HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2014.1211.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION December 11,2014 Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew (arrived 6:35 p.m.), Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault. Commissioners: Jeremy Strohan, Stan Connick, and Howie Jones. Also in attendance were Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator and Janice Baxter, Executive Assistant and Recorder of the minutes. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATED SEPTEMBER 25,2014. Commissioner Howie Jones MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday,November 13, 2014,as written. Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED. Chairman Pew Absent Vice-Chairman Archambault Aye Commissioner Strohan Aye Commissioner Connick Aye Commissioner Jones Aye The MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present(4-0). Chairman Lloyd Pew arrived at 6:35 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #2 — PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow T-Mobile to install a 72' tall faux Palm Tree cellular antenna array at 12031 N. Colony Drive,Located in the"C-3"zoning district. Case Number SU2014-05. Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner gave the presentation and included a PowerPoint Presentation (Exhibit «A„ ). Mr.Rodgers explained that this was an application by Coal Creek Consulting on behalf of T-Mobile for a Special Use Permit to allow a 72' tall, Monopalm design, and communication tower at 12031 N. Colony Drive. Mr.Rodgers pointed out that the location was on the north side of Colony Drive and was currently occupied by a mini-storage facility. He continued to say that the proposed tower and ground equipment enclosure would be located relatively near the middle of the property and the Monopalm and ground • equipment are proposed to be surrounded by a 6' tall chain link fence, which was surrounded by nine (9) protective bollards. Page 1 of 3 Mr. Rodgers stated that the tower lies within the 300-foot buffer from residential property, requirement for the Special Use Permit. Mr. Rodgers also added that the pole would be within fall range of some properties in the event the tower failed during a storm or other event. He added that the proposal also included planting of real palms in the vicinity of the tower to mitigate the visual impact. Mr. Rodgers stressed that in order to grant the Special Use Permit, certain criteria had to be met and while staff did note that some potential problems could arise should an accident occur the overall staff recommendation was that the Commission find that the criteria for granting the Special Use Permit had been adequately addressed. Mr. Rodgers also recommended the Commission forward their recommendation to Council that they approve the Special Use Permit, with appropriate waivers and additional recommendations as outlined in the staff report as follows: 1. Three additional palm trees with a minimum height of 25' shall be planted on the property in the vicinity of the tower prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Subject to development in accordance with the revised plans dated September 30, 2014, and drawn by Young Design Corporation. 3. Subject to development in accordance with the photosims included in the application and attached to the staff report. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the applicant's representative was in attendance and available to answer any questions. Chairman Pew opened the Public Hearing at 6:38 p.m. Chairman Pew acknowledged Jim Klungness who requested to speak. Mr. Klungness manages the Fountain Hills Mini Storage and also resided in 9505 N. Four Peaks Way, Fountain Hills. Mr. Klungness overall supported this request. There being no further request to speak,Chairman Pew closed the Public Hearing at 6:39 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION OF a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow T-Mobile to install a 72' tall faux Palm Tree cellular antenna array at 12031 N. Colony Drive, located in the "C-3" zoning district. Case Number SU2014-05. Commissioner Howie Jones asked the applicant and representative for T-Mobile to explain the standards when placing this equipment. Declan Murphy, Coal Creek Consulting, LLC located at 1525 N. Hayden Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 (602) 326-0049, explained the strict standards used to construct the towers. Mr. Murphy pointed out that huge buffers with steel were used. Mr. Murphy also referenced the tower located behind Alamo Bar located on Saguaro Boulevard as an example of their product. