll Brothers is currently building in 20 states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. Toll Brothers is the nation's premier builder of luxury homes and is a publicly owned company whose stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:TOL). Toll Brothers is currently building in 20 states across the United States and has been committed to building award winning communities throughout Arizona for nearly two decades. Beginning with a foundation of quality design and a responsibility to create beautiful places for our residents and neighbors alike, this commitment to excellence is exemplified in some of the finest neighborhoods in Arizona that continue to add value to 4., already vibrant communities beyond. M_ • R 4 t a 1 111 44# 11110 PARCEL B Co FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST I ,, ,..„. • •, „ , ,,, '''''''.' . t, ,,. ' ,,,„.... ,... r, ,. ,,,,. , , ..,..„ ,.. . .,,, .n. ' , ' ,,. ,. " .' ,', . . r,,, , r, . ,., . .. . ..' ,,,.. . ,. ,, . . ..... . A ' , ,, -.:,....,•,-.',.' -,,,,,, .. ....- .. • .... ,„ ,...-._:s. 4 . .., • . ... 4 ' . . g .. '# . ... . ,...h, , 4 -.,,-,...-......,.. ...... ..„., ,..,,,,, v . . , Ytt,,,'' ..., ,. -. * il , . .5. ..` ' ..'''' * 74 .1. , , ,ili,z ' ' ,.--:-•lc' , •- •-',411 . ,-,",:','i' ' • '.-- 4 I * ...., — ....,. A . , .. . . ,..A. i 1 - k* A . .,, "- — . , ..„ A.. . . . -..- ., ,Al'k.' .,-" A . ' - ' 44., A „ 1114 " , 4.4a ', ..'''-''''';';''''i0-,''-• - ,..'6. . , SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 9 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of 32 paired homes (64 total units) carefully situated on the identified parcel to take advantage of the dramatic distant mountain views to the north and south. The site access, road layout and location of each building has been designed to "nestle" into the hillside in a manner that limits visual clutter into the site while maximizing views out from the property. The planned outcome is a beautiful intimate neighborhood that will live more like a series of luxury single family homes rather than a higher density apartment-like community which is currently allowed to be built on the site. Key Site Design Elements include the following: • Reduced density from the entitled zoning (88 units) and down from the previously approved plan that was at 80 units • Specially designed homes that neatly traverse the slopes on both the north and south faces • Significantly reduced vertical massing compared to the previously approved plan • Sophisticated site engineering that results in a project that feels "nestled" into the hillside • Major reduction in visible cuts to the landform compared to the previously approved plan that relied on numerous terraced walls and three story buildings • Purposeful irregular layout of units that maximizes views and creates a varied streetscene • Significant increase in undisturbed open space • PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 10 SECTION 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 0 Core Design Initiatives • Integrate with surrounding area to compliment the quality and character of FireRock and Fountain Hills. • Create a pedestrian oriented neighborhood that encourages walkability • Incorporate a curvilinear road system (private drives)that supports a unique setting VERTICAL MASSING COMPARISON • \-- I k 14054 r «... e....-.......fir . n fl k$ ` Li n f7 0 El _D - _ ' __ I cztir 4�r R. k I ,t 1 . . i t" 1 . . i.,1) Unit 6 Unit 5 Unit 4 to 0 c.a., kJ Ti`k r.:4 t. I"xitY44- CURRENTLY APPROVED PLAN The two elevations illustrate the significant difference between the current proposed plan and the previously PARCEL. B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 11 • Avoid monotony by a careful orchestrated layout of building blocks that provides visual diversity • Create an attractive appearance by incorporating a desert landscape complimented by desert contemporary architecture that doesn't rely on copying traditional "styles" The conceptual site plan diagram on the following pages illustrates the organization of proposed site elements and features. 