HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2014.0828.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE floo PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION August 28,2014 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault, Commissioners Angela Strohan, Gene Slechta, Steven Harris and Howie Jones. Also in attendance were Paul Mood, Director of Development Services and Robert Rodgers, Senior Planner. Commissioner Stan Connick was absent. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. ROLL CALL: Chairman Lloyd Pew Present Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault Present Commissioner Angela Strohan Present Commissioner Gene Slechta Present Commissioner Steven Harris Present Commissioner Howie Jones Present Commissioner Stan Connick Absent CALL TO THE PUBLIC cNo one wished to speak. AGENDA ITEM#1 - CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING THE MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION DATED JULY 24,2014. Commissioner Angela Strohan MOVED to APPROVE the meeting minutes dated Thursday, July 24, 2014, as written. Commissioner Gene Slechta SECONDED. A roll call vote was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 6-0 by those present. Chairman Lloyd Pew Aye Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault Aye Commissioner Angela Strohan Aye Commissioner Gene Slechta Aye Commissioner Steven Harris Aye Commissioner Howie Jones Aye AGENDA ITEM #2 - CONSIDERATION OF A CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY DEVELOPMENT OF A 4.02-ACRE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY AT 17130 E. SHEA BOULEVARD. CASE NUMBER CP2014-01. Senior Planner Robert Rodgers gave a presentation and included a brief PowerPoint presentation on this agenda item. He explained that the application requests two things and said that there will be one presentation on the Concept Plan and the Special Use Permit. He stated that the requests are for approval of the Concept Plan and a positive recommendation regarding the proposed Special Use Permit for the outdoor storage areas. He advised that the tapplication has been brought forth by Nicholas Brown of Cottrell Engineering on behalf of the Tractor Supply o,e Company for the property located at the southeast corner of Shea Boulevard and Monterey Drive (17130 E. Shea 1 Boulevard). He added that it abuts Cereus Wash on its south end, is 4.02 acres in size and is currently vacant. He noted that the existing zoning is C-2,Intermediate Commercial, and said that the proposed use is a permitted use. �ii✓ Mr. Rodgers reviewed the topographical plan, which shows that the property slopes towards Cereus Wash and also shows the numerous utility/drainage/hillside easements encumbering the property. He said there is residential development in the Sunrise Point subdivision and that is a direct abutter northeast of the property. He referred to the goals listed on the screen and said this proposal will allow those goals to be met and the Tractor Supply Company to develop. He advised that the Planning & Zoning Commission is being asked to approve the Concept Plan and to forward a positive recommendation regarding the outdoor storage area and the Special Use Permit to the Council. He added that the Council separately will be considering a Development Agreement in order to amend the Hillside Disturbance Requirements so that previously disturbed areas won't have to be replicated elsewhere on the property, to amend the parking requirements to require that 86 spaces be provided and it will amend the drainage requirements to require 8,000 cubic feet of retention at a minimum. He explained that access will be from Monterey Drive rather than Shea Boulevard due to the steep grade change along Shea Boulevard frontage. He further stated that the main building will be 21,702 square feet in size and the shed, the smaller building, will be about 1,280 square feet in size. He referred to the permanent outdoor display areas and reported that they are about 21,000 square feet in size. He added that the larger fenced in area on the north side will have gates at both ends to allow customers' vehicles to drive through for easier pickup. He noted that lighting will be designed to conform to the Dark Sky Ordinance, street frontages will be landscaped according to the Town's requirements, all signage will be by separate permits and will conform to the Town's requirements and there will be two retention basins, which will provide for 8,000 cubic feet of volume. He pointed out that Cereus Wash is already protected by a Hillside Protection Easement so no new hillside easements are required. Mr. Rodgers advised that there is an existing block wall along the back side of the abutting house lots, which is about six feet tall now, and that it is proposed to be raised to eight feet. He said that if the HOA(Homeowners Association) decides not to cooperate with that then the applicants would build their own eight-foot wall on their side(an eight-foot wall is a zoning requirement for the property). He stated that there is a ten-foot buffer inside of this property which 1110 would be landscaped. He added that the fence that is being proposed around the outdoor storage area looks similar to a wrought iron fence but is a tubular aluminum design and the pictures he has seen showed it painted black so that is what he would assume they would do unless the Commissioners have another request. He referred to certain hillside areas depicted on a slide, located outside of the Cereus Wash area, and said that they are not natural grade; the land was previously disturbed a long time ago. He pointed out that the proposal requests that these areas may be disturbed without the requirement to replicate them elsewhere on the site. Mr. Rodgers informed the members of the Commission that the company understands that each community has its own character and image and they routinely design their buildings to fit in with the community whenever possible (they do not insist on a "one facade fits all" type of design). He referred to slides that showed various designs located in different parts of the country and to the architectural elevations and color schemes that are being proposed. He showed the members a similar project that was developed in Wickenburg and said that staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission approve the Concept Plan and also that they forward a recommendation for approval of the Special Use Permit to the Town Council, all subject to the terms outlined in the Development Agreement and any other conditions the Commissioners may want to include this evening. He noted that the applicants are present to answer any questions the Commissioners might have and said they did not intend to make their own presentation unless that is the desire of the Commissioners. Commissioner Slechta asked how many commercial properties located along the entire length of Shea Boulevard in Town have residential properties abutting a commercial property. Mr. Rodgers replied virtually every one, maybe not Target Plaza but even they might have some residential on the north end. L. Commissioner Slechta stated that he wants to be sensitive to the neighborhood, as they all do,and with the front of the building facing a side street, some concerns are raised that he will talk about later. He advised that there is a property 2 across the road where the Coffee Bean Kiosk was that has two exits out onto Shea and also one off of a side street, which for some reason, perhaps sensitivity to the neighborhood, is closed. He commented that he is not Ars recommending that for Monterey Drive but he is sensitive to this particular complex because houses directly abut the lire property. He asked to speak directly with the applicant. Mr.Nicholas Brown of CEG came forward as well as Dave Long from Fountain Hills Development. Commissioner Slechta asked why there is no entrance on Shea Boulevard and Mr. Brown stated that the main reason why they chose not to use a Shea Boulevard entrance was because of the extreme grade change (approximately nine feet of fall and they would have to raise the building up at least nine feet). He noted that the fill would represent an extreme cost and also there are height restrictions on the building. Commissioner Slechta commented that not having an entrance to the business on Shea Boulevard would certainly impact the number of customers coming into that establishment and he said that he is concerned about that because everyone wants the company to be successful. He further stated that the current plan would also definitely increase the traffic on Monterey for a number of reasons and that it is a residential neighborhood. Mr.Brown advised that they had a traffic analysis completed for the project and stated that Tractor Supply Company is a relatively low traffic volume producer. He added that customers typically come into the store and buy in bulk and the analysis showed that at the peak hours only 39 vehicles would make a right-hand turn into their site and only 10 a left-hand turn for a total of 49 peak-hour vehicles. Commissioner Slechta commented that he also had some safety concerns, not only for the pedestrians and residents along Monterey but also for the customers. He stated that if they had an entrance on Shea he thinks it would be safer for the customers to get to the