HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZ.2013.0214.Minutes TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 14, 2013 Chairman Lloyd Pew opened the session of the Planning and Zoning Commission at 6:30 p.m. The following Commissioners were present: Chairman Lloyd Pew, Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan [arrived at 6:34 p.m.], Commissioners Richard Turner, Mike Archambault, Stan Connick, Gene Slechta, and Steven Harris. Also in attendance were Robert Rodgers Senior Planner, and Janice Baxter Executive Assistant and Recorder of the Minutes. Chairman Lloyd Pew requested participation in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silent reflection. ROLL CALL: Chairman Lloyd Pew present Commissioner Angela Strohan [arrived at 6:32 p.m.] Commissioner Richard Turner present Commissioner Gene Slechta present Commissioner Stan Connick present Commissioner Mike Archambault present Commissioner Steven Harris present CALL TO THE PUBLIC No one wished to speak. REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM #1 — CONSIDERATION of APPROVING the Joint Session meeting minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council from Thursday, October 11,2012. Commissioner Stan Connick MOVED to APPROVE the joint session meeting minutes for the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council dated October 11, 2012. Commissioner Mike Archambault SECONDED. A roll call was taken and the MOTION CARRIED 6 -0, by those present. Commissioner Richard Turner aye Chairman Lloyd Pew aye (0. Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan absent Commissioner Gene Slechta aye Page 1 of 4 Commissioner Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Steven Harris aye AGENDA ITEM #2 — PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow AT&T Wireless Communications to raise the existing church tower height from 36' to 51' in order to install communications antennas within the tower structure. The property is zoned R-4. Case Number SU2012-01. Robert Rodgers gave the presentation and included a PowerPoint Presentation. Mr. Rodgers pointed out the AT&T Mobility was proposing to install antenna arrays within the Presbyterian Church bell tower located at 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard. Mr. Rodgers continued to say that the installation will also include attendant ground mounted equipment and would increase the existing 36' tall tower an additional 15' for a total of 51" tall. Mr., Rodgers added that this was not within the 30' height limit of the R-4 zoning district but this requirement may be waived for communication towers as part of the Special Use Permit by the Town Council when deemed appropriate. Staff recommended that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation to the Town Council to approve the proposed Special Use Permit to allow the construction of a 51' tall bell tower housing cellular antenna arrays at 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard subject to the following stipulations: 1. The masonry wall surrounding the equipment at ground level shall be a wall a minimum of eight feet in height and shall be constructed and finished to the specifications of the existing structures on the site. 2. Subject to development in accordance with the revised plans dated January 31, 2013. 3. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. a. Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred; b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. In attendance to address any questions from the Commissioners were Sabrina Lancaster, Project manager, AT&T and Dayna Bedney, Project manager, Site Development Services, applicant for Clear Blue Services, on behalf of AT&T Mobility, 11011 S. 48th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85044. 41) Public Hearing Opened at 6:35 p.m. Page 2 of 4 No one wished to speak. (Ow Public Hearing Closed at 6:35 p.m. AGENDA ITEM #3 — CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow AT&T Wireless Communications to raise the existing church tower height from 36' to 51' in order to install communications antennas within the tower structure. The property is zoned R-4. Case Number SU2012-01. Commissioner Stan Connick made a MOTION to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed Special Use Permit to allow a 51' tall church bell tower with internal antenna arrays and associated ground-mounted equipment at 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard subject to the stipulations continued in the staff report. Commissioner Gene Slechta SECONDED. The MOTION passed 7-0. AGENDA ITEM #4 — COMMISSION DISCUSSION/REQUEST FOR RESEARCH to staff. Items listed below are related only to the propriety of(i) placing such items on a future agenda for action or (ii) directing staff to conduct further research and report back to the commission. Chairman