3 0 ° f y ! i,, I 't � 6 t'+ "y .aim.. .iMv.. � trail e0' f1'"t .`i. .. _i 8 4 _ .. try i + II f , i 25 ,_` { 4. Unit 23 YN .,;JE AT 42P1i4 x'ERrr tIt>st PROPOSED PLAN C approved plan. PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 12 SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION . Ilk e '4%_ .. . 11* k 1.0, ' :-.•.=. . t� 1 Iiliest ...._ �' *Ili '.. ' 10 101e 1►11 VILLAS AT FIREROCK+ �� *,,,,. #.41 ,„. tr ' ,:,-_,:,, 44". 49*. or ........ .,... _ ..,..,,f, .., .,. , .,,. •,.,. .... , . .. ... , , .,,,,, ,,,,, .,.., At., ..„ , -,,. ,. . --: - '2,-;----- • *,tom, ,..C _ .< , ,,-..- - '-',',7c,',. ,:-.. -- "---Y - . .xr�i 400..0 . '‘' q4 • - 1 '. « flit ' rT'.`a �5s� 0a < a , l'..:1,41.:...,".':„., R� 1 ,�414.� / Eire * E.. \ Y + x L . . 0 le4. :w4 mod'... �#1 '..,',,\ . -— -- 1.*:;;;,i,:,,'4,..e.:-.,,m21,'::::: I''.7'1,;,. :'414 c-1.** *AIL t , GOLF CLUBHOUSE , , ! .3 �. T'' .f k. J� . 0 a '•" k.° R. `ems PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 2: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 13 e 1, .......,..... si7e,410 ....„: s.,/pu, 0 .,_,.,. . ... ,. ,.. ,.. 4, '. i I' ti /=''' ' " - ...-:•-,-..::*'''''''.7 ' I'"''':.., . . —. ... . . . . ., . ....k... ... .. . ,.. iri.I• .4..-LN -:1' .. -..10:. ,' '',,::"- - , ,,,,. .,‘rjritheo.t ".*, 7 *A .1. ,, • / .:,,.. .... _. , . ,..,.. , .;111.* * p,,- W' ....-:,--; • „., iii.,. , ,.c__, . , . .... .. .,.. ,,. . ,..._. A ....... , - . .. „,..: .., ,*-..-..1—. ,. ,..,,,, ' --• .„- . , • .,, ,.- „,„- ,,,, .,,,_.. il) DRIVING RANGE .. _ 1Pihr" , ,‘ :.-...4, .,,j,t- 416'. ,,t:4, -. $k, ,,,,,,,. - :' 4'•I 4.7,:,:'' ' . e'r ',, "' ,.. , .f , . ..„ . ....---0,. ,„,,er” 4- :-A-,---- ' '- „.. ...... ' ,.- .. r ., ... ., ' —......: .. , , ,. ... .t .. . , — --- tr,r...„ . .,„, - . . . _ • •.),,,t, ' .,, --Lp.. - ', ...4:...),!_:... ::...,....,-.. 'w,4' .,2...,, :._,.4.1;,‘*.e.P.-4-4— Conceptual artist's rendering for illustration purposes only. - PARCEL B @ FIREROCI< CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 14 SECTION 3: ARCHITECTURE C _ __ 3. ARCHITECTURE The proposed plan calls for a series of paired homes that are organized with a combination of single story units and units designed with grade level access and walk out lower levels. Unlike the previously approved plans that looked to create multiple level designs that had significant visual impacts to the property,this proposed design and associated architectural massing has a much "lower" profile on the hillside. In addition, the creative southwest contemporary architecture embraces the very best aspects of contextual desert architecture in a manner that orchestrates a beautiful composition of buildings. Because of the unique nature of the site and the organization of buildings, associated floor plans and the multi- option positioning of garages, the street scene will have significant variation. rri ce I �. _._ III t\. 4. \-.. s . T ..,./. .._. ...7 �. i t a.2 ii‘t.44 ; , ----i - -..--- , L .. j _ U t it : y 11f Vt' (1'1.' , .a,g A i rt __. ;� ' k,,__�- ;. i'�' - 1 I _.__`r. ,trot _.__a - - • PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST .n.p ..'` r 1 4d$ t, 3� • x� t i 9 I : / a � d'_ S '' fit- 4 ! ; ,. It' �' tf :4t ' I 4 ‘v. iF• '• t. t". g s = �`,. +,. #'see �`� , p * ' JA. ��, * p ,.. r 1y , , it N'f,1" , '` 7 5 j r'-r '`y0-4 a` M' ,6 'vai ,.3 �r ,` ody i tt I ' '+' Y''4 y' t,Ar, V I i �048 , al) F ry*� a j[ t 7 rlg: t ; 4 o- i l ,r y 5 x * ij�� rri�r0 • t te , 4 ,. Sr. _ .tom,, g. , 1f �`. N , i Ain 110 .. At }1- t ? .�,'. � �. is ,y s 1 9�, B 7 ,fir *s.q { It • A yam a"�„ „� t yy. g +♦ G l 'r d' fr a, t .i y b. ter-. 3 • itf , it "` `' '� , ,,"` t � ,. fir, ." .. C. a..•i ,t ♦ . ° , :. .� Yam\ ' n / ya`^ .