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to recommend that the Town Council approve the Special Use Permit as outlined and subject to the stipulations contained in the staff report. Commissioner Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5-0. C Page 2 of 3 12/11/2014 Town of Fountain Hills Staff Presentation t 4t.rr or";;--. Ai\�ltr� '- - 4 j 1�� z n err... 4 F''. .'fa, .. ghat is Pay' 'myb T-Mobile Monopalm 12031 N. Colony Drive .,, Special Use Permit t-SU20 t 4 OS 0.'`" .. lam.. 1� ,+.az BEFORE • Recommendations APPROVAL of the Special Use Permit for a 110 72'Tall Monopalm Communications Tower 4ubjea to f _ - Three additional palm trees with a minimum height of 25 Development per Plans dated 9/30/14 Development per the photo sunsincluded in the application and attar hrd to the staff report. AFTER • Exhibit "A " 1 No.. AGENDA ITEM#6- COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM#7- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None AGENDA ITEM#8—REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER AND ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Nothing to report. AGENDA ITEM#9-ADJOURNMENT. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to adjourn the meeting at 6:52 p.m. and Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present 5-0. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION 469 BY: Chairman Lloyd Pew ATTEST: Jar_. e E. Baxter, Executive Assistant CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 11th day of December 2014, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 11t�'day of December, 2014. CAanise E. Baxter, Executive Assistant Page 3 of 3 •T'AIN4j �O • • z REGULAR MEETING NOTICE � �• OF THE -ffif'bat is mv1'o PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Commission Members: Chairman Lloyd Pew and Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault Commissioners:Stan Connick,Howie Jones, Jeremy Strohan Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02,notice is hereby given to the members of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission and to the general public that the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a regular meeting,which is open to the general public, on December 11,2014, at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall Council Chambers at 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona. Commissioners of the Town of Fountain Hills will attend either in person or by telephone conference call; a quorum of the Town's Councilmembers or various Commissions or Boards may be in attendance at the Commission meeting. TIME: 6:30 P.M. —REGULAR SESSION WHEN: THURSDAY,DECEMBER 11,2014 WHERE: TOWN HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 16705 E.AVENUE OF THE FOUNTAINS PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE PLANNING& ZONING COMMISSION Anyone wishing to speak before the Commission must fill out a speaker's card and submit it to the Commission Recorder prior to the Commission's discussion of that Agenda item. Speaker Cards are located in the Council Chamber Lobby and near the Recorder's position on the dais. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker cards were received either by the Recorder or the Chairman. At that time, speakers should stand and approach the podium. Speakers are asked to state their name prior to commenting and to direct their comments to the Presiding Officer and not to individual Commission Members. Speakers' statements should not be repetitive. In order to conduct an orderly business meeting, the Presiding Officer shall keep control of the meeting and shall require the speakers and audience to refrain from abusive or profane remarks, disruptive outbursts, applause,protests or other conduct that disrupts or interferes with the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting. Personal attacks on Commissioners, Town Council members, Town staff or members of the public are not allowed. Please be respectful when making your comments. If a speaker chooses not to speak when called, the speaker will be deemed to have waived his or her opportunity to speak on the matter. Speakers may not (i) reserve a portion of their time for a later time or(ii) transfer any portion of their time to another speaker. If there is a Public Hearing, please submit the speaker card to speak to that issue prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing and the Consideration of said issue. Individual speakers will be allowed three contiguous minutes to address the Commission. Time limits may be waived by 41 (i) discretion of the Chairman upon request by the speaker not less than 24 hours prior to a Meeting, (ii) consensus of the Commission at Meeting or(iii) the Chairman either prior to or during a Meeting. If you do not comply with these rules,you will be asked to leave. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 1 of 3 * CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE—Chairman Lloyd Pew * MOMENT OF REFLECTION—Chairman Lloyd Pew * ROLL CALL—Chairman Lloyd Pew CALL TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431-01(G), public comment is permitted(not required)on matters not listed on the agenda. Any such comment (i) must be within the jurisdiction of the Commission and (ii) is subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions. The Commission will not discuss or take legal action on matters raised during"Call to the Public" unless the matters are property noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the call to the public, individual Commission members may(i) respond to criticism, (ii)ask staff to review a matter or(iii) ask that the matter be placed on a future Commission agenda. REGULAR AGENDA ITEM(S) (1) CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the meeting minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning and `' . Zoning Commission dated November 13,2014. (2) PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow T-Mobile to install a 72' tall faux Palm Tree cellular antenna array at 12031 N. Colony Drive, located in the "C-3" zoning district. Case Number SU2014-05. (3) CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow T-Mobile to install a 72' tall faux Palm Tree cellular antenna array at 12031 N. Colony Drive, located in the "C-3" zoning district. Case Number SU2014-05. (4) COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. (5) SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS from Senior Planner. •(6) REPORT from Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, Planning and Zoning Division of Development Services. Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 2 of 3 (7) ADJOURNMENT Supporting documentation and staff reports furnished to the Commission with this agenda are available for review in the Planning & Zoning Division of the Development Services De artment. DATED this 3rd day of December 2014 By: obert Rodgers, Senior Planner Planning and Zoning Division The Town of Fountain Hills endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. Please call 837-2003 (voice)or 1-800-367-8939 (TDD)48 hours prior to the meeting to request reasonable accommodations to participate in this meeting. A majority of the Council Members may be in attendance. No official action will be taken. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 ,subject to certain specified statutory exceptions, parents have a right to consent before the State or any of its political subdivisions make a video or audio recording of a minor child. Meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are audio and/or video recorded,and,as a result, proceedings in which children are present may be subject to such recording. Parents in order to exercise their rights may either file written consent with the Town Clerk to such recording, or take personal action to ensure that their child or children are not present when a recording may be made. If a child is resent at the time a recording is made, the Town will assume that the rights afforded parents pursuant to A.R.S. §1-602.A.9 ham een waived." • Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda Page 3 of 3 TAIN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS 04 . >X Planning and Zoning a wir ,mr': Board of Adjustment that is iot AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: December 11, 2014 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Planning &Zoning Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO COMMISSION: Consideration of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes from November 13, 2014. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes from November 13, 2014. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes dated November 13, 2014, as presented. Attachment(s): Submitted by: 7iiiifee iaYeti December 3 , 2014 Name/Title Date Approved by: Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner Date Page I of 1 Air TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS Planning and Zoning { Board of Adjustment ow is AAA* AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: December 11, 2014 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Division: Planning & Zoning Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner, 480-816-5138, rrodgersna fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow T-Mobile to install a 72' tall faux Palm Tree cellular antenna array at 12031 N. Colony Drive, located in the "C-3" zoning district. Case # SU2014-05 CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow T-Mobile to install a 72' tall faux Palm Tree cellular antenna array at 12031 N. Colony Drive, located in the "C-3" zoning district. Case # SU2014-05 Applicant: Declan Murphy, Coal Creek Consulting LLC 1525 N. Hayden Rd, Scottsdale AZ 85257 (602)326-0111 for: T-Mobile West LLC 2625 S. Plaza Dr, Tempe, AZ 85282 (602)326-0049 Property Owner: Fountain Hills Mini Storage LLC (480)837-0297 Property Location: 12031 N. Colony Dr, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2 Section 2.02 - Special Use Permits Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 17 - Wireless Telecommunications Towers and Antennas Staff Summary (background): EXISTING ZONING: "C-3 General Commercial" EXISTING CONDITION: Mini-Storage & Vehicle Storage Facility Page 1 of 5 T-Mobile Monopalm Case#SU2014-05 SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Colony Wash Vista Condominiums, Zoned "R-4" SOUTH: Colony Drive, then Disabled vehicle storage, Zoned "C-3" EAST: Panarama Drive, then Chaparral City Water Co, Zoned "C-3" WEST: Mini-Storage, Zoned "C-3" BACKGROUND: T-Mobile proposes to install a 72' tall Monopalm antenna, with attendant ground mounted equipment near the center of the property located at 12031 N. Colony Drive. Section 17.06 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines the criteria for evaluating Special Use Permit applications for towers or antennas. As the proposed antenna exceeds the zoning district height allowance of 40 feet and is also within 300 feet of residentially zoned property, it is the determination of staff that the applicant's proposal must receive a Special Use Permit in order to be approved. In granting a special use permit, the Town may impose conditions to the extent such conditions are necessary to minimize any adverse effect of the proposed tower on adjoining properties. Section of the Zoning Ordinance specifically outlines the factors to be considered when reviewing applications for towers. Factors Considered in Granting Special Use Permits for Towers. In addition to any standards for consideration of special use permit applications pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 2.02 of this Zoning Ordinance, the Town Council shall consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a special use permit, although the Town Council may waive or reduce the burden on the applicant of one or more of these criteria if the Town Council concludes that the goals of this ordinance are better served thereby: a. Height of the proposed tower; The proposed Monopalm is 72' tall. This exceeds the 40' height limit of the C-3 zoning district by 32'. This requirement may be waived for communication towers as part of the Special Use Permit by the Town Council when deemed appropriate. Staff: Staff believes that the height of the tower will not create undue physical or aesthetic affects on the town, or nearby properties. The proposed height of the monopalm is slightly taller than existing palm trees nearby. However, there is an existing 65' tall monopalm tower (AT&T) located approximately 1,200 feet away behind the Alamo Saloon. And there are numerous palm trees along Saguaro Blvd that are approximately 70'-75' tall. There is also a Monopole tower (AT&T) in 4-Peaks Park that is 85' tall and approximately 2,235' to the southeast. The zoning ordinance requires that any tower be constructed so that its "fall down" distance (equal to the height of the tower) is entirely contained within the boundaries of the property it is located on. This is a precaution against the tower damaging adjoining properties or structures should it fall. This requirement may be waived as part of the Special Use Permit by the Town Council when deemed appropriate. Page 2 of 5 T-Mobile Monopalm Case#SU2014-05 Staff The proposed location of the tower is 64'-3" from the nearest property line and does not meet this setback requirement. Should the monopalm fall toward the alley, it will fall across the Town-owned alley, potentially falling onto the Town property. If the tower falls in any other direction it will fall on-site onto the existing building or parking area. Staff's opinion is that there does not appear to be any other location on the property that would not require a waiver of the setback standards or not offer the potential of damaging abutting property. Therefore, staff feels that this criterion has NOT been met and a Special Use Permit is required. b. Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residentially zoned district boundaries; The zoning ordinance requires that any tower within 300' of residentially zoned property receive Special Use Permit approval from the Town Council. Staff. The tower is within approximately 105' of residentially zoned property. This is less than the 300' requirement. Therefore, staff's opinion is that the residential setback requirements have NOT been met and a Special Use Permit is required. c. Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties; The property contains existing buildings. The closest building is within 5' of the proposed tower. Adjacent Town-owned properties and right-of-ways are the alley on the north which is 64'-3"' from the proposed location, and the Colony Drive right-of-way on the south which is 85'-9" from the proposed tower location. Staff Staff believes that the proposed monopalm antenna could potentially have a negative effect on the surrounding properties should the tower fall into the alley during a storm or as a result of an accident. Staff's opinion is that the requirement that the proposal not be potentially detrimental to surrounding properties has NOT been met. d. Surrounding topography; The surrounding topography will not present any problems with the placement or use of the monopalm. Staff Staff's opinion is that the topography will not affect the tower placement. e. Surrounding tree coverage and foliage; There is currently no existing tree coverage or foliage. The applicant is not proposing to install additional palm trees in the area to lessen the visual impacts of the monopalm. There are three nearby palm trees located on the property approximately 115' east. The three trees are 39', 43' and 51' tall. Staff: Staff's opinion is that including additional palm trees near the tower will lessen the visual impact of a stand-alone monopalm. Therefore, staff recommends that the three additional palm trees with a minimum height of 25'be planted in the vicinity of the tower. f. Design of the tower, with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness; The proposed Monopalm is designed to look like a palm tree. Page 3 of 5 T-Mobile Monopalm Case#SU2014-05 Staff- Staff believes that by using this monopalm design rather than a typical tower or monopole, the visual impact is lessened. g. Proposed ingress and egress; The proposed tower is located in the center of the property parking lot and is easily accessed by vehicles. Staff- The proposal has excellent access and egress. h. Availability of suitable existing towers, other structures, or alternative technologies not requiring the use of towers or structures, as discussed in Section 17.06(B)(4); Section 17.06.B.4 specifically relates to the construction of new towers where none previously existed. In such cases the town should require proof that other less-obtrusive options are not available. Staff- The applicant states that there are no alternative towers in the vicinity. The applicant also states that there are no alternative technologies available. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the Special Use Permit will result in a 72' tall monopalm cell tower being placed at 12031 N. Colony Drive. Denial of the Special Use Permit will require that the applicant seek an alternative site or antenna design. Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): None anticipated Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward to the Town Council a recommendation to APPROVE the proposed Special Use Permit to allow a 72' tall monopalm antenna located at 12031 N. Colony Drive subject to the following stipulations: 1. Three additional palm trees with a minimum height of 25' shall be planted on the property in the vicinity of the tower prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Subject to development in accordance with the revised plans dated 9/30/14 and drawn by Young Design Corp. 3. Subject to development in accordance with the photosims included in the application and attached to the staff report. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the Special Use Permits as outlined and subject to the stipulations contained in the staff report. Page 4 of 5 T-Mobile Monopalm Case#SU2014-05 Attachment(s): 1. Application 2. Applicant's Narrative Report (3 pgs) 3. Applicant's PhotoSims (3 pgs) 4. Site Plan (7 pgs) Submitted by: Bob Rodgers, Senior' fanner 12/2/2014 Name/Title Date Approved by: L/// Development Services Director Date • Page 5 of 5 ‘1111P, ‘41 A.IN 1i. DO Not write in this space—official use only •e or) Filing Date IQ L.- 1`4 o i ri Accepted By YrL-er 7: - Fee Accepted f.,..C.-- - 1-11---i e, cro ` .\,.., ,.. 