Lloyd Pew directed staff to place the following item on the next scheduled Commission meeting: Requested that staff place a discussion of the Subdivision Ordinance Section 3.08.H on a future agenda for discussion and possible direction to staff. AGENDA ITEM #5- SUMMARY OF COMMISSION REQUEST from Senior Planner. Discussion of possible Subdivision Ordinance amendment as requested by Chairman Lloyd Pew will be scheduled on the agenda dated Thursday, March 14, 2013. AGENDA ITEM #6 — REPORT from Senior Planner, Planning and Zoning Division of Development Services. Mr. Rodgers informed the Commissioners that "The Enclave" had submitted plans for further construction and the Great Fair will be held the week-end of February 22nd AGENDA ITEM #7 - ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Mike Archambault MOVED to adjourn and Commissioner Steven Harris SECONDED and the MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Chairman Lloyd Pew aye Vice-Chairman Angela Strohan aye Commissioner Richard Turner aye Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Gene Slechta aye Commissioner Mike Archambault aye Commissioner Stan Connick aye Commissioner Steven Harris aye The regular meeting ADJOURNED at 7:05 p.m. FOUNTAIN HILLS PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION BY: /117d Chairman Lloyd E. Pew ATTEST: -T' v Zati_tiz.-,- L, Janice Baxter, Recorder CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission held on the 14th day of February 2013, in the Town Council Chambers. I further certify that the meeting was duly called and that 4., a quorum was present. Dated this 14th day of February 2013 Janice Baxter, Recorder Page 4 of 4 ���AINl TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS <O tN Planning and Zoning z n Board of Adjustment 91/ ti Oro that is AC‘v AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: February 14, 2013 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type: Regular Submitting Department: Planning &Zoning Staff Contact Information: N/A REQUEST TO COMMISSION: Consideration of approving the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council Joint Session meeting minutes from October 11, 2012. Applicant: N/A Applicant Contact Information: N/A Property Location: N/A related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: A.R.S. §38-431.01 Staff Summary (background): Approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council Joint Session meeting minutes from October 11, 2012. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): N/A Fiscal Impact (initial and ongoing costs; budget status): N/A Recommendation(s): Approval Staff Recommendation(s): Approval SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council Joint Session meeting minutes dated October 11, 2012, as presented. Attachment(s): Submitted by: �riiieP ar.'aYez February 11, 2013 Name/Title Date Approved by: Co- February 11, 2013 Robe odgers, Senior Planner Date Page 1 of 1 4MN TOWN OF FOUNTAIN HILLS t� O 2 Planning and Zoning low . Board of Adjustment ,hatisvtioo AGENDA ACTION FORM Meeting Date: February 14,2013 Meeting Type: Regular Agenda Type. Regular Submitting Division: Planning&Zoning Staff Contact Information: Bob Rodgers, Senior Planner,480-816-5138, rrodgers(a�fh.az.gov REQUEST TO PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION: PUBLIC HEARING to receive comments on a proposed SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow AT&T Wireless Communications to raise the existing church tower height from 36' to 51' in order to install communications antennas within the tower structure. The property is zoned R-4. ( Case#SU 2012-01) CONSIDERATION of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT to allow AT&T Wireless Communications to raise the existing church tower height from 36' to 51' in order to install communications antennas within the tower structure. The property is zoned R-4. (Case#SU 2012-01) Applicant: Dayna Bedney Project Manager, Site Development Services Clear Blue Services On behalf of AT&T Mobility Applicant Contact Information: 11011 South 48th Street Phoenix, Arizona 85044 Office: 602-426-9500 ext 107 Mobile: 480-335-2505 Property Owner: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Property Location: 13001 N Fountain Hills Blvd Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Related Ordinance, Policy or Guiding Principle: Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2 Section 2.02 - Special Use Permits Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance Chapter 17-Wireless Telecommunications Towers and Antennas Staff Summary(background): EXISTING ZONING: "R-4"- Multi-Family Residential EXISTING CONDITION: Existing Presbyterian Church SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: NORTH: Ridgeview Apartments—Zoned"R-4" SOUTH: Crystal Ridge Single Family Residential Subdivision—Zoned"R1-10 