- i 4* i" ,`h t' .p , \.7 ' 'let' ' 11.. - \' ‘*: / "4X4 ' ' I fp la t it t ,�'� - •'•" ' 44.1 _ - , . ---- 'a • f".' " ha`� it." "-4 14, * - fs '' ' ' . , ' - .s. .•,"- ' 100. '...11., i i ,i , ,1,.., ,x,...;:,,,,, 1,,,,, , _0,„ 4.,. . . 41, ' 4 a°. Y ` �'• Y . `' .1 ,k. Y xy fi '"^r"elm 4a a�, ' 1. 11 N1/4...;1/4 1..,,,, ,,,,. .,,, x il. qtr .: •..+ .. , , e�° �,. ' ��. .. ' L. r . } ., "sir" �Fa' �p' ••r • "� ,yam * �s 16 SECTION 4: PROJECT ZONING 4. PROJECT ZONING Parcel B was zoned under the Firerock zoning case number Z97-46 as M-1 PUD. The M- 1 zoning allows up to 8 dwelling units per acre and under that PUD zoning case, it was established that Parcel B is allowed to have up to 88 dwelling units.The proposed number of units is 64, or 4.4 dwelling units per acre. The proposed development will consist of attached single family dwelling units that is pursuant to the M-1 zoning. The buildings will not exceed the 30' building heights from natural ground. This will be a condominium project, built within the perimeter setbacks and with varying distances between units. The proposed development will consist of private streets that meet the minimum hillside standards. An emergency access road will be designed to provide secondary access for emergency use only. Some of the longer driveways also provide a loop in all cases that meets the requirements for emergency access.Trash enclosures will be provided on the sides of the units and shall be screened as require by the Town. Each unit shall have a two car garage and there are 16 off street parking spaces provided for guests to meet the .25 spaces require for parking. Under the PUD associated with the overall Firerock development, Parcel B is allowed no more than 8.01 acres of disturbance.There is approximately 1.54 acres of undisturbed area and 5.11 acres of exempt roadway and utility area. The remainder from the 14.63 acres is 7.98 acres that meets the maximum requirement of 8.01 acres of disturbance. The conceptual grading for Parcel B addresses the following Town of Fountain Hills requirements: the cut and fill limits, maximum building heights, driveway slopes ,roadway grades and sight visibility. The design team explored numerous site plan iterations in an effort to minimize the necessary grading and comply with the regulations. However, due to the topography of the site, and to develop the property in a manner consistent with its' entitlements, it is necessary to obtain a waiver. S PARCEL B n FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 4: PROJECT ZONING 17 , The limited areas that exceeds the 10' maximum permitted cut is internalized on the site at the high point of the property.Therefore, this area is located within the development such that it would not be in a visible location from the exterior of the site, and would ultimately be primarily covered by roadways and buildings. The internalized location of the maximum cut exceeding the 10' limit will also serve to lower the roof lines and substantially reduce the visual impact of the development, and permit a better view of the mountains to the south from Shea Boulevard. This internalized cut area (approximately 2.13 acres) has proposed cuts from 10' to 20'. The maximum proposed cut of 26.9' is located at a high point in the center of the community. The development of Parcel B requires a waiver for the cuts in excess of 10'. The site has been designed to limit the cuts exceeding 10' and to reduce the visual impact associated with the cuts, while complying with the other requirements for the development of the site, and to create a successful community for Fountain Hills. C I I 411 PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 18 SECTION 5: COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Cr 5. COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Role of the General Plan and Relationship to Parcel B @ Fire Rock As the town of Fountain Nills evolves,the General Plan serves as an invaluable