store and to exit(fewer turns and less risk for drivers,customers and residents). He said that the business will not be easily identifiable because the front entrance will be on Monterey,which is a side street. Mr. Brown advised that functionally the building and the operations would not work if it was rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise and facing Shea Boulevard. He noted that there would not be any up-front parking, no way to get IV the delivery trucks in and no way to display the merchandise that is required to be permanently displayed. He added that the best workable solution is what the Commissioners are seeing before them this evening. Vice-Chairman Archambault referred to the driveway and said that it has been moved all the way to the upper corner of the lot yet there is an entrance location probably center of that distance right there. He stated that he drove by that a couple of times and it appears to him that they could use that entrance by just coming in that way and it would pull the tractor trailers that are coming in to service the store away from the residences providing a distance buffer. He questioned whether that would be feasible. Mr. Brown responded that they originally tried to work a site plan in using that existing driveway location but one of their main concerns was turning movements and conflicts between the two driveways, this one and the one across the street for Firerock Plaza. He said that they lined those two driveways up so that there would not be any turning conflicts. He added that they believe as far as traffic safety that this is the best way to proceed. Vice-Chairman Archambault commented that he is not necessarily concerned with the car traffic that will go through there but rather the semi trucks that will go through there and the noise that they generate. He acknowledged the fact that the company has a policy that requires trucks to only go in and out during business hours. Mr. Brown informed the Vice-Chairman that he anticipates only one or two semi trucks a week going in/out of the business. Vice-Chairman Archambault advised that he is good with that and he understands why the driveway is where it is now. He added that he had forgotten about the alignment and agreed that it is an important alignment because they definitely want the best traffic safety practices in place. („„„„ Vice-Chairman Archambault further stated that the Town's Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 19, (9.03, Paragraph D) talks about avoiding monotone appearances and creating different angles. He said that he understands why the front of the Cstore looks like that but he was wondering whether it would be more attractive if they clipped the corner(they have a store in another part of the country where the corner is the entrance). He stated that he is wondering whether there is a way to break it up by putting the entrance on a corner. He commented that obviously they would not have a large parking lot out in front of something like that. He provided Mr. Long with a photo of the store he was referring to, which was on the company's website. Mr. Long said that to be honest the photo does not look like the Tractor Supply Company and he believes that it is Blue Valley Tractor Supply. He added the company does not favor such Walgreens-type corner entrances because they believe it confuses their customers and, in addition, they want the parking to be very close by because customers are carrying out large and often times heavy purchases. Vice-Chairman Archambault referred to the columns in the proposal and asked whether they will be stone or stucco and Mr. Long stated that they would be split-faced block(that is what the entire building is). The Vice-Chairman stated that he is trying to picture how it will look and reported that when the Four Peaks Center was built(where Target is located)there were some complaints from residents across the street who would be looking down on it. He noted that this is the entrance to Fountain Hills and emphasized the importance of making it as pleasing as possible. He asked whether they could change some of those structures and have them be made of stone instead of split-faced block just to provide some deviation and difference in texture. He commented that he is just offering some suggestions because he would like to change the look of that building. Mr. Long displayed a proto-typical building to show where they started and what they tried to specifically design for Fountain Hills to make it look as Southwestern as possible. Vice-Chairman Archambault noted that Paragraph G of 9.05 talks about avoiding standardized corporate design themes and also talks about avoiding corrugated roofing and metals. He referred to a picture he has of the front of the store and Mr. Long advised that it is a standard prototype and the picture is of the Prescott Valley store. He pointed out that they have changed the awnings to be non-reflective metal per the Fountain Hills Code. The Vice-Chairman asked why they didn't just extend that around the side of the store and Mr. Long replied that the company believes wrapping it around the store creates confusion. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault questioned whether they could change the mansard out front with the display areas to tile rather than metal. He reported that there is only one building on Shea Boulevard with a metal roof and all of the others are either tile or flat. Mr. Long advised that the proposal before the Commissioners is exactly what the company wants to build. .Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault commented that he would love to see the Tractor Supply Company open a store in Town and noted that it is a great store with a good mix of products. He added, however, that he would like to see something that fits closer to what other buildings look like at the entrance to Fountain Hills than what is being proposed. He said that that is why he was asking about placing stone around the columns just to break it up a little bit and maybe change the metal roofs to tile. Mr. Long presented the Commissioners with an alternative concept plan to break up the south building elevation and add some faux windows with shutters that go along with the Southwest feel. He stated that it dresses up the south portion and it won't look like a straight sloped roof. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault said that he noticed that there was a step design in there so there won't just be a big wall for people to look at and he appreciates that. He added that he just wanted to point out a few things that he thought might help improve the look of the area and maybe draw some more residents in there. Chairman Lloyd Pew referred to the last drawing that was handed out and asked if that was something that is being contemplated as an option (the one the Commissioners were just handed) and Mr. Long advised that they would be 4 willing to do that. The Chairman noted that the design did add a lot of different variations to the structure and the barn shutters helped also. He discussed their signage and Senior Planner Robert Rodgers advised that all of the signage will lime be by separate permit and will comply with the zoning ordinance requirements. Chairman Lloyd Pew asked what type of screening will be used on the back of the building(a tree, landscaping,etc.). Mr. Brown advised that they plan to landscape the entire frontage along Shea Boulevard according to Code and have also designed an 8-foot screen wall along the concrete loading area in the rear. He stated that that will screen the loading dock and the forklift area. He pointed out that they still need access for trucks to make it around the 8-foot wall and to the loading dock. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault commented that on the Shea Boulevard side they have a 9-foot drop and asked whether a retaining wall is being planned for that area. Mr. Brown referred to the slope from the proposed new sidewalk that they are going to be doing and said that it will meet natural grade from design grade. He added that they tried to minimize the fill required for this site with their engineering design. In response to a question from Commissioner Harris, Mr. Brown stated that the floor level is at an elevation of 48' and the street is about 54' so they are about six feet lower than Shea Boulevard. Commissioner Howie Jones noted that the Vice-Chairman made the comment about when you come off of the Beeline Highway you are entering Fountain Hills and said that his view is that the original side building facade facing Shea Boulevard to him as a Fountain Hills resident would not be acceptable. He added that the alternative presented this evening would be acceptable and he believes there is a world of difference between the two. He said that since they are going to draw on bulk sales, he is curious what it was about the demographics of Fountain Hills that drew them to this location. He advised that he wants everyone to be successful and they already have vacancies along Shea so he was curious which bulk products and services the company believes will draw the customers into the store from the surrounding areas and the Town. Mr. Long responded that the surrounding areas have a demand for feed and edible products and they do not just sell farm equipment,they are a