RUPD" EAST: Crystal Ridge Single Family Residential Subdivision—Zoned"R1-10 RUPD" WEST: Fountain Hills Blvd; then Paradise Ridge Single Family Residential Subdivision—Zoned"R1-6" S Page I of 5 SU 2012-01 BACKGROUND: AT&T Mobility proposes to install antenna arrays within the Presbyterian church bell tower located at 13001 N Fountain Hills Blvd. Installation will also include attendant ground mounted equipment. The proposal increases the existing 36'tall tower's height an additional 15'to a total of 51'tall. Section 17.06 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines the criteria for evaluating Special Use Permit applications for towers or antennas. The proposed antenna does exceed the zoning district height allowance of 30' and, it is within residentially zoned property,therefore it is the determination of staff that the applicant's proposal must receive a Special Use Permit in order to be approved. In granting a Special Use Permit, the Town may impose conditions to the extent such conditions are necessary to minimize any adverse effect of the proposed tower on adjoining properties. Section 17.06.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance specifically outlines the factors to be considered when reviewing applications for towers. Factors Considered in Granting Special Use Permits for Towers. In addition to any standards for consideration of special use permit applications pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 2.02 of this Zoning Ordinance, the Town Council shall consider the following factors in determining whether to issue a special use permit, although the Town Council may waive or reduce the burden on the applicant of one or more of these criteria if the Town Council concludes that the goals of this ordinance are better served thereby: a. Height of the proposed tower; The proposed bell tower extension will increase the height to 51'tall. This is not within the 30' height limit of the R-4 zoning district. This requirement may be waived for communication towers as part of the Special Use Permit by the Town Council when deemed appropriate. Staff: Staff believes that the height of the tower will not create undue physical or aesthetic affects on the town, or nearby properties. The proposed height is not out of scale with the existing church. The zoning ordinance requires that any tower be constructed so that its "fall down" distance (equal to the height of the tower) is entirely contained within the boundaries of the property it is located on. This is a precaution against the tower damaging adjoining properties or structures on abutting property should it fall. This requirement may be waived as part of the Special Use Permit by the Town Council when deemed appropriate. Staff. The proposed location of the antennas within a building structure, and 51.04' from the nearest property line appears to meet this setback requirement. Should the antennas fall, they would fall on-site inside the bell tower. Staff's opinion is that the proposed location on the property meets this requirement. b. Proximity of the tower to residential structures and residentially zoned district boundaries; The zoning ordinance requires that any tower within 300' of residentially zoned property receive Special Use Permit approval from the Town Council. Staff. The tower will be located on a residentially zoned property. Therefore, staff's opinion is that the residential setback requirements have NOT been met and a Special Use Permit is required. c. Nature of uses on adjacent and nearby properties; The property contains an existing multi-building Church facility. The property to the north contains apartment buildings. The property to the east and south contains single-family homes. The property to the west is Fountain Hills Blvd and then single-family homes. Staff: Staff believes that the proposed antenna will not have a negative effect on the surrounding properties should the tower fall during a storm or as a result of an accident. Staff's opinion is that the requirement that the proposal not be potentially detrimental to surrounding properties has been met. d. Surrounding topography; The surrounding topography will not present any problems with the placement or use of the Saguaro. Staff. Staff's opinion is that the topography will not affect the tower placement. Page 2 of 5 SU 2012-01 e. Surrounding tree coverage and foliage; tiorr The property is currently landscaped with some desert tree coverage and foliage. Staff: Staff's opinion is that the property currently meets the landscaping requirements of the ordinance. f. Design of the tower,with particular reference to design characteristics that have the effect of reducing or eliminating visual obtrusiveness; The proposed antenna arrays will be located within a church bell tower and will be fully in keeping with the existing use of the property. Staff. Staff