HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2014.0327.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MARCH 27, 2014 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault, Commissioners Angela Strohan, Stan Connick, and Steven Harris. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Director of Development Services, Robert Rodgers Senior Planner, and Janice Baxter Executive Assistant and Recorder of the Minutes. Commissioner Gene Slechta was unable to attend and notified staff in advance. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. ROLL CALL: Commissioner Stan Connick present Commissioner Steven Harris present Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault present Chairman Lloyd Pew present Commissioner Angela Strohan present Commissioner Gene Slechta absent CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM #1 - CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the meeting minutes from the regular session of the Planning and Zoning Commission dated Thursday,February 27,2014. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, February 27, 2014, as written. Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED. A roll call was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Steven Harris aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Angela Strohan aye AGENDA ITEM #2 — PUBLIC HEARING of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Verizon Wireless, to allow the installation of a 26' tall stealth Saguaro cellular antenna array at 9800 N. Summer Hills Boulevard, located in the "R1-6A/Resort" zoning district. Case Number of • SU2014-01. Page 1 of 6 Robert Rodgers gave a presentation and included a PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit "A"). Mr. Rodgers stated that this was a repeat application by Verizon Wireless for a Special use Permit to erect a faux Saguaro Cactus cell tower at 9800 N. Summer Hill Boulevard within the R1- 6/Resort zoning district. The tower was approved in December 2011, in Case Number 2011-06, but was not acted upon within 6 months, so the permit lapsed. Mr. Rodgers stated that the proposal was to place the tower on "The Inn at Eagle Mountain" property, west of the Eagle Mountain Golf Course's 18th green and would be adjacent to the existing T-Mobile-faux saguaro. Mr. Rodgers continued to say that the site plan showed that the tower would be located along the driveway to the Inn and very near the other tower with the equipment walled to look like the existing equipment area. He stated that parking and accessibility were good. Mr. Rodgers added that the tower would be 26-feet tall (9-feet shorter than the existing 35-foot tall tower) and would be designed to look like a saguaro cactus. Mr. Rodgers explained that the Town's Zoning Ordinance outlined eight (8) factors to be considered in order to grant a Special Use Permit for a cell tower. It was determined by staff that the applicant had met the following factors: ✓ The maximum height in this district is 30-feet with a 100% fall-down distance. The tower would be 26-feet tall and 58.5-feet from the nearest property line. ✓ The tower would not be detrimental to nearby properties and would look like a saguaro cactus to hopefully blend in better than the existing one. ✓ The surrounding topography would not affect tower placement. ✓ The tower design, as a stealth cactus was fitting for the area. ✓ Access to the tower was excellent. ✓ There were currently no alternative locations or structures immediately available. Mr. Rodgers then pointed out that there were two (2) factors that staff felt was not yet met. • Proximity of the tower to residential zones If a tower was within 300-feet of residentially zoned property a Special Use Permit was required and this tower would be in a residentially zoned area and was the reason for this Special Use Permit application. • The surrounding foliage was natural desert landscaping and could benefit from some additional plantings. Staff has requested a stipulation that required a landscaping plan. Page 2 of 6 41) Mr. Rodgers added that staff recommended the Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit subject to the stipulations as outlined in the staff report as noted: 1. The masonry wall surrounding the equipment at ground level shall be a wall a minimum of eight feet in height and shall be constructed and finished to the specifications of the existing structures on the site. 2. An acceptable landscaping plan for the immediate area within 25-feet of the tower must be submitted with the building permit application. Landscaping must be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Subject to development in accordance with the revised plans dated October 12, 2011 and drawn by Young Design Corporation. 4. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: a. Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred; b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater IDthan 1%of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. James Gardner, Shaw and Associates, was present as the representative for the applicant and available to answer questions from the Commissioners. AGENDA ITEM #3 - CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT for Verizon Wireless, to allow the installation of a 26' tall stealth Saguaro cellular antenna array at 9800 N. Summer Hills Boulevard, located in the "R1-6A/Resort" zoning district. Case Number of SU2014-01. Chairman Pew asked for questions or discussions from the Commissioners.No questions or discussions were initiated. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault made a MOTION to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed Special Use Permit to allow a 26-foot tall saguaro cactus antenna located at 9800 N. Summer Hill Boulevard subject to the stipulations contained in the staff report. Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 5-0. AGENDA ITEM #4— CONSIDERATION of the "Adero Canyon Parcel 1" PRELIMINARY PLAT, a 30-lot single-family subdivision located in Maricopa County, Township 3 North, Range 6 East; Section 17. Case Number S2014-03. Page 3 of 6 C110 Robert Rodgers gave the presentation and included a PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit "B"). Mr. Rodgers stated that this was an application by MCO Properties for a Preliminary Plat approval for Adero Canyon, Parcel 1. He continued to point out that Parcel 1 was located off the current end of Eagle Ridge Drive and would be the first parcel on the left; south side of Eagle Ridge Drive in Adero Canyon. Mr. Rodgers showed the location of Parcel 1 in relation to the rest of the Adero Canyon development currently being proposed and he pointed out that this location was on the south side of Eagle Ridge Drive and was abutting Scottsdale on the south (Hidden Hills) and west (Scottsdale Mountain Estates). Mr. Rodgers explained that Parcel 1 would remain under R1-6 and R1-8 zoning and would be developed as 30-semi-custom single-family homes on approximately 44.8 acres with lot sizes ranging from 15,000 square feet to 18,399 square feet. He continued to say that three open spaces,tracts would create a buffer to surrounding areas and have a combined area of 24.72 acres and the proposed private gated roadway would be a 2,106 foot long cul-de-sac beginning at Eagle Ridge Drive and goes in a general southeasterly direction. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the roads, grading, cut and fills, sidewalks and curbs would all be constructed to the "Hillside Local Road Standards" as modified in the Adero Canyon Settlement Agreement. Mr. Rodgers continued that there was a 236-foot long emergency vehicle access drive installed between the end of the new cul-de-sac and the Hidden Hills subdivision in Scottsdale and that this access would be gated and used during emergencies only. Mr. Rodgers added that a 2,047-foot long bike trail extension would be included from Hidden Hills, which connects to Eagle Ridge Drive and this portion of the trail would be constructed according to the City of Scottsdale standards as they are the owners' of the access easement. Mr. Rodgers stated that a 97-foot long access would also be provided to Scottsdale Mountain Estates, a previously approved, but inaccessible subdivision in Scottsdale and was approved for 13 single-family lots and those lots were expected to also be gated. In conclusion, Mr. Rodgers explained that this was a preliminary plat that establishes the basic layout of the subdivision and that no buildable lots were being created. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that all the proposed lots conformed to present zoning requirements and the roadway would be constructed to the modified"MOUNTAIN"hillside local subdivision standards. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve the "Adero Canyon Parcel 1" PRELIMINARY PLAT as presented subject to compliance with all Fountain Hills Ordinance standards as modified in the"Adero Canyon Settlement Agreement". Mr. Paul Gilbert, Beus Gilbert, PLCC, Paradise Valley, spoke as a representative of the applicant. Mr. Gilbert wanted to state for the record that he asked the Commission to focus on the fact that this request was not part of the PAD previously submitted. Mr. Gilbert pointed out that the zoning on this preliminary plat had not changed from R1-6 and R1-8 zoning. He requested that the Commission also focus on the fact that the Developer was building at a much Page 4 of 6 lower density that otherwise would be allowed. Mr. Gilbert added that this project was 'r.w important because it contained the realignment of Eagle Ridge Drive and the realignment of the power line corridor giving access connections to a Scottsdale subdivision. Mr. Gilbert added that the applicant had reviewed and accepted the staff report including the recommendations and stipulations in regards to the revised settlement agreement. Chairman Pew pointed out that this was not a public hearing but he would allow the three (3) public speakers to give their comments to the Commission. The following "Request to Speak" (Exhibit"C") cards were received to speak on this issue: 1. Dean Wieber, Fountain Hills wanted to request a condition, of the approval should be added that the Town of Fountain will require access to the trailhead. 2. Vlad Hermann, Scottsdale, wanted access to the trailhead. 3. Steve Gollehon, Hidden Hills, Scottsdale spoke to the lack of separation between the two southern most lots and his property. Chairman Lloyd Pew reaffirmed with Mr. Rodgers that the trailhead issue was part of the settlement agreement and not part of this plat. Mr. Rodgers concurred and stated that the trail connection would be continued. Mr. Rodgers pointed out that the trail would basically go up Eagle Ridge Drive and was not part of this plat (but just outside); the only trail on this plat was the bike trail. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault made a MOTION to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to the Town Council to APPROVE the "Adero Canyon Parcel 1" Preliminary Plat for 30 single-family house lots on approximately 44.8 acres, as presented and subject to compliance with all Fountain Hills Ordinance standards as modified in the Adero Canyon Settlement Agreement. Commissioner Steve Harris SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 5-0. AGENDA ITEM #5—COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH None AGENDA ITEM #6- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUEST from Senior Planner. None AGENDA ITEM #7 — REPORT from Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, Planning and Zoning Division of Development Services. fige Nothing to report. Page 5 of 6 `am- AGENDA ITEM#8 - ADJOURNMENT. Vice-Chairman Michael Archambault MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Stan Connick SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 5-0. The meeting ADJOURNED at 7:00 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION BY: Chairttian to Pew Y ATTEST: < � 6 Janice Baxter, Recorder CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 27th day of March 2014, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this 27th day of March 2014 Janice Baxter, Recorder L Page 6 of 6 -...... Town of Fountain Hills Location Map .,.... .. ‘!..'• Staff Presentation ..., ‘41 MN ite. — ,• v , ...,...„,„ 4..:. ... . k 8.?:tlg--, • ,-tt. 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FoR‘‘ARD RECONIMENDATION I()APPROVE Special Use Permit -., wommr....'....- , llo allot\ Von/on WIteley,Conlin UtilealiMIS It)contdruct a 26. tall Faux Savttato I.actw,tAtt-eley.antenna at ot,',00 N t‘unimer I lilt Ithd subject to the,tipulation,,outlined in the stall'report • tt ” Exhibit A 1 4., t do Map Ivvl u fz�tlir� il1[[Is i-,-i-„.m 6---i--,t,:;,4.e.-•.. 13.,*40,1'i':',..!.,,,i,i;.-,s,,',,,•,.‘,-'•'',f.lt'z 4',:r'''111•'• -:,A ' Staff NN`e elitatro 1 : ` fl • STAIN � .^ a ,�}i<,•s 1'1.—:1, r X q(% w Z ,fr 'a E"F,. 3k', Y i C1cro Lan VOt1 , � azmjt 5 nS I t H h twit I'a, As a 3x� r Parcel 1 ,,(..:,7':. wmw CAnrotr IMtrot PLAN >244.8 Acres .;+, ➢30 Single-Family House Lots iC. 7 '! 1 1 _ - - Y Min mumlLot S e=I5,000 SF `2 : /, 's ➢Gated Community <! ,Connections to: c •Scottsdale Mountain Estates /'t ^- . • •Hidden Hills ® r'- Y y a. -Emergency Vehicle Access _ >, -Bike Trail Connection L ; x ➢24.72 Acres of Open Space l , 6t.p wwa H .1 D 1t t ,�. ,_ �yt Staff RRe nirniendi Lion the ('rcltnuttan� Vial a croo.a4citl srt f lass ih;e Saillai�t3ent:larccsn�nt and tltttththe a�strs 1pi,)4,,,Iha t'ralttntnarc Phil end Weer atiftn to:Approsa to the Inoit C'ounci) • Exhibit "B" 1 °% � REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Please complete and submit this card to the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of the item listed below. _`"fMeeting Date ) /2.0,/ L1 Name/Phone No. I am a Fountain Hills resident n or, I reside in(please list) /y 2 8'F • S o M M t t A R FN A-t Title/Organization I am representing (# of people) Co G Please indicate your choices below before submitting this form: ® YES, I wish to speak or ❑ NO, I do not wish to speak,but have indicated my position: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST C LL TO THE PUBLIC ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 11 AGENDA ITEM NO. PLEASE PRINT Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. Please fill out the comment card completely and turn it into the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of that Agenda item or prior to the beginning of the meeting. lNyi ff , N REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD z n Y $ Please complete and submit this card to the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of the item listed below. ''rrh 1(s Ashy 4s Meeting Date z Name/Phone No. /1'S le-ivs,474 _ I am a Fountain Hills resident ❑ or, I reside in(please list)/�7`� ^s�� �l .7) ' Title/Organization I am representing(#of people) 66 Please indicate your choices below before submitting this form: YES, I wish to speak or ❑ NO, I do not wish to speak,but have indicated my position: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST 4 CALL TO THE PUBLIC ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. Li/AGENDA ITEM NO. PLEASE PRINT Comments: Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an impnrta„t and valnahla Hart of tha nrnr pcc Please fill out the comment card completely and turn it into the Town Clerk or designed item or prior to the beginning of the meeting.(Please see reverse for procedural information on addressing the Coin Exhibit "1.�-r ,, ��TArNy�t REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Please complete and submit this card to the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of the item listed be Meeting Date `�f 2�✓ ��ti 9j��boe 1s A�"� � (6.„, Name/Phone No. 1 G—`� `�2, �.� I}t�,� 2t-- ) - 2,41- —7 9 I am a Fountain Hills resident ❑ or, I reside in(please list)( 1`-3 i-1-1 t✓L S S c-rc Title/Organization 1Cow +J -- I am representing (# of people) Please indicate your choices below before submitting this form: YES, I wish to speak or 0 NO, I do not wish to speak,but have indicated my position: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST ❑ CALL TO THE PUBLIC ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. AGENDA ITEM NO. PLEASE PRINT Comments: i✓ tew&-0 j'(?o1Po S EY F Jam/ ee: A-c-i 0 60-1.i F ��; C=1' 17'tT Most L_9 T'S. s 0 NAY e rbo 'e—XLIN? Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. Please fill out the comment card completely and turn it into the Town Clerk or disignee prior to the Council discussion of that Agenda item or prior to the beginning of the meeting. (Please see reverse for procedural information on addressing the Council/Board/Commission) E:\BBender\Documents\Forms\Request to Speak Cards rev 11-7-13.doc 11/7/13 L • • • • Exhibit "C"