hybrid of many different stores, and people will come in to buy pet food, clothing, etc. He emphasized that the draw is that there is no type of store like this anywhere in the northeast valley where they are right now. He noted that the location meets all of the criteria for a Tractor Supply Company store. Commissioner Howie Jones pointed out that there is a pet food store within half a mile of there and a lot of clothing stores and said he is still curious as to what other type of consumables there are that will drive the total retail of the store so that it is successful. Mr. Long said that he has brought a blue book containing a list of all of the merchandise they carry and indicated his willingness to flip through the book and name some. Commissioner Howie Jones clarified that he is looking for the products that are going to drive this store rather than a menu of all products(the 80-20 rule)and Mr. Long apologized and stated that he does not have that answer. Commissioner Howie Jones referred to the HOA for the property behind the business and asked if 8 feet is not sufficient for them (as far as the wall) for their privacy, he wanted to know how many feet of perimeter they will have to fund. Mr. Brown advised that they are proposing to have shade trees in that 10-foot landscaping area along the neighborhood boundary and they hope that that will provide some additional privacy, some sound reduction and even some shade. 0 He expressed the opinion that some landscaping would be a lot better than adding additional wall to look at. He 5 reported that the tree spacing is currently at 55 feet but in order to increase the buffering/screening they would be willing to increase the number of trees(24"-box desert willows)and place them 25' apart. Commissioner Angela Strohan referred to the landscaping and said that there are going to be lots that back up to the storage area that will not have the 10-foot buffer area and it looks like the pavement is going all the way up to the wall. Mr. Long explained that that is the storage and display area and it is not a parking lot area. He added that they are proposing to put in an 8-foot screen wall where normally that in the minimum sense would just be a chain link fence. He noted that they had originally proposed the full wrought iron and now they have upgraded it to an 8-foot block screen wall. Commissioner Angela Strohan asked if there was any way to continue the 10-foot landscape buffer through there and Mr. Long replied that the store has a minimum outdoor display area of 15,000 feet and that is what they are showing now so if they narrowed that,they would lose any truck maneuverability they have in the back. In response to a question from Commissioner Angela Strohan regarding the extra traffic that is going to be drawn into this area and the possible need for a traffic signal, Mr. Rodgers reported that the traffic report did not indicate a need for one so he would say one is not needed. He also clarified that the requirement for a 10-foot buffer is only for a parking area and not for a storage area as was discussed. Commissioner Gene Slechta discussed the Site Plan and the 1,250-square foot hay barn that is called a forage shed somewhere else and commented on the fact that there are no details in the plan as far as what the structure will look like. Mr. Long advised that they do not have any specifications with them this evening but they can get that information and provide it. He provided a brief description of the building and indicated his intention to provide that information in the cpackets that are provided to the Council. Commissioner Gene Slechta confirmed the importance of ensuring the aesthetic appearance of the building and said that he would like the canopy roofs to be tile rather than metal. He further stated that he would like to see a whole lot more stucco since virtually every building on Shea Boulevard has stucco and asked if these are things that the applicant can deal with. Mr. Long responded that they would have to pose those questions to the principles of Tractor Supply Company and said that as it is they are trying to maintain brand identity. Commissioner Gene Slechta pointed out that the Town has a brand as well, a southwest flavor with a lot of stucco and tile so he would appreciate Mr.Long pursuing these requests. In response to a request for clarification of the Ordinance from Commissioner Gene Slechta, Mr. Rodgers reiterated that the zoning ordinance requires only the storage area to be enclosed with an 8-foot wall and not the entire property. He added that the ordinance also requires a Special Use Permit if they do not want to do the wall and that is why they are requesting that for the fencing. Vice-Chairman Archambault asked whether the closer distance between trees in the buffer area as discussed above should be part of the approval and Mr. Rodgers stated that that could be a stipulation but a full landscaping plan has not been submitted,that will come in with the building plans. Vice-Chairman Archambault MOVED to approve the Concept Plan for the Tractor Supply Company on the 4.02-acre commercial site with three added stipulations, (1)that they change landscaping plans to have tree separation at 25 feet instead of 55 feet; (2)incorporate the new building elevations that were presented to the Commission this evening; and (3) more details on the storage shed which match the style of the new architectural elevations be forwarded to the 6 Council. Commissioner Howie Jones SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 5-1 with Commissioner Gene Slechta voting Nay. AGENDA ITEM #3 - PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY DEVELOPMENT OF A 4.02-ACRE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY AT 17130 E. SHEA BOULEVARD TO INCLUDE PERMANENT OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND STORAGE AREAS. CASE NUMBER SU2014-04. Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the Public Hearing at 7:27 p.m. He stated that two members of the audience wished to speak on this item. Patricia Radomski addressed the Commissioners and thanked everyone for their comments tonight, especially those who expressed concern regarding the residents who live adjacent to this property. She stated that she is one of those residents and her property backs up to the parking lot and the fenced area that is going to house the equipment. She said that she was originally told that there would be a 10-foot fence adjacent to that property line separating the residents from this development. She advised that she is confused after listening to the dialogue because now it sounds like it is going to be the existing 6-foot fence with a 10-foot buffer or barrier with trees up until the part that starts to house the equipment and then it is going to be an 8-foot fence. She stated that her concerns include the appearance,the noise, and safety. She pointed out that the house that sits at the very corner of Monterey and Rockwood has a family and asked about the young children who are out there playing. She noted that right there is where the semi-tractors are turning and entering. She also mentioned individuals who might want to sleep in on a Saturday morning and advised that the bedrooms face where that driveway comes in off of Monterey. She informed the members that she has had her house up for sale since May 1 St and although she has done everything she could to sustain the value of the property she has been getting questions about what is going to go on behind the house and what it is going to look like. She added that from her home she has a view of Red Rock and she would like to think that that view will be sustained. She questioned whether the HOA is going to be able to financially help the residents build a wall to separate the business iv from the homeowners' backyards. She reiterated that she is worried about the dimensions of the wall and where it is ° going to begin. Angela Coughlin addressed the Commissioners and said she too is a resident of Sunrise Point. She noted that almost all of the businesses along Shea are empty and Kern Plaza is empty with the nice turns off of Shea. She listed a number of closed businesses and stated that she just does not see the draw of a tractor supply store in this area. She stated that it seems like it should be in Cave Creek or Rio Verde. She pointed out that during the summer months the Target store can sometimes struggle to sustain itself. She expressed concerns regarding her property value and questioned whether she is going to be stuck with a house that she cannot sell because there is a huge tractor supply store behind it. She also expressed traffic and safety concerns and reiterated that she does not see the need for this type of business in Town. There being no additional speakers, Chairman Lloyd Pew closed the public hearing at 7:34 p.m. Chairman Lloyd Pew thanked the speakers for their comments. AGENDA ITEM #4 - CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY DEVELOPMENT OF A 4.02-ACRE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY AT 17130 E. SHEA BOULEVARD TO INCLUDE PERMANENT OUTDOOR DISPLAY AND STORAGE AREAS. CASE NUMBER SU2014-04. Commissioner Gene Slechta requested clarification from the applicants regarding the display areas. Mr. Long explained that the display area exhibits included in the Commissioners' packets