believes that by using this design rather than a typical tower or monopole, the visual impact is lessened. f. Proposed ingress and egress; The proposed tower is located adjacent to the north driveway and is easily accessed. Staff. The proposal has excellent access and egress. h. Availability of suitable existing towers, other structures, or alternative technologies not requiring the use of towers or structures, as discussed in Section 17.06(B)(4)of this chapter; Section 17.06.B.4 specifically relates to the construction of new towers where none previously existed. In such cases the town should require proof that other less-obtrusive options are not available. Staff.. The applicant states that there are no alternative towers in the vicinity. The applicant also states that there are no alternative technologies currently available that would be less obtrusive. Documentation has been included in the applicant's narrative report regarding this requirement. Risk Analysis (options or alternatives with implications): Approval of the Special Use Permit will result in the existing 36' tall church bell tower being increased to 51' tall so as to house new antenna arrays inside. Denial of the Special Use Permit will require that the applicant seek an alternative site ''rr• or antenna design. Fiscal Impact(initial and ongoing costs; budget status): None anticipated Staff Recommendation(s): Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward to the Town Council a recommendation to APPROVE the proposed Special Use Permit to allow the construction of a 51' tall housing cellular antenna arrays at 13001 N Fountain Hills Blvd subject to the following stipulations: 1. The masonry wall surrounding the equipment at ground level shall be a wall a minimum of eight feet in height and shall be constructed and finished to the specifications of the existing structures on the site. 2. Subject to development in accordance with the revised plans dated 1/31/13. 3. Subject to the applicants fulfilling the Public Art requirement by providing one of the following prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: a. Exterior public art of an appraised or invoiced value equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. Water features using recycled water are preferred; b. A donation to the Fountain Hills Public Art Fund in an amount equal to or greater than 1% of the cost of building construction and associated site work and signage. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to FORWARD A RECOMMENDATION to the Town Council to APPROVE the proposed Special Use Permit to allow a 51' tall Church bell tower with internal antenna arrays and associated ground-mounted equipment at 13001 N Fountain Hills Blvd subject to the stipulations contained in the staff report. (ir Page 3 of 5 SU 2012-01 Attachment(s): 1. Application 2. Location Map 3. Photo Sims(4 pgs) 4. Applicant's Narrative Report(12 pgs) 5. Site Plan (7 pgs) Submitted by: 40) Bob Rodgers ril„:." 2/11/2013 Name/Title Date Approved by: De lv�op nt Services Director Date p Page 4 of 5 SU 2012-01 CASE MAP . '' '2 ' ''' ' 1 '4' '' ' '' .- .. r '''ItIT'-'' '' '' ''''''‘'-'-'4 '4''?'''.!''''-''i'``."'-'4''*fitif.-4.XT,A:4;''' ''').4-4 ,.' ) i - . I I ,t4" 1 1 1 I ' ' . . rl' '' '' : -z-i\..-Nk,-ti-,-;:i....,y.----.2?-.4t-- - . „ ., . / ; t ri( .� 1 r: i �, - ANN `� t yy \\ orb :'::::..:'4 ^. L4:-. ,, yyi Fv'» .,......r- .t it 1.11: O'1';'1,,,!3 . rc1/4/0 .'if:/,-/... --1!:. '1'14'.''' s '' ',IA: ct,i,f i ‘. , T, t a J� \ \ ` �a s I of Imo? >1;, fit. Y ;:.",‘., <*f 001 ,,, 1 „*..t \...tiy r. :,` - ' I T>^`1 yam' '�,/^�a '_ — olzitv,i ligler ,,,,1.4 ,... .., -** \ „ f 4 w......lif ',3, f1° i t / a ._3Y '� r x t f e. w.i. �Y s_4i .nt:...rrt��t[.+ -�..y;'.«. i;l' ,tt ' Fountain Hills Presbyterial Church 13001 N. Fountain Hills B1v+ " . . • 41 Page 5 of 5 , ,%stkT AIIN kt DO Not write in this space—official use only moo,= ''''t,eJ, Filing Date .1)4-1.- stow, o Accepted By - 1 Fee Accepted C . CO • °. Case Manager' e c f- 1l�'ba is ASV'��� CCI±� l )4 WI 7 The Town of Fountain Hills SU2012-01 (M#3369) 1st Sub vision - APPLICATION AT&T Telecommunication Facility at Presbyterian Church — Appeal of Administrator's Interpretation 13001 N. FHBConcept Plan APN 176-05-001-M 9-26-2012 Cut/Fill Waiver Development Agreement HPE Change or Abandonment General Plan Amendment Ordinance(Text Amendment) Planned Unit Development Preliminary/ Final Plat Replat (Lot joins, lot splits, lot line adjustments) Rezoning (Map) xx Special Use Permit&Amendments Site Plan Review (vehicles sales) Temporary Use Permit(Median Fee,if applicable) Variance Other PROJECT NAME / NATURE OF PROJECT: P888-DD, Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Plat Name AAA 84 Block Lot PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13001 N Fountain Hills Boulevard, 85268 PARCEL SIZE (Acres) 5.391 