instrument to guide and inform thoughtful development that reinforces the towns values and commitments to its citizenry. The proposed development of Parcel B reinforces these values and fits well within the goals, objectives, and policies set forth in the General plan. Through thoughtful design and careful planning, Parcel B seeks to both integrate with the surrounding desert community and enhance the overall quality of life for its residents and the active and diverse community beyond. Proposed Request Alignment with the General Plan Specific examples of how the proposed development complies with the General Plan are as follows (organized per the Elements identified in the 2010 General Plan): 41111i Land Use Element Circulation Element Water Resources Element Environmental Planning Element Fountain Hills 2010 GENERAL PLAN MAP (portion) - General Plan 2010 Elating 11Q r;, r` r ..._ --`j ar , ..�:.;. ' i r. :Y r i �� IF� 1 i `'^ ;;; :,gym; .. ,,(�,. 1 {.may Mt ' II' 1y ""'""+ MA -, 11816 , s 14y44 ti M. _ 1) J/ - :LA10 0 41•.' -5' i i Ilall•^•'...,....• t ,,Ni Cl �,�. ^ , , 4--, 1 K ` .o 4,tYw.G..s.. ,, 1, I � \-- ' f .1 ' c , gig ---.. /f ,:a.....� y z1 r teas+.v.... i ii , it , ,....ril•1.11w.,... • r Y , - fi ' ' VI 011111 I 0 PARCEL B C FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 5: COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 19 il Land Use Element Goal Five: Protect and preserve existing neighborhoods from incompatible adjacent land uses. Objective 5.2:The Town should continue to preserve open space and natural `— washes as buffers between and — within zoning districts. The proposed development at Parcel B has taken careful consideration of preserving existing open - space, mountain views and has incorporated substantial areas of open space and native desert. i C '''''''-•=t-,--J_____L-____ ii ---::::-...,\sc./x_,.„---_-----:'---------------\c— ''''->- ,.,:`‘, ---- u ‘.,,..,,,, "- fountain Hills \\ �, r. - General Plan 2010 - ; A Land Use Pan \ rrnpe,rt ors ra. -ro 4........- - - -- Yh�r .,..„,,. . ., (\1/4/) -\,, \\... _ -------___________ --------,_-___,.. . _ in.CN er.4.4,l'44,4444-4.49644. MUE - l`' �H$! am u.tirry OM s saw.. CI �' , 0011 mo GC cr,ray.» ` �I JJ04Xarr trs.tar.r .7 � - N. 1 \ ` _ a.,c .4,.a St xctc r.r,t ,/rJ / S Mori_ PUPA ( el''''',--r-r iL__ -- .1 , ,,, NI$10/1.11...S.ROOVIVWFO \ ' I —1/\T-1[,_ o- 71 - f‘i —1( \--, ti L \. �� d\,. it L PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 20 SECTION 5: COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN Circulation Element Goal One: Create safe and efficient patterns of circulation. Objective 1.8: The Town should encourage secondary access points to all new t., "` ''=-- development areas for temporary „"4. and permanent emergency access, including mountain and hillside subdivisions. Goal Two: Provide aesthetically pleasing circulation systems. 414,11 Objective 2.3:The Town should carefully consider requests to waive its roadway4440 standards to facilitate the development of steeply sloping .*r areas, particularly if development will generate visible cut/fill waiver i,. g �� .0 that allow for the development of any roadway that is visually inappropriate or incompatible with ;� tt the existing natural terrain. The proposed development at Parcel B has incorporated an emergency access to the southwest corner of the parcel along FireRock Country Club Drive. The proposed circulation within the development is designed to nestle into the hillside and provide a beautiful street environment for vehicles and pedestrians alike. C PARCEL B @ PIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 5: COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN 21 Water Resources Element Goal One: Reduce water usage. Objective 1.3: The Town should encourage new `` ' �t'( and revitalization projects to be designed in a manner that limits y , water usage and that would be w able to use reclaimed water for '` " r landscape irrigation, should it become legally available. The proposed development at Parcel B encourages the reduction of water usage by tir proposing drought tolerant landscaping that utilizes native and adapted plant materials. • p` • Hti S y- a PARCEL B @ FIREPOCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 22 SECTION 5: COMPATIBILITY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN I Environmental Planning Element Goal One: Promote the continued vigilance and guardianship of the natural desert. 