are just examples and those numbers care for reference only. 7 Mr. Long noted that the only fenced-in display area will be the fenced outdoor display area, approximately 15,000 square feet immediately adjacent to the building and approximately 8,000 additional square feet will not be fenced. IDCommissioner Gene Slechta pointed out that that is more square footage than their entire building and the applicants concurred. He added that the open displays go out 45 feet and looking at their other stores on the website, virtually all of them go out 10, 15 or maybe 20 feet from the building front and questioned why the difference. Mr. Long stated that street-side display is not permitted in Fountain Hills so they relocated it to this area on the north side of the property. Mr. Long clarified that the original Site Plan had an equipment and trailer display area out towards the street as nearly all of the TSC stores have that. He advised that they were told that this would not be permitted and so they brought the location back towards the building. He further stated that in order to meet Tractor Supply's square-foot area requirements for displays,the 45-foot width is needed. The normal width is 25 feet. Commissioner Gene Slechta referred to the 45-foot area and asked whether that could be screened to enhance aesthetics and then only a screened wall would be seen from Shea but on the Monterey Road side it would be open where there is less traffic. Mr. Long replied that the company wants the display areas to be seen so screening them defeats that purpose and would most likely not be an option. Vice Chairman Mike Archambault discussed the aluminum fencing that is going to enclose the hay storage building area and asked whether there is going to be some type of slats or other barriers so people cannot actually see back in there. Mr. Long advised that there are no slats between the fence rails proposed and the only way to see into that area will be IDfrom the east and the west sides. In response to a question from Commissioner Slechta, Mr. Rodgers confirmed that the Special Use Permit is going to be specific to the Tractor Supply Company site design. He added that if another business came in and wanted to change it in any way then they would have to get their own Special Use Permit. He also confirmed that potentially any business that came in after this one could use the display areas in the same exact manner as long as they did not change anything about the area or the display. Vice Chairman Mike Archambault MOVED to recommend to the Council the approval of the Special Use Permit to allow the Tractor Supply Company to develop the 4.02-acre commercial site at 17130 East Shea Boulevard to include permanent outdoor display and storage areas. Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED the motion and the MOTION CARRIED 5-1 with Commissioner Gene Slechta voting Nay. AGENDA ITEM#5-COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH TO STAFF. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i)placing items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the Commission. None AGENDA ITEM#6- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUESTS FROM SENIOR PLANNER. None thie AGENDA ITEM #7 - REPORT FROM SENIOR PLANNER & ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Senior Planner Bob Rodgers stated that Commissioner Stan Connick is undergoing exploratory heart surgery right now and that is why he was not able to make it to the meeting. Mr. Rodgers added that he will be off next week and wished everyone a good weekend holiday. AGENDA ITEM#8-ADJOURNMENT. Vice-Chairman Mike Archambault MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 6-0. The meeting ADJOURNED at 7:43 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION BY: airman Lloyd Pew ATTEST: obe Rodgers, Senior Planner CERTIFICATION 0 I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 28th day of August, 2014, in the Town Council Chambers, 16705 E. Avenue of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that a quorum was present. Dated this aJ day off2014. obe Rodgers, Senior Planner 9 T.%I fj_ J� r , ,° ' 1. REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD 1 Please complete and submit this card to the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of the item listed below. ▪ ``"'`0** Meeting Date /- '�(��1 j 1.71, Name/Phone No. / l t ' fin ,i. U I _ J ,"4. I am a Fountain Hills resident or, I re ide in (please list) Title/Organization I am representing(# of people) .-) Please indicate your choices below before submitting this form: . ,YES, I wish to speak or ❑ NO, I do not wish to speak,but have indicated my position: ❑ FOR 4 AGAINST ❑ CALL TO THE PUBLIC ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. XAGENDA ITEM NO. 3 PLEASE PRINT Comments: I ©w1") - (�.ir AI 4Vi t. Ckha uC .cr - . 0;t,ocli, it 16u;,I.4-- \C.CMM. /iO. J 1` : .(` i it r 1 O a. , I ok,in 61 DSO C C(2i ;I C&b ,e6), : �-1 I i a, Thank you for participating in your Town government. Your comments are an important and valuable part of the process. Please fill out the comment card completely and turn it into the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of that Agenda item or prior to the beginning of the meeting. (Please see reverse for procedural information on addressing the Council/Board/Commission) 11/7/13 �,`;, `T A IN 4,N REQUEST TO SPEAK CARD Please complete and submit this card to the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of the item listed below. • Oat i. . /� im Meeting Date AY-- ,_' Name/Phone No. /e 'A / /16-v S kJ, I am a Fountain Hills resident 14. or, I reside in (please list) Title/Organization I am representing(# of people -lc,- Please indicate your choices below before submitting this form: 67,t1—T'>../it ❑ YES, I wish to speak or ❑ NO, I do not wish to speak,but have indicated my position: ❑ FOR ❑ AGAINST ❑ CALL TO THE PUBLIC ❑ PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. AGENDA ITEM NO. o'?"--7, PLEASE PRINT ,` .D (Coeats: ce4--'( S r �`� Gt..)i ( f%ru'7z c-an % j (/r i J _ .i It ) /Gin l.. e TA=--n S' ei4 c-�'c tr .. L c)--:. ?:5/ �t l UCi�� c�cJ S Thankyou f r artici participating inyour Towngovernment. Your comments are an im rta t and valuablepart of the process. P P g 1�� Please fill out the comment card completely and turn it into the Town Clerk or designee prior to the discussion of that Agenda item or prior to the beginning of the meeting. (Please see reverse for procedural information on addressing the Council/Board/Commission) 11/7/13 ���AlNyft TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS X Planning and Zoning y�� v Board of Adjustment oc� 'bar is Anti AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: August 28, 2014 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Planning&Zoning Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO COMMISSION: Consideration of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes from July 24, 2014. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes from July 24, 2014. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular meeting minutes dated July 24, 2014, as presented. Attachment(s): Submitted by: . 7iiiiee Mcalex August 20, 2014 Name/Title Date Approve. by: 1141. ,/ od/J 'obe odgers, Senior Planner Date Page 1 of 1 O00AINit/ TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS t4 z 5 X Planning and Zoning n �': Board of Adjustment yip -..._....- oo' 'hat, mo AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: August 28, 2014 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Division: Planning & Zoning Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner, 480-816-5138, rrodgers a(�fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: CONSIDERATION of a CONCEPT PLAN for the TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY development of a 4.02 acre commercial property at 17130 E. Shea Blvd. (Case #CP2014-01) PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow the TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY development of a 4.02 acre commercial property at 17130 E. Shea Blvd to include permanent outdoor display and storage areas. (Case #SU2014-04) CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow the TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY development of a 4.02 acre commercial property at 17130 E. Shea Blvd to include permanent outdoor display and storage areas. (Case #SU2014-04) Applicant: Nicholas Brown, CEG Inc. 12409 W. Indian School Rd. C303 Avondale, AZ 85392 (623) 536-1993 Owner: IMH Financial 7001 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste 2050 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 (480) 840-8400 Property Location: 17130 E. Shea Blvd, Fountain Hills, AZ Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 2.02 — Special Use Permits Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 2.04 — Concept Plan Review Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 2.05 — Plan Review Zoning Ordinance Chapter 12 — Commercial Zoning Districts Zoning Ordinance Chapter 12, Section 12-05 — Special Use Permits in C-2 Districts Zoning Ordinance Chapter 19 —Architectural Review Guidelines Page 1 of 4 Cases #CP2014-01 #SU2014-04 #DA2014-01 Staff Summary (background): EXISTING ZONING: "C-2" — Intermediate Commercial EXISTING CONDITION: Vacant lot on existing arterial street LOT SIZE: 4.02 Acres. BUILDING SIZE: 21,702 sf± CONCEPT PLAN: The proposed Tractor Supply Company development consists of a new 21,702 sf retail building and an associated 1,250 sf hay barn building on a 4.02 acre site located at the northeast corner of Shea Boulevard and Monterey Drive. Tractor Supply Company is a large retail store chain that offers products for home improvement, agriculture, lawn and garden, clothing, livestock, equine and pet care. Stores supply products to support their customer's rural lifestyle, from welders and generators to animal care products and men and women's clothing. RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDING PROPERTY The proposed development expects to have a positive impact on the surrounding area and neighborhood. Standard hours of operation are Monday through Sunday 7am-8pm. The company considers these hours of operation to be reasonable considering the neighboring residential area. Loud operations or noises are not typical. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES The exterior of the building will be constructed in Split face C.M.U. and painted in neutral beige colors to 4'-0" and at Pilasters on the building corners and at control joint locations along the sides of the building with a decorative cornice at the top of each wall. An "Urban Putty" color will be used from 4'- 0" to the top of the Cornice. The Parapets are extended above the roof line to screen the Roof Top Units from pedestrian view all the way around the building. Scuppers will be installed with downspouts on the rear of the building to drain water from the roof. Added architectural elements include 4'-0" deep awnings w/ standing Seam Metal Roof (Colonial Red), Faux Barn Shutters, and decorative Gooseneck Light fixtures on the front elevation. The wall pack light fixtures on the side and rear of the building will be LED fixtures that are Dark Sky compliant. The Fenced Outdoor Display Area will have a Black Aluminum Tube Fence surrounding the merchandise being displayed in that area. An additional Screen Wall has been added to the rear of the building to screen the loading area as well as the dumpster enclosure from street view. LANDSCAPING STRATEGY & DESIGN The proposed landscaping for the Tractor Supply Company store will be a reflection of the natural desert environment that enriches the image of the Fountain Hills community. This will be achieved by utilizing on-site salvage material and through the integration of indigenous plant species that blend seamlessly with the abutting Cereus Wash. To further preserve the integrity of the property, all of the existing saguaro cacti currently located on the site will be salvaged and thoughtfully relocated to 146 Page 2 of 4 Cases #CP2014-01 #SU2014-04 #DA201 4-01 enhance entry focal points and new native plant groupings. The overall landscape will complement the architecture of the building as well as the neighboring surroundings. SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Chapter 12, Section 12-05 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that any outdoor storage or display of merchandise in the C-2 zoning district must be screened from view by a fence or wall. Alternatives to this must be approved for a Special Use Permit by the Town Council. The Tractor Supply Company proposal seeks to allow the large storage/display area on the north side of the building to be fenced with a black aluminum tube fence, and to allow the display areas directly in front of the storefront not to be enclosed. The applicants feel this will increase the visibility of their merchandise and it is typical of their site design across the country. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: The following information is provided for informational purposes. The Planning & Zoning Commission will not be asked to provide a recommendation regarding the Development Agreement. The proposed Tractor Supply Company Development Agreement will accomplish the following: 1. Allow for an increase in the Hillside Disturbance Allowance to take into account the site's previously disturbed status and permit development in accordance with the plans proposed herein. 2. Revise the Parking Ratios Retail (17,709 sf) @ 1 space/300 sf = 59 Outdoor Display & Stockroom (23,761 sf) @ 1 space/900 sf = 27 For a total minimum parking requirement of 86 spaces. 3. Grant a Special Use Permit to allow for Permanent Outdoor Display Areas as depicted on the Plan of Development. 4. Amend the Drainage Detention Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance Section 3.08 and Town Code Section 14-7 to require that this site provide a minimum detention volume of 8,000 cubic feet. The proposed use (Retail Sales) is permitted and the building and site design criteria are met under the terms of the Development Agreement. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the Concept Plan will allow the construction of a 21,702 sq ft retail building and associated storage structures. Denial of the Concept Plan will require the applicants to re-design their proposal in an effort to receive an approval or it will cause the applicants to reconsider locating in Fountain Hills. Page 3 of 4 Cases #CP2014-01 #SU2014-04 #DA2014-01 ( Approval of the Special Use Permit will allow the fenced enclosure and the other outdoor display areas. Denial of the Special Use Permit will require that the site either enclose their outdoor display areas or remove them from the proposal. Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): None Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission Approve the Concept Plan for Tractor Supply Company and also that they forward a recommendation to Approve the Special Use Permit to allow the outdoor display areas as presented and subject to the additional terms and conditions outlined in the Development Agreement. SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Move to APPROVE the CONCEPT PLAN for the TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY development of a 4.02 acre commercial property at 17130 E. Shea Blvd as presented. Move to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to the Town Council to APPROVE the SPECIAL USE PERMIT for the TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY to allow the outdoor storage and display areas as presented and subject to the additional terms and conditions outlined in the Development Agreement. Attachment(s): 1. Application 2. Plat Map 3. Plans of Development 4. Drainage Report 5. Traffic Impact Analysis 6. Applicant's Project Narrative Submitted by: Bob c oc(gers, 8/20/2014 Senior Planner Date Approved by: 372.V/V Deve opment Servi es Director Date Page 4 of 4 o‘�`�A,�i\'#1, DO Not write i this space-official use only < v, Filing Date S li/poi 5/ ��� o r Accepted By .J z-4._e..; 76L 4 "" 3 r WIN :- Fee Accepted 7�7).t'z) w Case Manager E0 6 len dh-c,} that is Av.d. The Town of Fountain Hills PLANNING &ZONING DEPARTMENT - APPLICATION Abandonment (Plat or Condominium) Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation Area Specific Plan &Amendments Concept Plan .iii. Condominium Plat Cut/Fill Waiver Development Agreement HPE Change or Abandonment General Plan Amendment Ordinance (Text Amendment) Preliminary/ Final Plat Planned Unit Development Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) Rezoning (Map) pedal Use Permit &Amendments Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) Use Permit(Median Fee,if applicable) • Variance Other, icr .,f- `Gtr4 PROJECT NAME / NATURE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name Parcel A of Bk 468, Pg 3 Block Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS: 17130 E. Shea Blvd PARCEL SIZE (Acres)4.02 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-10-799 NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED 1 Building TRACTS 1 Building EXISTING ZONING C-2 PROPOSED ZONING C-2 A licant Mrs. Nicholas Brown Day Phone (623)536-1993 ✓ Mr. _ Ms. Address: 12409 W Indian School Rd C303 City: Avondale State: AZ Zip: 85392 Email: nick@cottrellengineering.com Owner Mrs. IMH Special Asset NT 246 LLC * t'7 bq 3 Day Phone (480)840-8400 Mr. Ms. Address: 7001 N. Scottsdale Road, Ste. 2050 City: Scottsdale State: AZ Zip: 85253 If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed. SIGNATURE OF OWNER DATE See attached letter. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 20 . :( My Commission Expires . Notary Public APPLICATION # )U t7(4—o4f ... C rr *I 2.ti55 ii 3 ks el NI 0 E,,;. 1,, 2. E 7Xay Pib y=€a Ng N'ga •v � „ " k � W o I XJ Z t �aigls,, .g 2 € t , ! 3 le i I 33 a g i i ' 10110- ,.! :W, Iggi 11 i. 1 A w , r, g r6 .. g ''''s .,- i- _ iff.,, ° z 7 q "4i4dol` aiia V.' - 1 , p II g a A i s - W.- a . : sa�I_ v o g lfihiftWi. Sid! ni ? . < G 8 b llib= . ` g . z€XV' < 49 . 5 gX . ng CO2 ;I! !a bib p g .. z'" m U ii: bN E . ' '.b E' "8 i a 1 n d 68 ez ' 3L !J. s ` 725 " r 2=g88 Y C i` daY " laid€b1'1 ill -be Z� z z 4 u. �EBve_ �� 5 8§; %l d=m a f I o in 0Q Yo ¢-S.E 1 N'4 0 .a &y r W 4 O I * 1°°t c a. a z G- v� V Oui 4 Ip� " a X Z § a ¢ 1`Kb=4 ^ n c y $I n n Sv Cm I c3Alo7 N a U F O :L: o . M 4 .,y m as - i 44 a2 7 `II , E'1' , L_ 1 .,. W EL;6 ce gen s. e@e@ aa rl N' O n 4.4 C-• 4.=1 1 1' ! ilk n C M i 7e E.GL 0(.. ,0 Q O \ g }}R�� cg ) t pp Om I o O1, 0 w 6 \ \ - ,:'' � �\ I' r :fix, W E" a m - E8 m ` k� '@ '� �h `� a ay`Y� 14 O x GG } • 4 .If, oxt ,6s ' i. Ri aab't 3 R � <s_ kag w\ C e !,,f' � / / O < aa m € € d '� \\ _ 1 e %=o�,P 4. 