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 176-05-001-M NUMBER OF UNITS PROPOSED TRACTS EXISTING ZONING Ri-10 RUPD PROPOSED ZONING Applicant Mrs. Clear Blue Services, c/o Anh van Nguyen Day Phone 480-729-2725 xx Mr. Ms. Address: 11011 S 48th Street, #210City: Phoenix State: AZ Zip: 85044 Email: anhnquyen@clearblueservices.corn Owner The Presbytery of Grand Canyon, 0 7(J p Mrs. c/o John BrockPlman Day Phone 602-359-2388 xx Mr. 13001 N Fountain Hills Blvd Fountain Hills AZ 85268 Ms. Address: City: State: Zip: If application is being submitted by someone other than the owner of the property under consideration,the section below must be completed. / /� SIGNATURE OF OWNER /� -/_7 ----- DATE 09/25/2012 I HEREBY AUTHORIZE te1Z/�r Blue Services /-1' Tel_ /cj0c42 TO FILE THIS APPLICATION. Please Print Su crib and sworn before me this 2 S�`� day of 3E-P 6 \ ,* --- ,20 -ram . My Commission Expires M u G,.._ 21, 'L l i<, eh_ — -- , 1Votari Publi" , f ( ����'`a'�4� VIKTOR VOJNOVIC Case File Number ' 41..:-. + �-Redf34191 I*-Arizona 1 MUNIS# •&�La 4 t;,1;';' Maricopa County 4 ' My Comm.Expires Aug 27,2016 3LA- _fit Le,i-C-�/ `— -Li M c CO O O a I- t/) Q w 2 - I— i 0 z X • sil IA '� 1 I=— i 2 0 ii v LL n co -.. U.l W ,a ‘ (I) I' ao > a , > U - Z oc, 03 H 0 C oo �C OmW 1 i �C!�)MS eh T0-5 ). ..y L,1,4 i) 0 0 i I ,, -ITj W +u 15 _ _ I IX t 0 K�k.. "k 9 2 y 4' _ 2 € , •. , IL ! • EMIM Y ' I Q i t_ i . 1.1111 c '> I Cr Z 2}rr. fi: LL ` v m u g W .s° at .� _ GY o � V ,�, s W 1 CO oo '2 co O iiii, gg W M (13 0 • O 0 . , . !fr Urf. . . . a , ` 1 !1! ;,' k:: • /.0.*.i. t I t . . . "'` , ! 1 Y . f W H D 0 Cl) 2 0 � 1 � Lei. /�• l 1 '. -:,'1,.: , ,,:.: ,1 V/ W a I iti! 0 , f �� i' O cr , v LL Y Cu �Z L > > U Z 00 x flu W Ilift .UV■ M T_ 45 0 ',,,)4)i G f er irf t E ,t (I) W I;' I H it,1 N 2 I to ,to 1 > ll ; : , i ii cn i 1 . I 0 1 /�� CCW 8 Li— $, I i D CV `s --I r - � o s ,4 U kA H W co 00 d 00 Ow 0 a Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church -P888 -DD Narrative 1.i� ._��." .. �...... ._. Case . 411, SU2012-01 (M#3369) 2nd Sub AT & T Telecommunication Facility at Presbyterian Church 13001 N. FHB APN 176-05-001-M 1/22/2013 P888- NARRATIVE REPORT REQUEST: Approve a Special Use Permit for the installation of a Personal Wireless Communication Facility(WCF) PROPOSAL: Installation of an Alternative Tower Structure along with Equipment Shelter LOCATION: 13001 N Fountain Hills Blvd., Fountain Hills AZ 85268 HEIGHT: 51'-6" Stealth Tower APPLICANT: Clear Blue Services for AT&T- (P-888) CONTACT PERSON: Dayna Bedney, 602.426.9500 Ext. 107, daynabedney@clearblueservices.com PURPOSE OF REQUEST/COMPLIANCE WITH FOUNTAIN HILLS'ZONING ORDINANCE The Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance allows for a wireless telecommunication towers and antenna as a use by right when the towers are within the height limits of the underlying zoning district and when the towers are more than three hundred feet to residentially zoned and platted property. This facility is proposed at an overall height of fifty-one feet and six inches, (51'-6"), and is proposed to be located a minimum one-hundred-thirty feet from the platted property. As a result of the circumstantial limitations this application is a request for a Special Use Permit to operate a wireless communication facility to be otherwise in conformance with the standards, regulations and process procedures established in the Towns' ordinance. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL AT&T is proposing the installation of a Personal Wireless Service Facility as an Alternative Tower Structure along with an equipment shelter to be located adjacent to the north end of the existing structure. This request is for a use permit to operate a wireless facility which is intended to fill significant gaps in wireless coverage at and near the proposed site, as Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church P888-DD 2 provided by AT&T Mobility's FCC license. AT&T strives to serve its subscribers while working with each jurisdiction to meet the local site design needs and requirements and when practical,to provide collocation opportunities to reduce unnecessary visual impacts. AT&T Mobility is proposing the installation of a fifty-one foot and six inch (51'-6") alternative "stealthed" tower housing personal wireless antennas, along with appurtenant radio equipment to be enclosed within an eight (8) foot cmu block wall compound with a stucco finish. The proposed location of the facility is situated adjacent to the northern wall of the existing building, buffered from any major arterial roads. The facility will be discreetly screened by layers of other uses in all four directions. CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN The Town of Fountain Hills' 2010 General Plans' Mission Statement provides that "...Fountain Hills is committed to creating a Town