2 Case Manager f3 c o . gat Lc64 The Town of Fountain Hills / (2 PLANNING &ZONING DEPARTMENT - APPLICATION Abandonment(Plat or Condominium) Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Ill Area Specific Plan&Amendments Concept Plan Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver Development Agreement HPE Change or Abandonment III General Plan Amendment Ordinance(Text Amendment) 111 Planned Unit Development Preliminary/Final Plat 111 Replat(Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) IIII Rezoning (Map) X Special Use Permit&Amendments II Site Plan Review(vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit.(Median Fee,if applicable) N Variance Other PROJECT NAME/ NATURE OF PROJECT: T-Mobile PH10936 -Fountain Hills Mini Storage LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name Fountain Hills Plat No 205 Block 1 Lot 11, 12,13 Nom- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 12031 N Colony Drive, Fountain Hills AZ PARCEL SIZE(Acres) 1.21 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-08-083A NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED N/A TRACTS N/A EXISTING ZONING C-3 PROPOSED ZONING No Change A.dicant II Mrs. Coal Creek Consulting LLC for T-Mobile Day Phone 602 326 0111 II Mr- III Ms. Address: 1525 N Hayden Road,#100 City: Scottsdale State: AZ Zip: 85257 Email: dmurphy@coal-creek.com Owner Mrs. Fountain Hills Mini Storage LLC Mr. Ms. Address: 12031 N Colony Drive Day Phone (480)837-0297 # City:Fountain HillsState: AZ Zip: 85268 If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed. t , . , I / SIGNATURE OF OWNER ------- s:::- - -- DATE i L ci 2 i -... .14-he.; €• 4.1U-rIc --6 I HEREBY AUTHORIZE Coal Creek Consulting,LLC/D Ian Murphy TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please POnt ,, , ,... yJAcribed,apd von before me this 5.---3 day of -.1-efl-t-ri\1Qk 4 , 20 l'--• i ---iv.o., //L- La-tii-C‘V; ") My Commission Expires Notary Public MUMS 5 Lc- 7 • APPLICATION#_ - 44"k;. Tina M.Askenas 1uMa 111, ?' •,;;4 Mete oa P linnosoIS baY 0:11411016- Emlb. * ` T a w ��� ���-��������&�� `—~ 7-M0bi|e PM10936 — Fountain Hills Mini Storage 12031 N CV\0Dy Drive, F0Unt8|O Hills AZ APN17t-O8-083A Purpose of Request T-M0bi|eiscommitted tO improving coverage and expanding network capacity tUmeet customer demand in the Town of Fountain Hi||S. T'M0bi|e is proposing to |0C8te a new Wireless Communication FGci||h/ (VV[F) at 12031 N [b|0|lV O[iV8. The proposed VVCFvVi|l provide residents, v|SltU[s and b4SiOeSs8S with improved high quality reliable wireless service for both personal & business, in addition t0 enhancing emergency services. The proposed VV[Fi5 necessary tOeliminate any GAP/Deficiency iO the T-MObile Network. A Special Use Permit (SUP) will be required, as the proposed VVCP height exceeds the height 0fthe district, in addition to the proposed VVCFVo|\| be within 300ft of residential district. Details of Request 7—a «0 � | | The proposed T-;40bi|8VVCFwill consist 8fa new 65ff MOnOPd|[D, with associated ground 8qUipUl8Ot located in proximity tUthe base within the subject Storage Facility - property. The entire Storage Facility is enclosed, S0 the proposed 7-MOb||e ground equipment will not be visible from outside 4f the property. There are existing Live Palms in proximity t0 the proposed MoO0Pa|Dl. The p[8pOSed7-K1Obi|e [4OD0Pa|O0 will be similar tO the existing AJl&TMODOPa|nl currently located at 11807N Saguaro Blvd 7-M0bile technicians may visit the site for rUutiO8maintenance (or iDthe event ofa technical breakdown), and will utilize the existing iDg[ess/egF2SS8Rd onSit8 parking Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional information or clarification. Sincerely, ' DedanMurphy ` Coal Creek for T-Mubike � 1SZS North Hayden Road, Suite 1UU Scottsdale, A28SZS7 ` Tel: (602) 326'0111 � NN Email: dmurphy@coa|'crcek.00m ' � 1 t 47441 4 ,1.' IL 4 el co ,00. l, it , .... ±- A. , . . . „4„, , . , 4 . „ . , , . p _ .,,,, 0-3 4,#t-, xN.. 10 CW- O CO e LO w O �! , ,:'...:..r , ...tot # ko i11 / � ,. ia.D w 0 1114 ,ip,„. di ...... ...-ii,r ,, (v., 0 0,.. al oQ ! kflillt 41 U � ,n .' 1 r t'll" ,L 4 '7,,),!: .4„, t) s „, .„., cld )4..ittov 3 a� �y,.. ` Prm'� ~s a trr yqt ft ie n iiitt . . 0 (Nor . - L., 4 ,,\ ° , 1r',,,z, 8 2 0 0. *,::'4•< ."" •- " .A• . .'., . 41,v, is t ":L "?, ' 4 . -,A ..'' , • ' -,,,,, • fq ' • :il:440214k 4.''' ''' " V f , r.„...4 ' 4 .., • e 1 11.4t% ° • ', (1) 01 ., ro L. $..,) . . tn .f, .• „.., ..,, 4 " C — .—...... F IA C , . . . C = CO +. , •,',', 4 ' n 111 C) te 0 > LO, Li_ .i.--... ',.... r. 1 ,—, 10 0,c, ,...›.z - , cy, — a. c3, 0 ‹c CD -.0.- . = C. 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