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Sr 1111111004iiikk , vt, . , a tea' ..... , Previously N� Disturbed Areas ,,,, \ , -. ;:. \ . 4 • t.S./ '''- tili p { Ai , ,. . _, „ Ilia LEGEND: AREA: SLOPES 0% - 10% 144,121 S.F. (3.309 AC) SLOPES 10% - 20% 20,131 S.F. (0.462 AC) SLOPES 20% - 30% 9,421 S.F. (0.216 AC) A\ SLOPES > 30% .'; 111,1 0 100' 200' 1,264 S.F. (0.029 AC) _ _ Mi - 1eo, 12409 W. INDIAN SCHOOL RD. SUITE: C-303 SLOPE ANALYSIS AVONDALE, AZ 85392 PROJECT: TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS PH: 623 536-1993 CEG# 14-029 • . , ,. o I- . OW. a Ce 4 a 0 V U O a o z z z 'a 0 O z -I >- U 0 ¢ I-- J N m Q w a I— c z W a a ec N M W N ry } 0 O Q cc N a J d a I—• U. V a uj 2 m III jI z 2 Q 0 I w ¢ Q 0 Z Wi46. 0 g Z o o o • Q Q U 0 w LL 1 LLI m Ca a N M n ZCSG NHS H 0 O 0 «' U ~ >-J Q , v_ Z O rn 0 dJ N '-- a u a `w J o W U "' z cn m co M O uJ y ' N CC I". r N N I 4 6°., x, „ ,,,,, ;_:. li . ,, . . 11 < _ fl 1 J' ‹.--- �a I � g � g,-P 1 i El. ' -� z 5 it Q PI .gip ii I e liii i li 1 ii in 0e iiii Ii ( `\ Tr ,E; ill gilt i UIId �i 5 i t ill ; lo , , 0 t„ i , _111 ar ilii _..) iv IDcl ' x ` R z .-Ili 11 i:' go LA mn \ a'� �3 p tYlg PI s •4 • a al - 011111111111 Si dl qi Hi III :human gill ` III '� fl - ■, Ili i / I. W - � € Pg !Ali 111, �� i0 is r II t e I I _ k k I 1 a i 1 , ,, ',3 • ,,, 1 , '!I i .i• -oh- ' ' ; , _ 1, agIne- 1 ;N. . 1 ""' I IIP=II i 'Vit. -22 ' . . I rin) : .. 1,41 ' - 1 • .. -t-- , ... ,1= i \ i, . . , , 7.,_. , ..... F.( --- - _ . . 11 t. i ' 1[ I ' ,-.-----"Z- t'. ''..i?,-?,..•". ;.'-".. , rita, „AL.._ i"sir 1`,,'- .. 1 1 — : --- 4 - ; ' f• , 1 ,0 -51,1 i t A' It • . I A . I i ,, 4 i t .., ,,. ,-...... _ 0 : . , 1. -lent aesigiiiiic ,. . DRAINAGE REPORT for TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS 17130 E. SHEA BLVD. Prepared for: FOUNTAIN HILLS DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC 155 W. NEW YORK AVENUE SOUTHERN PINES,NC 28387 • v 45869 NICHOLAS E. Jul 28, 2014 oc BROWN •nod_27 F\R-ZONAk)5 ,6 44'te303- 13 - LEG 12409 W. Indian School Rd. C303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 tEE July 28,2014 TSC-FOUNTAIN HILLS INTRODUCTION The proposed development consists of one new retail building, 21,702 s.f.±, and a hay barn building, 1,250 s.f.±, on a 4.02 acre (±) parcel (net area) that sits on a portion of Parcel A of"Replat of Lots 1 and 2 of Fountain Hills Final Plat 705"(Bk.468, Pg.3, MCR)and is located at the northeast corner of Shea Boulevard and Monterey Drive. This site is currently a vacant parcel with no existing improvements. The site is bounded by developed property to the northeast, Shea Boulevard to the west and Monterey Drive to the north, and the Cereus Wash to the south. A vicinity map, aerial photo, legal description and the area's FIRM map are attached for reference in Appendix A of this report. OFFSITE DRAINAGE&HYDRAULICS The site is bounded on the west and north sides by existing curb and gutter. The east side is adjacent to developed residential lots. The south side is bounded by an existing storm water wash (Cereus Wash). The existing curb and gutter along Shea Boulevard slopes southeast and is conveyed to the Cereus Wash. The existing curb and gutter along Monterey Drive slopes northeast into the adjacent residential subdivision which eventually conveys the storm water to the Cereus Wash. The offsite drainage generated from the public right of way areas of Shea Boulevard and Monterey Drive will continue to follow the historic flow. There are no proposed changes or additions to these systems by this project. ONSITE DRAINAGE&DETENTION Onsite detention will be provided for the 100-year pre-development vs.post development storm event for the area of this site. The site conveys the storm water through surface sheet flow to curb openings. The detention calculations are as follows, additional calculations are attached for reference in Appendix B: Required volume: V=A * C * P/12 Overall Site Watershed Pre-development Runoff C: 0.65—Hillslopes, Sonoran Desert(Table 3.2-DDM for MC) Post development Runoff C: 0.95—Commercial(Table 3.2-DDM for MC) Design Runoff C: 0.30 Rainfall: 2.21 inches—NOAA Atlas 14 I12409 W. Indian School Rd., C-303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 EEG July 28,2014 "%ow TSC-FOUNTAIN HILLS Watershed Area: 148,756 s.f. Calculated Vol(req'd): 8,219 c.f. Development Agreement Vol(reqd): 8,000 c.f. Site Outfall: At the proposed concrete weir structure near the southeast corner of the site. The weir elevation is set at 1537.00. The storm water then drains into the Cereus Wash. Overall Site Watershed Basin#1 5,582 cf Basin#2 3,244 cf Volume Required(P.A.D.Plan) 8,000 cf Volume Provided 8,826 cf A copy of the preliminary onsite grading and drainage plans has been attached for reference in Appendix C. ONSITE HYDRAULICS The storm water in the parking areas are conveyed by sheet flow through curb openings to the detention basins. There are no storm drain pipes/catch basins within the parking areas conveying `. storm water to the detention basins. There is a concrete weir structure proposed to regulate the outflows from the detention basin to be equal to or less than pre-development flow rates. 12409 W. Indian School Rd., C-303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 EEG July 28,2014 Year TSC-FOUNTAIN HILLS OTHER PROJECT INFORMATION The extreme outfall for the project is at the proposed concrete weir structure near the southeast corner of the site. The weir elevation is set at 1537.00. The storm water then drains into the Cereus Wash. The site is designed in an engineered sump condition, as the high and low curb are both higher than the proposed final floor elevation. However, the final floor elevation is significantly higher than the site outfall. The final floor elevations for this proposed development are designed at an elevation of 1548.00 for the main building and 1547.00 for the hay barn. The final floor elevations are designed at elevations over 7 feet lower than the high top of curb which is at an elevation of 1555.60. The final floor elevations are designed over 3.5 feet lower than the low top of curb which is at an elevation of 1551.75 feet. The final floor elevations are over 10 feet above the extreme outfall elevation of 1537.00 feet. If the site is constructed according to the approved grading and drainage construction documents than the building finished floor will be protected from the inundation of storm water produced from the 100-year storm event for onsite and offsite flows. A portion of the site is located in a special flood hazard area, zone AE, and a portion of the site is located in shaded zone X as defined by Firm Map 04013C1804L dated October 16,2013. Zone AE is described as "The special flood hazard area is subject to the 100-year flood; base flood elevations determined." Shaded zone X is described as: "Areas of 500-year flood; areas of 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 100-year flood." (see Figure in Appendix A). fir. 12409 W. Indian School Rd., C-303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 :ce 28,2014 TSC-FOUNTAIN HILLS July REFERENCES Brater and King,Handbook of Hydraulics, 6th Ed, 1976 Sabol,Et al,DRAINAGE DESIGN MANUAL for MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA— Volume I, Hydrology, June 2010. Sabol, Et al,DRAINAGE DESIGN MANUAL for MARICOPA COUNTY,ARIZONA— Volume II, Hydraulics, June 2010. DRAINAGE REGULATIONS for MARICOPA COUNTY,November 2010. DRAINAGE POLICIES AND STANDARDS for MARICOPA COUNTY,June 2010. • 12409 W. Indian School Rd., C-303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 : :'. .'. 26: : :'. ('A .ZON E A E-•. Ali- ••.•.'. MAP SCALE I"=500' 5 0 500 100 EET ...�... H — I IOW NI\INIIIJ•I , . . . . . .Er. . . .:. . y • ln� lllir''. PANLL 1BU41 • • \ 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • FIRM h• .s� - E-tis u.•.-.•.. • • I,. • s•i .� • • • • L. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP \ • f'1 t HPSE1LIN FL Z i _Zx 0 R1AR[COPA COUNTY, • /') %i A . 'fib 7. ARi7.ONA ' 1 1 Zj NE"A E 4�., 7l� I'� AND IVCORPORATGD AREAS t=lF•;, 1 6dd IN Rl. }• 1 • ti▪ \''' . 0"K. 11,„ ry I Z PANEL 1B040E4425 . Q (Sr': oN r'q1 Mil IAVO. • �l\ \ `n ) • n 0CC' k 3 \ ••A = /•• rn."rn"x.iatPmrs "c.v .v. ^ • • • \• J) ; OK' Z • ' re"N T� ' •' O \J.• , . •. III I® • I Z MAP NUMBER . •.'. I O _. 04013C1604L r '+•r { MAP REVISED •Q ^ +` OCTOBER 16,2013 •' •' •. •' •. _ Federal Emergent)Management Agctay • • �.O\I\IL . . . .. • • - . - .•• . .