that is attractive for small businesses, clean industry and village commerce, where the natural environment is preserved and protected, and where diverse housing is supplied in beautiful developments. As proposed, the WCF is consistent with that intent. Stealth towers readily blend into the back ground of life offering the best of both worlds, enhanced wireless service as well as limited disruption in the natural aesthetic of the community. As more and more Americans are using wireless-only for telephone communication, the service has seemingly become a de facto essential service and a vital part of today's media expansion, essential for both business and personal social communication and as such is consistent with the vision of the General Plan. The General Plan Land Use designation for the subject parcel is Churches (INST). As proposed there is no intent to modify that designation. The underlying zoning is R-4 Multi- family residential. TOWER HEIGHT REQUIREMENT How Wireless works has a lot to do with why this height and location are necessary. Frequency waves of wireless function similarly to those of light. Given this, when lighting a large area for example an arena, one would initially attempt to deliver the most lighting possible with very high, very bright stadium lights. That light would flood large amounts of area within the arena. However, there would inevitably be areas that would not be lit such as pedestrian corridors, areas behind the stadium lights etc. These areas left unlit would be Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church P888-DD 3 required to be addressed independently. Without additional site specific light these areas would remain dark. That darkness represents for wireless, significant gaps in coverage. The proposed project is an attempt to cover a significant gap in coverage. The current use on the subject parcel is a Presbyterian Church (religious institution). Churches are often ideal locations for a stealth wireless facility from the perspective of engineering. In order for a facility to be effective, there must be adequate clearance for the frequency waves. Churches most often have steeples which can house a wireless facility discreetly and churches most often have a plethora of parking which provides unobstructed positioning from other buildings and obstacles. A number of other locations were surveyed as possible locations to fill the significant gap in coverage. However, the church provided the necessary set of conditions and opportunities to integrate the Towns' vision with the technological need in the most unobtrusive location. A Propagation map study is one that shows coverage signal strength and/or other engineering evidence from the proposed site in relation to existing and other proposed cell sites overlaid onto an area map. The propagation study results for this site shows a significant improvement in coverage within one mile radius of the proposed site. The proposed antennas are to be placed inside the alternative structure and shall not be visible from the outside looking in. The structure is to be built in accordance with universal engineering practices along with Uniform Building Code standards and is not subject to any tenuous construction issue. AT&T makes every effort to accommodate collocation facilitated designs whenever possible however, at the proposed height, there is room inside the stealth structure for only one carrier. However, because the structure is stealth it presents as a pleasant aesthetic upon the neighborhood. ON-SITE USES/ NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACT Increasingly, wireless communication facilities are found to be compatible uses within commercial and residential zoning districts, especially when concealed or stealthed to mimic existing vertical elements in the environment. These facilities provide access to an ever increasing need that local businesses and residents have for faster, smarter, smartphones, tablets, mobile broadband, voice, data plans, and applications in order to improve business position. These facilities also provide enhanced service, including full access to their handheld devices capabilities, fewer dropped calls, more accurate tracking S Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church P888-DD 4 abilities for public safety officials and first responders, and most importantly, reliable access to emergency services. The proposed facility's impact on the surrounding neighborhoods will be minimal. As proposed,the facility will be setback from residential zones approximately: Use/Use Use/ Parcel line Approximate Approximate North 130 feet 45 feet South 350 feet 260 feet East 420 feet 260 feet West 630 feet 410 feet The site will be more than screened by layers of future onsite uses and onsite landscaping. The setback distance provides ample buffering for adjacent residential uses