1 Goal Four: Promote environmental stewardship. Objective 4.9: The Town should encourage the use of architectural designs , using passive solar heating, shade elements and appropriate insulating materials to reduce energy consumption.41. The proposed Parcel B development will take s ' , t ? :.,11 into careful consideration the natural desert andt_ : , 0 ' the impact the development will have on the ,, surrounding natural environment as well as distant ' . '�*'%` � natural views. Parcel B has been designed to havep �., ', r�'•'�' ';" y4, ' a sensitive impact on the natural environment, ' ie. , preserve mountain views for the surrounding ., .., • community and nestle into the native desert. s � * ,„..4„:14,1,,,:f,:..;,..,,,,..,, ; ,,., ,...ar:: k 1 a1r°3,' ''s ,"":",„.- ,,.,,,, ,,,,,s� S . .„. „,,,_,, PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST a i #YJ S -,,,, / . kF i , C ' . ' ' '• . ---.r.H ;" .-:' i'''1, ,,,,,,,r,,,-,,,-. , l� # i. aiF i .M' n . a r a+ , F kY "a. "...' =u4yy., .i is . a , 4 k 1. .y# t` . i to J5. , u.v ',y ' , t a.K ,w 24 SECTION 6: STREETSCAPE STANDARDS & GUIDELINES/SECTION 7: TIMING & PHASING C 6. STREETSCAPE STANDARDS & GUIDELINES The streets have been designated as hillside private drives. The associated engineering as well as both horizontal and vertical layout shall be coordinated with Town staff. 7. TIMING & PHASING The development of Parcel B will move forward upon review and approval of the Project construction plans. It is anticipated the Project will be developed in one major phase. However, there is nothing in the plan to preclude a combination of sub-phases, as long as the associated infrastructure is in place. PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST • • IP r ;t b1 'I .e if �} .� i / i i 1 'r V 1s •li L , 45, k 3+,a '?t I ,� +f ' r I f � '. i�� • li f .� 1 • r 1. y i 1' r + ,�. b �, ,,,I f - L§ `, `a" • • yew w1/4,+ ..,,,,,,k. - ,,,t,,zt., , ,, , i ,..,., i _, ,,. . ,- ,-,..‘. a� k i x I ✓y _ i s _# j x, M!? �11 ��np .S illi .'ilot;.. ,' • • tt� • a FM'� r .xG + 1 f Y s +b `K i • 1 .C+ +1�'1 , ' •_ ii 26 SECTION 8: LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING & MONUMENTATION 411P- 8. LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING & MONUMENTATION Landscape Thoughtful landscape treatment is an integral design element in the Parcel B development. Site sensitive design is a visible indicator of quality development and should not only enhance the project itself, but also enrich the community and environment in which it exists. Landscaping should be used to improve the existing site: define major entry ways, circulation routes, and open space areas; buffer less intensive land uses; and create visual interest. The landscape treatment for Parcel B will seamlessly blend with the existing native desert condition and 'nestle' the development into the site. All landscape improvements for Parcel B shall comply with the Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance Article 6 Landscaping Standards. 1 Only plant materials specified on the Fountain Hills Fountain Hills Subdivision Ordinance Article 6 Plant List,the FirePock Country Club Design Guidelines or as approved by the Community Development Director shall be selected for Parcel B. Design Criteria: r ,; , 7.11.1111111.11161 1. Preserve the existing landscape to the greatest _ extent possible. 