•- - . h .'t ar.tl d wn tlm b .a now " • • • • • • • • T.tieP.. • • • • • • • • • •• ••'•'•'•• .. *y T__ •. , G,POram APw map 7,:t. ,FEMn FIPwPM PSt rnw., a.Om FEMA FLOOD INFORMATION ACCORDING TO FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NO. 04013C1804L DATED OCTOBER 16, 2013 THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA ACCORDING TO MAP, A PORTION WITHIN ZONE 'AE' THE REMAINDER WITHIN ZONE SHADED 'X'. ZONE 'AE' IS DESCRIBED AS "THE SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA IS SUBJECT TO THE 100—YEAR FLOOD; BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED." ZONE SHADED 'X' IS DESCRIBED AS "AREAS OF 500—YEAR FLOOD; AREAS OF 100—YEAR FLOOD WITH AVERAGE DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DRAINAGE AREAS LESS THAN 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY LEVEES FROM 100—YEAR FLOOD." ° 12409W. INDIAN SCHOOL RD. FEMA FLOOD INFORMATION \ SUITE: C-303 PROJECT: TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS AVONDALE, AZ 85392 CEG# 14-029 J PH: (623) 536-1993 6/23/14 Precipitation Frequency Data Sever NOAA Atlas 14,Volume 1,Version 5 .,`'„y,` : Location name:Fountain Hills,Arizona, US' urn` Latitude:33.5686°, Longitude:-111.7085° t Elevation:1543 ft* �,r *source:Google Maps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Santa Perica,Sarah Dietz,Sarah Helm,Lillian Hiner,Kazungu Maltada,Deborah Martin, Sandra Pavlovic,ishani Roy,Carl Trypaluk Dale Unruh,Fenglin Yan,Michael Yelda,Tan Zhao, Geoffrey Bonnin,Daniel Brewer,LI-Chuan Chen,Tye Parzybok John Yarchoan NOAA,National Weather Service,Sliver Spring,Maryland pF tabular I pF graphical I Mapt3_dr,jerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals(in inches)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 0.192 0250 0.339 0.407 0.499 0.571 0.643 0.717 0.817 0.892 (0.158-0.241) (0.207-0.315) (0.278-0.424) (0.331-0.506) (0.400-0.617) (0.451-0.701) (0.499-0.788) (0.548-0.877),(0.609-0.997) (0.651-1.09) 10-min 0.292 0.381 0.516 0.619 0.760 0.869 0.979 1.09 1.24 1.36 ( (0.318.0.479) (0.423-0.645) (0.504-0.770) (0.609-0.939) (0.686-1.07) (0.760-1.20) (0.834-1.33) (0.926-1.52) (0.991-1.66) j 15-min 0.363 0.473 0.640 0.768 0.942 1.08 1.21 1.35 1.54 1.68 (0.298-0.454) (0.391-0.594) (0.524-0.800) (0.625.0.954) (0.755-1.16) (0.851-1.32) (0.943-1.49) (1.03-1.65) (1.15-1.88) (1.23-2.06) 30-min 0.488 0.637 0.862 1.03 127 1 A5 1.64 1.82 2.08 2.27 (0.402.0.611) (0.527.0.799) (0.706-1.08) (0.841-1.28) (1.02-1.57) (1.15-1.78) (1.27-2.00) (1.39-2.23) (1.55-2.53) (1.65-2.77) 60-min 0.604 0.788 1.07 128 1.57 1.79 2.02 2.25 2.57 2.81 (0.498.0.757) (0.852-0.989) (0.874-1.33) (1.04-1.59) (1.26-1.94) (1.42-2.21) (1.57-248) (1.72-2.76) (1.91-3.14) (2.05-3.43) 2-hr 0.690 0.893 1.19 1.42 1.72 1.96 2.46 2.79 3.06 (0.576-0.838) (0.747-1.09) (0.988-1.45) ( (1.40-2.08) (1.58-2.37) , , (1.91-2.96) i (2.11-3.37) ( 3-hr 0.744 0.953 1.25 148 1.81 2.07 2.34 2.63 3.02 3.34 (0.622-0.917) (0.799-1.18) ( (1.23-1.82) (1.47-221) (1.66-2.51) (1.84-2.85) (2.03-3.19) , (2.27-3.67) (2.45-4.06) 6-hr 0.895 1.13 1.45 1.70 2.04 2.31 2.59 2.88 3.27 3.58 (0.770-1.06) (0.976-1.34) (1.24-1.71)p (1.44-2.00) (1.71-2.39) (1.91-2.70) (2.10-3.03) (2.29-3.37) (2.54-3.84) (2.72-4.21) 12-hr 1.02 1.28 1.62 1.88 2.24 2.52 2.80 3.08 3.47 3.77 (0.888-1.18) (1.12-1.49) (1.41-1.88) (1.63.217) (1.91-2.58) (2.12-2.89) (2.33-3.22) (2.53-3.55) (2.78-4.01) (2.96-4.39) 24-hr 1.27 1.60 2.06 2A3 2.94 3.34 3.76 4.19 4.79 5.26 (1.14-1.42) (1.45-1.80) (1.85-2.32) (2.17-2.73) (2.61-3.29) (294-3.73) (3.29-4.20) (3.63-4.69) (4.09-5.37) (4.45-5.93) 2-day 1.41 1.80 2.35 2.78 3.39 3.87 4.38 4.91 5.65 6.24 (1.27-1.59) (1.61-2.02) (2.10-2.63) (2.48-3.11) (3.00-3.79) (3.40-4.32) (3.81-4.90) ( (4.81-6.37) (5.25-7,06) 3-day 1.51 1.92 2.52 3.00 3.68 422 4.80 5.41 6.26 6.95 (1.36-1.69) (1.73-2.15) (2.26-2.82) (2.68-3.35) (3.26-4.10) ( (4.20-5.35) I (4.68-6.05) (5.34-7.04) (5.87-7.85) 4-day 1.61 2.05 2.69 322 3.96 4.57 5.22 5.90 6.87 7.67 (1.45-1.79) (1.84.229) (2.42-3.00) (2.88-3.58) (3.52-4.41) (4.04-5.08) (4.58-5.80) (5.12-6.59) (5.87-7.70) (6.48-8.83) 7-day 1.79 228 3.01 3.60 4.43 5.12 5.85 6.62 7.73 8.62 (1.60-2.01) (2.04-256) (2.68-3.38) (3.19-4.03) (3.91-4.96) (4.49-5.73) (5.08-6.55) (5.71-7.44) (6.56-8.71) (7.24-9.77) 10-day 1.98 2.53 3.33 3.97 4.88 5.62 6.40 723 8.40 9.35 (1.77-2.21) (2.26-283) (2.97-3.72) (3.53-4.44) (4.32-5.45) (4.94-6.26) (5.59-7.15) (6.25-8.09) (7.16-9.43) (7.88-10.5) 20-day 2A5 3.15 4.13 4.89 5.92 6.71 7.53 8.36 9A9 10.4 (2.19-2.74) ( (3.70-4.62) (4.36-5.46) (5.26-6.60) (5.94-7.49) (6.62-8.43) (7.30-9.38) ( (8.88-11.7) 2.89 3.71 4.87 5.75 6.96 7.88 8.84 9.81 11.1 1 12.1 30-day (2.59-3.22) (3.33-4.13) (4.36-5.42) ( (6.19-7.73) (6.98-8.76) (7.77-9.83) (8.57-10.9) (9.62-12.5) (10.4-13.7)'; i 45-day 3.45 4.44 5.83 6.86 824 929 10.3 11A 12.8 13.9 (3.09-3.85) (3.97-4.96) (5.21-6.50) (6.12-7.66) (7.31-921) (8.21-10.4) (9.10-11.6) (9.96-12.8) (11.1-14.4) (11.9-15.7) 60-day 3.88 5.00 8.55 7.68 9.16 10.3 11.4 12.5 13.9 15.0 (3.48-4.33) (4.48-5.58) (5.86-7.30) (6.85-8.57) (8.15-10.2) ( (10.0-12.8) (10.9-14.0) (121.15.7) (13.0-17.0) t Precipitation frequency estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis ofpartial duration series PDS. P q YtPFI q Y ly ( i Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval.The probability that precipitation frequency estimates(fora' given duration and average recurrence Interval)w ill be greater than the upper bound(or less than the lower bound)is 5%.Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation(PNP)estimates and Trey be higher than currently valid PMP values. Reese refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. i Back to Too to hdsc.nws.noes.goNhdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.htmPlat=33.56868don=-111.7085&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 1/4 6/23/14 Precipitation Frequency Data Server �d NOAA Atlas 14,Volume 1,Version 5 r"'` "`' Location name:Fountain Hills,Arizona,US* cp.q r Latitude:33.5686°, Longitude:-111.7085° `1F \ v Elevation:1543 ft °+wuu fi •source:Google Maps *N. POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Pence,Sarah Dietz,Sarah Helm,Lillian Hiner,Kazungu Maitaria,Deborah Martin, Sandra Paviovic,idrani Roy,Cart Trypaluk Dale Unruh,Fenglin Van,Michael Yelda,Tan Zhao, Geoffrey Bonnln,Daniel Brewer,Ll-Chuan Chen,Tye Parzybok John Yarchoan NOAA,National Weather Service,Silver Spring,Maryland PF jabular I pF araphicat I Maps &eerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence Intervals(in inches/hour)1 Average recurrence interval (years) Duration r 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 I 500 J� 1000 1 5-min 2.30 3.00 4.07 4.88 5.99 6.85 8.60 9,80 _ 10.7 ( ( (3.34-5.09) (3.97-6.07) (4.80-7.40) (5.41-8.41) (6.58-10.5) ( (7.81-13.1) 10-min 1.75 2.29 3.10 3.71 4.56 5.21 5.87 6.55 7A6 r8.15 (1,45.2.20) (1.90-2.87) (2.54-3.87) (3.02-4.62) r (3.65-5.63) (4.12-6.40) (4.56-7.19) (5.00-8.01) (5.56-9.11) 95.9.96) 15-min 1.45 1.89 2.56 3.07 3.77 4.31 4.86 5.41 6.16 6.73 ( (1.56-2.38) (2.10-3.20) (2.50-3.82) (3.02-4.66) (3.40-5.29) (3.77-5.95) (4.14-6.62) (4.60-7.53) (4.91-8.23) 30-min 0.976 1.27 1.72 2.07 2.54 2.90 3.27 3.64 4.15 4.53 (0.804-1.22) (1.05-1.60) (1.41-2.15) (1.68-2.57) (2.03-3.13) (2.29-3.56) (2.54-4.01) (2.79-4.46) ( (3.31-5.54) 60-min 0.604 I 0.788 1.07 1.28 1.57 139 2.02 2.25 2.57 2.81 (0.498-0.757) (0.652-0.989) (0.874-1.33) (1.04-1.59) (1.26-1.94) ( (1.57-248) (1.72-2.76) (1.91-3.14) (2.05-3.43) 0.345 0.446 0.594 0.708 0.862 0.981 1.10 1.23 1.40 1.53 2-hr (0.288-0.419) (0.374-0.544 (0.494-0.722) (0.583-0.859) (0.701-1.04) (0.788-1.19) (0.872-1.33) (0.952.1.48) ( (1.13-1.85) 4 3 hr 0.248 0.317 0.418 0.494 0.603 0.689 0.780 0.875 1.01 1.11 (0.207-0.305) (0.266-0.393) (0.347.0.512) (0.408-0.606) (0.490-0.735) (0.552-0.837) (0.614-0.948) (0.677-1.08) (0.758-1.22) (0.817-1.35) 6-hr 0.149 0.189 0.241 0,283 0.341 0.385 0.432 0.480 0.546 0.599 (0.129-0.177) (0.163-0.224) (0207-0.286) (0.241-0.334) (0.285-0.399) (0.318-0.450) (0.351-0.507) (0.383-0.563),(0.425-0.641) (0.454-0.704) 12-hr 0.085 0.107 0.134 0.156 0.186 0.209 0232 0256 0.288 0.313 (0.074-0.098) ( (0.117-0.156) (0.135-0.180) (0.159-0.214) (0.176-0.240) (0.193-0.267) (0.210-0.294) ( (0.246-0.365) 24-hr 0.053 0.067 0.086 0.101 0.123 0.139 0.157 0.175 0.200 0219 (0.048-0.059) ( (0.091-0.114) (0.109-0.137) (0.123-0.156) (0.137-0.175) (0.151-0.196) (0.171-0.224) ( 2-day 0.029 0.037 0.049 0.058 0.071 0.081 0.091 0.102 0.118 0.130 (0.026-0.033) (0.034-0.042) (0.044-0.055) (0.052-0.065) (0.062-0.079)r(0.071.0,090) (0.079-0.102),( (0.100-0.133) (0.109-0.147) 3-day 0.021 0.027 0.035 0.042 0.051 0.059 0.067 0.075 0.087 0.097 (0,019.0.023) (0.024-0,030) ( (0.037-0.047) (0.045-0.057) (0.052-0.065) (0.058-0.074) (0.065-0.084) (0.074-0.098) (0.081-0.109) 4-day 0.017 0.021 0.028 0.034 0.041 0.048 0.054 0.061 0.072 0.080 (0.015-0.019) (0.019-0.024) (0.025-0.031) ( (0.037-0.046) (0.042-0.053) (0.048-0.060) (0.053-0.069) (0.061-0.080) (0.068-0.090) 7-day 0,011 0,014 0.018 0.021 0.026 0.030 0.035 0.039 0.046 0.051 (0.010-0.012) (0.012-0.015) (0.016-0.020) (0.019-0.024) (0.023-0.030) (0.027-0.034) (0.030-0.039) (0.034-0.044) (0.039-0.052) ( 10-dey 0,008 0.011 0.014 0.017 0.020 0.023 0.027 0.030 0.035 0.039 ( (0.009-0.012) (0,012-0.015) (0.015-0.018) (0.018-0.023) (0.021-0.026) (0.023-0.030) (0.026-0.034) (0.030-0.039) (0.033-0.044) 20-day 0.005 0.007 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.017 0.020 0.022 (0.005-0.006) (0.006-0.007) (0.008-0.010) (0.009-0.011) (0.011-0.014) (0.012-0.016) (0.014-0.018) (0.015-0.020) (0.017-0.022) (0.019-0.024) 0.004 0.005 0.007 0.008 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.017 30-day (0.004-0.004) (0.005-0.006) (0.006-0.008) (0.007-0.009) (0.009-0.011) (0.010-0.012) (0.011-0.014) (0.012-0.015) (0.013-0.017) (0.014-0.019)' 45-day 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.008 0.009 0,010 0,011 0.012 0.013 (0.003-0.004) (0.004-0.005) (0.005-0.006) (0.006-0.007) (0.007-0.009) (0.008-0.010) (0.008-0.011) (0.009-0.012) (0.010-0.013) (0.011-0.015) 60-day 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.010 (0.002-0.003) (0.003-0.004) (0.004-0.005) (0.005-0.006) (0.006-0.007) (0.006-0.008) (0.007-0.009) (0.008-0.010) (0.008-0.011) (0.009-0.012) 1 Precipitation frequency(PF)estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series(FDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval.The probability that precipitation frequency estimates(for a given duration and average recurrence interval)w ill be greater than the upper bound(or less than the lower bound)is 5%.Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable rraximumprecipiitation(FIVE')estimates and may be higher than currently valid MVP values. Pease refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Too hdsc.nws.noaa.g o ihdsc/pfds/pfds_printpag e.html?l at=33.568681on=-111.7085&data=intensity&units=eng lish&series=pds 1/4 PROJECT: TSC FH CEG# 14-029 PRE.VS. POST DEVELOPMENT CALCULATIONS PRE-DEVELOPMENT Surface Coefficient C 0.65 Hillslopes,Sonoran Desert (Table 3.2) POST DEVELOPMENT Surface Coefficient C 0.95 Commercial (Table 3.2) PRE.VS. POST DEVELOPMENT Surface Coefficient C 0.3 100-hr, 2-hr Rainfall P 2.21 in Area A 148756 sf Calculated Req'd Volume VOLreq'd 8219 cf Required Volume(PAD Plan) VOLreq'd 8000 cf < GOVERNS FIRST FLUSH CALCULATIONS Surface Coefficient C 1.00 100-hr, 2-hr Rainfall P 0.5 in Area A 148756 sf Required Volume VOLreq'd 6198 cf 0 a a c o 3 h 'aU U N o 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O > > > ILI W ILW I- `m m Q " ¢ 0 ¢ w C ¢ J Q J V J I F 7 It a J 0 V J 0 ¢ o W W Y❑ OI ml W T N p O I' U U U P. O O O O o O CDO o O it W W W Q J Q J Z W O w O -, 0 W O Q J Q m U I- JI- Ja F' J O ^J OG O • Q W qOm O m F_ OI hI col 0 u O O U. p Om .- NmO J m(O C J 0 J 0 J 0 U „�v co �m YYY m� coCV O> > > LL O 000 Z < C0 N N O z Cr a M)O N O Q OJ Z Z J P FO > W O m> WCO ID ON > > J ill J > Q_ u i)`u Q ¢ < Q W n O O O W CON CON 1- I- G I- G 0 U 0 root,, g>000 g> ¢ `•Q J 0 cui•°'" pc� U 0 co p j V M M N W C❑ ❑ W _ a m CO IW I� IZI NI to! 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ZONING & TRAFFIC LOCATION MAP SUITE: C-303 PROJECT: TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS 410. er AVONDALE, AZ 85392 CEG# 14-029 J PH: (623) 536-1993 PROJECT NARRAT IVE REPORT for TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS 17130 E. SHEA BLVD. Prepared for: FOUNTAIN HILLS DEVELOPMENT GROUP,LLC 155 W. NEW YORK AVENUE SOUTHERN PINES,NC 28387 / c' 45889 0 h ti NICHOLAS E. * I) July 28, 2014 C BROWN es'�►�d <Cf. .914AUSP ,C3 o res 03.3' CIE 12409 W. Indian School Rd. C303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 ECG f July 28,2014 [r' TSC-FOUNTAIN HILLS DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The proposed development consists of one new retail building, 21,702 s.f.f, and an associated hay barn building, 1,250 s.f.±, on a 4.02 acre (±) parcel (net area) that sits on a portion of Parcel A of "Replat of Lots 1 and 2 of Fountain Hills Final Plat 705" (Bk.468, Pg.3, MCR) and is located at the northeast corner of Shea Boulevard and Monterey Drive. The proposed improvements are not phased. The proposed development is a new retail building, Tractor Supply Company (TSC), with associated site improvements. The TSC is a large retail store chain that offers products for home improvement, agriculture, lawn and garden, clothing, and livestock, equine and pet care. Stores supply the unique products to support their customer's rural lifestyle, from welders and generators to animal care products and men and women's workwear. Standard hours of operation are Monday through Sunday 7am-8pm. TSC stores are primarily located in rural areas and outlying suburbs of major cities. This proposed Tractor Supply store has 17,709 square feet of inside retail space with 23,761 square feet of stockroom and outside space used to display agricultural fencing, livestock equipment and horse stalls. RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDING PROPERTY The proposed development expects to have a positive impact on the surrounding area and neighborhood. TSC will provide products and services to support a rural lifestyle matching the surrounding developments. The standard hours of operation are reasonable considering the neighboring residential area, as they open and close at practical times. Loud operations or noises are not typical for TSC stores. TSC fits the intended zoning of C-2 with slight modifications through a Development Agreement with the Town of Fountain Hills, including but not limited to adjusted parking calculations,outdoor display areas and adjusted detention volume requirements. L. 12409 W. Indian School Rd., C-303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 ECG ---W TSC-FOUNTAIN HILLS July 28,2014 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The parcel is currently zoned C-2, Intermediate Commercial Zoning. TSC stores meet the retail type uses stated in the Town's C-2 zoning description. The following are standards for C-2 zoning and Development Agreement requests,and how they relate to the planning and design of the development: Applicable Requirement Response Minimum Lot Area-6,000 sf Will comply Minimum Lot Width-60 If Will comply Minimum Building Height-40 ft Will comply Minimum Yard Setbacks Front—10 ft Will comply Side-25 ft(Adjacent Residential) Will comply Street Side-0 ft Will comply Rear—l0 ft Will comply Maximum Lot Coverage—60% Will comply Outdoor Display—Subject to Special Use Permits Outdoor display proposed and addressed with Town by Development Agreement Outdoor Lighting to be in conformance with Town provisions. Will comply Lighting shall be placed to reflect away from residential zoning. Outdoor use of a commercial nature adjacent to residential zone Will comply boundary shall be screened by 8 ft wall. Required Parking Ratios Retail—1/250 sf Development Agreement to allow parking ratio for retail—1/300 sf Outdoor Display/Stockroom(Warehouse)—1/800 sf Development Agreement to allow parking ratio for warehouse— 1/900 sf Required Retention/Detention Volume Greater of Pre.vs.Post OR First Flush Development Agreement to allow minor reduction of required volume to 8,000 cf ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELINES The exterior of the building is constructed in Split face C.M.U. painted in neutral colors Sanderling (LRV 31%) to 4'-0" and at Pilasters and Urban Putty (LRV 54%) from 4'-0" to top of E.I.F.S. Cornice. There are Pilasters on the building corners and at control joint locations along the sides of the building with decorative E.I.F.S. cornice at the top of each wall. The Parapets are extended above the roof line to screen the Roof Top Units from pedestrian view all the way around the building. Scuppers will be installed with downspouts on the rear of the building to drain water from the roof. The roof will be a T.P.O. Membrane Roof. There is an (1100- 12409 W. Indian School Rd., C-303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 EGGJuly 28,2014 TSC-FOUNTAIN HILLS exterior vestibule that is enclosed with an E.I.F.S structure and Gabled Standing Seam Metal Roof(Colonial Red) above the vestibule with Split Face C.M.U. columns at the entrance corners. Added architectural elements include 4'-0" deep awnings w/ standing Seam Metal Roof (Colonial Red), Faux Barn Shutters, and decorative Gooseneck Light fixtures (front elevation only). The wall pack light fixtures on the side and rear of the building will be LED fixtures that are Dark Sky compliant. The Fenced Outdoor Display Area will have a Black Aluminum Tube Fence surrounding the merchandise to be displayed in that area. Additional Screen Wall has been added to the rear of the building to screen loading area from street view as well as a dumpster enclosure to hide dumpsters from public view. LANDSCAPING STRATEGY&DESIGN The proposed landscape for the Tractor Supply Company store will be a reflection of the natural desert environment that enriches the image of the Fountain Hills community. This will be achieved by utilizing on-site salvage material and through the integration of indigenous plant species that blend seamlessly with the abutting Cereus Wash. To further preserve the integrity of the property, all of the existing saguaro cacti currently located on the site will be salvaged and thoughtfully relocated to enhance entry focal points and new native plant groupings. The overall landscape will complement the architecture of the building as well as the neighboring surroundings. 12409 W. Indian School Rd., C-303, Avondale, AZ 85392 Phone (623)-536-1993 0 0 0v J� o c� SHEA BLVD SITE 87 VICINITY MAP SCALE: N.T.S. SEC. 26, T.3N., R.6E. 12409 W. INDIAN SCHOOL RD. VICINITY MAP ( SUITE: C-303 PROJECT: TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS AVONDALE, AZ 85392 CEG# 14-029 PH: (623) 536-1993 • ,. 5,. r ; \FAQ ,. .- *� ,I'P ! j` { �y 1�" :grr ....,. . .. . 4 \ ....„.....i . ' r r... .,... u: .,,,,. _ . i, ..,. ,, ,,_....: - ... ,e,t4-*.c • t^ ��jj J r 1 12409W. INDIAN SCHOOL RD. AERIAL PHOTO SUITE: C-303 PROJECT: TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS liir e r AVONDALE, AZ 85392 CEG# 14-029 J PH: (623) 536-1993 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A, OF REPLAT OF LOTS 1 AND 2 OF FOUNTAIN HILLS FINAL PLAT 705, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA, IN BOOK 468 OF MAPS, PAGE 3. fiL r 12409 W. INDIAN SCHOOL RD. LEGAL DESCRIPTION / . SUITE: C-303 PROJECT: TSC FOUNTAIN HILLS { r AVONDALE, AZ 85392 CEG# 14-029 J PH: (623) 536-1993 u v e ! 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