in three directions. The alternative tower design represents no adverse visual impact to the multi- family community to the north. As proposed the project is consistent with the wireless standards identified in the Town of Fountain Hill's wireless ordinance. RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES The subject parcel is 5.2 acres with no immediate future plans for expansion or development in the R-4 zoning district. Zoning of the surrounding properties:to the north is R-4, to the south R1-10 R.U.P.D.,to the east C-2 and the west is R1-6. LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY/CIRCULATION SYSTEM The subject parcel fronts Fountain Hills Boulevard. Access to the site will be via Fountain Hills Blvd. Every attempt has been made to minimize the impact of the proposed facility on the current and future uses on the overall parcel by locating the WCF in the least intrusive area on the site. Parking for the technician is proposed in a non-exclusive parking space immediately adjacent to the northern wall of the existing parcel. As the proposed site will be unmanned and personnel will only be on site for periodic servicing and maintenance visits,there would i 0 Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church P888-DD 5 be no need for an exclusive parking space. The proposed technician parking space will be sufficient to handle all necessary parking onsite. HOURS OF OPERATION The proposed facility is self-operating and will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, however, it is unmanned. Personnel will only be on site for periodic servicing and maintenance visits. The site will be connected to and monitored by a central switching center. DEVELOPMENT PHASING A typical site of this nature has a six to eight week construction schedule. Because of the internal nature of the site and construction schedule, construction should have limited impact on any other uses on the subject parcel. COMMUNITY FACILITIES/PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SERVICES The site is served by a single meter with 200 amp service. It does not require any potable water and does not generate any wastewater or solid waste. All necessary telecommunications and electrical services will be run at ground level in rigid conduit on sleepers. NOISE, LIGHT, NUISANCES,AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS The proposed wireless communication facility will not use any water or generate any wastewater or solid waste.There will be minimal technician service lighting which will be on a timed switch to be located at a height of eight feet maximum within the equipment compound. The light will only be used during periodic servicing and maintenance. The proposed facility will not generate any noxious odors, and sounds and vibrations will be limited to small cooling fans within the equipment cabinets, inside the equipment enclosure. Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church P888-DD 6 APPLICABLE ORDINANCE SECTIONS Chapter 2—Procedures, Section 2.02 Special Use Permits A. Purpose: Every zoning district contains certain buildings, structures and uses of land which are normal and complementary to permitted uses in the district, but which, by reason of their typical physical or operational characteristics, influence on the traffic function of adjoining streets, or similar conditions, are often incompatible with adjacent activities and uses. It is the intent of this ordinance to permit special uses in appropriate zoning districts, but only in specific locations within such districts that can be designed and developed in a manner which assures maximum compatibility with adjoining uses. It is the purpose of this section to establish principles and procedures essential to proper guidance and control of such uses. Chapter 11—Multi-Family Zoning Districts, Section 11.1O.e Density, Area, Building and Yard Regulations, by Special use Permit only, non-residential buildings may have a height over thirty feet, but not higher than forty feet. Chapter 17-Wireless Telecommunication Section 17.01 Purpose The purpose of this ordinance is to establish general guidelines for the siting of wireless communications towers and antennas. The goals of this ordinance are to: (1) protect residential areas and land uses from potential adverse impacts of towers and antennas; (2) encourage the location of towers in non-residential areas; (3) minimize the total number of towers throughout the community; (4) strongly encourage the joint use of new and existing tower sites as a primary option rather than construction of additional single-use towers; (5) encourage users of towers and antennas to locate them, to the extent possible, in areas where the adverse impact on the community is minimal; (6) encourage users of towers and antennas to configure them in a way that minimizes the adverse visual