2. Salvage and replant native vegetation per standards and best management practices. 3. Limit exotic ornamentals and areas of turf to special common areas and or courtyards, etc. air _ 4. Use landscape with functional intent; for visual accent, visual buffer/screen , for shade, etc. 5. Utilize low-water use, arid region, native plants. 6. Focus on creating shade and micro-climatic cool ;"` Y`ram, ' zones. ; ^ , ' a;t _ • sws 44. 7. Establish attractive tree-lined streets. ` fin} 5 trr s, a �} t wr�r 8. Establish seamless transitions from existing , g e a ti landscape to the greatest extend possible. '- } ;`" .. Y ',f PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 8: LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING & MONUMENTATION 27 cry Lighting4,4 rr Lighting will be carefully implemented into Parcel B to provide safety and security,to highlight important architectural/site features and to illuminate wayfinding along pathways. Lighting shall be dark skies compliant and shall comply with the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance 11;,* w 4. Chapter 8 Outdoor Lighting Control.The design intent • , 4 •. _ ,,.0" shall be to incorporate appropriate site and exterior } , ,. ,04 lighting in a manner that enhances the environment while �'' �m balancing the requirements of the Dark Sky Ordinance. Design Criteria • Site lighting must be directed onto vegetation or " prominent site features such as boulders. • Building mounted lighting must be directed downward away from adjacent lots, street, and _ open spaces and may not be used to light walls or building elements for decorative purposes. • All exterior lighting must provide for significant shielding of light sources and be dark skies ,;$1 compliant. • Only incandescent lamps with maximum wattage of 75 watts will be allowed unless approved in writing by the Town of Fountain Hills Community Development Director (see The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.01). + • Security lighting, which is typically bright and of general nature, will be permitted only with the understanding that it will only be used in emergencies. PARCEL B FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST 28 SECTION 8: LANDSCAPE, LIGHTING & MONUMENTATION C Monumentation "'' - > •'a', Community monumentation will complement the ) - existing character and quality of the existing FireRock # . ` neighborhoods.The monumentation signage and 4 " 0 treatment will be integrated in a thoughtful manner that ` :.,^ ,, . complements the surrounding design themes, character fi and treatment. Materials, features and design will focus Tr ,, ,. ,4 on a combination of landscape, topography, stone and „Aft ii metal. 1 n , "S • Ait 4w t• 'i'.1 .* . i , z•-• .3 '44 i ''''' NG ft?(/ ,..,' ..,. t v. , yx 4 F - p{�$yy)x : Tx rytt ..+Tf ' ,, v k as .1 r Y n . . t f Y a., �4 „ .«h �,. 3 - ? ` j* ,f1. t .. ' * w. * a � t IConceptual monumentation signage.Subject to change. PARCEL B @ FIREROCK CONCEPTUAL PLAN SUBMITTAL & CUT/FILL WAIVER REQUEST " INVEST WISELY IN BEAUTY, IT WILL SERVE YOU ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE ." FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT o ice; 4. w �, C cn x "^ } A J v C - :.. w4 �1 ., iii :n pin '4•c„ x n U O O CC _ •pj � •� � •- y �.flfMO N Q I'r I41 4-- �) V CC U ••W N r �. 3 , m L .°'E c o * rn� F `� �t c o 0 :r t IF Jm UWaDfA 1 4 x • - E a) v ,L. • ,...,,,.,. ., : .4 . = • - { •4` 0. O O >_M 03 , � •t Y 06 O D 00 CI) rK� a-'= • 01 N y 0 03 C r• C/�N C O \\wwYY!! rI ' O1C rn 01 CD Y,oC i cn y ■ O s " ' ' 0.• ..17., ,i .Q a `m NCO Mtn Uwancn � / N f � � O L. c a,0 C mM t e :f� �,� N N O> ar c co o 0 c� I °: OL! C.l) , .. N ti CC v _ n-C 00Ni , _ ...... .. ,'- C In C 0.0Cs! C O Cr) C M 03 v C<0ov4 UN x O C E C C 1 ,F,' j 01 03 O 03 N rd { ....... rC.' r L9- C UNIII , '!.te p• U m C O O N O K` am vwamcn s 4 a r�s CIA E i III ....ii '. .... - --- ) t Za. VW. 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