impact of the towers and antennas through careful design, siting, landscape screening, and innovative camouflaging techniques; (7) enhance the ability of the providers of telecommunications services to provide such services to the community quickly, effectively, and efficiently; (8) consider the public health and safety of communication towers; and (9) avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure through engineering and careful siting of tower structures. In furtherance of these goals, Town of Fountain Hills shall give due consideration to the Town of Fountain Hills General Plan, the Town of Fountain Hills Zoning Ordinance, existing land uses, and environmentally sensitive areas in approving sites for the location of towers and antennas. Section 17.05.B.2 provides that alternative tower structures when such structures and their accompanying equipment are appropriately blended into the surrounding terrain, are within the height limitations of the underlying zoning district and are not nearer than three hundred (300) feet to residentially zoned and platted property. Nip Fountain Thins Presbyterian Church P888-DD 7 L REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In use where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license. +' `° "r��c Federal Communications Commission s r j 5 Wireless Telecommunications Bureau '',`°. +,`° '` RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION - LICENSEE: NEW C)NGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign File Number ATTN:FCC GROUP r;,''=Yt`'.- KNLF253 NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS`;PCS;.LLC Radio Service 5601 LEGACY DRIVE,MS A=3 „�; CW-PCS Broadband PLANO,TX 75024 s�^a s FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003i1t}2 Grant Date Effective Date- Expiration Date Print Date 07-07-2005 09-27-2005 06-23-2015 Market Number Channel Block Sub-Market Designator MTA027 '.• xA.;, 5 Markett.Name hoeni { 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3rd•'Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date 06-23-2000 06-23-2005 ,' _,. Waivers/Conditions: This license is conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of Applications'of AT&T Wireless Services,Inc.and Cingular Wireless Corporation For Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations,Memorandum Opinion and Order,FCC 04-255(rel.Oct.26,2004). • Commission approval of this application and the licenses contained therein are subject to the conditions set forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Order,adopted on December 29,2006 and released on J arch 26,2007,and revised in the Order on Reconsideration,adopted and released on March 26,2007.See AT&T Inc.and BellSouth Corporation Application for Transfer of Control,WC Docket No.06-74,Memorandum Opinion and Order,FCC 06 189(rkL-Mar.26,2007);AT&T Inc.and BellSouth Corporation,WC Docket No.06-74,Order on Reconsideration,FCC 07-44(ref`Mar 26,2007). Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right;n the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the • license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred:by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. To view the geographic areas associated with the license,go to the Universal Licensing System(ULS)homepage at http://wireless.fcc.govluls and select"License Search", Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. 41OF FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 1 August 2007 6 0o C o co 00 00 a) a -0 to LO Ln LO Lo UD N N 0 N N N V) fv o Ln LnLnif') to to 00 coW o0 co Oo a) sy s-) m to ,-)5.1 < < < < < < co cc rcs cc c >- Q a Iz Q Q 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4-2 C C.) U L.) Cl V C.) 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C=V '< r � S - t � �'�ff � '�' is 'a 'I' s II1 ,flllllll ,'' �r ' 3 i a \IIIIIIIIIIII z, 12 W sa s m g . g - a 3 iE. i_ .1. sy g;ww EL ili I s3 '.S3 • , h�0� til W a /IIIIIIIIIIII , : ' c —��_, " 0IIIIIIIIIIII ':�°� " ,� k ��lira ®'c J • :n.1 i s ) `0E. Sx 3 E. m v a,§f 10 ilgig il „UR 414- - °: a ii ` Town of Fountain Hills (Lo cation Map ., Staff Presentation ., 1�4r < 1, a� �- '� ANTENNA *4, ' ' r', LOCATION i N � 'e foil w .,\.,,N, , k , , _•--: ..,..„---,,,,>..: . 4, ,k1 ref, I."( ,,,,,,t,:.,411164..,::16':$4"1:, �\\: 6 ..._,.,..,4114:1,1-1721,..z:,./:':, ",:_*tv,':. _ . AT&T Wireless ,v.jer 4 r,.z .,N.' t-X .0 ., ' z 13001 N. Fountain Hills Blvd `\` �u11I�4K1d11i P $iwth 34:,4A) SU #2012-01 •13ao Y, s i1a I1.13*0;'Txurv11---;7# \ - m. •# tnt Pill i i 1 ; , \ LA" : _ i q �u1W _/ /� l AI z 1 i litill 'r. k N ft I o y I r ' i I IF 3s. 1111 1iL i. —_ 1 Recommendations APPROVE the Special Use Permit fo allow AT&T Wireless Communications to increase the height of a 36' tall church tower to 51' in order to house wireless } antennas inside at 13001 N.Fountain Hills Blvd. 1 _ ( #Sl 2012-01 I ® , 2